Pengelolaan Ekosistem Terumbu Karang (Studi Kasus Di Pantai Kondang Merak Malang)
Pengelolaan Ekosistem Terumbu Karang (Studi Kasus Di Pantai Kondang Merak Malang)
Pengelolaan Ekosistem Terumbu Karang (Studi Kasus Di Pantai Kondang Merak Malang)
Abstrack :
1.1 Background
Indonesia is an archipelagic country with its vast sea territory, the number of islands
exceeding 17,508 and its coral reefs of about 60,000 km2 make this country very rich with
biodiversity. Coral reef ecosystems are part of important marine ecosystems as they provide a
source of life for a wide variety of marine biota. In the coral reef ecosystems, it is common to
live more than 300 species of coral, consisting of about 200 species of fish and tens of species of
mollusks, crustaceans, sponges, algae, seagrasses and other biota (Dahuri, 2000). Coral reefs
have a very important function as spawning, foraging, care for marine life and as a source of
germplasm. Coral reefs are also a source of food and substances 2 bioactive substances that are
useful in pharmaceuticals and medicine. In addition, coral reefs also have a function that is not
less important as a coastal protection from degradation and abrasion. The increasing economic
value and the community's need for the existing resources in coral reefs such as fish, lobster
shrimp, tripang and others, then the activities that encourage people to take advantage of the
potential is also greater. Thus, ecological pressure on coral reef ecosystem will also increase.
This increased pressure will certainly threaten the existence and survival of coral reef ecosystems
and biota that live in them. So the Indonesian nation must take action quickly and appropriately
in order to reduce the rate of coral reef degradation due to human exploitation. On the basis of
the above, it is necessary to study the condition of the coral reef ecosystem and its management
strategy, especially in the territorial waters of Malang Regency. It turned out to have been used
very much. Similarly in mangrove and seagrass ecosystems, the increased human activity in the
utilization of coral reef ecosystems has had a major impact on the destruction of these
ecosystems (Dutton et al., 2001). The growing population that inhabits coastal areas, puts serious
pressure on coral reefs. The low level of knowledge and awareness of the importance of the
function of coral reefs, plus not easy to find alternative jobs to increase the pressure on coral
reefs higher and more complex. Traditional uses, such as the use of bubu in some places because
of the large number of uses, have caused damage to coral reefs on a relatively large scale. The
destruction of coral reefs can result in disruption of the essential ecological functions of coral
reefs, ie loss of spawning habitat, nursery development, and searching for a large number of
large marine biota have high economic value and loss of island protectors from impact of
increase sea level. If there are no rock corals that produce lime sediments, the coral reef function
as a breakwater waves will decrease as the deeper the water so that the coastal abrasion will
gradually intensify. Utilization of natural resources in the absence of careful planning will
threaten the sustainability of the resource ecosystem itself, which in turn will also affect the
availability of marine biological resources that can be utilized by humans. So the potential
utilization of coral reef resources must be done by taking into account the principle of
1. Knowing the condition of coral reefs in Kondang Merak Malang that exist at this time.
2. Know the causes of damage that occur in the coral reef ecosystem.
3. Creating sustainable and sustainable ecosystem reef ecosystem management strategies.