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DETERMINATIONS (Assignments) IN SD: Area Determination...

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1.Business Area Determination....

 If Business Area is determined, then only FI department people will generate Financial statement. profit & loss
statement and relevant account reports within the organisation.
 Business Area is determined for each item in the sales order based on a rule.
 The rule is specified for each Sales area.
 There are only 3 rules which cannot be extended.
The rules are
1. Business area determination From Pant and Item division
2. Business area determination From Sales area
3. Business area determination From Sales organization, Distribution channel and Item division.
2.Partner Determination.....(Vopa)
 Partner Determination determines who is legally responsible for account receivable.
 Partner Determination determines who is giving the order, who is receiving the material, who is receiving the bill and
who is the payer.
Partner Procedure ++ Customer Account Group ++ Partner Function
Customer Account Group M Ch/
SP ✓ ✓
All Partner assign to account Group Individually Partner assign to account group

3. Shipping Point Determination........(OVL2)

If Shipping Point is determine then only delivery is possible with proper fright charge & Taxes can be charged.
Shipping Condition ++ Loading Group ++ Delivery PLANT ++ Proposed Shipping Point
{CMD & {MMD & Enterprise Structure
Sales Doc. Type} Sale Gen. Plant Data}

4.Pricing Procedure Determination.........(Ovkk)

If pricing procedure is determine then only we can maintain condition record (Pricing, Discount, Freight, Tax).

Sales Area ++ Document Pricing Procedure ++ Customer Pricing Procedure ++ Pricing Procedure
{Sales Organization {Sales document type} {Customer master of SP}
Distribution Channel

5.Revenue Account Determination.......(VKOA)

If Revenue Account is determined, billing document will be saved clearly, neatly, & we can release to FI department {All the
relevant G/Ls and account keys will be link to sales organization & Chart of account}.

Application + Condition type + Chart Of Account + Sales Organisation + A/c Key + G/L Account
6.Internal Determination......
7. Item Category Determination..........(VOV4)
If item category is determine then only material is relevant for order, delivery and billing.

Sales Document Type ++ Item Category Group ++ Item Usage ++ High Level Item
(IN, QT, OR, CS, RO..) NORM, ERLA(MMD) (CMIR) (From Sales order Line
-item level)

8. Schedule Line Category Determination........(VOV5)

If Schedule line category is determine, delivery date and conform quantity will be visible.

Item category ++ MRP Type ++ Proposed Schedule line

(TAN) (From MMD in Mrp-1) (Schedule lines of the sales order CN/CP)

9.Delivery Item Category.......

If Delivery item category is determined conformed quantity, picking quantity can be delivered cleared.

Delivery Document Type ++ Item Category Group ++ Item Usage ++ High Level Item
(LF/LR) (MMD-Sale org data-1) (CMIR) (Delivery line level)

10.Free Goods Determination.........

If Free Goods are determine then only Inclusive Free Goods & Exclusive Free Goods are can be proposed in sales order

Sales Area ++ Document Pricing Procedure ++ Customer Pricing Procedure ++ Free Goods Procedure
{Sales Organization {Sales document type} {Customer A/c Group} (NA0001)
Distribution Channel
Division}(CMD & MMD)

11.Route Determination.........
If Route is determined delivery the material to the customer place will be accurate, indirectly services is maintained in a
proper way.
Route will be determined at Sales Order level & Delivery Level.
Route Determination Is totally depending on the Transportation Zone of customer master data. Transportation Zone indicate
Departure Zone & Destination Zone.

Route Determination at Sales Order Level

Departure Zone
Destination Zone
Shipping Condition ++ Transportation Group ++ Proposed Route
(CMD & Sales doc. type) (MMD-Sales Gen. Plant data (Comes from sales order level)
Route Determination at Delivery Level
Departure Zone
Destination Zone
Shipping Condition ++ Transportation Group ++ Weight Group ++ Proposed Route
(CMD & Sales doc. type) (MMD-Sales Gen. Plant data) (Gross weight)
12.Tax Classification...........
Tax determination determines the proper sale tax (i.e customer, material, tax) & tax jurisdictions.
 Country
 Region
 Customer Tax Classification
 Material Tax Classification
 Tax Condition type(MWST)
 Tax Procedure(From FI department)

13. Text Determination...........

If Text is determined, the customer master data text massage and material master data text massage will be conformed &
determined in sales header level & item level.

Sales Document Type ++ Text Procedure ++ Customer Account Group

14. Storage Location Rule Determination...........

If Storage Location Rule is Determined delivery is successful.

 MALA---Shipping point ++ Plant ++ Storage Condition

 RETA----Situation ++ Plant ++ Storage Condition

15.Picking Point Determination........

If Picking Point is Determined picking is successful from the storage location and delivery will be successful.

Shipping point ++ Plant ++ Storage Condition ++ Storage Location

(SD) (MM) (MM) (MM)

16.Plant Determination...........
System consider the plant from the following things

 Customer-Material Info Record

 Customer master data
 Material Master data

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