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The Chinese Information War - Espionage, Cyberwar, Communications Control and Related Threats To United States Interests

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by Dennis F. Poindexter

The New Cyberwar: Technology and the Redefinition of Warfare (McFarland,

The Chinese Information War
Espionage, Cyberwar, Communications Control and Related
Threats to United States Interests


Dennis F. Poindexter

McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers

Jefferson, North Carolina


e-ISBN: 978-1-4766-3176-9

© 2018 Dennis F. Poindexter. All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from
the publisher.

Front cover images © 2018 iStockphoto

McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers

  Box 611, Jefferson, North Carolina 28640
Table of Contents


1. No Wars Here

2. Information War

3. What Has Become of War?

4. Political Wars

5. Fancy Bears, Chinese Businessmen and U.S. Politics

6. Economic War

7. Real War

8. It Is Just Business

9. Drifting into Darkness

Chapter Notes


List of Names and Terms


This book is about a war that many will doubt we are in: an information war
with China. To understand this is to believe that we do not have war anymore, at
least in the traditional sense of it. The new type of war is China’s bending a
country’s will to its own. It is clever, broadly applied, successful, and aimed
directly at the United States.

The 1990s were the years of information warfare, at least judging by the two-
inch-thick treatise Information Warfare: Legal, Regulatory and Organizational
Considerations for Assurance, published by the Joint Staff of the Pentagon in
1996; but it was being talked about long before it became fashionable. The
Chinese were following the strategies before that, but they may have been
encouraged by our concentration on it. They have applied themselves to it and
have done well.

This war is neither conventional nor accidental. The U.S. military expanded the
doctrine and made it public, but they seldom used it themselves. Our military is
at a disadvantage in its application because it is part of a system of government
that is democratic and decentralized, and that separates the government from
commercial business. This is a system that has served us well, but it is not one
that China sees as a path to the top of the world’s food chain.

This is not a “how to” book of strategies that might be developed to fight a war.
It is a way to organize what the Chinese are already doing, to make sense of it.
Until we see ourselves as being in a war, we cannot begin to fight it effectively.
It doesn’t fit our idea of war because the Chinese have changed the nature of war
to carry it out. The First Principle of War is never to be at war with anyone. This
is the Escher drawing of war—a stairway that never goes where it should. They
will never admit that what they are doing could be interpreted as war. Denial is a
large part of this form of war.

We tend to think of war as something fought by the military, when we know the
militaries of the world are often augmented by other types of covert actions,
usually carried out by the intelligence communities of different countries. We
usually carried out by the intelligence communities of different countries. We
know that a military attack force can have ground troops who are not in uniform
and not working for a military commander. There are helicopters overhead that
are “different” from some of the others and are not manned by pilots working for
a military. There are support functions that give maps and warnings to attacking
military forces. Some of the forces operate from front companies that look like
legitimate businesses but are really covered operations. The Chinese use their
companies as covers for their government and military, but they are not the only
country that operates them. If we don’t see them for what they are, they are
doing their operational security the way it is supposed to be done. Information
war should be below the enemy’s radar.

The gap that this book covers is an area of information warfare that is called
“black” and involves classified national security information, which is not
supposed to be written about in the public media. The irony, of course, is that
people do actually write about things that are black, and the government even
approves some of the things that are said. We talk about things we do in war, yet
we hold these things to be among our most valued secrets.

In this book I’ve done the best I can to describe some of the aspects of this type
of warfare without discussing things that could be related to United States
military or intelligence community capabilities. Sometimes that means being
vague about what the U.S. might be able to do, or how an enemy might be able
to develop other capabilities. Where possible, I have used open sources and what
hackers are doing, even though those groups may not be sponsored by a
government agency.

Hackers have caught up to what the governments were doing ten years ago, and
the concern today is that terrorists will do the same. It is probably inevitable that
this will happen, and when it does, there will be almost no deterrent that can stop
a stateless group from causing us damage that will be painful. I have tried not to
encourage them or point them in any particular direction. Too many people
speculate on how to hurt us, without thinking about how that might benefit
someone who hasn’t thought about the subject very much.

I wrote this book for a general audience and not just for military people. The
military does not pay much attention to doctrine unless it helps them win wars.
This is not a war that the military would fight alone. My purpose is to educate by
attempting to teach concepts, not techniques, of warfare. If my audience believes
we might already be at war with China, the book is a success.
There are several congressional reports that are very authoritative and well
written, and, for the most part, I have used these as sources. They are the only
unclassified sources for some of this material. The U.S.–China Economic and
Security Review Commission has provided the best sources of any committee of
Congress and has done so more frequently than most others. They are both
authoritative and thorough.

I have said what I think China has been doing, and in this edition included a few
things about Russia, North Korea, and Iran without mentioning some of the U.S.
capabilities to counterattack. Some of my critics think China is weak and does
much of their information war out of fear of the rest of the world. I doubt that.
They could not take on countries like the United States if they believed they
were too weak to do so. Their strategy is to wait for a time when the advantage is
theirs. At the same time, they know their own strength.

I believe the Russians and Chinese work together more than we currently know,
in information warfare. Their techniques and strategies are too much alike for it
to be coincidental.

We are behind the Chinese in areas that are going to cause us great harm if we
don’t start catching up. But it is not something you will hear discussed in the
halls of Congress or the Pentagon. Exactly how we are behind is one of our best
kept secrets and will stay that way. We have to learn to fight in similar ways, and
we have to do it quietly.

This book could not have been written without the support and inspiration of my
wife, Virginia. She is very smart and keeps good counsel.

No Wars Here

The First Principle of War

To throw by strategic movements the mass of an army, successfully, upon

the decisive points of a theater of war, and also upon the communications of
the enemy, as much as possible, without compromising one’s own.

—Major General A. H. Jomini,

The Art of War, Paris, 1838

In 1862, during the United States Civil War, the area around Antietam Creek in
Sharpsburg, Maryland, saw a battle where soldiers walked relentlessly across an
open field of fire while their comrades fell beside them. Soldiers threw
themselves across a narrow bridge directly under fire from hills above as waves
of them died, one after another. Quite a bit has changed since that war, but we
sometimes need to walk in those fields to experience what soldiers must have
felt while they fought. Thousands of tourists visit our region every year to do
just that.

I walked with a few of them down a long, sloping hill at the battlefield, where
four thousand troops were killed. It was a hot day; the sun was blazing. Every
step was agonizing. I wondered what it must have been like to look at the fence
row ahead and see those little puffs of smoke popping up almost everywhere,
watching people drop on either side. The grass would have been wet with the
blood of soldiers. It made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. It seemed
like certain death.

You have to ask yourself how it is possible that soldiers believe this is part of
their job—to die with near certainty—because someone thinks it is a sound
military strategy. A soldier who looks down at that fence line has to know the
truth. Yet years after Antietam, we got even better at killing soldiers without
getting better at war.
getting better at war.

In the fields of Verdun, France, soldiers were blasted by new weapons from the
air and ground. Airplanes and machine guns made killing much easier and more
efficient. The Germans had almost complete air superiority, which they used to
their advantage. The French had the fierceness of soldiers fighting for their
home, and little else. From February to December of 1916, fighting surged and
stopped with seemingly endless deaths among the combatants. When the battle
was over, the Germans had lost 140,000 men and the French 162,000.

All the while, those soldiers, and the ones who have come after them, must have
wished there was a better way to settle a dispute.

Now, there is.

Today, we can win territory, capture populations, influence our enemies, and
engage our allies without having a war by any current definition. Soldiers
enforce checkpoints inside another country, arrest political opponents, seize
radio and television stations, take over public utilities, and declare the territory
theirs. Is that war? Apparently not, since no government, press outlet or public
view says it is. The occasional government official has called it annexation.
Annexation is “the act of attaching, adding, joining, or uniting one thing to
another. It is usually applied to land or fixtures as: the acquisition of land or
territory by a nation, state, or municipality.”1 It is not war.

Adolf Hitler used the term frequently to describe his taking of various parts of
countries around Germany just prior to World War II. Trying to stop the war
Hitler threatened, the major powers of Europe conceded land owned by other
countries. It seemed like a good way to stop a war from happening, but we all
know how that strategy turned out.

Russia in Crimea and Ukraine, China in the South and East China Sea, and ISIS
in the Middle East are not at war with their neighbors by almost any definition
we find today, yet they have each seized territory others claimed and used some
force to do it. Russia and China have strengthened their positions by convincing
allies and enemies alike that these are peaceful takeovers of territory each owns.
Governments and their political allies, even parts of the academic community,
define war in such a way that the methods used in these circumstances fall
outside the bounds. But if it cannot be war, what is it? Annexation describes
what has occurred, yet that is not an acceptable term here any more than it was
in the time of Adolf Hitler.

In 2012, Leon Panetta, who was Secretary of Defense at the time, was asked if
we were at war with China, and he said, “I guess it depends on your definition of
war.” Some researchers want a formal definition that is recognized by scholars.
There are many, but this one is recognized in law:

A contest by force between two or more nations, carried on for any

purpose, or armed conflict of sovereign powers or declared and open
hostilities, or the state of nations among whom there is an interruption of
pacific relations, and a general contention by force, authorized by the
sovereign…. War does not exist merely because of an armed attack by the
military forces of another nation until it is a condition recognized or
accepted by political authority of government which is attacked, either
through an actual definition of war or other acts demonstrating such

By this definition, the United States and China are not at war, and probably
never will be. Mao Tse-tung, China’s leader from 1949–1976, considered war
something entirely different, “War is the highest form of struggle for resolving
contradictions, when they have developed to a certain stage, between classes,
nations, states, or political groups, and it has existed ever since the emergence of
private property and of classes. Unless you understand the actual circumstances
of war, its nature and its relations to other things, you will not know the laws of
war, or know how to direct war, or be able to win victory.”3

Uppsala University’s Department of Peace and Conflict Research has been

studying conflict since 1971 and can split and define everything from armed
conflict to deaths caused by factions in Mexico’s drug wars.4 This group breaks
events into conflicts that result in deaths of some combatants and non-
combatants. Uppsala makes several distinctions in conflict, with one being the
difference between civil war and interstate war:

Civil war is armed fighting between the government of a state and one or
more opposition groups concerning the government and/or territory of the
state. Civil wars are distinct from interstate wars, that is, wars between two
or more states. The criterion that the government of a state is one of the
warring sides is necessary to distinguish civil war from other forms of
organized violence within states, occurring between non-state actors.5
But what these definitions lack is an accounting for governments’ covert actions
to disguise who is actually involved in the conflict. Are those Russian-speaking
soldiers really Ukrainian nationalists, or Russians who are “on leave” from their
duties in the Federation? We have no way of knowing until we capture one, and
even then we may have doubts. If they keep their mouths shut, their covert status
is known only to them.

By formal definitions the Russian invasion of Crimea is not an armed conflict,

and it was certainly not war because there were almost no deaths. By Uppsala’s
definition, Ukraine was in a civil war, as were Israel and Palestine in 2015. But
in no case, using its definition, would we describe as war either the events in
Crimea or the seizure of territory in the South China Sea. The logic that allows
this to be true is clear enough, but it does not account for the kind of wars we
have today. The nice thing about the new wars is the possibility of winning
without casualties, or firing a shot. The soldiers at Antietam would have liked
that part.

On the ground, annexation might not characterize what is happening to the lives
of people caught up in it. In places such as Syria, where there is considerable
fighting with tanks, airplanes, artillery, chemical weapons and small arms, we
are said to have a civil war. If during that civil war, the Syrian government uses
chemical weapons to kill children, and the United States fires 60 Tomahawk
missiles at an air base in Shayrat, the actions on both sides are short of war.

Through all of this, we still call what is happening in Syria a civil war. The fact
that the parties are fighting in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, and in the
border areas of Turkey seems to have not affected the name that was given to the
conflict. Nations such as China, Russia, the United States, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and
others fight with armed groups that are allied with nobody in particular. ISIS
seized territory by force and held it the same way. They kept it through
intimidation that included beheading people who did not agree with them.
Governments cooperate in the fiction that there is no interstate war anywhere in
the Middle East, while refugees flood into Europe. Those refugees are from
more countries than Syria, although the majority seeking refuge are from there;
but an equal number come from Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Albania, and
Pakistan.6 If we are looking for wars, we could look for refugees—they know
where the wars really are.
Figure 5. U.S.S. Ross fires Tomahawk missile (Defense Department).

The missile strike in Shayrat was a response very few expected, but probably
nobody was more surprised than Chinese president Xi Jinping at President
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. The trip down to Florida on Air Force
One was a get-to-know-you excursion, mostly friendly, with press coverage
galore. The topics on the table centered around the trade deficit and North
Korea. One would think that it was at least unfortunate timing to have the two
together when the missile strike was made and announced. While it was not a
great moment for diplomacy with China, it may prove to have been a defining
moment for North Korea.

The U.S. has said it will not allow North Korea to threaten the use of nuclear
weapons, yet North Korea has been doing that for years while being supported
by China. The only difference now is North Korea’s credibility. The threat of
nuclear destruction is less credible when a country does not have nuclear
weapons. As it tests weapons and refines its delivery systems, those threats
become more credible. The analogy between the air strike in Syria and the
become more credible. The analogy between the air strike in Syria and the
warning the U.S. gave to North Korea was not lost on anyone: The world says it
agrees that chemical weapons are not to be used, and there will be consequences
for doing so; the same is true of nuclear weapons, in case Syria was wondering.
The significance of the message is seen beyond the borders in the Middle East.

Part of what we see is the appearance of governments cooperating with one

another to keep peace, even when there is none. They control information about
the actions of multiple parties so as to portray them as below the threshold of
war, the so-called “peace in our time” of Munich. Governments support our
ability to ignore the occurrence of war. It looks very much like the description of
Winston Churchill in a speech before the House of Commons the month after a
“peace agreement” with Hitler’s Germany. He said:

And do not suppose this is the end. This is only the beginning of the
reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which
will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral
health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as
in olden time.7

Hitler’s invasion of Czechoslovakia using superior military force changed many

contrary opinions, but not all. Patience was not one of Hitler’s strong suits, a
characteristic shared by the Russians. China will wait until the time is right, and
for the rest of the world, it will be too late. The consequences may be far greater
than we can imagine.

After World War II, we called the threat-of-war-without-war a Cold War. We

have believed for most of that time that wars were hotly contested with
destructive weapons that blew people up or made their lives miserable in other
ways, but the Cold War was something different. At least, that is what we said.
But from the standpoint of someone who lived through it, what seemed like
peaceful tension between Russia, its proxies, and the United States and its
proxies was only what the public saw. The chance of a larger or more menacing
threat to humanity was just around the corner from the usual activities of this
Cold War, yet we hardly ever mentioned those. There were moments when the
Cold War could feel a little warm to the touch.

Early on in my career, I sat in my military commander’s truck out on the end of

a runway located in South Florida. A klaxon had announced an alert to the pilots
and they were off to their planes, firing up the engines and waiting. We were
watching our unit’s nuclear-loaded B-52 bombers maneuver into position. They
watching our unit’s nuclear-loaded B-52 bombers maneuver into position. They
are huge aircraft that can move with grace when they have to, and they were
sliding into line like they were tied together. We were the Strategic Air
Command, part of a nuclear triad of defenses against our enemies, which we
took to be mostly Russia.

There was a burst of radio traffic saying, “This is not an exercise,” which was
the first authoritative thing either of us had heard about what was going on.
Those were words nobody in our group wanted to hear. Our exercises were
annoying, but not life-threatening, and this was not going to go well if the
Russian satellites saw those bombers and decided to launch their missiles to get
as many of them as they could before they took off. In those days, our policy
was “mutually assured destruction,” a kind of Armageddon that satisfied both
sides. If we launched, they launched, leaving large swatches of our earth
wrapped in fire. That idea did not appeal to anyone who knew what it meant. I
checked the skies above us more than once for missile contrails, even knowing
what that would mean to someone on the ground.

After a few minutes that seemed like hours, our systems were ordered to stand
down. At the time, none of us knew why or how we got so close to war. The
Russians may not have noticed, or they failed to respond to our actions. We did
not know what happened in Moscow until many years later, and it was a
classified state secret for many years after that.

We kept the real meaning of what we were doing that day from the average
person on the street because it was not something we thought our citizens should
be troubled about. The effects of nuclear weapons will keep a rational person up
nights, so this was for their own good. The same can be said for certain aspects
of information war.

Information war involves highly classified state secrets at the top of

governments, never discussed outside of special rooms and computer systems
designed to be secure from anyone who wants these kinds of secrets. The facts in
these closed discussions are almost never discussed with the public. Keeping
them secret protects national security, but it also keeps the innocents from

We cannot live without computers, or so says my granddaughter. We would be

uncomfortable without electricity. We can’t begin to understand the effects of a
nuclear blast in the air over one of our major cities. Modern war contemplates
nuclear blast in the air over one of our major cities. Modern war contemplates
both of those. Yet, unusual for such secrets, they are discussed openly in
newspapers and books. Anyone can read the never-published U.S. Top Secret
Presidential Policy Directive 20, which describes the operational considerations
for launching offensive cyber activities. It is not just that we don’t want our
populations concerned about these kinds of things. Those effects are really
disturbing for them when they are.

In 2016, General James Cartwright was convicted for disclosing some of those
secrets to the New York Times, when his defense was that he tried to prevent the
disclosure of facts. The creature of science that prompted his prosecution was
Stuxnet, a computer worm that was constructed to destroy centrifuges used in
making nuclear material in Iran.8 The idea that the Iranian nuclear program
could be delayed by such action may have been optimistic, but at least for some
time it did what it was supposed to do.

The details of how the Stuxnet was developed, how it worked, how it was
deployed, and the countries involved appeared in books and newspapers, yet the
Stuxnet program was Top Secret in the Pentagon and the White House. This is
what I have called the dichotomy of secrets, i.e., the seeming contradiction that
allows sensitive state secrets to be published in places such as public
newspapers. The Top Secret classification means that the disclosure of that data
to an unauthorized person will cause “grave damage” to the United States.
Whoever gives this type of data to a newspaper is committing a serious crime
and is doing grave damage to the United States if it is published, yet this is done

Cartwright’s lawyers said he tried to prevent these disclosures by heading off the
publication of the information given to the Times by someone else. If that were
true, the case likely would never have gone to trial. Either the Justice
Department or the attorneys for General Cartwright were not telling the whole
truth. We can only guess which one it might have been. The principle we are
seeking lies in the illegal disclosure of facts to support a government’s position,
in this case that the Obama administration actually was doing something to try to
stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.

At the time, that administration was developing an agreement with Iran and
other countries for Iran to forgo nuclear weapons for a time. There was
disagreement about whether such an agreement could be enforced or monitored.
For the public to believe that the United States had the power to disrupt the
Iranian program if that agreement did not work, someone had to disclose these
Iranian program if that agreement did not work, someone had to disclose these
secrets, and someone did. We just cannot be sure who that person was, and we
will never find out. In one of President Obama’s last official acts, General
Cartwright was pardoned for the crime he may have never committed.

Fred Kaplan’s book Dark Territory, a background of some of the events that
produced our cyber policies, outlines some of the most recent cyber incidents
that would be classified in any government circle because they disclose
capabilities of the United States Intelligence and military communities in this
cyberwar.9 Most of what Kaplan writes about has classified aspects that cannot
be discussed in public, yet his sources have allowed that to be done.

Curiously, Russia, North Korea and China have exposed many of these secrets
by intelligence operations of their own. Intelligence services used to rely on the
collection and analysis of intelligence information to advise their governments
on what options to consider when reacting to events. They have always believed
that it was better to not let the other country know what information was stolen,
because doing so always leads to a dragnet for the source of that information.
Sometimes that would mean the exposure of information about another country’s
activities—usually to discredit or expose an activity that could only be effective
if kept secret. But in the last ten years, the intelligence services have started to
believe that exposing secrets is one way to get the upper hand with different
groups who read what is published. The director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo,
alluded to this in April 2017 when he indicated that Wikileaks had sought people
who could apply to the CIA presumably to seek secrets which would then be

WikiLeaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile
intelligence service. It has encouraged its followers to find jobs at CIA in
order to obtain intelligence. It directed Chelsea Manning in her theft of
specific secret information. And it overwhelmingly focuses on the United
States, while seeking support from anti-democratic countries and

It is time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is—a non-state hostile
intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia. In January of
this year, our Intelligence Community determined that Russian military
intelligence—the GRU—had used WikiLeaks to release data of US victims
that the GRU had obtained through cyber operations against the Democratic
National Committee. And the report also found that Russia’s primary
propaganda outlet, RT, has actively collaborated with WikiLeaks.10

The accuracy of conclusions that follow publication of this kind of news is not of
concern to intelligence services. They want argument, disruption of political
processes, and weakness in any government they cannot control. They get the
added benefit of discrediting some agencies in the United States and some of its
allies. They are doing quite well with this approach, but this is only a very small
part of information war called political warfare. We are now paying more
attention to what the Russians do than to what the Chinese have been doing, and
that may be a mistake, though an understandable one, in this case.

The Russians are accused of stealing internal secrets of the Democratic National
Committee and publishing them to influence the United States 2016 elections. It
will be many years before we know the truth of that assertion, but it makes for
grand politics. The United States Intelligence Community gave briefings to
congressional committees and the congressional representatives repeated some
of the things they heard, adding their own interpretations. There were
accusations that the theft of data was done to help Donald Trump win the
election. There were implications that people in the Trump campaign may even
have helped the Russians. Accusations and implications are not national security
secrets, but their value lies in their ability to influence public opinion. If the
accusation creates the thought that the president of the United States is not
legitimately elected, it is successful. The accuracy of any of these statements is
not germane to whether they can produce argument, distrust, or conflict in
another government. Political parties act just like foreign intelligence services in
publishing this kind of material.

Edward Snowden was part of this information war. He stole highly classified
documents from the United States government and made them public. He
escaped to China first, then went to Russia, where he still lives. That must tell us
something about his inability to come home without some repercussions. His
catalog of Top Secret information about U.S. intelligence collection operations,
given freely to newspapers, goes on disrupting business, international relations
and government operations of the United States. That is not something easily

His documents are considerably more sensitive than the e-mail of the
Democratic National Committee, yet the effects of their release are very much
alike. The principle is to steal protected information and instead of keeping quiet
alike. The principle is to steal protected information and instead of keeping quiet
about the content, expose it through the press, or use it internally to bolster
economic and political advantage. The public can barely understand the ideas
expressed in those documents, but governments understand them very well. The
Snowden documents are blueprints for spying, i.e., for how to collect private
information from public and private organizations and personal correspondence.
It is not hacking for profit or hacking for personal information about a political
opponent. This is state-sponsored activity to collect intelligence, but there is a
new use for that data after it is collected. The ability to influence world events by
stealing private communications, even highly classified state secrets, and making
them public in mass, is a relatively new part of information war techniques, and
its effectiveness may not yet be easily measured. So far, it seems to be

There is a subtle difference between some of these thefts of data and what
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper characterized in his December
2016 testimony to the Armed Services Committee. He said that an event such as
the theft of security clearance records from the Office of Personnel Management
—attributed to China—was different from the theft of information from
something like a business, a kind of hacking China also does. The theft from
OPM was an “act of espionage, when we and other nations do similar things.”
He said that acts of espionage do not lead to retaliation because we all live in
glass houses. The U.S. and a number of other countries also run similar types of
operations, and performing retaliatory strikes for this kind of collection is not
done. From where he sits, that argument makes perfect sense, but from the view
of those whose records were stolen, we might wonder why there is such a
difference. Does it really matter to the victim if the information is made public
or is just held by China? It is a long way from the personal impact of data thefts,
experienced by every person with a current security clearance, to what this war
is really about.

Russia and China are expansionist countries with appetites for territory. Russia
declares a “New Russia,” which is variously defined as a groups of territories
that includes the southern portion of Ukraine, westward to Moldova, or in the
context used by Vladimir Putin, the territories of the Czars of the early 1800s.11
The latter stretches all the way to the Black Sea.

China has the “Nine-Dash Line” which, on a map, is literally nine large dashes
starting at the northern tip of the Philippines, then running down to Brunei and
back up the east coast of Vietnam. We see this in some context almost every
back up the east coast of Vietnam. We see this in some context almost every
week. It first appeared on Chinese maps in 1947, before the Communist
revolution. It has been variously interpreted to mean a claim to territory,
navigation rights, or fishing rights. It would appear to be easy to just ask China
what the map means, but there seems to be no reason to clarify what it is
intended to portray; perhaps we should never ask a question if we do not want to
hear the answer.

Both Russia and China have made claims to territory that make Hitler’s
Germany seem not very ambitious, and at least the equivalent of the Japanese
Empire. We can quibble about the ability of the two countries to achieve their
objectives, but what we cannot quibble about is that they are trying, and

Russia in Crimea and China in the South China Sea are annexing territory the
same way Germany did before World War II, and no other country seems
willing or able to stop them. But they are doing much more. Together with their
allies, they are undermining democratic countries such as the U.S., the NATO
allies, and the economies that make those countries viable. That strategy will
eventually lead us to real war when the economic and political realities of what
they have accomplished start to bite into the world’s political alliances. To some
extent, that is already happening in Europe, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.

The second thing they both do is preserve their own political systems, even
though they are dramatically different. China wants to preserve the Communist
Party and its leadership in positions of power. A 2017 Defense Department
report to Congress on China describes their approach as preserving more than
just the Party. China’s goals are to

• perpetuate CCP rule;

• maintain domestic stability;

• sustain economic growth and development;

• defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity;

• secure China’s status as a great power and, ultimately, reacquire regional

preeminence; and

• safeguard China’s interests abroad.12

Russia is not communist anymore and seeks to keep the powerful oligarchs in
power. Both China and Russia use information warfare on their own populations
to keep them in line with those objectives.

We seem to believe this strategy of making war is not war at all. China has
convinced us there is no war between its allies and ours. It uses the principles of
information war in a meaningful way to combine the resources of a state and its
allies against other states. It undermines the economic and political institutions
of its enemies, and it is successful at it. But most of all it has allies, particularly
Russia, Syria and Iran, who can help out. In testimony before the Senate Armed
Services Committee in January 2017, the Director of National Intelligence and
the director of the National Security Agency said we are not prepared to deal
with war of this type. They certainly understated their point. This is a war we do
not know how to win.

Information War

In 1995, Winn Schwartau, who had just written a book called Information
Warfare, was walking ahead of us with our Canadian hosts. My wife had been
listening to him speak part of the day, and she was anxious to draw some
conclusions about what he had been saying. She said, kind of nonchalantly, “He
doesn’t seem to know very much about information warfare, does he?” Winn has
sharp ears and stopped almost in mid-stride to wait for us to catch up. He
ingratiated himself to my wife by starting with “young lady”; then he added
something more unexpected. “You are right about that. I don’t know as much
about it as some of the people, like your husband, but I can do more in a day to
wake people up than he can do in a year. I’m going to go to Europe tomorrow
and we are going to hack some Defense Department computers, live, on national
television.” The guy knew how to make a point.

He wasn’t waging war, but his demonstration did compel a few people to want
to make changes to the way they did security for their systems in the Pentagon. It
wasn’t the massing of an army to attack the decisive points of a battlefield that
can compel someone to act as you would want. He was using the Internet to
communicate with masses of people about hacking in the information age. Some
of those people worked in Defense and some of them on the Hill. This is not
classic war, but it is Information War. You have to like the guy for practicing
what he preaches.

Information war, sometimes inaccurately called cyberwar, is supposed to be a

way of augmenting and enhancing other forms of conflict. It does not replace
war, but it changes the way war is fought, as shown in these examples from a
speech by George Tenet, then the director of Central Intelligence:

For example, in an interview late last year, a senior Russian official

commented that an attack against a national target such as transportation or
electrical power distribution would … by virtue of its catastrophic
consequences, completely overlap with the use of [weapons] of mass
consequences, completely overlap with the use of [weapons] of mass

An article in China’s “People’s Liberation Daily” stated that … “an

adversary wishing to destroy the United States only has to mess up the
computer systems of its banks by hi-tech means. This would disrupt and
destroy the US economy. If we overlook this point and simply rely on the
building of a costly standing army … it is just as good as building a
contemporary Maginot Line.”

A defense publication from yet a third country stated that “Information

Warfare will be the most vital component of future wars and disputes.” The
author predicted “bloodless” conflict since … “information warfare alone
may decide the outcome.”1

The concept is remarkably similar to the one proposed by Major General A. H.

Jomini, long before information war (IW) was ever contemplated. When IW was
first defined, its use was limited because it was how the militaries of the world
saw their role in fighting. Now some governments do not see the military as the
only implementer of this kind of conflict and have expanded the scope and use
of information war, even into domestic politics.

We also have a difficult time deciding who the enemy might be in these
conflicts. We have trouble figuring out if they are at war with us, or with anyone
else, for that matter. Terrorist groups, dictators, gangs of thugs and killers,
thieves and extortionists can confuse us when we are at war, because we never
know if we are at war with them or not. Sometimes they are just hanging out
where a war might be; sometimes they are just trying to benefit from the
confusion; sometimes they are fighting alongside one side or the other. Those of
you who saw or read Blackhawk Down know what I’m talking about. It was
easier when the armies lined up and everyone could tell that they were going to
make war. “Shoot the ones in the blue uniforms,” my Virginia ancestors used to

We are already at war, but all the confusion about what war has become has
caused us to miss it. It isn’t the information war that our military leaders had
planned, and it doesn’t look very much like a traditional war. Mr. Kissinger said
that if we aren’t careful, we will end up in Cold War with China, but he is
probably too late with that kind of advice.
Information warfare started as a simple idea to use the denial, modification or
manipulation of information to feed war operations. If we could blind a satellite,
we could deny information about troop movements to our enemies. If we could
change or deny military communications from leadership to soldiers in the field,
it would benefit our combat operations. If we could sabotage radars, we could
fly aircraft into another country without being seen. This view still envisioned
mostly military against military conflict, with computers directly or indirectly
engaged in warfare. There was also a view that combat was not required, nor
necessarily involved, in executing some of the aspects.

The elements of information war are laid out in military doctrine long since
forgotten by most military leaders. They define what is known as “total war,” a
concept accepted in military doctrine but seldom practiced the way it is defined.
It includes economic warfare, the manipulation of information exchanged or
used in trade, as an instrument of state policy; command and control warfare,
which attacks the enemy’s use of information to control and lead its military and
support forces; psychological warfare, which affects the perceptions, intentions,
and orientations of others; intelligence-based warfare, which is the integration of
sensors, emitters, and processors into a system that integrates reconnaissance,
surveillance, target acquisition, and battlefield damage assessments; electronic
warfare, used to enhance, degrade, or intercept radio, radar, or cryptography of
the enemy; cyberwarfare and hacker warfare. The latter two are separated in
doctrine by only by a fine line, and I do not attempt to separate them here. I
propose the addition of another type of warfare long known, but hardly ever
talked about—political warfare—which was never in the domain of the military,
thus not in the doctrine defined by them.

Information war has been defined differently over the years, and the definitions
of concepts have changed with the expansion of information technology. In
1996, RAND called it strategic information warfare, a term that combines
strategic warfare and information warfare. From this perspective a country “may
use cyberspace to affect strategic military operations and inflict damage on
national information infrastructures” where the damage may affect considerably
more than military operations.2 But the use of cyberspace as a vehicle for war
goes further than this limited definition set out thirty years ago.

We usually think of war only as something done by the military, but that is a
narrow view. In The Changing Role of Information in Warfare, Khalilzad and
White tell us that information will make a military stronger by leveraging and
synthesizing the capabilities that already exist.3 That goes for terrorists too, of
course. One of the Obama administration’s big concerns is that the tactics we use
in the information war will spill over into the world of terrorism. That kind of
concern is too late, but better late than never, in this case.

Seven types of warfare are documented both by RAND and by Defense

Department doctrine. Combining types of warfare is what some people call
“total war”—the mixing of combat operations with disruption and control of
economic and political functions of government. It is not only militaries that
carry out this kind of things, but they are generally behind it. We are not very
good at it, but the Chinese seem to have been paying attention, even if our
militaries were not.

In 1995, two Chinese authors did a study of information war and defined it in
terms used then by United States and Chinese militaries, to show how it was
applied. What makes this report interesting is the description by Chinese military
publications of what U.S. information war really is:

Information warfare is combat operations in a high-tech battlefield

environment in which both sides use information technology means,
equipment, or systems in a rivalry over the power to obtain, control and use
information…. We hold that information warfare has both narrow and
broad meanings. Information warfare in the narrow sense refers to the U.S.
military’s so-called “battlefield information warfare,” the crux of which is
“command and control warfare.” It is defined as the comprehensive use,
with intelligence support, of military deception, operational secrecy,
psychological warfare, electronic warfare, and substantive destruction to
assault the enemy’s whole information system including personnel; and to
disrupt the enemy’s information flow, in order to impact, weaken, and
destroy the enemy’s command and control capability, while keeping one’s
own command and control capability from being affected by similar enemy

What has happened since Baocun and Fei wrote their description is a gradual
change in how information war is conducted. It has become a part of national
strategies for political wars fought between countries, and between political
rivals, to include those political battles at a national level. Information war is
below the threshold of what governments, scholars, and the press call war, so it
is ultimately used as a means to avoid war. It is changing and becoming a
replacement for what we have known as war in the Uppsala University context.
replacement for what we have known as war in the Uppsala University context.

In the 1970s version of information war, the sub-elements can be put in a more
modern context.

Economic Warfare

Economic warfare is the manipulation of information exchanged in trade

(either denial or exploitation) as an instrument of state policy. We usually
don’t think of this as war, even though it is. Wars are fought over who gets to
trade with whom, and what they get to trade. Trade routes are big targets in a
war, and we know that even a hint of trouble in the Gulf of Oman will raise gas
prices in the U.S. by a dollar or more. But that is not the kind of thing this is

The Chinese use their intelligence services and military to collect information
from the competition and feed that back into their companies. From a policy
view, they steal information as a part of their national strategy to win an
economic war. Their military still owns some companies and what they don’t
own, the Central Committee controls. They win bids; they control their own
commodity prices; they harass the competition inside China. They steal
intellectual property, which they then use to compete with the companies they
steal it from. They leverage their surplus for political benefit and manipulate
their currency valuation. They manipulate their laws to make a country comply
with their objectives. They call this competition; we call it a few other things,
but none of them are war.

Chinese companies are not what our Western world business experience would
make of them. They look like our businesses. They have boards; some are
privately held. They have articles of incorporation and bylaws, but they are still
controlled by the government. Some of them are owned and operated by the
People’s Liberation Army, though that is less true today than it was five years
ago. We see that difference in public very rarely, but it happened with Alibaba.

Anyone who follows the Internet knows about Alibaba and Yahoo! Alibaba is
not some little Silicon Valley startup. It has 23,000 employees in China, India,
Japan, Korea, the U.K. and U.S., getting startup capital from Softbank, Goldman
Sachs, and Fidelity. It includes Taobao Marketplace and Taobao Mall, which are
Sachs, and Fidelity. It includes Taobao Marketplace and Taobao Mall, which are
the Amazon and eBay of China; Alibaba Cloud Computing, which does a cell
phone operating system and is building the equivalent of Amazon’s Cloud;
China Yahoo!; and Alipay, the PayPal of China, which claims to be bigger than

In 2011, investment companies were buzzing over Alipay, and for good reason.
In the business world as we know it, corporate moves are decided by the board
of directors, if a company is public, like Alibaba. Companies that own
substantial amounts of stock generally have a say in these moves. There may be
a board fight, but at least the board will know what is at stake and what has been
proposed. Imagine Yahoo!’s surprise when Alibaba transferred ownership of
Alipay to a Chinese company that is owned by the Alibaba Group CEO. They
didn’t find out about this for seven months.

This would be like Ford transferring the Lincoln division to another company,
owned by its CEO, and not telling the stockholders they were going to do it.
Alibaba claims it did this because of government regulations, but anywhere else
in the world, the board would recognize the regulations and discuss what was
going to be done with the company. The Chinese boards are not real boards of

In 2017, the Chinese company Ant Financial purchased part of a company,

Moneygram, that is famous for money transfers and loans for those seeking
immediate cash. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
(CIFUS) considered the purchase, with regard to the fact that China ruled on
Alipay without consulting anyone in the company. What Alibaba did was wake
everyone up to the idea that the Chinese do not do business the way the rest of
the world does.

Their government can, and will, act to control its business sectors whether the
rest of world likes it or not, even saying that loans given to Chinese citizens must
be made by business entities controlled by Chinese companies. Alipay could not
be part of a business interest owned by a company in the United States. Indeed,
in examining the proposed sale of Ant Financial in 2017 CFIUS took the same
approach as the Chinese did with Alipay and did not approve the sale of Ant.

China has moved to making acquisitions of technology very early in the

development cycle by buying startups as a rapid pace. Those acquisitions have
been examined as part of a study directed by the Secretary of Defense of what
technologies are being financed by Chinese businesses, which spent $9.9 billion
in the U.S. in 2015. When the New York Times did a series of articles on this
kind of investment, it found it difficult to find anyone in U.S. or Chinese
businesses willing to talk about the amounts of money or types of technology
involved in the investments.5

Command and Control Warfare

Command and control warfare (C2) is the attacking of the enemy’s ability
to issue commands and exchange them with field units; these attacks are
called, in turn, anti-head and anti-neck operations. “Anti-head” and “anti-
neck” are ridiculous terms that nobody uses in real life. All this attacking of
people in command is not new. Every general who ever lived has known it was a
good idea to kill off the other generals and officers who were leading the troops.
Now, we can isolate them and cut them off, and it doesn’t matter quite so much
if they are dead. What is different about this is we might even need them alive, if
we are issuing orders in their names. We want to isolate them and cut them off,
but not kill them.

Early in the 2008 U.S. presidential race, the Chinese hacked accounts of the
McCain and Obama campaigns, apparently looking for position papers and the
directions the candidates would take. This is the kind of “looking around” that
identifies the individuals who are writing the things the president will read and
how they think. They hacked the accounts of congressmen and their staff
members. Around the same time, they hacked the account of the Secretary of
Defense. Two members of the House of Representatives, one of them my
representative, said they were hacked by Chinese-based computers because of
their investigations into human rights violations. Others, whose names do not
appear in the press, have been hacked too.

The example of GhostNet makes this easier to understand. About all anyone can
authoritatively say about this network was in two reports by the Information
Warfare Monitor and Shadowserver Foundation, published a year apart.6

In the first report, researchers said they were not so sure that China itself was
involved and that the spike in Internet hacking from China could be due to a
1,000 percent increase in Chinese users over the previous 8 years. In their April
2010 analysis, Shadows in the Cloud, the researchers had much more on how
information was being stolen, what it was, and where it was going. They started
looking at an example. The target was the Dalai Lama. The information being
stolen was coming from Indian embassies in Belgium, Serbia, Germany, Italy,
Kuwait, the United States, Zimbabwe, and the High Commissions of India in
Cyprus and the U.S. Not very many ordinary hackers have an interest in the
Dalai Lama.

The control servers for these attacks were in Chongqing, China; the Chinese are
certainly interested in the Dalai Lama. The control servers used social
networking sites, webmail providers, free service-hosting providers, and large
companies on the Internet as operating locations and changed them frequently.
They used similar, specifically targeted attacks against users, and collected 1,500
letters from the Dalai Lama’s personal office. They also sucked out the contents
of hundreds of e-mail accounts located in 31 different countries.

The difference in the accountability to China between the two reports was
attribution, a topic beyond just cyber attacks. Once in a while false claims of
credit take place in the cyber world, but most of the time cyber attacks are
anonymous and denied by all involved—at least, that was true for the last 25–30
years. When Mandiant, Inc., produced a report called “Advanced Persistent
threat (APT) 1,” identifying hackers working for the Chinese army, and the
Justice Department indicted five of them, there was official recognition of
something most of the cyber world already knew: The Chinese government is
behind many of these attacks that were targeting U.S. industries in almost every
economic sector. That was powerful attribution.

At the national level, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence (DNI) laid out
three things that are required to claim that one country hacked another.7 He said
we must know, first, the geographic location of the attack; second, the identity of
the actual attackers; and third, the person responsible for actually directing the
attack. An example of how difficult that is to apply follows:

In October 2012, Leon Panetta mentioned the possibility of a “cyber Pearl

Harbor” to a group of U.S. businessmen in Washington, D.C., reopening a
discussion of what an act of war really is in the cyber world.8 So far, the only
thing to have been publicly discussed as an act of war was an attack against the
U.S. electric grid, so finding that someone might be preparing for that type of
attack was disturbing. The Times of Israel reported the discovery of Iranian
software in the U.S. grid, giving concern to almost everyone who knew about it.9
There are several groups that question this discovery, the source of it, and
whether it may have occurred. In the best of circumstances, there is always
information that disputes the contentions required to make attribution. But, for
this example, we can assume it did happen and we want to discover who did it,
where he was, and who ordered it. We have incentive to do the work on this
because it is a potential act of war.

Internally, governments want to decide whether the effort is worth the time and
resources to discover what is needed to satisfy attribution. In order to constitute
an act of war, the attack would have to have been likely to succeed in bringing
down a substantial part of the electricity grid and harming people who would die
or be injured by not having electricity. Hospitals, even those with emergency
power, would lose some patients if that power could not be maintained. There is
disagreement about whether or not this is force of a type that constitutes an act
of war, so international lawyers get involved in this kind of decision. These
types of debates are a little like discussions about how many angels can dance on
the head of a pin, because we do know what an act of war is when we see it.

President Obama called the North Korean attack on Sony “cyber terrorism”
rather than an act of war, legally appropriate given that it produced little physical
harm to anyone. But North Korea was trying to impose its will on a business
operating in the United States, something we should find reprehensible, criminal,
and worthy of some retaliation. There is no end to this kind of activity unless
there are consequences. It used a destructive attack that wiped servers belonging
to Sony, but it was difficult to characterize that as a use of force in a traditional
sense. Cyber terrorism is not thought of as war, so how is an attack on Sony that
much different than an attack on the electric grid? There is no simple answer to
that question because it is a policy decision and not just a matter of fact. Every
government can make a different decision, sometimes even different decisions
for similar events at different times.

Our ability to attribute cyber events to other countries is rapidly increasing, but
we almost never respond in a way that convinces the ones perpetrating the
actions to stop. We are getting better at attribution, but not better at retaliation or
deterrence. That may be because we are not politically willing to do what has to
be done to stop China, Iran, North Korea or Russia from continuing those
attacks, but it may also be because the United States cannot do anything credible
that will convince those countries to stop.
Hacking is a sophisticated business, but it is not a business the governments of
countries are really in. What most governments do is intelligence collection or
law enforcement. Their hackers are not trying to make money from the hacking
they do, and they do not want to be discovered doing it. That is what makes the
hacking by army units in China and the Russian meddling in the U.S. elections
so odd. In both cases the United States has been able to attribute those attacks,
with some certainty, to the two countries. In the Chinese case, the hackers were
named and indictments brought against them, even though there was little
chance of ever prosecuting them. That is good news—in a way—because
attribution applies to more than just hacking.

If someone sinks a cruise ship in the Gulf of Mexico, we would like to know
where the attack came from and who was behind it. Everybody will know it
sank, but they might not know who did the deed. Before we attack Mexico over
this sinking, it might be worth the effort to find out who did it. On the Internet,
that can be harder than in the physical world, but not much harder.

Now, can we speculate about how those records from security clearance
applications are going to be used? Yes, but it is only a guess. When anyone
knows your past, they can influence your future. If they know things that you
would not want the world to know, they can influence your future. They can
plant information in those files that will show up during the next investigation.
They can put whole records into the files, showing that someone has a security
clearance when they do not. It is not what you think of as war, but it depends
how that information is used. When a country steals your internal mail, it feels
like they are after you. It can seem like war, whether scholars or political leaders
call it one or not.

In seems almost intuitive that if there are nearly a billion Internet users, those
numbers would make it impossible to find the people who are trying to get into
information systems. In spite of the numbers, the intelligence services of several
countries are doing it. Hackers are watched by other hackers, people in
governments, and private-sector companies. So they have to take steps to make
sure they don’t get caught, or they cover their tracks so they can deny doing
anything wrong. It takes time to find the right people, just as it took time to find
out who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. We didn’t launch an attack on
Saudi Arabia, even though most of the hijackers were from there. President Bush
had to figure out who was really behind the attacks, and that took time.

The long process of identifying the source and method of the attacks on OPM
The long process of identifying the source and method of the attacks on OPM
brought the investigators to China. This is because investigators talk to each
other, telling how one attack or another was done. When the Shadowserver
Foundation found letters from the Dalai Lama that were stolen by China,
investigators thought the Chinese were after a political opponent. But they found
more than that. They started to see the same techniques, from the same locations,
being used to attack other systems. There were 760 companies in all, and 20
percent of the Fortune 100. That is a scary number. This is the kind of attack,
spread over several months, and extremely successful, that can get our leaders
excited and ready to do something. It is right on the dividing line between war
and not war, and that is where the Chinese like to stay.

Electronic Warfare

Electronic warfare is the practice of enhancing, degrading or intercepting

radio, radar, or cryptography of the enemy. This is an old, very sophisticated,
highly classified field that has had more success than most of the other areas of
information war, yet almost nothing is known about how it is done, or where.
That is a good thing. Hackers, today, use some of the same techniques, but few
of them know that some of the things they have been doing have been done for a
long time. Usually, if a government is doing it, it is classified national security
information, and there will not be much to see of it. Generally speaking, if
people are talking about it, it isn’t the government doing the talking.
Governments like to keep this quiet.

A good example is the Obama administration’s consideration of using viruses to

attack the radars of Libya’s military.10 Wired reported that the administration
considered attacking Libya’s radar sites but thought it might take too long to get
the plan together and launch it. We don’t see much like that in the press ever,
and certainly not from any administration in recent memory. The obvious
difference between what the Russians did in Georgia and what the Wired article
was talking about is the military-on-military aspect of it. No country likes to talk
about this kind of thing, and no administration ever should.

Starting in November of 2010, several systems were hacked by someone who

established over 300 control systems, almost all around Beijing. What made this
different was that the attackers were going after a place called RSA that was
famous for its ability to do encryption of various sorts. RSA makes a token that
famous for its ability to do encryption of various sorts. RSA makes a token that
many in business have seen. A user logs onto a home network and the software
asks the user to type in a long number that is read from the token. It is just that
one time, and it changes, so it is not the same number the next time. The nice
thing about the RSA token method is you can be pretty sure anyone who logs in
with it is an authorized user. We would probably think a place that makes
security devices would be secure, but over the past couple of years, more than
one of them has been successfully attacked. The people doing it are good.

During the next few months, several other major companies were hacked, and
there was a pattern to these that will make anyone nervous who sees the list.11
There is the IRS, Verisign (another crypto-solutions company), USAA, which
primarily handles insurance and banking for military people, several locations of
Comcast and Computer Sciences Corporation, a few locations of IBM, the U.S.
Cert, which handles investigations into computer incidents at the federal level,
the Defense Department Network Information Center, Facebook, Fannie May,
Freddie Mac (just so we have most of those housing loans covered), Kaiser
Foundation Health Care System, McAfee, Inc. (the virus people who do nearly
all of defense networks), Motorola, Wells Fargo Bank (and Wachovia, now
owned by Wells Fargo), MIT, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, University of
Pittsburgh, VMWare, the World Bank, and almost every telecommunications
company of any size, anywhere in the world. That last one included all the major
telecoms in China. So they are hacking their own telecoms. It is almost like
someone said, “Go out and get everything you can.” There are probably some
that have yet to be discovered.

Intelligence-Based Warfare

Intelligence-based warfare is the integration of sensors, emitters, and

processors into a system that integrates reconnaissance, surveillance, target
acquisition, and battlefield damage assessment. These techniques can be used
to both seek and hide assets. Iran and North Korea have taken to building their
sensitive sites underground, which certainly is not new, but is a recognition of
how effective other countries have been at discovering their capabilities. If a
country wants to hide what they are doing, it costs them quite a bit in resources
to do that.
Psychological Warfare

Psychological warfare is the use of information to affect the perceptions,

intentions, and orientations of others. Psychological warfare is probably the
oldest and best-known form of information war, and it is at the root of political
warfare. Think Tokyo Rose and her radio broadcasts to GIs in World War II.
When the Chinese lowered the value of their currency after warning us about
putting more restrictions on trade, they were making a point that they had the
ability to disrupt our economy. They don’t have to do anything else for the
psychological effect to take hold.

I was surprised to see a picture of a J-20 stealth fighter in the Wall Street
Journal. The Wall Street Journal is not known for its aviation reporting, nor for
digging up important news on stealth fighters in all the different countries of the
Asian Pacific. It turns out that the U.S. Secretary of Defense just happened to be
visiting the Chinese that day, and this fighter was sitting out on a runway where
anyone could see it. It taxied around a little while to make sure nobody missed it,
then took off and flew around. Lots of pictures were taken, by everyone present,
and sent to newspapers and magazines over the earth. How odd.

Since I spent most of my military life protecting weapon systems so they

couldn’t be seen before they were operational, I know the principle involved
here. It takes a lot of money and time to get a stealth fighter to fly. Before
anyone in the world sees it, no military force on earth wants another military to
know that it exists. They hide it in hangars, fly it at night, or do other things that
make it more difficult for people who look for stuff like that to find it. They
don’t want people to see it until it gets to the point where it can be used for
something—usually an operational mission where it collects intelligence or
bombs something. When other militaries see it, they are going to want to start
working on something better, or on some way to counter its capabilities. For a
few months, maybe a year or two, the advantage is useful to those who have it,
but it will eventually be overtaken. It is a kind of game, but a serious one.

We saw the same thing with the Chinese aircraft carrier, the first they had ever
set on the water.12 The BBC called this the “worst kept secret in naval aviation
history.” The Russians built it, Ukraine sold it to China, and China said it was
going to be used as a floating casino. When they got it into port they started to
work on it, and it was obvious it was not being equipped as a new casino unless
the customers could land on a moving deck. You can’t hide an aircraft carrier
while it is sailing around on the ocean, but you can hide it while it is being built.
They haven’t been trying to hide it or even conceal some of its most important
capabilities. They could have said they were building a test vehicle or a cruise
ship, but they didn’t even want to do that. This is openness that is curious. The
second aircraft carrier was launched in March 2017 and shows the influence of
design upgrades and innovation lacking on the first. There are three more on the
way. The Chinese learn fast, and they are not spending extra money trying to
hide what they are building.

These are images of what might be a step towards war. It isn’t war; it is just a
picture of what could happen in war, and it was intended for a number of
different audiences—their own and others. The Chinese stealth aircraft was one
of a kind, but it served its purpose. They wanted us to guess what they could and
would do. Jane’s published a picture of a cave entrance where Chinese
submarines were going into and out of the base of a mountain on the coast.
There could have been 100 of them in there, or just a couple with the numbers
being repainted each time they come and go. It was deception—all part of war.
The Internet will allow them to get these images out to large numbers of people
and not just to the intelligence services of people who are spying on them.

They could keep quiet about them, and only the intelligence services of the
world would know much about what they can do—only they didn’t. There was
no filtering by the intelligence communities of other countries. The Chinese
didn’t try to hide these things and release images of them at times when there
were things going on in the world that could be affected by them. The first case
was during the visit of the Secretary of Defense; the second was during the
testing of a new president; and the third was a few months after the ASEAN
Forum, when the U.S. was invited back into the region. At least for now, the
Chinese find it more useful to make images of war than to make war. They have
been doing this for some time.


Cyberwarfare is the use of information systems against the virtual personas

of individuals or groups. This is attacking people, or groups, as they exist in
digital form. It is a little bit like the movie Avatar, except machines can pretend
to be one person, or multiple people at the same time. In a virtual world, a
machine can be a person and can function the same way. It is possible to be
more than one person at the same time. It can be difficult to find the real you,
and that may be what is intended. It is easy for someone to pretend to be you and
act as you might. We seem to get e-mail, advertising Viagra, from some of our
best friends. This is somewhat the idea of information war. Cyberwarfare is
usually used in conjunction with one of the other types of information warfare,
and is the newest form of it, but it should not be confused with hacking for a
criminal purpose. It is more sinister than that. Besides the potential to undermine
basic military services, people are hacking our banking structure, home loans,
electricity grid and lots of other things. But they are also going one step further.
The Chinese are trying to undermine our telecommunications infrastructure by
buying into it where they can, and having a substantial market position in
equipment where they cannot.

Most of the world’s telecommunications infrastructure is owned by about 50

companies. AT&T is still the largest, by revenue, followed by Vodaphone in the
U.K., Telefónica in Spain, China Mobile, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, and
Verizon. These are all global carriers, so they operate in quite a few countries
and have agreements with the other carriers to swap services where they need
access. They overlap in some countries but not all. Every country, for national
security reasons, has some limitations on what ownership another country can
have in its infrastructure. China enforces theirs, as do we. We all do this in the
name of national security.

The Chinese are trying to buy into the U.S. infrastructure using, among other
companies, Huawei, and the U.S. has not been willing to let them do it. In the
past few years, Congress and the Committee on Foreign Investment have
intervened in Huawei’s attempted purchase of 3-Com, 3-Leaf, a piece of
Motorola’s network infrastructure (later sold to Nokia Seimens) and Emcore, a
New Mexico–based company that sold fiber optic equipment. It is clear our
government does not intend for them to be successful, and Huawei has finally
realized it. They have finally stopped trying, and other companies have taken
their place.

Both Huawei and ZTE, the second largest equipment maker in the world, were
excluded from a Sprint/Nextel bid, and several U.S. senators were said to have
sent a letter encouraging them to be denied that opportunity. They were stopped
in similar bids on AT&T networks and 2Wire, a U.S.-based company owned by
Pace, a British firm. 2Wires’s main business was residential broadband. The
Commerce Department recently said that Huawei was not going to be allowed to
bid on a contract for a national wireless network for first responders, because
they suspected Huawei was linked to the Intelligence Services of China.13

Another indicator of how that business connection lies in the use of ZTE to
violate sanctions that China voted for in the United Nations. The violations were
exposed in the interesting export violation case of ZTE. Sanctions were levied
on ZTE that would limit its ability to buy technology in the U.S.14 The
Commerce Department, which enforces these sanctions, said ZTE acted
“contrary to the national security and foreign policy interests of the United
States. … Authorities allege ZTE broke export rules by supplying Iran with
U.S.-made high-tech goods and said they uncovered plans by ZTE to use a series
of shell companies to illicitly re-export controlled items to Iran in violation of
U.S. export control laws.”

The Commerce Department published internal documents of ZTE Corp marked

“Top Secret, Highly Confidential” to substantiate its claim that ZTE knew what
it was doing when it funneled hardware and software from Microsoft, Oracle,
IBM, and Dell to Iran. The first document, titled “Report Regarding
Comprehensive Reorganization and the Standardization of the Company Export
Control Related Matters,” clearly shows that ZTE knew what the export rules
required, and knew there would be trouble if they were discovered trying to skirt
them. “Group Z” described in this document refers to North Korea, Vietnam and
Cuba. ZTE, at the time of writing, was exporting U.S.-produced products to Iran,
Sudan, North Korea, Syria and Cuba. They outlined the methods used to avoid
detection in all of these countries, summarized in the second document,
“Proposal for Import and Export Control Risk Avoidance.”15 The U.S. sanctions
had been in place for less than a week when they were withdrawn by the Obama
administration, without explanation.

We got a view into the quick withdrawal of sanctions against ZTE and the way
ZTE sought to resolve the issue with the U.S. government. ZTE started by
announcing what it would do in order to mitigate the actions taken by members
of its board of directors to sell embargoed items to Iran.16 In the U.S. these kinds
of actions would be severe and impact the board in ways that would resonate for
a long time. We tend to see China’s actions in the same light, when the
government systems and the consequences are not the same.

Hackerwarfare is the use of techniques such as modifying software to

destroy, degrade, exploit, or compromise information systems, both military
and civilian.

Information war is only part of war, but it is a part we can relate to. We rely on
information systems to do most of our work and social contact, and it looks like
the Chinese see that as important to their ability to fight. The Chinese steal two
things that are related: source code for software, and code-signing certificates.
These two together allow them to set up networks that look legitimate but are
controlled by them. Original source code is proprietary to a company, but the
Chinese demand it be produced under their “cybersecurity” laws. The software
must be “secure and controllable,” and to prove it, some companies are being
required to submit source code. Some, have resisted, though the struggle is
getting harder today than it was five years ago. One vendor explained to me that
the company resisted turning it over and resisted putting hardware or software in
spaces controlled exclusively by Chinese officials.

Judging from what businesses have told me, they know that if they put their
equipment in certain areas, it will be stolen. So, if the Chinese cannot get code
from the company directly, they steal it. That has been going on for some time.
China announced that enforcement of the cybersecurity policy was to begin in
June of 2017, but had actually been applying it long before.17 Imagine if any
other government decided to have every foreign business like SAP or Airbus
submit code to a special service for review, then turned over that software to the
competitors of those businesses. There are not enough lawyers to cover all the
lawsuits that would result. But China seems to be able to get away with it
because they allow companies operating in China under Chinese law access to
some of China’s billion potential customers.

Having that source code and the security certificates that goes with it allows the
Chinese to produce software that will collect intelligence information of all
kinds. It looks valid, and users will never know the difference. On a large scale,
that could be interesting. Parts of the world’s networks are controlled by China;
parts of others use components made by Chinese electronic companies; China
has demonstrated a capability to manipulate networks on a large scale.
has demonstrated a capability to manipulate networks on a large scale.

Several years ago, for 18 minutes, quite a bit of network traffic was re-routed to
China.18 Most of it was from our Defense Department. Was it an accident? This
tickles my imagination because it doesn’t seem like something accidental—
although since it happens in various parts of the world, on a regular basis, it may
be. It is also possible that it was just practice for something bigger. China can,
and does, manipulate network components to satisfy military objectives.

Increasing Capabilities for War

At the same time that the Chinese develop their strategies for information war,
they are strengthening their ability to fight real wars by increasing support for
space operations, nuclear combat capabilities, and cyberwar.

China had 15 space launches in 2010, a national record, and they have a program
to get something on the moon. That was the first year that they equaled the U.S.
in launches. They have developed anti-satellite weapons and may have
intentions of using them against both communications and spy satellites. They
practiced by using one on an old Chinese weather satellite, and the U.S. has
accused them of using lasers to blind our satellites. They have just launched their
fifth GPS satellite, which can mean a number of things, but mostly that they
want to have their own, rather than using someone else’s. They may want to
have some, if they decide to shoot all the others out of the sky.

They have stepped up their espionage. In the past 15 years, China has stolen
classified details of every major nuclear and neutron bomb the U.S. had in its
inventory.19 They have had ongoing espionage activity at the nuclear
laboratories—Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, Oak Ridge, and Sandia—that
produce and develop the weapons. This allows them to make their weapons
smaller and easier to shoot a long way on a missile.20

China has stolen U.S. missile guidance technology and exported it to other
countries such as Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Libya and North Korea. They sold
medium range missiles to Saudi Arabia and they trade extensively with Iran,
which is not our best friend after trying to get Mexican drug gangs to hit
embassies in Washington, D.C.21
There have been accusations that the Russians and Chinese have planted
software in our electrical grid that will give them control of it if they want to use
it. They have been accused of introducing counterfeit servers and other Internet
equipment that appears to belong to legitimate companies but was not made by
them. They are probably doing all of these things and quite bit more. Nobody is
going to produce proof of it, since it could be right on the verge of war, and it is
the kind of war the Chinese could wage, but we could not.

Besides chips, the Chinese make quite a few other network components, but
chips seem to be an interest that exceeds the others. In 2015–2016, the Chinese
bought 12 U.S. chip-making companies and tried to buy 6 others. Those that
were unsuccessful were rejected for business reasons or came under scrutiny
from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).22 The
Chinese now use various companies to make the purchases so it is not as easy to
discover the state connection. Controlling the chip markets puts the core
technology for computers in the hands of the Chinese government. But that is
not the only aspect of networks that the Chinese control.

Several types of hard disks are made in China, including HP, IBM, and Western
Digital, some of the most used storage drives in the world. Chinese companies
make workstations, PCs, wireless equipment, routers, servers, DVD players and
recorders, motherboards, cables, the test equipment we use to test all of these,
and 300 antivirus products. China has business ties (partnerships, teaming
arrangements, or joint ventures) with most of the major U.S. antivirus
companies. One source told me that the Chinese were eager to help her
prominent company write the source code for new virus software, which her
company allowed. So, that U.S. company had software produced in China
running on computers in the U.S. Their customers would have no idea that China
was involved in making their antivirus software work. The security team was
uncomfortable with that, but senior management told them they were

If you want to build a network of computers, the Chinese can help you get all the
things needed to do that, and a company that will build it for you. Even if you
get another company, it would be hard to avoid buying components that were not
made in China. This gives them leverage and potential for controlling large
portions of the Internet in war. Imagine the Stuxnet worm in big numbers,
everywhere. The Chinese have that capacity now. They have the ability to shut
down the Internet in time of war.
What the Chinese have the potential to do is increase Stuxnet by a factor of
1,000 or more, and they have the delivery mechanisms already in place. They
already make them and can put worms or special codes in almost anything, then
wait for the right time to turn it on. Stuxnet turned out to not be as controllable
as it should have been, but in an all-out war, this will not matter very much. As
an opening round in any other type of war, it might work pretty well. It can stop
communications, or slow them down enough to open up other avenues of attack.
The U.S. does not just sit around thinking about this.

In 2014, David Sanger and Nicole Perlroth from the New York Times published a
lengthy story on the underlying issues related to the U.S. concerns over
Huawei.23 According to the story, the U.S. had concerns about the Chinese
ability to insert intelligence collection capabilities into equipment manufactured
in China. Huawei had already been stopped by CFIUS from procuring
companies and technology in the U.S. because of its suspected associations with
Chinese intelligence agencies. Huawei denied any associations with them.

According to Sanger, the National Security Agency (NSA) hacked the internal
networks of Huawei in China and monitored the communications of Huawei’s
senior officials. It also exploited some of the servers that Huawei was building
so that they could get access to China and to Huawei’s customers through their
world-wide equipment sales. After that, there would not be much reason to guess
about the associations between Huawei and Chinese intelligence; the NSA
would know the extent of them. Had it not been for Edward Snowden, this
operation might never have been known. But Huawei still denies any association
with intelligence services; the NSA does not comment on any operations it
undertakes; and the users of Huawei’s equipment are left to speculate about
which governments are monitoring their equipment. Notice that no accusations
were laid on any country’s door for either side of these activities because they
would both be seen as “in bounds” for intelligence collection.

Many years after the RAND paper on information war, the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(see Figure 1) defined “information operations” in such a way as to show the
linkage between the electronic mechanisms of computer networks, indicating
that the targets of these operations are key influencers, mass audiences, and
“vulnerable populations,” a term not defined.24 This is far removed from the
original definition, which focused upon the use of computers against an enemy’s
computers and information sources. As the doctrine evolved, it tended to become
an approach using the persuasion of human beings rather than the force typically
used in combat.

In 1993, an incident with a warlord in Somalia killed 18 U.S. Special Forces

soldiers and generated a study group called the Aspen-Brown Commission the
year after.25 The commission set out this definition of information war:
“activities undertaken by government, groups, or individuals to gain electronic
access to information systems in other countries … as well as activities
undertaken to protect against it.”26 The commission laid out a role for
intelligence services, especially the Central Intelligence Agency, in information
war. That role was largely defining and examining the intentions and capabilities
of other countries.

But there is a little more to that role than just observing and reporting. The CIA
and the National Security Agency (NSA) conduct covert operations in the
furtherance of U.S. interests.27

In Russia the Security Services, the FSB and GRU engage in this kind of
activity. In China, it is the army and the intelligence activities. These are the
agencies, augmented by military forces, that are most involved in information
war. Covert portions of war are run under the authority of these groups and often
with their direction. Covert programs have to have plausible deniability to be
successful; i.e., a government must be able to say that it was not involved in a
particular activity. The denials are frequently not very credible, in spite of
considerable efforts to make them appear so.

While countries may all do similar things, one country’s actions do not
necessarily appear the same to the others. Attempts at influencing dissidents in
one country can be seen as fomenting insurrection, something most of us can
understand. We tacitly accept these kinds of persuasive actions because most of
them can be ignored by an informed public, yet some governments use social
media, media, and monitoring to determine what limits are placed on being
informed. They encourage informed individuals to limit their sources, and not all
of those individuals are inside their own countries. Governments push those
limits to extremes to influence perceptions of people to those favored in
narratives created by leadership. But that is not all they do.
Figure 1. Information operations emphasis on persuasion of noncombatants
and key influencers as part of warfare (U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff).

In preparation for a possible war, governments have to do many things that, if

discovered, can be interpreted as either extreme provocations or acts of war. The
act of planting software in an electrical grid that will disrupt service when
commanded to do so falls into this category. While the software may lie dormant
for many years, the fact of its being inserted can be seen as an act of war.
Triggering that software is certainly war.

Although these kinds of activities are separate from intelligence collection and
Although these kinds of activities are separate from intelligence collection and
analysis, the grey areas between government covert operations and intelligence
gathering are large in cyber and hacker warfare, where the skill sets are similar.

Reconnaissance done in preparation for cyber operations requires the attacker to

do a certain amount of exploration of potential avenues of attack. We know that
the Chinese hackers who stole the security clearance data from the United States
had been in the system for three years, and the Russian hackers in Ukraine did
not cause an outage of electricity without some preparation. The actions had to
be tested, refined and executed at a time when the impact would give a benefit to
those doing it. While they were in these systems, they could add records, delete
them, or modify some aspects that could be “found” later by legitimate users
including those doing reevaluations of persons seeking security clearances. In
Ukraine they could just turn off the electricity.

If such code is discovered by the target before it is executed, it could be

removed, searches could be performed for other copies and variations, and
analysis could be done to determine the origin. Seldom is it a good idea to
provide this information to third parties who might make the discovery public.
Third-party analysis of code found “in the wild” can spread techniques used by
the developers into every corner of the Dark Web, where it is refined and sold to
others, often with improvements that make it more effective. But the U.S. and
the Ukrainians had other choices about how they would respond.

Anyone discovering the software could modify it so it would not be effective,

leave it there and never say a word about detecting it, or make it public to warn
others that the attack is occurring and to notify the developer that there might be
retaliation to follow. That choice is also a political decision.

Disruption of the electrical grid might be an act of war, though to Ukraine there
are other acts of war that make this one less significant. In addition, there is very
little Ukraine can do about it, even if the country does interpret it as an act of
war, since it is a small country with limited cyber capabilities. It would be
reluctant to take on Russia, assuming Ukraine could determine that the Russian
government was behind the attack. That makes alternatives that do not disclose
the event more attractive. But if the U.S., France, or Germany made that same
type of discovery, the country that put it into those computer systems might find
those countries can and might retaliate.

What deters the Chinese and others is the United States’ capability, through its
Computer Network Operations, to infiltrate and command the networks of other
countries. Though there is no evidence it has ever done so, with the possible
exception prompted by White House mention of the North Korean retaliation,
having the capability is a strong indicator to adversaries that there are limits to
how far intrusions into U.S. networks will go before retaliation may take place:
“The Joint Information Operations Warfare Command (JIOWC) and the Joint
Functional Component Command for Network Warfare (JFCCNW) are
responsible for the evolving mission of Computer Network Attack.”28

According to John Lasker,

The exact capabilities of the JIOWC and JFCCNW are highly classified
[state secrets], and DOD officials have reportedly never admitted to
launching a cyber attack against an enemy. However, many computer
security officials believe the organization can destroy networks and
penetrate enemy computers to steal or manipulate data, and take down
enemy command-and-control systems. They also believe that the
organization consists of personnel from the CIA, National Security Agency,
FBI, the four military branches, and civilians and military representatives
from allied nations.29

But more complications are involved than just direct retaliation for a single act.
At the same time the attacks on the electricity grid were taking place, the
Russians were spying on politicians, government agencies, and private
businesses in Germany, NATO countries, French TV5 (taking it offline for a
brief period), Ukrainian government leaders, Russian dissidents, and the Dutch
Safety Board, which was writing the analysis of the downing of the civilian
airliner over Ukraine.30

These overlapping initiatives expose the Russians to detection by a number of

security companies and other governments looking for evidence of hacking of
any kind. The same thing happened to China when they overexposed their theft
of proprietary information in the period from 2010 to 2016. With that many
people looking for the groups behind the incidents, intelligence services find it
more difficult to do their primary job of intelligence collection. They spend too
much time denying attacks, retooling software, and covering their tracks.
Apparently, however, this does not make them stop collecting. For the most part,
offensive cyber operations are not being detected often enough to discourage the
Cyber intrusions are both an effective tool and one difficult to retaliate against.
Although the Obama administration took the view that other forms of retaliation
would be equally effective at deterring attacks, that decision is a political one.
There has to be a range of potential ways drawn up in advance and prepared for.
The potential targets would be as numerous as the potential targets for attacks on
our country. Countries have attacked financial systems, businesses,
telecommunications systems, hospitals, schools, government offices, public
facilities, and utilities. It is extremely difficult to prepare for attacks on all of
these kinds of facilities, so we have to choose which ones we want to
concentrate on. That limits the “response-in-kind” options and forces a country
to make choices about the other available options.

As the Director of National Intelligence said in 2016, the decision for retaliation
is a political one.31 Deterrence is the ideal situation, though some countries will
not be deterred by anything other countries do. China is careful to use North
Korea as its stalking horse in attacks on Sony and South Korea to avoid being
the target of retaliation. North Korea does not seem to fear any kind of
retaliation, so it is not deterred. In the same way, Russia uses hacker groups not
directly affiliated with the state. Both of these provide plausible deniability for
some types of attacks coming from the state. But this kind of warfare is far more
complex than just cyber attacks on one another.

What Has Become of War?

Sun Tzu, one of the most-read Chinese military leaders, was a proponent of
winning without necessarily fighting. He said, “Hence to fight and conquer in all
your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking
the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”1 This is the ultimate war that those
soldiers in Antietam and Verdun would have appreciated.

China has claimed the South China Sea, parts of which are also claimed by other
countries. There is no fighting preceding it; no battles between armies; no real
exchanges of missiles or bombs—at least, not yet. Governments involved in
these territorial disputes do not say they are at war; they are just disputing
territorial claims. A country takes over territory against the will of those with
claims to it, yet it is hard to find a word describing what has happened in those

By international standards, the U.S. and China should already be at war. The
U.S. has moved warships into maritime territory claimed by China. If China
really believed it owned this entire expanse of land and water in the South China
Sea, it could not believe the constant ship movements were innocent passage.
“Innocent passage” is defined in the United Nations Convention on the Laws of
the Sea, which lays out (in extreme detail) when ships of one sovereign can pass
through the waters of another. Even by the terms of the convention, those ships
are far from innocent. They challenge China on its claim to the sections of sea
that they are trying to make part of China. That includes the island of Taiwan
and might also include South Korea. China should interpret ships entering into
that space as an act of war.

Seeing those ships, China could give consideration to declaring war or

responding in kind, but no such thing has happened. It has responded with
Russian-Chinese joint exercises and a few coast guard ships in disputed areas. In
an area southwest of Hainan is the Tonkin Gulf, where the United States had
an area southwest of Hainan is the Tonkin Gulf, where the United States had
disputes with North Vietnamese ships before the Vietnam War got underway;
there, the Chinese were running live fire exercises and have told other countries
not to come in. This is a difficult order to defy, since all that is required to run
live fire exercises is ships, ammunition, and communications of the intent. The
ships are there all the time and the announcements could become more frequent
if need be. Slowly but surely, the Chinese are demonstrating dominion over that
water, and they are doing it in small increments that are adding up. These events
are interpreted by government spokespersons who say these are not acts of war,
just normal events that occur every day in world affairs. Much like the invasion
of Czechoslovakia by Germany, there will be a time when that explanation will
not be enough, but it will be too late for peace then.

Figure 4. U.S.S. Carl Vinson enters the South China Sea (U.S. Defense

At the same time, China wants those who listen to them to believe war could
happen, and makes official statements to support that belief. The audiences for
these kinds of statements are other governments, not the general public. The U.S.
ships in the South China Sea were said to provoke a statement by some military
officers that the U.S. should “get a bloody nose” for bringing those ships into
Chinese territory.2 Stories prompted by China’s state-managed press said people
in China smashed iPhones and picketed U.S. business outlets in protest. If we
think about this, nobody actually does these kinds of things in reaction to a far
off incident of mostly minor consequence to individuals. If we went out on the
street and asked the average person in the U.S. what kind of action they would
like to see their government take because of claims made in the South China
Sea, most of them would ask for a repeat of the question. None of them would
want to smash a $730 (in China) iPhone in protest unless it was gifted to them
and cameras were rolling. However principled they might be, unless there was
some political or personal benefit, they just are not going to do it. Governments
are different.

Governments do what they can to promote their own views. While it might
include handing out iPhones to smash, the Chinese government indicated that
doing so was counterproductive.3 In other words, they do not want the behavior
to continue or spread beyond what the government can control. Both sides called
on an old standby and have moved towards joint exercises with other military
forces. The U.S. has done exercises with the Philippines, South Korea and Japan.
China has done them with the Russians and others. This is the usual routine of
gathering sailors, airmen and soldiers together and running around in territories
claimed by both sides. They fire off live ammunition to prove they have it, but
they would not fire it at other forces. This is a demonstration of capability. Very
few countries take the exercises seriously because they are not indicators of
friendship between the owners of ships who exercise together. The activity is not
fighting, either.

China does not like to respond to aggression unless it has an advantage, but that
does not have to be a tactical advantage in an engagement. In May of 2016,
Chinese fighters harassed a U.S. spy plane flying near Hainan, which just
happens to sit across from Vietnam. This was a few days before the president of
the United States flew to Vietnam and announced the end to an arms embargo
that had been a fixture of U.S. policy. President Obama says ending the embargo
has nothing to do with China, but it is clear to everyone that China and Vietnam
disagree about who owns certain islands in the South China Sea. Vietnam has
decided to duplicate the Chinese actions and start dredging an island of its own
in the South China Sea.4 The Chinese set up missile launchers in May 2017, but
these are not the anti-aircraft or ship missiles they have set up in the past. These
are directed against divers in the water off the islands.5 It is difficult for us to
believe that militaries of the world even have such a weapon, but the Chinese do
and Vietnam knows it.

The last time the U.S. and China clashed over these territories, the Chinese sent
ships through the Bering Sea into maritime territory of the U.S. The president
just happened to be visiting Alaska the day that happened. We should not believe
that either the incident at Hainan or the one in Alaska was a coincidence.

When the U.S. deployed ships to the South China Sea, and China deployed ships
to Alaskan territory, they both knew what they were doing. They knew the other
side could interpret these as acts as warlike, but would not. The Chinese claimed
innocent passage, sailing through the 12-mile limit, and the U.S. accepted that
claim, even though the Chinese ships would have been an indirect threat to Air
Force One, the aircraft used by the president of the United States. The U.S.
sends ships into the South China Sea with the same kind of reaction. We can
observe that neither side speaks of this as war, even though, by some
interpretations, acts of war might have been committed by both sides. These tit-
for-tat exchanges are only beginning.

The Chinese do not accept the standing of positions that are different from their
own, and they believe the South China Sea is theirs. China did not participate in
the United Nations discussions about the South China Sea. The U.N. Arbitral
Tribunal ruled against them in July 2016, but China continues to act as if it has
already won this battle on its own terms. It chooses to negotiate with the
Philippines behind the scenes with no other parties present. It is building islands
out of nothing to set an interesting precedent, an issue in the case brought to the
United Nations. The second finding of the arbitration tribunal was that the
exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the Philippines was being interfered with by
China, potentially a more important issue than the broader claim to the South
China Sea. The tribunal said China violated the Philippine’s exclusive economic
zone by interfering with fishing and petroleum exploration, and by constructing
artificial islands. The tribunal is saying that the building of those islands was part
of the claim at issue. China will not negotiate with other parties that have
competing claims, unless discussions are on their terms and yield their results.
They continue to deny that the United Nations has any authority to make a ruling
on this matter; rather, they negotiate separately with the Philippines’ new
What the Chinese did after the ruling says more about them than what happened
before it came. They ratcheted up the rhetoric, doing what they are good at:
creating an image. They want that image to reflect what could happen if the
“negotiations” with the Philippines do not go well. But if the Philippines won the
day with the decision, why were they negotiating anything? The Chinese
ambassador to the Philippines told the newly elected president and his minister
what to say and not say about the ruling by the arbitration tribunal.6 China’s
action was not misinterpreted by the Philippine president, but it was obvious he
did not want to share what was said, nor his reaction to it, with others. He will
begin more formal negotiations with China in 2017, and in the meantime, he is
collecting Chinese money for various causes including the rebuilding of his
home town.

China started to call the flights of military aircraft—which had been going on for
over a year—“combat patrols.” They built military-style hangers for the aircraft.
They put military radars on oil platforms. They announced that a new satellite
would be used to monitor “sea interests,” when it probably will be used for a
number of things besides that.7 They put surface-to-air missiles on some of these
islands, then took them away shortly after they were sure they had been seen by
anyone who cared.8 They put J-11 fighters on the same island. China’s
controlled press started to publicize stories of the iPhone smashing and the
picketing of U.S.-owned establishments. They were not doing anything they had
not been doing before the announcement of the finding by the tribunal, but they
worked hard to have the world see it as an escalation caused by a conflict—
never mind that it was one China had created. Truth in information war is always
smothered by repetition and buried in counter claims and denial.

Denial is a major political component of this new form of war. If we were to

believe what the U.S. and China diplomatic corps say, the countries of the world
are peaceful, friendly and agreeable; they want the world to understand the
issues will be resolved peaceably. China is helping the U.S. with North Korea.
We would be surprised if those Chinese and U.S. aircraft and ships engage each
other in the South China Sea. Were that to happen, we would find it more
difficult to remember we are not at war. What has allowed us to do that in the
past is a kind of logic called fragmentation by decomposition. We break down
the issues into small parts that can separately be excused as events that are not
war, where taking those same events together we might come to a different
conclusion. Politics drives the deception, and it happens more than we realize.
During my six years in Ballistic Missile Defense, the Terminal High Altitude Air
Defense (THAAD) was a system we hoped would shoot down ballistic missiles
that were coming from North Korea, destined for the U.S. If that 20-year-old
dream sounds familiar, it is still in discussion today. In briefings to Congress our
leaders often said the main concern was North Korea’s ability to mate a nuclear
warhead to a long-range missile, at that time the Taepodong II. The website of
the Federation of American Scientists lists the range of this missile at around
2,600 miles, not long enough to reach the continental United States.9

At that time, politics played into any comment being made about the North
Korean capability. The Clinton administration was concerned, but did not want
to say, that North Korea could hit the United States with a nuclear missile.
Nobody said North Korea did not have nuclear weapons; it was known that the
regime was working on them.

In fact, North Koreas missiles could hit Alaska and Hawaii, both part of the U.S.
Twenty years ago, the director of Ballistic Missile Defense Organization stated
the truth that the missile could not hit the continental United States, a comment
that was then misquoted several times by congressional leaders as “could not hit
the United States.” Senator Daniel Inouye spoke to one of his colleagues at a
hearing discussing the issue and said, “May I remind the gentleman that Hawaii
is in the United States.” Nobody laughed. It was not the narrative the Clinton
administration wanted to hear.

The debate was always about money then, how much to allocate to ballistic
missile defense, particularly National Missile Defense, which was eventually
built on a smaller budget because of the way the North Korean capability was
described. That capability has come to be considerably greater than what was

Now, nearly 20 years later, we pretend that situation is still the same. We want to
install THAAD in South Korea, and we have actually shipped the missile
launchers and announced they were operational. The Chinese claim to look at
that deployment as a chance for the U.S. to threaten the effectiveness of Chinese
missiles, an unlikely scenario. China is not the one threatening to destroy cities
in the United States with a nuclear missile. The Chinese say the U.S. should
negotiate (actually saying the U.S. should “do its part”) with the North Koreans
directly, and in exchange, China would cut back on the imports of coal,
exercising some leverage over the economy. The Chinese bulk up their
purchases of coal to the U.N. quota then declare they will comply with those
purchases of coal to the U.N. quota then declare they will comply with those
quotas. They have not stopped North Korea’s nuclear weapons program nor its
refinement of missile systems to deliver them. The Chinese still use North Korea
as a proxy for provocative actions that keep parts of the world on a defensive

There may be some truth to what the Chinese say about THAAD, but as in most
of their arguments they are very thin on facts to support their rhetoric. THAAD
would work just as well on a Chinese missile as on a North Korean missile—
probably better. THAAD interceptors operate at a high altitude, and the higher
the altitude the better for targeting. Since the North Koreans want to target the
U.S. and would not like their missiles to be intercepted, they are testing
submarine-launched missiles, which are hard to hit with anti-missile systems.
They come out of the water closer to their target and may not fly as high into the
atmosphere. There is less time to make a target identification and launch a
missile at their missile. It is hard enough to hit a missile with another missile
without reducing the amount of time it takes to do it. The Chinese, North
Koreans, and the U.S. know that. The North Koreans launch four or five missiles
at one time to demonstrate they could overwhelm THAAD with numbers, but it
is less than clear whether the North has just used a good portion of its inventory
of boosters to show what it might do.

Travis Wheeler, writing for the Diplomat, said the Chinese have only about 60
missiles targeted at the United States, but they are a sophisticated type with
multiple warheads.10 A defense cannot stop that many missiles, so it comes
down to how many are going to be launched and how accurate and survivable
they might be. North Korea has none, so far as we know. They are at the
“capability” stage; i.e., they can show that they are capable of launching a
missile, possibly mated to a nuclear warhead, and one that may be able to hit its
target. There are a number of “ifs” in that statement.

First, they have to have a supply of nuclear warheads, so that if they shoot some
off there will be a few left over. Otherwise the consequences of the first strike
will be severe, with no chance to retaliate. Second, they have to make the
warhead light enough to put on a missile that they have in their inventory, light
enough to be launched. Third, the missile guidance system has to be accurate
enough to put it on a target they want and not just throw it off in the ocean or
some cornfield. For North Korea, there are few intelligence guesses about
whether they could do these things or not. Not so with China; the U.S. knows
China could launch missiles at it.
China could launch missiles at it.

That debate was not about whether North Korea could launch a missile a
substantial distance, but whether there was urgency to do something about it.
Why we are having the same discussions twenty years later is of concern. We
built and fielded a National Missile Defense system, which was supposed to
defend the U.S. from these types of attacks. It cost $40 billion and has 30
interceptors, most at Fort Greely, Alaska. There will soon be up to 44
interceptors in the ground there.11 If National Missile Defense actually works,
the North Koreans could launch quite a few missiles before the U.S. citizens
would see incoming contrails.

China has enough weapons to show capability and have some left over. Our
intelligence services probably know if they are mission ready and if they can hit
their targets. The measure of accuracy is something called “circular error of
probability” (CEP). The Russians, during the Cold War, were thought to have
quite a few missiles that were range-capable but not very accurate. They had
high numbers in the CEP. They made their warheads bigger to compensate for
their lack of accuracy. They were big enough weapons to make the term “close
enough” more relevant. Larger weapons require bigger rockets, which the
Russians had. China does not seem to care about this aspect, suggesting they
have more accurate missiles or are not concerned about having a few miss by a
few miles.

The problem with estimates of capability was demonstrated after the Cold War
was over: We were able to determine that the Russians did not have as many
weapons or rockets as we had thought. Wheeler repeats some speculation that
the Chinese might not either. Nobody knows very much at all about North
Korea, so we could be wrong about them too.

But the Chinese narrative is something unrelated to the facts at hand. They have
said that North Korea does all of its testing of weapons because of the threat that
THAAD would be put in South Korea, not the reverse proposition that the
missile testing in the North was the reason for THAAD’s introduction in the
South. The U.S. has been worried about North Korea since long before THAAD
was even invented, and it seems they were right about their concerns. China has
kept this narrative going for such a long time that we have forgotten they are
behind it.

For the past few years, the United States was diverted from talking about
China’s actions to support North Korea or steal intellectual property from U.S.
companies and use it to develop its own product lines. That shift came after
China and Russia came to an agreement in 2015 that was intended to limit
conflicts of various types between the two. There were a total of 32 bilateral
agreements signed between them, and one in particular was a “nonaggression
pact” in cyberspace, with a promise to avoid destabilization of politics via the
Internet.12 After that, the Chinese seemed to back off of hacking as they
promised; however, they may have been leaving the unsavory parts of political
wars to the Russians.

When the Russians took Crimea, a land mass of 10,000 square miles owned by
Ukraine, they did it without firing a shot. Sun Tzu could relate to that. Nobody
from Europe poked their noses into what was happening in the build-up of
armed forces rolling into the region, although we know the Europeans would
have had their own intelligence operations telling them what was about to occur.
They know the Russians are in Ukraine in numbers that continue to fight. They
know the Russian propaganda machine generates narratives that fit the Kremlin
view of the world and plants stories on social media to confirm those views.13
They know the Russians are not going to quit their push to take back territories
that were part of the former Soviet empire. The Baltic states are under siege
from the Russians every day, and the Russians bought television stations in
Europe to further their influence over the views of people living there.14 Their
strategy seems to be working in many places.

Before Crimea, the Russians sent troops into the rest of Ukraine but denied
having anyone there. This, in spite of a Facebook post by a Russian soldier with
his unit, showing location information from both sides of the border. As I
outlined in my previous book, The New Cyberwar (McFarland, 2015), the
Russians criminalized the behavior of leaders in Ukraine, put up posters showing
them in a disparaging light, directly campaigned against them, funded their
opponents, and implied that the current government was a return to the Nazi era.
They paid for billboards that showed half of Ukraine with a swastika laid over it
and the other half covered in the Russian flag. They padded the election rolls
with people moving from one polling place to another via bus, and tampered
with the computers that assembled the completed voting tallies and counted
them. This is much more than was done in the 2017 United States election.

In Ukraine, the Russian nationalists captured and turned over to Russia a female
pilot, Nadiya Savchenko, who has done well for herself in captivity, being
elected to the Ukrainian Parliament. She was traded for two soldiers whom the
Russian Embassy called “Russian citizens detained in the Luhansk region,”
which might make them tourists, but definitely not soldiers. They claimed to be
soldiers, making it all the more difficult for Russia.15 They could have been shot
as spies but for their confessions in which they called themselves “contract
soldiers” who were there on leave from sabotage missions. One said he still had
his contract with him. Every satellite could see them and where they came from,
so it left little doubt that the Russians were invading Ukraine, however subtle
and covert it was supposed to be.

All the interested parties know what is really happening because they spy on one
another; they get information from friends of theirs that are better at it than they
are. They trade that information like poker chips, and would have been prepared
for what happened. Yet they do nothing, just as they did nothing when Hitler
seized Poland in the name of annexation. Peace in that circumstance had a price,
well known to the people of Europe, yet we seem to believe that the Russian
seizure of Crimea was somehow different.

The E.U. and U.S. continue to do little except level sanctions on selected
Russian businessmen and their banks. In December 2016, the U.S. added the
names of thirty-seven individuals, plus seventeen Ukrainian separatists, and
eighteen companies operating in Crimea, nearly two years after the invasion of
Crimea occurred.16 Did they really believe that the Russians were going to pull
out of Crimea because of sanctions? Nobody on either side could believe that
because it is not credible. This battle is over, and the Russians have won, but not
one government official on any side called it war. If only temporarily, it ended
by an accident of war.

On 17 July 2014, the rebels shot down a Malaysian commercial airliner with a
Russian Buk anti-aircraft missile, crystalizing resentment against their cause.
The Dutch Safety Board issued a report of the incident in October 2015,
outlining the facts as they were stated in the West.17 The Russians not only
denied that the rebels had used Russian missiles; they also claimed Ukraine shot
the airliner down, thinking it was Vladimir Putin returning home. The story was
so preposterous that it got little traction outside Russia. The Europeans and
United States issued sanctions, and continue to enforce those sanctions, long
after the Russians got the message that they need to be more careful with those
This battle is far from over. The Ukrainians, according to the Russian news
service RT, sent covert forces into areas of Crimea to sabotage progress in the
Kerch Strait, a partially submerged area between Crimea and Russia that Hitler
considered as the path into Moscow to save his invasion. Someone certainly
blew up electric generators on the Ukrainian side of the grid, and parts of Crimea
had no power until they got their generators going. The Russians built an
“electricity bridge” along the same route and are trying to build a real bridge
from more solid ground in Russia because they are not able to supply Crimea
without depending on Ukraine.18 It turns out the costs are more than Russia can
afford. They solidified their holdings, and prepare to take more, showing only
that a successful strategy is one to be repeated. This kind of engagement keeps
going until the achievements of the combatants are legitimatized, which for
Crimea seems to have happened.

The closest thing we have to war is in Syria; though most of the fighting is done
by countries that have not declared war, several call it war. It is fought in
multiple countries with state and non-state groups that favor no one but
themselves. Al Qaeda and ISIS, the best known, use the Internet to recruit, train
and motivate their members, who come from countries all over the world,
threatening some very powerful governments including Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya,
and Saudi Arabia. Participants, particularly ISIS, seize territory in a number of
countries that object. Governments, as a rule, do not favor this kind of activity,
and slowly, selectively strangle ISIS members in their own beds. This process
drags on forever, but appears to have the desired effect.

There are so many conflicting stories of attacks, bombings and named groups
involved in combat that it is impossible to discover which stories are true. The
Russians are said to bomb a hospital in Aleppo for reasons nobody can figure
out, then bomb hospitals again in April 2017. In Aleppo, they denied it but
bombed it again to make sure they got their objective. American aircraft bomb
Syrian troops in subsequent actions. This is the way lessons are learned in the
new kind of war. You bomb our covert forces and we bomb yours. Nobody is at
war, but the actions can lead to the death of innocents of all kinds.

The Kurds push ISIS out of territories they then occupy themselves; the Turks
bomb the Kurds and shoot down a Russian jet over the southern border, but
become friendly with Russia again within months after a coup tries to overthrow
the Turkish government. The Turks blame a murky cleric who lives in the U.S.
in the northeastern state of Pennsylvania, for planning the revolt. The U.S. is
unwilling to turn him over to Turkey. The Russians cannot help the Turks with
unwilling to turn him over to Turkey. The Russians cannot help the Turks with
that, but are friendly nonetheless. As the friendship stabilizes, the Turks roll
tanks into Syria and kill ISIS members and some allies of the U.S. who happen
to be Kurds. Everyone bombs the Kurds. Though they are still among the best
fighters in the world, seemingly no country loves them enough to help them with
their building of a country.

We should remember that operations against ISIS are a so-called civil war that is
being fought in Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, and a number of other places. We might
notice the conspicuous absence of Iran in that regional view, even though we
know Iran supports most of the groups acting for Syria’s benefit.

A civil war is generally fought between citizens of the same country, though
there may be few limitations on the geography. Nobody checks citizenship in
this dispute, but the fighters seem to come from several different countries, many
of them returning home after they get some training. This certainly looks like no
war ever fought before. What we are seeing is a change in war, one that sounds
like it favors fighters almost anywhere by having fewer causalities. No more
charging down a hill to certain death. Now, we hide our dead with denials and
deflection, but we are only fooling our citizens with poorly kept secrets.
Eventually they find out.

The use of military and covert forces is a trick, a transparent deception, that
populations have accepted. Most wars have become covert conflicts; i.e., neither
side admits to being at war and keeps the threshold of conflict low. This means
little to innocent bystanders who become refugees from their own homes. It
means nothing to the participants who may be Russian soldiers who sign up for
paid assignments while on leave from their regular units, or U.S. “advisors” who
fight alongside their trainees in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. Jets bomb them just
the same, and the other side shoots real bullets. As much as they want to hide
and obscure the actions, everyone knows this is real war or some sort, even if it
begs a definition. It is certainly not annexation.

What dominated the news during the U.S. election was the Obama
administration’s belief about a Russian plot to influence the election for
president. The disclosures showed the inner workings of a political party. The
content of those e-mails showed that the candidate had the questions that were
going to be asked in a CNN debate that was supposed to be unbiased. The
provider of that information was removed as a CNN contributing consultant. The
disclosures showed the bias of the leader of the Democratic National Committee
towards the election of Hillary Clinton, when the leader is supposed to be neutral
towards the election of Hillary Clinton, when the leader is supposed to be neutral
and publically denied being biased. She resigned her position under a wave of
unfavorable publicity prompted by the disclosures. The disclosures showed
disdain for some minority groups whose votes were needed for the election. It
showed potential criminal offenses associated with the destruction of
government records. These releases, dribbled out from Wikileaks for weeks, set
a tone that was not favorable to the Democrats, who eventually lost the election.
We should not wonder if the Russians really did affect the outcome of the
election, because those statements certainly did. But there may be quite a bit
more to the idea that it did not affect the outcome as much as they would have

In 2011, the Russian news service RT claimed that the United States had tried to
interfere with the internal election in Russia while Hillary Clinton was secretary
of state. RT published a lengthy outline of what it considered to be U.S. State
Department interference with the Russian national election, starting with
communication between the Hillary Clinton–like State Department (through
USAID) and Golos (an independent election watchdog in Russia). They claimed
persons who worked for State communicated with the Golos executive chief and
deputy. The RT articles claim Golos was paid for violation reports, and before
the investigation was finished in Russia, Hillary Clinton criticized the election
results as “unfair.” RT quoted Vladimir Putin as saying, “When financing comes
to some domestic organizations which are supposedly national, but which in fact
work on foreign money and perform to the music of a foreign state during
electoral processes, we need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our
internal affairs and defend our sovereignty.”19 Dov Levin, writing for the
Washington Post, described Vladimir Putin and Hillary Clinton’s relationship as
rocky—they were not friends.20 Mrs. Clinton had a long record of criticizing
Putin directly, and held the most hawkish views on Russia of any of the Obama
foreign policy team. So if Putin really believed the U.S. was interfering with
Russian election processes, and he believed that the author of some of those
actions was the hawk in the White House meetings, he might have sought some
reciprocal action. This is the nature of this small part of information war.

The year before the Russia-China agreements, Sony Pictures was hacked by the
North Koreans, and following that, there was a release of e-mail between various
parties, combined with threats to theaters promoting a movie critical of the North
Korean leader. This resulted in the removal of the movie from many of the
places it would show. Although it did not stop the show from being seen later, it
reduced the public exposure and may have had an effect on its profitability. But
reduced the public exposure and may have had an effect on its profitability. But
this was a warning that was not directed at Sony. This was China’s proxy, North
Korea, warning the United States that war was changing and we would not like
the exposure of similar information in the public.

At the same time, China stole the records of security clearances of many of our
top government and business leaders from the Office of Personnel Management,
emphasizing the point further. That was not discovered until 2015. That
information includes arrest records, drug treatment, investigations by businesses
and government offices, financial information, credit ratings, and foreign
national relationships, among other very private things. Washington, D.C.,
where many people have things to hide, collectively shuddered. The release of
that kind of information could prove more embarrassing than any of the e-mails
from the DNC or Sony, yet none of it has been released—that we know of. Its
value lies in not being released, but in having every person with a security
clearance know the Chinese have it. It is influence, albeit indirect.

It is difficult to see disclosure of private information by these two countries as

part of war, unless we see it in context. In information war, no buildings fall
down when information is stolen. No lives are generally lost from words alone.
No walls collapse when a “narrative” describes events in the way a government
wants it to be seen, and not the way events actually happened. Strategically, this
war is about changing or bolstering perceptions of different audiences towards
dissimilar political systems, the same approach offered in the U.S. Joint Staff
publication on information operations.

A minority of people targeted by governments believe in the press as their

guiding light, and even fewer believe in politicians. We hope a free press will
find its way to exposing the truth, but only a minority of people in the U.S.,
China and Russia trust the press as a credible source of news.21 In the U.S., for
example, 75 percent of those surveyed in 2016 thought news outlets were biased,
yet those same media tended to keep politicians in line.22 We can, of course, find
polls that say the opposite. Yet as we came to find in the U.S. national election,
we can hardly trust polls anymore, because they seem to show what sponsors
and news outlets want to show. Similar polls predicted a landslide victory for
Hillary Clinton. Media outlets in the U.S. are thought to be bought and paid for
by business leaders with political alignments to one party or another. To some,
the U.S. political system is not much different from its major rivals in the world
where the press is tightly regulated and dissent is not tolerated.
The kind of management of information varies, but the root of the problem is
that political groups can influence what news is presented and how it is slanted
towards a narrative that the leadership believes is important. What the leaders
fail to realize is that the public is much smarter, and more cynical, than the world
leaders given them credit for.

The United States, China, Iran and Russia are far too similar in the way they
conduct this warfare, though they have vastly different forms of government. It
should be discomforting to know that governments use some of the same
methods, but it should not be surprising, because those methods are effective.
Because operations like the hacking of the DNC, the leading French candidate,
and German candidates are more visible than Chinese hacking of embassies and
political leaders, we think the Russians are meddling in almost every election.
What they are showing by consistently getting caught is their clumsiness in their
approach. They have demonstrated that the release of information shows some
promise. Those actions will be duplicated in the future by more governments
because manipulation of domestic populations and their political leaders is the
major aspect of winning a battle in this kind of war. The subtle difference is that
the Chinese do it without the level of exposure the Russians have had.

Governments prefer the use of persuasion through the control of information that
populations receive. They manage their perception of events and influence what
different audiences believe about government actions. Press controls are more
common than we generally think about, yet few countries control the press better
than Russia and China. In its 2016 annual report, Freedom House, an
independent organization monitoring freedom in several forms, says only about
half the countries of world have a free press, and the number is decreasing as
more and more groups try to use the press as an instrument of their politics.
Particularly in the Middle East, pressure to report stories consistent with
government views has reduced the ability of the press corps to publish stories
that are out of bounds. Some, such as Egypt, Iran and Turkey, have become
more aggressive in controlling the major news outlets.23 Governments do this
around a narrative that weaves certain facts together in a way that creates a
belief; they can discourage counter-narratives and encourage parallel views.
Different governments use techniques that vary but produce the same result.

The Chinese ban certain stories that do not fit the narrative and enforce those
bans with censorship. The ends to which censors go to do so are remarkable. In
February 2017, the BBC interviewed a woman colloquially known as “the Kung
Fu Grandma,” a practitioner of the art at the age of 94.24 She was still
independent and explained Kung Fu as a method of protection from potential
bad actors. The BBC was accompanied by a few local government officials who
outnumbered the BBC crew. Their purpose was apparent as the interview went
on. The subject of her religious beliefs was about to be discussed by family
members when they were stopped by the officials. Religion was out of bounds.
Nobody can rationally explain why religion is not an allowable topic of
discussion for a woman who is that age, but explanations are never given for
censorship. The Chinese go to extraordinary lengths to limit what the press
reports about any, even the most trivial, news stories.

The Russians use the RT news service to create and support its narratives. The
press is more crudely managed in Russia, and the well-known persecution and
execution of some press representatives makes sure the news is reported in the
way the Kremlin wants. Independent news services press the limits of that
control and often get stories into print that conflict with the official view, but
being in that business has been dangerous. Fewer reporters end up dead, but
more of them have resigned “for family reasons” that at any time in the past.25

The U.S. has a massive press corps responsive to political parties and special
interests of their own making. Government involvement in managing the press is
largely done by influencing friendly outlets and favoring them with stories that
are consistent with the government position. Those reporters in favor get access
to politicians and staff who provide current, credible information.

But in each of these cases, it is far more complicated than just managing news
media, because it means contrary narratives must be prevented or discredited. In
many cases truth does not matter, but enough truth must be present to make a
narrative credible. The biggest battles come when the narratives of countries are
at cross purposes with each other. We can all remember the example of the
commercial airliner shot down in Ukraine. Narratives abounded for almost two
years before we saw an authoritative report blaming the rebels in Ukraine and
pointing to a missile of Russian manufacture as doing the deed. By the time that
account was published, only a small number of people could remember the event
that had caused it to be written.

Control of the press, censorship of various kinds, and political movements of

military forces to meet political ends are only a small part of the larger effort to
stake out territory, seize and hold it against the wishes of the affected countries
and the United Nations. The construct that describes how this was done is not
and the United Nations. The construct that describes how this was done is not
new or even very clever. Thirty years ago, it was called information war, but it
existed long before computers came along.

Political Wars

A year before the start of World War II we might have asked ourselves why we
should worry about war with Germany, Russia, Italy and Japan. Russia was a
relatively new communist country, not ready for war, and it had signed a peace
treaty with Germany just days before the invasion of Poland. Italy was hardly a
world power, but it shared some common interests with the Nazis, especially its
concern about communism in Russia. Japan was a world power and had plowed
through large parts of China that it retained; it had dominion over Taiwan, and it
controlled territories given to it after World War I in Tsingtao, on the Chinese
Shantung Peninsula, and on the formerly German islands in Micronesia. The
United States had disagreements with Japan because Japan held territories
captured during its war with China, but the people of the U.S. were not thinking
about war with Japan. Germany was of concern to Europe and Japan but not to
the U.S. until much later.

What triggered the events that led to World War II, in a simplified portrayal, was
a series of events that came from expansion of territory that became intolerable
to those offering appeasement to Germany and Japan. These were not the only
causes, but they were significant enough that Europe finally had to admit that
appeasement was not working and it was time to block further expansion. Japan
was at odds with the League of Nations over its territory in Manchuria. The
league said Japan did not have the right to seize the territory. Japan ignored any
attempts to be removed.

Japan was working for a diplomatic solution that would satisfy the United States,
but those attempts were not well received. President Roosevelt and his secretary
of state, Cordell Hull, were almost antagonistic towards the overtures made by
Japan; the conflict culminated in a series of export restrictions on commerce.1
After that, the diplomats on both sides realized that war was a real possibility.

So, who in 1937 could have predicted that Germany, Italy, and Japan would be
So, who in 1937 could have predicted that Germany, Italy, and Japan would be
allies in a war against Europe, England, the U.S. and their allies—a true world
war? Not many people did. Not many people today see a war coming either, and
those who do will not want to say it out loud. It is not popular, and governments
do not like to debate theoretical events. However, they are no more theoretical
today than they were in the weeks before World War II began for Europe.

The groundwork for political warfare solidified in those first weeks of World
War II in England’s Political Warfare Executive, which operated radio stations
that appeared to be German stations but were not. The U.S. operations were
much slower in developing and concentrated more on deception in military
operations. Neither country’s operations were very successful.2 Both became
more successful after World War II by focusing on delivery of news—the BBC
World Service and the U.S. Voice of America. These had the ring of a popular
belief that the truth will make us free. Presenting the truth would allow the West
to preserve its values in the countries of Europe. We have never stopped
believing in this sentiment, but we are finding the truth more difficult to define
and support.

Each country uses information as a weapon of influence and persuasion, both for
its own people and for the part of the world that chooses to try to bring new
ideas to its people. Weaponized information blocks and manipulates anything or
anyone that does not have a view consistent with that of the central government,
including those outside their own boundaries. Most countries control the press
and media to achieve that purpose. Democracies and totalitarian states look more
alike when they both conduct the same types of operations.

The techniques countries employ are part of a larger kind of information war
called political warfare. While information war was a military creation, political
warfare was not part of it, thus not mentioned in that doctrine. Political warfare
in modern times was defined by George Kennan as “the logical application of
Clausewitz’s doctrine in time of peace. In broadest definition, political warfare is
the employment of all the means at a nation’s command, short of war, to achieve
its national objectives. Such operations are both overt and covert. They range
from such overt actions as political alliances, economic measures (as ERP—the
Marshall Plan), and ‘white’ propaganda to such covert operations as clandestine
support of ‘friendly’ foreign elements, ‘black’ psychological warfare and even
encouragement of underground resistance in hostile states.”3 It is difficult to see
these kinds of activities because they are covert, hidden both from the public and
from most of the governments that carry them out, but this is a description of
war today.

Even the United States considered the practice of political warfare against the
Soviet Union in the Cold War and developed a report on the overall problems
with conducting it.4 We can remember the Star Wars initiative of President
Reagan, which framed a defense against missiles, yet the physical system that
was proposed was never built. That defense would have undermined the
mutually assured destruction strategy that allowed the Russians and Chinese to
maintain small missile forces with nuclear warheads while the United States,
France and the United Kingdom had delivery systems of their own. With the
destructive power of offensive systems dispersed across wide geographic
regions, the introduction of a defense against strategic missiles was big news.
Russia could not maintain the pace of countering the military objectives of Star
Wars and the attempt eventually weakened the country. China did not get
involved, but it evolved a strategy that was not about disseminating truth as
much as redefining it.

Inside China, the central government has historically punished views that differ
from official policy. But over the last ten years, the government has developed
the capability to filter the content of social and news media, and it stifles
institutions including religious organizations, businesses, and any other group
that has a message that differs from its own. What makes China the world leader
in political warfare is that it puts time and resources into doing things to control
and manage the content of any message that is conveyed to the people in ways
that no other country can or will. It takes organization, a central purpose, and a
good understanding of human nature to make that work. The Chinese act as
though they believe they can convince the world to accept their ideas by
managing information about those ideas. We should look at their success before
saying they are wrong.

It seems China has no enemies. That idea is discouraged by press, politicians and
business leaders because it is necessary to economic progress, the central part of
information war. If we want to have a clear conscience, we cannot trade with our
enemies, or at the extreme, exchange more than negotiating pleasantries with
them. Our businesses cannot operate their production facilities in the enemy
lands, nor can their laborers keep those facilities operating. We would find it
difficult to sell or buy goods of an enemy. The globalization of trade,
particularly Chinese trade, has almost eliminated enemies. Without enemies
there can be no wars.
This is hardly a new phenomenon. In the postwar era of the late 1940s, those
soul-searching in the United States examined those businesses and governments
that had cooperated with Nazi Germany and Japan, which were clearly enemies.
For the most part, that examination was not very conclusive and was clouded by
denials from every company named, even failing to distinguish between
opportunism and outright cooperation. Except for some parts of the insurance
industry, very few calls for retribution were ever addressed. Any cooperation
with the Axis countries was discounted or ignored.

In the post–World War II era we did not dare to call a company’s behavior
traitorous when it traded with an enemy in time of war, so there is no reason to
think that we would do it when we are not at war. These days, there are no wars,
and except for violations of export laws, trade is unlimited. That is view that
heavily favors the manufacturer of goods and services. Globalization makes war

Even where war stares us right in the face, there is a reluctance to characterize
the circumstances as war. The U.S. Congress is reluctant to declare war against
ISIS because of where it could lead. Once such a declaration is made, as it was
in Vietnam’s case, the president has wide latitude on how to carry out that war.
For political reasons, Congress does not want that kind of authority to be ceded
to the president to deal with terrorists who have no country and might operate
anywhere. So, in spite of frequent pronouncements about war with ISIS, the U.S.
is not at war with them. We fly airplanes that attack ISIS; we have soldiers
fighting alongside troops who engage them; we cut off the flow of money to
them; and we treat them like an enemy. But the one thing we do not do is
officially call our activities war. If this sounds inconsistent, it is because it is.

But what the Chinese have done with war is far more advanced. This is a
People’s war, the body and soul of China. The population cooperates and the
soul, the Communist Party, directs. China combines its state government, its
businesses, and its military into a shaped charge that penetrates any obstacle that
opposes it. Mostly, that means directing its activities towards the biggest and
most powerful competition it has, the United States. China’s approach is a
relatively new phenomenon, but it is changing fast, and it is spreading to other
countries. Like Crimea’s seizure by the Russians and the rise of ISIS, this
conflict takes place below an imaginary threshold that we define as war.

As a simple example, the U.S. defines a cyberattack against our electricity grid
as an act of war.5 But when somebody used a cyberattack to take out parts of the
Ukrainian grid, leaving 230,000 people without power for six hours, it was not
called an act of war. The U.S. Department of Energy claims Russia did this
attack, indicating that the combined investigation done by the Energy, State and
Homeland Security departments and the FBI came to that conclusion. But the
intelligence community indicated it was too soon to draw such a conclusion.6
The attack comes from Russia, and we would not like to pretend the Russians
are at war with Ukraine. They are simply annexing territory. The Russians
pretend they are not involved there, in spite of considerable evidence to the
contrary. The attacks are grown slowly, over a period of months, using prepared
code called BlackEnergy3, which was deployed in Europe and the U.S. The
Russians launch denial-of-service attacks against call centers of the victims who
might report power outages, and erase disks in the distribution centers to get rid
of the evidence of an attack.7 This is a low level of warfare of the kind that
usually precedes a more aggressive attack—which did not follow. Perhaps the
next time, it will, or this could just be a warning to anyone thinking about
helping out the Ukrainians.

The governments of countries in Europe, North America, and Asia are skeptical
—some even leveling sanctions—but are not convinced that Russia and Ukraine
are at war. They attribute the electrical infrastructure attack to groups of hackers
who have no direct association with the Russian Federation. The use of third
parties clouds the matter of who is to blame, but most governments know who is
really involved; their intelligence services tell them. But of course they cannot
make that information public, because it is a state secret. That is an excuse that
works for many countries, not just the Russians and Chinese.

The North Koreans attack major parts of the banking infrastructure, businesses,
and government offices of South Korea in a destructive attack that is not war.
They sink a military vessel, killing members of the crew, something clearly an
act of war but ignored by all. North Korea or China attacks Sony in the U.S. over
a movie being distributed and shown there, and that is not war, but a warning of
what war could look like if it happened. This is an information war, where—at
the lowest level—information originated by someone in a private e-mail can be
seen by anyone. That release is a political tool used by cyber groups like
Anonymous and political ones like Judicial Watch, but when governments
sponsor and carry out the attacks it is more than that. It is threatening U.S.
business leaders and government employees who have much to fear from this
kind of attack. What the Chinese have done is build a deterrent strategy that
warns of the ability of cyberwar to influence and enable political objectives. It is
warns of the ability of cyberwar to influence and enable political objectives. It is
a form of veiled blackmail. This is, of course, the nature of deterrence. To be
effective it has to be credible, and it seems to be easy to take a step from where
they are now to making some of this information public if that will support their

In the same vein, there are the missile tests done by the North Koreans. Live
tests of nuclear weapons are only done by rogue states, because other countries
with nuclear weapons have signed the nuclear test ban treaty to keep the number
of tests down. Shooting off missiles that can carry nuclear weapons long
distances is equally disrupting. Making public statements that the purpose
behind testing nuclear weapons and missiles is to make preparation for a war
where they will be used in combat with the United States is mostly bluster, but
still not something to ignore. Bruce Klinger at the Heritage Foundation described
China’s willingness to support North Korea in spite of its transgressions as a
series of steps that allow them to continue their antics:

• Repeatedly resisting stronger sanctions,

• Watering down proposed [U.N.] resolution text,

• Insisting on expansive loopholes,

• Denying evidence of North Korea violations,

• Blocking North Korean entities from being put onto the sanctions list, and

• Minimally enforcing resolutions.8

But it is not just the information war that allows China and North Korea to win
the first round in this engagement. This is just one strategic element of a broader
buildup of arms and territory. Of the most concern today is a buildup of islands
in the Spratly and Paracel island chains, where runways as long as the ones at
Dulles airport in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., have been laid on areas that
once were below water. They created the islands from spots of land so small that
nobody lived on them.

To those who might question the validity of their claims to those places, China
can say, “Those islands were just created by us from spaces long claimed by us.”
Those spaces they talk about are half the size (1.4 million square miles) of
mainland China. The U.S. believes the claims are dubious, and not recognized
mainland China. The U.S. believes the claims are dubious, and not recognized
by very many other countries, but that will not deter the Chinese.

Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines would agree, but it was the
Philippines that actually brought an action in the U.N. Court of Arbitration for
the settlement of these kinds of disputes.9 China did not attend the proceedings,
which had the principals speaking to themselves, but speaking nonetheless. The
Philippines claims the whole tussle is about China’s original claim to territory
occupied by a retreating Chiang Kai-shek before the Communists could overrun
him on the mainland. If we think about that, China is, as it has always done,
claiming Taiwan as its own territory. In 1992, representatives of China and
Taiwan actually came to an unusual agreement to allow China to claim the
territory as its own, but to allow Taiwan to publicly speak about a different
interpretation. The Chinese call this the 1992 Consensus, suggesting it is a
government/international consensus on Taiwan. In May 2016, the Chinese
criticized the newly elected Tsai Ing-wen for not including language about the
1992 Consensus in her opening speech. The Chinese cite U.N. Resolution 2758
as making China the only representative to the U.N. and the 1992 Consensus as
justification for pursuing the strategy to make one China, with Taiwan and other
land masses in the South China Sea included in it.10 There is a constant drum
beat of one China, even to the point that China criticized the newly elected
president for accepting a call from Tsai when she congratulated him on winning.
They succeeded in getting the then-new President Trump in the U.S. to back a
claim that the “one China policy” might be negotiable. China becomes the
“nagger,” constantly ready to jump on any suggestion that there is more than one
China, while wrapping Taiwan into that statement and moving to control the
physical space around the island. We accept this logic without ever realizing the
fallacy of it.
Figure 2. The nine-dash line (United Nations Convention on the Law of the

By raising the level of control in areas that surround Taiwan, China will
eventually control the islands themselves. Like Russia in Crimea, the takeover
will lack the drama of a real war, only because it is kind of bloodless war. China
will use force, persuasion, and repeated statements of their positions over long
periods of time. They wear down and intimidate their opponents, sometimes
with more than words.

In February of 2016, China put a surface-to-air missile battery on Woody Island,

not far from Chinese airspace and a place claimed by Vietnam. When the effect
was over, they withdrew the missiles. In March of 2017 they introduced J-11
military fighters. This ratcheted up the risk of flying over that territory. After
Turkey shot down a Russian aircraft flying in and out of Syria on bombing runs,
the ability to interpret what the Chinese did as a routine defense of their airspace
may raise some military eyebrows. Missiles are there for a purpose, or at least
the threat of that purpose. Modern Chinese fighters and other military aircraft
have been in and out of that same island. That missile system is now being
augmented by high frequency radar.11 The Asian Maritime Transparency
Initiative at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies said the
images showed that construction of facilities was nearly complete and would
allow monitoring of many trade routes in that part of the world.12

The Chinese respond to criticism of their actions with a simple, often repeated
phrase: We are not doing anything that any country would not do to protect its
territory. This linguistic trick ignores the disagreement over exactly who really
owns this territory, and appears to state an obvious fact agreeable to almost
everyone listening. This kind of logical manipulation is not uncommon, but the
facts of the settlement of small chains of islands, in the middle of nowhere, are
not quite that simple.

In April 2016, the G7 Summit that was taking place in Hiroshima, Japan, stated,
“We are concerned about the situation in the East and South China Seas, and
emphasize the fundamental importance of peaceful management and settlement
of disputes. We express our strong opposition to any intimidating, coercive or
provocative unilateral actions that could alter the status quo and increase
tensions.” The Chinese government thought this statement was aimed directly
their way, and we can be sure that was a correct assessment. It complained,
saying, “We urge G7 members to abide by their promise of not taking sides on
territorial disputes, respect the efforts by regional countries, stop all irresponsible
words and actions, and make constructive contribution to regional peace and

The island building in the South China Sea is the political and military strategy
playing out in a contentious geographical area; the events would seem to be a
matter of dispute over territory that has oil under all that water. But there is more
to it than just oil. The South China Sea is one of the most heavily travelled trade
routes in all the world, with over $5 trillion worth of international shipping
passing through it each year, mostly from China to other countries. The Chinese
would like to have that area under their control, but the oil and gas are a bonus.
The island building program is just one way of taking over something much
The island building program is just one way of taking over something much

A related initiative is to try to negate the trade agreements the South China Sea
countries have with the U.S. and each other, because China sees economic
warfare, a major component of information war, as an important part of
engagement with the United States. In 2014, China’s foreign minister promoted
a national initiative to consolidate the number of free trade agreements to
“reduce the risk of overlap and fragmentation,” without really saying what
benefit there might be. The idea was first raised in 2006 as a means to put
China’s economy at the center of trade in that region, a concept called
“community of shared destiny.”14 The countries of that region seem to have little
interest in pursuing such an arrangement, and have not even shown an interest
even in conducting a feasibility study. As a simple matter, it was a way to reduce
the influence of the U.S. in the South China Sea, and most of those countries saw
it for what it was.

The island building is about to come to a new phase. During the Obama
administration the U.S. sent an aircraft carrier, two cruisers, and two destroyers
to join two others already there. The Trump administration has done much the
same with different ships. While the ocean is large enough to accommodate
them, they constitute a formidable military force that creates a risk of clashes
between Chinese and U.S. forces. The Chinese have warned that the “freedom of
navigation” shows of force are fraught with potential risk of clashes. What will
bring it to a head is something called an air defense identification zone (ADIZ).

In 2013, the Chinese started to enforce an ADIZ in the East China Sea (northeast
of Taiwan), and according to Philippine justice Antonio Carpio, they are
beginning to enforce the same kind of zone in the South China Sea.15 In 2015,
the BBC hired a small plane to fly close to one of those islands, and the
warnings they received were clear and persistent. Listening to them while the air
crew looked nervously around left no doubt that the warnings could be more
than just idle talk.

The U.S. military has already publicly announced that it will not recognize the
ADIZ in the South China Sea.16 The implication is that U.S. military jets will fly
into those warning areas at times when Chinese air defense missile systems are
deployed on the islands. That should make for some interesting engagements.
Pilots of those aircraft will know the radar from that missile system has locked
on, and what they do next will determine how safe that area will be moments
afterwards. We are going to see some concrete tests of how both national
strategies play out.

The Chinese may also have been amused to see how quickly the competition for
islands increased when the U.S. made its moves there. Vietnam, Indonesia, and
the Philippines quickly seized additional fishing vessels in waters claimed as
sovereign territory by more than one country, something they have done
individually for some time.

China must have known the U.S. would do something about their continuous
buildup of the islands in that area, and they were probably not surprised at the
number of ships that were coming. They have hacked into our military networks
for years and have a good idea of what military forces are up to. China combines
its political and intelligence targeting in a symbiotic way. From a strategic
standpoint, control of that space is reason enough for an aggressive country to
want to claim it. The Chinese describe that country as the U.S., and the U.S.
portrays it as China. But the are holds significance beyond a simple debate; its
assets include these:

• Fish stocks and hydrocarbons. The ECS and SCS contain significant
fishing grounds and potentially significant oil and gas exploration areas.
Fishing boats are a common target of the Chinese and governments that
dispute their claims in the area.

• Military position. Some of the disputed land features are being used, or in
the future might be used, as bases and support locations for military and law
enforcement (e.g., coast guard) forces, which is something countries might
do not only to improve their ability to assert and defend their maritime
territorial claims and their commercial activities in surrounding waters, but
for other reasons as well, such as improving their ability to monitor and
respond to activities on or near the mainland areas of other countries in the

• Nationalism. The maritime territorial claims have become matters of

often intense nationalistic pride.17

Five years ago, the Chinese were harassing ships in the area, including those of
the U.S. Navy. China’s actions against intrusions are becoming more aggressive
and persistent. The U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission
and persistent. The U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission
2015 Report to Congress says:

Publicizing U.S. naval patrols and surveillance flights near China’s

reclaimed land features in the South China Sea appears to be part of a
growing effort by the United States both to impose reputational costs on
China and to reassure allies, partners and friends in the region as China’s
land reclamation and construction continue…. U.S. pressure on China to
cease further land reclamation and military facilities construction appears to
have been largely ineffective.18

But before they did reclamation or construction, China hacked the computers of
key leaders of the governments with competing claims.19 They wanted to have
access to their positions, intentions, and reactions to Chinese movements. But for
a little luck and good investigative work by the cyber security community, they
might never have been discovered. This gives them the capability to know what
another country will do at the same time that country is making the decision. We
can almost bet that they have done the same thing in the U.S., before putting
surface-to-air missiles out in the middle of nowhere. This is the role of
intelligence collection in the governments of the world, and the Chinese do it
well. It allows them make better predictions about what the other claimants to
territory will do, and anticipate what their allies, like the U.S., will try to do
about it. They follow the same model repeatedly, while others learn from them.

I mention this only because the Chinese have stopped playing our games of war
and have started playing one of their own. They fight an invisible war with the
United States, one where a battle is over before we realize it has started. Our
military is at a disadvantage in its application because it is part of a system of
government that is democratic, decentralized, and separates the government
from commercial business. The Chinese are not democratic, are centralized, and
combine commercial and government operations into one centrally managed
state. That is an advantage that allows them to focus their limited resources in
areas where they want success.

For the U.S. these last five years were a time of awakening, but it was reacting to
more than just the claim of islands out in the middle of nowhere. The U.S.
recognized that the control of space in the South China Sea, and the incessant
cyber stealing from businesses, government, and individuals, is related. These
are two parts of the same war. Recognition of how that part of a war is being
conducted is not as easy to see as a rain of bullets carving up your companions
walking down that hill at Antietam.
walking down that hill at Antietam.

Fancy Bears, Chinese Businessmen and U.S. Politics

Foreign involvement in U.S. elections has been an issue for many years, and
each time the subject is raised, the press portrays it as a new phenomenon. This
time though, in what is arguably the most heavily touted display of government
force in an election, the Russians have hacked into mail servers of the
Democratic Party political apparatus, engaging all the headlines by releasing
what they found. The director of the National Security Agency said that series of
actions did not have as great an impact on the election as those who did it
thought it might. It is a twisted kind of comfort that it could have been much
worse. Nobody was paying attention to what the Chinese were doing in this
election, and they did not factor into the assessment of the effects.

Hacking is a term that is slightly overused, but in almost every public definition
there is reference to the gaining of information through unauthorized access to
computers that house that data. There are several other reasons for unauthorized
access to computers, and each of these involves hacking of a different kind.
Governments sometimes do not want information from systems they hack; they
want to deny access to information for those who should have it; and they may
want to alter the information so an authorized user receives data that is not
correct. On a deeper level, they may want to put software into a computer to
cause that computer to do something it is not intended to do, possibly at some
point in the future. Each of those things involves a different kind of hacking,
often operating under different authorities. We almost always think of hackers as
unauthorized persons acting on their own, when they often are not. Some have
government backers who give them immunity for their actions. Some have
criminal backers who do the same thing in a different way. The techniques for
entry are often the same regardless of the motivation, but hacking is different in
each of those instances. Of all the things they do, stealing information is the
easiest part.

Stealing information is so easy that anyone who wants to can buy the software to
Stealing information is so easy that anyone who wants to can buy the software to
get them into another network and take what they want. It takes practice and the
willingness to discover how to do it, but it is easier than when young people did
it ten years ago. That is not new—hacking has always been ahead of our ability
to defend large networks from people trying to get in. But the difference now is
that the Dark Web will sell most anything needed to hack the best security in
networks commonly used to grant users access to the Internet.

Russian and Chinese groups have taken that one step further, infiltrating sites
that store software used in a number of commercial devices and installing their
own versions of operating systems and applications. That software has been
modified to give them access to or control of the networks that we use. They use
software that is “verified” with stolen software certificates that look valid to
security modules in other computer devices. The users cannot distinguish the
bogus software from the authentic software posted by a vendor. That application
downloaded from an external website may be the same one used on other
computers, or it may not be. Service providers, with the possible exception of
Google, do not provide us much protection against these kinds of threats, even if
they have professional security staff working on the problem. Private networks,
secured by political associates, stand no chance against the state-sponsored
hackers who are good at what they do.

The ease of hacking makes it more difficult for hackers when governments go
looking for people getting into their computers. Governments have, or can hire,
technical services that can find groups getting in and identify how they did it.
They often find two, working for the same government attacking the same target,
apparently not knowing that the other was doing the same thing.1

That is the public story being told, a simple story that is easy to digest. This
alone makes it suspect. A better story appeared in Reuters that describes a
Russian think tank controlled by Vladimir Putin developing a plan to disrupt the
U.S. election and discredit the electoral system in the United States.2 The plan
was said to have been prepared by the former members of the Russian
intelligence services who make up the think tank. The plan was supposed to be
helping elect someone more friendly to the Russians than President Obama or
Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton was not very friendly towards anyone in the

If there was such a plan, it certainly did not disrupt the election or discredit the
electoral system. That part is being accomplished with a campaign to discredit
the winner and undermine the presidency, willingly helped along by some not-
the winner and undermine the presidency, willingly helped along by some not-
so-unbiased people in political parties. The main goal is to prevent the winner
from governing. The Russians do not stop when the election is over. Sometimes
their candidates lose; sometimes they don’t turn out to be as friendly as they
thought they might be; but they remain undeterred by setbacks. They have a long
history of meddling, but they are much better at it than they used to be.

The target, in this case, was the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the
leadership of the Democratic Party in the United States. The attackers have code
names, Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear, given to them by the security community
doing investigations of their activities. The names allow security groups to talk
about techniques being used and where the groups usually live.

In 2014, a long time before the buildup to the 2016 election, Mandiant (later
bought by FireEye, Inc.) gave the group doing the hacking of government offices
and intelligence sources overseas a name: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 28,
speculating that it was hacking for the Russian government and not for either
China or international criminals.3 The latter part was important because China
and criminals were a hot topic then, and Russia was not. While Mandiant was
looking for things Russian, they found another group, “among the most capable
groups that we track,” and put some staff working on finding out what this group
was doing.4 They called that group APT29. These were called Fancy Bear and
Cozy Bear by the security community tracking them. A summary of the attacks
on the DNC said Fancy Bear was caught by security groups, albeit after the fact
of the first theft occurring; i.e., Cozy Bear was caught after Fancy Bear had been
discovered. Cozy Bear had been inside the network for over a year, quietly
collecting things typically used in intelligence collection but not by groups
trying to make a living out of it.5

Cozy Bear acted like any other intelligence collection operation would. The
group went in quietly and never disclosed anything outside of intelligence circles
about what it collected. It appears Fancy Bear was after things it could publish
and Cozy Bear was after things it could use to help decision makers in Russia,
without anyone knowing the information was stolen. The disclosure of stolen
information is seldom the way intelligence services operate, but Fancy Bear did
not follow the usual rules; it was getting unflattering information out to the
world public, clearly indicating where it came from. They used press outlets and
Wikileaks, a popular website.

The techniques the Bears used were described by a man with some experience of
The techniques the Bears used were described by a man with some experience of
Russian attacks on his country, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, the president of Estonia
from 2006–2016:

What we are seeing in the United States and among the European allies is
that influencing a country’s election outcome is warfare. There is no need
to wage a kinetic war or even use debilitating cyber attacks on critical
infrastructure if you can sway an election to elect a candidate or a party
friendly to your interests or to defeat a candidate you don’t like. This is
clearly the goal of Russia in the German elections, where Angela Merkel’s
role in maintaining EU sanctions against Russia has been critical and
annoys Russia no end. It is true as well as in France, where Marine le Pen’s
Front National is anti–EU, anti–NATO and anti[–]US. With anti–EU and
anti–NATO parties rising in popularity in a number of countries in Europe,
this asymmetrical attack on the democratic process is already now a
security threat to the NATO alliance.6

Ilves is giving some context to an already difficult subject that is generally not
taken in context. He is saying that this is a broader war against democratic
institutions being waged by Russia, when the U.S. seems to be fixated on what is
claimed to be a Russian attack on the United States. It clearly is not. It is an
attack on an institution, the election of officials in a free election, who govern
somewhat like the electorate believes they should. It is an idea shared by many
other countries, but not one found in Russia or China. Even though both would
like to believe their elections are free and open, there is considerable evidence to
the contrary. Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, managed to insert herself
in this issue and grab the attention of Vladimir Putin.

If both groups attacking the U.S. Democrats were Russian, it seems odd that they
were not on the same page. Intelligence is a costly business, and having two
agencies working on the same place at the same time is not terribly efficient.
Having them work at odds with each other seems even more unlikely. Ilves says
both of these groups are working for the GRU. For the GRU this was hardly
breaking new ground, but it was obvious that the two groups were not working
together. We have to think about this for a minute to realize that the Russian
military intelligence was carrying out a campaign to disrupt the U.S. election.
The GRU focuses on things that relate to the militaries of other countries. It
would be as if the Defense Intelligence Agency in the United States launched a
military campaign to influence the elections in Indonesia. Unless the military is
out of control, that is unlikely to happen.
out of control, that is unlikely to happen.

More than likely, it was the discovery of Fancy Bear that caused Cozy Bear to
change its approach and forget about keeping secret the information it stole.
After discovery of their operation, there was little point in protecting what it
took. That speaks to its having been some agency other than the GRU. It sounds
like the kind of thing the Russian FSB would do. There was other evidence that
points to that, coming from the Obama White House.

The White House press secretary announced that the whole operation was
directed by Vladimir Putin. That was supposed to be proof that the election was
being undermined by the Russians so they could favor the Republicans. That
announcement was not wise, and the information most certainly was very closely
held in the intelligence community that told the leadership that it had occurred.
Anytime a foreign intelligence service knows about such an announcement, it
starts looking for who might have provided that kind of information to the
United States. It did not take long to find some suspects.

In December 2016 and February 2017, stories surfaced about the arrest of two
FSB officers and the leader of a Kaspersky Laboratory facility. The latter story
by Radio Free Europe said two suspects were charged with treason, i.e., giving
state secrets to a U.S. intelligence service.7 These two officers could die because
of the White House disclosure to the press.

Almost nobody willing to speculate about who actually gave what was collected
to Wikileaks for publication on the Internet, and Wikileaks is protecting its
sources. Since we only know that two groups of Russian hackers were
discovered, there could have been other hackers who got the same information.
Both of these groups would have known how to get something into print without
showing the origin of the information. They have both run similar campaigns
before, and their predecessors in the KGB trained them well. In the years before,
they were involved in hacking of the White House, the State Department and the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.8 We would soon learn the FSB was behind the largest theft
of credentials any company has ever seen when they stole nearly a half a billion
user accounts in Yahoo.9 The Russian intelligence services were busy.

The original release of the Democratic Party information did not come from the
FSB or the GRU, as we would expect. It came from a hacker called Guccifer 2.0,
which was a hacker pseudonym (most hackers use one to protect their real
identity). Guccifer 2.0 claimed to have hacked the DNC. The name Guccifer
comes from a real hacker, Marcel Lehel Lazar, arrested in Romania in January
2014 for hacking politicians and other government officials in the United States.
The U.S. asked for extradition, and in 2016 he was convicted for hacking
offenses and fraud. While in jail he told Fox News that he had repeatedly hacked
the e-mail server of Hillary Clinton, something she and the State Department
denied.10 The curious gathered to see what there was to the story, but not much
else came from the statements made to Fox.

Then, when the hacking was discovered and the information started to be public,
the content showed a number of things going on inside the Democratic National
Committee office. First, that the leader of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Shultz,
had been working with the Hillary Clinton campaign to sabotage the competition
with her chief rival, Bernie Sanders, when she had previously denied that any
such thing had happened.11 Shultz resigned abruptly on the eve of the
Democratic National Convention, where Hillary Clinton was nominated as the

Guccifer 2.0 started releasing more documents. Reporters, using their

government sources, started to use a new term labeling Guccifer a “persona,”
which means something to intelligence agencies and hacker communities. It
means Guccifer might be something more than a person; he might be an identity
being used by more than one person. There might be multiple personas being
used by many of the groups. There could be multiple people using those
personas. We will never know all of those involved in making the stolen
information public, nor the real identifies of people behind those names. The
whole purpose behind a persona is to keep a secret—the identity of the real
person(s) using it.

Lists of donations, Democratic donors, and the names, private phone numbers
and e-mail addresses of these sensitive party assets were posted online.12 These
are the most sensitive secrets for any political party anywhere in the world. The
Democrats blamed candidate Donald Trump even though the attacks started long
before he was ever known as a candidate, and said the released documents might
be forged. The Russians have long been known for faking documents and
distributing them as legitimate, so the claim was easy to believe and fit the
narrative that the Russians were trying to influence the election. Security groups
brought in to investigate the hacks said they were linked to Russia, and the
Obama administration sources told reporters they had confidence that it was the
Russians. At the time, that seemed conclusive.
In October 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released a large number of documents though
Wikileaks, which he claimed came from the DNC, the Democratic
Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Virginia Democratic
Party, claiming they were stolen from the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton
Foundation said it was not the target of this hack, and subsequent examination of
their systems seemed to indicate that was true.13 One of the claims made by
Guccifer 2.0 was a pay-for-play connection of the Clinton Foundation and many
foreign donors while Hillary Clinton was working at the State Department.

The release was the month before the U.S. elections and left little time to deny or
present material facts on either side. The French elections had a similar event
just days before the election. As we often observed in government computer
security, in hacks of government and commercial offices, nothing involving
attribution to a foreign government happens quickly. It takes time to identify
which country actually did the deed, even where one country admits to doing it.
That delay left the issue of attribution hanging (in this case, a public
acknowledgment that the Russian government was involved in the hacking),
leaving the matter to speculation on both political sides until after the election
was over.

The number of releases, the quantity of internal correspondence released, and the
issues those documents pointed to were disruptive and could have weighed on
the perceptions of the candidates in the national election. But the majority of
polls taken after the election indicate that the director of the National Security
Agency was correct when he said the hacking did not affect the U.S. election as
much as “the nation state” would have hoped.14 In late December 2016, the FBI,
Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence
issued a disjointed and hastily assembled report indicating the Russians were
thought to be the attackers. This created a brief opening for politicians to claim
that the presidential election was not legitimate and/or that the president was not
a legitimate one. Protests and demonstrations against various policies continued
for many weeks, hoping to gain some momentum that never materialized.

If this really was a campaign by the Russian government to disrupt the U.S.
elections, it was not, if looked at narrowly, up to their usual standards. A Russian
campaign would not have ended with the announcement of the winner of the
U.S. national election. As the Russians did in Ukraine where they did try to
influence the election, their actions go on until they accomplish what they
wanted. In Ukraine, they did not stop when the election was over. They
discredited businesses and personalities of elected and appointed officials and
discredited businesses and personalities of elected and appointed officials and
continue to do so today. If the Russians launched this campaign, it is not over.
Their purpose is to disrupt the free elections of officials and constrain the
government’s ability to rule. Someone is doing that, but it may not be only the
Russians. We have not had the time to investigate all the leads that come from
such a complex case. We may find that more than just Russia is involved.

There was almost no public comment about the equally influential work by the
Chinese. Their support for legislators in the U.S. with money laundered through
political campaigns goes back much further than the 2016 election. The Chinese
like to follow the laws of the country they are in, and have bought their way to
U.S. citizenship using a campaign funding mechanism, the HB-5 Visa,
strengthened and modified by Bill Clinton when he was president. The process is
perfectly legal and carries few risks for those who do it. All it takes is money to
make the process work.

In 2016, the Washington Post reported that the governor of Virginia, Terry
McAuliffe, was the subject of an FBI investigation stemming from money given
by a Chinese member of the National People’s Congress who was also a lawful
permanent resident (LPR) of the United States. How a member of the National
People’s Congress can become an LPR and live in the U.S. legally is an
interesting question, but the more interesting question is how does that allow that
person to give money to political candidates? The Federal Election Campaign
Act (FECA) prohibits any foreign national from contributing, donating or
spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local election in the
United States, either directly or indirectly. A foreign national is defined as any
representative of:

• Foreign governments;

• Foreign political parties;

• Foreign corporations;

• Foreign associations;

• Foreign partnerships;

• Individuals with foreign citizenship; and

• Immigrants who do not have a “green card.”

That last item is the key to how a member of the People’s Congress, Wang
Wenliang (later removed from his position in September 2016 for his alleged
involvement in a pay-for-vote corruption scheme in Liaoning), can give money
to the governor of Virginia, and two million dollars to the Clinton Foundation.15
The Election Campaign Act has an interesting exception: “An immigrant may
make a contribution if he or she has a ‘green card’ indicating his or her lawful
admittance for permanent residence in the United States.” So an investigation
would be required to ensure the money did not come from the foreign
corporations that were owned by the Chinese billionaire, some of which traded
with the State of Virginia.

Governor McAuliffe and an unnamed number of “prominent Democrats” knew

all about the EB-5 Program.16 During an investigation of Deputy Secretary of
Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, the inspector general had pointed out
the involvement of McAuliffe in this way17:

Gulf Coast Funds Management Regional Center: Mr. Mayorkas intervened

in an administrative appeal related to the denial of a regional center’s
application to receive EB-5 funding to manufacture electric cars through
investments in a company in which Terry McAuliffe was the board
chairman. This intervention was unprecedented and, because of the political
prominence of the individuals, as well as USCIS’ traditional deference to its
administrative appeals process, staff perceived it as politically motivated.

Mr. Mayorkas’ actions in these matters created a perception with the EB-5
program that certain individuals had special access and would receive
special consideration. It also lowered the morale of those involved.

The governor knew about the EB-5 Program, but he did not know as much as
President and Mrs. Bill Clinton, or President Bush, who started it. The program
started in 1990 as a way to get foreign investors to bring money for projects to
the United States, but only 700 people signed up to use it while the Bush
administration ran it. In 1992, it was modified to allow key provisions to be
expanded. Foreign nationals who invest at least a million dollars in a new
commercial enterprise (NCE) or $500,000 in a targeted employment area (rural
areas and areas of high unemployment) could get LPR status and, after two
years, apply for U.S. citizenship. The Clinton administration allowed the
combination of jobs created to be aggregated in regional centers; the number of
regional centers quickly went to over 700, and a few of them advertised their
programs on the Internet. Most of the projects were located in California, where
the adjudications of requests were processed, New York, Texas and Florida.18
Some of the projects in California and New York were far from rural areas or
areas of high unemployment.

In 2015, the Atlantic Monthly did a report on the EB-5 Visa program that
exposed some of the abuses, including a gigantic Hudson Yards program that
made 1,200 Chinese businessmen green card holders.19 Of the 10,000 visa
applicants in the year before, 9,128 were Chinese. This scheme allows Chinese
citizens to become Legal Permanent Residents or U.S. Citizens; they are then
eligible to contribute legally to political campaigns. There was no secret about
why they did it, and a few Chinese were strangely honest in speaking with the

The CCTV Business Channel quoted the general counsel of Dandong Port
Group, owned by Wang Wenliang, on the reasons for pursuing interests with the
governors of states. He said, “One of the things I learned from this trip [the 2012
Democratic National Convention in South Carolina]: States have a lot of power.
If you really want to influence … let’s say your China policy… it is really worth
it to have emphasis on the state level.”20 The business relationships have
managed to put money from U.S. companies owned by Chinese entities and
newly created U.S. citizens to work in local elections, where they can build long-
term relationships. Those relationships influence China policy just the way local
politics influences national elections. And they do it within U.S. law, a
characteristic of China that Russia seems to lack.

Rich Chinese are overwhelming the EB-5 Visa program, and the quotas are
filling up earlier each year. The Justice Department indicted two women for
abuses of the visa program and are looking for more.21

Although both countries influence the political process, the two governments are
using considerably different techniques applied to both of the major parties in
the United States. The Russians seem to favor the Republicans and the Chinese
seem to favor the Democrats, though that might be an illusion because neither of
them favor one political party over another. They favor influence over those
their intelligence services think are most likely to rise in the political system or
who benefit Chinese business. Their methods are consistent with the way their
intelligence services have behaved behind the scenes. The Russians use blunt
intelligence services have behaved behind the scenes. The Russians use blunt
force methods to achieve their objectives; the Chinese are subtler. Both are
effective in their own way.

The revelations of Edward Snowden must have gotten the attention of the
Chinese, the first country to offer him safe haven after his departure from the
U.S. What the revelations show is how far the capabilities to collect information
from computer networks have come. For several months a document was
published in a newspaper or magazine that related to some capability. By and
large, these are collection capabilities of the U.S. intelligence agencies. Because
Snowden also published the “Top Secret Policy on Cyber,” we also know how
the U.S. government characterizes those collection efforts. Because that
document was compromised, the U.S. finds it difficult to define its responses to
cyber incidents directed at the U.S. without addressing them directly. The
secretary of defense has outlined a much more direct strategy against China,
North Korea, Russia and Iran, including “preemptive cyber attacks” that might
be a direct response or might prepare an infrastructure for a future attack.22

Snowden revealed quite a few secrets, but he also revealed how good the U.S.
intelligence agencies really were. The documents disclosed show that the NSA
had a variety of collection methods that, according to Stewart Baker, a former
NSA general counsel, allow the collection of “virtually everything on the
Internet.” Our worldwide articulation of privacy concerns quickly fades away
when a crisis on the scale of the attacks of September 11, 2001, shows
deficiencies in the way that data was being collected.23

While disclosing how the NSA did some of that work was a great propaganda
victory for both China and Russia, the sophistication of what was disclosed must
have given the Chinese reason to stop and think. If the U.S. is that good at
collecting information, maybe it is pretty good at making use of that information
in a retaliatory strike or cyberwar. The Chinese were already familiar with

Stuxnet was a form of deterrence, but it wasn’t developed for that purpose. Since
it wasn’t designed to be discovered, its deterrent value was negligible, once
discovered. U.S. allies would find the inability to keep secrets about this type of
covert program, and the use of sabotage to achieve the political objective, as
reasons not to ever engage in this kind of project again. Secrecy is of absolute
importance to protect the allied relationships and provide deniability for the
people who actually did the work. Sabotage is a word we generally do not use to
describe the actions of that computer worm, but that is how the Iranians would
see the intentional manipulation of centrifuges used to refine uranium into
weapons grade material for a bomb that neither Israel, nor a number of U.S.
allies, wanted Iran to have.24

Somebody was using other methods the U.S. did not like, such as the killing of
Iran’s nuclear scientists, so a better alternative was needed. Cyber strikes are
“clean”; i.e., they won’t leave a lot of blood on the floor of the place where they
are used. It may have helped get Iran to the negotiating table if they believed
there might be more to come. China has a different way of demonstrating
deterrent strategy than the U.S. because they describe, through proxies, what
“more to come” might mean. Just as the U.S. may have used Israel to help in its
attack on Iran, China has done more to spread out their attacks through third
parties such as North Korea.25 This makes it more difficult to attribute the attack
to China but allows China to measure the effectiveness of an attack of that type.

North Korea does not do much without China knowing. We are faced with
nuclear bomb testing and threats to wipe out the United States, a clearly
unachievable goal. It is a small, isolated country that stamped out a name for
itself by threatening the U.S. and its allies anywhere it could. China can sit back
and watch our reaction to that kind of manufactured crisis, getting the benefit of
being able to anticipate what we might do if they were attacked by anyone else.
When North Korea attacked South Korea in 2013, there was ample example of
what could happen if China were to be attacked by the U.S., and the difficulties
in attributing that to China. That attack disabled services in three of South
Korea’s largest banks, its two major TV stations and one cable channel.26 It was
only the first of the “demonstrations” by North Korea.

In what has turned out to be one of the more bizarre of those, North Korea
warned the U.S. not to distribute a farcical movie about a plot to kill the Great
Leader. North Korea was not just asking that the movie not be distributed in
their country; they didn’t want it distributed in the U.S. either, and they made
threats against people who might go to see it. North Korea threatened to do
something to retaliate if they did, and attacks on Sony were the result of that.
The attacks were destructive; i.e., they destroyed Sony’s corporate computer
systems.27 At the same time, they plucked information written by Sony
employees and published that information on the Internet. These were private,
internal e-mails that damaged the reputations of top level employees of the
company. That is a warning to us. If you decided to try to retaliate against us,
this is what you can expect. From a deterrence perspective, that is effective, but
there were warnings on both sides.

David Sanger at the New York Times says the U.S. was buried deep inside North
Korea’s computer systems and could tell that this particular attack came from
them.28 If true, it would have been better for that capability not to be disclosed in
a newspaper. The FBI previously had said it had evidence that the attack came
from North Korea and advised the president accordingly.29 Even so, the
attribution was questioned by many outside government and could have been the
reason for making further disclosures. So by denial, the North Koreans were able
to discover something more important that the U.S. got in the exchange. The
U.S. offered a tepid response, shutting down North Korea’s small Internet
domain for ten hours and applying financial banking sanctions to North Korean

Both of these were pointless exercises if China really was behind the hacking of
Sony. The Obama administration must have believed the North Koreans were
not the perpetrators. When David Sanger wrote about the various options,
administration officials said the U.S. considered retaliating against China. That
included an option to do the same thing to some Chinese businesses that North
Korea did to Sony. This type of retribution has a way of getting out of hand
unless it is proportionate to the attack received. Had the U.S. not believed that
China was behind those North Korean attacks, it would not be likely to have
suggested retaliation against them. Yes, the U.S. also attacked North Korea to
make the same point, but it knew what country was really responsible.

The Chinese launch more and more attacks because we have no deterrent
capability to prevent them from continuing to collect intelligence of all sorts
from our businesses and government services. In September 2015 and March
2017, President Obama met with the chairman of the Communist Party and
president of China, Xi Jinping. The usual course of diplomacy is to work out
ahead of time what will be said at the conclusion of the meeting and leak that to
the press to show that something substantial will be done. Instead, the Obama
administration leaked two other ideas: first, that there would be sanctions placed
on China, similar to those used in Russia to deter them from going further in
Ukraine.31 Second, that the U.S. considered a variety of responses to Chinese
hacking of U.S. businesses, and considered skirting the Great Firewall, or
hacking Chinese government officials and releasing their e-mail, similar to what
North Korea did to Sony.32 Several months before and after his visit, the U.S.
had done nothing. It almost seemed like the status quo was acceptable to both
parties, and that the U.S. wanted to talk tough while doing very little. The Trump
administration launched a Tomahawk strike while President Xi was in the U.S.
visiting and moved an aircraft carrier and attending fleet moving closer to North
Korea. That kind of action speaks louder than any leak.

The Obama White House defended their lack of a response as a means to avoid
cyberwar with China. In fact, they were already in a cyberwar with China and
had been for some time. Both sides know it. What that White House was afraid
of was that the American public would discover it had no will to engage,
retaliate, or win that war. China was using the intellectual property of U.S.
businesses to build itself into an economic power that would take over the
markets the U.S. currently dominates, while protecting its own. That objective
seemed to matter little to either the federal government or U.S. senior business

During Xi’s visit to the U.S. in September 2015, a vague agreement between the
U.S. and China created an arrangement that each should not steal business
secrets from the other, but that we would, presumably, continue to collect
intelligence on almost anything else. That is not an agreement that does any
more than recognize the status quo. It did force the Chinese to change their
strategy of using PLA forces to do the hacking and moved that responsibility to
the Ministry of State Security, which employs contract hackers, is more skilled
than the PLA, and is better able to operate without getting caught.33 Had we
used strategies like we currently have for cyber when we were fighting the
Russians in the Cold War, much of Europe would still be dominated by a still-
active Soviet Union. It should be obvious that we are unwilling to fight this kind
of war. Something holds us back.

In August 2015, when several of the leaders of the U.S. intelligence community
were asked about deterrence, the best answer for where the U.S. policy came
from the Director of National Intelligence. In testimony before the U.S.
Congress he was asked why we don’t have a better strategy for deterrence and he
said, “It’s a political decision.” We could do more, we might surmise from this
characterization, but for the lack of political will to do more. No more incentive
could be provided than the theft of 28 million security clearance records from
the Office of Personnel Management, including the records of many senior
business executives and government officials. That was the context of the DNI’s
words, yet nothing has been publically done to deter future thefts of government
words, yet nothing has been publically done to deter future thefts of government

Figure 3. Terminal high-altitude area defense similar to that deployed in

South Korea (Department of Defense).

What has replaced our concern about the thefts of data by China is Russia. That
is not a coincidence. It takes the spotlight off of China and puts the focused
attention of intelligence and law enforcement on Russia. Somewhere in those 32
agreements signed between China and Russia is a shift in attacks that will ease
the pressure on China, which was becoming considerable. The U.S. knew China
was behind the Sony attacks and had linked the People’s Liberation Army with
thefts of business intelligence in the U.S. China knew that the U.S. was blaming
them for a range of thefts from the designs of nuclear weapons to patented
information and trade secrets from businesses. In 2017, one can barely hear a
peep about this kind of activity.

If we get into a tit-for-tat round of stealing information and releasing it to the

public, there are several groups that would not do well in that exchange, but
most particularly business leaders and government officials. Sony was a
most particularly business leaders and government officials. Sony was a
demonstration of that capability and the damage it can do. Releasing business e-
mails can be both personally and professionally damaging to those who say
things about their business relationships that they believe will never be made
public. Imagine what can be done with the security clearance records. There is a
good lesson in the Sony case for all of them. Political figures and business
leaders have found reasons to avoid letting information about their conduct or
reasons for taking certain actions into public view. The Chinese have
demonstrated their deterrent capability and learned to be more careful to avoid

Unlike almost any other country, the Chinese know who in their country is
hacking someone else, or turning on other people inside their country. They have
a disciplined national technology infrastructure with 659 million users, 80
percent using mobile devices, that is organized to allow the monitoring of every
Chinese citizen. The Chinese show a willingness to support the kind of
monitoring infrastructure that would be required with money, policy and other
resources that would be impossible in other countries.

Their new anti-terrorism legislation directs the cooperation of any business from
any country operating in China. It requires businesses to hand over source code
and encryption technologies that protect communications from interception. The
Chinese are good at recognizing an innate adherence to law that is found
elsewhere in the world. They try to operate by the laws of countries they are in
and modify their behavior to achieve their objectives without violating those
laws—if they can. They also understand the idea that “it’s the law” is a
statement that carries weight in the business and government circles that operate
in China. They make laws to achieve their objectives.

Though not all businesses comply, even under great pressure, avoiding doing so
is getting harder and harder. The practical means of avoiding U.S. export laws
that prohibit sharing certain types of technical information with other countries
causes them to set up companies that are “Chinese” to manage the turnover.
With corporate networks modified to be available to Chinese security services,
businesses must wonder how they can keep their trade secrets secure within their
own business environment. They should comply because “it is the law.” Their
problem, of course, is that law isn’t reciprocal, nor is it well understood. At least
some businesses adamantly do not comply with it, but find it more difficult.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce in China in an attempt to help its members

made recommendations to the Central Government that created some interest in
made recommendations to the Central Government that created some interest in
the U.S. Many in the U.S. and elsewhere were not aware that China had been
doing some of the things noted in these recommendations. These amount to non-
standard policy manipulation to regulate foreign institutions:

• Continue progress in providing 30-day notice and comment periods for

all draft laws and regulations across the board, as specified in multiple

• End the use of “window guidance” and release public directives instead.

• Improve comprehensiveness in the online publishing of all court cases

within seven working days of a ruling as required by 2016 regulations.

• Improve transparency by releasing formal findings and case histories of

anti-monopoly related investigations.

• Clarify customs and tax regulations so that foreign companies can fully
comply and make more informed investment decisions.

• Provide written explanations whenever administrative agencies deny or

provide conditional approvals for license applications or other approval
applications, and adhere to decision deadlines specified in laws and

In most countries laws and regulations are posted so those who are supposed to
adhere to them can comply. But not only do the Chinese have vague laws, they
also have a category of regulation called Window Guidance, a term that sounds
odd because it is. It applies to unposted policies and regulations that are
announced as needed, but enforced immediately. The Financial Times reported
an instance of this kind of guidance that impacted banks in China.35 In
December of 2016, the regulators called foreign banks together and announced
new currency controls intended to prevent the flow of capital outside the
country, lowering the value of China’s currency. There was no warning that this
was coming, and the implementation was to begin immediately, trapping some
banks in the middle of transactions. It caused disruption and confusion but
accomplished what the Chinese wanted, stabilizing the currency.

The recommendation on court findings and anti-monopoly investigation is not

new. The case of Rio Tinto illustrates how after-the-fact policy enforcement can
be so interesting to companies trying to do business in China. Rio Tinto was told
be so interesting to companies trying to do business in China. Rio Tinto was told
it was collecting business intelligence information on government-owned
businesses and that the information was a state secret. Holding that kind of
information could lead to a long sentence in a Chinese jail. Creating doubt about
what can legally be collected puts companies collecting normal business
intelligence at potential peril of being prosecuted if it were to be discovered.
That kind of policy puts foreign businesses at a disadvantage in competing in
China, which is clearly the intent.

These kinds of laws and policy documents encourage cooperation by foreign

companies without saying what that cooperation is about. As a simple example,
Trend Micro, a company making security software, has been told it must sell its
Chinese division to a company in China. In a press release in August 2015, the
company describes it this way:

BEIJING—(BUSINESS WIRE)—AsiaInfo Technologies (China) Co., Ltd.

and Trend Micro (China) Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Trend
Micro International, today jointly announced that AsiaInfo intends to
acquire all of Trend Micro China’s business, including licensing of product
and technology rights within the China market. The acquisition represents
AsiaInfo’s commitment to emerge as the industry leader in big data and
cloud security to help make the digital exchange of information more
secure, reliable and intelligent for Chinese customers. This agreement will
solely encompass business within China.

“The acquisition enriches AsiaInfo Group’s information security product

architecture, strengthening our advantage in both customization and
integration,” said Zhang Fan, president of AsiaInfo’s security department.
“This allows AsiaInfo to further expand into other sectors, such as finance,
education, manufacturing and healthcare. The agreement will not only
provide a broader market for future growth, but also protect national
security through the creation of independent control of information
technology development.”36

Trend Micro can make it sound like this exchange was a good idea, but the last
sentence of the press release makes it clear that China is prepared to buy out
participants in its information technology infrastructure to make sure outside
companies don’t have “independent control” of parts of it. That lack of control
puts companies operating in China at risk.
We will never know how, or if, the Chinese steal intellectual property from
businesses that have networks in China, but business people who live and work
there believe they do. The amount and types of controls on the Internet almost
guarantee that Chinese intelligence services can access anything they want.
Businesses operating in China have told me that they have tried to avoid moving
equipment to environments controlled by the Chinese, knowing it will be stolen
in those places. But it is becoming harder to avoid government interest and more
painful to operate in China. So, instead of helping our businesses in China
protect their information, we have abdicated the protocols of proprietary and
export controls by bowing to Chinese law. These laws are constructed to do
legally what we should not allow to be done at all. It facilitates theft of trade
secrets and shrouds it in the name of national security.

A new report by Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto gives us some insight
into how deep the Chinese have gone in monitoring their own population, and
also gives an indication that they may be monitoring a good deal more than their
own people.37 Why does a browser used on smartphones made in China want to
transmit these kinds of things back to a host server: user search terms, hard drive
serial number, GPS coordinates of the user, nearby wireless networks (including
a unique identifier) and places they visited on the web?

The Windows version of Baidu Browser also transmits a number of

personally identifiable data points, including a user’s search terms, hard
drive serial number model and network MAC address, URL and title of all
webpages visited, and CPU model number, without encryption or with
easily [decipherable] encryption.38

These are things the Chines are collecting on users of Baidu, the Chinese
equivalent of Google, but there is more to it than that. Data such as this is also
collected by third-party applications made with the software development kits
(SDKs) provided through Baidu. Millions of Android apps are pushed over
third-party systems to tens of millions of users. Why does Baidu, or anyone in
China for that matter, need to know my hard drive serial number and the
wireless networks around my home? There are only a few uses for any of that
information and none of them are good. When Citizen Lab asked the question,
they got an equivalent of “no comment.” When Citizen Lab asked Baidu if it
was a government requirement for them to collect this data, they got the same

What the SDKs do is allow the spread of this kind of collection behavior to
What the SDKs do is allow the spread of this kind of collection behavior to
third-party developers who might not know what the Chinese company has been
collecting, and who may not have noticed that the kit they are modifying is
transmitting this kind of material to China. When the kits are scattered all over
the world, it becomes difficult to even discover where the changes to an SDK

The latest rounds of data thefts are in health care and the cyber security industry
itself. While the U.S. federal government pushes the health care sector onto the
Internet, more of that data is being stolen. We once thought that was being used
for identity theft, which it has been, but there is little evidence that thefts by the
Chinese are used in the same way as they would be by a criminal gang. This is
health care data stolen for its use in cyberwar. It is collected because it is
available. The Chinese probably know more about us than we know about
ourselves. We have privacy and data exchange limitations internally to protect
individuals. When that data is stolen, we no longer have that privacy, and that
data becomes an asset for our enemies. Many of us do not see that part of the
theft as an act of war, but that is because acts of war are not as clear in the cyber

Four years ago, we had just started to discuss what cyber attacks did constitute
an act of war. The Defense Department, in April 2015, using a speech by the
secretary of defense, tried to define when the U.S. military would react to cyber
attacks as part of a “national response.”

The Defense approach calls for U.S. Cyber Command to respond when there
was “something that threatens significant loss of life, destruction of property or
lasting economic damage”—which it characterized as applying to about 2
percent of current attacks on businesses and government. The purpose was to
establish a deterrence policy that “works by convincing a potential adversary
that it will suffer unacceptable costs if it conducts an attack on the United States,
and by decreasing the likelihood that a potential adversary attack will
succeed.”40 Knowing that the Chinese, and others, steal information from us
doesn’t mean that we have done anything about it. In fact, we seem to be in
harmony with them. We complain; they ignore us and deny everything; yet we
do next to nothing about their criminal theft of business information that drives
the U.S. innovation engine. Charging Chinese military officers does nothing to
discourage China from advancing their economic espionage using the People’s
Liberation Army (PLA). The distinction here is that China, as part of its national
strategy, steals from the U.S. and uses that information to build industries of its
own that compete with those same industries. The more serious aspect is our
practice of allowing them to do so without penalty. We have no deterrent
capability and no desire to stop them. Our business and government leaders have
a lot to do with that. Both seem willing to support the theft of their own
intellectual property by China, when it is not in their long-term national interests.

Senator John McCain, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, believes the
military posturing does not work because it is not backed up by a national
strategy. He says, “Make no mistake, we are not winning the fight in
cyberspace…. Our adversaries view our response to malicious cyber activity as
timid and ineffectual. Put simply, the problem is a lack of deterrence. The
administration has not demonstrated to our adversaries that the consequences of
continued cyber attacks outweigh the benefits. Until this happens, the attacks
will continue, and our national security interests will suffer.”41

Economic War

When the first edition of this book was written, it was more difficult to convince
anyone that China was stealing business information from U.S. and global
companies. Since then we have come to realize that China is stealing more than
any of us had guessed. Stealing business information allows China to anticipate
what commercial developments, mergers, and business strategies will compete
with them in the years ahead. They do not have to guess what General Motors or
Intel will do in their next iteration of designs, because they already know. They
know where the technology is going, how it will get there, and what the vendors
will be charging for it. In bidding for international contracts for energy,
construction, transportation and communications they win, in part, because they
already know what their competitors will bid.

But “China, Inc.” is a hugely successful economic enterprise that uses some of
China’s best advantages to manage business development. It has a relatively
good base to start from, but that base is eroding. Chinese wages are going up and
since 2001 have risen 12 percent a year. At the same time, China’s currency has
risen gradually, and it occasionally fluctuates more than the government would
like. Even with both of those things occurring, China still offers a cheap
alternative to the wages and currency costs of Western countries.1 While
presidential candidates in the U.S. discuss variations on what the minimum wage
should be, the Chinese pay less than one-fourth the wages of most Western
countries, before those campaign promises are even realized. But there is
something else that appeals to businesses, unrelated to production costs: one and
a half billion potential customers.

U.S. business leaders know costs are less in China, and they want access to the
local markets. To get it, they have to team with Chinese businesses to bring
those products to them. Those products are not exported to China; they are made
and sold there. To the U.S. with 316 million people, 1,357 million seems like a
good market. But if that market consists of the people who are manufacturing the
good market. But if that market consists of the people who are manufacturing the
goods, the trade deficit suffers because we are not exporting what the Chinese
are buying. There is no reciprocity in that approach.

It is no secret that we have a large trade deficit with China every month, around
$30 billion. Although China’s leaders have said they want to cut their reliance on
exports as a source of their economic growth, focusing on internal consumption,
it continues to run huge surpluses. In 2014, China’s global trade surplus in goods
and services reached $382 billion with the trade balance with the U.S. being the
most advantageous to them. But the real amounts have not changed much since
then: “In 2014, the U.S. goods trade deficit with China increased by 7.5 percent
year-on-year to $342.6 billion, a record. And in the first eight months of 2015,
the U.S. trade deficit in goods with China totaled $237.3 billion, a 9.7 percent
increase year-on-year, raising troubling questions for the bilateral relationship.”2

Table 1 shows the 2016 figures from the U.S. Census Bureau on the size of the
Chinese trade deficit. We know that China gets the biggest share of our dollars
for goods and services, so these numbers should not be a surprise to anyone.
U.S. government officials tend to discount the deficit because China buys debt,
$1.258 trillion, with part of their surplus.3
Table 1. U.S. trade in goods with China, 2016 (U.S. Department of

Yet the overall Chinese position is a little less clear, since it comprises other
things in addition to treasuries. The Congressional Research Service summarizes
their holding this way:

U.S. financial securities consist of a mix of securities issued by the U.S.

government and private sector entities and include long-term (LT) U.S.
Treasury securities…, LT U.S. government agency securities, LT corporate
securities (some of which are asset-backed), equities (such as stocks), and
short-term debt. LT securities are those with no stated maturity date (such
as equities) or with an original term to maturity date of more than one year.
Short-term debt includes U.S. Treasury securities, agency securities, and
corporate securities with a maturity date of less than one year. The
Department of the Treasury issues an annual survey of foreign portfolio
holdings of U.S. securities by country and reports data for the previous year
as of the end of June.4

Internally, China makes it more difficult for competitors there by retroactively

calling what U.S. businesses collect for business intelligence “state secrets.” The
threat, and a vague definition of what constitutes a state secret, makes local
officials and company employees wonder how far they should go. Their
competitors are state-owned companies to whom the same logic does not apply.
This is standard for Chinese policy, which is light on definition but heavy on
selective enforcement.

The Chinese use other methods to discourage companies from independently

competing with state-owned enterprises in their own country. They have slowly
squeezed out a number of potential competitors to Chinese businesses, although
they have failed with others. The main form of this unfair competition is the use
of domestic laws that favor Chinese companies and force non–Chinese
companies to participate in either teaming arrangements or partnerships with
Chinese businesses. They exclude large areas of the infrastructure from any non–
Chinese involvement. In 2016, the government clamped down on companies
doing business in China and forced them into agreements that give Chinese
control to businesses that were previously 51 percent owned by others. These
included companies such as HP, Qualcomm, Cisco, and Microsoft, which now
have “Chinese companies” in China performing their business in that country.
China claims it is because of concerns over foreign control of business
equipment, a dubious claim at best.5

There is another obvious reason for calling these businesses Chinese businesses
besides allowing them the ability to comply with Chinese law and ignoring that
this arrangement can violate U.S. laws, particularly the export laws of the United
States. The businesses operating in China know they need licenses from the U.S.
government to provide a wide range of business information to Chinese
counterparts. Some, for instance most large manufacturers, have gone to great
lengths to show their actions to limit the types of technology that is exported.
For example, Intel publishes weekly changes to its list of computer processors
that are exported, the licenses that cover hundreds of those exports, and
maintains licensing requirements that are voluminous and burdensome. Yet Intel
also operates manufacturing, testing and research facilities in China (Beijing,
Chengdu, Dalian, and three major facilities in Shanghai), Vietnam, and a number
of other countries. A Wall Street Journal article last year indicated that Intel was
moving its manufacturing of non-volatile memory chips to a new $3.5 billion
company site.6 Non-volatile chips retain information when power is turned off to
the computer. The Chinese benefit from jobs and technology developments in
their country but they are not as willing to bring partners in on other types of

There is a formalized code for how these exclusions of business influence over
infrastructure and technology are supposed to be implemented. The “Catalogue
for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries 2015,” jointly released by the
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of
Commerce (MOFCO) and effective in April 2016, divides investments in
industries into three basic categories: encouraged, restricted and prohibited. It
further specifies how investments may be made and with what entities; e.g., an
industry may require a joint venture or partnership be formed and a member of
the Communist Party or Chinese citizen installed as the senior partner. Some
industries require more than 50 percent ownership by the Chinese entity. Other
businesses may be wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs). These laws too
are vague and leave room for interpretation, but U.S. companies are learning to
navigate them by feeling around for the “right” solution. According to a
Pillsbury Law report,

These “WFOE-permitted” industries include accounting (where the chief

partner must be a Chinese national); the construction and operation of rail
transit such as city metro and light rail; operation of performance venues;
design and manufacture of transportation equipment such as aircraft
engines and engine parts and components; airborne equipment for civil
aviation and yachts; manufacture of electric machinery and equipment such
as power transmission and transformation equipment; and manufacture and
R&D of automobile electronic devices, such as manufacture of embedded
electronic integrated systems.7

The prohibited list is odd in what it includes as much as for what it excludes in
investments. The prohibited industries include these:

• Production and development of genetically modified plants’ seeds

• Fishing in the sea area within the government jurisdiction and in inland
• Exploring and mining of tungsten, molybdenum, tin, antimony, and

• Exploring, mining, and dressing of radioactive mineral products

• Exploring, mining, and dressing of rare earth metals

• Processing of green tea and special tea

• Processing of traditional Chinese medicines

• Manufacture of weapons and ammunition

• Production of enamel products, Xuan-paper (rice paper) and ingot-shaped

tablets of Chinese ink

• Companies of air traffic control and postal services

• Social investigation, e.g., surveys, analysis of views of a population, and

the like

• Development and application of human stem cells and gene diagnosis

therapy technology

• Geodetic survey, marine charting, mapping aerial photography,

administrative region mapping, relief mapping, navigational mapping, and
electronic compilation of common maps

• Institutions of compulsory education and special education, like military,

police, political and party schools

• News agencies

• Publishing, producing, master issuing, and importing of books,

newspapers and periodicals

• Publishing, producing, master issuing and importing of audio and visual

products and electronic publications

• Radio stations, TV stations, radio and TV transmission networks at

various levels (transmission stations, relaying stations, radio and TV
satellites, satellite up-linking stations, satellite receiving stations,
microwave stations, monitoring stations, cable broadcasting and TV
transmission networks)

• Publishing and playing of broadcast and TV programs

• Film making and issuing

• News website, network audiovisual service, online service location,

Internet art management

• Construction and management of golf courses

• Gambling industry (including gambling turf)

• Eroticism

In those industries where investment is restricted or encouraged, the cost of

doing business has to be balanced against government interference.8

Samn Sacks, a China analyst in the Eurasia Groups Asia Practice, wrote that
technology companies had to allow “invasive audits, turn over source code, and
provide encryption keys for surveillance, and build local data centers,” and that
“counterterrorism law and banking sector information technology (IT) regulation
both remain in play despite reports to the contrary.”9 Combine that level of
oversight with the loose definitions of “state secrets” and there is ample reason
to believe that China is not competing fairly in the markets, especially where it is
creating its own businesses. What those business relationships lack is

The Chinese would say they are just trying to protect their own businesses, but
there is more to this than protection. Their approach is to collaborate in domestic
business to undermine the business relationships of global businesses that are not
based in China. U.S. businesses know what the Chinese have done to regulate
them, and that they are not competing on a level playing field. What the U.S.
should consider is that the companies that still have major manufacturing
operations in China work under these laws. To comply, companies are
transferring technology to China and allowing Chinese industries to form
unequal partnerships. We should be concerned about the long-term
consequences of allowing China to operate on its own set of rules, unique in the
world, and having other countries follow these rules without regard to
world, and having other countries follow these rules without regard to
international law.

If companies with major Chinese operations are complying with the kinds of
requirements that its laws demand, the Chinese are getting their trade secrets,
proprietary information, and access to data they process in amounts that are
staggering. What makes that difficult for the allied governments is that most of
what these companies do already violates export laws of their respective
countries. Most of these export laws were made in advance of the Internet and
have not been gracefully adapted to it. The Chinese know that and take
advantage of it.

Two things the Chinese encourage are joint ventures and leadership by Chinese
citizens in certain types of technical businesses such as electronics. This leads to
“foreign businesses” doing business the Chinese way, or eventually not doing
business there. The Chinese are not in a hurry to force anyone to follow their
rules of engagement, but they are not afraid of offending foreign companies who
do not do things their way.

In November 2016, the Obama administration made it clear how they intended
to deal with the Chinese buying into U.S. businesses using state-owned
enterprises. The question being asked by CFIUS is this: When a state-owned
enterprise buys something, is it the government of China that owns the
purchased entity or does an independent company own it? We must conclude,
from the findings that followed that CFIUS decision, that it decided the
government of China owns what its companies buy.

The widely reported sales that were disrupted included the Unisplendour Corp,
part of China’s Tsinghua Unigroup, Ltd., which planned to buy 15 percent of
Western Digital. A month earlier Western Digital had planned to buy SanDisk,
which makes a number of portable storage devices. Philips NV announced it
would not pursue a bid by Chinese companies for a business making light-
emitting diodes because of an inquiry by CFIUS. And the long-running sale of a
German company, Axitron, operating in the U.S. was also undone the same way.
The shift from specific deals by state-owned enterprises to specific sectors of the
electronics industry in the U.S. narrows the scope of the CFIUS focus, but
recognizes the principle of state ownership as a factor in purchases made in the
United States.

The Chinese have allowed no defense to companies doing business in China.

The Chinese have allowed no defense to companies doing business in China.
They are doing it by changing laws, eliminating any negotiation of compliance
standards. They are careful to avoid exposure to U.S. security and regulatory
agencies. The central government denies any such thing is occurring, but their
denials are far less credible now than they were five years ago.

U.S. companies operating there are not doing any favors for their boards of
directors, nor for the national security of their own countries, by cooperating
with unequal policies structured to give access to trade secrets and proprietary
data. Having our government allow these kinds of unequal trade arrangements is
damaging to our national security, yet little has been done to China for the way it
behaves. In the absence of cooperation, those businesses do not get access to
Chinese markets. We can wonder if the pilfering of trade secrets is worth that
access, but some boards of directors must believe it is.

Chinese businesses operating in the U.S. don’t have to enter into arrangements
with U.S. companies binding them to minority partnerships. They don’t have to
turn over encryption technologies and source code for software. Their business
leaders will not be arrested for compiling competitive business information
about their competitors. Our intelligence community does not steal information
from Chinese businesses and funnel that back into the parts of the economy that
compete directly with the U.S. The U.S. has to stop pretending this is “just
business” and realize it is more than that. It is economic warfare, a large part of
information war the way it is practiced by China. Government and businesses,
on both sides of the situation, tolerate and perpetuate it.

In early 2016, Lourenço Gonçalves, chairman, president and chief executive of

the mining and natural resources company Cliffs Natural Resources, said China
was the main reason there was steel manufacturing overproduction in the world
economy: “You can’t call yourself competitive if your competitiveness is based
on cheating the international rules of trade. Trade without fairness is not trade,
it’s war.”10 Apparently the Commerce Department and the Obama
administration agreed with him, because they imposed tariffs of nearly 300
percent on rolled steel. This is almost unheard of in trade deals with China, but
direct talks with the U.S. were ruled out, almost as if their opinions on the matter
did not make much difference. There is only one thing worse in political disputes
than arguing in public, and that is being ignored. There is potential for a trade
war, but not for a long time. It is something neither country really wants, but that
did not stop the U.S. from applying new tariffs to steel, and in March 2017,
opening investigations of how steel and aluminum are being dumped on U.S.

The business consequences of losing this kind of fight can sometimes be severe.
In May 2016, Carl Icahn made headlines when he sold off his Apple stock
because he was concerned about the relationship between Apple and the
communist government of China. Apple says part of those troubles started when
China asked for source code to Apple products.11 New restrictions on media
outlets put Apple in the position of closing its iBooks and iTunes movie stores in
China. That had to do with the way China has changed the operation of
companies that distribute books and movies. Apple’s stock dropped in its longest
decline since 1998, and Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, went to China shortly
thereafter. Whether he is able to accomplish very much on his visit may depend
on his willingness to give in to Chinese demands or determine the costs of not
doing that. Carl Icahn may be right from the standpoint of an investment
strategy, but he is focused on the wrong companies.

What we should be more concerned about is companies that remain in China and
turn over their source code when the government asks them to. We might ask
Microsoft, IBM, Intel, NVIDIA, or Qualcomm if they have turned over their
source code—or if they were even asked to turn it over. Source code is the future
of any company and is the most proprietary thing a software company has. It is
the way they make money; turning it over to another government is inviting
trouble for the company that does. What they have largely done so far is to make
their Chinese operations Chinese, so a U.S. company is not following the laws
that contradict Chinese laws. China uses that source code to make their own
counterfeit versions of the same product, to modify it and use it to collect
intelligence, or to analyze it and make a competing product. A Symantec report
in March 2016 indicates they use stolen certificates to make their software look
like it was legitimate.12 Companies that willingly turn over code are sacrificing
their future for short-term profits. And they are doing it with a country that could
easily be at war with other countries in a few years.

It is not possible to deal with a Chinese strategy to tilt the board in their own
favor without doing something about it. Apple may have done something for
itself, and the trade sanctions against China may have helped domestic
production in the U.S., yet the reaction seems to be something less than the
response required to counter a national strategy by a country that fights unfairly.
For the most part, the U.S. does not fight with the same level of commitment that
we see on the Chinese side, and it is unwilling to use the same tactics against this
adversary. Playing with international courts and the World Trade Organization
adversary. Playing with international courts and the World Trade Organization
are largely political exercises that demonstrate “doing something” rather than
actually accomplishing very much.

The U.S. and other countries have previously filed complaints with the World
Trade Organization over practices that violate provisions of member
organizations, thinking that might have some long-term effect. China is a
member. Dumping, the practice of putting products on the market with
substantial subsidies that reduce their cost more than would occur in free market
pricing, is the most common kind of complaint against China. The U.S. filed 28
of the 48 cases against China in 2016. Most were anti-dumping cases.13 In
addition to those cases, the U.S. brought two major complaints involving the
aircraft and automobile industries, plus an important one that nearly involved the
entire computer industry. These are not the only places where China has acted
like a poor partner to businesses, but they are current examples.

In a complaint to the World Trade Organization, the U.S. said, “China exempts
the sale of certain domestically produced aircraft, including general aviation,
regional, and agricultural aircraft, from the value-added tax (VAT), while
imported aircraft continue to be subject to the VAT.” This gives Chinese aircraft
a competitive advantage in pricing in their own country. Aircraft manufacturing
has a been a sore spot between the U.S. and China for a number of years,
because China forced the U.S. aircraft industry to cooperate in the building of
the Chinese domestic airline industry, something they did through joint ventures.
This repeated the strategy used in the electronics and solar energy sectors. China
rolled out the first commercial aircraft to compete with Boeing and Airbus in
November 2015. The inevitable result of cooperation with China is the building
of an industry that competes directly with those cooperating with them. We have
to ask ourselves how a board doing good business practice can allow helping a
country develop a competing product. It can’t be “just business” when the
outcome is an undermining of long-term profitability in the larger world
markets. The idea of profits in the near term, exchanged for competition in the
longer term, does not seem to make business sense.

In the last two years a number of aircraft component industries have joined with
Chinese companies to build the parts of an airplane. Airbus and Boeing, the two
largest aircraft manufacturers in the world, both have joint ventures with China,
but more than that, some of their best known suppliers do too. Boeing is building
its first offshore plane factory in China, building airframes in the U.S. and
outfitting the interiors in China.14 The Airbus A320 final assembly line, the first
assembly line outside of Europe, is in Tianjin; it began operations during
September 2008 as a joint venture between Airbus and a Chinese consortium of
the Tianjin Free Trade Zone (TJFTZ) and China Aviation. The engines for the
Chinese C919 commercial aircraft are made by General Electric in a deal that
began in 2011. The arrangement included “sophisticated airplane electronics,
including some of the same technology used in Boeing’s new state-of-the-art
787 Dreamliner.”15

The essence of the argument questioning this kind of trade is summed up by

John Bussey in the Wall Street Journal:

“It’s unclear whether anyone in the U.S. government took a look at the GE
deal in terms of U.S. competitiveness—the future of the aviation industry
10 or 20 years out,” says an executive who advises companies working in
China. He worries that a heavily subsidized Chinese jet program, enhanced
with U.S. avionics, could eventually clobber Boeing. China has an
incredible ability to distort markets, and we can’t be reacting after the
distortion has taken place.16

Clyde Prestowitz, a former U.S. trade negotiator who writes on global

economics and business, says China is violating World Trade Organization rules
that prohibit making technology transfer a condition of market access. “In a
normal market the avionics would be done for that plane in the U.S. and we’d
sell it to China,” he argues. It is exactly that issue that makes trade agreements
with China one-sided.

GE says it wasn’t forced to give up its technology for market access. Instead, it
sees this joint venture as a valuable piece of an existing global network of joint
ventures and supplier relationships between the world’s big aviation companies.

“Technology is the heart and soul of our company,” says Rick Kennedy, a GE
spokesman. “Why would we give away our future?”17 That is a good question,
and one that would have been asked of the board of directors and shareholders.
Apparently, if they were presented with the idea, they agreed with Kennedy’s
position that GE was not giving up its technology for short-term profits.

Eaton Corporation, aside for being blamed by Hillary Clinton for moving jobs
out of the country, has established a joint venture with China to design, develop,
and manufacture fuel and hydraulic conveyance systems in the C919 aircraft.18
Rockwell Collins and China Electronics Technology Avionics Co. (CETCA)
have signed an agreement to establish a joint venture (to develop and
manufacture the communication and navigation systems for the Commercial
Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. (COMAC) in the same airplane.19 A joint
venture between Safran S.A. and G.E. (Nexcelle) makes the nacelles for the
engines; a Goodrich joint venture with China’s XAIC will make the landing
gear.20 Parker Aerospace, in a joint venture with the Aviation Industry of China,
will do maintenance, repair and overhaul of the aircraft.21 Stanley Chao, writing
for Aviation Week, rightfully asks if China can do well at building a commercial
aircraft when it outsources almost all of its components. He also points out that
the engineers at Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China come from building
jet fighters, an entirely different type of aircraft than those for the commercial

What is more disturbing is that COMAC engineers and managers are not
interested in understanding the engineering discipline to build an aircraft.
Rather, they only want the solutions to problems they have encountered.
Because of pressure from the top, they will outsource the answers and
solutions from Western companies and simply implement them without
understanding the “whys.” Meeting deadlines has taken precedence over
good, solid engineering work.22

That may be true in the next five years, but in ten years China will have its own
capability and understanding of the engineering to do considerably better—if we
allow them to continue to buy the expertise to build their own domestic
industries, rather than buy the products of U.S. engineering.

The automobile sector has an equally checkered but considerably longer history
in China. In the last ten years the U.S. has filed several complaints with the
WTO over Chinese practices in both auto parts and auto sales, with neither side
winning much of any concessions from the other. In 2009, the U.S. imposed
anti-dumping tariffs of 35 percent on tires being exported to the U.S. In 2011,
China imposed duties ranging from 2 percent to 21.5 percent on imports of large
American-made cars and sport utility vehicles, in part because bailouts of
General Motors and Chrysler made their vehicles more competitive in the
marketplace.23 In spite of these government actions, neither side seems anxious
to damage industry cooperation because it is to the benefit of both.
The most successful was General Motors’ fifty-fifty partnership with Shanghai
Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC), known as SAIC-GM. The company
was formed in 1997, and GM sold hundreds of thousands of cars in China after
that. China accounts for 37 percent of GM’s global vehicle sales, 36 percent of
Volkswagen’s, and 17 percent of Ford’s, according to corporate filings.24

But General Motors is selling the first Chinese cars in the U.S. in 2016,
somewhat of a surprise to the United Auto Workers.25 China will initially
produce the Buick Envision, a small sport utility vehicle, and a plug-in electric,
the Cadillac CT6, which is made in the U.S. as a gas-powered model. Buick sold
a million cars in China in 2015, so their near-term profits are offset by the sales
of Chinese cars in the U.S. Volvo has already started making some of its cars in
China, through a company owned by Geely Auto of China. Some U.S. buyers
have professed surprise in finding their new Volvo was not made in Sweden.

The auto industry is somewhat different than the aircraft industry because China
did not have a manufacturing capability for aircraft as they did for cars. The
Chinese have been making aircraft for quite a long time, but their production
facilities are relatively new to this manufacturing sector. In 1953, China’s central
government established First Auto Works (FAW) to build trucks. Since 2009,
the automobile industry produces more cars and trucks than the U.S.26 What the
auto industry demonstrates is China’s ability to produce a competing product on
a scale that drives many others from the market. Whether that cooperation is
good for businesses, expect China’s, is another question. Nowhere is that more
apparent than in the personal computer industry.

China makes the vast majority of all personal computers, including those of HP,
Dell and Lenovo, the three largest sellers. But it also makes three out of the five
top cell phones, including some from Apple and Samsung. More than that, it is
difficult to find a server, hard drive or home router that is made anywhere else.
As an example, look at the router on any Internet service provider such as
Verizon, Sprint or AT&T. It will almost certainly say “Made in China.” China
makes everything in the network, and it dominates the markets in those pieces of
critical equipment. The fact that China controls the manufacturing of these types
of devices is a national security problem for any country that buys them.

Economics is not normally thought of as a part of war, but it has always been. In
the big picture, if an intelligence service collects information about the strategy a
trade delegation will use, and it provides that information to its own country’s
trade delegation, that is economic warfare. So, if one of the countries interested
trade delegation, that is economic warfare. So, if one of the countries interested
in hosting the World Cup decides it would like to know how all the other bidders
are going to structure their bids, they can put the intelligence service on to trying
to find out. A government can also collect intelligence and give it to its private
industry or its Olympic bidding team. They could just as easily use government
officials to try to influence the award of a contract for airplanes, a new national
wireless system, or retrofitting of ships. Or a country can just lower or raise the
value of its currency a little. The Chinese are better at this than anyone, although
a few other countries might want to debate that.

There are grey lines here. One country might think using government officials to
influence contracts is OK if they don’t pay bribes to anyone. Another country
night think bribes are part of business, so it would be foolish not to pay them.

This type of war with China started longer ago than you might think. At the time
we were putting together the strategy for an information war, China was not
ready to fight and the Russians were. The Russians will fight most anytime a war
comes up, and they don’t have a great track record because of it. The Chinese
fight when the time is right for them. They waited.

We fought a Cold War with Russia and, I must admit, it was great. The military
kept busy and the Department of Defense did very well during that time. Most of
my career we battled them in one way or another and both sides were better for
it. A defector told me once I was naïve about how the Cold War actually
worked, and after he explained it, I understood that I may have been. He had
been in Russia while I was over here in the U.S. We were fighting each other
before he defected and started helping us.

He was in countermeasures, a dark business of watching what the enemy is

doing and trying to come up with ways of defeating them by undermining their
capabilities. If I fly into Syria’s airspace, and I know what frequency their radars
work on, I can build a jammer that will let me stop them from using those radars
to detect me, until I can attack them. The Russians are pretty smart about these
things so they want to build radars that won’t easily be jammed so they make
them hop around on the radar spectrum so my jammer can’t pin them down.
When I see them making such a thing, I want to jam more frequencies those
radars operate in. This is a simple explanation of something a lot more
complicated. Every frequency we jam, we can’t use anymore, so the number of
available frequencies gets pretty small after 25 years of this.

He asked me a question. “Do you remember that you used to tell your companies
He asked me a question. “Do you remember that you used to tell your companies
not to test their equipment outside when the Russian satellites were overhead?” I
did remember that. “Well, our Russian defense forces used to tell us the same
thing, when your satellites came over. Did we stop testing outside because we
were told not to?” I assumed they did. “Of course we did not!” he said, slapping
me on the back with a good-natured whack. “We still tested our things when
your satellites were watching. Then your people would see what we were doing
and they would start working on countermeasures for our weapons. Then your
people would test outside when our satellites were over your head and we got to
see what you were doing. If either one of us had stopped, the Cold War would
have been over for both of us.” Cynical, I was thinking.

The Chinese have taken the same principles and applied them to business, to
make that business part of their war. They have a law that says businesses do not
get a license and start operating in China just because they want to. China has
rules, but they want to trade, and we know they do quite a bit of that. But they
don’t want to trade a few computers for an earthmoving truck from Caterpillar.
What they want to trade for is the ability to make those earthmoving trucks.
They want us to teach them to make the rope that they will use to hang us, which
is one better than the Russians in Khrushchev’s time. We have a large number of
businesses that are willing to help them do it.

In the Cold War we understood what Russia was trying to do, so we cut back on
some of our trade, particularly in areas where there might be some military
benefit to them. We don’t seem to see China the same way.

In order to get in the Chinese market, the business has to give them something of
value, a technology that will be shared with their Chinese counterpart. China
says it only does this in about 20 percent of the cases, but there is no way to say
for sure. The percentages are not as important as the use to which the
information is put.

When GM was negotiating to bring the Chevy Volt, their hybrid, into the
country, they wanted to sell the Volt and have subsidies given to those
companies that shared technology. What the Chinese offered them was a
government subsidy of $19,000 per car. That is a lot of money. But GM has been
in China for a long time, and they know their way around.

GM had built a car called the Spark, and China’s biggest automobile maker,
Chery, started building a similar car called the QQ. They look quite a bit alike.
Chery, started building a similar car called the QQ. They look quite a bit alike.
Admittedly, the names are not even close, but GM claimed the exterior and
interior of the QQ looked a lot like the Spark. GM filed a complaint with the
Chinese government that Chery had exactly copied the design of the GM Spark.
The commerce minister said they did not provide “certain,” meaning exact,
evidence that it had been copied, which is not always like evidence you will see
the CSI folks come up with on television.

Given that experience, GM said no to the subsidies for the Volt. That effectively
increases the cost of the car by that $19,000, and makes it more difficult for the
Volt to compete in the market.

The high-speed trains, one of which crashed a few years ago, were adapted by
Chinese companies after Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Siemens AG, Alstom
SA and Bombardier, Inc., helped them develop the technologies. China says it
has adapted and improved these designs and used them to compete. That is
certainly a good reason for keeping the press from covering the train wreck.
Their trains are faster and more efficient. The people they are competing with
say the designs were used in violation of agreements established by their
companies. China says it is great to be able to compete in this market. There are
hundreds of similar stories about China’s trade. They use it to steal technology
and compete against the people they got it from. They think the world owes
them the right to use whatever they get. It may not be fair, but it works for them.

Apple, the company that makes my Mac, iPad and iPhone, uses a third of a
company called Hon Hai Precision Industry, also known as Foxconn. Foxconn
has 800,000 employees, more than the combined employment for Apple, Dell,
Microsoft, HP, Intel and Sony. They made the national news the first year this
book was published and Apple called a press conference to take a field trip to the
site making iPads. They also make my Xbox, my Intel motherboard and quite a
few other things. They are not competing with anyone on what they build. They
are good at it. They have produced a hot product, with high quality, probably
faster than most other companies of the world could do, but it comes at a price.

Foxconn is probably best known for its Apple connection and for the number of
suicides its employees have managed to accomplish in their Chinese factories.
The factory that makes my iPad used to be an unhappy place. Eighteen people
jumped to their deaths from high buildings in the Foxconn complex, and twenty
others were stopped from jumping by nets put up around the building. They have
labor problems every day, but no lack of labor, much of it from outside China.
Foxconn is not the kind of place that makes a person think of spaceship offices
of the Apple campus, but Apple keeps it as its manufacturing arm anyway. This
year they put aside nearly a billion dollars for a manufacturing improvement
project that might relocate some of that work. The simple matter is, Foxconn
keeps up with the schedule and demands of production, even though it may
cause their people stress beyond what we might want or tolerate. We could use
the same logic on child labor or prostitution, but we don’t. Let some country try
to make tennis shoes using children in sweat shops where they have to work 12
hour days and there will be an uproar like they were killing those kids. But we
have a business were the stress is killing people and it is an internal problem for
them. There must be a difference there somewhere.

The stress situation finally produced inspections by the Fair Labor Association,
an industry group that helps to set standards for the industries they are
inspecting. We saw everyone in a uniform on the Foxconn floor, and those
uniforms all looked new. Maybe, in such a controlled society, it is the only way
to get the wages increased and the working conditions improved, which it did.
Apple is paying for that.

For a software example, the Chinese are learning how to make software from
Microsoft. When the Chinese president visited the U.S. in January 2011, the
current CEO of Microsoft participated in the visit. President Obama pointed out
that 90 percent of Microsoft software used in China was pirated. This is probably
not the way to start a state visit, but it does articulate the problem pretty clearly.

When Microsoft first started in China it was having a terrible time with pirated
software and tried to deal with it as it had everywhere else in the world, by
suing. They lost in court regularly, because Chinese law does not protect
intellectual property the way laws in most other countries do. But suing gave
them a bad reputation. Someone who sues to get their way, even though they
weren’t getting that either, is frowned upon equally in the universe. They got
frustrated and went through five changes of Chinese leadership in their
operations in five years.

The Chinese were starting to try out some new software, Linux, that was public
domain. Linux is pretty good software and it has all kinds of applications that do
well at most office functions. If the Chinese decided to adopt that kind of
software, they might not have all the features of a Microsoft product, but they
would have the right price. They can make decisions like that because they are a
government-managed, centrally planned, one-party system. The U.S. could not
government-managed, centrally planned, one-party system. The U.S. could not
even do this when it had a Democratic president and the House and Senate are
both run by the same party.

So Microsoft decided having their software copied was better than not having
their software sold there. This is a strange bit of logic. But what they also did
was start cooperating with the Chinese government to help them build a software
industry. Eventually, that cooperation resulted in government requiring the use
of licensed software for itself, although the pirated software still is a problem for
them. The other problem, of course, is that software industry they helped to
create may produce software that competes with Microsoft. The decision to do
that will come back to haunt them one day. We are seeing a similar turn of
events with wind generators and solar panels.

Solyndra is already remembered long after the Obama White House finished
defending itself against claims of acting in haste to give them a $535 million
loan that now has to be paid back by the taxpayers. The Obama administration
filed a complaint against China with the World Trade Organization because
China’s Special Fund for Wind Power Manufacturing required recipients of aid
to use Chinese-made parts and amounted to a subsidy. After the complaint was
brought, the Chinese stopped funding the subsidy. In the meantime, though, they
were giving $30 billion in loans to their wind and solar companies, 20 times
what the U.S. gives. This is the benefit of a centralized, managed economy. It is
easier to move money around and control a market. If that fails, they are not
above cheating.

American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC), which makes management

software for wind turbines, filed suit in China in 2011, saying a government-
controlled Chinese company, Sinovel, stole its designs for power management
and competed with them for wind generation equipment. Following their latest
update in 2013, China’s highest court looked at jurisdiction, since the case was
thrown out by a lower court. Sinovel made the turbines; AMSC made the power
management systems that helped them work together. The person pleading
guilty to giving the information to Sinovel was a Serb engineer working in
Austria for the subsidiary of a U.S. company. This was an international case. He
stopped working for AMSC in March but maintained computer accounts that
gave him access. In April, Sinovel stopped accepting shipments from AMSC,
claiming it was reducing inventory, and stopped paying for any more products
from them. AMSC was clearly not happy about it. They said that senior
employees of Sinovel actually paid for the goods that were stolen from them.
Now, Sinovel has it all and doesn’t need to buy it from anyone. With a few
Now, Sinovel has it all and doesn’t need to buy it from anyone. With a few
“improvements” like the high-speed trains made, they can be off and running. It
doesn’t bother them that the technology was stolen.

The civil suit filed in China listed the value of the goods lost by AMSC at $700
million, and share losses of 80 percent. Sinovel paid $1.5 million to the thief
who took the technology. Sinovel countersued in China for $58 million for
“breach of contract.” This held the interest of the administration, which was said
to have published a background paper on this case for the visit because it was
“so egregious.” In 2017, six years after the company began to pursue a solution
in court, that case finally reached a higher court finding—it was rejected for lack
of evidence.

While the Chinese learn to build airplanes the way Boeing and Airbus do, they
have just started competing with them. Canada’s Bombardier and Brazil’s
Embraer are the main manufacturers affected. These two companies must feel
good about having Boeing and Airbus help China build up their competition
while selling them the big jets. GE supplies the avionics for these aircraft, so
they will learn to build them from one of the best. But the government intent is
to compete with them one day, and judging from the past, that day will not be far
off. We will eventually have an aircraft industry, automobile industries, drug
manufacturing, software, and a host of others that will compete, because that is
the only way China will have it.

To be fair, companies go into this with their eyes open. They know the rules,
including those that say that a Chinese company must be selected as a partner to
operate in China, and they know what they have to do to get into the markets
there. They also, unless they get really bad advice, know their technology will be
stolen. It goes with the territory. The Chinese have a different understanding of
intellectual property. They think they should be allowed to use it, if they have it,
no matter how they came by it. They don’t feel too bad about opening up a
complete counterfeit store, Apple logo and all.

You may think the Chinese are just good players of the game, so they win. That
would be wrong. The Chinese make new rules to make the game harder for
people who are playing against them, and they don’t play by anybody else’s
rules. They cheat.

The U.S. has never had a policy to share its intelligence with the commercial
businesses of the country, when so many other countries do it. With the
businesses of the country, when so many other countries do it. With the
businesses in China being state-owned, the distinctions are harder to manage.
When a trade delegation complains that the Chinese were negotiating from our
end position, they know those end positions were compromised. The reasons are
varied, but a businessman traveling in China noticed his handheld computer had
been compromised with software that would “phone home” if connected to
another network when he got back to his office. Dr. Joel Brenner, National
Counterintelligence Executive, said when a business traveler goes to China, he
should have a throw-away cell phone, which cuts down on the opportunities to
get into other people’s networks—if you actually throw it away.

One network security specialist said some of his Fortune 500 clients traveling to
China had software planted on their computers and their networks in the U.S.
routinely mapped by the Chinese. This is not new, and Russians did the same
thing before them. They probably don’t see this as anything they should not be
allowed to do. They believe everyone does it.

In a few countries of the world, as any world traveler knows, you cannot leave
your hotel room without someone taking a look at what you have on your
computer. This has become so blatant that most places hardly even try to hide
the fact that they have been there. Planting software that phones home is a
relatively new offshoot of that, but not surprising. It was a natural evolution of

However, as trade becomes both an offensive and defensive weapon to exert

influence, what is done in the name of keeping trade going has exceeded what
we usually expect in the business world. There are other countries who do the
same types of things, but for sheer in-your-face stealing, you can’t beat China.
This year was the first time in a long time that a senior administration official,
such as the treasury secretary, acknowledged in public that the Chinese were
stealing us blind. Some people see this as a very competitive nature of Chinese
business people, but there are other names that can be applied to it. They want to
win, because that is part of the strategy of economic war.

Global Domination

I was briefing a business organization on some of the aspects of this book, and
one of the participants asked me what I thought the Chinese goal might be in
their cheating to win in global economic war. I said, “Global domination,” and
their cheating to win in global economic war. I said, “Global domination,” and
everyone laughed. But in this case, not just those individuals but all of the
business community needs to look to the objective. China wants to dominate in
certain economic areas and has already said so.

What drives this latest emphasis is something called Made in China 2025. In the
past two years, China has put $110 billion into mergers and acquisitions of high
tech businesses. Dr. Robert Atkinson, president of the Information and
Innovation Foundation, brought the point home in his testimony to the House
Committee on Foreign Affairs:

The current and emerging challenge will be around advanced industries that
the United States currently leads or holds strong global positions in,
because those are the industries China is now targeting for dominance. I
urge you to consider what a world would look like in 15 years where U.S.
technology jobs in industries as diverse as aerospace, chemicals, computers,
instruments, motor vehicles, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals,
semiconductors, and software and Internet are significantly reduced due to
Chinese policies focused on gaining global market share in those

To win the war, the Chinese have to dominate in ways we understand. That does
not mean that they only trade with the U.S., because the U.S. is still first in many
of these areas. China makes a profit of about $300 billion every year, and in the
zero-sum game of trade, they take that from the rest of the world. Sometimes,
the rest of the world is not happy about it but is happy to have the trade.

We have to suspend our understanding of the Communist system to believe that

Chinese business is just like any other business in the world. They are not like
us. We confuse Chinese businesses with our businesses and they are careful to
keep up that illusion. They incorporate subsidiaries in other countries. They are
big supporters of teaming arrangements and joint ventures. They establish
boards with members of the Communist Party in senior positions. They write
bylaws and hold board meetings that can be seen by everyone. They have their
companies act like they are independent of government control.

But even their public companies are not open in any sense of the word. Try and
find out anything substantive about the managers of any Chinese company, and
you will know that China is not like the rest of the world. There is very little to
see, except smoke. The Security and Exchange Commission opened inquiries on
its third Chinese company for what is a very complicated scheme that avoids the
normal oversight of their companies that would come from operating a public
company in the U.S. Everyone saw how this oversight can cause companies like
Facebook to get trampled in the market. The SEC watches the practice of
“reverse mergers,” where a Chinese firm merges with a shell company in the
U.S. so it doesn’t get the scrutiny given to companies forming an initial public
offering—particularly, the accounting. Third parties start trading in the shell
company, raising its ability to get financing. A Wall Street Journal article says
several of these “companies have had trading in their shares suspended or seen
their outside auditors resign over the past year.”28 This isn’t good business; it is
potentially a criminal case that proves the Chinese are more than willing to do
business outside the norm expected of a publicly traded company. They have
done worse things.

It pays to know what the other businesses in China are up to and to have the
political connections to smooth over conflicts with government officials. Ask
Rio Tinto and Walmart.

Rio Tinto is one of the largest mining companies in the world and is based in the
U.K. It does business in aluminum, copper, diamonds, iron ore, and energy and
has 77,000 employees, some in China. In March of 2010, four of its employees
were sentenced to 7 to 14 years for accepting bribes and stealing commercial
secrets.29 That last part is the reason for concern, since it is a fine line between a
state-owned secret and a commercial secret when the businesses they were
selling to were state-owned.

Rio Tinto admits they took bribes, which is more common in some parts of the
world than others. In China, gift giving seems to be an institution among
government officials and business leaders, and it is sometimes hard to make the
distinction between something meant to influence and something that is like a
business lunch or Christmas gift in this country. In the Rio Tinto case they took
money and were expected to act in a certain way as a result. There is not much
grey in that.

But, in most of the globe, there is a difference between business secrets and state
secrets. If a person knowingly pays for either one, that usually isn’t bribery. That
can be theft of intellectual property or espionage. State secrets are usually
marked in some way that identifies them as “Restricted,” “Top Secret” or some
other type of thing that can tip off a person that they might be protected by the
other type of thing that can tip off a person that they might be protected by the
government. China doesn’t always do that, and to make it worse, tends to use the
term “state secret” to mean “whatever we say.” This makes it harder for anyone
to tell, and has caused foreign companies to start getting rid of some of their
documents, just in case they fit into the new category.

Doing business becomes much more interesting if you can’t collect information
from government-owned businesses or the government itself without violating
some law somewhere, and that is exactly what Rio Tinto employees were
charged with. The court said they caused China to pay more for iron ore than
they should have had to pay. That part may even be true, but in some places that
is called “smart business,” not a crime. It is probably the same when they
overcharge us for something they made, but you don’t see any of their people
going to jail for it.

In the end, they decided to charge them with stealing commercial secrets, not
state secrets. People who steal state secrets don’t last very long, and can have
spectacular trials, when they are public. The trial still took several months, but it
was low-key. They made their point.

China did the same thing with Walmart by arresting people and fining them
$400,000 for selling pork as organic when it wasn’t. I hardly know what
“organic” is anymore, and they were arresting people for selling something
because it wasn’t. After one gang member got a suspended death sentence for
forcing people to buy water-injected pork, you might have thought pork was
more important there than in some places.

While the approach was supposed to be related to a food safety issue in China,
after some really nasty chemically treated pork was being sold in other stores, it
could be any number of things that were really behind it. Walmart got fined
$500,000 for charging too much for certain types of goods and not doing their
part to keep down inflation. It is more likely the continued pressure on foreign
firms that makes it more difficult for them to operate there. The Chinese are glad
to take investment money from them, expand their operations until they learn to
compete with them, then tighten down their profits and take over the business.
This should sound familiar to anyone who watches television. This is the Mafia
business model, the “Tony” Soprano modus operandi with the Communist
government being the senior leadership.

The Mafia was into all kinds of activity that could seriously get them in trouble.
They loaned money at low rates to people they liked, or at higher rates to those
They loaned money at low rates to people they liked, or at higher rates to those
who weren’t family. They helped the business expand and allowed other people
who were also family to buy into their operations. They branched out into
legitimate businesses to handle money and cover their operations. They sent
their kids to the best schools to have them learn how to do this well. They were
subsidizing the best schools with so many of them going there. They kept
everything in the family. It is cozy, and very, very communistic. (The Mafia
probably wouldn’t like that analogy, so I add that it was not my intent to imply
that the Mafia is, in any way, communist.) This can be summarized in the
interesting case of the 88 Queensway Group, a big, supposedly private firm.

When the U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission did a check
of investments in Angola (they were trying to figure out if these were profit
making business deals of strategic government investments), they found a few
companies operating from the same address in Hong Kong, but they had never
been linked in the press or business circles. A few individuals were controlling
some small companies from the same street address, 10/F Two Pacific Place, 88
Queensway, Hong Kong.30

One person who was not well known in financial circles was a director in 34 of
the companies. Her husband was tied to two state-owned companies, one of
which was very closely linked to Chinese intelligence and served as a cover for
agents operating outside the country. Another officer’s residence was listed at
the same location as the Ministry of State Security, which is home to China’s
foreign intelligence collection. Of course, this was a coincidence.

Several of the key personnel of the Ministry of State Security have ties to China
International Trust and Investment Company (CITIC), China National
Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec), and possibly China’s intelligence services.
We have to remember that a close look at most of the businesses of the world
will show some relationships like this from former government officials. They
had jobs before they moved on the board of directors or became vice president of
marketing for that airplane. This is what qualifies them for the position. In this
case, though, there were some differences from a “normal business.”

The group also had gotten high-level access to the governments and national oil
companies of the countries where it puts its money. In order to get oil or
construction projects in Angola, a company has to go through the Export-Import
Bank of China and, by terms of those contracts, has to be mostly Chinese. The
oil construction contracts gave guarantees of oil deliveries as collateral. This is a
oil construction contracts gave guarantees of oil deliveries as collateral. This is a
cozy arrangement for China and makes them the envy of many oil companies.

Two Chinese financing companies provide most of the money for those projects
through arrangements with the Angola government’s ministry of finance. Those
companies have separate agreements for some other functions of other
government agencies operating businesses in Angola. This kind of contact
wording would attract attention almost anywhere in the business world, and
probably says as much about the Angola government as it does about Chinese

Soon after it started some of these companies, the group began entering into joint
ventures using some of its interesting connections in the Congo, Venezuela,
Angola, and the Russian diamond business. The 88 Queensway Group has
established over thirty different holding companies and subsidiaries to do its
investing. In addition to Angola, it has operations in sub–Saharan Africa, Latin
America, Southeast Asia and the United States. In the U.S. it was briefly on the
radar screen in 2008 for purchases of the J.P. Morgan Chase Building in
Manhattan, 49 percent of the former New York Times Building, and 49 percent
of the Clock Tower, also in Manhattan.31

Nothing tells more about the synergy between government officials, their
spouses, and business dealings that enrich them than the growing case of a
British businessman, Neil Heywood, found dead in a less-than-impressive hotel
near his best customer and mentor, Gu Kailai, wife of a high-ranking party
official, Bo Xalai.32 Nothing has stirred the politics and business relations of two
countries more than the flap that came out of this mess. It was historic.

Bo Xalai is not just another party official; he was talked about as one of the
leaders who would take a seat on the nine-member council that runs the country
in somewhat the same way the U.S. cabinet runs ours. We have more people and
less power, but it is close enough for governments. Remember that this is a
communist country and the centralized control is much more rigid than in the
bureaucracies of the world.

Bo Xalai may not get that seat now because it appears, without accusing anyone,
that his wife may have had Mr. Heywood poisoned, then covered it up by having
his body disposed of before an autopsy could be conducted. This is generally
frowned on almost anywhere, but here it seemed close to being accepted until
the whole thing was upset by the local chief of police going to the U.S.
Consulate in Chengdu. You can imagine the chief of police in Chicago driving
Consulate in Chengdu. You can imagine the chief of police in Chicago driving
over to Rockville to the Chinese consulate and turning himself in to report a
crime. The Chinese would be dumbfounded and might take a few days to figure
out what to do. That is about what happened here. After the smoke settled,
anonymous reports started to come in, and a few have been very accurate.
Someone close to the action is talking.

The police chief was a political embarrassment to the U.S because he was in a
position to know what actually happened; his police actually investigated the
case. He was eventually persuaded to seek shelter with Chinese and leave the
U.S. out of it. This is international politics at its finest and has nothing to do with
war, but it shows the lengths diplomats will go to. Diplomats want peace at the
expense of any local official, though surely we will hear the whole wonderful
story one day. For diplomacy to succeed, it must be wrapped in a package of
friendship, with smiles all around.

He must have felt that he was expendable, abandoned by Bo and Gu Xalai and
looking at a case causing an international uproar, since the British wanted to
know what happened to Mr. Heywood. They were reading the newspaper reports
and diplomatic cables flying everywhere, and they wanted to get more from the
official sources. You might sympathize with the consulate, having someone like
this showing up on the doorstop, but that is why they are trained to represent us.

The police chief proved impossible to cover up. People started to poke around
and reporters began calling their sources. The more that came out, the worse it
got. This started to filter up to the highest reaches of government when Bo Xalai
was removed as Choungqing Communist Party secretary, the main base of his
power. This is a little like the president removing the director of the General
Services Administration, except that she would have been in the running for vice
president in the next election. Bo’s wife’s power comes from businesses she
operates. She was then under arrest, which seriously influenced how far her
businesses would go, and how much “management” she could do from jail,
where those skills would be tested.

The best information about this case does not come from the Chinese
government, as we might expect, but from a website called, which is
outside the Golden Shield33 ( now has an English section that makes
it easy to read). The site is hosted in the United States and operated by a fellow
named Watson Meng, from the hotbed of political reporting in Durham, North
Carolina. That makes it harder to control and much less responsive to
censorship. However, as with most people critical of China, the site is constantly
under attack. That is real journalism.

Meng’s site is dangerous territory for the informants, who must be known to
factions in the government. The Chinese government is making every effort to
distinguish the killing as a “criminal act” and not part of any dealings the
government itself was involved in. Bo was said to have been involved in this act,
and so was removed, to be prosecuted. We see the same type of political
response to the prosecution of the former presidential candidate John Edwards,
who was accused of misusing campaign funds to support a mistress and his
child. One of his aides even tried to claim paternity for the child to keep it from
the newspapers. Bo is criminalized and the taint does not extend back to the
Central Committee, which was willing to accept him until he became involved in
a crime that nobody is accusing him of committing. He eventually succumbed to
the ever-popular “corruption” charges and went to jail.

The political intrigue is about all we see, but the business fallout will not take
much longer. Gu Kailai’s companies will have less chance for contracts and
trade that depended on her husband’s name. In the business community, people
stop inviting these folks to power lunches and those little get-togethers at the
club. They forget names of relatives, friends, children and pets. There was some
discussion about removing Bo’s son from Harvard, even though he was
supposed to graduate in the same month. His sports car might be downgraded to
something a little less expensive. Those special privileges are the first thing to
go, and it looks like the bandwagon is rolling.

The way this case is unfolding shows how politics and business are related and
how quickly one or the other can be undone, when the timing is right. The
Chinese might say, “This happens everywhere in the world,” and they would be
right, but other examples seldom lead to murder. It also is a clear light on the
spouses of Party officials who seem to mix business with politics every day. It is
difficult to separate the two.

From such humble beginnings comes greatness, backed by financing from the
national government. By staying private, companies like those belonging to Gu
avoid the disclosures required of most public companies trying to operate in
those parts of the world, and ours. The Chinese understand the relationships
between government and business and they are open about how it works inside
the country. They keep it all in the family.
the country. They keep it all in the family.

The 27 countries of the European Union (EU) got the same warning we did, on
the U.S. Congress’ attempt to start taxing some of the goods we get from China.
When the Chinese need influence, they can get it, because they don’t just hold
Treasury notes in the U.S.; they have about a quarter of their money in EU debt,
and they have promised to buy more. They have gotten bonds from Greece,
Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain at a time when analysts would say these are a
bad bet. Either they are the world’s worst investors or they have something else
in mind.

Europe has the same kind of objections to state-supported operations competing

with their private business, only they use the World Trade Organization’s anti-
dumping laws that trigger when they get trade that hurts one of their local
industries. As an example, there is a series of laws for bathroom and paving tiles,
as hard as that might be to believe. The EU imposes tariffs as high as 73 percent
on these tiles because they are sold at a cost the EU thinks is illegally subsidized
and interferes with an EU industry. They have 49 anti-dumping measures they
impose on Chinese goods and the Chinese do not like it very much. We have
some, but not many.

Product certifications are the most interesting from the standpoint of protection
of intellectual property. The Chinese require an inspection of the plant where the
goods are produced and a certification of the goods by the Chinese government.
However, in some cases, knock-offs of products will show up on the streets of
Beijing before they ever are formally accepted, and way before they get into
production. That has to be some product certification process they have there. It
is clever, though. They manage to have a product on the street before a potential
competitor can get started. That is certainly good reason to question the
cybersecurity laws due to begin official enforcement in June of 2017. Trusting
Chinese government officials to keep trade secrets seems to be too much to ask.
Both the use of product certifications and security reviews give access to
proprietary code to the Chinese government.

Investments in telecommunications are required by China’s admission into the

World Trade Organization, but of the 1,600 investments approved by Chinese
regulators, only 5 had foreign financing. The interest of investors is the growth
of their industry, adding 1.25 million cellular subscribers every week. If that
seems like a big number, that’s because it is. Only equipment manufacturers are
allowed to invest there. The EU has complained, but the Chinese are saying it is
partly a national security issue, and that is plausible without being entirely
partly a national security issue, and that is plausible without being entirely
accurate. It is a national security issue, if it is reciprocal and is a national security
issue to everyone. There used to be a saying of the Russians, “What’s mine is
mine; what’s yours is negotiable.” There must be a similar Chinese saying since
that is how they operate.

China is Africa’s biggest trading partner. Sudan, which is not exactly a garden
spot of investment opportunities in the last few years, sells most of its oil to
China on the same types of arrangements they established in Angola. It buys
guns with the profits. The Chinese seem to be able to put the war between the
North and South of Sudan behind them and live with the government, such that
it is. They make headway because they are willing to ignore what governments
do with the money they give them, and focus more on the trade they get in
return. Most of that is oil.

The copper mines of Zambia have benefited from a $2 billion investment from
China, but the new president has been critical of its mismanagement of labor.
Chinese companies have ignored local labor laws, discouraged unions and
strikes and kept pay low for workers. If they weren’t Chinese, they would be
called colonials.

China is growing business with Brazil and Latin America for raw materials, but
the business has not always been good. Brazil has started anti-dumping tariffs on
Chinese-made synthetic fibers, which they say are being sold at less than
production costs, and has clamped down on illegal imports.

“Illegal import” is an interesting phrase because it is a pseudonym for “fake.”

Illegal imports account for part of the world’s trade in counterfeits, and Brazil is
not the only place with this problem. Creating fakes is a slightly different thing
from stealing someone’s technology and making the goods to compete with
them. This is stealing the name of the company and making the product look like
an original. We had a fellow in one of our offices who brought back some disks,
made in China, containing almost every kind of Microsoft software you could
think of. The product was the right color; it had an instruction manual with it; it
had the hologram on it that made it look like the real thing. There were two
glaring differences: there was only one box and there were several types of
software in it; and it had every virus known to man on one or another of the
disks. The U.S. claims it loses a billion dollars a year to counterfeit goods made
in China, but they are not the only ones who get clipped.

The Chinese make Kawasaki and Honda motorcycles and “clones” of these,
The Chinese make Kawasaki and Honda motorcycles and “clones” of these,
BMW, and police motorcycles. A clone is surely not something made under a
license, though sometimes it is hard to tell what is made under a license and
what is not. Their motorcycles look a lot like the ones made in Japan and
Germany, only they aren’t.

Everyone knows how the French are about wine. They are very discriminating
and refined. When we buy French wine, we assume it is pretty good. Now the
Chinese have come up with an interesting way of making the very best French
wine, with, of all things, French wine, and it is good wine. They get original
bottles from restaurants and copy the labels. Then they buy a good wine and put
it in the bottle with the better wine label. Most of us are not French or could not
tell the difference.34

Sixty Minutes has done a couple of segments on Chinese counterfeiting, and they
show the scale of what is going on, just from a retail standpoint. The Chinese
counterfeited a Harry Potter book that was never written by J.K. Rowling; they
just made it up and used her name. They have a 5-story complex that sells almost
nothing that is not counterfeit, from golf clubs to blue jeans. It is not illegal to
sell “small quantities” of counterfeit goods, so they do that over and over.35
There is some enforcement for the press and documentation of seizures, but the
rest is corrupt. They say it is a cost of doing business in China. The
manufacturers of the original goods don’t think so, and neither do most of us.

Where this gets dangerous is in the manufacture of airplane parts and military
supplies. When Callaway Golf Company started getting those fake golf clubs in,
they discovered that they looked real, but they were steel instead of titanium, an
important difference. The shafts were breaking and people were returning them
to the place they thought made them. Airplane parts had the same problem a few
years ago because some of them were breaking at bad times. It isn’t amusing
when part of the tail section jams while the plane is taking off.

Singapore, Vietnam and South Korea have concerns about China too, and there
are two things that make that worth considering. First, it is rare for China to get
pushy with its neighbors, but it has with Japan over the East China Sea islands,
which are a long way from the mainland. Second, China is moving work to
Vietnam for its cheaper labor, and they are not exactly enemies. This kind of
thing rarely happens in the Friends of China Club.

If you don’t find it hard to pick up something in your house that is not made in
China, then you are not trying hard enough to pick things up, or you took off all
those tags that say, “Do not remove.” I keep this book on a SmartDisk, run by a
MacBook Pro, with a Seagate back-up drive, connected to my Verizon switch
and router, all made in China. The lamp, stapler, CDs and telephone that I use on
the desk with all of this are also made in China. It actually made me feel better to
find out that my printer was made in Malaysia, though that may be because it is
old. HP told a person who complained about printers made in China not working
well that all the printers were made in China, Malaysia and Thailand. None were
made in the U.S. They did add, “Sorry.” Of course they may be sorry that all
printers are not made in China, or that the Chinese printers did not work. It is
hard to tell which.

It can come as no surprise to anyone that the U.S. and China do not have trade
that is equal, but you are not really seeing the whole story if you just look at the
numbers of exports and imports. U.S.–China trade is not even close; and in the
world of trade, “close” is measured in millions so the numbers do not look quite
so big. It is also fair to say that we are pigs in the world market, according to
U.S. Census Bureau figures, which are dutifully updated every month. We spend
$500 billion more than we take in, every year, and that number is going up. That
seems like an impossible number. If we keep going at the current rate, we will
spend as much on the debt as we spend on National Defense. That should scare

Normally, when a country runs big deficits, its currency loses value. Countries
such as China who benefit lose their advantage when their goods become
relatively more expensive. If China continually runs huge surpluses with the rest
of world—no, it isn’t just with us—then their currency should go up in value.
That also makes their goods more expensive. Our currency value is not going
down and theirs is not going up, defying the rules of economics, at least as I
understand them.

The reason that happened, according to the learned economists of the world, is
that China controls the value of its currency; they don’t let the market do it. This
is actually pretty smart, considering the bad things that can happen with markets.
Prices go up and down and imports vary from year to year. That doesn’t happen
Prices go up and down and imports vary from year to year. That doesn’t happen
in China. They control their economy, and they keep control of the value of their
currency. It may not be “natural” to economists, but it sure makes sense to me.

China’s currency is consistently undervalued (estimates range from 20 percent to

40 percent, with the higher number being used most often), meaning we can
spend less and still buy Chinese goods. That sounds like a good thing, for us,
since we can save money. But it goes back to the idea that the trade deficit is a
difference between what they buy and what we buy, and right now that
difference is big. The Obama administration has tried reasoning with the Chinese
to get them to let their currency rise a little, and they have done that, but it is a
long way from 40 percent and not nearly what we think they need to do. They
have had the chance to label China a “currency manipulator,” which is not
something I have ever heard anyone called before, but they decided diplomacy is
better than name-calling. Presidential candidate Trump said he would label
China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. He didn’t.

So, is China a currency manipulator and what does it mean if they are? The short
answer is no. But they have been in the past, and that is one reason for the
success of the China, Inc., machine. It was excused by the world’s financial
leaders as “necessary.” Until 2015, China pegged the currency to the dollar at a
fixed rate of 8.3–1, what the experts at the Brookings Institute call a “reasonable
rate for a developing country.”36 Anyway we look at that, it is currency
manipulation, but reasonable for a developing country. In 2005, China moved
off that rate and allowed its currency to float. The currency rose 40 percent since
then—more than any other currency. In 2015, China allowed it to fall for a short
time and spooked the markets around the world. In 2016, the yuan dropped 7
percent against the dollar and China started pegging the value to a basket of
currencies—the dollar, euro, Japanese yen, and pound sterling, and, beginning
last October, the renminbi.

Since China does not have a good way to spend all the money it takes in by the
exchange of goods—and probably would have a hard time spending it all
anyway—they convert it to something that is backed by dollars, Treasury bonds.
They have about a trillion of them, and since they are inclined to use third parties
to buy into them on their behalf, some estimates go as high as 2 trillion. When
the numbers get this high, it is relative. They own a lot of our debt. Surprisingly,
Japan actually owns more.

This is like the bank that issues my credit card. They own my debt. If they
decide to limit my credit, I can try to find someone else to give me another credit
decide to limit my credit, I can try to find someone else to give me another credit
card or live with the limit. They can raise my interest rate, establish minimum
payments, and send me threatening letters when I don’t make a minimum
payment. They could take it away if things got out of hand. They have leverage
from this.

We keep the cost of our debt down by keeping interest rates low. If the demand
for debt is low, interest rates will be low. If it goes up, it will cost us more to
keep any new debt we have. China buys enough of that debt that if they stopped,
we could have trouble getting other people in the world to buy it all, and those
costs would go way up. So, if the Trump administration calls China out on this
currency manipulation charge, China can say, “OK, we will stop buying your
debt now, and maybe cut trade some too.” This would probably not be good for
us, but it wouldn’t do that much to hurt them, even though we are a big
customer. President Obama just said it would be better if they didn’t do that sort
of thing, and the rest of the world was just as unhappy about it as we were.

This little high-stakes poker game costs every one of us money, and by some
estimates caused the entire jobs crisis we have right now. That reasoning is that
the trade deficit represents what China has done to take away jobs, and those
jobs would be here if they hadn’t done those things. That is a little like saying
more people should buy American cars so there might be more employment at
GM and Ford. I like my Smart car, which seems to have been made in France, so
that will not help the trade deficit with China very much. I have to stop buying
things China makes for that to work.

I had this choice to make the other day at Home Depot. An extension cord for an
electric lawn mower is not something you buy every day. They have gone up in
price since I bought the last one 3 years ago. One of them was made in China
and cost $32; the other was made in Mexico and cost $82. The one from Mexico
had lights on the tips that told a person there was electricity flowing in the cord,
and looked thicker and sturdy. I picked up the one from Mexico, and started to
walk, but ran into the sales person who was helping someone else. I asked him,
“What is the difference between these two?” “What are you using it for?” he
asked. “Cutting a small patch of grass with an electric mower.” He then bent
down and looked at the label on both. He said, “The cheaper one will handle the
load the same, and since you don’t use it all that often, it will work just as well.”

A former CEO of a major tech company has said that foreign countries don’t
A former CEO of a major tech company has said that foreign countries don’t
take those jobs; we give them to them. There is probably more truth to that than
the idea that they steal jobs from us. Boards of directors say they can make more
money building something in China than in the U.S., and tap into their markets. I
would tax them to death for doing that if I could be king.

GE is using that reasoning in sending its Healthcare Global X-Ray Unit to

China. They announced a $2 billion program to help the Chinese learn the
medical imaging business the GE way. In exchange, they get to tap into that
market of potential customers. From a business standpoint, they are right. Their
profits go up; their managers get more money. If you believe the line in the 1987
movie Wall Street, “Greed is good,” you can also buy the line that what is good
for them is also good for the rest of us. If it were just about greed, we could
ignore it.

The fact is, the Chinese make good things that we want, and they make a lot of
them. They may not be as careful about safety, health care, small business rules,
worker’s compensation, and a few other things like that, but the truth of it is, we
like what they sell. If the two extension cords were closer in price, I know which
one I would have bought. They weren’t. Maybe the reason they weren’t is a lot
more complicated than the thickness of the cables and the lights on the end.

A few of Washington’s finest have said that we would be well off, with low
unemployment, if it weren’t for China’s manipulation of currency. When it got
down to doing something about that, Congress started introducing some bills to
get action. We were going to start adding tariffs to some of their goods. Believe
it or not, we do this every now and again and have over the last hundred years.
We just don’t get the kind of reaction we got this time.

Seemingly within minutes of this announcement, The China Daily mentioned

that China holds a substantial amount of U.S. debt. Of course, the business world
already knows this. A Reuters report says they picked up their lobbying efforts
with Congress and the administration to help kill the bill. China can manipulate
us to do what they want. That is what war is for.

The comments about our debt are a threat. They appear to be just pointing out
the simple fact of ownership, but it means more than just that, and they know it.
It is a warning. For several days after, they lowered the price of their currency, a
little each day. We knew they could manipulate exchange rates, but now we
know they will do it for effect. It doesn’t look like much to the casual observer,
but there were millions of dollars being made, and lost, in every one of those
but there were millions of dollars being made, and lost, in every one of those
days. Don’t forget that trade deficit. The loss would be ours. A little nudge here
and there, with a deficit in the billions adds up pretty fast.

The Chinese steal our technology, rack up sales back to us, counterfeit our
goods, take our jobs and own a good deal of our debt. They leverage those things
to manipulate our business and politics. To those of us in Washington, D.C., it
sounds like a normal day at the office. Only it isn’t a normal day, and you are
not seeing the whole picture, if you just focus on the economics of relations
between the U.S. and China. If you are just focusing on those things, you might
miss what is really going on.

The Wall

The China’s Golden Shield Project got off the ground in 1999.37 It is part of a
larger effort to build up the capabilities of their bureaucrats to keep an eye on
almost everyone in China. It is run by the office that does population control. I
have to breathe deep just to think that there is an office of population control
there, but that is an internal matter to the Chinese.

There are 12 separate initiatives of the Golden Shield, and like all government
projects, they are all running a little behind schedule. In 2000, the Chinese
Communist Party Central Committee organized a meeting with 300 companies,
from a dozen or so countries, to talk about building a surveillance network that
would combine the national, regional and local police and security agencies to
monitor every citizen of China. That is scary.

The Golden Shield is supposed to construct databases of criminal records,

fugitives, stolen vehicles, driver’s licenses, migration data (that would be human
migration, not birds), and a database of every adult in China. It includes
geographic information systems (GIS), which allow them to geo-locate a
building or computer system, closed circuit television, which would see the
place or the people located there. With such a system, it is possible to keep
pretty close tabs on just about everyone, but especially those who might not be
happy with the government. China would say this is an internal matter of no
concern to us. I don’t think so. Actually, the Chinese would say anything they do
is an internal matter to them, but we have to draw some lines somewhere.

The Chinese are quick to break down their activities into smaller elements, each
The Chinese are quick to break down their activities into smaller elements, each
one by itself, justifiable in some way. Then they say, for example, “Everyone
monitors their populations with cameras,” and the people in Bonn, London, and
New York will nod in agreement. They forget that this is a system that is trying
to build a database of much more than just camera images, or find fugitives and
terrorists by looking at those images. The Chinese use this system to keep people
in line.

Several cities, such as Washington, D.C., have networks of cameras that can
monitor the streets and major public areas, but none of them are trying to make a
database of every person in the land. They do not target particular groups. If it
were just in their own country we would not have much to say about it, but they
don’t stop there. That is where it becomes a concern to us, and not just an
internal Chinese matter.

Control of the Internet

The Golden Shield is not specifically directed at controlling the Internet, but the
Chinese control the Internet more than most countries would be able to do, by
controlling the companies that provide the services that make it up. The purpose
of this is to control the behavior of individuals. We saw a little of that in the
Chinese request for Google filtering. The Chinese wanted to limit anything that
smacked of pornography, not just politically sensitive things. The net they were
casting was too big for any company to keep up with, and one would have to
wonder how Baidu could do it any better than Google. Nobody assumes they

A user in China cannot access just anything. Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and
the Huffington Post are off limits, and so is anything related to the Chinese
dissident groups.38 If we were to do this, the Democrats could say we were not
allowed to visit Republican websites, or anything related to the reform of the
government, in any shape or size. We could go to websites of the Catholic
church sites that are approved, but those would be limited to the ones controlled
by bishops named by our government. We could not visit social websites that
were not ours, and we would have our own versions of Facebook and Twitter.
We could use only one browser, and it would limit what search results come up.
This would be to spare you the hardship of sorting through all those things that
could get you in trouble, anyway, so you should find joy in it.

Baidu had a visit from Chinese propaganda chief Li Changchun and Liu Qi,
secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, who wanted “to learn more
about the company’s business and to give ‘important instructions.’”39 Both
officials are members of the Communist Party’s Politburo, which is made up of
the party’s top 25 leaders. This would be like having two cabinet secretaries visit
Google to give them some direction on what they need to do to expand their
business. Google might listen attentively, give them some coffee and donuts and
send them back to Washington, but Baidu probably would want to pay attention.

The Chinese control other information that can be troublesome, partly by

controlling their press and feeding the world with their own versions of things.
The Russians used to do this all the time. They rewrote history, on occasion, but
modern Russia controls its press as well as China. When one of China’s high-
speed trains plowed into the back of another one, there were not very many
internal reports of it that were not controlled by the Central Propaganda
Department. You can read the interpretation of events in Wikipedia and their
own press, but once a story is out in the rest of the world, the wire services pick
it up and start interviewing people who travel and live in China. Just compare
the Wikipedia results with one of the world’s wire services and see for yourself.

The Wikipedia report on high-speed trains in China says they lowered the speed
of trains after the accident, so fares could be kept low. Someone actually
modified the Wikipedia report twice since it was originally posted, as more facts
emerge that could embarrass anyone reading their version. The truth would have
worked just as well, but it would have pointed to the accident and reminded
more people of it. Some managers of the train system were relieved of their jobs,
but they were not relieved because of the accident; they were removed because
they “were stealing money from the train system.” This amazing coincidence
occurred for each of the individuals fired over the incident. There was no
mention of the train accident connected to the firing of an official. These are lies
that are not even important to most of us. I have trouble trusting people like that.

The New China Daily posted these September 2011 extracts from various
restrictions placed on reporting of incidents. They are not giving out guidance to
young journalism students when they say:

• Regarding news about the “man executed by firing squad found

‘resurrected’ nine years later,” no re-reporting or reporting is allowed.

• All Hunan media outlets are not to hype up the serial murder case in
which the killer ate four of his female victims. From the looks of this one,
they must not have tabloid newspapers in China.

• From the Central Propaganda Department: Regarding the fatal incident

on train K256 of the Shanghai Ministry of Railways in which a passenger
died after an altercation with crew members, all media outlets are not to
conduct independent reports but to wait for the standard copy from the

• Regarding Zhang Shichao’s tortured-to-death case, no reports are allowed

for any media outlets. He had been “helping the police” during a 70-hour
interview in his office and died afterwards. His family said he had been

China could easily find out if anyone was violating the restrictions on
censorship. We could say that this is none of our business since they are a
sovereign country, and that could be the end of it, but the next time someone
points to the superiority of this kind of system, think about whether it is the kind
of place you would want to live. It doesn’t seem like the kind of neighborhood
that would appeal to me. They deceive their own people.

A War of Information

China controls its Internet because that is where information is. Quite a bit of
information war is directed against computer networks, solely because that is
where the information and communications are. This war is about networks,
both as vehicles for transport and as storage of information about almost
anything. Don’t confuse criminals and this type of hacking. They overlap, but
criminals are not usually working for a government as much as for themselves.
They may have a government customer, if they are stealing something a
government wants and will pay for, but they are not exactly government
sponsored. Criminals and government hackers use the same techniques, so when
they are noticed on the Internet, it is hard to tell the difference. The difference
with China is that nobody operates a criminal venture on their networks without
them knowing about it. If it is allowed to exist, they know it is there. It is to their
them knowing about it. If it is allowed to exist, they know it is there. It is to their
benefit to allow criminals to exist as long as they support the overall goals of
war. The Chinese use the term “patriotic hackers” to describe those how those
individuals meet their needs.

We have seen network attacks go up dramatically in the last 5 years, but they
were going up pretty steadily long before that. We are getting better at seeing
this type of thing, and that increases the apparent numbers. The difference is in
how they are being directed.

The computer attacks are much more “customer oriented” these days because
they look for individuals and not just large computer systems. They can be
accurate, and narrow, in who they target and how. This type of sophistication is
needed because computer penetrations are so successful. There is too much
information available, and too many targets. A little more focus helps to reduce
the amount of time it takes to get a target that is worth having, and disrupt a user
capability or deny that person a chance to act. This is the personalization of war,
though it may not be personal to any specific individual, just a person in that
position. If I’m attacking the head of NATO, I might not really care who the
person is. I just want the office and a way in. This would start with a little look

When the Chinese hacked accounts of the McCain and Obama elections teams
early in the presidential race, they were apparently looking for position papers
that would identify who is writing the kind of stuff the president will read and
how they think about these papers. We should ask ourselves whether, if the past
is any indication, the Chinese were hacking the accounts of the teams of backers
of candidates in the Republican and Democratic parties. President Trump, in an
interview on CBS’ Face the Nation in May 2017, said he thought that it could
have been China, or any number of other groups, that hacked the DNC. None of
the security companies or government groups that investigated the case have
mentioned that as a possibility. But it seems likely that even if the Russians stole
the information and published it on Wikileaks, the Chinese would not have
passed up the opportunity to enlighten their leadership with papers and
discussion points that helped candidates. They wanted to know that information
and have experience with this type of hacking for intelligence.

In the same way, the hacking of Emmanuel Macron in France, by what is

supposed to be the Russians, was probably not the only hacking of accounts
going on there. Any intelligence service of a country with computers was
probably doing the same thing. It is their job.
probably doing the same thing. It is their job.

China has set up front companies outside China to allow them to influence U.S.
elections by contributing money to candidates, without identifying the source of
those funds. They will ask for favors and exert influence as any other business
would. They look like legitimate businesses, and they are trying to influence
U.S. policy makers. They can use inside information to do that more efficiently.
They establish relationships that can be leveraged for other purposes and lay out
the names of those to be monitored further. You can bet they haven’t stopped
doing that. This is a long process, but it wastes less time than collecting
everything from random targets and trying to sort it all out.

China makes its internal systems safer from the same type of hacking by laying
out a strategy for electronic warfare that includes rolling their civil and military
telecommunications together. This gives them better opportunities for offensive
and defensive operations. They seem to be doing the same thing in consolidation
of military-controlled businesses and commercial businesses, in general. There is
really nothing wrong with mixing the two together, but they won’t admit they do
it. They would prefer we believe their businesses are separate and independent
of the state, the army and their intelligence services.

Of the 10 largest exports from China, the big-ticket items are related to network
components, computers, integrated circuits, and cell phones. The free world is
starting to look at the obvious potential for the use of those types of equipment
for intelligence collection. The British, Indian and Australian intelligence
services were said to have told their governments that there were substantial
risks from equipment supplied by Huawei. India places limits on what their
equipment could be used for.40 China has complained that India has banned
Chinese telecommunications equipment, in violation of the World Trade
Organization rules, which China, to hear them tell it, follows very closely.

In July 2010, a Financial Times article said Huawei was thinking about buying
the network infrastructure piece of Motorola.41 If you hadn’t heard this, it is
because it was headed off sooner than the purchase of 3Com. This time, Huawei
said it was going to use a mitigation agreement that would keep the business side
from Chinese influence.

Mitigation agreements are used to keep foreign companies from getting control
of companies in the U.S. that are doing classified work. I used to oversee the
government side of the first one of these agreements, at Magnavox in Fort
government side of the first one of these agreements, at Magnavox in Fort
Wayne, Indiana. Philips, a Dutch company, was buying them. Magnavox did
some classified work in their company and, under rules then, Philips couldn’t
buy them. To work it out, they came up with a mitigation agreement that put
limits on what types of business relationships Philips could have with
Magnavox. It was very detailed and very awkward to administer for both of
them, as being the first to do anything usually is.

Mitigation agreements rely on two things: that both companies follow the
agreement, and that the buying company does not influence how business is
done in the U.S. part of the company. That second part is harder for some to
follow, especially if they are losing money or have a real board of directors that
follows the rules. The U.S. board can stop members from the parent company
from attending certain board meetings, and that can cause some hard feelings
now and again.

It is partly a “trust me” kind of relationship with the government. It is impossible

to oversee every action. Every visit by the management of the foreign firm has to
be documented, and the business has to be separated so that board members do
not get to discuss the U.S. company’s business unless they are from the U.S.
company. It is hard to enforce and the Chinese know it, but what it also shows is
their learning curve is short when they get shut off, as they did in the 3Com

Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment Corporation (ZTE) and Huawei are

involved with the Nigerian mobile telecoms market, mostly through cooperation
with existing vendors. Within a few months of Nigerian telecoms being
deregulated, they both had offices there. Yes, they also get oil from Nigeria, so
that worked out nicely. In a BBC annual poll on how people in various countries
feel about each other, Nigeria was China’s best friend. I would like to see who
was interviewed in that poll.

The combination of China’s existing global networks, its communications

suppliers, its front companies and army-operated businesses adds up to an
arrangement that is considerably different from the way we do business in the
U.S. These extensions put deep roots in the telecommunications systems of the
world and give access to the military to use them. Huawei, as would most
companies, denies it has any attachment to the military; this may be accurate, but
it cannot prevent the military from using its assets to collect intelligence and do
other things too. In August of 2010, eight members of the Senate sent a letter to
several senior Obama administration officials questioning Huawei’s equipment
several senior Obama administration officials questioning Huawei’s equipment
sale to Sprint Nextel, asking these officials to respond to their concerns.
Congress does not just pick out, at random, any company to complain about, but
this letter did not go far enough in identifying where Huawei is making its
inroads into the U.S.

Yahoo! and Alibaba are business partners, in that Yahoo! owns 43 percent of the
stock in Alibaba. Alibaba has tried several times to get them to sell it back, but
Yahoo! is not giving it up. A Japanese-based company, Softbank, owns 33
percent. Most businesses consider 5 percent enough to have some control over
how the company operates, and Yahoo and Softbank together own over 75
percent of it.

Baidu, the Chinese “Little Google,” has announced it was thinking about buying
Yahoo!. It is a totally transparent idea to get Alibaba back by buying its stock
and, probably someday, Softbank’s too. This early warning means the Chinese
have learned a little bit about the Committee on Foreign Investments in the
United States and how it reacts to unannounced sales. They are giving plenty of
warning. Baidu would then own Yahoo! and its stake in Alibaba. All would be
right with the world.

Now that Google is out of the picture in China, Baidu will be able to keep a tight
hold on the search and web activity of its population. Alibaba was probably
finding it hard to keep knowledge of any government operations going on in
their companies from their two biggest stockholders. If there were any hanky-
panky going on, the government would have wanted that cut short, and putting it
under another China-based company would do that. It takes a while to do, but it
will get done.

Besides upsetting the business world, this shows to what ends the Chinese will
go to control their Internet businesses. They had to know this was going to upset
some people, and they did it anyway. They don’t operate their businesses the
same way we do, and they don’t have the same idea of what the Internet is for.
They do not have an open Internet in China, and their businesses are not like

The Plan
Their strategy is called out in a plan. The Chinese system, much like that of the
Russians, requires that their government issue a 5-year plan every so often, only
their plan is one they actually try to follow. Our 5-year plans usually go out the
window about 2 months into them. We don’t use them very often and don’t
follow them as much as we should. They are just “guidelines” for most people.

The Chinese plan their growth. Robert Herbold, Microsoft’s former chief
operating officer, said when he traveled to China, each place he visited started
their briefings with an explanation of what the 5-year plan said, and how it
applied to the work they were doing.42 They tended to focus on three things:

1. improving innovation in the country;

2. making significant improvements in the environmental footprint of

China; and

3. continuing to create jobs to employ large numbers of people moving

from rural to urban areas.43

This causes excitement to all, no doubt. To most of us, this sounds like the State
of the Union speech—“I want to have prosperity for all, health care for all, and
no tax increases”—except that the Chinese start meetings with the plan, and they
put their money where they need to meet their goals. They are building new
cities to grow technology, and modernizing the ones they already have. They
make communism look good. It would be hard to imagine a time in my
government career when we started off a meeting with the President’s Goals for
the Year. Maybe they have something there. Herbold certainly thought so.


In 1998, the military was told to start getting out of businesses, partly because of
the corruption; a process supposed to be complete by 2001. In this was more
smoke. Just remembering that part of the profits from these ventures gets fed
back into the families of these companies would make a person wonder how that
would go. It has been ugly.44 In 1996 and 1997 two anti-corruption campaigns
were directed at the military and the police. In one of the exposed cases, police
and customs agents were so heavily involved in smuggling crude oil that they
actually were affecting the ability of the state-controlled oil companies to make a
profit. Up to a third of the country’s oil was being smuggled. When some of
these operations were shut down, tax revenues went up by 40 percent. Three
thousand businesses were turned over to local authorities to manage, and almost
four thousand were closed. Eventually, exceptions had to be made, and besides
businesses in railways, civil airlines, and telecommunications, the Poly Group
and China United Airlines were at the top of the exceptions list. The army still
operates from 8,000 to 10,000 businesses. Along with these changes, they started
to reorganize.

In 2017 the PLA announced several changes in their operational and structural
makeup to put the army under centralized control under the Central Military
Commission (CMC).

Some PLA-run businesses were combined with ones that weren’t, producing
more confusion that keeps anyone from really telling what parts of industries are
owned by the PLA and what parts are not. To add to this confusion, some of the
companies are not real companies in the way we normally think of a business.

The FBI, in 2006, said there were 2000 to 3000 front companies being operated
in the U.S, some by the PLA, some by Chinese intelligence services. This
number is disputed, but the Canadians estimate they have between 300 and 500
operating there.45 I would really like to see that list of companies that the PLA
owns, even if there are only a few, but the wisdom is to classify it. If we tell
them we know who they are, it will not take them long to change their name or
move, but giving an accurate number would be something they should be able to
do so that we all understand the scope of the problem. Not knowing who they are
does not help companies that may buy from them.

Front companies are usually set up for a purpose connected with the business the
company is in, but they are not very profit oriented. So, if they wanted to get into
trading in Alaska oil, they could set up a small company in Alaska and start
getting the right people together to make deals. The company doesn’t have to
make money, directly. It doesn’t have to have board meetings or any of those
other time-consuming things that are really painful for the officers. They just
have to have minutes of those meetings—and I can do those up in an hour or so,
without bothering anyone. They would invite Alaskan oil businesses to China to
discuss exploration and extraction. They can invite trade delegations to visit
Alaskan businesses. The trade delegations don’t even have to know much about
oil, if they have technology related to Alaska, and can spell o-i-l. They can
oil, if they have technology related to Alaska, and can spell o-i-l. They can
arrange to visit places where certain types of technology are being used and sold.
They follow U.S. trade laws for using “U.S. companies” for certain types of
government work. Once they are set up, it gets easier to look like a real business.

A defector from Eastern Europe once told me that if a company looked perfect
during an audit, I should spend more time there. He had worked in a front
company once and liked it. It was hectic, because they were always trying to be
two people at once, the guy who does the hiring and firing of a division, and the
guy who is stealing from other business types. It was hard work. To make sure
they looked like a real company, they tried to follow every rule of business,
especially the rules of a government where they operated.

In 2000, a Justice Department indictment told how this works to siphon off
technology. The Chinese have been operating “dozens of companies” with the
same purpose, and a few with only this purpose. Dozens is not even close to
2000, so I have put that number aside and just looked at how they do it. I’m
more inclined to believe the dozens number and hope the other one is wrong.

Front companies have been around for a long time, but not on this scale. Even
100 of them is more than I want to think about, and I really would like to know
who they are. We shouldn’t have to guess. Maybe we don’t mind trading with
them, but it might be better to know that we are buying that baby crib from a
Chinese army company. I would like to know, anyway. I really want to know if I
am buying software made in China.

In the last few years, they have gotten a little smarter about posting these types
of management structures on the Internet. It is harder to trace army involvement
in businesses because they have started to use names different from the parent
companies and dropped military ranks to hide any potential associations.

We have to see China as a country that is not the same as us, and there is more
than just the cultural aspect to think about. They are a centrally managed
communist country with a plan to control as much as they think they need to.
They manage business the same way, by using government agencies to develop
and operate companies. They pretend to be the same as the rest of the world in
how they do that, but they aren’t. Combining military, intelligence and business
is not usually something any country wants to do, because it puts too much
power in the hands of the government. It seems as dangerous as it is.
Images of War

China should use nuclear weapons against the United States if the
American military intervenes in any conflict over Taiwan. If the Americans
draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone
on China’s territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons.

—Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu46

This is a jolting image. Yes, we can see the mushroom cloud in our mind,
children vaporized on the playground, and it is an image that we would not like
to see in real life. It is one thing to parade around a J-20 on a runway, and
another to talk about a first strike on another country as a part of policy. The
Chinese deny that it is official policy of anyone in the senior leadership of
government. “We have such a time controlling our generals,” they say, hard as
that is to believe. Let’s hope that now that they have nuclear-armed missiles on
their submarines, they can keep a little tighter control of them.

What a few people do believe, though, is that the Chinese would not care if half
of their population died in a war like the one described. We say that we would
not want to have the kind of casualties that nuclear war would bring, but we still
have thousands of nuclear weapons, just in case. If we used a few of them, China
would still have twice as many people as we do, although our numbers would
drop quite a bit too. It gets out of hand pretty fast.

There are two totally false assumptions there. First, that the new China would
not care if they had casualties that were half their population. They have jobs
and houses and cars, and they are growing faster than we are. They may have
problems now and again, but not enough to send them to a nuclear war. Second,
none of us might be left after a real nuclear war. There are so many rads of
radiation floating around that it wouldn’t be good for anyone in the world, but
least of all to those that were in the fight. We can see what happened around just
one nuclear power plant in Japan to get the idea.

In information war, none of that matters. Truth is not as important as perception.

Neither side wants that mutual-suicide kind of war, but the Chinese use the
images of war, just like they use images of bad things that can happen to
businesses operating in China, to make us think they are willing. They know we
believe they wouldn’t mind the losses. They do this over and over, with
consistent, repeated images, particularly with Taiwan. Donald Rumsfeld says in
Known and Unknown: A Memoir that when he went to China for a visit, they
took him to a public exposition to see a model of swirling fighters and ships
ablaze—our ships in Taiwan, with the Chinese attacking them.47 It wasn’t just
for him that this was done, but it was nice that he was there to see it.

The most clever of these images are things they don’t have very many of, like
stealth fighters, submarines, and aircraft carriers. They show us one of a new
generation, just one.

Real War

At the same time, we have real concerns about war. China is building up their
military in the old-fashioned way.1 The army has 2.8 million men and women at
a time when we are talking about cutting ours back to under a half a million.
This isn’t exactly a fair comparison, since they lump some functions in the
military that we would not. They have a large national police force that isn’t
included in that number. Officially, their military is used for “local” combat
operations, which can be anything they claim as their territory. That’s why those
lines they draw on maps are important to countries other than Japan and Taiwan.
We don’t like to see Japan included in the territory that China says it will defend.

Their concept for the use of military force is “active defense.” Attack only when
attacked, but operate offensively. This means that it is OK to throw wood in the
water in front of a ship to see what happens and how far the enemy wants to go.
If they attack you for it, it is OK to respond. It may be twisted logic, but they can
always say they were attacked and responded to the attack.

They also believe that a response is not bound by time or space, so it does not
have to happen right after someone turns on the water hose to get them away
from the boat. It is all right to wait and to strike somewhere else where the
enemy is less prepared or does not respond in a way that allows for any kind of
force to be used. This doesn’t work with training dogs or kids, but it may be
different for countries.

The application of force is generally with the army, where increased emphasis
and money has come in three places: nuclear offensive forces, space warfare and
cyberwar. Their offensive nuclear forces consist mainly of missiles, much like
most other militaries of the world, with ICBMs that can reach the entire U.S.
Some of them are on ballistic missile submarines. They are trying to build
missiles that are more effective against anti-missile systems like those the U.S.
has. Now that they have all of our nuclear weapons designs, they can have nice
missiles to put them on. They have threatened to do just that.2

They have a “no first use” policy for military nuclear weapons against other
nuclear countries that is a little cloudy. Most countries, like us, just come out
with it. “We will not use nuclear weapons first in a conflict.” Some of China’s
military believe “first use” applies when the country is threatened, when nuclear
force is threatened by the enemy, or when the other side’s conventional forces
look to be winning. They also do not see a nuclear weapon detonated in the
atmosphere instead of on the ground as being the same as a first strike. All of
this makes it more difficult to figure out what to do in the event they want to go
to war.

We certainly don’t qualify first use; we say we aren’t going to use a nuclear
weapon first. The conditions they lay out are things that are not easy to decide,
but where national policy is important, we don’t like fuzziness. That kind of
unclear policy has an effect on everyone else. It kind of leaves their options
open, and keeps everyone guessing. It is a deception.

The benefit they get is making other countries hesitant. Keep in mind that there
are not too many countries in the world with nuclear weapons, so we are not
talking about making the rest of the world nervous about it. Just a few countries
will be paying attention.

War in Space

China had 15 space launches in 2010, a national record, and they have a program
to get something on the moon, whether an explorer or humans. This is the first
year that they equaled the U.S. in launches. They have developed anti-satellite
weapons and may have intentions of using them against both communications
and spy satellites. They practiced by using one on an old Chinese weather
satellite, and the U.S. has accused them of using lasers to blind our satellites.3
They have just launched their fifth GPS satellite, which can mean a number of
things, but mostly that they want their own rather than having to use someone
else’s. They may just want to have some, if they decide to shoot all the others
out of the sky. Branching out into space is relatively new for them, but it is part
of the homeland, just higher up.
Our military certainly believes wars will be fought in space. There are
commercial, military, and other government interests that go far up into the sky,
and if we are going to protect them against other militaries, we need capability
there. If they start taking down satellites, we are going to be awfully close to
war, but there is a good question about what to do about it. We could respond in
kind and knock down one of their satellites, and both of us could end up without
any. Our TV and high-priority phone service is going to be limited if that
happens, but is it really war? I don’t know. We certainly have to think about it
because they have shown us they can do it.

The Chinese used business partnerships with Loral and Hughes to obtain
technology to improve their ability to launch satellites. Both acted to help China
improve its missile launches, and they did it knowing they did not have the
required licenses to transfer information. As ridiculous as it sounds, a bilateral
agreement gave them permission to launch our satellites from launch facilities in
China. Whose bright idea was that? Unfortunately for us, “technology controls at
the launch sites” were not very good, and the Chinese “probably benefited from
access to these satellites.”

There is a difference between spying and what happened with Loral and Hughes.
When I was still doing industrial security, we had a break-in at one of the
facilities I inspected, and a person was found there with his hand in a container
that had one of the company’s prototype things in it. He was a spy, taking a big
chance. Stealing from a company with fences and armed guards is really risky.
But in the Loral and Hughes case, the Chinese had access to the object they want
to see, and we allowed these companies to send the satellites over to them where
they can look at them at their leisure. On top of that, Loral and Hughes were
helping the Chinese improve their launch success by giving them information
they were not allowed to have.

The House Committee report concluded that “U.S. policies relying on corporate
self-policing to prevent technology loss have not worked.” This is an
understatement. I still have a hard time figuring out why our own government
would want to turn our satellites over to another country for any reason, and just
as hard a time figuring out why a company gives information to them that will
only make missiles work better that could be targeted against the United States.
Both of them were our defense contractors while they were doing it.

The Defense Department used to have a program to inspect defense industries

and help them maintain some protection standards for information they get from
and help them maintain some protection standards for information they get from
the government. Twenty-two different agencies used that function to keep an eye
on their contractors, but it was largely phased out. We need to bring it back and
start looking at how this information is being protected when it is given to them.
Having that information in computer systems that are in China makes that a very
difficult problem to control.


Cyberspace is the area that gets the biggest expansion in the Chinese build-up of
defense. It combines elements of regular military and commercial
telecommunications companies and uses different types of weapons.

Although information warfare has been around for a long time, cyberwar and
hacker war are relatively new. Computers were not around much before World
War II and did not really get networked around the world until the 1990s. So
when a person claims to have 30 years of experience in information warfare, it is
always a good idea to ask them what they were doing in the time before

The first time many people in the U.S. became aware of this type of warfare is
when they noticed the problems Google had in China. We first heard that they
were being asked to filter their search results so that certain types of dissident
groups would not show up in the search list. If I did a search of church groups,
the Falun Gong would not show up on it. The list of things was pretty long, and
Google objected, then eventually moved to Hong Kong, where they would not
have to do that type of filtering.4 At first, they redirected any mainland China
search to Hong Kong, automatically, but they eventually backed off of that,
giving their users a choice of service. The Chinese said, “If Google wants to
operate here, they have to follow our laws.” That was pretty fair by most
standards and certainly not war-like in any way. That could have been the end of
it, but it wasn’t.

Most of the readers of the Google news did not know that the person behind
Google in China was a former Microsoft employee, Dr. Kai-Fu Lee. He was
born and raised in Taiwan. When Google hired him, Microsoft sued to prevent
him from telling anything related to Microsoft, and there was some back and
forth on this before it was finally settled. The good doctor did some of the
planning and recruiting for Google, but they had problems operating in China
from the beginning.5

Google China had unexplained outages in their website, while their chief
competitor, Baidu, did not seem to have the same problem. Maybe being in a
different city was part of that, but it’s not likely. This is not “fair” in any type of
business deals, but the Chinese have not been known for fairness in competition.
Google’s public relations manager was fired because she gave iPods to senior
government officials and billed them to Google. It was acceptable in China to do
this, but not in the U.S., so Google fired her and the person who approved the
purchase of the iPods.

There was also a running gun battle with the Chinese on web filtering that
seemed to be endless and trivial, and it got worse when the Chinese hosted the
Olympic Games. They decided it was important to do more filtering and that
they should filter the site and the Google.CN site. was
in the U.S., and Google thought this was outrageous. The Chinese did a
demonstration of some of the Google search results to show that pornographic
material was being displayed by some of the search results. They promised
Google would be punished for this. Nobody could have imagined what they
meant by that.

We see Google as the good guys, the guys who Do No Evil. So, in 2010, when
China started hacking into Google accounts to try to get access to some
information on dissidents, we felt like Google was being treated badly. Google
didn’t like it either. China crossed one of Google’s red lines.

China started looking for people in the U.S. who supported human rights groups
in China, and they led them into places we were not happy about. That was when
they hacked my congressman’s office. They broke into Google’s e-mail
accounts, called Gmail. Google really didn’t like that at all. They said they were
going to stop doing filtering of their websites. Everyone there knew what this
meant. Dr. Lee decided it was time to leave Google, so he knew what it meant.

The Chinese must find this hard to understand, since the use of their Internet
companies to control dissent is national policy. They believe that what they were
doing was perfectly acceptable and should have been recognized as such by the
rest of the world. They should have known we were not the same, but they let it
get out of hand, when it didn’t need to be. Even a little bit of stretching would
get out of hand, when it didn’t need to be. Even a little bit of stretching would
have allowed us to accept the idea that they were OK in thinking that it was
acceptable to use the Internet to control the population, if they only did it inside
China. They didn’t do that either.

Most people chalked this up to China looking for dissidents and getting a little
out of control with it. This kind of thing happens in places like Myanmar and
Tibet, so we should assume it is going to happen and move on. It could easily
have ended there, and probably did for most of the people in the world. They
stopped thinking about it.

Except … there is something odd that happens when this type of case comes up.
The computer security community starts to look around for similar attacks, using
the same type of techniques, and to look more closely at the amount of damage
done in the original. This takes time to do and be accurate. Even a small
investigation can take a week, and big ones can take several months. Human
beings can forget something important in a day or so, so the hacking of Google
was long out of their minds by the time this one was over.

It turns out the good guys were not just getting hacked by people looking for
human rights advocates in the U.S. The techniques used to get into the accounts
were common in a number of places, and the attack was against more than just
human rights. They were stealing source code from companies like Adobe,
Yahoo!, and Dow Chemical. What kind of source code, we will probably never
know, because none of them are talking. It turned out 34 companies in all were
involved. The more we look, the higher that number is. There is no way this was
related to the problems Google was having with the government. It had been
going on before any of that started.

Source code is the code that human beings write to lay out instructions for a
computer or a network device. It is usually considered more important than the
code that comes with the computer, because it is the original. All the other
comes from it. Source code can be modified and it still looks like the same
software running on any of those other computers, but it isn’t the same. It may
do other things in addition to what it does on my computer or it may not do
things it is supposed to. The Chinese can certainly write their own software, so
why would they even think about stealing it?

One reason is it takes less time to make your own software if you have source
code from somebody else. It cuts the development time down from a year, in the
case of a really complicated thing, to a couple of months—or less, depending on
case of a really complicated thing, to a couple of months—or less, depending on
the skill of the people doing the work. Let’s be clear here: this is illegal, but it
does cut down development time. Thousands of lawsuits pockmark the legal
landscape of software over just this type of thing.

A second reason is the ability to make software look like the real thing but
having it do some things that it wasn’t supposed to do. Hackers seem to do this
all the time now, though they didn’t use to think about it very much. At a simple
level, we could modify our mail program to look for “Falun Gong” in an
attachment it was sending to someone else, and if it found that name, send a
copy to another location without tipping off the user. The possibilities are
endless, once you have the source code. By the way, try to find something about
the Falun Gong and you will see how successful the Chinese have been on
limiting access to anything about them. They have done pretty well.

Now the security community sees that the attacks were not limited to the Falun
Gong and other dissident groups. Now they want to try to find out where else
these folks have been and what they have been looking for. They found more.
The techniques were not exactly the same, but they used the same principle.
Send a document that has embedded code in it, like a Trojan horse that can take
control of a computer, and make it look like something that everyone wants.
Hackers used to do this all the time with pictures of naked women or movie stars
with clothes on. The subject matters have gotten more sophisticated over the
years, but some of the others were more entertaining.

The Chinese were promising things like the new list of military base closures
and copies of budgets that had not been released. Although people must have
wondered why they were getting something like this without asking, most of
them would open it anyway, believing they should not frown on good fortune.
The embedded code executes and the computer is open for the attacker to use.

While the good guys were looking at how this was done, they found something
called Ghostnet, a China-based network used for hacking. About all anyone can
authoritatively say about this network was in two reports by the Information
Warfare Monitor, published a year apart.6

In the first report, they said they were not so sure that China itself was involved
and that the spike in Internet hacking from China could be due just to a 1,000
percent increase in Chinese users over the last 8 years. Maybe somebody else did
it and the Chinese were being blamed. Maybe there was a natural explosion in
hacking, given the increase in the number of users. All of these are possible.
hacking, given the increase in the number of users. All of these are possible.
With those kinds of numbers, anything could be behind it.

They had penetrated enough systems that many of the ones discovered during
the analysis done for the second report were compromised during the first
attacks but had not been discovered. They had been deep into these systems for a
long, long time. In addition to the cyber spying, the Chinese have been engaging
in a broader spectrum of human collection. A Wall Street Journal article on the
subject was a reminder that the computers are not the only good vehicle to get
information of value and the Chinese continue the long tradition of stealing
information with human spies.7 There are three now on trial, or pending trial and
two of them were recruiting contacts within the CIA. The most current is Kevin
Mallory who worked for the CIA and, according to the indictment, gave
classified information to the Chinese in exchange for money. The Chinese
supplied him with an encryption system to transmit more data. He had seven
documents on a secure digital card and called his wife to find it before someone
came looking for it. Unfortunately, that call was made after it had already been
discovered by the FBI. The Chinese follow a time-honored tradition of
attempting to occasionally recruit people who are of Chinese heritage. Perhaps
because of the belief in how the Chinese intelligence services recruit, the U.S.
law enforcement community has had a tendency to focus on Chinese nationals
and recent resident aliens, when those are not the only spies being recruited.8
However, if one follows the Justice Department press releases on indictments, it
does seem that a majority of persons accused of industrial espionage for China
are of Chinese descent, and the FBI and other intelligence services are getting
better at detecting them.

In October of 2011, General Hayden, who used to be director of the National

Security Agency and was in charge at CIA for a few years, said the Chinese
were part of the persistent threat we face; they were expanding their efforts; and
we were finding it difficult to stop them from being successful. So, it appears
they can deny it all they want. They are doing it, and we already know how. This
probably annoyed them quite a bit, but it annoys us just as much.

Living in Bad Neighborhoods

When the Internet started to replace television, we probably should have noticed
that it was doing more than that. It was changing the way we interact with each
that it was doing more than that. It was changing the way we interact with each
other and, among other things, bringing in people who lived in bad
neighborhoods. The Chinese are only some of them, but they are the majority of
the new people on the Internet. They don’t know how to act, but we are learning
that the hard way.

The Internet is usually thought of as a neutral place, not good or bad. This is a
myth, one that started with a grain of truth, long before the Internet came to be.
Before we saw the first mention of the Internet, it was possible to roam around
on the computer networks of that day and probably not run into anyone, or
anything, that would cause a person grief. It was like a neighborhood where you
could leave your doors open at night and people might even come in and walk
around the house, but they never took anything or made a mess. There was a
kind of strange relationship between the people who owned computers and the
people who used them. Mostly, computers were used for good, or from the
business side of things, for productivity. Everybody liked that and they felt better
about sharing this good for everyone.

By the late ’60s, the people who were coming in and walking around started to
take things that didn’t belong to them. It didn’t happen often, but people who
operated computers thought it happened often enough that they needed to stop
letting everyone in, and started to think about protecting information from
anyone who might try to get at it. Some of them were saying “there goes the
neighborhood” kinds of things to justify cutting the systems off from each other.
Business systems were just connecting to each other for business, but people in
those businesses were stealing from each other. A few of them were professional
criminals trying to blend in, but not very many. Most of the time, they were just

One guy who knew how to program a bank’s computers invented a scheme that
was pretty clever. He thought that he could slice off a piece of every bank
transaction and he could make the piece small enough that nobody would notice.
They called that the “salami technique” to make it sound less complicated, but it
is not all that easy to do. Still, the money piled up pretty fast, and he got caught,
and accounting programs started to round off numbers to eight decimal places—
just in case someone tried it again.

Another couple of guys found out that you could go downstairs in an airport and
when people upstairs used their American Express to buy checks they could later
cash, they could record the electrons that made that happen and play it back to
cash, they could record the electrons that made that happen and play it back to
get more of those checks. You don’t see those in airports anymore. That is a
“playback attack,” and we still have some of those around. They just don’t
always work as well as the first ones did. People are pretty smart at thinking of
ways to steal money, and nothing we can do will limit their creativity.

The occasional bank VP would use a computer in his office to make phony
transfers to companies they had thought up. As it turned out, a few of them went
to jail for it, but not all of them. A guy in Ohio, whose name I have long
forgotten, was killed in a plane crash and his wife showed up for the funeral;
then his other wives showed up. He had five, in all, and five houses, with wives
and kids in them all. He was a computer programmer with a legitimate job
somewhere, but he wasn’t being paid enough to support that many families.
These kinds of things still happen, but back then, they didn’t happen very often
because networks were pretty safe places to go. What there was of an Internet
was just a bunch of networks connected together.

In the early ’70s, the Air Force started to worry about security of their computer
systems, publishing a report called The Computer Security Technology Planning
Study. It was Top Secret. James Anderson, who wrote the report, said, “There is
little question that contemporary commercially available systems do not provide
an adequate defense against malicious threat. Most of these systems are known
to have serious design and implementation flaws that can be exploited by
individuals with programming access to the system…. The security threat is the
demonstrated inability of most contemporary computer systems to provide a
sufficiently strong technical defense against a malicious user who is deliberately
attempting to penetrate the system for hostile purposes.” Today, we could hardly
argue with his statement, but things were going to get worse.

IBM had not invented the personal computer, and they had not asked Microsoft
for an operating system for it. When they did, anyone with a brain could start
playing in my house, and we knew this was not going to work out. The
neighborhood started changing and lots of people were moving in around us.
They didn’t look like people I wanted in the kitchen. We had to start cutting
back on the number and types of people we let into our networks. In those days,
we called it computer security, but it was mostly just cutting off those
connections to other systems we were connected to, and being a little more
careful about what our people were allowed to do.

Some people in research were talking about connecting up more networks into a
giant ball of networks, using the ideas that had come from ARPANET. The
giant ball of networks, using the ideas that had come from ARPANET. The
computer whizzes thought that the more of them they could connect, the better
the world would be, but not all of us liked the idea. We needed convincing, so
they sent evangelists to talk to us. Everyone on earth could have access to
business information that they needed to keep our commerce engine humming
along to the next millennium or so, they said. We will only have to put data in
once and everyone can get to it after that. People can get together and have new
ideas flying around like snowflakes. We could all work from home and take care
of our kids at the same time. It seemed like a good idea. I liked working from
home. They had a convert.

In the early ’70s, some ARPANET researchers started talking about computer
code that could be used to pass things around from one computer to another
without the user being aware of it. There were good reasons for having these
kinds of things going on behind the scenes, but there were some bad uses that it
might be put to. I remember someone made a Christmas tree virus that brought
up a tree whether you wanted it or not, and that probably didn’t go over very
well in some of the places it showed up in. We took all that to be good fun, but it
didn’t last long. It turned out there were some really ugly things that could be
done with a virus, including wiping out the data that a user stored on his
computer. That was bad, but not nearly as bad as it would get.

The last 20 years have not been very much fun, but the last 10 have been the
nightmare on Elm Street. There are thousands of viruses and worms that can
spread without being connected to another computer, and some new ways that
would beat virus scanners and security. There are a hundred ways to attack a
wireless system, and the more security they try to get, the less effective they
seem to be. Ransomware is a hot topic these days because someone turned loose
an attack that hurt hospitals in Great Britain’s National Health Care Systems and
shut down Renault’s assembly lines. It had some impact in 150 countries. It was
based on a worm that took advantage of a vulnerability in Microsoft software,
encrypted files and sent a message to the user that said “Pay ransom or lose your
files.” This has recently been attributed to North Korea, as was a well-known
heist of money from the national bank of Bangladesh, opening a flood of “North
Korea did it” speculation in a number of areas.9 If this opening shows anything,
it will show that we did not know who did it when the event occurred, and that
North Korea has been up to a good bit more than anyone knew.

The Internet has spread to a third of the people on earth, and not very many of
them can do anything about it either. They are just individuals and most of them
them can do anything about it either. They are just individuals and most of them
don’t know what people are doing to them. Those that understand it still can’t do
much about it. The people who are causing this trouble are organized, protected,
and really good. They are making it a bad neighborhood. If you think of this as
being only a bunch of hackers trolling around on the Internet making money,
you would be looking at this the wrong way. The Chinese are using it to
undermine our business structure.

Signs of Decay

Most everyone understands what it means to have people around you who do not
understand how they are supposed to act. If you go to a bad neighborhood, you
can tell without having any signs that say “Warning.” One of my Canadian
friends asked me to speak in his classroom at the Washington Navy Yard in the
1980s. Since I wasn’t from Washington, he said I could take the Metro and walk
down. There is a Metro stop there now, but back then, it was five blocks. The
Metro stations are pretty nice and there are lots of people around, even at 7 in the
morning. They get coffee, pick up a newspaper and chat occasionally about the
Redskins, Wizards or the Capitals hockey team.

As I left the Metro station and crossed to go south to the Navy Yard, I passed
under a major freeway and went from pleasant coffee shops and newspaper
stands to a war zone. Nothing was open; windows were broken in half of the
buildings; and there was glass on the sidewalks, so I was pretty sure the
breakage was not that old. It was dark because most of the streetlights were
broken. It smelled bad. There was not a soul on the streets anywhere, in any
direction I could see. Only a few cars came down the road to the end and they
had to dodge glass and miscellaneous rubble, but they did provide some light. I
said, “You should not be here,” to myself. When you say that to yourself, you
have already taken in all the clues and processed them. You don’t need a
checklist to know it is not a good place.

I stopped at the intersection across from the main gate of the Navy Yard, and a
woman was coming across the street towards me. She didn’t wait for the walk
signal like I did, because she lived downtown where they don’t. I said, “Good
morning,” like we usually did in Richmond. She said, “Are you sure you are in
the right place there, son?” I said, “Yes, I’m just going to the Navy Yard, right
here.” She looked down the street about two blocks and gestured with her head.
here.” She looked down the street about two blocks and gestured with her head.
“The entrance is down there. You can’t go in this way. Stay away from those
boys on the corner down there and don’t be comin’ back this way until it gets
light.” It looked like good advice, and I said, sincerely, “Yes, thank you.” I
stayed away from the boys on the corner, who did not look like they were going
to work or school anytime soon, and took a cab back when I was done.

What is hard for us is that some of us live in neighborhoods that have gotten bad
over time. They were beautiful when we moved in but they have started to fall
down after years of people moving in and out. People who have lived in them for
a long time still think they are nice places because they haven’t taken a close

A bad neighborhood on the Internet is not so easy to identify. You will not be
able to say, “I shouldn’t be here,” because it won’t be obvious that you shouldn’t
be. The behavior can be identified by discovering and attributing crimes to a
source neighborhood, or a collection of them. Attributing means I can say, pretty
much for sure, that this address was the place this attack was coming from and
not somebody who had taken over that address and was using it in their name.
You can see the difficulty there. If I see the Davis Furniture Company attacking
me, I can be fairly sure they are not the ones really doing it, unless someone over
at Davis has gone off the deep end. It is more likely that the website Davis had
his son set up was not quite as safe as he thought and someone captured it. They
are just using it to do bad things and Mr. Davis will not know until someone
calls him. Even then, he may not know what to do about it, but at least he knows.

People know the place they want to go to by a URL. This show up at the top of
your browser, like, but there are no broken windows or streetlights to
let you know that the number it translates to is not a good place to go. The
number is an address, unique to that place, but it can be changed faster than
moving from one office to another. Some security vendors will sell you a piece
of software that will watch these places and tell you to stay away from the ones
that are bad. That is a good investment, but hardly foolproof, since they can
change them faster than anyone can keep up with. At least, they try.

There is a step in between the typing of a URL and the going to the site that is a
translation of that text in the browser to a number. The place this is done is
called a Domain Name System (DNS) server. Hackers have taken to attacking
these and undermining them so they will send a person to their website, which
will look like the one you thought you were going to. A normal human being
can’t tell the difference, so they get sucked into typing their bankcard number
can’t tell the difference, so they get sucked into typing their bankcard number
and password, thinking they can get a money transfer done. Those software
packages that do security are supposed to be able to protect a person from this
type of place, but they can only stop what they know about. Criminals and
government hackers know what they are doing and try to adapt their sites to stay
ahead of the curve.

Most bad guys will put up false road signs to get me to go their neighborhoods,
like a sign directing me to the right when I should be going straight. I have to
look closely at the URL to see that it is not what it is supposed to be. If I don’t
look at it carefully, I will end up in their neighborhood. Once I am there, they
can put keystroke loggers on my systems to watch me and steal my credit card
info or my personal data. Then they can us my identity. It is a lot like the
Stepford Wives, because most people will not know that I am not me anymore.
There is more than one me, and there can be hundreds.

Hackers go out of their way to create nice neighborhoods. The Internet is a

physical place and a virtual place at the same time, which makes that easier.
Avatar had the idea right. I can be in a back room in a dive hotel in Kinshasa, but
my website shows a stunning crystal front house on a rural mountainside, where
only someone rich could live. There are usually children there, and quotes from
famous people, implying that this is a great place to buy things. “These unique
surroundings provide some of the best investment opportunities a bunch of
monks could ever manage for you,” they will say. They don’t say anything about
Kinshasa. They could even be in a government office there and nobody would

They can sell pretty photos of naked men and women doing things I had not
thought of. This will get my attention, and while I am thinking about how it was
possible to do that, they can get quite a bit off my computer and plant software
besides. A person should really be careful not to go to places like this, but it is
not so easy to ignore them, particularly when you are young. Young people are
not as afraid of bad things happening to them, and they value those lessons from
pictures of naked people more than I do.

Bad neighborhoods on the Internet move around quite a bit. Other governments,
businesses, and hacker groups like to keep an eye on those places, and they set
up monitoring to see what they are trying to do and how they are doing it. They
produce lists called whitelists and blacklists that indicate how they feel about the
different places a person can go out there. Whitelists are places that are allowed
and are “good,” meaning they are allowed to connect to each other without a lot
and are “good,” meaning they are allowed to connect to each other without a lot
of questions. Whitelisted places have to keep their systems reasonably secure so
they can’t be modified to accept bad code from one of the blacklisted sites. The
folks who have them don’t give them to people like us. Governments keep these
to themselves.

Hackers have gotten smarter and can do things now that they didn’t know were
possible many years ago. The Chinese are using stolen software and code-
signing certificates to create their own domains and attract people to them. They
have spread those domains far and wide. It is impossible for users to know if the
domain is valid or not. Some government-sponsored people were doing the same
thing years ago. The first circuit boards that I remember being modified and
replaced in a computer system were put in a casino in the ’80s, after slot
machines were automated. They paid off more than some of the others, but the
guys who did it eventually got caught. Hacks like modifying memory sticks and
leaving them around an office where potential users can find them are old news
in some places. Generations of hackers think they are discovering the newest
ways to get in, when they’re just rediscovering them. The governments of the
world have been doing most of the things hackers do on the Internet since before
most of them were born. Only rarely does something new come along.

In 2004, Shadowcrew was one of those. You will not find out very much about
this group by wandering around on the Internet except some old stories about
two cases. In the first, 19 people were arrested and 9 others were eventually
prosecuted. The Justice Department says that the indictment charges that the
administrators, moderators, vendors and others involved with Shadowcrew
conspired to provide stolen credit card numbers and identity documents through
the Shadowcrew marketplace. The difference between them and the people who
have come before them is they managed to get into the systems that processed
credit for companies. They were not stealing one transaction at a time. They
were stealing all of them.

The account numbers and other items were sold by approved vendors that had
been granted permission to sell. They had to be screened before they could play
in this game. In other words, they got vetted by Shadowcrew to be criminals.
Shadowcrew members got at least 1.7 million stolen credit card numbers and
caused total losses in excess of $4 million. What a person gets prosecuted for is
what the government can prove in court. For everything they can prove, there is
a good bit more out there. For its time, it was not a big case at all.
One of those arrested pleaded guilty to acquiring 18 million e-mail addresses
with associated usernames, passwords, dates of birth, and other personally
identifying information—approximately 60,000 of which included first and last
name, gender, address, city, state, country and telephone number. There were
4,000 users of the closed website that was operated by Shadowcrew. They were
selling this information to other people, and most of them were not prosecuted in
this case.

Albert Gonzalez worked for the government as an informant and helped to break
that case. But he was arrested again in 2009 for stealing card numbers from T.J.
Maxx, Marshalls, Sports Authority, Target, Barnes and Noble, JC Penny, and 7–
11. This time it was 180 million stolen credit, debit, and store card numbers.
That is a big number. Now people scramble to buy something that is not a credit
or debit card, like my iTunes and Amazon gift cards that can be redeemed
online. That way, I can buy things without having a credit card on their computer
networks. I know they do the best they can, but that may not be good enough
anymore. What Shadowcrew was showing everyone was the inability of the
people we buy things from to protect our information, personal data, credit card
numbers, e-mails, and other types of things from people who would steal it. The
thieves were all over the world, working together, and using the Internet to do it.
Shadow Brokers is the group identified as the sellers of software leading to the
ransomware attacks. Shadowcrew is not the only one of these groups either, but
there are a small number of them because it is a difficult and dangerous business
to be in. They were possibly connected to the latest ransomware attack and were
said to have been selling attack tools they got from Edward Snowden.10 We have
no idea where this software really comes from, and the speculation carries very
few factual accounts to go with it. We are underestimating the amount of harm
they do, and overestimating our ability to do anything about it. They can corrupt
our ability to use the Internet for commerce, and they are protected.

Statistics and Lies

In 2000, there were fewer than 362 million Internet users. There are three billion
now. This is almost 1/3 of everyone on earth, so I’m always skeptical of
numbers that big. Afghanistan is supposed to have a million Internet users, and
that just doesn’t seem possible. Go scan around that country on Google Earth
and tell me they have that many.
and tell me they have that many.

The problem with Internet growth is math. Dr. John Carroll, who was one of the
founding fathers of computer security in Canada, used to say there will be some
bad people in every group. They will not follow the rules, and some will be
destructive or nasty about it. By the same token, there are some really good
people out there who will do the right thing, no matter what, even if they lose by
doing it. He said there were about 5 percent of people at either end, and the rest
of them were scattered on a bell-shaped curve, who are neither good or bad all
the time. So, when you increase any population by a significant number, you
increase the bad people who can give everyone trouble, and find a few people
interested in weird things like cow manure. It is just math. Using the formula,
just simple calculations get you to 105 million really bad people out there. The
Chinese use this often as a reason for the increased hacking coming from there.
“There are bound to be bad people and we will eventually take care of this
problem,” they say. What they don’t tell you is they take the long view of things,
and it will not be in your lifetime.

While the number of criminal hackers, and the safety of countries they live in, is
increasing, the number of people using the Internet and the things they do there
are increasing too. We pay bills, shop, search for knowledge, get service from
our governments, communicate, socially network and do business, and the
number of those things increases all the time. To hackers, these are called

There are a billion and a half Facebook users, and half of them log in every day.
Facebook started in 2004, the same year Gonzalez was arrested the first time.
Twitter has 175 million users. LinkedIn, which is more business oriented, has 34
million users.

One reason governments don’t like to talk about who is on a blacklist is politics.
Sometimes, the people on that list are supposed to be our friends. The Nigerians
get some of their sites blacklisted because they have always supported, or
neglected to act on, a variety of Internet schemes that collect money from the
rest of the planet by dubious means like the “I found a bunch of money and all
you have to do to claim is send me $250 as a service fee.” They did this before
there were computers. Although I hardly feel sorry for anyone who falls for this
trick after 35 years of its being used, I don’t blame anyone but the Nigerian
government for allowing it to have gone on that long. They know who is doing
it. They know it is successful. They could stop it tomorrow or the next day with
a few raids and a couple of dozen people going to jail. They have branched out
a few raids and a couple of dozen people going to jail. They have branched out
into credit card fraud now, so they probably are not anxious to stop any of this.

The Russians have the oldest criminal gangs operating on networks. They are
best known for child pornography, identity theft, phishing, and computer
extortion, the latter having rapidly become something called ransomware. These
guys lock up your computer and won’t let you have the contents unless you pay
a ransom—thus the name. Several Russian gangs are criminal organizations,
because they offer services to criminals who need to use a secure attack base.
This makes it all the harder to sort out, since it is like offering a garage to
multiple gangs that commit robberies. They put their cars there. They do their
planning there. They sort through the money. How much do I know about any of
this as the garage owner? I could pretend to be deaf, dumb and blind, like the
Pinball Wizard, and know very little, an approach that might be good for my

Of course, it is not that simple. My little garage is also renting out the planning
functions for robberies, doing some of the preparation of banks to be robbed,
laundering money, and providing very safe places to work that cannot be seen or
heard by police. The police would have a hard time with my Pinball Wizard

When the Russian Business Network (RBN), one of the more sophisticated of
these groups, started to get some heat from the rest of the world (and maybe the
Russian government, since they have been known to cooperate on rare cases in
the past), they moved. They tried to hide behind an Italian front company, but
that didn’t work, and they pulled the plug on some of their operations until the
new side of it could be set up. It should not be a surprise that it was in China.
Nobody has seen them since, and talked about it. That says they are good at what
they do, or they are out of business. Guess which.

These could be isolated examples, but they aren’t. One of my professors used to
tell us that successful criminals spend as much time at their jobs as you do at
yours, and you are not likely to run into one of them that you could recognize.
They look normal; they have families and homes; they go to church, sometimes.
There are probably more than just the 105 million, because that curve will take
in a few hundred million who are just copycats or low-level part-timers; there
are a lot of people stealing for a living, and some are really good at it. At some
point, we wake up and say, “This is a bad neighborhood.” Lots of bad things
have already happened to us by that time and we don’t know about all of them.
About 1 percent of the hackers of the world are really, really good, so we are
looking at roughly a hundred thousand of them. Kevin Mitnick, in Ghost in the
Wires, tells the story of getting birth records from live and dead people and
creating driver’s licenses, library cards, and records of all kinds, to be someone
else. He kept these identities around in case he needed them. He always had to
worry that one of those who were still living would notice that someone else was
pretending to be him. He monitored his own phone lines to make sure they were
not being traced. He used the information systems to make false records of him.
There are a few of these kinds of criminals out there and they don’t get caught.
They have their own very good security and they watch the people watching
them. They make websites to communicate and share their methods and results,
but they are a really tight group and not very trusting of one another. They don’t
trust anyone outside their own community.

Most of them who work for governments will never be caught and will go away
if discovered. If they are criminals without government support, law
enforcement people can eventually track down some of them, but there are still
some who never get caught. We tend to measure crime by people who do. It may
be years before some of this type of crime starts showing up in the records of
credit card companies and government files. In the same way, government
hackers do not get caught. They are good at what they do and can melt away if
even a whisper of discovery is heard.

As the Internet Churns

Internet crime was growing before the Internet got to be as big as it is today, but
there are some things that make it a more dangerous than it was even 10 years
ago. Using the Internet to attack us is part of the national strategies of a growing
number of countries. Our new neighbors on the Internet are people we don’t get
along with very well; they don’t know how to act; they are not like us.

Most people added to the Internet since 2000 are not North American. That is
not an obvious thing to most users of it, since nationality or cultural background
does not show up anywhere. If I see a .ru or a .cn after a URL, I know that is
Russia or China, but it doesn’t say anything about what nationality the person
operating the site really is. That just says where the site is registered, not where
the operators are physically located. The person who manages the site could be a
Latvian on a tourist visa in New York. When RBN went to China, it was looking
Latvian on a tourist visa in New York. When RBN went to China, it was looking
for a safe place to not be seen.

Most new Internet users are from China or India. The United States is third.
China has twice as many users on the Internet as the U.S. has in total population.
That is not happening without China’s interest in having their population on the
Internet. They encourage it. We should probably remember that China is not our
friend, and we are building up our military in the Pacific and cutting it a lot of
other places, just to make sure they know how we feel.

A friend of mine lived in China, working for a major company in Europe, and
she gave us an example of a culture difference that she noticed in the first week
there. She tried driving herself, but only once. On her first day, she came to a
railroad track, noticing that a train was coming and most of the people stopped.
Some didn’t, but that happens everywhere, with people trying to get through
before the train got there. But while she was sitting there, she noticed that people
were starting to drive up next to her in the lanes that would normally be for cars
coming in the other direction. Bicycles and scooters were taking up spaces
between the cars. She also noticed they were doing the same thing on the other
side of the train. When the train was gone two opposing forces were taking each
other on in a game of chicken, all trying to funnel themselves back into normal
traffic. She couldn’t deal with it and hired a driver.

They are certainly culturally different in many ways, and some of these are
important to how they think about the use of the Internet. They are poor. Half of
the population lives in cities. They are overcrowded and live in spaces that we
would normally call built-in closets. This isn’t a crime or a reason for looking
down on someone, but it is a reason for being careful. I wonder how people with
incomes just over $8,600, on average, can afford Internet service. It would have
to be free for people to afford it. The average salary of people in China is about
$8,600 a year and only 2 percent of them earn enough to pay taxes.11 The upside
for them is they spend a good deal less on basic essentials.

China is officially atheist. You might ask yourself if religious affiliation has
anything to do with our interaction with Chinese on the Internet. Some
coworkers of mine went to a country in China’s sphere of influence and they
went as missionaries. They told us before they left that we should never refer to
their status in any written correspondence or e-mail. We should never mention
the church that they belong to. We should always refer to them as teachers. They
knew their mail would be read. They knew the country they were going to was
knew their mail would be read. They knew the country they were going to was
not very tolerant of Christians. They were going to live in the mountains a long
way from any civilization as we know it. When we started to think about what it
was like to live like this, it made us appreciate living where we do. There are
quite a few countries that could find ways to make a person’s life very
unpleasant for something they said on the Internet, and it is not how most of us
want to have to live.

China is always a mystery, but there sure are a lot of people there. They have
tried to use population controls of one child per family that certainly would not
go over very well in most other countries. They go to great ends to control their
population, particularly those who may not agree with how the government is
being run.

The Internet is bringing people together who are quite diverse, and while that
normally wouldn’t matter, there are times when it does. I grew up in a time when
do-gooders like me were going to school to learn how to eliminate hunger and
get world peace by helping everybody get along. It takes some time to figure out
that people who are really, really poor are different from middle-class America.
We called that the “culture of poverty” to try to sum it all up.

Besides China, some of the biggest Internet user gains for their population size
were in Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Nigeria, Iran, Turkey, Mexico, the Philippines,
Vietnam, and Argentina. In a way, the Internet has brought us closer to these
people, sort of like cheap air travel has, but there are some of these that I don’t
want to be closer to. I don’t use cheap airfares to fly to Russia or Iran either.
There is all of the usual benefit of “international understanding” that some will
talk about, but the understanding seems to come from us and not them.

Some of them have a history of not behaving on the Internet, or anywhere else
for that matter. So besides being poor, they cause trouble. China now leads the
world in computer hacking sites and general troublemaking. China, particularly
the army, shows up more and more and has become the center of attention for
the U.S. intelligence community, because the Chinese have been hacking almost
anything that has an Internet connection and stealing everything they can. The
estimates for theft of businesses’ intellectual property are $1 trillion every year.
The Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, run by Jon
Huntsman, who was ambassador to China from 2009 to 2011, says the majority
of the theft is by China. The Commission Report says there are not sufficient
enforcement mechanisms in the Federal Trade Commission, the CFIUS, and the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to allow a company to stop the manufacture
of goods based on stolen intellectual property, so there are few remedies once
the data is stolen.12

There are stories on the Chinese hacking U.S. satellites, planting software in our
electricity grid, and hacking our defense and businesses at such a rate that they
got the attention of the president—who they also hacked during the election.
They certainly have been busy, but they are just the newest bully on the block.
Russia has done most of the hacking over the past 10 years or so, very similar to
what China is doing now.

The one difference with the Chinese is simple. They are hacking everyone in the
free world and they don’t mind us knowing. They are pretty open about it, but
they deny everything. I have enemies like this. They will deny, right to my face,
something I saw them do. I have recorded evidence. I have my own
observations, but they deny it anyway. I switch them over to my own blacklist,
which I keep in my head, and I watch them closely after that. I take more notes
about what they do, and research them. I never trust people who can lie to my

Iran is new to the business but has a couple of well-known hackers who have
done some good technical attacks against security firms. Iran is not our friend,
and that leads me to say that it should be watched. Iran and China share a good
bit of their networks, and neither of them is our friend. They are probably
sharing their hacker knowledge, but it would be hard to prove that one way or
another. They are not going to say much about it if they are.

We used to track hackers regularly going through Brazil, so they are either really
poor at security down there, or they are allowing it to happen. Maybe both. I
have never seen a hacker from Vietnam, though there are some. Vietnam and
China went at it in June of 2011 during an argument over some islands that both
of them claimed. They hacked each other’s websites and tried to do a few other
things, but it seemed to die out soon. Neither one of them likes to talk about that,
so there is not much written about the types of attacks that were really being
used. Behind those website attacks, there was probably some interesting
information warfare happening too. Both of them are getting good experience, so
this is not going to go away unless Vietnam decides it does not need those
islands it is dredging out.

Internet use is increasing in places with growing populations; and some of those
Internet use is increasing in places with growing populations; and some of those
are countries that don’t like us very much. Only a third of Chinese have a
favorable view of the United States. This doesn’t always mean war, of course,
but it is certainly a measure of how predisposed people are to thinking about it.
They like Japan even less (71 percent have negative views), and that must give
the Japanese quite a bit to think about as the Chinese increase their military
missile and combat forces. They are closer to Japan, and some of them
remember the Japanese invasion of their country before World War II.

Pakistan could do more damage than any of the rest of them because they have
many inroads into U.S. companies operating in their country, and they are not
exactly friends of ours. I would like to know why so many of our credit
agencies, medical records, and computer center help desk companies think they
can operate from there. These are really, really sensitive operations to have in a
country that was keeping Osama safe, helps other groups get nuclear weapons,
and loves the Chinese. The only two countries with majority negative opinions
of the USA were Russia and Pakistan.

We are dragging people online who know next to nothing about computers but
want to do things on the Internet anyway. As my engineers used to tell me, you
cannot engineer-out “stupid.” At least 500 times, companies have put out
announcements telling people there was a phishing attack directed against them.
This sort of e-mail has an attachment with the headline “New Company Logo.”
Clicking on the attachment will cause a computer to explode and splatter pixels
all over you, along with some other such thing that will be more technical. A
normal person would think twice about clicking on that attachment, but some
people reading their e-mail are not normal. A few of them will not have read the
corporate e-mail since they were on vacation and start with the most current
trying to catch up. A few are curious about what pixel splatter actually looks
like. A few will think it applies to everyone except those few people in corporate
management places where people take care of them. They actually believe that
nothing happens to exempt leaders. Those that do click on it will be rewarded
with new faith because nothing does happen. Nothing they can see.

Our youth go to those sites in Russia and Eastern Europe that advertise with
naked women in various poses of artistic merit. I loaned a computer to one of my
neighbor’s kids and it came back with a few of these, plus loads of other
problems that suggested he had been going to quite a few parts of the world that
are bad neighborhoods. He wasn’t old enough to have a credit card to pay for the
videos, but I talked to him about how that might work for him when he gets one.
He trusted people on the Internet because he didn’t know any better. Those
He trusted people on the Internet because he didn’t know any better. Those
engineers didn’t know any better either. Besides the other things they were
doing, we did catch a few engineers going to sites that had very little artistic
merit, and we had one corporate VP selling 2,000 images a day from his
government-provided computer network. For almost anything a person will do,
there is someone who will help them, but there is going to be cost for that.

Epsilon did a bulk collection of names and e-mail addresses so they could send
out ads and notices to customers of their clients. I know this because I read the
news, but also because some of the people like Best Buy, Staples, Verizon, Ritz
Carlton and the Wall Street Journal have sent me e-mails to say that those
addresses were stolen. Somebody has my e-mail from all of these places. Press
speculation is that information might be used to craft letters trying to get more
information from me, but I stopped looking at these e-mails right away. They
can just keep sending the ads out with embedded scripting in them to get access
to my system. They think I will still open those attachments. Quite a few people
will, because it is too hard to see the difference between one ad and another that
looks just like it should.

The folks at Epsilon reported it, but it could have started months earlier. Maybe
some of the ads I have been getting were already sent out with those little bits of
code embedded in them. Now the hackers know I shop at Best Buy and Staples,
stay now and again at the Ritz, and subscribe to the Wall Street Journal. I have
already received notice that my subscription needed to be renewed at the
Journal, and it wasn’t the Journal telling me that. Whoever bought this
information can send me letters to make me think my last credit card transaction
was kicked back or asking to verify the number because my subscription has
lapsed (that actually did happen, and ours was not expiring until next year). They
can look for credit card numbers and do quite a bit of damage before someone
can stop them, depending on how much they are able to collect and correlate.

This is all the more reason for businesses to do better security with data they
keep. Companies such as RSA, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, Target, Sports
Authority, BJ’s, T.J. Maxx, and Stratfor, plus hundreds of small businesses all
have been hacked. It wasn’t a surprise to anyone in computer security.

One of my teams was doing a survey of a small company with venture capital
funding. They were going into a new line of business for them, storage of online
data for external customers. The venture capital firm hired our company to check
out their security before giving them any more money. It’s a good idea.
out their security before giving them any more money. It’s a good idea.

The company basically had no security that would allow them to do business on
the Internet. We sent our team out twice because we didn’t believe the first set of
results. The capital was withheld, and the company never went public. It would
have taken only a few minutes to get control of that site and all of the
information stored there. When companies can’t operate on the Internet without
losing some of the most sensitive data they have, such as customer lists, social
security numbers, credit card numbers, and employee information, then they
shouldn’t be operating on the Internet. But many still are. This is because
businesses see risk differently than we do. If they lose my credit card
information, they are only liable for a small amount of the losses that can come
from that. I suffer much more than they do. As long as that is true, the burden of
risk will always be on the small user and not the companies putting all that
information together and losing it.

The Federal Trade Commission estimates that there are 8 million cases of
identity theft in the U.S. every year, and this is partly where they come from.
The crime that results from this is not always visible, since sometimes they don’t
even know their identity is stolen. The Internet makes it easy, and even
advantageous, to be more than one person at once. A person can be 25 people
and use the credit cards of all of them in the same day. The companies that lose
the information are not the ones paying the bills.

New Internet users are not people of our culture. I don’t mean of our nationality,
because that isn’t enough. These are not Western cultures. That may not matter
to some, but it should. There are some really, really bad people on the Internet
who peddle child pornography that will make you sick to your stomach, and
make those Russians nudes look like children’s book material. But nobody can
reach them where they live because they have protection. They sometimes
capture videos of what they do to these kids and sell them to make money. There
seems to be a never-ending supply of people to buy this stuff, and neither side of
those transactions is the kind of person I want to “like” on Facebook.

China hacks us from multiple places and across business and government
targets. They are very successful at both getting in and stealing our secrets, but
given the demonstrated state of the art of defense, that may be easier than it
should be. They make the winning bids; they get to compete everywhere in the
world. These are the morals of international business newly defined by China.
They have managed to make up their own rules and get others to follow them,
leaving us with the unpleasant choice of adopting theirs or standing with our
leaving us with the unpleasant choice of adopting theirs or standing with our
own. I’m for playing by theirs, but it is not as easy thing to do.

Crime is just one risk that we face in a bad neighborhood, but this risk is going
up pretty fast and the users of the Internet are not taking stock of it. We don’t
have many measures to say when this risk is too great. I can’t decide something
like that for myself.

What makes that a dangerous thing to say out loud is that our commerce depends
on our ability to keep computers secure, and to say there is something wrong
with that security makes businesses on the Internet jump. They don’t like anyone
saying it. Their customers have to believe it is reasonably secure, a term
invented by people who were looking at risk at a time when there wasn’t very
much. What the Chinese are trying to do is undermine the ability to do trade
safely on the Internet. They undermine our commerce to make war, while the
Russians interfere in our elections.

When U.S. government investigators looked at Facebook after the 2016 national
election, it found some of the accounts created to foster events or influence
Facebook users were Russians working for a company called Internet Research
Agency LLC. Those Russian sponsored accounts were used to support political
stances for both the Democrat and Republican parties. The used networks in the
United States to make tracking their country of origin more difficult. Twelve
individuals are named in the indictment by the U.S. Justice Department.13

The indictments of Russians, in Russia, will not deter anyone from carrying out
the kind of operations that were described by them in their own internal
communications. Normally, these are intelligence intercepts and we would never
see them because they would be state secrets, but they were used in court to
establish a case that could be brought to trial. What is in that description is a
window into the way Russian Information War is intended to work. The New
Cyberwar described what they had done in the Ukraine to disrupt the Ukraine
government and aide the southern rebels in fighting the established regime.
Those operations are called “reflexive control” means controlling the narrative
around a set of events to favor positions that are best suited to Russian
objectives. The Russians believe that leaders can be persuaded through selected
information (not necessarily truthful information) to accept a path that is suited
to Russian objectives.14 Secrecy and denial are major parts of Russian
involvement, characteristics of covert operations. In covert operations, plausible
denial is essential to the outcome. A country must be able to say, “it wasn’t me”
when questioned about their involvement in these kinds of activities. This
particular operation was current and directed at the general election for the
President of the United States.

Those indicted in the Russian operations to influence the U.S. election are both
companies and individuals. The companies are: The Internet Research Agency
(IRA) LLC, [also known as MediaSintez LLC, Glavset LLC, Mixinfo LLC,
Aziut LLC, or Novinfo LLC,] Concord Management and Consulting Company
and Concord Catering. The individuals were all Russians, most working for the
Internet Research Agency, and all living in Russia. Vladimir Putin says he will
never release these individuals for trial. The important thing is that the
individuals are identified by name, and as an indictment would infer, there is
sufficient evidence to make a case to try them. If they ever venture into a
jurisdiction that has extradition with the United States, any of those people can
be arrested and transferred to the U.S. for trial. Until then, we will not know if
the evidence is sufficient to convict them.

What the Russian IRA was doing is not exactly new, but it was an updated
approach using modern media. The Russians have been meddling in U.S.
elections since 1982, and half-heartedly tried to prevent Reagans nomination as
the Republican candidate in 1976. But in 1982, then Soviet Premier Yuri
Andropov, (just as Vladimir Putin today), a former KGB officer, decided that all
KGB officers should participate in active measures aimed at preventing Ronald
Reagan from having a second term in office. It was the KGB’s highest priority
during the last months of Andropov’s rule. The Soviets decided that any
candidate was preferable to Reagan, and their actions should promote a slogan,
“Reagan Means War.”15 At the same time, they directed five active measures
(themes) against the Reagan campaign, two years away:

1. Discredit his foreign policy. Characterize his policies as militaristic

adventurism. Identify Reagan as personally responsible for the arms race
between Russia and the United States. Emphasize his support for repressive
regimes around the world. Describe his administration’s attempts to disrupt or
destroy national liberation movements. Show how he has created tension with
NATO allies.

2. In domestic politics, describe Reagan as discriminating against ethnic

minorities, having a corrupt administration, and being subservient to a military-
industrial complex.16

Although they devoted the remainder of the two years to these activities, Reagan
won a landslide victory anyway. But the Russians have learned quite a bit from
their mistakes in trying to influence an election process that is a little
unpredictable, even to those in the U.S. familiar with it.

The 2018 indictment leaves out many facts that were doubtlessly presented to
the Grand Jury, but briefings to several Congressional Committees have filled in
some of those. Many of the facts that became evidence are still state secrets and
will not likely be presented in open court.

The indictment makes it clear that it is illegal in the United States to make “…
certain expenditures or financial disbursements for the purpose of influencing
federal elections.” The laws bar “agents of any foreign entity from engaging in
political activities within the United States without first registering with the
Attorney General. And U.S. law requires certain foreign national seeking entry
to the United States to obtain a visa by providing truthful and accurate
information to the government.” One could conclude from these referenced
behaviors that the Justice Department believes the Russians attempted to
influence the federal elections and in doing so, sought visas under false pretenses
and did not register with the Attorney General. The indictment says the Russian
employees “knowingly and intentionally conspired with each other to defraud
the United States by impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of
the government through fraud and deceit for the purpose of interfering with the
U.S. political and electoral processes, including the [P]residential election of

Money for these operations came from the “Concord companies” and not
directly from the Russian government. In any covert operation of this type, funds
must be seen to come from a source unconnected with the government
sponsoring the activity. What they did with that money has become a source of
controversy much greater than the impact of those operations. They paid for
Russians to develop on-line personas, pretending to be U.S. persons “operating
social media pages and groups designed to attract U.S. audience” participation.

It Is Just Business

Most of the time we do not care who makes the equipment we use, but we do
care about the utility of the thing we are buying. We might want to rethink that
in the case of computers made in China. What makes this situation of concern is
the willingness of the Communist government to use its products to acquire
information about the people who use them. This is not the same kind of debate
that occurs in the free world about how far a government may go to get
information about its citizens. This is about spying on people inside and outside
another country. The irony is the complaint, levied by Edward Snowden, that the
U.S. spies on almost everyone in the world, when China is holding its own in
doing exactly the same thing without getting the criticism it deserves. Maybe
that is part of the reason Snowden went first to Hong Kong instead of his current
home, Russia. China uses these devices to spy, and it does so as part of its
national policy. In spite of recent global concerns about encryption of cell
phones and computers, nobody escapes being monitored, and this monitoring is
almost impossible to detect.

A number of years ago, I was in a group that was looking at how computers
were being equipped with monitoring equipment when travelling through other
countries. Some of these computers travelled in bulk, and some came into the
U.S. from individuals travelling to another country. In one case, we had an
informant in another country tell us that some of the computers coming from his
country had been tampered with and monitoring equipment was built into a
circuit board of a particular brand of computer. Our technical specialists took the
boards apart and examined them, finding nothing. They went back to the
informant, thinking he had made a mistake on the batch that was affected. The
informant was insistent. The technicians went back in and finally found what
they were looking for. Something that enables another country to monitor a
computer can be put into the hardware or software of that computer and it will
look and function like a normal device. Even when these devices are disclosed
by internal informants, they are almost impossible to find. China would say we
by internal informants, they are almost impossible to find. China would say we
have no reason to question their products, but that is only true for consumers
who do not pay attention to what has already been discovered.

Probably the best known use of technology to spy on individuals was the
Chinese Green Dam Youth Escort. In July 2009, the Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology (MIIT) issued a letter requiring computer
manufacturers to pre-install this software on computers made in China or
imported into the country. The government maintains that Green Dam was a
legitimate tool to reduce pornography on the Internet, thus protecting its youth.
This was the same rationale the Chinese used with Google to try to force it to
restrict access to search results that China did not favor. When that effort failed
to convince Google, Chinese hackers went after accounts held by dissidents with
Google accounts. We would hardly believe that the hackers were going after
dissidents to keep pornography out of the hands of Chinese children. We should
have the same reasoning with Green Dam, since it filtered politically sensitive
and religious websites as much as pornographic ones. The OpenNet Initiative
published a report on Green Dam that said:

The version of the Green Dam software that we tested, when operating
under its default settings, is far more intrusive than any other content
control software we have reviewed. Not only does it block access to a wide
range of web sites based on keywords and image processing, including
porn, gaming, gay content, religious sites and political themes, it actively
monitors individual computer behavior, such that a wide range of programs
including word processing and email can be suddenly terminated if content
algorithm detects inappropriate speech. The program installs components
deep into the kernel of the computer operating system in order to enable
this application layer monitoring. The operation of the software is highly
unpredictable and disrupts computer activity far beyond the blocking of

The U.S., Japan, and a number of others complained about Green Dam. Since
most computers today are made in China or assembled from parts made in
China, the reach of such a policy is broad and dangerous. It shows the
willingness of the Chinese government to impose requirements on products and
services that have impacts far beyond their own country’s border, even to the
point of products made outside China. It also did not make exceptions for
products made in China for export to other countries. We have no way of
knowing what other types of requirements may have been levied on the
electronics industry, and how those may further the ability to monitor users of
electronics industry, and how those may further the ability to monitor users of
Chinese products. Those are all state secrets in China.

The Green Dam complaint never actually got to the WTO, because China
backed off of the requirement rather than face the WTO action. China, however,
allows the voluntary installation of Green Dam on computers there, allowing
millions to be so equipped. In the past few years, China has found a new way of
getting even more information from its users—and ours.

In 2015, some seemingly unrelated findings by various security companies point

to Chinese-made computers having software installed that undermines the
capability of securely transmitting to secured websites. These incidents relate to
something called Transmission Layer Security (TLS), which is the gold standard
for security of transmissions from a computer to a secure website. What caused
security companies to start paying attention to Chinese involvement in TLS was
a piece of malware, Superfish, that was pre-installed on Lenovo computers, the
largest seller in the world. A Hacker News article at that time described the
effects this way: “Superfish uses a technique known as ‘SSL hijacking,’ [and]
appears to be a framework bought in from a third company, Komodia, according
to a blog post written by Matt Richard, a threats researcher on the Facebook
security team. The technique has ability to bypass Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
protections by modifying the network stack of computers that run its underlying
code…. Komodia installs a self-signed root CA certificate that allows the library
to intercept and decrypt encrypted connections from any HTTPS-protected
website on the Internet. The company’s SSL Decoder like Superfish and other
programs are present in numerous other products as well.”2

Superfish allowed the installation of features that undid the security of Transport
Layer Security (TLS) by compromising the root encryption system that made it
secure. Lenovo maintained that this software was used to inject adware, the
advertisements that we see when we go to a website, but it was more than just an
adware vehicle. Those who knew it was there could use the flaws it created to
get into those computers. Lenovo at first denied that this kind of flaw should be
taken seriously. But it quickly found out that when security companies lock onto
something, they tend to look more closely. It was far more serious than Lenovo
first claimed.

The first thing the security industry found was the use of Komodia code libraries
put the same code into other applications. Since the Chinese develop so much of
the world’s software, they produce development kits that include the same code.
the world’s software, they produce development kits that include the same code.
This can be seen as “accidental” or it can be seen as part of an overall strategy to
reduce the effectiveness of TLS. When it is just Lenovo computers, it is easier to
claim an accident of developers; but it wasn’t just Lenovo.

Dell computers were found to have a similar vulnerability for those with the
Windows operating system. The U.S. Cert, the national authority that keeps
track of vulnerabilities and tries to get vendors to correct them, said this:

Dell Foundation Services (DFS) is a remote support component that is pre-

installed on some Dell systems. DFS installs a trusted root certificate
(eDellRoot) that includes the private key. This certificate was first installed
in August 2015. An attacker can generate certificates signed by the
eDellRoot Certificate Authority (CA). Systems that trusts the eDellRoot CA
will trust any certificate issued by the CA. An attacker can impersonate web
sites and other services, sign software and email messages, and decrypt
network traffic and other data. Common attack scenarios include
impersonating a web site, performing a (Man-in-the-Middle) MITM attack
to decrypt HTTPS traffic, and installing malicious software.3

We could discount both Dell and Lenovo as accidents until Google, in April
2015, quietly announced it would stop accepting certificates issued by the
Chinese Internet Network Information Center (CINIC). This hardly raised a
ripple in the security community because the underlying problem with the
certificates was technically solved by an additional security feature called
public-key pinning, which Google’s browsers use. The announcement was
almost imperceptible because it came out as an entry in Google’s security blog.
But there was a good deal more to it than its casual release would indicate.

Google discovered that some of its certificates that protected its domain and
Gmail servers were not very secure. It conducted a joint investigation with
Chinese authorities over issuance of Gmail and domain certs issued by Mideast
Communications Systems (MCS), Cairo, Egypt. These certificates were installed
in such a way that “rather than keep the private key in a suitable hardware
security module, MCS installed it in a man-in-the-middle proxy. These devices
intercept secure connections by masquerading as the intended destination and are
sometimes used by companies to intercept their employees’ secure traffic for
monitoring or legal reasons.”4

Google, known as the technical leader on the Internet, has quite a bit of
experience with China. It said that both Google and the CINIC believed that
experience with China. It said that both Google and the CINIC believed that
other certificates were not issued by other companies, and the CINIC said it
would do better in the future. That sounds like the kind of press release that
would take place after a truce had been called, but the truce did not result in the
acceptance of other certs that were issued by CINIC. That is a clear indication
that the whole truth of this is missing in public sources. Google would not take
this kind of action without knowing what the consequences would be if it were
not accurate in describing what was done and why. Perhaps there needs to be
room for the smoke to settle.

Starting in 2014, CitizenLab, at the University of Toronto, began to look at the

privacy characteristics of a few widely known browsers. It based some of its
research on the findings at Stanford and Carnegie Mellon that looked at Safari,
used on Apple computers, and Firefox, which is widely deployed. There were
some differences in security of privacy data in these browsers, but there were
many more differences in the browsers produced in China, and the effects go
beyond the borders of that country.5

The most widely used Android browser in China and India is the UC Browser
made by Umeng, a subsidiary of Alibaba. When a user has this browser “any
network operator or in-path actor on the network can acquire a user’s personally
identifiable information” of various types, some of which have little to do with
the user’s browser experience. These browsers collect some data that seems
totally irrelevant to why a user would do an Internet search, including these

• International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI). This is a unique

identifier that defines a subscriber, including the country and mobile
network to which the subscriber belongs.

• Wi-Fi Media Access Control (MAC) address. A unique identifier that is

used to identify a device to a Wi-Fi access point that restricts access.

• User geolocation data, including longitude/latitude and street name.

• Data about nearby cell towers and Wi-Fi access points.

• The Windows version of Baidu’s browser also transmits the hard drive
serial number, model, network MAC address, and CPU model number.

Neither the Windows nor Android versions of Baidu’s browser protect software
Neither the Windows nor Android versions of Baidu’s browser protect software
updates with code signatures, meaning an in-path malicious actor could cause
the application to download and execute arbitrary code, representing a
significant security risk.

We could argue, as China does, that this kind of thing happens in code
development and it is impossible to detect or prevent, and there is no evidence
this data that is collected might actually used for anything. What if Edward
Snowden had said that NSA does collect quite a bit of data but does not use it for
anything? Would that argument have stood up in public debate? However logical
it sounds when flowing out of government offices, it isn’t very believable.
Collecting this breadth of data suggests it must be used for something more than
determining where users search. Why does anyone looking for search data need
the serial number of the users’ hard drives?

The data being collected can be used by hackers to specifically target an

individual, narrow an attack to a group of specific individuals, or identify where
and how they communicate with others on the Internet. The attacks can locate
and track movements of those groups, down to a specific individual in that
group. It can locate and target phishing attacks that will allow access to a
specific computer, and they know where to find that computer. It makes attacks
much easier to pinpoint and check for successful penetration. We are tempted to
conclude that this data collection is only good for spying on other people and
making sure that their networks are known, tracked and vulnerable. By the
number and variety of methods used, China can have a capability that matches
anything Edward Snowden accuses the U.S. of doing. They can locate and target
anyone who uses their products. And as in the case described by Snowden with
NSA, it does not matter if they use the data they collect or not. The issue is that
they collect it.

Given the number of companies involved, and the similarity of the attacks
against the infrastructure of the Internet, there is a clear indication that there are
one or more secret directives from the central government that require vendors to
collect this kind of information for use. The companies themselves would not all
arrive at the same point of collection without a general agreement about what
they would be collecting and why. They know what is required by the
government, but secrecy rules prevent them from telling. CitizenLab was
certainly thinking of that when they asked Alibaba if it was direction by the
central government to collect this kind of data. Alibaba declined to answer the
question. If Chinese companies are being asked to collect the data, it would be a
question. If Chinese companies are being asked to collect the data, it would be a
state secret that could not be discussed with an outside organization.

What these techniques provide to China is the potential to collect large volumes
of material from almost anyone. These are just vehicles that are used to acquire
information, and although they are related types of data, that does not mean it
would be possible to collect and analyze the quantities that would be collected.
Part of the argument China would use would be that it would be impossible to
monitor everyone everywhere on the Internet. And that is true.

Gartner says that the total number of devices sold including PCs, tablets, ultra-
mobiles and mobile phones will reach 2.5 billion units this year, a 7.6 percent
increase from last year.6 If even half of them could be accessed by the Chinese,
they would have to monitor a billion new systems every year. As a practical
matter it is impossible to collect, store and analyze all data produced on that
many computers, but it gives them the capability to monitor any one of them
they choose.

Every month, Google processes more than 100 billion queries, and they are only
one of many search engines.7 There are over 130 billion e-mails sent every day.8
There are also online chats, video exchanges, messaging and on-line postings
that produce volumes of material every day. Word processing documents,
spreadsheets and presentations are created by the millions. It might be possible
to collect all of that, but it becomes impossible to search, catalog, and make
sense of that much. One of my analysts computed the size of computers required
to analyze all of the intrusion detection data our organization was capable of
collecting. When he first briefed on his findings, he started by quipping, “It
would need a computer the size of the state of Ohio.” No intelligence service can
analyze all the information it manages to get. But it is the impossibility of
monitoring everyone that makes it necessary to be able to monitor anyone.

China appears to believe that whatever it has to do to monitor its own population
is acceptable, even if it allows monitoring of, and interference with, systems
outside its own country. The argument is similar to, but the opposite of, the one
the National Security Agency has made about collecting and analyzing telephone
calls outside the U.S. When using collection methods that suck up data about a
wide swath of people, it might be difficult to say who among them is a citizen of
any given country. The NSA is prohibited from monitoring U.S. citizens inside
the U.S., but people such as congressional leaders and businessmen travel
overseas and have business conversations with many people who are not citizens
of the U.S. The NSA sets up elaborate procedures to deal with the data that is
of the U.S. The NSA sets up elaborate procedures to deal with the data that is
collected on people who are U.S. citizens who may be inadvertently monitored
in those conversations. During the U.S. national election more information was
published about the process of “masking” and “unmasking” U.S. citizens than at
any time in the past. The motives of Susan Rice, President Obama’s national
security advisor, were questioned by congressional members in both major
political parties because she unmasked U.S. citizens; i.e., she caused the NSA to
disclose to her the names of U.S. citizens in those intercepts. While this is not a
common procedure for most investigations, the actions in this case involved
members of the Donald Trump election team. They were said to be having
conversations with Russians that were potentially of national security interest.
China uses the same logic in justifying why it monitors its citizens.

China says it is undermining portions of the security controls of the Internet so it

can monitor its own citizens and potential terrorists. It does this for their own
good, i.e., to satisfy national security interests. In Xinjiang, there have been a
number of incidents over the past few years that the international press picked up
in spite of China’s best attempts to control them. Most of these are mild by
terrorism standards, although to a victim of an attack there is very little
difference between being struck by a meat cleaver or having a bomb blow up in
the midst of people shopping. We cannot dispute the need for stopping the
attacks, but we can characterize what is being done in the name of that action as
going well beyond what is necessary to stop terrorism. They simply use
terrorism as an excuse.

There are few better examples than that of the exploitation campaigns against
members of the Tibetan community, journalists and human rights workers in
Hong Kong and Taiwan.9 The ArborSert report identified a series of attacks with
similar profiles using “bait documents” extracted from the Internet. Titles like
“Human Rights Situation in Tibet” and “Prediction of the 2016 Presidential
Election” (referring to Myanmar’s general election), and specifically targeted
references to subjects known to be of interest to certain leaders of groups, were
poisoned with malware that would give the Chinese access to accounts of
anyone opening certain files. The AborSert report says,

This recent activity matches pre-existing targeting patterns towards the

“Five Poisons”—organizations and individuals associated with perceived
threats to Chinese government rule: Uyghurs, Tibetans, Falun Gong,
members of the democracy movement and advocates for an independent
Taiwan. This targeting scheme, along with various malware artifacts and
Taiwan. This targeting scheme, along with various malware artifacts and
associated metadata, suggest that the threat actors herein have a Chinese

Combined with the new laws authorizing police monitoring and control of
human rights groups and other NGOs in China, the stepped-up Internet spying is
consistent with other attempts to control dissent outside China, while it clamps
down on similar groups inside.

The main effort is an attempt to censor and limit communications between

people who might be dissidents, while potentially contributing to the
interception and analysis of intelligence about terrorist plans. In order to do both,
it needs a disciplined national information technology infrastructure, something
few other countries have.

The Russians are slowly moving in the same direction, but starting from behind.
The Russians tried to automate monitoring of the Internet but had a disorganized
approach that left the funded research unused or discounted. It was not until
2011 that the equipment and focus made the placement of monitoring devices at
ISPs a practical reality.10 Before that time, the devices were mandated but not
coordinated or integrated; now the problems are centered on the ability to
analyze the volume of data without requiring large numbers of people from each
company operating there. The Russians may be premature in some of their
control procedures, because the Chinese make these types of controls look easy.

Andrei Soldatov, co-author of The Red Web, tells a short history of the attempt
to collect and store huge amounts of data from the Internet. It has been much
harder than the Russians thought it would be.11 For one thing, the estimates for
storage by various service providers are nearly 60 million terabytes of storage.
By comparison, Google adds 24 terabytes a day to its YouTube service and is
geared to handling that much data over time. Because the volume is so massive,
the Russians have some difficulty enforcing their own policies, and they are not
exactly getting the support of foreign businesses, who do not believe the
Russians can be serious about the policy they are asking to be enforced.

To manage these large volumes, Russia has turned to China, in fact to the master
himself, Fang Binxing.12 Binxing is the architect of the Great Firewall, in
modern times. The Chinese suggested “white lists,” the term for a standard
industry practice that labels interconnected sites as either friend or potential
trouble. There is also a “black list” for the latter. They undoubtedly suggested
much more, since those two things will not make a firewall viable. That is the
technical side of information management, but the Russians have used a group
called the Safe Internet League to enlist 5,000 volunteers to search for things
they would like to get off of the Internet in Russia. That is the beginning of
censorship, the real purpose in the Great Firewall of China that they are trying to
emulate. They still have a long way to go when comparing their capability to
China, and they know it.

In the U.S. carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile are regulated,
but they are independently owned and operated. The U.S. government does try
to regulate their business and, to some extent, controls their content—though
viewers with small children might argue they do not do enough. But from the
standpoint of censorship, there is none. Nearly all the censorship of content is
related to criminal offenses of users, especially pornography and financial
crimes. The rise of Facebook Live and a few online crimes shown there,
including murder and kidnapping, have increased the pressure on service
providers to do more. Curiously, both the Russians and Chinese claim their
censorship is related to exactly the same thing.

China seems obsessed with media control, from what kind of music the Rolling
Stones played on their trips to Hong Kong to what movies are shown on
commercial television. They control the TV news, radio, print media, and film.
More importantly, their telecommunications are managed by state-run
telecommunications companies and a layer of bureaucracy that is enough to
discourage anyone from wanting to be part of it. Yukyung Yeo writes,

As for the internal governing structures, even though the MII is the
formally designated regulator, on top of the MII there are the party and two
powerful comprehensive state institutions: The National Development and
Reform Commission (NDRC) and the State-owned Asset Supervision and
Administration Commission (SASAC)…. Unlike the Anglo-American
independent regulator model, the MII’s regulation is constrained by these
top party-state institutions as long as it remains a government agency, for it
is institutionally subordinated to the NDRC. Moreover, most industrial
policies and regulations drafted by the MII should be reviewed by the
NDRC before the State Council’s final stamp.13

In the case of China, the control of communications is essential to two things:

the use of the infrastructure for government sponsored espionage, and the
discovery of dissidents who might persuade others to revolt against the
established government. Mike McConnell, a former director of NSA, says there
are 100,000 hackers working for China, hacking mostly U.S. businesses to
collect secrets from them.14 We might debate the numbers cited, but there is no
longer a doubt that China hacks large numbers of U.S. businesses with the intent
of stealing proprietary information and plows that back into its economy.
McConnell believes they have managed to get into almost every company in the
U.S. Certainly, because of China’s controlled infrastructure, hacking from or to
China has more of a chance of being detected than does hacking from the U.S.
The Chinese know two things: who is hacking from their country, and who is
hacking into China from other countries. What state-sponsored espionage in
China has—that the U.S. and few other countries have—is a secure, monitored
network to attack and defend from.

The basic approach by China’s internal regulators is to not allow technologies

that can hide secrets. Inside China, virtual private networks are prohibited to
make it easier to look into corporate networks.15 The central government
requires software used for encryption and internal security to be provided to the
government, but publicly says it does that only rarely.

Hackers do not hack inside China without being detected because the
architecture includes three components that are not found in any other national
network: the Great Cannon, the Great Firewall, and the Golden Shield. These
exist more as ideas than physical devices. Those ideas are implemented in
various parts of the network architecture and those parts function as a single
device would on a smaller network. A home computer has its own firewall, but it
is smaller and less capable than a firewall used in a corporate network. Even if
we duplicated a small home firewall throughout a large network, the effect is not
the same as having advanced firewalls in that same network. Those small
firewalls are not as capable.

Most firewalls sit between two networks and mitigate traffic between them. The
main purpose is security of a network, so it filters out some types of
communications, like partial packets or specific kinds of attacks that can be used
by hackers to get into a network. Mostly, it blocks certain types of
communications from entering or exiting.

China’s Great Firewall sits on the side and looks for keywords, traps traffic, and
blocks content that is objectionable. It blocks Internet addresses, servers or
blocks content that is objectionable. It blocks Internet addresses, servers or
whole domains, like some sexually explicit and religious websites. It has search
criteria for news, health, education entertainment, and political issues affecting
China, but can filter anything the government may choose. The Great Firewall is
like an adjustable information filter put on the Internet.

The Great Cannon is slightly different. It is a black box that can operate as a
man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacker; i.e., traffic can be intercepted in route and
the content changed or redirected. Man-in-the-middle attacks allow injection of
code that can be used to launch denial-of-service or other types of attacks against
the target. So, if a website is hosting some religious content that cannot be
blocked by the Great Firewall, the Great Cannon can fire off code that will be
attached to the sessions of users attempted to access the site. It can modify the
content of messages sent to or from the website, block any subsequent traffic,
redirect it to a site the government controls, or duplicate it so as to clog up the
website of the offending party.

Its use came to light when it was discovered attacking GitHub and
GitHub is a code-sharing site; it has software that looks for servers that block
web connections out of China and was a hosting site for the Chinese edition of
the New York Times. is an organization that tries to help people
bypass censorship mechanisms, and believes the attack was directed at the
software-sharing site rather than others within GitHub.16 assumed
that the attack was directed by the Great Firewall. Subsequent analysis by
security researchers from the University of California at Berkeley, the University
of Toronto, and Princeton showed something different, something that
complemented the Great Firewall.17

The Great Firewall and Great Cannon are mechanisms that can restrict and
block, sometimes undermine, communications between individuals. But they
don’t keep records on individuals that are seen to be on the sending and
receiving end of these transactions. That is what the Golden Shield does. As a
national database, something few countries are willing to establish, it is fed
information from networks that can find, identify, and record information about
any individual. Greg Walton describes it this way: “Old style censorship is being
replaced with a massive, ubiquitous architecture of surveillance: the Golden
Shield. Ultimately the aim is to integrate a gigantic online database with all-
encompassing surveillance network—incorporating speech and face recognition,
closed-circuit television, smart cards, credit records, and Internet surveillance

The Golden Shield is a higher level network that does more than information
technology, since it has presence on a number of physical sensors that can do
facial recognition, fingerprints, credit analysis, and geolocation, combining those
with the ability to monitor traffic on the Internet. This is the Big Brother George
Orwell taught us to fear. It wields power for its own sake—at least for the sake
of the Communist Party. For individuals who chose their own path, the Golden
Shield will document the direction they travel and what they do along the way.
Those they watch will not come to a good end.

The Golden Shield, Great Firewall, and Great Cannon manage information that
enters and leaves China. They cannot control all information, though China has
persistently tried to make them do so. One of the options discussed for retaliation
against China’s stealing security clearance records from the U.S. was helping
skirt the Great Firewall, an effort that would have created tremendous stresses in
Party monitoring of its citizens.19 Even without that formal help, the Chinese
people are inventive and have help in skirting the mechanisms that keep them
from being broadly informed. That is different from being a dissident. The
government can afford to ignore a little of this kind of information gathering,
which is not likely to hurt the central government, though it may be more
practical than magnanimous.

On the other side of the same coin, China can steal business information and
feed it back into the economy, making it difficult to attribute the thefts to China
or trace the benefits that come to their economy by stealing. Their control of
their Internet works to protect those efforts while keeping their own citizens
under constant surveillance. Though the Chinese try to portray their counter-
terror legislation as an attempt to deal with terrorists who do operate in China,
especially in the northwest, it is more accurately described as a way to deflect
the criticism of thefts of proprietary information, especially source code of
software made by foreign manufacturers. They can force vendors to supply them
source code and encryption software to virtually guarantee that proprietary
information cannot be protected inside China.

The legislation seemed to point to terrorism when the first drafts were posted.
The issue that mattered most was the turning over of source code and encryption
software, but there was concern over something called “data localization,”
meaning that data collected in China would be hosted in China.
In his almost-defense of the legislation, Zunyou Zhou says the Chinese tried to
make their terrorism definition fit an international standard, and bowing to
international criticism, dropped the data localization and encryption

Actually, the Chinese bowed to nobody, and took their collection of software
underground because they knew their actions were not going to be accepted in
the international community. In May 2016, the reports started to come into U.S.
press sources that indicated that the same rules were being applied in secret.21
Businesses such as Apple were called in to have discussions with representatives
of both the military and government intelligence functions about the capabilities
and operations of their software. Apple denied turning over any source code, but
the long-term effects are not just in software.

The questioning was of concern because it was intrusive and could lead to the
disclosure of proprietary information about their products. It could also lead to
the disclosure of export-restricted information, which few businesses in China
would ever admit to because they would be liable for exporting restricted
information and fined for violating U.S. export laws. We will never know all of
the different types of information China has collected and used in products it
then sells back to customers of its world markets. It is only in the last few years
that businesses operating in China have found how disruptive and one-sided
these new laws have turned out to be.

What the totality of controls of China’s Internet actually does is give it a base
from which to hack businesses. More than that, the U.S.–China Economic and
Security Review Commission report to Congress for 2016 says it does much
more: “China appears to be conducting a campaign of commercial espionage
against U.S. companies involving a combination of cyberespionage and human
infiltration to systematically penetrate the information systems of U.S.
companies to steal their intellectual property, devalue them, and acquire them at
dramatically reduced prices.”

In terms of cyberwar this sets a new standard for theft of proprietary information
and using that information to devalue and buy assets at reduced prices China
sometimes creates by having its own state-owned enterprises manipulate
business with foreign entities. The best current example is not a U.S. company;
it’s German.
Before the German government announced it was going to revisit the purchase
of a company that it had already approved, not many investors were aware of
Aixtron SE. Several business news outlets reported the sale of this company to
China’s Fujian Grand Chip Investment Fund LP (FGC) in May. The New York
Times looked into the back story of how this purchase came to be.22 If we want
to play with Chinese investments, it is a good thing to know how they play.
More important, however, is the central question the article poses: How do we
treat bids that cross between private investment and state-orchestrated
takeovers? Does those companies operate with a view towards improving
China’s position in the global markets, or do they just serve their own business

The cancellation of an order at the last minute put Aixtron’s stock on a

downward spiral. The company that pulled that order was San’an
Optoelectronics, another Chinese company with funding from some of the same
people who worked out the acquisition on Aixtron. The story in the Times
documents the connections between the different companies that were related
both to the purchaser and the business relationships Aixtron had in China. This
purchase, and one other major one, made Germany the biggest recipient of
Chinese capital in Europe. German concerns about technology transfer were not
an issue until something else sparked the government’s interest.

In November, the New York Times reported a new angle on the sale of Aixtron,
the objections of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
(CFIUS), a body that usually only gets involved in the sale of U.S. companies to
foreign entities. This time, however, CFIUS was interested because Aixtron does
quite a bit of business in the United States, though it produces only 20 percent of
their revenue. Aixtron makes equipment used in chip making in these categories:

• Compound Semiconductors:

º MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition) is one of the most

important technologies for producing compound semiconductors, which are
an essential element of optoelectronic components. AIXTRON’s customers
use the MOCVD technology for the manufacturing of different applications
such as:

• MOCVD OPTO, a technology for producing optoelectronic devices or

LEDs that are widely used in lighting, display application or data

• MOCVD for Power Electronics (PE), a technology used in application

areas such as consumer electronics (e.g., in the field of wireless charging),
automotive (e.g., components for electrical vehicles and self-driving cars),
white goods (e.g., components for more efficient air conditioners) and
industrial devices (e.g., components for more efficient wind turbines or
high-speed trains).

• MOCVD TFOS (Three Five on Silicon), a technology used for the

development of future logic devices.

• Silicon Semiconductors:

º Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a process to manufacture ultrathin

films for semiconductor components that are necessary for the production
of memory chips mainly used in DRAM and NAND Flash devices (e.g.,
SSDs, USB sticks, memory chips for digital cameras).

• Organic Electronics:

º Organic Vapor Phase Deposition (OVPD) is a process for the thin-film

deposition of organic materials. Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor
Deposition (PECVD) is a process for thin-film encapsulation of organic
layers. These technologies enable the production of organic light emitting
diodes (OLEDs), which are increasingly used in displays or OLED TVs.23

What CFIUS was investigating was the purchase of technology related to the
making of some very sensitive chips used in the next generation of commercial
and military applications. It was not disposed to seeing that technology sold to
Chinese interests.

The Chinese economy is always thought about in terms of low wages that give
manufacturers a cost advantage in making and selling products to their
customers, but it is learning to buy those companies rather than work for them.

The U.S. continues to believe the Chinese have few places to put their excess
money, a subtle statement that does not reflect reality. It implies that the Chinese
will not use their leverage on the ownership of debt. The Chinese have a global
economy to put their money into, and they are buying real estate and making
corporate acquisitions at an alarming rate. The assumption is the Chinese will
corporate acquisitions at an alarming rate. The assumption is the Chinese will
not use their position in U.S. currency for their own benefit, which is naïve at
best, but at the least, politically motivated. The symbiotic relationship of the
U.S. and China is often cited by business leaders as the main reason why it does
not benefit China to leverage that debt. On the whole, both arguments are self-
serving. To some extent, the Chinese will do whatever is in their national interest
without consideration as to how it might affect the United States. The Chinese
own $1.3 trillion in U.S. debt, but that is only a third of their currency reserves.
That leaves them with considerable money to expand their empire.

While it might be true that a mortgage lender can have little influence over us
because they own the major component of our debt, a normal mortgage lender is
not a country with a totally different political system that is aggressively
competing with us. China can stop buying U.S. debt anytime it wants, and by
that action alone, it can raise the cost of future debt and disrupt the U.S.
economy. There is probably not a benevolent streak in the Chinese political
structure that leads them away from making that threat.

When they cut back on buying U.S. debt in August 2015, they may have been
doing so to protect their own currency. Nonetheless, interest rates in the U.S.
rose, demonstrating what happens when they stop financing our national diet of
overspending. The financial analysts look at China when that happens, but what
they really need to look at is the U.S. propensity for spending too much. China
owns about seven percent of our debt, even though it is the largest single debt
holder. That is declared ownership, not beneficial ownership. We will never
know how much of the holdings of offshore accounts like the ones exposed in
the “Panama Papers” are actually owned by China’s state-owned enterprises.
Chinese individuals were certainly involved in some of the businesses identified
in the Panama Papers, and have used front companies to gain access to a number
of leaders in other countries.

In April 2016, a group of journalists in the International Consortium of

Investigative Journalists published an article that named a law firm, Mossack
Fonseca in Panama City, Panama, as the target of a hacker group that stole and
distributed some interesting records that showed the creation of holding
companies that protected the real owner from detection by prying governments
who might want taxes or state riches returned. The Infosec Institute published an
analysis of how the hacking occurred and what was stolen.24 The article was
developed from work done by the same hacker who identified vulnerabilities in
websites at the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, NASA, and Edward
Snowden’s own website. He points out that the systems at Mossack Fonseca had
enough known vulnerabilities that the information could have been taken by a
knowledgeable hacker from almost anywhere. The e-mail server was hacked and
over four and a half million e-mails were taken. Three million database files, two
million documents formatted in PDF, and a million images were included. There
were a relatively small number (320,000) of other documents taken. What was
taken pointed to some prominent individuals including Vladimir Putin and
Iceland’s prime minister, David Gunnlagsson, who resigned after the disclosure.
Some of the others were associated with people in China.

Documents leaked from Panama name family members of the Chinese president,
Xi Jinping, and two other members of China’s Standing Committee, Zhang
Gaoli and Liu Yunshan.25 But the documents also include billionaire Li Ka
Shing; Thomas and Raymond Kwok, whose Hong Kong property empire is
valued at $14.7 billion; Hui Ka Yan, who had been a member of the National
Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conferences (CPPCC)
from 2008 to 2013 and thus was a “Politically Exposed Person, which required
Enhanced Due Diligence”; and Chinese billionaire Liang Guangwei, a former
People’s Liberation Army soldier and head of a state-backed technology
conglomerate who recently bought a $64 million block of land near the
headquarters of an Australian spy agency.26 The cited sources leave little doubt
that Mossack Fonseca knew the political sensitivity of some of their clients.

Panama is not the host for the largest number of companies that are sometimes
called shell companies, but with 350,000 it ranks third behind Hong Kong and
the British Virgin Islands.27 If each of the other two had only the same amount
of shell companies it created, there are over a million companies like the ones
discovered in Panama. This one company was not unique in the world of law
firms, where many churn out tax havens, trusts, and corporations that protect the
legitimate business interests of clients. In most cases, the law firms either do not
know who they are protecting or representing, or do not want to know, even
finding ways to not identify them.

Chinese company executives are given jobs because of their positions in the
Party, as much as because of their business acumen, but these papers show they
have business knowledge too. Most removals from businesses positions had to
do with a business leader taking a track that was not in line with the central
government leadership. So we might think that this action by ZTE would
represent a set of “rogue executives” doing something the government did not
represent a set of “rogue executives” doing something the government did not
condone or sanction. Usually, that kind of action results in a business leader
disappearing and not coming back, while he is questioned by the government.
That did not happen in this case.

Clare Baldwin, writing for Reuters, says the ZTE representative, on a 3 April
2016 call, claims these management realignments take place every three years
and this was just one of those events. However, he also said, “ZTE spokesman
Dai said he could not confirm which executives would be involved in the
management changes to be announced on Tuesday, and could not comment on
whether the upcoming changes were related to the alleged Iran sanctions breach
in any way. ‘I cannot speculate on this type of discussion,’ he said. ‘I am not in a
position to comment.’” Treating the move as a normal action indicates that the
board members were not involved in the kind of activity that the government
objected to.

An Asian Age story on the same thing treats this like a spat that has nothing to do
with ZTE.28 The U.S. sanctions caused the individuals to be removed. The
article does not mention that the ZTE internal documents cite the setting up of
dummy corporations and defined export rules that would be violated in doing so.
They also clearly show that other Chinese companies were doing the same thing.
No company in China is going to sell anything to Iran without the central
government knowing about it and sanctioning it.

At least we now know what was agreed to settle the clear violations of U.S.
Export laws by ZTE. What we don’t know is why that kind of action was
acceptable to the U.S. government. Treating this as the action of a few rogue
executives ignores the role of the central government in controlling Chinese
companies. Investigators have recently called for documents from Huawei, Inc.,
as a continuation of the ZTE exposure. ZTE’s internal documents mentioned
another company that was exporting technology to Iran, and others, and the
investigation centers around whether Huawei was that company. The world
business community seems fearful of this kind of investigation because the
inference is that any company might engage in this kind of behavior.

U.S. businesses still line up to sell to China, a lucrative market. At the same
time, China makes more of the world’s goods and services than at any time in
recent memory, overtaking and passing the United States.29 Both sides of
business get what they want from this arrangement, but we have to wonder if the
citizens of their countries know what they are doing. If China were our enemy—
if we were at war, and we recognized it as war—manufacturing would certainly
change, though not likely stop. Even in World War II, Ford had a plant in Nazi
Germany that continued its operations; banks in Switzerland continued their
money transfers; and airlines, trains and ground transport continued to move
between German cities. Yet at the end of that war, almost nothing was written
about the collaboration of U.S. businesses with that enemy. The records of
companies still doing business in the U.S. today are bottled up in company
offices or buried with the dead.30

When it comes to networks, most companies are international, sometimes

without knowing it. It is difficult to think of a large company that has no
overseas operations of some sort, and companies such as IBM, HP, Siemens,
McDonald’s, China Mobile, Oracle, GM and BAE have thousands of employees
in other countries who are directly or indirectly contracted.

All of these have major computer systems and networks that interconnect the
world and give them connectivity to their mother ships through those overseas
circuits that transport corporate networks. They connect to major business
partners, customers, suppliers and their own business units. These change over
time; sometimes they grow as they acquire one another; sometimes they go
bankrupt and sell off all the assets. Most companies don’t like to use the Internet
for this kind of thing. They like to separate themselves from it if they can,
mainly to protect their internal communications, but they used to be better at it
than they are now. We can blame the economy for that, but it would be only
partly true.

Businesses are being pressed to find more efficient ways to work because they
have competition from places with lower labor rates and cheap currencies, such
as China. So they cut staff and try to find cheaper ways to do things. Corporate
IT staffs are shrinking and so are their security elements, and there is no way to
do all that is needed. One blogger said he had bought security equipment to
install, but they were so short of staff that nobody did install it. They are
reducing hardware costs by supporting computers that do not even belong to
them, allowing people more leeway in working from home, on their own
computers, and connecting a variety of smart phones that can expose their
business to greater risks. They shift to wireless office lines because that is also
cheaper and can be moved when the lease runs out. And they outsource to other
companies what they can. These actions all raise risks because they are moving
the responsibility for protecting corporate secrets away from the security staff to
the responsibility for protecting corporate secrets away from the security staff to
a user or a partner. At the same time, hackers are targeting more businesses,
having more success, and not having to work nearly as hard to do it.

What is hard for most people to see is when this becomes a serious issue to the
U.S., as a country. A few hackers hit businesses every day and some of them
will swindle some ladies in Arkansas, but that doesn’t add up to a national
concern. That is because most of us never get to see what the government sees at
the top. It gets reports from the CIA on what is going on in the world, reports
from National Security Agency on what is happening in the networks of the
government, and reports from the business leaders of the major companies in the
USA about what is happening to them. This is not security of some data in a
computer network. This is national security.

All countries have laws about national security. Just to be clear, they are only
worried about their own, not ours. They tell other countries how they are
allowed to transmit things through their countries. They spy on the rest of the
world to get more information. They share things with other countries that think
like they do and want to share. This is usually considered to be “legitimate self-
defense” or some such thing. There are some grey areas here, of course.

Economic warfare is just one of them. Can we steal the bids from the new ship
that China wants to build and give them to an ally of ours so they can build it?
Can we tell GM and Ford what we know about Chery, the Chinese company that
makes automobiles? If a well-meaning person gives us the plans for that new
bridge in Kalamazoo, can we let our bridge builders see them? In our country the
answer is always no. We don’t even let our own companies bribe officials in
other countries who will not give bids to people who won’t bribe them. We
could do all of these things, because it is in our power to do it, but it would
violate some law somewhere that was written before we became a growing
economy in the larger world.

Every country requires access to our computer networks to monitor traffic

passing through them, mostly e-mail and data fields. They say they will not keep
this stuff unless it points to a crime or terrorist activity. They read our mail; they
listen to phone conversations. They record a lot they can’t listen to, and this stuff
is stored all over the world in various systems. I remember when East Germany
fell and the press started to pour through the Stasi networks of surveillance.
People were surprised by how detailed it became and how much information
could be collected on almost anyone, if they had the right equipment and the
will. There were logs and records on daily conversations, and videos to go with
will. There were logs and records on daily conversations, and videos to go with

Surveillance and monitoring are becoming a science, and most countries are
good at it. That is what national security is all about. When the Middle East
started to come unglued and there was the collapse of regimes there, the amount
and type of surveillance was one of the first things to come to light. The second
was the number and types of companies that were making the little boxes that
did it. Bruce Schneier had a blog article on some equipment from England that
could block cell phones in a particular location, intercept them, or get them to
transmit codes that were unique to each one that would allow the calls to be
traced back to the owner. Timothy Karr of the Save the Internet Foundation
pointed out that equipment is used in Egypt to monitor names and addresses of
people On Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube so people could be watched with
greater accuracy. The company that gave them the equipment, he said, was
Narus in Sunnyvale, California, formed by some former Israeli intelligence
folks. That company belongs to Boeing. A Finnish newspaper, Helsingin
Sanomat, reported that Nokia had sold a “spy network” to Iran that could
monitor voice and data, pick out target information and flag it. It can monitor
voice, data, instant messages, mobile phones and fixed landlines, e-mail and fax.
Nokia says it was a “test system” that could not be used for the fixed Internet.
We could only wonder why they would sell them a test system to begin with.
What were they supposed to be testing? This is the technology needed in the
Great Firewall.

It sounds like a good thing to help out law enforcement, and that kind of logic is
what allows the export of these types of things to other countries. What is
missing from these license applications to a government is the nature of the
crime where the equipment will be used. Speaking out against the Thai emperor
can be a crime and 2,000 websites were on their blacklist for doing just that.
Complaining about the solution the local government has offered to fix that dam
may be a crime. The term honor crime is certainly not a term that has anything
to do with honor. In some countries, if my daughter decides to marry someone
who is not of the same religious sect, she might be killed. The people who kill
her might be investigated but not arrested. Rape is somehow excused in these
kinds of cases and the victim blamed for it. One of the news shows carried an
interview with a woman in Afghanistan who had had all of these things happen
to her at once and they were going to hang her for the finale. That is not easy to
My son sent me a picture of an airport security checkpoint with a sign that said,
“Possession of drugs is Punishable by Death.” Americans passing through can
certainly see the law is different there. In a stay in Greenland, I got to see how
Danes handle drug enforcement. We had a guy come up to our military
installation, from Copenhagen, to play the piano. He was a heroin user, which
we consider a crime (carrying the things needed to take illegal drugs and
possessing them), but we were not under U.S. law there. A storm put him in the
position of being out of drugs and no place to go. He turned himself in and asked
for methadone. He could have gotten it from the Danes, but the only hospital for
300 miles was the U.S. military hospital, which didn’t carry it. Because he was
ill, they put him on the next plane, which was going to the U.S., not
Copenhagen, and, on landing, he was arrested for transporting drug
paraphernalia. It was justice, but it was hard to tell what kind. The definition of
“crime” is different everywhere.

The Chinese like to say that the business information of a government-owned

business is national security information—a state secret. They leave that
definition vague and let companies figure it out for themselves. The laws
covering the kinds of businesses that can be purchased by foreign entities are
equally vague. If a business decides that it wants to buy goods from one
company but want to find out what the competing prices might be, it will be hard
to do. If it decides to buy into that same company, it is a lottery of interpretation
and not a straight business decision. The Chinese are not alone in this kind of
thing, but they are at the top of the target list for people who are looking for
abuses of it. Since computers save everything, it is not easy to know that a
business has some of the things China would call state secrets.

Every country has an array of equipment that allows them to monitor other
countries’ people, on the off chance that they may be violating the law. They call
this national security monitoring. If you are texting, IM-ing, emailing, or are
Facebook friends with someone from another country, it is likely you are being
monitored somewhere, by somebody, and probably more than just one
somebody. This is not spying and it is not illegal in any country that does it. You
could be committing a crime you don’t know about, or have ever had described
to you. Ask Liao Yiwu, who spent four years in Chinese prisons after he wrote a
poem called “Massacre” following the 1989 demonstrations at Tiananmen
Square. Writing it takes more courage when you know you might be living in
prison afterwards.

Moviemakers can show how it is possible to get on a computer and hack almost
Moviemakers can show how it is possible to get on a computer and hack almost
anything, anywhere, and change information or records, shut down electric grids
and open dams to let the flood waters out. Several movies and television shows
popularize the myth. If it were that easy, we wouldn’t have computers. They
would be banned or controlled because they are too dangerous. Our bank
accounts would not be safe. Our personal information would be public
knowledge. We couldn’t use credit cards at all, although I wonder how we do
that now, what with all the theft of their numbers. They might even be controlled
like guns, registered and have some limits put on who is allowed to have them.
Hackers are smart enough to not want that to happen, and so are governments.

I asked a hacker who demonstrated his skills at getting into some of the most
secure computers we had why his friends in the hacking world had not brought
down most of the Internet. They had the ability to come close to doing that, and
we always thought they stopped short. He said, “Because they use it.” He was
pointing out that bringing it down would have long-term consequences that none
of them wanted to live with and would make their job harder. There are more
than a few red lines crossed. It would deprive them of some of their best targets
and improve the defenses of the rest. Better to leave well enough alone. Better to
not make war.

Although we have had some fairly spectacular hacks in the past year, at Yahoo,
the Democratic National Committee, the Office of Personnel Management,
Sony, Lockheed Martin, and others, the business community depends on the
trust we have in their ability to make the Internet safe for commerce. If we start
to think it is not safe, Baidu, Alibaba, eBay, Amazon, and Google will not be in
business much longer. Hackers are starting to push that limit. If someone wants
to undermine the world’s economy, that would be a good place to start, but it is
more difficult than those movies and TV shows would indicate, and may have
the type of unforeseen consequences that hackers know about. Nobody,
including the Chinese, wants to kill the golden goose, even though it is on life
support at the moment. What put the Internet at risk happened quite some time

Starting in November of 2010, several systems were hacked by someone who

established over 300 control systems, almost all around Beijing. What made this
different from other attacks was that the attackers were going after a place called
RSA that was famous for its ability to do encryption of various sorts. RSA
makes a token that verifies authorized users through a home network. You
would think a place that makes security devices would be secure.
During the next few months, several other major companies were hacked in the
same way, and there was a pattern to these that will make anyone who sees the
list nervous.31 There was the IRS; USAA, which primarily handles insurance
and banking for military people; several locations of COMCAST and Computer
Sciences Corporation; a few locations of IBM; the U.S. Cert, which handles
investigations into computer incidents at the federal level; the Defense
Department Network Information Center; Facebook; Fannie May; Freddie Mac;
Kaiser Foundation Health Care System; McAfee, Inc., the antivirus people;
Motorola; Wells Fargo Bank (and Wachovia, now owned by Wells Fargo); MIT;
University of Nebraska, Lincoln; University of Pittsburg; VMWare; the World
Bank; and almost every telecommunications company of any size, anywhere in
the world. That last one included all the major telecoms in China—so they are
hacking their own telecoms. It is almost like someone said, “Go out and get
everything you can.”

There were 760 companies in all, and 20 percent of the Fortune 100. This is the
kind of attack, spread over several months and extremely successful, that can get
our leaders excited and ready to do something. One of the companies wanted
permission from the feds to go after the people that were behind this and find out
where and who they were. That would be nice to know.

There is a breaking point in a relationship with another country that can come
without warning or understanding of how we got there, and this instance was
close enough for most people. It is time to do something so the ones who are
doing this understand that we cannot have folks hacking into the foundations of
the culture we have here. The only thing missing on the list of 760 was churches.
It certainly looks like the Chinese did it and, if it wasn’t the Chinese doing this,
then they need to find out who did, and stop them from operating in their
country. It is too much like war for comfort.

What the Chinese have seemingly done is combine their military, academic, and
criminal organizations into a more capable bunch of hackers.32 Then they
complain that they are unable to control this type of hacking by criminal
elements, just as the U.S. is unable to control hacking that comes from us. It is
just another way of establishing deniability. It is a deception.

China has much more control over what their people do and do not do than the
U.S. does—probably more than any country in the world. When one of their
gangs gets caught running drugs or stealing a truck, the guilty don’t go to jail for
a few years. They get a bullet in the back of the head. In the 1990s, China
a few years. They get a bullet in the back of the head. In the 1990s, China
executed more people than the rest of world’s countries combined. During the
anti-corruption campaigns of the military-managed businesses, 16 people were
executed, to help make the point. Everyone involved got the message that
China’s tolerance for aberrant behavior is much lower than the rest of the world.

The Chinese can protest all they want about their inability to control their
criminal gangs, but they would be hard-pressed to say they can’t control their
activities on the Internet. They control everything on the Internet, and we don’t
have to look much further than the Golden Shield to prove it. Their view of the
Internet is the opposite of ours.

Intelligence Recon

There is nothing wrong with countries spying on each other, but there are rules
associated with it. If you see those CIA folks on television, you would think they
were allowed to do most anything, including killing members of our own
government to hide the secret society that really runs it. They really can’t do
those kinds of things without getting in a lot of trouble. Those who don’t know
the rules are not spies or have never been involved in spying.

Government spying is very complicated and involves quite a few people. Our
government says we spend $80 billion a year doing it, but we can only guess
how many there are, since that kind of thing is classified by the government. We
won’t see the Chinese intelligence budget in print anywhere, but we will see the
results. That is probably a better way to judge whether something is working

If I decide to spy on someone in my neighborhood, there are a number of things

I can do. I can research his housing plot and the house itself, the cars that he
owns, his trash to see where he works and what he buys. I could mount a camera
on my roof and look over his way. This is called “open source” collection
because some of the information is not protected by anyone. I might not tell
people why I was doing it, or may want to avoid going through his trash while
he is still home, so I have to be a little careful about how I go about it. It is really
only partially “open” in that sense. I always think about this when I hear that our
number one export to China is trash, and 80 percent of discarded computers and
cell phones end up there. We do a lot of shredding at our house.
cell phones end up there. We do a lot of shredding at our house.

I can also follow him, talk to his neighbors, his co-workers, his friends at church,
or videotape him at various places, though this is not in my nature. This is
stalking in some circles, so it might also be against the law. I can get a job where
he works, or get a job working for him. This is useful if I can stay there awhile
and get to know this person. He sees me every day and it is easier to find things
out. I can become his friend and visit his family and friends. I can download
company information that he has and read things he writes. There is quite a bit
that I can find out without going any further in my methods.

If I don’t mind doing things that might be criminal to find out more, I can listen
to his wireless calls, intercept his e-mail, open his mail or packages, use imaging
equipment to observe heat signatures in his house, and plant electronic bugs in
his cars, his work area and his home. If you are saying, “That isn’t very nice,”
you have discovered the essence of spying. It isn’t. Rupert Murdoch can vouch
for how people feel about it.

Spying is the collection and analysis of other countries’ secrets, and it is pretty
sophisticated compared to what I can do with my neighbor. It is divided into a
number of things called “INTS” that are general categories of capabilities to do
things; we have a range of other intelligence collection capabilities called
COMINT, SIGINT, HUMINT, ELINT, MASINT and the like that describe a
certain type of thing being collected and analyzed. HUMINT, for example,
focuses on information that is collected from human sources. Interviewing my
neighbors about the house I was interested in would be one form of it. COMINT
looks at his communications like his cell phone or computer. Rather than try to
figure out all of the different types, it is better just to think about them as spying,
using different technologies. These are just ways that governments collect raw
intelligence. They have a lot more money than people like us.

If I could put all of the government’s spying capabilities in my hands for a few
days, I might not be able to review all that can be collected before I died. I can
have enough information on this guy to write ten books, and then some.
Governments have a lot of resources the rest of us don’t have, and they have
rules about how they go about collecting and using information, including
sharing it with me. That is not going to happen. Just to be clear, I’m not spying
on any of my neighbors either.

The Chinese are good at human intelligence, placing people in a country to work
and having them check in every now and again, but not spying on anyone until
and having them check in every now and again, but not spying on anyone until
they are needed. Let’s take the case of Dongfan “Greg” Chung, a naturalized
U.S. citizen who had been in the country for 40 years. He got caught spying for
China because another engineer, working for a different company, was caught,
and the FBI started watching his Chinese handler. “Greg” worked for Boeing
and had some Boeing documents in his trash. He had 300,000 documents in his
house when he was arrested. His prosecution was under a new 1999 law that
made it a crime to steal trade secrets.

It just shows that spying is against the law most of the time, but not all the time.
It depends on what country it is, why it is a crime, and how stupid it was. It is
hard to keep a really stupid thing, or a case that has to go to court, out of the
press. You hear every once in a while that so-and-so tried to sell documents to
someone in the FBI and you wonder how they could be so dumb. Well, the FBI
is not going around saying they are the FBI at times like that, and they don’t
dress in a suit and tie when they visit this type of person. They dress like the
person expects a criminal to look, probably like any of us on a Saturday

Real spying is not war and is done by almost every government in the world. If
the Chinese spy on us, they do it with the clear understanding that we spy on
them too. Every country spies on the others as much as they can support. In all
the world’s governments we understand spying and expect it. That won’t help
you if you are caught spying in the U.S., because it is criminal. Even if
something isn’t an act of war, it may still be criminal. It is just one of those little
quirks in the way the law works. We don’t go to war because someone commits
a crime in our country, or when a country spies on us, or we would be at war
with every country except Greenland.

National Security and Business Spying

In the past few years, there has been quite a bit of testimony at hearings on
Capitol Hill about China spying on U.S. business. Part of the result was a new
law, the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016. That law allows the federal
government to have a course of action against an entity that steals trade secrets,
but it has adopted the short statute of limitations of three years of the Uniform
Trade Secrets Act. It takes longer than three years to discover an electronic trade
secret theft, acquaint lawyers with the information being stolen, and bring an
secret theft, acquaint lawyers with the information being stolen, and bring an

The Chinese have developed an approach to stealing technologies and secrets

that is thoughtful and takes a long view. They don’t get in a hurry. In the days
before the Internet, I interviewed a scientist who traveled extensively to Russia
and China because he had an expertise that very few people had. He asked to see
me because I was briefing people like him who had high-level security
clearances and traveled to countries where people might want that information.
He thought these briefings were effective but did not achieve the right result. He
put it this way: “Dennis, if you tell people there is a Russian under every bush,
when they get to a place where there are bushes, they will want to look under
them. The secret police will see them looking under the bushes and think that is
suspicious, so they will follow them. You tell them they might be followed, so
they are looking for that to happen, and that makes them look more suspicious.
Let me tell you the differences between how information is taken from people in
those places, from my own experience.” He then went on for over an hour.

The Russian approaches to him were crude and he usually could see them
coming. His interpreter would ask him questions that seemed to be from outer
space and totally unrelated to the topic of conversation. He was offered a
prostitute and a hotel room to take her to, but he declined. He said he was too old
to enjoy such a lovely person. He met strangers at the hotel who asked him
questions about his reasons for being in Moscow and chatted about his particular
technical specialty as if they had been doing it their entire lives. Some of his
fellow scientists had large-bodied men following them around, and they didn’t
seem to know very much about the conference topics. They were there mostly to
prevent defections, which went on anyway, but less often when these guys were
around. Their presence discouraged much dialog, but at the same time, since
they didn’t know the subject at all, the scientists could talk about things of
mutual interest. Both the scientists and the KGB knew the game and how to play
their part in it.

On the other hand, he attended conferences with his Russian contemporaries;

they would be talking about some obscure area of this technology and would
reach a point where state secrets were involved. He could tell them the topic was
a state secret and they would veer away from it. They recognized that some
secrets would not be shared between them, but they could still work together.

The Chinese were different. They also supplied him with an interpreter, over a
period of several years, the same one. The two of them had an understanding that
period of several years, the same one. The two of them had an understanding that
she was asked to take care of whatever needs he might have. He was pretty sure
that included sexual needs, because she had mentioned the possibility—just
once. He said she would sometimes get close to him and he felt like there was an
attraction between them, but she never made a move out of turn. They had a
good relationship and it was businesslike, but friendly. That was the way he
wanted it to be.

She took him to several universities and conferences where he was asked to
speak. At one university, he was asked a question about an area of his work that
was a state secret. He said he could not reply. The student almost jumped out of
his chair to respond, “Why can you not tell us now? A hundred years from now
it will not matter to any of us and we will both have the same information you
keep from us now.” He said he actually thought about this for along time after,
because it was true. He said he could not give out that kind of information and
there was murmuring from the audience. He stopped answering questions and
left. He never heard that question again from another audience, but he did find
out how they were able, years later, to get the information he was protecting.

An associate professor at one of the universities in California where the scientist

taught was invited to speak at a conference in Beijing. He was not asked very
often and was glad to go. Over 100 people met him at the airport. There were
various academics, politicians, and people to handle every detail of his trip. He
was invited to a dinner that evening and almost the same number of people
attended, toasting American friendship. He was the only American there.

At the conference the next day they asked him all kinds of questions and he did
his very best to answer them all. He “talked his head off,” was the way he
summarized the outcome. They were willing to spend time and resources to find
the right people to get the information they needed.

A Buildup to War

Where it relates to national security, China has a number of collection programs

that have been successful focusing on classified things like weapons and
government programs. This is quite a bit different from stealing things from
networked computers, because the people who have this information have better
security. They encrypt most everything and compartmentalize the information so
security. They encrypt most everything and compartmentalize the information so
not everyone has access to everything. The networks are very restricted. About
the only way to get access to secrets like that is to have someone who works at a
place with the information steal it. That is the hardest and riskiest spying there is.

The Chinese are not the only ones who steal information from us, but the people
getting caught at it are, increasingly, linked to China and not Russia. One of my
professors used to remind us that criminals in jails are not a good measure of the
capability of the criminal community at large. Government-sponsored attackers
will be careful and good at what they do. For every one of those people who get
caught, there are a few really good ones who rarely do, especially ones who have
government protection. They are good, and getting better.

The Chinese have been doing the old-fashioned kind of spying, and that is also
increasing at the same pace. The year 1985 was the “Year of the Spy.” It was a
big year for industrial security because there were so many examples we could
tell our students about. One after another, they were identified, went to court,
splashed the terrible things they were doing all over the newspapers and
magazines, and went to jail. We thought it was wonderful.

Twelve people were prosecuted that year, several more in the years before. I was
teaching a course in industrial security in Palo Alto, California, and came
downstairs to see press in the lobby of our hotel. A secretary to the president of
Systems Control, Inc., down the street from where we were, had just been
arrested for her part in helping a fellow named James Harper, her husband, steal
classified information and sell it to Polish intelligence. We didn’t get much press
coverage of our courses, so we were all a little startled to see cameras and the
director of industrial security for the region setting up to make a public
statement. There was an entire row of reporters sitting in the back of the room.
This was not even close to what we have had recently, yet very few people are
paying attention. There were, since 2008, 57 defendants in different courts
charged with spying for China.33 In the annuals of spying, 57 federal
prosecutions in a 3-year span is a pandemic. It is so many that it is a little hard to
believe that more people haven’t noticed.

In 2016, Admiral Rogers, director of the NSA, testified before the Senate Armed
Services Committee. He said the Chinese have not stopped spying on U.S.
industries in spite of an agreement to do so, but we are no longer sure if they are
putting stolen business secrets back into Chinese companies.34 That does not
seem like a very satisfying answer, given that he would likely know the
complete answer to that question.

FireEye’s Laura Galante put it a slightly different way in an interview with

Fortune.35 In many cases they observed, the Chinese are getting into the
networks they may need information from, but they are not taking data from
them. They could, if they so desire, but they do not. The number of attacks have
gone down, but they are persistent and focused. That is probably not good news
to those looking for a slowdown in Chinese hacking.

This kind of activity makes the theft of data harder to detect. Security people
look for exfiltration of data, and attacks that allowed a person into the network.
Combine this with the relatively new movement of Chinese hacking out of the
army and into more secure and tech-savvy agencies, and we should not be happy
that the attacks have slowed down when all that does is make them harder to

It would be easy to say that everyone spies on each other, but it would not be
right to say that the Chinese aren’t doing more than their fair share of it. For one
thing, for every case we prosecute, there are a few more that are going on that
haven’t been found. What we are seeing is just a small part of what is probably
going on.

In the past 15 years, China has stolen classified details of every major nuclear
and neutron bomb the U.S. had in its inventory.36 They have had ongoing
espionage activity at the nuclear laboratories (Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore,
Oak Ridge, and Sandia) that produce and develop the weapons. This allows them
to make their weapons smaller and easier to shoot a long way on a missile.
According to a House Select Committee report,

The United States did not become fully aware of the magnitude of the
counter-intelligence problem at the Department of Energy national weapons
laboratories until 1995. In 1995 the United States received a classified PRC
document that demonstrated that the PRC had obtained U.S. design
information on the W-88 warhead and technical information concerning
approximately half a dozen other U.S. thermonuclear warheads and
associated reentry vehicles.37

Among secrets, nuclear weapons secrets are some of the most valuable, and
closely guarded, we have. When the Chinese have them, it doesn’t speak well for
our ability to protect anything from them. If they have those, they have a good
our ability to protect anything from them. If they have those, they have a good
deal more too.

China has stolen U.S. missile guidance technology and exported it to other
countries like Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Libya and North Korea. It sold medium
range missiles to Saudi Arabia and trades extensively with Iran,38 which is not
our best friend after trying to get Mexican drug gangs to hit embassies in
Washington, D.C.—although they did say they didn’t do that.

There is a certain amount of risk in any of these types of thefts, but there are
ways to reduce that by doing the spying inside in a U.S. business. The other day,
I stumbled on a company called Verizon with the “.cn” after it and went to their
website to see what Verizon had over there. That site latched hold of my
computer and wouldn’t let me do anything until I allowed access to my systems.
I wouldn’t, and had to reformat my hard drive to get them out of my Mac. I
didn’t know there was a Verizon connected to the China Internet domain, and
sent them a note about what happened with their company.

I checked AT&T and found that they had been operating in China for 25 years.
Deutsche Telecom is there and is forming a partnership with Huawei to build a
cloud infrastructure. There is a Ford China, a Sony China, an HP China, a
Starbucks and a list of 250 others that still does not include all of them. We have
connections to networks for almost all of our major companies that operate in
China, and they work two ways. Those employees are employees of Ford and
they are in the networks of Ford, having access to what most Ford employees do.
There are restrictions on what a person can see in all corporate networks, but it is
an inside connection that starts all of this, and those are much harder to control
than the external ones. They don’t have to spy to get information through these
channels. These are legitimate businesses.

The countries that do spy on businesses, and share that with their own
companies, could go out and collect things off the Internet and nobody would
mind that. There is even an acceptable range of things that businesses do to spy
on each other—what is called business intelligence.

Associations, conferences and trade shows are good places to meet people from
the competition. They get to know people and exchange information about the
companies who are trying to sell products. There is nothing wrong with this kind
of thing, and it is expected that any person traveling to a show will bring back
any information about a competitor that might come their way. There are usually
booths, shows and meetings in hospitality suites where the conversation is
booths, shows and meetings in hospitality suites where the conversation is
always worthwhile and the food and alcohol are free. It is acceptable to send
slide briefings and promotional material to other folks who ask to help promote
business. A lot of information is left lying around on tables and anyone can have
it. We were teaching a course in industrial security in San Francisco when a
gentleman “from Taiwan” came into the back of the room and started collecting
our course handouts. One of the other instructors stopped him and asked him
where he was from, and he produced a business card from a shipping company.
We took the things back from him and had the hotel security showed him out.
He may have just wandered in, but it seemed like he knew what he was doing
there; else why would a guy from a shipping company be interested in U.S.
industrial security?

From the contacts made at these functions, some things can develop. We can set
up a request for information from some of them, a greater level of detail that is
needed to decide whether a product is directly suited to a type of business being
looked at. The federal government also issues these if a business takes the time
to register and get the notifications. They reply to these and get into conferences
where “potential bidders” are invited. Between businesses and government
conferences, a person can stay pretty busy and collect quite a bit of information
on what these various organizations are thinking about for the future.

After this round, we could set up additional meetings with targeted companies
and visit the sites where the merchandise is made. Before we get to visit another
facility, we are likely to have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. It says we
don’t disclose any of the secrets we will see at the place to anyone else, even to
other people in our company who did not attend. These are usually called “site
visits” but they are really just specific sales presentations, focusing on a product
a client seems to be interested in. So the “don’t tell anyone else” clause is not
taken very seriously. Smaller companies don’t ask very many questions of
someone requesting this kind of meeting, but the bigger ones want to know that
the company is big enough to justify the time and money spent on putting these
together. After these are over, we can arrange for technical interchange meetings
where very specific technical topics get ironed out. By the time the whole
process is over, a good deal of information will be doled out, but it is generally
not going to be spying, by any definition. It is more like fact finding.

Now put this in the perspective of a front company or a business that has a role
in spying for a particular country, and you can see how it creates the ability to
collect useful things like the names of employees in specific technical
collect useful things like the names of employees in specific technical
specialties, the business structures and where all the offices are, where specific
things are made, something about the capitalization of the company, and how
they seem to be doing in their business. Once we have a little more information
about them, they can be invited on official visits to our company in China.

We can set up a joint venture or a trade agreement with various technical

companies that we need to buy goods from. We can reverse engineer most any
product we get and figure out how it was made and the materials that would be
required. We can then cost those materials and compare our costs against theirs.
We probably have not violated the laws of either one of our countries while we
were doing all of these things, at least to the point of being prosecuted for it.

The Chinese are doing more than that, by following an information warfare
strategy that is much broader and deeper than just the usual collecting of things.
They are stealing from businessmen and computers that are supposed to be

They steal quite a lot of proprietary things directly from the contractors, but
don’t confuse this with cyberwar. It is state-sponsored stealing, which is
different. The popular press has confused the two, though, and it is probably
understandable since it is sometimes hard to say where one starts and the other
leaves off.

If I steal information about the internal computer switches at Comcast, I might

be doing it to prepare for war; I might have the idea to steal service from them,
or both. I might just want their software, which is theft. It really depends on
intent—how they expect to use what the attack has provided. It could be
collection of information for some intelligence purpose, a criminal intent, or it
can be used in some aspect of war. The information is the same. If I collect it, I
try to save as many valuable things as I can, without really knowing what might
be useful in the future. Everyone ends up keeping a lot they don’t ever use.

Businesses are pretty smart about these secret things, and protecting themselves
against people stealing information is something they try to do. This is
sometimes more complicated than a person might think. There are a few things
working against success. National security policies are the first of them.

Research in Motion (RIM) bumped up against the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
and India over how encryption is used to protect commercial e-mail. Blackberry
networks are encrypted, so there is nothing new about protecting business
networks are encrypted, so there is nothing new about protecting business
interests with encrypted software. But there is always a hidden tradeoff in
making systems very secure. What RIM does to secure their servers is a series of
mechanisms to make its business e-mail reasonably secure against interception
or tampering. Most of the time this is a good thing, until we have a terrorist or
drug dealers using the security features to protect their business interests. The
ability to monitor them is a matter of national security.

If the Chinese do not like the encryption Apple does on the iPhone, they can ask
them to provide the government with a decryption key, or they can go to the
company using Apple equipment and ask for the data from them. A key, or the
data decryption of the e-mail, can be justified on national security grounds.
Vendors have stopped keeping keys to the systems their customers use, taking
them out of the middle.

It is important for the intelligence communities of the world to be able to get

information about what other countries and groups are doing, so Apple is not
alone. There are national interests at stake and terrorists to deal with, but what
cell phone companies are doing is securing business systems. They are trying to
make systems secure so businesses can protect trade secrets and operations from
thieves, extortionists and others on the Internet trying to make a profit by access
to private e-mail. This is a very fast and growing area of business in its own
right. People steal information for profit. We certainly could design systems that
would be so secure that nobody could get into them. But there always has to be a
balance between the national interest (finding terrorists is just one example) and
our business interests (protecting e-mail).

It gets more complicated because the national interests of one country are not
always the national interests of everyone else. For some hackers, there is a job
opportunity in there. Those in the oil business see all the tricks that are being
pulled and they want to know how to stop it, or get in on it, depending on which
side they happen to favor. They want to get the information. Businesses try to
stop them.

If they all banded together to build entirely bullet-proof computer systems, no

hackers could get in for a little while. It would not take them long to discover
what these systems were doing to make themselves more secure, and to start
looking for ways around it. So they start figuring out what they have to do to get
in. At the same time, they could use the techniques that were making those
systems more difficult to get into, to improve their own security. At a country
level, it would be an arms race, of sorts. The intelligence services don’t like this
level, it would be an arms race, of sorts. The intelligence services don’t like this
kind of thing, because it makes their work harder too, and they have a bigger
stick. The equipment vendors will usually lose out to national security.

When the U.S. complained about China’s hacking into our systems, China said
more hacking comes from the United States than from China to us, and we
should stop complaining about what they are doing. The Chinese were right,
though it is close. They have had days when China had many more than the
U.S., but some days it is the other way around. On those, more attacks were
coming from the U.S., but nobody is saying where they originated. China was
implying that the systems were in balance and that the hacking was equally
spread across the world; we need to leave them alone. Attribution is not good
enough to prove things one way or another, and they know it.

Hackers try to bounce around from one country to another to prevent someone
from figuring out where they actually are. This is harder to do than it sounds
because it is work to create accounts that are difficult to trace to their original
owner. A series of those are needed to make “hops” that can’t be traced to their
origin. They would rather have people in China believe they were coming from
the U.S., which has more computers they can use to target other systems, than
using someplace in Estonia, Greenland or Iceland, where they would be easier to
find. It is a complicated game, but we should still be able to find and stop them.

Where they tend to overlap is in the defense part of the intelligence community,
the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the National
Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and the intelligence parts of the military
services. These latter agencies are conflicted because they are both military
(sometimes referred to as Title 10) and IC (Title 50) agencies. They tend to
follow the rules they like from defense or intelligence, and play both of them
against one another. This is mostly in fun, of course, but it is entertaining to

Each federal agency then makes its own policies from the policies of the
Director of National Intelligence, Defense (through the Committee for National
Security Systems), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It is
not as confusing as it sounds, and it is one of the major reasons the government
gives businesses less protection than they need. Businesses are supposed to be
able to cooperate at the national level through the critical infrastructure apparatus
run by Homeland Security and the White House. During the years I sat on the
Industry Committee of the president’s critical infrastructure protection
Industry Committee of the president’s critical infrastructure protection
committee, we had difficulty getting agreement among ourselves, but the
underlying issue was always liability, something the industry fears. Nobody was
willing to step up to collective security requirements or agreement on what could
be done to strengthen defenses, even though financial losses were climbing.
There was a general fear that liability concerns outweighed actual financial
losses on the Internet. Knowing what the vulnerabilities are, and which company
creates them, can potentially lead to liability.

As an example, the world had a worm that propagated code for computers; the
way it worked was by encrypting those computers and issuing a ransom note to
their users. This affected Microsoft computers, but those computers used an
operating system that was no longer supported by Microsoft. When the Dark
Web started to sell software that exploited a known vulnerability in that
software, Microsoft could have said, “We no longer support that.” Legally, they
might have been on good ground with that, but they knew that the court of public
opinion is not a real court. Instead, they issued a patch for the vulnerability.

For two months before the worm struck and the ramsomware executed, the patch
was out there waiting for anyone using the old operating system. Those who did
not install the patch were called victims by some, or defendants by lawyers who
attempt to show how negligent they were in not installing patches for known
vulnerabilities, causing their hospitalized patient clients great harm. That is only
just starting to play out.

Outside of government, where parts of critical infrastructure protection are done,

each legal business entity has its own networks that are corporate assets, some
almost as big as the federal enterprise. Each manufacturing facility,
pharmaceutical company, railroad, telecommunications company, service
provider and software manufacturer has its own. The national enterprise is made
up of the federal enterprise and the legal business-owned networks that operate
under U.S. law.

At the level just below the National Security Council, the president’s Critical
Infrastructure Protection Board (CIPB) was supposed to be developing
collaborative ways to help defend the national enterprise, combining both the
government interests and the business community. It defined the business side of
this as a single infrastructure, with individual sectors using similar security
systems. When I was on this board, Richard Clarke was the chairman. Howard
Schmidt, a past White House cyber coordinator, was on it too.
At that time, sectors of the economy were to be treated as like-interest defenders
of a component of the enterprise. The sectors were things like financial services,
information technology, electric power, telecommunications, chemical
industries, and surface transportation (such as the rail industry). We could argue
that these groups have a common interest in protecting parts of the enterprise,
and they probably have similar security issues to address, but they did not have
much in common about how they did much of anything. Some of the utilities, for
example, get power from other countries where they have very little say over
how the infrastructure is protected. The same is true for most sectors. The CIP
Council, the working body of this group, was heavily influenced by the financial
industry, a large percentage of which was banking. It came closer than any of the
sectors to understanding itself and its networks.

The financial sector saw its networks as in integral part of its business and had
substantial regulation of financial transactions by the Federal Reserve. Very
strong computer security policies were a tradition with the financial community.
Most of the members agreed to them and favored information exchange about
incidents. The financial and information technology sectors were pretty much in
agreement that more had to be done to integrate the national infrastructure. In
spite of heavy regulation, or maybe because of it, the financial sector has good
policies that can be followed and understood by the participants, but this does
not make its job any easier.

Richard Clarke had a difficult time getting any of the sectors to collaborate as
well as finance and Information Technology (IT). They had much the same
difficulty as the Federal Enterprise has with the different agencies acting
independently. Part of the problem was the way they saw the threat. The
financial sector is closely bound by threat—everyone is after the money—and
they are all interconnected through the Federal Reserve. This is a tradition of
very strong policies that are enforced, centrally managed, and inspected to be
sure members meet a minimum set of requirements.

To some extent, the IT sector is similar because it provides services for

commercial companies that outsource their processing and are connected to
credit card services. The credit card industry has a similar strong policy but does
not have the inspection authority that the financial sector has.

The rest of the community did not seem to act like they had a common threat,
even though it was clear that information was being stolen from all of them.
Getting an understanding of the threat across sectors meant we had to share
Getting an understanding of the threat across sectors meant we had to share
information across them, not just among the members of each sector, as was
being done.

The important thing that came from this was the idea that industry could share
information about threats through a series of information sharing and analysis
centers (ISACs), which have largely been unsupported since. Most of the ISACs
worked, but they had several problems with the government side of the sharing

We had difficulty with more than one piece of shared information being
inaccurate. In one case, the list of affected vendor models identified as
vulnerable was wrong, and that particular vendor was, understandably, not very
happy about that. I don’t think anyone in any of the ISACs or on the committees
thought this was a serious matter, but it didn’t take long for the lawyers to
express their concerns about their client’s business reputation in some of their
customer sites. The ISACs asked for liability relief so they couldn’t be sued over
a mistake like this.

For the next year or so the committee tried to get bills introduced, help draft
legislation and persuade industry leaders to support legislation to limit liability
for exchanges of information that identified vulnerabilities between members of
the various ISACs. Sitting in those rooms where the mark-ups were being done
was an experience.

There were all kinds of businesses and government interests represented, and it
was hard to tell, by looking, whether a person represented a government interest
or a business interest. There were bills introduced but none of them ever passed.
Most of my associates saw it as the first step in sharing information about the
software vulnerabilities of software vendors, something many lobbyists did not
see as beneficial to their interests. It may seem strange that we could share
interests in many respects, but not in identifying and sharing vulnerabilities of
some of our members’ products. The legislation took 15 years to pass.

The third problem with the government leadership was the Defense Department.
Although it did not participate in the industry committee, DoD wanted to
classify everything that dealt with any incidents that were being shared. What it
typically did was accept unclassified reports from industry groups, add
something to them that was classified Top Secret, then distribute any details only
to the government, particularly DoD, and a few defense contractors with security
clearances. This meant that people who did the initial reporting did not get
clearances. This meant that people who did the initial reporting did not get
anything to share from the government, and could not see anything they added to
the report. It put the Defense Department and large defense contractors in the
lead for cyber security.

The federal departments and agencies act like independent countries and not part
of the same establishment we all know. I remember the general counsel of the
Army telling us that we could not do security monitoring of army networks, even
though we owned those networks. The army operated them for us. She said it
was a privacy matter. That was a new definition of the privacy we used to know,
but eventually, lawyers-to-lawyers, we were able to get this worked out. It was
parochial thinking.

There isn’t any reason to believe that we can’t have one network in the federal
government, as proposed in President Trump’s May 2017 executive order. But
that is not a new idea since the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative
proposed, as its first sub-initiative, to “Manage the Federal Enterprise Network
(FEN) as a single network enterprise with Trusted Internet Connections.” So, the
White House, during the Obama administration, saw the FEN as a single
network, separate from the Internet. It may also see it as an entity to be managed,
but it will not be easy to do because the Federal Enterprise is a mess. According
to Personick and Patterson,

A General Accounting Office (GAO) report found that over 50

organizations (including five advisory committees; six organizations in the
Executive Office of the President; 38 executive branch organizations
associated with departments, agencies, or intelligence organizations; and
three other organizations) are involved in CIP (Critical Infrastructure
Protection). Adding in state and local entities would greatly enlarge the
total number. As the establishment of the Department of Homeland
Security in early 2003 underscores, the organizational structure of CIP—
and within it, CIIP—may continue to evolve for quite some time, and the
form it eventually takes will determine the extent to which infrastructure
protection is singled out from or integrated within other elements of
homeland, national, and economic security.39

The CIPB was eventually dissolved. It couldn’t get much done even though it
did seem to have the right membership. It needs to be replaced with something
that has the power of the National Security Council to work together with
industry and government. Its strength was in not being dominated by the military
industry and government. Its strength was in not being dominated by the military
or intelligence community. It could work effectively with both, given national
support. We need that type of leadership to come from the National Security
Council, where the U.S cybersecurity coordinator manages the cybersecurity
office. It is the only place high enough in the government infrastructure to
manage the complicated political issues that arise between government and
private businesses. Now that it has a chance of being a permanent office, it might
even have a better chance of being successful. It needs to have representation
from the business community and the federal enterprise at very high levels and
set policy for the national enterprise. We cannot hope to defend the national
enterprise without serious change in the management of federal networks.

Shadow War

I was program manager of a development program called SHADOW, an

intrusion detection network that started as a thought of how missile defense
might be able to do intrusion detection fast enough to find, stop, and maintain
the information systems that make up a ballistic missile intercept network that
finds and shoots a target before it can reach the United States. Missiles can get
there pretty fast, so you don’t have much time to fool around.

If we were going to stop a network attack it would have to be able to detect the
attack event, identify the root cause, prepare to isolate it, and continue to operate
the rest of the network to fire the defending missiles. Most of the systems we had
were having difficulty doing this type of thing in less than a few hours. We had
to be able to do it much faster than that.

What SHADOW showed us was something that scared a lot of people, including
us. There are some pretty sophisticated people out there mapping our networks,
testing various types of penetrations, and leaving behind little evidence that they
had been there. The Chinese entry into U.S. systems without taking data follows
this same line of thinking. Attackers were able to do some interesting things like

On Tuesday, a person pings a computer on a network by sending out a brief

command, directed towards any computer that might be found at an address, that
says, “Are you there?” Most computers will reply. On Wednesday, a person
pings a computer on another network in the same subnet. On Thursday, another
ping … and so on. If we did the same kind of thing on a street, each day we
ping … and so on. If we did the same kind of thing on a street, each day we
would mail a letter to one possible street address in a given series—like on the
400 block of James Avenue we send a letter to 401 and we keep track of the
addresses where the mail is returned as “No such address.” The second day, we
send a similar letter to 400 Bluebell Lane, which is the next street over, and we
keep doing this until we have all the street numbers. Electronically, this can go
pretty fast, and at the end you would have a map of all the computer addresses of
every computer on every network, if none of them were protected from such
things. Nobody does this, of course, unless they are mapping the networks and
don’t want us to know they are doing it. They ping (or use a variety of other
methods to get through firewalls to map inside) infrequently on any single
network because anyone seeing this kind of activity on a single network would
become suspicious. They were mapping all the systems where we had sensors,
from the East Coast to the West.

Next, they would go back and run certain types of “probe” attacks against each
system to check to see what types of operating systems were being used. Then
they would try certain types of attacks to see if patches for known vulnerabilities
had been installed on each one. At the end of all of this, they have a map of the
network, what each type of computer is, what it is vulnerable to, and, if they take
the time to update this now and again, they can attack pretty much anywhere and
be successful. What they learned to do was to capture these vulnerable
computers, chain them together, and use them to launch attacks against other
computers. These people have a lot of time on their hands and they are very,
very good at what they do.

It reminds me of something Dr. Parker used to tell us at USC: “Criminals spend

as much time at their job as you do at yours.” So do intelligence services. They
were preparing to do successive generations of software builds on their attack
software, each with new capabilities to do automated penetration and attacks and
to gradually improve their products. We observed them testing but not deploying
some software, which means they had capabilities they were not showing to
anyone else. We were able to predict and warn certain people in the government
that the attacks, which brought down eBay and a few others in February of 2000,
were going to occur. We said they would happen in January, based on their
previous software development cycle, but they did not keep their schedule up
very well over the holidays.

This turned out to be a group of six people who had time on their hands and
malice in their hearts. A government can devote far more resources to this type
of thing, and they won’t all take off for Christmas. The Chinese have already
been accused of mapping the electrical grid of the United States,40 but they think
bigger than just mapping the electrical grid. What they probably have done is
map telephone switches, computer networks, electrical systems, emergency
management subsystems, transportation systems, banking and financial systems,
and government. It is not that hard to do, but it takes time. Somebody has been
doing it for 25 years now, and if we round up the usual suspects, China will be in
there somewhere. It is something they would do if they are really interested in
information war. They don’t even have to use the capability; they do a couple of
demonstrations just to let us know that they have them.

When they rerouted Internet traffic to China, we should have been paying

For about 18 minutes on April 8, 2010, China Telecom advertised

erroneous network traffic routes that instructed U.S. and other foreign
Internet traffic to travel through Chinese servers. Other servers around the
world quickly adopted these paths, routing all traffic to about 15 percent of
the Internet’s destinations through servers located in China. This incident
affected traffic to and from U.S. government (“.gov”) and military (“.mil”)
sites, including those for the Senate, the army, the navy, the marine corps,
the air force, the office of secretary of Defense, the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, the Department of Commerce, the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and many others. Certain
commercial websites were also affected, such as those for Dell, Yahoo!,
Microsoft, and IBM.41

Most of it was from our Defense Department, which says there is no reason to
believe there was anything to be concerned about. It was probably an accident.
This tickles my imagination because it just doesn’t seem like something that
happens as an accident might. Since it does happen in various parts of the world,
on a regular basis, it is possible. It is also possible it was just a practice for
something bigger.

The Second Principle of War

The most chilling thing Von Clausewitz said about war is something you have to
read more than once to absorb: “for in such things as war, the errors that proceed
from a spirit of benevolence are the worst…. This is the way in which the matter
must be viewed, and it is even against one’s own interest, to turn away from
consideration of the real nature of the affair because the horror of its elements
excites repugnance.”42

In other words, war may make you sick to your stomach, but if you are going to
fight one, it is better to do it without thinking about how ugly it is, or might
become. This is something nice guys do—they turn away from it because it is
ugly and vicious and they don’t like to do things that are either one. We won’t
win any wars that way, and we certainly won’t win this one.

The Chinese are using a simple strategy to get access to the rest of the world’s
information and control what they can’t get. Their Second Principle of War has
morphed into “Own it; don’t attack it.” It is better to buy into an infrastructure
than try to hack into one. They can live inside infrastructures they own and don’t
have to worry about whether someone finds them. They are supposed to be

When the deal between Huawei and 3Com fell through, it didn’t take the
Chinese long to start working on another purchase that would put them into the
U.S. markets for telecommunications. Huawei was already selling equipment for
its networks to Cricket, Cox Communications and Clearwire, later bought by
Sprint. They are working on chips and telecommunications companies in the
next round.

Opportunities, Opportunities

As an Apple user, I have to admit Foxconn makes a good product that I like, but
it makes me nervous. In a war, Foxconn has access to almost everything I am on
the Internet because they make it—iPhones, motherboards for other computers,
iPads and lots of other things too. People who make things have the most access
to the internal workings of the product, and they can modify that product in ways
that would expose the users to hacking that cannot be stopped because it is built-

Someone, a little more careful, can build in hacking software or firmware, and
Someone, a little more careful, can build in hacking software or firmware, and
do it so they wouldn’t get caught. People after ATM and slot machines have
done all these things at one time or another to make money. People who gamble
seem to have great ideas when it comes to getting into slots, including the first of
the known hardware hacks where a complete circuit board was replaced with one
the user controlled. Slot machines are just another kind of computer. That was
40 years ago, for you budding hackers, so it is not so easy to do these days.
Getting caught in a case like that means going to jail, but this is a little different.
When a company intentionally making modifications gets caught, it can be really
bad for business.

It has a huge cost in product acceptance. How many iPads would you buy if you
found out they were transmitting everything you printed to somewhere in
Estonia? If we were to find out that Foxconn was building a back door into every
iPhone it made, then would that have an impact on iPhone sales, and on our
ability to trust Apple products in general? I trust Apple, but Apple does not build
the iPhone. I want to know that those who do build anything I have on my
computer network are good guys—or at least neutral.

Lenovo, the world’s largest maker of laptop computers, is owned by China,

which bought it from IBM. Their computers phone home periodically to update
software, and we don’t think very much about this. All computers phone home
and all can download most anything. It is a similar type of opportunity. Every
major computer manufacturer has some of its computer equipment made in
China, and Dell has three large manufacturing facilities there. Even some
companies building computers in Taiwan have manufacturing in China. If we
look at the range of computers and computer equipment made in China, that risk
could be bigger than we might like.

Governments have taken to calling this the “supply chain problem,” but just
making computers is not the real problem for the rest of the world. The Chinese
make the root components of the networks all of us use, the main parts of the
networks interconnected through every country. 3Com was making them too,
when Huawei was trying to buy them. If they start putting backdoors and hacker
access into those boxes, or they manage the networks they ride on, they can
restrict the Internet access we get. It isn’t easy to do, unless there is enough scale
in the attack. The Chinese sure seem to be building to that scale.

The Internet is not one thing. We don’t really notice how it works when we
access it because it seems like everything is just right outside our door. That
access it because it seems like everything is just right outside our door. That
makes it seem simple. Go to the Internet Mapping Project,, and look at how Bill Cheswick, who has
been mapping the Internet since mapping was popular, shows the layers of
Internet service providers that there are in the world. Verizon is in there
somewhere, but it looks so small. There is a maze of service providers that is so
big and interconnected that almost any kind of attack won’t be successful across
all of them.

But I want to take you back to a point I made early in the book about all the
components the Chinese make. The Chinese seem to think big, but start slow. It
is possible they have already managed to get counterfeit chips into fighter planes
in the U.S., and 400 fake routers into our networks.43 They certainly have fake
circuit boards and wide area network cards.44 These have been discovered
because some of them failed and the owners complained to the people who they
thought were making them. With time, they will get better and won’t be detected
quite so often. They have access to almost every kind of computer component
they make. They have crept into this market with fakes of various types,
components and whole routers. It will only take them a few years to get those
parts working the way they are supposed to. By that time, we will have a whole
lot of these things in our networks, in places we are going to be sorry about.

There are new kinds of viruses that can redirect my router connection to some
that are controlled by whoever is passing this thing around. The Chinese
certainly know this exists, or they might have invented it, since they have so
many antivirus efforts going on. What this allows them to do is route traffic to
networks they control. Then they may not have to control all the equipment on
the Internet, to have everyone connect to something they own.

With every passing day they have new opportunities, and they are expanding
those as fast as they can. In those five network companies the Chinese own,
there are circuits all over the world, so they control huge portions of the
networks that use them. They supply most of the network components and
phones from supplies they make. They have agreements with other companies
that give them access to more. What’s more, these companies are government-
owned. They don’t say very much about themselves on the Internet. Most of
them are based in Hong Kong and they have no competition. No international
companies may compete with them in China, so nobody is going to buy into
their networks. When it comes to global infrastructure, the Chinese own a lot of
it, and we may not realize how much, or what it means to us.
China Telecom is the oldest and largest of their telecom structure. It is the
largest mobile phone company in the world, by number of subscribers, and has
the largest fixed-line network. Its leaders are members of the Communist Party
first and businessmen second, similar to the Soviet system of the ’80s. It owns
circuits in China, Japan, Central and South America, the Middle East, Australia,
South Asia, Europe, and the United States. The government spun off China
Mobile and China Satcom to help the growth into these markets. China Telecom
still has all the fixed landlines under its control. Their undersea cables are in
Hawaii and several places on the West Coast.45 So while they may seem like
companies that just operate in China, they have arms with a long reach.

China Mobile is the largest mobile telephone operator in the world, having 70
percent of the domestic market. With so many people, they quickly get to a high
number. They are 74 percent owned by the government, though as we saw after
replacement of their CEO, 100 percent controlled by the Party.

China Unicom is the only state-owned telecom to be traded on the New York
Stock Exchange, except that its two largest owners are both state-owned, so it is
a little difficult to think of them as public companies. It is the second largest
telecom company after China Mobile. China Unicom and the Spanish telecom
Telefonica are combining investments that they claim will be 10 percent of the
world’s market. Unicom gets a seat on Telefonica’s board of directors. Through
a separate deal, Telefonica and Vodaphone are sharing infrastructure in Europe,
putting Huawei, which has separate deals with both of them, in a better position
for expansion.

PCCW Limited, together with its subsidiaries, does telecommunications services

primarily in Hong Kong, on mainland China, and in the Middle East and the
Asia Pacific regions. It offers local, mobile, and international
telecommunications services, Internet access services, interactive multimedia
and pay-TV services, plus computer, engineering, and other technical services.
The company gets into investment and development of systems from offices in
Hong Kong, mainland China, the Asia Pacific, and the Middle East. While U.S.
and foreign companies operate in China, they are not buying into its networks,
but China is buying into everyone else’s.

Because of the way international business has merged over the years, most of
companies that own our communications systems are no longer just U.S.
enterprises. We still have rules that limit the amount of ownership a foreign
group can have, but limits do not mean none. Just as simple examples, Vodafone
group can have, but limits do not mean none. Just as simple examples, Vodafone
from the U.K. and Verizon are teamed in Verizon Wireless; Vodafone owns part
of a French telecom company that is being bought by Vivendi, a Paris-based
company; T-Mobile is a German wireless services provider, owned by Deutsche
Telekom; the Alcatel-Lucent Technologies merger produced a company that
does business in 130 countries and has employees with 100 nationalities. Acatel-
Lucent, with its headquarters in Paris, is still ahead of Huawei in selling
communications equipment. They include Bell Laboratories, which did much of
the original research that forms the underlying telecommunications
infrastructure. Some of the large telecoms are government-owned or have
substantial government control, so they are not much different from China.

The router that I use on Verizon is made in China and supplied by Vodaphone to
my Verizon FIOS connection. As unhappy as I am about that, I am having
trouble finding a router made in the U.S. The Chinese have the market locked
up. A Washington Post article says NSA talked AT&T out of buying some
equipment from them too; we already know about the Sprint/Nextel deal. I want
to buy the router NSA buys. There is just too much going on in the world of
business to keep up with it all, but it certainly is something that bears watching a
little more closely. Routers are too important in directing Internet traffic to be
left solely to the Chinese.

If they can’t get to me directly, they can find another way. Vodaphone opened a
joint research center in Italy with Huawei. Huawei just got a contract to replace
8,000 wireless transmitters in Australia, on a Vodaphone contract. In a few
years, all the 2G and 3G phones will be running on Huawei equipment, with a
Huawei 3G phone to go with it. They got a 5-year deal to do managed services
for Vodaphone’s Ghana operations, and this relationship is just getting going. It
is difficult to see exactly who you are buying from when the marketplace gets so
complicated. The French company Vivendi is buying back its shares in French
mobile carrier SFR from Vodaphone. That seems to look like a smart move. The
French are careful about things that affect their national security.

Other governments and big businesses rent this infrastructure from the 58 major
telecommunications companies, the same way an individual does: they buy
service from them. What they don’t do very often is control how these services
are protected. So, among other things, I am happy with the way my Blackberry
encrypts e-mail because I cannot rely on any of the vendors who sell me service
to protect my e-mail in transit. They would say that was the customer’s problem
to deal with. From an infrastructure standpoint, the vendors would argue that
they only lease circuits, and the consumer of the service has to protect it from
they only lease circuits, and the consumer of the service has to protect it from
other people who might use the same service. This logic will not help those who
do not have service if someone takes it away. I can use an example that makes
practical sense to anyone, regardless of where you might work.

When I worked for the government, we had a contractor that was supposed to be
designing a network that would be used to connect parts of a military command
network, and it was going to put an infrastructure into place to start this work.
The contractor wanted to lease the circuits from an undersea cable company that
was owned by the Chinese and based in Hong Kong. From a security standpoint,
it did not seem like a very good idea to have a cable that had actual connections
to Mainland China and Hong Kong be used for such a critical function. Some
might argue that if we can do banking this way, we surely can do anything else.
We told the contractor this was not to be done and gave them the main reasons:
the company was foreign owned; we did not trust the Chinese all that much; and
we didn’t care that they were cheaper. This news did not even slow them down.

The next step was to bring in a defense security service specialist in foreign
ownership, control and influence. She explained the ownership of the company
in question and how it was not wise to have a component of a command and
control system riding on a network owned by another country, the Chinese aside.
Having a Chinese owner made it impossible to consider such a move. They were
not paying very much attention, or so it seemed, because they just kept plodding
along towards that connection.

I went to see our general, who was a pretty sharp guy and saw what was
happening. He said to bring it up at the staff meeting of our senior officers and
he would take care of it. When it did, the general turned to the project manager
with a look that would melt anyone who could look back, and said, “Is this
true?” The contractor started to say that there were some very good reasons why
we should consider buying these circuits, but he had not gotten halfway through
the argument when the director held up his hand. “Stop,” he said. “I can’t
believe you were even considering doing this and I don’t want to hear any more
about it.” There was no argument from anyone, and the meeting moved on to the
next topic. They leased the service from a U.S. company.

I might have felt better if this was the only time a U.S. defense contractor ever
put its business interests ahead of national security issues. We are going to regret
not controlling this type of activity. If the Chinese escalate their information war,
things like this will matter. They will have control over our networks and can
things like this will matter. They will have control over our networks and can
deny the use of them.

These services are like my FIOS connection to the Internet. If someone takes
that from me, my data is still safe on my own computer, but I can’t use the
network to send e-mail or search for other data. In the case of war, I could have
the military orders interrupted by having someone deny service to the network.
A group of hackers that is mapping every computer in the United States is
thinking about how to attack them all at once to deny sectors of the economy or
military the use of those networks. We will still have our data but the
infrastructure we need to use it will not be available. All the Chinese need to do
is shut off those connections on every machine. And they don’t have to do it;
they just have to demonstrate that they can. They can win without firing a shot.
Sun Tsu thought that was a good idea.

So, with all the communications equipment and circuits the Chinese have, they
are close to being able to disrupt quite a bit of traffic in the world. They won’t
want anyone to see that, of course, but they are ready if the need arises. Before
that happens, they will start trying to get people off of their protected networks
and onto something they own or control. There are really two ways to do this
kind of thing, besides the virus redirect I mentioned earlier.

The first is the “let me make you an offer you can’t refuse” way. Make it cheap
to buy into. They subsidize their vendors and teaming partners to make it
cheaper to have their service than that of their competitors. They give low-
interest loans and sweetheart deals to attract customers. They already proved
they can do it with solar energy. It is really hard to say no to a good deal. They
sell these services at the shop on the corner, using vendors we already know and
use. They don’t make a lot of money, but they do all right. If the companies are
big enough, they can threaten smaller competitors to get with their companies. I
haven’t seen any instances where China has done this, but they certainly have
the market power to do it.

The other way is to make the other services less attractive. If the Android
operating system is free and can be used anywhere, try to make sure it works
better on your phones than on anyone else’s. Apps cannot work as well on other
types of phones as on your own. Conversions of data cannot be as accurate and
complete. Web interfaces cannot be as smooth. The idea is to intentionally
influence that without getting caught. To do that, they have to be able to replace
the operating system supplied by the original vendor. If they were the original
vendor, it will be easy. If not, it can still be done, but it requires much more
vendor, it will be easy. If not, it can still be done, but it requires much more

If RIM has business servers that are really secure, an adversary might want to go
after services connected to it and see if there was something to be done to make
their products not work the way they should. They could make them look less
attractive. That usually makes the other things on the market look better, even if
they aren’t.

There are some software vendors (you might remember the browser battles a few
years ago) that have been accused of this now and again. Users say their data
didn’t convert quite as well with one browser as with another. Imagine that.
They called it “enhancing the user experience” in those days. One after another
vendor was trying to say their browser was the best, and the measure was how
well it worked with other applications those vendors used. Some of them finally
went bankrupt trying to keep up, and the market settled down a little. Driving out
the competition is good for business.

Believing in War

There have not been very many wars where one country has opened up talks by
saying, “We are going to pound you into dust and take all your territory. From
then on, you will do things our way.” Those are fighting words. It is never that
simple. Usually the future combatants will start off by saying how great and
wonderful everything is between them and how much they need each other.
When enemies say that, there is trouble brewing. We aren’t at that point with
China just yet, but we will be.

Both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her deputy, Williams Burns, spoke
about U.S.–China relations as “challenging” and “sensitive.” We could say that
about Israel, France or Germany some days, so that doesn’t tell us very much.
They said we are concerned about China’s military build-up and their “incessant
cyber attacks on public and private American entities.” They were not happy
about “bilateral economic priorities,” which is State Department speak for trade
imbalance, nor about the Chinese ability to try to protect intellectual property of
our businesses. And, of course, there is that little matter of the currency controls
that are causing us no end of grief. They think we should talk more, and they
have set up some chances to do that with strategic security discussions.
have set up some chances to do that with strategic security discussions.
Considering the source of that, it is not much of a surprise that talking is always
the best thing anyone can do for future relations. More talk (frank discussions)
means more trust, the way the State Department looks at things. State always
wants to talk, and the Defense Department wants to send ships. Neither of those
will work very well.

The Chinese would be the first to say that they are just commercial people,
trading with the rest of the world. They are doing things that every other country
does and doing it better than the rest. They are not at war with anyone. There are
plenty of Henry Kissingers of the world who really want to believe them, but
those State Department folks are saying we should talk and they are saying it
with the background of some clashes that are starting to concern them.

Most rational people do not want to be at war with anyone, but they also know
the difference between war and not war. Sometimes it is just a matter of intent.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian writer, said: “If only there were evil people
somewhere, insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to
separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good
and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.”46 It isn’t about whether
they are nice people or not. It has to be measured by what they do. They look
like the devil to me.

The Chinese really believe they are the world’s strongest nation, without having
the most powerful military. They haven’t been growing their military steadily,
but it was not a priority for them. They have been growing their businesses,
especially those that related to networks of all kinds, because they believe
control of information will help to equalize things between countries stronger
than they are. How many countries are stronger than they are? Just one.

They have a centralized management that can direct how they build themselves,
but they have a long way to go to become the type of world power that we are.
They buy up the world’s communications systems and put deep roots into them.
They hack everyone and they steal business secrets from everybody, not just us.
They have the ability to control their Internet but that hacking continues like it is
part of the accepted practice of the government that owns the capability. They
are trying to get their state-owned companies into every network the world has.
They back off when discovered, and try again a different way. They spy, like
everyone else, just more often. Over time, they have gravitated to this kind of
war because it is more successful and less dangerous than the alternatives. They
like it this way, because they are winning, and they are glad to talk, stall and
like it this way, because they are winning, and they are glad to talk, stall and
delay in any way they can.

If you go back and read the definition of information war, the way RAND laid it
out for us, they are doing everything by the book. They may have changed it a
little to fit their culture and way of communicating to their army, but it is pretty
close. It looks and feels like war, though few call it that.


It would be nice if they couldn’t get away with this sort of thing, but we can’t
just say “Stop” and expect them to pay attention. We have to make it more
difficult to continue. Since they are not going to help us out by telling us what to
do, it is not as easy as we would hope.

Talking might help with the economic warfare, because the European Union and
the U.S. are not the only entities in the world that are behind in their loan
payments to China. There is enough resentment to get something going to put
pressure on them. That is the kind of thing the State and Commerce departments
can do. But they can’t do much about Chinese intentions in the cyberwar and
space, as in outer space. These are things that need deterrence to slow them

Deterrence is a kind of threat that something bad will happen if the behavior
isn’t changed. If my dog nips my hand, I smack him with a newspaper. If it
happens a few times, I don’t have to smack him; I just pick up the newspaper
and start looking at dog ads. He behaves without having to be hit. So far, the
Chinese can thumb their noses at anything we can say we will do to them if they
don’t stop. We don’t have a good deterrent strategy for China or Russia, which
would spill over to North Korea and Iran.

They are like a big bully who is at the bus stop where our neighbor sends her
children. She can drive the children to the bus stop and wait with them until the
bus comes, or she can call this boy’s parents and talk to them about his behavior.
She can call the police if some violence is done. She can call the school because
in this part of Virginia, children can be disciplined in school for what they do
waiting for the bus or getting off the bus and going home. She can train her child
to fight. She can hire a guard. These are all things she could do, but sitting in the
to fight. She can hire a guard. These are all things she could do, but sitting in the
car at the bus stop works, so she hasn’t looked for another alternative. She has a
deterrent. The bully knows she can get out of the car and stop his behavior
because she is bigger than he is and has some status. He would look bad hitting a
woman, so he can’t really do very much.

Deterring a country is harder than stopping a bully, but some of the same
principles apply. The most important is that the threat has to be credible. I
wanted to go over to the bus stop and threaten the little brat with bodily harm,
but that is not a credible threat. It might be a crime, and I’m sure the little guy
can read, and knows it. Those mothers sitting in their cars would not let that
happen, either. One of them might be his mother, but I doubt it. It wouldn’t
matter. They will defend any of those kids, even the bad ones.

Our leaders seem to think that talking about this will turn the Chinese around,
but that is not going to help. We have to pay attention to them. The White House
might remember Norm Augustine, the CIO of Martin Marietta, when it merged
with Lockheed. He said it was not so important for an executive to do
something; they just have to pay attention to it and the right kinds of things will
usually happen. We need to start paying attention to what they are doing and
what can be done to stop them.

Having someone else have a chokehold on the world’s telecommunications is

not what we thought about 20 years ago when the military was planning for
information war. We owned the Internet then, and many people outside the U.S.
still think we do now. Not true. The shoe is on the other foot and it hurts, but it
doesn’t hurt enough. We have to have more interest to stop the kind of things the
Chinese are trying to do, and we have to believe it is war.

We thought we could get their attention with some trade sanctions and some
letters to the WTO, but that didn’t work very well. They need a dose of their
own medicine; and that would be having our government share limited amounts
of intelligence with businesses trading with China. We have a really good
intelligence community, and we don’t use it very much for the kind of things
that will help us here. We have executive orders that prevent it, but we need to
think about changing some of those. The intelligence communities need to be
involved in discovering where those abuses are taking place and countering them
through special cyber operations.

It is not a secret that the dictators of the world are squirreling money away. Look
at what happened when Gaddafi and Mubarak were missing in action. Their
at what happened when Gaddafi and Mubarak were missing in action. Their
money was being “assessed” by every major bank in the world. After the Middle
East settled down, everyone started following the money trail. The new countries
wanted it, other governments wanted it; banks wanted it too. We have made it
illegal to give these leaders money, and the rest of the world probably thinks that
is funny.

I would like to know who is producing counterfeit goods and where they are
being sold. I can’t stop China from selling them internally, but I can stop them
from being sold outside the country, if we start focusing on it and giving
resources to people who do that sort of thing. Let’s spend some money trying to
discover or stop it. The Chinese can have all of those counterfeits they want.
They fall apart in a few months, so they deserve them.

Our intelligence community has a great amount of talent for reverse engineering
things. It would be nice if they could apply some of that to identifying stolen
trade secrets being incorporated in Chinese goods. It would be nice if they could
find some fake systems or some of that software going into our infrastructure.
We would have some real information to give the WTO then, and it can be used
to sue U.S. subsidiaries of some of those companies.

Our national business leaders naively believe that we can “out-innovate” China
by just doing what we have always done, but checking the number of new
research facilities in China and China’s teaming with various researchers outside
the country, that is not very realistic. We are selling them the ability to compete
with us now, and in the future.

I want to know more about those PLA businesses operating in the United States.
It needs to be harder for them to operate here—much harder. We can do what
they did to Google and shut off their power every now and again. We have lots
of trouble with power anyway. I don’t like the idea of them being allowed to
operate here, and want to make sure I don’t buy a washer from one of them.

But the worst problem we have, and the one that is most difficult, is hacking. We
could try stopping their hacking by jamming their sites, using logic bombs and
Trojan horses or any number of other things to disrupt their hacking networks. It
seems like this should work, but it never does, because the hackers use
legitimate sites to store their attack software and data they have retrieved. They
are not hacking us directly. We might be attacking some furniture company in
Iowa or a clothing store in my own town. When we find them, they just move to
another place. Hackers understand deterrence as well as anyone, and they like to
another place. Hackers understand deterrence as well as anyone, and they like to
avoid it.

Every president in the last 25 years has said we need better-trained people to
handle computer security, when what we need is less security and more
deterrence. Nobody in the government has figured out how to do that yet.

We can broaden our diplomatic effort to see if we can appeal to the federal
government to talk to the Chinese directly. Before you laugh at this, it works
once in a while with criminal gangs stealing money or information from more
than one company, though China is not a country that cooperates very much. I
was occasionally surprised by how much cooperation there can be between
countries on criminal matters. Our law enforcement has even gotten some help
from the Russian government and most of our allies, but it does not seem to
work with China, Iran or Slovakia. There could be a few reasons for this, but not
any that would favor China, Iran or Slovakia’s image.

We can spend a lot more money on security of our systems and try to keep
people out by making our target harder to get to. This is the equivalent of having
a guard sitting with the children at the bus stop, only it doesn’t work nearly as
well. It used to be the way of business people everywhere, using the philosophy
that you don’t have to run faster than the bear, you just have to run faster than
the person with you on the trail. That doesn’t work anymore. Now that they can
attack everyone at once, nobody is very safe. It makes the board of a corporation
feel better, but it has very little deterrent value. The hackers know they can get

We are running out of options here, for a reason. There is almost nothing that
deters this type of activity, especially where the government cooperates in
protecting the people doing it. For trade, spying and hacking, the rules for
deterrence are basically the same. If we are nice, there is no deterrent.

We tried to play nice in trade and it got our trade deficit raised every day by
Chinese currency manipulation. In hacker circles, we publish the list of Internet
addresses where these people operate from and they move their operations. We
block them and they try a new method of attack. We can neuter them sometimes
by modifying their software but that only works for a while and a new version is
out that works. Most businesses are too slow for that to work.

The real problem is there are ways to deter trading schemes we have seen the
Chinese use, and we can deal with hackers by making their lives more difficult
Chinese use, and we can deal with hackers by making their lives more difficult
and painful, but it requires our government to target them and undermine them.
They are not willing to do that. Too many lawyers tell them they shouldn’t. We
need some new lawyers.

In the case of this type of hacking, I have to agree with that Chinese general who
said the only way we can deter such a thing is to have those capabilities
ourselves … and more of them. We need to increase our attack forces and turn
them loose. Find out what our enemy is doing and how they are doing it. Bury
ourselves deep inside those operations and head off their plans before they can
get us surrounded. The world saw how hard it was to deal with a group like
Anonymous, which is not very big and is not backed by a government. This is a
much bigger operation and has been going on longer. We can stop building
fighter planes and tanks for a few months and start building up our computer

We should help industry too, but not the way we do it now. The Defense
Department seems to be able to help defense contractors by giving them
classified information about the attacks against their computer systems. They
need to start giving it to anyone who is being attacked. Defense used to classify
the sources of attacks that were occurring in industry and then only give the
summaries out to companies with clearances. Oftentimes, they were denying that
information to the companies that reported it to begin with. It made no sense
then, nor does it now. We spend too much money on collecting the information
about who is hacking us, then never give it to the people who need it.

We don’t have the stomach for information war. We have to go after the people
on the other side of this with a vengeance. Attack them. Disrupt them. Infect
them. As long as we don’t, they win. If we don’t stop them now, we have a
bigger war to engage in. it will be much easier to fight them now, then wait for
their successes to make it more difficult in the future. They are not unwilling to
use real war if they think they will win.

Almost Real War

Von Clausewitz reminded everyone that wars should be fought without regard to
how bad it might be. The Chinese and Russians seem to be considering war in a
way that crosses a line between information war and nuclear war. That is not a
way that crosses a line between information war and nuclear war. That is not a
fine line to most of us.

The person who invented information warfare in China wrote a book called
World War: The Third World War—Total Information War. This is a long title
for a book, but the Chinese characters make it look shorter. His thoughts he
expressed are shorter too. He was concerned that China is vulnerable to
information war in a slightly different form. He talks about those with the
weapons of war, whether computers or nuclear weapons and how they have first
strike and second strike capability. It always amazes me how military people can
talk about mass destruction of millions of people like it was an Xbox first-person

The Russians and Americans always talked about this in the context of nuclear
weapons and who would use them first. Both of them said they never would, but
they both had them. Since the Chinese do too, we already know that game pretty
well. They say they will not use them first, but they are undecided about when a
first strike might be necessary. We say that we will not use them first, but we
keep submarines out in the ocean with them, just in case. The Chinese have
nuclear submarines with missiles on them too, so that part balances out pretty
well. Numbers are not so important when the weapons are nuclear. A few can go
a long way towards deterring one another. If the Chinese want to deter someone
from launching a first strike, they have to have the weapons to launch a second
strike. This is called first strike deterrence because it keeps the other side from
thinking about launching one.

This is not as simple as it sounds, because the Chinese view of what might be a
first strike might not be the kind of war we are thinking about. If we go back to
that Chinese general who said he thought we might just throw up a nuclear
weapon if the U.S. decides to break out weapons in defense of Taiwan, he was
not talking about dropping one on Los Angeles the way we dropped one on
Nagasaki; he was talking about shooting it off in the air, high up. There is no
nuclear blast incinerating houses like we saw in those training films made in the
1950s, or a large fireball sprouting up out of the ground. There is just a flash and
nothing. Well, “nothing” may not be the right term, since it is really nothing
anyone can see. It is something called an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and it is
not very nice.

An EMP can do in one minute what nuclear bombs can do, but they don’t leave
such a mess. They don’t kill very many people, but they are hard on power lines,
automobiles and telecommunications circuits. Nothing that has a circuit will
work unless those circuits are hardened against EMP. We can think of being
without electricity for a while, but it would not be fun to be without electricity,
cell phones, cars, trucks, portable computers, circuit breakers, back-up
generators, water purification, ATMs, banks, and most battery operated
emergency devices. In a published report a few years ago, a congressional panel
thought these effects might be seen in a circle of around 700 miles.47 That would
be a long way to walk to the grocery store, which will be empty by the time we
get there.

The only good thing about this type of attack is the deterrence value of having
the same type of weapon in your own inventory. That would certainly make
China, Iran and Russia think twice before letting one of these go, but North
Korea will be on that list next year and they don’t seem quite as stable as the rest
of us are, or dependent on the same types of technology. A country like North
Korea might get along fine without electricity or any of those other things. They
may not have them now.

Nuclear weapons are usually a sure sign of war. When someone starts setting
one off, whether it is high up or not, it is going to cause some real problems
because the next step is for us to do the same thing back to them. If North Korea
sets it off, then we are tempted to do the same to them. The Chinese would say it
is a shame that they can’t control North Korea, but they are our friends in a
strange sort of way, and we will protect them if they are attacked. It is a tricky
situation, but the people in Los Angeles want something to happen and they are
tired of eating food out of a can. We hit those North Koreans with something
they can remember for a year or so; then we have to deal with China.

Once that starts, it can be difficult to control. That first explosion detonates over
Pyongyang, and then what? Do we both just sit and wait to see how that worked
out for us? Remember that the comments of the Chinese general were related to
Taiwan, so in the meantime, the Chinese are overrunning Taiwan, which is not
very big; it would not be long until that was over. We might not even see China
as the opening round of this war. None of the options are very good, particularly
for us, and even China probably does not like the scenarios they have put
together for this type of event. Radiation is not very pleasant for any of us.

The Chinese want Taiwan back, and they think it was given to them after World
War II. They think the U.S. and some of its allies are responsible for it not being
given back. They just would not want to start throwing nuclear weapons to get it.
given back. They just would not want to start throwing nuclear weapons to get it.
But the Chinese general mentioned another type of thing besides nuclear
weapons: viruses.

Worms and viruses don’t make a mess and they are not usually seen as war.
They don’t produce radiation or burn up children. They are clean, so to speak.
We have even managed to get a virus in our Predator drone systems, and I can’t
imagine the kind of idiocy that allowed that to happen. You would think, with
the importance of this weapon to killing off terrorists and doing surveillance of
the ground in Afghanistan, that our military would be a little more careful with
it. What are they thinking? They are lucky to still have a drone system to work

These are not the kind of viruses done by kids who are using a virus kit that they
got off the Internet. Those are known viruses, and the antivirus companies spend
quite a bit of time keeping track of the development of them. The general is
talking about combat viruses, and these will not be floating around on the
Internet waiting for someone to figure out how they work. This helps them be a
little more controllable, but nobody knows how controllable they will be. We do
know they are a good sight better than a nuke.

Symantec did an analysis, by country, on where the Stuxnet worm showed up.
(Just as an aside, after CFIUS overruled a takeover of Symantec, the antivirus
company, it formed Huawei Symantec Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei is the
majority partner with 51 percent ownership, with the business headquarters in
Chengdu, China. That agreement has ended, and the partnership dissolved.)

Though not in large numbers, the worm got into systems in India and Indonesia,
more often than it did in Iran. Since these are reported incidents, the Iran number
could be a little short of reality, but we will never know. Pakistan, Indonesia,
Afghanistan, the United States, and Malaysia were all places where it weaseled
itself in. Now, it appears that this particular worm only attacked the control
software for certain types of equipment, but the software was used in more
applications than just centrifuges. It is more difficult to control things like this
than to talk about them, because the unintended consequences are not nearly as
easy to see in a laboratory where they are built. Also, the effects are not nearly as
predictable as the developers think they will be. Software developers think their
software is always perfect, even if the Internet is not. Things will happen that
they did not anticipate. They will say, “Oops, sorry,” but the driver of the car
that crashes into the train is saying a good bit more.
The worm that propagated in March of 2017 was linked to ransomware; it
encrypted computers so they could not be used. That attack infected just over
300,000 users in the first few weeks and is probably lying dormant in many
more. It will not activate because the machines were patched and it can’t get in.
So, suppose we have a worm that is much more extensive and focuses just on the
electric grid, or a good part of it. With the power out, not everyone can do a
patch and will be doing something else besides using their cell phones for
everything. Doomsday, you might think. This will cause quite a bit of intentional
damage that will cause us to start thinking our national security is at stake. We
tend to roll our nuclear subs and airplanes at times like that, so it isn’t something
someone is going to do without a lot of thought.

Our government will want to hunt for the country that does this. There will be
some unintentional damage (sometimes called collateral damage) to clean up,
because more things are on the electronic grid than war planners tend to think
about. We saw this when hurricanes brought down power lines to large patches
of land. That fellow across the street cannot live much longer than the 4-hour
battery life on his dialysis machine. My mom says the food will last a few days
in the refrigerator after a Florida hurricane. Hospitals have quite a few people
who require constant care, and many of the hospitals will eventually run out of
power. Knocking out the electric grid will put everyone in the dark, with no
street lights or traffic signals, making emergency calls more interesting. If we
don’t have TV, there will certainly be a revolution.

The police forces are pretty busy, but crime goes to nothing. There is a good
tradeoff there. We won’t be eating out as often, but crime will be down.

Emergency generators will work for those who have them. The rest of us will
not be eating quite so well, and not eating out. I will get testy after a week of
eating out of a can, so I may lead the revolution. Guns may come out, and we
may need some police in my neighborhood.

Getting fuel for generators and cars is a little more complicated, but it may be
possible. There is a manual pump that is available for emergencies that would
allow people to pump fuel out like old-fashioned well water. Most cities have
backup power for sewer and water, but rural areas may rely on batteries that
won’t last forever.

The real problem is that the electrical grids are not all in the U.S. and they are
interconnected, so someone who tries a virus will find it in places it should not
interconnected, so someone who tries a virus will find it in places it should not
really be, even in some allied government’s grid. The Canadians, Brazilians,
Central Americans and Mexicans will not like having that virus in their systems.
It could get into international grids and turn out to be harder to control than those
folks who worked in the lab thought it was. Oops. This would be annoying to the
leadership. Global war is complicated, and just as complicated and risky for the
Chinese as us.

Eventually, we are going to figure out that it was a virus and start working on a
solution that will reduce its damage or get rid of it. This might take a few weeks,
or less, if we are lucky. Some portions of the grid might not be affected. Maybe
we can figure out why that is and fix it for all the places. These types of things
do not last forever, so using them is not something a person would do without
quite a bit of thought. Figuring out who did it will be possible, but it may take
months. It can ultimately be traced back to its country of origin, maybe to a
place. Then, we have to figure out what to do about it. That is the hard part.

The nice thing about lining up armies to fight is that we usually don’t have to
wait to figure out who it was that we fought. With viruses, that takes time. At
Pearl Harbor, it was pretty easy to see the meatballs on the side of the airplanes
coming in to drop bombs on our ships and people. This would not be like that. I
think people are confused when they say there could be a digital Pearl Harbor. It
won’t be that simple.

After we answer the question of who did it, the next obvious question anyone in
this situation has to answer would be, “Is it war?” This will be important to all
those soldiers and sailors on nuclear submarines that are moving toward
Southeast Asia by that time. Some people have published reports saying that the
Chinese and Russians have already gotten into our electric grid and planted
software that makes it easier to come back and do more, potentially to disrupt
operations on the grid.

If both the Russians and Chinese got into our electric grid and planted software
to get back into it and disrupt it, and actually did it, to prove that they could—
would that be an act of war? Probably not. We would like to think it was, but it
is like the gunman who holds up a person on the street with a finger in his jacket
pocket. You couldn’t charge him with armed robbery with a finger. If we believe
he has a gun, we might defend ourselves, right then, as if he had a gun. The
robber has to run that risk. The Russians and Chinese would rely on us knowing
that they planted the software but didn’t do anything that would cause us harm.
We have to know that they are doing this for some reason that looks like war,
We have to know that they are doing this for some reason that looks like war,
and that is as close as it gets to war, without pushing things over the line. That is
just how the Chinese work, pushing us right up to the limit to see what happens.

For those who say the Russians and Chinese did this, we have the little problem
of attribution again. The software might have some programming that we can
recognize from somewhere in China, but that won’t prove much. Can I say that
because the attack took place from a city in China that the government of China
actually was doing it? If a criminal gang did it for extortion, do we blame China
for it? If North Korea did it, would we blame China? Then what do we tell our
guys in those nuclear subs? “Wait, while we figure this out.”

You can go to war with a group of people in another country, as we have done
with al–Qaeda, but they usually have to do something to you that justifies that.
China would not like us fighting with people inside its borders, even if they were
doing some terrible things. It is a much harder problem than just declaring that
someone is doing something bad and needs to get whacked for it. So do we have
to wait around for them to do something really bad to act? Only if we want to go
to war. As you remember, nobody goes to war these days, so let’s not.

Drifting into Darkness

We have always believed that ordnance on target wins wars, so we have some
really big weapons, such as aircraft carriers, as big as a city of 5,000. We build
lots of expensive airplanes that can carry bombs or shoot down other airplanes,
and we think those will help us some day. We have some experienced fighters
after Iraq and Afghanistan, and whole shiploads of Strikers and personnel
carriers. If we haven’t given them away, they might be useful for the wars we
learned to fight.

We know where to put a bomb or how to get it there in one piece and make sure
it doesn’t kill a whole house full of innocent people, and the idea of the bomb is
important to winning wars. One of those al–Qaeda in Iraq, or Taliban leaders,
can understand a bomb on the front of a missile, strapped to the wing of a
Predator or Reaper, as easily as we understood the plane striking the World
Trade Center. We see ourselves at war with al–Qaeda, but it is harder to see that
we are at war with China.

If you saw the fight that broke out when Georgetown’s basketball team went to
China to play a Chinese army team, you saw just a brief glimpse of the feelings
involved. It is easy to dismiss it as the heat of the moment in a sporting event,
but the look on the faces of those army team members as they were kicking and
hitting the Georgetown player on the floor gave me the feeling that there was
more to it than just a basketball game. There was real hate there. They were
frustrated and they were not going to take it anymore. Somebody in that army,
maybe above the army, was steering them in that direction.

We have to believe that too much power has been placed in the governments of
dictators. The military influences how the economy expands and how the
civilian populations are managed. There were indications in the case of the
Queensway Group that the Chinese senior leaders were trying to put distance
between themselves and some of the company’s activities. They found it hard to
do. Even the planners know they are a little out of control. That is dangerous and
do. Even the planners know they are a little out of control. That is dangerous and
has been a point of reform by Xi ever since. He faces resistance because he is
tackling the army and the army’s corruption at the same time.

China’s military is not friendly to the U.S., and “not friendly” is not really
descriptive enough of the feelings. The secretary of defense said the display of
the J-20 fighter was not something President Hu Jintau seemed to have been
aware of, meaning the military thought it was useful to use the secretary’s visit
as a show of force, and may have acted alone in doing it. There are also divisions
between the army and the police, who run the border patrol functions; this means
the sea lanes and fishing rights are being enforced by non-military forces.1 They
are in a constant struggle for influence among themselves and with the Central
Committee. They can criticize military exercises of the U.S. in front of the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who was on an official visit to China. It makes
diplomatic relations more difficult and it shows that the military might not be as
constrained by political oversight as we would want. We certainly are, so we
think they are too. Every time there is confrontation with the West, the military
is stronger. We need to tamp this down and do it in a way that is politically
acceptable to both civilian governments.

Probably the best alternative is a “soft war” like the one we are having. I am not
a politician and this is not a political solution, but we already had a cold war, and
this does not feel the same. So we might as well recognize it as a different form
of war. We are not at war with anyone, and we don’t call it war. We need to
learn to fight the information war on the scale that they are doing it. That is more

Those squeamish about even a cold war with China can say, “The Chinese are
doing things that look like war to us.” We have to believe that these moves of
theirs are warlike. No matter what evidence there is, there will always be honest
people, public relations firms, and a few governments that will disagree. We
should listen, but carefully.

We need to look at what we buy from China and see if there is a way to limit
their influence. In the last cold war, we traded with Russia, but we were careful
about it and only traded for things we thought we couldn’t get anywhere else.
We just need to think of it the same way. If they want us to give them the
capability to make the rope to hang us, we might want to keep that in mind and
not give it to them. Once the federal bureaucracy cranks up, there will be no end
to what we can do.
to what we can do.

We can’t do that with the government structure we have now. CFIUS is too slow
to deal with the volume of companies trying to buy into our infrastructure, and a
large part comes from overseas acquisitions where we don’t have any influence.
We needed some international cooperation here. Our industry leaders need to see
this as the kind of threat it is, and to report any kind of attempt to buy into our
systems, especially by China’s state-owned companies and front companies.
CFIUS is voluntarily reporting. The federal government has to deal with these
seriously and quickly. We have to protect our telecommunications or we are
going to get cut off one day. The Chinese are protecting theirs, so it should not
be too hard for them to understand why we would want to.

If they are buying up the world’s computer chips and telecommunications, then
we need to start helping our businesses compete with that and shut off the sale of
anything related to our national networks. When AT&T owned everything, we
were better off, in some ways, than we are today. Somewhere along the way, we
decided competition was good for the economy and would lower customer
prices. It certainly did that, but we forgot about how important that base was to
the country as a whole, and sold out our national security for consumer pricing.
Our telecoms have to think too much about price and competition and not
enough about national security. We need to give them some incentive to think
about that more. We should not allow foreign competition—period—even with
our friends.

There is quite a bit of spying in a soft war, and we need to increase ours—both
the human kind and the kind with electronic gadgets of various sorts. This is the
kind of spying done by the CIA and the rest of the intelligence community. With
that goes counterintelligence, most of which is done by the FBI. We don’t do
enough of either one to even slow down what our adversaries are doing. We
should be phasing down military operations to build up the CIA and FBI to
handle these types of spying and counter-spying. It will take ten years to build
up the forces that would be needed to counter the business and government
spying that the Chinese are doing, so we don’t need to be in a hurry, but we had
better get started.

We need to learn from the Chinese. They understand information control and the
effect it has on the world. They have done some smart things to control
information and keep state secrets. We are far too open with some things and
could benefit from their understanding, without building our own Golden Shield
or intimidating our press corps. Sometimes we equate freedom with being able
or intimidating our press corps. Sometimes we equate freedom with being able
to say anything. With secrets, that can be harmful.

We will never stop the Russians, Chinese, Iranians or anyone else who wants to
attack us until we have a deterrence strategy. Senator Lankford, a cyber-savvy
member of Congress, has always asked hard questions because he understands
the issues. At the Senate Intelligence Committee Global Threats hearing, in May
2017, he asked the leadership in the U.S. Intelligence Services about our strategy
and if it was written down. He did not get a very good answer, and it was
obvious that we do not have one written down. “It is coming,” one respondent
said, which was a weak excuse for inaction after years of discussion.

It is not a simple issue because it requires a capability to respond in kind to any

attack that we label worthy of a response. There are two questions to be
answered: What attack is worthy, and what response is appropriate. The Obama
administration felt a cyber response to a cyber incident was not always required.
But on the surface it seems that a response in kind is more effective—and more
to the point—than response by other means. When the Trump administration
launched cruise missiles after a chemical weapons attack in Syria, that was
closer to a response in kind. We did not need to launch chemical warheads to
make the point. It is obvious that those parts of a written policy are still under
discussion. We have war plans on everything from the use of nuclear weapons in
full-scale attacks to terrorist takeovers of friendly governments, but we cannot
seem to get a strategy for dealing with cyber attacks.

Lankford followed with a question on what was an act of war in the cyber arena
and got a better response. Director Pompeo said this was not something we
should be discussing in an open session, something indisputably true. So far, the
definition only includes attacks on the electrical grid, yet attacks on such things
as the banking networks, air traffic control, health care networks and the federal
payroll system would all require a response. These are the U.S. red lines. When
an adversary crosses one of them, they have to know that they are going to get
some retaliation, but that does not mean those red lines have to be publically
defined. The Chinese and Russians make us guess on how far we can go before
actions follow. The U.S. can use some of the same strategy.

Retaliation is a separate but related issue. When the U.S.–China Economic and
Security Committee asked me about retaliation, suggesting that a more
aggressive response might be in order, I told them that this kind of war has a
way of escalating very quickly and the U.S. is not ready for the response. That
way of escalating very quickly and the U.S. is not ready for the response. That
reply offended some federal agencies that believe the U.S. is the world’s leader
in cyber. The military leadership, especially in Cyber Command, thinks it is
ready and can do whatever is asked of it. That is not a very realistic assessment.

The example of Stuxnet, and Iran’s response in attacking Aramco in Saudi

Arabia, shows the dimensions. It is not limited to the country authorizing the
actions or to the cyber combatants. The Chinese have been collecting
information on U.S. leaders, business leaders, and government officials in
anticipation of a day when they might need it. They have changed their strategy
to penetrating systems and not taking information, making them more difficult to
detect. They have gotten into government, business, and individual computer
systems and they are still there. They are preparing for the kind of war that is
going to be fought, not the kind the U.S. believes it can fight. And, for the first
time in years, they have allies like Russia, Iran, and Syria who will help them.
This speaks to the need for more U.S. resources in offensive information war.

Over the years, I have seen briefings that show the U.S. capabilities in offensive
operations, but I tend to view them skeptically. Most of the time these briefings
have confused our ability—or an adversary’s ability—to collect intelligence with
the ability to fight in cyberspace. Edward Snowden proved we were good at the
former, but that does not translate into an offensive capability to attack, disrupt,
or deny services on a scale that is required to deter these kinds of attacks. In fact,
offensive operations often disrupt our own intelligence operations and need to be
de-conflicted before they are carried out. Before we launch a retaliatory strike,
we had better have the human and technical expertise to minimize the effects of
an adversarial retaliation, and the unintended consequences of own actions. That
includes trained people, sophisticated software, and an extremely secure
environment to attack from. How much capability is needed is something that
should be decided in places that can keep a secret and not in a public forum. In
order to discuss it rationally, we must have realistic assessments of our own

The second aspect of this is that our business community is not ready for any
kind of war that retaliation would bring. There is very little the federal
government can do about that, but plenty that the business leaders can do for
themselves. The airlines, utilities and financial services industries need to have
better coordination and a strategy to defend themselves against attacks. Movie
studios may need it too, having been hacked by a group that wanted ransom to
prevent the release of one of Disney’s new movies. Business leaders used to do
this regularly, but they appear to have no incentive to do it again.
this regularly, but they appear to have no incentive to do it again.

The theft of information for strategic intelligence or economic benefit has

become an important aspect that does not do damage, in a traditional sense of
war, and in neither case is considered to be part of war. Yet the damage can
accumulate to the point of providing strategic advantage. When Russian hackers
got into data in the Democratic National Committee they could have well been
looking for information of some intelligence value, but found something else.
They may have initially kept quiet about that, saying nothing. There is no clear
evidence that the Russians gave the information to Wikileaks and the founder,
Julian Assange, said they did not.2 Assange is certainly no friend to the United
States, but somebody gave that information to him. But that does not mean he is
not telling the truth about what happened. This kind of smoke and mirrors is part
of a basic truth of information wars: no country tells the truth about what it does
to other countries.

The dilemma we have about the credibility of Assange is the same as that we
have about the U.S. Director of National Intelligence. Both want to protect their
sources and methods—the means of collection—as state secrets in their own
right. The collection by the National Security Agency of metadata for billions of
telephone calls actually does no warlike damage and gives the U.S. insight into
networks of individuals who appear unconnected to any other person. Satellites
from the National Reconnaissance Office show billions of images across the
entire earth but they do no damage to anything. In both cases, the data allows a
government to anticipate what will happen next, one of the major aspects of any
strategic intelligence program. Some of those are things that another country
does not want to have known, so they work to deny that information to others by
putting their facilities underground, hiding the true purpose of what will be seen,
or using the fact that they will be seen to their advantage. The collection of this
kind of data is not war per se, but it can be used in preparation for war of a
different kind.

Influence, or manipulation as I use the term here, is part of that war. In the
1930s, radio started to become a useful tool in getting out messages to the
citizens of other countries. Russia controlled radio and centrally managed it.
Germany beamed radio broadcasts into Russia, and encouraged its own citizens
to buy radios. The French sent radio signals into Alsace, where they were
jammed by the Germans. As time went on, more stations cropped up and were
used to send messages to sympathetic ears.3 But radio was also used as a
clandestine device to communicate to agents operating in other countries.
Several countries sent radio detection equipment out to find these stations and
arrest the persons operating them. So what may appear to be just “playing
music” may really be something else again, communicating with those
sympathetic to the allied cause.4 It could be for entertainment, which helps to
keep a population more susceptible to other types of messages through the same
medium. It can be a medium for directly engaging in war. But radio was simple
in comparison to the media of today.

The Internet is a combination of other media such as computers, radio,

telephones, and television. Marshall McLuhan said television was something
bigger than the channels it carried; it was a complex medium. It integrates
credible human beings with personas of many others. But the Internet is a super-
medium that is far more powerful than any single medium like television. The
Internet can be a tool for war that surpasses anything television or radio could
ever be. We tend to think of the Internet as neutral, carrying anything we put on
it, but that can be a deception. When governments use it to make messages that
influence its citizens or citizens of another country, that can be part of a
manipulation of ideas in a larger war. That is being done on scales we can barely

We are worried about Facebook offering a service like Facebook Live because
people use it to show their own suicide or the rape of some total stranger. So
Facebook says it will add people to try to find these offensive types of video and
cut them off. That is censorship of sorts, but we accept that some of that has to
be done. But there is something more important to us as citizens than Facebook

There are too many Facebook friends and Linkedin business associates who are
not real people. They are personas, just like the personas used in the Hillary
Clinton e-mail scandal. They tout a party line of another country as if some
civic-minded citizen of the world wants to comment on world events or policies
of other governments. But they are paid to do something else—targeting specific
groups to recruit, to target with phishing schemes, or to influence. Iran used
Linkedin to create fake profiles indicating the users were high-profile business
leaders to do exactly that.5 It is almost impossible for service providers to find
these fake accounts because they are kept current by the Iranians operating them
as a normal user would.
In the same way, political parties use paid “media assistants” to promote
candidates and sell political ideas. They may use their real names, or multiple
personas, but their motivation is not the same as a normal user. What we found
in the dissemination of news stories and propaganda was that world intelligence
services were using these kinds of accounts to spread their versions of events.
Mark Zuckerberg, who owns Facebook, spoke about this in April 2017,
indicating that information operations activities go well beyond the “fake news”
that is being disseminated.6 He said this is about the collection of information on
specific individuals and stealing passwords, among other things. Facebook has
decided to use specialized software to look for these kinds of accounts and
remove them. That may prove more difficult than they think. Facebook is big,
but they are only the tip of the iceberg for this kind of activity.

Our private businesses need to know when users are not who they say they are.
About the only organizations that can tell them that are the intelligence services,
which are not tasked to do any such thing. What they can be tasked to do is find
out when these phony accounts are being created by intelligence services, and
have a mechanism to identify those accounts to the service providers. It will be a
lifetime job for anyone doing it, but of value to all the users of these systems.

The question of course is how far do we go in trying to find fake news and users
who are not who they say they are? It is easy to step over the line, from looking
for authentic users to the extremes of censorship we see in China, and in
development in many other countries. We have users on the left of our political
spectrum who believe free speech is only free as long as it is consistent with
their political views, and they have many friends. They would be ready to man
those censorship ports looking for ideas that would not fit their own views, and
happy to persecute people for the greater good.

Some countries have decided the Internet is too dangerous to be used by its
citizens without supervision. China, Russia, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the
United Arab Emirates are just a few of the countries that believe their citizens
need to be watched while they are on the Internet. They use sophisticated tools
to monitor cell phones, computers, web sites and e-mail and take action against
people who use those in ways inconsistent with government policy.

In democracies, private companies and government offices use those same tools
in monitoring employees for policy violations. The U.S. might not see itself as a
country that monitors its citizens, but there is much more monitoring going on
than most of its citizens know. Amazon, Facebook, and Google know more
than most of its citizens know. Amazon, Facebook, and Google know more
about our citizens than almost any other services, and they sometimes sell
information about us. These services know where we are, what websites we
visit, and when we call for an Uber pickup. We pretend that is a cost of using
their services. But if we do not like what they are doing to preserve our privacy,
the only recourse is to vote by changing services, which will not solve the

It is no coincidence that these issues are spreading in places that encourage free
speech and are constrained in places that do not. On both sides, this is a battle
between governments that see themselves as representatives of the people they
serve. In one, the government has to do everything to help form the ideas of the
people to help them be in harmony with the state and each other. The leaders of
those countries stay in power by some of the information war concepts described
in this book. On the other side, the government is a service to the citizens who
have a right to elect new leadership or sponsor new ideas that may not fit well
with the plans of the central government. Those countries are unruly, disjointed,
and entertaining, but they are losing this war.

It is not the people of those countries that make war. Governments make war.
They do it today in secret, and they do it without the consent of their citizens.
They control narratives and the press, and they manage people who have a
different opinion. Their armed forces back up their actions. They seize territory
and justify it to the world using the same techniques. We can’t fight back
without a better understanding of how information warfare actually works, and
the development of techniques to counter the strategies being employed.

There is much more to information war than cyber. In the economic sector we
have conceded too much to the Chinese ability to manufacture goods. The world
calls that globalization without mentioning the inequities of trade by countries
that manipulate normal business relationships through mechanisms that are
biased towards domestic production. Changing ownership requirements, banning
goods based on bureaucratic whim, and adding taxes at the border are things that
can be undone through reciprocal policies that point out how inequitable world
trade already is.

The greatest advance in settling these kinds of inequities has shown up in the
Trump administration: the use of the word reciprocity. This is a simple-sounding
word that most people believe they understand, but most people are not
economists. It seems as though reciprocity should mean that when China puts a
10 percent tariff on automobiles coming in, each country selling them autos
would put a 10 percent tariff on their autos coming out. That is what the Trump
administration is saying. But that is not what economists say it means.7

Economists understand the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934, which

says if China puts a 10 percent tariff on autos, each country has to put a 10
percent tariff on every other country’s autos to match China’s. There is a concept
of Most Favored Nation, which encourages this kind of behavior, and indicates
why economists should not be running the trade agreements between countries.
The World Trade Organization tries to keep all of this straight, but is too slow to
deal with China, which takes advantage of their inability to keep up. It takes
months to get a complaint together, and more months to get one heard. By the
time the WTO gets a ruling, China concedes and moves on. Reciprocity implies
that we can take similar action towards China without filing formal complaints
that take too long to resolve.

We also need a similar understanding of foreign ownership, control, and

influence that is the equivalent of a policy for reciprocity. CFIUS is too slow to
monitor and bring action against the number of companies trying to buy the U.S.
infrastructure. The Chinese adapt quickly, and within a year of taking on
Huawei, replaced it as the purchaser of technology components in places CFIUS
had oversight. They diversified and diffused the buyers, making it more difficult
to decide when a central purchase was being made by the Chinese government.
This brought to the fore the issue of whether a purchase by a government-owned
entity is a purchase by the government of China. With the number of countries
having government-owned enterprises, it seems that this issue should have been
resolved long ago.

In addition, the Chinese are too casual about allowing violations of sanctions
they vote for in collaborative bodies like the United Nations, and they are not
accountable for their actions. Oversight of that type of action requires more
action by the intelligence community in monitoring compliance with sanctions.
North Korea and Iran have advanced their causes because China is unwilling to
enforce sanctions they have agreed to. That requires exposure of performance on
sanctions, which the Obama administration did when it sanctioned ZTE. But
while the idea of exposing them was novel, there has to be much more of this to
make enforcement possible. If these sanctions are being violated every day, we
should be seeing some action every week to bring them to the attention of the
enforcement agencies.
Even more important, we need a better understanding of the kind of war China is
fighting. Annexation is not going to give us that. All the use of that term does is
prolong the time for fighting of the type that is required to stop their behavior.
China threatens the U.S. both blatantly and through its proxies. Ignoring those
threats is allowing them to push that far beyond what should be acceptable to
another country. For the first time in a decade, China is being held responsible
for the trouble it causes through North Korea. That step has already shown some
benefit, but it is a long journey only just begun.

Our foreign policy leaders have to say out loud that China cannot have Taiwan,
the South China Sea, or the trade routes that go with them. Every time they take
another step in that direction, there has to be some response by the U.S. and its
allies. The diplomatic approach seems to turn away.

China is ruthless at meeting its political agenda with the technical means
necessary. Managing information people see and hear is a clever but expensive
process. They have tried to simplify it. The April 2015 announcement by Google
that it was no longer accepting digital certificates in Chrome from the Chinese
Network Information Center (CNIC) is a good indicator. Digital certificates are
the basis for a user to know when they are communicating with a service that is
legitimate. The lock that appears in the browser window of a Chrome browser
gives a user some assurance that the site is who it says it is. Because this is an
important aspect to both vendors and users, there are controls placed on who can
issue a certificate and under what conditions. If everyone follows the rules, we
won’t have a site calling itself collecting credit card numbers for
the real, or looking at what forbidden items are being purchased.
The citizens of China know this much better than other citizens of the world.

In a New York Times op-ed, Murong Xeucun, an anti-censorship advocate who

spent three years in Lhasa, Tibet, was asked by a friend if he knew about people
setting themselves on fire in protest to Chinese governance. He hadn’t. His
friend said, “Everyone beyond the wall knows this. A writer who cares about
China, but who doesn’t go over the wall, suffers from a moral deficiency. You
shouldn’t let a wall decide what you know.”8 The wall he was talking about is
the Great Firewall, and the Chinese people have found a few ways around it.
When the U.S. considered sanctions against China for cyber theft, it considered
improving those ways, and should have continued down that path. It might be
useful to consider the same kind of response to Russia. In other words, punish
these countries by circumventing their ability to control what is being said to
their own populations. It was a good idea, apparently never implemented. The
Chinese have to do something on their own to get around it.

It is a risky game being played with virtual private networks (VPNs), which the
government searches for. Murong said he tried using VPNs but his first one was
detected after three months. He got a different one, which went on for a time;
and he got a succession of them over the years. Some people in his account had
their Internet accounts terminated and some were arrested. In each case these
individuals say they are “walled.” China wages this battle with its own people
and does not let up.

Gary King, at Harvard, studied how effective the censorship of information in

China really is. King systematically studied the process by starting a web site in
China and using software intended for use there. He found that censorship was
not exactly what we think it is. It was a three-step process of automated review,
set-asides for questionable material, and human review for the final
determination. Of things that go to human review, 63 percent never get to the

The review process does not censor criticism of the government unless it is
connected to what is called a “real world collective action event,” described as
“those which (a) involve protest or organized crowd formation outside the
Internet; (b) relate to individuals who have organized or incited collective action
in the past; or (c) related to nationalism or nationalistic sentiment that have
incited collective action in the past.”10 It was carried out by the web sites
themselves, who had software and rules to follow in the administration. They
had wide flexibility in how to apply the rules, but the rules were fuzzy enough to
have things censored that were not necessary. It also censored things that might
praise the government but also related to a collective action event. The major
factor was the effectiveness of reviewing material first, then publishing it to the
web. It is neither entirely manual, nor subject to the randomness of human
reviewers, but it was effective. Even so, this part of censorship manages
information given to users of media in China.

This approach is a step beyond blocking and filtering done on a firewall,

launching attacks on sites where the Chinese want to discourage access. Baidu
denied being involved in the denial of service attack, but their ad software
seemed to be the source. Baidu’s browser technology came under scrutiny by
Citizen Lab because it acquired and sent user search terms, hard drive serial
number, and much more that was unrelated to their business. These are all things
number, and much more that was unrelated to their business. These are all things
that have little legitimate use to anyone operating a company doing network
services, but have a great deal of intelligence value. As in the case of the Great
Firewall, we would conclude government involvement across companies in
China that, by comparison to the Edward Snowden disclosures of U.S.
capabilities, makes it look like China has an equal capability. That is not the only
aspect that makes the Chinese more dangerous than other countries. In times of
crisis, they have the ability to manage what is on the Internet and what people in
their country do with it. Though the Russians want to try the same techniques,
like the rest of the world, they are far behind.

The Chinese have one governmental trait that we have to admire: they set out on
a path with a long-term goal, and they continue on that path, sweeping around
obstacles, managing the messages to fit their view of an issue, and doing what is
needed to complete tasks required to meet their objectives. They pay attention to
what other governments say about their actions, and they respond to mitigate
negative feelings. As much as possible, they stay under the radar to avoid
attracting attention, but they are persistent and ruthless at doing what they say
they are going to do.

Four years ago, there was not much evidence to support a contention that the
Chinese were stealing information from businesses and plowing it back into their
economy. They denied it, and the number of cases detected didn’t give us much
cause for alarm. That part is considerably different today. The range of things
stolen by China now extends from weapon systems designs of sensitive
government programs to seed corn in the fields of Iowa. Now that we look for
Chinese thefts, we find more of them, but we still have not identified all of the
things they have taken, nor how long some of those thefts have gone undetected.

Four years ago, there were few authoritative sources saying cyber thefts were
executed on the orders of the Chinese government, and China still denies that the
effort shown to steal trade secrets is based on a national strategy to improve their
commercial products. The Chinese deny anything attributed to them, yet
accusations now follow them everywhere.

Since an agreement between the U.S. and China in September 2015 to refrain
from “conducting or knowingly supporting cyber-enabled theft of intellectual
property with the intent of providing competitive advantage to companies or
commercial sectors,” the U.S. Director of National Intelligence noted that
commercial businesses “have identified limited ongoing cyber activity from
China but have not verified state sponsorship or the use of exfiltrated data for
commercial gain.”11 This politically correct statement is not the whole story,
since industrial sources are not responsible for coming to conclusions about what
the Chinese government directs. The U.S. intelligence community, which the
director heads, is responsible for drawing those conclusions. This statement
allowed the Obama administration to claim that China was in compliance with
the understanding reached with them in September 2015, because there “is no
evidence they have not been complying.” While the Chinese violated the
sanctions imposed on Iran and North Korea, we somehow believed they would
keep agreements. The following month, a Washington Post editorial claimed the
Chinese continue to steal trade secrets and have made little effort to cease those
programs already underway.12

We need to disrupt the steady progress our enemies are making. But before we
can start, we have to understand that this is more than just normal interaction
between countries. We are too quick to dismiss an ulterior motive for some of
their actions and accept the denials of government officials with terrible track
records for the accuracy of their statements. The soft war between us is more
substantive than we are willing to accept, yet territorial losses speak to the
content of an information war. It is becoming harder and harder to make excuses
for actions that seize territory or blatantly take technology to compete on
unequal grounds.

There are a number of democracies in the world that tend to look at problems
with China as solely those of the United States. They see the conflict as the
number one and number two economies in the world battling in a free trade
exercise of competition. They are missing a good bit of the conflict. The
underlying clashes are generating pressure that is intended to disrupt democratic
institutions and overrule the wishes of the people who elect their own leadership.
We owe each other a harder look at what can be done to stop them.
Chapter Notes

Chapter 1

1. Henry Campbell Black et al., Black’s Law Dictionary (St. Paul, MN: West,
1990), p. 88.

2. Ibid., p. 1583.

3. Mao Zedong. Mao Tse-Tung on Protracted War (Peking: Foreign Languages

Press, 1967).

4. See for various areas of research and


5. Erik Melander, Encyclopedia of Political Thought (n.p.: John Wiley, 2014),

extract from

6. The British Broadcasting System, “Migrant Crisis: Migration to Europe

Explained in Seven Charts,” 4 March 2016,

7. Winston Churchill, “The Churchill Society, Churchill’s Wartime Speeches,”

excerpt from The Munich Agreement, A Total and Unmitigated Defeat, House of
Commons, 5 October 1938, http://www.churchill-society-

8. Elias Groll, “‘Obama’s General’ Pleads Guilty to Leaking Stuxnet Operation,”

Foreign Policy, 17 October 2016,

9. Fred Kaplan, Dark Territory (New York: Simon and Shuster, 2016).
10. CIA, Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Central Intelligence Agency
Director Mike Pompeo at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, 13
April 2017,

11. Christian Caryl, Novorossiya Is Back from the Dead, Foreign Policy, 17
April 2014,

12. Department of Defense, Annual Report to Congress, Military and Security

Developments, Involving the People’s Republic of China 2017, p. 45.

Chapter 2

1. George J. Tenet, “DCI Testimony Before the Senate Select Committee on

Government Affairs,” 24 June 1998,

2. Roger C. Molander, Andrew S. Riddile, and Peter A. Wilson, Strategic

Information Warfare (Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1996), p. 1.

3. Zalmay Khalilzad and John P. White, The Changing Role of Information in

Warfare (Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1999).

4. Wang Baocun (senior colonel) and Li Fei, “Information Warfare,”

summarized from articles in the Liberation Army Daily, 1995.

5. Paul Mozur and Janie Perlez, “China Bets on Sensitive U.S. Start-Ups,
Worrying the Pentagon,” The New York Times, 22 March 2017,

6. Munk Centre for International Studies, Citizen Lab, Shadowserver

Foundation, and Information Warfare Monitor, Shadows in the Cloud:
Investigating Cyber Espionage 2.0 ([Toronto, Ont.]: [Citizen Lab, Munk Centre
for International Studies, University of Toronto], 2010).

7. James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, before the House

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, 10 September 2015.

8. Ellen Nakashima, When Is a Cyberattack an Act of War? The Washington

Post, 26 October 2012,

9. Garance Burke and Jonathan Fahey, The Times of Israel, 22 December 2015,

10. Kim Zetter, “U.S. Considered Hacking Libya’s Air Defense to Disable
Radar,” Wired, 17 October 2011,

11. Krebs on Security, “Who Else Was Hit by the RSA Attackers,”

12. “China’s First Aircraft Carrier ‘starts first sea trials,’” BBC News, 10 August

13. Eli Lake, “China Bid Blocked over Spy Worry,” Daily Beast, 11 October

14. Juro Osawa and Eva Dou, “U.S. to Place Trade Restrictions on China's
ZTE,” The Wall Street Journal, 7 March 2016.

15. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security, “Proposal for

Import and Export Control Risk Avoidance,” internal document of ZTE posted
in English at

16. Juro Asawa, “ZTE to Replace Three Senior Executives,” The Wall Street
Journal, 2 April 2016.

17. Eva Dau, “China to Start Security Checks on Technology Companies in

June,” The Wall Street Journal, 3 May 2017,
18. U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2010 Annual
Report to Congress, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, November 2010, p. 244.

19. Select Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, “U.S. National

Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of
China,” June 2005.

20. BBC News, World Americas, “China spying for 20 years,” 26 May 1999,

21. The New York Times, “Nuclear Secrets: What China knows about U.S.
Missile Technology, A Chronology, 26 May 1999,”

22. U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2016 Annual

Report to Congress, p. 157.

23. David E. Sanger and Nicole Perlroth, N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen
as Security Threat, The New York Times, 22 March 2014,

24. Department of Defense, “Joint Publication 3–13, Information Operations,”

20 November 2014, p. I-4.

25. Brian C. Lewis, “Information Warfare,” original source not identified,

26. Ibid.

27. See CIA, “What We Do,”

we-do, for this mission, which is not explained.

28. Clay Wilson, “Information Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Cyberwar:

Capabilities and Related Policy Issues,” Congressional Research Service, 20
March 2007.

29. Ibid., citing John Lasker, “U.S. Military’s Elite Hacker Crew,” Wired News,
April 18, 2005,,1848,67223,00.html; U.S.
Strategic Command Fact File,; U.S. Strategic Command
Fact File,

30. “Agence France-Presse in Berlin, Russia Accused of Series of International

CyberAttacks,” The Guardian, 13 May 2016.

31. Clapper, James R. Verbal testimony. Emerging Threats Before the U.S.
House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on
Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies, 19
November 2016.

Chapter 3

1. Sun Tzu, The Art of War (London: Luzac, 1910).

2. Ben Blanchard and Benjamin Kang Lim, “‘Give Them a Bloody Nose’: Xi
Pressed for Stronger South China Sea Response,” Reuters, 31 July 2016,

3. Iaconangelo, David, “Why are Chinese protesters picketing KFC and

smashing iPhones?,” Christian Science Monitor, 20 July 2016,

4. Lincoln Feast and Greg Torode, “Exclusive: Risking Beijing’s ire, Vietnam
Begins Dredging on South China Sea Reef,” Reuters, 9 December 2016,

5. Jesse Johnson, “China Deploys Anti-Diver Rocket Launchers to Man-Made

Island in South China Sea: Report,” The Japan Times, undated article,

6. Andrew Browne, “Man in the Middle: Rodrigo Duterte Gets a Taste of

China’s Heavy Hand,” The Wall Street Journal, 19 July 2016,

7. Zhao Lei, “New Satellite Keeps Eye on Sea Interests,” China Daily, 11
August 2016,–

8. Sean O’Conner, “Imagery Shows Chinese HQ-9 Battery Being Removed from
Woodly Island.” Jane’s 360, 21 July 2016,

9. Federation of American Scientists, “2018 Nuclear Posture Review Resource,”

10. Travis Wheeler, “China’s MIRVs: Separating Fact from Fiction,” The
Diplomat, 18 May 2017,

11. Arms Control Association, “U.S. Missile Defense Programs at a Glance,”

August 2016,

12. Andrew Roth, “Russia and China Sign Cooperation Pacts,” The New York
Times, 8 May 2015,

13. Associated Press, “Lithuanian ‘Elves’ Combat Russian Influence On Line,”

28 December 2016,

14. Charlotte McDonald-Gibson, “Europe Mulls a Russian Language TV

Channel to Counter Moscow Propaganda,” Time, 19 January 2015,

15. Maria Tsvetkova, “Special Report: Russian Fighters, Caught in Ukraine,

Cast Adrift by Moscow,” Reuters, 29 May 2015,
16. David Francis, “U.S. Treasury Hits Russia with More Sanctions over
Ukraine.” Foreign Policy, 1 September 2016,

17. See BBC, “MH17 Ukraine Plane Crash: What We Know,” 28 September

18. Russia Today, “Crimean Energy Bridge Completed from Mainland Russia,”
12 May 2016,

19. Russia RT, “Emails Expose Watchdog’s Dollar Deals,” 8 December 2011,

20. Levin, Dov, “Sure, the U.S. and Russia often meddle in foreign elections.
Does it Matter?” The Washington Post, 7 September 2016.

21. Art Swift, “Americans’ Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low,” Gallup, 14
September 2016,
media-sinks-new-low.aspx; and Damien Sharkov, “Half of Russians Do Not
Trust Russian Media: Poll,” Newsweek, 17 October 2016,

22. Amy Mitchell et al., “Trust and Accuracy from the Modern News
Consumer,” Pew Research Center, 7 July 2016,

23. Elen Aghekyan, Bret Nelson, et al., Freedom of the Press 2016 (Washington,
D.C.: Freedom House, 2016).

24. Video: BBC, “Kung Fu Grandma Is China's New Internet Sensation,”

25. Konstantin Benyumov, “How Russia’s Independent Media Was Dismantled

Piece by Piece,” The Guardian, 25 May 2016,
Chapter 4

1. George Morgenstern, “The Actual Road to Pearl Harbor,” in Perpetual War

for Perpetual Peace, ed. Harry Elmer Barnes, pp. 332–343 (Caldwell, Idaho:
Caxton, 1953).

2. Paul A. Smith, On Political War (Washington, D.C.: National Defense

University Press, 1989), pp. 172–173.

3. Max Boot, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, et al., “Political Warfare,” Council on Foreign

Relations, June 2013,

4. CIA, “Comments on [redacted] Study ‘The Vulnerability of the Soviet Union

and Its European Satellites to Political Warfare,’” Central Intelligence Agency
Redacted Report, declassified 5 June 2013,

5. Ellen Nakashima, “When Is a Cyberattack an Act of War?” The Washington

Post, 26 October 2012,

6. Evan Perez, “U.S. Official Blames Russia for Power Grid Attack in Ukraine,”
Cable News Network, 11 February 2016,

7. Kim Zetter, “Inside the Cunning Unprecedented Hack of Ukraine’s Power

Grid,” Wired, 3 March 2016,

8. Bruce Klinger, “Chinese Foot-Dragging on North Korea Thwarts U.S.

Security Interests,” The Heritage Foundation, 11 April 2016,

9. Nikko Dizon and Nina P. Callega, “PH: China ‘9-Dash Line’ Doesn’t Exist,”
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 24 November 2015.

10. Stacy Hsu, “Presidential Office Rejects Criticism,” Taipei Times, 11 May

11. Chun Han Wong, “China Appears to Have Built Radar Facilities on Disputed
South China Sea Islands,” The Wall Street Journal, 23 February 2016.

12. See Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, “Airpower Projection,”

13. The Guardian, “Agence France-Presse, South China Sea: Beijing Tells G7
Foreign Ministers to Keep Out of Territorial Dispute,” 12 April 2016.

14. Shannon Tiezzi, “China Push for an Asia-Pacific Free Trade Agreement,”
The Diplomat, 30 October 2014.

15. Prashanth Parameswaran, “China Enforcing Quasi-ADIZ in South China

Sea: Philippine Justice.” The Diplomat, 13 October 2015.

16. Sam LaGrone, “PACOM Harris: U.S. Would Ignore a ‘Destabilizing’

Chinese South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone,” U.S. Naval Institute
News, 26 February 2016.

17. Ronald O’Rourke, “Maritime Territorial and Exclusive Economic Zone

(EEZ) Disputes Involving China: Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research
Service, United States Congress, 22 December 2015.

18. The U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission 2015 Report to

19. Josh Chin, “Cyber Sleuths Track Hacker to China’s Military,” The Wall
Street Journal, 23 September 2015.

Chapter 5

1. Sam Thielman and Spencer Ackerman, “Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear: Did
Russians Hack Democratic Party and If So, Why?” The Guardian, 16 July 2016,

2. Ned Parker, Jonathan Landay and John Walcott, “Putin-Linked Think Tank
Drew Up Plan to Sway 2016 Election—Documents,” Reuters, 21 April 2017,

3. Threat Intelligence, “APT28: A Window into Russia’s Cyber Espionage

Operations?” 27 October 2014,

4. Ibid.

5. FireEye Threat Intelligence, “Hammertoss: Stealthy Tactics Define a Russian

Cyber Threat Group,” 29 July 2015,

6. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, “Prepared Testimony: Undermining Democratic

Institutions and Splintering NATO: Russian Disinformation,” The House
Foreign Affairs Committee, March 9, 2017,

7. Carl Schreck, “Russian Lawyer Says FSB Officers, Kaspersky Manager

Charged with Treason,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1 February 2017,

8. David E. Sanger and Nicole Perlroth, “As Democrats Gather, a Russian

Subplot Raises Intrigue,” The New York Times, 24 July 2016,

9. The U.S. Justice Department says at least 500 million accounts were taken
relating to the charges filed; U.S. Justice Department, “U.S. Charges Russian
FSB Officers and Their Criminal Conspirators for Hacking Yahoo and Millions
of Email Accounts,” press release, 15 March 2017,
10. British Broadcasting Service, “Democrat Hack: Who Is Guccifer 2.0?” 28
July 2016.

11. Jonathan Martin and Alan Rappeport, “Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Resign
D.N.C. Post,” The New York Times, 24 July 2016,

12. Cory Bennett, “Guccifer 2.0 Drops More DNC Docs,” Politico, 13
September 2016.

13. Michael Sainato, “Exclusive: Wikileaks Guccifer 2.0 Teaser Exposes Pay-to-
Play and Financial Data,” The New York Observer, 5 October 2016,–0-teaser-exposes-

14. Katie Bo Williams, “NSA Head: DNC Hack Didn’t Affect Election
Outcome,” The Hill, 21 November 2016,

15. Laura Vozzella and Simon Denyer, “Donor to Clinton Foundation,

McAuliffe Caught Up in Chinese Cash-for-Votes Scandal,” The Washington
Post, 16 September 2016,

16. Nicholas Confessore and Stephanie Saul, “Inquiry Highlights Terry

McAuliffe’s Ties to Chinese Company,” The New York Times, 24 May 2016,

17. John Roth, “Investigation into Employee Complaints About the Management
of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ EB-5 Program,” Inspector
General Homeland Security, 24 March 2015,

18. Nicholas Colucci, “Testimony Before the Senate Judiciary Committee,” 2

February 2016,–02-
16%20Colucci%20Testimony.pdf. Note: Colucci added, in response to a follow-
up clarification question, that the agency did not have sufficient data to show the
location of all the projects funded under this program.

19. Alana Semuels, “Should Congress Let Wealthy Foreigners Buy Green
Cards?” The Atlantic, 21 September 2015,

20. CCTV Global Business, “China’s Dandong Port Co. Could Benefit from
Democratic National Convention,” 7 September 2012,

21. Sophia Yan, “U.S. Runs Out of Investor Visas Again as Chinese Flood
Program,” CNN, 15 April 2015,

22. David E. Sanger, “Pentagon Announces New Strategy for Cyberwarfare,”

The New York Times, 23 April 2015.

23. Steward Baker, “NSA Files,” The Guardian, accessed November 2015,

24. See Ron Deibert, “Cyber Crime and Warfare,” University of Toronto,
accessed November 2015,

25. Ibid.

26. San-Hun Choe, “Computer Networks in South Korea Are Paralyzed in

Cyberattacks,” The New York Times, 20 March 2013.

27. Kara Scannell, “FBI Details North Korean Attack on Sony,” The Financial
Times, 7 January 2015,–96a2–11e4-a83c-

28. David E. Sanger and Martin Fackler, “N.S.A. Breached North Korean
Networks Before Sony Attack, Officials Say,” The New York Times, 18 January

29. Kim Zetter, “Experts Are Still Divided on Whether North Korea Is Behind
Sony Attack,” Wired, 23 December 2014.

30. Chris Strohm, “North Korea Web Outage Response to Sony Hack,
Lawmaker Says,” Bloomberg L.P., 17 March 2015, accessed 26 October 2015,–03-17/north-korea-web-
outage-was-response-to-sony-hack-lawmaker-says; Carol E. Lee and Jay
Solomon, “U.S. Targets North Korea in Retaliation for Sony Hack,” The Wall
Street Journal, 3 January 2015.

31. Ellen Nakashima, “U.S. Developing Sanctions Against China over

Cyberthefts,” The Washington Post, 30 August 2015,

32. Eduard Kovacs, “APT3 Hackers Linked to Chinese Ministry of State

Security,” Securityweek, 17 May 2017,

33. Ellen Nakashima, “Following U.S. Indictments, China Shifts Commercial

Hacking away from Military to Civilian Agency,” The Washington Post, 30
November 2015,

34. AmCham, “American Business in China,” 2017 White Paper,

35. Charles Clover, “Foreign Companies in China Hit by New Exchange

Controls,” The Financial Times, 6 December 2016,–11e6–8b45-b8b81dd5d080.

36. Trend Micro, Inc., “AsiaInfo to Acquire Trend Micro Chinese Subsidiary,”
press release, 31 August 2015,
37. Jeffrey Knockei et al., “Baidu’s and Don’ts: Privacy and Security Issues in
Baidu Browser,” Monk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, 23
February 2016,

38. Knockel, Jeffry, Baidu’s and Don’t, Citizen Lab, University of Toronto, 23
February 2006.

39. See Baidu’s responses: Citizenlab, “Responses Received from Baidu on

February 22nd, 2016,”

40. David Sanger, “Pentagon Announces New Strategy for Cyberwarfare,” The
New York Times, 23 April 2015.

41. Charlie Mitchell, “McCain Blames Hacks on Admin’s Weak Policy,” The
Washington Examiner, 1 February 2016.

Chapter 6

1. Jiaxing and Yangon, “A Tightening Grip,” The Economist, 14 March 2015,

2. U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2015 Annual Report

to Congress, p. 39.

3. Anjani Trevedi, “China, Japan Shed U.S. Treasury Holdings,” The Wall Street
Journal, 18 November 2015,

4. Wayne M. Morrison and Marc Labonte, “China’s Holdings of U.S. Securities:

Implications for the U.S. Economy,” Congressional Research Service, 19 August

5. Eva Dou, “China’s Tech Rules Make It Hard for U.S. Firms to Take Control,”
The Wall Street Journal, 2 June 2016,

6. Don Clark, “Intel to Convert Processor Chip Factory in China to Make

Memory Chips,” The Wall Street Journal, 20 October 2015,

7. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP, “China Client Alert Corporate and
Securities,” accessed 15 April 2016,

8. See Ministry of Commerce, Government of China, “Catalogue for the

Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (Amended in 2011),”,
for a complete list of restrictions on investment.

9. Samn Sacks, “Regulatory Barriers to Digital Trade in China, and Costs to US

Firms,” testimony before the U.S.–China Economic and Security Review
Commission, 15 June 2015.

10. Holly Ellyatt, “China Has Conducted a ‘War’—not Trade—with Steel,

Experts Say,” CNBC, 20 May 2016,

11. Josh Horowitz, “Carl Icahn Sold His Apple Stake Because He Is Worried
About China’s ‘Dictatorship’ Government,” Quartz, 29 April 2016,

12. Jon DiMaggio, “Suckfly: Revealing the Secret Life of Your Code Signing
Certificates,” Symantec, Inc., 15 March 2016,

13. U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2016 Annual

Report to Congress, p. 4.

14. Loren Thompson, “Boeing to Build Its First Offshore Plane Factory in China
as Ex-Im Bank Withers,” Forbes, 15 September 2015.
15. David Barboza, Drew, Christopher and Lohr, Steve, “G.E. to Share Jet
Technology with China in New Joint Venture,” The New York Times, 17 January

16. John Bussey, “China Venture Is Good for GE but Is It Good for U.S.?” The
Wall Street Journal, 30 September 2011.

17. Ibid.

18. Andrew Horansky, “Clinton Addresses Cleveland’s Lead Problem, Calls Out
Eaton Corp,” WKYC News, Eaton Corporation, 9 March 2016,

19. Rockwell Collins, Press release, 2012,

20. Business Wire, press release, 12 August 2009,

21. Business Wire, press release, 19 February 2016,

22. Stanley Chao, “Viewpoint: Chinese Have Wrong Experience for C919,”
Aviation Week and Space Technology, 6 July 2013.

23. Jim Puzzanghera, “U.S. Prevails in WTO Dispute with China over Auto
Tariffs,” The Los Angeles Times, 23 May 2014.

24. Rose Ru, “Auto Giants Curb Ambitions as China Exits Fast Lane,” The Wall
Street Journal, 25 April 2016,

25. Lawrence Urrich, “Chinese-Made Cars Arrive in U.S. Showrooms,” The

New York Times, 28 January 2016.

26. Gilles Guillaume, “China Car Sales Top U.S.” Reuters, 11 January 2010.
27. Dr. Robert D Atkinson, “China’s Technological Rise: Challenges to U.S.
Innovation and Security,” testimony before the House Committee on Foreign
Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, 26 April 2017,

28. Michael Rapoport, “SEC Files Suit Against Third Chinese Company,” The
Wall Street Journal, 12 April 2012.

29. James Areddy, Sky Canaves, and Shai Oster, “Rio Tinto Arrests Throw
Firms Off Balance,” Wall Street Journal, 13 August 2009; USA Today, “China
Closes 13 Walmart Stores and Arrests 2 Employees,”–10–13/China-Wal-

30. Lee Levkowitz, Martella McLellan Ross and J.R. Warner, “The 88
Queensway Group: A Case Study in Chinese Investors’ Operations in Angola
and Beyond,” U.S.–China Economic & Security Review Commission, 10 July

31. Select Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, “U.S. National

Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of
China,” June 2005.

32. Jamil Anderlini, “China’s Security Supreme Caught in Bo Fallout,”

Financial Times, 21 April 2012.

33. Richard McGregor and Kathrin Hillel, “Censors Hobbled by Site Outside
Great Firewall,” Financial Times, 23 April 2012.

34. France 24,


35. CBS, “The World’s Greatest Fakes,” 26 January 2004,

36. David Dollar, “China Is Struggling to Keep Its Currency High, Not Low,”
Brookings Institute, 26 January 2017,
37. Dave Lyons, “China’s Golden Shield Project, Myths, Realities and Context,”

38. David Kravets, “Feds Say China’s Net Censorship Imposes Barriers to Free
Trade,” Wired, 20 October 2011,

39. Loretta Chou and Owen Fletcher, “China Looks at Baidu,” The Wall Street
Journal, 16 September 2011.

40. U.S.–China Economic & Security Review Commission Staff Report,

“National Security Implications of Investments and Products from the People’s
Republic of China in the Telecommunications Sector,” staff report, January

41. Stephanie Kirchgaessner, and Paul Taylor, “Security concerns hold back
Huawei,” The Financial Times, 8 July 2010–8aba-11df-8e17–00144feab49a.

42. Robert Herbold, “In Praise of Chinese Central Planning.” Real Clear
Markets, 9 July 2011,

43. Robert Herbold, “China vs. America: Which Is the Developing Country?”
The Wall Street Journal, 9 July 2011.

44. James Mulvenon, “To Get Rich Is Unprofessional: Chinese Military

Corruption in the Jiang Era,” Hoover Institute,

45. Worldnet Daily, “America’s China Syndrome,” 19 August 2003,; see also Jeffrey Lewis,
“How Many Chinese Front Companies?” August 2005,
companies. Lewis says the original number came from the Cox Report in 1999
and, when questioned about it, Cox said “some of the 3000” were front

46. Joseph Kahn, “Chinese General Threatens Use of A-Bombs If U.S.

Intrudes.” The New York Times, 15 July 2005.

47. Donald Rumsfield, Known and Unknown (New York: Penguin, 2011), p.

Chapter 7

1. Department of Defense, “Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security

Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China,” 2011.

2. Joseph Kahn, “Chinese General Threatens Use of A-Bombs if U.S. Intrudes,”

The New York Times, 15 July 2005.

3. U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission, “Capability of the

People’s Republic of China to Conduct Cyber Warfare and Computer Network
Exploitation,” 9 October 2009.

4. Steven Levy, “Inside Google’s China Misfortune,” CNNMoney, 15 April


5. Keith Johnson, “What Kind of Game Is China Playing?” Wall Street Journal,
11 June 2011.

6. Munk Centre for International Studies, Citizen Lab, Shadowserver

Foundation, and Information Warfare Monitor, Shadows in the Cloud:
Investigating Cyber Espionage 2.0 ([Toronto, Ont.]: [Citizen Lab, Munk Centre
for International Studies, University of Toronto], 2010).

7. Viswanatha, Aruna, Partiot or Double Agent? CIA Officer on Trial as U.S.

Targets Spying by China, The Wall Street Journal, 22 May 2018,
espionage trial1526904001?

8. William C. Hannas, James Mulvenon, and Anna B. Puglisi, Chinese Industrial

Espionage: Technology Acquisition and Military Modernization, (Routledge,
2013), page 2-3, These authors say the Chinese do not favor ethic Chinese as
spies, but follow the same techniques as others spies in their recruiting.

9. Dan Goodin, “Virulent WCry Ransomware Worm May Have North Korea’s
Fingerprints on It,” Ars Technica, 15 May 2017,

10. The Security Ledger, “Did NSA Hackers The Shadow Brokers Have a
Broker?” by “Paul,” 19 December 2016,

11. Rachel Chang, “Here’s What China’s Middle Classes Really Earn—and
Spend,” Bloomberg L.P., 9 March 2016,–03-09/here-s-what-china-s-

12. Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, The IP

Commission Report, National Bureau of Asian Research, May 2013.

13. U.S. Justice Department Indictment, United States of America v. Internet

Research Agency LLC,

14. Snegovaya, Maria, Putin’s Information Warfare in Ukraine, The Institute for
the Study of War, September 2015, pp. 10–11.

15. Andrew, Christopher and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield,
(Basic Books, New York, New York), 1999, page 243

16. Christopher Andrew, and Gordievsky, KGB, pp. 590–591.

Chapter 8

1. Robert Faris, Hal Roberts, and Stephanie Wang, “China’s Green Dam: The
Implications of Government Control Encroaching on the Home PC,” The
OpenNet Initiative, 12 June 2009,

2. Swati Khandelwal, “Superfish-Like Vulnerability Found in Over 12 More

Apps,” The Hacker News, 23 February 2015,

3. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, “Vulnerability

Note VU#870761,” 24 November 2015.

4. Adam Langley, “Maintaining Digital Certificate Security,” Google Security

Blog, 23 March 2015.

5. Jeffrey Knockel, Adam Senft, Ron Deibert, “WUP! There It Is: Privacy and
Security Issues in QQ Browser,” see also Knockel, Jeffrey, et al., “Baidu’s and
Don’ts: Privacy and Security Issues in Baidu Browser,” 28 March 2016,
“Summary: Privacy and Security Issues with UC Browser,” 21 May 2015,

6. Chris Smith, “Gartner: Over 1.1 Billion Android Devices to Be Sold in 2014,”
The Android Authority, 7 January 2014,–1-billion-android-devices-sold-

7. Dan Farbar, “Google Search Scratches Its Brain 500 Million Times a Day,”
CNET, 12 May 2013.

8. Sara Radicati and Justin Levenstein, “Email Statistics Report, 2013–2017,”

The Radicati Group, Inc., April 2013.

9. ArborSert, “ASERT Threat Intelligence Report 2016–03: The Four-Element

Sword Engagement,” 2016,

10. Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan, The Red Web (New York: Public
Affairs, 2015), pp. 185–190.

11. Leonid Ragozin and Michael Riley, “Putin Is Building a Great Russian
Firewall,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 25 August 2016,–08-26/putin-is-building-a-

12. Max Seddon, “Russia’s Chief Internet Censor Enlists China’s Know-How,”
The Financial Times, 26 April 2016,–

13. Yukyung Yeo, “Regulatory Politics in China’s Telecommunications Service

Industry: When Socialist Market Economy Meets Independent Regulator
Model,” June 2008,

14. Jose Pagliery, “Ex-NSA Director: China Has Hacked ‘Every Major
Corporation’ in U.S.,” CNN Money, 16 March 2015,

15. George Chen, FP Feb 2015.

16., “GitHub Blocked in China—How It Happened, How to Get

Around It, and Where It Will Take Us,” by “Percy,” 23 January 2013,

17. Bill Marczak et al., “China’s Great Cannon,” University of Toronto, 10 April

18. Greg Walton, “China’s Golden Shield: Corporations and the Development of
Surveillance Technology in the People’s Republic of China,” International
Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 2001.

19. David E. Sanger, “U.S. Decides to Retaliate Against China’s Hacking,” The
New York Times, 31 July 2015,

20. Zunyou Zhou, “China’s Comprehensive Counter-Terrorism Law,” The

Diplomat, 23 January 2016,

21. Paul Mozur and Jane Perlez, “China Bets on Sensitive U.S. Start-Ups,
Worrying the Pentagon,” The New York Times, 22 March 2017,

22. Paul Mozur and Jack Ewing, “Rush of Chinese Investment in Europe’s High-
Tech Firms Is Raising Eyebrows,” The New York Times, 16 September 2016,

23., “Aixtron Transaction Fact Sheet: Aixtron SE,” May 2016,

24. The Infosec Institute, “Panama Papers: How Hackers Breached the Mossack
Fonseca Firm,” posted 20 April 2016,

25. BBC News, “Panama Papers: China Leaders’ Relatives Named in Leaks,” 4
April 2016,

26. Neil Chenoweth, “The Panama Papers: Chinese Rich Listers Were Top
Australian Clients,” The Australian Financial Review, 9 May 2016,

27. Marina Koren, “Panama Papers: The Mossack Fonseca Investigations

Begin,” The Atlantic, 13 April 2016,

28. The Asian Age, “China's ZTE Executives to Step Down,” 4 April 2016,

29. World Trade Organization, “International Trade Statistics 2015,” p. 25.

30. Christopher S. Wren, “Insurers Swindled Jews, Nazi Files Show,” The New
York Times, 18 May 1998.

31. Krebs on Security, “Who Else Was Hit by the RSA Attackers,”

32. Johathan Weisman, “U.S. to Share Cautionary Tale of Trade Secret Theft
with Chinese Official,” The New York Times, 15 February 2010, p. A-10.
33. Carl Meyer, “Are Chinese Spies Getting an Easy Ride?” Embassy, July

34. Cory Bennett, “NSA Head: China Still Spying on U.S. Companies,” The
Hill, 5 April 2016.

35. Robert Hackett, “China’s Cyber Spying on the U.S. Has Drastically
Changed,” Fortune, Inc., 25 June 2016.

36. Shirley Kan, “China: Suspected Acquisition of U.S. Nuclear Weapon

Secrets,” Congressional Research Services, February 2006.

37. Select Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, “U.S. National

Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of
China,” June 2005.

38. Ibid.

39. Stewart D. Personick and Cynthia A. Patterson, eds., National Research

Council of the National Academies, Critical Information Infrastructure
Protection and the Law (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Engineering,
National Academies Press, 2003), p. 15.

40. SiobHan Gorman, “Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated by Spies,” Wall Street
Journal, 8 April 2009.

41. U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2010 Annual

Report to Congress, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, November 2010.

42. Carl Von Clausewitz, On War ([S.L.]: Value Classic Reprints, 2017) p. 102.

43. This

page has since been removed.

44. Phyllis Schlafly, “Buying Counterfeit Chips from China,” TownHall, 4

October 2011,

45. U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission, “National Security

Implications of Investments and Products from the People’s Republic of China
in the Telecommunications Sector,” staff report, January 2011.

46. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago (New York: Collins, 1974),
p. 168.

47. Clay Wilson, “High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) and High-
Power Microwave Devices: Threat Assessments,” 21 July 2008,

Chapter 9

1. Kathrin Hille, “A Show of Force: China’s Military,” Financial Times, 30

September 2011.

2. Fox News, “French Wines Victim of Chinese Counterfeiting,”

3. Mary Cawte, Making Radio into a Tool for War, research paper for the
Australian Research Council, 1996, [SOURCE OR REPOSITORY], p. 8.

4. Anonymous, Agent Radio Operation during World War II, Central

Intelligence Agency Library, approved for public release September 1993,

5. James Eng, “Iran-Based Hackers Created Network of Fake Linkedin Profiles,”

NBC News, 7 October 2015,

6. Reuters, “Facebook Says It Will Battle Disinformation Operations,” Fortune,

27 April 2017,

7. Chad P. Brown and Alan O. Sykes, “The Trump Trade Team’s Vocabulary
Problem,” The Wall Street Journal, 14 May 2017,
8. Murong Xecun, “Scaling China’s Great Firewall,” The New York Times, 17
August 2015.

9. Gary King, Jennifer Pan, and Margaret E. Roberts, “Reverse-Engineering

Censorship in China: Randomized Experimentation and Participant
Observation,” Science Magazine 345, no. 6199 (22 August 2014).

10. Ibid.

11. James R. Clapper, “Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence

Community,” Statement for the Record. Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence. 9 February 2016, p. 3.

12. Washington Post, “Will China Keep Its Cyber Promises?” 21 October 2015.

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List of Names and Terms

active defense

air defense identification zone (ADIZ)

Aixtron SE

American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC)


anti-monopoly investigations


Apple, Inc.

ArborSert (report)


Aspen-Brown Commission

Assange, Julian

Atkinson, Dr. Robert

Atlantic Monthly (HB-5 visa article)

Augustine, Norm

Axitron SE

Baldwin, Clare
Baldwin, Clare

Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO)

Beijing Municipal Party Committee


Blackhawk Down

Bo, Xalai

Bussey, John

Callaway Golf Company

Carpio, Antonio

Carroll, Dr. John

Cartwright, Gen. James

Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries

CCTV Business Channel

Central Military Commission (CMC)

Chao, Stanley

Cheswick, Bill (Internet Mapping Project)

China Electronics Technology Avionics Co. (CETCA)

China International Trust and Investment Company (CITIC)

China Mobile Ltd.

China National Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec)

China Telecom (rerouting of Internet traffic)

China Telecom (rerouting of Internet traffic)

China Unicom Ltd.

China’s Fujian Grand Chip Investment Fund LP (FGC)

Chinese C 919 commercial aircraft

Chinese Communist Party

Chinese Internet Network Information Center (CINIC)

Chinese nuclear espionage

Chinese Political Warfare

Chinese wages

Churchill, Winston

Citizen Lab, University of Toronto

Clapper, James

Clarke, Richard

Clausewitz, Carl Von

Clinton, Hillary R.

Cold War

combat virus

Command and Control Warfare

Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. (COMAC)

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)

community of shared destiny

Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative

Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative

Computer Network Attack

Computer Network Operations

The Computer Security Technology Planning Study

Concord companies

contract soldiers

Cook, Tim

Cozy Bear


Critical Infrastructure Protection Board (CIPB)

currency manipulator

cyber deterrence

cyber warfare

Dalai Lama

Dandong Port Group, (ownership)

data localization

Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016

Dell Foundation Services (DFS)

Democratic National Committee (DNC)

dichotomy of secrets

Dongfan, “Greg” Chung

Dongfan, “Greg” Chung

Dutch Safety Board (Investigation of MH

East China Sea

Eaton Corporation

economic warfare

88 Queensway Group

electro-magnetic pulse (EMP)

Emcore Corporation

exclusive economic zone (EEZ)

Fancy Bear

Fang, Binxing

The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA)

Federal Enterprise Network (FEN)

First Auto Works (FAW)

first use (of nuclear weapons)

fragmentation by decomposition

Freedom House

freedom of navigation

front companies in the U.S.

Galante, Laura

Geely Auto



Golden Shield

Golden Shield Project


Gonçalves, Lourenço

Gonzalez, Albert

Google Inc.

Great Cannon

Great Firewall

Green Dam Youth Escort


Gu, Kailai


Hacker Warfare

Hayden, Gen. Michael

HB-5 visa

Helsingin Sanomat{en}171

Herbold, Robert

Heywood, Neil

Hitler, Adolf

Hon Hai Precision Industry (Foxconn)

Huawei Technologies Company Ltd.

Icahn, Carl (Apple Stock divestiture)

Ilves, Toomas Hendrik

information operations

information sharing and analysis centers (ISACs)

innocent passage

Inouye, Senator Daniel

intelligence-based warfare

interference in Russian election

International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

Internet Research Agency LLC (IRA)

J-20 aircraft
Japanese control of Taiwan

Jomini, Maj. Gen. A.H.

Kaspersky Laboratory

Kaplan, Fred

Karr, Timothy

Kennan, George

Kennedy, Rick

Kerch Strait

King, Gary

Klinger, Bruce

Kung Fu Grandma

Lankford, Sen. James

Lasker, John

Lazar, Marcel Lehel

Lee, Dr. Kai-Fu

Levin, Dov

Li, Fei

Liang, Guangwei

Liao, Yiwu
Liu, Yunshan

Made in China

Mafia model

man-in-the-middle proxy

Mao, Tse-tung (Mao Zedong)

“Massacre” (poem)

Mayorkas, Alejandro

McAuliffe, Terry

McCain, Sen. John

McConnell, Mike

McLuhan, Marshall

Meng, Watson

Microsoft Corporation

Mideast Communications Systems (MCS)

Ministry of Commerce (MOFCO)

Ministry of State Security

mitigation agreements

Mitnick, Kevin

Mossack Fonseca, Panama City, Panama

Most Favored Nation

Murong, Xeucun

mutually assured destruction

Narus, Inc.

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

National Missile Defense

National Security Agency

The New China Daily

New Russia

Nine Dash Line

North Korea

nuclear espionage

offensive cyber operations

Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

OpenNet Initiative

Panama Papers

Panetta, Leon

Parker, Dr. Don (SAIC)

patriotic hackers

Peace in Our time

Perlroth, Nicole


political warfare

Poly Group

Pompeo, Mike

Presidential Policy Directive

Prestowitz, Clyde

product certifications

Proposal for Import and Export Control Risk Avoidance

psychological warfare

Putin, Vladimir



real world collective action event

Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934

The Red Web

reflexive control

Report Regarding Comprehensive Reorganization and the Standardization of the

Company Export Control Related Matters
Company Export Control Related Matters

Research in Motion (RIM)


reverse mergers

Rice, Susan

Richard, Matt

Rio Tinto Plc

Rockwell Collins

Rogers, Admiral Michael S.

Rowling, J.K.

RSA Inc.

Rumsfeld, Donald

Russian Business Network (RBN)

Safe Internet League

Samn Sacks

San’an Optoelectronics

sanctions violations

Sanger, David

Savchenko, Nadiya

Save the Internet Foundation

Schneier, Bruce
Schneier, Bruce

Schwartau, Winn

Senate Intelligence Committee on Global Threats


Shadows in the Cloud

Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC)

Shayrat, Syria

Sinovel Wind Group Company Inc. (Sinovel)

Snowden, Edward

soft war

software development kits (SDKs)

Solyndra LLC

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr

source code

South China Sea

Spratly and Paracel islands

strategic information war


Sun, Tzu


supply chain
Tenet, George

Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD)

Title 10 and Title 50 agencies

total war

Transmission Layer Security (TLS)

Trend Micro

2016 G7 Summit

2-Wire Technologies (now ARRIS)


Umeng UC Browser

Unisplendour Corp. (attempted purchase of Western Digital)

United Nations (U.N.) Arbitral Tribunal

United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce in China

U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission

U.S. Cyber Command

unmasking U.S. citizens

Uppsala University

Verdun, France
Verdun, France

virtual private networks (prohibition)

vulnerable populations

Walmart Inc.

Walton, Greg

Wang, Baocun

Wheeler, Travis


window guidance

Windows (operating system)

World Trade Organization (WTO)

World War: The Third World War—Total Information War

Xi, Jinping

Xinjiang, China

Yahoo! (dispute with Alibaba)

Year of the Spy (1985)

Yukyung, Yeo

Zhang, Gaoli
Zhang, Gaoli

Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment Corporation (ZTE)

Zhu, Maj. Gen. Chenghu

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