The Gurdjieff Movements
The Gurdjieff Movements
The Gurdjieff Movements
Inventory and Classification of Gurdjieff’s Legacy
the inner being, borne out by the fact that since time immemorial,
every religion and culture has been in search of an answer to “the
ultimate question,” as described by Gurdjieff and Breton in the pre-
vious chapter. Unfortunately, the truth or falsehood of all these ideas
can never be proven. Were this the case, humanity would have been
spared insufferable misery, religious wars and genocides. The irratio-
nal system of the esoteric is on good terms with the other irrational
system, the arts. Gurdjieff’s legacy is proof of this.
Let us consider this from a broader perspective and continue our
geometrical exercise with the triangle we have imagined. Let us suppose
that the triangle’s origin was a single point, from which, over time, three
lines grew longer and further apart, to such an extent that they have
now become wholly alienated from each other. This geometrical picture
is close to the historical truth. In ancient times, art, science and esoteri-
cism formed a unity, and each in its own way testified to a harmonious
universe, created and governed by a higher intelligence than that of the
human. Over the course of time, scientists did their job so well that this
view of the world, in which they had a deep-rooted faith, was played
out. Sir Isaac Newton was one of these scientists. He was not just deeply
religious, but also spent more time on treatises about alchemy than on
physics. Even so, he is the father of contemporary physics. Only in the
nineteenth century, a period so aptly called “Flight from Reason” by
historian James Webb, did the paths of science and esotericism part
for good. It is no coincidence that the devotees of esoteric systems are
often nostalgic for the past—for those distant days when science, art
and religion formed a whole—that they display a weakness for ancient
monuments, such as pyramids, Aztec temples, shrines overgrown by
forests, medieval cathedrals, Tibetan monasteries and such. Beliefs and
ideas that have drifted miles apart, historically speaking, such devo-
tees of the esoteric attempt to reunite within themselves. This is not
exclusive to them. All of us are the products of history and doomed to
personify random hybrids of the rational and the irrational.
For some, Gurdjieff’s books are the harbingers of a new science, but
can they actually be classified as such? This is an important question,
even more so because bridging the gap between Western sciences
and Eastern mysticism was one of Gurdjieff’s goals. His first and most
important work, Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, is about as accessible
for an approach employing a logical conceptual basis as a raw piece of
marble. The reader feels something of the incredible energies and high
fusion points that created this rich material, veined and veiled with
secret code, but it cannot be deemed scientific. There is little other
choice than to classify it alongside Gurdjieff’s music and his Movements
as “art.” The important role played by unusual concepts and images
in his book confirms this classification. In other words, for the time
being we can conclude that the tangible parts of Gurdjieff‘s legacy—his
books, music and Movements—comprise artistic expressions.
Inventory and Classification of Gurdjieff’s Legacy
they believe to be as such, have never read any of his books. It is even
doubtful if they are actually interested in Gurdjieff’s ideas at all.
My motivation for writing this book is to reply to the question of
coherence in Gurdjieff’s legacy with a straightforward, heartfelt Yes,
and my answer is based on four solid reasons:
• Gurdjieff’s works complement each other
• they all share a ritualistic character
• they all share a hidden content
• their common source is the same: his teaching.
I will explain these four reasons in order.
A Ritualistic Character
Gurdjieff’s creations in the three artistic disciplines can be seen as a
Gesamtkunstwerk and that explains their ritualistic character. The idea
of a Gesamtkunstwerk, in which different arts intermingle to evoke a new
vision, was first introduced by Richard Wagner and greatly influenced
Russian Symbolism. This is not to say that Gurdjieff’s work displays
any affinity with Wagner’s work. In fact, it is difficult to imagine a
greater difference. However, one particular element in the idea of the
Gesamtkunstwerk has a very strong presence in Gurdjieff’s oeuvre.
To explain this, it will be necessary to dwell briefly on Symbolism,
a cultural development from the last decade of the nineteenth century
and the first decade of the twentieth.
This, in a nutshell, is what Sigmund Freud wrote in an article about narcissism, dating
from 1917.
Inventory and Classification of Gurdjieff’s Legacy
and this is very typical for everything regarding his teaching and his
work. The word “esoteric” is usually used as a synonym for a deeper,
hidden meaning, although the original meaning of this word is “that
which lives inside a human being.” The esoteric plays a role in all
religious, spiritual and mystical systems and Gurdjieff’s works are no
exception. Secrecy, concealing information or taking gullible souls for
a ride has nothing to do with it. This is not esotericism but deceit. A
useful alternative word for esotericism is “inaccessible.”
The inaccessible in Gurdjieff’s work can be understood in three
1. First, the geographical inaccessibility of the sources of his
2. Second, an insight can be inaccessible because it is cast in
another, less obvious form, such as allegorical stories or hidden
in a traditional art form.
3. Finally, a lack of preparation or a lack of knowledge can create
a barrier.
Let me comment one at a time on these three forms.
As a young man, Gurdjieff was convinced that somewhere on
earth an old form of knowledge still existed and he went looking
for it. Whether or not he succeeded in finding it is unclear, but his
idea is less otherworldly than it might at first seem. The existence
of ancient forms of culture in remote areas certainly seems plausible.
In contemporary ethnological musicology, “uneven distribution” is a
recognized phenomenon. This accounts for the continued existence,
in geographically or culturally remote areas or communities, of music
that cannot be found anywhere else anymore. A farmer who grew up
in the Appalachian Mountains in North America could bellow out a
song that had crossed the ocean with his ancestors and had been pre-
served in his remote village, but long forgotten, in Europe.
Gurdjieff grew up in an environment where stories, myths, music
and dance were passed on without losing any discernible vitality. Not
just his native soil, but also his travels through the East must have
brought him into contact with an enormous divergence of traditions
and arts that originated from the ancient past, and had not been swept
away by the “tidal wave of mud,” a term with which he referred to
Western civilization. He suspected that their folkloric form was just a
cloak for real knowledge, purposely disguised in the distant past. In
the case of myths, this was obvious, but traditional music and dance
could contain information too, and about anything at all: a historical
incident or bread recipe. Important knowledge could also be found
in customs, habits and folklore, a secret codex transmitted from one
unsuspecting generation to the other in a deceptively innocent form,
waiting to be deciphered some day in the future. This form was akin to
a time capsule, having a very long lifespan and protected from misuse.
Gurdjieff used the word “legominism” to describe this form. In the
future, only those who could interpret the codes could obtain access
to the secret, others could not. “Those who know, know. Those who
do not know, do not know” was one of Gurdjieff’s cryptic statements
that would not be out of place here.2 It is consequently logical that
Gurdjieff’s own artistic works have a deeper heart of insight hidden
under their artistic cloaks.
Solange Claustres, one of Gurdjieff’s pupils, remembered this statement by Gurdjieff
during an interview published in Bres, number 186, 1997 (see footnote in Preface).
Quoted with kind permission from Bres Magazine.
Inventory and Classification of Gurdjieff’s Legacy