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How To Write Essays

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View Task Type 1 – Multiple choice

In this task type, candidates are required to choose the best answer from four alternatives A, B, C or
D, or the best two answers from five alternatives A, B, C, D or E, or the best three answers from seven
alternatives A, B, C, D, E, F or G. Candidates write the letter of the answer they have chosen on the
answer sheet. The questions may involve completing a sentence, in which the ‘stem’ gives the first
Task Type
part of a sentence and candidates choose the best way to complete it from the options, or could
& Format
involve complete questions, with the candidates choosing the option which best answers them. The
questions are in the same order as the information in the text: that is, the answer to the first question in
this group will be located in the text before the answer to the second question, and so on. This task
type may be used with any type of text.
This task type tests a wide range of reading skills including detailed understanding of specific points
Task Focus
or an overall understanding of the main points of the text.
Number of
Related  IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 1 (Multiple Choice) Activity

View Task Type 2 – Identifying information

The candidate will be given a number of statements and asked: ‘Do the following statements agree
with the information in the text?’. Candidates are required to write ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘not given’ in the
boxes on their answer sheets. The questions are in the same order as the information in the text: that
is, the answer to the first question in this group will be located in the text before the answer to the
Task Type
second question and so on. It is important to understand the difference between 'false' and 'not given'.
& Format
'False' means that the passage states the opposite of the statement in question; 'not given' means that
the statement is niether confirmed nor contradicted by the information in the passage. (Students need
to understand that any knowledge they bring with them from outside the passage should not play a
part when deciding on their answers.)
This task type assesses the candidate’s ability to recognise particular points of information conveyed
Task Focus
in the text. It can thus be used with more factual texts.
Number of
 IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 2 (Identifying Information) and Task Type 3
Related (Identifying Writers' Views/Claims)

View Task Type 3 – Identifying writer’s views/claims

The candidate will be given a number of statements and asked: ‘Do the following statements agree
with the views/claims of the writer?’. Candidates are required to write ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘not given’ in the
boxes on their answer sheet. The questions are in the same order as the information in the text: that is,
the answer to the first question in this group will be located in the text beofre the answer to the second
Task Type question, and so on. It is important to understand the difference between 'no' and 'not given'. 'No'
& Format means that the views or claims of the writer explicitly disagree with the statement - i.e. the writer
somewhere expresses the view or makes a claim which is opposite to the one given in the question;
'not given' means that the view or claim is neither confirmed nor contradicted. (Students need to
understand that any knowledge they bring with them from outside the passage should not play a part
when deciding on their answers.)
This task type assesses the candidate’s ability to recognise opinions or ideas, and is thus often used
Task Focus
with discursive or argumentative texts.
Number of
 IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 2 (Identifying Information) and Task Type 3
Related (Identifying Writers' Views/Claims)

View Task Type 4 – Matching information

In this task type, candidates are required to locate specific information in the lettered
paragraphs/sections of a text, and to write the letters of the correct paragraphs/sections in the boxes on
their answer sheet. They may be asked to find; specific details, an example, a reason, a description, a
comparison, a summary, an explanation. They will not necessarily need to find information in every
Task Type
paragraph/section of the text, but there may be more than one piece of information that candidates
& Format
need to locate in a given paragraph/section. When this is the case, they will be told that they can use
any letter more than once. The questions do not follow that same order as the information in the text.
This task type can be used with any text as it may test a wide range of reading skills, from locating
detail to recognising a summary or definition etc.
This task type assesses the candidate’s ability to scan for specific information. Unlike Task Type 5
Task Focus
(Matching headings), it is concerned with specific information rather than with the main idea.
Number of
 IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 4 (Matching Information) (1)
 IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 4 (Matching Information) (2)

View Task Type 5 – Matching headings

In this task type, candidates are given a list of headings, usually identified with lower-case Roman
numerals (i, ii, iii etc.). A heading will refer to the main idea of the paragraph or section of the text.
Candidates must match the heading to the correct paragraphs or sections, which are marked
alphabetically. Candidates write the appropriate Roman numerals in the boxes on their answer sheets.
Task Type
There will always be more headings than there are paragraphs or sections, so that some headings will
& Format
not be used. It is also possible that some paragraphs or sections may not be included in the task. One
or more paragraphs or sections may already be matched with a heading as an example for candidates.
No heading may be used more than once. This task type is used with texts that contain paragraphs or
sections with clearly defined themes.
This task type tests the candidate’s ability to recognise the main idea or theme in the paragraphs or
Task Focus
sections of a text, and to distinguish main ideas from supporting ones.
Number of
Related  IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 5 (Matching Headings)

View Task Type 6 – Matching features

Task Type In this task type, candidates are required to match a set of statements or pieces of information to a list
& Format of options. The options are a group of features from the text, and are identified by letters. Candidates
may, for example, be required to match different characteristics to age groups or events to historical
periods etc. It is possible that some options will not be used, and that others may be used more than
once. The instructions will inform candidates if options may be used more than once. The questions
do not follow the same order as the information in the text.
This task type assesses the candidate’s ability to recognise relationships and connections between
facts in the text and their ability to recognise opinions and theories. It may be used both with texts
Task Focus
dealing with factual information, description or narrative. Candidates need to be able to skim and scan
the text in order to locate the required information and to read for detail.
Number of
 IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 6 (Matching Features) (1)
 IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 6 (Matching Features) (2)

View Task Type 7 – Matching sentence endings

In this task type, candidates are given the first half of a sentence based on the text and choose the best
way to complete it from a list of possible options. They will have more options to choose from than
Task Type there are questions. Candidates must write the letter they have chosen on the answer sheet. The
& Format questions are in the same order as the information in the text: that is, the answer to the first question in
this group will be found before the answer to the second question, and so on. This task type may be
used with any type of text.
Task Focus This task type assesses the candidate’s ability to understand the main ideas.
Number of
 IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 7 (Matching Sentence Endings) and Type 8
Related (Sentence Completion)

View Task Type 8 – Sentence completion

This task type requires candidates to complete sentences in a given number of words taken from the
text. Candidates must write their answers on the answer sheet. The instructions will make it clear how
many words/numbers candidates should use in their answers, e.g. ‘NO MORE THAN THREE
Task Type
TWO WORDS’. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark.
& Format
Numbers can be written using figures or words. Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated
words count as single words. The questions are in the same order as the information in the passage:
that is, the answer to the first question in this group will be found before the answer to the second
question, and so on. This task type may be used with any type of text.
Task Focus This task type assesses the candidate’s ability to locate detail/specific information.
Number of
 IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 7 (Matching Sentence Endings) and Type 8
Related (Sentence Completion)

View Task Type 9 – Summary, note, table, flow-chart completion

With this task type, candidates are given some type of summary of a section of the text, and are
required to complete it with information drawn from the text. Note that the summary will usually be of
only one part of the passage rather than the whole. The given information may be in the form of;
several connected sentences of text (referred to as a summary), several notes (referred to as notes), a
table with some of its cells empty or partially empty (referred to as a table), a series of boxes or steps
linked by arrows to show a sequence of events, with some of the boxes or steps empty or partially
empty (referred to as a flow-chart). The answers will not necessarily occur in the same order as in the
text. However, they will usually come from one section rather than the entire text. There are two
Task Type variations of this task type. Candidates may be asked either to select words from the text or to select
& Format from a list of answers. Where words have to be selected from the passage, the instructions will make it
clear how many words/numbers candidates should use in their answers, e.g. ‘NO MORE THAN
THAN TWO WORDS’. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose
the mark. Numbers can be written using figures or words. Contracted words are not tested.
Hyphenated words count as single words. Where a list of answers is provided, they most frequently
consist of a single word, There are always more words or phrases in the box than there are gaps to fill.
Because this task type often relates to precise factual information, it is often used with descriptive
This task type assesses the candidate’s ability to understand details and/or the main ideas of a section
Task Focus of the text. In the variations involving a summary or notes, candidates need to be aware of the type of
word(s) that will fit into a given gap (for example, whether a noun is needed, or a verb etc.).
Number of
 IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 9 (Summary/Note/Table/Flow-chart
Completion) (1)
Related  IELTS General Training Reading Task Type 9 (Summary/Note/Table/Flow-chart
Resources Completion) (2)

View Task Type 10 – Diagram label completion

In this task type, candidates are required to complete labels on a diagram which relates to a description
contained in the text. The instructions will make it clear how many words/numbers candidates should
use in their answers, e.g. ‘NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the
passage’, ‘ONE WORD ONLY’ or ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS’. If candidates write more
Task Type than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark. Numbers can be written using figures or
& Format words. Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words. The answers do
not necessarily occur in order in the passage. However, they will usually come from one section rather
than the entire text. The diagram may be of some type of machine, or of parts of a building or of any
other element that can be represented pictorially. This task type is often used with texts describing
processes or with descriptive texts.
This task type assesses the candidate’s ability to understand a detailed description, and to relate it to
Task Focus
information presented in the form of a diagram.
Number of

View Task Type 11 – Short-answer questions

IELTS General Training Writing in Detail

A detailed look at the paper with links to related resources.

View Task 1

In Writing Task 1, candidates are presented with a situation and required to write a personal
response in the form of an informal, semi-formal or formal letter of at least 150 words. They are told
what kind of information (in the form of three bullet points) they must include in their response.
Candidates may be required to request or give information and/or explain a situation. To do this, they
may need to do some of the following; ask for and/or provide general factual information, express
needs, wants, likes or dislikes, express opinions or complaints, make requests or make
suggestions/recommendations. The situations they are asked to write about are common, everyday
ones such as; writing to a college accommodation officer about problems with accommodation,
writing to a new employer about time management problems they are having, writing to a local
newspaper about a plan to develop a local airport, writing to a renting agency to sort out problems
with the heating system in their house. The style of writing that candidates use depends who they are
Task Type &
asked to write to (i.e. the audience) and how well they are supposed to know them. They need to
write in a style that is appropriate for their audience and that will help them to achieve their purpose
for writing, e.g. writing to a friend (informal) or writing to a manager (semi-formal or formal).
Candidates should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task. They are asked to write at least 150
words and will be penalised if their answer is too short. While candidates will not be penalised for
writing more than 150 words, they should remember that a longer Task 1 answer may mean that
they have less time to spend on Task 2, which contributes twice as much to the Writing band score.
Candidates should also note that they will be penalised for irrelevance if the response is off-topic or is
not written as full, connected text (e.g. using bullet points in any part of the response, or note form
etc.). They will be severely penalised if their writing is plagiarised (i.e. copied from another source).
Candidates do not need to include any addresses at the head of their letters. Candidates must write
their answers on the answer booklet provided.

This task assesses the candidate’s ability to follow English letter writing conventions (i.e. what order
Task Focus to put information in, what style to use, how to start and finish a letter), to use language accurately
and appropriately and to organise and link information coherently and cohesively.

Number of

 IELTS General Training Writing Task 1

View Task 2

Task Type & Format In Writing Task 2, candidates are asked to write a semi-formal/neutral
discursive essay of at least 250 words. The task instructions give information about a point of
view, argument or problem. The instructions then tell candidates how to discuss this, which may
involve providing general factual information, outlining and/or presenting a solution, justifying
an opinion, evaluating evidence and ideas. Candidates need to write about general interest topics,
such as; whether children’s leisure activities should be educational, why families are not so close
as they used to be and how they could be brought closer, how environmental problems can be
solved, who should pay for the care of old people, whether smoking should be banned in public
places. Candidates should make sure that they complete the task carefully and provide a full and
relevant response. They should organise their ideas clearly and make sure to support their
argument with relevant examples (including from their own experience where relevant) or
evidence. For this task, candidates need to be able to communicate more abstract and complex
ideas and use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Task 2 contributes twice as
much to the final Writing band score as Task 1. Therefore, candidates who fail to attempt to
answer this task will greatly reduce their chance of achieving a good score. Candidates are asked
to write at least 250 words and will be penalised if their answer is too short. Candidates should
spend no more than 40 minutes on this task. Candidates should also note that they will be
penalised for irrelevance if the response is off-topic or is not written as full, connected text (e.g.
using bullet points in any part of the response, or note form etc.). They will be severely penalised
if their writing is plagiarised (i.e. copied from another source). Candidates must write their
answers on the answer booklet provided. Task Focus This task assesses the candidate’s ability to
follow English discursive writing conventions (i.e. what order to put information in, what style to
use, how to start and finish discursive writing, how to paragraph), to organise and link
information coherently and cohesively and to use language accurately and appropriately. Number
of Questions 1 Related Resources

 IELTS General Training Writing Task 2

IELTS Listening in Detail

A detailed look at the paper with links to related resources.

View Task Type 1 – Multiple choice

In this task type, there is a question followed by three possible answers, or the beginning
of a sentence followed by three possible sentence endings. Candidates are required to
Task Type &
choose the one correct answer A, B or C. Sometimes candidates are given a longer list of
possible answers and told that they have to choose more than one. In this case they
should read the question carefully to check how many answers are required.

This task type is used to test a wide range of skills. It may require the candidate to have a
Task Focus detailed understanding of specific points or an overall understanding of the main points of
the listening text.

Number of
 IELTS Listening Task Type 1 (Multiple Choice)

View Task Type 2 – Matching

In this task type, candidates are required to match a numbered list of items from the
Task Type & listening text to a set of options on the question paper. The set of options may be criteria
Format of some kind. Many variations of this task type are possible with regards the type of
options to be matched.

This task type assesses the skill of listening for detail. It assesses whether a candidate can
understand information given in a conversation on an everyday topic such as different
types of hotel or guest house accommodation. It also assesses the ability to follow a
Task Focus
conversation involving interaction between two people. It may also be used to assess
candidates’ ability to recognise relationships and connections between facts in the
listening text.

Number of

Related  IELTS Listening Task Type 2 (Matching) Activity (1)

Resources  IELTS Listening Task Type 2 (Matching) (2)

View Task Type 3 – Plan, map, diagram labelling

In this task type, candidates are required to complete labels on a visual. The answers are
Task Type & usually selected from a list on the question paper. The visual may be; a diagram (e.g. a
Format piece of equipment), a set of pictures, a plan (e.g. of a building), a map (e.g. of part of a

This task type assesses the ability to understand, for example, a description of a place,
and to relate this to a visual representation. This may include being able to follow
Task Focus
language expressing spatial relationships and directions (e.g. straight on/through the far

Number of

 IELTS Listening Task Type 3 (Plan, Map, Diagram Labelling) Activity
View Task Type 4 – Form, note, table, flow-chart, summary completion

In this task type, candidates are required to fill in gaps in an outline of part or of all of the
listening text. The outline will focus on the main ideas/facts in the text. It may be; 1) a
form: often used to record factual details such as names, 2) a set of notes: used to
summarise any type of information using the layout to show how different items relate to
one another, 3) a table: used as a way of summarising information which relates to clear
categories – e.g. place/time/price, 4) a flow-chart: used to summarise a process which has
clear stages, with the direction of the process shown by arrows. Candidates may have to; a)
Task Type & select their answers from a list on the question paper, b) identify the missing words from
Format the recording which fit into the form/notes etc. In this case, they should keep to the word
limit stated in the instructions. Candidates do not have to change the words from the
recording in any way. Candidates should read the instructions very carefully as the number
of words or numbers they should use to fill the gaps will vary. A word limit is given, for
example, ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER’. Candidates are penalised
for writing more than the stated number of words, and candidates should check this word
limit carefully for each task. Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count
as single words.

This task type focuses on the main points which a listener would naturally record in this
Task Focus
type of situation.

Number of

 IELTS Listening Task Type 4 (Form/Note/Table/Flow-Chart/Summary Completion)

View Task Type 5 – Sentence completion

In this task type, candidates are required to read a set of sentences summarising key
information from all the listening text or from one part of it. They have to complete a gap
in each sentence using information from the listening text. A word limit is given, for
Task Type &
example, ‘NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER’. Candidates are penalised for
writing more than the stated number of words. (Candidates should check this word limit
carefully for each task: the limit is either ONE, TWO or THREE words). Contracted words
will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.

This task type focuses on the ability to identify the key information in a listening text.
Task Focus
Candidates have to understand functional relationships such as cause and effect.
Number of

 IELTS Listening Task Type 5 (Sentence Completion) Activity

View Task Type 6 – Short-answer questions

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