Rosettanet Etd Library User'S Guide: Release 4.5.2
Rosettanet Etd Library User'S Guide: Release 4.5.2
Rosettanet Etd Library User'S Guide: Release 4.5.2
User’s Guide
Release 4.5.2
© 2000–2002 by SeeBeyond Technology Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This work is protected as an unpublished work under the
copyright laws.
This work is confidential and proprietary information of SeeBeyond and must be maintained in strict confidence.
Version 20020304153127.
Chapter 1
Introduction 5
Overview 5
Intended Reader 5
Compatible Systems 5
Chapter 2
RosettaNet Overview 7
RosettaNet Overview 7
What Is RosettaNet? 7
Components of the RosettaNet Standard 8
Message Guideline Format 8
What Is a Message Structure? 8
Supported Versions 9
Structure of a RosettaNet Business Message 10
RNIF 1.1 Structure 10
RNIF 2.0 Structure 10
Preamble 11
Delivery Header (RNIF 2.0 Only) 11
Service Header 12
Service Content (Payload) 12
Attachments (RNIF 2.0 Only) 12
Differences Between 1.1 and 2.0 13
Backward Compatibility 13
RosettaNet eBusiness Message Structures 13
Clusters 13
Partner Interface Processes (PIPs) 14
RosettaNet Enveloping Features 14
Types of RosettaNet Messages 15
Action Messages 15
Business Signals 15
About XML 16
Security 16
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Index 37
This chapter introduces you to the RosettaNet ETD Library User’s Guide.
1.1 Overview
An Event Type Definition (ETD) library contains sets of pre-built structures for
industry-standard formats. e*Gate ETD files are message format definitions in two
! Monk
! Java
The RosettaNet ETD Library is a feature of the e*Gate Integrator system, and contains
message definitions for RosettaNet messages. This document gives a brief overview of
RosettaNet and the RosettaNet message structures provided with e*Gate, and provides
information on installing and using the RosettaNet ETD Library.
! AIX 4.3.3
Note: UNIX Systems—This guide uses the backslash (“\”) as the separator within path
names. If you are working on a UNIX system, please make the appropriate
RosettaNet Overview
! Delimiters
The specific predefined characters that are used to mark the beginning and end of
envelopes, segments, and data elements. In RosettaNet, the XML begin and end
tags are the delimiters.
! Properties
Characteristics of a data element, such as the length of each element, default values,
and indicators that specify attributes of a data element—for example, whether it is
required, optional, or repeating.
The properties of a RosettaNet XML tag are defined by the DTD.
e*Xchange Partner Manager uses e*Gate Event Type Definitions, which are based on
the RosettaNet message structures, to interpret the inbound or outbound messages.
e*Gate installation includes message structures for a number of RosettaNet eBusiness
Service Header
Process Header
Transaction Header
Action Header
Service Content
Action Content
Preamble Header
Service Header
Service Content
Attachment 1 Payload
Attachment 2 etc.
2.6.3 Preamble
All RosettaNet messages must have a Preamble. It is specified with a DTD that is
common across all messages.
The Preamble section of the MIME message contains elements that are global to the
RosettaNet service and others that are common to the Service Header and Service
Content; for example, the message standard and version used in the message.
An example of an actual RNIF 1.1 Preamble is shown in Figure 3.
! PDF files
2.7.1 Clusters
RosettaNet has delineated the scope of supply chain processes for which it will design
PIPs. This scope is divided into a total of 17 segments grouped in 6 clusters. The
clusters are listed in Table 1.
Action Messages
The action message is the fundamental business message that is exchanged within a
transaction of a RosettaNet Business Process and is specified in corresponding PIPs.
Business Signals
A RosettaNet business signal is a system-level positive or negative acknowledgment
message or exception message that might be returned to either the sender or receiver of
a PIP.
There are five types of business signals:
! Receipt Acknowledgment
A Receipt Acknowledgment is a positive signal acknowledging receipt of a
Business Action message. It is sent when a message is received by a trading partner
and is found to be a structurally and syntactically valid RosettaNet business action
message. It is sent only if required by the PIP (almost all PIPs require a receipt
! Receipt Acknowledgment Exception
A Receipt Acknowledgment Exception is a negative signal indicating a problem
with a Business Action message.
Note: Business Actions are acknowledged. Business Signals are never acknowledged.
2.10 Security
RosettaNet includes the following security features:
! Transport via HTTP with SSL (HTTPS)
! RosettaNet “business object” which contains:
" Digital signature length (4 bytes)
" Optional digital signature (PKCS#7): sender’s certificate & public key
! Digital certificates—both ends authenticated:
" SSL requires server to have a certificate
" RosettaNet additionally requires client to have a certificate
! Optional non-repudiation:
" An audit trail of the message and signature
2.10.3 Encryption
Encryption is a new feature offered with RNIF 2.0. In e*Xchange, the level of encryption
is set as an extended attribute in the inner envelope. There are three choices:
! 0—No encryption
! 1—encryption of Service Content and any attachments
! 2—encryption of Service Header, Service Content, and any attachments
The preamble and delivery header are never encrypted, since they contain information
necessary to the correct routing of the message.
2.11 Implementation
Note: The e*Xchange Partner Manager only supports the Monk version of the RosettaNet
ETD Library templates. However, the Java RosettaNet templates can be used
outside e*Xchange but within e*Gate. For example, a Java template file from the
RosettaNet ETD Library can be used for mapping an inbound message to the
Standard Event (also in Java), and the resulting Standard Event sent to e*Xchange
Partner Manager.
In e*Gate, a number of ETDs for all RosettaNet versions are pre-built and are part of the
RosettaNet structure libraries. To customize a structure or build a new one, use the
e*Gate Java or Monk ETD Editor.
To create a new e*Gate ETD from a RosettaNet DTD, the XML Toolkit must be
installed. The e*Gate ETD Editor invokes the XML Toolkit during conversion.
If you are creating a Monk ETD, choose the XML Converter within the build option for
the Monk ETD Editor.
If you are creating a Java ETD, use the DTD Wizard within the Java ETD Editor (from
the File menu, choose New).
RosettaNet supports a logical segmentation of validation steps. e*Gate performs the
validation on each part of the RosettaNet Business Message.
In RosettaNet, incoming messages go through the following validation steps:
! Grammar Validation
! Sequence Validation
! Schema Validation
! Content Validation
Grammar and sequence validations are performed against the Service Header DTD.
Service Content validation is not done until after schema validation. If you are using
the e*Xchange Partner Manager, note that e*Xchange does not validate service content.
Note: The Service Header might be valid according to the DTD even if the actual Service
Content contains errors.
e*Gate does not contain any pre-built translations for RosettaNet. You can build these
scripts in the e*Gate Collaboration Rules Editor GUI, which provides a user-friendly
drag-and-drop front end for creating Monk scripts.
RosettaNet Business Signal Receipt Acknowledgments and Receipt Acknowledgment
Exceptions are automatically handled by the e*Xchange Partner Manager.
Note: In e*Xchange Partner Manager, you should never select a RosettaNet Receipt Ack
Exception as the expected return inner envelope.
! Business Operational View (BOV), the high-level business view. This includes:
" UML Activity Diagram
" Table of roles in the process
" Table of activities (nodes) in the process
! Functional Services View (FSV). The functional services view specifies the network
component services and agents and the interactions necessary to execute PIPs.
! Implementation Framework View (IFV). The implementation framework view
specifies the network protocol message formats and communications requirements
that need to be in place for the exchange of messages to occur.
Note: This information is correct at the time of going to press; however, SeeBeyond has no
control over this site. If you find the link is no longer correct, use a search engine to
search for “RosettaNet.”
This chapter provides information on installation of the RosettaNet templates, and the
files and folders created as a result of installation.
Note: This procedure only covers the specific portions of installation that relate to template
installation. For complete installation instructions, refer to the e*Gate Integrator
Installation Guide.
7 Follow the on-screen instructions until you come to the Select Components dialog
8 Highlight (but do not check) ETD Libraries, and then click the Change button.
The Select Sub-components dialog box appears.
9 Select RosettaNet ETD Library 4.5.2.
10 Click Continue to return to the Select Components dialog box, and then click Next.
11 Follow the rest of the on-screen instructions to install the RosettaNet templates.
Note: Do not change the default directory location for the RosettaNet template files.
Note: If you are using e*Xchange Partner Manager, only Monk ETDs and Collaborations
are supported. However, you can use Java ETDs and Collaborations to perform
validation outside e*Xchange.
Make sure that the name of the validation function matches the name of the file that
contains the function.
Note: For general information about building the validation rules, refer to the RosettaNet
Implementation Framework specification for the RosettaNet version you are using.
Note: An error component consists of an error code and an error string, separated by the
“^” character. Use error codes 3000–4999 for user-defined error conditions.
This chapter provides information on the files and folders that comprise the RosettaNet
ETD Library.
There are two sets of files provided, to accommodate the two languages supported by
the e*Gate Event Type Definition editor:
! Java
The Java library supports RNIF 2.0 only.
! Monk
The Monk library supports both major versions of the RosettaNet Implementation
Framework (RNIF 1.1 and 2.0), and PIP versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 2.0.
Installation commits the templates to the default schema on the Registry Host that you
specified during the installation process.
Within the template directory, there is a subfolder for each RNIF version. Each of these
subfolders has a subfolder for each Service Content version. For each version, there is
an .ssc file for each Monk RosettaNet message structure, and an .xsc and a .jar file for
each Java RosettaNet message structure.
Figure 5 shows a sample directory structure for the RosettaNet Monk templates.
Note: There are several versions of the Service Content. Some PIPs are available in all
versions; others are only available for certain versions. For example, 0A1 and 2A1
were only released in version 1.0. For a full list of PIPs provided, see “PIPs
Provided With the Library” on page 24.
UNIX installation places the files in the same path locations and directories as shown
Figure 8 shows the template files for RNIF 2.0, Service Content version 2.0, Java files.
Table 6 RosettaNet Business Signals in the ETD Library (Monk, RNIF 1.1)
Although both child nodes are optional, when writing the translation it is vital that you
provide a value for either one or the other. If you do not write to one of the child nodes,
the e*Gate message structure will generate invalid XML.
The node shown in Figure 9 is common to all the RosettaNet ETDs.
This is a basic XML principle, and therefore applies to all the XML structures you
create. Whenever there is a structure where one parent is required and the children are
optional, you must provide a value so that e*Gate knows which child node to populate.
Figure 10 PIP 3A2, Price and Availability Request, in the Java ETD Editor
business message
The individual business documents involved in a PIP (action and signal messages) are
exchanged in a container that packs together other related entities such as headers and
digital signatures. This container with its constituent parts is the basic unit of exchange
between two RosettaNet end-points, and is known as a “RosettaNet Business
business object
A “business object” is a message plus a digital signature, version number, and length.
Business Operational View (BOV)
All PIPs include three views of the business model. One of these is the Business
Operational View. It is the high-level business view.
RosettaNet has delineated the scope of supply chain processes for which it will design
PIPs. This scope is divided into a total of 17 segments grouped in 6 clusters. The
clusters and segments serve as a mechanism to group all supply chain processes into a
manageable framework.
An acronymn for Certification Authority. A Certification Authority is an application
that puts a public key into a certificate and digitally signs it to guarantee that the public
key belongs to the stated owner.
An acronymn for Certificate Revocation List. A CRL is a binary file that allows clients
and servers to check whether the entity to be verified has a current, valid digital
certificate. Normally, the Certification Authority (CA) is responsible for the non-
repudiation of transactions, for maintaining an audit log, and for caching CRLs.
All DTDs for RosettaNet messages, including those which are not specific to an
individual PIP, are issued as both Message Guidelines (HTML document) and DTDs.
These are part of the RosettaNet Implementation Framework, although documented
See Document Type Definition.
A set or collection of specifications, sometimes including specific implementation
Control information prepended to the content.
In RosettaNet 2.0, the payload of a business message includes the Service Content plus
any file attachments.
payload container
The Service Header and Service Content.
See Partner Interface Process (PIP)
The Preamble section of a RosettaNet message contains elements that are global to the
RosettaNet service and those that are common to the Service Header and Service
Content. It is specified with a DTD that is common across all messages (preamble.dtd).
Service Content
The “Service Content” of a RosettaNet message is the business message.
Service Header
The Service Header is specified with a DTD that is common across all messages. A
separate DTD and/or XML schema for each message validates the body of the
The Service Header format is fixed and independent of the specifics of the message
contained in the payload. However, the Service Content might change based on
variance in the business content.
A set of clearly defined and agreed-upon conventions for specific programming
interfaces that has been approved by a formally constituted standards-setting body.
RosettaNet has created a standard for eBusiness messages.
The verifying of all or part of a message against the requirements of the specification.
Validation of a RosettaNet message compares the message against the content and
sequence requirements for the RosettaNet message standard. A data element, action,
transaction, or process is valid only if it meets all requirements of the RNIF
specification, as well as all requirements of the relevant PIP specification.
XML document
A data object written in XML (eXtensible Markup Language). An XML document is
made up of virtual storage units called entities, containing either parsed or unparsed
data. Parsed data is made up of characters, some of which form the character data in the
document and some of which form markup. Markup encodes a description of the
document’s storage layout and logical structure.
files and folders created by installation 28
folder structure created by installation 28
Index G
glossary of RosettaNet terms 34
about XML 16 HTTP 16
acknowledgments 19 HTTPS 16
action messages 15
additional information (Web site) 20
B implementation 18
implementation guides 19
business messages installation 21–23
structure of a business message 10 installation procedure 21
structure of file names 31, 32
business signals 15
acceptance acknowledgment exceptions 16 J
acceptance acknowledgments 16
Java 28
general exceptions 16
Java files 24
receipt acknowledgment exceptions 15
receipt acknowledgments 15
structure of a business signal 10 M
structure of file names 31
message guideline format 8
types 15
message structure 8
header 12
C preamble 11
Service Content (payload) 12
certificates, digital 17
message types 15
child node, optional, with required parent node 32
MIME, with RosettaNet 17
clusters 13
Monk files 24
compatible systems 5
components of the RosettaNet standard 8
D non-repudiation 16
digital certificates, with RosettaNet 17
digital signature 16 O
optional child node with required parent node 32
E overview
of RosettaNet 7
e*Gate support of RosettaNet 18
of the RosettaNet ETD library 5
enveloping 14
Preamble 10
Service Content 10 P
Service Header 10
parent node, required, with optional child node 32
Partner Interface Processes 14
PIPs 14
preamble 11 Monk 28
example 11 trading partner agreements 20
translations 19
translations, building with the RosettaNet ETD
R Library 32
reinstallation 23 types of RosettaNet messages 15
acknowledgments in 19
action messages 15
business signals 15 uninstalling before reinstalling 23
clusters 13 use of digital certificates within RosettaNet 17
components 8 use of MIME within RosettaNet 17
digital certificates with 17 using the RosettaNet ETD Library to build
e*Gate support of 18 translations 32
enveloping 14
files installed 30
folder structure created by installation 28 V
message guideline format 8 validation 19
messages structures with 18 against DTDs 15
MIME with 17
overview 7
Partner Interface Processes (PIPs) 14 W
preamble 11 Web site address for RosettaNet 20
security features 16 what is a message structure? 8
Service Content (payload) 12 what is RosettaNet? 7
Service Header 12
structure of file names 31
business messages 31, 32 X
business signals 31 XML, about 16
translations in 19
types of message 15
validation steps 19
what is it? 7
RosettaNet ETD Library 24
RosettaNet templates
installation 21–23
sample order/fulfillment process 14
security features of RosettaNet 16
Service Content (payload) 12
Service Header 12
signature, digital 16
SSL 16
SSL keystores 18
structure of RosettaNet template file names 31
structures 18
Template location 28
template location