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10.IJANS - Performance of Five Varieties of Cowpeas

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International Journal of Applied

and Natural Sciences (IJANS)

ISSN(P): 2319-4014; ISSN(E): 2319-4022
Vol. 7, Issue 5, Aug - Sep 2018; 101-108



A. Ibrahim, M. A. Waba & S. A. Musa

Department of Soil Science Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Nigeria


A factorial experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of phosphorus fertilizer at four different levels on
growth, nodulation and yield of five cowpea varieties:-Sampea 6, Sampea 10, Sampea 11, Sampea 12 and Kanannado,
comprised of20 treatment combinations laid out under split-plot design and replicated three times with a view to selecting
cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) varieties that can produce good yield under low soil phosphorus level. Soil samples
were collected from the experiment site and routinely analyzed before the experiment. Plant parameters studied included
the number of leaves, vine length, number of branches, nodule count, haulm grain, total dry matter yield, N, P and K
contents of haulm and grains. Results obtained from recorded and statistically analyzed data revealed that no significant
effect of P fertilizer application at all levels on cowpea growth and yield. It is therefore recommended that there is no need
to apply N and K to cowpea planted in the same fertility status fields as in the present experimental site. Further studies
required to be conducted with higher phosphorus rates.

KEYWORDS: Cowpea, Phosphorus fertilizer, Phosphorus Level, Total Dry Matter Yield

Article History
Received: 07 Aug 2018 | Revised: 10 Aug 2018 | Accepted: 14 Aug 2018


Northeastern Nigeria is a major cowpea growing area which constitutes up to 47% of cowpea production in
Nigeria on annual basis. The soils of Northeastern Nigeria are inherently low in native fertility and are partially deficient in
phosphorus because the soils are low in apatite bearing minerals which gave rise to soils low in native P.
Among the factors responsible for low yield of cowpea is particularly phosphorus (P) deficiency and is the most limiting
soil fertility factor for cowpea production in most tropical soils (IITA, 2003). Response to other nutrients uptake is also
often limited due to the low level of phosphorus in the soil and therefore negatively affects crop production to a large
extent. Phosphorus is highly immobile in soils and almost becomes unavailable. Thus its application time and rate are of
utmost importance if the varietal yield potentials of cowpea are to be achieved (Singh et al., 1997). Cowpea is grown under
a wide range of soil types provided drainage is good. The pods yield of Cowpea is estimated at 350 kg/ha of pods
(FED, 2002). Singingaet al. (2000) reported that leguminous crops require higher amounts of P than non-leguminous
crops. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is a tropical herbaceous annual crop that belongs to the Family Fabaceae
102 A. Ibrahim, M. A. Waba & S. A. Musa

(formally Leguminoseae) and subfamily Papillinoideae of the flowering plants. Cowpea prefers temperatures between
20 - 35oC for optimum growth. Most short duration cowpea cultivars require 600 mm rainfall per annum while medium to
long duration cowpeas require 600 – 1500 mm rains (Ranchies, 1987). Cowpea is a cash crop that is traded in either fresh
or processed form. It is light adaptable and drought tolerant thus it fits well into diverse production systems and is equally
an important source of protein for human and livestock. The pods are used for direct consumption and can be cooked,
spiced and eaten alone or with vegetables, maize, rice, yam etc. They can also be processed into snacks or soaked and
ground for making local dishes such as alele, kosai, soup etc. The seeds contain about 21-23% protein, 57% carbohydrate
with vitamins (thiamin 0.59 mg kg1, riboflavin 0.22mg1) and minerals (Calcium 111g kg1, Iron 6.2 mg kg1) on the dry
weight basis and vary with cowpea age and variety (Berry 1981). The cowpea haulms is a good animal feed either in dried
or fresh form. It has high crude protein, digestibility, and minerals with low fiber contents (Tarawalietal.,1997). Farmers
also store cowpea haulms for sale as animal feed at the peak of the dry season thus improving their income (Quinn, 1997).

Cowpea crop has the ability to fix up to 70 to 350KgN/ha from the atmosphere in association with nodule bacteria
(Bradyrhizobiumspp.) and replenishes the soil with upto 40- 50kg N/ha/year(Quinn 1997). This made it a potent soil
amendment, green manure, and cover crop. The leaf litter from shaded leaves, flowers, and root residues decay in-situ,
contributing to the soil organic matter pool that improves soil nutrient status. The spreading habit of cowpea provides
ground cover thus suppressing weeds and act as protection against soil erosion (Mortimoreet al., 1997).

This present experiment was carried out to evaluate the performance of five varieties of cowpea and the haulms
concentration of N, P and K as affected by the application of different levels of phosphorus fertilizer in the study area.


Experimental Site

A field experiment was carried out during the 2016 cropping season at the Teaching and Research Farm of the
School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola located between
latitudes 12° 30ꞌ- 13ꞌ 8° 14' N, longitude 9°21'-14° 3' and 9°21'- 16° 3' situated at an altitude of 152m above sea level in the
Northern Guinea Savannah agro-ecological zone of Nigeria with annual average rainfall of 900mm. The soils of the
experiment site are classified as Typic-Haplustalf (Musa et al., 2007) having a sandy loam texture.

Soil Sampling and Analysis

Soil samples were collected at random from the experimental field at a depth of 0-20cm before the
commencement of the experiment and analyzed for physical and chemical properties. Samples were air-dried under
laboratory conditions and sieved through 2mm mesh sieve. Soil particle size distribution was determined using the
hydrometer method (Bouyoucos, 1962) and the soil texture was determined by use of the soil textural triangle. Soil pH we
reanalyzed by using 1:2.5 soil: water suspension using a glass Electro calomel electrode pH meter (Mclean, 1962) while
the soil organic carbon was analyzed by using Walkley-Black wet combustion procedure (Nelson and Sommers, 1982) and
the estimation of organic matter was carried out by multiplying the organic carbon content with 1.724
(The VanBemmelen factor). Further, total nitrogen using the Macro Kjeldahl method described by Bremmer and Mulvaney
(1982); phosphorus by using the Bray-1 test method with dilute acid fluoride as the extract ant (Jackson, 1967);
exchangeable base cations which were extracted using ammonium acetate at pH 7.0, calcium and magnesium- Ethylene
DiamineTetraacetic Acid (EDTA) titration method (Heald, 1965); potassium and sodium by using the flame photometer

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.0273 NAAS Rating 3.73

Performance of Five Varieties of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.Walp) as Affected by the 103
Application of Phosphorus Fertilizer at Yola, Northeastern Nigeria


Experimental Design and Layout

A split plot design was adopted using five cowpea varieties (Sampea 6, Sampea 10, Sampea 11, Sampea 12, and
Kanannado, as main plot factor, CVx and four levels of single super phosphate fertilizer (0, 8, 16, and 24 kg/ha) as the
sub-plot factor, Px. Twenty (20) treatment combinations, CVxPx were obtained, randomized and replicated three times.
The experimental plots which measured 3.75m x 4.25m each was laid out with 0.5m between plots and 1.0m between
replications. Single super phosphate (SSP) fertilizer used as phosphorus source was broadcasted and incorporated into the
topsoil seven days before sowing at the rates of 0,8,16 and 24 kg/ha. Cowpea seeds were sown at the rate of 3 seeds per
hole at a depth of 3 to 4cm with 25cm plant-plant spacing, giving 16 stands per row and 75cm between rows, giving 4 rows
per plot. Weeding was done twice manually at 21 and 49 DAS. Harvesting was done manually when the pods had turned
yellowish brown. The insect pest control especially grasshoppers population was done by the use of Lambda master 2.5%
E.C (Lambda-halothrin, 9.8%). This was sprayed by knapsack sprayer (100ml in 15 liters of water) at the interval of each
14 days and at flowering stage, aphids were controlled with sprayingsunpyrifos48 % E.C. (Chlorpyrifos-methyl) at the rate
of 50mlto 15 liters of water at 10 days interval.

Agronomic Characters of the Cowpea Varieties

Four cowpea varieties (Sampea 6, Sampea 10, Sampea 11 and Sampea 12) were obtained from the Institute for
Agricultural Research (IAR) Samaru Zaria, Nigeria, while one local variety, Kanannado, was obtained from the Yolamain
market. Sampea 6, Sampea 10, Sampea 11 is white seeded Cowpea varieties and is semi determinant with medium-term
maturity (75 – 80 days) and moderately resistant to pest and diseases with high photosynthetic efficiency. Sampea 12 is a
dual purpose Cowpea variety having medium to large brown seeds with a rough seed coat. IITA (1984) reported that
Kanannado is a spreading variety, white seeded, semi determinant with medium-term maturity of about 70 to 75 days and
also resistant to pest and diseases.

Data Collection and Plant Sampling

Five plant stands per plot were selected from the center of each plot for data collection at 21 and 42 days after
sowing (DAS). A number of leaves on each plant was counted and the average recorded at 21 and 42 DAS.A ruler was
used to measure the lengths of five cowpea plants from ground level to the tip of the terminal apex. The mean values for
the five samples were recorded per plant at 21 and 42 DAS. A number of branches per cowpea plant was counted from five
plants sample and the average was recorded as a number of branches per plant at 21 and 42 DAS. At 65 DAS two plants
were removed from the third row to the right in each plot. A hoe was used to lose the soil surrounding the roots of each
plant before removal. The plant roots were then washed carefully and nodules were separated for ease of counting.
Matured pods were harvested from two central rows of each plot. The seeds were collected and weighed using weighing
balance. The weights were later expressed in kilograms per hectare by multiplying the weight (kg/plot) by 10,000m2and
dividing the result by the area of the harvested plot (15.94m2).
104 A. Ibrahim, M. A. Waba & S. A. Musa

Plant Sample Analysis

Based on procedures described by Jaiswal (2003) total nitrogen in the haulms plant digest was determined by the
Micro-kjeldahl method, phosphorus in the plant digest was determined using the vanadomolybdate method, while
potassium concentration was determined by flame photometer.

Data Analysis

Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance of split-plot design and the means were separated using the
least significant difference, LSD test at 0.05 percent level of significance (Panse and Sukhatme, 2000). Statistical analyses
were performed using CROPSAT version 8.0 statistical package.


Physical and Chemical Properties of the Experimental Soil

Results of routine analysis for physical and chemical properties of the experimental soil (0-20 cm) are presented
in Table 1.The soils are sandy loam with a high sand fraction of more than 60%, low silt and clay fractions. The pH (H2O)
and pH (Kcl) of the soil are near neutral (6.22) and moderately acidic (5.38), respectively. Electrical conductivity,
EC value of 0.15 indicates no crop hazard. Organic carbon and total nitrogen contentment of the soil were low indicating
the very low level of soil organic matter while available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium (K), calcium (Ca),
magnesium (Mg) and sodium (Na) contents were between the low to medium. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) was low
due to low clay fraction but with a high percentage base saturation (PBS).

Number of Leaves per Plant at 21 and 42 DAS

Results obtained due to effects of cowpea varieties and application of phosphorus fertilizer revealed no significant
effect on the number of leaves at 21 and 42 DAS. Kanannado variety recorded a higher number of leaves per plant (14.48)
at 21 DAS followed by variety Sampea 12 (14.45) at 21 DAS (Table 2). However, at 42 DAS variety sampea 12 recorded a
higher number of leaves per plant (84.53) fallow by variety sampea 6 (81.67) as presented in Table 2.This shows that
number of leaves was not affected by applied phosphorus. It is likely that there is already adequate phosphorus in the soil
that met crop requirement or the immobility and the low level of phosphorus in the soil made it unavailable for the crop
take up. Olusola, (2009) reported that crops take up only about 15 – 30% of applied phosphorus, while the 60% is adsorbed
to the soil. This study is in conformity with FPDD, (2002) report and Daramy, (2017), but contradict the report of
Olaleyeet al. (2012) who reported the increase in cowpea growth following phosphorus fertilizer application.

Effect of Cowpea Varieties and Phosphorus Fertilizer Levels on Vine Length at 21 and 42 DAS

There was no significant effect of phosphorus fertilizer application at all levels on vine length and varieties at 21
and 42 DAS as shown in Table 3. Varieties sampea 10 had higher vine length (13.43) at 21 DAS followed by sampea 6
(13.17) at 21 DAS. Varieties sampea 11 (12.22) had the least vine length at 21 DAS while sampea 10 (22.89) had the
highest vine length followed by sampea 12 (22.38) at 42 DAS.

Effect of Cowpea Varieties and Phosphorus Fertilizer Levels on Nodule Count, Grain Yield and Haulm Weight

The result presented in Table 4 showed that application of phosphorus did not have any significant at
(P>0.05) effect on the nodule count, grain yield and haulm weight has shown slight positive response due to phosphorus

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.0273 NAAS Rating 3.73

Performance of Five Varieties of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.Walp) as Affected by the 105
Application of Phosphorus Fertilizer at Yola, Northeastern Nigeria

fertilizer application that is not statistically significant. Highest nodule count (33.25), grain yield (2890.51) and haulm
weight (13.35) were obtained with variety sampea 11. Although cowpea varieties have been reported to respond
differently to P fertilizer application, generally results obtained did not show any significant effects on most soils of the
tropics (Okeleye and Okelana, 1997).

Effect of Cowpea Varieties and Phosphorus Fertilizer Levels on Straw N, P and K Contents

Result presented in Table 5show that application of phosphorus fertilizer had no statistically significant result on
the N, P and K content of cowpea straw in different varieties of cowpea. Sampea 10 and 12 had the highest level of N
content at 2.96 %. Sampea 10 and 11 had the P content of 0.98% in straw with K content of 1,89% being highest in
sampea 11.


This study showed that there is no significant effect of phosphorus fertilizer application on the parameters studied:
number of leaves, vine length, nodule count, haulm weight and grain yield of the cowpea varieties. It is therefore
concluded that there is no need to apply phosphorus fertilizer to the soils of the study area when cropped to cowpea and
fields with similar characteristics and fertility status. In addition, there is the need for further studies involving phosphorus
availability and uptake by crops in these soils. Such studies will help to establish and recommend the optimum phosphorus
application rates for especially cowpea in the area.


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Performance of Five Varieties of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.Walp) as Affected by the 107
Application of Phosphorus Fertilizer at Yola, Northeastern Nigeria

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Table 1: Physical and Chemical Properties of the Experimental Soil

Parameters Value
Sand (%) 64.10
Silt (%) 21.11
Clay (%) 14.79
Textural Class Sandy Loam
pH (water) 1:2.5 6.22
pH (KCl) 1:2.5 5.38
Organic carbon (g/kg) 1.42
Electrical conductivity (mmhos/cm) 0.15
Total nitrogen (g/kg) 0.09
Available phosphorus (mg/kg) 7.60
Exchangeable Potassium (cmol/kg) 0.25
Exchangeable Calcium (cmol/kg) 2.31
Exchangeable Magnesium (cmol/kg) 1.19
Exchangeable Sodium (cmol/kg) 0.31
Cation Exchange Capacity (meq/100g) 4.75
PBS (%) 85.47

Table 2: Effect of Cowpea Varietiesand Phosphorus Fertilizer Levels on Number of Leaves at 21 and 42 DAS
Number of Leaves
Cowpea Varieties 21 DAS 42 DAS
Kanannado 14.48 80.26
Sampea 6 14.23 81.67
Sampea 10 13.69 80.55
Sampea 11 13.78 80.14
Sampea 12 14.45 84.53
LSD (5%) NS NS
SED 1.15 6.15
Fertilizer Rates(+5 Kg/ha FYM)
0 kg/ha 13.67 72.48
8 kg/ha 13.99 74.93
16 kg/ha 14.52 77.58
24 kg/ha 14.13 76.79
LSD (5%) NS NS
SED 1.96 4.83
Key: DAS= Days after Sowing

Table 3: Effect of Cowpea Varietiesand Phosphorus Fertilizer Levels on Vine Length at21 and 42 DAS
Vine Length (cm)
Cowpea Varieties 21 DAS 42 DAS
Kanannado 12.35 21.35
Sampea 6 13.17 21.42
Sampea10 13.43 22.89
Sampea 11 12.22 21.37
108 A. Ibrahim, M. A. Waba & S. A. Musa

Sampea 12 12.27 22.38

LSD (5%) NS NS
SED 1.06 1.89
Fertilizer Rates(+5 Kg/ha P2O5)
0 kg/ha 12.67 21.57
8 kg/ha 12.76 21.87
16 kg/ha 12.69 20.63
24 kg/ha 13.45 22.65
LSD (5%) NS NS
SED 0.89 1.50
Key: DAS= Days after Sowing

Table 4: Effect of Cowpea Varieties and Phosphorus Fertilizer Levels on

Nodule Count, Grain Yield and Haulm Weight at Harvest

Nodule Count Grain Yield Haulm Weight

Cowpea Varieties
(kg/ha) (Kg/ha)

Kanannado 28.93 2089.14 10.87

Sampea 6 32.69 2630.37 13.25
Sampea 10 28.64 2203.16 10.73
Sampea 11 33.25 2890.51 13.35
Sampea 12 31.28 2706.42 12.31
SED 5.47 962.91 1.46
Fertilizer Rates (+5 Kg/ha P2O5)
0 kg/ha 24.38 1803.44 10.65
8 kg/ha 25.33 2022.26 11.67
16 kg/ha 24.70 2358.53 11.82
24 kg/ha 28.49 2448.71 12.05
SED 4.58 647.11 1.63
Key: DAS= Days after Sowing

Table 5: Effect of Cowpea Varieties and Phosphorus Fertilizer Levels on Haulms N, P and K Contents
Cowpea Varieties N Content (%) P Content (%) K Content (%)

Kanannado 2.73 0.89 1.86

Sampea 6 2.93 0.92 1.81
Sampea 10 2.96 0.88 1.83
Sampea 11 2.74 0.98 1.89
Sampea12 2.96 0.92 1.85
SED 0.28 0.01 0.33
Fertilizer Rates(+5 Kg/ha P2O5)
0 kg/ha 2.81 0.89 1.72
8 kg/ha 2.82 0.92 1.83
16 kg/ha 2.86 0.97 1.85
24 k/ha 2.95 0.96 1.82
SED 0.13 0.01 0.29
Key: DAS= Days after Sowing

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.0273 NAAS Rating 3.73

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