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Biosensors 2015, 5, 199-222; doi:10.


ISSN 2079-6374

Application of xCELLigence RTCA Biosensor Technology

for Revealing the Profile and Window of Drug Responsiveness
in Real Time
Dan Kho 1,2,3, Christa MacDonald 1,2,3, Rebecca Johnson 1,2,3, Charles P. Unsworth 4,
Simon J. O’Carroll 2,3,5, Elyce du Mez 6, Catherine E. Angel 6 and E. Scott Graham 1,2,3,*

Department of Pharmacology, University of Auckland, Auckland 1023, New Zealand;
E-Mails: (D.K.); (C.M.); (R.J.)
Centre for Brain Research, University of Auckland, Auckland 1023, New Zealand;
School of Medical Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland 1023, New Zealand
Department of Engineering Science, University of Auckland, Auckland 1010, New Zealand;
Department of Anatomy with Radiology, University of Auckland, Auckland 1023, New Zealand
School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland 1010, New Zealand;
E-Mails: (E.M.); (C.E.A.)

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;

Tel.: +64-9-923-6947.

Academic Editor: Jeff D. Newman

Received: 20 February 2015 / Accepted: 2 April 2015 / Published: 16 April 2015

Abstract: The xCELLigence technology is a real-time cellular biosensor, which measures

the net adhesion of cells to high-density gold electrode arrays printed on custom-designed
E-plates. The strength of cellular adhesion is influenced by a myriad of factors that include
cell type, cell viability, growth, migration, spreading and proliferation. We therefore
hypothesised that xCELLigence biosensor technology would provide a valuable platform for
the measurement of drug responses in a multitude of different experimental, clinical or
pharmacological contexts. In this manuscript, we demonstrate how xCELLigence technology
has been invaluable in the identification of (1) not only if cells respond to a particular drug,
but (2) the window of drug responsiveness. The latter aspect is often left to educated guess
work in classical end-point assays, whereas biosensor technology reveals the temporal
Biosensors 2015, 5 200

profile of the response in real time, which enables both acute responses and longer term
responses to be profiled within the same assay. In our experience, the xCELLigence biosensor
technology is suitable for highly targeted drug assessment and also low to medium throughput
drug screening, which produces high content temporal data in real time.

Keywords: xCELLigence; adhesion; cytotoxicity; cell death; drugs; responsiveness;

Cell Index

1. Introduction

This biosensor technology is designed to allow continuous real-time monitoring of the adhesion
properties of cells in vitro in a non-invasive label-free manner. The xCELLigence system uses
custom-designed plates, which have a high-density gold electrode array upon which the target cells
adhere and grow. Cells adhere to the plate surface and influence the electrical impedance across the array,
which is measured and recorded by the xCELLigence software. The impedance values are converted by the
software into the Cell Index (CI), which is then used as a measure of adhesion (for original ACEA schematics
explaining the Cell Index, see In the absence of cells,
the Cell Index will be zero, and as cells adhere to the array, the Cell Index increases. In the simplest terms,
the greater the Cell Index values, the greater the level of adhesion. Conversely, when the Cell Index
decreases, this means that the net adhesion is decreased. In principal, xCELLigence is measuring the net
cellular (focal adhesions) adhesion within the well. Therefore, any response that induces changes in cell
morphology (size, volume, shape or spreading), cell number (proliferation or death) or movement
(migration or extravasation) can be investigated using xCELLigence technology.
xCELLigence biosensor technology has now been validated by a range of research groups to
investigate multiple complex cellular behaviours and drug responses. This includes drug effects on the
viability and migration of tumour cells [1,2] and cell toxicity to drugs [3–5], nanoparticles [6] and
immune cells [7,8]. More novel applications include using xCELLigence to screen compounds for their
ability to induce adipogenesis [9] and for monitoring the differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells [10].
The development of the xCELLigence Cardio system represents a major step forward in pre-clinical
drug screening to assess cardiotoxic effects, which is a common side effect of many drugs and is claimed
to be a major cause of drug candidates failing in clinical testing. The xCELLigence Cardio is capable of
measuring cardiomyocyte viability, whilst simultaneously measuring rhythmic beating [11,12]. This
unique combination has made the xCELLigence Cardio a viable option for predicting the ability of drugs
to induce arrhythmias [13].
The aim of this paper is to provide an unbiased insight into xCELLigence biosensor technology for
drug response profiling applications and to explain the technology platforms and methodology required
for this research. Over the past four years, we have used xCELLigence biosensor technology to:
(I) optimise cell culture conditions; (II) discover drug- and cytokine-induced cell death; (III) measure
immune cell-mediated target killing; (IV) as a bioassay to rapidly assess the purity of human neuronal
cultures; and to (V) improve experimental design. Herein, we explain the basics of the xCELLigence
biosensor and the resultant Cell Index curves. We also highlight real examples of where xCELLigence
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can be applied to improve cell culture techniques, experimental design, conduct toxicity studies,
pharmacology and for drug screening. In our experience, the temporal profiling capacity and
autonomous nature of xCELLigence are very powerful for revealing responses where little or nothing is
known about the drug response and is therefore ideal for drug discovery applications.

2. Experimental Section

2.1. Cell Culture

All media, serum and antibiotics were purchased from Invitrogen (Life Technologies, Auckland,
New Zealand). Cytokines were purchased from PeproTech (Rocky Hill, NJ, USA). S1P was purchased
from Tocris.

2.2. Differentiation of Astrocytes

The NTera2/D1 (NT2) cell line was purchased from ATCC (American Tissue Culture Collection).
Astrocyte cultures were differentiated form the NT2 precursors using the retinoic acid (RA) differentiation
method [14,15] with various modifications. In brief, neurons were produced after a 4-week differentiation
protocol using 10 µM RA [14,15], followed by 2 weeks with specific mitotic inhibitors [16,17]. Astrocytes
were subsequently differentiated from the cultures after the neuronal cells had been completely removed,
after a further 2–3 weeks with mitotic inhibition [18,19]. Following differentiation, astrocytes were
cryopreserved in 10% DMSO, 45% FBS and 45% DMEM/F12. The standard complete media used for
the NT2 astrocytes is DMEM/F12 supplemented with 10% FBS (DF10).

2.3. Endothelial Cultures

The HMEC-1 (human dermal microvascular endothelial cells) were purchased from the CDC
(Centre for Disease Control, USA) through ATCC. Upon receipt from ATCC, the endothelial cells were
expanded in T75 flasks and then cryopreserved at a low passage number (3–5). The media used for the
HMEC-1 endothelial cells was MDCB-131 supplemented with 10% FBS. Human brain cerebral
microvascular cells (hCMVECs) were purchased from Applied Biological Materials Inc. (Richmond,
British Columbia., Canada). hCMVECs were cultured in M199 media supplemented with 10% FBS and
cryopreserved at low passage (3–5).

2.4. Seeding Cells into xCELLigence Plates

The E16 or E96 xCELLigence plates were prepared by addition of complete media (50 µL) to every
well. After equilibration to 37 °C, plates were inserted into the xCELLigence station, and the base-line
impedance was measured to ensure that all wells and connections were working within acceptable limits.
The software automatically informs the researcher if any connection problems arise. Following harvesting
and counting, cells were diluted to the correct seeding density and added to the wells in 50 µL (see the
schematic in Figure 1). We have found that this volume provides less variation in seeding density,
especially for larger/dense cells, like astrocytes. We would recommend that researchers should seed their
cells using their standard seeding protocols and assess how much seeding variation exists.
Biosensors 2015, 5 202

Figure 1. xCELLigence technology; impedance recording and cell adhesion. Summary of

xCELLigence system technology and impedance, which shows: (a) the high density gold array
on the E-plates; and (b) the initial phases of seeding and adhesion, which is recorded by the
biosensor and represented as the Cell Index (adhesion).

2.5. Using Different Growth Matrices

Certain cell types require special matrix coatings to enhance adhesion or to develop the correct
cellular phenotype. Plates were coated with collagen for specific experiments. Collagen was applied to
the well for 1 h, and the excess was removed and rinsed gently with sterile PBS. Care must be taken to
avoid contact with the microelectrode array on the E-plate wells.
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2.6. xCELLigence Software

The software version used in these experiments is 1.2.1. The software is relatively easy to use and
reasonable intuitive for the beginner. The software provides an electronic record of the experimental
details. All experimental data in the file are permanent and cannot be altered or changed by the user,
which is an excellent aspect to the design. The default open page of the current software has 8 tabs
(Exp Notes, Layout, Schedule, Cell Index, Plot, Well Graph, Data Analysis and Message; see Figure A1a).
The Exp Notes page is an electronic lab book. We recommend to all new users to complete this
section as fully as possible. Layout is the design of the plate (e.g., cells/treatments). The Layout page is
important, as the information entered here is used for the grouping of wells for calculating averages
(±standard deviation) and subsequent pharmacological plots for calculating EC50 or IC50 values, which
is done in the “Data Analysis” tab. The Schedule page is for the timing of the recordings. The recording
interval and duration of the experiment will of course vary; but any permutation of timing is possible
with the software, and emphasis should be placed on optimally recording the desired cellular response.
The Plot tab is useful for visualisation of the experiment in real time. This function is extremely
important as the data can be viewed as it happens, which allows xCELLigence to be run in conjunction
with other end-point assays and, thus, reveal precisely when the response has occurred. In addition, the
Plot tab produces publication quality graphs, and we prefer the simplicity and temporal nature of this
output for most of our data. The Well Graph tab provides a snap-shot image of the entire dataset in
E96 well format. The Data Analysis tab allows for more advanced pharmacology to be conducted (e.g.,
EC50/IC50). Finally, the Message tab alerts the user of any errors or faults and records the timing when
the plate is engaged or removed from the system. Again, this record is permanent and reveals any
warning signals or problems (connection issues, plate missing during sweeping), should they arise.

2.7. Plotting of Data

By far the easiest way to observe the data is using the Plot page. This not only displays the data
in real time, but allows grouping of treatments as the mean ± standard deviation. The data can be
displayed as several options: (I) as the Cell Index; or (II) the Normalised Cell Index; or (III) the
Delta Cell Index (see Figure A1b). The Cell Index is the measure of adhesion across the individual well.
The greatest Cell Index recording we have observed has been with astrocytes (Cell Index of 10–15, i.e.,
very adherent cells). In the absence of cells (media only) or with suspension cells, the Cell Index values
will be close to zero. It is useful to know the raw Cell Index of the cells, as this provides a measure
of how adherent the cells are. The Normalised Cell Index (NCI) is a manipulation of the data,
where a specific time is chosen (i.e., when cells were stimulated), which is then set as 1.0 (100% values)
by the software. Then, all values are represented as a proportion of this. NCI is useful to estimate the
percentage change in adhesion. Caution must be applied when using the NCI function, as information
present in the Cell Index data is removed during manipulation to NCI. This is highlighted in Figure A3.
Biosensors 2015, 5 204

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. xCELLigence: Improving the Basics of Cell Culture and Experimental Design

Interpretation of xCELLigence Cell Index curves: The strength of cell adhesion is represented by the
software as the Cell Index (unit-less measurement). As cells adhere to the E-plates, the Cell Index value
increases from zero, and this will usually be evident within the first 10–15 min of seeding (see
Figure 1). Cells that are very strongly adherent will reach a maximum Cell Index of ~10–15. In our
experience, this is the upper range for Cell Index values. Non-adherent cells will not affect the Cell Index
values greatly (0–1), whereas a Cell Index of 1–4 is weak, with 5–10 being moderate to strong.
As adhesion decreases, there will be a concordant decease in the Cell Index. Figure 2 emphasizes
different phases of adhesion, which occur for vascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1 cell line).
These cells are strongly adherent and also proliferative until they form a monolayer. The initial increase
(0–4 h) in the Cell Index is associated with the attachment and adhesion of the cells (schematics in
Figures 1b and 2), followed by spreading and a brief plateau phase. This is a proliferative cell line, and
the progressive linear increase in the Cell Index post 24 h after seeding is consistent with the initiation
of the proliferation of these cells. In theory, this temporal profile should only be observed with
proliferating cells (lines), whereas non proliferating cells will remain constant until they become nutrient
deprived and compromised.

Figure 2. Interpretation of xCELLigence biosensor Cell Index curves: determination of

assay parameters influencing experimental design. After obtaining a standard Cell Index
adhesion curve for a particular cell type, it can be used to interpret specific behaviours of the
cells relevant to the experimental design. Using the HMEC-1 endothelial cells as an example,
the initial period of the Cell Index curve reveals the initial phase of cell adhesion and
spreading (0–8 h), followed by a plateau phase prior to a gradual period of proliferation.
The arrows represent potential time points for drug treatment; note that the behaviour or
response of the cells may vary at each. The curve represents the mean Cell Index value from
>4 wells ± SD.
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Defining the window for drug treatments: In classical in vitro assays, treatments are often conducted at
a time point that is convenient (24 h post seeding) rather than based on empirical or behavioural data
from the cells. In contrast, the data provided by the xCELLigence Cell Index curves reveal extra
information related to the behaviour, growth and health of the cells, which can be used to guide and
improve the experimental design. This information can be used to identify the correct time window for
drug treatments and to ensure that this occurs consistently across studies or experiments. In Figure 2, we
have added three arrows indicating convenient time points. The aim here is to illustrate that the cells may
be behaving differently at each time point, and this could influence the subsequent treatment(s).
Defining the ideal seeding density and optimal culture conditions using the xCELLigence biosensor:
Defining the appropriate seeding density and window of culture are very important aspects of the
experimental design. Figure 3 shows examples of growth curves obtained from two quite different cell types,
(1) endothelial HMEC-1 cells and (3) NT2-astrocytes, which have been grown at different seeding
densities for six days to identify the ideal culture conditions.

Figure 3. Optimisation of ideal culture conditions. Different Cell Index adhesion curves are
obtained from different cells types. The adhesion of (a) HMEC-1 endothelial cells and
(b) NTera2/D1 (NT2)-astrocytes is shown. Both cell types were seeded at a range of titrations
to identify the ideal seeding density and reveal time windows for drug treatment. Curves
represent the mean Cell Index value from >4 wells ± SD.
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Different cell types produce Cell Index curves with subtly different characteristics. The Cell Index
curves reveal several important details pertaining to the kinetics of the initial adhesion (rate and
strength), proliferation and survival of the cells. For the endothelial cells (Figure 3a), initial adhesion is
rapid, indicated by the sharp increase in the Cell Index over the first few hours post seeding. This is
followed by a period of proliferation, indicated by the progressive increase in Cell Index. This
proliferative phase is observed at all seeding densities and, as expected, takes longer at lower seeding
densities (Figure 3a). The Cell Index curves can also indicate when cellular compromise begins, which
is marked by a gradual or progressive decline in the Cell Index. In panel (a), the endothelial cells at the
highest density (40,000 cell/well) show this characteristic profile after about 72 h of culture. Being aware
of this information is very important for conducting long-term studies or drug-cytotoxicity studies. Here,
xCELLigence essentially removes the “best guestimate” component of experimental design, which is
often used in the absence of real-time biosensor technology.
The profile of the Cell Index curves for the astrocytes (Figure 3b) is different from that of the
endothelial cells. The initial increase in the Cell Index represents the initial period of astrocyte adhesion
and spreading (see Figure 1). Note the substantially different time course required by the astrocytes to
reach the maximum Cell Index and that at the lower densities (3125 cells and below) for which the
maximum Cell Index is never reached. This is a classical observation of non-proliferating cells. Typically,
the seeding titration time course reveals: (I) the ideal seeding density to use; (II) how long the cells can be
cultured without compromise; and (III) it can help define when to stimulate the cells (see below).
Recommendation: we strongly recommend conducting seeding titrations for all new cell types being
used on xCELLigence technology. This will be advantageous when using highly valuable primary cells,
where the sensitivity of xCELLigence may allow fewer cells to be used, thus providing savings of a
valuable resource.
Optimising growth conditions using extracellular matrix coatings: Often, the conditions that produce
the correct cellular phenotype or growth conditions for routine cell culture of your cells will produce the
best result on xCELLigence technology, too. Figure 4 highlights the difference in the Cell Index for
hCMVECs (brain endothelial cells) grown on collagen in comparison to cells grown without matrix.
Collagen is an important component of the basement membrane of the blood brain barrier (BBB). It is
therefore logical that collagen will improve the adhesion and growth of the brain endothelial cells. The
xCELLigence biosensor demonstrates this very easily and can be used to screen which matrix coatings
enhance or improve cell growth or viability. Recommendation: the SP system (Single 96-well xCELLigence
Plate) provides a good option for conducting the optimisation steps in one or two experiments and can
be done using a single plate. Where substantially different curves are obtained on different coatings,
consideration should be given as to whether the coating affects the aspects of signaling, growth or cell
behaviour relevant to the experimental outcome.
Comparison of variation were made between differentiations or donors (in our research, we use a
range of cells derived from cell lines [5,20,21] (e.g., HEKs, HMEC-1 and hCMVECs), differentiated
precursors (NT2 astrocytes [7,22,23] and neurons [24]) and from primary cells from blood [25,26] and
brain [27]). The simple set-up and real-time readout of xCELLigence provides a technology to directly
compare any variation in the global temporal growth characteristics of cells from different batches of
differentiated cells (e.g., NT2) or from different donors. Figure 5a shows the Cell Index growth curves
from three independent NT2 astrocyte differentiations. These cells are produced following an expensive
Biosensors 2015, 5 207

10-week differentiation protocol. Typically, we assess the success of the differentiation using
GFAP/vimentin/βIII-tubulin expression to indicate the purity and yield of astrocytes. The data shown in
Figure 5 clearly suggest that the growth of the astrocytes from Differentiation C (represented by the blue
Cell Index curve) was substantially different from that of A and B (red and green curves). We have
assessed more than 30 different astrocyte differentiations using xCELLigence, and they typically
produce a Cell Index >7 (strong). The weak adhesion from Culture C suggested that the yield or health
of the astrocytes was poor and therefore not suitable for further assays. Recommendation: in addition to
comparison of differentiations (yield, quality and consistency), the long-term temporal capacity of
xCELLigence is ideal for comparing the consistency of cell lines over time, especially those that may have
been passaged to high numbers or genetically modified. In addition, it has applications for primary cells
from different donors or the comparison between different disease states.

Figure 4. Optimisation of matrix coating for best growth conditions. There are a multitude
of factors that can influence the growth and viability of cells. This figure highlights the
influence of collagen (red curve) on the adhesion of human brain cerebral microvascular cell
(hCMVECs) endothelial cells. Collagen is a major component of the basal lamina of the
blood brain barrier structure. Here, the endothelial cells achieve a higher level of adhesion
faster than those not grown on a matrix. Mean Cell Index value from >4 wells ± SD.

3.2. xCELLigence: Investigating Drug Responsiveness

This section provides several examples of how xCELLigence can be used for investigating
drug-induced responses from cells in vitro. There are several points we aim to highlight, which include:
(1) determining whether your cells respond; (2) determining when your cells respond; and
(3) what is the nature of the response? Each of these points are important across a spectrum of
pharmacological or drug discovery applications.
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Figure 5. Direct comparison of growth characteristics of NT2-astrocytes from different

cultures. Here, xCELLigence was used to assess the consistency and growth characteristics of
NT2-derived astrocytes produced from different differentiations (and by different students).
This example shows that the astrocytes in Differentiation C had a very low Cell Index, which is
inconsistent with the strong level of adhesion typical of these cells (Differentiations A and B).

Identification of acute drug responses: Figure 6 shows the response profile of endothelial cells
(HMEC-1 cells) to sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P; 1 nM to 1 µM). The longitudinal data (three days) in
Figure 6a reveal the rapid and transient reduction in adhesion induced by S1P, which occurs immediately
following S1P addition (black arrow). Figure 6b focuses on the period immediately after S1P addition
to highlight how fast the response occurs. Figure 6c shows the Normalised Cell Index at the time
of S1P addition. It reveals that the approximate reduction in adhesion is 10%–20% within
5 min of addition and maximal (~30%) within 10 min. These data show: (I) that the endothelial cells
respond to S1P across a range of concentrations; and (II) that the response is immediate and transient.
The profile in (a) also demonstrate that the S1P does not induce compromise or death of the cells, which
would be shown by a progressive sustained loss in the Cell Index [22]. Although xCELLigence does not
reveal the biology of the response, it does reveal that there is a response and most importantly when the
response occurs. We are certain that without the real-time biosensor detection, the acute immediate
nature of the S1P response would have been missed. This is very useful for future experimental design
to identify how S1P regulates endothelial function.
Biosensors 2015, 5 209

Figure 6. Measurement of rapid or transient cellular responses using xCELLigence. The

usefulness of xCELLigence for monitoring acute transient responses is exemplified with the
response of microvascular endothelial cells to sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P). The response
to S1P is immediate and transient, and xCELLigence reveals the precise timing and magnitude
of the response. S1P was added at several concentrations (addition indicated by black arrow,
1 µM to 1 nM), which reveals a concentration-dependent response. The Normalised Cell Index
plot is also used in conjunction with the Cell Index plots to determine the extent (%) of the
response. Curves represent the Mean Cell Index value from >4 wells ± SD.
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Measurement of drug-induced cytotoxicity using xCELLigence: In our experience, xCELLigence

technology provides a very useful readout for measuring cell death (of adherent cells). The real-time
dynamic readout provides information relating to: (I) the on-set of cellular compromise; and (II) when
death is likely to be occurring. Contrast this to a single end-point assay, which reveals nothing about the
dynamics of the response or the final fate.
The data in Figure 7 are unpublished data from an earlier study investigating the influence of various
inflammatory cytokines on the function of NT2-derived astrocytes [22,23]. The longitudinal capacity of
xCELLigence revealed that several pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β and TNFα) induced compromise
of the astrocytes at specific concentrations. This is highlighted in Figure 7a, exemplifying the effect of
IL-1β. The initial increase in the Cell Index is consistent with the increased size and activity of the
astrocytes during the initial inflammatory phase, which is soon followed by gradual progressive
compromise and death. The response was concentration dependent (5 pg/mL to 50 ng/mL). In this study,
the xCELLigence profile suggested that compromise was occurring 24–48 h after cytokine addition.
This was confirmed using a combination of terminal assays, including cell counts, nuclear fragmentation
and cleaved caspase-3 expression [22]. It is important to note that the cytokine-induced compromise
of the astrocytes was only realised due to the long-term xCELLigence data. In [22], we utilized the
real-time readout of xCELLigence as a precise guidance system to conduct terminal assays to determine
the extent of compromise and death with conventional apoptotic assays [22] and cell counts (Figure 7b).
The data in Figure 8 are a prime example of how xCELLigence can reveal drug responses that occur
in very different time frames. In this study, a specific panel of TLR ligands was assessed using
xCELLigence for those that regulated skin endothelial cells. We had no prior knowledge of whether the
skin endothelial cells would respond, as the majority of TLR work is conducted with immune cells from
blood. This select panel comprised CL075, R848 (Gardiquimod) and R837 (Imiquimod). CL075 is a
thiazoloquinolone derivative that stimulates TLR8 and, at a higher concentration, can activate TLR7 in
human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and in these cells is known to activate NF-κB, resulting in
the production of pro-inflammatory mediators, including TNF-α and IL-12 [28]. The imidazoquinoline
compound R848 (Resiquimod) is also an agonist for TLR7 and TLR8. R837 is an FDA-approved drug
(active ingredient in Aldara and Zyclara) and prescription secondary medication for various skin cancers
and also indicated for warts. Pharmacologically, R837 targets TLR7 and is thought to mediate its clinical
effects through the activation of skin antigen-presenting cells. The goal of our experiments was to assess
whether skin endothelial cells (HMEC-1 cells) responded to any of the TLR ligands in the panel and to
ascertain the window of drug responsiveness (if any).
CL075 stimulated the endothelial cells immediately, resulting in a sustained increase in adhesion.
The immediacy of the response to CL075 is evident in the zoomed lower panel, whereas the sustained
effect is observed in the longer time frame (Figure 8). Again, the temporal nature of xCELLigence eloquently
reveals this response. As the R848 is an agonist at both TLR7 and TLR8, we anticipated that it would likely
induce a response, too. However, over the entire 144 h time course, there was no indication from the
endothelial Cell Index curves of either an acute or long-term response (Figure 8). In contrast, the response
profile to R837 represents a profile that we have rarely ever observed. That is a response profile where
there is essentially no change in cellular adhesion initially (i.e., the R837 Cell Index is identical to the
vehicle control) over the acute response period. Then, however, there is a marked loss in endothelial
adhesion, which is evident ~48 h after the R837 was added to the cells. This is an unusual type of
Biosensors 2015, 5 211

response, which highlights the potential of this biosensor technology to pick up responses that may be
missed by other assays.


IL‐1  50ng/mL
IL‐1  5ng/mL
IL‐1  500pg/mL
IL‐1  50pg/mL
IL‐1  5pg/mL


vehicle IL‐1β (5ng/mL)

Figure 7. Use of xCELLigence for measuring drug effects on cell viability, compromise and
death. Here, NT2 astrocytes were treated with the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL1β at a range
of concentration to assess the acute and long-term effects on the cells. During the initial 24-h
period following cytokine treatment, there is a pronounced increase in the Cell Index, which
is consistent with inflammatory activation of the cell and increased astrocytic size as a
consequence. This is followed by a progressive and continual loss of adhesion. IL1β was
added 24 h after seeding, and each curve represents the mean ± SD of four wells. The images
in (b) show the viable astrocytes remaining on the E-plate at the end of the experiment. The
white dotted circles reveal the position of the non-transparent electrode array. These images
were acquired using an inverted microscope. The array can be seen more easily in the
bright-field insert. Note that ACEA have developed plates with view strips for imaging of
cells during xCELLigence experiments.
Biosensors 2015, 5 212

Figure 8. xCELLigence reveals the differential temporal responsiveness of skin endothelial cells
to various TLR ligands across a six-day time course. CL075 (5 μg/mL) induces an immediate
and sustained increase in endothelial adhesion, whereas the R837 (5 μg/mL) effects are not
obvious until at least 48 h after drug addition. The cells did not appear to respond to R848
(10 μg/mL). The black arrow indicates the time of TLR agonist addition, and the acute
response period, highlighted by the red box, is shown in the lower panel. The lower panel
reveals clearly the immediacy of the CL075 response. Each curve represents the mean of four
wells ± SD. Note that the lower panel is normalised to the time of drug addition.

Therefore, from this temporal comparison, it is possible to state that: (I) the skin HMEC-1 endothelial
cells respond to both R837 and CL075; (II) the nature of the response is not the same, where the effects
of CL075 are evident immediately, and this suggest that future experiments focus on this acute period
following agonist addition; and (II) the effects of R837 on overall morphology and adhesion are only
obvious after ~48 h. This kind of temporal information is essential for the design of downstream functional
assays (such as cytokine secretion or cell compromise). This knowledge is imperative where a responsive
may occur very acutely or transiently.
Biosensors 2015, 5 213

xCELLigence for drugs screening xCELLigence technology has a range of applications in the field
of drug screening. Realised applications include: (I) global screening [22]; (II) targeted screening for a
specific response (cytotoxicity [11,12]); or (III) drug pharmacology to identify specific receptor agonists
or antagonists [29]. In the context of a global response, the Cell Index curve for the drug treatment would
be interrogated for any difference in comparison to the control/vehicle-treated cells, the primary outcome
of which would be to ascertain whether the cells respond or not.
In our experience, xCELLigence provides a valuable platform to screen small compound libraries for
either global responses (e.g., any change in cell adhesion) or identification of specific drug responses (e.g.,
cytotoxic effects). We have done this for a range of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and various novel
compounds using brain endothelial cells (hCMVECs) and NT2-derived astrocytes [22]. Figure 9 shows
data where several compounds of interests induced marked death of hCMVEC endothelial cells. These
responses are circled red in the Well Graph view plot (a) and enlarged in (b), whereas the control treated
cells are in Column 1. The asterisk indicates the addition of compounds at 24 h post seeding. The time
course of this experiment was 192 h (8 days). Several of the compounds induced immediate and
substantial cell death, indicated by the rapid loss in the Cell Index. The data also suggest that the
death/compromise was partial, as the initial substantial loss of adhesion is followed by a slow gradual
increase in the Cell Index, consistent with proliferation of the surviving endothelial cells.

Figure 9. xCELLigence SP “Well Graph” view for drug discovery. An additional component
of the ACEA software is the Well Graph view, which provides an overview of the entire time
course for each well. This is useful for drug discovery applications or for experimental quality
control. This snap-shot allows easy identification of specific or unusual responses, as highlighted
by the encircled responses. These have been enlarged with the time of drug addition marked
with the asterisk (24 h post seeding). The response in these highlighted wells is immediate and
reveals substantial loss of adhesion, which would be consistent with a cytotoxic drug effect.
Biosensors 2015, 5 214

In addition, xCELLigence is an emerging platform to screen for compounds that cause cell
death in the context of: (I) targeted killing of tumour cells [30]; or (II) for side-effects resulting in
cardiotoxicity [11,12]. These are not applications that we have experience with specifically. However,
this is a growing area in the xCELLigence RTCA literature. Moreover, cardiotoxicity is a major cause
of drugs failing in clinical trials. This resulted in ACEA developing the unique RTCA Cardio system,
which can measure both cardiomyocyte viability and beating simultaneously (see
Recommendation: The SP (96 well) machine provides a good system for low to medium throughput.
However, for higher throughput drug screening, the high-throughput (RTCA xCELLigence HT) systems
(1 × 384 well) or the MP system are available (Multi-Plate 6 × 96 capacity) options.

3.3. Supplemental Applications

Revealing good cell culture practice: The real-time measurement of net adhesion in every well
provides a valuable quality control measure for cell culture technique. In Figure A2, three very different
plots are shown; Figure A2a is an example of the normal variation to expect from good cell culture
practice; Figure A2b inconsistent seeding density due to poor pipetting technique; and Figure A2c poor
technique in terms of being able to count cells. Each of these plots show the variation in seeding across
E96 well plates with each curve representing a separate well. We have noted that large/dense cells, such
as astrocytes, can sediment during seeding, which can result in substantial variation in seeding density.
xCELLigence reveals this easily and therefore provides an internal quality control. We typically observe
10%–15% variation in the Cell Index across all wells of an E96 well plate, as shown in Figure A2a.
However, on occasions and in particular with new practitioners of cell culture, a poor seeding technique
Figure A2b or counting technique can be revealed using xCELLigence. This can be an extremely valuable
teaching tool for new students. Recommendation: if the level of variation shown in Figure A2b,c is
observed with an xCELLigence assay, it is likely to be occurring in other aspects of the cell culture, too!
Cell Index or Normalised Cell Index: The two main ways that xCELLigence data are presented in
publications is as the Cell Index or Normalised Cell Index. The normalisation function is used after a
specific time point is selected (e.g., prior to drug treatment). The Cell Index values at this time are
converted to 1.0, and then, every value thereafter is represented as a proportion of 1.0 relative to the
change in the Cell Index. Thus, an increase from 1.0 to 1.5 would indicate a 50% increase in the Cell
Index. It is our preference to use the Cell Index, which we have used throughout this paper, rather than
the Normalised Cell Index for several important reasons. The Cell Index is essentially the raw data and
shows the real level of variation across the experiment. In a poorly-seeded or controlled experiment, this
variation can be hidden using the normalisation function. Furthermore, with the Cell Index, the
consistency of the cellular adhesion achieved is retained. For example, if some experiments within the
same study have a Cell Index of 6–7, whereas others achieve 12–13, then there are clear difference in
the experimental setup, preparation of the cells or seeding. This information is lost when the data are
normalised to 1.0. Furthermore, for work conducted in different labs, it is important to know whether
researchers are achieving the same level of Cell Index from similar primary cells or cell lines. This
information is only present in the raw Cell Index, which will be on a scale of 0–15 (approximately).
Figure A3 highlights these points: (a) shows astrocytes seeded at different densities and the resultant
Cell Index values obtained as a function of time; (b) is the same data normalised at 24 h, and this
Biosensors 2015, 5 215

highlights how easily the normalisation function can artificially hide variation that may exist in the initial
adhesion period. Note also how the magnitude of the raw Cell Index values is loss. Therefore, there is
no way of knowing whether these cells were weakly adherent (Cell Index of 1–3) or extremely adherent
(Cell Index of 10–15). This type of variation admittedly should never be normalised in the first place;
however, unless reviewers or authors are presented with the raw Cell Index data, it would not be that
easy to tell whether the normalisation was justified. Recommendation: we strongly recommend that
where normalisation is used that the raw Cell Index data are also provided. The software annotates the
plots to specify them as the Cell Index or Normalised Cell Index; therefore, it is easy to establish which
function is used.
Advantages, disadvantages and concluding remarks: It is now evident that xCELLigence biosensor
technology has numerous applications for basic research and for clinical drug development. These range
from the basics of good cell culture techniques to more advanced applications, including high throughput
drug screening [31] (e.g., cardiotoxicity [32,33]), cell mediated killing [7], toxicology [34] and
immunology [8,35]). As our experience grows, we realise more and more applications where xCELLigence
technology is valuable. The purpose of this paper is to share our experience to highlight applications,
especially for researchers currently using classical end-point assays. Undoubtedly, the clinical
applications for xCELLigence will continue to grow, as it represents a powerful platform for screening drug
toxicity using human cells [32,33].
System considerations: Currently, there are a number of different systems that comprise the
xCELLigence family. All of the research presented here has been conducted using the SP model (single
E96-well platform) or the DP model (Dual-Plate; three independent E16-well plate platform). The DP
model is also compatible with the migration plates (E16 cell invasion and migration (CIM) plates) for
conducting tissue invasion studies. In addition to these platforms, there is also the MP model (6 × E96 well
plates), the high throughput E384 well HT-system and the Cardio platform. There are several important
considerations for the acquisition of a particular model, including: (1) budget; and (2) applications of the
system. For the budget, the on-going costs of E-plates should be considered, in addition to the initial capital
cost of the system and any institutional depreciation charges (if applicable). For applications, the main
consideration is experimental scale: E16 vs. E96 vs. E384 vs. 6 × E96 wells. The DP system offers the
opportunity to conduct three independent small-scale experiments simultaneously and is the only
platform compatible with the invasion CIM plates. In our experience, it is particularly useful to have the
lower throughput DP system with multiple analysis stages and the SP system for larger medium throughput
studies. An impressive addition to the xCELLigence suite has been the xCELLigence Cardio platform,
which encompasses dual measurement of the Cell Index and beating of cardiomyocytes in real time for
the assessment of drug toxicity or effects on arrhythmias [11–13,32,33,36]. In addition, the RTCA-HT
(high throughput; 1 × E384 well plate) and MP (6 × E96 plates) provide solutions for conducting HTS
drug screening.
Advantages of the technology: We have identified and highlighted throughout this paper a number of
advantages. These include: (I) the real-time or temporal nature of the data; (II) the measurement is
label-free and non-invasive; (III) the impedance measurement is only affected by living adherent cells;
(IV) the application of the technology to many different types of response; and (V) high throughput
capacity and high content data.
Biosensors 2015, 5 216

Observing responses in a temporal manner is very powerful and more meaningful than end-point
assays. This is exemplified by the S1P endothelial experiments, where the xCELLigence data revealed
the precise period of the response and the appropriate window for further functional investigations.
xCELLigence enables short- and long-term responses to be investigated in the same well, which
represents a substantial savings in cells in comparison to classical end-point experiments. In addition,
the availability of the data in “real time” is also very powerful. This is particularly relevant when dealing
with human primary cells, where the onset or duration of the response may vary. In this scenario,
xCELLigence can be used in parallel with other functional assays as a guidance system to reveal exactly
when the response is occurring (e.g., collection of samples for proteomic or microarray analysis).
Disadvantages/limitations of the technology: With any new technology, there will be limitations to
its use. For some researchers, the initial capital cost of the system and on-going consumables cost of the
customised E-plates will be prohibitive. ACEA have recently introduced cheaper PET-bottomed plates
(polyethylene terephthalate), which are an alternative to the more expensive glass bottom plates
originally released by ACEA. Recommendation: the potential of xCELLigence is unlikely to be fully
realised until it is used directly. Therefore, we would recommend to new users to obtain an instrument
demonstration and obtain first-hand experience.
An obvious limitation is for the direct measurement of responses from non-adherent [7] or poorly
adherent cells, such as neurons [24]. That said, we have used xCELLigence to measure the killing
activity of human NK cells, where the death of the target cells was measured directly [7]. However,
the use of xCELLigence to measure the death or proliferation of suspension cells would not be
possible directly.
As xCELLigence measures net adhesion and as adhesion can be affected by a large number of cellular
responses, it is not always obvious to the new user or paper reviewer what the xCELLigence data are
showing. This limitation can be addressed in several ways. Where a definitive conclusion is stated from
a Cell Index response curve, for example “cell death”, then this should be supported with complementary
data that corroborate the change in cell number or show the mechanism of death (or both). The temporal
nature of the xCELLigence data is strongly suggestive of a response, but does not prove it without the
appropriate validation or supporting data. In certain situations, xCELLigence is used simply to confirm
that a response has occurred or to show when it has occurred. Therefore, in this scenario, the xCELLigence
data provide the supporting evidence to enable additional conclusive experiments to be conducted.
Several years ago, ACEA developed E-plates more suitable for microscopy imaging post xCELLigence
acquisition. These are suitable for imaging, as a portion of the well does not contain the electrode array.
To the best of our knowledge, it is not practical to combine conventional imaging simultaneously with
the xCELLigence recordings. Potentially, this could only be done using an upright live cell imaging
system (CO2 and temperature controlled) with a long working distance (above the wells), but the
microscope stage would have to be oversized to accommodate the xCELLigence station.
All new technologies will experience a lag period before becoming mainstream or until the wider
research community is sufficiently familiar. Thus, for all new xCELLigence applications, there is the
requirement and demand to fully and exhaustively validate the xCELLigence data and to prove that the
interpretation is correct. This should not be considered a disadvantage, but rather good rigorous science.
Biosensors 2015, 5 217

4. Concluding Remarks

It has been almost a decade since ACEA released its first impedance biosensor platform and six years
since the launch of xCELLigence. Like any technology, xCELLigence has limitations, but these are
almost insignificant to its potential. We believe that xCELLigence represents a new frontier for the study
of cell biology in vitro, both for the advancement of basic science and for future clinical applications.


We wish to acknowledge the kind help of Paula Shields with the initial training with the xCELLigence
biosensor technology. We gratefully acknowledge the funding from the New Zealand Lottery Health
board for the funding to purchase the xCELLigence technology.

Author Contributions

Research conducted by Christa MacDonald, Rebecca Johnson, Dan Kho, Elyce du Mez,
Simon O’Carroll and E. Scott Graham. Figures prepared by Dan Kho, Christa MacDonald, Elyce du Mez,
Rebecca Johnson and E. Scott Graham. Provision of materials: Catherine E. Angel, Simon O’Carroll and
E. Scott Graham. Provision of equipment: Simon O’Carroll and E. Scott Graham. Experimental design
and planning: Rebecca Johnson, Dan Kho, Catherine E. Angel, Simon O’Carroll and E. Scott Graham.
Project supervision: Charles P. Unsworth, Catherine E. Angel, Simon O’Carroll and E. Scott Graham.
Manuscript written by Simon O’Carroll, Catherine E. Angel and E. Scott Graham. Funding obtained
by Charles P. Unsworth, Simon O’Carroll, Catherine E. Angel and E. Scott Graham. Principal
Investigator: E. Scott Graham.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors have no conflicts of interests.


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Figure A1. Screenshots of key software functionality. (a) The default software page showing
the various page tabs; (b) highlighting how to switch between the Cell Index, Normalised
Cell Index and the Delta Cell Index view in the Plot tab.
Biosensors 2015, 5 221

Figure A2. xCELLigence provides quality control and assay variation. The Cell Index
curves in (a) show the normal variation that we observe across an E96 well plate, which is
usually around 10%–15%. However, xCELLigence can also reveal poor seeding
practice (b), which is indicative of such a substantial spread in the Cell Index curves. (c) An
example where too few cells were seeded into the E-plate. These exemplify useful teaching
and quality control aspects of the technology.
Biosensors 2015, 5 222

Figure A3. Cell Index vs. Normalised Cell Index. (a,b) show exactly the same dataset, where
different densities of endothelial cell were grown for 144 h. The top panel shows the raw
Cell Index data, whereas the bottom panel is normalised at 24 h (used here as a hypothetical
drug treatment time point). Note the very different shapes of the Cell Index curves following
normalisation. As the normalisation function converts all values to a proportion of 1.0,
important information is lost in the transformation.

© 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license

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