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Bicmos Technology Improvements For Microwave Application

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BiCMOS Technology Improvements for Microwave

Wibo D. van Noort1, A. Rodriguez1, HongJiang Sun1, Francis Zaato1, Nancy Zhang1, Tony Nesheiwat1,
Francois Neuilly2, Joost Melai3, Erwin Hijzen4

Abstract—. The third generation of NXP 0.25 µm SiGe and a non-self aligned approach that maintains process
BiCMOS technology (QUBiC4Xi) is presented. The NPN has simplicity; it adds a mask but avoids a lot of critical process
fT /fmax of 216/177 GHz and BVcb0 of 5.2 V. The high-voltage steps (e.g. selective epitaxy or critical CMP steps).
NPN has 12 V BVcb0, and fT /fmax of 80/162 GHz. This is For this generation emphasis was placed on the base link
complemented with an improved MIM capacitor with 1THz region, the emitter-base spacer in particular and the SiGe:C
cutoff frequency and new on-chip isolation structures that
demonstrate a record |S12| of -60 dB at 10 GHz.
layer stack.
The emitter-base region is shown schematically in Figure 1.
Index Terms—HBT, heterojunction bipolar transistor,
substrate isolation, MIM capacitor, BiCMOS, bipolar, Si, The base link is determined by two factors: the emitter-base
SiGe, SiGe:C, TaO5. spacer and a patterned etch-stop layer to facilitate robust
emitter-window patterning.
SiGe HBT technology and performance has been improved
tremendously in the last decade. This has opened up new Spacer
opportunities for silicon-based technology in the area of Base
microwave and millimeter wave applications. However,
these markets are not mature enough to support high wafer
volumes and highly integrated solutions that are required
for cost-effective manufacturing. Therefore, NXP has
developed various SiGe process variants that are derived Figure 1 Schematic cross-section of the NPN device with
from the highly successful QUBiC4 0.25µm BiCMOS the base-link area highlighted.
technology family [1, 2]. A high degree of commonality The spacer is most critical because it also determines the
with the parent technology that is running in high volume is scalability of the emitter width. Figure 2 shows two TEM
maintained in all cases. This ensures low cost of wafers and images that compare the new spacer module that was
development, high manufacturability and control, and high introduced to the original spacer.
quality that is proven in high volume.
Here an improved version of QUBiC4X is presented: 150 nm 48 nm
(QUBiC4Xi) [2]. The technology comes with all the
advanced passives of the parent technology and maintains
full compatibility to the 0.25µm CMOS node [1, 3]. Here
we introduce a faster NPN heterojunction bipolar (HBT)
that is discussed in Section II. A modified (single mask
adder) 5fF/µm2 TaO5 MIM capacitor with improved
scalability and reduced top-plate resistance is presented in
Section III. Section IV highlights the outstanding substrate
isolation that can be achieved with the high-resistivity
substrate (200 Ωcm, CZ) and optimized layout techniques.
We will finalize with some conclusions in the last section.

II. THE NPN Original Improved

The bipolar device lies at the heart of the technology. The Figure 2 TEM image of original and improved emitter-
SiGe module has been implemented in such a way that most base spacer.
integration steps and mask levels can be shared with the
(full-silicon) parent technology. The basic architecture is The spacer width has been considerably reduced from 150
similar to the original concept [4]. Key aspects are the to 48 nm. It is composed of a much thinner oxide nitride
double poly architecture that ensures an excellent base link stack that is easier to integrate than the thicker layers.
The very thin layers form a nitride “blanket” that
1. NXP Semiconductors, PO Box 1279, Hopewell Junction, NY
12533, USA effectively seals off all the oxide layers. Wet etching solution cannot penetrate the tiny exposed oxide areas. This
2 NXP Semiconductors, Caen, France eliminates any undercut and allows for very aggressive pre-
3. Previously with NXP Research Leuven, now with MESA+, cleaning prior to deposition of the epitaxial mono emitter.
University of Twente, the Netherlands. This leads to a high quality interface, very reproducible
4. NXP Semiconductors research, Leuven, Belgium spacer dimensions and (effective) emitter width.

978-1-4244-2726-0/05/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 93

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITEIT TWENTE. Downloaded on January 21, 2009 at 05:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

The shorter distance under the spacer also leads to 50% SOLT procedure. The measurement was subsequently
reduction in base-link resistance as is shown in Figure 3. deembedded with on-wafer “OPEN” and “SHORT” dummy
The improved scalability facilitates downscaling of the structures.
emitter width from 0.4 µm to beyond 0.25 µm. Figure 4 shows the actual RF characteristics of the devices
listed in Table 1. the highest fT (216 GHz) is obtained with
Cumulative Normal Probablilty [%]

95% the “fast” 4.8 kΩ/sq. stack. Nevertheless, the slower stack
90% has identical fmax and a superior high-voltage device. This

device is fabricated on the same wafer as the 176 GHz fT


device. It has a remarkable combination of 12 V breakdown

(BVcb0) with an fT/fmax of 80/162 GHz.


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
RBlink [Ω µm]

Figure 3 Cumulative probability of the base link

The SiGe base layer was also improved, a 30% reduction in
base width and increased Ge content gives substantially
higher current drive. Figure 4 RF characteristics: unilateral gain vs
Table 1 shows parameters for a selection of scaled-down frequency biased at maximum fT (left) and fT
devices with the improved spacer module and the new SiGe (|H21|*f@13 GHz) vs. Ic. All measurements were
stack. A “Fast” SiGe stack is also included in the first performed with 1 V Vcb. The annotation is relates to the
column. We consider the “slightly slower” stack to be a detailed information in Table 1.
better tradeoff between base resistance and high-
voltage/low voltage combination of devices.
high freq high V Comment
The 5 fF/µm2 MIM capacitor in the parent technology is


fabricated between metal 4 and metal 5 with a stack of TiN,


TaO5 capped with another layer of TiN. It is implemented

Area µm as a single-mask adder by virtue of optimized dry etching
Annotation A1 B1 B2 C1 see figures
and cleaning procedures [5]. It is used extensively as an RF
fT GHz 216 176 163 80 Vcb=1V
fmax GHz 177 172 129 162 Vcb=1V, unilateral gain
component and for decoupling.
slope dB/dec -19.7 -19.3 -19.9 -20.7 Vcb=1V, unilateral gain High frequencies require much smaller capacitors, but the
Cbe fF 45 37 66 47 off state, 1GHz capacitance density must remain fixed as there will be a
Ccb fF 31 35 50 15 off state, 1GHz need for large decoupling capacitors regardless of the
Ccs fF 8 8 6.25 12 off state, 10GHz
application frequency.
τN ps 0.61 0.78 0.8 1.56 on state, 13 GHz
(Cbe+Ccb) fF 105 95 224 76 on state, 13 GHz A smaller minimum geometry is the only solution. This can
BVce0 V 1.44 1.44 1.44 2.5 only be achieved in a lower metal level because the
BVcb0 V 5.2 5.2 5.2 12 designrules for the very thick metal 4 and 5 and via 4 are
Hfe - 2700 2700 2100 1700 at 0.7 V Vbe very crude (i.e. Via4 size is 1x1 µm, Metal 6 lines/spaces:
re Ω 3.4 14 2.9 <1
Ic0 fA 0.94 0.55 2 3.7 6/3 µm). Via 3 is more than 4 times smaller (in area), with a
Rpinch kΩ sq 4.8 3.25 3.25 3.25 3 times smaller pitch. A 4x smaller minimum size (that fits
* Alternative SiGe base layer two vias) is achieved by moving the MIM layer from metal
Table 1 A selection of devices with some basic 4 to metal 3, reducing the minimum capacitance to 10 fF. A
parameters. The first column is an alternative base comparison of MIM position between parent technology
layer with a different rb/fT tradeoff. and QUBiC4Xi is shown schematically in Figure 5.

The emitter has been divided into smaller islands to

optimize the base resistance and to keep the power density
(with regards to self-heating) in check. The total device size
is large enough to allow for accurate RF characterization
and deembedding.
All RF data presented was obtained from on-wafer
measurements with an 8510 Agilent network analyzer
(NWA) that is hooked up to a Cascade 12k semiautomatic
probestation with Cascade 125 µm pitch GSG Infinity Figure 5 Schematic figure showing MIM position in
probes. The system was calibrated with the customary parent technology (a.) and QUBiC4Xi (b.).


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITEIT TWENTE. Downloaded on January 21, 2009 at 05:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

The RF quality factor (Im(Y12)/Re(Y12) with C between figure). The second structure is similar but has an additional
port 1 and 2) is dominated by the series resistance imposed conductive, grounded guard ring around each pad (b. in the
by limited conductivity of the TiN top plate. This was figure). The third variant is similar to the second, but now
originally compensated with a thick TiN layer and a large the ground domains between the two ports have been
number of vias connecting the top plate to the highly disconnected (c. in the picture).
conductive metal 5. Here we have added a layer of AlCu to
the top plate and reduced the TiN thickness. The overall
stack is: metal 3, TiN, TaO5, TiN, capped by AlCu. The
higher conductivity of AlCu vs. TiN allows for a thinner
overall stack with a 10x reduction in top-plate sheet
The RF performance up to 50 GHz of various geometries is
shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 Measured RF performance of 6 MIM designs.

Capacitance (left plot) is Im(-Y12)/2πf, Q factor (right)
the ratio between imaginary and real part of Y12.
All capacitors have an excellent bandwidth, over a large
range of capacitance values. The larger values are impacted
above 10GHz or so by miniscule parasitic inductance Figure 7 Schematic drawing of the layout of isolation
(~5 pH). GSG test structures. The signal pad is connected to a
The quality factor (as defined for a capacitor) follows a P-type or N-type area (lower left crossection). Three
limit corresponding to a 1THz cutoff. The large capacitors concepts: DTI isolation (a.), DTI isolation with a
are in close proximity to self resonance at high frequency. grounded guardring (b.), DTI isolation with a grounded
This increases the real part of Y12 that is unrelated to RF gurdring with isolated ground domains.
losses (resistance) and thus defeats the Q definition that The layouts are designed in such a way that they fit directly
assumes pure capacitive behavior. to on-wafer (125 µm pitch) GSG probes. This way
The parasitic capacitance to the substrate is obviously open/short deembedding is avoided, which would be
increased (from 5.55 to 7.77 aF/µm2) by moving down one problematic with very poor isolation of “OPEN”, and
level. Nevertheless, it is still ~3 orders of magnitude smaller sometimes, “SHORT” dummy. Consequently, results
than the capacitance itself (5 fF/µm2); negligible in both shown in this section are non-deembedded values taken
cases. straight from the (calibrated) NWA.






Isolation is a major challenge in electronic circuits and





becomes especially challenging in analog/RF IC design due





to close proximities, high dynamic range, high frequency µm

I P 80 5 No - a.
and a shared silicon substrate. II P 80 5 Yes No c.
There are various design aspects that play a crucial role in III P 50 5 Yes No c.
achieving high isolation. Three concepts discussed here are IV N 80 1 Yes Yes b.
illustrated in Figure 7. V N 80 5 Yes No c.
VI N 50 5 Yes No c.
The signal pads are connected to the underlying P-Well
with Buried P or N-Well with Buried N (as shown in the Table 2 A selection of isolation structures with reference
cross section). The substrate is a (200 mm) 200 Ωcm P-type to Figure 7.
CZ wafer; standard material for QUBiC4+ and all SiGe
RF measurements of the selection of structures presented in
derivatives [1, 2].
Table 2 are shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9.
In the first structure, isolation is provided by several rings
The high degree of isolation that can be achieved with
of deep-trench isolation (DTI) around the well (a. in the
properly designed guardrings in separate ground domains is


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITEIT TWENTE. Downloaded on January 21, 2009 at 05:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

remarkable. To our knowledge these values exceed have a considerably higher input impedance combined with
anything previously reported [6, 7]. Furthermore, it is high isolation.
surprising, counterintuitive, to see equivalent isolation The pad diameter also plays an important role, the smaller
between P-type and N-type connections above 1 GHz or so. pads (50 µm diameter) have superior isolation that scales
This is clearly the high substrate resistivity at work. roughly with the perimeter at high frequency
(20·log(80/50)~ 4dB).

A highly versatile and low-cost 0.25 µm SiGe:C microwave
technology is presented. It features a scaled NPN with
cutoff frequency of 216 GHz and 177 GHz fmax. A
high-voltage device with 12 V BVcb0, 80 Ghz fT and
162 GHz fmax is also supported. The 5 fF/µm2 MIM
capacitor is very similar to that of the parent technology but
with improved scalability and versatility by introducing
smaller designrules and higher top-plate conductivity. It has
ample RF performance with a cutoff frequency (frequency
Figure 8 Isolation for structures in Table 2 in terms of
where Q reaches 1) of ~ 1 THz and a bandwidth in excess
|S12|, |S21| with 50 Ω system impedance. Left plot: P-
of 10 GHz for a 1 pF capacitor.
type, right plot: N-type.
On-chip isolation of -60dB (S12 magnitude) of a 50µm
The behavior is predominantly capacitive with a slope diameter N-Well or P-Well island is demonstrated, this is
slightly deviating from 20dB/dec, which can be explained among the highest values reported. The highest isolation is
by distributed RC effects. It is somewhat arbitrary to achieved with a combination of deep trench isolation and
present the results in terms of S parameter magnitude. The guardrings with isolated ground domains.
isolation between actual circuit nodes will depend on their
impedance level, which is likely to be different from the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
50Ω system impedance. We are very grateful for support by Engineering and Failure
To complement the picture, the input impedance of the analysis groups at NXP Semiconductors East Fishkill. We
isolated pads also needs to be considered. Note that in the also acknowledge support form IMEC P-Line.
particular case of isolation the transfer coefficients are
much smaller than the reflection coefficients thus resulting REFERENCES
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