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c04 Proe WF

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Learning Objectives:

• Understand the three default datum planes.

• Understand selection methods in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire.
• Create the datum planes using different constraints available.
• Create datum planes on-the-fly.
• Create datum axes using the different constraints available.
• Create the datum points.
• Create extrude and revolve cuts.
 Datums
Datums are imaginary features with no mass or volume and are available to
help you in creating a model. They act as reference for sketching a feature,
orienting a model, assembling components, and so on.

• Default Datum Planes

When you enter the Part mode or the Assembly mode, the three datum planes
are by default displayed on the graphics window. These datum planes are
mutually perpendicular to each other. These planes are known as the default
datum planes.
 Need for Datums in Modeling
Generally, most of the engineering components or designs consist of more than one
feature. First the base feature of the model is created and then the other features of
the model are created. Since all the features of a model cannot be drawn on a single
plane, therefore, to draw the rest of the features sometimes additional planes have to
be created or selected. Also, most of the times, the three default datum planes are
not enough to create a complex model having many features.

• Selection Methods in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire

The selection method in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire is divided into two types:
• Selection
In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, selection refers to the action when you first select the
entities like edge, plane, face, axis, coordinate system, and so on, and then invoke a
feature creation tool.
• Collection
Collection refers to the action when you have invoked a feature creation tool and then
select the entities to collect the references in order to create that feature.
 Datum Options
The Datum toolbar is shown below. The adjacent
figure shows the method of invoking different types
of datum features from the menu bar.

DATUM toolbar Invoking the datum options from

the Insert menu in the menu bar
• Datum Planes
You can create datum planes other than the three default datum planes using the
menu bar or the Datum toolbar.

When you choose Insert > Model Datum > Plane from the menu bar or Datum Plane
Tool button from the Datum toolbar, the DATUM PLANE dialog box is displayed with
the different options to create datum planes.

DATUM PLANE dialog box

• Through constraint
The Through constraint is used to create a
datum plane through any specified axis, edge,
curve, point/vertex, plane, cylinder, or
coordinate system. This constraint can be used
in combination with other constraint that are
available in the DATUM PLANE dialog box.
The table shows the datum plane constraint
combinations using the Through constraint.

Datum plane constraint combinations

using the Through constraint

Selecting a cylindrical surface Resultant datum plane passing

and a default datum plane to through the center of a cylinder
create a datum plane and at an angle
• Normal constraint
The Normal constraint is used to create
a datum plane normal to any specified
axis, edge, curve, or plane. The possible
combinations of datum plane creation are
referred to as Yes and the combinations
that are not possible are referred to as
No in the table.

Datum plane constraints combinations using

the Normal constraint

Selecting a planar surface Resultant datum

and a cylindrical surface plane
• Parallel constraint
The Parallel constraint is used to create a
datum plane parallel to any specified
datum plane or planar surface.

Datum plane constraint combinations

using the Parallel constraint

Selecting a datum plane Resultant datum

and an axis to create a plane
datum plane
• Offset constraint
The Offset constraint is used to create a
datum plane at an offset distance to any
specified plane or coordinate system.

Datum plane constraint combinations

using the Offset constraint

Selecting a datum plane Resultant datum

and a vertex to create a plane
datum plane
• Tangent constraint
The Tangent constraint creates
datum planes tangent to cylindrical

Datum plane constraint combinations

using the Tangent constraint

• Datum Planes Created “On The Fly”

The term “On the Fly” refers to the creation of a datum plane when the system
prompts you to select or create a plane. At this step, if you choose the Datum
Plane Tool button from the Datum toolbar, the datum plane created will be
called datum plane on-the-fly.
• Datum Axes
Datum axis is an imaginary axis that is created in Pro/ENGINEER
to help you in creating a model. Datum axes can be created
manually. They are also created automatically when any
cylindrical feature is created. When you choose Insert > Model
Datum > Axis from the menu bar or the Datum Axis Tool button
from the Datum toolbar, the DATUM AXIS dialog box is displayed
with different options to create datum axes.

When you are defining the offset DATUM AXIS dialog box
distances, there are three drag
handles that are available on the
model as shown in figure.

Solid model with

three drag handles
• Datum axis passing through an edge
The Thru Edge constraint is used to create a datum axis through any selected edge.
The selected edge must be straight for the creation of a datum axis, see Figure A.

• Datum axis normal to a plane

The Normal constraint is used to create a datum axis normal to any selected face
or datum plane, see Figure B.

Figure A Datum axis created Figure B Datum axis created

along the edge normal to the plane
• Datum axis passing through a datum point and normal to a plane
The Normal constraint creates a datum axis passing through a datum point and
normal to any face or datum plane, see Figure C.
• Datum axis passing through the center of the round surface
The Through constraint is used to create a datum axis passing through a
cylindrical or a round surface, see Figure D.

Figure C Datum axis passing through the Figure D Datum axis passing through
datum point and normal to the plane a cylinder
• Datum axis passing through the edge formed by two faces
The Through constraint is used to create a datum axis passing through the edge
where two planes meet or at the intersection edge of two faces or datum planes, see
Figure E.

• Datum axis passing through two datum points or vertices

The Through constraint is used to create a datum axis between two datum points or
edge vertices, see Figure F.

Figure E Datum axis created on the Figure F Datum axis created between
edge where the two faces meet the two selected vertices
• Datum axis tangent to a curve and passing through its vertex
The Tangent and Through constraints create a datum axis tangent to a curve and
passing through one of its vertex, see Figure G.

Figure G Datum axis created tangent

to the selected curve
• Datum Points
Datum points are imaginary points created in
Pro/ENGINEER to aid in creating models, drawings,
analyzing models, and so on. When you choose Insert >
Model Datum > Point from the menu bar or the Datum
Point button from the Datum toolbar, the DATUM
POINT dialog box appears with different options to
create datum points.

DATUM POINT dialog box

• Datum Point on a face or a datum plane
The On constraint is used to create datum points on a
face or a datum plane, see Figure A.

Figure A Datum point

on a face and three
drag handles
• Datum point offset to a face or a datum plane
The Offset constraint creates datum points at an offset distance from a specified face
or a datum plane in a specified direction, see Figure B.

• Datum point at the intersection of three surfaces

The On constraint is used to create a datum point at the intersection of three surfaces.
Select the three surfaces and the datum point is created as shown in Figure C.

Figure B Datum point on the top face Figure C The three highlighted surfaces and the
with offset 0 and the three drag handles datum point at the intersection of the three surfaces
• Datum point on a vertex
The On constraint is used to create a datum point on the vertex of a face, an edge, a
surface feature edge, or a datum curve.

• Datum point at the center of a curve edge

The Center constraint creates a datum point at the center of an arc or a curved edge.

• Datum point on an edge or a curve

The On constraint is used to create a datum point on an edge or a curve, see Figure C.

Figure C The highlighted edge and the

datum point at some offset distance from
one end of edge
• Sketched Datum Point Tool button
When you choose the black arrow on the right of the Datum Point Tool button,
a flyout is displayed. Choose the Sketched Datum Point Tool button from this
flyout. The Sketch Datum Point dialog box is displayed. The function of this
dialog box is same as the Section dialog box. Using the Sketch Datum Point
dialog box, select the sketching plane and its orientation. When you choose the
Sketch button, the system takes you to the sketcher environment.

• To create an array of datum points from a coordinate system

The Offset Coordinate System Datum Point Tool button is used to create
an array of datum points at an offset distance from a coordinate system. You
can change the array of the points by redefining the array. This button is
available on the flyout. When you choose this button, the Offset Csys Datum
Point dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure A.
Figure A Offset CSys
Datum Point dialog box

• To create an array of datum points from a coordinate system

When you choose the Field Datum Point Tool button from the flyout, the
Field Datum Point dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure B. Using this
dialog box, you can create a datum point anywhere on the model.

Figure B Field Datum

Point dialog box
 Creating Cuts
The Cut is a material removal process and this option is available only when at
least a base feature exists on the graphics window. The tool that creates the cut
is available on the dashboard of the feature creation tool.

• Removing a Material by Extruding a Sketch

The Extrude Cut is used to create an extruded feature by removing material from
an existing feature. The material that is removed is defined by the sketch you draw.

Sketch for the extrude cut and the arrow Cut feature created on the
showing the direction of material removal selected plane
Arrow showing the direction of Cut feature created by removing
material removal the material in the direction
shown in adjacent figure

• Removing Material by Revolving a Sketch

The Revolve Cut is a revolved feature that is created by removing material from
an existing feature. The material that is removed is defined by the sketch you draw.
Remember that the center line is necessary in the revolve features.
The sketch of the revolve cut Revolve cut created
 Tutorial 1
In this tutorial you will create the model shown in Figure A. The front view and the
right-side view with dimensions of the solid model are shown in Figure B.
(Expected time: 25 min)

Figure A Isometric view of the Figure B Front view and the right side view
model of the model with dimensions
a. The model is composed of four features: two at the top, one at the bottom, and
one hole on the right surface. Also, from the model it is evident that the two
features at the top of the model can be created on the same plane.

b. Select the sketching plane for the base feature, draw the sketch using the
sketching tools, apply the dimensions and constraints (Figure C), and then
extrude the sketch to the given distance (Figure D).

Figure C Sketch for base feature Figure D Base feature of the model
c. Select the sketching plane for the feature that is at the bottom of the base
feature. Draw the sketch using the sketching tools, apply the dimensions and
constraint (Figure E), and then extrude the sketch to the given distance
(Figure F).

Figure E Sketch for the second feature Figure F Second extruded feature
d. Draw the sketch of the third feature, apply the dimensions and constraints
(Figure G), and then extrude it to the given distance (Figure H).

Figure G Sketch for the third Figure H Model after creating the third
feature feature
e. Similarly, select a sketching plane for the cut feature. The cut has a circular
section. Draw the sketch for this feature (Figure I) and create the cut
feature (Figure J ).

Figure I Sketch for the cut Figure J Completed model

 Tutorial 2
In this tutorial you will create the model shown in Figure A. Figure B shows the front
view, the top view, and the right-side view of the solid model. (Expected time: 45 min)

Figure A Isometric view of the model Figure B Drawing views of the model
a. First, examine the model and then determine the number of features in it. The
model is composed of four features: one at the bottom (base feature), one on
the left, and two at the back. Also, from the model it is evident that the two
features on the back face of the model can be created on the same plane.

b. Select the sketch plane for the base feature, draw the sketch using the sketching
tools, apply the dimensions and constraints (Figure C), and then extrude the
sketch to the given depth (Figure D).

Figure C Sketch for the base feature Figure D Base feature of the model
c. Select the sketch plane for the feature on the left face of the base feature,
draw the sketch using the sketching tools, apply dimensions and constraints
(Figure E), and then extrude the sketch to the given depth (Figure F).

Figure E Sketch of second feature Figure F Second extruded feature

d. Draw the sketch for the third feature (Figure G) and then extrude it to the
given distance (Figure H).

Figure G Sketch of third feature Figure H Third feature of the

model after extruding the sketch
e. Draw the sketch for the fourth feature (Figure I) and extrude it to the given
distance (Figure J).

Figure I Sketch of fourth feature Figure J Fourth feature after

 Tutorial 3
In this tutorial you will create the model shown in Figure A. Figure B shows the front
view, the top view, and the right-side view of the solid model.
(Expected time: 45 min)

Figure A Isometric view of the model Figure B Drawing views of the model
a. The model is composed of three features: one on the left (base feature), one in
the middle, and one hollow cylindrical feature with a hole.

b. Select the sketch plane for the base feature, draw the sketch using the
sketching tools, apply the dimensions and constraints (Figure C), and then
extrude the sketch to the given depth (Figure D).

Figure C Sketch of base feature Figure D Base feature of the model

c. Select the sketch plane for the middle feature, draw the sketch using the
sketching tools, apply the dimensions and constraints (Figure E), and then
extrude the sketch to the given depth (Figure F).

Figure E Sketch of the middle feature Figure F Model with the second
extruded feature
d. To create the hollow cylindrical feature, create a datum plane on the fly. Draw
the sketch, apply the dimensions and constraints (Figure G), and then
extrude the sketch to the given depth (Figure H).

Figure G Sketch of the last feature Figure H Default view of the

complete model
 Exercise 1
Create the model shown in Figure A. The dimensions, front view, and right side view
of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 45 min)

Figure A Isometric view of the Figure B Front view and right side views of
model the model
 Exercise 2
Create the model shown in Figure A. The dimensions, the front, top, right-side, and
isometric views of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 45 min)

Figure A Isometric view of the model Figure B Top view, front view, and right
side view of the model
 Exercise 3
Create the model shown in Figure A. The dimensions, the top view, front section view,
and the two auxiliary views of the model are shown in Figure B.
(Estimated time: 1 hr)

Figure A Isometric view of the model Figure B Top view, front section view, and
the two auxiliary views of the model
 Exercise 4
Create the model shown in Figure A. The dimensions, the left-side view, auxiliary
view, front view and isometric view of the model are shown in the Figure B.
(Expected time: 45 min)

Figure A Isometric view of the model Figure B Left-side view, auxiliary view, front
view, and isometric view of the model

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