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Rogues in Black Robes
Rogues in Black Robes
Rogues in Black Robes
Ebook338 pages4 hours

Rogues in Black Robes

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About this ebook

"... with liberty, and justice for all."

But is there truly justice for all?

And how "just" is our justice system?


Find out for yourself as you read how

  • a federal court of appeals judge in Chicago used his influence to have a decision fixed regarding an appeal filed against rogue police
  • a former judge of the United States Court of Appeals decided to come clean and disclose how he allowed himself to be manipulated into throwing the decision
  • the chief judge of the United States Court of Appeals and other members of that court, covered up the case-fixing activities

In Rogues in Black Robes, you will read about mechanisms that are put in place to protect corrupt judges from accountability when they breach their sworn oaths of office and even violate the laws of the United States.

Read, learn, and decide for yourself whether there is truly "justice for all."

Release dateApr 3, 2023
Rogues in Black Robes

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    Book preview

    Rogues in Black Robes - Brian Vukadinovich


    The pen is mightier than the sword

    ~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    We, as an American society, are led to believe that we have the best justice system on planet Earth and that our judiciary is beyond reproach. As you will see when you read on in this book, both of these points are a fallacy. The purpose of this book is to sound the alarm and enlighten the public as to how unfair and corrupt the American judiciary is and how badly we are need of serious judicial reforms in our country. The judiciary has become the antithesis of what it is supposed to be. In this book, I will make the case for much needed judicial reforms, and I will challenge you, the reader, to decide if you believe we have an unfair and corrupt judiciary, and if we, as a country, need to implement serious judicial reforms. In a way, you will be a juror, so to speak.

    To make my point, I will discuss a very serious matter of a civil rights case that I brought against an extremely rogue and out of control police department in Indiana—Valparaiso Police Department. A trial was held in March 1991 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division, before a very infected judge, James T. Moody, whereby protecting the unlawful activities of the Valparaiso police was basically the rule of the day. You will read about how this judge bent over backwards and departed from the governing rules of procedure to help the rogue police who had tormented me for years with numerous false arrests and brutalities for which not a single bogus arrest stood up in the state courts during the criminal proceedings that were filed against me. You will be amazed at the lengths that Moody went to in issuing blatantly corrupt rulings, basically ensuring that the police would escape liability for their obvious unconscionable and wrongful actions against me, and you will be equally or even more amazed at how the judiciary came running to that judge's rescue when I filed an appeal as to his nefarious rulings.

    I will show how a retired, longtime federal court of appeals judge, Richard A. Posner, of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Chicago, who was on the panel, came clean after years of harboring the guilt of throwing a decision from the appeal of the police case. This was done as a favor to another federal court of appeals judge, Michael S. Kanne, who was on a mission to ensure that I did not prevail in the appeal so that the trial court’s (Moody's) infected rulings would be affirmed in order that Kanne's personal animosity against me would be satisfied—which was done so in violation of the laws of the United States. And you will read about how the chief judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Diane S. Sykes, and her minions, came running to the rescue of their brethren judge, Michael S. Kanne, even though he (Kanne) didn’t deny on the record that he had the appellate decision fixed after I submitted the information to the Seventh Circuit and even though Judge Posner, who was a member of the panel in the case, disclosed that Kanne persuaded him to fix the decision. 

    I will show how the attorney general of the United States, Merrick Garland, and the chief justice of the United States, John Roberts, both turned a blind eye to the fixing of the appellate decision in the face of the disclosure by the judge (Richard A. Posner) who acceded to the wishes of a corrupt brethren federal court of appeals judge (Michael S. Kanne) who put the fix in motion. I will also show how the Administrative Office of the United States Courts in Washington, D.C. is trying to sweep under the rug the information I have provided to that office regarding the case fixing and cover-up activities that took place in the U.S Court of Appeals in Chicago.

    I will show the corrupt nature of the mechanisms that are in place to enable corruption that has permeated the judiciary, at every level, at every turn. I will show how each one of our branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial—breach their responsibilities to the people and go out of their way to protect criminal activities of federal judges who basically have carte blanche to fix decisions and how the nefarious judges depend on the judicial hierarchy to sweep their judicial malfeasances under the rug. I will show that the judicial machinery is so corrupt in how it disregards judicial misconduct complaints, that in addition to judges protecting brethren judges, there is also an administrative mechanism set up to aid and abet the corruption that is going on in the federal judiciary through the Administrative Office of the United States Courts by its complicity. And you will read about how the federal judiciary keeps the information of the judicial corruptions concealed from the public with the help of elected officials who comprise the House and Senate Judiciary Committees who have the power to investigate corrupt judges—but choose to look the other way. I will prove all of these points without a shadow of a doubt.

    You will read that we have a big problem in the federal judiciary in that it is overwhelmingly comprised of extremist judges who are put in place to protect the interest of corporations and government agencies rather than protecting the constitutional rights of the citizenry. You will read about the ridiculously high percentage of cases that are being routinely dismissed by the federal courts and how the people of our country are systematically being deprived of their fundamental right to a jury trial that is actually guaranteed by the Seventh Amendment of the United States Constitution, but the extremist judges in the federal judiciary simply ignore the Seventh Amendment and show their allegiance to the corporations and government agencies that are trampling over the rights of the citizens of our country. I will show that the judiciary has unwittingly given us a great deal of proof demonstrating without a shadow of a doubt that the American judiciary is a very unjust and corrupt enterprise—and that it is by design.

    The history of the American judicial system, unfortunately, is replete with unfairness, skullduggery and corruption. I will make the case that for fairness and anti-corruption to enter the bloodstream of the judiciary, there will have to be significant judicial reforms. I will show that the hierarchy of the American judicial system, through its modus operandi of installing judges who routinely disregard their oaths of office and disregard the Constitution, has enabled the judiciary to metastasize into an organization of malfeasance bordering on a criminal enterprise.

    Chapter 1

    Tormenting by the Valparaiso Indiana Police

    I’ll tell you what Freedom is to me. No fear.

    ~ Nina Simone

    While the essence of this book is not to draw attention to the problem of rogue police that we have been experiencing in the country for quite a long time, for decades actually, I feel that I must discuss the facts of what the police did to me back in the day and how the federal judiciary protected the unlawful acts of the rogue police in order to expose the degree of corruption in the federal judiciary—which is the primary purpose of this book.

    September 25, 1981, started out like any other day. Little did I know that my life was about to change forever. My mother and I were out shopping and made a stop at the First National Bank in Valparaiso. As soon as we walked through the door, several police officers of the Valparaiso Police Department swarmed in, grabbed me, threw me against the wall, and started beating me. My mother was very scared and pleaded with the officers to stop. The bank employees attempted to intervene, but to no avail. We later learned that just before we arrived there had been a problem with somebody in the bank’s parking lot and the bank had called the police. The officers, William Buddy Collins and Cosmo Hernandez, attacked me before finding out that the person who was causing the problem was still in the parking lot and that my mother and I didn’t have anything to do with it. We were simply trying to do a bank transaction before our shopping trip. Unfortunately, the police officers were totally out of control and refused to listen to what the bank people were trying to tell them during the ordeal and ignoring our pleas that we didn’t know what was going on. When officers Collins and Hernandez finally realized that the person they were supposed to be arresting was still outside in the parking lot, rather than letting the matter go with an apology, they instead charged me with disorderly conduct, even though they knew that they had made a mistake. I had to appear in court on the bogus charge, and I hired a lawyer. On March 31, 1982 we appeared before Judge Bryce Billings who had a reputation as a tough but fair judge. My mother, I, and the officers, Collins and Hernandez, all testified, and Judge Billings ruled that I was not guilty of the disorderly conduct charge. He chastised the officers for bringing such a charge against me under those circumstances since they knew they made a mistake in falsely arresting me. Needless to say, the Valparaiso Police were not happy as they not only had egg on their face for the false arrest, but they were also publicly chastised by the presiding judge for what they did to me. Because of what I had to go through, I filed a false arrest and brutality case against the Valparaiso Police Department in the state court. The Valparaiso Police Department was represented by the high-powered insurance defense firm of Spangler, Jennings and Daugherty. I was ultimately awarded an out-of-court settlement of $3,500.00. At this point in time, I thought that the ordeal was over and that I could concentrate my efforts on my teaching and coaching career and move on with my life. Little did I know that the nightmare of my life was just in its beginning stages as the Valparaiso Police Department officers weren’t willing to accept the fact that they were wrong.

    On March 31, 1983, the same Valparaiso policeman, William Buddy Collins, encountered me once again, beat me, and falsely arrested me—this time in the WiseWay store parking lot in Valparaiso for an expired plate on my motorcycle. I tried to explain that I didn’t know the license plate was expired, but it didn’t matter. I was under arrest and was going to the police station. By this time, it looked like a major crime scene as several police cars arrived with lights flashing. Officer Collins pinned me against the hood of his squad car, beat me, handcuffed me, and then put me in the back seat of another officer’s squad car with a police dog, a German Shepherd, with its teeth gritting. My hands were handcuffed behind my back, and I was left alone with the police dog in the back seat for what seemed like an eternity. It was terrifying as I couldn’t have defended myself if the dog would have attacked me. I was taken to the Valparaiso Police Department where I was subjected to a great deal of verbal and physical abuse. I was then transported to the Porter County Jail and locked up, charged with resisting arrest. I was not allowed to make a telephone call. I had to stay in the jail cell for a long period of time without my family or friends knowing where I was. Fortunately, an acquaintance I knew who had officiated some of my basketball games, Richard Wendt, who was an administrator for a county agency, saw me in the jail cell and asked me what happened. He was kind enough to call my brother, Branko, to let him know what had happened. Branko then came to the Porter County Jail and bailed me out. I again hired James Tsoutsouris, the same lawyer as before, to defend me from the bogus charge. It was a very humiliating ordeal to have to go through.

    Fortunately for me, a young lady employee of the WiseWay store, Amy Newlin, witnessed the incident. On September 1, 1983, Amy Newlin appeared at the Valparaiso Police Department, at their request, and gave a statement. The statement was taken by Captain John J. Widup. When Widup asked her what she saw, Amy Newlin stated that while she was taking out someone’s groceries, she saw Collins push me up against the hood of the police car on my back and heard me say, Call the police. She hurried up and went in and called police. Amy Newlin also testified to this fact during her deposition on March 2, 1987, testifying that she saw Buddy Collins push him up against the hood of his car on his back… something that Collins had denied doing during the false arrest, but this witness refuted his account of how things really happened. On February 10, 1984, Judge Bryce Billings dismissed the resisting arrest charge. Because I again had to hire a lawyer to defend me from the bogus charge and was again subjected to another malicious prosecution, I filed another state court lawsuit against Collins and the Valparaiso Police Department and was awarded a settlement of $2,500.00. I would later learn that Collins was no stranger to making false reports. On October 23, 1979, Collins was suspended for three days and lost the privilege of using his patrol car for thirty days for making a false office report. It is mind boggling that police officers are allowed to remain on the force even after the department has evidence of officers making false reports—which is obviously a problem all around the country. I again found myself having to explain another false arrest, which was making things tougher for me in my life, both personally and professionally, let alone what it was doing to my mother.

    Retaliation became the rule of the day, and the next vindictive move by the Valparaiso Police Department took place on February 19, 1986, when a speeding ticket made out to my brother, Branko, was placed on his parked car in the driveway of our home. This was very strange as everybody knows that when a person is caught speeding, the officer pulls the vehicle over right on the spot and issues the ticket. Branko then had to appear in Judge Billings’ court. Because of this, Branko had to hire an attorney to represent him even though he did nothing wrong. The Valparaiso policeman who wrote the ticket and appeared at trial was Cosmo Hernandez, the same policeman who was involved in the initial beating and false arrest against me at the Valparaiso bank on September 25, 1981, with Buddy Collins, when this whole ordeal started. My brother was sitting at the defense table, and I was in the gallery watching the proceedings. When Hernandez was asked to identify the defendant, he pointed at me. Judge Billings immediately dismissed the charge and shook his head in disgust at what the Valparaiso police were doing. He was clearly upset at the shenanigans initiated once again by the Valparaiso Police Department. And again, rather than accepting legal defeat from their own calculated nonsense, the Valparaiso Police Department continued their harassment against me and refiled the charge, which I would then, of course, have to fight in court—yet another vindictive prosecution they would put me through. When Buddy Collins was deposed, my lawyer asked him if he was aware that Hernandez refiled against me after the bogus charge against my brother, Branko, was thrown out of court by Judge Billings. Collins responded, That was common knowledge around the police department. That charge, just like all of the previous bogus charges, was eventually dismissed by Judge Billings. And, yes, there was more to come. Simply put, the Valparaiso Police were totally out of control.

    On June 17, 1986, while driving away from a court hearing with my attorney, Calvin Hubbell, a Porter County deputy who had also attended the hearing radioed a Valparaiso policeman to intercept me. The officer put his lights on, stopped me, and verbally harassed me. When he realized that my attorney was with me, he let me drive away. It was the same officer who had put me in the back seat of his squad car with the police dog on March 31, 1983, during the second Buddy Collins incident at the WiseWay store. However, that was not the end of it, as the following day, another bogus charge of driving with a suspended license was filed against me. This was very strange because if my driver’s license was actually suspended, he would not have let me drive away when he stopped me the day before. Clearly, this was another form of ongoing harassment that the Valparaiso police were subjecting me to. It seemed there was no end in sight. This bogus charge was also dismissed by Judge Billings. The plan was rather obvious; it was to file as many bogus charges against me as possible to make me look bad and to break me financially—obviously in retaliation for successfully standing up for my rights, which was an apparent problem with the Valparaiso police.

    On October 15, 1986, I was again stopped and arrested by the Valparaiso police, this time by officer Rick Zentz, on Roosevelt Road while on my way home from my teaching job. I pulled over into the Family Tree Restaurant parking lot, and within seconds, the lot was swarming with Valparaiso police cars with lights flashing. I asked Zentz why he stopped me. He said I was driving with no headlights. During the course of the arrest, he said that my driver’s license was suspended, but it wasn’t. By now, Zentz had several more of his cohorts to assist him with the false arrest: Patrolman Ross, Patrolman Brickner, Lieutenant Utterback, and Sergeant Wilson. The people driving by and those in the restaurant had to think that this was a major crime scene because all of the squad cars had their flashing lights on. But it was just another one of the several Valparaiso police setups—this time orchestrated by Zentz and his cohorts. I had hidden a tape recorder in the car under the seat for just this type of situation so I could have proof of what was said. Zentz went ahead and arrested me for driving with a suspended license even though it was not, and he also filed a bogus charge of failure to use headlights at 4:37 p.m. My car was towed and impounded. The Valparaiso officers all gathered around, laughing and making incriminating comments, not realizing that they were being recorded during the false arrest that amused them so much. When they searched my car, I was sure that they would discover the tape recorder, which they did. Through their stupidity, they made several very ignorant comments which were caught on tape while they were discussing what they should do. I, of course, had to post bond in order to be released. My brother went to get the car out of impound the following day while I was teaching. When I got home from school, I was curious as to whether or not Zentz or any of his cohorts found the tape recorder. Branko told me the tape recorder was in the car and that it picked up the conversations between the Valparaiso police officers. These Keystone Cops were having so much fun enjoying the stop, my detention and arrest, and so forth, that they lost their senses, if they had any sense, that is, which was very questionable to say the least. I now had direct proof of the bogus stop. I had it in their own words and with their laughter. One of the Valparaiso officers said, I’m goin’ to get the son-of-a-bitch. F--- him. I again had to appear in court in front of Judge Billings. After I told the judge that my driver’s license wasn’t suspended and that the failure to use headlights was a bogus charge as it wasn’t dark at the time Zentz stopped me—at 4:37 p.m.—the Valparaiso Police Department then altered the ticket to a later time so that the charge could nevertheless proceed against me. I had to yet again defend against another one of their ongoing false charges. Judge Billings ultimately dismissed both of the bogus charges. Clearly, he knew what was going on. They actually should have thanked Judge Billings because had he not thrown the bogus charges out of court, the Valparaiso Police Department would have been very embarrassed at the criminal trial when I played the tape recording to the jury. Finally, I had some tangible evidence of what was actually going on. It is extremely difficult—if not impossible—to overcome false charges when it is your word against several police officers who are up to no good. This time I had evidence: words spoken from out of their very own mouths. Judge Billings didn’t even need to hear the tape. He knew that they set me up for another false arrest, and he didn’t let the Valparaiso police play games with him. He was one of the very few judges who didn’t allow police corruption to make its way into the courtroom. He was an honest judge of high honor.

    A little over two weeks later on November 3, 1986, I was again stopped by Valparaiso Police officer Richard Zentz on Roosevelt Road in Valparaiso, just like two weeks earlier. It was déjà vu. It became very evident that he knew what time I would be driving home from school as he lived in an apartment building on Roosevelt Road and would see me driving to and from work when he was standing in the yard as I drove by. He just waited to put the plan into play. He again verbally accused me of driving with a suspended license, and I again tried to tell him that my license was not suspended. I then told him that I’d had enough of the nonsense and that was going home. I lived less than five blocks away from where he stopped me. When I got out of my car in my driveway, there were several Valparaiso police cars and officers waiting for me, including Officers Ronald Kurmis and John Ross. My mother and brother were home. To their horror, I was beaten in my yard by the Valparaiso police while my mother, brother, and neighbors watched. It was devastating for my mother and brother to have to watch this happen right in front of their eyes in our own yard. They tried to stop them but to no avail as they were threatened with arrest. I was put in the back seat of the squad car with my hands cuffed behind me, and Kurmis jumped on my back and pressed his knee into my back all the way to the Valparaiso Police Station. I couldn’t breathe. I begged him to get off of me and to get his knee out of my back, but he wouldn’t do so. When we arrived at the police station, I could hardly stand up for lack of oxygen as I couldn’t breathe all the way there. I was helpless as they had my hands handcuffed behind my back. I thought for sure I was going to die because I couldn’t breathe. I was taken into the Valparaiso Police Station for additional beating and finally was taken to Porter Memorial Hospital in Valparaiso where I was treated for injuries to my wrist, foot and nose. Then I was taken to the Porter County Jail. I was put in a cell but

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