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Ardruin List of Bookes

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● The Arduin Grimoire (Arduin Grimoire Vol. I), 1977.
○ There are four different editions(printings) of this volume. These

editions(printings) differ via internal verbiage, cover and back cover

artwork and some internal artwork (p. 79, among others).
○ The first edition (printing) of volume one features cover art by Erol

Otus and references to Dungeons & Dragons.

○ The second edition (printing) of volume one features cover art by Erol

Otus and the references to Dungeons & Dragons have been whited
out and typed over.
○ The third edition(printing) has the cover picture of multiple characters

fighting and on the back cover the female character is topless and is
the David Hargrave character known as Shardra the Castrator that
appears topless in the drawing on page 1 of Vol III The Runes of
Doom, the page following the Table of Contents.
○ The fourth edition (printing) and later printings, which comprise the

vast majority of copies of Vol 1, are identical to the third edition

(printing) except that the topless woman on the back cover has a
halter top (editorial swimwear) added to cover her up.
● Welcome to Skull Tower (Arduin Grimoire Vol. II), 1978.
● The Runes of Doom (Arduin Grimoire Vol. III), 1978. The first printings of
the first three books were self-published by Dave Hargrave.
● The Arduin Trilogy is a box set containing the first three Arduin Grimoires
and published by Grimoire Games in 1981.
● The Arduin Adventure, 1981. Arduin introductory boxed set. Contained
the Arduin Adventure book (which was also available separately), a few
sheets of magic items, three character sheets, and two 20-sided die. The
'Arduin Adventure' book also contains a basic adventure, 'The Forgotten
● Revised Arduin: A Primer, 1984. A short (11 page) booklet outlining the
"battle factor" system featured in Compleat Arduin.
● The Lost Grimoire (Arduin Grimoire Vol. IV), 1984
● Dark Dreams (Arduin Grimoire Vol. V), 1985
● The House of the Rising Sun (Arduin Grimoire Vol. VI), 1986
● Shadow Lands (Arduin Grimoire Vol. VII), 1987
● Winds of Chance (Arduin Grimoire Vol. VIII), 1988 (published
● Compleat Arduin, Book One: The Rules, 1992
● Compleat Arduin, Book Two: Resources, 1992
● End War (Arduin Grimoire Vol. IX), 2002 (published posthumously)
● Arduin Artifacts & Monster card set (64 Artifact cards) (As specifically
found in the first four Arduin dungeons: [3](Caliban, The Howling Tower,
The Citadel of Thunder and Death Heart)), 2023[3]
Cardstock items[edit]
● Monsters from Arduin (24 monster cards) (First and second printings with
different images exist.)
● Magic Weapons from Arduin (24 weapon cards) (First and second
printings with different images exist.)
● Magic Artifacts from Arduin (24 Artifact cards) (First and second
printings with different images exist.)
● Arduin Treasure Pack (a combination of the three items above).
● Arduin Character Pack (illustrated character sheets; listed elsewhere
as Arduin Character Sheets Combined Pack) This is a set of 24 character
sheets for different Arduin races/character classes. Each sheet has a
unique illustration.
● Arduin Artifacts & Monster card set (64 Artifact cards) (As specifically
found in the first four Arduin dungeons: [3](Caliban, The Howling Tower,
The Citadel of Thunder and Death Heart))
Dungeon modules[edit]
● Arduin Dungeon No. 1: Caliban (1979, high level adventure)
● Arduin Dungeon No. 2: The Howling Tower (1979, low-level adventure)
● Arduin Dungeon No. 3: The Citadel of Thunder (1979, mid-level
● Arduin Dungeon No. 4: Death Heart (1980, high-level wilderness and
dungeon adventures)
Later releases[edit]
● The Map of Arduin: A 2' × 3' four color poster-sized map of the Country
of Arduin printed on parchment complete with legend and scale.
● World Book of Khaas: The Legendary Lands of Arduin; A world guide to
the country of Arduin and the world and continent upon which it rests.
865 pages of world/campaign material. Unique for size and the absence
of any game mechanics.
● Swords and Dragons: Fantasy Card Game; Fantasy themed card game
from the world of Arduin.
● Vaults of the Weaver: A compilation of the 4 Arduin Dungeons along
with Hive Home (the only example of a Phraint Hive ever completed by
their creator David A. Hargrave) and the 13 part Heart of
Darkness campaign, both never before published. Vaults was compiled
and co-authored by his friend Paul Mosher.[4]
● The Black Grimoire: All of Dave Hargrave's published spells.
● Arduin Artifacts & Monster card set: (64 Artifact cards) (As specifically
found in the first four Arduin dungeons: [3](Caliban, The Howling Tower,
The Citadel of Thunder and Death Heart))
One-of-a-kind Arduin items[edit]
Hargrave's death in 1988 left many Arduin items press-ready but unpublished and/
or incomplete. A few items he created on a whim for those he especially liked or
was close to. Among these are the following:
The Book of the Shining Land
Created December/January, 1980-81. Dedication and signature inside front cover.
This is a complete campaign area, designed as a generic adventure campaign
suitable for insertion into any RPG, written by David for his longtime friend, writer
Paul Mosher. The Book of the Shining Land comprises 118 handwritten pages of
101⁄4 × 77⁄8 quad ruled paper in a composition style notebook. It includes a
Master Map of the area (approximately 100 miles square) and 59 "keyed"
adventure area maps all cross-referenced off of the Master Map.
The Book of Dreams of Lost Sardath
Created October 1981. Similar in size and concept to The Book of the Shining
Land, this work comprises 158 handwritten pages of 10 × 77⁄8 quad ruled paper in
a composition style notebook. Includes a Master Map of an area approximately 100
miles square. This work was written by David for his longtime friend, writer Paul
Mosher. It comprises a "lost" island kingdom containing 136 villages/towns/cities
cross referenced on the Master Map as well as 79 adventure area maps, of which
31 are "keyed".
Lancer's Rest
Created October 1987. One of the last game-related items created by David A.
Hargrave before his death in August 1988, Lancer's Rest was Lance
Mazmanian's personal burial chamber, a very large single-level dungeon adventure
which included an Arduin "Hell Spiral"[5] and a 3,000 ft (910 m) pool where
Mazmanian's corpse was entombed. Created by Hargrave as a tongue-in-cheek
tribute, the adventure itself was essentially a quest to gain life-prolonging treasure
while avoiding Mazmanian's wandering Avatar, an extremely powerful Lich-like
entity who would either attack or help a party on random percentage roll.[6]
Per Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures Corp.: Lancers Rest has been fully
developed and written and art completed in 2023 and is to be released with the
new Arduin Bloody Arduin rules system in 2024.[7]

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