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Supply Chain Engineering Marx Goetschalckx

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The document provides an overview of a book about supply chain engineering and design.

The book focuses on the engineering design and planning of supply chain systems.

The book can be roughly divided into four sections - data management, modeling, solution algorithms, and applications.

International Series in Operations Research

& Management Science

Volume 161

Series Editor
Frederick S. Hillier
Stanford University, CA, USA

Special Editorial Consultant

Camille C. Price
Stephen F. Austin State University, TX, USA

For further volumes:
Marc Goetschalckx

Supply Chain Engineering

1  3
Marc Goetschalckx
Georgia Institute of Technology
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering
Ferst Drive NW., 765
30332-0205 Atlanta Georgia

ISSN 0884-8289
ISBN 978-1-4419-6511-0     e-ISBN 978-1-4419-6512-7
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7
Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2011930401

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

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The focus of this book is the engineering design and planning of supply chain sys-
tems. A supply chain system can be loosely described as a system that—through
procurement, production, and distribution—delivers goods to satisfy the demands
of customers. Most organizations have a supply chain supporting their missing,
ranging from traditional business supply chains, to military logistics, to disaster
relief or medical delivery systems. As a consequence, there exists a very large va-
riety of supply chain system types with different goals, constraints, and decisions.
But a systematic approach to the design and planning of any supply chain can be
based on the principles and methods of system engineering. Systems engineer-
ing methodology uses three fundamental components: data, models, and solution
This book is targeted at several audiences.The first target is a course for upper-
level undergraduate students on supply chains.The second target is use in a capstone
senior design project in the supply chain area.The third target is an introductory
course on supply chains either in a master of engineering or a master of business
administration programs. The last audience consists of students enrolled in logistics
or supply chain postgraduate or continuing education courses.
The book can be roughly divided into four sections.The first section focuses
on data management.Since most of planning and design requires making decisions
today so that supply chain functions can be executed efficiently in the future, this
section introduces forecasting principles and techniques.The next two sections treat
decision making in the two primary areas of transportation and inventory.The sec-
ond section of the book focuses on transportation systems.First, the characteristics
of transportation assets and infrastructure are shown.Then four chapters focus on
the planning of transportation activities depending on who controls the transporta-
tion assets.The third section of the book is focused on storing goods.The last sec-
tion of the book is focused on supply chain systems that consider simultaneously
procurement, production, transportation, and inventory, as well as the design of the
supply chain infrastructure or network design.
In each chapter, first a model of the process being studied is developed followed
by a description of practical solution algorithms.More advanced material is typical-

vi Preface

ly described in appendices.This makes it possible to use an integrated, breadth-first

treatment of supply chain systems by using the initial material in each chapter.A
more in-depth treatment of a specific topic or process can be found towards the end
of each chapter.
Table of Contents

1  Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������      1
1.1  The Supply Chain and Logistics Domains������������������������������������������     1
1.2  Logistics Planning and Decisions Support������������������������������������������     9
1.3  Summary and Conclusions������������������������������������������������������������������    13
1.4  Exercises���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    13
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    14

2  Engineering Planning and Design������������������������������������������������������������    15

2.1  Engineering Design and Design Process���������������������������������������������    15
2.2  Modeling���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    20
2.3  Algorithms�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    49
2.4  Summary and Conclusions������������������������������������������������������������������    57
2.5  Exercises���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    57
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    58

3  Forecasting��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    61
3.1  Introduction�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    61
3.2  Classification of Forecasting Methods������������������������������������������������    64
3.3  Forecast Quality and Performance Measures��������������������������������������    67
3.4  Forecasting Software���������������������������������������������������������������������������    72
3.5  Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    72
3.6  Exercises���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    73
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    73

4  Time Series Analysis����������������������������������������������������������������������������������    75

4.1  Time Series Characteristics�����������������������������������������������������������������    75
4.2  Constant Data Pattern��������������������������������������������������������������������������    77
4.3  Trend Data Pattern�������������������������������������������������������������������������������    87
4.4  Seasonal Data Pattern��������������������������������������������������������������������������    97
4.5  Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   120
4.6  Exercises���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   120
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   126

viii Table of Contents

5  Transportation Systems�����������������������������������������������������������������������������   127

5.1  Introduction�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   127
5.2  Transportation Modes and Infrastructure��������������������������������������������   133
5.3  Transportation Documents and Contract Terms����������������������������������   150
5.4  Exercises���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   152
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   153

6  Single Flow Routing Through a Network������������������������������������������������   155

6.1  Vehicle Routing Systems Classification����������������������������������������������   155
6.2  Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing����������������������������������������   156
6.3  Exercises���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   178
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   180

7  Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network������������������������������������������   181

7.1  Introduction�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   181
7.2  Network Variants and Applications�����������������������������������������������������   184
7.3  Network Solution Algorithms�������������������������������������������������������������   188
7.4  Minimum Cost Network Flow Formulation���������������������������������������   207
7.5  Exercises���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   211
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   212

8  Single-Vehicle Roundtrip Routing������������������������������������������������������������   213

8.1  Introduction�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   213
8.2  Simple TSP Heuristics������������������������������������������������������������������������   224
8.3  Optimization Based Heuristics������������������������������������������������������������   251
8.4  Tours Software Illustration������������������������������������������������������������������   260
8.5  Exercises���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   260
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   268

9  Vehicle Routing and Scheduling���������������������������������������������������������������   271

9.1  Introduction�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   271
9.2  Classic Vehicle Routing (VRP)�����������������������������������������������������������   274
9.3  Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB)���������������������������������������   332
9.4  Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW)�����������������   365
9.5  Fleet Sizing and Fleet Mix������������������������������������������������������������������   368
9.6  Exercises���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   373
Appendix A  Extended VRP Example (VRP16)����������������������������������������   382
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   429

10  Inventory Systems��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   431

10.1  Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   431
10.2  Independent Demand Systems����������������������������������������������������������   442
10.3  Dependent Demand Systems�������������������������������������������������������������   480
10.4  Exercises��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   483
Appendix A  Expected Lost Sales for Discrete Distribution Function�������   488
Table of Contents ix

Appendix B  Optimal (s,Q) Policy for Service Level 2���������������������������   490

References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   493

11  Supply Chain Systems�����������������������������������������������������������������������������   495

11.1  Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   495
11.2  Supply Chain Design Objectives����������������������������������������������������   497
11.3  Supply Chain Objects and their Characteristics������������������������������   503
11.4  Information Technology������������������������������������������������������������������   516
11.5  Exercises�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   519
References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   520

12  Supply Chain Models�������������������������������������������������������������������������������   521

12.1  Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   521
12.2  Distribution Channel Selection�������������������������������������������������������   529
12.3  Tactical Supply Chain Planning������������������������������������������������������   540
12.4  Continuous Location Model�����������������������������������������������������������   547
12.5  Discrete Supply Chain Models�������������������������������������������������������   556
12.6  Geoffrion and Graves Distribution Model��������������������������������������   569
12.7  Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Model�����������������������������������������������   571
12.8  Conclusions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   576
12.9  Exercises�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   577
Appendix 12.A Continuous Point Location Based on the
Euclidean Distance Norm����������������������������������������������   587
Appendix 12.B  AMPL Model for the WLP��������������������������������������������   603
Appendix 12.C  AMPL Implementation of the G&G Model������������������   605
Appendix 12.D  AMPL Implementation of the Multi-Echelon Model ���   607
References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   611

13  Advanced Supply Chain Models�������������������������������������������������������������   615

13.1  Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   615
13.2  Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design�����������������������������   617
13.3  Strategic Global Supply Chain Design�������������������������������������������   634
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating
Uncertainty��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   642
13.5  Conclusions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   663
13.6  Exercises�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   664
References �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   668

Appendix A  Standard Distributions������������������������������������������������������������   671

A.1  Cumulative Normal Distribution�����������������������������������������������������   671
A.2  Unit Loss Function���������������������������������������������������������������������������   673

Index �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   675

Chapter 1

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
• Understand at a high level the domains of supply chains and logistics—their
characteristics and components.
• Know various types of supply chain objectives, constraints, and costs.
• Know common supply chain definitions and acronyms.
• Know the various types and levels of supply chain planning.
The overall focus of this book is the application of engineering design and scientific
management methodologies to the domains of supply chains and logistics. This in-
troduction summarizes some of the definitions and characteristics of these domains.
The general principles of engineering planning and design are discussed in the next

1.1 The Supply Chain and Logistics Domains

1.1.1  Logistics

Logistics is concerned with the organization, movement, and storage of material

and people. The term logistics was first used by the military to describe activities
associated with maintaining a fighting force in the field and, in its narrowest sense,
describes the housing of troops. The term gradually spread to cover business and
service activities. There exist a multitude of formal definitions. The Council of Sup-
ply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), formerly known as the Council of
Logistics Management (CLM), is a large trade association in the United States that
promotes the practice and education of logistics. Their definitions are probably the
most widely used.
Logistics Management is that part of Supply Chain Management that plans, implements,
and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services
and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order
to meet customers’ requirements.

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 1

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_1, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
2 1 Introduction

It identifies the following planning activities as part of logistics management:

Logistics Management activities typically include inbound and outbound transportation
management, fleet management, warehousing, materials handling, order fulfillment, logis-
tics network design, inventory management, supply/demand planning, and management
of third-party logistics services providers. To varying degrees, the logistics function also
includes sourcing and procurement, production planning and scheduling, packaging and
assembly, and customer service. It is involved in all levels of planning and execution—
strategic, operational, and tactical. Logistics Management is an integrating function, which
coordinates and optimizes all logistics activities, as well as integrates logistics activities
with other functions including marketing, sales manufacturing, finance and information

It is worthwhile to expand on some of the characteristics of logistics. Foremost is

the fundamental principle that logistics takes a holistic view of all the activities that
belong to its domain. Logistics is a mission-oriented discipline that will encompass
and coordinate all the activities necessary to achieve its mission, which can be sum-
marized as providing time and space utility to an organization.
A business organization has the goal of incorporating the following values into
its products: form and function, time and space, and ownership. The form and func-
tion values are generated by both its research and design and its production activi-
ties. Providing customers with the right product, in the right place, at the right time,
generates the time and space values, which is the domain of the logistics activities.
Finally, the ownership value is created and enhanced by the marketing activities.
Logistics activities and systems have a significant impact on the economy and
even on basic human existence. Numerous examples exist, but one of the most strik-
ing one occurred in 1990 when the former Soviet Union produced a bumper crop
of potatoes, enough to feed its people, ( Atlanta Journal Constitution, January 6,
1991), but at the same time a widespread shortage of potatoes was expected in the
Soviet Union during the winter season of 1990–1991, ( Time Magazine, December
3, 1990). In fact, most of the potato crop was stored in warehouses and railroad cars
and rotted before it could be delivered to its intended customers. In this case, logis-
tics systems and activities suffered a major breakdown.
Logistics focuses on three types of flows: material flows, information flows, and
monetary flows. The most traditional flow is the physical “material flow,” where
the material can range from traditional products, through services, to livestock, and
people. The “flows” can refer to material in motion, indicating the space utility typi-
cally associated with transportation, or to material at rest, indicating the time utility
typically associated with storage and inventory.
The second important flow in logistic activities is the flow of information. Shar-
ing information on the status of physical flows across various organizations execut-
ing the logistics functions can dramatically decrease the magnitude of the physical
material flows. This has led to implementation of massive software packages for
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) that provide such information first within a
single organization and now among all the organizations in a supply chain. Finally,
the increasingly global nature of trade and logistics has sharpened the focus on
monetary flows in logistics. Currency fluctuations and fiscal regulations of trade
1.1 The Supply Chain and Logistics Domains 3

associations such as the European Union (EU) and North American Free Trade As-
sociation (NAFTA) can dramatically change the feasibility and efficiency of the
physical flows.

1.1.2  Supply Chain

Very closely related to logistics is the concept of a supply chain. A supply chain is a
network of functional organizations that through their activities perform the logis-
tics functions. Again many alternative definitions exist.
A supply chain is a network of organizations that are involved through upstream and down-
stream linkages in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of
products and services in the hands of the ultimate customer. (Christopher 1998)

The CSCMP (2005) identifies the following planning activities as part of Supply
Chain Management (SCM).
Supply Chain Management encompasses the planning and management of all activities
involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all Logistics Management activi-
ties. Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners,
which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers. In
essence, Supply Chain Management integrates supply and demand management within
and across companies. Supply Chain Management is an integrating function with primary
responsibility for linking major business functions and business processes within and
across companies into a cohesive and high-performing business model. It includes all of
the Logistics Management activities noted above, as well as manufacturing operations, and
it drives coordination of processes and activities with and across marketing, sales, product
design, finance, and information technology.

The following definition is a distillation of several definitions: “A supply chain is an

integrated network of resources and processes that is responsible for the acquisition
of raw materials, the transformation of these materials into intermediate and fin-
ished products, and the distribution of the finished products to the final customers.”
It includes among others vendors, manufacturing and distribution facilities, for-
warders, distributors, and wholesalers, third-party logistics providers, and all other
entities involved with the sourcing, transformation, and transportation of products
until they reach the customer. At the most elemental level, one can think of supply
chain operations as production activities in addition to logistics operations.
The linkages consist of material, information, and financial flows. The supply
chain is usually not a single or simple chain but a complex network with many
divergent and convergent flows. Because of the current focus of companies on
their core competencies, there are typically many different organizations in a sup-
ply chain. If all these organizations belong to the same (multinational) corporation,
information flows usually are more complete and powerful and decision making is
easier, but the fundamental nature of the supply chain remains unchanged. In other
words, there is no difference in the definition of a supply chain depending on the
fact if one or more corporations are involved.
4 1 Introduction

For an organization to become part of a supply chain requires this to be a ben-

eficial relationship or win–win situation in the long run for the organization and
for the rest of the supply chain. There exist an enormous variety of supply chain
implementations. In the manufacturing industries, examples are the manufacturing
and distribution of consumer goods, the assembly of limited-quantity goods such as
aircraft and locomotives, or the construction of telephone switching centers. In the
service industries, supply chains take the form of hospital and provider networks,
functionality and location of banking outlets, and hub-and-spoke networks by major
airlines to offer seats on flights. In the defense organizations, supply chains cor-
respond to personnel, equipment, and bases functions and locations. While many
different manifestations and configurations exist, the underlying structure of any
supply chain remains a network of capacitated production, storage, and transporta-
tion assets to provide customer service by the timely delivery of goods and services
to the customers at the lowest possible cost.
Stadtler and Kilger (2008) define supply chain management as
the task of integrating organizational units along a supply chain and coordinating materials,
information, and financial flows in order to fulfill the demands of the ultimate customer
with the aim of improving competitiveness of a supply chain as a whole.

1.1.3  Importance of Logistics

A snapshot of the size and importance of some components in the total business lo-
gistics costs in the United States for the years 2002–2006 is given by Trunick (2003,
2004, 2005, 2006), Wilson (2007), and Blanchard (2010), and shown in Tables 1.1
and 1.2.
Trends in logistics costs in absolute values and relative to the gross domestic
product (GDP) are shown in Table 1.2 and in Figs. 1.1–1.3. Figure 1.1 shows the
evolution of inventory costs; Fig. 1.2 shows the absolute costs for logistics activities
in billion $ per year; Fig. 1.3 shows the relative importance of the logistics activities
as a fraction of the GDP of the United States. Comparable figures for other areas of
the world are difficult to obtain and validate.
In Fig. 1.1, the left axis shows the value of business inventory in billions of dol-
lars and the right axis shows the inventory carrying rate on an annual basis.
The decline until 2004 in the absolute value of the inventory costs and the frac-
tion of the GDP represented by inventory costs can be explained by three factors:
(1) a downturn in the overall economic climate, e.g., the slowdown starting in 2001
after the bursting of the dot-com bubble; (2) continuing growth of low-inventory
supply chain practices by corporations such as just-in-time part deliveries; (3) a low
short-term interest rate that made holding inventory less expensive. The decline in
transportation costs can be explained by the same downturn in the overall economic
climate, but also by an erosion or net decrease of transportation prices due to very
strong competition. However, due to the increased economic activity, carriers were
able to introduce a price increase in 2004. Coupled with strongly increasing fuel
Table 1.1   U.S. business logistics costs 2002–2009
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Category Costs Fraction Costs Fraction Costs Fraction Costs Fraction Costs Fraction Costs Fraction Costs Fraction Costs Fraction
Interest* $23 $17 $23 $58 $93 $5
Taxes, obsolescence, $197 $205 $227 $245 $252 $233
Warehousing $78 $78 $82 $90 $101 $119
Total inventory $298 32.6 $300 32.1 $332 32.7 $393 33.2 $446 34.2 0.0 0.0 $357 32.6
(*Business inventory $1,451 $1,492 $1,627 $1,763 $1,857
Intercity motor carriage $300 $315 $335 $394 $432 $542
Local motor carriage $162 $167 $174 $189 $203
1.1 The Supply Chain and Logistics Domains

Rail carriage $37 $38 $42 $48 $54 $50

International water $21 $21 $22 $29 $32 $29
Domestic water $6 $5 $5 $5 $5
International air $7 $8 $9 $15 $15
Domestic air carriage $20 $21 $22 $25 $23 $29
Forwarders $14 $10 $18 $22 $27 $28
Oil pipelines $9 $9 $9 $9 $10 $10
Total Transportation $576 63.0 $594 63.5 $636 62.7 $736 62.2 $801 61.4 0.0 0.0 $688 62.8
Shipper costs $6 0.7 $6 0.6 $8 0.8 $8 0.7 $8 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
Administration $35 3.8 $36 3.8 $39 3.8 $46 3.9 $50 3.8 0.0 0.0 $51 4.7
Total logistics costs $915 100.0 $936 100.0 $1,015 100.0 $1,183 100.0 $1,305 100.0 $1,396 100.0 $1,340 100.0 $1,096 100.0
Costs in B$, Fractions in %

Table 1.2   U.S. business logistics costs over a twenty-six year period
Year GDP Business inven- Inventory carrying Inventory Transportation Administration Total logistics Inventory Transport Logistics
tory value ($B) rate (%) costs costs costs costs cost % of costs % of Cost % of
GDP (%) GDP (%) GDP (%)
1981 3,130 747 34.7 259 228 19 506 8.3 7.3 16.2
1982 3,260 760 30.8 234 222 18 474 7.2 6.8 14.5
1983 3,540 758 27.9 211 243 18 472 6.0 6.9 13.3
1984 3,930 826 29.1 240 268 20 528 6.1 6.8 13.4
1985 4,210 847 26.8 227 274 20 521 5.4 6.5 12.4
1986 4,450 843 25.7 217 281 20 518 4.9 6.3 11.6
1987 4,740 875 25.7 225 294 21 540 4.7 6.2 11.4
1988 5,110 944 26.6 251 313 23 587 4.9 6.1 11.5
1989 5,440 1005 28.1 282 329 24 635 5.2 6.0 11.7
1990 5,800 1041 27.2 283 351 25 659 4.9 6.1 11.4
1991 5,990 1030 24.9 256 355 24 635 4.3 5.9 10.6
1992 6,320 1043 22.7 237 375 24 636 3.7 5.9 10.1
1993 6,640 1076 22.2 239 396 25 660 3.6 6.0 9.9
1994 7,050 1127 23.5 265 420 27 712 3.8 6.0 10.1
1995 7,400 1211 24.9 302 441 30 773 4.1 6.0 10.4
1996 7,810 1240 24.4 303 467 31 801 3.9 6.0 10.3
1997 8,320 1280 24.5 314 503 33 850 3.8 6.0 10.2
1998 8,780 1317 24.4 321 529 34 884 3.7 6.0 10.1
1999 9,270 1381 24.1 333 554 35 922 3.6 6.0 9.9
2000 9,870 1478 25.3 374 590 39 1003 3.8 6.0 10.2
2001 10,080 1403 22.8 320 581 37 938 3.2 5.8 9.3
2002 10,470 1451 20.6 300 577 35 912 2.9 5.5 8.7
2003 10,759 1494 20.1 300 600 36 936 2.8 5.6 8.5
2004 11,802 1627 20.4 332 644 39 1015 2.8 5.5 8.6
2005 12,216 1763 22.3 393 736 54 1183 3.2 6.0 9.7
2006 13,182 1857 24.0 446 809 50 1305 3.4 6.1 9.9
2007 1966 1396 10.1
2008 1340
1 Introduction

2009 357 688 51 1096

1.1 The Supply Chain and Logistics Domains 7

2500 40.0%
Business Inventory Value ($B) Inventory Carrying Rate





0 0.0%
Fig. 1.1   Business inventory value and carrying rate

Fig. 1.2   Business logistics 1600

Inventory Transport Administration Total
costs 1400
Costs (B$)












Inventory Transport Logistics
Cost as % of GDP

Fig. 1.3   Business logistics 0.0%
costs as fraction of the gross








domestic product
8 1 Introduction

prices in 2005 and 2006 and the accompanying fuel surcharges, the fraction of the
GDP attributed to transportation costs increased in 2005 and again in 2006. In ad-
dition, the inventory quantities and the interest rates and corresponding inventory
carrying cost increased in 2005 and again in 2006. As a consequence, the fraction of
the GDP attributable to logistics, after many years of decline, grew to close to 10%
in 2005, nearly 10% in 2006, and fractionally higher than 10% in 2007. In 2006 the
increase in transportation costs was mainly caused by the rise in fuel costs. The in-
crease in inventory costs was due to an increase of inventory held, higher warehous-
ing costs, and the increase in the interest rate for carrying inventory. The statistics
for 2009 show a decrease of more than $244 billion and a combined decrease in
2008 and 2009 of $300 billion. These decreases are due to the severe recession of
2008–2009, indicating that logistics cost are strongly dependent on the overall eco-
nomic level of the United States. Typically, annual logistics data become available
in July or August of the following year.
The statistics on the importance of logistics costs for other areas of the world
are much harder to obtain and validate. The following statistics have been collected
from a variety of publications in the trade literature. Logistics cost are estimated to
make up 14% of the GDP of the European Union. Vachine (2008) reports that logis-
tics in India is a $100 billion industry in 2008, which is expected to reach $120 bil-
lion by 2010. Since the statistics may have been collected differently from statistics
for the United States, any side-by-side comparison should be carefully validated.

1.1.4  Information Technology, Computers, and Communications

The fundamental physical technologies for transporting and storing materials have
remained relatively unchanged during the last five decades. However, information
technologies and especially the recent widespread use of the Internet have had a
tremendous impact on the control and information flows in logistic systems. For
the first time there exists a two-way and up-to-date communication between the
end customers, their vendors, and logistics services providers. At the same time, the
development of relatively inexpensive tags that can be placed in or on the product
and that can be interrogated and updated without physical contact through radio
waves (RFID) allow individual product items to store a variety of information on
their supply chain history and future. This capability has created several new logis-
tics tools and systems such as mass customization, yield management, end-to-end
product and product history availability, and service auctions. For example, Fig. 1.4
illustrates the information presented to an end customer when the package, contain-
ing a single customer order, is shipped. The current location and the transportation
history of the shipment are reported in detail. This allows the receiver to better plan
its activities and provides detailed transactional data to the carrier to optimize its
network and operations. In essence, the availability of accurate information has al-
lowed the decrease of just-in-case material inventory without reducing the customer
service level.
1.2 Logistics Planning and Decisions Support 9

Fig. 1.4   UPS shipment track-

ing report over the internet

A virtual logistics enterprise temporarily combines various logistics service pro-

viders and requesters into a single organization for the execution of a particular
logistics mission. After the mission has been completed, the component companies
become independent again. A particular company may at the same time be a partner
with another company for one logistics mission and a competitor for another mis-
sion. Such virtual enterprises have only recently become feasible because of the
dramatic growth in information technology.

1.2 Logistics Planning and Decisions Support

1.2.1  Three Levels of Logistics Planning

To maximize the value along a supply chain, a large variety of planning decisions
have to be made, ranging from the simple warehouse-floor decision of which item
10 1 Introduction

to pick next to fulfill a customer order, to the corporate-level decision to build a new
manufacturing plant. Supply chain planning supports the full range of those deci-
sions related to the design and operation of supply chains. The focus of this book
is on the use of normative models and mathematical solution algorithms to support
supply chain planning. Such models and algorithms require the identification and
quantitative specification of objectives, constraints, and alternatives. In order for
the solution generated by the algorithms to be implementable, it has to be based on
accurate data for that particular problem instance. If either of the instance data, the
decision support model, or the solution algorithm is incorrect, then the generated
decisions will be of little practical value.
There exists a vast amount of literature, software packages, decision support
tools, and design algorithms that focus on isolated components of the supply chain
or isolated planning in the supply chain. Some examples are production planning in
manufacturing, vehicle dispatching in transportation, and warehouse management
systems in distribution operations. However, maximization of the potential for add-
ing value along the supply chain requires an integrated and comprehensive planning
approach. The supply chain considered should extend from the suppliers of the raw
materials, through the various transformation stages, to the final consumers. In re-
cent years, the recovery and recycling operations and processes of post-consumer
products are also included in the supply chain and its planning.
In the last few decades, several companies have developed Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) systems in response to the need of global corporations to plan their
entire supply chain. Two major examples of such software vendors are Oracle and
SAP. ERP systems integrate the data of one or more principal business functions
such as accounting, human resources, production planning, and sales. In their initial
implementations, the ERP systems were primarily used for the recording of trans-
actions rather than for the planning of resources on an enterprise-wide scale. Their
main advantage was to provide consistent, up-to-date, and accessible data to the
In recent years, the original ERP systems have been extended with Advanced
Planning Systems (APS). The main function of APS is the planning of enterprise-
wide resources and actions. “The goal of APS is to find feasible, near-optimal plans
across the supply chain as whole, while potential bottlenecks are considered explic-
itly” (Stadtler and Kilger 2008). This implies a coordination of the plans among
several organizations and geographically dispersed locations. APS are responsible
for planning, while ERP systems are still required as the transaction and execu-
tion system. APS use or extract data stored in the ERP to support algorithm-based
decision making and then store the plans back into the ERP. APS do not substitute
for ERP but supplement existing ERP systems.
APS typically comprise several planning modules ranging from strategic net-
work planning, through intermediate demand planning and master planning, to
operational material requirements planning (MRP), production planning, distribu-
tion requirements planning (DRP), and transportation planning. At the current time,
the major emphasis in APS is on the operational planning and execution levels.
The planning modules for strategic decisions are still in their infancy in current
1.2 Logistics Planning and Decisions Support 11

Fig. 1.5   Organization of sup-

ply chain planning modules Strategic
Strategic Stratetic Enterprise Planning Demand

Tactical Master Production and Distribution Demand

Material Operational
Production Distribution
Operational Requirem. Demand
Planning Planning
Planning Planning

Vehicle Demand
Execution Purchasing Scheduling
Dispatching Monitoring

implementations. The organization of the various planning modules in supply chain

planning and the relations between them are shown in Fig. 1.5. More details on the
hierarchy of planning tasks and on APS can be found in Stadtler and Kilger (2008)
and Fleischmann and Meyr (2001). Software to plan the supply chain that has been
created outside the ERP system many times is called Supply Chain Management
The individual planning tasks in an APS constitute in themselves very difficult
planning problems. Sophisticated optimization algorithms, such as mixed integer
programming (MIP), constraint programming techniques, and heuristic algorithms
may be used. Since decisions are made at different times, by different decision
makers, and in different locations, no single integrated and comprehensive planning
model and corresponding planning algorithm exist. Most often, the overall planning
task is solved using hierarchical decomposition or hierarchical planning.
Examples of major software houses offering APS or SCM are J. D. Edwards,
and SAP. Several of these companies also provide the ERP system, while others
rely on third-party ERP systems. The modules in these APS, their capabilities and
functionalities, change continuously and dramatically. Many times, the only avail-
able information is based on marketing and promotional materials provided by the
software vendors. The detailed assumptions, constraints, and objectives of the stra-
tegic models and algorithms are particularly hard to determine.
Previously, Anderson Consulting, in cooperation with the CLM annually com-
piled a database of software packages used for the planning and scheduling of logis-
tics operations; see Haverly and Whelan (2000) for one of the most recent editions. Strategic Planning

The decisions made at the strategic planning level are characterized by their per-
manence and importance to economic survival of the company. Examples in manu-
12 1 Introduction

facturing are the construction of a manufacturing plant, the sizing and location of
production capacity, the switch from company-owned to third-party logistics, the
selection of distribution channels, and the identification and ranking of product–
customer pairs. Examples in the service industry are the decision for two banks or
hospitals to merge and again the identification of desirable product–customer pairs.
Finally, examples in the defense sector are the configuration of the armed forces,
the deployment of a new weapon system, and the decisions on location or closure
of bases.
A third characteristic of strategic planning is the lack of quantitative and vali-
dated data for the full time horizon of the decision. A manufacturing plant typically
has a useful life of twenty years or more, while the products manufactured in the
facility may have a life cycle of less than a year. Many times the decision has to
be based on external data that are forecasted with a huge amount of uncertainty,
especially for time periods further and further into the future. Examples are the
evolution of population and wages in various areas of the country or the world and
the forecasts for the acceptance and use of technologies and products. The oppor-
tunities for success and the penalties for mistakes can mean the survival or demise
of the corporation for several years or even permanently. Compared to tactical and
operational planning, the strategic planning process is much more intermittent and
much more decoupled from the data stored in ERP systems. Tactical Planning

The decisions made at the tactical planning level typically have a permanence of
three months to a year. Examples are the production schedule for the next three
months, the long-term contract with a supplier or a transportation company, and
the determination of the level of customer service. Tactical decisions are typically
based on a mixture of internal and external data. Internal data may comprise sales
forecasts based on historical sales and questionnaires. External data may include
the overall health of the economy, the exchange rates between various currencies,
and the season of the year. An external or corporate forecasting department typi-
cally creates the sales forecast in a periodic fashion. The configuration of the supply
chain determined at the strategic level now translates into a number of constraints at
the tactical level. The consequences of success or failure can have dramatic impact
on the share price of the corporation. Operational Planning

The decisions made at the operational planning level typically have a permanence of
one day to one week. Examples are the weekly production schedule, the amount of
product to be picked and shipped to a customer, and the amount of product purchased
from a supplier. The data available to support operational planning is most often in-
ternal data which is known with great detail and accuracy. The more recent use of
1.4 Exercises 13

ERP systems has provided planners with extensive operational data. The savings
and penalties associated with operational decisions typically impact the perfor-
mance measures of a facility or a department in a facility. Execution

The decisions made at the execution level typically have a permanence of a few
minutes to a few hours. Examples include which part to produce next, which part
to pick next in a distribution center, or which customer is delivered to next by a ve-
hicle. The data for the execution decisions is often known with certainty since it is
based on direct observations of the physical world. The impact of a single execution
decision is often very small or negligible, but since so many execution decisions are
made, their aggregate impact determines the cost and resource consumption rates
used at the higher planning levels.
In general, decisions made at higher planning levels transform into constraints at
the lower planning levels. The result of planning at the lower levels in turn provides
more accurate estimates or aggregate data for the characteristics of the operations.
The engineering design and planning methodology uses those improved aggregate
data in the next iteration of the higher level planning.

1.3 Summary and Conclusions

This chapter started off with the definition of supply chains, supply chain compo-
nents, and various supply chain planning and design problems. One of the most im-
portant classifications of supply chain planning and design problems is their plan-
ning level. The higher the level of the planning problem, the more comprehensive
and the integrated the problem becomes, the more uncertain the data becomes, and
the larger the variety of the design goals becomes. Uncertain data and multicriteria
goals yield an especially complex engineering design problem.

1.4 Exercises

True/False Questions 
1. Besides the material flow and the monetary flow, logistics is mainly concerned
with the transportation flow in the logistics system (T/F) _____.
2. Strategic logistics planning is based on accurate transactional data (T/F) ______.
3. Tactical logistics planning can change the configuration of the logistics network
(T/F) _____.
4. The sole focus of logistics planning is inventory management (T/F) _____.
14 1 Introduction

World Trade Organization’s Doha Round of Negotiations  The negotiations

in the framework of the current WTO Doha development round have proven to
be very difficult, and progress towards reaching an agreement has been very slow
because of the different goals of the different types of nations. Identify for each of
the following nations, groups, or types of nations one area in which they want trade
barriers lowered and free trade rules established and one area in which they prefer
protectionist rules and regulations. The parties are the United States, the European
Union, Japan, BRIC countries, and underdeveloped third-world countries. Explain
in a single and succinct sentence why each of those countries wants to promote or
obstruct free trade in areas that you have identified. Describe in a single paragraph
the underlying principles that govern the global trade aspirations for the different
types of nations and the different segments of their economy.


Blanchard, D. (2010). The state of the logistics market, 2010. Material Handling Management, 7.
Christopher, M. (1998). Logistics and upply chain management: strategies for reducing cost and
improving service (2nd ed.). London: Pitman.
CSCMP. (2005). Council of supply chain management professionals.
Fleischmann, B., & Meyr, H. (2001). Planning hierarchy, modeling, and advanced planning sys-
tems. In S. Graves & A. G. De Kok (Eds.), Supply chain management handbook, unpublished
(Ch. 10).
Haverly, R. C., & Whelan, J. F. (2000). Logistics software 2000 edition. Council of Logistics Man-
agement. Illinois: Oak Brook.
Murphy, P. R., & Wood, D. F. (2008). Contemporary logistics (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River:
Pearson, Prentice-Hall.
Stadtler, H., & Kilger, C. (2008). Supply chain management and advanced planning (4th ed.).
Heidelberg: Springer.
Trunick, P. A. (2003). Time for a change. Chief Logistics Officer, 8, 25–29.
Trunick, P. A. (2004). How to beat the high cost of shipping? Logistics Today, 45(7), 26–29.
Trunick, P. A. (2005). Can we hold the line on logistics costs? Logistics Today, 46(8), 27–30.
Trunick, P. A. (2006). Good shippers hold the line on costs. Logistics Today, 47(8), 1–16.
Trunick, P. A. (2008). US logistics costs rise in 2007. Outsourced Logistics, 1(5), 41–42.
Wilson, R. (2007). 18th Annual The State of Logistics Report: The New Face of Logistics. CSCMP.
Chapter 2
Engineering Planning and Design

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to
• Know the general characteristics of systems design.
• Know the characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and types of models.
• Know various types of supply chain objectives, constraints, and costs.
• Know the characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and types of algorithms.
• Know various distance norms and understand their relationship with real-world
The focus of this book is the application of scientific management and engineering
design methodologies to the domain of supply chains and logistics. This chapter
summarizes first the methodology of engineering design. It continues by providing
a classification and characteristics of models and algorithms. The chapter concludes
by describing models for the distance between two points at various levels of accu-
racy, which are some of the most fundamental models used in the management and
design of logistic and supply chains systems.

2.1 Engineering Design and Design Process

2.1.1  Engineering Design

Industrial engineering, systems engineering, or industrial and systems engineering

are engineering disciplines that focus on designing, planning, and managing com-
plex systems using an engineering-based approach. Designing the “factory of the
future” or the “supply chain for the twenty-first century” are complex tasks that
require knowledge of a broad set of sciences, including engineering, mathematical,
physical, computer and information, and behavior sciences as well as economics
and business management. Systems engineering addresses both the structure and
the behavior of the system to determine the system’s performance. The principles
and methodologies of system engineering apply to a large variety of systems, rang-

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 15

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
16 2 Engineering Planning and Design

ing from production systems such as factories and supply chains, to services sys-
tems such as health care delivery and transportation.
The goal of engineering design is the creation of an artifact. This artifact can
be a physical object, a computer program, or a procedure. The artifact will have a
function, i.e. a particular purpose. The following are examples of artifacts created
by engineering design. An aircraft is a physical object with as its function transport-
ing goods and people through the air. Quick sort is a computer program with as its
function the efficient sortation of a collection of objects based on a single numerical
attribute. The plan for the evacuation of a large city in anticipation of a disaster is a
procedure with as its function the relocation of people from a particular geographi-
cal area. The artifact must function in the physical world and in particular in its
physical environment. This environment poses constraints on the functioning of the
artifact. During the execution of its function, the artifact will consume a number of
resources. This consumption behavior is measured by the performance characteris-
tics of the artifact.
In most engineering disciplines, engineering design has several stages. While the
details will differ between various engineering disciplines, the following stages are
commonly identified: (1) problem definition, (2) conceptual design, (3) detailed de-
sign, and (4) design specification and implementation. During each of these stages,
engineering design decisions are made to progress towards the creation of the arti-
fact. During the problem definition stage, decisions are made regarding the bound-
aries of the design domain, i.e. what can and cannot be controlled by the design
effort, and the relevant performance criteria are identified. During the conceptual
design, the different components of the artifact with their associated functions are
defined. During the detailed design, the physical implementation of the components
is determined, as well as their interactions and performance characteristics. During
the design specification and implementation, documents are created that commu-
nicate the artifact in sufficient detail to other disciplines so that the artifact can be
created according to the specifications. In many engineering disciplines, these doc-
uments are engineering blueprints. In software engineering these documents may
be flow charts or pseudo code. Engineering documents that describe processes are
often denoted as standard operating procedures or SOP.
Engineering design is one of the fundamental activities of engineers in any en-
gineering discipline. However, engineering design is interpreted differently by the
various engineering disciplines and is taught in vastly different ways in engineering
colleges. The value of creativity and intuition, especially during the conceptual de-
sign stage, is widely accepted. The intuition of an experienced design engineer most
often is not learned in an academic course but rather acquired through active partici-
pation in design projects. To start this process most engineering programs require
a capstone design project as an essential component of an engineering education.
This is further support for the contention that engineering design encompasses both
elements of art and science. Good engineering design is based on a balanced com-
bination of creativity and systematic methods. There exist a number of references
on engineering design, e.g. Pahl and Beitz (1996), Hoare (1996), Ertas and Jones
(1996), Park (2007) but they are relatively discipline specific.
2.1 Engineering Design and Design Process 17

A design procedure determines the various decision problems in the design proj-
ect, in which sequence they are solved, and how they are related. In most of the
engineering design projects, this design procedure is not a linear procedure from
start to finish through the various phases or design problems. The current design of
the artifact may violate some constraints or may have unacceptable or undesirable
performance characteristics causing the design procedure to return to an earlier step
in the procedure. The engineering design process is essentially an iterative process.
However, the process has to progress towards the creation of the artifact; in other
words, the engineering design process has to converge. Hierarchical design is an
example of a standard decomposition design method, where decisions are divided
based on their scope and time permanence into strategic, tactical, operational, and
execution decisions. Decisions with longer time permanence function as constraints
for decisions with shorter time permanence.
The different design problems solved during the design process have to be con-
sistent. One way to ensure forward consistency is to interpret higher-level decisions
as constraints for lower-level design problems. This is a natural mechanism and is
often denoted as hierarchical decomposition. However, there exists a second consis-
tency requirement which is called backward consistency. Backward consistency re-
quires that performance criteria values, derived in the lower levels by more detailed
models, are used in the higher-level design problems. This creates feedback loops
that may cause the design procedure to solve an infinite loop of design problems.
A fundamental challenge for any engineering design procedure is to ensure that (1)
the various design problems are forward and backward consistent, and (2) that the
design procedure converges.

2.1.2  Characteristics of an Engineered Artifact Performance characteristics and feasibility

The terms artifact and engineered systems will be used interchangeably. A perfor-
mance characteristic is a quantifiable and measurable property or characteristic of
the designed system. The combination of all performance characteristics is called
the quality of the designed system. A system is said to be feasible if its performance
characteristics exceed certain minimally acceptable levels. Failure to do so will
yield a defective artifact, which may lead to excessive costs, returns, loss of market
share, recalls, and even liability law suits. Total life cycle cost

The life cycle of a system is the time interval starting with its design and ending
with its final disposition. A system has several time phases that are components of
18 2 Engineering Planning and Design

its total life cycle. With each phase there are associated types of cost. The major
phases and associated cost types are given next.
1. The design time is the time necessary to design, but not to implement, the sys-
tem. The time spent designing the system should be commensurate with the
value of the system. Often there exists a decreasing quality benefit for spending
more time during the design phase. A common principle in military planning
states “a good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow”. The design cost
is composed of all costs to design, but not implement, the system.
2. The production, construction, or implementation time is the time required to
build the system. Large systems such as supply chains which involve capital
assets, such as manufacturing plants, and logistics infrastructure, such as railroad
tracks and ports, may take years or even decades to construct. Even reconfigur-
ing a warehouse in a supply chain may require three to six months. The pro-
duction, construction, or implementation cost is the cost to create or build the
system, but not to operate the system.
3. The operational life time is the time the system is in operation. For most systems
in supply chains and logistics this period has the longest duration in its overall
life cycle. The operations or operational costs include the fixed and variable
costs to operate the system.
4. The disposal time is the required to shut down and dismantle the system. Again
large systems may require extensive periods to be shut down in an orderly fash-
ion. The withdrawal of the United States forces from Western Europe in the late
twentieth century required more than a decade. The disposal cost includes all the
costs to shut down and dismantle the system.
The total life cycle cost is the total cost accrued during the total life cycle of the
product. This cost sometimes also all the total cost of ownership or TCO.

2.1.3  Traditional Steps in the Engineering Design Process

There exists widespread consensus on the importance of good engineering design,

but relatively few formal design methods have been developed. To our knowledge,
none exist in the area of supply chains and logistics. The best approach appears to
be to follow the traditional major stages in an engineering design process. These tra-
ditional steps in the engineering design process provide a framework on which tasks
and decisions have to be executed in the various phases of the design project. One
of the basic principles in the design methodology is that all the tasks in the current
phase of the process have to be completed before the next phase can be started. The
process aims to avoid “business-as-usual” designs by delaying the selection of the
final design alternative early in the design process. The process also aims to avoid
the selection of pre-conceived solutions by formalizing the steps in the process and
making each step as much as possible science-based with specific deliverables. The
following stages can be distinguished.
2.1 Engineering Design and Design Process 19 Formulate the problem

Formulation of the problem requires the definition of the function of the artifact and
its physical environment. The more general or wider the problem is formulated, the
more solutions are possible and the more diverse the solutions will be. Designing a
local delivery system of packages to individual customers is a much more narrowly
defined problem than designing a global supply chain for a new type of commercial
aircraft. The formulation stage must create a least the following statements: a clear
statement of the function of system, the goal of the system, the available budget in
time and resources for design and implementation. Collect data and analyze the problem

In the problem analysis stage there are three phases. The data on the current system
must be collected, the constraints for the new system must be identified, and the
evaluation criteria for the new systems must be defined. A formal description of the
problem, including constraints and evaluation criteria, is often given in the request
for proposal or RFP. Generate alternative solutions

The key during this step is to generate as many as possible, high quality, creative so-
lutions. This phase is commonly denoted as “brainstorming” or conceptual design.
During brainstorming a group of design engineers and other participants generate
as many proposals for solutions as possible within a given period of time. One of
the main objectives during the conceptualization phase is to avoid business-as-usual
solutions. Change of a system or product is inherently more difficult and risky than
maintaining the status quo or use incremental engineering. The design engineers
may also have vested interests in the current solution because they were instru-
mental in its design. Many engineers are risk averse and will try to minimize the
resources required for the completion of a design project. Evaluate design alternatives

During this step, the different alternative solutions are evaluated with respect to
the different criteria. This involves computing the quality of each alternative with
respect to each criterion as well as a structured method to assign relative importance
to the different criteria. The performance assessment of any solution includes both
a feasibility assessment and an economic evaluation. The feasibility assessment es-
tablishes if the proposed design solution satisfies the requirements. The economic
evaluation determines the costs and benefits of the alternative solution.
20 2 Engineering Planning and Design Select the preferred design(s)

The best alternative is selected with a systematic method that integrates the scores
of the various alternatives with respect to the various criteria. Since the ultimate
selection decision often is made by executive people that are not part of the design
team, a small number of diverse designs may actually be selected for further design
in the next phase. Specify the design

The detailed configuration specification is created. The typical result of this step is
a set of detail oriented documents. Examples of such documents are: engineering
blue prints, construction diagrams, standard operating procedures, disaster recov-
ery plans, user’s manuals, implementation plans and schedules, quality control and
testing procedures. The importance of this step in the overall procedure cannot be
underestimated. The famous quote by Thomas Edison that “genius is 1% inspiration
and 99% perspiration” is often used to support this point. Evaluate the design in use

Recall that the goal of engineering design is the creation of an artifact. In this step
the selected design alternative is built. This allows the collection of all kinds of per-
formance data on the implemented design under real-world conditions. The design
process may start all over again by adjusting or redefining the objectives, param-
eters, and constraints. Changing the specification of the design will lead to engi-
neering change orders or ECO that describe the modifications to the artifact being
built in detail. Managing the engineering changes for a complex system consumes
significant amounts of time and resources.

2.2 Modeling

2.2.1  Introduction Modeling Definition and Model Usage

One of the most fundamental tools used in engineering design is a model. A (supply
chain) model is a simplified representation or abstraction of a real-world (supply
chain) system. Gass and Harris (1996) define a model as “A model is an idealised
representation—an abstract and simplified description—of a real world situation
that is to be studied and/or analysed”. Williams (1999) defines a model as “a struc-
ture which was built purposely to exhibit the features and characteristics of an-
other object.” Models are created because they are easier to manipulate than the
2.2 Modeling 21

real-world system or because they provide enhanced insight into the behavior of
the real-world system. The enhanced insight may suggest new courses of action or
decisions to achieve certain goals. Easier manipulation encourages more extensive
experimentation with a variety of input factors. While there is an obvious cost as-
sociated with the development, construction, and maintenance of a model, models
of various levels of complexity are used nearly universally in planning and design
processes. The validity of using models as decision support aids differs significantly
on a case-by-case basis. For example, one simple model predicts the rise and fall
of the Dow Jones industrial stock market index for the coming year depending on
whether the football team that wins the Super Bowl in January of that year belongs
to the National or the American Football Conference. This is a very simple model to
use, but it is difficult to argue its validity. At the opposite end of the modeling com-
plexity spectrum with respect to supply chain systems, Arntzen et al. (1995) have
developed a model for the global supply chain of a specific computer manufacturer
that incorporates both spatial and temporal characteristics. Clearly, not all models
are equally valid or suitable for supply chain design and a knowledgeable design
engineer must carefully evaluate model use and model recommendations.
Models are used primarily to provide assistance when making decisions regard-
ing complex systems. Ballou and Masters (1993) surveyed developers and practi-
tioners in the logistics and supply chain industry to determine the most important
characteristics and the state of the art in decision support systems for supply chain
design. They found that model features and user friendliness were the most impor-
tant characteristics of the models and design packages. Ballou and Masters (1999)
repeated the survey six years later and observed that advances in computer hardware
and software had allowed real-world strategic supply chain systems design projects
to be completed using mathematical models that were incorporated in commercial
software packages. They reported that specialized and efficient algorithms had been
developed to solve the spatial and geographical location aspect of supply chain sys-
tems, but that specialized or general-purpose simulation models are used for the
temporal aspects such as tactical inventory and production planning. Few models
combine or integrate the spatial and temporal aspects of the supply chain. Based on
a survey of active models and software packages, they found that the models are
becoming more comprehensive and are beginning to include some tactical aspects.
Global characteristics such as taxes, duties and tariffs, and exchange rates are in-
cluded in only a few models. They reported that linear programming (LP), mixed-
integer programming (MIP), and heuristics are the most commonly used techniques
to find solutions. In the survey the practitioners responded with a large majority
that modeling was used to configure their supply chain. In contrast with the 1993
result, in 1999 the practitioners ranked the optimality of the solution as the most
important characteristic of the software. According to the practitioners, the best
features of the models were their ability to represent the real-world system and to
find an effective configuration. The worst features were the difficulty in obtaining
the necessary data, the complexity of using the model, and the poor treatment of
inventory costs, especially in connection to customer service levels. Finally, the
authors observed that a consolidation trend is reducing the number of models and
software applications.
22 2 Engineering Planning and Design

Fig. 2.1   Model input–output Exogenous / Input Endogenous / Output

diagram Variables Variables

Decision Activities
Parameters Performance

2.2.2  Modeling Terminology and Framework

The basic function of a model is to transform a number of known input variables

into a number of output variables, whose values are sought. The input–output dia-
gram of a model is shown in Fig. 2.1.
Exogenous or input variables are determined outside the model. They can be
further divided into parameters, which are not controllable by the model and the
decision maker, and decision variables, which are controllable. Endogenous or out-
put variables are determined by the model. They can be further divided into per-
formance measures, which quantify the behavior of the system with respect to one
or more goals, and activities, which describe the configuration of the system being
modeled and the intensity of activities in the system. Modeling Process and Framework

The building of explicit models for the analysis, design, and management has
traditionally been called management science. Most of the management problems
are initially observed in the form of symptoms. A model is developed and used
to aid in the decision-making. Based on the model recommendations, a number
of decisions are made and implemented in the real-world system. The definition
of a clear and comprehensive problem statement is part of the modeling process.
This modeling process is most often not a single pass process but rather an itera-
tive, successive refinement procedure, as illustrated in Fig. 2.2. If the decisions
suggested by the model do not yield the anticipated results when they are imple-
mented, then the model structure, the model data, or the solution algorithm has to
be further refined. Model Data

Even if the validity of the model has been established to a sufficient degree, obtain-
ing correct and accurate data for use by the model is a difficult and time consuming
process. The data required by the model usually correspond to some future time
period and typically are forecasted based on historical data. Many times the histori-
cal data are simply not available or the forecasting methods have not been validated.
2.2 Modeling 23

Fig. 2.2   Modeling


Real World System



Recently, warehouse management systems (WMS), manufacturing execution

systems (MES), and enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) have started to
capture the status, actions, and performance of logistics systems in great detail. For
example, a warehouse management system may have collected a detailed order
history by individual customer and individual product or stock keeping unit (SKU)
for the last few years. Typically, this raw data cannot be used directly in decision
support models. A first transformation converts the detailed transaction data into
aggregate statistics. For example, individual orders may be aggregated into average
weekly demand and a demand distribution for a particular product is determined.
The process of computing the statistics of historical orders is called order profiling
and the process of computing statistics on the customers is called customer profil-
ing. The aggregate statistics are then further synthesized and combined with general
principles and characteristics to generate knowledge about the logistics system. For
example, Pareto analysis may identify the products that account for the majority
of the sales dollars and divide the products into fast, medium, and slow movers,
compute the sales dollars for each class, and compute the Pareto parameter that
indicates the skew of the products. This value of this skew quantitatively represents
the knowledge if relatively few products make up most of the sales or if all products
are approximately equally contributing to the sales.
The same transformation process occurs when modeling transportation systems.
Detailed freight bills may have been retained for the transportation charges paid to
trucking companies for the past year. This date is transformed into information by
aggregating the customer destinations into regions based on their three-digit ZIP
codes and by computing the average shipment quantity for each region. For each
region the less-than-truckload (LTL) transportation cost is estimated using LTL
freight rate tables based on the average shipment quantity for that region. Again
Pareto analysis can be used to identify the regions that account for the majority of
the outbound transportation charges. The location of each region can be found with
help of a geocoding algorithm or database and the total transportation quantity to
24 2 Engineering Planning and Design

Fig. 2.3   Data to knowledge

transformation Data



the regions can be used to compute the center of gravity to estimate the best location
for a distribution center. Figure 2.3 illustrates this transformation process from data
into information and knowledge.
One example of this transformation process is the computation of the required
length of roadway for waiting trucks for an interstate truck weight station. The data
collected consisted of the number of trucks passing the proposed location of the
weight station during different seasons of the year, days of the week, and hours of
the day. A second class of data consisted of the times required to weigh a truck at
other weight stations with the same technology. From this data, information was
obtained by statistical analysis which determined the average arrival frequency of
the trucks and the distribution of the interarrival times, the average time to weigh a
truck, and the distribution of the time to weigh a truck. Based on projected growth
rates the interarrival times for future periods were then computed. This information
was then inserted in the appropriate single-server queuing model to generate the
knowledge about the expected number of trucks waiting, the expected waiting time,
and the distribution of the waiting time. Finally, based on those waiting statistics,
the required length of roadway for waiting trucks was computed.
A second example is based on a real-world distribution system design project.
The objective of the project was to design a cost-efficient delivery policy to a group
of customers in the continental United States. The customers, the supplier, the prod-
ucts, their characteristics and the customers service policy were all considered to be
given and constraints to the distribution system to be designed. The customer and
aggregate product demand data were extracted from a corporate database, which
held detailed data on all sales orders for the last year. The data was then inserted into
a Microsoft Access relational database, which contained the customer identifica-
tion, its city, state and ZIP code, and the product demand for the last year (Fig. 2.4).
The ZIP code of each customer was used to determine their geographical loca-
tion expressed in longitude and latitude. This process is called geocoding, which is
defined in general as the process that assigns latitude and longitude coordinates to
an alphanumeric address. Geocoding can be performed with a variety of programs,
such as Microsoft MapPoint, and resources on the Internet, such as Yahoo Maps and
Google Earth. The alphanumeric address can be a street address or ZIP codes with
5 (ZIP), 7 (ZIP + 2), or 9 (ZIP + 4) digits. Once a latitude and longitude coordinates
are assigned, the address can be displayed on a map or used in a spatial search. The
2.2 Modeling 25

Fig. 2.4   Relational database

with customer information
and demand

customers were then located on a map of the continental United States. This pro-
vided graphical information on the dispersion of the customers. It can be observed
in the next figure that most of the customers were located in the Midwestern and
the Northeastern areas of the country. The supply of the product had to be imported
through a container port from Western Europe. Possible selections for the import
port where ports located along the eastern seaboard with the Atlantic Ocean and in
de Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 2.5).
Further data analysis runs were made to determine the aggregate product de-
mand by state. It can be observed in the next figure that the states with the highest
annual demand were California and Wisconsin. The transportation from the port to
the distribution center occurred in a single intermodal container. The orders for the
products by an individual customer corresponded to a small package. In this case

Fig. 2.5   Customer locations

26 2 Engineering Planning and Design

Fig. 2.6   Total customer demand by state

the transportation cost from port to distribution center represented a small fraction
of the delivery costs from the distribution center to the customers. Since the deliv-
ery transportation costs are roughly proportional to the quantities shipped multi-
plied by the shipping distance, a good distribution strategy would attempt to locate
the distribution center closer to California (Fig. 2.6).
Finally, the logistics domain knowledge that the size of a customer order strong-
ly impacts the delivery transportation cost caused the calculation of statistics on the
average size of a customer order by state. The statistical analysis revealed that the
state of California had the largest cumulative demand and that the customers in the
state of Arizona placed the largest orders on average (Fig. 2.7).

Fig. 2.7   Average customer order size by state

2.2 Modeling 27


Cumulative Fraction Sales







Sales Benders (A = 0.08266)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Cumulative Fraction Customers

Fig. 2.8   Pareta curve for customer demands

To test the level of concentration of sales among the customers a Pareto analysis
was executed. The following Pareto curve shows the cumulative fraction of sales
by cumulative fraction of customers, when the customers are sorted by decreasing
sales. The Pareto curve of the sales data was approximated by the Bender’s curve
with optimal parameter of 0.08266. This small parameter value indicates a strong
concentration. Ten percent of the customers make up 60% of the demand and 5% of
the customers make up 40% of the demand (Fig. 2.8).
This information was then used to develop the knowledge that for this logistics
system a differentiated distribution strategy may be effective. A differentiated dis-
tribution strategy serves sub sections of the customers or of the products through
distribution channels that have different structures. This is the opposite of a uniform
or “one-size-fits-all” distribution strategy. In this particular project, customers in
western states such Arizona, southern California, and New Mexico were serviced
by a different transportation mode since their average order size was much larger
than the orders from customers in the Midwest and the Northeast. A truck with a full
truck load (FTL) was dispatched from the distribution center to a break bulk facility
located in Arizona. There the full truck load was split into the individual orders of
customers in Arizona, southern California, and New Mexico and the orders were
then delivered to these customers by a parcel delivery company. Customers located
in the other states were served directly by the parcel delivery company from the
distribution center.
While the availability of transactional data has clearly enabled the modeling pro-
cess, collecting, validating, and synthesizing the data is still a resource and time
28 2 Engineering Planning and Design

intensive activity that requires specific technical expertise, judgment, and insight
into the logistics system. Model Validation

The scientific validation method consists of the following steps: (1) formulate a
hypothesis, (2) design and execute an experiment to test the hypothesis, (3) accept
or reject the hypothesis with a certain level of confidence. This scientific validation
method implies that you can control the input parameters to correspond to your
experiment and test the outcome repeatedly.
It is often infeasible or impractical to validate a model for logistics or supply
chain design in a scientific way. For example, to validate scientifically that one
location for a major new manufacturing plant is better than another location is im-
possible, since only one plant can be built. Similarly, a frequent validation claim
states that an organization saved a certain amount of expenses after having used a
model for decision-making. Scientific validation would require the determination of
expense reductions if no model had been used. In the following a number of valida-
tion approaches are described that are often used in practice to validate the models
for logistics and supply chain systems.
One imperfect way to validate a model is to use the model to predict history. This
activity is often called (historical) benchmarking. Historical data on parameters and
actions for a particular problem instance are inserted into a model. The outcomes
of the model are compared to the observed outcomes in the real-world system. The
model is assumed to be valid if it mimics sufficiently closely the real-world behav-
ior. In a second phase the model is allowed to optimize or set the value of the deci-
sion variables. The two outcomes, with and without the aid of the model for setting
the decision variables, are compared. The yield of the improved decision-making
process using the model becomes evidence for the value of the model. One would
assume that the model is then used to support decision making for current and future
problems. This, of course, assumes that historical validity implies future validity.
In the sensitivity validation method, one or more of the input parameters of the
model are changed incrementally around a particular configuration. The changes in
the output activities and performance measures are observed and tested to ascertain
if the model makes rational changes. For instance, if the purchasing cost of com-
ponents is increased, the total system cost to satisfy demand should also increase.
Component validation establishes the validity of components of the overall mod-
el. It is assumed that if valid components are combined in a valid way, the overall
model will also be valid.
Finally, the weakest and most subjective method for model validation is relying
on the judgment of experts in the field with respect to the validity of the model.
Typically, the output activities and performance measures corresponding to several
input scenarios are presented to the experts, who decide if the model outputs make
sense. This type of validation is called face validation or sanity check. Clearly, the
2.2 Modeling 29

quality of the validation depends strongly on the level of expertise of the experts in
the domain area and in modeling methodology.

2.2.3  S
 upply Chain Model Components and Supply Chain  
Meta Model Supply Chain Model Components

Recall that supply chain operations is the aggregate term for the activities related to
the movement, storage, transformation, and organization of materials. The planning
of supply chain activities is divided into four categories depending on the planning
time horizon: strategic, tactical, operational, and execution. When planning supply
chain activities, there exist the following fundamental components of the supply
chain system.

Time Periods

Logistics provides the time and space utility to the organization, while a supply
chain provides the time and space and production utility. At the same time, the
different planning levels are distinguished by their duration. A fundamental compo-
nent is the time period(s) in the supply chain planning. If only a single time period
exists the planning or model is said to be static. If multiple periods exist the model
is said to be dynamic. For a strategic planning model often there are five periods of
one year, corresponding to a five year strategic plan. For a tactical planning model
the periods are often months, quarters, or semesters. For an operational planning
level the typical periods are hours, days, or weeks. For an execution management
task, the time periods are typically either seconds or minutes.

Geographical Locations

Supply chain components exist at a particular location in a geographical or spatial

area. Typically, the geographical areas become larger in correspondence to longer
planning periods. For a strategic model, the areas may be countries or states in the
United States. If only a single country is defined then the model is said to be domes-
tic, if more than one country exists the model is said to be global. For operational
planning problems such as delivery routing the area may be restricted to a single
In strategic supply chain planning, the combination of a country and a period
is used very often to capture the financial performance of a logistics system. This
combination typically has characteristics such as budget limitations, taxation, de-
preciation, and net cash flow.
30 2 Engineering Planning and Design


The material being managed, stored, transformed, or transported is called a product.

An equivalent term is commodity. It should be noted that the term material is here
considered very loosely and applies to discrete, fluid, and gaseous materials, live-
stock, and even extends to people. If only a single material is defined, the model is
said to be single commodity. If multiple materials are defined the model is said to
be multi-commodity.
It is very important to determine the type of material being modeled. A first clas-
sification is into people, livestock, and products. The products are then further clas-
sified as commodity, standard, or specialty. A product is said to be a commodity if
there are no distinguishable characteristics between quantities of the same product
manufactured by different producers. Typical examples of commodities are low-fat
milk, gasoline, office paper, and poly-ethylene. Consumers acquire products solely
on the basis of logistics factors such as price, availability, and convenience. A product
is said to be a standard product if comparable and competing products from different
manufacturers exist. However, the products of different producers may have differ-
ences in functionality and quality. Typical examples are cars, personal computers, and
fork lift trucks. Consumers make acquisitions based on tradeoffs between functional-
ity, value, price, and logistics factors. A product is said to be a specialty or custom
product if it is produced to the exact and unique specifications of the customer. The
typical examples are specialized machines, printing presses, and conveyor networks.
The product is typically described by a technical specification and the supplier is se-
lected by reputation, price, and logistics factors.
If one or more products are transformed into or extracted from another product,
the products are said to have a Bill of Materials or BOM. The corresponding mate-
rial balance equations have more than one product. If the material balance equations
can be written in function of a single product, the problem is said to be either single
commodity or to have parallel commodities. For example, if based on the require-
ment for a quantity of the finished product of office paper all the required quantities
of intermediate jumbo paper rolls and raw paper pulp can be computed, then all
material quantities can be expressed in function of the finished product and a single
commodity model would result. The existence of bill of materials equations makes
the model significantly harder. Bill of materials can be converging or diverging. As-
sembly systems have a converging bill of materials where only a relatively few final
products are produced from many components. Recycling and reverse logistics sys-
tems typically have a diverging bill of materials, when the source is a mixed stream
of recyclable materials collected for individual consumers and sorted into separate
commodities such as paper, glass, carton, and plastic.


The locations in the supply chain network where material can enter, leave, or be
transformed are called facilities and are typically represented by the nodes of the
2.2 Modeling 31

logistics network. Suppliers are the source of materials and customers are the sink
for materials. The internal operation of suppliers or customers is not considered to
be relevant to the planning problem. The other facilities are called transformation


The customer facilities in the network have the fundamental characteristic that they
are the final sink for materials. What happens to the material after it reaches the
customer is not considered relevant to the planning problem. The customer facili-
ties can be different from the end customers that use the product, such as the single
distribution center for the product in a country, the dealer, or the retailer.
For every combination of products, periods, and customers there may exist a cus-
tomer demand. The demand can be classified as intermittent or regular. A regular de-
mand has a pattern, be it constant, with linear trend, or seasonal. If a demand has no
pattern it is said to be intermittent. For example, the demand for flu vaccines has a
seasonal pattern, while the demand in developed countries for polio vaccines is said
to be intermittent. Intermittent demand or demand for specialty products typically
leads to a make-to-order or MTO production planning. Regular demand for standard
or commodity products may yield a make-to-stock or MTS production planning.
Service level constraints are one of the complicating characteristics of custom-
ers in supply chain planning. Two prominent service level constraints are single
sourcing and fill rate. The single sourcing service constraint requires that all goods
of a single product group or manufacturer are delivered in a single shipment to the
customer. Single sourcing makes it easier to check the accuracy of the delivery ver-
sus the customer order and it reduces the number of carriers at the customer facility
where loading and unloading space often is at a premium. A customer may have a
required fill rate requirement, which is the minimum acceptable fraction of goods
in the customer order that are delivered from on-hand inventory at the immediate
supplier to this customer.


The supplier facilities in the network have the fundamental characteristic that they
are the original source of the materials. What happens to the material before it
reaches the supplier and inside the supplier facility is not considered relevant to
the planning problem. The supplier facilities can be different from the raw mate-
rial suppliers that produce the product, such as the single distribution center for the
product in a country.
For every combination of supplier facility, product, and time period there may
exist an available supply.
Quantity discounts are one of the complicating characteristics of suppliers in
logistics planning. A supplier may sell a product at a lower price if the product is
32 2 Engineering Planning and Design

purchased in larger quantities during the corresponding period. This leads to con-
cave cost curves as a function of the quantity purchased for incremental quantity

Transformation Facilities

The transformation facilities in the network have the fundamental characteristic

that they have incoming and outgoing material flow and that there exists conserva-
tion of flow over space (transportation) and time (inventory) in the facility. Major
examples of transformation facilities are manufacturing and distribution facilities,
where the latter are also denoted as warehouses.
For every combination of transformation facility, time period, and product there
may exist incoming flow, outgoing flow, inventory, consumption of component
flow, and creation of assembly flow. All of these are collectively known as the
production and inventory flows. A facility may have individual limits on each of
these flows.
Transformation facilities have two types of subcomponents: machines and re-
sources. Machines represent major transformation equipment such as bottling lines,
assembly lines, and process lines. A single facility may contain more than one ma-
chine. Each machine may have incoming, outgoing, component flow, and assembly
flow for every combination of product and period. A machine may have individual
limits on each of these flows. Machines, however, cannot have inventory. A resource
represents a multi-product capacity limitation of the facility. Typical examples of
resources are machine hours, labor hours, and material handling hours. Products
compete with each other in facilities for resources and incoming material flows.
Several complicating factors in the modeling of transformation facilities exist.
The first one is the binary nature of the decision to establish or use a facility or not.
One can decide to build a manufacturing plant or not, but one cannot build 37.8%
of a plant. The decisions for using a plant are thus of the binary type, which makes
solving for them significantly harder. The second complicating factor is the related
issues of economies of scale and diseconomies of scope. For many manufacturing
processes there is a setup cost and a tuning or learning curve. The efficiency of
the process grows if this start-up cost can be spread out over a longer steady-state
production run. This phenomenon is called economies of scale. The opposite effect
occurs when a facility must produce a large variety of products. Each of the prod-
ucts requires its own setup time, which decreases the overall capacity of the facility.
Hence, allocation of many different products to a facility, which is known as facility
with a large scope, reduces its capacity and increases the various production costs.
This diseconomy of scope is also known as the flexibility penalty.

Transportation Channels

Transportation channels, or channels for short, are transportation resources that

connect the various facilities in the logistics system. Examples are over-the-road
2.2 Modeling 33

trucks operating in either full truck load (FTL) or less-than-truck-load (LTL) mode,
ocean-going and inland ships, and railroad trains.
For every combination of transportation channel, time period, and product there
may exist a transported flow. A channel may have individual limits on each of these
A major characteristic of a channel is its conservation of flow, i.e., the amount
of flow by period and by product entering the channel at the origin facility equals
the amount of flow exiting the channel at the destination facility at the same or
future time period. A second conservation of flow relates channel flows to facility
throughput flow and storage. The sum of all incoming flow plus the inventory from
the previous period equals the sum of all outgoing flow plus the inventory to the
next period. The channels represent material flow in space, while the inventory arcs
represent material flow in time. Note that such inventory is extremely rare in strate-
gic logistics models unless the models include seasonal tactical planning.
A channel has two types of subcomponents: carriers and resources. A carrier is
an individual, moving container in the channel. The move from origin to destination
facility has a fixed cost, regardless on the capacity utilization of the carrier, i.e. the
cost is by carrier and not by the quantities of material moved on or in the carrier.
Typical examples are a truck, intermodal container, or ship. A carrier may have in-
dividual capacities for each individual product or multi-product weight or volume
capacities. A resource represents a multi-product capacity limitation of the channel.
Typical examples of resources are cubic feet (meters) for volume, tons for weight, or
pallets. Truck transportation may be modeled as a carrier if a small number of trucks
are moved and cost is per truck movement, or it may be modeled as a resource if the
cost is per product quantity and a large or fractional number of trucks are allowed.
There exist several complicating characteristics for modeling transportation
channels. The first one is the requirement that an integer number of carriers have
to be used. Typically a very large number of potential channels exist in a supply
chain model so this requirement will create a large number of integer variables. The
second is the presence of economies of scale for the transportation costs. Less com-
mon, is the third complicating factor, which requires a minimum number of carriers
or a minimum amount of flow if the channel is to be used.
All of the logistics components described so far have distinguishing characteris-
tics. These characteristics can be input data parameters or output performance mea-
sures. For example, most of the facilities, channels, machines and their combina-
tions with products and periods have cost and capacity characteristics, which must
be captured in data parameters. Sales have a revenue characteristic. The financial
quantities achieved in a particular country and during a particular period are an ex-
ample of output characteristics, which must be captured in performance variables.


So far all the logistics components described were physical entities in the logistics
system. A scenario is a component used in the characterization and treatment of
34 2 Engineering Planning and Design

Many of the parameters used in the planning of logistics systems are not known
with certainty but rather have a probability distribution. If a parameter has a single
value it is said to be deterministic, if it has a probability distribution it is said to be
stochastic. For example, demand for a particular product, during a period by a par-
ticular customer may be approximated by a normal distribution with certain mean
and standard deviation. In a typical logistics planning problem there may be thou-
sands of stochastic parameters. The combination of a single realization or sample of
each stochastic parameter with all the deterministic parameters is called a scenario.
Each scenario has a major characteristic, which is its probability of occurring. How-
ever, this probability may not be known or even not be computable.
A large number of articles and books has been published on the management, de-
sign and modeling of supply chains and logistics systems. Some of the more recent
books on supply chains that have a strong modeling component are De Kok and
Graves (2003), Stadtler and Kilger (2004), Guenes and Pardalos (2005), Shapiro
(2006), and Simchi-Levi et al. (2008). Supply Chain Planning Meta-Model

A meta-model is an explicit model of the components and rules required to build

specific models within a domain of interest. A logistics planning meta-model can
be considered as a model template for the domain of activity planning for logistics
systems. The following is a meta-model for the planning of logistics activities and
systems. It lists the possible classes of decisions, objectives, and constraints in lo-
gistics planning.
Decide on 
1. transportation activities, resources, and infrastructure;
2. inventory levels, resources, and infrastructure;
3. transformation activities, resources, and infrastructure;
4. information technology systems;
5. financial conditions for activities, such as transfer prices.

1. maximize the risk-adjusted total system profit based on the net present value of
the net cash flow NPV(NCF) for strategic planning;
2. minimize the risk-adjusted total system cost for tactical and operational

Subject to 
1. capacity constraints such as demand, infrastructure, budget, implementation
2. service level constraints such as fraction of demand satisfied, fill rate, cycle
times, and response times;
2.2 Modeling 35

3. conservation of flow constraints in space, over time, and observing bill of

4. additional extraneous constraints, which are often mandated by corporate policy;
5. equations for the calculation of intermediate variables such as the net income
before taxes in a particular country and a particular period;
6. linkage equations that ensure that the components of the model behave in an
internally consistent way, such as flows cannot traverse a facility that has not
been established

Difficulties in Solving Supply Chain Models

There are several characteristics that make a logistic model hard to solve
1. A logistics model must be comprehensive and include the different major logistics
activities of materials acquisition, transportation, production, and distribution.
2. The scope of a logistics model may include the supply chain from the original
raw materials suppliers to the final destination of the products and even reverse
logistics. This often implies bill-of-materials equations.
3. The scale of a logistics model, since it may include a very large number of logis-
tics components and a large number of scenarios.
4. The accuracy or fidelity of the model may yield concave or general non-linear
costs and constraints.
5. For strategic models, the treatment of uncertainty may yield non-linear and mul-
tiple objective functions.
6. Many logistics decisions are of go/no-go type which correspond to either binary
or integer variables

Solution Approaches

Many different solution approaches have been applied to logistics models. Some of
the more common ones are:
1. Exact mathematical optimization techniques can sometimes be used, but in gen-
eral logistic models are large-scale, stochastic, non-linear, integer programming
problems (LS SNLIP) which cannot be solved in a reasonable amount of time for
realistic-size problem instances.
2. To make the problem more solvable it can be decomposed. Most often hierarchical
decomposition is used to separate different levels of decision making. Mathemati-
cal decomposition techniques can be either primal or dual. Benders decompo-
sition, see Benders (1962), is a typical primal decomposition and Lagrangean
relaxation and decomposition is a common dual decomposition technique.
3. Stochastic simulation is often used for operational logistics models. Simulation
is most often used when the model is of high fidelity and is less used for aggre-
gate strategic models.
36 2 Engineering Planning and Design

4. Various ad hoc heuristics or local search algorithms such as simulated annealing,

genetic algorithms, and neural nets have been applied to logistics models.
5. For operational logistics models, constraint programming has been used success-
fully. Constraint programming is rarely applied to strategic models.

2.2.4  Classification of Models by Their Representation Form Physical, Analog, and Mathematical Models

Models can be either physical (iconic), analog, or mathematical (symbolic). The

three-dimensional scale models of military aircraft, automobiles, chemical mol-
ecules, a manufacturing plant with its machines, or a real estate development with
its buildings and roads are just some of the examples of physical or iconic models.
Physical models are homomorphic, which means they have the same appearance as
the real system being modeled, but they usually have either a much smaller or much
larger scale. Physical models of cars or airplanes manufactured out of wood or wax
are used in wind tunnels to study their wind resistance and to determine their drag
Analog systems do not physically resemble the real system they model but they
exhibit connections between input parameters and output variables proportional to
the relationships between the corresponding input parameters and output variables
of the real system. A map is common example of an analog system. The location
of two points and the distance between them are examples of input parameters and
output variables in the analog model and the real system. If the distance on the map
between a pair of points is twice as large as between another pair of points, then we
expect the distance between the first pair in the real world also to be twice as large
as between the second pair.
A dispatcher, when planning a truck trip from Chattanooga, TN to Jacksonville,
FL, may measure the distances on a map of the interstate road network in the south-
eastern United States and then route the truck following the shortest path on the
map. This would route the truck over the combination of I-75 and I-10 rather than
I-16 and I-95 when traveling from Macon to Jacksonville (Fig. 2.9).
A classic example of an analog model used in logistics systems design is the
Varignon frame. Weber described in 1909 the use of the model to determine the
location of a new facility that minimizes the sum of weighted distances to existing
facilities. Holes are drilled in the table at the locations corresponding to the custom-
ers. A thread is strung through each hole with a weight on one end and all the threads
are tied together in a knot on the other end. The weights are proportional to the num-
ber of trips between the facility and its customers. The knot is raised above the table
and then let go. The final location of the knot corresponds to the optimal location
of the manufacturing facility. The optimal location of the knot and other interesting
optimality conditions can be found based on the principles of the equilibrium on an
object subject to static forces. This mechanical analog is illustrated in Fig. 2.10. It
2.2 Modeling 37

Fig. 2.9   Road network map

of the Southeastern United
States as a printed analog

Fig. 2.10   Varignon frame as

a mechanical analog model

will be discussed in more detail in the chapter Supply Chain Models in the section
on continuous location using Euclidean distances.
Mathematical or symbolic models incorporate the structural properties and be-
havior of the real system in mathematical relations. Because of the emergence of
computers as powerful manipulators of symbolic relations, symbolic models have
become the dominant type of models.
38 2 Engineering Planning and Design

Models can be further divided into descriptive and normative models. Descrip-
tive models predict the values or distribution of one or more output variables for a
given set of parameters. Normative models determine the value of some decision
variables to optimize one or more performance measures or objective functions. A
widely used descriptive modeling tool in the design of material handling systems is
digital simulation combined with animation. Descriptive queuing models are often
used to predict the number of people and their expected waiting time in waiting line
systems found in post offices, fast food restaurants, and amusement parks. Other
common examples of descriptive models are regression, time series, and economet-
ric models.
A widely used normative modeling tool in the design of strategic distribution
systems is mixed-integer programming (MIP). The following notation is used in
modeling transportation networks. The objective is to find a minimum cost set of
flows ( x) that satisfy the external flow requirements ( b). Examples of external flows
are customer demand (outflows) and vendor supplies (inflows). The notation shown
is for a single commodity problem, so the subscript p indicating the commodity has
been omitted:
xij Flow on the directed arc from node i to node j
cij Unit cost for one unit flow transported from node i to node j
bi External flow for node i (positive for entering, negative for exiting the net-
work, zero for intermediate nodes)
lij Lower bound of the flow on the directed arc from node i to node j (often zero)
uij Upper bound of the flow on the directed arc from node i to node j

Formulation 2.1  Minimum Cost Network Flow Formulation as a Normative

Mathematical Model


To determine the decision variables in normative models, a solution method is re-

quired. This is often called “solving the model” and the solution method is referred
to as the solution algorithm. An optimal solution is a decision that gives the best
answer to a mathematical model, but it may not be the best answer to the original
real-world problem. The normative mathematical models and their solution algo-
rithms constitute the discipline of mathematical programming.
There exist a separation between the relationships that form the structure of the
model and the data. For example, a strategic supply chain design model may con-
tain customer objects that have as one of their characteristics monthly demand for
a product. The requirement that customer demand is satisfied every month by ship-
ments from the distribution center is a component of the model. The number of
customers and their actual demands are data.
2.2 Modeling 39 Deterministic versus Stochastic Models

A model is said to be deterministic if all its relevant data parameters are known with
certainty, i.e., they are given as a unique values. For example, when scheduling
our day we may assume that we know exactly how long it takes to drive to work
in the morning. Of course, we realize the time it takes to drive to work varies from
day to day. A model is said to be stochastic or probabilistic if some parameters are
not known with certainty. Parameters that are not known with certainty are called
random variables and they represent the ignorance and variability in the model.
Usually, random variables are represented or modeled with probability distribu-
tions. Even though virtually all real-world problems are stochastic, deterministic
models are still used very often because they may give an acceptable approximation
of reality and they are much easier to construct and to solve than the corresponding
stochastic models. Deductive versus Inferential Models

A model is said to be deductive if it starts from the definition of variables, makes

some assumptions, and then defines the relationships between the variables. For
example, a simple deductive model to compute the average speed ( v) at which cor-
rugated cardboard boxes can be unloaded from the back of trailer is to assume that
boxes are unloaded at a constant speed and to compute this speed by dividing the
number of boxes on the trailer ( n) by the total time it takes to unload the trailer ( T).
This represents a top-down approach.
A model is said to be inferential if it determines the relationships between vari-
ous variables by analyzing data from data streams or data warehouses. A typical
example is the determination of relationships between variables with regression
analysis. For example, you may collect total unloading times and number of boxes
unloaded at the truck docks of a receiving department during a year and then de-
termine a regression model to determine the relationship between those two data
items. Based on the results of the regression analysis, you may then decide that
those two items are linearly related and that boxes are unloaded at a constant speed.

2.2.5  Modeling Advantages and Disadvantages Modeling Advantages

Probably the most significant advantage of using models to assist in the decision
process of planning or configuring logistics systems results from the execution of
the modeling process itself. Developing a supply chain model requires that the orga-
nization clearly articulates its business objectives, its standard or allowable business
practices, the structure of the organization, and the business operating constraints
40 2 Engineering Planning and Design

and relations. This information can then be shared or presented to everybody in-
volved with the supply chain such as employees, vendors, and customers.
The solution of the developed model requires that business parameter values and
costs are defined consistently and have a numerical value agreed upon by all stake-
holders in the supply chain. Again the process of defining and computing these pa-
rameters and costs is most likely more beneficial than their actual use in the model.
Since most models are solved by some form of optimization algorithm, the sug-
gested configurations and activities typically will provide a higher quality solution
than a manual decision process. The model results have the added benefit of being
systematic and scientific, which may make their implementation more palatable or
politically acceptable.
Developing the first supply chain model for an organization is a long and tedious
process. However, once the model has been validated and gained acceptance, pro-
viding answers to the follow up supply chain questions becomes much faster, easier,
and more accurate than would have been possible without modeling assistance. Modeling Disadvantages

The major time and expenses in a modeling effort are usually associated with defin-
ing, collecting, validating, and correcting the model data, such as parameters and
costs. Once these data have been accepted, they form a very valuable asset to the
The modeling process still requires specialized knowledge and computer soft-
ware. The required powerful computer hardware has become less and less expen-
sive. The recent advances in personal computer power and user friendly analysis
software, such as spreadsheets and statistical analysis packages, have revolution-
ized modeling and brought the modeling process much closer to the practitioner and
manager. However, this does not mean that the previously required analytical skills,
mastery of advanced mathematics, computer programming, and algorithmic think-
ing are no longer required. Computer power and analysis software empower the
knowledgeable modeler so that the modeling process can be performed faster and
in greater depth. They do not guarantee by themselves that the appropriate model is
applied or that the user understands the modeling assumptions and limitations of the
software. Powerful analysis software is not unlike a chainsaw. With a chainsaw a
logger can cut down a tree much faster than with a bow saw, but the use of a chain-
saw does not guarantee that the right tree is cut down and significantly increases the
risk of injury to an inexperienced logger. More than once simulation models have
been developed with powerful and graphical digital simulation software and then
decisions were based on a single model run.
The models for many supply chain problems are intrinsically hard to solve, be it
either to find a feasible solution or to find the optimal solution. This often leads to
very long computation times for the solution algorithms. It would not be unusual
for a facilities design program to find a high quality layout in 24 h on a personal
computer for a facility with no more than ten functional areas. The same computer
2.2 Modeling 41

program may then require more than 1 or 2 weeks of computing time to prove that
this layout is within close range of the best possible layout.

2.2.6  Modeling Summary Model Realism versus Model Solvability

There will always exist a tradeoff between model solvability and model realism.
The more realistic the model is the more resources have to be allocated for model
development, data collection, model maintenance, and model solving. Since all
models involve some level of abstraction, approximations, and assumptions, the re-
sults of the models should always be interpreted with common (engineering) sense.
Also, there is no such thing as a unique correct model. Just as two painters may
create two vastly different views of the same landscape, different models can be
developed to support decision making for a particular logistics problem.
Different models with different levels of detail and realism are appropriate and
useful at different stages of the design process. Systematically increasing the level
of model complexity for the same problem and evaluating their solutions and their
consistency provides a way to validate the models. For example, a normative model
based on queuing network analysis and simple travel time models may be used to
determine the required number of cranes and aisles in an automated storage and
retrieval systems (ASRS) to satisfy throughput requirements. A descriptive simula-
tion model can then be used to verify and validate the performance of the system
and investigate the behavior of the system during transient or exceptional events
such as crane breakdowns. This successive refinement approach is a primal solution
approach, which has the advantage that an approximately feasible solution exists if
the solution process has to be terminated prematurely. Decision Support versus Decision Making

There exist many examples of successful automated decision-making systems for

operational decisions where the real world system is sufficiently simple so that it
can be accurately represented and solved by a model. A prime example is the rout-
ing of a truck to deliver to a set of customers. Other examples are routing of an
automated order-picking crane in a warehouse rack or building a stable pallet load
with boxes that arrive on a conveyor belt. The more complex the real world system
is, the more approximate any model will become. Models used to assist in strategic
decision-making are infamous for not capturing many of the real world factors and
subjective influences. Such strategic models should only be used as decision sup-
port tools for the design engineer. A healthy skepticism with respect to the results
of any model is required. Just because a computer model specifies a particular de-
cision, does not imply that this is the best decision for the real world system. One
42 2 Engineering Planning and Design

should be especially wary of experts that tout the infallibility of their computer
models or the optimality of the generated decisions.

2.2.7  Distance Norms used as Simple Models

One of the most fundamental types of models used in the design, analysis, and op-
eration of supply chains and logistics systems is the distance norm used to model
the actual transportation distance. An example of actual distance is the over-the-
road distance driven by trucks on the interstate highway system in national distribu-
tion systems. While recent computer advances have made it possible to use actual
over-the-road distances in many models and solution algorithms, approximation of
the real distance by a distance norm is still required in some algorithms because the
actual distance is too expensive to compute or unknown. For instance, the location
problem for which the Varignon frame is a mechanical analog may not place the
new facility on the road network and thus any real distances need to be approxi-
The Euclidean, rectilinear, Chebyshev, and ring-radial distance norms are used
to compute the distance between points in a plane. The great-circle distance norm is
used to compute the distance between points on the globe. Planar Distance Norms

A planar distance norm is the formula for computing the distance between two
points in the plane. Let dij denote the distance between two points i and j in the plane
with coordinates (xi , yi ) and (xj , yj ) , respectively (Fig. 2.11).
Three norms are frequently used during supply chain analysis and design in the
appropriate situations: Euclidean, rectilinear, and Chebyshev.

 dijE = L2 = (xi − xj )2 + (yi − yj )2 (2.2)

 dijR = L1 = xi − xj  + yi − yj  (2.3)


In the above formulas E, R and C denote the Euclidean, rectilinear, and Chebyshev
norm, respectively. All the above norms are members of the family of Ln norms,
defined as
 n  n
 dijn = Ln = n xi − xj  + yi − yj  (2.5)
2.2 Modeling 43

Fig. 2.11   Distance between

two points

Pj (x j ,yj)


Pi (xi , yi)



where n is equal to 2, 1, and ∞, respectively, for the Euclidean, rectilinear, and

Chebyshev norm. Euclidean Norm

The Euclidean distance is also called the straight-line travel distance and is fre-
quently used in national distribution problems and for communications problems
where straight-line travel is an acceptable approximation. Multiplying the Euclid-
ean distance with an appropriate factor, e.g. 1.2 for continental United States or
1.26 for the South Eastern United States, can then approximate the actual over the
road distances. The Euclidean distance is the shortest distance between two points
in a plane. However, the Euclidean distance may not follow a feasible travel path
for a particular logistics system due to the internal structure in which case another
appropriate distance norm has to be used. In those cases, the Euclidean distance is
not the shortest (feasible) travel distance. Rectilinear Norm

The rectilinear norm is primarily used in manufacturing and warehousing layout

where travel occurs along a set of perpendicular aisles and cross aisles, and in cities
with an orthogonal grid pattern such as New York. From this it derives its alterna-
tive name of Manhattan norm (Fig. 2.12).
44 2 Engineering Planning and Design

Training Mgr. 10'x13'6"
14'6"x20' 15'x18'
Marketing Pvt.
and Sales 10'x12' Recep.
Approx. 1145 S.F. 15'x18'

Mgr. Pvt. Pvt. Stor. 15'x18'
12'x14' 12'x10' 12'x10' 12'x7' Copy/Supply
Receiving Men Women 14'x18'
Approx. 1800 S.F.
Approx. 1000 S.F. Conference
Dishwasher 25'x18' Exec.
House Mgr. Tel.Bd. Rough-in
Elec. Elec. 12'x15' Lunch 15'x18'
Panel 15'6"x22'
Approx. 1836 S.F.
Pvt. Pvt. Board Rm.
10'6"x12' 10'6"x12' 15'x18'

Approx. 1030 S.F. Pvt. Mgr.
10'x12' 12'x15'

Fig. 2.12   Office layout with rectilinear travel

The rectilinear norm is also called the sequential travel distance for material
handling devices that move only along one axis at the time. An example is the travel
path used by a picker to retrieve cartons from shelves in a warehouse. The picker
has to follow the pick aisles or cross aisles, which are arranged perpendicular in a
ladder layout (Figs. 2.13, 2.14).

Fig. 2.13   Shelves in a ware-

house with ladder layout
2.2 Modeling 45

Fig. 2.14   Schematic of an

order picking tour in a ware-
house with ladder layout Chebyshev Norm

Finally, the Chebyshev norm is also called the simultaneous travel distance and
is used with material handling equipment such as an automated storage/retrieval
system or AS/RS and bridge cranes, where travel occurs simultaneously along two
axes. In the following bridge example the bridge crane end truck and cross beam
move independently from and simultaneously with the trolley and hoist. The end
truck moves on a beam mounted on the side wall and supports the cross beam. The
trolley moves on the cross beam and contains the hoist (Fig. 2.15). Ring-Radial Distance

Other travel norms exist but are much less often used. One example is the ring-radi-
al distance in old medieval cities such as the central districts of Paris and Moscow
or the street plan corresponding to the canals in downtown Amsterdam (Fig. 2.16).

Fig. 2.15   Bridge crane

46 2 Engineering Planning and Design

Fig. 2.16   Ring-radial dis-

tance illustration
Pi (ρi , θi )

Pj (ρj , θj )


The ring-radial distance between two points with radius and angular polar coor-
dinates (ρi , θi ) and (ρj , θj ) is given by:
 dijRR = min ρi , ρj min θi − θj  , 2π − θi − θj  + ρi − ρj  (2.6)

The angular coordinate θ is expressed in radians. A variant of the ring-radial dis-

tance is used in generalized assignment algorithms for the vehicle routing problem
to compute the estimated assignment cost of a customer or supplier facility to the
sector that represents the vehicle route. The vehicle sector has its tip in the depot.
For this variant the radius of the facility is always used, since the vehicle sector has
no corresponding radius. Great Circle Norm

A great circle of a sphere is defined by a plane cutting through the center of the
sphere and the surface of the sphere. Examples of great circles on the earth are the
equator and any meridian. The shortest distance between any two points on the
surface of a sphere is measured along the great circle passing through them and is
the shorter of the two arcs between the points on the great circle. Computing the
distance between two points located on the surface of a sphere with the straight-
line distance would imply digging a tunnel through the body of the sphere. The
additional complexity of the great circle distance norm compared to the Euclidean
distance norm is usually only warranted for intercontinental transportation models.
A typical application is the curved routes of airplanes between two continents as
seen on airline system maps.
The great circle distance norm computes the distance along a great circle on
the surface of the earth between two points with latitude and longitude coordinates
(lati , loni ) and (latj , lonj ) with the following formula, where R denotes the world
radius and where the latitude and longitude are expressed in radians:

dij = R · arccos (cos (lati ) cos (latj ) cos (loni − lonj ) + sin (lati ) sin (latj )) (2.7)

The earth radius is approximately 6371 km or 3959 miles. By convention the merid-

ian running through Greenwich, England has a longitude that is equal to zero and is
2.2 Modeling 47

Table 2.1   Coordinate conversion example

Degrees Minutes Seconds Decimal D. Radians
Atlanta GA 33 45 18 33.755 0.589136
Denver CO 39 44 21 39.739 0.693579
Atlanta GA 84 23 24 −84.390 −1.472883
Denver CO 104 59 5 −104.985 −1.832329

Table 2.2   Great-circle dis- Arc Radius Distance

tance calculations example
Atlanta Denver 0.305515 3957 1209

also called the zero meridian. The latitude of the equator is equal to zero. Finally, the
full circumference of a circle corresponds to 360° or 2π radians. Usually, the lon-
gitude and latitude coordinates in geographical databases are expressed in degrees,
minutes, and seconds. They have to be first converted to decimal degrees and then
to radians. The range in radians of the longitude is [−π , π ] and of the latitude is
[−π/2, π/2].
As an example, the distance between the cities of Atlanta, Georgia and Den-
ver, Colorado will be computed. The coordinates of Atlanta are 33°45’18"N and
84°23’24"W and of Denver are 39°44’21"N and 104°59’05"W. There are 60 min.
and 3600 s per degree and the conversion to decimal degrees and radians is shown
in the next table. Observe that the decimal degrees and radians are signed to indicate
their relative position to the equator and zero meridian (Table 2.1).
The great circle distance calculation between these two cities is shown in
Table 2.2, where the radius of the earth and thus also the final distance is expressed
in miles. Physical Distance versus Distance Norms

The adjustment factors to go from the Euclidean or great circle distance norm to the
actual distance traveled over the road or rail network for developed countries were
computed in Ballou (1999, pp. 557) and are summarized in the next table. The value
of the adjustment factors depends on the density of the highway or railway network
in area covered by the logistics model (Table 2.3).
Recent advances in computer and database technology have made it possible in
the United States to get detailed driving instructions, distance, and estimated driv-
ing time between two locations based on their addresses. This route planning can

Table 2.3   Distance adjust- Euclidean Great circle

ment factors in developed
countries Road 1.21 1.17
Rail 1.24 1.20
48 2 Engineering Planning and Design

be obtained from several inexpensive commercial software packages or from the

Internet. The distances reported are actual over-the-road driving distances. An ex-
ample for the route planned from the Georgia Institute of Technology to the Atlanta
International airport is given next. Similar software is available for Western Europe.
However, obtaining the corresponding reliable and up-to-date information for un-
derdeveloped or developing areas of the world is very difficult. The availability and
quality of such information has to be established on a case by case basis (Fig. 2.17).
The over-the-transportation network distance between the cities of Atlanta and
Denver is computed based on the above adjustment factor and obtained from a
mapping software. For this example Microsoft MapPoint was used. The results are
shown in the following table. In this particular case, the difference between the
adjusted and actual distance and between the average adjustment factor and the
specific and derived adjustment factor for the two cities is 0.6% (Table 2.4).

Fig. 2.17   Georgia Tech to Atlanta airport driving instructions

2.3 Algorithms 49

Table 2.4   Network distance calculations example

Great circle Factor Adjusted MapPoint Factor
Atlanta Denver 1209 1.17 1414 1406 1.16

In strategic and high-level logistics planning models, most often distances are
approximated based on distance norms multiplied by the appropriate distance ad-
justment factor. This allows the computation of distances for a large variety of al-
ternatives with minimal computational resources and the approximation accuracy
is deemed acceptable. In operational and execution planning models, more accurate
information is required and available. Distances are based on over-the-transporta-
tion network travel derived from mapping software. In general, the model and data
accuracy should be appropriate for the level of logistics planning.

2.3 Algorithms

2.3.1  Algorithm Definition

To determine the decision variables in normative models, a solution method is re-

quired. This is often called “solving the model” and the solution method is referred
to as the solution algorithm. An algorithm is a set of rules to determine the system
activities and configuration in a normative model. This configuration can then be
evaluated and yields a value for one or more performance measures.

2.3.2  Algorithm Characteristics Efficient versus Effective

An algorithm is said to be efficient when it finds a solution in a short amount of

computing time. More specifically, it is efficient if it runs in a polynomial time, i.e.,
its running time is not larger than a polynomial function of the size of the problem.
The efficiency of an algorithm for large problem instances can be estimated by the
order of the running time of the algorithm.

Order of the Running Time of an Algorithm

Suppose n is a measure of the problem instance size and the number of computa-
tional steps required by a certain algorithm is found to be
50 2 Engineering Planning and Design

 ak nk + ak−1 nk−1 + . . . + a1 n + a0 (2.8)

where ak > 0 . Then we say that the algorithm is “of order of nk ”, which is written
as O(nk ) . The magnitude of the leading coefficient ak is usually ignored, since
for very large n, i.e. for very large problem instances, a lower order algorithm will
always perform faster than a higher order algorithm. The actual performance on
smaller problem instances may depend on the value of the different a coefficients.
The growth of the running time of an algorithm for the different types of algo-
rithms is illustrated in the next table. The first two algorithms are said to be polyno-
mial (P) and their running times grow relatively slowly. The last algorithm is said
to be exponential or non-polynomial (NP) and its running time grows quickly to
overwhelm the processing speed of any conceivable computer. Further details on
the computational complexity of an algorithm can be found in Garey and Johnson
It is important to recognize during a supply chain design project if the algo-
rithm that will be used to solve the model is easy or hard. Easy algorithms have a
low polynomial growth of their running times. The most prominent examples are
linear programming (LP) solvers. In linear programming the objective and all the
constraints are linear equations and all the decision variables are continuous, which
means that they can have fractional values. Very large linear programming models
can be solved to optimality by current LP solvers. Many supply chain and logistics
models focus on the flow of materials between facilities and they naturally corre-
spond to a special subset of LP models called network flow models. The LP solvers
can exploit the additional structure in the network flow models and solve instances
faster or solve even larger problem instances. Hard algorithms typically have ex-
ponentially growing running times. This implies that optimal solutions can only
be found in a reasonable amount of computing time for small problem instances.
Many of the most commonly used models in supply chain and logistics belong to
this class. Examples are vehicle routing, production planning and scheduling, dis-
tribution and supply chain system design, manufacturing and warehousing facilities
layout, and fleet planning and scheduling. Many times, the problem becomes hard
because certain configuration and activity decisions are restricted to have non-neg-
ative integer values. For example, a distribution center can be built in a particular
location or not, but it cannot be partially built in a location. Similarly, a truck route
will run from customer a to customer b, but it cannot continue half from customer
a to customer b and half to customer c. These models belong to the class of either
pure integer, where all decision variables are discrete, or mixed-integer programming
(MIP) models, where there are both continuous and discrete decision variables. Pure
and mixed-integer models usually are difficult to solve to optimality because the num-
ber of possible design configurations grows exponentially. For example, the number
of possible combinations of building or not building N candidate distribution centers
is 2N. The computation time required to evaluate all these alternatives grows quick-
ly beyond all reason, as illustrated in Table 2.5. Further information on integer and
mixed-integer programming can be found in Nemhauser and Wolsey (1988).
2.3 Algorithms 51

Table 2.5   Algorithm running times

Problem size
10 20 40 80
Run Time
n 0.001 sec 0.002 sec 0.004 sec 0.008 sec
n3 0.001 sec 0.008 sec 0.064 sec 0.512 sec
2n 0.001 sec 1.024 sec 12.43 days 37.43 million millennia

In many instances of supply chain models, decision variables that are naturally
discrete can be approximated with sufficient accuracy by continuous variables. For
example, an LP solver may generate an optimal configuration for a logistics system
that involves sending 5238.8 intermodal containers per year from Hong Kong to Long
Beach, California. The error introduced by rounding the number of containers to 5239
is negligible. However, the effort required from the solver if all transportation flows of
containers were restricted to be integer numbers of containers would be very significant. Optimal (Exact) versus Heuristic (Approximate)

If the algorithm produces the mathematically best solution it is called an optimal or

exact algorithm, if it produces a good, but not necessarily the best solution, is called
a heuristic or approximate algorithm. An optimal solution is a set of configuration
and activity decisions that gives the best answer to a performance measure of a
mathematical model, but again it should be stressed that this is not necessarily the
best configuration for the original real-world problem.

Worst Case Performance Bound of a Heuristic

Since a heuristic is not guaranteed to give the best possible configuration, decision-
makers may be interested in the performance gap generated by the heuristic con-
figuration compared to the best obtainable configuration. This performance gap can
either depend on the particular problem instance or be the worst case bound for any
instance. A heuristic algorithm for a minimization objective is said to have a worse
case error bound of K, if for any problem instance the ratio of the heuristics solu-
tion to the optimal solution value is smaller than or equal to K and if there exist an
instance for which this ratio is satisfied as an equality, i.e.

 zheuristic

 ≤K
 zoptimal
 min z ⇒ (2.9)
 zp,heuristic

 ∃p : =K
52 2 Engineering Planning and Design

This is also called an a-priori performance bound since it does not depend on the
execution of the heuristic for a particular problem instance. The asymptotic worst-
case error bound of a heuristic is the worst-case error bound for very large problem
instance, i.e., when the problem size grows to infinity. The asymptotic worst-case
error bound is not larger and is usually strictly better than the worst-case error
bound. Both performance bounds usually can only be computed for very simple
heuristics and for very simple supply chain systems and operations problems and
their value may be much worse than the average error bound on the performance
of the heuristic. A more useful statistic is the average-case error bound but the av-
erage-case error bound is typically even more difficult to compute than the worse-
case error bound.
The optimality gap is the worst-case performance bound of a heuristic solution
for a particular instance. This gap is often of more interest to decision makers
since it concerns their particular problem. For a minimization problem, the opti-
mality gap is the difference between the solution generated by the heuristic and
some lower bound value. Since the optimal solution value must fall between the
lower bound and the heuristic solution, the optimality gap gives the maximum
difference between the heuristic solution and the optimal solution. An algorithm
is said to be effective if it produces a high quality solution or, equivalently, a small
optimality gap. Primal versus Dual

A primal algorithm initially creates and then maintains a feasible solution and im-
proves the quality of the solution while it strives to reach optimality. A dual algo-
rithm initially creates and then maintains an optimal solution for either a subset of
the decision variables or of the constraints and strives to reach feasibility by adding
either decision variables or constraints. The advantage of a primal algorithm is that
on premature termination a feasible solution is available for implementation. In ad-
dition, the list of the best configurations found during the execution of the primal
algorithm can be retained and considered for implementation based on other factors
not included in the performance objective. The advantage of a dual algorithm is
that on premature termination a bound on the optimal objective function value is
For example, consider the task of writing a research report before a given dead-
line. The report contains three sections: introduction, main body, and conclusions.
A primal algorithm would create a rough draft of each section and then iteratively
refine each section until the quality of the report is satisfactory. A dual approach
would first create and refine the introduction until it cannot be improved any fur-
ther. Then this process is repeated for the main body and finally for the conclusions
section. Assuming the quality of the two final reports is the same, the primal ap-
proach at any time has a completed reported ready to be handed in.
Many solution algorithms for the design of complex supply chain systems are
composite algorithms that have both primal and dual sub-algorithms embedded in
2.3 Algorithms 53

them. The composite algorithm terminates when the gap between the solution value
of the best-found primal feasible solution and the bound provided by the dual algo-
rithm falls within an acceptable tolerance level. Construction versus Improvement

A construction algorithm creates a feasible configuration for the supply chain based
on the values of the data input parameters. An improvement algorithm requires a
feasible solution or configuration in addition to the input parameters and attempts
to improve the quality of the solution. Many improvement algorithms belong to the
class of local search procedures. One, several, or all feasible solutions in the neigh-
borhood of the current feasible solution are evaluated. A first descent algorithm will
choose the first configuration it finds that has a better solution value than the current
configuration. A steepest descent algorithm will choose the configuration with best
solution value among all the configurations it evaluated around the current configu-
ration. The process is repeated until the search algorithm cannot find a feasible so-
lution with a better solution value in the neighborhood. All local search procedures
may terminate at locally optimal solutions, i.e., there does not exist a better solution
in the neighborhood of the current feasible solution but there may exist better solu-
tions when considering the full solution space. First descent and steepest descent
algorithms belong to the class of deterministic algorithms. Deterministic algorithms
will always arrive at the same final configuration when they are started from a
particular initial configuration. To find a different final configuration, deterministic
algorithms must be started from a different initial configuration, which may be dif-
ficult or impossible to obtain. To avoid this phenomenon, Kirkpatrick et al. (1983)
and Vechi and Kirkpatrick (1983) proposed a non-deterministic search algorithm
called simulated annealing. This algorithm will evaluate random neighboring con-
figurations and choose configurations with a better solution value but also choose
configurations with a worse solution value with a decreasing probability during the
execution of the algorithm. The algorithm is called simulated annealing because of
its similarities with the behavior of energy levels in metal alloys during the anneal-
ing or cooling process. Alternative Generating versus Alternative Selecting

An alternative-generating algorithm creates feasible solutions. An alternative-se-

lecting algorithm selects the solution of the highest quality from a set of feasible
candidate solutions provided to it as input parameters. A prominent example in the
design of supply chains of an alternative-generating algorithm is the location-al-
location problem, where the location of a given number of distribution facilities
and the allocation of customers to these distribution facilities is to be determined.
The decision space is the continuous area where the customers are located. Several
optimal or heuristic algorithms exist that will generate the location of the distribu-
54 2 Engineering Planning and Design

tion facilities. However, even the optimal location derived from the model may be
infeasible for the real-world system. Typical examples are the location of a distribu-
tion center for the southeast region of the United States in the Gulf of Mexico or for
the state of Georgia in downtown Atlanta. Because the algorithm has to describe the
cost of the configuration in mathematical expressions, exceptions to cost or con-
straints can be difficult to incorporate. In addition, since the algorithm determines
the solution, a method must be developed to evaluate all possible solution configu-
rations. This typically implies that simplified and approximated cost functions will
be used. All of these factors combined indicate that the application of alternative
generating algorithms is usually reserved for problems that have a simple cost and
constraint structure.
On the other hand, alternative selecting algorithms select a solution configura-
tion from among a set of possible and feasible configurations. This implies that
there exists an external mechanism to generate feasible configuration and evaluate
the cost of these configurations. Typically this is a person or separate algorithm
which is an expert for the problem domain. Since the solution algorithm picks a
configuration from a set of feasible configurations, the proposed solution will al-
ways be feasible. It is assumed that the expert has the capability to recognize and
incorporate exceptions and can compute accurate costs. Instead of a human expert,
sometimes a secondary optimization problem, called the pricing problem, is used to
find one or more alternatives that have the potential to improve the overall solution.
The specific domain knowledge is imbedded in the pricing problem since it has the
function of identifying potentially improving feasible alternatives. The solution al-
gorithm to select the alternatives can then be of a general-purpose nature. Typically,
variants of the set partitioning or the set covering algorithms are used. The prime
application area of alternative selecting algorithms is usually for problems that have
complex constraints or cost structures.
A second major class of alternative selecting algorithms is simulation. Simula-
tion belongs to the class of descriptive algorithms, since all design and configura-
tion occurs before the simulation is started and the simulation is used to evaluate
the design. Almost all simulation applications today use digital Monte Carlo simu-
lation methods, where realizations of input parameters are sampled randomly from
prescribed probability distributions. These parameter values are then inserted in the
simulation model of the logistics system under investigation and statistics on the
performance measures of interest are collected. Simulation models typically have a
very high level of detail or fidelity. Modern simulation applications are able to ani-
mate the results of simulation runs, which has proven to be very effective in debug-
ging the simulation model and in marketing the proposed design. While simulation
is a very powerful tool for the verification and validation of a design, it is limited in
its design capabilities. Minor modifications to the configuration such as increasing
the number of truck doors in a distribution center or changing the inventory level
of a product can be made with little effort. However, a significantly different con-
figuration of the supply chain requires the development of a new simulation model,
which again has to be debugged and validated. In addition, simulation is a descrip-
tive algorithm and relies on other programs or designers to generate good design
2.3 Algorithms 55

Fig. 2.18   Simulation with

animation of a material
handling system. ( Illustration
courtesy of Retrotech)

alternatives. These characteristics make simulation algorithms more useful in the

later stages of the design, such as verification, validation, final tuning of the design,
and acceptance testing, where the number of alternatives is limited but the required
model fidelity is very high. Simulation can also be used to study off-line or in real
time the effects of certain decisions on an existing logistics system, if the status of
the simulation model and parameters is kept synchronized with the status of the real
supply chain (Fig. 2.18).
Because many supply chains have a natural graphical and geographical repre-
sentation, the combination of best characteristics of human designers and computer-
ized models and algorithms into interactive and graphical design frameworks has
proven to be very effective. The designer is responsible for higher- level decisions
and the computer algorithms are responsible for the detailed computations. Com-
munications between the designer and the computer algorithms is achieved through
a graphical user interface. This user friendly and powerful interaction has now be-
come a necessary requirement for the acceptance and use of logistics models and
design algorithms. A typical screen of a program to design supply chains is shown
in the next figure (Fig. 2.19).

2.3.3  M
 odel Hierarchy and Corresponding Solution
Technologies Model Hierarchy and Associated Solution Technologies

Organizations typically start with simple models for a particular supply chain de-
sign or operations problem. Once the simple models and their configurations gain
acceptance, the models are further refined and enhanced. When the models be-
come more comprehensive and powerful, the corresponding solution algorithms
56 2 Engineering Planning and Design

Fig. 2.19   Illustration of the graphical representation of a supply chain

become more complex and resource intensive. The first phase usually involves
a deterministic and descriptive model. Examples are the computations to deter-
mine the cost, the distance, and duration of a vehicle route, or the computations
to determine the cost for the warehousing personnel staffing for the next shift. In
the next phase, organizations recognize that many parameters are not known with
certainty and they develop stochastic descriptive models. The most prominent is
digital simulation but queuing analysis is also sometimes used. Examples are the
evaluation of the service levels for various levels of inventory in a hierarchical dis-
tribution system or estimation of waiting times experienced by truck for a dock at
a distribution center. In the next phase, the decision makers attempt to improve the
quality of the solution or to reduce the time and effort required to generate a solu-
tion by letting the computer models and algorithms make some decisions. The first
step is typically a deterministic normative model and solution algorithm. Promi-
nent examples are vehicle routing algorithms to determine the lowest distance or
cost routes, or network flow models to minimize transportation costs. Much more
demanding applications are the design of distribution and supply chain systems,
which typically require mixed-integer programming models. Finally, the stochas-
tic nature of the parameters is added to the models to create stochastic normative
models. Examples are supply chain models that find the best inventory levels to
achieve a required customer service level or supply chain models that find the
2.5 Exercises 57

most robust, flexible, and cost-efficient supply chain configuration for a variety of
possible demand scenarios.

2.4 Summary and Conclusions

This chapter started off with a review of the definitions and characteristics of the
engineering design methodology. Engineering design techniques are necessary to
structure the engineering design process so that high-quality supply chains can be
created. One of most prominent engineering design techniques is the use of models.
The most important characteristics of models were summarized. A supply chain me-
ta-model was presented that provides the structure for various supply chain models.
The proper selection of the model, model fidelity and accuracy, and the validation
of the model are necessary steps during the design process. Models for transporta-
tion distances in supply chain planning and design were used as an illustration of
the various levels of models that can and should be used under different circum-
stances. Solving the model attempts to reach the goal for one or more performance
characteristics of the model by determining values for decision variables. Most sup-
ply chain design or planning problems are too difficult to be solved by ad-hoc or
manual techniques. The classifications and characteristics of solution algorithms
were reviewed.
Supply chain planning and design is an especially complex variant of engineer-
ing system design. Only the proper application of engineering design methodology
and tools can yield high-quality plans and designs in a systematic way in a reason-
able amount of time. In order for system engineering methodology to be applicable
it is required that all three of data, model, and planning algorithm have been devel-
oped for the system in question.
The value of accurate data for modeling-based engineering design was demon-
strated repeatedly in this chapter. Most data for supply chain modeling is based on
forecasting and this is especially true for tactical and strategic planning models. In
the next chapter, forecasting techniques commonly used in supply chain planning
and design are reviewed.

2.5 Exercises

True-False Questions 
  1. A “blue sky” design alternative indicates a design alternative generated without
observing any external constraints such budgets or deadlines, (T/F) _____.
  2. A model is stochastic if at least one of the input parameters is not known with
certainty, (T/F) _____.
58 2 Engineering Planning and Design

  3. A significant cost associated with modeling is the cost to collect and validate
data, (T/F)______.
  4. An adjustment factor of 1.2 is a reasonable factor (with one significant digit
after the decimal point) to approximate the relation between over the road dis-
tances in a developed network compared to Euclidean distances, (T/F) ______.
  5. An analog model is a replication of the real world system under investigation
but generally at a different scale, (T/F)_____.
  6. Classic expert system algorithms are often used to assist during the design of
strategic logistics systems, (T/F) _____.
  7. The process of attaching geographical or location coordinates to alphanumeric
address data is known as geocoding, (T/F) _____.
  8. The acquisition costs of raw materials belongs to the class of variable costs in
a logistics system, (T/F)_____.
  9. The fundamental objective of a model is to provide better insight or easier
manipulation than can be gained from the real-world system, (T/F)_____.
10. The sole focus of logistics planning is inventory management, (T/F) _____.
11. The United States Census collects a variety of data useful for designing logis-
tics systems in the United States, (T/F) _____.

Emergency Trailers  In 2006 in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, the federal

government through its FEMA administration owned and stored many thousands
of home trailers. These trailers are to be used as temporary housing in case of
disaster. The news story on the trailer storage given at http://www.newsobserver.
com/102/story/411776.html states that 11000 trailers are being stored nationwide.
Develop a decision support model for the number of trailers the federal govern-
ment should own. Clearly identify all the members of the major components of the
model (parameters, decision variables, activities, and performance measures) and
how they are computed as well as the objectives and constraints.


Arntzen, B. C., Brown, G. G., Harrison, T. P., & Trafton, L. L. (1995). Global supply chain man-
agement at digital equipment corporation. Interfaces, 25(1), 69–93.
Benders, J. (1962). Partitioning procedures for solving mixed-variables programming problems.
Numerische Mathematik, 4(1), 238–252.
Ballou, R. H., & Masters, J. M. (1993). Commercial software for locating warehouses and other
facilities. Journal of Business Logistics, 14(2), 71–107.
Ballou, R. H., & Masters, J. M. (1999). Facility location commercial software survey. Journal of
Business Logistics, 20(1), 215–233.
Ballou, R. H. (1999). Business logistics management (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
De Kok, A. G., & Graves, S. (Eds.). (2003). Supply chain management: Design, coordination and
operation. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Ertas, A., & Jones, J. C. (1996). The engineering design process (2nd ed.) New York: Wiley.
Garey, M. R., & Johnson, D. S. (1976). Computers and intractability. San Francisco: Freeman
References 59

Gass, S. I., & Harris, C. M. (1996). Encyclopedia of operations research and management science.
Boston: Kluwer Academic.
Guenes, J., & Pardalos, P. M. (Eds.). (2005). Supply chain optimization. Boston: Kluwer Aca-
Hoare, C. A. R. (1996). A theory of engineering design. Oxford University Computing Laboratory,
pp. 331–335.
Kirkpatrick, S., Gelat, C., & Vechi, M. (1983). Optimization by. simulated annealing. Science,
220, 671–680.
Nemhauser, G. L., & Wolsey, L. A. (1988). Integer and combinatorial optimization. New York:
Pahl, G., & Beitz, W. (1996). In K. Wallace (Ed.), Engineering design: a systematic approach
(trans: K. Wallace, L. Blessing, & F. Bauert). Springer: New York.
Park, G.-J. (2007). Analytic methods for design practice. New York: Springer.
Shapiro, J. F. (2006). Modeling the supply chain (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove: Duxbury Press.
Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., & Simchi-Levi, E. (2008). Designing and managing the supply
chain: Concepts, strategies, and case studies (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Stadtler, H., & Kilger, C. (Eds.). (2004). Supply chain management and advanced planning (3rd
ed.). Heidelberg: Springer.
Vechi, M., & Kirkpatrick, S. (1983). IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, CAD-2, 215.
Weber, A. (1909). Uber den Standort der Industrien, Mohr, Turingen. English edition: Friedrich,
C. (1929). Alfred Weber’s Theory of the Location of Industries (trans: C. Friedrich). Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Williams, H. P. (1999). Model building in mathematical programming (4th ed.). Chichester: Wiley.
Chapter 3

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
• Understand the stochastic nature of a forecast and how to treat it in a scientific
• Know the different types of forecasts and their main characteristics.
• Know the different types of forecasting methods and their main characteristics.
• Compute and interpret measures of forecast accuracy.

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1  Fundamental Requirement for Planning

Except for some planning at the operational level, supply chain planning and design
involves making decisions now so that supply chain functions can be executed ef-
ficiently in the future. Modeling-based supply chain planning and design requires
data that describe the future conditions accurately. Otherwise, analytical supply
chain design would be futile. These data estimates are typically in the form of pre-
dictions and forecasts. Many forecasts and especially medium- and long-term fore-
casts are prepared by other departments in the organization, such as marketing or
product development, rather than by the supply chain or logistics department. How-
ever, certain short-term forecasting is performed by logisticians, such as forecasting
related to inventory control and individual user demand. In those cases, forecast-
ing future conditions is often achieved by extrapolating the historical observations.
The underlying pattern is often seasonal corresponding to the natural seasonality of
many human and agricultural activities. The focus of this chapter will be on tech-
niques for such relatively short-term forecasting, which are most often performed
by logisticians. An often-used alternative term for these activities is demand plan-
ning—specifically tactical and operational demand planning.
Only in a few cases of operational supply chain planning are the activities that
have to be performed already known. Examples are the routing and scheduling of

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 61

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_3, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
62 3 Forecasting

order pickers through a warehouse to collect customer orders after all orders have
been received; the routing and scheduling of delivery trucks after the customer stops
and quantities are known; and in manufacturing the scheduling of the assembly op-
erations of computers after the customer orders for certain configurations have been
received. In all other cases, the future activities have to estimated or forecasted.
The inherent difficulty of generating accurate predictions for future values, has
led to the development of the production planning philosophy that avoids forecasts
altogether. Production is only started after the complete order for a product has
been received and is thus known with certainty. Such production planning is called
make-to-order (MTO). The production planning that produces in anticipation of
forecasted future demand is called make-to-stock (MTS). Even if the production
or assembly of the final product is scheduled based on received orders in a MTO
framework, the inherent time lags in the supply chain cause the inventory and pro-
duction of subcomponents to be based on forecasts in a MTS framework.
Forecasting is an essential activity in any business and governmental organiza-
tion since it provides the basic information for the planning and execution of all
operational activities of the organization. In supply chain planning most forecasting
is related to forecasting the demands of final and intermediate products on a repeti-
tive basis. The forecast for the final products of an organization determines then the
forecasts for intermediate products, parts, raw materials, and personnel.

3.1.2  Demand Planning Structure

The goal of demand planning is to predict the future consumption of “products,” be

it physical products, medical services, restaurant meals, or consumption of utilities
such as electricity. Demand planning has to support aggregation and disaggregation
along the following three dimensions: product family tree, geography, and planning
The product family tree is a hierarchical structure relating products to product
groups, groups to families, and families to product lines. For example, an individ-
ual product or SKU may be a particular model of personal computer with specific
processor, video, storage, and memory hardware. A product group may be based
on all products with the same processor with different configurations for the other
hardware. A product family may be all the product groups intended to be sold to a
particular market segment such as the home user or the corporate user. Finally, the
product line may be personal computers, which are separated from computer serv-
ers or personal digital assistants.
The geographical dimension is also hierarchically structured. It may be divided
into areas, regions, countries, and world regions. The time dimension is typically
structured in years, seasons or quarters, or months. If necessary it can be specified
to the week or day level. Forecast quantities can be assigned to any intersection of
product, geography, and time. Such three-dimensional databases grow very quick-
3.1 Introduction 63

ly in size even for small and mid-sized companies. Powerful database software
and computer hardware have reduced the burden of collecting, maintaining, and
processing such large amounts of data. A much more difficult problem has been
to maintain the internal consistency between various levels and dimensions of the
forecast data.

3.1.3  Pattern Classification

When forecasting a particular repetitive activity that is a component of supply

chain, the most important requirement for generating high-quality forecasts is a fun-
damental understanding of the underlying pattern of the activity. Depending on its
behavior over time, the underlying pattern can be classified as regular or irregular.
If the pattern is regular the future values can be predicted based on past or historical
values. Common regular patterns are a constant pattern, a trend pattern, seasonal
pattern, or a combination of trend and seasonal pattern. Classic decomposition de-
composes the pattern into a trend, seasonal, and random component. As long as the
random variations are small compared to the underlying pattern, accurate forecasts
can be obtained by popular mathematical forecasting techniques, such as regression
and time series analysis. A pattern can also be irregular, when it is a singular oc-
currence, intermittent, or highly variable. The pattern is said to be “lumpy.” Such
variables are typically very difficult to forecast with any accuracy using popular
mathematical models.
Finally, dependent or derived demand patterns constitute a special case when an
independent variable causes predictable behavior for a number of other dependent
variables. In this case the value of the demand for the final product is stochastic
and forecasted with the techniques described above. But once the demand for the
final product is known, the demand for all the subcomponents, raw materials, and
resources is known with certainty. The derived demand is usually obtained by re-
cursively exploding the bill of materials (BOM) of the final product to all of its
individual product components. For example, the forecasted independent demand
for a car model causes a dependent demand shifted back in time for the associated
car engine. Most popular forecasting techniques are based on the assumptions of
independent behavior with a random component. These methods are not applicable
for forecasting dependent behavior.
The future logistics activities are subject to the actions of many different organi-
zations in and outside the supply chain and to inherent uncertainty caused by truly
random events. Therefore, the forecasting should be a collaborative effort among
many groups in the supply chain. Marketing can provide advance estimates of the
impact of future promotions and product introductions. The expertise of long-term
employees may judge the impact that similar conditions have had in the past. The
end result of the forecasting process should a consensus-based forecast that is used
for all the planning by all organizations in the supply chain.
64 3 Forecasting

3.2 Classification of Forecasting Methods

Forecasting methods can be classified as quantitative or objective versus qualitative

or subjective depending on the fact if an explicit model forms the basis of the fore-
casting method. Quantitative forecasting models can be further divided into causal
and time series models.

3.2.1  Subjective or Qualitative Forecasting Methods

Subjective or qualitative forecasting methods use experts, subjective judgment, in-

tuition, or surveys to produce quantitative estimates about the future. The informa-
tion on which the forecasts are based is typically nonquantitative and subjective.
Historical data may not be available or of little relevance to the forecast. The highly
subjective nature of the forecast makes it very difficult to validate the accuracy
and to standardize the methods. These methods are primarily used to predict the
demand for a new product or a product in new areas, the impact of policy changes,
or the impact of new technology. They are typically used for medium- to long-range
Kurt Hellstrom, president of Ericsson, in an address to Comdex 2000 ( PC Maga-
zine, 16 Jan. 2000, p. 72) made the following statement regarding the adaptation of
cell phones by consumers, which illustrates the difficulty of making long-term, stra-
tegic forecasts: “Analysts predicted in 1980 that one million mobile phones would
be used worldwide by the year 2000. They were wrong by 599 million.” Saffo (2007)
describes six rules for effective forecasting that are applicable to such strategic fore-
casts. His second rule advises to determine where the forecast is located on the S
curve, which is a curve depicting the rate of change. In general, this curve is shaped
as the curve of the cumulative normal distribution. An example of this curve is
shown in the appendix on standard distributions. If the curve is extended to include
the eventual declining use of the product or service, then it becomes the traditional
life cycle graph. The early adoption corresponds to the bottom nearly horizontal
section of the S, the explosive growth is represented by the vertical section, and the
mature state of the product corresponds to the top nearly horizontal section of the S.
The difficulty and one of the keys to effective forecasting identified by Saffo is to
recognize where the current situation is located with respect to the inflection points
of the life cycle curve.
The Delphi method is often used in qualitative forecasting. The Delphi method
is an iterative procedure where forecasts are collected from a number of experts in
the area and systematically reduced to a consensus forecast. During the next itera-
tion, a statistical summary, usually presented anonymously, of the forecasts made
during the previous iteration is provided to the experts. The experts are then asked
if they want to revise their forecast. The goal of the Delphi method is to generate a
consensus forecast from the group of experts. After a number of iterations the final
3.2 Classification of Forecasting Methods 65

forecast is generated by averaging the forecasts of the individual experts. According

to Linstone and Turoff (1975), the Delphi method was originally developed at the
RAND Corporation by Dalkey and Helmer (1951).

3.2.2  Quantitative or Objective Forecasting Methods

Objective or quantitative forecasting methods rely on a formalized underlying mod-

el to make predictions. They are divided into time series and causal methods. Time Series Forecasting Models

Time series analysis is a forecasting method based on the fundamental assump-

tion that future estimates are based on prior, historical values of the same variable.
This implies that the historical pattern exhibited by the variable to be forecasted
will extend into the future. In addition, it is implicitly assumed that historical data
are available. The only independent variable in a forecasting model based on time
series analysis is the time period. The future value of the variable is equal to the
underlying pattern plus a random component. It is also assumed that the expected
value of the random component is equal to zero and that the random component is
normally distributed with variance σ2. In other words, if Dt is the value of the vari-
able in period t, Yt is the value of the underlying pattern in period t, and εt is the
random component in period t, then
 D t = Yt + εt (3.1)

 εt = N (0, σ 2 ) (3.2)

Time series forecasting methods are mostly used to forecast variables for the short
to intermediate term. As such, time series methods are some of the forecasting tech-
niques most often used by logisticians. The generic forecast model for time series
computes the forecast F as a weighted linear combination of the past observations
D using weights a,

 Ft+1 = at−j Dt−j (3.3)

Time series models and forecasting methods can be further divided into static mod-
els and adaptive models. A static method assumes that model parameters—such as
the offset, trend, and seasonality factors and indicated by the a parameters in the
previous formula—do not change during the forecasting process while new demand
values become known. Equivalently, static methods do not change the underlying
pattern based on new demand observations. The model parameters are estimated
66 3 Forecasting

based on historical values and then the same values are used to compute all future
forecasts. Examples of static forecasting methods are the average and regression.
In adaptive forecasting, the values of the model parameters are updated after each
demand observation becomes known. Examples of adaptive forecasting methods
are moving averages and all the variants of exponential smoothing. Because it is
the main forecasting technique used in the planning of logistic activities and supply
chains, time series analysis is discussed in detail in the next chapter. Box–Jenkins Methods

In the discussions and development so far, it has been assumed that the value of
the forecasted variable only depends on the model parameters and historical data
plus a random component. However, time series may exist where the values of the
forecasted variable are related or correlated from period to period. In this case the
data is said to be autocorrelated and formula (3.1) is no longer valid for such time
series. Box and Jenkins (1970) developed a group of methods that are able to handle
such autocorrelated data, such as the autoregressive integrated moving average, or
ARIMA, method. The discussion of these advanced forecasting methods is beyond
the scope of this book and the reader is referred to the book by Box and Jenkins.
Advanced forecasting methods such as the methods developed by Box and Jen-
kins are very powerful tools provided the forecaster has an extensive understanding
of the underlying process and a large number of prior observations is available. It is
recommended that no less than 72 observations be used to start the forecasting pro-
cedure. Because of their power, flexibility, and ease of use, the advanced methods
can easily generate incorrect forecasts. It is always the responsibility of the fore-
caster to ensure that the assumptions used by a forecasting method are consistent
with the real-world process, but this task is even more mandatory and important for
advanced methods because of the complexity of the underlying assumptions. These
advanced forecasting techniques can be used when there exists extensive historical
data and to forecast the immediate future. Examples are forecasting the price of a
stock on the exchange for the next 15 min. or forecasting the number of lightning
strikes in a state for the next 10 min. Causal Forecasting Models

A second major category of forecasting models consists of causal models. The basic
assumption for a causal model is that the future value of the forecasted variable
can be expressed as a mathematical function of the known current values of a set
of different variables. For example, the historical sales of a product combined with
the historical breakdown rates for this product allow the forecast of the number of
breakdowns and required service parts during the coming year. Causal forecasting
methods are often used in predicting future economic activity and future social and
life science trends.
3.3 Forecast Quality and Performance Measures 67

The known variables in the causal model are also called leading indicators,
since they occur before or lead the forecasted variable and indicate the behavior
of the forecasted variable. One such leading indicator often used in predicting sup-
ply chain activity is the purchased quantity of corrugated cardboard boxes. When
companies expect an increase in sales, they purchase more shipping supplies such
as cardboard boxes. Causal models can be quite good in predicting major changes
and trends and are often used in the medium and long-range forecasts.
The major difficulty in applying causal models is of course the development of
accurate cause-and-effect relationships, since the true causal relationship is often
much more complex than the causal model. Causal models based on regression and
economic techniques typically have substantial forecasting errors.
The causal relationship in general is given by the next formula, where Y is the
forecasted variable computed in function of a number of know variables X.
 Y = f (X1 , X2 , ... XN ) (3.4)
Econometric models are a subclass of causal models that use only linear causal
relationships, as illustrated in the following expression.
 Y = a1 X1 + a2 X2 + ... aN XN (3.5)

3.3 Forecast Quality and Performance Measures

3.3.1  Forecast Error and Forecast Performance

The forecast error is defined as the algebraic difference between the actual realized
value for a particular time period and the forecast. The term residual is also used to
indicate the difference between the observed value and the modeled or forecasted
value. The forecasted value may have been computed during the prior period or in
an earlier period.
The corresponding formulas to compute the forecast error are given next:
et = Dt − Ft−τ , t
et = D t − F t
Expressions for the standard error of the forecast have been derived for static mod-
els such as regression and are incorporated in statistical packages and spreadsheets.
The standard error for adaptive forecasting methods most often is estimated based
on the calculation of the root mean squared error (RMSE) or the mean absolute
deviation (MAD) of the series of forecasts made over time. These performance
measures are defined below. Obviously it is desirable that the forecast error for a
series of forecasts is as close to zero as possible.
68 3 Forecasting

A number of quality measures for forecasts have been defined in function of the
forecast errors. The simplest measure sums the forecast errors to compute the mean
error (ME). The sum of the forecast errors is also called the bias. The definition
of the mean error has the disadvantage that large positive and negative forecast
errors in different periods offset each other and give the false impression of a high-
quality forecast because the mean error is small. To overcome this deficiency, the
MAD computes the average of the absolute value of the forecast error. The mean
squared error (MSE) method computes the average value of the squared forecast er-
ror. The MSE method also avoids offsetting positive and negative errors. However,
the mean squared error has different units and dimensions than the forecast error,
which makes its interpretation more difficult. To express the measure of the quality
of the forecast error in the same units as the forecasted variable, the square root of
the MSE is computed. This measure is called the root mean squared error (RMSE)
and is equal to the standard deviation of the forecast error. The formulas for the vari-
ous measures of forecast quality are given next:
 ME = et (3.7)

 MAD = |et | (3.8)

1 2
 MSE = et (3.9)

 RMSE =  et2 (3.10)

All of the above quality measures are in absolute units, in other words, in the same
units as the variable that is forecasted or those units squared. For example, if the
units of the forecasted variable were changed from feet to meters, the absolute
quality measures defined above would be roughly divided by three and the MSE
would even be roughly divided by nine, while in reality the forecast quality has not
changed at all. Therefore, many times it is more intuitive to express the forecast er-
ror as a percentage of the forecasted value. This is a called a relative forecast error.
The quality measure most often used in function of the relative forecast error is the
mean absolute percentage error (MAPE):
1   et 
 MAPE =  D  · 100 (3.11)
n t
3.3 Forecast Quality and Performance Measures 69

The MAPE computations can cause numerical difficulties if the realized value of
the variable that is forecasted becomes equal to zero or very close to zero. If it is
anticipated that the value of the forecast variable may become close to zero, then the
MAPE quality measure should not be used.
Finally, the tracking signal is the ratio of the bias divided by the mean absolute
deviation. If the tracking signal falls outside an interval centered at zero, then this is
a signal that the forecast model is biased and the validity of the forecasting model or
method should be investigated. The bias and tracking signal are discussed in further
detail in the section on forecast monitoring.

3.3.2  Confidence Interval

The forecast Ft has a single numerical value and is called a point estimate or point
forecast. The probability that the forecasted value Ft for the variable under consider-
ation will be exactly equal to the expected value of the forecasted variable Yt is very
small. The point estimate is in effect the mean or expected value of a distribution
of possible forecasted values. Hence, it is more useful to replace the point forecast
with an interval forecast. An interval for which we can assert with a specified degree
of certainty that it contains the expected value of the forecasted variable is called a
confidence interval. Typically, a claim is made that with a probability of 1 − α the
σ σ
 Ft − zα/2 · √ , Ft + zα/2 · √ (3.12)
n n

contains the expected value Yt, where zα/2 is derived from the normal distribution.
Since the expected value of the forecasted variable is either inside the above interval
or not, speaking of a probability in this context seems inappropriate. What is really
indicated is that in repeated sampling α percent of confidence intervals computed
with the above formula will contain the expected value of the forecasted variable.
Although the expected value of the forecasted variable will never be known nor
will it be known if this expected value fell inside the computed interval, we can be
assured that the method used to compute the interval is  percent reliable, that is, it
is expected to work in  percent of the time.
The computation of the confidence interval requires the determination of the
standard deviation of the random component of the forecasted variable. Again,
since the standard deviation of the random component of the forecasted variable
is not known, the forecast error is used as an estimate of the random component.
For static forecasting models, the derivation of the standard error is well estab-
lished. The sum of squared errors (SSE), also called the residual sum of squares
(RSS), is computed as
 SSE = (Dt − Ft )2 = et2 (3.13)
70 3 Forecasting

Under the assumption that the et’s are uncorrelated random variables with mean
equal to zero and common variance σ2 an unbiased estimate of σ2 is obtained by
dividing SSE by its degrees of freedom, where the degrees of freedom is equal to
the number of observations minus the number of parameters in the model. For the
constant pattern model the number of parameters is one; for the linear trend model
the number of parameters is two; for the additive seasonal model with cycle length
P the number of parameters is P + 1. The standard error is equal to the square root
of the residual mean square. In the following formulas the number of parameters is
indicated by k:

  e2  (D − Ft )2
 SEE  N t  t=1 t
se = = = (3.14)
N −k N −k N −k

Note that this formula implies that the mean of the forecast error is assumed to be
equal to zero. The built-in formulas in computer spreadsheets for computing the
standard deviation of a sample will compute the sample mean and then will use this
sample mean in the computation of the standard deviation. The formulas will then
yield a smaller standard deviation if the computed sample mean is not zero. This
implies that you cannot use either the built-in STDEV or the STDEVP functions
of the Excel spreadsheet software. One way to compute the standard deviation in
Excel spreadsheets is to use the following built-in functions
 se = SQRT (SUMSQ(e1 : eN )/(COUNT (e1 : eN ) − k)). (3.15)
The 1 − α percent confidence interval for a large number of observations can then
be computed as
 Ft ± zα/2 · seFt (3.16)

The values of z in function of the probability 1 − α can be computed with the Excel
function NORMSINV (1 − α/2). The value of z for a number of commonly used prob-
abilities is given in Table 3.1. Further information can be found in reference texts on
probability and statistics for engineers, such as Hayter (1996).

Table 3.1   Confidence intervals for the standard normal distribution

(1 − α) α/2 z (1 − α) α/2 z
0.5000 0.2500 0.6745 0.9250 0.0375 1.7805
0.6000 0.2000 0.8416 0.9500 0.0250 1.9600
0.6827 0.1587 1.0000 0.9545 0.0228 2.0000
0.7000 0.1500 1.0364 0.9750 0.0125 2.2414
0.7500 0.1250 1.1503 0.9800 0.0100 2.3263
0.8000 0.1000 1.2816 0.9900 0.0050 2.5758
0.8500 0.0750 1.4395 0.9950 0.0025 2.8070
0.9000 0.0500 1.6449 0.9973 0.0013 3.0000
3.3 Forecast Quality and Performance Measures 71

3.3.3  Forecast Monitoring Bias

After a forecast model has been constructed, it has to be monitored carefully to

verify that model has not become invalid because of changes in the underlying
data pattern. The forecasting models assume that the long-range expected value of
the forecast error should be zero, since it corresponds to the random component in
the data series. If the model consistently forecasts values that are either larger (or
smaller) than the observed values, the expected value of the forecast will be differ-
ent from zero and the forecast model is said to be biased. A valid forecast model
should be unbiased. One way to determine if bias is present is to plot the forecast er-
rors along the time axis. The points corresponding to the errors should be randomly
distributed above and below the zero level:

 biast = ei (3.17)
i=1 Tracking Signal

A more systematic way to monitor a forecasting model is the tracking signal. Sever-
al variants of the tracking signal exist, but all of them compute the ratio of weighted
algebraic sum of the forecast errors divided by the weighted sum of the absolute
value of the forecast errors. This ratio should be close the zero. One way to compute
the tracking signal is given as

biast i=1
 tst = = t
MADt 1 
|ei |

A large positive or negative value of the tracking signal indicates a biased forecast,
which in turn indicates that the forecast model is no longer valid. There exists con-
siderable discussion on what the acceptable boundary values of the tracking signal
should be. Obviously, the numerical values of the acceptable extreme values depend
on the exact method of computing the tracking signal. It is important not to use the ex-
treme values of one definition with a different computation of the tracking signal. For
the above variant of the tracking signal, extreme values of  ± 6 have been suggested.
An example of a large positive tracking signal occurs when the demand has a
positive growth trend and a forecasting method for a constant pattern, such as mov-
ing averages, is used. Because the trend is not included in the forecasting model,
the forecasted values will tend to systematically underestimate the real demand and
the forecast errors will tend to be positive. After a sufficient number of periods, the
72 3 Forecasting

tracking signal will become more and more positive and fall outside the allowable
interval, which is a signal that the current forecasting model or method needs to be
Some software packages may automatically adjust the smoothing factors used
in exponential smoothing procedures if the absolute value of the tracking signal
becomes too large. This is called adaptive smoothing. Exponential smoothing meth-
ods are described in detail in the chapter on time series analysis. Adaptive smooth-
ing gives the exponential smoothing forecasting methods additional power, but
should be used with care since they change the responsiveness and stability of the
forecasting method.

3.4 Forecasting Software

There exists a large variety of software applications for forecasting. Yurkiewicz

(2003) provides a survey of the capabilities of such software packages. Spread-
sheets such as Microsoft Excel also include forecasting functionality through a va-
riety of statistical functions and its analysis tools.

3.5 Summary

Forecasting of future conditions is an essential planning activity for almost any or-
ganization. Strategic, long-range forecasts are based on qualitative data or quantita-
tive data with very large uncertainties. Long-range forecasts may be obtained with
qualitative or very simple quantitative forecasting methods. Shorter-term tactical
and operational forecasts are usually based on historical data. Many powerful and
highly mathematical forecasting techniques exist, such as regression, time series
analysis, and forecasting methods for autocorrelated data. However, the most im-
portant requirement for the generation of a high-quality forecast is an understand-
ing of the underlying data pattern of the forecasted variable. The correct forecast-
ing method can then be selected for this underlying pattern. Applying correctly the
wrong forecasting method for a data pattern will only generated wrong forecasts.
One simple method to understand the underlying pattern is to graph the historical
values over time. Since the underlying data pattern is almost never fully understood
or remains unchanged for extended periods of time, most forecasts will have signifi-
cant errors. Hence, it does not make much sense to report only the expected value
of the forecasted variable. Based on the root mean square forecast error, confidence
intervals can be established, which provide much more meaningful forecast infor-
mation. A simple method to judge the quality of the forecast is to graph the forecast
errors over time.
The generation of a high-quality forecast requires an understanding of the under-
lying pattern, the application of the correct method for that pattern, and reporting of
References 73

the results with their stochastic characteristics. The forecasting results generated by
the blind application of very sophisticated forecasting techniques should be highly
suspect. The farther in the future the forecasts are, the easier it is to make very large
forecasting errors.
In most supply chain planning, forecasting cannot be avoided because it de-
scribes the future conditions in which the supply chain has to operate. So logistics
professionals should forecast with great care and avoid over-confidence in the fore-
cast accuracy. This indicates that planning methods should be able to deal explicitly
with uncertainty and the supply chain solutions should be robust.

3.6 Exercises

True/False Questions 
1. Time series forecasting attempts to predict the future value of a variable based on
the currently observed values of different variables (T/F) _____.
2. ARIMA models are used for forecasting autocorrelated data (T/F) _____.
3. Using forecasting techniques based on time series analysis, different forecasters
will arrive at the same forecast if they use the same data (T/F) _____.
4. The confidence interval of a demand forecast is a critical datum when judg-
ing the quality of the short-term forecast of the future value of the demand
(T/F) _____.
5. When the data are autocorrelated, they are assumed to be independent samples
of a probability distribution (T/F) _____.
6. A professionally prepared forecast will include the expected value and a confi-
dence interval for the forecast (T/F) _____.
7. A forecast of the weekly demand for products in a grocery store tends to be more
accurate, as measured by the coefficient of variation, than the forecast for the
daily demand for the same products (T/F) ______.
8. Given that all other parameters remain the same, a larger mean squared forecast
error corresponds to a larger confidence interval (T/F) ______.
9. A forecast for the sales in a home improvement store of batteries of a single
manufacturer tends to be more accurate, as measured by the coefficient of varia-
tion, than the forecast for the sales of batteries of all manufacturers combined
(T/F) ______.


Ballou, R. H. (1998). Business logistics management (4th ed., Chap. 9). Englewood Cliffs: Pren-
Box, G. E., & Jenkins, G. M. (1970). Time series analysis, forecasting and control. San Francisco:
Holden Day.
74 3 Forecasting

Brockwell, P., & Davis, R. (1996). Introduction to time series and forecasting. New York: Springer.
Dalkey, N. C., & Helmer, O. (1951). The use of experts for the estimation of bombing require-
ments: a project Delphi experiment. Rand Corporation Report RM-727-PR, November 1951.
Gross, C. W., & Peterson, R. T. (1983). Business forecasting (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.
Hayter, A. (1996). Probability and statistics for engineers and scientists. Boston: PWS Publishing
Linstone, H., & Turoff, M. (Eds.). (1975). The Delphi method: Techniques and applications. Lon-
don: Addison-Wesley.
Montgomery, D. C., & Johnson, L. A. (1976). Forecasting and time series analysis. New York:
Montgomery, D., Peck, E., & Vining, G. (2001). Introduction to linear regression analysis. New
York: Wiley.
Nahmias, S. (2000). Production and operations analysis (4th ed., Chap. 2). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Saffo, P. (2007). Six rules for effective forecasting. Harvard Business Review, 85(7/8), 122–131.
Wilson, J. H., & Keating, B. (1990). Business forecasting. Homewood: Richard D. Irwin.
Yurkiewicz, J. (2003). Forecasting software survey. ORMS Today, pp. 44–51.
Chapter 4
Time Series Analysis

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
• Understand pattern decomposition of, and know the major patterns for time se-
ries variables.
• Match the appropriate forecasting method with the pattern of a time series vari-
• Know how to apply simple methods for time series forecasting such as moving
averages and the three levels of exponential smoothing.
• Compute and interpret measures of forecast accuracy.

4.1 Time Series Characteristics

Recall that in the previous chapter objective or quantitative forecasting methods

were defined as forecasting methods that rely on a formalized underlying model
to make predictions. They are further divided into time series and causal methods.
Time series analysis is a forecasting method based on the fundamental assumption
that future estimates are based on prior, historical values of the same variable. This
implies that the historical pattern exhibited by the variable to be forecasted will
extend into the future. In addition, it is implicitly assumed that historical data are
available. The only independent variable in a forecasting model based on time se-
ries analysis is the time period. Time series forecasting methods are mostly used to
forecast variables for the short to intermediate term. As such, time series methods
are some of the forecasting techniques most often used by logisticians and are de-
veloped in further detail in this chapter.

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 75

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_4, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
76 4 Time Series Analysis

4.1.1  Time Series

A time series is a set of observations xt each being recorded at a specific time t.

In a continuous-time time series, the observations are made continuously during a
specified time interval. In a discrete-time time series, the observations are made at
a discrete set of times. Often the observations are made at a fixed time interval and
the time periods are renamed and scaled to the set of integer numbers 1, 2, …, N.
It is assumed that the value of the series variable in a particular period is equal
to the sum of an underlying deterministic pattern and a random component. Fur-
thermore, it is assumed that the expected value of the random component is equal
to zero and that the random component is normally distributed with variance σ2. In
other words, if Dt is the series variable in period t, Yt is the value of the underlying
pattern in period t, and εt is the random component in period t, then

 D t = Y t + εt (4.1)
 εt = N 0, σ 2 (4.2)

E [Dt ] = Yt (4.3)

Var [Dt ] = Var [εt ] = σ 2 (4.4)

The pattern is also called the systematic component. When forecasting a time series,
the first step, as always, should be to determine the underlying pattern of the vari-
able, since it is this pattern that is assumed to extend into the future. Plotting the time
series data allows one to determine if a trend, a seasonal component, a long-term
cycle, any sudden changes, or any outliers are present. If sudden changes are pres-
ent, different models may be constructed for each of the homogeneous segments of
the series. If outliers are present, they should be further investigated to determine if
there is any justification for discarding them. For example, an observation may have
been recorded incorrectly or temporary promotion may have significantly increased
customer demand.
Time series analysis uses the historical observations to determine the parameters
of the underlying pattern. Specifically, the generic forecast model for time series
computes the forecast F as a weighted linear combination of the past observations D
using weights a. Depending on the assumed pattern and on the specific forecasting
method different values of a are used.

 Ft+1 = at−j Dt−j (4.5)
j =0

Time series models and forecasting methods can be further divided into static mod-
els and adaptive models. A static method assumes that model parameters, such
4.2 Constant Data Pattern 77

as the offset, trend, and seasonality factors, do not change during the forecasting
process while new demand values become known. Equivalently, static methods do
not change the underlying pattern based on new demand observations. The model
parameters are estimated based on historical values and then the same values are
used to compute all future forecasts. Examples of static forecasting methods are the
average and regression. In adaptive forecasting, the values of the model parameters
are updated after each demand observation becomes known. Examples of adap-
tive forecasting methods are moving averages and all the variants of exponential
Any forecasting method for the underlying pattern can be interpreted as a low-
pass filter that filters out the high-frequency oscillations of the random component.
See Brockwell and Davis (1996) for an in-depth treatment of time series and fore-
casting from this point of view.
Following are simple but effective forecasting techniques for the most common
data patterns, which are the constant, trend, and seasonal data patterns.

4.2 Constant Data Pattern

4.2.1  Constant Data Pattern Characteristics

A variable following a constant data pattern is assumed to have an unvarying or

invariant expected value. This corresponds to a horizontal line in the time series
graph. The actual realizations, which include the random component, are scattered
around this horizontal line. The schematic of a constant data pattern is shown in
Fig. 4.1.
A constant pattern has a single constant parameter, which is its mean μ. The fore-
casted values for all future periods are identical. The computation of the standard

Fig. 4.1   Schematic of a time
series following a constant





78 4 Time Series Analysis

deviation of the forecast error for static methods uses N − 1 in the denominator since
there is one model parameter. Since the mean of the forecast error is assumed to be
zero, the computation of the standard deviation of the forecast error for adaptive
methods uses N in the denominator, where N is the number of observations after the
initialization of the model. This is equivalent to the computation of the root mean
squared error (RMSE).
The value of N is different for the static and dynamic models, given the same
number of historical observations. For static models, N is equal to the number of
all historical observations. For dynamic models, historical observations are divided
into an initialization phase and a training phase. For the dynamic models N does not
include the observations in the initialization phase:

 D t = µt + ε t (4.6)

 Ft+1 = Ft+τ ∀τ (4.7)

 N  N
 (F − Dt )2  e
  t=1 t  t=1 t
Static : se = = (4.8)
N −1 N −1

 (Ft − Dt )2

 t=1  t=1
Dynamic : se = =

The forecasted values are illustrated in Fig. 4.2. Since the underlying pattern is as-
sumed to be constant, the forecasted values for all the future periods are identical.



Fig. 4.2   Constant pattern






4.2 Constant Data Pattern 79

4.2.2  Forecasting Methods for a Constant Data Pattern Naïve Method

Since the underlying pattern is assumed to be constant, the naïve method sets the
next value of the forecasted variable equal to the current, last known value. This is
clearly the simplest adaptive forecasting method.
 Ft+1 = Dt (4.10) Average and Moving Averages

Some of the simplest methods to forecast a variable with a constant data pattern are
based on eliminating the random component by averaging the past observations,
since the expected value of the random component is equal to zero. Several variants
exist depending on the importance or weight attributed to the historical observa-
The average procedure assigns an equal weight to all prior observations:
 Ft+1 = Dt−i (4.11)
N i=0

where N is the total number of available observations for this variable.

One of the disadvantages of the average method is that the oldest observations
have an equal weight in determining the forecast compared to more recent observa-
The moving averages procedure assigns an equal weight to a limited set of the
most recent observations. The number of observations in this set is called the inter-
val and is denoted by N. The weight of each observation is then equal to 1/N and the
sum of all the weights is equal to one:
 Ft+1 = Dt−i (4.12)
N i=0

The weighted moving averages method assigns an unequal weight to a limited set of
most recent observations. The sum of the weights is equal to one. Any observations
outside the set can be thought of as having a weight equal to zero:

Ft+1 = wi Dt−i
wi = 1
80 4 Time Series Analysis

The weighted moving averages method requires that, in addition to the interval N,
the N different weights must also be determined. The weighted moving averages
method may be used to forecast a variable with a growing or declining trend or with
a seasonal behavior. Exponential smoothing methods for trend and seasonal pat-
terns are also applicable in those cases and require fewer parameters or are easier to
apply. As a consequence, the exponential smoothing methods are used more often
than weighted moving averages methods. Simple Exponential Smoothing

One of the most used methods for short-term forecasting of a variable with an un-
derlying constant pattern is exponential smoothing. To differentiate this variant of
exponential smoothing from later variants used for trend and seasonal patterns, this
variant is also called simple exponential smoothing and the collection of all the vari-
ants is then called exponential smoothing. This nomenclature will be used from now
on. Exponential smoothing has several significant advantages. It is mathematically
simple, it requires a minimum amount of data, and it is self-adaptive to changes in
the underlying data pattern.
In exponential smoothing, the past observations are not given equal weights. The
more recent observations are given more weight than earlier observations and it will
be shown that the weight decreases by a constant factor when going back further
into the past.
There exist several equivalent expressions for the computation of the forecast in
period t + 1 based on the observed demand during period t and the forecast for time
period t. The constant α in these expressions is commonly called the exponential
smoothing constant and (1 − α) is referred to as the damping factor. The impact of
the most recent observation is dampened by the most recent forecast, which incor-
porates all the previous observations. Equivalently, the new forecast is equal to the
previous forecast plus a smoothing term based on the forecast error. In this formula,
the forecast for the previous period is adjusted or corrected based on its error with
respect to the most recent data observation. The smoothing constant has a value
strictly between 0 and 1. So the new forecast can also be interpreted as a convex
combination of the most recent observation and the most recent forecast:

 Ft+1 = αDt + (1 − α)Ft = Ft + α (Dt − Ft ) (4.14)

The following initial values are typically used to start the forecasting process. It
should be noted that all exponential smoothing methods require a training phase
after initialization and that the importance of the initialization values decreases over
time as the process is used repeatedly:

F2 = D1
F1 = D1
4.2 Constant Data Pattern 81

By repeated substitution of the previous forecasts Ft with expression (4.14), we

obtain the following expression for the next forecast. It shows that the weight for
previous demand observations decreases geometrically with the constant factor
(1 − α):

 Ft+1 = α(1 − α)i Dt−i + (1 − α)t D1 t ≥1 (4.16)

The limit of this expression for a large number of prior observations is defined for
α strictly between zero and one and is equal to

 Ft+1 = α(1 − α)i Dt−i (4.17)

Since α is strictly smaller than one, the sum of all the weights in the geometric series
is defined and equal to one. The next forecast is thus a convex combination of all
the previous observations.

 α(1 − α)i = =1 α<1 (4.18)
1 − (1 − α)


 ai = a<1 (4.19)

However, we do not need to store all previous observations, since the impact of all
previous observations is encapsulated in the value of the previous forecast Ft.
Choosing the appropriate value of the exponential smoothing constant requires
a degree of judgment based on the understanding of the behavior of the underlying
data pattern to balance the responsiveness versus the stability of the forecasting
model. A higher value of the smoothing constant assigns more weight to the most
recent observations. This allows the forecasting model to respond more quickly
to changes in the underlying data pattern. However, if the value of the smoothing
constant is increased too much then the model will start tracking the changes in the
random component of the time series rather than in the underlying pattern. In this
case, the forecast is said to be nervous.
Many times, a more stable forecast is desirable, which implies a smaller value
of the smoothing constant. Low values of the smoothing constant provide very
“stable” forecasts that are not likely to be influenced by the randomness of the time
series. However, the more the smoothing constant is decreased the longer it takes
for the forecasting model to adjust to fundamental changes in the underlying data
pattern. Higher values of the smoothing constant may be appropriate if the underly-
ing data pattern is likely to change more quickly such as for introduction of a new
product, discontinuing of a product, start of a recession or economic boom, or a
82 4 Time Series Analysis

promotional campaign. These correspond to the inflection points of the S curve

described in Saffo (2007).
However, if one expects that the underlying pattern is fundamentally a trend or
seasonal pattern, the exponential smoothing methods appropriate for those cases
should be used rather than a larger smoothing constant for the constant data pat-
tern. Those exponential smoothing methods are discussed later in this chapter. The
typical range of the exponential smoothing constant is [0.2, 0.4]. The exponen-
tial smoothing function implemented in the Excel spreadsheet uses 0.3 as the de-
fault value of the smoothing constant. If sufficient historical data is available, the
smoothing constant can be chosen so that forecast error for the historical period is
minimized. In this case, the smoothing constant is set to the value that minimizes
the sum of squared errors over the historical period.
Assume that we want start forecasting the sales of a product. The underlying
sales pattern for this product is assumed to be constant. The sales for period 1 were
62 units. Since this is the startup period, a smoothing constant of 0.4 was selected.
The forecast for period 2 is 62 units, but the observed sales equaled 59 units. The
forecast for the sales during the third period using exponential smoothing is then

F3 = 0.4 · 59 + (1 − 0.4) · 62 = 60.8

The observed sales for period 3 are 68 and the forecast for sales during the fourth
period is then
F4 = 0.4 · 68 + (1 − 0.4) · 60.8 = 63.68

An example comparing the various forecasting methods for a constant underlying

data pattern is given at the end of this section on the constant pattern. Comparison of the Moving Averages and Exponential

Smoothing Methods

The moving averages and exponential smoothing methods can be compared with
respect to their treatment of outliers, data storage requirements, and responsiveness
to changes. In the moving averages method an outlier is included in the average
calculation with constant weight equal to (1/N) until after N periods it is removed
abruptly from the average calculation. In the exponential smoothing method the
influence or weight of an outlier is systematically and gradually decreased but theo-
retically it never is removed from the calculations. In practice however, its influence
or weight becomes so small that it becomes negligible.
The moving averages method must store an ordered list of N values for each fore-
casted variable and a method must be implemented to remove the oldest value and
substitute it with the latest observation. The simple exponential smoothing method
requires that the single value of the previous forecast is stored for each forecasted
variable. While the differences in storage requirements and in the complexity of the
update calculations are small for a single variable, they become significant when
4.2 Constant Data Pattern 83

forecasting many hundreds of thousands of variables such as the demand in grocery

or discount stores.
Both the moving averages and the simple exponential smoothing methods use
a single parameter to control the responsiveness of the forecasting method to the
changes in the observed values. One way to establish a relationship between the
interval of the moving averages method and the smoothing constant of the simple
exponential smoothing method is compute the average weighted “age” of the obser-
vations on which the forecast is based.
For the moving average method, the forecast is based on N observations with
equal weight and with ages of 1, 2,…, N periods. The average weighted age is then

 i N +1
aMA = = (4.20)
N 2

 N (N + 1)
 i= (4.21)

For the exponential smoothing method, the forecast is based on all the prior obser-
vations with geometrically declining weight. In the limit, the average weighted age
is then

 aES = i · α(1 − α)i−1 = (4.22)

Using the following (Muther 1977, p. 357, or other tables of Z-transforms),

 ia i = a<1 (4.23)
(1 − a)2

Making the average weighted age of both methods equal yields the following rela-
tionship between the smoothing constant and the interval length.

N +1 1
 = (4.24)
2 α

Either constant can then be computed from the other with one of the following two
 α= (4.25)
N +1

 2−α (4.26)
84 4 Time Series Analysis

Table 4.1   Equivalent N α N α

parameters for moving
averages and exponential 2 0.67 8 0.22
smoothing 3 0.50 9 0.20
4 0.40 10 0.18
5 0.33 11 0.17
6 0.29 12 0.15
7 0.25

The equivalent exponential smoothing constant for a number of interval lengths

of the moving averages method are shown in Table 4.1. Hence, a highly reactive
exponential smoothing constant of 0.4 is equivalent to a moving averages method
with an interval of 4 if we want the two methods to have the same average age of
data. Similarly, a more stable exponential smoothing constant of 0.2 is equivalent to
a moving averages method with an interval of 9. Constant Pattern Forecasting Example

In this example we will determine the sales forecast for the next month of a prod-
uct, which is assumed to have a constant sales pattern. The available data are the
monthly sales values for the past year. The numerical data are shown in Fig. 4.3 and
the graph of the historical data is shown in Fig. 4.4.
We will use four methods to forecast the next value based on the historical data:
moving averages with an interval of 2, denoted by MA(2); moving averages with an
interval of 4, denoted by MA(4); simple exponential smoothing with a smoothing con-

Period Sales
1 62
2 59
3 68
4 37
5 48
6 38
7 60
8 53
9 50
10 46
11 49
12 41

mean 50.92
Fig. 4.3   Historical data for
the constant pattern example std dev 9.83
4.2 Constant Data Pattern 85

Fig. 4.4   Graph of the his- 80

torical data for the constant
pattern example






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

stant of 0.2, denoted by ES(0.2); and exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant
of 0.4, denoted by ES(0.4). One of the alternative methods for the moving averages
methods to start up their process is to use partial data during the initial periods of the
forecasting process. The forecasts were computed with the formulas introduced above
and collected in a spreadsheet, which is shown in Fig. 4.5. The graph of the forecasts
is shown in Fig. 4.6. The computations for the first forecast are given next in detail:

62 + 59
F3MA(2) = = 60.50
62 + 59 + 68 + 37
F5MA(4) = = 56.50
F3ES(0.2) = 0.2 · 59 + 0.8 · 62 = 61.40
F3ES(0.4) = 0.4 · 59 + 0.6 · 62 = 60.80

Period Sales MA(2) eMA(2) MA(4) eMA(4) ES(0.2) eES(0.2) ES(0.4) eES(0.4)
1 62
2 59 62.00 3.00 62.00 3.00 62.00 3.00 62.00 3.00
3 68 60.50 –7.50 60.50 –7.50 61.40 –6.60 60.80 –7.20
4 37 63.50 26.50 63.00 26.00 62.72 25.72 63.68 26.68
5 48 52.50 4.50 56.50 8.50 57.58 9.58 53.01 5.01
6 38 42.50 4.50 53.00 15.00 55.66 17.66 51.00 13.00
7 60 43.00 –17.00 47.75 –12.25 52.13 –7.87 45.80 –14.20
8 53 49.00 –4.00 45.75 –7.25 53.70 0.70 51.48 –1.52
9 50 56.50 6.50 49.75 –0.25 53.56 3.56 52.09 2.09
10 46 51.50 5.50 50.25 4.25 52.85 6.85 51.25 5.25
11 49 48.00 –1.00 52.25 3.25 51.48 2.48 49.15 0.15
12 41 47.50 6.50 49.50 8.50 50.98 9.98 49.09 8.09
13 45.00 46.50 48.99 45.85

Avg 50.92 2.50 3.75 5.91 3.67

St Dev 9.83 10.57 11.05 11.06 10.74
MSE 111.70 122.01 122.32 115.29
MAPE 17.06 19.52 19.69 17.69

Fig. 4.5   Numerical forecasts for the constant pattern example

86 4 Time Series Analysis

Fig. 4.6   Graph of the fore- 80

casts for the constant pattern MA(2)
example 70 ES(0.2)


Sales Units




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

The forecasted values for period 13 range from 45 to 49 depending on the forecast-
ing method used. The computations of the forecast for period 13 by the four differ-
ent methods are given next:

MA(2) 49 + 41
F13 = = 45.00
MA(4) 50 + 46 + 49 + 41
F13 = = 46.50
F13 = 0.2 · 41 + 0.8 · 50.98 = 48.99
F13 = 0.4 · 41 + 0.6 · 49.09 = 45.85

The obvious question is which forecast is “correct” or the best? In the spreadsheet
above the standard measures of forecast performance are computed based on the
forecast errors for each method and period based on the formulas introduced above.
The computations for the forecast errors for period 12 by the four different forecast-
ing methods are shown next:

e12 = 47.50 − 41 = 6.50
e12 = 49.50 − 41 = 8.50
e12 = 50.98 − 41 = 9.98
e12 = 49.09 − 41 = 8.09

The forecasting method with the smallest mean square error (MSE) and mean
absolute percentage deviation (MAPE) is the moving averages method based on
two data points MA(2). This method also has the smallest average error. So all
performance measures for this example indicate the selection of MA(2) as the
preferred forecasting method. Note that MA(2) is equivalent to simple exponen-
tial smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.67 for equal weighted average age
of the data.
4.3 Trend Data Pattern 87

This does not imply that we should report that 45 as the forecasted value of the
sales in period 13. We can, however, state that the expected value and median of
forecasted sales is 45 and that there is a 68% chance that the sales in period 13 will
fall in the one σ range 45 ± 10.6 or [34, 56], a 95% chance that sales will fall in the
two σ range 45 ± 21.2 or [23, 67], and almost a 100% chance that the sales will fall
in the three σ range 45 ± 31.8 or [13, 77].
The Excel spreadsheet includes in its analysis tools the moving averages and
simple exponential smoothing methods. It also uses the term damping factor as the
complement of the exponential smoothing constant. In other words, the sum of the
smoothing constant and the damping factor is by definition equal to one. You must
specify the damping factor as the parameter of the exponential smoothing method.
Excel correctly suggest a range of 0.2–0.4 for the exponential smoothing constant,
but it erroneously states that the default damping factor is 0.3, when in fact the
default damping factor is 0.7 and the default smoothing constant is 0.3. The Excel
spreadsheet computes the standard deviation of the forecast error only on the last
three observations and forecasts for the exponential smoothing method and on the
observations in the interval for the moving averages method.
As a final observation, the historical sales values were sampled from a normal
distribution with a mean equal to 50 and a standard deviation of 10, which yields
a coefficient of variation equal to 0.2. The exponential smoothing method ES(0.2),
with smoothing constant equal to 0.2, generated a sales forecast closest to the true
expected value of the sales in period 13. However, the underlying data pattern is
almost never known in real-life forecasting projects.

4.3 Trend Data Pattern

A time series variable following a trend data pattern is assumed to have an unvary-
ing or invariant initial value and invariant slope. This corresponds to a line with an
non-negative slope in the time series graph. The actual realizations, which include
the random component, are scattered around this line. An illustration of a trend data
pattern is shown in Fig. 4.7.

Fig. 4.7   Illustration of a
time series following a trend






88 4 Time Series Analysis

4.3.1  Trend Data Pattern Characteristics

A trend pattern has two parameters—the offset of the trend at time zero, which is
denoted by γ, and the slope, which is denoted by δ. The forecasted values for future
periods are not identical. Since there are two model parameters, the computation
of the standard deviation of the forecast error for static methods uses N − 2 in the
denominator. Since the mean of the forecast error is assumed to be zero, the com-
putation of the standard deviation of the forecast error for adaptive methods uses N
in the denominator, where N is the number of observations after the model initial-
ization. Again, the value of N is different for the static and dynamic models, given
the same number of historical observations. The forecasted values are illustrated in
Fig. 4.8.

Dt = γ + δt + εt
εt = N 0, σ 2 (4.27)

 N  N
 (F − Dt )2  e
  t=1 t  t=1 t
Static : se = = (4.28)
N −2 N −2

 (Ft − Dt )2

 t=1  t=1
Dynamic : se = =




Fig. 4.8   Trend pattern






4.3 Trend Data Pattern 89

4.3.2  Forecasting Methods for a Trend Data Pattern Polynomial Fitting

Polynomial fitting methods determine the coefficients of a polynomial that fits the
observations most closely by minimizing the sum of squares of the deviations be-
tween the polynomial and the observed values. The methods are also known as
regression analysis for polynomials and as linear regression for a straight-line or
first-degree polynomial. All of these methods belong to the general class of curve-
fitting methods.
If the quality of the fit were to be measured by the sum of deviations, large
positive and negative deviations could offset each other and give a false measure of
quality. If the absolute value of the deviations were used to measure quality, opti-
mizing the coefficients would be much more difficult since the partial derivatives of
the absolute value function are not defined everywhere. Hence, the sum of squares
of the deviations is used to measure the quality of the fit. This method is called the
least squares method.
In the case of an underlying trend pattern, a first-degree polynomial or line is
used. This implies that two model parameters have to be determined, which are
called the offset ( O) and the slope ( S). The term intercept is used interchangeably
with offset.
 Ft = O + t · S (4.30)
The underlying pattern does not have to be a linear trend, since higher-level poly-
nomials can be used. However, high-level polynomials increase the volatility or
nervousness of the forecast and should be used with great care. Further information
on polynomial fitting can be found in Montgomery et al. (2001). The Excel software
can be used to perform linear curve fitting with the functions INTERCEPT and
SLOPE that compute the intercept or offset and slope of the fitted line, respectively.
We will first derive the optimal parameters for the fitted line in function of gen-
eral observations ( xi, yi). Then the formulas will be specialized for the case of fore-
casting of a time series with successive, equal sized time periods. Using the follow-
ing notation
( xi, yi) =   known pairs of independent x and dependent y variables
N =  number of known observation pairs
ŷ =  computed value of the dependent variable on the fitted line
a =   intercept of the fitted line on the y-axis
b =  slope of the fitted line
x =  independent variable
Σ =  summation over all observations, i = 1...N
the fitted line is described by the equation
 ŷ = a + bx (4.31)
90 4 Time Series Analysis

The sum of the squared deviations is expressed by

 SSE = yi − ŷi = (yi − a − bxi )2 (4.32)

This sum can be minimized by setting the partial derivatives with respect to the line
parameters equal to zero, which yields to the following system of two equations in
two unknowns.
 = 2 (yi − a − bxi ) = 0 (4.33)

 = 2 (yi − a − bxi ) xi = 0 (4.34)
 Na + xi b = yi (4.35)

 xi a + xi2 b = xi yi (4.36)

Solving this system yields the optimal values for the offset and slope parameters
Sxy N xi yi − xi yi
 b= =  2  2 (4.37)
Sxx N xi − xi

 a = ȳ − bx̄ = yi − b xi (4.38)
These formulas can be simplified in the case of forecasting, where the independent
variable t is assumed to be the index of the successive equal-size time periods, t = 1,
2,...N. Recall that the line for the trend forecast is described by Ft = O + t · S. Using
the following expressions for the finite sums from 1 to N
  N (N + 1)
 xi = i= (4.39)
  N (N + 1) (2N + 1)
 xi2 = i2 = (4.40)
the simplified formulas for linear trend forecast parameters become
Sxy N iDi − N(N2+1) Di
 S= = 2 2 2 (4.41)
Sxx N (N+1)(2N+1)
− N (N+1)
6 4

1  N +1
 O = D̄ − S t¯ = Di − S (4.42)
N 2
4.3 Trend Data Pattern 91

For the static linear regression method for an underlying linear pattern, the variance
of a forecast value is computed with the following formulas
N 2 N 2
 SSE e
t=1 t t=1 (Dt − Ft ) (4.43)
se = = =
N −2 N −2 N −2

 t¯ = ti (4.44)
N i=1

2 1 t − t¯
 var (Ft ) = se 1+ + N   (4.45)
i=1 i − t

The standard error of the forecast is then

t − t¯

 1 (4.46)
seFt = se · 1 +
 + N 
i=1 i − t

One of the major disadvantages of (linear) regression methods is that all the calcu-
lations have to be redone when new data become available. This occurs frequently
when the actual sales in the next period become known. These calculations are rela-
tively time consuming as compared to the calculations to update the corresponding
adaptive exponential smoothing methods. The calculations can be simplified and
the amount of data that has to be retained can be significantly reduced by storing
and updating the values of the four sums i, i , iDi and Di . The calcula-
tion and storage savings are even more pronounced in the general linear regression
case, when the sums xi , xi2 , xi yi , and yi are stored.
A complete example using linear regression for an underlying data trend pattern
is given at the end of this section on the trend pattern. Double Exponential Smoothing (Holt’s Method)

The double exponential smoothing method develop by Holt (1957) for data with a
constant linear trend data uses two smoothing constants to adjust the intercept and
slope. At the end of period t, when the real demand for this period is known, the
parameters are updated based on the following formulas:

 Ot = αDt + (1 − α)(Ot−1 + St−1 ) (4.47)

 St = β(Ot − Ot−1 ) + (1 − β)St−1 (4.48)

92 4 Time Series Analysis

The following initial values are typically used to initialize the smoothing process.
Again the importance of the initialization values decreases as the forecasting pro-
cess is repeated over time.
O1 = D1
 O2 = D2 (4.49)
S2 = D 2 − D 1

The initialization requires that at minimum two observations or data points are
available for initialization. If a larger number of observations is available, linear
regression is typically used to estimate the slope and intercept of the underlying
pattern. The forecasts are then computed with the following expressions

 Ft+1 = Ot + St (4.50)

 Ft,t+τ = Ot + τ · St (4.51)

The structure of the update process for the offset of forecast variable Ot and for the
slope of the variable St is identical. The new value is computed as the sum of the
last observed value multiplied by the corresponding smoothing constant and the
previous value multiplied by one minus the smoothing constant or damping factor.
The new forecast for the next period is equal to the offset plus one times the slope.
The model parameters are updated for a number of periods during the training
phase. At the end of the training phase, the model is then used to forecast in op-
erational mode. The new forecast for periods further in the future is now different
from the forecast for the next period and obtained by multiplying the slope with
τ, the number of periods between the future period and the current time period.
Just as in the simple exponential smoothing method for the constant data pattern,
the values of the two smoothing constants in the double exponential smoothing
method should be based on careful judgment of the behavior of the underlying data
pattern. Larger smoothing constants allow faster reaction of the forecasting model,
which results in a smaller lag but a more “nervous” forecasting method. Smaller
smoothing constants delay the reaction of the forecast model and provide for a more
“stable” forecasting method. Typically, values for α are in the [0.1, 0.4] range with
0.2 as a typical starting value. It is usually desirable to have more stable behavior
of the slope, so 0.1 is often chosen as the starting value for β. The values of the
smoothing parameters can also set to minimize the sum of the squared errors over
a historical interval.
The double smoothing process requires a value for the initial offset and the initial
slope. If enough historical data are available for the initialization phase, then these
values can be computed with a linear regression model fitted through a subset of
historical observations. The double exponential smoothing process is then used to
update the offset and slope during the training phase and then to generate the next
4.3 Trend Data Pattern 93

Consider the following small example of the update process. It is assumed that
the underlying pattern follows a linear trend. The first four observations are 53,
47, 59, and 70 and will be used for the initialization phase. The linear regression
through these 4 data points yields an intercept of 41.50 and a slope of 6.30. The
offset of the line at period four is then equal to 66.70. The values of both smoothing
constants were set equal to 0.2. The forecast for period 5 based on the offset and
slope of period 4 is then

F5 = O4 + S4 = 66.70 + 6.30 = 73

The new observed value is equal to 55, which implies that the forecast error for
period 5 is equal to 18. The offset and slope for period 5 are now updated. Finally,
the new forecast for period 6 is computed.

O5 = αD5 + (1 − α)(O4 + S4 ) = 0.2 · 55 + 0.8 · (66.70 + 6.30) = 69.40

S5 = β(O5 − O4 ) + (1 − β)S4 = 0.2 · (69.40 − 66.70) + 0.8 · 6.30 = 5.58
F6 = O5 + S5 = 69.40 + 5.58 = 74.98

This process is repeated for all the periods in the training phase when future obser-
vations become available in the operational phase.
A complete example comparing double exponential smoothing methods with
different smoothing constants for an underlying data trend pattern is given next. See
Figs. 4.9 and 4.10 for the data table and graph.

Period Sales
1 53
2 47
3 59
4 70
5 55
6 68
7 85
8 92
9 74
10 99
11 123
12 112

mean 78.08
Fig. 4.9   Historical data for
the trend pattern example std dev 24.35
94 4 Time Series Analysis

Fig. 4.10   Graph of the 140

historical data for the trend
pattern example 120






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4.3.3  Trend Pattern Forecasting Example

We will first use the linear regression method to forecast the demand in period 13.

 N (N + 1) 
Sxy = N iDi − Di
12 · 13
= 12 · 6971 − 937 = 10566
N 2 (N + 1) (2N + 1) N 2 (N + 1)2
Sxx = −
6 4
122 · 13 · 25 122 · 132
= − = 1716
6 4
Sxy 10566
S= = = 6.16
Sxx 1716
1  N +1
O= Di − S
N 2
937 13
= − 6.16 = 38.06
12 2

We can then forecast the demand for any period in the future, starting with period
13. Note that for linear regression the offset computed above is the offset for time
period 0.
F13 = O + S · 13 = 38.06 + 6.16 · 13 = 118.11

Using the INTERCEPT and SLOPE functions in Microsoft Excel, we find the same
optimal values for the line-fitting parameters to be S = 6.16 and O = 38.06. The graph
of the linear regression is shown in Fig. 4.11.
Next we will compute the forecast with the same four forecasting methods used
for the constant pattern: moving averages with an interval of 2, denoted by MA(2),
4.3 Trend Data Pattern 95

Fig. 4.11   Graph of the linear 140

regression curve for the trend Sales
pattern example 120


Sales Units




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

moving averages with an interval of 4, denoted by MA(4), simple exponential

smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.2, denoted by ES(0.2), and simple ex-
ponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.4, denoted by ES(0.4). The
forecasts with error statistics are shown in Fig. 4.12, the graph of the forecasts is
shown in Fig. 4.13.
The MA(4) method has the smallest MAPE value and we will select this method
to forecast the point value for period 13 and establish the confidence intervals. The
95% confidence interval is given by
CI0.95 = 102 ± 1.96 · 305.74 = [102 ± 34.3] = [67.7, 136.3]

Next we will forecast the trend pattern with the double exponential smoothing
method with a smoothing constant of 0.2, denoted by DES(0.2), and exponential

Period Sales MA(2) eMA(2) MA(4) eMA(4) ES(0.2) eES(0.2) ES(0.4) eES(0.4)
1 53
2 47 53.00 6.00 53.00 6.00 53.00 6.00 53.00 6.00
3 59 50.00 –9.00 50.00 –9.00 51.80 –7.20 50.60 –8.40
4 70 53.00 –17.00 53.00 –17.00 53.24 –16.76 53.96 –16.04
5 55 64.50 9.50 57.25 2.25 56.59 1.59 60.38 5.38
6 68 62.50 –5.50 57.75 –10.25 56.27 –11.73 58.23 –9.77
7 85 61.50 –23.50 63.00 –22.00 58.62 –26.38 62.14 –22.86
8 92 76.50 –15.50 69.50 –22.50 63.90 –28.10 71.28 –20.72
9 74 88.50 14.50 75.00 1.00 69.52 –4.48 79.57 5.57
10 99 83.00 –16.00 79.75 –19.25 70.41 –28.59 77.34 –21.66
11 123 86.50 –36.50 87.50 –35.50 76.13 –46.87 86.00 –37.00
12 112 111.00 –1.00 97.00 –15.00 85.50 –26.50 100.80 –11.20
13 117.50 102.00 90.80 105.28

Avg 78.08 –8.55 –12.84 –17.18 –11.88

St Dev 24.35 16.84 17.49 22.82 17.67
MSE 283.50 305.74 520.98 312.23
MAPE 17.14 16.81 20.67 17.54

Fig. 4.12   Numerical forecasts for the trend pattern example

96 4 Time Series Analysis

Fig. 4.13   Graph of forecasts 140

for the trend pattern example MA(2)
120 MA(4)
100 Pattern

Sales Units




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.4, denoted by DES(0.4). The forecast

and error statistics are shown in Fig. 4.14 and the graph of the forecasts is shown
in Fig. 4.15.
The MAPE measures of forecast quality are 0.10 and 0.11 for the double expo-
nential smoothing methods with smoothing constants of 0.2 and 0.4, respectively.
This should be compared with the MAPE values of the simple exponential smooth-
ing method, which are equal to 20.7 and 17.6 corresponding to smoothing constants
0.2 and 0.4, respectively. The forecasting methods for an underlying trend pattern
clearly have a much better quality than the forecasting methods for an underlying
stationary pattern. This reemphasizes the principle, that the most important require-
ment for a high-quality forecast is to correctly identify the underlying pattern and
then to apply a forecasting method developed for that pattern.

Period Sales DES(0.2) eDES(0.2) offset(0.2) slope(0.2) DES(0.4) eDES(0.4) offset(0.4) slope(0.4)
1 53
2 47
3 59
4 70 66.70 6.30 66.70 6.30
5 55 73.00 18.00 69.40 5.58 73.00 18.00 65.80 4.86
6 68 74.98 6.98 73.58 5.30 70.66 2.66 69.60 4.65
7 85 78.88 –6.12 80.11 5.55 74.24 –10.76 78.55 5.51
8 92 85.65 –6.35 86.92 5.80 84.05 –7.95 87.23 6.14
9 74 92.72 18.72 88.98 5.05 93.38 19.38 85.63 4.59
10 99 94.03 –4.97 95.02 5.25 90.22 –8.78 93.73 5.30
11 123 100.27 –22.73 104.82 6.16 99.03 –23.97 108.62 7.21
12 112 110.98 –1.02 111.18 6.20 115.83 3.83 114.30 6.91
13 117.38 121.21

Mean 78.08 0.31 –0.95

Std Dev 24.35 12.96 13.93
MSE 167.91 193.98
MAPE 0.10 0.11

Fig. 4.14   Numerical trend forecasts for the trend pattern example
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 97

Fig. 4.15   Graph of trend 140

forecasts for the trend pattern Sales
example 120 DES(0.2)

Sales Units




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

It can be observed in the above figure that the exponential smoothing with 0.4
as smoothing constant reacts quicker to the changes in the observed values than the
exponential smoothing with 0.2 as smoothing constant. For example, at period 11
both forecasts are nearly identical. However, the observed value for period 11 is
much larger than both forecasted values. The forecast by DES(0.4) for period 12 is
then larger than the forecast by DES(0.2).
The DES(0.2) and DES(0.4) have virtual identical MAPE values, but the
DES(0.2) has a smaller MSE and we will select this method to forecast the point
value for period 13 and establish the confidence intervals. The 95% confidence
interval is given by
CI0.95 = 117.4 ± 1.96 · 167.9 = [117.4 ± 25.4] = [92.0, 142.8]

Finally, it should be noted that the sales data was generated by a pattern with an
offset of 50 and a slope of 5 units and that the standard deviation of the random
component was 15 units. The expected value of the sales during period 13 is then
equal to 50 + 5 × 13 = 115. The 95% confidence interval of the probability distribu-
tion has the boundary values 115 ± 1.96 · 15 = 115 ± 29.4 = [85.6, 144.4] . Obviously,
the true parameters for the underlying pattern are almost never known.

4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern

4.4.1  Seasonal Data Pattern Characteristics

A seasonal data pattern is the assumed to be the combination of a nonseasonal com-

ponent and seasonal fluctuations. The periodicity or cycle length is the number of
periods after which the seasonal cycle repeats itself and it will be denoted by P.
98 4 Time Series Analysis

Fig. 4.16   Historic values of 250000

Durable Goods Total (MDM) Computer & Electronics (34S)
U.S. durable goods shipments

Shipments (M$)



Sep-91 Jan-93 Jun-94 Oct-95 Mar-97 Jul-98 Dec-99 Apr-01

The next two figures illustrate the seasonality present in many supply chains. In
Fig. 4.16 the value of monthly shipments of all durable goods (MDM) and of com-
puters and electronics (34S) in the United States are shown, as collected by the
U.S. Commerce Department. This figure illustrates the long-term trends of the ship-
ments. In Fig. 4.17, the same values are shown on a monthly basis. This figure illus-
trates that the shipments have clear and systematic monthly variations. Recognizing
and exploiting these monthly variations allows for a better forecast of shipment
value in future months.
The first task in forecasting seasonal variables is to determine the season or cycle
length. The cycle length should be based on the intrinsic properties of the forecasted
variable and the process that generates the variable, which can be determined by
consulting with the problem domain experts. The periodicity can also be estimated


Value of Shipments




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fig. 4.17   Value of U.S. MDM-92 MDM-96 MDM-00 34S-94 34S-98
MDM-93 MDM-97 MDM-01 34S-95 34S-99
durable goods shipments on a MDM-94 MDM-98 34S-92 34S-96 34S-00
monthly basis MDM-95 MDM-99 34S-93 34S-97 34S-01
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 99

from the data points by counting the number of periods between successive top
values and successive bottom values. However, because of the inherent random
nature of the data, examining the data points may yield more than one value for the
periodicity. Many supply chain variables follow a yearly pattern generated by the
yearly agricultural or yearly socio-cultural cycles. Other common patterns exist that
are related to the days in a month or the weeks in a quarter.
The classic additive decomposition method assumes that the data are generated
by the following process

Dt = P att + Ct + εt
 Ct = 0 (4.52)
εt = N 0, σ 2

where Patt is the trend component, Ct is the seasonality component with a known
periodicity P, and ε is the random component with a zero expected value. The data
is “deseasonalized” by subtracting the seasonal component, applying a forecasting
method for a trend based pattern, and then “reseasonalized” by adding the forecast
of the seasonal component.
The multiplicative decomposition method assumes that the data are generated
by the process in which the pattern is multiplied by the seasonal effect, where Ct
is the seasonality factor with a known periodicity P. The data is “deseasonalized”
by dividing by the seasonal factor, applying a forecasting method for a trend based
pattern, and then “reseasonalized” by multiplying by the forecast of the seasonal

Dt = P att · ct + εt
 ct = P (4.53)
εt = N 0, σ 2

In the additive variant, the amplitude of the seasonal variations stays constant over
time, while in the multiplicative variant the amplitude of the seasonal variations is
proportional to the amplitude of the underlying linear trend. The additive and mul-
tiplicative seasonal patterns are illustrated in Figs. 4.18 and 4.19.
There exists also a multiplicative variant which assumes which the underlying
process is given by

Dt = P att · ct · ε
E (ε) = 1

Further information on forecasting based on classic time series decomposition for

this last underlying seasonal pattern can be found in Ballou (1998).
100 4 Time Series Analysis

Fig. 4.18   Additive seasonal 200

Trend Additive Pattern Samples
pattern illustration




0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36

Fig. 4.19   Multiplicative 200

seasonal pattern



Trend Multiplicative Pattern Samples
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36

4.4.2  Seasonal Pattern Forecasting Example

The example in Fig. 4.20 will be used to illustrate the various forecasting methods
for a seasonal pattern.
As the first step in understanding the underlying pattern, the numerical data is
displayed graphically. The pattern appears to be seasonal with an upward trend. It is
not clear from the graph if the amplitude of the seasonal oscillations increases with
the linear trend. In real-life cases this indicates the simultaneous use of both the
additive and multiplicative variants. The example in Fig. 4.21 will continue using
seasonal regression and both the additive and multiplicative variants.
The first task is to determine the cycle length or periodicity of the underlying
seasonal pattern. In this particular example this task is not difficult. The time inter-
val between two successive high values or peaks is four periods and the time inter-
val between two successive low values or valleys is also four periods. So we assume
that the underlying seasonal pattern has a cycle length of four periods.
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 101

Fig. 4.20   Historical data for

the seasonal pattern example Period Demand
1 19
2 26
3 19
4 11
5 23
6 30
7 22
8 13
9 27
10 35
11 26
12 16

Avg. 22.3
Std. Dev. 7.0

Fig. 4.21   Graph of historical 40

data for the seasonal pattern
example 35






0 2 4 6 8 10 12

4.4.3  Forecasting Methods for a Seasonal Data Pattern Seasonal Linear Regression

As all linear regression methods, seasonal regression is a static method that assumes
that the underlying pattern remains unchanged and uses all the data to determine the
model. Seasonal regression assumes that the seasonal variations are additive to the
underlying trend. The seasonal regression model uses indicator variables δit, which
are binary variables indicating whether a particular time period corresponds to the
102 4 Time Series Analysis

i-th period in the seasonal cycle or not. For example, in forecasting monthly demand
data that have a yearly seasonal pattern, there would be 12 indicator variables that
indicate if a particular month is the first, second, …, twelfth month in the cycle. The
forecast model is then given by

 Ft = O + S · t + δit · Ci (4.55)

Since the underlying model is linear, the standard regression tools in statistical
packages or spreadsheets can be used to determine the optimal value of the model
parameters. There are P + 2 model parameters, consisting of the offset, slope, and P
seasonality terms. However, the seasonality terms and the offset are linearly related,
so there are only P + 1 independent model parameters and the residual degrees of
freedom are equal to N − P − 1. The computations of the standard error and of the
standard deviation of the forecast error use N − P − 1 in the denominator.
 SSE 2
t=1 et (Dt − Ft )2 (4.56)
Static: se = = = t=1
N −P −1 N −P −1 N −P −1

 t¯ = ti (4.57)
N i=1

1 t − t¯
 var (Ft ) = se 2
1+ + N   (4.58)
i=1 i − t

The standard error of the forecast is then

t − t¯

seFt = se · 1 +
 + N 
i=1 i − t

The standard error of the forecast increases for forecasting periods that are further
into the future. The lines corresponding to the lower and upper confidence limits in
the forecast graph will not stay parallel but will diverge. These diverging lines are
sometimes called the cone of uncertainty. However, for well-tuned models the dif-
ferences for periods in the immediate future are small and often the standard error
is used to compute confidence intervals.
The model parameters, consisting of the offset, slope, and P seasonality terms,
are determined once based on all the available data by minimizing the residual sum
of squared errors. After they have been determined they are assumed to remain con-
stant. A detailed example of the application of seasonal regression is shown next for
the common seasonal pattern example.
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 103

Fig. 4.22   Forecast with

seasonal regression for the
seasonal pattern example

Seasonal Regression Example

For a static forecasting method such as regression, all the available data are used to
determine the model parameters. The forecast results based on 12 periods of data are
shown in Fig. 4.22, the regression options for Microsoft Excel are shown in Fig. 4.23,
and the model parameters derived with seasonal regression in Fig. 4.24. Finally, the
demand and forecasts based on seasonal regression are shown in Fig. 4.25. The 95%
confidence intervals for the forecasts are also shown in this figure.
The independent variables for the seasonal regression are given in columns A
through E, with column A corresponding to the time index and columns B through
E correspond to the indicator variables. The cells in Fig. 4.22 are shown as shaded
when they contain a nonzero element and the columns of the indicator variables
show the characteristic staircase pattern. Observe that the offset or constant in the

Fig. 4.23   Seasonal regres-

sion model excel options
104 4 Time Series Analysis

Fig. 4.24   Seasonal regres-

sion model parameters and
performance measures for the
seasonal pattern example

Fig. 4.25   Forecast graph 45

Demand Forecast 95%LB 95%UB
based on seasonal regres- 40
sion for the seasonal pattern

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Excel options was forced to zero to eliminate the linear dependency between the
seasonality terms and the offset.
The SSE indicated by the Residual value in the above figure is 4.875, which
is significantly smaller than the variability of 541.375 captured by the regression
model. This indicates that the regression is highly accurate. The same is also dem-
onstrated by an R-square value of 99%.
Since the seasonality terms are measured with respect to the linear trend, each of
the seasonality variables can be increased by an amount without impacting the fit
of the regression, if at the same time the intercept is decreased by the same amount.
Graphically, this is equivalent to moving the linear trend line up or down the y-axis,
as illustrated in Fig. 4.26. This implies that either the offset or one of the seasonal-
ity variables can be set arbitrarily. The determination of the regression parameters
shown above was executed with the offset or intercept forced to zero. Alternatively,
the regression could have been performed excluding one of the indicator variables,
which is equivalent to setting the seasonality variable for that period equal to zero.
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 105

Fig. 4.26   Effect of nor- 35

malization for the additive Data
seasonal model 30 Normalized

Data and Initial Linear Forecasts





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Table 4.2   Forecasts and Period Forecast 95%LB 95%UB

confidence intervals for 13 30.25 28.6 31.9
the seasonal example by 14 37.58 35.9 39.2
seasonal regression 15 29.58 27.9 31.2
16 20.58 18.9 22.2

In the updating procedure for the seasonality terms in the additive variant of Win-
ter’s method, the seasonality terms are normalized in such way that they sum up to
zero, which implies that the offset also has to be updated as part of the normaliza-
tion process (See Fig. 4.26).
The standard error is computed as follows
N 2 
SSE j =1 et 4.875 √
se = = = = 0.696 = 0.835
dfres N −1−P 12 − 5

The 95% confidence intervals for the forecasts for the next cycle are then computed
as shown in Table 4.2.
The MAPE for the seasonal regression is 2.8% at the end of period 12. Additive Triple Exponential Smoothing (Winter’s Method)

There exist several variants of the triple exponential smoothing method developed
by Winters (1960) depending on the assumption about the behavior of the underly-
ing process. In each variant, the triple exponential smoothing method uses three
smoothing constants to adjust the intercept, slope, and seasonality term Ct or sea-
sonality factor ct corresponding to the current period.
106 4 Time Series Analysis

For the additive variant the trend and the seasonal terms are added together and
the underlying process is assumed to be
Dt = P att + Ct + ε = O + t · S + Ct + εt
εt = N 0, σ 2
At the end of period t, when the real demand for this period is known, the param-
eters are updated based on the following formulas:

 Ot = α (Dt − Ct−P ) + (1 − α)(Ot−1 + St−1 ) (4.61)

 St = β(Ot − Ot−1 ) + (1 − β)St−1 (4.62)

 Ct = γ (Dt − Ot ) + (1 − γ )Ct−P (4.63)

As an adaptive method, triple exponential smoothing requires historical data to ini-

tialize the model parameters, followed by more recent historical data to adjust the
model parameters. The adjustment phase is sometimes also called the seasoning or
training phase.
The starting values of the model parameters can be computed with several meth-
ods. The minimum number of observations required to start the method is equiva-
lent to one full cycle plus one additional observation of historical data or P + 1. With
this initialization method the initial model parameters are computed as

 Ot = Dt (4.64)

 St = (Dt − Dt−P ) /P (4.65)

 Ci = Di − (Dt + (i − t) · St ) i = 1...P (4.66)

Observe that this implies that the initial estimate of CP equals zero before normal-
All the seasonality terms are then normalized so that their sum equals zero. To
compensate for this linear translation of the demand values, the offset is also ad-
justed by this normalization process. The forecast for the next and future periods
is then computed based on the normalized offset and the normalized seasonality
terms. It should be noted that normalization does not change the forecast or im-
prove the forecast quality; rather normalization standardizes the forecasting results
to eliminate possible ambiguity.
 
 Ct = Ct −  Cj  (4.67)
P j =1

 
Ot = Ot +  Cj  (4.68)
 P j =1
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 107

If data for more periods is available, seasonal regression with indicator variables
can be used to estimate the initial parameter values. The triple exponential smooth-
ing process is then used to update the offset and slope and generate the forecasts for
future periods. The forecasts for the next periods are then computed with

 Ft+1 = Ot + St + Ct+1−P (4.69)

 Ft,t+τ = Ot + τ St + Ct+τ −P (4.70)

Just as in the simple exponential smoothing method for the constant data pattern,
the values of the three smoothing constants in the triple exponential smoothing
method should be based on careful judgment of the behavior of the underlying data
pattern. Typically, values for α are in the [0.1, 0.4] range with 0.2 as a typical start-
ing value. It is usually desirable to have a more stable behavior of the slope and
seasonality factors or components, so 0.1 is often chosen as the starting value for β
and γ. The values of the smoothing parameters can also set to minimize the sum of
the squared errors over an historical interval.

Additive Triple Exponential Smoothing Example

Both variants of triple exponential smoothing are adaptive forecasting methods. The
first decision to be made is how much of the data to allocate to the estimation of the
initial parameter values (initialization phase) and how much of the historical data
to allocate to the training or adaptation process (adjustment phase). The multiplica-
tive variant requires at least two full cycles to estimate the initial parameters, so
we will use the data from the first two cycles or eight periods to estimate the initial
parameters and then the data from the last cycle to train the model. For the additive
variant, we will use three different initialization methods that have different data re-
quirements: (1) using one cycle plus one period of data, (2) using two cycles of data,
and (3) using seasonal regression for many cycles of data (See Figs. 4.27 and 4.28).

Period Demand

1 19
2 26
3 19
4 11
5 23
6 30
7 22
8 13

Avg. 20.4
Fig. 4.27   Initial data for the
seasonal pattern example Std. Dev. 6.3
108 4 Time Series Analysis

Fig. 4.28   Graph of historical 40

Adjustment Initialization
data for the seasonal pattern





0 2 4 6 8 10 12

The next task for this method is to compute the initial estimates of the underlying
trend. To illustrate the first alternative manual method for initializing the additive
method, assume we only had data available for periods 4–8 for the initialization
process and retained data for periods 9–12 for training the smoothing method. This
is an example of the “cycle plus one” initialization method that requires only one
cycle plus one additional data point, which is the fewest possible number of initial
data points. The initial linear forecast is derived by connecting the demands in pe-
riods 4 and 8. This implicitly assumes that the seasonality terms for period 4 and 8
are equal to zero. The initial values are then
C8 = C4 = 0
O8 = 13
13 − 11
S8 = = 0.5

Based on this initial estimate of the trend line, the seasonality terms for the other
periods in the cycle can now be computed. Based on all the seasonality terms in a
full cycle, the adjustment constant for normalization can then also be computed.

C1 = 23 − (13 − 3 · 0.5) = 23 − 11.5 = 11.5

C2 = 30 − (13 − 2 · 0.5) = 30 − 12 = 18.0
C3 = 22 − (13 − 1 · 0.5) = 22 − 12.5 = 9.50
1 1 39
Ci = (11.5 + 18.0 + 9.50 + 0.00) = = 9.75
4 i=1 4 4

The normalized seasonality terms and offset are then computed as follows. It
should be noted that the slope remains the same. The normalization process is
graphically equivalent to moving the linear trend line up or down parallel to itself
by the adjustment constant. In other words, the normalization executes a translation
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 109

Fig. 4.29   Initial linear fore- 35

cast parameters graph based Data
on cycle plus 1 initialization Initial

Data and Initial Linear Forecasts


25 Normalized



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

C1 = 11.5 − 9.75 = 1.75

C2 = 18.0 − 9.75 = 8.25
C3 = 9.50 − 9.75 = −0.25
C4 = 0.00 − 9.75 = −9.75
O8 = 13 + 9.75 = 22.75

The initialization calculations are illustrated in Fig. 4.29.

Next we will use an initialization method that uses exactly two cycles. It aver-
ages the seasonal variations inside a cycle to compute two trend points that repre-
sent the average demand in each cycle. The trend line is then constructed through
these two points. Cycle one covers periods 1–4 and its average time coordinate is
thus 2.5; cycle 2 covers periods 5–8, and its average time coordinate is thus 6.5.
The computations for the average demand for each cycle and the slope and offset in
period 8 are shown next and are illustrated in Figs. 4.30 and 4.31.
xC1 = 1 + 4 = 2.5
xC1 = 2 = 2.5
19 + 26 + 19 + 11
yC1 = 19 + 26 + 19 + 11 = 18.75
yC1 = 4 = 18.75
xC2 = 5 + 8 = 6.5
xC2 = 2 = 6.5
23 + 30 + 22 + 13
yC2 = 23 + 30 + 22 + 13 = 22
yC2 = 4 = 22
22 − 18.75
S = 22 − 18.75 = 0.81
S88 = 6.5 − 2.5 = 0.81
6.5 − 2.5
O8 = 22 + (8 − 6.5) · 0.81 = 23.22
O8 = 22 + (8 − 6.5) · 0.81 = 23.22
110 4 Time Series Analysis

Fig. 4.30   Initial linear fore-

Initial Linear Forecast
cast parameters
Period Demand
Cycle 1 2.5 18.75
Cycle 2 6.5 22.00
Slope 8 0.81
Intercept 8.0 23.22

Fig. 4.31   Initial linear fore- 45

cast parameters graph for the
seasonal pattern example

S8 O8

20 O1



1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8

The initial and normalization adjustment value for the four seasonality terms can
then be computed as follows. Because the linear trend line was computed based on
the average demand of two full cycles, the adjustment factor for the normalization
must be zero.
C1 = 19 − (23.22 − 0.81 · 7) = 1.47 C2 = 26 − (23.22 − 0.81 · 6) = 7.66
C5 = 23 − (23.22 − 0.81 · 3) = 2.22 C6 = 30 − (23.22 − 0.81 · 2) = 8.41
C̄1 = 1 2 (1.47 + 2.22) = 1.84 C̄2 = 1 2 (7.66 + 8.41) = 8.03

C3 = 19 − (23.22 − 0.81 · 5) = −0.16 C4 = 11 − (23.22 − 0.81 · 4) = −8.97

C7 = 22 − (23.22 − 0.81 · 1) = −0.41 C8 = 13 − (23.22 − 0.81 · 0) = −10.22
C̄3 = 1 2 (−0.16 − 0.41) = −0.28 C̄4 = 1 2 (−8.97 − 10.22) = −9.59

1 1
Ci = (1.84 + 8.03 − 0.28 − 9.59) = 0.0
4 4

Based on those two parameters the linear forecast can be computed, which is shown
in column C of the next figure. The initial eight estimates of the seasonality terms
are computed as the difference between the demand and the linear forecast and
are shown in column 4. The terms for the corresponding periods are averaged and
shown in column 5. The computations for the calculation of seasonality term of the
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 111

Forecast Seasonal Seasonal Normed Normed Forecast Forecast

Period Demand Linear Term Term S. Term L. Forec. Seasonal Error
1 19 17.53 1.469 1.844 1.844 17.53 19.38 –0.38
2 26 18.34 7.656 8.031 8.031 18.34 26.38 –0.38
3 19 19.16 –0.156 –0.281 –0.281 19.16 18.88 0.13
4 11 19.97 –8.969 –9.594 –9.594 19.97 10.38 0.63
5 23 20.78 2.219 20.78 22.63 0.38
6 30 21.59 8.406 21.59 29.63 0.38
7 22 22.41 –0.406 22.41 22.13 –0.13
8 13 23.22 –10.219 23.22 13.63 –0.63

Sum 163 163.0 0.000 0.000 163.00 0.00

Fig. 4.32   Initial parameters for the additive model for the seasonal pattern example

fourth period in the cycle are shown next. In this particular example we used the
normalized seasonality terms to start the process, so they already sum to zero and
the normalization process does not change the seasonality terms or offset. Because
of the linear dependency between the offset and the seasonality terms, the initial
regression can return many different values for the seasonality terms and the offset.
However, the normalization process always yields a unique set of seasonality terms
and offset (See Fig. 4.32).
C4 = 11 − 19.97 = −8.969
C8 = 13 − 23.22 = −10.219
( − 8.97) + ( − 10.22)
C4 = = −9.594
O8 = 23.22
F8 = 23.22 − 9.594 = 13.63

Next, we will use seasonal regression based on eight time periods to determine the
initial parameters. The regression method can be used when there are two or more
cycles of data available for the initialization process. The regression yields a slope
equal to 0.81 and an offset for period 8 equal to 23.22 after normalization of the
seasonality terms. The normalized offset, slope, and normalized seasonality terms
and are shown in the last row of Fig. 4.33.

Period 1 2 3 4 Demand Forecast Forecast
1 1 0 0 0 19 19.38 17.53
2 0 1 0 0 26 26.38 18.34
3 0 0 1 0 19 18.88 19.16
4 0 0 0 1 11 10.38 19.97
5 1 0 0 0 23 22.63 20.78
6 0 1 0 0 30 29.63 21.59
7 0 0 1 0 22 22.13 22.41
8 0 0 0 1 13 13.63 23.22
16.719 0.813 1.844 8.031 –0.281 –9.594

Fig. 4.33   Seasonal regression based on two cycles for the seasonal pattern example
112 4 Time Series Analysis

If more data points are available, it is beneficial to use initial estimates based
on all the data points. The remainder of the calculations for the additive variant of
Winter’s method are based on initial estimates obtained using two-cycles, which in
this case is equal to the initialization by seasonal regression since both use the same
eight historical data points. We next will train or season the model by adjusting the
offset, slope, and seasonality terms using forecasts for the periods 9 through 12 for
which the historical demand is known.
The forecast for period 9 is then computed and the offset, slope, and seasonality
term for period 1 are then updated with the exponential smoothing formulas. Sea-
sonality term one is shaded in the row for period 9 to indicate it is adjusted during
that period. Next, all the seasonality terms have to be normalized so that they again
sum to zero and the offset has to be normalized as well.

F9 = O8 + S8 + C9||4 = 23.22 + 0.81 + 1.844 = 25.88

O9 = α (D9 − C1 ) + (1 − α) (O8 + S8 )
= 0.2 (27 − 1.844) + 0.8 (23.22 + 0.81) = 24.26
S9 = β (O9 − O8 ) + (1 − β) S8
= 0.1(24.26 − 23.22) + 0.9 · 0.81 = 0.83
C1 = γ (D9 − O9 ) + (1 − γ ) C1
= 0.1 (27 − 24.26) + 0.9 · 1.844 = 1.934

Ct = 0.09

C1 = C1 − Ct = 1.934 − (0.09/4) = 1.911
P t=1

O9 = O9 + Ct = 24.26 + (0.09/4) = 24.28
P t=1

The computations for the forecasts made at the end of period 12 for all the peri-
ods in the next cycle are shown next and forecasts for the next cycle are shown in
Fig. 4.36.
F12,13 = (O12 + S12 ) + C13||4 = (26.90 + 0.84) + 1.907 = 29.65
F12,14 = (O12 + τ S12 ) + C14||4 = (26.90 + 2 · 0.84) + 8.155 = 36.74
F12,15 = (O12 + τ S12 ) + C15||4 = (26.90 + 3 · 0.84) + (−0.313) = 29.11
F12,16 = (O12 + τ S12 ) + C16||4 = (26.90 + 4 · 0.84) + (−9.749) = 20.51

The standard error is computed as follows

N 2
i=1 ei 1.132 + 1.882 + 0.062 + 1.612
RMSE = = = 1.36
N 4
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 113

Period Demand Demand Average Std.Dev Abs. Rel MAPE Lower Upper
Actual Forecast intercept slope error error error error Bound CI Bound CI
1 19 19.38
2 26 26.38
3 19 18.88
4 11 10.38
5 23 22.63
6 30 29.63
7 22 22.13
8 13 13.63 23.22 0.81
9 27 25.88 24.26 0.84 –1.13 –1.13 1.13 4.17% 4.17%
10 35 33.12 25.49 0.87 –1.88 –1.50 1.55 5.36% 4.77%
11 26 26.06 26.39 0.87 0.06 –0.98 1.26 0.22% 3.25%
12 16 17.61 26.94 0.84 1.61 –0.33 1.36 10.03% 4.95%
13 29.65 27.0 32.3
14 36.74 34.1 39.4
15 29.11 26.4 31.8
16 20.51 17.9 23.2

Fig. 4.34   Forecast by the additive model for the seasonal pattern example

Period Seasonality Terms Normalized Seasonality Factors Normed

C1 C2 C3 C4 sum C1 C2 C3 C4 sum Intercept
8 1.844 8.031 –0.281 –9.594 0.000 1.844 8.031 –0.281 –9.594 0.000 23.22
9 1.934 8.031 –0.281 –9.594 0.090 1.911 8.009 –0.304 –9.616 0.000 24.28
10 1.911 8.159 –0.304 –9.616 0.150 1.874 8.121 –0.341 –9.654 0.000 25.53
11 1.874 8.121 –0.346 –9.654 –0.005 1.875 8.123 –0.345 –9.653 0.000 26.39
12 1.875 8.123 –0.345 –9.781 –0.128 1.907 8.155 –0.313 –9.749 0.000 26.90

Fig. 4.35   Seasonality terms normalization in the additive model for the seasonal pattern example

Actual Forecast 95%LB 95%UB

Fig. 4.36   Graph of forecast
with the additive model for 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
the seasonal pattern example Periods

The 95% confidence intervals for the forecasts for the next cycle are then computed
as follows and are summarized in Table 4.3. Finally, the demand and forecasts based
on additive triple exponential smoothing are shown in Fig. 4.36. The 95% confi-
dence intervals for the forecasts are also shown in the figure.
114 4 Time Series Analysis

Table 4.3   Forecasts and con- Period Forecast Lower bound Upper bound
fidence intervals for the sea- mean CI CI
sonal example by the additive
13 29.65 27.0 32.3
triple smoothing method
14 36.74 34.1 39.4
15 29.11 26.4 31.8
16 20.51 17.9 23.2

CI = Fτ ± z · σ = 29.65 ± 1.96 · 1.36 = [27.0, 32.3]

The MAPE by this forecasting method is 4.95%. Multiplicative Triple Exponential Smoothing

The multiplicative variant of the triple exponential smoothing method for seasonal
data assumes that the data are generated by a process in which the pattern is multi-
plied by the seasonal effect.
 Dt = P att · ct + εt (4.71)
At the end of period t, when the real demand for this period is known, the param-
eters are updated based on the following formulas, where || indicates the modulo
 Ot = α Dt ct + (1 − α)(Ot−1 + St−1 ) (4.72)

 St = β(Ot − Ot−1 ) + (1 − β)St−1 (4.73)

 ct||P = γ Dt Ot + (1 − γ )ct−P ||P (4.74)

All the seasonality factors are then normalized so that their sum equals the number
of periods in the cycle. The offset and slope are then also normalized and the fore-
cast for the next and future periods is then computed based on the normalized offset,
slope, and seasonality factors.
ct = ct ·
P (4.75)
j =1

 
Ot = Ot ·  cj  (4.76)
 P j =1

 
 1 (4.77)
St = St ·  cj 
P j =1
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 115

 Ft+1 = (Ot + St ) ct+1||P (4.78)

 Ft,t+τ = (Ot + τ St ) ct+τ ||P (4.79)

To compute the initial values of the intercept, slope, and seasonality factors, at
least two full cycles of historical data are required. If data for more periods is
available, seasonal regression with indicator variables can be used to estimate the
initial parameter values. But it should be noted that seasonal regression is an ad-
ditive model.

Multiplicative Triple Exponential Smoothing Example

The number of periods to determine the initial parameter values was set equal to
two cycles. The number of periods remaining for the adaptive or training phase is
then equal to one cycle. The next task is to compute initial estimates of the under-
lying trend. We will compute an average value for each of the two cycles and fit a
straight line through those points. The detailed calculations have been shown in the
application of the additive variant to the example.
If more than two cycles of data are available for the determination of the
initial parameters, the slope and intercepts can be computed with linear regres-
sion techniques. If the number of periods is equivalent to a number of full cy-
cles, linear regression can be performed on the average demand per cycle (See
Fig. 4.37).
The next task is to compute the initial seasonality factors. There exists one factor
for each of the time periods in the cycle. The factors are computed as the ratio of the
observed value divided by the linear forecast. The computations for the calculation
of seasonality factor of the fourth period in the cycle are shown next, including the
normalization of the seasonality factors so that all factors in a cycle sum up to the
number of periods in the cycle. The calculations must be based on consistent values,
i.e., we can use the normalized seasonality factors with the normalized slope and
normalized offset or we can use the original seasonality factors with the original
slope and offset. To normalize the offset and slope we must divide by the same nor-
malization factor we used for the seasonality factors. In other words, the normaliza-
tion executes a scaling transformation.

Parameters Initial Linear Forecast

N 4 Period Demand Regress.
α 0.2 Cycle 1 2.5 18.75
β 0.1 Cycle 2 6.5 22.00
Fig. 4.37   Initial linear γ 0.1 Slope 8 0.81 0.81
forecast parameters for the Conf. 0.95 Intercept 8 8.0 23.22 23.22
seasonal pattern example z 1.96
116 4 Time Series Analysis

c4 = = 0.551
18.75 + 1.5 · 0.81
c8 = = 0.560
0.551 + 0.560
c4 = = 0.555

ct = 4.041

c4 = 0.555 = 0.550
S8 = 0.81 = 0.82
O8 = 23.22 = 23.46
The computations for the seasonal forecast for period 8 are shown next, and the sea-
sonal forecast for all periods and the corresponding errors are shown in Fig. 4.38.

F8 = O8 · c8||4 = 23.46 · 0.550 = 12.90

= 23.22 · 0.555 = 12.90
e8 = D8 − F8 = 13 − 12.9 = 0.1

Forecast Seasonal Avg. S. Normed Forecast Forecast

Period Demand Linear Factor Factor S. Factor Seasonal Error
1 19 17.53 1.084 1.095 1.084 19.20 –0.20
2 26 18.34 1.417 1.403 1.389 25.74 0.26
3 19 19.16 0.992 0.987 0.977 18.90 0.10
4 11 19.97 0.551 0.555 0.550 11.09 –0.09
5 23 20.78 1.107 22.76 0.24
6 30 21.59 1.389 30.30 –0.30
7 22 22.41 0.982 22.11 –0.11
8 13 23.22 0.560 12.90 0.10
Sum 163 163.0 4.041 4.000 163.0 –0.01
Standard Error 0.314

Fig. 4.38   Initial forecast for the seasonal pattern example

4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 117

Fig. 4.39   Graph of initial 40

Demand Linear Seasonal Normalized Linear
forecast for the seasonal pat-
tern example





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The forecast of the historical values using the linear trend and seasonality factors
computed above is shown in Fig. 4.39. The forecasted values match the observed
values very closely, which is numerically demonstrated by a standard error of 0.314.
The computations for the forecast and for the updates of the trend parameters
and seasonality factor for period 9 are shown next. Observe that only the seasonal-
ity factor associated with this period is updated directly based on the new observed
value, but that the normalization of the seasonality factors may also changes the
other factors.

F9 = (O8 + S8 ) · c9||4 = (23.46 + 0.82) · 1.084 = 26.32

O9 = α D9 c1 + (1 − α) (O8 + S8 )
= 0.2 27 1.084 + 0.8 (23.46 + 0.82) = 24.40
S9 = β (O9 − O8 ) + (1 − β) S8
= 0.1(24.40 − 23.46) + 0.9 · 0.82 = 0.83
c1 = γ D9 O9 + (1 − γ ) c1
= 0.1 27 24.40 + 0.9 · 1.084 = 1.086
 P 4
ct = 4.002 = = 0.9995

P 4.002
c1 = c1 = 1.086 · 0.9995 = 1.086

O9 = = 24.42
S9 = = 0.83
118 4 Time Series Analysis

Period Demand Demand Average Standard Abs.Rel MAPE Lower Upper

Actual Forecast intercept slope error error error error Bound Bound
1 19 19.20
2 26 25.74
3 19 18.90
4 11 11.09
5 23 22.76
6 30 30.30
7 22 22.11
8 13 12.90 23.22 0.81
9 27 26.32 24.40 0.83 –0.68 –0.68 0.68 2.52% 2.52%
10 35 35.06 25.24 0.83 0.06 –0.31 0.48 0.16% 1.34%
11 26 25.46 26.18 0.84 –0.54 –0.39 0.50 2.09% 1.59%
12 16 14.85 27.46 0.89 –1.15 –0.58 0.72 7.18% 2.98%
13 30.77 29.4 32.2
14 40.56 39.1 42.0
15 29.44 28.0 30.9
16 17.13 15.7 18.5

Fig. 4.40   Forecast for the seasonal pattern example

Period Seasonality Factors Normalized Seasonality Factors Normalized

c1 c2 c3 c4 sum c1 c2 c3 c4 sum Offset Slope
8 1.095 1.403 0.987 0.555 4.041 1.084 1.389 0.977 0.550 4.000 23.46 0.82
9 1.086 1.389 0.977 0.550 4.002 1.086 1.388 0.976 0.549 4.000 24.42 0.83
10 1.086 1.388 0.976 0.549 4.000 1.086 1.388 0.976 0.549 4.000 25.24 0.83
11 1.086 1.388 0.978 0.549 4.002 1.085 1.388 0.978 0.549 4.000 26.20 0.84
12 1.085 1.388 0.978 0.553 4.003 1.085 1.387 0.977 0.552 4.000 27.48 0.89

Fig. 4.41   Seasonality factors for the seasonal pattern example

The normalization factor is equal to 0.9995, which is nearly 1.0, so the normaliza-
tion will change the slope, offset, and seasonality factors very little. The displayed
values before and after normalization are thus often identical in Figs. 4.40 and 4.41.
After the first training period, the standard error will be computed as the RMSE
based on the errors of the training periods. So an initial (degenerate) value of the
RMSE for the first training period is the error of the first training period itself. In
this example
se9 = RMSE9 = e9 = 0.68.

In practical situations the standard error of the first training period will never be
used in calculations to determine the confidence interval for a forecast. Since the
initialization phase uses a static model, it would be more correct to compute the
standard error of the first training period with the formula based on the static model.
The number of observations would be the number of periods in the initialization
phase. The errors would be summed for all the observations in the initialization
4.4 Seasonal Data Pattern 119

Fig. 4.42   Graph of forecast 45

for the seasonal pattern Actual Forecast 95%LB 95%UB
example by multiplicative
triple exponential smoothing 35

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

phase and the denominator would be ( N − 1 − P) for a pattern with linear trend and
seasonality and P periods in a season. One of the purposes of the adjustment phase
is to generate a better estimate of the standard error based on all the errors of the
adjustment phase.
The adjustment calculations are repeated for periods 10–12 and the adjustment
phase ends with period 12. The computations for the forecasts made at the end of
period 12 for all the periods in the next cycle are shown next and forecasts for the
next cycle are shown in Fig. 4.42.

F12,13 = (O12 + S12 ) c13||4 = (27.48 + 0.89) · 1.085 = 30.78

F12,14 = (O12 + τ S12 ) c14||4 = (27.48 + 2 · 0.89) · 1.387 = 40.58
F12,15 = (O12 + τ S12 ) c15||4 = (27.48 + 3 · 0.89) · 0.977 = 29.46
F12,16 = (O12 + τ S12 ) c16||4 = (27.48 + 4 · 0.89) · 0.552 = 17.13

Finally, the computations for the confidence intervals for the forecasts for the peri-
ods in the next cycle with a 95% confidence level are shown next using 0.72 as the
standard error.
N 2
i=1 i (−0.68)2 + 0.062 + (−0.54)2 + (−1.15)2
RMSE = = = 0.72
N 4

CI = Fτ ± z · σ = 30.77 ± 1.96 · 0.72 = [29.37, 32.19]

The forecast and confidence intervals are shown in Table 4.4.

The MAPE generated by this forecasting method is equal to 2.9%.

Table 4.4   Forecasts and Period Forecast mean Lower bound Upper bound
confidence intervals for the
13 30.8 29.4 32.2
seasonal example by the
multiplicative triple smooth- 14 40.6 39.1 42.0
ing method 15 29.4 28.0 30.9
16 17.1 15.7 18.5
120 4 Time Series Analysis

4.5 Summary

Short-term tactical and operational forecasts are usually based on historical data.
Many powerful and highly mathematical forecasting techniques exist, such as re-
gression, time series analysis, and forecasting methods for autocorrelated data.
However, the most important requirement for the generation of a high-quality fore-
cast is an understanding of the underlying data pattern of the forecasted variable.
The correct forecasting method can then be selected for this underlying pattern.
Applying correctly the wrong forecasting method for a data pattern will only gener-
ated wrong forecasts. One simple method to understand the underlying pattern is
to graph the historical values over time. Since the underlying data pattern is almost
never fully understood or remains unchanged for extended periods of time, most
forecasts will have significant errors. Hence, it does not make much sense to re-
port only the expected value of the forecasted variable or point forecast. Based on
the root mean square forecast error, confidence intervals can be established, which
provide much more meaningful forecast information. A simple method to judge the
quality of the forecast is again to graph the forecast errors over time.
The generation of a high-quality forecast requires the understanding of the un-
derlying pattern, the application of the correct method for that pattern, and the re-
porting of the results with their stochastic characteristics. The forecasting results
generated by the blind application of very sophisticated forecasting techniques
should be highly suspect. The farther in the future the forecasts are, the easier it is
to make very large forecasting errors.

4.6 Exercises

True/False Questions 
  1. A cyclic demand pattern has cycles of varying length and magnitude
(T/F) _____.
  2. Time series forecasting attempts to predict the future value of a variable based
on the currently observed values of different variables (T/F) _____.
  3. A forecast created by the moving averages method lags any trend the forecasted
variable may have (T/F) _____.
  4. In exponential smoothing the weights of the different historical values form
a geometrically decreasing pattern when the values go farther back in time
(T/F) _____.
  5. In exponential smoothing a larger smoothing constant will create a forecast that
more rapidly tracks a current trend in the forecasted variable (T/F) _____.
  6. Using forecasting techniques based on time series analysis, different forecast-
ers will arrive at the same forecast if they use the same data (T/F) _____.
4.6 Exercises 121

  7. Using the moving averages forecasting method, only the last observation or
realized demand needs to be kept (T/F) _____.
  8. A higher value of the alpha parameter in exponential smoothing forecasting
increases the stability of the forecast (T/F) _____.
  9. The sum of the normalized seasonality factors in the multiplicative variant of
Winter’s exponential smoothing method must add up to the number of periods
in the cycle (T/F) _____.
10. Holt’s exponential smoothing method requires three smoothing constants
(T/F) _____.
11. At least two full cycles of data are required to use the multiplicative variant of
Winter’s exponential smoothing method (T/F) _____.
12. The moving averages forecasting technique is the appropriate forecast-
ing method when the underlying data exhibits a linearly growing trend
(T/F) ______.

Soccer Balls Seasonal Forecasting  The Soccer Ball Company (SBC), Inc. manu-
facturers and sells introductory level soccer balls to sports retailers. The following
statistics in Table 4.5 have been collected on the amount of sales in the United States
on a quarterly basis and reported in thousands of balls. You are asked to forecast
the amount of future sales with the additive variant of Winter’s seasonal method.
Execute all calculations and display all results with three significant digits beyond
the decimal point.
The result of your calculations has to be inserted in the following four tables
that have identical structure to the tables used in class. The last two tables are com-
ponents of one single large table, but are shown sequentially to fit the width of the
page. Corresponding lines in both tables are identified by the period index. The
fields that you have to complete are shown as shaded.
In Table 4.6, compute the average demand for each cycle and compute the slope
and intercept of the trend. Also compute the standard deviate corresponding to the
80% confidence limits.
In Table 4.7, compute the missing linear forecasts and the missing values for the
seasonality factors.
In Table 4.8 summarize the values that you have computed so far. Compute the
forecast for period 9.

Table 4.5   Sales data (in Quarter Period Demand

thousands of balls)
Q1-2003 1 17
Q2-2003 2 48
Q3-2003 3 31
Q4-2003 4 50
Q1-2004 5 15
Q2-2004 6 39
Q3-2004 7 25
Q4-2004 8 43
122 4 Time Series Analysis

Table 4.6   Calculation on the

initial forecast trend

Table 4.7   Calculation on the initial seasonal forecast

At the end of period 9, additional data have been collected and the amount of
sales was 6,000 balls.
Give the formulas for updating the intercept and slope of the linear forecast and
compute the updated values.
Give the formulas for updating and then normalizing the seasonality factors and
intercept and compute the updated values.
Give the formulas for computing the forecasts on the sales amount in future pe-
riods and compute the updated values for next four periods.
Give the formula for the standard error of a static additive forecasting model in
function of N observations and P periods per season. Compute the forecast error with
the formula for the standard error for period 9 and insert the results in Table 4.8.
Give the formula to compute the confidence interval for the demand forecast.
Compute the number of standard deviations corresponding to the confidence limits of
80%, and the boundaries of the confidence interval for the forecast for period 10 only.
Give the formula to compute the MAPE in function of N observations. Compute
the MAPE for the forecast for period 9.
PPC Triple Exponential Smoothing  This question has the additional purpose to
familiarize you with the structured answers you would need to provide to a similar
question during an examination.
The Polychromatic Paper Company (PPC) produces high-quality, glossy, wrap-
ping paper for gifts. They sell primarily to discount merchandisers and drugstore
4.6 Exercises 123

Table 4.8   Calculation on the seasonal forecast

chains. They have collected quarterly data on the sales of their top-of-the-line paper
grade, expressed in millions of rolls. The data for the last two years are given in
Table 4.9. You are asked to provide a sales forecast for the same product for the next
year, periods 9–12, with an 80% confidence interval. Use two significant digits after
the decimal point in all your calculations.
Identify the underlying data pattern and write down the algebraic expression for
it. Provide a concise and complete definition of the variables that are used in the
algebraic expression.
Use the appropriate exponential smoothing method for this underlying data
pattern to forecast the demand for the next year. Use the standard values for the
smoothing constant(s). Compute the forecast offset (or intercept), the slope, the
linear forecast, the seasonality factors, and the seasonal forecast based on the data.

Table 4.9   Historical sales Period Demand

1 8
2 12
3 15
4 32
5 6
6 8
7 9
8 22
124 4 Time Series Analysis

Summarize your calculations in the following table. Not all the rows, columns, or
cells of the table have to be used. Show the computations to derive the intercept and
slope at end of period 8.

Period Demand Linear Seasonality Seasonal Forecast

forecast factor forecast error
1 8
2 12
3 15
4 32
5 6
6 8
7 9
8 22

Compute the forecasts for the next year. For each period you must show the
linear forecast, the seasonality factor used, and the expected value, lower and upper
bound of the confidence interval of the seasonal forecast. Summarize your calcula-
tions in the next table. Compute and show the standard deviation of the forecast
error, the number of standard deviations corresponding to the confidence limits, and
the size of the confidence interval.

Period Linear Seasonality Seasonal Lower conf. Upper conf.

forecast factor Forecast int. int.

At the end of period 9 the company contacts you again with the new sales data
for this period and asks you to update your forecast for the next four periods (pe-
riods 10–13). The actual sales for period 9 were 4 million rolls. Compute the up-
dated values for the slope, intercept, seasonality factors, and standard deviation of
the forecast error. Give the formulas for the computation of the update intercept,
slope, and seasonality factors. Compute the updated values for the intercept, slope,
and seasonality factors, standard deviation of the forecast error, and the size of the
confidence interval. Finally, show your computations for the update forecasts in the
next table.

Period Linear Seasonality Seasonal Lower conf. Upper conf.

forecast factor forecast int. int.
4.6 Exercises 125

Assume that the company reported to you that the sales for period 9 were 7 mil-
lion rolls. In other words, the actual sales of 4 million rolls never happened and the
actual sales were 7 million rolls. What would be your forecasting report to PPC state
in this case?
Retail E-Commerce Sales  The U.S. Department of Commerce reported in
November 2002 on the quarterly online sales by e-commerce retailers as shown in
the following table.

Quarter 2000 ($) 2001 ($) 2002 ($)

1Q 5.81 8.26 9.88
2Q 6.35 8.25 10.27
3Q 7.27 8.24 11.06
4Q 9.46 11.18
Online sales reported in billion $

Compute the forecasts for the online sales for the next four quarters with a 90%
confidence interval. Use two significant digits after the decimal point in all your
calculations. For each quarter you must show the linear forecast, the seasonality
factor used, and the expected value, lower, and upper bound of the confidence inter-
val of the seasonal forecast. Summarize your calculations in a table. Compute and
show the standard deviation of the forecast error, the number of standard deviations
corresponding to the confidence limits, and the size of the confidence interval.
High-Voltage Electrical Consumption  The Industrial Metals Foundry is in the
process of budgeting for their energy costs during the next year. Their energy costs
are primarily related to their consumption of high-voltage electricity for their elec-
tric arc smelters. They have recorded their energy costs for the past three years on a
quarterly basis. They have asked you to provide them with a forecast of their energy
costs for the next year with a 90% confidence level. Clearly explain your general
approach and state the assumptions that you have used to arrive at this forecast. Use
the answer structure provided in the previous exercise to provide the details of your
response to their request. The data is shown in the next table.

Period Demand
 1 27,000
 2 70,000
 3 41,000
 4 13,000
 5 30,000
 6 73,000
 7 48,000
 8 15,000
 9 34,000
10 82,000
11 51,000
12 16,000
126 4 Time Series Analysis


Ballou, R. H. (1998). Chapter 9 in Business logistics management (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs:
Brockwell, P., & Davis, R. (1996). Introduction to time series and forecasting. New York: Springer.
Hayter, A. (1996). Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists. Boston: PWS Publishing
Holt, C. C. (1957). Forecasting seasonal and trends by exponentially weighted moving averages.
Office of Naval Research Memo, No. 52.
Kutner, M., Nachtschiem, C., Wasserman, W., & Neter, J. (1996). Applied linear statistical models.
Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Montgomery, D. C., & Johnson, L. A. (1976). Forecasting and time series analysis. New York:
Montgomery, D., Peck, E., & Vining, G. (2001). Introduction to linear regression analysis. New
York: Wiley.
Muther, E. (1977). Transform methods with applications to engineering and operations research.
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Neter, J., Kutner, M. H., Nachtsheim, C. J., & Wasserman, W. (1996). Applied linear statistical
models. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Weisberg, S. (1985). Applied linear regression. New York: Wiley.
Winters, P. R. (1960). Forecasting by exponentially moving averages. Management Science, 6,
Chapter 5
Transportation Systems

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to
• Know the major definitions of the actors, transportation modes, and services
• Know the major performance characteristics of transportation modes
• Know the major transportation modes and their main performance characteris-
• Know the principal documents used in transportation services
• Know the definitions of incoterms and free trade zones

5.1 Introduction

5.1.1  General Characteristics of Transportation Services Transportation Expenditures in the United States

Transportation costs represent the single largest cost element in logistics opera-
tions. Estimates range from 50–65% of the total logistics cost is accounted for by
transportation. So the management of transportation services is clearly an impor-
tant task for logistics and supply chain engineers. The goal of this chapter is to
identify the major characteristics of transportations services and to list the major
transportation modes and their respective characteristics. The trends of the total
transportation cost and the transportation cost as a fraction of the total logistics
costs are shown in Fig. 5.1. The data is based on Trunick (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)
and Wilson (2007). Effect of Transportation Services on World Trade

The lack of readily available transportation necessitates that the production and
consumption of products occurs in relative proximity so that goods can be deliv-

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 127

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_5, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2011
128 5 Transportation Systems

Fig. 5.1   Transportation cost 900 70.0%

and relative fraction trends 800


500 40.0%

400 30.0%


0 0.0%
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total Transportation Cost ($B) Fraction of Total Logistics Costs

ered to the customers within an acceptable time limit. As a consequence the total
amount produced in any one location is limited. This in turn causes the production
infrastructure to be at the crafts level because the customer base cannot support
large concentrated production facilities. For the same reason there will be only
a few production facilities per geographical area. As a consequence the custom-
ers have limited choices available to them. The existence of relative inexpen-
sive and sufficiently speedy transportation services change this economic pattern
completely. The large area of potential customers now allows large production
facilities with specialized production techniques and the associated economies of
scale. This lowers unit production costs and allows the producers to expand their
competitive area. As a consequence more than one producer may now compete
in a particular area which tends to lower the purchase costs for the consumers.
Finally, the concentration of large numbers of customers in large cities is made
possible because supplies can be transported to the city from a wide area with
many different suppliers.
The availability of fast, reliable, and affordable transportation services typically
yields a richer product offering at lower consumer prices. Consumers consider these
definite advantages of transportation and trade. However, simultaneously the inef-
ficient producers are no longer protected by the geographical barriers of distance.
Very large and very efficient producers may now compete for the consumer demand
and as a consequence profit margins may become very thin or non-existent. Local
producers may go bankrupt or just stop producing, which negatively impacts the lo-
cal employment. Political entities such as countries may want to protect their local
producers by erecting new trade barriers such as duties, product standards, and local
content laws. Organizations such as the World Trade Organization or WTO have as
their goal the elimination of these trade barriers to promote unrestricted world trade.
Meetings of the WTO attract many active opponents of globalization and free trade
that have been economically disadvantaged by competitors that may be located in
other regions of the world.
5.1 Introduction 129 Transportation Definitions

A shipper is any person or organization that needs to transport goods or people. A

carrier is a person or organization that provides transportation services of people
or freight as part of a commercial enterprise. Carriers can range from a single self-
employed driver operating their own truck to large, international trucking, shipping,
or airline companies.
Carriers are typically divided into three types depending on who owns the trans-
portation assets and the transported goods. A common carrier is a corporation or
organization that provides a specific transportation service to the general public at
an established price and must carry everybody or everything compatible with that
service. A common carrier thus has no right to reject particular compatible pas-
sengers or freight from shippers that are willing to pay the price. The doctrine of
common carriage was originally developed with respect to stagecoaches, ships, and
trains. More recently, it has been applied to pipelines and aircraft and even to com-
munication networks such as telephone and internet networks. A contract carrier
is an organization that has entered into a specific legal agreement with a shipping
organization to provide contractually agreed upon transportation services for an
agreed upon price. This allows the contract carrier to be more selective with respect
to the shippers it serves and more responsive to its customers than a common car-
rier. If the contract extends over several months, the transportation assets, such as
trucks, may be painted with the color scheme and trademarks of the shipper even
though they belong to the carrier. A private carrier is a transportation organization
who transports its own goods using transportation assets that it owns or leases.
These assets are called a private fleet. For private carriage the shipper and carrier
are the same organization.
There exist five basic modes of transportation: pipeline, water, rail, road, and air.
The water-based transportation are sometimes further divided into inland water and
ocean-going transportation. Finally, any permanent presence of humankind in orbit
around the earth in the space station or possible at other locations in the solar system
will require some form of space transportation. To satisfy a transportation service
request a single transportation mode may be used exclusively or several modes may
be combined. The main characteristics of a transportation service are: availability,
capacity, price, average transit time, transit time variability, and loss and damages.
To select a service the tradeoff must be made between the characteristics of the vari-
ous alternative services.

5.1.2  Performance Measures of Transportation Services Costs

Transportation costs are traditionally divided into fixed and variable costs. Fixed
costs are independent of the intensity of the (transportation) activity such as termi-
130 5 Transportation Systems

nal facilities, administration, roadways and tracks. Variable costs are dependent on
intensity of the activity, such as labor, fuel, maintenance, and handling. Variable
cost in transportation services may be based on a either distance or volume or a
combination of both.
Transportation costs vary significantly in size and structure from one transporta-
tion service to another. Ballou (1999) provides statistics showing that the fastest
transportation modes are generally also the most expensive. The relative ratios may
change over time. The average costs are usually expressed as costs per ton-mile.
Average costs can be used for general comparisons. However the selection of a
particular transportation service should be based on the actual charges which often
depend on the commodity shipped, the origin and destination, the distance between
the end points, the quantity shipped, and the time of the year. The transportation
of goods typically is subject to significant economies of scale, which leads in turn
to large quantity discounts. Quantity discounts can be either incremental or full
discount. In the first case, the discount is only given for the additional freight and
the resulting total cost curve is a piecewise linear concave cost curve. In the second
case, the discounted rate is given for all the freight and the resulting total cost curve
may have discontinuities. The two types of cost curves are shown in Fig. 5.2. Quan-
tity discounts imply that c1 > c2 > c3.
Many freight transportation costs are very asymmetric, i.e., the cost for ship-
ping freight from location A to location B is significantly different from the cost for
shipping the same quantity of freight from location B to location A. This is usually
caused by a large one-directional flow. For example, the shipment of large quanti-
ties of fresh fruits and vegetables from countries in the Caribbean basin to the cit-
ies of the Northeastern United States in reusable containers creates a large flow of
empty containers back to the Caribbean basin. This significantly reduces the price
for shipping freight in that direction.

e3 c3 e3
Total Cost

Total Cost

e2 e2

c1 c1 c2
e1 e1
MaxQ1 MaxQ2 MaxQ3 MaxQ1 MaxQ2 MaxQ3
Quantity Quantity

Fig. 5.2   Total cost curves for incremental and full-quantity discounts
5.1 Introduction 131

The carrier incurs the transportation costs and the shipper has to pay transporta-
tion charges. The difference between its costs and charges contributes to the profit
(or loss) of the carrier. Transit Time

The transit time is the elapsed time between the moment the goods are picked up
at the door or dock of the supplier until the moment the goods are delivered to the
dock or door of the designee. This is also called the door-to-door transit time. The
complete transportation service may use several different transportation modes but
this is largely irrelevant to the shipper who is primarily interested in the overall
characteristics of the service. The transit time has a strong influence on the configu-
ration of a supply chain. For example, before the full implementation of the free
flow of goods between the member countries of the European Union (EU) it was
not unusual for shipments between the densely populated countries of Western Eu-
rope to spend more time waiting for document processing at border crossings than
actually moving on the highway. To guarantee speedy delivery most companies had
at least a single distribution center in each major country. When the EU eliminated
these time consuming documentation operations at the borders, many companies
changed their supply chain configuration from a distribution center per country to a
few strategically located distribution centers for the whole EU. The shorter transit
times allowed the economies of scale for the distribution center facility and opera-
tions to outweigh the larger delivery distance. Transit Time Variability

Companies maintain safety inventory to buffer against the variability in the transit
times from their suppliers to their distribution centers. A higher variability increases
the required safety inventory to achieve the same level of customer service. The
higher inventory levels tie up capital, require larger warehouses, and increase the
risk of product obsolescence.

5.1.3  Transportation Units

The units of transportation were originally defined in historically separated coun-

tries, measurement systems, and industries. In recent times, an effort has been made
to standardize these units, but many local units are still being used. Great care
should be taken that all the organizations involved in a transportation request and
service use the same or consistent units.
A common unit of transportation quantity is the hundredweight or cwt. The Eng-
lish version is often called the long hundredweight and is equal to 112 pounds. The
132 5 Transportation Systems

American version is called the short hundredweight and is exactly equal to 100
pounds or approximately 45.36 kg. The c in the cwt abbreviation is the symbol for
the Roman numeral 100. One of the most confusing units in freight transportation is
the ton, since so many different variants exist. The ton is a traditional unit of volume
used for measuring the cargo capacity of a freight transportation vehicle such as a
ship, train, or truck. Gross tonnage (GT) is the volume of the ship measured at its
outer hull and is expressed as a multiple of 100 ft3 or 2.83 m3. Net tonnage (NT) is
the volume of a ship available for carrying cargo. Harbor fees are usually based on
either gross tonnage or net tonnage. A freight ton is exactly 40 ft3 or approximately
1.13 m3. However a ton also expresses the weight of the transported freight and is
exactly equal to 20 hundredweights. The American version is called a short ton and
there are 2000 pounds in a short ton, which is approximately equal to 907.2  kg.
The British version is called a long ton and there are 2240 pounds in a ton, which is
approximately equal to 1016 kg. The deadweight ton or dwt is used to indicate the
cargo capacity of ships in long tons and is equal to 2240 pounds. Finally, the metric
ton expresses the weight of the transported freight and is exactly equal to 1000 kg.
All of this confusion can be avoided by expressing quantities in the metric SI sys-
tem, i.e., express volume in cubic meters and weight in metric tons. But great care
must be taken when interpreting quantities and sizes described on transportation
documents, especially when abbreviations are used.

5.1.4  Transportation Structures

Freight transportation operations often either show a hub-and-spoke structure or a

point-to-point structure. In the point-to-point structure goods are transported direct-
ly from the origin to the destination point. The total number of transportation legs
is large. The advantage of this direct shipping method is a reduced travel time and
travel distance for the goods. The disadvantage is that the frequency of the service
between a pair of points may be lower because of low traffic volume between the
points, which in turn may yield higher transportation costs. In the “hub-and-spoke”
system, goods are first transported to a local consolidation hub, then shipped by
long-haul freight carrier to a destination hub, and finally delivered from the destina-
tion deconsolidation hub to the final destination. The total number of transportation
legs is smaller, since each end point is only connected to a single hub. The advan-
tage of hub-and-spoke is the higher frequency of service between a point and its
serving hub and between hubs. This consolidation may also reduce the transporta-
tion cost because of the economies of scale in transportation. The disadvantages are
the longer trip time for the goods and the possible congestion at the hubs. To avoid
waiting times for the carriers at a hub, incoming and outgoing carriers are sched-
uled for peak interchange periods, which may lead to significant congestion and
delays. Hub-and-spoke systems are used in LTL trucking, international intermodal
container transportation, and also for air transportation of passengers. Often hybrid
networks are used, where the origin and destination points with the highest pair
5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure 133

wise traffic volume are served by direct point-to-point transportation and the traffic
on the legs with lower volume are routed over the hub-and-spoke network. The lo-
cal delivery transportation is also known as peddling or “milk runs”.
Finally, transportation networks can also lack any structure but route the trans-
portation carriers in an opportunistic manner. Two examples are the full truck load
transportation and tramp trade. For the full truck load example, drivers call in to the
main office or into an exchange after the delivery of a load to its destination to find
the next load that originates close to their current location. The truck route then be-
comes a concatenation of origin-to-destination legs and the driver may not return to
its home base for weeks at a time. Ships that are engaged in tramp trade do not have
a fixed schedule or sequence of ports of call and are called tramp freighters. Both
trucks and ships are the transportation assets and part of the transportation infra-
structure that execute the transportation requests via the spot market. One equivalent
for the transportation of people is the operation of taxi cabs in a metropolitan area.

5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure

5.2.1  Introduction

A map showing the major transportation channels in the United States is shown
in Fig. 5.3. It clearly illustrates the different interstate densities in the eastern and
western parts of the country.

Fig. 5.3   Major transportation infrastructure in the United States, 1996

134 5 Transportation Systems

The relative cost importance of the major transportation modes and their five-
year trends are shown in Fig. 5.4. The data is based on Trunick (2003, 2004, 2005,
2006), Wilson (2007), Blanchard (2010). It shows that local and long-haul intercity
road transportation account for more and three fourths of the overall transportation
costs. It is rumored that a Teamster’s Union President boasted that “Except for the
basic utilities such as water, electricity, and natural gas, everything you consumed
today has been transported to you on a truck.”
The various transportation modes have different cost and performance character-
istics. Table 5.1 shows the number of miles than can be transported using different
modes using a single gallon of fuel (Trunick 2008). The strong rise of the cost of
fuel at the end of 2007 and beginning of 2008 caused fuel to surpass labor as the
largest cost for motor carriers.










1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Oil Pipelines Domestic Air Carriage Rail Carriage
Forwarders International Water Carriage Local Motor Carriage
International Air Carriage Domestic Water Carriage Intercity Motor Carriage

Fig. 5.4   Total transportation cost and transportation mode costs trends
5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure 135

Table 5.1   Ton-miles per Transport mode Distance (miles)

gallon of fuel. (Source:
Barge (inland water) 576
Outsourced Logistics, July
Rail 413
Motor Carriage 155
Distance: one ton freight carriage per gallon

5.2.2  Pipeline

A pipeline is a system of connected pipes for the transportation of liquids, gasses,

and slurries. Slurries are fine solid particles suspended in a liquid. Pumps, valves,
and other control devices control the flow. Products may be stored temporarily in
storage tanks. Pipeline diameters can vary from a few inches in chemical refineries
and oil gathering lines to more than 30 ft in water and sewage collection systems.
Larger diameters are much more efficient. The Trans-Alaskan crude oil pipeline
has a diameter of 48 inches. Pipelines can be used inside the facilities, on campus
environments such as chemical refineries, or for long-distance transportation. Pipe-
lines inside the facilities are usually suspended from the ceiling and pipelines used
for long distance transportation are usually laid underground, although the Trans-
Alaskan pipeline is suspended on columns above the ground to avoid damaging the
permafrost. Pipelines usually consist of sections of pipe made of metals, such as
steel, cast iron or aluminum, concrete, or plastics.
Pipelines have a very high initial construction cost, but once installed are highly
cost efficient. The cost characteristics are similar to those for rail transportation.
The variable cost include the cost for operating the pumping stations and the cost
of moving the products. The ratio of fixed cost to total cost is highest among all the
transportation modes. Rates for pipeline transportation are competitive with inland
waterways and are three to four times smaller than for rail transportation. The aver-
age transportation speed of 3–5 miles per hour is not very large, but this is com-
pensated for by the 24 hours a day, 7 days a week continuous operation. Pipelines
form a highly dependable form of transportation since there are few interruptions
that may cause transit time variability. Because of the nature of the products and the
underground construction, weather does not significantly affect operations. Based
on the above characteristics, pipelines are most suited to the transportation of high
volume liquids and gasses. The most common examples of pipelines are the trans-
portation of crude oil and refined petroleum products such as gasoline, natural gas,
and coal slurries.
The costs of moving a product consist mainly of the power consumed in the
pumping stations. The pumps must overcome the frictional resistance in the pipe,
which is proportional to the circumference of the pipe. The volume capacity is pro-
portional to the cross section of the pipe. So larger diameter pipes are much more
efficient from the marginal cost point of view, provided there is enough product
volume to justify the fixed cost of the larger diameter pipe.
136 5 Transportation Systems

Most pipelines are privately owned and are associated or affiliated with major oil
companies. The pipeline companies own the pipe, terminals, and pumping stations
and either own or lease the right of way for the pipe. The pipeline companies are
classified as common carriers since they carry the products of all shippers.
In 2006, the British Petroleum Company (BP) was forced to close sections of the
pipeline feeder system to the Alaska pipeline, which connects the oil field of Prud-
hoe Bay with the shipping port of Valdez, because rust had corroded the pipelines
and could potentially cause a massive spill. This separated Prudhoe Bay, the largest
oil field at that time in the United States, from its market in the continental United
States. Prudhoe Bay was at that time responsible for 8% of the nation’s consump-
tion and more than 30% of the consumption on the west coast of the United States.
The very large economies of scale for pipeline transportation typically result in an
extremely concentrated infrastructure. This is a disadvantage for pipeline opera-
tions, since a single natural or man-made calamity may block all the freight trans-
portation. The prime examples of natural calamities are earthquakes. Man-made
calamities include sabotage and government-ordered shutdowns.
The Atlanta metropolitan area is serviced by two pipelines operated by the Co-
lonial and Marathon companies. The Colonial pipeline has a diameter of 36 inch
and runs from Houston to New York. It carries a variety of gasoline types as well as
other fuels such diesel and jet fuel and home heating oil. The minimum batch size
is 75000 barrels or 3.2 million gallons and fills the pipeline for more than 11 miles
and can fill the 16-gallon gas tanks of 200000 cars according to the AJC (2008).
The various products are not separated in the pipeline so they mix together at the
boundaries between different products. These mixes can either be downgraded or
sold for re-refining. The pipeline carries generic commodity fuel types. At the junc-
tions, such as the Atlanta junction, the distributors add their special ingredients to
create the gasoline of a particular brand with distinct qualities. The gasoline is then
transported by truck to the various gas stations.

5.2.3  Rail

Rail or rail transport is the transportation of goods and passengers along a system of
rails or tracks. The vehicles traveling on the tracks are arranged in a train, which is
a sequence of individually powered or un-powered vehicles that are linked together
and move as a unit. A locomotive is rail vehicle that has as its single function to push
or pull the un-powered vehicles, which are typically called cars or wagons. For tra-
ditional railroads, the tracks consist of two parallel rails. The gauge is the distance
between the tracks. Different countries may operate railroad systems with different
gauges created by independent historical development. For electrified tracks, the lo-
comotives have electric engines that draw and return electric energy from and to the
high-voltage electricity lines running parallel to the track. Again, different countries
may operate electrified tracks at different voltages caused by independent develop-
ment. In the United States, most freight trains are propelled by diesel engines.
5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure 137

Fig. 5.5   Railroad freight volumes in the United States, 1995

In Fig. 5.5, the freight intensities are shown for the United States. In 1995, the
major rail transportation was coast-to-coast. This trend has further increased in re-
cent years due to the increased volume of intermodal containers coming from Asia
that are offloaded on the west coast and then transported by rail to the population
centers on the east coast. Again the density of the tracks decreases significantly
once the midpoint of country is passed when traveling from east to west.
Railroad transportation is highly efficient with respect to marginal costs, but is a
very capital intensive mode of transportation. This is especially true if the company
that owns and maintains the tracks is a non-governmental corporation. The main
capital investments of a railroad are the tracks, switching yards, and rolling stock. A
switching yard is freight facility that functions as a node in a railroad network where
trains are assembled and disassembled out of individual wagons. Rolling stock re-
fers to the vehicles that move on the tracks. Rolling stock is composed primarily out
of locomotives and cars, but also includes several specialty vehicles.
A unit train consists of cars that all have the same destination, so that no assembly
and disassembly of the train (switching) has to be executed during the trip, which
allows for a significant reduction of the total trip duration. Typically all the cars in
the train contain the same commodity, such as the trains that supply electrical power
plants with coal. A typical unit train traveling from the west coast to the east cost
may consist of four locomotives and flatbed cars with double-stacked intermodal
containers. A unit train may consist of up to 100 cars. A unit train with 100 hopper
cars, each carrying 100 tons of coal, holds about 10000 tons of coal, sufficient fuel
for 1.5 days for an electric power plant. The largest unit trains on earth are operated
privately by two mining corporations in north-western Australia to transport iron
138 5 Transportation Systems

ore from the inland mining area to ports on the coast with final destinations such as
China, Japan, and Korea. A train may consist of up to 300 freight cars propelled by
six locomotives and stretch up to 3 km long and transport up to 26000 tons of ore
(Economist 2009).
If the train cars carry intermodal containers, this is called “container-on-flat-
car” (COFC) and if two containers are placed on top of each other this is know as
double-stack. If the train cars carry truck trailers, this is known as “trailer-on-flat-
car” (TOFC) or “piggyback”. Double-stack trains can carry more freight per train
than piggyback trains, but require special cars with a lowered central section so that
the double stacked containers can pass underneath gages and bridges. The bridges
over the railroad tracks in Europe do not allow the use of double stacked containers,
significantly reducing the load carrying capacity of the trains. This is an example of
a volume-based capacity constraint.
High-speed rail transportation systems have been built in Europe and Japan to serve
mostly passenger traffic. The implementation of such systems in the United States has
been prevented by the high costs of track construction or upgrades and the difficulties of
acquiring the right-of-way for new tracks. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
performed a commercial feasibility study of high-speed rail for passenger traffic. In this
study and similar studies, the estimated costs to upgrade existing railroad tracks to oper-
ate at 90, 110, 125, and 150 mph are $300,000, $550,000, $3,000,000, and $5,000,000
per mile, respectively (FRA 2003). The main target area for such systems is passenger
traffic between major metropolitan areas up to 400 miles apart. The main challenges,
according to FRA, are the control systems to ensure safe and efficient mixed passenger
and freight traffic at these high speeds, non-electric locomotives to avoid expensive
railroad electrification, and cost effective and safe crossings to avoid expensive grade
separations. The only implemented high-speed rail system in the United States consists
of the Acela trains that operate in the northeast corridor. However, technical difficul-
ties prevent the Acela trains to travel at their rated top speed of 150 mph. A completely
different technology for rail transportation is maglev, where trains can use magnetic
levitation for propulsion and support. These trains do not have wheels but float on a
magnetic force field. It is estimated that the cost to construct a magnetic levitation track
is in excess of $100 million dollars per mile. In 2008 the only commercially operated
maglev train connects the airport of Shanghai with the city center.
The high-speed railroad network for passenger rail in Europe is constantly being
expanded. Most of the rail tracks are located inside France and are denoted by “tres
grande vitesse” (TGV) or “very high speed”. Other lines indicate newly constructed
international TGV tracks, and others lines enable high speed rail service on previ-
ously existing intercity tracks. The trains can achieve 300 km/h, or about 186 mph,
on TGV tracks, the second generation of trains can reach a top speed of 320 km/h or
about 200 mph. The trains running between Paris and Marseilles are double-deckers
(TGV-duplex). In April 2007, a specially equipped double-decker TGV train set a
new speed record for a train on wheels by reaching 357 mph or 575 km/h. This is
roughly equivalent to 160 m/s. The train consisted of two engine cars and three pas-
senger cars and the engines were rated at 19.6 MW or more than 25000 horsepower,
Alstom (2007).
5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure 139

The Atlantique serves inside France, the Eurostar connects England with the
continent through the tunnel under the English Channel and the Thalys connects
France with other countries on the continent. Each train is painted in distinctive
colors. The trains are 200 m long. The time it takes for two trains going opposite
ways to pass each other is about 1.2 s.

5.2.4  Roadway

Road freight transportation uses trucks to move goods over the network of roads.
Trucks roll on wheels equipped with rubber tires. The wheels are mounted on a
number of axles. Trucks can be categorized by their load-carrying capacity into
light trucks, medium trucks, and heavy trucks. Off-road trucks form an additional
class of trucks but are not further considered in this book. Light trucks are roughly
the same size as a passenger car and are used by individuals and commercial enter-
prises. In the United States, they are called pickup trucks. The full-size pickup truck
models of the Ford Motor and General Motors companies are the most popular
model for their respective companies. Medium trucks have a load-carrying capac-
ity between that of light and heavy trucks. The cabin and cargo space form integral
parts of the truck and the wheel axles are in permanent parallel alignment. A medium
truck is typically used for city delivery. A heavy truck typically consists of a tractor
and trailer combination. Heavy trucks are used primarily in inter-city transportation.
The tractor is responsible for the propulsion and control of the truck and the trailer
holds the transported goods. The trailer is often called a semi-trailer because half of
the load is supported by the tractor or a detachable dolly. The tractor-trailer combi-
nation is sometimes denoted as a semi. The tractor and trailer can be disconnected
and may be managed separately. Examples of a long-haul tractor-trailer truck and of
local delivery trucks are shown in Figs. 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10.
Depending on the type of goods transported, over-the-road vehicles can be ca-
pacitated because of their volume, also called cubed-out, or capacitated because of
their weight-carrying limit, also called weighted-out.
Increasing the volume or weight capacity of a truck reduces shipping costs mod-
erately and is desirable from the carrier and shipper point of view. However, dam-
age to the road surface and the corresponding maintenance costs increase with the
weight per axle. Furthermore, an increase in the total allowable weight of a truck
increases the construction costs of bridges and thus of the highways. In the United
States, the federal government has placed limitations on the size and weight of
trucks that use the interstate highway system. The standard tractor-trailer combina-
tion has five axles and the current federal limit is 80000 pounds (40 short tons).
Individual states may have different limits that apply to their state and local high-
ways. So trucks exceeding the federal weight or size limits have to avoid the federal
interstate highway system and use smaller secondary state roads. In Europe the
limitations on weight per axle have led to the use of six and seven axle tractor-trailer
trucks. Trucks of this type often have the capability to raise some of their axles and
140 5 Transportation Systems

Fig. 5.6   Tractor-trailer inter-

city truck example

Fig. 5.7   Tractor-trailer truck


Fig. 5.8   Local delivery truck

with lift gate
5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure 141

Fig. 5.9   Postal local delivery


Fig. 5.10   LTL truck with

double trailer

wheels when they are carrying little or no load to save on tire wear and tear. In 2006
the German state of Niedersachsen conducted a test to allow Riesenlaster or giant-
trucks, also called gigaliners in the UK, which consist of a tractor, a trailer, and
secondary shorter trailer. The total length is 25.25 m long compared to the length of
16.5 m for a standard tractor trailer. The load-carrying capacity of one giant-truck
is equivalent to that of 1.5 standard tractor-trailer trucks and the transportation by
2 giant-trucks is more economical in fuel and labor costs than 3 standard long-haul
trucks. It also reduces congestion on the interstate highways since two giant-trucks
require 130 m while three standard trucks require 172 m, including all safety dis-
tances between the trucks.
For local delivery trucks, the amount of goods on a trip may also be limited
by the amount of time it takes to pickup and deliver and to travel. For example,
the postal trucks delivering residential mail are almost never limited by either the
weight or the volume of the mail but rather by the time it takes to deliver the mail.
The U.S. Postal Service is the largest fleet operator in the United States. Most of its
fleet consists of local delivery vehicles.
142 5 Transportation Systems

Vachini (2008) states that challenges for India are related to infrastructure. He
estimates that 60–70% of the freight in India moves by road but that the average
speed of a truck carrying cargo is about 20 km per hours, which means it covers
about 200 km in a day. The government has started the Golden Quadrilateral project
to connect four large metropolitan areas, New Delhi in the north, Mumbai in the
west, Chennai in the south, and Kolkata in the east, with four to six-lane highways.

5.2.5  Inland Water

Water-based transportation can be classified as ocean-going and inland water based.

The vessels transporting freight on inland water ways are called barges. A large
variety of inland barges exist. They may be self-propelled or pushed by a tug or tow-
boat. The arrangement of barges lashed together and pushed by a towboat is called
a tow. Inland waterway transportation is highly efficient to transport large volumes
of bulk commodities moving over long distances. Their main disadvantage is their
limited accessibility. The majority of inland waterways consist of the great rivers
and their tributaries and of major lakes.
In the United States the primary inland water ways are the Great Lakes and
the Mississippi River system, which includes the Mississippi river and its connect-
ing waterways. There exist few navigable waterways in the Western United states
due to the mountainous geography. “The U.S. inland navigation system consists of
8200 miles of rivers maintained by the Corps of Engineers in 22 states, and includes
276 lock chambers with a total lift of 6100 ft. The highly adaptable and effective
system of barge navigation moves over 625 million tons of commodities annually,
which includes coal, petroleum products, various other raw materials, food and farm
products, chemicals, and manufactured goods.” (US Corps of Engineers 2006).
One of the main island water transportation arteries in the United States is the
Mississippi river. In a typical tow arrangement on the lower Mississippi, barges are
arranged in a tow of five barges wide in strings of eight barges long. Each barge has
a capacity of 1500 tons, so the capacity of a single tow is 60000 tons. The usual draft
of a loaded barge is 12 ft. Such a tow arrangement measures 175 ft wide and 1600 ft
long. In the summer of 2006, the Mississippi was dangerously low due to drought
conditions in its upper basin. As a consequence the draft of loaded barges had to be
reduced to 9 ft, with a corresponding reduction in weight capacity to 900 tons, and
the width of a tow had to be reduced by a single string of barges because of the nar-
rower navigable channel, Talbot (2006). These measures reduced the capacity of a
single tow to 28800 tons. These measures significantly increased the transportation
costs of the goods and also reduced the total transportation capacity of the Missis-
sippi since there is a limited number of towboats and pilots.
Vessels that carry trucks are categorized as roll-on, roll-off (RORO) if the tractor
remains connected to the trailer, or as “fishyback” if only the trailers are transport-
ed. In general, roll-on, roll-off indicates that the cargo vehicles drive on the vessel
at the origin and drive off the vessel at the destination. An international ocean-going
5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure 143

Fig. 5.11   Map of the inland

navigable waterways in
the eastern United States
(Source: US Corps of Engi-
neers 2006)

example of roll-on, roll-off is the delivery of finished cars to the United States from

5.2.6  Ocean Going

The vast majority of ocean-going cargo vessels carry crude oil and petroleum prod-
ucts, bulk and ore, or intermodal containers. The class of vessels that delivers as-
sembled cars to the United States is an example of another relatively rare type. The
current generation of supertankers that carry crude oil between major oil fields and
refinery ports has a cargo capacity of more than 320000 dwt and are denoted as
Ultra Large Crude Carriers or ULCC.
In October 2000, the USS Cole was being ferried from Yemen to the United
States. The carrier had to take the roundabout route around the Cape Point, at the
southern tip of Africa, because it would not fit through the Suez Canal. The largest
ships that can traverse the Suez Canal are denoted as SuezMax. The limiting factor
for the Suez Canal, which has no locks, is the allowable draft or depth below the
waterline of the ships. A similar situation exists with respect to the Panama Canal,
where some ships are so large that they cannot fit in the various locks when crossing
the Panama Canal. Such ships are called “Post-PanaMax” ships since they cannot
be used for an “all water” route via the Panama Canal between the Atlantic and
Pacific Ocean. Ships that are built to fit exactly in the locks of the Panama Canal
144 5 Transportation Systems

are called PanaMax. Ships that cannot fit through either the Panama or the Suez
Canal are called Capesize, since they have to take a route around the Cape of Good
Hope at the southern tip of Africa and Cape Horn at the southern tip of South Amer-
ica. Other major chokepoints for large oceangoing ships are the Straits of Malacca
between Malaysian peninsula and the island of Sumatra and the English Channel
between England and the European continent. The depth of one of the shallowest
sections of the Straits of Malacca is only 25 m and this limits the allowable draft of
the ships. Sometimes the term Malacamax is used to denote ships that can traverse
the straits. The ULCC Knock Nevis has a draft of 24.6 m and cannot traverse the
Straits of Malacca or the English Channel. It has a length of 458 m and a width of
69 m. It is the largest ship ever built and is currently used as a floating storage and
off-loading (FSO) platform in the port Qatar. One of the largest bulk carriers is the
Berge Stahl or “Steel Mountain”, with a cargo capacity of 365000 dwt. The ship is
343 m long, has a width of 65 m, and a draft of 23 m. It is used for the transport of
iron ore on regular schedule from the mining terminal of Ponta da Madeira in Brazil
to the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
Some of the largest containerships when coming in from Europe to North Amer-
ica will discharge first in the Halifax port, because it is a very deep port. After dis-
charging some of their containers, the ships will not lie as deep in the water as when
fully loaded and then the ships can continue to the more shallow harbors further
south along the US East Coast.
A list of the largest seaports is given in Table  5.2. The Port of Rotterdam is
ranked first in 2003 because of its combined volume of crude oil and intermodal
containers but it dropped to third place in 2005 because of the spectacular growth
of the economies of Southeast Asia and China. The ports of southern Louisiana
and Houston also derive a significant fraction of their total tonnage from crude oil
DP World is seeking approval for London Gateway, a container hub port and
logistics park, 25 miles from London. It would be the country’s and Europe’s largest
logistics park. The proposed port would be able to handle 3.5 million TEU annually
along 2.3 km of container docking berths at an estimated cost of $3 billion. The
port would also include other terminals, free trade zones, and logistics facilities,
(Outsourced Logistics 2008).

5.2.7  Intermodal Transportation Systems

Intermodal freight transportation refers to the transportation of freight in containers

by multiple transportation modes, such as ship, train, and truck, without handling
of the freight inside the containers. This containerization reduces the handling and
associated handling cost of the freight, improves security, reduces damage and loss,
and reduces the transit time of the freight. The two main disadvantages of the use
of these standardized and reusable containers are the requirement of transportation
5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure 145

Table 5.2   Largest seaports in the world 2008 (millions of tons). (Source: AAPA www.aapa-ports.
Rank Port Country Measure 2008 Tons (M) Metric Tons (M)
1 Singapore Singapore FT 515 524
2 Shanghai China MT 508 508
3 Rotterdam Netherlands MT 421 421
4 Tianjin China MT 365 365
5 Ningbo China MT 362 362
6 Guangzhou China MT 347 347
7 Qingdao China MT 278 278
8 Hong Kong China MT 259 259
9 Qinhuangdao China MT 252 193
10 Dalian China MT 246 246
11 Busan South Korea RT 242 246
12 Nagoya Japan FT 218 222
13 Shenzhen China MT 211 211
14 South Louisiana US MT 203 203
15 Houston US MT 192 192
16 Antwerp Belgium MT 189 189
17 Ulsan South Korea RT 170 173
18 Chiba Japan FT 165 168
19 Port Hedland Australia MT 159 159
20 Port Kelang Malasyia FT 152 155
21 Rizhao China MT 151 151
22 Yingkou China MT 151 151
23 Kaohsiung Taiwan MT 147 147
24 Inchon South Korea RT 142 144
25 Yokohama Japan FT 142 144
MT metric ton, FT freight ton, RT revenue ton (conversions to metric tons estimated)

quantities corresponding to full containers and the management and transportation

of empty containers to balance the container flows.
Figure 5.12 shows an example of the required material handling equipment to
unload an ocean-going container ship in a semi-automated manner. The tall cranes
in the left picture are the quay cranes that unload the containers from the ship.
The schedule of unloading operations is computer-generated, but the movements
are controlled by human operators. The containers are then placed on the orange
automated guided vehicles (AGVs), of which one is shown in the foreground. The
AGVs are fully computer controlled. The AGVs transport the containers to the yard
cranes. The yard cranes pick up the containers from the AGVs and put them in
stacks of up to three containers for temporary storage. Later the yard cranes will
pick up the containers again and take them to waiting trucks, railroad cars, or again
to the AGVs for further transportation by container ship. The yard cranes are also
fully computer controlled. Maximizing the throughput and responsiveness of the
combined material handling systems requires extensive computer support for the
execution and planning of material handling moves and stores. The feasibility and
146 5 Transportation Systems

Fig. 5.12   Material handling equipment in an intermodal container port (Photo of Europe Com-
bined Terminal (ECT), Rotterdam, The Netherlands)

efficiency of the scheduling rules are tested by a large simulation model of the com-
bined material handling devices. The system shown is installed at the container port
of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Similar automated container unloading operations
are also under consideration in the ports of Singapore, Hong Kong, and Inchon in
South Korea. One of the most modern and automated container ports to date is the
port of Hamburg (CTA) that uses AGVs and a system of twin gantry cranes in the
yard. Each set of twin yard cranes serves the same container storage locations in the
yard and are constructed so that they can pass each other. One of the driving forces
for the automation is the desire to operate the port facilities 24 hours a day, seven
days a week so that the time in port of container ships is minimized.
The trend in ocean-going container ships is towards ever increasing ship size and
capacity. It is impossible for a printed publication to remain up to date in listing the
largest ships or ship to port visits. The following provides a brief list of benchmarks
in container shipping. In 1998 the Sovereign Maersk was launched and became the
world’s largest container vessel, able to carry over 6500 20 ft-long containers (TEU
or Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit). A less frequently used unit of container capacity
and throughput is Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit or FEU. In 2003 a new class of ves-
sels was deployed with a capacity of 8000 TEUs. The OOCL vessel Shenzhen was
the first vessel of this class, later joined by its sister ship the Rotterdam. In 2005 the
CMA CGM Otello ship with a capacity of 8488 TEUs was placed into service and
it became the largest container ship to enter the Belgium port of Zeebrugge. Also
in 2005, the sister ships MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company) Susanna and
Pamela, each with a capacity of 9200 TEUs and a length of 336.7 m, were the larg-
est container ships ever to dock at the port of Antwerp, Belgium. Currently vessels
with a 10500 TEUs capacity are being built and ships with capacity of up to 12000
TEUs are being planned.
For the container ship Shenzhen, the containers are stacked seven high above
the deck and nine high below deck. The containers above and below the deck are
separated by deck plates. The containers are arranged in 17 rows across the deck.
The annual throughput of the largest container ports is shown in Table 5.3. Only
the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach on the west coast and the combined ports
of New York and New Jersey on the east coast are ranked in the top twenty. The
5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure 147

Table 5.3   Largest seaport container ports in 2008. (Source: AAPA (2008)
Rank Port Country 2008
1 Singapore Singapore 29.918
2 Shanghai China 28.006
3 Hong Kong China 24.494
4 Shenzhen China 21.416
Los Angeles/Long Beach United States 14.200
5 Busan South Korea 13.446
6 Dubai Ports UAE 11.827
7 Ningbo China 11.226
8 Guangzhou China 11.001
9 Rotterdam Netherlands 10.784
10 Qingdao China 10.024
11 Hamburg Germany 9.737
12 Kaohsiung Taiwan 9.677
13 Antwerp Belgium 8.663
14 Tianjin China 8.503
15 Port Kelang Malasyia 7.974
16 Los Angeles US 7.850
17 Long Beach US 6.350
18 Bremen/Bremerhaven Germany 5.488
19 Tanjung Pelepas Malasyia 5.466
20 New York/New Jersey US 5.265
21 Laem Chabang Thailand 5.128
22 Xiamen China 5.035
23 Dalian China 4.526
24 Tanjung Priok Indonesia 3.984
25 Nhava Sheva India 3.953
Freight in M TEUs.

Europort of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, (ECT) has become the largest container
terminal in Europe, with over 10 million containers shipped in 2008.

5.2.8  Air

International air cargo is carried most often by wide-body aircraft called jumbo jets.
The biggest jumbo jet currently in use is the Boeing 747, which can carry about 125
tons or 273000 pounds. One major package carrier company has placed orders for
the super-jumbo Airbus 380 airplane, which carry a list price of $280 million. The
Airbus 380 has a freight capacity of 150 tons or 330000 pounds. The planes are
scheduled to be delivered starting in 2008 (FedEx) but the delivery of the planes
has been repeatedly delayed. The planes will be able to fly nonstop between the
sortation hubs of the package carriers and China. The planes were purchased to
provide additional transportation capacity, given the sharply growing trans-pacific
148 5 Transportation Systems








2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Singapore Ningbo Antwerp Tanjung Pelepas

Shanghai Guangzhou Los Angeles Laem Chabang
Hong Kong Rotterdam Long Beach Bremen/Bremerhaven
Shenzhen Qingdao Port Klang Tokyo
Busan Hamburg Tianjin Xiamen
Dubai Kaohsiung New York/New Jersey

Fig. 5.13   Growth of largest seaport container ports 2004–2008. (Source: AAPA (www.aapa-ports.

trade volumes while at the same time flights and gates are strictly limited by inter-
national aviation treaties. The large planes will enable the package carriers to get
larger volume and efficiencies out of their existing take-off and landing slots.
The Antonov 225 is used to transport the Russian space shuttle between air
fields. Finally, Boeing uses the 747 Large Cargo Freighter to transport parts for its
new Dreamliner 787 plane from various component suppliers in the world to its
assembly plant.
The largest airports with respect to handling air cargo are shown in Table 5.4.
Memphis and Louisville are the sortation hubs of the two major package carriers,
FedEx and UPS, respectively. Anchorage is a refueling stop for the flights from the
two package sortation hubs in the United States to China.
5.2 Transportation Modes and Infrastructure 149

5.2.9  Space

Increasingly the transportation operations into space and in particular into low
orbital space are evaluated by the same criteria of performance and price as the
more traditional transportation operations. Building the international space sta-
tion, that will circle the earth in the twenty-first century, will require numer-
ous space carrier trips from earth to a low orbit. According to the Atlanta Jour-
nal and Constitution the average cost of launching one pound into earth or-
bit at the end of 1999 was about $5000 (AJC, 19 September, 1999, pp.  G4).
During 2004, while the space shuttle fleet was grounded, the international

Table 5.4   Largest cargo airports in 2009. (Source: Airports Council International (ACI) www.
Rank Airport Airport code Country Total tons % Change
1 Memphis MEM USA 3,697,185 0.4
2 Hong Kong HKG Hong Kong 3,384,765 (7.5)
3 Shanghai PVG China 2,539,284 (2.3)
4 Incheon ICN South Korea 2,313,001 (4.6)
5 Anchorage ANC USA 1,990,061 (14.9)
6 Louisville SDF USA 1,949,130 (1.3)
7 Dubai DXB Arab Emirates 1,927,520 5.6
8 Frankfurt FRA Germany 1,887,718 (10.6)
9 Tokyo (Narita) NRT Japan 1,851,972 (11.8)
10 Paris CDG France 1,818,503 (10.8)
11 Singapore SIN Singapore 1,660,851 (11.8)
12 Miami MIA USA 1,557,401 (13.8)
13 Los Angeles LAX USA 1,506,295 (7.6)
14 Beijing PEK China 1,420,977 4.0
15 Tapei TPE Taiwan 1,358,304 (9.0)
16 London LHR Great Brittain 1,349,574 (9.2)
17 Amsterdam AMS Netherlands 1,314,938 (17.9)
18 Chicago ORD USA 1,150,027 (14.1)
19 New York JFK USA 1,135,043 (21.8)
20 Bangkok BKK Thailand 1,045,194 (10.9)
21 Guangzhou CAN China 955,271 39.3
22 Indianapolis IND USA 900,583 (9.0)
23 Tokyo HND Japan 779,103 (8.3)
24 Newark EWR USA 767,668 (13.5)
25 Luxembourg LUX Luxembourg 628,641 (20.2)
26 Osaka KIX Japan 608,871 (28.0)
27 Shenzhen SZX China 606,013 1.3
28 Dallas/Fort Worth DFW USA 601,780 (8.6)
29 Kuala Lumpur KUL Malaysia 601,409 (9.7)
30 Mumbai BOM India 568,007 1.6
Loaded and unloaded freight and mail in metric tons.
150 5 Transportation Systems

space station had to be supplied by conventional unmanned Russian rockets. The

load carrying capacity of the cargo rockets was not sufficient, so that at one time the
inventory of food on the space station ran dangerously low.
It is instructive to compare the payload capacities of the carriers used by the
various transportation modes. A standard over-the-road tractor-trailer truck with an
approximate capacity of 25 metric tons for packaged goods and 35 metric tons for
bulk and liquid goods will be used as reference. The Alaska pipeline transported in
2006 on average 64 million liters a day or 64000 m3 per day. This is roughly equiva-
lent to 2000 tanker trucks per day. The space shuttles can carry 22 tons into orbit,
which is roughly equivalent to one truck. The large cargo airplanes can carry up to
150 tons of freight, which is equivalent to 6 trucks. A bulk railroad car can hold up
to 100 tons. A unit train can contain up to 100 cars, so its total payload is 10000
tons, which is equivalent to 300 trucks. A unit train with double stacked intermodal
containers can transport 200 containers, which is equivalent to 200 trucks. A barge
tow on the lower Mississippi is configured as five barges wide by eight barges long.
Each barge can hold 1500 tons, so the total payload of a tow is equal to 60000 tons,
which is equivalent to 1800 trucks. A large container ship holds 17 parallel rows of
containers, 15 containers high, and 19 containers long, for a total load of about 4500
FEU or 9000 TEU containers. This is equivalent to 4500 trucks. The largest ULCC
crude carrier can hold up to 560000 deadweight tons of crude petroleum, which is
equivalent to 17000 trucks. A typical ULCC crude carrier with a capacity of 415000
deadweight tons of crude petroleum is equivalent to 12500 trucks. The largest bulk
carrier has a capacity of 365000 freight tons of iron ore, which is equivalent to
11000 trucks.

5.3 Transportation Documents and Contract Terms

The terms of the international sales contract between buyer and seller that specify
the transportation and duty obligations are called Incoterms (International Com-
mercial Terms). These terms can be set on a contract by contract basis and a large
variety of Incoterms are used in practice. The most current definitions of 13 stan-
dardized Incoterms are published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
FOB or Free On Board indicates that the seller pays the freight costs to deliver
the goods past the ship’s rail in the port of export. However, many variations and
ambiguities exist depending on exactly where the goods are made available to buyer
at the seller’s expense. If the carrier is a not a ship, the Incoterms FCA, Free Car-
rier, should be used. EXW at the sellers dock, also known as Ex Works, transfers the
ownership and cost and duty responsibilities as soon as possible to the buyer. CIF
or Cost, Insurance, and Freight indicates that the seller will pay the costs, freight,
and insurance to deliver the goods past the ship’s rail to a specified port of import.
Again, many variations exist depending on exactly where the goods are made avail-
able to the buyer. If the carrier is not a ship, the Incoterms CIP, Carriage and Insur-
5.3 Transportation Documents and Contract Terms 151

Table 5.5   ICC incoterms Label Name

2000 list
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To (location)
CPT Carriage Paid To (location)
DAF Delivered At Frontier (location)
DDP Delivered Duty Paid (at location)
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid (at location)
EXW Ex Works (at location)
FCA Free Carrier (at location)
Following terms apply to ocean carriage
FAS Free Alongside Ship (at port)
FOB Free On Board (at port)
CFR Cost and Freight (at port)
CIF Cost, Insurance, and Freight (at port)
DES Delivered Ex Ship (at port)
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay (at port)

ance Paid, should be used. DDP at the buyers dock, also known as Delivered with
Duty Paid, delivers the goods to the buyer’s receiving dock with any import duties
already satisfied. EXW and DDP are the two extremes of the range of Incoterms,
where EXW represents the minimum obligation for the seller and DDP represents
the maximum obligation for the seller. In all but one of the standard Incoterms the
buyer pays the duties. The exception is “Delivered with Duty Paid” (DDP), where
the seller pays the duties. The ICC recommends that any use of Incoterms refer-
ences both “Incoterms 2000” and the explicit location of the transfer of obligations
between seller and buyer. An example of the correct usage is “CIF Port of Singapore
Incoterms 2000.”
The bill of lading (BOL) is the most important document in the shipping process.
A BOL is required for each shipment, and acts as a receipt and a contract. A properly
completed BOL legally shows the shipper that has ownership of the goods, that the
carrier has received the freight as described, and is obligated to deliver that freight
in good condition to the destination (consignee). A closely related document is the
freight bill. A freight bill is a multiple copy document issued by a commercial carri-
er which generally contains the name of the carrier, the name and the location of the
shipper and the consignee, the shipping date, a description of the commodity to be
transported, the rate, the total freight charge, and whether the freight charge is col-
lect or prepaid. The freight bill should consist of at least three copies. The original,
which is delivered to the shipper and serves as the carrier’s invoice; the consignee’s
copy, which is retained by the recipient who signs for the delivery of the shipment;
and the delivery receipt copy, which is retained by the carrier as proof of delivery.
A foreign trade zone (FTZ), also called a free trade zone is a commerce site
set up in or near customs ports of entry where merchandise is considered legally
outside the country’s territory. Duties or taxes only have to be paid when the goods
leave the foreign trade zone and are imported into the country. Goods do not have to
be imported into the country but may be held or processed in the foreign trade zone
152 5 Transportation Systems

and then exported to a third country without incurring duties. A common example of
free trade zone is the duty-free shop area in international airports.
Foreign trade zones have the following main benefits. Duties are deferred and
may be reduced since merchandise in inventory within an FTZ may be held indefi-
nitely without paying customs duty. Duties are only paid when the merchandise is
brought into country. If a corporation combines domestic and foreign goods in an
FTZ, duty is paid only on the foreign content of the finished product imported.
Goods may be stored, processed, and assembled, displayed, or destroyed while in
the zone. Goods imported and stored in a Foreign Trade Zone may be re-exported
without ever incurring duties, avoiding lengthy duty drawback procedures. Goods
imported and held in an FTZ are not subject to state and local value-added taxes.
Most state and county tax authorities exempt all merchandise in an FTZ from in-
ventory taxation. To obtain this favorable status, the operations in a free trade zone
are subjected to additional documentation requirements and the free trade zone in-
frastructure, such as warehouse facilities, has to be physically separated from the
surrounding area.

5.4 Exercises

True-False Questions 
  1. A first order approximation of the weight capacity of an over-the-road trailer
for bulk goods is 20 metric tons, (T/F) ______.
  2. A freight bill for a shipment does not include prices and rate information for
that shipment, (T/F) ______.
  3. A freight bill is a legal contract between the shipper and the carrier for the
movement of the designated freight between the indicated sites, with reason-
able dispatch, and without damage, (T/F) ______.
  4. A slurry is transportation technology where solid products are suspended
in liquid and then pumped through a pipeline between different locations,
(T/F) ______.
  5. A transport broker functions as the middleman between the carrier and
the shipper and assumes liability for the timely transportation of the goods,
(T/F) ______.
  6. Consolidation will yield relative greater benefits if the original shipment size is
larger, (T/F) ______.
  7. Contract carriers hire themselves out to service all shippers that want to use
their services, (T/F) ______.
  8. Demurrage refers to the penalty charges imposed on a shipper if it retains a
transportation carrier beyond an allowed free time period, (T/F) ______.
  9. Empty container management, movement, and storage are significant costs for
the logistics systems using intermodal containers, (T/F) _____.
10. F.O.B. pricing means that the sales price includes the transportation costs to the
final customer, (T/F) ______.
References 153

11. Low variable costs and high fixed costs create significant economies of scale in
railroad transportation costs, (T/F) ______.
12. Piggyback refers to the shipment of over the road containers in a convoy of
trucks, (T/F) ______.
13. Railroad corporations have a higher fixed cost but lower operating cost than a
highway transportation corporations that can handle equivalent transportation
requests, (T/F) ______.
14. The average amount of goods in a LTL shipment is larger than in a CL ship-
ment, (T/F) ______.
15. The average delivery time is inversely related to the cost per flow unit per mile
in the major transportation modes, (T/F) ______.
16. The fundamental principle of freight consolidation is to reduce costs by achiev-
ing economies of scale on the transportation moves, (T/F) ______.
17. The rates for first class mail in the United States are an example of uniform or
distance-invariant rates, (T/F) ______.
18. The relatively low fixed costs of highway motor carriers tend to create a
larger turnover of carrier corporations than for other transportation modes,
(T/F) ______.
19. The standard size for a full size intermodal container is 8 (w) by 8 (h) by 40 (l)
feet, (T/F) ______.

Giant Trucks  A recent development in over-the-road freight transportation is

the use of so called “giant trucks”, also called “gigaliners” in the UK and “riesen-
laster” in Germany. Give the definition of a giant truck, including its dimensions
and numerical characteristics relevant to freight transportation. Describe the main
advantages and disadvantages of using this type of trucks. Finally, identify product
groups for which or geographical regions where the use of such giant trucks may
become a common occurrence. Finally, compare giant trucks with tractor-trailer
trucks with an extra trailer with respect to their dimensions and operating character-
istics and give advantages and disadvantages of each type.


AAPA. (2008). American Association of Port Authorities. Accessed Sep

Alstom. (2007).
Atlanta Journal-Constitution. (2008). Why did gasoline supplies go south. Atlanta Journal-Consti-
tution. 05-Oct-2008, p. A8.
Ballou, R. H. (1999). Business logistics management (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Blanchard, D. (2010). The state of the logistics market, 2010. Material Handling Management, 7.
Economist. (2009). Steel and Brass. Economist, 13-Jun-2009, p. 70.
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). (2003). High-speed rail technology development. http://
Outsourced Logistics. (2008). The UK’s new $3 billion port gets the go-ahead. Outsourced Lo-
gistics, 1(2), 10.
154 5 Transportation Systems

Talbot, C. (2006). Mississippi dangerously low. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 30-Aug-2006, p. C3

from the Associated Press.
Trunick, P. A. (2003). Time for a change. Chief Logistics Officer, 8, 25–29.
Trunick, P. A. (2004). How to beat the high cost of shipping. Logistics Today, 7, 26–29.
Trunick, P. A. (2005). Can we hold the line on logistics costs? Logistics Today, 8, 27–30.
Trunick, P. A. (2006). Good shippers hold the line on costs. Logistics Today, 47(8), 1–16.
Trunick, P. A. (2008). US Logistics Costs Rise in 2007. Outsourced Logistics, 1(5), 41–42.
United States Corps of Engineers. (2006).
Vachini, P. (2008). Coping with India. Outsourced Logistics, 1(2), 8–9.
Wilson, R. (2007). 18th Annual The State of Logistics Report: The New Face of Logistics. CSCMP.
Chapter 6
Single Flow Routing Through a Network

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should:
• Know the classification system for vehicle routing problems and algorithms.
• For the class of single-flow routing problems you should know:
− The characteristics of the base problem and various variants.
− The mathematical formulation.
− Dijkstra’s solution algorithm.
− How to solve problems of modest size with a computer program.

6.1 Vehicle Routing Systems Classification

The classification of vehicle routing applications, formulations, and algorithms is

based on three characteristics. The first characteristic is if either one or more ve-
hicles are used. If only a single vehicle is used, there is no assignment decision
regarding which task is to be executed by which vehicle. This is clearly an easier
problem than if multiple vehicles are present and assignment decisions have to be
made. The second characteristic is if the decisions have to consider the status of the
vehicles before and after the execution of the transportation services. The first class
does not consider the status of the vehicle before the origin of the transportation task
or the status of the vehicle after the completion of the task at the destination of the
transportation task. If the prior and posterior statuses of the vehicles do not have to
be considered, the transportation tasks can be thought of as performed by different
and independent vehicles. This class of problems is called origin-destination rout-
ing or also flow routing. These problems are easier to solve than problems where
the transportation requests have to be jointly served by one or more vehicles. Trans-
portation tasks are jointly served when service of one request changes the status of
the vehicle so that it impacts the service of other transportation requests. Examples
include the case where the location at the end of servicing one request impacts the
costs for starting the service of another request and the case where there is a cost
associated with moving the empty vehicle after all requests have been satisfied.

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 155

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_6, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
156 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

Fig. 6.1   Transportation Number of Vehicles Single Multiple

models classification Vehicle Status
Request-Only (Flow) Single Flow (SPP) Multiple Flows (NFP)
Single Vehicle Multiple Vehicles
Prior & Post (Vehicle) Roundtrip (TSP) Roundtrip (VRP)

It should be noted that the term “vehicle” here is used as the generic term for a
transportation asset that performs transportation tasks, such as trucks, planes, ships,
taxis, buses, etc. The first class considers the transportation tasks more from the
shipper’s point of view since it does not consider the status of the vehicle after the
transportation request has been completed. The second class considers the tasks
more from the carrier’s point of view since they have to consider the status of the
vehicle. The classification system is illustrated in Fig. 6.1 and the acronym for a
prominent problem in each class is also shown. The acronyms are defined below in
their respective sections.
The third characteristic is whether the problem explicitly considers multiple time
periods. If a problem ignores the time periods, has only a single period, or if the
transportation decisions in the different time periods are independent, then the prob-
lem is said to be static. A problem is dynamic if it considers multiple time periods
and the decisions in each time period are dependent.

6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing

This problem is more often called the shortest path problem (SPP). It should be
noted that the set partitioning problem is another frequently used problem in trans-
portation models that has an identical acronym, so the SPP acronym has to be care-
fully interpreted. The set partitioning problem is discussed in the framework of
single and multiple vehicle roundtrip routing.

6.2.1  Shortest Path Applications Driving Instructions

You can request driving directions between any two addresses in the continental
United States from a variety of websites. To respond to your query, the software
must find the shortest path between two points on the underlying street network
in the United States. The street network is based on the TIGER files, which are
published by the U.S. Census Bureau and are completely revised every 10 years on
a rotating basis for different areas of the country. Driving directions produced by a
popular personal computer application for the trip from state road Georgia 400 to
the Atlanta airport are shown in graphical and text format in Figs. 6.2 and 6.3.
Conceptually, the physical road network is abstracted to a mathematical network,
where the road intersections correspond to the nodes in the network and the road
6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 157

Fig. 6.2   Route-planning software illustration. (Map generated by Microsoft MapPoint 2010)

Time Mile Instruction For

Summary: 30.3 miles (31 minutes)
9:00 AM 0 Depart near Roswell on US-19 [SR-400] (South-West) 7.9 mi
9:08 AM 7.9 At exit 4B, road name changes to SR-400 [N Fulton Expy] 0.4 mi
9:08 AM 8.2 At exit 3, turn RIGHT onto Ramp 0.3 mi
9:08 AM 8.6 Keep LEFT to stay on Ramp 0.7 mi
9:09 AM 9.3 *Toll road* Merge onto SR-400 [Turner McDonald Pkwy] 1.1 mi
9:10 AM 10.4 *Toll road* Keep LEFT onto Local road(s) 0.3 mi
9:11 AM 10.7 *Toll road* Merge onto SR-400 [Turner McDonald Pkwy] 1.9 mi
9:13 AM 12.6 Stay on SR-400 [Turner McDonald Pkwy] (South) 2.5 mi
9:15 AM 15.1 Merge onto I-85 [SR-403] 2.8 mi
9:18 AM 17.9 Merge onto I-75 [I-85] 7.3 mi
9:26 AM 25.3 At exit 242, keep RIGHT onto I-85 [242] 3.7 mi
9:29 AM 28.9 At exit 72, turn RIGHT onto Ramp 0.4 mi
9:30 AM 29.4 Road name changes to Airport Blvd 0.9 mi
9:31 AM 30.3 Arrive near College Park

Fig. 6.3   Route planning driving instructions

158 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

Fig. 6.4   Major road net- s

work to abstract network 400
transformation 75
1 2


6 7 20 8


10 ATL
t 11


segments between intersections corresponds to edges in the network. In Fig. 6.4, the

network based on the interstates and some of the major state roads for the Atlanta
metropolitan area is shown. It can be used to plan a trip from the starting point in
the northern suburbs of Atlanta, denoted by the start node s, to the destination node
corresponding to the Atlanta airport, denoted by the terminal node t. The example
network consists of 13 nodes and 25 edges, but a real network would contain many
more nodes and edges.
Finding the shortest path or directions between two locations is a typical ex-
ample of the engineering modeling approach. The map and the origin and destina-
tion locations correspond to the data. The abstracted road network with its edges,
intersections, and travel lengths forms the information. Finally, after executing a
solution algorithm, the shortest path between the origin and destination locations is
known and this corresponds to the knowledge how to travel with the shortest travel
distance from the origin to the destination. Equipment Replacement

A typical decision to be made in equipment replacement planning is when to replace

a particular vehicle or machine with a newer model. This decision is usually based
6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 159

on the tradeoff between the leasing cost and maintenance cost, where it is assumed
that the newer equipment will have a higher leasing cost but a lower maintenance
cost and that the used equipment will have the opposite cost characteristics. It is also
assumed that a vehicle must be available during the entire planning horizon.
The corresponding network has a node for each time period during the planning
horizon. Each decision for machine deployment can be represented as an arc from
the starting period to the end period of the usage of that machine. The length of
the arc is equal to sum of the leasing and maintenance costs over the correspond-
ing lifetime of the vehicle discounted to the present time. The least cost equipment
replacement schedule can then be found as the shortest path from the start node to
the end node of the planning horizon.

6.2.2  Shortest Path Problem (SPP)

In all of the above examples and applications, the real world planning problem is
reduced to an abstract network, consisting of nodes and undirected edges or directed
arcs. Transportation can only occur over the network links between the network
nodes and travel starts at the start node s and ends at the terminal node t. The net-
work links have a length corresponding to a real-world travel length, travel dura-
tion, or cost. The objective is to find the shortest path from start node s to terminal
node t.
When solving a real world problem with the SPP two major tasks have to be
completed. The first task is the abstraction of the real world problem to a SPP. This
task requires the identification of the real world entities corresponding to the nodes
and the edges of the network and the determination of the cost computation method
for the cost on each edge. The second task is the solution of the abstracted SPP. This
task requires the identification of the proper variant of the SPP and of the solution
algorithm best suited for this variant. If no implementation of the algorithm is avail-
able, the algorithm has to be implemented and tested. Finally, the problem instance
has to be solved and the obtained solution has to be validated. The first task is task-
specific and different for every problem and requires problem understanding and an
engineering design methodology. The second task is generic since it is executed for
a standardized problem formulation. It requires techniques from computer science
and software development. Solution algorithms have been described in the litera-
ture and standard solver implementations are available. Shortest Path Formulation

The SPP can be thought of as finding the minimum cost path for sending one unit
of flow from the origin to the destination node. The SPP is thus a sub class of the
minimum cost network flow problem, or MCNFP. The following notation was intro-
duced for describing minimum cost network flow problems. The objective is to find
160 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

a minimum cost set of flows ( x) that satisfy the external flow requirements ( b). There
is also one constraint for each node that ensures the conservation of flow in that node.
xij Flow on the directed arc from node i to node j
cij Unit cost for one unit flow transported from node i to node j
bi External flow for node i (1 for the source node, −1 for the destination node,
zero for intermediate nodes)
Formulation 6.1 Shortest Path Formulation as a Minimum Cost Network Flow

Min cij xij
i j
s.t. xhi − xij = bi ∀i
h j
0 ≤ xij ∀ij

Since SPP is a subproblem of the MCNFP, it can be solved with standard network
flow algorithms. This will be discussed further in detail below. However, because of
its simple structure, the SPP can be solved very efficiently with a greedy algorithm
provided that none of the edge costs are negative. This algorithm was originally
proposed by Dijkstra (1959).

6.2.3  Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm Algorithm Description

Algorithms for determining the shortest path are based on the notion of one or more
labels associated with each node. At the start of the algorithm all labels are called
temporary. Temporary labels are upper bounds on the length of the shortest path
from the starting node to the corresponding node. Label setting algorithms convert
one temporary label to a permanent label during each iteration. A permanent label
is the exact shortest path length from the starting node to the corresponding node.
Dijkstra’s algorithm belongs to this class of label setting algorithms.
The following notation is used in the description of Dijkstra’s algorithm
N, D Set of all nodes and destination nodes, respectively
T, P Set of nodes with temporary and permanent labels, respectively
l(k) Label of node k
ckj Length of the edge between nodes k and j
 (k) Set of successor nodes of node k, also called the forward star of node k,
which is the set of nodes for which an edge or arc from node k to this node
pred(k) The predecessor node on the current shortest path to node k
6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 161

The algorithm has an initialization phase and then a main iterative phase. In the
initialization phase, all the node labels are set to infinity and are set to temporary.
The label of the origin node s is set to zero and is set to temporary. The main phase
iteratively executes the following four steps.

1. Find the node p with the minimum temporary label l(p) = min x∈T
2. For all the successor nodes of node p with temporary labels, update their labels
if necessary to indicate a reduced shortest path length to those nodes. The update
formula for the temporary labels is

l(x) = min{l(x), l(p) + cpx }

If the temporary label was reduced, then the predecessor node on the current
shortest path to node x is set to the node p, i.e. pred(x) = p
3. Since node p is the node with the smallest temporary label and all edge costs are
nonnegative, no shorter path to node p can exist. So l( p) is the exact length of the
shortest path to node p and the label of node p can be marked as permanent
4. If all destination nodes have permanent labels stop, else go to step 1
Dijkstra’s algorithm can be described very compactly in pseudo-code. Such descrip-
tion is useful as the communication mechanism between the operations research
analyst and the computer science programmer, since it describes all the steps in the
algorithm uniquely and completely, but without describing the low level details,
execution steps, and data structures.
Algorithm 6.1. Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm for Dense Graphs in
Pseudo-Code Shortest Path Algorithm Illustration

The SPP algorithm is illustrated in the following small network shown in Figs. 6.5
and 6.6. The number on each edge indicates the length or cost of this edge. The
callout for each node gives the label of that node and its predecessor node if it has
162 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

Fig. 6.5   Shortest path prob- ∞

lem SPP1
1 ∞
3 3
0 ∞
3 ∞
s 5 2
∞ 6

Fig. 6.6   Shortest path prob- 3,s

lem SPP1 solution
3 3
0 5,s
3 12,3
s 5 2
7,s 6

been determined. The first figure shows the network after the initialization phase,
the second figure shows the network after the algorithm has completed. The shortest
path length to node t is equal to 12 and it reaches node t from node 3. The complete
shortest path can then be found by back tracing through the predecessor nodes. For
example, the shortest path to node 3 has a length of 9 and it reaches node 3 from
node 1. The shortest path is shown by bold edges in the second network. Dijkstra’s SPP Algorithm Characteristics

Dijkstra’ algorithm is a classic example of forward dynamic programming. It bases

the optimality of its final path on the principle of optimality and the property of
nonnegative arc or edge lengths. The result of the algorithm is a directed tree rooted
at the origin node s.
Computationally, the most expensive step is the identification of the node with
the lowest temporary label. Finding the lowest temporary label involves testing a
maximum of n nodes and this process has to be repeated for n iterations. Hence, the
total algorithm complexity is O(n2 ) for this implementation.
The maximum size problem that can be solved in a reasonable amount of time
depends on the speed of the computer, but problem sizes from 100,000 to 1,000,000
nodes are feasible with contemporary personal computers.
6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 163

The density of a graph is the number of edges or arcs present in the graph divided
by the total number of edges or arcs possible, which is equal to n( n−1) for edges
and 2n( n−1) for arcs. If every node is connected with every other node, the graph
is called a complete graph and its density equals one. So the density of a graph is a
number between 0 and 1. The implementation described above is only efficient for
high-density graphs.
A graph is said to be sparse if it has a low density. For sparse graphs the above
implementation is inefficient. Assume the temporary labels are stored in an ordered
sequence by increasing value. Since, during each iteration only a few temporary
labels may change, the ordered sequence of temporary labels may change only in
a few locations. It would be inefficient to examine the whole sequence during each
iteration to find the minimum temporary label. For sparse graphs it is more efficient
to store and maintain the temporary labels in a heap structure. Finding the tempo-
rary label with the lowest value then involves just removing the label at the top of
the heap. Several heap implementations exist, such as binary, Fibonnaci, and radix
heaps. The computational complexity for the SPP algorithm is O(m + n · log n)
for the Fibonacci heap and O((m + n) · log n) for the binary heap. The reduced
execution times have to be balanced against the significantly longer implementation
times. Two of the main advantages of Dijkstra’s algorithm are its simple data and
execution structures, while heap implementations are significantly more intricate.
Even using the standard type library (STL) to implement the heap, programs based
on the heap implantation will be hundreds of times larger and more complex than
Dijkstra’s algorithm. The corresponding implementation effort is only justified if
the SPP will be solved repeatedly or has to be solved for extremely large problem
instances. Dijkstra’s algorithm would not be a good choice of algorithm to find the
shortest path over a road network to determine driving directions between two ad-
dresses or locations. SPP2 Algorithm Example

A somewhat larger example of the SPP is given next. Table  6.1 gives the asym-
metrical distances between the nodes and Fig. 6.7 shows the network with the data.
Figure 6.8 shows the solution of SPP2 from node 1 to node 4.

Table 6.1  Shortest path

example SPP2 distance
164 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

∞ ∞

2 18 3


0 ∞
3 4

1 4



∞ ∞

9 9 6



∞ ∞

8 23 5

Fig. 6.7   Shortest path example SPP2 network

5,7 23,2

2 18 3



0 7,7
3 4


1 4



11,8 17,7

9 9 6


6,1 12,4

8 23 5

Fig. 6.8   Shortest path example SPP2 solution

6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 165

The solid edges indicate bidirectional connectors with identical symmetric dis-
tances in both directions, the dashed edges indicate asymmetric, one-directional
Because of the theoretical interest and the simplicity of the SPP and Dijkstra’s
algorithm for it, it has been discussed widely in reference publications and on the
Internet. Among others, Athanasios (2006) created a JAVA applet implementing
Dijstra’s shortest path algorithm that nicely illustrates the dynamic programming
progression. This applet is located on the personal home page of this student in
computer science, so the applet may not be available in the future. Shortest Path Problem (SPP) Variants

A large number of applications can be abstracted to the either the classic SPP or one
of its variants. Some of the most frequently used variants are described next.

One Source to One Sink (s to t)

This is the classic and original variant described above. Dijkstra (1959) was one of
the first to propose an optimal algorithm for solving this problem, which is based on
forward dynamic programming. Each node has a single label. All nodes start out as
having a temporary label. The algorithm converts during each iteration the label of
one node from temporary to permanent. This classic algorithm is easy to implement
and relatively efficient, so that problems that have up to 1,000,000 nodes can be
solved in reasonable time on contemporary computers.

One Source to All Sinks (s to all)

This variant determines the shortest path from one source to all possible destination
nodes. When solved with Dijkstra’s algorithm, this problem requires very little ad-
ditional computations. In essence, the computations continue after the label of the
first destination node has become permanent until the labels of all destination nodes
have become permanent.

All Pairs

This variant determines the shortest path from all source nodes to all possible des-
tination nodes.
166 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

k Shortest Paths

This variant determines not just the shortest path between an origin and destination
node, but also the next k−1 shortest paths. It is primarily used when one is interested
in performing sensitivity analysis on the shortest path, since the incremental cost
or regret between the first and second shortest path to a node will be known at the
completion of the algorithm.

General Costs

All the variants described above rely on the property that no edge or arc exists that
has a negative cost. This implies that the cumulative cost along the edges of a path
is non-decreasing. The algorithms used to solve these problems belong to the class
of label setting algorithms. If edges with negative costs exist, the problem is said to
have general costs. The algorithms used to solve the general cost problem belong
to the class of label correcting algorithms. These algorithms are much less efficient
than label setting algorithms, so much smaller problems can be solved to optimality.
All labels are converted from temporary to permanent in the last iteration.
Finally, if a monotonically nondecreasing status variable along the path exists,
then negative arc costs are allowed. Each node no longer will a have a single la-
bel, but may have multiple labels in function of the nondecreasing status variable.
During every iteration a single label of a node, but not the node itself, is converted
from temporary to permanent. While the algorithm is executing, a node will have
a number of labels, some of which may be permanent and some of which may be
temporary. An example of this variant with general costs is the pricing subproblem
of the set partitioning formulation and algorithm for roundtrip vehicle routing. In
this example, the nondecreasing status variable is the cumulative amount of goods
to be delivered by the vehicle on its route. When a vehicle visits a node, the amount
of goods delivered by the vehicle always increases and total amount is limited by
the vehicle capacity, so the number of nodes visited on a route is limited. This vari-
ant is discussed later in detail in the set partitioning problem (SPP) algorithm for
vehicle routing problems (VRP).

Longest Path in Acyclic Graphs

In all the variants described so far the objective has been to find the shortest path
between the origin and destination node. In project management, one is often inter-
ested in finding the minimum total duration of the project. A project network is a
type of network used to represent the activities and events in project scheduling and
management. A node in the network corresponds to an event and an arc to an activ-
ity or task. Possible events are (1) the start of the project, (2) the completion of a
project, and (3) the completion of one or more task or activities to be executed in the
6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 167

project. The activities may have precedence relationships, i.e., one activity cannot
be started until one or more other activities have been completed. The existence of
an arc from node i to node j implies that task i has to be completed before task j can
be started and the length of an arc is the duration of the task. A path is a sequence of
activities satisfying the precedence constraints, i.e., a feasible sequence. The tasks
on the longest path from start to end node are called critical since they determine the
minimum total project length. Tasks that are not on the critical path may have some
slack time and the reduction of the duration of those tasks will not reduce the overall
project duration. Two historical project management methods that use the longest
path algorithm are the critical path method (CPM) and the program evaluation and
review technique (PERT). PERT was first used in the 1950s to manage the building
process of the Polaris, which was the first nuclear ballistic submarine of the U. S.
Navy. PERT is used to manage large-scale and complex projects. CPM was used
by the Dupont Company to manage industrial construction projects. CPM has been
used extensively both in paper-and-pencil implementation as well as in contempo-
rary project management software such as Microsoft Project for the management of
projects in construction, product development, and software development.
Note that the standard shortest path algorithm by Dijkstra has to be modified in
two ways. First, the maximum operator is used to determine the new label of the
successor nodes. Second, if the successor node had permanent label and this label
value is increased, i.e. there is a net change, then the label of this successor node has
to be made temporary again. The modified Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the longest
path is shown below in pseudo code. Other algorithms for determining the longest
path have been developed, but the above modification is very simple to implement
even though the computational complexity increases as compared to the standard
Dijkstra’s algorithm. Note that if a directed cycle exists in the graph, the algorithm
will never terminate execution. The existence of a directed cycle indicates there is
no feasible solution to the project management problem since at least two tasks ex-
ist that are mutually dependent, i.e., each task has to be completed before the other
task can start.
Algorithm 6.2. Longest Path Algorithm for Dense Graphs in Pseudo-Code 
168 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

State Transition Diagram

Often problems can be reduced to finding the optimal path through a state transition
diagram. A state transition diagram is a network, where each node corresponds to
a feasible state of the system and where the arcs correspond to feasible transitions
from one state to another state. The optimal path may be the shortest or longest path
from the initial state to the final state. Reducing the problem involves the determi-
nation of a concise and complete characterization of the state of the system and the
determination of all the feasible states and feasible transitions.
Consider the classic puzzle of three water jugs. An 8-gallon jug is filled with
water. In addition, one empty 5-gallon and one empty 3-gallon jug are also given.
Your task is to find a sequence of pours to divide the 8 gallons of water into two
equal parts of 4 gallons using only the three containers. No other measuring devices
are allowed. What is the smallest number of transfers or pours that are needed to
achieve this division.
One solution method consists of constructing a state transition diagram for this
problem and finding the shortest path through the network, where the length of each
arc is equal to one. The nodes of the network correspond to all the feasible states
of the water in the containers. The arcs correspond to possible transitions between
those states. The state of the system is encoded in a 3-tuple; corresponding to the
amount of water in the 8-, 5-, and 3- gallon jug, respectively. The start node is indi-
cated by ( 8,0,0) and the end node is indicated by ( 4,4,0) since only the two largest
containers can hold 4 gallons. From the start node, only two feasible nodes can be
reached, namely ( 3,5,0) and ( 5,0,3).
The corresponding network with all feasible states and feasible transitions is
shown in Fig. 6.9. The arcs are drawn as dashed lines and their direction is indicated
by an arrowhead. Bidirectional edges are drawn as solid lines. Executing an edge
more than once will only increase the total number of pours without reaching a new
state, so in the optimal pouring plan no edge will be executed more than once. The
index of each feasible state is shown in the circle next to the node. Based on this
network, the smallest number of pours required to divide the water in half is equal
to seven.

6.2.4  Minimum Cost Network Flow Formulation of the SPP

Earlier the SPP was formulated as a minimum cost network flow problem (MCNFP)
in (6.1). The SPP is equivalent to finding the flow path with the minimum cost from
the origin node s to the destination node t for a single unit of flow. The external in-
flow (supply) at node s is thus one and the external out-flow (demand) at node t is
negative one, and all other nodes have no external flows. The flow variables will
never be larger than one, since the only required flow to the outside is equal to one.
Hence, there are no upper or lower bounds besides the nonnegativity constraints
6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 169

Fig. 6.9   Water pouring

puzzle network

8,0,0 1

2 3,5,0 0,5,3 5,0,3 4

5 3,2,3 5,3,0 6

7 6,2,0 2,3,3 8

9 6,0,2 2,5,1 10

11 1,5,2 7,0,1 12

13 1,4,3 7,1,0 14

15 4,4,0 4,1,3 16
170 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

The complete mathematical formulation for the shortest path problem shown
in Fig. 6.5 is given below. There are six nodes in the SPP and seven arcs. The cor-
responding MCNFP has thus seven flow variables and six conservation of flow

min 3xs1 + 5xs2 + 7xs4 + 6x13 + 5x23 + 3x3t + 6x4t

s.t. 1 − xs1 − xs2 − xs4 = 0
x13 − xs1 = 0
x23 − xs2 = 0
x3t − x13 − x23 = 0
x4t − xs4 = 0
−x3t − x4t = −1

Single-commodity MCNFP formulations can be very efficiently solved by a variety

of linear programming (LP) solvers, since the basis can be stored very compactly
and updating the basis does not require matrix inversion. Solving with Excel Shortest Path Spreadsheet and Solver

The solution of the example problem depicted in Fig. 6.7 with the solver included
in Microsoft Excel is illustrated in the following eight figures. The first four figures
show the data and status of the solution before the solver has been executed. The
two dialog windows for the solver execution are shown next. Finally, the solution is
shown in the last two figures.
Figure 6.10 shows the structure of the network through a two-dimensional adja-
cency matrix. The matrix has a row for every source node and a column for every
destination node. If an arc exists in the network from the source to the destina-
tion node, the capacity of that arc is given in the corresponding cell. Since in the
MCNFP formulation for the SPP only a single-flow unit is transported all capacities
in this case can be set equal to one. It should be noted that this adjacency matrix
is asymmetrical to correspond to the asymmetrical structure of the network. For

Fig. 6.10   SPP2 Excel

spreadsheet arc capacities
6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 171

Fig. 6.11   SPP2 Excel spread-

sheet arc costs

Fig. 6.12   SPP2 Excel

spreadsheet initial flow

example, there is a capacity present from node 4 to node 6, but the corresponding
capacity from node 6 to node 4 is not present.
It also should be noted that the adjacency matrix representation of a network is
a very simple and intuitive representation method that is highly compatible with
spreadsheet software. However, it is highly inefficient with respect to memory stor-
age space and execution time for large problem instances and sparse networks.
Figure 6.11 gives the arc costs in the same two-dimensional adjacency matrix
Figure 6.12 shows the section of the spreadsheet corresponding to the flow vari-
ables. It has the same two-dimensional adjacency matrix structure augmented with
rows and columns to check for conservation of flow. For each source node the sum
of the outgoing flows is computed in column K and for each destination node the
sum of all the incoming flows in computed in row 37. The difference between out-
going and incoming flows is computed in row 38. Given the sign convention for
incoming and outgoing flows, the difference in row 38 is computed as the sum of
the outgoing flows minus the sum of the incoming flows. This difference must equal
the external flows for each node, which are shown in row 39.
Figure 6.13 shows the computation of the objective function in the same two-
dimensional adjacency structure. Each cell computes the product of the flow quan-
tity times the unit flow cost. Since at this time all flows are still equal to zero, all
elements in the matrix are zero. The sum of the flow costs for source nodes and
destination nodes is computed in column K and row 52, respectively. The total
172 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

Fig. 6.13   SPP2 Excel

spreadsheet initial objective

Fig. 6.14   SPP2 Excel

spreadsheet solver parameters

Fig. 6.15   SPP2 Excel

spreadsheet solver options

flow cost is then computed in cell K52. This quantity could have been computed
directly with the Excel function SUMPRODUCT but the adjacency matrix structure
provides additional information on which individual flows and nodes contribute to
the total cost.
Figures  6.14 and 6.15 show the dialog windows that define the problem and
specify the solver control parameters for this network flow problem. The objective
is to minimize the total flow cost, computed in cell K52 as sum of the products of
6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 173

Fig. 6.16   SPP2 Excel

spreadsheet solution flows

Fig. 6.17   SPP2 Excel

spreadsheet solution objec-
tive function

flow values and unit flow costs. The decision variables are the flow variables stored
in the adjacency matrix cells B28:J36. There are two types of constraints present in
this formulation. The first set is the upper bound constraints on the individual flow
values. Each flow value must be less than or equal to the corresponding arc capac-
ity. This yields the constraint B28:J36 ≤ B4:J12. The second set of constraints model
the conservation of flow for each node. The internal flow balance must be equal to
the external flow quantities. This yields the constraint B38:J38 = B39:J39.
The MCNFP has only nonnegative variables and linear objective and constraints.
It can thus be solved with the linear programming algorithm of the solver. The two
major control parameters in the Options dialog window that need to be specified are
“Assume Linear Model” and “Assume Nonnegative”. The solver finds the optimal
solution for this particular example in a fraction of a second.
In Figs. 6.16 and 6.17, the solution flow variables and objective function values
are shown. The cells in the spreadsheet have conditional formatting assigned to
them, so that they are shaded if there is a nonzero value stored in them. The shortest
path from node 1 to node 4 runs through node 7 and the length of the shortest path
equals 7. The second figure details the cost contributions of the individual transpor-
tation moves.
174 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network Solving with AMPL Mathematical Programming Language

The solution of the example problem depicted in Fig. 6.7 with the AMPL ( A Math
Programming Language) mathematical programming language is illustrated in the
following four listings of text files. The listings correspond to the model, data, ex-
ecution, and output files, respectively. The first list shows the model, which is a
generic single commodity minimum cost network flow (MCNFP) formulation. This
model will also be used in the next chapter on multiple flows routing, but since the
shortest path problem is subclass of minimum cost network flow problem the model
can be used here without any modification. Many alternative AMPL models for the
minimum cost network flow problem exist and some of these can be found on the
AMPL web site.
The model contains nodes and arcs. The nodes are either sources, sinks, or in-
ternal nodes depending on if they have external flow entering as supply, external
flow leaving as demand, or no external flow, respectively. AMPL performs a feasi-

Listing 6.1   AMPL MCNFP Model File

6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 175

Listing 6.2   AMPL SPP2 Data File

176 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

Listing 6.3   AMPL SPP2

Execution File

bility check before the solver execution to ensure that the total supply in all of the
source nodes is larger than the total demand. The arcs are defined by their origin
and destination nodes. Arc origin nodes are either sources or internal nodes. If the
sink nodes have also outgoing arcs, then the origin nodes are the union of all three
types of nodes. Arc destination nodes are either sink nodes or internal nodes. If the
source nodes have also incoming arcs, then the destination nodes are the union of all
three types of nodes. Each arc has a cost, capacity, and arc flow, all of which have
to be nonnegative. The arc flow has to no larger than the arc capacity. The objective
of this formulation is to minimize the total transportation cost which is the sum of
the products of the arc flow and arc cost over all the arcs. Finally, for each node a
conservation of flow constraints exists, which ensures that the external flow equals
the difference between the out flows and the in flows. A supply is modeled with a
positive external flow and a demand is modeled as a negative external flow.
The data for the shortest path example is shown in Listing 6.2. There are nine
nodes, one source node (1), one sink node (4), and nine internal nodes. Because
many of the arcs are bidirectional, the source node 1 and the sink node 4 are at
same time internal nodes and source and sink node, respectively. There are 36 one-
directional arcs. The arc data is given at the end of the listing with the origin node,
destination node, arc cost, and arc capacity listed on a single line for each arc.
Listing 6.3 shows the sequence of the commands in the run file, which controls
the execution of the AMPL program. This execution or run file has by convention
the extension “run.” The name of the run file is the only command line argument
for the AMPL program. The first line identifies the model file, which by convention
has the extension “mod.” For the shortest path problem the model is the standard
minimum cost network model. For this particular problem instance the source node
is also a destination node and the sink node is also an origin node for several bidi-
rectional arcs, so the extended model file “MinCost_Network_BD.mod” has to be
used. The second line identifies the data file, which by convention has the exten-
sion “dat.” The third line contains the “solve” command, which causes the model
to be solved by the default solver. Finally, the fourth line displays the flows in the
solution. Further information on the AMPL language can be found in Fourer et al.
(2002) and on the website of the AMPL Optimization LLC.
Finally, Listing 6.4 shows the output log generated by the execution of the run
file with the AMPL program. The solver used in this case was CPLEX. The optimal
solution value found was equal to 7 and there were two nonzero flows on the arc
(1,7) and (7,1). This solution is identical to the solution found by the Excel solver
and by the manual execution of Dijkstra’s algorithm. The listing shows the arc flows
in the default output format. The output format can be customized using the AMPL
6.2 Single Vehicle Origin–Destination Routing 177

Listing 6.4   AMPL SPP2

Output Log

Listing 6.5   SPP1

Example in LP

The AMPL program uses ASCII text input and output files as its user interface
and as consequence does not have the same intuitive graphical user interface as the
Excel program. However, the model file size does not change or grow with the size
of the instance data and the size of the data file grows proportional to the number
of nodes and arcs in the instance. As a consequence the AMPL program can handle
much larger problem instances. Typically, AMPL is interfaced with either Excel or
a database program such as Access, that contain the arc data and in which the arc
flow solution is stored.
Other mathematical programming modeling languages and modeling front-ends
for mixed-integer programming solvers exist, both as open source and proprietary
applications. Solving the SPP Formulation in LP Format

Finally, a MCNFP problem can be formulated in the LP format and stored in a file.
The LP format corresponds to an explicit algebraic formulation of the problem.
Many LP solvers have the capability to read a problem formulation in the LP format
and then to solve the problem. The LP format is defined in the CPLEX File For-
mats Manual (ILOG 2003). The SPP1 example formulation in LP format is given
in Fig. 6.5. The problem formulation file has by convention the extension “lp” and
is an ASCII text file. Note that this file contains both the model and the data in an
integrated format. The LP format is nearly identical to the algebraic formulation of
the problem.
178 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

Listing 6.6   CPLEX Solution Log File of the SPP1 Example

The log file of solving this problem in LP format with the CPLEX solver is
shown next in Listing  6.6. The problem is first read from the input file, next is
solved, and finally the optimal nonnegative values of the decision variables are
written to the log file.
The formulation in LP format uses ASCII text input and output files as its user
interface and as consequence does not have the same intuitive graphical user inter-
face as the Excel program. However, the size of the LP file grows proportional to
the number of nodes and arcs in the instance. As a consequence the LP formula-
tion file can handle much larger problem instances than Excel. The LP formulation
format mixes the model and the data and so if the data changes or another problem
has to be solved then a new formulation file has to be generated. The LP formula-
tion also requires additional programming if it is to be interfaced with a database
implemented in Excel or Access. In addition, the user is responsible for defining the
variable notation and the use of set notation is not allowed. As such the LP formula-
tion is situated in between the very intuitive but less powerful solution methodology
using Excel and the powerful and programming oriented solution methodology of
mathematical programming languages such as AMPL.

6.3 Exercises

True/False Questions 
1. The largest problem instances of the Shortest Path Problem that can be solved in
a reasonable amount of computer time contain about 2400 nodes. (T/F) _____.

Shortest Path Exercise  Consider the network given in Fig.  6.18. The length of
each arcs is shown on the arc, with arrows indicated the arc length in a particu-
lar direction. Initial labels are shown above or below the nodes. Find manually
6.3 Exercises 179

2 5→,1← 5

0 4→,1← 6→,2←
7→,2← ∞
1 ∞ 6→,1←
5→,2← 7
6↓ 4
4→,1← 6
2→,3← ∞

Fig. 6.18   Shortest path exercise

Table 6.2   Troop deployment project data

Symbol Task Required time Immediate
(weeks) predecessors
A Assemble troops and material in home base 3
B Transport troops to departure airport 1 A
C Transport heavy weapons and supplies to 3 A
departure port
D Transport troops to foreign assembly base 3 B,F
E Transport heavy weapons to foreign port 6 C
F Transport supplies to foreign port 4 C
G Transport heavy weapons to foreign base 4 E,F
H Transport supplies to foreign base 3 F
I Join troops, supplies, and heavy weapons 3 D,G,H

the shortest path from node 1 to node 7 with Dijkstra’s algorithm. Create the files
required to solve the shortest path problem given in Fig. 6.18 with AMPL. Give the
model, data, execution, and output log file.
Troop Deployment Project  You are asked to determine the critical path in the
following troop deployment project for which the data are given in Table 6.2 and
Fig. 6.19. Immediate predecessor tasks have to be completed before the current task
can start.
Complete the project network based on the data given in the table. This includes
indicating the length of a task on its arc and drawing any additional precedence arcs
if necessary. If you added any arcs, list them next indicating their origin and destina-
tion node and length. Give the formula to update the critical path length to a node.
Use the notation developed in class and used in the notes. Give a clear legend of the
180 6 Single Flow Routing Through a Network

Fig. 6.19   Troop deployment

project network

1 2 5 7 8

4 6

variables, parameters, and other notation you may have used. Determine the critical
path to node 8. Show clearly for each node its critical path length next to the node.
Finally, clearly show the critical path from node 1 to node 8. Give the length of the
critical path and give the sequence of nodes on the critical path.


Ahuja, R., Magnanti, T., & Orlin, J. (1993). Network flows. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
AMPL Optimization LLC,
Athanasios, P. (2006). Minimum route finder using Dijkstra’s algorithm. http://students.ceid.upa- Accessed Jan 2006.
Ball, M. O., Magnanti, T. L., Monma, C. L., & Nemhauser, G. L. (Eds.). (1995). Network routing.
Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Christofides, N. (1975). Graph theory: An algorithmic approach. New York: Academic Press.
Evans, J., & Minieka, E. (1992). Optimization algorithms for networks and graphs (2nd ed.). New
York: Marcel Dekker.
Fourer, R., Gay, D. M., & Kernighan, B. W. (2002). AMPL: A modeling language for mathemati-
cal programming (2nd ed.). Belmont: Duxbury Press.
Golden, B., & Assad, A. (Eds.). (1988). Vehicle routing: Methods and studies. Amsterdam: North
ILOG CPLEX File Formats. (2003). ILOG Corporation.
Kennington, J., & Helgason, R. (1980). Algorithms for network programming. New York: Wiley.
Chapter 7
Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should:
• Know the classification system for vehicle routing problems and algorithms.
• For the class of multiple flows routing through a network you should know:
− The characteristics of the base problem and various variants.
− The mathematical formulation.
− Simple solution algorithms.
− How to solve problems of modest size with a computer program.

7.1 Introduction

Network flow models are some of the most frequently used tools for the planning of
logistics systems because there exists a natural correspondence between the math-
ematical network flow formulation and the elements of the real-world supply chain
network. The supply chain network consists of a number of suppliers that gener-
ate products transported over transportation channels through various intermediate
facilities to a number of customers. Limiting capacities may exist on the transpor-
tation channels, the intermediate facilities, and capacity limitations on available
goods at the suppliers may also exist. Demand satisfaction of the customers cor-
responds to a required outflow of products from the network. The mathematical
network consists of nodes and arcs. The nodes can be further classified as sources
that generate flow, intermediate nodes that neither generate nor consume flow, and
destinations that consume flow. The nodes are connected by directional arcs. The
arcs may have capacity limitations for individual flow types or jointly for all flows.
A network flow schematic is illustrated in Fig. 7.1.
A supply network for a small single-commodity example is shown in Fig. 7.2.
The supply network contains three echelons, consisting of manufacturing plants
(M), distribution centers (W), and customers (C). It also contains a common source
of raw materials (Sup) and an external supplier of finished products (Ext). The com-
plete network consists of 11 nodes and 24 arcs. All flow enters the network through

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 181

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_7, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
182 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

Fig. 7.1   Multiple origin Supplies Demands

and destination network
illustration A D




Fig. 7.2   Supply network


either the Sup or Ext suppliers and leaves the network through the three customer
If the flow transportations have to be managed and tracked over time, a time-ex-
panded network flow formulation is often used. A time-expanded network consists
of a number of parallel network flow structures, one for each time period and each
of which has the structure described above. The networks for an individual time
period can be thought of as two-dimensional parallel panes or layers in the overall
three-dimensional time-expanded network. In addition, there exist a number of arcs
that connect the equivalent nodes in the networks for different time periods. An
illustration of a time-expanded network is shown in Fig. 7.3, where for simplicity
and display reasons, the network for an individual time period is shown in a one-di-
mensional column and the time-expanded network becomes a two-dimensional net-
work. Diagonal and angled arcs correspond to transportation actions where goods
are moved between geographically different nodes and those moves required one or
more time units. Those arcs are typically called transportation arcs. Horizontal arcs
correspond to goods that move from one time period to the next time period in the
same facility. Those arcs correspond to goods held in storage and are often called
inventory arcs or holding arcs.
Two types of objectives are common in network flow formulations. The first
objective attempts to transport a required or maximum amount of flow from the
sources to the sinks. This type of network flow problem is called the “min-cut,
max-flow problem” or MCMFP. Some of the early research on this type of network
dates back to the early days of the Cold War; see Ford and Fulkerson (1956) and
7.1 Introduction 183

2 A A A A






t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4

Fig. 7.3   Time-expanded network illustration

Schrijver (1990), where both the United States and Soviet Union were interested in
how much flow could be transported over the Soviet rail network to Western Europe
(max flow) and in identifying the bottlenecks on the transportation quantities (min
cut). MCMFP are often used in flow capacity models and flow models for the public
sector. Contemporary examples are emergency evacuation of high-rise buildings
and determination of hurricane evacuation routes.
The second type of network flow problem has a cost minimization objective
function. Transportation of a unit of flow through a transportation arc incurs a cost.
The overall objective is to satisfy all the flow requirements in a feasible manner at
a minimal cost. This type of network flow problem is called a “minimum cost net-
work flow problem,” or MCNFP. This type of model is very frequently used in the
tactical planning for logistics networks.
Because of its prevalence and practical importance, extensive research has been
performed on the efficient solution of large-scale network flow problems. At the
current time, the most efficient solution method is based on the network simplex
184 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

algorithm. Single commodity problems with several hundreds of thousands of

transportation channels can be solved in acceptable time on contemporary personal

7.2 Network Variants and Applications

7.2.1  Network Variants

Transportation Problem (TP)  In addition to the two types of network problems

MCMFP and MCNFP as identified above, several other standard network formu-
lations exist. An early type is the transportation problem, or TP. A transportation
network consists solely of source and sinks nodes and source nodes can reach sink
nodes through a single transportation arc. This is in contrast with a more general
transshipment network that also contains intermediate nodes.
Multicommodity Network Flow Problem  A network can either have a single type of
flow or multiple types. The later is called a multicommodity network. In a multicom-
modity network, there exists a variable for each arc and commodity combination.
There exists a conservation of flow constraint for each node and commodity combi-
nation. However, flow capacity constraints are for all commodity flows combined.
Generalized Network  A network is a generalized network when coefficients exist in
the conservation of flow constraints that are different from zero and one. A network
is also a generalized network when there is no conservation of flow for a commod-
ity inside an arc, in other words, there are gains or losses between the entry and the
exit flow of an arc. This generalized network is also called a network flow with
gains. An example of a generalized network with losses is the municipal water net-
work, where water is lost in the pipes and junctions through leaks. Another example
is the distribution network for high-voltage electricity, where the amount of energy
entering the transmission line is not equal to the amount leaving the line due to
transmission line losses.

7.2.2  Applications Tactical Production-Distribution Planning

The tactical production-distribution planning problem finds the minimal cost pro-
duction and transportation flows for a set of commodities from a set of production
facilities to a set of customers. The demand at the customers for the commodities
has to be satisfied and the production facilities have joint-commodity capacity re-
strictions. Each production or transportation flow has an individual unit cost rate.
7.2 Network Variants and Applications 185

The production of commodities at the production facilities have individual resource

requirements. The following notation will be used in formulating the problem.
Parameters and Variables 
P number of products, indexed by p
F number of production facilities, indexed by i
C number of customers, indexed by j
demjp demand for product p by customer j
capi joint-commodity capacity at production facility i
reqip resources required by the production of one unit of product p at facility i
(expressed in the same units as capi)
aip unit production cost for product p at facility i
cijp unit transportation cost for product p from facility i to customer j
xijp amount of flow transported of product p from facility i to customer j
The standard network formulation does not allow having capacities or costs on the
flow through the nodes, only capacities or costs for flows through the arcs. A stan-
dard modeling technique to avoid this limitation is to split the original node with
capacity or cost up into two nodes connected by a single arc. On this arc a flow
capacity and flow cost can then be specified. This technique is illustrated in Fig. 7.4
for the tactical production-distribution planning problem.

Node Capacity Illustration  The formulation of the tactical production–distribution

planning problem is given next. If all reqip are equal and can thus be set equal to
one, the formulation is a network. If not all reqip are equal, the formulation is a
generalized network. The solution times for solving a generalized network are
significantly larger than for solving a network of equivalent size. In addition, the
integrality property does not longer hold for generalized networks and the optimal
solution flows may be fractional.
The formulation has all the production and transportation costs in the objective.
The first constraint set assures that the demand for a product at a customer is satis-
fied with the transportation flows. These constraints are called the demand con-
straints. The second constraint set ensures that the production at each facility does
not consume more resources than are available at this plant. These constraints are
called the capacity constraints.

i (a,cap,x) i' (c,∞,x) dem


i i'
Fig. 7.4   Tactical production– j
distribution planning network
186 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

Formulation 7.1. Tactical Production-Distribution Planning Network

Min (aip + cijp )xijp
i=1 j =1 p=1

 s.t. xijp = demjp ∀jp (7.1)

reqip xijp ≤ capi ∀i
j =1 p=1

xijp ≥ 0 Operator Scheduling

A common labor and resource scheduling task is to determine the number of opera-
tors required for each of the periods in a planning horizon so that adequate service
can be delivered. Examples are the scheduling of customer service agents in call
centers, the scheduling of nurses of different qualification classes in hospital emer-
gency rooms, and the scheduling of cashiers in grocery stores. Each time period
requires a number of operators to provide adequate service. The operators or servers
are available in a number of candidate patterns, which are called shifts. There is a
cost associated with executing a shift and the objective is to minimize the total cost
of executed shifts while providing the required service. The following notation will
be used in formulating the problem.
Parameters and Variables 
M time periods indexed by i
bi number of operators required during period i
cj cost for one operator performing shift j
aj vector for shift j whose elements aij are equal to one if shift j services time
period i, zero otherwise. The shift is assumed to cover consecutive time periods.
xj number of operators performing shift j
The formulation minimizes the total cost of the operators. The single constraint set
ensures that for each time period a sufficient number of operators are on duty.
Formulation 7.2. Operator Scheduling Formulation

 Min cx
s.t. Ax ≥ b (7.2)

The constraints for a small example are shown next. There are five time periods and
the required number of workers in each time period is shown in the column b at the
right. In this example, there are five possible shifts or work patterns.
7.2 Network Variants and Applications 187

   
0 1 0 1 1 5
 1 1 0 0 1   12 
   
 1 1 0 0 1 x ≥  8 
   
 1 1 0 0 0   10 
1 1 1 0 0 4

This formulation can be transformed into a network flow formulation, provided the
work patterns cover consecutive periods. This property is called the consecutive
ones property. The transformation has three steps.
1. Add the negative identity matrix corresponding to the row surplus variables y.
2. Add a row of zeroes corresponding to the flow balance constraint of node or
period N + 1.
3. Execute iteratively the following linear row operation

row[r + 1] = row[r + 1] − row[r] for r = N down to 1

The constraint matrix after the transformation is shown below. There are now ten
columns, corresponding to five possible work patterns and five time periods. Each
column contains a single positive and negative one, indicating this column corre-
sponds to a directed arc. The positive one corresponds to the start node of the arc
and the negative one corresponds to the terminal node of the arc. There are six rows,
corresponding to the flow conservation constraints for N + 1 nodes. The first column
corresponds to the arc going from node 2 to node 6 and the flow variable x1. Finally,
the right-hand side column now indicates the external flows to the network nodes.
Positive external flows indicate flow coming into the node; negative external flows
indicated flow leaving the node. The y surplus variables indicate backwards flows.

 0 1 0 1 1 −1 0 0 0 0   5 
 1 0 0 −1 0 1 −1 0 0 0   7 
  
 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −1 0 0   x   −4 
  =  
 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 1 −1 0   y   2 
 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 −1   −6 
   
 −11 −1 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1   −4 

Illustration  The network corresponding to the constraint matrix above is

illustrated in Fig. 7.5. For example, the flow on the arc x5 denotes the number
of operators that start at the beginning of time period 1 and end their shift at the
end of time period 4. Note that the requirements for the integrality property are
satisfied and the decision variables will automatically take integer values in the
optimal solution.
If the cost of executing a shift is equal to the number of periods covered by the
shift then the cost coefficients are given by (4, 5, 1, 1, 3). The optimal solution to
the example is then (7, 3, 0, 0, 2) with a solution value equal to 49. The network
with the optimal solution flows is shown in Fig. 7.6. Arcs with a nonnegative flow
are shown in bold. The slack flows corresponding to periods 3 and 5 have positive
188 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

Fig. 7.5   Operator scheduling x2

network x1
x4 x3
y1 y2 y3 y4 y5
1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 7.6   Operator scheduling x2=3
solution network x1=7
x4 x3
y1 y2 y3=4 y4 y5=6
1 2 3 4 5 6

values of 4 and 6, respectively. This implies that there are 4 and 6 extra operators on
duty for those periods, respectively.

7.3 Network Solution Algorithms

7.3.1  Successive Shortest Path Algorithm

An intuitive greedy solution procedure for the single-commodity minimum cost

network flow problem (MCNFP) is to identify the shortest or least cost feasible
path from the source node to a sink node and send as much flow as feasibly possible
along this path from source to sink. A path is considered feasible if it allows ad-
ditional flow from source to sink. While this action is optimal by itself, this greedy
procedure cannot guarantee optimality for the original problem.
The following algorithm adheres to the same general approach but with two
enhancements. The first enhancement is that the arc costs are not only based on the
original cost but also on the current length of the shortest paths to its origin and des-
tination node. This allows for the determination of a shortest least cost path based
on the current flows in the network. At the start of the algorithm there is no current
flow in the network and so the original arc costs are used. The second enhancement
is the introduction of backward arcs. A forward arc on the shortest path is oriented
following the direction of the arc present in the flow path from the origin node to
the destination node for this iteration; a backward arc is oriented the opposite way.
Flows on backward arcs correspond to reducing the current forward flow on those
arcs. This allows for the current flows to be adjusted or corrected from a greedy
solution. The algorithm is denoted as the successive shortest path algorithm and it
guarantees convergence to the optimal solution.
7.3 Network Solution Algorithms 189

While this algorithm can be interpreted in the framework of linear programming,

the following exposition does not rely on linear programming, so prior knowledge
of linear programming is not required. The algorithm consists of the iterative ex-
ecution of two steps. While each step is relatively simple, the iterative nature of the
algorithm makes manual solutions quite tedious. A solution procedure compatible
with Excel spreadsheets and a modeling language solution procedure are presented
following this algorithm.
In the following algorithm description, the potential of a node is the equal to the
shortest path length to this node based on the current flows and arc capacities in the
network. The node potentials are denoted by π and have positive values. The poten-
tial of a node will have nondecreasing values during the sequence of iterations of
the algorithm. The sign of the node potential depends on if the conservation of flow
constraint for a node is written as a greater than or less than or equal constraint. In
this text the node potentials have positive values corresponding to a conservation of
flow constraint written as a less than or equal constraint.
In the following algorithm two classifications for the arcs will be used. During
each iteration a shortest path will be determined. The arcs that are components of
that shortest path will be called forward arcs, the arcs that have the opposite direc-
tion as the forward arcs will be called backward arcs. Typically there is large num-
ber of arcs not involved in the shortest path as either forward or backward arcs. The
shortest path and the set of forward and backward arcs changes from iteration to
iteration. A second classification identifies arcs as regular arcs if they were present
in the original network and as artificial arcs if they were not in the original network.
Obviously this classification does not depend on the iteration. Algorithm Description

1. Start all flows x = 0, all node potentials π = 0.

If there is more than one source node or more than sink node, add a super source
and a super sink node, respectively. Then add arcs from the super source to the
sources and from the sinks to the super sink with cost equal to zero and capacity
equal to the supply and demand of the source and sink node, respectively. Define
the current incremental, residual graph as the original graph. This implies that
the cost of all the arcs is equal to their original cost. The latter is equivalent to
step 6 for all current flows equal to zero initial flows.
2. Find shortest path from source to sink.
Find shortest path from the super source node to the super sink node with Dijks-
tra’s algorithm
If no such path exists, stop, network flow problem is infeasible
3. The arcs on the shortest path are denoted as forward arcs, the arcs in the opposite
direction as backflow or backward arcs.
Compute maximum flow change on the shortest path over the forward arcs
on artificial arcs, δij = xij
on regular arcs, δij = uij − xij
190 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

δ = min δij

4. Augment flow on the forward arcs of the shortest path

on artificial arcs, xij = xij − δ
on regular arcs, xij = xij + δ
Update remaining supply and demand at the source and sink nodes.
5. If the remaining demand is zero, stop, the current flow solution is optimal.
Update the node potentials πi .
k = shortest path sink node and SPLi is the shortest path length to node i
if node i has a permanent label, πi = πi + SPLi
if node i has a temporary label, πi = πi + SPLk
6. Construct the incremental/residual graph. In the first iteration the residual graph
is equal to the original graph.
The residual graph has the same nodes as original graph.
For the forward arcs on the shortest path, if it does not exist already add the
backward arc ji
Update the remaining capacity for the forward arcs along the shortest path
uij = uij − δ and for the backward arcs uij = uij + δ
If xij = uij then eliminate arc ij
If xij < uij then reduced arc cost rcij = cij − πj + πi
If xij > 0 then reduced arc cost rcji = −cij + πj − πi = −rcij
7. Go to step 2 Successive Shortest Path Algorithm Illustration

The five diagrams in Fig. 7.7 illustrate the execution of the iterative steps performed
by the successive shortest path algorithm for a very small network instance. The
first part (a) shows the initial network. The residual or incremental network is equal
to the original network and the arc costs are equal to the initial arc costs. The num-
bers shown for each arc represent the unit cost and the capacity of the arc, respec-
tively. The number shown for each node is the node potential. Finally, the objective
is to find the minimal cost flows for sending four units of flow from node 1 to node
4. This is illustrated by the external flows into node 1 and out of node 4 with quanti-
ties 4 and − 4, respectively.
Part (b) shows the solution of the SPP for iteration 1. The shortest path starts at
node 1, traverses node 2 and terminates at node 4 with length equal to 3. Each node
is shown now with two numbers, the first one is the current node potential and the
second one is the length of the optimal shortest path to this node.
In part (c) the residual graph for iteration 1 is shown. First the node potential for
each node is updated. Since the labels of all nodes in the shortest path step have be-
come permanent, for each node the length of its shortest path is added to its original
node potential. The original node potentials were all zero. Next, the maximum flow
7.3 Network Solution Algorithms 191

0 0,2

2 2
3 3



0 0 0 0,3

4 –4 4 –4

1 1,1 4 1 4
2, 2,
5 5


3 3

0 0,2
a b

2 2,1

2 2


0 3 0 3,1

3 3
0, 0,


1 –1 1 –1

1 4 1 4

0, 0,
5 5


3 3

c 2 d 2,0


0 4


0 0

1 4

e 2

Fig. 7.7   Successive shortest path algorithm illustration

along the new shortest path is determined, new backward arcs are created, the re-
maining arc capacities are updated, and finally the arc costs are updated. The maxi-
mum flow on the shortest path is the minimum of the capacity on the external arcs
and internal arcs (1,2) and (2,4), which is equal to min {3, 5} = 3. Arc (1,2) had the
limiting capacity. The remaining supply and the remaining demand on the source
192 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

and sink node of the shortest path are decreased by the flow quantity. This leaves
a remaining demand of 1 in node 4, hence the algorithm must execute another it-
eration after the residual graph is updated. The backward arc for each arc on the
shortest path is created, which for this iteration corresponds to the creation of arcs
(4,2) and (2,1). The capacity on the forward or original arcs is decreased by the new
flow quantity of 3. This reduces the capacity of arcs (1,2) and (2,4) to 0 and 2, re-
spectively. The arc (1,2), which had the limiting capacity, has an updated remaining
capacity of zero. No further flow can be sent over this arc and it is eliminated for the
shortest path calculations in the next iteration. The capacity on the backward arcs
is increased by the new flow quantity of 3. Since they are created in this iteration,
the backward arcs had no previous capacity and the both have an updated capacity
equal to 3. Finally, the reduced arc costs are updated by subtracting the node poten-
tial of the destination node and adding the node potential of the origin node to the
original arc cost. Note that forward and backward arcs on the shortest path all must
have updated costs equal to zero and no arc can have a negative updated reduced
arc cost.
Since remaining demand exists, the algorithm must execute the next iteration on
the updated residual graph. In part (d) the shortest path in the updated residual net-
work of part (c) is determined. The second number for each node is the node label or
the shortest path length to this node and all node labels are permanent. The shortest
path starts at node 1, traverses nodes 3 and 2, and terminates at node 4 with length
equal to 1. This path length is the additional length required to reach the destination
node above the node potential of the destination node.
In part (e) the residual graph for iteration two is shown. First the potential for
every node are updated. Since the labels of all nodes in the shortest path step have
become permanent, for each node the length of its optimal shortest path is added
to its original node potential. Next, the maximum flow along the new shortest path
is determined, new backward arcs are created, the remaining arc capacities are up-
dated, and finally the arc costs are updated. The maximum flow on the shortest path
is the minimum of the (remaining) capacity on the external arcs and the internal
arcs (1,3), (3,2), and (2,4), which is equal to min {1, 5, 1, 2, |−1|} = 1. Three arcs
have the limiting capacity. When the remaining supply and the remaining demand
on the source and sink node of the shortest path are decreased by the flow quantity,
the remaining demand is equal to zero and the algorithm will terminate at the end
of this step. The backward arc for each arc on the shortest path is created, which for
this iteration corresponds to the creation of arcs (2,3) and (3,1). The capacity on the
forward or original arcs is decreased by the new flow quantity of 1. This reduces
the capacity of arcs (1,3) and (3,2) to 4 and 0, respectively. The arc (3,2), which had
the limiting capacity, has an updated remaining capacity of zero. The capacity on
the backward arcs is increased by the new flow quantity of 1. The capacity of the
backward arcs (4,2), (2,3) and (3, 1) is update to 4, 1, and 1, respectively. Finally,
the reduced arc costs are updated by subtracting the node potential of the destination
node and adding the node potential of the origin node to the original arc cost. Note
that forward and backward arcs on the shortest path all must have updated costs
equal to zero and no arc can have a negative updated arc cost.
7.3 Network Solution Algorithms 193

In each iteration, the first step that finds the shortest path is equivalent to a pric-
ing problem. The pricing problem attempts to find a new feasible flow path to send
additional flow. If no such flow path exists, then the problem is infeasible. The sec-
ond step of each iteration updates the current state of the network and is equivalent
to a master problem. The master problem updates the remaining capacities and node
potentials and provides new pricing information to the shortest path problem in the
form of updates of the reduced arc costs. Successive Shortest Path Algorithm Example

In the following figures the execution of the successive shortest path algorithms for
a slightly larger problem instance is illustrated. The algorithm requires five itera-
tions, each consisting out of two steps. The network with the original data is shown
in Fig. 7.8. The objective is to find the minimum cost flows to send 30 units of flow
from node 1 to node 7. The numbers on the arcs indicated the current cost followed
by the remaining capacity on the arc. The numbers on the node in the shortest path
step indicated the shortest path length to the node, followed by the index of the pre-
decessor node on the shortest path. An optimal shortest path length or, equivalently,
a permanent node label is indicated by an asterisk. In the residual network step, the
number on the node indicates the updated node potential.
The first shortest path has a length of 22 and the node labels on all nodes have
become permanent. The arcs on the shortest path are shown in bold in Fig. 7.9.
Arc (4,3) has the limiting capacity and twelve flow units can be sent over the
shortest path. The four backward arcs are constructed, each with a capacity equal
to twelve. The forward arcs on the shortest path have their capacity reduced by
twelve. This eliminates are (4,3) which has an updated capacity equal to zero. The

∞ ∞

2 25,17 3

7,16 10,16 5,22

4,18 6,12 ∞

0,30 1 13,11 12,16 7 0,30
28,13 3,10 7,5

Fig. 7.8   Successive shortest path example data

194 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

7*,1 17*,4

2 25,17 3

7,16 10,16 5,22

4,18 6,12 22*,3
0,30 1 12,16 7 0,30
13,11 5

28,13 3,10 7,5



Fig. 7.9   Successive shortest path example first shortest path (Iteration 1A)

updated node potentials are set to the shortest path length to the node. The arc costs
are updated. The costs for the forward and backward arcs on the shortest path are
all equal to zero (Fig. 7.10).
The second shortest path has an incremental length of 1 and the node labels on
all nodes except node 3 have become permanent. The arcs on the shortest path are
shown in bold in Fig. 7.11.
Arc (1,2) has the limiting capacity and four flow units can be sent over the short-
est path. Two new backward arcs are constructed. The backward arcs on the path
have their capacity increased by four and the forward arcs on the shortest path have
their capacity reduced by four. This eliminates are (1,2) which has an updated ca-
pacity equal to zero. The node potentials for all nodes except node 3 are updated by

7 17
2 15,17 3
0,4 0,10
0,12 0,6 0,16 0,12
17 22
0,30,12 1 2,11 5 7,16 7 0,30,12

12,13 2,10 1,5


Fig. 7.10   Successive shortest path example first incremental graph (Iteration 1B)
7.3 Network Solution Algorithms 195

7,0*,1 17,15,2

2 15,17 3
0,4 0,10
0,12 0,6 0,16 0,12 0,12 22,1*,6
0,12 17,0*,2
0,30,12 1 7,16 7 0,30,12
2,11 5

12,13 2,10 1,5



Fig. 7.11   Successive shortest path example second shortest path (Iteration 2A)

adding the shortest path length to this node. The node potential for node 3 is updated
by adding the shortest path length of the destination node 7, which is equal to 1. The
updated node potential for node 3 is then 17 + 1 = 18. The reduced arc costs are up-
dated. The costs for the forward and backward arcs on the shortest path are all equal
to zero. The updated arc cost for the backward arc (3,4) is equal to − (6 − 18 + 11) = 1.
The updated arc cost for the corresponding forward arc (4,3) would have been −1
and negative arc costs are not allowed. However, the remaining capacity of arc (4,3)
is zero and this arc has been eliminated. See Fig. 7.12.
The third shortest path has a (incremental) length of two and the node labels on
all nodes except node 3 have become permanent. The arcs on the shortest path are
shown in bold in Fig. 7.13.
Arc (6,7) has the limiting capacity and a single flow unit can be sent over the
shortest path. One new backward arc (4,1) is constructed. The backward arcs on the

7 18

2 14,17 3

0,16 0,2 0,16 1,12 0,12 23
0,16 17
0,30,16 1 6,16 7 0,30,16
2,11 5
0,15 2,10 0,4


Fig. 7.12   Successive shortest path example second incremental graph (Iteration 2B)
196 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

7,2*,4 18,16,2

2 14,17 3
0,16 0,2 0,16 1,12 0,12 23,2*,6
0,16 17,2*,2
0,30,16 1 6,16 7 0,30,16
2,11 5
0,15 2,10 0,4


Fig. 7.13   Successive shortest path example third shortest path (Iteration 3A)

path have their capacity increase by 1 and the forward arcs on the shortest path have
their capacity reduced by 1. This eliminates are (6,7) which has an updated capacity
equal to zero. The node potentials for all nodes except node 3 are updated by add-
ing the shortest path length to the node. The node potential for node 3 is updated
by adding the shortest path length of the destination node 7, which is equal to 2.
The updated node potential for node 3 is then 18 + 2 = 20. The arc costs are updated.
The costs for the forward and backward arcs on the shortest path are all equal to
zero. The updated arc cost for the backward arc (3,4) is equal to (6 − 20 + 13) = 1.
See Fig. 7.14.
The fourth shortest path has a (incremental) length of six and the node labels on
all nodes except node 3 have become permanent. The arcs on the shortest path are
shown in bold in Fig. 7.15.

9 20

2 14,17 3
0,16 0,2 0,16 1,12 0,12 25
0,16 19
0,30,17 1 0,10 7 0,30,17
5 6,16
0,1 4

0,14 2,10 0,5


Fig. 7.14   Successive shortest path example third incremental graph (Iteration 3B)
7.3 Network Solution Algorithms 197

9,0*,4 20,14,2

2 14,17 3

0,16 0,2 0,16 1,12 0,12 25,6*,5
0,16 19,0*,2
0,30,17 1 0,10 6,16 7 0,30,17
0,1 4
0,14 2,10 0,5


Fig. 7.15   Successive shortest path example fourth shortest path (Iteration 4A)

Arc (1,4) has the limiting capacity and ten units of flow can be sent over the
shortest path. Two new backward arcs (7,5) and (5,2) are constructed. The back-
ward arcs on the path have their capacity increased by ten and the forward arcs on
the shortest path have their capacity reduced by ten. Observe that artificial arc (4,2)
is oriented in the direction of the shortest path, so it is part of the forward arcs and
its remaining capacity will be reduced. Regular arc (2,4) is part of the backward arcs
in this iteration and its remaining capacity will be increased. This corresponds to the
reduction of the flow quantity on arc (2,4) that was found in an earlier iteration. This
eliminates arc (1,4) which has an updated capacity equal to zero. The node poten-
tials for all nodes except node 3 are updated by adding the shortest path length to the
node. The node potential for node 3 is updated by adding the shortest path length of
the destination node 7, which is equal to 6. The updated node potential for node 3
is then 20 + 6 = 26. The reduced arc costs are updated. The costs for the forward and
backward arcs on the shortest path are all equal to zero. The updated reduced arc
cost for the backward arc (3,4) is equal to − (6 − 26 + 13) = 7. See Fig. 7.16.
The fifth shortest path has a (incremental) length of ten and the node labels on
all nodes except node 3 have become permanent. The arcs on the shortest path are
shown in bold in Fig. 7.17.
The external arcs into node 1 and out of node 7 have the limiting capacity and three
units of flow can be sent over the shortest path. One new backward arc (6,1) is construct-
ed. The backward arcs on the path have their capacity increased by three and the forward
arcs on the shortest path have their capacity reduced by three. Observe that arcs (4,2)
and (6,4) are oriented in the direction of the shortest path, so they are part of the forward
arcs and their remaining capacity will be reduced. Arcs (2,4) and (4,6) are part of the
backward arcs in this iteration and their remaining capacity will be increased. This cor-
responds to the reduction of the flow quantities on arcs (2,4) and (4,6) that were found in
an earlier iteration. Since all demands have been satisfied, the algorithm stops at the end
of this iteration. The node potentials for all nodes except node 3 are updated by adding
the shortest path length to the node. The node potential for node 3 is updated by adding
198 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

9 26

2 8,17 3

0,6 0,10
2,16 0,12 0,10 7,12 0,12 31
0,6 19
13 0,6
0,30,27 1 7 0,30,27
0,11 4 0,10
0,14 2,10 6,5


Fig. 7.16   Successive shortest path example fourth incremental graph (Iteration 4B)

9,10*,4 26,18,2

2 8,17 3

0,6 0,10
2,16 0,12 0,10 7,12 0,12 31,10*,5
0,6 19,10*,2
13,10*,6 0,6
0,30,27 1 7 0,30,27
0,11 4 0,10
0,14 2,10 6,5


Fig. 7.17   Successive shortest path example fifth shortest path (Iteration 5A)

the shortest path length of the destination node 7, which is equal to 10. The updated node
potential for node 3 is then 26 + 10 = 36. The reduced arc costs are updated. The reduced
costs for the forward and backward arcs on the shortest path are all equal to zero. The
updated reduced arc cost for the backward arc (3,4) is equal to − (6 − 36 + 23) = 7 and for
backward arc (7,6) is equal to − (7  −  41 + 28) = 6. See Fig. 7.18.
The optimal solution for the problem is shown in Fig. 7.19. The numbers on the
arc indicated the original cost, the original capacity, and the final optimal flow on
the arc, respectively. The optimal total cost of sending thirty units of flow from node
1 to node 7 is equal to 814.
7.3 Network Solution Algorithms 199

19 36

2 8,17 3

0,3 0,10
12,16 0,15 0,13 7,12 0,12 41
0,3 29
23 0,3
0,30,30 1 7 0,30,30
10,11 5
4 0,13

0,10 6,5
0,3 0,17 2,10


Fig. 7.18   Successive shortest path example fifth incremental graph (Iteration 5B)

–19 –36

2 25,17 3

7,16,16 5,22,12
4,18,3 10,16,13 6,12,12 –41
0,30,30 1 7 0,30,30
13,11,11 5 12,16,13

28,13,3 3,10 7,5,5



Fig. 7.19   Successive shortest path example final optimal solution

7.3.2  Network Properties

Integrality Property  The integrality property, also called the unimodularity prop-
erty, states that for a single-commodity network if all the external flows and the
arc capacities of a network formulation are integer numbers, then the optimal solu-
tion to this network flow problem will consist of all integer flows. The constraint
matrix of such network flow formulations is unimodular. It should be noted that the
unimodularity or integrality property does not hold for generalized networks or for
multicommodity networks.
200 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

7.3.3  Algebraic Formulation

The algebraic formulation for the same example used to illustrate the successive
shortest path algorithm is given below. There are three main sections to the formu-
lation: the objective function, the conservation of flow constraints for each node,
and the upper bound or capacity constraints for each arc flow. The sign convention
for the material flow arcs in the conservation of flow constraints is positive when
leaving a node and negative when entering a node. This is also denoted as “out–in.”
The corresponding sign convention for external flows is that external flows that are
supplies and are entering the node from outside the network have a positive sign
and that external flows that are demands and are leaving the node to outside the net-
work have a negative sign. The sign in the conservation of flow constraints is then
less than or equal. This ensures that the external supply is not exceeded and that the
external demand is satisfied.
An alternative sign convention is to indicate internal network entering flow arcs
as positive and leaving flow arcs as negative. Either of the two sign convention can
be used as long the same sign convention is applied consistently everywhere and
sign of the flow balance equation is adjusted. The sign of the node potential also
has to be adjusted.

Listing 7.1 Algebraic Formulation of the Network Flow Example

min 7x12 + 13x14 + 28x16 + 25x23 + 4x24 + 10x25

+ 5x37 + 6x43 + 5x46 + 12x57 + 3x65 + 7x67
s.t. x12 + x14 + x16 ≤ 30
x23 + x24 + x25 − x12 ≤ 0
x37 − x23 − x43 ≤ 0
x43 + x46 − x24 − x14 ≤ 0
x57 − x25 − x65 ≤ 0
x65 + x67 − x16 − x46 ≤ 0
−x37 − x57 − x67 ≤ −30
x12 ≤ 16
x14 ≤ 11
x16 ≤ 13
x23 ≤ 17
x24 ≤ 18
x25 ≤ 16
x37 ≤ 22
x43 ≤ 12
x46 ≤ 19
x57 ≤ 16
x65 ≤ 10
x67 ≤ 5
7.3 Network Solution Algorithms 201

When creating network flow formulations manually, some consistency checks can
be made. Assume there are N nodes and M arcs in the network. There must be M
terms in the objective function, N + M constraints, and a total of 2 M variables in the
N conservation of flow constraints. Each flow variable must appear exactly twice in
the conservation of flow constraints, once with a positive and once with a negative
sign. In the network flow example N = 7 and M = 12. Since the total external inflow
equals the total external outflow, the network is said to be balanced and the conser-
vation of flow constraints for source and sink nodes can be specified as equalities.
If the total available inflow is larger than the total required outflow, not all of the
inflow capacity will be used. In that case the conservation of flow constraints for the
source and sink nodes must be specified as less than or equal constraints.
In the following discussion the use of two solvers for the network flow problem
are illustrated based on the preceding network flow example. The use of those two
solvers was also illustrated for the shortest path problem, so the following is an
expansion because for the MCNFP multiple flow units are possible. In order to
make the following more or less self-contained, some text and content from the SPP
exposition is repeated here.

7.3.4  Spreadsheet Formulation and Solution

The following describes the solution of the minimum cost network flow problem
example with the Excel spreadsheet software. The steps are similar to the steps
for the determination of the solution to the shortest path problem with spreadsheet
software. In the case of the MCNFP, the capacities of the arcs may not all be equal
to one. The solution of the previous example problem with the solver included in
Microsoft Excel is shown in the following figures. The Figs. 7.20–7.23 show the
data and status of the solution before the solver has been executed. The two dialog
windows for the solver execution are shown next in Figs. 7.24 and 7.25. Finally, the
solution is shown in Figs. 7.26 and 7.27.

Fig. 7.20   Excel spreadsheet

for minimum cost network
example arc capacities
202 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

Fig. 7.21   Excel spreadsheet

for minimum cost network
example arc costs

Fig. 7.22   Excel spreadsheet

for minimum cost network
example initial zero flows

Fig. 7.23   Excel spreadsheet

for minimum cost network
example initial zero objective

Figure 7.22 shows the area of the spreadsheet corresponding to the flow variables.
It has the same two-dimensional adjacency matrix structure augmented with rows
and columns to check for conservation of flow. For each source node the sum of
the outgoing flows is computed in column I and for each destination node the sum
of all the incoming flows in computed in row 31. The difference between outgoing
7.3 Network Solution Algorithms 203

Fig. 7.24   Excel spreadsheet

for minimum cost network
example solver

Fig. 7.25   Excel spreadsheet

solver options for the net-
work flow problem

Fig. 7.26   Excel spreadsheet

for minimum cost network
example solution flows
204 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

Fig. 7.27   Excel spreadsheet

for minimum cost network
example solution objective

and incoming flows is computed in row 32. Given the sign convention for incoming
and outgoing flows, the difference in row 32 is computed as the sum of the outgoing
flows minus the sum of the incoming flows. This difference must less than or equal
to the external flows, which are shown in row 33. This assumes that external in-flows
(supplies) have a positive sign and external out-flows (demands) have a negative
sign. For this example, the network is balanced so the less than or equal constraints
can be substituted by equality constraints. An alternative method is to introduce an
artificial sink node with as demand the difference between the total supply and the
total demand in the network. All source nodes are then connected to this artificial
sink node with flow arcs with zero cost and infinite capacity. Since the network is
then again balanced, the flow balances can be modeled as equality constraints.
For minimum cost network flow formulations, the model has only linear con-
straints and objective function and the flow variables cannot be negative. The dialog
window for the solver options in the Excel spreadsheet is shown in Fig. 7.25.
In the two following figures, the solution flow variables and objective function
values are shown. The cells in the spreadsheet in Fig. 7.26 have conditional format-
ting assigned to them, so that they are shaded if there is a nonzero value stored in
them. The total cost is equal to 814. Figure 7.27 shows the contribution of the flow
on each individual arc to the total cost.

7.3.5  AMPL Formulation and Solution

The solution of the example problem with the AMPL mathematical programming
language is illustrated in the following four listings of text files. The listings cor-
respond to the model, data, execution, and output files, respectively. Listing 7.2
shows the model, which is a generic single-commodity minimum cost network flow
(MCNFP) formulation. This model also has been used in the previous chapter on
single-flow routing, but since the shortest path problem is subclass of minimum cost
network flow problem the model can be used here without any modification. Many
alternative AMPL models for the minimum cost network flow problem exist, and
some of these can be found on the AMPL website.
7.3 Network Solution Algorithms 205

The model contains nodes and arcs. The nodes are either sources, sinks, or inter-
nal nodes depending on if they have external flow entering as supply, external flow
leaving as demand, or no external flow, respectively. AMPL performs a feasibility
check before the solver execution to ensure that the total supply in all of the source
nodes is larger than the total demand. The arcs are defined by their origin and des-
tination nodes. Every node can be the origin node and destination node of an arc.
Bidirectional arcs have to be modeled explicitly as two arcs with opposite origin
and destination nodes. Each arc has a cost, capacity, and arc flow, all of which have
to be nonnegative. The arc flow has to no larger than the arc capacity. The objective
of this formulation is to minimize the total transportation cost which is the sum of
the product of the arc flow and arc cost over all the arcs. Finally, for each node a
conservation of flow constraints exists, which ensures that the difference between
the outgoing flows and the incoming flows is less than or equal to the external flow.
A supply is modeled with a positive external flow and a demand is modeled as a
negative external flow.

Listing 7.2 AMPL MCNFP Model File

Only the execution and the data files have to be modified for a particular instance.
Listing 7.3 shows the sequence of the commands in the run file, which controls the
execution of the AMPL program. This execution or run file has by convention the
extension “run.” The name of the run file is the only command line argument for
206 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

the AMPL program. The first line identifies the model file, which by convention
has the extension “mod.” For the MCNFP the model is the standard minimum cost
network model. The second line identifies the data file, which by convention has
the extension “dat.” The third line contains the “solve” command, which causes the
model to be solved by the default solver. Finally, the fourth line displays the flows
in the solution. Further information on the AMPL language can be found in Fourer
et al. (2002) and on the web site of the AMPL Optimization LLC.

Listing 7.3 AMPL MCNFP Example Execution File

The data for the example is shown in Listing 7.4. There are seven nodes, one source
node (1), one sink node (7), and five internal nodes. There are 12 one-directional
arcs. The arc data is given at the end of the listing with the origin node, destination
node, arc cost, and arc capacity listed on a single line for each arc.

Listing 7.4 AMPL MCNFP Example Data File

7.4 Minimum Cost Network Flow Formulation 207

Listing 7.5 shows the output log generated by the execution of the run file with
the AMPL program. The solver used in this case was CPLEX. The optimal solu-
tion value found was equal to 814. This solution is identical to the solution found
by the Excel solver and by the manual execution of the successive shortest paths
algorithm. The listing shows the arc flows in the default output format. The output
format can be customized using the AMPL language.

Listing 7.5 AMPL MCNFP Example Output Log

The AMPL program uses ASCII text input and output files as its user interface and
as consequence does not have the same intuitive graphical user interface as the
Excel program. However, the model file size does not change or grow with the size
of the instance data and the size of the data file grows proportional to the number
of nodes and arcs in the instance. As a consequence the AMPL program can handle
much larger problem instances. Typically, AMPL is interfaced with either Excel or
a database program such as Access, that contain the node and arc data and in which
the arc flow solution is stored.

7.4 Minimum Cost Network Flow Formulation

In the following the solution algorithm of a single commodity minimum cost net-
work flow problem is explained based on the properties of linear programming.
This exposition requires prior knowledge of linear programming concepts such as
duality, primal and dual formulations, and complementary slackness. Further infor-
mation on these topics can be found in a textbook on linear programming such as
Bazaraa et al. (2005). This material forms the basis of other solution algorithms pre-
sented later for other variants of transportation models, but it can be safely skipped
if other algorithms based on mathematical programming will also be skipped.
208 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network

7.4.1  Primal Formulation

The following notation will be used in the primal and dual formulations. The primal
notation is identical to notation introduced before but is repeated here to make this
section self contained. Parameters and Variables

xij flow from node i (origin) to node j (destination)

cij cost of transporting one unit of flow from node i (origin) to node j (destination)
bi external flow for node i, with the sign convention that external inflows (sup-
ply) are positive and external outflows (demand) are negative.
uij arc capacity or upper bound on the flow from node i (origin) to node j
rij remaining arc capacity or upper bound on the flow from node i (origin) to node
j (destination)
πi dual variable corresponding to the conservation of flow constraint for node i
(a nonnegative variable when the constraint is written as a larger than or equal
αij dual variable corresponding to the capacity upper bound on the flow from node
i (origin) to node j (destination) Model

Formulation 7.3. Minimum Cost Network Flow Formulation

 Min cij xij
i j

s.t. − xhi + xij ≤ bi ∀i [−πi ] (7.3)
h j

0 ≤ xij ≤ uij ∀ij [αij ]

This formulation has been given previously. The variables inside the square brack-
ets for each constraint are the dual variables for that constraint. The value −πi is
the dual variable for the conservation of flow constraint when this constraint is writ-
ten as a less than or equal constraint.
7.4 Minimum Cost Network Flow Formulation 209

7.4.2  Residual Network Construction

The residual network is constructed with the same nodes and arcs as the original
network. If there exists a flow on arc (i,j), then the artificial arc (j,i) is constructed.
rc is the reduced cost of the arc in the original network and the cost of the arc in the
residual network.

if xij > 0 then

 arc(i,j ) rcij = cij − πj + πi = cij − (πj − πi ) rij = uij − xij
arc(j,i) rcji = −rcij rji = xij (7.4) Optimality Conditions

For any arc in the network the following optimality condition can be computed
based on the optimal flows in the network. If this arc has remaining capacity then
the shortest path length to the destination node must be no larger than the shortest
path length to the origin node plus the original arc cost, otherwise the total cost
could be reduced by sending more flow over this arc.

 πj ≤ πi + cij ∀(i, j ) (7.5)

Equivalently, the reduced cost of an arc rcij at optimality must be nonnegative, if

this arc has remaining capacity. Otherwise the objective function could be reduced
by increasing the flow quantity on this arc.

 rcij = cij − πj + πi ≥ 0 ∀(i, j ) (7.6)

7.4.3  Dual Formulation

In preparation of constructing the dual formulation of the problem, the primal for-
mulation is rewritten in its standard form. The dual variable of the conservation of
flow constraint in the standard form is πi and it has positive values. Standardized Primal Formulation

Min cij xij
i j
s.t. xhi − xij ≥ −bi ∀i [πi ] (7.7)
h j
−xij ≥ −uij ∀ij [αij ]

The standard dual formulation can then be written as.

210 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network Standardized Dual Formulation

max − bi πi − uij αij
i i j
 s.t. −πi + πj − αij ≤ cij ∀(i, j ) [xij ] (7.8)
αij ≥ 0
πi ≥ 0

Using the definition of the reduced cost given in (7.6), the dual formulation can be
condensed to yield the following formulation. Condensed Dual Formulation

min b i πi + uij αij
i i j
 s.t. αij + rcij ≥ 0 ∀(i, j ) [xij ] (7.9)
αij ≥ 0
πi ≥ 0 Complementary Slackness Conditions

The primary and condensed dual formulations yield the following complementary
slackness conditions at optimality.

 (uij − xij∗ )αij∗ = 0

(αij∗ + rcij )xij∗ = 0 (7.10)

The complementary slackness conditions together with the sign restrictions on the
variables yield the following conditions for optimality. Optimality Conditions

if rcij > 0 then (αij∗ + rcij ) > 0 then xij∗ = 0

 if 0 < xij∗ < uij then αij∗ = 0 then rcij = 0 (7.11)
if rcij < 0 then αij∗ > 0 then xij∗ = uij

These optimality conditions correspond to the reduced-cost conditions for the re-
sidual graph in the successive shortest path algorithm. Hence, the dual iterations of
linear programming and the successive shortest path algorithm execute the same
algorithm steps.
7.5 Exercises 211

7.5 Exercises

True/False Questions 
1. Maximum flow networks are primarily used in the design of public sector and
government networks. (T/F) _____.
2. The network simplex algorithm is currently the most efficient method for solving
minimum cost network flow problems. (T/F) _____.
3. The network used to model evacuations of an area forced by an impending hur-
ricane belongs to the class of maximum flow networks. (T/F) _____.
4. The network used to model the assignment of workers to shifts in a 24-hour ser-
vice operation belongs to the class of maximum flow networks. (T/F) _____.
5. The computational complexity of solving network formulations limits the size of
the networks that can be solved to optimality to 10,000 arcs. (T/F) _____.
6. The standard network flow formulation can incorporate capacity restrictions on
the nodes without any changes to the network structure. (T/F) _____.
7. A necessary requirement to convert the operator scheduling problem to a net-
work flow formulation is that any shift or work tour covers an uninterrupted
number of time periods. (T/F) _____.
8. The successive shortest path algorithm belongs to the class of dual algorithms.
(T/F) _____.

Minimum Cost Network Exercise  Compute the minimum cost network flows in
the following network shown in Fig. 7.28. Show the residual network after each
iteration. Interrupt the successive shortest path algorithm after two flow changes
have been made. Compute the total cost of the flow solution determined so far. Is
the current flow a feasible solution to the original problem? What would you be
willing to pay for one extra unit of capacity on arc (1, 7)? Justify your answer in a
single sentence. What would you be willing to pay for a reduction of a single unit
in the required outgoing flow out of node 6 at this particular stage in the algorithm?
Justify your answer in a single sentence.

0,20 1
5,15 7 0,18

2 2,28
0,18 4 26,25 3
12,20 6,15 7,16

5 12,10 6 0,14

Fig. 7.28   Network exercise 3

212 7 Routing Multiple Flows Through a Network


Ahuja, R., Magnanti, T., & Orlin, J. (1993). Network flows. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
AMPL Optimization LLC,
Bazaraa, M. S., Jarvis, J. J., & Sherali, H. D. (2005). Linear programming and network flows (3rd
ed.). Hoboken: Wiley.
Christofides, N. (1975). Graph theory: An algorithmic approach. New York: Academic Press.
Evans, J. & Minieka, E. (1992). Optimization algorithms for networks and graphs (2nd ed.). New
York: Marcel Dekker.
Ford, L. R. Jr., & Fulkerson, D. R. (1956). “Maximal flow through a network”. Canadian Journal
of Mathematics, 99–404.
Fourer, R., Gay, D. M., & Kernighan, B. W. (2002). AMPL: A modeling language for mathematical
programming (2nd ed.). Duxbury Press/Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
Kennington, J. & Helgason, R. (1980). Algorithms for network programming. New York: Wiley.
Schrijver, A. (1990). “On the history of transportation and maximum flow problems,” Unpub-
lished manuscript, Centrum for Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI). Amsterdam, Netherlands,
Chapter 8
Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should know
• For the class of single vehicle roundtrip routing through a network
− The characteristics of the base problem and various variants
− The mathematical formulation
− Simple solution algorithms
− How to solve problems of modest size with a computer program

8.1 Introduction

In the single vehicle routing problem a single vehicle is used to serve a set of cus-
tomers. The vehicle travels on an underlying network consisting of a number of
nodes and a number of arcs and edges. If the customers are located in the nodes, the
problem is said to be a node routing problem. If the customers are located nearly
uniformly along an arc or edge then the problem is said to be an arc routing prob-
lem. Node routing is more common in supply chain planning, where the customer
correspond to individual customers or facilities in the supply chain. Arc routing is
common in public service applications such as mail delivery, garbage collection,
and snow removal. The single vehicle roundtrip node routing problem is more com-
monly known as the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The single vehicle arc
routing problem in which the vehicle has to visit a subset of the arcs and edges is
also known as the Rural Postman Problem (RPP). If all the edges and arcs have to
be visited then the problem is known as the Chinese Postman Problem (CPP). The
remainder of this chapter will be focused on the TSP.
The TSP was stated by Lawler et al. (1985) as: “A salesman, starting from its
home city, is to visit exactly once each city on a given list and then to return home,
so that the total of the distances traveled in his tour is a small as possible.” An
alternative statement of the TSP is based on graph theory. A cycle in a graph is
a sequence of vertices in the graph, so that each vertex in the sequence is visited
exactly once and the sequence returns to the vertex where it started. A cycle that

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 213

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_8, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
214 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

visits all vertices is called Hamiltonian. The TSP problem is thus to find the Hamil-
tonian cycle of shortest length. In transportation planning the vehicle may pass one
or more times through the same node of the underlying transportation graph if this
node is located on the shortest path between other facilities in the problem. When
the vehicle merely passes through the node, it is not considered to be visiting this
node. Alternatively, an artificial complete graph can be defined with as nodes the
customers in the problem and with as edge lengths the length of the shortest path
between the corresponding customers in the problem. The edge lengths of the arti-
ficial graph satisfy the triangle inequality.
 cij ≤ cik + ckj ∀i, ∀j , ∀k (8.1)
The TSP problem can then be solved on this artificial complete graph and each node
has to be visited exactly once.
The TSP is one of the most studied problems in several areas of mathematics
such as graph theory, mathematical programming, operations research, and combi-
natorial optimization. Even though the basic problem is easy to define and explain,
efficient optimal design algorithms do not exist to this date and may never be found.
The problem has been shown to belong to a class of computationally hard problems
for which it is difficult to find the exact solution for problems of even modest size.
A large number of optimizing algorithms that exploit the fundamental structure of
the TSP have been published in the research literature. However, practitioners in
logistics and supply chain planning do not have access to or the required resources
for such optimizing algorithms. As a result, a large variety of heuristic algorithms
has been developed to find a solution of reasonable quality in a reasonable amount
of computation time. Some of the TSP applications are described next in further
detail. An overview of the TSP problem, its history, fundamental properties and of a
large variety of its design algorithms is given in Lawler et al. (1985) and Applegate
et al. (2004).

8.1.1  Traveling Salesman Problem Applications Knight’s Tour

Knight’s Tour is a century old puzzle based on the game of chess. The game of
chess is played on a board consisting 64 squares organized in eight rows by eight
columns. In chess different pieces are used, but we are only interested in one type,
which is called the knight or horse. A knight moves from its current position by
moving first two squares in the row or column of its current position and then mov-
ing one square perpendicular to the prior direction. From a square in the center of
the board, a knight can move to eight different squares. A single knight piece is
placed on a random square of the chess board. The objective is to find the sequence
of 64 moves so that the knight visits each square exactly once and returns to its
original position. If the knight starts in a corner square and only has to visit all the
8.1 Introduction 215

1 24 55 36 11 22 53 34 3 30 49 34 53 6 47 26

56 37 12 23 54 35 10 21 50 33 4 29 48 27 54 7

13 2 25 64 41 60 33 52 31 2 35 52 5 56 25 46

26 57 38 61 44 63 20 9 36 51 32 1 28 45 8 55

3 14 45 42 59 40 51 32 63 16 37 20 9 24 57 44

46 27 58 39 62 43 8 19 38 19 64 13 60 41 10 23

15 4 29 48 17 6 31 50 15 62 17 40 21 12 43 58

28 47 16 5 30 49 18 7 18 39 14 61 42 59 22 11

Fig. 8.1   Hamiltonian path and tour solutions to the Knight’s tour problem

squares exactly once without returning to its original square, Thomasson (2001)
devised a simple solution algorithm “starting from any corner square, move the
knight by continuously rotating in the same direction around the board and selecting
the square closest to the border of the board.” A solution that does not return to its
starting point is also called a traveling salesman path, as distinguished of a travel-
ing salesman tour which returns to its starting position. A traveling salesman path
and tour solution to the Knight’s Tour problem by Thomasson are shown in the next
figures, where the squares are numbered by increasing jump count and the lines il-
lustrate the first few jumps (Fig. 8.1). Person-Aboard Order Picking

In order picking operations for small parts such as service parts, a person-aboard
storage and retrieval system may be used. The parts are stored in bins on both sides
of a narrow aisle. A crane moves on a top and bottom rail in the aisle. The crane con-
sists of a mast on which a platform or cabin move up and down. Typically the crane is
computer controlled and stops in front of the bin from which items have to be picked
to satisfy a number of customer orders. The mast and cabin move simultaneously so
a first approximation of the travel time can be based on the Chebyshev travel norm.
A graphical schematic of two tours executed by the cabin is shown in the next
two figures in Fig. 8.2. The first figure illustrates a random sequence of stops, such
as would be created by strictly first-come first-served sequencing of the customer
orders and the line items in the orders. The second figure shows a tour that has been
created by a heuristic algorithm and then improved with a three-exchange algo-
rithm. The travel distance is reduced by more than 75% from the random sequence
tour. The travel time reduction will have a significant impact on the productivity of
the order picking system and may even reduce the number of cranes and aisles that
216 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.2   Schematics of random and improved tours in a person-aboard order picking system

is required to achieve a required throughput. The two heuristic algorithms will be

further explained in the following sections (Fig. 8.2). Sequencing Jobs in a Paint Booth

On of the steps in automotive assembly is the painting of the car body. Cars are se-
quenced for assembly in blocks of cars with identical colors. When a color change
occurs, the paint spray equipment has to be cleaned. The time to clean the equip-
ment depends on the colors between which the change is being made. For example,
it requires much longer time to clean the equipment when the previous color was
black and the next color is white than when the previous color is red and the next
color is black. The assembly line has to produce cars in a variety of colors. The
problem of sequencing the blocks of cars with identical colors so that the cleaning
time for the painting equipment is minimized is an example of an asymmetrical
TSP. The problem is called asymmetrical because the cleaning time is different for
going from color a to color b than from color b to color a. In this application the
“travel time” between the different nodes of the problem has no relationship with
any physical travel. Drilling Mounting Holes in a Printed Circuit Board

Most items currently produced contain one or more sub assemblies of electronic
components. Those electronic components are clustered on one or more printed
circuit boards (PCB). Components may be surface-mounted or soldered. With this
second technology, each component has a number of legs or leads that are inserted
in holes on the circuit board and then the legs are permanently locked in place
and electrical contact is made by a soldering operation on the other side of the
board. High speed assembly of PCBs requires that the holes are exactly positioned.
8.1 Introduction 217

One technology to create the holes in the exact location uses a laser to melt a hole
through the resin board. To minimize the manufacturing time of the board by the
laser, the laser has to travel in a cycle of minimum travel time between all the holes
required on the particular board. Boards are often transported and positioned under
the laser by a horizontal conveyor belt and the laser is mounted on a gantry frame.
Since the gantry with the laser typically can move simultaneously in the x and y
directions of the board, the travel time can be based on the Chebyshev travel norm. Running Domestic Errands or Sequencing Deliveries

In today’s busy life style, it is a common practice to accumulate a number of errands

that have to be executed in a single car trip. To minimize the overall time spent on
the errands, we sequence the stops so that the travel of a cycle that starts and ends
at our residence is minimized. The travel time between two stops is usually only es-
timated, but the structure of the road network and the traffic patterns yield different
travel times for the different directions of travel between two stops. This problem
is equivalent to an asymmetrical TSP, where the travel times cannot be estimated
based on a travel distance norm. The same principle holds for commercial deliver-
ies. According to Rooney (2007), UPS, which is one of the largest package delivery
companies in the world, reported annual savings of more than 3 million gallons of
fuel in part by avoiding as much as possible any left turns in the routes for each one
of their delivery vehicles. UPS estimated that up 90% of the turns made by their
vehicles are right turns. Avoiding left turns, with their associated waits, reduces
driving time and improves gas mileage by avoiding idling during the wait. Multiple Vehicle Roundtrip Routing (VRP)

One of the most common tasks in transportation planning is the routing of a number
of vehicles in a fleet to perform delivery operations. Many algorithms to route the
vehicles have been developed. One class of algorithms, called cluster-first, route-
second algorithms, assigns the customers to a vehicle in the first phase of the algo-
rithm. In a second phase the individual vehicles are then routed to deliver to their
respective customers. This second problem is a TSP. The use of a TSP as a subrou-
tine in the solution of a VRP is one of the most common applications of the TSP.

8.1.2  Traveling Salesman Problem Definition

Further information on the TSP including its history, early research, and many defi-
nitions can be found in Lawler et al. (1985). At the time of its publication, the au-
thors reported that a 318-city problem was the largest problem known to have been
solved to optimality. A more recent review of the TSP is provided in Applegate
et al. (2004) and in Applegate (2005).
218 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (ATSP) Formulation

The Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem is a variant of the TSP where the two
possible travel directions between two nodes are not equivalent. The most common
case arise when the travel distance or travel cost from node i to node j is not equal
to the travel distance or cost from node j to node i. The ATSP is commonly used
in local, intra-city routing, where the distance between two customers may not be
symmetrical because of the presence of one-way streets and illegal or more expen-
sive left turns. As reported above, UPS attempts to eliminate inefficient left turns
as much as possible and achieves up to 90% right turns in local routing, Rooney
(2007). The solution to the ATSP is an oriented tour, consisting of a sequence of
(directed) arcs. A directed tour is illustrated in Fig. 8.3.
The following notation will be used in the treatment of the ATSP.
N s et of all the nodes in the problem instance and N is the cardinality of the set,
i.e., the number of nodes in the problem.
xij  equals one if the tour travels directly from node i to node j, 0 otherwise. Note
that xii is not defined for any i and these terms are automatically skipped in
any summation over i or j.
cij  cost or distance of traveling directly from node i to node j.
S any sub set of the nodes in the problem instance and |S| is the cardinality of
the set, i.e., the number of nodes in the set

Formulation 8.1. Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (Variant 1) 

 Min cij xij (8.2)
i=1 j =1


s.t. xij = 1 ∀j (8.3)



xij = 1 ∀i (8.4)
j =1

i h

j n

Fig. 8.3   Asymmetric k
Traveling Salesman Problem l
8.1 Introduction 219

 xij ≤ |S| − 1 ∀S ⊂ N, |S| ≥ 2 (8.5)
i∈S j ∈S

 xij ∈ {0,1} (8.6)

The ATSP is basically an Assignment Problem (AP) with the additional constraints
(8.5) that eliminate sub tours. Contrary to the case of the AP, for the ATSP the
integrality of the decision variables has to be explicitly enforced by the solution
algorithm. The solution value of the corresponding AP provides a lower bound on
the length of the ATSP solution. This lower bound is weak if the ATSP has many
symmetrical or near-symmetrical distances. In this case, the AP solution will tend to
consist of many small sub tours, since if the AP solution contains arc (i,j) then it will
likely include arc (j,i) as well. Conversely, if the distances in the ATSP are strongly
asymmetrical then the AP will tend to provide a strong lower bound. Sub Tour Elimination Constraints

According to Lawler et al. (1985), Dantzig et al. (1954) were the first to propose
a TSP formulation with the following type of sub tour elimination constraints. An
example of the sub tour elimination constraints is shown in Fig. 8.4 for two subsets.
The first subset contains three nodes and the second set contains two nodes. The
corresponding sub tour elimination the constraints have to placed after Fig. 8.4 .
For the subset that contains three nodes, a sub tour could be formed by a sequence
of three arcs. The sub tour elimination constraint allows at maximum two arcs,
which have their origin and destination nodes in the subset. This forces at least one
incoming arc and one outgoing arc to connect the subset with the rest of the nodes.

S = {i, j , k}, |S| = 3

xij + xj k + xki + xj i + xkj + xik ≤ 2
S = {m, n}, |S| = 2
xmn + xnm ≤ 1

Fig. 8.4   Sub tour elimination k

220 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Each of the individual sub tour elimination constraints is rather simple and easy
to generate. All the coefficients in the sub tour elimination constraints are equal to
one. The difficulty of incorporating sub tour elimination constraints in the ATSP
formulation is not caused by an individual constraint but rather by the number of
constraints. When we consider all possible sub groups of nodes, each node can be
either in a sub group or not. The total number of sub groups is nearly 2N, where N
is the number of nodes. A sub tour elimination constraint is required for each sub
group, except for the group containing all the nodes and for the degenerate groups
that contain a single node or no node. Hence the total number of sub tour elimina-
tion constraints is 2N − N − 2. For a problem instance containing five nodes, the
number of sub tour elimination constraints is 25  −  5  −  2  =  25. However, for the
Knight’s Tour problem the number is 264 − 64 − 2, which is approximately equal
to 1.845·1019. No mathematical problem solver can handle problem instances with
such a large number of constraints. Sophisticated algorithms have been developed
that only generate the very small fraction of the sub tour elimination constraints
that are binding the optimal solution. These algorithms are beyond the scope of this
book and are not often used in transportation planning.
The sub tour elimination constraints can be rewritten as follows through alge-
braic substitution, which guarantees that there is at least one arc emanating from
every proper subset of S nodes. The number of constraints remains the same.

 xij ≥ 1 ∀S ⊂ N, |S| ≥ 2 (8.7)
i∈S j ∈S
/ Alternative Sub Tour Elimination Constraints

An alternative method for eliminating sub tours generates far fewer sub tour con-
straints. This formulation is based on the notion of “item inventory” carried by the
traveling salesperson on its travels, i.e. on the arcs traversed by the tour. When the
salesperson visits a city or node, he “sells” exactly one item. The traveling sales-
man is assumed to start its travels in node 1, where he obtains an initial inventory
of N items from its supplier. At the end of his trip he returns to the starting node to
sell one last item to the customer in that node. Node 1 is chosen arbitrarily as the
base node from where to start and where to end the tour. The following additional
notation is required.
qij  Item inventory carried on the travel arc from node i to node j. Note that qjj
is not defined for any j and these terms are automatically skipped in any
summation over i or j.
8.1 Introduction 221

Formulation 8.2. Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (Variant 2) 

Min cij xij (8.8)
 i=1 j =1


s.t. xij = 1 ∀j (8.9)


 xij = 1 ∀i (8.10)
j =1
q1k = N (8.11)

 qk1 = 1 (8.12)
qij − qj k = 1 ∀j > 1 (8.13)
i k

qij ≤ Nxij ∀i, ∀j, j  = i (8.14)

xij ∈ {0,1}, qij ≥ 0 (8.15)

For each node, except node 1, constraint (8.13) assures that the number of items
carried by the salesperson when entering a node is equal to one plus the number of
items carried when leaving this node. The single item difference is the item “sold”
in this particular node. For the first node, the salesperson receives an initial inven-
tory of N items at the start of his tour, which is modeled by constraint (8.11). When
he returns to the base node at the end of his tour and “sells” one last item in this node
his inventory of items equals zero, which is modeled by constraint (8.12). The maxi-
mum inventory carried on any arc between two nodes is thus N. Constraint (8.14)
assures that the salesperson can only carry an inventory when he or she follows that
particular travel arc. Sub tours that do not include node 1 are eliminated because the
traveling salesman has no inventory on such tours and can thus not sell the required
single item when he visits a node. As a consequence, all nodes must be visited on
the single tour that visits node 1.
The total number of sub tour elimination constraints is equal to
(N − 1) + 2 + N (N − 1) = O(N 2 ) . This number grows only as a quadratic in func-
tion of the problem size, rather than the exponential growth exhibited by the pre-
vious type of sub tour elimination constraints. This reduced number of sub tour
elimination constraints is small enough that the complete model can be generated
and submitted to a solver for problems of intermediate size such as 100 nodes. It
should be noted that this formulation creates N(N − 1) additional continuous vari-
ables, since the inventory variables automatically get an integer value at optimality.
The integrality of the arc selection variables still has to be enforced explicitly, so
this formulation belongs to the class of mixed-integer programming formulations.
222 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

This formulation is similar to another variant of the sub tour elimination constraints
proposed by Miller et al. (1960). Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (STSP) Formulation

The Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem is a variant of the TSP, where the
travel from node i to node j is equivalent to the travel from node j to node i. The total
number of edges incident to each node is exactly equal to two. A TSP for which the
travel distances are computed with a distance norm is an example of a STSP, since
the distance yield by a distance norm are symmetrical by definition. The STSP is
commonly used for inter-city routing, since the underlying transportation network
consists of the major roads between cities such as interstate and national highways.
A symmetric tour is illustrated in Fig. 8.5.
The following different notation will be used in the treatment of the STSP.
xij   equals one if the tour travels directly between node i and node j, where j > i.
Formulation 8.3. Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem 
 −1 N

 Min cij xij (8.16)
i=1 j =i+1
 j −1 N

s.t. xij + xj k = 2 ∀j (8.17)
i=1 k=j +1
xij ≤ |S| − 1 ∀S ⊂ N, |S| ≥ 2 (8.18)
i∈S j ∈S,j >i

xij ∈ {0,1} (8.19)

The STSP formulation is basically a two-matching formulation with side constraints

that eliminate sub tours. You can find further information on the TSP problem and
its solution algorithms in Lawler et al. (1985) , Applegate et al. (2004), and Apple-
gate (2005).
The Fig. 8.6 shows an optimal TSP tour of 13509 cities in the continental United
States computed by Cook (2004). At the current time, this is one of the largest
problem instances solved to optimality. The solution methodology used on some
the largest problem instances, including an instance with 89500 points, is described
in Applegate et al. (2006).

8.1.3  TSP6 Example

The following example will be used to illustrate the various heuristic and optimiza-
tion-based algorithms for the TSP. The example problem has six facilities or points
8.1 Introduction 223

Fig. 8.5   Symmetric traveling

salesman problem illustration i h

j n


Fig. 8.6   USA 13509 cities

traveling salesman problem

and is denoted by TSP6. The problem size was chosen as so that the algorithms
could be illustrated on a non-trivial case but the same time the amount of tedious
calculations is reduced as much as possible. The coordinates of the six points are
given in Table 8.1. The distances between the points are based on the Euclidean
distance norm and then rounded to the nearest integer. Since the distances are based
on a distance norm they are symmetrical and satisfy the triangle inequality. The dis-
tances are shown in Table 8.2. Finally, some of the heuristics will use the geometric
location of the points. These geometric locations are shown in Fig. 8.7.

Table 8.1   Point locations # x y

for the TSP6 example
1 0 0
2 100 600
3 400 400
4 500 700
5 900 400
6 800 900
224 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.7   Geometric point

locations for the TSP6

Table 8.2   Euclidean 1 2 3 4 5 6

distances for the TSP6
example 1 0 608 566 860 985 1,204
2 608 0 361 412 825 762
3 566 361 0 316 500 640
4 860 412 316 0 500 361
5 985 825 500 500 0 510
6 1204 762 640 361 510 0

8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics

Since the TSP has so many applications, a large variety of heuristics has been devel-
oped. An overall structure for many of the TSP heuristics is given in the following
meta-heuristic, which has three phases: construct, insert, and improve. For each of
the phases, examples of the corresponding type of heuristic will also be given.

8.2.1  TSP Meta-Heuristic and Heuristic Examples

Create an initial tour using a construction heuristic

• convex hull, sweep, nearest neighbor
Insert remaining free points using an insertion heuristic
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 225

• nearest, cheapest, farthest insertion

Improve existing tour using an improvement heuristic
• two, three, or chain-exchanges

8.2.2  Construction Heuristics

Construction heuristics are algorithms that create a TSP tour from the initial data.
At minimum the initial data include a complete two-dimensional distance matrix.
Some heuristics may also require the location coordinates of the facilities in the
problem instance. Since any systematic way to create a TSP tour from the initial
data constitutes a construction heuristic, a large variety of such heuristics have been
developed. Only a fraction of those heuristics is described next. In general, the
description starts from the simplest and chronologically earliest heuristics to more
intricate heuristics. Nearest Neighbor

One of the oldest and most intuitive construction heuristics is the Nearest Neighbor.
The Nearest Neighbor algorithm starts the tour at an initial point and then appends
the nearest unvisited or free point to the tour until all points have been visited. This
algorithm was originally described by Rosenkrantz et al. (1977). The initial start-
ing point is an algorithm parameter that you can specify. Different initial starting
points may give different tour sequences. Since the Nearest Neighbor algorithm
executes very fast, an enhanced algorithm implementation would start a tour at each
point and then retain the shortest tour among them. The Nearest neighbor algorithm
tends to visit most, but not all, points in a neighborhood and then travels to another
neighborhood. The distances to travel to another neighborhood of the problem or to
travel to left-over points are typically much longer than the distances of the travel
steps inside a neighborhood. The left-over points that are not visited when the tour
traverses their neighborhood initially are sometimes also called orphans.
The Nearest Neighbor algorithm is a greedy algorithm. A greedy algorithm will
execute the best possible action for the next step in the algorithm in the hope that
this will reach the overall optimal solution. In the context of the TSP, the Nearest
Neighbor algorithm travels at each step the shortest distance to the next unvisited
facility. A greedy algorithm will not change prior decisions. However, a greedy
algorithm may not yield the globally optimal solution; in other words, the sequence
of optimal single-step actions may not reach the strategic objective of the global
optimal solution. Whether a greedy algorithm yields the global optimum is problem
specific. In the case of the TSP this is not the case. Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding
the single origin to destination shortest path is an example of a greedy algorithm
that finds the optimal solution. Greedy algorithms are sometimes also called myopic
algorithms since they focus exclusively on the next step.
226 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for the TSP Example  The Nearest Neighbor algo-
rithm is executed for the TSP6 example problem by starting at point 3. The next
point to be visited is the point nearest to point 3. The sequence of calculations is
shown next, where the number in the parenthesis is the index of the selected node.
Min {566, 361, 316, 500, 640} = 316(4)

Min {860, 412, 500, 361} = 361(6)

Min {1204, 762, 510} = 510(5)

Min {985, 825} = 825(2)

Min {608} = 608(1)

Once all points have been visited, the tour returns from the last visited point to the
starting point. The sequence of points is thus {3, 4, 6, 5, 2, 1}. The total tour length
is the sum of all the distances traversed and is computed to be (316 + 361 + 510 + 825 
+ 608 + 566) = 3,186. The generated tour is shown in Fig. 8.8. Sweep

The Sweep algorithm creates a tour by appending the points to the tour when they
are traversed by a ray rotating around a centrally located rotation point. First, the

Fig. 8.8   Nearest neightbor

tour for the TSP6 example
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 227

rotation point has to be determined. Typical candidates are the points with the aver-
age coordinates or the center coordinates. The center coordinates are located in the
middle of the extreme x and y coordinates. The formulas for the computation of the
center coordinates are given next.
xrot = max xi + min xi
2 i i
yrot = max yi + min yi
2 i i

The formulas for the computation of the average coordinates, also called the center
of gravity coordinates are given next.
xrot = xi
N i=1
yrot = yi
N i=1

Then a ray or half line is rotated around this rotation point and the points are added
to the tour in the sequence that they are traversed by the ray. The rotation direction
and starting angle of the ray have no impact on the final tour. Computationally,
the relative polar coordinates of each point with respect to the rotation point are
determined and the points are inserted in the tour by increasing polar angle. The
algorithm was first described by Gillet and Miller (1974).
Sweep Construction Algorithm for the TSP6 Example  The rotation point for the
TSP6 example was located at the center of gravity of the points and is indicated by
the diamond in Fig. 8.9.

xrot = (0 + 100 + 400 + 500 + 900 + 800) = 450
yrot = (0 + 600 + 400 + 700 + 400 + 900) = 500
In this particular example, the starting orientation of the ray is set to be due north
and the rotation direction is set to counter-clockwise. A tie exists if two points are
traversed by the ray at the same angle. In other words, those two points are collinear
with respect to the rotation point. This tie is arbitrarily broken by first selecting the
point with the smallest distance to the rotation point. In general, ties are broken by
ordering the collinear points by increasing distance to the rotation point. The first
encountered facility is facility 2. It becomes the first anchor facility. The next facil-
ity traversed by the ray is facility 1 with an append distance equal to 608. The next
facility is facility 3 with an append distance of 566. The next facility is facility 5 with
an append distance of 500. The next facility is facility 6 with an append distance of
228 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.9   Sweep tour for the

TSP6 example

510. The next facility is facility 4 with an append distance equal to 361. Finally, the
next facility traversed by the ray is facility 2, which is the original anchor facility,
with an append distance of 412. The tour is now closed. The tour length is equal to
2,957. The tour created by the Sweep algorithm is shown in Fig. 8.9. Quad

The Quad tour construction algorithm identifies the four points with the extreme
coordinates, i.e., the leftmost, bottom, rightmost, and top point, and visits the points
in that sequence. The tour is thus a quadrilateral or a polygon with four corners and
four sides. The maximum number of points on the generated tour is equal to four.
If the problem contains more than four points, one or more points remain unvisited.
The quad tour is the optimal TSP tour for the four points that are the vertices of the
tour. Because the quad tour only visits a limited set of the points in the problem,
but is the optimal tour for those points, it is also called a skeleton tour. As a con-
sequence, the Quad algorithm belongs to the class of dual algorithms since it finds
the optimal solution or tour for a subset of the problem. The subset consists of the
extreme points.
Quad Tour Algorithm for the TSP Example  In the example, the leftmost point is
point 1, the bottom point is also point 1, the rightmost point is point 5, and the top
point is point 6. Because point 1 has two of the extreme coordinates, the quadrilat-
eral degenerates in this case to a triangle. The tour length is 2,699 which is a lower
bound on the optimal tour length. The tour is shown in Fig. 8.10.
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 229

Fig. 8.10   Quad tour skeleton

for the TSP6 example Convex Hull

The convex hull, also called the convex envelope, of a set of points is the smallest
convex set that contains all the points. This definition is valid for points in vector
spaces of any dimension, in other words, with any number of coordinates. In vehicle
routing, the facilities are typically located in a plane and the number of coordinates
is equal to two. In this case the convex hull is a convex polygon. You can think of
the convex hull in the two-dimensional space as the rubber band stretched around
the points in the problem. All points in the problem can be described as a convex
combination of the vertices of the convex hull. A convex combination is a linear
combination of the base points, where all the combination coefficients are nonnega-
tive and sum up to one. Using the following notation, the convex combination is
described by the following equations.
X vector of coordinates of any point in the set
Vk   vector of coordinates of the kth vertex point of the convex hull of the set,
k  =  1… K
λk   linear combination weights

X= λk Vk
 λk ≥ 0 (8.22)

λk = 1
230 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

The convex hull for a set of points can be determined by a number of efficient algo-
rithms. One such algorithm was developed by Akl and Toussaint (1978). However,
the convex hull can also be determined graphically by the following algorithm.

Algorithm 8.1 Graphical Algorithm for the Convex Hull 

1. Start a point that has an extreme coordinate for the set of points. This point is
thus either the leftmost, top, rightmost, or bottom point. The current point is set
to this starting point.
2. Select either a clockwise or counter clockwise rotation direction. Select an initial
angle equal to east, north, west, or south if the starting point is the rightmost, top,
leftmost, or bottom point, respectively. A ray at the current point and with the
current angle will point away from all the points in the problem. Set the current
angle equal to the starting angle.
3. Move the rotation point to the current point and continue to rotate a ray in the
rotation direction around the rotation point starting from its current angle.
4. The first point traversed by the ray is the next point on the convex hull and is
selected as the current point. If the current point is the starting point, then stop
since the convex hull has been created. Otherwise continue with step 3.
Computationally, the convex hull algorithm by Akl and Toussaint (1978) first con-
structs a tour through the four extreme points as in the Quad algorithm. It then oper-
ates in sequence on the four sides of this quadrilateral, which define four external
areas to the current problem. The algorithm first inserts all the points in an area and
outside the quadrilateral in the convex hull tour, either by increasing or decreasing
x coordinate. It then removes iteratively all points that were inserted but that not lie
on the convex hull, i.e. they fall in the interior of the convex hull. It may skip the
removal of some of those points during a particular iteration and then remove them
during a latter iteration. When only the points on the convex hull in this area remain
on the convex hull tour, the algorithm proceeds to the next area.
In general, a number of points will form the sequence of vertices of the convex
hull. All the remaining unvisited points will be located in the interior of the convex
hull. The tour that follows the edges of the convex hull is the optimal TSP tour for
the points that are the vertices of the convex hull. Because the convex hull tour
visits only a limited set of the points in the problem, but is the optimal tour for
those points, it is also called a skeleton tour. As a consequence, just as the Quad
algorithm, the Convex Hull algorithm belongs to the class of dual algorithms since
it finds the optimal solution or tour for a subset of the problem. The subset consists
of the points that are the vertices of the convex hull. Both the Quad algorithm and
the Convex Hull algorithm provide a lower bound on the optimal tour length for
all the points. The bound provided by the Convex Hull algorithm is never less than
the bound provided by the Quad algorithm and is thus the better bound (Fig. 8.11).
Convex Hull Algorithm for the TSP Example  The graphical Convex Hull algo-
rithm is started in the rightmost point, which is point 5. The rotation direction is set
to counterclockwise and the initial angle is set do east. The first point traversed by
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 231

Fig. 8.11   TSP6 convex hull


the rotating ray is point 6. The rotation point is moved to point 6 and the rotation of
the ray is continued. The sequence of points that are the vertices of the convex hull
is {5, 6, 2, 1}. The length of the tour created by the convex hull algorithm is 2,865.
The computational Convex Hull algorithm starts by creating the quadrilateral of
the points with extreme coordinates. In this case, the quadrilateral degenerates to a
triangle since point 1 has both the bottom-most and left-most extreme coordinate.
The triangle tour consists of points {1, 6, 5}. For each side of the triangle, the al-
gorithm then inserts the points outside the side of the triangle into the tour. In this
case only the side (1-6) has points located outside it. Points 2 and 4 are inserted in
the tour in that sequence, so the tour at this point is {1, 2, 4, 6, 5}. Finally, point 4
is removed from the tour because it falls inside the line connecting its predecessor
2 and successor 6 and is fall thus inside the convex hull thus cannot be part of the
convex hull. The final tour is again {1, 2, 6, 5} with length 2,865.
Since the length of the tour generated by the convex hull will never be smaller
than the length of the tour created by the quad algorithm, the convex hull tour pro-
vides the best bound of the two. In this example, 2,865 is a larger bound than the
2,699 found by the quad algorithm and is the best lower bound of these two and the
best bound found so far for this example. No tour for the TSP6 problem, including
the optimal tour, can have a length less than 2,865. Savings Heuristic

Clarke and Wright (1964) developed a construction procedure that extends a partial
route or route primitive on its two end points. Conceptually the algorithm defines
a base point and constructs an Eulerian tour that visits each of the other points and
232 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.12   Tour extension

illustration i


then returns to the base point. The Eulerian tour is then reduced in length by finding
and executing the shortcut with the largest savings. The savings are computed as the
sum of the distances to the base point of the two points minus the distance between
the two points. If the TSP has asymmetrical distances, the savings must be based on
the arcs with their appropriate orientations (Fig. 8.12).
We will use the following notation.
N the set of all points
F the set of points not yet concatenated by the savings procedure. 0 is the index
of the base point. At the start of the algorithm F  =  N  − {0}.
The first shortcut is found by the pair of nodes that have the largest savings.
 max sij = ci0 + c0j − cij (8.23)
i∈F ,j ∈F

Once two points have been joined by a shortcut they are never separated by the sav-
ings algorithm. The TSP variant of the algorithm extends the single partial route at
its end points, which are connected to the base point. The next point is then selected
by finding the point with the largest savings shortcut to the current end points of
the partial tour.
Let p and q be the indices of the end points of the partial tour. The next shortcut is
found by the pair of nodes that have the largest savings, where one point is an end-
point of the partial tour and the other point is not on the partial tour or the base point.
max sph = cp0 + c0h − cph , sqh = cq0 + c0h − cqh
= max max sj h = cj 0 + c0h − cj h
h∈F j =p,q
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 233

Table 8.3   TSP6 initial 3 4 5 6

2 813 1,056 768 1,050
3 1,110 1,051 1,130
4 1,345 1,703
5 1,679

Algorithm 8.2 Savings Algorithm (TSP Variant) 

1. Select base point {b}
2. Construct a tour primitive by finding the two points with the largest savings
3. While not all points have been added to the partial tour
4. Update the computation of the savings of combining tours
5. Append point with largest savings shortcut to endpoints of the partial tour

Savings Algorithm for the TSP6 Example  The variant of the savings algorithm
for the TSP requires the identification of a base point, which is typically a point on
the perimeter of the point set. In this example point 1 is selected as the base point.
The savings of all other pairs of points with respect to this base point are then com-
puted. The sample calculations for four pairs of points are shown next. The savings
for all the pairs of points are summarized in the next matrix (Table 8.3).

(1-2-3-1)[2, 3] = 608 + 566 − 361 = 813

(1-2-4-1)[2, 4] = 608 + 860 − 412 = 1056
(1-4-6-1)[4, 6] = 860 + 1204 − 361 = 1703
(1-5-6-1)[5, 6] = 985 + 1204 − 510 = 1679

The pair with the maximum savings is [4-6] with savings of 1,703 and the partial
tour or tour primitive is then (1-6-4-1). This first shortcut is illustrated in Fig. 8.13.
This tour primitive can then be extended at either end node, i.e., at nodes 4 and
6. The point on a singleton route with maximum savings to either end point of the
partial tour is selected. The updated savings matrix for this iteration is shown in
Fig. 8.14.
The shortcut with the largest possible savings is selected.

Max{1050(6-2-1), 1130(6-3-1), 1679(6-5-1), 860 + 608 − 412

= 1056(4-2-1), 860 + 566 − 316
= 1110(4-3-1), 860 + 985 − 500
= 1345(4-5-1)}
= 1679(1-5-6)
234 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.13   TSP6 savings tour

after the first shortcut

The singleton point appended to the partial route is point 5 inserted between base
point 1 and end point 6 and the tour primitive becomes (1-4-6-5-1). Point 5 now
becomes one of the end points of the partial route. This second shortcut is illustrated
in Fig. 8.14.
Again the point on a singleton route with maximum savings to either end point
of the partial tour is selected. The updated savings matrix for this iteration is shown
in Table 8.5.
The shortcut with the largest possible savings is selected.

Max{1056(1-2-4), 1110(1-3-4), 768(1-2-5), 1051(1-3-5)}

= 1110(1-3-4)

The singleton point appended to the partial route is point 3 inserted between base
point 1 and end point 4 and the tour primitive is then (1-3-4-6-5-1). Point 3 now
becomes one of the end points of the partial route. Again the point on a singleton
route with maximum savings to either end point of the partial tour is selected. At

Table 8.4   TSP6 Clarke 4 6

and Wright updated savings
after iteration 1 2 1,056 1,050
3 1,110 1,130
5 1,345 1,679
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 235

Fig. 8.14   TSP6 savings tour

after shortcut 2

Table 8.5   TSP6 Clarke 4 5

and Wright updated savings
after iteration 2 2 1,056 768
3 1,110 1,051

Fig. 8.15   TSP6 savings tour

236 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.16   Space-filling curve

examples (Serpentine or
8-Band and Hilbert 3)

this stage only point 2 remains a free point and the only decision that needs to be
made is on which end of the partial tour it is appended.

Max {813(1-2-3), 768(1-2-5)} = 813(1-2-3)

The final tour created by the serial savings algorithm is (1-2-3-4-6-5) and its length
is equal to 3,140. The tour is shown in Fig. 8.15. Band

The Band algorithm divides the problem area into a number of horizontal bands of
equal height. The tour will traverse these bands in alternating directions; odd num-
bered bands are traversed from left to right and even numbered bands are traversed
from right to left. By definition, the number of bands is always an even number. A
larger number of bands will increase the horizontal travel, which is proportional to
the number of bands, but decrease the vertical travel within each band.
The 2-Band algorithm is very commonly used in the control of a person-aboard
order picking crane. The rack is divided into two horizontal bands, items in the bot-
tom band are picked when the crane moves away from the input/output point, items
in the top band are picked when the crane moves back toward the I/O point.

S1 S2 S3

Fig. 8.17   Sierpinski curves of order 1, 2, and 3

8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 237

Fig. 8.18   TSP example

space-filling curve tour

An illustration of the problem area divided into 8 vertically oriented bands is

shown in Fig. 8.16 for the serpentine curve. Space-filling Curve

A space-filling curve is a curve whose ranges contain the entire two-dimensional

problem area. In the limit the curve visits all the points in the problem area or “fills”
the problem area. Space-filling curves were first described by Peano in the second
half of the nineteenth century and are also called Peano curves. Other mathema-
ticians have defined different types of space-filling curves that carry their name.
Examples are the Hilbert and Sierpinski curves. The serpentine curve shown in
Fig. 8.16 is space-filling curve, but it is not a fractal curve. The inverse of a space
filling curve can be used to map the two-dimensional problem area onto the unit
interval. The points in the two-dimensional plane of the TSP problem are mapped
to the unit interval and then sorted by their single coordinate. The TSP tour then
visits those points by increasing (or decreasing) coordinate. Both the mapping and
the sorting can be executed quickly, so the space-filling curve algorithm can be used
on very large problem instances. A second major main advantage of space-filling
curves is that they not leave an area of the problem domain without having visited
all the points in that area, i.e., they do not create orphans like the nearest neighbor
algorithm does.
238 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.19   Node insertion

i j


One variant of the space-filling algorithm for the TSP problem uses the Sier-
pinski curve, which is a closed fractal space filling curve. The Sierpinski curves of
order 1, 2, and 3 are illustrated in Fig. 8.17.
Space-filling Curve Algorithm for the TSP6 Example  The Space-filling algo-
rithm for the example visits the points in the following sequence {1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5}.
The length of the created tour is equal to 3,194. The tour is shown in Fig. 8.18.

8.2.3  Insertion Heuristics

Insertion algorithms insert the remaining unvisited or free points into a partial tour
in the second phase of the TSP meta heuristic. Insertion heuristics must make two
types of decisions and also decide which type of decision to make first. The two

Fig. 8.20   TSP6 cheapest

insertion of point 4 on the
convex hull tour
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 239

decisions are: which point to insert next and on which link to insert this point. In
Fig. 8.19, the free point k is inserted on the link from point i to point j, which is
currently on the tour. Many variants exist depending on how and in what sequence
those two questions are answered. Cheapest Insertion

One of the most intuitive and often used insertion heuristics is cheapest insertion.
Cheapest Insertion first determines for every remaining free or unvisited point where
the optimal link is to insert this point. This corresponds to the inner minimization in
the equation (8.25) over the links ( i-j) of the tour. The insertion penalty is the sum
of the distance to the free point minus the distance of the link that will be removed.
Cheapest Insertion then selects the point to insert as the point with the minimum
insertion penalty. This corresponds to the outer minimization over the free point k.
 min min δkij = cik + ckj − cij (8.25)
k ij

Cheapest Insertion TSP6 Example  After the Convex Hull algorithm terminates,
the initial tour contains four points and there remain two unvisited points. During
each iteration of the cheapest insertion algorithm a single free point is inserted into
the tour. First, for each free point the link with the lowest insertion penalty is deter-
mined. The unvisited points are points 3 and 4.

[3] Min{566 + 500 − 985 = 81(1-5), 500 + 640 − 510

= 630(5-6), 640 + 361 − 762
= 239(6-2), 361 + 566 − 608
= 319(2-1)}
= 81(1-5)

[4] Min{860 + 500 − 985 = 375(1-5), 500 + 361 − 510

= 351(5-6), 361 + 412 − 762
= 11(2-6), 412 + 860 − 608
= 644(2-1)}
= 11 (2-6)∗

For the cheapest insertion algorithm, the free point with the smallest insertion pen-
alty is selected for insertion. In this example, this is point 4, which is inserted in
link (6-2) with an insertion penalty of 11. This first insertion is shown in Fig. 8.20.
Next, the insertion penalties of all the remaining free points are recomputed.
For every unvisited point the calculations of the previous iteration can be extended,
240 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.21   TSP6 cheapest




since only two new links have been added to the tour and one link has been re-
moved. If the link that was removed, because the inserted point was inserted on
this link, is the link with the minimum insertion penalty for a free point, then all the
calculations be redone for this free point. In this example, the only remaining free
point is point 3. The minimum insertion link for point 3 is link (1-5). Link (1-5) was
not removed from the tour when point 4 was inserted, since point 4 was inserted on
link (2-6). Updating the savings penalty and identifying the insertion link for point
3 only requires the minimum of three quantities: the old insertion penalty and the
insertion penalties on the newly added links (6-4) and (4-2).
Min {81(1-5), 595(6-4), 265(4-2)} = 81(1-5)
Hence point 3 is inserted on link (1-5) with insertion penalty of 81. The final tour
length is then 2,957. The tour created by the cheapest insertion algorithm is shown
in Fig. 8.21. The two links removed from the initial partial tour are shown as dashed
lines. Priciest Insertion

Priciest Insertion first determines for every remaining free or unvisited point where
the optimal link is to insert this point. This corresponds to the inner minimization in
the equation (8.26) over the links ( i-j) of the tour and is identical to the minimiza-
tion process of the cheapest insertion algorithm. The insertion penalty is the sum
of the distance to the free point minus the distance of the link that will be removed.
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 241

Priciest Insertion then selects the point to insert as the point with the maximum
insertion penalty. This again corresponds to the outer minimization over the free
points k.
 max min δkij = cik + ckj − cij (8.26)
k ij

Priciest Insertion TSP6 Example  For the priciest insertion algorithm the calcula-
tions during the first step are identical to the calculations of the cheapest insertion
algorithm. First, for each free point the link with the lowest insertion penalty is
determined. The only remaining free points are points 3 and 4.

[3] Min{566 + 500 − 985 = 81(1-5), 500 + 640 − 510

= 630(5-6), 640 + 361 − 762
= 239(6-2), 361 + 566 − 608
= 319(2-1)}
= 81(1-5)∗

[4] Min{860 + 500 − 985 = 375(1-5), 500 + 361 − 510

= 351(5-6), 361 + 412 − 762
= 11(6-2), 412 + 860 − 608
= 644(2-1)}
= 11(2-6)
For the priciest insertion algorithm, the free point with the largest insertion penalty
is selected for insertion. In this example, point 3 is inserted in link (1-5) with an
insertion penalty of 81. This first insertion is shown in Fig. 8.22.

Max {81(1-5), 11(2-6)} = 81(1-5)

Next, the insertion penalties of all the remaining free points are recomputed. These
calculations are identical to the calculations of the cheapest insertion algorithm and
can use the same acceleration techniques. The only remaining unvisited point is
point 4, and since it had a different insertion link from point 3, updating its insertion
penalties only requires the taking the minimum of three quantities.
Min {11(6-2), 610(1-3), 316(3-5)} = 11(6-2)
Hence, point 4 is inserted in link (6-2) with insertion penalty of 11. The final tour
length is then 2957. The tour created by the priciest insertion algorithm is shown in
Fig. 8.21. The two links removed from the initial partial tour are shown as dashed
lines. While the final tours created by the cheapest and priciest insertion are identi-
cal for this example, this is not the case in general. The sequence of operations is
also different. Cheapest insertion first removed link (2-6) and then (1-5), priciest
insertion first removed link (1-5) and then (6-2).
242 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.22   TSP6 priciest

insertion of point 3 on the
convex hull tour Nearest Insertion

Nearest Insertion determines first the free point to insert by finding the free point
closest to a point on the tour. The algorithm in essence performs a mini-min opera-
tion on the distance from a free point to a point on the tour.
 min ckj = min min ckj (8.27)
k ∈T
/ ,j ∈T k ∈T
/ j ∈T

Nearest Insertion then determines the best link to insert this point. This process is
identical to the minimization process of the cheapest and priciest insertion algo-
min δij k = cik + ckj − cij
 (i,j )∈T (8.28)
Nearest Insertion TSP6 Example  Again the only remaining unvisited points are
points 3 and 4. First the distance to the closest point on the tour from each of the
free points is determined.
[3] Min {566(3-1), 361(3-2), 500(3-5), 640(3-6)} = 361(3-2)∗
[4] Min {860(4-1), 412(4-2), 500(4-5), 361(4-6)} = 361(4-6)
Next the free point with the smallest minimum distance to a tour point is selected.
In this case there exists a tie. One way to break the tie is to select the point with the
lowest index, which is point 3. Only for the selected free point is the link with the
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 243

minimum insertion penalty is determined. These calculations are identical to the

equivalent calculations for the cheapest insertion algorithm.
Min{566 + 500 − 985 = 81(1-5), 500 + 640 − 510
= 630(5-6), 640 + 361 − 762
= 239(6-2), 361 + 566 − 608
= 319(2-1)}
= 81(1-5).
As the result, point 3 is inserted on link (1-5). The only remaining point is now point
4. In general, for each free point the minimum distance to a tour point is determined.
We can extend the calculations of the previous iteration, since there is only one new
tour point, which is the free point inserted in the previous iteration.
[4] Min {361(4-6), 316(4-3)} = 316(4-3).
The point with the smallest minimum distance to a tour point is selected. Since at
this time there is only one free point remaining, the above calculations are solely
made to illustrate the algorithm steps rather than to select the only remaining point.
For the selected free point, the link with the lowest insertion penalty is then deter-
mined. Again these calculations are similar to the ones in the first step of the cheap-
est insertion algorithm.

Min {610(1-3), 316(3-5), 351(5-6), 11(6-2), 319(2-1)} = 11(6-2)

Hence point 4 is inserted on link (6-2). The tour created by the nearest insertion al-
gorithm is identical to the tour created by cheapest and priciest insertion algorithms
and shown in Fig. 8.21. Farthest Insertion

Farthest insertion determines first for every free point the smallest distance to any
point already on the tour. Then it inserts the free point with the maximum smallest
distance to a point on the tour. The algorithm in essence performs a maxi-min opera-
tion on the distance from a free point to a point on the tour.
 max min ckj (8.29)
k ∈T
/ j ∈T

Farthest insertion then determines the best link to insert this point. This process is
identical to the minimization process of the cheapest, priciest, and nearest insertion
 min δij k = cik + ckj − cij (8.30)
(i,j )∈T
244 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Farthest Insertion TSP6 Example  The calculations for the farthest insertion are
analogue to the calculations for the nearest insertion, except that the point with the
largest minimum distance to a tour point is selected. The remaining unvisited points
are again points 3 and 4. First the distance to the closest point on the tour from each
of the free points is determined.

[3] Min {566(3-1), 361(3-2), 500(3-5), 640(3-6)} = 361(3-2)∗

[4] Min {860(4-1), 412(4-2), 500(4-5), 361(4-6)} = 361(4-6)

Then the point with the maximum minimum distance is chosen. In this particular
example we have a tie. One way to break the tie is to select the point with the lowest
index, which is point 3. The rest of the calculations are identical to the equivalent
calculations for the nearest Insertion algorithm.
Point 3 is inserted on link (1-5) and then point 4 is inserted on link (6-2). Nearest Addition

Nearest addition determines first the free point to insert by finding the free point
closest to a point on the tour. This first step is identical to the first step of the nearest
insertion algorithm.
 min ckj (8.31)
k ∈T
/ ,j ∈T

Nearest addition then determines the best link to insert this point by examining the
two links on the tour incident to the tour point the free point was closest to. This is
a more restricted search than the link determination step in the cheapest and farthest
insertion algorithms.
 min δij k = cik + ckj − cij , δj mk = cj k + ckm − cj m (8.32)

Nearest Addition TSP6 Example  Identical to the first step in nearest insertion,
nearest addition selects point 3 to be inserted next and its closest point on the tour
is point 2. The link to insert it on is selected from the two links on the tour that have
point 2 as an endpoint.
Min{640 + 361 − 762 = 239(6-2), 361 + 566 − 608 = 319(2-1)} = 239(6-2).
Point 3 is inserted on link (6-2). The only remaining free point is point 4. Its closest
point on the tour is updated.
[4]Min {361(4-6), 316(4-3)} = 316(4-3).
Point 4 is closest to point 3 on the tour. The link to insert point 4 is then selected
from the two links on the tour that have point 3 as endpoint.
Min{316 + 412 − 361 = 367(3-2), 566 + 361 − 640 = 287(3-6)} = 287(3-6).
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 245

Fig. 8.23   TSP6 nearest




Point 4 is inserted on the link (3-6). The tour created by the nearest addition algo-
rithm is then (1-2-3-4-6-5) and the tour length is equal to 3,140. This tour is shown
in Fig. 8.23. The links removed from the initial and intermediate partial tours are
shown as dashed lines.

8.2.4  Improvement Heuristics

Improvement heuristics attempt to reduce the length of an existing tour by exchang-

ing two or more of the links on the tour by new links so that a new tour of shorter
length is created. Improvement heuristics are executed in the third phase of the TSP
meta heuristic. The main decisions for improvement algorithms are how many and
which links to include in the test for a single removal and what is an acceptable
value for the test result in order to execute the exchange. The possible answers to
the first question are given in the improvement type classification and to the second
question in the improvement framework classification. Improvement Framework Classification

Exchange improvement heuristics can be divided into four classes depending on

which exchange they test for possible improvement and which exchange they select
246 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

to execute. For a minimization problem, such as the TSP, where we want to a tour
with the lowest possible length, the categories are
1. First Descent
2. Steepest Descent
3. Simulated Annealing
4. Tabu Search
First Descent  All possible edge exchanges that can result in a new tour are exam-
ined in a structured way until an exchange is found that reduces the tour length.
This exchange is executed immediately and the process of examining all possible
exchanges starts all over. Hence, during every iteration the first exchange that yields
a reduction is executed. The process terminates when no further exchanges can be
found that yield a length reduction.
Steepest Descent  All possible edge exchanges that can result in a new tour are
examined in a structured way and the exchange that yielded the largest reduction
in the tour length is retained. If this exchange reduces the tour length then it is
executed and the process of examining all possible exchanges starts all over. Hence,
during every iteration the exchange that yields the strongest reduction is executed.
The process terminates when no further exchanges can be found that yield a length
Simulated Annealing  Both previous improvement algorithms are deterministic,
i.e. each algorithm will convert a specific initial tour into specific final tour. Since
they are heuristics, this final tour may not be of high quality. To remedy this prob-
lem, a probabilistic exchange improvement algorithm was developed. There exists
an analogy between the optimization method of simulated annealing and the laws of
thermodynamics, specifically with the way in which liquids freeze and crystallize or
metals cool and anneal. To create a strong artifact with a casting process, the artifact
has to be cooled slowly so that the metal can settle in a stable and strong internal
structure. Similarly, the search procedure should not only examine improvements
generated by a steepest descent search but widen its search domain by accepting
some non-improving exchanges especially early on in the search process. Because
of this analogy the search process is called simulated annealing.
The simulated annealing algorithm selects a set of edges for exchange evaluation
at random. If the exchange yields a cost reduction, then the exchange is executed
immediately as if a first descent algorithm is being executed. If the exchange yields
a cost increase, then the exchange is executed with probability P, which is com-
puted in function of the cost increase ∆ and the temperature T. T is a search control
parameter that is systematically reduced during the algorithm execution.

 if  < 0 P [Exch] = 1
if  ≥ 0 P [Exch] = e−/ T (8.33)

This allows early on exchanges with large cost increases. As the temperature is
reduced, the number of such exchanges and the size of the allowed cost increases
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 247

are gradually reduced. The objective of these non-improving exchanges is to avoid

a first descent into a local minimum. The process repeats itself until no further
improvements can be made. Since the exchanges were selected at random, the im-
provement algorithm may generate a different final tour if started from the same
initial tour if different seeds are used to generate different pseudo-random number
streams for sampling the probability function of P. The number of replications of
the simulated annealing algorithm is an algorithm parameter. The number of repli-
cations also increases the required computation time.
For further information on simulated annealing see Kirkpatrick et al. (1983) and
Vechi and Kirkpatrick (1983).
Tabu Search  Tabu search is another local search algorithm that enhances the per-
formance of its local search by using memory structures to prohibit certain moves,
even if they are improving. The algorithm maintains a list, called the tabu list, of
solutions that have been examined recently and that are currently excluded from
the local search. Other tabu lists can be based on problem attributes, such as tours
that contain a certain arc are placed on the tabu list, or forbidden moves, such as
creating a tour that does not contain a certain arc. The tabu tenure is the number of
iterations a solution stays in the tabu list and is an algorithm parameter. The original
tabu search algorithm was first described by Glover (1989, 1990). Improvement Exchange Classification

Individual improvement exchanges can be classified by the number of links cur-

rently on the tour that are removed by the improvement exchange and which links
are members of the candidate set for removal. The most commonly used exchange
improvements are two-exchange, three-exchange, and chain-exchange.
Two-Exchange  A two-exchange attempts to reduce the length of the tour by remov-
ing two non-adjacent edges of the current tour and replacing them by two new edges
so that again a full tour is formed. In the following illustration the edges (kn) and
(li) are removed and replaced by the edges (kl) and (ni). The associated savings are
computed with (Fig. 8.24):
 S(kn)(li) = dkn + dli − dkl − dni (8.34)

i n i n

j m j m

k l k l
Fig. 8.24   Two-exchange
improvement illustration Unchanged Deleted Added
248 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.25   TSP6 two


If the savings are positive, the exchange is immediately executed in the first descent
procedure and saved in the steepest descent procedure. If the savings are negative,
the exchange may still be made with a certain probability in the simulated annealing
procedure. After an exchange has been made the evaluation process starts anew. The
algorithm stops when no exchanges with positive savings can be found.
Two-Exchange Improvement for the TSP6 Example  The nearest neighbor algo-
rithm created an original tour with point sequence (1-2-5-6-4-3) and with a tour
length equal to 3,186. This tour has the crossing edges (3-4) and (2-5). For this
example, which is a geometric TSP with distances based on the Euclidean distance
norm, a tour that has crossing edges cannot be optimal. The savings associated with
exchanging the edges (3-4) and (2-5) with the edges (2-4) and (3-5) are 316 + 825 –
412 – 500 = 229. This two-exchange has positive savings and it will be executed
immediately in a first descent framework or compared with the best exchange so
far in a steepest descent framework. If the exchange is executed, the reduced tour
length is equal to 2,957 (Fig. 8.25).
In this example, the edges for this exchange were identified based on their loca-
tion. In general, all pairs of non-adjacent edges are evaluated. All possible two-
exchanges and their associated savings are shown in Table 8.6. There are only two
exchanges with positive savings. If the two exchanges are examined in the sequence
as shown in the table, both the steepest descent and the first descent frameworks
would select the exchange described above.
8.2 Simple TSP Heuristics 249

Table 8.6   Two-exchange savings computations for the TSP6 example

Old 1 Old 2 New 1 New 2 Delta Savings
1–2 5–6 1–5 2–6 608 + 510 – 985 − 762 −629
6–4 1–6 2–4 608 + 361 − 1204 − 412 −647
4–3 1–4 2–3 608 + 316 − 860 − 361 −297
2–5 6–4 2–6 5–4 825 + 361 − 762 − 500 −76
4–3 2–4 5–3 825 + 316 − 412 − 500 229
3–1 2–3 5–1 825 + 566 − 361 − 985 45
5–6 4–3 5–4 6–3 510 + 316 − 500 − 640 −314
3–1 5–3 6–1 510 + 566 − 500 − 1204 −628
6–4 3–1 6–3 1–4 361 + 566 − 640 − 860 −573

Table 8.7   Possible three Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Tour

kh ol ni Original
ko hn li
ko hl ni Two-exchange only
kn lh oi
kn lo hi Two-exchange only
kl nh oi
kl no hi Three-Exchange

The three-exchange procedure attempts to reduce the tour length by removing three
links from the current tour. The three remaining tour segments can be re-combined
in four different ways to form a new complete tour. The other feasible re-combina-
tions would either form the original tour again or correspond to a two exchange with
one of the original three edges remaining in the new tour (Fig. 8.26 and Table 8.7).
Three-Exchange Improvement for the TSP6 Example  The 3-exchange algo-
rithm calls the 2-exchange algorithm as a subprocedure. The 2-exchange algorithm
executes the single exchange as described in the 2-exchange algorithm example.

i h o i h o

j n j n

k l m k l m

Fig. 8.26   Illustration of a

three exchange improvement Unchanged Deleted Added
250 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.27   2-chain-exchange

improvement illustration i n i n

j m j m

k l k l

Unchanged Deleted Added

After that, no 3-exchange with positive savings can be found and the 3-exchange
algorithm terminates. For larger problem instances, typically the 3-exchange algo-
rithm can find improvements after the 2-exchange algorithm has been executed as a
subprocedure since it evaluates many more candidate exchanges.  Chain-Exchange 

The chain-exchange procedure attempts to reduce the tour length by removing a

chain of nodes from the current tour and inserting the chain in a new position on
the tour so that a new full tour is formed. The length of the chain is an algorithm
parameter. If the chain length equals one, this procedure is equivalent to moving a
single node to different positions in the tour. Typically, only short chain lengths such
as one, two, and three are tested. A chain-exchange removes three links from the
tour and replaces them by three new links, so a chain-exchange belongs to the class
of the three-exchanges. For a given chain length the number of possible exchanges
is a subset of the possible exchanges tested by the three-exchange procedure. The
required computational effort of the chain-exchange procedure is thus between that
of the two-exchange and the three-exchange procedures. The chain exchange is also
called Or-exchange since it was first proposed by Or (1976).
In Fig.  8.27, a two-chain exchange is illustrated. The chain or fixed node se-
quence consists of nodes m to l and it is relocated from between nodes i and j to
between nodes n and k. Observe that this involves removing three old edges and
replacing them by three new edges.

i h o i h o

j n j n

k l m k l m

Fig. 8.28   3-chain exchange

improvement illustration Unchanged Deleted Added
8.3 Optimization Based Heuristics 251

In Fig. 8.28, a three-chain exchange is illustrated. The chain consists of nodes n

to l and it is relocated from between nodes i to h to between nodes o to k. Again this
involves removing three edges and replacing them with three new edges. For fur-
ther information on two and three exchanges see Goetschalckx (1992). In general,
computational processing time increases sharply with the amount of improvement
Chain-Exchange Improvement for the TSP6 Example  Recall that the original
tour created by the nearest neighbor algorithm had the point sequence (1-2-5-6-4-3)
and a tour length equal to 3,186. This tour has the crossing edges (3-4) and (2-5).
For this example, which is a geometric TSP with distances based on the Euclidean
distance norm, a tour that has crossing edges cannot be optimal.
First, we will execute the 1-chain-exchange algorithm. A 1-chain is a single
node, so the 1-chain exchange is equivalent to relocating a single node to a better
place in the tour. The first exchange relocates node 2 from the node sequence (1, 2,
5, 6, 4, 3) to the new node sequence (1, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2) with savings of 45. The second
exchange relocates node 3 from the node sequence (1, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2) to the node
sequence (1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2) with savings of 184. No further chain-exchanges with
positive savings can be found and the 1-chain-exchange algorithm terminates. The
total savings are 229. The new tour length is 2,957 and this is the same tour as found
by the sweep algorithm.
Next, we will execute the 2-chain-exchange algorithm from the same starting
tour as for the 1-chain-exchange. The chain of two nodes (1, 2) is relocated from
the node sequence (1, 2, 5, 6, 4, 3) to the new node sequence (1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2) with
savings of 229. No further chain-exchanges with positive savings can be found and
the 2-chain-exchange algorithm terminates. The new tour length is 2,957 and this is
the same tour as found by the sweep algorithm.

8.3 Optimization Based Heuristics

Heuristic algorithms typically run in a short amount of computation time. Their use
is justified because running an exact algorithm for the same problem instance would
take an excessive amount of computation time. However, upon completion of the
heuristic algorithm a feasible solution has been created but the quality of that solu-
tion is unknown. One way to judge the quality of the solution is to compute a lower
bound on the solution value. Again it is assumed that the lower bound can be com-
puted in a relatively short amount of time. The lower bound computation typically
does not yield a feasible solution. The comparison of the incumbent primal feasible
solution value and the lower bound yields a value for the gap, which is the maxi-
mum deviation of the feasible solution. Logistics and supply chain practitioners
usually are very satisfied if the gap is less than 1 or 2 percent. In order to compute
a tight lower bound, optimizing algorithms are typically required. The following
section describes a lower bound algorithm for the STSP based on Lagrangean relax-
252 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

ation and the notion of a one-tree. This material can be safely skipped if one is not
interested in lower bound on the TSP. Recall that a relatively weak lower bound for
the ATSP is provided by the solution of the corresponding AP.

8.3.1  1-Tree Lower Bound

Held and Karp (1970, 1971) developed a solution for the STSP based on the no-
tion of a 1-tree relaxation. A 1-tree is a minimum spanning tree (MST) of a set of
points plus one edge not already in the tree connecting a point again to the MST.
The node degree of a point is the number of edges in the spanning tree that have
this node as one of their end nodes. The number of edges in the 1-tree is equal to
(N − 1) + 1 = N . The one additional edge is chosen as the maximum over all
nodes, which have a node degree equal to 1, of the minimum length new edge of that
node to the tree. Each node in the MST with node degree 1 must have a second edge
connecting it to the MST in order for it to be on the TSP tour and the best possible
second edge for this node is an edge not already in the MST with minimum length.
This edge is the second-shortest edge for this node. The length of the 1-tree is a
lower bound on the length of the shortest Hamiltonian cycle through all the points.
To make the bound as large as possible, the node with the maximum second-shortest
edge is selected. Since a 1-tree is a (minimum) spanning tree plus one additional
edge from a single point to the tree, a 1-tree contains a single cycle. If the 1-tree is
a cycle, then it is a feasible solution and it is the optimal solution to the traveling
salesman problem. The 1-tree is a cycle if the node degree of all the nodes is equal
to two. The Lagrangean relaxation of this problem relaxes the constraint that the
node degree of each node must be equal to two. Since the constraint is an equal-
ity constraint, the corresponding Lagrangean multiplier is unrestricted in sign. The
master Lagrangean dual problem is solved with subgradient optimization. Further
information on Lagrangean relaxation can be found in Bazaraa et al. (2005). The
bound provided by the Lagrangean dual was used in a branch-and-bound scheme to
solve the TSP. The Lagrangean relaxation is written as

N −1
 Min cij xij + λj · xij + xj k − 2 (8.35)
i=1 j =i+1 j =1 i=1 k=j +1

s.t. xij ∈ {0,1}, xij ∈ 1-tree

After rearranging the terms in the objective function, the Lagrangean relaxation
Min (cij + λi + λj )xij − 2 λj
 i=1 j =i+1 j =1 (8.36)
s.t. xij ∈ {0,1}, xij ∈ 1-tree
8.3 Optimization Based Heuristics 253

The subgradient or improvement direction at a particular solution for each Lagran-

gean multiplier λj is given by the following expression, where ndj denotes the
node degree of node j.
j −1 N
 xij + xj k − 2 = ndj − 2 [λj ] (8.37)
i=1 k=j +1

Held et al. (1974) proposed the following updating procedure for the Lagrangean
multipliers in their solution of the symmetrical traveling salesman problem.
ẑ − z(λk )
t k = wk
x s (λk )2
 λk+1 = λk + t k · x s (λk ) (8.38)
w0 = 2
wk+m = w2

Where ẑ is the tour length of the best primal feasible solution found so far or, equiv-
alently, the solution value of the incumbent. x s (λk ) = nd − 2 is the signed differ-
ence of the node degree of a node minus the desired value of 2 in the current 1-tree
and corresponds to the direction of the node penalty update. t is the step size of the
node penalty update. The weight parameter w is cut in half after a fixed number of
m iterations. This implementation of subgradient optimization is known for its rapid
initial convergence, but also for its zigzagging behavior and instability in the neigh-
borhood of the optimal λ∗ . The algorithm is terminated when either the current gap
is less than the specified allowable gap, when the number of iterations exceeds the
maximum number, or when the weight parameter w becomes smaller than a speci-
fied limit. Usually the number of allowable iterations grows with the problem size.
Typically, the incumbent solution ẑ is computed initially with a primal heuristic
and may or may not be updated during the execution of the Lagrangean optimiza-
tion. Examples of primal heuristics for the TSP are nearest neighbor and sweep,
followed by improvement algorithms such as two-exchange and three-exchange.
Algorithm 8.3 1-Tree Relaxation Algorithm for a TSP Bound 
1. Initialize all node degree penalties λ to zero, set w = 2, k = 1
2. Compute adjusted distances with cijk = cij + λki + λkj
3. Construct the minimum spanning tree using the adjusted distances  cijk
4. Using the adjusted distances cijk , connect the point with node degree equal to one
and the maximum second-shortest edge to the tree
5. If all the node degrees are equal to two, stop.
Else update node degree penalties with the subgradient method.
if ndjk = 2 λkj remains unchanged
t k = w ẑ − z(λ )2

ndjk −2
if ndjk < 2 λkj is decreased  
λj = λkj + t k · ndjk − 2
if ndjk > 2 λkj is increased
254 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

6. k = k + 1, If k = k + 1, If (k modulo m) = 0 then w = w/2

7. Go to Step 2
The above algorithm requires in step 3 the construction of the minimum spanning
tree (MST) of the nodes in the problem. Several efficient algorithms exist to find
the MST such as algorithms by Prim (1957) and Kruskal (1956). In the above algo-
rithm, the graph is considered to be complete. The computational effort for Prim’s
algorithm based on an adjacency matrix implementation of the graph is equal to
O(N 2 ). More efficient implementations are possible using a heap data structure.
Algorithm 8.4 Prim’s Algorithm for the MST 
1. Select an arbitrary node. Initialize the set of visited nodes (V) to only contain this
node. Initialize the MST to empty.
2. Do while V does not contain all the nodes
a. Find the shortest edge ( i,j) for which one endpoint i is in V and one endpoint
j is not in V. If required any ties can be broken arbitrarily.
b. Add j to V and add the edge ( i,j) to the MST

Lagrangean Relaxation and 1-Tree Heuristic for the TSP6 Example  The deter-
mination of the lower bound by the 1-tree algorithm may require many iterations.
Only the first three of these iterations are described next for the TSP6 example
problem. In Fig. 8.29, the minimum spanning tree of the TSP6 problem using the
original distances is shown when point 1 was chosen as the initial point. The calcu-

Fig. 8.29   TSP6 example

minimum spanning tree
8.3 Optimization Based Heuristics 255

Fig. 8.30   TSP6 example

1-tree for the first iteration

lations to find the first MST are given next, where the number in parentheses is the
index of the node that is added to the MST.
V = {1} min {608(2), 566(3), 860(4), 985(5), 1204(6)} = 566(3)
V = {1, 3} min {361(2), min {860, 316} = 316(4), 500(5), 640(6)} = 316(4)
V = {1, 3, 4} min {min {608, 361, 412} = 361(2), 500(5), 361(6)} = 361(2)
V = {1, 2, 3, 4} min {500(5), min {1204, 762, 640, 361} = 361(6)} = 361(6)
V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6} min {985, 825, 500, 500, 510} = 500(5)
In Fig. 8.30, this spanning tree is extended by the shortest new link from a node with
node degree equal to one to the tree. The nodes with node degree equal to one are
1, 2, 5, and 6. The second-shortest edge is found for each these nodes and the node
with the maximum second-shortest edge is selected.
max {608(1-2), 412(2-4), 500(5-4), 510(6-5)} = 608(1-2)
In the first iteration of the TSP6 example, the added edge is the edge (1-2) with
length 608. This extended tree or 1-tree now contains 6 links and a single cycle. The
length of this 1-tree is 2,711, which is a lower bound on the length of the TSP for
this problem since at this time all node penalties are still equal to zero.
The node degrees of the points are given by {2, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1}. The node degree
of point 3 is higher than 2 and the node degrees of point 5 and 6 are lower than 2.
As a consequence, the node penalty λ for point 3 is decreased, the λ for points 5
and 6 are increased, and all other λ remain unchanged with value equal to zero. The
step size at the end of the first iteration is equal to 82. In the next computations the
superscripts of variables indicate the iteration.
256 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Table 8.8   TSP6 1-tree Node Degree Penalty

node penalties for
iteration 2 1 2 0
2 2 0
3 4 164
4 2 0
5 1 −82
6 1 −82

Table 8.9   TSP6 1-tree 1 2 3 4 5 6

adjusted distances for itera-
tion 2 1 608 729 860 903 1,122
2 608 524 412 743 680
3 729 524 480 582 722
4 860 412 480 418 279
5 903 743 582 418 346
6 1,122 680 722 279 346

2 · (2957 − 2711)
t1 = = 82
(22 + 12 + 12 )

The node penalties to be used in the next iteration are shown in Table 8.8.
In the next iteration, all the pair-wise distances are updated using the new λ val-
ues. The updated distances for iteration two are shown in Table 8.9.

c1,6 = c1,6 + λ21 + λ26 = 1204 + 0 − 82 = 1122

The algorithm now executes the same steps with the updated distances. A new mini-
mum spanning tree for all points is determined and this tree is extended with the
maximum second-shortest link from any point with node degree equal to one. The
calculations to find the second MST are given next.
V = {1} min{608(2), 729(3), 860(4), 903(5), 1122(6)} = 608(2)
V = {1, 2} min{524(3), min{860, 412} = 412(4), 743(5), 680(6)} = 412(4)
V = {1, 2, 4} min{480(3), 418(5), min{1122, 680, 279} = 279(6)} = 279(6)
V = {1, 2, 4, 6} min{480(3), min{903, 743, 418, 346} = 346(5)} = 346(5)
V = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6} min{729, 524, 480, 582, 722} = 480(3)
The nodes with node degree equal to one are 1, 3, and 5. The second-shortest edge
is found for each these nodes and the node with the maximum second-shortest edge
is selected.
max {729(1-3), 524(3-2), 418(5-4)} = 729(1-3)
The result is shown in Fig.  8.31. The length of the 1-tree based on the adjusted
distances is 2,854. The sum of the node penalties equals zero, so the lower bound
8.3 Optimization Based Heuristics 257

Fig. 8.31   TSP6 example

1-tree for iteration 2

computed with (8.36) is also equal to 2,854. This value becomes the current best
bound for the TSP6 problem.
The node degrees of the points are given by {2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2}. The node degree
of point 4 is higher than 2 and the node degree of point 5 is lower than 2. As a con-

Table 8.10   TSP6 1-tree node Node Degree Penalty

penalties for iteration 3
1 2 0
2 2 0
3 2 164
4 3 103
5 1 −185
6 2 −82

Table 8.11   TSP6 1-tree 1 2 3 4 5 6

adjusted distances for itera-
tion 3 1 0 608 729 963 800 1,122
2 608 0 524 515 640 680
3 729 524 0 583 479 722
4 963 515 583 0 418 382
5 800 640 479 418 0 243
6 1,122 680 722 382 243 0
258 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Fig. 8.32   TSP6 optimal tour

sequence, the node penalty λ for point 4 is decreased, the λ for point 5 is increased,
and all other λ remain unchanged. The step size computed at the end of the second
iteration is equal to 103.

2 · (2957 − 2854)
t2 = = 103
(12 + 12 )

The node penalties for the next iteration are shown in Table 8.10. All the pair-wise
distances are updated using the new λ values. The updated distances are shown in
Table 8.11.
The algorithm now executes the same steps in the next iteration with the updated
distances. The algorithm constructs a 1-tree that is a full cycle and with length
2,956. The sum of the node penalties is zero, so the lower bound computed with
(8.36) is also equal to the length of the 1-tree. This the same tour as generated by the
Cheapest Insertion algorithm with length equal to 2,957. However, the 1-tree algo-
rithm has established that this tour is optimal, since its length is equal to the lower
bound. The difference of 1 between the lower bound of 2,956 and the incumbent
tour length of 2,957 is created by the rounding process in the sequence of calcula-
tions. When the previous calculations are executed with floating point arithmetic,
the tour length is equal to the lower bound at the end of the third iteration with a
tolerance less than 0.005 (Fig. 8.32).
8.3 Optimization Based Heuristics 259

8.3.2  Christofides’ Heuristic

The heuristic algorithm developed by Christofides (1976) uses a sequence of math-

ematical programming formulations to create a STSP tour. This heuristic is different
from the construction heuristics described in this chapter because its implementa-
tion is significantly more complex and because its worst case performance bound
can be derived to be equal to 1.5. In other words, the tour generated by this heuristic
is guaranteed to be at most 50% longer than the optimal tour. Since the performance
bound is loose and the implementation is complex, this heuristic is rarely used by
practitioners in logistics and supply chain management.

Fig. 8.33   Tours TSP6


Fig. 8.34   Tours illustrations

260 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

8.4 Tours Software Illustration

Many of the algorithms described above for the TSP can be tedious to execute man-
ually. The Tours program by Goetschalckx (2007) provides intuitive and graphical
interface to the execution of the various algorithms. Screen captures for the TSP6
example and larger cases with 125 and 1024 facilities, respectively, are shown in
Figs.  8.33 and 8.34. The Tours program allows the user to manually construct a
tour or to control the sequence of algorithms for finding a tour of acceptable qual-
ity. Many data and results can be copied then pasted into other applications such as
spreadsheets, optimization solvers, and reports.

8.5 Exercises

True-False Questions

1. The 2-Opt procedure by Lin to improve an existing TSP tour takes a sequence of
nodes out of the tour and inserts it into another place in the tour to form a tour of
shorter length, (T/F) ______.
2. Consider the classic Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The problem is to con-
struct the single shortest cycle that visits all points exactly once, (T/F)_____.
3. If all the points of a TSP fall on the boundary of the convex hull of these points
then this boundary of the convex hull is the shortest TSP tour, (T/F)_____.
4. If the two and three exchange improvement procedures by Lin and Kernighan
can no longer find any improvements in a traveling salesman tour then this tour
is optimal, i.e., has the shortest length, (T/F)_____.
5. The sub tour elimination constraints in the traveling salesman formulations make
the problem so hard to solve because of the large coefficients in the right hand
side of the constraints, (T/F)_____.

Table 8.12   Point Point x y

1 5 1
2 8 9
3 3 5
4 7 6
5 1 9
6 2 1
7 4 8
8 8 2
8.5 Exercises 261

Table 8.13   Delivery points

distance table

Table 8.14   Clarke and

Wright savings

TSP Exercise 1

Consider the problem of finding the shortest distance cycle through the following
eight delivery points, given that the cycle visits each delivery point exactly once.
The coordinates of the eight delivery points are given in Table 8.12.
The travel distances between each pair of points can be approximated with the
Euclidean distance norm rounded to two digits behind the decimal point. First show
the formula for the distance norm using the notation of Table  8.12 and point in-
dices i and j. Next compute and show the distances in upper triangular format in
Table 8.13.
Compute heuristic delivery sequence with the Clarke and Wright (CW) savings
algorithm. For the Clarke and Wright savings algorithm assume that the base or
anchor point is point 2. First give the formula for the computation of the savings

Table 8.15   Clarke and Route Shortcut Savings Length Points

Wright tours points
1 2 2
262 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

using the notation of Table 8.12 and observing that point 2 is the base point. For the
Clarke and Wright algorithm show the pairwise savings with respect to the anchor
or base point in Table 8.14. Show the savings based on points i and j ( j>i) in matrix
element [i,j]. Not all rows and columns in the table have to be computed or filled in!
Write the formula that determines which points first form a shortcut on the tour,
observing that point 2 is the base point. Assume that all points that not yet have
been part of a shortcut and are not the base point are collected in a set F. Assume
that the end points of the tour segment that has been rearranged with the shortcuts
have indices p and q, respectively. Further assume that the base point has index b.
Write the formula that determines which point will next form a shortcut on the tour.
For the Clarke and Wright savings algorithm, show chronologically the tour that
you construct. First, show the length of the tour before any shortcut is made in row 1
of Table 8.15. Then compute and show for each iteration: the point for which you
found the shortcut, the savings for the shortcut, the length of the tour after the
shortcut, and the sequence of all the points on the tour that have been so far part of
a shortcut. In other words, you do not have to list the points that are by themselves
on the out and back segments. For row 2, and row 2 only, two points are part of
the first shortcut. Give both these points of the first shortcut in the column with
“Shortcut Points”.

TSP Exercise 2

Consider the problem of finding the shortest distance cycle through the following
six delivery points, given that the cycle visits each delivery point exactly once. The
coordinates of the six delivery points are given in Table 8.16.

Table 8.16   Delivery point # x y

coordinates for exercise 2
1 200 900
2 900 200
3 400 300
4 100 100
5 300 600
6 800 700

Table 8.17   Delivery points

distance table for exercise 2
8.5 Exercises 263

Table 8.18   Insertion penal-

ties on the Convex Hull

Table 8.19   Clarke and 1 2 3 4 5 6

Wright savings

Table 8.20   Heuristics sum- Heuristic Chrono- Delivery Length Ratio

mary statistics logical sequence

The travel distances between each pair of delivery points can be approximated
with the Euclidean distance norm rounded to the nearest integer value. Compute
and show the distances in upper triangular format in Table 8.17.
Compute heuristic delivery sequences with the Nearest Neighbor (NN), Sweep,
Convex Hull followed by Priciest Insertion (CH + FI), and Clarke and Wright (CW)
savings algorithms. For the Nearest Neighbor algorithm the starting point is point
3. For the Sweep algorithm assume that the rotation center is located at coordinates
(500, 500), the starting angle for the rotation ray is due east, and the rotation direc-
tion is clockwise. For the Clarke and Wright savings algorithm assume that the base
or anchor point is point 6.
For the Convex Hull and Priciest Insertion algorithm show the insertion penal-
ties for all points not on the convex hull after the convex hull has been determined
in Table 8.18. Each row corresponds to an unvisited point and each column cor-
responds to an edge on the partial tour. Separate the insertion penalties for each
iteration of the Priciest Insertion algorithm by a blank row from the lines for the
next iteration. Clearly label your rows and columns. Not all rows and columns in
the table have to be used.
264 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Table 8.21   Point Point x y

0 0 0
1 9 9
2 3 5
3 4 3
4 1 9
5 2 1
6 5 6
7 9 2

For the Clarke and Wright algorithm show the pairwise savings with respect to
the anchor point in Table 8.19. Show the savings based on points i and j ( j>i) in
matrix element [i,j]. Not all rows and columns in the table have to be computed.
For each algorithm give the chronological sequence in which you inserted or ap-
pended the points (starting with the base point or initial tour if applicable) and the
delivery sequence starting with point 1. The chronological sequence is the sequence
in which the points are added to the tour, i.e., which point is added first, second,
third, etc. The delivery sequence is the sequence in which the points are visited by
the tour. For example, is you inserted a point k between points i and j already on
the tour, in the chronological sequence point k would be the last point so far in the
delivery sequence there would be a segment of points i, then k, and then j. For each
heuristic compute the tour length and the ratio of the tour length divided by the
length of the best tour you have found. Summarize your answer in the Table 8.20.
Is the tour generated by the Convex Hull followed by Priciest Insertion algorithm
guaranteed to be optimal? Base your answer only on the results of executing the
Convex Hull and Priciest Insertion (CH + FI) algorithm. Give your answer in a few
succinct sentences.

TSP Exercise 3

You are asked to route the crane in a person-aboard order picking system so that the
distance traveled by the crane to pick up seven line items for the current customer

Table 8.22   Order picking 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

bins distance table
8.5 Exercises 265

Table 8.23   Nearest neigh- Index Anchor point Append point Append
bor route construction distance

Table 8.24   Sweep route Index Anchor point Append point Append
construction distance

order is minimized. The cabin with the order picker can move simultaneously up
and down the mast of the crane while the crane moves back and forth in the order
picking aisle. Therefore, the Chebyshev travel norm is judged an acceptable ap-
proximation to compute the travel distance of the crane. The crane starts and ends
its picking route at the pickup and deposit (PD) station at lower front corner of the
rack. The coordinates of the PD station and the seven bins storing the line items are
given in Table 8.21, where the index of the PD station is zero.

Table 8.25   Insertion penal- Point Tour edges

ties table structure
(a-b) (b-c) (c-d) (d-a)

(a-b) (b-f) (f-c) (c-d) (d-a)

266 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

Table 8.26   Insertion penalties for priciest insertion

Point Tour edges

Table 8.27   Clarke and Wright savings

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

First show the formula for the distance norm using the notation of Table 8.21
and point indices i and j. Then compute and show the distances in upper triangular
format in Table 8.22.
Next, compute heuristic picking sequences with the Nearest Neighbor (NN),
Sweep (SW), Convex Hull followed by Priciest Insertion (CH + PI), and Clarke and
Wright (CW) savings algorithms. For the Nearest Neighbor algorithm, the starting
point is the PD station. For the Sweep algorithm, assume that the rotation center is
located at PD station, the starting angle for the rotation ray is due east, and the rota-
tion direction is counter-clockwise. Break any point selection or sequencing ties by
selecting the point with the lowest index and any link selection ties by selecting the
link first encountered on the tour.
For the Convex Hull, use the point sequence that follows a counter-clockwise
direction. For the Convex Hull and Priciest Insertion algorithm show the insertion
penalties for all points not on the convex hull after the convex hull has been deter-
mined in Table 8.26. Each row corresponds to an unvisited point and each column
corresponds to an edge on the partial tour. Separate the insertion penalties for each
8.5 Exercises 267

Table 8.28   Clarke and Wright tours

Shortcut Length Points
Route Points Savings
1 0 0

iteration of the Priciest Insertion algorithm by a blank row from the lines for the
next iteration. Clearly label your rows and columns. Not all rows and columns in
the table have to be used! An example of the table structure is shown in Table 8.25,
where the tour consists of points {a, b, c, d}, the remaining free points are {e, f, g}
and in the first iteration point {f} is inserted on the link (b-c). This table shows the
structure only, is not complete, and you should not modify this table in any way.
Compute heuristic delivery sequence with the Clarke and Wright (CW) savings
algorithm. For the Clarke and Wright savings algorithm assume that the base or
anchor point is the PD station. First, give the formula for the computation of the
savings using the notation of Table 8.21 and observing that the PD station is the
base point. For the Clarke and Wright algorithm show the pair-wise savings with
respect to the anchor or base point in Table 8.27. Show the savings based on points
i and j ( j>i) in matrix element [i,j]. Not all rows and columns in the table have to be
computed or filled in!
Write the formula that determines which points first form a shortcut on the tour,
observing that PD station is the base point. Assume that all points that not yet have
been part of a shortcut and are not the base point are collected in a set F (indicating
Free points). Assume that the end points of the tour segment, that has been rear-
ranged with the shortcuts, have indices p and q, respectively. Further assume that
the base point has index b. Write the formula that determines which point will next
form a shortcut on the tour. For the Clarke and Wright savings algorithm, show
chronologically the tour that you construct. First, show the length of the tour before
any shortcut is made in row 1 of Table 8.28. Then compute and show for each it-
eration the point for which you found the shortcut, the savings for the shortcut, the

Table 8.29   Heuristics sum- Heuristic Chrono- Delivery Length Ratio

mary statistics logical sequence
268 8 Single Vehicle Round-trip Routing

length of the tour after the shortcut, and the sequence of all the points on the tour
that so far have been part of a shortcut. In other words, you do not have to list the
points that are by themselves on the out and back segments. For row 2, and row
2 only, two points are part of the first shortcut. Give both these points of the first
shortcut in the column with title “Shortcut Points.”
Finally, for each algorithm, give the chronological sequence in which you inserted
or appended the points (starting with the base point or initial tour if applicable) and
the delivery sequence starting with the PD station. The chronological sequence is
the sequence in which the points are added to the tour, i.e., which point is added
first, second, third, etc. The delivery sequence is the sequence in which the points
are visited by the tour. For example, is you inserted a point k between points i and j
already on the tour, in the chronological sequence point k would be the last point so
far in the delivery sequence there would be a segment of points i, then k, and then j.
For each heuristic compute the tour length and the ratio of the tour length divided by
the length of the best tour you have found. Summarize your answer in the Table 8.29.



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Chapter 9
Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should:
• Know the classification system for vehicle routing problems and algorithms.
• Know the following for each of the classes of vehicle routing and scheduling
• The characteristics of the base problem and its variants.
• The mathematical formulation.
• Simple solution algorithms.
• How to solve problems of modest size with a computer program.

9.1 Introduction

9.1.1  Vehicle Routing Problem

One of the most common problems in transportation planning is the management

of a fleet of vehicles that are used to provide transportation services. The transpor-
tation services either pick up or deliver passengers or goods from or to a number
of locations. The transportation operations are subject to a number of constraints
such as vehicle capacity, limitations on the trip time and delivery times, precedence
constraints, and service constraints. Vehicle capacity can be with respect to weight,
or volume, or both. The limitations on delivery times are called time windows and
can include or exclude times when deliveries can be made. The total length of time
a roundtrip can take may also be limited. Finally, precedence constraints require
that certain stops are made before others. Examples are the vehicle routing problem
with backhauling where for each individual route all deliveries have to be made
before the first pickup, and the dial-a-ride problem where goods have to be picked
up before they can be delivered. Service constraints such as percentage of inventory
on the shelf in vendor-managed inventory systems or a minimum number of visits
per planning horizon in periodic routing systems create the additional decision vari-
ables for which customer locations to serve. In addition to the operational routing

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 271

& Management Science,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_9, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
272 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

and scheduling problem, on the tactical level the size and composition of the fleet
of transportation vehicles has to be determined. The algorithms presented here are
focusing on the most generic and simple versions of the routing problem.
Vehicle Routing Decisions  At the operational level two types of decisions have to
be made. The first type of decisions is the assignment of customers or transportation
requests are to be serviced by a vehicle. The second type of decision is the determi-
nation of the sequence of stops for each vehicle. The number and sizes of vehicles
that are available is a constraint at the operational level. At the tactical level the
decisions are on how many and what size and type of vehicles to have in the fleet.

9.1.2  Vehicle Routing Variants

The prevalence of transportation operations combined with the large variety of real-
world constraints and characteristics have created a multitude of vehicle routing
problems. A small fraction of the possible variants is described below.
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)  The TSP is the simplest of the vehicle routing
problems since it involves the routing of a single vehicle without any capacity con-
straints. This problem has been analyzed extensively in the previous section. The
TSP problem arises frequently as the second-stage problem in cluster-first, route-
second algorithms for multiple vehicle routing problems, when in the first stage
requests have been assigned in a feasible manner to individual vehicles.
Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)  This is the classic variant of the vehicle routing
problem. A number of customers with known locations and known demand have to
be serviced by a fleet of vehicles of identical capacity and that all start and have to
return to a single depot. The objective is to minimize the total length of the routes
that are executed.
Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauling (VRPB) or Linehaul-Backhaul  In this
variant there are two types of locations that have to be visited. The first type are
customers to which goods have to be delivered; the second type are suppliers from
which goods have to be picked up. Because of vehicle limitations and the require-
ment of simple operations at the stops, all customers have to be delivered before
any pickups can be made on any route. The most common example is delivery and
pickup with rear-loaded long-haul trailers that are used in the United States. The
savings of limiting the number of miles that are driven with an empty trailer after
all deliveries have been made must be balanced against the additional complexity
of having deliveries preceding pickups on every route.
Mixed Pickup and Delivery Problem  If there are two type of locations to be visited
but deliveries to customers and pickups from suppliers can be intermixed, then the
problem is called the mixed pickup and delivery problem. This variant arises when
the operations are executed by side-loaded trucks such as soft-drink and beer deliv-
ery trucks in the United States and soft-sided trucks used in Europe. It is assumed
9.1 Introduction 273

that all quantities to be delivered are loaded on the vehicle at the depot before its
route is started. If the vehicle picks up goods or passengers and delivers them on the
same trip, the variant is often called the dial-a-ride problem. This name originates
from a common example, where patients call a local transportation service that
picks them up and drops them off so that they can attend medical appointments. In
this case, each service request has a pickup location that must be visited before its
drop off location. At the same time, vehicle capacity constraints must be observed
during the entire trip.
Vehicle Routing with Time Windows (VRPTW)  In this variant the classic VRP is
extended by the additional specification of the allowable time interval for the start
of service for each customer. The time windows can be hard or soft. In the case of
a hard time window, a vehicle can arrive at the customer location early and is per-
mitted to wait until the start of the service time window. However, a vehicle is not
allowed to arrive after the closure of the service time window. In the case of a soft
time window, the service interval can be violated with a certain penalty.
Inventory Vehicle Routing (IRP)  In this variant the objective is to minimize the
sum of the transportation cost by the vehicles and the holding inventory cost while
avoiding stock-outs and observing the storage capacity limitations. An example of
a multicommodity IRP is the dispatching and routing of tanker trucks to resupply
gasoline sales stations from a local fuel farm. In the United States, typically three
grades of fuel are sold by the gas stations and resupplied by the tanker trucks. Under
normal situations, running out of a grade of gasoline at a station has to be avoided
because of the loss of revenue and goodwill. Both the stations and the tanker trucks
have a limited capacity for each of the grades of fuel.

9.1.3  Vehicle Routing Algorithms Classification

The algorithms for solving a vehicle routing problem can be classified depending
on their most important resource requirements. For VRP algorithm the two primary
resource requirements are the amount of input data and the amount of computa-
tional resources, i.e., computation time.
Algorithm Classification by Required Input Data  In general, an alternative-gener-
ating algorithm creates feasible solutions from the basic problem data. For the VRP,
the basic problem data consist of the number and demand quantities of the custom-
ers, the number and capacity of the vehicles, and the location of all the facilities or
alternatively the pairwise distances between the facilities. An alternative-selecting
algorithm assembles the solution of the highest quality from a set of feasible can-
didate solutions provided to it as input data. In the context of vehicle routing, the
feasible solutions or candidate solutions are feasible vehicle routes.
Because the VRP is a common and significant problem in the planning of ve-
hicle operations, a large variety of route-generating algorithms have been devel-
oped. These algorithms can be specific for the VRP or optimization based such as
274 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

solution algorithms for the Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP). In general,

route-generating algorithms have been most successful when the VRP is tightly
capacitated and the routing cost can be computed with sufficient accuracy from the
distances between the facilities. The solution algorithms for the Set Partitioning
Problem (SPP) are the prime example of route-selecting algorithms. These solution
algorithms have been implemented with success when the cost or constraint struc-
tures of the problem are complex. Feasible candidate routes are either generated
based on the experience of the dispatcher or drivers or by an automated column
generation procedure. Each column represents a feasible candidate alternative in the
SPP and a feasible route in the VRP.
Algorithm Classification by Their Basic Methodology  Specific solution algorithms
for the VRP have been developed by practitioners, routing software designers, and
academic researchers. These algorithms can be either ad hoc heuristics or optimiza-
tion-based. The use of optimal algorithms has been restricted to small problems or
very specialized applications. The difference in solution quality between compre-
hensive heuristic algorithms and optimal algorithms has not been sufficient to war-
rant the vastly longer execution times of the optimal algorithms. The use of artificial
intelligence-based heuristics in vehicle routing software has been very rare.

9.2 Classic Vehicle Routing (VRP)

VRP Definition  The classic vehicle routing problem is the simplest variant of rout-
ing problems for multiple vehicles. The problem has a single depot and N cus-
tomer facilities with known locations. The amount of goods to be delivered to each
customer, also called the demand, is known with certainty. There are K identical
vehicles available with a known vehicle carrying capacity. Each vehicle starts at the
depot, can execute a single route, and returns to the depot. Each customer can only
be visited by a single vehicle, in other words the single sourcing service constraint
applies. The objective is to deliver the required demand to each customer at the
minimal cost. The cost is proportional to the total distance traveled by all the vehi-
cles. Finally, the distance between facilities is based on the Euclidean distance norm
and is thus symmetrical and satisfies the triangle inequality. The triangle inequality
assures that the direct travel between two points has the shortest travel distance
between those two points.
Vehicle Routing Example (VRP8)  The following example will be used to illus-
trate all the algorithms for the VRP. This example has eight delivery facilities or
customers and it will be denoted in all following tables and figures as VRP8. The
distances are based on the Euclidean distance norm without any adjustment factor
and then rounded to the nearest integer value. The facility data and distance data
are shown in Tables 9.1 and 9.2 and the facility locations are shown in Fig. 9.1. In
the figure, the top index for each facility is the facility label and the bottom index
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 275

Table 9.1   VRP8 facility Label X-Coord. Y-Coord. Quant.

c1 2,440 1,794 23
c2 2,844 2,820 28
c3 1,434 3,669 32
c4 372 1,745 37
c5 1,592 2,077 31
c6 3,257 873 57
c7 663 2,877 46
c8 929 453 41
d1 1,164 1,083 0

Table 9.2   VRP8 facility distances

c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 d1
c1 0 1,103 2,128 2,069 894 1,231 2,081 2,020 1,461
c2 1,103 0 1,646 2,696 1,456 1,990 2,182 3,045 2,417
c3 2,128 1,646 0 2,198 1,600 3,338 1,105 3,255 2,600
c4 2,069 2,696 2,198 0 1,264 3,014 1,169 1,407 1,032
c5 894 1,456 1,600 1,264 0 2,055 1,226 1,754 1,082
c6 1,231 1,990 3,338 3,014 2,055 0 3,278 2,366 2,104
c7 2,081 2,182 1,105 1,169 1,226 3,278 0 2,439 1,863
c8 2,020 3,045 3,255 1,407 1,754 2,366 2,439 0 672
d1 1,461 2,417 2,600 1,032 1,082 2,104 1,863 672 0

Fig. 9.1   VRP8 facility loca-

tions and demand
276 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

indicates the demand. The depot facility is indicated by d1. There are three vehicles
available, each with a capacity of 120, and it is assumed that each vehicle can only
execute a single route.
Number of Vehicles  The maximum number of vehicles is typically an input
parameter specified by the user. If each vehicle can only a single route, the maxi-
mum number of routes is equal to the maximum number of vehicles. The constraint
that a vehicle can only execute a single route is often caused by the loading opera-
tions. The following example describes typical operations at a distribution center
in the United States when deliveries are made by rear-loaded vehicles. Customer
orders may be accepted until 8:00 PM of the preceding day. The dispatchers or vehi-
cle routing software determines a set of routes by 10:00 PM and the a warehouse
management system determines a set or order picking routes inside the warehouse.
From 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM of the delivery day, order pickers collect the products
of the warehouse and load the trucks in the reserve order of the vehicle stops for
each vehicle. Even if a vehicle returns early in the day to the distribution center, the
infrastructure to load this vehicle for another route is not available.
The first quantity to be determined in solving the routing problem is the mini-
mum number of routes required to service all customer demands. This minimum
number must be less than or equal to the maximum number of routes for the prob-
lem to have a feasible solution.
The following notation will be used throughout the discussion on vehicle rout-
demi quantity to be delivered to customer facility i, i = 1,…,N
capk capacity of vehicle k, k = 1,…,K. The subscript is omitted if all vehicles
have equal capacity
cijk cost for vehicle k to travel from customer i to customer j. If the cost is
used with only two subscripts, it is assumed that costs are identical for all
vehicles and only depend on the facilities.
vck cost of using vehicle k in the solution
xi, yi location coordinates of facility i
zik is equal to 1 if customer i is assigned to vehicle k, zero otherwise
z0k, zk is equal to 1 if vehicle k is used, zero otherwise. The notation with a single
subscript is used if there is no confusion possible with the customer assign-
ment variables.
If all the vehicles have the same capacity, the fleet is said to be homogeneous. A
lower bound on the required number of routes for a homogeneous fleet is given by
 
 dem i
 i=1 
 min # routes =   (9.1)
 cap 
 
 
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 277

where x indicates the smallest integer greater than or equal to x and which is
called the ceiling function.
The maximum number of routes in the VRP8 example is equal to 3, since there
are three vehicles that each can execute a single route. The minimum number of
routes in this example is equal to
 

 dem i  
 i=1  295
min # routes =  = = 2.46 = 3
 cap  120
 
 

In the example all the vehicles will be used by a feasible set of routes. The average
vehicle utilization is 2.46/3 = 82%.
The above formula is valid if all the vehicles have an identical capacity. If the
fleet has vehicles of different types, a GAP formulation can be used to determine the
number of vehicles of each type. In the following formulation vehicles of different
types have a different cost and capacity. If we are only interested in determining the
minimum number of vehicles then all costs coefficients ck can be set equal to 1.
This formulation is a variant of the Assignment Problem (AP) called the general-
ized assignment, since the coefficients demi of the assignment variables zik in the
capacity constraints are different from one. The objective of the formulation is to
determine which vehicles have to be used in order to minimize the total cost of us-
ing delivery vehicles while observing the single sourcing constraints.
Formulation 9.1. Fleet Sizing GAP Formulation 

min vck · z0k

s.t. demi · zik ≤ capk · z0k ∀k

zik = 1 ∀i
z0k ∈ {0, 1}, zik ∈ {0, 1}

This formulation illustrates that the GAP is focused on the capacity and the number
of vehicles, rather than focused on finding the minimum distance traveled.
For the VRP8 example, the detailed GAP formulation is given by
278 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Listing 9.1 Algebraic Formulation of the Heterogeneous Fleet Size Problem for
the VRP8 Example
Min z01 + z02 + z03
s.t. 23z11 + 28z21 + 32z31 + 37z41 + 31z51 + 57z61 + 46z71 + 41z81 ≤ 120z01
23z12 + 28z22 + 32z32 + 37z42 + 31z52 + 57z62 + 46z72 + 41z82 ≤ 120z02
23z13 + 28z23 + 32z33 + 37z43 + 31z53 + 57z63 + 46z73 + 41z83 ≤ 120z03
z11 + z12 + z13 = 1
z21 + z22 + z23 = 1
z31 + z32 + z33 = 1
z41 + z42 + z43 = 1
z51 + z52 + z53 = 1
z61 + z62 + z63 = 1
z71 + z72 + z73 = 1
z81 + z82 + z83 = 1
∀z ∈ {0, 1}

When this formulation is solved, many alternative optimal solutions are possible,
but all have an objective function value equal to three routes. If the explicit integral-
ity requirement is removed from the variables, which implies that single sourcing
is no longer required, then the optimal linear solution value is 2.458. The integral-
ity gap is thus 0.542 or 18.07% and a mixed-integer solver is required to obtain an
integer solution. The linear programming solution is exactly the fractional solution
found by the ratio method for the homogeneous fleet. The z variables at optimality
are {1.000, 0.758, 0.700} and one possible set of customer assignments at optimal-
ity is {2 + 3 + 7(40%) + 8, 1 + 4 + 5, 6 + 7(60%)} which results in vehicle loads
of {120, 91, 84}, respectively. Note that the delivery of the demand of customer
7 is split over two routes. Clearly using a GAP formulation to solve a fleet sizing
question where all the vehicles have equal capacity and equal cost is only warranted
when each customer has to be assigned completely to a single route. In other words,
the single sourcing service level constraint must be satisfied and this makes the so-
lution of the VRP significantly harder since it requires that the z variables take only
binary values. This in turn requires the use of a mixed-integer programming solver.
One indication of the difficulty of finding a set of routes for a particular problem
instance is the average utilization of the vehicles, which is computed as the ratio of
the total demand divided by the total capacity and is denoted by ρ . A similar indi-
cator of the difficulty of finding a set of routes is the average slack capacity on the
vehicles. The average slack capacity, denoted by s , is computed as the difference
between the vehicle capacity and the average vehicle load, which is denoted by q .
For the case of vehicles of equal size, these characteristics can be computed with the
following formulas. For the case of a heterogeneous fleet the expected vehicle load
and expected slack capacity have different values for each individual vehicle. The
average slack capacity can be compared with the average customer demand to deter-
mine if it will be easy to add an additional customer to an average route. The statistics
for the case of the homogeneous fleet can be computed with the following formulas.

i (9.3)
K · cap
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 279

 q = ρ · cap =
i (9.4)

 s = cap − q (9.5)

The statistics for the case of an heterogeneous fleet can be computed with the fol-
lowing formulas.




qk = ρ · capk =  capk (9.7)

sk = capk − qk (9.8)

The values of the VRP8 example are computed next.

i 295
ρ= = = 0.82
K · cap 3 · 120

i 295
q = ρ · cap = = = 98.3
K 3

s = cap − q = 120 − 98.3 = 21.7

i=1 295
demi = = = 36.9
N 8

Since the average demand of 36.9 is larger than the average slack capacity on a ve-
hicle of 21.7, it will be difficult to improve the routes by just moving a customer to a
different route. Route improvement algorithms that attempt to reduce the total route
length by swapping two customers between two routes will have a better change
for route improvement than improvement algorithms that rely on moving a cus-
tomer to another route. The above calculations and algorithm selection are another
illustration of the progression in a project from data, to information and finally to
knowledge. The data on the customer and vehicle characteristics constitute the data,
the different average statistics represent the problem information, and the choice
280 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

of improvement algorithm corresponds to the knowledge about this particular VRP


9.2.1  Route-Generation Algorithms for the Classic VRP

In this section, a number of route-generation algorithms are presented. These algo-

rithms create a solution composed of feasible routes. They require the problem data
and may also require a partial or full initial set of routes. Route-selection algorithms
will be discussed in the next section. The prominent example of route-selection
algorithms is set partitioning. Route-selection algorithms require a list of feasible
candidate routes and assemble a solution from the candidates.
Similar to the case of the TSP, the route-generation algorithms for the VRP
can be further divided into route-construction and route-improvement algorithms.
Route-construction algorithms that will be described are nearest neighbor and the
savings algorithm by Clarke and Wright. Route-improvement algorithm that will
be discussed are 2-opt, 3-opt, and chain-opt intraroute improvement algorithms
and move and swap interroute improvement algorithms. Several construction algo-
rithms have two distinct steps. In one phase the customer facilities are assigned to
vehicles based on their demands and the vehicle capacity. This phase is called the
clustering or assignment phase. In another phase, the facilities are routed based on
their interfacility distances, but their demand and vehicle capacity are ignored. This
phase is called the routing or sequencing phase. Based on which phase is executed
first and on the algorithms used for each phase, many different algorithms have been
developed. Algorithms that have this two-phase structure are the two variants of the
sweep algorithm, giant tour algorithm, and the generalized assignment algorithm.
Nearest Neighbor Algorithm  The nearest neighbor algorithm starts a new route at
the depot and travels next to the closest unvisited customer. If the vehicle capacity
is sufficient, then this customer is added to the route and the vehicle continues to
travel to the next closest unvisited customer. If adding that customer to the route
would violate the truck capacity, the route is terminated and the vehicle returns to
the depot. The vehicle then starts a new route at the depot if the maximum number
of routes has not been reached.
VPP8 Nearest Neighbor Example  The closest customer to the depot is customer
c8, which has a distance of 672 units. The vehicle load after visiting customer c8
is equal to 41. The closest unvisited customer to customer c8 is customer c4 with a
distance of 1,407. The demand of customer c4 is 37 units so the total demand would
be 78 units and not violate the truck capacity of 120. Customer c4 is added to the
route. The closest unvisited customer to customer c4 is customer c7 with a distance
of 1,169. However, the demand of customer c7 is 46 units and the total demand
would be 124, which would violate the truck capacity of 120. Hence, customer c7
is not added to the route. The vehicle returns to the depot after customer c4 and the
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 281

Table 9.3   VRP8 nearest neighbor algorithm steps

Index Anchor point Append point Append distance Vehicle quantity
1 d1 c8 672 41
2 c8 c4 1,407 78
3 d1 c5 1,082 31
4 c5 c1 894 54
5 c1 c2 1,103 82
6 c2 c3 1,646 114
7 d1 c7 1,863 46
8 c7 c6 3,278 103

Table 9.4   VRP8 nearest neighbor routes summary

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 d1 c8 c4 d1 78 3,111
2 d1 c5 c1 c2 c3 d1 114 7,325
3 d1 c7 c6 d1 103 7,245
Total 295 17,681

length of this route equals 3,112. Observe that customer c5 is the next closest cus-
tomer to customer c4 with a distance of 1,264 and a demand of 31, so customer c5
could have been added to the partial route after customer c4, but this action is not
considered since the nearest neighbor is a greedy algorithm. Since there is currently
only one route out of a maximum of three possible routes a new route is started. The
algorithm continues until all customers have been routed. The algorithm steps are
summarized in Table 9.3. Notice again the large travel distance 3,278 for the step
to append the last customer c6. This behavior is typical for the myopic or greedy
nearest neighbor algorithm. The routes created by the nearest neighbor algorithm
are shown in Table 9.4 and Fig. 9.2.
Clarke and Wright Savings  The savings algorithm was originally introduced by
Clarke and Wright (1964) and is known both as the savings and the Clarke and
Wright algorithm. The savings algorithm is a construction procedure that extends
a partial route or route primitive at its two endpoints. Conceptually the algorithm
defines the depot as the base facility and constructs an Eulerian tour that visits each
of the customer facilities and the returns to the depot. The Eulerian tour is then
reduced in length by finding and executing the feasible shortcut with the largest
savings. The savings are computed as the sum of the distances to depot of the two
customers minus the distance between the two customers, provided the two cus-
tomers can be combined to form a feasible route. Routes become infeasible when
the total quantity exceeds the vehicle capacity. If the resulting route would not be
feasible, the savings are set to negative infinity. The binary or pair wise savings for
a feasible combination are computed as follows and a shortcut is illustrated Fig. 9.3.
282 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.2   VRP8 nearest neigh-

bor routes

Fig. 9.3   Clarke and Wright

shortcut illustration i


 sij = ci0 + c0j − cij (9.9)

The maximum number of routes, denoted by K, is an algorithm input parameter. The

savings algorithm has been widely used for an extended period of time and a mul-
titude of variants and derivative algorithms exist. The algorithm has both a serial
and a parallel variant. The serial variant constructs one route at a time. In each step,
either the current partial route is extended at its endpoints or a new partial route is
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 283

Fig. 9.4   Clarke and Wright

serial route extension i
illustration j


started. The parallel variant constructs up to K routes simultaneously. In each step,

any of the current partial routes is extended at its endpoints, a new partial route is
started, or two partial routes are combined. The parallel variant has more flexibility
in constructing the routes but this flexibility comes at a significantly more complex
implementation. This has resulted in more widely adaptation of the serial variant.
The savings algorithm is a greedy algorithm, so once two points have been
joined by a shortcut they are never separated by the savings algorithm. Equivalently,
once a partial route has been created, the sequence of the nodes on this route is not
changed by the savings algorithm. The partial route can only be extended at its end
facilities, which in turn are connected to the base point. In the serial variant, the next
point h is then selected by finding the point with the largest savings shortcut to the
current end points {i, j} of the partial tour. See Fig. 9.4.
 max max {sih = ci0 + ch0 − cih } (9.10)
i,j h

The computations of the savings in the parallel variant of the savings algorithm are
shown in the next figure. Note that only the savings associated with feasible short-
cuts are computed. A route becomes infeasible when appending either a singleton
facility or another partial route to it causes the combined demand to exceed the
vehicle capacity. In Fig. 9.5, all the facilities starting with node j and ending with
node k will always have the same sequence.
sij = (ci0 + c0j ) − cij
skm = (ck0 + c0m ) − ckm

VRP8 Serial Savings Example  The first step in the savings algorithm is to compute
the savings for every feasible combination of two points. The computations for two
of the pairs are shown next as an example.
284 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.5   Parallel savings

illustration i


n Unchanged

dem1 + dem2 = 23 + 28 = 51 ≤ 120

s12 = d10 + d02 − d12 = 1461 + 2417 − 1103 = 2775
dem5 + dem8 = 31 + 41 = 72 ≤ 120
s58 = d50 + d08 − d58 = 1082 + 672 − 1754 = 0
The savings can be organized into a two-dimensional table (Table 9.5). The rows
of the matrix correspond to the origin node of the savings shortcut and the columns
correspond to the destination node. In all the following calculations, these savings
do not need to be recomputed but can be copied from this initial savings table. The
matrix has one additional row and column. The values in the row and column with
label Q indicate the quantity included on this route. In the initial savings table, all
facilities are considered to be on singleton routes, so these quantities are equal to
the customer demands.
The pair with the largest savings that forms a feasible partial tour is selected. In
this example, pair c2–c3 is selected with maximum savings of 3,371. If ties exist for
the maximum savings, then selecting the pair with maximum savings by increasing
indices arbitrarily breaks the ties. The partial tour ( c2–c3) of nodes c2 followed by

Table 9.5   Pair-wise savings for the VRP8 example

c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 Q
c1 2,775 1,933 424 1,649 2,334 1,243 113 23
c2 2,775 3,371 753 2,043 2,531 2,098 44 28
c3 1,933 3,371 1,434 2,082 1,366 3,358 17 32
c4 424 753 1,434 850 122 1,726 297 37
c5 1,649 2,043 2,082 850 1,131 1,719 0 31
c6 2,334 2,531 1,366 122 1,131 689 410 57
c7 1,243 2,098 3,358 1,726 1,719 689 96 46
c8 113 44 17 297 0 410 96 41
Q 23 28 32 37 31 57 46 41
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 285

Table 9.6   Pair-wise serial savings for the VRP8 example (Iteration 2)
c1 c2:c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 Q
c1 2,775 424 1,649 2,334 1,243 113 23
c2:c3 1,933 1,434 2,082 1,366 3,358 17 60
c4 424 753 850 122 1,726 297 37
c5 1,649 2,043 850 1,131 1,719 0 31
c6 2,334 2,531 122 1,131 689 410 57
c7 1,243 2,098 1,726 1,719 689 96 46
c8 113 44 297 0 410 96 41
Q 23 60 37 31 57 46 41

c3 is created. To compute the reduced savings matrix, the following operations are
executed: (1) eliminate the origin row, which in this case is the row of customer c2,
because the origin node can no longer be the origin node for another shortcut; (2)
eliminate the destination column, which in this case is the column of customer c3,
because the destination node can no longer be the destination for another shortcut;
(3) change the label of the destination row by preceding it with the origin label,
which in this case yields c2:c3; (4) change the label of the origin column by ap-
pending it with the destination label, which in this case yields c2:c3; (5) clear the
element on the intersection of the row and column corresponding to this shortcut;
(6) change the quantities in the row and column for the partial route of the current
shortcut to reflect the combined quantities, which in this case yields 28 + 32 = 60.
The updated matrix is shown in Table 9.6.
In the serial variant of the savings algorithm only one tour at the time is con-
structed, so only savings of combining other points with the endpoints of the current
partial tour are relevant. These savings are shown as shaded in green in Table 9.6.
If adding a point to the current partial tour would violate the vehicle capacity, those
savings would be shown as shaded in purple. There are no such points after the first
iteration. The updated savings matrix for the second iteration is shown in Table 9.6.
The shortcut with the largest savings corresponds to connecting the endpoint c3
to singleton customer c7. The same update operations are executed which results in
the following updated savings matrix for iteration 3 (Table 9.7).
There are no remaining points that can be combined with the partial route c2:c7
without violating the vehicle capacity, hence the current route is archived. The num-
ber of routes is less than the number of vehicles and thus a new route can be started.

Table 9.7   Pair-wise serial savings for the VRP8 example (Iteration 3)
c1 c2:c7 c4 c5 c6 c8 Q
c1 2,775 424 1,649 2,334 113 23
c4 424 753 850 122 297 37
c5 1,649 2,043 850 1,131 0 31
c6 2,334 2,531 122 1,131 410 57
c2:c7 1,243 1,726 1,719 689 96 106
c8 113 44 297 0 410 41
Q 23 106 37 31 57 41
286 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.8   Pair-wise serial c1 c4 c5 c6 c8 Q

savings for the VRP example
c1 424 1,649 2,334 113 23
(Iteration 3)
c4 424 850 122 297 37
c5 1,649 850 1,131 0 31
c6 2,334 122 1,131 410 57
c8 113 297 0 410 41
Q 23 37 31 57 41

Table 9.9   Pair-wise serial

c1:c6 c4 c5 c8 Q
savings for the VRP example
(Iteration 4) c4 424 850 297 37
c5 1,649 850 0 31
c1:c6 122 1,131 410 80
c8 113 297 0 41
Q 80 37 31 41

The row and column corresponding to the current route are eliminated from the
savings matrix (Table 9.8).
The largest savings correspond to shortcut of customers c1 and c6. The savings
matrix is updated using the same sequence of operations (Table 9.9).
Only the savings in the row and column c1:c6 are eligible in the serial variant.
Combining customer c8 with the current partial route would yield a vehicle load of
80 + 41 = 121, which is larger than the vehicle capacity. So the savings in cells at the
intersection of c8 and c1:c6 are ineligible. The largest savings corresponds to the
feasible shortcut from customer c5 to the customer c1 on the partial route. The sav-
ings matrix is updated (Table 9.10).
There are no remaining points that can be combined with the partial tour c5:c6
without violating the vehicle capacity, hence the current route is archived. The num-
ber of routes is less than the number of vehicles and thus a new route can be started.
The row and column corresponding to the current route are eliminated from the
savings matrix (Table 9.11).
The last two customers c4 and c8 are combined. At this time all points have been
included on a route and the algorithm terminates. The operations of the serial vari-

Table 9.10   Pair-wise serial c4 c5:c6 c8 Q

savings for the VRP example
c4 850 297 37
(Iteration 5)
c5:c6 122 410 111
c8 297 0 41
Q 37 111 41

Table 9.11   Pair-wise serial c4 c8 Q

savings for the VRP example
c4 297 37
(Iteration 6)
c8 297 41
Q 37 41
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 287

Table 9.12   Serial savings steps for the VRP8 example

Step Shortcut Facilities
Points Savings Length 26,462 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 c2:c3 3,371 6,663 23,091 d1 c2 c3 d1
2 c3:c7 3,358 7,031 19,733 d1 c2 c3 c7 d1
3 c1:c6 2,334 4,796 17,399 d1 c1 c6 d1
4 c5:c1 1,649 5,311 15,750 d1 c5 c10 c6 d1
5 c4:c8 297 3,111 15,453 d1 c4 c8 d1

Table 9.13   Serial savings routes summary

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 d1 c2 c3 c7 d1 106 7,031
2 d1 c5 c1 c6 d1 111 5,311
3 d1 c4 c8 d1 78 3,111
Total 295 15,453

ant are summarized in Table 9.12. The length in the fourth column of the table is
the length of the partial route after it has been extended through the shortcut. This
length will increase when points are added to the partial route. The length in the
fifth column is the total route length after the shortcut. It includes the length of the
out-and-back routes to points that have not yet been included on a partial route. The
value in the header row of the fifth column is the total length of all the out-and-back
routes and equal to twice the sum of the distances from the depot to every facility.
The length value in the fifth column will decrease by the savings of the shortcuts
when points are added to the partial routes. The value in the fifth column and the last
row is the total length of the routes upon completion of the algorithm and should be
equal to the total length of the routes in the summary table (Table 9.13 and Fig. 9.6).
Parallel Savings  The parallel variant starts off with the same binary savings table
and first shortcut as the serial variant. However, after the first shortcut and update
of the savings table, all savings elements remain eligible, not just the savings in the
row and column of the current partial route. In this small example, the second short-
cut selected, the closure of the first partial route, the third shortcut, the fourth short-
cut, the closure of the second partial route, and the fifth shortcut are all the same for
the serial and parallel variant. For this VRP8 example, the serial and partial variants
yield the same routes. This is not true in general. An example of this is shown in the
appendix where the algorithms are applied to the larger example VRP16, which has
16 customer facilities.
So far the algorithm have considered simultaneously the distance between two
facilities and the demand of the customer, the load already allocated to the route,
and the vehicle capacity. The following algorithms separate the decisions that are
based on the interfacility distances and on the load and capacity quantities.
Sweep: Cluster-First, Route-Second Variant  The sweep algorithm creates a route
by appending the points to the route when they are conceptually traversed by a ray
288 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.6   VRP8 serial savings


rotating around the depot. Computationally, the relative polar coordinates of each point
with respect to the depot are determined and the points are inserted in the route by
increasing polar angle. The algorithm was first described by Gillet and Miller (1974)
for the vehicle routing problem. The starting angle of the rotation ray is an algorithm
input parameter. The polar angle of a facility with respect to the depot and with a start-
ing angle is computed with the following formula, where the angles are expressed in
radians and arctan2 is the inverse tangent function with the sign of the result deter-
mined by the values and the sign of its arguments y and x. The function arctan2 itself
or the subtraction of the starting angle may yield a negative value for θ. To normalize
the θ angle in the interval [0, 2π], 2π is repeatedly added until the value of θ is positive.
θi = arctan2(yi − ydepot , xi − xdepot ) − starting_angle
 while (θi < 0) (9.11)
θi = θi + 2π
It should be noted that the arctan2 function in the C standard type library has the
function arguments in the sequence y-first, x-second, but the ARCTAN2 function in
the Excel spreadsheet has the function arguments in the sequence x-first, y-second.
The cluster-first variant of the sweep algorithm assigns the customer facilities to
routes in the first phase based on the customer demand. It routes the facilities for
each cluster in the second phase. The sweep algorithm rotates a ray with origin at
the distribution center and the facilities are assigned to the current group or cluster
when they are traversed by the ray. The current cluster is closed if the next facility
would violate the truck capacity. Note that the groupings are only clusters without
any facility sequencing information. After all the clusters have been determined,
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 289

TSP algorithms must be used to construct the actual route for each cluster. For each
cluster the depot is added to the customer facilities in the cluster to determine the
tour by the TSP algorithms.
VRP8 Cluster-First Sweep (Variant A) Example  The starting direction of the ray is
a user-specified algorithm parameter. In this example, the starting position of the ray
is due east and rotation direction is counterclockwise. The first customer traversed
by the sweep ray is c1 and the cluster quantity is 23. The next facility traversed is
customer c2 with demand 28. The combined cluster load would 23 + 28 = 51, which
is less than the vehicle capacity so customer c2 is added to the cluster. The next
facility traversed is customer c5 with demand 31. The combined cluster load would
be 51 + 31 = 82, which is less than the vehicle capacity so customer c5 is added.
The next facility traversed is customer c3 with demand 32. The combined cluster
load would be 82 + 32 = 114 and customer c3 is added. The next facility traversed
is customer c7 with demand 46. This facility does not fit in the first cluster since
114 + 46 = 160 is larger than the vehicle capacity of 120. Customer c7 starts cluster
two, which has an initial load of 46. Continuing this process yields the following
clusters {c1, c2, c5, c3}, {c7, c4}, {c8, c6} with loads equal to 114, 83, and 98
respectively. These steps are summarized in Table 9.14.
A TSP algorithm then needs to be used to sequence the points in each cluster. For
this particular example, there are only two customers in clusters two and three and
the distances are symmetrical, so the problem of determining the optimal facility
routing sequence is trivial. The first cluster contains four facilities plus the depot
facility and a TSP algorithm must be used. The convex hull algorithm is used to
construct an initial tour, with the following facility sequence ( c1, c2, c3, d1). The
single facility that is not yet sequenced is customer c5. Cheapest insertion is used
to insert it on the link from c3 to d1. Other TSP algorithms could have been used to
route the customers in the first cluster. The routes created by this variant are sum-
marized in Table 9.15 and are shown in Fig. 9.7. Note that the routes created are the
optimal TSP routes for each cluster, but this does not assure that the created routes
form the optimal solution for the VRP instance.
Sweep: Route-First, Cluster-Second Variant  The route-first variant of the sweep
algorithm first sequences all the customers based on their locations into a single
route. It ignores the customer demand requirements during the routing phase. The

Table 9.14   Cluster-First Index Cluster Point Cluster Vehicle Quantity

sweep routes steps
1 c1 1 23
2 c2 1 51
3 c5 1 82
4 c3 1 114
5 c7 2 46
6 c4 2 83
7 c8 3 41
8 c6 3 98
Total 295
290 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.15   Cluster-First sweep routes summary

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 d1 c1 c2 c3 c5 d1 114 6,892
2 d1 c7 c4 d1 83 4,064
3 d1 c8 c6 d1 98 5,142
Total 295 16,098

algorithm then creates routes that observe customer demand and satisfy truck capac-
ity during the clustering phase.
This variant of the sweep algorithm sequences all customers to be visited on a
single route by rotating a line segment or ray around the distribution center. Cus-
tomers are added to the sequence when they are traversed by the rotating line. The
starting angle and the rotational direction of the line have no impact on the tour that
is created in this routing phase. At the end of the first phase, a single tour consisting
of all the customers has been created. After all customers have been sequenced, a
customer is selected to start the first route. The route visits each customer according
to the sequence determined above until appending the next customer would violate
the truck capacity. That next customer starts a new route. The starting customer
and the direction in which the sequence is traversed are algorithm parameters. The
customers are sequenced on the routes following their sequence on the initial single
tour. After the routes have been determined, they can be improved by TSP improve-
ment routines such as steepest descent improvement exchanges. However, these
improvements are not part of the sweep algorithm.

Fig. 9.7   Cluster-First sweep

routes for VRP8
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 291

Table 9.16   Route-First sweep routes summary

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 d1 c1 c2 c5 c3 d1 114 8,220
2 d1 c7 c4 d1 83 4,064
3 d1 c8 c6 d1 98 5,142
Total 295 17,426

VRP8 Route-First Sweep (Variant B) Example  The starting angle of the ray is again
set to due east. The sequence of customers as traversed by the ray is equal to ( c1, c2,
c5, c3, c7, c4, c8, c6). This sequence is then divided into segments so that the demand
on each segment does not violate the truck capacity. The break points are the same as
for the cluster-first variant. The first route is then ( c1, c2, c5, c3), which is different
from the first route for the cluster-first variant. Is this particular example the second
and third route are identical in the two variants. See Table 9.16 and Fig. 9.8.
Giant Tour  The giant tour algorithm creates the shortest-length traveling sales-
man tour of all the customers plus the depot facility, while ignoring their demand
requirements, during the routing phase. The route starts with the depot and visits
each customer according to the TSP sequence until the next customer would violate
the truck capacity. That next customer starts a new route. The direction in which the
sequence is traversed is an algorithm input parameter.
An alternative giant tour algorithm creates the shortest-length TSP tour of all the
customers, but excluding the depot. Again the demand requirements are ignored

Fig. 9.8   Route-First Sweep

routes for VRP8
292 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.9   Giant tour for VRP8

during this phase. The route starts at a customer in the sequence and visits each
customer according to the TSP sequence until the next customer would violate the
truck capacity. The starting customer and the sequence direction are input param-
eters for this variant.
VRP8 Giant Tour Example  The tour shown in Fig. 9.9 was determined for the eight
customers and the depot by the convex hull algorithm followed by the priciest inser-
tion, i.e, the first variant of the giant tour algorithm is executed. The length of this
tour is not relevant, only the sequence of the customers on the tour. The sequence of
facilities is ( d1, c5, c1, c6, c2, c3, c7, c4, c8).
The routes start at the depot, and the direction of progress through the sequence
is specified by selecting customer c5 as the next customer. This sequence is di-
vided into segments so that the demand on a segment does not violate the truck
capacity. After customer c6 has been added to the first route, the vehicle load is
31 + 23 + 57 = 111. Adding the next customer c2 would violate the capacity, so the
first route is closed and customer c2 starts a new route. The routes created by the
giant tour algorithm are summarized in Table 9.17.

Table 9.17   Giant tour routes summary

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 d1 c5 c1 c6 d1 111 5,311
2 d1 c2 c3 c7 d1 106 7,031
3 d1 c4 c8 d1 78 3,111
Total 295 15,453
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 293

Fig. 9.10   Giant tour routes

for VRP8

Generalized Assignment Problem Formulation (GAP)  The classic vehicle rout-

ing problem can be seen as a clustering or assignment problem, where the cost of
assigning a facility to a route is a function of customer facilities assigned to the
route and the vehicle. However, this cost function cannot be written in a closed
algebraic form, but is written as the optimal solution value of a set of independent
secondary optimization problems. Each of these secondary problems is a traveling
salesman problem over the facilities assigned to that vehicle plus the depot facility.
The GAP formulation is shown next using the notation developed before for the
vehicle routing problem. The clustering formulation is given first, followed by the
secondary sequencing formulation.
Formulation 9.2. Clustering Master Problem of the Bilevel GAP Formulation 

min f (zik )

s.t. demi zik ≤ capk · z0k ∀k

 z0k ≤ K (9.12)

zik = 1 i = 1, ..., N
zik ∈ {0, 1}
294 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

The following decision variable and set need to be defined in addition to the stan-
dard notation for the VRP.
xijk equals 1 if vehicle k travels directly from customer i to customer j, zero
N( zik) set of customers visited by vehicle k and the depot, i.e.,
N (zik ) = { i ∈ N ∪ 0| zik = 1} , where 0 is the index corresponding to the

Formulation 9.3. Sequencing Subproblem of the Bilevel GAP Formulation 

f (zik ) = min cijk xijk
i j

s.t. xijk = zjk ∀jk

 xijk = zik ∀i (9.13)

xijk ≤ |S| − 1 S ⊆ N (zik )
i∈S j∈S

xijk ∈ {0, 1}

In this routing formulation the indices i and j range from 0 to N. In the clustering
formulation, z0k indicates if vehicle k is used or not. This formulation is a bilevel
programming problem which has its master problem the assignment problem and
as its subproblems the individual traveling salesman problems. While the above
formulation clearly demonstrates the structure of the vehicle routing problem, it is
not particularly useful for its solution. Bilevel programming problems are very dif-
ficult to solve to optimality. The secondary routing formulation is itself known to
be a hard problem that cannot be solved to optimal ity for large problem instances
in a reasonable amount of computer time. To reduce the computational effort, the
secondary optimization problem can be replaced by a linear expression that ap-
proximates the optimal clustering costs.

 f (yik ) ≈ dik yik (9.14)

It is desirable that this approximation is as accurate as possible, i.e., as close as pos-

sible to the optimal solution of the secondary optimization problem, but also that the
linearized costs can be computed efficiently. Many different approximations have
been developed. They can be divided into single-pass or iterative approximations.
In single-pass approximations, the cost are computed once and based on these costs
the VRP is solved. In iterative approximations, the solution of the VRP is used to
further refine the linear clustering costs and the problems are solved again until the
solution converges.
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 295

One heuristic single-pass approximation was proposed by Fisher and Jaikumar

(1981). It relies on the determination of a seed point as a surrogate for the center of
each route. The assignment cost for a customer to a route is then approximated by
the insertion penalty of this customer on the route to the seed point and back.
 dik = c0i + cisk − c0sk (9.15)
If the VRP is using a distance table rather than a distance norm calculation, dis-
tances to the original continuous location of the seed point may not be available. In
this case the seed point is moved to the closest point to the seed point that is located
inside the current route sector and that is included in the distance table. Typically
this is the closest customer to the seed point inside the route sector. Clearly many
alternative rules for determining the seed point location and the assignment cost
are possible and have been used. The linearized clustering formulation for the case
where all K vehicles are used is given next.
Formulation 9.4. Approximate Master Clustering Problem of the GAP

min dik zik
k i

s.t. demi zik ≤ capk ∀k
 i=1 (9.16)

zik = 1 i = 1, ..., N
zik ∈ {0, 1}

It should be observed that the GAP heuristic approximates the routing costs but
accurately models the capacity constraints. This method is thus most suitable for
problems where the capacity constraints are strongly limiting the solution and
where the routing costs are less important. The solution of the approximation GAP
belongs to the class of the two-phase construction algorithms, where the first phase
focuses on clustering and the second phase focuses on sequencing the customers.
Fisher and Jaikumar (1981) determined the location of the seed points in the fol-
lowing manner. The goal is to locate the seed points in such way that they represent
the center of the routes. For the seed point determination, each route is assumed to
be located in a cone with the tip of the cone located at the depot. For a given number
of vehicles, each route will deliver on the average the quantity qk , where

 i=1 (9.17)
qk =
296 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

If the trucks have different capacities, the expected quantity delivered by a truck is
computed such that the expected utilizations of all the trucks are identical.

 qk = · capk = ρ · capk (9.18)


The route cones are determined by a sweep algorithm. The starting orientation and
rotation direction are algorithm input parameters. If the trucks have different capac-
ities, the sequence of trucks is also an algorithm parameter. The sweep procedure
determines a sequence for the customers. Each customer also has a cone with its tip
located at the depot. The boundaries of this cone are the bisectors of the angles to
the preceding and succeeding customers. The starting boundary line of the first sec-
tor is the starting boundary line of the customer cone of the first customer traversed
by the rotating ray. The rotating ray adds customers to the sector, until the next cus-
tomer would violate the average quantity on a route, given by qk . The cone of the
customer that would violate the average load is split proportional to the quantities
that fit and do not fit on the current route. The ray corresponding to this split forms
the end ray of the sector, which is also the start ray of the next sector. The continu-
ous location of the seed point is then determined by its polar coordinates. The angle
of the seed point is equal to the bisector line of the current sector. The radius of the
seed point is equal to the radius so that at exactly 75% of the total demand in this
sector, given by qk , falls inside the radius.
The continuous location of the seed point is illustrated in Fig. 9.11. Customers m
and r determine the boundary lines of the current sector, which in turn determines

re rs rb

r 75 %
sk+1 h

t q i

j sk


Fig. 9.11   Continuous loca-

tion of the seed points in the
GAP heuristic n
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 297

the bisector. The boundary rays of the cone of customer r are indicated by rb and re .
They are determined as the bisectors of the rays through customers i and r and cus-
tomers r and q, respectively. The ray rs splits the cone of customer r proportional
to the fraction of the load of customer r that fits on route k and k + 1 when the truck
capacity is equal to q . Assume that α percent of the load of customer r fits on route
k. The angles expressed in radians are then computed by the following formulas.
 θkstart = (θn + θm ) (9.19)

1 1
 θrb = (θi + θr ), θre = (θr + θq ) (9.20)
2 2

1 α
 θkend ≡ θk+1
= θrs = θrb + α(θre − θrb ) = (θi + θr ) + (θq − θi ) (9.21)
2 2
If the ray with zero angle is located between the rays of two customers in the above
formulas, then 2π must be subtracted from the sum and added to the difference of
those two angles.
In sector k, customers i and h determine the 75% radius. Assume that β percent
of the load of customer h fits inside 75% of the average vehicle load qk . The radial
coordinate of the seed point is then calculated with the following formula.
 rs = ri + β(rh − ri ) (9.22)
The seed point is located at the intersection of the bisector and radial curve. The
75% boundary value is an estimated value for the radius of the center of the route.
An alternative method is to determine the radius of the seed point as the weighted
average of the radii of the customers on the route, where the weights are the cus-
tomer quantities. The radius of the seed point is then located at the center of gravity
of the radii of the customers on the route. The remaining steps in the algorithm are
identical to the algorithm variant proposed by Fisher and Jaikumar that has been
described above.

rj · demj
j∈route k
 ρk =  (9.23)
j∈route k
Algorithm 9.1. GAP Heuristic for the VRP 
  1. For each customer, convert Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates relative
to the depot ∀i (xi , yi ) → (ri , θi )
  2. Sort customers by increasing (counterclockwise rotation) or decreasing (clock-
wise rotation) angle θ starting from an initial angle and index the customers by
this sorting order. Note that starting angle and rotation direction are algorithm
298 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

  3. Determine boundary angles of customer cones ϕistart , ϕiend as bisectors of
angles of subsequent customers ϕistart = (θi−1 + θi ) 2, ϕiend = (θi + θi+1 ) 2.

  4. Determine average load for every route qk = Ni=1 demi /K , which becomes the
route capacity
  5. Determine boundary angles of vehicle cones by sweep algorithm. A customer
that fits only partially in a vehicle cone is split into two according to (9.21). At
completion φkstart and φkend have been determined. 
  6. Determine bisector angles of the vehicle cones ψk = (φkstart + φkend ) 2.
  7. Determine the radius of the seed point of the vehicle route as the average radius
in the vehicle cone with (9.23) or with a similar equation.
  8. For each vehicle determine Cartesian coordinates of the seed point from polar
coordinates with respect to the depot, ∀k (ρk , ψk ) → (xk , yk )
  9. For each combination of customer and route seed point, determine the distance
between them cisk .
10. For each combination of customer and route determine the assignment cost of
this customer to this route dik = c0i + cisk − c0sk.
11. Solve the GAP. At the completion the zik have been determined.
12. For each vehicle, solve the sequencing problem, which is a TSP, for the depot
and the customers assigned to that route, i.e., {i |zik = 1} ∪ {0}.
Heuristic Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP) Example  The computations for
the heuristic approximation to the VRP formulation based on the GAP are given
next. The assignment cost of a customer to a route is approximated by the insertion
cost of the customer on the route from the depot to the route seed point. The seed
points are located in route sectors. Since all truck capacities are equal, the route sec-
tors divide the problem area into sectors with equal demand. The starting angle of
the route sectors is an algorithm input parameter.
In the VRP8 example, three vehicles with a capacity equal to 120 are available.
The total demand equals 295. If all routes serve the same demand, each route should
serve approximately a demand of 295/3 = 98.3. The starting angle of the route sector
is due east and the rotation is counterclockwise. For the Fisher and Jaikumar variant
of the heuristic, the rotation direction does not have an impact, but this may not be
true for the sector determination methods used in other variants. The Cartesian and
relative polar coordinates of the customer facilities with respect to the depot facility
are shown in Tables 9.18 and 9.19. The second table shows the facilities sorted by
increasing polar angle.
The starting angle of the ray is 0.000 for a due east direction. The first sec-
tor starts with customer c1 with polar angle equal to 0.508. The start angle of the
first sector is then the bisector between customer c1 and customer c6, which is the
customer with the largest polar angle. The angle of the bisector in radians is then
computed with the following calculations.

begin θc1 + θc6 − 2π 0.508 + 6.183 − 2 · 3.14

θ1 = = = 0.204
2 2
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 299

Table 9.18   VRP8 facilities with cartesian and polar coordinates

Label Cartesian Polar Quantity
X-Coord Y-Coord Angle Radius
d1 1,164 1,083
c1 2,440 1,794 0.508 1,461 23
c2 2,844 2,820 0.802 2,417 28
c3 1,434 3,669 1.467 2,600 32
c4 372 1,745 2.445 1,032 37
c5 1,592 2,077 1.164 1,082 31
c6 3,257 873 6.183 2,104 57
c7 663 2,877 1.843 1,863 46
c8 929 453 4.355 672 41

Table 9.19   VRP8 facilities sorted by polar coordinates

Label Cartesian Polar Quantity
X-Coord Y-Coord Angle Radius
c1 2,440 1,794 0.508 1,461 23
c2 2,844 2,820 0.802 2,417 28
c5 1,592 2,077 1.164 1,082 31
c3 1,434 3,669 1.467 2,600 32
c7 663 2,877 1.843 1,863 46
c4 372 1,745 2.445 1,032 37
c8 929 453 4.355 672 41
c6 3,257 873 6.183 2,104 57

The starting angle for the first sector is equal to the end angle for the last sector.
2π, equivalent to one full circle, needs to be subtracted from the sum of the cus-
tomer angles if the ray with an angle of zero radians is located in between the two
customer rays.
Adding customers systematically by increasing polar angle, the sector quantity
for customer c2 is 51 and c5 is 82 and the sector quantity for further adding custom-
er c3 would be 114. This violates the route or sector capicity constraint of 98.3 and
customer c3 will be split between sector 1 and sector 2. The fraction of customer c3
that is located in sector 1 and the boundary angle of sector 1 are computed with the
following calculations.

98.3 − 82 16.3
αc3 = = = 51.0%
32 32
θc3 + θc5 θc7 − θc5 1.467 + 1.164 1.843 − 1.164
θ1end = + αc3 = + 0.510 = 1.489
2 2 2 2

Sector 2 starts with customer c3, but only with its remainder load of 32 − 16.3 = 15.7
and at the end angle of sector 1, i.e., 1.489. Adding customers systematically by
increasing the polar angle, the sector quantity for customer c7 is 61.7 and the sec-
tor quantity for adding customer c4 would be 98.7. This violates the sector load
300 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.20   VRP8 sector Sector Angles

Start End Center
S1 0.204 1.489 0.846
S2 1.489 3.389 2.439
S3 3.389 6.487 4.938

constraint and customer c4 will be split between sector 2 and 3. The fraction of cus-
tomer c4 that is located in sector 2 and the boundary angle of sector 2 are computed
with the following calculations.

98.3 − 61.7 36.6

αc4 = = = 99.1%
37 37
θc4 + θc7 θc8 − θc7 2.445 + 1.843 4.355 − 1.843
θ2end = + αc4 = + 0.991 = 3.389
2 2 2 2

This process is repeated to determine all the remaining sectors. The end angle for
the last sector is equal to the starting angle for the first sector. 2π, equivalent to one
full circle, needs to be added to the sum of the customer angles if the ray with an
angle of zero radians is located in between the two customer rays.

θ3end = θ1start + 2π = 0.204 + 6.283 = 6.487

The angular polar coordinate for each seed point is on the center ray for each sector.
The bisector or center angle for each of the sectors is then computed as the aver-
age of the two boundary angles. The angles for the three sectors are summarized in
Table 9.20.
The second polar coordinate of each seed point is its radius. In the Fisher and
Jaikumar variant of the GAP heuristic algorithm, the seed radius in a cluster is the
boundary radius where exactly 75% of the average vehicle load is contained inside
the radius. This radius is computed next for each sector. To satisfy the 75% bound-
ary, at most one customer per sector may have to split between inside and outside
the radius. In this example, 75% of the average vehicle load is 0.75  ·  98.3  =  73.8.
The customers in each cluster, sorted by increasing radius per cluster, are shown in
Table  9.21. Observe that the split customers from the previous calculations each
appear in two sectors, indicated by the postscript a or b, respectively. They have
identical radius in each sector but different quantities, equal to the split delivery
quantities computed in the previous step.
The calculations are for sector 1 are given next. When adding customers by in-
creasing radius, the cumulative quantity is 54 for customer c1 and would be 82 for
customer c2. This is larger than 73.8, so customer c2 will be split between inside
and outside the boundary radius. The fraction of customer c2 inside the radius and
the boundary radius are computed in the next calculations.
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 301

Table 9.21   VRP8 facilities by cluster sorted by increasing radius

Label Cartesian Polar Quantity
X-Coord Y-Coord Angle Radius
c5 1,592 2,077 1.164 1,082 31
c1 2,440 1,794 0.508 1,461 23
c2 2,844 2,820 0.802 2,417 28
c3_a 1,434 3,669 1.467 2,600 16.3
c4_a 372 1,745 2.445 1,032 36.7
c7 663 2,877 1.843 1,863 46
c3_b 1,434 3,669 1.467 2,600 15.7
c8 929 453 4.355 672 41.0
c4_b 372 1,745 2.445 1,032 0.3
c6 3,257 873 6.183 2,104 57

73.8 − 54 19.8
βc2 = = = 70.5%
28 28
rs1 = rc1 + βc2 · (rc2 − rc1 ) = 1,461 + 0.705 · (2,417 − 1,461) = 2,134.9

These calculations are then repeated for each of the remaining sectors. For sector 2,
when adding the customers by increasing radius, the cumulative quantity is 36.7 for
customer c4 and 82.7 for customer c7. This is larger than the 75% percentage of the
average load, so customer c7 will be split between inside and outside the boundary
radius. The seed point radius is computed with the following calculations.
73.8 − 36.7 37.1
βc7 = = = 80.6%
46 46
rs2 = rc4 + βc7 · (rc7 − rc4 ) = 1,032 + 0.806 · (1,863 − 1,032) = 1,701.7

These calculations are repeated for the remaining sectors. The polar coordinates of
each seed point are then transformed to Cartesian coordinates. Note that the polar
coordinates are with respect to the depot. In order to compute the Cartesian coordi-
nates of the seed points in the original problem domain the depot coordinates have
to be added.
xs = rs · cos (θs ) + xdepot
 ys = rs · sin (θs ) + ydepot (9.24)

The Cartesian coordinates for the seed point of route 1 are then computed as fol-
xs1 = rs1 · cos (θs1 ) + xdepot = 2,134.9 · cos (0.846) + 1,164 = 2,579
ys1 = rs1 · sin (θs1 ) + ydepot = 2,134.9 · sin (0.846) + 1,083 = 2,682

The coordinates of the three seed points for this example are shown in Table 9.22.
The location of the seed points is illustrated in Fig. 9.12. Note that the scale of the
302 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.22   VRP8 polar and cartesian coordinates for the seed points
Sector Radius Angle X-Coord Y-Coord
S1 2,134.9 0.846 2,579 2,682
S2 1,701.7 2.439 −135 2,183
S3 1,641.5 4.938 1,532 −517

figures that display the seed points is different from the scale of all other figures
illustrating VRP8 since some of the seed point locations fall outside the original
problem domain.
The cost of assigning a customer to a route is computed as the insertion penalty
of the customer for the out-and-back route from the depot to the seed point. In order
to compute those insertion penalties, we need first to compute the distances from
every customer to every seed point. For the VRP8 example the distances are com-
puted with the Euclidean distance norm without adjustment factor. The computed
distances are shown in Table 9.23, rounded to the nearest integer.
The assignment cost for customer c1 to seed point S1 is computed as the inser-
tion penalty of customer c1 into route ( d1, S1, d1) as shown in the following cal-
cc1,S1 = cd1,c1 + cc1,S1 − cd1,S1 = 1,461 + 899 − 2,135 = 225
The other assignment costs are computed in a similar way. The assignment costs are
shown in Table 9.24.

Fig. 9.12   VRP8 facility and

seed point locations
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 303

Table 9.23   VRP8 customer to seed point distances

Distance S1 S2 S3 d1
c1 899 2,604 2,683 1,461
c2 299 3,046 3,785 2,417
c3 1,512 2,161 4,421 2,600
c4 2,398 670 2,773 1,032
c5 1,158 1,730 2,826 1,082
c6 1,932 3,636 2,329 2,104
c7 1,926 1,058 3,741 1,863
c8 2,773 2,031 1,369 672
d1 2,135 1,702 1,880

Table 9.24   VRP8 customer Cost S1 S2 S3

to seed point assignment c1 225 2,363 2,264
costs c2 581 3,761 4,322
c3 1,977 3,059 5,141
c4 1,295 0 1,925
c5 105 1,110 2,028
c6 1,901 4,038 2,553
c7 1,654 1,219 3,724
c8 1,310 1,001 161

The GAP now can be solved using an integer programming (IP) solver. The GAP
formulation can and will tend to yield fractional solutions if solved with a linear
programming solver. The solver included in Excel will be used here, but other solv-
ers can be used. The problem setup in Excel is shown in Fig. 9.13.
On the left, the two-dimensional matrix with the assignment costs is given
in cells O63:Q70. On the right, the two-dimensional matrix in cells U63:W70
contains the assignment variables. Column X contains the sum of the assign-
ment variables for each customer, which must sum up to 1. Row 71 contains the
sum of the quantities assigned to the respective routes. The cumulative quantity
for seed S1 is computed in cell U71 and is computed with the Excel function

Fig. 9.13   VRP8 excel GAP problem

304 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.14   VRP8 excel GAP

solver parameters

SUMPRODUCT($T63:$T70,U63:U70). The vehicle capacity in this example is

120, so the cumulative quantities have to less than or equal to 120. Finally, the
total assignment cost is stored in cell R71 and is computed with the Excel function
SUMPRODUCT(O63:Q70,U63:W70). Initially, all the assignment variables, sums,
and assignment costs are zero. The solver problem setup for this example is shown
in Fig. 9.14.
The solver will minimize the contents of cell R71, which contains the sum of the
assignment costs. The decision variables are stored in the rectangular matrix of cells
U63:W70. There are only three types of constraints for the problem. To avoid split-
ting customers among routes, in the first constraint the assignment variables in cells
U63:W70 are forced to be either zero or one, i.e., they must be binary. The second
constraint is the capacity constraint, which ensures that the cumulative quantity on
each route is less than the vehicle capacity. The cumulative quantities are stored in
cells U71:W71, and the vehicle capacity is 120. Finally, the third constraint is the
assignment constraint, which ensures that the sum of the assignment variables for
each customer is equal to 1. The sums are stored in cells X63:X70 (Fig. 9.15).
The optimal solution value returned by the solver is 6,821 but is not relevant. The
assignment of customers to routes is shown in Table 9.25. It should be noted that at
this time, this assignment only provides route clusters and that the customers have

Fig. 9.15   VRP8 excel GAP solution

9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 305

Table 9.25   VRP8 GAP Route Customers Quantity

route clusters
S1 c1,c2,c3,c5 114
S2 c4,c7 83
S3 c6,c8 98

not been routed yet. In this particular case, route 1 contains four customers and the
depot and routes 2 and 3 contain each two customers and the depot.
Routes 2 and 3 are solved trivially by the convex hull algorithm for the TSP.
Route 1 is created by the convex hull algorithm followed by cheapest insertion
algorithm if necessary. The convex hull provides the optimal tour for the facilities
on the convex hull and the optimal sequence of the facilities on any optimal route
with additional facilities. Since route 1 has only one facility not on the convex hull,
the cheapest insertion creates a route with minimal length. The three vehicle routes
created with the sequence of these two algorithms are guaranteed to be optimal for
the given route clusters. This property is only valid for this case and not likely to be
satisfied for larger problem instances. The resulting routes are shown in Tables 9.26
and 9.27. The total length of all the routes is 16,098. This solution is not guaranteed
to be optimal. The resulting routes are shown Fig. 9.16.
If the radii of the seed points are computed with the center of gravity method,
then the coordinates for the seed points are computed as shown in Table 9.28. It
should be noted that the angular coordinates are identical to polar angles determined
by the Fisher and Jaikumar heuristic, only the radii are different. But the different
radii yield different Cartesian coordinates.
Since the optimal assignment solution generated by the center-of-gravity variant
is the same as the solution generated by the Fisher and Jaikumar variant, the route
clusters and the routes will also be the same. This property is not true in general,
especially for larger problem instances.

Table 9.26   VRP8 GAP facility routing

Route Convex hull Insertion Final route Length
S1 c1,c2,c3 c5 c1,c2,c3,c5 6,892
S2 c4,c7 c4,c7 4,064
S3 c6,c8 c6,c8 5,142

Table 9.27   VRP8 GAP route statistics

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 d1 c1 c2 c3 c5 d1 114 6,892
2 d1 c4 c7 d1 83 4,064
3 d1 c6 c8 d1 98 5,142
Total 295 16,098
306 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.16   VRP8 GAP routes

with seed locations

At the end of the construction or the insertion phase, a set of routes has been
created that do not violate vehicle capacities. In the following improvement algo-
rithms, the routes are changed if this decreases the total travel length.

Table 9.28   VRP8 polar and cartesian coordinates for the seed points (center-of-gravity variant)
Vehicle Angle Radius X Coord Y Coord
v1 0.847 1,803 2,359 2,433
v2 2.439 1,671 −111 2,163
v3 4.938 1,503 1,501 −382

Table 9.29   VRP8 customer to seed point distances (center-of-gravity variant)

v1 v2 v3 d1
c1 644 2,577 2,370 1,461
c2 621 3,027 3,472 2,417
c3 1,543 2,158 4,052 2,600
c4 2,102 638 2,408 1,032
c5 845 1,705 2,461 1,082
c6 1,800 3,606 2,159 2,104
c7 1,753 1,053 3,365 1,863
c8 2,442 2,001 1,012 672
d1 1,803 1,670 1,503
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 307

Table 9.30   VRP8 customer v1 v2 v3

to seed point assignment
c1 302 2,367 2,328
costs (center-of-gravity
variant) c2 1,234 3,773 4,386
c3 2,341 3,087 5,148
c4 1,332 0 1,937
c5 125 1,117 2,040
c6 2,101 4,039 2,759
c7 1,813 1,245 3,724
c8 1,312 1,003 181

Table 9.31   VRP8 GAP v1 v2 v3

route clusters solution c1 1 0 0
(center-of-gravity variant)
c2 1 0 0
c3 1 0 0
c4 0 1 0
c5 1 0 0
c6 0 0 1
c7 0 1 0
c8 0 0 1  Improvement Algorithms

Intra-route Improvements Algorithms ( TSP) All intra-route improvement algorithms

attempt to reduce the length of a single route by link exchanges on this route. They
operate on each route sequentially to reduce the total route length. Since the route
is feasible at the start of the algorithm, it will remain feasible throughout the algo-
rithm execution. These procedures are identical to the improvement procedures
for the TSP. The most often executed procedures are 2-opt, 3-opt, and chain-opt.
Further information on these intra-route improvement algorithms can be found in
the section on the improvement procedures for the TSP.
Two-Opt Improvement for Example VRP8  The 2-opt intra-route improvement pro-
cedure will be executed on the routes created by the nearest neighbor algorithm.
The nearest neighbor route statistics are given in Table 9.4 and the routes are shown
in Fig. 9.2. Only route 2 with four customers is eligible for improvement by a two-
exchange improvement since the route has to have at least four edges. The exchange
of edges ( c5–c1) and ( c3–d1) with edges ( c5–c3) and ( c1–d1) yields the largest sav-
ings of 894 + 2,600 – 1,461 – 1,600 = 433. The total route length is decreased from
17,681 to 17,248. The improved routes are shown in Fig. 9.17.
Inter-route Improvements Algorithms  All inter-route improvement algorithms
attempt to reduce the total route length by moving one or more facilities to a differ-
308 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.17   VRP8 nearest

neighbor plus two-opt routes

ent route. A move is feasible if the demand of the moved facility does not violate the
vehicle capacity on the route it is moved to. Only feasible moves are tested. So the
inter-route improvement routines will always maintain feasibility of the routes. The
most common improvement algorithms are move and swap, while cyclic exchange
is a much more complex improvement algorithm.
The move improvement algorithm attempts to reduce the total route length by
moving a single facility to a new route. The facility is inserted in its best position on
any route, while maintaining feasibility. If the routes are highly capacitated, i.e., the
vehicle servicing that route is nearly full, then few feasible moves exist. In that case
the move algorithm may find few or no feasible moves. All moves are tested and
the move with the largest positive savings is executed. The algorithm thus belongs
to the class of steepest descent improvement algorithms. For example, in Fig. 9.18
facility i is moved from route 1 to route 2. The simultaneous insertion and removal
of a facility eliminates a total of three links and adds a total of three new links on the
origin and destination routes combined. The move improvement algorithm can also
be executed in the framework of first descent or simulated annealing.
Move Improvement for the VRP8 Example  The 2-opt intra-route improvement pro-
cedure is first executed on all the routes created by the above construction proce-
dures. After 2-opt has run, no further improvements on any of the routes can be
made by the move improvement procedure.
The swap improvement procedure attempts to reduce the total route length by
moving two facilities that are located on different routes to the other route. Swap-
ping facilities tests more feasible exchanges than moving a facility, since removing
one facility creates additional capacity on the vehicle to add the other facility. All
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 309

Fig. 9.18   Move exchange

illustration 1


D 2


swaps are tested and the swap with the largest positive savings is executed. The al-
gorithm thus belongs to the class of steepest descent improvement algorithms. The
swap improvement algorithm can also be executed in the framework of first descent
or simulated annealing. For example, in Fig. 9.19 facility i on route 1 is moved to
its best position on route 2 without facility j, and facility j on route 2 is moved to its
best position on route 1 without facility i. The simultaneous insertion and removal
of a facility eliminates three links and adds three new links for each route.
Swap Improvement for the VRP8 Example  The swap inter-route improvement pro-
cedure will be executed on the routes created by the serial savings algorithm. The


D 1

Fig. 9.19   Swap exchange Added
310 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

serial savings route statistics are given in Table 9.13 and the routes are shown in
Fig. 9.6. The swap, which moves customer c2 from between ( d1–c3) on route 1 to
between ( c1–c6) on route 2 and customer c5 from between ( d1–c1) on route 2 to
between ( d1–c3) on route 1, has the largest savings. The savings are computed as
remove ( d1–c2–c3) + remove ( d1–c5–c1) – add ( c1–c2–c6) – add ( d1–c5–c3) =
(2,417  + 1,646 – 2,600) + (1,082 + 894 – 1,461) – (1,103  + 1,990 – 1,231) –
(1,082 + 1,600 – 2,600) = 1,463 + 515 – 1,862 – 82 =  34
The total route length is decreased from 15,453 to 15,419. The improved routes
statistics are summarized in Table 9.32 and shown in Fig. 9.20.
The cycle exchange improvement algorithm attempts to improve the combined
length of the current routes by moving facilities in a cyclical fashion, provided the
resulting routes remain feasible. A route can become infeasible if the quantity ex-
ceeds the truck capacity. For example, for a cycle consisting of three routes, facility
i on route 1 is moved to its best position on route 2 without facility j, facility j on
route 2 is moved to its best position on route 3 without facility k, and facility k on
route 3 is move to its best position on route 1 without facility i. All cycle exchanges
are tested and the cycle exchange with the largest positive savings is executed. The
algorithm thus belongs to the class of steepest descent improvement algorithms.
The cycle exchange improvement algorithm can also be executed in the framework
of first descent or simulated annealing. The cycle length C is an algorithm param-
eter. C routes are examined in sequence, i.e., first routes 1 through C, then routes
2 through C + 1, … and last routes C through C − 1. A 3-cycle exchange for three
routes is illustrated in Fig. 9.21. The simultaneous insertion and removal of a facil-
ity eliminates three links and adds three new links for each route, unless the inserted
facility is inserted between the same nodes as the removed facility. In this case
only two links are added and deleted on that route, as shown in route 1 in the figure
below. A 2-cycle exchange attempts to swap two facilities between two succes-
sively numbered routes, while the swap exchange algorithm attempts to swap two
facilities between any two routes. A 2-cycle exchange will not find any improving
exchanges after the swap algorithm has been executed.

Table 9.32   VRP8 serial savings followed by swap route statistics

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 d1 c5 c3 c7 d1 109 5,650
2 d1 c1 c2 c6 d1 108 6,658
3 d1 c4 c8 d1 78 3,111
Total 295 15,419
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 311

Fig. 9.20   VRP8 serial sav-

ings plus swap routes

Fig. 9.21   3-Cycle exchange

illustration 1' 2


D 3

Deleted 3'

All the algorithms discussed so far belong to the class or route-generating algo-
rithms, since the algorithm itself generates the routes. The formulation and solution
algorithm for the set partitioning problem are the most prominent example of the
class of route-selecting algorithms.
312 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

9.2.2  Set Partitioning Problem Formulation for the Classic VRP

The set partitioning problem (SPP) formulation belongs to the class of alternative
selecting algorithms. The SPP selects and combines provided feasible service alter-
natives to satisfy service requirements at the lowest possible cost. The alternatives
can be provided to the SPP by an external source or an auxiliary problem has to be
solved to generate promising new alternatives. In the context of the classic vehicle
routing problem, the service alternatives are feasible routes and the service requests
are deliveries to customers. The cost of the alternative is typically either the route
length or the route cost.
The SPP solution paradigm is very powerful in the sense that many realistic route
constraints and route cost functions can be incorporated during the route genera-
tion process. The generation of service alternatives should be able to generate all
possible feasible alternatives. The most obvious disadvantage of this approach is
extremely large number of routes that may be generated. Since the service alterna-
tives are either executed or not, the solution of the SPP requires the use of an integer
programming solver. Efficient solution procedures must keep the number of service
alternatives that are explicitly considered as small as possible. Solution procedures
that are efficient and effective cannot simply rely on the “brute force” generation of
alternatives, but must rather generate only a few highly promising alternatives. As
such, set partitioning is more of solution approach rather than a fully specified solu-
tion algorithm, since many algorithm details have to be specialized for the problem
that is being solved.
Formulation  The problem is formulated based on the notion of a cover matrix A.
The columns of the matrix correspond to feasible service alternatives and actions.
There are N columns, which are indexed by j. The terms service alternative, col-
umn, feasible alternative, cover, and route are used interchangeably. The rows of
the matrix correspond to the service requests. There are M rows, which are indexed
by i. The terms service requests, rows, and customers will be used interchangeable.
The objective is to minimize the overall cost for servicing all the requests with a
subset of the feasible alternatives. The cost of executing a particular alternative is
denoted by cj . The elements aij of the cover matrix A are equal to 1 if the service
alternative j covers or serves service request i, and are equal to zero otherwise. The
variables xj correspond to the binary decision to execute a feasible service alterna-
tive or not. The decision variables can only assume the values zero or one. Finally,
the estimated cost of servicing request i with the best combination of alternatives
found so far is denoted by pi . If this cost based on the dual variable of the service
constraint in the linear programming relaxation then it is denoted by πi . The cost
of servicing a request is also called the row price. The set partitioning formulation
is given next.
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 313

Formulation 9.5. Set Partitioning Problem (SPP) 


min cj xj

 s.t. aij xj = 1 ∀i [πi ] (9.25)

xij ∈ {0, 1}

The set partitioning problem belongs to the class of binary integer programming
problems and, as such, is difficult to solve to optimality for large problems.
In the above generic SPP formulation, the number of feasible alternatives that is
executed is not restricted. In the VRP the number of routes is typically bounded. If
the constraint that bounds the number of partitions is added, the following formula-
tion is generated, which will be denoted by K-SPP. In the original SPP the value
of K can thought off as being infinite. π0 is the dual variable of the upper bound
constraint on the number of routes. It can be interpreted as the opportunity cost of
using one of the K possible routes.
Formulation 9.6. Set Partitioning Problem with Partition Count Constraint


min ck x
k=1 ck x k
s.t. kN = 1
aik x ∀i [πi ]
k=1 aik xk = 1 ∀i [πi ] (9.26)
xk ≤
NK [π0 ]
k=1 xk ≤ K [π0 ]
xk ∈ {0, 1} k=1
xk ∈ {0, 1}

A feasible partition, denoted by J +, is a set of no more than K feasible alternatives

that service all requests and is thus a feasible solution to (9.25) or (9.26). The deci-
sion variables xj of all the alternatives in a feasible partition are equal to 1.

J + = j = 1.. N | xj = 1

Based on a feasible partition, the nonnegative row prices can be determined. The
prices must satisfy the condition that the cost of the alternative in the feasible parti-
tion is exactly equal to the sum of the prices of the service requests it covers, i.e.,
314 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

cj+ = aij pi ∀j ∈ J +

An alternative way of interpreting (9.28) is to state that the cost of the route is split
or allocated among all the customers that are serviced by this route. The set of
customers included on or serviced by route j is indicated by Ij . The row prices pi
can be determined either by heuristic allocation schemes or based on the linear pro-
gramming relaxation of the SPP. The general expression of the computation of the
row prices is given next, where wi is the “weight” or difficulty measure of customer
i used in the allocation of the route cost among the customers serviced by this route.
Ij = i = 1.. M | aij = 1 (9.29)

wi +
pi =  c
wi j (9.30)

The performance of solution algorithms for the SPP is improved if the row prices
are based on an “equitable” or realistic allocation, i.e., they reflect the true cost of
satisfying the service requests. In the vehicle routing framework, two important
factors in the cost of servicing a customer are its distance to the distribution center,
denoted by d0i , and its demand, denoted by demi .
Intuitive price allocation schemes are be based solely on distance to the depot or
the demand.
d0i +
 pi =  c (9.31)
d0i j

demi +
 pi =  c (9.32)
demi j

Another price allocation scheme is to allocate them based on a customer difficulty

measure which is the product of distance to the depot and the demand, i.e.,
demi · d0i demi · d0i
 pi =  c+ =  c+ (9.33)
demk · d0k j akj · demk · d0k j
k∈Ij k

A new feasible alternative or column can never be economically desirable if its total cost
is more than the current cost for the rows it covers. In other words, a new column needs
only to be considered if its savings sj are positive, where the savings are computed as

 sj = aij pi − cj (9.34)
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 315

Instead of the savings, often the negative savings or the reduced cost rcj are used to
compute the desirability of a column. A candidate service request is desirable if it has a
negative reduced cost in the corresponding SPP. The expression for the reduced cost of
a route in the K-SPP is derived later on in the section on the auxiliary pricing problem.

 rcj = −sj = cj − zj = cj − aij pi (9.35)

Solution Approaches for the SPP  As indicated before, the SPP formulation can be
solved in many different ways. Most of these solution approaches are heuristics. In
addition, a solution approach may have to be adapted to a particular problem to cre-
ate a solution algorithm. The following discussion of various solution approaches
will use the classic VRP as its target problem. In all of the solution approaches a
tradeoff has to be made between, on the one hand, the size of the SPP problem and
thus the solution effort require to solve the SPP problem and, on the other hand, the
algorithmic complexities and work required to keep the size of SPP small. The SPP
problem is also denoted as the master problem in the following approaches.
(1) Complete Generation  All the possible feasible service alternatives or columns
are generated and added to the master problem. The SPP problem is then solved with
an integer programming solver. Since the number of feasible service alternatives
grows exponentially with the problem size and each has an associated binary deci-
sion variable, this approach is only feasible for the smallest of problem instances.
(2) Row Price Heuristic  A current feasible partition is generated by a heuristic.
Based on the current feasible solution or partition, the cost of service is allocated to
the customers or rows using a pricing scheme. New service alternatives are evalu-
ated using these row prices and a service alternative is only added to the master
problem if it has positive savings. Periodically the master problem is resolved,
which may yield a new lowest-cost feasible partition and a new set of row prices.
All the feasible service alternatives are evaluated in a systematic process, but typi-
cally only a very small fraction of service alternatives has positive savings and thus
the master problem remains small.
(3) Auxiliary Pricing Problem  A small number of desirable service alternatives are
added initially to the master problem. The linear programming relaxation of the master
problem is solved which yields a set of dual variables for the rows. An auxiliary pricing
problem is solved using the dual variables to identify improving service alternatives.
Those alternatives are added to the master problem and the algorithm iterates until
no further improving alternatives can be found. Only a small fraction of the feasible
alternatives is generated. When the algorithm stops, the linear programming solution
provides a lower bound on the solution value. The linear programming solution is typi-
cally fractional. Most of the computational work is performed by the pricing problem.
If the linear programming solution is integer then it is the optimal solution. Oth-
erwise, the final SPP can be solved as an integer problem for the current set of al-
ternatives but this only yields a heuristic solution for the original VRP. The SPP can
316 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

also be solved in a branch-and-price scheme to find the optimal solution, but this
requires solving the pricing problem at every node of the search tree.
The solution approaches based on the row prices heuristic and the auxiliary pric-
ing problem are more efficient if they are started from a high-quality feasible parti-
tion. This initial partition is typically generated with heuristics.
It should be noted that the heuristics used in the initialization phase, the cost al-
location scheme of the row price heuristic, and the auxiliary pricing problem are all
problem specific and should exploit the structural properties of the problem in order
to make the solution approach efficient.
Row Price Heuristic  This heuristic was originally proposed in Cullen et  al.
(1981). The heuristic is based on the principle that only feasible alternatives that can
improve the current best solution are added to the SPP. This possible improvement
is based on the computation of the estimated savings for each feasible alternative.
The SPP is also called the master problem and the function to generate additional
feasible alternatives is called the sub problem or generation problem.
Algorithm 9.2. Row Price Heuristic for the Set Partitioning Problem 
1. Start with a feasible partition J + and construct a master SPP that contains just
this feasible partition.
2. Determine the new row prices by allocating the column prices “equitable” among
the service requests covered by it using (9.30) or a similar allocation scheme.
3. Generate the next feasible alternative and compute its estimated savings sj with
4. If the savings are positive add this alternative to the master SPP, otherwise dis-
card this alternative
5. If enough new alternatives have been added to the master SPP formulation or
if all possible alternatives have been evaluated, stop the generation process and
solve the current master SPP and continue with step 6. Otherwise return to step
6. If the solution of the master SPP is within the desired tolerance or if all possible
alternatives have been evaluated, then stop, else go to step 2.
This algorithm is a heuristic because the row prices have been determined in a heu-
ristic manner, i.e., Eq. (9.30) was used to allocate the row prices. The row prices
in turn determined if a feasible alternative entered the master SPP or not. If for any
set of row prices satisfying Eq. (9.27), no feasible alternatives existed with negative
reduced cost, then the current feasible partition would be an optimal solution. In the
next section, the row prices at each iteration are determined with linear program-
ming as the dual variables of the service constraints.
Row Price Heuristic for the SPP for the VRP8 Example  In this problem all routes
will be systematically generated by the number of customers on the route, i.e., in
route set h all routes that visit exactly h customers will be generated. Recall that the
capacity for all vehicles was equal to 120. The sum of the four smallest demands
equals 114, so routes of four customers are possible, but many of the routes with
four customers will have an infeasible quantity that exceeds the vehicle capacity.
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 317

Table 9.33   VRP8 customer Facility Distance Quantity Weight

relative weights
c1 1,461 23 33,603
c2 2,417 28 67,676
c3 2,600 32 83,200
c4 1,032 37 38,184
c5 1,082 31 33,542
c6 2,104 57 119,928
c7 1,863 46 85,698
c8 672 41 27,552

The sum of the five smallest demands equals 151, so no routes of five customers are
possible. All routes that contain the same customers will be treated and counted as a
single route. This implies that if a route has a feasible quantity, then a TSP is solved
for the customer facilities plus the depot facility on the route, so that the shortest
route length for that set of customers is determined. The sequence of customers that
yielded the shortest route length must be saved. If the route quantity exceeds the
vehicle capacity then the shortest route length can be considered to be infinite. The
number of route candidates is then computed as the sum of combinations of N cus-
tomers in groups of 1, 2, 3, and 4. This is an upper bound on the number of feasible
route candidates since some routes containing three and four customers may exceed
the vehicle capacity.

# route candidates = C18 + C28 + C38 + C48 = 8 + 28 + 56 + 70 = 162

The potential savings of the feasible route candidates are evaluated based on the
best-known feasible partition. The lowest total route length known at this time is
15,419 and the route summary statistics are shown in Table 9.32 and the routes are
shown in Fig. 9.20. The weight of each customer is computed as the product of its
demand and distance to the depot. The weight for each customer can be interpreted
as a relative difficulty index of servicing that customer, where higher indices indi-
cate customers that are more difficult to serve (Table 9.33).
The row prices based on these routes and customer weights are shown in Ta-
ble 9.34. Each route cost is allocated to the customers served by this route propor-
tional to the customer weights.

Table 9.34   VRP8 customer initial row prices based on best known partition
Facility Route Total route Individual facility
Cost Weight Weight Cost
c1 2 6,658 221,207 33,603 1,011
c2 2 6,658 221,207 67,676 2,037
c3 1 5,650 202,440 83,200 2,322
c4 3 3,111 65,736 38,184 1,807
c5 1 5,650 202,440 33,542 936
c6 2 6,658 221,207 119,928 3,610
c7 1 5,650 202,440 85,698 2,392
c8 3 3,111 65,736 27,552 1,304
318 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.22   VRP8 SPP row

price master problem

w1 33,603
p1 = L2 = 6,658 = 1,011
w1 + w2 + w 6 221,207

All possible 162 candidate routes are now evaluated. Routes that are infeasible be-
cause of customer quantities are considered to have savings equal to negative infin-
ity. Consider for example the route {c1, c2, c3, c5} created by the sweep cluster-first
algorithm and which has a length of 6,892, and the route {c5, c1, c6} created by the
serial savings algorithm, which has a length equal to 5,311. Their respective savings
are computed next.
s5321 = (1,011 + 2,037 + 2,322 + 936) − 6,892 = −586
s516 = (1,011 + 936 + 3,610) − 5,311 = 246
The route {c5, c1, c6} has positive savings. Out of the 162 possible candidate routes,
only four feasible routes have positive savings. Those four routes are added to the
initial feasible partition routes in the SPP master model. The route {c5, c1, c6} has
index 5 in the master problem. The SPP master problem is then solved with an IP
solver. The IP solver in Excel is used. The master problem is shown in Fig. 9.22.
The eight customer facilities, with their demand and cost allocation are shown in
rows 46–53. The problem contains seven candidate routes, routes 1–3 are the initial
feasible partition, and routes 4–7 are added because they have a negative reduced
cost. The shortest route length, the total quantity on the route, and the reduced costs
are shown in rows 45, 55, and 56, respectively.
The reduced costs for the routes in the feasible partition that generated the row
prices are equal to zero as required. The reduced costs for the additional routes are
negative. The elements in column AI are computed with the SUMPRODUCT func-
tion. For example, element AI45 contains the total cost of the executed routes and
is given by SUMPRODUCT(AB$54:AH$54,AB45:AH45), and element AI46
contains the number of executed routes customer c1 is included on and is given by
SUMPRODUCT(AB$54:AH$54,AB46:AH46). It should be noted that rows 55 and
56 are not part of the master problem and are only shown to indicate that the cor-
responding routes have feasible quantities and zero or negative reduced costs. While
routes 4–7 have negative reduced costs, they have not been selected to be executed
in the optimal solution of the integer (binary) programming formulation. This is not
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 319

Fig. 9.23   VRP8 SPP

row price master solver

Fig. 9.24   VRP8 SPP row

price master problem solution

an error or contradiction since an integer programming and not a linear programming

formulation is solved.
The solver parameters for the master problem are shown in Fig. 9.23. The ob-
jective is the total cost in cell AI45. The decision variables are the route execution
variables in cells AB54:AH54. There are only three constraints. The first constraint
forces the decision variables to be either zero or one. The second constraint forces
each customer to be exactly on one route. The third constraint forces the number of
routes to be less than or equal to 3.
The optimal solution is shown in Fig. 9.24. The selected routes are identical to the
initial feasible partition and none of the new routes is selected. The total route length
remains 15,419. Since the same routes have been selected, the row prices also remain
unchanged and the algorithm terminates. The obtained solution is not guaranteed to be
optimal. Only solving a SPP problem with the 162 possible routes would have guaran-
teed to yield the optimal solution. The tradeoff is the small size and solvability of the
master problem versus the optimality of the routes that are selected. For larger prob-
lem instances, generating all feasible route candidates is computationally not possible.
In the VRP16 example which is given at the end of this chapter, the route alterna-
tives are generated in stages. Each stage evaluates the routes with exactly h custom-
ers on a route. At the end of each stage the SPP is solved which may yield new row
prices. This is often called the bootstrap method for route generation. Because this
latter approach starts from an initial partition of lower quality than the one shown
above, many more alternatives will be added to the SPP.
320 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Optimal Solution based on an Auxiliary Pricing Problem  The following expo-

sition requires prior knowledge of linear programming concepts such as duality,
primal and dual formulations, and dynamic programming. Further information on
these topics can be found in a textbook on linear programming such as Bazaraa
et al. (2005). This material forms the basis of solution algorithms for more com-
plicated variants of the vehicle routing problem such as vehicle routing with back-
hauling or vehicle routing with time windows, but it can be safely skipped if those
variants will also be skipped.
One way to avoid the problems of selecting the proper row pricing scheme and
the generation of all feasible routes is to use a pricing problem. A pricing problem
is an auxiliary optimization problem that determines one or more desirable service
covers based on a current feasible solution or it establishes that no new desirable
service cover exists. The current feasible solution typically corresponds to optimal
solution of the master problem and its linearization yields the current values of the
prices. Since desirable service covers are added to the master problem, this ap-
proach is also called column generation. The three terms route, column, and cover
all refer to the same type of service provided.
Recall that the following notation is used when using a pricing problem
zik decision indicating if service request or customer i is assigned to service
cover or route k or not
Ck (zik ) service cover or route k, based on decision variables zik
ck cost (or length) of service cover k
πi dual variable associated with cost of servicing customer i based on the
linear relaxation of the current master problem
π0 dual variable associated with the constraint that limits the maximum num-
ber of covers (routes) that can be executed
The linear programming relaxation of the SPP can be written in the following ca-
nonical form, i.e., for a minimization objective all constraints are either equality or
greater-than constraints.
Formulation 9.7. Primal Linear Relaxation of the K-SPP 


min ck xk

s.t. aik xk = 1 ∀i [πi ]

− xk ≥ −K [π0 ]
0 ≤ xk ≤ 1

The corresponding dual formulation is then given by.

9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 321

Formulation 9.8. Dual Linear Relaxation of the K-SPP 


max πi − Kπ0

s.t. aik πi − π0 ≤ ck ∀k[xk ]
π0 ≥ 0, πi unrestricted

The primal K-SPP formulation above uses the equality sign for the assignment con-
straints and the corresponding dual variables are unrestricted in sign. If the cost or
length of a tour satisfies the triangle inequality for all triplets of facilities on the tour,
then the assignment constraint can be written as a greater-than-or-equal constraint and
the two formulations, with the equality constraint and the greater-than-or-equal con-
straint, respectively, will yield the same solution. In the later case of the greater-than-
or-equal constraint, the dual variable corresponding to the assignment constraint can
only have nonnegative values. For the classic vehicle routing problem, the distances
are based on the Euclidean distance norm and satisfy the triangle inequality, so an
optimal solution for which all the dual variables are nonnegative exists.
An additional desirable service cover will have a negative reduced cost rc.

 rck = ck − aik πi + π0 (9.38)

This can be interpreted as follows. The cost of an additional route plus the opportunity
cost of consuming one of the possible K routes ( ck + π0 ) must be 
less than the sum
of the current costs servicing the customers on the route a π
i ik i for this additional
route to be desirable. Alternatively, assume that the optimal solution for the primal and
dual formulation has been found. If a new cover or column is generated and its reduced
cost rc computed based on the current optimal values of the dual variables is negative,
then the dual problem becomes infeasible and the primal problem is no longer optimal
and this new column must be added to the problem. Conversely, if no new service
cover with a negative reduced cost exists then the current solution is the optimal. It
should be noted that optimality is only assured if all possible feasible service covers are
examined. If one or more service covers with a negative reduced cost are found, then
they are added to the master problem. Finding a service cover with negative reduced
cost or proving that such service cover does not exist is called the pricing problem PPj.
Formulation 9.9. Generative Variant of Pricing Problem for the K-SPP 

min cj − πi · zij + π0
 s.t. Cj zij = feasible (9.39)
zij ∈ {0, 1}
322 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

If P Pj , the linear programming relaxation of PPj, has a positive solution value,

then PPj also has a positive solution value. This indicates that the current solution
to the master problem is optimal since no new cover with a negative reduced cost
can be found.
For the pricing problem to be part of an efficient solution algorithm it has to have
three structural properties. First, the objective function can be written as a math-
ematical expression of the decision variables. Second, the description of a feasible
service cover can be written as a set of constraints in the decision variables. Third,
the pricing problem can solved efficiently to optimality.
For the case of the classic vehicle routing, a service cover is feasible if the total
customer demand on the route does not violate the truck capacity. Since in the clas-
sic vehicle routing problem the costs and capacities are independent of the vehicle,
we can eliminate in this case the subscript j from the pricing problem. For the clas-
sic vehicle routing problem, the pricing problem is given below. xij indicates if
the vehicle travels directly from node i to node j at a cost of dij . The number of
customer nodes is equal to M, customer nodes are indicated by the index i and the
depot is indicated by the index 0. The cost of a column or route is given by the fol-
lowing expression in function of the xij .
 M M

 ck = dij xij + di0 xi0 (9.40)
i=0 j =1 i=1


zj k = xij

xi0 = 1

the objective function of the pricing problem is then.

 M M

ck − π j zj k + π 0 = dij xij + di0 xi0
j =1 i=0 j =1 i=1

− πj xij + π0 xi0 (9.42)
j =1 i=0 i=1

The pricing problem formulation can thus also be written as follows.

9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 323

Formulation 9.10. Pricing Problem Shortest Path Formulation for the K-SPP 

 M M

Min (dij − πj )xij + (di0 + π0 )xi0
i=0 j =1 i=1

s.t. x0j = 1
j =1

xij − xj i = 0 ∀i = 1...M
j =0,j  =i j =0,j  =i

− xj 0 = −1
j =1
demj xij ≤ cap
i=0 j =1

xij ∈ {0, 1}

This is also called the generative variant of the pricing problem, since the pricing
problem constructs the new route with the best reduced cost. It is not necessary to
always find the optimal solution to the pricing problem. As soon as any feasible
cover with negative reduced cost has been found, it can be added to the master
problem to generate a new set of row prices. Clearly, it is essential to the overall
algorithm convergence that the pricing problem only generates feasible covers and
that it can be solved quickly. It should also be observed that the dual variable π0
has no impact on the decision values or the optimization problem, but it must be
incorporated when determining if the objective function value is negative or not.
In the preceding derivations the constraint corresponding to the maximum num-
ber of routes was written as a greater-than constraint in the canonical form, which
has its corresponding dual variable π0 nonnegative. If the constraint is written as
a less-than constraint, the corresponding dual variable π0 is then negative or zero.
The sign of π0 in the pricing problem becomes then negative everywhere. Since
the sign of π0 is now identical to the sign of the other dual variables πi the nota-
tion can be simplified. In the dual objective, Kπ0 is now added to the sum of the
πi dual variables, but π0 itself is negative. Either sign convention can be used,
provided the convention is applied consistently.
For this small example, an alternative pricing problem is to enumerate all possi-
ble feasible service covers, computing the optimal TSP tour length for each service
cover, and then to compute the reduced cost for each cover. This is also called the
selective variant of the pricing problem, since the pricing problem selects the best
new route from a list of feasible routes. For a known service cover k, the decision
variables zik then reduce to parameters aik .
324 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Formulation 9.11. Selective Variant of Pricing Problem for the K-SPP 


min ck − aik πi + π0 xk
 i (9.44)
s.t. xk ∈ {0, 1}

In this case the linear relaxation of the pricing problem will automatically yield
integer answers, so we can use a linear programming solver for the relaxed pricing
problem and still get integer answers.
Formulation 9.12. Linear Selective Variant of Pricing Problem for the K-SPP 


min ck − aik πi + π0 xk
 i (9.45)
s.t. 0 ≤ xk ≤ 1

Consider again the generative variant of the pricing problem variant, which has to
generate the route with lowest possible reduced cost. The generative variant of the
generative pricing problem can be written in a more general format so that it can
later on be extended for more complicated vehicle routing problems such as the
Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauling (VRPB) or the Vehicle Routing Prob-
lem with Time Windows (VRPTW).
Formulation 9.13. Generalized Generative Variant of Pricing Problem for the

 M M

Min (dij − πj )xij + (di0 + π0 )xi0
i=0 j=1 i=1

s.t. x0j = 1

xij − xji = 0 ∀i
j=0,j =i j=0,j =i

− xj0 = −1
xij (qi + demj − qj ) ≤ 0 ∀i∀j
LBi ≤ qi ≤ UBi ∀i
xij ∈ {0, 1}
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 325

This pricing problem has two types of variables x and q. The x variables indicate if
the arc in the network is taken, the q variables indicate the load initially on the vehi-
cle required to service the nodes on the route up to and including the current node.
For the classic vehicle routing problem the following boundary conditions apply.
q0 = 0
 LBi = 0 ∀i (9.47)
U Bi = cap ∀i

If the arc selection variables xij are binary, then the capacity constraints can be
linearized and rewritten as
 qi + demj − qj ≤ 1 − xij · cap (9.48)

This pricing problem is a shortest-path formulation with additional constraints

that limits the total demand of the nodes visited on the path to the vehicle ca-
pacity. This formulation can be extended to multiple resource constraints, such
as load weight and load volume, and even to time window constraints. Hence
its name is the Shortest Path Problem with Resource Constraints (SPPRC). The
first three constraints are the conservation of flow constraints for the origin (de-
pot), for the intermediate nodes (customers), and for the destination (depot),
respectively. Because of the additional knapsack constraint, solutions are not
automatically integer and the use of integer programming solution algorithm
and solver is required. If this problem is solved with dynamic programming,
the solution has the integrality property. If the underlying graph is acyclic, the
dynamic programming solution is optimal. If the underlying graph is not acyclic,
as is usual the case in vehicle routing problems, the solution may include paths
with finite cycles. Even though the cycle may have a net negative cost, and so
it would be beneficial to traverse the cycle infinitely many times, the number
of cycles is kept finite because of the load constraints. If negative cycles are al-
lowed and thus a node can be visited more than once, then the problem includes
the knapsack problem as a special case and is still hard to solve to optimality for
very large problem instances. Its complexity is said to be pseudo-polynomial
because it is polynomial for a given set of parameter values but large parameter
values may require excessive computation times. However, in this case several
algorithms for the solution of the SPPRC are given in Ball et al. (1995) that can
solve realistic problem sizes in acceptable time, but they require complicated
algorithm steps and data structures.
When a route k containing negative cycles is added to the master problem, the
definition of aik is changed to be the number of times customer i is visited by route
k. The covering constraints in the master problem ensure that each customer is vis-
ited exactly once; hence routes with negative cycles can never be elements of the
integer solution of the vehicle routing problem. Alternatively, the algorithm itself
can be prevented from generating any cycles, i.e., a route cannot visit a customer
326 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

more than once. This requires a data structure that captures which customers are
already visited by a route and a step to check that the additional customer is not
already on the route. This alternative of the pricing problem will generate fewer
additional routes. Observe that while the original arc costs in the example are sym-
metric and all positive, the reduced arc costs are asymmetric and negative reduced
costs occur frequently.
The pricing problem is a classic example of forward dynamic programming.
Dynamic programming is characterized by states, stages, feasible transitions, and
an evaluation function for a state. The dynamic programming algorithm proceeds
systematically from state to state through feasible transitions to reach the final state
with the best evaluation function. At each state the decision has to be made which
transition to execute to reach the next state. Each executed transition corresponds
to a stage of the algorithm. In the pricing problem each node i has a set of states indi-
cated by the tuple (i, qk ) and each state has a label or evaluation function P L(i, qk ) .
qk indicates the initial load required on the route to service all the nodes on the
route including the current node i. PL indicates the current lowest travel distance
to reach this state from the origin node. A node can have multiple states because
several routes, that have visited different combinations of customers, can reach
that node and each route may have a different initial load on the vehicle. In each
stage of the algorithm, one label is converted from temporary to permanent. Re-
call that a temporary label corresponds to the upper bound on the shortest path
length and that a permanent label indicates the actual shortest path length. Since
the load that has to be placed on the vehicle always increases when another
customer is added to the route, this load becomes the state selector used by the
dynamic programming algorithm. Initially, all labels on the nodes are temporary.
The dynamic programming algorithm selects the state with the lowest load, up-
dates the labels of its feasible successor states, and then makes this label perma-
nent. The algorithm terminates when all the temporary labels of all the facilities
have become permanent. The labels of the destination node, i.e., the depot to
which the vehicle returns, are excluded of this test. If there is a state for the des-
tination (depot) node which has a label with negative cost, this corresponds to a
route with negative reduced cost that is added to the master problem. The route
is constructed by tracing backwards from the state with the negative cost label
of the destination node.
For the SPPRC problem, the number of states and stages is not known in ad-
vance. For the case of the SPP with positive arc lengths, which was previously
solved with Dijkstra’s algorithm, each node has only one state and thus one label
and the number of stages is equal to the number of nodes. For the SPPRC, when a
vehicle travels from state to state, the load on the vehicle monotonically increases
so the dynamic programming algorithm completes in a final number of steps since
the vehicle has a finite capacity. The values of the label that are converted from tem-
porary to permanent in the sequence of stages may increase or decrease. In fact, the
goal of the pricing problem is to find routes with a negative reduced path length. An
upper bound on the number of possible states is the product of the number of nodes
times the vehicle capacity, when this capacity expressed as an integer number. The
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 327

Table 9.35   VRP8 linear programming relaxation solution of the master problem (Iteration 0)
Facility Route 1 2 3 Sum Dual
Cost 7,031 5,311 3,111 15,453 15,453
c1 1 1 954
c2 1 1 2,011
c3 1 1 2,473
c4 1 1 1,807
c5 1 953
c6 1 1 3,404
c7 1 1 1 2,547
c8 1 1 1,304
Exec. 1 1 1 3 0

Table 9.36   VRP8 reduced arc costs for the shortest path pricing problem (Iteration 1)
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 d1
c1 −908 −345 262 −59 −2,173 −466 716 1,461
c2 149 −827 889 503 −1,414 −365 1,741 2,417
c3 1,174 −365 391 647 −66 −1,442 1,951 2,600
c4 1,115 685 −275 311 −390 −1,378 103 1,032
c5 −60 −555 −873 −543 −1,349 −1,321 450 1,082
c6 277 −21 865 1,207 1,102 731 1,062 2,104
c7 1,127 171 −1,368 −638 273 −126 1,135 1,863
c8 1,066 1,034 782 −400 801 −1,038 −108 672
d1 507 406 127 −775 129 −1,300 −684 −632

running time of the algorithm is said to be pseudo-polynomial since it is polynomial

in the problem size, i.e., the number of nodes, but the running time increases with
value of a parameter, i.e. the vehicle capacity. The dynamic programming algorithm
can thus handle negative costs and even cost structures that are more complicated
than a linear expression.
SPP with Linear Programming Pricing for the VRP8 Example  The performance
characteristics of the iterations of the linear programming based pricing problem
depend on the initial partition. This example starts with the routes generated by the
parallel savings algorithm. Recall that the total length of those four routes is 15,453.
The linear programming master problem starts off with those three routes only, and
the value of the primal feasible solution and the objective function of the master
problem are both equal to 15,453.
The reduced costs are based on the interfacility distance and the dual variables
in the solution of the linear relaxation of the first master problem (Table 9.35). The
first master problem is highly dual degenerate, and the dual variables used are equal
to the heuristic allocation of the row prices and π0 is set equal to zero.
328 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.37   VRP8 shortest path pricing problem (Iteration 1, Step 1)

Table 9.38   VRP8 shortest path pricing problem (Iteration 1, Step 2)

The reduced arc costs are computed with the following formulas.
rcik = dik − πk
 rcki = dki − πi (9.49)
rci0 = di0 + π0
The reduced costs on the arcs of the shortest path network are given in Table 9.36.
Observe that these reduced arc costs are no longer symmetrical and that many of
them are negative.
The first three steps of the algorithm to find the shortest paths with negative re-
duced length are shown in the next three tables. Table 9.37 shows the shortest labels
when the artificial source node is made permanent. The node-and-label combina-
tion with the lowest load is node 1 with load 23. For each node, the table shows the
list of labels with the label information. This includes the load q, the shortest known
length of the path to this node with this load and the predecessor label on this short-
est path, and finally ip which is empty for a temporary label and equal to the step
index when this label became permanent.
The node 1 with load 23 combination will be made permanent in step 2, as
indicated by the shaded area in Table 9.38. The node-and-label combinations that
can be reached from node 1 with load 23 are updated or added to the table if they
did not already exist. Since the load 23 of node 1 can be followed by each of the
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 329

Table 9.39   VRP8 shortest path pricing problem (Iteration 1, Step 3)

other nodes on feasible routes, a new row corresponding to a new load will be
added to all the nodes. For instance, traveling from node 1 with load 23 to node 2
with load 28 generates a new node and load combination of node 2 with load 51.
The shortest length to this node and load combination is the path length to node
1 plus the adjusted distance between node 1 and node 2, i.e. 507 + (−908) = −401.
Similarly for node 3, a new node-and-load combination is added with load equal
to 23 + 32 = 55 and path length 507 + (−345) = 162. Finally, for node t which corre-
sponds to the destination depot, the new node-and-load combination has a load of
23 and a path length of 507 + 1461 = 1968. This combination corresponds to a route
starting at the depot, visiting node 1 only, and then returning to the depot. This
route is not a route candidate that has the possibility of improving the current route
set as indicated by its large positive reduced cost. The algorithm now progresses
to the next iteration by making the node-and-load combination with the smallest
load permanent. At step 1, the node-and-load combination with the smallest load
is node 2 with load 28.
This node-and-label combination will be made permanent in step 3, as indicat-
ed by the shaded area in Table 9.39. The node-and-label combinations that can be
reached from node 2 with load 28 are added to the table. From node 2 with load 28
the route can still visit all other nodes and remain feasible with respect to vehicle ca-
pacity. In this variant visiting the same node more than once is also not allowed. So
for every node except the current origin node 2 a new node and load combination is
added. For node 1, the new combination has load 28 + 23 = 51 and has shortest path
distance of 406 + 149 = 555. For node 3, the new combination has load 28 + 32 = 60
and has a shortest path distance of 406 + (−827) = −421. For node 8, the new combi-
nation has load 28 + 41 = 69 and has shortest path distance of 406 + 1741 = 2147. The
node-and-label combination with the smallest load is node 5 with load 31 and this
combination is converted from temporary to permanent in the next step.
330 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.40   VRP8 negative reduced cost routes for iteration 1

Route Red.Cost Length Quantity Facilities
4 −290 4,064 83 d1 c7 c4 d1
5 −322 5,650 109 d1 c7 c3 c5 d1
6 −797 4,509 114 d1 c5 c7 c4 d1
7 −920 5,906 115 d1 c3 c7 c4 d1

Table 9.41   VRP8 iteration characteristics for the linear programming relaxation
Routes Primal LP-Master
Iteration # New # Total
0 3 3 15,453 15,453
1 4 7 15,453
2 33 40 15,419 15,419
3 4 44 15,225

This process continues until all the node-and-load combinations have become
permanent. For this example, it takes 182 steps to make all labels, which consist
out of a node-and-load combination, permanent. At that time the paths that have a
negative length in node t, which corresponds to the sink depot node for each route,
are added to the master problem. In this particular example there are four paths with
negative reduced cost, which are added to the master problem. The master problem
is solved and the dual variables updated and then the arc lengths are updated. The
second iteration can then start. The routes with negative reduced length for iteration
1 are shown in Table 9.40.
After three iterations, the pricing problem terminates because it can no longer
generate routes with a negative reduced cost. The pricing problem generated 44
columns corresponding to desirable routes in the two iterations. The lower bound,
generated by the linear programming relaxation is equal to 15,225.25 (Table 9.41).
The optimal linear solution contained six routes, all of which had a fractional
value equal to 0.500. The routes and their execution value in the linear program-
ming relaxation are shown in Table  9.42. Recall that the total number of routes
possible with either one, two, three, or four customers was equal to 162. Not all of
these routes are feasible with respect to the vehicle capacity. So, the total number of
possible routes for the pricing problem cannot be computed easily in advance, but is

Table 9.42   VRP8 optimal routes for the linear programming relaxation
Route Value Length Quantity Facilities
6 0.500 4,509 114 d1 c5 c7 c4 d1
7 0.500 5,906 115 d1 c3 c7 c4 d1
10 0.500 1,344 41 d1 c8 d1
33 0.500 6,658 108 d1 c6 c2 c1 d1
36 0.500 6,892 114 d1 c5 c3 c2 c1 d1
41 0.500 5,142 98 d1 c6 c8 d1
Total 3.000 15,226 295
9.2 Classical Vehicle Routing (VRP) 331

Table 9.43   VRP8 optimal Facility Dual price

prices for the linear pro-
gramming relaxation c1 1,342
c2 2,663
c3 2,714
c4 1,764
c5 1,317
c6 3,797
c7 2,573
c8 2,490
# routes 1,145
Dual Obj. 15,225

no more than 162. The pricing problem generated thus 44 desirable routes out 162
routes, or 27.2% of possible routes.
The optimal dual variables of the master problem for iteration 3 are shown in
Table 9.43. The dual variables for the customers represent the best estimate of the
cost to serve each customer. The dual variable for the route count represents the best
estimate of the savings for allowing one more vehicle and route. The linear pro-
gramming relaxation is highly dual degenerate; so many alternative sets of values
for the dual variables exist.
The binary solution based on these 44 routes generated the same three routes
with a solution value of 15,419. The gap for this solution is 194, or 1.25%. In
other words, the length of these routes can never be more than 1.25% longer
than the length of the optimal routes. In general, the lower bound can be further
improved by a complete branch-and-price solution algorithm. However, imple-
menting a full branch-and-price algorithm is a complex and extensive task. This
programming effort is most likely not justified unless the routing decisions are
very expensive or executed repeatedly. In this particular example, the gap is
1.25%, which is more than close enough to optimality for typical vehicle rout-
ing applications. The routes are identical to the routes found by applying the
swap improvement algorithm to routes generated by the serial savings algo-
rithm. The summary statistics of these routes are shown in Table 9.32 and the
routes are shown in Fig. 9.20.
The execution of the pricing problem in general depends on the starting fea-
sible partition. The execution statistics for different starting partitions are shown in
Table 9.44. The routes of the starting partition are generated by the indicated algo-
rithm. For each starting point, the pricing algorithm was run with candidates that
do not and do allow multiple visits to the same customer facility. The primal length
is the length found either by the linear relaxation of the master problem during the
iterations or by the integer master problem at the end of the final iteration.
It can be observed that the two types of candidate routes with or without revisits
consistently yield the same lower bound regardless of their starting points. In this
small example, the identical best primal solution is found by either lower bound
type and from all starting points. Furthermore, for this example the number of it-
erations and the number of candidate routes generated also does not depend on the
332 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.44   Characteristics of the SPP algorithm with auxiliary pricing depending on the starting
Algorithm Initial Revisits Primal Bound # Iterat. # Cand.
length allowed length length
GAP 16,096 No 15,419 15,225 2 45
16,096 Yes 15,419 14,892 2 49
Savings 15,453 No 15,419 15,225 3 44
serial 15,453 Yes 15,419 14,892 4 66
Sweep 17,424 No 15,419 15,225 2 50
17,424 Yes 15,419 14,892 2 57
Nearest 17,680 No 15,419 15,225 2 25
neighbor 17,680 Yes 15,419 14,892 2 33
Best 15,419 No 15,419 15,225 3 41
15,419 Yes 15,419 14,892 3 56

quality of the starting feasible partition. Neither of these characteristics is however

true in general. An example of this is shown in the VRP16 example which is in-
cluded as an appendix to this chapter.

9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB)

Introduction  Consider one route in the solution to the classic vehicle routing prob-
lem. The vehicle is delivering to one or more customers. After the last customer has
been visited the vehicle is empty and travels back empty to the distribution center.
Empty vehicle traveling is also called deadheading and the corresponding distance
is denoted as deadhead miles. The empty vehicle travel only generates costs and
thus is avoided by vehicle dispatchers. One way to reduce the empty travel distance
is to visit one or more of suppliers and pick up inbound products from the suppliers
and carry them back to the depot. This activity is called backhauling and it avoids
either the cost or the separate vehicle trip of transporting those goods to the depot.
The vehicle routing variant that includes backhauling is called the Vehicle Routing
Problem with Backhauling (VRPB) or also linehaul–backhaul. It has been one of
the most widespread cost reduction techniques for over-the-road private fleet opera-
tions, A.T. Kearney (1984, pp. 80–81).
There are two major subclasses of the VRPB depending on the configuration of
the transportation vehicle used. In the United States the vast majority of long-haul
trailers are rear-loaded, i.e., they have a single door at the end of the trailer. With
this configuration, picking up goods from a supplier before all the customers on the
route have been delivered requires that the loads are rearranged at any customer
visited after goods have been picked up. This entails additional handling time and
costs and the possibility of additional damage. To avoid this, the linehaul–backhaul
vehicle routing problem requires that all customers on a single route are visited
before any supplier can be visited. On the other hand, if the transportation vehicle
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 333

Fig. 9.25   Vehicle rout-

ing with backhauling route

used has either side access with soft tarp sides or roll closures, or an internal central
access aisle, then random access to all the goods on the vehicle is possible. With this
configuration, the visits to the customers and the suppliers can be intermixed. This
problem is called the mixed pickup and delivery problem. Trucks with soft sides
are commonly used in Europe; local delivery trucks with side access are often used
by brewery and soft-drink industry; finally, vehicles with a central travel aisle are
used in the delivery to retailers were the goods are transported in rolling wire cages.
VRPB Problem Definition  The VRPB is one of the simplest extensions to the
classic VRP. A number of customers with known location and demand and a num-
ber of suppliers with known location and supply have to be serviced by a homo-
geneous fleet of vehicles from a single depot. All vehicles have the same capacity.
All vehicles are considered rear-loaded so that on each route all customers have to
be visited before any supplier can be visited. The objective is to minimize the total
travel distance of the routes. The travel between two facilities is computed with a
travel distance norm.
The following notation will be used. There are NL linehaul customers with loca-
tion and demand (xi , yi , demi ) and there are NB backhaul suppliers with location
and supply (xi , yi , supi ) . There are K vehicles with capacity capk . A linehaul–
backhaul route is illustrated in Fig.  9.25. The vehicle leaves the depot and visits
first customers c55–c67, then it deadheads to supplier s23, continues to visit suppli-
ers s30–s31, and then returns to the depot. A larger example of linehaul–backhaul
routes is shown in Fig. 9.26.
334 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.26   Lineback linehaul–

backhaul routes for caseo1

Table 9.45   Facility data for the VRPB8 example

Facility X-Coord. Y-Coord. Quantity Shape Color Type
c1 190 701 12 Circle Red Customer
c2 808 585 29 Circle Red Customer
c3 350 895 49 Circle Red Customer
c4 746 174 51 Circle Red Customer
c5 327 305 18 Circle Red Customer
s1 137 119 23 Triangle Green Supplier
s2 661 840 66 Triangle Green Supplier
s3 445 119 46 Triangle Green Supplier
d1 362 465 0 Square Blue Depot

Vehicle Routing with Backhauling Example (VRPB8)  All algorithms for the
VRPB will be illustrated using the same example. This example has five customer
facilities and three supplier facilities and will be denoted as VRPB8. The facility
data are given in Table 9.45 and the locations of the facilities and their demands or
supplies illustrated in Fig. 9.27. All routes start and terminate at the single depot.
The depot is indicated by a square. All suppliers are indicated by triangles and all
customers are indicated by circles. The distances between the various facilities are
shown in Table  9.46. The distances were computed with the Euclidean distance
norm without any adjustment factor and rounded to two significant digits after the
decimal point. There are four trucks available and all trucks have identical capaci-
ties equal to 75. Due to loading constraints at the depot a truck can only execute a
single route.
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 335

Fig. 9.27   Facility locations

and requirements for the
VRPB8 example

Table 9.46   Distance data for the VRPB8 example

c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s2 s3 d1
c1 628.79 251.47 766.07 419.03 584.41 491.08 635.41 292.03
c2 628.79 553.05 415.65 556.56 816.94 294.34 590.70 461.86
c3 251.47 553.05 822.59 590.45 804.70 315.83 781.79 430.17
c4 766.07 415.65 822.59 439.00 611.48 671.40 305.98 481.81
c5 419.03 556.56 590.45 439.00 265.89 630.70 220.27 163.78
s1 584.41 816.94 804.70 611.48 265.89 891.30 308.00 412.72
s2 491.08 294.34 315.83 671.40 630.70 891.30 752.66 479.61
s3 635.41 590.70 781.79 305.98 220.27 308.00 752.66 355.82
d1 292.03 461.86 430.17 481.81 163.78 412.72 479.61 355.82

9.3.1  Vehicle Routing with Backhauling Algorithms

The algorithms for the VRPB are extensions and modifications of the algorithms for
the classic VRP. In general, the algorithms have to observe two independent capac-
ity constraints, one for the linehaul segment of the route and one for the backhaul
segment, one service constraint per customer and supplier facility, and one prece-
dence constraint prohibiting visiting any supplier before any customer on a route.
The supplier capacity and the precedence constraints are additional compared to the
classic vehicle routing problem and its algorithms.
336 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.47   Nearest neighbor algorithm steps for VRPB8

Index Anchor Append Append Linehaul Backhaul
facility facility distance quantity quantity
1 d1 c5 164 18 0
2 c5 c1 419 30 0
3 c1 s2 491 30 66
4 d1 c3 430 49 0
5 c3 s3 782 49 46
6 s3 s1 308 49 69
7 d1 c2 462 29 0
8 d1 c4 482 51 0 Nearest Neighbor 

The nearest neighbor algorithm starts each route at the depot facility and then itera-
tively appends the nearest unvisited customer to the route. When appending the
next customer would violate the truck capacity, the algorithm switches to iteratively
appending the nearest unvisited supplier to the route. When appending the next sup-
plier would violate truck capacity, then the route returns to the depot. If unvisited
customers or suppliers remain and the maximum number of routes has not been
reached, then a new route is started. This algorithm was originally described by
Rosenkrantz et al. (1977) for the traveling salesman problem and is extended in a
straightforward manner to the case of linehaul–backhaul vehicle routing. Nearest Neighbor for VRPB8 

The nearest neighbor algorithm is used first to construct the routes. Every time a
facility is added to a route, the append facility and the anchor facility are given
in Table 9.47. The anchor facility is the facility already on the route to which this
newly added facility is connected. In addition, the append distance to the new facil-
ity, and the linehaul and backhaul quantity on the truck on this partial route, are also
given. When a new route is started, the anchor facility is the depot. Since the algo-
rithm repeatedly performs the same test and actions, several sentences are repeated
in each step to give a complete description of the algorithm execution.
The closest unvisited customer to the depot d1 is customer c5 with a distance
equal to 163.8. Since this is the first customer on the route its demand will never ex-
ceed the truck capacity, so customer c5 is added to the route and the total demand or
linehaul quantity on the route so far is equal to 18 units and the remaining linehaul
capacity is also 57 units.
The unvisited customer closest to customer c5 is customer c1 with a distance
equal to 419. The demand of customer c1 is 12 units and the remaining linehaul
capacity on this route is 57 units, so customer c1 is appended to this route. The total
demand or linehaul quantity on the route so far is equal to 30 units and the remain-
ing linehaul capacity is also 45 units.
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 337

The unvisited customer closest to customer c1 is customer c3 with a distance

equal to 251. The demand of customer c3 is 49 units. The remaining linehaul capac-
ity on the route is 45 units, so customer c3 cannot be appended to this route. The
route now switches from delivery to pickup operations.
The unvisited supplier closest to customer c1 is supplier s2 with a distance equal
to 491. Since this is the first supplier on the route its supply will never exceed the
truck capacity, so supplier s2 is appended to the route. The backhaul quantity so far
is equal to 66 units and the remaining backhaul capacity is 9 units.
The unvisited supplier closest to supplier s2 is supplier s3 with a distance equal
to 753. The supply quantity of supplier s3 is 46 units and the remaining backhaul
capacity on the route is equal to 9 units, so supplier s3 cannot be appended to this
route. The route is closed and since the number of routes is less than the maximum
number of routes a new route is started.
The unvisited customer closest to the depot d1 is customer c3 with a distance
equal to 430. Since this is the first customer on the route its demand will never
exceed the truck capacity, so customer c3 is appended to the route and the linehaul
quantity on the route so far is equal to 49 units and the remaining linehaul capacity
on the route is 26 units.
The unvisited customer closest to customer c3 is customer c2 with a distance
equal to 553. The demand of customer c2 is 29 units and the remaining linehaul
capacity on this route is 26 units, so customer c2 cannot be appended to this route.
The route now switches from delivery to pickup operations.
The unvisited supplier closest to customer c3 is supplier s3 with a distance equal
to 782. Since this is the first supplier on the route its supply will never exceed the
truck capacity, so supplier s3 is appended to the route. The backhaul quantity so far
is equal to 46 units and the remaining backhaul capacity is 29 units.
The unvisited supplier closest to supplier s3 is supplier s1 with a distance equal
to 308. The supply quantity of supplier s1 is 23 units and the remaining backhaul
capacity on the route is equal to 29 units, so supplier s1 is appended to this route.
The total backhaul quantity on the route is now 69 units and the remaining backhaul
capacity is 6 units. Since there are no remaining unvisited suppliers, this route is
closed and since the number of routes is less than the maximum number of routes
a new route is started.
The unvisited customer closest to the depot d1 is customer c2 with a distance
equal to 462. Since this is the first customer on the route its demand will never
exceed the truck capacity, so customer c2 is appended to the route and the linehaul
quantity on the route so far is equal to 29 units and the remaining linehaul capacity
is 46 units.
The unvisited customer closest to customer c2 is customer c4 with a distance
equal to 416. The demand of customer c4 is 51 units and the remaining linehaul
capacity on this route is 51 units, so customer c4 cannot be appended to this route.
The route now switches from delivery to pickup operations. Since there are no re-
maining unvisited suppliers, this route is closed and since the number of routes is
less than the maximum number of routes a new route is started.
The unvisited customer closest to the depot d1 is customer c4 with a distance
equal to 482. Since this is the first customer on the route its demand will never
338 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.48   Nearest neighbor routes for VRPB8

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 d1 c5 c1 s2 d1 1,553.50
2 d1 c3 s3 s1 d1 1,932.68
3 d1 c2 d1 923.72
4 d1 c4 d1 963.61
Total 5,373.51

exceed the truck capacity, so customer c4 is appended to the route and the linehaul
quantity on the route so far is equal to 51 units and the remaining linehaul capac-
ity is 24 units. Since there are no remaining unvisited customers or suppliers, this
route is closed and Nearest Neighbor algorithm terminates after having created four
In Table 9.48 the route data are summarized, with one route per line or row. Each
route starts and ends with the depot. The route length of each individual route and
the total route length of all the routes created by this algorithm are also shown. Sweep (Variant B)  

There exist many variants of the basic sweep algorithm, but they can be grouped
into two basic categories: (A) cluster-first, route-second, and (B) route-first, cluster-

Fig. 9.28   Nearest neigh-

bor routes for the VRPB8
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 339

second. The difference between the types is based on when the delivery or pickup
quantity of the facilities is considered and when the facilities are sequenced on a
route. In all variants the facilities are sequenced in an ordered list by rotating a
half-line or ray around a rotation point and facilities are added to list when the ray
traverses them.
The algorithm was first described by Gillet and Miller (1974) for the vehicle rout-
ing problem. It is extended to the vehicle routing problem with backhauling in the
following way. The algorithm creates two lists, one for linehaul customer and one
for backhaul suppliers. Both lists are partitioned into individual routes at the same
rotational angles. When starting a new route, the first customer traversed by the ray
becomes the first customer on the route, and the first supplier traversed by the ray be-
comes the last supplier on this route. When adding a facility to the route, it is inserted
at one of the two endpoints of the empty vehicle travel link of the current tour and
thus one of the two interface points of the empty vehicle travel link will change. When
either a customer or supplier facility is traversed by the rotating ray, it is inserted be-
tween the most recently appended customer and supplier facility on that route. When
the inserting either the next customer of supplier would violate truck capacity, then
the route is terminated. If unvisited customers or suppliers remain and the maximum
number of routes has not been reached, then a new route is started. Computationally,
the relative polar coordinates of each point with respect to the depot are determined
and the points are inserted in the route by increasing polar angle.
In vehicle routing problems the rotation point is typically the distribution center.
The starting angle of the rotation ray and the rotation direction are algorithm param-
eters. Different parameter values may generate different routes. Note that the sweep
algorithm in the Lineback program (Goetschalckx 1990) is of the second type. Sweep Variant B for VRPB8 Example 

We will start the rotating ray in the due east direction and turn the ray counterclock-
wise. Each time we add a facility to a route, we will show the added or append facil-
ity, the anchor facility on the route to which this newly added facility is connected,
the append distance to the new facility, and the linehaul and backhaul quantity on
the truck on that route so far. When we start a new route, the anchor facility is the
depot for both the linehaul and the backhaul section of the route. Since the algo-
rithm repeatedly performs the same test and actions, several sentences are repeated
in each step to give a complete description of the algorithm execution.
The next facility traversed by the ray is customer c2. Since this is the first cus-
tomer on the route its demand will never exceed the truck capacity, so customer c2
is included in the route and the linehaul quantity on the route so far is equal to 29
units and the remaining linehaul capacity is 46 units.
The first encountered facility is supplier s2. Since this is the first supplier on the
route its supply will never exceed the truck capacity, so supplier s2 is included in the
route. The total backhaul quantity on this route is now 66 units and the remaining
backhaul capacity is 9 units.
340 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.49   Sweep algorithm steps for VRPB8

Index Anchor Append Append Linehaul Backhaul
facility facility distance quantity quantity
1 d1 c2 462 29 0
2 d1 s2 480 29 66
3 d1 c3 430 49 0
4 c3 c1 251 61 0
5 d1 s1 413 61 23
6 d1 c5 164 18 0
7 d1 s3 356 18 46
8 c5 c4 439 69 46

The next facility traversed by the ray is customer c3. The demand of customer c3
is 49 units and the remaining linehaul capacity on the route is 46 units, so customer
c3 cannot be inserted in the route. So this route is closed by connecting customer
c2 to supplier s2. Since the number of routes is less than the maximum number of
routes a new route is started.
The next facility traversed by the ray is customer c3. Since this is the first cus-
tomer on the route its demand will never exceed the truck capacity, so customer c3
is included in the route and the linehaul quantity on the route so far is equal to 49
units and the remaining linehaul capacity is 26 units.
The next facility traversed by the ray is customer c1. The demand of customer c1
is 12 units and the remaining linehaul capacity on the route is 26 units, so customer
c1 is inserted after customer c3. The linehaul quantity on the route so far is equal to
61 units and the remaining linehaul capacity is 14 units.
The first encountered facility is supplier s1. Since this is the first supplier on the
route its supply will never exceed the truck capacity, so supplier s1 is included in the
route. The total backhaul quantity on this route is now 23 units and the remaining
backhaul capacity is 52 units.
The next facility traversed by the ray is customer c5. The demand of customer c5
is 18 units and the remaining linehaul capacity on the route is 14 units, so customer
c5 cannot be inserted in the route. So this route is closed by connecting customer
c1 to supplier s1. Since the number of routes is less than the maximum number of
routes a new route is started.
The next facility traversed by the ray is customer c5. Since this is the first cus-
tomer on the route its demand will never exceed the truck capacity, so customer c5
is included in the route and the linehaul quantity on the route so far is equal to 18
units and the remaining linehaul capacity is 57 units.
The first encountered facility is supplier s3. Since this is the first supplier on the
route its supply will never exceed the truck capacity, so supplier s3 is included in the
route. The total backhaul quantity on this route is now 46 units and the remaining
backhaul capacity is 29 units.
The next facility traversed by the ray is customer c4. The demand of customer c4
is 51 units and the remaining linehaul capacity on the route is 57 units, so customer
c1 is inserted after customer c5. The linehaul quantity on the route so far is equal to
69 units and the remaining linehaul capacity is 6 units. All the customers and suppli-
ers have been visited, so the sweep algorithm terminates with three routes.
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 341

Table 9.50   Sweep routes for VRPB8

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 d1 c2 s2 d1 1,235.81
2 d1 c3 c1 s1 d1 1,678.77
3 d1 c5 c4 s3 d1 1,264.58
Total 4,179.16

Fig. 9.29   Sweep routes for

the VRPB8 example

We will list the sequence of all the facilities on the routes that we have created,
with one route per row in the following matrix. Each route starts and ends with the de-
pot. We compute the route length of each individual route and compute the total route
length of all the routes created by this sweep algorithm. Since the sweep algorithm
created three routes, the last row in the matrix is not used. See Table 9.50 and Fig. 9.29. Savings 

Deif and Bodin (1984) adapted the original savings algorithm of Clarke and Wright
(1964) to the case of the linehaul–backhaul vehicle routing. They observed that
once the crossover link corresponding to the empty vehicle travel is added to a tour,
the tour becomes asymmetric and the possibilities for adding further facilities are
cut in half. To avoid this phenomenon, they reduced the savings of the crossover
link to delay the creation of this crossover link. They computed the savings as fol-
lows using a crossover savings penalty factor α:
342 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.51   Binary savings for VRPB8

c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s2 s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c1 125.10 470.73 7.76 36.78 90.26 210.42 9.32 12
c2 125.10 69.08 43.23 485.35 170.23 29
c3 470.73 3.50 28.64 445.46 3.14 49
c4 7.76 206.59 212.29 217.51 398.73 51
c5 36.78 69.08 3.50 206.59 232.97 9.52 224.50 18
s1 460.54 23
s2 66
s3 460.54 46

 S = max d0j + di0 − dij
d0j + di0 − dij − αS if i ∈ C, j ∈ S
sij =
d0j + di0 − dij if i, j ∈ C or i, j ∈ S
They found that a good value for α is around 0.2. This savings adjustment method
has the disadvantage that it can create negative savings for the crossover links, even
though using these links may still yield positive savings.
A more consistent method for adjusting the savings of the crossover link reduces
the savings by percentage of the savings for that link. With this adjustment the sav-
ings for the crossover links are reduced but remain desirable if the original savings
for that link were desirable.

 (1 − α) · (d0j + di0 − dij ) if i ∈ C, j ∈ S
sij = (9.51)
d0j + di0 − dij if i, j ∈ C or i, j ∈ S Savings Algorithm for the VRPB8 Example 

The parallel variant followed by the serial variant of the savings algorithm will be
executed for this example. The savings for the crossover links between the linehaul
and the backhaul section of a route will be adjusted by a 25% penalty. In other words
adj orig
sij = sij · (1 − 0.25)

The pairwise savings for this example are shown in Table 9.51. Savings for infeasi-
ble combinations of facilities are not shown. The largest feasible savings are 485.35
when customer c2 and supplier s2 are combined. The cell of the largest feasible
savings is shown as shaded.
In the reduced savings matrix for the serial variant, only savings with facilities
that can be inserted before customer c2 or after supplier s2 are considered since
only one partial tour can be active at the time. Hence, only savings in the column
{c2–s2} and in the row {c2–s2} have to be considered. In this case there are only
two candidate savings—125.1 and 69.08. The largest feasible savings are 125.10
when customer c1 is inserted before customer c2 in the partial tour. The cell of the
largest feasible savings is shown as shaded in Table 9.52.
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 343

Table 9.52   Second iteration savings matrix for the serial variant for VRPB8
c1 c2–s2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c1 125.10 470.73 7.76 36.78 90.26 9.32 12
c3 470.73 3.50 28.64 3.14 49
c4 7.76 206.59 212.29 398.73 51
c5 36.78 69.08 3.50 206.59 232.97 224.50 18
s1 460.54 23
c2–s2 29 66
s3 460.54 46

Table 9.53   Third iteration savings matrix for the serial variant for VRPB8
c1–s2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c3 470.73 3.50 28.64 3.14 49
c4 7.76 206.59 212.29 398.73 51
c5 36.78 3.50 206.59 232.97 224.50 18
s1 460.54 23
c1–s2 41 66
s3 460.54 46

After the combination of customer c1 with the partial tour c2:s2 the savings ma-
trix is reduced to the following matrix in Table 9.53. In the reduced savings matrix,
only savings with facilities that can be inserted before customer c1 or after supplier
s2 are considered since only one partial tour can be active at the time. Hence, only
savings in the column {c1–s2} and in the row {c1–s2} have to be considered. Sav-
ings that would create infeasible tours also do not have to be considered. In this case
there is only one candidate savings 36.78, since the other two savings in the first
column would create infeasible routes that violate the truck capacity.
After the combination of customer c5 and the partial tour c1:s2 the savings ma-
trix is reduced to the matrix in Table 9.54. In the reduced savings matrix, only sav-
ings with facilities that can be inserted before customer c5 or after supplier s2 are
considered since only one partial tour can be active at the time. Hence, only savings
in the column {c5–s2} and in the row {c5–s2} have to be considered. Savings that
would create infeasible tours also do not have to be considered. In this case there
is no feasible savings candidate, since the two savings in the column would create
infeasible routes that violate the truck capacity.
The current partial route is saved and a new partial route is started based on the
remaining rows and columns of the savings matrix. The largest feasible savings are
460.54 when suppliers s1 and s3 are combined. The cell of the largest feasible sav-
ings is shown as shaded in Table 9.55.

Table 9.54   Fourth iteration savings matrix for the serial variant for VRPB8
c3 c4 c5–s2 s1 s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c3 3.50 28.64 3.14 49
c4 206.59 212.29 398.73 51
s1 460.54 23
c5–s2 59 66
s3 460.54 46
344 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.55   Fifth iteration savings matrix for the serial variant for VRPB8
c3 c4 s1 s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c3 28.64 3.14 49
c4 212.29 398.73 51
s1 460.54 23
s3 460.54 46

Table 9.56   Sixth iteration savings matrix for the serial variant for VRPB8
c3 c4 s1–s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c3 28.64 49
c4 212.29 51
s1–s3 69

Table 9.57   Seventh iteration savings matrix for the serial variant for VRPB8
c3 c4–s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c3 49
c4–s3 51 69

After the combination of suppliers s1 and s3 the savings matrix is reduced to the
matrix in Table 9.56. The largest feasible savings are 212.29 when customer c4 is in-
serted before supplier s1. The cell of the largest feasible savings is shown as shaded.
After the combination of customer c4 and supplier s1 the savings matrix is re-
duced to the matrix in Table 9.57. There is no feasible savings, so the current partial
route is saved. A new partial route is started. Since the only facility not yet placed
on a route is facility customer c3, this facility will form a singleton route and the
algorithm terminates. The savings matrix for this last iteration would only contain a
row and column for c3 and is not shown.
The routes for the serial version of the savings algorithm are summarized in
Table 9.58 and Fig. 9.30.
The parallel variant of the savings algorithm is executed next. The first iteration
is identical to the serial variant. After the combination of customer c2 and supplier
s2 the savings matrix is reduced to the matrix in Table 9.59. The largest feasible
savings are 470.73 when customers c1 and c3 are combined. The cell of the largest
feasible savings is shown as shaded.
After the combination of customers c1 and c3 two partial routes are active and
the savings matrix is reduced to the matrix in Table 9.60. The largest feasible sav-

Table 9.58   Serial savings routes for VRPB8

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 d1 c5 c1 c2 s2 d1 1,985.55
2 d1 c4 s1 s3 d1 1,757.10
3 d1 c3 d1 860.33
Total 4,602.98
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 345

Fig. 9.30   Serial savings

routes for the VRPB8

Table 9.59   Second iteration savings matrix for the parallel variant for VRPB8
c1 c2–s2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c1 125.1 470.73 7.76 36.78 90.26 9.32 12
c3 470.73 3.5 28.64 3.14 49
c4 7.76 206.59 212.29 398.73 51
c5 36.78 69.08 3.5 206.59 232.97 224.50 18
s1 460.54 23
c2–s2 29 66
s3 460.54 46

Table 9.60   Third iteration savings matrix for the parallel variant for VRPB8
c1–c3 c2–s2 c4 c5 s1 s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c1–c3 3.5 28.64 3.14 61
c4 7.76 206.59 212.29 398.73 51
c5 36.78 69.08 206.59 232.97 224.50 18
s1 460.54 23
c2–s2 29 66
s3 460.54 46

ings are 460.54 when suppliers s1 and s3 are combined. The cell of the largest
feasible savings is shown as shaded.
After the combination of suppliers s1 and s3 three partial routes are active and
the savings matrix is reduced to the matrix in Table 9.61. Since there are four trucks,
it is still possible to create one new partial route. For example, the additional partial
346 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.61   Fourth iteration savings matrix for the parallel variant for VRPB8
c1–c3 c2–s2 c3 c5 s1–s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c1–c3 3.5 28.64 61
c4 7.76 206.59 212.29 51
c5 36.78 69.08 206.59 232.97 18
c2–s2 29 66
s1–s3 69

Table 9.62   Fifth iteration savings matrix for the parallel variant for VRPB8
c1–c3 c2–s2 c4 c5–s3 Line-Q Back-Q
c1–c3 3.5 61
c4 7.76 206.59 51
c2–s2 29 66
c5–s3 18 69

route from customer c4 to customer c5 is still a feasible possibility with correspond-

ing savings of 206.59. However, the largest feasible savings are 232.97 when cus-
tomer c5 is inserted at the head of the partial route with suppliers s1 and s3. The cell
of the largest feasible savings is shown as shaded.
After the insertion of customer c5 in the partial tour {s1–s3} the savings matrix
is reduced to the matrix in Table 9.62. The largest feasible savings are 206.59 when
customer c4 is inserted at the head of the partial tour with facilities {c5–s3}. The
cell of the largest feasible savings is shown as shaded.
After the insertion of customer c4 in the partial tour {c5–s3} all the facilities
have been inserted on a partial tour and no partial tours can be combined, so the
algorithm terminates. The routes for the parallel version of the savings algorithm
are summarized in Table 9.63 and Fig. 9.31. Extreme Crossovers 

The extreme crossovers algorithm creates a number of partial routes with on each
route a single customer and a single supplier. It matches the customer and sup-
plier that have the largest savings if they were visited on single route instead of on
separate routes. This is the same savings definition as used in the savings algorithm
with a crossover penalty factor equal to zero. The number of routes is equal to the

Table 9.63   Parallel savings routes for VRPB8

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 d1 c2 s2 d1 1,235.81
2 d1 c1 c3 d1 973.66
3 d1 c4 c5 s1 s3 d1 1,850.51
Total 4,059.98
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 347

Fig. 9.31   Parallel sav-

ings routes for the VRPB8

minimum of the number of vehicles, the number of customers, and the number of
 sij = di0 + d0j − dij i ∈ C, j ∈ S (9.52)
The typical result of this algorithm is a number of routes with very acute aperture of
the covering sector and with short crossover link far away from the depot.
If not all the facilities are visited by the crossover routes, then the total route
length of the crossover routes is a lower bound on the optimal total route length. If
all the facilities are included on the crossover routes, then these routes constitute
the optimal solution.
The number of crossovers is the minimum of the number linehaul customer, the
number of backhaul suppliers, and the number of vehicles. In the case of the ex-
ample, the number is equal to min {5, 3, 4} = 3 . The savings for the crossover route
between the first customer and supplier are computed next.
sc1,s1 = dc1,d1 + dd1,s1 − dc1,s1
= 292.03 + 412.72 − 584.41 = 120.34
All the crossover assignment savings for the VRPB8 example are shown in Ta-
ble 9.64, where the customers are listed in the rows and the suppliers in the columns.
In general, finding the optimal solution for this Assignment Problem (AP) re-
quires a linear programming formulation and solution. However, for this small ex-
ample, when for each supplier the customer with the maximum savings is selected,
there are no conflicts in the customer selection, so this greedy solution is also the
optimal solution. The maximum savings are achieved by pairing customer c2 with
supplier s2, customer c4 with supplier s3, and customer c5 with supplier s1. The
348 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.64   VRPB6 s1 s2 s3

example crossover savings
c1 120.34 280.56 12.43
c2 57.64 647.14 226.98
c3 38.19 593.95 4.19
c4 283.05 290.01 531.64
c5 310.62 12.69 299.33

Table 9.65   VRPB6 example crossover routes

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 d1 c2 s2 d1 1,235.81
2 d1 c4 s3 d1 1,143.61
3 d1 c5 s1 d1 842.39
Total 3,221.81

resulting crossover routes are shown in Table 9.65 and Fig. 9.32. This set of routes
does not include all facilities, so the current solution value is a lower bound on the
optimal total route length. Cheapest Insertion 

To illustrate the insertion algorithms, the routes created by the extreme crossover
algorithm will be used as initial routes. The two customer c1 and c3 facilities are

Fig. 9.32   Extreme cross-

over routes for the VRPB8
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 349

Table 9.66   Insertion penalties for VRPB8

r1 r2 r3 min
d1–c2 c2–s2 d1–c4 c4–s3 d1–c5 c5–s1
c1 458.93 825.53 576.29 1,095.50 547.28 737.55 458.93
c3 856.84 1,129.26 856.84

not yet included on a route and they have delivery quantities of 12 and 49, respec-
tively. The linehaul quantities of the initial routes are 29, 51, and 18, respectively. It
is computationally the most efficient to check first if a facility can be inserted on a
route based on the facility and route quantities. Customer c1 can be inserted on all
three routes, while customer c3 can only be inserted on route 3. Customer facilities
can only be inserted on links before the first supplier on that route.
The insertion penalty for customer c1 on link ( d1, c2) is computed as
[c1] ( d1, c2) 292.03 + 628.79 − 461.89 = 458.93.
The insertion penalties for all feasible insertions are computed next and shown in
Table 9.66. The last column indicates the minimum insertion penalty for each free
The cheapest insertion algorithm selects the free facility with the minimum in-
sertion penalty. In this example this is customer c1 with insertion penalty 458.93 on
link ( d1, c2) of route 1. The insertion penalties for the remaining free facilities are
now updated. However, in this example customer c3 can only be inserted on route
3 and customer c1 was inserted on route 1, so no insertion penalties for customer c3
change. Customer c3 is inserted next with insertion penalty 856.84 on link ( d1, c5).
All facilities have been routed and the algorithm terminates. The routes statistics are
given in Table 9.67 and the routes are shown in Fig. 9.33. Priciest Insertion 

The priciest insertion algorithm starts of identically to the cheapest insertion algo-
rithm. However, it selects the facility to insert as the facility with the largest inser-
tion penalty. In this example, this is customer c3 with insertion penalty 856.84 on
link ( d1, c5) of route 3. The insertion penalties for the remaining free facilities are

Table 9.67   Cheapest insertion routes for VRPB8

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 d1 c1 c2 s2 1,694.77
2 d1 c4 s3 d1 1,143.61
3 d1 c3 c5 s1 d1 1,699.23
Total 4,537.61
350 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.33   Extreme crossover

followed by cheapest inser-
tion routes for the VRPB8

now updated. The linehaul quantity on route 3 is now 49 + 18 = 67 and customer
c1 can no longer be inserted on route 3. The insertion penalties for customer c1 on
all links of route 3 are eliminated, or equivalently set to infinity, and no insertion
penalties for customer c1 change. Customer c1 is inserted with insertion penalty
458.93 on link ( d1, c2) of route 1. All facilities have been routed and the algorithm
terminates. The routes are identical to those generated by the cheapest insertion
algorithm and are shown in Fig. 9.33 and their statistics are given in the previous
table. In general, the cheapest and priciest insertion algorithms may generate dif-
ferent routes. Two Exchange, Chain Exchange, Three Exchange 

To illustrate the exchange algorithms, the routes created by the cheapest insertion
algorithm will be used as initial routes. The number of facilities on each route for
this small example is so small that very few intra-route exchanges can be executed.
Route 2 has a single customer and supplier, so no intra-route exchanges are possible.
Routes 1 and 3 each have two customers and one supplier, so the two exchange, the
chain exchange with chain length equal to one, and the three exchange algorithm
all will test the exchanges that corresponds to swapping the sequence of the two
customers on each route. These routes are equivalent to inserting the free custom-
ers on different links for the insertion algorithms. The insertion algorithms selected
the link with the minimum insertion penalty for each facility, so no improving
exchanges can be found.
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 351

Table 9.68   Move algorithm iteration 1 for VRPB8 Move 

Again, the routes created by the cheapest insertion algorithm will be used as the
initial routes. The move algorithm attempts to improve the current routes by mov-
ing a single facility to another route. The best possible insertion place is determined
for this facility on the destination route. Eliminating possible moves first because of
the facility quantity and current route quantities is the most efficient. For example,
customer c4 with quantity 51 and currently on route 2 cannot be moved to another
route because routes 1 and 3 have current linehaul quantities of 41 and 67 or, equiv-
alently, remaining linehaul capacity of 34 and 8, respectively. A facility can also not
be moved to a different location on the same route, since the move algorithm is an
inter-route improvement algorithm. In the next table, infeasible moves are indicated
by shaded cells. For this example, only five facilities can be moved to another route
without violating capacity constraints.
Each move involves removing one facility from the origin route and inserting it
in the destination route. A move changes a total of six links, three in the origin and
destination routes each. The savings of moving customer c1 from route 1 and insert-
ing it in link ( c4–s3) are computed as follows
(−dd1,c1 − dc1,c2 + dd1,c2 ) + (dc4,c1 + dc1,s3 − dc4,s3 )
= (−292.03 − 628.79 + 461.86) + (766.07 + 635.41 − 305.98) = − 636.54
This is not an improving move and would not be selected. The savings of moving
supplier s1 from route 3 and inserting it in link ( s3–d1) are computed as follows.
(−dc5,s1 − ds1,d1 + dc5,d1 ) + (ds3,s1 + ds1,d1 − ds3,d1 )
= (−265.89 − 412.72 + 163.78) + (308.00 + 412.72 − 355.82) = 149.93

The last column in Table 9.68 shows the maximum savings achieved by moving each
facility. The algorithm selects the move with the largest positive savings, which is in
this iteration the move of supplier s1 from route 3 and inserting it in link ( s3–d1) or
route 2 with a savings of 149.93. The backhaul quantity of route 2 increases to 69 and
of route 3 decreases to zero, while all other quantities remain unchanged.
The move algorithm now repeats the same steps in its next iteration. The savings
are shown in Table 9.69. The algorithm selects the move with the largest positive
savings, which is the move of customer c5 from route 3 and inserting it in link ( d1–
352 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.69   Move algorithm iteration 2 for VRPB8

Table 9.70   Move algorithm iteration 3 for VRPB8

c4) or route 2 with a savings of 203.09. The linehaul quantity of route 2 increases
to 69 and of route 3 decreases to 49, while all other quantities remain unchanged.
Clearly, determining and evaluating all feasible moves is a tedious process
best left to a computer implementation. The savings for iteration 3 are shown in
Table 9.70.
The move with the largest positive savings is the move of customer c1 from route
1 and inserting it in link ( d1–c3) or route 3 with a savings of 345.63. The linehaul
quantity of route 1 decreases to 29 and of route 3 increases to 61, while all other
quantities remain unchanged. The savings for iteration four are shown in Table 9.71.

Table 9.71   Move algorithm iteration 4 for VRPB8

9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 353

Table 9.72   Move improvement routes for VRPB8

Route Facility Length
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 d1 c1 c3 d1  973.66
2 d1 c2 s2 d1 1,235.81
3 d1 c5 c4 s3 s1 d1 1,629.49
Total 3,838.96

Fig. 9.34   Move improve-

ment routes for the VRPB8

No moves with positive savings can be determined, so the move algorithm ter-
minates. The total savings of all the moves equal 698.64. The total route length
after the move improvements equals 3,838.96. The route statistics are shown in
Table 9.72 and the routes in Fig. 9.34. Swap

Again the routes created by the cheapest insertion algorithm will be used as the
initial routes. The swap algorithm attempts to improve the current routes by first
removing a single facility from two different routes and then inserting the two fa-
cilities in the best place in the opposite route if this is feasible. Because both swap
facilities are first removed, the routes will have more remaining capacity and so
more improvement swaps are feasible as compared to the move algorithm. The
feasible improvement swaps and their associated savings are shown in the next
354 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

table. Because more feasible improvement swaps exists, the manual execution of
this improvement algorithm is even more tedious. Set Partitioning Algorithm 

For this small example, four alternative solution algorithms exist that are based
on set partitioning. The first algorithm enumerates all feasible routes and includes
them in a single monolithic MIP. The second algorithm evaluates all possible routes
based on a systematic iterative generation of all feasible routes. It determines the
row prices with a heuristic allocation scheme and includes routes in the master inte-
ger problem if they have positive savings. An integer solution to master problem
has to be determined at each iteration. The third algorithm evaluates all possible
routes based on a systematic iterative generation of all feasible routes. It determines
the row prices with linear programming and includes routes in the master linear
programming problem if they have positive savings or a negative reduced cost.
The fourth algorithm uses an auxiliary pricing problem, which is an SPPRC solved
with dynamic programming, to add routes to a linear master model until no new
routes with a negative reduced cost can be found. The algorithm and programming
complexity increases sharply from alternative algorithm one to four. At the same
time, the required computation time increases exponentially going from alternative
algorithm one to four. In algorithm one a single very large integer program has to be
solved, in algorithm two a sequence of smaller integer programs have to be solved.
In algorithm three a sequence of linear programs has to be solved but the final
solution may not consist of integer routes. Finally, in the fourth algorithm a larger
sequence of smaller linear programs has to be solved in addition to a dynamic pro-
gram for every linear program. Again the final solution may not consist of integer
routes and an extra computational step may be required to construct an integer and
executable set of routes. For logistic practitioners, the selection of the appropriate
solution algorithm depends on the cost of executing the routes and on the frequency
with which this type of problem has to be solved. All four algorithms will be shown
here in detail to illustrate their characteristics. Set Partitioning Based on Complete Enumeration

of All Feasible Routes 

Table  9.73 with all the feasible routes and their characteristics. For the VRPB8
example, 68 feasible routes exist. The facilities on the routes are indexed from 1–8,
corresponding to customers c1–c5 followed by suppliers s1–s3. The route listed in
the table is the shortest feasible route containing the indicated facilities. In other
words, the route is the solution of a single-vehicle VRPB for the indicated facilities.
In general, the number of feasible routes is extremely large and the routes cannot be
generated explicitly for problem instances of realistic size. So this algorithm is only
applicable for very small example problems.
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 355

Table 9.73   Complete set of feasible routes for VRPB8

Table 9.74   Optimal routes for VRPB8

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 d1 c1 c3 d1 973.66
2 d1 c2 s2 d1 1,235.81
3 d1 c5 c4 s3 s1 d1 1,629.49
Total 3,838.96

The solution of the linear relaxation of this SPP yields an integer solution con-
sisting of three routes, with indices 10, 18, and 67. Equivalently, the branch-and-
bound algorithm finds an integer solution at the root node of the search tree. In
general, the linear relaxation of the SPP does not yield an integer solution, and find-
ing the integer solution is the most time-consuming phase of the solution algorithm.
The optimal routes are given in Table 9.74 and shown in Fig. 9.35. These routes are
identical to the ones determined by the move improvement algorithm before, but
now it has been established that these are the optimal routes.
356 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.35   Optimal routes for

the VRPB8 example Set Partitioning Using Heuristic Row Prices and Bootstrapping

the Route Generation

If access to a linear programming solver is not available, the row prices can be deter-
mined with a heuristic cost allocation scheme rather than using the values of the dual
variables of the linear relaxation of the SPP. The cost allocation schemes developed
for the classic VRP can be used without change for the VRPB since the principle that
the total route cost has to be allocated to all the facilities serviced by that route remains
unchanged. The VRP and VRPB differ in the generation of the feasible routes. For
the VRP only one capacity constraint needs to be observed, while for the VRPB two
separate capacity constraints have to be observed, one for the linehaul section and one
for the backhaul section of the route, respectively. All feasible routes can be generated
and evaluated in every iteration as was illustrated above. The algorithm can be started
from any feasible solution and with row prices computed from that feasible solution.
To further reduce the computational burden, the routes can be generated in a
bootstrap fashion. In the first iteration, only routes with a single facility one each
route are generated. In the following iterations, the number of facilities on each
route is increased each iteration by one. So in iteration k only routes with exactly a
combined total of k linehaul and backhaul facilities are evaluated based on the row
prices determined heuristically from the solution based on routes that have between
1 and k−1 facilities on each route. This bootstrap algorithm is purely heuristic and
no statement can be made with respect to the quality of the routes generated or a
lower bound on the total route length.
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 357

Table 9.75   Stage one set partitioning formulation for VRPB8

Route 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Row P.
Cost 584.06 923.72 860.34 963.62 327.56 825.44 959.22 711.64 RHS 6,155.60
LineLoad 12 29 49 51 18 0 0 0
Backload 0 0 0 0 0 23 66 46
1 1 1 584.06
2 1 1 923.72
3 1 1 860.34
4 1 1 963.62
5 1 1 327.56
6 1 1 825.44
7 1 1 959.22
8 1 1 711.64
x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

In the first stage, all singleton routes are generated (Table 9.75). Solving the mas-
ter problem for these routes yields the optimal solution in which all routes are se-
lected. This set of routes is not feasible because it requires eight vehicles, but is used
here to start the algorithm. This implies that the constraint on the maximum number
of routes was temporarily ignored. The objective function value is 6,155.60. The
row prices for each route are equal to the route length. The row prices are used to
evaluate feasible routes with two facilities in stage two.
In stage two, 23 new feasible routes with two facilities are generated with route
indices 9 through 31. Based on the row prices of stage one, all of these two-facility
routes have positive savings or negative reduced costs. All these routes are thus added
to the master problem, which now contains 31 columns. The integer master problem
is solved. The optimal solution contains four routes each with two facilities, namely
routes 10, 18, 27, and 28. The objective function value is 4,195.48. The new row prices
are computed with the allocation scheme based on facility weights equal to the product
of their load and distance to the depot and divided by 100. For example, the calculation
of the row prices of facilities 2 and 7 visited by route 18 with length 1,235.81 are shown
next. The results of all the calculations are summarized in Table 9.76.

Table 9.76   Stage two heuristic row prices for VRPB8

Facility Origin distance Load Cost weight Heuristic row
1 292.03 12.00 35.04 138.80
2 461.86 29.00 133.94 367.44
3 430.17 49.00 210.78 834.87
4 481.81 51.00 245.72 686.40
5 163.78 18.00 29.48 199.62
6 412.72 23.00 94.93 642.77
7 479.61 66.00 316.54 868.37
8 355.82 46.00 163.68 457.21
Sum 4,195.48
358 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.77   Stage three route evaluations for VRPB8

Index Length Facilities sequence Line. Q. Back. Q. Savings
32 2,087.78 2 1 6 41 23 −938.77
33 1,678.77 3 1 6 61 23 −62.33
34 2,082.3 1 4 6 63 23 −614.33
35 1,389.67 1 5 6 30 23 −408.48
36 1,694.77 1 2 7 41 66 −320.16
37 1,338.94 1 3 7 61 66 503.10
38 2,209.11 1 4 7 63 66 −515.54
39 1,553.5 5 1 7 30 66 −346.71
40 1,867.34 1 2 8 41 46 −903.89
41 1,672.87 3 1 8 61 46 −241.99
42 1,719.9 1 4 8 63 46 −437.49
43 1,287.15 1 5 8 30 46 −491.52
44 1,697.03 2 5 6 47 23 −487.20
45 1,494.29 5 2 7 47 66 −58.86
46 1,594.51 2 5 8 47 46 −570.24
47 1,699.23 3 5 6 67 23 −21.97
48 1,549.67 5 3 7 67 66 353.19
49 1,596.71 3 5 8 67 46 −105.01
50 1,599.42 4 5 6 69 23 −70.63
51 1,753.79 5 4 7 69 66 0.60
52 1,264.58 5 4 8 69 46 78.65
53 1,540.26 1 6 8 12 69 −301.48
54 1,773.28 2 8 6 29 69 −305.86
55 1,898.69 3 6 8 49 69 36.16
56 1,508.51 4 8 6 51 69 277.87
57 1,093.49 5 6 8 18 69 206.11

w2 = (d02 · q2 )/100 = (461.86 · 29)/100 = 133.94

w7 = (d07 · q7 )/100 = (479.61 · 66)/100 = 316.54
p2 = · 1,235.81 = 367.44
133.94 + 316.52
p7 = · 1,235.61 = 868.37
133.94 + 316.51

In stage three, all routes with exactly three facilities are evaluated with the row
prices in Table 9.78. The feasible routes with three facilities are routes 32–57. The
savings for the 26 routes with three facilities are shown in Table 9.77. Seven routes
have positive savings and are added to the master problem; 19 routes have negative
savings and are discarded. The master problem now contains 38 routes.
The integer master problem is solved. The optimal solution contains four routes,
namely routes 5, 10, 18, and 56. The total route length is 4,045.55. The new row
prices are computed with the allocation scheme based on facility weights equal to
the product of their load and distance to the depot and divided by 100. Only the
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 359

Table 9.78   Stage three Facility Weight Fraction New price Row price
row price calculations for
VRPB8 1 138.80
2 367.44
3 834.87
4 245.72 0.49 734.99 734.99
5 327.56
6 94.93 0.19 283.94 283.94
7 868.37
8 163.68 0.32 489.58 489.58
Sum 504.33 1.00 1,508.51 4,045.55

calculations of the row prices of facilities 4, 8, and 6 visited by route 56 with length
1,508.51 have to be updated and are shown next. The row prices for all other facili-
ties are based on routes that were determined earlier. The results of all the calcula-
tions are summarized in Table 9.78.
p4 = · 1,508.81
245.72 + 94.93 + 163.68
= · 1508.81 = 0.49 · 1,508.81 = 734.99
p6 = · 1508.81 = 0.19 · 1,508.81 = 283.94
p8 = · 1508.81 = 0.32 · 1,508.81 = 589.58

In stage four, all routes with exactly four facilities are evaluated with the row prices
in Table 9.78. The feasible routes with three facilities are routes 58–67. The savings
for the ten routes with four facilities are shown in Table 9.79. One route has positive
savings and is added to the master problem, nine routes have negative savings and
are discarded. The master problem now contains 39 routes.
The integer master problem is solved. The optimal solution contains three routes,
namely routes 10, 18, and 67. The total route length is 3,838.96. Note that this is the

Table 9.79   Stage four route evaluations for VRPB8

Index Length Facilities sequence Line. Q. Back. Q. Savings
58 2,155.99 1 2 5 6 59 23 −1,038.26
59 1,985.55 5 1 2 7 59 66 −283.38
60 2,053.47 1 2 5 8 59 46 −730.09
61 2,232.24 1 2 8 6 41 69 −952.49
62 1,929.87 3 1 6 8 61 69 −182.68
63 2,084.8 1 4 8 6 63 69 −437.49
64 1,640.77 1 5 6 8 30 69 −400.89
65 1,948.13 2 5 6 8 47 69 −479.62
66 1,950.33 3 5 6 8 67 69 −14.38
67 1,629.48 5 4 8 6 69 69 206.59
360 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.80   Stage four row price calculations for VRPB8

Facility Weight Fraction New price Row price
1 138.80
2 367.44
3 834.87
4 245.72 0.46 750.09 750.09
5 29.48 0.06 89.99 89.99
6 94.93 0.18 289.77 289.77
7 868.37
8 163.68 0.31 499.64 499.64
Sum 533.81 1.00 1,629.48 3,838.96

optimal solution, but the optimality of this solution is not known solely based on the
current algorithm. Only the calculation of the row prices of facilities 4, 5, 6, and 8
visited by route 67 with length 1,629.48 have to updated and are shown next. The
row prices for all other facilities are based on routes that were determined earlier.
The results of the calculations are summarized in Table 9.80.
In stage five, all routes with exactly five facilities are evaluated with the above row
prices. There is only one feasible route with five facilities which is route 68. The sav-
ings for route 68 with five facilities are shown in Table 9.81. The route has negative
savings and is discarded. The master problem was not extended and does not have to
be resolved. No route can contain six facilities so the algorithm terminates. Set Partitioning Using Iterative Linear Programming

The set partitioning algorithm will be started from scratch, without using the best
primal feasible solution found so far. This is not the most efficient approach, but is
used in this example to detail the steps of the set partitioning algorithm. In order
to limit the number of columns to the master problem, the feasible routes will be
generated in five stages in a bootstrapping fashion. In each stage k, new feasible
routes with exactly k facilities will be generated. The row prices will be based on the
dual variables of the linear relaxation of the master problem of the previous stage.
After the last stage, all feasible routes that were not added to the master problem are
evaluated and added if they have a negative reduced cost. It would be more efficient
to jump start the set partitioning algorithm with the best routes found so far. These
steps are left to the interested reader.
The first iteration is identical to the first iteration of the algorithm that uses the
heuristic row prices since each route only contains one facility. The solution to the
linear relaxation of the master problem will be automatically integer and the row
prices based on the dual variables are equal to the route lengths. The same routes

Table 9.81   Stage five route evaluations for VRPB8

Index Length Facilities sequence Line. Q. Back. Q. Savings
68 2,407.09 1 2 5 6 8 59 69 −1,021.46
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 361

are generated and added to the master problem for the second iteration in both al-
gorithms. However, in the following steps the algorithms may and most likely will
generate different route sets. In this algorithm the linear relaxation of the master
problem is solved and its solution is shown in Table 9.35. The table contains all
the columns and is split into three segments to fit the page limitations. The optimal
solution contains four routes each with two facilities, namely routes 10, 18, 27, and
28. The objective function value is 4,195.48. The continuous decision variables
at optimality are automatically an integer. This implies that for this iteration, this
algorithm and the previous algorithm will use the same feasible set of routes to
determine the row prices. The prior algorithm uses a heuristic allocation scheme
and this algorithm uses the dual variables of each row to evaluate feasible routes
with three facilities in stage three. Most linear programming solvers will output the
dual variables at optimality upon request. The dual variables are requested with the
sensitivity report of the Excel solver (Fig. 9.36). A sample output of the Excel solver
is shown for iteration two in Fig. 9.37.
In stage three, 26 new feasible routes are generated, each with exactly three
facilities. Based on the row prices of stage two, eight routes have positive savings
or equivalently have a negative reduced cost. These eight routes are added to the
master problem. The master problem now contains 39 routes. The linear program-
ming relaxation of the master problem is solved. Some of the continuous decision
variables are equal to 0.5. The objective function value is equal to 4,017.22. The
integer solution of this problem is not used in this algorithm, but if the variables are
forced to be binary, the optimal objective function value increases to 4,045.55 as
computed in the previous algorithm. The selected routes are then 5, 10, 18, and 56.

Fig. 9.36   Excel sensitivity

report request for example

Fig. 9.37   Excel sensitivity

report for iteration 2 of the
VRPB8 example
362 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
In stage four, ten new feasible routes are generated, each with exactly four facili-
ties. Based on the row prices of stage three, only one route has positive savings. So,
in stage four one column is added to the master problem. The master problem now
contains 40 columns. The linear programming relaxation of the master problem is
solved. The continuous decision variables at optimality are automatically integer.
The objective function value at optimality is 3,838.96. The three routes selected are
10, 18, and 67.
In stage five, one new feasible route is generated with five facilities. Based on
the row prices of stage four, this route does not have positive savings and is not
added to the master problem. The optimal solution of the master problem or the
current values of the row prices do not change.
Since no route can include more than five facilities, all feasible routes have been
generated during stages one through five. A lower bound is assured when all the
routes not currently in the master problem have nonpositive savings. When all the
routes that are not currently included in the master problem are evaluated with the
row prices of stage five, seven of them have positive savings. These routes are
added to the master problem in stage six. The master problem now contains 47
columns. The linear programming relaxation of the master problem is solved. The
objective function remains unchanged from stage four at 3,838.96. This objective
function value is a lower bound on the optimal solution since it is the solution of the
linear programming relaxation. All continuous decision variables are automatically
integer. All routes currently not in the master problem are evaluated with the new
row prices and none of them has positive savings, so the current solution is optimal.
The final master problem formulation is shown in the next table. The three optimal
routes are shown in the Fig. 9.34.
It should be noted that this optimal solution was obtained by solving a sequence
of linear programming formulations, which can be done very efficiently. In addi-
tion, for this example the final solution of the linear relaxation was automatically
integer. So no integer programming formulation had to be solved to find an integer
primal feasible solution. The proof of the optimality of this solution requires that
(1) all feasible routes can be generated and when evaluated with current the row
prices have nonnegative reduced cost and (2) that the solution of the linear program-
ming formulation has integer decision variables. In real-life problems, it is virtually
impossible to enumerate all possible feasible routes and one or more decision vari-
ables have fractional values. Set Partitioning Using an Auxiliary Pricing Problem 

The need to generate all feasible routes can be eliminated and a lower bound on
the total route length is determined if an auxiliary pricing problem is used. Using
an auxiliary pricing problem is the only computationally reasonable alternative for
larger problem instances. However, there is a significant software implementation
cost associated with this mathematical programming solution approach, so it should
only be undertaken when it is warranted by the cost difference between an optimal
9.3 Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB) 363

Table 9.82   Original heuristic row prices for VRPB8 (Iteration 0)

Facility c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s2 s3 vc
Row price 138.8 367.4 834.9 851.8 102.2 329.1 868.4 567.4 0.0

Table 9.83   Additional route candidates for iteration 1 for VRPB8

Index Facilities Cost Red. Cost
4 d1 c4 s3 d1 1,143.61 −275.63
5 d1 c1 c3 s2 d1 1,338.93 −503.10
6 d1 c4 s3 s1 d1 1,508.51 −239.80

Table 9.84   Row prices after iteration 1 for VRPB8

Facility c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s2 s3 vc
Row price 973.7 1,235.8 0.0 1,143.6 706.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

and heuristic solution. If the solution based on the auxiliary pricing problem is in-
teger, then it is the optimal solution. If the solution based on the auxiliary pricing
problem is not integer, then this solution provides only a lower bound. The optimal
primal feasible solution then must be determined with additional computations.
The algorithm starts with the solution generated by the parallel savings algo-
rithm. The total route length is equal to 4,059.98. The heuristic row prices are based
on the product of distance to the depot and facility load. They are shown in Ta-
ble 9.82, where vc indicates the price or dual variable associated with the constraint
on the number of routes.
The SPPRC generates three additional route candidates with negative reduced
cost for iteration 1. These candidates are shown in Table 9.83.
The linear master problem is solved with a total of six route candidates, the three
original routes, and the three additional routes. The optimal solution is 4,059.98.
The solution variables have integer values, the first three routes have a value of 1,
and the last three have a value of zero. The new row prices are shown in Table 9.84.
The SPPRC generates 14 additional route candidates with negative reduced cost
for iteration two. These candidates are shown in Table 9.85.
The linear master problem is solved with a total of 20 route candidates. The opti-
mal solution is 4,029.65. The solution variables have integer values, routes 5, 6, and
12 have a value of 1 and the remaining variables have a value of zero. The new row
prices are shown in Table 9.86.
The SPPRC generates three additional route candidates with negative reduced
cost for iteration 3. These candidates are shown in Table 9.87. The total number of
route candidates in the master problem is now 23.
The linear master problem is solved with a total of 23 route candidates. The opti-
mal solution is 3,838.96. The solution variables have integer values, routes 1, 2, and
23 have a value of 1 and the remaining variables have a value of zero. The new row
prices are shown in Table 9.88.
364 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.85   Additional route candidates for iteration 2 for VRPB8

Index Facilities Cost Red. Cost
7 d1 c1 d1 584.06 −389.61
8 d1 c5 d1 327.57 −379.34
9 d1 c2 d1 923.72 −312.09
10 d1 c5 c1 d1 874.84 −805.73
11 d1 c1 c2 d1 1,382.68 −826.79
12 d1 c2 c5 d1 1,182.21 −760.51
13 d1 c4 d1 963.61 −179.99
14 d1 c1 c2 c5 d1 1,641.17 −1,275.21
15 d1 c4 c1 d1 1,539.91 −577.36
16 d1 c5 c4 d1 1,084.59 −765.92
17 d1 c1 c2 c5 s1 d1 2,155.99 −760.38
18 d1 c1 c2 c5 s3 d1 2,053.47 −862.91
19 d1 c5 c1 c2 s2 d1 1,985.55 −930.82
20 d1 c1 c2 c5 s1 s3 d1 2,407.09 −509.29

Table 9.86   Row prices after iteration 2 for VRPB8

Facility c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s2 s3 vc
Row Price 222.3 854.6 735.5 757.0 327.6 751.5 381.2 0.0 0.0

Table 9.87   Additional route candidates for iteration 3 for VRPB8

Index Facilities Cost Red. Cost
21 d1 c5 s1 d1 842.39 −236.66
22 d1 c5 c2 s2 d1 1,494.29 −69.08
23 d1 c5 c4 s3 s1 d1 1,629.49 −206.59

Table 9.88   Row prices after iteration 3 for VRPB8

Facility c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s2 s3 vc
Row price 389.9 923.7 583.8 826.1 258.5 583.9 312.1 −39.0 0.0

Table 9.89   Additional route candidates for iteration 4 for VRPB8

Index Facilities Cost Red. Cost
24 d1 c2 c5 s1 d1 1,697.03 −69.08

The SPPRC generates one additional route candidate with negative reduced cost
for iteration four. This candidate is shown in Table 9.89. The total number of route
candidates in the master problem is now 24.
The linear master problem is solved with a total of 24 route candidates. The
optimal solution does not change from the previous iteration and is 3,838.96. The
solution variables have integer values, routes 1, 2, and 23 have a value of 1 and
the remaining variables have a value of zero. The new row prices are shown in
Table 9.90.
9.4 Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) 365

Table 9.90   Row prices after iteration 4 for VRPB8

Facility c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 s1 s2 s3 vc
Row price 459.0 923.7 514.7 826.1 258.5 514.8 312.1 30.1 0.0

No new route candidates are found for the current values of the row prices. The
current solution value of 3,838.96 is a lower bound on the total route length. Be-
cause, the solution to the master problem is also integer, it is the optimal primal
feasible solution.
Recall that the complete enumeration required 68 route candidates, the algo-
rithm using heuristic row prices required 39 route candidates; the iterative evalua-
tion method using linear programming generated 47 route candidates; and the last
algorithm using an auxiliary pricing problem generated only 24 route candidates.
The difference between the numbers of route candidates that are generated increases
significantly when the problem size increases. Even for small to medium problem
sizes, the first two algorithms no longer run to completion. The algorithm using the
auxiliary pricing problem can find a lower bound for problem instances up to 50
facilities. But the solution is nearly always fractional, so the SPP solution only pro-
vides a lower bound and not the optimal solution to the VRPB. Solving the auxiliary
pricing problem requires the implementation of a dynamic programming algorithm
to find the shortest path under resource constraints that does not have any sub tours.
In general, the lower bound could be further improved by a complete branch-and-
price solution algorithm. However, implementing a full branch-and-price algorithm
is a complex and extensive task. This programming effort is most likely not justified
unless the routing decisions are very expensive or executed repeatedly.

9.4 Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows


The vehicle routing problem with time windows consists of determining a set of
routes with minimum cost that originate and terminate at a central depot. The loca-
tion of the depot and the customers, the demand of the customers, and the allowable
time interval for the start of service for each customer are assumed to be known.
The service at each customer must begin within the time window specified for that
The time windows can be hard or soft. In the case of a hard time window, a ve-
hicle can arrive at the customer location early and is permitted to wait until the start
of the service time window. However, a vehicle is not allowed to arrive after the
closure of the service time window. In the case of a soft time window, the service
interval can be violated with a certain penalty. The VRPTW is a generalization of
the classic vehicle routing problem through the addition of an allowable time in-
terval for the start of service. It has been studied extensively in literature. A recent
comprehensive review is provided in Ball et al. (1995).
366 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Just as in case of the vehicle routing problem with backhauling, the optimal
routes for the VPRTW no longer exhibit the geographical separation, but significant
overlap of the routes and crossing of the arcs of a single route may occur.
Because of the inherent difficulty of finding optimal or even a feasible set of
routes, the early algorithms were heuristics. The same types of algorithms were
adapted to the case of the VRPTW. A number of route construction and route im-
provement algorithms has been developed. Route insertion algorithms build a fea-
sible set of routes by inserting at every iteration 1 unvisited customer into a partial
route. Sequential algorithms build one route at the time, while parallel algorithms
build several routes simultaneously. Improvement algorithms start from a feasible
set of routes and attempt to reduce the total route length through a set of exchanges.
Exchanges can be within a single route or between routes. The procedures terminate
is no other favorable exchanges can be found. During every iteration either the first
exchange that generates savings can be selected (first descent), the exchange with
the largest savings can be selected (steepest descent), or exchanges that increase the
route length may also be selected initially (simulated annealing).
The GAP formulation of Fisher and Jaikumar (1981) has been extended to con-
struct a problem with an assignment and clustering phase, followed by the solution
of independent TSP problems with time windows. However, most of the optimiza-
tion-based algorithms use the following general vehicle routing formulation which
incorporates time windows and resources.
The following additional notation is used:
N set containing the customers, indexed by i and j
K set containing the different vehicles, indexed by k
Ok = {ok } set containing the origin depot for vehicle k
Dk = {dk } set containing the destination depot for vehicle k
Vk = N ∪ Ok ∪ Dk set of nodes that can be visited by vehicle k
Ak set or arcs ( i,j) than can be used by vehicle k
demi demand to be delivered to customer i
capk capacity of vehicle k
V maximum number of vehicles, V ≤ K
[ai , bi ] time window during which service for customer i is allowed
to start
aok , bok time window during which vehicle k can depart from its
origin depot
adk , bdk time window during which vehicle k can arrive at its desti-
nation depot
tij k transit time from the beginning of service to customer
i to arrival at customer j when the vehicle k travels from
directly customer i to customer j, which includes unloading
(service) time at customer i and travel time from customer i
to customer j
9.4 Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) 367

qok k initial load on vehicle k when departs from its origin depot
xij k flow variable indicating if vehicle k travels directly from
node i to node j
qik load variable indicating the load on vehicle k just after ser-
vicing customer i
hik time variable indicating the time when vehicle k starts ser-
vicing customer i

Formulation 9.14. General Vehicle Routing Formulation 

Min cijk xijk
k∈K (i,j)∈Ak
s.t. xijk = 1
k∈K j∈N ∪Dk

xok jk ≤ V
k∈K j∈N

xok jk = 1
j∈N ∪Dk
xijk − xjik = 0
 i∈N ∪Ok i∈N ∪Dk

xidk k = 1
i∈N ∪Ok
xijk hik + tijk − hjk ≤ 0
ai ≤ hik ≤ bi
xijk qik + demj − qjk ≤ 0
demi ≤ qik ≤ capk
xijk ∈ B
xijk ≥ 0

This is a nonlinear formulation. If the arc selection variables are binary, the time
window and capacity constraints can be linearized and rewritten as
hik + tij k − hj k ≤ 1− xij k ·Mij k
qik + demj − qj k ≤ 1 − xij k · capk

The large positive constant Mij k can be reduced based on the following
 Mij k = max bi + tij k − aj , 0 (9.55)
(i,j )∈A k
368 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

The arc costs can be extended to incorporate the fixed vehicle costs by adding this
vehicle cost to the transportation cost of all the arcs emanating out of the origin
location of the vehicle.
 cok j k = tcok j k + vck (9.56)
To minimize the number of vehicles, all transportation costs tcij k can be set equal
to zero. To ignore vehicle costs, all vehicle costs vck can be set equal to zero. Fi-
nally, the number of routes can be forced to be exactly equal to V by changing the
inequality constraint to an equality constraint. This formulation accommodates a
homogeneous as well as heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, single and multiple depots.
It can be easily extended to multiple resources such as demand and vehicle capaci-
ties expressed in both weight and volume.
The richness and power of the above formulation has led to an extensive body of
research on solving this formulation and several of its derivatives or variants, such
as the TSP with time windows (TSPTW). Many solution approaches rely on column
generation and the use of the corresponding pricing problem. An overview can be
found in Ball et al. (1995).

9.5 Fleet Sizing and Fleet Mix

The previous problems all belong to the class of operational planning problems.
A typical situation is when a delivery vehicle is making customer stops to satisfy
orders that have been placed the previous day. The goods have been placed on the
vehicle in the reverse order of the customer stops. The data for the operational plan-
ning problems can be assumed to be known with certainty. The problem described
next belongs to the class of tactical planning problems. The decision to buy or lease
a vehicle has to be made at the current time, but the vehicle will be used to satisfy
customer service requests occurring in the future. Those individual service requests
are not known at the time the acquisition decision has to be made. However, certain
information about the service requests is known such as their estimated mean and
distribution. This information is typically based on forecasts.
The fleet sizing problem finds the size of the privately owned fleet that mini-
mizes the long range expected cost with respect to a stochastic demand for vehicles.
The demand for vehicles is assumed to be a random variable with a known distribu-
tion. The decision variable is the number of vehicles in the privately owned fleet.
For each of the owned vehicles a fixed cost per period must be paid every period
regardless if the vehicle is used or not. If the vehicle is used, an additional variable
cost per period must be paid. If the demand for vehicles exceeds the number of
privately owned vehicles, additional vehicles can be rented on a short-term basis in
the spot market. A rental fee per period must be paid for each rented vehicle. The
solution to the fleet sizing problem is analogous to the solution of the newsvendor
9.5 Fleet Sizing and Fleet Mix 369

9.5.1  Definitions

N number of periods in the planning horizon

cF , cV fixed and variable cost per period for privately owned vehicles
cH rental fee per period for rented vehicles
dt demand for vehicles during period t, and dMAX is the maximum pos-
sible demand
v number of privately owned vehicles (fleet size)
fn , 2 fn first-and second-order forward difference of the sequence fn (which
themselves are sequences)

fn = fn+1 − fn
2 fn = fn+1 − fn = fn+2 − 2fn+1 + fn

The total annual cost in function of the fleet size is equal to the sum of the fixed and
variable costs for the private vehicles and the variable cost of the rental vehicles as
expressed in the following equation.

 C(v) = N · v · cF + cV min (dt , v) + cH max (dt − v, 0) (9.58)
t=1 t=1

In order to have meaningful answers, it is also assumed that

 0 < cF < cH − cV (9.59)
We define a new variable m( v) as the number of periods during which the demand
for vehicles is larger than the fleet size.

 m(v) = 1 (9.60)
t|dt > v

The sequence of values of m( v) ordered by increasing values of the index v = 1,2, …
defines the sequence mv . Observe that the sequence contains zero values for index
values starting with v = dMAX . m(v) is monotonically nonincreasing in function of
v and has the following boundary values
m(0) = N
m(dMAX ) = 0
Equivalently, if the fleet size increases, then the number of time periods that the
demand is larger than the fleet size either decreases or remains the same.
 mv ≤ 0 (9.62)
The sequence of values of C( v) ordered by increasing values of the index v = 1,2, …
defines the sequence Cv . The first forward difference can be computed as follows
370 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

 N N

Cv = N · cF · (v + 1 − v) + cV min (dt , v + 1) − min (dt , v)
t=1 t=1
 N N

+ cH max (dt − v − 1, 0) − max (dt − v, 0)
t=1 t=1

= N · cF + cV  min (dt , v + 1) − min (dt , v)
t|dt >v t|dt >v

+ min (dt , v + 1) − min (dt , v)
t|dt ≤v t|dt ≤v

+ cH  max (dt − v − 1, 0) − max (dt − v, 0)
t|dt >v t|dt >v

+ max (dt − v − 1, 0) − max (dt − v, 0)
t|dt ≤v t|dt ≤v
 
N · cF + cV  (v + 1) − v+ dt − dt 
t|dt >v t|dt >v t|dt ≤v t|dt ≤v
 
+ cH  (dt − v − 1) − (dt − v) + 0− 0
t|dt >v t|dt >v t|dt ≤v t|dt ≤v
   
= N · c F + cV  1 − c H  1
t|dt >v t|dt >v

The first-and second-order forward differences of the cost are thus given by
 Cv = N · cF − mv (cH − cV ) (9.63)

 2 Cv = −mv (cH − cV ) (9.64)

This first difference is negative at index v = 0 and is positive at index v = dMAX .
Since the second forward difference is nonnegative everywhere, the objective func-
tion has a globally optimal fleet size. This optimal value can be found when the
first-order difference becomes nonnegative, or equivalently, it is the smallest value
of v for which the following holds.

v = min v mv ≤ ·N (9.65)
cH − c V
9.5 Fleet Sizing and Fleet Mix 371

If the demand data is not given as a historical time series but rather as a forecasted
demand distribution, then optimality condition can be computed with the following cal-
culations, where F(x) is the cumulative probability distribution function of the demand.

 m(v) = N · (1 − F (v)) (9.66)


 v = min v F (v) ≥ 1 − (9.67)
cH − cV

If the number of vehicles is a continuous decision variable, the optimal number of

vehicles can also be determined based on equilibrium theory. In the following equa-
tion, the quantity on the left is the marginal cost increase if v is decreased and the
quantity on the right is the marginal cost increase if v is increased. When increasing
the fleet size from v − 1 to v, for exactly m( v) periods during the planning horizon
one has to pay only the variable cost for an owned vehicle rather than the variable
cost for a rented vehicle, but during all the periods in the planning horizon on has
to pay the fixed cost for one additional owned vehicle. At equilibrium, those two
quantities have to be equal.
 m v∗ · (cH − cV ) = N · (1 − F (v)) · (cH − cV ) = N · cF (9.68)

  N · cF
 m v∗ = (9.69)
cH − cV

 F (v∗ ) = 1 − (9.70)
cH − c V
The above equation assumes that the number of vehicles can be fractional. This as-
sumption is invalid for most realistic fleet sizes and so the equation is only a very
rough approximation. Its primary use is as a sanity check for the more accurate
calculations that use discrete values of v.
Fleet Composition Example  Executive Travel, Inc., provides full service travel
services by corporate jets to corporations and wealthy individuals on a worldwide
basis. They charge their customers a comprehensive fee based on the origin, inter-
mediate stops, and destination of the travel and on the start date and stop date of
the service. To provide this service they are using a fleet of corporate jets that they
lease on a long-term basis. The long-term lease cost for a Gulf Jet VII is $40,000 per
week. If a jet of this model is used it costs an additional $8,000 per week for main-
tenance and regulatory requirements. Executive Travel can also lease a Gulf Jet VII
on a short-term weekly basis for $95,000 per week. This fee includes the charges
372 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.91   Demand data for the fleet composition example

t d(t) t d(t) t d(t) t d(t)
1 12 7 4 13 9 19 7
2 8 8 8 14 6 20 4
3 3 9 9 15 5 21 9
4 9 10 7 16 2 22 6
5 6 11 12 17 7 23 3
6 7 12 8 18 8 24 1

for maintenance and regulatory requirements. Executive travel has recorded the
demand for the Gulf Jet VII on a weekly basis during the last six months (24 weeks).
The demand is shown in Table 9.91 and Fig. 9.38.
Based on the data in Table 9.92 which shows the sequence of mv , the optimal
number of aircraft is equal to 7.
The same optimal fleet size can also be determined with (9.62).

cF 40000
mv ≤ ·N ⇒ mv ≤ · 24 = 11.03
cH − c V 95000 − 8000
m6 = 14 > 11.03
m7 = 10 ≤ 11.03
v∗ = 7


Weekly Demand & Fleet Size


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Fig. 9.38   Weekly demand for the fleet composition example

9.6 Exercises 373

Table 9.92   Solution for the fleet composition example

v Frequency Cumulative m ( v) ΔC ( v) C ( v)
0 0 0 24 −1,128,000 15,200,000
1 1 1 23 −1,041,000 14,072,000
2 1 2 22 −954,000 13,031,000
3 2 4 20 −780,000 12,077,000
4 2 6 18 −606,000 11,297,000
5 1 7 17 −519,000 10,691,000
6 3 10 14 −258,000 10,172,000
7 4 14 10 90,000 9,914,000
8 4 18 6 438,000 10,004,000
9 4 22 2 786,000 10,442,000
10 0 22 2 786,000 11,228,000
11 0 22 2 786,000 12,014,000
12 2 24 0 960,000 12,800,000

9.6 Exercises

True/False Questions 
1. The use of computerized methods becomes more important in single vehicle
roundtrip routing if the spatial relationships between the delivery points does not
represent their true travel time, travel distance, or travel cost. (T/F) ______
2. If all possible columns, when evaluated with the current row prices, yield non-
positive savings or equivalently non-negative reduced cost, then the current fea-
sible partition on which the row prices are based is optimal. (T/F)_____
3. One of the main advantage of set partitioning–based solution methods is the fact
that they can incorporate many complex feasibility constraints. (T/F)_____
4. The vehicle routing problem attempts to minimize the cost of vehicles and dis-
tance traveled necessary to deliver goods to a number of customers with a fleet
of vehicles. (T/F)_____
5. The row price determination in the set partitioning algorithm can assign prices
to the customers served on a particular route without any other conditions.
6. Consider the set partitioning problem solved with the row pricing algorithm
as presented in class. If the master problem in the set partitioning algorithm is
solved to optimality, then the routes selected by the master problem are optimal.

Vehicle Routing with Backhauling (VRPB7)  The vehicle routing problem contains
four customers and three suppliers. The location of the facilities is given by their Car-
tesian coordinates (Table 9.93). The facility data are given in Fig. 9.39. The distance
between the facilities is computed with the Euclidean distance norm (and without any
over-the-road adjustment) (Table 9.94). Compute and use the integer distances (with
374 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.93   VRPB7 point Label X-Coord. Y-Coord. Quantity

0 261 745 0
1 73 497 50
2 808 585 54
3 350 895 41
4 746 174 43
5 710 513 58
6 592 182 49
7 147 165 88

Fig. 9.39   VRPB7 point


Table 9.94   VRPB7 distances

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
1 740 485 747 637 607 340 311
2 740 553 416 122 457 783 570
3 485 553 823 525 753 758 174
4 747 416 823 341 154 599 749
5 637 122 525 341 351 662 505
6 607 457 753 154 351 445 653
7 340 783 758 599 662 445 591
0 311 570 174 749 505 653 591

zero significant digits after the decimal point). There are three identical vehicles, each
having a capacity of 100 units. Each vehicle can only execute one route.
Nearest Neighbor  First construct the routes with the nearest neighbor algorithm
(Table 9.95). Each time that you add a facility to a route, show the added or append
9.6 Exercises 375

Table 9.95   VRPB7 nearest neighbor algorithm steps

Index Append Anchor Append Linehaul Backhaul
facility facility distance quantity quantity

Table 9.96   VRPB7 nearest neighbor routes

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D
7 D

facility, the anchor facility on the route that this newly added facility is connected
to, the append distance to the new facility, and the linehaul and backhaul quantity
on the truck on that route so far. When a new route is started, the anchor facility is
the depot.
List the sequence of all the facilities on the routes that you have created, with one
route per line or row. Each route must start and end with the depot. Compute the route
length of each individual route and the total route length of all the routes created by
this algorithm. Not all rows or columns in the table have to be used. Use Table 9.96
to report your answer.
Sweep  Execute the sweep algorithm for the VRPB problem where a route is ter-
minated or closed as soon as adding either the next customer or supplier facility
would violate the truck capacity and where the facilities are sequenced on the route
by the rotating ray (Table 9.97). Start the rotating ray in the due east direction and
turn the ray counterclockwise. For each time you add a facility to a route, show the
added or append facility, the anchor facility on the route this newly added facility is
connected to, the append distance to the new facility, and the linehaul and backhaul
quantity on the truck on that route so far. When you start a new route, the anchor
facility is the depot.
List the sequence of all the facilities on the routes that you have created, with one
route per line. Each route must start and end with the depot. Compute the route length
376 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.97   VRPB7 sweep algorithm steps

Index Append Anchor Append Linehaul Backhaul
facility facility distance quantity quantity

Table 9.98   VRBP7 sweep routes

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D
7 D

of each individual route and compute the total route length of all the routes created
by this algorithm (Table 9.98). Not all rows or columns in the table have to be used.
Parallel Savings  Construct the routes with the parallel version of the Clarke and
Wright algorithm. The savings penalty for the crossover link between linehaul and
backhaul is zero, in other words there is no penalty on the savings for crossing
from the linehaul segment to the backhaul segment. A matrix of partial initial fea-
sible savings is shown in Table 9.99. Complete and show the initial feasible savings
In Table 9.100, compute and show for every iteration the two points for which you
found the shortcut, the savings for the shortcut, the length of the partial route that was
constructed using this shortcut, and the sequence of all the points on this partial route.

Table 9.99   VRPB7 savings matrix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 314 179 357 562
2 191 903 954 766 378
3 1 191 101 155 75 8
4 314 903 101 914 1,248 741
9.6 Exercises 377

Table 9.100   VRPB7 parallel savings routes

Step Shortcut Length Points
points Savings

Table 9.101   VRPB7 updated savings matrix

Table 9.102   VRPB7 parallel savings routes summary

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D
7 D

Show the updated savings matrix after you have executed the first two shortcuts.
See Tables 9.101 and 9.102.
Vehicle Routing with Backhauls (VRPB6)  Consider the single-origin Vehicle
Routing Problem with Backhauls (VRPB6) illustrated in Fig. 9.40. All routes start and
terminate at the single depot. The depot is indicated by a square. All suppliers are indi-
cated by triangles and all customers are indicated by circles. The distances between
the various facilities are also shown. All travel occurs over the network links. The
supplies and demands are expressed in fractions of truck capacity and are shown in
Table 9.103. Due to the long load and unload times, there is only enough time to visit
three facilities on a single truck route. Hence, an additional constraint requires that
there are at most three facilities on a route, aside from the origin and destination depot.
378 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.40   VRPB6 transporta-

tion network 1 2
9 9
2 3
10 5
6 3

Table 9.103   VRPB6 facility Customer or supplier Demand or supply Distance to depot
1 0.10 9
2 0.20 9
3 0.30 7
4 0.40 3
5 0.50 5
6 0.45 10

Table 9.104   VRPB6 interfa-

cility distances

Nearest Neighbor  First, construct the routes with the nearest neighbor algorithm
(Table 9.105). Each time you add a facility to a route, show the added or append
facility, the anchor facility on the route this newly added facility is connected to,
the append distance to the new facility, and the linehaul and backhaul quantity on
the truck on that route so far. When a new route is started, the anchor facility is the
List the sequence of all the facilities on the routes that you have created, with one
route per line or row (Table 9.106). Each route must start and end with the depot.
Compute the route length of each individual route and the total route length of all
the routes created by this algorithm. Not all rows or columns in the table have to
be used.
9.6 Exercises 379

Table 9.105   VRPB6 nearest neighbor algorithm steps

Index Append Anchor Append Linehaul Backhaul
facility facility distance quantity quantity

Table 9.106   VRPB6 nearest neighbor routes

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D

Table 9.107   VRPB6 sweep algorithm steps

Index Append Anchor Append Linehaul Backhaul
facility facility distance quantity quantity

Sweep  There exist many variants of the sweep algorithm (Table  9.107). Execute
the sweep algorithm for the VRPB problem where a route is terminated or closed as
soon as adding either the next customer or supplier facility would violate the truck
capacity and where the facilities are sequenced on the route by the rotating ray. Start
the rotating ray in the due east direction and turn the ray clockwise. For every time
you add a facility to a route, show the added or append facility, the anchor facility
on the route this newly added facility is connected to, the append distance to the
new facility, and the linehaul and backhaul quantity on the truck on that route so far.
When you start a new route, the anchor facility is the depot.
List the sequence of all the facilities on the routes that you have created, with one
route per line (Table 9.108). Each route must start and end with the depot. Compute
the route length of each individual route and compute the total route length of all the
routes created by this algorithm. Not all rows or columns in the table have to be used.
380 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.108   VRPB6 sweep routes

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D

Set Partitioning Algorithm  In the next column generation step, we consider only
routes that have at most two facilities on each route (besides the depot). Observe
that these routes have to satisfy the standard vehicle routing with backhauls con-
dition that all customers on a route are visited before any supplier can be visited.
We use the standard formula to compute the savings for each route candidate. See
Tables 9.109–9.113.
Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauling (VRPB50)  Find the routes that mini-
mize the total distance traveled to supply a number of customers from a single depot
and to pick up from a number of suppliers and return to the depot. The trailers are
assumed to be rear-loaded, and therefore on every trip all deliveries have to be made

Table 9.109   VRPB6 one-facility routes

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D

Table 9.110   VRPB6 two-facility route evaluations

Index Facility sequence Length Savings Added (Y/N)
9.6 Exercises 381

Table 9.111   VRPB6 two-facility routes

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D

Table 9.112   VRPB6 three-facility route evaluations

Index Facility Length Savings Added (Y/N)

Table 9.113   VRPB6 three-facility routes

Route Facility Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D

before any pickup can be made. All trucks are assumed to be the same size. There are
four vehicles, each with a capacity of 160. Due to loading and time constraints, each
vehicle can only execute a single route. There are a total of 34 linehaul customers and
16 backhaul suppliers. The location of the customers and suppliers and their respective
demand and supply are given in Fig. 9.41 and Table 9.114 below. Use the Euclidean
distance norm without any adjustment factor to determine the interfacility distances.
You can use any computer algorithm and program that you desire to determine
the routes. You need to show the routes on a graph and provide the following sum-
mary statistics for each route and for the total problem: route distance, number
382 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.41   VRPB50 facility


of linehaul customers, total linehaul demand, number of backhaul suppliers, total

backhaul supply. Report which computer program and what computer hardware
you used. If you use a commercial software package, you are encouraged to report
the purchase price of the software. Describe clearly and succinctly the algorithmic
steps you or the computer program used to generate the routes. Record and the re-
port the time it took to enter the data, to find the shortest distance routes, and to de-
code the solution of the computer program and to copy it to the solution graph. So,
you need to report three different times. Part of the grade will be based on the total
length of the routes you generated, i.e., shorter routes will get you a better grade.

Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16)

Some of the more intricate algorithms for solving the standard VRP are illustrated in
this appendix for a problem with 16 customers. This problem size is a compromise
that allows for the meaningful demonstration of the detailed working of the algo-
rithms, while at the same time limiting the amount of tedious detail of the example.
The location of the depot and customers and their demand is shown in Fig. 9.42
and given in Table 9.115. For each facility, the facility label is displayed to the right
of the facility symbol and the required delivery quantity is displayed under the
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 383

Table 9.114   VRPB50 facility locations

384 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Fig. 9.42   VRP16 facility


Table 9.115   VRP16 facility coordinates and demand

Label X-Coord Y-Coord Quantity
c1 79 39 40
c2 480 629 46
c3 198 501 34
c4 899 617 39
c5 102 417 39
c6 822 69 23
c7 172 884 26
c8 729 193 35
c9 179 318 48
c10 776 911 32
c11 332 957 24
c12 842 427 38
c13 219 807 32
c14 383 933 47
c15 500 246 36
c16 297 912 33
d1 311 427 0
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 385

label. The depot has a dummy quantity equal to zero. The distances between the
facilities are computed with the Euclidean distance norm without any adjustment
factor (Table 9.116). They will be displayed with one significant digit after the deci-
mal point, but are used in the algorithms as floating point numbers.
The total customer demand is equal to 572. There are four vehicles available,
each with a capacity of 160. It is assumed that each vehicle can only execute a single
route during the planning horizon. The total vehicle capacity is then 640.
The calculations for the average vehicle utilization, the average vehicle load, and
the average slack capacity for this example are shown below. The average utiliza-
tion is approximately 90%, the average vehicle load is 143, and the average slack
is 17, which is smaller than the smallest customer delivery quantity. This indicates
that this case is significantly capacity constrained.

i 572
ρ= = = 89.4%
N · cap 4 · 160

i 572
q = ρ · cap = = = 143
N 4
s = cap − q = 160 − 143 = 17

Nearest Neighbor  The nearest neighbor heuristic travels from the last point added
to the route to its nearest neighbor, unless this would violate the truck capacity. In
that case, the heuristic closes the current route and starts a new route if the maxi-
mum number of routes has not been reached. The facility previously added is called
the anchor facility. For the start of a new route, the depot is the anchor facility. The
sequence of additions is shown in Table 9.117.
When the fourth route is started, the unvisited facility closest to the depot is c1.
However, the unvisited facility closest to c1 is customer c14, which is located far
away from customer c1. This route edge with a long distance is a typical characteris-
tic of routes created with the nearest neighbor heuristic. The algorithm continues by
adding facilities c11 and c10. At that time the load on the vehicle is 143. The closest
unvisited facility is customer c4 with a quantity of 39. This customer does not fit on
the current route and the maximum number of routes has been reached, so customer
c4 remains unrouted. The route statistics are shown in Table 9.118. Observe that the
total length of 5,953.6 is only for visiting 15 customers and is thus not the length of a
feasible route set for the full problem. The routes are illustrated in Fig. 9.43.
Cheapest Insertion  After the initial routes have been created, an attempt is made
to insert the remaining unvisited facilities in the initial routes. For this particular
example, only one unvisited facility remains and its quantity of 39 can only be
added to route 1 without violating the truck capacity. The nearest insertion, far-
thest insertion, cheapest insertion, and priciest insertion algorithms all will insert
the single unvisited facility in the same place in route 1. The insertion penalties for
inserting facility c4 on the four edges of tour 1 are shown in Table 9.119.
Table 9.116   VRP16 distances between facility pairs

dis- c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 c16 d1

c1 713.4 477.1 1,003.2 378.7 743.6 850.1 668.0 296.4 1,116.3 952.2 856.0 780.7 944.3 469.1 899.8 452.1
c2 713.4 309.7 419.2 433.4 656.2 399.9 502.1 432.8 408.8 359.8 414.6 315.9 319.1 383.5 337.0 263.4
c3 477.1 309.7 710.5 127.6 759.0 383.9 613.9 184.0 708.7 475.3 648.2 306.7 470.0 395.3 422.8 135.1
c4 1,003.2 419.2 710.5 821.7 553.4 774.5 456.8 779.6 318.7 661.1 198.4 706.1 605.1 544.8 670.4 617.9
c5 378.7 433.4 127.6 821.7 799.7 472.2 665.8 125.4 835.7 586.9 740.1 407.2 587.6 433.2 532.0 209.2
c6 743.6 656.2 759.0 553.4 799.7 1,042.5 155.0 689.5 843.3 1,014.2 358.6 953.0 969.1 367.4 993.1 623.9
c7 850.1 399.9 383.9 774.5 472.2 1,042.5 887.5 566.0 604.6 175.9 811.0 90.2 216.6 717.4 128.1 477.7
c8 668.0 502.1 613.9 456.8 665.8 155.0 887.5 564.0 719.5 861.0 259.9 798.2 816.9 235.1 838.8 479.0
c9 296.4 432.8 184.0 779.6 125.4 689.5 566.0 564.0 841.5 657.1 671.9 490.6 648.0 329.0 605.6 171.2
c10 1,116.3 408.8 708.7 318.7 835.7 843.3 604.6 719.5 841.5 446.4 488.5 566.6 393.6 720.0 479.0 671.2
c11 952.2 359.8 475.3 661.1 586.9 1,014.2 175.9 861.0 657.1 446.4 735.5 187.8 56.4 730.6 57.0 530.4
c12 856.0 414.6 648.2 198.4 740.1 358.6 811.0 259.9 671.9 488.5 735.5 729.8 683.2 386.9 729.6 531.0
c13 780.7 315.9 306.7 706.1 407.2 953.0 90.2 798.2 490.6 566.6 187.8 729.8 206.8 627.4 130.8 391.0
c14 944.3 319.1 470.0 605.1 587.6 969.1 216.6 816.9 648.0 393.6 56.4 683.2 206.8 696.9 88.5 511.1
c15 469.1 383.5 395.3 544.8 433.2 367.4 717.4 235.1 329.0 720.0 730.6 386.9 627.4 696.9 696.3 261.7
c16 899.8 337.0 422.8 670.4 532.0 993.1 128.1 838.8 605.6 479.0 57.0 729.6 130.8 88.5 696.3 485.2
d1 452.1 263.4 135.1 617.9 209.2 623.9 477.7 479.0 171.2 671.2 530.4 531.0 391.0 511.1 261.7 485.2
9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 387

Table 9.117   VRP16 nearest neighbor additions

Index Anchor facility Append facility Append distance Linehaul quantity
1 d1 c3 135.1 34
2 c3 c5 127.6 73
3 c5 c9 125.4 121
4 d1 c15 261.7 36
5 c15 c8 235.1 71
6 c8 c6 155.0 94
7 c6 c12 358.6 132
8 d1 c2 263.4 46
9 c2 c13 315.9 78
10 c13 c7 90.2 104
11 c7 c16 128.1 137
12 d1 c1 452.1 40
13 c1 c14 944.3 87
14 c14 c11 56.4 111
15 c11 c10 446.4 143

Table 9.118   VRP16 nearest neighbor route statistics

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 d1 c3 c5 c9 d1 121 559.2
2 d1 c15 c8 c6 c12 d1 132 1,541.3
3 d1 c2 c13 c7 c16 d1 137 1,282.8
4 d1 c1 c14 c11 c10 d1 143 2,570.3
Total 533 5,953.6

Fig. 9.43   VRP16 nearest

neighbor routes
388 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.119   VRP16 insertion penalties on nearest neighbor routes

Penalty d1–c3 c3–c5 c5–c9 c9–d1
c4 1,193.4 1,404.7 1,475.9 1,226.4

Table 9.120   VRP16 nearest neighbor plus cheapest insertion routes

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 d1 c4 c3 c5 c9 d1 160 1,752.6
2 d1 c15 c8 c6 c12 d1 132 1,541.3
3 d1 c2 c13 c7 c16 d1 137 1,282.8
4 d1 c1 c14 c11 c10 d1 143 2,570.3
Total 572 7,147.0

The edge with the smallest insertion penalty is d1:c3 and facility will be inserted
on that edge. The total length of the routes increases to 7,147.0. The route statistics
and routes are shown in Table 9.120 and Fig. 9.44.
Sweep  The route-first variant of the sweep algorithm will be executed. The starting
angle of the rotating ray is an algorithm parameter and is set to zero in this example.
This corresponds to a starting direction that is due east. The relative polar coordinates of
the customers with respect to the starting angle are computed and shown in Table 9.121
and the customers sorted by increasing polar angle are shown in Table 9.122.
The first sector starts with customer c12 with polar angle equal to 0.000 and
route load of 38. Adding customers systematically by increasing polar angle, the

Fig. 9.44   VRP16 nearest

neighbor followed by cheap-
est insertion routes
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 389

Table 9.121   VRP16 facility cartesian and polar coordinates

Facility Cartesian Polar Quantity
Type Label X-Coord Y-Coord Angle Radius
Depot d1 311 427
Customer c1 79 39 4.17349 452.1 40
Customer c2 480 629 0.87411 263.4 46
Customer c3 198 501 2.56180 135.1 34
Customer c4 899 617 0.31254 617.9 39
Customer c5 102 417 3.18940 209.2 39
Customer c6 822 69 5.67207 623.9 23
Customer c7 172 884 1.86606 477.7 26
Customer c8 729 193 5.77284 479.0 35
Customer c9 179 318 3.83184 171.2 48
Customer c10 776 911 0.80542 671.2 32
Customer c11 332 957 1.53119 530.4 24
Customer c12 842 427 0.00000 531.0 38
Customer c13 219 807 1.80833 391.0 32
Customer c14 383 933 1.42945 511.1 47
Customer c15 500 246 5.51941 261.7 36
Customer c16 297 912 1.59965 485.2 33

Table 9.122   VRP16 customers sorted by polar angle

Facility Cartesian Polar Quantity
Type Label X-Coord Y-Coord Angle Radius
Customer c12 842 427 0.00000 531.0 38
Customer c4 899 617 0.31254 617.9 39
Customer c10 776 911 0.80542 671.2 32
Customer c2 480 629 0.87411 263.4 46
Customer c14 383 933 1.42945 511.1 47
Customer c11 332 957 1.53119 530.4 24
Customer c16 297 912 1.59965 485.2 33
Customer c13 219 807 1.80833 391.0 32
Customer c7 172 884 1.86606 477.7 26
Customer c3 198 501 2.56180 135.1 34
Customer c5 102 417 3.18940 209.2 39
Customer c9 179 318 3.83184 171.2 48
Customer c1 79 39 4.17349 452.1 40
Customer c15 500 246 5.51941 261.7 36
Customer c6 822 69 5.67207 623.9 23
Customer c8 729 193 5.77284 479.0 35

route quantity for customer c4 is 77, for customer c10 is 109, for customer c2 is 155,
and for customer c14 would be 202. This violates the vehicle capacity constraint of
160 and the route will be terminated after customer c2. The depot is connected to
the first customer facility of the route and the last customer facility of the route is
also connected back to the depot. The total route length is 1,720.3. The maximum
390 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.123   VRP16 Route-First Sweep route (from Starting Angle 0)

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 d1 c12 c4 c10 c2 d1 155 1,720.3
2 d1 c14 c11 c16 c13 d1 136 1,146.2
3 d1 c7 c3 c5 c9 d1 147 1,285.7
4 d1 c1 c15 c6 c8 d1 134 1,922.7
Total 572 6,074.9

number of routes has not been reached, so the process repeats itself. The route sum-
mary is shown in Table 9.123. The Sweep algorithm routes all the customers and the
total length of the routes is 6,074.9.
The individual routes are not guaranteed to be optimal for the customers on the
route. In fact, route 4 can be improved with two-exchanges. The cluster-first vari-
ant of the sweep algorithm will create route clusters with the same customers in a
cluster as are assigned by the route-first algorithm to a route. However, the cluster-
first algorithm then solves a TSP problem either optimally or heuristically for every
cluster. Inter-route exchanges may also be able to further improve the routes. For
this example, after improving route 4 individually, the overall route length can be
further improved by swapping customers c13 and c7 between routes 2 and 3.
Starting from a different starting angle, may generate different routes and may
leave some of the customers unrouted. For this example, starting with an initial
angle of 90 degrees or 1.57080 radians or due north leaves customers c14 and c11
Serial Savings  The initial savings are computed for every possible shortcut between
a pair of customers. Since any combination of two customers has a combined load
less than the truck capacity and the distances are based on the Euclidean distance
norm, all initial shortcuts are feasible and the initial savings matrix has positive ele-
ments everywhere except on the main diagonal. Any distance norm satisfies the tri-
angle inequality, so negative shortcut savings are impossible if distances are based
on a distance norm. For the Euclidean distance norm, zero shortcut savings are
theoretically possible, but it would require that the two customers and the depot are
all three collinear, which is extremely rare. On the other hand, when the distances
are computed by over-the-transportation network shortest path distances, shortcut
savings with zero value are very common. Executing a shortcut with zero value,
typically occurs in the later stages of the algorithm and may be required to reduce
the number of partial routes to be less than or equal to the number of vehicles. The
savings for this example are shown in Table 9.124.
The shortcut selected first is identical for the serial and parallel versions of the
savings algorithm. The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut
from customer c11 to customer c14 with savings equal to 985.2. This cell is high-
lighted in Table 9.124. At this time, the symmetric shortcut has the same savings
value, since the distance in this problem are computed with the Euclidean distance
norm and are thus symmetric. Ties in the selection of the maximum savings will be
Table 9.124   VRP16 binary savings
Savings c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 c16 Quantity
c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 332.4 79.6 263.1 326.9 6.9 30.3 127.1 62.4 18.9 244.6 37.5 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 231.1 341.2 240.3 1.8 525.7 433.9 379.8 338.4 455.4 141.5 411.6 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.1 228.9 0.3 122.3 97.6 190.2 17.8 219.3 176.2 1.5 197.5 34
c4 66.8 462.1 42.5 5.5 688.5 321.1 640.2 9.5 970.4 487.2 950.6 302.9 524.0 334.8 432.7 39
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 33.5 214.7 22.5 255.0 44.8 152.7 0.2 193.1 132.8 37.8 162.4 39
c6 332.4 231.1 0.1 688.5 33.5 59.1 948.0 105.6 451.9 140.1 796.4 61.9 165.9 518.2 116.0 23
c7 79.6 341.2 228.9 321.1 214.7 59.1 69.2 82.8 544.3 832.2 197.7 778.4 772.2 22.0 834.8 26
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 948.0 69.2 86.2 430.7 148.5 750.2 71.8 173.2 505.7 125.4 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 105.6 82.8 86.2 0.9 44.5 30.3 71.5 34.3 103.9 50.8 48
c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 970.4 44.8 451.9 544.3 430.7 0.9 755.2 713.7 495.5 788.7 212.9 677.4 32
c11 30.3 433.9 190.2 487.2 152.7 140.1 832.2 148.5 44.5 755.2 325.9 733.6 985.2 61.5 958.6 24
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 796.4 197.7 750.2 30.3 713.7 325.9 192.2 358.9 405.8 286.7 38
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16)

c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 61.9 778.4 71.8 71.5 495.5 733.6 192.2 695.3 25.2 745.4 32
c14 18.9 455.4 176.2 524.0 132.8 165.9 772.2 173.2 34.3 788.7 985.2 358.9 695.3 75.9 907.8 47
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 518.2 22.0 505.7 103.9 212.9 61.5 405.8 25.2 75.9 50.6 36
c16 37.5 411.6 197.5 432.7 162.4 116.0 834.8 125.4 50.8 677.4 958.6 286.7 745.4 907.8 50.6 33
Quan- 40 46 34 39 39 23 26 35 48 32 24 38 32 47 36 33
392 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

broken by selecting the maximum savings when traversing the matrix by row and
then by column order. The first shortcut selected is thus from customer c11 to cus-
tomer c14. The savings matrix needs to be updated to reflect the impact of possible
future shortcuts given the existence of the partial route {d1 , c11 , c14 , d1 } .
To compute the reduced savings matrix, the following operations are executed:
(1) eliminate the origin row, which in this case is the row of customer c11; (2) elimi-
nate the destination column, which in this case is the column of customer c14; (3)
change the label of the destination row by preceding it with the origin label, which
in this case yields c11:c14; (4) change the label of the origin column by appending
it with the destination label, which in this case yields c11:c14; (5) clear the element
on the intersection of the row and column corresponding to this shortcut; (6) change
the quantities in the row and column for the partial route with the current shortcut to
reflect the combined quantities, which in this case yields 24 + 47 = 71.
The next shortcut must involve one of the two endpoints of the current par-
tial route c11:c14. These eligible savings are members of the column and row cor-
responding to the partial route and are shown shaded in the next savings matrix
(Table 9.125).
The largest savings in the row and column corresponding to the partial route
corresponds to the shortcut from customer c16 to partial route c11:c14 with sav-
ings equal to 958.6. This cell is highlighted in the Table 9.125. The same seven
update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to customer c16,
the eliminated column corresponds to partial route c11:c14, the label of row c11:c14
is changed to c16:c14, the label of column c16 is changed to c16:c14, the element
on the intersection of row and column c16:c14 is cleared, and the quantities for row
and column c16:c14 are changed to 71 + 33 = 104. Since the current partial routes
can still be combined with any singleton customer, all savings remain feasible and
no further actions have to be taken. The updated savings matrix after iteration 2 is
shown in Table 9.126.
The largest savings in the row and column corresponding to the partial route
corresponds to the shortcut from customer c7 to partial route c16:c14 with savings
equal to 834.8. This cell is highlighted in the table shown above. The same sev-
en update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to customer
c7, the eliminated column corresponds to partial route c16:c14, the label of row
c16:c14 is changed to c7:c14, the label of column c7 is changed to c7:c14, the ele-
ment on the intersection of row and column c7:c14 is cleared, and the quantities
for row and column c7:c14 are changed to 104 + 26 = 130. Since the current partial
route can only be combined with customer c6, the elements in the row and column
corresponding to partial route c7:c14 are cleared and also shaded as infeasible,
except the elements corresponding to customer c6. This implies that only two
feasible shortcuts exist, corresponding to extending the partial route either at the
front or at the end with customer c6. The updated savings matrix after iteration 3
is shown in Table 9.127.
The largest feasible savings in the row and column corresponding to the partial
route corresponds to the shortcut from partial route c7:c14 to customer c6 with sav-
ings equal to 165.9. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.127. The same seven update
Table 9.125   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 1
Savings c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11:c14 c12 c13 c15 c16 Quantity
c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 332.4 79.6 263.1 326.9 6.9 30.3 127.1 62.4 244.6 37.5 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 231.1 341.2 240.3 1.8 525.7 433.9 379.8 338.4 141.5 411.6 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.1 228.9 0.3 122.3 97.6 190.2 17.8 219.3 1.5 197.5 34
c4 66.8 462.1 42.5 5.5 688.5 321.1 640.2 9.5 970.4 487.2 950.6 302.9 334.8 432.7 39
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 33.5 214.7 22.5 255.0 44.8 152.7 0.2 193.1 37.8 162.4 39
c6 332.4 231.1 0.1 688.5 33.5 59.1 948.0 105.6 451.9 140.1 796.4 61.9 518.2 116.0 23
c7 79.6 341.2 228.9 321.1 214.7 59.1 69.2 82.8 544.3 832.2 197.7 778.4 22.0 834.8 26
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 948.0 69.2 86.2 430.7 148.5 750.2 71.8 505.7 125.4 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 105.6 82.8 86.2 0.9 44.5 30.3 71.5 103.9 50.8 48
c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 970.4 44.8 451.9 544.3 430.7 0.9 755.2 713.7 495.5 212.9 677.4 32
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 796.4 197.7 750.2 30.3 713.7 325.9 192.2 405.8 286.7 38
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 61.9 778.4 71.8 71.5 495.5 733.6 192.2 25.2 745.4 32
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16)

c11:c14 18.9 455.4 176.2 524.0 132.8 165.9 772.2 173.2 34.3 788.7 358.9 695.3 75.9 907.8 71
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 518.2 22.0 505.7 103.9 212.9 61.5 405.8 25.2 50.6 36
c16 37.5 411.6 197.5 432.7 162.4 116.0 834.8 125.4 50.8 677.4 958.6 286.7 745.4 50.6 33
Quantity 40 46 34 39 39 23 26 35 48 32 71 38 32 36 33
Table 9.126   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 2

Savings c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c12 c13 c15 c16:c14 Quantity

c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 332.4 79.6 263.1 326.9 6.9 127.1 62.4 244.6 37.5 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 231.1 341.2 240.3 1.8 525.7 379.8 338.4 141.5 411.6 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.1 228.9 0.3 122.3 97.6 17.8 219.3 1.5 197.5 34
c4 66.8 462.1 42.5 5.5 688.5 321.1 640.2 9.5 970.4 950.6 302.9 334.8 432.7 39
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 33.5 214.7 22.5 255.0 44.8 0.2 193.1 37.8 162.4 39
c6 332.4 231.1 0.1 688.5 33.5 59.1 948.0 105.6 451.9 796.4 61.9 518.2 116.0 23
c7 79.6 341.2 228.9 321.1 214.7 59.1 69.2 82.8 544.3 197.7 778.4 22.0 834.8 26
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 948.0 69.2 86.2 430.7 750.2 71.8 505.7 125.4 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 105.6 82.8 86.2 0.9 30.3 71.5 103.9 50.8 48
c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 970.4 44.8 451.9 544.3 430.7 0.9 713.7 495.5 212.9 677.4 32
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 796.4 197.7 750.2 30.3 713.7 192.2 405.8 286.7 38
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 61.9 778.4 71.8 71.5 495.5 192.2 25.2 745.4 32
c16:c14 18.9 455.4 176.2 524.0 132.8 165.9 772.2 173.2 34.3 788.7 358.9 695.3 75.9 104
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 518.2 22.0 505.7 103.9 212.9 405.8 25.2 50.6 36
Quantity 40 46 34 39 39 23 26 35 48 32 38 32 36 104
9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
Table 9.127   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 3
Savings c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7:c14 c8 c9 c10 c12 c13 c15 Quantity
c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 332.4 263.1 326.9 6.9 127.1 62.4 244.6 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 231.1 240.3 1.8 525.7 379.8 338.4 141.5 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.1 0.3 122.3 97.6 17.8 219.3 1.5 34
c4 66.8 462.1 42.5 5.5 688.5 640.2 9.5 970.4 950.6 302.9 334.8 39
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 33.5 22.5 255.0 44.8 0.2 193.1 37.8 39
c6 332.4 231.1 0.1 688.5 33.5 59.1 948.0 105.6 451.9 796.4 61.9 518.2 23
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 948.0 86.2 430.7 750.2 71.8 505.7 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 105.6 86.2 0.9 30.3 71.5 103.9 48
c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 970.4 44.8 451.9 430.7 0.9 713.7 495.5 212.9 32
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 796.4 750.2 30.3 713.7 192.2 405.8 38
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 61.9 71.8 71.5 495.5 192.2 25.2 32
c7:c14 165.9 130
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16)

c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 518.2 505.7 103.9 212.9 405.8 25.2 36
Quantity 40 46 34 39 39 23 130 35 48 32 38 32 36
396 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to partial route c7:c14,
the eliminated column corresponds to customer c6, the label of row c6 is changed
to c7:c6, the label of column c7:c14 is changed to c7:c6, the element on the inter-
section of row and column c7:c6 is cleared, and the quantities for row and column
c7:c6 are changed to 130 + 23 = 153. Since the current partial route cannot be com-
bined any customer, the elements in the row and column corresponding to partial
route c7:c6 are cleared and shown shaded to indicate infeasibility. The updated sav-
ings matrix after iteration 3 is shown in Table 9.128.
Since there are no feasible savings to extend the current partial route, this partial
route is closed and a new partial route is started. The closed partial route is elimi-
nated from the savings matrix, which is shown in Table 9.129.
The largest savings corresponds to the shortcut from customer c4 to customer c10
with savings equal to 970.4. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.129. The same seven
update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to customer c4, the
eliminated column corresponds to customer c10, the label of row c10 is changed to
c4:c10, the label of column c4 is changed to c4:c10, the element on the intersection
of row and column c4:c10 is cleared, and the quantities for row and column c4:c10
are changed to 39 + 32 = 71. Since the current partial route can still be combined with
any singleton customer, all savings remain feasible and no further actions have to be
taken. The updated savings matrix after iteration 5 is shown in Table 9.130.
The largest feasible savings in the row and column corresponding to the partial
route corresponds to the shortcut from customer c12 to partial route c4:c10 with
savings equal to 950.6. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.130 shown above. The
same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to cus-
tomer c12, the eliminated column corresponds to partial route c4:c10, the label of
row c4:c10 is changed to c12:c10, the label of column c12 is changed to c12:c10,
the element on the intersection of row and column c12:c10 is cleared, and the quan-
tities for row and column c12:c102 are changed to 71 + 38 = 109. Since the current
partial route can still be combined with any singleton customer, all savings remain
feasible and no further actions have to be taken. The updated savings matrix after
iteration 6 is shown in Table 9.131.
The largest feasible savings in the row and column corresponding to the partial
route corresponds to the shortcut from customer c8 to partial route c12:c10 with
savings equal to 750.2. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.131. The same seven up-
date operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to customer c8, the
eliminated column corresponds to partial route c12:c10, the label of row c12:c10
is changed to c8:c10, the label of column c8 is changed to c8:c10, the element on
the intersection of row and column c8:c10 is cleared, and the quantities for row and
column c8:c10 are changed to 109 + 35 = 144. Since the current partial route cannot
be combined any customer, the elements in the row and column corresponding to
partial route c8:c10 are cleared and shown shaded to indicate infeasibility. The up-
dated savings matrix after iteration 7 is shown in Table 9.132.
Since there are no feasible savings to extend the current partial route, this partial
route is closed and a new partial route is started. The closed partial route is elimi-
nated from the savings matrix, which is shown in Table 9.133.
Table 9.128   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 4 before route closing
Savings c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c7:c6 c8 c9 c10 c12 c13 c15 Quantity
c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 263.1 326.9 6.9 127.1 62.4 244.6 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 240.3 1.8 525.7 379.8 338.4 141.5 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.3 122.3 97.6 17.8 219.3 1.5 34
c4 66.8 462.1 42.5 5.5 640.2 9.5 970.4 950.6 302.9 334.8 39
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 22.5 255.0 44.8 0.2 193.1 37.8 39
c7:c6 153
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 86.2 430.7 750.2 71.8 505.7 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 86.2 0.9 30.3 71.5 103.9 48
c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 970.4 44.8 430.7 0.9 713.7 495.5 212.9 32
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 750.2 30.3 713.7 192.2 405.8 38
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 71.8 71.5 495.5 192.2 25.2 32
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 505.7 103.9 212.9 405.8 25.2 36
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16)

Quantity 40 46 34 39 39 153 35 48 32 38 32 36
Table 9.129   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 4

Savings c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c8 c9 c10 c12 c13 c15 Quantity

c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 263.1 326.9 6.9 127.1 62.4 244.6 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 240.3 1.8 525.7 379.8 338.4 141.5 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.3 122.3 97.6 17.8 219.3 1.5 34
c4 66.8 462.1 42.5 5.5 640.2 9.5 970.4 950.6 302.9 334.8 39
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 22.5 255.0 44.8 0.2 193.1 37.8 39
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 86.2 430.7 750.2 71.8 505.7 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 86.2 0.9 30.3 71.5 103.9 48
c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 970.4 44.8 430.7 0.9 713.7 495.5 212.9 32
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 750.2 30.3 713.7 192.2 405.8 38
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 71.8 71.5 495.5 192.2 25.2 32
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 505.7 103.9 212.9 405.8 25.2 36
Quantity 40 46 34 39 39 35 48 32 38 32 36
9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
Table 9.130   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 5
Savings c1 c2 c3 c4:c10 c5 c8 c9 c12 c13 c15 Quantity
c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 263.1 326.9 127.1 62.4 244.6 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 240.3 1.8 379.8 338.4 141.5 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.3 122.3 17.8 219.3 1.5 34
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 22.5 255.0 0.2 193.1 37.8 39
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 86.2 750.2 71.8 505.7 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 86.2 30.3 71.5 103.9 48
c4:c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 44.8 430.7 0.9 713.7 495.5 212.9 71
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 750.2 30.3 192.2 405.8 38
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 71.8 71.5 192.2 25.2 32
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 505.7 103.9 405.8 25.2 36
Quantity 40 46 34 71 39 35 48 38 32 36
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16)
Table 9.131   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 6

Savings c1 c2 c3 c5 c8 c9 c12:c10 c13 c15 Quantity

c1 2.1 110.1 282.6 263.1 326.9 127.1 62.4 244.6 40
c2 2.1 88.8 39.2 240.3 1.8 379.8 338.4 141.5 46
c3 110.1 88.8 216.8 0.3 122.3 17.8 219.3 1.5 34
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 22.5 255.0 0.2 193.1 37.8 39
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 22.5 86.2 750.2 71.8 505.7 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 255.0 86.2 30.3 71.5 103.9 48
c12:c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 44.8 430.7 0.9 495.5 212.9 109
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 193.1 71.8 71.5 192.2 25.2 32
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 37.8 505.7 103.9 405.8 25.2 36
Quantity 40 46 34 39 35 48 109 32 36
9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 401

Table 9.132   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 7 before route closing

Table 9.133   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 7

savings c1 c2 c3 c5 c9 c13 c15 Quantity
c1 2.1 110.1 282.6 326.9 62.4 244.6 40
c2 2.1 88.8 39.2 1.8 338.4 141.5 46
c3 110.1 88.8 216.8 122.3 219.3 1.5 34
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 255.0 193.1 37.8 39
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 255.0 71.5 103.9 48
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 193.1 71.5 25.2 32
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 37.8 103.9 25.2 36
Quantity 40 46 34 39 48 32 36

The largest savings corresponds to the shortcut from customer c2 to customer

c13 with savings equal to 338.4. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.133. The same
seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to customer
c2, the eliminated column corresponds to customer c13, the label of row c13 is
changed to c2:c13, the label of column c2 is changed to c2:c13, the element on the
intersection of row and column c2:c13 is cleared, and the quantities for row and
column c2:c13 are changed to 46 + 32 = 78. Since the current partial route can still
be combined with any singleton customer, all savings remain feasible and no further
actions have to be taken. The updated savings matrix after iteration 8 is shown in
Table 9.134.
The largest savings corresponds to the shortcut from partial route c2:c13 to cus-
tomer c3 with savings equal to 219.3. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.134. The

Table 9.134   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 8

Savings c1 c2:c13 c3 c5 c9 c15 Quantity
c1 2.1 110.1 282.6 326.9 244.6 40
c3 110.1 88.8 216.8 122.3 1.5 34
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 255.0 37.8 39
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 255.0 103.9 48
c2:c13 62.4 219.3 193.1 71.5 25.2 78
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 37.8 103.9 36
Quantity 40 78 34 39 48 36
402 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.135   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 9

Savings c1 c2:c3 c5 c9 c15 Quantity
c1 2.1 282.6 326.9 244.6 40
c2:c3 110.1 216.8 122.3 1.5 112
c5 282.6 39.2 255.0 37.8 39
c9 326.9 1.8 255.0 103.9 48
c15 244.6 141.5 37.8 103.9 36
Quantity 40 112 39 48 36

same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to par-
tial route c2:c13, the eliminated column corresponds to customer c3, the label of
row c3 is changed to c2:c3, the label of column c2:c13 is changed to c2:c3, the ele-
ment on the intersection of row and column c2:c3 is cleared, and the quantities for
row and column c2:c3 are changed to 78 + 34 = 112. Since the current partial route
can still be combined with any singleton customer, all savings remain feasible and
no further actions have to be taken. The updated savings matrix after iteration 9 is
shown in Table 9.135.
The largest savings corresponds to the shortcut from partial route c2:c3 to cus-
tomer c5 with savings equal to 216.8. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.134 shown
above. The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row cor-
responds to partial route c2:c3, the eliminated column corresponds to customer c5,
the label of row c5 is changed to c2:c5, the label of column c2:c3 is changed to
c2:c5, the element on the intersection of row and column c2:c5 is cleared, and the
quantities for row and column c2:c5 are changed to 112 + 39 = 151. Since the current
partial route cannot be combined any customer, the elements in the row and column
corresponding to partial route c2:c5 are cleared and shown shaded to indicate in-
feasibility. The updated savings matrix after iteration ten is shown in Table 9.136.
Since there are no feasible savings to extend the current partial route, this partial
route is closed and a new partial route is started. The number of routes and partial
routes is now equal to the number of vehicles, so new partial routes can be started
after the current partial route. The closed partial route is eliminated from the savings
matrix, which is shown in Table 9.137.
The largest savings corresponds to the shortcut from customer c1 to customer c9
with savings equal to 326.9. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.137. The same seven
update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to customer c1, the
eliminated column corresponds to customer c9, the label of row c9 is changed to

Table 9.136   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 10 before route closure
Savings c1 c2:c5 c9 c15 Quantity
c1 326.9 244.6 40
c2:c5 151
c9 326.9 103.9 48
c15 244.6 103.9 36
Quantity 40 151 48 36
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 403

Table 9.137   VRP16 updated serial savings after iteration 10

Savings c1 c9 c15 Quantity
c1 326.9 244.6 40
c9 326.9 103.9 48
c15 244.6 103.9 36
Quantity 40 48 36

Table 9.138   VRP16 Savings c1:c9 c15 Quantity

updated serial savings after
iteration 11 c1:c9 103.9 88
c15 244.6 36
Quantity 88 36

Table 9.139   VRP16 Savings c15:c9 Quantity

updated serial savings after
iteration 12 c15:c9 124
Quantity 124

c1:c9, the label of column c1 is changed to c1:c9, the element on the intersection of
row and column c1:c9 is cleared, and the quantities for row and column c1:c9 are
changed to 40 + 48 = 88. Since the current partial route can still be combined with
any singleton customer, all savings remain feasible and no further actions have to be
taken. The updated savings matrix after iteration 11 is shown in Table 9.138.
The largest savings corresponds to the shortcut from customer c15 to partial
route c1:c9 with savings equal to 244.6. This cell is highlighted in Table  9.138.
The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to
customer c15, the eliminated column corresponds to partial route c1:c9, the label of
row c1:c9 is changed to c15:c9, the label of column c15 is changed to c15:c9, the
element on the intersection of row and column c15:c9 is cleared, and the quantities
for row and column c15:c9 are changed to 88 + 36 = 124. The updated savings ma-
trix after iteration 12 is shown in Table 9.139.
There are no more feasible shortcuts in the savings matrix and the savings al-
gorithm terminates. All the customers have been routed and four routes have been
created, so the savings algorithm created a complete feasible solution. The statistics
of the executed shortcuts and the partial routes are summarized in Table 9.140.
The route statistics are summarized in Table 9.141 and shown in Fig. 9.45. The
total route length is 6,660.5.
Note the route that includes a number of customers in the northwest corner of
the area and also a single customer in the southeast corner. This shortcut was made
because it was feasible and it had positive, albeit small, savings. This is typical
behavior for a savings algorithm. An improvement algorithm may relocate this cus-
tomer to another route, to create routes with a shorter total route length and that also
would be more acceptable to the vehicle drivers.
404 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.140   VRP16 serial savings shortcut statistics

Step Shortcut Facilities
Points Savings Length 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 c11:c14 985.2 1,097.9 d1 c11 c14 d1
2 c16:c11 958.6 1,109.7 d1 c16 c11 c14 d1
3 c7:c16 834.8 1,230.2 d1 c7 c16 c11 c14 d1
4 c14:c6 165.9 2,312.2 d1 c7 c16 c11 c14 c6 d1
5 c4:c10 970.4 1,607.8 d1 c4 c10 d1
6 c12:c4 950.6 1,719.2 d1 c12 c4 c10 d1
7 c8:c12 750.2 1,927.1 d1 c8 c12 c4 c10 s1
8 c2:c13 338.4 920.3 d1 c2 c13 d1
9 c13:c3 219.3 1,021.1 d1 c2 c13 c3 d1
10 c3:c5 193.1 1,222.8 d1 c2 c13 c3 c5 d1
11 c1:c9 326.9 319.64 d1 c1 c9 d1
12 c15-c1 244.6 1,198.4 d1 c15 c1 c9 d1

Table 9.141   VRP16 serial savings routes

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 d1 c7 c16 c11 c14 c6 d1 153 2,312.2
2 d1 c8 c12 c4 c10 d1 144 1,927.1
3 d1 c2 c13 c3 c5 d1 151 1,222.8
4 d1 c15 c1 c9 d1 124 1,198.4
Total 572 6,660.5

Fig. 9.45   VRP16 serial sav-

ings routes
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 405

Parallel Savings  The parallel savings algorithm starts with the same initial short-
cut as the serial variant. It also executes the same seven update operations on the
savings matrix. Since the current partial route can still be combined with any single-
ton customer, all savings remain feasible and no further actions have to be taken.
The updated savings matrix after iteration 1 is shown in Table 9.142.
The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer c4
to customer c10 with savings equal to 970.4. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.142.
The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to
customer c4, the eliminated column corresponds to customer c10, the label of row
c10 is changed to c4:c10, the label of column c4 is changed to c4:c10, element on
the intersection of row and column c4:c10 is cleared, and the quantities for row and
column c4:c10 are changed to 32 + 39 = 71. Since the current partial routes can still
be combined with each other and with any singleton customer, all savings remain
feasible and no further actions have to be taken. The updated savings matrix after
iteration 2 is shown in Table 9.143.
The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer
c16 to partial route c11:c14 with savings equal to 958.6. This cell is highlighted in
Table 9.143. The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row
corresponds to customer c16, the eliminated column corresponds to route c11:c14,
the label of row c11:c14 is changed to c16:c14, the label of column c11:c14 is changed
to c16:c14, element on the intersection of row and column c16:c14 is cleared, and
the quantities for row and column c16:c14 are changed to 71 + 33 = 104. The quan-
tity of the combined partial routes c4:c10 and c16:c14 would be 71 + 104 = 175,
which would violate the truck capacity. Hence the cells on the intersection of the
corresponding rows and columns are cleared and shown as shaded to indicate that
this savings belongs to an infeasible shortcut and these savings will never be fea-
sible again during the execution of this algorithm. The updated savings matrix after
iteration 3 is shown in Table 9.144.
The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer
c12 to partial route c4:c10 with savings equal to 950.6. This cell is highlighted in
Table 9.144. The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row
corresponds to customer c12, the eliminated column corresponds to route c4:c10,
the label of row c4:c10 is changed to c12:c10, the label of column c12 is changed to
c12:c10, element on the intersection of row and column c12:c10 is cleared, and the
quantities for row and column c12:c10 are changed to 71 + 38 = 109. The quantity of
the combined partial routes c12:c10 and c16:c14 would be 109 + 104 = 213, which
would violate the truck capacity and the corresponding cells are cleared and shown
as shaded to indicate an infeasible shortcut. The updated savings matrix after itera-
tion four is shown in Table 9.145.
The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer c6
to customer c8 with savings equal to 948.0. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.145.
The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds
to customer c6, the eliminated column corresponds to customer c8, the label of row
c8 is changed to c6:c8, the label of column c6 is changed to c6:c8, element on the
intersection of row and column c6:c8 is cleared, and the quantities for row and col-
Table 9.142   VRP16 updated parallel savings after iteration 1

Savings c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11:c14 c12 c13 c15 c16 Quan-

c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 332.4 79.6 263.1 326.9 6.9 30.3 127.1 62.4 244.6 37.5 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 231.1 341.2 240.3 1.8 525.7 433.9 379.8 338.4 141.5 411.6 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.1 228.9 0.3 122.3 97.6 190.2 17.8 219.3 1.5 197.5 34
c4 66.8 462.1 42.5 5.5 688.5 321.1 640.2 9.5 970.4 487.2 950.6 302.9 334.8 432.7 39
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 33.5 214.7 22.5 255.0 44.8 152.7 0.2 193.1 37.8 162.4 39
c6 332.4 231.1 0.1 688.5 33.5 59.1 948.0 105.6 451.9 140.1 796.4 61.9 518.2 116.0 23
c7 79.6 341.2 228.9 321.1 214.7 59.1 69.2 82.8 544.3 832.2 197.7 778.4 22.0 834.8 26
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 948.0 69.2 86.2 430.7 148.5 750.2 71.8 505.7 125.4 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 105.6 82.8 86.2 0.9 44.5 30.3 71.5 103.9 50.8 48
c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 970.4 44.8 451.9 544.3 430.7 0.9 755.2 713.7 495.5 212.9 677.4 32
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 796.4 197.7 750.2 30.3 713.7 325.9 192.2 405.8 286.7 38
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 61.9 778.4 71.8 71.5 495.5 733.6 192.2 25.2 745.4 32
c11:c14 18.9 455.4 176.2 524.0 132.8 165.9 772.2 173.2 34.3 788.7 358.9 695.3 75.9 907.8 71
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 518.2 22.0 505.7 103.9 212.9 61.5 405.8 25.2 50.6 36
c16 37.5 411.6 197.5 432.7 162.4 116.0 834.8 125.4 50.8 677.4 958.6 286.7 745.4 50.6 33
Quantity 40 46 34 39 39 23 26 35 48 32 71 38 32 36 33
9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
Table 9.143   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 2
Savings c1 c2 c3 c4:c10 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c11:c14 c12 c13 c15 c16 Quan-
c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 332.4 79.6 263.1 326.9 30.3 127.1 62.4 244.6 37.5 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 231.1 341.2 240.3 1.8 433.9 379.8 338.4 141.5 411.6 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.1 228.9 0.3 122.3 190.2 17.8 219.3 1.5 197.5 34
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 33.5 214.7 22.5 255.0 152.7 0.2 193.1 37.8 162.4 39
c6 332.4 231.1 0.1 688.5 33.5 59.1 948.0 105.6 140.1 796.4 61.9 518.2 116.0 23
c7 79.6 341.2 228.9 321.1 214.7 59.1 69.2 82.8 832.2 197.7 778.4 22.0 834.8 26
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 948.0 69.2 86.2 148.5 750.2 71.8 505.7 125.4 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 105.6 82.8 86.2 44.5 30.3 71.5 103.9 50.8 48
c4:c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 44.8 451.9 544.3 430.7 0.9 755.2 713.7 495.5 212.9 677.4 71
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 796.4 197.7 750.2 30.3 325.9 192.2 405.8 286.7 38
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 61.9 778.4 71.8 71.5 733.6 192.2 25.2 745.4 32
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16)

c11:c14 18.9 455.4 176.2 524.0 132.8 165.9 772.2 173.2 34.3 358.9 695.3 75.9 907.8 71
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 518.2 22.0 505.7 103.9 61.5 405.8 25.2 50.6 36
c16 37.5 411.6 197.5 432.7 162.4 116.0 834.8 125.4 50.8 958.6 286.7 745.4 50.6 33
Quantity 40 46 34 71 39 23 26 35 48 71 38 32 36 33
Table 9.144   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 3

Savings c1 c2 c3 c4:c10 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c12 c13 c15 c16:c14 Quantity

c1 2.1 110.1 66.8 282.6 332.4 79.6 263.1 326.9 127.1 62.4 244.6 37.5 40
c2 2.1 88.8 462.1 39.2 231.1 341.2 240.3 1.8 379.8 338.4 141.5 411.6 46
c3 110.1 88.8 42.5 216.8 0.1 228.9 0.3 122.3 17.8 219.3 1.5 197.5 34
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 5.5 33.5 214.7 22.5 255.0 0.2 193.1 37.8 162.4 39
c6 332.4 231.1 0.1 688.5 33.5 59.1 948.0 105.6 796.4 61.9 518.2 116.0 23
c7 79.6 341.2 228.9 321.1 214.7 59.1 69.2 82.8 197.7 778.4 22.0 834.8 26
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 640.2 22.5 948.0 69.2 86.2 750.2 71.8 505.7 125.4 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 9.5 255.0 105.6 82.8 86.2 30.3 71.5 103.9 50.8 48
c4:c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 44.8 451.9 544.3 430.7 0.9 713.7 495.5 212.9 71
c12 127.1 379.8 17.8 950.6 0.2 796.4 197.7 750.2 30.3 192.2 405.8 286.7 38
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 302.9 193.1 61.9 778.4 71.8 71.5 192.2 25.2 745.4 32
c16:c14 18.9 455.4 176.2 132.8 165.9 772.2 173.2 34.3 358.9 695.3 75.9 104
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 334.8 37.8 518.2 22.0 505.7 103.9 405.8 25.2 50.6 36
Quantity 40 46 34 71 39 23 26 35 48 38 32 36 104
9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
Table 9.145   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 4
Savings c1 c2 c3 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c12:c10 c13 c15 c16:c14 Quantity
c1 2.1 110.1 282.6 332.4 79.6 263.1 326.9 127.1 62.4 244.6 37.5 40
c2 2.1 88.8 39.2 231.1 341.2 240.3 1.8 379.8 338.4 141.5 411.6 46
c3 110.1 88.8 216.8 0.1 228.9 0.3 122.3 17.8 219.3 1.5 197.5 34
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 33.5 214.7 22.5 255.0 0.2 193.1 37.8 162.4 39
c6 332.4 231.1 0.1 33.5 59.1 948.0 105.6 796.4 61.9 518.2 116.0 23
c7 79.6 341.2 228.9 214.7 59.1 69.2 82.8 197.7 778.4 22.0 834.8 26
c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 22.5 948.0 69.2 86.2 750.2 71.8 505.7 125.4 35
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 255.0 105.6 82.8 86.2 30.3 71.5 103.9 50.8 48
c12:c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 44.8 451.9 544.3 430.7 0.9 495.5 212.9 109
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 193.1 61.9 778.4 71.8 71.5 192.2 25.2 745.4 32
c16:c14 18.9 455.4 176.2 132.8 165.9 772.2 173.2 34.3 695.3 75.9 104
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 37.8 518.2 22.0 505.7 103.9 405.8 25.2 50.6 36
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16)

Quantity 40 46 34 39 23 26 35 48 109 32 36 104

410 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

umn c6:c8 are changed to 23 + 35 = 58. The quantity of the combined partial routes
c6:c8 and c16:c14 would be 58 + 104 = 162 and the quantity of the combined partial
routes c6:c8 and c12:c10 would be 58 + 109 = 167. Both would violate the truck ca-
pacity, so the savings in the corresponding cells are cleared and the cells are shown
as shaded. The updated savings matrix after iteration 5 is shown in Table 9.146.
The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer c7
to partial route c16:c14 with savings equal to 834.8. This cell is highlighted in Ta-
ble 9.146. The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corre-
sponds to customer c7, the eliminated column corresponds to route c16:c14, the label
of row c16:c14 is changed to c7:c14, the label of column c7 is changed to c7:c14,
element on the intersection of row and column c7:c14 is cleared, and the quantities
for row and column c7:c14 are changed to 104 + 26 = 130. The combination of any
singleton customer or partial route with route c7:c14 would violate the truck capacity
of 160. All the savings in row and column c7:c14 are cleared and the cells are shown
as shaded. The updated savings matrix after iteration six is shown in Table 9.147.
The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from partial route
c12:c10 to customer c2 with savings equal to 525.7. This cell is highlighted in Ta-
ble 9.147. The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corre-
sponds to partial route c12:c10, the eliminated column corresponds to customer c2, the
label of row c2 is changed to c12:c2, the label of column c12:c10 is changed to c12:c2,
element on the intersection of row and column c12:c2 is cleared, and the quantities
for row and column c12:c2 are changed to 109 + 46 = 155. The combination of any
singleton customer or partial route with route c12:c2 would violate the truck capacity
of 160. All the savings in row and column c12:c2 are cleared and the cells are shown as
shaded. The updated savings matrix after iteration 7 is shown in Table 9.148.
The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer c15
to partial route c6:c8 with savings equal to 518.2. This cell is highlighted in Ta-
ble 9.148. The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row cor-
responds to customer c15, the eliminated column corresponds to partial route c6:c8,
the label of row c6:c8 is changed to c15:c8, the label of column c15 is changed to
c15:c8, element on the intersection of row and column c15:c8 is cleared, and the
quantities for row and column c15:c8 are changed to 58 + 36 = 94. The combination
of the other partial routes with route c15:c8 would violate the truck capacity of 160
and the savings in the cells corresponding to the other partial routes in row and
column c15:c8 are cleared and the cells are shown as shaded. The updated savings
matrix after iteration 8 is shown in Table 9.149.
The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer c1
to customer c9 with savings equal to 326.9. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.149.
The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds
to customer c1, the eliminated column corresponds to customer c9, the label of row
c9 is changed to c1:c9, the label of column c1 is changed to c1:c9, element on the
intersection of row and column c1:c9 is cleared, and the quantities for row and col-
umn c1:c9 are changed to 40 + 48 = 88. The combination of the other partial routes
with route c1:c9 would violate the truck capacity of 160 and the savings in the cells
corresponding to the other partial routes in row and column c1:c9 are cleared and
Table 9.146   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 5
Savings c1 c2 c3 c5 c6:c8 c7 c9 c12:c10 c13 c15 c16:c14 Quantity
c1 2.1 110.1 282.6 332.4 79.6 326.9 127.1 62.4 244.6 37.5 40
c2 2.1 88.8 39.2 231.1 341.2 1.8 379.8 338.4 141.5 411.6 46
c3 110.1 88.8 216.8 0.1 228.9 122.3 17.8 219.3 1.5 197.5 34
c5 282.6 39.2 216.8 33.5 214.7 255.0 0.2 193.1 37.8 162.4 39
c7 79.6 341.2 228.9 214.7 59.1 82.8 197.7 778.4 22.0 834.8 26
c6:c8 263.1 240.3 0.3 22.5 69.2 86.2 71.8 505.7 58
c9 326.9 1.8 122.3 255.0 105.6 82.8 30.3 71.5 103.9 50.8 48
c12:c10 6.9 525.7 97.6 44.8 544.3 0.9 495.5 212.9 109
c13 62.4 338.4 219.3 193.1 61.9 778.4 71.5 192.2 25.2 745.4 32
c16:c14 18.9 455.4 176.2 132.8 772.2 34.3 695.3 75.9 104
c15 244.6 141.5 1.5 37.8 518.2 22.0 103.9 405.8 25.2 50.6 36
Quantity 40 46 34 39 58 26 48 109 32 36 104
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16)
412 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.147   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 6

Table 9.148   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 7

Table 9.149   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 8

the cells are shown as shaded. The updated savings matrix after iteration 9 is shown
in Table 9.150.
The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer c5
to partial route c1:c9 with savings equal to 282.6. This cell is highlighted in Ta-
ble 9.150. The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row cor-
responds to customer c5, the eliminated column corresponds to partial route c1:c9,
the label of row c1:c9 is changed to c5:c9, the label of column c5 is changed to
c5:c9, element on the intersection of row and column c5:c9 is cleared, and the quan-
tities for row and column c5:c9 are changed to 39 + 88 = 127. The combination of the
other partial routes and customer c3 with route c5:c9 would violate the truck capac-
ity of 160 and the savings in the cells corresponding to the other partial routes can
customer c3 in row and column c5:c9 are cleared and the cells are shown as shaded.
The updated savings matrix after iteration 9 is shown in Table 9.151.
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 413

Table 9.150   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 9

Table 9.151   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 10

The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer c3 to
customer c13 with savings equal to 219.3. However, at this time already four partial
routes exist and there are only four vehicles, so no new partial route can be created
and only existing partial routes can be extended. The shortcut c3:c13 and its sym-
metrical shortcut of c13:c3 are not feasible. The next largest savings in the matrix
corresponds to the shortcut from customer c13 to partial route c5:c9 with savings
equal to 193.1. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.151. The same seven update op-
erations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to customer c13, the elimi-
nated column corresponds to partial route c5:c9, the label of row c13 is changed to
c13:c9, the label of column c5:c9 is changed to c13:c9, element on the intersection
of row and column c13:c9 is cleared, and the quantities for row and column c13:c9
are changed to 32 + 127 = 159. The combination of any partial route or singleton
customer with route c13:c9 would violate the truck capacity of 160 and the savings
in the cells in row and column c13:c9 are cleared and the cells are shown as shaded.
The updated savings matrix after iteration 10 is shown in Table 9.152.

Table 9.152   VRP16 updated savings after iteration 11

414 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.153   VRP16 updated

savings after iteration 12

The largest savings in the matrix corresponds to the shortcut from customer c3 to
partial route c15:c8 with savings equal to 1.5. This cell is highlighted in Table 9.152.
The same seven update operations are executed. The eliminated row corresponds to
customer c3, the eliminated column corresponds to partial route c15:c8, the label of
row c15:c8 is changed to c3:c8, the label of column c5 is changed to c3:c8, element
on the intersection of row and column c3:c8 is cleared, and the quantities for row
and column c3:c8 are changed to 34 + 94 = 128. The combination of the other partial
routes with route c3:c8 would violate the truck capacity of 160 and the savings in
the cells in row and column c3:c8 are cleared and the cells are shown as shaded. The
updated savings matrix after iteration 12 is shown in Table 9.153.
There are no more feasible shortcuts in the savings matrix and the savings
algorithm terminates. All the customers have been routed and four routes have been
created, so the savings algorithm created a complete feasible solution. The statistics
of the executed shortcuts and the partial routes are summarized in Table 9.154.
The route statistics are summarized in Table 9.155 and shown in Fig. 9.46. The
total route length is 6,126.7.
GAP Heuristic  The heuristic solution of the GAP is one of the algorithms that are
strongly capacity oriented. This algorithm was first developed by Fisher and Jaikumar
(1981). Recall that the heuristic first locates a seed point for each truck route in the
problem area. It then computes the assignment cost of a customer to the route as the
insertion penalty of the customer on the singleton routes from the depot to each of
the seed points. Next, it solves the capacity GAP problem to determine the customer

Table 9.154   VRP16 parallel savings shortcut statistics

Step Shortcut Facilities
Points Savings Length 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 c11:c14 985.2 1,097.9 d1 c11 c14 d1
2 c4:c10 970.4 1,607.8 d1 c4 c10 d1
3 c16:c11 958.6 1,109.7 d1 c16 c11 c14 d1
4 c12:c4 950.6 1,719.2 d1 c12 c4 c10 d1
5 c6:c8 948.0 1,258.0 d1 c6 c8 d1
6 c7:c16 834.8 1,230.2 d1 c7 c16 c11 c14 d1
7 c10:c2 525.7 1,720.3 d1 c12 c4 c10 c2 d1
8 c15:c6 518.2 1,263.2 d1 c15 c6 c8 d1
9 c1:c9 326.9 919.6 d1 c1 c9 d1
10 c5:c1 282.6 1,055.5 d1 c5 c1 c9 d1
11 c13:c5 193.1 1,644.4 d1 c13 c5 c1 c9 d1
12 c3:c15 1.5 1,531.8 d1 c3 c15 c6 c8 d1
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 415

Table 9.155   VRP16 parallel savings routes

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 d1 c7 c16 c11 c14 d1 130 1,230.2
2 d1 c12 c4 c10 c2 d1 155 1,720.3
3 d1 c3 c15 c6 c8 d1 128 1,531.8
4 d1 c13 c5 c1 c9 d1 159 1,644.4
Total 572 6,126.7

Fig. 9.46   VRP16 parallel

savings routes

clusters. Finally, the customers in each cluster are sequenced by a TSP algorithm.
Many GAP algorithm variations are possible depending on the methods to compute
the initial location of the seed points and the assignment costs. The methods originally
proposed by Fisher and Jaikumar are illustrated in the remainder of this section.
The location of the seed points is based on the notion of a pie-shaped truck zones
or sectors. The tips of the sectors are located at the depot and the apertures of the
sectors are such that the sectors contain customer whose quantities exactly sum
up to the average vehicle load. In order to satisfy this load constraint with equal-
ity, splitting of the customers for the seed point location determination is not only
allowed but is mandated, unless the customer can be included 100% by sheer ac-
cident. It should be noted that splitting customers in the third step of the algorithm,
when the GAP is solved, is not allowed. The objective of the first step of the algo-
rithm is the location of the route seed points.
The sector creation starts with a ray in a particular starting direction and rotation
direction. This starting angle is an algorithm parameter and different starting angles
416 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

may give different sectors, which in turn may lead to different routes. In this ex-
ample, the starting angle is due east and the rotation direction is counterclockwise.
Each customer has an associated cone with top point at the depot. The boundary
rays are the bisectors of the rays through the preceding and succeeding customer,
when the customers are sorted by polar angle. When a customer is traversed by the
rotating ray, its demand is added to the vehicle load. When this addition process is
continued, for a certain angle adding the next customer would violate the constraint
that the sector quantity is less than or equal to the average vehicle load. Assume that
customer i is the last customer that fit completely in the average vehicle load and
customer j is the first customer that does not fit completely, where customers j fol-
lows customer i immediately, and customer h follows customer j immediately when
customers are sorted by increasing relative polar angle to the starting direction.
To determine the sectors, the polar coordinates of the customers are computed and
then the customers are sorted by increasing polar angle. The results are shown in the
Tables 9.121 and 9.122. The first sector starts with customer c12 with polar angle
equal to 0.000. The start angle of the first sector is then the bisector between customer
c12 and customer c8, which is the customer with the largest polar angle. The angle of
the bisector in radians is then computed with the following calculations:

begin θc12 + θc8 − 2π 0.0 + 5.77 − 2 · 3.14

θ1 = = = −0.255
2 2
The starting angle for the first sector is equal to the end angle for the last sector.
2π, equivalent to one full circle, needs to be subtracted from the sum of the cus-
tomer angles if the ray with an angle of zero radians is located in between the two
customer rays.
Adding customers systematically by increasing polar angle, the sector quantity for
customer c10 is 109 and the sector quantity for further adding customer c2 would be
155. This violates the sector load constraint of 143 and customer c2 will be split be-
tween sector 1 and sector 2. The fraction of customer c2 that is located in sector 1 and
the boundary angle of sector 1 are computed with the following calculations.
143 − 109 34
αc2 = = = 73.9%
46 46
θc10 + θc2 θc14 − θc10 0.805 + 0.874 1.429 − 0.805
θ1end = + αc2 = + 0.739 = 1.070
2 2 2 2
Sector 2 starts with customer c2 but only with its remainder load of 12 and at the
end angle of sector 1, i.e. 1.070. Adding customers systematically by increasing polar
angle, the sector quantity for customer c16 is 116 and the sector quantity for adding
customer c13 would be 148. This violates the sector load constraint and customer c13
will be split between sector 2 and 3. The fraction of customer c13 that is located in sec-
tor 2 and the boundary angle of sector 2 are computed with the following calculations.
143 − 116 27
αc13 = = = 84.4%
32 32
θc16 + θc13 θc7 − θc16 1.600 + 1.808 1.867 − 1.600
θ2end = + αc2 = + 0.844
2 2 2 2
= 1.816
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 417

This process is repeated to determine all the remaining sectors. The calculations for
sector 3 are given next.
143 − 104 39
αc9 = = = 81.3%
48 48
θc5 + θc9 θc1 − θc5 3.189 + 3.832 4.173 − 3.189
θ3end = + αc2 = + 0.813 = 3.910
2 2 2 2

The end angle for the last sector is equal to the starting angle for the first sector. 2π,
equivalent to one full circle, needs to be added to the sum of the customer angles if the
ray with an angle of zero radians is located in between the two customer rays.

θ4end = θ1start + 2π = −0.255 + 6.283 = 6.028

The angular polar coordinate for each seed point is on the center ray for each sector. The
bisector or center angle for each of the sectors is then computed as the average of the
two boundary angles. The angles for the four sectors are summarized in Table 9.156.
The second polar coordinate of each seed point is its radius. In the Fisher and Jaiku-
mar heuristic, the seed radius in a cluster is the boundary radius where exactly 75% of
the average vehicle load is contained inside the radius. This radius is computed next for
each sector. To satisfy the 75% boundary at most one customer per sector may have to
split between inside and outside the radius. In this example 75% of the average vehicle
load is 0.75.143 = 107, when rounded to the nearest integer. The customers in each clus-
ter, sorted by increasing radius per cluster, are shown in Table 9.157. Observe that the
split customers from the previous calculations each appear in two sectors, with either
a or b appended to their label. They have identical radius and angle in each sector but
different quantities, equal to the split delivery quantities computed in the previous step.
The following calculations are for sector 1. When adding customers by increas-
ing radius, the cumulative quantity is 72 for customer c12 and would be 111 for
customer c4. This is larger than 107, so customer c4 will be split between inside and
outside the boundary radius. The fraction of customer c4 inside the radius and the
boundary radius are computed in the next calculations.
107 − 72 35
βc4 = = = 89.7%
39 39
rs1 = rc12 + βc4 · (rc4 − rc12 ) = 531.0 + 0.897 · (617.9 − 531.0) = 609.0

Table 9.156   VRP16 sector Sector Angles

Start End Center
1 −0.255 1.070 0.408
2 1.070 1.816 1.443
3 1.816 3.910 2.863
4 3.910 6.028 4.969
418 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.157   VRP16 facilities by cluster sorted by increasing radius

Facility Cartesian Polar Quantity
Type Label X-Coord Y-Coord Angle Radius
Customer c2_a 480 371 1.070 263.4 34
Customer c12 842 573 0.000 531.0 38
Customer c4 899 383 0.313 617.9 39
Customer c10 776 89 0.805 671.2 32
Customer c2_b 480 371 1.070 263.4 12
Customer c13_a 219 193 1.816 391.0 27
Customer c16 297 88 1.600 485.2 33
Customer c14 383 67 1.429 511.1 47
Customer c11 332 43 1.531 530.4 24
Customer c3 198 499 2.562 135.1 34
Customer c9_a 179 682 3.910 171.2 39
Customer c5 102 583 3.189 209.2 39
Customer c13_b 219 193 1.816 391.0 5
Customer c7 172 116 1.866 477.7 26
Customer c9_b 179 682 3.910 171.2 9
Customer c15 500 754 5.519 261.7 36
Customer c1 79 961 4.173 452.1 40
Customer c8 729 807 5.773 479.0 35
Customer c6 822 931 5.672 623.9 23

These calculations are then repeated for each of the remaining sectors. For sector
2, when adding the customers by increasing radius, the cumulative quantity is 72
for customer c16 and 119 for customer c14. This is larger than the 75% percentage
of the average load, so customer c16 will be split between inside and outside the
boundary radius. The seed point radius is computed with the following calculations.
107 − 72 35
βc14 = = = 74.5%
47 47
rs2 = rc16 + βc14 · (rc14 − rc16 ) = 485.2 + 0.745 · (511.1 − 485.2) = 504.5

These calculations are repeated for the remaining sectors. The polar coordinates of
each seed point are then transformed to Cartesian coordinates. The coordinates of
the four seed points for this example are shown in Table 9.158. The locations of the
seed points are illustrated in Fig. 9.47.
The cost of assigning a customer to a route is computed as the insertion penalty
of the customer for the out-and-back route from the depot to the seed point. In

Table 9.158   VRP16 polar and cartesian coordinates for the seed points
Sector Radius Angle X-Coord Y-Coord
S1 609.0 0.408 870 668
S2 504.5 1.443 375 927
S3 204.4 2.863 114 483
S4 469.0 4.969 430 −27
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 419

Fig. 9.47   VRP16 facility and

seed point locations

order to compute those insertion penalties, we need first to compute the distances
from every customer to every seed point. The computed distances are shown in
Table 9.159, displayed with one significant digit after the decimal point.
The assignment cost for customer c1 to seed point S1 is computed as the insertion
penalty of customer c1 into route ( d1, S1, d1) as shown in the following calculations.

Table 9.159   VRP16 customer to seed point distances

Distance S1 S2 S3 S4
c1 1,010.6 936.0 445.4 357.2
c2 392.0 316.0 394.1 657.9
c3 692.4 461.3 85.9 576.7
c4 58.7 608.8 796.4 796.7
c5 808.0 578.5 67.1 552.0
c6 600.9 967.5 820.2 403.6
c7 730.7 207.5 405.2 946.8
c8 495.5 814.9 679.9 371.2
c9 774.6 639.8 177.3 426.7
c10 260.6 401.3 788.3 999.8
c11 610.7 52.4 521.7 988.9
c12 242.6 684.2 730.2 613.1
c13 665.7 196.8 340.6 860.3
c14 554.4 10.0 524.3 961.2
c15 561.2 692.4 453.0 281.8
c16 622.8 79.4 466.4 948.4
d1 608.7 504.1 204.8 469.3
420 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.160   VRP16 customer to seed point assignment costs

Cost S1 S2 S3 S4
c1 853.9 884.0 692.7 339.9
c2 46.6 75.2 452.6 451.9
c3 218.8 92.3 16.2 242.5
c4 67.9 722.7 1,209.5 945.3
c5 408.5 283.6 71.5 291.9
c6 616.1 1,087.3 1,239.3 558.2
c7 599.6 181.1 678.0 955.2
c8 365.8 789.9 954.2 380.9
c9 337.0 306.9 143.7 128.5
c10 323.0 568.4 1,254.7 1,201.6
cll 532.4 78.8 847.4 1,050.0
c12 164.9 711.1 1,056.4 674.7
c13 447.9 83.7 526.8 781.9
c14 456.8 17.0 830.6 1,002.9
c15 214.2 450.0 509.8 74.2
c16 499.3 60.6 746.8 964.2

cc1,S1 = cd1,c1 + cc1,S1 − cd1,S1 = 452.1 + 1,010.6 − 608.7 = 853.9

The other assignment costs are computed in the analogue way. The assignment
costs are shown in Table 9.160.
The GAP can now be solved using an integer programming (IP) solver. The GAP
formulation can and will tend to yield fractional solutions if solved with a linear
programming algorithm. The solver included in Excel will be used here, but other
solvers can be used. The problem setup in Excel is shown in Fig. 9.48.

Fig. 9.48   VRP16 excel GAP problem

Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 421

Fig. 9.49   VRP16 excel GAP

solver parameters

On the left, the two-dimensional matrix with the assignment costs is given in
cells P95:S110. On the right, the two-dimensional matrix in cells W95:Z110 con-
tains the assignment variables. Column AA contains the sum of the assignment
variables for each customer, which must sum up to 1. Row 111 contains the
sum of the quantities assigned to the respective routes. The cumulative quantity
for seed S1 is computed in cell W111 and is computed with the Excel function
SUMPRODUCT($W95:$W110,V95:V110). The vehicle capacity in this example
is 160, so the cumulative quantities have to less than or equal to 160. Finally, the
total assignment cost is stored in cell T111 and is computed with the Excel func-
tion SUMPRODUCT(P95:S110,W95:Z110). Initially, all the assignment variables,
sums, and assignment costs are zero. The solver problem setup for this example is
shown in Fig. 9.49.
The solver will minimize the contents of cell T111, which contains the sum of
the assignment costs. The decision variables are stored in the rectangular matrix of
cells W95:Z110. There are only three constraints for the problem. The first con-
straint is the assignment constraint, which ensures that the sum of the assignment
variables for each customer is greater or equal to 1. The sums are stored in cells
AA95:AA110. The second constraint is the capacity constraint, which ensures that
the cumulative quantity on each route is less than the vehicle capacity. The cu-
mulative quantities are stored in cells W111:Z111 and the vehicle capacity is 160.
Finally, to avoid splitting customers among routes, the assignment variables in cells
W95:Z110 are forced to be either zero or one, i.e., they must be binary.
The optimal solution value returned by the solver is 3,051.1. The assignment of
customer to routes is shown in Table 9.161. It should be noted that at this time, this
assignment only provides route clusters and that the customers have been routed
yet. In this particular case, each route contains four customers and the depot.

Table 9.161   VRP16 GAP Route Customers Quantity

route clusters
S1 c2,c4,c10,c12 155
S2 c7,c11,c14,c16 130
S3 c3,c5,c9,c13 153
S4 c1,c6,c8,c15 134
422 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.162   VRP16 GAP facility routing

Route Convex hull Insertion Final route Length
S1 c12,c4,c10,c2 c12,c4,c10,c2 1,720.3
S2 c14,c11,c7 c16 c14, cll ,c16,c7 1,230.2
S3 c13,c5,c9 c3 c13,c3,c5,c9 1,121.9
S4 c1,c6,c8 c15 c1,c6,c8,c15 1,847.4

Table 9.163   VRP16 GAP route statistics

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 d1 c12 c4 c10 c2 d1 155 1,720.3
2 d1 c14 c11 c16 c7 d1 130 1,230.2
3 d1 c13 c3 c5 c9 d1 153 1,121.9
4 d1 c1 c6 c8 c15 d1 134 1,847.4
Total 572 5,919.8

The routes are created by the convex hull algorithm for the TSP by cheapest inser-
tion algorithm if necessary. The convex hull provides the optimal tour for the facilities
on the convex hull and the optimal sequence of the facilities on any optimal route with
additional facilities. Since each route has at most one facility not on the convex hull,
the cheapest insertion creates a route with minimal length. The four vehicle routes
created with the sequence of these two algorithms are guaranteed to be optimal for
the given route clusters. This property is only valid for this case and not likely to be
satisfied for larger problem instances. The total length of all the routes is 5,919.8. This
is the best solution found for this problem, but this solution is not guaranteed to be
optimal. The resulting routes are shown in Tables 9.162 and 9.163, Fig. 9.50.

Fig. 9.50   VRP16 excel GAP solution

Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 423

Table 9.164   VRP16 customer relative difficulty weights

Customer Distance Quantity Weight
c1 452.1 40 18,082.8
c2 263.4 46 12,115.0
c3 135.1 34 4,592.4
c4 617.9 39 24,099.7
c5 209.2 39 8,160.4
c6 623.9 23 14,350.4
c7 477.7 26 12,419.4
c8 479.0 35 16,766.4
c9 171.2 48 8,217.1
c10 671.2 32 21,477.8
c11 530.4 24 12,730.1
c12 531.0 38 20,178.0
c13 391.0 32 12,511.4
c14 511.1 47 24,021.7
c15 261.7 36 9,420.8
c16 485.2 33 16,011.6

SPP Row Prices Heuristic  The row price heuristic selects new routes with posi-
tive savings, or equivalently with negative reduced costs, based on a cost alloca-
tion of the current best feasible (incumbent) route cost. The best feasible route cost
equals 5,919.9, based on routes generated by the GAP heuristic.
The route costs will be allocated to the customers according to relative weights
that are computed as the product of the quantity and distance to the depot. The
weights of the customers are shown in Table  9.164. A higher weight indicates a
customer that is expected to be more expensive to deliver to.
The allocated cost for customer c1 is computed with the following calculations.
The first calculation computes the total weight of all the customers on route R4, which
contains customer c1. The second calculation computes the allocated delivery cost for
customer c1. The allocated cost for all customers is summarized in Table 9.165.

WR4 = wc1 + wc6 + wc8 + wc15 = 18,082.8 + 14,350.4 + 16,766.4 + 9,420.8

= 58,620.4

w1 · LR4 18,082.8 · 1,847.4

c1 = = = 0.308 · 1,847.4 = 569.9
WR4 58,620.4

Assuming that no more than four customers can be visited on a route, the number
of possible routes with one, two, three, or four customers is computed with the
following calculations. For example, the number of routes with three custom-
ers is equal to the number of variations of 16 customers in groups of three, but
divided by 2 to eliminate the symmetrical routes since the Euclidean distances
are symmetric.
424 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.165   VRP16 allocated customer costs

Customer Route Total route Individual facility
Cost Weight Weight Cost
c1 4 1,847.4 58,620.4 18,082.8 569.9
c2 1 1,720.3 77,870.4 12,115.0 267.6
c3 3 1,121.9 33,481.2 4,592.4 153.9
c4 1 1,720.3 77,870.4 24,099.7 532.4
c5 3 1,121.9 33,481.2 8,160.4 273.4
c6 4 1,847.4 58,620.4 14,350.4 452.2
c7 2 1,230.2 65,182.8 12,419.4 234.4
c8 4 1,847.4 58,620.4 16,766.4 528.4
c9 3 1,121.9 33,481.2 8,217.1 275.3
c10 1 1,720.3 77,870.4 21,477.8 474.5
c11 2 1,230.2 65,182.8 12,730.1 240.3
c12 1 1,720.3 77,870.4 20,178.0 445.8
c13 3 1,121.9 33,481.2 12,511.4 419.2
c14 2 1,230.2 65,182.8 24,021.7 453.4
c15 4 1,847.4 58,620.4 9,420.8 296.9
c16 2 1,230.2 65,182.8 16,011.6 302.2

V216 + V316 + V416

# Routes = V116 +
1 16! 16! 16!
= 16 + + +
2 14! 13! 12!
= 16 + (16 · 15 + 16 · 15 · 14 + 16 · 15 · 14 · 13)
= 16 + 120 + 1,680 + 21,840 = 23,656

Instead of evaluating all these routes, we evaluate the routes generated by the par-
allel savings heuristic with the allocated cost based on the routes generated by the
VAP heuristic. The evaluations are summarized in Table 9.166.
Routes 1 and 2 have zero savings or reduced cost. They are routes that are in the
GAP solution route set and thus already in the SPP master problem. In general, routes
with zero savings are equivalent routes with the same cost as routes already selected
in the SPP master problem. They are either identical or alternative routes with the
same cost to the current feasible route set. While they cannot improve the solution at
this iteration, they may increase the flexibility of the master problem. The decision to
include routes, that have zero reduced cost and that are not already in the SPP master,

Table 9.166   VRP16 route savings based on heuristic row prices

Route Length Customers Cost Savings
1 1,230.2 c7,c16,c11,c14 1,230.2 0.0
2 1,720.3 c2,c10,c4,c12 1,720.3 0.0
3 1,531.8 c3,c15,c6,c8 1,431.4 −100.4
4 1,644.4 c13,c5,c1,c9 1,537.9 −106.5
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 425

in the SPP master is an algorithm implementation choice. It is computationally easier

not to include them, since then the algorithm does not have to check if they are already
included in the master SPP problem. Routes 3 and 4 have negative savings and would
thus not be added to the master SPP. Since no new routes were added to the SPP mas-
ter problem, the optimal solution is given by the same set of routes with total length
equal to 5,919.9 as generated by the VAP heuristic. The route statistics are given in
Table 9.163 and the routes are shown in Fig. 9.50.
SPP with Linear Programming Based Pricing Problem  The performance
characteristics of the iterations of the linear programming–based pricing problem
depend on the initial partition. This example starts with the routes generated by
the parallel savings algorithm. Recall that the total length of those four routes is
6,127.7. The linear programming master problem starts off with those four routes
only, and the value of the primal feasible solution and the objective function of the
master problem are both equal to 6,127.7.
After four iterations, the pricing problem terminates because it can no longer
generate routes with a negative reduced cost. The pricing problem generated 155
columns corresponding to desirable routes in the four iterations. The lower bound,
generated by the linear programming relaxation is equal to 5,720.6. The optimal
linear solution contained 11 routes, all of which had a fractional value. The routes
and their execution value in the linear programming relaxation are shown in Tables
9.167 and 9.168. Recall that the total number of routes possible with either one,

Table 9.167   VRP16 iteration characteristics for the linear programming relaxation
Iteration Routes Primal LP-Master
# New # Total
0 4 4 6,127.7 6,127.7
1 34 38 5,919.8 5,919.8
2 80 118 5,811.4
3 20 138 5,811.4
4 17 155 5,720.6

Table 9.168   VRP16 optimal routes for the linear programming relaxation
Index Value Length Quantity Facilities
2 0.75 1,720.26 155 d1 c12 c4 c10 c2 d1
10 0.50 559.24 121 d1 c9 c5 c3 d1
14 0.25 1,224.52 129 d1 c13 c7 c11 c14 d1
17 0.75 1,847.42 134 d1 c1 c6 c8 c15 d1
21 0.25 1,208.91 138 d1 c14 c16 c7 c13 d1
29 0.25 1,181.05 150 d1 c16 c11 c14 c2 d1
32 0.25 1,422.14 154 d1 c11 c16 c7 c13 c5 d1
124 0.25 1,845.21 146 d1 c9 c1 c6 c8 d1
127 0.25 1,247.53 149 d1 c3 c13 c7 c16 c11 d1
151 0.25 1,952.77 156 d1 c12 c4 c10 c14 d1
152 0.25 978.72 157 d1 c15 c9 c5 c3 d1
426 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.169   VRP16 Customers Dual price

optimal prices for the linear
programming relaxation 1 810.7
2 439.7
3 326.1
4 687.1
5 500.7
6 655.5
7 480.5
8 646.6
9 417.3
10 773.7
11 384.8
12 504.6
13 371.9
14 672.3
15 419.5
16 369.2
# Routes 684.9
Dual Obj. 5,720.6

two, three, or four customers was equal 23,656. Not all of these routes are feasible
with respect to the vehicle capacity. In addition, a very small number of routes with
five customers and feasible load exist. So the total number of possible routes for the
pricing problem cannot be computed easily in advance but is expected to be no less
than 23,656. The pricing problem generated thus 155 desirable routes out of at least
23,656 routes or 0.7% of possible routes.
The optimal dual variables for iteration 4 of the master problem are shown in
Table 9.169. The dual variables for the customers represent the best estimate of the
cost to serve each customer. The dual variable for the route count represents the best
estimate of the savings for allowing one more vehicle and route.
The binary solution based on these 155 routes generated four routes with a solu-
tion value of 5,747.4. The gap for this solution is 26.8 or 0.5%. In other words, the
length of these routes can never be more than 0.5% longer than the length of the
optimal routes. In general, the lower bound could be further improved by a com-
plete branch-and-price solution algorithm. However, implementing a full branch-
and-price algorithm is a complex and extensive task. This programming effort is
most likely not justified unless the routing decisions are very expensive or executed
repeatedly. In this particular example, the gap is 0.5%, which is more than close
enough to optimality for typical vehicle routing applications. The route statistics are
given in Table 9.170 and the routes are shown in Fig. 9.51. Notice that in this case
two routes overlap completely, which runs counter to the conventional wisdom that
routes should not overlap and be shaped as the petals of a daisy flower.
The execution of the pricing problem in general depends on the starting feasible
partition. The number of iterations, the number of candidate columns generated,
and the primal integer solution all depend on the initial starting feasible partition.
Appendix A. Extended VRP Example (VRP16) 427

Table 9.170   VRP16 integer SPP routes

Route Facility Quantity Length
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 d1 c7 c11 c10 c4 c12 d1 159 2,148
2 d1 c3 c5 c9 d1 121 559.2
3 d1 c2 c14 c16 c13 d1 158 1,192.8
4 d1 c1 c6 c8 c15 d1 134 1,847.4
Total 572 5,747.4

Fig. 9.51   VRP16 GAP


The statistics for the initial feasible partitions generated by the various construction
algorithms are shown in Table 9.171. The routes of the starting partition are gener-
ated by the indicated algorithm. For each starting point, the pricing algorithm was
run with candidates that do not and do allow multiple visits to the same customer
facility. The primal length is the length found by either the linear relaxation of the
master problem during the iterations or by the integer master problem at the end of
the final iteration.
It can be observed that the two types of candidate routes with or without revisits
consistently yield the same lower bound regardless of the starting point. The solu-
tion value of the integer master problem over the generated candidate routes, the
number of iterations, and the number of candidate routes generated are dependent
on the quality of the starting feasible partition. For this example and starting solu-
tion, the starting partitioning generated by the nearest neighbor algorithm had the
428 9 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling

Table 9.171   VRP16 algorithm performance characteristics of the linear programming relaxation
Algorithm Initial Revisits Primal Bound # Iterat. # Cand.
length allowed length length
GAP 5,919.78 No 5,919.78 5,720.59 5 221
5,919.78 Yes 5,919.78 5,136.82 6 250
Savings serial 6,660.54 No 5,865.70 5,720.59 5 201
6,660.54 Yes 6,660.54 5,136.82 8 381
Savings parallel 6,126.73 No 5,747.41 5,720.59 5 180
6,126.73 Yes 6,126.73 5,136.82 6 333
Nearest neighbor 7,147.00 No 5,747.41 5,720.59 7 246
7,147.00 Yes 6,550.65 5,136.82 7 324
Best 5,747.41 No 5,747.41 5,720.59 6 263
5,747.41 Yes 5,747.41 5,136.82 6 225

Fig. 9.52   VRP16 integer

SPP routes

worst initial quality, but found the best primal feasible solution. For this particular
example, the pricing problem variant that does not allow multiple visits to the same
customer, always generates a primal integer solution that is better or equal to the
one generated by the pricing problem variant that does allow multiple visits. In gen-
eral, the performance impact of the different starting solutions cannot be predicted.
The following conclusions are based on anecdotal observations by author and
not a systematic investigation on the use of vehicle routing algorithms. The perfor-
mance of the various algorithms for this particular problem instance is consistent
with algorithm performance for the standard VRP in general. The best primal fea-
sible solution is most often found by a sequence of sophisticated optimization algo-
References 429

rithms such as GAP followed by SPP with LP-based pricing problem. Most of these
algorithms are not available to the practitioners. Even much simpler algorithms
such as serial savings followed by route improvement algorithms are often avoided
because of their computational complexity or because their software implementa-
tion is not available. The solution approach with very low complexity, such as near-
est neighbor followed by or combined with visual inspection, is still widely used in
practice. If the company has acquired a commercial truck dispatching application,
then more sophisticated algorithms such as savings and 3-opt exchange improve-
ment are often used.



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Duhamel, C., Potvin, J.-Y., & Rousseau, J.-M. (1997). A Tabu search heuristic for the vehicle rout-
ing problem with Backhauls and time windows. Transportation Science, 31( 1), 49–59.
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Fishetti, M., Toth, P., & Vigo, D. (1994). A branch-and-bound algorithm for the capacitated vehicle
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Gendreau, M., Laporte, G., & Hertz, A. (1997). An approximation algorithm for the traveling
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Chapter 10
Inventory Systems

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should:
• Know the different types of inventory and their mathematical formulation in sup-
ply chain models.
• Know the different types of service levels and their computation methods.
• Know the different types of inventory policies and their characteristics.
• Know the properties and application of the Newsvendor model.
• Know the following continuous-review inventory policies:
− Their assumptions.
− The formulation of the long-term cost minimization problem and its simple
solution algorithms.
− The two-bin policy.
• Know the following fixed-period inventory policies:
− Their assumptions.
− The formulation of the long term cost minimization problem and its simple
solution algorithms.
− The min–max policy.
• Know the principles and material calculations of distribution resource planning.

10.1 Introduction

Inventory Definition  The materials held in storage to satisfy a future demand are
called inventory. The location where the inventory is held is most of the time sta-
tionary and is called a warehouse. However, small caches of inventory are some-
times held in the vehicles of repairmen or even in airplanes loaded with emergency
service parts. The basic function of inventory is to act as a buffer between two sub-
sequent processes. Often these processes are the production process and the demand
process or different stages in the supply chain.

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 431

& Management Science,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_10, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
432 10 Inventory Systems

Inventory Historical Perspective  Historically, inventory was considered a sign

of wealth. Before the twentieth century, a large warehouse filled with goods was
a desirable characteristic of a manufacturer or merchant. Transportation and infor-
mation systems were not very reliable and the goal was to have large inventories
on hand as a buffer against unforeseen events. During the twentieth century this
opinion of inventory changed. Systems to deliver goods became more reliable and
alternative sources of goods became available. The goal was to minimize inventory.
In the last few decades of the twentieth century, the image of inventory changed
again. Inventory was seen as an expensive but necessary evil. The decision whether
to hold inventory and how much inventory to hold was based on a balance between
several costs such as production or purchasing, transportation costs, holding costs,
and customer service requirements.
Inventory Goals and Associated Cost  The overall objective of holding inven-
tory is to satisfy the demand for the goods held in inventory with an acceptable
service level. The inventory control system attempts to minimize the total system
cost of providing this level of service. The total system cost traditionally consists
of the costs associated with holding inventory, with ordering replenishment goods,
and with unsatisfied demand. As an alternative to the cost of unsatisfied demand,
a minimum service level may be used as a constraint on the inventory policy. Con-
temporary inventory control systems may also include the costs associated with
delivering or transporting the goods from supplier to the inventory holding location
and to the customer.
In traditional inventory systems the typical decisions involve the determination
of the level of service to be provided, the frequency of or time between replenish-
ments R, the order up to level S which determines how much to order, and the
reorder point s which determines when in the cycle the order is placed. Depending
on the conditions and assumptions of the inventory system, these values can be ei-
ther parameters or variables and this has created many different types of inventory
control policies. An inventory control policy is considered “optimal” if it minimizes
the long-range or average total system cost. While this long-range average cost dif-
fers significantly from industry to industry and from product to product, 25% of the
product value is often used as a first order approximation of the average cost for
holding a product in inventory for 1 year.
The historical growth of the total value of goods held in inventory by business in
the United States for the past 26 years is shown in Fig. 10.1. The business inventory
value was 1857 trillion dollars and the inventory carrying rate was 24% in 2006.
The data are based on the Annual State of Logistics Report produced by the CSCMP
(Wilson 2007). The recent rise in the carrying rate is attributed to the rise short term
interest rates from 2003 to 2006. The fraction of total logistics costs of 1305 trillion
dollars attributed to inventory was approximately 34% in 2006. Transportation was
responsible for 61% of total logistics costs, while the balance of 5% was consumed
by administrative and shipper’s costs.
Inventory Trends  In recent times, the trend has been to decrease the amount
of inventory by ordering more frequently in smaller quantities. In particular pull
10.1 Introduction 433

2500 40.0%
Business Inventory Value ($B) Inventory Carrying Rate








0 0.0%
Fig. 10.1  

inventory policies such as JIT are responsible for this trend. The work-in-process
inventory in manufacturing has decreased dramatically. At the same time, the back-
room inventory at retailers has been almost completely eliminated. Retail customers
increasingly face the situation “what you see is what you can buy.” As consequence,
the transportation of goods has increased because of average size of a single order
has decreased. At the same time, sophisticated sales tracking systems have been put
into place so that goods sold can be reordered immediately and can be replenished
quickly in order to keep the shelves filled and customer service levels high. This
has led to dramatic increase in information technology systems and their associated
costs in the management of supply chains.

10.1.1  Reasons for Inventory and Inventory Types

A large variety of reasons for holding inventory exist. Each of the reasons has yield-
ed a corresponding type of inventory. The major types are described next.
Economies of Scale and Cycle Inventory  Both manufacturing and transportation
operations have significant economies of scale. Production operations have setup
cost to start a new product or model as well as a learning curve for optimizing the
production yield for each product. Transportation in full truckload or train carload
quantities has significantly lower rates than less than truckload quantities or the
same cost is paid for transporting a vehicle or container. In this case the unit cost is
reduced by filling the vehicle or container as much as possible. In all of these cases,
434 10 Inventory Systems

economic incentives exist to produce or transport in large quantities. But the cor-
responding demand may occur in much smaller quantities. The inventory that forms
a buffer between these processes is called cycle inventory. Cycle inventory also is
created when the production or supply process generates smaller quantities that are
then transported in larger quantities. An example is the collection of cardboard at
retailers or aluminum cans at a recycling center. On the main goals of the just-in-
time (JIT) management system is to reduce cycle inventory of component parts.
Seasonal Processes and Seasonal Inventory  Many processes in the agricultural
sector and processes in the consumer sector have natural seasons. An example is
the production and consumption of orange juice concentrate. The concentrate is
produced is a relatively short period of time following the harvesting of oranges in
that geographical area. The concentrate is consumed in a relatively steady process
when it is converted to orange juice and sold to consumers. Similarly, the produc-
tion of strings of Christmas lights is spread over a whole year, but the demand is
concentrated in a relatively short period during the Christmas season. The producers
can utilize equipment with a smaller capacity over an extended period at a steady
rate and then satisfy demand in a burst mode. The inventory created through this
interaction is called seasonal inventory.
Transportation and Pipeline Inventory  Pipeline inventory is the inventory of
goods currently being transported from the supplier to the customer. This inventory
is sometimes also called in-transit inventory. The costs associated with pipeline
inventory become only relevant for large transit times such as for sea cargo on inter-
continental transportation. This inventory and its associated costs can be reduced by
using faster transportation modes such as air cargo instead of sea cargo or by reduc-
ing the distance between supplier and customer.
Required Aging Processes and Work-in-Process Inventory  Production pro-
cess may include a necessary aging step before the product is ready for the next
step. Prominent examples in agriculture are the required aging of cheese, wine, and
spirits such as cognac and whiskey. The corresponding inventory is one type of
work-in-process inventory. The inventory created by delays between the different
processes and machines inside a manufacturing plant is also work-in-process inven-
tory. It is often denoted by WIP. One of the main goals of the lean manufacturing
management system is to eliminate WIP.
Hedging Against Price Changes and Speculative Inventory  Speculative inven-
tory is created when goods are purchased early at a lower price because it is antici-
pated that prices will be higher when the demand has to be satisfied. The goods are
stored until the demand occurs. Speculative inventory may be created by a high
inflation rate for a single-country supply chain or by an anticipated change in the
exchange rates in a global supply chain.
Hedging Against Variability and Safety Inventory  All of the inventory types
described so far may be present even if the future characteristics of the demand and
supply process were known with certainty. Safety inventory is the inventory held
10.1 Introduction 435

because the future conditions are not known with certainty. The main sources of
uncertainty are future demand, replenishment lead time, and future supply. Uncer-
tainty with respect to the future supply may include the yield of a manufacturing
process and the production lead time. The uncertainty with respect to the replen-
ishment lead time includes the variability of the transportation time. If all future
conditions are considered to be known with certainty, i.e. are considered to be deter-
ministic, then no safety inventory is required.
Response Time Constraints and Emergency Inventory  Many systems have
service level constraints that make it mandatory that inventory is stored close to
the customer or demand process so that the demand can be satisfied within the
allowable response time. An example is the inventory of service parts maintained in
large cities for replacement of critical components of telephone switching centers.
A military example is the storage of main battle tanks by the United States Army in
locations in the middle east so that in times of conflict only the personnel has to be
flown in to create a heavy armored capability. Personnel can be transported quickly
by standard passenger aircraft, while transporting tanks requires specialized sea
transportation, which may not be available and is comparatively slow. An example
in disaster recovery operations is the pre-positioning of trucks with bottled water in
the areas in the projected path of a hurricane. The strategic oil reserve of the United
States is a national inventory of crude oil to be used in time of war or when oil
imports are interrupted.
Inventory Materials  The type goods held in inventory can be classified accord-
ing to where they are held in the supply chain. Raw materials or supplies are goods
entering the supply chain of the organization. Work-in-process inventory hold goods
internal to the organization. Finally, finished goods and the corresponding inventory
are goods ready to be sold to external customers of the organization. Of course the
finished goods of the preceding step or organization in the supply chain become the
supplies for the next step in the supply chain.
Depending on the degree of specialization towards the customer, products and
their inventories can also be divided into commodities, standard products, and spe-
cialty products. Previously a commodity was identified as a product with no dis-
tinguishable characteristics between quantities of the same product manufactured
by different producers. Examples of commodities are low-fat milk, gasoline, office
paper, and polyethylene. Customers acquire commodity products solely on the basis
of logistics factors such as price, availability, and convenience. A standard product
has comparable and competing models from different suppliers that differ in func-
tionality, quality, and availability. Examples are cars, personal computers, and fork
lift trucks. Customers make acquisitions based on tradeoffs between functionality,
value, price, and logistics factors. A specialty or custom product is produced to the
exact and unique specifications of the customer. Typical examples are specialized
machines, printing presses, fuselage sections for aircraft assembly, and conveyor
networks. The product is defined by a technical specification and the supplier is
selected by reputation, price, and logistics factors.
436 10 Inventory Systems

10.1.2  Inventory Planning

Inventory Decisions  In an efficient supply chain, all inventories are created by

a tradeoff between the costs of procuring a part early and holding until demand
occurs versus procuring goods at the time the demand is realized. The cost tradeoff
is made even more difficult because in reality future conditions are not known with
certainty. In addition, the inability to satisfy the customer demand at an acceptable
service level for a particular product may lead to lost sales of other products, loss of
future sales of the same product, and even to the temporary or permanent loss of a
customer. These cost impacts are extremely difficult to compute and are most often
resolved by setting service level standards for the organization.
In designing and managing an efficient supply chain four types of questions have
to be answered related to the holding of goods in the supply chain. The questions
are: (1) what goods to store, (2) where to store the inventory, (3) when to place one
or more orders for goods, and finally (4) how much to order. The analytical process
to determine the answers to these questions assumes that the relevant supply chain
conditions and data can be predicted with a quantifiable degree of certainty. The
first and second questions are strategic or sometimes tactical decisions. These deci-
sions determine the overall configuration and size of the supply chain. The third and
fourth questions are operational decisions that use the configuration of the supply
chain as constraints.
Inventory Performance Measures  Recall that the overall objective of holding
inventory is to satisfy the demand for the goods held in inventory with an acceptable
service level. The inventory control system attempts to minimize the total system
cost of providing this level of service. The three most common performance mea-
sures of an inventory system or policy are its cost, the provided service level, and
the inventory velocity.
Inventory Costs  All inventory calculations in the following inventory models and
policies are expressed in economic terms and values for the organization holding
and owning the inventory.
The unit cost or unit value ($/unit) represents the cost invested so far in a single
unit of the product. This cost includes the total production cost, purchasing cost,
transportation cost and any applicable duties. The unit value is not a direct inventory
cost but is one of the factors in the inventory holding cost.
The holding cost or carrying cost, expressed as a cost per unit of inventory per
unit of time ($/unit-year), represents all the costs associated with storing the inven-
tory. This cost includes the costs associated with storage facilities, handling, insur-
ance, pilferage, obsolescence, and the opportunity cost of capital. The holding cost
rate is the ratio of the holding cost divided by the value of one unit of inventory
($/$-year). A holding cost rate of 25% of the unit value per year is a widely quoted
average for the US industry.
The reorder cost, also called the fixed ordering cost or setup cost ($/order), rep-
resents all the costs incurred each time an order is placed. This cost includes the
10.1 Introduction 437

costs associated with preparing the purchase, receiving the order, paying the in-
voice, with equipment setups, or with transporting the order.
The shortage cost, expressed as a cost per unit of inventory ($/unit), represents
all the costs associated with the delays and remedial actions when inventory was not
available to satisfy customer demand. This cost includes emergency transportation
costs, penalties, and loss of customer goodwill. The shortage cost is the most dif-
ficult to estimate accurately of the three inventory costs, especially the components
related to loss of customer goodwill or the cost of lost sales of other items in the
same customer order.
Finally, the salvage value, expressed as a cost per unit of inventory ($/unit), rep-
resents all the revenues or costs associated with removing the items from inventory.
The costs are also called disposal costs. Salvage value may be created by selling
the goods through a secondary, discount channel or by selling the goods to salvage
operation, which disassembles the goods and sells the components or materials.
Sometimes the goods have to be disposed of in landfill or dump and the disposal
costs include transportation and landfill fees.
The total system cost is the aggregate of the cost components identified above.
In the chapters on supply chain systems and supply chain modeling, the total system
cost will include additionally the transportation costs and the network costs based
on the installed facilities and information technology systems. The focus in this
chapter is exclusively on the inventory costs.
Service Level  Inventory systems are expected to satisfy an acceptable level of cus-
tomer demand known as the service level. Three types of service levels are com-
monly used. The inventory decisions may apply to a single order and demand cycle
or to a repetitive pattern of replenishment and demand cycles. The service levels are
measured at the end of the cycle(s) or for the type 3 service level at the end of every
period in the cycle. If a demand cannot be satisfied for a single cycle then it is typi-
cally lost, i.e., it is removed from the supply chain and is denoted by lost sales. For
multiple repetitive cycles, the unsatisfied demand may either be lost or transferred
to the next or subsequent cycles. If the demand is shifted then the products are said
to be backordered. The degree of lost sales versus backorder depends on the com-
petitive position of the product and the patience of the customers.
1. The α, P1, or type 1 service level is defined as the probability of not being out
of stock per replenishment cycle. If only a single inventory cycle occurs it is the
probability of having any inventory on hand at the end of the period. If multiple
cycles occur, it is equal to the long-range fraction of cycles in which a stockout
does not occur. This service level is also called the cycle service level or in-stock
probability. This service level measures whether or not a lost sale or backorder
occurs, but it is not concerned with the size of the lost sale or backorder.
2. The β, P2, or type 2 service level is defined as the long-range average fraction of
demand delivered from inventory on the shelf. This service level is also called
the fill rate ( fr). The complement of the fill rate is the expected lost sales. This
438 10 Inventory Systems

service level considers not only the probability of a stock out but also the size of
the lost sales or backorder.
3. There exist several different definitions of the third service level. The γ, P3, or
type 3 service level is defined in Silver et al. (1998) as the fraction of the time
during which there is inventory present on the shelf. This definition of the ser-
vice level is also called the ready rate ( rr). Schneider (1981) defines the (1 − γ)
service level as the ratio of the long-run average cumulative unsatisfied demand
per replenishment cycle divided by the average demand per replenishment cycle.
The first type of service level measures if there is a stockout, the second service
level measures the size of the stockout, and the third service level measures the size
and the duration of the stockout. Different types of products may require a different
type of service level based in part on the competitive practices for the type of prod-
uct. For expensive and highly specialized service parts for mining machinery, the
appropriate service level may be of type one since the major cost is associated with
the interrupted mining process and any shut down is to be avoided. The appropriate
service level for a nonperishable item with a small profit margin in a grocery store
such as chicken soup may be of type 2. Finally, the supply of medicines to victims
of a terrorist attack using anthrax may have a service level of type 3 as defined by
Schneider (1981). Since higher types of service level use more data to compute the
customer service, it should come as no surprise that the determination of the optimal
inventory policy becomes much more difficult when moving from the use of type
α to β to γ. In addition, identical numerical values for α and β and γ indicate sig-
nificantly different levels of customer service and the same inventory pattern may
yield very different values for its α and β and γ service levels. This is illustrated by
the following example.
Consider the on-hand inventory level over four replenishment cycles as shown
in Fig. 10.2. Each replenishment cycle is ten time periods long and the average de-
mand per period is 4 units or 40 units per cycle.


On-Hand Inventory









Fig. 10.2   On-hand inventory

levels illustration Time
10.1 Introduction 439

Two cycles out of the four experience backorders. While considering only four
cycles is clearly not a long-run average, the α service level based on these four
cycles is computed as:
α =1− = 0.5
The first cycle experiences 20 units backordered and the third cycle experiences
a backorder of 10 units. The second and fourth cycles have no backorders. The β
service level is then computed as:
20 + 10
β =1− = 0.81
The cumulative amount of backordered units over time can be computed by mea-
suring the backorder quantities at the end of each period. In the above example, the
backorder quantities are 5, 10, 15, 20 in periods 7–10 of cycle one and 5 and 10 in
periods 29 and 30 of cycle three. The cumulative amount of backordered units over
time can then be computed as
5 + 10 + 15 + 20 + 5 + 10 65
γ =1− =1− = 0.59
4 · 40 160
A continuous approximation of the cumulative amount of backordered units over
time can be computed as the area below the zero inventory level or horizontal axis,
or for the above example the areas of the two triangles below the zero inventory
40 + 10 50
γ =1− =1− = 0.69
4 · 40 160
The difference between those two values is caused by the small time offset when the
backorder quantities are measured in each period. The continuous approximation
measures the backorder amounts at the midpoint of each period, where the discrete
computation measures the backorder amounts at the end of each period. The de-
mand rates in the cycles with backorders are both equal to five units per period. The
difference between the amount backordered at the midpoint or the endpoint of the
period is half the demand during a period or 2.5 units. The difference between the
discrete and continuous computation of the service level is then 2.5 units backor-
dered for the six periods with backorders, or exactly the difference between 50 and
65 in the numerators of the above formulas.
Finally, the ready rate for this example is computed as
6 + 10 + 8 + 10 4+0+2+0 6
γ = =1− =1− = 0.85.
40 40 40
If the demand pattern has a constant demand rate ( d), then the ready rate is equal to
the fill rate. The derivation of this equivalency is illustrated in Fig. 10.3 of a single
inventory cycle. It is assumed that this cycle is repeated many times to yield the
long-range averages.
440 10 Inventory Systems

Fig. 10.3   Ready rate and fill

rate equivalency

arctan(d )


D Time

d= = =

fr = β = = = γ = rr

The γ or type 3 service level is used to measure the performance of an inventory sys-
tem for emergency situations such as hurricanes, flooding, health pandemic, famine
crisis, or terrorist attack. In those cases it is assumed that the demand occurs in a
single spike or relatively short time period at the beginning of the planning horizon.
Stock Turnover  The stock turnover indicates the speed with which a single product
moves through the distribution system. It is expressed in turns per year and is com-
puted as the ratio of the value of the annual sales divided by the value of the average
inventory of that product. Based on its analogy to the operating speed of an engine
expressed in revolutions per minute (rpm), this performance measure is also called
inventory velocity, even though inventory by definition is products held in storage.
A higher level of stock turnover is more desirable since it indicates that more sales
have been made for the amount of inventory in the system.
The average time in inventory for a product indicates on the average how long an
item of the product is kept in inventory before it is sold. The average time in inven-
tory is the inverse measure of the stock turnover and it is often expressed in years.
This measure is also the called the average inventory age. Other time measures
are also commonly used such as days of stock or DOS or months. For example, it
was reported that the average inventory held by wholesalers in the United States
decreased from 1.34 in January 2009 to 1.31 in February 2009, where the inventory
was measured as the ratio of inventory to monthly sales (AJC 2009). This decrease
10.1 Introduction 441

was seen as a sign of improvement for the economy at that time. This ratio indicates
how many months it would take to eliminate the inventory at the sales level of that
month. The February ratio corresponds to 12/1.31 = 9.16 turns per year (tpy).

10.1.3  Basic Inventory Policy Classes

An inventory policy basically provides the answer to two related operational ques-
tions when managing a product inventory: when and how much to order. The first
answer determines how often the inventory levels are checked and when orders
are placed. The second answer determines how much inventory is ordered, which
is called the order quantity. If only a single ordering cycle is considered, then the
first question is either non applicable or trivial. Depending on the answer to the two
questions above, inventory policies can be divided into three classes.
The first class contains inventory policies that always order the same quantity.
These are called fixed order quantity policies. These policies adjust the time be-
tween order placements depending on the demand. They are often used for products
that have a small or irregular demand or for products that have significant savings
for being replenished in a particular quantity. The second class contains inventory
policies that check the current inventory at regular time intervals and place an order
if needed. These are called fixed-order frequency policies. These policies adjust the
order quantity, which may be zero. They are often used for item with high and regu-
lar demand. The third class contains inventory policies that adjust both the quantity
ordered and time when the order is placed. These policies are denoted as direct
demand satisfaction policies.
Inventory policies can also be classified as either push or pull inventory policies.
In a push system, inventory is determined by a centralized planning tool simulta-
neously for all the inventory stocking locations in the system. Push systems use a
top-down, centralized approach. The prime example of push systems are material
requirements planning (MRP) in a production planning environment, and distribu-
tion resource planning (DRP) in a distribution environment. In DRP, based on the
forecast of the sales to the end customer, the inventory at all the inventory loca-
tions is determined. In a pull inventory system, each individual inventory stock-
ing location determines independently its orders. Pull systems use a bottoms-up,
decentralized approach. One of the earliest pull systems in production planning was
the kanban system implemented by the Toyota Motor Company. This led to the de-
velopment of just-in-time (JIT) systems and contemporary lean production systems.
Both fixed-order quantities and fixed-order frequency policies are controlled by the
demand events and belong to the class of pull policies. Direct demand satisfaction
policies can be either of the push or pull type.
Push and pull systems are philosophically different approaches. Both push and
pull systems have advantages and disadvantages. Push systems rely very heavily
on the quality of the forecast of the final sales. Push systems can adapt more eas-
ily to changing conditions if the change is forecasted accurately. This makes push
442 10 Inventory Systems

systems more recommended for inventory control during sales promotions and the
introduction of a new product. A single order inventory system must by definition
also a push system. Push systems also have the capability to exploit coordination
of different activities such as transportation. Push system also have the ability to
allocate inventory equitable or according to management policies in shortage situa-
tions. Pull systems are based on the actual sales of the products to the end customer
and this data can be assumed to be fully accurate. Pull systems replenish only the
inventory that has been withdrawn by elements of the supply chain that are closer
to the customer, so no unnecessary inventories are left orphaned in the supply chain
because of incorrect forecasts. Pull systems are recommended for inventory of ma-
ture products with stable sales.

10.2 Independent Demand Systems

10.2.1  South Ascent Technical Parkas Inventory Example

The various inventory policies for independent demand systems that will be dis-
cussed below are illustrated by the same example. The description and data sum-
mary of the example are given next. Note that not all data items are used for every
inventory policy.
The South Ascent (SA) is a manufacturer of premium camping, climbing, and
adventure equipment. In addition to selling to stores and chains that specialize in
camping equipment and clothing, it also sells directly to individual consumers
through its web site. One of their most popular items is a mountain light parka,
which is a lightweight, full-length, technical parka guaranteed to keep you dry even
under the most extreme circumstances. There exist several competitors that offer
similar high-end parkas. The business model of SA is to be the preferred retailer
to individual consumers by providing a very high service level and by constantly
updating the features and style of the parka while charging a high price to remain
profitable. You are asked to determine the least cost inventory policy for this parka.
Demand data and sales forecast indicate that the weekly demand for the parka
through direct sales can be approximated with sufficient accuracy by a normal dis-
tribution with mean of 450 and standard deviation of 127. The parkas are manu-
factured in China and there is a 6-week lead time for receipt at the SA warehouse
that services the direct sales. SA has been using a 40% annual holding cost rate,
since the parka model and colors are updated annually and models and colors of
previous years have to be sold through a discount channel. The parkas cost $ 95
each, which includes the transportation cost to the warehouse and all applicable
duties and tariffs, and the ordering cost is $ 3750 per order which includes all the
administrative costs. The sales price to individual consumers for a parka is $ 390.
Because of its customer service policies SA currently uses a 97% fill rate criterion.
It is assumed that there are 52 weeks in a year and the weekly holding cost rate is
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 443

Table 10.1   South ascent technical parkas inventory example: data summary
Data item Symbol Value Units
Purchase price p 95 $/unit
Lead time lt 6 Weeks
Std. dev. lead time slt 1.5 Weeks
Holding cost rate hcr 0.0077 /week
Shortage cost sc 150 $/unit
Ordering cost oc 3750 $/order
Demand rate d 450 units/week
Std. dev. weekly demand sd 127 units
Probability no-stockout F(s) 0.97
Fill rate fr 0.97
Mean demand d. lead time dlt 2700 units
Std. dev. demand d. lead time sdlt 743 units

equal to 0.4/52 ≈ 0.0077. The data for the technical parka product is summarized in
Table 10.1. The last two rows in the table hold derived values and their derivation
will be explained below.

10.2.2  Supply Chain with Deterministic Parameters

In this section the costs of inventories are calculated, where the inventories are pres-
ent in the supply chain assuming that the future conditions are known with certainty.
Pipeline Inventory  Pipeline inventory is the inventory that is currently being
transported from the supplier to the customer. In most contemporary supply chains
the pipeline inventory cost is relatively small unless the transportation is intercon-
tinental. For high-value products that are relatively light and small it may advanta-
geous to use faster transportation modes such as air cargo instead of sea cargo. The
following notation will be used.
PI pipeline inventory
D demand during the planning period (units/year)
TT transit time in planning periods (years)
PIC annual pipeline inventory cost
v unit value (currency/unit)
HCR holding cost rate (1/year)
Let v be the value of the product and let hcr be the holding cost rate expressed as a
percentage of the value of the product for holding the product in inventory for one
period, i.e., expressed in dollars per dollars per period. Let HCR be the holding cost
rate for one year. The time units in the following equations must be consistent, i.e.,
if the demand and the transit time are expressed in years then the holding cost rate
must also be computed per year and the result is the annual pipeline inventory cost.
Other time horizons may be used provided they are used consistently throughout
the calculations.
444 10 Inventory Systems

Fig. 10.4   Cycle inventory

illustration for different cycle




 PI = D · TT (10.1)

 PIC = PI · HCR · v = HCR · v · D · TT (10.2)

Cycle Inventory  The cycle inventory is caused by the different batch sizes of the
input and the output processes. Most typical is the transportation to the inventory
stocking point in large batch sizes and the withdrawal of the goods from inventory
in small quantities. These two patterns yield the characteristic saw-toothed pattern
shown in Fig. 10.4.
The following notation will be used.
CI average cycle inventory
ci cycle inventory
d period demand rate (units/period)
ct cycle time (periods)
CT cycle time (years)
D demand rate (units/year)
CIC annual cycle inventory cost
Again the time units must be consistent in the following formulas. If the holding
cost rate is computed per year, then the result is the annual cycle inventory cost. If
an instantaneous replenishment and a constant demand rate are assumed as shown
in the the previous figure, then the average cycle inventory is half the maximum
cycle inventory, which in turn is equal to the replenishment quantity.

D · CT d · ct
CI = = (10.3)
2 2

1 D · CT d · ct
CI = (D · CT − Dt)dt =  = (10.4)
CT 2 2
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 445

In the previous figure, two inventory replenishment frequencies and their corre-
sponding inventory patterns are shown. One pattern replenishes twice as often as
the other pattern. This implies that its cycle time is also half the cycle time of the
second pattern. As a consequence, the cycle inventory and cycle inventory cost are
cut in half, even thought the annual demand is the same in both cases. The sav-
ings in cycle inventory cost corresponding to a higher frequency of replenishment
must be carefully balanced against possible higher transportation costs now that the
transportation quantities are also cut in half.
Seasonal Inventory  Seasonal inventory is created during periods of lower demand
and distributed during periods of high demand. This allows an organization to use a
lower installed production capacity and still to meet all the customer demands. The
reduced production capacity must be traded off with the inventory holding costs
from period to period.
The following assumptions are usually made. The seasons in the cycle have
equal duration. The value of the product does not change from season to season.
The inventory buildup or withdrawal in a season occurs on the average at a constant
rate, which is the difference between the constant production and constant demand
rate for that season. This implies that in each season, the inventory change is linear.
The inventory levels in a seasonal system are illustrated in Fig. 10.5. The solid thick
line indicates the average inventory level based on average demand and production
rates. The thin line illustrates the actual on-hand inventory which oscillates around
the average inventory level. The on-hand inventory deviates from its average level
because of the variations in actual demand. The following calculations will only
use the constant rate per season since the supply chain conditions are assumed to
be known.
The seasonal inventory costs can be computed in function of the seasonal inven-
tory levels at the start and end of the different seasons.
It inventory level at the end of season t
I0 initial inventory
SeIC annual seasonal inventory cost
Inventory level

I2 I3

Fig. 10.5   Seasonal inventory

levels season 1 season 2 season 3 season 4
446 10 Inventory Systems

For cyclical systems, where the terminal inventory of the last period in the cycle
is equal to the starting inventory of the first period, the seasonal inventory holding
cost is given by the following formula. The holding cost rate hcr is computed per
period. For example, if there are four equal seasons in a year, hcr would be com-
puted as one fourth of the annual holding cost rate.

 SeIC = hcrs v It (10.5)

If the system is not cyclical, the seasonal inventory holding cost is given by
 N −1

I1  IN
 SeIC = hcrs v + It + (10.6)
2 t=2

Finally, if the periods are not of equal length, then hcr is the holding cost rate for
season i and the seasonal inventory cost is given by
 hcrt (It−1 + It )
 SeIC = v (10.7)

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)   One of the simplest logistics systems is the
system in which the demand is constant. The models for constant demand can
also be applied in situations with predictable demand, where the forecast error and
uncertainty is small. Often there is a fixed setup cost for starting production or
placing an order, which has to be balanced against an inventory holding cost which
grows proportionally to the amount held in inventory. The economic order quantity
finds the best tradeoff between the fixed and the variable cost assuming there is a
constant demand rate. The following notation will be used.
TC total cost per year
OC cumulative ordering cost per year
hc unit holding cost per year
oc unit ordering cost
Q, Q* order quantity, optimal order quantity
The unit holding cost per year is the product of the holding cost rate per year and
the product value.
 hc = HCR · v (10.8)
The total annual cost is the sum of the annual inventory holding cost and the annual
ordering or setup cost. The number of inventory cycles per year is given by the ratio
of the annual demand divided by the ordering quantity of a single cycle, or D/Q.
TC(Q) = CIC + OC
 hc · Q D (10.9)
= + oc
2 Q
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 447

The total cost is a nonlinear function of a single variable, namely the ordering quan-
tity Q. The optimal ordering quantity can be found where the first derivative be-
comes zero, provided that the second derivative is positive indicating that the cost
function is convex. Since a physical ordering quantity cannot be negative, the sign
of the first derivative for a zero order quantity must be checked. The first derivative
is negative at Q = 0, so the total cost function has single optimal value for a non-
negative Q. The indicated functions can be computed with the following formulas.
d (T C) hc D · oc
= −
dQ 2 Q2
d 2 (T C) 2 · D · oc
= >0
dQ2 Q3
 d (T C)  D · oc  (10.10)
=− = −∞
dQ Q→0 Q2 Q→0
d (T C (Q∗ )) hc D · oc
= − =0
dQ 2 Q∗2
2 · D · oc
Q∗2 =

2 · D · oc
Q = (10.11)

The value of the cost function at optimality can be expressed with the following
closed form formula. At optimality, the annual inventory holding cost is equal to the
annual ordering cost. The forces for decreasing and increasing the order quantity
are at equilibrium.

 ∗  hc 2 · D · oc D · oc
lTC Q = +
2 hc 2·D·oc
 hc (10.12)

= 2 · D · oc · hc
Technical Parkas Example  Computing the optimal ordering quantity and the mini-
mal weekly total cost for the example gives the following values. The graph for
the total, ordering, and inventory holding costs is shown in Fig. 10.6. Observe that
the minimal total cost is achieved when the annual cycle inventory cost is equal to
the annual ordering cost. Further observe that the total cost curve is relatively flat
around the optimal ordering quantity. This may indicate that a heuristic solution for
the determination of the optimal order quantity is sufficient in practical situations.

2 · 450 · 3750
Q∗ = = 2149
0.0077 · 95
448 10 Inventory Systems

8000 TC


Inventory Costs






0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Fig. 10.6   Inventory example cost curves for known demand

  2149 · 0.0077 · 95 450

TC Q∗ = + 3750 = 1570.5
2 2149

Economic Production Quantity  From the marketing and sales department point of
view, the best batch size is equal to one. This is equivalent to a make-to-order policy
or demand driven production and gives the sales department the greatest flexibil-
ity. However, such small batch sizes might not be efficient for the manufacturing
department if there are significant setup costs. For example, a customer could walk
into a car dealership and “assemble” his own car from the available options. This
would be acceptable to the customer with a manufacturing lead-time of 1 week
and a delivery lead time of a week. Current realistic lead times for this scenario are
much longer. Business corporations have identified the capability to manufacture
on demand rather than to inventory as a major competitive advantage. This manu-
facturing philosophy is also called “mass customization.”
Examples of both extreme points of the spectrum of manufacturing technology
are given next. Henry Ford is attributed the quote that “the customer could order
a car in any color he desired, as long it was black” illustrating the state of the art
in the automotive assembly process of the Model T. This statement is a reflection
that a single product is easier and more efficient to manufacture. On the other hand,
Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise in “Star Trek: the Next Genera-
tion” can order a single cup of Earl Grey tea which is immediately delivered by the
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 449

replicator in his quarters. This level of manufacturing flexibility and efficiency only
exists in science fiction.
In computing the optimal batch size in production operations from the manufac-
turing point of view, we will use the following definitions:
CT production cycle time which repeats indefinitely expressed in years
RT production time per cycle and expressed in years for the product being
Q production batch size for this product
MI maximum inventory of this product during the production cycle
d, D product demand rate, annualized product demand
p, P product production rate ( p > d), annualized product production
CIC total annual cycle inventory cost
MC total annual manufacturing cost
TC total annual cost
hc inventory holding cost per year per product unit
fc fixed costs for starting production of a batch of this product
vc variable (marginal) cost for production of one unit of this product
ic inventory cost per unit
mc manufacturing cost per unit
tc total cost per unit
The inventory pattern over time is shown in Fig. 10.7.
We first compute the maximum on-hand product inventory. It should be noted
that it is the maximum on-hand product inventory that influences the size of the
storage facility or warehouse and its corresponding cost.




Fig. 10.7   Inventory pattern
for finite production and CT
demand rates
450 10 Inventory Systems

 M = Q − D · RT = Q − D =Q 1− (10.13)

Next we compute the total annual costs. Note that the number of cycles per year is
equal to D/Q and depends on Q.

= + fc + vc · Q
 hc · Q · (1 − D/P) · Q
= + fc + vc · Q (10.14)
hc · (P − D) 2
= fc + vc · Q + Q
We then compute the unit costs:

TC fc hc · (P − D)
 TC = = + vc + Q (10.15)

We find the optimal batch size by setting the first derivative equal to zero:

d(TC) fc hc · (P − D)
 =− 2 + Q=0 (10.16)
dQ Q 2PD

We establish that the first derivative is monotonically increasing by computing the

second derivative, which is positive everywhere assuming the production rate is
larger than the demand rate. Equivalently, minimizing the total cost by taking the
first derivative and setting it to zero is valid, since the second derivative is positive
and this proves that tc is convex with respect to Q.

 d 2 (TC) 2 · fc hc · (P − D)
= + >0 (10.17)
dQ2 Q3 2PD

The optimal production quantity is then derived.

 2 · fc · D
 Q =    (10.18)
hc · 1 − D P

This is a generalization of the standard economic order quantity (EOQ) formula for
which the production rate is infinite. The optimal batch size can then also be called
the economic production quantity (EPQ) for a finite production rate.
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 451

The optimal total cost is then given by:

 ∗ = hc(P − D)
2PD · fc
fc + vc
2PD · fc
2P hc(P − D) 2PD · fc hc(P − D)
hc(P − D)
 
 
 2 · fc 
= D
  + vc 

 2PD · fc 
hc(P − D)

Most of the factors in this equation are beyond the control of the production system.
For example, the inventory holding cost hc is determined by the cost of capital and
storage in the facility. The only way to reduce the optimal, efficient batch size is
then to reduce the fixed or setup cost.
Note that the annual fixed cost is equal to the optimal annual inventory cost

FC(Q∗ ) = CIC(Q∗ )

Economic Order Quantity with Replenishment Lead Time  The inventory system is
assumed to have a known annual demand D and constant demand rate d per period.
The order product is replenished after a deterministic lead time lt. The reorder point
s is the inventory position when an order is placed. The inventory position is equal
to the sum of the inventory quantity on-hand and the on-order quantities. The latter
are the product quantities that have already been ordered but not yet been delivered.
The following notation will be used.
LT lead time expressed in years
lt  lead time (expressed in time periods)
dlt demand during the lead time
 s = dlt = D · LT = d · lt (10.20)
If the lead time is longer than the replenishment cycle then the reorder point will be
larger than the order quantity, which is equal to the maximum on-hand inventory.
Note that this last equality is based on the assumption that there is no variability in
the supply chain and hence there is no need for safety inventory.
Technical Parkas Example  The calculations for the technical parkas are given next.
Observe that the optimal ordering quantity and the total cost are the same as in the
case of the zero lead time. In this case, the parkas are reordered when the inventory
position reaches 2700.
452 10 Inventory Systems

∗ 2 · 450 · 3750
Q = = 2149
0.0077 · 95

  2149 · 0.0077 · 95 450

TC Q∗ = + 3750 = 1570.5
2 2149

s = 450 · 6 = 2700

Since the reorder point is larger than the ordering quantity, the physical on-hand in-
ventory will be 2700 − 2149 = 551 parkas at the time orders are placed. Equivalently,
because the lead time of 6 weeks is larger than the optimal reorder interval, which is
equal to 2149/450 = 4.78 weeks, the reorder point is larger than the ordering quantity.
The maximum on-hand inventory will be 2149 units immediately after a replenish-
ment order has been received, which again assumes that there is no safety inventory.

10.2.3  Stochastic Demand

In most logistics systems, the future conditions are not known with complete cer-
tainty but rather exhibit a significant amount of randomness. The future demand is
often the parameter that is the most variable and is most often the first parameter for
which variability is incorporated explicitly in the inventory models. In order to use
scientific methods for the determination of the inventory policy, some information
must be known about the future demand. Typically, either the complete demand dis-
tribution or at least the expected demand and the standard deviation of the demand
are assumed to be known. In practice, either the demand distribution or its mean and
standard deviation are based on forecasts. Inventory policies have to be determined
for the cases when there is a single opportunity for ordering inventory or when there
is a repetitive pattern of order, replenishment, and demand.
Single-Order Inventory Policies  The inventory policies of this section apply to
logistics systems where a single opportunity to order inventory exists to satisfy some
future demand during a finite sales period. The demand is unknown at the time of
ordering, but its cumulative demand distribution is assumed to be known. After the
sales period has completed, there is no further demand for the product. Examples are
the ordering of daily newspapers by the owner of a newspaper stand, ordering of per-
ishable fruit and flowers by a street vendor, ordering of Christmas trees for a charity
fund raiser, and the ordering of fashion products with particular styles and colors. In
each case the sole decision to be made is how much inventory to order.
Each unit of inventory ordered has a constant purchase price. If not enough inven-
tory has been ordered, a shortage occurs and the vendor could have sold more units
during the sales period and made more profit. The potential extra profit per product
unit is called the shortage cost, underage cost, or marginal profit. If too much inven-
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 453

tory has been ordered, the vendor is left with excess units after the sales period and
these units must be disposed of at a reduced rate, which is called the salvage value.
The salvage value may even be negative, indicating that the vendor has to pay a third
party to dispose of the remaining units. The difference between the purchase price
and the salvage value is called the excess cost, overage cost, or marginal loss. It is the
objective of the vendor to order the amount of inventory that minimizes the sum of
the expected shortage and excess costs. This amount corresponds to the optimal trad-
eoff between the cost of disposing excess items and the loss in profit caused by short-
ages. There exist many applications in logistics systems with these characteristics,
and as a consequence this problem has been studied extensively. It has been tradition-
ally called the newsboy problem and is currently known as the newsvendor problem.
We will use the following notation
Q amount of inventory purchased (items), also called ordering quantity
D actual (unknown) demand during the single period (items)
f ( x) demand distribution
F( x) cumulative demand distribution
d̄ expected demand during the single period (items)
p sales price ($/item)
c purchase price ($/item)
s salvage value ($/item)
N(0, 1) standard normal cumulative distribution function with mean equal to
0 and standard deviation equal to 1
N −1( prob) inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution function with
mean equal to 0 and standard deviation equal to 1
The shortage cost ( cs), or marginal profit, and the excess cost ( ce), or marginal loss,
are then computed as:
cs = p − c if Q ≤ D
 ce = c − s if Q > D (10.21)

To obtain realistic results, the cost parameters must satisfy the following sequence
of inequalities, or equivalently, the shortage cost and excess cost must have positive
 p>c>s (10.22)
If the salvage value were not smaller than the purchase price ( s ≥ c), then the ven-
dor would purchase an infinite inventory, since all unsold items can be disposed
of without a loss. Similarly, if the purchase price were not smaller than the sales
prices ( c ≥ p), then the vendor would not purchase any inventory, since each item
purchased and sold would cost the vendor money.
For an arbitrary demand distribution f ( x) the expected number of items short,
called the expected shortage or E[NS( Q)], and the expected number of units still on
hand, called the expected excess or E[NS( Q)], corresponding to an initial inventory
of Q units are given by the following expressions, respectively.
454 10 Inventory Systems

E NS (Q) = (x − Q) f (x) dx (10.23)

E NE (Q) = (Q − x) f (x) dx (10.24)

The expected sum of shortage and excess cost is then given by the product of the unit
shortage (excess) cost multiplied by the expected number of items short (in excess).
G(Q) = ce E NE (Q) + cs E NS (Q)
 Q  ∞
= ce (Q − x) f (x) dx + cs (x − Q) f (x) dx
0 Q

To compute the derivative of G( Q) we use Leibniz’s rule, which states that

 u(y)  u(y)  
d ∂h (x, y) du (y)
h (x, y)dx = dx + h (u (y), y)

dy l(y) l(y) ∂y dy (10.26)
dl (y)
− h (l (y), y)

This yields for the expected sum of shortage and excess costs
 Q  ∞
dG (Q)
= ce f (x) dx + cs −f (x) dx
 dQ 0 Q (10.27)
= ce F (Q) − cs (1 − F (Q))

In order for the optimal value of Q to be found where the first derivative equals zero,
the first derivative must be negative for an extreme left value of Q, such as Q = 0,
and the second derivative must be positive everywhere, indicating that the first de-
rivative is increasing over the full region of Q.

d 2 G (Q)
= (cs + ce ) f (Q) ≥ 0 ∀Q
dG (Q) 
= ce F (0) − cs (1 − F (0)) = −cs < 0
dQ Q=0

Since G( Q) satisfies these two conditions, it is a convex function and its globally
optimal value can be found by setting its first derivative equal to zero.

dG (Q∗ )  
 = (ce + cs ) F Q∗ − cs = 0 (10.29)
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 455

F Q∗ =
ce + c s (10.30)
∗ −1 cs
Q =F
ce + cs

Equilibrium theory states that at the optimal inventory level the expected profit of
selling one more item equals the expected savings of reducing excess inventory by
one item. For the inventory level equal to Q, the probability of selling more equals
1 − F( Q), while the probability of selling less equals F( Q).
cs 1 − F Q∗ = ce F Q∗
   cs p−c (10.31)
F Q∗ = =
ce + cs p−s

The right-hand side of this equation is called the critical ratio. This is equivalent
to stating that the optimal type-one service level for this system is again given by
Eq. (10.31), where the type-one service level gives the probability that all demand
in a period is satisfied immediately from on-hand inventory. In other words the
critical ratio is equal to the expected in-stock probability at the end of the planning
If an additional cost ( π) were associated with each unit of unsatisfied demand,
this cost would be added to the shortage cost in expression (10.31). Additional costs
may be caused by the loss of customer goodwill.
  cs π +p−c
 F Q∗ = = (10.32)
c e + cs π +p−s
The optimal service level and corresponding optimal ordering quantity can also be
determined by optimizing the expected profit. The profit achieved is a function of
the quantity ordered before the sales period starts ( Q) and the actual demand ob-
served during the sales period ( D). The expression for the profit is then:

 pD − cQ + s (Q − D) Q>D (10.33)
Profit (Q, D) =
(p − c) Q Q≤D

E Profit (Q) = p x · f (x) dx + s (Q − x) · f (x) dx
0 0
 ∞ (10.34)
+ pQ f (x) dx − cQ

The first two terms compute the revenue and salvage when the demand does not
exceed the purchased supply of items; the third term computes the revenue when the
456 10 Inventory Systems

demand exceeds the supply. In either case, the cost of items purchased, indicated by
the fourth term − cQ, must be subtracted of the expected profit. The only unknown
in the expression of the expected profit is the quantity of items purchased. To find
the optimal quantity, we compute the derivative using again Leibniz’s rule.
 dE Profit (Q)   (10.35)
= s · F (Q) + p · 1 − F (Q) − c
dE Profit (Q) 
 = p − c>0 (10.36)

d 2 E Profit(Q)
 = (s − p) f (Q) < 0 (10.37)

The first derivative is positive for Q = 0 and the second derivative is negative every-
where. This proves that the profit function is concave. Maximizing the profit can
then be achieved by setting the first derivative equal to zero and rearranging the
terms yields again (10.31).
If the cumulative demand distribution has discrete breakpoints, the optimal Q*
is chosen so that the cumulative demand is no smaller than the computed ratio, i.e.,
we find the Q* by rounding up. Alternatively, forward differences can be used to
find the optimal inventory value. This technique was used to find the optimal fleet
size in the Chap. 4.
If we assume that the demand is normally distributed, the optimal inventory
level can be found based on tables of the normal distribution or using a spreadsheet
with its built in functions for the inverse normal distribution or the inverse standard
normal distribution. In Excel the inverse standard normal distribution function is
called NORMSINV. Similar computations can be made for other continuous de-
mand distributions, provided we can compute the mean, standard deviation, and
inverse cumulative distribution. For tabular data, the optimal Q* can be found as the
smallest Q for which (10.31) holds.
∗ −1 cs
 z =N
cs + c e (10.38)
Q∗ = d̄ + z∗ · σD
Championship T-shirt Vendor Example  The Cowpunchers are a football team that
perennially wins the league championship title. A street vendor of championship
T-shirts must order the T-shirts three days before game day and pay a purchase price
of $ 5. The shirts can be sold for $ 15 on game day at the exit gate of the stadium.
Based on his sales experience during the previous years, the vendor, who is a Geor-
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 457

gia Tech student moonlighting as a street vendor, estimates that the average demand
will be 100 shirts, is normally distributed, and that the standard deviation of the
demand is 30 shirts. After the game day, the vendor returns to attending classes and
donates all unsold shirts to charity.
The cumulative demand distribution at the optimal inventory level Q* equals
  (15 − 5) 10
F Q∗ = = = 0.667
(15 − 5) + (5 − 0) 15

z ∗ = N −1 (0.667) = 0.431

Q∗ = d̄ + k ∗ σ = 100 + 0.431 · 30 = 112.9 ≈ 113

The vendor should order 113 shirts.

If he could sell any remaining shirts for $ 3 per shirt to another street vendor, who
will continue selling the shirts on a street corner after game day, then his optimal
inventory would increase to

(15 − 5) 10
F(Q∗ ) = = = 0.833
(15 − 5) + (5 − 3) 12

E(Unit Profit) E(Unit Loss)









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Fig. 10.8   Marginal unit profit and loss graph for the T-shirt example
458 10 Inventory Systems

z ∗ = N −1 (0.833) = 0.967

Q∗ = d̄ + z∗ · σ = 100 + 0.967 · 30 = 129.0 ≈ 129

To further illustrate the critical ratio, the marginal profit and the marginal loss in
function of the originally purchased inventory are plotted in Fig.  10.8 The two
curves cross each other at the quantity corresponding to the critical ratio.
How to Test If a Distribution is the Normal Distribution  The chi-square goodness-
of-fit test was originally proposed by Pearson in 1900 to test if an observed fre-
quency distribution conforms to another theoretical distribution by comparing the
frequencies of experimental observations to the expected frequencies of the theo-
retical distribution. The frequencies in any of the intervals should not be less than 5.
If this condition is not satisfied, several intervals can be combined to create frequen-
cies not less than 5. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov goodness-of-fit test is preferred if
the frequencies in the intervals are small and it can be used for very small frequen-
cies, where the chi-square test does not apply. Hence, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov
test is more powerful than the chi-square goodness-of-fit but it cannot be used for
discrete distributions. If we are interested in establishing if the experimental data
is conformant to the continuous normal distribution, so both test can be used if the
frequencies are larger than 5. The following notation is used for the chi-square test.
fi experimental frequency of interval i
πi theoretical probability of interval i
N number of observations
K number of intervals
The chi-square test statistic is computed as
 (fi − N πi )2
 χ2 = (10.39)
N πi

The computed chi-square has the value of zero for a perfect fit and is large when the
fit is bad. If the computed chi-square value is smaller than the α percentile of the
chi-square distribution with K − 1 degrees of freedom, then the null hypothesis that
the data has the theoretical distribution cannot be rejected with an α level of signifi-
cance. Recall that the level of significance is the probability of a type one error, i.e.,
the probability of erroneously rejecting the null hypothesis. Finally, deviations from
the normal distribution can be detected with the Anderson–Darling test.
Several other less rigorous tests can be used to investigate if the experimental
data are conformant to a theoretical normal distribution. If any of the tests fail,
then the experimental data is not conformant to a normal distribution. If the data
pass all the tests below, then the chi-square goodness-of-fit test can be used to test
conformity with a prescribed level of confidence. Such preliminary tests on the
experimental data are:
• The coefficient of variation is less than 0.5.
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 459

• The probability of a negative demand is less than 2%.

• The probability that the demand is more than the mean plus two standard devia-
tions is less than 2%.
The corresponding formulas are:

CV = ≤ 0.5
 µ (10.40)
P [x < 0] = F (0) ≤ 0.02
P [x > µ + 2σ ] = 1 − F (µ + 2σ ) ≤ 0.02

If the distribution of the cumulative demand is not known or if the inverse cumu-
lative function cannot be easily computed, then the optimal order quantity can be
found based on the interval description of the cumulative demand. The accuracy
level of the optimal order quantity is then at the interval level but may be increased
by interpolation if this is feasible for the inventory system. For instance, it may be
possible to order a number of T-shirts different from the interval breakpoints, but it
is not possible to order a fractional number of aircraft. If interpolating or rounding
are not feasible, the optimal inventory quantity should be rounded up to the next
largest feasible value. This property can be shown using the difference calculations.
The use of an discrete interval table to describe the demand is illustrated in the fol-
lowing example.
PharmaCorp Flu Vaccine Example  The PharmaCorp laboratories are one of the
few remaining manufacturers of the annual flu vaccine. The production of the vac-
cine takes about 6 months and the vaccines are reformulated annually to combat the
current mutation of the flu virus. The laboratories sell their vaccine to customers
in the United States. The customer orders are received long after the decision on
the vaccine manufacturing has been made. PharmaCorp has historical records on
the quantities of vaccine ordered by customers in the United States, which includes
quantities delivered as well as quantities not delivered. Based on those records, it

Table 10.2   Flu vaccine Interval

example demand data
Lower bound Upper bound Probability
0 5 0.05
5 10 0.06
10 15 0.20
15 20 0.06
20 25 0.00
25 30 0.00
30 35 0.00
35 40 0.05
40 45 0.13
45 50 0.30
50 55 0.10
55 60 0.05
460 10 Inventory Systems

Table 10.3   Flu vaccine Interval

example solution
Lower bound Upper bound Probability Cumulative
0 5 0.05 0.05
5 10 0.06 0.11
10 15 0.20 0.31
15 20 0.06 0.37
20 25 0.00 0.37
25 30 0.00 0.37
30 35 0.00 0.37
35 40 0.05 0.42
40 45 0.13 0.55
45 50 0.30 0.85
50 55 0.10 0.95
55 60 0.05 1.00

has computed the following demand probabilities in Table 10.2. All demand quanti-
ties are expressed in millions of doses (Mu).
It costs PharmaCorp 4.87 € to produce one dose of vaccine. It sells one dose for
11.67 €. All unsold vaccine doses are destroyed at a cost of 1.18 € per dose.
The cumulative demand distribution at the optimal inventory level Q* is given
by the following calculation.
  (11.67 − 4.87) 6.80
F Q∗ = = = 0.53
(11.67 − 4.87) + (4.87 − (−1.18)) 12.85



Cumulative Probability








0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 10.9   Flu vaccine example cumulative demand and optimal manufacturing quantity
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 461

The cumulative demand distribution for the intervals is given in Table 10.3. The
optimal number of doses to manufacture falls in the interval of 40–45 Mu.
If it is assumed that the demands inside an interval are equally likely or, equiva-
lently, that the demand is uniformly distributed inside each interval, then the graph
of the cumulative demand distribution is a concatenation of linear segments. The
optimal number of doses can then be found by interpolation inside the interval and
is equal to 44.2. The cumulative demand distribution and the optimal number of
doses under this assumption are shown in Fig. 10.9. However, if the production can
only occur in multiples of 5 Mu then optimal production quantity would be found
by rounding up to the end point of the interval and would be equal to 45 Mu.
It has already been established that the critical ratio determines the type one
service level using the inverse of the cumulative demand distribution. In the fol-
lowing the type two service level is derived for this inventory policy. Recall that the
expected number of items short is equal to
 ns (s) = E [NS (s)] = (x − s) f (x) dx (10.41)

The above formula is valid for any continuous demand distribution f( x). If the de-
mand has the standard normal distribution ( t) = N(0, 1), then the expected number
of items short is denoted by the unit loss function L( z).
 L (z) = (x − z)φ (x) dx (10.42)

The unit loss function can be computed with the following formula, where Φ( z) is
the cumulative standard normal distribution function.
 L (z) = φ (z) − z (1 −  (z)) (10.43)

This formula is derived next. The density function of the standard normal distribu-
tion is
1 2

φ (t) = N (0, 1) = √ e−z 2 (10.44)

Differentiating this density function yields

dφ (z) 1 2

 = −z √ e−z 2 = −zφ (z) (10.45)
dz 2π
The unit loss function is then equal to
L(z) = (x − z)φ (x) dx
 ∞  ∞
= xφ (x) dx − zφ (x) dx
z z
= −φ (x)|∞
− z ( (∞) −  (z))
= φ (z) − z (1 −  (z))
462 10 Inventory Systems








–3.5 –3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Fig. 10.10   Unit loss function

The unit loss function can thus be computed with the following Excel formula.

 L (z) = Normdist (z, 0, 1, 0) − z ∗ (1 − Normsdist (z)) (10.46)

The unit loss function L( z) is shown in Fig. 10.10. Realistic arguments for the z-
statistic will have positive values; otherwise the reorder point would be less than the
expected demand during the lead time. A numerical table of the unit loss function
for positive values of the z-statistic and a more detailed graph for positive z-statis-
tic values is provided in the Appendix. Recall that the unit loss function assumes
that the demand distribution is the standard normal distribution, which implies that
negative normalized demand is possible. It is an intuitive result that given a reorder
point of 3.5, the changes that the demand exceeds 3.5 are very small and thus the ex-
pected shortage is nearly zero. However, it is not nearly as intuitive that for a reor-
der point of 0, which implies that the reorder point is equal to the expected demand
during the lead time, the expected shortage equals approximately 0.40. Note that the
value at z = of ( z) is equal to 0.399 or approximately 0.4. For an initial inventory
of 0, the probability that there will be a shortage is 0.5, but the expected value of
that shortage is 0.40. Equivalently, for an initial inventory equal to zero and given
that the demand is positive, the conditional expected value of that demand is 0.40.
If the demand is normally distributed, the expected shortage can be computed
from the expected shortage of the standard normal distribution given by the unit loss
function, through the following transformation.
s − d · lt
 ns (s) = sd · L = sd · L(z) (10.47)
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 463

90.0% fr



Service Level






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Inventory of T-Shirts

Fig. 10.11   Comparison of type 1 and type 2 service levels for the T-shirt example

Finally, we can compute the partial derivative of the expected shortage by applying
Leibniz’s rule. Details of that derivation are shown in the appendix. This yields the
following expression for the derivative.
∂ns (s)
 = − (1 − F (s)) (10.48)
The values of the two service levels in function of the initial inventory are given in
Fig. 10.11 for the t-shirt example. For this figure a salvage value equal to $ 3 was
used. The type two service level is always larger than the type one service level.
For this example, the expected demand was 100 T-shirts. If the initial inventory
purchased is also equal to 100 T-shirts, then the type one service level is 0.5 since
the vendor is just as likely to run out of T-shirts than to have any remaining inven-
tory. However, the type two service level is approximately 88% when just ordering
the expected demand.
The calculations to derive the fill rate for the initial inventory of 130, which cor-
responds to the critical ratio, are given next. Previously it has been determined that
the optimal value of the z-statistic is 0.967.

L (0.967) = φ (z) − z · (1 −  (z)) = φ (0.967) − 0.967 · (1 −  (0.967)) = 0.083

NS (0.967) = L (z) · σ = 0.083 · 30 = 2.5
f r = 1 − NµS = 1 − 100 = 97.5%
464 10 Inventory Systems

The previous calculations assumed that the demand was normally distributed. If
the demand distribution is different from the normal distribution or if the demand
is given in an interval table, then a different method is required for computing
ns( Q). Any demand distribution can always be approximated by an interval table,
so the method for an interval table covers both cases. The intervals are assumed
to be sorted by increasing cumulative distribution values, i.e., it is assumed that
the cumulative distribution is given for N intervals for with as upper bounds Q1,
Q2, … QN and that F( Q1) ≤ F( Q2) ≤ … ≤ F( QN). ns( Q) can be computed with the
following initialization and recursive equations, where k indicates the interval in
the table.
 ns (0) = d̄ (10.49)

ns (Q1 ) = d̄ − Q1 (10.50)

ns(Qk+1 ) = ns(Qk ) − (Qk+1 − Qk ) · (1 − F (Qk )) (10.51)

The derivation of these equations is shown in Appendix A. Computing the ns( Q)
for the case of a discrete demand distribution is illustrated next using the flu vac-
cine example. Recall that the optimal type 1 service level is equal to 53%. To sim-
plify the notation, the cumulative distribution function at the lower bound of the
first interval will be denoted by F( Q0) and its value is by definition equal to zero.
First the average demand will computed followed by the computation of the expect-
ed lost sales for the first interval and then recursively for the following intervals.
Finally, the fill rate for each interval is calculated. The detailed calculations for the
first two intervals are shown next. The calculations for all intervals are summarized
in Table 10.4.

Table 10.4   Expected lost k Q F(Q) ns(Q) fr (%)

sales and type service level
1 5 0.05 31.4 13.7
for the flu vaccine example
2 10 0.11 26.7 26.8
3 15 0.31 22.2 39.0
4 20 0.37 18.8 48.5
5 25 0.37 15.6 57.1
6 30 0.37 12.5 65.8
7 35 0.37 9.3 74.5
8 40 0.42 6.2 83.1
9 45 0.55 3.3 91.1
10 50 0.85 1.0 97.3
11 55 0.95 0.2 99.3
12 60 1.00 0.0 100.0
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 465

F(Q0 ) = 0

d̄ = Qk · (F(Qk ) − F(Qk−1 )) = 36.4

ns(Q1 ) = ns(5) = d̄ − Q1 = 36.4 − 5 = 31.4

ns(Q2 ) = ns(10) = ns(Q1 ) − (Q2 − Q1 ) · (1 − F(Qk ))
= 31.4 − (10 − 5) · (1 − 0.05) = 26.7
ns(Q2 ) 26.7
fr(Q2 ) = fr(10) = 1 − =1− = 0.268
d 36.4

If initially 45 Mu are manufactured, which corresponds to the interval that contains
the critical ratio, then the type two service level is equal to 91%. These expressions
for the loss function are also useful when the demand has a distribution that is very
different of the normal distribution. A prime example is the demand for complex
and specialized service or repair components, which are often requested infrequent-
ly and in small discrete quantities. Given those assumptions, the demand distribu-
tion is more accurately modeled by a discrete Poisson distribution. The probability
mass function of the Poisson distribution is given by the following formula, where
k is the number of occurrences and  is the expected number of occurrences dur-
ing a specific time interval. Based on the probability mass function the cumulative
demand distribution and the loss function can then be computed. These calculations
are typically organized in an interval table.

λk e−λ
 f (k, λ) = (10.52)

Safety Inventory  The safety inventory is inventory held to buffer against the vari-
ability of future conditions. In the following derivations of inventory policies it is
assumed that both the future demand and the replenishment lead time are not known
with certainty, but that information on their probability distribution is known. The
inventory policies for these assumptions can be divided into continuous review and
periodic review policies. Several optimal policies and one practical policy will be
derived for each of the two classes.
Continuous Review Policies  Continuous review policies monitor continuously
the inventory position. When the inventory position equals or falls below the order
point a fixed quantity is ordered. The two decision variables are the order point
s and the fixed order quantity Q. Depending on the cost components that are to
be minimized or on the type of service constraints that are to be observed, dif-
ferent expressions for the optimal s and Q are derived. These policies adjust the
time between order placements depending on the demand. This type of continuous
review with fixed-order quantity inventory policies are also referred to as (R, Q)
466 10 Inventory Systems

policies in many publications. In this manuscript R will be used to denote the reor-
der time interval for fixed-order frequency policies.
Stochastic Lead Time  Typically the first source of variability considered is the cus-
tomer demand. In the following, the lead time before the replenishment arrives is
also considered to be not known with certainty. In other words it is no longer consid-
ered deterministic but becomes a stochastic variable. There are now two sources of
variability for the demand during the lead time and they interact. The first source is
the variability of the demand per observation period; the second source is the length
of lead time expressed in observation periods. If those two factors are independent,
then the variance of the demand during the lead time is then given by the sum of the
variances of all the contributing terms. The following notation will be used.
Varx variance of stochastic variable x
sx standard deviation of the stochastic variable x
CVx coefficient of variation of the stochastic variable x
SI safety inventory
SIC safety inventory cost
AI average inventory
MI maximum inventory during the cycle
N –1( x) the inverse of the cumulative normal distribution function
The coefficient of variation is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation over the
mean of a distribution. A larger coefficient of variation indicates higher variability.
The coefficient of variation is a dimensionless measure and is often expressed in

Varx sx
 CVx = = (10.53)
E [x] x̄

The mean and variance of a random variable that is the product of two other inde-
pendent random variables can be computed in function of the mean and variance
of the two factors. For inventory policies the demand during the lead time is the
product of the demand during one observation period and the length of the lead time
expressed in observation periods.
 E [dlt] = E [d] · E [lt] (10.54)
To simplify notation, the expected value operator E [] will be omitted if there is no
confusion possible.
 dlt = d̄ · lt (10.55)

 Vardlt = Vard + d̄ 2 · Varlt = lt · Vard + d̄ 2 · Varlt (10.56)

Observe that all the terms in the previous formula have consistent dimensions equal
to items-of-product squared since the lead time is considered a dimensionless scal-
ing factor, i.e., lt is the number of observation periods whose duration add up to the
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 467

lead time and d̄ is the expected demand during one period with dimensions equal to
items-of-product. Numerically the expected demand during one period d̄ is equal
to demand rate d and the symbols are often used interchangeably in equations.
Compared to the case with a deterministic lead time, the standard deviation of the
demand during the lead time and the corresponding safety stock level will increase.

 SI = k · lt · Vard + d̄ 2 · Varlt (10.57)

 SIC = HCR · v · SI (10.58)

Often the safety inventory is set to a multiple of the demand rate. For example,
this practice may be stated as “the safety inventory is 3 weeks of demand.” Using
the coefficient of variation of the demand distribution, an expression for the safety
inventory can be derived that captures this practice.

Vard sd
CVd = =
 d d (10.59)
Vard = (CVd · d)2

SI = k · lt · CVd2 + Varlt · d̄ (10.60)

In the above expression for the safety inventory, the proportionality factor for the
demand is equal to the product of the factor in function of the service level ( k) and
the factor in function of the variability of the demand during the lead time. The ap-
propriate value of k will be determined for the various inventory policies.
(s, Q) Policies: Sequential Determination of Q and s Based on Type 1 Service
Level  A service level requirement of type 1 limits the probability that a stockout
will occur during an inventory cycle. It achieves this service level by placing a

F(s)=95 %

Fig. 10.12   Distribution of kσ
the demand during the lead
time d⋅lt
468 10 Inventory Systems

replenishment order before the inventory drops to the level equal to the expected
demand during the lead time plus a safety buffer depending on the required prob-
ability. The reorder point is thus larger than the expected demand for practical cases,
where the required probability is larger than 50%. The higher the service level,
the bigger the difference between the reorder point and the expected demand. This
principle is illustrated in Fig. 10.12, where for illustration purposes a service level
of 95% was required.
The inventory policy has to determine two parameters. For the classic ( s, Q)
policy, the parameters can be determined independently, i.e., one parameter after
another or sequentially. In this sequential procedure, the optimal order quantity is
first determined with the EOQ formula (10.11).

 2 · D · oc (10.61)
Q∗ =
The reorder point is then computed based on the variability of the demand during
the lead time and required service level α of type one. In the following equations it
is assumed that the demand is normally distributed but any other demand distribu-
tion can be used provided its inverse can be computed.
sdlt = lt · sd2 + d 2 · Varlt = d lt · CVd2 + Varlt
 z = N −1 (α) (10.62)

s = d · lt + z · sdlt

The average inventory in the system is now the sum of the cycle inventory and the
safety inventory. The corresponding formulas for the average inventory and the
total cost are shown next.

AI = CI + SI = + (s − d · lt) (10.63)

 D Q
TC = oc + hc + hc · (s − d · lt) (10.64)
Q 2

It should be noted that the safety inventory is computed as the difference between
the reorder point and the expected demand during the lead time. This expression is
correct even if the reorder point is larger than the reorder quantity. In this case, the
inventory on-order but not yet delivered is part of the inventory position, but it is not
part of the safety inventory and so no inventory holding cost has to be paid for it.
Technical Parkas Example  The inventory policy variables for the technical parkas
are computed next, assuming a type 1 service level no less than 97%. First the reor-
der quantity is computed with the EOQ expression.

∗ 2 · 450 · 3750
Q = = 2149
0.0077 · 95
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 469

In this particular example, because the lead time of 6 weeks is larger than the op-
timal reorder interval, which is equal to 2149/450 = 4.78 weeks, the reorder point
is larger than the ordering quantity. The maximum inventory ( MI) will occur at the
arrival of the replenishment order.

sdlt = 6 · 1272 + 4502 · 1.52 = 743.24
z = N −1 (0.97) = 1.88
s = 450 · 6 + 1.88 · 743.24 = 4098
SI = 4098 − 2700 = 1398
MI = 1398 + 2149 = 3547

  2149 · 0.0077 · 95 450

T C Q∗ = + 3750 + (4098 − 2700) · 0.0077 · 95 = 2592
2 2149
(s, Q) Policies: Sequential Determination of Q and s Using Shortage Costs  This
policy attempts to minimize the sum of the cycle inventory cost and safety inven-
tory cost for a required service level of type 1. In addition, it evaluates the impact of
choosing the reorder point by adding to the above inventory cost the shortage cost
associated with items that could not be supplied in response to customer demand.
The last cost component is called the shortage cost. In order to compute the shortage
cost, we first need to compute the expected number of items short during a cycle
corresponding to a reorder point s.
The expected shortage is the expected number of items short per replenishment
cycle. To compute the shortage cost over the planning horizon we have to multiply the
expected shortage by the unit shortage cost and by the number of cycles in the plan-
ning period. This yields the following expression for the total inventory cost, where z
is the z-statistic corresponding to maximum no-stock out probability, i.e. the service
level of type one. The equations assume that the demand is normally distributed.

TC (Q) = Q
oc + hc · (s − d · lt) + sc · sdlt · L (z)
+ hc
2  Q 
 D Q (10.65)
TC (s, Q) = (oc + sc · ns(s)) + hc + s − d · lt
Q 2

Technical Parkas Example  Southern Ascent estimates that the unit shortage cost
for a technical parka equals $ 150. The inventory policy variables for the technical
parkas are computed next, assuming a type 1 service level no less than 97% and a
unit shortage cost of $ 150 and a normally distributed demand.

∗ 2 · 450 · 3750
Q = = 2149
0.0077 · 95

sdlt = 6 · 1272 + 4502 · 1.52 = 743.24
z = N −1 (0.97) = 1.88
s = 450 · 6 + 1.88 · 743.24 = 4098
SI = 4098 − 2700 = 1398
MI = 1398 + 2149 = 3547
L (1.88) = 0.0116
ns (4098) = 0.0116 · 743.24 = 8.635
470 10 Inventory Systems

 2149 450
TC Q = 0.0077 · 95 + (4098 − 2700) + (3750 + 150 · 8.635)
2 2149
= 2863

(s, Q) Policies: Simultaneous Determination of Q and s Using Shortage Costs  Up

to this point the optimal ordering quantity and the reorder point have been computed
sequentially because they were assumed to be independent. The introduction of the
shortage cost component in the objective function made that assumption invalid.
The previous sequential and heuristic policy optimizes the reorder point first so
that the sum of the cycle inventory and ordering cost are minimized subject to the
service constraint and then evaluates the impact of the reorder point with the sum of
ordering, inventory, and shortage costs. The following policy attempts to minimize
the sum of the ordering, cycle inventory, safety inventory, and shortage costs.
Recall that the total cost is given by Eq.  (10.65). This equation has the same
structure with respect to Q as the basic EOQ formula and thus the same convex-
ity properties with respect to Q. We can minimize the total cost by setting the first
derivative equal to zero.
dTC (s, Q) hc D (oc + sc · ns (s))
 = − (10.66)
dQ 2 Q2
This yields the following optimal order quantity.

 2D oc + sc · ns (s ∗ )  2D oc + sc · s · L (z∗ )
Q∗ = = (10.67)
hc hc

The expression for the optimal order quantity includes the optimal reorder point, or
equivalently, the z-statistic corresponding to the optimal safety stock, which is not
known. The total cost is also a function of ns(s) which also depends on the z-statistic.
The resulting problem is a nonlinear optimization problem in two decision vari-
ables Q and s, or equivalently, in Q and z. The optimal order quantity and optimal z-
statistic can be computed with an iterative search algorithm. During each iteration,
the optimal reorder quantity is computed first while the reorder point is held con-
stant and then the optimal reorder point is computed next while the order quantity
is held constant. This search method is called the cyclical coordinates method and
corresponds to a sequence of perpendicular improvement steps along the reorder
quantity and reorder point axes. The iterative procedure starts with the EOQ as ini-
tial value for the optimal order quantity.

0 2 · D · oc
 Q = (10.68)
The first derivative with respect to s of the total cost is equal to
dTC (s, Q) D · sc dns (s)
 = hc + · (10.69)
ds Q ds
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 471

Recall that the derivative of the expected shortage is given by (10.48). Rearranging
the condition that the first derivative of the total cost with respect to s equals zero
yields the following expression.
dTC (s, Q) D · sc
 = hc − · (1 − F (s)) = 0 (10.70)
ds Q
This expression can be rearranged to yield the following expression.
Q · hc
 F (s) = 1 − (10.71)
D · sc
Based on the inverse cumulative demand distribution, the z-statistic as well as the
optimal reorder point can then be computed
−1 Q · hc
 z=F 1− (10.72)
D · sc

s = d · lt + z · sdlt (10.73)

A new value for the optimal order quantity can then be computed in function of the
reorder point.
  2D oc + sc · ns (s)
  2D oc + sc · s · L (z)
dlt (10.74)
Q= =

hc hc

The algorithm iterates through these steps until there are no significant changes in
the values of the order quantity or the reorder point.
Technical Parkas Example  The following calculations correspond to the first itera-
tion for the technical park as example. The nonnegative superscripts on the vari-
ables indicate the iteration; a superscript equal to negative one indicates the inverse

0 2 · 450 · 3750
Q = = 2149.1
0.0077 · 95

Q0 · hc 2149.1 · 0.0077 · 95
F 1 (s) = 1 − =1− = 1 − 0.0233 = 0.9767
D · sc 450 · 150

−1 Q0 · hc
z =F 1− = N −1 (0.9767) = 1.9905
D · sc

s1 = d · lt + z 1 · sdlt = 450 · 6 + 1.9905 · 743 = 4179.4

472 10 Inventory Systems

Table 10.5   Inventory example iterative algorithm for type 1 service level with shortage costs
Q F(s) z s L(z) n(s)
2149.1 0.9767 1.9905 4179.4 0.0087 6.4725
2411.2 0.9739 1.9414 4142.9 0.0099 7.3730
2445.5 0.9735 1.9353 4138.4 0.0101 7.4919
2450.0 0.9735 1.9345 4137.8 0.0101 7.5075
2450.6 0.9735 1.9344 4137.7 0.0101 7.5095

L z 1 = L (1.9905) = 0.0087

ns1 s1 = sdlt · L z 1 = 743 · 0.008 = 6.4725
1 2D oc + sc · ns 1 s 1 2 · 450 · (3750 + 150 · 6.4725)
Q = = = 2411.2
hc 0.0077 · 95

The calculations for the next iterations are summarized in Table  10.5. After five
iterations the values for Q and s have converged with sufficient accuracy. Finally,
those values have to be converted to integer values, since the inventory and order
quantity can only be in whole units. The optimal order quantity is thus 2451 and the
optimal reorder point is 4138.
(s, Q) Policies: Sequential Determination of Q and s Based on Type 2 Service
Level  This policy attempts to minimize the sum of the cycle inventory cost and
safety inventory cost, subject to the restriction that the fill rate must be no smaller
than a given value. Previously, the expected number of items backordered at the
end of a single cycle was defined as ns( s). The expected number of cycles per year
is equal to D/Q. The fill rate or long-range average ratio of the number of items
delivered from inventory over the total demand is then equal to
(D/Q) ns (s) ns (s)
 fr = 1 − =1− (10.75)
The resulting problem is again a nonlinear optimization problem in two variables Q
and s, or equivalently Q and z. If it is assumed that those variables can be determined
independently then a sequential algorithm will suffice. In the sequential method, the
order quantity is determined first with the EOQ expression. Based on the optimal
order quantity and desired type 2 service level the reorder point is then determined.

2 · oc · D
 ns (s) = Q (1 − f r) (10.76)
z = N S −1 (ns (s)) = N S −1 (Q (1 − f r))
s = d · LT + z · sdlt
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 473

For general demand distributions, the inverse function of the expected shortage
NS −1( x) may not available or easily computable. If it is assumed that the demand is
normally distributed, then this inverse can be computed using the unit loss function.

2 · oc · D
Q (1 − f r)
 L(z) = (10.77)
Q (1 − f r)
z = L−1

s = d · LT + z · sdlt

The average inventory and total cost are then computed with the same formulas
used for the type 1 service level. Observe that these formulas do not include short-
age costs, since the required service level is modeled as a constraint.
 AI = CI + SI = + (s − d · LT ) (10.78)

 TC = oc + hc + hc · (s − d · LT ) (10.79)
Q 2

Technical Parkas Example  For the Technical Parkas example, the numerical values
can then be computed as follows.

2 · 450 · 3750
Q= = 2149
0.0077 · 95
2149 (1 − 0.97)
L (z) = = 0.0867
z = L−1 (0.0867) = 0.9786
s = 450 · 6 + 0.9786 · 743 = 3427
  2149 450
TC Q∗ = 0.0077 · 95 + (3427 − 2700) + · 3750 = 2102
2 2149

(s, Q) Policies: Simultaneous Determination of Q and s Based on Type 2 Service

Level  The previous policy computes the optimal order quantity with the EOQ for-
mulas and then derives the optimal reorder point based on that order quantity. This
sequential determination of the optimal order quantity and order point assumes that
those two decision variables are independent. The simultaneous determination of
the optimal quantities yields two nonlinear equations in function of Q and s, where
474 10 Inventory Systems

Q depends on s and s depends on Q. The derivation of equation of optimal value of

Q in function of s is shown in Appendix B. Since the independence assumption is
invalid, the solution values generated by the sequential algorithm may be subopti-
mal. Assuming that the demand is normally distributed, the equations can be solved
with the cyclical coordinates iterative search algorithm. The sequential algorithm is
then identical to the first iteration of the iterative search algorithm.

0 2 · oc · D
Q =
ns(s) = Q (1 − f r)

Q(1 − f r)
 L(z) = (10.80)
Q(1 − f r)
z = L−1

s = d · lt + z · sdlt
ns (s) 2 · oc · D ns (s)
Q= + +
1 − F (s) hc 1 − F (s)

Technical Parkas Example  The numerical calculations for the first iteration of the
Technical Parkas example are given next. Again the nonnegative superscripts on the
variables indicate the iteration and a superscript equal to negative one indicates the
inverse function.

0 2 · 450 · 3750
Q = = 2149.1
0.0077 · 95
ns (s) = 2149.1 · (1 − 0.97) = 64.47
  2149 (1 − 0.97)
L z1 = = 0.0867
z1 = L−1 (0.0867) = 0.9786

s 1 = 450 · 6 + 0.9786 · 743 = 3427.3

F s 1 = N z1 = N (0.9786) = 0.8361

1 64.47 2 · 3750 · 450 64.47
Q = + + = 2578.1
1 − 0.8361 0.0077 · 95 1 − 0.8361

The calculations for the next iterations are summarized in Table  10.6. After four
iterations the values for Q and s have converged with sufficient accuracy. Finally,
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 475

Table 10.6   Inventory example iterative algorithm for type 2 service level
Q n(s) L(z) z s F(s)
2149.1 64.47 0.0867 0.9786 3427.3 0.8361
2578.1 77.34 0.1041 0.8804 3354.3 0.8107
2596.1 77.88 0.1048 0.8766 3351.5 0.8096
2596.8 77.90 0.1048 0.8764 3351.4 0.8096

those values have to be converted to integer values, since the inventory and order
quantity can only be in whole units. The optimal order quantity is thus 2597 and the
optimal reorder point is 3352.
The values of Q and s are then rounded to the nearest integer and the total cost
is computed.
2597 450
TC = 0.0077 · 95 + (3351 − 2700) + · 3750 = 2074.8
2 2597

In practice, the optimal reorder quantity is typically rounded up to a multiple of the

package size, which for this example may be 2600 units. This should be followed
by the computation of the optimal z and s for that order quantity.
When the inventory policy is based on a service level constraint, the shortage
cost is not used in the objective function. However, the resulting inventory policy
corresponds to an implicit value of the shortage cost called the derived shortage
cost. This derived shortage cost can be computed and used as a validation test for
the service level that was required.
Q · hc
 sc = (10.81)
D · (1 − F (s))

Technical Parkas Example  For the Technical Parkas example, the derived shortage
cost is then
Q · hc 2597 · 0.0077 · 95
sc = = = 22.15
D · (1 − F (s)) 450 · (1 − 0.8096)

For this particular example, the derived shortage cost is much smaller than the
shortage cost estimated by the company. This would indicate that the required ser-
vice level is set to low. Increasing the service level requirement would increase the
total cost of the inventory policy, but this would be compensated for by a lower total
shortage cost. In other words, the company would increase its profit from the sales
of the parkas, if it set the service level requirement of the parkas to a higher fraction.
The optimal values of the optimal order quantity and reorder point for the dif-
ferent inventory policies are summarized in Table 10.7. It should be noted that the
different inventory policies provide different service levels and different total costs
through their choices of order quantities and reorder points. Given an imprecise
requirement of a 97% service level without a type of service level qualifier, the
476 10 Inventory Systems

Table 10.7   Inventory example results summary

Type Q s TC SI AI F(s) (%) fr (%)
Deterministic demand 2149 0 1570.5 0 1075 100.0 100.0
Det. demand + lead time 2149 2700 1570.5 0 1075 100.0 100.0
Type 1 service (indepedent) 2149 4098 2592.1 1398 2473 97.0 99.6
Shortage cost (sequential) 2149 4098 2863.3 1398 2473 97.0 99.6
Shortage cost (iterative) 2451 4138 2842.0 1438 2664 97.3 99.7
Type 2 service (sequential) 2149 3427 2102.1 727 1802 83.6 97.0
Type 2 service (iterative) 2597 3351 2074.8 651 1950 81.0 97.0

optimal total cost increases from $ 2074.8 for a type 2 service level to $ 2592.1 for
a type 1 service level. This represents a 25% increase in the total cost for a single
SKU. The total cost differential can be very large for companies with many hun-
dreds of thousands of SKUs.
Two-Bin Policies as a Special Case of (s, Q) Policies  The two-bin policy is a com-
mon inventory policy that has as its prime advantage that it is very easy to imple-
ment and manage. The items in stock are assumed to be stored in two identical bins.
The current demand is withdrawn from one bin. As soon as that bin becomes empty,
items are being withdrawn from the other bin and a replenishment order is placed
for items sufficient to fill the first bin. The two-bin policy is a variant of the (s, Q)
inventory policies where both the order quantity and reorder point are identical to
the number of items in a bin.
 Q=s (10.82)
The two-bin policy is often used for items that are of lesser value or when there is
no infrastructure to track withdrawals or forecast the demand. Typical examples
are screws and nuts in manufacturing, packaging materials in distribution centers,
and inexpensive office supplies such as pens. If the lead time exceeds the inven-
tory cycle time, the inventory policy can be extended to a three-bin, four-bin, etc.,
policy. In these cases, s = 2Q or 3Q.
Periodic Review Policies  
(R, s, S) Policies  A second major class of inventory policies reviews the inven-
tory position at regular intervals. If the inventory position is at or below the reor-
der point, an order is placed to bring the inventory position up to the order-up-to
point. There are thus three decisions to be made: the frequency or time interval R,
the reorder point s, and the order-up-to quantity S. Those policies are denoted by
(R, s, S) policies. These policies adjust the amount order based on the observed
demand during the interval. The simultaneous optimization of these three variables
is extremely difficult. As a consequence, optimal (R, s, S) policies are almost never
used in practice.
(s, S) Policies  In real-world inventory systems, the choices for R are usually limited
to a small number of discrete values. Deliveries typically occur with a natural fre-
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 477

quency, such as daily, once or twice a week, every 2 weeks, etc. The determination
of the optimal R order interval can be easily achieved by complete enumeration over
the feasible values. The determination of the optimal reorder level and order-up-to
quantity for a given order interval R yields the class of (s, S) policies.
The (s, S) inventory policies then operate as follows every order interval, where
i is the inventory position.
if (i ≤ s) order (S − i)
if (i > s) do not order

Min–Max Policies as a Special Case of (s, S) Policies  Even the determination of

optimal values for s and S for a given reorder interval R is difficult. In practice, the
optimal values are often approximated based on the optimal values for the fixed
reorder quantity policies. This fixed reorder frequency policy with approximate
values is called the Min–Max inventory policy. For a given cost objective and ser-
vice constraints, first the optimal s and Q quantities for the fixed reorder quantity
policy are determined. The reorder point min is set equal to the reorder point s. The
order-up-to quantity max is equal to the reorder point plus the reorder quantity. The
inventory position is examined with a fixed frequency and an order is placed when
the inventory position is equal or falls below the reorder point (min). The amount
ordered is equal to the difference between the target level (max) and the inventory
position. The s and S values for a given reorder frequency are thus approximated by

 Min = s ≈ s
Max = S ≈ s + Q (10.83)

if (i ≤ Min) order (Max − i)

 if (i > Min) do not order (10.84)

Base Stock or (S − 1, S) Policies as a Special Case of (s, S) Policies  The base stock
policy is a variant of the periodic review inventory policies that reviews the inven-
tory position every R time units. The inventory policy orders a number of items equal
to the demand in the previous period. The inventory policy executes a one-for-one
replacement of items. This is equivalent to setting the reorder point equal to S − 1,
which implies that an order is placed if there was any demand during the previous
period, but no order is placed if there was no demand. S is the order-up-to level. The
time interval, equal to R time units, is used as the fundamental period and the review
periods are then indexed by subsequent integers. For example, if the inventory is
measured every Monday morning, the fundamental time period would 1 week and the
reviews and possible actions would be indicated by week or period 1, 2, … Assuming
that the time period R is determined by the system constraints, the order-up-to level
is the only variable that needs to be determined for this inventory policy. The value
of S will determine the service level and the inventory costs of the inventory system.
The following assumptions are made to determine the optimal value of S. It is
assumed that the inventory is checked at the beginning of every period and that an
478 10 Inventory Systems

order could be placed at that time and that replenishment deliveries occur at the
beginning of every time period. This implies that the only time the inventory can
be observed is at the beginning of each period. The lead time, denoted by lt, is as-
sumed to be an integer multiple of the fundamental time period and is expressed
in periods. For example, if inventory is measured once week and the lead time for
replenishment is 3 weeks then the lead lt would be equal to 3 and be a dimension-
less quantity. Finally, it is assumed that all demand is eventually filled. If an order
arrives and no inventory is available, the order is filled based on a first-in, first-out
priority after one or more replenishments have arrived. So it is assumed that there
are no lost sales or, equivalently, the backorder level is 100%.
Recall the following definitions.
d demand rate per period
OHI on-hand inventory, which is the physical inventory present in the warehouse.
Its value is nonnegative.
BO backorder quantity, which is the quantity of items for which orders already
have been received but that have not yet shipped. Back orders are kept in a
first-come, first-served queue. The backorder quantity is nonnegative.
OOI on-order inventory, which is inventory that has been ordered from the
supplier but that has not yet been received at the warehouse. Its value is
IL inventory level, which is the on-hand inventory minus the backorder quan-
tity. Its value can be positive, zero, or negative.
i inventory position is equal to the sum of the inventory level and the on-order
Q order quantity, which can change from period to period,
The following relationships between the various definitions and parameters of the
inventory policy exist.
 IL = OHI −BO (10.85)

 i = IL +OOI = OHI +OOI −BO (10.86)

 Q =S −i (10.87)
Finally, it should be noted that the inventory position at the end of a period is equal
to the inventory position at the beginning of the next period. Consider a system
where the lead time is equal to three periods, or lt = 3. At the beginning of the fourth
period the order quantity is equal to.

Q4 = S − i4 = S − IL4 − OOI4 .

Immediately after the order has been placed the inventory position increases to S.
The quantity on-order immediately after the replenishment order has been placed
is then.
10.2 Independent Demand Systems 479

OOI4 = S −IL4

Since the lead time is equal to three periods, all the replenishment quantities of
OOI4 will have been received by the end of period 7 and observed by beginning
of period 8. The replenishment will arrive sometime between the start of period
7 and the start of period 8, but will be observed at the start of period 8 when the
inventory parameters are checked. The total demand during the time interval be-
tween the check at the start of period 4 and the check at the start of period 8 is
equal to

dlt+1 = d4 + d5 + d6 + d7

This demand is based on the number of periods in the lead time plus one extra pe-
riod. In the example the lead time is three periods and the demand is based on four
periods. This relationship is indicated by the subscript lt + 1. Note that the expected
value of this demand is equal to
 E dlt+1 = d (lt + 1) (10.88)

The inventory level at the start of period 8 is equal to beginning inventory level
at the start of period 4 plus all the replenishments received minus all the demands
satisfied during the time interval from the start of period 4 to the start of period 8.
t=8 t=8
IL8 = IL4 + (S − IL4 ) − dt = S − dt
t=4 t=4

The expected value, variance, and standard deviation of the inventory level can then
be computed as follows.
 E [IL] = S − E dt = S − d (lt + 1) (10.89)

 Var [IL] = (lt + 1) · Var [d] + d 2 · Var [lt] (10.90)

 sdIL = (lt + 1) · sdd2 + d 2 · sdlt2 (10.91)

It should be noted that in the continuous review policies, the standard deviation of
the inventory level was based on lt times the standard deviation of the demand per
time period, but for the base stock level the standard deviation for the inventory
level is (lt + 1) times the standard deviation of the demand per time period. The
equivalencies shown in Table 10.8 exist between these two inventory policies.
It should be noted that in the above formulas the reorder interval R and the lead
time LT are expressed in the same time unit, such as 1 year. The optimal values can
then be derived completely analogously to the case of the continuous review (fixed-
480 10 Inventory Systems

Table 10.8   Summary of equivalencies between continuous review and base stock inventory
Policy (s, Q) (S − 1, S)
Reorder point s S−1
Order quantity Q S−i
Lead time LT (lt + 1) R

order quantity) policies, provided that the critical period is set to ( lt + 1)R or lt + 1
periods. The safety stock is intended to absorb the uncertainty of the demand during
this critical period. An intuitive explanation that the length of the critical period for
the base stock inventory policies is equal to lt + 1 periods is based on the fact that
first one time period has to pass before the inventory position is examined again and
then followed by the lead time of lt periods for that replenishment order to arrive.
In comparison, for the continuous review policies, as soon as the inventory position
reaches the reorder point an order is placed and the replenishment occurs after the
lead time LT.
The optimal value of the order-up-to level S can be determined subject to a ser-
vice level constraint, be this either a no-stockout probability of type 1 or a fill rate
constraint of type 2 in exactly the same way as for the case of the continuous review
policy provided that the critical period is set to ( lt + 1)R or lt + 1 periods.
Finally, the safety stock level is based on a critical period of ( lt + 1)R or lt + 1
periods, but the in-transit or pipeline inventory is based on the transit time, which
remains unchanged from the transit time in the case of the continuous review

10.3 Dependent Demand Systems

In dependent demand systems, the production and shipment of components and raw
materials is timed to meet the production planning requirements. The right amount
of material is produced and delivered at the right time. The goal is to avoid carry-
ing items as work-in-process (WIP) inventory or to find the best balance between
inventory holding cost and production setup costs. This inventory control policy is
often used for the scheduling of the high-value, custom-made items. It requires that
the demand for the finished product is reasonably well known or can be forecasted
with relatively small errors.
Characteristics, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Distribution Resource
Planning  Distribution requirement planning or distribution resource planning
(DRP) uses the methodology and techniques of material requirements planning
(MRP) applied to the distribution channel to achieve integrated materials schedul-
ing throughout the entire supply chain from raw materials suppliers to the finished
goods customers. DRP is based on a centralized, top-down, push philosophy of
supply chain management. The basic DRP methodology assumes that the future is
known with certainty and demand is deterministic. Supply chains using ( Q, R) or
10.3 Dependent Demand Systems 481

( s, S) inventory policies generally manage products and retailers independently in

a distributed, bottom-up, pull philosophy. These traditional reorder point policies
explicitly incorporate uncertainty.
To a large extent, DRP will exhibit the same advantages and disadvantages of
MRP. DRP has several advantages and benefits that derive from its centralized phi-
• DRP requires that similar and consistent data be collected throughout the entire
supply chain. This in itself encourages integrated planning and enhances com-
munication throughout the supply chain.
• DRP will show future shipments and deliveries of materials. This allows the
management of the various facilities and transportation modes to anticipate their
future requirements and enables them to better plan transportation, production,
and warehousing activity levels.
• The requirements associated with new product introductions and sales promo-
tions can be anticipated and the supply chain can be prepared for these sudden,
irregular, or unusual requirements.
• When there is insufficient product inventory to satisfy all customer demand, the
DRP system can allocate and distribute materials so that these shortages are more
uniformly divided over the retailers. This prevents that one retailer may receive
100% of its demand and another retailer receives nothing depending on which
one transmitted their order first.
• DRP incorporates all sources of demand, not just the sales observed or transmit-
ted by the retailer. For instance, the materials required for a seasonal inventory
buildup are included and these requirements can be distributed over time.
• The system view of DRP allows the balancing of materials and requirements
over the whole supply chain system. The utilization of distribution centers and
manufacturing facilities can be balanced.
• The systemwide view allows also the obsolescence control of the goods in inven-
tory. This is especially important in industry dealing in perishable products such
as fresh food and flowers.
DRP has the following disadvantages, which are caused by its strong dependence on
the quality of the forecast for the final products.
• Errors in the forecast or changes in the forecast may create work-in-process in-
ventory of intermediate components in the supply chain.
• DRP considers only an uncapacitated system and manufacturing and transporta-
tion resource limitations are not considered or incorporated.

DRP Mechanics  DRP will compute required materials and orders backwards from
the forecasted sale of the finished goods to the final customer. Based on given safety
stock levels, lead times, shipping quantities, and the bill of materials (BOM), the
forecasted sales are exploded backwards in time and through the supply chain.
Forecasted demand is aggregated at the source facilities of the shipments.
482 10 Inventory Systems

The BOM gives the immediate components q required to produce one unit of
product p. The BOM can be represented by a matrix Aqp, where the rows represent
the various components and the columns represent the various intermediate and end
products. The following notation will be used:
aqp number of units of component q required to produce one unit of product p
ip,t on-hand inventory of product p during time period t
dp,t gross requirements (outflow) of product p during time period t
sp,t scheduled receipts (inflow) of product p during time period t
rp,t planned production receipts (inflow) of product p during time period t
The material requirements can then be computed with the following two equations.
The first equation is a conservation of flow constraint for every commodity during
every time period at every facility. The second equation translates the demand of
a product at a particular time into demand for its components at the earlier time
periods determined by the production lead time of the product. The flow balance
is illustrated in Fig. 10.13. It should be noted that all of the circles in the diagram
correspond to one facility, where product p is being manufactured, and that the rect-
angle represents a supplier facility, where the component q is being sourced from.

 ip,t = ip,t−1 − dp,t + sp,t + rp,t (10.93)

dq,t−ltp = aqp rp,t (10.94)

The planned shipments at the various facilities and transportation modes are then
used to generate the master production schedule and to update the safety stock lev-
els and production and shipment quantity parameters. To schedule the production
for products that have multiple demands, the EOQ equation, the heuristic algo-
rithm developed by Silver and Meal (1973), or the optimal dynamic programming
procedure by Wagner and Within (1958) may be used. To incorporate uncertainty

p,t-1 OH
d p,
p,t OH
rp ,t ,t

=a q
t -lt p,t+1
Sq,t-lt d q,
q,t-ltp-ttq q,t-ltp

Fig. 10.13   Flow balance at a facility

10.4 Exercises 483

of the demand quantities, the newsvendor algorithm may be used at each stage to
determine safety inventories in the supply chain. The use of safety stock levels is an
extension to the basic deterministic DRP method.
DRP is a simple but effective tool for multilevel distribution systems or supply
chains for products with complex multilevel bill of materials. Such systems typi-
cally include two or more layers or echelons of facilities that are storing inven-
tory. There exists an extensive theoretical literature on mathematical models for
the management of multilevel inventory systems. However, most of these models
are mathematically very complex or have significant simplifying assumptions
that make their implementation and adaptation in large-scale industrial systems

10.4 Exercises

True/False Questions 
  1. A common measure of customer service is the long-range fraction of product
delivered out of inventory. (T/F) _____
  2. A fixed-order quantity inventory control system is more suitable for small
irregular demand than for regular, high-quantity demand for a product.
(T/F) _____
  3. A just-in-time pull inventory system is best suited to regular demand patterns.
(T/F) _____
  4. A lower inventory turnover ratio is desirable. (T/F) _____
  5. A mandated service level of 98% of the product delivered out of inventory will
create higher levels of inventory than the mandated service level of the prob-
ability of no stockout more than or equal to 98%. (T/F) _____
  6. DRP is an extension of MRP to allow integrated supply scheduling throughout
the entire logistics channel. (T/F) _____
  7. For a made-to-stock product the order cycle time for normal order fulfillment
does not included the production time in the manufacturing plant. (T/F) _____
  8. For an inventory system with a stochastic lead time, the safety inventory in a
system with a larger coefficient of variation of the lead time will be less than
or equal to than the safety inventory in a system with a smaller coefficient of
variation of the lead time. (T/F) _____
  9. If the coefficient of variation of the sample demand data is larger than one,
then a normal distribution is a good approximation of the demand distribution.
(T/F) _____
10. If the cumulative demand for the mean plus two standard deviations is less
than 80% then the normal distribution is a good approximation of the demand
distribution. (T/F) _____
11. If the future demand is known with perfect certainty, then there is no need to
have inventory in the logistics system. (T/F) _____
484 10 Inventory Systems

12. If the marginal loss is larger than the marginal profit in a single-order inven-
tory system, then the purchased inventory should be smaller than the expected
demand. (T/F) _____
13. If the marginal profit is larger than the marginal loss in a single-order inven-
tory system, then the purchased inventory should be larger than the expected
demand. (T/F) _____
14. In a pull inventory system the replenishments are based on the forecasted
demand of the final and intermediate products. (T/F) _____
15. In DRP the inventory levels of various components is dependent on the fore-
casted demand for the final finished good. (T/F) _____
16. One of the main reasons to hold product inventory in the supply chain is to
decouple the sequence of processing steps in the supply chain. (T/F) _____
17. Response time constraints is one of the fundamental reasons to have warehous-
ing and inventory. (T/F) _____
18. Safety stock is the inventory held for speculation beyond the foreseeable needs
of the corporation. (T/F) _____
19. The aging or curing inventories used in the preparation of food products
such as cheese and champagne can be modeled similar to pipeline inventory.
(T/F) _____
20. The average inventory caused by the iterative determination of Q and R for
the case of stochastic demand and shortage cost in the system and with a ser-
vice level constraint of type 1 will be less than or equal to the average inven-
tory caused by the single pass determination of Q and R for the same case.
(T/F) _____

Landgate  Landgate is a producer of a line of internal fixed disk drives for micro-
computers. The drives use a 3.5-in. platter that Landgate purchases from an outside
supplier. Demand data and sales forecast indicate that the weekly demand for the
platters can be approximated with sufficient accuracy by a normal distribution with
mean of 3800 and variance of 1,300,000. The platters require a 3-week lead-time
for receipt at the disk drive assembly plant. Landgate has been using a 40% annual
interest charge to compute the holding costs because of very short life cycle of the
disk platters, since platters with higher data density are released frequently. The
platters cost $ 18 each and the ordering cost is $ 3700 per order, which includes the
transportation cost to the assembly plant by airfreight. Because of the extreme com-
petitiveness of the industry, stockouts are very costly and Landgate uses currently
a 99% fill rate criterion.
You have been asked to determine the inventory parameters for a continuous
review inventory policy that minimizes the total cost associated with the inventory
while satisfying the customer service constraints. First, give the numerical value
of the problem parameters. Then compute the inventory policy parameters with
the single-iteration algorithm. Next compute these parameters with the appropriate
iterative algorithm, but compute only a single iteration starting from the solution of
the single-pass algorithm. Specify the units for all variables. Round all numerical
values related to platters (e.g., demand, standard deviation, and inventory) to the
10.4 Exercises 485

nearest integer number of platters. You can assume that there are 52 weeks in a year.
Briefly discuss and explain the changes in average inventory and total cost between
the one-pass and iterative algorithm.
Christmas Cards  The deck-the-halls (DTH) Printing Company once a year prints
a particularly richly decorated and ornate Christmas card and distributes the cards
to department stores, stationery, and gift shops throughout the United States. It costs
DTH $ 2.50 to print each card and ship the card to a shop. The company sells the
cards for $ 12.50 a piece, which includes transportation. Each shop or store receives
a single order before the start of the Christmas season. Because the cards have the
current year printed on them and DTH wants to maintain the image of this particular
signature card series, those cards that are not sold to the shops are destroyed. Based
on past experience and forecasts of the current buying patterns, the probabilities
of the number of cards to be sold nationwide for the coming Christmas season are
estimated to be as shown in the next table.

Interval Interval
100,000 150,000 0.0625
150,001 200,000 0.1250
200,001 250,000 0.1875
250,001 300,000 0.2500
300,001 350,000 0.1875
350,001 400,000 0.1250
400,001 450,000 0.0625

Determine the number of cards that DTH should print this year. Summarize your
calculations in a table, using a row for the computation of each relevant variable.
In the first column, give the name of the variable you are computing; in the second
column give the formula used to compute the variable; in the third column give the
numerical value; and in the fourth column give the units of the variable. You cannot
receive credit for the numerical value unless the units are specified.
A detailed analysis of the past data shows that the number of cards sold is better
described by a normal distribution, with mean of 275,000 cards and standard devia-
tion of 80,000 cards. Based on this sales forecast, how many cards should DTH print
now? Again, summarize your calculations in a table, using the same conventions.
Beverage Mart  The Beverage Mart Company is a discount store specializing in
selling beverages such as water and house brand carbonated soft drinks in large
quantities to individual consumers. Their typical sale is a case containing twelve
2-liter bottles of the single beverage of their house brand for a particular beverage
type such as regular cola. Beverage Mart competes on price with regular grocery
stores in their sales area. They have a set of products that have a heavily advertised
low price and that are denoted as loss-leaders. However, the inventory for these
loss-leader products may be insufficient to satisfy the demand. The business model
486 10 Inventory Systems

of Beverage Mart assumes that the customer will buy a similar product that is not
a loss-leader at the regular, but still competitive price. Because of their business
model Beverage Mart uses currently a 75% fill rate criterion for loss-leader items.
For one particular SKU of water, the weekly demand is assumed to be forecasted
with sufficient accuracy by a normal distribution with mean of 1200 cases and stan-
dard deviation of 225 cases. The ordering cost is $  145 per order. The lead for
ordering this SKU is on average 1.5 weeks with a standard deviation of 0.2 weeks.
The annual holding cost rate is 1000%. The average purchase price for a case is $ 6.
You have been asked to determine the inventory parameters for a continuous review
inventory policy that minimizes the total inventory cost while satisfying the customer
service constraints for regular water in 2-liter bottles and this SKU is considered to be
a loss-leader. For all your calculations, use the notation developed in this book. Your
answer should be summarized in two tables. The first table should contain a summary
of the data. First, give the numerical value of the parameters in the first table. Give the
formulas for the parameters that you had to compute in the third column of the table.

Parameters Symbol Formula Value Units
Ordering cost oc
Demand rate d
Demand rate std. dev. sd
Value p
Holding cost rate hcr
Leadtime lt
Std. dev. lead time slt
Average lead-time demand dlt
Std. dev. lead-time demand sdlt
Fill rate fr

Then compute the inventory policy parameters with the single-iteration algorithm.
Give the formulas and numerical values for the single-pass algorithm in the second
table. In the second table, the third column is for the formulas, the fourth column
should contain the numerical values, and the fifth column must contain the units of
the variable. If you do not specify the units, you cannot receive any credit for the
numerical value! Indicate that values that are dimensionless by drawing a horizontal
line in the corresponding cell of the column that contains the units. Round all nu-
merical values related to product units (e.g., demand, standard deviation, inventory,
and reorder point) to the nearest integer number of product units (cases). You can
assume that there are 52 weeks in a year. If you determine the value of a variable
by looking it up in a table, write “lookup” and then the distribution name in the
formula cell.
10.4 Exercises 487

One-pass algorithm
Variable Symbol Formula Value Units
Order quantity Q
Nonfilled items n(s)
Unit loss function L(z)
Standard deviation count z
Reorder point s
No stock-out probability F(s)
Average inventory AI
Ordering cost OC
Cycle inventory cost CIC
Safety inventory cost SIC
Total cost TC

A new purchasing manager has been hired by Beverage Mart and this manager wants
to change the customer service policy to 75% probability of no stockout. Compute
the continuous review inventory policy for this service level constraint. Give the
formulas and numerical values for the single-pass algorithm in the next table.

Base stock period review with fill rate service level

Variable Symbol Formula Value Units
Order quantity Q
Standard deviation count z
Reorder point s
Average inventory AI
Ordering cost OC
Cycle inventory cost CIC
Safety inventory cost SIC
Total cost TC

Compute the continuous review inventory policy for the type 2 service level with
the iterative algorithm. Give the formulas and the final numerical values for the
iterative algorithm in the next table. Do not complete the shaded area of the table.
Iterative algorithm
Variable Symbol Formula Value Units
Order quantity Q
Nonfilled items n(s)
Unit loss function L(z)
Standard deviation count z
Reorder point s
No stockout probability F(s)
Average inventory AI
Ordering cost OC
Cycle inventory cost CIC
Safety inventory cost SIC
Total cost TC
488 10 Inventory Systems

Compute the derived shortage cost based on the values computed by the last inven-
tory policy. Provide a brief discussion of the value of this derived shortage cost.

Appendix A: Expected Lost Sales for Discrete Distribution


Several alternative methods exist for the derivation of the expected lost sales for a
discrete cumulative demand distribution. The approach taken in the following deri-
vation approximates the continuous demand distribution by a single value in each
interval. In an attempt to make this appendix self-contained several of the formulas
shown previously in the chapter are repeated here. The intervals are assumed to be
sorted by increasing cumulative distribution values, i.e., it is assumed that the cu-
mulative distribution is given for N intervals for with as upper bounds Q1, Q2, … QN
and that F( Q1) ≤ F( Q2) ≤ … ≤ F( QN). To simplify the notation, the cumulative distri-
bution function at the lower bound of the first interval will be denoted by F( Q0) and
its value is by definition equal to zero.
For the first interval, the computation of the expected lost sales is given by the
following two expressions.

ns (Q0 ) = d̄
ns (Q1 ) = d̄ − Q1

Recall that for a continuous demand distribution the expected number of lost sales
is equal to the following.
 ns (s) = E [NS (s)] = (x − s)f (x) dx (10.96)

The expected lost sales at the upper bounds of the intervals can then be computed
as follows.
∞ ∞ ∞
ns (Qk ) = (x − Qk ) f (x)dx = xf (x)dx − Qk f (x)dx
Qk Qk Qk
 
 
=  xf (x)dx − Qk (1 − F (Qk ))
j=0 Qk+j

The integral in this expression calculates the expected demand in one interval. It
is assumed that the only possible values of the demand in each interval is equal to
the upper bound of that interval. The overall expected demand and the expected de-
Appendix A: Expected Lost Sales for Discrete Distribution Function 489

mand in a interval are then computed by the following two expressions. Recall that
for discrete cumulative distribution functions, the critical ratio identifies the interval
and the optimal value of the inventory is set to the upper bound of that interval.
 d̄ = Qj · F Qj − F Qj−1 (10.98)


 xf (x)dx = Qk+j+1 F Qk+j+1 − F Qk+j (10.99)

The expected lost sales can then be expressed in quantities that only depend on
interval values.
ns (Qk ) = Qk+j +1 · F Qk+j +1 − F Qk+j − Qk (1 − F (Qk ))
j =0


Next the difference between two values of the expected lost sales for adjacent inter-
val end points is computed.

ns (Qk+1 ) − ns (Qk )
N −2−k
= Qk+j +2 · F Qk+j +2 − F Qk+j +1 − Qk+1 (1 − F (Qk+1 ))
j =0
− Qk+j +1 · F Qk+j +1 − F Qk+j + Qk (1 − F (Qk ))
j =0

The two summations in the above equation contain the same terms except that
the second summation contains one extra term corresponding to the interval [Qk+j,
Qk+j+1]. The expression can thus be simplified to the following.
ns (Qk+1 ) − ns (Qk )
 = −Qk+1 · (F (Qk+1 ) − F (Qk )) − Qk+1 (1 − F (Qk+1 )) (10.102)
+ Qk (1 − F (Qk ))
= − (Qk+1 − Qk ) (1 − F (Qk ))

This establishes the recursive relationship for the expected lost sales between sub-
sequent intervals.

ns (Qk+1 ) = ns (Qk ) − (Qk+1 − Qk ) (1 − F (Qk )) f or k = 1 . . . N − 1

490 10 Inventory Systems

Appendix B: Optimal (s, Q) Policy for Service Level 2

In an attempt to make this appendix self-contained, several of the formulas shown

previously in the chapter are repeated here. The objective is to minimize the total,
long-range inventory cost subject to the fill rate service constraint. The total inven-
tory cost includes the ordering cost and the holding costs for the cycle and the safety
inventory. The optimization problem is thus:
 min TC = oc + hc + hc · (s − d · lt) (10.104)
Q 2

ns (s) (10.105)
s.t. ≤ (1 − β)


This is a nonlinear optimization problem with a single inequality constraint. Given

that both the objective function and the constraint are convex in function of Q, the
Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KTT) conditions are sufficient conditions for a nonnegative
Q* to be the global optimum. The optimization problem can be written in the fol-
lowing standard form.
min f (x)
 s.t. g (x) ≤ 0 (10.106)

The sufficient KKT conditions for a feasible x* to be the global optimum are then as
follows, where ∇f( x) denotes the gradient of the function f( x). The gradient has to
be taken with respect to the two variables Q and s.
 ∇f x∗ + µ · ∇g x∗ = 0 (10.107)
µ · g x∗ = 0 (10.108)

µ≥0 (10.109)

For the inventory problem, the sufficient KKT conditions can then be written as

∇  QD∗ oc + hc Q2 + hc · (s ∗ − d · lt) + µ∇ Q( ∗ ) − (1 − β) = 0
∗ ns s ∗

ns (s∗ ) (10.111)
µ − (1 − β) =0
Appendix B: Optimal (s, Q) Policy for Service Level 2 491

 µ≥0 (10.112)

If  equals zero, then the EOQ quantity provides the optimal solution to this prob-
lem and the safety inventory level is equal to zero. This can be interpreted as the
case where the inventory level is computed using the EOQ formula while ignoring
the service level requirement and this inventory level satisfies the service level. In
other words, ordering enough inventory to cover the expected demand during the
lead time satisfies the required service level.

∗ 2 · D · oc
 Q = (10.113)
s∗ = d · lt
The remainder of the discussion treats the case where  is strictly positive. In this
case, the following equality must be satisfied.
 ns s∗ = Q∗ (1 − β) (10.114)

First we focus on the computation of the gradient constraint with respect to the
reorder point s. This yields the following equality.

µ∗ dns (s∗ )
 hc + =0 (10.115)
Q∗ ds

Recall that ns(s) is the expected number of units short per cycle, or
 ns (s) = E [NS (s)] = (x − s) f (x) dx (10.116)

The derivative of ns(s) with respect to the reorder point s can be computed with
Leibniz’s rule.
 u(y)  u(y)  
d ∂h (x, y) du (y)
h (x, y)dx = dx + h (u (y) , y)
dy l(y) l(y) ∂y dy
dl (y)
− h (l (y) , y)

This yields the following substitutions:

h (x, y) = (x − s) f (x)
du (y)
u (y) = ∞, =0
dl (y)
l (y) = s, = 1, h (l (y) , y) = (s − s) f (s) = 0
∂h (x, y) ∂ (x − s) ∂f (x)
= f (x) + (x − s) = −f (x)
∂y ∂s ∂s
492 10 Inventory Systems

dns (s)
 = −f (x) dx = −F (x)|∞
s = − (1 − F (s)) (10.118)
ds s

Substituting this in the gradient equation (10.115) yields

 hc + ∗
− 1 − F s∗ =0 (10.119)

which can be rewritten as

  hc · Q∗
F s∗ = 1 −

The same equation can also be rewritten to determine the optimal value of μ*.

hc · Q∗
 µ∗ = (10.120)
1 − F (s∗ )

Next we focus on the computation of the gradient constraint with respect to the
reorder quantity Q. This yields the following equality.
oc · D hc ∗ ns (s∗ )
 − ∗2 + + µ − ∗2 =0 (10.121)
Q 2 Q

Multiplying all terms by 2Q∗2 hc and substituting for μ* with (10.120) yields the
following quadratic equation

 −2D · oc 2 · ns (s∗ ) ∗
+ Q∗2 − Q =0 (10.122)
hc 1 − F (s∗ )

The general quadratic equation

 ax2 + bx + c = 0 (10.123)
has the following two roots, which are two real numbers provided the discriminant,
which is the expression under the square root sign in this equation, is positive.

 ∗ −b ± b2 − 4ac
x = (10.124)

Since for the quadratic equation given in (10.122) a is equal to 1 and c is negative,
the discriminant for this equation is always positive. For the quadratic equation for
References 493

the reorder quantity only the root value computed with the positive sign yields a root
with a positive value and is thus feasible. The optimal reorder quantity is given by.

∗ ns (s ) ns (s∗ ) 2D · oc
 Q = ∗
+ ∗
+ (10.125)
1 − F (s ) 1 − F (s ) hc

For a normal demand distribution, ns( s*) can be written in function of the unit loss
function, which yields the following equation for z*.
∗ −1 Q (1 − β)
 z =L (10.126)
Q∗ (1 − β)
∗ ∗
s = d · lt + z · sdlt = d · lt + sdlt · L −1 (10.127)

The optimal values of ns( s*) and F( s*) can then be determined from s*.
The Eqs. (10.125) and (10.127) provide two equations for the optimal reorder
quantity and the optimal reorder point. Because the variables are mutually depen-
dent in the equations, they have to be solved for iteratively through the method of
cyclical coordinates. Finally, the optimal value of μ* can be computed with (10.120).
Based on (10.71) and (10.120), the optimal value of μ* can thus be interpreted as the
penalty for having a shortage equal to the total annual demand.

 µ∗ = sc · D (10.128)


Schneider, H. (1981). Effect of service-levels on the order-points and order-levels in inventory

models. International Journal of Production Research, 19(6), 615–631.
Silver E., & Peterson, R. (1985). Decision systems for inventory management and production
planning (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.
Silver, E. A., & Meal, H. C. (1973). A heuristic for selecting lot size quantities for the case of a
deterministic time-varying demand rate and discrete opportunities for replenishment. Produc-
tion and Inventory Management, 14, 64–74.
Silver, E., Pyke, D., & Peterson, R. (1998). Inventory management and production planning and
scheduling. New York: Wiley.
Wagner, H. M., & Whitin, T. M. (1958). Dynamic version of the economic lot size model. Manage-
ment Science, 5, 89–96.
Waters, C. (1992). Inventory control and management. New York: John Wiley.
Wilson, R. (2007). 18th Annual the state of logistics report: the new face of logistics. CSCMP.
Zipkin, P. (2000). Foundations of inventory management. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Chapter 11
Supply Chain Systems

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
• Identify the major types of objectives for supply chain systems design.
• Know the major types of components in a supply chain system and their most
important characteristics.
• Know how to apply, interpret, and use Pareto analysis.
• Know the types of strategic configuration of supply chains and their respective
advantages and disadvantages.

11.1 Introduction

11.1.1  Definitions

Recall from the introductory chapter that a supply chain is a network of functional
organizations that through their activities perform the logistics functions. These
functions include procurement of materials, transformation of materials and inter-
mediate products into intermediate and finished products, and distribution of fin-
ished products to the customers. Supply chains exist both in manufacturing and
service organizations. Supply chains can differ greatly in complexity from industry
to industry and from individual company to company. Because of the widespread
prevalence and variety of supply chains, many alternative definitions of a supply
chain exist. The term supply chain is somewhat of a misnomer because a supply
chain is often not a single or simple chain but a complex network with many di-
vergent and convergent flows. Because of the current focus of companies on their
core competencies, there are usually many different organizations active in a sup-
ply chain. If all these organizations belong to the same (multinational) corporation,
information flows usually are more comprehensive and engineering methodology
based decision–making is easier. However, the fundamental nature of the supply
chain does not change with the number of corporations involved. In other words,
there is no difference in the definition of a supply chain depending on the fact if one

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 495

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_11, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
496 11 Supply Chain Systems

or more corporations are responsible for executing the logistics functions. For an
organization to become and remain part of a supply chain requires this to be a ben-
eficial relationship or win–win situation in the long run for both this organization
and for the other organizations in the supply chain.
There exist an enormous variety of supply chain implementations. In the manu-
facturing industries, examples are the manufacturing and distribution of consumer
goods, the assembly of limited-quantity goods such as aircraft and locomotives, or
the construction of telephone switching centers. In the service industries, supply
chains take the form of hospital and provider networks, functionality and location
of banking outlets, and hub-and-spoke networks by major airlines to offer seats on
flights. In the defense organizations, supply chains correspond to personnel, equip-
ment, and bases functions and locations. While many different manifestations and
configurations exist, the underlying structure of any supply chain remains a network
of capacitated production, storage, and transportation assets to provide customer
service by the timely delivery of goods and services to the customers at the lowest
possible cost. A supply chain schematic is shown in Fig. 11.1.
Some examples of the questions faced during the planning and design of supply
chains are given next. This is by no means a comprehensive list.
• Where to purchase?
• Vendor selection and make-or-buy question?
• Where to produce?
• Plant location?
• Where to assemble?
• Final product configuration and duties?
• Where to hold in inventory?
• How to provide rapid response to customer demands and simultaneously smooth
the status of the system?
• How to transport and deliver?
• Should tailored transportation modes and intermodal networks be used?
• How to expand or contract?
• Into Latin America from Miami or immediately establish a distribution center in

Fig. 11.1   Supply chain Customer Factory

network schematic Distribution Center Supplier
11.2 Supply Chain Design Objectives 497

Fig. 11.2   Integrated nature of

supply chain decisions
Vendors Inventory Facilities

Customers Objectives Countries

Channels Products Time Periods

• Closing of railroad yards or old facilities?

• Recycling?
• How to observe the German 80% packaging law?
Historically, the marketing, purchasing, manufacturing, and distribution organi-
zations in a supply chain have operated independently, where each organization
has their own objectives, constraints, and reward system. These objectives often
conflicted. Marketing strives to increase customer service, which tends to favor
“manufacture and distribute on demand.” Manufacturing strives to decrease unit
production costs, which tends to favor long production runs of a limited variety of
products. This policy may create large inventories in the distribution channels. The
goal of the purchasing department to acquire materials at the lowest cost again may
cause large order sizes and significant inventory in the acquisition channels. Supply
chain management is the collection of planning tasks and policies that attempts to
provide customer service at the lowest cost by integrating and coordinating the vari-
ous plans and logistics actions across the whole supply chain. The integrated nature
of supply chain management with respect to several prominent logistics compo-
nents is illustrated in Fig. 11.2.

11.2 Supply Chain Design Objectives

The two main categories of supply chain design objectives are profit maximization
and cost minimization. The profit maximization objective of a supply chain con-
figuration project is the maximization of the cumulative, time-discounted, world-
wide after-tax net cash flows over the planning horizon consistent with the risk
preferences of the corporation. The total system cost minimization objective is to
minimize the net present value of the time discounted costs of achieving the mis-
sion over the planning horizon. It is more restrictive than the profit maximization
objective since it requires that a certain prescribed level of customer service has to
be provided to all customers. The profit maximization may cause certain customers
498 11 Supply Chain Systems

not to be served or to be served a lower service level, if these customers cannot be

served over the planning horizon at a profit.
However, the primary objective of every actor in a supply chain is to optimize
its own performance.
This self-ser ving behavior by each individual actor may lead to local optima
rather than the global optimum of the overall supply chain performance. This phe-
nomenon is denoted as performance or incentive conflicts. Such conflicts do not
only exist when different corporations are supply chain components, but also if a
corporation is the single component of a supply chain and it is organized around
functional components such as purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, and mar-
keting. These are often called corporate silos or stove pipes because of the vertical
structure of the organization chart. One of the most difficult tasks for supply chain
management is to structure the supply chain and its policies in such way that the
behavior and policies of the participating actors are aligned and support the overall
efficiency of the supply chain.
Costs are traditionally divided into three categories, depending on how they vary
with the design decisions. Invariant costs are costs that are not significantly im-
pacted by the decisions made during the supply chain design. They are also called
sunk costs because they can no longer be changed by the design or management
decisions. Typical examples are prior-service pension costs, which are the pension
liabilities incurred by the corporation for labor already performed in its facilities,
and preliminary engineering design costs, which are the cost already expended dur-
ing this design project.The costs that are changed by the design and management
decisions are further divided into fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are costs that
are incurred when the decision is made to execute an activity but these costs do not
change with the intensity of the activity. Typical examples are the construction or
leasing costs for facilities or the purchasing cost for vehicles in a fleet sizing prob-
lem. Variable costs change with the intensity of the activity. Typical examples are
fuel consumption by vehicles or the cost of purchasing raw materials or components
in manufacturing. Determining the type of a cost depends on the individual supply
chain problem. For example, the labor cost in a distribution center may be either a
fixed cost or a variable cost at the tactical planning level. If the number of workers
remains constant throughout the year then their fully loaded base pay is considered
a fixed cost. However, the cost of temporary labors hired to service the increased
work load associated with the Christmas period or the overtime pay of the perma-
nent laborers typically is categorized as a variable cost.
The data collection effort for a strategic supply chain design project is a time
and resource intensive activity. It requires a large variety of cost data, which are
usually computed and maintained by the finance department. But traditional ac-
counting information is created with a different purpose, namely the creation of a
corporate profit and loss statement on a corporate level. The costs are often adjusted
or relocated to influence the profit and loss. On the other hand supply chain design
needs performance and financial data on a mission-oriented basis. Activity-based
costing (ABC) is a costing method that assigns all the direct and indirect costs to the
activity that consumed them. This allows the determination of the resource cost and
profitability of activities such as serving a particular customer group with a group of
11.2 Supply Chain Design Objectives 499

products. The existence of activity based cost data makes the data collection effort
for supply chain planning and design much easier. Significant components of the
required data typically only exist in the databases or spreadsheets of the functional
departments. The collection and validation process to ensure a consistent data set
for the overall supply chain design and planning is resource consuming and often
incompatible with the organizational structure of the corporation(s).
Estimating the performance characteristics of a large and complex system that
will be in operation for an extended period of time in the future requires some type
of forecasting of the future conditions. Those conditions cannot be known with
certainty and this uncertainty represents a risk to the corporation. Risk analysis and
its associated graphs are used to support a large variety of capital investment and
strategic decisions. A typical risk analysis graph is shown in Fig. 11.3. On one axis
of the graph a measure of the central tendency of the yield of a system configuration
is shown. Typical measures of central tendency of the yield are the expected total
system profit or the expected total system cost. It should be noted that a better yield
means larger numerical values if system profit is used but lower numerical values
if system cost is used. On the second axis a measure of the dispersion of this yield
is shown. Typical measures of dispersion are the standard deviation, the range, or
the variance. Because of the many different alternatives for the central tendency and
dispersion measures, multiple variations of the risk graph exist. The yield and dis-
persion may also be shown on the other axis, i.e., the graph is mirrored with respect
to the 45° line. The following properties and analysis remain valid regardless which
type of risk analysis graph is used provided the role and orientation of the axes in
the graph are properly interpreted. In the following it is assumed that the dispersion
is shown on the vertical axis and so lower value on the vertical axis is desirable.
The performance of each configuration is computed with respect to its central
tendency and dispersion of the yield. The system configuration is then plotted or
located in the risk analysis graph. The configurations can be divided into dominant
and dominated groups. A configuration is dominant if no other configuration ex-
ists that has both a better yield and a better dispersion of the yield. Configurations
that are not dominant are considered to be dominated. Risk graphs are used in the
analysis of a large variety of systems. One example is the construction of a portfo-

Std. Dev. of NCF (M$)

Fig. 11.3   Risk analysis 0.5
graph of the net cash flow 0
of different supply chain 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
configurations Mean NCF (M$)
500 11 Supply Chain Systems

lio of stocks with optimal tradeoff between the yield and the risk or dispersion of
the yield, where each stock has individual yield and dispersion characteristics. The
design decision is to determine the amount of each stock to include in the portfolio.
In this case, the design domain is continuous, since the amount of a particular stock
in the portfolio can be changed in very small increments compared to the number of
shares in the portfolio. The set of dominant portfolios or design configurations are
called the efficiency frontier.
In the case of supply chain design, the design decisions cannot be changed in
a continuous way since each represents a supply chain configuration that includes
major binary decisions such as to build a plant in particular location or not. For the
case of discrete decisions, i.e., design configurations, the efficiency frontier is not
defined. However, an approximation of the efficiency frontier can be constructed.
In the risk analysis graph for discrete design decisions a border can be constructed
starting from the configuration with the best yield to the configuration with the low-
est dispersion of the yield by systematically rotating a line in the graph. The initial
rotation point is the configuration with the best yield and the rotation direction is
toward the configuration with the smallest dispersion. Every time this line traverses
another configuration, the rotation point is changed to this configuration and the
rotation continues. This is the same procedure as used for constructing the convex
hull of a set of points. The result will be piecewise linear curve connecting a num-
ber of dominant configurations. In other words, all configurations on this curve are
dominant; however configurations that are not located on the curve but inside the
curve may still be dominant.
Design configurations that lie on the curve or even close to it are considered to
be desirable or efficient configurations. In general configurations are located far
away from the curve tend to be dominated and are considered to be inefficient. The
curve is denoted as the sample efficiency envelop or SEE. If all possible design
configurations were plotted then the curve would be the lower efficiency envelop
but typically the number of design configurations is so large, but finite, that only a
fraction or a sample of them can be plotted. The curve is the lower efficiency enve-
lope of the sample of configurations that has been plotted. Finally, if constraints on
the design configuration can be plotted in the risk analysis graph, the corresponding
curves may eliminate some design configurations, which are considered infeasible
or failed.
One example of risk analysis given above is the construction of a portfolio of
stocks. Another example in a completely different domain is given in Feldman
(2003) reporting that movie studio executives produce more films containing sex
and violence than family films because they want to avoid a career-killing flop and
are thus very risk averse. While family films have a larger expected profit, sex-and-
violence films are more likely to break even and thus have a smaller expected profit
range and profit standard deviation.
Figure 11.3 shows the mean net cash flow (NCF) and the standard deviation of
the NCF of different supply chain configurations of a global supply chain. The dif-
ferent configurations are indicated by diamonds. In this example, the configurations
were optimized based on five scenarios, indicated by N = 5. Configurations with
11.2 Supply Chain Design Objectives 501

better expected yield are located more towards the right and configurations with a
better dispersion of the yield are located towards the bottom of the graph. The most
desirable configurations are thus located in the right-bottom corner of the graph.
The sample efficiency envelope is shown as the solid line connecting four dominant
configurations and the envelope has a horizontal segment on the left and a vertical
segment on the right. The configuration with the third lowest standard deviation
is not located on the SEE but very close to it. This configuration is still dominant.
One special configuration is indicated by MVP for the mean value problem and is
indicated by a square. It corresponds to the optimal supply chain configuration for
the expected value of all parameters. In other words, the best-guess value of all the
parameters is used in a deterministic optimization formulation to find the optimal
It should be noted that for this example the MVP configuration does not lie on
the SEE and is actually strictly dominated. This phenomenon can be rephrased in
the following counterintuitive statement. “Using the best supply chain configura-
tion for the best-guess values of the parameters may not be the best thing to do.”
Intuitively this property can be explained by the observation that the optimal con-
figuration for a particular set of values will be highly targeted for that set of values.
However, supply chains are configured long before all future conditions are known
and the decisions for major assets such as the location of a manufacturing plant can-
not easily be changed. If the configuration is too specific, it may not be able respond
to changing conditions without incurring large extra costs. This phenomenon is also
called fragility and is the opposite of supply chain robustness.

11.2.1  Customer Service

Recall that two of the major types of objectives for supply chain configuration are
the minimization of total system cost or the maximization of total after-tax profit
subject to customer service constraints. This is illustrated in the following figure
where all the procedures and the configuration of the supply chain are determined
in function of customer service level requirements. Any quantitative treatment re-
quires then the definition of customer service and the development of methods and
tools to measure it (Fig. 11.4).

Network Design
Material Deployment Strategy

Fig. 11.4   Supply chain Service Goals

502 11 Supply Chain Systems

Many alternative definitions of customer service exist. Customer service is often

described in a qualitative way since customer service has many components and
stages. Service can be divided into pre-transaction, transaction, and post-transaction
stages. Pre-transaction elements include declaration of policies and procedures and
the amount of information available in real time to the customer. Transaction ele-
ments include the order cycle time, order accuracy, and ease and accuracy of the
ordering and billing system and procedures. Finally, post-transaction components
include maintenance and service, also known as sustainment, warranty service, and
disposal service.
One component of customer service in the transaction stage is the order cycle
time, which is often also called the lead time. The order cycle time is the length of
time between the placement of the order and the receipt of the ordered products by
the customer. The order cycle time includes order processing including credit verifi-
cation, engineering design of the product, manufacturing, order assembly and order
picking, packaging, and finally transportation to the customer, which may include
customs clearing. Order cycle time and its different components can have vastly
different values depending on the product and the supply chain. On one extreme,
the cycle time may be nearly zero for ordering an electronic version of a song. On
the other extreme, the order cycle time for highly engineered and customized capital
equipment such as gas-fired generating units for electrical power may be up to 30
It is commonly accepted that the sales revenue shows decreasing growth as the
customer service level is increased. At the same time the cost of providing increas-
ingly better service levels rises exponentially. The maximum profit for a supply
chain is achieved at the customer service level where the sales revenue minus the
supply chain cost is at its maximum. However, establishing the exact shape and
values of these curves is extremely case dependent and determining these curves
is very difficult to achieve even for a particular case. As a consequence, customer
service are most often approximated by one or more of the following types of cus-
tomer service constraints. Service Constraints

Each of the following service level constraints is commonly used by itself or in

combination with the other types. The long-term percentage of goods delivered out
of on-hand inventory is often used in distribution centers and for repeated orders.
Similarly is the long-term ratio of orders shipped or delivered within a certain time
interval after order arrival. The configuration of a supply chain is often constrained
by the maximum time or distance to a customer from the facility that services that
particular customer. Single sourcing forces all the deliveries of a single product or
of all products combined from a single facility to a customer, which reduces the
number and complexity of the receiving operations at the customer.
11.3 Supply Chain Objects and Their Characteristics 503

11.3 Supply Chain Objects and Their Characteristics

As indicated earlier, there exists a nearly infinite variety of supply chains. However,
all supply chains are composed of a limited number of fundamental components. In
planning or designing a supply chain it is important to identify these components.
The identification of these components or objects is necessary to structure or pose
the design and management problem. Typically there are a large number of instanc-
es of each component type. Especially for supply chain design projects filtering the
objects to focus on the important objects in a class is essential. Solving the design
or management problem is the topic of the next chapter.

11.3.1  Products Product Life Cycle

One of the essential requirements for designing and managing an efficient supply
chain is establishing where the products are in their product life cycle. Product
life cycle management of PLM is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a
product from its conception, through design and manufacturing, to sustainment and
disposal. The typical product lifecycle in illustrated in Fig. 11.5. A product life cycle
is usually divided into four phases, which typically have vastly different lengths.
During the introduction phase the availability of the product is limited and the
products is available at a small number of sales points and sales channels. The sup-
ply chain for the product is often centralized because few supply chain assets have
been put into place and the total volume of the product flow is small. During the
growth phase the distribution of the product is expanded to more sales points and
sales channels. Often the primary objective of the supply chain is to deliver the

Growth Maturity


Fig. 11.5   Product life cycle Introduction

graph Time
504 11 Supply Chain Systems

product to its customers rather than focusing on total system cost. The longest phase
in the product life cycle is typically the maturity phase. During this phase a stable
product volume is sold and often the product has competing products in the market
place. The product is sold through a multitude of sales points and sales channels.
Because of its competitive position, minimizing the total supply chain cost becomes
an important objective. Finally, during the decline phase, the number of sales points
and sales channels through which the product is distributed decreases. Because of
the reduced volume often the supply chain has a centralized structure. Pareto’s Principle and Curve

In many supply chains and logistics systems a majority of the operations or of the
economic impact is generated by relatively small fraction of the products. This dif-
ferentiation and concentration phenomenon has become known as Pareto’s princi-
ple. Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923) observed at the end of the nineteenth century that
about 80% of the wealth in Italy was concentrated into about 20% of the population.
The Pareto principle states that a small subset of actors (the “vital few”) affecting
a common outcome tend to occur much more frequently than the remainder (the
“useful many”). The concentration does not always have to be 80-20, but the 80-20
term has become associated with this concentration characteristic. The concentra-
tion can be graphically illustrated by the Pareto or 80-20 curve. The curve plots the
cumulative effect, such as sales or transactions, versus the cumulative actors, such
as customers. In Fig. 11.6 the Pareto curve is shown corresponding to the sales data
in Table 11.1. Pareto bar charts provide an equivalent tool for visualizing the Pareto
principle. Pareto analysis is an often used tool to identify or filter the most important
components. A Pareto chart can be used to decide which subset of problems should
be solved first, or which products deserve the most attention. In warehousing and
logistics, products typically are classified as fast, medium, and slow movers based
on the Pareto curve.

0.900 Benders








Fig. 11.6   Benders Pareto 0.100

curve for product sales 0.000

example 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000
11.3 Supply Chain Objects and Their Characteristics 505

Table 11.1   Example of prod- Product Cumulative Sales Cumulative

uct sales data products sales
1 0.071 5056 0.362
2 0.143 3424 0.607
3 0.214 1052 0.683
4 0.286 893 0.746
5 0.357 843 0.807
6 0.429 727 0.859
7 0.500 451 0.891
8 0.571 412 0.921
9 0.643 214 0.936
10 0.714 205 0.951
11 0.786 188 0.964
12 0.857 172 0.976
13 0.929 170 0.989
14 1.000 159 1.000
14 13,966

Observe that the Pareto curve for this particular example in the above figure
passes through the points (0.20, 0.65) and (0.35, 0.80), but not through the point
(0.20, 0.80). Also observe that many different Pareto curves can all pass through
the point (0.20, 0.80).
The Pareto curve can be described mathematically by several different formu-
las, such as the power, exponential, and Bender’s formulation, given by formulas
(11.1), (11.2), and (11.3), respectively. We will focus from now on the formulation
originally proposed by Bender (1981), but the other formulations have analogue
 Y = XA (11.1)

 Y = 1 − e−AX (11.2)

(1 + A)X
 Y = (11.3)

For each of the above formulations, the single A parameter needs to be computed
in such way that the curve matches the observed data points as closely as possible.
We can rearrange the Bender’s curve formulation to derive the following explicit
formula for the parameter A.
X (1 − Y )
 A= (11.4)
Y −X
The value of A can then be based on one or more data points ( Xi, Yi). A better curve
fit can be found by minimizing the sum of squared errors (SSE) between the actual
data values ( Yi) and then data values derived from the curve ( Ŷi ). The data values
on the curve are computed with the following formula:
506 11 Supply Chain Systems

(1 + A)Xi
 Ŷi = (11.5)
(A + Xi )

Setting the first derivative of SSE with respect to the parameter A equal to zero
yields the least-squares estimator for the parameter A.
 SSE = Yi − Ŷi (11.6)

 =0 (11.7)


Yi (Xi − X 2 ) (1 + A)(X 2 − X 3 )
− i
=0 (11.8)
(A + Xi ) i
(A + Xi )

The smaller is the value of the A parameter, the more skewed is the curve becomes.
If all products had equal sales, then the curve would be the diagonal line connecting
the points (0.0, 0.0) and (1.0, 1.0) and the A parameter would be infinitely large. A
skewed curve, which follows the Pareto principle, is pulled toward the top left area
of the graph. The estimation of the A parameter based on a single point with formula
(11.4) for an 80-20 and 90-10 curve is 0.0667 and 0.0125, respectively. Benders
Pareto curves for different values of the A parameter are shown in Fig. 11.7.
How closely the curve fits the original data is typically quantified by the R2 sta-
tistic, also called the coefficient of determination. This coefficient ranges between
zero and one and the closer the coefficient is to one, the better the curve fit. The R2
statistic is computed with the following formulas.
R2 = 1 −
SSE = Yi − Ŷi
N 2

N  Yi (11.9)
SST = Yi2 −
i=1 N

If the A parameter has a large value, then the logistics strategy would be to treat
the products identically. A highly skewed Pareto curve with a corresponding small
value of the A parameter indicates that the products should be treated differently,
e.g., by differentiated distribution. If the curve is strongly skewed, then we can
establish product classes, typically called A, B, and C, or fast, medium, and slow
movers. From this ABC classification, the curve derives its alternative name of
ABC curve.
11.3 Supply Chain Objects and Their Characteristics 507









0.1000 0.1
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

Fig. 11.7   Benders Pareto curves for different A parameter values

The exponential curve can be determined using the built-in GROWTH function
of the Excel spreadsheet. Since the GROWTH function calculates the least squares
fit through a set of points using the equation


one must first compute the complement CYi = (1 − Yi ) , fit the curve through
the transformed data points (Xi , CYi ), and then finally take the complement
Ŷi = (1 − C Ŷi ) again.
There exists considerable variation in the way the boundaries between the three
classes are computed. In general, class A corresponds to the region where the curve
has a strongly vertical slope. Class B corresponds to the region with the bend or
knee of the curve. Class C corresponds to the region of the curve where the curve
has a more horizontal slope. The classes are often constructed so that 80% of the
cumulative effect is created by the products in class A, the next 15% of the cumula-
tive effect is created by the products in class B, and the last 5% of the cumulative
effect is caused by the products in class C. The more skewed is the curve, and the
smaller is the A parameter, the easier it is to determine the dividing lines between
the classes. For very large values of the A parameter, when the curve displays a
single homogeneous population, the dividing lines between the classes are very
hard to determine, very arbitrarily, and not very relevant.
508 11 Supply Chain Systems

The Pareto curve is an example of how raw sales data can be transformed into in-
formation, which is necessary for logistics knowledge and decisions. The informa-
tion is the shape of the Pareto curve and the value of the A parameter. The logistics
knowledge is based on the curve and will treat products identically or differently
and divide the products into classes based on their location along the curve.
Benders Pareto Curve Example  The detailed steps to compute the Benders for-
mulation of the Pareto curve using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet are given next.
Figure 11.8 shows the spreadsheet with the initial data. The data are not sorted and
are listed by part number. The objective is to construct the Pareto curve of the cumu-
lative product sales in dollars in function of the cumulative number of products,
where both cumulative values are normalized between zero and one.
The spreadsheet in Fig.  11.9 shows the same sales data after they have been
sorted by decreasing dollar sales, i.e., by column D with heading Sales. The next
four columns show the cumulative fraction of products ( X), the cumulative fraction
of sales ( Y), the cumulative fraction of sales based on the Benders Pareto curve
( BY), and the square of the deviation between the actual sales and the sales curve
or squared error ( SE). The following formulas are used to compute each SE and BY
and then SSE.
(1 + A)Xi
BYi =
(A + Xi )
SEi = (Yi − BYi )2


Fig. 11.8   Excel spreadsheet

with sales data
11.3 Supply Chain Objects and Their Characteristics 509

Fig. 11.9   Excel spreadsheet to determine the optimal benders parameter

The next two columns show the cumulative fraction of sales based on the expo-
nential Pareto curve ( EY) and the squared error for the exponential curve fit. The
following is formula used to compute EY:

EYi = 1 − e−AXi

The sum of squared errors or SSE for the Benders curve is shown in cell H17. This
sum depends on the value of the A parameter, which is shown in cell G17. The
optimal value of the parameter A is found by minimizing the sum of squared errors
with the help of the Excel Solver. The corresponding dialog window for the solver
is shown in Fig. 11.10. The options for the Excel solver are shown in Fig. 11.11.
The optimal value of the A parameter for the exponential curve was found with the
Excel GROWTH function.
For the Benders curve, the total sum of squared errors is 0.003 for a parameter
value of 0.0939. The sum of squared errors is very small, which indicates a very

Fig. 11.10   Solver dialog

window for determining
the optimal Benders Pareto
510 11 Supply Chain Systems

Fig. 11.11   Solver options

dialog window for determin-
ing the optimal Benders
Pareto parameter

good curve fit. In this particular example 27% of the products make up 80% of dol-
lar sales. This curve is less skewed than the standard 80-20 curve, i.e., it takes more
than 20% of the products to account for 80% of the dollar sales. For the exponen-
tial curve, the total sum of squared errors is 0.021 for a parameter value of 6.251.
The sum of squared errors is still very small which indicates a good curve fit. The
Benders approximation is preferred in this example because it has both a smaller
SEE, and the Benders curve fits the sales data better for the leftmost section of the
curve which corresponds to the products that contribute more to the annual sales.
The actual cumulative sales and the computed cumulative sales curves are shown
in Fig. 11.12. This chart can then be copied and pasted into other documents as il-
lustrated in Fig. 11.6.
During the data analysis phase of a design project, often a large number of Pareto
analyses are performed. One may want to identify the most important suppliers,

Fig. 11.12   Actual versus

computed cumulative sales
curves based on the Benders
Pareto curve
11.3 Supply Chain Objects and Their Characteristics 511

the most important products, or the most important transportation channels. The
measure investigated may be expressed in monetary units to determine the concen-
tration with respect to sales revenue or transportation costs or the measure may be
expressed in units of material flow to determine the concentration of activities. This
data analysis effort is often denoted as profiling.

11.3.2  Suppliers and Vendors

Suppliers are providers of products to the supply chain from outside the supply
chain. Purchases of product from suppliers may have price, availability, and time
constraints, but suppliers are not under control of the supply chain management.
Suppliers are sometimes also denoted as vendors. Customers are consumers of
products from the supply chain. The customer demand for a product is not under
control of the supply chain management. Depending on the scope of the supply
chain design project both suppliers or customers may belong to the same corpora-
tion or be external to the corporation. At the opposite end of the design complexity
spectrum, vendors or suppliers may belong to different corporate entities but con-
sidered to be part of the supply chain or the supply chain design project. Strategies for Raw Material Procurement

The strategies for sourcing and transformation decisions in supply chain configura-
tion and their respective advantages and disadvantages were summarized by Cohen
and Lee (1989).
Centralization  The centralization sourcing strategy purchases the total requirement
of this raw material from a single vendor. The advantages are lower purchasing
prices because economies of scale and lower purchasing overhead. This strategy
has cost advantages of scale, however the supply system is not robust. The material
management at various plants procured from a central location is complex com-
pared to other strategies.
The fragility of a supply chain with a centralized structure is illustrated by the fol-
lowing example. In 2007, a strong earthquake struck Japan and damaged significant-
ly the facilities of the Riker company, which manufactures piston rings used in the
automotive engines used by many Japanese car manufactures. Piston rings fit around
the head of the piston to create a seal that traps combustion gasses. According to
Chozick (2007), due to the lack of four relatively small parts per car, each costing less
than $ 1.50, 70% of the Japanese auto assembly plants were temporarily shut down.
Regionalization  The regionalization strategy sources the raw materials and sub-
components required by a plant from vendors in the same region. This allows
improved communication between the plant and the vendors and quick response
and just in item supply policies, which result in lower inventory costs. This strategy
also has the advantage of reduced inbound transportation costs because transporta-
tion distances are smaller. Because the overall supply chain is divided in a number
512 11 Supply Chain Systems

of autonomous regional supply chains, the smaller supply chains are also easier to
manage and design. The combination of the regional supply chains is more robust
than a single concentrated supply chain since even if the supplier in a particular
region is incapacitated the suppliers in the other regions remain active and may even
supply part of the distressed region.
Consolidation  The consolidation strategy reduces the number of vendors on a
worldwide basis. The smaller number of vendors allows for economies of scale,
such as lower purchasing prices due to quantity discounts. The transportation costs
for inbound materials may be higher than with regionalized supply chains because
of the increased distances. One common consolidation strategy is called dual
sourcing, since it establishes at minimum two suppliers in the world for every raw
material or component. One extreme example of consolidation is called a strategic
alliance, where a limited number of organizations jointly design, produce, and pos-
sible even jointly service a product. The supply chain is design and managed as a
single entity and the costs and profits are shared. Such strategic alliances are used
primarily for highly technological products because it allows for sharing of the high
initial design cost. Examples are the B-787 aircraft model by the Boeing Company
and the A-380 model by the Airbus Company. Both projects have been very difficult
to manage because of the complexity of the product, the production process, and the
business organization and processes.
Dispersion  The dispersion or diversification strategy sources materials from a vari-
ety of vendors that are geographically dispersed. This strategy has diseconomies of
scale and scope. The main advantage of the strategy is a more robust supply system
that does not depend on the performance of a single vendor. This strategy also pro-
vides the opportunity to take advantage of currency exchange rate fluctuations. It
may also have lower inbound transportation costs. Dispersion of the suppliers and
the manufacturing sites also creates a large base of constituents that support the
product. This strategy has been widely used by defense contractors and departments
of defense to influence purchases of military equipment.

11.3.3  Transformation Facilities

The two main types of transformation facilities in a supply chain are manufactur-
ing plants and distribution centers. The role of manufacturing plants is to produce
the product while to role of the distribution centers is to efficiently satisfy the de-
mand by customers from products held in inventory. Transformation facilities are
typically the major physical assets of a supply chain. A manufacturing or assembly
plant may have attracted a number of suppliers who have located a distribution
center close to the manufacturing plant. Because of this clustering effect and of the
investment cost for a new plant, manufacturing facilities are extremely difficult to
relocate in a supply chain. The location of a new plant and the configuration of all
the manufacturing facilities in a supply chain are some of the most strategic deci-
sions with respect to supply chain design and planning.
11.3 Supply Chain Objects and Their Characteristics 513 Strategies for Manufacturing Network Configuration

Regionalization  In a regionalization strategy, each manufacturing plant will serve

all the customers in a particular geographical area with the full product assort-
ment offered by the company. In essence, the global manufacturing network is
divided into a number of local manufacturing networks with independent distribu-
tion to their assigned customers. This strategy enables a close link and cooperation
between the manufacturing and the customers it serves. Each plant must be flexible
and capable of producing all the products in demand in its area in the limited quanti-
ties corresponding to its area. This strategy suffers both diseconomies of scale and
scope. This strategy has the advantages of enhanced customer service and the ease
of decentralized decisionmaking. The distribution and transportation of finished
goods is limited to a small geographical area. This strategy is also robust viewed
from a global perspective since a catastrophic occurrence in one geographical area
does not impact other areas. This strategy is, however, not robust at all viewed
from the local perspective, since if production at the single plant serving the area
is interrupted all products in the local market are no longer available. Finally, an
important financial aspect of the regionalization strategy is that production costs are
incurred and denominated in the same currency as the sales price to the customers
which makes the supply chain performance less dependent on international cur-
rency exchange rates and their variations.
Consolidation  In a consolidation strategy, all the production of all products for
the entire world takes place at one or two places. Each manufacturing plant serves
either the whole world or a very large section of the world. This strategy allows
the plant economies of scale, such as product design, production design, and large
production batches. However, the finished goods have to be distributed to large
geographical areas. This strategy is not robust, since a catastrophic occurrence at the
single plant would shut down production in the whole world. To avoid this situation,
management often specifies as a strategic constraint that at least two plants in the
world must produce or must be able to produce the products.
Product Focus  In a product focus strategy, each plant specializes in the production
of a single class of finished products. Each plant serves the whole world for that
group of finished products. This strategy allows the plant economies of scale, such
as product design, production design, and avoids diseconomies of scope, such as
small production batches. The finished goods have to be distributed of large geo-
graphical areas. This strategy is not robust, since a catastrophic occurrence at the
single plant would shut down production in the whole world for a limited number
of finished goods.
Process Focus  In process focus strategy, each plant specializes in a particular manu-
facturing process, which typically corresponds to a single step or stage in the overall
manufacturing process. Examples are component production, assembly of subcom-
ponents, or finished product assembly. This strategy also allows for economies of
scale and economies of scope. The plant may use a higher level of automation or it
514 11 Supply Chain Systems

may be located in a location with inexpensive manual labor. The disadvantage of

this strategy is that it requires tight control integration among the different stages to
ensure good production performance of the overall supply chain. This strategy also
may require more transportation of work-in-process goods.
Dispersion  In a dispersion strategy, plants are located at various locations geo-
graphically dispersed over the world. Each plant may have the capability to pro-
duce a limited number of products or execute a limited number of processing steps.
The overall goal is to have overlapping coverage by several plants of the demand
for various products in the world. This strategy tends to have both diseconomies
of scale and of scope. However, it is considered to be very robust since for every
product–customer combination there are at least two plants capable of servicing this
demand and these plants are geographically not far from the customers. However,
this strategy requires extensive coordination between the various plants to provide
acceptable service to the customers while maintaining acceptable capacity utiliza-
tion at the various facilities. Because the investment cost for manufacturing facili-
ties is so large, this dispersion strategy is not often used. Strategies for Distribution Network Configuration

Consolidation  The consolidation strategy uses a single large distribution cen-

ter to service most of the customers in the world with a large variety of products.
The strategy has the advantage of the economies of scale. One specific effect is
reduction of safety inventory since the demand uncertainty of many customers is
pooled together to create a more stable aggregate demand. Another advantage is
the reduced fixed facility costs. The disadvantages of a consolidation strategy are
related to higher distribution cost of the finished goods and reduced robustness of
the distribution system.
Customer Focus  The customer focus strategy use a number of geographically dis-
persed distribution centers close to customer markets so that the transportation time
to the customer is kept below a certain bound. This leads to faster response times
and a higher level of service to the customer. However, demand pooling is much
more limited and hence the total safety inventory in the system tends to be larger.
Cycle inventories may also be larger than in the case of a consolidated warehouse,
since the local demand may warrant less frequent replenishment. This strategy has
diseconomies of scale and scope and higher fixed and operating costs are typical.
Co-location  The co-location strategy places a distribution center next to every
manufacturing facility so that the distribution center can perform some of the
final value-added operations on the product. The distribution center functions as
the finished goods storage location for that manufacturing plant. Operations at the
distribution center may be performed by a third party logistics provider or by non-
unionized labor and this may yield cost savings compared to labor force employed
at the manufacturing plant.
11.3 Supply Chain Objects and Their Characteristics 515 Taxation, Duties, and Tariffs

The operational and financial performance of a supply chain may be significantly

impacted when a supply chain crosses a national boundary. Each of the two govern-
ments may have regulations and taxation rules to influence the supply chain deci-
sions. Complicated taxation and documentation requirements may also delay and
change border crossing inside a country, e.g., supply chains crossing state boundar-
ies in India. One strategy to avoid these complications and taxations is the estab-
lishment and use of free-trade zones. Most of the times duties, taxes, local content
laws, and associated regulations cannot be directly set at the level of the individual
corporation but rather function as constraints or impact the financial performance
of supply chains. But many corporations are faced with the issue of setting transfer
prices, which are the prices at which goods are sold between different national sub-
sidiaries of the same global corporation.
Transfer Pricing  In the Economist (2007) several cases are listed where major
global companies are in negotiation with taxing authorities to determine the transfer
prices for products and the associated tax impacts. This is in essence a grey area
without hard rules on how to set the transfer prices and so many of the disputes end
up in lengthy legal proceedings that typically involve a global corporation and two
national governments.
Transfer pricing is to be optimized by a corporation within the limits set by the
taxing authorities of the two countries involved. Most important is to determine
those upper and lower limits and identify barriers that prevent the transfer price
to go to either limit such as implicit or explicit minimum profit requirements in a
country. Setting these lower and upper limits is usually performed by a multi-dis-
ciplinary team and involving the services of an international accounting firm. After
the lower and upper bounds have been set, optimizing the value of the transfer price
in a global supply chain requires calculations of the net cash flow in each country
and for the global corporation.
A second major category of influence factors is the reward method for the sub-
sidiaries. Transfer prices impact how the local management is rewarded and mo-
tivated. Typically setting transfer prices maximizes the financial performance of
the overall corporation, which may involve disadvantaging some local subsidiaries.
Hence bonus and reward policies have to be adapted.

11.3.4  Transportation Channels

So far the products and facilities components of the supply chain have been de-
scribed. The components of the supply chain that move the goods between the vari-
ous facilities are called transportation channels. A transportation channel between
an origin and destination facility is defined by its combination capacity, costs, trans-
portation mode, and the transportation frequency.
516 11 Supply Chain Systems Strategies for Transportation Systems Configuration

One of the major driving forces in the configuration of transportation systems is the
presence of strong economies of scale. Three of the major configurations strategies
for transportation services and their associated infrastructure are hub-and-spoke,
direct service, and opportunistic service.
Hub-and-Spoke  Hub-and-spoke network are characterized by a large number of
origins and destinations, denoted as suppliers and customers, and a large number
of transportation activities, where each individual customer, supplier, or request
occupies only a small fraction of the capacity of the transportation vehicle. Goods
are transported to a consolidation center from the various origin facilities, which
corresponds to spokes of the system. Then the goods are transported on the major
transportation channels between the various hubs. Finally, the goods are distrib-
uted from a hub to the customers. The transportation hardware, infrastructure, and
processes may be different for more localized spoke operations than for the more
global backbone operations. Some of the largest hub and spoke networks are oper-
ated by the parcel and less than truckload transportation companies.
Direct Service  The main characteristic of direct service is that a transportation
cargo follows a direct route between its origin and destination facility. A typical
example of direct service occurs in the supply chain for iron ore. The ore is mined
in the interior of Australia or South America, transported by unit trains from the
inland to the ocean port, transported by ore carriers to the destination port, and then
again transported by train to the iron and steel plant. A very similar example is the
transportation of coal to be used as fuel in electric power generation plants.
Opportunistic Service  Transportation activities for opportunistic service do not
have a fixed set of transportation routes but the transportation vehicles are routed to
respond to demand of transportation requests. The vehicle may contain goods for a
single transportation request or for multiple requests. An example of single trans-
portation request is transportation by full truckload. After a carrier delivers a load, it
searches for a new load for which the origin is near in space and time to its current
location. An example of multiple loads sharing a carrier are the tramp ships which
do have a fixed schedule but travel from port to port to satisfy individual requests.

11.4 Information Technology

11.4.1  Decision Support System Components

The information technology infrastructure for the tracking and reporting (execu-
tion) and planning at the operational level of supply chains has grown dramati-
cally in the last decade. However, information technology for tactical and especially
strategic planning of supply chains is much less developed. Information technol-
11.4 Information Technology 517

ogy to support tactical or strategic decision making must have the following four
components: data management, design or planning model, solution algorithm, and
user interface. Data management is responsible for the collecting and processing of
the date required for planning decisions. Many time this involves interacting with
corporate databases and ERP systems to collect the raw data and then using Pareto
analysis to synthesize the data. A model is a simplified representation of the real-
world supply chain system that contains all the relevant components to make and
evaluate planning decisions. A solution algorithm is a set of rules that determines
the planning decisions in order to achieve the best possible performance of the sup-
ply chain system. Finally, the user interface is the collection of tools that allows
the design engineer to pose a particular problem, obtain a set of planning decisions
for the problem, and to communicate these decisions and their impact to the deci-
sion makers. If any of these four components is missing then the decision support
system most likely will not be used consistently or frequently. The planning models
and solution algorithms for transportation and inventory systems have described in
previous chapters and the model and solution algorithms for supply chain planning
and design are described in the next two chapters.
The application of supply chain engineering planning tools for the support of
strategic design decisions has been more the exception than the rule. While the
solution of large mixed-integer programming models has been one of the limiting
factors on the implementation of optimization based techniques for the design of
strategic logistics systems, the lack of easy interpretation and representation of the
results has also contributed to the lack of acceptance by industry. Two dimensions
of conflict exist for the application of planning systems. The first conflict dimen-
sion is need for standardization versus the need for specialization. Decision support
tools can only be economically developed, supported, and deployed if they treat
relatively standard problems. However, the variety of supply chains requires some
degree of specialization for each individual project. The second conflict dimension
is the need for ease of use versus transparency. Decision support tools will only be
used repeatedly if they are easy to use and leverage the power of the human decision
maker. This implies that computer tools will be used to automate many of the tasks.
However, this introduces the danger that the tools will be used as a black box and
the output of the tools will be used without critical evaluation of the assumptions,
data used, or algorithms. In Fig. 11.14 a typical display of a supply chain configu-
ration tool is shown. The facilities are displayed on a map and the transportation
activities shown as lines between the various facilities, which leads to the typical
“spider” graphs.
Because our model is generic, i.e. has standard components, we were able to
develop a graphical representation of the problems. At the same time we were able
to develop a relational database corresponding to the coefficients and parameters
in our model. The relational database can be stored as a set of flat files or in a true
relational data base manager (Fig. 11.13).
We selected the Microsoft Windows environment for our implementation be-
cause of its widespread acceptance and familiarity in industry. A sample screen of
the CIMPEL program is shown in Fig. 11.14. The user can select in the standard
518 11 Supply Chain Systems

Fig. 11.13   CIMPEL compo-

nent structure and flowchart Geometrical Alphanumeric
Information Information

Rapid Analysis

Detailed Design
Data Base
Simulation & Validation

fashion the algorithms to be executed. After a solution has been obtained, the user
can change through simple dialog boxes parameter values, force facilities open or
closed, etc. For small or relatively simple cases the mixed integer programming
solver can be called directly from within the CIMPEL program through a dynamic
link library. For larger cases, the MPS file is generated, the solver is run in batch
mode, and the solution file is read back into CIMPEL to display the results.
In our experience, the use of such a graphical front end is an absolute require-
ment for the adaptation of optimization-based techniques in the design of industrial
logistics systems.

Fig. 11.14   Cimpel screen illustration

11.5 Exercises 519

Fig. 11.15   Catenas edit

customer dialog window

In Fig. 11.15 an example is shown of the data characteristics for a customer facil-

ity, including its required service levels. It allows for the definition of the location
of the customer directly through is longitude and latitude coordinates or through the
geocoding of its alphanumeric address.

11.5 Exercises

11.5.1  U.S. Household Income Trend

In an article in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution November 20, 2005 (Walker
2005), it was stated that the income gap between rich and poor households in the
United States is getting larger. The income data is repeated in Table 11.2. Aggregate
520 11 Supply Chain Systems

Table 11.2   U.S. household shares of aggregate income by quintiles

Year 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Top 5%
2001 3.5% 8.7% 14.6% 23.0% 50.1% 22.4%
2000 3.6% 8.9% 14.8% 23.0% 49.8% 22.1%
1995 3.7% 9.1% 15.2% 23.3% 48.7% 21.0%
1990 3.9% 9.6% 15.9% 24.0% 46.6% 18.6%
1985 4.0% 9.7% 16.3% 24.6% 45.3% 17.0%
1980 4.3% 10.3% 16.9% 24.9% 43.7% 15.8%
1975 4.4% 10.5% 17.1% 24.8% 43.2% 15.9%
1970 4.1% 10.8% 17.4% 24.5% 43.3% 16.6%
1967 4.0% 10.8% 17.3% 24.2% 43.8% 17.5%

income is defined in the article as the money income before deductions of taxes and
expenses and not including lump sum payments and capital gains.
You are asked to give a quantitative measure of the income gap over time and
based on this measure to assert whether the income gap is getting larger. Finally,
you are asked to forecast the shares of the U.S. households of aggregate income by
quintiles and for the top 5% for the year 2005 at the 95% confidence level. Your
presentation and report should contain a graphical representation of the shares over
time and of the forecasted shares in 2005.


Arntzen, B. C., Brown, G. G., Harrison, T. P., & Trafton, L. L. (1995). Global supply chain man-
agement at digital equipment corporation. Interfaces, 25(1), 69–93.
Ballou, R. H., & Masters, J. M. (1993). Commercial software for locating warehouses and other
facilities. Journal of Business Logistics, 14(2), 71–107.
Ballou, R. H., & Masters, J. M. (1999). Facility location commercial software survey. Journal of
Business Logistics, 20(1), 215–233.
Bender, P. (1981). Mathematical modeling of the 20/80 rule: Theory and practice. Journal of Busi-
ness Logistics, 2(2), 139–157.
Chozick, A. (2007). A key strategy of Japans car makers backfires. Wall Street Journal,
20-Jul-2007, B1.
Cohen, M. A., & Lee, H. L. (1989). Resource deployment analysis of global manufacturing and
distribution networks. Journal of Manufacturing Operations Management, 2, 81–104.
Economist. (2007). Global companies have plenty of latitude to minimize their tax bills. Econo-
mist, February 22, 2007.
Feldman, J. (2003). Why Uma fights. Money, November 28, 2003.
Goetschalckx, M. (2009). Catenas users manual.
Miller, T. (2001). Hierarchical operations and supply chain planning. London: Springer.
Stadtler, H., & Kilger, C. (2000). Supply chain management and advanced planning. Heidelberg:
Walker, T. (2005). Rich control all, economist insists, out-of-mainstream theory holds that U.S.
‘plutonomy’ runs almost everything. Atlanta Journal and Constitution, 20 Nov 2005, Q1.
Chapter 12
Supply Chain Models

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to
• Know the characteristics of the major types of objectives for strategic models
• Know the tactical supply chain planning model
• Know how characteristics and differences between arc-based and path-based
supply chain models
• Know the warehouse location model (WLP), the Geoffrion & Graves (G&G),
and the multi-echelon strategic planning models
• Know the site relative cost factor and how to apply it

12.1 Introduction

As shown in the previous chapter, there exists a very large variety of supply chains.
The management, planning, and design of these chains create a large number and
diversity of decision support questions which in turn has yielded a large variety
of models that have been created to assist in answering these questions. Some of
these models were previously described in the chapters on transportation planning
and inventory planning. This chapter will focus on models that describe the inte-
grated supply chain. Supply chain design models are inherently the most complex
of all supply chain decision models because they have to incorporate a multitude of
factors such as purchasing, production, transportation, inventory, and facilities and
supply chain structure. Global supply chain design models have the additional com-
plexities of multiple currencies, different taxation systems, duties and tariffs, and
transfer prices. Finally, the instance data for these models typically contain a very
large number of supply chain objects, such as customers, products, and transporta-
tion channels. As a consequence the instance models, which incorporate both the
model structure and the instance data, tend to be very large and the corresponding
values of the decision variables can almost never be used directly in decision sup-
port. Faced with such large and complex engineering design problems, eight prin-
ciples guide the engineering process in order to bring it to a successful completion.

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 521

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_12, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2011
522 12 Supply Chain Models

12.1.1  Eight Principles of Supply Chain Design Projects KISS

The first and most important principle is to keep the model and the instance
data as simple as possible. It is commonly referred to as the KISS, or “keep it
simple, stupid” principle. The goal of using a model in science and engineering
has been to simplify the real world problem and to ease the manipulation of the
corresponding data. This prime principle has been used over extended periods
in a diverse variety of science and engineering disciplines. On the other hand,
if structure or behavior exists in the system that impacts the design but is not
included in the standard design models then the model has to be adapted and
extended to include these additional factors. There will always remain a tradeoff
between the need for the model to be simple and need for it to be comprehen-
sive and detailed. The persistence of this tradeoff is illustrated by the following
quotation attributed to Einstein “Things should be made as simple as possible,
but not any simpler”. GIGO

The second principle is captured by the acronym GIGO which stands for “gar-
bage in, garbage out”. Engineering methodologies are data driven. If the data
used in the decision support is of bad quality then the recommendations derived
at after all the processing and design work may be faulty. Especially in strategic
design projects where data has to be collected from a large variety of sources
within and outside the supply chain organization, collecting, verifying, validat-
ing, and making the data internally consistent is a very time consuming but nec-
essary process. Festina Lente

The third principle is indicated by “festina lente”, which is a Latin expression which
means “hurry slowly” or proceed quickly but with caution. Because of the complex-
ity of the engineering project and because strategic supply chain design is often
done very infrequently, posing the problem, assembling the necessary data, and
deriving the answers to decision support questions takes time. Design projects may
take from three to six months. The shortest duration would be around six weeks.
There is a very steep learning curve in supply chain design projects, so the follow-
ing or follow-up projects would take much less time. Evaluating the impact of new
supplier on a supply chain that has been previously modeled may only require a
few hours.
12.1 Introduction 523 Beware of the Spreadsheet Blob

In the 1958 classic science fiction movie “the Blob” a giant amoeba-like creature
devours everything it comes into contact with. The use of spreadsheet models in
decision support has similar characteristics to the blob creature. It has been often
said that the most used and the most abused tool for decision support are spread-
sheet models. Spreadsheet models are some of the most flexible tools, they are
widely available, have a low startup cost, and can be easily adapted to individual
needs. They are superior for producing graphs that communicate synthesis results
from the models. Consequently, spreadsheet models have often grown organically
in the organization over a period of time to answer specific needs. However, they
are notoriously badly documented, difficult to understand, and often dispersed in
an unstructured and unconnected way throughout the organization. The value of
cells in the spreadsheet may be computed with very complicated formulas that refer
to other cells so that their meaning is very difficult to understand. As consequence
the models embedded in the spreadsheets have become black boxes and the model
objectives, constraints, and limitations are not clearly understood, especially if the
spreadsheet is no longer in use by its creator. Because supply chain design projects
are so complex the resources used should be of “industrial” quality. This applies to
software packages, modeling technology, and people. Trust but Verify

The results generated by supply chain models are typically voluminous and require
processing before they can be interpreted by the design team or decision maker. It is
virtually impossible to look at the output of a model and determine if the configura-
tion makes sense or not. It is not uncommon that wrong, i.e. infeasible, supply chain
configurations are presented in academic journals even for very small educational
examples. Errors in the model or more commonly in the data for real world sized
problems can easily go undetected. On the other hand, the modeling results may be
correct and the intuition of the design team or decision maker may be flawed. The
validity of the model and the correctness of the data should be carefully validated
through sensitivity analysis. It’s a Stochastic World

Supply chain planning models are typically used to determine the best actions or
configurations in anticipation of future conditions, which are inherently not known
with certainty. Often the stochastic nature of the input data for the models is ignored
and only one or a very few deterministic cases are investigated. This ignores many
of the risks for the supply chain. The impact of various risks on the performance of
the supply chain should be examined through a large number of scenarios. Risks can
be categorized as variations, hazards, and catastrophes. Variations are the changes
524 12 Supply Chain Models

in values of future conditions that can be anticipated and forecasted. One example
is the variability of demand instances over time even though the demand distribu-
tion is constant. Hazards are uncommon events that are known to exist and have
significant impact but whose timing and severity are difficult to predict. Examples
are large winter storms or strikes by the labor force. Finally, catastrophes are ex-
ceedingly rare events that change the structure and behavior of the supply chain
dramatically. Examples are influenza pandemics or global terrorist attacks. There is No Single Best Design

For strategic design projects the expected yields and dispersion of the yields of
various supply chain configurations can be shown in a risk analysis graph. One of
the main benefits of this graph is to show that most often there is not a single “best”
configuration or design. The graph provides an intuitive mechanism for executives
to judge the risk of various decisions and to compare different decisions with re-
spect to expected performance and risk. It allows matching the philosophy of the
company to the characteristics of the configuration, i.e. risk adverse or risk seeking.
The risk analysis graph was described in greater detail in the previous chapter. Successive Refinement

Strategic supply chain design is a complex problem and providing decision support
for the design is a challenging task. It is recommended that this decision support
starts with some easier problems such as the tactical supply chain planning problem.
This allows the organization to build up the data, modeling, solution algorithms,
and engineering-based decision making culture gradually. This allows for the ac-
cumulation of confidence and trust in engineering based design and its components
of mathematical modeling and solution algorithms.
During a typical supply chain design project, there are three phases with respect
to the use of mathematical modeling as a decision support tool. Before the model is
used, the problem is defined, overall objectives and constraints are determined, and
set of feasible alternatives is constructed. Most of these activities are based on busi-
ness goals and intuition and typically do not use any mathematics. During the mid-
dle phase, mathematical models and solution algorithms are employed to develop
a limited number of desirable alternatives. During the final phase, the results of the
mathematical models are again combined with many qualitative considerations to
arrive at a final decision and design. The qualitative phases bracket the quantitative
phase, like the two halves of the bun of a hamburger enclose the beef patty. At one
time a presidential candidate asked during one of the presidential debates “where
is the beef?” to cut through all the marketing and to get to the heart of the matter
on a program proposed by one of his competitors. Similarly, mathematical models
provide the objective and quantitative methods and tools to decide between various
12.1 Introduction 525

alternatives and to properly configure and size the design. So while mathematical
models and solution algorithms form the central core of the decision process, they
still make up only a small part of the overall design process. Experienced executives
responsible for supply chain design and operation at leading companies typically
state that between 6 to 10% of the time and resources of a supply chain design
project are spent on the mathematical modeling and solution phase. A more in depth
treatment of this topic can be found in Vidal and Goetschalckx (1996).

12.1.2  Model Characteristics

A single model for supply chain design does not exist. Rather a large variety of
models have been developed. But these models have still some characteristics in
common even if not all models may have all of the following characteristics. When
a model is selected to provide a particular decision support function, it is useful
to verify that characteristics listed next can be safely excluded from the model or
should be included.
• The number of commodities in the model. Some models aggregate all material
flows in the supply chain to a single product or commodity. But most products
are made up out of several sub assemblies or raw materials. The relationships
between the finished products and their components are given by a structured
BOM which also describes the transformation processes.
• The number of echelons in the model. An echelon is defined as transforma-
tion process with its corresponding facility that are part of the supply chain and
through which products must flow from external suppliers to external customers.
Most supply chains are multi-echelon. If products flow directly from external
suppliers to external customers the supply chain can be considered to have zero
echelons. More commonly, the products are process in a production facility and
delivered to the customer to a distribution center. Such a supply chain is said to
have two echelons, one echelon of manufacturing facilities and one echelon of
distribution facilities.
• The number of different countries in the model. Models can be single-country,
also called domestic, or can be multi-country, also called global. A model may
model multiple countries even if all of the supply chain is located in a single na-
tional country. Typical reasons for this are preferential tax treatments for certain
areas of the country or free trade zones.
• Most strategic design models have a planning horizon of multiple years, where
results in a single year determine the taxation values. The results from future
years have to be discounted to the current decision moment with the capital dis-
count rate which is company specific. Most tactical production planning models
have multiple periods and inventories may be held between periods, but these
planning periods are only fractions of a year such as month or a week. Strategic
models may have to include such a detailed tactical planning if seasonal varia-
526 12 Supply Chain Models

tions and seasonal inventories impact the decisions on strategic infrastructure

location and capacity sizing.
• Nearly all supply chains have one or more facilities in which the commodities
are processed. Most often these facilities have capacities, either for individual
commodities or for joint-commodity resources. Processing the commodities may
require fractions of the capacity per commodity for a fixed setup, a constant lin-
ear consumption rate, or a consumption rate with economies of scale. Facilities
may also have a minimum quantity to be processed if the facility is used.
• Supply chains have transportation channels through which the commodities flow
from facility to facility. The channels may have capacities, either for individual
commodities or for joint-commodity resources and they may also a minimum
quantity to be transported if they are used. If the channels deliver or pickup
commodities in multi-stop routes then the route costs must be allocated to the
commodities transported.
• The structure of the model that computes the financial performance of the supply
chain. Financial models for the enterprise come in two basic varieties. The first
variant focuses on the before-tax evaluation of operational investment or process
improvements and results in the calculation of a before-tax return on investment
or ROI. This model is most appropriately used for the evaluation of single equip-
ment acquisitions and relatively localized process changes. The model ignores
the time value of money and is not applicable if multiple time periods are in-
volved. The second variant focuses on the after-tax evaluation of a major facility
construction or acquisition for a global enterprise. The impact of the design or
re-engineering on the time-discounted value of the net cash flow resulting of the
global operations but expressed in the home currency is computed. Clearly the
second variant is a much more complicated model but it has the capability to
handle multi-period investment planning.
• The supply chain design model may have deterministic values of the parameters
or multiple values for each parameter organized in scenarios. If multiple sce-
narios exist, the tradeoff between the central tendency and the dispersion of the
performance of the supply chain has to be included in the model.

12.1.3  Model and Algorithm Hierarchy

While a very large number of supply chain models exist, a list of standard models
is given next and their corresponding solution algorithms are discussed. The list is
organized by increasing complexity of the supply chain model. Display, Evaluate, and Benchmark

The simplest planning model for a supply chain is to compute the performance
of the current supply chain and to display the current supply chain. The solution
12.1 Introduction 527

algorithm used is a very large summation of the various costs in the supply chain
and this algorithm is typically implemented in a spreadsheet. The values are merely
recorded from the real world system and are not optimized. The display is usually
the network structure, where the transportation routes may follow the transporta-
tion network or show the connections between facilities in starburst diagrams. The
display software is based on a geographical information system and may be used
through a web service such as Google Maps. Since none of the planning decisions
are optimized this is a descriptive model of the supply chain. Distribution Channel Selection

One of the easiest prescriptive planning decisions is to decide on the transportation

mode, with its corresponding frequency and transportation batch size characteris-
tics, for a single commodity between a single origin and destination facility. Each of
these decisions for a combination of commodity and origin and destination facility
pair is made independently of the other similar decisions. The model will select the
transportation mode and set the corresponding levels of cycle and safety inventory.
The available facilities are assumed to be given and their total capacity may be
computed but does not function as a constraint on the selection decisions. The deci-
sions typically are implemented in a spreadsheet. This planning process works uses
a bottom up approach and considers the resources in the supply chain to be without
capacity constraints. Tactical Supply Chain Model

The tactical supply chain model determines the purchasing, transportation, and de-
livery flows and the inventories in order to minimize the cost of satisfying customer
demands for a number of periods in the planning horizon. It is assumed that the sup-
ply chain configuration with its facilities and their capacities is known and cannot
be changed. The periods are typically weeks, months, or seasons in a year. The so-
lution algorithm used is typically linear programming. If the demand is for a small
number of discrete products a mixed integer programming solver may have to be
used to avoid fractional product flows. The solver may be standalone application or
an add-on to spreadsheet software, but because of the size of the problem instances
a separate license for the solver typically has to be purchased. Location-Allocation

The location-allocation model determines the location of the facilities in the sup-
ply chain in order to get the minimum cost tradeoff between transportation costs
and facility costs for moving goods from external suppliers to external customers.
The best number of facilities is often determined through a parametric design, i.e.
528 12 Supply Chain Models

if one facility is established where is its best location, then if two facilities are used
where are their best locations, etc… The transportation costs are proportional to the
material flow quantities and to the distance between facilities which are computed
with a distance norm. The cost of the facilities cannot be site dependent since the
solution algorithm will locate the facilities in a continuous decision space. But the
facilities may have different handling costs for processing flow through the facili-
ties. The solution algorithms are heuristics to determine the continuous coordinates
of the supply chain facilities. The accuracy of the location solution is low; typically
the resolution is at the level of state, county or metropolitan area. The algorithms
belong to the class of alternative generating algorithms since they determine the
location coordinates of the facilities, while ignoring the underlying transportation
network or the feasibility of location of the facility. The algorithms consist of spe-
cialized, non-linear optimization procedures combined with linear programming
solvers and thus require significant programming effort to implement. Supply Chain Design Models

The supply chain design models attempt to find the best supply chain configuration
and the supply chain flows and inventories in order to minimize the supply chain
costs or maximize the supply chain profit. The possible candidate supply chain
configurations are based on a list of candidate facilities which may or may not be
established in the supply chain solution. Since the candidates are selected from a list
the algorithms belong to the class of alternative selecting procedures and site depen-
dent costs can be included in the model. Because the status of a candidate facility is
either established or not and the amount of product flow can change continuously,
the solution algorithms belong to the class of mixed integer programming solvers.
These solvers are almost always separate applications that may pull their data from
either spreadsheets or databases. The supply chain design models can be further
divided into major sub classes depending on the number supply chain components
and the supply chain behavior that are optimized. In this chapter the P-Median and
P-Center Problem, the Warehouse Location Problem (WLP), and the model by
Geoffrion and Graves (1974) are discussed. In the next chapter on advanced supply
chain models a comprehensive supply chain model, a global supply chain model
with transfer prices, and a robust supply chain model with explicit consideration of
supply chain risks are described.

12.1.4  Systems Modeling Language

A common task in the management and design of supply chain systems is the evalu-
ation and modeling of the impact of a capital investment or process change on the
financial performance of the supply chain or enterprise system. The financial model
is typically embedded in a spreadsheet and may call separate sub models or evalu-
12.2 Distribution Channel Selection 529

ation techniques. While spreadsheets are a very common technology to implement

this type of model, the spreadsheet technology has significant deficiencies. The
main deficiency is the black box approach which allows the logic embedded in
the spreadsheet to be obscured and the model to be internally inconsistent. A more
structured, robust, and standardized modeling implementation is desirable. One ex-
ample is the structured modeling language SysML, which has been implemented
in several software applications. Further information on SysML can be found in
Friedenthal et al. (2008). It should be noted that a particular variable may be used in
several places in a SysML model but is only defined once and bounds on the valid
values can be specified at its definition location. In addition, strict dimensional
consistency is enforced. However, both approaches exhibit the same fundamental
structure in that the final performance measure is computed by a set of cascading
equations until all the required input variables for the equations are atomic, i.e. no
longer dependent on other variables. Some of these equations are described in the
following supply chain models. In general, the supply chain design models contain
a large variety of parameters and variables and long variable names are used to fa-
cilitate the use and understanding by designers and managers.

12.2 Distribution Channel Selection

The distribution channel selection problem is one of the simplest supply chain plan-
ning problems. It determines the best distribution channel structure and transporta-
tion mode from a list of alternative modes between an origin and destination facility
for a single commodity. The mode is selected based on the sum of inventory, trans-
portation, and facilities costs. Each of these decisions for a commodity and origin
and destination facility pair is made independently of the other similar decisions.
This type of decision is typically revisited on a yearly or seasonal basis and belongs
to the class of tactical planning decisions. A schematic of the different possibilities
for the distribution channel between a manufacturing plant and a set of customers
is shown in the next figure. The main principle of the solution algorithm is to add
all the costs accumulated by moving the product from the origin to the destination
facility for each of the channel alternatives. At the end the channel with the lowest
unit cost is recommended (Fig. 12.1).

Plant Customer
Expensive Delivery

Cheap Linehaul Retailer

Fig. 12.1   Illustration of
different distribution channel
alternatives Warehouse
530 12 Supply Chain Models

12.2.1  Distribution Channel Selection Model Notation

The distribution channel selection model contains a large number of parameters and
decision variables. In the following notation symbols in upper case indicate total
annual cost while symbols in lower case indicate cost per unit or cost rate. Two time
units will be used. The first one is the long-term planning horizon and is referred
to as the strategic time unit. It is most often a year. The second time unit is the time
between demand observations at the destination facility and is referred to as the
operational time unit. If the demand at the destination is known on a daily or weekly
basis, then the second time unit would be a day or week. The number of operational
time units equal to one strategic time unit also has to be specified, e.g. there are 52
weeks in a year or 364 days in a year. Parameters and Variables

HCR inventory holding cost rate (dollars per dollar of inventory per
year). Since this is a rate the value is independent of the currency
units but depends on the strategic time unit
Dp annual demand for product p
vp , vmpO , vmpD value or accumulated cost of a unit of product p at different points
in the supply chain indicated by the subscript, e.g. at arrival at
the origin, at leaving the origin, and at arriving at the destination,
respectively, and depending on the transportation mode m used
by the product to get to this stage
pcp unit production or procurement cost of product p. This is the
total landed unit cost for getting one unit of the product to the
origin facility and this cost is assumed to be independent of the
channel selection.
PCp total annual production or procurement cost for product p
TTm transit time of transportation mode m (expressed in years or stra-
tegic periods)
tcmp transportation cost for shipping one unit of product p with trans-
portation mode m
TCmp total annual transportation cost for product p shipped with trans-
portation mode m
TBmp transportation batch size of product p shipped with transporta-
tion mode m
slcpO , slcpD storage location cost per unit of product p at the origin and des-
tination facilities, respectively
12.2 Distribution Channel Selection 531

OFSCmp , DFSCmp total annual fixed storage cost in at the origin facility or at
the destination distribution center for product p shipped with
transportation mode m
scmpO , scmpD annualized fixed storage cost per unit of product p shipped
with transportation mode m at the two facilities, i.e., at the
origin or destination facility respectively
OCICmp , DCICmp average cycle inventory cost of product p shipped with trans-
portation mode m at the origin facility or destination facility
OCICmp , DCICmp cycle inventory cost of product p shipped with transportation
mode m at the origin facility or destination facility
ocicmp , dcicmp unit cycle inventory cost of product p shipped with transporta-
tion mode m at origin or destination facility, respectively
picmp unit pipeline inventory cost of product p shipped with trans-
portation mode m
PICmp pipeline inventory cost of product p shipped with transporta-
tion mode m
dp average demand during one observable demand period, e.g.
daily demand, of product p
Vdp variance of the demand during one observable demand period,
e.g. daily demand, of product p
CVdp coefficient of variation of the demand during observable
demand period, e.g. daily demand, of product p
ltmp average lead time for the delivery of product p using transpor-
tation mode m expressed in observable demand periods, e.g.
Vltmp variance of the lead time for the delivery of product p using
transportation mode m expressed in observable demand peri-
ods, e.g. days
SImp safety inventory of product p shipped with transportation
mode m at the destination facility
DMImp , OMImp maximum inventory of product p shipped with transporta-
tion mode m at the origin facility or at the destination facility,
SICmp safety stock inventory cost in destination facility of product p
shipped with transportation mode m
TICp total invariant cost for product p
TVCmp total variable cost for product p using transportation mode m
TFCmp total fixed cost for product p using transportation mode m
TACmp total aggregate cost for product p using transportation mode m
A typical value of the holding cost factor or HCR is 0.25, i.e., 25 cents per dollar of
inventory per year. To find the holding cost factor for another time period, we have
532 12 Supply Chain Models

to divide by the number of time periods in a year. A HCR equal to 0.25 per year
equals a holding cost rate hcr of 0.25/364 = 6.868.10−4 = 0.0006868 per day.

12.2.2  Big Screen TV Company Example

The following example will be used to illustrate the calculations for the channel
selection. The Big Screen TV Company manufactures projection TVs with screen
sizes 55 inch and above for customers located in the continental United States.
The manufacturing plant is located Japan and all units are imported through the
container port of Newport Beach in California. There exists a large import ware-
house near Newport Beach, which is assumed never to run out of inventory of
TVs. The company operates a number of regional distribution centers, one of
which is located in Atlanta, Georgia and serves the customers in the Southeast
area of the United States. The goal is to select the least cost transportation mode
between the import warehouse and the distribution center. The possible transpor-
tation modes are rail or truck. Various characteristics for each mode are given in
the next table (Table 12.1).
The unit manufacturing and transportation cost to the import warehouse of an
average projection TV is $3400, which includes all applicable duties and tariffs.
TVs are imported on a bi-weekly schedule in intermodal containers that hold 160
units. Due to the annual feature and style changes in the TV models and the deep
discounting of models of previous years, the aggregate holding cost for all invento-
ries for one year is 60% of the product value, i.e., 60 cents per dollar per year. The
total customer demand served from the Atlanta distribution center is 4160 projec-
tion TVs per year. It is assumed that the demand process has a constant average rate
throughout the year. A year is equivalent to 52 weeks and 364 days. The weekly
demand for TVs at the distribution center has a normal distribution with a mean
of 80 TVs and a standard deviation of 40 TVs. The safety inventory for each mode
in the distribution center is assumed to ensure a service level equivalent to a prob-
ability of 95% delivery out of inventory for the weekly demand of the projection
TVs. The annualized fixed warehouse cost is equal to $200 per TV for the import
warehouse in Long Beach and for the regional distribution center in Atlanta. All unit
cost values will be computed in dollars and cents while all annual cost values will
be computed in whole dollars. The best transportation mode based on the total cost
for this distribution system is to be determined.

Table 12.1   Transportation Rail Truck

mode selection data
Unit Transportation Cost ($) 32 75
Channel Transit Time (days) 14 7
Transportation Batch Size 160 80
12.2 Distribution Channel Selection 533 Cost Computations

Invariant Costs  Invariant costs are costs that are incurred by the logistics sys-
tems but that do not depend on the selection of the distribution channel. Since it is
assumed that the total demand does not depend on the selection of the distribution
channel, the total production cost is a member of the invariant costs. The total pro-
duction cost is computed as product of the yearly demand and the unit production
 PCp = Dp · pcp (12.1)

 TICp = PCp (12.2)

For the Big TV example, the total invariant costs, which in this case are equal to the
total purchasing costs, are computed as follows.
TICp = 4160 · 3400 = $14, 144, 000
If the costs are impacted by the channel selection they are called incremental or
variant costs. Typically, incremental costs are further classified as fixed or variable
costs. If the selection of the origin facility impacts the production or purchasing
costs, then these costs are no longer invariant. Different costs may be moved to dif-
ferent categories if they depend on the selection decision or not.
Fixed Costs  Fixed costs are costs whose magnitude does not change during the
operation of the distribution channel. The fixed costs may be different from one
distribution channel to another, but once a channel selection has been made, the
fixed costs remain unchanged. In distribution channel design, the size of the ware-
house remains unchanged for extended periods of time. Hence, the annualized
cost per warehouse location or per cubic foot of warehouse volume is a compo-
nent of the fixed costs. The space occupied by a product is typically computed as
proportional to the maximum inventory of this product. The maximum inventory
for each product is the sum of the cycle and safety inventory if inventory of that
type is present. If the inventory cost at the origin are not borne by the corporation,
then these costs should not be included in the incremental costs, since the size of
the inventory at the origin facility does not impact the total logistics cost to the
corporation. The inclusion of the storage costs in the fixed cost category rather
than in the variable cost category is relatively arbitrary because facility costs in
the supply chain have been traditionally considered as part of the fixed costs.
Regardless in which category they are included the equations and the relative cost
differential remains the same. The total fixed storage cost is then the product of
the maximum product inventory and the annualized unit storage location cost for
that product at that facility.

 FSCmp = OFSCmp + DFSCmp = OMImp · scpO + DMImp · scpD (12.3)

When shipping in transportation batches, there may be both an inventory build up

at the source until the shipment occurs, and inventory depletion at the destination
534 12 Supply Chain Models

starting after a replenishment shipment arrives. This inventory is called the cycle
inventory. If we assume a constant build up and depletion rate, then the average
inventory follows the classic saw tooth pattern and the average inventory is half the
maximum inventory or transportation batch size. If the product arrives at the origin
facility at a fixed schedule and is shipped at the same fixed schedule, then there is
no inventory at the origin facility since it is assumed that the product is cross docked
and shipped out when it arrives. So the OCIC term may have to be computed with
different formulas or even not be present in the following calculations depending
on the schedule of the product arrival and shipping at the origin facility and on the
ownership of the inventory. In general, the selection of the correct formula depends
on the operation details of the supply chain at either the origin or the destination of
the channel and is thus instance and channel dependent. The general formula given
above is transformed into the following specific formula based on the characteris-
tics of the example.
 FSCmp = TBmp · scmpO + [TBmp + SImp ] · scmpD (12.4)

 TFCmp = FSCmp (12.5)

The unit storage cost at the origin is computed as the origin fixed storage cost di-
vided by the total annual demand, i.e. the origin storage cost is considered as over-
head and allocated uniformly to all the units of product that flow through the origin
facility regardless if they are actually stored there or not.
 scmpO = (12.6)
In the case of rail transportation, the TVs arrive in batches of 160 units and are
shipped in rail cars in batches of 160 units. So it is assumed that for rail trans-
portation the TVs are cross docked and there is no cycle inventory at the import
warehouse. In the case of truck transportation, the arrival batch size is 160 units,
but the departure batch size is 80 units at the import warehouse. So, there is cycle
inventory present at the import warehouse. 80 units are cross dock upon arrival and
80 units are stored for the next truck delivery. The maximum inventory per product
is 80 units. Let the rail mode and the truck mode be indicated by index r and t, re-
spectively. The fixed storage costs at the origin are then computed as follows.

OFSCrp = $0
OFSCtp = TBtp · slcpO = 80 · 200 = $16, 000
scrpO = $0
OFSCtp 16000
sctpO = = = $3.85
Dp 4160

Variable Costs  The variable costs are costs that may change during the operation
of the distribution channel. Typically these costs are a function of either the transfer
batch size or order quantity and of the total annual demand.
12.2 Distribution Channel Selection 535

The value of one unit of product is different at the origin and destination. At the
destination the corporation has invested the sum of the production cost, the origin
storage costs, the transportation cost, and the in-transit and origin cycle inventory
cost in the product. The origin and destination cycle inventory and inventory costs
depend on the replenishment and withdrawal processes at the origin and destination
facility. If the warehouse at the origin facility is a finished goods warehouse fed by
a manufacturing process, then the replenishment rate can be assumed to be constant
and the withdrawal can be assumed to be instantaneous. The average cycle inven-
tory is then half the maximum cycle inventory and computed as the product of half
the transportation batch size, the holding cost rate, and the appropriate unit value.

 OCIimp = (TBmp 2) (12.7)

OCICimp = (TBmp 2) · vp · HCR = OCImp · vpO · HCR (12.8)

For the Big TV example, shipping by rail allowed a cross docking of the container
and so no origin cycle inventory was created. When shipping by truck, the origin
had a cycle inventory of 80 during the first week and no cycle inventory during
the second week of the two-week cycle. The average origin cycle inventory is then
40 units.
OCIr = 0
OCICr = 0
ocicr = 0
OCIt = 40
OCICt = 40 · 3400 · 0.6 = $81, 600
ocict = 81600/4160 = $19.62
When the product leaves the origin warehouse, the corporation has invested the
purchase or production cost, the origin storage cost, and the origin cycle inventory
cost. This value will be used to compute the in-transit or pipeline inventory cost.
The unit origin storage cost is computed as the origin fixed storage cost divided by
the total annual demand, i.e. the origin storage cost is considered as overhead and
allocated uniformly to all the units of product that flow through the origin facility
regardless if they are stored there or not.
 vmpO = vp + ocicmp + scmpO (12.9)

vrpO = vp = $3400
vtpO = vp + ocictp + sctpO = 3400 + 19.62 + 3.85 = $3, 423.46

The pipeline inventory cost is computed as the product of the annual demand, the
value of a single unit at the origin of the pipeline, the transit time for the flow to go
through the pipeline, and the inventory holding cost rate.
 PImp = Dp · TTm (12.10)
536 12 Supply Chain Models

 PICmp = Dp · vmpO · TTm · HCR = PImp · vmpO · HCR (12.11)

 picmp = = TTm · vmpO · HCR (12.12)

For the Big TV example, the value of a single unit at the start of the transportation
is the sum of the production cost and the origin cycle inventory costs. Shipping by
rail allowed a cross docking of the container and so no origin cycle inventory was

PICr = 4160 · 3400 · (2 52) · 0.6 = $326, 400

picr = 3400 · (2 52) · 0.6 = $78.46
PICt = 4160 · 3423.46 · (1/52) · 0.6 = $164, 326
pict = 3423.46 · (1/52) · 0.6 = $39.50
The total transportation cost is computed as the product of the annual demand and
the unit transportation cost.
 TCmp = Dp · tcmp (12.13)
Now the destination cycle inventory cost can be computed, since all the unit costs
incurred before the destination is reached in the supply chain have now been com-
puted. The value at the destination facility is the sum of the purchasing, transpor-
tation, in-transit inventory, origin cycle inventory, and origin storage cost. If an
instantaneous replenishment and a constant withdrawal rate are assumed then the
average cycle inventory is half the maximum cycle inventory, which in turn is equal
to the transportation batch size.
 vmpD = vp + tcmp + picmp + ocicmp + scmpO (12.14)

 DCICimp = (TBmp /2) · (vp + tcmp + picmp + ocicmp + scmpO ) · HCR (12.15)
= (TBmp /2) · vmpD · HCR

DCIr = 160 2 = 80
DCI Cr = 80 · (3400 + 32 + 78.46) · 0.6 = 80 · 3510.46 · 0.6 = $168, 502
dcicr = 168502/4160 = $40.51

DCIt = 80 2 = 40
DCI Ct = 40 · (3400 + 19.62 + 75 + 39.50 + 3.85) · 0.6 = 40 · 3537.96 · 0.6 = $84, 911
dcict = 84911/4160 = $20.41

Assuming single sourcing and a single transportation mode of the supply of each
product at the distribution center, the safety inventory at the distribution center can
then be computed as follows, where d is the expected demand during a single period
and the lead time lt is expressed in observable demand periods.
12.2 Distribution Channel Selection 537

 SI = k · lt · Vard + d 2 · Varlt (12.16)

CVd = Vdard (12.17)

V ard = (CVd · d)2

SI = k · lt · CVd2 + Varlt · d (12.18)

This formula quantifies the common practice in industry of keeping a safety stock
level on hand equal to a number of demand periods. Policies that determine the
safety inventory proportional to the demand are also called linear safety policies.
The formula shows the relationship between the safety inventory and the customer
service level based on probability of delivery out on-hand inventory, the average
and variance of the lead time, and the average and variance of the demand. This
formula ignores inventory costs at the origin facility and thus any pooling effect
of distribution centers at the origin facility. Since the demand is determined by the
customers and the service level is usually a mandate from corporate management,
the only factors that can be influenced by the warehouse manager are the average
and the variance of the lead time and the variance of the demand. Safety inventory
can be reduced if the input and output flows, i.e., supply and demand, are kept as
constant as possible and if the lead time for replenishments is reduced.
If a customer service level of type two is required and it is assumed that the
demand is normally distributed, then the number of standard deviations can be de-
termined using the unit loss function. The safety inventory cost is then computed
as the product of the safety inventory level, the value for each unit, and the holding
cost rate.

 sd(dlt)mp = ltmp CVdp 2
+ Varlt,mp dp (12.19)

 L(z) = TBmp (1 − fr)/sd(dlt)mp (12.20)

−1 T Bmp (1 − fr)
 z=L (12.21)

 SImp = z ltmp CVdp2 + Vltmp dp = z · sd(dlt)mp (12.22)

 SICmp = SImp · vmpD · HCR (12.23)

For the Big TV example, the demand data are provided on a weekly basis. The cal-
culations for the safety inventory and the total safety inventory cost are given next.
In this example, the lead time is constant and thus the variance of the lead time is
equal to zero.
538 12 Supply Chain Models

Vard sdd 40
CVd = = = = 0.5
d d 80

sd(dlt)r = 2 · 0.52 · 80 = 56.57
(1 − 0.95)160
L(z)r = = 0.141
zr = L−1 (0.141) = 0.71
SIr = 0.71 · 56.57 = 40
SI Cr = 40 · 3510.46 · 0.6 = $84, 251

sd(dlt)t = 1 · 0.52 · 80 = 40
(1 − 0.95)80
L(z)t = = 0.100
zt = L−1 (0.100) = 0.90
SIt = 0.90 · 40 = 36
SI Ct = 36 · 3537.96 · 0.6 = $76, 420
The only fixed costs included in the Big TV example are the fixed costs associated
with the storage locations in the warehouses at the origin and destination facili-
ties. The destination warehouse has to able to hold the sum of the safety and cycle

DMIr = 160 + 40 = 200

DFSCr = 200 · 200 = $40, 000
TFCr = DFSCr = $40, 000
DMIt = 80 + 36 = 116
DFSCt = 200 · 116 = $23, 200
TFCt = OFSCr + DFSCr = 16, 000 + 23, 200 = $39, 200

The total variable cost is computed as the sum of the transportation cost, the pipe-
line inventory cost, the origin and destination cycle inventory costs, and the safety
inventory cost.
 TVCmp = TCmp + PICmp + OCICimp + DCICjmp + SICjmp (12.24)
For the Big TV example, the total variable costs by transportation mode are com-
puted as follows.
T V Cr = 0 + 133120 + 326400 + 168502 + 84251 = $712, 273
T V Ct = 81600 + 312000 + 164326 + 84911 + 76420 = $718, 257
Finally, the total aggregate cost is computed as the sum of the total invariant, vari-
able, and fixed costs.
12.2 Distribution Channel Selection 539

Table 12.2   Channel selection comparison for the Big TV example

Category Rail Truck
Purchasing Cost $14,144,000 $14,144,000
Total Invariant Costs $14,144,000 $14,144,000
Transportation Costs $133,120 $312,000
Transportation Batch Size 160 80
Maximum Origin Cycle Inventory 0 80
Origin Storage Cost $16,000
Origin Unit Storage Cost $0.00 $3.85
Average Origin Cycle Inventory 0 40
Origin Cycle Inventory Costs $81,600
Unit origin cycle inventory costs $19.62
Unit Value at Leaving Origin $3,400.00 $3,423.46
In-Trans it Inventory Cost $326,400 $164,326
Unit in-trans it inventory cost $78.46 $39.50
Unit Value at DC $3,510.46 $3,537.96
DC Max Cycle Inventory 160 80
DC Cycle Inventory Costs $168,502 $84,911
Lead Time 2.00 1.00
St Dev Demand during Lead Time 56.57 40.00
L(z) 0.141 0.100
Z 0.71 0.90
DC Safety Inventory 40 36
DC Safety Inventory Costs $84,251 $76,420
Total Marginal Costs $712,273 $719,257
DC Maximum Inventory 200 116
DC Storage Cost $40,000 $23,200
Total Fixed Costs $40,000 $39,200
Total Variant Costs $752,273 $758,457
Total Cost $14,896,273 $14,902,457
Unit Value at Leaving DC $3,580.83 $3,582.32

 TACmp = TICp + TVCmp + TFCmp (12.25)

For the Big TV the total aggregate costs are computed as follows. The results for the
Big TV example are also summarized in the previous table (Table 12.2).
TACr = 14144000 + 712273 + 40000 = $14, 896, 273
TACt = 14144000 + 719257 + 39200 = $14, 902, 457
 = (712273 + 40000) − (719257 + 39200) = −$6, 184
In this particular example, the total annual costs of the two alternative transportation
modes are nearly the same. The difference is only 0.82% of the logistics cost and
only 0.04% of the total supply chain cost. The difference between the unit values
of the product in function of the distribution channel when it leaves the distribution
center is $1.49 per unit.
540 12 Supply Chain Models

12.3 Tactical Supply Chain Planning

The tactical supply chain planning model is one of simplest models that consid-
ers the supply chain as an integrated system. It includes such decisions as supplier
selection for the key components, transportation, and production planning, and de-
liveries to customer to satisfy the customer demands for each period during the
planning horizon. The periods in the model are typically of intermediate durations
such as weeks, months, or seasons in a year. Finished goods may be assembled us-
ing a limited number of sub assemblies or components. If such assembly process
is present in the supply chain then the model is denoted as a bill of materials or
BOM model. In this case component products that enter the supply chain from
external suppliers typically do not leave the supply chain but are transformed in
one or more facilities into finished goods. The finished goods usually do not enter
the supply chain but are created by the transformation process and then leave the
supply chain. Both the finished goods and its components are denoted as products.
The model minimizes the total cost computed as the sum of the procurement (pur-
chasing, acquisition), transportation, manufacturing (production, transformation),
inventory, and backorder costs. The total demand of a customer has to be delivered,
even though delivery may be delayed beyond the due date through backorders. The
inventory cost at this time consists only of the holding costs at transformation facili-
ties. The model incorporates a penalty for delayed delivery to customers, which is
also denoted as the backorder cost. This model ignores the lead times for sourcing
components of the various suppliers but it observes supplier capacities and trans-
formation capacities. It is assumed that all the facilities are available during each
period in the planning horizon, but the capacities can vary from period to period.
The tactical supply chain planning problem is also called master planning. Further
information can be found in Rohde and Wagner (2008).
The model is solved to optimality using a linear programming solver. If the de-
mand is for a small number of discrete parts then a mixed integer programming
solver has to be used to avoid fractional product flows. Even though the instance
model may be large due to the presence of a large number of periods and other
logistics objects, the solution times with a linear programming solver are typically
modest and are in order of minutes.

12.3.1  Tactical Supply Chain Model Components

The logistics objects in the tactical supply chain model are collected in the follow-
ing sets.
12.3 Tactical Supply Chain Planning 541

S Suppliers, indexed by i
P Products, indexed by p (and v)
1BOMp Products in the single level bill of materials for product p, i.e. the
immediate components in the BOM of product p
C Customers, indexed by k
T Periods, indexed by t (and u)
TR transformation facilities or transformers, indexed by j
R Resources required for product flows in supplier and transforma-
tion facilities, indexed by r
AR, IR Resources required for product assembly and product inventory in
transformation facilities, respectively
O = S ∪ TR Origin facilities, i.e. suppliers and transformation facilities
D = TR ∪ C Destination facilities, i.e. transformation facilities and customers
OD Transportation channels, indexed by the combination of their ori-
gin and destination facilities Decision Variables

The symbols for most decision variables related to material flows end on the letter
q which indicates a quantity.
pqipt amount purchased from supplier i of product p during period t
xijpt amount of product p transported from facility i to facility j during
time period t
itqjpt , otqjpt amount of product p transported into and out of facility j during
time period t
iqjpt amount of product p stored (carried as inventory to the next period)
at facility j from time period t to time period t + 1
bqkptu amount of product p delivered to customer k during period t that
is used to satisfy the demand of this customer for this product dur-
ing time period u, where u is smaller than t. This is the backorder
aqjpt amount of product p assembled, i.e. manufactured or produced, at
facility j during time period t
cqjpt amount of component product p used in assembly (manufacturing)
at facility j during time period t
dqjpt amount of product p delivered to customer k during period t to
satisfy the demand during this period and possible backordered
quantities of prior periods. The presence of backordering allows
the quantities delivered to be different from customer demand for
a particular period
542 12 Supply Chain Models Parameters

The symbols for most unit cost parameters end with the letter (lower case) c which
indicates the cost rate. Parameters related to capacities on flow start with the letter
t, while capacities related to production and inventory start with the letters a and i.
The latter two are only defined at transformation facilities.
tcapjrt aggregate capacity of resource r at supplier or at facility j dur-
ing period t for all products combined. Note if the capacity is
by product, supplier or facility capacity capjpt with three sub-
scripts is to be defined and is no longer called aggregate.
acapjrt , icapjrt aggregate capacity of resource r at transformation facility j
during period t for all products combined produced or held in
inventory, respectively. Note if the capacity is by product and
transformation facility capacities acapjrt , icapjrt with three sub-
scripts are to be defined and are no longer called aggregate.
tresjprt units of resource r consumed by one unit of product p at facility
j (be it either a supplier or transformer facility) during period t.
The model can incorporate resource consumption rates that vary
by period, e.g. to approximate learning curves.
aresjprt , iresjprt units of resource r consumed by one unit of product p produced
or stored at transformation facility j during period t. The model
can incorporate resource consumption rates that vary by period,
e.g. to approximate learning curves.
trcjrt unit resource cost for resource r at facility j during period t
arcjrt , ircjrt unit resource cost for production or inventory resource r at
transformation facility j during period t
demkpt aggregate demand for product p at customer k during period t
pcipt purchase cost for a unit of product p from supplier i during
period t
tcijpt unit transportation cost for a product p from facility i to facility
j during period t
acjpt assembly (production, manufacturing) cost for a unit of product
p at facility j during period t
hcjpt unit holding (inventory) cost for a product p at facility j from
time period t to the next period t + 1
bckptu unit delay cost, i.e. delay penalty or backorder cost, for deliver-
ing one unit of product p during period t to satisfy demand dur-
ing period u at customer k
1bomjpvt number of units of component p required to assemble one unit of
assembly v during period t in facility j where component p is an
element of the single level bill of material of product v
init_invjp initial inventory of product p at facility j
12.3 Tactical Supply Chain Planning 543 Constraints

The model contains four types of constraints: supply capacity, transformation (pro-
duction or assembly) capacity, demand satisfaction, and conservation of flow at the
transformation facilities. The conservation of flow constraints may be by product or
consider the BOM for the assembly process. Model

The complete tactical production supply chain model is given next. The model can
be further condensed by directly substituting variables, but it is given below in
its more expanded form to clearer show its structure. Modern linear programming
solvers will make the substitutions in their pre-solving phase, so this more expan-
sive version does not increase solution time significantly.
Model 12.1.  Tactical BOM Supply Chain Model
min pcipt · pqipt + tcijpt · xijpt + acjpt · aqjpt +
i∈S p t i∈O j∈D p t j∈TR p t
arcjrt · aresjprt · aqjpt + ircjrt · iresjprt · iqjpt +
j∈TR p r∈AR t j∈TR p r∈IR t
rcjrt · resjprt · tqjpt + (12.26)
j p r∈R t
bckptu · bqkptu + hcjpt · iqjpt
k∈C p t∈T ,t≥2 u∈T ,u < t j∈TR p t

 s.t. tresip · pqipt ≤ tcapit ∀i, ∀t (12.27)

 pqipt ≤ tcapipt ∀i, ∀p, ∀t (12.28)

 pqipt = xijpt ∀i, ∀p, ∀t (12.29)

 xijpt = itqjpt ∀j, ∀p, ∀t (12.30)

 itqjpt + aqjpt + init_invjp − iqjpt − cqjpt − otqjpt = 0 ∀j, ∀p, t = 1 (12.31)

itqjpt + aqjpt + iqjpt−1 − iqjpt − cqjpt − otqjpt = 0 ∀j, ∀p, t = 2..T − 1 (12.32)

 itqjpt + aqjpt + iqjpt−1 − cqjpt − otqjpt = 0 ∀j, ∀p, t = T (12.33)

 xjkpt = otqjpt ∀j, ∀p, ∀t (12.34)
544 12 Supply Chain Models

cqjpt = 1bomjpvt · aqjvt ∀p ∈ 1BOMv , ∀j, ∀t (12.35)

aresjprt · aqjpt ≤ acapjrt ∀j, ∀t, ∀r (12.36)

 aqjpt ≤ acapjpt ∀j, ∀p, ∀t (12.37)

 tresjprt · otqjpt ≤ tcapjrt ∀j, ∀t, ∀r (12.38)

 otqjpt ≤ tcapjpt ∀j, ∀p, ∀t (12.39)

 iresjprt · iqjpt ≤ icapjrt ∀j, ∀t, ∀r (12.40)

 iqjpt ≤ icapjpt ∀j, ∀p, ∀t (12.41)

 xjkpt = dqkpt ∀k, ∀p, ∀t (12.42)

 dqkpt + bqkput = bqkptu + demkpt ∀k, ∀p, ∀t (12.43)
t <u u<t

 pq, x, bq, iq, aq, cq ≥ 0 (12.44)

The objective function computes the total cost as the sum of the individual unit
costs multiplied by the corresponding quantities. The model has capacity con-
straints and conservation of flow constraints. Typically capacity limitations at sup-
pliers are either for individual products or for all products combined. The model
allows both simultaneously but usually either constraint (12.27), which models the
joint capacity, or (12.28), which models the capacity for an individual product, are
defined but not both. The equivalent is true for transformation capacities modeled
by constraints (12.36), which models the joint capacity, or (12.37), which models
the capacity for an individual product as well as for the throughput and inventory
capacity constraints at the transformation facilities.
The remaining constraints are all conservation of flow constraints. Backorder
flows can only occur at customers, inventory flows can only occur at transformation
facilities. There are four types of conservation of flow constraints at the transforma-
tion facilities, indicated by space, space-time, creation-space, and creation-space-
time, respectively. The flow diagrams for the four types are shown in the next fig-
ures (Figs. 12.2, 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5).
In its most general form, the conservation of flow constraint for a product in a
period for a transformation facility has six flows. The three input flows are trans-
portation receipts, inventory held from the previous period, and production during
the period. The three output flows are transportation shipments, inventory held to
12.3 Tactical Supply Chain Planning 545

Fig. 12.2   Conservation of

flow of type 1 (Space) receiptsp,t shipmentsp,t

Fig. 12.3   Conservation of

flow of type 2 (Space-Time)


receiptsp,t shipmentsp,t



Fig. 12.4   Conserva-

tion of flow of type 3 q,t ns
(Creation-Space) um
q, pt
t io

receiptsp,t shipmentsp,t
p,t co

the next period, and consumption of the product during the period when it is used
as a component in the production process. The most general form has been used in
the tactical model. The type of conservation of flow constraint used can be adjusted
based on the requirements of the particular supply chain in question. If the time di-
mension is present, three variants of the conservation flow constraint need to be cre-
ated since the equation is different for the first, intermediate, and last periods of the
planning horizon. During the first period there is only the initial inventory which is
a parameter and during the last period there is no inventory held to the next period.
546 12 Supply Chain Models

Fig. 12.5   Conserva-

tion of flow of type 3 co
q,t ns
(Creation-Space-Time) um
q, pt p,t-1
t io
uc inventoryp,t-1

receiptsp,t shipmentsp,t
p,t co
inventoryp,t io


Constraints (12.29) and (12.42) ensure that all the products purchased get trans-
ported from the suppliers and all finished goods produced get transported to the
customers, respectively. Constraints (12.31) through (12.33) ensure the conserva-
tion of flow for a transformation facility for the first, intermediate, and last periods,
respectively. The model uses a parameter for the initial inventory of a product at a
facility. Constraint (12.35) ensures that the correct amount of component products
is consumed in the assembly facility to be assembled into finished goods. Finally,
constraint (12.43) ensures that the goods delivered to a customer and backorders
from future periods are allocated to satisfy either the demand of that period or sat-
isfy backorders in previous periods. The flow diagram for back orders for product p
and customer k is shown in Fig. 12.6.
A rough calculation of the size of the instance model can be based on the fol-
lowing estimates. Assume there are 52 periods, 34 customers, 6 suppliers, and only

Fig. 12.6  Flow diagram for

customer back orders
12.4 Continuous Location Model 547

one product in the supply chain. The number of transportation decision variables
would be 6 * 34 * 1*52 = 10,608. The number of backorder variables would be
34 * 1*51 * 50 = 86,700. For a larger supply chain instance, assume that there are 52
periods, 34 customers, 30 suppliers, and 6 products. The number of transportation
decision variables would be 30 * 34 * 6 * 52 = 318,240. The number of backorder
variables would be 34 * 6 * 51 * 50 = 520,200. For problem instances of this size, an
automated way to generate the instance model has to available. Usually, a modeling
language such as AMPL is used to store the model structure and a database is used
to store all the model parameters and the values of the decision variables after the
optimization has been completed. An industrial case of realistic size had 500,000
constraints and 1.8  million variables and was solved by a contemporary desktop
computer in 30 s. The whole process of assembling the data, solving the instance
problem, and storing the results required less than 3 min.

12.4 Continuous Location Model

12.4.1  Introduction

The strategic logistics design problem can be defined as follows: given a set of
plants and customers with known characteristics, and the potential components of
a logistics network, determine the number and location of warehouses, allocate of
customers to warehouses, and select transportation channels such that customer re-
quirements are met at the lowest possible cost.
Solution procedures for the strategic logistics system design problem can be di-
vided into two types, each with different assumptions. Site generating procedures,
such as location-allocation solution procedures, generate a set of new sites for the
distribution centers, but do not consider whether to open or close distribution cen-
ters. That is, location-allocation procedures assume that each specified potential
distribution center is open (though not necessarily used). Thus, to minimize total
relevant costs, location-allocation procedures need only minimize the variable cost,
which include at least the total transportation cost. To summarize, the location-
allocation procedures minimize distribution cost by moving the distribution centers,
while leaving their number unchanged. These procedures are further discussed in
this section of this chapter.
The second class of solution procedures selects desirable distribution centers to
open from among a list of possible candidate locations. They are called site selection
procedures. The optimal solution algorithms of this type are based on Mixed Integer
Programming (MIP) techniques. The MIP procedures determine the optimal number
of distribution centers to open out of a set of candidate distribution centers. The candi-
date distribution centers are fixed in place. A mathematical model is constructed which
captures all the cost and the solution is obtained by using a MIP solution program
such as CPLEX or LINDO. To summarize, the MIP procedures minimize the distri-
bution cost by opening and closing distribution centers, while leaving their location
unchanged. These procedures are further discussed in the last section of this chapter.
548 12 Supply Chain Models

The continuous location model focuses on the decision on where to locate one
or more facilities that are elements of the supply chain and what are their incoming
and outgoing material flows. The location of the facilities can be anywhere within
a continuous area and influences the assignment and the transportation costs of the
incoming and outgoing material flows. It is a fundamental assumption of this model
that the different locations of the facility do not impact the fixed or variable cost
inside the facility, but only the transportation costs in the supply chain. Clearly this
is a very strong simplification of the real-world facility location decision and the
results of this model should only be used for very aggregate and rough-cut decision
making. If more accurate cost calculations are required, then a more complicated
discrete location model has to be used. Some of these models are described in the
next section and in the chapter on advanced supply chain models.

12.4.2  Location Problem

The location problem determines the best location of one or more facilities for given
product flows. It is assumed that the facilities can be located anywhere within the
area. The impact of the facility locations on the transportation costs is proportional
to distance between the facilities to be located and other facilities with known loca-
tions. The distances are determined by a distance norm. In nearly all instances, the
Euclidean distance norm is used. Single Facility Location Problem

For this sub class of the location problem only a single facility has to be located. The
following notation will be used, where subscript i is used if multiple new facilities
have to be located and can be ignored if there is a single moveable facility.
(xi , yi ) location coordinates of the facility to be located
(aj , bj ) location coordinates of the facilities with fixed and known locations
wij interaction between moveable facility i and fixed facility j
dij distance between moveable facility i and fixed facility j computed by a
distance norm
The facility location problem in the continuous space or FLP is then formulated as

 min wij dij (xi , yi ) (12.45)

If the Euclidean distance norm is used, then formulation becomes

Model 12.2.  Single Facility Location Model
 min wij (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2 (12.46)
12.4 Continuous Location Model 549

Fig. 12.7   Excel location data graph for single facility location

The above problem is a nonlinear unconstrained optimization problem in two con-

tinuous variables.
The solver in Excel can be used to determine the solution to this problem for
small problem instances. Consider the following example, where a single facility
has to be located while it interacts with five fixed facilities. The interaction is given
as the product of V, the number of trips per year between the fixed and moveable
facility, and the unit transportation cost R. The location of the fixed facilities is il-
lustrated in the next figure and the coordinates of the fixed facilities, trips per year,
and unit transportation costs in the second figure (Figs. 12.7 and 12.8).
In the above figure the cost of locating the new facility at the center of gravity of
the existing facilities is also computed with the following formulas.

wij aj
j =1
xi = N
j =1

wij bj
j =1
yi = N
j =1
550 12 Supply Chain Models

Fig. 12.8   Excel spreadsheet for single facility location

The sum of weights is computed in column F and equals 625.0, the weighted sum of
the x and y coordinates is computed in columns G and H respectively. The center of
gravity location for this problem instance is computed in row 7 and equal to (5.16,
5.18) and indicated by W0, where the 0 indicates the iteration subscript and in this
case is an initial guess. The objective function value for this center of gravity loca-
tion is computed in column I and is equal to 2147.1. The optimal location can be de-
termined using the Excel solver. The objective function is computed in column J and
the sum is computed in cell J8 by changing the location coordinates in cells B8 and
C8. The optimal solution is indicated by W*. The corresponding solver dialog win-
dow is shown in the next figure. Note that the constraint area is empty (Fig. 12.9).
The necessary solver options are shown in the next figure. The check boxes for
“Assume Linear Model” and “Assume Non-Negative” decision variable have to be
cleared. The model is nonlinear because of the square root function and the decision
variables do not have to be restricted to the first quadrant (Fig. 12.10).
The optimal objective function value is 2142.5. The solution location for this
instance is shown in the next figure. The difference in the objective function values
of the optimal solution and the center of gravity solution is 0.2% and the figure also
shows that the locations are close to each other. Since the results of the continuous
location problem are only to be used as a very approximate location for the facility,
the center of gravity can be used as an approximate solution since it is even easier
to compute than using the Excel solver (Fig. 12.11).

Fig. 12.9   Excel solver

parameters for single facility
12.4 Continuous Location Model 551

Fig. 12.10   Excel solver

options for single facility

Fig. 12.11   Excel location graph for single facility location

552 12 Supply Chain Models

12.4.3  Multiple Facility Location Problem

In this case more than one facility has to be located. Recall that the material flow
interactions between the various facilities are given as parameters. If no interac-
tions exist between the moveable facilities, then solving a multiple facility location
problem is equal to solving a set of independent single facility location problems.
If interactions between moveable facilities exist then the problem no longer decom-
poses by moveable facility. The joint location problem can be solved by an iterative
nonlinear search algorithm using the gradients. This procedure is described in detail
in the next section on location-allocation, where it is used as a sub procedure to
solve that problem.

12.4.4  Location-Allocation Problem

The Location-Allocation Problem (LAP) determines simultaneously the location

of one or more moveable facilities and the least-cost product flow between the
fixed and moveable facilities. The fixed facilities are either plants (or suppliers)
or customers. The plants have a maximum capacity and the customers have a de-
mand that has to be met. The moveable facilities are either manufacturing plants
or distribution centers and conservation of flow must be ensured at each facility.
There exist two classes of decision variables: the location coordinates (x, y) and
the product flows w. The objective function is the sum of their products. Multiple
transportation modes may be possible between each pair of facilities, indicated by
the subscript m, and each combination of facility pair and transportation mode may
have an individual unit transportation cost c. The LAP formulation is given next,
where the appropriate distance norm formula is used to compute the distances d in
function of (x, y).
Model 12.3.  Location-Allocation Model
 min cijm dijm wijm (12.48)
i=1 j=1 m=1

 s.t. wikm = demk k ∈ Customers (12.49)
i=1 m=1

 wijm ≤ capi i ∈ Plants (12.50)
j=1 m=1

 L N 
 wijm − wjkm = 0 j ∈ Depots (12.51)
i=1 m=1 k=1 m=1
12.4 Continuous Location Model 553

 dij = (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2 ∀ij , ∀j k combinations (12.52)

wijm ≥ 0
This LAP problem is a difficult to solve nonlinear optimization problem. Since the
solution can only be used as a very approximate location of the facilities, this prob-
lem is only solved heuristically in practice. One heuristic proposed by Eilon and
Watson-Ghandi exploits the bi-level structure of the problem by alternatingly hold-
ing the variables of one of the classes constant while solving for the other class of
variables. This approach is similar to the cyclical coordinates search algorithm, but
applied to classes of decision variables rather than to individual decision variables. Eilon-Watson-Ghandi Iterative Location-Allocation Algorithm

This heuristic procedure attempts to find a good set of locations for the distribution
centers by repeatedly executing the following steps:
1. Allocate customers to depots and depots to plants based on current facility loca-
tions and distances
2. Relocate depots to minimize transportation costs of the current allocations.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until done.
The allocation phase is solved via a network flow algorithm. The location phase is
solved by the Weiszfeld algorithm with hyperbolic approximation. Further details
are given below.
The network flow model considers plant, customers and depots. It determines
the location of the distribution centers and the allocation of customers to distribu-
tion centers based on transportation costs only. The distribution centers are capaci-
tated and flows between the distribution centers are allowed. In addition, more than
one transportation mode and flow between two facilities is allowed.
Allocation Phase  The algorithm starts with an initial solution in which the initial
location of the distribution centers is specified. This initial location can be random,
specified by the user, or the result of another algorithm. Based on this initial loca-
tion, the network flow algorithm computes transportation costs and then assigns
each customer to the nearest distribution center or plant with sufficient capacity by
solving the following network flow problem.
M the total number of source facilities, which is equal to the number of plants
plus the number of depots
N the total number of sink facilities, which is equal to the number of depots
plus the number of customers
L the number of transportation modes. The modes are indexed by the sub-
script m
wijm flow from facility i to facility j by mode m
554 12 Supply Chain Models

cijm the cost per unit flow per unit distance for transportation from facility i to
facility j by mode m
dijm the distance from facility i to facility j by mode m
demk   the demand of customer k
capi the capacity of plant i
Further information on solving the network flow problem can be found in the chap-
ter on multiple flow routing.
Location Phase  After all the customers have been allocated to the nearest distribu-
tion center with available capacity, a second sub-algorithm locates the distribution
centers so that the sum of the weighted distances between each source and sink
facility is minimized for the given flows. This problem is formulated as a continu-
ous, multiple facility weighted Euclidean minisum location problem.
Min f (x, y) = cij m wij m (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2
i=1 j =1 m=1

+ cij m vij m (xi − xj )2 + (yi − yj )2 (12.53)
i=1 j =1 m=1

A preprocessing step combines all modes ( L) between a pair of facilities into one
aggregate mode:
 2  2
Min f (x, y) = cij wij xi − a j + yi − bj
i=1 j =1
  2  2
+ cij vij xi − xj + yi − yj (12.54)
i=1 j =1

H the set of movable facilities, i.e. the distribution centers

G the set of fixed facilities which is composed of plants and customers
wij the flow from moveable facility i to fixed facility j
vij the flow from movable facility i to moveable facility j
(xi , yi )  the variable location of the distribution center i
(aj , bj ) the fixed location of customer j or of plant
The distance between centers is assumed to be proportional to the straight line Eu-
clidean distance.
This problem can no longer be solved with the center of gravity algorithm be-
cause of the material flow between moveable facilities since the location of one
moveable facility depends on the location of the other moveable facilities. If no
flow between moveable facilities exists then the problem decomposes by moveable
facility and can be solved with repeated application of the center of gravity method.
In practice, the equivalent condition is that no cross shipping of products between
distribution centers is allowed. For the general problem, when flows between move-
12.4 Continuous Location Model 555

able facilities are allowed, the following nonlinear optimization algorithm can be
used. To minimize f (x, y) the partial derivatives with respect to x and y are calcu-
lated and set to zero which yields the following recursive expressions for x and y.
First, define the following two functions:
cij wij
 gij (xi , yi ) =  (12.55)
(xi − aj ) + (yi − bj )2 + ε

cij vij
hij (xi , yi ) = √ i = j
(xi −xj )2 +(yi −yj )2 +ε (12.56)
 hii (xi , yi ) = 0
Note that the denominators are adjusted by the (small) positive constant ε. This pre-
vents the denominators from ever being zero when the two facilities are co-located.
Without the ε term, these functions would be undefined whenever a distribution
center was located at the same site as a customer or plant and the algorithm would
terminate prematurely because of numerical instability. This adjustment method
is called the Hyperbolic Approximation Procedure or HAP. Further details can be
found in Francis and White (1974) and Love et al. (1988).
Now, the set of locations (xk , yk ) is determined as follows:

aj gij (xik−1 , yik−1 ) + xj hij (xik−1 , yik−1 )
j =1 j =1
 xik = (12.57)

gij (xik−1 , yik−1 ) + hij (xik−1 , yik−1 )
j =1 j =1

bj gij (xik−1 , yik−1 ) + yj hij (xik−1 , yik−1 )
j =1 j =1
 yik = (12.58)

gij (xik−1 , yik−1 ) + hij (xik−1 , yik−1 )
j =1 j =1

The recursive formulas require an initial location (x0 , y0 ) as input and then the pro-
cedure uses an iterative improvement scheme to get the next estimation. The su-
perscript k denotes the iteration number. The iterative procedure continues until a
stopping criterion has been satisfied, be it either a maximum number of iterations
or maximum error gap.
Since the overall algorithm iterates between allocation and location algorithm
and the location algorithm itself is iterative, large problem instances may take a sig-
nificant amount of computation time. Several enhancements for the algorithm have
been developed that reduce the computation time. Details on these enhancements
are described in the appendix on continuous Euclidean location. The location-allo-
cation problem is not convex which means that the algorithm can only assure con-
vergence to a local optimum. In general the local optimum depends on the starting
locations used for the moveable facilities. Several strategies for determining these
556 12 Supply Chain Models

starting locations have been proposed. One can think of this problem of finding an
equilibrium location in the three dimensional space for a number of balls which
correspond to the new facilities and that are connected with springs to each other
and to the existing facilities. The material flow between them is proportional to the
spring constant which measures the strength of the spring. All the new facilities can
initially be located in a single location which is equivalent to pushing all the balls
together. The iterative algorithm will spread out the locations of the new facilities
just as the springs would push the balls away from each other. A second initial loca-
tion strategy would locate all new facilities at the perimeter of the problem area.
The iterative algorithm will concentrate the location of the new facilities just as the
springs would pull the balls together.

12.5 Discrete Supply Chain Models

In the previous section, the new facilities could be located anywhere within the
boundaries of the feasible domain but the facilities were assumed always to be
available for use. The previous location and location-allocation problems are site-
generating problems. In this section, the new facilities can only be located at the site
of existing facilities or at finite set of candidate locations. These problems belong to
the class of site-selecting problems.

12.5.1  P-Median and P-Center Problems

In the class of discrete supply chain problems, the discrete P-Median and discrete
P-Center problems have the simplest structure. As before, the P-median problem
has as objective minimizing the sum of the assignment distances or cost between
existing facilities and their closest servicing facility, while the P-center has as objec-
tive minimizing the maximum of the assignment distances or cost between existing
facilities and their closest servicing facility. The servicing facilities that are to be
located are called the medians or clusters in the P-median problem and the centers
in the P-Center problem. The discrete variants of these problems are often used
when there are a large number of existing facilities that cover relatively uniformly
the feasible domain or when there is a finite list of feasible locations.
The P-Median and the P-Center problems are classic examples of the minisum
and minimax classes of optimization problems, respectively. The minisum objective
consists of the sum of the individual cost components and the objective is thus to
optimize the overall or average performance. This objective is appropriate and used
in business systems and is also called economic efficiency. This problem is also
called the median problem on networks. In general, the objective function for the
minisum problem can then be written as
12.5 Discrete Supply Chain Models 557

Fig. 12.12   Median versus

center illustration 0 5 6 7
center = 3.5
median = 5.5

 
 
 min Cj (X ) (12.59)
X  

where X indicates the coordinates of the new object to be located, j is the index of
the existing and fixed objects and Cj (X ) denotes the cost of locating the new object
at X with respect to the existing object j.
The minimax objective consists of the largest individual cost component of an
existing facility and the objective is thus to optimize the worst-case behavior. This
objective is often used in military, emergency, and public sector systems and is also
called economic equity. This problem is also called the center problem on networks.
The objective function for the minimax problem can then be written as
 min max Cj (X ) (12.60)
X j

For example, assume 4 points located on a line at positions 0, 5, 6 and 7, respec-

tively. Assume further that the cost of serving each of these points is strictly propor-
tional to the distance between these points and the new facility. The optimal location
of the new facility with respect to the minisum objective is the median of these
points, i.e. X ∗ = 5.5 , so that as many points are to the left as to the right. Actually,
the line segment between five and six contains an infinite number of alternative op-
timal median locations. The optimal location with respect to the minimax objective
is the center of these points, i.e. X ∗ = 3.5, so that the distance to the leftmost and
rightmost point is equal (Fig. 12.12).
Observe that the optimal median location would not change if the leftmost point
was located at −1000 rather than at 0. For this particular example, where the loca-
tion domain is a line, the order of the fixed locations is important rather than their
actual location. Also observe that the optimal center location would not change if an
additional 1000 points were located between coordinates 5 and 6. The center loca-
tion is always determined by a number of “extreme” locations and the number and
location of all the other “interior” objects does not matter. Notation

The formulation of the P-Median problem is given below using the following nota-
yj 1 if a new facility or cluster is located at facility j, 0 otherwise
xij 1 if existing facility i is assigned to new facility j, 0 otherwise
558 12 Supply Chain Models

cij cost of assigning existing facility i to new facility j, this cost is often the
product of the weight or importance of facility i multiplied by the distance
between facilities i and j, cij = wi · dij . The cost typically is computed outside
the model and the model retrieves it from a table. This makes it possible to use
the Euclidean or great circle distance norms in this model even though they
have nonlinear expressions.
P the maximum number of new facilities that can be established Discrete P-Median Problem

Model 12.4.  P-Median Model

 min z = cij xij (12.61)
j=1 i=1


 s.t. xij = 1 ∀i (12.62)

 xij ≤ yj ∀i, ∀j (12.63)


 yj ≤ P (12.64)

 yj ∈ {0, 1}, xij ≥ 0 (12.65)

The objective is to minimize the sum of the assignment costs. The first set of con-
straints ensures that each existing facility is assigned to a new facility or cluster. The
second set of constraints ensures that a facility is only assigned to a cluster if this
cluster is established. Constraints of this type are called the linkage or consistency
constraints. Finally, the third constraint ensures that at most P clusters are estab-
lished. The formulation needs to include this upper bound on the number of clus-
ters; otherwise a cluster would be established at every existing facility. There are
two types of decisions, the first one selects which medians will be established, and
the second one assigns existing facilities to the established medians. Observe that
the assignment variables are unconstrained non-negative continuous variables that
will automatically take on the values of either zero or one in the optimal solution.
However, the location decisions must be explicitly defined as binary. The problem
thus belongs to the class of mixed-integer linear programming problems (MILP or
MIP) since it has both discrete and continuous variables and thus requires the use
of a MILP solver. A standard algorithm for solving this type of problems is branch-
and-bound using linear relaxation.
12.5 Discrete Supply Chain Models 559 Discrete P-Center Problem

Occasionally the objective is to design the supply chain which has smallest pos-
sible worst-case assignment costs. The objective is thus of the minimax type. This
problem is known as the P-Center problem. For example, one may be interested in
determining the largest distance between a customer and the distribution center that
services this customer in function of the number of distribution centers. In the above
formulation the assignment cost would then be the transportation distance between
the corresponding facilities. By systematically increasing P, the monotonically non-
increasing maximum service distance z in function of P can be determined.
Model 12.5.  P-Center Model
 min z (12.66)

 s.t. z ≥ cij xij ∀i, ∀j (12.67)


 xij = 1 ∀i (12.68)

 xij ≤ yj ∀i, ∀j (12.69)


 yj ≤ P (12.70)

 yj ∈ {0, 1}, xij ≥ 0 (12.71)

A generalization of the P-Median problem is the Warehouse Location Problem or

WLP, where there is a cost associated with establishing a new facility, which is
denoted as cluster or warehouse, but where there is no upper bound on the number
of new facilities that can be established. This model is described in the next section.

12.5.2  Supply Chain Example

A common example will be used to illustrate the different supply chain design
models. A geographical figure and a schematic of the supply chain are shown
in the next two figures. The data for a supply chain are inherently large and an
attempt was made to reuse as many of the data as possible. Not all models will
use all of the components or echelons of the supply chain and associated their
data and as consequence different models may generate different optimal solu-
tions. The supply chain has two echelons corresponding to manufacturing and
warehousing (distribution), respectively. There is one external supplier. In ad-
560 12 Supply Chain Models

Fig. 12.13   Map of the supply

chain example

Fig. 12.14   Schematic of the

supply chain example Ext

M1 W1 C1

Sup W2 C2

W3 C3

dition, products can also be delivered to the customers directly from an external
outsourcing supplier. Direct shipping is not allowed, so products are manufac-
tured in the supply chain must pass through the distribution centers (warehouses)
(Figs. 12.13 and 12.14).
In the following table all the data for the supply chain example are shown in 12
sections. The type of data in each section is indicated at the top of each section and
the data in each section is of the same type and units (Table 12.3).

12.5.3  Warehouse Location Problem (WLP) Warehouse Location Problem Definition

The goal of the warehouse location problem is to determine the number and loca-
tion of a set of warehouses and of the customer zones serviced by each warehouse
12.5 Discrete Supply Chain Models 561

Table 12.3   Supply chain Fixed Cost

example data
M1 650000
M2 950000
M3 550000
W1 250000
W2 400000
W3 200000

Transporation W1 W2 W3 Transporation C1 C2 C3
Cost Cost
P1 M1 1.8 5.8 7.8 P1 W1 5.6 4.2 6.6
P1 M2 4.8 2.8 6.8 P1 W2 2.8 1.8 3.2
P1 M3 8.8 6.8 1.8 P1 W3 6.2 5.2 4.2
P2 M1 1.6 3.6 5.6 P2 W1 2.6 1.6 3.6
P2 M2 4.6 2.6 5.6 P2 W2 4.0 3.0 3.2
P2 M3 6.2 4.6 1.6 P2 W3 5.6 4.6 3.6

Production Cost Handling Cost

P1 P2 P1 P2
M1 7.2 5.0 W1 3.2 4.6
M2 5.2 2.8 W2 1.8 2.8
M3 7.8 6.0 W3 4.8 3.8

Max Capacity Max Capacity

M1 M2 M3 W1 W2 W3
340000 480000 288000 330000 516000 308000

Resource Rate Resource Rate

P1 P2 P1 P2
M1 2 3 W1 2 3
M2 1 2 W2 1 2
M3 2 4 W3 1 3
Demand C1 C2 C3 Unit Revenue
P1 75750 62700 101625 C1 C2 C3
P2 21000 26220 39000 P1 44.0 44.0 52.0
P2 40.0 56.0 56.0
Outsource Cost
P1 P2
C1 44 62
C2 44 60
C3 44 62
562 12 Supply Chain Models

so that the total cost for servicing customer demands from these warehouses is
minimized. There are no external suppliers in the model, so the warehouses are
assumed to generate the flows in the supply chain. The customer demands are as-
sumed to be known and deterministic. The total cost is the sum of the fixed costs
to establish a warehouse in a particular location and of the variable transportation
costs. The transportation costs have a constant marginal cost rate so the total cost
function is thus a concave. The number of warehouses to be established is based
on the cost tradeoff between fixed facility costs and variable transportation costs.
Establishing an additional facility yields higher fixed facility costs but lower vari-
able transportation costs. Since there is a single assignment variable indicating if a
customer is serviced from a particular warehouse, the WLP implicitly enforces the
single sourcing service constraint for each customer. The number of echelons in the
WLP is open for interpretation. The model determines one level of facilities in the
supply chain, which indicates a single echelon model. But the model determines
only the transportation flows from the warehouses to the customers, which indicates
a zero echelon model. It is assumed that the warehouse have no throughput capac-
ity restrictions. The classic WLP has only a single commodity, but it can be easily
expanded to multiple commodities since there are no capacity limitations in the
problem and the customers have no single sourcing service constraint. The WLP
has only a single planning period. The classic WLP can be easily extended to incor-
porate warehouse handling costs. Since all parameters are known with certainty the
WLP belongs to the class of deterministic problems.
The constraints that ensure that a customer is only serviced from an established
warehouse are called consistency or linkage constraints. The constraints can be
written for every customer individually or for all the customers serviced from a
warehouse. The corresponding variants of the WLP are called the aggregate and
disaggregate WLP, respectively.
The following additional notation will be used.
fj fixed cost for establishing a warehouse in location j
cij transportation cost for servicing the total demand of customer i from ware-
house j

Model 12.6.  Aggregate WLP


 min z = f j yj + cij xij (12.72)
j=1 i=1


 s.t. xij = 1 ∀i (12.73)


 xij − Myj ≤ 0 ∀j (12.74)
12.5 Discrete Supply Chain Models 563

 yj ∈ {0, 1}, xij ≥ 0 (12.75)

Model 12.7.  Disaggregate WLP


 min z = f j yj + cij xij (12.76)
j=1 i=1


 s.t. xij = 1 ∀i (12.77)

 −xij + yj ≥ 0 ∀i∀j (12.78)

 yj ∈ {0, 1}, xij ≥ 0 (12.79)

The second formulation is said to be disaggregated because there is one consis-

tency or linkage constraint for each assignment variable. The first formulation is
said to be aggregate since there is one linkage constraint per facility status vari-
able. The number of constraints in the disaggregate formulation is much larger.
The number of linkage constraints is M, i.e. the number of customers, times larger
in the disaggregate than in the aggregate model. The aggregate and disaggregate
formulations of the WLP have the same optimal solution. However, the optimal
solutions to their respective linear relaxations may not be the same. A formulation
is said to be weak or weaker if there is a larger difference between the solution
values of the mixed-integer program and its corresponding linear relaxation. The
linear relaxation is obtained by substituting the requirement that the facility status
variables only have zero or one values by the requirement that the facility status
can take any real value between zero and one. The weak and strong attribute are
thus based solely on the values of the optimal solutions of the corresponding
linear relaxations. Any solution to the linear relaxation of the disaggregate for-
mulation will also be a feasible solution to the linear relaxation of the aggregate
formulation, but the reverse is not true. The disaggregate linear relaxation is thus
a more restrictive formulation and is also denoted as the “strong” formulation.
As indicated above the disaggregate formulation contains also many more con-
straints. The number of linkage constraints increases from N for the aggregate
formulation to M*N for the disaggregate formulation, which is a significant dif-
ference for problem instances of industrial size. Even though the disaggregate for-
mulation contains more constraints, in the past disaggregate formulations could
be solved in a shorter amount of computation time by the mixed-integer solvers
or, equivalently, larger problem instances could be solved in a given amount of
time. However, contemporary mixed-integer solvers have the capability to recog-
nize the structure of the WLP and the disaggregate formulation no longer yields
an advantage in solution times.
564 12 Supply Chain Models Linear Programming Relaxation and Lower Bound

The linear relaxation of the aggregate formulation is given next. The solution of this
problem provides a lower bound value on the optimal solution of the WLP.
Model 12.8.  Linear Relaxation of the Aggregate WLP

 min z = f j yj + cij xij (12.80)
j=1 i=1


 s.t. xij = 1 ∀i (12.81)


 xij − Myj ≤ 0 ∀j (12.82)

 yj ≥ 0, xij ≥ 0 (12.83)

At optimality, the linkage constraints will be satisfied at equality, since otherwise

the value of the y variable could be reduced which would reduce the total cost and
contradict the assumption of optimality. At optimality the linkage constraints can
then be written as follows.

 xij∗ = Myj∗ (12.84)

Substituting this expression for yj∗ in the aggregate relaxation formulation yields
the following condensed relaxation formulation.
Model 12.9.  Condensed Linear Relaxation of the Aggregate WLP

N  M  
 min z = + cij xij (12.85)
j=1 i=1


 s.t. xij = 1 ∀i (12.86)

 xij ≥ 0 (12.87)

This relaxation can be solved optimally with a greedy algorithm. Each customer is
assigned to the distribution center with the minimum expanded cost for that cus-
tomer. After the customers have been assigned, any distribution to which one or
more customers were assigned is established exactly enough to satisfy the linkage
12.5 Discrete Supply Chain Models 565

constraint. The resulting solution is optimal for the linear programming relaxation
and but most often the y variables have fractional optimal values. The fractional
solution can be converted to a binary solution by rounding any y variable with value
larger than zero up to one. This guarantees only a heuristic solution to the WLP. WLP Example

Several of the algorithms used to solve the WLP will be illustrated on the following
example. The example has eight customer facilities and five candidate warehouse
locations. This example was described originally in Erlenkotter (1978) to illustrate
a very efficient special purpose algorithm to solve the WLP. At the current time,
standard MIP solvers are used since they can find the optimal solution in a reason-
able amount of time without any specialization or user programming. This specific
example is used here because the supply chain example defined above generates the
same solution for all the variants of the WLP and thus cannot illustrate the differ-
ences between the variants. The assignment costs and the fixed warehouse costs for
the WLP-specific are given in the next table. If an assignment or transportation cost
is infinite then the customer cannot be served from that warehouse (Table 12.4).
In the next table, the updated assignment costs and the solution constructed by
the greedy algorithm are shown. For each warehouse (column) the original as-
signment costs are increased by one eight of the fixed cost of the warehouse. For
example, the assignment cost of customer one to warehouse one is computed as
120 + (100/8) = 132.5. Each customer assigned to a warehouse adds one eight to the
value of the corresponding warehouse variable. The optimal solution to the linear
programming relaxation is highly fractional. The sum of the fixed costs is 88.75.
The sum of the assignment costs is 970. The total solution cost for the linear relax-
ation is thus 1058.75. This value provides a lower bound on the optimal solution
value for this example (Table 12.5).
Rounding up the fractional warehouse variables creates a solution that has all
warehouses open or established. This solution is a primal feasible solution. The
fixed cost increases to 420 and the total cost increases to 1390. This small problem

Table 12.4   WLP example 1 2 3 4 5

1 120 210 180 210 170
2 180 ∞ 190 190 150
3 100 150 110 150 110
4 ∞ 240 195 180 150
5 60 55 50 65 70
6 ∞ 210 ∞ 120 195
7 180 110 ∞ 160 200
8 ∞ 165 195 120 ∞
fj 100 70 60 110 80
fj/M 12.50 8.75 7.50 13.75 10.00
566 12 Supply Chain Models

Table 12.5   Greedy solution 1 2 3 4 5

to the relaxed aggregate
WLP 1 132.50 218.75 187.50 223.75 180.00
2 192.50 ∞ 197.50 203.75 160.00
3 112.50 158.75 117.50 163.75 120.00
4 ∞ 248.75 202.50 193.75 160.00
5 72.50 63.75 57.50 78.75 80.00
6 ∞ 218.75 ∞ 133.75 205.00
7 192.50 118.75 ∞ 173.75 210.00
8 ∞ 173.75 202.50 133.75 ∞
fj 100.00 70.00 60.00 110.00 80.00
fj/M 12.50 8.75 7.50 13.75 10.00
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
yj 0.250 0.125 0.125 0.250 0.250

can be easily solved to optimality with an MIP solver and the optimal solution value
equals 1235. Shadow Prices and Site Relative Costs

If we relax the assignment constraints using Lagrangean multipliers u, the resulting

objective function is given by the next equation.
   

 min zLAR = fj y j + cij xij + ui 1 − xij  (12.88)
j=1 i=1 i=1 j=1

The Lagrangean relaxation formulation is then given next.

Model 12.10.  Lagrangean Relaxation of the WLP
 min zLAR (U ) = f j yj + cij − ui xij + ui (12.89)
j=1 i=1 i=1

 s.t. − xij + yj ≥ 0 ∀i∀j (12.90)

 yj ∈ {0, 1}, xij ≥ 0 (12.91)

12.5 Discrete Supply Chain Models 567

Observe that the objective function of the Lagrangean relaxation is a lower bound
to the objective function of the original problem, or
 zLAR (U ) ≤ z ∗ (12.92)
We can condense this formulation by introducing a site’s relative cost factor.
ui Current cost for servicing customer i, U is the collection (vector) of the
individual ui
ρj (U ) Site relative cost for opening warehouse j based on the current customer
service cost ui . Note that both ui and cij are the cost for servicing the total
demand of a customer for a particular product.
The site relative cost factor computes the additional cost associated with opening
a warehouse at that site. This additional cost has two terms, the first one is the ad-
ditional fixed cost for the warehouse, and the second term computes the savings
in the transportation cost if this customer can be serviced at a lower cost from this
warehouse instead of from its current servicing warehouse. Larger savings have a
more negative value. So an efficient warehouse location will have a large negative
site relative cost factor.
 ρj (U ) = fj + min 0, cij − ui (12.93)

The condensed Lagrangean relaxation is given next. This problem is an uncon-

strained optimization problem, aside from the constraints that force the y variables
to have binary values. Since the solution is found for a particular set of values for
the ui variables and the formulation is based on Lagrangean relaxation, this prob-
lem is also denoted as the Lagrangean subproblem.
Model 12.11.  Lagrangean Subproblem of the WLP

min zLAR (U ) = ui + min ρj (U )yj
 i=1 j=1
s.t. yj ∈ {0, 1}

This problem can be easily solved to optimality by computing the ρj (U ) and set-
ting the corresponding y variable to one if the ρj (U ) is negative, which implies that
opening that warehouse will yield savings larger than its fixed cost. The optimal x
values are then found by setting the x variables equal to one for the warehouse j with
the lowest assignment cost among the open warehouses.
The above solution for the sub problem is computed in function of the Lagran-
gean multipliers u. Kuehn and Hamburger (1963) developed three heuristic adjust-
ment procedures for the Lagrangean multipliers, based on the systematic closure or
establishment of the facility with the largest positive or negative site relative cost,
respectively. Contemporary mixed-integer programming solvers have sufficiently
568 12 Supply Chain Models

improved in their solution speed that the use of the drop-add-swap heuristic is no
longer warranted. The optimal solution to the WLP can be found in a few minutes
for problem instances of industrial size. However, the site relative cost factor still is
a relevant measure to rank either existing distribution centers or potential candidate
distribution centers. The AMPL implementation of the WLP is shown in the Ap-
pendix 12.B. WLP Supply Chain Example

For the WLP, the manufacturing plants are not included in the model and the
only facility decisions are related to the warehouses. Internal material handling
costs inside the warehouses are also not included in the model. The objective is
to minimize the sum of transportation cost between warehouses and customers
and the warehouse facilities cost while the external outsourcing option is not
The optimal solution establishes only warehouse W2 and satisfies all customer
demands from this warehouse. The total facilities cost is 400,000 and the total trans-
portation cost is 937,620 for a total system cost of 1,337,620. The solution to the
linear relaxation generates automatically binary values for this example.
Since the linear relaxation provides the optimal integer solution, the values of u are
given by the dual variables of the assignment constraints. The dual variables and the
calculations for the site relative cost factor (r) are shown in the next table (Table 12.6).
The cost factor for warehouse W2 equals zero since this warehouse determines
all the costs in the current solution. The cost factors for the other warehouses are
positive, and so opening these warehouses would increase the cost of the supply
chain and warehouse W3 would be a slightly less bad selection than warehouse
W1 to open up. When the optimal solution is found with the linear programming
relaxation, the site relative cost factor is equal to the reduced cost of opening a
warehouse. In the example, the site relative cost factor of W2 has to be zero since
it is open in the optimal solution and the site relative cost factors of warehouse W1
and W3 are positive.

Table 12.6   Site relative cost factor for the supply chain example
u C1 C2 C3
429,433 324,853 583,333
savings C1 C2 C3 r
W1 49,367 −19,561 227,792 507,597
W2 −133,333 −133,333 −133,333 0
W3 157,817 121,799 −16,108 463,507
12.6 Geoffrion and Graves Distribution Model 569

12.6 Geoffrion and Graves Distribution Model

12.6.1  Model Characteristics

Geoffrion and Graves (1974) developed a supply chain model that takes more fac-
tors in consideration compared to the WLP. The model, denoted here by G&G, cor-
responds to a supply chain that has a single echelon between external suppliers and
customers, corresponding to warehouses or distribution facilities. Because of the ex-
ternal suppliers, the supply chain model contains two transportation steps, one from
suppliers to warehouses and one from warehouses to customers. In addition, there is
a handling cost for each unit of material flow processed through the different ware-
houses. The model has multiple products. The suppliers are assumed to be available,
i.e. determining their status is not part of the problem, but have a supply constraint for
each individual product. The warehouses also have throughput capacity constraints
that bound the total amount of material flow processed through a warehouse from
below and above. The lower bound constraint eliminates supply chain configurations
that establish warehouses which are used very little. The planning horizon contains
only a single planning period. The model assumes that all parameters are known with
certainty and is thus a deterministic formulation. The objective is to minimize the
total system cost consisting of facilities cost, the cost of two transportation steps, and
the handling cost in the warehouses while satisfying all customer demands. The deci-
sion variable for the material flows models the material flow for a particular product
from a supplier, through a warehouse, to the final customer. Because there is a single
variable indicating if a customer is serviced from a warehouse, the model implicitly
enforces the single sourcing service constraint. The linkage or consistency constraints
are for all commodities combined, so this model has the aggregate form. Finally, the
model can be easily extended by linear configuration constraints in the facility status
variables and the assignment variables.

12.6.2  G&G Model Notation

yjk status variable indicating if customer k is serviced from warehouse j or

xijkp amount of product p flowing from supplier i through warehouse j to cus-
tomer k. This variable is expressed in flow units (not in fractions of the
total demand) and thus usually is much larger than one
cijkp transportation cost rate for a unit of product p flowing from supplier i
through warehouse j to customer k
hj handling cost rate for processing a unit of material flow through ware-
house j
570 12 Supply Chain Models

sip maximum amount of product p available from supplier i

TLj , TUj lower and upper bound on the amount of material that can be processed
through warehouse j, respectively G&G Model

Model 12.12.  Geoffrion and Graves (G&G) Model

 
 min cijkp xijkp + fj zj + hj demkp yjk  (12.95)
ijkp j kp

s.t. xijkp ≤ sip ∀i, ∀p (12.96)

 xijkp = demkp yjk ∀j, ∀k, ∀p (12.97)

 yjk = 1 ∀k (12.98)

 TLj zj ≤ demkp yjk ≤ TUj zj ∀j (12.99)

z, y = {0, 1}, x ≥ 0 (12.100)

The objective function (12.95) contains three terms: the transportation cost, the fa-
cilities fixed cost, and the warehouse handling cost. Constraint (12.96) ensures that
capacity of supplier for a particular product is sufficient. Constraint (12.97) models
the conservation of flow in a warehouse on a customer by customer and product by
product base by ensuring that for every customer serviced by this warehouse the
total flow arriving from all suppliers into this warehouse destined for this customer
of this product is equal to the demand of this customer for this product. Constraint
(12.98) ensures that every customer is assigned exactly to one warehouse. Con-
straint (12.99) ensure that the flows through the warehouse fall between minimum
and maximum bounds, provided the warehouse is established. This constraint en-
sures thus both the capacity constraint and the linkage constraint for the warehouse,
since demand for a customer can only be shipped through the warehouse if the
warehouse is established. The model has three sets of variables. The facility status
variables and the customer to warehouse assignment variables are binary. The flow
variables for each of the flow paths from suppliers to customers are standard con-
tinuous and nonnegative variables.
12.7 Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Model 571

Geoffrion and Graves (1974) developed a solution procedure based on Benders’

Decomposition that was much more efficient than solving this formulation with
branch and bound using its linear relaxation. As a consequence much larger problem
instances could be solved in a reasonable amount of time. However, contemporary
MIP solvers have significantly improved in capability and speed so that currently
the G&G model can be solved without requiring any custom programming except
for the largest industrial problem instances. The AMPL implementation of the G&G
is shown in the Appendix 12.C. G&G Model for the Supply Chain Example

For the G&G, the manufacturing plants are included in the model as suppliers,
whose status does not have to be determined by the model. The only facility deci-
sions are related to the warehouses. The internal material handling costs inside the
warehouses are specified on a product by product basis. The supplier capacity for
each product is computed as the total supplier capacity divided by the resource rate
of that product. This implies that each product has the full capacity of the supplier
available. The resource rate for each product in the warehouses is identical, i.e. each
product consumes at an equal rate the warehouse capacity. These adjustments were
made in order to use the same data for the supply chain example. The lower bound
on the warehouse throughput was set to zero for each warehouse. The objective is
to minimize the sum of transportation cost from suppliers to customers, the ware-
house handling cost and the warehouse facilities cost while the external outsourcing
option is not available. The transportation cost for the flow path from supplier to
customer is computed as the sum of the transportation cost between supplier and
warehouse and between warehouse and customer, respectively.
The optimal solution established only warehouse W2 and sourced all products
from supplier M2. The flow variables for the products on the flow paths from sup-
plier to customer are thus equal to the corresponding demand for the product by the
customer. The total system cost was 2,907,553 with the costs for facilities, transpor-
tation, and handling equal to 400,000, 1,834,000, and 673,551, respectively.

12.7 Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Model

Up to this point the models have considered either a direct transportation from the
material suppliers to the customers, i.e. a zero echelon supply chain, or a single in-
termediate echelon between suppliers and customers. The following models allow
an arbitrary number of echelons between suppliers and customers and are denoted
as multi-echelon models. There are three types of facilities in the supply chain:
customers, internal facilities, and suppliers. Prime examples of internal facilities
are manufacturing plants and distribution centers. Multiple products are consid-
ered. The products are jointly subject to capacity constraints in the facilities but the
572 12 Supply Chain Models

models in this chapter do not allow the transformation of products in the internal
facilities. Such models will be considered in the next chapter. The facilities are con-
nected by transportation processes. The possible source facilities of transportation
are the union of suppliers and internal facilities. The possible destination facilities
of transportation are the union of internal facilities and customers.

12.7.1  Arc Versus Path Based Formulations

Two basic modeling paradigms exist for multi-echelon supply chain models. In
the first class of models, there exists a decision variable for every transporta-
tion process between an origin and destination facility. This class of models will
be called arc-based, because there is a decision variable for every transportation
arc and product combination. In the second class of models, there exists a deci-
sion variable for every flow path from supplier to customer. This flow path may
traverse zero, one, or more internal facilities. This class of models will be called
path-based. The two principles for modeling the product flows are shown in the
next schematics. The arc-based model has two subscripts for a flow decision vari-
able indicating the origin and destination facility. The path-based model has one
additional subscript for each echelon between suppliers and customers. In other
words a single echelon model will have three subscripts to the flow variables and
a two echelon model will have four subscripts. Multiple products, multiple peri-
ods, and multiple scenarios each would add another subscript to both the arc and
path based models (Fig. 12.15).
Each of these two modeling approaches has its advantages. The arc-based mod-
els have the advantage that adding a new echelon between suppliers and customers
does not change the decision variables except for the echelon to be added. However,
conservation of flow constraints have to be added for every facility (and product)
in the new echelon. Adding an echelon to the path-based models requires changing
all the flow decision variables. Path-based models can be used to optimize the flow
from a supplier to the customer and can accommodate constraints on this flow path
such as a maximum length or duration.
Recall that the WLP had no intermediary facilities between flow source and sink
facilities and thus had only one transportation step. The number of echelons in the
WLP is considered to be zero and the arc-based or path-based formulations for this
model are equivalent. The G&G had a single intermediary echelon between suppli-
ers and customers. It traced flow from a supplier, through a distribution center, to
the customer and it thus belongs to the class of path-based formulations.

P1 xpw W1 xwc C1 P1 W1 C1

Fig. 12.15   Arc and path based model illustrations

12.7 Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Model 573

12.7.2  Arc-Based Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Model

The WLP can be easily extended to include multiple echelons and multiple products
in the supply chain. The supply network contains three types of nodes: suppliers,
intermediate facilities or transformers, and customers. The suppliers are the source
of any material flowing through the supply chain and have an available supply for
each product. The customers are the sinks of material flowing through the supply
chain and have a demand for each product. The transformers neither generate nor
consume flow. While multiple products can be flowing through the supply chain
and the products may have joint capacity constraints in the transformation facilities,
no transformation between products is included. In other words, this model does not
treat the case where there are bill of materials constraints.
The model contains two types of decision variables. The first type is the status
variable of the transformation facilities. The supplier and customer facilities are as-
sumed always to be active or available in the model. The second type of variable is
the transportation flow between facilities and the throughput flow in a facility. Note
that in this model the variable is expressed in flow units and is no longer expressed
as a fraction of the customer demand for that product and thus is no longer an as-
signment variable.
The following notation will be used.
yj the status of transformation facility j, equal to one if the facility is estab-
lished, zero otherwise
xijp amount of flow being transported directly from facility i to facility j of product p
vjp amount of flow throughput through facility j of product p
pcip cost rate for purchasing one unit of product p from facility i
tcijp cost rate for transporting one unit of product p from facility i to facility j
hcjp cost rate for handling or processing one unit of product p through facility j
resjp resource consumed by one unit of product p when it is processed through
facility j
The arc-based supply chain model is then as follows.
Model 12.13.  Arc-Based Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Model
 P M 
P N 
min z = fj yj + pcip xijp + tcijp xijp + hcjp vjp (12.101)
j i p i j p j p

 s.t. xijp ≤ supi i ∈ Suppliers (12.102)
j p


 xijp = vjp j ∈ Transformers, ∀p (12.103)
574 12 Supply Chain Models


 xjkp = vjp j ∈ Transformers, ∀p (12.104)


 resjp · vjp ≤ capj · yj j ∈ Transformers (12.105)


 xjkp = demkp k ∈ Customers, ∀p (12.106)

 yj = {0, 1}, xijp ≥ 0 (12.107)

The objective (12.101) is the minimization of the total system cost, which consists of
the facility fixed costs, the purchasing costs, transportation costs, and the through-
put costs in the facilities. The model contains only two classes of constraints. The
first class of constraints ensures the conservation of flow. For each combination of
transformation facility and product the total inflow is equal to the throughput flow
(12.103) and is also equal to the total outflow (12.104). Meeting the required cus-
tomer-product demands is formulated as a conservation of flow constraint (12.106),
where the outflow from a customer facility is its required demand. The second type
of constraints ensures the linkage and capacity limits. Each transformation facil-
ity has a resource capacity limit provided the facility is established (12.105) and
products consume this resource capacity at an individual product rate. The model
has only a single resource per facility, but it could be extended readily to mul-
tiple resources. The supply limitations are also formulated as a capacity constraint
(12.102). Finally, the status variables are binary variables and the flow variables are
continuous nonnegative variables.  Arc-based Model for the Supply Chain Example

The arc-based supply chain model in the AMPL or Mathprog modeling language is
given in Appendix D of this chapter. The data for the supply chain example instance
is also listed in the appendix. Solving this model for the supply chain example in-
stance problem yields the supply chain configuration in which only the W2 and M2
transformation facilities are established. The total cost is equal to 5,347,359. The
facilities, transportation, production, handling, purchasing, and outsourcing cost are
1,350,000, 1,834,000, 1,489,810, 673,551, 0, and 0, respectively. The total number
of variables was 62, 6 of which were binary, and the total number of constraints
was 33.
12.7 Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Model 575

12.7.3  Path-Based Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Model

Since there are two echelons of intermediary facilities between the supplier(s) and
the customers in the supply chain example, any flow path will have three trans-
portation steps and will be based on four facilities, including the source and sink
facilities. The flow variables will have four subscripts related to the facilities plus
one subscript for the product type for a total of five subscripts. In general, the num-
ber of subscripts for facilities for the flow variables will be equal to the number of
echelons of intermediary facilities plus two, corresponding to the source and sink
facility. The number of subscripts and the number of flow path variables is so large
that only models with a very limited number of echelons can be considered for
industrial sized problems.
The following changed notation will be used in addition to the notation devel-
oped for the arc-based model. The amounts of product supplied by a particular
supplier and flowing through a particular transformation facility are accumulated
through substitution constraints. The aggregate variables will be substituted for by
contemporary solvers before the actual solution search starts, so they can be elimi-
nated from the model through substitution. Their use does not increase the solution
time but increases readability for the user.
xijklp amount of flow being transported directly from supplier i through facilities
j and k to customer l of product p
pqip amount of flow being supplied by supplier i of product p
tcijklp cost rate for transporting one unit of product p from supplier i through
facilities j and k to customer l

Model 12.14.  Path-Based Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Model

 P M 
min z = fj yj + pcip pqip + tcijklp xijklp
j i p i j k l p
+ hcjp vjp
j p

 s.t. xijklp = pqip ∀i ∈ Suppliers, ∀p ∈ Products (12.109)
j k l


 pqip ≤ supi i ∈ Suppliers (12.110)

xij klp = vjp j ∈ Transformers Echelon 1, ∀p
i k l
576 12 Supply Chain Models

xij klp = vkp k ∈ Transformers Echelon 2, ∀p
i j l


 resjp · vjp ≤ capj · yj j ∈ Transformers (12.113)


 xijklp = demlp l ∈ Customers, ∀p (12.114)

i j k

 yj = {0, 1}, xij klp ≥ 0 (12.115)

The first two constraints compute the amount of flow shipping from a supplier
and enforce the supplier capacity constraint. The next two constraints model the
computation of the amount of flow flowing through a facility in the first and sec-
ond echelon, respectively. If more than two echelons of transformation facilities
are present, then the number of constraint sets would be increment. Constraint
(12.113) models the capacity and linkage constraint for each transformation facil-
ity. The last constraint ensures that all the demand for a product by a customer is
delivered to that customer. Path-based Model for the Supply Chain Example

The path-based supply chain model in the AMPL or Mathprog modeling language is
given in Appendix D of this chapter. The data for the supply chain example instance
is also listed in the appendix. Solving this model for the supply chain example
instance problem yields the same supply chain configuration as for the arc-based
model with the same solution values. In this instance there are 54 flow variables in
addition to 6 outsourcing flow variables. The total number of variables was 74, 6
of which were binary, and the total number of constraints was 21. The number of
variables is larger and the number of constraints is smaller than for the correspond-
ing arc-based model. The problem instance is too small to make any meaningful
statements about the difference in execution times.

12.8 Conclusions

In this chapter a sequence of increasingly complex models for the planning and de-
sign of supply chains was presented. With each increase in complexity come addi-
tional requirements for data and usually for more sophisticated solution algorithms
with their corresponding increasing computation times. One of the most important
12.9 Exercises 577

tasks in a supply chain planning project is determining what the appropriate level
of complexity is in order to support the planning decisions that have to be made.
Similarly, it is an important task to determine what the cost versus benefit ratio is
of applying a more sophisticated solution algorithm. The models in this chapter can
still be solved in a reasonable amount of time with standard MIP solvers for most
industrial problem instances. This no longer holds true for the models presented in
the next chapter on advanced models.
At the same time, the increasing complexity of supply chain planning problems
makes solving them by intuition or by trial and error nearly impossible. The number
of variables and constraints in the models grow quickly into the thousands or even
hundreds of thousands. Only a rigorous modeling and solution approach can find
the most desirable configurations and efficient plans.

12.8.1  Costs Calculations

One of the most difficult aspects of strategic distribution models is the determi-
nation of the correct values of the cost parameters. If transportation services are
rendered using a dedicated carrier, such as in the full truckload mode, then the
cost calculations are typically straightforward. However, if the transportation ser-
vices are executed in a multi-stop vehicle routing mode, then the allocation of the
route cost to the individual customers is difficult to compute. At the strategic level
determining the proper fixed cost for large capital-intensive assets such as facili-
ties, buildings, and major machining lines is also difficult since most of the cost
information is stored in the corporate accounting database. A further complication
is the interaction between corporate accounting and the taxing authorities of all the
countries involved in the supply chain and their taxation rules. While in many op-
erational and tactical decision support systems the impact of taxes can be ignored,
this is no longer the case for strategic decisions. This topic will be further explored
in the chapter on advanced supply chain models.

12.9 Exercises

True-False Questions 
1. An advantage of the path-based formulation over the arc-based formulation is
that the addition of an additional echelon between source and sink does not dra-
matically increase the number of required variables, (T/F) _____(1).
2. For the design of strategic logistics systems the site generating algorithms are
especially good at incorporating site dependent costs, (T/F)______(2),
while the site selecting algorithms are primarily strong at trading off fixed versus
variable costs, (T/F)______(3).
578 12 Supply Chain Models

Table 12.7   Transportation Characteristic Rail Piggyback Truck Air

mode selection data
Unit Transportation Cost ($) 1 1.5 2 14
Channel Transit Time (days) 21 14 5 1
Transportation Batch Size 1500 360 360 50

3. In the Add heuristic for the discrete warehouse location problem, the warehouse
or depot with the most negative site dependent cost is evaluated next for possible
establishment (addition), (T/F)______(4).
4. It is the recommended practice that the first supply chain design project in a cor-
poration should be for the strategic design of the supply chain, (T/F) _____(5).
5. The Geoffrion and Graves model for strategic logistics systems design enforces
customer single sourcing service constraints, (T/F)______(6),
and is an arc-based formation, (T/F)______(7).
6. The Kuehn and Hamburger model for strategic logistics systems design enforces
customer single sourcing service constraints, (T/F)______(8).

ColorJet Company  The ColorJet Company manufactures color inkjet printers.

The manufacturing plant is located on the West Coast of the United States and the
company operates a regional distribution center on the East Coast. You are responsi-
ble for selecting the least cost transportation mode between the manufacturing plant
and the distribution center. The possible transportation modes are rail, piggyback
(truck trailer on rail), truck, and air. Various characteristics for each mode are given
in the next table (Table 12.7).
The unit manufacturing cost of the printers is $300. The aggregate holding cost
for all inventories for one year is 30% of the product value, i.e., 30 cents per dollar
per year. The total customer demand served from the distribution center is 18,000
printers per year. It is assumed that both production and demand processes have
a constant rate throughout the year. A year is equivalent to 365 days. The daily
demand for printers at the distribution center has a coefficient of variation equal to
two. The safety inventory for each mode in the distribution center is sufficient so
that the probability of stock-out during the lead-time is less than 5% for that trans-
portation mode. The annualized fixed warehouse cost is equal to $250 per storage
location and each storage location can hold 10 printers.
Determine the best transportation mode based on the total cost for this produc-
tion-distribution system. Show your results in a clear table (alternatives versus
costs) and compute all costs on an annual basis. Be sure to indicate the units for all
numerical results.
Million Bubbles Company  The Million Bubbles Company manufactures Jacuzzi
baths for customers in the continental United States and Alaska. The manufactur-
ing plant is located in Macon, Georgia, on the East Coast of the United States and
the company operates a regional distribution center in Seattle, Washington on the
West Coast of the United States. You are responsible for selecting the least cost
12.9 Exercises 579

Table 12.8   Transportation Characteristic Rail Truck

mode selection data
Unit Transportation Cost ($) 18 160
Channel Transit Time (days) 15 5
Transportation Batch Size 20 6

transportation mode between the manufacturing plant and the distribution center.
The possible transportation modes are rail or truck. Various characteristics for each
mode are given in the next table (Table 12.8).
The unit manufacturing cost of the Jacuzzi baths is $1,500. Due to the annual
style and color changes in the Jacuzzi models, the aggregate holding cost for all
inventories for one year is 90% of the product value, i.e., 90 cents per dollar per
year. The total customer demand served from the distribution center is 360 Jacuzzi
baths per year. It is assumed that both production and demand processes have a con-
stant average rate throughout the year. A year is equivalent to 360 days. The daily
demand for baths at the distribution center has a normal distribution with a mean of
one bath and a standard deviation of 0.33 baths. The safety inventory for each mode
in the distribution center is assumed to ensure a service level equivalent to a prob-
ability of 99.5% delivery out of inventory for the daily demand of Jacuzzi baths.
The annualized fixed warehouse cost is equal to $125 per bath.
Determine the best transportation mode based on the total cost for this production-
distribution system. Show your results in a clear table (alternatives versus costs) and
compute all costs on an annual basis. Be sure to indicate the units for all numerical
One-Echelon Supply Chain Design  Consider a single echelon supply chain with
two plants, two distribution centers, three customers, two products, and one time
period. The data for the single echelon supply chain are given in the next table. The
data for this design problem are assumed to be known with certainty. Find the mini-
mum cost supply chain configuration and flows for this supply chain. Show your solu-
tion in a clear and concise format and provide a summary of the costs in this supply
chain. Report which solution method or solution software you have used (Table 12.9).
Euclidean Minisum Exercise 1  Consider the following Euclidean minisum multi-
facility facility location problem. The location of the four existing facilities is given
in Table 12.10. The interaction between the three new facilities and the four existing
facilities is given in Table 12.11. The interaction between the three new facilities is
given in Table 12.12.
Solve in the most efficient way for the optimal location of the new facilities and
compute the objective function value. While solving for the optimal locations, show
in a clear table your initial locations and the initial objective function. Then, execute
one iteration of the iterative algorithm, if necessary. Show again in a clear table the
locations of the new facilities and the objective function value. Describe clearly the
assumptions and steps you have made in this algorithm.
580 12 Supply Chain Models

Table 12.9   Supply chain data

Table 12.10   Existing j aj bj

facilities locations
1 1 2
2 2 4
3 3 3
4 4 1

Table 12.11   New to exist- P1 P2 P3 P4

ing facilities interaction
X1 4 2 3 1
X2 2 3 1 2
X3 11 1 2 2

Table 12.12   New to new X2 X3

facilities interaction
X 1 1 2
X 2 – 4
12.9 Exercises 581

Fig. 12.16   Minimax problem

with infeasible region 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1

Minimax Location Exercise  Consider the problem of finding the location of the
Euclidean minimax center of a number of points with equal weight with the addi-
tional constraint that excludes certain regions for the location of the minimax center.
For this particular case the gray circle represents the infeasible region for the center.
The location of the points is given in the Fig. 12.16.
Power Buy  The Savvy Customers (SC) chain of warehouse stores has been offered
the opportunity for a special deal by a national manufacturer of laundry detergent. If
SC purchases the expected sales quantity for the following quarter in one order and
takes delivery of the complete quantity of the detergent at the beginning of the quar-
ter, the manufacturer is offering a 25% discount on the purchase price. This practice
is commonly known as a “power buy”. For the traditional, staggered purchases
and deliveries, the only practical transportation mode between the manufacturing
plant and the distribution center of SC is by truck. When the complete quantity is
transported and delivered as a single quantity, transportation by rail has become an
additional possible transportation mode. As the junior industrial engineer employed
by SC you are asked to evaluate the three alternatives and make a recommendation
based on which alternative has the lowest total cost.
The various quantities of detergent are given in pallets. The quarterly demand
is 3000 pallets. The purchasing price when ordering in multiple orders is $120 per
pallet. The holding cost rate is 25 cents on the dollar per quarter. The cost per pallet
location in the warehouse is $16 per quarter. The warehouse stores have an explicit
“quantities are limited” customer service policy and the stores nor the distribution
center keep any safety inventory. The traditional periodic purchases occur once a
week. You can assume that there are 12 weeks and that there are 90 days in a quarter.
The transportation cost and transportation times for each of the three alternatives are
given in the next table.
582 12 Supply Chain Models

Powerbuy Rail Powerbuy Truck Multibuy Truck Units

Unit Transportation 4 20 24 $/pallet
Cost ($)
Channel Transit Time 14 5 5 days
Unit Purchasing Cost $120.00 $/pallet

Summarize your calculations in a table using the traditional cost categories.

Clearly separate and sum different aggregate cost categories such as invariant, vari-
able, and fixed costs. The costs in each category must sum to the aggregate cost of
the category. The sum of all aggregate costs must be equal to the total cost. You can
use rows of the table to perform intermediate calculations if this clarifies your cost
calculations. In the first column give the title of the cost, intermediate variable, or
cost category, in the second column give the formula you used to compute this cost,
in the next three columns give the computed cost for each of the three alternatives,
and in the last column give the units for the variable or cost in that row. You must
specify the units to get credit for the numerical answers in that row. Execute and
display all cost calculations in whole dollars.
Chemical Arsenal  A military depot is responsible for storing chemical weapons
and needs to establish sites for emergency response equipment in case of a chemi-
cal accident. The emergency equipment is very expensive and so the depot wants to
install as few of these quick response sites as possible. The chemical weapons are
stored in bunkers and the emergency site responsible for a particular bunker cannot
have a travel time of more than 6 min. to that bunker. For simplicity, assume that the
only possible locations for the emergency sites are next to an existing bunker. Dif-
ferent space constraints at the bunkers generate different costs for establishing the
emergency sites. All bunkers must be assigned to an emergency site and no emer-
gency site can be responsible for more than three bunkers. The costs of establishing
an emergency site at each of the bunkers are given in Table 12.13. The travel times
in minutes between the various locations on the transportation network are given in
Fig. 12.17. Find the minimum cost configuration for the emergency sites.
State Institute of Technology  The State Institute of Technology is in the process
of creating a campus master plan. The growing student population and the removal
of existing parking areas due to new building construction make it necessary to
construct a number of multilevel parking decks. The planning committee has made
the promise to the faculty and staff that no academic area will be farther than 5 min.
walking or 800 feet removed from the nearest parking deck. There exist eight major
academic areas on campus and ten possible parking deck locations are being con-

Table 12.13   Cost of emer- Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

gency equipment sites
Cost 105 130 145 125 70 80 110 115 75
12.9 Exercises 583

Fig. 12.17   Traveling times

between chemical storage
5 6

5 7 2 3 3 8 6


7 5 4 6 8


sidered. Each of the major academic areas requires a number of parking spaces to
accommodate its faculty, staff, and students. The construction costs for each parking
deck location are different due to different the different sizes of the decks and due to
rock removal and other civil engineering considerations. The following table shows
the required number of parking spaces per academic area, the cost of building a
parking deck at a location, and the satisfaction matrix, whose elements are equal to
a one if a parking deck is within the promised distance to an academic area and zero
otherwise. The objective is to build parking decks at the locations that minimize the
overall cost and so that the distance constraints are satisfied (Table 12.14).
Solve this problem in the most efficient way with the standard greedy heuristic.
Show the computations and the sequential decisions that you made. Summarize
your solution and compute the total cost of your solution.
The planning committee decided to allocate the construction cost of a particular
parking deck to the various academic areas served by this deck proportional to the
number of parking spaces required by the academic areas. Compute and show the

Table 12.14   Parking data

Academic area Parking deck location
Spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 300 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
2 400 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
3 700 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
4 800 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
5 400 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 500 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 200 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 600 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
Cost 380 240 480 450 350 250 850 750 450 175
584 12 Supply Chain Models

Table 12.15   Additional Academic area Deck

parking deck location data
Spaces 11
1 300 1
2 400 0
3 700 1
4 800 0
5 400 1
6 500 1
7 200 0
8 600 1
Cost 460

allocated cost for each academic area. After the planning phase has been completed,
a new parking deck location had become available. The data for this new location
are given in the previous table. Determine if this new location should be added to
the list of ten initial locations and the solution process should be repeated. Justify
your answer numerically (Table 12.15).
BRAC-99  Reduced tensions in the world have led to a reduced military force for
the United States. This reduced military requires a smaller number of support bases
and significant costs can be saved if some bases are closed. The Base Realignment
and Closing Commission for the fiscal year 1999, (BRAC-99), is in the process of
determining which bases to close down. The bases that remain open must be able
to provide military support for potential operations in various areas of the world.
The world has been divided in ten areas of operations. The following table shows
which bases can support operations in which areas of the world and the annual
cost in millions of dollars to keep each base open. The objective is to build enough
bases so that all areas are covered and to minimize the total cost of the open bases
(Table 12.16).

Table 12.16   Military base covering data

World areas Base locations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
3 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
7 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
8 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
800 750 650 450 350 250 1050 750 650 450 350 750 550 500 850
12.9 Exercises 585

Table 12.17   Additional World areas Base

base data
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 1
10 0

Solve this problem in the most efficient way with the standard greedy heuristic.
Show the computations and the sequential decisions that you made. Summarize
your solution and compute the total cost of your solution.
The planning committee wants to provide insight in how much it costs to support
military operations in a certain area of the world. For simplicity, all world areas are
assumed to require the same amount of support from the base that supports it. If a
world area can be supported by more than one open base, the support function is
allocated in equal parts to all the open bases that can support this area and the total
cost for this world area is the sum of its costs allocated to the bases that can support
it. Compute and show the allocated cost for each world area.
After the planning phase has been completed, the powerful senator and chairper-
son of the armed services committee wants to establish a new base in his district and
uses the argument that it will reduce the overall base cost without reducing support
coverage. The data for this new base are given in Table 12.17.
Determine if this new base should be added to the list of potential bases to re-
main open and if the decision process should be repeated. Justify your answer nu-
Automotive Emission Inspection Stations  The State of Georgia requires an
annual emission inspection of all non-commercial automobiles. The CLEANAIR
company has agreed to establish enough inspection stations in a particular service
area so that the average waiting time is kept below a limit of 5 min. It has been
determined that 38 possible station locations exist in the service area. Furthermore,
the customer demand data has been aggregated into the same 38 locations. Based on
the number of cars in the customer zone associated with each location, the contribu-
tion of each location to the average waiting time has been computed. It is assumed
that the waiting times of the individual customers zones assigned to an inspection
station can be added to determine the waiting time of the inspection station. The
geographical location of each location is illustrated in Fig. 12.18. The coordinates
of each location and its associated contribution to the average waiting time is given
in Table 12.18.
586 12 Supply Chain Models

Fig. 12.18   Customer


10 9
12 13
17 16 15 14
19 20
24 22 21
27 23 25 26
29 30 31 32
33 34
35 36



Determine the minimum number of inspection stations, their locations, and their
associated customer zones, i.e. customer assignments, and the radius of the custom-
er zones with a greedy heuristic. Copy the above Fig. 12.18 and draw the solution.
Determine the optimal solution with a mathematical programming solver pro-
gramming solver such as LINGO, MathLab, or Mathematica. Copy the above
Fig. 12.18 and draw the solution.
Compare the solution quality and solution times for both procedures. Give a
brief assessment of modeling assumptions made for this study
Develop a mathematical programming model that more closely represents the
real-world system described above. Clearly list its assumptions, objectives, and
constraints. What data are missing to solve this new model? Solve this model with
a mathematical programming solver. Discuss the differences between the prior so-
lution and this solution.

Appendix 12.A Continuous Point Location Based

on the Euclidean Distance Norm

The objective of this location problem is to determine the best location for one or
more facilities so that the sum of the transportation costs for goods being supplied
to and being delivered from these facilities is minimized. The transportation cost
is assumed to be proportional to the product of the flow between two facilities
multiplied by the distance between the two facilities. Since the location of the
facilities is not known in advance an efficient method is required to compute the

Table 12.18   Customer data

# x y r # x y r
1 1.250 5.687 3.89 21 3.250 2.937 3.84
2 3.750 5.562 0.36 22 2.938 2.812 2.79
3 2.688 5.312 4.22 23 3.125 2.750 1.46
4 1.250 4.937 3.34 24 1.688 2.812 3.99
5 4.250 4.812 4.60 25 5.000 2.750 0.15
6 2.750 4.625 3.86 26 5.813 2.687 3.21
7 6.750 4.312 2.18 27 2.750 2.687 3.77
8 3.875 4.125 1.11 28 2.188 2.625 4.72
9 2.688 4.062 1.32 29 1.215 2.500 1.68
10 2.375 4.000 2.68 30 2.688 2.437 2.90
11 1.938 3.812 3.83 31 3.063 2.437 0.53
12 0.813 3.625 0.88 32 3.313 2.437 0.61
13 6.000 3.562 0.34 33 1.813 2.312 3.18
14 5.188 3.437 1.94 34 2.063 2.312 4.21
15 3.000 3.437 1.86 35 3.063 2.187 4.15
16 2.188 3.375 3.64 36 4.375 2.125 1.01
17 1.813 3.375 1.03 37 2.750 1.000 0.82
18 1.500 3.250 0.96 38 1.125 0.437 0.77
19 2.250 3.000 0.01
20 4.000 3.000 0.99

588 Appendices

distance between any two locations. In most logistics and supply chain design
problems the distance between two points can be approximated by the Euclidean
distance between the facilities multiplied by a constant adjustment factor. Finally,
in the classic variant of this problem the facilities can be located anywhere within
the area of interest to the problem. The location of the facilities that minimizes the
distance score may inside an infeasible region such as a ocean, lake, or mountain
range. The role of this design problem is thus not to determine the final location of
the facility at a very detailed level, but rather to identify the general region where
the facilities should be located. Prior, an approximate method for solving this
problem based alternating between the solutions of two sub problems has been
described. If the problem instance becomes large, the following algorithm can be
used. The greater efficiency of this algorithm comes at a cost of greater complex-
ity but it also allows the calculation of a lower bound on the objective value of the
location sub problem.
The development of the algorithm starts with an investigation of the properties
of the distance calculation using the Euclidean norm. The optimal solution of the
nonlinear problem is then found with an iterative procedure. Finally, the properties
are derived that allow the computation of a lower bound on the objective function.
This material requires knowledge of continuous optimization methodology.

Euclidean Distance Norm

The calculation of the travel distance between two points is one of the two factors
in the objective function terms. In order to find the optimal location for the location
problem, the properties of the Euclidean distance norm which is used to calculate
the distance have to be established. It will be shown that the Euclidean distance is
continuous, convex, but not differentiable in the problem domain.


A distance norm is the formula for computing the distance between two points in the
plane. Let dij denote the distance between two points i and j in the plane with coor-
dinates (xi , yi ) and (aj , bj ) , respectively. The Euclidean norm is then computed as

 dijE = (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2 (12.116)

The superscript E denotes the Euclidean distance norm. The Euclidean distance
is also called the straight-line travel and is frequently used in national distribu-
tion problems and for communications problems where straight line travel is an
acceptable approximation. The actual over-the-road distances in national distribu-
tion problems can then be approximated by multiplying the Euclidean distance with
Appendix 12.A Continuous Point Location based on the Euclidean Distance Norm 589

an appropriate factor, e.g. 1.2 for continental United States or 1.26 for the South
Eastern United States.

Euclidean Norm Properties

Since it is a proper distance norm, the Euclidean norm satisfies the four properties
of any distance norm:


 d E (X ) ≥ 0 ∀X (12.117)

Equality to Zero
 d E (X ) = 0 ⇔ X = 0 (12.118)

 d E (kX ) = |k|d(X ) ∀X (12.119)

This property is sometimes also called scalability.

Triangle Inequality

 d E (X ) + d E (Y ) ≥ d E (X + Y ) ∀X , ∀Y (12.120)

A fifth property can be derived from the homogeneity property using k = −1 .


 d E (−X) = d E (X) ∀X (12.121)

In addition to the general distance norm properties, the Euclidean norm satisfies the
following properties.


A function is said to be continuous at point a if the following condition holds

 ∀δ > 0 → ∃ε > 0 : if x − a < ε ⇒ f (x) − f (a) ≤ δ (12.122)
The Euclidean norm is continuous.
590 Appendices


A function is said to be convex if the chord or line segment connecting any two
points on the graph of the function never lies below the graph of the function, i.e.,
if the following condition holds.

 d E (λX1 + (1 − λ)X2 ) ≤ λd E (X1 ) + (1 − λ)d E (X2 ) λ ∈ [0, 1] (12.123)

If the second derivative of the function is defined everywhere in the domain of the
function, then a function is said to be convex if the second derivative is nonnegative
everywhere in the domain of the function. The Euclidean norm is convex.
A function is said to be strictly convex if the above inequality holds as a strict
inequality for any pair of distinct X1 and X2 and any λ ∈ (0, 1) . In other words,
strictly convex means that the line segment lays strictly above the graph of the func-
tion except at the two endpoints of the line segment. The Euclidean distance norm
is not strictly convex.
A level set is the collection of points in the domain of a function where the func-
tion value is less than or equal to a certain value or level, or
 S (α) = {x|f (x) ≤ α} (12.124)
A set is convex if any point on the line segment connecting two points in the set is
also in the set, or
 λ · P1 + (1 − λ) P2 ∈ S ∀P1 , P2 ∈ S and λ ∈ [0, 1] (12.125)
The level sets of a convex function are convex sets. A convex and non-convex func-
tion and their corresponding level sets are shown in figure (Fig. 12.19).

y y


x x

S(α) x S(α) x

Fig. 12.19   Convex and non-convex function and corresponding level sets
Appendix 12.A Continuous Point Location based on the Euclidean Distance Norm 591

Differentiable except at the fixed facilities

The gradient of the Euclidean distance is given by

∂d E (X) (xi − aj )
 ∂xi (x − aj )2 + (y − bj )2 (12.126)

∂d E (X) (yi − bj )
∂yi (x − aj )2 + (y − bj )2

This gradient is not defined at the location of the existing facilities (aj , bj ) . Equiva-
lently, the left and right derivatives at the location of existing facilities are not equal
to each other. For a one-dimensional problem the Euclidean distance function has
a V shape, with the tip of the V located at the coordinate a and with left and right
derivatives at the coordinate a equal to − 1 and + 1, respectively. This is illustrated
for the one-dimensional case in Fig. 12.23.

Single Facility Minisum Location


Varignon Frame

Weber (1909) published his treatment of industrial location and in an appendix

the use of the Varignon Frame was described as a way to solve the single facil-
ity minisum Euclidean location problem. The Varignon Frame is illustrated in
Fig. 12.20.
The optimal location of the knot can be found based on the principles of kinemat-
ics. The position of the knot is such that the (vector) sum of all forces on it equals
zero. Projecting the force vectors on the x and y axes gives us two equations. The
variables are illustrated in Fig. 12.21.
To determine the equilibrium position, the horizontal and vertical components of
the forces need to be balanced. The projection of the force vectors on the horizontal
and vertical axis are based on the point coordinates. This is illustrated in Fig. 12.22.
X1 = V1 cos θ1
Y1 = V1 sin θ1

w1 (a1 − x)
X1 = 
 (x − a1 )2 + (y − b1 )2
w1 (b1 − y)
Y1 = 
(x − a1 )2 + (y − b1 )2
592 Appendices

Fig. 12.20   Varignon frame

The stationary position of the knot requires that the force components are balanced,
i.e., sum up to zero.

Xj = 0
Yj = 0


Y2 θ1

X3 X1

V3 Y3

Fig. 12.21   Varignon force

Appendix 12.A Continuous Point Location based on the Euclidean Distance Norm 593

Fig. 12.22   Varignon force P1(a1,b1)






With the Euclidean distance norm explicitly expressed, this equivalent to the fol-
lowing two equations.

 wj (x − aj )
 j (x − aj )2 + (y − bj )2
 wj (y − bj )
j (x − aj )2 + (y − bj )2

The equations that ensure that the forces are at equilibrium are equal to the gradient
optimality conditions for the Euclidean distance minisum problem.

z= wj (x − aj )2 + (y − bj )2
 ∂z  wj (x − aj )
=  =0
∂x (x − aj )2 + (y − bj )2
j (12.131)
∂z  wj (y − bj )
=  =0
dy j (x − aj )2 + (y − bj )2
594 Appendices

Hyperboloid Approximation

To avoid the singularities of the derivative at the existing facilities, the distance
norm can be perturbed by adding a small constant ε. The size of ε is based on a
tradeoff between numerical accuracy and numerical stability. Larger values of ε
increase the stability of the gradient computation but obscure more of the original
problem data. A reasonable value of ε lies between 10−4 and 10−6 of the diameter of
the problem domain.

 d E (Xi , Pj ) = (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2 + ε (12.132)

 ε ≈ 10−6 · max d E (Pi , Pj ) (12.133)


The function defined by the ε-approximation is called a hyperboloid and it is illus-

trated in the next figure for a one dimensional problem. The figure is for illustration
purposes only and is not numerically accurate (Fig. 12.23).
The partial derivatives of the distance for a single existing facility are then given
in the next equations.
∂d (xi − aj )
 ∂xi (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2 + ε
∂d (yi − bj )
∂yi (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2 + ε


Fig. 12.23   Illustration of the
hyperboloid approximation a
Appendix 12.A Continuous Point Location based on the Euclidean Distance Norm 595

The partial derivatives of the objective function for a multiple existing facilities
with different sizes are then given in the next equations.
∂z  wj (xi − aj )
 ∂xi j (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2 + ε

∂z wj (yi − bj )
∂yi j (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2 + ε

Weiszfeld’s Iterative Procedure

Finding the optimal location is achieved by setting the partial derivates equal to
zero. This yields two nonlinear equations in two unknowns (xi , yi ) . The solution
can be found by an iterative search algorithm. To simplify the notation the following
function is defined.
 gij (xi , yi ) =  (12.136)
(xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2 + ε

The optimality conditions can then be rewritten as follows.

(xi − aj ) · gij = 0
j (12.137)
(yi − bj ) · gij = 0

The optimal values of the unknown can be found by rearranging these equations.
xi gij = aj · gij
j (12.138)
yi gij = bj · gij
j j

Finally, the notation can be further simplified by defined the following function λ.
gij (xi , yi )
 λij (xi , yi ) =  (12.139)
gij (xi , yi )

This function has the following properties.

0 ≤ λij ≤ 1
λij = 1
596 Appendices

The optimal values of the location can be written as follows.

xi = λij (xi , yi ) · aj
yi = λij (xi , yi ) · bj

In the above expression, the variables to be optimized still appear to the left and
right of the equation sign. An iterative method is used to determine the optimal
xik+1 = λkij xik , yik · aj
yik+1 = λkij xik , yik · bj


Two properties can be used to find the optimal location of the facility without the
iterative method developed above. In the multi-facility case it can be used to iden-
tify facilities whose location at be determined a priori and thus reduces the overall
problem size. The third property limits the area for the optimal location of the facil-
ity to the convex hull of the know facilities.

Majority Property (Scalar Sum)

A sufficient but not necessary condition for the location of an existing facility k to
be the optimal location of the Euclidean single facility minisum problem is


wj 

W j=1 
wk ≥ =
2 ⇒ Pk = X ∗ (12.143)

wk ≥ wj 

j=1,j =k

This property can be interpreted based on the mechanical analog of the Varignon
frame. An existing facility k is the optimal location if the vector sum of all the forces
to the other existing facilities is smaller than the affinity with facility k, even if all
the other existing facilities fall on a line through facility k. This property is only
based on the size of the forces, not on their direction. Given the name of the next
property, the majority property could then also be called the scalar sum property
(Fig. 12.24).
This property can be realized in practice when there is only a single upstream facil-
ity, i.e. a single supplier, and the unit transportation cost rates into the moveable facility
are equal to the transportation cost rates from the moveable facility to its downstream
Appendix 12.A Continuous Point Location based on the Euclidean Distance Norm 597

Fig. 12.24   Scalar sum prop-

erty illustration A


customers. A practical example of this may be when both incoming and outgoing mate-
rial flows are executed with full truckload carriers. Given overall flow balance for the
moveable facility, half the material flow occurs with the single upstream facility and
this upstream facility is then the optimal location for the distribution center.

Vector-Sum Property

The location of an existing facility k is the optimal location of the Euclidean single
facility minisum problem if and only if the following inequality holds.
 2  2

  N N
 wj (ak − aj ) wj (bk − bj )
   +  
 (a − a ) 2 + (b − b )2 (a − a ) 2 + (b − b )2
j=1,j =k k j k j j=1,j =k k j k j

≤ wk ⇒ Pk = X ∗ (12.144)

This is a necessary and sufficient condition. This property can be interpreted based
on the mechanical analog of the Varignon frame. An existing facility k is the optimal
location if the vector sum of all the forces to the other existing facilities is smaller
than the affinity with facility k (Fig. 12.25).
This property allows checking all the existing facilities for optimality before en-
tering the iterative procedure, which then never has to consider or visit the existing
facilities, where its derivative is undefined.


Fig. 12.25   Vector sum prop- D
erty illustration
598 Appendices

Fig. 12.26   Convex combina-

tion illustration on the line
a1 a2

In practice, this condition may be satisfied for facilities that are located centrally
in the problem domain. Even if the transportation rates to the supplier are smaller
than the rates to the customers, if the supplier is located centrally with respect to the
customers, then the supplier location may be the optimal location for the distribution

Convex Hull Property

The convex hull property restricts the optimal location of the moveable facility to
be within the convex hull of the fixed facility locations. This restriction limits the
location for the starting point of the iterative search algorithm and may eliminate
some of the early iterations. Next the equations for the location of a point in the
convex hull on the line and in a general coordinate space are shown. The equations
are identical to (12.140) and (12.141) which proves that the optimal location must
fall within the convex hull of the existing locations (Fig. 12.26).
The first pair of equations defines the line segment between points [a1 , a2 ] or in
other words the convex hull of the points a1 and a2.
x = λa1 + (1 − λ)a2
The preceding pair of equations is equivalent to the following three equations,
which are the convex hull equations.
x = λ1 a1 + λ2 a2
 λ1 + λ 2 = 1 (12.146)
Figure 12.27 shows the convex hull in the two-dimensional plane, followed by the
convex hull equations for a general n-dimensional space, which includes the two-
dimensional plane.

X = λj Pj
 λj = 1 (12.147)

Lower Bounds

Several properties have to be established in order to develop an expression for the

lower bound of the optimal solution (objective) value.
Appendix 12.A Continuous Point Location based on the Euclidean Distance Norm 599

Fig. 12.27   Convex combina- Pb

tion illustration in the plane


Lower and Upper Bounds based on the Rectilinear Norm

The following notation is used.

zK (X ) objective function value computed using distance norm K = {R  (recti-
linear), E  (Euclidean), RX (Y component of the rectilinear norm), RY
(Y component of the rectilinear norm)} at point X.
XK∗ optimal solution location for problem K, where K is defined as above
The following upper and lower bounds can be established for the optimal solution
value of the Euclidean location problem through a sequence of inequalities based
on optimality and triangle inequality conditions. The three terms are illustrated in
Fig. 12.28.

Fig. 12.28   Geometrical illus-

tration of the rectilinear norm
based lower bound
600 Appendices

 zR (XR∗ ) ≥ zE (XE∗ ) ≥ 2
zRX ∗
(XRX 2
) + zRY ∗
(XRY ) (12.148)

The disadvantage of this lower bound is that it requires the optimal solution to
another location problem. Luckily, solving the rectilinear point location problem is
easy. The advantage of this lower bound is that it does not require the determination
of the vertex points of the convex hull of existing facilities like the lower bound
derived below and that it needs only to be computed once.

Lower Bound Based on Convex Function Support

A convex function z has the following property which states that is completely lo-
cated above the linear support in any of its points X k . This property is graphically
illustrated in Fig. 12.29.
 z(X ) ≥ z(X k ) + ∇z(X k ) · (X − X k ) ∀X (12.149)

Since the above property is valid for any X it is also valid for the optimal location
X ∗ even though this optimal location is unknown until the algorithm completes
successfully. Through a sequence of inequalities the lower bound can be expressed
in function of the known locations of the fixed facilities. In the last (rightmost)
expression all the quantities are either given parameters or can be computed for a
given point X k .

z(X k)


z (X k) + z( X k) ( X – X k)

Fig. 12.29   Convex function
support Xk X X*
Appendix 12.A Continuous Point Location based on the Euclidean Distance Norm 601

Fig. 12.30   Vector sizes Pb

inside the convex hull



z(X ∗ ) ≥ z(X k ) + ∇z(X k ) · (X ∗ − X k )

≥ z(X k ) − ∇z(X k ) · (X ∗ − X k )
≥ z(X k ) − ∇z(X k ) · X ∗ − X k 
≥ z(X k ) − ∇z(X k ) · max Pj − X k 

In the sequence of the inequality the following property is used, which is also graph-
ically illustrated in the next figure. Note that it has been established that X ∗ must
fall inside the convex hull of the fixed facilities and that X k can be restricted to this
convex hull. In that case, the point X c on the intersection of the vector from X k
through X ∗ with the boundary of the convex hull always exists (Fig. 12.30).
X − X k  ≤ X c − X k  ≤ max Pa − X k  , Pb − X k  ≤ max Pj − X k 


Location Algorithm

The complete location algorithm is summarized below. Three possible choices for
the initial location are the center of gravity location, the location of the largest fixed
facility, or the solution to the corresponding rectilinear location problem.
Algorithm 12.1  Euclidean Location with Lower Bound
1. Problem Reduction
Majority Theorem
Vector Sum Theorem
602 Appendices

2. Initial Starting Point

Center of Gravity or
Largest Fixed Facility or
Optimal Rectilinear Location
3. Check Stopping Criteria
Compute Lower Bound
Stop if Gap within Tolerance or Iterations exceed Maximum Number
4. Compute Next Location
Weiszfeld’s Method––Hyperboloid Approximation
Go to Step 3

Multiple Facility Minisum Location

In this case multiple moveable facilities exist. If there are no flows or relationships
between the moveable facilities, then this problem decomposes in a sequence of
single facility problems, which can be solved by the algorithm derived above or
even very approximately by the center of gravity method. In the general case there
are material flows between the moveable facilities and an iterative search procedure
must be used. The following notation will be used.
H the set of movable facilities
G the set of fixed facilities
wij the affinity or flow from moveable facility i to fixed facility j
vij the affinity or flow from movable facility i to moveable facility j
(xi , yi ) the variable location of the moveable facility i
(aj , bj ) the location of the fixed facility
The multi-facility Euclidean minisum problem is then given by.
Min z = wij (xi − aj )2 + (yi − bj )2
i=1 j =1
H  (12.152)

+ vij (xi − xj )2 + (yi − yj )2
i=1 j =i+1

To minimize z the partial derivatives with respect to x and y are calculated and set to
zero, which yields the following recursive expressions for x and y.

G wij (xi − aj ) H vij (xi − xj )
=  +  =0
∂xi j (xi 2
− aj ) + (yi − bj ) 2 2
j,j  =i (xi − xj ) + (yi − yj )

G wij (yi − bj ) H vij (yi − yj )
2 2
+  =0
dyi j (xi − aj ) + (yi − bj ) j,j  =i (x i − xj )2 + (yi − yj )2

Appendix 12.B AMPL Model for the WLP 603

First, define the following two functions:

 gij (xi , yi ) =  (12.154)
(xi − aj ) + (yi − bj )2 + ε

hij (xi , yi ) =  2  2 i = j
 xi − x j + yi − yj + ε (12.155)
hii (xi , yi ) = 0

Note that the denominators are adjusted by the (small) positive constant ε. This
prevents the denominators from ever being zero. Without the ε term, these functions
would be undefined whenever a moveable facility was located at the same site as
a fixed facility. This adjustment method is called the Hyperbolic Approximation
Procedure or HAP. Further details can be found in Francis and White (1974) and
Love et al. (1988).
Now, the set of locations (xk , yk ) is determined as follows:

aj gij (xik−1 , yik−1 ) + xj hij (xik−1 , yik−1 )
j=1 j=1
 xik = (12.156)

gij (xik−1 , yik−1 ) + hij (xik−1 , yik−1 )
j=1 j=1


bj gij (xik−1 , yik−1 ) + yj hij (xik−1 , yik−1 )
j=1 j=1
 yik = G H
gij (xik−1 , yik−1 ) + hij (xik−1 , yik−1 )
j=1 j=1

The recursive formulas require an initial location (x0 , y0 ) as input and then the
procedure uses an iterative improvement scheme to get the next estimation. The
superscript k denotes the iteration number. The iterative procedure continues until
a stopping criterion is satisfied. Examples of stopping criteria are the location of all
moveable facilities falls within the relative tolerance of their previous location, the
objective function is within an acceptable tolerance of a lower bound on the objec-
tive function, or the maximum number of iterations has been reached.

Appendix 12.B AMPL Model for the WLP

The formulation for the WLP in the AMPL and Mathprog modeling languages is
given next. The formulation incorporates multiple products. There is a single objec-
tive and two types of constraints, the assignment and the linkage constraint sets, re-
spectively. This model can be used for problem instance irrespective of the instance
604 Appendices

size. Only the statements following the data statement would have to be changed to
solve for another instance.
Model 12.15.  AMPL Model for the WLP

The data corresponding to the supply chain example are given next.
Appendix 12.C AMPL Implementation of the G&G Model 605

Appendix 12.C AMPL Implementation of the G&G Model

The formulation for the G&G model in the AMPL and Mathprog modeling languages
is given next. The formulation incorporates multiple products. The objective is to mini-
mize the sum of the transportation, facility, and handling costs. There are four types of
constraints. The first one is supplier capacity, the second is conservation of flow in and
out a warehouse on a customer by customer base, the third is the customer assignment,
the fourth one is the warehouse capacity and linkage constraint. This model can be used
for problem instance irrespective of the instance size. Only the statements following
the data statement would have to be changed to solve for another instance.
Model 12.16.  Geoffrion and Graves (G&G) Model
606 Appendices

The data corresponding to the supply chain example are given next.
Appendix 12.D AMPL Implementation of the Multi-Echelon Model 607

Appendix 12.D AMPL Implementation of the Multi-

Echelon Model

Arc-Based Model

The arc-based model for the multi-echelon supply model in the AMPL and Math-
prog modeling languages is given next. The formulation incorporates multiple prod-
ucts. The objective is to minimize the sum of the purchasing, transportation, facility,
production, handling, and outsourcing costs. There are three types of constraints.
The first set of constraints consists of substitution constraints, i.e. they define and
compute the total cost for a cost category in function of its elements. An example
is total production cost. The next set of constraints consists of conservation of flow
constraints. There is a constraint for every combination of facility and product. The
third set of constraints contains constraints that simultaneously model capacity and
linkage. There is a constraint for every transformation facility. This model can be
used for problem instance irrespective of the instance size or of the number of ech-
elons in the supply chain. Only the statements following the data statement would
have to be changed to solve for another instance.
Model 12.17.  Arc-Based Multi-echelon Model
608 Appendices
Appendix 12.D AMPL Implementation of the Multi-Echelon Model 609

The data corresponding to the supply chain example are given next.
610 Appendices

Path-Based Model

The path-based model for the multi-echelon supply model in the AMPL and Math-
prog modeling languages is given next. The formulation incorporates multiple prod-
ucts. The objective is to minimize the sum of the purchasing, transportation, facility,
production, handling, and outsourcing costs. There are three types of constraints.
The first set of constraints consists of substitution constraints, i.e. they define and
compute the total cost for a cost category in function of its elements. An example
is total production cost. The next set of constraints consists of conservation of flow
constraints. There is a constraint for every combination of facility and product. The
third set of constraints contains constraints that simultaneously model capacity and
linkage. There is a constraint for every transformation facility. This model can be
used for problem instance irrespective of the instance size or of the number of ech-
elons in the supply chain. Only the statements following the data statement would
have to be changed to solve for another instance.

Model 12.18.  Path-Based Multi-echelon Model

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Chapter 13
Advanced Supply Chain Models

Learning Objectives  After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
• Know the characteristics of the major types of objectives for strategic models.
• Know the characteristics and differences of single-country versus global logis-
tics models.
• Know the definition of transfer prices and know the major transfer pricing heu-
• Know how to measure the robustness of a supply chain.
• Know the characteristics and differences of deterministic versus stochastic stra-
tegic models.

13.1 Introduction

13.1.1  C
 urrent Trends in Supply Chain Models and

In Chap. 12, three main models were developed for the planning and design of sup-
ply chains. The first model supported the selection of the transportation process for
a single origin–destination link in the supply chain. Because of its focused scope
the model could be highly detailed. The second model supported tactical planning.
It accommodated multiple products with a bill of materials structure, multiple ech-
elons, and multiple periods. The third major model supported strategic supply chain
decisions. It accommodated multiple echelons and multiple periods, but not bill of
materials relationships. In general, the models became more aggregate when their
scope and time horizon expanded. In this chapter, more advanced models are intro-
duced that accommodate specific complicating features of the supply chain. The
model used in the decision support for a specific supply chain instance may include
some, but most likely not all, of these expansions. Increasing the complexity of
the model requires more detailed data, more sophisticated algorithms, and longer
computation times.

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 615

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7_13, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
616 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

The trend towards more comprehensive decision support models is based on two
developments. On the one hand, there is a growing acceptance among practitioners
and corporations of the necessity for an integrated view of the supply chain. One
aspect of this integrated view is the consideration of the entire supply chain from
the suppliers of raw materials to the customer of the finished goods. This is often
denoted as the cradle-to-grave view. A second trend is the inclusion of more cor-
porate functions. At the basic level this implies including inventory in the supply
chain model in addition to purchasing, transportation, and production functions. At
a more advanced level, this includes sophisticated contracts between the corpora-
tions collaborating in a supply chain based on performance based logistics or even
an integrated view of the initial production and the long-term sustainment phase of
the products. A second development is the ever-increasing capabilities of the infor-
mation technology infrastructure for supply chain management. This includes the
growing use of enterprise resource planning software (ERP), the inclusion of more
mathematical models (APS) in the ERP software, and the growing capabilities of
mathematical programming solvers (MIP). The application of the models, however,
is strongly oriented towards operational and tactical planning.
As a consequence, more and more supply chain planning models are developed
by practitioners and the owners of the supply chains and these models are growing
in complexity and realism. At the same time, the solution techniques and software
have become more generic and multipurpose and are often sold or licensed in a
“shrink-wrapped” form.
However, there remain a number of significant challenges for supply chain
planning and especially for the strategic decision support models. In a response
to growing competitive pressures, markets and products are changing much more
rapidly. This implies that products will have a growth, maturity, and decline phase
in a strategic planning horizon. The corresponding strategic model has to become a
dynamic, multi-period model. Most supply chains have components located in dif-
ferent countries, which implies that the models have to incorporate local differences
such as taxation and local content requirements. Finally, supply chain risk and risk
mitigation strategies such as strategic safety stock and dispersion requirements for
supply chain infrastructure have to be included in strategic models. Modeling risk
mitigation fundamentally requires stochastic decision support models. The linear
deterministic models that arise naturally in the framework of tactical planning can
be solved routinely for large problem instances. The very large problem instances
generated by stochastic strategic planning models may not be solvable with the
general purpose algorithms implemented in commercial solvers. The instance sizes
of nonlinear problems that can be solved in a reasonable amount of time are several
orders of magnitude smaller. As a consequence, nonlinear effects such as safety
inventory or robust configurations are often approximated to yield mixed-integer
linear models.
The remainder of this chapter develops the models for specific enhancements
to the strategic model. The enhancements are collected into three classes: single-
country, multiple-country, and robustness. The model used for a specific supply
chain may contain several of these enhancements simultaneously.
13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design 617

13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design

13.2.1  Economies of Scale

One of the most common effects in both transportation and production costs are
economies of scale, which assume that the cost per unit transported or produced
decreases as the total transportation or production quantity increases. If the cost
reduction effect is valid for the full quantity then they are denoted as full quantity
discounts. Alternative names are all-units and all-inclusive quantity discounts. If
the cost reduction only affects the additional quantities beyond certain breakpoints,
then they are denoted as incremental discounts. Incremental discounts have concave
total cost curves and the total cost curves for full-quantity discounts may have dis-
continuities. The two types of cost curves are shown in Fig. 13.1.  Notation

Both discounts can be included in cost models for supply chain planning and de-
sign. The submodels for just the economies of scale are shown next. Both use the
following notation
ci marginal transportation cost rate for discount class i
ei offset (intersection with the y axis) of the total cost line of discount class i
(incremental discounts only)
MaxQi maximum quantity transported in discount class i and quantity breakpoint
at which discount rate i + 1 becomes effective
xi quantity transported (or produced) at discount rate i
zi status variable indicating if discount rate i is the lowest cost rate used

e3 c3
Total Cost

Total Cost


c1c2 3 c1
MaxQ1 MaxQ2 MaxQ3 MaxQ1 MaxQ2 MaxQ3
Quantity Quantity

Fig. 13.1   Total cost curves for full-quantity and incremental discounts
618 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

TC total cost of the quantity transported

ReqQ required transportation quantity
Quantity discounts imply that c1 > c2 > c3,—in other words, the cost rate is strictly
decreasing by increasing quantities in the discount classes. Full-Quantity Discount Cost Model

Model 13.1  Full-Quantity Discount Model

 min TC = c i xi (13.1)

 s.t. MaxQi−1 · zi ≤ xi ∀i (13.2)

 xi ≤ MaxQi · zi ∀i (13.3)

 zi = 1 (13.4)

 xi ≥ ReqQ (13.5)

 zi ∈ {0, 1}, xi ≥ 0 (13.6)

In the full discount case, only one transportation rate is active and the total quantity is
transported at that rate. The total cost is equal to the total quantity transported at the
active rate. The first two constraints ensure that the quantity transported in the active
discount class falls between the lower and upper quantity bounds for that class and that
the quantities in all other discount classes are equal to zero. Constraint (13.4) ensures
that only one discount class is active. Finally, constraint (13.5) ensures that the sum of
all quantities in the discount classes satisfies the material flow requirement. When this
submodel becomes part of a larger supply chain model, the parameter ReqQ may be
replaced by a flow variable indicating a particular flow in the supply chain.
The model belongs to the class of mixed-integer programming models since it
contains binary variables for the selection of the discount class and continuous vari-
ables for the quantity transported in the corresponding class. This makes this sub-
model or any model that contains this submodel much harder to solve than a model
with the standard linear cost equation. Since typically a large number of transporta-
tion channels exist in a supply chain design model, a large number of additional
binary variables and constraints are created when economies of scale are modeled.
For example, assuming there are 40,000 transportation channels and five discount
classes for each channel, this would result in 200,000 extra binary variables and
440,000 extra constraints. Clearly, increasing the model complexity in such sig-
nificant manner should only be done if it is essential for the validity of the model.
Constraint (13.4) is a typical example of a clique constraint or a special ordered set
13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design 619

constraint of type 1 (SOS1), which ensure that exactly one element from a set of
elements is chosen or activated. Some MIP solvers can exploit the clique or SOS1
structure and significantly reduce the solution time for the model. Incremental Discount Cost Model

This model has the same constraints as the full discount model, but the objective
function has a different equation. In this case, more than one discount class can
have a nonzero quantity transported at its corresponding cost rate. Consider the case
where the material flow requirement is such that discount class 2 has the lowest
transportation rate among the used classes. The total cost is then given by

TC = c1 MaxQ1 + c2 (x2 − MaxQ1 ) = c2 x2 + (c1 − c2 ) MaxQ1

and thus

e2 = (c1 − c2 ) MaxQ1

Now consider the case where the material flow requirement is such that the discount
class 3 has the lowest transportation rate among the used classes. The total cost is
given by

TC = c1 MaxQ1 + c2 (MaxQ2 − MaxQ1 ) + c3 (x3 − MaxQ2 )

= c3 x3 + (c2 − c3 ) MaxQ2 + (c1 − c2 ) MaxQ1

and thus

e3 = (c2 − c3 ) MaxQ2 + (c1 − c2 ) MaxQ1

The general expression for the offset is then


 ei = (ck−1 − ck ) MaxQk−1 i≥2 (13.7)

All offset values can thus be computed before the model is solved. The general
expression for the objective function is then

 min TC = (ci xi + ei zi ) (13.8)

This problem is also a mixed-integer optimization problem and the comments made
for the case of the full quantity discounts are also valid for this case.The incremental
discount model does not include the clique constraint of the full-quantity discount
model since multiple cost rates can be used simultaneously.
620 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

13.2.2  Facility Technology or Capacity Selection

Two of the most common decisions in the strategic configuration of supply chains
are the determination of the most economical technology to be implemented in a
facility and the determination of the most economical capacity for a facility. The
choices for either technology or capacity are assumed to be selected from a list of
available technologies or capacities. These problems belong to the class of alterna-
tive selection problems. In many cases the selection problem it is a more realistic
than the corresponding alternative generation problem which would determine the
best value of the capacity within a feasible range. A second fundamental assumption
is that only one technology or one capacity level can be implemented at the facility.
The choice is modeled using the notions of facility site and facility type. In general,
each potential facility site can be occupied by one of several types of facilities. For
example, small, medium, and large may be three possible types of facilities. The
notion of multiple facility types, each with a linear cost structure, allows a nonlinear
(but piecewise linear) cost structure for each potential facility site.
Such a piecewise linear cost curve generated by the cost curves of three different
technologies is illustrated in Fig. 13.2. There is a facility site binary status variable
for each possible facility location as well as binary variables for each possible alter-
native of either technology or capacity level included in the model. Finally, a binary
decision variable allows the model to select the closure of an existing facility. The fa-
cility cost of each facility includes a cost proportional to storage capacity, a cost pro-
portional to the amount shipped through or manufactured at the facility, and a fixed
cost to either operate a facility or to close a warehouse. The fixed cost to operate a
facility accounts for the overhead, capital, and other costs that are not considered to
be proportional to storage capacity or throughput. The cost to close an existing facil-
ity accounts for the various expenditures needed to cease operations at a particular
site. Each of these costs is defined in terms of a facility site and a facility type.

Total Throughput Cost



Fig. 13.2   Piecewise linear

technology cost curves for a
facility Facility Throughput
13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design 621 Notation

The following notation will be used to model this decision. When this model com-
ponent is included in a complete model there will be many types of variables and
parameters. To avoid confusion, the parameters use long parameter names.

D set of facility sites, indexed by j
C set of customers
L( j) set of possible facility types for the facility at site j, indexed by l
M( j, k) set of transportation mode channels connecting facility j (ori-
gin) with facility k (destination), indexed by m
FacFixedCostjl fixed cost to establish at facility of type l at site j
FacClosingCostjc fixed cost to close down facility at site j, zero if no facility cur-
rently exists
Volp volume of product p
FacStorageCapjl storage capacity of facility type l at site j¸ units consistent with
FlowResUnitjlp unit resource consumption rate for product p through facility
type l at site j
FacFlowCapjl throughput capacity of facility type l at site j
yj 1 if a facility at site j is established
yjl 1 if the type l of facility site j is established, 0 otherwise
yjc 1 if a facility is not established at site j, 0 otherwise
vjlp throughput flow of product p through facility type l at site j
miqjlp maximum inventory quantity of product p stored at facility
type l at site j
xjkmp transportation flow of product p from facility j to facility k
using mode m Model

The volume of all products is assumed to be expressed in the same volume units,
e.g., pallets, boxes, trucks, or cubic meters. All the facility storage capacities and
facility storage costs are expressed in terms of the same volume units.
Each potential facility (site) either can be established as exactly one type or not
be established.

 yjl = yj j∈D (13.9)
622 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

If there is cost of closing an existing facility, the following equation has to be added
to the model. The right-hand side equal to one can be interpreted as the initial status
of the facility at that site.
 yj + ycj = 1 j∈D (13.10)
The warehouse fixed and closing costs are terms in the objective function
 
 FacFixedCostjl yjl +FacClosingCostj ycj 
j∈D l∈L(j)

The following constraint enforces that the flow through a facility cannot exceed the
maximum throughput capacity for each facility type. This constraint can be gen-
eralized to a general resource consumption proportional to the flow and resource
capacity constraint for a facility type. The parameters in the constraint would have
an additional subscript indicating the resource and there is a capacity constraint for
every resource defined at this facility.

 FlowResUnitjlp vjlp ≤ WhseFlowCapjl yjl j ∈ D, l ∈ L(j) (13.12)

The following constraint ensures that the amount of product p flowing through a
facility is equal to the product flow leaving that facility through the various trans-
portation channels. This constraint models the conservation of flow on the outbound
side of the facility.
 vjlp = xjkmp j ∈ D, p ∈ P
l∈L(j) k∈C∪D m∈M (j,k)

The maximum inventory of product p stored in the facility of type l at site j is de-
termined by a set of equations related to the inventory in the facility and the supply
chain. Those equations will be developed below. The following constraint enforces
the required facility storage capacity for each facility type. The storage capacity
constraint can usually not be written as a general resource constraint based on the fa-
cility throughput because the maximum inventory ( miqjlp) is not proportional to the
facility throughput ( vjlp). β is the ratio of the aggregate inventory in the warehouse
for all products divided by the sum of the maximum inventories of all the products
that flow through this warehouse. Its value has to be estimated experimentally and is
further discussed in the section on the inventory in transformation facilities.

 
β Volp miqjlp  ≤ WhseStgCapjl yjl j ∈ D, l ∈ L(j) (13.14)
13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design 623

The warehouse variable operating costs terms are given next. If the facility is a
warehouse, then the second cost component is usually the warehouse handling cost,
but it can be generalized to any resource and cost proportional to the throughput
 
 WhseStgCostjl Volp miqjlp + WhseFlowCostjlp vjlp  (13.15)
j∈D l∈L(j) p∈P p∈P

Constraints on the minimum and maximum number of established facilities can be

specified and belong the class of extraneous constraints. The following is an ex-
ample of such a constraint similar to the constraint in the P-median problem.

 yj ≤ P (13.16)

13.2.3  Transportation Channel Costs

At the strategic level the transportation between facilities, also called trunking, and
local delivery to the final customers are assumed to be executed by direct shipment
and vehicle routing planning is not considered. If routing cost estimates are avail-
able, then the local delivery costs can be based on these estimates. At the strategic
and tactical planning level the total amount of product shipped through a transporta-
tion channel during a planning period is assumed to be much larger than the size of a
single carrier used on that channel. Thus, integrality requirements for the number of
carriers used on a channel are often ignored. The transportation costs for a channel
are calculated as the sum of the variable cost proportional to the number of carriers
used and the variable cost proportional to the amount of weight units shipped. If one
of those two cost drivers is not applicable then it can be safely removed from the
model. Similarly to the technology selection decision for a facility, multiple alterna-
tive transportation channels are possible between an origin and destination facility.
Alternative channels may be generated by different transportation modes, such as
truck and rail transportation, different carrier vehicles, such as standard trucks ver-
sus giant trucks, or by different frequencies and transit times. Each channel alterna-
tive has its own values for transportation mode, vehicle size, frequency, transit time,
and cost and capacity parameters. Since the alternative channels have the same
origin and destination facility they are also called parallel channels. The alternative
channels are indexed by m and the model will select the channel that contributes
to most to the overall supply chain performance. Because of the number of avail-
able transportation modes, vehicle sizes, transit times, and frequencies, the number
of parallel channels for a single origin-destination pair can be quite large. Five to
twenty alternative or parallel channels is not unusual. Typically, the channel data is
by far the largest component of the instance data for a particular planning problem.
624 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models Notation

The following notation will be used.


M( i, j) set of available (parallel) channels from origin facility i to

destination facility j, indexed by m
CarrierCostijm cost for transportation of a single carrier vehicle from facility i
to facility j using alternative channel m
TranUnitCostijmp transportation cost rate for transporting one unit of product p
from facility i to facility j using alternative channel m
TranFixedCostijm fixed cost for a shipment from facility i to facility j using alter-
native channel m
Valuejp value of on unit of product p which is equal to the total amount
invested in one unit of product p when it is located at facility j
r corporate capital discount rate. This rate is based on the corpo-
rate weighted average cost of capital or wacc and reflects how
the corporation has to pay to have capital available to them dur-
ing the planning horizon
TransitTimeijm total time required to transport products from facility i to facil-
ity j using alternative channel m expressed in planning periods.
Since the strategic planning period is often a year, the transit
time would be expressed as the fraction of a year which may
yield numbers that are very small. For example, if the transit
time is 3 days and the strategic planning period is one year, then
the transit time would be equal to 3/365 = 0.008219. Other time
units can be used as long as the consistency between variables
and constraints using the different units has been assured.
Rijm time interval expressed in planning periods between subsequent
transportation activities from facility i to facility j using alterna-
tive channel m, i.e., the inverse of the channel frequency. For
example, if the transportation frequency is once a week and the
strategic planning period is a year, then the channel frequency is
52 and the time interval is 1/52 = 0.01923.
MinCarriersijm minimum number of carrier vehicles to be used per time inter-
val Rijm in the channel from facility i to facility j using alterna-
tive channel m
MaxCarriersijm maximum number of carrier vehicles to be used per time inter-
val Rijm in the channel from facility i to facility j using alterna-
tive channel m
Volp volume of one unit of product p
Wtp weight of one unit of product p
CarrierVolCapijm volume capacity of one vehicle used to transport goods from
facility i to facility j using alternative channel m
13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design 625

CarrierWtCapijm weight capacity of one vehicle used to transport goods from

facility i to facility j using alternative channel m
Decision Variables
wijm number of carrier vehicles sent from facility i to facility j using alternative
channel m during the planning horizon, e.g., trucks per year
zijm 1 if the channel alternative m facility i to facility j is used, zero otherwise
si 1 if supplier i is activated, i.e., available to be used, zero otherwise Model

The channel transportation cost is given by the following expression. The fixed
cost incurred per transportation shipment is assumed to occur every Rijm periods or
1 Rijm times per period (year). Similarly to requiring a certain minimum number
of carriers per transportation channel if the channel is used, modeling the fixed cost
per channel requires a large number of binary variables. This significantly increases
the computational burden of the solution algorithm and the addition of this com-
plexity to the model should be considered carefully.
CarrierCostijm wijm + TranUnitCostijmp xijmp
 i∈B∪D j∈C∪D m∈M (i,j) p∈P
+ zijm (13.17)

Each unit shipped through channel ijm spends TransitTimeijm time in-transit while
travelling from i to j. The total inventory costs associated with being in transit are
then given by the following equation. These inventory costs are also called in-tran-
sit or pipeline inventory costs. Note that the value of a product at a particular facil-
ity in the supply chain is assumed to be independent on how that product arrived
that this facility, i.e., independent of its supply chain history. In the tactical channel
selection model developed above, the value of a product was considered dependent
on the channel used. Because that model each channel is considered independently,
the complexity of the calculations to track the supply chain history of a product is
manageable. In the strategic planning model, only an aggregate value is used, which
is clearly a simplifying approximation. If the dependency of the value of a product
in a facility on its supply chain history has to be modeled, then the value of a prod-
uct in a particular facility becomes a model variable instead of a model parameter.
This significantly increases the data and solution time requirements. For complex
industrial supply chains it is not unusual to have the value of a product considered to
be a parameter that is updated periodically, such as once or twice a year, and that is
identical irrespective of where in the supply chain this product is located. The value
is computed as an average over the locations of the product and reflects the most
current supply chain history for that product.
626 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

r · Valueip · TransitTimeijm xijmp
i∈B∪D j∈D m∈M (i,j) p∈P

Each alternative transportation channel may have a required minimum and maxi-
mum number of carriers used per time interval on that transportation channel pro-
vided the transportation channel is used at all. The minimum requirement avoids
channels that are hardly used at all and the maximum requirement may reflect a
limit on the availability of transportation vehicles. The minimum number, which
may be zero, is the enforced by the following constraint. Note that number of ve-
hicles per strategic planning period ( wijm) is divided by the channel frequency or
equivalently multiplied by the channel time interval ( Rijm) to satisfy the bounds on
the number of vehicles per time interval.
 Rijm wijm ≥ MinCarriersijm zijm (13.19)

Each transportation channel has a limited maximum allowable number of carriers

used per order interval. The maximum number, which may be infinity, is enforced
by the following constraint. This constraint also ensures the consistency between
the use of carriers in a channel and the use of the channel itself.

 Rijm wijm ≤ MaxCarriersijm zijm (13.20)

For example, assume that 100 trucks are available to satisfy transportation requests
throughout the year (the strategic planning period) for a particular channel. Fur-
thermore, assume that frequency of the truck service is once a week, i.e., the trucks
can execute one round trip in no more than a week. The time interval between truck
arrivals is then 1/52 = 0.0192. The maximum number of truck transports per year
available for this service on this channel is then 52.100 = 5,200.
52 wijm ≤ 100 · zijm

If either constraint on the minimum or maximum of carriers is present or if fixed

cost is incurred with every shipment, then a binary variable for every combination
of origin-destination pair and alternative transportation channel has be defined and
this typically yields a very large number of binary variables. For example, assume
that there are 20 possible origin facilities, 200 customer facilities, and 10 alterna-
tive channels, this would create 40,000 binary variables to model the transportation
channels. The impact on the complexity of the model and the increase in corre-
sponding solution times have to be very carefully considered, before this type of
constraints is included.
The number of carriers that have to used during a planning period may depend
on the weight of the products to be transported or on the volume of the product. The
weight constraint typically is binding for the transportation of bulk and liquid prod-
13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design 627

ucts, but the volume constraint is often the binding constraint for the transportation
of piece goods that are packaged in boxes or stacked on pallets. The packaging ma-
terials used to protect the goods during transportation may lower the average den-
sity of the shipment sufficiently or the fragility of the product may prevent stacking
pallets on top of each other. Each carrier vehicle has a weight capacity, enforced by
the following constraint.

 W tp xijmp ≤CarrierWtCapijm wijm (13.21)

Each carrier vehicle has a volume capacity, enforced by the following constraint.

 Volp xijmp ≤ CarrierVolCapijm wijm (13.22)

The preceding two constraints also ensure the consistency between the product flow
on a channel and the number of vehicles used to carry that product flow. Finally,
the consistency between the use of a transportation channel and the establishment
of either the origin or destination facilities is modeled by the following constraints.
Note that customers are considered to be always present, but that establishment of
transformation facilities and the use of suppliers is a decision to be optimized.
The following constraints require that transportation channels to and from a po-
tential transformation facility site are usable only if a transformation facility is actu-
ally established at that site.

 zijm ≤ yjl (13.23)

 zjkm ≤ yjl (13.24)

The following constraint requires that transportation channels from a supplier are
usable only if the supplier has been activated.

zijm ≤ si (13.25)

13.2.4  Facility Inventory

In this section the equations that model the inventory and compute the inventory
costs in a supply chain are developed. The strategic planning model assumes that
no inventory is held at the supplier and the customer facilities in the supply chain.
If there is inventory present at those facilities, then it is not controlled by the supply
chain plan and the corresponding inventory cost does not impact the supply chain
628 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

Fig. 13.3   Idealized single-

product inventory cycle


On-Hand Inventory


t t+R

performance. So the only location where inventory is relevant in the planning model
is at the transformation facilities. The equations presented next describe the opera-
tions of a warehouse that functions as a distribution center in the supply chain for
products with a repetitive demand. It is assumed that the warehouse operates under
periodic review policy and every R days places an order for a product.
The schematic in Fig. 13.3 shows an idealized inventory cycle for a single prod-
uct. The warehouse placed an order and after the lead-time the order is received at
time t. At that time the on-hand inventory level is at its maximum level and equal
to miq. Both the facility site and facility type index and the product index are sup-
pressed here for notational simplicity, but remain present in the model. The cycle
repeats, a new order is placed R time after the previous order is placed and the next
order will be received at time t+R. The safety stock level ss is the amount of inven-
tory on hand just before the replenishment occurs.
On average the maximum on-hand inventory is given by the following expres-

 miq = ss + DemandRate · R (13.26)

In the chapter on inventory systems the expression for the safety inventory in func-
tion of the lead time and the product demand process were developed. However,
during the strategic planning problem the demand for a product in a facility is a
decision variable. Furthermore, the order interval is assumed to be the same as the
shipping interval of the transportation channel from that source facility supplying
the warehouse and this interval depends on the supply transportation channel se-
lected, which is also a decision variable.
 DemandRatejlp = xjkmp (13.27)
k∈D∪C m=M (j,k)
13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design 629

It is assumed that the supply chain is operating in steady state, so the quantity of
product leaving the warehouse during the planning period must be equal to the
quantity arriving at the warehouse. If necessary, seasonal and strategic inventory
can be considered and this would lead to more complex conservation of flow con-
straints. In this development the simple conservation of flow, which requires that
inflow equals outflow, will be used. The cycle inventory is equal to the demand of
product during a replenishment cycle.
 xijmp = xjkmp (13.28)
i∈B∪D m∈M (i,j) k∈D∪C m=M (j,k)

 Cycle_Inventoryjp = Rijm xijmp (13.29)
i∈B∪D m∈M (i,j)

The safety inventory required to provide the service level is approximated by a lin-
ear safety inventory level that is proportional to the throughput. This corresponds to
a common practice that the safety inventory is proportional to the demand rate, e.g.,
the safety inventory is 3 weeks of demand in a distribution center. This approxima-
tion always overestimates the true required safety inventory and thus will yield a
better actual service level than the required service level and is thus a conservative
estimate. This approximation ignores the pooling effect created by the summation
of the demands of facilities and customers supplied from the warehouse. It is a
property in statistics that the standard deviation of a sum of independent random
variables is less than the sum of the standard deviations of the individual random
variables. Many times the theoretical equations for the calculation of safety inven-
tory assume independent demand behavior of the customers but this assumption is
often violated in practice. For example, if high temperatures increase the demand
for soft drinks at one store, then the demands at all the stores in the same area will
also be likely to be higher. The following equation for the safety stock can be inter-
preted as assuming that the customer demands are 100% correlated. The value of
the safety factor depends on the required service level through the choice of k and
on the replenishment interval and is computed as shown below and in the chapter
on inventory systems and is used as parameter in the strategic planning model. The
coefficient of variation (CV) of the demand rate for product p in facility j has to be
estimated based on historical data.
 ssjlp = SSFactorijmp xijmp (13.30)
i∈B∪D m∈M (i,j)

 SSFactorijmp = k · ltijm · CVDemandRate + Varltijm (13.31)

The following expression for the average inventory in the warehouse models incor-
porates the four most important factors: (1) the average demand, (2) the impact of the
cycle interval of the replenishment process and transportation channel used for the re-
630 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

plenishment process, and (3) the impact of the lead time and (4) the required service
level on the safety inventory. This equation is a conservative, linear approximation of
the true average inventory required in the facility to ensure the desired service level.

 Average_Inventory ijmp = SSFactor ijmp + xijmp (13.32)
m∈M (i,j)

Thus, the warehouse inventory cost for warehouse j is given by the following ex-
 r · Value jp SSFactor ijmp + xijmp (13.33)
p∈P i∈B∪D
m∈M (i,j)

Finally, the total required storage capacity of the warehouse is less than the sum of
the maximum inventory levels of each of the product in the warehouse, since usu-
ally not all products are replenished at the same time. The required storage capacity
depends on the interactions of the demand and replenishment processes of all the
products flowing through this warehouse. This aggregate maximum inventory is
difficult to compute with a closed form expression. If the warehouse has different
storage sections, such as for frozen, refrigerated, and room temperature products,
then this maximum inventory has to be estimated for each section. In the strategic
planning model, the aggregate maximum inventory is assumed to be a fraction of
the sum the maximum inventories of each product. The value of the fraction de-
pends on the number of products in the warehouse and on how coordinated the
replenishment processes for the different products are. This value is often estimated
to be between 0.8 and 0.9. A value of 1.0 corresponds to the worst possible case in
which all product orders are replenished simultaneously and the warehouse has to
be large enough to hold this peak inventory. The required warehouse storage capac-
ity is modeled by the following constraint, where β is the fraction of the aggregate
inventory divided by the maximum inventory of all products.
  
β Volp ·  r · Valuep SSFactorijmp + xijmp 
p∈P i∈B∪D
m∈M (i,j)

≤ WhseStorCapjl · yjl (13.34)

It is clear from the above development that computing the required inventory in a
distribution center for products distributed from this facility and computing the re-
quired warehouse storage capacity depends on variety of factors that most likely are
not known during the strategic planning process. The expressions have been simpli-
fied to make them linear and contain safety factors that can only be determined with
simulation for a particular instance. During the design phase these factors have to be
estimated based on professional engineering practice. Using approximate formulas
with significant safety factors that are very risk averse is a standard practice in many
engineering design disciplines.
13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design 631

13.2.5  Modeling Customer Service Single Sourcing

Customers are the ultimate destination facilities for all the material flow in the sup-
ply chain. Customer facilities are assumed to be always established and customer
facilities cannot hold inventory or transform products. Specific customer service
requirements often dramatically change the overall configuration of a supply chain.
Customers may require that all the goods delivered to them arrive from a single
facility because this reduces the number of vehicles coming to their receiving dock.
This service constraint is called single sourcing.
Notation.  The following notation will be used.
C set of all customers
Distancejkm distance from facility j to customer k using transportation mode m
MaxDistancek maximum distance to customer k from the facility that services it
MaxTimek maximum transit time to customer k from the facility that services
Decision Variables
qik 1 if customer k is serviced from facility i, zero otherwise
Model.  The most common service constraint for a customer is that its demand
gets satisfied or delivered by the supply chain. The first equation below models the
simple demand satisfaction constraint.
 xjkmp = Demandkp (13.35)
j∈B∪D m∈M (j,k)

The next two equations model the case when there is a single sourcing requirement
for that customer. It requires the use of a binary assignment variable that assigns the
service of customer k to facility j.

 xjkmp = qjk Demandkp
m∈M (j,k)

qjk = 1 (13.37)

The following linkage constraints ensure that a customer is only serviced from a
facility, be it a supplier facility or a transformation facility, respectively, if that facil-
ity is established.
632 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

 qik ≤ si (13.38)

qjk ≤ yjl

The next constraint requires that transportation channels from a source facility to
a customer are available only if that customer is serviced from or assigned to that
source facility. The constraint links the usage of a channel to the existence of a cus-
tomer service relationship.

 zjkm ≤ qjk (13.40)

The next two constraints ensure that a customer is within a specified maximum
travel distance and maximum travel time from the facility that services it.

 Distancejkm zjkm ≤ MaxDistancek (13.41)

 TransitTimejkm zjkm ≤ MaxTimek (13.42) Single Sourcing by Order

For highly engineered products the supply chain is not only responsible for the
production of the product, but also for the sustainment during the total product life
cycle. Consider the case of a manufacturing corporation that sells highly engineered
products to industrial customers in a make-to-order system. A typical sale to a cus-
tomer consists of a batch of units, e.g., between 12 and 60 units. Many configura-
tions and customizations for a final product may exist, but all the finished product
units in a single order are identical. The products have a multi-level bill of materials
with hundreds to thousands of parts. One of the additional customer service require-
ments is “single sourcing by order,” or SISBO. In order to reduce maintenance
burdens during the life time of the product, SISBO requires that all the equivalent
parts in the units of one order come from a single supplier. For example, assume that
a final product contains four electric actuators. If the order consists of 50 units, then
the 200 actuators in the units of that order all have to come from the same supplier.
Modeling this service constraint requires the definition of one additional product for
every part in every order that has the SISBO requirement.
Notation.  The number of products is expanded for the previous notation and the
following additional notation is used.
pqiq amount purchased from supplier i of product q
BOMqp the number of component products q included in one finished goods prod-
uct p. Note that this quantity is more general than 1BOMlqp previously
13.2 Strategic Single-Country Supply Chain Design 633

defined since BOMqp is defined for all components of product p, not just
components used in the immediate assembly of product p.
uiq 1 if product q is procured from supplier i, zero otherwise, where q belongs
to the products and parts included in the BOM of a SISBO order
The following two constraints ensure that only one supplier is used for every part
in a SISBO order.

pqiq ≤ BOMqp · uiq (13.43)

uiq = 1 (13.44)

While the structure of these two constraints is relatively simple, the presence of
SISBO orders significantly increases the data and computational burdens, because
now all the parts included in all the SISBO orders have to tracked and modeled
separately. This also implies that physically the parts and work in process inventory
in the supply chain are dedicated to a specific final order. This typically is imple-
mented through a barcode or RFID tag. If the SISBO requirement only applies to
the immediate components of product p, i.e., the level-one components just below
the finished product in a hierarchical BOM or work breakdown structure (WBS),
then this service constraint is relatively easy to implement. In this case BOMqp holds
the same data as 1BOMqp, except that 1BOMjlqp depends on the transformation facil-
ity site and type where the assembly or production occurs. Usually for complex fi-
nal products and level-one components the number of components does not depend
on the assembly site.

13.2.6  Computational Characteristics in Case Studies

A comprehensive model that includes the appropriate modeling components de-

scribed above has been applied in a variety of industrial case studies. Typically the
number of variables is in the order of tens of thousands and less than 100,000. The
number of binary variables is in the order of tens or hundreds and less than 500.
The number of constraints is again in the order of tens of thousands and less than
100,000. The models can be solved to optimality with an optimality gap of 0.01%
in a few minutes and always in less than 30 min on contemporary workstations or
desktop computers. Either the CPLEX solver by ILOG or the open source solver
GLPSOL have been used. A large fraction of the total time required to obtain a
solution is spent extracting the data from the instance database and storing the op-
timal values of the decision variables back into the database. If the database has a
standardized structure then reports and graphs can be generated without customized
programming for every individual case.
634 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

13.3 Strategic Global Supply Chain Design

Most supply chains have infrastructure components that are located in different
countries. The presence of different political or taxation authorities that govern el-
ements of a supply chain make the planning and design of the supply chain sig-
nificantly more difficult. The infrastructure components may even be located in
the same country but because of taxation regulations still needed to be treated in a
different manner. For example, a facility in a particular site may enjoy special treat-
ment of its income for the first 5 years of its existence because of favorable condi-
tions negotiated with the local government. In most cases the government forgoes
initial taxation or invests in general infrastructure such as roads and sewer in order
to gain long-term taxation and job creation benefits.

13.3.1  Local Content Requirements

Especially for products that are paid for by public funds, there is often a require-
ment that a certain fraction of the value of the product is created in the country
of the purchaser. This value may be created through purchasing of components
or through transformation of products. Such requirements are denoted as “local
content requirements.” The difficulty of including local content requirements in
a supply chain planning or design model depends on the level of accuracy that is
required. If the value of the delivered product is based on the sales price and if the
local content of the components of the product is known, i.e., given as parameters,
then a simple equation can be added to the models.  Notation

The following notation will be used. It is assumed that the parameters remain con-
stant during the different time periods in the planning horizon. If this assumption is
not valid, the model can be extended in a straightforward manner.
1BOMp set of all the immediate component products included in the final
product p
c( k) country c in which customer k is located
SalesPricepk sales price for one unit of product p to customer k
Localvalueqc fraction of the value of one unit of product q created in a country c
γ required local content fraction
The next five equations have already been described as part of the tactical model in
the previous chapter and express the relationship between the product flows and the
component flows in a supply chain when the final product has a bill of materials.
13.3 Strategic Global Supply Chain Design 635

itqjpt + aqjpt + init_invjp − iqjpt − cqjpt − otqjpt = 0 ∀j, ∀p, t = 1 (13.45)

itqjpt + aqjpt + iqjpt−1 − iqjpt − cqjpt − otqjpt = 0 ∀j, ∀p, t = 2..T (13.46)

 xjkpt = otqjpt ∀j, ∀p, ∀t (13.47)

cqjpt = 1bomjpvt · aqjvt ∀p ∈ 1BOMv , ∀j, ∀t (13.48)

xjkpt = dqkpt ∀k, ∀p, ∀t (13.49)

The following equation ensures that the local content summed over the immediate
components of the final product is larger than the minimum required fraction. Note
that the product LocalValueqc · Valuejq remains a parameter and can be computed
in advance for all required combinations of the subscripts.

 (LocalValueqc · Valuejq ) · cqjqt
j t q∈BOMp

≥ (γ · SalesPricepk ) · dqkpt ∀c(k) (13.50)

However, modeling the local content requirement becomes significantly more dif-
ficult if the value of a component or local content fraction is no longer a given
parameter but is a decision variable whose value is determined by the supply
chain optimization. In the section on the distribution channel selection problem,
the value of the product was determined by the model by systematically adding
all incurred costs along the supply chain steps for that product. The local content
fraction of a component may depend on the source for that component which
is determined by the supply chain planning. If either of both cases occurred the
dependency would make the previous equation quadratic since it multiplies the
product quantity by its value or the product quantity by the local content fraction
to compute the monetary equivalent flow. If both dependencies occur the equation
would have the product of three variables. In either case, standard mixed-integer
linear programming solvers can no longer be used. The same quadratic modeling
and algorithm complications occur when the model has to determine the transfer
prices of the products in a supply chain. A transfer price is the internal sales price
for a product between two subsidiaries of the same corporation. Designing and
planning a supply chain if transfer prices have to be determined is further devel-
oped in the next section.
636 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

13.3.2  Transfer Pricing

Because the transfer price is an internal sales price controlled by the corporation
that wholly owns the selling and the buying subsidiaries, the corporation has certain
latitude in setting its value. This is especially the case for highly engineered, special-
ized, and customized products for which no public market and market prices exist.
The value of the transfer price will influence the allocation of the total profit of the
supply chain between the different subsidiaries of the corporation. If the selling and
the buying subsidiaries are located in countries with different tax rates then the trans-
fer price impacts the overall after-tax profit of the corporation and the taxes paid in
both countries. This is of concern to the taxation authorities in the countries on both
sides of the sales transaction since they want to avoid that the corporation manipu-
lates the transfer price in order to minimize taxable profits in their respective juris-
dictions. As a consequence transfer prices have been heavily regulated and transfer
prices are a major component of tax compliance for an international corporation. Introductory Example

Consider the following extremely simplified example of a global supply chain that
spans two countries and consists of a single company with a subsidiary in each
of the countries. The first manufacturing step occurs in country A and the final
manufacturing and sales occur in country B. The relevant data for both countries
are shown in Table 13.1.
Based on taxation regulations and accounting data, the allowable range for the
transfer price has been set to the interval from $60 to $80. Three obvious rules for
determining the transfer price exist: lower bound, upper bound, and midpoint of the
transfer price interval. A fourth rule is called the tax rate heuristic. It sets the trans-
fer price to the lower bound if the tax rate in the destination country is lower than in
the origin country, otherwise the transfer price is set to the upper bound. Formally,
the tax rate heuristics is given below, where tr is the constant marginal tax rate for
a country and tp is the transfer price between two countries. In this example the tax
rate is lower in the destination country and higher in the origin country, so the goal
is to realize the least amount of profit in the origin country and thus the transfer
price is set to the lower bound.
Algorithm 13.1.  Transfer Price Tax Rate Heuristic

if trdest < trorig then tp = LB

else tp = UB

Table 13.1   Transfer price

Category Country A Country B
illustration data
Sales price $100
Tax rate 35% 15%
Production cost $50 $10
13.3 Strategic Global Supply Chain Design 637

Fig. 13.4   Tax rate step


Tax Rate
Net Income Before Tax

Figure 13.4 illustrates the corporate tax rate function considered for all countries.
No tax credit for losses is included in the initial analysis. When the corporate tax
rate function is more complex, i.e.: when it has more “steps” and breakpoint values,
additional analysis is necessary. However, for large companies the function consid-
ered here is realistic and valid in most countries.
The net income after tax (NIAT) is computed with the following sequence of
calculations and based on the net income before taxes (NIBT):

 NIBT = Revenues − Costs (13.52)

 Taxes = NIBT · TaxRate (13.53)

 NIAT = NIBT − Taxes = (Revenue − Cost) · (1 − TaxRate) (13.54)

The calculations for the total NIAT for corporation for the four transfer price heu-
ristics are shown in Table 13.2.
The NIAT for the corporation in this example ranges from 28 to 32, which repre-
sents a gap of approximately 14%. The corporation could theoretically increase its
profit margin by 14% by just changing an internal accounting value without making
any change to its supply chain configuration or operation. It is exactly because of
this ease of change that transfer prices are so heavily regulated. It should also be
noted that the NIAT in the different countries, i.e., for the different subsidiaries,
changes dramatically depending on the value of the transfer price. In this example,

Table 13.2   NIAT calculations for various transfer price heuristics

Lower bnd. Upper bnd. Midpoint Tax rate
Transfer Price 60 80 70 60
NIBT(A) 10 30 20 10
Taxes (A) 3.5 10.5 7 3.5
NIAT (A) 6.5 19.5 13 6.5
NIBT (B) 30 10 20 30
Taxes (B) 4.5 1.5 3 4.5
NIAT (B) 25.5 8.5 17 25.5
NIAT (total) 32 28 30 32
638 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

the NIAT in both countries changes by a ratio of 300% depending on the transfer
price. The corporate reward structures may have to be adjusted to reflect this.
In the above example the total sales amount was held constant and both subsid-
iaries made a profit for all values in the allowable range of the transfer price. If the
fixed costs for facilities are included in the total supply chain costs and if subsidiar-
ies are allowed to realize a loss, then the overall corporate profit will depend on the
amount of product sold between the subsidiaries, on the transfer price for the inter-
nal sale, and on the interaction of the amount sold and the transfer price. Note that
if a subsidiary makes a loss before taxes during a tax year then its taxes will be zero
for that year, but it is assumed that no tax credit will accrue. To derive the general
function of the global NIAT in this example, four disjoint regions for the NIBT have
to be considered: (1) both subsidiaries make a profit, (2) only the selling subsidiary
makes a loss, (3) only the buying subsidiary makes a loss, and (4) both subsidiaries
make a loss. Figure 13.5 illustrates the possible values of the global NIAT versus
the transfer price t for different values of the material flow x for an example that al-
lows losses and when the sales quantities are changed as part of parametric design.
Obviously, for the NIAT to be bounded, there must exist an upper bound on the
flow x from selling to purchasing subsidiaries. This bound may be determined by
a limited capacity of one or the two subsidiaries, by a limited demand, and/or by
other flow constraints imposed on the system. Notice that the optimal solution to
the problem depends on both the possible flows in the supply chain and the bounds
of the transfer price. The optimal transfer price may be equal to its lower bound, its
upper bound, or may fall strictly between the two.

A and B profit

A profits, B loses
A loses, B profits

20000 Transfer price t

Net income after tax = NIAT

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

A and B lose


x = 20,000

–100000 x = 15,000

x = 12,000
–120000 x = 8,000

x = 6,000

Fig. 13.5   NIAT for the two-country supply chain example

13.3 Strategic Global Supply Chain Design 639

The model to determine the optimal value of the transfer prices is developed
next. The focus will be on the differences between this model and the strategic
model described above. Since the taxation authorities in general disallow the use of
different transfer prices for the same product to different destinations but allow dif-
ferent transportation costs, the transportation costs must be modeled separately for
every combination of origin, destination, and commodity. The allocation proportion
p models what fraction of the total transportation cost each subsidiary will pay for.
The NIAT is modeled traditionally by substituting two nonnegative variables,
representing the profit and loss of subsidiary. The NIBT of that subsidiary is mod-
eled by a free variable, i.e., a variable that can be either negative, zero, or positive.
In the resulting model, for every flow the product of the transfer price multiplied by
the material flow quantity, denoted by tx, appears in the two equations that deter-
mine the NIBT of the origin and destination country. The detailed expression for the
net income before tax of distribution centers located in countries where duties are
charged on the FOB value and the full model for the determination of transfer prices
and transportation cost allocation can be found in Vidal and Goetschalckx (2001).
This model will be denoted as P(x, t, p). P(x, t, p) is a nonconvex optimization
problem with a linear objective function, a set of linear constraints, and a set of
bilinear equality constraints created by the products of flow quantities and trans-
fer prices and product flows and transportation cost fractions. All computational
results reported in the research literature on global and bilinear optimization
for this problem correspond to relatively small instances of this problem. How-
ever, applying P(x, t, p) to global supply chains yield usually medium to large-
scale problem instances for which none of the global optimization approaches
reported in the literature appear to work satisfactorily. For this reason, and given
the structure of the problem, an optimization-based heuristic procedure using
successive linear programming solutions has been developed. An optimization
algorithm with a prescribed maximum optimality gap and a metaheurstic have
also been developed for this problem. The numerical experiment given after the
description of the heuristic indicates that the solution quality generated by the
successive linear programming heuristic algorithm is sufficient in practical ap-
The proportion of the transportation cost charged to either subsidiary can be set
by the corporation based on the destination and on the used transportation mode.  Notation

The following notation will be used.

transpcjkmp transportation cost rate for product p from facility j to facility k by
transportation mode m
transpropjkmp fraction of the total transportation cost for transporting product p
from facility j to facility k by transportation mode m charged to the
origin facility j
640 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

OrigTransCostjkmp, DestTransCostjkmp total transportation cost for transporting

product p from facility j to facility k by
transportation mode m charged to the ori-
gin facility j or the destination facility k,
respectively  Model

Consequently, the bilinear terms in x and p can be linearized by using the following
substitution. The allocated transportation costs will be subtracted from the NIBT
for the origin and destination facilities. The resulting problem will be denoted as
P(x, t, TC).

OrigTransCostjkmp = transpropjkmp · transpc

 jkmp · xjkmp
DestTransCostjkmp = 1 − transpropjkmp · transpcjkmp · xjkmp

We can use the same approach to linearize the bilinear terms in x and t¸ provided a
set of constraints is added that make the transfer prices t from one origin j to all des-
tinations h the same. This can be thought of as the transfer price being determined
based on production costs, and therefore there is no reason to allow it to be different
for different buyers.

TransferSalesPricejkmp = tjkmp · xjkmp

TransferSalesPricejkmp TransferSalesPricejhmp
= ∀h
xjkmp xjhmp

This substitution eliminates all remaining bilinear constraints from the model.
Note that the TransferSalesPrice is added to the NIBT for the origin country and
subtracted from the NIBT for the destination country. The new model is denoted
as P(x, TRP, TC) and includes all the ratio equality constraints introduced above.
When those ratio constraints are relaxed the model is denoted as PR (x, TRP, TC)
and it is a linear programming formulation. Its optimal solution also provides an up-
per bound on the objective of the original P(x, TRP, TC) and is used to determine
the maximum optimality gap in the numerical experiment described below.
If the flow variables x are fixed in problem P(x, t, TC) then this problem be-
comes linear in t and vice versa. These problem will be donated by P(x, t, TC |x )
and P(x, t, TC |t ) , respectively. The successive linear programming solution heu-
ristic iteratively fixes one set of variables and solves the remaining linear program
for the other set. This is similar to the cyclical coordinates search procedure but ap-
plied to two classes of variables rather than to two individual variables. The process
is terminated when the change in the objective function value becomes negligible.
The difficulty in solving the original problem P(x, t, TC) to optimality is its multi-
13.3 Strategic Global Supply Chain Design 641

extremaltiy characteristics, i.e., it has multiple local optimal. Consequently, the lo-
cal solution obtained by the heuristic is highly dependent on the starting point. The
performance of different algorithms to determine the starting point was examined
in the following numerical experiment.
The first starting point is generated by the solution of problem PR (x, TRP, TC)
and taking the optimal set of flows x. A second starting point is generated by tak-
ing the solution of problem PR (x, TRP, TC) and taking the optimal set of transfer
prices t. If one of these transfer price values is not feasible then nearest boundary
value of the feasible interval for that transfer prices is selected. If there is no flow
from some origins, then value of the transfer price is not meaningful in the solu-
tion and the transfer prices is set to its lower bound to start the process. In addition,
four procedures based on the lower and upper bound of the feasible transfer price
intervals were also examined. All transfer prices were set either to their lower bound
(LB) or to their upper bound (UB), to the middle of the interval, that is, equal to (LB
+ UB)/2, or to the value determined by the tax heuristic.
The successive linear programming heuristics was implemented using AMPL
and solved with CPLEX. Two problem instances of different sizes were tested. All
instances were carefully generated to approximate the costs and constraints of real-
world instances as much as possible. Further details can be found in Vidal and
Goetschalckx (2001).
The computational experiments with various starting point procedures yielded
optimality gaps of less than 2.2%. For most of the instances, the best solutions were
obtained when the starting points are either the optimal flows or the optimal transfer
prices from the relaxed problem. The iterative procedure tends to quickly converge
to a high-quality solution and then improvements level off. The user can limit the
allowed computation time as an alternative stopping criteria. It should be observed
that the user has no control over the achieved optimality gap. If the optimality gap
of a solution is unacceptable, the only thing the user can do is to try one or more
different starting points. Only the global optimization procedure developed by Vidal
(1998) can guarantee that the prescribed optimality gap is satisfied.
To measure the impact of the simultaneous determination of the transfer prices
and the material flows in the international logistics systems, its results were com-
pared with procedures that set the transfer prices first based on the bounds of their
feasible intervals and then determine the optimal product flows. The savings gener-

Table 13.3   NIAT performance of the integrated versus the sequential transfer price procedures
for the medium instances
Transfer Price heuristics
Medium instance Middle point Tax rate Lower bound Upper bound
1 2.4 0.2 0.8 4.1
2 23.2 12.1 17.1 29.2
3 22.6 30.2 39.9 16.2
4 45.6 65.0 95.2 32.1
5 2.3 0.2 0.7 3.9
Increase in NIAT profit by the integrated procedure expressed in percent
642 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

ated by the integrated procedure as compared with the four sequential procedures
are given in Table 13.3 For the six instances of the medium problem instance, the
average profit increase was 17.3% and ranged from as small as 0.18% – 95.2%.
There was not an a priori characteristic that predicted the savings for a particular in-
stance. Clearly, significant savings could be achieved, depending on the individual
logistics systems data, by using the integrated procedure as compared to state-of-
the-art sequential procedures.
The above instances in the numerical experiment assumed that the locations and
status of facilities were known. However, corporations may be interested in determin-
ing the optimal configuration of international supply chains to test the economic feasi-
bility of new configurations and new products simultaneously with the determination
of their transfer prices. The successive linear programming heuristic can be extended
so that the P(x, t, TC |t ) problem not only determines the product flows but also the
status of the facilities. In this case the heuristic solves a sequence of MIP formulations.

13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design

Incorporating Uncertainty

13.4.1  M
 odeling Techniques with Explicit Consideration  
of Uncertainty

In this section several models for the strategic design of supply chains are presented
that incorporate the uncertainty regarding future conditions and parameters explic-
itly. In the deterministic case, two major classes of objectives can be distinguished.
The first class focuses on cost minimization and typically has constraints that en-
sure the satisfaction of the demand of all customers. The second class focuses on
profit maximization and the available demand of the customers becomes an upper
bound or capacity constraint on the sales to the customers. In the second class not
all customer demands have to be satisfied. The same two major classes of objectives
exist for the stochastic strategic supply chain design models that incorporate uncer-
tainty. However, for each of the classes several variants of formulations and objec-
tive functions exist depending on how the uncertainty is modeled and evaluated.
Several optimization techniques are used for the design of systems when explic-
itly considering the stochastic nature of the data. Six commonly used techniques are
briefly reviewed and some of their advantages and disadvantages are highlighted.
1. Deterministic mean value formulation. One of the most popular methods in
stochastic optimization is the expected or mean value method. This method
starts by finding the expected value of each stochastic cost coefficient, capacity,
and demand parameter based on its individual probability distribution function.
Then, a deterministic model is created to solve the optimization problem with the
expected values of the parameters. This model is called the mean value problem
(MVP). The stochastic characteristics are investigated through sensitivity analy-
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 643

sis. This method is widely used, especially to find a first-cut solution. However,
as indicated before, the MVP solution is believed to be very fragile or nonrobust
with respect to changes in the values of the parameters.
2. In scenario-based optimization a limited number of deterministic scenarios or
sample sets are constructed to represent the range and combinations of values of
the parameters and coefficients consistent with their probability distributions. A
single robust solution is found for the deterministic equivalent problem (DEP),
which includes all scenarios simultaneously weighted by their respective sce-
nario probabilities. This method has several shortcomings. First, it is very dif-
ficult to construct a limited number of deterministic scenarios that represent all
the combinations and full range of the stochastic values of the parameters. Espe-
cially, when the stochastic parameters have continuous probability distributions
the number of scenarios becomes infinite. Second, it is common practice to scale
all similar parameters up or down by a fixed ratio, e.g., determine a supply chain
configuration for the expected demand, the optimistic case, and the pessimis-
tic case. Scenarios in which the parameter values are 100% correlated may be
unrealistic and do not allow an accurate assesment of the risks associated with a
particular configuration. Finally, it is very difficult to determine accurately the
probabilities of the constructed scenarios.
3. Sampling-average approximation (SAA) scenario optimization. A third
method for stochastic optimization is based on random sampling, and the details
of this method for the design of robust supply chains are described in the next
section. This method has the advantage that only the probability distributions of
the individual parameters need to be estimated. The scenarios are then created
by random sampling from the parameter distributions and are assumed to be
equally likely. A large number of scenarios are required and created to approxi-
mate the underlying stochastic process. Because of the random sampling, this
method cannot incorporate the occurrence of catastrophic events that have a very
low probability, such as earthquakes, flooding, and fires, but that may be very
important in the overall design of the supply chain. Scenarios incorporating such
rare events have to be created separately.
4. Robustness optimization. This method determines a single robust solution or
supply chain configuration, whose performance is the best with respect to all pos-
sible scenarios. This method requires that an optimal robust configuration and the
optimal configurations for each scenario be found. Another disadvantage is that
the robustness constraint considers all scenarios to be equally important. So, a
single very pessimistic but very unlikely scenario may determine the supply chain
configuration. This procedure is considered to be excessively conservative.
5. A fifth method is change-constrained optimization, but to our knowledge this
method has been applied only occasionally—e.g. to model supplier reliability;
see Vidal and Goetschalckx (2000)—in the strategic design of supply chain
6. Finally, stochastic systems are often designed using digital simulation of a lim-
ited number of parameterized configurations. However, since simulation is a
descriptive and not a normative method the optimality or optimality gap of the
obtained solution is unknown.
644 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

Fig. 13.6   Schematic of the

supply chain

M1s W1s C1s

M2s W2s C2s

M3s W3s C3s

13.4.2  Supply Chain Scenario Example

The various formulations and objective functions and their corresponding supply
chain configurations will be illustrated based on the following small example.
The goal is to design the supply chain configuration for the Packaging Printing
Corporation (PPC), which operates in the continental United States. PPC sells two
major products. The supply chain for these products consists of two stages: a manu-
facturing and a distribution stage. There are three candidate manufacturing facilities
and three candidate warehousing facilities. In addition, the finished products can
also be acquired from an external source. There are three customers. Each customer
has demand for the two products. The demands are not known with certainty at the
current time. This uncertainty is modeled by using three possible scenarios, each
with an associated probability of occurring. Scenarios are indicated by the super-
script in the following schematic of the supply chain structure.
Most of the parameters are stochastic, i.e., they differ between scenarios,
but the fixed cost of the facilities is assumed deterministic because it is based
on decisions made before the scenarios are realized. The resource consumption
rates are the same in the different scenarios. The manufacturing facilities have a
joint-commodity production capacity and the warehousing facilities have a joint-
commodity material handling capacity. Production and handling of the products
requires resources and incurs a cost. Transportation of the products between the
various facilities and to the customers also incurs a cost but the transportation
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 645

Table 13.4   Scenario Probability

S1 0.55
S2 0.4
S3 0.05

Table 13.5   Customer Demand C1 C2 C3

demands S1 P1 50000 100000 75000
S1 P2 20000 30000 60000
S2 P1 120000 18000 150000
S2 P2 10000 9300 0
S3 P1 5000 10000 7500
S3 P2 120000 120000 120000

Table 13.6   Sales revenues Unit revenue C1 C2 C3

S1 P1 40 40 48
S1 P2 36 52 52
S2 P1 50 50 58
S2 P2 46 62 62
S3 P1 40 40 48
S3 P2 36 52 52

Table 13.7   External supply Outsource cost P1 P2

cost rates S1 C1 41 61
S1 C2 42 59
S1 C3 40 60
S2 C1 49 64
S2 C2 47 62
S2 C3 50 65
S3 C1 41 61
S3 C2 42 59
S3 C3 40 60

channels are assumed to be uncapacitated. The relevant cost and capacity data are
summarized in Tables 13.4–13.16.
The following four formulations can be solved for the strategic supply chain
design: (1) the mean value problem, indicated by mvp, where the expected value
or best guess of each stochastic parameter is used; (2) the expected value problem
over all scenarios, indicated by exp; (3) the robust problem, indicated by rob, where
first the configuration is determined that maximizes the minimum profit for all the
scenarios and then each scenario is optimized for this configuration; and finally, (4)
the weighted sum of the optimal solutions for each independent scenario, indicated
by ind. This last formulation yields an upper bound on the profit maximization since
in essence it assumes that the decision maker knows what will happen in the future
before the configuration decision has to be made, even though the future is still sto-
646 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

Table 13.8   Manufacturing– Transportation cost W1 W2 W3

warehouse transportation
cost rates S1 P1 M1 1 5 7
S1 P1 M2 4 2 6
S1 P1 M3 8 6 1
S1 P2 M1 2 4 6
S1 P2 M2 5 3 6
S1 P2 M3 7 5 2
S2 P1 M1 3 7 9
S2 P1 M2 6 4 8
S2 P1 M3 10 8 3
S2 P2 M1 1 3 5
S2 P2 M2 4 2 5
S2 P2 M3 5 4 1
S3 P1 M1 1 5 7
S3 P1 M2 4 2 6
S3 P1 M3 8 6 1
S3 P2 M1 2 4 6
S3 P2 M2 5 3 6
S3 P2 M3 7 5 2

Table 13.9   Warehouse– Transportation cost C1 C2 C3

customer transportation cost
rates S1 P1 W1 4 3 5
S1 P1 W2 2 1 2
S1 P1 W3 5 4 3
S1 P2 W1 3 2 4
S1 P2 W2 4 3 4
S1 P2 W3 6 5 4
S2 P1 W1 8 6 9
S2 P1 W2 4 3 5
S2 P1 W3 8 7 6
S2 P2 W1 2 1 3
S2 P2 W2 4 3 2
S2 P2 W3 5 4 3
S3 P1 W1 4 3 5
S3 P1 W2 2 1 2
S3 P1 W3 5 4 3
S3 P2 W1 3 2 4
S3 P2 W2 4 3 4
S3 P2 W3 6 5 4

chastic as expressed by the different scenarios and their probabilities. In stochastic

programming terminology this formulation is a relaxation of the original problem
and the corresponding solution may violate the nonanticipativity constraints. The
exp formulation is used in stochastic linear programming and for strategic supply
chain design the deterministic equivalent problem (DEP) is solved. For the first
three formulations, the variance and standard deviation of the objective function
values with respect to the three scenarios can be computed. Clearly, the variance
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 647

Table 13.10   Production Production cost P1 P2

S1 M1 6 3
S1 M2 4 2
S1 M3 5 4
S2 M1 9 8
S2 M2 7 4
S2 M3 12 9
S3 M1 6 3
S3 M2 4 2
S3 M3 5 4

Table 13.11   Production MaxCapacity

M1 M2 M3
S1 300000 400000 180000
S2 400000 600000 450000
S3 300000 400000 180000

Table 13.12   Production ResourceRate P1 P2

resource rates
S1 M1 2 3
S1 M2 1 2
S1 M3 2 4
S2 M1 2 3
S2 M2 1 2
S2 M3 2 4
S3 M1 2 3
S3 M2 1 2
S3 M3 2 4

Table 13.13   Warehousing Handling cost P1 P2

S1 W1 2 3
S1 W2 1 2
S1 W3 4 3
S2 W1 5 7
S2 W2 3 4
S2 W3 6 5
S3 W1 2 3
S3 W2 1 2
S3 W3 4 3
648 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

Table 13.14   Warehousing Handling cost P1 P2

S1 W1 2 3
S1 W2 1 2
S1 W3 4 3
S2 W1 5 7
S2 W2 3 4
S2 W3 6 5
S3 W1 2 3
S3 W2 1 2
S3 W3 4 3

Table 13.15   Warehousing ResourceRate P1 P2

resource rates
S1 W1 2 3
S1 W2 1 2
S1 W3 1 3
S2 W1 2 3
S2 W2 1 2
S2 W3 1 3
S3 W1 2 3
S3 W2 1 2
S3 W3 1 3

Table 13.16   Facilities Fixed cost

fixed costs M1 650000
M2 950000
M3 550000
W1 250000
W2 400000
W3 200000

calculation is highly degenerate since only three scenarios exist that make up the
complete scenario population. In real-world supply chain design projects there will
typically exist many hundreds or even thousands of scenarios.  Notation

The following notation will be used for these formulations:

s cenario index, s = 1,…, S, S = 3 in the example
ps probability of scenario s
y binary configuration decision variable, in the example there
are six configuration variables
ys optimal binary configuration variables for the independent
scenario s
x continuous flow decision variables
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 649

zexp , zmvp , zrob , zind optimal objective function values for the formulation variant
as identified by the subscript
zs optimal objective function value of the independent scenario s
z0 optimal objective function value of the mean value problem,
i.e., a single “scenario” deterministic model with the best-
guess value for each of the parameters
zs (yk ) optimal objective function value of the independent scenario s
for the given configuration yk , in other words the solution to
a linear network flow problem where only the continuous flow
variables x are optimized
The mvp formulation is the standard deterministic formulation as discussed in the
previous chapter. For the mvp the uncertainty is incorporated in the calculation of
the parameters in the formulation, for the other formulations the uncertainty yields
different formulation structures and objectives. The objective function of the mvp
is computed as follows:

ymvp ← max z0 (y)

zmvp = ps · zs ymvp (13.55)

The objective functions of the exp, rob, and ind formulations are then computed as

zexp = max ps · zs (y) (13.56)

yrob ← max min zs (y)

y s
 zrob = ps · zs (yrob ) (13.57)

 zind = ps · max zs (ys ) = ps · z s (13.58)
s s

The optimal solution of the various formulations yields the following optimal con-
figuration variables and optimal objective function values.
The independent objective provides an upper bound on the expected value of the
profit. The robust configuration achieves 97.4% of the bound and the expected value
configuration achieves 99.5%, respectively. Note that the determination of the ob-
jectives for the mean value problem case and the robust case requires a two-phased
approach. In the first phase the single robust configuration is determined that maxi-
mizes the minimum profit over all the scenarios. To enable profit maximization for
the robust configuration, the flows are optimized for every scenario given the robust
facility configuration. The weighted average of those scenario objective functions is
used as the robust objective and shown in Table 13.17. The same approach is used to
650 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

Table 13.17   Optimal configurations and objective values for the supply chain scenario example
Formulation Configuration Objective(thousasds)
S1 S2 S3 Expected Std.Dev.
mvp 0,1,0,0,1,0 $9,122.5 $9,709.7 $6,456.3 $9,224.1 695.0
rob 1,1,0,1,1,0 $9,645.0 $8,809.7 $8,699.6 $9,263.6 422.3
exp 0,1,0,0,1,1 $9,662.5 $9,509.7 $6,996.3 $9,468.1 571.8
ind S1: 0,1,1,0,1,1 $9,645.0 $9,709.7 $6,456.3 $9,511.4 701.6
S2: 0,1,0,0,1,0
S3: 0,1,0,0,1,0

determine the values for the mean value problem. In the first phase, the single mvp
configuration is determined that maximizes the profit for the expected value of the
parameters. This is a deterministic problem that is also denoted as the best-guess
problem. In the second phase, the flows are optimized for every scenario given the
mvp configuration. The weighted average of those scenario objective functions is
used as the mvp objective and shown in Table 13.17.
The expected value configuration has a larger standard deviation than the ro-
bust configuration. The configurations are placed in a standard risk analysis graph
with as coordinates their expected profit and profit standard deviation. The graph
is shown in Fig. 13.7 The standard deviation is typically used as a proxy for the
risk associated with a configuration. The risk analysis graph allows the tradeoff
between two performance measures of a configuration, i.e., the maximization of the
expected profit and the minimization of the standard deviation of the profit.
Following the classic risk analysis definitions, supply chain configurations for
which no other configuration exists that has both a larger expected value and a


mvp ind

600.0 exp
Profit Standard Deviation





$9,200.0 $9,250.0 $9,300.0 $9,350.0 $9,400.0 $9,450.0 $9,500.0 $9,550.0
Expected Profit

Fig. 13.7   Risk analysis graph of the configurations for the supply chain scenario example
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 651

smaller standard deviation are said to be Pareto-optimal, efficient, or nondominated.

All the configurations for a supply chain can be classified as being either efficient or
dominated. The efficient frontier is the envelope of the configurations that are non-
dominated. It is a continuous approximation and graphical representation of the set
of efficient configurations. It should be noted however that points on the efficiency
frontier may not represent supply chain configurations. Similarly, configurations
may be located inside, i.e., to the left and above, the efficiency frontier and still be
non-dominated. Configurations inside and far removed from the efficiency fron-
tier are usually dominated by another configuration and should only be selected as
candidates after careful consideration. Constructing the efficiency frontier requires
the identification of all Pareto-optimal configurations for the supply chain. Usually
only a subset of the efficient configurations is known.
A piecewise linear lower convex envelope of the sample solutions can be drawn
to give an estimation of the efficiency frontier. This sample-based lower efficiency
envelope will be denoted by SLE. If more efficient configurations become known,
then the SLE may have to be updated. Note that the sample solutions were gener-
ated by optimizing with respect to the expected value only. The corporation can
then select a preferred configuration based on its risk tradeoffs from the efficient
configurations. The indifference curve for a particular decision maker with a par-
ticular risk tradeoff behavior is the line that connects alternatives with expected
value and standard deviation coordinates that are judged by the decision maker to
have the same desirability or utility. The SLE for this example at this time connects
the robust and the expected value configurations and is indicated by the solid line
in the risk analysis graph. The ind configuration is not part of the efficiency frontier
since it only represents an upper bound and is not a real configuration. A corpora-
tion may choose to implement either the average or robust configuration depending
on their risk profile. For the small example, the mean value configuration is located
inside and far from the SLE and is dominated by both the expected value and the
robust configurations. It should not be selected as a configuration candidate for
further investigation. This leads to the following observation that runs contrary to
conventional wisdom: the optimal supply chain configuration for the best-guess
values of the parameters is an inferior supply chain configuration, in the sense that
it is Pareto-dominated. This observation is often true for real-world supply chain
It is possible to efficiently identify all configurations that are Pareto-optimal
with respect to the mean-standard deviation objective. The overall algorithm is a
branch-and-reduce algorithm extended from Ryoo and Sahinidis (1996) where for
each interval a quadratic-objective mixed integer programming formulation has to
be solved. This optimization algorithm is beyond the scope of this book. For the
small example there is one additional Pareto-optimal configuration identified by the
branch-and-reduce algorithm and it is located close to the line connecting the ex-
pected value and the robust configuration. The SLE will have to be adjusted based
on this additional Pareto-optimal configuration.
The accurate assessment of the risk associated with a strategic supply chain con-
figuration requires the use of a large number (hundreds or thousands) of scenarios.
At the same time, increasing the number of scenarios in the DEP yields unaccept-
652 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

able computation times. Next, an algorithm is described that integrates a recently

proposed sampling strategy—the sample average approximation scheme—with an
accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm to solve the strategic supply chain de-
sign problem with continuous distributions for the uncertain parameters, and hence a
theoretical infinite number of scenarios. The design objective of the model is to maxi-
mize the expected value of the profit. The standard deviation of the scenario profits
is used as the proxy for risk of a configuration and is computed in a second phase.
The two-stage stochastic optimization formulation for the strategic design of
supply chains is approximated with its deterministic equivalent problem based on
randomly sampled scenarios. The algorithm is described for a minimization formu-
lation as is customary in the literature.
Model 13.2  Stochastic Expected Value Master Problem
Min cy + E Q(y, ξ )
 s.t. Hy ≤ g (13.59)
y ∈ {0, 1}

Where the second stage or inner optimization problem is defined as

Model 13.3  Stochastic Expected Value Sub Problem
Q(y, ξ ) = Min d (ξ ) x
 s.t. F (ξ ) x ≤ h (ξ ) + E (ξ ) y (13.60)
y binary facility, size, and technology status variables
x continuous material flow and storage variables
c fixed facility cost vector
d (ξ ) operational cost vector consisting of variable transportation, pur-
chasing, production, and inventory costs
h (ξ ) right-hand side of the technological constraints
E (ξ) F (ξ)    technology and conservation of product flow and storage matrix
H relationships between facility status variables
g right-hand side of the facility relationship constraints
E [v] expected value of random variable v
ξ randm vector
In the SAA method, a random sample of N realizations (scenarios) of the random
vector ξ is generated, and the expectation E Q (y, ξ ) is approximated by the

sample average function N1 Nn=1 Q (y, ξn ). Consequently, the original stochastic
problem is approximated by the following deterministic equivalent problem (DEP)
containing N scenarios
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 653


DEPN : min fˆN (y) ≡ cy + 1
Q (y, ξn ) . (13.61)

Model 13.3  Stochastic Expected Value Deterministic Equivalent Model


Min cy + ps ds xs
s.t. Hy ≤ g
 y ∈ {0, 1} (13.62)
−Es y + Fs xs ≤ hs
xs ≥ 0

s scenario index, s = 1,2,…N

ps probability of scenarios s, in the SAA method ps = 1 N
The focus is on modeling and the solution characteristics of the strategic supply
chain design model. In order to find the solution in a reasonable amount of time,
several algorithm extensions and accelerations have to be used. The impact of these
extensions will be shown here, but further details on the algorithm can be found in
Santoso et al. (2003) and Santoso (2002).
After the probability distributions of the stochastic parameters have been deter-
mined, the algorithm executes the following steps:
Algorithm 13.1.  Sample Average Approximation Algorithm for Strategic Supply
Chain Design
1. Repeat steps 2–4 for i = 1..M replications.
2. Create N scenarios by random sampling from the parameter distributions.
3. Solve the DEP with N scenarios to within a specified optimality gap, yielding
solution yi.
4. Evaluate solution yi by computing the solution to the recourse problem for N′
new random samples from the parameter distributions, record the mean µi ,
standard deviation σi , and range ρi of the solution value distribution.
5. Place the yi solutions in a mean versus standard deviation risk analysis graph and
identify all non-Pareto-dominated yi solutions.
6. Select a preferred configuration y* from among the non-Pareto-dominated yi
solutions based on the risk preferences of the corporation.
Steps 1–4 of the above algorithm contain the sample average approximation (SAA)
method, and steps 5 and 6 correspond to the classic risk analysis method. Kleywegt
et al. (2002) have shown that the SAA method converges to the optimal solution
and solution value. Based on the solutions yi a lower bound to the original mini-
mization problem and an incumbent feasible solution to the original problem can
be computed. From these the optimality gap can then be derived. Further details
can be found in Santoso et al. (2003) and Kleywegt et al. (2002). Finally, the SAA
654 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

algorithm uses an exterior sampling method, since the samples can be generated
independently of the optimization method. This independence allows a modular
structure of the overall algorithm, so that different optimal and heuristic methods
can be used to solve the problem. The evaluation of a given configuration in step
4 requires the solution of a large number of recourse problems that are themselves
large multi-commodity network flow problems with identical network structure.
Typically, N′ is chosen much larger than N. However, the most time-consuming step
in the algorithm remains the solution of the DEP problem with a large number of
scenarios. A specialized MIP algorithm based on accelerated Benders decomposi-
tion was used to solve the DEP for industrial problems in a reasonable computation
time. The details of this algorithm are shown in Appendix 12.A.
Two case studies based on industrial projects will be used to illustrate the results
obtained by the enhanced algorithm to solve the expected value problem described
above. The first case study focuses on the minimization of the before-tax costs
in a single country assuming that customer demand has to be satisfied. It will be
referred to as the domestic model. The second model focuses on the maximization
of the after-tax net cash flow (NCF) of a global corporation operating in multiple
countries. In this case the customer demands are upper bounds on the amount of
goods that can be sold to the customers. This model will be referred to as the global
model. In both models all the right hand side parameters, constraint coefficients,
and objective function coefficients are stochastic, i.e., they have known continuous
probability distributions.
The domestic model is an extension of the model presented in Dogan and
Goetschalckx (1996) through the inclusion of scenarios and similar to other models
in the literature. The supply chain has multiple echelons between the suppliers and
the customers. The supply chain of the industrial case study has two manufacturing
stages for the production of cardboard packages used in breweries and soft drink
bottling plants, which are the external customers. Only the single peak period is
considered, ignoring the seasonality patterns in the customer demands. The first
stage binary variables correspond to the opening or closing of facilities (major bi-
nary variables) and the installation of the number and different types of manufac-
turing lines or machines in the facilities (minor binary variables). The continuous
recourse variables correspond to the production and transportation material flows in
the supply chain. All customer demands must be fully satisfied, so the for this case
the cost minimization model is equivalent to the profit maximization model. Raw
materials and intermediate products quantities, requirements, and costs are mod-
eled in function of finished products delivered to the customers, so only finished
products are flowing through the supply chain. All costs are expressed in function
of a single currency. The fixed costs for the establishment of facilities and machines
correspond to the annualized equivalent before-tax costs. All transportation and
production costs are linear functions of the quantities produced or transported. Each
machine has a single resource capacity expressed in production hours and the vari-
ous products have different resource consumption rates on the different machines
expressed in hours per ton. A subset of the transportation channels has capacity
restrictions, which are binding for the optimal solution.
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 655

To model the stochastic nature of the real-world deterministic data it was as-
sumed that customer demands and production and transportation capacities are un-
certain with continuous lognormal probability distributions. The mean of the distri-
butions equaled the deterministic mean and the standard deviations were set to cer-
tain fractions of the mean to model different degrees of uncertainty. The use of the
lognormal distribution assures the nonnegativity of the demand and capacity values
and recent evidence provided by Kamath and Pakkala (2002) shows that lognormal
distributions are well-suited for modeling economic stochastic variables such as
demands. The supply chain solution configuration and used transportation channels
for the domestic and global problem are presented in Figs. 13.8 and 13.9, respec-
tively. The main characteristics of these two networks are presented in Table 13.18.
The global model is an extension of the model presented in Vidal and Goetschalckx
(2001) through the inclusion of scenarios, but the transfer prices, transportation cost
allocations, and duties and other international commercial terms (INCOTERMS)
are constant parameters, i.e. not decision variables. The supply chain has two manu-
facturing stages for the production of consumer paper tissues. The customers are
the regional wholesale distribution centers for the products in various countries in
South America. The model considers a single time period. As in the domestic cast,
the first-stage binary variables correspond to the opening or closing of facilities
(major binary variables) and the installation of the number and different types of

Fig. 13.8   Domestic supply

chain solution

Fig. 13.9   Global supply

chain solution (partial map)
656 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

Table 13.18   Domestic and Supply chain components Domestic Global

global characteristics Product families 13 29
Raw materials 13
Intermediate materials 8
Finished products 8
Total Facilities 142 87
Internal suppliers 2 6
Manufacturing plants 8 8
Machines 28 10
Finishing facilities 9 10
Finishing machines 93 36
Warehouses 2 17
Customers 238 17
Transporation channels 1559 239
Countries 1 7
Planning periods 1 1

manufacturing lines or machines in the facilities (minor binary variables). The con-
tinuous recourse variables correspond to the production and transportation material
flows in the supply chain. The finished products have a two-stage bill of materials
(BOM) and there are different production cost rates and conversion ratios for con-
verting a source product to an output product on a particular machine in a particular
facility. Scrap flows are not included in the model. There are possible facilities and
customers in seven different countries and all costs are converted to a single cur-
rency of the global corporation. The customer demand is an upper bound on the
amount of products that can be sold to respective customers. The objective is the
maximization of the worldwide after-tax net cash flow (NCF) of the corporation.
It is assumed that the local subsidiaries in each country have sufficiently large and
profitable operations so that they are subject to constant country-dependent margin-
al tax rates. In addition, the subsidiary in each country has a positive lower bound
constraint on their NCF, which implies that losses and negative tax credits are not
allowed in any country. The NCF is computed according to the generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP) and consistent with corporate financial reporting.
It is commonly accepted that increasing the number of scenarios in the DEP
increases the robustness of the solution, but at the cost of significantly increasing
the computational burden. In Table 13.19 the number of variables and constraints
in the DEP are shown for the two test cases in function of the number of scenarios
included in the DEP.
The numerical experiment supports four propositions: (1) the accelerated Bend-
ers decomposition scheme can solve industrial-sized problems with a large number
of scenarios in a reasonable amount of computation time, while standard solution
algorithms cannot; (2) the solutions generated by the SAA algorithm, based on mul-
tiple samples of the DEP each with many sampled scenarios, Pareto-dominate the
solutions of the mean value problem; (3) the solutions to the DEP become increas-
ingly robust with respect to the variability of the data with increasing number of
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 657

Table 13.19   Domestic and global deterministic equivalent model sizes

Domestic formulation problem statistics
Scenarios 1 20 40 60
Constraints 7,822 156,440 312,880 469,320
Inequality constraints 3,498 69,960 139,920 209,880
Equality constraints 4,324 86,480 172,960 259,440
Variables 21,052 418,380 836,620 1,254,860
Continuous variables 20,912 418,240 836,480 1,254,720
Binary variables 140 140 140 140

Global formulation statistics

Scenarios 1 10 20 60
Constraints 1,467 14,670 29,340 88,020
Inequality constraints 402 4,020 8,040 24,120
Equality constraints 1,065 10,650 21,300 63,900
Variables 6,894 68,310 136,550 409,510
Continuous variables 6,824 68,240 136,480 409,440
Binary variables 70 70 70 70

scenarios in the DEP; and (4) the stochastic solutions based on the SAA method
tend to establish more facilities and machines at a higher configuration cost but with
a significantly reduced operational recourse cost compared to the MVP solution.
Further details to support each these conclusions are given next.
The optimality gap for the domestic case was set to 0.01% and to 1% for the do-
mestic and global case, respectively. Solving the mean value problem to optimality
using a Pentium II 400 MHz computer and CPLEX 7.0 as the MIP solver required
42 s and 200 s for the domestic and global case, respectively. The computation times
by a standard MIP procedure of a commercial solver (CPLEX MIP), by the standard
Benders decomposition algorithm, and by the accelerated Benders decomposition
algorithm for the domestic and global case in function of the number of scenarios
in the DEP are shown in Fig. 13.10. The global model requires significantly more
computation time. For the domestic model, the standard MIP algorithm based on
branch-and-bound and linear programming relaxation is superior to the standard
implementation Benders decomposition up to 60 scenarios. For the global case,
standard Benders decomposition becomes more efficient than the MIP algorithm
for more than 15 scenarios. Both standard algorithms are strongly dominated by
accelerated Benders, especially for large number of scenarios in the DEP. The time
ratio is 7.9 for the domestic case and 60 scenarios and 50 for the global case and 20
scenarios. For the global case the accelerated Benders is the only algorithm that can
solve the DEP in a reasonable amount of time for more than 20 scenarios.
The number of recourse optimizations N′ to determine the mean and standard
deviation of the objective function associated with a particular configuration was
set equal to 1000. The values of the mean and standard deviation converge within
less than 500 recourse optimizations. However, to remain consistent all experiments
were run with N′ = 1000. The solutions to the stochastic formulation were compared
with the solution to the deterministic MVP in the classic risk analysis framework.
658 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

Fig. 13.10   CPU times for 90000

the two cases in function of 80000
the number of scenarios in

Domestic CPU Time (s)

the DEP




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Monolithic Decompostion Accelerated Decompositon


Global CPU Time (s)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Monolithic Decompostion Accelerated Decompositon

Their characteristics are shown in Fig. 13.11 More detailed statistics are provided
in Table 13.20.
Note that S1 and S2 do not indicate the same configuration in problems with dif-
ferent number of scenarios in the DEP. S1 is always the configuration with the best
expected value and S2 is always the configuration with the best (smallest) range.
Both the figures and the tables show that the solution of the MVP is Pareto-
dominated by the best solutions to the DEP, i.e., there exist solutions to the DEP that
have both a better expected value and a lower variability (either standard deviation
or range) than the MVP solution.
If the objective of the stochastic formulation is changed to a linear combination
of the expected value and a measure of the variability or dispersion such as the stan-
dard deviation, variance, or absolute deviation from the mean, i.e.,
 Max cy + E Q(y, ξ ) − α E Q(y, ξ ) − E Q(y, ξ )  (13.63)

then the efficiency frontier for a range of values of α can be determined. The ef-
ficiency frontier for this discrete configuration problem may not be a concave or
continuous function. However, if either the standard deviation or the variance are
used as the dispersion measure as shown in the next formula then the objective
function is a concave function.
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 659

Fig. 13.11   Risk analysis 90

graph for domestic configura- 80
tions ( N = 5 or 60, N′ = 1000)

Range Total Cost (M$)






N=5 MVP Efficiency SLE
111 112 113 114 115 116 117
Average Total Cost (M$)
Standard Deviation of Total Cost (M$)





MVP N=60 Efficiency SLE

111 112 113 114 115 116
Average Total Cost (M$)

Max cy + E Q(y, ξ ) − αSTDEV Q(y, ξ ) (13.64)

In the two cases studies investigated, the MVP solution has a much larger range
and worse worst-case objective, i.e., the maximum cost for the domestic case or the
minimum NCF for the global case, which supports the assertion that MVP solutions
are much more “fragile” or less robust than DEP solutions.

Table 13.20   Statistics MVP S1 S2

for various solutions to
N =5
the domestic problem
( N′=1000) Avg. 116.2 111.7 112.1
Max 173.7 129.1 127.9
Min 96.8 100.6 100.8
Range 76.9 28.5 27.1
Std. D. 14.3 4.2 4.2
Avg. 115.9 111.1 111.1
Max 162.5 123.3 123.3
Min 98.6 100.7 100.7
Range 64.0 22.7 22.7
Std. D. 9.8 3.5 3.5
660 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

Fig. 13.12   Risk analysis 35

graph for global configura-
tions ( N = 5 or 60, N′ = 1000)

Range of NCF (M$)




N=5 MVP Efficiency SLE
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Mean NCF (M$)


Standard Deviation of NCF (M$)




N=60 MVP Efficiency SLE
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Average NCF (M$)

The risk tradeoff preferences of the corporation are modeled through the param-
eter α. However, the value of α is usually only known approximately. The standard
deviation versus expected value risk analysis graph can determine the boundary
values of ranges of α for which a particular configuration is preferred. 1/α equals
the slope of the tangent to the efficiency SLE identifying the preferred configuration
in the standard deviation versus expected value graph.
To further investigate the robustness of solutions to the DEP the variability of the
data was varied as indicated in Table 13.22.
The following two graphs in Fig. 13.13 show the behavior of the range of the
objective in the function of the data variability for the domestic and global case,
respectively. Solution S2 with minimum range was selected from all the solutions
generated by the SAA algorithm, which corresponds to a high value of α for the risk
preference parameter of the corporation.
For both cases, the MVP solution has larger range and the range grows faster
than for the DEP solutions when the variability of the data increases. The mean val-
ues, worst-case objective, and the standard deviations of the solutions all show the
same behavior. For the domestic case the DEP solution is slightly better and for the
13.4 Strategic Robust Supply Chain Design Incorporating Uncertainty 661

Table 13.21   Statistics for MVP S1 S2

various solutions to the
global problem (N′=1000) N=5
Avg. 51.0 53.9 47.3
Min 37.8 38.5 36.7
Max 64.9 69.2 60.4
Range 27.1 30.6 23.7
Std.D. 4.0 4.3 3.5
Avg. 51.0 54.0 32.3
Min 35.2 43.1 23.7
Max 64.3 69.4 44.0
Range 29.0 26.3 20.3
Std.D. 4.0 3.9 3.0
Avg. 51.0 54.1 32.3
Min 31.4 46.5 23.7
Max 67.0 68.1 44.0
Range 35.6 21.5 20.3
Std.D. 4.0 3.8 3.0

global case the DEP solution is significantly better when the number of scenarios
increases from 20 to 60. Regardless of the number of scenarios, the DEP solutions
are more resistant to variability in the data than the MVP solutions for both the
domestic and global case.
The supply chain configuration of the MVP solutions was also compared to the
configuration of the DEP solutions. For both the domestic and the global case, the
DEP solution uses almost always more machines than the MVP solution. The DEP
solutions also establish the same number or more facilities than the MVP solutions.
This implies that the fixed cost for the DEP solutions is higher than for the MVP
solution. However, the corresponding additional capacity allows the supply chain to
respond to larger customer demands without resorting to outsourcing from external
suppliers. In other words, installing more capacity is a risk mitigation strategy for
the supply chain. The fixed and operational costs of the MVP and the best DEP solu-
tions are compared in Table 13.23.
The small configuration example and the industrial domestic and global supply
chain configuration projects have shown that explicit incorporation of uncertainty
in the data yields significantly more robust supply chain configurations. In all of
the examples from the literature and industrial projects the optimal configuration of
the mean value problem with the best-guess values of the data was always Pareto-

Table 13.22   Coefficient of Problem Customer demand Other parameters

variation (CV) statistics of variability Coeff. variation Coeff. variation
problem data variability
Low 15% 5%
Medium 30% 10%
High 40% 20%
662 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models



Domestic Total Cost Range (M$)







MVP DEP(20) DEP(60)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Data Variability (CV%)



Global Total NCF Range (M$)






MVP DEP(20) DEP(60)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Data Variability (CV%)

Fig. 13.13   Robustness behavior of the range of the solution objectives ( N′ = 1000)

dominated by configurations derived based on multiple scenarios. It did not matter

if the standard deviation, the mean absolute deviation, or the range was used as the
measure of dispersion of the objective value and the risk analysis graph. The objec-
tive function used was the expected value of the performance criteria, be it either
cost minimization or profit or NCF maximization.
13.5 Conclusions 663

Table 13.23   Fixed versus Domestic Global

operational costs (N = 20) MVP DEP MVP DEP
Fixed cost 3.8 4.7 11.6 13.9
Operational cost 113.0 106.3
NCF without fixed 62.6 67.9
Total cost or NCF 116.8 111.0 51.0 54.0

It should be noted that including more scenarios creates larger problem instances.
Hence including more scenarios improves the configuration quality but a significant
increase in computational burden. The number of scenarios to include correspond-
ing to the best tradeoff between solution quality and computational burden depends
on the size and the structure of the supply chain. Given the significant financial
impact of supply chain configurations, a value of 50 appears to be a reasonable
number of scenarios. Computational power and the power of off-the-shelf mixed
integer programming solvers continue to increase. The implementation of a targeted
algorithm such as Benders decomposition appears to only be needed for the largest
problem instances.

13.5 Conclusions

In this chapter, a collection of models for the strategic design of supply chains
was presented. The model extensions for several real-world considerations such as
safety inventory, bill-of-materials relationships between products, local content re-
quirements, and data uncertainty were developed. For some of these extensions the
basic solution methodology of mixed integer programming still can yield solutions
within acceptable computation times. However, large problem instances or models
incorporating uncertainty require specialized algorithms. Knowledge of such spe-
cialized algorithms is almost never available within the corporation that is design-
ing the supply chain. The supply chain configuration provided at a particular time
by an external consulting group may be difficult to adapt to the changing business
conditions. The strategic design of a supply chain is most successful if it is executed
as a continuous effort and part of a core business planning function. The ongoing
data collection, model creation, solution generation, and result presentation requires
in house expertise and tools. The necessary resources have to be made available for
the original creation and the support of these decision support tools.
There will always be a tradeoff between a general purpose tool and a narrowly
focused and specific decision support tool. The continuously growing power of
standard computing resources has made the development of design environments
possible. These design environments can contain a richer variety of models and of
solution algorithms and can still be used by supply chain professionals rather than
by supply chain, modeling, and algorithm specialists. Without doubt, there will be
664 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

design problems where the proposed model is not sufficiently accurate or detailed.
A prominent example is the assumption that the production cost and resource re-
quirements for producing a particular product at a manufacturing plant are indepen-
dent of the production quantity or the product mix produced at this plant. Also, the
treatment of safety inventory is very simplistic but conservative and realistic. At
the same time, the execution times of the algorithms described above will be larger
than that of specialized models and solution techniques when designing systems of
comparable size.
But the goal was to reduce the time required to design a supply chain system for
a company without extensive prior experience in this area. The predefined structure
of the model allows the company to focus on the data collection and sensitivity
analysis parts of the design task. The algorithm enhancements allow the strategic
model to be solved for these real life cases in a fraction of the time of a general
purpose solver, if the general purpose solver can reach a solution at all. At the same
time, the modeling environments have been of significant help in communicating
models and solution algorithms with industrial companies and with students in un-
dergraduate, graduate and continuing education classes. It is my belief that there is a
place for generic but domain specific design models, algorithms, and modeling en-
vironments that bridge the gap between multipurpose algebraic modeling languages
and one-of-a-kind specialized models and associated solution algorithms.

13.6 Exercises

13.6.1  S
 trategic Model Extension: Assembly Operations  
in Warehouses

Consider the strategic model for the design of strategic production–distribution sys-
tems. Assume that some assembly operations can be performed in the last ware-
house before the products reach the customers. There are two intermediate prod-
ucts, denoted by A and B, and there are two final products, denoted by C and D. The
assembly equations for the final assembly are:

2A + 3B = C
2B + 5A = 2D

In other words, the first assembly equation states that two units of product A plus
three units of product B are required to make one unit of product C.
Assembling one product C takes 9 min; assembling two units of product D takes
24 min. The handling of one unit of product C from receiving through shipping
takes 3 min. The handling of one unit of product D from receiving through shipping
takes 7 min. The handling of an assembled unit of product C takes 1 min. The han-
13.6 Exercises 665

dling of an assembled unit of product D takes 2 min. All assembly and handling has
to be done by a team of ten equivalent workers. Each works 480 min per shift. The
cost per minute of labor spent on either handling or assembling products C and D
is equal to $1. Assembling product D requires the presence of a particular machine.
This presence is denoted by variable MachineN , equal to 1 if the machine is present,
zero otherwise. The fixed cost per shift for Machine N is equal to $100.

1. Clearly define all your variables and parameters consistent with the tactical
model and list the legend.
2. Write down explicitly the flow conservation equations for the last warehouse
before the products reach the customers (i.e., without summation signs and with
numerical values for all parameters).
3. Write down explicitly the capacity constraint for the total throughput of products
C and D through this final warehouse (i.e., without summation signs and with
numerical values for all parameters).
4. Write the linkage or consistency constraints for assembly of product D and
Machine N
5. Write the cost function for the handling and assembly of products C and D. Recycling Operations

Consider the integrated model for the design of strategic logistics systems. The fol-
lowing questions are related to extending this strategic logistics model to incorpo-
rate for various additional constraints, commonly encountered in practice. In your
answers, clearly indicate the bounds of any summations signs you might have used
and the number of constraints of that particular type.
Using the notation developed in class for the strategic model, write down the
most compact constraint which assures that at most one transportation channel
between an origin facility i and destination facility j is used, assuming there are
many alternative or parallel transportation channels available between the origin
and destination facility. These alternatives are indexed by m. Give a clear definition
of the variables and parameters used in this constraint. Will there be many or few
constraints of this type in the extended model?
Assume that if a warehouse is used, then it must have a minimum throughput
or material flow through this warehouse. This minimum throughput is denoted by
MinFlowjl for a warehouse of type l at site j. Write down the most compact con-
straint which assures that if the warehouse of that type at that site is used it will have
at least the required minimum throughput. Give a clear definition of the variables
and parameters used in this constraint. Will there be many or few constraints of this
type in the extended model?
Consider the case where a raw material vendor i ships raw material p to a
manufacturing plant j. The production process at the manufacturing plant creates
a finished product q and scrap material t. The finished product is shipped to dis-
666 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

tribution center k. The scrap material is returned to the vendor from which it came
to be recycled at the raw material vendor. All shipments occur at a weekly fre-
quency. The amount of all material flows is expressed in tons per week. The pro-
duction process at the plant has a 20% scrap rate, i.e., 20% of the incoming raw
material is scrapped. All material flows are carried by identical, company owned
trucks which carry exclusively company materials. The materials are heavy so
all trucks are constrained by their weight capacity only. The company can use or
deploy at most V trucks. Write down all the required constraints to ensure that the
design model will find a feasible solution. Use the notation developed in class and
extend it in a logical fashion when required. Write the most compact constraints.
Give a clear definition of the variables and parameters used in this constraint. The
formulation for this case depends strongly on the detailed assumptions that are
made regarding transportation. List clearly all your transportation assumptions.

13.7 Appendix 13.A  Benders Decomposition Algorithm

for the stochastic strategic supply chain design

The DEP is a large mixed integer programming problem with block angular struc-
ture and joining binary configuration variables. Such problems lend themselves to
primal Benders decomposition schemes, originally proposed by Benders (1962),
which are also known as L-shaped decomposition methods in the stochastic pro-
gramming literature, see, e.g., Van Slyke and Wets (1969).
Algorithm 13.2.  Original Benders Primal Decomposition Algorithm
Step 1: Initialization: set the iteration counter k = 0 and solve the initial master
min cy + ϕ
 s.t. Hy ≤ g (13.65)
yf ∈ {0, 1} ∀f

Let y0 be the optimal solution and let LB = cy0 be current lower bound and let
U B−1 = ∞ be the feasible upper bound (which does not exist at this time).
Step 2: Subproblem solution:


 Min ps ds xs
s=1 (13.66)
s.t. Fs xs ≤ hs + Es yk
xs ≥ 0
13.7 Appendix 13.A Benders Decomposition Algorithm 667

Let xk , λk , µk be the optimal primal and dual solution variables and let

z k = cyk + Ss=1 ps ds xsk be value of current primal feasible solution

Step 3: Convergence Test: compute the upper bound (incumbent primal feasible
solution value)
 U Bk = min U Bk−1 , z k (13.67)

and compute the relative optimality gap

 U Bk − LBk
gapk = , gapk = ∞ if LBk = 0 (13.68)

if gapk ≤ ε terminate with the yk , xk as the optimal solution, otherwise incre-
ment the iteration counter k = k + 1 and go to Step 4
Step 4: Master Problem Solution: add the feasibility cut based on the dual variables
 k k
λ , µ and solve the expanded master problem

min cy + ϕ
s.t. Hy ≤ g  
 l  l
ϕ+ µfs · efs yf ≥ λcps · hcps l = 1...k (13.69)
f s c p s
yf ∈ {0, 1} ∀f

where efs and hcps are the corresponding elements of the matrix E and vector h. Let
yk be the optimal solution and let LB = cyk + ϕ be current lower bound and go to
Step 2.
While these schemes are theoretically guaranteed to converge, very large gaps
during the initial iterations and poor convergence behavior during the final itera-
tions limit the straightforward application of this primal decomposition method in
practice. Several acceleration techniques have been implemented that dramatically
reduce the computation times and allow for the solution of realistically sized DEP
in a reasonable amount of computation time. The acceleration techniques are briefly
described below and further details of the acceleration techniques and their effec-
tiveness can be found in Santoso et al. (2003) and Santoso (2003).
In the standard implementation of the Benders algorithm, the early iterations
have a very large optimality gap because the master problem contains very few
primal cuts and the corresponding solutions close most of the facilities. Logistics
constraints are additional constraints in the master problem that must be satisfied
in order for a feasible solution to exist. One example is the constraint that ensures
that each echelon in the supply chain has sufficient capacity in the open facilities
668 13 Advanced Supply Chain Models

to satisfy the total customer demand or the average customer demand. The logistics
constraints have the following general form, where xs is a vector of parameters
with realized values.

−Es y ≤ hs − Fs xs
 or (13.70)
Es y ≥ Fs xs − hs


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Appendix A: Standard Distributions

A.1. Cumulative Normal Distribution

Figure A.1 and Table A.1 show the cumulative standard normal distribution in func-
tion of z, i.e., P [x ≤ z] in function of z, where x = N(0,1). The values can also be
computed with the NORMSDIST function in the Excel spreadsheet.

Fig. A.1 Cumulative standard normal distribution

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 671

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
672 Appendix A: Standard Distributions

Table A.1 Cumulative standard normal distribution

Fig. A.2 Standard normal distribution

A.2. Unit Loss Function 673

The standard normal density function with mean equal to zero and standard de-
viation equal to one is shown in Fig. A.2.

A.2. Unit Loss Function

Figure A.3 and Table A.2 show theunit loss distribution in function of z. The unit
loss function is defined as L(z) = z∞ (t − z)φ(t)dt, where ϕ(t) is the standard
normal density function. The unit loss function can be computed with the Excel
formula NORMDIST(z,0,1,0)-z*(1-NORMDIST(z)).

Fig. A.3 Unit loss function

Table A.2 Unit loss function


A move, 308, 351, 353

A Math Programming Language, 174, nearest addition, 244, 245
176–179, 204–207, 547, 568, 571, 574, nearest insertion, 242–244
576, 603, 605, 607, 610, 641 Nearest Neighbor, 224, 225, 226, 237, 248,
ABC, 498, 506 251, 253, 263, 266, 280, 281, 307, 334,
Activity based costing, see ABC 336, 338, 374, 378, 385, 427, 429
Adaptive models, 65, 76 non-deterministic, 53
Adaptive smoothing, 72 optimal, 51, 165, 274
Additive decomposition, 99 priciest insertion, 240–243, 263, 264, 266,
Advanced planning systems, 10 267, 349, 350, 380, 385
AGV, 145, 146 primal, 52
Algorithms, 49, 160–163, 167, 188–190, 193, quad, 228, 230, 231
226–228, 230, 233, 238, 253, 254, 273, savings, 231, 232, 233, 261–263, 266, 267,
274, 280, 297, 316, 342, 354, 380, 526, 280–283, 285, 309, 318, 327, 331, 341,
553, 601, 636, 653, 666 342, 344, 346, 363, 390, 403, 405, 414,
2-opt, 307 425
3-opt, 307 simulated annealing, 53, 246–248,
alternative-generating, 53, 273 308–310
alternative-selecting, 53, 273 simulation, 55
approximate, 51 SPP, 161–163, 166, 354, 355
chain-opt, 307 steepest descent, 53, 246, 308
cheapest insertion, 239, 240, 241, 243, swap, 310, 352
258, 305, 348–351, 353, 422 sweep, 226, 228, 251, 263, 266, 280,
construction, 53, 227, 228, 280, 295, 427 287–290, 296, 298, 338–341, 375, 379,
cyclic exchange, 308 388, 390
deterministic, 53 AMPL, see A Math Programming Language
dual, 52, 228, 230 AP, 219, 252, 277, 347
exact, 51, 251 APS, see Advanced planning systems
extreme crossovers, 346, 348 Arc-based model, 572, 574, 575, 576, 607
farthest insertion, 243, 244 ARIMA, 66
first descent, 53, 246 ATSP, 218–220, 252
GAP, 294 Average, 79
giant tour, 280, 292 Average weighted age, 83
heuristic, 11, 51, 53, 214–216, 251, 259, Average-case error bound, 52
274, 300, 482, 639
improvement, 53, 245–247, 253, 279, 280, B
306–310, 331, 351, 354, 355, 366, 403, Backorder, 437
429 Balanced network, 204

M. Goetschalckx, Supply Chain Engineering, International Series in Operations Research 675

& Management Science 161,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6512-7, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
676 Index

Benchmarking, 28 Decision support systems, 516

Bias, 68, 71 Delivered with Duty Paid, 151
Bill of lading, 151 Delphi method, 64
Bill of materials, 30, 63, 481, 525, 540, 541, DEP, 643, 646, 651–661, 666, 667
543, 573 Derived shortage cost, 475
BOL, see Bill of lading Deterministic equivalent problem, see DEP
BOM, see Bill of materials Direct service, 516
Box-Jenkins methods, 66 Diseconomies of scope, 32
Dispersion, 512, 514
C Disposal cost, 437
Carrier, 129 Distance, 528, 548, 552, 554, 557, 558, 583,
Carrying cost, 436 586, 588–591, 593, 594, 599
Casual models, 66 Euclidean, 37, 43, 423, 554, 588, 591, 593
Center, 525, 531, 532, 536, 539, 547, 548, Distance norms, 15, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 217,
550, 553–557, 564, 572, 578, 579, 581, 222, 223, 266, 295, 333, 390, 528, 548,
597, 598, 601, 602 552, 558, 589, 594, 599
Centralization, 511 chebyshev, 42, 43, 45
Chain-opt, 306 Euclidean, 46, 223, 248, 251, 261, 263,
Change-constrained optimization, 643 274, 302, 321, 334, 381, 385, 390, 548,
Cheapest insertion, 239, 348 587, 588, 591, 593
CLM, 1 great circle, 42, 46, 47, 558
Coefficient of determination, 506 rectilinear, 42–44
COFC, 138 ring-radial, 42, 45, 46
Co-location, 514 Distribution requirements planning, 10, 441,
Column generation, 320 480
Common carrier, 129 Distribution resource planning, 10, 441, 480
Complete graph, 162 DOS, see Days of stock
Cone of uncertainty, 102 Double exponential smoothing, 91–93, 95, 96
Confidence interval, 69 Double-stack, 137, 138
Consecutive ones property, 187 Draft, 142–144
Consolidation, 512, 514 DRP, see Distribution resource planning
Constant data pattern, 77, 79, 82, 92, 107 Dwt, see Deadweight
Container-on-flat-car, 138
Continuous review policies, 465 E
Contract carrier, 129 ECO, 20
Cost, insurance, and freight, 150 Economic order quantity, 446, 450, 451, 468,
CPM, 167 470, 472, 473, 482, 491
CPP, 213 Economic production quantity, 448, 450
Critical path method, see CPM Economies of scale, 32, 33, 128, 130–132,
Critical ratio, 455 136, 433, 511–514, 516, 526, 617, 618
CSCMP, 1, 3, 432 Efficiency frontier, 500, 651, 658
Curve fitting, 89 Emergency inventory, 435
Customer focus, 514 Engineering change order, see ECO
Customer service, 501 Enterprise resource planning, 2, 10–13, 23,
Cwt, 131, 132 517, 616
Cycle inventory, 433, 444 EOQ, see Economic order quantity
Cycle length, 97 EPQ, see Economic production quantity
Cyclic exchange, 310 ERP, see Enterprise resource planning
EU, 3, 8, 14, 131
D European Union, see EU
Damping factor, 80, 87, 92 Ex Works, 150
Days of stock, 440 Excess cost, 453, 454
Deadweight ton, 132, 150 Expected lost sales, 437, 464, 488, 498
Index 677

Exponential smoothing, 80 DDP, 151

Extreme crossovers, 346 EXW, 150, 151
FOB, 150, 151, 639
F In-stock probability, 437, 455
Farthest insertion, 225, 243, 244, 385 Integrality property, 185, 187, 199, 325
FEU, 146, 150 International Chamber of Commerce, see ICC
Fill rate, 31, 34, 437, 439, 442, 463, 464, 472, In-transit inventory, 434, 536
480, 484, 486, 490 Inventory age, 440
First descent, 53, 246–248, 308–310 Inventory velocity, 436, 440
Fishyback, 142
Fixed costs, 33, 129, 449, 498, 553, 538, 562, J
565, 574, 577, 582, 638, 648, 654 JIT, 433, 434, 441
Flexibility penalty, 32 Just-in-time, 434, 441
Forecast error, 67–73, 78, 80, 82, 87, 88, 93,
102, 120, 122, 124, 125, 446 L
Foreign trade zone, 151, 152 Label correcting algorithms, 166
Fragility, 501, 511, 627 Label setting algorithms, 166
Free On Board, 150 LAP, 53, 547, 552, 553, 555, 556
Free trade zone, 151 Leading indicators, 67
Freight bill, 23, 151 Least squares method, 89
Freight ton, 132, 150 Less than truck load, 23, 33, 132
FTL, 27, 33, 133 Linear programming, 21, 50, 51, 170, 173,
FTZ, see Foreign trade zone 177, 189, 207, 210, 278, 303, 319, 324,
Full truck load, see FTL 347, 354, 356, 360, 365, 420, 429, 527,
528, 540, 543, 558, 635, 639–642, 646
G Linear regression, 89, 91–94, 101, 115
GAP, 274, 277, 278, 293–295, 297, 298, 300, Local content requirements, 616, 634, 663
303, 366, 414, 415, 420, 423, 424, 429 Location problem, 42, 548, 550, 552, 559,
GDP, 4, 8 588, 600
Generalized network, 184, 185, 199 Location-allocation problem, see LAP
Geocoding, 23, 24, 519 Long hundredweight, 131
Geoffrion and Graves distribution model, 569, Long ton, 132
570 Lost sales, 436–438, 464, 478, 488
Giant tour, 280, 291, 292 LP, see Linear programming
Gross domestic product, see GDP LP format, 177, 178
Gross tonnage, 132 LTL, see Less than truck load
GT, see Gross tonnage
H MAD, 67, 68
Holding cost, 432, 436, 446, 447, 451, 468, Make to order, 31, 62, 448, 632
480, 532, 578, 579, 581 Make to stock, 31, 62
Holding cost rate, 436, 442, 443, 446, 486, MAPE, 68, 69, 86, 95–97, 105, 114, 119, 122
532, 535, 537, 581 Marginal loss, 453, 458
Holt’s method, 91 Marginal profit, 452, 453, 458
Hub and spoke, 4, 132, 133, 496, 516 Master planning, 10, 540
Hundredweight, 131, 132 Material requirements planning, 10, 441, 480,
Hyperboloid approximation, 594 481
MCMFP, 182–184
I MCNFP, 159, 160, 168, 170, 173, 174, 177,
ICC, 150, 151 183, 184, 201, 204, 206
Incoterms, 127, 150, 151 ME, 68
CIF, 150, 151 Mean absolute percentage error, see MAPE
678 Index

Mean error, see ME NT, see Net tonnage

Mean squared error, 68
Mean value problem, 501, 642 O
Min–max inventory policy, 477 Opportunistic service, 516
Median, 556 Optimality gap, 52, 633, 639–641, 643, 653,
Metric ton, 132 657, 667
Milk run, 133 Order of running time, 49, 50, 327
Min-cut, max-flow problem, see MCNFP Order-up-to quantity, 476, 477
Minimum cost network flow problem, see Overage cost, 453
Minimum spanning tree, 252–256 P
MIP, 11, 21, 38, 50, 354, 547, 558, 565, 566, Pareto curve, 27, 504–506, 508, 509
571, 577, 616 Pareto’s principle, 504
Mixed-integer programming, see MIP Path-based model, 572, 576, 610
Models P-Center problem, 528, 556, 559
analog, 36 Peddling, 133
deductive, 39 Periodic review policies, 465, 476
descriptive, 38, 56, 527 Periodicity, 97–100
deterministic, 39, 616, 642, 649 PERT, 167
iconic, 36 Piggyback, 138, 578
inferential, 39 Pipeline, 129, 135, 136, 150, 535
mathematical, 21, 36, 38, 51, 63, 483, 524, Pipeline inventory, 434, 443, 480, 625
525, 547, 616 P-median problem, 556–559, 623
normative, 10, 38, 41, 49, 56 Point estimate, 69
physical, 36 Point-to-point, 132, 133
stochastic, 39 Polynomial fitting, 89
symbolic, see Mathematical Priciest insertion, see Algorithms
Monetary equivalent flow, 635 Pricing problem, 54, 193, 315, 316, 320–327,
Move, 3, 44, 45, 136, 139, 182, 214, 215, 217, 330, 331, 354, 362, 363, 365, 368, 425,
230, 265, 280, 308, 310, 351–353, 355, 426, 428, 429
515 Private carrier, 129
Moving averages, 66, 71, 75, 77, 79, 80, Private fleet, 129, 332
82–87, 94, 95 Process focus, 513
MRP, see Material requirements planning Product focus, 513
MSE, see Mean squared error Product life cycle, 503, 504, 632
MST, see Minimum spanning tree Profiling, 23, 511
MTO, see Make to order Program evaluation and review technique, see
MTS, see make to stock PERT
Multicommodity network flow problem, 184
Multi-echelon, 521, 525, 571–573, 575, 607,
610 Q
Multiplicative decomposition, 99 Quad, 228, 230, 231
MVP, see Mean value problem Qualitative methods, 64
Quantity discounts, 31, 32, 130, 512, 617–619
Naïve forecast, 79 Ready rate, 438, 439
Nearest addition, 244 Regionalization, 511, 513
Nearest insertion, 242 Regression analysis, 39, 89
Nearest Neighbor, see Algorithm Reorder cost, 436
Net tonnage, 132 Request for proposal, 19
Node potential, 189, 190, 192–198, 200 Residual, 67, 69, 70, 102, 104, 189, 190, 192,
North American Free Trade Association, see 193, 209, 211
NAFTA Residual sum of squares, 69
Index 679

RFID, 8, 633 Smoothing constant, 80

RFP, 19 SOP, 16
Risk analysis, 499 SOS1, 619
Risk analysis graph, 500, 524, 650, 651, 653, Special ordered set constraints, 619
660, 662 Speculative inventory, 434
Robustness, 501, 514, 615, 616, 643, 656, 660 SPP, 156, 312, 353
Roll-on, roll-off, 142, 143 SPPRC, see Shortest path problem with
Root mean squared error, 67, 68, 78, 118 resource constraints
Roro, 142 SSE, 69
Row price heuristic, 315, 316, 423 Standard deviation, 69
RPP, 213 Standard operating procedure, 16
RSS, see Residual sum of squares Standard type library, 163, 288
Static models, 65, 67, 76, 78
S Steepest descent, 53, 246, 248, 290, 308–310
SAA, 643, 652, 653, 656, 657, 660 STL, see Standard type library
Safety inventory, 434, 465 Stock out, 437
Salvage value, 437, 452 Stock turnover, 440
Sample efficiency envelop, 500, 501, 510 STSP, 222, 251, 252, 259
Sampling-average approximation, see SAA Successive shortest path algorithm, 188, 190,
Savings, 231, 281, 283, 287, 341–343, 376, 193, 200, 210, 211
390, 405 Sum of squared errors, see SSE
Scenario-based optimization, 643 Supply chain, 3, 10, 29, 57, 497, 521, 523
SCM, 3, 11 channels, 32
Seasonal data pattern, 77, 97, 101 customers, 571
Seasonal inventory, 434, 445 facilities, 528
Seasonal linear regression, 101 locations, 29
Seasonality factors, 105 periods, 29
SEE, see Sample efficiency envelop products, 30
Set partitioning problem, 156, 159–163, 165, scenarios, 34, 644
166, 168, 170, 177, 190, 201, 274, suppliers, 31
311–316, 318–320, 326, 327, 355, 356, transformers, 32
365, 373, 424, 425, 429 Supply chain components, 13, 29, 498, 528
column generation, 274, 320, 368, 380 Supply chain management, see SCM
formulation, 312, 313, 315, 316 Supply chain planning meta-model, 34
pricing problem, see Pricing problem Swap, 308, 352
row price heuristic, 316, 423 Sweep, 226–228, 263, 266, 287, 289, 291,
Ship class, 143 338, 339, 375, 379, 388, 390
capesize, 144
Malacamax, 144 T
Panamax, 144 TCO, 18
Suezmax, 144 TEU, 144, 146, 150
ULCC, 143, 144, 150 Time series, 76
Shipper, 129, 131, 136, 139, 151, 156, 432 Time series models, 65, 76
Short hundredweight, 132 TOFC, 138
Short ton, 132 Ton, 132
Shortage cost, 437, 452 Total cost of ownership, see TCO
Shortest path problem, 156 TP, 184
Shortest path problem with resource Tracking signal, 71
constraints, 325 Trailer-on-flat-car, see TOFC
Simple exponential smoothing, 80 Transfer pricing, 515
Simulated Annealing, 246 Transit time, 131
Single sourcing, 31 Transportation problem, see TP
Site relative cost, 567 Trend data pattern, 87–89
680 Index

Triple exponential smoothing, 105–107, scientific method, 28

113–115 sensitivity analysis, 28
TSP, 213, 214, 216–219, 222, 224–226, 228, Variable costs, 130
230, 232, 233, 237, 238, 245, 246, 248, Vehicle routing with backhauling, 272, 324,
251–253, 255, 260, 272, 280, 289, 291, 332, 333, 335, 354, 356, 365, 375, 379
292, 298, 305, 307, 317, 323, 366, 368, Vehicle routing with time windows, 273, 324,
415, 422 364–366
Two-bin inventory policy, 476 VRP, 217, 272–274
VRPB, see Vehicle routing with backhauling
U VRPTW, see Vehicle routing with time
ULCC, 143, 144, 150 windows
Underage cost, 452
Unimodularity property, 199 W
Unit cost, 436 Warehouse location problem, 521, 528, 559,
Unit loss function, 461, 462, 473, 493, 537, 560, 562–569, 572, 573, 603
673 Weighted moving averages, 79, 80
Unit value, 436, 443 Winter’s method, 105, 112
WIP, 434, 480
V WLP, see Warehouse location problem
Validation, 28, 29, 54, 55, 57, 475, 499 Work-in-process inventory, see WIP
benchmarking, 28 Worst-case error bound, 51
component validation, 28 WTO, 14, 128
face validation, 28 WWW, 8, 24, 48, 165

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