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JHOSECITO alwayS In my

My exam was on APRIL 25 and APRIL 27,2023.


1. Patient taking Aspirin and Clopidogrel. What modification is required to proceed with
the extraction?
A) stop clopidogrel
B) stop the aspirin
C) Stop both medications
D) No modifications needed

2. Clinical picture showing buccal mucosa with white/red ulcerated patch and bleeding,
lesion present in entire left side of the buccal 3. 3. mucosa, which type of lesion is this?
Photo had ulcerated eroded end redness.
A) Squamous Cell Carcinoma b) metastatic carcinoma C) pleomorphic adenoma

4. Implante distant ian ?

6. What was the reason for evaluating the water lines: (epa
requires less than or equal to
500 cfu of heterotrophic bacteria per ml of water).
i. 200 bacteria
ii. 800 bacteria
iii. Staphylococci
iv. Streptococci
Water Lines
• EPA requires ≤500 CFU of heterotrophic bacteria per mL of water
• Not recommended to flush lines at beginning of clinic bcs makes no
• Anti-retraction valves prevent retraction of fluid from a patient into the handpiece and
water spray hose which could be passed on to the next patient

7. . Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis pain in which of the

following sites is most likely to radiate to
the ear?
A. Maxillary premolar
B. Maxillary molar
C. Mandibular premolar
D. Mandibular molar
12. Pemphigus biopsy?
A. Perilesional area
Ulcerated area
22. Patient in Warfarin ? INR

23. CPR for adults ? 2 inches

24. Anestesic for pregnant ?

27. Diazepam reversal: Flumazenil
28. Report child abuse? Beneficence

29. Patient with low platelets do not make surgery

Normal 150.000 – 450000

30 . TMJ Supplied by ? Auriculotemporal

31. SLOB rule meaning ? same lingual opposite buccal

32. Retromolar pad ? 2/3 cover a nivel of the plane oclusal

33. They ask about what structure you repair first and the option
was cleft palate, cleft lip and two more about bone graft:
is cleft lip

Cleft Lip. 3 to 6 months

Cleft Palate. 6 to 12 months
Alveolar bone graft. 8 to 12 yrs
Orthodontic treatment 12 to 15 yrs.

34. Pregnant women with endodontic emergency when you need

to treat here

At the moment

35. around ten question about systematic reviews

36. Alginate impression first step?
-Rinse impression under water
-spray desinfectant

37. Post characteristics except?

does not give strength
(it is for retention)

38. Abfraction

Tooth Exam
• Erosion—caused by acidic foods/beverages or gastric acid
o Chemical loss of tooth structure without bacterial involvement. Manifests as
• Abrasion—loss of tooth structure by mechanical wear (i.e. tooth brushing)
o Pathologic wear of tooth structure due to abnormal mechanical structure.
commonly by porcelain or ceramic crowns against natural teeth.
• Attrition—occlusal wear from functional contacts with opposing natural teeth
o “bruxism”
• Abfraction—loss of tooth structure in cervical areas due to tooth flexure
o Multifactorial factor at cervical third of tooth. Combo of tooth flexure,
abrasion and chemical erosion

39. Muscle that protude the tongue ?

Geniohyoid – C1
• Origin= genial tubercles of mandible
• Insertion= hyoid bone
• Action= elevates hyoid bone and tongue
during swallowing
Mylohyoid – V3
• Origin= mylohyoid line of mandible
• Insertion= hyoid bone
• Action= elevates hyoid bone and tongue
• Forms the muscular floor of mouth
Anterior Belly of Digastric – V3
• Origin= digastric fossa of mandible
• Insertion= intermediate tendon (attached to hyoid)
• Action= elevates hyoid or assists lateral pterygoid in depressing mandible
Posterior Belly of Digastric – CN VII
• Origin= mastoid process of temporal bone
• Insertion= intermediate tendon (attached to hyoid)
• Action= elevates hyoid or assists lateral pterygoid in depressing mandible
Stylohyoid – CN VII
• Origin= styloid process of temporal bone
• Insertion= greater horn of hyoid bone
• Action= elevates hyoid bone during swallowing

40. More contagious for dentist ? Hep B

40. Pt brought by mother. Had to travel 1.5 hrs to reach the clinic.
Marginalized background. Pt had poor oral hygiene, multiple caries
and moderately uncooperative. What to give on the first visit?

Silver diamine

41. Traumatic fibroma picture identify

42. patient positive to Nikolsky sign


43. First buccal pathology in patient with HIV


44. Premolar that have more probability to have 2 roots and two

Maxillary premolar

45 . The potency of the prescribed opioid pain regimen is 80-100

times greater than which of the following medications?


Therapeutic & Side Effects of Morphine

• Miosis (pupil constriction)
• Out of it (sedation)
• Respiratory depression
• Pneumonia (aspiration pneumonia)
• Hypotension
• Infrequency (urinary retention)
• Nausea and vomiting
• Euphoria and dysphoria

45. Carbamazepine MOA

Block sodium channels

Carbamazepine, sold under the brand name Tegretol among others, is an anticonvulsant
medication used in the treatment of epilepsy and neuropathic pain. It is used as an adjunctive
treatment in schizophrenia along with other medications and as a second-line agent in
bipolar disorder.

46. Lesion on right cheek and right buccal mucosa picture

Varizella zoster
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)
• Primary à varicella aka chickenpox, self-limiting and childhood
• Latent in trigeminal ganglion
• Recurrent à herpes zoster aka shingles
• Ramsay Hunt Syndrome= herpes zoster reactivation in geniculate
ganglion affecting cranial nerves VII (facial) and VIII (vestibulocochlearhearing/
balance) resulting in facial paralysis, vertigo, deafness
• Tx: acyclovir

47. What cell is related to hypersensivity type 1: IgE

48. Contact dermatitis hypersensitivity type

Type IV
49. What component of the patient’s adhesive is most likely
causing myeloneuropathy? Zinc

50. Ibuprofen MOA ? Inhibit prostaglandins synthesis

51. Case with a patient that want oxycodone and don’t want to go
until doctor prescribe? Call 911

52. Omeprazol MOA ?Inhibits proton pump

53. Which cell is responsible for internal root resorption?Osteoclast

54. Local anesthetics mechanism of action (I GOT THIS ONE TWICE)

Binding voltage gated SODIUM channels

55. Picture with posterior crossbite rx.

56. First step after take an impression ? Rinse with water

57 .Another question that asking about what used to disinfected

the impression ? Sodium chloride

58 . Patient with INR 3.8 (Do not sure about my answer

but I refer to the physician)
59 What you can see in a Xray with a patient with Sickle Anemia
60. Non maleficence means? DO NO HARM

61. Temperature of the patient with patient in

Methanphetamins is not related

(4) Amphetamines
• Oral, intranasal, IV administration or inhalation
• Causes release of dopamine stores into the synapse
• Half-life is much longer than that of cocaine
• Primary effects are management of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder, weight loss, narcolepsy, and depression
• Abuse can lead to tachycardia, hyperactivity, dysphonia,
headache, confusion, and acute schizophrenia

62. Periodontitis stages ?

63. Which does not help with osteogenic potential?
A- IL-1 (Interleukin 1)

64. Patient alcoholic and drugs used what medication prescribe?

65. Hand sanitizer installation, which control?

66 . How should dental forceps be used when extracting a tooth?
A- Seat the beak in the middle third of the crown
B- Grasp the forceps close to the hinge
C- Apply force in the mesial-distal direction
D- Seat the beak as apically as possible

67. 20. What schedule is least likely to have abuse/dependence?

A- 1

68. Which study is least effective?

editorials opinions
69. Best age to get HPV vaccinations?
70. What does O stand for in PICO? Outcome
PICO stands for population/patient/problem,
and outcome.

71. Patient, a non English speaker, comes with her daughter who
speaks English. She says my mother has tooth pain and she feels an
evil spirit is causing it. What do you do?
A- Use trained interpreter

72.. Ellis II Classification

Enamel and dentin

Ellis Classification
• Class I enamel only
• Class II enamel and dentin
• Class III enamel, dentin, and pulp
• Class IV traumatized tooth that has become non-vital (kills tooth)
• Class V luxation (mobile tooth)
• Class VI avulsion (tooth out of socket

73. Fluoride MOA

Decreases calcium and phosphate solubility

74. Bisphosphonates case, treatment options, what to avoid?

Any invasive procedure is avoided

75. Sodium hypochlorite accident case during RCT?

Sudden pain and bleeding into canal during RCT
76. Lichen planus case all are true except? is contagious

76. OSHA does’nt regulate? Measles

77. Dry socket management and more commun causes

78. Chemotherapy acute adverse effects. Xerostomia

79. Which causes gingival hyperplasia – dilatin

80. What shows the efficiency level on a disinfectant:

Ability to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis

81. When making a denture to a pt what is more important?

Patient satisfaction

82. Contraindicated medicine for a pregnant?


83. Osteonecrosis mostly occurs:

Post mandible

84. Sleep apnea diagnoses? Nocturn observation

85. Test autoclave? Spore (weekly)



88. Allodynia why it happens:

I pick the one that talk about low threshold of fire nerve

89. First thing seen after incision with scalpel

Constriction of capillaries

90. Veneer crown, what finish line for incisal? Shoulder

• 1.0-1.5 mm thick
• Porcelain of PFM restorations
• All-ceramic crowns
• Maximizes esthetics—eliminate display of metal
• Aggressive preparation—potential for pulpal embarrassment

91. Most difficult to clean: Ridge Lap

92. Component in topical anesthetic: Benzocaine

93. 1) Order of nerves from ant to post: LN IAN IAA

94. Order eruption in deciduous ABDCE

95. Nitroglycerin works by causing

Increase in vasodilation dilation of coronary artery

96. Avulsed tooth. What should not be done?

Clean root in chlorhexidine

97. A patient presents lingering pain with cold and percussion. The
pulpal and periapical diagnosis that best describe this patient are?

Irreversible symptomatic pulpitis, symptomatic apical periodontitis

98. What Is NOT TRUE about spore tests?

Perform one every month

99. Most resistant part of bacteria: Biofilm

100. Most bacteria in primary endodontic infections are:

Obligate anaerobes

Endodontic Microbiology
• Primary endodontic infection à Bacteroides
o (gram neg obligate anaerobes bacteria)- no O2
• Failed endodontic treatment à Enterococcus faecalis
o (gram pos facultative anaerobic bacteria

101. Patient arrived for restorative treatment on tooth #

5. What would be a challenge in treating this tooth?
mesial concavity of root

102. What x-ray to see periodontal bone loss:

Vertical bitewing and bitewing

103. Most common chromosome abnormality? 21

104. In which anomaly the teeth share the pulp?

105 . What is used to achieve hemostasis in vital pulp therapy?

Sodium Hypochlorite

106. Patient has Dysgeusia, what gland is it associate with? Von


107. Dentist was promoting himself as limited practice in a specialty

he didn’t finish: Veracity

108. Caries incipient in molar, best tx:


109. Pregnancy lesions: pyogenic granuloma

110. Carbamazepine - Moa inhibe the sodioum channels

111. Radiograph showing unerupted tooth- what is it?

dentigerous cyst

Dentigerous Cyst
• 2nd most common odontogenic cyst

• Also called eruption cyst if lesion occurs over erupting teeth in children

• Radiolucency attached to CEJ of impacted tooth

• Most common with canines and third molars

• Accumulation of fluid between crown and reduced enamel epithelium

• Tx: excision, but may be source of future odontogenic tumor

111. A dentist refuses to treat a woman because she does not
have money, what ethical principle is being violated here?


112. CAMBRA, interproximal caries after two years


113. Best study design?


Maxilar 3 mloar

114. Drug to avoid substance abuse patients? FENTANYL

115. Type 1 - insulin dependent

116. clindamycin resistant: Pseudomonas aeruginosa

117. What is not your first step to treat denture stomatitis?

Final impression

118. Denture stomatitis diagnosis – causative microorganism?

Candida albicans

119. was the likely restorative material that was utilized in restoring
tooth number 29 in the area shown?

a. Resin b. Amalgam c. Zinc Oxide Eugenol d. glass ionomer

120. Which muscle is affected in vestibuloplasty?

121. Type 1 error

-false positive

Alpha- False positive- rejects the null hypothesis which is true

122. How much bone collapse after Ext tooth#8? 40

Tooth needs 30-40% mineral loss to be detected

123. sodium hypochlorite?

124. Inadequate compression of composite core!!
125. Vesicles not crossing midline, which virus?

a. Varicella zoster virus

b. Herpes simplex virus

c. Coxsackie

d. HIV

126. Warfarin what test to check?

a. PTT

b. aPTT

c. BT

d. INR
127. what classe doest not have modification? 4

128. Safe Levels of INR for surgery?


129. Impetigo transmission?

a. Direct contact

b. Airborne
c. Needle sharing

130. Cells in initial gingivitis?

a. PMNs

b. Plasma cells

c. Macrophages
d. Lymphocytes

131. ubilateral crossbite ?

132. Least effective management technique for autism pt?

Voice control

133. HIV pt, precautions?

Universal precautions

134. Digital sensor in HIV pt?

Single barrier double wipe

133. Tooth with least chance of having 2 canals

Maxillary laterals

134. . Zirconia phases except?


135. Forced extrusion of max incisor by?

a. 1mm per week

b. 1mm per month

c. 2mm per week

d. 2mm per month

136. . Gingival hyperplasia, due to which drug?

137. Spore test in sterilization for? effectiveness of autoclave

138. Pt has ear infection and paralysis ,cheek and half of the face
,what muscle is involved A Masseter B buccinator C lateral

139. . Not interventional study- observational

140. Aspirin and clopidrogel - no modification needed

141. Best test for Endo

A cold

B heat

C electric

142. Image of panoramic-tongue on palate?

143. Where Caries is more common Pit and fissure Interproximal

144. microorganisms in periodontitis and periimplantitis?


145. Least area to see erosion?

Lingual lower anterior

146. What is least likely to occur in an injection?

Primary Spaces: can be infected via direct spread of infection

• Canine

• Buccal
• Submandibular

• Submental Perimandibular space

• Sublingual

• Vestibular

Secondary spaces: infected vis spread from another fascial space

• Submasseteric

• Pterygomandibular Masticator space

• Superficial/Deep Temporal

• Parapharyngeal

• Retropharyngeal Deep spaces of the neck

• Danger

• Prevertebral

• Periorbital

146. Lesion with onions aspect ?

147. why antibiotic prophylaxis is no longer advised for joint

Studies couldn’t prove any relation between dental disease and

joint infections

148. An old patient came with his daughter and bad oral hygiene
and caries. His daughter asked for a new partial denture and no
other treatments for now.

What you should do first for him?

explain him that he needs a treatment plan

149. you have a new patient and your assistant takes new x-rays,
what is the first thing you should check?

Xray quality

150. Which component is used in topical anesthesia?


Risk Factors

• Smoking

• Diabetes

• Pathogenic bacteria

• Microbial tooth deposits

Risk Determinants

• Genetic factors—periodontitis may be heritable, polymorphisms in IL-1 genes may

contribute to severe chronic periodontitis

• Age—due to prolonged exposure to etiologic factors rather than the actual aging process

• Gender—males have more CAL than females

• Socioeconomic status—decreased dental awareness, frequency of dental visits, and more


Risk Indicators

• HIV/AIDS—ANUG/ANUP is more often seen in immunocompromised individuals

• Osteoporosis- reduced bone mass may have an impact on progression of PD

• Infrequent dental visits

• Stress—emotional stress may interfere with normal immunologic function

Risk Markers

• Previous hx of PD


151. Pt with a spider bite comes in with swelling what do you do?

refer to physician

152. Coxsakie virus: hand foot mouth, herpangina



154. Pt has lots of caries (all interproximal)

.What is the most likely reason for his caries?


155. What percentage should the mask have?


156. Cases of 1,000.000 from 2010 to 2019?


157. Patient appears disoriented when standing up from the chair,

what do you do?

Place the patient in supine position

158. Shape of Upper Incisors in endo prep: Triangular

159. In the box, the patient was taking many medications, but he
reported that the patient was undergoing dialysis on Mondays and
Thursdays. What is the ASA of this patient?


160. What medication should the patient be taking due to dialysis?

161. Patient taking Warfarin. What modification is required to
proceed with the extraction?
No modifications needed

162. Treatment plan for implant placement. All exams are

required except?

a) Lateral cephalometric
c) OPG also oral

Cone Beam Computed Tomography

• Implant planning
• Endodontics
• Orthodontics

• TMJ (hard tissue only)

• Pathology

163. Father arrived at the office complaining that his son had
no teeth, periorbital wrinkles, and dry skin. What can be a
Ectodermal Dysplasia

164. What is the most appropriate next step?

Refer to Pediatric to multidisciplinary treatment

165. What else can you see in this patient? Dry eyes.

166. Informed consent should include all the following

Doing an extraction on tooth #19.
a) cause damage of neighboring teeth of #18 and #20

167. They asked about what type of tissue whit one picture and the
answer was

168. Same case but asking about what was the best sign to
identify the lesion


169. Diagnostic of the case: Pemphigus

170. Type of biopsy for Pemphigus: Perilesional

tissue, and are less technique sensitive than alternatives.

171. Do any of the following, except:

Prophy with air jet

172. HbA1c measure related question to select the Except option

within 6 months

173. Hidroclorotiazide except?

Decrease urination

174. Patient on dialysis Monday and Thursday, treatment when?


175. Case to identify Epulis

176. Another question about how was the first step to treat the
epulis and I pick fixed the denture flanges

177. Reddened inflamed in patient under denture? What is the


Candida albicans

178. bruxism, which muscle mostly causes pain? Masseter

179. In how many percentages of tooth 14 you will see 4 canals?


180. In which way does the AIDS (HIV) virus not transmit?


181. long term use of Isoniazid?


182. 6 years old boy with Von Willbrand disease and a pano Xray
with mesiodent. F was mobile but E no

What is the anomaly in the picture?


183. Same case. What is your tx?

I choose extract is mixed dentition

184. Same case. What you might see in future


185. Case with Betel nut (Tx, oral manifestation and how to treat
patient anxiety)

186. After biopsy patient comes back with swallowing lip

• Allergic reaction to drug or food contact

• Diffuse swelling of lips, neck, or face

• Mediated by mast cell release of IgE and histamines

• Tx: antihistamines (only one with antihistamines

187. 9 years old kid, diagnosed with leukemia 3 month ago is

undergoing chemotherapy. Comes with mom, he is needing
extraction. First step in the management of this pt:

You will contact an oncologist to find out about the patient


188. Which structure is responsible for giving movement to the tooth.

Sharpey fibers

189. Pano xray and you need to identify Mandibular canal

190. Duodenal ulcer bacteria?

Helicobacter pylori

191. Sleep apnea patient ?Baldtongue

192. Mandibular 2 molar have an infection, which neck space will invade?

Tooth Displacement

• Maxillary first/second molar à maxillary sinus

• *Maxillary third molar à infratemporal fossa

• Mandibular third molar à submandibular space• Tooth lost into the oropharynx, send to ER for chest and
abdominal x-raY
193. Patiente has 8 years old how many teeth?

194. workers to return to work only when they no longer have the
symptoms, it is a level of care?
a. adm control b. engineer control

195. Hand sanitizer installation, which control?


198. Patient is on methotrexate, and has a known case of Arthritis.
Which vitamin mayprove to be helpful is
helpful out of the following
A. B9 — folic acid
B. B12
C. B6
D. Vit E

198. What forceps is used for extraction of mandibular premolars?

150 upper premolar
151 lower premolar
88 upper cowhorn
23 lower cowhorn
65 root tip
74 ash forceps premolar mandib

199. The shape of the canal at CEJ of Tooth no 9

B-Blunted triangle
200. Accessory branch of mylohyoid nerve innervate-
a. Any mandibular teeth
b.Premolars only
c. Incisors only
d. Molars only e. Premolars and molars on

201 . Identify on Pano:
Hyoid bone
Ear lobe
Post max sinus
Genial tubercle

202. Albuterol type: B2 agonist, Side effect: candidiasis

203. Lisinopril side effect: all except Postural hypotension, Cough,


204. controlled HTN pt on regular meds Bp came for restorative

appt presented with BP 195/115 what should do? Except:
Defer treatment :Refer to physician
Retake bp
Give Parenteral anti hypertension medication

205. Test was made, most of pt who have the disease were
incorrectly assigned, that mean the test has low in what?
Specificity ,Predictive positive ,Predictive negative
206. INR 1.7, pt need extraction, what’s the management?
Hemostatic and suture

207. Trauma on a mandible caused left mandible body fracture?

What fracture will be followed? Right condyle fracture

208. Type 1 bone where? Anterior mandible

209 . best oseointegration ? posterior mandibular

210. Lymphoepithelial cyst picture.

211. CAMBRA is not based on? Gender

212. CaOH antibacterial effect; one of the options was:

highly acidic pH

213. What does not happen in the midline? Cleft lip

214. Band-and Loop on molar do all except?
prevent extrusion of a opposing tooth

215. Mandible Surgery for class 2 due to small mandible? BSSO

216. I got a burn grading… What we see in grade 1 burn?

217. What Is Confidence Interval? A confidence interval, in statistics,

refers to the probability that a population parameter will fall
between a set of values for a certain proportion of times. What does
a 95% confidence
interval mean? The 95% confidence interval is a range of values
that you can be 95% confident contains the true mean of the
population. Due to natural sampling variability, the sample mean
(center of the CI) will vary from sample to sample.

218. Pt missing 7,8,9,10 want to do most expensive procedure!

RPD, 6-11 FPD,
Implants and fixed implant retained prosthesis

219. Dentist does not disclose that she getting paid from a dental
supplying company for trying their material, which code of ethics
she violate? Veracity

220. Dentist doesn’t want to treat an HIV positive pt. He violated all
of the following ethics code EXCEPT:
Non maleficence

221. Head and neck soft tissue injury, immediate management?

closure wound and suture
Breathing airway
Other options!

222. Dentist canceled a pt appointment for a more favorite pt.

Violate? Justice

223. You changed amalgam restoration even though there is not

recurrent decay or defect, with pt consent? Violate?! No veracity in
options:?? Non maleficence

224. Dentist cut her glove and finger with high speed and blood
got into pt mouth and she didn’t inform the pt ? veracity

225. Student want to do research on which type of restoration is

Meta analysis
Randomized controlled trials
226. Which has the most evidence strength?
Case control
Cross sectional

227. Bacteria in periimplantitis ? the same

228. Most common donor site for connective tissue graft? Max post

229. 8 yrs pt has diastema, tooth was rotated? What’s first thing
dentist should do? Check if supernumerary teeth.

230. TAD devise placed in? Cortical bone

231. Cleidocranial: supernumerary teeth

232. Sign and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency. Came twice; given

symptoms and ask to diagnose; and given “adrenal insufficiency”
and options to choose which is a symptom of it.

233. Least invasive procedure to treat sensitivity? Fluoride or CHX

234. Sclerotic dentin bonding? Harder to bond on.

235. Leukotrienes used in asthma ? MONTELUCKAS

236. in order ? Bud-cap-bell-apposition-maturation

237. Crepitation case; discal muscle source or something like that;

diagnosis: osteoarthritis; radiography: CBCT

238. Dentin shown on palatal surface of all max ant teeth? Erosion!

239. Efficiency definition: understand in details, options were long

and confusing

240.Lower premolar has infection and sinus tract was open at

buccal vestibule at the attachment of Buccinator muscle ; which
space will be infected?

241. Pulp cap and pulpotomy why are they better in immature
tooth than non-immature?
shorter roots
increased vascularization
more odontoblasts

242. Best prognosis; internal or external resorption?

243. Cavernous sinus thrombosis source?

Acute infection upper ant teeth

244. Operculum incision type?

245. RPD allergy? Ni

246. K sparing diuretics: spirolactone

247. Tmj : MRI

248. Formation of pdl, bone, cemnetum : regeneration

249. What greater auricular nerve innervate?
A – Anterior auricular Ridge
B – Squamous part of temporal skin
C – Zygomatic arch
D – Mandibular ramus

250. Patient Health, what can you verify in visual inspection to

determine caries?
A – Deep fissures
B – Dark staining fissures
D – Transillumination

251. Can we talk about the this

1- Fulcrum line of the classe I of Kennedy?
A – Mesial to the edentulous space
B – Distal to the edentulous space

The distal of the tooth not the edentuolous space! The answer
should be A
252. Mandibular rpd with tooth 19 to 29 present Support given by
what structure?
Occlusal rest on 22
bar of rpd
Proximal plate on 29
253. Orthodontic uprighting of a mandibular second molar that has
tipped mesially into the space of a missing mandibular first molar in
an otherwise intact dentition may result in?
A. decreased overbite
B. intrusion of the mandibular second molar
C. extrusion of the mandibular second premolar
D. initial mobility of the mandibular second molar

253. Case showing clinical picture having multiple amalgam

a.What is the bluish discoloration
amalgam corrosion

253 . Acc. To the Law of concentricity -the walls of the pulp

chamber are concentric to the external surface of the tooth at -
A. Height of contour
b. CEJ
c. Midline of the pulp

254. What calcification is seen in chronic inflamed cyst?

A.Idiopathic calc.
B. Metastatic calc.
c c. Dystrophic alc.

255. Drug seeking behavior questions ?

The Stages of Change
1. Precontemplation= not considering behavior change
2. Contemplation= begins to consider behavior change
3. Preparation= preparing to take steps to change, often expresses a desire to change

255. Action= engaged in taking action towards behavior change,

often requires support
256. Maintenance= attempts to maintain a changed behavior

257. Dentist charged more for the pt. because his insurance
covers more, what ethics is involved
here there is no veracity option
A. Autonomy
b. Non maleficence

258. Pt. who is obese what asa classification?

259. .What class does pilocarpine belongs to?

A. cholinergic agonist
b. muscarinic agonist
260. Lisinopril MOA
a. blocks calcium channels
b. Flushes out sodium and water
c .Decreases peripheral vascular resistance and reduce
workload on the heart

261. Prevalence def. ?

Descriptive/Epidemiological Studies
• To quantify disease status in a community
• Prevalence= proportion of a given population that is affected
by a condition at a given time

262. Oral health literacy def.?

Health Education

• Health literacy= capacity at which individuals obtain, process and understand basic health

information and services

o Up to the dentists to bridge the gap btw what they know and understand and the

general publics knowledge and understanding

• Education alone cannot function as a method to prevent disease

263. The famous denture question which is fabricated 15 years ago
whom you don’t refer to
what is the first line of treatment to address his
chief complaint_ Upper dentures are loose

264. Given forest plot study, and asked what study is involved-
systematic review

265. .Experimental study – Randomized controlled study

266. Given smokers and non smokers followed over time ,

what type of study
A.Case control
b. cohort study

267. Given a case study, in the history given pt. is a smoker- 2pack
year history, estriadol, and poor oral hygiene
what contributes the greatest risk factor for alv. Osteitis

268. Given a case study, Pt. uses amitryptiline,

Hydrochlorothiazide, and drink sugary carbonated beverages 5-6
269. what contributes the greatest risk factor for Xerostomia

270. asking the pdl classification- Loc. Vs Gen.

Treatment for aggressive periodontitis _
271. There is an arc shaped bone loss around 30. What’s the tx
a. regenerative
b. osseoresective sugery

272. An implant xray given with 8mm bone loss on mf, ml, with
4mm bone loss, what the tx plan
A. SRP only
b. SRP with antibiotics
c. Surgical debridement
273. . after an implant placement, when does the collagen matrix
Pathogenesis of Gingivitis

• Stage 1, Initial Lesion—2 to 4 days, neutrophil infiltration, increased GCF

• Stage 2, Early Lesion—4 to 7 days, T lymphocyte infiltration, increased collagen loss, BOP

• Stage 3, Established Lesion—14 to 21 days, B lymphocyte infiltration including mature

plasma cells, collagen loss, clinical changes in color, contour, and consistency

• Stage 4, Advanced Lesion—transition to irreversible damage of periodontitis

274. Pt. with TOF, - surgically fully repaired. What is the antibiotic

amoxicillin – 2g

275. A case with TOF, who had multiple caries. What do you do
A. Consult with ped. Cardiologist about the antibiotic prophylaxis
B. consult with pediatric dentist

276. How do you minimize tipping

A. Increase the amount of force
B. Increase the duration of force
A. Decrease the amount of force
A. Decrease the duration of force

277. A pt. with interproximal caries, what the cambra?

A. Low
b. medium
c, High
D, Extreme

278. How long does it take to develop periapical radiolucency after

pulpal necrosis????

279. According to Strindberg classification, a rct with

progressively diminished apical R/L, when do you need to take Xray
in order to retreat or refer the endodontically treated teeth
a. 6 months
b. 1 year
c. 3 years
d. 5 Years

279. A pt. with liver disorder, what lab test u take prior to
a. PTT
b. INR
c. Vit. K

280. Given a list of herbal supplements, what impact does it have

on dental treatment
a. Increase blood pressure
B. increase Blood sugar
I don’t remember the other twoo options

281. Read Myxedema coma signs and symptoms

Myxedematous Coma
• T3 & T4 are critically low
• Stress leads to bradycardia, severe hypotension, low body temperature
• Activate EMS, monitor vital signs, cover with blankets, administer IV levothyroxine
hydrocortisone, give IV glucose

282.. Which restoration is best for a pt with subgingival root

a. Compomer
B. Modified GI
c. Composite
d. amlgam
283-C factor 3-4 questions (know everything about it)
1-C factor is best described as:
A) bonded to unbounded lower the value better
B) bonded to unbounded higher the value better

284. What is true about c factor?

a.It is ratio of the unbounded to bonded
b.It is the lowest for class 1
c.With the increase in bonded surf ,increase shrinkage
d.With the decrease in bonded surf,increase shrinkage

285. Each of the following is indicated by a high C-factor EXCEPT one. Which is
A. More bonded-to-unbonded restoration surface areas
B. A higher potential for bond disruption
C. A higher Calset temperature
D. More stress on the walls of the preparation

286-Does a higher c factor mean lower or higher stress on composite?


287- Dentiogenesis imperfecta what you see?

A. Obliterated pulp
B. Blue sclerae

288. what common btw PJ syndrome and Garden syndrome?

A. Pigmentation B. GI polyps
289. - x-ray and explanation is dome shape ?
290. - picture of multiple Myeloma in the skull ( so clear)
- subgingival calculus color?
A. White yellow
B. Darke black

291. how you can see the Taurondontism?

A. Clinically

B. x-ray
D. Clinically and x-ray together

292. must effected by chemo therapy?

A. Bone
B. Muscles
C. Nerves

D. Lymph nodes
- SLOB definition

292. . 35 yr old using ethinyl estradiol and smokes 20 cigars per year, had extraction 3days
back and is with severe pain at extraction site
a. What could be the reason
Dry socket
b. What has more effect
Tobacco use

292. Diabetic patient with hba1c 9

a. What complication will we see if we place implant
Poor wound healing
b. Hba1c measures glucose levels on Red blood cells
292. acetaminophen contraindicatipn in alcohol pt?
Case 1:
293. Mom come with her 8 yrs. daughter, she doesn’t speak English here daughter was
transferring, the mom have something (don’t remember) on her jaw for 3 months, bruise on
here hand.

What should the Dr do?

A. Call (some agency) immediately
B. Ask the daughter to translate and get more information from the mom.
C. Get a translator and get more information.


294. 18 yes male have impacted canine in upper.

1. Why did the canine impact?
A. Not enough space
B. Early exfoliates of primary canine.
B. Early exfoliation of primary 1 molar.

295.. Tx for this case except?

A. Palate expander
B. Surgical orthodontic
C. Extract of 1st premolar

296.. Old lady (come with her caregiver)with PRD not remove it out of her mouth, have
erythema all over her mouth, why? Gingival hyperplasia

2. How to treat? Antifungal

3. How to give instructions about oral hygiene to the patient?
A.Orally to the patient and her caregiver
B.orally and written to the patient and her caregiver

C. Orally only to the patient

297. 8-year-old girl come in with mom. CC “she has crowding.”

Intraoral photo and pano were provided. What is her occlusal
Class I
A. Class II Div 1
B. Class II Div 2.
C. Pseudo class III

298. ANB = 6. What the angle classification is?

Class II

299. 8-year-old patient. How many primary and how many

12 permanent and 12 primary

300. Which tooth has three cusps.

Maxillary 3rd molar

300. .Order of congenitally missing teeth after 3rd molars.

301. Mandibular 2nd premolar, lateral incisors, maxillary
second premolar

301. A patient with only one tooth missing. What condition is

A. Anodontia
B. Hypodontia

302. A patient come in with CC “my upper denture is getting

loose”. The old denture is like 15 years old. A picture was
shown (similar to this).

Questions are:
1) what is this? – denture stomatitis

2) what to treat? – Nystatin

3) what is the next course of action to make a new denture for

this patient, EXCEPT?
A. Take initial impression.
B. Take final impression
C. Refer to prosthodontist
D. Refer to OS. (I picked this)
302. Impression material to use for fixed crown prep?
A. Alginate
B. Polysulfide rubber
C. Vinyl Polysiloxane

303. MOA of aspirin

irreversible cox1 and cox2

304. Ideal tapping for maximum retention?

A. 2-5
B. 10-20

305. How much bone mineralization loss before it can show up

on xray?
a. 10-20
b. 30-40
c. 50-60

306. Patient has pain in lower jaw and shoulder since 12 hours
ago. which type of pain?
A) neuropathic
B) referred
C) psychosomatic
307. A pic with an arrow point to the cheek around. Ask you
which nerve does not supply here?
A. Maxillary
B. mandibular
C. Ophthalmic

308. Pt with an infection/swelling on the upper labial mucosa

area. Ask if the patient does not do anything. What is the
worst outcome gonna be?
A. Infection to the eye
B. Infection to maxillary sinus Ludwig’s angina

309. A patient with asthma, during the dental procedure, she is

whizzing some facial swelling. What is the first step to do?
A. Give epi
B. Give albuterol inhaler

310. Face shield is for:

A. Splatter
B. Droplet greater than 3 micron

311. GERD is caused by the dysfunction of?

Lower esophageal sphincter.

312. What the fulcrum line for a RPD (picture given).

Tricky question become it is a Kennedy class III case.
Choose no need for fulcrum.

313 . What is the common reason for implant failure?

a. Osteoporosis
b. Osteopetrosis
c. Oral hygiene
314. Your dental assistant is caught for drug abuse, and he
admits it. What is a reasonable action of next step, EXCEPT?
A. Continue to observe his behavior.
B. Send him to be counselling service.
C. Offer to pay for his rehab.
D. Suspend him from work.
315Cell responsible for root resorption?
A. Osteoblast
B. Osteoclast

316. Bacteria found in primary endodontic lesion:

Obligate anaerobic.

317. Best material to use for pulpotomy of primary teeth:


318. A young pt came in, CC “I want to fix my front teeth”. Pt is

young, has a history of opioid abuse, now uses
amphetamine. He has multiple broken teeth. He wants to fix
front teeth.
When is a good time to address his CC?
a. After initial appointment and treatment plan
b. After conducting behavior counseling.

319 . Two questions on what’s wrong with this pano questions.

320 . A mesial tilted #18 is shown on the Xray. The patient is

now having a spring and coil to fix it. What will be the
The tooth will be distally tipped and extruded.
321. When dentist fail to educate patient on relationship
between smoking and oral health, this is violation of which

322. Hep C patient. Any precaution?

Standard Precaution

323If you discuss your patient’s case/treatment with his wife

without him knowing it. What HIPPA rule do you violate? –

Several cases with a patient come in with a family member and

the patient does not speak English. What would you do?
Certified translator
324A question show pic like the one below and ask what
medication side effect can cause this.
a. Metformin
b. Levothyroxine
c. Atorvastatin,
d. Nifedipine
325A kid completed a dental procedure. Last time, he has a lip
bite/trauma. Mom asks for something to help recover from
the local anesthesia faster. What can you do EXCEPT?
A. Massage
B. Heat pack
C. Give OraVerse
D. Give Naloxone

326During root canal procedure, you saw blood on the tip of the
paper point. What to do?
A. Inject local anesthesia to
the PDL
B. Inject local anesthesia to
the pupal chamber

How does filler affect wear resistance?

A. Bigger filler size, better wear resistant
B. More filler content, better wear resistant

327Bulk-fill resin composition can achieve polymerization up to a

depth of:
A: 4mm
B: 5mm
C: 6mm
D: 7mm

328Know the normal range for WBCs, CD4, Platelets, HbA1C,

RBCs. I have a question with a blood test result and ask me
what is wrong with this patient.
Wbc: 4500 to 11000
 Platelet: 150000 to 450000
 Hba1c: less than 5.7
 Pre-Diabetic: 5.7 to 6.4
 Diabetic: More than 6.5

329An edentulous patient came in with a root tip on #14. What

xray do you take?
A. Pano
B. Pano and PA

330Civatte bodies - what to give - corticosteroids (lichen planus)

331HIV patient precautions-universal precautions

332A pt with a butterfly rash on the face, what condition is

associated with this? –
333A pt. with asthma and he woke up more than 5 times over
the last month. What classification is his condition?
A. Persistent mild
B. Persistent moderate
C. Persistent severe

334Poorly controlled diabetes Hba1c level?

A. 7.0-7.5
B. 8.0-8.5

335BP 146/83 is ASA.


336MOA of metformin

337Know when to do PTT and PT

ptt - intrinsic pathway - hemophilia, von willebrand factor

deficiency, pat taking heparin; pt - extrinsic pathway - warfarin)

338A down syndrome patient cannot control his tongue and has
limited mouth opening. Which nerve is mainly responsible for
his limited tongue movement?
C. X
339When you make the sound of “v”, your incisor touches which
part of your lip?
A. Outer third
B. Middle third
C. Inner third

340If you suspect a child is being abused but you did not report
it. Which ethics do you violate?
A. Beneficence
B. Non-maleficence

341If you presented a few options for a patient, but the patient
decided on extract. What ethic principle is this?
A. Veracity
B. Beneficence
C. Autonomy

342What is the pulp diagnosis for a tooth with a sinus tract?

A. Irreversible pulpitis
B. Reversible pulpitis
C. Necrotic

343What is this curved line is on the X-ray? –

soft tissue of nose
344Fissured tongue is associated with:
a. Geographic tongue
b. Hairy tongue

345What is the most common reason for right ventricle failure:

A. Pulmonary edema
B. Pulmonary hypertension

346 -Burning mouth

Burning mouth syndrome may affect the tongue and other parts of the mouth. It
appears suddenly and can be severe, as if the mouth was scalded.

349 . -Metallic taste caused by?


347 -O in pico

348 -Meaning of synostosis

QUESTION: What is craniosynostosis? Early closure of suture between bones

-Word that mean large space between eyes

351. Hypertelorism

349 -Syndrome that contain osteoid

Gorlin g
Ectodermal dysplasia

350 -TGF beta

TGF beta inhibits(something to do with perio inflammation)

A) th2 cells
B) t cells
C) antigen presenting cells

351 -8 years became uncooperative in the middle of appointment, what to do?

Talk to him firmly
Try to know the reason
Stop and make another appointment
Call the parent to enter the room

352 -Pt alcohol and opioid abuser, had peptic ulcer and liver cirrhosis, which
analgesic we will give
Something else

355. Contraindications of AED
not given to pt under 12
Not given to hypertension pt
Other 2 options

356. -Pt heart stop, what to do

Call 911
Start compression
Start respiratory
Other option
357. -Leader nurse dealing bad with the lower nurses, and the dentist ignore
that, what ethic he violate
Pt autonomy

358. Inhalation sedation with flow rate 6 L, 3.5 L nitrous oxide, 2.5 L oxygen,
what is the present of nitrous

358. Which of the following materials affect resin polymerization?

a. Zinc Oxid Eugenol
b. glass ionomer

358. Which of the following is the correct sequencing of steps for the placement of a
a. etch- liner - bond
b. liner- etch- bond
c. etch – bond- liner
d. bond- etch – liner

359. Which nerve is affected in Bell's palsy

Facial Nerve
Note: Bell's palsy is a non-progressive neurological disorder of the facial nerve (7th
cranial nerve). This disorder is
characterized by the sudden onset of facial paralysis that may be preceded by a slight
fever, pain behind the ear on
the affected side and weakness on one side of the face.
360. -Midazolam increase the serious side effects of
Something else

361. -MOA epinephrine antagonise histamine

Reversing its actions
Block it’s receptors
Produce effect opposite to it
Other option

362. -In mixed dentition

Ant teeth move labially and post move distally
Ant lingually post mesially
Ant lingually post lingually
Ant labially post labially

363. -Child with low carries risk, has small white spot, and he is in under
fluoride community
What to do
Fluoride every 3 months
Fluoride every 6 month
Brush with fluoride toothpaste once daily
Other option

364. Adult with no carries except non cavitated white spot, what to do
5% fluoride varnish
Remove it and put glass ionomer
Remove it and put composite

365. Pic of gingival hyperplasia, what’s the cause

Calcium channel blocker’s
Other options

366. -How tetracycline cancel penicillin

Increase metabolism of penicillin
Increase renal excretion of penicillin
Decrease sensitivity of its receptors
Other option

367. -How tetracycline affect bacteria

Inhibit protein synthesis
Inhibit cell wall
Other options

368. -We should remove calculus, why

It cause recession
Plaque retention
Other 2 options
-368. Why maintenance phase after 3 months
Pathogen accumulate after 3 months
Bone level change
Good for insurance
Other option

369. -Metastatic oral SSC go where?


370. -If we do flap all around the mandible, possibly destruction of

Mentalis muscle attachment
Genial muscle attachment
Mental nerve

371. most positive aspiration occurs in

Go gate
Varasin or something
Mental nerve

372. Common in myofacial pain and trigrminal neurolagia

Presence of trigger zone
Paroxysmal pain
Dull pain
Other option

373. Pt with new upper complete denture, with pain when moving the
mandible to the right, why?
Fatigue of left lateral pterygoid muscle
Overextension in the left distobuccal ares
Other options

374. Where to put selain?

Restoration margins
Restoration liguto or something like that I don’t know what is it

375. Frontal bossing and small facial features occur in

Dentinogensis imperfecta
Osteogensis imperfecta
Congenital Syphilis

376. Kid with hypopititurism what do you expect to see

Small clinical crowns
Protruded mandible
Root hypercementosis
Other option

377. Have periodontal disease more then normal pt

Less than normal pt
Equal to normal pt
Other option

378. Each of the following is a risk factor of TOF except one.which is the exception?
A.Maternal Alcholic
B.Maternal folic acid supplementation
D.Deficit of iron
379. IM injection, what reduces absorption
Heart failure
Drug in form of insoluble complex

380. Developmental cyst occurs at midline

Thyroglossal duct cyst

381. Which is not contraindications of implant

Controlled DM
Cardiac pt
Other options

382. Drug abuse what to give ,

A tramadol
B ibuprofen
C acetaminophen plus hydrocodone
D acetaminophen plus codeine

383. All of the following are advantages of flexible removable

partial denture
compared to conventional rpd what is the exception
A lack of rigidity
B cost
C esthetics
D interaction with soft tissue interface
384. Hygienist told you that the patient is commenting on her
body inappropriately,what
is the first best step of action??
A Discuss with the pt that this is unacceptable and
b.would dismiss the patient if this behaviour is repeated
Refer to another dentist
C. and let him know of this
D. C Dismiss the patient

385. Risk of osteosarcoma ,Paget disease

osteosarcoma - Sunray or sunburst appearance on rx
Pagets - cotton wool appearance
Tretment paget : bisphoponat calsytonin

386. What levels are considered poorly controlled.

Greater Than 9.
Among diabetic patients, a Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level greater than 9.0% indicates
poor control of diabetes. Poor control of diabetes is a
risk factor for complications.

387. Patient feels lightheaded after LA. No relevant medical history .What should
you do?
A- call 911
B- Give Aspirin
C-Give nitroglycerine
D-Give oxygen


389. Which one is NOT included in the social determinant of health?

A. Socioeconomic status
B. residence place
C. Medications side effects
390. Accessory branch of mylohyoid nerve innervate- a. Any mandibular teeth b.
Premolars only c. Incisors only
d. Molars only
e. Premolars and molars only

391. A down syndrome patient cannot control his tongue and has limited mouth
opening. Which nerve is mainly responsible for his limited tongue movement?
C. X

392. Space just next to thorax

a. Retropharyngeal
b. Parapharyngeal


393. What is the best pontic for maxillary first premolar?

a. Hygienic
b. saddle
c. Modified ridge lap
393. Which of the following anesthesia techniques needs a higher concentration of
a. Ian
b. gowgates
c. infiltrative
d. mental

393. best clinical exam to classify malocclusion

a. lateral intrabucal
b. lateral extrabucal
c. anterior intrabucal
d. anterior extrabucal
we can use canine and molar relation to check for malocculsuion
Pt was hit in the region of ramus, Pt had deviation of the jaw. Which muscle is
a.medial pterygoid
b. Lateral pterygoid
c. Masseter

what muscles move the mandible to the right:

A) lateral pterygoid
B) medial pterygoid
C) buccinator

Which of the following occlusal schemes would be the most ideal for complete
a. In Centric relation with bilateral balanced occlusion
b. In Centric relation with mutually occlusion
c. In Centric occlusion and bilateral balanced occlusion

What happens in posterior occlusion in the anterior guide?

posterior disocclusion

Which of the following occlusal schemes would be the most ideal for complete
a. In Centric relation with bilateral balanced occlusion
b. In Centric relation with mutually occlusion
c. In Centric occlusion and bilateral balanced occlusion
Veneer case, common failure due to?
a. Under preparation leading to fracture of incisal.
b. Under preparation leading to fracture of gingival
c. Overpreparation leads to fracture of incisal.
d. Overpreparation leads to fracture of gingival.

All OF the following are primary effects of opioids EXCEPT one. Which is the
A-pain reduction
D-altered perception

Pt had PPD skin test positive , DM 2, SLE

Type IV hypersenstivity :
1. Somethng Tuberculosis or BCG
2. Ms remission
3. Progression of tb to MS

392. Which benefits in managing dental Stress :

A .Prednisone
C. hydroxychloroquine
d. Mycophenolate

392. Pt. with DM type 1 , blurred vision, fruity breath, All expected in this pt. except?
a. Increase gluconeogenesis
b. Increase glycogenolysis
c. Increase glycolysis
d. I forgot

392. Which has greatest malignant potential?

1. Junctional nevus
2. Oral melanotic macule
3. Granular cell tumor
4. White sponge nevus
392. Patient arrived for restorative treatment on tooth 5. What would be a challenge in
treating this tooth?
a) mesial concavity of root
b) mesial marginal ridge
c) distal marginal ridge

392. Drugs that reduce Salivary flow except:


391. Lower left buccal space abscess, Tooth 18 grossly carious, 2 carpules of 2%
lidocaine given, Patient still
reports pain during extraction. Which of the following is most likely contributing to the
lack of profound
a. Low pH
b. Insufficient amount of local anesthetic given
c. Allodynia of the soft tissue
391. Premature shedding of deciduous teeth and eruption of permanent teeth seen in
(accelerated eruption)
a. Rickets
b. Cretinism
c. Congential hyperthyroidism
d. Downs syndrome

391. Patient arrived for restorative treatment on tooth 5. What would be a challenge in
treating this tooth?
a) mesial concavity of root
b) mesial marginal ridge
c) distal marginal ridge

391. With which occludes the tooth #5?

a. mesial of tooth 27
b. distal of tooth 27
c. mesial of tooth 28
d. distal of tooth 28

391. Radiograph with vertical bone loss on distal has mild radiolucency on the mesial
surface of the max 1st premolar( 3 options)
A) Circumferential
B) Crater
C) Horizontal

392. Regarding Teacher Collins Syndrome, all are true except:

A-small ears
B-down slanted palpebral fissures
C-cleft lip
D-retrognathic mandible
393. Radiograph with vertical bone loss on distal has mild radiolucency on the mesial
surface of the max 1st premolar.
A) Circumferential
B) Crater
C) Horizonta

393. Which of the following are laboratory values in diagnosing a re-infarction

that occurs a few days after initial myocardial infarction?

A. Troponin I
B. Troponin C
D. D- dimer

393. During reflex gag, which muscle depresses soft palate?

a. tensor veli palatin
b. levator veli palatin
c. palatoglossus

395. . Most common communicable disease in health workers?

A. Tuberculosis
B. Hepatitis B
396. which disease OSHA does not ask for the test to be performed for
A-Hep C

397. Patient taking contraceptives and getting an extraction, all of these

are true regarding giving antibiotics, except?
A - can hinder with contraceptive
B - can cause allergic response
C - can cause GIT irritation
D - can hinder with anelgesics

398. white lesion with irregular borders on gingiva of upper left premolar
region.What all can be the diagnosis EXCEPT

A) Actinic keratosis
B) lichen planus
C) leukoplakia
D) candidiasis

399. What is the reason associated??

A) Coronal leakage
B) external resorption
C) incomplete endo fill
D) extruded endo fill

400. The teeth look shorter than normal in radiograph, what reason?
a. decreased angle horizontal
b. decreased angle vertical
c. increased angle horizontal
d. increased angle vertical*

401. Patient’s box, describes lesion White, possible diagnoses, EXCEPT

a. Lichen Planus
b. leukoplakia*
c. chemical burn
d. Candidiasis
Note: Leukoplakia is clinical description , NOT A DIAGNOSIS***

403. case of upper left 2nd molar ...endo treated few years ago..No crown was there
on endo treated tooth..Patient complaint of pain in this to proceed with this

A) apical surgery
B) ortho grade endo treatment
C) Extraction

404. How saliva helps in reminerlisation of enamel??

A) by neutralizing acids
B) saliva has calcium and phosphate ions which helps in remineralisation
C) saliva releases fluorapatite.

405. Rheumatic fever willl lead to? - infective endocarditis.

# Autoimmune condition associated with synovial membrane has following features?

A) Weight bearing joints most prone

B) Antigens against joint and heart linings
C) Most common in older men

407. History of MI 2 years back..Aspirin and other medications..Vertical root

After treatment the dentist made his chair upright and the patient complained of
. What should be the first step?

A) Give him crushed aspirin sublingually

B) Position him supine
C)Trendelenburg Position


409. Patient 8 yrs, Fallot’s tetralogy, repaired, allergic to penicillin, what is the ideal
conduct before
a. consult to pediatric cardiologist *
b. consult to odontopediatric
c. Give him amoxicilina
d. Give him clyndamicin

411. Refusing patient bez patient doesn't have money.

Which ethical principle is violated??
1- autonomy
2- non mal
3- beneficence 4- veracity

412. Patient had 2nd premolar in left mandibular region in crossbite,mild crowding
was present in mandibular región...
Management of crossbite?
A)finger spring in removable prosthesis
B)need to have or get space to move teeth in

413. which molding material can be altered if it contacts a latex glove?

addition silicone (PVS)

415. Dentist is cleaning the canals and suddenly it starts bleeding a lot and pt says
that it hurts.
a. accident of Sodium hypochlorite *
b. rest of the pulp
c. anesthetic low

416. why dual-cure resin is better to cement post ?

Adequate polymerization
Dual-cured resin cements provides the advantages of both light and chemically
activated resins, reach adequate degree of polymerization
and provide an extended working time due to the easily controlled light-curing

418. 10 years old patient with edentulous area in upper right canine region. Patient
box already had band and loop space maintainer placed 6 months ago in upper right
region for premature loss of upper right primary 1st molar.
Radiograph: upper right permanent canine was seen erupting very near to occlusal
plane, occlusal bulge on gingiva was also present in canine region on observing
Which space maintainer is needed?
A) no space maintainer
B) band and loop

419. why dual-cure resin is better to cement post ?

Adequate polymerization
Dual-cured resin cements provides the advantages of both light and chemically
activated resins, reach adequate degree of polymerization
and provide an extended working time due to the easily controlled light-curing
420. When does palate closure get complete?
A. 1-1.5 yrs after menarche in girls
B. It happens after In boys 1-2yrs of completion in girls

422. crepitus is associated with -> arthritis

Clicking sounds in disc displacement with reduction
Disc displacement Without reduction no sounds.

423. Which of the following occlusal schemes would be the most ideal for complete

In Centric relation with bilateral balanced occlusion

424. Memory lapses and difficulty in organization, what is the classification of

A) mild
B) moderate
C) severe
426. Guide workers to return to work only when they no longer have the symptoms, it
is a level of care?

a. adm control
b. engineer contr

427. How long after surgery does collagen deposit start?

a.1-6 weeks
b. hours - 7 days
c. minutes to hours
d. 3 months

428. All are correct regarding chronic bronchitis, except one, which is the exception?
C-elevated hemoglobin

429. All of the following are dental considerations for patients with well-controlled
adrenal insufficiency EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?
A-provide adequate steroid supplementation.
B-avoid epinephrine
C-monitor BP during procedure
D-avoid fluconazole

431. -which of the following should be given to a patient with Addison crisis
A-IM glucagon
B-IV diphenhydramine
C-IM epinephrine
D-IV hydrocortisone

432. All of the following are considered to be treatment options for an active MRONJ
except one , which is the exception?
A-chlorohexidine rinse
B-local debridement
C-hyperbaric oxygen
D-use of bevacizumab

434. Most well-tolerated force by implant: vertical, horizontal

vertical , horizontal force is worst

435. A cardiac arrest patient, Normal vitals but the patient has become cynotic , what
will you do?
A-administer nitroglycerin
B-administer oxygen
C-activate EMS

436. patiente with bad actitude ?

lady came to the office with the husband and the dad , the dad was the patient : the
dad had bad periodontitis , lots of calculus , haven’t been to the dentist in couple. Of
years, clinical show bruise in the wrist and on the face on the zygomatic area, lots of
caries and broken teeth with just root tip left and bleeding gums.
A) should you report immediately
B) ask the patient separately
C)ask the daughter what happenened

438. lefort III ?


440. Patient with an open bit and Class III, what can cause it. except?
a) Genetic
b) Mouth respirator
c) Tongue Thrust
d) Digital Suction


442. Distal step clase ? 2

443. clse 2 division 1 ?

444. 8. Cor pulmonale

Cor pulmonale is a condition that causes the right side of the heart to fail. Long-term
high blood pressure in the arteries of the lung and right ventricle of the heart can lead
to cor

445. Idiopathic osteosclerosis and condensing osteitis differentiating feature

Idiopathic vital
Condensing chronic pulpitis
446. Stafne bone defect location and other names of it
a. Posterior mandible overlying mandibular canal
b. Posterior mandible above mandibular canal
c. Posterior mandible under mandibular canal
d. Anterior mandible overlying mandibular canal


448. X ray asking to identify Periapical cemento osseous dysplasia

449. What phase of treatment is dental caries restored?

a) Acute
b) Disease Control
c) definitive
d) restorative

450. Adrenal crisis, treatment?

a. Corticosteroids oral
c. Benzodiazepines IV
d. Benzodiazepines Oral

451. clase 2 ?
453. wich is quad helix ?

454. P valium ?
455. Pt .loss the organization and fotgot names ?

456. \what anestetis has PABA ?


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