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Oilwell Fishing Operations Tools and Techniques

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The document discusses various tools and techniques used in oil well fishing operations.

Common causes of pipe sticking discussed include cement, differential pressure, lost circulation, sloughed holes and undergage holes.

Methods discussed for determining the stuck point include measuring stretch, using buoyancy, using free-point instruments, and creating stuck-pipe logs.




geC Gulf Publishing Company

m Book Division
Houston, London, Paris, Tokyo
Tools and

Copyright @ 1986 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston,

Texas. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of
America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced
in any form without permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kemp, Gore.
Oilwell fishing operations.
Includes index.
1. Oil wells-Maintenance and repair. I. Title.
TN871.K397 1986 622 ' .3382 86-14889

ISBN 0-87201-316-2


Foreword vii
Preface viii
Chapter 1 An Overview 1
Economics of Fishing.
Chapter 2 Avoiding Hazards 3
Chapter 3 Pipe Sticking 5
Common Causes. Example 1. Example 2. Solutions to
Pipe-Sticking Problems.
Chapter 4 Determining Stuck Point 12
Measuring Stretch. Buoyancy. Free-Point Instrument.
Stuck-Pipe Logs.
Chapter 5 Parting the Pipe String 19
Back-Off. Outside Back-Off. Chemical Cut. Jet Cut.
Mechanical Cut.
Chapter 6 Catching Tools 27
Overshots. Spears.
Chapter 7 Jarring Stuck Pipe or Tools 33
Bumper Jar. Oil Jar. Jar Intensifier or Accelerator. Jarring
Strings. Surface Jar. Drilling Jar.
Chapter 8 Washover Operations 43
Washover Pipe. Rotary Shoes. External Cutters. Washpipe
Spears. Unlatching Joint. Back-Off Connector. Hydraulic
Clean-Out Tools.
Chapter 9 Loose Junk Fishing 55
Magnets. Junk Baskets. Hydrostatic Bailer. Junk Shots.

Chapter 10 Tungsten Carbide Mills and
Rotary Shoes 65
Material. Manufacture or "Dressing." Design. Running
CarbideTools. .

Chapter 11 Wireline Fishing 74

Cable-Guide Method. Side-Door Overshot. Radioactive
Sources. Box Taps. Cutting the Line. Electric Submergible
Chapter 12 Retrieving Stuck Packers 85
Retrievable Packers. Permanent Packers.
Chapter 13 Fishing Coiled Tubing 88
Chapter 14 Fishing in Cavities 89
Bent Joints. Knuckle Joints. Induction Logs.
Chapter 15 Sidetracking Junk 93
Chapter 16 Section Mills 95
Chapter 17 Repair of Casing Failures 97
Casing Leaks. Casing Back-Off. Stressed Steel Liner Casing
Chapter 18 Collapsed Casing 102
Chapter 19 Miscellaneous Tools 105
MouseTraps. ReversingTools.Ditch Magnets. Mud
Motors. ImpressionBlocks.HydraulicPull Tools. Tapered
and Box Taps. MarineCutting Tools.
Glossary 113
Bibliography 117
Index 118


Mr. Gore Kemp is one of the world's foremost experts on downhole

problems in drilling or workover operations. His experience spans more
than thirty years in all phases of operations dedicated to fishing tools and
practices. He started Davis-Kemp, one of the first companies to special-
ize in fishing operations, and has passed along his vast storehouse of
knowledge to others through seminars and personal contacts worldwide.
This book is an additional step by Mr. Kemp to share his knowledge
with others. Many of the industry's experts fail to recognize their obliga-
tions to give back to the industry a small part of all the things the industry
gave to them. We have all gained by Mr. Kemp's decision to write this
book. His years of experience and expertise can now be utilized by oth-
ers. For this we all owe Mr. Kemp a vote of thanks.

Preston L. Moore, Ph.D.

Norman, Oklahoma


A fishing job is an unwelcome but often necessary procedure in both

drilling and workover operations. It is expensive. It usually is not in the
budget, and the operator must see that it is performed in the most expedi-
tious manner.
I have not found any reference that combines descriptions of the avail-
able tools and operating procedures as well as cautions and tips. Persons
who are directly responsible for the operation need unbiased information
on which to base their decisions. This book can serve as a text and refer-
ence for foremen, engineers, and superintendents who are writing proce-
dures, making decisions, and supervising the operations.
The book gives descriptions and applications of fishing tools available
in the industry along with do's and don't's based on experience.
In more than thirty years in the fishing tool business, I have observed
thousands of jobs using various tools and procedures, and I have been
exposed to the opinions and experience of several thousand drilling and
production people through schools and seminars. This book represents
the work of hundreds of operating people and I am indebted to them all.

Gore Kemp
Kilgore, Texas

An Overview

"Fishing" is the term used for procedures to correct downhole prob-

lems in an oil or gas well such as stuck pipe or drill collars, recovery of
pipe twisted off or otherwise lost downhole, removal of loose junk, and
the recovery or removal of wireline that has parted or become stuck.
When any of these conditions develops, all progress in the drilling,
workover, or completion ceases and fishing operations must be success-
fully completed before normal operations can resume.
Fishing is not considered to be a usual or common practice, but it is
probably required to some degree in about one of every five wells drilled
and up to four out of five wells that are worked over. Since the cost of
fishing, including the rig time used, can be considerable, care and judg-
ment must be exercised. Fishing tools and practices have been developed
over the years making possible the correction of almost any downhole
problem. However, the cost may be prohibitive, and in some cases, even
initial fishing operations should not be conducted. In view of the high
cost of rig operation plus the cost of the special services involved in fish-
ing, proper judgment must be exercised and decisions must be made
based on all the information available.
Fishing is not an exact science, and many times there is more than one
way to approach the problem. However, there is probably a best way if
all factors are considered. Personnel of fishing tool companies have valu-
able experience gained by performing this work constantly, where oper-
ating personnel are only exposed to these problems occasionally. Plan-
ning a fishing job is one of the most important phases, and costs can be
reduced by adequate planning. Discussions should be held with all per-
sonnel involved, such as fishing tool operators or supervisors, mud com-
pany personnel, rig personnel, electric wireline company representatives
(where applicable), and any others who might become involved. It'is
much cheaper to discover that a certain procedure will not work before
doing it than after a misrun with the subsequent expense.

2 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Economics of Fishing

Fishing should be an economical solution to the problem in the well.

Obviously, a shallow hole with little rig time and equipment invested can
justify only the cheapest fishing. When there is a large investment in the
hole and substantial capital equipment to be recovered, more time and
expense can be feasibly committed. There are studies, papers, formulas,
and models that help in the economic decision of "to fish or not to fish,
and if so, for how long?" All have merit, but so many factors affect the
decision that converting them into a standard formula or pattern is almost
Probability factors are useful in determining the time to be spent on a
fishing job. These percentages must be derived from similar situations,
however, as there are no two fishing jobs exactly alike. Decision trees
with the associated costs should be established for drilling and workover
programs where there are multiple wells and similar situations.
Good judgment, a careful analysis of the problem, and then the skilled
application of the decision insofar as the rig and tools are concerned is the
best solution.

There are many causes that contribute to a fishing job on both drilling
and workover jobs but the predominant one is "human error." Many peo-
ple in the industry feel that the majority of fishing jobs are man made.
Certainly human error causes many fishing jobs to be done, but it should
not be allowed to increase the time or expense of the fishing job itself.
There are some basic rules which should be followed during all drill-
ing and workover operations that become even more important when
fishing. Every effort should be made to recover something or to improve
the situation on each trip in the hole with the tools. Misruns waste money
and there is the possibility of additional mishaps on every trip in the hole.
Probability indicates that a problem will develop during a given number
of trips with the pipe.
Drawings noting dimensions should always be made of everything that
is run in the wellbore. This responsibility should not be left to the service
company personnel alone, but operating company personnel should also
make independent measurements and sketches. If there is a large or un-
usual tool or downhole assembly being run, then a plan should be formu-
lated as to how it would be fished if it should become stuck or broken.
Ask "Can this tool be fished? Can it be washed over? And if so, what size
washpipe can be run?" Keeping track of accurate dimensions of all
equipment is a necessity if economical fishing is to be done.
Jars are frequently run as insurance against sticking. If there is a rea-
sonable chance that the tool or assembly may get stuck, then jars run in
the string are appropriate and the costs are probably justified.
Mud and other well fluids should be conditioned and have the desired
properties prior to trips in the hole with fishing tools. It may be necessary
to make a trip with a bit to condition the hole and circulate out fill that has
covered up the fish.
When fishing, consideration should be given to releasing or recovering
the fishing tools themselves should they become stuck or the fish cannot
4 Oilwell Fishing Operations

be pulled and the tool cannot be released. Ensure that the fishing tool
works properly with the fish in question on the surface before running the
tool downhole. If it does not perform properly on the surface, it is doubt-
ful that it will be successful if run downhole.
Oil and gas welkrepresent tremendous investments. These can be lost
quickly by carelessness or neglecting hazards that are always present.

Common Causes

There are many causes of pipe sticking downhole and it is frequently

desirable to identify the type of sticking so that the most effective method
of recovery may be used. Some common types of pipe sticking follow.

Mechanical Sticking

Pipe may be mechanically stuck by packers, anchor-catchers, junk lost

in the hole, multiple strings which have wrapped around each other, and
crooked pipe that has been dropped or corkscrewed. Frequently when
casing collapses, the tubing is stuck in the collapsed section. Mechanical
sticking is more prevalent in cased holes than in open holes.

Mud Sticking

This can occur in both cased and open holes. It is usually caused by the
settling out of solids in the mud, which is sometimes caused by high tem-
perature setting up the mud. Casing leaks can allow shale and mud to
enter the casing and stick the tubing or other equipment. Cuttings pro-
duced when drilling a well must be circulated out sufficiently to keep the
hole clean; otherwise they will accumulate and cause sticking. Insuffi-
cient mud systems are frequently the cause of sticking in drilling wells.
In some cases, wells have been drilled with clear water, and any mud
used is that which is produced by the cuttings. This "native mud" can
cause sudden sticking over a long interval and create a disastrous situa-

6 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Key Seat Sticking

When a well deviates from the vertical, the subsequent rotation of the
pipe and particularly the hard banded tool joints in the area of the "dog
leg" wear a slot in"thewell bore that is smaller than the gauge hole (Fig-
ure 3-1). This undersize slot creates a hazard in "tripping" the pipe in
and out of the hole. Frequently when pulling the pipe out of the hole, the
larger drill collars are pulled up into this key seat and stuck. There is a
natural tendency on the part of a driller to pull harder as he observes the
pipe tending to stick. This, of course, merely makes the situation worse.


Figure 3-1. Keyseat cut in the open hole"

Cement Sticking

Cement sticking can occur due to a mechanical failure in equipment, a

leak, human error, or intentional cementing in an attempt to contain a
blowout or correct lost circulation. Many times when cement sticking oc-
curs, premature or flash setting is blamed. The cuttings produced in
drilling cement will readily stick the pipe if they are allowed to settle out
of the fluid.

Blowout Sticking

When formation pressure exceeds the hydrostatic pressure of the mud

or other well fluid, it causes shale, sand, mud, or other formation materi-
Pipe Sticking 7

als, and in some cases, even drill pipe protector rubbers to be blown up
the hole, which sometimes bridges over and sticks the pipe.

Sloughing Hole Sticking

There is a tendency for shale sections to absorb water from the mud.
These sections in turn swell and break off into the hole, lodging around
the tool joints, drill collars, or the bit, causing the drill string to become

Undergauge Hole Sticking

A bit that has become worn under size by an abrasive formation may
create this problem. It may be caused, however, by the formation ex-
panding because of such things as salt flow, shale deforming, or the
swelling of clay.

Lost Circulation Sticking

This very common problem occurs in formations ranging from shallow

unconsolidated sands to formations that may be fractured by the exces-
sive mud weights used. Lost circulation must be controlled by the use of
the proper drilling fluid even after the drill string has become stuck and
is being washed over.

Differential Pipe Sticking

This is one of the least understood causes of pipe sticking. It is caused

by a high hydrostatic pressure creating a differential force that holds the
pipe in a thick filter cake across a permeable zone (Figure 3-2). This situ-
ation may also become a very expensive and time-consuming problem.
Since differential sticking problems are usually solved by a variety of
methods that are not applicable in any other type of pipe sticking, these
methods will be discussed here prior to the usual jarring or washing over
as discussed in Chapters 7 and 8.
Differential sticking occurs only across a permeable zone, such as
sand, and the friction resistance may be a function of the filter cake thick-
ness. The extra force necessary to pull the pipe loose from the wall may
be calculated by the following formula:
F = DP x Ac X Cr
where F = force in pounds
DP = differential pressure in psi
Ac = area in contact in sq in.
Cr = coefficient of friction
8 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Figure 3-2. Cross section of an open hole. showing pipe differentially stuck.

It can be readily seen by calculating the forces in two hypothetical situa-

tions that the pull necessary to free the pipe frequently far exceeds the
tensile strength of any pipe available.
Example 1

Assume that drill pipe contacts the filter cake in a width of 3 in. along a
25 ft sand zone with a pressure differential of 1,600 Ib/in.2 and a friction
coefficient of 0.2.

F = 1,600 psi x (25 ft x 12 in./ft x 3 ft) x .2

F = 28,000 lb
This force must be added to the normal hook load to pull this pipe free. In
many cases the total load would exceed the safe pull on the pipe.

Example 2

Assume that 7 in. drill collars are stuck in a 97/8in. hole with a high
water-loss mud. It is quite possible that shortly after the drill collars be-
Pipe Sticking 9

come stuck that one-third of the circumference of the drill collars is im-
bedded in the thick filter cake leaving two-thirds of the drill collars ex-
posed to the hydrostatic pressure of the mud column. This could be
calculated in an 11,OOO-fthole as follows:

F = HP - PP x 1 ft x 12 in.lft x 113CX Cr

where HP = hydrostatic pressure

PP = pore pressure in Ib/in.2
C = circumference of 7-in. O.D. drill collars
Cr = arbitrary coefficient of friction = .2


F = (8,294 - 8,120) x 1 ft x 12 in.lft x 7.3304 x .2

F = 3,061 lb/ft of stuck drill collars

If one 30 ft drill collar is stuck, then an additional force of 91,830 Ib is

necessary to pull free.
The causes of differential sticking may be listed as follows:

1. High ratio of wellbore pressure to formation pressure.

2. Large drill collars in relation to the hole size.
3. High filtration rate.
4. High mud-solids content.
5. Excessive shutdown time opposite a permeable formation.

Normally the sticking occurs when the drill pipe is not in motion, and
usually full or partial circulation can be accomplished. The immediate
step to be taken is to shut down the pumps. Pump pressure during circula-
tion increases the wellbore pressure slightly. Stopping this additional
pressure may be enough to reduce the force sufficiently that the pipe may
be worked free.

Solutions to Pipe-Sticking Problems

Surge Method

The surge or V-tube method of freeing the stuck pipe involves displac-
ing a portion of the mud system in the hole with a lighter weight fluid and
allowing the system to flow back to a balanced position. This lighter
fluid may be diesel oil, crude oil, water, nitrogen, gas, or any fluid that
is available with an appropriate weight. The quicker this can be accom-
10 Oilwell Fishing Operations

plished,the moreeffective it will be. Whenthe fluid is flowed back, the

fluid level in the annulus is lower, therefore the hydrostatic pressure on
the formation is reduced. If this is sufficient to at least equal the forma-
tion pressure, the string will come free. This method of freeing the pipe
is safe since the pressure can be reduced in several steps so that a danger- .
ous situation can be avoided. The mud weight itself is not reduced, and if
a kick occurs it can be controlled by the fluid which was flowed out of
the annulus. Since the displacing fluid is all contained in the drill pipe,
there is a minimum of dilution and the filter cake in the hole is not af-
In some cases, particularly where gas is used, displacement is done
down the annulus and the heavier mud flowed out the drill pipe. This
must be done very carefully and slowly since the pressure necessary to
flow the mud back may break down the formation.
In each case, calculations should be made for displacements and only
those amounts necessary to free the pipe used. This is, however, a very
effective method used in some areas with a high rate of success.

Spotting Fluid

If there is not sufficient reduction in pressure to free the pipe, then usu-
ally it is advisable to spot a fluid across the stuck zone which will pene-
trate the filter cake and remove it. The fluid used depends on the forma-
tion and the composition of the mud cake. Surfactants are most useful in
these spotting fluids, as they reduce the interfacial tension between the
contacting surfaces. A great deal of work and research has gone into the
most appropriate material for the dissolving of the filter cake. Chemicals
that penetrate and crack the cake have been very successful. There have
been several patents issued on combinations of materials to be used for
this purpose.
Diesel and crude oils are used most commonly with the proper surfac-
tant in the mixture. The most usual problem with this method of freeing
the pipe is that the operator will not spend enough time to allow the filter
cake to be removed. The freeing fluid is invariably lighter than the mud
in the hole so there is going to be considerable migration up the hole after
it is spotted. It is necessary that a new slug be spotted about every thirty
minutes. All of this is done after the displacement of the drill string and
the hole up to the stuck area is calculated. Most studies of freeing pipe by
this method indicate that at least eight hours should be allowed for the
procedure to take effect. It is not advisable to pull on the pipe during this
time, as it will merely pull down into the wellbore even more. A small
weight should be left resting on the stuck portion so that it is known when
the pipe becomes free. This statement is controversial, and some believe
Pipe Sticking 11

that the pipe should be worked constantly. This is allowable if very small
increments of total pipe weight are used. Torquing the pipe during this
time is advisable, however; and small amounts of weight can be left on
the stuck pipe if it is off bottom.
Drill Stem Test Tool

This is one method of freeing differentially stuck pipe used most effec-
tively but which has not been universally accepted because of other in-
herent hazards of the operation. Open-hole packers or test tools may be
used to remove the hydrostatic force from the stuck pipe and to free it the
instant the tool is set.
The purpose of the DST tool is to lower the hydrostatic pressure
~ around the fish enough to allow the formation pressure to push the fish
away from the wall. The fishing string consists of a catching tool or
screw-in sub on bottom, a perforated sub in case the fish is plugged,
bumper jars, packer and optional safety joint, and jars above the test tool.
A packer seat that will support the tool and the weight of the mud col-
umn above the tool must be selected. By backing off the pipe string and
spacing out the fishing string the test tool will be located in the appropri-
ate zone.
To operate the tool, the string is run and the fish caught or screwed in.
The weight of the string is set down on top of the fish which causes the
packer to expand and seal off. This separates the mud column above the
packer from the hole below, greatly reducing the hydrostatic head in the
stuck section. As weight is applied to the string a bypass valve is closed
and a valve opened so that the pressure trapped below the packer escapes
into the drill string. The pressure in the formation immediately pushes
the stuck pipe away from the wellbore. As the string is picked up, the
packer unseats and contracts, the connecting valve closes and the bypass
valve opens. The fish may then be pulled from the wellbore.
If none of the preceding methods is successful, it will be necessary to
. part the pipeand eitherjar on it or washover. Ordinarilyjars are usedif
the stuck interval is short. If there is a great deal of pipe to be freed, most
operators will wash over. Each of these operations is discussed in subse-
quent chapters.
After the cause of the pipe sticking has been determined, plans must be
made to free and recover the pipe. Some of the fishing procedures recom-
mended for the particular problems follow.
Determining Stuck

Measuring Stretch

When pipe becomes stuck for any of the reasons described, the first
step is to determine at what depth the sticking has occurred.
Stretch in pipe can be measured and a calculation made to estimate the
depth to the top of the stuck pipe. All pipe is elastic and all formulae and
charts are based on the modulus of elasticity of steel, which is approxi-
mately 30,000,000 lb/sq in. If the length of stretch in the pipe with a
given pull is measured, the amount of free pipe can be calculated or de-
termined from a chart available in data books.
Since all wellbores are crooked to some extent, there is friction be-
tween the pipe and the wellbore. Steps should be taken to reduce this fric-
tion to a minimum. The pipe should be worked for a period of time by
pulling approximately 10%-15 % more than the weight of the string and
then slacking off an equal amount.
There are certain techniques that reduce error in estimating stuck
points from stretch data. It is also necessary to assume certain arbitrary
conditions. Stretch charts and formulas do not take into consideration
drill collars or heavy weight drill pipe.
First, pull tension on the pipe at least equal to the normal hook load (air
weight) of the pipe prior to getting stuck. This should then be marked on
the pipe as point "a." Next, pull additional tension which has been prede-
termined within the range of safe tensional limits on the pipe. Now slack
off this weight back down to the hook load weight. Mark this point "b."
It will be lower than point "a." This difference is accounted for by fric-
tion of the pipe in the wellbore.
Next pull additional tension on the pipe to a predetermined amount
within the safe working limits of the string. Mark this point as "c." Pull
additional tension on the pipe in the same amount used to determine
points "a" and "b" and slack off to the tension used to locate point "c.".
Determining Stuck Point 13

The mid-point between "a" and "b" and between "c" and "d" will be
the marks used. Measure the distance between these average marks and
use this number as the stretch in inches.
The amount of free pipe can be determined by using the following for-

length free pipe (ft) = 1,000,000 (stretch-in.)

K (pull over wt. string)
where K = constant

The constant in this formula can be determined by:

1.5 &" d Oll 0 1.4 &" o .
- lor n pIpe or lor tu b mg and casmg.
wt Ib/ft wt Ib/ft

This method of estimating the stuck point of pipe is not completely reli-
able and accurate as there are too many variables caused by friction,
doglegs, hole angle, and pipe wearoHowever, it frequently indicates the
cause of sticking such as key seats or differential sticking in open holes
and collapsed casing or casing leaks in producing wells.
Rather than calculating the stuck point, there are two types of stretch
charts found in many data books from which the length of free pipe can
be read directly.
The nomograph type charts (Figure 4-1) consist of three columns of
numbers. The first two columns are the pull (lb) and the stretch of pipe
(in.), both of which are known; the third column gives the free length of
pipe (ft), which is the unknown. By laying a straight edge across the two
known numbers, one can read directly the unknown depth at which the
pipe is stuck.
The straight line curve chart (Figure 4-2) is a graph on which the
stretch in inches is laid off on the horizontal axis and the unknown depth
to the sticking point in feet is laid off on the vertical axis. The pull in
pounds in excess of the weight of the pipe string is expressed as a straight
line drawn at an angle between the two axes.
Either type of chart will give an approximation of the depth at which
the pipe is stuck, and this information in many cases will indicate the
reason for the sticking or at least rule out other causes.
Accuracy of the charts and the formula is approximately the same, as
both are affected by the same problems of hole friction, loss of material
in used pipe, and the accuracy of weight indicatorso Note, however, that
the modulus of elasticity of all grades of steel is the same. The grade of
the pipe does not affect its stretch.
14 Oilwell Fishing Operations








6.000 "
5,000 10,000

',000 8
3,500 10
50,000 15
2,500 60,000
80.000 20
2.000 100,000

150,000 30

1,500 200,000

400,000 50

500,000 60
1,000 600,000
700.000 70
900 800,000
900,000 80
800 1,000,000 90







Figure 4-1. Nomograph for determining free length of pipe in a stuck

string for 31/2ins.-13.30 Ib internal upset A.P.I.drillpipe. (Courtesy of N. L.
Determining Stuck Point 15

18 I---


w 14
ii: 10


3\1," (13.3,/FT.) DRILL PIPE

20 60 80 100 120


Figure 4-2. Straight-line stretch chart.

16 111


i. III
IH 1111 ,11-


Figure 4-3. Free point indicator.tool us- Figure 4-4. Free point indicator tool us-
ing springs for anchoring in pipe. (Cour- ing magnets for anchoring in pipe. (Cour-
tesy of N. L. McCullough.) tesy of N. L. McCullough.)
Determining Stuck Point 17


This force must be dealt with constantly in drilling wells and to a lesser
degree in producing wells or cased holes. It may be a considerable factor
in determining such variables as the number of drill collars to run. As an
example, a drill collar has a buoyed weight of only approximately three-
fourths of air weight in 16 ppg mud. However, when pipe is stuck, the
buoyant forces are being exerted against the stuck section, and therefore
there is no effective buoyant force at the surface. Immediately when the
pipe is freed, the buoyant forces are again in effect and are to be reckoned
with accordingly.
This statement is, of course, ignoring the cumulative length of the tool
joints or couplings and the small hydrostatic forces tending to buoy them.

Free-Point Instrument

Electric wireline service companies run instruments on conductor lines

and are able to accurately determine the stuck point of pipe. The instru-
ments are highly sensitive electronic devices which measure both stretch
and torque movement in a string of pipe. This information is transmitted
through the electric conductor cable to a surface panel in the control unit
where the operator interprets the data.
The basic free-point instrument (Figure 4-3) consists of a mandrel
which encompasses a strain gauge or microcell. At the top and bottom of
the instrument are friction springs, friction blocks, or magnets (Figure
4-4), which hold the tool rigidly in the pipe. When an upward pull or
torque is applied at the surface, the pipe above the stuck point stretches or
twists. The change in the current passing through the instrument is mea-
sured by the microcell and transmitted to the surface for interpretation.
When the instrument is run in stuck pipe, there is no movement of the
pipe, therefore there is no pull or torque transmitted to the instrument. In
turn, the gauge at the surface shows no change in its reading.
Free-point indicators are frequently run with collar locators and in
combination with string shots, chemical cutters, and jet cutters. This
combination run saves expensive rig time, and it will also maintain a con-
tinuous sequence in measuring so that there is less chance of a misrun in
cutting or backing-off.
Since fishing operations are usually begun as soon as the pipe is parted
following the free-point determination, it is a good practice to have the
fishing tool supervisor or operator on the location during the free-point
and back-off or cutting operations. The fishing tool operator needs to ob-
serve the free-point and parting operations, as frequently there are sug-
gestions that can be made to improve the fishing situation.
Pipe Recovery Log
Sticking Condition Increases

Percent Signal Attenuation
. 100 90 sO 70 &0 50 40 30 20 10 0

3500 C



.. - ....,-



Figure 4-5. Pipe recovery log. (Courtesy of N. L. McCullough.)

Stuck-Pipe Logs

A log which measures the severity and the length of stuck pipe is very
helpful in determining what method to use to free the pipe. Shown in Fig-
ure 4-5 is a pipe recovery log which expresses the sticking condition as a
percentage. A vibration is used and measured by a receiver. At stuck in-
tervals, the sonic vibrations decrease in proportion to the severity of the
sticking. The downhole instrument is calibrated in known free pipe; nor-
mally near the bottom of the surface pipe. The pipe recovery log gives a
complete record of all stuck intervals and possible trouble areas in a
string of stuck pipe. This information is very helpful in evaluating condi-
tions to determine whether to jar on the stuck section, to wash over the
fish, or in some cases, to sidetrack. It may be used in drill pipe, tubing,
casing, or washpipe.
Parting the Pipe

After determination of the stuck point in a pipe string, it is normal pro-

cedure to part the string so that fishing tools such as a jarring string or a
washpipe string may be run.
There are four acceptable methods of parting the pipe string:
1. Back-off-Unscrewing the pipe at a selective threaded joint above
the stuck point using a prima cord explosive run on an electric wire-
2. Chemical cut-An electrical wireline tool and procedure that uses a
propellant and a chemical, halogen fluoride, to burn a series of
holes in the pipe thereby weakening it so that it easily pulls apart
with a slight pull.
3. Jet-cut-A cut made by an explosive shaped with a concave face
and formed in a circle. It is also run and fired on an electric line.
4. Mechanical cut-A cut made with a set of knives installed in a tool
and run on a small-diameter work string. This is referred to as an
internal or inside cut. The pipe may also be cut with an external
cutter run in conjunction with washpipe. Short sections of pipe
which have been washed over are cut by this outside method. The
inside mechanical cut has been replaced to a large degree by the
chemical and jet cutters because they are run on conductor lines,
while the mechanical cutter must be run on small pipe or sucker
rods. This requires picking up the pipe and making a trip with the
tool. Rig time is the operator's most expensive cost, so in most
cases tools run on electric line are more economical overall.
In the 1950s, pipe, both tubing and drill pipe, was usually parted by
mechanical cutters, but with the advent of various methods of cutting
pipe with tools run on electric wirelines, the speed with which the opera-
tion can be accomplished has been increased to the point where most op-
erations are done on wirelines if possible. Research is continuing on vari-
20 Oilwell Fishing Operations

ous methods of cutting pipe and other material. The latest is a

pyrotechnic cutting system which is nonexplosive, but acts as a cutting
torch to instantaneously cut or perforate steel, including pipe. This
method is in limited service at the present time, but it is expected to be-
come more popular since it cuts with a pressurized flame jet leaving a
smooth cut. The ignition of the cutting material is initiated by a high-
voltage igniter, which makes it safe from outside sources of initiation
thereby increasing the safety for personnel and equipment.
The cutting method for the particular job should be selected carefully.
Only the back-off method leaves threads looking up, and therefore should
be selected if a retrieving tool is to be screwed in the fish.
One rule that should always be followed when parting pipe is to leave
free pipe above the stuck point as a guide and to ensure a catching surface
long enough for good pulling strength. Sufficient length for these pur-
poses is usually considered to be between one-half joint to two joints.
Consider the operation to immediately follow when determining the
amount of free pipe to leave. For example, if washing over inside casing
and using a set-up where no threads are needed is to be done, cutting one-
half joint above the stuck point may be the logical decision. Or if drill
pipe is backed off so washing over (using a drill collar spear in the
washpipe) can be commenced, then extra pipe is left in the hole if there is
considerable settling out of solids. Some operators also like a "spare"
tool joint in case the first is damaged by the back-off operation. Never
leave more pipe above the stuck point than needed, however, since it con-
tributes to more washing over if this method is used. If jarring is done
extra pipe adds elastic pipe to the fish.

Back-off is the procedure of applying left-hand torque to a pipe string

and firing a shot of prima cord explosive which produces a concussion to
effectively partially unscrew the threads (Figure 5-1).
The back-off method of parting pipe is probably the most popular of
all, particularly in drill pipe, since this is the only method which leaves a
threaded connection up, making it possible to screw back into the fish
with a work string including the fishing tools such as jars. This is impor-
tant in the case of drill pipe since this method eliminates a "catching"
tool such as an overshot. Frequently there is little clearance in the open
hole and the elimination of large-diameter tools is desirable. Tool joints
used on drill pipe, drill collars, and other drilling tools have coarse
threads, large tapers and seal by the flat surfaces or faces. These charac-
teristics make the back-off method attractive.
Tubing or other coupled pipe does not lend itself to back-off in the
same way. Threads are usually fine, at least eight per inch; there is only a
Parting the Pipe String 21

slight taper, suchas 3/4in. per foot, and the threadsare in tensionwith a
high degree of thread interference. In spite of these differences, back-off
is still a popular method of parting tubing. Usually after a back-off in a
tubing string, an overshot is run as the chance of cross-threading the fine
tubing threads is great.
To prevent accidental back-off in a loose connection up the hole, the
pipe should first be tightened. This is accomplished by applying a spe-
cific number of rounds of right-hand torque and then reciprocating the
pipe while holding the torque. By counting the rounds of torque make-up
and then counting the rounds that "come back" when the tongs or rotary
are released, rounds of make-up in the threads somewhere in the free
pipe are indicated. Using API torque, unless there is some good reason to
vary this amount, the procedure should be continued until there is no
more make-up.
Once the pipe is made up, left-hand torque is introduced in the string.
This torque must also be "worked down" by reciprocating the pipe as the
torque is built up. This action distributes the torque throughout the string
and assures that there is left-hand torque at the point of back-off. A well-
accepted rule of thumb for the amount of torque applied to the pipe is one
round per thousand feet for two-inch and two-and-one-half-inch tubing.
Four-and-one-half-inch drill pipe would require only about half the
rounds to build up sufficient torque.
Theoretically just prior to firing the string shot, the pipe at the back-off
point should be in a neutral condition, with neither tension nor compres-
sion. Since this condition is very difficult to obtain, any choice should
lead toward slight tension in the pipe. Since buoyancy is not effective in
the stuck pipe, air weight is used in calculations. However, the moment
the pipe starts to spin free, the flat horizontal face of the pipe is uncov-
ered, allowing buoyancy to produce a lifting force against the string.
This force is affected by the cross-sectional area of the tool joint face, the
depth, and the mud weight. The left-hand torque is held, and the deter-
mined weight of the string is picked up when the string-shot is fired. The
concussion at the joint momentarily loosens the threads and the pipe be-
gins to unscrew. It usually must be manually unscrewed completely and
then the freed pipe can be removed from the well.
When ordering a string-shot, the service company needs to know the
size and weight of pipe to be backed off, the approximate depth of the
stuck point, the weight of the mud or fluid in the hole, and the tempera-
ture of the well. This information will dictate the strength of the charge
needed as well as the type of fuse.
String shots are also used for other purposes such as:

· Releasingstuck packers or fishing tools.

. Removingcorrosion from pipe.
22 Oilwell Fishing Operations

. Opening perforations.
. Jumping collars.
. Removing jet nozzles from drill bits to increase circulation.
. Knocking drill.pipe out of key seats in hard formation.

Outside Back-Off

String shots can also be run in the annulus and pipe backed-off from
the outside. When pipe is plugged and it is not possible or practical to
clean it out so that a string shot can be run inside the pipe, it may be
practical to run the string shot outside the pipe in the annulus. Usually a
back-off is made internally as deep as is possible and the free string re-
moved. A sub which has a side opening is made up on the bottom of the
string to screw back in the fish (see Figure 5-2). When the free string is
run and made up with the side-door sub on bottom and screwed into the
fish, the conductor line and string shot are run inside the pipe down to the
side-door sub where it is guided into the annulus and lowered deeper. To
lower the electric line and the string shot in the annulus, the service com-
pany will rig up a very slim connection with a flexible flat weight that
can be worked down through the small clearances. The back-off is ac-
complished in the same manner as the inside operation with left-hand
torque and the pipe weight picked up. The side-door sub is also known as
a "hillside sub" in some areas.

Chemical Cut

This method of cutting pipe is the most recent innovation. It was first
used in the fifties. It was patented and for years was an exclusive process
of one wireline company. Today it is available through most electric wire-
line service companies. All wireline cuts are economical because rig time
is reduced to a minimum. The big advantage of the chemical cut (Figure
5-3) is that there is no flare, burr, or swelling of the pipe that is cut. No
dressing of the cut is necessary in order to catch it on the outside with an
overshot or on the inside with a spear.
The chemical cutting tool (Figure 5-4) consists of a body having a se-
ries of chemical flow jets spaced around the lower part of the tool. The
tool contains a propellant which forces the chemical reactant through the
jets under high pressure and at high temperature to react with the metal of
the pipe. Electric current ignites the propellant which forces the chemi-
cal, halogen fluoride or bromine trifluoride, through the reaction section
which heats the chemical and forces it out the jets. The tool also contains
pressure-actuated slips to prevent a vertical movement of the tool up the
hole, thereby fouling the electric line.

Figure 5-2. Side-door back-off sub.

Figure 5-1. String shot back-off

tool. (Courtesy of N. L. McCullough.)

Figure 5-3. Pipe cut with a chemical cut- Figure 5-4. Chemical culler. (Courtesy
ter. (Courtesy of N. L. McCullough.) of N. L. McCullough.)

The chemicalcuttingtool may also be explainedas producinga series

of perforations around the periphery of the pipe. The reaction of the
chemical with the iron of the pipe produces harmless salts which do not
damage adjacent casing. The products of the chemical reaction are harm-
less and are rapidly dissipated in the well fluid.
The chemical cutter will not operate successfully in dry pipe but re-
quires at least one hundred feet of fluid above the tool when a cut is
made. The fluid should be clean and contain no lost circulation material.
The chemical cutter has operated successfully at a hydrostatic head pres-
sure of 18,500 psi and 450°F. It is available for practically all sizes of
tubing and drill pipe and most popular sizes of casing.
Since it is not necessary to torque up the pipe when chemically cutting
as compared with string shot back-off, it is a safer process for personnel
on the rig floor.
Jet Cut

The jet cutter (Figure 5-5) is a shaped charge of explosive which is run
on an electric wireline. The modified parabola face of the plastic explo-
sive is formed in a circular shape to conform to the shape and size of the
pipe to be cut. When an explosive such as this is used to cut pipe, the end
of the pipe is flared (Figure 5-6), and it is necessary to remove this flare
Parting the Pipe String 25

if the pipe is to be fished with an overshot from the outside or from the
inside with a spear. Usually this can be accomplished on the same trip
with the retrieving tool.
A mill control or a mill container guide can be run with an overshot
and the flare or burr removed by rotation so that the fishing tool can slip
over the fish and catch it.
The jet cutter is often used when abandoning a well during salvage op-
erations or when low fluid level, heavy mud, or cost would preclude the
use of the chemical cutter.
There is a possibility of damage to an adjacent string or to casing if the
pipe to be cut is touching at the point where the cut is made.
Jet cutters are available for practically all sizes of tubing, drill pipe,
and casing. The same principle is used in special jet cutters for severing
drill collars.

Mechanical Cut

The pipe string may also be parted by using a mechanical internal cut-
ter. Ordinarily, to part the string in order to run fishing tools, the pipe is
parted by wireline methods as rig time is held to a minimum. If, for some
reason, wireline tools are not available or practical, the pipe may be
parted by running an inside cutter on a string of small-diameter pipe or
sucker rods. The time that is consumed in procuring the small string of
pipe, picking it up, and running it usually makes this method a poor
choice from an economic viewpoint.

Figure 5-5. Jet cutter. (Courtesy of N. L. Figure 5-6. Pipe cut with jet cutter.
McCullough.) (Courtesy of N. L. McCullough.)
26 Oilwell Fishing Operations

The internal cutter (Figure 5-7) is

made on a mandrel with a wickered
sleeve or split nut fitted to threads on the
mandrel and commonly called an "auto-
matic bottom." This allows the slips to
be released and the tool to set at any spe-
cific depth desired. Friction blocks or
drag springs are fitted to the mandrel to
furnish back-up for this release opera-
tion. As weight is applied to the set tool,
knives are fed out on tapered blocks, and
r as the tool is rotated, they engage the
pipe and cut it in two.
In practically all cutting tools, springs
are provided in the feed mechanism to
absorb any shock that may accidentally
be applied to the work string causing the
knives to gouge or to break.
Fishing tool operators will usually run
a bumper sub above the cutter so that ex-
cessive weight is not exerted on the
knives causing them to break or dig into
the pipe. Sinker bars may also be used in
the string to give the correct amount of
weight while the bumper jar is run in the
free-travel position.

Figure 5-7. Internal mechanical

cutter. (Courtesy of Bowen Tools.)
Catching Tools


The overshot is the basic outside catch tool and is probably the most
popular of all fishing tools. The style designed with the helical groove in
the bowl and the grapple or slip made to fit this design is now almost
universally used, and will therefore be the only one discussed here.
Most overshots consist of a bowl, top sub, guide and the grapple or
slip, a control, packoff, stop, and perhaps some additional accessory.
The overshot bowl is turned with a taper on a helical spiral internally and
then the grapple, which is turned with an identical spiral and taper, is
fitted to it. Each grapple is turned with a slip or wickered surface inside
so that a firm catch is assured. Depending on the size of the catch for
which it is designed, a grapple will be either the basket type (Figure 6-1)
for relatively small catches, or the spiral type (Figure 6-2) for large catch
fish in relation to the outside diameter of the bowl.
The type of grapple furnished should not concern the operator, as this
is strictly a matter of size and manufacturing design. It is not possible to
order either of the specific types if the relative size does not fall into that
category. Since spiral grapples appear to be weak and even "flimsy" in
some cases, many persons are concerned about their strength. In actual
practice, the spiral grapple makes a stronger assembly because it is flexi-
ble and distributes the load throughout the bowl. Most overshots fail
through.overstressing, and it is then that the bowl splits or swells due to
exceeding the design limitations.
An interesting comparison between the two designs of grapples is the
capacity for a 75/s-in. full strength overshot fitted with a spiral grapple as
compared to the capacity for the same overshot fitted with a basket grap-
ple. The load capacity with the basket grapple is 479,044 Ib, while it is
542,468 Ib with a spiral grapple.


Figure 6-1. Overshot dressed with bas- Figure 6-2. Overshot dressed with spiral
ket grapple. (Courtesy of Bowen Tools.) grapple. (Courtesy of Bowen Tools.)

Location of the grapple within the bowl is controlled by means of a

cylindrical ring with a tang or key which fits into a slot and prevents the
grapple from turning but allows it to move up and down on the tapered
surface. Because of the design, the grapple contracts as it is pulled down
on the tapered surface and grips the fish more firmly as the pull is in-
Controls may also be designed with a pack-off, or packer, that seals off
around the fish and allows the circulating fluid to be pumped through the
fish. Ordinarily this helps to free the object if it is stuck.
Care must be exercised in fitting or "dressing" an overshot where a
coupling or tool joint is to be caught. It is necessary that the enlarged
section of the pipe to be caught (tool joint or coupling) be positioned in
the grapple wickered area. If it moves up and above this section, the
Catching Tools 29

overshot may rotate freely, and it becomes impossible to release. Stops of

various designs are used to stop the enlarged "catch" in the proper grap-
ple area. Some of these are simple doughnut-shaped rings placed in the
bowl above the grapple; others may incorporate a spring-loaded packer,
or pack-off, to seal inside a tubing coupling while others consist of an
internal shoulder at the top of the grapple itself.
Basket grapple mill control packers should always be run when fishing
for drill pipe when the catch is small enough to accommodate a basket
grapple. Frequently there are burrs, snags, and splinters on the pipe that
is to be caught. The mill is sized so that it will trim these enlargements
down to the proper size to be caught by the grapple. When the pipe has
been "shot off" or parted in such a way to heavily damage it, it may be
necessary to fit a mill extension, or mill guide, to the overshot bowl so
that extensive milling can be accomplished for the catch to be made on
the same trip in the hole. These extensions, or guides, are "dressed" in-
side with tungsten carbide and can mill off a substantial amount of mate-
rial so that the "fish" is trimmed down to the grapple size.
Overshots are very versatile and may be fitted for almost any problem.
Extensions such as washover pipe may be run above so that pipe can be
swallowed and the overshot fitted to catch the coupling or tool joint be-
low. This is recommended frequently when the top joint of the fish is in
such bad condition that it is not practical to pull on it.
Short catch overshots (Figure 6-3) are available in limited sizes to use
where the exposed portion of the fish is too short to be caught with a
conventional catch overshot. The wickered or catching portion of the
grapples in short catch overshots usually begins within one inch of the
bottom of the bowl.
To release overshots designed in the foregoing manner, it is first neces-
sary to free the two tapered surfaces, bowl, and grapple, from each other.
In pulling on a fish, these two surfaces have been engaged and the fric-
tion would prevent release. This freeing ofthe grapple or "shucking" can
be accomplished by jarring down with the fishing string. Usually a
bumper jar or sub is run just above the overshot and is used for this pur-
pose. Before jarring down, one should be sure that the oil jar is closed to
prevent damage to the seals. After bumping down on the overshot the
grapple is usually free and the overshot can be rotated to the right and
released from the fish. Slight pull upward should be exerted on the over-
shot, as this pull plus the lead turned in the slip surface of the grapple will
screw it off the fish. If a large amount of the fish has been swallowed, it
may be necessary to free or "shuck" the grapple more than once.
To properly engage an overshot on a fish, slowly rotate the overshot as
it is lowered onto the fish. The pump may be engaged to help clean the
fish and also to indicate when the overshot goes over the object being
caught. Once this has been indicated by an increase in pump pressure,
30 Oilwell Fishing Operations

f (~ J






Figure 6-4. Releasing

Figure 6-3. Short catch overshot. spear. (Courtesy of Bowen
(Courtesy of Bowen Tools.) Tools.)
Catching Tools 31

stop the pump, as there may be a tendency to kick the overshot off the
fish. An overshot should not be dropped over the fish. If jarring is to be
done, it should be started with a light blow and gradually increased as
this tends to "set" the grapple on the fish. A hard impact up may strip the
grapple off the fish and cause the wickers to be dulled. This procedure
can cause a misrun and a trip to replace the grapple.


Spears (Figure 6-4) are used to catch the inside of pipe or other tubular
fish as opposed to overshots which catch on the outside. Usually a spear
is not the first choice if there can be a choice between the two, as the
spear has a small internal bore which limits the running of some tools and
instruments through it for cutting, free-pointing, and in some cases,
backing-off. The spear is also more difficultto pack off, or seal, between
the fish and the work string than is an overshot.
However, spears are popular for use in pulling liners, picking up
parted or stuck casing, or fishing any pipe that has become enlarged
when parted due to explosive shots, fatigue, or splintering. Due to the
design with the small bore in the mandrel, spears are usually very strong.
For a comparison, one manufacturer produces a spear to pick up 5112-in.
casing with 4112-in.drill pipe that has a strength of 628,000 lb. An over-
shot made for the same catch would have a strength of 580,000 lb. Obvi-
ously, either of these tools in this size is adequately strong since 4112-in.
16.60 lb Grade S drill pipe has a yield strength of 595,000 lb and Grade E
330,000 lb.
The most popular spears in use today are built on the same principles as
the overshots described earlier. They are designed with a tapered helix on
the mandrel (as the tapered helix turned inside the bowl of the overshot)
and a matching surface on the inside of the grapple. The slip, or gripping
surface, of the grapple is on the outside surface of the spear so that it will
catch and grip the inside of the pipe that is being fished.
In order to release a spear, it is rotated to the right (Figure 6-5). If the
grapple is frozen to the mandrel, it may be necessary to bump down to
free or "shuck" the grapple. Usually a bumper jar or sub is run just
above the spear and this can be used to effectively jar down and free the
grapple. To prevent damage to the seals in any oil jar that is run in the
string, the oil jar should be closed before jarring down.
The spear is a very versatile tool, in that it can be run in the string
above an internal cutting tool or in combination with other tools, thereby
saving a trip in the hole with the work string. Milling tools may be run
below the spear to open up the pipe so that the spear can enter and catch.
32 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Figure 6-6. Spear pack-off. (Courtesy of

Bowen Tools.)

Figure 6-5. Releasing spear: (Ar Catching

position; (B) released position. (Courtesy of
Bowen Tools.)

. Topackoff thefish whencatchingwith a spear,it is necessaryto place

an extensionbelow the spearwith the appropriatepack-off cupsfacing
down (Figure6-6). Frequentlytheseareprotectedby a steelguidewhich
helps the pack-off cups to enter the pipe without damage.
A stopsubis frequentlyrun abovethespearto spaceit in the fish prop-
erly. It is desirableto placethegrapplefar enoughin the fish to securea
good grip, but if it is too far below the top of the pipe, it may swell the
pipe if a large force is applied. Releasing the spear would then become a
problem. Ordinarily the stop sub is placed one to two feet above the
catching surface of the spear. However, extensions may be used to place
it lower in the fish if the top is splintered or swelled.
There are other designs of spears with variations from the preceding
description, but most are built on the principle of the tapered wedge.
There are "J" releases, as well as "automatic bottoms" or split nuts and
cams that are used to set and release the slips or grapple.

Jarring Stuck Pipe

or Tools

Jars are impact tools used to strike heavy blows either up or down upon
a fish that is stuck. Jars have been used in drilling for ages as the cable
tool drillers used link jars for both fishing and drilling. Today, jars fall
into two categories as to use: fishing jars and drillingjars. While they are
both basically designed in accordance with the same principle, they are
usually built quite differently. This will be explained fur~her in the dis-
cussion. Each of these jars, classified according to use, can be further
separated according to the basic principle of operation; either hydraulic
or mechanical.
Most jarring strings (Figure 7-1) for fishing consist of an oil jar (some-
times called hydraulic jar) and a bumper jar (also called a bumper sub)
along with the necessary drill collars for weight. In addition to these, an
accelerator (also called an intensifier or booster) may also be added to the
The oil jar is designed to strike a blow upward only, while the bumper
jar is designed to strike a blow downward on the fish. The accelerator
(intensifier or booster) may be included in the jarring string to provide
additional stored energy which helps to speed up the travel of the drill
collars when released by the oil jars. It also provides free travel which
compensates for the travel of the oil jar mandrel. This travel compensa-
tion prevents the work string from being pushed up the hole, which ab-
sorbs the energy of the impact through friction.

Bumper Jar

The bumper jar (Figure 7-2) is a mechanical slip joint. The jars are
manufactured as simple models in which either the mandrels are exposed
when open or the mandrel splines are enclosed and lubricated. The
bumper jar is almost exclusively used as a down impact tool. The weight

34 Oilwell Fishing Operations


,':'1 of the drill collars is released suddenly,
I~~ J
'" DRill PIPE
causing a heavy impact as the bumper
jar closes. In addition to delivering im-
pact blows to the fish, bumper jars are
used above catching-type tools such as
overshots and spears. If the tapered
grapples or slips become stuck on the
INTENSIFIER mandrels or in the bowls, they may be
jarred down off the tapers by the bumper
jars. This is necessary in order to release
the tool from the fish.
Fishing tool operators will frequently
" use bumper jars in a string of fishing or
cutting tools so that a constant weight
'.. may be applied to a tool such as a cutter.
By operating within the stroke of the
OIL JAR bumper jar, only the weight below that
point is applied to the tools below. An
example would be a cutter in a deviated
If hole. The weight run below the bumper
jar could be exerted on the knives, but
excessive weight from the work string
;: BUMPERJAR OR could be avoided.
Oil Jar
The oil jar (Figure 7-3) consists of a
mandrel and piston operating within a
hydraulic cylinder. When the oil jar is in
the closed position, the piston is in the
down position in the cylinder where it
Figure7-1. Typicaljarringstring provides a very tight fit and restricts the
showingsequenceoftools. movement of the piston within the cylin-
der. The piston is fitted with a unique set
of packing which slows the passage of
oil from the upper chamber to the lower
chamber of the cylinder when the man-
drel is pulled by picking up on the work
string at the surface. About half way
through the stroke, the piston reaches an enlarged section of the cylinder
and is no longer restricted so the piston moves up very quickly and
strikes the mandrel body. The intensity of this impact can be varied by the
amount of strain taken on the work string. This variable impact is the
main advantage of the oil jar over the mechanical jar for fishing.










Figure 7-2. Fishing bumper jar shown in Figure 7-3. Fishing oil jar shown in
closed position. (Courtesy of Bowen closed position. (Courtesy of Bowen
Tools.) Tools.)
36 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Most oil jars are completely effective to 350°F but they may be se-
cured with a special heat-resistant oil which will sustain higher tempera-
Newer models of oil jars are designed with check or bypass valves
which allow the fluid to quickly transfer to the chamber above the piston
when cocking or reloading. However, there are many oil jars in the field
that do not have this feature. In the older models, the fluid must transfer
through the gaps in seals and rings. If weight is rapidly applied to close
them, the fluid will pass around the seals and destroy them shortening the
life of the jars. Caution should be used to slack off weight slowly when
reloading the jar to prevent this damage.
Current types of oil jars also incorporate a floating piston which effec-
tively transfers the pressure of the hydrostatic head to the jar fluid.
Oil jars are very effective in freeing stuck fish as the energy stored in
the stretched drill pipe or tubing is converted to an impact force. This can
easily be varied according to the pull exerted on the work string.

Jar Intensifier or Accelerator

The intensifier or accelerator (also called a booster jar) (Figure 7-4) is

an accessory run in the jarring string. When run above the drill collars,
the impact delivered to the fish is increased and most of the shock is re-
lieved from the work string and rig.
The tool is essentially a fluid spring. It is a cylindrical tool filled with a
compressible fluid, usually an inert gas or silicone. When the work
string is pulled, a piston in the cylinder compresses the fluid and stores
up energy. When the oil jar trips, this energy is released and speeds the
movement of the drill collars up the hole thereby imparting a heavier
The other function of the accelerator is to relieve the work string of the
majority of rebound which is damaging to tools and tool joints. This is
accomplished by the free travel available when the accelerator is pulled
open. The free travel in the accelerator compensates for the free stroke of
the oil jar. Ordinarily, without an accelerator in the string, the work
string is stretched and when the oil jar trips, the pipe is released to move
up the hole where much of the stored energy is absorbed in friction in the
wellbore. This is made apparent by the movement at the surface, causing
the elevator, traveling block, and even the derrick to shake. This move-
ment does not occur with an accelerator in the string due to its compensa-
tion of the free travel of the oil jar. One worthwhile advantage of running
an accelerator is preventing this sudden compressive force from being
exerted on the work string. Since the impact is increased due to the
Jarring Stuck Pipe or Tools 37

higher speed with which the drill collars move

up to strike a blow, less weight or mass is re-
quired to impart the desirable impact. Manufac-
turers furnish recommended weights of drill col-
lars to be run with each oil jar. It is important
when running an accelerator not to exceed the
recommended weight as the efficiency is in-
SEA1lN>cr creased so much that tools or the fish may be
parted without the desired movement up the
SEAlSMAlL hole.

Jarring Strings

MANDREL BDDY Complete jarring strings (Figure 7-1) consist

of (from bottom) the appropriate catching tool or
screw-in sub, the bumper jar or sub, the oil jar,
desired drill collars, accelerator jar, and the
work string. Each tool in the string performs a
specific function, and it is necessary that they be
run in that specific sequence. The overshot or
spear on bottom is to catch or engage the fish.
The bumper jar is for jarring down, either to jar
the fish or to help release a catching tool. The oil
.-KNOCKER jar imparts the blow up, the drill collars furnish
CHEVRONPACKING the weight necessary for a good impact, and the
accelerator speeds up the jarring movement and
compensates for the travel in the oil jar, saving
the pipe from the compressive stresses.
The weight of drill collars run with jarring
strings varies according to the sizes of the jars
WASHPlPE used but is also influenced by the depth of the
!-WASHPlPE BODY fish, the fluid in the well, the strength of the
work string, and the amount of fish stuck in the
wellbore. Manufacturers of oil jars and booster
jars make recommendations for a range of
weights to be run with their tools. If this infor-
mation is not available, a rule of thumb that has
been used, particularly in cased holes, is to run
the number of drill collars corresponding to the
Figure 7-4. Jar intensi- diameter of the jar in inches. Therefore a 43/4-in.
fier shown in closed posi- a.D. jar with 31/2-in.connections would indicate
tion. (Courtesy of Bowen four or five 43/4 in. a.D. drill collars which
Tools.) weigh approximately 1,500 lb each. This com-
38 Oilwell Fishing Operations

pares favorably with the manufacturers recommendation of 5,600 Ib to

7,500 Ib of drill collar weight for this jar. The manufacturer recommends
11,800 Ib to 16,000 Ib of drill collar weight with a 61/4in. O.D. jar with
41/2in. IF connections. Drill collars of 61/4in. O.D. weigh approximately
2,700 Ib each, so six drill collars of this size are exceeding the recom-
mendation by a slight amount. This rule of thumb is good only through
sizes with 3Ih-in. connections.
When accelerator jars are run, it is important not to run excessive
weights of drill collars as they tend to overload the accelerator and hinder
rather than help the action. If there are one or two drill collars or even a
stand of collars that are not needed in the jarring string, they may be run
above the accelerator as stabilizing weight. This configuration tends to
decrease the movement upward and to bridge any washed out or over-
gauge hole that might be in this portion of the borehole.
Once the fish is engaged with the jarring string, the pipe may be pulled
up to a predetermined amount above its weight and the brake set while
the oil jar bleeds off and the blow is delivered. This jarring weight may
be varied to any amount within the strength of the tools and pipe run.
Ordinarily jarring is started at low impact values and is gradually in-
creased as necessary. This variable impact is the big advantage of hy-
draulic or oil jars over mechanical jars. When running an overshot or
other catching tool, it is desirable to start jarring at a low impact and in-
crease as necessary. This tends to set the grapple and allow it to bite into
the fish. If a heavy blow is struck first, it can cause the grapple to strip
off the fish, leaving the grapple dull and unable to catch again.
In jarring up, the bumper jar has no function and merely acts as an
extension or slipjoint. When jarring down is desirable, the oil jars should
be closed and the stroke of the bumper jar used for the downward impact.
This precaution is necessary to prevent jarring down on the oil jar pack-
ing, which would cushion the downward impact and perhaps damage the
oil jar packing.
Jars are always redressed after each use, even if they did not strike a
blow. They are disassembled, and inspected, and new seals and oil are
installed. Then they are tested on a pull rack for resistance to pull accord-
ing to the size.
Two oil jars are never run together, as they do not trip at the same time
and one would impact the packing and seals of the other. This would be
destructive to the packing and counter productive to good jarring action.
Jars should always be replaced when making a trip for some purpose
other than to change them out. There is no way to determine the remain-
ing useful life of a jar that has been operated, therefore the replacement is
the best insurance.
Jarring Stuck Pipe or Tools 39

Surface Jar

On some occasions,the drill string be-

comes stuck near the surface, primarily in
key seats, or hung in the bottom of the sur-
face pipe. To free this pipe, it is desirable
to strike a heavy blow down since jarring
-SUB upward would only cause it to become
stuck further. Early drillers fashioned a
"driving joint" consisting of an old kelly or
joint of pipe and a sleeve or large pipe out-
side and sliding on the inner body. Two
flanges, one on each member, were used as
the striking faces. This was made up in the
string at the surface, and then the outer
body was picked up with the catline and
- EXTENSION dropped. This imparted a good impact
against the flange made up in the string and
frequently freed it, saving an expensive
_H fishing job.
The driving joint has been replaced in
most operations with a surface bumper jar
(Figure 7-5), which also imparts a heavy
down blow. By adjusting the friction slip in
RING the jar, the impact may be increased or de-
creased as needed. The jar is made up in
PLUG the string at the surface and the friction slip .
FRICTION FRICTION and control ring adjusted to the estimated

desired tripping pull. When a straight up-
ward pull is exerted on the jar, the friction
slip rubs the enclosed friction mandrel and
arrests upward movement while the drill
pipe is being stretched. When the upward
pull reaches the preset tripping tonnage,
SOB the friction mandrel is pulled through the
friction slip. The resulting downward surge
of the pipe in returning to its normal length
causes a sudden separation of the main
mandrel and bowl assemblies which are
free to move apart for the length of its 48-
Figure 7-5. Mechanical surface in. stroke and drive the weight of the free
jar. (Courtesy of Bowen Tools.) pipe against the stuck point.
40 OilwellFishing Operations

As in all jarring operations, light blows should be used at first. If light

jarring is unsuccessful, the tool may be adjusted for heavier impacts. The
tripping tonnage should never be set higher than the weight of the free
pipe between the jar and the stuck point. If the jar is set higher than this
weight, it becomes necessary to pull on the pipe at the stuck point which
will usually cause it to stick more.
Occasionally, fishing tools that operate on tapers may become frozen.
The wickers on grappling tools may bite into the fish sufficiently .thatthe
tools cannot be released in the normal manner. A bumper jar with a
downward impact is very effective in freeing the grapple so that the tool
may be released. The surface bumper jar is also used for this purpose.

Drilling Jar

Under some drilling conditions, it is economical to run jars in the drill

string so that they are readily available if the string becomes stuck. As
stated earlier, these jars can be divided into two types, according to de-
The hydraulic or oil jar (Figure 7-6) is essentially the same design as
the fishing oil jar except that it is made much heavier and stronger in
order to sustain several hundred hours of drilling. The down jar is essen-
tially a mechanical detent design using friction slips and mandrels. A
comparison of drilling jars with the fishing jars shows the basic differ-
ences in size:

Length Stroke Approx. Wt.

41/2FH Drilling Jar 36 ft approx. Oil-131/2 in. 3,800 lb

Mech.-7 in.
41/2FH Fishing Jar 8 ft to 11 ft ea. Oil-45h6 in. 1,100 lb
Bumper-18 in.

In the preceding comparison, both up and down jarring tools are in-
The mechanical drilling jar (Figure 7-7) is manufactured in several
styles and uses a pull on the drill string in some manner to trip. One
model uses the torsion bar principle. As pull or weight is applied, rollers
force a slotted sleeve to rotate, allowing the mandrel to become free in
the stroke. The torque is preset by a series of springs, and it can be varied
slightly by applying torque to the drill pipe at the rotary. Right-hand
torque increases the pull necessary for the jar to trip while left-hand
torque decreases the necessary weight or pull.


GRooV' " I m-....







-,.~. ,BOWL




/1 ", SPAUR







--. .--.- SPLINE


80DY& .. I
I ,111111
wr- OADN:'"
ODY .nl i / I 'rHl yPACKING
- --"I.?"' -- -. '"

nOATER -.... 11I',: '..,11 -PACKING





il .-t. \TR'\\
I.;,--..- GROOVE

Figure 7-6. Hydraulic-mechanical

drillingjar. Figure 7-7. Mechanicaldrillingjar.
(Courtesyof BowenTools.) (Courtesy of Dailey Oil Tools, Inc.)
42 Oilwell Fishing Ope'rations

Another model of mechanical drilling jars uses slots and lugs in the
mandrel and body to trip and to set the jar. During ordinary drilling, the
lugs are engaged in the slots. If sticking occurs, a pull is exerted on the
drill pipe and then torque is applied. The lugs slip out of the slots, and
jarring occurs.
Drilling jars should ordinarily be run in tension above the neutral point
of the string. If placed at the transition zone, they would be subjected to
unusual flexing of the tool, causing premature failure. Run above the
majority of drill collars, the jars are readily available if the bit or collars
stick. Several drill collars or heavy pipe may be run above the jars to
increase the impact due to additional mass. Each manufacturer furnishes
instructions with the particular design featured.
Impact forces of jars are expressed in terms of pounds jarring. This is
purely theoretical and is an expression of the amount pulled on the work
string above its normal weight. True impact will vary with many variable
conditions. Mud weight, friction in the hole, drill collar mass or weight,
and the stroke of the jars will affect the true impact. Certain theoretical
calculations have been made and are used primarily to prevent jarring
with too much pull and/or weight. It is desirable to move the fish and not
to hit it so hard that it parts.

Washover Pipe

Washover pipe, or washpipe as it is commonly called, is large pipe

used to drill out, wash out, and to circulate cement, fill, formation, or
other debris that is causing the fish to be stuck. Washpipe of the proper
size to be safe in the specific operation must be selected. It must be of
sufficient inside diameter to go over the fish with clearance for circula-
tion, of an outside diameter small enough to rotate in the hole or casing,
and with an annular clearance sufficient for circulation and prevention of
over-torquing and thus the sticking of the washpipe.
Note Table 8-1, which lists sizes of washpipe and the hole size or cas-
ing a.D. in which these sizes are normally used, as well as the maximum
size of fish that it is safe to cover with that diameter of pipe.
A washpipe string is made up of a top bushing or safetyjoint, the num-
ber of joints of pipe that it has been determined to run, and a rotary shoe
on bottom designed for the particular material to be cut (i.e., formation,
fill, cement or steel).
The top bushing is merely a substitute from the washpipe threads to a
tool joint appropriate to fit the running string. Safety joints (Figure 8-1)
are sometimes run in place of the top bushing, but bushings have become
more popular in the last few years. There are several reasons for this:
. Safety joints are not always reliable.
. inString shots have become more popular, and they are usually reliable
that a back-off can be made where intended.
. There are now back-off connectors and washpipe spears run with the
washpipe string which require some left hand torquing-this would
not be possible with a safety joint in the string.
The washpipe itself is usually heavy wall N-80 grade casing cut into
Range 2 lengths for ease of handling and equipped with special threads
Table 8-1
Typical Washover Pipe Specifications
Size Weight Inside Wall Upset Drift Torque Joint Ten
And Plain End Dia. Thick Dia. Dia. (Foot-Pounds) Yield Stren
Connection (in.) (tb/ft) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) Rec. Max. (tb) +
31/2 WP 8.81 2.992 .254 2.867 850 3,400 97,400
33/4 WP 9.54 3.238 .256 3.113 1,015 4,060 108,700
4WP 12.93 3.340 .330 3.215 1,370 5,600 153,67
43/8WP 13.58 3.750 .313 3.625 1,660 6,650 158,70
41/2WP 13.04 3.920 .290 3.795 1,460 5,860 160,80
41/2WP 14.98 3.826 .337 3.701 1,800 7,220 181,20
5WP 14.87 4.408 .296 4.283 1,870 7,500 184,60
5 X-Line 15.00 4.408 .296 5.360 4.151 2,700 3,000 187,00
5 X-Line 17.93 4.276 .296 5.360 4.151 2,700 3,000 259,000
5WP 17.93 4.276 .362 4.151 2,460 9,850 218,532
51/2WP 16.87 4.892 .304 4.767 2,370 9,480 209,700
51/2 X-Line 17.00 4.892 .304 5.860 4.653 2,700 3,000 220,000
51/2WP 20.00 4.778 .361 4.653 2,970 11,900 237,200
53/4WP 18.12 5.125 .313 5.000 2,700 10,800 222,800
53/4PSI 21.53 5.000 .375 4.875 3,400 13,580 246,500
6WP 19.64 5.352 .324 5.227 3,170 12,700 238,800
63/8WP 24.03 5.625 .375 5.580 4,250 17,000 288,300
65/8WP 23.58 5.921 .352 5.796 4,400 17,590 251,600
7WP 25.66 6.276 .362 6.151 4,970 19,880 315,200
7 X-Line 26.00 6.276 .362 7.390 6.151 3,200 3,500 351,000
Table 8-1 (continued)
Typical Washover Pipe Specifications
Size Weight Inside Wall Upset Drift Torque Joint Tens
And Plain End Dia. Thick Dia. Dia. (Foot-Pounds) Yield Stren
Connection (in.) (Ib/ft) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) Rec. Max. (Ib) +
73/8WP 28.04 6.625 .375 6.500 5,725 22,900 341,30
75/8WP 29.03 6.875 .375 6.750 6,120 24,500 355,00
75/8WP 33.04 6.765 .430 6.640 7,520 30,100 398,90
75/8 X-Line 29.70 6.875 .375 8.010 6.750 3,700 4,000 385,00
81/8WP 31.04 7.375 .375 7.250 6,820 27,300 373,90
81/8WP 35.96 7.250 .437 7.125 8,370 33,500 398,50
83/8WP 33.95 7.578 .399 7.453 7,500 30,000 404,90
85/8WP 36.00 7.921 .352 7.796 6,700 27,100 335,30
85/8 X-Line 36.00 7.781 .400 9.120 7.700 4,200 4,500 567,00
85/8WP 39.29 7.725 .450 7.600 9,950 39,800 475,20
9WP 38.92 8.150 .425 7.994 9,920 39,700 458,40
95/8X-Line 43.50 8.665 .560 10.100 8.599 4,700 5,000 701,00
95/8WP 43.5 8.681 .472 8.525 13,000 52,100 543,80
103/4WP 51.00 9.850 .450 9.694 15,600 62,400 595,60
1P/4 WP 58.81 10.772 .489 10.616 19,250 77,000 684,30
133/8WP 72.00 12.415 .480 13.750 12.259 36,500 146,100 1,147,60
16 WP 75.00 15.010 .495 14.823 62,580 250,300 1,791,60
16 WP 109 14.688 .656 14.50 62,580 250,300 1,800,00

Figure 8-1. Washover safety joint. Figure 8-2. Special washpipe thread.
(Courtesy of Texas Iron Works.) (Courtesy of HydrilCompany.)

with good characteristics for torquing and strength. (See Figure 8-2.)
When a washover operation is conducted, it is actually a drilling proce-
dure, and therefore the pipe is subjected to high torque. Usually shoul-
ders, such as those used on tool joints, are included in the design of the
washpipe thread so that it will not fail with the high torque required.
Maximum cross section of the threads is also designed into the special
joint for high thread efficiency. This special thread design is very neces-
sary, since ordinary tapered casing threads would continue to make up
during the rotating and a failure would occur.
Washpipe is usually flush joint both inside and outside for maximum
clearance. This type is also run inside casing for work-over operations.
In areas where differential sticking is a problem in open hole work, pipe
with either an external upset or a coupling is used. The X-line joint (Fig-
ure 8-3) is popular as an external upset connection and the Brown Oil
Tool joint is an example of the "collared" pipe.
Washover Operations 47



Figure 8-3. Extreme-line casing thread.

Rotary Shoes

The rotary shoe (Figure 8-4) run on the bottom of the washpipe string
should be designed for the particular job. Tooth-type shoes are usually
used if cuttings, fill, formation, or cement is to be cut. The teeth are
shaped with a straight leading edge, and all the surfaces of the teeth are
dressed with a wear material, usually tube borium, to prevent excessive
wear and erosion from the fluids circulation.
If steel, such as the tool joints, tube, or junk, must be cut by the rotary
shoe, it is dressed with tungsten carbide in a configuration that is appro-
priate for the particular job. Care should be exercised in designing the
shoe, since it is necessary to have sufficient circulation to keep the car-
bide cool as well as wash away the cuttings. If the job is inside casing, no
cutting carbide should be allowed to remain on the outside as this will
damage the casing. In some cases, smooth brass is applied on the outside
diameter of the shoe to provide a bushing, which reduces the friction and
prevents damages to the casing. Tungsten carbide is applied to the bottom
of the shoe and if possible to the inside diameter. Where it is possible to
apply the carbide with a small shoulder inside the shoe, the chances of
retrieving some or all of the fish inside the pipe are improved. This
would save a trip with another tool to recover what has been washed
The length of the washpipe string is most important. Realizing that the
washpipe is large, stiff, and smooth, length becomes extremely impor-
tant in preventing sticking. There is no rule or gauge for determining the
maximum length, but a judgment must be made based on careful consid-
eration of the hole conditions.
Two actual jobs which demonstrate the extremes in lengths of
washpipe strings are described in the following.
On the first job, the drill pipe was stuck from a depth of 330 ft (the
bottom of the surface pipe) to 8,487 ft (the depth of the bit). Obviously
the cause of sticking was a poor mud system, therefore the job consisted
of circulating out this mud and replacing it with a suitable mud system,
conditioning the hole as progress was made. On the last washover, 1,218
ft of washpipe was run. This is unusual, but nevertheless, under the cir-
cumstances of this particular job, the decision was correct and the job
was completed in a satisfactory manner.
48 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Figure 8.4. Rotary shoes.

In the foregoing situation there was a dollar value of equipment as well

as the cost of drilling the hole, the cost of the surface pipe, and the cost of
cementing it to be recovered. To be economically successful, the wash-
over operation cannot cost more than the cost of replacing the hole and
equipment lost in it.
Another actual job consisted of washing over 47 joints of 3112-in.drill
pipe cemented in a 7-in. liner at approximately 14,000 ft and in a 360
hole. This job was completed satisfactorily but 5 joints or approximately
150 ft of washpipe were all that could be run at one time. When six joints
were run, it became stuck and added expense in milling and fishing the
washpipe. Another problem arose when the washpipe was stopped from
Washover Operations 49

rotation or reciprocation in order to run a wash-out tool. The washpipe

became stuck due to the cement cuttings settling out. Deviated holes or
accidentally crooked holes limit the length of the safe washpipe string.
Probability percentages must be applied to the cost formulas. Certainly
every job is not successful. Success is expected, but what is the probabil-
ity that it will occur? Many operating companies apply probability when
making such decisions and setting up parameters for the job. Probability
percentages should be determined from specific experience in a number
of similar jobs. In field drilling and in workover programs within the
same field, records will indicate what problems have developed and the
frequency that they have occurred. It is only from actual results that reli-
able probability factors can be developed.
When the entire length of fish cannot be covered in one washover, it is
necessary to part the string that has been freed from that which remains
in the hole. This can be accomplished by one of several methods:

1. An overshot can be run after the washpipe has been removed and
left-hand torque applied and the fish backed off with a string-shot.
(See Chapter 5.)
2. An external or outside cutter can be run on the washpipe instead of
the rotary shoe and the fish cut off above the lowest point that has
been freed.
3. A washpipe spear may be run in the washpipe string during the
washing over, and the spear can then be used to apply the left-hand
torque for the string-shot back-off.
4. A back-off connector may be run in the top joint of washpipe and
engaged in the top of the fish when the washover is completed.
Through this connector, left-hand torque can be applied and the
string-shot back-off made.

External Cutters

The outside or external cutter (see Figure 8-5) is usually slightly larger
in outside diameter than the washpipe, and it is dressed to catch the type
of tool joints or couplings that are on the fish.
Pipe with couplings uses a catcher assembly with spring fingers that
catch below the coupling.
Pipe with couplings but with upset joints can be caught with dog-type
or pawl-type catchers (Figure 8-6) made with slip surfaces cut on the end
where they will engage the upsets. Flush joint pipe requires a hydrauli-
cally actuated catcher. Pump pressure against the sleeve restriction in the
annular space actuates the knives (see Figure 8-7). Note in Figure 8-5, as
the washpipe is moved upward, the finger catcher assembly near the top
50 Oilwell Fishing Operations

of the cutter engages the pipe under the cou-

pling and in turn this sleeve moves down the
barrel, transmitting force through the spring
to the sleeve which feeds in the knives. As
this assembly rotates, the knives cut the pipe
in two. Coil springs as shown in the illustra-
tion are used in practically all cutting tools as
they tend to absorb heavy shocks which pre-
vents breaking the knives.

Washpipe Spears

The washpipe spear is used primarily to

prevent dropping a fish that is stuck off bot-
tom when washing over. It is very versatile,
however and can be used effectively to pick
up a fish on the same trip as the washover and
~} to back off a fish when it is partially washed
over, thus saving a trip. Ordinarily, when a
fish is stuck off bottom and it is washed over,
it falls to bottom and may corkscrew the pipe,
damage the bit by knocking off cones or even
shanks, and damage the filter cake in the well-
bore. Catching the fish when it is freed and
preventing its fall may be very important and
cost effective.
The spear (Figure 8-8) is made up of two
major assemblies: the mandrel with the slip
mechanism and the control cage with the fric-
tion blocks, restriction rings, and latch. The
spear is placed in the washpipe string, usually
in the bottom joint, but it may be run any-

r where in the washpipe string that is desired. It

is anchored in place by turning the bottom sub
to the left (or counterclockwise), which
moves the tapered slip cone under the slips,
extending them and anchoring the spear in the
I washpipe. Below the spear, an unlatching-
Figure 8-5. External cutter
type safety joint is run. When the washpipe
with spring dog catcher for has been worked over the top of the fish and
coupled pipe. (Courtesy of the spear engaged in the fish, the connection
Bowen Tools.) is made up by the usual right-hand rotation.
Washover Operations 51


t4IC1f1T'''. ,P
I6bOtl! h SLH'IOM

- ......
. H......
.{~':. ~ ~"=-
1'1"'"" :=.
...,.., PlItOJll
\Iff.., ..'"

With Pawl With Slip
Assembly Assembly

Figure 8-6. External cutters for upset pipe. (Courtesy of Bowen Tools.)

By continuing the rotation with an upward pull, the slip cone is entirely
retracted and the slips will not drag on the washpipe. The spear is now
firmly connected to the fish and is not engaged in the washpipe except
through the friction blocks on the control cage. The usual pump pressure
in washing over is applied against the surface of the restriction rings
which holds the cage down on the mandrel. If the fish is cut loose and
starts to fall, the friction blocks hold the cage firmly in the washpipe and
the mandrel moves down. Without the cage holding the slips in a re-
tracted position, a spring below the slips moves them up, engaging the
washpipe and stopping any further downward movement of the mandrel
and the fish.
The use of the washpipe spear will prevent a stripping job when the
fish is recovered. At the surface, when the fish is reached inside the
washpipe, drill pipe may be picked up, made up handily in the top of the
spear, and the spear manually latched off or disengaged. The spear with
the fish is then lowered to the bottom of the washpipe and set in the pipe
there, and the drill pipe removed. The fish is now hanging out of the
bottom of the washpipe and a time-consuming stripping job has been pre-
If the fish cannot be freed in one washover, the spear may be actuated
by shutting down the pumps and picking up on the washpipe. Torque can
now be applied through the washpipe and the spear so that a string-shot
52 Oilwell Fishing Operations

"V ;: "

1 ,,,:~ .' ,o,w

_100., STEM


'AC'''' NUT
U ~::::\CRfWS
( :'.1
-~~ L1---"~-
, .

fi. " . . i..


H .


0' ..
f' ,

'. ~

il RmASt (AGE
\ /' ,BAUIATCH""

Figure 8-7. External cutter with hydrau- /' ./ XIIHTlOCKSCREW


lically actuated catcher. (Courtesy of Bow- , !ysc.I'CAGfTAPERED
en Tools.)

back-off may be made. When the ~ -

pipe has been parted, the freed .. - .._ (fNJRAUIINGlUGS


portion is brought to the surface by

the spear and the washpipe.
When a fish is leaning over in a
washed out section of the wellbore,
and it is not possible to go over it
with the usual washpipe assembly,
a joint of pipe, slightly bent, can be
run below the washpipe spear.
With this flexible pipe hanging be-
low the washpipe, it becomes eas- Figure 8-8. Washpipe of drill collar spear.
ier to stab into the fish. (Courtesy of Bowen Tools.)
Washover Operations 53

Unlatching Joint

The spear is always run with an unlatching or "J" type safety joint im-
mediately below it. The unlatching joint is held firmly in place with two
light metal straps which prevent it from accidentally unlatching while go-
ing in the hole. After the spear and safety joint are made up in the fish,
straight pick-up pulls the straps apart and the safety joint is then opera-
tional. It is usually dressed so that right-hand torque can be transmitted
through it, a straight pull exerted on it, and unlatching accomplished by
slight left-hand torque while picking up. By running the safety joint be-
low the spear, the washpipe spear can be brought out of the hole with the
washpipe at any time a trip is made to exchange rotary shoes or for any
other reason.

Back-Off Connector

When washing over and retrieving long strings of pipe that are resting
on bottom, a back-off connector may be used to advantage to reduce the
number of trips with the work string. This assembly is essentially a J-
type unlatching joint made up inside the top joint of washpipe, and
screwed into a box connection on the lower side of the washpipe safety
joint. The connector is subbed to the proper thread to screw into the top
of the fish. When contact is made with the top of the fish, after washing
down to it, a connection may be made with the back-off tool. After the
connection is made, circulation may be established (unless the fish is
plugged), the J-type unlatching joint may be parted, and pipe may be sub-
stituted for the kelly joint. With the left-hand torque transmitted through
the back-off connector, a string shot back-off may be made and the fish
retrieved on the same trip.

Hydraulic Clean-Out Tools

Occasionally during the recovery of stuck drill pipe or tubing, the in-
side of the pipe becomes bridged over. This prevents the lowering of
string shots or electric wireline cutting tools to the desired depth. Spud-
ding with the wireline and an assembly on bottom to cut through the
bridge is sometimes successful if the bridge is not too long or compacted.
When the bridge cannot be removed by spudding, the next choice would
ordinarily be to use a hydraulic clean-out tool.
Note in Figure 8-9 that the tool consists of a jet-type shoe, lengths of
the clean-out tubing, usually Pis-in. O.D., a top sub which may include a
stop ring and entry circulating ports, and a connection to the sinker bars,
rope socket, or the free-point indicator, if it is run at the same time.
54 Oilwell Fishing Operations

After a back-off or cut is made in the free

pipe, the pipe is pulled and a circulating sub of
the correct size and thread is installed on the bot-
tom of the pipe string. It is then run back in the
hole and screwed into the fish. If the pipe is cut
instead of backed off, an overshot without a
pack-off is used to tie back to the fish.
Up to 300 ft of the small tubing may be run,
and when it reaches the bridged area, the pumps
are started and a jetting action washes away the
plugging material as the clean-out tool is low-
ered on the wireline. When this has been accom-
plished, the clean-out tool may be removed from
the .well and normal pipe
. recovery methods used





Figure 8-9. Hydraulic clean-out tool.

~It.."".",... (Courtesy of N. L. McCullough.)
Loose Junk

If at all possible the first step in fishing any loose junk from the hole is
to identify what it is. This may be readily determined if something has
been left in the hole on a trip or has been dropped into the hole acciden-
tally. If the type and configuration of the junk are not known, an impres-
sion block should be considered. See Figure 19-4. It will also help to
visualize how the fish may be retrieved if another part or tool exactly the
same as the fish is placed in a casing nipple of an appropriate size to sim-
ulate the hole. The proposed fishing tools may then be tried at the sur-
face, and those found inappropriate may be ruled out. It is much cheaper
to try the proposed tool on the surface than to make a trip and retrieve
The usual tools for retrieving loose junk are magnets, various types of
junk baskets, hydrostatic bailers or a tool that might be fashioned for the
particular circumstance.


Fishing magnets are either permanent magnets fitted into a body with
circulating ports or electromagnets which are run on a conductor line.
Permanent magnets (Figure 9-1) have circulating ports around the
outer edge so that fill and cuttings can be washed away and contact made
with the fish. Ordinarily the magnetic core is fitted with a brass sleeve
between it and the outer body so that all of the magnetic field is contained
and there is no drag on the pipe or casing. Permanent magnets have the
advantage of the circulation washing away any fill so that the junk is ex-
posed. Ordinarily, by rotation, one can detect when contact is made with
the fish. The operator should then thoroughly circulate the hole, shut the
pump off, and retrieve the fish. When pulling the work string, it should
not be rotated as there is a chance of slinging the fish off.
56 Oilwell Fishing Operations

\ I

Figure 9-1. Permanent fishing magnet. Figure 9-2. Fishing electromagnet.

(Courtesy of Bowen Tools.) (Courtesy of Schlumberger.)

Magnets are usually furnished with a cut-lip guide, a mill tooth guide
(which is the most popular), and a flush guide, which resembles a thread
protector. The guide that extends down below the magnet is extremely
helpful in retaining the fish and protecting it from being dragged off in-
side the casing.
Electromagnets (Figure 9-2) are run on a conductor line and charged
only when the bottom of the well is reached. They have the advantage of
quick trips in and out of the hole plus the added lifting power of an elec-
tromagnet. However, if the fish is covered with fill or debris, it cannot be
reached, since there is no way to circulate the tool down.
Magnets will only pick up ferrous metal. Other methods should be
used to recover brass, aluminum, carbide, and stainless steel.
)) LooseJunk Fishing
Junk Baskets

. : ~ Type
--~ -..___~- I
This was the old stand-by for years for
fishing bit cones and similar junk from
I an open hole. It consists of the top sub or
bushing, a bowl, a shoe, and usually two
I sets offinger-type catchers (Figure 9-3).
~ TOP SUB This tool is still used quite often, and it
is made to circulate out the fill and to cut
l a core in the formation. The two sets of
catchers, one dressed with short fingers,
help to break the core off and retrieve it.
Any junk that is in the bottom of the hole
is retrieved on top of the core.
,I With all catcher-type junk baskets, the
catcher must rotate freely in the bowl or
shoe. As the tool is run down over junk,
rotating and circulating, the catcher
snags on the junk and remains stationary
- BARREL as the bowl and shoe rotate around it. If
the catcher is fouled with trash, exces-
sive paint or corrosion, or other foreign
material, it will not rotate and the fin-
gers will be broken off, resulting in ad-
ditional junk in the well bore.
Reverse Circulation
In many workover operations, we "re-
verse circulate" the fluid by pumping it
down the annulus and returning it
through the work string. This makes it
possible to circulate out larger and
LOWER heavier particles than when pumping the
"long way," or pumping down the work
string with returns through the annulus.
In many operations, the workover fluid
need not be nearly as viscous if it can be
reverse circulated. However, in open
holes, it is seldom possible to reverse
circulate due to pumping into the forma-
tion. Nevertheless, the reversing action
Figure 9-3. Core-type junk bas- is extremely helpful in kicking into the
ket. (Courtesy of Bowen Tools.) barrel and catcher junk that might other-
58 Oilwell Fishing Operations

wise be held away from the catcher by the fluid

flow. With this in mind, in recent years, two dif-
ferent designs of reverse circulation junk baskets
have been introduc~d.
The first design incorporates jets or venturis
that are opened when a ball is dropped down the
work string (Figure 9-4). The space behind a jet
has a reduced pressure, therefore, as the jet
forces fluid from the bowl into the annulus, the
interior of the bowl is at a lower pressure caus-
ing wellbore fluid to enter through the catcher.
The other design incorporates an inner barrel
with the fluid flow between the outer and inner
barrels when a ball is dropped and closes the
center flow through the seat (Figure 9-5). In this
design, after washing the wellbore sufficiently to
remove all fill, the ball is circulated down, and
when it seats the fluid flow is diverted between
the two barrels and flow is actuated through the
upper ports into the annulus from the inner bar-
rel. Reverse circulation in the immediate area of
the junk basket is thereby created.
Caution should be observed in dropping or cir-
culating any ball or other restriction plug down
the drill pipe or tubing. As noted previously, it is
most necessary to caliper, measure, and note all
dimensions of all tools that are run downhole.
Some have restricted inside diameters and will
not allow balls or other items to pass. It should
be standard practice to check this carefully be-
fore dropping anything down the work string. &.
Figure 9-4. Jet-type junk
basket. (Courtesy of Hous-
ton Engineers, Inc.)
Friction Sockets

Many times the standard manufactured junk basket will not adapt to the
particular problem due to the size and shape of the junk in the hole. Inge-
nuity needs to be used to devise alternatives and adapt to the problem at
hand. If the I.D. of the catcher is not large enough to accommodate the
junk, a shoe or length of pipe may be used as the body of a shop-made
junk basket. A series of holes may be bored or burned around the circum-
ference of the material and then steel cables brazed into place forming a
Loose Junk Fishing 59









Figure 9-5. Reverse circulation junk basket. (Courtesy of Bowen Tools.)

60 Oilwell Fishing Operations

catcher. It is not possible to rotate this tool on the junk as the cables will
be broken and torn out but the tool can be pushed down over junk and the
junk retained by the catcher. A friction catch can also be made by cutting
inverted "V's" in ~ piece of pipe and bending them in until they practi-
cally touch. This tool can be pushed down over a long tubular piece of
junk and is quite effective in cases where the dimensions are unknown.
One of the foregoing two designs can remedy the two problems that are
most prominent-the junk is too large to catch and the outside diameter is
not known.
Several good "mouse trap" design tools have been made in past years,
but unfortunately they were used mostly by cable tool operators and have
not remained available to the rotary tool market. One design has tracks
set on opposite sides and at an angle from bottom to the top of the bowl.
(See Figure 9-6.) Various slips can be fitted to ride up and down on the
beveled track. As the tool is lowered over the fish, the slip is pushed up
until sufficient clearance has been obtained for the fish to pass the slip.
The slip falls down and wedges the fish in the bowl. This tool cannot be
released, but it is very effective for fishing sucker rods in casing or tub-
ing that is so corroded that an ordinary overshot will not catch it.

Poor Boy Basket

These were probably the very first designs of junk baskets. They were
used by early drillers and cable tool operators before such tools as are
available today were manufactured.
The poor boy basket is usually shop made for the particular job from a
short section of low carbon steel pipe. Schedule 40 material is a good
choice but anything of higher grade than J-55 will not work properly, as
the teeth will break off without bending.
Note in Figure 9-7 that the basket is made with teeth cut with a welding
torch and with a curved leading edge. This edge is also cut with a bevel.
Note also that there is a gap between the teeth and that the teeth are about
three-fourths the diameter of the pipe from which they are made. This
length of pipe is then threaded or welded to a top sub or bushing.
The running of the tool is most important. It is necessary to rotate and
circulate the tool down over the junk without excessive weight. Due to
the slots between the teeth, the tool will usually run rough while the junk
is at the level ofthe teeth. As hole is made (by measurement) and the junk
moves up into the smooth bowl of the basket, the tool will run smoothly.
When this has been accomplished, weight is applied as the tool is rotated
and the fingers will bend in and "orange peel," retaining the junk inside
the bowl. New teeth must be cut for each job.
Loose Junk Fishing 61

Figure 9-6. Clulow socket: slip has

wedged a sucker rod in bowl.

Figure 9-7. Poor boy junk basket.

62 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Boot Basket

This tool is also called a "junk sub or boot sub" (Figure 9-8). It is
made to be run in conjunction with and just above some other tool such as
a bit, mill, magnet, or catcher-type junk basket. It will operate properly
only when the circulation is the "long way" or down the work string and
up the annulus.
The boot on the basket is comparatively large for the hole or casing
size (Table 9-1), therefore high-velocity fluid return is accomplished
through this portion ofthe string. As the fluid reaches the top ofthe boot,
a much greater annulus area is present and the fluid pressure is dropped
suddenly, creating a turbulent flow just above the top of the boot. Any
heavy particles such as steel cuttings, carbide inserts, bit teeth, or ball
bearings that are circulating in this fluid will tend to drop at this point and
fall into the boot. Boot baskets may be run in tandem to increase the ca-
pacity, and some operators will also place another boot basket up the hole
several joints to pick up junk that has been pumped higher than the lower
Field welding should not be permitted on the mandrel of the boot bas-
ket. Operators have welded gussets on the mandrels to reinforce the boot;
but without stress relief, these welds may produce stress cracks resulting
in the failure of the mandreland in turn an expensivefishingjob.
Table 9-1
Boot Basket Recommended Sizes
Hole Size
or Pipe I.D. Boot O.D. Connection
(in.) (in.) API Reg.
41/4-45/8 311116 23/8
45/8-47/8 4 27/8
51/8-57/8 41/2 31/2
6-63/8 5 31/2
61/2-71/2 51/2 31/2
71/2-81/2 65/8 41/2
85/8-95/8 7 41/2
95/8-113/8 85/8 65/8
111/2-13 95/8 65/8
143/4-171/2 127/8 75/8

Hydrostatic Bailer

When cleaning out miscellaneous junk in a wellbore, it may be practi-

cal to run a hydrostaticbailer (Figure 9-9). Differentdesignsare made
for running on pipe as well as sand lines. All bailers work on the hydro-
Loose Junk Fishing 63

Figure 9-9. Hydro-

static bailer. (Courtesy
of Cavins Oilwell Tools.)




Figure 9-8. Boot bas- UPPER

ket. (Courtesy of Gotco JUNK
International, Inc.) BASKET



static head principle, as they depend on the weight of the fluid in the hole
to force the junk into the bailer and past the catchers. Many bailers can be
surged repeatedly until the basket is full of junk or the hole is clean. They
are particularly appropriate for cleaning out bit cone parts, bearings,
pipe slivers, bolts, nuts, perforator debris, and other material that is non-
-- - - - - - - - - -- --

64 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Junk Shots

Junk shots are comparably

large jet-shaped explosive
charges (Figure 9-10) (run on
either drill stem or electric wire-
line) to break up objects left in
the hole which are not recover-
able by ordinary fishing meth-
ods. The charge breaks up the
junk into small pieces which can
be recovered usually with mag-
nets or junk baskets. Since the
large size of the charge creates a
tremendous force, a cavern may
be created and sometimes parts
of the debris are blown out into
the sidewall of the hole. All of
the force of the explosion cannot
be directed downward even
though the tools are designed so
that the maximum force is in this
direction. The target distance
with any shaped charge is very
critical~ therefore for maximum
efficiency the charge should be
circulated down to the fish if the
junk shot is run on drill pipe. If
the shot is run on an electric
wireline, then a bit run should
be made to ensure that the
charge gets completely down to
the fish.
Figure 9-10. Junk Shot. (Courtesy 01
A junk shot should never be Well ControL)
run inside pipe, as the explosive
force will destroy the casing or
pipe and probably increase the
Tungsten Carbide
Mills and
Rotary Shoes

Cutting and milling tools dressed with tungsten carbide are probably
the greatest innovation to be adopted in the fishing tool business in the
past thirty years. Prior to the current designs and manufacture of tung-
sten carbide tools, "fluted" mills and shoes were used. These tools had
cutting teeth or blades that had been carburized, Le., the outer surfaces
had been hardened for cutting while the inside metal was still in a semi-
annealed state and somewhat resilient by comparison. This prevented
breaking of the teeth or blades.


TUngstencarbide material for the dressing of mills and shoes is sold in

sticks or rods approximately 18 in. long. The particles of sintered tung-
sten carbide are very irregular in shape and have sharp edges like broken
glass. These pieces of carbide are imbedded in a matrix material of
nickel-silver bronze. In any single stick all of the carbide particles have
been screened according to size and they may be graded, for example, as
3/8in.-1/4 in. or perhaps 30-45 screen mesh. For effective cutting the
carbides must be of good quality and perfectly clean, since any dirt, oil,
or trash will prevent their sticking to the alloyed bronze matrix material.
Normally large particles are used for larger a.D. mills and shoes, while
the smaller particles are used on small tools, wear surfacing of tools such
as reamers, and the filling in between the larger particles in large tools.
More cutting surfaces produce more steel cuttings.
There is a significant difference in the quality of carbide sticks that are
available. The complete coating of the carbide particles with the alloyed
bronze in the finished mill or shoe is very necessary. It is much easier for
66 Oilwell Fishing Operations

the welder if the stick already contains particles that are completely
coated. The matrix material is resilient and helps to withstand shock and
sudden loads. It has an ultimate shear strength of approximately 100,000
Ib/sq in.

Manufacture or "Dressing"

The application of the tungsten carbide to the tools is a brazing process

using oxy-acetylene equipment and practices. Since the gases generated
by the melting of the bronze are toxic, the welder must work in a well-
ventilated location with sufficient draft to remove the fumes.
The mill body or blank rotary shoe should be thoroughly cleaned or
machined just prior to the application. Any grease, dirt, or rust will pre-
vent a strong bond. The body of the tool is preheated, and the surface to
be dressed is tinned with a tinning rod for good bond. The welder flows
the material on to the body by melting it with the torch and puddling it
with the stick of carbide. This process is a very painstaking operation and
requires considerable time (Figure 10-1). A six- or eight-inch diameter
mill can easily require six or eight hours of work to dress properly.
As the welder applies the carbide to the body of the shoe or mill, he
shapes the tool into the configuration that is desired. As shown in the
illustrations, there are many designs of carbide tools for particular appli-
cations and the welder applies the carbide to accomplish the proper de-
sign. The welder may use "heat sticks" to estimate temperatures attained
so that there is no damage to the carbides by excessive heat, yet a temper-
ature is reached that assures good bond of the matrix material. The fin-
ished tool is never quenched but is allowed to cool slowly. In larger sizes
it is sometimes wrapped in insulation.


Carbide tools should be carefully designed for each particular job. If a

mill is run on a work string (Le., not washpipe), there should not be a
circulation hole in the center. Such a design will tend to cut a core and
then have a tendency to spin on the core. One of the blades should be long
enough to extend past the center. In the design of a carbide rotary shoe,
internal build-up of carbide is beneficial if there is sufficient clearance.
This build-up will trim the fish down to a size that will allow it to be
swallowed in the washpipe and not plug it off, bind it, or twist it off.
Many times when there is a substantial shoulder inside the rotary shoe,
the fish or portions of it will be brought out in the shoe and washpipe
without the use of any retrieving tool.
Tungsten Carbide Mills and Rotary Shoes 67

(0) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 10-1. Carbide application (unretouched photographs of samples): (A) Correct ap-
plication. This sample shows the correct application at proper heat. The matrix is well
bonded to the base metal. The tungsten carbide particles are compactly spaced and se-
curely imbedded in the matrix material. The resulting application, when cool, has a slightly
golden hue. (B) Improper application. This sample shows the result of too much heat. The
heat has dissolved the matrix material. The tungsten carbide particles are burned and
charred. The resulting application, when cool, has a black and burned appearance. (C)
Improper application. This sample shows the result of too little heat. The matrix is not
bonded to the base metal. Although the tungsten carbide particles are imbedded in the ma-
trix, the material will chip and break away from the base metal when milling. The resulting
application has a dull silver appearance. (D) Improper application. This sample shows the
result of improper manipulation and spacing of the tungsten carbide particles. Although ap-
plied with proper heat and well bonded, large vacancies exist and the result would be an
inefficient milling surface. In appearance, the resulting application would have the slightly
golden hue as in Figure 10-1A, but the vacancies or cavities would be very apparent. (Cour-
tesy of Bowen Tools.)

68 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Carbide should never be left on the outside of a shoe or mill that is to

be run in casing. It should be ground smooth and made concentric with
the body of the tool to prevent any damage to the casing or pipe. In some
deviated wells, bronze wear pads are made on the outer portion of the
shoe to stabilize it, to reduce friction and torque, and to hold the cutting
portion of the shoe away from the casing. Tools that are to be run in open
holes are dressed with carbide on the outside, so that they continue to cut
on any junk that gets up alongside the shoe or mill. (See Figures 10-1
through 10-8.)

Running Carbide Tools

Running a carbide tool properly is just as important as making a quality

tool. Many tools are damaged before they have a chance at cutting prop-

Figure 10-2. Junk mills. These may be designed with blades for drilling cement and steel
or cement and such equipment as float shoes. Note that the hole is not centered. Mills for
use in casing are ground smooth on the outside circumference. For use in an open hole, the
mill would be dressed with carbide on the outside of the head. (Courtesy of Petco Fishing &
Rental Tools.)
Tungsten Carbide Mills and Rotary Shoes 69

erly and making hole. Carbide

milling tools are very similar to the
cutting tools that a machinist uses
in cutting steel in a lathe or other
machine tool. They should be run
with the same general rules and
procedures. Oil field operators are
accustomed to running rock bits
which require considerable weight
to be effective. As one can see, the
weight on a rock bit breaks up the
rock with the teeth as the cones ro-
tate. The cuttings are then washed
away by the drilling mud or work-
over fluid. Since the mill or shoe is
basically a cutting tool, the proce-
dure should follow that used on a
machine tool. Rotation is fast in or-
der to secure sufficient linear
speed. A 4-in. diameter mill
should be rotated at approximately
175 rpm and a 12-in. diameter mill
or shoe should be turned at approx-
imately 60 rpm. The fast speed
creates a cutting action and pre-
vents grinding, which is destruc-
tive to the mill or shoe. The pump
should be turned on and circulation
established prior to the carbide tool
touching the fish. It is important
that cuttings are washed away im-
mediately, as they tend to "nest" or
ball up and plug the tool or annu-
lus. To lift cuttings, fluid viscosity
should be 50 to 80 cp depending on
the size of the cuttings. The tool
Figure 10-3. Flat bottom mills. This par- should be lowered very slowly and
ticular design is quite limited in use. If it is to a determination made in the first
be used in an open hole, it should be 30 minutes of how fast one can
dressed with carbide on the sides of the
slack off on the work string to ef-
head. It may be advisable to have a con-
cave face on the bottom as this would tend fectively make hole. Excess weight
to keep the junk centered. Note the pads on will merelygrind away at the car-
the sides, which stabilize the tool in the bides and matrix. The tool will de-
hole. (Courtesy of B & W Metals Co., Inc.) velop excessive heat with too much
70 Oilwell Fishing Operations

weight, and results will be very disappointing. Always keep in mind that
the cutting action is similar to that of a fly cutter in a machine tool.
If the cuttings cannot be brought to the surface with the circulating
fluid, boot baskets must be run just above the mill or drill collars to catch
the cuttings so that they don't bridge or plug the hole. It is sometimes
possible to reverse circulate. This will bring cuttings tothe surface due to
the higher velocity in the smaller cross-sectional area of the work string.
However, plugging of the mill and pipe with the steel cuttings can also

Figure 10-4. Tapered mills.This design can be used to open the top of a linerof to enlarge
a hole that has been started. It is not a desirable tool to use in collapsed pipe, as there is a
tendency to followthe collapse and go outside the pipe. (Courtesy of Petco Fishing &Rental
Tungsten Carbide Mills and Rotary Shoes 71


Figure 10-5. Pilot mills. Typical designs to mill up pipe in the hole. Design on the left is
appropriate for milling up a permanent packer of small diameter. Stinger would be extended
with a retrieving tool on bottom. (Courtesy of Petco Fishing & Rental Tools.)

72 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Figure10-6. Watermelon or string mill.

These are used to open up tight spots in
pipe, to enlarge and clean up a window
cut in casing, or, under certain circum- Figure 10-7. Blade reamer. These are
stances, to run in collapsed casing that used in holes to keep them in gauge. Car-
has been partially opened up. With a bide may be used on the blades as cutting
guide below the mill, it will follow the pipe material for hard formation and to build up
or hole and will not go outside as will a ta- reamers that have worn down out of
pered mill. (Courtesy of B & W Metals Co., gauge. (Courtesy of B & W Metals Co.,
Inc.) Inc.)
Tungsten Carbide Mills and Rotary Shoes 73

become a problem when reversing.

Ditch magnets are frequently run
in the return line at the surface to
collect any steel cuttings that have
passed the shale shaker screen.
This helps to estimate the amount
of material that has been milled up,
and it also prevents cuttings from
getting in the pumps and damaging
Carbide mills and shoes may be
redressed if they are properly pre-
pared. The old carbide must be
washed off any debris that is imbed-
ded in the matrix, and the material
must be perfectly clean to ensure a
good bond. The same precautions
followed in the original dressing
must be taken in redressing a worn

Figure 10-8. Tooth-type rotary shoe. Carbide is frequently used on rotary shoes for any
application where metal cutting may be necessary. There are many designs for rotary or
"burning" shoes. The same rules should be followed in selecting rotary shoes as when se-
lecting carbide mills. Do not use carbide on the outside when running inside pipe. Dress the
inside with carbide if there is enough clearance so that the fish will be trimmed down to
prevent plugging and excessive torque. (Courtesy of B & W Metals Co., Inc.)

One of the most challenging of fishing jobs may be the recovery of

wireline and the tool or instrument run with it. First, situations must be
separated between those where the line is still intact and situations where
the line is parted. We shall also differentiate between electric or conduc-
tor lines and swab and sand lines.
If a conductor line has not parted, good practice usually dictates that
we should not pull out of the rope socket. This causes us to lose contact
with the tool or instrument, and it may become permanently lost. If the
instrument contains a radioactive source, the situation becomes even
more critical.
The operator has the choice of using either the cable-guide method
(better known as "cut and strip") or the side-door overshot method. The
cable-guide method should be chosen for all deep open-hole situations or
when a radioactive instrument is stuck in the hole. This is the safest
method and assures a very high success ratio. The only disadvantages are
that the cable must be cut and the stripping-over procedure is slow and
time consuming.

Cable-Guide Method

A special set of tools is required and these are usually kept by the fish-
ing tool service company in a special box or container, since they are not
used for other purposes.
The tools (Figure 11-1) consist of a cable clamp with "T" bar, rope
sockets for each end of the line, a sinker bar, and special quick connec-
tor-type overshot for the line on the reel end and a spear point for the well
end. There are also included a slotted plate to set on top of the pipe, a sub
with a recess or retainer to hold the rope. socket, and an overshot to run
on the pipe to catch the instrument or tool.
Wireline Fishing 75

A slight strain (approximately 2,000 lb) is taken on the line and the
cable hanger or clamp (Figure ll-IA) is attached to the cable at the well
head or rotary table and the cable lowered so that the hanger rests at the
surface. The cable can then be cut at a convenient length above the floor.
Caution should be used to allow enough length. As in any deviated hole,
the cable is pulled out from the wall, and more length is required to reach
the surface than before it was stripped inside the pipe. Rope sockets are
then made up on each end of the line with the overshot (E) on the upper
end and the spear head (B) on the lower end. As each stand of pipe is run,
the cable spear head rests on the "C" plate (F) which prevents the line
from falling.
The first stand of pipe (Figure 11-2) to be run is made up with an ap-
propriate overshot on bottom to catch the rope socket, fishing neck, or
body of the tool in the hole. Caution must be exercised to ensure that the
guide or bottom does not have any sharp edges that would cut the line if
pipe weight were set down on it in a dog-leg or on a ledge.








Figure 11-1. Cable guide fishing assembly.

76 Oilwell Fishing Operations



~ ~. PLATE (F)

(F) /


Figure 11-2. Cable guide fishing method.

The line to the reel is spooled up to the derrick man who stabs the spear
head overshot and sinker bar in the pipe. With the pipe hanging in the
derrick, the spear head overshot is lowered through the pipe to the floor
man who connects the spear head overshot with the spear point. The line
is then picked up, and the stand of pipe can be run. This procedure is
repeated until the overshot has tagged the body or fishing neck on the tool
so it can be engaged. Concern at this time is the proof that the instrument
is truly caught. The first check is to pick up the pipe and the line should
be slack. There is a sub fitted on the top of the pipe which has a restric-.
tion or "side pocket." The spear point rope socket may be set into this
recess and the kelly or fittings made up on the pipe. This will allow pump
pressure to be exerted against the fish in the overshot to ensure that it is
safely caught and will not fall out coming out of the hole.
After tests have been made to show that the fish is securely caught, the
clamp may again be placed on the line below the cut portion, the rope
sockets removed, a square knot tied in the two pieces of line, and the line
pulled out of the rope socket with the elevator and the clamp. The line
may be spooled up and the pipe with the instrument or tool recovered.
As with all tools run in a well, wireline tools including rope sockets,
fishing necks, and instrument bodies should all be measured or calipered
Wireline Fishing 77

before running. If fishing these tools by the preceding method, the over-
shot above the grapple must be sufficiently open to swallow anything
above the part that is being caught.
Side-Door Overshot

The side-door overshot (see Figure 11-3) is a special overshot having a

gate or door in the side which can be removed to allow the line to be fed
into the tool, after which the door is put back into position as part of the
bowl. The overshot is run on the drill pipe or tubing until the fishing
neck or body of the stuck tool is engaged and caught.
The advantage of this method of recovery is that the line need not be
cut. It is also fast since no stripping is necessary. Care must be exercised
in setting the slips with the cable or line in the gap to prevent pinching or
cutting. Since the line is outside the pipe, care must be taken not to rotate
the pipe excessively, as this wraps the line around the pipe.
Side-door overshots are not run in deep open holes because the line
frequently becomes key seated and even differentially stuck in the filter
cake. All open holes are crooked enough to cause
the line to drag the side wall and cut a groove in the
filter cake, causing excessive friction and sticking.
Radioactive Sources

In recent years there has been a tremendous in-

crease in the use of radioactive sources in well log-
ging, with the attendant increase in agencies that
regulate their use. Many operators do not have a
clear understanding of the regulations in effect
when a source becomes lodged or lost in the hole.
SCREW The source should be recovered intact if at all pos-
sible from an economic viewpoint or it may be
abandoned if such is possible to protect personnel
and property in the future.
~CONTROL SCREW If it appears that the source cannot be recovered,
CONTROL the logging company must notify the Nuclear Regu-
latory Commission and the state regulatory body.
Plans are then discussed and a decision made which
can be approved by the agencies concerned. If the
source is abandoned in a dry hole, all records, in-
Jl cluding those of the agency that issued a permit for
8.1 drilling the well, should contain complete informa-
Figure 11-3. Side tion and the well head, or a suitable marker, should
door overshot. (Cour- contain full information on an engraved metal
tesy of Bowen Tools.) plate.
78 Oilwell Fishing Operations

When a source is left below a producing

zone, usually the normal cementing of the
casing will isolate the source sufficiently.
Most capsules that contain radioactive sources
are made to resist corrosion and erosion for
many years. Abrasion from any fluid flow
with its attendant sand or other particles is the
greatest hazard. In order to gain approval for
the abandonment of the source, a plan must
give assurance that there is no reasonable
probability of fluid flow past the capsule or
that it will not be encountered if the hole is

Fishing Parted Wireline

Wireline does not fall down the hole when it

parts. Of course it falls, but not like a hemp
rope or chain. It is surprising how high it
stands. The larger the line, the stiffer it is.
The smaller the diameter of the pipe or hole,
the less the line can fall. Since both of these
factors vary a great deal, it is not possible to
use a rule of thumb except to suspect that the
~op of the line is higher than anticipated.

Rope Spears and Grabs

The rope spear or center spear (Figure

11-4) is the most desirable tool for fishing
wireline. Each spear must be adapted to the
size of the hole or pipe and the barbs checked
to be certain that the line will wedge in them
enough to pull the line in two if necessary. If
the tool is run in pipe, then a stop should be
run just above it. The stop must be of suffi-
cient size so that the line will not go above it.
This prevents catching the line low, balling up
a long length, and sticking the fishing string.
Always try to catch the line near the top.
The more line that is pushed down the hole, Figure 11-4. Center
the more compacted it becomes and the more spear or rope spear.
Wireline Fishing 79

difficult it is to penetrate and catch with the

barbs on the spear.
When it is no longer possible to make a
good catch with the center spear, a two-prong
grab (Figure 11-5) is usually run. This per-
mits catching the wireline from the outside in-
stead of the inside. Again, one should be cer-
tain that the barbs will wedge the line and that
there is sufficient clearance inside the tool be-
tween the prongs or barbs for the line. After a
new top is secured with a run with a two- or
three-prong grab, the center spear is again
run, since it is considered to be the safest.
If the rope spear is run below casing into
the open hole, the stop is not run, because the
open hole would not always be in gauge and
the line could pass the stop, stack up on top of
the stop, and prevent pulling back into the

Box Taps

If the line becomes packed and it is impossi-

ble to penetrate it with either the center spear
or two-prong grab, it may be possible to
screw a box tap (Figure 11-6) on the ball of
the wireline. This should be full 0.0. with a
thin wall near the bottom. After the ball of
line is fully engaged by the box tap, the line
can be pulled in two, which provides a new
Always keep up with the amount of line that
is recovered. Since it is usually unbraided,
balled up, and no longer the original length,
weight may be the only method of estimating
the amount recovered and, in turn, the
amount remaining in the wellbore. If this is Figure 11-5. Two-
true, it is necessary to determine the weight of prongedgrab.
the line per foot and weigh what is recovered.
Since the line stands up in the hole, if the length left on the tool is short,
even 100 ft, it may be possible to fit an overshot to catch the tool and
swallow the line. The overshot and the extensions and pipe above it
80 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Figure 11.6. Box tap. (Courtesy of

Gotco International, Inc.)

should not have any small restric-

tions or square shoulders. The
overshot is slowly rotated as it is
lowered. Short lengths of line can
be caught complete with the tool,
which is much easier than fishing
for the line itself.

Cutting The Line

When a sand line or swab line is

stuck in the hole, it is usually ad-
visable to cut the line as low as
possible so that the wireline can be
recovered and the tool fished with
a work string of pipe. This is also
advisable on some occasions when Figure 11-7. Sand line cutter (rigged
a conductor line is run inside the with sleeve for 27/s-in. 0.0. pipe and
pipe and the tool becomes stuck. larger). (Courtesy of J. C. Kinley Co.)
Wireline Fishing 81

In the early days of cable tools, a rope knife was stripped in over the
stuck line and run on another line. Due to the lay of the two lines, the
second line frequently became stuck creating an even more serious situa-
tion. This method has now become almost extinct with the advent of the
explosive sand line cutter (see Figure 11-7).
Currently the most popular cutter is a cylindrical tool long and small
enough in diameter to be run inside 2-in. tubing and to cut a 91t6-in.line.
Even smaller tools are available through special order. The cutter is
dropped around the line. It is grooved so that it rides the line down to the
top of the rope socket. It is then fired by sliding the drop weight down the
line onto it. A small propellant charge drives the wedge which forces the
knife to cut the line (Figure 11-8). In the smaller tubing, the drop weight
and the gun are both provided with a fishing neck which can be used to
recover them by means of a pulling tool on a measuring line. In 27/s-in.
tubing, or in drill pipe, casing, or an open hole, a sleeve and sometimes
guides are installed on the tool. The sleeve provides a seat for the cutting
edge, and it also allows a crimper to be installed so that the drive wedge,
which operates the cutting knife, also forces the crimper to clamp the line
against the adapter sleeve. Then the gun and drop weight can be recov-
ered together on the end of the cut line. Since this cutter is a free-falling
tool, it is advisable to work the line to ensure that the gun falls as deeply
as possible. This can be done by taking a strain on the line, releasing it,
and letting it fall five or six feet before catching it with the brake. Shak-
ing the line in this manner will work the gun past some obstructions.
However, the gun will stop on some splices, flags tied on the outside of
the line, or in mashed tubing. Wherever it stops, the cut will be made.
There is no way of knowing where the gun cuts until the cut line is
spooled up.

Figure 11-8. Cross section of knife of sand line cutter. Wedge has driven knife through
line. (Courtesy of J. C. Kinley Co.)
82 Oilwell Fishing Operations

The sand line cutter is also available with an electronic timer pro-
grammed to fire the tool after a timed interval. It is used in wells where
falling sand or solids tend to cover the gun and prevent the drop weight
from hitting the firing pin. It is also used in deviated wells where the drop
weight speed may be too slow to fire the cutter.

Electric Submergible Pumps

When sucker rod pumps and downhole hydraulic pumps can no longer
lift sufficient fluid, electric submergible pumps are used. They consist of
an electric motor, a pump, and usually some device for gas separation. In
order to power the electric motor, it is necessary to run a three-phase
electric conduit down to the motor. This cable is usually strapped to the
production tubing with stainless steel packing crate-type straps.
In order to contain a powerful electric motor and a pump, the housings
of electric submergible pumps are relatively large in diameter and do not
have much clearance between the pump and casing.

Electric Submergible Pump Data

Casing O.D. Pump O.D. (max.) Bhp at Pump Fluid
(in.) (in.) Shaft (max.) Bpd (max.)
41/2 33/8 125 1,900
51/2 4 250 4,500
7 51/8 480 9,000

Small deposits of sand, corrosion, gyp, etc. between the casing and
pump will stick the pump so that it can't be retrieved. Care should be
exercised so that the tubing is not pulled in two as the cable, unlike other
wireline, is flexible and quite heavy. If it parts, it falls and is easily
packed down so that a center spear or other tool cannot penetrate it to
retrieve it without its parting into short lengths. Figure 11-9 illustrates
how the cable may become packed in the casing if the tubing is parted
and pulled.
When pumps or the tubing become stuck, the tubing string should be
free-pointed and the tubing chemically cut above the stuck point. Most
installations include a check valve in the tubing string to prevent a back
flow of fluid when the motor is turned off, causing damage to the motor.
Free-point and cutting tools cannot be run below this check valve, so it is
recommended that the valves be placed as low as possible.
It is most important that only a chemical cut be made to part the tubing
string, as this leaves a sharp cutting edge on the tubing, which is used as
a knife to cut the electric conduit.
Wireline Fishing 83

Figure 11-9. Electric submergible pump cable packed in casing.

When the chemical cut has been made, the tubing will be parted but the
conduit (cable) will still be intact. The tubing is then raised 18-24 in.,
providing a gap at the tubing cut with the cable (conduit) pulled taut be-
tween the two sections of tubing.
The electric wireline tool (Figure 11-10) is made up with a sinker bar
and bumper jar and run on a work string of sucker rods or small tubing.

Figure 11-10. Electric line

tool (Patent No. 4306622),
shown with si nker bar and
bumper jar. (Courtesy of Arm-
strong's Oilfield Service Co.,
84 Oilwell Fishing Operations

The cutter is equipped with a spring-loaded arm which extends from the
mandrel. When the cutter is measured in to the depth of the gap, the arm
extends, and as the tool is rotated to the right, the arm catches the cable
and pulls it up against the mandrel. By striking a series of blows up with
the bumper jar, the cable is severed by the sharp edge of the chemical cut.
It can be easily determined when the cable is cut as torque in the work
string will be lost. When the cable is cut, the work string with the electric
wireline tool and then the production tubing string with the electrical ca-
ble strapped to it can be pulled.
This will leave the pump and short section of tubing and cable in the
well. These should be fished with an overshot or spear and a jarring
Depending on the design of the electric submergible pump, caution
should be used in jarring upward as some designs incorporate a flange on
top which can be easily parted. Light blows should be used, both up and
down, until some travel in the fish is accomplished. When this occurs,
continued movement of the pump will work it free.
Stuck Packers

While it is true with any fish, it is especially helpful in fishing stuck

packers that we know as much about the equipment as possible. If we
know the make and designation of the packer, we can obtain complete
data such as major dimensions, type, and method of setting and releas-
ing, plus a picture or dimensional drawing. Many times, it is most help-
ful to take another packer of the same type to the well location. This pro-
vides immediate information if only a portion of the equipment is
recovered and other parts are left in the well. Old catalogs should never
be discarded, as manufacturers change designs, sell out, change names,
and go out of business.
Packers generally fall into two main categories: retrievable and perma-
nent. Packers in the retrievable design include weight-set (with either "J-
Set" or "automatic bottom"), tension type, and rotation set (with alter-
nate weight and pick-up on the setting string). Some packers have
hydraulic hold-downs above the seals so that no tubing weight has to be
left on the pipe. Others are set hydraulically and must be released by ro-
tation or shear pins or rings.
Permanent packers are simple in comparison to retrievable packers.
They consist of slips at the top to prevent the packer moving up the well-
bore after setting, a seal, and a set of slips at the bottom that prevents the
packer from moving down the hole. This configuration may be modified
by adding seal bore extensions and equipment such as blast joints below
the packer.

Retrievable Packers

After it is determined what type packer is in the well, efforts should be

methodically carried out to release it or if necessary, to fish it. The tub-
ing should be worked to ensure that it is completely free and that pipe
friction is not adding to the problem. If the packer is released by rotation,
86 Oilwell Fishing Operations

the torque must be worked down. The pipe is marked with a vertical
mark, and right-hand torque is applied at the surface. While holding this
torque, the pipe should be reciprocated. This ensures that the torque is
distributed and that some torque is applied to the mandrel. Stretch should
be measured and an estimate made of the depth of the highest stuck point.
Running of a free-point instrument would also be considered at this
point. If it is found that the slips are frozen, it is sometimes profitable to
fire a string shot in the packer mandrel. If the formation will permit,
pressure can be applied down the tubing and below the packer to provide
lifting force on the packer. A hole may be punched in the tubing just
above the packer mandrel and the wellbore circulated in case there are
solids that have settled out in the annulus. If the packer is equipped with a
hydraulic hold-down above the seal and slips, pressure may be applied to
the annulus to help retract the hold-down buttons.
A jarring string is usually very effective if the retrievable packer itself
is stuck. The tubing string is parted by either cutting or back-off, and the
appropriate catch tool is run with the jars, as described in Chapter 7."
The alternative method of retrieving a packer would be to wash over it
and cut it out if necessary. This would probably be the chosen method if
some of the tubing is stuck due to fill in the annulus. If only a short sec-
tion of tubing is stuck and it is practical to wash over it in one trip, a dog
overshot may be incorporated in the washover string. These overshots
consist of a short section of washpipe (bushing) made up in the string and
having an appropriate internal catcher to engage under the couplings of
the tubing as in an external cutter (Figures 8-5 and 8-6). Rotary shoes for
this operation would be of the tooth type for digging out fill, mud, or
cement and would incorporate carbide if the packer itself should have to
be cut.

Permanent Packers

Cutting over and retrieving permanent packers is a very common job,

and it can be a very efficient procedure. The tool string consists of a car-
bide rotary shoe or mill, top sub or bushing (when appropriate), a length
of small pipe for use as a stinger, and a releasing spear or retriever. The
tools are made up as shown in Figure 12-1. Take care that the stinger is
made up tightly and then pinned, set-screwed, or strapped so that it will
not back off. Note that the right-hand rotation of the assembly tends to
back off the stinger. Friction of its running in the bore of the packer pro-
vides back-up, hence the tendency for this part of the tool assembly to
back off.
If the packer is small such as in 4112-in.a.D. casing, a mill should be
selected as a shoe of this size would be weak; it would tend to wedge and
Retrieving Stuck Packers 87

very little savings would be made in the amount

of material to be cut. If the packer is in larger
casing, an appropriate shoe should be selected,
dressed on the bottom, with a small shoulder of
carbide on the inside to provide clearance as the
shoe cuts over the packer. The outside of the
shoe or mill should be perfectly smooth so that it
does not cut the casing. The shoe should be long
enough to cover the entire packer and if neces-
sary an extension provided.
Retrievers are made in several designs, but
most can be operated through a "J" on the man-
drel with springs to provide back-up for opera-
tion. The retriever is run in the retracted position
and is small enough to go through the bore. It is
then set so that the slip, grapple, or catching de-
vice is extended and it will not come back
through the bore. With the catcher extended, a
pull on the work string exerts a pull on the bot-
I; tom of the packer.
. When sufficient "hole" has been made to en-
Figure 12-1. Permanent sure cutting through the top slips, rotation and
packer milling and retriev- pumping should be stopped and a pull exerted on
i ng tool. (Courtesy of
Houston Engineers, Inc.) the packer. Frequently, this is enough cutting to
free the packer for travel upward and out of the
If equipment such as blast joints, sliding sleeves, etc. are run below the
packer, a section of pipe of an J.D. larger than the packer bore is usually
run immediately below the packer. This "mill-out joint" should be twice
the length of the packer to fully accommodate the stinger when the shoe
or mill has cut through the entire packer. If the mill-out joint is too short,
the packer will probably be lost on the trip out of the hole, as the recipro-
cation of the work string in removing the slips will cause the release de-
vice to seat in the packer bore and the catcher to become released.
If no provision has been made for a mill-out joint, a J-type mandrel
must be run in the washpipe above the shoe and a spear fitted to it of a
size to engage in the packer bore. The grapple on the spear may be
pinned in the catching position with a small brass shear pin. At no other
time should spear grapples be pinned in the catching position.
Rotation of the carbide shoe or mill should follow the same general
rules of cutting in other situations. Occasionally packers or parts ofthem
will start to rotate and cutting will stop. When this occurs, it is necessary
to shut the pump off and dry drill or spud the shoe or mill enough to foul
the packer, so that it does not turn.
Coiled Tubing

Coiled tubing presents unique problems in

fishing somewhat similar to wireline. When
coiled tubing parts, it is in tension and tends to TOP SUB

corkscrew. It is also necked down for several

inches at the point it parts. If the standard over-
shot is used, pressure or a downward force is BOWL
necessary to push the pipe up through the grap-
ple. This causes more corkscrewing of the fish
and creates additional problems.
Continuous overshots have been designed es- DRAG SPRING

pecially for fishing coiled tubing (Figure 13-1).

They are made with a long bowl and are run on
tubing small enough to go inside the production SLIP
tubing and with large enough I.D. to swallow
the coiled tubing. The slips or grapples in the
continuous overshots are split and offer little
resistance to the fish as they go over it. Guide GUIDE
springs are provided to center the fish. When
the work string is picked up, the guide springs Figure 13-1. Continu-
tend to move the grapple down on the tapers ous overshot for fishing
and, in turn, engage the coiled tubing. This coiled tubing. (Cour-
type of overshot can sometimes be worked over tesy of Fishing Tools,
several hundred feet of coiled tubing. A pull on
the work string tends to straighten out the fish
so that even more can be swallowed. When suf-
ficient pull is exerted, the coiled tubing can be pulled apart or all of it can
be pulled from the well.
When coiled tubing is parted in casing, a mouse-trap-type tool (Figure
19-1)must be run and worked over a length of the tubing so that it can be
pulled in two or removed from the well.
in Cavities

Frequently, when drilling, the pipe will part in a washed out section of
the wellbore and the fish will not be centered in the hole. The straight
overshot tool string may bypass the top of the fish and touch the pipe and
take weight below the top. If this occurs, rotation slows and the cut-lip
guide builds up slight torque and then jumps off. It may be impossible to
engage the top of the fish with the tool string.

Bent Joints

A joint of pipe slightly bent just above the pin end and run just above
the overshot will cause the tool to hang at an angle, and by rotating it near
the top of the fish, it may be possible to engage the fish. This set-up is
usually the first choice since it is simple and readily available on loca-
tion. Some operators run a jet sub just above the overshot. This causes
some of the pump pressure to be exerted against the wall of the hole
which kicks the tools to the far side. This is advisable only on limited
occasions as the jet washes the sidewall causing the filter cake to be
washed off and eroding the hole.
Some subs have been cut so that the two ends are at a slight angle to
each other. These are referred to as "bent subs," "crooked subs," "offset
subs," and "angle subs." They are used instead of the drill pipe joint that
is bent.
If the bent joint alone is not sufficient to catch the top of the fish, a
wall-hook guide (Figure 14-1) can be substituted for the cut-lip guide on
the bottom of the overshot. This guide is made so that it catches the pipe
below the top and torque can be built up and held. By slowly picking up
the work string, the fish is worked into the opening and fed into the over-
shot bowl (Figure 14-2).
90 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Care should always be used in running a wall-hook guide, as excessive

weight or torque can break the "hand" off. A considerable moment of
force is built up when torque is applied.
Knuckle Joints

If the foregoing procedure will

not catch the fish, then a knuckle
joint can be added to the string just
above the overshot fitted with the
wall-hook guide. The knuckle joint
can be compared to a hinge; it
moves in one plane only. The en-
tire string consisting of the wall-
hook guide, overshot, and knuckle
joint (Figure 14-3) is made up to-
gether on the catwalk and checked
to be certain that the wall-hook
moves out with the opening facing
forward when the string is rotated
to the right. Shims are provided so
that the wall-hook opening can be
adjusted until it is in the proper
plane. The knuckle joint merely
swings free as it is run in the hole.
Pump pressure against the restric-
tion plug (Figure 14-4) causes the
overshot to be kicked out at a 71/2 0

angle. With pump pressure holding

the assembly out at an angle, the
string is rotated to engage the fish.
The restriction plug may be placed
in the knuckle joint before running
or it may be pumped down the pipe
to its seat.
A knuckle joint, by design, is
weak since it is a hinge. It will
withstand very little jarring. If the
fish is engaged with the foregoing
Figure 14.1. Wall-hook for overshot.
set-up and it cannot be pulled, the
(Courtesy of Bowen Tools.)
restriction plug can be fished out
with a small overshot run on the
measuring line. This provides full opening of the tools, and a free point
and string shot or cutter can be run and the pipe parted below the tools
Fishing in Cavities 91



Figure 14-2. Overshot with wall-hook

guide fishing in cavity.

Figure 14-3. Fishing with wall hook and

knuckle joint in cavity.
92 Oilwell Fishing Operations

and in a section of hole that is more in gauge. This freed portion of the
fish can be removed and the overshot run back in without the knuckle
joint so that the fish can be jarred.
It is possible to get a very large
sweep with the knuckle joint and
overshot by adding extensions be-
tween the two. This set-up has
been used to sweep large cavities
that have been created in old wells
by the use of nitroglycerin shots.

Induction Logs
Induction logging is a method in RESTRICTION PLUG
which the conductivity (the oppo- MAINBODY
site of resistivity) of the formation
is measured. Induced currents are
used without the help of contact CONTROLLEVER
electrodes. A focused logging CAGE
method requires no current flow
from the tool into the formation, CONTROL LEVER

therefore, this method can be used CONNECTING

in empty holes or in holes contain- BUSHING
ing oil-base, fresh water, or other RETAINING RING
types of drilling fluid that are non-
Based on the preceding descrip- PACKING RING
tion of induction logging, one can O-RING
easily see that this procedure can PIVOTBODY
be used to locate the top of a fish in
an open hole if it is impossible to
determine its depth with the usual BOTTOM SUB

fishing tools. Frequently, when SPACER WASHERS

one is fishing in an open hole with PerSetof3

washed out cavities in it, the top of
the fish may be some distance from
the center of the borehole, and be-
cause of corkscrewing of the pipe
setting in compression, the top of Figure 14-4. Knuckle joint angled at
the string may be difficult to other- full 71/20 by pumppressureon restriction
wise find and identify. plug. (Courtesy of Bowen Tools.)

Under certain conditions, it is more practical and economical to side-

track junk lodged in the wellbore than to remove it. In some areas, side-
tracking in open-hole drilling operations is rather common. It has been
found, from experience, that the average cost is less and the operation of
the wells under producing conditions is not adversely affected by the de-
Although sidetracking through casing is not as prevalent, it is usually
used when fishing the obstruction out is impractical or when an old well
is reentered using directional drilling techniques to complete the new
well in a different area. To sidetrack through casing, set a whipstock and
cut the window at a depth where there is good cement bond. To determine
where this is, run a cement bond log at the point of the proposed side-
track. If there is no firm cement bond, the casing will move during the
cutting and a poor job will result. If the bond is not sufficient, then the
casing should be perforated and cement squeezed around it. An alternate
depth might be selected where an adequate bond was found if this is prac-
tical and in keeping with the overall plan.
Casing whipstocks have been used for years with various methods of
setting and holding in the casing. Various triggers have been used to trip
the slips when pulled up into a coupling recess, as well as setting a ce-
ment plug to hold the whipstock in place.
The most modern method of setting the whipstock is to set it into a
special keyway made into a permanent packer (Figure 15-1). By setting
the packer on tubing or drill pipe, it may be oriented so that the window
to be cut in the casing will be in the desired direction. This orienting
should be checked after the packer has been set. When this is completed,
the whipstock with a special keyway slot in a stinger on the bottom of the
assembly is run on the drill pipe. Adjustments may be made in the loca-
tion of the keyway slot to accommodate any variation that occurred in
setting the packer. The whipstock is run pinned to the starting mill with a
94 Oilwell Fishing Operations

shear pin. The mill is made with a stinger which serves two purposes.
The stinger holds the whipstock, and it also guides the starting mill by
keeping it inside the casing, cutting
a long window instead of merely
cutting a hole, and going outside.
Most shear pins are made to shear
with approximately 10,000 Ib-
15,000 Ib of weight after the whip-
stock has been guided into place
above the packer. Once the pin has
been sheared, rotation and circula-
tion can begin, and the first phase
of cutting the window is accom-
plished. Mills used for this pur-
pose are made with both carbide
and diamond cutting materials.
Most operators do not run any drill
collars with the starting mill, as it
is desirable for it to follow the ta-
per of the whipstock.
The window in the casing is
completed with another mill. Cut-
ting material, either diamonds or
carbide, is dressed on the bottom
as well as the sides. This mill is
usually designed with a concave
inset on the bottom so that it will
ride down the casing. A single drill
collar also helps to hold it into the
casing so that a long window can
be cut and the approximate taper of
the whipstock followed. Some ad-
ditional hole in the formation
should be cut with this assembly so
that the new hole is guided away
from the old hole. In subsequent
drilling of the new hole, a "water-
melon" mill (Figure 10-6) is fre-
quently run one or two joints above
the bit to trim away any burrs and
Figure 15-1. Casing whipstock set with to help open up the window in the
key in slot of permanent packer. casing.

Section mills (Figure 16-1) are used to mill away

complete sections of casing. Downhole section
milling of casing is generally done for one of the
following reasons:

. To mill away the perforated zone in an oil

string, permitting under-reaming and gravel
packing or completion in open hole.
. To mill away a section of casing to permit a
sidetracking operation. With a downhole mo-
tor, the new hole may be started in any direc-
tion since a full 3600 opening is provided.
. To mill away a loose joint of surface pipe.
. To cut pipe downhole for any purpose such as
. To blank off a storage zone in a reservoir by
removing a section above and below and then
squeeze cementing the storage zone.

Ordinarily, in sidetracking operations, 25-30 feet

of casing is milled up. This is sufficient for easy
exit from the pipe, and it is also a convenient inter-
val between couplings. Casing couplings or collars
may be located by extending the blades with light
pressure as the tool is lowered in the well. Less
weight on the weight indicator identifies the blades
in the recess of the couplings.
Section mills are made with cutting blades, Figure 16-1. Section
dressed with tungsten carbide, and operated by mill.(Courtesy of Petco
pump pressure. A piston in the tool body is moved Fishing &Rental Tools.)

96 Oilwell Fishing Operations

in a cylinder by the pump pressure and in turn forces the blades out
against the pipe. When the pipe is cut through, the blades are extended
through the gap and then as weight is applied, milling the casing is ac-
complished. Drill collars are always run above the section mill to stabi-
lize it and to afford the operator control of the weight. Sufficient circula-
tion of a viscous fluid is necessary to remove all cuttings. A large amount
of steel is removed; therefore, there is an abnormal amount of steel cut-
tings to be circulated out, screened, and removed from the mud. A ditch
magnet in the return line will help to pick up all the steel particles.
Repair of
Casing Failures

Casing Leaks

Leaks in casing may be caused by many reasons such as burst with

. excessiveinternal pressure, impropermake-upwith subsequentleak at
the threads, corrosion holes, eroded holes due to leaks in tubing, and per-
forations that may no longer be needed or desired.
The type of leak and its extent will probably dictate the method used to
repair the casing. First, the exact location of the damage must be deter-
mined. This is usually done by pressuring between a bridge plug and a
retrievable packer. The packer is moved until the hole or leak can be ac-
curately determined, then a decision made as to the best method of repair.
Squeeze cementing is probably the most common method of sealing
leaks in casing. Cement is pumped out through the leak and allowed to
set up and the repair is then tested. Sometimes it is necessary to stage the
cement job and to leave some cement in the casing under pressure until it
sets. Then it is necessary to drill out the cement plug before the repair
can be tested.
Liners may be set to blank off a section of casing which leaks. This can
be a liner that is set all the way to the bottom of the hole and hung in the
casing above the leak in the same manner as in an open hole. Liner hang-
ers may be used that incorporate a packer to seal at the top of the liner
between it and the casing, while other installations, such as the seal, de-
pend entirely on cement. Liners restrict the size of the casing, which lim-
its certain operations and equipment in the future. This may be a factor
which will rule out the use of a liner. If the leak is high in the wellbore
and it is not practical or economical to set a liner to the bottom of the
well, a "scab" liner can be set across a short section of the casing includ-
ing the leak. In this application, the liner is set on slips of a liner hanger
with packer. The top is equipped with a setting sleeve and a liner packer
with hold-down slips. This installation will pack off the area with the
98 Oilwell Fishing Operations

packers top and bottom, thereby isolating the leak. The disadvantage of
this solution is that there is a restricted, smaller diameter section of cas-
ing in the well with the larger-diameter casing below.
If the economical considerations will warrant the cost of the job, faulty
casing, including those joints with leaks or excessive corrosion, may be
removed by cutting the casing below the damaged pipe, removing it, and
running new casing with a casing patch or bowl to tie it back to the pipe
left in the well. This procedure entails location of the lowest leak or the
running of a casing inspection log to determine the lowest depth of pipe
that has deteriorated and then cutting the casing with a mechanical inter-
nal cutter (Figure 5-7) run on a work string of tubing or drill pipe. The
mechanical Gutter is run to the depth desired and rotated to the right,
which releases the slips. Then as slight weight is applied to the string, the
knives are fed out on the tapered blocks and continued rotation cuts the
casing. The new casing is made up with the casing bowl or patch on bot-
tom and run in to the top of the cut-off por-
tion of casing. The patch is engaged in
much the same manner as an overshot by
slow rotation to the right as weight is
slacked off. The seal is effected, the grap-
ple engages the pipe, and then the casing
can be hung with the proper weight, as in a
new string.
Casing patches or bowls (Figure 17-1)
are made in several styles. There are two
primary types of seals: neoprene and lead.
The neoprene seal is rated at a higher pres-
sure while the lead is believed to be more
resistant to corrosion.
There are variations in the design of cas-
ing patches for different applications. One
style permits the displacement of cement
outside the pipe and through the patch prior
to its sealing off (Figure 17-2). A casing
patch is also manufactured with a long
oversize extension on top for the salvage of
pipe which has stuck before landing on a
sub-sea wellhead. In this application, the
casing is cut off with a mechanical internal
cutter above the stuck point; the patch is "
run with a shorter string of pipe above it
and landed over the casing that was cut off. Figure 17-1. Casing patch
After landing in the sub-sea wellhead, a bowl.(Courtesy ofBowenTools.)
Repair of Casing Failures 99

spear can be run inside the

TOP SUI patch, engaged in the lower
string of casing, and pulled
up to the proper tension.
Casing patches have an ex-
cellent advantage in that they
are full opening and full
strength. They normally have
a slightly larger O.D. than the
standard coupling for the size
of casing. Once they have
been engaged and the casing
landed, they should be pres-
GIA..LE sure-tested to ensure that a
GRAPPLECONTIOL seal has been accomplished.
If an initial test is satisfac-
END SEALI'NG tory, it is doubtful that there
LEAD SEAL will ever be a problem of
CENUI SEALliNG LEAD SEAL leakage, even after many

Casing Back-Off

If casing is badly pitted or

has leaks at shallow depths, it
is possible to back it off with
special tools and screw back
in with a die nipple (or collar)
and new casing to the sur-
face. This procedure was per-
Figure17.2. Cementing-type casingpatchor fected in East Texas to eco-
bowl.(CourtesyofBowenTools.) nomically repair the many
casing leaks experienced
above 600 ft. Depending on
the depth of the surface pipe,
it is possible to repair casing by this method down to 3,000 ft. The
method is more practical, however, to approximately 1,000 ft.
Using left-hand tools (Le., spear and drill pipe, and high torque power
tongs), the casing is unscrewed approximately three rounds at the top
joint or within a few joints of the surface. The spear is then moved down
to a lower joint which is unscrewed the same amount. This procedure
makes up the first thread that was broken. The same procedure is contin-
ued down the hole until the pipe is unscrewed below the lowest hole or
100 Oilwell Fishing Operations

defect. At this time the entire string can then be completely backed off
and pulled from the well. The success of this procedure is due to the lim-
ited friction created by the rotation of a single joint at one time. Note that
as the lower joints are broken and unscrewed, joints above that point are
being made up, and therefore no pipe will ever completely unscrew and
fall loose in the hole.
A line-up joint made to centralize the pipe is used above the spear to
center the tool string and to prevent cross-threading the casing and die
nipple (die collar) when it is screwed back in the pipe left in the well.
This method has been used quite successfully for thousands of wells. It
is only limited by the depth of the casing leak and any pressure potential,
since the wellbore is left open during a portion of the operation. There is
considerable cost saving since there is no need of an expensive tie-back
connection such as a casing patch bowl.

Stressed Steel Liner Casing Patch

This type of patch consists of a mild steel tube of approximately .125

in. in wall thickness formed inside the casing string to seal off perfora-
tions or other small leaks. The tube is first annealed, and then its diame-
ter is decreased by pulling it through a series of rollers to corrugate it.
The tube is again annealed to relieve the stresses set up when it is corru-
gated. The diameter of the tube selected for each size and weight of cas-
ing is most important as it must be stressed beyond yield as it is formed in
the casing. Normally, the steel liner is about two percent larger in cir-
cumference than the inside circumference of the casing in which it is
placed. The liner tube is covered with a layer of fiberglass, which acts as
a carrying medium for an epoxy and as a gasket. Figure 17-3 shows a
cross section of the tube before and after corrugating, with the glass fab-
ric cemented on and the patch installed in the casing.



".. 9'.1 , LD.H5D"-
"i-0 "
.-, '"''*'

" (E)
,5.000" o.D.-t'
Figure 17-3. Steps in prepara-
(A) (F) 5"'"0,0.-15.51 tion and setting of stressed steel
STm UNER IEfOU - - WING liner. (Courtesy of Petco Fishing

and Rental Tools.)

Repair of Casing Failures 101







Figure 17-4. Stressed steel Figure 17-5. Stressed steel liner setting tool.
liner placement tool. (Cour- (Courtesy of Petco Fishing & Rental Tools.)
tesy of Petco Fishing & Rental

The placement tool (Figure 17-4) is made up of a hydraulic ram which

pulls a two-stage setting tool through the corrugated liner. Just prior to
running, the fiberglass is coated with an epoxy formulated for the run-
ning time and well temperature. The setting tool (Figure 17-5) is made
up with a solid cone as the first stage and a spring collet as the second
stage. The mild steel tube yields and forms a round, tightly fitted sleeve
inside the casing. Since the original size of the tube was greater than the
inside diameter of the casing, the liner is left in a hoop compressive

Collapsed casing can be a very provoking problem because it is not

always easy to determine the severity and the extent of the damage. Be-
cause ofthis, repair operations should be carefully planned and executed.
First, determine insofar as possible, the length of the collapse by means
of the allowable movement of the tubing and measurements correlated by
free-point instruments. This determination is important because it is im-
perative that the tubing be cut above and below the collapsed section.
Electric wireline cuts should be made leaving enough free pipe above the
collapse for an easy overshot catch and enough below the collapse so that
in swaging or rolling the casing, the tubing left in the well will not be-
come an obstruction. The section of tubing that is cut top and bottom
should be caught with an overshot and jarred out with the usual string of
bumper jar, oil jar, drill collars, and intensifier.
After the section of tubing is removed from the wellbore, an impres-
sion block should be very carefully run in to take an impression of the
collapsed pipe. The impression block should be measured out of the hole
as the depth may be quite critical. If the c.ollapse runs up the hole from
the most severely damaged point, then the impression block will be de-
pressed on the side and indicate that it has been wedged into a taper (Fig-
ure 18-1). This type of collapse does not present any special problem
other than its severity. If the collapse occurs at a coupling and extends
down the wellbore, the impression block will be marked only on the bot-
tom where it has been pushed down on the end of the collapsed joint (Fig-
ure 18-2). This is an indication that the configuration downhole is similar
to a whipstock, and any tools run in the hole may have a tendency to go
outside the pipe. Carbide mills should be avoided in repairing casing un-
less it is impossible to reform the pipe. Tapered mills tend to "walk" and
will invariably follow the path of least resistance and go outside the pipe
in the situation just described.

Collapsed Casing 103

Casing swages, or swage mandrels (Figure 18-3) are heavy tapered

cones which can be driven down through the collapse and jarred back
out. It is usually necessary to run several siz6s in sequence as the pipe
must be swaged out in small increments, sometimes as little as 1/4in.
Most collapsed casing can be swaged out to approximately 1/8in. below
the drift diameter.

Figure 18-1. Pipe collapsed upward Figure 18-2. Pipe collapsed downward
from coupling. from coupling.
104 Oilwell Fishing Operations

-L "





Figure 18.4. Casing roller. (Courtesy of

Figure 18-3. Casing swage mandrel. Bowen Tools.)

Casing rollers were first made as adaptations of the swage mandrel by

merely adding a series of rollers, but they have been improved and made
more sturdy (Figure 18-4). The operation of swaging or rolling is rather
severe, regardless of which method is chosen. One should always run the
jars and drill collars in either procedure, as they become hung and
wedged in the collapsed section and must be jarred loose.
Once the casing is opened up sufficiently for normal operations, it
must be reinforced in some manner prior to pumping it down or exposing
it to the external pressure which caused the collapse initially. This can be
done by squeeze cementing or setting a liner through the section.

Mouse Traps

Mouse trap is the term commonly used to describe a catching tool that
has a movable slip so that a variable catch can be made. Ordinarily it does
not release and is therefore limited in use. The advantage is, of course,
that it will catch fish that vary in size or that are of an unknown size.
Mouse traps are most commonly used to catch sucker rods.
Larger versions of tools made with the mouse-trap principle are used to
catch such fish as corkscrewed rods in casing, tubular fish, such as mud
anchors, and corroded pipe or mashed pipe where the diameter is not
consistent or standard. One such tool is the Clulow socket (Figure 19-1)
which was originally manufactured for cable tool use. It consists of a
bowl of appropriate size for the casing and two tracks running from top
to bottom of the bowl and set at an angle. A suitable slip is fitted in the
track. The slip is not anchored but free to slide up and down the track. A
fish pushes the slip up the slanted track until sufficient clearance is avail-
able for the fish to pass the slip. When this is done, the slip falls down
behind the fish and wedges it in the bowl. The fish can then be retrieved
or pulled in two.

Reversing Tools

Reversing tools are used to unscrew and recover sections of right-hand

pipe or tools that are stuck or lodged in the casing. The reversing tool
(Figure 19-2) is used with a right-hand work string and by means of plan-
etary gears and an anchoring system the right-hand rotation is converted
to left-hand rotation below the tool. Left-hand threads on tools and pipe
must be used below the reversing tool. The gear ratio of the planetary
gears is two to one, so it is possible to get twice the torque below the tool
as compared with the right-hand torque at the top of the tool. Reversing
106 Oilwell Fishing Operations


. II




Figure 19-2. Reversing tool.

Figure 19.1. Clulow socket: slip (Courtesy of Houston Engineers,
has wedged a sucker rod in bowl. Inc.)

tools have restricted internal diameters but the opening is usually large
enough to accommodate a string shot. Since the reversing tool must be
anchored in the casing, it is never run in open hole.
Ditch Magnets

The ditch magnet is a permanent magnet, usually two or three feet

long, installed in the drilling mud return line between the shale shaker
and the mud pits. Practically all ferrous metal particles are caught in this
manner and kept out of the system where they cause undue wear on the
circulating equipment and create further problems downhole.
Ditch magnets are used almost always on milling jobs, as it is impossi-
ble for the shaker screens to pick up all of the cuttings. Besides the ad-
vantage of keeping the abrasive particles out of the system, it is some-
times helpful to accumulate the cuttings and by weight determine how
much cutting has been accomplished downhole.
Miscellaneous Tools 107

Mud Motors

The positive displacement mud motor (Figure 19-3) has been used very
effectively to find the top of a fish, particularly casing that has been cut
or shot off and may have leaned over in the hole so that it cannot be
caught or entered with conventional tools.
The motor, equipped with proper bit
or other tools, is run just below a bent
sub or crooked joint of pipe so that it is
. thrust out from center. By rotating the

pipe very little, a large cavity can be

covered and the fish entered. Because
the pipe does not have to be rotated to
turn the bit or tool, once the fish is
found, it can usually be entered, cleaned
out, and brought back to a more cen-
tered position. This set-up can also be
used effectively for locating and retriev-
ing fish that are lost in deviated holes.

Impression Blocks

Impression blocks (Figure 19-4) are

used to secure an imprint of a fish to de-
termine its size and configuration so that
a suitable tool or procedure can be se-
lected. They are usually made of lead
poured on a mandrel with sufficient
wickers or barbs so that the lead will not
be pushed off when weight is applied.
Impression blocks have been made of
many soft materials such as coal tar,
soap, and wood. Lead is ordinarily used
since it has high heat resistance and is
not resilient. The impression block is
run on pipe or it may be run on a sand
line with a stand of pipe to stabilize it
and afford sufficient weight to form an
identifiable impression. The interpreta-
tion of the marks on an impression block
may be made easier if the "negative"
Figure 19-3. Positive displacement imprint is changed to "positive" by
mud motor. (Courtesy of Teleco Oil- making a mold of modeling clay or other
fieldServices, Inc.) soft material.
108 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Figure 19-4. Lead impression blocks. (Courtesy of Petco Fishing & Rental Tools.)

Hydraulic Pull Tools

The hydraulic pull tool is a downhole hydraulic jack used for pulling
liners, packers, and other equipment from a well without strain on the
workstring or the derrick. It consists basically of three parts:

· A relief valve on top to open and close the tool to the annulus or
casing (Figure 19-5).
. An anchor section consisting of hydraulic hold-down buttons which
hold the tool firmly in the casing when pressure is applied (Figure
· A five-cylinder hydraulic jack in which all of the cylinders are mani-
folded together and all pistons act on a common pull mandrel (Figure

The tool is run with suitable catching tools on the bottom to engage the
fish. The valve is then closed and hydraulic pressure applied to the work
string. The hydraulic hold-down anchors the tool in the casing and the
combined force of all five pistons acts to pull the mandrel up through its
stroke. Since five cylinders are acting together, the pull ratio is quite
Miscellaneous Tools 109

Figure 19-5. Upper section of Figure 19-6. Lower section of

hydraulic pull tool (relief valve and hydraulic pull tool (cylinder sec-
anchor section). (Courtesy of tion). (Courtesy of Houston Engi-
Houston Engineers, Inc.) neers, Inc.)

high. For the tool operating in 5]/2in. casing, the ratio is 45 to 1, and
since the tool is rated at 5,000 psi a pull of 225,000 lb is exerted on the
fish. In the tool for 7-in. casing the ratio is 60 to 1, so a pull of 300,000 lb
may be exerted. This force is exerted without any strain on the tubing or
work string or the derrick, since the tool is anchored in the casing. It is
never run in an open hole. The tool should be anchored several joints
above the casing shoe, as there is an equal force pulling down on the cas-
ing. Catching tools run with the hydraulic pull tool are spaced out with
110 Oilwell Fishing Operations

suitable drill collars or other heavy pipe. A bumper sub is run above the
catching tool so that the grapple may be bumped off the tapers if it is
desired to release the tool. A bumper sub is also helpful to the operator
because of its free travel. An internal cutter may also be run below a
spear, and the fish (such as a liner) can be cut into shorter pieces for eas-
ier pulling. Safety joints are run below the pull tool and above the catch-
ing tool in case the grapple has become imbedded in the fish and it cannot
be pulled.
The hydraulic pull tool is an excellent device for exerting unusual
forces when lig4t rigs and tubing are used in workover operations.

Tapered and Box Taps

Taps have only one advantage. They catch small or large holes or ob-
jects. Their catching size is variable. The disadvantage oftaps is that they
cannot usually be released. The principle of the tapered male (Figure
19-7) and female tap (Figure 19-8) is that they are self-threading with
hardened threads and usually vertical grooves for the removal of cut-
Taps should not be run to catch pipe, drill collars, etc. that may be
stuck, but they are practical for such small items as lift nubbins, bits,

Figure 19-7. Taper tap. (Courtesy of Figure 19-8. Box tap. (Courtesy of
Gotco International, Inc.) Gotco International, Inc.)
Miscellaneous Tools 111

Figure 19-9. Marine pipe cutter. (Cour-

tesy of Petco Fishing & Rental Tools.)

Figure 19-10. Marine swivel. (Courtesy

of Petco Fishing & Rental Tools.)

balls of wireline, or any object that can be easily pulled and retrieved
when caught.
Taps are usually made in a long configuration and taper down to almost
a point. This is intended for them to be versatile according to size. How-
ever, they may "bottom up" through the hole in the fish before the
threads engage. This should be determined where possible and the tap cut
off before running. It may be cut at an angle or "mule shoed" with a
cutting torch.

Marine Cutting Tools

When an offshore well is abandoned, regulations require that all

strings of pipe be cut off below the mud line. Multistring cutters operated
hydraulically are used for this purpose. The cutter consists of a cylindri-
cal body with knives that are actuated by pump pressure on a piston in the
body of the tool (Figure 19-9).
In order to maintain a constant depth from a floating drilling structure,
the marine swivel (Figure 19-10) is landed in the wellhead. Bumper subs
12 Oilwell Fishing Operations


Figure 19-11. Marine spear. (Courtesy Figure 19.12. Nonrotating stabilizer.

of Petco Fishing & Rental Tools.) (Courtesy of Petco Fishing & Rental
or motion compensators above the tool absorb the wave action so that the
cutter is at a fixed depth below the wellhead.
If all strings cannot be cut with one set-up, the smaller diameter strings
are cut, the cutter retrieved, longer blades installed, and a compensating
sub added to the string so that the cutter blades will be spaced at the pre-
vious cut. Cuts may be made in this manner up through 65-in. diameter
To retrieve the pipe that is cut, marine spears (Figure 1.9-11)are used.
Different slips are installed on the body for the retrieval of the different
sizes of casing.
To center and to stabilize the cutter, nonrotating swivels are used (Fig-
ure 19-12). Blades of the appropriate size are installed on the body to
center the tool. The sleeve and blades do not rotate, but the mandrel ro-
tates in the sleeve.

Back off-To unscrew one threaded piece (as a section of pipe) from another.
Bailer-A long cylindrical container, fitted with a valve at its lower end, used to
r~move water, sand, mud, oil or junk and debris from a well.
Bent sub-A short cylindrical device installed in a drill stem between the bot-
tom-most drill collar and a downhole mud motor. The purpose of the bent sub
is to deflect the mud motor off vertical to drill a directional hole.
Boot basket-A tool run just above the bit or mill in the drill stem to catch
small, nondrillable objects circulating in the annulus.
Box tap-A female tapered self-threading tool used to screw onto a fish exter-
nally for retrieval.
Bridge-An obstruction in the borehole, usually caused by the caving in of the
wall of the borehole or by the intrusion of a large boulder.
Bumper jar (or bumper sub)-A percussion tool operated mechanically to de-
liver a heavy downward hammer blow to objects in the borehole.
Buoyancy- The apparent loss of weight of an object immersed in a fluid. If the
object is floating, the immersed portion displaces a volume of fluid the weight
of which is equal to the weight of the object.
Burning shoe-A type of rotary shoe designed to mill away metal; used in fish-
ing operations.
Bushing-A pipe fitting which allows two pieces of pipe of different sizes to be
connected together.
Cased hole-A wellbore in which casing has been run.
Catcher-A device fitted into a junk basket and acting as a trap door to retain
the junk.
Collar-A coupling device used to join two lengths of pipe. A combination col-
lar has different threads in each end.
Collar locator-A logging device for depth-correlation purposes, operated me-
chanically or magnetically to produce a log showing the location of each cas-
ing or tubing collar or coupling in a well. It provides an accurate way to mea-
sure depth in a well.
Completion fluid-A special drilling mud used when a well is being completed.
It is selected not only for its ability to control formatinn pressure, but also for
its properties that minimize formation damage.
114 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Crooked hole-A wellbore that has deviated from the vertical. It usually occurs
where there is a section of alternating hard and soft strata steeply inclined
from the horizontal.
Die collar-A collar or coupling of tool steel, threaded internally, that is used to
retrieve pipe from the well on fishing jobs; the female counterpart of a taper
Dressing-A term used to describe the fitting together of all parts of a tool or
the surfacing of a tool with particular materials such as "dressing" a mill with
Dutchman-A piece of tubular pipe broken or twisted off in a female connec-
tion. It may also continue on past the connection.
External cutter-A fishing tool containing metal-cutting knives that is lowered
into the hole and over the outside of the length of pipe to cut it. The severed
portion of the pipe can then be brought to the surface.
Fish-Any object in a well which obstructs drilling or operation; usually pipe or
Flush-joint pipe-Pipe in which the outside diameter of the joint is the same as
the outside diameter of the tube. Pipe may also be internally flush-joint.
Free point-The depth at which pipe is stuck, or more specifically the depth
immediately above the point at which pipe is stuck.
Go devil-A device which is dropped or pumped down a borehole, usually
through the drill pipe or tubing.
Grapple-The part of a catching tool (such as overshot or spear) that engages
the fish.
Gypsum-A naturally occurring crystalline form of hydrous calcium sulfate.
Hydrostatic head-The pressure exerted by a body of liquid at rest. The hydro-
static head of fresh water is 0.433 per foot of height. Those of other liquids
may be determined by comparing their specific gravities with the gravity of
Impression block-Tool made of a soft material such as lead or coal tar and
used to secure an imprint of a fish.
Jar-A tool run in the string which imparts an impact either up or down.
Jar accelerator-A hydraulic tool used in conjunction with ajar and made up on
the fishing string above the jar and drill collars to increase the impact.
Junk-Metal debris lost or left in a wellbore. It may be a bit, cones from a bit,
hand tools, or any small object which is obstructing progress.
Junk basket-A cylindrical tool designed to retrieve junk or foreign objects
loose in a wellbore.
Junk sub (also called boot basket)-A tool run just above the bit or mill in the
drill stem to catch small, nondrillable objects circulating in the annulus.
Key seat-A channel or groove cut in the side of the hole parallel to the axis of
the hole. Key seating results from the dragging of pipe on a sharp bend in the
Kick-An entry of water, gas, oil, or other formation fluid into the wellbore. It
occurs because the pressure exerted by the column of drilling fluid is not great
enough to overcome the pressure exerted by the fluids in the formation
Glossary 115

drilled. If prompt action is not taken to control the kick or kill the well, a
blowout will occur.
Knuckle joint-A hinged joint made up in the string above a fishing tool to al-
low it to be thrust out at an angle.
Liner-Any string of casing whose top is located below the surface. A liner may
serve as the oil string, extending from the producing interval up to the next
string of casing.
Long string-(l) The last string of casing set in a well. (2) The string of casing
that is set through the producing zone, often called the oil string or production
Macaroni string-A string of tubing of very small diameter.
Magnet-A permanentmagnetor electromagnetfitted intoa tool body so that it
may be run to retrieve relatively small ferrous metal junk.
Mandrel-A cylindrical bar, spindle, or shaft around which other parts are ar-
ranged or attached or that fits inside a cylinder or tube.
Measure in-To obtain an accurate measurement of the depth reached in a well
by measuring the drill pipe or tubing as it is run into the well.
Measure out-To measure drill pipe or tubing as it is pulled from the hole, usu-
ally to determine the depth of the well or the depth to which the pipe or tubing
was run.
MiII-A downhole tool with rough, sharp, extremely hard cutting surfaces for
removing metal by cutting. Mills are run on drill pipe or tubing to cut up de-
bris in the hole and to remove stuck portions of the drill stem or sections of
casing for sidetracking. Also used as a verb to mean to use a mill to cut metal
objects that must be removed from a well.
Milling shoe-See Rotary Shoe and Burning Shoe.
Mousetrap-A fishing tool used to recover a parted string of sucker rods or
other tubular-type fish from a well.
Multiple completion-An arrangement for producing a well in which one well-
bore penetrates two or more petroleum-bearing formations that lie one over
the other. The tubing strings are suspended side by side in the production cas-
ing string, each a different length and each packed off to prevent the commin-
gling of different reservoir fluids. Each reservoir is then produced through its
own tubing string.
Necking- The tendency of a metal bar or pipe to taper to a reduced diameter at
some point when subjected to excessive longitudinal stress.
Overpull-Pull on pipe over and beyond its weight in either air or fluid.
Overshot-An outside catch tool which goes over a tubular fish and catches it
on the outside surface with a slip.
Pilot mill-A special mill that has a heavy, tubular extension below it called a
pilot or stinger. The pilot, smaller in diameter than the mill, is designed to go
inside drill pipe or tubing that is lost in the hole. It guides the mill to the top of
the pipe and centers it over the pipe, thus preventing the mill from bypassing
the pipe.
Pulling tool-A hydraulically operated tool that is run in above the fishing tool
and anchored to the casing by slips. It exerts a strong upward pull on the fish
by hydraulic power derived from fluid that is pumped down the fishing string.
116 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Reverse circulate-To pump down the annulus and back up the work string
(drill pipe or tubing). This is frequently used in workover in cased holes.
Rotary shoe-The cutting shoe fitted to the lower end of washover pipe and
"dressed" with hard-surfaced teeth or tungsten carbide.
Safety joint-A threaded connection which has coarse threads or other special
features which will cause it to unscrew before other connections in the string.
Sand line-A wire rope used on well-servicing rigs to operate a swab or bailer.
It is usually 9h6-in. in diameter and several thousand feet long.
Sinker bar-A heavy weight or bar placed on or near a lightweight wireline
tool. It provides weight so that the tool can be lowered into the well properly.
Spear-An inside catch tool which goes inside a tubular fish and catches it with
a slip.
Squeeze cementing-The forcing of cement slurry by pressure to specified
points in a well to cause seals at the points of squeeze. It is a secondary-ce-
menting method, used to isolate a producing formation, seal off water, repair
casing leaks, and so forth.
Stinger-Any cylindrical or tubular projection, relatively small in diameter, that
extends below a downhole tool and helps to guide the tool to a designated spot
(as in the center of a portion of stuck pipe).
String- The entire length of casing, tubing, or drill pipe run into a hole.
String shot (also called Prima-Cord)-An explosive line which when detonated
imparts concussion to pipe causing it to unscrew or "back-off."
Sub (or Substitute)-A short section of pipe, tube, or drill collar with threads
on both ends and used to connect two items having different threads; an
Surface pipe-The first string of casing set in a well after the conductor pipe,
varying in length from a few hundred feet to several thousand. Some states
require a minimum length to protect fresh-water sands.
Surfactant-A substance that affects the properties of the surface of a liquid or
solid by concentrating on the surface layer. Reduces surface tension thereby
causing fluid to penetrate and increase "wettability."
Swage (or Swage mandrel)-A tool used to straighten damaged or collapsed
pipe in a well.
Taper tap-A male, tapered, self-threading tool to screw into a fish internally
for retrieval.
Twist off-Of drill pipe or drill collars, to part or split primarily because of
metal fatigue.
Underream- To enlarge the wellbore below the casing.
Wall hook-A device used in fishing for drill pipe. If the upper end of the lost
pipe is leaning against the side of the wellbore, the wall hook centers it in the
hole so that it may be recovered with an overshot, which is run on the fishing
string and attached to the wall hook.
Washover pipe (or Washpipe)-Pipe of an appropriate size to go over a "fish"
in an open hole or casing and wash out or drill out the obstruction so that the
fish may be freed.

Adams, Neal, "How to Control Differential Pipe Sticking," Petroleum Engineer, Sept.
Brouse, Mike, "How to Handle Stuck Pipe and Fishing Problems," World Oil, Nov.
Brown, Michael C., "Fishing: What, Why and How Long," Drilling Contractor, Jan.
Fox, Fred K., "New Pipe Configuration Reduces Wall Sticking," WorldOil, Dec. 1960.
Goins, W. C., "Better Understanding Prevents Tubular Buckling Problems," World Oil,
Jan. 1980.
Grogan, Gene E., "How to Free Stuck Drill Pipe," .Oil and Gas Journal, April 4, 1966.
Harrison, C. Glenn, "Fishing Decisions Under Uncertainty," Journal Petroleum Technol-
ogy, Feb. 1982.
Huffstetler, J. T., "Decide-A Project Planning Tool," Nov. 12, 1970.
Kemp, Gore, "Field Results of the Stressed Steel Liner Casing Patch," Journal of Petro-
leum Technology, Feb. 1964.
Kemp, Gore, "Tungsten Carbide-The Material That Made Today's Mills Possible,"
Drilling, June 30, 1975.
Krol, David A., "Additives Cut Differential Pressure Sticking in Drillpipe," Oil and Gas
Journal, June 4, 1984.
Love, T. E., "Stickiness Factor-A New Way of Looking at Stuck Pipe," IADC/SPE
11383. .

McGhee, Ed, "Gulf Coast Drillers Whip the Wall-Sticking Problem," Oil and Gas Jour-
nal, Feb. 27, 1961.
Mondshine, T. C., "Drilling-Mud Lubricity," Oil and Gas Journal, Dec. 7, 1970.
Outmans, H. D., "Spot Fluid Quickly to Free Differentially Stuck Pipe," Oil and Gas
Journal, July 15, 1974.
Pfleger, Kenneth A., "Stuck Drill Pipe? Surfactant May Save a Washover Job," Oil and
Gas Journal, March 16, 1964.
Porter, E. w., "Fishing Is More Art Than Science," Oil and Gas Journal, Sept. 21, 1970.
Sartain, B. J., "Drillstem Tester Frees Stuck Pipe," The Petroleum Engineer, Oct. 1960.
Shryock, S. H., and Slagle, K. A., "Problems Related to Squeeze Cementing," Journal
of Petroleum Technology, Aug. 1968.
Skeem, Marcus R., Friedman, Morton B., and Walker, Bruce H., "Drillstring Dynamics
During Jar Operation," Journal of Petroleum Technology, Nov. 1979.
Wood, Thomas R., "U-Tube Method Frees Stuck Pipe," Oil and Gas Journal, March 31,


Back-off, 20-23 Casing swage, 103-104

casing, 99 Catching tools, 27-32
with clean-out tool, 54 overshots, 27-29
Back-off connector, 53 spears, 31-32
Bailer, hydrostatic, 62-63 Cementing
Baskets, junk, 57-63 casing patch, 99
boot basket, 62 squeeze, 97
cIulow socket, 61 Center spear, 78
core type, 57 Chemical cut, 22-24
friction sockets, 58 electric submergible pump conduit, 82
poor boy, 60 Clulow socket, 61, 106
reverse circulation, 57 Coiled tubing, 88
Block, impression, 107-108 Continuous overshots, 88
collapsed casing and, 102 Core-type junk basket, 57
Boot basket, 62-63 Cut and strip, wireline fishing, 74
mills and, 70 Cutters
Bowl, casing, 98-101 casing, 98
Box taps, 79-80, 110 chemical, 22-24
Bumper jar, 33-34 electric submergible pump cable, 82
cutting electric conduit, 84 external, 49-52
marine cutters and, 111 internal, 26, 98
pull tools and, 110 jet, 24
Buoyancy, 17 marine, 111
Cable guide, wireline fishing, 74 wireline, 80
Carbide, tungsten, 65-73 Dimensions, recording, 3
application, 67 Ditch magnet, 106
design, 66 Drill collars, 37
dressing, 66 Drill collar spear, 49-52
material, 65 preventing stripping job, 51
Casing back-off, 99-100 Drill stem test tool, 11
collapsed, 102-104 Electric submergible pumps, 82-84
leaks, 97-101 Electric wireline tool, 83-84
Casing patch, 98-101 Electromagnet, 56
stressed steel liner, 100-10 1 External cutters, 49-52
Casing roller, 104 Factors, probability, 2, 49
Index 119

Fishing tool operator Mechanical cut, 26

and bumper jar/constant weight, 34 Mill-out joint, 87
free point observation, 17 Mills, carbide, 69-73
Free point instruments, 16-17 collapsed casing and, 102
with electric submergible pump, 82 flat bottom, 69
Friction sockets, 58 pilot, 71
Grab, wireline, 78-79 section, 95
Guide, wall hook, 89-92 string, 72
Hydraulic clean-out tools, 53-54 tapered, 70
Hydraulic pull tool, 108-110 watermelon, 72
Hydrostatic bailer, 62-63 Mouse traps, 105
Impression block, 107-108 Mud motors, 107
collapsed casing and, 102 Nomograph, 13-14
Induction log, 92 Operator, fishing tool
Internal cutter, 26 free point observation, 17
Jars, 33-41 and bumper jar use for constant
accelerator, 36 weight, 34
bumper jars, 33 Overshots, 27-29
drilling jars, 40 with cable guide, 75
fishing retrievable packers, 86 continuous, 88
hydraulic jars, 34 with knuckle joint, 90
intensifier, 36 releasing, 29
jarring strings, 34 short catch, 29
oil jars, 34 side door, 77
run as insurance, 3 Packer retrieving tool, 86-87
run with swages and rollers, 104 Packers, permanent
surface jars, 39 fishing, 86-87
Jet cut, 24-25 whipstock set in, 93
Jet sub, 89 Packers, retrievable, 85-86
Junk baskets, 57-63 Parting pipe, 19-26
boot basket, 62 by back-off, 20-23
clulow socket, 61 by chemical cut, 22-24
core type, 57 by jet cut, 24-25
friction sockets, 58 by mechanical cut, 25-26
poor boy, 60 by outside back-off, 22
reverse circulation, 57 Patch, casing, 98-10 I
Junk shots, 64 stressed steel liner, 100-10 1
Knuckle joint, 90-92 Permanent packers, 86-87
Liners, 97-98 Pilot mills, 71
"scab," 97 Pipe sticking, 5-41
stressed steel, 100-101 Pipe stretch, 12-15
Logs Pipe, stuck
casing inspection, 98 blowout stuck, 6
cement bond, 93 cemented, 6
induction, 92 differentially stuck, 7-11
stuck pipe, 18 key seat, 6
Magnets, 55-56 log, 18
ditch, 106 lost circulation, 7
electromagnet, 56 mechanically, 5
permanent, 55 mud stuck, 5
Marine cutter, 111 sloughed hole, 7
Marine spear, 112 undergage hole, 7

120 Oilwell Fishing Operations

Pipe, washover, 43-54 String mills, 72

length and, 47 String shot, 20-21
Poor boy junk baskets, 60-61 after washover, 49
Probability factors, 2, 49 through reversing tool, 106
Pull tool, hydraulic, 108-110 Stuck pipe log, 18
Pumps, electric submergible, 82-84 Subs, 89
Radioactive sources, 77 Submergible pumps, electric, 82-84
Reamer, blade, 72 Surge method, 9
Retrievable packers, 85-86 Swage mandrel, 103-104
Tapered mills, 70
Retrieving tool, packer, 86-87
Reverse circulation junk basket, 57-59 box, 79-80, 110
Reversing tool, 105-106
tapered, 110-111
Roller, casing, 104 Test tool, drill stem, 11
Rope knife, 81 Tools
Rope spear, 78
catching, 27-31
Rotary shoes, 47-48
hydraulic clean-out, 53
tooth type, 73
carbide, 65-73 hydraulic pull, 108
marine cutting, III
Safety joint, 46 reversing, 105
unlatching type, 53 Torque, 21
pull tools and, 110 working down, 86
Section mills, 95-96 Thngsten carbide, 65-73
Shoe, rotary, 47-48 application, 67
Shots, junk, 64 design, 66
Side door overshot, 77 dressing, 66
Sidetrack junk, 93-94 material, 65
Spears, 31-32 Unlatching joint, 53
center, 78 Wall hook guide, 89-92
marine, 112 Washover pipe, 43-54
pack-off, 32 length is important, 47
rope, 78 specifications, 44-45
stop sub, 32 threads, 46-47
releasing, 31 Washpipe spear, 50-52
washpipe, 49-52 Whipstock, 93-94
Spotting fluid, 10 Wireline fishing, 74-84
Stabilizer, nonrotating, 112 cable guide, 74
Stressed steel liner, 100-10 1 cut and strip, 74
Stretch, 12-15 cutting line, 80
curve, 15 grabs, 78
formula, 13 parted line, 78
nomograph, 14 side door overshot, 77

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