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Jurnal Cognitive Frailty

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The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging©

Volume 17, Number 9, 2013


1. Gérontopôle, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, France; 2. INSERM UMR 1027, Toulouse, France; 3. Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France;
4. Memory Clinic, Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, "Sapienza" University, Rome, Italy; 5. Pôle Cardiovasculaire et Métabolisme, Unité Transversale Nutrition Clinique, Hôpital
Rangueil, Toulouse, France; 6. Médéos consulting, Garches, France; 7. Département de réadaptation, Université de Laval, Québec, Canada, and Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec,
Québec, Canada; 8. Institut Català de l’Envelliment, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; 9. Centre Mémoire de Ressources et de Recherche, CHU Nice, INSERM JE
2441 Neurobiologie et Psychopathologie, Nice, France; 10. Department of Public Heath, CHU de Toulouse; 11. Neurology Department, University Hospital of Montpellier, Montpellier,
France; 12. David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA and GLA VA Healthcare System, Sepulveda Campus, Los Angeles, USA. Correspondance to: Eirini Kelaiditi,
Institut du Vieillissement, Gérontopôle, Université de Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier. 37 Allées Jules Guesde, 31000 Toulouse, France. Phone: +33 (0) 56114-5668;

Abstract: The frailty syndrome has recently attracted attention of the scientific community and public health
organizations as precursor and contributor of age-related conditions (particularly disability) in older persons. In
parallel, dementia and cognitive disorders also represent major healthcare and social priorities. Although physical
frailty and cognitive impairment have shown to be related in epidemiological studies, their pathophysiological
mechanisms have been usually studied separately. An International Consensus Group on “Cognitive Frailty” was
organized by the International Academy on Nutrition and Aging (I.A.N.A) and the International Association of
Gerontology and Geriatrics (I.A.G.G) on April 16th, 2013 in Toulouse (France). The present report describes the
results of the Consensus Group and provides the first definition of a “Cognitive Frailty” condition in older adults.
Specific aim of this approach was to facilitate the design of future personalized preventive interventions in older
persons. Finally, the Group discussed the use of multidomain interventions focused on the physical, nutritional,
cognitive and psychological domains for improving the well-being and quality of life in the elderly. The
consensus panel proposed the identification of the so-called “cognitive frailty” as an heterogeneous clinical
manifestation characterized by the simultaneous presence of both physical frailty and cognitive impairment. In
particular, the key factors defining such a condition include: 1) presence of physical frailty and cognitive
impairment (CDR=0.5); and 2) exclusion of concurrent AD dementia or other dementias. Under different
circumstances, cognitive frailty may represent a precursor of neurodegenerative processes. A potential for
reversibility may also characterize this entity. A psychological component of the condition is evident and concurs
at increasing the vulnerability of the individual to stressors.

Key words: Frailty, cognition, cognitive frailty, neurodegenerative disease, aging, elderly, disability, clinical
markers, biological markers, neuroimaging, prevention.

Introduction With regard to the brain, the role of brain aging, the
development of brain frailty (i.e. a state of reduced
The aging of populations worldwide in the coming decades neurophysiological reserves) and their relationship to both the
will lead to a marked increase of age-related diseases and late-life appearance of neurodegenerative and vascular diseases
disability with consequent profound personal, social and and to the appearance of physical frailty itself are not well
economic implications (1, 2). Given the difficulty in reversing understood. Recent demographic changes in industrialized
aging’s disabling cascades, it is important to act preventively populations have led to the emergence of the so-called
with specifically tailored interventions against prodromal signs “dementia epidemic”. Available treatments for Alzheimer’s
of disease and disability when these processes are still disease (AD), for example, have only shown a moderate short-
amenable to effective modification. term symptomatic effect without any disease-modifying
Recently, the frailty syndrome, which renders individuals efficacy. Moreover, several promising new drugs based mainly
more vulnerable to adverse health outcomes through generally on the amyloid hypothesis have recently failed to alter
subtle and progressive physical changes, has attracted attention established disease in phase 3 clinical trials (5). As a
in the medical and scientific communities as well as within the consequence, interest has developed in focusing on the
public health departments of numerous countries (3). In fact preclinical stages of the dementia syndrome and on the
acting on frailty through effective interventions may change the identification of effective preventive strategies. Thus, similarly
aging trajectories of many individuals from the possible to disability prevention, there is an urgent need to act early,
“pathological aging” pattern to the more personally and before neuronal damage becomes irreversible.
economically desirable “successful aging” (4).
Received June 14, 2013
Accepted for publication July 30, 2013
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The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging©

Volume 17, Number 9, 2013


At present, the concept of frailty has focused principally on the identification of biomarkers and other advances in
the physical domain. However, some recent work has started medicine, the definitions of diseases are constantly changing
considering cognition in the definition of frailty (6, 7). For e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, and vascular
example, a recent review paper by Clegg et al. included the diseases. This may partly explain the discrepancies in the
pathophysiological pathway of brain aging among the causal prevalence rates of physical frailty, recently reported to vary
factors of the frailty syndrome (8). Similarly, Buchman et al. widely ranging between 4.0-59.1% among older adults aged ≥
have suggested that the accumulation of common brain 65 years (8, 18).
pathological findings (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease pathology, To translate the theoretical concept of frailty into practice,
macroinfarcts, nigral neuronal loss) was independently several operational definitions of frailty have been proposed
associated with the rate of progression of physical frailty and are currently available in the literature. These emphasize
accounting for more than 8% of the variance unexplained by principally physical frailty. For the purposes of this review, the
demographic variables alone in older participants from the main definitions are presented. The most commonly used
Religious Orders Study and Memory and Aging Project (9). In definition of frailty was developed by Fried et al. as part of
view of the increased interest in the frailty syndrome and its their work in the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) (11) and
relationship to the aging brain, and the continued goal of the Women’s Health and Aging Studies (WHAS) [10]. Frailty
developing strategies to improve disability in the elderly, a is operationally defined as a clinical condition meeting 3 out of
workshop on Cognitive Frailty was conducted by an 5 criteria related to a physical phenotype including weak
International Consensus Group on the 16th of April 2013 in muscle strength, slow gait speed, unintentional weight loss,
Toulouse (France). The experts were chosen due to their exhaustion and low physical activity (11). Although the
expertise in different fields including frailty, Alzheimer’s physical phenotype of frailty has been validated and used in a
disease, public health, and geriatrics. The experts were selected number of studies (14, 15, 19, 20) many investigators have
by the Task Force chairs. A proposal paper was initially drafted suggested a broader multidomain phenotype of frailty which is
and sent to the Consensus Group members prior to the meeting. not limited strictly to the physical domain yet including diverse
The draft was presented and discussed during the meeting to syndromes, diseases and disability states. Thus, Rockwood et
reach consensus and formulate recommendations. The draft was al. operationalized the Frailty Index (FI) capturing the age-
revised after the meeting, resent to all co-authors for comments related accumulation of clinical deficits, such as disability,
and a final version was commonly accepted by all members and diseases, physical and cognitive impairments, psychosocial risk
the Task Force chairs. Discrepancies were discussed during the factors and geriatric syndromes (such as falls, delirium and
meeting and a final proposal was agreed. urinary incontinence) (21). The same group also developed the
Primary aim of the meeting was to discuss current issues Clinical Frailty Scale based on 7 components ranging from 1
related to the relationship existing between frailty and (robust health) to 7 (complete functional dependence on others)
cognition. Specific objectives of the meeting were: i) to in order to provide a more clinical friendly instrument for the
summarize the existing literature in order to identify the papers detection of frailty (7). Another operational definition of frailty
that have examined whether frailty is capable to predict was more recently developed and validated by Ensrud et al. in
cognitive outcomes, ii) to provide evidence showing links the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF) aiming to simplify
between frailty and cognition, iii) to discuss and propose a first the definition proposed by Fried et al. (22). This new screening
definition on cognitive frailty, iv) to discuss and propose a list instrument defines frailty as the presence of at least 2 out of 3
of screening tools and specific clinical and biological markers criteria including unintentional weight loss, inability to rise
for identifying individuals at risk of physical disability and from a chair and exhaustion (23). Furthermore, Gobbens et al.
neurodegenerative disease, and v) discuss and propose potential have developed the Tilburg Frailty Indicator (TFI), a self-
preventive interventions about cognitive frailty. reported questionnaire to assess frailty (24). The TFI defines
frailty including 3 domains (physical, psychological and social)
Physical frailty and cognitive impairment have been studied and 15 single questions in these 3 domains. The score ranges
separately from 0 to 15, with higher score indicating higher risk of frailty.
Frailty has been predictive of poor clinical outcomes (e.g.
Theoretical and operational definitions of frailty falls, disability, hospitalization, mortality) (25-28), and has
Frailty is a multidimensional geriatric syndrome further been associated with biological abnormalities (e.g.
characterized by increased vulnerability to stressors as a result biomarkers of inflammation) regardless of the definition used to
of reduced capacity of different physiological systems (10, 11). assess frailty (29). These findings clearly suggest that frailty is
It is also associated with increased risk of adverse health- influenced by a number of pathophysiological modifications
related outcomes including falls, disability, hospitalizations and involving the body’s diverse physiological systems.
mortality (12-14). Although research on frailty has been
Cognitive function in older persons
ongoing for the last 15 years, there is still a lack of consensus
Current research suggests that dementia represents the last
about a unique operational definition (15-17). With progress in
phase of a progressive accumulation of pathological changes

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Volume 17, Number 9, 2013


starting decades before the earliest clinical symptoms appear Consequently, a strong effort is currently being developed to
(30). In this regard, AD, for example, is actually considered as more clearly conceptualize a “pre-MCI” phase. In this context,
a continuum of disease from preclinical asymptomatic to overt, a growing interest has emerged in “subjective cognitive
symptomatic stages. Aiming at properly capturing and complaints” (SCC), defined as self- or informant-reported
summarizing the course of the disease, several cognitive disturbances occurring in the absence of an objective
concepts/definitions have been proposed, both in clinical (31, impairment of cognitive performance (35). Despite some
32) and research settings (33), to differentiate the different conflicting results, SCC have been suggested as a potential risk
phases of the pathophysiological process (Table 1). These factor for the eventual onset of cognitive impairment and
definitions have incorporated the recent scientific advances in dementia. Accordingly, dementia preventive trials (i.e. MAPT,
the field, especially concerning biomarkers of the core features GuidAge) are increasingly enrolling participants with
of AD (cerebrospinal liquid Aβ42, Tau and phospho-Tau subjective complaints as target populations (36, 37).
concentrations; amyloid deposition and glucose metabolism in Nevertheless, several methodological issues (i.e. broad
positron emission tomography (PET); brain atrophy in heterogeneity of this entity, lack of standardized definitions and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)). Despite some slight limited assessment tools) have so far limited the clinical and
discrepancies, there is a growing consensus in subdividing the research adoption of the SCC concept. In conclusion, the
course of AD and dementia into three subsequent stages: 1) a definition and operationalization of a cognitive premorbid
preclinical/asymptomatic stage, only revealed by biomarkers entity for dementia prevention is urgently needed.
evidence; 2) a predementia phase, characterized by the
impairment in memory or other cognitive domains not Physical and cognitive functional decline are linked
negatively affecting social and/or occupational functioning; and
3) a dementia phase, in which cognitive disturbances Clinical and subclinical factors shared between frailty and
significantly interfere with the capacity for independent living. cognitive disorders
In fact, the interventions so far investigated to reduce dementia Multiple subclinical and clinical conditions seem to underlie
incidence have mainly failed, even if implemented in the Mild both the physical and cognitive age-related declines. For
Cognitive Impairment (MCI)/prodromal stage (34) (probably example, depression has been related to hippocampal atrophy
because an extensive neuronal loss has already occurred). and subsequent mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (38) as well
Table 1
Currently adopted definitions of the different dementia/AD stages

Stage Definition Criteria

Dementia phase
All cause dementia Cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms that: 1) interfere with normal functioning; 2) represent a NIA-AA
decline from previous levels of performing; 3) are not explained by delirium or other major psychiatric
disorders; 4) are detected by history-taking and objective cognitive assessment; 5) involve a
minimum of two cognitive/behavioral domains (memory, reasoning, visuospatial abilities, language,
Dementia due to AD Dementia + evidence of AD biomarkers NIA-AA
AD dementia Dementia + evidence of AD biomarkers IWG
Predementia phase
Mild cognitive 1) concerns reflecting a change in cognition reported by patient or informant or clinician; 2) objective NIA-AA
impairment (MCI) evidence of impairment in one or more cognitive domains; 3) preservation of independence in functional
abilities; 4) not demented.
Late MCI (LMCI) Concern on memory impairment and objective memory performance of 1.5 SD below the normative mean ADNI
in a standardized test
Early MCI (EMCI) Concern on memory impairment and objective memory performance between 1.0 SD and 1.5 SD ADNI
below the normative mean in a standardized test
MCI due to AD MCI + evidence of AD biomarkers NIA-AA
Prodromal AD 1) impairment of cued recall in a memory task; 2) preservation of independence in functional abilities; IWG
3) evidence of AD biomarkers
Subjective cognitive 1) self- or informant-reported cognitive disturbances; 2) normal objective performance on No criteria
complaints/impairment standardized cognitive testing (or performance less than 1.0 SD)
(SCC or SCI)
Preclinical phase
Preclinical stage of AD No cognitive impairment on standard assessment + evidence of AD biomarkers NIA-AA
Asymptomatic at-risk No cognitive impairment on standard assessment + evidence of AD biomarkers IWG
stage of AD

NIA-AA: National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association; IWG: International Working; Group for New Research Criteria for the Diagnosis of AD (81); ADNI: Alzheimer’s;
Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (82); SD: standard deviation

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Volume 17, Number 9, 2013


as to the development or worsening of the physical frailty condition caused by physical frailty. Such a nosological entity
syndrome in older persons (39, 40). Similarly, cardiovascular is not yet described, but frequently identified in the assessment
risk factors (e.g. diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, of older persons with physical frailty. A final selection of 9
inflammation, hyperhomocysteinemia) may be responsible for articles was used for the purpose of this review shown in Table
cumulative neurological damage (41-43) and are positively 2.
associated with frailty (44-47). It has also been suggested that
genetic mutations (e.g. APOE4) as well as environmental Figure 1
factors (e.g. low education, unhealthy dietary patterns, low Flow chart of retrieved and selected articles showing
physical and mental activity, smoking, high alcohol associations between the physical and cognitive domain
consumption) may negatively influence the aging brain (43, 48)
rendering it more fragile and exposing it to the development of
characteristic age-related diseases. Genetic (e.g. genes that are
involved in apoptotic and transcription regulation pathways
such as 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine
methyltranferase (MTR), Caspase 8 (CASP8), CREB-binding
protein (CREBBP), lysine acetyltransferase 2B (KAT2B), and
beta-transducin repeat containing (BTRC) loci) (49), and
environmental factors (such as nutrition and physical activity)
are also strongly related to frailty, both physical (50-52) and
brain (53-55). Additional, pathophysiological mechanisms
including oxidative damage and functional changes in the
hippocampus and prefrontal cortex have been identified as
important factors potentially mediating cognitive decline and
potentially leading to dementia (56-58). Recently, Clegg et al.
have suggested that structural and functional changes in the
aging brain in combination with frailty may identify elderly
people at particularly high risk of adverse outcomes (8).

Physical frailty and the added value of cognition

Cognitive impairment has increasingly been recognized as a
component of frailty, contributing to its heterogeneity (6, 59).
Interestingly, data from the French Three-City Study cohort,
among older individuals aged 65-95 years, have incorporated
cognitive impairment to the frailty phenotype and observed that
cognitive impairment improved the predictive validity of the A number of longitudinal studies have indicated that frailty
phenotype of frailty for adverse health outcomes over four was associated with low cognitive performance over time in
years of follow-up (60). older individuals with and without dementia (61-67) and cross-
A comprehensive review was performed in order to identify sectional analyses, although limited, have also reported
all relevant articles showing associations between the physical associations between physical frailty and cognitive decline (68,
and cognitive domain of frailty (Figure 1). A Medline literature 69). In the most recent prospective study, Gray et al. observed
search of all articles published after 2001, when Fried et al. that in a large population of older adults aged ≥ 65 years, frailty
developed the first operational definition of frailty, was was associated with a 2.57-fold increased risk for non-AD
performed using the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms dementia, although they did not observe any associations
“Human”, “English”, “Aged 65+ years” combined with the between frailty and all-cause dementia or AD (66). Findings
terms “Frailty” and “Cognition”. Overall, 232 articles were from this study are contradictory and suggest that the frailty
retrieved. The identified abstracts were evaluated and for those phenotype may not be predictive for dementia. Moreover, there
articles that met the inclusion criteria the full articles were was a considerable variability in participants’ age and on the
obtained in order to identify all relevant articles examining assessment of frailty, so it was difficult to draw direct
whether frailty is predictive of cognitive status. The consensus comparisons. In summary, to date, studies on frailty and
group had no interest at exploring the physical impairments due cognition are associational in nature and do not demonstrate
to cognitive decline because the underlying pathways for such causal links. Further research is needed to elucidate the links
relationship largely rely on neurodegenerative disorders and are between physical frailty and cognitive performance.
already well know. Alternatively, the aim was to discuss The inclusion of cognition in the operational definition of
current evidence potentially supporting a novel cognitive frailty may also be important for meeting the multiple

Table 2
Frailty as a predictor of cognitive status
Longitudinal studies
Study Characteristics Assessment of frailty Assessment of cognitive status Outcomes
of participants1 Associations between frailty and cognitive status

Gray et al. 2013 (66) N=2619 Weakness (grip strength) Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument Frailty was associated with increased risk for non-
Volume 17, Number 9, 2013

Adult Change in Thought cohort Older adults without dementia Self-reported exhaustion (CASI) AD dementia:
(6.5 years of follow-up) Aged ≥ 65 yrs Slowness (walking speed) HR for frailty on non-AD dementia: 2.57 (95% CI
Low physical activity 1.08, 6.11)
Weight loss Frailty was not associated with all-cause dementia:
HR for frailty on all cause dementia: 1.20 (95% CI
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging©

0.85, 1.69) Or AD: HR for frailty on AD: 1.08 (95%

CI 0.74, 1.57)
Auyeung et al. 2011(64) N=2737 ASM MMSE score Men
Hong Kong Chinese cohort Cognitively normal men and women Hand grip strength Underweight (kg/m2): -0.68 (-1.34,-0.02)
(4 years follow-up) Aged ≥ 65 yrs Timed chair-stand test Grip strength (kg): 0.23 (0.09,0.38)
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Walking speed Chair-stand test (sec): -0.23 (-0.37,-0.09)

Step length Step length (m): 0.16 (0.01, 0.31)
Body composition Women
Grip strength (kg): 0.20 (0.04, 0.35)
Mitnitski et al. 2011 (67) N=2305
Canadian Study of Health and Aging Older adults cognitively normal -Frailty Index based on the Modified Mini-Mental State Examination The frailest people (from the highest FI-CGA tertile)
(CSHA) (5 years of follow-up) Aged ≥ 70 yrs Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (3MS) score showed less cognitive improvement or stabilization
(FI-CGA) evaluated from 47 potential (1.5%, 95% CI=0.002-2.8) compared with non-frail
deficits people (from the lowest tertile of the FI-CGA) of
-Clinical Frailty Score whom 27.8% (95% CI=24.5-31.1) did not
-Fried frailty phenotype deteriorate
Jacobs et al. 2011 (65) N=840 Weight loss MMSE score Frailty significantly associated with cognitive
Jerusalem Longitudinal Cohort Study Community-dwelling older subjects Slowness impairment (MMSE ≤ 24)

(5 years of follow-up) Aged 85 yrs Weakness OR 3.77 (95% 1.42, 9.99)
Low physical activity
Boyle et al. 2010 (62) N=750 Grip strength MMSE score 1 unit increase in frailty associated with 63%
The Rush Memory and Aging Project Older adults without cognitive Timed walk Global cognition function score (consisted increased risk of MCI: HR 1.63 (95% CI1.27, 2.08)
(12 years follow-up) impairment Body composition by 19 tests)
Aged 54-100 yrs Fatigue
Samper-Ternent et al. 2008 (63) N=1370 Unintentional weight loss of >10lbs MMSE score Frail subjects had greater cognitive decline over
Hispanic Established Population of the Men and women with a MMSE Weakness (lowest 20% in grip strength) 10yrs compared with non-frail:
Epidemiological Study of the Elderly, score ≥ 21 Self-reported exhaustion β coefficient (SE): -0.67 (0.13), P<0.001
H-EPESE (10 years of follow-up) Aged ≥ 65 yrs Low physical activity level ( lowest
20% PASE
Buchman et al. 2007 (61) N=823 Grip strength MMSE score 1/10 of a unit increase in frailty associated with 12%
The Rush Memory and Aging Project Older adults without dementia Timed walk Global cognition function score (consisted increased risk of AD: HR 3.30 (95% CI 1.52, 7.13)
(3 years follow-up) Mean age 80.4 (6.90) yrs Fatigue by 19 tests)

Cross-sectional studies
Macuco et al.2012 (68) N=384 Weight loss MMSE score Frail older adults had significantly worse
FIBRA study, Brazil Community-dwelling older adults Exhaustion performance on the MMSE (P<0.001)

Aged ≥ 65 yrs Leisure time activity

Gait speed
Grip strength
Yassuda et al. 2012 (69) N=384 Weight loss MMSE score and Frail older adults performed lower than non-frail
FIBRA study, Brazil Community-dwelling older adults Exhaustion The Brief Cognitive and pre-frail elderly in most cognitive variables
Aged ≥ 65 yrs Leisure time activity Screening Battery (P<0.05)
Gait speed
Grip strength

1. Characteristics of participants at baseline; ASM: Appendicular muscle mass; MMSE: Mini Mental State Examination; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; HR: Hazard Ratio; MCI: Mild Cognitive Impairment; PASE: Physical Activity
Scale for the Elderly
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pathophysiological mechanisms shared by both frailty and The consensus panel was particularly interested at discussing
neurodegenerative disorders (70). about this latter group (iv), in order to evaluate whether
cognitive impairment may be linked to physical impairment
Physical and cognitive decline in frailty rather than neurodegenerative disorders, consequently making
An example of the close relationship between physical and cognition a relevant part of the frailty syndrome.
cognitive decline in older persons can be directly observed in
the clinical practice. Recently, the Gérontopôle of the Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse (France) in collaboration Figure 2
with the University Department of General Medicine of Different trajectories of cognitive function according to specific
Toulouse (DUMG) and the regional health authority (Agence conditions
Regionale de Santé of the Midi Pyrénées region, France) has
developed an innovative Platform for the Evaluation of Frailty
and the Prevention of Disability, thus integrating frailty into
clinical practice. After the first 6 months of operation and
evaluation of (n=160) older adults, data show that more than
half of the assessed frail individuals (52.9 %) presented a
Clinical Dementia Rating score (CDR) of 0.5 revealing an
objective cognitive impairment (71). In fact, whereas some of
these patients are likely to present an early phase of a
neurodegenerative condition (not yet diagnosed), or show a
non-dementia more accelerated decline, it is possible that many
others may not experience a further cognitive decline (Figure
2). The need for distinguishing different risk profiles (in terms
of future health-related events) within a unique theoretical
definition of frailty is crucial in order to adopt the adequate
countermeasures and allow for the development of specific
personalized intervention programs. In this context, it is
noteworthy that physical impairment is often responsible for Proposed definition of cognitive frailty
increasing sedentary behavior and social isolation in older After evaluating the current literature, the consensus panel
persons. These two factors do not only concur at determining a proposed the identification of the so-called “cognitive frailty”
vicious cycle detrimental for the physical domain of the as an heterogeneous clinical manifestation characterized by the
individual, but may also explain a cognitive decline caused by simultaneous presence of both physical frailty and cognitive
factors independent of a neurodegenerative condition that impairment. In particular, the key factors defining such a
should be treated differently. condition include:
- Presence of physical frailty and cognitive impairment
Panel discussion on the definition of Cognitive Frailty in (CDR=0.5);
older adults - Exclusion of concurrent AD dementia or other dementias.

Older non-demented persons can be operationally The two defining criteria imply that cognitive frailty is
categorized into four groups according to their physical and characterized by reduced cognitive reserve, but is different
cognitive status. These groups include: from the physiological brain aging. At the same time, it is
(i) Robust older individuals (i.e., no evidence of physical noteworthy that, under different circumstances, cognitive frailty
frailty) without cognitive problems (i.e., normal brain may also represent a precursor of neurodegenerative processes.
aging); A potential for reversibility may also characterize cognitive
(ii) Physically frail older adults with normal cognitive frailty. A psychological component of the condition is evident
functioning (as indicated by a Clinical Dementia Rating and concurs at increasing the vulnerability of the individual to
[CDR] equal to 0), including individuals with subjective stressors.
memory complaints; The proposed definition addresses a current gap in the
(iii) Older adults with no physical frailty but already exhibiting existing literature, as it particularly allows the
a cognitive impairment (CDR=0.5); conceptualization of a cognitive impairment due to the physical
(iv) Physically frail older adults with cognitive impairment domain of the individual and not to the presence of a
(CDR=0.5). concomitant neurological disease (Figure 2). In other words,
this represents the first attempt to identify a clinical entity
including both physical and cognitive dimensions. In fact,

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dementia and disability are complex conditions and should be identify any causes of reduction of energy level. Before
not attributed to a single domain. The identification of proceeding in more sophisticated diagnostic procedures
cognitive frailty in older persons may support the design of including imaging techniques, such as computed tomography
preventive and/or rehabilitative interventions, for which (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), correction for
specific clinical settings might be amenable in the future. reversible conditions was suggested. Other diagnostic
Moreover, the paper mentioned Alzheimer disease more than techniques can be considered for research purposes. Actigraphy
other forms of dementia since this is the most common type of (73) and accelerometer-based measures (74) may be of interest
neurodegenerative disorder. However, it is not in the aim of the for measuring both physical activity and behavioral patterns.
consensus group to study neurodegenerative disorders but a Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry scans (DEXA), may provide
condition characterized by cognitive impairment due to supplementary information about body composition. Functional
physical conditions. As a further clarification, the frailty magnetic resonance imaging (f-MRI), Diffusion tensor imaging
syndrome (although phenotypically driven by the physical (DTI), tractography, and cognitive evoked potentials could be
domain) is a systemic condition. By using the term “cognitive particularly useful cognitive research tools.
frailty”, the consensus wanted to identify a condition of
cognitive impairment caused by physical conditions. Table 3
Possible biological, clinical, and imaging markers for
Development of adequate screening tools and specific identifying risk of physical disability and neurodegenerative
clinical and biological markers disease
In order to design effective interventions for cognitive
frailty, effective screening and diagnostic tools exploring and Physical Neurodegenerative
identifying multiple domains/causes of frailty including disability disease

cognitive and psychological status need to be developed. In Biomarkers

addition to improved screening instruments, biomarkers for Inflammatory markers +++ +++
(e.g. CRP, IL-6)
improving the determination of the risk for physical impairment Beta-amyloid protein (Aβ) - ++
rather than neurodegenerative disease (and vice versa) need to APOEε4 genotype - ++
be identified. This will provide us with the opportunity to better Anemia ++ ++
Serum Albumin ++ ++
detect the possible future health trajectories that a frail person Cholesterol ++ ++
with cognitive impairment will follow. Consequently, this Vitamin D status ++ ++
Clinical markers
differentiation will allow the design of better personalized MMSE ++ +++
preventive or therapeutic interventions. Executive tests + +++
ADAS-Cog - +++
Possible biomarkers, clinical markers and imaging CDR ++ +++
techniques that could be used to characterize and eventually to MoCA ++ +++
predict distinct age trajectories were suggested by the expert Gait speed +++ ++
Hand grip strength +++ ++
panel and are presented in Table 3. This list does not aim to be Weight loss +++ ++
complete, accurate, or exhaustive, however it is only indicative Psychological marker: GDS ++ +++
Actigraphy +++ +++
and provides a rough description of the usefulness of different Imaging
parameters/techniques in the assessment of physical and Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry ++ ++
scans (DEXA)
cognitive outcomes. Cerebral Computed tomography (CT scans) + +++
To identify cognitive frailty, the panel suggested that all the Cerebral Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) + +++
frail subjects should perform a comprehensive cognitive Functional magnetic resonance imaging + +++
assessment exploring memory performance as well as other Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) + +++
cognitive functions (i.e. executive functions). Several cognitive Tractography + +++
Electrophysiological methods + +++
tests and instruments were suggested such as speed of Cognitive evoked potentials + +++
processing test, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test
(MoCA), the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the - : not recommended,+: may be of use, ++ : suitable for use, +++ : recommended for use;
Alzheimer’s disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale CRP: C-reactive protein; IL-6: Interleukin-6; APOEε4: Apolipoprotein E ε4 allele;
MMSE: Mini Mental State Examination; ADAS-Cog: Alzheimer’s disease Assessment
(ADAS-Cog). After cognitive assessment, a complete physical Scale-cognitive subscale; CDR: Clinical Dementia Rating; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive
assessment should be performed, which would help to identify Assessment; GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale

which conditions are associated to physical impairment.

Physical assessment tools, such as gait speed, hand grip In parallel, usual physical frailty markers (such as weight
strength and weight loss were also recommended (72). In loss and gait speed) should be assessed in persons exhibiting a
addition, nutritional assessment would help to identify any cognitive decline, even if at early stages.
dietary deficits, and a brief psychological assessment including Some markers may be able to well capture both the risk of
tools such as the Geriatric depression scale (GDS) will help to future physical and cognitive declines, such as inflammatory

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biomarkers [e.g. C-reactive protein (CRP) and Interleukin-6 condition. It is also important that future research in the field
(IL-6)] (28, 75, 76-78). However, biomarkers predictive of both may inform public health policies for the implementation of
types of decline may not be particularly useful in differentiating prevention and treatment programs.
whether a person is at higher risk of a future physical rather
than a cognitive decline (and vice versa). Other markers may Conflicts of interest: Matteo Cesari has been consultant for Nutricia, Sanofi and Nestlé,
and has a research project funded by Pfizer. The other authors had no conflicts of interest
better serve at estimating the specific risk for one single to disclose related to this manuscript. This work was supported by an unrestricted
domain. For example, the beta-amyloid protein (Aβ) and the educational grant from Nestlé Health Science (NHSc). NHSc had no role in the choice of
members of the Consensus Group, but had the right to have an observer member at the
apolipoprotein APOEε4 genotype are closely related to the meeting. Members of the Consensus Group received no salary in the preparation of this
development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (79). manuscript.

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