DETERMINATIONS (Assignments) IN SD: Area Determination...
DETERMINATIONS (Assignments) IN SD: Area Determination...
DETERMINATIONS (Assignments) IN SD: Area Determination...
Sales Area ++ Document Pricing Procedure ++ Customer Pricing Procedure ++ Pricing Procedure
{Sales Organization {Sales document type} {Customer master of SP}
Distribution Channel
Application + Condition type + Chart Of Account + Sales Organisation + A/c Key + G/L Account
6.Internal Determination......
7. Item Category Determination..........(VOV4)
If item category is determine then only material is relevant for order, delivery and billing.
Sales Document Type ++ Item Category Group ++ Item Usage ++ High Level Item
(IN, QT, OR, CS, RO..) NORM, ERLA(MMD) (CMIR) (From Sales order Line
-item level)
Delivery Document Type ++ Item Category Group ++ Item Usage ++ High Level Item
(LF/LR) (MMD-Sale org data-1) (CMIR) (Delivery line level)
Sales Area ++ Document Pricing Procedure ++ Customer Pricing Procedure ++ Free Goods Procedure
{Sales Organization {Sales document type} {Customer A/c Group} (NA0001)
Distribution Channel
Division}(CMD & MMD)
11.Route Determination.........
If Route is determined delivery the material to the customer place will be accurate, indirectly services is maintained in a
proper way.
Route will be determined at Sales Order level & Delivery Level.
Route Determination Is totally depending on the Transportation Zone of customer master data. Transportation Zone indicate
Departure Zone & Destination Zone.
16.Plant Determination...........
System consider the plant from the following things