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CIO Review MobCast PDF

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MobCast Innovations:
Fine Tuning the Art of Employee Learning and Engagement

s the conundrum of work Life, Raymond, Croma, SBI General, different CRMs or Sales force systems.
and competition sets in, the CavinKare, DHFL, Axis Bank and SALES-O-PEDIA – It’s a logically
need to engage employees others has helped MobCast under- sectioned repository that a sales guy
productively is witnessing stand the challenges of employees and may require to make a pitch and close
several innovative approach- fix them via their digital offerings. The a sale. It includes Product Collateral,
es. One such instance is ‘Gamification’ company has extended its expertise to Sales Videos, Latest Pricing, KYC,
which is ushering in a new trend to Banking, Insurance, Retail, Health- Forms, and Pitch Pointers. A Sales
engage employees using a digital en- care and Pharmaceutical, Logistics, person can choose to share the above
vironment. Increasingly, when classic Education and IT industries as well. documents with customers on email
reward systems are suffering from a or other platforms via the app itself.
monochromatic hue, Mumbai head- The MobCast Engine MarkMe – MarkMe gives the field
quartered, ‘MobCast’ – a ‘Learning The aspect of learning as is said can- employees the ability to remotely
and Employee Engagement’ Platform not be undermined. MobCast has mark attendance and apply for leaves
is bringing in various engaging tools kept the learning and training as- via the app. The location tracking
for employees. With MobCast app, pects at its core with fun tools, games and ‘picture capture’ features allow
the company brings in tailor made and enhanced interactive platforms. managers to keep a live check on their
Employee or HR Engagement solu- The framework of MobCast is built field staff.
tions in mobile app platform. on identifying a goal, track progress
The nature and the platform of (feedback) and score, in a friendly
communication and engagement competitive environment. The core of MobCast powers
have altered at an amazing pace. The the app has a clearly defined learning the learning and
significant utility of social platforms journey (Finish Line) on employees’
and ease of simplicity to engage users, dashboard; based on consumption
engagement aspects of
through mobile apps have impacted of content/courses. Furthermore, the over 8,00,000 employees
the gamification worldwide and is still learner crosses different milestones globally
on the rise. Skype, e-mail, and other and earns badges (Feedback). These
social interfaces with various mobile badges help the learner unlock future
apps have brought all the employees courses. At all points there is a Lead- Redesigning the Fun Ecosystem
at a single engagement Diaspora of erboard where an employee can see MobCast powers the learning and
communication. his rank in comparison with peers. In engagement aspects of over 8,00,000
MobCast has therefore, extended to addition, the course completion cer- employees globally. To put the scale
several mid to large level enterprises tificates can be shared on social sites of users in perspective, MobCast
to broadcast announcements, videos, that have multi-language support, would be comparable and bigger than
feedbacks and live casts for spread- unique notification engines, multime- the population of Bhutan, Maldives
ing official, fun and training modules dia content and challenge peers. This and over 30 percent countries in
for higher efficiency. Having worked also enhances office competitive na- the world. The company is setting
with the likes of Kotak Bank, SBI ture wherein MobCast app focuses on its extremities with an upcoming
boosting the performance of the field intelligent AI chat bot ‘Donna’ in the
executives with its 3 modules namely: next few quarters that is envisaged to
PRADARSHAN – Using PRA- act as a personal secretary for every
DARSHAN module, a Sales rep- employee and help them with their
resentative gets complete clarity on daily office work. By engaging Donna
targets, achievement, incentives and – companies worldwide could double
shortfalls via graphs on his mobile de- their employees’ productivity and the
vice. Based on defined hierarchy and organization’s output. Based on this
location, managers can keep track of initiative, MobCast is set to extend its
Ashwin Roy Choudhary their team members’ progress. The geographic identity into the Asian and
Founder & CEO performance numbers are pulled from the Middle East markets.

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CIOReview May 2017

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