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Flexible Riser (Abdul Rahman)

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Flexible risers can operate in deep waters at high pressures and temperatures and withstand large vessel motions. They have a composite structure of steel and polymer layers that gives them low bending stiffness.

The main components of a flexible riser include riser joints, buoyancy modules, bend stiffeners/bellmouths, end fittings, and top stiffeners.

Some advantages of flexible risers over steel catenary risers include prefabrication, storage in long lengths on reels, reduced transport and installation costs, and suitability for use with compliant structures.

Based on our project requirements, it was decided to go with a flexible riser (initially one),

therefore this document details a flexible riser system, in addition to the previously uploaded
document that describes Risers in general.

Flexible Risers

1. Introduction
Flexible risers include water depths down to 8,000 ft, high pressure up to 10,000 psi, and high temperatures
above 150°F, as well as the ability to withstand large vessel motions in adverse weather conditions. The main
characteristic of a flexible pipe is its low relative bending to axial stiffness. This characteristic is achieved
through the use of a number of layers of different material in the pipe wall fabrication. These layers are able
to slip past each other when under the influence of external and internal loads, and hence this characteristic
gives a flexible riser its property of a low bending stiffness. The flexible pipe composite structure combines
steel armour layers with high stiffness to provide strength, and polymer sealing layers with low stiffness to
provide fluid integrity. This construction gives flexible risers a number of advantages over other types of risers
such as steel catenary risers. These advantages include prefabrication, storage in long lengths on reels,
reduced transport and installation costs, and suitability for use with compliant structures.

2. System Descriptions

A typical riser system is mainly composed of:

- Conduit (riser body)
- Interface with floater and wellhead
- Components
- Auxiliary

2.1 Pipe Cross Section of a Flexible riser

The figure below shows a typical cross-section of a flexible riser. The space between the internal polymer
sheath and the external polymer sheath is known as the pipe annulus. The nine main components of the
flexible riser pipe wall are as indicated below,

Typical cross-section of an unbonded flexible pipe (Zhang et al., 2003).

2.2 Riser joints

A riser joint is constructed of seamless pipe with mechanical connectors welded on the ends. For drilling
risers, choke and kill lines are attached to the riser by extended flanges of the connector. The riser can be run
in a manner similar to drill pipes by coupling one stalk at a time into the string and tightening the connector.

2.3 Buoyancy modules

Buoyancy modules are attached to the riser to decrease the tension required at the surface. These modules
may be thin-walled air cans or fabricated syntactic foam modules that are strapped to the riser.

2.4 Bend Stiffeners and Bellmouths

One of the critical areas of a flexible riser is the top part of the riser just before the hang-off arrangement. This
area is prone to over-bending and hence an ancillary device is incorporated into the design to increase the
stiffness of the riser and prevent over-bending of the riser beyond its allowable bend radius. The two devices
used for this application are bend-stiffeners and bellmouths. Flexible riser manufacturers tend to have a
preference for one or the other device, yet bend stiffeners are known to provide a better performance in
applications with high motion vessels.

Schematic of bend stiffener (left) and bellmouth (right).

2.5 End Fitting Design and Top Stiffener (or Bellmouth)

The end fitting design is a critical component of the global flexible riser design process. The main functions of
the end fitting are to transfer the load sustained by the flexible pipe armour layers onto the vessel structure,
and to complement the sealing of the polymer fluid barrier layers. A number of critical issues need to be
considered during the design and manufacture of end fitting arrangements. Tight manufacturing tolerances
are essential for the pressure sheath and sealing ring dimensions, pressure armour termination, and bolt
torquing to ensure the adequate transfer of load from the steel layers of the pipe onto the vessel structure.

Epoxy filling is carried out using the appropriate techniques to ensure no air gaps are produced. The correct
positioning and functioning of the annulus vent ports are also important design requirements to ensure no
build-up of gases in the annulus.

The most severe location for fatigue damage in the risers is usually in the top hang off region. The riser is
protected from over bending in this area by either a bend stiffener or a bellmouth.

Detailed analysis for the curvature or bellmouth is carried out using 2D finite element models. The figure
below shows the basic arrangement for the top stiffener and bellmouth. The bending stiffener is modelled
using a 2D tapered unsymmetric beam element and the pipe is simulated by a 2D beam element. Every stress
& strain element of the bend stiffener and the non-linear bending curvature hysteresis loop are considered in
the analysis.
General arrangement for local curvature analysis at the bellmouth or stiffener

2.6 Riser with Heave Compensator

Another way to reduce the effects of heave motions of the vessel is to introduce a heave compensator at the
rise r attachment point to the vessel.

3. Characteristics
From an engineering analysis point of view, the characteristics of a flexible riser system can be defined as:
Tension dominated system
Hydrodynamic loading due to waves and current
Dynamic boundary conditions due to movement of vessel, buoys, etc.
Pinned / clamped boundary conditions
Connections to subsurface buoyancy units
Change in weight along the length of the riser
Contact at sea bed

4. Flexible Riser Global Configuration

Flexible risers can be installed in a number of different configurations. Riser configuration design is performed
according to the production requirement and site-specific environmental conditions. Static analysis is carried
out to determine the configuration.

The following basis is taken into account while determining the riser configuration:
- Global behaviour and geometry
- Structural integrity, rigidity and continuity
- Cross sectional properties
- Means of support
- Material
- Costs
The six main configurations for flexible risers are shown in the Figure below. Configuration design drivers
include a number of factors such as water depth, host vessel access / hang-off location, field layout such as
number and type of risers and mooring layout, and in particular environmental data and the host vessel
motion characteristics
Lazy wave and steep wave (suitable for our project)
In the wave type, buoyancy and weight are added along a longer length of the riser, to decouple the vessel
motions from the touchdown point of the riser. Lazy waves are preferred to steep waves because they require
minimal subsea infrastructure. However lazy waves are prone to configuration alterations if the internal pipe
fluid density changes during the riser lifetime. On the other hand, steep wave risers require a subsea base and
subsea bend stiffener, and yet are able to maintain their configuration even if the riser fluid density changes.
Buoyancy modules are made of syntactic foam which has the desirable property of low water absorption. The
buoyancy modules are clamped tightly to the riser to avoid any slippage which could alter the riser
configuration and induce high stress in the armour wires. Buoyancy modules tend to lose buoyancy over time,
and wave configurations are inherently designed to accommodate up to a 10% loss of buoyancy.

5. Laying Operation
In order to maintain the integrity of the riser during the laying operation, it is important that the tension and
the minimum bending radius in the pipe do not exceed the design value s. In deep waters, risers are laid using
almost vertical or J-lay method.

6. Analysis and Design

6.1 General
The design of a flexible riser system has to account for a combination of complex loading and floater motions.
It is necessary to perform large deflection analyses of these tensile structures when subjected to dynamic
boundary conditions and non-linear hydrodynamic loading. Such analysis are performed using a software

Typical Data required to design a Riser

Pipe Data (per riser) & Environmental Field layout data Vessel response data

Conveyed fluid Water depth

Internal diameter & Outside diameter Orientation of risers w.r.t. to rig
Weight in air (empty) Orientation of mooring line s w.r.t. to rig
Weight in air (seawater filled) Hang off coordinate s of risers
Submerged weight (empty) Hang off coordinate s of mooring lines
Submerged weight (seawater filled) Location of wellhe ads, template s & anchors
Failure tension Maximum excursion with all mooring line intact
Minimum storage bending radius Maximum excursion with one line broken
Axial stiffness Vessel draft
Bending stiffness Definition of direction of rotational (pith, roll & yaw)
Contents data: components w.r.t. vessel axis
Specific gravity of contents
Current profile (magnitude & direction vs depth) for
10, 50 & 100 year conditions The riser system of a production unit performs
Significant & maximum wave heights (Hs, Hm) for 10, multiple functions, both in the drilling and production
50 & 100 year conditions phases. The functions performed by a riser system
Significant & maximum wave periods (Ts, Tm) for 10, include:
50 & 100 year conditions
Tidal & surge variations - Production/injection
Sea bed friction coefficient (0.5~0.7) - Export/import or circulate fluids
Scatter diagram (wave height, period, no. of - Drilling
occurrences) - Completion & workover.

7. Drilling and Workover Risers

Deepwater drilling and workover is presently performed with jointed steel risers. The vessels and equipment
have been upgraded to work in a water depth down to more than 1700 m. In deepwater and harsh
environment the challenges related to operation are large due to use of buoyancy, fairings etc. Newer vessels
are being built and the existing ones upgraded to meet the deepwater requirement. Presently one vessel is
fully equipped for drilling in 2500m water-depth. Drilling in even deeper water is planned.

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