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Course Code : A30306

Class : II B. Tech I Semester
Branch : MECH
Year : 2016 – 2017
Course Coordinator : Mr. SV Durga Prasad, Assistant Professor.
Course Faculty : Mr. SV Durga Prasad, Assistant Professor.


Thermodynamics is the science that deals with the relationship between heat and work and those properties of systems
that bear relation to heat and work. General laws of energy transformations concerning all types of systems, mechanical,
electrical and chemical may fall within the purview of this science. It is a science based on a number of empirical laws
formed by experimentation from which all predictions concerning the physical behavior of the system may be deduced
by logical reasoning. The findings have been formalized into certain basic laws, which are known as Zeroth, First,
Second and Third laws of thermodynamics. Power cycles and refrigeration cycle based on thermodynamic system is

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taxonomy Outcomes

Part - A (Short Answer Questions)

1 Explain Zeroth law of Thermodynamics. Understand 1,2
2 Define System, Surroundings and Boundary? Remember 1,2
3 Distinguish between macroscopic and microscopic point of view? Evaluate 1,2
4 Discuss Quasi Static process, what are its characteristics? Understand 1,2
5 Distinguish between different types of systems with examples. Evaluate 1,2
6 Explain the features of constant volume gas thermometer. Understand 1,2
7 Discuss First law of thermodynamics, explain Joule’s experiment. Understand 1,3
8 Define PMM 1. Remember 1,4
9 State the causes of irreversibility? Remember 1,4
10 Derive Steady Flow Energy Equation, when the device is an air Apply 4,5,6
11 State thermodynamic system? How do you classify it? Remember 1,2
12 State the closed system? Give an example Remember 1,2
13 Define Intensive and Extensive properties. Remember 1,2
14 Define equilibrium of a system? Remember 1,2
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15 Define Intensive and Extensive properties. Remember 1,2
16 Differentiate closed and open system. Analyze 1,2
17 Define Specific heat capacity at constant volume Remember 1,2
18 Define Specific heat capacity at constant pressure. Remember 1,2
19 Differentiate closed and open system. Analyze 1,2
20 Classify the properties of system? Understand 1,2
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Differentiate the system, surroundings and boundary Explain in detail. Analyze 4,5,6
2 Classify the types of systems, explain the energy conversion in them. Understand 1,2
3 Explain in detail the macroscopic and microscopic study of Understand 1,2
4 Explain the importance of concept of continuum in thermodynamic Understand 1,2
5 Explain thermodynamic equilibrium in detail? Understand 1,2
6 Differentiate thermal equilibrium and thermodynamic equilibrium, Analyze 4,5,6
7 Explain, the role of chemical equilibrium in thermodynamic equilibrium? Understand 1,2
8 Enumerate the Isobaric process from thermodynamic point of view? Analyze 4,5,6
9 Enumerate the Isochoric process from thermodynamic point of view? Analyze 4,5,6
10 Enumerate the Isothermal process from thermodynamic point of view? Analyze 4,5,6
11 Enumerate the Isentropic process from thermodynamic point of view? Analyze 4,5,6
12 Enumerate the polytrophic process from thermodynamic point of view? Analyze 4,5,6
13 Explain displacement work with neat diagram? Understand 1,2
14 State Zeroth law and explain with a good example? Understand 1,2
15 Explain the Joule’s experiment with a neat sketch? Understand 1,2
16 Sketch the constant volume gas thermometer and explain? Apply 4,5,6
17 List the scales of temperature and explain in detail? Understand 1,2
18 Compare the first law of thermodynamics with its corollaries? Analyze 4,5,6
19 Explain how the first law of thermodynamics applied to a process? Understand 1,2
20 Explain the Steady flow energy equation? Understand 1,2
Part - C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Questions)
1 When a stationary mass of gas was compressed without friction at constant Apply 4,5,6
pressure, its initial state of 0.4m3 and 0.105MPa was found to change to
final state of 0.20m3 and 0.105MPa. There was a transfer of 42.5kJ of heat
from the gas during the process. Determine the change in internal energy
of the gas?
2 0.44kg of air at 1800C, expands adiabatically to 3times its original volume Understand 1,2
and during the process there is a fall in temperature to 150C. The work
done during the process is 52.5kJ. Calculate Cp and Cv ?
3 Two thermometers one centigrade and other Fahrenheit are immersed in a Apply 4,5,6
fluid, after the thermometers reached equilibrium with the fluid, it is noted
that both the thermometers indicate the same numerical values. Find that
the identical numerical values shown by the thermometers? Determine the
corresponding temperature of the fluid, express in degrees Kelvin and
degrees Rankine?
4 Derive the steady flow energy equation. Apply 4,5,6
5 Derive the expression for work done in Apply 4,5,6
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i) Isothermal process
ii) Polytropic process
6 A piston cylinder device operates 1kg of fluid at 20atm pressure with Apply 4,5,6
initial volume is 0.04m3. Fluid is allowed to expand reversibly following
pV1.45=C. So that the volume becomes double. The fluid is cooled at
constant pressure until the piston comes back. Determine the work done in
each process?
7 A fluid contain in a horizontal cylinder with a frictionless leak proof piston Apply 4,5,6
is continuously agitated by a stirrer passing through the cylinder cover. The
diameter of the cylinder is 50cm and the piston is held against the fluid due
to atmospheric pressure equal to 100kPa. The stirrer turns 8000 revolutions
with an average torque of 1.5Nm. If the piston slowly moves outwards by
60cm. Determine the net work transfer to the system?
8 A Piston and cylinder machine contains a fluid system which passes Analyze 4,5,6
through a complete cycle of four processes. During a cycle the sum of all
heat transfers is -170kJ. The system completes 100cycles/minute.
Complete the following table showing the method for each item and
compute net rate of work output in kW.
Process Q(kJ/min) W(kJ/min) ΔE(kJ/min)
a-b 0 2170 ----
b-c 21000 0 ----
c-d -2100 ---- -36600
d-a ---- ---- ----
9 A fluid is confined in a cylinder by a spring loaded friction less piston, so Remember 1,2
the pressure in the fluid is a linear function of volume (p=a+bV).The
internal energy of the fluid is given by the following equation
U=34+3.15pV. Where U is in kJ, p in kPa and V is in m3. If the fluid
changes from initial state of 170kPa, 0.03m3 to a final state of 400kPa,
0.06m3 with no work other than that done on the piston. Define the
direction and magnitude of work and heat transfer.?
10 Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.5kg/sec through an air compressor, Analyze 4,5,6
entering at 7m/sec velocity, 100kpa pressure and 0.95m3/kg volume and
leaving at 5m/sec, 700kpa and 0.19m3/kg. The internal energy of air
leaving is 90kJ/kg greater than that of air entering. Cooling water in the
compressor jacket absorbs heat from the air at the rate of 58kw.Compute
the rate of shaft work input to the air in KW.

Part – A (Short Answer Questions)

1 State the limitations of first law of thermodynamics? Remember 1,2
2 Define second law of thermodynamics? Remember 1,2
3 State PMM 2? Remember 1,2
4 State the Carnot Cycle? Remember 2,4,6
5 State the Clausius inequality? Remember 1,2
6 Define the absolute temperature scale? Remember 1,2,4
7 State the property of entropy? Remember 1,2
8 Define an inversion curve? Remember 2,3
9 Solve one T -dS equation by using Maxwell’s relations? apply 4,5,6
10 State the Third law of Thermodynamics? Remember 1,2,5
11 Define internal energy of a system? Remember 1,2
12 Define the change in internal energy of a system? Remember 2,3
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13 Explain the available energy in a system? Understand 1,2,6
14 State the unavailable energy in a system? Remember 1,6
15 Explain the principle of entropy increase? Understand 1,6
16 Explain the exergy of a system? Understand 2,6
17 Explain the Clausius statement? Understand 3,4,5
18 State the Kelvin-Plank statement? Remember 3,4,5
19 Sketch the PV and TS diagrams of Carnot cycle. Apply 4,5,6
20 Classify the processes which constitute the cycle. Understand 1,6
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Explain the limitations of First law of thermodynamics in detail? Understand 1,2
2 Explain the thermal reservoir with a neat sketch? Understand 1,2
3 Explain the heat engine with a neat sketch? Understand 1,2
4 Explain the heat pump with a neat sketch? Understand 1,2
5 List the performance parameters of a system and explain in detail. Understand 1,2
6 Compare the first law and second law of thermodynamics with suitable Analyze 4,5,6
7 Explain the second law of thermodynamics with suitable sketches? Understand 1,2
8 Write the Kelvin-Plank statement and explain with an example? Understand 1,2
9 Write the Clausius statement and explain with an example? Understand 1,2
10 Write the Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statemes and explain with sketches? Understand 1,2
11 State PMM1 and PMM2, in which manner both are different? Analyze 4,5,6
12 Compare the relation with process and cycle? Explain. Analyze 4,5,6
13 State the Carnot’s principle? What is the importance of the principle, Understand 1,2,6
14 State the Clausius inequality? Explain. Understand 1,2
15 Explain the influence of entropy on various parameters? Analyze 4,5,6
16 Define Gibb’s and Helmholtz’s functions? Compare the importance of Analyze 4,5,6
17 State the irreversibility and explain. Understand 1,2
18 Explain the Availability in a thermodynamic system with example. Understand 1,2
19 Discuss the importance of Maxwell relations ? Understand 1,2
20 State the Third law of thermodynamics? Explain the importance. Remember 1,2,3
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
1 A heat engine working on Carnot cycle converts 1/5 th of the heat input into Apply 4,5,6
work. When the temperature of the sink is reduced by 80 0C, the efficiency
gets doubled. Determine the temperature of sink?
2 Discuss the equivalent of Kelvin-Plank and Clausius statements? Understand 4,5,6
3 1kg of ice at -50C expose to the atmosphere which, is at 200C. The ice Apply 4,5,6
melts and comes into thermal equilibrium with the atmosphere. Determine
the entropy increase of Universe. Cp for ice is 2.039 kJ/kgK, and the
enthalpy of fusion of ice is 333.3kJ/kg.
4 A domestic food freezer maintains a temperature of -150C, the ambient air Remember 1,2
temperature is 300C, if heat leaks into the freezer at the continuous rate of
1.75kJ/sec. State the least power necessary to pump this heat out
5 A heat engine is operating between two reservoirs 1000K and 300K is used Apply 4,5,6
to drive a heat pump which extracts heat from the reservoir at 300K at a
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rate twice that at which the engine rejects the heat to it. If the efficiency of
the engine is 40% of the maximum possible and COP of heat pump is 50%
of the maximum possible, then determine the temperature of the reservoir
to which the heat pump rejects heat. Also determine the rate of heat
rejection from the heat pump, if the rate of heat supply to the heat engine is
6 Three Carnot engine are arranged in series. The first engine takes 4000kJ Analyze 4,5,6
of heat from a source at 2000K and delivers 1800kJ of work. The second
and third engines deliver 1200kJ and 500kJ of work respectively.
Compare the exhaust temperature of second and third Carnot engines?
7 Two bodies of equal capacities C and T 1 and T2 from an adiabatically Apply 4,5,6
closed system. Determine the final temperature, if the system is brought to
an equilibrium state.
i) Freely
ii) Reversibly, Proceed to calculate the maximum work which can
be obtained from the system?
8 A heat engine is supplied with 2512kJ/min of heat at 650 0C. Heat Analyze 4,5,6
rejectiontakes place at 1000C. Distinguish which of the following heat
rejection represent a reversible, irreversible or impossible result.
9 Heat flows from a hot reservoir at 800K to another reservoir at 250K.If the Analyze 4,5,6
entropy change of overall process is 4.25kJ/K, Compare calculation for
the heat flowing out of the high temperature reservoir?
10 Air expands through a turbine from 500kPa, 520 0C to 100kPa, 3000C. Apply 4,5,6
During expansion 10kJ/kg of heat is lost to the surroundings, which is at
98kPa, 200C. Neglecting K.E and P.E changes, determine per kg of air
i)the decrease in availability
ii)the maximum work
for air take Cp=1.005kJ/kgk

Part - A (Short Answer Questions)

1 Explain the equation of state? Understand 1,4
2 Derive the changes in internal energy during a process with variable Apply 4,5,6
specific heats.
3 Derive the changes in enthalpy during a process with variable specific heats. Apply 4,5,6
4 Explain the process of free expansion? Understand 1,2
5 Explain the process of Throttling? Understand 1,2
6 State the expression for Vander Wall’s equation and determine the Remember
7 Explain On what coordinates compressibility charts can be drawn? Understand 1,2
8 List the molar specific heats, explain? Understand 1,2
9 Derive the expression for work done in a non-flow process, if the process Apply 4,5,6
is adiabatic?
10 Discuss briefly the reduced properties? Apply 4,5
11 Define Pure Substance and what do you understand by a saturation stage? Remember 1,2
12 Draw the phase diagram on p-v diagrams with water as pure substance? Apply 4,5
13 Explain the concept of p-v-T surface? Represent on p-T coordinates? Understand 1,2
14 Explain the critical state of water? Understand 1,2
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15 Draw the phase equilibrium diagram for a pure substance on T-s plot with Apply 4,5,6
relevant constant property line?
16 Draw the phase equilibrium diagram for a pure substance on H-s plot with Apply 4,5,6
relevant constant property line?
17 Compare isobar on Mollier diagram diverse from one another? Analyze 4,5,6
18 Explain Mollier chart by representing all the properties on it? Understand 1,2
19 State the degree of superheat and degree of sub cooling? Remember 1,2
20 Define dryness fraction? What are the different methods of measurement Remember 1,2
of dryness fraction?
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Enumerate the Perfect Gas Laws and analyze from thermodynamics point Evaluate 2,3,6
of view?
2 Explain the equation of State with variations? Understand 1,2
3 Explain, how the heat and work transfer observed in perfect gas? Understand 1,2
4 Explain the change in internal energy in perfect gas? Understand 1,2
5 State Vander Waals equation, what is the importance of it? Remember 1,2
6 What is compressibility chart, explain the procedure of usage? Understand 1,2
7 Explain the phase transformation process with a diagram? Understand 1,2
8 Analyze the properties at Triple point and state properties? Analyze 4,5,6
9 Derive the Clausius Claperon equation? Apply 4,5,6
10 Analyze the procedure adopted in Steam calorimetry ? Analyze 4,5,6
11 Why can not a throttling calorimeter measure the quality, if the steam is Understand 1,2
wet? Explain how is the quality been measured?
12 Explain the saturation temperature, the changes in specific volume, Understand 1,2
enthalpy and entropy during evaporation at 1MPa.
13 Compare the enthalpy, entropy and volume of steam at 1.4MPa, 380 0C. Analyze 4,5,6
14 A vessel of volume 0.04m3 contains a mixture of saturated water and Apply 4,5,6
saturated steam at a temperature of 2500C. The mass of the liquid present is
9kg.Find the pressure, mass, specific volume, enthalpy, entropy and
internal energy?
15 Steam initially at 1.5MPa, 3000C expands reversibly and adiabatically in a Apply 4,5,6
steam turbine to 400C. Determine the ideal work output of the Turbine per
kg of steam?
16 Steam flows in a pipe line at 1.5MPa. After expanding to 0.1MPa in a Apply 4,5,6
throttling calorimeter, the temperature is found to be 1200C.Determine the
quality of the steam in pipe line?
17 The following data were obtained with a separating and throttling Apply 4,5,6
Pressure in pipe line is 1.5MPa.
Condition after throttling is at 0.1MPa,110 0C,
During 5minutes moisture collected in the separator 0.15lt at 70 0C
steam condense after throttling during 5 min 3.24kg
Determine the quality of steam in the pipe line?
18 Determine the enthalpy and entropy of steam and the pressure is 2MPa Apply 4,5,6
and the specific volume is 0.09m3/kg.
19 A large insulated vessel is divided in to two chambers. One is containing Apply 4,5,6
5kg of dry saturated steam at 0.2MPa and other 10kg of steam, 0.8quality
at 0.5MPa. If the partition between the chambers is removed and the steam
is mixed thoroughly and allow to settle. Determine the final pressure
steam quality and entropy change in the process?
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20 Saturated steam has entropy of 6.76kJ/kg K. Determine the pressure, Apply 4,5,6
temperature, specific volume, enthalpy and internal energy?
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
1 The volume of a high altitude chamber is 40m3.It is put into operation by Understand 1,2
reducing pressure from 1bar to 0.4bar and temperature from 25 0C to
50C.How many kg of air must be removed from the chamber during the
process? Express this mass as a volume measured at 1bar and 25 0C.
2 A fluid at 200kPa and 3000C has a volume of 0.8m3 in a frictionless Apply 4,5,6
process at constant volume, the pressure changes to 100kPa. Calculate the
final temperature and heat transfer, if the fluid is air?
3 A fluid at 2500C and 300kPa is compressed reversibly and isothermally to Apply 4,5,6
1/16th of its original volume. Calculate the final pressure, work done and
change of internal energy per kg of fluid, if the fluid is air?
4 Solve that for an ideal gas the slope of the constant volume line on the T-S Apply 4,5,6
diagram is more than that of the constant pressure line.
5 The specific heats of a gas are given by Cp=a+kT and Cv=b+kT where a, b, Apply 4,5,6
k are constants and T is in Kelvin. Show that for an isentropic expansion of
gas Tbv(a-b)ekT=constant.
6 A reversible polytropic process begins with a fluid at p 1=10bar, T1=2000C Apply 4,5,6
and at p2=1bar, the exponent n has the value 1.15. Find the final specific
volume, the final temperature and the heat transfer per kg of fluid, if the
fluid is air.
7 A certain gas has Cp=1.968 and Cv=1.507kJ/kg K. Find its molecular Apply 4,5,6
weight and the gas constant?
8 A constant volume of 0.3m3capacity contains 2kg of this gas at 50C. Heat is Apply 4,5,6
transferred to the gas until the temperature is 100 0C. Find the work done,
the heat transfer and changes in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy?
9 A reversible adiabatic process begins at p1=10bar, T1=3000C and ends with Apply 4,5,6
p2=1bar. Find the specific volume and the work done per kg of fluid, if the
fluid is air?
10 Derive an expression for entropy change of an ideal gas from Tds Apply 4,5,6

Part – A (Short Answer Questions)

1 State Dalton’s law of partial pressures? Remember 1,2
2 Compute the characteristic gas constant and the molecular weight of the Analyze 4,5,6
gas mixture?
3 Derive the expression for internal energy? Apply 4,5,6
4 Define mole fraction? Remember 1,2
5 Explain about volumetric and gravimetric analysis? Understand 1,2
6 Define dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature Remember 1,2
and degree of saturation?
7 Explain adiabatic saturation temperature? Understand 1,2
8 Explain psychrometric charts while representing all the properties? Understand 1,2
9 Locate i) sensible heating ii) sensible cooling iii) heating and Apply 4,5,6
humidification iv) heating and dehumidification on psychrometric chart?
10 Define bypass factors represent adiabatic mixing of two air streams on Remember 1,2
psychrometric chart?
11 State dry bulb temperature? Remember 1,2
12 State wet bulb temperature? Remember 1,2
13 Define specific humidity? Remember 1,2
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14 Define relative humidity? Remember 1,2
15 Explain Psychrometric chart? Understand 1,2
16 State adiabatic saturation? Remember 1,2
17 Define degree of saturation? Remember 1,2
18 Obtain the expression for enthalpy of gas mixture? Apply 4,5,6
19 Define mass fraction? Remember 1,2
20 State the law of additive volumes? Remember 1,2
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Explain the Mole fraction and Mass fraction in the Mixture of Perfect gas? Understand 1,2
2 Explain Gravimetric Analysis of mixtures? Understand 1,2
3 Explain the Volumetric Analysis of mixtures? Understand 1,2
4 Explain the Dalton’s law of partial pressure with an example? Understand 1,2
5 Explain the Avogadro’s laws of additive volumes? Understand 1,2
6 Compare the Volumetric and Gravimetric Analysis of mixtures? Analyze 4,5,6
7 Determine mole fraction and volume fraction in a gas mixture? Apply 4,5,6
8 Determine mole fraction and partial pressure in a gas mixture? Apply 4,5,6
9 Explain Equivalent gas constant of a gas mixture? Understand 1,2
10 Explain Molecular internal energy of a gas mixture? Understand 1,2
11 Determine enthalpy of a gas mixture? Apply 4,5,6
12 Determine the entropy of a gas mixture? Apply 4,5,6
13 Explain the various properties of psychrometry ? Understand 1,2
14 Compare dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature with a sketch? Analyze 4,5,6
15 Explain the concept of dew point temperature? Understand 1,2
16 Differentiate the Relation between specific humidity and relative Analyze 4,5,6
17 Explain the degree of saturation with an example? Understand 1,2
18 Explain the adiabatic saturation,. Understand 1,2
19 Compare degree of saturation and adiabatic saturation. Analyze 4,5,6
20 Derive the Carrier’s equation. Apply 4,5,6
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
1 The analysis by weight of a perfect gas mixture at 200C and 1.3bar is Analyze 4,5,6
10%O2, 70%N2,15%CO2 and 5%CO. For a reference state of 00C and 1bar,
determine partial pressure of the constituent and gas constant of mixture.
2 In an engine cylinder a gas has a volumetric analysis of 13%CO 2, 12.5%O2 Apply 4,5,6
and 74.5%N2. The temperature at the beginning of expansion is 950 0C and
gas mixture expands reversibly through a volume ratio of 8:1. According to
the law pV1.2=constant. Calculate per kg of gas, the work done and the
heat flow. Take Cp for CO2=1.235kJ/kgK and O2=1.088kJ/kgK and N2 is
3 The following is the volumetric analysis of a producer gas: Apply 4,5,6
CO=28%,H2=13%,CH4=4%,CO2=4%,N2=51%. The values of Cp for the
constituent CO,H2, CH4,CO2 and N2 are 29.27kJ/mol.K,28.89kJ/mol.K,
35.8kJ/mol.K,37.22kJ/mol.K,29.14kJ/mol.K respectively. Calculate the
values of Cp,Cv for the mixture.
4 The gravimetric analysis of air and other data are as follows: Apply 4,5,6
Constituent Percentage Molecular weight
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Oxygen 23.14 32
Nitrogen 75.53 28
Argon 1.28 40
Carbon dioxide 0.05 44
Calculate i) Gas constant for air ii)Apparent molecular weight
5 A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is to be made, so that the ratio of H2 to Apply 4,5,6
O2 is 2:1 by volume. If the pressure and temperature are 1bar and 25 0C,
respectively. Calculate mass of oxygen required and volume of the
6 Air at 10bar and a DBT of 400Cand WBT of 360C.Compute degree of Analyze 4,5,6
saturation, dew point temperature and enthalpy of the mixture?
7 Atmospheric air at 1.0132bar has DBT of 32 0C and a WBT of 260C. Analyze 4,5,6
Compute partial pressure of the water vapor, specific humidity, dew point
temperature and relative humidity?
8 Air at 200C,40% RH is mixed adiabatically with air at 40 0C, 40%RH in the Apply 4,5,6
ratio of 1kg of the former with 2kg of later( on dry basis).Find the final
condition of air?
9 Saturated air at 210C is passed through a dryer, so that its final relative Apply 4,5,6
humidity is 20%. The dryer uses silica gel absorbent. The air is then pass
through a cooler until its final temperature is 210C without a change in
specific humidity. Find out i)the temperature of air at the end of the drying
process, ii) the relative humidity at the end of the cooling process, iii)The
dew point temperature at the end of the drying process?
10 An air water vapor mixture enters an adiabatic saturator at 30 0C and leaves Analyze 4,5,6
at200C, which is the adiabatic saturation temperature? The pressure
remains constant at 100kPa. Determine the relative humidity and humidity
ratio of the inlet mixture.

Part - A (Short Answer Questions)

1 Classify the assumptions to be made for the analysis of all air standard Analyze 4,5,6
2 List the Processes in Otto cycle and represent on P-V and T-S diagrams? Apply 4,5,6
3 List the Processes in Constant pressure cycle and represent on P-V and T- Apply 4,5,6
S diagrams?
4 List the variable factors used for comparison of cycles? Remember 1,2,6
5 Draw the Atkinson cycle? How it differs from Otto cycle? Apply 4,5,6
6 Derive the air standard efficiency of Diesel cycle? Apply 4,5,6
7 D Define mean effective pressure? Remember 1,2
8 List functional parts of simple vapor compression system represents the Remember 1,2
processes on T-S diagram?
9 Draw the Sketch P-V and T-S diagrams of Bell-Coleman cycle while Apply 4,5,6
representing process and hence deduce its COP?
10 Discuss limited pressure cycle; represent the processes of it on P-V and T- Understand 1,2
S diagrams?
11 Compare Otto cycle with Diesel cycle? Analyze 4,5,6
12 Define the unit of refrigeration? Remember 1,2,6
13 Define COP of refrigeration? Remember 1,2,6
14 Draw the PV and TS diagram of Atkinson Cycle? Apply 4,5,6
15 Draw the PV and TS diagram of Ericsson Cycle? Apply 4,5,6
16 Draw the PV and TS diagram of Lenoir Cycle? Apply 4,5,6
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17 Draw the PV and TS diagram of Sterling Cycle? Apply 4,5,6
18 Define vapor compression cycle? Remember 1,2,6
19 Evaluate the performance of refrigeration cycle? Evaluate 4,5,6
20 Draw the PV and TS diagrams of dual combustion cycle? Apply 4,5,6
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Differentiate cycle and power cycle. Explain in detail with diagram. Analyze 4,5,6
2 Explain the working principle of Otto cycle with a diagram. Understand
3 Sketch the Otto cycle and explain the processes in the cycle. Apply 4,5,6
4 State the characteristic of power cycles? Remember 1,2
5 Support diesel car have a better fuel efficiency than a gasoline car? Evaluate 4,5
6 Explain the Otto cycle working principle with P-V and T-S diagram? Understand 1,2
7 Explain the diesel cycle working principle with P-V and T-S diagram? Understand 1,2
8 Explain the dual cycle working principle with P-V and T-S diagram? Understand 1,2
9 Explain the sterling cycle working principle with P-V and T-S diagram? Understand 1,2
10 Explain the Atkinson cycle working principle with P-V and T-S diagram? Understand 1,2
11 Explain the Ericsson cycle working principle with P-V and T-S diagram? Understand 1,2
12 Explain the Lenoir cycle working principle with P-V and T-S diagram? Understand 1,2
13 Compare the thermal efficiency and mean effective pressure of Otto and Analyze 4,5,6
diesel cycles?
14 Compare the thermal efficiency and mean effective pressure of dual and Analyze 4,5,6
diesel cycles?
15 Compare the thermal efficiency and mean effective pressure of Otto and Analyze 4,5,6
dual cycles?
16 List the thermal efficiencies, mep’s of otto,diesel and dual cycles? Compare Remember 1,2
their efficiencies?
17 Examine the performance of vapor compression cycle? Evaluate 4,5
18 Examine the performance of Bell-Coleman cycle? Evaluate 4,5
19 Explain the working principle of Bell-Coleman cycle with diagram? Understand 1,2
20 Explain the working principle of vapor compression cycle? Understand 1,2
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
1 Derive the expression for air standard efficiency of a constant volume Apply 4,5,6
2 An engine working on Otto cycle has a volume of 0.45m3 pressure 1bar Analyze 4,5,6
and temperature 300C at the beginning of the compression stroke. At the
end of the compression stroke the pressure is 11bar. 210kJ of heat is added
at constant volume. Determine efficiency and mean effective pressure?
3 An engine with 200mm cylinder diameter and 300mm stroke working on Analyze 4,5,6
theoretical diesel cycle. The initial pressure and temperature of air used are
1bar and 270C. The cut of is 8% of the stroke. Determine air standard
efficiency, mean effective pressure and power of the engine if the working
cycles per minute are 300? Assume the compression ratio is 15 and the
working fluid is air.
4 a)Determine the Compression ratio, if efficiency of an Otto cycle is 60% Analyze 4,5,6
ɣ = 1.5?
b) An inventor claims that a new heat cycle will develop 0.4kw for a heat
addition of 32.5kJ/min. The temperature of heat source is 1990K and that
of sink is 850K. Is his claim possible?
S No QUESTION Blooms Course
taxonomy Outcomes
5 A perfect gas undergoes a cycle which consists of following processes. i) Apply 4,5,6
heat rejection at constant pressure ii) adiabatic compression from 1bar and
270C to 4 bar iii) heat addition at constant volume to a final pressure of
16bar iv) adiabatic expansion to 1bar. Calculate work done per kg of gas
and efficiency of the cycle. Take Cp = 0.92 and Cv=0.7.
6 The stroke and cylinder diameter of Compression Ignition engine are Analyze 4,5,6
250mm and 150mm respectively. If the clearance volume is 0.0004m3 and
fuel injection takes place at constant pressure for 5% of the stroke.
Determine the efficiency of the engine. Assume the engine working on
Diesel cycle?
7 An engine of 250mm bore and 375mm stroke works on Otto cycle. The Apply 4,5,6
clearance volume is 0.00263m3. The initial pressure and temperature are
1bar and 500C. The maximum pressure is limited to 25bar. Find the air
standard efficiency and the mean effective pressure of the cycle? Assume
ideal conditions?
8 28tonnes of ice from and at 00C is produced per day in an Ammonia Apply 4,5,6
refrigerator. The temperature range in the compressor is from 25 0C to -
150C. The vapor is dry and saturated at the end of the compression and
expansion valve is used. Assuming the C.O.P of 62% of the theoretical.
Calculate power required to drive the compressor?
9 A Bell-Coleman refrigerator operates between pressure limits of 1bar and Apply 4,5,6
8bar. Air is drawn from the cold chamber at 9 0C, compressed and then it is
cooled to 290C before entering the expansion cylinder. Expansion and
compression follow the law pV1.35=C.
Calculate theoretical C.O.P of the system. Take ɣ of air is 1.4.
10 The swept volume of a Diesel engine working on Dual cycle is 0.0053m3 Analyze 4,5,6
and clearance volume is 0.00035m3. The maximum pressure is 65bar. Fuel
injection ends at 5% of stroke. The temperature and pressure of the start of
the compression are 800C and 0.9bar. Determine air standard efficiency of
cycle? Take ɣ of air is 1.4.

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