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Biosensors and Bioelectronics 142 (2019) 111501

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High resolution monitoring of chemotherapeutic agent potency in cancer T

cells using a CMOS capacitance biosensor
Bathiya Senevirathnaa,b, Sheung Lua,b, Marc Dandinc, John Basiled, Elisabeth Smelae,
Pamela Abshirea,b,∗
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Department of Oncology and Diagnostic Sciences, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Baltimore, MD, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA


Keywords: Monitoring cell viability and proliferation in real-time provides a more comprehensive picture of the changes
CMOS capacitance biosensor cells undergo during their lifecycle than can be achieved using traditional end-point assays. Particularly for drug
Drug screening screening applications, high-temporal resolution cell viability data could inform decisions on drug application
Cancer cell cytotoxicity protocols that might lead to better treatment outcomes. We describe a CMOS biosensor that monitors cell via-
bility through high-resolution capacitance measurements of cell adhesion quality. The system consists of a
3 × 3 mm2 chip with an array of 16 sensors, on-chip digitization, and serial data output that can be interfaced
with inexpensive off-the-shelf components. An imaging system was developed to provide ground-truth data of
cell coverage concurrently with data recordings. Results showed the sensor's ability to detect single-cell binding
events, track cell morphology changes, and monitor cell motility. A chemotherapeutic assay was conducted to
examine dose-dependent cytotoxic effects on drug-resistant and drug-sensitive cancer cell lines. Concentrations
higher than 5 μM elicited cytotoxic effects on both cell lines, while a dose of 1 μM allowed discrimination of the
two cell types. The system demonstrates the use of real-time capacitance measurements as a proof-of-concept
tool that has potential to hasten the drug development process.

1. Introduction exposure and subsequent cell death may provide a more complete
picture of the cytostatic and cytotoxic effects of drugs. In particular,
Cell-based assays can analyze the effects of different materials and profiling cancer cell responses with high-temporal resolution can pro-
growth conditions on cells cultured in vitro. They are a vital tool in the vide insight into cell death kinetics enabling the development of more
drug discovery process and can be used to quantify the cytotoxic effects beneficial drug dosage regimens and better-targeted therapies (Forcina
of drugs. Most cell-based screening studies require the use of specialized et al., 2017; Wolbers et al., 2004; Wolpaw et al., 2011). Indeed modern
laboratory equipment and reagents, and they provide data through chemotherapeutic regimens generally involve the use of multiple drugs
methods that require labeling such as fluorescent, bioluminescent, or (Frei and Eder, 2003) administered sequentially or in alternation, with
colorometric staining. While these screens can provide high-throughput the aim of reducing drug resistance, reducing non-specific toxic effects,
analysis through parallelization of experiments, they generally have and maximizing overall efficacy. Computational models have been
high operational costs, can be labor intensive, require sub-sampling of developed to generate adaptive therapeutic regimes (Gatenby et al.,
analytes, and may lack specificity (Méry et al., 2017). Furthermore, 2009) or select optimum strategies to address issues of tumor hetero-
most provide data at temporally and spatially sparse sampling points or geneity (Zhao et al., 2014). Therefore the ability to perform continuous
are endpoint assays requiring cell fixation, and so do not provide in- cell measurements in real-time represents a significant advance over
formation on the dynamics of live cell growth and motility. current methods of determining drug cytotoxicity and cancer cell sus-
Real-time monitoring of cell viability over the course of drug ceptibility; replacing current assays with a more rapid and more

Corresponding author. 2211 A.V. Williams Building, 8223 Paint Branch Dr., College Park, MD, 20742, USA.
E-mail addresses: (B. Senevirathna), (S. Lu), (M. Dandin), (J. Basile), (E. Smela), (P. Abshire).
Received 8 May 2019; Received in revised form 8 July 2019; Accepted 12 July 2019
Available online 13 July 2019
0956-5663/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Senevirathna, et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 142 (2019) 111501

relevant alternative could hasten the drug development process toward panel, Fig. 1a and b) (Lodish et al., 2000). The cells then anchor and
clinical implementation. flatten themselves, spreading outward over a larger area until they
Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology has reach their maximum spread (bottom panel, Fig. 1a and b) (Khalili and
been leveraged to develop biosensors to meet this goal by bringing Ahmad, 2015). Healthy cells will continue to bind tightly to the sub-
sensing and signal processing electronics into intimate contact with strate and spread out as they grow and proliferate, while compromised
biology. This has the advantages of incorporating the signal transduc- cells contract and may even lift off from the surface entirely. These
tion and readout pipeline into a single highly integrated platform, thus changes in cell morphology modulate the dielectric properties of the
enabling miniaturization and high-fidelity measurements. Among the cell-substrate interface which can be measured as changes in surface
different possible sensing modalities for CMOS technologies, impedance capacitance (Prakash and Abshire, 2008). Therefore, by integrating
and capacitance-based sensors have shown promise in cell viability highly sensitive capacitance sensors directly underneath the cells, one
monitoring. These sensors operate by monitoring the capacitive loading can obtain an accurate measure of cell health and viability.
of cells at the cell-chip interface (Hong et al., 2011; Prakash and
Abshire, 2005). Several such platforms have been developed for de- 2.1.2. CMOS capacitance biosensor
tecting bacterial cells (Couniot et al., 2016), monitoring bacterial The biosensor platform consists of a CMOS microchip that measures
growth (Ghafar-Zadeh et al., 2010), and tracking cancer cell pro- capacitance directly at the cell-substrate interface, converts it to a di-
liferation (Laborde et al., 2015; Nabovati et al., 2017; Prakash and gital signal, and sends data off-chip to a microcontroller readout board.
Abshire, 2008). A recent study looked at drug screening on chip using a The chip includes a 4 × 4 array of capacitance to frequency (CTF)
capacitance sensor (Nabovati et al., 2019), comparing cells that were sensors with a spatial pitch of 196 × 186 μm. Fig. 1c shows a schematic
antibiotic-resistant with those that were non-resistant. Results showed a of the sensing paradigm. Each sensing site consists of a pair of inter-
positive correlation with expected outcomes, although the temporal digitated electrodes covering an area of 30 × 30 μm2 that are fabricated
resolution of measurements was on the order of hours, which may limit in the top-metal layer of the CMOS process. This electrode configura-
the ability to observe drug-induced responses over short timespans. tion was chosen following finite element model simulations that
Other CMOS sensing modalities have also been studied for drug de- showed increased capacitance sensitivity compared to planar electrodes
velopment, including electrical sensing of action potential variations (Senevirathna et al., 2016). These electrodes are separated from the cell
upon drug dosing (Abbott et al., 2017; Lopez et al., 2018; Park et al., culture area by a SiO2/Si3N4 passivation layer.
2018). As cells settle and adhere to the substrate, they modulate the ca-
In this work, a CMOS-based capacitance biosensor is presented that pacitance sensed by the underlying circuitry. A detailed description of
enables automatic, real-time, and label-free cell tracking to monitor the basic sensor element design can be found in prior work
chemotherapeutic agent potency. The device is able to generate mea- (Senevirathna et al., 2018). Briefly, each sensing site consists of a vol-
surements of cell-substrate coupling with high spatial, temporal, and tage-controlled oscillator (VCO), as shown in the bottom-left of Fig. 1c,
amplitude resolution, which in turn can be used to monitor cell adhe- which generates an output voltage that switches between HIGH and
sion, proliferation, and viability in the presence of a cytotoxic agent. LOW at a frequency governed by internal parasitic resistances and ca-
Prior work has presented sensor characterization results and pre- pacitances, and a fixed analog bias voltage (VB). Here, the sensing
liminary live cell experiments (Senevirathna et al., 2019, 2018). Here, electrodes are electrically connected across the stages of the VCO,
more comprehensive cell experiments are performed with the addition thereby introducing an additional capacitive load (CIN) which mod-
of time-lapse optical imaging of the sensor surface to verify measure- ulates the oscillation frequency (fIN). The chip digitizes the frequency
ments. This ground-truth validation confirms the operation of the chip by integrating the oscillating signal through a shared counter for a fixed
and its ability to detect single-cell binding and detachment events. amount of time. On-chip control logic automatically activates each
Furthermore, experiments were performed to use the biosensor as a sensor in the array sequentially using row/column decoders that set
proof-of-concept drug-screening tool. Two human ovarian cancer cell each sensor's active-low enable signal (EN ). Data for each sensor is
lines were grown on the device, one of which is sensitive to a che- stored in local memory on-chip before being sent off-chip to a micro-
motherapeutic agent and the other resistant. Repeated experiments controller through a two-wire I2C serial communication interface. This
were performed to monitor cell viability for different concentrations of interface was chosen to minimize wiring requirements and to facilitate
the drug, and results demonstrate the ability to discriminate the re- chip packaging.
sistant and sensitive cell lines through capacitance measurements. The
high-temporal resolution measurements were then used, along with 2.2. Sensor integration & data readout
mathematical modeling, to estimate kinetics of cell death by measuring
the time lag between drug exposure and death onset, and the rate of cell The biosensor chip was fabricated in a commercial 3-metal 0.35 μm
death. Results showed that cell death is induced faster with increased CMOS process. An image of the CMOS chip can be seen in Fig. 2a. The
drug concentration, while the death rate remains unaffected. Capaci- chip was packaged in biocompatible materials to make experimentation
tance and image data may be found online at possible in the aqueous biological environment. Two different packa-
21227/9zzd-w936 (Senevirathna et al., IEEE Dataport, 2019). ging methods were used. The first method involved encapsulating the
die in an epoxy mold, patterning a zinc/copper/nickel metal stack to
2. Materials and methods make electrical contacts with the chip, and finally passivating the
electrical traces using a second layer of epoxy. Further details of the
2.1. Sensor design & theory process can be found in (Lu et al., 2018). The second method involves
mounting the chip to a low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) carrier
2.1.1. Cell-substrate coupling & chemotherapy by using Au–Au thermocompression bonding. Under-filling with epoxy
The CMOS biosensor operates by monitoring capacitive changes was used to create a liquid tight seal between the sensor chip and the
that occur at the cell-substrate interface as cells settle onto a substrate, LTCC carrier. Further details of the process can be found in (Halonen
adhere, proliferate, and eventually lift off due to cell death, forced et al., 2016; Kilpijärvi et al., 2018). For both packaging methods, cell
detachment, or other morphological changes. Fig. 1a shows a diagram culture wells were created by gluing either standard microbiology or
of three stages of the cell adhesion process. When cells are first placed polypropylene tubes around the sensing area. No variation in chip
in suspension they drift downwards and make an initial attachment characteristics or performance were observed due to choice of packa-
with the substrate (top panel, Fig. 1a and b). They then begin attaching ging method.
to the surface through a variety of cell adhesion mechanisms (middle The readout system consisted of two printed circuit boards (PCBs), a

B. Senevirathna, et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 142 (2019) 111501

Fig. 1. The cell adhesion process and working principle of the capacitance biosensor. a) Cell dielectric layer formation on a solid substrate. Cells in suspension
first drift downwards to settle on the surface. They begin adhering to the surface through various mechanisms involving cell adhesion molecules (Lodish et al., 2000).
The cells then anchor and spread outward as they proliferate. b) Microscope images of cells cultured on the biosensor surface, during the settling, adhering, and
proliferating phases (top to bottom). c) Schematic of the capacitive biosensor interfacing with the cell dielectric layer. Capacitive coupling of the cell layer through an
insulation layer modulates the output frequency of a voltage-controlled ring oscillator. The frequency of the sensor output signal is proportional to the change in
sensed capacitance. This information is digitized by integrating the signal through a counter. The resulting count value is then sent off-chip through a serial interface
to a microcontroller and computer.

daughterboard that housed the chip and a motherboard that held the cell flask within an incubator (37 °C, 5% CO2) until they reached the log
microcontroller (MicroPython PYB v1.0) used for readout. The daugh- growth phase (Davis, 2011). Cells were detached from the flasks using
terboard contained a zero-insertion-force socket that the chip plugged 0.25% trypsin/EDTA (ThermoFisher Scientific), pelleted, and re-sus-
into. The motherboard contained headers that interfaced with the mi- pended into 12.5 mL of fresh cell media.
crocontroller. A flat shielded Ethernet cable was used to connect the Cisplatin, a widely used platinum-based chemotherapeutic drug,
two PCBs. The microcontroller stored the data locally on an SD card and was used as the anti-cancer agent. The agent was obtained in dry
also sent the data to a graphical user interface on a computer (custom powder form (BioVision) and prepared with DI water to create a 1 mM
MATLAB GUI) which plotted the data in real time. stock solution. The solution was stored at room temperature away from
light. For treatment, cells were plated into the device and allowed to
2.3. Cell culture preparation grow for 48 h before the chemotherapeutic agent was applied.
Cell counting was performed using a hemocytometer and optical
Human ovarian cancer cells, CP70 and A2780, were cultured in T25 microscope. Counts were repeated in triplicate and averaged. For each
flasks with growth media. The media consisted of RPMI 1640 serum experiment, a cell density of 105 cells/ml was used within the plating
(ThermoFisher Scientific) with 10% fetal bovine serum (ThermoFisher area of the device.
Scientific), and it was supplemented with 1% penicillin and strepto-
mycin (ThermoFisher Scientific). The cells were grown in a standard T-

Fig. 2. The fabricated and assembled CMOS biosensor. a) Photomicrograph of the 3 × 3 mm2 CMOS biosensor chip. b) Schematic and c) photograph of packaged
chip surmounted by two-well combination.

B. Senevirathna, et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 142 (2019) 111501

2.4. Experimental setup they were rounded, as can be seen in image A of Fig. 3. While this initial
binding is weak, a noticeable difference was seen in channels 2 and 4,
2.4.1. Sensor preparation which had an initial seeding of cells compared to channels 1 and 3,
The packaged devices were prepared for experiments by first ster- which were void of cells. Over the next several hours, the cells began to
ilizing them with UV light (30 min) in a hood and then rinsing them flatten and adhere more strongly, as can be seen in the progression to
with deionized water, phosphate buffer solution (Dulbecco's Phosphate images B and then C. Corresponding capacitance increases to 380 aF
Buffer Solution), and cell media in sequence. Repeated experiments and 600 aF were seen in channels 2 and 4, respectively. Channel 3
were conducted using the same device by following a cleaning protocol. showed a brief increase in capacitance between hours 19 (image D) and
The device was first rinsed with sterile water for several seconds and 22 (image E). This was due to the cell on the top-right of the electrode,
then an enzyme-activated detergent (Alconox Tergazyme, 1% solution) which traversed from the top of the electrode to the bottom over this
was added to the well. The solution was agitated using a plastic transfer time period, briefly increasing the capacitive coupling. Additionally,
pipette for several seconds before being left in the well for a further channel 1 showed a sharp increase in capacitance of ∼200 aF at 21 h.
15 min. The well was then rinsed for at least 5 min with sterile water. This was due to the cell to the top-right of its electrodes, which moved
downwards towards the center of the electrodes and remained there, as
2.4.2. Real-time imaging system can be seen between images D and E. Channel 2 measured a brief
Optical microscopy, including phase-contrast and inverted light 215 aF dip in capacitance at 19 h. This was due to the cell on top of the
microscopy, is traditionally used to validate cell measurements by vi- electrodes (image C) undergoing cell division. The two resulting
sual inspection. However, conventional imaging methods are generally daughter cells (image D) covered approximately the same area of
incompatible with lab-on-CMOS devices since they require samples electrodes as the parent, but the daughter cells were probably not as
with substrates that are optically transparent. Since the sensor chips in well adhered, resulting in a drop in measured capacitance. Over the
lab-on-CMOS applications are opaque, traditional reflected light mi- next several hours these cells started to grow and to bind to the sub-
croscopy was used. Imaging of the sensor array was performed using a strate, resulting in the increase in measured capacitance.
standard microscope head unit (Microzoom II, Bausch & Lomb) and The array consists of 16 sensor sites spanning an area of
microscope camera (MU1603, Amscope) in a custom-machined posi- 618 × 588 μm2; this is a relatively low spatial density. Richer in-
tioning assembly. The setup was designed to fit inside a standard cell formation about the cell growth cycle could be ascertained with a
culture incubator to allow for real-time imaging concurrently with data higher density array. However, increased density would introduce tra-
collection from the chip. This allowed for continuous imaging at high deoffs between spatial resolution, amplitude resolution, and sensor
temporal resolution, compared with imaging on a bench outside the readout speed. As designed, the current chip reads out each pixel every
incubator, which would require interruption of experiments. Time- 1.4 s, a choice that aimed to mitigate the effects of parasitics and im-
lapse imaging was automatically triggered every 5 min by the readout prove sensor resolution (Senevirathna et al., 2016). A simple method of
microcontroller to synchronize images with data readout. increasing sensor density while maintaining the same theoretical re-
Mammalian cells require cell media solution that matches physio- solution would be to parallelize the readout mechanism. This is a low-
logical conditions and remains at a constant pH. This was achieved by cost approach since multiple counters can be used to integrate the
maintaining a constant CO2 level (5% in air) inside the incubator while sensor signals, in either a row-wise or column-wise fashion. Alter-
allowing gas exchange with the media. This can lead to evaporation of natively, groups of sensors could be activated/deactivated in an inter-
cell media over time, which in turn causes loss of image focus. A two- active fashion. This could be used to focus readouts into certain loca-
well package was created to alleviate this issue, as shown in Fig. 2b. tions of the array, for example if no cells are observed in one location
One well served as the area in which cells were cultured and imaging compared to another location.
was performed. This well was within a larger secondary reservoir well Control of cell binding location is a challenge for experiments with
that was left uncovered and allowed for gas exchange. The primary well lab-on-CMOS capacitance sensors due to the relatively small sensing
was formed by gluing a cuvette around the exposed chip using a bio- area of the input electrodes. Cell loading in this work was performed by
compatible silicone glue (Kwik-Cast, World Precision Instruments). The dispensing aliquots of cell solution using a micropipette. Once in so-
cuvette had 5 mm holes drilled through two sides at the bottom that lution, the cells randomly distributed themselves across the entire well
served as ports to allow fluid exchange with the reservoir. Both wells area. One way to better control cell seeding location would be to use
were filled with cell culture media up to the height of the primary well, microfluidics. By fabricating channels over the sensing area of the chip,
and a sterile glass coverslip was placed over the primary well. Cell cells could be loaded onto specific areas of the substrate, unloaded for
media from the reservoir well was then aspirated out until the coverslip passaging, and exposed to other reagents (Lin et al., 2004).
settled and formed a tight seal over the main well. An image of the
setup is shown in Fig. 2c. Through this two well approach, physiological 3.2. Cell response to chemotherapeutic agents
pH was maintained in the media through gas exchange in the reservoir
well, and constant image focus was maintained through fixed focal The CMOS capacitance biosensor was used to monitor the viability
distance in the main well. of cells in the presence of cisplatin, a widely used chemotherapeutic
agent. The two lines of human ovarian cancer cells were cultured as
3. Results & discussion described in Section 2.3. The cells were allowed to grow and proliferate
for at least 48 h before cisplatin was administered directly into the cell
3.1. Correlation of cell adhesion and capacitance measurements growth well. Fig. 4 shows exemplar images of cells on the sensor surface
through a drug administration experiment. The left-most image, taken
In order to validate the capacitance sensor measurements, experi- at t = 26.8 h, shows cells growing normally. A 100 μM dose of cisplatin
ments were first conducted with the imaging and sensor recordings was administered at t = 53.5 h, indicated by the red line, and the
running concurrently. Fig. 3 shows time-lapse images taken using the second image shows the surface 6 h later. Cells still appeared to be
in-incubator imaging system along with the corresponding capacitance healthy although a downtrend in the measured binding capacitance can
measurements for four sensors in the array. A video of the images and be observed in the sensor data traces. Roughly 4 h later, a more no-
data with alignment markers can be found in Supplementary Materials ticeable change in cell morphology can be seen, both in the images and
(SV1). During this portion of the experiment, cells were pipetted into data. Capacitance decreases of 230 aF and 440 aF were measured in
the culture well over the sensor array, then allowed to settle onto the channels 1 and 2, respectively. Images of the chip surface show that the
chip surface in a random manner. As cells first seeded onto the surface cells appeared noticeably shrunken and rounded, which is indicative of

B. Senevirathna, et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 142 (2019) 111501

Fig. 3. Correlation of capacitance measurements and time-lapse imaging of cells on the chip during cell-substrate binding. Top: Images taken of four sensors
at different time points. Time-lapse video is in Supplementary Materials (SV1). Bottom: Corresponding sensor responses showing the measured capacitance changes
over time. The letter markers indicate the time points corresponding to each frame.

Fig. 4. Cisplatin-induced cell death can be measured using the capacitance biosensor. Top: Microscope images of the two sensors, 1 and 2, during a drug
administration experiment. Bottom: Corresponding sensor-measured capacitance changes over time. The cisplatin was added at t = 53.5 h, indicated by the red line
and arrow. The labels on the images correspond to the time points marked by the dashed vertical lines. Time-lapse video is in Supplementary Materials (SV2). (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

B. Senevirathna, et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 142 (2019) 111501

Fig. 5. Cisplatin induced cell death is drug concentration dependent. a) Mean capacitance sensor responses for various concentrations of applied drug (added
after 2 days of growth). Each chart shows the response for two cell types, A2780 (drug-sensitive), and CP70 (drug-resistant). The dashed black line indicate when the
drug was applied to the cell culture. In the control experiment both cell lines were viable through the experiment. Addition of 1 μM cisplatin showed an immediate
effect on the capacitive coupling of A2780 cells while CP70 cells remained stable. Higher concentrations began to induce a response in CP70 cells as well. b)
Measured difference in average capacitance from immediately after the drug was administered to 24 h afterwards.

cell death (Susan, 2007). Time-lapse video of cell death along with 3.2.2. Cell death kinetics
sensor measurements can be found in Supplementary Video SV2. This We analyze the high-resolution data provided by the device to
experiment shows the device's ability to track cell health in real time profile the temporal response of the cancer cells to cisplatin. The ki-
through a drug-screening experiment. netics of cell death are characterized by the time delay between ex-
posure to the drug and the onset of cell death (tD), and the decay rate
(rD). The onset of cell death was extracted from the capacitance mea-
3.2.1. Dose responses surements by finding the time at which the peak capacitance value (CD)
We then investigated dose-dependent effects of cisplatin on the two occurs, after the application of the drug. The capacitance curves were
cell lines. Each cell type was allowed to grow for at least 48 h, after then normalized to CD and the data was fitted to an exponential decay
which different concentrations of cisplatin were applied. Control ex- model:
periments were performed in which both cell lines were plated and
C (t ) = ΔC (t )/ CD = C0 exp(−rD t ) + CB (1)
allowed to proliferate unencumbered over the experimental period.
Fig. 5a shows the time-series capacitance measurements of the device as where t (hr) is time, rD is the exponential decay rate (hr−1), C0 and CB
a function of drug dose. Each trace shows the mean response of those are initial and baseline values, and C(t) is the normalized capacitance as
sensors in the array that were visually observed to have cell coverage. a function of time.
Sensors that were void of cells, due to the random initial seeding, were Cells were cultured as described previously and exposed to 25 and
omitted. The red and black lines correspond to the cisplatin-sensitive 100 μM dosages of cisplatin, concentrations that were previously con-
(A2780) and cisplatin-resistant (CP70) cell lines, respectively. The da- firmed to be lethal to both cell lines. Fig. 6a shows the normalized
shed black lines indicate the time at which the drug was administered. capacitance measurements of two sensors from experiments where
The time-series data shows how drug dosage affected cell viability. A2780 and CP70 cell lines were exposed to 25 μM of cisplatin. For
As expected, the control experiment showed a continual increase in clarity, the measurements from the start of cell culture up to the time at
measured capacitance as cells proliferated without damage. At the same which drug is administered are omitted. Additionally, the data is time-
time, for high dosages, both cell lines were observed to be adversely aligned such that the onset of cell death occurs at t = 0 h. Therefore tD is
affected. As drug concentration was reduced from 100 μM, the net effect the time span between the first data point and t = 0 h, as indicated by
diminished. At a concentration of 1 μM, the resistant CP70 line was seen the horizontal arrows. Fig. 6b shows the corresponding plots for a dose
to be relatively unaffected by the drug whereas the sensitive A2780 line level of 100 μM. The dashed lines in both figures are the fitted ex-
showed a downtrend. This observation was confirmed by imaging the ponential decay models for each trace. Fig. 6c shows the mean tD for
surface after the experiment was completed. The difference between the each dosage and cell line. As can be seen, there is a significant decrease
two responses can be highlighted by looking at the net change in in the time to onset of cell death when drug dosage is increased from 25
measured capacitance at the time of drug application and 24 h later. to 100 μM (p = 0.003 and p = 0.004 for A2780 and CP70 cells, re-
The resulting change is shown in Fig. 5b. There was a net positive spectively). Fig. 6d shows the mean rD values. No significant difference
change in signal for the CP70 line for drug concentrations up to 5 μM, in the decay rate was seen as a function of drug concentration
although the magnitude decreased with increasing concentration. At (p > 0.05). Interestingly, the rate of decay is higher for the resistant
the same time, the A2780 line showed an immediate decrease in via- CP70 cell line compared to the sensitive A2780 line.
bility with a 1 μM cisplatin dosage. At concentrations of 10 μM and Drug delivery in these experiments involved dispensing microliter
100 μM, both cell lines were affected, as mentioned previously. volumes of the drug into a relatively large well, so drug exposure relied
primarily on diffusion through the cell media. As mentioned previously,
microfluidics could be incorporated into future versions of the device in

B. Senevirathna, et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 142 (2019) 111501

administration profile could also be applied in a time-varying manner

(e.g. pulsing or ramping) to investigate effects on cells that would not
be possible with traditional laboratory-based cytotoxicity assays.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
ence the work reported in this paper.


This study was supported the ClintoxNP program (Project #268944)

and UMD-UMB 2015 Research and Innovation Seed Grant Program.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Bathiya Senevirathna: Software, Validation, Formal analysis,

Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
Fig. 6. Cell death kinetics. Normalized capacitance values vs. time for ex- editing, Visualization. Sheung Lu: Investigation, Writing - original
periments where cells were exposed to drug concentrations of a) 25 μM and b) draft, Visualization. Marc Dandin: Resources, Writing - review &
100 μM. The bottom panel shows the mean extracted c) time delay and d) decay editing. John Basile: Resources, Writing - review & editing, Funding
rate for the set of experiments. (**p < 0.01). acquisition. Elisabeth Smela: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Resources, Writing - review & editing, Supervision, Project adminis-
order to better control dosage. With channels running across the sen- tration, Funding acquisition. Pamela Abshire: Conceptualization,
sing area, one could precisely control flow rates to maintain a constant Methodology, Resources, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
drug level. Additionally, exposure times could be controlled, allowing editing, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
for evaluating different dosage regimens with multiple drug combina-
tions. Furthermore, drug dispensing could be regulated by in- Acknowledgements
corporating cell cycle marker detection, creating a feedback control
loop for automated cell cycle-targeted drug screening therapies. The CMOS chip used in this study was designed at UMD with
technical feedback from Joni Kilpijärvi, Niina Halonen, Antti Hassinen,
Maciej Sobocinski, Jari Juuti, and Sakari Kellokumpu from the
4. Conclusion University of Oulu, Finland and from Anita Lloyd Spetz, Kalle Bunnfors,
Kajsa Uvdal, and Natalia Abrikossova from Linköping University,
This paper presents a CMOS biosensor that monitors the potency of Sweden. The LTCC Ceramic packaging of the chip was processed at the
chemotherapeutic agents in cancer cells in real-time. The custom CMOS Microelectronic Research Unit, University of Oulu, Finland. The authors
chip contains a 4 × 4 array of capacitance sensor pixels that make high- would like to thank Dr. Yan Shu from the University of Maryland
resolution measurements of cell-substrate coupling, as an indicator of Baltimore for providing the human ovarian cancer cells used in this
cell adhesion and viability. The sensor was first validated by simulta- study. The Center of Microscopy and Nanotechnology at the University
neously acquiring capacitance measurements and time-lapse images of of Oulu is acknowledged for technical support.
the sensor surface during in vitro experiments. Results showed strong
evidence of the correlation between cell-substrate coupling and mea- Appendix A. Supplementary data
sured capacitance, and the ability of the sensor to monitor cells at the
single-cell level, including cell division and movement events. Further Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
experiments were performed to examine the effects of a chemother-
apeutic agent on drug-sensitive and drug-resistant human ovarian
cancer cell lines. Cell viability was tracked continuously over three days References
for a range of drug concentrations, and results showed the ability to
successfully discriminate sensitive and resistant cell lines through ca- Abbott, J., Ye, T., Qin, L., Jorgolli, M., Gertner, R.S., Ham, D., Park, H., 2017. CMOS
pacitance measurements. The temporal responses of the measured ca- nanoelectrode array for all-electrical intracellular electrophysiological imaging. Nat.
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