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Class - XI - Sample Paper PDF

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Time duration: 2:30 hours. (The initial 30 minutes are given for filling Response Sheet and the test
duration is 2 hours).
Maximum Marks: 320
This Question Paper contains 100 MCQs with 4 choices (Subjects: Physics: 20, Chemistry: 20, Biology: 20
& Maths: 20, Mental ability: 20).

Marking Scheme: For each correct answer 4 marks are awarded and for each wrong answer –1
mark is awarded. In case of no response zero mark will be awarded.

This section contains 100 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (1), (2), (3) and (4)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
1. A particle starts moving from rest on a straight line with a constant acceleration 2 m/s2 . What is
distance travel by particle when its velocity becomes 4 m/s ?
(1) m (2) m (3) m (4) m
2. A mass m moves with a velocity v and collides with another mass 2m at rest. After collision the first
mass moves with velocity in a direction perpendicular to the initial direction of motion. Find the
speed of the 2nd mass after collision
2 v
(1) v (2) (3) v (4) 3v
3 3
3. An experiment measures quantities a, b, c and x is calculated from x = ab2/c3. If the maximum percentage
error in a, b and c are 1%, 3% and 2% respectively, the maximum percentage error in x will be
(1) 13 % (2) 17 % (3) 14 % (4) 11 %
4. In the figure shown below friction force between A and B is f1 and between B and ground is f2.
If f1 = 2f2 then find F :-
µ = 0.6
2kg A
3kg B F

µ = 0.1

(1) 20 N (2) 25 N (3) 30 N (4) 40 N

5. A ball is thrown from point A making an angle 60 with line OAS as shown in the figure, where
OA = [O is the centre of spherical surface of PQS]. If after striking the hemi-spherical surface, the
ball rebounds in direction parallel to OA. The coefficient of restitution between the ball and the surface
is [Neglect the effect of gravity and any type of frictional force]

(1) e = 0.50 (2) e = 0.75 (3) e = 0.25 (4) None of these


a b
6. The potential energy of a particle in a field is U =  , where a and b are constant. The value of
r2 r
r in terms of a and b where force on the particle is zero will be :
a b 2a 2b
(1) (2) (3) (4)
b a b a
7. A small sphere is given vertical velocity of magnitude v0 = 5 m/s and it swings in a vertical plane about
the end of massless string. The angle  with the vertical at which string will break, knowing that it can
withstand a maximum tension equal to twice the weight of the sphere, is [g = 10 m/s2]
= 2m


1 2 1  1 
(1) cos (2) cos   (3) 60 (4) 30
3 4
8. A block A of mass m situated at highest point of wedge B of mass 2 m is released from rest. Then
distanced moved by wedge B when block A just reaches on the horizontal surface is :
(Assume all surfaces are smooth)

(1) 4/3 cm (2) 8/3 cm (3) 2/3 cm (4) None of these

9. The distance x moved by a body of mass 0.5 kg by a force varies with time t as x = 3t2 + 4t + 5 where
x is expressed in metre and t in seconds. What is the work done by the net force acting on the body in
the first 2 seconds ?
(1) 25 J (2) 50 J (3) 60 J (4) 75 J
10. In the figure shown, find ratio of magnitudes of velocities of A and B (VA/VB). Neglect friction

fixed incline plane


30° 30°

1 1
(1) 3 (2) (3) (4) 2
3 2
11. A particle moving on the circumference of a circle of radius r describes an angle . The displacement
and distance moved by particle are
(1) r, r (2) 2r sin (/2), r (3) r sin , r (/2) (4) 2r, 2r sin 


12. Two particles each of mass m are connected by a string of length 1m. The particles are kept on a
smooth horizontal plane. The initial separation between the particles is 0.5 m. One of the particles is
given a velocity v0 as shown in the figure. The magnitude of angular velocity of one particle with
respect to the other particle just after the string becomes taut is

m m

0.5 m
v0 3v 0
(1) v0 (2) 3v 0 (3) (4)
2 2
13. When a mass is suspended from a vertical spring in a uniform gravity spring elongates by a distance
x. When the spring is cut in two parts and same mass is suspended again from the combinatin of
springs as shown, combination of both the springs stretched by . Find the ratio of length of bigger
spring to the length of smaller spring.

(original spring) (after cutting)

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

14. A particle of mass M has half the kinetic energy of another particle of mass . If the speed of the
heavier particle is increased by 2ms–1, its new kinetic energy equals the original kinetic energy of the
lighter particle. What is the original speed of the heavier particle ?
(1) 2(1  2) ms 1 (2) 2(1  2 2) ms 1 (3) (2 2  1) ms 1 (4) (2 2  1) ms 1
15. The dependence of g on geographical latitude at sea level is given by g = g0(1 + sin2) where  is the
latitude angle and  is a dimensionless constant. It g is the error in the measurement of g then the
error in measurement of latitude angle is
g g g
(1) zero (2)   g  sin(2) (3)   g  cos(2) (4)   g
0 0 0
16. In the figure shown find frictional force acting on the block of mass m. Coefficient of friction between
surface and block is and tan < 

(1) mgsin (2) mgcos (3) mgtan (4) zero


17. A massless spring having zero relaxed length has one end attached to a given point on a fixed smooth
horizontal hoop of radius R, while other end is attached to a bead that is constrained to lie on the hoop.
Initially the bead is at point P as shown where it is given negligible a small side kick. Find the length
of spring when reaction force on bead is zero :-

at a later instant
at Initial instant

8 2R R
(1) R (2) (3) (4) R 2
3 3 3
18. In which of the following cases the contact force between A & B is maximum? (mA = mB = 1kg)

(1) 50 N A
B (2)

a = 35 ms–2
a = 25 ms–2

(3) (4)

19. A particle is projected at an angle  = 30° with the horizontal. Which of the following curves best
represents the variation of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy as a function of time?
{Take the horizontal as the reference level for the gravitational potential energy.}


(1) (2)
time time


(3) (4)
time time


20. A weight 1 on a smooth table is connected by a light string paring over smooth pulley to another
weight 2 which is free to move vertically as shown in the figure. The tension in the string is

1  2
(1) 2 (2) 1

12 2
(3)    (4) 1 + 2
1 2

21. The wavelength of photon emitted when an electron jumps from a 4d orbital to a 2p orbital in Hydrogen
atom, is [The Rydberg constant is 1.097 × 10–2 nm–1]
(1) 656.3 nm (2) 486.2 nm
(3) 364.6 nm (4) 2.057 × 10–3 nm
22. A solution of density 2.00 g/cm3 contains solute X (MW = 80.0). The solution is analyzed to have
60.0% X by weight. What is the molarity of solution ?
(1) 24.0 M (2) 12.5 M (3) 15.0 M (4) 12.0 M
23. A photon ejects an electron from the ground state of He +. .This ejected electron has the same
de-Broglie wavelength as that of an electron in the ground state of H atom. The energy of the incident
photon is:
(1) 68 eV (2) 54.4eV (3) 13.6eV (4) 128.8eV
24. A mixture of CO and CO2 is found to have a density of 1.70 g/L at STP. The mole fraction of CO in the
mixture is
(1) 0.37 (2) 0.40 (3) 0.30 (4) 0.50
25. Which of the following is an exothermic process ?
(1) Be(g) + e–  Be–(g) (2) Li(g) + e–  Li–(g)

(3) Na(g)  Na+(g) + e– (4) N(g) + e–  N–(g)

26. A real gas that obeys the equation of state p(V – nb) = nRT, where b and R constants. If the pressure
and temperature are such that Vm = 9b. The value of the compression factor is

9 10 9 8
(1) (2) (3) (4)
10 9 8 9

27. Given
Solution A- 0.1M NaCl 1L solution and
Solution B- 0.2M CaCl2 2L solution.
What would be the final number of moles of Cl– ions if both solutions are mixed together ?
(No volume contraction occurs on mixing)
(1) 1.8 (2) 2.7 (3) 0.9 (4) 0.8


28. The apparatus shown consists of three bulbs connected by stopcocks. What is the pressure inside the
system when the stopcocks are opened ? Assume that the lines connecting the bulbs have zero volume
and that the temperature remains constant.

CO2(g) H2(g) Ar(g)

P=2.13 atm P=0.86 atm P=1.15 atm

V=1.50L V=1.00L V=2.00L

(1) 2.13 atm (2) 1.41 atm (3) 1.23 atm (4) 1.14 atm
29. Which of the following ionic radius order is INCORRECT ?
(1) N–3 > O–2 > F– > Na+ > Mg+2 (2) Mn+2 > Mn+3 > Mn+7
(3) Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ (4) P+5 > P+3
30. The work function of potassium is 2.25 eV. A beam with a wavelength of 400 nm has an intensity of
10–9 W/m 2. What is the number of electrons emitted per meter square per second from the surface
assuming 3% of the incident photons are effective in ejecting electrons ?
( h = 6.63 x 10 -34 J-sec, c = 3 x 108 m/sec.)
9 Photons Photons Photons Photons
(1) 2  10 (2) 6.0  10 7 (3) 5  1010 (4) 1.5  10 9
m 2s 2
m s 2
m s m 2s
31. Lithium’s first and second ionization energies are 519 kJ/mol and 7300 kJ/mol, respectively. Element
X has a first ionization energy of 590 kJ/mol and a second ionization energy of 1150 kJ/mol. Element
X is most likely to be :
(1) Oxygen (2) Sodium (3) Calcium (4) Xenon
32. Select the correct statement(s) :
I. Greater is the mass of the particle, lesser is the error in measurement of velocity.
II. For an electron, if uncertainty in position tends to zero, then uncertainty in momentum is extremely
III. If 1 and 2 are the two different wavelengths used to detect the position of electron and uncertainty
in velocity be v1 and v2 respectively, then if 1 >2, then v2 > v1.
(1) only I (2) I and II (3) I,II & III (4) I and III
33. Three resonating structures are shown for N2O
  
   
(A)  N  N — O
 (B)  N  N  O  (C)  N  N  O

The correct order of their stability is

(1) A > B > C (2) C > B > A (3) B > C > A (4) C > A > B
34. When NH3 reacts with HCl then which of the following option correctly represents the change in
H–N–H bond angle?
(1) around 1º (2) around 4º (3) around 2.5º (4) around 5º

35. Which of the following will have maximum O–O bond length ?
+ – 2–
(1) O2 (2) O2 (3) O2 (4) O2
36. Which of the following molecule is expected to be linear as well as polar ?
(1) BF3 (2) SiO2 (3) CO2 (4) XeFCl
37. The van der Waals' parameters for gases W, X, Y and Z are
Gas a(L2atm/mol2 ) b(L/mol)
W 4.0 0.027
X 8.0 0.030
Y 6.0 0.032
Z 12.0 0.027
Which gas (from above) has the highest critical temperature ?
(1) W (2) X (3) Y (4) Z
38. Which of the following orders regarding bond angle is correct?
(1) BF3 > BCl3 (2) OF2 > OCl2
(3) NH3 > NH4+ (4) H2O > OF2
39. The variation of compressibility factor ‘Z’ with pressure at different temperatures T1, T2 and T3 is
given as follows


300 600 900

Match the temperature in Column I with the Column II values.
Column I Column II
(a) T1 1. 500 K
(b) T2 2. 1000 K
(c) T3 3. 200 K
(1) a – 3, b – 1, c – 2
(2) a – 1, b – 2, c – 3
(3) a – 2, b – 3, c – 1
(4) Information is insufficient.
40. 64 gm of an organic compound has 24 g carbon and 8 g hydrogen and the rest is oxygen. The
empirical formula of the compound is
(1) CH4O (2) CH2O
(3) C2H4O (4) None of these


Attempt any one of the Biology OR Mathematics

41. Four figures (a), (b), (c) & (d) are given below :-


(c) (d)

On the basis of above figures find out the incorrect match :-

Column I Column II
(Tissue type) (Occurence)
(1) a – Air sacs of lungs
(2) b – Bronchioles
(3) c – Lining of stomach
(4) d – Fallopian tubes
42. For identification of an organism through key usually :-
(1) One similar character is used (2) Two contrasting characters are used
(3) Many similar characters are used (4) Only one statement called lead is used
43. Comparing small and large cells, which statement is correct?
(1) Small cells have a small surface area per volume ratio
(2) Exchange rate of nutrients is fast with large cells.
(3) Exchange rate of nutrients is slow with small cells
(4) Small cells have a large surface area per volume ratio
44. (i) Cellulose (ii) Hemi cellulose (iii) Lignin (iv) Pectin
Among the above given substances, (a) which substance is not found at the corner thicknings of
hypodermal cells in dicot stem and (b) this substance is found in the walls of which components ?
Choose the correct option regarding (a) & (b) from the following : -
(1) (a) Hemicellulose, (b) Tracheids and xylem fibres
(2) (a) Lignin, (b) Only in vessels and bast fibres
(3) (a) Lignin, (b) Vessels , xylem fibres and phloem fibres
(4) (a) Pectin, (b) Tracheids, phloem fibres and vessels
45. Which is the correct sequence of the path of water current flowing in Spongilla ?
(1) Osculum  Spongocoel  Ostium (2) Osculum  Ostium  Spongocoel
(3) Spongocoel  Osculum  Ostium (4) Ostium  Spongocoel  Osculum
46. Desmosomes are usually found in :-
(1) Epithelial tissue (2) Muscular tissue
(3) Nervous tissue (4) All of these


47. Which one of the following terms is correctly matched with their correct description ?

Term Description
(1) Taxon Provide the index to the plant species found in a particular area
(2) Flora Contains the actual account of habitat and distribution of plants of a given area
(3) Monograph Collection of preserved plants and animals
(4) Catalogues Contain information on any one taxon

48. Annual ring in a tree signify the age of the tree. Annual rings are made up of ?
(1) Growing secondary phloem (2) Growing secondary xylem
(3) Growing primary phloem (4) Growing primary xylem
49. Consider the following characters given below :-
(i) Notochord present during the embryonic period.
(ii) Central nervous system is dorsal, hollow and single.
(iii) A post anal part (tail) is present.
(iv) Central nervous system is ventral, solid and double.
(v) Heart is dorsal (if present)
(vi) Gill slits are absent
Select correct option:
(1) Nereis having (i), (iii), (v) and (vi) characters
(2) Hemidactylus having (i), (ii) and (iii) characters only
(3) Balaenoptera does not have (iv), (v) and (vi) characters
(4) Both (2) and (3) are correct
50. An important site of formation of steroidal hormones in animal cells, is :
(1) RER (2) SER (3) Golgi Apparatus (4) Nucleus
51. Which one is a false statement for Periplaneta?
(1) It is uricotelic in nature.
(2) The sclerites are joined by arthrodial membrane.
(3) Hepatic caeca is at the junction of mid gut and hind gut.
(4) Malpighian tubules are associated with the excretion.
52. A drug inhibits the function of a cell organelle which recieve material (for modification) from ER.
Which of the following cell will not be affected by this drug ?
(1) Bacteria (2) Protista (3) Plant (4) Animal
53. Plants can show mitotic division in :-
(1) Only haploid cells (2) Only diploid cells
(3) Both haploid and diploid cells (4) Neither haploid nor diploid cells
54. Choose incorrect statement regarding phylum Mollusca–
(1) This is the second largest animal phylum
(2) Gills are found in the mantle cavity
(3) Radula an excretory organ is found
(4) Dentalium is commonly called Tusk shell.


55. Transverse section of a part of a typical monocotyledonous root has been shown in the given figure.
Identify the different parts (from A to G) and select the correct answer :-

(1) A – Root hair, B – Epidermis, C – Cortex, D – Endodermis, E – Pericycle, F – Pith, G – Phloem

(2) A – Root hair, B – Endodermis, C – Cortex, D – Pericycle, E – Epidermis, F – Pith, G – Phloem
(3) A – Root hair, B – Epidermis, C – Pericycle, D – Endodermis, E – Cortex, F – Pith, G – Phloem
(4) A – Root hair, B – Cortex, C – Epidermis, D – Pericycle, E – Endodermis, F – Passage cell,
G – Protoxylem
56. Which of the following is not a matching pair of an animal with a certain feature ?
(1) Obelia : Metamerism (2) Ctenophores : Bioluminiscence
(3) Planaria : High regeneration capacity (4) Ascaris : Pseudocoelom
57. Consider the following figure of cell division :-


In the above diagram, components labelled as 'A' are essential for mitosis & meiosis ,(a) what is the
main role of 'A' and (b) in which phase of mitosis and meiosis 'A' play their main role ?
(1) (a) Splitting of centromeres (b) Phase in which duplicated centrioles move towards opposite poles.
(2) (a) Pulling of chromosomes (b) Only in phase in which two chromatid chromosome converts into
single chromatid ones.
(3) (a) Pulling of chromosomes (b) Phase in which splitting of centromeres may or may not occur.
(4) (a) Decondensation of chromosomes (b) Phase in which chromosomes lost their identity as discrete
58. Which one is a mis-match pairing?
(1) Petromyzon – Cyclostomata (2) Branchiostoma – Urochordata
(3) Pterophyllum – Osteichthyes (4) Ichthyophis – Amphibia
59. Select the incorrect pair :-
(1) Cell wall – Structural support
(2) Central vacuole – Storage
(3) Chloroplast – Chlorophyll
(4) Plasmodesmata – Protection
60. The inter cellular material (matrix) of cartilage is :-
(1) Solid and non pliable (2) Solid and pliable
(3) Semisolid and nonpliable (4) Semisolid and pliable


8 5
61. If  (2r  1)
r 1 (2r  3)(2r  5)  (2r  1)(2r  1)(2r  3)
 a
 c , where a, c are coprime

numbers, then the value of a  is equal to
(1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 8 (4) 4

1 1
62. If x   3 then the value of x 5  5 is
x x
(1)100 (2) 123 (3) 243 (4) 172

63. The smallest integral value of p such that px 2  12x  6  3x2  p x  R , is :

(1) 5 (2) 6
(3) 7 (4) 8
64. If the equation Z + Z +  = 0 has a purely imaginary root and  lies on the circle |Z| = 1 then the value
of (1 +  +  ) is

(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) 6

T5 – T3
65. If Tn = (sinn  + cosn ), then for permissible values of  T – T is always equal to
7 5
T1 T2 T5 T3
(1) T (2) T (3) T (4) T
3 4 7 7
66. If the perpendicular from origin to the line y = mx + c meet at a point (–1, 2). Then the value
of m + c is
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5
2 2
67. Consider a pair of circles (|x| – 1) + |y| = 1. If minimum length of path traced by a particle which starts
from P(–3, 0) and reaches Q(3, 0) without entering inside any circle, is , then
(1) 6 < l < 7 (2) 7 < l < 8
(3) 8 < l < 9 (4) 9 < l < 10
68. The graph of the function y = 16x + 8(a + 2)x – 3a – 2 is strictly above the x-axis, then number of
integral values of a is
(1) 6 (2) 5 (3) 4 (4) 3
3 2
69. If the roots of the polynomial 2x – 4x + 7x – 5 = 0 are a,b,c then find the value of

1 1 1
 
 b  4  a  2   2a  4  b  4  c  2   2c  4  a  4  c  2   2c  4

5 4 5 8
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 5 9 9

 1 k 
70.  
k 1 2k 
 is equal to-
(1) –3 (2) –4 (3) –8 (4) –1


2 2
71. Let p,q,a  R such that p2 + q2 – 2p = 0, then the minimum value of  p  a   a  q  4  is-

3 3 3
(1) 1 (2) 1 (3) 1 (4)
2 2 2
72. Sum of slopes of all possible lines passing through origin (O) and intersecting the lines x + y = 1 &
x + 2y = 1 at A & B respectively such that 3(OA.OB)  1 , is (where OA represents distance between
origin and point A)
12 5
(1) 1 (2) (3) 3 (4)
5 6
73. Number of solutions of the system of equations and inequations : a – b > –4, a – b < 4 and a + b = 16,
a,b  I is-
(1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 7 (4) Infinitely many
74. The number of points in x-y plane equidistant from lines x – y = 0; x + y = 0 & 2x + 3y = 12 are-
(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5

1000.....01 1000.....01
n zeros m zeros
75. If < then which of the following is true ?
1000.....01 1000.....01
(n+1) zeros (m+1) zeros
(1) m > n (2) m < n (3) n > m + 2 (4) n < m + 2
2015 8 –2015
76. The value of i +i +i is (where i = –1 )
(1) 0 (2) –1 (3) 1 (4) i
77. Let C(O, r) be a circle of centre O and radius r. A point I is said to be "inverse of point P" with respect
to circle C(O, r) if OI·OP = r2, where I lies in the direction of OP .
Let I1, I2 , I3 be the inverses of P 1 (2, 2),P 2(1, –1) and P 3 (–1, 1) respectively, with respect to circle
C(A,R) where A(0,0), R = 2. Area of P1P2P3 is 1 and area of I1 I2 I3 is 2 then value of is
(1) 4 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) None of these
78. The number of real values of x such that
–x x x+ –x– –x x–
(2 + 2 – 2cosx) (3 +3 + 2cos x) (5 – 2cos x + 5 ) = 0, is
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) infinite

79. The complex number 3 + 4i is rotated about origin by an angle of in anti-clockwise direction and

then stretched 2-times. The complex number corresponding to new position is (where i = –1 )
(1) 8 – 6i (2) –8 + 6 i
(3) 6 – 8 i (4) –6 + 8 i
80. The equation of circle which touches axis of y at the origin and passes through (3, 4) is
2 2 2 2
(1) 2(x + y ) – 3x = 0 (2) 3(x + y ) – 25x = 0
2 2 2 2
(3) 4(x + y ) – 25x = 0 (4) 4(x + y ) – 25x + 10 = 0


81. Read the following information carefully to answer the question given below it
(a) ‘A $ B’ means ‘A is mother of B’. (b) ‘A # B’ means ‘A is father of B’.
(c) ‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’. (d) ‘A % B’ means ‘A is daughter of B’.
Which of the following expression indicates ‘R is the sister of H’?
(1) R $ D @ F # H (2) H % D @ F % R (3) R % D @ F $ H (4) None
82. A's son B is married with C whose sister D is married to E, the brother of B. How D is related to A ?
(1) Sister (2) Daughter-in-law (3) Sister-in-law (4) Cousin
83. P started from his house towards west. After walking a distance of 25 m, he turned to the right and
walked 10 m. He then again turned to the right and walked 15 m. After this he is to turn right at 135°
and to cover 30 m. In which direction should he go?
(1) West (2) South (3) South-West (4) South-East
84. If CIGARETTE is coded as GICERAETT, then DIRECTION will be coded as :
85. What was the day on 2nd May 1976?
(1) Monday (2) Saturday (3) Sunday (4) Tuesday
86. The numbers have been arranged under some rule. Based on that rule which number will come in
place of the Question Mark?
1, 1, 2, 6, 24, ?, 720
(1) 100 (2) 104 (3) 108 (4) 120
87. A clock is set right at 8 am. The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours. What will be the true time when
the clock indicates 1 pm on the following day ?
(1) 12 O’clock (2) 48 minutes past 12 (3) 42 minutes past 12 (4) None of these
88. At what angle the hands of a clock are inclined at 50 minutes past 5 ?
(1) 125º (2) 130º (3) 135º (4) 140º
89. How many leap years and ordinary years are there in the first 100 years ?
(1) 25, 75 (2) 23, 77 (3) 24, 76 (4) 26, 74
90. All the six faces of a cube are coloured with six different coloures :- Black, Brown, Green, Red, White
and Blue.
(1) Red face is opposite to the black face. (2) Green face is between red and black faces.
(3) Blue face is adjacent to white face. (4) Brown face is adjacent to blue face.
(5) Red face is in the bottom.
Which of the following is adjacent to green ?
(1) Black, White, Brown, Red (2) Blue, Black, Red, White
(3) Red, Black, Blue, Brown (4) None of these


91. The figure (X) given in problem, is folded to form a cube. Choose from amongst the alternatives (1),
(2), (3) and (4), the cubes that are similar to the cube formed.

(1) d only (2) b and d only (3) a and c only (4) c only
92. ln the following question two positions of the same dice have been shown. You have to see these
figures and select the number opposite to the number as asked in the question.

What is the number of dots on the face opposite to the face that contains 2 dots?
(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 6
93. A cube is coloured red on two opposite faces, blue on two adjacent faces and yellow on two remaining
faces. It is then cut into two halves among the plane parallel to the red faces. One piece is then cut
into four equal cubes and the other one into 32 equal cubes. How many cubes do not have any
red face ?
(1) 8 (2) 16 (3) 20 (4) 24
94. In the following question, choose the correct water-image of the figure (X) from amongst the four
alternatives (1), (2), (3) and (4) given with it.


(1) (2) (3) (4)

95. Direction:
(i) There is a group of five persons – A, B, C, D and E.
(ii) One of them is a horticulturist, one is a physicist, one is a journalist, one is an industrialist and one
is an advocate.
(iii) Three of them – A, C and advocate prefer tea over coffee and two of them – B and the journalist
prefer coffee over tea.
(iv) The industrialist and D and A are friends to one another but two of them prefer coffee to tea.
(v) The horticulturist is C’s brother.
Who is the horticulturist ?
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D


96. In a certain code 15724 is written as QXFTB and 8369 is written as WRAP. How is 5376419 written
in that code:
97. How many rectangles (excluding squares) are there in the following figure?

(1) 25 (2) 28 (3) 29 (4) 30

98. Direction :
In the following question, two statements are given followed by four conclusions numbered I, II,III
and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the
commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the
given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Statements : All aeroplanes are trains. Some trains are chairs.
Conclusions : I. Some aeroplanes are chairs.
II. Some chairs are aeroplanes.
III. Some chairs are trains.
IV. Some trains are aeroplanes.
(1) None follows (2) Only II and III follow
(3) Only I and III follow (4) Only III and IV follow
99. Direction : In the given question, two statements are followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.
You have to take the given two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly
known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the conclusions logically follows from
the two given statements.
Statements : All roads are poles.
No pole is house.
Conclusions : I. Some roads are houses.
II. Some houses are poles.
(1) Only conclusion I follows (2) Only conclusion II follows
(3) Either I or II follows (4) Neither I nor II follows
100. Some boys are sitting in a line. Mahendra is on 17th place from left and Surendra is on 18th place from
right. There are 8 boys in between them. How many boys are there in the line ?
(1) 43 (2) 42 (3) 41 (4) 44


Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Ans. 1 2 1 3 4 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 2

Que. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Ans. 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 4 2

Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Ans. 3 4 1 3 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 4 3 4

Que. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Ans. 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 2 4 2

Que. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Ans. 4 2 3 3 1 2 1 3 4 4 3 3 1 3 2

Que. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Ans. 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 1 3 1

Que. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Ans. 1 1 2 4 1 2 B 4 4 1


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