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Sacred Twins Van Michael Deane

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Sacred Twins


Men and women were created as Divine Beings of equal standing in the eyes of the Yunasai.
The only difference when you are in gender worlds between men and women is of polarity, not of
value. Each polarity (male / female) has its strengths. When we start to embrace the concept of
polarity, we come to recognize that our power to Love, Manifest and Ascend lies within unifying
the polarities.

The male electrical polarity or ManA dominant has a little advantage as far as push in
transmitting frequency. The female or EirA dominant form has a little more advantage in receiving /
pulling frequency. Without being able to pull in the higher frequencies that the females are good at
doing, you would not be able to undergo the process of higher identity integration.

In every man and woman there exists the opposite expression. Both men and women are
transmitters and receivers, but if you are in a female body, you will tend towards the ability to pull
in frequency. You can still transmit, but your strength will be pulling and drawing frequency. If you
are in a male body, your strength will be in transmitting frequency. The original intention of
unification of male and female was the recognition of each other’s strengths and the knowing that if
you put the two together, you have a unified power of a balanced pull and a balanced push. The
male push would amplify the female push and the female pull would amplify the male pull…so you
become WHOLE faster.

There used to be a Divine Order to sexual union between male and female, between the
polarities. Males and females were intended to accelerate each other’s integration of Higher
Identities. Through certain belief systems, men and women began vying for power from each other.
People began to align in sexual unions that were not appropriate for the codings involved and made
it so most of us could not integrate the higher levels of identity because through sexual union, we
built up more distortions instead of acceleration. Men and women were intended to accelerate each
other’s evolution.

There is an etheric crystal program in the 2nd chakra. When we begin to heal the etheric crystal
program in the 2nd chakra, we are going to open ourselves to what was the natural program with
respect to male / female polarity balance in our own bodies, as well as electrical / magnetic balance
within our hologram. When these crystals are released, if you have a polarity imbalance with
respect to your beliefs for example, they will come up to be healed.

Remember that your consciousness is the camera and you can change the filters. Beliefs are
ideas. Ideas turn into sound patterns of electromagnetic Light and Sound when they are in the body.
If your beliefs and the things that you choose to honor with your mind are not in Divine Alignment
as far as what creates harmony and peace, it will literally create blockages in your bio-energetic
field that block the ability of the higher levels to integrate.

The Concept of Twins

We have a physical twin in this reality that is our “genetic twin.” Twins in this 3 dimensional
reality system are referred to as Fraternal twins, Identical twins and Siamese twins. Fraternal twins
come from 2 separate seeds or eggs. Identical twins come from the same seed. Gender Twins come
from the same seed as well. The difference is that genetic twins come from the human seed while
Gender Twins come from the GodSeed. So, your Gender Twin is your Divine Complement

Our planet has a twin called ‘Parallel Earth.’ Our Ecka has a twin called Parallel Ecka. This is
where we get the Le-e-TOR-A and the Le-AdORA flames. It is all different levels of
consciousness! Our Sun has a twin; our whole stairway to heaven system has a twin. The concept of
twins implies that there is one that is predominantly electrical and one that is predominantly
magnetic. When the two energies come into balance, manifestation begins to take place.

We live in the PCM Universe that has a female monad at Dimension 13. It’s twin in the PKA
Universe and has male monad at Dimension 13. They are the opposite expression of each other.

Incarnational Cycle

When a being incarnates on the planet, they take on as part of their genetic code, part of their
DNA Template that 1st set of vibrational variances of the time frame that the planet is in. Then, they
will have a certain vector, which is a smaller cycle within that cycle that will be the single line time
vector that they will perceive. We have Time Cycles which govern a whole Density level. There are
6 what are called ‘time continua’, which are smaller cycles and they govern cycles of evolution on a
planetary body. Then within continuum cycles, there are even smaller cycles called ‘Time Vectors.’

When incarnations come in they place themselves in a Time Vector; one of those specific sets of
vibration, within a set of vibration, within a set of vibration. The process of moving from birth
through death is a process of moving your consciousness from a point of its lowest frequency,
bringing in more energy and raising the frequency of the consciousness, which gives you the
perceptual hologram of moving through moments; forward / backward moving through time and

It is a holographic projection that we are walking around in. BUT, that won’t make much sense
to you until you get 4th or 5th strand activation happening. When you start to go into 4th strand
activation, you will start to play with the concept and you might even play with it seriously. The
DNA Strand Templates are very important if spirituality is important to you. Because, it is through
your DNA Strand templates that your higher consciousness holds that cognition because it has to
come in the body.

As we activate DNA, we experience forward movement of your consciousness through time

within the vessel that that template is in AND as we progressively expand picking up more of those
frequencies in the DNA activating our templates. We bring in more and more of the consciousness
from the higher dimensional fields that is ours and we progressively change our relationship to
space-time. It becomes less and less a real thing to us the further we evolve.

What you find in the process of activating DNA that incorporate and integrate your Spiritual
Identity is not only does your consciousness expand, but that your body form changes with that
expansion. The body forms can hold only so much energy. The human body can hold 12
dimensions of frequency running, that is good. That means that it can stand heat. That means that it
can undergo expansion without having to leave its association with physical matter form.

At this point in time we know ourselves right now as “me.” When you get to be a 6th strand
activated being, you will say, “I know myself as they.” There is a knowing that comes in the
emotional body where you get this huge cognition. You start to have a freedom feeling, because you
realize that you are getting free from linear time. That is how you progressively work yourself out
of linear time. You expand into a space of, “ I am 12, or 24, or 36 different people down there and
this one is exploring this and this one is exploring that”. It is like being an actor who decides to play
at the same time, a bunch of characters who takes on different garments and takes on different roles,
and different players to learn different things and to stress different things.

When we incarnate we become God as Sound, (Khundaray) we become God as Light,

(KeeRaShA) and we become God as the Christos Template, and then we become God as the
dimensionalized fields below Dimension 12. They’re all energy currents of the Consciousness of

When we incarnate, we take on form diversification, and become affiliated with a species, a race
line, and a family line. We all have a Christos Matrix that our Oversoul Matrix came out of, which
our Soul Matrix came from and a Soul Matrix out of which we came. The Density 4 Christos
creates 12 Oversouls in Density 3. The Density 3 Oversoul creates a set of 12 Souls in Density 2.
The Density 2 Soul Self creates a Set of 12 Selves down in Density 1. There are 144 Selves in
Density 1 that came out of 12 Souls. This is our immediate Family of Consciousness. The
importance of understanding the reality of incarnation is that it helps to understand your
relationships down here and something called Twinning.

The mathematics in Time Matrices are a Base 12 System. We come into incarnation on what is
called a 12 Clock. A 12 Clock is a cycle of 12 simultaneous incarnations placed in various
different time vectors within the same Earth cycle.

When we come into incarnation…visualize in your mind, a round clock with 12 digits on it. If
you were a Soul, the numbers on the clock would represent the 12 Incarnate Selves that you were
going to put down at the same time in the time vectors in Density-1 on Earth. The first ones to come
in are the 6 & 12 position, they carry the most energy. Out of the 12, comes the 3 position and, at
the same time, out of the 6 comes the 9 position. They are known as the Four Faces of the Soul
because they carry most of the energy of that Soul. Then there are the smaller cycles that would fill
in the numbers in-between the 12, 6, 3 & 9. If you take a clock and draw the lines across from each
number, you will notice that each number has a number directly across from it that represents the
smaller cycles. When you incarnate, you come in most of the time, half and half. The first time you
come in as a soul, the first 2 incarnations are placed in time vectors that represent the 6 & 12
positions in the 12 Cycle, which would be male / female.

There is a formula to incarnation that becomes a reality for us. Angelic humans have 1728
selves running around in one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. If you are an Indigo you have many
more. An Indigo-2 with a 24-Strand Double Diamond Sun DNA Template would have 3456 selves.
An Indigo-1 with a 48-Strand Emerald Sun DNA Template would have 6912 selves in one 15-
Dimensional Time Matrix. That is allot of YOU!

When we talk about the 12 cycles or the 12 Clock it shows the process that happens when we
get into numbers with respect to incarnation. Look at incarnation as a mathematical process; a
spiritual process that uses the form of mathematics to express itself. Mathematics is really a form
that God uses to express parts of its consciousness.


The mathematics are Base 12 in the Time Matrices, which gives the ability to have 3
dimensional systems. We are in a 15 Dimensional Time Matrix. Each Harmonic Universe is broken
into a set of 3 dimensions. There are 5- 3 dimensional universes / 3 dimensional systems in a 15
Dimensional Time Matrix. This is the Primal Order. Our incarnations are structured according to
that Primal Order.

When we talk about Families of Consciousness, it is very useful to realize that creation follows
a specific planned order of coming down through the scalar grids, through the Density Levels,
through first the Primal Sound Field of Consciousness (Khundaray), then the Primal Light Fields of
Consciousness (Kee-Ra-ShA) and then down into the Christos Template Pre-matter Liquid Light,
further individuating into the smaller dimensional fields below D12. When we individuate from
Source, we leave a part of ourselves / consciousness at each station of reality that are fixed
structures of Primal Order that we exists within simultaneously. You may have various cycles of 12,
but they will always go in Twelve’s because that is the mathematical formula; the Base 12
mathematical system that is the formula of creation.

You have your incarnate self here in Density 1. You have what is called a Soul in Density 2,
which is a Gestalt of Consciousness; it is 1 being that chooses to express in sets of 12 smaller
beings down in Density 1. On Density 3, you have your OverSoul. On Density 4, you have your
Avatar or your Christed Self. On Density 5 you have your Rishi Self, which is your connection to
the BRENEAU Kee-Ra-ShA Rishi Light Fields. They are Fields of Living Light Consciousness,
and beyond the Kee-Ra-ShA fields you have a part of you in the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields of
the Energy Matrix in the Yanas Collectives.1 Every being has its trail, its family of consciousness
that is an energetic connection that is always there, that has a direct connection between who you
are here and the expanded levels of Self until you completely expand back into Source.

As you evolve out of Density 1, you collect the consciousness you had in Density 1, pull it into
1 point, and it literally creates fusion of the particles that the consciousness took on in order to have
form here. Then they undergo fusion at the next level and replicate the form in the next density up
in a less dense form; all the 12 cycles here, become 1 Identity there; a set that is your Soul Self. It
has a body form in the 2nd Density reality fields that is semi-etheric and is much less dense than
Density 1 and much healthier than the human body forms here. That process continues and go back
up to Density 3 and you take 12 Souls and they make 1 OverSoul in Density 3. You take 12
OverSouls and they make 1 Christos Template in Density 4. The 12 Cycle goes all the way up. We
have a twin at each level of the Time Matrix and beyond. We have an incarnate twin, a Soul Twin,
an OverSoul Twin, an Avatar Twin, a Rishi Twin and beyond. The Founders Races in our 15-
Dimensional Time Matrix were created by the Eieyani Ecka races and by their twin races, which are
in what is called the Parallel Ecka. This is where we get the AdonA, and their related races.

As we get closer to the point where we are getting ready to make our journey out of Density-
1, we may be scrambling to gather any remaining codes that we need for our template. Even if you
are with your Eckatic Twin, and you know you are, you may be missing some of the codes from
your middle level twins.

Primary Twins / Twin Flames

In the process of incarnation we have what are called “Primary Twins.” A Primary Twin is
something different than an incarnate twin. A Primary Twin would be, if you are the number 6
incarnate in that group of 12, your twin would be the 12. That 6-12 alignment is called the Primary
Twins or the Twin Flames. The 12-6 incarnations basically direct the rest of the matrix, the rest of
your incarnations, and they are the ones you come back into being, in order to go back up to leave
Density-1, so you don’t have to do cycles of incarnations anymore.

The Yanas Collectives of the Primal Sound Fields represent our “Cosmic Family of Consciousness”, through which
all manifest things are indelibly connected to Source through the energetic expression of the Primal Sound Field.
The base pattern of the human imprint is 6 & 12. One is male, one is female. We have a part of
ourselves in an opposite gender body, that is called a Gender Twin. It is a Twin Flame, if it is a 6-12
or 3-9 alignment. The 12 is usually male. If the 12 is male, the 3 it creates is female. If the 6 is
female, the 9 it creates is male. The 3 & 9 become the next set of twins. They are placed in different
time vectors within the same time cycles. At different times, when it's time for you to experience
ascension to the next level, which would be Density 2, you're going to pass from the physical matter
density carbon-based biology to semi-etheric density and so on up the scale. This is how we expand
back into Source.

There's a whole relationship between the way time cycles work on a planet and the time vectors
that twins are placed in when they come together. Sometimes you won't meet your twin in a
particular life time. When it comes to the real twins that aren't just soul-mates, they run into each
other only at the final; when they reach their original point of vibration. First, you'll have an
incarnation where the 3 & 9 twin happens. You'll run into your Twin in the same time vector and
you usually know something's up because it's a very strong resonance. What happens with twins is
that 12 Pattern that you came in on sets the DNA template. The characteristics that you have will be
reflected in the twins. You both have the same DNA template, one expressing dominantly ManA
frequencies and one expressing dominantly EirA frequencies, which means one is more electrical
and one is more magnetic, but they're expressions of the same pattern. So there is a very strong
biological resonance between twins.

When it comes to the natural cycles of ascension, what normally happens is that the time vectors
of a planet move in a certain way that twins are brought together when it's the last time, the last
incarnation and they're not going to experience any more cycles because they've hit the original
vibration that they came in on and then they come back together. And that's where it feels like your
eternal, forever companion / mate. You just have this charge between you!

Reuche and Twins

The 12 position holds the entire pattern within itself. Also, the 12 and the 6 position are equal,
and hold the energy of the whole. The Reuche is formed as follows: The 12 and 6 points are
created. The 6 creates the 9 position, and the 12 creates the 3 position, and then each of the 4 points
phase and create the polarized outer 8 points.

The 12 is usually male and the 3 it creates is female. If the 6 is female the 9 it creates is male.

Four Faces of the Soul

As we have already discussed, the first twins to come in are the 12 and the 6 positions within the
incarnational cycle. Out of the 12, comes the 3 position and, out of the 6 comes the 9 position. They
become the next set of twins. They are known as the 4 Faces of the Soul because they carry most of
the Energy of that Soul. The 4 Faces of the Soul represent the 4 Parts of Self in Density-1 that you
need to assemble to get yourself to the next level. These would be your 4 primary aspects of Self.
You have Yourself + a Gender Twin on this side with complimentary shield coding AND a set of
You on Parallel. These represent the 4 Faces of the Soul.

Incarnation and Soul Mates

There is significance in the number incarnation that you are within the 12 Cycle. If you happen
to be in your number 4 incarnation, you would still have a soul mate, but that's different than a
Twin. It's your Twin, but you're not in the 4 primary incarnations yet. You still have some cycles to
go to before you get to those. If you run into that person in your time vector, they will be a partner
to be with but it will be a relationship to move on to the next. It will not be one that is forever.

You can ask your own Christos Self to tell you which number you are in the 12 Cycle. Take a
moment to reconnect with your Maharic Pillar and pose this question to your Christos.

' Out of 12, what number is my incarnation? Am I a 6, or am I a 12?’ Take a moment to

reconnect with your Maharic Pillar and pose this question to your Christos.

When we use the analogy of the 12 Clock, if you can draw a line directly across the clock to the
number opposite it on the clock, each number has a number directly across from it. If you were in
your 11 incarnation, your soul mate would be the number 5 in the incarnational cycle. You are not
yet in your last incarnational cycle where you would meet your Twin Flame.

There's a thing that happens with twins that's different from your average relationships on the
planet. There's much more compatibility of frequency where Love is a State of Vibrational
Harmonization. If you have DNA codes that are very similar, even if there's some dissimilarity, you
will still have all these frequencies that plug in, and when those frequencies in the DNA template
plug in between people, it allows for open frequency to flow between you, which gives the
emotional body the feeling that we identify as the feeling of connection, and love and comfort.

Divine Complement

As mentioned in the beginning, men and women were created as Divine Beings each holding a
sacred piece of the other within. Gender Twins usually end up as romantic couples because there is
such a strong biological draw due to having full bonding of DNA strands 7-12 creating DNA
Templates that are very, very similar where the level of Love, Bonding, Understanding, Support and
Friendship is just there. With Gender Twins, the progressive coming together of Divine Coupling
serves to stimulate rapid activation of each other’s gene codes in order to progressively and
synchronistically be able to work their way into ascension together

Twinning has to do with the DNA template which has to do with how DNA works in the
body. When you put 2 twins together, when they come together in sacred union, they're able to hold
a huge energy field together helping each other evolve and expand, bringing in the higher
consciousness. When 2 Gender Twins come together and begin the fusion of their DNA Templates,
they have the ability to rapidly activate their own merkaba accelerating their own DNA Strand
Template activation. Gender Twins can hold in each of their bodies 3X as much energy as either
could hold alone.

Indigo Gender Twins can anchor the Khundaray frequencies (Primal Sound Fields). When you
put people together of the Eieyani Council (Indigos) who can anchor the Khundaray frequencies
alone with their Gender Twin, they can anchor 3X the amount of Khundaray frequency. When you
put 2 together they have 3 times the power than each alone and the 2 become 3 and the 3 become 1!
They exist as intensified energy forms.

Indigo Twins

Indigos come in with a Twin in every time vector. A time vector is a set repeating pattern of
vibration that goes through a variance of vibration until it comes back to its original point.
Everything is built on the science of vibrational mechanics. So, TIME is actually the experience of
consciousness moving itself through a set of fixed vibration variance patterns to evolve. Not only do
Indigos have one twin in their own time vector, they have another set in the Inner Earth time vector
at the same time and another set on the Parallel Earth time vector. There’s that extra Inner Earth set
of manifestations that goes with the Indigo imprint – that’s the Eieyani Council that the 12-Strand
Angelic Human Imprint doesn’t have.

With the Human Imprint, there is polarization of the DNA strands from the D12 sub-harmonics
all the way down. It gives the feeling of separation and individuation. With the Indigo imprint,
there’s polarization in the strands only from D6 down. There’s full bonding and total mirroring of
the templates, of the DNA, from strands 7 and up. It creates a not quite full separation from each
other, but allows them to anchor the Khundaray (Primal Sound Fields) and Kee-Ra-ShA (Primal
Light Fields) frequencies. If you are totally separated into polarity, you cannot anchor those

An Indigo Flame pair is the exact same being from strands 7 and up because they have the same
coding. When you separate Gender Twins, it creates a very, very deep pain inside; a biologically
felt ache that doesn’t go away. If the other is not where it’s supposed to be, it can be felt. It is often
felt as the ‘pain of separation’ in one’s whole being. We’ve been living under that since 22,500BC,
when the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid was activated.

Gender Twins Misfire

The Cosmic Clock that determines the angle that frequency comes into our reality system and
our biological system was messed with in the Planetary and Solar Shields, which created a
distortion where Gender Twins misfire in their time pulsations and do not incarnate on planet
simultaneously, so they rarely run into each other due to the vibrational pattern / time line
misalignments. One of the reasons this was done so Gender Twins can’t find each other and do the
‘nasty deed.’ The nasty deed isn’t necessarily about sex. Gender Twins can still do it by combining
fields because their DNA templates have the abilities to merge without being physically together.

One of the ‘great secrets’ the Moda AdhurA Complex is that male and female exist inside each
of us. In a particular part of the anatomy, we contain the entire program of the other, which means
we have our Gender Twin inside of us as well as it being around outside of us. One of the fastest
ways to bring it in is to activate it on the inside. The mathematical program that we exist as always
contains a Gender Twin within it. Therefore, “Activation of our Twin Self” is not entirely
dependent on whether or not our twin is on planet with us! The Moda AdhurA Complex, holds our
INNER TWIN. It means you are not stuck waiting around somewhere after this incarnation waiting
for your Gender Twin to ascend.

The Moda AdhurA Complex is a set of crystalline structures in our bio-energetic system that
allowed for the balance of polarities within, which was shut off due to past planetary cataclysms. It
was this Moda (male) AdhurA (female) Complex that kept the male and female energies in balance.

Mass Twinning Event

In the planetary drama in Dec 2000 through the end of 2001, the Guardians needed to re-
establish control over Stargate2 4 & Stargate 5 by overriding them with the frequencies from
Stargate 6. Mindful of the fact that this would cause planetary grid acceleration and that humans
were intimately connected to the planetary grids, they created what is called the ‘Mass Twinning
Event’ to prevent everyone on planet from getting fried by the incoming frequencies.

The Twinning Event goes back to the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid.3 This is one of the nastiest
things that was done to this race. What the fallen angelics did with the Diodic Crystal grid was
throw codes in that mis-matched and scrambled the time lines just enough where Gender Twins
could not come together. That kept everybody trapped down here, because if you don't merge with
the coding of your Gender Twin, either here or on the astral, you don't get the final activation where
you both become one again to get up to the next level. That's one of the ways they've trapped
human souls here; scrambling the time lines in earth's grids so the natural Gender Twin cycles
would not come together. What they did instead was they tried to pair up humans with Annunaki to
continually hybridize, progressively trying to hybridize us out of our 12-strand potential.

If it wasn't for the nasty programs being sent through the Diodic crystals Indigos would be able
to adapt because they have the ability due to higher strand capacity, to activate the lower ones a
little faster. If the incoming frequencies and subsequent grid acceleration due to activation of star
gate 6 was initiated and just left at that, it would kill most people on the planet. It would create total
deterioration, over a few years, of the immune system and all the body systems because the body
could not hold that amount of frequency that rapidly.

The Mass Twinning Event was orchestrated by the Guardians to reprogram some of the
scrambled time lines just enough to start putting the natural time cycles back together by de-
scrambling the scrambled time lines, which are the vibrational patterns that control when twins run
into each other. This allowed Gender Twins to come back into each other’s time vector. If at all
possible, the Guardians are helping us come into union with the twin that would be our highest twin
available. The Mass Twinning Event also accelerated the process so even humans that are not in an
Indigo body that normally wouldn’t be in their last incarnation here would have an opportunity to
meet their Gender Twin.

If we can be re-united with our Maharic Twin, that will be done. They can hold huge amounts of
frequency together. They can anchor very large merkaba vehicles. When you put 2 together they
have 3 times the power than each alone. There's an exponential thing that happens with the energy
when you bring twins together. They exist as intensified energy forms. The Mass Twinning Event
was orchestrated through the planetary grids for very specific reasons. If they're going to amplify
the grid speed, bringing in 6th dimensional frequency to the point where it would basically
biologically kill everybody because their bodies can't hold enough frequency, you pair them up with
a buddy that has a matching DNA template and you can hold three times the amount of frequency

Star Gates and Time Portals consists of pairs of interconnected, counter-rotating electromagnetic field spirals that
naturally exist within sun and planet bodies, forming a fixed point of space within the 5 Densities /Universes of the 15
Dimensional Time Matrix where Time Cycle and Time Continua repeatedly pass through each other at fixed intervals.
The Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid is Photo-sonic-Standing-Wave Crystalline Technology that was installed in Earth’s
Templar in 25,500 BC. The NDC-Grid Photo-sonic program blocks and reverses the polarity in a number of Earth’s
Axiatonal Lines and Ley Line grids, creating a “Checkerboard” of some frequencies active-some frequencies dominant
in Earth’s Planetary Shields, thus the name of “Checkerboard Matrix.” The NDC-Grid carries its frequency program via
24 Primary and many secondary Nibiruian Crystal Temple Complexes that exist beneath Earth’s crust; the 24 Primary
Illuminati Underground Control Bases are located at these sites. The Checkerboard Matrix has blocked natural
activation of the Human DNA Template (and that of all Earth species), creating a horrific genetic distortion called the
Checkerboard Mutation. The NDC-Grid Checkerboard Mutation reduced the human life span, affected the chemical
DNA and brain function, and blocked race memory.
which creates immunity to the grid acceleration and makes you a very powerful resource if you so
choose to serve that way.

If you are not with your twin, you will get assigned your twin on the astral level, which will be
just like having a buddy in energy form that will help you hold the amplified frequency that's
running through the grids. It will NOT be a sexual relationship in the astral. This is going to be done
all over, because basically humans have to activate the 6th DNA strand template to be able to hold
the frequencies in the body without their body becoming sick and deteriorating and dying more
rapidly. The Twinning is going to ensure that people don't get fried by frequency and help to
stabilize the grids.

If at all possible we will meet the twin we would normally meet at the end of our incarnational
cycles here. If we happen to have Avatar contracts where we were supposed to not only activate 3
strands, but go into 6, 9 or 12 Strand Activation, that means we're going to have an interesting life
experience. First, we'll go through combining and meeting our 6-12 twin for Density 1, and then
that will run its cycle and then it will seem to drift apart and then in the same body we'll end up
finding our Density 2 twin and you'll have another relationship. That's how it will normally work if
you're accelerating. Then after that you'll find your Density 3 twin and each twinning you would
find a deeper level of love and a stronger level of bonding. Each level, for each person, would begin
to open up their consciousness more and more, because each twin is helping to activate the DNA
template for both as they go.

If you're a small Gender Twin coupling or it's just the person from this cycle that you were
intended to meet, you'll be able to anchor what's called a Hallah Phase merkaba, which is a 6-
dimensional merkaba. A merkaba is an electromagnetic field in the shape of a star tetrahedron that,
at its core, has something called a form-constant space. It's a spherical space that forms inside these
spiraling, counter-rotating, electromagnetic currents that form the star tetrahedron and creates
reality fields. When you create your merkaba vehicle, you're literally activating things in the body
that create this spherical form-constant, light bubble around you in your auric field that allows you
to pass through stargates without frying.

When you bring Gender Twin couples together they have the ability to rapidly activate their
own merkaba – accelerating their own DNA strand template activation and such, but they also have
the ability to start bringing in higher frequencies, depending on what their particular coding is. Your
twin will be a reflection of your own level.

If people are open to the Gender Twin link, first of all, you may actually be with yours. There
are some people, particularly Indigos, who manage to come through, and move through the
scrambled time lines, where they actually found their Gender Twin. So, if you're part of a married
couple, and it's a good thing happening, there's a good chance you may have already found yours, as
Eieyani council. If so, whatever bond you have will amplify and get stronger. First, there will be a
little clearing of conflict stuff from old patterns and then there will be an even stronger bond than
was there before, if you have your twin with you. If you don't and you're in one of those rocky
relationships that, you know, "It's all right for now but I really have a feeling I'm not supposed to be
here forever", it may be the fact that you're still paired with an Annunaki or a Drakonian that you
don't belong with, and they don't belong with you any more than you belong with them because
they can't ascend either.

If you're not really with the person you're supposed to be with, you're going to find out fast,
probably, because it will kick up all this stuff that is disharmonic between you. Gender Twins share
the same DNA template, one spliced into the magnetic, base-magnetic where it's more drawing
frequency, which would be female, and the other being its replicate, being the base-electrical which
would be the male body form. There are men and women on this planet whose DNA templates – the
coding in the templates beneath the manifest strands, and which is reflected in the manifest strands,
actually have total compatibility and harmony.

The grids are going to do this on a mass level. They're going to re-order the time lines to start
bringing the Gender Twins back together both in the Eieyani Councils and in the general human

Astral Relationships and Gender Twins

Astral relationships are the most dangerous thing that you can engage in with respect to the
times in which we live. If your Gender Twin is not in a physical body OR you are not open to a
physical relationship, there is ONE THING that will ABSOLUTELY NOT be occurring in the
Astral. They will NOT be sexual relationships or turn into what looks like sexual relationships
there. They may end up here as sexual bonding and committed relationships. In the Astral, if you
take your Astral Body out and you go and have an affair, it is the same darn thing as linking your
fields sexually with someone here. They (those trying to hybridize us out of our 12-strand potential)
are doing Code Saturation of the DNA Template and people are falling for it. The Guardians WILL
NOT use SEXUAL BONDING in the Astral! REJECT anyone claiming to be your Twin if
astral sex is initiated. If it IS your Gender Twin, they won’t do it that way!

Allot of people have these lovely dreams of meeting their twins or partners and having lovely
relationships in the astral. Some people believe that is it not real. YES IT IS! You are actually doing
stuff in the astral, and then you bring your astral body back into your body here. Whatever
frequency you picked up in the astral state, down steps into your 3D body here. So, astral sex does
count as sex.

The Fallen Angelics that are doing code saturation of DNA templates will send imposters in to
seduce people into orgasm. Even a mild orgasm opens the DNA Template so the DNA Template
can be overlaid with reversals. These code overlays can lead to Monadic Reversal inhibiting ones
ability to continue with the ascension process.

There are other ways to bond the fields naturally that do not engage what looks like sexuality
AND Gender Twins can do this. Someone who is trying to infiltrate your fields would have to do
different things to get into your fields because they don’t have the DNA compatibility that a Gender
Twin does. IF they can get you to willingly open your fields by having an astral sexual
encounter…they’ve got you.

ANY sexual encounter, here or in the astral involves an exchange of codes. Indiscriminate sex is
very dangerous to your field integrity. You can undo allot of hard work that you have done restoring
your template by an indiscriminate liaison. It is the #1 way that we are “brought down.” Before any
sexual encounter, reinforcing your flame body is good practice!

Moda AdhurA

The Moda/AdhurA Complex is a series of FOUR Hon’-a-til-E-‘a or Tri-Veca circles that

connect to very specific parts of the body and Kathara Centers. Although “Moda” means male and
‘AdhurA’ means female, (in the language of Anuhazi) the male human, contains AdhurA crystals
within the body and the female contains Moda crystals within the body. This is because the male
leaves his replica of the Moda aspect in earth core and the female leaves her AdhurA replica in
earth core. In other words, the male would leave a replica of himself in the planetary core and take
the female with him and visa versa. The Moda AdhurA is the quintessential example of the Male
within the Female and the Female within the Male. It is our INNER TWIN. The quickest way to
bring in your Gender Twin, is to activate it on the INSIDE! We activate out INNER TWIN with the
Moda/AdhurA Complex.

The Moda /AdhurA are a set of crystalline structures that open what are called the “24 Spheres
of the Lotus” which allows for the re-activation of the parameter field4. The key to regenerating our
parameter field lies in activating what is known as the Moda-AdhurA Crystal Complex. The
Complex can be viewed as four sets of Hon’-a-til-E-‘a or Tri-Veca circles around the area of the
LeTuA, the Azur-A, E-Umbi and the tail-bone. The crystal Complex at the tailbone contains half
the DNA imprint of Kathara Center ONE (the other half being in earth core). The tail-bone
Complex contains a series of duct systems that used to be important in combining the energies
between male and females and was the basis of True “sacred sex”.

The Tri-Veca is the KEY to Moda-Adura Complex, which is the Heliotalic processing center in
the body. They connect in very specific parts of the body. We have an Upper, Middle and Lower
Moda AdhurA.

The 24 Elders (24 Spheres of the Lotus) exist on a cosmic level and down step down to the
personal body Etheric Membranes. Activating Moda/AdhurA Complex means reactivating the set
of spheres which will dissolve the Etheric Membranes. There are membranes formed in various
places in the bio-energetic system. You have to have all of them open so you don’t douse yourself
with frequency that your body can’t hold when you release the big one that literally opens from D14
down. This is where you begin to activate the Golden-Silver ONE buffer Capsule.

When we open up the 24 Spheres of the Lotus, it is literally aligning all the spheres on the right
axes, activating them again, which will allow for the activation of the parameter field. The
parameter field is the field that is created by the spinning of the merkaba. As long as our parameter
field can spin, it can take any axis alignment it needs to link with the local gates and the local seed
atom. BUT, when a parameter fields stops rotating, we are stuck with our main radial body field and
we can't shift our axis. This is where we get phase-locked into the shields.

Because these Moda AdhurA Centers have been shut down in the body, it shut down these
spheres in the body, which shut down the big rotational ones around the body. This has made it so
the imprint of the solar shields called the ‘Zodiacal Fetal Imprint’ dominates all of the Kathara
centers. We have been imprinted with all this excess misalignment. This distortion is the core
behind all the problems between male and female genders, as well as our inability to connect with
our Gender Twin. The Zodiacal fetal Imprint is a shield of a false time clock, known as the Nibiruan
Metatronic Clock overlaying, personal, planetary, galactic and universal levels. It causes a
misalignment with the time cycles so you are unable to meet your Gender Twin.

By activating the Moda AdhurA it begins to change all that. During May 2003 Hetharo
Electrical Peak, the Planetary, Galactic and Universal Level Merkaba reached their peak spin speed
together and certain merkaba configurations happened that allowed for a reset of the Electrical
Natural Christos Seed Atom, which is the internalized mathematical pattern in the shields. During
Aug 2003 Hethalon Magnetic Peak, the Planetary, Galactic and Universal Level Merkaba reached

Parameter Field – The Parameter Field is the moving Primal Light & Sound field created by the spinning of the
their peak spin speed and went through transformation that allowed for the magnetic portions of the
Divine Blueprint & Christos Seed Atom to be reset. It is only during those states that the Heliotalic
frequencies directly from the Ecka Core Center open on to this planet, into the Galaxy and into this
Universe. They are the only frequencies that are strong enough to allow us to do manual override
and reactivate the Moda/AdhurA Complex that was deactivated in 208, 216 BC. When we fully
activate the Moda AdhurA Complex, we find a part of ourselves in our cells, which are the
Addondraea. The Addondraea are the first crystal people who are the People of the Reuche!

Mahadra Adrhana

The process of healing the Moda/Adhura complex was initiated in Andorra in August 2003 with
the anchoring of the Mahadra/Adhrana code. The Mahadra Adhrana code is a shield template that
runs through the Arc of the Covenant Gates and restores the ability of the Moda/Adhura complex
and the 24 Elders before the Throne. The Mahadra Adhrana is literally an Arc of the Covenant
buffer zone that expands into the planetary body and the planetary atmosphere under certain

The M/A code has at its core the Veca Mahadra, which is the electrical Krist code. The outer
area is the Adhrana, which is the CCW magnetic field. The script on the outside is called ‘angelic

The Mahadra Adhrana Code is a combination of the Krist and the Krystallah; the male Krist and
the female Krystallah. In the Eckasha-Aah God Worlds you have the male template of the Krist and
inside of the Krist Kathara Grid in the female Krystallah Kathara Grid.. (refer to Dance for Love)
When we you work with the Mahadra Adhrana induction (see Andorra 2003 DVD) we are working
with a code that will allow us to carry the full pattern, on a microcosmic level, of the full Krist code,
the Mahadra Adhrana.

The Adhrana is in the area in ourselves that is referred to as the hypothalamus. The
hypothalamus is responsible for the ‘Fight or Flight’ syndrome. It has also been called the ‘Well of
Dreams.’ It is a very important part of our anatomy because it literally regulates everything from
metabolic rate and temperature to how frequency is processed through the LE-Teu-A lens.

Mother Code Convergence – Male activates the Female

During the “Eieyani Massacre” period of Earth history (22,326BC), the Ad-DON-Draea-Indigo
Races of Earth were given the Security Codes for activation of the Polarian Matrix. The Security
Codes, known collectively as the “Mother Code” (as the Parallel Ecka represents the EirA-
dominant “female” twin to your Ecka’s “male” ManA dominant Shield), was imbued into the Ad-
DON-Draea AdonI-AdonA descent Earth-Indigo Races, and is passed on through the generations
via the Mitochondrial DNA/ RNA of the mother only, in contemporary races descendant from the
Ad-DON-Draea line of 22,326BC. As you might recall from earlier history ‘briefings’, the Ad-
DON-Draea allowed their Tribal Shield to be shattered and merged with Earths’ Planetary Shield
during the Eieyani Massacre during Earths’ last attempted SAC. Through this act of selfless love,
the Ad-DON-Draea had given Earth the gift of the Polarian Matrix Mother Code, which would
allow the Earth Body itself to call the Polarian Matrix into activation during the next (i.e. present
day) SAC, in the potential event of attempted Budhara invasion. If, in the drama of 2,000 – 2017AD
SAC, Budhara invasion became imminent, the Ad-DON-Draea-Eieyani-Indigo of Earth would
awaken the Mother Code in the female DNA/ RNA, to activate the Polarian Matrix in Earths’ Body.
Though the Mother Code (the “Mary Code” refers to later hi-jack attempts of these gene-lines) is
carried by female bodies, it is able to activate within the female bodies only through the Activation
Keys carried by the male twin counterpart of the female. Thus, the Mother Code is “carried by the
women”, “activated by the men” and, together, the male and female twin sets of the Ad-DON-
Draea-Indigo’s bring the Code into activation within Earth’s Shield. This is done through very
specific Lotus Arc Technologies that will soon be introduced; technologies which will enable both
males and females to link with the Eckasha Base Shield to “pick up their Twin Code”, even if their
Maharic Twin is not embodied. Those twin pairs on Earth that are viably embodied, and together,
will activate their Mother Code Set together to enable the Indigo Shield to access the Eckasha Base
Shield for Polarian Matrix Activation. Activation of Earths’ Polarian Matrix is a VERY BIG, and
VERY SACRED MISSION; a major event within the larger body of the Christos Realignment

The November 21-22, 2004 event of Anchoring the Polarian Matrix Mother Code Activation in
Earths Shield will be called the “Lady Gaia Awakening”. This event marks the activation of the
Male Polarian Code Activation Keys within the +ve Electrical Earth grids, Top +ve Electrical
Merkaba Spiral and within the male and androgynous gender Ad-DON-Draea descent incarnate
Indigo bodies (Aaah – so that’s what we’ve been feeling we can hear some of you say ☺ !). The
“electrical ManA” – Lady Gaia Awakening” November 21-22, 2004, event will be followed by
another event on December 12th, 2004, when this activation reaches critical mass in the “female/
EirA” aspects of the Planetary Shields and female DNA/ RNA Template, initiating activation of the
“Mitochondrial Mother Code” in the female and androgynous “Bodies and Grids”. The December
12th event will be called “The Mother Code Convergence”, as the “male” activation keys and
“female” carrier codes of the Polarian Matrix Security Activation Code Set “converge” within the
Planetary Shields initiating the activation sequence of the Polarian Matrix Trinity Gate-Arc Gate
linking network.

State of Hon’-a-til-E-‘a

Eternal Christiac Living Light Units engage in a perpetual dance that brings in the Living Light
Frequencies eventually enabling one to enter the Sacred States of God Mind Consciousness known
as Hon’-a-til-E-‘a and At-thon’-a-til-E-‘a. First, the Veca Sha-LA-a Flames projects its life force
through what is called the Lota crystal body5 polarizing the 90 thrust charge PKI Light Units. It
polarizes part of itself into 33 1/3 E and 11 2/3 M and holds 45 of the charge. It actually replicates
itself, breaks down itself AND holds itself in tact.

The Light Units projects at 45 degree angles from the center point. They project out and spread
to 45 degrees…that is their ‘flash on’ point. 1=CW /E 1=CCW/M.
They begin spinning together (not away) rotating their axis. As they spin together, the axis begins to
close up as 1 spins CW and 1 spins CCW toward Zero Point, which is the original angle that the 1st
burst came out on as it polarized. When Natural Light hits this phase, it goes through another phase
that it interesting. This is where we begin to understand Hon’-a-til-E-‘a and Athon’-a-til-E-‘a. They
are states of Light or phases that Eternal Light passes through.

When the two move together to a point where they hit 30 degrees from the Zero Point line, that
brings them into something called a ‘Tri-Veca Fold.’ On the Tri-Veca Fold is where these 2 forces
come together at Zero Point and the angles that they intersect at is Zero Point. That is where the
Krist Spark is generated. When they hit that point right there at that Tri-Veca Fold, it is called the
Hon’-a-til-E-‘a State. That is where the burst of new frequency that is a replica here (a replica of the
90 charge breaks down itself and leaves 45 of its replica here (?) and slowly the other
45__________________ into other units. Light like this continually refuels itself and it is

Lota Crystal Body – Crystal Body of the Ecka
ETERNAL. After it hits that point, it continues to accelerate and move to the center (they actually
pass through each other)

The State of Hon’-a-til-E-’a was a natural condition until the Moda AdhurA was shut down in
208, 216 BC. It takes 48 simultaneous Lotus Breaths to be able to reactivate the Moda AdhurA
Complex. Once activated, we begin healing our karmic-miasmic imprint, which clears the Zodiacal
Fetal Imprint.

We begin clearing the Zodiacal Fetal Imprint’ (please refer to Cosmic Clock – give full name)
by activating the Moda AdhurA Complex through activation and clearing of the 24 Blood Crystals.
The 24 Blood Crystals are also referred to as the ’24 Elders Before the Throne, the 24 Spheres of
the Lotus, the Music of the Spheres, and the Silent Symphony. They all have to do with the State of

In the Sacred State of Self, one is within the Hon’-a-til-E-’a State, generating the frequency to
make love to / with the Self. The “constant orgasm” or “the ecstasy” often discussed in what
remains of some of the true Sacred Sexuality teachings refers to the states of Hon’-a-til-E-’a and
Athon’-a-til-E-’a. Athon’-a-til-E-’a is full synchronization of all of the merkabas that allows for the
complete self-sustained building of the Eckasha Tri-Veca Merkaba and the flame body field.

State of Athon’-a-til-E-’a.

After the State of Hon’-a-til-E-‘a is reached, the Light Units continue an accelerated movement
towards the Zero Point and these 2 spheres end up in the same space and enter a Bi-Veca Fold; a
natural Bi-Veca Fold where you have what was 2 here becomes 1 and now these are the only 2 left
instead of the 3 and then they enter what is called the ‘Athon’-a-til-E-‘a State’ where the 3 become
2 and go back into 1. That is when what is called the “Miodic Diodic Grid’ (refer to K2-3) fully
open the LOTE (PCM) and the LOTI (PKA) crystals fully merge and shift 45 degrees and go back
into the axis of the Lota (Ecka), which means they depolarize and demanifest in the Veca Systems
and then the whole process pops back on again. This is how Light is supposed to circulate!

To achieve Athon’-a-til-E-‘a, you would bring the 4 Faces of the Soul (You + Your Gender
Twin here and Your set on Parallel) together, which begins building the Eckasha Tri-Veca
Merkaba. The structures for this type of sacred union exist in the Moda AdhurA Complex.

When you bring Gender Twin couples together they have the ability to rapidly activate their
own merkaba – accelerating their own DNA strand template activation. We activate our INNER
TWIN with the Moda/AdhurA. The Moda-AdhurA links the E-Umbi, AzurA, and Rajhna
points into Athon-a-til’-E’-a. The Density-3 Mental body is the Seed of the Athon’-a-til’-E’-a.
Athon'-a-til-E-'a can be reached with your Gender Twin on planet. The 2 become 3 and become
ONE demanifesting from the Veca System to the next level.

Universal Dimensional Merkaba Polarity Scale

Still need to transcribe off Cosmic Clock

Same Gender Twins

When you have unnatural distortions, particularly when you get half and half because of the
blended merkaba field on this planet (25,500 BC), it creates ½ of us male and ½ of us female in the
wrong proportions in the same body & shuts down the natural Moda AdhurA Centers, which would
normally balance those frequencies back out and bring the merkabas back into natural alignment.

There were all sorts of things done on this planet to force unnatural blendings. That doesn’t
mean that there is a problem with male / male and female / female coming together, but there are
certain considerations with the merkaba field that one needs to understand if they are going to reach
Athon’-a-til-E-‘a together.

Homosexuality is not a negative thing in this context. Although homosexuality is generally

misunderstood in this reality system, there are ways that the polarities can be brought into balance
so that it is not an anomaly. People here are treated as if it were an anomaly because there are
actually ways the same gender pairs can trigger faster integration of their parallel selves. This
makes them a bigger threat in a dogmatic society that is trying to control the sexual energies of
people. Remember that You + Your Gender Twin and the set of you on parallel are the 4 Aspects of
Self or the Four Faces of the Soul that you need to assemble in order to ascend to the next level.

There are certain advantages that come with being a same Gender Twin, and this is why it has
been repressed for so long, and why there has been such a campaign against being gay whether you
are male or female. There were ancient ‘rites’ that were natural for people who chose this path and
that go all the way up the dimensional scale when frequencies are combined as same sex Gender

Take the body parts away and imagine what homosexuality would look like on Density 4. They
are no longer physical bodies with body parts. We are talking about beautiful spheres of light
coming together in special ways that can run huge amounts frequency and can blend their
consciousness to know each other on every level, IN ALL WAYS.

When Gender Twins encounter problems with twisting in their energy fields, it has to do with
the Dimensional Merkaba Gender Polarity Scale being mismatched. This is where you get a male
soul incarnating in a female body. Their merkabas can end up going the wrong way because of
distortions. Whatever the Universal Merkaba is in your quadrant, your density / void merkaba
fields will take on that configuration. So, if it is what is called a ‘base male/ base ManA” template
at D12, all of your void fields levels would have that type of merkaba. In our case, in the PCM
Universe we have 33 1/3 CW Electrical on the Top and 11 2/3 CCW Magnetic on Bottom. A
female would still have a CW Top Spiral but on a dimensional level (not density) would have 11
2/3 rather than 33 1/3, so they are bringing in 11 2/3 ManA instead of 33 1/3. In the female the
bottom spiral would still be going CCW, but it would be going faster at 33 1/3. If you have a male
body or a female body in the particle or anti-particle universe, how your merkabas spin with respect
to whether they are male or female tells you everything. For example, if it is female, you know it is
spinning CCW and is EirA Dominant, which means it would have the 11 2/3 ManA instead.

In the PCM Universe the Christos Seed Atom / Monad is D13 CCW female. Everyone in the
universe would have a CORE female monad, but males would have a CW one put in there, so it
changes their polarity balance all the way down. When you get to D2, it would be a male and that is
good, because if it wasn’t, it would be a male walking around in a female body. You have a male
body at D2 if you have a male monad and you have a female body at D2, if you have a female
monad…and not just D2, but D2, D5, D8, D11 all the way up the staff.

Sacred Sexuality

Once upon a time sexuality was a great sharing where you could reach states where 2 become 3
become 1 that were so expanded that you could run so much frequency into the planet that it was a
birthing of frequency into the planet. There were ways to achieve states of constant orgasm without
having anything to do with sex at all. This is what has often translated in some doctrines as the
‘ecstasy’ where you just walk around in those states. This has to do with the states of Hon’-a-til-E-
‘a and Athon’-a-til-E-‘a.

Sexual Interaction used to bring us to and through the Planet, Solar System, and all the way
back to Source! The 2 Become 3 and the 3 Become 1 as beings come together in sacred union. You
have each being’s field plus the combined field of the Union!

There was a time when ‘field blending of the partners’ would begin 3 days before a potential
sexual encounter. Sacred Sexuality does not involve giving to the partner; it involves giving to the
self (with or without a partner). One is also “giving” to the planet and on up through the star gate
chain. Once upon a time to engage in sexuality was precious. People realized that each other and the
Universe and Source were all coming together as ONE. It was Sacred. The whole ritual was sacred
starting with what you ate 3 days before, to what you did with your body, your mind, and your
emotions 3 days before all the way up to what you had built up in frequency in your body to give
and share with another. Because you weren’t just giving to each other, you were giving something
to the planet, and the planet would pass it on to the Solar System all the way up the chain.

Sexuality is about combing kundalini coding and DNA coding. When you unite with someone,
you are taking on part of their codes and they are taking on part of your codes with respect to DNA
Template Scalar Wave Patterns. During Sacred Sexuality, the Selves, the Universe and God come
together in joyful merger to experience ecstatic states of God-Mind Consciousness. The partner’s
DNA templates merge and this occurs whether or not the bodies physically engage in sex. With the
mechanics of Sacred Sexuality, we can experience both Hon’-a-til-E-‘a without a partner on planet
and Athon’-a-til-E-‘a with a partner who may be our Gender Twin but may also be our same
Gender Twin in certain cases.

There is a reason why when you put male and female body parts together that something
happens. It is all about frequencies being carried and what you can do with those frequencies. When
Gender Twins come together as Souls / OverSouls / Avatar / Rishis in sacred union, the kundalini
currents of each of them combine and they can run huge amounts of frequency together that can be
used for healing and manifestation.


Our Ecka Le-e-TOR-A Flame is male but holds within it the imprint of its Twin Flame the
Female Le-AdOR-A. The Parallel Side has an imprint of our Le-e-TOR-A Flame within their Le-
AdOR-A Flame. In our system we have the female flame inside the male flame and the Parallel
System has the male flame inside their female flame. Interaction of Twin Flames is where
manifestation takes place.

When the Le-e-TOR-A Flame of our Male Ecka joins with the Female Le-AdorA flame of the
Parallel Ecka they create the Khemalohatea Flame; the Twin Flames of the Ecka come together in a
Sacred Union and birth the Khemalohatea Flame.

When the two Twin Flames interact with each other is when you actually get manifestation
taking place. It is the interaction between the two that creates the etheric and ketheric template,
which are the things that you don’t see in physical manifestation, but actually hold the forms
together for the physical manifestation. The whole phasing motion is set in motion by the cell of the
opposite polarity, that of the twin. So, the twin flame of the Le-e-TOR-A is the Le-AdOR-A,
The Ethos frequencies and its twin frequencies of the Eiros come together with an imprint of the
density body… Ethos = +ve (positive) – MALE and Eiros = -ve (magnetic) FEMALE.

Ha-Na means: “Co-joining of Divine Compliments”

The “Ha-Na” is a modern rendering of the original, pre-ancient, Melchizedek Cloister Emerald
Order Wedding Ceremony.

The spoken ceremony consists of a set of beautiful, egalitarian, Spiritual Vows called: “The
Trinecean Covenants” (representing the Trinity of the Eternal Flame) that are made, taken and
shared between each of the Life-Partners and God-Source; the covenants thus representing an
“outer” expression of the “inner” Spiritual Commitment to move forwards as Life-Partners
according to the Kristiac Principles of “Divine Right Order and Divine Right Action.”

The Ceremony is presided over by one male, and one female; both Ordained Melchizedek
Cloister Ministers. The Ceremony includes a “Water Baptism” which energetically serves as, and
symbolically represents, the New Birth of 2 individuals into the TRINITY of their shared Life Path,
as 2 become 3 within the ONE which is also celebrated by a unique Ring Exchange representing the
Union of both spiritual and physical hearts.

Since December 21st, 2004, and the successful anchoring of the Polarian Wave, the Ha-Na Rite
has incorporated the “Sha-Na-TA component.” This component represents the potentiality of
mutual opening of the D-13 and D-1 aspects, the Le-EtorA and Le-AdorA Twin Flames, to activate,
merge and re-unite…opening of the possibility for natural Base-12 braiding and resultant,
progressive, combining of the respective D-13 and D-1 Lotus Arc Petal Sets.

The Mirror of Self

When we talk about the karmic-miasmic imprint, processing miasms alone can be a blessing
and a curse. One of the reasons people exist in partnerships, is for spiritual perspective, and is
dedicated entirely to growth as it is on Inner Earth. Primarily, we are here to help each other grow.

There isn't a miasm occurring on the planet, in a “couple” situation that concerns only one of
them. The miasms always concerns both. They both have an involvement and a reason for it being
there. They all have to do with the male/female relationship. The pairs will grow much healthier and
much closer than ever thought possible if they can look at each other with compassion and
understand the equal suffering we've done.

Miasms are generated by the pair that are together at a given time. Sometimes pairs will come
and go together in order to address some of those influences. Bare in mind that miasms will
continue to accrete negative frequencies whilst ever they remain.

When you are with your twin, the mirror of self can be a very real experience. You will see
things in your twin that you love and admire and you may see things in your twin that are showing
you where you both need to take it to the next level. Our twins of all people will act as a huge
mirror for any of our distorted through patterns or behavior!

At times when one of you is processing a miasm, instead of doing it alone, sometimes just
connecting with your twin on whatever level that is can make all the difference in the world. The
combined frequencies of twins shift the energies and make it easier to move through whatever the
experience is. Neither of you can ascend to the next level if you do not honestly look into the mirror
of self.

We complete with an excerpt of A’za-yana speaking during a Bermuda Workshop

(Preparing for Contact July 2002).

So, the miasms are very, very male/female. They are very much joint and generated by the pair
that are together at a given time. Sometimes pairs will come and go together in order to address
some of those influences. Bare in mind, the miasms are compaction, but also foster the
stubbornness of shadow and the kind of behavior of the apparthi. In other words, they will continue
to accrete negative frequencies whilst ever they remain.

People who have allot of clearing to is not a bad things that people seem to have close
associations with a number of people. Iit is not because they are addicted to Love or aspects of
Love. Really the higher and deeper drive will be that they actually recognize on those levels that
there are miasms to clear. By being of service to another without being conscious of it is a jolly
good thing to do.

Recognize each other when you go through the processes, try and sense their coming. They
always have a similar pattern. For ex: They will always involve people not hearing what the other
one is saying. Until you can find ways of dealing with it together, you have to make allowances for
that. You may have to apologize for behavior that doesn't seem like you because when you are
having a ain’t and sure as hell isn't you! It is the being in the other places clearing it
through you, but you agreed that you would.

So, you don't have to go into endless self-justification and say, "that wasn't really me." cuz it
was in a way....just one that you didn't recognize! All that stuff is just taking you back into the
victim-victimizer game. It is taking you back into feeling powerless because the person you love
isn't liking you right now and you don't know what to say, because you don't know what happened.

EX: "Where did that come from? I have never been such a pig before." Well, you are being a
pig now. Then you say, 'Well it wasn't me." Your partner says, "It sure looked like you." Anyway,
I was listening to you. "Know you weren't." Yes, I was. "Know you weren't."

You will find that this pattern will reoccur. It will be perfectly formed. As you form a
relationship with it and the signature it carries and you acknowledge it and you talk with your
friend. You say,

"Look, I am such a dumb ass. I don't handle this well. "

"I don't either"

With a little bit of love and recognition, that little extra bit of union will come into it and you'll
be stronger for it.

There is bunches and bunches of power available to you if only you will decide to have a
conscious relationship with whoever you are called to. Do it! It is really, really possible. It isn't very
easy and it is not allot of fun some of the times, but you can do it. Say to yourself, "I WILL!"

Copyright A’sha-yana and A’za-yana Deane

AOD Transmission Arc Gate 11-21-2004 page 5

Note: Androgynous gender Indigos will carry wither “male” or “female” Code set, or ½ of each,
but do NOT carry the full set of the Mother Codes and their Keys. It is the collaborative efforts of
the 3 Genders -YES – 3 Genders – that allows the Polarian matrix Security Key Codes to activate
in the Indigo Tribal Shield, to facilitate Unbalanced down-stepping of the Poalarian Matrix into
Earth’s Shields.

Space-time / spirituality and the human body are all connected to each other.

One will be male and one will be female. Sometimes, certain matrices will do certain changes
with that for very specific purposes. BUT, the basic pattern of the human imprint is…1 comes in as
male and 1 comes in as female.
When we bring the understanding of Gender Twins and combining the polarities into our present
day lives, we can use the analogy of genetic twins here in 3D, where you have a boy and girl, which
are fraternal twins OR you have identical twins, which are identical or the same gender. Fraternal
twins come from 2 separate seeds or eggs. Identical Twins come from the same seed. Gender
Twinss come from the same seed as well. The difference is that genetic twins come from the human
seed while Gender Twins come from the GodSeed. So, your Gender Twin is your Divine

DVD 4 2:45:09 Stair Step Creation

God is an infinite creative force of Intelligence, Love Compassion. God is an infinite Source and
you have the potential to embody these things to the degree that a human form can handle it.

Scalar Waves – standing waves of Light and Sounds that particles accrete upon to fill out the matter
density of whatever the form will be.

DVD 4: 2:56:40 In the Concept of the Physics of things…

The Zodiac Imprint causes gender polarity and repulsion of the opposite sex. (there is more info on

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