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02 Avenido v. Avenido

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G.R. No. 173540, January 22, 2014| PEREZ, J.
Bigamy While a marriage certificate is considered the
primary evidence of a marital union, it is not
Petitioners: Peregrina Avenido regarded as the sole and exclusive evidence of
Respondents: Tecla Avenido marriage. The fact of marriage may be proven by
relevant evidence other than the marriage certificate.
FACTS Hence, even a person’s birth certificate may be
recognized as competent evidence of the marriage
Tecla Hoybia Avenido (Tecla) instituted a Complaint between his parents.
for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage against
Peregrina Macua Vda. de Avenido (Peregrina) on the It is an error on the part of the RTC to rule that without
ground that Tecla is the lawful wife of the deceased the marriage certificate, no other proof can be accepted.
Eustaquio Avenido (Eustaquio).
The execution of a document may be proven by the
Tecla alleged that her marriage to Eustaquio was parties themselves, by the swearing officer, by witnesses
solemnized on 30 September 1942 in Talibon, Bohol in who saw and recognized the signatures of the parties; or
rites officiated by the Parish Priest of the said town. even by those to whom the parties have previously
While the marriage certificate was recorded with the narrated the execution thereof.
local civil registrar, the records of the LCR were
destroyed during World War II. In this case, due execution was established by the
eyewitness testimonies and of Tecla herself as a
Tecla and Eustaquio begot four children, but Eustaquio party to the event. The subsequent loss was shown
left his family in 1954. by the testimony of the officiating priest.

In 1979, Tecla learned that Eustaquio got married to Since due execution and loss of the marriage contract
another woman by the name of Peregrina, which were clearly shown by evidence presented, secondary
marriage she claims must be declared null and void evidence–testimonial and documentary–may be
for being bigamous. In support of her claim, Tecla admitted to prove fact of marriage.
presented eyewitnesses to the ceremony, the birth
certificate of their children and certificates to the fact The starting point then, is the presumption of
that the marriage certificate/records were destroyed. marriage.
• Every intendment of the law leans toward
Peregrina, on the other hand averred that she is the legalizing matrimony. Persons dwelling together
legal surviving spouse of Eustaquio who died on 22 in apparent matrimony are presumed, in the
September 1989, their marriage having been celebrated absence of any counter-presumption or
on 30 March 1979 and showed the marriage contract evidence special to the case, to be in fact
between her and Eustaquio. married. The reason is that such is the common
order of society, and if the parties were not
RTC ruled in favor of Peregrina. It relied on Tecla’s what they thus hold themselves out as being,
failure to present her certificate of marriage to they would be living in the constant violation of
Eustaquio. Without such certificate, RTC considered as decency and of law.
useless the certification of the Office of the Civil
Registrar of Talibon over the lack of records. WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED and the assailed
Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
The CA, on appeal, ruled in favor of Tecla. 79444 is AFFIRMED. The marriage between petitioner
• It held there was a presumption of lawful Peregrina Macua Avenido and the deceased Eustaquio
marriage between Tecla and Eustaquio as they Avenido is hereby declared NULL and VOID. No
deported themselves as husband and wife and pronouncement as to costs.
begot four children.
• Such presumption, supported by documentary
evidence consisting of the same Certifications
disregarded by the RTC, and testimonial
evidence created sufficient proof of the fact of
marriage. o The CA found that its appreciation
of the evidence presented by Tecla is well in
accord with Section 5, Rule 130 of the Rules of


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