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Important Question Thermodynamics

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Note:- 1) Concentrate on Question in purple color.

2) Entropy and Availability solve numerical from book
Sr No UNIT:-1 Fundamental Concepts and Definitions Marks
1 Concept of flow work. 4
2 a) Explain the following terms : i) Working substance ii) Pure substance iii) Process iv) Open system. 8
3 State the sign convention for heat and work transfer. 4
4 Define system classify it in detail with suitable example. 4
5 Differentiate between 'mechanical work' and 'Thermodynamic work'. 4
6 What is meant by state, process and a cycle? Distinguish between reversible and Irreversible processor. 4
7 "A system has reached an equilibrium state". What is its meaning? 4
8 Derive an expression W= − ∫ vdp 4
Differentiate the following : i) Macroscopic view and microscopic view of thermodynamics. ii) Closed system
9 4
and isolated system.
10 What is thermometric property? Give any four types of thermometer and thermometric property used. 4

11 Explain Zeroth law of thermodynamics compare Celsius, Rankine, Kelvin and Fahrenheit temperature scales. 4

12 Explain statistical and classical thermodynamics. Also describe the scope of thermodynamics with examples. 6
13 Explain quasi-static process with an example. 4
14 Thermodynamic temperature scale.* 6
15 i) Define Temperature and Explain how zeroth law enables the measurement of temperature. 4
16 ii) Differentiate between “Mechanical Work and Thermodynamic Work” 4
In a piston cylinder arrangement, the pressure is proportional to the square of volume. The initial pressure is
17 10 bar in the cylinder and initial volume is 0.1m3. The volume is now changed so that the find pressure is 2 6
bar. Find the work done in kJ.
An engine cylinder has a piston area of 0.1m2 contains gas at a pressure of 1.5mPa, the gas expands
18 according to a process, which is represented by a straight line on P-V plane. The find pressure is 0.15mPa. 6
Calculate the work done by the gas if stroke is 0.3m.
A fluid system Undergoes a non flow frictionless process. The pressure and volume are related as
19 P=(5/V+1.5),Where P is in bar, V is in m3. During the process the volume changes from 0.15 m3 to 0.05m3. 6
Calculate workdone by te fluid.
A non-flow system undergoes a friction less process according to Law. P=(4.5/V)+2 Where pressure P is in
bar, and volume V is in m kg 3 . During this process volume changes from 0.12m kg 3 to 0.04m kg 3 and
20 6
temperature increases by 133ºC. The change in internal energy of the fluid. Du=CV.dT where CV= 0.71KJ kg K
and dT is temperature change. Find out :i) Heat transfer ii) Change in enthalpy Assume fluid mass of 5 kg.
A pressure cooker contains 2kg of dry & saturated steam at 5bar. Find the quantity of heat that must be
21 6
rejected so as to reduce quality upto 60% dry. Also find pressure & temp at new state.
A spherical ballon contains 5 kg of air at 200 kPa and 500 k. The ballon material is such that the pressure
22 inside is always proportional to the square of the diameter. Determine the work done, when the volume of 6
the ballon doubles as a result of heat transfer.
The resistance of a platinum wire is found to be 11,000 ohms at the ice point, 15.247 ohms at the steam point,
23 and 28.887 ohms at the sulphur point. Find the constants A and B in the equation R = R0 (1 + At + Bt2 ) And 6
plot R against t in the range 0 to 660°C.
The temperature t on a thermometric scale is defined in terms of a property K by the relation
t = a ln K + b
24 Where a and b are constants. The values of K are found to be 1.83 and 6.78 at the ice point and the steam 6
point, the temperatures of which are assigned the numbers 0 and 100 respectively. Determine the
temperature corresponding to a reading of K equal to 2.42 on the thermometer.
Sr No UNIT:-2 First law of Thermodynamics Marks
1 State any three assumption of steady flow process. 4
2 State concept of control volume.* 4
3 State the first law of thermo dynamics for cyclic process with equation 4
4 What are limitations of IST law of thermodynamics? ** 4
5 P M M-II and P M M-I * 4
6 Define steady how process. Write the steady flow energy equation on mass basic. 6
Note:- 1) Concentrate on Question in purple color.
2) Entropy and Availability solve numerical from book
7 Define steady how process. Write the steady flow energy equation on time basic. 6
8 Is enthalpy a function of temperature only/ Give reason 4
9 Derive the equation for Nozzle from S.F.EE. 6
10 Prove that, Internal energy is a property of a system. 6
What is throttling process? Why are throttling devices commonly used in refrigeration and air conditioning
11 6
Apply SFEE to following. i) Nozzle and Diffusers. ii) Steam and gas turbines iii) Centrifugal water pump.iv)
12 6
Boiler, Heat exchanger. V) Compressor
Two Kg of a gas at a temperature of 17ºC is heated to a temperature of 89ºC. The specific heats at constant
13 pressure and constant volume are 1.002kJ/kgk and 0.716kJ/kgk respectively. Find the heat absorbed by the 6
gas at constant pressure and constant volume. Also find the value of the ratio of specific heat for this gas.

A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity of a steadily flowing process. At the inlet to a nozzle, the
enthalpy of the fluid passing through is 3000 KJ/kg and the velocity is 60 m/sec. At the discharge end the
14 enthalpy is 2757 kJ/kg. The nozzle is horizontal and the heat loss during the flow is negligible.i) Find the 6
velocity at exit from the nozzle. ii) If the inlet area is 0.1 m2 and the specific volume at inlet is 0.187 m3/kg,
Find the mass flow rate. iii) If the specific volume at outlet is 0.498 m3/kg find the area at exit.

A certain water heater operates under steady flow conditions receiving 4.2 kg/s of water at 75o C
temperature, enthalpy 313.93kJ/kg. The water is heated by mixing with steam which supplied to the heater
15 6
at temp. 100.2oC and enthalpy 2676 kJ/kg. The mixture leaves the heater as liquid water at temperature
100oC and enthalpy 419 kJ/kg. How much steam must be supplied to the heater per hour ?

Air flow steadily at the rate of 0.5 Kg/sec through an air compressor, entering at 7m.sec velocity, 100kpa
pressure and 0.95 m3 /kg volume and leaving at 5m/sec, 700 kpa and 0.19 m3 /kg. The internal energy of the
16 air leaving is 90 kj/kg greater than that of the air entering. Cooling water in compressor jackets absorb heat 6
at the state of 50kw. a) Compute the rate of shaft work input to the air in kw. b) Find the ratio of inlet pipe
diameter to outlet pipe diameter to outlet pipe diameter.
A centrifugal pump delivers 50kg of water per second. The inlet & outlet pressure are - 0.1MPa & 0.42MPa
respectively. The suction is 2.2m below the centre of the pump & delivery is 8.5m above the centre of pump.
17 6
The suction & delivery pipe diameter are 25cm & 15cm respectively. Determine the capacity of electric motor
to run the pump.
In an isentropic how through nozzle, air flows at the rate of 600 kg/h. at the inlet to the nozzle, pressure is 2
18 mpa and temperature is 1270c. The exit pressure is 0.5 mpa. If the initial velocity is 300 m/s, determine i) 6
Exit velocity of air ii) Inlet and exit areas of nozzle.
Sr No UNIT:-3 Second Law of Thermodynamics Marks
1 Heat engine, refrigerator and heat pump. 4
2 Differentiate between heat pump & refrigerator. 4
3 What do you mean by heat reservoir? Explain HTR & LTR. 4
4 State and explain “Clausius theorem”. 4
5 State “Kelin Planks” statement of IInd law of thermodynamic. 4
6 Prove that COPHP=COPR+1. * 6
7 Explain Carnot cycle and prove that 6
8 Define thermal efficiency of a heat engine and express it in terms of heat reactions. 6
9 Define irreversible process. Explain various factors responsible for irreversibility of the process. 6
10 What are the limitations of Carnot cycle? 4
11 Explain Carnot cycle. 4
12 Prove the equivalence of Kelvin Plank and clauses statements of 2nd law of thamodymics. 6
Prove the Carnot theorem that “The efficiency of a irreversible heat engine is always less than the efficiency
13 6
of a reversible energy operating between the same two thermal reservoir”.
14 Show that the efficiency of reversible engine operating between two constant temperture is maximum 6
Note:- 1) Concentrate on Question in purple color.
2) Entropy and Availability solve numerical from book
o o
It takes 15 kw to keep the interior of an auditorium at 22 C when the outside temp. is 2 C. The heat flow is
obtained by burning oil. Calculate the power required if the 15 kw heat flow were supplied by operating a
15 6
reversible heat pump with the theatre as the upper reservoir and the outside surrounding as the lower
reservoir.i) Find the power required to drive the heat pump. ii) Find the saving in power by using heat pump.
A reversible engine supplied heat from two constant temperature sources at 800K and 400K and rejects heat to
a constant temperature sink at 200K. If engine executes a number of cycles, while developing 100KW and
16 6
rejecting 3500kJ of heat per minute. Determine the heat supplied by each source per minutes and efficiency of
the engine.
Two carnot refrigerators A and B operate in series. The refrigerator. A absorbs energy at the rate of 1 KJ/s from
a body at temperture 300k, and rejects energy as heat to a body at temperture T. the refrigertor B absorbs the
same quantity of energy which is rejected by refrigerator A from the body at temperature T, and rejects energy
17 6
as heat to a body at temperature 1000k. if both the refrigerators have the same COP, calculate: i) Temperature
T of body ii) COP of refrigerators. iii) The rate at which energy is rejected as heat to the body at temperture
Two Carnot engines are working in series between source & sink. The first engine receives heat from reservoir
at a temperature of 1000 K & rejects heat to another reservoir at temperature T2. The second engine receives
18 6
the heat energy rejected by first engine & rejects heat to sink at temp of 300 K. Find temperature ‘T2’ if (i)
power output of both is same (II) both engines have same efficiency.
A heat pump working on the Carnot cycle takes in heat from a reservoir of 5 0 c and deliver heat to a reservoir at
60 0 c. The heat pump is driven by a reversible heat engine which take in heat from a reservoir at 840 0 c and
19 reject heat to a reservoir at 60 0 c . The reversible heat engine also drives a machine that consume 30kw. If heat 6
pump extracts 17kj/sec from 5 0 c reservoir determine. i) Rate of heat supply from 8400c source. ii) The rate of
heat rejection to sink at 600c.
A heat pump is used to maintain an auditorium hall at 25ºC when the atmospheric temperature is 10ºC. the
20 heat load of the hall is 1500 kJ/min. Calculate the power required to run the actual heat pump if the C.O.P of the 6
actual heat pump is 30% of the C.O.P of the Carnot heat pump working between the same temperature limits.

In a heat engine, the temperature of source and sink are 700 0 c and 50 0 c respectively. The heat supplied is 5
21 6
MJ/min. find power development by the engine.
A reversible heat engine is supplied with from two constant temperature sources at 900K and 500K and rejects
22 to the low temperature reservoir at 300K. Assuming the engine to execute number complete cycles, while 6
developing 70 KW and rejecting 53KW. Calculate heat supplied by each source and efficiency of the engine.
Sr No UNIT:-4 Entropy Marks
1 State and explain the “principle of increase of entropy”. Show that entropy of universe is incresing. *** 6
2 What do you mean by entropy? Explain temperature entropy diagram. 6
3 State and prove the “clausius In-equality”. 6
4 What is irreversibility? Explain. * 6
5 Prove entropy as a property. 6
6 Entropy and disorder 4
7 Combined I and II Law 4
8 Entropy Direction 4
0.5 kg of a perfect gas is heated from 1000c to 3000c at constant pressure of 2.8 bar. Find change in entropy.
9 6
Take cp = 1kJ/kg and cv = 0.72 KJ/kg kj
A certain quantity of air is heated in a reversible isothermal process from, 1 bar and 400c to 10 bar, calculate
10 6
change in entropy per kg of air.
Sr No UNIT:-5 Availability Marks
1 What do you mean by “available energy”.* 4
2 Define Second Law Efficiency 4
3 what do you understand by high grade energy and low grade enrgy. 4
4 Derive the expression for Availability in non-flow system 6
5 Derive the expression for Availability in Steady-flow system 6
Note:- 1) Concentrate on Question in purple color.
2) Entropy and Availability solve numerical from book
Derive the expression for decrease in available energy when heat is transferred through a finite temperature
6 6
7 Available and unavailable energy. ** 4
A system at 550 K receives 325 KJ/s of heat energy from a source at 1600 K ,and the temperature of both the
system and source remain constant during the heat transfer process. Represent the process on entropy
8 6
diagram and determine i) Net change in entropy ii) Available energy of heat source and system iii) Decrease
in available energy. Take atmospheric temperature =300 K.
0.3 kg of air initially at 485 k temperature receivers 200 kj of heat reversibly at constant pressure.
9 Determine the available and unavailable energies of the heat added. Take Cp for air = 1.005 KJ/Kgk and 6
temperature of surroundings -300 k.
Sr No UNIT:-6 Ideal Gas and properties of Steam Marks
1 Represent constant temperature process on P-V and T.S diagrams. 3
2 Define pure substance and state its examples. 3
3 Define pure substance. Is iced water pure substance? 3
4 Draw adiabatic process of P-V and T-S diagram. 3
5 Define critical paint and show on T-S and h-s diagrams. 3
6 Draw constant entropy process on P-V and T-S diagrams. 3
7 What is main feature of triple point? Explain. 3
8 Separating and throttling calorimeter. * 3
9 Enthalpy- entropy diagram 3
10 Advantages of superheats steam. 3
11 Quality of steam 3
12 Triple point.* 6
13 Define wet steam and superheated steam. 3
14 Explain the process of steam generation. 6
15 Define and explain: i) Boyle's law. ii) Charle's law. iii) Avogadro's law iv) Universal gas constant. 6
16 Derive an expression for work done and heat supplied for polytrophic non flow process. 6
17 Prove characteristic gas equation PV=mRT. 6
18 Derive characteristic gas equation. 6
19 Obtain an equation for heat transfer in polytrophic process in terms of polytrophic specific heat. 6
20 State the devices used for determining dryness fraction of steam. 6
What are different phases of pure substance state the process of phase transformation bases on heat
21 6
supplied or rejected?
22 Derive an expression for enthalpy of wet steam. 6
23 With the help of neat sketch explain the process of formation of steam. 6
24 Define the following. i) Pure substance ii) Dryness fraction iii) Degree of superheat iv) Enthalpy. 6
25 How you measure dryness fraction by using combined separating and throttling calorimeter ? 6
In a vessel, 10Kg of Oxygen is heated in a reversible, non-flow, constant volume process so that the pressure
of oxygen is increased two times that of initial value. The initial temperature is 25ºC. Calculate i) The final
26 6
temperature ii) Change in Internal energy iii) Change in enthalpy iv) Heat transfer Take, R=0.259 kJ/kg.k, Cv
= 0.652 kJ/kg.k.
Steam at 8 bar and 250 c is flowing at the rate of 1.5 kg/sec passes through a pipe caring wet steam at 8 bar
and 0.98 dry. After adiabatic mixing the flow rate is 2.8 kg/sec. Determine condition of steam after mixing.
27 6
The mixture is further expanded in a nozzle isentropic ally to a pressure of 4 bars. Determine velocity of
steam leaving nozzle.
In the water heating device using steam operators under steady flow conditions receiving 4.5 kg/sec. of
water at 80 degree temperatures. Enthalpy of water as 317 KJ/kg. The water is heated by mixing with steam
28 which is supplied to the heater at temperature 100 degree with enthalpy 2676 KJ/kg. Te mixture leaves the 6
heater as liquid water at a temperature of 100 degree and enthalpy 419 KJ/kg. How much steam must be
supplied to the heater per hour?
Two boilers one with superheater and other without superheater are delivering equal quantities of steam
into a common main .The pressure in the two boilers and main is 20 bar. The temperature of the steam from
29 6
the boiler with a superheater is 380degree and temperature of steam in the main is 250degree . Determine
quality of steam supplied by the other boiler
Note:- 1) Concentrate on Question in purple color.
2) Entropy and Availability solve numerical from book
0.8 kg of steam at a pressure of 15 bar and 2500c expands to 1.5 bar. Assuming that steam expands according
30 to the law, calculate the final dryness fraction, work done, heat transferred and change of entropy during the 6
Identify the type of steam in the following three cases using the steam table and giving necessary calculations
supporting your claim. i) 2 kg of steam at 8 bar with enthalpy 5538.0 kJ at temperature 170.4oC. ii) 1 kg of
31 6
steam at 2550 kPa occupies a volume of 0.2742 m3. Also find the steam temp. iii) 1 kg of steam at 60 bar with
enthalpy of 2470.73 kJ/kg.
For a sample of 1 kg steam at 12 bar pressure & 208ºC temperature, Find enthalpy, entropy, specific volume
32 6
and internal energy.
Dry saturated steam at 1550KPa is isothermally expanded to 100KPa pressure. Calculate the change in
33 6
internal energy, work done and heat transfer during the process.
Determine for a sample of 1kg of steam at a pressure of 20bar, the following enthalpy at. a) Wet with dryness
34 6
fraction of 0.8 b) Dry and saturated. c) Superheated with 20ºC degree of superheat Take Cp=2.1 kJ/kg K
A vessel contains 1 kg of steam at 12 bar pressure and 208ºC temperature. Find :i) Enthalpy ii) Specific
35 6
volume iii) Entropy iv) Internal energy.
State the conditions of steam in the following cases. i) At a pressure of 10 bar, total heat is 2780 KJ/Kg ii) At
pressure of 15 bar, temp is 197.4 degree iii) At a pressure of 20 bar, temp is 225 degree iv) At a pressure of 7
36 6
bar, sp volume is 0.26 m3 v) At a pressure of 8 bar,total heat is 2800 KJ/Kg

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