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reading list

A Professional Guide for Canada’s Soldiers

Produced by Directorate of Land
Concepts and Designs
The Canadian Army
Reading List
A Professional Guide for Canada’s Soldiers
The Canadian Army
Reading List
A Professional Guide for Canada’s Soldiers

Directorate of Land Concepts and Design

Kingston, Ontario

Publication Data

The Canadian Army Reading List edited by Major Andrew B. Godefroy

Government of Canada Catalogue Number: D2-249/2009

ISBN: 978-0-662-06911-9

NDID: B-GL-007-001/AF-001

Cover Art Credit: Canadian War Museum Collection

Layout and Cover Design: Army Publishing Office and Graphic Arts Section
Kingston, Ontario

Printed in Canada by St. Joseph Print Group

The Author and the Publisher make no representation, expressed or implied with regard to
the accuracy of the information contained in this book. The material is provided for histori-
cal and educational purposes and does not represent the policy or views of the Depart-
ment of National Defence. The Author and Publisher are not responsible for any action
based on the information provided in this book.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without express permis-
sion of the Director General Land Capability Development through the Department of
National Defence.

© Department of National Defence 2009




THE WAR OF 1812 43










1. Soldiers today are faced with innumerable challenges in complex

and punishing environments across the globe. Combined with seemingly
unending revolutions and evolutions in warfare, technology, and society,
now more than ever we require a thorough and in-depth understanding of
our profession. We can never spend too much time learning it, thinking
about it, and debating it.

2. There is perhaps no better way to develop the knowledge and

confidence required of the soldier’s calling off the field than a disciplined
and focused commitment to a personal course of reading and study.
Though some subjects are covered to varying degrees through military
professional development, education and training, the onus still remains
on the individual soldier to read and study appropriate military-related
writing and literature. The soldier’s profession is unique, and we must all
do our utmost to prepare for the heavy responsibilities and challenges of
military service.

3. In September 2001, the Canadian Army produced its first

Canadian Army Reading List. In the time passed since its publication,
many new books and articles of interest to the Canadian Army have
appeared, prompting the need to revisit the list and revise and expand it
as necessary. This new and revised Canadian Army Reading List retains
most of the original, while adding a considerable amount of new material
for soldiers to consider.

4. The aim of The Canadian Army Reading List is to provide an

instructive guide to soldiers to explore suitable literature on any given
subject. The list is not exhaustive nor should it be considered the limit
of what soldiers should read. Rather, it is a starting point to enhance
professional knowledge of those subjects that affect and influence soldiers’
lives and thinking. All members of the Army are encouraged to use the list,
read the titles suggested, and debate these subjects at length. Thisactivity
not only improves individual soldiers, but it also helps foster a common
understanding and shared knowledge that will make the Army as a whole
stronger and more prepared to face the challenges ahead.

J. Crosman
Director of Land Concepts and Designs

1. The purpose of this guide is to encourage and assist

soldiers in continuing their professional education. As such,
it is important to say a few words about how to use this
publication and how to start a reading program. As always
a soldier’s day is a very full one, nevertheless just as with
physical training and marksmanship practice, professional
education must become part of our daily routine. You should
be able to find time to read at least one good book or lengthy
article a month, as well as browse a couple of Internet sites.

2. With hundreds of titles and sources offered in this

guide, however, one may never read all of the selections
that are offered. As that is not the purpose of this guide,
and as there is no suggested minimum standard, this should
not be a concern. The Canadian Army Reading List has no
‘best books’ on the subject or ‘must-reads.’ The interests of
soldiers are diverse and the creation of such a list would be
impossible. Instead, The Canadian Army Reading List offers
suggestions, a starting point if you will, to introduce soldiers to
the many facets that each subject identified in the guide may
hold. Within each subject we have attempted to list as many
as possible of those books and sources that have become
commonly accepted essentials, so that if nothing else the
reader may be introduced to the seeds of contemporary and
modern military writing.

3. This guide does not have to be read in the order of

the subjects presented. As well, not all books may be of
interest or suit your particular tastes. If you are new to the
military or your particular trade or subject of choice, then
it is recommended that you start with books that cover the
breadth of a subject rather than a particular subject in depth.
This methodology will allow you to not only to gain an overall
context within which various subjects are discussed, but will
also allow you to identify a number of subjects that you may
wish to explore in greater detail later.

4. The Canadian Army Reading List is organized by

subject area and not by rank or Developmental Period (DP).
Still, it is suggested that some titles be revisited as the soldier
progresses in rank and leadership responsibility, as they will
undoubtedly see certain works of literature and other sources
from a new perspective. Author, title, bibliographic data or
Internet address and a brief annotation concerning the content
of the book is provided for every entry. Some titles may
appear only in English or French, but bilingual editions are
identified when available.

5. Some of the books listed here have been or will be

reviewed in the Canadian Army Journal (CAJ). Be sure to
check out all of these book reviews either in the hardcopy
edition of the CAJ or on the journal website at

6. Those seeking to create their own reading lists for

specific requirements are encouraged to use this guide as a
starting point. This resource should also be combined with
other contemporary bibliographies and reading lists as desired
to provide a wide spectrum of choices for soldiers to consider
in their reading programs.

7. Maintenance of The Canadian Army Reading List is

currently vested with the Directorate of Land Concepts and
Designs Research and Outreach Program. Updates and
additions to the list will appear periodically on the CAJ website
as well as in the journal. Suggestions for additional titles are
welcome and should be submitted, including author, title,
bibliographic data and a brief synopsis, to:
Major Andrew B. Godefroy, CD, PhD
Army Reading List Editor
Directorate of Land Concepts and Designs

The Sir Julian Byng Building (A-31)

4 Princess Mary Drive
Canadian Forces Base Kingston
Kingston, ON K7K 7B4


Clausewitz, Carl von. On War. Beatrice Heuser, trans.

New Jersey: Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9562915883.
Although only an incomplete collection of his writings, Carl von Clausewitz’s
On War has been a mainstay of Western military literature since the late
nineteenth century because of its systematic approach to the study of war
and its various aspects. While his ideas concerning operational matters are
clearly dated, Clausewitz’s arguments concerning war as a political tool,
combined with his philosophical views on war and its use retain a timeless
quality that makes the work as a whole as relevant today as it was when it
was first produced. Whether in terms of its importance to the development
of military professionals, or in understanding how it has influenced historical
events, On War is an essential read.

Jomini, Antoine Henri. The Art of War. London: Greenhill Books,

2006. ISBN: 1853672491.
Throughout much of the nineteenth century, Antoine Jomini’s The Art of
War largely dominated Western military thinking and subsequently played
a major role in shaping the conduct of the American Civil War. Whereas
Clausewitz focuses upon larger issues of strategy, politics, and philosophy,
Jomini emphasises the operational issues of war, particularly force
concentration and the protection of lines of communication. As such, The
Art of War serves as useful counterweight to the work of Clausewitz in
terms of understanding the development of military theory.

Machiavelli, Nicollo. The Prince. London: Penguin Classics, 2003.

ISBN: 0140449159.
A classic addition to the development of modern political thought,
Machiavelli’s The Prince centres upon the belief that theological and moral
imperatives have no place in the political arena or within foreign relations.
Written by a public servant immersed within the scheming atmosphere of
the sixteenth century city-states of northern Italy, this work is entirely in line
with the present era of American unilateralism. As well, by illustrating the
folly of employing mercenaries, Machiavelli highlights the important role the
citizens of a state have in its defence. This is a vital reference work when
examining the political or military arenas of modern civilisation.
Saxe, Maurice. Reveries or Memoirs upon the Art of War. Thomas
R. Phillips, trans. New York: Dover Publications, 2007.
ISBN: 0486461505.
Written by perhaps the greatest French marshal of the eighteenth century,
Saxe argues that the knowledge of how to wage wars and campaigns is
useless unless a commanding officer also has the skill and the natural
ability with which to conduct operations. He was also one of the first to
argue that armies should have a principle of action or what would later
become known as force doctrine, and also made note of the human
dimensions of combat and how these could affect the outcome of a battle.
A vital read, in terms of understanding the evolution of European military
establishments and the advancement of theories on war.

Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Lionel Giles, trans. El Paso: Norto
Press, 2005. ISBN: 0976072696.
The first known recorded effort to provide a basis for wartime planning and
the conduct of operations, Sun Tzu’s The Art of War remains one of classics
of military literature. Though the means with which military operations are
conducted continuously change, the maxims and principles of warfare, as
outlined by Sun Tzu, are timeless. For the military professional, this work
is an essential read and provides the basis from which to develop a more
elaborate understanding of the development of military thinking, both in
strategic and operational contexts.


Alexander, Bevin. How Wars Are Won: The 13 Rules of War—From

Ancient Greece to the War on Terror. New York: Crown Publishers,
2002. ISBN: 1400049482.
An interesting challenge that questions the relevance and effectiveness of
the Western way of war as articulated by, among others, Victor Davis Hanson
and John Keegan, whereby intense, direct conflict focused on decisive
battles is emphasised. Based upon the collective writings of Sun Tzu, Bevin
Alexander has formulated 13 rules, such as misdirection, deception or striking
at enemy weakness, by which wars are to be won. Supporting each rule
is a historical example designed to illustrate the concept involved. While
military professionals won’t find anything groundbreaking within this work, it is
nonetheless a useful reminder of the various methods that can be employed
on both the strategic and operational levels.
Citino, Robert M. Quest for Decisive Victory: From Stalemate to
Blitzkrieg in Europe, 1899-1940. Lawrence, KS: University Press
of Kansas, 2002. ISBN: 0700611762.
This is an excellent and vital contribution to any understanding related to
the development of twentieth-century Western warfare and the progress of
military thinking. A study of war at the operational level, Quest for Decisive
Victory demonstrates the interplay and tension between technology and
doctrine in warfare and reveals how problems surrounding mobility—including
such factors as supply lines, command and control and pre-war campaign
planning—forced armies to find new ways of fighting. One of the most
appealing aspects of this book is Citino’s inclusion within his examination
of the various smaller wars such as the Balkan War of 1912-1913 and the
Italian-Ethiopian War, which also occurred during the period under review.

Hammes, Col. (USMC) Thomas X. The Sling and the Stone: On

War in the 21st Century. St. Paul, MN: Zenith Press, 2004.
ISBN: 0760320594.
A discussion of how the current events occurring in Iraq illustrate how
difficult it is for the world’s only remaining superpower to impose its will
upon other peoples, this book also cites other recent incidents of powerful
military forces being tied up by seemingly weaker opponents. When
confronted by fourth-generation warfare, Hammes argues that the solution
resides less with advanced weapon technologies than with a better
understanding of the enemy and the construction of a networked, flexible,
and less hierarchical military command structure.

Keegan, John. Intelligence in War: Knowledge of the Enemy from

Napoleon to al Qaeada. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003.
ISBN: 0375400532.
In surveying the role of military intelligence, both technological and human,
throughout the course of two centuries of warfare, John Keegan is able to
define both its usefulness and limitations. In some of the historical examples
cited within Intelligence in War, the smallest amount of information was
enough to change the outcomes of entire campaigns, while in other instances
a wealth of intelligence could do nothing to prevent defeat. In concluding that
intelligence data does not guarantee victory, Keegan argues that previous
Cold War methods of intelligence gathering are no longer sufficient when
coping with a guerrilla opponent that lacks form and organisation.
Watson, Peter. War on the Mind: The Military Uses and Abuses of
Psychology. New York: Basic Books, 1979. ISBN: 0465090656.

A comprehensive work on the psychology of warfare, War on the Mind

is a collection of detailed studies conducted and proposed by various
government agencies during the post 1945 period. It contains detailed
accounts of experiments and studies by military psychologists which show,
for example, that the psychological effects of chemical and biological
warfare are far worse than the physical, that atrocities in war are invariably
committed by “mild-mannered” soldiers, and that the most feared weapons
in combat are those that do the least damage. This fully documented
account of how the military has used and misused psychological research
has long continued to serve as the basic reference work on the subject.


Brodie, Bernard. Strategy in the Missile Age. New Jersey:

Princeton University Press, 1959.ISBN: 0691018529.

Written by one of a handful of strategic thinkers who shaped Cold War

policy, Strategy in the Missile Age outlines the constraints inherent in nuclear
strategy. Using an historical analysis of the strategic air campaigns of
the Second World War as a base, Brodie elaborates upon the increased
efficiency and thereby destructiveness of nuclear weapons and how any
system designed to defend against them was an exercise in futility. Though
now dated, in hindsight this work reveals the origins of policies of deterrence,
containment, mutual assured destruction, arms control, and détente. It is
thereby a useful tool in understanding the development of military strategy
during 1960-1980 and how this impacted the Cold War as a whole.

Brodie, Bernard. War and Politics. New York: Vintage Books,

1973. ISBN: 0023150203.

Examining the relations between military affairs and international politics,

Bernard Brodie’s War and Politics is a valuable work that studies why
humans engage in war. In the spirit of Clausewitz, the author reveals that war
is an extension of politics by examining this argument through an analysis
of the world wars, Korea, and Vietnam. Brodie also looks at the changing
attitudes toward war, theories on its causes, the concepts of what exactly are
vital state interests, nuclear weapons and the nature of military strategy.
Cohen, Eliot A. and John Gooch. Military Misfortunes: The
Anatomy of Failure in War. New York: Free Press, 2005.
ISBN: 0743280822.

When attempting to draw lessons from events, historians and military

professionals usually focus upon the victors and their successes, while
frequently neglecting an in-depth analysis of those who lost and why. By
examining a number of twentieth century battles and campaigns, the
authors provide useful insight into how military operations and strategy can
result in blunders, defeat or even disaster. Several intellectual shortfalls,
such as the failures to learn, to anticipate or to adapt are analyzed with
the intent to illustrate that military blunders are often the result of or are
enhanced by institutional/organizational flaws.

Hart, B.H. Liddell. Strategy—Second Revised Edition. London:

Plume Books, 1991. ISBN: 0452010713.

An account of military strategy as written by one of the foremost military

thinkers of the twentieth century, Liddell Hart’s Strategy emphasises how
most successful military operations have been the result of the skilful use of
surprise, movement, and flexibility. As well, he explains how the dislocation
of an enemy’s psychological and physical balance is usually a vital prelude
to victory. Simultaneously a survey of military history, this work makes a
strong argument for the indirect approach in terms of military strategy and is
therefore of considerable value to military professionals and historians alike.

Paret, Peter, ed. Makers of Modern Strategy: From Machiavelli to

the Nuclear Age. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1986.
ISBN: 0691027641.

A collection of essays examining the primary individuals and military

strategies that have shaped the course of Western military thinking, the
structure of this work facilitates the understanding of this evolution through
its chronological approach. From Machiavelli and Clausewitz to strategies
of global and colonial wars, Makers of Modern Strategy is a major asset to
any serious study of warfare and is frequently employed by military colleges
and universities as a means of introducing their students to study of war.
Phillips, T.R., Brig. Gen., ed. Roots of Strategy: The 5 Great
Military Classics of All Time. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books,
1985. ISBN: 0811721949.

A concise summary of the writings of Sun Tzu, Vegetius, de Saxe, Frederick

and Napoleon, Roots of Strategy is a useful addition to the understanding of
military thought and its evolution prior to the twentieth century. Perhaps the most
useful aspect of this work, either for the military professional or student of military
history, is the additional information the editors provide within their commentary
for each of the individual writers noted above. This includes a summary of how
their writings waxed and waned in popularity as time and technology progressed,
which in turn provides a reader with a greater appreciation of the impact these
writers had upon military development and events.

Echevarria II, Antuilo J. After Clausewitz: German Military Thinkers

Before the Great War. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas,
2000. ISBN: 0700610715.

In After Clausewitz, Antulio Echevarria does a masterful job of displaying

how German military thinkers seriously grappled with what the increasing
range and lethality of weaponry would do to the battlefield of the late
19th and early 20th centuries. Aside from discussing the development
of German military thought during this period, the author also examines
the thinking of the military authorities within the armies of the other major
powers, thereby simultaneously providing a well-researched overview of
the development of military thinking during the period of 1870 to 1941.


Cohen, Eliot. Supreme Command: Soldiers, Statesman and

Leadership in Wartime. New York: Free Press, 2002.
ISBN: 0743230493.

The constant tension between political and military leaders is exacerbated

by wartime conditions, and author Eliot Cohen examines how four civilian
statesmen (Lincoln, Clemenceau, Churchill and Ben Gurion) successfully
exercised control over their military services during wars that threatened
the very existence of their countries. In contrast to the notion that
politicians should set policy and then leave the waging of war to the military
professionals, Supreme Command argues that political leaders should play
an active part in the planning and implementation of military operations.
Granatstein, J. The Generals: The Canadian Army’s Senior
Commanders in the Second World War. Calgary: University of
Calgary Press, 2005. ISBN: 1552381765.

First published in 1993, this is the award-winning, classic collective biography

of the Canadian army’s leaders during the Second World War. Considering
the growth of the Canadian Army during the war, competent leadership was
a highly sought after commodity and this work shows where this quest for
leadership failed and succeeded. Relating the experiences of a number
of both permanent force and militia officers, Granatstein illustrates how
many of these officers spent much of their time pumping up their careers
and scheming against rivals, rather than devising military strategy. This
book is not only an insightful look at the personalities of Canadian military
commanders, but also highlights the difficulties of having to rapidly expand an
officer corps from a small cadre, especially in the Canadian context.

Horn, Bernd, Col. and Stephen Harris, eds. Warrior Chiefs:

Perspectives on Senior Canadian Military Leaders. Toronto:
Dundurn Press, 2000. ISBN: 1550023519.

Another vital book, Warrior Chiefs chronicles the personalities and

experiences of seventeen senior Canadian military commanders stretching
from Confederation to the post-Cold War era. However, the most significant
aspect of this work is its study of a number of notable Canadian officers
during the post 1945 period, stretching from Foulkes to Mackenzie and
Dallaire, thereby closing a hereto unfulfilled gap within the literature on the
subject. It is a useful addition to any study of leadership and command
within the Canadian Forces.

Kolenda, Christopher, ed. Leadership: The Warrior’s Art. Carlisle, PA:

Army War College Foundation Press, 2004. ISBN: 0970968213.

This book is a very useful compendium of essays on leadership, specifically

as it applies to the military experience. With sections covering ancient and
modern concepts of leadership, historical case studies, and contemporary
experiences and reflections on Leadership, The Warrior’s Art provides a
variety of insights and thoughts on leadership as related by talented military
and civilian leaders as well as military historians. These insights are
priceless and allow the true student of leadership (private sector or military)
to see through the clutter of modern philosophies into what a leader really
needs to do to make an organization or team work.
Slim, Sir William. Defeat into Victory. London: Leo Cooper, 2005.
ISBN: 1844153061.

This is an account of both leadership and the military campaign in Burma

during the Second World War written by the commander of the British forces
in the region, Field Marshal Sir William Slim. A forthright book in which
the author does not hesitate to elaborate on his command mistakes and
miscalculations or his own deficiencies as a military commander, Defeat into
Victory not only provides a comprehensive account of the fighting in Burma
but is an insightful addition to the study of generalship. In this regard, Slim’s
theory is that politicians give guidelines for the campaign, and generals
provide the training and backup so that the soldiers can get on with their
business. He should, when possible, not get in the soldiers’ way.


Bland, Douglas L., ed. Backbone of the Army: Non-

Commissioned Officers in the Future Army. Montreal: McGill-
Queen’s University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0889118892.

Throughout history non-commissioned officers have played a central role in

armies as disciplinarians, closely associated with the welfare of the troops
and discipline in the ranks, and have also had close, though still subordinate,
relationships with lower-level officers. However, as societies have changed
subtle changes have also occurred in the officer/NCO relationship, in the
expectations of NCOs themselves, and in the way NCOs view the authority
of officers. Backbone of the Army examines these changes and discusses
the implications for education, training, doctrine and organization, offering
comparative assessments from other military establishments.

Kaplan, Robert D. Imperial Grunts: The American Military on the

Ground. New York: Random House, 2005. ISBN: 1400061326.

This text is an examination of contemporary American military forces

through the experiences of its lowest ranks, with emphasis upon those
serving in farflung posts stretching from South America to Mongolia to Iraq.
Arguing that the United States is as much an empire as Great Britain and
Rome ever were, the most useful aspect of Kaplan’s work is its elaboration
of the motivations, attitudes and camaraderie of the “warrior-diplomats who
use weapons, imagination, and personal passion to protect and advance
the interests of the United States.”
Pendry, J.D. The Three Meter Zone: Common Sense Leadership
for NCOs. Navato, CA: Presidio Press, 2001. ISBN: 0891417281.

Within a comprehensive study, The Three Meter Zone discusses a

variety of issues and topics related to modern-day NCOs. The practical
performance-oriented ideas on leadership presented in this book will be
of value to anyone who is a front-line supervisor. A pocket-sized guide to
being a good leader, it discusses US Army values in user-friendly terms,
from the perspective of a former member of the NCO corps and introduces
three different types of leadership styles.

Poole, H.J. The Last Hundred Yards: The NCO’s Contribution to

Warfare. Chevy Chase, MD: Posterity Press, 1997.
ISBN: 0963869523.

Evidence of success in limiting rules on subordinate units can be found in

many examples throughout history. The German NCOs of World War I that
lead Stosstruppen were trained in making tactical decisions. They were
deciding how to engage the enemy, and at a time and place of their choosing.
Within The Last Hundred Yards, author H.J. Poole argues that the small unit
leader needs to adapt to situations as they develop, and that the rigidity of
rules (and training by the same) is counter to the manoeuvre warfare concept
of winning at low-cost.

Smith, MWO Stephan R. “Reform and the Non-Commissioned

Officer.” in The Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer
2005, pp. 33-40.

One of the most profound challenges facing today’s army is re-defining

what the role of NCO will be within future military environments. Within this
comprehensive article, Stephan Smith discusses a number of issues related
to this debate, including the functions and role of the NCO, barriers that
impede change and the historical legacy of the NCO within the Canadian
Army. Arguing that “NCOs need to be educated beyond the traditional
requirements,” Smith also presents a number of recommendations that
would alter and improve the role of the NCO.

Cash, John A., John A. Albright and Allan W. Sandstrum. Seven

Firefights in Vietnam. New York: Dover Publications, 2007.
ISBN: 0486454711.

Based upon official U.S. Army records—daily journals, journal files, after
action reports and personal interviews—Seven Firefights in Vietnam is an
illustrative account of modern warfare and the friction of combat. Through
the detailed examination of seven particular engagements that occurred
during the Vietnam War, the authors provide readers with an insightful look
at small-unit tactics and leadership, together with clear examples of the face
of war. This is a valuable addition to the library of either the military profes-
sional or the military student.

Dyer, Gwynne. War: The New Edition. Toronto: Vintage Canada,

2005. ISBN: 0679313125.

A new and revised edition of Dyer’s classic book, War: The New Edition
is a discussion of the history and nature of war. He traces the growth of
organized warfare through history, showing conclusively that the basic tenet
has remained unchanged—war is an act of mass violence applied against an
enemy so that he will do what you want him to do. The only real change has
been technological, permitting us to make war on a mass scale. This book
also asks many intriguing questions regarding war and military establishment,
and their relevance, in the modern era. In this regard, Dyer’s work is a useful
addition to any discussion on the nature of war, civilisation and progress.

English, Allan D. The Changing Face of War: Learning from

History. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1998.
ISBN: 0773517235.

This book is a collection of seventeen essays written by officers in the War

Studies program at Canada’s senior professional military educational institution.
The essays are organized into three broad sections: The Evolution of Military
Strategy and Doctrine (6 essays); Unconventional Warfare (5 essays); and
Conflict in the Twenty-first Century (6 essays). The editor’s over
arching purpose for the collection is to provide a source for post Cold-War
military professionals who lack combat experience to learn vicariously. All the
essays are persuasive in intent and tend to be more analytical in style than
narrative, with most dealing with U.S. military doctrine, strategy, and operations.
Nonetheless, The Changing Face of War is a good source for fellow students
and military professionals seeking opposing views and independent ideas.

Grossman, David. On Killing: The Psychological Cost of

Learning to Kill on War and Society. New York: Little and Brown,
1995. ISBN: 0316330116.

Drawing on interviews, published personal accounts and academic studies,

Grossman investigates the psychology of killing in combat. Stressing
that human beings have a powerful, innate resistance to the taking of life,
he examines the techniques developed by the military to overcome that
aversion. Although he introduces some interesting and controversial topics
that are well worth reflecting upon, Grossman’s uses of questionable sources
and unreliable statistics as the cornerstones of his arguments (including
S.L.A. Marshall’s “ratio of fire” data and a potential misreading of crime
statistics) mean that On Killing cannot be recommended without reservation
and should not be mistaken for scientific research. Although this is a topic
worth pursuing further, it should not be considered the final word on the
subject of killing.

Keegan, John. The Face of Battle. London: Pimlico New Edition,

2004. ISBN: 1844137481.

An examination of the human dimension of combat. The author explains how

military events have been distorted by writers who have fallen prey to a styled
and sometimes romantic view of war. Keegan’s combat is not the conceit
of the leader, nor is it a clash of technologies conducted along predictable,
scientific lines. Combat is a whirlwind of confusion which threatens to
overwhelm, dominate and finally victimize all who participated in it. The
central questions are: how have men withstood it in the past, what has it
done to them and what are the prospects for the future? As an examination
of combat and of how it has commonly been misrepresented, The Face of
Battle offers the reader a high standard by which to judge other literary works
on warfare, past and present.

Moran, Lord. The Anatomy of Courage: The Classic WWI Study of

the Psychological Effects of War. New York: Basic Books, 2007.
ISBN: 0786718994.

Recently put back into print, Moran’s The Anatomy of Courage is one of
the key works in the literature on combat motivation, exploring the nature of
courage and fear in battle. First published in 1945, based upon research
the author conducted during the First World War, it was one of the first works
detailing the psychological effects of war. His main drive was to find out what
would lead to the gaining and expenditure of courage, and to find out why a
man could be “like a lion” one day in battle and cowering the next. Written
at a time when combat stress was still equated with a lack of character,
The Anatomy of Courage was groundbreaking in its own time, and remains
relevant to the military context of today.

Stouffer, Samuel et al. The American Soldier: Studies in Social

Psychology in World War II, Volumes 1 to 4. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1949-1950. LC 52000174

Although their work is now dated, the team of psychologists headed by

Samuel Stouffer carried out invaluable studies on American infantrymen
throughout the Second World War that still bear reflection today. Focusing
on recruits’ adjustment to army life and the experiences of combat,
Stouffer’s team collected vast amounts of survey data from soldiers
themselves and compiled fascinating statistics that, while at times coldly
analytical, generally succeed in piercing the fog of war and demonstrate
what was happening inside the minds of young soldiers. Although one
should be careful about generalizing from Stouffer’s conclusions and
data, which were collected in a specific place, time and cultural context,
this collection of work still makes for interesting reading on the infantry
experience of the Second World War. No longer in print, but still available
in many research libraries.


Brodie, Bernard and Brodie, Fawn. From Crossbow to H-Bomb:

The Evolution of the Weapons and Tactics of Warfare.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973. ISBN: 0253201616.

The authors do a fine job of tracking the developments in armaments and

engineering since the 17th century (there are two chapters on antiquity and
the Middle Ages), and their emphasis is on the interaction of engineering
knowledge and military needs. Detracting from its value, the book is badly
out of date, especially in its post-World War II section, where declassified
material has improved our knowledge and where the more recent
technological improvements, especially computers, have again changed
the face of war. Nonetheless, From Crossbow to H-Bomb is still a valuable
contribution to any discussion of technology and warfare.
Freedman, Lawrence. The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. ISBN: 0333972392.

Lawrence Freedman presents a comprehensive analysis of the

development of nuclear strategy from 1945 to the end of the Cold War
and usefully explains a multitude of concepts such as second strike
capabilities, massive retaliation and selective options. He questions the
wisdom of nuclear strategies, although he manages to avoid any rhetoric
or argumentation that would cloud his historical analysis. In doing so,
and together with his review of the nuclear strategies of a range of states,
Freedman has produced a work that is widely seen amongst scholars as
being the final word on the nuclear strategies of the Cold War.

Holley, I. B., Jr. Ideas and Weapons. Washington, D.C.:

Department of the Air Force, 1997. ISBN: 0160613736.

Ideas and Weapons is a monograph about the failure of the American

effort to produce and effectively employ air weapons in the First World War.
Holley’s account of the doctrinal development and the haphazard production
of the American air weapon is a litany of short-sightedness, disorganisation,
indecision, misplaced priorities and missed opportunities. It exposes a whole
new set of problems to be faced by nations that embark on modern wars and
encounter the challenge of fielding new weapons systems and technologies.

Jervis, Robert. The Meaning of the Nuclear Revolution: Statecraft

and the Prospects for Armageddon. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Press, 1989. ISBN: 080142304X.

“A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” So Ronald

Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev affirmed, and so most people believe. The
starting point of this masterful book, however, is that while the proposition
is accepted, its deeper implications are not grasped. It argues that what
the nuclear revolution has done is magnify in force and compress in time
imperatives that were present in the pre-nuclear era; even then the pursuit
of unlimited victory was unrealistic. This text is a vital examination of
nuclear weapons, their impact upon warfare and the strategies dictating
their use, as well as their implications upon statecraft and diplomacy.
McNeil, William H. The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed
Force, and Society since A.D. 1000. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1984. ISBN: 0226561585.

Within The Pursuit of Power historian William McNeil provides a

comprehensive historical perspective on the application of military power to
secure state objectives by analysing the interaction of technology, armed
force and social structure. Throughout his work, the author emphasises the
influence of economics, industrialisation and technological developments
upon the evolution of military systems and organisations. This is a useful
account for anyone attempting to understand the dynamics involved in
these relationships and how they have evolved over time.

Murray, Williamson and MacGreggor Knox. The Dynamics of

Military Revolution: 1300-2050. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 2001. ISBN: 052180079X.

Bridging a major gap in the emerging literature on revolutions in military

affairs, this work suggests that two very different phenomena have been
at work over the past centuries: military revolutions, which are driven by
vast social and political changes, and revolutions in military affairs, which
military institutions have directed, although usually with great difficulty
and ambiguous results. With this in mind, the authors have produced a
conceptual framework and historical context for understanding the patterns
of change, innovation and adaptation that have marked war in the Western
world since the fourteenth century.

O’Connell, Robert. Of Arms and Men: A History of War, Weapons,

and Aggression. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
ISBN: 0195053605.

This book traces the development of weapons technology from prehistoric

times to the nuclear age, paying particular attention to the relationship
between culture, weapons and warfare. Although this is a very generalized
military history, O’Connell takes the unusual and rather innovative approach
of focusing upon man as a tool-making social predator, and sees many
analogues to the animal world in the nature of human warfare. Of Arms
and Men traces the development of weapons technology in a roughly
chronological fashion, with a heavy concentration upon the Western world.
The theme of comparing human aggression to animal behaviour remains
close to the surface throughout.
Van Creveld, Martin. Technology and War: From 2000 BC to the
Present. New York: Free Press, 1991. ISBN: 0029331536.

This book discusses the relationship between technology and warfare from
the onset of civilisation till the present day, and is therefore a good general
reference on the evolution of this relationship. Examining the impact of new
technology on strategy, logistics, military organisation and communications,
Van Creveld provides insights into the ramifications inherent to the accelerating
development of technological change and how this could affect the conduct of
modern war. Central to this examination is the author’s belief that technological
progress does not necessarily translate into operational or tactical benefits.

Wingfield, Thomas C. The Law of Information Conflict: National

Security Law in Cyberspace. Falls Church, VA: Aegis Research,
2000. ISBN: 096703261X.

The law of information conflict—drawn from the peacetime regime of

public international law and the law of armed conflict—is that discipline of
international law that governs a state’s rights and responsibilities when it
conducts operations that affect another state’s information or information
systems. This text is intended to serve as a modest beginning to the task of
providing a detailed analysis of the law of information conflict. It is designed
to serve as a framework of analysis for the legal regime that governs the law
of information conflict, and to be a useful desk reference for lawyers, policy
makers, military personnel and other professionals concerned with a state’s
use and misuse of another state’s information and information systems.


Berdal, Mats and David Malone, eds. Greed and Grievance:

Economic Agendas in Civil Wars. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner,
2000. ISBN: 1555878687.

Recent scholarship on civil wars and transitions from war to peace has
made significant progress in understanding the political dimensions of
internal conflict, but the economic motivations spurring political violence
have been comparatively neglected. This groundbreaking volume
identifies the economic and social factors behind the perpetuation of civil
wars while also exploring the economic motivations of international actors
seeking to restore peace to war-torn societies. The authors consider the
economic rationale of conflict for belligerents, the economic strategies
that elites use to sustain their positions, and in what situations elites find
war to be more profitable than peace. They strive consistently for policy
relevance in both their analysis and their prescriptions.

Bryce, Robert B. and Matthew J. Bellamy. Canada and the Cost of

World War II: The International Operations of Canada’s
Department of Finance, 1937-1947. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s
University Press, 2005. ISBN: 0773529381.

Written by its deputy minister from 1939-1947, Robert B. Bryce, this is an

insightful first-hand account of the wartime activities of the Department of
Finance. The former minister chronicles in splendid detail how the tiny and
overburdened department in Ottawa worked behind the scenes to deal
with the critical public policy challenges that accompanied World War II and
post-war reconstruction. Canada’s financial aid made it possible for Britain
to wage an effective war and then deal with the destruction it wrought.
Bryce details how Canada’s Department of Finance can also be credited
with overcoming some of Britain’s most pressing balance-of-payments
problems after the war.

Horn, Martin. Britain, France and the Financing of the First World
War. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003.
ISBN: 077352293X.

Although the major powers involved in the First World War entered the
conflict believing it would be short, its scale, intensity and duration forced
these states to significantly alter their economies in order to support their
respec-tive military forces. A major factor that dictated the success of these
economic alterations was the financial resources available and how they
were handled. This well researched study not only reveals how Britain and
France went about this, but also uncovers how this proved to be a crucial
factor in their eventual victory over Germany.

Ruttan, Vernon W. Is War Necessary for Economic Growth?

Military Procurement and Technology Development. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2006. ISBN: 0195188047.

The investment of capital and other economic resources into military

procurement, either in periods of war or peace, has historically hastened the
development of new technologies to a great degree. From interchangeable
parts and mass production techniques to computers and the Internet,
military spending has driven technologies that later found widespread civilian
applications. In a fascinating review of this issue, Ruttan attempts to discover
whether civilian and/or government investment could achieve similar results
or if major conflicts, or at least extensive military spending, are required to
develop the next generation of multi-purpose technologies.

Stubbs, Kevin D. Race to the Front: The Material Foundations of

Coalition Strategy in the Great War. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002.
ISBN: 0275972992.

An excellent overall study of the way the respective coalitions involved in the
First World War managed their economies in response to their transition to
a state of total war. Stubbs goes into considerable detail by examining how
the respective states allocated their human resources, the degree to which
they were able to balance military and civilian requirements and their ability
to transport the required resources to the front. Utilising archival documents,
Race to the Front illustrates how these various issues ultimately shaped the
Germans’ 1918 offensives and the degree to which Great Britain, France and
the United States were competing with each other over control of post-war


Bland, Douglas. Chiefs of Defence: Government and the Unified

Command of the Canadian Armed Forces. Toronto: The Canadian
Institute of Strategic Studies, 1995. ISBN: 0919769470.

Through an important study that examines the first thirty years (1964-1994)
of the office of the Chief of the Defence Staff, Douglas Bland documents
the confusion surrounding the purpose of the position and the conflicts,
misunderstandings and rivalries, both personal and organizational, which
arose from it. The exact nature of the relationship between the army and
the state can present society with many questions, but the first question
is “whose policies prevail?” Within Chiefs of Defence, Bland argues that
during the last thirty years the policies of the Canadian Parliament have
always prevailed over those of allies and special interests in the defence
establishment. That fact and its causes and cures ought to concern
Borden, Penn. Civilian Indoctrination of the Military: World War I and
Future Implications for the Military-Industrial Complex.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1989. ISBN: 0313263817.

Within a provocative study that traces the origins of the modern military-
industrial complex to the progressive ideology of the late 19th and early
20th centuries, author Penn Borden provides an example of how military
establishments have been shaped by their societies by examining the issue
in an American context. Throughout this book the author examines the
crucial changes that occurred during the First World War and in its aftermath,
when the progressives deliberately broadened the functions and philosophy
of the military, with profound consequences for the social, political and
economic life of the nation. Switching from pacifism to preparedness during
the First World War, the progressives transformed the army, hitherto an
exclusivist frontier force, into a potent instrument for social engineering.

Graham, Ross. “Civil Control of the Canadian Forces: National

Direction and National Command” in The Canadian Military Journal,
Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 2002, pp. 23-29.

This article is an interesting look at the process of government formulation

of defence policy, the civilian control of defence businesses within Canada
and just how these two areas can be improved to best serve the national
interests. Graham convincingly argues that, while civilian management
and - defence policy direction are usually poorly conceived and largely
neglected, ultimately the Canadian Forces must adapt to Canadian political
realities if it is to ensure its smooth control by civilian authorities. As he notes,
“Improvements….will depend on senior military officers ensuring their views
are in harmony with Canada’s enduring political culture.”

Smallman, Shawn C. Fear and Memory in the Brazilian Army and

Society, 1889-1954. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina
Press, 2002. ISBN: 080782691X.

For more than half a century, the Brazilian army used fear and censorship
to erase aspects of its history from public memory and to create its own
political myths. Smallman examines the topics the Brazilian military wished
to obscure—racial politics and terror campaigns, institutional corruption and
civil-military alliances, political torture and personal rivalries—to understand
the army’s growing involvement in civilian affairs. This is a detailed study
of how a military establishment that once dominated a state and its political
control now struggles to find a place within its now democratic society.
Smith, Paul, ed. Government and the Armed Forces in Britain,
1856-1990. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
ISBN: 1852851449.

In a period that began with Britain controlling a world-wide empire and

included two world wars, followed by the Cold War and massive expenditure
on nuclear armaments, the relationship between the politicians and the
generals has been central to British history. While in theory the politicians
decided strategy and the military implemented it, in practice decisions often
depended on the personalities and experience of those involved. The essays
found within Government and the Armed Forces in Britain provide a coherent
account not only of the major decision-making that occurs in warfare, but also
of the changes in the organisation and control of military forces and just how
these relate to the state.


Art, Robert J. and Robert Jervis. International Politics: Enduring

Concepts and Contemporary Issues. New York: Longman, 2004.
ISBN: 0321209478.

With over 17 new essays reflecting the changed landscape of world politics,
the seventh edition of Art and Jervis’ renowned collection provides readers
with comprehensive coverage of the most important concepts, trends and
issues related to international relations. The most significant discussions
within this work relate to anarchy and its consequences, the use of force,
the international political economy and contemporary world politics. For
anyone studying the subject professionally, the depth and scope of the
issues addressed within International Politics, involving as it does complex
hierarchies and nonlinear feedback, makes this book a valuable read.

Howard, Michael E. The Invention of Peace: Reflections on War

and International Order. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001.
ISBN: 0300088663.

A short but ambitious treatise, The Invention of Peace documents the history
of the concept of peace from 800 AD to the present day and examines the
role of war within each era. According to Howard, modern concepts of peace
derive from the Enlightenment, and especially from Kant’s teaching that a
stable world order can arise only from forms of government in which the
citizens or subjects have some effective say over the making of war. Howard
traces how successive models of world order have competed for dominance
over the past 200 years. The author convincingly demonstrates that the long
struggle for stability among nations is not yet over, and that the latest new
world order arising after the end of the Cold War still poses as much danger
of conflict as it holds out promises of peace.

Ikenberry, G. John. After Victory. Princeton, NJ: Princeton

University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0691050910.

Examining the aftermath of various conflicts, After Victory reviews the

motivations of leading states that have historically institutionalized and even
strategically restrained their military, economic and political powers. In his
analysis of these motivations, the author looks at the settlements of 1815,
1919, and 1945 as well as the end of the cold war, and notes that these
were important turning points in the history of world politics as the major
powers searched for a new international order. The paradox involved in
the author’s conclusion makes this book a valuable addition to the study
of foreign policy and international relations, especially as it addresses the
limits to power of even the most powerful state.

Luttwak, Edward N. Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace.

Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2002. ISBN: 0674007034.
Strategies can frequently involve a series of seemingly self-contradictory
propositions, and within his work Edward Luttwak explains how these
exemplify the paradoxical logic that pervades the entire realm of conflict.
Strategy not only provides articulate explanations of the differences of the
differences between the strategic, operational, tactical and technical levels of
war, but shows how capabilities combine across mission areas and between
levels to create a coherent matrix of mobility, weapons and communications
capabilities. In this manner, this work also illustrates the inherent difficulties
that are encountered when attempting to meld together the complexities of
state objectives, foreign relations and the limits and use of military power.

Snyder, Jack L. Myths of Empire: Domestic Politics and

International Ambition. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1997
ISBN: 0801497647.
Considering the developments that have occurred since 9/11, particularly in terms
of American foreign policy, Snyder’s Myths of Empire is an increasingly relevant
work related to the formation of foreign policies. Through his examination of
how domestic pressure and political forces can influence and shape a nation’s
foreign policy, Snyder reveals that these can lead to foreign entanglements that
ultimately weaken, rather than strengthen, a state. He also shows how strong
domestic pressures influence and shape international relations, even when these
create tensions that do not serve the interests of a state.


Bell, Stewart. Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports

Terrorism around the World. Toronto: John Wiley and Sons
Canada, 2005. ISBN: 0470836458.
This critically acclaimed book exposes how Canada became home to many
of the world’s deadliest terrorist organizations because of its lax laws and
lack of vigilance. Stewart Bell draws on classified intelligence documents,
front-line accounts, exclusive interviews with senior counterterrorism
officials and the victims of terrorist attacks, and terrorists themselves to
provide incontestable evidence that Canada is an important base activity for
terrorist groups. It not only reveals how this has put its neighbours and the
world community at risk, but also how this has impacted Canadian political
and financial interests.

Diamond, Jared M. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or

Succeed. Toronto: Viking, 2005. ISBN: 0670033375.
An important book that discusses why societies, ancient and modern, ultimately
fail, Jared Diamond’s Collapse is the sequel to his thought-provoking Guns,
Germs and Steel. Diamond sees “ecological suicide” as replacing nuclear
holocaust as the biggest threat to global civilization and makes note of
several small-scale catastrophes as small instances of the coming global
collapse. Events in Somalia and Rwanda, for example, are similar to those
that precipitated collapse in earlier societies, and study of these situations and
how they were handled is essential to avert a similar global disaster. However,
the most interesting aspect of his work, as it relates to national security, is
the conclusion with its summary and generalizations of why some societies
undermine themselves, make disastrous decisions and even commit suicide.

Hanson, Victor D. Ripples of Battle: How Wars of the Past Still

Determine How We Fight, How We Live, and How We Think. New
York: Doubleday, 2003. ISBN: 0385504004.

Arguing for the primacy of military history and its crystallization around key
moments of life and death, Hanson looks at three highly influential, yet
often overlooked, battles in three highly influential wars. In extrapolating
the webs of causality and coincidence surrounding important moments, the
author reveals surprising connections that many historical narratives miss.
Through its examination of historical events and how these shape and
influence current political, domestic and military thinking, Ripples of Battle is
a useful work for anyone involved in policy formation.

Neustadt, Richard E. and Ernest R. May. Thinking in Time: The

Uses of History for Decision Makers. New York: The Free Press,
1986. ISBN: 0029227917.

This book is an essential point of reference for understanding the analogies

and other devices that decision makers use to evaluate information, and
argues that policymakers see everything in terms of their own (usually
limited and largely domestic) historical experiences. Thinking in Time
breaks new ground in establishing the importance of history, not only for
drawing intelligence conclusions (understanding ethnic conflict, for example,
is best done in the context of 200+ years of prior history), but for translating,
converting, interpreting foreign events, threats and opportunities in domestic
historical terms that can be more easily absorbed by policymakers.

Ramraj, Victor V. Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
ISBN: 0521851254.

The prevention of terrorism will be one of the major tasks of governments

and regional and international organizations for some time, and because
of this Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy is a useful tool for anymore
involved in national security matters. This collection is designed to
contribute to the growing field of comparative and international studies
of anti-terrorism law and policy. It includes chapters that focus on a
particular country or region in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia, as
well as overarching thematic chapters that take a comparative approach to
particular aspects of anti-terrorism law and policy, including international,
constitutional, immigration, privacy, maritime, aviation and financial law.

Barnett, Thomas P.M. The Pentagon’s New Map: War and Peace
in the Twenty-First Century. New York: G.P. Putnam, 2004.
ISBN: 0399151753.

In The Pentagon’s New Map, Barnett elaborates that it is the obligation,

in terms of ensuring global peace and security, of first-world states to help
stabilise the conflicts within third-world countries and to generally improve
these states economically and politically. He then argues that the present
American administration has essentially begun this process, and proceeds
to outline where it has failed, or is failing, and where it has succeeded. An
important look at American foreign policy, a compelling argument as to the
true sources of instability and conflict in the world, and thereby an important
read in terms of present-day global events.

Bland, Douglas L. and Sean Maloney. Campaigns for International

Security: Canada’s Defence Policy at the Turn of the Century.
Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004.
ISBN: 0889119697.
After more than ten years of effort by Canada and other states to control
conflicts in the Balkans, Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere, Canadian
political and military leaders are still struggling to adjust defence policies
and to build armed forces relevant to the international security situation
Canada faces today. The authors examine Canadian defence policy and
management between 1990 and 2003 and suggest how policy and force
structure must be adjusted to meet the needs of the stability campaigns of
the next decade. Finally, the authors set out a defence policy framework
for Canada aimed at reconstituting and transforming policy, defence
management and the Canadian Armed Forces to meet the challenges of
the world order and the stability campaigns of the future.

Horn, Bernd, Col ed. The Canadian Way of War: Serving the
National Interest. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2006.
ISBN: 1550026127.

This book is a collection of scholarly essays from some of Canada’s most

noteworthy military historians and analysts, including Bernd Horn, Sean
Maloney, Andrew Godefroy, Howard Coombs, and Douglas Delaney. The
essays detail many divergent aspects of Canadian defence policy in the
past two hundred years, taking on subjects from militia professionalism to
the weaponization of space. Although the unifying theme of the book—that
the Canadian government has consistently used its military strength for
political purposes—sometimes gets a bit lost in the collection (a common
shortcoming of edited anthologies), and some of the essays seem rather
tangential to the theme, all of the individual articles are top-notch and well
worth reading.

Huntington, Samuel. The Common Defence. New York: Columbia

University Press, 1962. ISBN: 0231025181.

Declaring that “the professional military man contributes a cautious,

conservative, restraining voice to the formulation of state policy,” Samuel
Huntington reviews the role and input of military organisations and their
accompanying structures within modern states. Although as one of his first
works The Common Defence is becoming increasingly dated, it is still used
throughout the academic community because of the validity of its study of
the role of military organisations and the formation of defence policy.

Morton, Desmond. Understanding Canadian Defence. Toronto:

Penguin Books Canada, 2003. ISBN: 0141008059.

In Understanding Canadian Defence Desmond Morton provides an

invaluable assessment of a national issue that is at the forefront of Canadian
policy. From the threats of American invasion that plagued our young country
in the 18th and 19th centuries, to the two world wars of the 20th century, to
the aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks, Morton examines the events
that have shaped Canada’s military identity. He also looks to the future,
describing a revolution in military orthodoxy that has been underway for more
than a decade and describing the circumstances that determine our defence
policy and the key choices our leaders must make.

Williams, R.M., Col. “The Truth, The Whole Truth or Nothing: A

Media Strategy for the Military in the Information Age” in The
Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, Autumn 2002, pp. 11-19.

An insightful look at the relationship between the media and the military, this
article argues that military organisations need to embrace the media and
incorporate it within their own military planning. Williams stresses that this
is a major requirement in modern operating environments, especially where
the media coverage could affect the shape and development of military
operations (the CNN effect) or sway political decision-making. The author
also outlines the problems within the military-media relationship and offers
possible solutions.


Bell, David A. The Cult of the Nation in France: Inventing

Nationalism, 1680-1800. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 2003. ISBN: 0674012372.

A notable addition to the expanding literature on nationalism in general

and of French nationalism in particular, The Cult of the Nation in France
explores how national affiliation became part of individual identity and
demonstrates the connections between nationalism and religion. The
author shows how in 18th-century France political and intellectual leaders
made perfect national unity a priority, allowing the construction of the
nation to take precedence over other political tasks. A primary method
of this process was the establishment of a French national army, which
subsequently became a major source of national identity and pride.

Cohen, Eliot A. Citizens and Soldiers: The Dilemmas of Military

Service. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1990.
ISBN: 0801497191.

Although written in a Cold War context, Cohen’s study of the forms of

military service—conscription, militia, cadre, etc.—and their relation to
social dynamics remains one of the best works on why nations adopt the
forms of military service that they do. Cohen examines each form of service
and its various permutations in turn, and analyzes how military service fits
into the broader scheme of the national interest. Citizens and Soldiers
also highlights some of the major strengths and weaknesses of each form
of service, and emphasizes throughout the tangled relationship between
culture, national service and military requirements.

Huntington, Samuel. The Soldier and the State: The Theory and
Politics of Civil-Military Relations. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press,
2005. ISBN: 0674817362.
Though growing dated in many ways, Huntington’s history of the
development of US civil-military relations is extremely instructive to civilian
and military readers alike. Huntington uses comparisons with the German
and Japanese pre-WWII experiences to contrast the American, as well as
to develop his own theory as to what the ideal form of civil-military relations
should be. Huntington’s book is a must-read, even in its dated form, for
anyone who could possibly exercise political influence that may result in
military action.

Legault, Albert and Joel Sokolsky, eds. The Soldier and the State
in the Post Cold War Era. Kingston: Queen’s Quarterly, 2002,
ISBN: 0033-6041

This is a collection of essays that examines the transformation of military

establishments from a series of regions around the world, and how they
have evolved since the end of the Cold War era. Focusing upon the civil-
military relationship, this work notes the transference of liberal norms within
democracies to their military forces and the effect this has. It also surveys
how the major states of the Western world are shifting these norms to other
developing states through their foreign and defence policies.

Moskos, Charles C., John A. Williams and David R. Segal, eds.

The Post-Modern Military: Armed Forces after the Cold War. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0195133293.

The modern military that emerged in the nineteenth century was associated
with the rise of the nation-state. It was a conscripted mass army,
war-oriented in mission, masculine in makeup and ethos, and sharply
differentiated in structure and culture from civilian society. The post-modern
military, by contrast, loosens the ties with the nation-state, becomes
multipurpose in mission and moves toward a smaller volunteer force. It is
increasingly androgynous in makeup and ethos and has greater permeability
with civilian society. This book examines contemporary civil-military trends
by looking at the militaries of the United States and twelve other Western
democracies. The Post-Modern Military provides a reader with a solid
foundation on which to base organizational and personnel policies.

Pollick, Sean, Sgt. “Civil-Military Co-Operation: A New Tool for

Peacekeepers” in The Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3,
Autumn 2000, pp. 57-63.

This article discusses the important role civil-military relations have

in peacekeeping and peace stabilisation operations, specifically the
relationship between military forces and non-governmental, governmental
and international civilian organisations. This study also examines the
problems and opportunities this issue can present to military operations,
and provides an analysis of Canadian civil-military co-operation abilities.
Pollick makes a convincing argument for the importance of this issue, which
he notes will only increase in the future.


Charters, David A. “From October to Oka: Peacekeeping in

Canada, 1970-1990” in Canadian Military History: Selected
Readings, ed Marc Milner. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1993.
ISBN: 0773052577.
Although this subject remains relatively unknown within the collective memory
of the Canadian public, Canadian military forces have frequently been
called upon to support domestic civil authorities and restore order. Withinan
excellent article examining relatively recent examples of military operations
within Canada, author David Charters focuses specifically upon those
incidents surrounding the October Crisis in Quebec to the standoff at Oka.
Presenting these operations in considerable detail, Charters article provides
a useful examination of this issue and the legal and political complexities that
are involved.

Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. “The Military and ‘Mob Rule’: The CEF

Riots in Calgary” in Canadian Military History, Vol. 10, No.1, Winter
2001, p. 31.

An interesting article that examines the issue of aid to the civil power,
this study focuses upon the Calgary riot of 1916 when Canadian soldiers
encamped just outside the city instigated a riot directed against the
German-Canadian ethnic community within the city. Joined by large
numbers of civilians, the soldiers clashed with police and attacked German
owned businesses. This article examines the role of the Canadian military
in restoring order, and the relationship with the local government that was
forced to call upon it.
Lerhe, Eric, Cdre (ret’d). “Civil Military Relations and Aid to the
Civil Power in Canada: Implications for the War on Terror.” CDIA-
CAFIA 7th Annual Graduate Student Symposium, RMC. (October
2004) PhD Paper, Dalhousie University.

This paper explores the links between civil military relations and aid to
the civil power in Canada, and how they have always been domestically
perceived as being neither very positive, nor successful. It also outlines the
problems and confusion regarding jurisdiction, authority and communication
within the links connecting the civil and military elements that constitute the
National Defence Headquarters. It is an important read for anyone wishing
to learn more about these issues, how they affect Canada’s counter-
terrorism efforts, and its relations with the United States.

Maloney, Sean M. “Domestic Operations: The Canadian

Approach.” Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly, Vol. 27,
No. 3, Autumn 1997, pp. 135-152.

Within “Domestic Operations: The Canadian Approach,” Sean Maloney

provides an interesting review of the use of the Canadian Forces within
Canada. By utilising four varied cases studies, from the FLQ crisis to the
Red River flood of 1997, the author shows that although the exact civil-
military relationship at the operational level is rather obscure, Canadian
domestic operations have largely functioned smoothly, efficiently and
with a high degree of success. In contrast with the American approach,
Canadian aid to the civil power legislation “is simple, straightforward, and
flexible while at the same time incorporating important safeguards for
the civil population.” This is an important look at how the high degree of
professionalism within the Canadian Forces has coped with otherwise
potentially explosive situations.

Morton, Desmond. “Bayonets in the Streets: The Canadian

Experience of Aid to the Civil Power, 1867-1990” in Canadian
Defence Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 5, Spring 1991, pp. 30-36.

Another useful article discussing the issue of aid to the civilian power,
“Bayonets in the Streets” covers the entire history of this protocol within
Canada, stretching from the country’s beginnings to the end of the Cold
War era. As such, this study provides a valuable basis from which to begin
any examination of this topic. In presenting his overall account, historian
Desmond Morton touches upon a number of incidents and provides a good
amount of information for each.

Frame, Tom. Living by the Sword? The Ethics of Armed

Intervention. Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales
Press, 2004. ISBN: 0868405191.

Living by the Sword is the first critique of the Australian military experience
from an ethical perspective. It surveys attitudes toward war and warfare
from ancient to modern times, considers the moral status of the nation-state
and international sovereignty, asks whether the just war tradition was
relevant to campaigns against Iraq, assesses the recent emphasis
on collective security and suggests some difficulties associated with
recognizing conscientious objection. As intra-state conflicts increase, this
book considers when and where humanitarian intervention is justified and
whether the creation of “international constabulary” might avoid the need for
pre-emptive military strikes.

Ignatieff, Michael. The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of

Terror. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004.
ISBN: 0691123934

In this exceptionally sophisticated commentary, Ignatieff provides

much-needed global and historical context for America’s war against
al-Qaeda, illuminating the promise and peril of a range of possible
strategies for combating terrorist threats. Readers examine, for instance,
the reasons that German and Italian police succeeded in their campaign
against the Baader Meinhof gang in the 1970s while their counterparts
in Spain failed during the same years to eradicate the cells of Basque
terrorists. Although recognizing the need for democratic regimes to
resort to violence and deception to prevent malign forces from destroying
their citizens’ lives and liberties, this impressive work also underscores a
warning that unless democracies subject all of their extraordinary tactics to
legislative oversight and judicial scrutiny, they may subvert the very political
traditions they set out to defend.

Kidder, Rushworth M. Moral Courage. New York: Harper Collins/

William Morrow, 2005. ISBN: 0060591560.
Defining moral courage as “the quality of mind and spirit that enables one
to face up to ethical challenges firmly and confidently,” this work argues
against moral relativism, suggesting (based on interviews) that honesty,
respect, responsibility, fairness and compassion are universal values. The
author explores how and why people can fail to be morally courageous,
in order to illustrate its importance and relevance today, from the lessons
of Mahatma Gandhi to the issues faced by Enron executives and whistle-
blowers. Considering the complexities of the modern world, this study is
thought provoking and encouraging, especially for anyone who would find
themselves frequently confronted by moral dilemmas.

Krauss, Eric S. and Mike O. Lacey. “Utilitarian vs. Humanitarian:

The Battle Over the Law of War” in Parameters, US Army War
College Quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 2, Summer 2002, pp. 73-85.

An insightful and thought provoking review of the growth of humanitarian

perspectives on warfare during the post-1945 period, and how these have
overshadowed more utilitarian views. This article provides a brief, though
detailed, examination of the historical struggle between these views by
reviewing the various events, treaties and agreements that have shaped
the modern concept of what a ‘just’ war is. The article also documents
the growing importance of NGOs and how the United States has become
increasingly marginalised in terms of the shaping of laws of war by its
non-participation. In these terms, it makes the interesting argument that
those holding utilitarian views need to engage and co-operate with their
humanitarian counterparts if they do not wish their own views to go unheard.

Toner, James H. Morals under the Gun: The Cardinal Virtues,

Military Ethics, and American Society. Lexington, KY: University
Press of Kentucky, 2000. ISBN: 0813121590.

Although this work focuses upon American society, the complexities of the
ongoing struggle against terrorism and asymmetric threats are universal.
With this in mind, author James Toner argues that the cardinal virtues
must be the core values of the military, and that without them military
forces become little better than mercenaries. Through their adoption, the
author maintains that the profession of arms can serve in many ways as a
beacon of light in an increasingly confusing age, especially one where the
distinction between combatants and non-combatants is blurred.

Dallaire, Romeo, LGen (ret’d). Shake Hands with the Devil: The
Failure of Humanity in Rwanda. New York: Carroll and Graf, 2005.
ISBN: 0786715103.

The account of the genocide in Rwanda, Dallaire’s Shake Hands with the Devil
vividly reveals to the reader the total failure of the international community
to stop the genocide. Simultaneously, this is an in-depth look at Dallaire
himself and the reader learns much more about the author’s emotional states
when making decisions than in a conventional military history, making this
an important document of service. Dallaire’s argument that Rwanda-like
situations are fires that can be put out with a small force if caught early enough
will certainly draw debate, but the book documents in horrifying detail what
happens when no serious effort is made. Moreover, it also captures the effects
of such horrors upon those who are called on to deal with them.

Delaney, Douglas E. The Soldiers’ General: Bert Hoffmeister

at War. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2005.
ISBN: 077481148X.

Relating the story of one of Canada’s lesser known generals, The Soldiers’
General is a gripping account of the wartime experiences of Major-General
Bert Hoffmeister. Rising from the rank of captain in 1939 to Major-General by
1944, Hoffmeister campaigned exclusively in the Mediterranean, where he
ended the Second World War as the Commanding Officer of the 5th Canadian
Armoured Division. Author Douglas Delaney provides a comprehensive study
that reveals how this officer overcame his own self doubts and, by leading from
the front, knowing how to inspire his subordinates and through his ability to
manage the forces under his command eventually became one of Canada’s
foremost combat officers. A truly valuable addition to the literature produced to
date on Canadian Army officers.

Dickson, Paul Douglas. A Thoroughly Canadian General: A

Biography of General H.D.G. Crerar. Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780802008022.
This is a thoroughly-researched biography of Canada’s top field commander
in the Second World War. Having served with distinction as an artillery
officer in the First World War, “Harry” Crerar rose through the ranks of staff
officers during the interwar years and was positioned to become one of
Canada’s top commanders in 1939. He served as commandant of RMC,
Chief of the Gen-eral Staff, commander of the Canadian Corps overseas,
and finally replaced General McNaughton as commander of the First
Canadian Army in 1944 just prior to the invasion of Northwest Europe. A
Thoroughly Canadian General does an excellent job of contextualizing
Crerar’s life and decisions within the broader realities of the Second World

Graham, Dominick. The Price of Command: A Biography of

General Guy Simonds. Toronto: Stoddart, 1993.
ISBN: 0773726926.

A laudatory biography of Field Marshal Montgomery’s favourite corps

commander, The Price of Command reviews the life and military service of
General Guy Simonds. Simonds commanded the 1st Canadian Infantry
Div and 5th Canadian Armoured Div in Italy before taking over the 2nd
Canadian Corps in northwest Europe in 1944. Credited with developing
armoured personnel-carrier tactics during the Normandy Campaign, he also
commanded the First Canadian Army while General Crerar was ill, leading
it through the Scheldt battle (Oct-Nov 1944). Overall, Graham presents a
very noteworthy account of a controversial Canadian officer.

Grant, Kurt. All Tigers, No Donkeys: A Citizen Soldier in Croatia,

1994-1995. St. Catherines, ON: Vanwell, 2005.
ISBN: 1551250918.

The concept of the citizen soldier is not new in Canada. Ever since the Battle
of the Plains of Abraham determined the course of history for North America,
there have been many examples of citizens setting aside their tools to take
up arms in defence of the country. In his diaries, author Kurt Grant describes
the inner workings of the military as he saw it during his tour of duty as a
reservist who was chosen to go with 1st Royal Canadian Regiment as part of
the UNPROFOR mission to Croatia, in the fall and winter of 1994-1995.

Hyatt, A.M. General Sir Arthur Currie: A Military Biography.

Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987. ISBN: 0802026036.

Rising quickly from battalion, to brigade, to division command as the First

World War progressed, by 1918 General Sir Arthur Currie commanded the
entire Canadian Corps and would lead it until the conclusion of hostilities.
The first Canadian officer to rise to corps command, Currie was
instrumental in the development of the Canadian Corps into a first-rate
shock force. Hyatt provides an excellent account of Currie’s military
career, and also thoroughly describes Currie’s involvement in a post-war
corruption scandal.

Roy, Reginald H. For Most Conspicuous Bravery: A Biography of

Major-General George R. Pearkes, VC, through Two World Wars.
Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1977.
ISBN: 0774800682.

Interesting and highly detailed, For Most Conspicuous Bravery recounts

the life and experiences of Canadian Major-General George Pearkes. After
his early career in the Northwest Mounted Police, Pearkes then fought with
the Canadian Corps during the First World War where he was wounded
five times. Having been a member of the Permanent Force throughout the
inter-war period, Pearkes eventually became one of the first commanders
of the 1st Canadian Division, where he played a major role in its training
and development. Recalled to Canada, he became involved in the major
political furore caused by the continuing need for reinforcements, and
played a major role in the conscription crisis and the “Generals’ Revolt.”


Berry, F. Clifton, Jr.. United States Army at War: 9/11 through Iraq.
Annapolis, MD: US Naval Institute Press, 2003.
ISBN: 1591140633.

Lavishly illustrated, this book covers the U.S. Army’s operations since 9/11,
the examination of which are divided into segments. The first embraces the
immediate aftermath of 9/11, while the second concerns the deployment to
Afghanistan and overthrow of the Taliban. In conclusion, the author follows
Operation Iraqi Freedom from the build-up in Kuwait, through the actual
conduct of the action, to the early stages of occupation. Though relatively
brief because of its size, this book is nonetheless a valuable study of the
recent operations of the United States Army.
Glantz, David M. Colossus Reborn: The Red Army at War, 1941-
1943. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 2005.
ISBN: 0700613536.

This massive tome is the second of a (projected) three-book series by

historian David Glantz on the Red Army. Based upon research gathered
from his unprecedented access to former Soviet archives, Glantz examines
the state of the Red Army after its veritable destruction in the first months
of the Nazi invasion in 1941. This is an analytical, rather than a narrative,
historical account of the war, and Glantz tackles subjects of military
effectiveness and debates within the historiography thematically rather
than through a sequential narrative. A cornerstone work on the Second
World War on the Eastern Front, it is made all the more compelling by the
publication of its accompanying appendix-book, Companion to Colossus
Reborn: Key Documents and Statistics.

Grau, Lester W. The Bear Went over the Mountain: Soviet Combat
Tactics in Afghanistan. Collingdale, PA: Diane, 1996.
ISBN: 0788146653.

To capture the lessons their tactical leaders learned in Afghanistan and to

explain the change in tactics that followed, the Frunze Military Academy
in Russia compiled this book for their command and general staff combat
arms officers. The lessons are valuable not just for Russian officers, but
for the tactical training of platoon, company and battalion leaders of any
nation likely to engage in conflicts involving civil war, guerrilla forces and
rough terrain. This is a book dealing with the starkest features of the
unforgiving landscape of tactical combat: casualties and death, adaptation
and survival. It provides an intimate look at the brutal business of
counterinsurgency operations.

Mataxis, Theodore C. The Soviet-Afghan War: How a Superpower

Fought and Lost. Lawrence, KS: University Press of
Kansas, 2002. ISBN: 070061186X.

Written from the perspective of the Russian General Staff, this work follows
the Soviet tradition of recording the events and experiences of previous
wars not from a historical perspective, but in a lessons learned context,
to help improve future performance. This account reveals a story of poor
intelligence compounded by inappropriate force structures, inadequate
operational doctrine and no strategy to speak of, whereby Soviet forces did
not understand their opposition, especially the mujahedeen’s ability and
willingness to sustain the fighting far beyond rational-actor parameters. An
extremely valuable account of the Soviet war in Afghanistan, the level of
detail contained with The Soviet-Afghan War makes it especially appealing to
military professionals.

May, Ernest R. Strange Victory: Hitler’s Conquest of France. New

York: Hill and Wang, 2000. ISBN: 0809089068.

May traces the story of France’s fall from Hitler’s ascent to power to the
conclusion of the decisive battles of May 1940 that culminated in the British
evacuation from Dunkirk, and in the course of his examination challenges a
number of long accepted notions about the campaign. This work also
covers a number of aspects of the campaign, from the opposing intelligence
services to a detailed look at the inner workings of the French Army, that
have not been fully examined in previous accounts. Perhaps the most
interesting aspect of this work involves May’s look at the German planning
for the campaign, particularly the war games that were conducted and how
these impacted the campaign’s outcome.

Paice, Edward. Tip and Run: The Untold Tragedy of the Great War
in Africa. London: Phoenix, 2008. ISBN: 0753823497.

Tip and Run presents one of the most comprehensive narrative accounts of
how the First World War was fought in East Africa. Exhaustively researched
and extremely detailed, the book looks at the military campaigns, the
colonial relationships and the logistical nightmare of waging war in the
equatorial zone of what was formerly German East Africa. Although not
dealing with Canada, this book shows that the war was not just about the
trenches of the Western Front, and was fought in many locales in many
different ways. The fighting in East Africa (which lasted from 1914 until two
weeks after the armistice in 1918) is a frank, colourful discussion of some of
what was one of the most serious, deadly and extended colonial warfare of
the twentieth century.

Scales, Robert H., Jr. et al. Certain Victory: The United States
Army in the Gulf War. Washington, DC: Potomac Books, 2006.
ISBN: 1597970093.

This study provides a picture of the US Army’s performance during the Gulf
War. It begins by chronicling the Army’s regeneration in the two decades
after Vietnam—the foundation of the Desert Storm victory. Each chapter
starts with a personal combat story that puts the conflict into a human
perspective. The book brings the civilian reader into battle alongside
individual soldiers. It is a comprehensive account that allows individual
conclusions, including acounts by Iraqi soldiers, about the largest armour
battle since World War II.

Tanner, Stephen. Afghanistan: A Military History from Alexander

the Great to the Fall of the Taliban. New York: Da Capo Press,
2003. ISBN: 0788146653.

Stephen Tanner’s Afghanistan: A Military History recounts with brisk

authority and many illuminating analogies the 2,500-year story of a country
that has been both the “coveted prize of empires” and, more recently, a
hideout for international terrorists. What Afghanistan has known for virtually
all of its history is war. Tanner tells, with a good narrative eye, of the
invasions and occupations of Afghanistan by Cyrus, Alexander, Genghis
Khan, Tamerlane, the British and the Soviet Union, as well as the rise and
fall of the Taliban, ending the book with a brief, speculative chapter on the
country’s present and future.


Bentley, Bill, LCol (ret’d). Professional Ideology and the Profession

of Arms in Canada. Toronto: The Canadian Institute of Strategic
Studies, 2005. ISBN: 1894736079.

Professional Ideology and the Profession of Arms in Canada examines the

place of the Canadian military in the professional construct and argues that
the classic attributes of unique specialized knowledge, applied in accordance
with an inviolate value system, have been undermined. Professional military
ideology is then compared to the competing ideologies of the market and
bureaucracy, so prevalent in our society. The argument is compellingly made
that only strict adherence to the tenets of a distinct professional ideology
enables healthy, collaborative and therefore, effective civil-military relations in
our particular constitutional democracy, especially during a period calling for
the highest standards of military professionalism.
English, Allan. Understanding Military Culture: A Canadian
Perspective. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2004.
ISBN: 077352715X.

This book examines culture, the “bedrock of military” effectiveness, from a

theoretical and a practical point of view. The recent conflicts in Afghanistan
and Iraq have highlighted the importance of culture as a concept in
analyzing the ability of military organizations to perform certain tasks. In
fact, a military’s culture may determine its preferred way of fighting and
dealing with other challenges, like incorporating new technologies, more
than its doctrine or organizational structure. Understanding Military Culture
is an interesting look at the military culture within Canada and at the
external events and factors that have, and continue, to influence it.

English, John A. and Bruce I. Gudmundsson. On Infantry: Revised

Edition. Westport, CT: Praeger Paperback, 1994.
ISBN: 0275949729

One of the most famous discussions of the role of infantry in modern

combat, this new edition (superior in many ways to the original) traces the
evolution of infantry combat through the twentieth century. It examines the
role of infantry within the context of the larger battlefield, and delves into
discussions of combat motivation, combat refusal and small-unit cohesion,
capturing the supreme difficulty of the infanteer’s work. This is a deeply
analytical, rather than a chronological, work and contains some excellent
research and insights into the nature of the profession.

Henderson, William D. Cohesion: The Human Element in Combat.

Honolulu, HI: University Press of the Pacific, 2002.
ISBN: 1410202739.

One of the perils for military planners in a high-tech world is to be taken in

by the capabilities of modern weapons and to give in to the currently popular
theory that modern war will last for days or weeks rather than months or
years—in short, to envision a world where technologies, not people, dominate
war. In a revealing look at the human element of warfare, Henderson argues
that human abilities, character and mindsets will influence modern combat
to a degree at least as important as technology. Within an all-volunteer
military force environment, the kind of citizen attracted to military service—the
qualities people carry from society and what qualities the military organization
is able to impart—must be a matter for serious thought and planning.
Marshall, S.L.A. Men Against Fire: The Problem of Battle
Command in Future War. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma
Press, 2000. ISBN: 0806132809.

First published in 1947, S.L.A. Marshall’s Men Against Fire argues that
in spite of the proliferation of weapons systems that allow targets to be
destroyed from great distances, future wars will still fundamentally revolve
around the infantry. Marshall was the author of the notion that only a
small percentage of combat troops actually fire their weapons. Although
influential for many years, recent studies have shown that Marshall’s
“ratio of fire” statistics may have been either in error or entirely fictitious,
making this work extremely difficult to recommend without reservation.
Although there are many noteworthy elements to this work that stress the
experiences of personnel involved in combat, much of what Marshall claims
should be read with caution and not be accepted at face value.

Shay, Jonathan. Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the

Trials of Homecoming. New York: Schribner, 2002.
ISBN: 0743211561.

In a critical examination of a fundamental problem facing those who are

called upon to wage war, Jonathan Shay examines the difficulties faced by
veterans in their attempts to reintegrate into civilian society. Arguing that
leaders—from top policy makers to drill instructors hold the key to preventing
many psychological problems in the military, he advocates fostering a
climate of community at the unit level by training and supporting competent,
open-minded, ethical military leaders who have the full support of their
superiors. Shay uses Odysseus’s epic journey to explore the stresses faced
by veterans who return home, still scarred by their intense experiences.


Bobbitt, Philip. The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course
of History. New York: Knopf, 2002. ISBN: 0375412921.
The Shield of Achilles is a thorough examination of the interplay, over the
last six centuries, among war, jurisprudence and the reshaping of countries.
Bobbitt posits that certain wars should be deemed epochal—that is, seen
as composed of many smaller wars. For example, according to Bobbitt the
epochal war of the 20th century began in 1914 and ended with the collapse
of communism in 1990. These military affairs—and their subsequent
ultimate peace agreements—have caused, each in their own way,
revolutionary reconstructions of the idea and actuality of statehood and,
following, of relationships between these various new entities. Through this
analytical approach, this work is an excellent survey of military history.

Hanson, Victor. The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in

Classical Greece. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press,
2000. ISBN: 0520219112.

Through its connections to the development of Western civilisation, the

understanding of the nature and conduct of war in ancient Greece is
an important first step toward any analysis of military history and the
development of military theories. By examining warfare in classical Greece,
Hanson’s work provides this vital step and goes to great lengths to describe
the various aspects of hoplite warfare in great detail. In doing so, it also
outlines the origins and evolutions of both ‘limited’ and ‘total’ notions of war.

Howard, Michael. War in European History. Oxford, UK: Oxford

University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0192802089.

In a relatively short treatise on the subject, Michael Howard provides a

concise analysis of the evolution of warfare in Europe stretching from
the Middle Ages to the nuclear era. Basing his study on the argument
that warfare and society are inextricably linked, Howard stresses that in
order to understand the developments in one arena, one must fully come
to grips with the other. In doing so, he provides a brilliant framework for
understanding this relationship.

Keegan, John. A History of Warfare. New York: Vintage Books,

1993. ISBN: 0679730826.

Through this work, Keegan approaches the subject of war by simply asking,
what is war? Addressing this question through an examination of warfare
from its earliest beginnings to the end of the Cold War, he illustrates that
warfare has always been an extremely complex event. Considering the
difficulties faced by modern military establishments as they attempt to
deal with asymmetric threats, this work is a valuable read for the military
professional precisely because it addresses these complexities.
Keeley, Lawrence H. War before Civilization. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press, 1997. ISBN: 0195119126.

Throughout much of this century the notion has been gaining ground,
bolstered by genocide and Holocaust, that modern warfare is more barbaric
than war has ever been. Alongside this view has grown a romantic
impression that primitive cultures were, and are, more peaceful. Lawrence
Keeley aims to dispel this inversion of the connotations of “civilization”
by citing the historical evidence that humans have always been just as
bloodthirsty as they are today, and that indeed in the days when death was
less clinical it was often nastier. This book provides a clear demonstration
that “war is hell whether it is fought with wooden spears or napalm,” and a
useful tool for the study war and society.

Preston, Richard, et al. Men in Arms: A History of Warfare and Its

Interrelationships with Western Society. New York: Frederick A.
Praeger, 1968. ISBN: 0030334284.

Starting from the classical period and stretching to the Cold War era, the
authors of this work examine the relationships between the operational
aspects of war and social, economic and technological environments and
their development. Considering the length of this work, together with the
breadth of events that are studied, Men in Arms provides the reader with
an understanding of the essential elements of war through the ages and its
attendant effect on Western society as a whole.

Ropp, Theodore. War in the Modern World. Baltimore, MD: John

Hopkins University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0801864453.

Ropp’s insightful and detailed study of the wars of western civilisation from
1415 to the present examines the social, political, tactical, and strategic
implications of modern warfare. Of particular interest are his efforts to
relate technological advances in weaponry to the evolution of tactics and
strategy. An outstanding contribution to any personal or academic military
history collection, War in the Modern World is a very highly recommended
addition to history and military studies reading lists.

Granatstein, Jack. Canada’s Army: Waging War and Keeping

Peace. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
ISBN: 0802086969.

Masterfully written and passionately argued, Canada’s Army: Waging War

and Keeping the Peace traces the full three hundred-year history of the
Canadian Army. Covering the major conflicts in depth and exploring battles,
tactics, and weapons, Granatstein also offers a rich analysis of the political
context for the battles and events that shaped our understanding of the
nation’s army, not least the fluctuations of Canadian defence spending and
methods of raising military manpower. He produces a passionate argument
for military professionalism, beginning with the recognition that the soldier
belongs to a self-regulating and exclusive organization quite distinct from
civil society but nevertheless responsible to civil authority.


Banks, Kenneth. Chasing Empire across the Sea:

Communications and the State in the French Atlantic, 1713-1763.
Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003.
ISBN: 0773524444.
Drawing from official correspondence, merchant’s letters, ship’s logs and
graphic archival material, Kenneth Banks explores the failure of transatlantic
communications in helping to develop and maintain French imperialism
during the height of France’s first overseas empire in Quebec, New Orleans
and Saint Pierre, Martinique in the eighteenth century. He provides historical
context for the role of communications within the imperial nation-state, using
a concept of communications that encompasses a range of human activity.
Chasing Empire across the Sea also challenges the very notion of a concrete
empire emerging by the first half of the eighteenth century.

Fowler, William. Empires at War: The Seven Years War and the
Struggle for North America, 1754-1763. Vancouver: Douglas and
McIntyre, 2005. ISBN: 1553650964.
A fresh new narrative of the global war that forged Canada and led to the
American Revolution, and the compelling cast of characters that changed the
world’s destiny. Empires at War captures the sweeping panorama of this first
global war and the huge cast of characters who fought it. William Fowler’s
narrative is adept at describing the battles and portraying the important
players on all sides, incorporating the perspectives of the First Nations
leaders and Canadian volunteers so critical to French initiatives throughout
the war.

Reid, John G., et al. The ‘Conquest’ of Acadia, 1710: Imperial,

Colonial, and Aboriginal Constructions. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, 2004. ISBN: 0802085385.
The conquest of Port Royal by British forces in 1710 is an intensely
revealing episode in the history of north-eastern North America. Bringing
together multi-layered perspectives, including the conquest’s effects on
aboriginal inhabitants, Acadians and New Englanders, and using a variety
of methodologies to contextualise the incident in local, regional and imperial
terms, six prominent scholars form new conclusions regarding the events of
1710. Important on both a local and global scale, The ‘Conquest’ of Acadia
is a significant contribution to Acadian history, native studies, native rights
histories and the socio-political history of the eighteenth century.

Skaggs, David C. and Larry L. Nelson. The Sixty Years War for the
Great Lakes, 1754-1814. Vancouver: University of British
Columbia Press, 2001. ISBN: 0870135694.
Collectively, the important essays within this book delineate a common
thread, and weave together the series of wars for the North American
heartland that stretched from 1754 to 1814. The Sixty Years’ War for the
Great Lakes contains discussions that concern not only military and naval
operations, but also the political, economic, social and cultural interactions
of individuals and groups during the struggle to control the great freshwater
lakes and rivers between the Ohio Valley and the Canadian Shield.

Watt, Gavin K. The Burning of the Valleys: Daring Raids from

Canada against the New York Frontier in the Fall of 1780. Toronto:
Dundurn Press, 1997. ISBN: 1550022717.

A valuable, detailed look at one of less examined events of the American

Revolution, Gavin Watt’s The Burning of the Valleys is an excellent study
of the conduct of this war on the New York frontier. Detailing four separate
raids that occurred during 1780, this book relates how mixed forces of British
and German regulars, Loyalists and Six Nations warriors fought skirmishes
and battles, took hundreds of prisoners, burned forts, farms and mills and
destroyed one of the finest grain harvests in living memory.

Antal, Sandy. A Wampum Denied: Proctor’s War of 1812. Ottawa:

Carleton University Press, 1997. ISBN: 0886293189.
This formative history takes a new look at a dramatic conflict—the war on
the Detroit frontier in 1812-13. The author presents a careful reconstruction
of Native and national aspirations, vested colonial interests and territorial
aggressions, revealing motives and expedients that were as often mundane
as heroic. A Wampum Denied reassesses the much-maligned career of
Henry Procter, commander of the British forces, traces the Canadian/British/
Native side of the conflict and casts new light on an allied military strategy
that very nearly succeeded, but when it failed, failed spectacularly.

Graves, Donald E. Field of Glory: The Battle of Crysler’s Farm,

1813. Toronto: R. Brass Studio, 1999. ISBN: 1896941109.
Donald Graves writes a detailed and enjoyable account of one of the
worst-managed campaigns in U.S. Army history, the fall 1813 invasion of
Canada that resulted in the debacle at Freeman’s Farm. An excellent study
of this campaign, the author clearly traces the movements of the respective
armies, elaborates upon the decision-making processes of the higher
commands and illustrates the courage and suffering of the common soldier.
Military enthusiasts of the period will enjoy its up-close description of the
fighting, providing as it does an interesting example of Napoleonic tactics
applied in a secondary theatre of war.

Malcomson, Robert. A Very Brilliant Affair: The Battle of

Queenston Heights, 1812. Toronto, Robin Brass Studio, 2003.
ISBN: 1896941338.

This is, surprisingly, the first full-length study of the Battle of Queenston
Heights. This new work on the battle tackles many of the myths that have
grown over the years. Was Brock the hero of the day? Was this a victory
for the Canadian militia? Were the oft-maligned New York militia responsible
for their army’s defeat? In answering these questions, Robert Malcomson’s
exciting and readable account will add a new level of appreciation for the
drama and significance of the War of 1812.
Rammage, Stuart A. The Militia Stood Alone: Malcolm’s Mills, 6
November 1814. Summerland, BC: Valley, 2000.
ISBN: 1896967566.

Under orders from Secretary of War John Armstrong to destroy the

settlements on the Thames River, American Brigadier Duncan McArthur set
out from Detroit with a force of about 700 mounted troops on 22 October
1814 and penetrated some 125 miles into British territory. On 6 November,
the invaders encountered a force of hastily-assembled Canadian militia near
the hamlet of Malcolm’s Mills and the result was a complete American victory
in the last battle of the war to take place on Canadian soil. An excellent study
containing a great amount of detail, The Militia Stood Alone recounts this
nearly forgotten battle.

Turner, Wesley B. British Generals in the War of 1812: High

Command in the Canadas. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University
Press, 1999. ISBN: 0773518320.

In British Generals in the War of 1812 Wesley Turner takes a fresh look at
five British Generals—Sir George Prevost, Isaac Brock, Roger Sheaffe,
Baron Francis de Rottenburg, and Gordon Drummond—who held the highest
civil and military command in the Canadas. He considers their formative
experiences in the British Army and on active service in European and West
Indian theatres and evaluates their roles in the context of North American
conditions, which were very different from those of Europe.


Duquemin, Colin K. Niagara Rebels: The Niagara Frontier in the

Upper Canada Rebellion, 1837-1838. St. Catherines, ON: Norman
Enterprises, 2001. ISBN: 0969899440.

In an interesting examination of a lesser known aspect of the Rebellion of

1837-1838, Duquemin focuses upon the events that took place along the
Niagara frontier. From the issues that caused the rebellion, through its events
and to its eventual conclusion, the author uses a great number of first-hand
accounts to reconstruct the history of the rebellion. He also outlines the fate
of those who participated in the rebellion and the effect the rebellion had upon
the development of Upper Canada, making this work a valuable addition to
the historiography of the subject.
Greer, Allan. The Patriots and the People: The Rebellion of 1837
in Rural Lower Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
1993. ISBN: 080202792X.

Allan Greer’s subject is the role of the habitants in the political crisis that
culminated in the Lower Canadian Rebellion. Other scholars have discussed
this topic in terms of the habitants’ economic distress and their manipulation
by Patriot orators. According to Greer, neither explanation can account for the
specific actions by which the habitants contributed to the breakdown of political
order in the summer and autumn of 1837. Disturbances that conventionally
figure as anarchy are here presented as the application of popular political
traditions to a novel purpose: the repudiation of the colonial state.

Graves, Donald E. Guns Across the River: The Battle of the

Windmill, 1838. Prescott, ON: Friends of Windmill Point, 2001.
ISBN: 1896941214.

During a four-day period in November, 1838, British troops and local militia
defeated an invasion force of 500 Canadian rebels and their American
sympathisers. The Battle of the Windmill victory prevented the invasion
force from capturing Fort Wellington, Ontario, and cutting the St. Lawrence
communications link, which would have left Upper Canada open to invasion.
Through its study of this nearly forgotten and largely unexplored event, Guns
Across the River makes an important contribution to the history of the rebellions
of 1837-1838.

Read, Colin. The Rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada: A Collection

of Documents. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2003.
ISBN: 0886290260.

Although the rebellion that occurred in Upper Canada, lacking widespread

support and being quickly contained by the militia, was far less serious than the
one in Lower Canada, its impact nonetheless played a major role in the shaping
of Canada’s political system and in the development of the country as a whole.
This book on the rebellion in Upper Canada includes a lengthy introduction
by the editors, a broad selection of contemporary documents and a detailed
bibliography of archival sources, newspapers, books and articles, making it an
extremely useful tool for anyone wishing to study this subject further.
Senior, Elinor Kyte. Redcoats and Patriotes: The Rebellions in
Lower Canada, 1837-1838. Stittsville, ON: Canada’s Wings Inc.,
1985. ISBN: 0920002285.

Although increasingly dated, Senior’s Redcoats and Patriotes remains the most
detailed study available that is related to the rebellions that occurred in Lower
Canada. Containing an important analysis of the reasons behind the rebellion
and the motivations of those involved, Senior’s account also looks at the official
British responses to the rebellion, as well as those of the local authorities.
Overall, this book presents a balanced account of a largely forgotten aspect of
Canadian history.



Campbell, Gary, Maj.. “Getting There War the Challenge: The Red
River Expedition of 1870” in The Army Doctrine and Training
Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2002, pp 58-64.
This article provides a detailed account of the mixed Canadian-British military
expedition dispatched to restore order in the Red River area during 1870.
Forced to follow an old, tortuous hunting trail, the expedition had to traverse
1100 miles and still be in a condition to put down the rebellion. Moreover, the
men of the expedition had to transport everything they needed themselves.
This article provides a considerable amount of information detailing the
organisation and logistics of this operation.

Bumsted, J.M. The Red River Rebellion. Winnipeg: J. Gordon

Shillingford, 1996. ISBN: 0920486231.

As the author notes, this event continues to arouse strong feelings to this day,
particularly with regard to the role of Louis Riel and the execution of Thomas
Scott. The book begins with a background to the uprising and the main groups
that were involved. The colony of Red River at the time was a small, isolated
community. In his overview of the community, Bumsted gives a human face
to each group by naming prominent individuals and families, except in the
case of French-speaking Métis and Aboriginal people. As the author later
demonstrates, individuals from both groups were prominent in Red River.
MacLaren, Roy. Canadians on the Nile, 1882-1898. Vancouver:
University of British Columbia Press, 1978. ISBN: 0774800941.

Between 1882-1898, four hundred English- and French-speaking Canadian

Voyageurs assisted in the transportation of British troops up the Nile River in
what was both a daring and desperate attempt to rescue British Major-General
‘Chinese’ Gordon and his Egyptian troops besieged in Khartoum. Canadians
on the Nile remains one of the very few works to address this little-known
aspect of Canadian military history, which author Roy Maclaren portrays with
considerable detail and an easy-to-read style. A valuable and interesting
account, this book is a must read for any student of Canadian military history.

Senior, Hereward. The Last Invasion of Canada: The Fenian

Raids, 1866-1870. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1991.
ISBN: 1550020854.

The Last Invasion of Canada concentrates largely on the military activities

of the Fenians during the years from 1866 to 1871, and although this study
of the Fenian raids is not long, it is quite thorough. Author Hereward Senior
covers the political motivations of the Fenians, and discusses the fighting at
the Battles of Campbollo, Ridgeway and Eccles Hill in considerable detail.
He also discusses the effect these raids had upon Canada and its eventual
confederation, and notes that, “Apart from helping cement federation and
improving the quality of the militia, the raids aroused a martial spirit among
Canadians that could be enjoyed without the cost of war”.

Stanley, George F.G. Toil and Trouble: Military Expeditions to Red

River. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1989. ISBN: 1550020595.

Presenting a comprehensively detailed account, author George Stanley

examines the efforts by Canadian authorities to restore order to the troubled
Red River region. In particular, Stanley devotes much of his efforts to detailing
the Canadian military expeditions and their laborious cross-country marches
over vast stretches of untamed wilderness. Considering that most of these
troops were members of the militia, this account is a vivid testimony to their
endurance and fortitude.

Beal, Bob and Rod Macleod. Prairie Fire: The 1885 Northwest
Rebellion. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1994.
ISBN: 0771011091.

Drawing heavily upon a number of previously neglected sources, Prairie Fire

demonstrates that the 1885 uprising represented a wider discontent and
disillusionment in western Canada; in other words, it tries to get away from the
tendency to focus almost exclusively on Riel and events at Batoche. This work
thoroughly describes how Indians and white settlers, in addition to the Métis,
had serious grievances that were ignored by a distant federal government,
recounts the events of the rebellion in considerable detail and, finally, provides
a fine, penetrating analysis of the trials of the rebels.

Dunn, Jack. The Alberta Field Force of 1885. Calgary: Privately

Published, 1994. ISBN: 18818730.

Although Major General Middleton wanted to concentrate his army’s energies

on Batoche, he was forced to send separate relief parties to Forts Battleford
and Edmonton following the early April 1885 news of the Frog Lake murders.
The Alberta Field Force focuses upon the activities of the military column under
the command of the eccentric General Strange. Dunn describes some of the
lesser known aspects of the rebellion, such as the Battle of Frenchman’s Butte,
the Loon Lake skirmish, and the pursuit of Big Bear. He also provides insight
into the paranoia that gripped Alberta during the spring of 1885.

Hildebrant, Walter. The Battle of Batoche: British Small Warfare

and the Entrenched Métis. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1989.
ISBN: 066011772X.

The Battle of Batoche analyses the Canadian Army’s assault on the Métis
stronghold at Batoche during the climatic four-day period from May 9-12,
1885. Through the use of sequential manoeuvre maps and contemporary
photographs, Hildebrandt demonstrates how the Métis forces effectively
won the first day of the battle and how the North-West Field Force overran
Batoche a few days later only after a carefully orchestrated feinting action
fell apart. This work also provides the first detailed analysis of the strategy
and tactics of the two sides during the fateful engagement.
Miller, J.R. Gabriel Dumont. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press,
2003. ISBN: 1551115751.

If Riel provided the intellectual inspiration for the Rebellion of 1885, it was
Gabriel Dumont who provided its strategy, and arguably its soul. Dumont, a
leading figure in the Métis society of hunters along the South Saskatchewan,
had been president of the short-lived local government, and became “Adjutant
General of the Métis people” when a Provisional Government was declared
in 1885. Through this detailed account, historian J.R. Miller thoroughly
examines Dumont and his role in the rebellion, and fills in a major gap in the

Morton, Desmond. The Last War Drum: The Northwest Campaign

of 1885. Toronto: Hakkert, 1972. ISBN: 0888665121.
A study of the second Riel rebellion during 1885, The Last War Drum contains
a comprehensive examination of the social and political issues that sparked
this conflict. Author Desmond Morton then progresses to examine the rebellion
itself, the response of the Canadian government, and the military expeditions
that were dispatched to restore order. Thoroughly documented and containing
a number of photographs from the period, Morton’s account still remains the
best general history of the rebellion available.


Godefroy, Andrew B., Maj, ed. Bush Warfare: The Early Writings
of General Sir William C.G. Heneker KCB, KCMG, DSO. Kingston:
Directorate of Land Concepts and Designs, 2009.

This book reproduces with additional biographical and historical material the
great work produced by Canadian born soldier William Heneker. Born in
Sherbrooke, Quebec, and a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada,
he fought several campaigns in West Africa as an officer with the British Army
at the end of the 19th century. Bush Warfare is a collection of Heneker’s
strategic and tactical thoughts about fighting across the full spectrum of conflict
from complex counter-insurgencies to stability operations.
Godefroy, Andrew B., Maj. “Canadians in West African Conflicts,
1885-1905” in Canadian Military History, Vol.17: 1 (Winter 2008),

This article examines in depth the considerable participation under taken

by Canadian soldiers in the many and varied British military campaigns in
West Africa between 1885 and 1905. It demonstrates the high degree of
credibility Canadian born soldiers had as members seconded to British units
fighting in West Africa as well as underscoring the often ignored influence the
Canadian-born soldiers had on the British Army.


Reid, Brian A. Our Little Army in the Field: Canadians in South

Africa, 1899-1902. St. Catherines, ON: Vanwell, 1996.
ISBN: 1551250241.

In 1899, for the first time in its short history, Canada dispatched sizeable
expeditionary forces to conduct combat operations in a foreign war. Although
considered ill-disciplined and nearly useless by the British when they first
arrived in South Africa, the Canadian contingent soon earned a reputation for
skill, courage, and daring. Our Little Army in the Field recounts the experiences
of this contingent, as well as relating the various political and personal factors
that resulted in and shaped their deployment.

Madsen, Chris. “Canadian Troops and Farm Burning in the South

African War” in The Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2,
Summer, 2005, pp. 49-58.

As the distinction between civilians and combatants becomes increasingly

blurred, Canadian Forces personnel will increasingly find themselves
confronted by acts of military necessity that may contradict their own moral
and ethical beliefs. Addressing a previous historical precedent, Chris Madsen
examines the role of Canadian troops in the burning of Boer farms during
the South African War. Within this fascinating article, the author examines
the legal basis of farm burning, considers its effectiveness and discusses the
psychological effect it had upon Canadian troops.
Miller, Carmen. Painting the Map Red: Canada and the South
African War, 1899-1902. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University
Press, 1998. ISBN: 0773517502.

Painting the Map Red is based on extensive research into public and
private papers from printed and manuscript sources in both Canada and
Britain. Carman Miller attempts to explain why men volunteered for service
in this distant conflict despite the rancorous pre-war debate on the wisdom
of Canadian participation. He examines the difficulties of leading citizen
soldiers and compares the differing styles of leadership. He also reveals
how the soldiers’ experiences in the field and the public’s perceptions of the
war altered Canadian opinion, politics and military development.

Pakenham, Thomas. The Boer War. New York: Random House,

1979. ISBN: 0394427424.

The Boer War is impressive on a number of levels. It focuses upon the

military action itself, but also provides the immediate political context of
the war, as well as the economic, social and racial backgrounds. Within
this book, Pakenham elaborates upon the roles and characters of the
local British military and civilian officials, and attempts to identify which of
these officials were the real instigators of the conflict. With its considerable
amount of detail and scholarly analysis, this account remains one of the
definitive single-volume works on the subject.

Wallace, Jim. No Colours, No Drums: Canadians in the South

African Constabulary . Calgary: Bunker to Bunker, 2003.
ISBN: 1894255275.

This book examines the little-known story of 1,500 young Canadians who
were recruited during the Anglo-Boer War to serve as policemen in South
Africa. Performing a vital paramilitary and policing role, the Canadian
members of the South African Constabulary experienced a considerable
amount of combat as they attempted to root out Boer guerrillas and bring
stability to the newly conquered Boer republics. Covering a frequently
forgotten facet of the conflict, No Colours, No Drums is a vital addition to
the historiography of Canada’s participation in the Boer War.

Barton, Peter, et al. Beneath Flanders Fields: The Tunnellers’ War,

1914-1918. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2005.
ISBN: 0773529497.

Utilising the words of the soldiers involved as well as plans, drawings,

and previously unpublished archive photographs, Beneath Flanders Field
reveals a largely neglected aspect of the First World War. This book covers
the deep tunnelling war in Flanders in great detail, with the other tunnelling
sectors—where conditions were less difficult—in less detail and in their own
section. Moreover, it recounts the experiences of soldiers on both sides,
and is therefore a balanced account both of how this struggle progressed
and of terror, anxiety, and courage this form of warfare entailed.

Cook, Tim. No Place to Run: The Canadian Corps and Gas

Warfare in the First World War. Vancouver: University of British
Columbia Press, 2000. ISBN: 0774807407.

Presenting a challenging reappraisal of chemical warfare during the First

World War, Tim Cook explores how the Canadian Corps reacted to this
form of warfare and relates how its effects were more psychological than
physical. His book also examines how the use of gas shaped operations
and strategy, its important role in delivering victory in the campaign of 1918
and its curious post-war legacy. Considering that historians of the First
World War have often dismissed the important role of poison gas in the
battles of the Western Front, No Place to Run fills a longstanding gap that
had existed within the historiography.

Radley, Kenneth. We Lead, Others Follow: First Canadian

Division, 1914-1918. St. Catherines, ON: Vanwell, 2006.
ISBN: 1551251000.

This book is not a blow-by-blow account of battles and operations but rather
an analysis of the 1st Division and its effectiveness, focusing upon training
methods, unit organization, equipment, staff duties and procedures, and
personnel problems. It also examines the substantial British contribution
to Canadian skill at arms, since many of the divisional staff officers
were British. The final chapters show how all the training, staff work,
organizational changes and team work came together in 1918 during the
battles of Amiens, Canal du Nord and the final offensive. We Lead, Others
Follow covers an aspect of the Great War that has rarely been studied.
Rawling, Bill. Surviving Trench Warfare: Technology and the
Canadian Corps, 1914-1918. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
1992. ISBN: 0802050174.

Rawling presents a thorough and original analysis of how the Canadian

Corps reacted to the challenges of the war of attrition on the Western
Front from 1915 to 1918. Initially, Canadian performance was similar to
those of other armies involved in the conflict, as each was confronted by
the deadlock of trench warfare resulting from the development of modern
weaponry. However, learning from the experiences of their allies as well as
their own, the leaders of the Canadian Corps were able to develop tactics
involving all-arms cooperation along with fire and movement to break the
deadlock of the trenches. Ultimately, this process propelled the Canadian
Corps to the level of an elite shock unit.

Schreiber, Shane. Shock Army of the British Empire: The

Canadian Corps in the Last 100 Days of the Great War. St.
Catherines, ON: Vanwell, 2005. ISBN: 0275955133.

Picking up where Rawling’s work left off, Shock Army of the British Empire
is an operational history of the Canadian Corps in the battles of the final 100
days of World War I, beginning with the battle of Amiens, August 8, 1918,
and culminating in the retaking of Mons on November 11, 1918, only hours
before the war ended. During the late summer and autumn of 1918, the
Canadian Corps, under Lt. Gen. Sir Arthur Currie, played a crucial role in
the defeat of the German Army on the Western Front. This work examines
the operational, organizational and tactical innovations developed by the
Corps during this campaign and their subsequent effect on military thought.


Swettenham, John. Allied Intervention in Russia, 1918-1919: And

the Part Played by Canada. London: Allen and Unwin, 1967.
LCCN: 67074423.

John Swettenham’s Allied Intervention in Russia is a useful account of the

military operations involved, especially in North Russia, both in their broader
context and, more specifically, as related to Canada. Although increasingly
dated, this work remains at the forefront of the relatively small amount of
literature that has been written on the Allied participation in Russia’s civil
war. At the very least, it is a useful account from which to develop a more
detailed study of this topic.
MacLaren, Roy. Canadians in Russia, 1918-1919. Toronto:
Macmillan, 1976. ISBN: 0770513395.

This book remains the best written and most comprehensive of the
relatively small handful of studies which have retrieved from near oblivion
the fact that Canadian troops participated in the Allied interventions of
1918-19 in Rus-sia. Within Canadians in Russia, MacLaren examines
both the political motivations that led Canada to contribute troops, and the
military operations in northern Russia and in Siberia where Canadian troops
were deployed. Considering that Canada’s role in the Russian intervention
is now almost forgotten, this will most likely remain the foremost account of
its involvement.

Moore, Perry. Stamping Out the Virus: Allied Intervention in the

Russian Civil War, 1918-1920. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 2002.
ISBN: 0764316257.

An extremely detailed and interesting book, Stamping Out the Virus focuses
upon the military aspects of the Western intervention in Russia’s civil war
to the detriment of its broader diplomatic and political aspects. Although
the author has chosen to leave out a study of the operations in Siberia, he
does examine the frequently ignored fighting within the Caucasus region.
Other aspects that are reviewed are the financial costs of the Allies in their
support of the White Russian forces and valuable summaries of the men
and equipment that were engaged within specific operations. Overall, this
book provides a considerable amount of welcome detail.

Skuce, J.E. CSEF: Canada’s Soldiers in Siberia, 1918-1919.

Ottawa: Access to History, 1990. ISBN: 0969502001.

Skuce deals with the Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force, which

spent the winter of 1918-1919 in the Vladivostok area. In the process, he
provides details for the political motivations and foreign policy objectives
that led Canada to dispatch this force. Moreover, given the limited amount
of combat they experienced around Vladivostok, Skuce also addresses
the more mundane aspects of how the Canadians attempted to overcome
boredom and maintain their fighting readiness, as well as detailing their
fragile and complicated relationship with their allies.
Willett, Robert L. Russian Sideshow: America’s Undeclared War,
1918-1920. Washington, DC: Potomoc Books, 2003.
ISBN: 1574884298.

In presenting an account of the participation of the United States, Willett’s

Russian Sideshow adds considerably to the available literature relating to
the Western involvement in Russia’s Civil War. Using previously classified
official records and the letters and diaries of Americans who served there, it
describes the experiences of American servicemen and details their military
operations, from the frigid port city of Archangel to Lake Baikal to Vladivostok.
It also discusses the motivation of the United States and its allies, as well as
the interplay and rivalry among them that led to their intervention.


Banham, Tony. Not the Slightest Chance: The Defence of Hong

Kong, 1941. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press,
2003. ISBN: 0774810459.

Although one of the more popular battles within Canadian military

historiography, the fighting at Hong Kong remained something of an enigma
because of incomplete accounts or an outright lack of information. An
exceptional read and a well-researched piece of history, Tony Banham’s Not
the Slightest Chance deserves a place in the library of anyone interested
in Canadian military history. This book represents the first attempt to piece
together all existing accounts—both first-hand and archival—in order to
recount the many aspects of the battle, the military strategies involved and
the controversies that arose during and after it.

Bennett, David. “A Bridge Too Far: The Canadian Role in the

Evacuation of the British 1st Airborne Division from Arnhem-
Oosterbeek, September 1944” in The Canadian Military Journal,
Vol. 6, No. 4, Winter 2005-2006, pp. 95-102.

After a week of costly and heavy fighting, it was clear to senior Allied
commanders that the primary mission of Operation MARKET GARDEN had
failed. It was also clear that unless the 1st British Airborne Division was
evacuated across the Rhine, German forces would destroy it utterly. This
article details the vital role played by two Canadian engineer companies
during this evacuation, as well as providing further details concerning
Operation MARKET GARDEN as a whole and the debate within command
circles regarding the decision to evacuate the British Paras.
Copp, Terry. Fields of Fire: The Canadians in Normandy, 1944.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. ISBN: 0802037801;
Cinderella Army: The Canadians in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. ISBN: 0802095224.

Copp’s two-volume investigation of the activities of the First Canadian

Army during the Normandy and Northwest Europe campaigns are a
controversial addition to the literature on Canada’s experience of the
Second World War. Based heavily upon Copp’s intimate knowledge of the
primary-source documentation, including unit diaries, personal accounts,
aerial photographs, and operational research reports, Fields of Fire
and Cinderella Army present the argument that Canada’s armed forces
performed much better than many historians have previously allowed during
these campaigns. This has become one of the most complete tactical
and operational studies of the Canadian Army during WWII. Some of the
operational research that Copp cites is of particular interest, highlighting
the gross ineffectiveness of indirect artillery and naval bombardments in
battle and the terrible number of friendly-fire casualties inflicted by these
weapons. Although not quite as revisionist as the book itself implies,
Copp’s work stresses the continual fluctuations of combat effectiveness
and successfully argues that not enough credit has been given to the
performance of Canada’s land forces fighting an extremely difficult war.

Copp, Terry and Bill McAndrew. Battle Exhaustion: Soldiers and

Psychiatrists in the Canadian Army, 1939-1945. Montreal:
McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1990. ISBN: 0773507744.

Focusing upon the human dimension of warfare, this book is a study of

how Canadian military and medical authorities dealt with battle exhaustion,
or what had previously been referred to as shell-shock. Employing both
archival documents and first-hand accounts, the authors reveal the
diametrically opposed views of military and medical practitioners on the true
nature of battle exhaustion, the arguments that erupted within the medical
community, and just how these factors shaped the prescribed treatment. It
is a valuable look at how Canada once dealt with the psychological impact
war had upon its soldiers.
English, John A. The Canadian Army in Normandy: A Study of
Failure in High Command. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1991.
ISBN: 027593019X.

One of the pivotal analytical works on the performance of the Canadian

Army in Normandy, English’s book goes far beyond narrative history
and takes a look at army organization, training, tactics and leadership in
assessing the Canadian role in the campaign. His thesis is that it was a
failure on the part of the leadership and the army institutions that led to the
supposedly lackluster performance in Normandy, rather than the troops
themselves. There is also discussion of the influences of the British military
model upon the Canadian Army, and of attempts to turn the Canadians
around prior to their being committed to combat. This is one of the definitive
works on the lead-up to Canada’s fighting in Northwest Europe in 1944.

Keshen, Jeffrey A. Saints, Sinners, and Soldiers: Canada’s

Second World War. Vancouver: University of British Columbia
Press, 2004. ISBN: 077480923X.

Confronting the long-held belief that the Second World War was Canada’s
‘Good War,’ this work looks at the effect the war had upon Canadian
morals and society. By studying issues ranging from labour conflicts, to
the black market, to prostitution, Keshen reveals the dark underside of
wartime Canada. While presenting a vivid example of the complexities
inherent to any society, especially one at war, this work shows that official
concern for changes in morality frequently precipitated numerous, and
often contradictory, legacies in law and society. Through this examination,
this book makes a valuable contribution to the study of Canada during the
Second World War.

Murray, Gil. The Invisible War: The Untold Story of Number One
Canadian Special Wireless Group, Royal Canadian Signal Corps,
1944-1946. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2001. ISBN: 1550023713.

This book reveals, for the first time, details of the previously top-secret story of
Number One Canadian Special Wireless Group, a unit of the Royal Canadian
Signal Corps during the Second World War. While most Canadian forces were
necessarily focused on the war in Europe, this was the only Canadian unit sent
to Australia to participate in the top-secret intelligence mission of intercepting
the wireless communications of the Japanese in the Pacific theatre of
operations. A valuable look at an unexplored aspect of Canada’s participation,
The Invisible War is an important addition to the historiography of Canada and
the Second World War.

Reid, Brian A. No Holding Back: Operation Totalize, Normandy,

1944. Toronto: Robin Brass Studio, 2005. ISBN: 1896941400.

One of the best operational studies yet written about the Canadian Army in
Normandy, Brian Reid’s No Holding Back masterfully examines one of the
most controversial aspects of the campaign, Operation TOTALIZE. Starting
with an impressive look at the training and employment of staff officers in the
Canadian Army and how the Canadian Army developed before the war, Reid
then progresses to examine the context, details, and execution of the operation
itself. Even those who have studied Operation TOTALIZE and the Normandy
campaign in detail will be able to learn something new from this book.

Zuehlke, Mark. The Liri Valley: Canada’s World War II

Breakthrough to Rome. Toronto: Douglas and McIntyre, 2001.
ISBN: 1553650131.

For the allied armies fighting their way up the Italian boot in early 1944, Rome
was the prize that could only be won through one of the greatest offensives
of the war. Following upon his book about the battle of Ortona, Mark Zuehlke
returns to the Mediterranean theatre of the Second World War with this gripping
tribute to the Canadians who opened the way for the Allies to take Rome. A
valuable work that sheds new light on the actions of Canadian forces in Italy,
The Liri Valley is a superb addition to available literature of Canada’s Second
World War military operations.

Zuehlke, Mark. Holding Juno: Canada’s Heroic Defence of the

D-Day Beaches, June 7-12, 1944. Toronto: Douglas and McIntyre,
2005. ISBN: 1553651022.
With verve and narrative skill, historian Mark Zuehlke chronicles the crucial six
days when Canadians saved the vulnerable beachheads they had won during
the D-Day landings. D-Day ended with the Canadians six miles inland—the
deepest penetration achieved by Allied forces during this longest day in history.
But for all the horror endured on June 6, every soldier knew the worst was yet
to come, and Holding Juno recreates this pivotal battle and the ultimate triumph
of Canadian arms through the eyes of the soldiers who fought it.

Barris, Ted. Deadlock in Korea, 1950-1953. Toronto: Macmillan

Canada, 2000. ISBN: 0771576757.

The Canadian troops in Korea may have been few in number, but they
had their share of challenges and hardships, although, through no fault of
these troops, history ascribes to them no major combat laurels. Their long-
overlooked story is no less compelling than that of other U.N. contingents in
the Korean War or of other Canadian forces that fought in other, more popular
wars. Ted Barris, through his inclusion of many of the lesser known aspects of
Canada’s involvement, has done a commendable job of presenting a complete
and balanced history of the Canadian participation in the Korean War.

Bercuson, David J. Blood on the Hills: The Canadian Army in the

Korean War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.
ISBN: 0802085164.

The Korean War represented a series of firsts for Canadian soldiers that
ranged from service under the command of the United Nations to their
operational control by American commanders. Blood on the Hills covers the
period from the start of that war to the cease-fire in July 1953 and describes
and analyses the mobilization of the Canadian contingent, its training,
manning, and equipment and its efforts in combat. David Bercuson focuses
on the many consequences of the army’s un-readiness for combat in Korea
and on the army’s lack of success in learning lessons from its experience in
an active theatre of war.

Doary, Christopher. “Miniature Set-Piece Battles: Infantry

Patrolling Operations in Korea, May-June 1952” in Canadian
Military History, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1997, p. 20.

Providing detail and analysis of an aspect of Canadian operations within

Korea that is seldom studied, author Christopher Doary explores the
patrolling operations conducted by the Canadians during a two-month
period of 1952. At a time when major operations in Korea were coming to
an end and as the front-lines became ever more stabilised, these patrol
operations became increasingly important in maintaining the fighting edge
of the troops, gathering intelligence on the enemy and keeping him from
doing the same to the Allied forces.
Johnston, William. A War of Patrols: Canadian Army Operations
in Korea. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2003.
ISBN: 0774810084.

This comprehensive account of the Canadian campaign in Korea provides a

detailed study of the training, leadership, operations and tactics of the brigade
under each of its three wartime commanders, as well as its relationship with
American and Commonwealth allies. An impeccably researched analytical
history, the book examines the uneven performance of the various Canadian
units and argues that the soldiers of the “Special Force” initially sent to Korea
were more thorough and professional in their operations than were the army’s
regular battalions that eventually replaced them at the front.

Watson, Brent B. Far Eastern Tour: The Canadian Infantry in

Korea, 1950-1953. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press,
2003. ISBN: 0773523723.
Faced with an increasingly unstable world that could result in unexpected
military commitments, the study of Canada’s participation in the Korean
conflict may contain lessons for any future large-scale overseas deployments.
In particular, Far Eastern Tour examines the hardships the Canadian infantry
suffered which included inappropriate training, stark living and combat
conditions, and the deadly blood toll of the war itself, and therefore serves as
a warning of the cost of un-preparedness. From the shambles of recruitment
to the inadequate training to some of the less than noble behaviour of
Canadians overseas, to, of course, the bravery—it’s all here.


Bothwell, Robert. The Big Chill: Canada and the Cold War.
Toronto: Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 1998.
ISBN: 0772525188.

The Cold War shaped the post-1945 era. It drove Canada’s international
relations, affected our domestic politics and had a lasting impact on every
Canadian. In The Big Chill, Robert Bothwell adds new information and a
challenging interpretation of Canada’s role in the Cold War as he traces
the twists, turns and apparent inconsistencies of Canada’s participation.
Bothwell, a much-published author and highly regarded lecturer on
Canadian history, foreign affairs and politics, is the Canadian expert on
Canada and the Cold War.
Haydon, Peter T. The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis: Canadian
Involvement Reconsidered. Toronto: Canadian Institute of
Strategic Studies, 1993. ISBN: 0919769640.

Haydon discusses and assesses the performance of Canadian political

and military leaders during this crucial time in world history. Here, for the
first time, is an overall examination of the Canadian experience during the
crisis, in all its political and military dimensions. What Haydon’s account
makes superbly clear is that Canada was no bystander during those tense
days in October 1962. No future consideration of Canada’s involvement in
the Cuban missile crisis, and indeed no examination of Canadian defence
policy during the Cold War, will be complete without reference to this study.

Richter, Andrew. Avoiding Armageddon: Canadian Thinking on

Nuclear Weapons and Military Strategy, 1950-1963. Vancouver:
University of British Columbia Press, 2002. ISBN: 0774809116.

The advent of nuclear weapons in the 1940s brought enormous changes

to doctrines regarding the use of force in resolving disputes. American
strategists have been widely credited with most of these; Canadians, most
have assumed, did not conduct their own strategic analysis. Avoiding
Armageddon soundly debunks this notion. Drawing on previously
classified government records, Richter reveals that Canadian officials
did come to independent strategic understandings of the most critical
issues of the nuclear age. This is a work with far-reaching implications. It
illustrates Canada’s considerable latitude for independent defence thinking
while providing key historical information that helps make sense of the
contemporary Canadian defence debate.

Maloney, Sean M. War Without Battles: Canada’s NATO Brigade

in Germany 1951-1993. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1997.
ISBN: 0075528924.

This book chronicles most vividly and convincingly the significant role
played by Canada’s NATO Brigade Group at a critical juncture in world
history: a period when Soviet expansionism in Europe was checked,
communism’s contradictions exposed and the USSR itself ultimately
collapsing. It further challenges the view held in many Canadian academic
and political circles that Canada’s NATO role was not important, and that
peace in Europe was maintained strictly by the nuclear balance of terror.
War Without Battles is a superb historical accounting of a recently-ended
era in Canadian military history.
Whitaker, Reg and Steve Hewitt. Canada and the Cold War.
London: Lorrimer Pub., 2003. ISBN: 1550287699.

The Cold War was initiated in Canada in 1945 by the dramatic defection
of Soviet cipher clerk, Igor Gouzenko. This event marked the start of what
turned out to be more than four decades of muted conflict between the
Soviet Union and the West. Authors Reg Whitaker and Steve Hewitt offer
anecdotes, analysis and lively discussion of a subject that has seldom been
written about before. The book is organized by decade with each decade
introduced by a short contextualizing essay. Canada and the Cold War is
an attractive gift book as well as a fascinating historical overview of a key
period in Canadian history.


Atkinson, Rick. Crusade: The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf

War. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993. ISBN: 0395710839.
This interesting account of the 1991 Persian Gulf War by a Pulitzer
Prize-winning reporter features a number of original observations about
the conduct of the war. For example, Atkinson discloses that the Bush
administration allowed navy warships to fire cruise missiles covertly over
Iran against Iraqi targets. Among his other disclosures are the use of
napalm and fuel air explosives on Iraqi infantry positions and the suggestion
by Air Force Brig. Gen. Buster Glosson that small nuclear weapons be used
against Iraqi targets.

Bin, Alberto, et al. Desert Storm: A Forgotten War. Westport,

CT: Greenwood Press, 1999. ISBN: 0275963209.
This general account of the Gulf War reveals its importance from a military
and political point of view, highlighting how modern military technology
made possible, with relative ease, a victory that would have been nearly
impossible by traditional means. It has become fashionable to trivialize the
impressive military achievements of the Coalition victory over Iraq, but the
authors thoroughly demonstrate that the Gulf War represents a defining
moment in military and political history. The text includes numerous
firsthand eyewitness accounts.
Gimblett, Richard H. and Jean Morin. Operation Friction:
Canadian Forces in the Persian Gulf. Toronto: Dundurn Group,
1997. ISBN: 155002258X.

Operation Friction is a comprehensive narrative detailing the involvement

of Canadian military forces in the Persian Gulf War. In considerable detail,
it outlines the initial reaction to the crisis through to the decision to dispatch
naval, air and ground assets, and continues on with an examination of
the discussions involving the dispatch of ground combat troops and the
eventual return home of Canadian personnel. Most importantly, it outlines
these issues within the broader military and political contexts. Considering
the absence of additional literature, this account will most likely remain the
foremost study for some time to come.

Miller, Duncan E. and Sharon Hobson. The Persian Excursion:

The Canadian Navy in the Gulf War. Toronto: Canadian
Peacekeeping Press, 1995. ISBN: 0919769780.

This is a first-hand, inside account of the Canadian Navy action in the Gulf
War. Through the recollections and anecdotes of Commodore Miller and
others who served at the front, the reader is given a bird’s-eye view of the
Canadian Navy undertaking a dangerous operation 13,000 kilometres from
home. The account makes clear that it was the Navy’s professionalism and
ingenuity which convinced the Allies to give Canada a major role in combat
logistics supply. The Persian Excursion will be of interest to professional
military personnel, as well as to the general public.

Rezun, Miron. Saddam Hussein’s Gulf Wars: Ambivalent Stakes in

the Middle East. New York: Praeger, 1992. ISBN: 0275943240.

This book deals extensively with Iraq and Saddam Hussein—his rise to
power, his mastery of Iraqi statecraft, his pan-Arab proclivities and his
two Gulf wars: the first against Iran and the second against the U.S.-led
multinational coalition in 1991. The book portrays a multi-dimensional
Saddam Hussein: good and bad, strategic and human. A valuable feature
of the book is the detailed discussion it presents of the psychology of all the
participants before, during and after the Gulf War.

Boyer, Alain, Col. “Leadership and the Kosovo Air Campaign” in

Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, Autumn, 2002, pp. 37-44.

Although this article deals specifically with the air campaign of the Kosovo
operation, it nonetheless provides a considerable amount of information
regarding the campaign as a whole. Indeed, its most interesting coverage
explains and analyses the restrictions commanding officers faced during
this campaign, specifically in terms of an operating environment dictated by
casualty aversion and the need to prevent civilian and collateral damage.
A valuable look at a very complex military operation, it provides a clear
example of the difficulties involved in such circumstances.

Maisonneuve, J.R. Michel., BGen. “The OSCE Kosovo Verification

Mission” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 2000,
pp. 49-54.

Prior to the commencement of NATO air operations in 1999, the

Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was able to
broker a deal with the Serbian authorities that resulted in the establishment
of the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM). This article discusses the
mandate, approach, and operations of the KVM, and its eventual
withdrawal. Although it focuses upon the operations of the KVM, this article
is of use in understanding the larger issues and the progression of events
that ultimately resulted in the intervention of NATO forces.

Maloney, Sean and John Llambias. Chances for Peace: Canadian

Soldiers in the Balkans, 1992-1995. St. Catherines, ON: Vanwell,
2003. ISBN: 1551250535.

From 1992 to 1995, the Canadian Army was at the centre of a violent
conflict that raged throughout the Balkans. In this informative book, the
authors perform an invaluable service to Canadian history as they bring
together a collection of first hand accounts from Canadian soldiers involved
in UN missions in Croatia and Bosnia. These personal narratives, taken
from officers and NCMs who served Canada in these dangerous lands,
allows the reader an intimate look into UN peacekeeping in the early 1990s
and the effect it has had on our soldiers.
Gammer, Nicholas. From Peacekeeping to Peacemaking:
Canada’s Response to the Yugoslav Crisis. Montreal:
McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0773521518.

From Peacekeeping to Peacemaking provides the first extensive

examination of Canada’s response to the recent disintegration of the
Federal State of Yugoslavia, reflecting on how Canadian foreign policy
was made and on the role of the prime minister in this decision-making.
Gammer shows how understanding the government’s role in this particular
crisis contributes to our understanding of the role that political leadership
plays in shaping Canadian foreign policy in general, as well as advancing
our knowledge of the broader theoretical debates surrounding the
legitimacy and effectiveness of humanitarian intervention in the internal
affairs of other states.

Off, Carol. The Ghosts of Medak Pocket: The Story of Canada’s

Secret War. Toronto: Random House Canada, 2004.
ISBN: 0679312943.

In a well researched and presented book, Carol Off meticulously navigates

through the complex history of the region to set the stage for the arrival
of the Canadian peacekeepers in 1992. She then proceeds to relate the
story of how the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) tried to
separate the Serbian and Croatian combatants in an unsuccessful attempt
to protect Serb civilians within the hellish Medak pocket, from premeditated
Croat ethnic cleansing. The book is balanced in that it shows that there is
enough blame to be spread around to both sides of the greater conflict. To
date, this work remains the only available account of this battle.


Cameron, Major K.A. “‘Mine Strike- Mine Strike- Mine Strike’

Countermine Operations in the Jowz Valley, Afghanistan” in The
Canadian Army Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, Fall/Winter 2004, pp. 52-66.

This article addresses countermine operations in the Jowz Valley as

conducted by elements of the 3rd RCR Battle Group in Afghanistan
during 2003-2004. Moreover, this article attempts to address the issue
of countermine operations with Canadian Forces doctrine, the threat of
mines on the modern battlefield and the impact they have upon peace
support operations. It provides an excellent overview of how countermine
operations have been conducted in Afghanistan, and makes a number of
recommendations as to how this threat should be dealt with in the future.

Coll, Steve. Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA,

Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September
10, 2001. New York: Penguin, 2004. ISBN: 0143034669.

Steve Coll demonstrates how Afghanistan became a deadly playing field

for international politics where Soviet, Pakistani, and U.S. agents armed
and trained a succession of warring factions. While comprehensive, Coll’s
book may be hard going for those looking for a direct account of the events
leading to the 9/11 attacks. The CIA’s 1998 engagement with bin Laden as
a target for capture begins a full two-thirds of the way into Ghost Wars, only
after a lengthy march through developments during the Carter, Reagan, and
early Clinton Presidencies.

Davis, Jessica. “From Kosovo to Afghanistan: Canada and

Information Operations” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3,
Autumn 2005, pp. 33-42.

This article examines the importance of information operations in

contemporary warfare and its use by the Canadian Forces. However, one
of its most interesting aspects relates to its examination of this issue within
the context of operations within Afghanistan. In this regard, it examines
how information operations went unexploited because of a lack of doctrine,
equipment, trained personnel and appreciation of the effect information
operations can have upon a military campaign.

Maloney, Sean M. Enduring the Freedom: A Rogue Historian in

Afghanistan. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2005.
ISBN: 1574889532.

A first-hand account of the early fighting in Operation ENDURING

FREEDOM, this book is based upon Sean Maloney’s personal experiences
in Afghanistan, chronicling the planning, intervention and aftermath of
ENDURING FREEDOM up to 2003. Particular attention is paid to events
in Kabul, Bagram and Kandahar, and to the role of both the U.S. military
and the NATO ISAF forces operating in the country. This book is an
insightful and candid examination of the tactical and operational conduct of
Rothstein, Hy S. Afghanistan and the Troubled Future of
Unconventional Warfare. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press,
2006. ISBN: 159114745X.

In his examination of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, Hy Rothstein

maintains that although the operation in Afghanistan appeared to have
been a masterpiece of military creativity, the United States executed its
impressive display of power in a totally conventional manner—despite
repeated public statements by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld that terrorists
must be fought with unconventional capabilities. Arguing that the initial
phase of the war was appropriately conventional given the conventional
disposition of the enemy, the author suggests that once the Taliban fell the
war became increasingly unconventional, yet the U.S. response became
more conventional.

Stogran,. P., LCol. “Fledgling Swans Take Flight: The Third

Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in
Afghanistan” in The Canadian Army Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3,
Fall/Winter 2004, pp. 14-21.

Within an overall description of the utility of light infantry forces and their
importance in modern operating environments, this article relates the
experiences of the 3rd PPCLI during its deployment to Afghanistan during
2002. As related by the battalion commander, it discusses the preparations
for the battalion’s deployment, and the various operations it conducted.
Also addressed are problems with humanitarian assistance, interoperability,
the legal aspects of operations and suggestions about where the Canadian
Forces need to improve their level of sophistication.



Hillen, John. Blue Helmets: The Strategy of UN Military

Operations. Washington, DC: Brassey’s, 2000.
ISBN: 1574882368.

A comprehensive review of the military force and organizational operations

of the United Nations since 1948, Blue Helmets addresses a number of
important questions about the UN’s competency to handle complex future
operations. Hillen does what few others have been willing to do; openly
criticizing the UN for their meddling in peacekeeping and peacemaking,
and backs it up with facts and analysis of why these operations have been
military, organizational and political quagmires. He fully demonstrates why
the US or any lead nation should have misgivings about committing to
operating under the UN charter for military operations.

Shawcross, William. Deliver Us from Evil: Peacekeepers,

Warlords, and a World of Endless Conflict. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 2001. ISBN: 0743200284.

This book is a serious, scholarly examination of peacekeeping operations

and the environments in which they are carried out. Shawcross clearly
identifies the failures of peacekeeping as being due, time after time, to a
lack of political will. The inability of the international community to summon
the courage to stop the deaths of millions of blacks in Rwanda, Burundi and
other parts of Africa is one of the more despicable features of the twentieth
century, and is only one of the many examples of problems with UN
peacekeeping that Shawcross covers quite well.


Ali, Taisier M. and Robert O. Matthews. Civil Wars in Africa: Roots

and Resolution. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999.
ISBN: 0773518835.

A collection of case studies of nine African countries, Civil Wars in Africa

provides a comparative perspective on the causes of civil war and the
processes by which internal conflict may be resolved or averted. The book
focuses on the wars in Ethiopia, Liberia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia,
Sudan and Uganda as well as the experiences of Tanzania and Zimbabwe,
where civil war was averted, to underline conditions under which conflict
can most successfully be managed.

Beardsley, Brent, Maj. “Learning From the Rwandan Genocide of

1994 to Stop the Genocide in Darfur—Part One” in Canadian
Military Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 2005, pp. 41-50.

This article attempts to introduce and examine some of the primary lessons
that the Rwandan genocide could have for those who formulate Canadian
foreign policy, specifically to assist them in developing policy related to the
crisis in Darfur. Through its examination of the Rwandan Genocide, this
article also defines genocide and the legal and moral obligations associated
with it, and provides a useful strategy for the prevention and suppression of
future genocides.

Blanchette, Arthur E., ed. Canadian Peacekeepers in Indochina,

1954-1973: Recollections. Toronto: Golden Dog Press, 2001.
ISBN: 0919614965.

This is a collection of personal reminiscences and first-hand recollections of

diplomatic service in war-torn Indochina beginning in the late 1950s with the
International Supervisory Commission and concluding with the last days of
that terrible and desperate war in Vietnam. These remarkable essays throw
much new light on Canada’s foreign policy in the Far East, and they also
provide the reader with rare insights into the ill-fated American operations.
Contributors range from those who served with ambassadorial rank to those
who lent support in more modest capacities.

Mays, Terry M. Africa’s First Peacekeeping Operation: The OAU in

Chad, 1981-1982. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002.
ISBN: 0275976068.

Given the Organization of African Unity’s (OAU) relatively recent

demise and the continuing debate about the efficacy of international
peacekeeping, this book is timely and instructive. Mays’ set objectives
are: examination of the foreign policy goals of Nigeria, the United
States and France as they related to OAU military involvement in Chad;
examination of the factors contributing to the mission’s success; and a
discussion of lessons learned from the experience. Although time and
additional documentation may shed new light on this mission, Mays’ work
is nonetheless valuable and insightful.

Oliviero, Charles S., LCol (ret’d). “Operation ‘Deliverance’:

International Success or Domestic Failure?” in Canadian Military
Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, Summer 2001, pp. 51-58.

A thorough examination of the Canadian participation of the Somali

intervention, this paper discusses the planning and conduct of the mission and
the political and military decision making that resulted in its dispatch. It does
not discuss anything related to the Somali inquiry or the conduct of Canadian
soldiers, nor is it meant to instigate reform, although it does provide an analysis
of the mission’s results. In short, this article is an extremely detailed and useful
account of the mission, and of the political developments from which it sprang.
Rippon, Thomas, Maj. “Leadership for a Sustainable Peace: The
UN Mission in East Timor” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 5, No.
3, Autumn 2004, pp. 57-62.

An extremely interesting article that details the UN mission deployed to East

Timor, and which also attempts to ascertain the success of the operation.
This paper provides a considerable amount of detailed information on the
UN operation, including the events and political forces that initiated it, and
the actual conduct of the operation itself. Overall, it is an insightful glimpse
of a UN operation with an aggressive mission to restore peace, and which
actually had the will and capability to do so.


Dombroski, Kenneth R. Peacekeeping in the Middle East as an

International Regime. Toronto: Routledge, 2006.
ISBN: 0415981050.

This book investigates whether an international institution can alter state

behaviour and thereby contribute to the peaceful resolution of a conflict.
Dombroski focuses on the series of interrelated peacekeeping efforts
undertaken to help resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict from 1948-1994.
Analyzing these sequential operations over a forty-six year period provides
evidence as to the relative importance of institutions in a state-centric
international system. He offers an alternative approach to the study
of international peacekeeping that evaluates the long-term effects of
peacekeeping on state behaviour, and concomitantly, the effects of varying
state behaviour on an international regime.

Doyle, Michael W., et al. Keeping the Peace: Multidimensional UN

Operations in Cambodia and El Salvador. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1997. ISBN: 0521588375.

Keeping the Peace explores the new multidimensional role that the United
Nations has played in peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace-building
over the past several years. By examining the paradigm-setting cases of
Cambodia and El Salvador and drawing lessons from these UN “success
stories,” the book identifies more effective ways for the international
community to address conflict in the post-Cold War era. This book is
especially timely given its focus on multi-dimensional peace operations, the
most likely role for the UN in coming years.
James, Alan. Keeping the Peace in the Cyprus Crisis of
1963-1964. New York: Palgrave, 2002. ISBN: 0333748573.

During the Cold War, Cyprus was of great strategic importance to the West.
Britain, the US and NATO all had valuable installations there, and any
armed conflict between Greek and Turkish Cypriots could easily pull two
nearby NATO members—Greece and Turkey—into war. When
inter-communal fighting broke out in Cyprus in December 1963, the West
was deeply embarrassed. This book examines the efforts of first Britain,
and then the UN, to keep the peace.

Pelcovits, Nathan A. The Long Armistice: UN Peacekeeping and

the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1949-1960. Toronto: Harper Collins
Canada, 1993. ISBN: 0813384834.

Drawing on previously untapped documents, interviews with key actors and

his own experiences in the Department of State, the author takes a fresh
look at the impact of UN intervention, as peacekeeper and peacemaker,
on the Arab-Israeli conflict during the formative years between 1948 and
1960. Providing new insight into the complex origins of UN peacekeeping
operations in the region, The Long Armistice makes a significant contribution
towards any understanding of the original reasons for these missions.



Engle, Stephen D. Don Carlos Buell: Most Promising of All.

Chapell Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1999.
ISBN: 0807825123.

There are few army commanders from the Civil War that have lacked a full
biographical treatment, and up to the present, that gap was nowhere greater
than with Major General Don Carlos Buell, who commanded the Army of the
Ohio for approximately one year. During that time, he was at the head of the
forces that captured Nashville, fought at Shiloh, commanded a wing on the
advance to Corinth and participated in Braxton Bragg’s Kentucky invasion
that ended with the Battle of Perryville on October 8, 1862. This is a valuable
treatment of an important, though nearly forgotten, Union general.
Haughton, Andrew. Training, Tactics, and Leadership in the
Confederate Army of Tennessee: Seeds of Failure. London: Frank
Cass, 2000. ISBN: 07144650323.

This valuable work contains an incisive study of the failure of the main
Confederate army in the West to improve its combat effectiveness through
progressive training programs and tactical doctrine. Specifically, it surveys
the military experiences of this unsuccessful organization through four
years of warfare in order to assess the evolution of its tactical and training
methods, thereby casting more light on its unenviable war record.

Hoy, Claire. Canadians in the Civil War. New York: Harper Collins,
2004. ISBN: 1552784509.

Hoy pulls together all of the small strands of the Canadian activities in the
Civil War—the enlistment of tens of thousands of Canadians, the Canadian-
based Confederate espionage system, the raids on St. Albans and Johnston
Island—and explains, in clear and elegant writing, the war’s impact on both
Canada and the United States. The best work yet produced on the subject,
Canadians in the Civil War fills a gap in the book collection of any Civil War

Marszalek, John F. Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies: A Life of

General Henry W. Halleck. Cambridge, MA: Belknop Press, 2004.
ISBN: 0674014936.

Henry Wager Halleck has not been fondly remembered by history. Despite
a brilliant antebellum career in which he established himself as a leading
thinker on military affairs and played a key role in the founding of California,
Halleck is best known for a record of service to the Union cause that can
at best be described as mixed. Well-researched, unfailingly interesting
and clearly written, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies presents the
long-awaited biography of this officer, who, as the commander of all of the
North’s armies for most of the conflict, ultimately played a major role in the
course of the American Civil War.
Power, J. Tracey. Lee’s Miserables: Life in the Army of Northern
Virginia from the Wilderness to Appomattox. Chapell Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press, 1998. ISBN: 0807823929.

Starting in the spring of 1864, Lee’s Miserables looks at the Army of Northern
Virginia through the eyes of the men in the lower ranks as they passed
through the ordeals of the final stage of the war. In particular, Power’s portrait
of the army as it confidently awaited the spring campaign of 1864 certainly
casts doubt on the notion that at the time Gettysburg was looked upon as
some sort of turning point. Overall, it is an important look at the steady
deterioration of an army and the events that eventually brought it to defeat.

Winks, Robin W. The Civil War Years: Canada and the United
States. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999.
ISBN: 0773518193.

While the American Civil War raged, Britain and the northern states waged
a “war in anticipation” as British North America waited and wondered
whether the federal army of the United States would invade. Robin Winks’s
classic study is a dramatic examination of the impact of the American
Civil War on Canada, especially on the movement toward Confederation.
Presently in its fourth edition, The Civil War Years remains a valuable
contribution to Canadian history, the history of Canadian-American and
Anglo-American relations and Civil War studies.


Howard, Victor. The Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion: The Canadian

Contingent in the Spanish Civil War. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s
University Press, 2003. ISBN: 088629049X.

Although the Canadian government banned its citizens from participating,

some 1,500 Canadians with a range of personal, ethical and political
motivations clandestinely made their way to Spain in order to fight for
the Republicans in their struggle against the Nationalists. At least half of
these Canadians died in the war as part of the International Brigades, and
specifically as part of the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion. With considerable
detail, Howard relates the story and experiences of this often neglected
aspect of Canadian history.
Jackson, Gabriel. The Spanish Republic and the Civil War, 1931-
1939. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987.
ISBN: 0691007578.

The Spanish Republic of 1931 was born of a unique set of circumstances,

including a long-term political crisis, the conjunction of domestic economic
problems with the world depression and an intellectual renaissance of
great vigour and optimism. Within this account, Gabriel Jackson traces
the political and social developments that led to the conflict, as well as
examines the uprising itself and the conduct of the subsequent military and
propaganda operations. An excellent account that focuses chiefly upon the
Spanish Republic, The Spanish Republic and the Civil War is a valuable
addition to any study of the subject.

Payne, Stanley G. The Spanish Civil War, The Soviet Union, and
Communism. London: Yale University Press, 2004.
ISBN: 030010068X.

In this compelling book Stanley G. Payne offers the first comprehensive

narrative of Soviet and Communist intervention in the revolution and civil
war in Spain. Drawing on a very broad range of Soviet and Spanish
primary sources, including many only recently available, Payne changes
our understanding of Soviet and Communist intentions in Spain, of
Stalin’s decision to intervene in the Spanish war, of the widely accepted
characterization of the conflict as the struggle of fascism against democracy
and of the claim that Spain’s war constituted the opening round of the
Second World War.

Thomas, Hugh. The Spanish Civil War. New York: Modern

Library, 2001. ISBN: 0375755152.

A masterpiece of the historian’s art, Hugh Thomas’s The Spanish Civil War
remains the best, most engrossing narrative of one of the most emblematic
and misunderstood wars of the twentieth century. Revised and updated
with significant new material, including new revelations about atrocities
perpetrated against civilians by both sides in this epic conflict, this work has
been given a fresh face forty years after its initial publication in 1961. With
its massive, well-researched detail, this book remains the best and most
comprehensive account of the war available.
Whealey, Robert H. Hitler and Spain: The Nazi Role in the
Spanish Civil War. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky,
2004. ISBN: 0813191394.

In this chilling study, the first comprehensive work in English on Germany’s

role in the Spanish Civil War, Whealey demonstrates how Hitler exploited that
conflict to promote the slogan “anti-communism” and, by so doing, solidify his
relations with international corporate and church leaders. By exploding a local
struggle into a European diplomatic contest, Hitler weakened ties among the
Allies and diverted attention from his plans for territorial expansion. Whealey
draws on German, Spanish and Italian sources to buttress his shrewd
assessment that “Franco and Hitler both won the Spanish Civil War.”


Currey, Cecil B. Victory at Any Cost: The Genius of Vietnam’s

General Vo Nguyen Giap. Washington, DC: Brassy’s, 1997.
ISBN: 157488056X.

An absorbing biography of Vietnam’s ranking soldier-statesman, Victory

at Any Cost relates the life and actions of General Vo Nguyen Giap from
his early membership in the communist party, to his defeat of the French
at Dien Bien Phu, through to his later struggle against the Americans. In
his tellingly detailed and thorough narrative, Currey does not shy from
cataloguing Giap’s shortcomings and presents an interestingly look at a
general who was arguably one of history’s greatest captains.

Prados, John. The Hidden History of the Vietnam War. Chicago:

Ivan R. Dee, 1995. ISBN: 1566630797.

Instead of trying to cover it chronologically from start to finish, Prados

instead illuminates many of the more controversial aspects at the war in
Southeast Asia. These include a review of Lyndon Johnson’s role in the
1954 Dien Bien Phu crisis, an analysis of the political characteristics of
the South Vietnamese Army, descriptions of how the Buddhist Struggle
Movement hindered that army’s anticommunist efforts, and explanations
of President Nixon’s controversial order to mine Haiphong Harbor in 1972.
This is an interesting presentation and re-appraisal of many aspects of the
war that even those who are familiar with them will want to read.
Sorley, Lewis. A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final
Tragedy of America’s Last Years in Vietnam. New York: Harvest/
HBJ Books, 2000. ISBN: 0156013096.

Employing a wide range of source material, Lewis Sorley has produced

a first-rate challenge to the conventional wisdom about American military
performance in Vietnam. Essentially, this is a close examination of the
years during which General Creighton Abrams was in command, and
during which Sorley argues American military operations were becoming
increasingly successful. He stresses that the combination of anti-war
protests in America and a complete misunderstanding of the actual combat
situation by the diplomats negotiating the 1973 Paris accords wasted
American military victories.

Windrow, Martin. The Last Valley: Dien Bien Phu and the French
Defeat in Vietnam. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2005.
ISBN: 0306813866.

In this masterful account of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu of 1953-54, Windrow
dissects retrospective criticism of the French strategy. For reasons that emerge
within his comprehensive, meticulous analysis, the ideas behind the French
strategy at Dien Bien Phu were taken from a prior victorious battle. Generals
believed that establishing a ground base deep in Communist-controlled territory
and supplying it by air would regain them the initiative against the Viet Minh
insurgency. Many works addess Dien Bien Phu’s history-altering significance
in the Indochina conflict, but for learning about what actually happened there,
Windrow’s study will be difficult to surpass.

Zaffri, Samuel. Hamburger Hill: The Brutal Battle for Dong Ap Bia,
May 11-20, 1969. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 2000.
ISBN: 0891417060.

Samuel Zaffiri has done an excellent job describing the background, the
decisions and the terrific action of the 10-day battle for the Dong Ap Bia in
May 1969. The narrative is full of the horror felt by the ordinary soldiers
and junior leaders, down to the platoon and section level, as well as the
frustration for the tactical decisions made by the top leadership of the 101st
Airborne Division during those hectic days. He points that, more than the
Tet Offensive, the battle for Hamburger Hill was a critical turning point for
the US involvement in the Vietnam War and he gives much evidence of the
turmoil it caused among the US public opinion.


Graves, Donald E. Century of Service: The History of the South

Alberta Light Horse. Toronto: Robin Brass Studio, 2005.
ISBN: 1896941435.

Although officially authorized in 1905, the South Alberta Light Horse traces
its origins back to the 1880s when units of cavalry were raised to protect
Alberta during the Northwest Rebellion. This fascinating study of a proud
regiment takes “Her Majesty’s Cowboys” from the 1880s to the 21st century.
Written for the general reader, Century of Service will appeal to all who are
interested in the heritage of Canada and Alberta, military history and the
meaning of service to one’s country.

Horn, Bernd, Col and Michel Wyczyuski. Tip of the Spear: An

Intimate Account of 1 Canadian Parachute Battalion, 1942-1945: A
Pictorial History. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2002.
ISBN: 1550023888.

In the midst of the Second World War, the Germans introduced a new kind
of warfare that had never been seen before, featuring a new kind of soldier:
the paratrooper. The Allies countered by setting up their own airborne
forces. Tip of the Spear tells in stunning black and white pictures the story
of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion from its inception in 1942 to its
disbandment in 1945. Without question, the Battalion—or more accurately,
its members—laid the foundation and established the airborne legacy that
other Canadian airborne establishments could proudly follow and build on.

Joyce, Kenneth H. Snow Plough and the Jupiter Deception: The

True Story of the 1st Special Service Force and the 1st Canadian
Special Service Battalion, 1942-1945. St. Catherines, ON:
Vanwell, 2006. ISBN: 1551250942.

After conducting extensive research, author Kenneth Joyce reveals the

truth behind the enigmatic 1st Special Service Force, a unit that was jointly
organised by the United States and Canada. Utilising firsthand accounts
from veterans and official documents, this work describes the formation,
training and operational deployment of this unit to the northern Pacific,
Italy and southern France. Joyce also examines the genesis of this unit,
the reasons why its initial mission did not come to fruition and its eventual

Marteinson, J.K., et al. The Royal Canadian Armoured Corps: An

Illustrated History. Toronto: Robin Brass Studio, 2000.
ISBN: 1896941176.

An excellent and highly detailed study, The Royal Canadian Armoured

Corps examines the history of Canada’s armoured forces from their
humble beginnings during the First World War to their present employment.
Together with a wealth of colour photographs and maps, this account
provides concise information of the combat employment of various
armoured units, details the vehicles they were equipped with and provides
insight into their training. As a single source, this work will remain the
premier account of Canadian armoured forces for a long time to come.

McNorgan, Michael R. The Gallant Hussars: A History of the 1st

Hussars Regiment, 1856-2004. London, ON: 1st Hussars Cavalry
Fund, 2004. ISBN: 0969465912.

Although somewhat of an illustrated history, the rather extensive text within

The Gallant Hussars contains a wealth of information on the 1st Hussar
Regiment. From the original formation of the regiment, and stretching to
the present, this work covers the history of this regiment through a well-
orchestrated assembly of text, photographs and maps. In particular, it details
the “black day of the regiment” within the Normandy campaign of the Second
World War, during which the regiment was nearly destroyed.

Shackleton, Kevin R. Second to None: The Fighting 58th Battalion

of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Toronto: Dundurn Press,
2002. ISBN: 1550024051.

Richly illustrated with contemporaneous maps and photographs, Second to

None traces the history of this battalion from its formation at Camp Paradise
at Niagara-on-the-Lake, through Ypres, Vimy, Passchendaele and then to
victory. In many ways, Shackleton is true to the style and spirit of the old
regimental histories in that he pays close attention to detail and remains
faithful to the war diary, the daily record that all battalions carefully kept.
What makes Shackleton’s effort so interesting is his extensive use of the
hundreds of letters, journals and memoirs left behind by the men of the 58th.

Beatty, David M.G., Capt. “The Future of Parachute Operations” in

The Army Doctrine and Training Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 3, Fall 2002,
pp. 53-54.

Although a short article, this paper provides a convincing argument for the
feasibility and utility of parachute operations, especially within the context of
counterinsurgency operations. To support its case, it compares parachute
operations with forces moved by helicopter, whereby it demonstrates the
advantages of the former over the latter. Overall, it persuasively argues for
the re-establishment of a large parachute capability within the structure and
doctrine of the Canadian Forces.

Horn, Bernd, Col. Paras versus the Reich: Canada’s Paratroopers

at War, 1942-1945. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2003.
ISBN: 1550024701.

This meticulously researched book traces the development of airborne

forces from their earliest mythology to their earth-shattering debut in the
Second World War. More importantly, it reveals in exacting detail the story
of Canada’s paratroopers-from the early resistance to their establishment,
the rigorous selection process and gruelling training, to their unrivalled
combat record. It tells the story of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion,
which never failed to achieve its assigned missions, nor did it ever lose an
objective once captured. Through the pages of this book the reader will
experience the exceptional courage, endurance, fighting skills and tenacity
of Canada’s paratroopers in the Second World War.

Horn, Bernd, Col. Bastard Sons: An Examination of Canada’s

Airborne Experience, 1942-1995. St. Catherines, ON: Vanwell,
2001. ISBN: 1551250780.

In this more thorough examination, Horn does more than just analyze the
politics behind the birth, development and demise of the airborne forces. From
the creation of the post-war Mobile Striking Force and Defence of Canada
Force to the disbandment of the Airborne Regiment, the author provides a
rare look into the decision making process in Ottawa, with its personalities
and motives, heroes and villains, and causes and betrayals. Noting that the
Army’s key problem remained its inability to find a viable, long-term role that
made airborne forces indispensable, Horn also examines the scandals which
provided the political death knell for the Airborne Regiment.
Rickard, J.N., Capt. “The Employment of Airborne (Parachute)
Forces in Modern Asymmetrical Warfare” in The Canadian Army
Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, Fall/Winter 2004, pp. 111-123.

Another paper arguing for the re-constitution of a parachute capability within

the Canadian Forces, this article discusses the usefulness of airborne
assets within the context of current military deployments. Specifically, it
argues against employing such forces in peace support or stabilisation
operations, and instead maintains their value as an immediate rapid-
response force. While also addressing the limitations and weaknesses of
airborne forces, this article also emphasises their growing importance when
dealing with the unique situations presented by asymmetrical warfare.

Shilleto, Carl. Devils and Eagles in Normandy, 1944: American,

British, and Canadian Airborne Forces in Normandy. Staplehurst,
UK: Spellmount Ltd., 2003. ISBN: 1862272492.

This book offers a fresh perspective on the contribution made by American,

British and Canadian airborne forces during the opening phase of the
Normandy campaign in 1944. The importance of the complexity of
airborne operations is put into context against the backdrop of the D-Day
invasion of 6 June 1944, including diversionary and SAS operations. The
use of eyewitness accounts, interwoven with a detailed study of how the
paratroopers and glider-borne soldiers actually achieved their D-Day
objectives, is presented in an exciting and compelling narrative that will suit
general readers and historians alike.


Beaumont, Roger A. Joint Military Operations: A Short History.

Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993. ISBN: 0313267448.

This short history is the first to offer a broad and selective survey of the
phenomenon known as jointness—the combined operations of land and
naval forces until the twentieth century and especially of land, sea and air
forces since the Second World War. Touching on operational, doctrinal and
political dimensions, the survey ranges from the ancient Mediterranean to
recent times while focusing on European and American experiences from
the eighteenth through the twentieth centuries, including Desert Storm.
Wide-ranging cases illustrate trends and patterns of jointness and define
the central problem of friction, while the selective bibliography provides a
wide array of additional sources.
Citino, Robert M. Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm: The Evolution of
Operational Warfare. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas,
2004. ISBN: 0700613005.

Surveying military history from the Second World War to the present, Robert
Citino analyzes military campaigns to demonstrate the difficulty of achieving
decisive results at the operational level. Brimming with new insights,
Citino’s study shows why technical superiority is no guarantee of victory
and why a thorough grounding in the history of past campaigns is essential
to anyone who wishes to understand modern warfare. Blitzkrieg to Desert
Storm provides that grounding as it addresses the future of operational-
level warfare in the post-9/11 era.

Garnett, G.L., VAdm (ret’d). “The Evolution of the Canadian

Approach to Joint and Combined Operations at the Strategic and
Operational Level” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4,
Winter 2002-2003, pp. 3-8.

This article examines the relatively recent developments involved in the

emergence of a Canadian approach to joint and combined operations.
Explaining why the Canadian Forces lacked this capability in the immediate
post-Cold War period, this paper examines the evolution of the process
that eventually resulted in the restoration of this capability. Moreover, it
also discusses why this became a priority for the Canadian Forces, and the
various problems that had to be overcome.

House, Jonathan M. Towards Combined Arms Warfare: A Survey

of Tactics, Doctrine, and Organisation in the 20th Century.
Honolulu, HI: University Press of the Pacific, 2002.
ISBN: 1410201597.

This study focuses on a key aspect of military change, the development of

combined arms doctrine, tactics and organization at the division level and
below. Jonathan House begins his treatment with the pre-1914 period,
when the various combat arms retained separate functions and required
only rudimentary coordination. Through two world wars and numerous
lesser conflicts he traces the gradual integration of the different arms and
services into a mechanized team. Of special interest in his account is
the parallel development of the command and control mechanisms and
procedures necessary to orchestrate the employment of combined arms on
the modern battlefield.
Nordick, G.W., BGen. “Can the CF Develop Viable National Joint
Capabilities?” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer
2004, pp. 62-67.

Addressing the issue of joint and combined operations abilities within the
Canadian Forces, this article provides a number of suggestions as to how
the Canadian Forces could improve its internal ability to conduct joint
operations in the future. Focusing upon issues of mobility, organisation and
readiness, the author stresses that up to this point the Canadian Forces
have performed admirably in this context, especially given much of the ad
hoc nature of the headquarters assigned to conduct combined operations.


Balasevicius, Tony, Maj. “Putting a Square Peg in a Round Hole:

Finding a Special Forces Capability for the Canadian Army” in The
Canadian Army Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, Summer 2004, pp. 35-50.

Stressing the equipment requirements and types of military operations for

which such units are designed, the author addresses the prospects and
limitations of using existing Canadian Forces to perform special operation-
type assignments. He also examines the possibility of creating Canadian
special operations units, and elaborates why this is unrealistic given the
financial costs of maintaining them and the manpower, equipment and
funding limitations confronting the Canadian Forces.

Horn, Bernd, Col. “When Cultures Collide: The Conventional

Military/SOF Chasm” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3,
Autumn 2004, pp. 3-16.

This article outlines the core missions of special operations forces units and
the evolution of their missions, doctrine, force structure and capabilities.
Specifically, it discusses the rivalry between special and conventional forces
over scarce resources, and how conventional force commanders frequently
see special operations forces as a drain on valuable personnel and funding.
It also discusses the value of special operations forces, and the historical
impediments to their use and size.
Leebaert, Derek. To Dare and To Conquer: Special Operations
and The Destiny of Nations—From Achilles to Al Qaeda.
Boston: Little, Brown, 2006. ISBN: 0316143847.

In this monumental critical analysis of the 3,000-year history of special

operations, Leebaert proves that “an opponent’s strength does not consist
of numbers only or plain superiority of weapons.” Since the Trojan horse
felled Troy, armies have known that small groups of elite warriors can swiftly
change the course of conflict. To Dare and To Conquer provides in-depth
and insightful rundowns on scores of special operations around the globe,
concentrating on the United States and other Western nations, and also
discusses the relationship between politics and the use of special forces.

Maloney, Sean M. “Who Has Seen the Wind? An Historical

Overview of Canadian Special Operations” in Canadian Military
Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3, Autumn 2004, pp. 30-48.

A fascinating and comprehensive article that illustrates the long history

of Canadian Special Forces, this work provides an excellent basis from
which to develop a wider study of the subject. By examining the history
of Canadian special operations forces throughout the Second World and
during the Cold War, the author illustrates the surprising breadth of their
operations and their ability to work with and under many of Canada’s allies.
It also reviews more recent uses of Canadian special operations forces, and
also discusses their use within domestic operations.

Taillon, J. Paul de B. The Evolution of Special Forces in

Counter-Terrorism: The British and American Experiences.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. ISBN: 0275969223.

The threat of terrorism knows no borders, and given the complexities of

today’s global system, no nation can afford to stand alone. This study
considers the role that international cooperation plays in assisting elite
military forces engaged in low intensity and counter-terrorist operations,
particularly hostage rescue efforts. Using historical examples from the
experiences of Great Britain and the United States, the author concludes
that cooperation (ranging from shared intelligence, to forward base access,
to the provision of observers) can provide significant advantages in dealing
with low-intensity operations.

Bechthold, Mike. “Air Support in the Breskens Pocket: The Case

of First Canadian Army and 84 Group Royal Air Force” in Canadian
Military History, Vol. 3, No. 2, Autumn 1994, p. 53.

The fighting conducted by the First Canadian Army to clear the German-held
Breskens pocket was amongst the fiercest fighting Canadian troops were
involved in during the course of the Second World War. Since the terrain
severely reduced the employment of armoured assets, air support was
invaluable in providing support to the infantry. This article examines this
battle and the aid the Canadians received from the British Royal Air Force,
with particular emphasis being placed upon the effectiveness of this support
and the co-ordination between the two services.

Corum, James S. and Wray R. Johnson. Airpower in Small Wars:

Fighting Insurgents and Terrorists. Lawrence, KS: University Press
of Kansas, 2003. ISBN: 0700612408.

Ever since its use by the French to put down rebellious Moroccan tribes
in 1913, airpower has been employed to fight in limited but often lengthy
small conflicts around the globe. This is the first comprehensive history of
airpower in small wars—conflicts pitting states against non-state groups
such as insurgents, bandits, factions and terrorists—tracing it from the early
years of the twentieth century to the present day. By taking a broad view of
small-war airpower, the authors are able to make assessments about the
most effective and least effective means of employing airpower.

Hall, David Ian. “Creating the 2nd Tactical Air Force RAF:
Inter-Service and Anglo-Canadian Co-Operation in the Second
World War” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter 2002,
pp. 39-45.
During the Second World War, close air support played a vital role in the
successful outcome of a number of campaigns and battles. In particular,
the support received by the Anglo-Canadian and American armies
in Western Europe proved essential to the eventual success of their
operations. This article examines this aspect of the conflict, and specifically
focuses upon the evolution of air support theories and the question of
who should control this support. Moreover, it discusses the Canadian
contribution to these developments and debates, and reveals that Canada
played a greater role than has previously been assumed.
Pennie, Ken, LGen. “Transforming Canada’s Air Force: Vectors for
the Future” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, Winter 2004-
2005, pp. 39-46.

This article assesses the current security environment, describes Canada’s

current aerospace capabilities, and articulates the guiding vision, mission
and attributes of the future aerospace force. It also discusses problems
related to interoperability, as well the important role of air assets in the
support of Canadian ground forces in present and future military operating
environments. In doing so, it outlines the requirement within the Air Force
to maintain a constant cycle of development, which in turn allows it to retain
its relevance.

Schlight, John. Help from Above: Air Force Close Support of the
Army, 1946-1973. Washington, DC: US Air Force History and
Museums Program, 2004. ISBN: 0160515521.

Within Help from Above, the author looks at close air support during the
period 1946-1973, during which technological advances in the form of
jet aircraft, weapons, communications and other electronic equipment
played significant roles. This account examines the development of close
air-support doctrine, and vividly captures the story of the opposing views that
influenced it, including the US Army’s determination that it be a handmaiden
to its ground force, and the US Air Force’s equally strong view that it is
but one part of an indivisible triad of tactical airpower which should remain
controlled by air commanders.


Alexander, John B. Winning the War: Advanced Weapons,

Strategies, and Concepts for the Post-9/11 World. New York: St.
Martin’s Press, 2003. ISBN: 0312306768.

A major problem that confronts military commanders, especially those

operating within asymmetric environments, is the need to keep military and
civilian casualties to an absolute minimum. In this regard, John Alexander
argues that too much emphasis has been placed on developing the mass
killing power of modern weapons. He provides a compelling, alternative
case for developing a spectrum of non-lethal technologies. Winning the War
presents an interesting look at the future relationship between technology and
military operations that is invaluable for the military professional.
Berkowitz, Bruce D. The New Face of War: How War will be
Fought in the 21st Century. New York: Free Press, 2003.
ISBN: 0743212495.

Bruce Berkowitz’s explanation of how information warfare has

revolutionized combat and what it means for our soldiers could not be better
timed. As Western forces wage war against terrorists and their supporters,
in actions large and small, on several continents, The New Face of
War explains how they fight and how they will win or lose. Highlighting
four new dynamics involved in warfare -specifically asymmetric threats,
information-technology competition, the race of decision cycles, and
network organization-Berkowitz offers many answers and a framework for
understanding modern combat.

Harvey, Frank P. The Future’s Back: Nuclear Rivalry, Deterrence

Theory, and Crisis Stability after the Cold War. Montreal: McGill-
Queen’s University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0773516069.

The Future’s Back provides a valuable framework for organizing and

evaluating research on superpower rivalry and nuclear deterrence. Arguing
that previous critiques of rational choice and deterrence theory are not
convincing, Frank Harvey constructs a new set of empirical tests of rational
deterrence theory to illuminate patterns of interaction between rival nuclear
powers. Given the likely proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in
the future, and the failure of “non-proliferation” regimes to provide effective
barriers to the spread of nuclear technology in the past, this is an especially
valuable book.

Lavoy, Peter R., Scott D. Sagen and James J. Wirtz, eds. Planning
the Unthinkable: How New Powers Will Use Nuclear, Biological,
and Chemical Weapons. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press,
2000. ISBN: 0801487048.

Through a collection of articles, stretching from terrorism to the

Indo-Pakistan nuclear rivalry, Planning the Unthinkable examines a number
of areas of conflict and tension throughout the world that could involve
the use of strategic weapons. In doing so, it also discusses how military
doctrine integrates weapons of mass destruction in different institutional and
political contexts, especially in relation to third-world states that have only
acquired these capabilities relatively recently. In this regard, this is one of
the very few works that examines the doctrines of these emerging powers.
Rattray, Gregory. Strategic Warfare in Cyberspace. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 2001. ISBN: 0262182092.

In the “information age,” information systems may serve as both weapons

and targets. In this book Gregory Rattray offers a comprehensive analysis
of strategic information warfare waged via digital means as a distinct
concern for the United States and its allies. Beginning with an analysis
of the salient features of information infrastructures and distinguishing
strategic information warfare from other types of information-based
competition, such as financial crime and economic espionage, Rattray
establishes a conceptual framework for the successful conduct of strategic
warfare in general, and of strategic information warfare in particular.


Davis, James. Fortunes Warriors: Private Armies and the New

World Order. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntrye Ltd., 2003.
ISBN: 1550547445.

From West Africa to the former Yugoslavia, in every global hot spot a
private army waits, ready to step into the fray. Professional soldiers of
fortune have always existed, but now they’re on the brink of playing a new
role in world affairs. A former mercenary takes a hard look at the conflicts
presently raging, contrasting the success of these armies in achieving
peace with the often inept and confused actions of the United Nations, in
what is a sure-to-be controversial account.

Garreau, Joel. Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of

Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies, and What it Means to be
Human. New York: Doubleday, 2005. ISBN: 0385509650.

Joel Garreau takes readers on a cross-country trip into the future as he

interviews scientists and other thinkers grappling with the implications of our
newfound-and, to some, frightening-knowledge of the genome. Highlighting
what he calls “the Curve”-the rate of exponential change in technology, the
author examines four scenarios that highlight the possible perils and benefits
of humanity’s increasing technological development and its knowledge of
human genetics. Science buffs fascinated by the leading edges of societal
and technological change and readers concerned by the ethical issues
that change presents will find much to ponder in this study of our possible
Kurzweil, Ray. The Singularity is Near. Toronto: Viking Adult,
2005. ISBN: 0670033847.

This work argues that humankind is at the threshold of an epoch (“the

singularity,” a reference to the theoretical limitlessness of exponential
expansion) that will see the merging of our biology with the staggering
achievements of GNR (genetics, nanotechnology and robotics) to create a
species of unrecognizably high intelligence, durability, comprehension and
memory. Citing examples from medical devices to military weapons in which
human control is increasingly detached from the autonomy of machines,
Kurzweil stresses that trends are accelerating in terms of miniaturization and
computational power. Overall, The Singularity is Near presents a possible
human evolution that is both shocking and profound in its implications.

Ronson, Jon. The Men Who Stare at Goats. Markham, ON:

Simon and Schuster, 2005. ISBN: 0743241924.

An exploration of the U.S. military’s flirtation with the supernatural that is at

once funny and tragic, this work reads like fiction, with plenty of dialogue
and descriptive detail, but as Ronson’s investigation into the government’s
peculiar past doings creeps into the present—and into Iraq—it will raise
goose bumps. From descriptions of attempts to have specially trained
personnel walk through walls, to interrogation techniques in use today,
Ronson approaches the material with an open mind and a delightfully dry
sense of humour, which makes this an entertaining, if unsettling, read.

Singer, P.W. Corporate Warriors: The Rise of Privatised Military

Industry. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003.
ISBN: 0801441145.

A security analyst at the Brookings Institution, Singer raises disturbing new

issues in this comprehensive analysis of a post-Cold War phenomenon:
private companies offering specialized military services for hire. A departure
from the mercenary of the past, these private companies offer services that
range from consultation to actually providing well-equipped and well-trained
military resources. As they become increasingly more popular with
governments and non-state actors, the author outlines the hazards of their
use and argues for their regulation as a first step in their control.
Surowiecki, James. The Wisdom of Crowds. New York:
Doubleday, 2004. ISBN: 0385503865.

In contrast to popular belief, Surowiecki argues that “under the right

circumstances, groups are remarkably intelligent, and are often smarter than
the smartest people in them.” Challenging the notion of using small groups of
knowledgeable experts, he stresses that a crowd’s “collective intelligence” will
produce better outcomes, even if members of the crowd don’t know all the facts
or choose, individually, to act irrationally. Overall, The Wisdom of Crowds is a
great introduction to applied behavioural economics and game theory.


Antal, John. City Fights: Selected Histories of Urban Combat from

World War II to Vietnam. New York: Presidio Press, 2003.
ISBN: 0891417818.

An incomparable collection, City Fights re-creates the last century’s most

astonishing examples of urban warfare, stretching from Tai-Erh-Chuang in
1938 to Hue City in 1968. As September 11 and Somalia proved, hostile
forces are now engaging the West differently, avoiding open combat with
their enormously powerful militaries by striking at civic centers or dragging
the West into theirs. Containing fourteen riveting histories that are both
invaluable teaching tools for military professionals and for historians, such
astudy is increasingly invaluable in the asymmetrical combat environment,
especially as insurgents blend in amongst civilian populations and urban

Chartrand, Rene. French Fortresses in North America, 1535-1763:

Quebec, Montreal, Louisbourg, and New Orleans. London:
Osprey, 2005. ISBN: 184176714X.

Following the discovery of America by Columbus in 1492, European

colonists brought their system of fortification to the New World in an attempt
to ensure their safety and consolidate their conquests. French and British
explorers came later to North America, and thus the establishment of their
sizeable permanent settlements only got under way during the 17th century.
The inhabitants of New France built elaborate fortifications to protect their
growing towns and cities. This book provides a detailed examination of the
defences of Montreal, Quebec, Louisburg and New Orleans.
Duffy, Christopher. Fire and Stone: The Science of Fortress
Warfare, 1660-1860. London: Greenhill Books, 1996.
ISBN: 1853672475.

This work provides a detailed analysis of the arts of fortification and siege
craft as they were carried on between 1660 and 1860, a period when
fortress warfare exercised an often decisive influence upon strategy, politics
and urban life. Well-written, well-illustrated and well-designed, Fire and
Stone makes the theory and practice of Vauban fortifications quite clear.
The volume includes an appendix on how to tour old fortifications, which is
invaluable for any researcher actually visiting them.

Edwards, Sean. Mars Unmasked: The Changing Face of Urban

Operations. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2000. ISBN: 0833028200.

This work focuses upon three recent case studies of urban combat—Panama,
Somalia, and Chechnya—that encompass a range of political constraints
that military forces must operate under when conducting operations in urban
environments. The author discusses how ongoing technological, social
and political changes are increasing the significance of certain elements of
urban operations. These include the presence of the media; the presence of
non-combatants; rules of engagement; and information-operation tools such as
psychological operations, public affairs, civil affairs and political-military strategy.

Kaufmann, J.E., et al. Fortress Third Reich: German Fortifications

and Defense Systems in World War II. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo
Press, 2003. ISBN: 0306812398.

This book covers the better known German fortifications such as the
Eastwall, Westwall and Atlanticwall. More importantly, it also describes
many lesser known German fortifications such as the many fortified lines
built or planned on the Eastern Front, in Italy and some really obscure
fortified lines like the Ingrid Line in Croatia and Slovenia. Also covered are
the tunnels and bunkers built to shelter Hitler’s command train in Poland,
German air raid shelters, U-Boat and S-Boat pens and the flak towers.
Much of this information had not appeared in the English language before
the publication of this book.
Kern, Paul B. Ancient Siege Warfare. Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press, 1999. ISBN: 0253335469.

Ancient siege warfare was a form of total war that often ended in the sack
of a city and the massacre or enslavement of entire populations. Leaders
from Alexander the Great to Julius Caesar all commanded great sieges that
ended in fearsome slaughters. The ancient Hebrew prophets and Greek
poets described siege warfare as a world without limits or structure or
morality, in which men violated deep-seated taboos about sex, pregnancy,
and death. Here, Paul Kern examines how siege warfare could unleash
such unrestrained violence and why we today are reminded of our terrible
vulnerability even in the age of modern war.


Lynn, John A., ed. Feeding Mars: Logistics in Western Warfare

from the Middle Ages to the Present. New York: Westview Press,
1994. ISBN: 0813318653.

Feeding Mars presents essays by eleven leading scholars who contribute to

and revise the history of logistics and its importance role in the development
of military operations. Chapters emphasize the ways in which the
essentials of war were acquired and transported to fighting forces, but also
touch upon planning and production and the importance of this relationship.
Feeding Mars makes a major contribution to military history and sheds new
light on an important, but too often overlooked, aspect of warfare.

Peltz, Eric, et al. Sustainment of Army Forces in Operation Iraqi

Freedom: Battlefield Logistics and Effects on Operations. Santa
Monica, CA: RAND, 2005. ISBN: 0833038060.

The major combat operations of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM are largely

perceived as a remarkable success, although it is clear this success was
achieved in the face of severe logistics problems. This work describes
how US Army forces were sustained during this operation, examines how
well this support performed, and discusses the effects on operations with
an emphasis on the period from the start of ground combat to the fall of
Baghdad. The findings contained within this work have implications for the
design of the logistical systems, logistics improvement efforts, as well as
future force design and war-fighting concepts.
Shrader, Charles R. The First Helicopter War: Logistics and
Mobility in Algeria, 1954-1962. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999.
ISBN: 0275963888.

Using recently released French official documents and a variety of other

sources, this study explains how the French Army, so recently defeated
by the Viet Minh insurgents in Indochina, was able to successfully defeat
the Algerian nationalist rebels on the battlefield, while nevertheless losing
the war at the conference table. This French success was due in large
part to the superior logistical system of the French Army and the use of the
helicopter to enhance French operational mobility. French counter-mobility
measures, particularly the construction of heavily defended interdiction
zones on the eastern and western borders of Algeria, proved highly effective
against the rebels.

Shrader, Charles R. The Withered Vine: Logistics and the

Communist Insurgency in Greece, 1945-1949. Westport, CT:
Praeger, 1999. ISBN: 0275965449.

An explanation of the failure of the Communist insurgency in Greece

between 1945 and 1949, this study provides a striking lesson in what
happens to an armed revolutionary movement when it lacks adequate
manpower and logistical resources, and is divided against itself on
such basic matters as foreign policy and the employment of its military
capabilities. Charles Shrader provides a detailed examination of the
logistical aspects of the war, particularly the impact of political decisions
and the aid provided to the Greek Communists by outside supporters on
logistics and operations.

Van Creveld, Martin. Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to

Patton. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977.
ISBN: 0521297931.

This book examines the development of logistics from the era of Gustavus
through to the Second World War, and discusses its importance in terms of
the successful outcome of military operations and its impact on campaigns.
Although Supplying War overturns many of the traditional historical views
on the role of logistics, it is valuable not for the questions it answers, but for
the questions it forces the reader to ask. Although increasingly dated, this
book remains one of the top analyses of this issue.

Aussaresses, Paul. The Battle of the Casbah: Terrorism and

Counter-Terrorism in Algeria, 1955-1957. New York: Enigma
Books, 2002. ISBN: 192963112X.

General Paul Aussaresses’ book describing his activities as an intelligence

officer in Algeria during the Algerian war for liberation blew the top off the
kettle when it was first published in France in 2001 as Services Speciaux,
Algerie 1955-1957. It contains the unapologetic recollections of this French
intelligence officer during his time fighting the battle of Algiers against
Algerian nationalists in which he details the torture and summary executions
that were used in the attempt to suppress the Algerian National Liberation
Front (FLN). This book is particularly relevant to the current debates on the
response to terrorism.

Barnett, Roger W. Asymmetrical Warfare: Today’s Challenge to

U.S. Military Power. Washington, DC: Brassey’s, 2003.
ISBN: 1574885634.

In this concise and penetrating study, Roger Barnett illuminates the effect of
operational, organizational, legal and moral constraints on the ability of the
United States to use military force. He defines asymmetrical warfare as not
simply a case of pitting one’s strength against another’s weakness but rather
of taking the calculated risk to exploit an adversary’s inability or unwillingness
to prevent, or defend against, certain actions. Barnett concludes that the
U.S. must create a formal system of selectively eliminating the constraints
that dictate responses to certain situations or scenarios.

Becket, Ian F.W. Modern Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgencies:

Guerrillas and Their Opponents since 1750. London: Routledge,
2001. ISBN: 0415239346.

Modern Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgencies explores how unconventional

warfare tactics have opposed past and present governments all over
the world, from eighteenth century guerrilla warfare through to the urban
terrorism of today. In addition to examining the tactics of guerrilla leaders
such as Lawrence, Mao, Guevara and Marighela, the book also analyzes
the counter-insurgency theories of Gallieni, Callwell, Thompson and
Kitson. Encompassing both an analytic and historical framework, this
timely one-volume study runs the gamut from the Revolutionary War and
Napoleon’s campaign in Spain to the conflicts in Northern Ireland and
Colombia, and is therefore a must read for the military professional.

Catignani, Sergi. Israeli Counter-Insurgency and the Intifadas:

Dilemmas of a Conventional Army. Routledge: 2008.
ISBN: 0415433886.

This book details and analyzes the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) COIN
response to the two major Palestinian uprisings of 1987-1993 and 2000-2005
in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It explores how the IDF has attempted
to adapt its conventional military forces to the difficulties of carrying out COIN
operations, and pays attention to the strategic, operational, tactical and
ethical dilemmas that have confronted the IDF for the past two decades.

Galula, David. Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice.

Praeger Security International Paperback, 2006.
ISBN: 0275993035.

This is one of the classic works on counter-insurgency operations. David

Galula was a French army officer who served in the Second World War and
then in the French colonial wars of the next two decades, including Indochina
and Algeria. Galula deduced patterns in the insurgencies that he witnessed,
and wrote a book attempting to codify the “laws” of conducting counter-
insurgency warfare. The book examines the principles of such fighting, as
well as the tactics and strategies that can be used to undermine insurgents.
Although written in 1964, this book remains both topical and relevant to the
conduct of COIN operations.

Hashim, Ahmed S. Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq.

Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2006. ISBN: 0801444527.

Written by a professor at the U.S. Naval War College, this book explores the
ongoing insurgency facing U.S. and Coalition forces in Iraq. It outlines some
of the historical antecedents and aspects of the insurgency, profiles some of
the major elements of the highly decentralized insurgent movements, and
assesses the successes and failures of the Coalition forces in combating
them. The work detailing the origins, objectives, and tactics of the various
insurgent groups is of particular interest. The book also attempts to locate
the ongoing military campaign within the chaotic political environment of
present-day Iraq.
Howard, Russell D. and Reid L. Sawyer. Terrorism and
Counterterrorism: Understanding the New Security Environment:
Readings and Interpretations. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
ISBN: 0073527718.

In this new edition of Terrorism and Counterterrorism, the authors have

collected a series of original and previously published seminal articles and
essays by political scientists, government officials and military professionals.
In addition to material on the threats from suicide bombers as well as
chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons, there are also
important contributions analyzing new and growing threats such as narco-
terrorism, cyber-terrorism, genomic terrorism and agro-terrorism. This work
also deals with past, present and future national and international responses
to, and defences against, terrorism.

Kitson, Frank. Low Intensity Operations: Subversion, Insurgency,

Peacekeeping. North Haven, CT: Shoe String Printing Inc., 1974.
ISBN: 020801473X.

Born in 1926, General Sir Frank Kitson was commissioned into the British
Army soon after the end of the Second World War and retired 40 years later
in 1985. This book tells his story. In the course of his service, he took part in
counter-insurgency and peace-keeping activities in Kenya, Malaya, Oman,
Cyprus and Northern Ireland and later held staff appointments in the Ministry
of Defence. A fascinating account by an officer that had to deal with complex
military environments, this work and the lessons it contains are of value to
anyone who might find themselves in similar circumstances.

Laqueur, Walter. No End to War: Terrorism in the Twenty-first

Century. New York: Continuum, 2003. ISBN: 082641656X.

A useful account encompassing many historical examples of incidences of

terrorism, No End to War takes on the vexing questions about its origins and
manifestations. In discussing historical motivations of terrorism, Laqueur takes
particular issue with the notion that terrorism can be dealt with by alleviating
global economic disparity. Laqueur argues that the “drain the swamp and the
mosquitoes will disappear” strategy does not apply to wealthy internationally
focused groups like al-Qaeda, whose ideological roots more closely resemble
nineteenth-century anarchism than social-justice-minded class struggle.
Laqueur also ridicules some media outlets for refusing to call a spade a spade,
referring to terrorists as militants or using other euphemisms.
Nagl, John. Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife: Counterinsurgency
Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2005. ISBN: 0226567702.

Invariably, armies are accused of preparing to fight the previous war. In

Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife, John A. Nagl—a veteran of both Operation
Desert Storm and the current conflict in Iraq—considers the now-crucial
question of how armies adapt to changing circumstances during the course
of conflicts for which they are initially unprepared. Through the use of
archival sources and interviews with participants in both engagements, Nagl
compares the development of counter-insurgency doctrine and practice in the
Malayan Emergency from 1948 to 1960 with what developed in the Vietnam
War from 1950 to 1975.

Sageman, Marc. Understanding Terror Networks. Philadelphia:

University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. ISBN: 0812238087.

Sageman applies his varied experience and skills to build an empirical

argument for the socio-psychological reasons why someone would join an
organization such as al-Qaeda. Using public documents, Sageman reveals
that the motivation to join a militant organization does not necessarily stem
from extreme poverty or extreme religious devotion but mostly from the
need to escape a sense of alienation. He also disproves conventional
wisdom that terrorist groups employ a top-down approach to recruiting,
showing instead that many cells evolve from friendships and kinships and
that the seeds of sedition grow as certain members of a cell influence the
thinking of the others.

Scheuer, Michael. Through Our Enemies Eyes: Osama Bin Laden,

Radical Islam, and the Future of America. Washington, DC:
Potomac Books, 2003. ISBN: 1574885537.

Scheuer argues that the United States was unprepared for September
11 because “our own naiveté‚ and insularity led us to underestimate the
complexity and determination of our adversaries.” Examining bin Laden’s
words and his leadership qualities, the author says that Al Qaeda remains
largely intact and that its next attack will be more lethal than September
11. An insightful study that emphasises the old adage of ‘know thy enemy,’
this is a valuable work that greatly facilitates the understanding of current
terrorist motivations.
The U.S. Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. ISBN: 0226841510.

Written to fill a gap in the scholarly and military understanding of counter-

insurgency theory and practice, the Counterinsurgency Field Manual
was collaboratively written by top U.S. military experts and scholars. The
manual discusses an approach to combat emphasizing adaptation, learning,
decentralization of command and the importance of understanding local
conditions and culture. There is also a focus on the paradoxes of COIN
operations: the more you protect your forces, the less secure they can be;
sometimes the more force is used, the less effective it can be. More than just a
reprint, this is an excellent and worthwhile look at the new challenges of COIN
operations facing Coalition troops.

Wayne, Martin I. China’s War on Terrorism: Counter-Insurgency,

Politics and Internal Security. Routledge: 2007.
ISBN: 0415450977.

This book explores an aspect of the global war on Islamist terror that often
goes unrecognized: the counter-insurgency and internal security operations
carried out by China. Combating an indigenous separatist insurgency (with
ties to global jihad operations) in the western Xinjiang province, China has
employed ruthless but effective counter-insurgency techniques, and has
achieved a large measure of success in doing so. This book explores these
practices, and highlights the success achieved by the Chinese approach based
upon reshaping local society and government institutions. China’s war to
suppress the insurgency is an important element of the global war on terror that
deserves more attention in Western militaries.


Doughty, Robert A. The Seeds of Disaster: The Development of

French Army Doctrine, 1919-1939. Hamden, CT: Archon, 1985.
ISBN: 0208020969.

An incisive analysis of French inter-war doctrine, this book provides an

excellent counter-balance to any study of blitzkrieg. Doughty demonstrates that
in the inter-war years, the French Army formulated doctrine, devised a strategy,
organised and equipped its units and trained its personnel for the wrong war.
Moreover, The Seeds of Disaster is a useful glimpse at the consequences of
what could befall any military organisation that allows previous military success
to result in overconfidence and narrow-mindedness.

Foot, Peter. “Military Education and the Transformation of the

Canadian Forces” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring
2006, pp. 13-20.

This article focuses upon efforts, mainly stemming from the Canadian Forces
College, to ensure that training and education efforts within the Canadian
Forces maintain their relevance as the Canadian Forces themselves
continuously undergo a period of doctrinal and structural change. It also
argues that the debate on this issue remains essentially that between those
who argue for straight-forward explicit doctrines and those who maintain that
the goal of education is to teach adaptability and the ability to respond to a
variety of crises.

Haycock, Ron G. “The Labours of Athena and the Muses:

Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Canadian Military
Education” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 2, No.2, Summer
2001, pp. 5-22.
Analysing the problems of military education within the Canadian Forces, this
article addresses many of the current and historical factors that have influenced
military education and that have made this issue more important than ever
before. Specifically, it address the past and present academic failings within
the officer corps and notes that a distinction must be made between the
development of training (responding to predictable events) and education
(producing the ability to adapt to changing circumstances).

Luvaas, Jay. The Education of an Army: British Military Thought,

1815-1940. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964.

This work examines the British Army over the course of 125 years, and
describes the transformation of a conservative military establishment into
one of the world’s most progressive armies. In doing so, author Jay Luvaas
presents the biographies of eleven of the most eminent British military
writers and reformers, including Sir William Napier, G.F.R. Henderson,
Spencer Wilkinson, J.F.C. Fuller and B.H. Liddel-Hart. Invaluable solely for
its discussion of military reformers such as these, The Education of an Army
provides an important look at the role of progressive military education and how
this impacts military establishments.
Kennedy, Gregory C., ed. Military Education: Past, Present, and
Future. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, 2006.
ISBN: 1593114079.

Often the only time a nation evaluates the education of its armed forces is
during the aftermath of a great military disaster. This work brings together
the ideas of international scholars, all recognized as leaders in their fields, to
examine the professional military education experiences of various nations
during the last 250 years. Case studies of each branch of the military reveal
success and failure in the past and present, with a goal of improving military
education in the future.


Fitzgerald, Todd and Michael A. Hennessy. “An Expedient

Reorganisation: The NDHQ J-Staff System in the Gulf War” in
Canadian Military Journal. Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 2003, pp. 23-28.

Requiring a regional headquarters to command its forces dispatched to

the region, the Canadian Forces created the Canadian Joint Headquarters
Middle East (JHQME) during the Persian Gulf War. This article address the
difficulties faced by senior Canadian military commanders who had to organise
a headquarters, such as JHQME, on a ad hoc basis and without the benefit of
sufficient resources, qualified personnel or organisation. The result was the
creation of the Joint Staff System, the progression and development of which
this study examines.

French, David and Brian Reid. The British General Staff: Reform
and Innovation, 1890-1939. London: Frank Cass and Co., 2002.
ISBN: 071465325X.

Based on extensive and systematic archival research, this work offers

an analysis of the British General Staff in the period up to the eve of the
Second World War. The editors and contributors have explored three
broad themes. The first is the inception of the General Staff between the
1890s and 1914. The second is the role of personalities in extending the
power and the authority of the General Staff over the Army as a whole.
The third is the influence that the General Staff was able to exert on the
development of British strategic policy before the First and the Second
World Wars.
Gole, Henry G. The Road to Rainbow: Army Planning for Global
War, 1934-1940. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2003.
ISBN: 1557504091.

With the benefit of new found material, this book brings to light the amount of
real effort and intellectual discourse that went into the several U.S. war plans
that are known as the Rainbow Plans. Perhaps the most interesting aspect
of this work is the analysis of the numerous war games that the US Army
conducted, many of which predicted or foresaw a number of the actual events
of the Second World War. This is a valuable look at how military staffs prepare
for future wars, especially when their own lack of physical resources with which
to conduct war games forces them to turn to a more intellectual study.

Hittle, James D. The Military Staff: Its History and Development.

Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1975. ISBN: 0837179521.

This book examines the development of military staffs from the time of
ancient Egypt through to 1949, with its primary focus being on the evolution
and development of the military staffs of Germany, the Soviet Union,
Britain, France and the United States. One of the few works in existence
that focuses specifically upon the evolution of military staffs and the roles
they played in their respective militaries, The Military Staff provides a great
deal of information on this subject. Although becoming increasingly dated,
reading this book is still a vital first-step in any more detailed study of this
aspect of the military profession.

Pigeau, Ross and Carol McCann. “Re-Conceptualising Command

and Control” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring
2002, pp. 53-63.

Some branches of the military endorse the concept of mission command,

others endorse a philosophy of centralised control and de-centralised
execution, while in other services the notion of network-centric C2 is
prominent. As this article notes, there is little consensus within either
the military or the research communities on the actual definitions of
these terms. Examining the issue, this paper attempts to present a
re-conceptualisation of command and control and presents a number of
suggestions as to how they could be implemented within military systems.

Bankes, Steven C., et al. Expandability of the 21st Century Army.

Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2005. ISBN: 083302843X.
The non-political impediments to expanding today’s Army are well
understood. The first bottleneck is training, particularly advanced,
battalion-, brigade- and division-level training. After there are sufficient
trained brigades to man available equipment, the main impediment
would become the ability of the industrial base to produce more
equipment. Although it focuses upon these issues in an American
context, Expandability of the 21st Century Army is a useful analysis of
the complex difficulties inherent to any modern mobilisation effort.

Horne, John. State, Security, and Mobilisation in Europe during the

First World War. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
ISBN: 0521522668.

This volume examines political and cultural mobilization during the First
World War by looking at Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Austria-
Hungary, and generates arguments on mobilization and total war which
have wider relevance. It explores national ideals which cast the war as a
crusade, the inclusive “self-mobilization” of sectional identities and private
organizations behind national efforts and the exclusion of suspect groups
(the enemy within) from the mobilization process. It also highlights the
importance, and difficulty, of assessing the limits of mobilization as well
as the differing capacities of the state to sustain it, factors related to prior
degrees of national integration and political legitimacy.

Kriedberg, Marvin A. History of Military Mobilisation in the United

States Army, 1775-1945. Honolulu, HI: University Press of the
Pacific, 2005. ISBN: 1410223973.

One of the most difficult aspects inherent to any large-scale war or conflict,
the military mobilization of any society requires careful planning, as well
as a clear idea of national goals and priorities. Within this detailed work,
author Marvin Kriedberg studies the manpower aspects of American military
mobilizations stretching from the American Revolution to the end of the
Second World War. A practical and comprehensive account, this work
provides a useful long-term analysis of military mobilizations within the
context of a single state.
Samuelson, Lennert. Soviet Defence Industry Planning:
Tukhachevsky and Military-Industrial Mobilisation, 1926-1937.
Sweden: Stockholm Institute of East European Economies, 1996.
ISBN: 9172584157.

With the conclusion of the Russian Civil War, the Soviet government and
military authorities began planning the defence of the state within a total
war context. This work provides an examination and analysis of how the
Soviet Union went about this and the degree to which they succeeded,
and specifically focuses upon General Mikhail Tukhachevsky. One of
the foremost military thinkers of his time, Tukhachevsky played a major
role in the development of Soviet military doctrine and defence planning
before he was purged.

Stevenson, Michael. Canada’s Greatest Wartime Muddle: National

Selective Service and the Mobilization of Human Resources during
World War II. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001.
ISBN: 0773522638.

This book is a welcome addition to the historiography of Canada’s

experience of the Second World War on the home front. This study
blends two distinct genres: military history and historical policy analysis
in a well-grounded reconstruction of the statutory and regulatory
framework of Canada’s wartime labour agency, the National Selective
Service. The NSS was the principal government agency charged with
the task of overseeing the flow of labour through a purportedly national,
most certainly overheated, economy mobilized for total war. This study
is highly critical of the federal government’s efforts to mount an effective
human-resource mobilization plan capable of meeting Canada’s military
production commitments.


Gauley, L.M. “Complex Terrain and the Canadian Forces:

Mountain Operations” in The Army Doctrine and Training Bulletin,
Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 2003, pp. 10-19.
This article examines the requirement for and enhancement of a military
mountaineering capability within the Canadian Forces and suggests
ways to enhance mountain training and the conduct of mountain
operations, while also detailing the relevance of military mountaineering
to a wide range of Canadian military operations. Moreover, this article
recommends a number of options and suggestions meant to improve
Canadian mountain operations capabilities, especially in the view of
meeting demands across the wider spectrum of military operations.

Heuer Jr., Richards J. Psychology of Intelligence Analysis.

Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1999.
ISBN: 0160590353.

Based on a compilation of declassified articles from the CIA’s Center

for the Study of Intelligence, prepared for intelligence analysts and
management, this book will benefit anyone conducting analyses of
complex scenarios in a structured way. The author argues that “analysts
should be self-conscious about their reasoning processes. They
should think about how they make judgments and reach conclusions,
not just about the judgments and conclusions themselves.” Through
its examination of how mental models and subconscious cognitive
processes can limit our reasoning capabilities, this is a useful book for
anyone involved in intelligence analysis.

Larsen, Christopher E. Light Infantry Tactics: For Small Teams.

Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, 2005. ISBN: 1418472077.

Too frequently, official military manuals on combat tactics and methods

are confusing and boring. Within a step-by-step approach to battlefield
small unit tactics, author Christopher Larsen’s Light Infantry Tactics
provides an easily readable guide for truly small unit leaders-at the
fire-team, squad, and platoon level. With a no nonsense approach,
every skill and tactical battle drill in this book is specifically focused on
light infantry patrolling tactics. For the experienced military professional,
this book will be a valued reference.

Majoor, Arthur, Sgt. “Prepare for Battle: Training for 21st Century
War” in The Army Doctrine and Training Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 2,
Summer 2002, pp. 63-65.

Within an insightful article, the author of this paper addresses the

difficulties faced by modern military forces, especially from asymmetrical
threats, and offers an appraisal of how training must be changed to be
adaptable enough to deal with these difficulties. This paper argues that
the emphasis should be placed upon developing the intuition of future
battlefield commanders. For the Canadian Forces, it also notes that in
order to accomplish this, closer ties will have to be forged between the
Militia and the Regular Force.

Robertson, Scott. “Experimentation and Innovation in the Canadian

Forces” in Canadian Military Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer 2000,
pp. 63-69.

A major dilemma facing military organisations, either in the past,

present or in the future, has always been the need to push away
from previous ways of conducting warfare and develop new tactics,
equipment, strategy and doctrine to project themselves into future war
environments. Within this, innovation and experimentation have always
played a major role, and this article examines how these twin issues
have been dealt with in the Canadian military context.



DeVore, Chuck and Steven W. Mosher, China Attacks.

Conshohocken, PA: Infinity Publishing 2001. ISBN: 0741404303.

This is a very well-written book that combines the thrill of military

battles, the complexity of military strategy, the intrigue of internal and
international political manoeuvring, and the coincidences that show
that fact is sometimes stranger than fiction (even though in this case it
is all fiction). The authors combine knowledge of military strategy and
tactics, political agendas, and personal egos into a very good story of
the potential for conflict in the Far East. The book is a bit dated right
now and makes some obvious statements about past Presidential
administrations. It is also full of action with excellent descriptions of
battle at all levels.
Hawksley, Humphrey. The Third World War: A Terrifying Novel of
Global Conflict New York: Pan Books Ltd., 2005.
ISBN: 0330492497.
After Iraq, a lull ... then the opening stages of the Third World War ... more
chaotic and horrifying than any war in history. Hundreds die in the Indian
parliament in Delhi. The president of Pakistan is assassinated. A U.S.
military base is hit by a North Korean missile. America and Britain discover
chilling links between the attacks. But U.S. President Jim West wants to
avoid another war. One by one, the very powers he’s counted as allies
become enemies, and the comfortable lives of citizens in modern societies
verge on physical and emotional collapse. Detail by authentic detail,
Humphrey Hawksley chillingly captures the unthinkable: a world speeding
towards its own destruction.

Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers. Ace Trade Paperbacks,

2006. ISBN: 0441014100.

Considered one of the greatest classics of military fiction, this controversial

science-fiction novel about war between humankind and an alien race
in the distant future remains one of the best fictionalizations of military
life ever written. Following one recruit from high school through to basic
training in the Mobile Infantry, into battle and, eventually, officer candidacy,
Starship Troopers contains insights on the moral and philosophical aspects
of suffrage, ci-vic virtue, the necessities of war, capital punishment and
the nature of juve-nile delinquency. Although criticized for its controversial
political overtones, the book’s emphasis upon small-unit cohesion, the
fraternity of service and a focus on the actions of elite infantry units has
made it enduringly popular among military audiences.

Hume, J.R. Gehenna Station. Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press, 2006.

ISBN: 1411673751.
Although Gehenna Station is a story of the far future, set against a
backdrop of an empire which grew out of the Dark Times following the
collapse of the Second Federation, it is primarily a saga of combat and
survival. J.R. Hume’s science fiction tale is a fast-moving romp. Dinosaurs!
Marines! Aliens! The pulp elements are great fun. But the author holds the
story together with serious notions, weaving subtext and action seamlessly.
The characterizations go beyond the genre’s clichés. The dialogue is funny
and irreverent. The author’s vivid sense of action punctuates the pages.
Keeney, Douglas. The Doomsday Scenario: How America Ends.
Osceola, WI: Zenith Press, 2002. ISBN: 076031313X.

During the height of the Cold War, the U.S. Government prepared a
document, known as The Emergency Plans Book, outlining what might
happen to America in the event of total nuclear war with the Soviet Union.
This book is based on the only known declassified copy in existence, and
is an unedited presentation of the Plans. This is a shocking snapshot of
what the U.S. government was thinking might happen if Russia attacked,
supported by expert commentary and compelling photos of the results of real
nuclear explosions.

Muehlberg, R. Lee. Jet Stream. New York: Muehlberg Press,

1996. ISBN: 0965334201.

This fresh new angle on the future scenario thriller is presented in a unique
new format: the novelzine™. It’s a novel printed in magazine form. Author
R.L. Muehlberg spins the clock to 2012 A.D. He pits the world’s newest
superpowers, United Europe and the Asia-Pacific Confederation, against a
world-weary, financially-exhausted United States and a divided Canada. In
Jet Stream, Part 1 of Muehlberg’s WWIII: The Breakup of America trilogy,
an independent Quebec allies with United Europe in a surgical, brutal
attack against the United States and Canada. Jet Stream is a cautionary
adventure that warns against a frighteningly plausible future.

Pressfield, Steven. The Afghan Campaign: A Novel. Broadway,

2007. ISBN: 0767922387.

This novel of historical fiction deals with the experiences of soldiers

fighting in Afghanistan … almost 2,500 years ago. Following the soldiers
of Alexander the Great’s Macedonian army as it conquers and subdues
present-day Afghanistan, this book both offers an entertaining historical
perspective as well as thoughts on the timeless nature of this troubled land.
Although clearly fiction, it draws some unspoken, but unnerving, parallels
between the experience of Alexander’s army and present-day military

Ganguly, Rajat. A Dictionary of Ethnic Conflict. Abingdon, UK:

Taylor and Francis., 2006. ISBN: 185743059X.

Containing approximately 500 entries, this detailed dictionary provides

authoritative and up-to-date information on ethnic groups involved in
conflict. Entries are provided for current ethnic hotspots, irredentist claims,
secessionist movements as well as major peace accords, with clear
and concise definitions given for each specific conflict. Political parties,
insurgency movements, international and national organizations are listed,
with contact details and Internet and e-mail addresses. Current concepts,
theories and policies related to ethnic conflict are also covered in detail.
Among those topics listed are: Autonomy, Ethnic Identity, Genocide, Internal
Colonialism, Macedonian Syndrome, Secession and Velvet Divorce.

Holmes, Richard, ed. The Oxford Companion to Military History.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0198662092.

A comprehensive overview of military history from the classical period to

the present day, The Oxford Companion to Military History also includes
aspects of naval and air history that bear directly on land operations.
Although the scope of this work embraces all aspects of warfare across
the world and through all periods, the primary focus is on land warfare
in Europe and America from the 18th Century to the present day. A
valuable general reference to the history of warfare, this volume is highly
recommended for both military professionals and academics.

Madsen, Chris. Another Kind of Justice: Canadian Military Law

from Confederation to Somalia. Vancouver: University of British
Columbia Press, 2000. ISBN: 0774807199.

Another Kind of Justice is the first historical survey of Canadian military law,
providing insights into military justice in Canada, the purpose of military law,
and the level of legal professionalism within the Canadian military. Drawing
on a wide range of materials, Chris Madsen traces the development of
military law from 1867 to 1997, explains how the law has served a strictly
functional purpose in maintaining discipline and demonstrates how it claims
its legitimacy and distinct status in relation to civil law. It becomes clear that
military law has responded to pragmatic needs in a reactive rather than a
planned manner.
Poole, H. John. Militant Tricks: Battlefield Ruses of the Islamic
Insurgent. Chevy Chase, MD: Posterity Press, 2005.
ISBN: 0963869582.

This book gauges the progress in Iraq and Afghanistan from a unique
perspective—that of East-Asian battlefield deception. For some readers,
it will serve as an intelligence reference manual and be read a few
paragraphs at a time. For others, it will provide an in-depth solution to the
enemy’s so-far-successful formula and be read cover to cover. Militant
Tricks, while simultaneously a more in-depth tactical look at the asymmetric
battlefield of the present, is a useful guide for any military personnel who
will ever have to face this adversary.

Smith, Ray L. Tactics of the Crescent Moon: Militant Muslim

Combat Methods. Chevy Chase, MD: Posterity Press, 2005.
ISBN: 0963869574.

At the most fundamental level, John Poole provides detailed tactical

descriptions of exactly how Middle Eastern insurgents fight. To illuminate
the big picture, he clearly shows how these tactical examples relate to
the larger cultural and political issues. He goes on to propose solutions
that can help the common soldier survive, help commanders make better
decisions, help generals develop better strategies and even help politicians
make better military policies. Most importantly, the book’s profound morality
offers insight on how to win what might be the most important battle of all,
the battle for the moral high ground.

Wiseman, John. The SAS Survival Handbook. London:

HarperCollins, 1995. ISBN: 0002171856.
Written by a former SAS instructor, The SAS Survival Handbook is a wealth of
remarkably useful information and startlingly devised survival techniques. The
perfect survival guide for any situation, it explains how to find food and water,
make a shelter or build a fire. It also contains a number of colour illustrations
of edible and medical plants, as well as poisonous plants and fungi. The book
also tells you how to make weapons to hunt with and to recognise different
animal tracks. As a book for either the military professional or the outdoor
enthusiast, The SAS Survival Handbook is a useful addition to any collection.

Canadian Military History.

Although initially published quarterly, Canadian Military History is now only

produced three times per year. Published by the Laurier Centre for Strategic
and Disarmament Studies at Wilfred Laurier University, this journal focuses
exclusively upon Canadian military history, with particular emphasis placed
upon the world wars. One of its most notable features is the sections
contributed by the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, which includes special
articles concerning museum exhibitions, recent acquisitions, upcoming
events and the museum’s extensive collection of Canadian war art.

Canadian Military Journal.

Published quarterly every year, the Canadian Military Journal addresses a

wide spectrum of issues related to the development of military studies, but its
particular emphasis is upon the study of Canadian defence issues. Although
most of the journal’s issues contain at least some articles addressing
contemporary events, developments, or issues, much of its space is devoted
to historical Canadian military activities. This journal also includes very useful
sections related to Commentary, Replies, and Book Reviews.

Journal of Slavic Military Studies.

The Journal of Slavic Military Studies (until 1993 The Journal of Soviet
Military Studies) investigates all aspects of military affairs in the Slavic
nations of central and eastern Europe in historical and geopolitical context
and offers a vehicle for central and eastern European security and military
analysts to air their views. Its unique international editorial board and
diverse content including translations of newly released Soviet and Russian
documents as well as specialist book reviews make the journal a must for
academics, military figures and civilians alike who are interested in this
region’s security and military affairs.

MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History.

MHQ is published in association with the Society for Military History. It

contains a variety of articles covering all periods of military history. With
extensive use of colour illustrations and maps, the production values are
excellent and the articles are of high quality. Whether for the military
professional wishing to expand the breadth of their knowledge of their trade,
or for the historian, this journal would be of particular benefit.
Parameters: U.S. Army War College Quarterly.

Parameters is the U.S. Army professional journal published quarterly,

and whose articles address military and maritime strategy, comment on
current and past U.S. Army policies and examine past operations and their
implications for the present. In addition to a Book Review section, this
journal also contains Commentary and Reply sections that prints readers’
comments on previously published articles and reviews and the original
authors’ replies. Overall, it is of particular value to military professionals
who want to keep up with the latest military developments.

The Canadian Army Journal.

Formerly known as The Army Doctrine and Training Bulletin, this journal
is the official publication of the Canadian Land Force Command and is
published three times per year. The Canadian Army Journal is dedicated to
the dissemination and discussion of doctrinal and training concepts, ideas
and opinions by all army personnel and those civilians with an interest in
doctrinal, training and other military matters. It includes articles related to
subjects such as leadership, ethics, technology and military history, and is
of particular value to the Canadian military professional.


Canadian Military Journal:


As the website for the Canadian Military Journal, this site provides all of
the same information and articles the physical journal provides, only for
free. Moreover, also available on this website are the back issues of the
Canadian Military Journal dating to 2000. Due to the immediate and easy
access it provides, together with the sheer scale of information it contains,
this website is immensely useful to anyone studying Canadian military

Journal of Military and Strategic Studies:

The joint product of the Centre for Military and Strategy Studies at the
University of Calgary and the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute,
this is the official website of the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies.
This site provides access to a large number of previous issues of this journal,
together with its most recent. The journal itself focuses upon military and
foreign policy issues, most often from the Canadian perspective.
RAND Corporation:

The official website for the RAND Corporation, this is another site that
is extremely useful to any military professionals, academics or students.
Researching and analysing foreign and military policy decisions, the website
of the RAND Corporation provides free access to a very large number
of online articles devoted to this field. Its other import aspect is its link to
its publishing department, from which a wide range of hard-to-find books
covering contemporary military and foreign policies can be purchased.

The Canadian Army Journal:

As the website of the Canadian Army Journal, this site provides free
access to all of its issues dating back to 1998. It also provides additional
information on the Land Force Doctrine and Training System (LFDTS), as
well as links to the official Canadian Army website. Also available from this
site is a downloadable version of Crisis in Zefra produced by the Directorate
of Land Strategic Concepts.

The Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies:

Established in 1976, the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (CISS)

is widely recognised as the nation’s foremost source of independent and
balanced information and research on a broad range of military, foreign
policy and security issues affecting Canada. Its website includes access to
a large number of freely available articles related to these issues. As well,
present on the website are an even larger number of articles, books and
conference proceedings available for purchase.

Canadian Forces Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH), Re-

ports Online:

The Directorate of History and Heritage maintains a semi-complete

collection of historical reports filed by the historical sections of Canadian
Military Headquarters (1940-1948), Army Headquarters (1948-1959) and
Canadian Forces Headquarters (1965-1980). Although predominantly on
the Second World War, these reports were written by army historians on
a considerable breadth of topics, and most of them are available for free
download online, including C.P. Stacey’s famous official histories. Not all of
the documents they list are currently available, but the great majority are.
An excellent resource.
Canadian Forces College, CFC Papers:

Available for download online are all of the papers written by Canadian
officers enrolled in several CFC programs, including the Master of Defence
Studies, Exercise Final Horizons and other advanced military studies
courses. Hundreds of papers are available from 1998 on, providing senior
officers’ perspectives and analyses of a variety of current and historical
military topics. The papers are searchable by year, program or paper title
and author name.


Yakovleff, Michel. Tactique théorique. Collection Stratégie et

doctrines. Paris: Economica, 2006, ISBN 2717852654

Understanding of space and time management; based on these concepts,

the author constructs a theory of decision applied to opposing complex
systems. The concepts of superiority, surprise, risk and operational tempo,
explained from the theory’s point of view, take on a whole new dimension.
Nonetheless, the theory of war is only valuable if concretely applied to battle.
Yakovleff, an author, officer, teacher and historian, successfully presents
the practitioner’s essential tools. Based on the theory of decision, the author
also examines forces in action: manoeuvres and operational roles, and
their application across a range of offensive and defensive missions. The
author presents a systemic vision of war, amply supported by a great many
historical examples recalling more than 2,000 years of war across four

Desportes, Vincent. Décider dans l’incertitude. Collection Stratégie

et doctrines. Paris: Economica, 2006, ISBN 2717848932

The lesson learned from Operation Iraqi Freedom in the spring of 2003 was
conclusive: the use of the 21st century’s latest technology was insufficient
to keep operational leaders completely informed, help them to act with
certainty or prevent disorder and the unexpected. We must therefore face
the facts: to be truly effective, the decision-maker has no other choice than
to learn how to devise and conduct actions in conditions of uncertainty. How
can this be achieved? What principles must be followed? What means must
be available and how should they be organized? What style of command
must the decision-maker adopt? This book provides answers to these
questions, giving leaders, whether military or civilian, the determinative keys
to the success of the action.

Desportes, Vincent. Comprendre la guerre. Collection Stratégie et

doctrines. Paris: Economica, 2001, ISBN 2717842861

Balzacq, Thierry, Alain De Neve and Bruno Colson. La révolution

dans les affaires militaires. Collection Hautes études stratégiques.
Paris: Economica, 2003, ISBN 2717846522

Karpov, Anatoli, Jean-François Phelizon and Bachar Kouatly.

Psychologie de la bataille. Collection Stratégie et doctrines. Paris:
Economica, 2004, ISBN 2717847472

In what way does negotiation resemble a chess match? The dialogue

established by the authors of this book on the psychology of battle is
instructive in more ways than one. For the greatest chance of winning
a battle, they agree, it is not enough simply to be well prepared or well
informed, or even to be experienced in the tactical aspects of combat; the
action must be suited to the psychological profile of the adversary. In fact,
only with a spirit of finesse can ensure management of time and available
means, without which victory would be but a stroke of luck.

Coutau-Bégarie, Hervé. Traité de stratégie. Collection Bibliothèque

stratégique. Paris: Economica, 2005, ISBN 2717850880
Traditionally defined as the art of the general or the science of the higher
echelons of command, strategy expanded continuously throughout the
20th century. Although strategy is now developed in both times of war and
times of peace, the strategy of action has been replaced by a strategy of
dissuasion, and the operational aspect enhanced by technical, social and
ideological aspects. This textbook is the first to take a comprehensive
approach to strategy in all its facets.
Varenne, Gérard (ed.). Les armées en question. Collection
Défense. Paris: Economica, 2005, ISBN 2717850406

Relations between military and civilian society are constantly being

questioned. How can the pre-eminence of political power be assured while
safeguarding the specific responsibility of military leaders? How can we
create armies ready and able for combat in profoundly pacific peacetime
societies? How can military personnel became closer to civilians without
diminishing their capacity to be soldiers? These questions warrant
re-examination, since the strategic situation in France and the rest of
the world has been turned upside down and our armies have become
professionalized. Answers are offered by professors, general officers and
senior officials who have come together to build a common approach, at
once scientific and empathetic, towards all things military.

Institut des hautes études de défense nationale. Comprendre la

défense. Paris: Economica, 2006, ISBN 2717851771
Now that we are well into the 2000s, this book aims to provide a better
understanding of the challenges and changes in national defence: new
threats, globalization, the information war, economic intelligence, defence
agreements, the professionalization of armies, military cooperation, foreign
policy and common security of the European Union. A range of experts were
consulted for this reference book covering 59 topics organized into five main
chapters: challenges, the fundamentals and doctrine of national defence,
organization and actors, missions and means, and the spirit of defence.
Students and teachers of international relations/defence and security,
students of teacher training institutions concerned by citizenship education,
candidates in ad-ministrative competitions, defence personnel and, more
generally, citizens interested in national defence issues will find in this book a
variety of perspectives, up-to-date information and references.

Coutau-Bégarie, Hervé (ed.). Les médias et la guerre. Collection

Bibliothèque stratégique, Paris: Economica, 2005,
ISBN 2717849564

Since ancient times, governments have used the most diverse methods of
propaganda to exalt the glory of the sovereign or fan the flames of hatred
for an enemy. Propaganda changed in scope with the advent of printing in
modern times, which brought the written media, press and publishing to
the foreground. Radio subsequently brought speech to the forefront, and
today the image has become the rule, first through movies, then through
television, and currently through the digital and Internet revolution. In spite
of these successive changes or revolutions in the methods, the aim remains
the same and has changed little. The goal is still to serve the purposes of
war and to reinforce group cohesion through negative (censure) or positive
means (propaganda, misinformation and intoxication). Our information
society, so smitten with modernity, resorts to the most archaic and
sometimes most unrefined means. The “fibs” of 1914 resurfaced during the
Gulf War, with the Iraqi militia repeating the atrocities of the German militia.
This historical survey, the broadest ever conducted in France, examines
the infinite variety of propaganda media, but also the timelessness of
some methods that we too often believe to be bygone. This critical and
historical approach will help readers to gain a better understanding of the
mechanisms of contemporary media. This survey was conducted by the
Commission française d’histoire militaire under the direction of its President,
Hervé Coutau-Bégarie, Director of Studies at the École pratique des hautes
etudes, and Director of the Introduction to Strategy course at the Joint
Defence College. Fifty-nine contributions cover all genres and eras from
Antiquity to today. The substantial introduction is a first attempt at synthesis.

Montroussier, Laurence. Éthique et commandement. Collection

Stratégies et doctrines, Paris: Economica, 2005, ISBN 2717850007

Where do the loyalties of a military leader lie? What are the keys to moral
strength in combat? What are the values required for the operational
success of soldiers and their leaders plunged into the suffering and pride
of war? The answers to these fundamental questions lie in the training
of leaders and styles of command. This book brilliantly answers many
fundamental ques-tions by delving into the turbulent past—the post-
revolutionary period marked by the Napoleonic Wars and great political
and social upheaval—to find the memory of the men who made history.
In this book readers will find answers to questions, backed by in-depth
research, on the motivation of soldiers, moral resources, the exemplarity
of leadership, the role and place of military ceremony, cohesion and esprit
de corps, shared values, military culture and the violence of war. Through
the writings of the actors who shaped history, this reflection on ethics
and command paints a living picture of a fascinating period. Laurence
Montroussier provides detailed answers to all those interested in the still
complex relations between the soldier, the leader and war.
Luttwak, Edward N. Le grand livre de la stratégie : de la paix et de
la guerre. Paris : Odile Jacob, 2002, ISBN 2738111874

French translation of book cited under Foreign Policy and International


David, Charles-Philippe. La guerre et la paix : approches

contemporaines de la sécurité et de la stratégie. Paris: Presses de
Sciences Po, 2006, ISBN 2724609980

How can we understand the continued state of insecurity more than 15

years after the end of the Cold War? Have we gone back to square one
since the terrorist attacks in 2001? Have the invasion of Iraq and the
military security policies of the Bush administration led the international
system to a classic state of anarchy? Five major trends are clear: the
traditional reflex of the “security dilemma”, the non-State threat posed
by international terrorism, the resurgence of American hegemony
accompanied by its affirmation of the right to preventive war, State failure
as an accelerator of violence and the marginalization of international law,
which cannot overcome unilateral temptations. Knowledge and mastery of
strategy tools are required for a better understanding. Beyond specific and
short-term explanations, these tools are examined here over time, from the
implementation of the Westphalia security system in 1648 centred on the
State and military issues until today. Completely reworked and updated,
this introductory manual to security and strategy studies comprises 12
sequences that present an educational yet critical view of the challenges
of war and peace through successive security and military issues, and the
strategies of subjection and peace. A number of definitions, topical sidebars,
a glossary and complete bibliography take readers, whether students or
researchers, through the main concepts and currents of thought in the
study of strategy, providing the essential foundations for comprehensive

Desmaretz, Gérard. Des guerres révoltionnaires au terrorisme : les

stratégies de la subversion. Paris: Chiron, 2006, 238 p.
ISBN 2702711480
In this book you will meet Robespierre, Napoleon, Blanqui, Bakounine,
Marx, Engel, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao-big names in doctrine and ideology who,
in their own way, have carried out coup d’états and other revolutions,
who have toppled and changed the world order. This book also tells you
everything about the origins of terrorism, as well as its history and its
repercussions in our society today.
Massey, Jacques. Antiterrorisme : la méthode française. Paris:
Éditions Scrineo, 2006, ISBN 2916628053

Faced with mass “jihadist” terrorism, characterized by the random, massive

and anonymous nature of suicide attacks, both domestic and foreign
security mechanisms have had to quickly adapt, while seeking better
coordination with “friendly forces.” This book presents the components
of terrorism and in an attempt to understand, we take stock. The legal
framework of anti-terrorist operations is also in the midst of change, but the
“judicialization” of the procedures initiated must still guarantee respect for
the state of law. This fundamental piece of information is what distinguishes
the French practice from procedures on the other side of the Atlantic. It is in
this context of extreme sensitivity to the terrorist threat that the new security
technologies also presented in this book were developed.

Adam, Alexandre and Yves Gauthier. La lutte contre le terrorisme :

étude comparative Union européenne—États-Unis. Paris: Éditions
L’Harmattan, 2006, ISBN 2747594378

In the fight against terrorism, the European Union and the United States are
often seen as having turned their backs on each other. The “war on terror”
has received little coverage in European discourse, which focuses on the
penal response. Yet beyond the political imperatives of this line of thought,
the diversity of approaches is only apparent: the gradual alignment of the
European Union with its American partner has been established. Beyond
the superficial disagreements, the European Union is walking a fine line for
a democratic system, being poorly armed to handle a continued state of
emergency. The juxtaposition of the American and European anti-terrorism
experiences opens up perspectives that challenge the very core of our
democracies: how can the response to terrorism be sustained over time
and not yield to emergency measures? How can the balance be restored
betwee security requirements and freedom? This book is essential reading
for the start of the 21st century.
Abou Zahab, Mariam, Olivier Roy and King John. Islamist
Networks: The Afghan-Pakistan Connection (Translated from the
French by John King). New York: Columbia University Press in
association with the Centre d’études et de recherches
internationales, Paris, 2004, ISBN: 1850656975

The Al Qaeda organization was only able to reach its full capacity to harm
because it found refuge in Afghanistan, where Bin Laden finally settled in
1996. Why was this safe haven not attacked before 2001, especially after
the attacks in August 1998 on the U.S. embassies in East Africa? Because
the Taliban were part of a vast and radical regional Islamic network, the true
centre of which was Pakistan. Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Pakistani Deobandis,
the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan-the entire region became a refuge for
terrorists. What is the history behind this tendency? Since they each have
their own history and doctrinal discrepancies, how did these movements
slowly join forces against a common enemy, the United States of America?
This book aims to answer those questions by examining the evolution of
radical Islamic networks in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia over a
period of almost 25 years.

Marret, Jean-Luc. Techniques du terrorisme. Paris: Presses

universitaires de France, 2002, 177 p. ISBN 2130526799

The September 11 attacks in the U.S. were ground-breaking not because

of the method of attack or even the doctrinal foundations of Al Qaeda, but
rather because of the sheer number of victims. From the anarchists of the
early 20th century to the Fedayin of the Near East to the fanatics of the
Aum sect, the face of terrorism has changed 20 times in the last 100 years.
Yet one constant remains through these transformations: the methods.
Today, just as yesterday, terrorism still requires organization and logistics;
it still uses bombs; it still assassinates, kidnaps and takes hostages; it still
attacks civilian air transportation. For the first time, a book deliberately
dismisses the ideologies (the why) and undertakes a systematic analysis of
the practice of terrorism (the how). This analysis of the terrorist “enterprise”
is also a world tour of the struggles of the world’s clandestine armies, from
Afghanistan to Uganda, from Greece to Japan, and from Peru to Oklahoma.
Aït-El-Djoudi, Dalila. La guerre d’Algérie vue par l’ALN 1954-1962 :
l’armée française sous le regard des combattants algériens. Paris:
Autrement, 2007. ISBN 2746709198

The Algerian War is often referred to as the “war of images”. It is true that
the warring factions faced stereotyping in the press, leaflets and other
propaganda. By personifying their adversary, by redefining the “other,” the
“enemy” in comparison to themselves, it is their own identity that Algerian
combatants were constructing in order to gain strength and credibility.
This book demonstrates the diversity and sometimes heterogeneity of
representations of the French enemy, for the outlook of ALN members
differs depending on whether they were settlers, professional soldiers,
young conscripts or civilians who remained in France. And although the
image of the French soldier has changed throughout the “incidents” or
the war of independence, the colonial past played a significant role in its
construction. The book is based on the valuable testimonies of 79 former
ALN-FLN combatants from wilaya 3 (Kabylie), who substantiate French and
Algerian archives and break the silence of the men who were party to this
conflict. For the first time, the game of representations is reversed as the
book explores the Algerian combatant’s view of his adversary in those days.
Testimonies and a face-off of perspectives here build a bridge between the
two shores of the Mediterranean, and a path towards mutual understanding.

Le Cour Grandmaison, Olivier. Coloniser, exterminer : sur la guerre

et l’État colonial. Paris: Fayard, 2005, ISBN 2213623163

What were the distinctive features of the colonial conflicts engaged in by

France in North Africa and elsewhere? What do the singular methods-
enfumades, massacres of prisoners and civilians, raids, destruction of
crops and villages—routinely used by the French military teach us about
the nature of the war waged to pacify the former Regency of Algiers?
Why were so many racist and discriminatory measures developed and
applied during the conquest and colonization of Algeria? How were they
standardized under the Third Republic, and then spread to the empire’s
new territories, such as Indochina, New Caledonia and French West Africa?
These are just some of the questions that this book attempts to answer.
The difficult and murderous conquest and colonization of Algeria must
be seen as a sort of vast laboratory in which certain concepts—those of
“inferior race,” “worthless life” and “vital space,” bequeathed to the future
and with the uses that we know of—were forged. Furthermore, the book
looks at the origins of new repressive techniques—including administrative
internment and collective responsibility—which, with the adoption of the
“Code de l’indigénat” in 1881, put the colonial State in a permanent state
of emergency. Later, internment was even imported to continental France
and applied in the late 1930s first to foreigners, then to communists, and
then to Jews after Pétain came to power. Based on a plethora of relatively
unknown, even forgotten documents, and also on literature, this original
and non-disciplinary study sheds new light on the distinctive features of the
last conflict that occurred between 1954 and 1962, but also on the extreme
violence and total wars that ravaged the Old Continent in the 20th century.

Courmont, Barthélémy. L’empire blessé : Washington à l’épreuve

de l’asymétrie. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2005,
ISBN 2760513327

Preventive strikes, circumstantial coalitions, the crusade against terrorism

and benevolent hegemony characterize U.S. foreign policy post 9/11.
These elements, often the result of decion making in a vacuum, have
consequences on the world balance and radicalize the positions of those
who see Washington as a new empire, with all the abuses that entails.
Fully asserting its role on the international scene, the U.S. is exposed to
a multitude of asymmetrical actors whose repeated attacks on sensitive
points have weakened the empire. With its pride wounded, the world’s top
power has gone into reaction mode, and if the country is not careful, this
could gradually lead to its demise. Thus, America worries us both because
of its power and because of the threat of seeing that power collapse.

David, Charles-Philippe, Benoît Gagnon, Frédérick Gagnon,

Étienne Lévesque, Pierre-Louis Malfatto, Éric Marclay, Vanessa
Martin-Vanasse, Joël Plouffe, Julien Tourreille, Élisabeth Vallet. Le
11 septembre, cinq ans plus tard - Le terrorisme, les États-Unis et
le Canada. Septentrion, 2006, ISBN 2894484909

Five years later, the after-shocks of 9/11 are still affecting our lives, societies
and freedoms. The world is still suffering the consequences of Al Qaeda’s
feat: the Middle East is in a state of unrest, the U.S. is sinking in the Iraqi
quagmire, while Canada seems to be seeking some sort of diplomacy in
keeping with its tradition. However, it is important to go beyond conventional
wisdom to question the real impact of the attacks. What about the terrorist
threat? What will happen to U.S. foreign policy with the legislative elections
in November 2006? Where is the relationship between Washington and
Ottawa headed? Has it really changed? The conclusions of this book are
sometimes unexpected, often reassuring. In any case, they are essential,
since understanding the impact of 9/11 five years later also means starting
to shape the world of tomorrow.
MacLeod, Alex (ed.). Lutte antiterroriste et relations
transatlantiques. Brussels: Bruylant, 2006, ISBN 280272147X

New York, Madrid, London; three cities evocative of what has become the
central issue in international relations in the early 21st century: the war on
terror. To face the threats in this foggy reality, governments are attempting to
implement domestic policies while seeking to coordinate their actions on an
international level. Inevitably, the new direction in international policy and the
difficulties it creates for all impacts on transatlantic relations. More than ever,
the priorities on the international agenda are shaped by a sole superpower,
leading to decisions, such as the war in Iraq, that are not always unanimous.

Fortmann, Michel, Alex MacLeod and Stéphane Roussel (dir.). Vers

des périmètres de sécurité? La gestion des espaces continentaux
en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. Montreal, Athéna, 2003.

This book is divided into two sections. The first section deals with the
North American reaction to the September 11 attacks and the emerging
characteristics of what some are calling the continental “fortress of security.”
The second section examines different aspects of European efforts to
create a regional security space, as well as the impact of September 11 on
European security policy. In succession the authors cover regional efforts
in the anti-terrorism fight, migration policies and border control. The last
chapter compares security integration processes in Europe and North
America and determines their implications for Canada.

Legault, Albert, La lutte antiterroriste ou la tentation démocratique

autoritaire? Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2003.
ISBN 2922865142

Van Creveld, Martin L. La transformation de la guerre.

Paris: Éditions du Rocher, 1998, ISBN: 0029331552

Grouard, Serge. La guerre en orbite. Collection Bibliothèque

stratégique, Paris: Economica, 1994, ISBN 2717826327
Géré, François and Thierry Wideman. La guerre totale. Collection
Bibliothèque stratégique, Paris: Economica, 2001,
ISBN 2717843477

Total war and comprehensive strategy are primarily 20th century ideas;
steel storms and mobilization of the people to serve in the mass industrial
war. As the climax, the fear of the possible nuclear destruction of the
planet. In the end, the comprehensive strategy would be the stringent and
unremitting coordination of the military, economic and cultural enterprises
of States that, even in times of peace, are preparing for total war. Has such
a system ever existed? To separate dream from reality, this investigation
starts with the original reflection of Marshal Ludendorff in the time between
the two world wars, then moves on to other times and spaces in the culture
of strategy: from ancient Rome struggling against Carthage to the Soviet
and Chinese situations. This multidisciplinary approach to two strategic
concepts extends the thought process along two lines: will the 20th
century also see total wars, of which Rwanda and Chechnya were the first
symptoms? Is the U.S. hyperpower already developing a comprehensive

Lewal, Jules Louis (General) and Alain Bernède (Colonel).

Introduction à la partie positive de la stratégie. Paris: Economica,
2002, ISBN 2717844694 [first published in 1892]

Callwell, Charles E. Petites guerres. Collection Bibliothèque

Stratégique, Paris : Economica, 1998, 389 pages.
ISBN 271783737X

(University of California Press, 2000), in which he defined a “Western way

of war” that is based on the example of ancient Greek armies. He goes
back to and expands on his argument using concrete examples of battles,
starting with Marathon in 490 before our era during the first Median war to
the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam. The author has chosen land and naval
battles covering a wide chronological and geographic field and varying
in the intensity and importance of their issues. Beyond the defeats and
failures occasionally suffered by European soldiers, Victor Davis Hanson
ponders the reasons that might explain the military superiority of Western
armies. This military power has helped Europe to resist attacks from other
civilizations for centuries, and then to impose its model on the rest of the
world. Hanson refutes the idea that this supremacy comes solely from
the technical superiority that resulted from the “military revolution” of the
modern era and continued during the industrial revolution. The reason for
the long-standing Western military dominance is, according to Hanson,
cultural. The soldiers of Western armies, as opposed to their adversaries,
emanated from representative governments, and had a clear idea of
fighting for a certain conception of freedom. This individualistic state of mind
allowed for critique and, consequently, the ongoing adaptation of the military
machinery and a questioning of strategic and tactical choices. Hanson
also emphasizes the intrinsic connection between war and politics, the
former being subordinate to the latter, as demonstrated by Clausewitz in his
famous formula. Paradoxically, it all results in a much bloodier war where
total annihilation of the enemy is most often the ultimate goal. Even though
one might argue against a given assertion, or even be irritated by the
author’s naivety towards the supposed virtues of democracy, one cannot
help but appreciate this brilliant overview of 2,500 years of military history
and its resonant plea for the originality of a Western “culture of war.”

Hardy, Michel, Hervé Lemoine and Thierry Sarmant. Pouvoir

politique et autorité militaire en Algérie française. Hommes, textes,
institutions, 1945-1962. SHAT, L’Harmattan, 2002,
ISBN 2747522091

This examination of the Historical Service is most certainly a reference book

for all historians of the Algerian war. The book brings together and fully cites
all major texts relating to France’s Algerian policy from 1947 to 1962. They are
preceded by a History of Institutions, logically organized into four chronological
sections: Algeria Before the Insurrection, the Fourth Republic Withstands
Conflict, the Fourth Republic in the Algerian War, and From Independence
to the Departure of the Last French Troops. Each section is examined in
overview: the organization of command, intelligence, pacification, psychological
action and military justice; the emergency measures and administrative reforms
adopted; the specific problems in the Sahara. The texts are followed by a short
biography of 44 civilian personalities and 43 military leaders who marked the
evolution of the Algerian War.

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