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Aris A. Syntetos, Service Parts Management - Demand Forecasting and Inventory Control-Springer-Verlag London (2011)

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Service Parts Management

Nezih Altay  Lewis A. Litteral


Service Parts Management

Demand Forecasting and Inventory Control

Assoc. Prof. Nezih Altay Assoc. Prof. Lewis A. Litteral
Department of Management Robins School of Business
DePaul University University of Richmond
1 E. Jackson Blvd. Westhampton Way 28
Depaul Center 7000 Richmond, VA 23173
Chicago, IL 60604 USA
USA e-mail:

ISBN 978-0-85729-038-0 e-ISBN 978-0-85729-039-7

DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7

Springer London Dordrecht Heidelberg New York

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

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To my wife and best friend, Ozge, for

standing by me without reservation, and my
daughter, Ela who I love like the oceans.
N. A.

To the one and only, Anna, my wife and best

friend in life; Daniel, Catie, and Drew, the
three who make it worthwhile; and Cash,
Penny, and Archie who bring joy to all of us.
L. A. L.

There are 14 distinct contributions to this volume from authors who hail from more
than ten countries representing universities from six countries around the world.
Although their approaches to the management of spare parts are widely divergent,
everyone involved in the project agrees on two things: first, the management of
spare parts is important because of its prevailing nature and magnitude and second,
the problems associated with the management of spare parts are complex and
really very hard. The first point is the motivation for the volume and we think that
the second point is moderated somewhat by the talent, experience, and hard work
of the authors whose work is presented.
Many industries rely on the management of spare parts including military
weapon systems in naval and aircraft applications, commercial aviation, infor-
mation technology, telecom, automotive, and white goods such as fabrics and large
household appliances. Some of these applications involve providing service parts
to end users while others involve the maintenance of manufacturing facilities for
products like textiles and automobiles.
According to an article in the McKinsey Quarterly authored by Thomas Knecht,
Ralf Leszinski, and Felix A. Weber, the after-sales business accounts for 10–20%
of revenues and a much larger portion of total contribution margin in most
industrial companies.Equally important, during a given product’s life cycle, after-
sales can generate atleast three times the turnover of the original purchase,
especially for industrial equipment. A well-run after-sales business can also pro-
vide strategic benefits. Customers are usually less concerned about spare part
prices than about speed of delivery and availability of service know how, whether
on-site or via telephone. The reason is simple: down-time costs typically run at
anywhere from 100 to 10,000 times the price of spare parts or service. And that
means good performance can boost customer satisfaction, and thus, build repur-
chase loyalty in the original equipment business.
With specific regard to spare parts management policies used by the armed
services of the United States, the General Accounting Office reported in 1997 that
the inventory of service parts at non-major locations was valued at over $8.3 billion
and that the need for many of the items stored at non-major locations is

viii Preface

questionable. Of the $8.3 billion of inventory at the non-major locations,

$2.7 billion of it was not needed to meet the services’ current operating and war
reserve requirements. Maintaining inventory that is not needed is expensive and
does not contribute to an effective, efficient, and responsive supply system. Based
on GAO’s analysis, GAO estimates the services that could save about $382 million
annually in inventory holding costs by eliminating inventory at non-major locations
that is not needed to meet current operating and war reserve requirements.
Academics and practitioners will find this volume valuable, as a starting point
for spare parts research or to augment their current knowledge, for the results
presented here as well as the foundation upon which those results are built as
indicated in the extensive literature reviews and reference sections of each paper.
There are a number of papers in this volume that provide some level of
summary and thus are particularly suited to readers looking for an initial under-
standing of the field of managing spare parts. One of these is the work by Andrew
Huber where he provides a framework for evaluating the application of alternative
techniques noting that this is a place where practice often lags theory. Macchi et al.
discuss a structured framework of five steps whereby decisions can be made
regarding the maintenance of spare parts in the avionic sector. The work of Bucher
and Meissner provides a summary of ways that intermittent demand can be cat-
egorized, allowing the researcher or practitioner to quickly determine which spare
parts management methods to consider given the nature of their particular data.
Bartezzaghi and Kalchschmidt present findings on the choice of how the data
aggregated can affect the performance of managing inventory. A distinctive
contribution to volume is made by Smith and Babai: they present a comprehensive
review of bootstrapping methods for spare parts forecasting, a promising area of
study that has been developed as a parallel track to parametric methods.
Other papers in this volume present and evaluate various techniques (tabu
search, Bayesian analysis, decision trees, and prediction intervals) tested on real
and simulated data. Some techniques are theoretical developments while others are
heuristics. Even with the computing power available in 2010, some aspects of the
spare parts inventory management problem remain so complex that it is impossible
to apply traditional techniques to forecasting and inventory management in this
context. Various criteria are used to evaluate techniques, and some of which are

This volume represents the work of many individuals. Our greatest debt is to Tricia
Fanney of the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond who has
cheerfully and carefully shaped the manuscript into its current form. We are also
grateful to each of the authors, many of whom also served as reviewers. Jonathan
Whitaker and Steve Thompson of the Robins School served as reviewers and we
appreciate their service. Our thanks go to the editorial team at Springer for
encouraging and supporting the research in this area. Special thanks are due to
Claire Protherough who worked closely with Tricia in bringing this project to
Respectfully submitted:
Nezih Altay and Lewis A. Litteral


1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties . . . . . 1

Aris A. Syntetos and John E. Boylan

2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting

of Intermittent Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Aris A. Syntetos, M. Zied Babai, David Lengu and Nezih Altay

3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Natasha N. Atanackov and John E. Boylan

4 The Impact of Aggregation Level on Lumpy

Demand Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Emilio Bartezzaghi and Matteo Kalchschmidt

5 Bayesian Forecasting of Spare Parts Using Simulation. . . . . . . . . 105

David F. Muñoz and Diego F. Muñoz

6 A Review of Bootstrapping for Spare Parts Forecasting. . . . . . . . 125

Marilyn Smith and M. Zied Babai

7 A New Inventory Model for Aircraft Spares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Michael MacDonnell and Ben Clegg

8 Forecasting and Inventory Management for Spare Parts:

An Installed Base Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Stefan Minner

9 A Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance

Spare Parts in Case of Lumpy Demand: Action Research
in the Avionic Sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
M. Macchi, L. Fumagalli, R. Pinto and S. Cavalieri

xii Contents

10 Configuring Single-Echelon Systems Using

Demand Categorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
David Bucher and Joern Meissner

11 Optimal and Heuristic Solutions for the Spare Parts

Inventory Control Problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Ibrahim S. Kurtulus

12 Reliable Stopping Rules for Stocking Spare Parts

with Observed Demand of No More Than One Unit . . . . . . . . . . 233
Matthew Lindsey and Robert Pavur

13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale Service Parts

Logistics Network Design and Inventory Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Yi Sui, Erhan Kutanoglu and J. Wesley Barnes

14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines for Change

in Service Parts Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Andrew J. Huber

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
List of Contributors

Nezih Altay, DePaul University, e-mail:

Natasha Atanackov, Belgrade University, e-mail: Natasha_atanackov@yahoo.
M. Zied Babai, BEM Bordeaux Management School, e-mail: Mohamed-zied.
J. Wesley Barnes, The University of Texas at Austin, e-mail: wbarnes@mail.
Emilio Bartezzaghi, Politecnico di Milano, e-mail:
John E. Boylan, Buckinghamshire Chilterns, e-mail:
David Bucher, Lancaster University, e-mail:
Sergio Cavalieri, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, e-mail: sergio.cavalieri
Ben Clegg, Aston Business School, e-mail:
Luca Fumagalli, Politecnico di Milano, e-mail:
Andrew J. Huber, Xerox, e-mail:
Matteo Kalchschmidt, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, e-mail: matteo.
Ibrahim S. Kurtulus, Virginia Commonwealth University, e-mail: ikurtulu
Erhan Kutanoglu, The University of Texas at Austin, e-mail: erhank@me.
David Lengu, University of Salford, e-mail:
Matthew Lindsey, Stephen F. Austin State University, e-mail:

xiv List of Contributors

Lewis A. Litteral, University of Richmond, e-mail:

Michael MacDonnell, University College Dublin, e-mail: michael.macdonnell
Marco Macchi, Politecnico di Milano, e-mail:
Joern Meissner, Lancaster University, e-mail:
Stefan Minner, University of Vienna, e-mail:
David F. Muñoz, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, e-mail: davidm
Diego F. Muñoz, Stanford University, e-mail:
Robert Pavur, University of North Texas, e-mail:
Roberto Pinto, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, e-mail:
Marilyn J. Smith, Winthrop University, e-mail:
Yi Sui, MicroStrategy, Inc, e-mail:
Aris A. Syntetos, University of Salford, e-mail:
Chapter 1
Intermittent Demand: Estimation
and Statistical Properties

Aris A. Syntetos and John E. Boylan

1.1 Introduction

Intermittent demand patterns are very difficult to forecast and they are, most
commonly, associated with spare parts’ requirements. Croston (1972) proved the
inappropriateness of single exponential smoothing (SES) in an intermittent
demand context and he proposed a method that relies upon separate forecasts of
the inter-demand intervals and demand sizes, when demand occurs. His method for
forecasting intermittent demand series is increasing in popularity. The method is
incorporated in statistical forecasting software packages (e.g. Forecast Pro), and
demand planning modules of component based enterprise and manufacturing
solutions (e.g. Industrial and Financial Systems-IFS AB). It is also included in
integrated real-time sales and operations planning processes (e.g. SAP Advanced
Planning & Optimisation-APO 4.0).
An earlier paper (Syntetos and Boylan 2001) showed that there is scope for
improving the accuracy of Croston’s method. Since then two bias-corrected
Croston procedures have been proposed in the academic literature that aim at
advancing the practice of intermittent demand forecasting. These are the Syntetos–
Boylan Approximation (SBA, Syntetos and Boylan 2005) and the Syntetos’
method (SY, Syntetos 2001; Teunter and Sani 2009).1

A. A. Syntetos (&)
University of Salford, Salford, UK
J. E. Boylan
Buckinghamshire New University, Buckinghamshire UK
At this point it is important to note that one more modified Croston procedure has appeared in
the literature (Leven and Segerstedt 2004). However, this method was found to be even more
biased than the original Croston’s method (Boylan and Syntetos 2007; Teunter and Sani 2009)
and as such it is not further discussed in this chapter.

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 1

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_1,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
2 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

In this paper, these estimators as well as Croston’s method and SES are presented
and analysed in terms of the following statistical properties: (i) their bias (or the lack
of it); and (ii) the variance of the related estimates (i.e. the sampling error of the
mean). Detailed derivations are offered along with a thorough discussion of the
underlying assumptions and their plausibility. As such, we hope that our contribu-
tion may constitute a point of reference for further analytical work in this area as well
as facilitate a better understanding of issues related to modelling intermittent
Parametric approaches to intermittent demand forecasting rely upon a lead-time
demand distributional assumption and the employment of an appropriate forecasting
procedure for estimating the moments of the distribution. However, a number of
non-parametric procedures have also been suggested in the literature to forecast
intermittent demand requirements (e.g. Willemain et al. 2004; Porras and Dekker
2008). Such approaches typically rely upon bootstrapping procedures that permit a
re-construction of the empirical distribution of the data, thus making distributional
assumptions redundant. In addition, a number of parametric bootstrapping
approaches have been put forward (e.g. Snyder 2002; Teunter and Duncan 2009).
These approaches also rely upon bootstrapping but in conjunction with some
assumptions about the underlying demand characteristics. Although it has been
claimed that all the approaches discussed above may have an advantage over pure
parametric methodologies, more empirical research is needed to evaluate the con-
ditions under which one approach outperforms the other. In this chapter, we will be
focusing solely on parametric forecasting. In particular, we will be discussing issues
related to the estimation procedures that may be used. The issue of statistical dis-
tributions for parametric forecasting of intermittent demands is addressed in Chap. 2
of this book. A discussion on non-parametric alternatives may be found in Chap. 6.
The remainder of this chapter is structured around two main sections: in the
next section we discuss issues related to the bias of intermittent demand estimates,
followed by a discussion on the issue of variance. Some concluding remarks are
offered in the last section of the chapter and all the detailed derivations are pre-
sented in the Appendices.

1.2 The Bias of Intermittent Demand Estimates

1.2.1 Croston’s Critique of Exponential Smoothing

Croston (1972), as corrected by Rao (1973), proved the inappropriateness of

exponential smoothing as a forecasting method when dealing with intermittent
demands and he expressed in a quantitative form the bias associated with the use
of this method when demand appears at random with some time periods showing
no demand at all.
He first assumes deterministic demands of magnitude l occurring every p
review intervals. Subsequently the demand Yt is represented by:
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 3

l; t ¼ np þ 1
Yt ¼ ð1Þ
0; otherwise

where n = 0,1,2… and p C 1.

Conventional exponential smoothing updates estimates every inventory review
period whether or not demand occurs during this period. If we are forecasting one
period ahead, Yt0 , the forecast of demand made in period t, is given by:

Yt0 ¼ Yt1
0 0
þ aet ¼ aYt þ ð1  aÞYt1 ð2Þ

where a is the smoothing constant value used, 0 B a B 1, and et is the forecast

error in period t.
Under these assumptions if we update our demand estimates only when demand
occurs the expected demand estimate per time period is not l=p, i.e. the population
expected value, but rather:
  l pa la
E Yt0 ¼ ¼ ð3Þ
p 1  ð1  aÞp 1  bp
where b = 1 - a.
Croston then refers to a stochastic model of arrival and size of demand,
assuming that demand sizes, Zt, are normally distributed, N(l, r2), and that
demand is random and has a Bernoulli probability 1/p of occurring in every review
period (subsequently the inter demand intervals, pt, follow the geometric distri-
bution with a mean p). Under these conditions the expected demand per unit time
period is:
EðYt Þ ¼ ð4Þ
If we isolate the estimates that are made after a demand occurs, Croston showed
that these exponentially smoothed estimates have the biased expected value:
E Yt0 ¼ lða þ b=pÞ ð5Þ
The error, expressed as a percentage of the average demand, is shown to be
100a(p - 1) and reveals an increase in estimation error produced by the Bernoulli
arrival of demands as compared with constant inter-arrival intervals.

1.2.2 Croston’s Method

Croston, assuming the above stochastic model of arrival and size of demand,
introduced a new method for characterising the demand per period by modelling
demand from constituent elements. According to his method, separate exponential
smoothing estimates of the average size of the demand and the average interval
4 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

between demand incidences are made after demand occurs. If no demand occurs,
the estimates remain the same. If we let:
p0t = the exponentially smoothed inter-demand interval, updated only if
demand occurs in period t so that Eðp0t Þ ¼ Eðpt Þ ¼ p, and
Z0t = the exponentially smoothed size of demand, updated only if demand
occurs in period t so that E(Z0t ) = E(Zt) = z
then following Croston’s estimation procedure, the forecast, Yt for the next
time period is given by:
= Zt
Yt ¼ =
and, according to Croston, the expected estimate of demand per period in that case
would be:
 0 Zt E Zt0 l
E Yt ¼ E 0 ¼  0  ¼ ð7Þ
pt E pt p

(i.e. the method is unbiased.)

Now more accurate estimates can be obtained and an advantage of the method
is that when demand occurs in every period the method is identical to exponential
smoothing. Thus, it can be used not only for the intermittent demand items but for
the rest of the Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) as well.
Croston (1972) claimed that the variance of the demand estimates per time
period is given by:
Z a ðp  1Þ 2 r2
Var 0t ¼ l þ ð8Þ
pt 2a p4 p2
Rao (1973) pointed out that the right-hand-side of Eq. (8) is only an approxi-
mation to the variance. In the following section we show that Croston’s equation
(8) is not only inexact but also incorrect.
Lead-time replenishment decisions take place only in the time periods fol-
lowing demand occurrence and are based on the equation:

Rt ¼ Zt0 þ Kmt ð9Þ

Rt is the replenishment level to which the stock is raised,
mt is the estimated mean absolute deviation of the demand size forecast errors
K is a safety factor.
Schultz (1987) proposed a slight modification to Croston’s method, suggesting
that a different smoothing constant value should be used in order to update the
inter-demand interval and the size of demand, when demand occurs. However, this
modification to Croston’s method has not been widely adopted (an exception may
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 5

be the study conducted by Syntetos et al. 2009) and it is not discussed further in
this chapter.

1.2.3 Assumptions of Croston’s Model

Croston advocated separating the demand into two components, the inter-demand
time and the size of demand, and analysing each component separately. He
assumed a stationary mean model for representing the underlying demand pattern,
normal distribution for the size of demand and a Bernoulli demand generation
process, resulting in geometrically distributed inter-demand intervals.
Three more assumptions implicitly made by Croston in developing his model
are the following: independence between demand sizes and inter-demand inter-
vals, independence of successive demand sizes and independence of successive
inter-demand intervals. As far as the last assumption is concerned it is important to
note that the geometric distribution is characterised by a ‘memory less’ process:
the probability of a demand occurring is independent of the time since the last
demand occurrence, so that this distributional assumption is consistent indepen-
dent inter-demand intervals.
The normality assumption is the least restrictive one for the analysis conducted by
Croston, since the demand sizes may be, theoretically, represented by any probability
distribution without affecting the mathematical properties of the demand estimates.
The remaining assumptions are retained for the analysis to be conducted in this
chapter. These assumptions have been challenged in respect of their realism (see, for
example, Willemain et al. 1994) and they have also been challenged in respect of
their theoretical consistency with Croston’s forecasting method. Snyder (2002)
pointed out that Croston’s model assumes stationarity of demand intervals and yet a
single exponential smoothing (SES) estimator is used, implying a non-stationary
demand process. The same comment applies to demand sizes. Snyder commented
that this renders the model and method inconsistent and he proposed some alternative
models, and suggested a new forecasting approach based on parametric bootstrap-
ping (see also Sect. 1.1). Shenstone and Hyndman (2005) developed this work by
examining Snyder’s models. In their paper they commented on the wide prediction
intervals that arise for non-stationary models and recommended that stationary
models should be reconsidered. However, they concluded, ‘‘…the possible models
underlying Croston’s and related methods must be non-stationary and defined on a
continuous sample space. For Croston’s original method, the sample space for the
underlying model included negative values. This is inconsistent with reality that
demand is always non-negative’’ (Shenstone and Hyndman, op. cit., pp. 389–390).
In summary, any potential non-stationary model assumed to be underlying
Croston’s method must have properties that do not match the demand data being
modelled. Obviously, this does not mean that Croston’s method and its variants,
to be subsequently discussed in this section, are not useful. Such methods do
constitute the current state of the art in intermittent demand parametric
6 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

forecasting. However, an interesting line of further research would be to consider

stationary models for intermittent demand forecasting rather than restricting
attention to models implying Croston’s method. For example, Poisson autore-
gressive models have been suggested to be potentially useful by Shenstone and
Hyndman (2005).

1.2.4 The Size-Interval Method

If there is a random arrival of independent demands, the arrival process can be

modelled as a Poisson stream. This idea was explored by Johnston and Boylan
(1996). Their analysis was as follows:
If we set,
W the demand per unit time with mean W1 and variance W2
S the order size with mean S1 and variance S2
I the inter-demand interval with mean I1 and variance I2
N the number of orders per unit time with mean N1 and variance N2

then the demand in any period is the sum of the orders in that period and both the
individual orders and the number of them in a given period are stochastic
W¼ Si ð10Þ

Under the assumption that the order arrival process can be modelled as a
Poisson stream and combining Clark’s calculated mean and variance of the dis-
tribution of the summation of a number of stochastic random variables (1957):
W 1 ¼ N 1 S1 ð11Þ

W2 ¼ N1 S2 þ N2 ðS1 Þ2 ð12Þ
Using Cox’s asymptotic equations (1962) for relating the number of orders (N)
to the more easily measurable inter-demand interval ðIÞ counting from a random
point in time rather than an initial event (i.e. demand occurrence):
N1 ¼ ð13Þ

I2 1 ðI2 Þ2 I3
N2  þ þ  ð14Þ
ðI1 Þ3 6 ðI1 Þ4 3ðI1 Þ3
where I3 is the third moment about the mean for the inter-order interval.
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 7

The authors proposed the following method (Size-Interval) for obtaining

accurate (intermittent) demand per period estimates:
W1 ¼ ð15Þ

S2 ðS1 Þ2
W2 ¼ þ ð16Þ
I1 I1
Thus, the forecasts can be generated from estimates of the mean and variance of
the order size and the average inter-demand interval.
The SI method was compared with SES on theoretically generated demand data
over a wide range of possible conditions. Many different average inter-demand
intervals (negative exponential distribution), smoothing constant values, lead times
and distributions of the size of demand (negative exponential, Erlang and rect-
angular), were considered. The comparison exercise was extended to cover not
only Poisson but also Erlang demand processes. The results were reported in the
form of the ratio of the mean squared error (MSE) of one method to that of
another. For the different factor combinations tried in this simulation experiment
the SI method was superior to SES for inter-demand intervals greater than 1.25
review periods and in that way the authors showed how intermittent demand needs
to be in order to benefit from the SI method (based on Croston’s concept) more
than SES.
At this stage it is important to note that the estimate of mean demand is
identical between Croston’s method and the SI method. Thus, later comments on
bias of the = (or SI11 ) estimator hold for both methods.

1.2.5 Expected Estimate of Demand: Croston’s Method

We know (assuming that order sizes and intervals are independent) that
Z   1
E 0t ¼ E Zt0 E 0 ð17Þ
pt pt

1 1
E 0 6¼  0  ð18Þ
pt E pt
We denote by Pt the inter demand interval that follows the geometric distri-
bution including the first success (i.e. demand occurring period) and by p1t the
probability of demand occurrence at period t. Now the case of a = 1 is analysed
since it is mathematically tractable; more realistic a values will be considered in
the next sub-section. Assuming that a = 1, so that p0t = pt we then have:
8 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

  X 1  x1
1 11 1
E ¼ 1
pt x¼1
xp p
1X 1
1 p  1 x1
p x¼1 x p
½for p [ 1ði:e: demand does not occur in every single time periodÞ

1X 1
1 p 1 1 X 1
1 p1 x
1 ¼ p1
p x¼1 x p1 p p x¼1 x p
"     #
1 p1 1 p1 2 1 p1 3
¼ þ þ þ
p1 p 2 p 3 p
1 1
¼ log
p1 p
Zt  0 1 1 1
E 0 ¼ E Zt E 0 ¼ l  log ð19Þ
pt pt p1 p
So if, for example, the average size of demand when it occurs is l = 6, and the
average inter-demand interval is p = 3, the average estimated demand per time
period using Croston’s method (for a = 1) is not lp ¼ 63 ¼ 2 but it is
6 * 0.549 = 3.295 (i.e. 64.75% bias implicitly incorporated in Croston’s estimate).
The maximum bias over all possible smoothing parameters is given by:
1 1 l
Maximum bias ¼ l  log  ð20Þ
p1 p p
This is attained at a = 1. For realistic a values, the magnitude of the error is
smaller and it is quantified in the next sub-section.

1.2.6 An Approximation of Croston’s Bias

For a values less than 1 the magnitude of the error obviously depends on the
smoothing constant value being used. We show, in this sub-section, that the bias
associated with Croston’s method in practice can be approximated, for all
smoothing constant values, by: 2a l ðp1

The bias can be conveniently expressed


a percentage of the average demand
and it is easily shown to be: 100 2a 1  1p
The above approximation is proven as follows:
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 9

We apply Taylor’s theorem to a function of two variables, g(x)

x is the vector: x = (x1, x2) and gðxÞ ¼ gðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼ (with x1 = Zt0 and x2 = p0t )
E(x1) = h1, E(x2) = h2 and
h is the vector: h = (h1, h2) with gðhÞ ¼ gðh1 ; h2 Þ ¼
This is the case for the problem under concern, with h1 = l and h2 = p.
og og
gð x Þ ¼ gð hÞ þ ðx1  h1 Þ þ ðx2  h2 Þ
oh1 oh2
" #
1 o2 g 2 o2 g o2 g 2
þ ðx1  h1 Þ þ2 ðx1  h1 Þðx2  h2 Þ þ 2 ðx2  h2 Þ þ       :
2 oh21 oh1 oh2 oh2
og og
E½gð xÞ ¼ E½gðhÞ þ E ð x1  h 1 Þ þ ðx2  h2 Þ
oh1 oh2
" #
1 o2 g 2 o2 g o2 g 2
þ E ðx1  h1 Þ þ2 ðx1  h1 Þðx2  h2 Þ þ 2 ðx2  h2 Þ þ 
2 oh21 oh1 oh2 oh2


og 1
¼ ð23Þ
oh1 h2
og h1
¼ 2 ð24Þ
oh2 h2

o2 g
¼0 ð25Þ

o2 g 1
¼ 2 ð26Þ
oh1 oh2 h2
o2 g 2 2h1
¼ h1  3 ¼ ð27Þ
oh2 h2 h32

Considering the assumption about independence between demand sizes and

inter-demand intervals, Eq. (25) and the fact that the first moment about the mean
is always zero, Eq. (22) becomes:
1 o2 g
E½gðxÞ ¼ E½gðhÞ þ Eðx2  h2 Þ2 þ      
2 oh22
10 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

x1 h1 1 o2 g
E ¼ þ Var ðx2 Þ þ       ð28Þ
x2 h2 2 oh22

Assuming that the inter-demand interval series is not auto-correlated and that
the inter-demand intervals ( pt) are geometrically distributed with a mean of p and
homogeneous variance2 of p( p - 1), it follows that:
  a a
Varðx2 Þ ¼ Var p0t ¼ Varðpt Þ ¼ pðp  1Þ
2a 2a
Assuming that demand sizes (zt) are distributed with a mean, l, Eq. (28)
x1 h1 1 a 2h1
E  þ pðp  1Þ ð29Þ
x2 h2 2 2  a h32
z l a ð p  1Þ
E t0  þ l ð30Þ
pt p 2a p2
Subsequently, the bias implicitly incorporated in Croston’s estimates is
approximated by (31):
a ð p  1Þ
BiasCroston  l ð31Þ
2a p2
Syntetos (2001) showed by means of experimentation on a wide range of
theoretically generated data that, for a B 0.2, the difference between the theo-
retical bias given by (31) and the simulated bias lies within a 99% confidence
interval of ±0.2% of the mean simulated demand.

1.2.7 The SY Method

Since Croston’s method is biased we consider applying a factor to the estimates

produced by his method so that the second order bias term is directly eliminated.
We try to estimate the value of a parameter k so that:
  z l
E Yt0 ¼ E k t0 ¼ ð32Þ
pt p
By applying a factor k to Croston’s updating procedure of sizes and intervals
and considering approximation (30) we then have:

The issue of variance in the geometric distribution is discussed in the next section.
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 11

z l a ð p  1Þ
E k t0  k þ k l
pt p 2a p2
We can then set an approximation to the bias equal to zero in order to specify
the value of parameter k:
l a ð p  1Þ
Bias  ð1  kÞ k l ¼0
p 2a p2
k 2a l ðp1
1k¼ l
a p1
1¼k 1þ ð33Þ
2a p
1 1 ð2  aÞp
k¼ a p1
¼ 2papþapa ¼
1þ 2a p ð2aÞp
2p  a

1  a2
k¼ a
1  2p

Therefore we propose the following updating procedure for obtaining approx-

imately unbiased intermittent demand estimates:
1  a2 z0t 1  a z0
Yt0 ¼
¼ 0 2a t ð34Þ
1  2pa 0 p0t pt  2

We call this method, for the purpose of our research, the SY method (after
Syntetos 2001; for a further discussion see also Teunter and Sani 2009). The
expected estimate of mean demand per period for the SY method is given by
Eq. (35).
 0 1  a2 z0t l
E Yt ¼ E  ð35Þ
p0t  a2 p
This approximation is not necessarily accurate when higher order terms are
taken into account.

1.2.8 The SBA Method

From Eq. (33) we have:

1  a2
k¼ a
1  2p
12 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

But, as p ! 1; k ! 1  .
Therefore a possible estimation procedure, for intermittent demand data series
with a large inter-demand interval, is the following:
z t
Yt0 ¼ 1  ð36Þ
2 p=t

As in the case of the SY method, the smoothing constant value is considered for
generating demand estimates. The above heuristic seems to provide a reasonable
approximation of the actual demand per period especially for the cases of very low
a values and large p inter-demand intervals. This estimator is known in the lit-
erature as the SBA method (after Syntetos–Boylan Approximation, Syntetos and
Boylan 2005). The expected estimate of mean demand per period for the SBA
method is given by Eq. (37).
 0 a
z0t l al
E Yt ¼ E 1    2 ð37Þ
2 p0t p 2p
This approximation is not necessarily accurate when higher order terms
are taken into account. For the detailed derivation of (37) see Appendix A.
The empirical validity and utility of the SBA have been independently established
in work conducted by Eaves and Kingsman (2004) and Gutierrez et al. (2008).

1.2.9 Other Bias Correction Factors

Before we close this section, we need to say that all the work presented above is
based upon the assumption of a Bernoulli demand arrival process and SES esti-
mates of sizes and intervals. Boylan and Syntetos (2003) and Shale et al. (2006)
presented correction factors to overcome the bias associated with Croston’s
approach under a Poisson demand arrival process and/or estimation of demand
sizes and intervals using a simple moving average (SMA). The correction factors
are summarized in the following table (where k is the moving average length and a
is the smoothing constant for SES).
At this point it is important to note that SMA and SES are often treated as
equivalent when the average age of the data in the estimates is the same
(Brown 1963). A relationship links the number of points in an arithmetic
average (k) with the smoothing parameter of SES (a) for stationary demand.
Hence it may be used to relate the correction factors presented in Table 1.1
for each of the two demand generation processes considered. The linking
equation is:
k ¼ ð2  aÞ=a
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 13

Table 1.1 Bias correction factors

Demand generation process
Bernoulli Poisson
SES Equation (34) a
Syntetos (2001) Shale et al. (2006)

Equation (36)

Syntetos and Boylan (2005)

SMA k k1
kþ1 k
Boylan and Syntetos (2003) Shale et al. (2006)

1.3 The Variance of Intermittent Demand Estimates

1.3.1 The Variance of Exponentially Smoothed Estimates

According to Croston (1972), and under the stochastic demand model he assumed
for his study, the variance of demand per unit time period is:

p  1 2 r2
VarðYt Þ ¼ l þ ð38Þ
p2 p
and the variance of the exponentially smoothed estimates, updated every
 0 a a p  1 2 r2
Var Yt ¼ VarðYt Þ ¼ l þ ð39Þ
2a 2  a p2 p

(where a is the smoothing constant); assuming a stationary mean model and

homogeneous variance of demand per unit time period.
If we isolate the estimates that are made just after an issue (which are those that
will be used for replenishment purposes by a continuous review stock control
system) Croston showed that these estimates have the following variance (as
corrected by Rao 1973):
  ab2 p  1 2 r2
Var Yt0 ¼ a2 r2 þ l þ ð40Þ
2  a p2 p

where b = 1 - a.
14 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

1.3.2 The Variance of Croston’s Estimates

As discussed in the previous section, Croston suggested estimating the average

interval between issues and the average size of an issue when it occurs and to
combine those statistics to give an unbiased estimate of the underlying mean
If we let:
pt = the inter-demand interval that follows the geometric distribution with:
E(pt) = p and, according to Croston,

Varðpt Þ ¼ ðp  1Þ2 ð41Þ

p0t = the exponentially smoothed inter-demand interval, updated only after
demand occurs
zt = the demand size, when demand occurs, that follows the normal distribu-
tion, N(l, r2), and
Zt0 = the exponentially smoothed size of demand, updated only after demand
We then have:
E Zt0 ¼ Eðzt Þ ¼ l ð42Þ
E pt ¼ Eðpt Þ ¼ p ð43Þ
  a a 2
Var z0t ¼ Varðzt Þ ¼ r ð44Þ
2a 2a
  a a
Var p0t ¼ Varðpt Þ ¼ ðp  1Þ2 ð45Þ
2a 2a
The variance of the ratio of two independent random variables x1, x2 is given in
Stuart and Ord (1994) as follows:
   2 " #
x1 Eðx1 Þ Varðx1 Þ Varðx2 Þ
Var ¼ þ ð46Þ
x2 Eð x 2 Þ ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 ðEðx2 ÞÞ2

For x1 = Zt0 and x2 = p0t , considering Eqs. (42), (43), (44) and (45), the variance
of the estimates produced by using Croston’s method is calculated by Eq. (47)
 0 Zt a ðp  1Þ 2 r2
Var Yt ¼ Var 0 ¼ l þ 2 ð47Þ
pt 2a p4 p

assuming that the same smoothing constant value is used for updating demand
sizes and inter-demand intervals and that both demand size and inter-demand
interval series are not auto-correlated and have homogeneous variances.
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 15

Rao (1973) pointed out that the right-hand side of Eq. (47) is only an
approximation to the variance. This follows since Eq. (46) is, in fact, an

1.3.3 The Variance of Inter-Demand Intervals

The number of independent Bernoulli trials (with a specified probability of suc-

cess) before the first success is represented by the geometric distribution. An
alternative form of the geometric distribution involves the number of trials up to
and including the first success (demand occurring period). Considering the
notation used in this chapter, the variability of the geometrically distributed
inter-demand intervals is p(p - 1), irrespective of which form of the geometric
distribution is utilised. Consequently (41) should be replaced by (48).

Varðpt Þ ¼ pðp  1Þ ð48Þ

1.4 The Corrected Variance of Croston’s Method Estimates

By taking (48) into consideration, the variance of the demand per period estimates,
using Croston’s method, would become:
Z a p  1 2 r2
Var t0  l þ ð49Þ
pt 2  a p3 p2

indicating that the approximated variance of the estimates produced by Croston’s

method is in fact greater than that calculated by Croston himself, Eq. (47).3
Nevertheless, approximation (49) is still not correct. In fact there is a funda-
mental problem in directly applying Stuart and Ord’s result, given by (46), for the
purpose of deriving the variance of the forecasts produced by a biased estimator.
This is proven as follows:
We apply Taylor’s theorem to a function of two variables, g(x)
x is the vector: x = (x1, x2) and gð xÞ ¼ gðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼
with E(x1) = h1 and E(x2) = h2.
The vector h is defined as: h = (h1, h2), with gðhÞ ¼ gðh1 ; h2 Þ ¼
og og
gð x Þ ¼ gð hÞ þ ðx1  h1 Þ þ ðx2  h2 Þ þ       ð50Þ
oh1 oh2

Equation (10) in the original paper.
16 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

where gðhÞ ¼ is just the first term in the Taylor series and not necessarily the
population expected value.
E½gðxÞ ¼ gðhÞ þ e ð51Þ

where e is an error term, which according to Croston, can be neglected, we then


Var½gðxÞ ¼ Efgð xÞ  E½gð xÞg2

¼ E½gð xÞ  gðhÞ2
og og
E ðx1  h1 Þ þ ðx2  h2 Þ
oh1 oh2
  " #
Eðx1 Þ 2 Varðx1 Þ Varðx2 Þ
¼ þ ð52Þ
Eðx2 Þ ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 ðEðx2 ÞÞ2

If we set:
x1 = Zt0 , the estimate of demand size, with E(Zt0 ) = l
and x2 = p0t , the estimate of the inter-demand interval, with E( p0t ) = p
so that g(x) = Yt0
it has been proven, in the previous section, that:
E Yt0 6¼ or E½gð xÞ 6¼ gðhÞ
Based on that, we argue that the error term in Eq. (51) cannot be neglected
and therefore approximation (52) cannot be used to represent the problem in
Our argument is discussed in greater detail in Appendices 2 and 3, where we
also derive a correct approximation (to the second order term) of the variance of
Croston’s estimates. That variance expression is given by (53).
Zt a ð p  1 Þ 2 a 2
Var 0  l þ r þ 2
pt 2a p3 2a p
a4 l2 1 1 2
þ 1  9 1  p þ 1 ð53Þ
1  ð1  aÞ4 p4 p p

Syntetos (2001) showed, by means of simulation on a wide range of theoreti-

cally generated data, that approximation (53) does not increase the accuracy of the
calculated variance more than by only considering the first term of this approxi-
mation. In fact, for certain cases, approximation (52) was shown to perform worse.
Taking that into account the variance of Croston’s estimates may be ‘safely’
approximated by (54).
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 17

Zt a ðp  1Þ 2 a 2
Var  l þ r þ 2 ð54Þ
p0t 2a p3 2a p

1.4.1 The Variance of the SY Method Estimates

The estimation equation for the SY method presented in the previous section is
given by:
0 1  a2 Zt0 1  a2 Zt0
Yt ¼
1  2pa 0 p0t p0t  a2

and the expected estimate produced by this method was shown to be as follows:
 0 1  a2 Zt0 l
E Yt ¼ E 
p0t  a2 p
In Appendix D we perform a series of calculations in order to find the variance
of the estimates of mean demand produced by the SY method. The variance is
approximated by Eq. (55).
h  i
p  a 2 2
r þ pð p  1 Þl 2
þ a
p ð p  1 Þr 2
1  2 Zt að2  aÞ 2 2a
p0t  a2 4 p2 a 4
a 2 2     
4 1  l
a 2 2 1 1 2
þ   p 1  9 1  p þ 1 ð55Þ
1  ð1  aÞ4 p  a2 6 p p

Similarly to the previous sub-section, Syntetos (2001) showed by means of

simulation that consideration of both terms of approximation (55) does not pro-
vide, overall, a more reliable estimate of the calculated variance than when only
the first term of this approximation is considered. The calculation of the variance
of the SY method may be simplified, without sacrificing accuracy, by considering
approximation (56).
1  a2 Zt0
p0t  a2
h  i
a 2 2 2 a 2
að2  aÞ p  2 r þ p ð p  1 Þl þ 2a pð p  1Þr
4 a 4
18 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

1.4.2 The Variance of the SBA Method Estimates

The estimation procedure for the SBA method discussed in the previous
section is:
Yt0 ¼ 1 
2 p0t

 0 a
z0t l al
E Yt ¼ E 1    2
2 p0t p 2p
The variance of the estimates produced by the SBA is calculated as:
z0t a
2 zt
Var Yt0 ¼ Var 1  ¼ 1  Var ð57Þ
2 p0t 2 p0t
Considering approximation (54) we finally have:
Zt0 að2  aÞ ðp  1Þ 2 a 2
Var 1  l þ r þ 2 ð58Þ
2 p0t 4 p3 2a p
Extensive analysis conducted by Syntetos (2001) justified the choice of
(58) instead of (57) for the purpose of approximating the variance of the SBA

1.5 Conclusions

Research in the area of forecasting and stock control for intermittent demand items
has developed rapidly in recent years with new results implemented into software
products because of their practical importance (Fildes et al. 2008). Simple expo-
nential smoothing (SES) is widely used in industry to deal with sales/demand data
but is inappropriate in an intermittent demand context. Rather, Croston’s method is
regarded as the standard estimator for such demand patterns. Recent studies have
shown that there is scope for improving Croston’s estimates by means of
accounting for the bias implicitly incorporated in them. Two such methods have
been discussed in this chapter and their statistical properties have been analysed in
detail along with those of both Croston’s method and SES. We hope that our
contribution may constitute a point of reference for further analytical work in this
area as well as facilitate a better understanding of issues related to modelling
intermittent demands.
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 19

Appendix A: The Expectation of the Mean Demand

Estimate of SBA

 0 a
E Yt ¼ E 1 
2 p0t

a l 2a a p1
 1 þ l
2 p 2 2  a  p2 

a l 2a a 1 1
¼ 1 þ l  2
2 p 2 2  a p p
l a l a l
¼ 1 þ 
2 p 2 p 2 p2
l al al a l
¼  þ 
p 2 p 2 p 2 p2
l al
¼  2
p 2p
This proves the result given by Eq. (37).

Appendix B: A Correct Approximation to the Variance

of Croston’s Estimates

We apply Taylor’s theorem to a function of two variables, g(x)

x is the vector: x = (x1, x2) and
gð xÞ ¼ gðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼
with E(x1) = h1 and E(x2) = h2.
The vector h is defined as: h = (h1, h2), with gðhÞ ¼ gðh1 ; h2 Þ ¼
og og
gð x Þ ¼ gð hÞ þ ð x 1  h1 Þ þ ð x 2  h2 Þ
" oh1 oh2 #
1 o2 g 2 o2 g o2 g 2
þ ðx1  h1 Þ þ2 ðx1  h1 Þðx2  h2 Þ þ 2 ðx2  h2 Þ þ  
2 oh21 oh1 oh2 oh2
where gðhÞ ¼ is just the first term in the Taylor series and not the population
expected value.
og 1
¼ ðB:2Þ
oh1 h2
20 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

og h1
¼ 2 ðB:3Þ
oh2 h2

o2 g
¼0 ðB:4Þ

o2 g 1
¼ 2 ðB:5Þ
oh1 oh2 h2
o2 g 2 2h1
¼ h1  3 ¼ ðB:6Þ
oh22 h2 h32

therefore, considering (B.4), (B.1) becomes:

og og
gð x Þ ¼ gð hÞ þ ðx1  h1 Þ þ ðx2  h2 Þ
oh1 oh1
" #
o g 1 o2 g 2
þ ðx1  h1 Þðx2  h2 Þ þ ð x2  h 2 Þ þ       ðB:7Þ
oh1 oh2 2 oh22

We set:
x1 = Zt0 , the estimate of demand size, with E(Zt0 ) = l
and x2 = p0t , the estimate of the inter-demand interval, with E( p0t ) = p
so that g(x) = Yt0 ,
It has been proven, in Sect. 1.2, that:
  1 o2 g
E Yt0 ¼ E½gðxÞ  gðhÞ þ Eðx2  h2 Þ2
2 oh22
considering the first three terms in the Taylor series.
Var Yt0 ¼Var½gð xÞ¼E½gð xÞE½gð xÞ2
8 2 2 92
ðx1 h1 Þþ ohog
ðx2 h2 Þþ oho1 oh
ðx1 h1 Þðx2 h2 Þþ 12 oohg2 ðx2 h2 Þ2 =
:1o2 g Eðx h Þ2 ;
2oh22 2 2
( 2  2  2 2
og 2 og 2 o g
¼E ðx1 h1 Þ þ ðx2 h2 Þ þ ðx1 h1 Þ2 ðx2 h2 Þ2
oh1 oh2 oh1 oh2
!2  2 2 h
1 o2 g i2
4 1 o g 2 og og
þ 2
ð x2 h 2 Þ þ E ð x 2 h2 Þ þ2 ðx1 h1 Þ ðx2 h2 Þ
4 oh2 4 oh2 oh1 oh2
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 21

og o2 g og o2 g
þ2 ðx1 h1 Þ ðx1 h1 Þðx2 h2 Þþ ðx1 h1 Þ 2 ðx2 h2 Þ2
oh1 oh1 oh2 oh1 oh2
og o2 g og o 2
 ðx1 h1 Þ 2 Eðx2 h2 Þ2 þ2 ðx2 h2 Þ ðx1 h1 Þðx2 h2 Þ
oh1 oh2 oh2 oh1 oh2
og o2 g 3 og o g
þ ð x2 h 2 Þ  ðx2 h2 ÞEðx2 h2 Þ2
oh2 oh22 oh2 oh22
o2 g o2 g
þ ðx1 h1 Þðx2 h2 Þ 2 ðx2 h2 Þ2
oh1 oh2 oh2
o2 g o2 g
 ðx1 h1 Þðx2 h2 Þ 2 Eðx2 h2 Þ2
oh1 oh2 oh2
!2 )
1 og 2 2
 ðx2 h2 Þ Eðx2 h2 Þ
2 oh22

Assuming that x1, x2 are independent:

 2  2
og 2 og
Var½gð xÞ  Eðx1  h1 Þ þ Eðx2  h2 Þ2
oh1 oh2
 2 2
og o2 g
þ E ðx1  h1 Þ2 ðx2  h2 Þ2 þ Eðx2  h2 Þ3
oh1 oh2 oh2 oh22
!2 !2
1 o2 g 2 h i2
4 1 o g 2
þ Eð x2  h2 Þ  E ðx 2  h2 Þ ðB:9Þ
4 oh22 4 oh22

considering Eqs. (B.2), (B.3), (B.5) and (B.6)

Varðx1 Þ h21 Varðx2 Þ 1

Var½gðxÞ  þ þ 4 Varðx1 ÞVarðx2 Þ
h22 h42 h2
h i2
2 2
2 3 2
2h Eðx2  h2 Þ h1 Eðx2  h2 Þ 4 h 1 Eð x2  h 2 Þ
 1 þ 
h52 h62 h62
Varðx1 Þ ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 Varðx2 Þ Varðx1 ÞVarðx2 Þ 2ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 Eðx2  h2 Þ3
¼ 2
þ þ 
ðEðx2 ÞÞ ð E ð x2 Þ Þ 4 ðEðx2 ÞÞ4 ðEðx2 ÞÞ5
ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 Eðx2  h2 Þ4 ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 ½Var x2 2
þ 6

ðEðx2 ÞÞ ðEðx2 ÞÞ6

In Appendix C it is proven that for n = 2, 3:

n an
E x0t  Eð xÞ ¼ E½xt  Eð xÞn ðB:11Þ
1  ð1  aÞn
22 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

and also that:

4 a4 a4
E x0t  Eð xÞ ¼ 4
E½xt  Eð xÞ4 þ 2

2 ½Varðxt Þ ðB:12Þ
1  ð1  aÞ 1  ð1  aÞ2

xt represents the demand size (zt) or inter-demand interval (pt),
x0t is their exponentially smoothed estimate (z0t , p0t ) and
E(x) is the population expected value for either series.
Consideration of (B.11) and (B.12) necessitates the adoption of the following
no auto-correlation for the demand size and inter-demand interval series
homogeneous moments about the mean for both series
same smoothing constant value is used for both series
Taking also into account that:
Var(zt) = r2 and Var(pt) = p(p - 1)
(B.10) becomes:
 0 a
2 r2 pðp  1Þ
z a r2 a 2 pðp  1Þ
Var t0  þ l þ
pt 2  a p2 2  a p4 2a p4
3 2 4
a 2l 3 a l2
 3 p5
E ð pt  p Þ þ 4 p6
Eðpt  pÞ4
1  ð1  aÞ 1  ð1  aÞ
a4 l2 2 a
2 l2
2 6 p ðp  1Þ  p2 ðp  1Þ2 ðB:13Þ
2 p 2  a p6
1  ð1  aÞ

The third moment about the mean in the geometric distribution, where: is the
probability of success in each trial, is calculated as:
1 1 1 p1 1 1 p  1 1 2p  1
E ð p t  pÞ 3 ¼ 1  1þ1 3
¼ 3
2  ¼
p p p p p p p p3 p
ðp  1Þð2p  1Þ
¼ ðB:14Þ
and the fourth moment:

2 2
9 1  1p   9 11
1  1p 1 4 p 15
Eðpt  pÞ ¼ 1
þ 1 ¼ 1 1
p4 p2
p p4 p2
1 1
¼ 1 9 1  p4 þ p2
p p
2 1 1 2
¼p 1 9 1 p þ1 ðB:15Þ
p p
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 23

If we consider (B.14) and (B.15), and also the fact that:

a4 a

2 ¼ ;
1  ð1  aÞ2

(B.13) becomes
 0 a
2 r2 pðp  1Þ
z a r2 a 2 pðp  1Þ
Var t0  þ l þ
pt 2  a p2 2  a p4 2a p4
a3 2l2 ðp  1Þð2p  1Þ

1  ð1  aÞ3 p10
a4 l2 1 1 2
þ 1  9 1  p þ 1 ðB:16Þ
1  ð1  aÞ4 p4 p p

Since the fourth part of approximation (B.16) becomes almost zero even for
quite low average inter-demand intervals, finally the variance is approximated by
z a ðp  1Þ 2 a 2
Var t0  l þ r þ 2
pt 2a p3 2a p
a4 l2 1 1 2
þ 1  9 1  p þ 1 ðB:17Þ
1  ð1  aÞ4 p4 p p

This proves the result given by Eq. (53).

Appendix C: The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Moment About the Mean
for Exponentially Smoothed Estimates

If we define:
x0 ¼ að1  aÞxjtj ði:e: the EWMA estimateÞ ðC:1Þ

Eðx0 Þ ¼ að1  aÞ j E xtj

assuming E(xt-j) = E(x) for all j C 0

aEð xÞ ð1  aÞ j ¼ Eð xÞ ¼ Eð xÞ ðC:2Þ
1  ð1  aÞ

Therefore we can write:

24 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

x 0  E ð xÞ ¼ a ð1  aÞ j xtj  Eð xÞ
( )n
½ x  Eð x Þ  ¼ a ð1  aÞ xtj  Eð xÞ

( )n
E ½ x  Eð x Þ  ¼ E a ð1  aÞ xtj  Eð xÞ ðC:3Þ

Assuming series is not auto-correlated, for n = 2, 3 we then have:

1 n
E ½x0  Eð xÞ ¼ an ð1  aÞnj E xtj  Eð xÞ ðC:4Þ

and assuming E[xt-j - E(x)]n = E[x - E(x)]n for all j C 0, i.e. homogeneous
moments of order n

n an
E ½x0  Eð xÞ ¼ E ½x  Eð xÞn ðC:5Þ
1  ð1  aÞn

For n = 2

Varðx0 Þ ¼ Varð xÞ
1  ð1  aÞ2

and for n = 3

3 a3
E ½x0  Eð xÞ ¼ E ½x  Eð xÞ3
1  ð1  aÞ3
For n = 4, Eq. (C.3) becomes:
( )4
E ½ x  Eð x Þ  ¼ E a ð1  aÞ xtj  Eð xÞ

assuming no auto-correlation
1 4
¼ a4 ð1  aÞ4j E xtj  Eð xÞ
1 X
1 2
þ a2 ð1  aÞ2j E xtj  Eð xÞ a2 ð1  aÞ2i E ½xti  Eð xÞ2
j¼0 i¼0
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 25

assuming homogeneous moments about the mean

4 X
1 X
1 X
¼ a4 E xtj  Eð xÞ ð1  aÞ4j þa4 ½Varð xÞ2 ð1  aÞ2j ð1  aÞ2i
j¼0 j¼0 i¼0

ð1  aÞ4j ¼ ðC:7Þ
j¼0 1  ð1  aÞ4

1 X
ð1  aÞ2j ð1  aÞ2i ¼ 1 þ ð1  aÞ2 þ ð1  aÞ4 þ ð1  aÞ6 þ   
j¼0 i¼0

þ ð1  aÞ2 þ ð1  aÞ4 þ ð1  aÞ6 þ   

þ ð1  aÞ4 þ ð1  aÞ6 þ       ðC:8Þ
1 X
X 1
ð1  aÞ2j ð1  aÞ2i ¼ 1 þ 2 ð1  aÞ2 þ3 ð1  aÞ4 þ4 ð1  aÞ6 þ      
j¼0 i¼0


If we multiply the first and the second part of Eq. (C.9) with (1 - a)2, we then

1 X
ð1  aÞ2 ð1  aÞ2j ð1  aÞ2i ¼ ð1  aÞ2 þ2 ð1  aÞ4 þ3 ð1  aÞ6 þ      
j¼0 i¼0


Subtracting (C.9)-(C.10)

h iX
1 X
1  ð1  aÞ2 ð1  aÞ2j ð1  aÞ2i
j¼0 i¼0
¼ 1 þ ð1  aÞ2 þ ð1  aÞ4 þ ð1  aÞ6 þ       ¼
1  ð1  aÞ2

1 X
ð1  aÞ2j ð1  aÞ2i ¼
2 ðC:11Þ
j¼0 i¼0 1  ð1  aÞ2

Considering Eqs. (C.7) and (C.11), Eq. (C.6) becomes:

26 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

4 a4 a4
E ½ x 0  Eð x Þ  ¼ 4
E ½x  Eð xÞ4 þ
2 ½Varð xÞ
1  ð1  aÞ 1  ð1  aÞ 2

This proves the results given by Eqs. (B.11) and (B.12).

Appendix D: The Variance of the SY Method’s Estimates

We set, for the problem under concern:


x1 ¼ 1  z0t
with expected value:
h a
i a

Eðx1 Þ ¼ h1 ¼ E 1  z0t ¼ 1  E z0t ¼ 1  l ðD:1Þ

2 2 2
and variance:
h a
i a
2   a
2 a
Varðx1 Þ ¼ Var 1  z0t ¼ 1  Var z0t ¼ 1  Varðzt Þ
2 2 2 2a
2 a
¼ 1 r2 ðD:2Þ
2 2a
x2 ¼ p0t 
with expected value:
  a a
Eðx2 Þ ¼ h2 ¼ E p0t  ¼ E p0t  ¼ p  ðD:3Þ
2 2 2
and variance:
  a a
Varðx2 Þ ¼ Var p0t  ¼ Var p0t ¼ Varð pt Þ ¼ pðp  1Þ ðD:4Þ
2 2a 2a
(for the variance derivations consider also Appendix C).
The third and the fourth moments about the mean for the x2 variable (consider
also Appendices B and C) are calculated as follows:
a a
3  3 a3
E ðx2  h2 Þ3 ¼ E p0t   p þ ¼ E p0t  p ¼ E ðpt  pÞ3
2 2 1  ð1  aÞ3
a3 ðp  1Þð2p  1Þ
¼ 3
1  ð1  aÞ p5
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 27

a a
4  4
E ðx2  h2 Þ4 ¼ E p0t   p þ ¼ E p0t  p
2 2
a4 a4
¼ 4
E ðpt  pÞ4 þ
2 ½Varðpt Þ
1  ð1  aÞ 1  ð1  a Þ2

a4 1 1 2 a
2 2
¼ p 1 2
 9 1  p þ 1 þ p ðp  1Þ2
1  ð1  aÞ4 p p 2a
(assuming that the same smoothing constant value is used for both x1 and x2 series
and that both series are not auto-correlated and have homogeneous moments about
the mean).
Consequently we apply Taylor’s theorem to a function of two variables,
gð xÞ ¼ xx12 with:

og 1
¼ ðD:7Þ
oh1 h2
og h1
¼  2 ðD:8Þ
oh2 h2

o2 g
¼0 ðD:9Þ
o h1 2

o2 g 1
¼ 2 ðD:10Þ
oh1 oh2 h2
o2 g 2 2h1
¼ h1  3 ¼ ðD:11Þ
oh2 h2 h32

If we consider only the first three terms, we have:

og og
gð x Þ ¼ gð hÞ þ ðx1  h1 Þ þ ðx2  h2 Þ
oh1 oh2
" #
o2 g 1 o2 g 2
þ ðx1  h1 Þðx2  h2 Þ þ ðx2  h2 Þ þ       ðD:12Þ
oh1 oh2 2 oh22

x1 1  a2 z0t l
E½gð xÞ ¼ E ¼E  ðD:13Þ
x2 p0t  a2 p
h1 1  a2 l l
gð hÞ ¼ ¼ 6¼
h2 p  a2 p
28 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

and (consider also Appendix B)

Var½gð xÞ ¼ E ½gð xÞ  E½gð xÞ2

8 92
> h1 og og o2 g >
> þ
< ðx1  h1 Þ þ ðx2  h2 Þ þ ðx1  h1 Þðx2  h2 Þ >
h2 oh1 oh2 oh1 oh2
E   :
> 1 o2 g x1 > >
> þ 2
ðx2  h2 Þ  E >
: 2 oh22 x2 ;
In order to simplify somewhat the derivation of the variance of the SY method’s
estimates we approximate E[g(x)] by:

1 o2 g
E½ g ð x Þ   gð hÞ þ E ðx2  h2 Þ2
2 oh22

(based on (D.12) and considering Sect. 2.6).

Considering (B.10) and assuming that x1, x2 are independent, (D.14)

Varðx1 ÞÞ ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 Varðx2 Þ Varðx1 ÞVarðx2 Þ 2 ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 E ðx2  h2 Þ3

Var½gð xÞ  2
þ þ 
ðEðx2 ÞÞ ðEðx2 ÞÞ4 ðEðx2 ÞÞ4 ðEðx2 ÞÞ5
ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 E ðx2  h2 Þ4 ðEðx1 ÞÞ2 ½Var x2 2
ðEðx2 ÞÞ6 ðEðx2 ÞÞ6
Finally the variance of the estimates of the SY method is calculated as follows:
   ! 2 ! 2
1  a2 z0t a 1  a2 r2 a 1  a2 l2 pðp  1Þ
Var   2 þ  4
p0t  a2 2a pa 2a pa
2 2
   a 2 2
a 2
1 2 2a r pðp  1Þ 1  a2 l2 a3
þ  4   5
p  a2 p  a2 1  ð 1  aÞ 3
ðp  1Þð2p  1Þ a4 1  a2 l2
p5 1  ð1  aÞ4 p  a2 6
     !2  2
2 1 1 2 a 1  a2 l2 2
p 1 9 1 p þ1 þ  6 p
p p 2a pa 2
!2  2
a 1  a2 l2 2
 ðp  1Þ2    p ðp  1Þ
2a a 6
1 Intermittent Demand: Estimation and Statistical Properties 29

Since the fourth part of approximation (D.16) becomes almost zero even for
quite low average inter-demand intervals, and the last two terms cancel each other,
finally the variance is approximated by (D.17):
! h  i
a 0
p  a 2 2
r þp ð p  1 Þl 2
þ a
pð p  1 Þr 2
1  2 zt a a 2 2 2a
Var  1  
p0t  a2 2a 2 p2 a 4
2 2      
a4 12 l 2 1 1 2
þ   p 1  9 1  p þ 1
1  ð1  aÞ4 p  a 6 2
p p
This proves the result given by Eq. (55).


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Johnston FR, Boylan JE (1996) Forecasting for items with intermittent demand. J Oper Res Soc
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distribution. Int J Prod Econ 90:361–367
Porras EM, Dekker R (2008) An inventory control system for spare parts at a refinery: an
empirical comparison of different reorder point methods. Eur J Oper Res 184:101–132
Rao AV (1973) A comment on: forecasting and stock control for intermittent demands. Oper Res
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Schultz CR (1987) Forecasting and inventory control for sporadic demand under periodic review.
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Shale EA, Boylan JE, Johnston FR (2006) Forecasting for intermittent demand: the estimation of
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Shenstone L, Hyndman RJ (2005) Stochastic models underlying Croston’s method for
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30 A. A. Syntetos and J. E. Boylan

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Syntetos AA (2001) Forecasting of intermittent demand. Unpublished PhD thesis, Buckingham-
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Chapter 2
Distributional Assumptions
for Parametric Forecasting
of Intermittent Demand

Aris A. Syntetos, M. Zied Babai, David Lengu and Nezih Altay

2.1 Introduction

Parametric approaches to stock control rely upon a lead-time demand distribu-

tional assumption and the employment of an appropriate forecasting procedure for
estimating the moments of such a distribution. For the case of fast demand items
the Normality assumption is typically sufficient. However, Stock Keeping Units
(SKUs) often exhibit intermittent or irregular demand patterns that may not be
represented by the normal distribution. This is perhaps not true when lead times
are very long, in which case the Normality assumption may be plausible due to the
Central Limit Theorem. This issue is further discussed later in this chapter.
Intermittent demand appears at random, with some time periods having no
demand at all. Moreover, demand, when it occurs, is not necessarily for a single
unit or a constant demand size. In the academic literature, intermittent demand is
often referred to as lumpy, sporadic or erratic demand. A conceptual framework
that serves the purpose of distinguishing between such non-normal demand
patterns has been discussed by Boylan et al. (2007). A demand classification
framework has also been presented by Lengu and Syntetos (2009) and this is

A. A. Syntetos (&)  D. Lengu

University of Salford, Salford, UK
M. Z. Babai
BEM Bordeaux Management School, Bordeaux, France
D. Lengu
N. Altay
DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 31

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_2,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
32 A. A. Syntetos et al.

further discussed in Sect. 2.5 of the chapter. Intermittent demand items may be
engineering spares (e.g. Mitchell 1962; Hollier 1980; Strijbosch et al. 2000), spare
parts kept at the wholesaling/retailing level (e.g. Sani 1995), or any SKU within
the range of products offered by all organisations at any level of the supply chain
(e.g. Croston 1972; Willemain et al. 1994). Such items may collectively account
for up to 60% of the total stock value (Johnston et al. 2003) and are particularly
prevalent in the aerospace, automotive and IT sectors. They are often the items at
greatest risk of obsolescence.
Research in the area of forecasting and stock control for intermittent demand
items has developed rapidly in recent years with new results implemented into
software products because of their practical importance (Fildes et al. 2008). Key
issues remaining in this area relate to (i) the further development of robust
operational definitions of intermittent demand for forecasting and stock control
purposes and (ii) a better modelling of the underlying demand characteristics for
the purpose of proposing more powerful estimators useful in stock control. Both
issues link directly to the hypothesised distribution used for representing the rel-
evant demand patterns. Surprisingly though, not much has been contributed in this
area in the academic literature.
Classification for forecasting and stock control entails decisions with respect to
an appropriate estimation procedure, an appropriate stock control policy and an
appropriate demand distributional assumption. The subtle linkages between op-
erationalized SKU classification procedures and distributional assumptions have
not been adequately explored. In addition, the compound nature of intermittent
demand necessitates, conceptually at least, the employment of compound distri-
butions, such as the negative binomial distribution (NBD). Although this area has
attracted some academic attention (please refer also to the second section of this
chapter) there is still more empirical evidence needed on the goodness-of-fit of
these distributions to real data.
The objective of this work is three-fold: first, we conduct an empirical inves-
tigation that enables the analysis of the goodness-of-fit of various continuous and
discrete, compound and non-compound, two-parameter statistical distributions
used in the literature in the context of intermittent demand; second, we critically
link the results to theoretical expectations and the issue of classification for
forecasting and stock control; third, we provide an agenda for further research in
this area. We use three empirical datasets for the purposes of our analysis that
collectively constitute the individual demand histories of approximately 13,000
SKUs. Two datasets come from the military sector (Royal Air Force, RAF UK and
US Defense Logistics Agency, DLA) and one from the Electronics industry. In all
cases the SKUs are spare/service parts.
At this point it is important to note that some non-parametric procedures have
also been suggested in the literature to forecast intermittent demand requirements
(e.g. Willemain et al. 2004; Porras and Dekker 2008). Such approaches typically
rely upon bootstrapping procedures that permit a re-construction of the empirical
distribution of the data, thus making distributional assumptions redundant.
Although it has been claimed that such approaches have an advantage over
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 33

Intermittent demand

Parametric Forecasting Non-Parametric Forecasting

Parameters Distribution Bootstrapping

Mean Variance Discrete and continuous 2-parameter distributions

Give empirical evidence on distributional fit

Identify avenues for further research

Fig. 2.1 Focus of the research

parametric methodologies, more empirical research is needed to evaluate the

conditions under which one approach outperforms the other. In this chapter, we
will be focusing solely on parametric forecasting. The focus of our research is
presented in Fig. 2.1.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. In Sect. 2.2, a brief
research background dealing with forecasting and stock control issues in the
context of intermittent demand is presented along with a review on the demand
distributions discussed in the literature and/or used by practitioners. In Sect. 2.3,
we present the datasets used for the purpose of this empirical investigation, the
statistical goodness-of-fit tests that we have performed and the empirical results. A
critical discussion of the empirical findings follows in Sects. 2.4 and 2.5. Finally,
the conclusions of our research along with some natural extensions for further
work in this area are given in Sect. 2.6.

2.2 Research Background

In this section, a brief review of the literature on issues related to parametric

forecasting of intermittent demand is presented. First we address the issue of
estimating the mean and variance of intermittent demands, followed by a dis-
cussion of various suggestions that have been made in the literature with regards to
the hypothesized distribution of such demands.
34 A. A. Syntetos et al.

2.2.1 Parametric Forecasting

Practical parametric approaches to inventory management rely upon estimates of

some essential demand distribution parameters. The decision parameters of the
inventory systems (such as the re-order point or the order-up-to-level) are then
based on these estimates.
Different inventory systems require different variables to be forecasted. Some
of the most cited, for example (R, s, S) policies (Naddor 1975; Ehrhardt and
Mosier 1984), require only estimates of the mean and variance of demand. (In such
systems, the inventory position is reviewed every R periods and if the stock level
drops to the re-order point s enough is ordered to bring the inventory position up to
the order-up-to-level S.)
In other cases, and depending on the objectives or constraints imposed on the
system, such estimates are also necessary, although they do not constitute the ‘key’
quantities to be determined. We may consider, for example, an (R, S) or an (s, Q)
policy operating under a fill-rate constraint—known as P2. (In the former case, the
inventory position is reviewed periodically, every R periods, and enough is ordered
to bring it up to S. In the latter case, there is a continuous review of the inventory
position and as soon as that drops to, or below, s an order is placed for a fixed
quantity Q.) In those cases we wish to ensure that x% of demand is satisfied
directly off-the-shelf and estimates are required for the probabilities of any
demands exceeding S or s (for the (R, S) an (s, Q) policy, respectively). Such
probabilities are typically estimated indirectly, based on the mean demand
and variance forecast in conjunction with a hypothesized demand distribution.
Nevertheless, and as discussed in the previous section, a reconstruction of the
empirical distribution through a bootstrapping (non-parametric) procedure would
render such forecasts redundant; this issue is further discussed in this Handbook in
Chap.6. Similar comments apply when these systems operate under a different
service driven constraint: there is no more than x% chance of a stock-out during
the replenishment cycle (this service measure is known as P1). Consequently, we
need to estimate the (100 - x)th percentile of the demand distribution.
In summary, parametric approaches to forecasting involve estimates of the
mean and variance of demand. In addition, a demand distribution needs also to be
hypothesized, in the majority of stock control applications, for the purpose of
estimating the quantities of interest. Issues related to the hypothesized demand
distribution are addressed in the following sub-section. The estimation of the mean
and variance of demand is addressed in Chap.1 of this Handbook.

2.2.2 The Demand Distribution

Intermittent demand patterns are characterized by infrequent demands, often of

variable size, occurring at irregular intervals. Consequently, it is preferable to
model demand from constituent elements, i.e. the demand size and inter-demand
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 35

interval. Therefore, compound theoretical distributions (that explicitly take into

account the size-interval combination) are typically used in such contexts of
application. We first discuss some issues related to modelling demand arrivals and
hence inter-demand intervals. We then extend our discussion to compound demand
If time is treated as a discrete (whole number) variable, demand may be gen-
erated based on a Bernoulli process, resulting in a geometric distribution of the
inter-demand intervals. When time is treated as a continuous variable, the Poisson
demand generation process results in negative exponentially distributed inter-
arrival intervals.
There is sound theory in support of both geometric and exponential distribution
for representing the time interval between successive demands. There is also
empirical evidence in support of both distributions (e.g. Dunsmuir and Snyder
1989; Kwan 1991; Willemain et al. 1994; Janssen 1998; Eaves 2002). With
Poisson arrivals of demands and an arbitrary distribution of demand sizes, the
resulting distribution of total demand over a fixed lead time is compound Poisson.
Inter-demand intervals following the geometric distribution in conjunction with an
arbitrary distribution for the sizes, results in a compound binomial distribution.
Regarding the compound Poisson distributions, the stuttering Poisson, which is
a combination of a Poisson distribution for demand occurrence and a geometric
distribution for demand size, has received the attention of many researchers (for
example: Gallagher 1969; Ward 1978; Watson 1987). Another possibility is the
combination of a Poisson distribution for demand occurrence and a normal dis-
tribution for demand sizes (Vereecke and Verstraeten 1994), although the latter
assumption has little empirical support. Particularly for lumpy demands, the
demand size distribution is heavily skewed to the right, rendering the normality
assumption far from appropriate. Quenouille (1949) showed that a Poisson-Log-
arithmic process yields a negative binomial distribution (NBD). When event
arrivals are assumed to be Poisson distributed and the order size is not fixed but
follows a logarithmic distribution, total demand is then negative binomially
distributed over time.
Another possible distribution for representing demand is the gamma distribu-
tion. The gamma distribution is the continuous analogue of the NBD and
‘‘although not having a priori support [in terms of an explicit underlying mecha-
nism such as that characterizing compound distributions], the gamma is related to
a distribution which has its own theoretical justification’’ (Boylan 1997, p. 168).
The gamma covers a wide range of distribution shapes, it is defined for non-
negative values only and it is generally mathematically tractable in its inventory
control applications (Burgin and Wild 1967; Burgin 1975; Johnston 1980). Nev-
ertheless if it is assumed that demand is discrete, then the gamma can be only an
approximation to the distribution of demand. At this point it is important to note
that the use of both NBD and gamma distributions requires estimation of the mean
and variance of demand only. In addition, there is empirical evidence in support of
both distributions (especially the former) and therefore they are recommended for
practical applications.
36 A. A. Syntetos et al.

If demand occurs as a Bernoulli process and orders follow the Logarithmic-

Poisson distribution (which is not the same as the Poisson-Logarithmic process
that yields NBD demand) then the resulting distribution of total demand per period
is the log-zero-Poisson (Kwan 1991). The log-zero-Poisson is a three parameter
distribution and requires a rather complicated estimation method. Moreover, it was
found by Kwan (1991) to be empirically outperformed by the NBD. Hence, the
log-zero Poisson cannot be recommended for practical applications. One other
compound binomial distribution appeared in the literature is that involving nor-
mally distributed demand sizes (Croston 1972, 1974). However, and as discussed
above, a normality assumption is unrealistic and therefore the distribution is not
recommended for practical applications.
Despite the inappropriateness of the normal distribution for representing
demand sizes it may in fact constitute a reasonable assumption for lead time
demand itself, when lead times are long (see also Syntetos and Boylan 2008). This
is because long lead times permit central limit theorem effects for the sum of
demands over the corresponding period, thus making the normality assumption
more plausible. In addition, the assumption of normality may also be likely to be
good when the coefficient of variation (CV) of the distribution of demand per
period is small. Finally, algorithms based on normality are simple to implement
making the normal distribution a very commonly assumed one among
For very slow moving items, such as those commonly encountered in a mil-
itary context for example, the Poisson distribution is known to offer a very good
fit and much of the stock control theory in this area has been developed upon the
explicit assumption that demand per period is Poisson distributed (see, for
example, Silver et al. 1998). In this case demand is assumed to arrive as a Poisson
process couple with unit-sized transactions. In an early work, Friend (1960) also
discussed the use of a Poisson distribution for demand occurrence, combined with
demands of constant size. Vereecke and Verstraeten (1994) presented an algo-
rithm developed for the implementation of a computerised stock control system
for spare parts in a chemical plant. The demand was assumed to occur as a
Poisson process with a package of several pieces being requested at each demand
occurrence. The resulting distribution of demand per period was called a
‘Package Poisson’ distribution. The same distribution has appeared in the liter-
ature under the name ‘hypothetical SKU’ (h-SKU) Poisson distribution (Williams
1984), where demand is treated as if it occurs as a multiple of some constant, or
‘clumped Poisson’ distribution, for multiple item orders for the same SKU of a
fixed ‘clump size’ (Ritchie and Kingsman 1985). The ‘Package Poisson’ distri-
bution requires, as the Poisson distribution itself, an estimate of the mean demand
The short review of the literature presented above indicates that it is worthwhile
testing the empirical goodness-of-fit of the following distributions: (i) Poisson; (ii)
NBD; (iii) stuttering Poisson; (iv) Gamma; and (v) Normal. In the next section we
conduct such tests and we comment on the plausibility of the relevant assumptions
for applications in an intermittent demand context.
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 37

2.3 Empirical Investigation

In this section, we first describe the datasets used for the purposes of this empirical
investigation, followed by a discussion of the statistical goodness-of-fit tests
conducted and the empirical results.

2.3.1 Empirical Data

The empirical databases available for the purposes of our research come from the
US Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Royal Air Force (RAF) and Electronics
Industry and they consist of the individual monthly demand histories of 4,588,
5,000 and 3,055 SKUs, respectively. Some information regarding these datasets is
presented in Table 2.1, followed by detailed descriptive statistics on the demand
data series characteristics for each of the datasets presented in Tables 2.2, 2.3, and
2.4. At this point it should be noted that the time series considered have not been
tested for stationarity. Statistical Goodness-of-Fit Tests

Two tests have been mainly used and discussed in the literature for checking
statistically significant fit, namely: the Chi-Square test and the Kolmogorov–
Smirnov (K–S) test (see, for example, Harnett and Soni 1991). These tests measure

Table 2.1 Empirical datasets

# Country Industry No of SKUs Time History Lead-time Cost
bucket length info info
1 USA Military/DLA 4,588 Month 60 No No
2 UK Military/RAF 5,000 Month 84 Yes Yes
3 Europe IT 3,055 Month 48 Constant = 3 Yes

Table 2.2 Dataset #1—US Defense Logistics Agency

4,588 SKUs Demand intervals Demand sizes Demand per period
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Min 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.083 0.279
25% 1.967 1.665 2.894 2.314 0.650 1.672
Median 3.278 3.236 5.375 5.142 1.750 3.749
75% 5.600 6.049 11.940 12.435 4.550 9.403
Max 12 24.597 1326.875 1472.749 783.917 1219.012
38 A. A. Syntetos et al.

Table 2.3 Dataset #2—Royal Air Force

5,000 SKUs Demand intervals Demand sizes Demand per period
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Min 3.824 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.036 0.187
25% 7.273 5.431 1.556 0.815 0.155 0.538
Median 9.000 6.930 3.833 3.062 0.369 1.452
75% 11.571 8.630 11.333 9.315 1.155 4.434
Max 24.000 16.460 668.000 874.420 65.083 275.706
Part of Dataset #2 has been used in the following study: Syntetos et al. (2009)

Table 2.4 Dataset #3—electronics

3,055 SKUs Demand intervals Demand sizes Demand per period
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Min 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.042 0.245
25% 1.500 1.011 3.462 3.011 0.896 2.215
Median 2.556 2.285 5.900 6.220 2.104 4.501
75% 4.700 4.389 12.122 13.863 6.010 10.480
Max 24.000 32.527 5366.188 9149.349 5366.188 3858.409
Dataset #3 has been used in the following study: Babai et al. (2009)

the degree of fit between observed and expected frequencies. Problems often arise
with the standard Chi-Square test through the requirement that data needs to be
grouped together in categories to ensure that each category has an expected
frequency of at least a minimum of a certain number of observations. Some
modifications of this test have also been considered in the literature. A modified
Chi-Square test has been developed for the purpose of testing the goodness-of-fit
for intermittent demands (Eaves 2002). This test differs in that boundaries are
specified by forming a certain number of categories with similar expected fre-
quencies throughout, rather than combining groups just at the margins. However,
the implementation of this test requires the specification of the number of cate-
gories to be used. We encountered a difficulty in using the standard or modified
Chi-Square test in our research, namely that of deciding how to specify the cat-
egories’ intervals or the number of categories. On the other hand, the K–S test does
not require grouping of the data in any way, so no information is lost; this elim-
inates the troublesome problem of categories’ intervals specification.
In an inventory context one could argue that measures based on the entire
distribution can be misleading (Boylan and Syntetos 2006). A good overall
goodness-of-fit statistic may relate to the chances of low demand values, which
can mask poor forecasts of the chances of high-demand values. However, for
inventory calculations, attention should be restricted to the upper end of the dis-
tribution (say the 90th or 95th percentiles). The development of modified good-
ness-of-fit tests for application in inventory control, and even more specifically in
an intermittent demand context, is a very important area but not one considered as
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 39

part of this research. Consequently, we have selected the K–S test for the purpose
of assessing goodness-of-fit.
The K–S test assumes that the data is continuous and the standard critical values
are exact only if this assumption holds. Several researchers (e.g. Noether 1963,
1967; Walsh 1963; Slakter 1965) have found that the standard K–S test is con-
servative when applied to data that is discrete. The standard exact critical values
provided for the continuous data are larger than the true exact critical values for
discrete data. Consequently, the test is less powerful if the data is discrete as in the
case of this research; it could result in accepting the null hypothesis at a given
significance level while the correct decision would have been to reject the null
hypothesis. Conover (1972) proposed a method for determining the exact critical
levels for discrete data.
As discussed in the previous section, we are considering five distributions the fit
of which is tested on the demand data related to 12,643 SKUs. The distribution of the
demand per period has been considered rather than the distribution of the lead-time
demand; this is due to the lack of information on the actual lead times associated with
the dataset 1. (Although this may be very restrictive regarding the performance of
the normal distribution, this would still be expected to perform well on the time
series that are associated with a small coefficient of variation of demand per period.)
Critical values have been computed based on K–S statistical tables for 1 and 5%
significance levels. We consider that:
• There is a ‘Strong Fit’ if the P-value is less than both critical values;
• There is ‘Good Fit’ if the P-value is less than the critical value for 1% but larger
than the one for 5%;
• There is ‘No Fit’ if the P-value is larger than both critical values. Empirical Results

In Table 2.5 we present the percentage of SKUs that satisfy the various degrees of
goodness-of-fit taken into account in our research, for each of the datasets and
statistical distributions considered.
As shown in Table 2.5, the discrete distributions, i.e. Poisson, NBD and stut-
tering Poisson provide, overall, a better fit than the continuous ones, i.e. Normal
and Gamma. More precisely, and with regards to ‘Strong Fit, the stuttering Poisson
distribution performs best in all three datasets considered in our research. This is
followed by the NBD and then by the Poisson distribution. On the other hand, the
normal distribution is judged to be far from appropriate for intermittent demand
items; this is partly due to the experimental structure employed for the purposes of
our investigation that relied upon the distribution of demand per time period rather
than the distribution of the lead time demand.
Contrary to our expectations, the gamma distribution has also been found to
perform poorly. This may be explained in terms of the inconsistency between the
distribution under concern, which is continuous in nature, and the discreteness of the
40 A. A. Syntetos et al.

Table 2.5 Goodness-of-fit results

Dataset # No of SKUs Distribution Percentage of SKUs (%)
Strong fit Good fit No fit
1 4,588 Poisson 39.45 5.51 55.04
NBD 71.19 3.86 24.95
Stuttering Poisson 84.18 3.64 12.18
Normal 11.84 14.25 73.91
Gamma 13.84 3.88 82.28
2 5,000 Poisson 59.84 2.94 37.22
NBD 82.48 2.7 14.82
Stuttering Poisson 98.64 0.48 0.88
Normal 12.2 18.12 69.68
Gamma 19.2 12.32 68.48
3 3,055 Poisson 32.64 7.4 59.96
NBD 73.94 5.31 20.75
Stuttering Poisson 79.05 4.49 16.46
Normal 9.92 14.34 75.74
Gamma 11.69 3.83 84.48

(demand) data employed in our goodness-of-fit tests. We return to this issue in the
last section of the chapter where the next steps of our research are discussed in detail.

2.4 Linking the Goodness-of-Fit to Demand Characteristics

Johnston and Boylan (1996) offered for the first time an operationalised definition
of intermittent demand for forecasting purposes (demand patterns associated with
an average inter-demand interval ( p) greater than 1.25 forecast revision periods).
The contribution of their work lies on the identification of the average inter-
demand interval as a demand classification parameter rather than the specification
of an exact cut-off value. Syntetos et al. (2005) took this work forward by
developing a demand classification scheme that it relies upon both p and the
squared coefficient of variation of demand sizes (CV2), i.e. the contribution of
their work lies in the identification of an additional categorisation parameter for
demand forecasting purposes. Nevertheless, inventory control issues and demand
distributional assumptions were not addressed. Boylan et al. (2007) assessed the
stock control implications of the work discussed above by means of experimen-
tation on an inventory system developed by a UK-based software manufacturer.
The researchers demonstrated, empirically, the insensitivity of the p cut-off value,
for demand classification purposes, in the approximate range 1.18–1.86 periods.
In this section, we attempt to explore the potential linkages between demand
distributional assumptions and the classification scheme developed by Syntetos
et al. (2005). In the following figures we present for dataset #1 and each of the
distributions considered, the SKUs associated with a ‘Strong Fit’ as a function of
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 41

the inter-demand intervals ( p) and the squared demand coefficient of variation

(CV2). The relevant results for the other two datasets are presented in the
As shown in the figures presented below/in the Appendix and theoretically
expected, both the stuttering Poisson and the Negative Binomial distribution
perform comparatively better for all the datasets considered. This is true both for
the SKUs with high inter-demand intervals (e.g. SKUs with p being up to 12 in
dataset #1 or SKUs with a p value up to 24 in datasets #2 and #3) and low demand
intervals (e.g. SKUs with p values starting from 1 in datasets #1 and #3). More-
over, it should be noted that there is a strong fit of NBD and stuttering Poisson to
all the SKUS that are also associated with a strong fit of the Poisson distribution,
which is expected since both distributions under concern are compound Poisson
ones. The SKUs where there is commonly a strong fit of those three distributions
are the ones characterized by relatively low CV2 values (Figs. 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4).
Furthermore, the normal distribution performs well for the SKUs with relatively
low inter-demand intervals (e.g. SKUs with p values close to 1 in datasets #1 and
#3 and p = 3.82 in the dataset #2). However, there are also a few SKUs with high
inter-demand intervals (p going up to 12 in dataset #1, 24 in dataset #2 and 15 in
dataset #3) for which the normal distribution provides a strong fit. Those latter
SKUs have a minimum CV2 (i.e. CV2 = 0) which can be explained by the fact that
their demand is very low (in most of the cases, the demand is equal to zero and
one) and can fit to the normal distribution with low mean (i.e. equivalently high
values of p) and variance. As shown in Figs. 2.5 and 2.6, in addition to the SKUs
where there is a fit to the normal distribution (those with low values of p), the

Fig. 2.2 Dataset #1—good- Goodness of fit - Poisson

ness-of-fit results for the 4
Poisson distribution

0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 2.3 Dataset #1—good- Goodness of fit - NBD

ness-of-fit results for the

0 5 10 15 20
42 A. A. Syntetos et al.

Fig. 2.4 Dataset #1—good- Goodness of fit - Stuttering Poisson

ness-of-fit results for the 7
stuttering Poisson 6

0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 2.5 Dataset #1—good- Goodness of fit - Normal

ness-of-fit results for the 1,2
normal distribution 1

0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 2.6 Dataset #1—good- Goodness of fit - Gamma

ness-of-fit results for the
gamma distribution 5

0 5 10 15 20

gamma distribution provides also a strong fit to the SKUs with very high values of
p (i.e. SKUs with an inter-demand interval going up to 12 periods in dataset #1 and
24 periods in datasets #2 and #3) and high CV2 values (i.e. SKUs with CV2 up to 6
in dataset #1, CV2 = 10 in the dataset #2 and CV2 = 8 in the dataset #3). This is
also expected since the gamma distribution is known to be very flexible in terms of
its mean and variance, so it can take high values for its p and CV2 and can be
reduced to the normal distribution for certain parameters of the mean and the
Based on the goodness-of-fit results presented in this section, we have
attempted to derive inductively an empirical rule that suggests which distribution
should be used under particular values of the inter-demand interval and squared
coefficient of variation of the demand sizes. That is to say, we have explored the
possibility of extending the classification scheme discussed by Syntetos et al.
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 43



1 Poisson
0 p
1 2

Fig. 2.7 Demand distributional assumptions: an inductive classification rule

(2005) to demand distributional assumptions. An inductive Rule has been devel-

oped (please refer to Fig. 2.7) based on the reported empirical performance of the
distributions considered in our research in relation to specific values of p and CV2.
The Rule suggests appropriate regions for the selection of these distributions, i.e.
Normal is used for SKUs with ‘low’ p and CV2, Poisson is used for SKUs with low
CV2, Gamma is used for SKUs with ‘extreme’ values of p and CV2, NBD and
stuttering Poisson (SP) are used for the other ranges. The stock control implica-
tions of using such a rule were evaluated through the use of the Syntetos–Boylan
Approximation (Syntetos and Boylan, 2005) for forecasting purposes and the
standard order-up-to-level stock control policy for a specified target cycle service
level. Inventory volumes and achieved service levels were compared against those
obtained from the same inventory management system that relies though upon a
single demand distributional assumption, i.e. NBD. However, the results indicated
no superior empirical performance of the ‘new’ approach. This may be explained
in terms of the construction of the goodness-of-fit testing that considers the entire
demand distribution whereas stock control performance is explicitly dependant
upon the fit on the right-hand tail of the distributions. This is an important issue in
Inventory Management and one that has not received adequate attention in the
academic literature. We return to this issue in the last section of this chapter.

2.5 Theoretical Expectations

Lengu and Syntetos (2009) proposed a demand classification scheme based on the
underlying demand characteristics of the SKUs (please refer to Fig. 2.8). SKUs are
first categorised as non-qualifying if the variance of the demand per period is less
than the mean or qualifying if the variance is at least equal to the mean. Compound
Poisson distributions can be used to model the demand series of qualifying SKUs
but they are regarded as not appropriate for modelling the demand of non-quali-
fying SKUs. Let us assume that demand is generated from a compound Poisson
44 A. A. Syntetos et al.


Qualifying SKUs
Non-qualifying SKUs

(i.e. Compound distributions)

Poisson - Log Series Poisson - Geometric

(Stuttering Poisson) Other distributions


Fig. 2.8 Compound Poisson modelling of intermittent series

model (i.e. demand ‘arrives’ according to a Poisson process and, when demand
occurs, it follows a specified distribution). If we let l denote the mean demand per
unit time period and r2 denote the variance of demand per unit period of time, then
l ¼ klz ð1Þ

r2 ¼ k l2z þ rz 2

where k is the rate of demand occurrence, and lz and r2z the mean and variance,
respectively, of the transaction size when demand occurs. Note that

r2 kðl2z þ r2z Þ
¼ 1 ð3Þ
l klz

since l2z C lz (the transaction size is at least of 1 unit) and r2z is non-negative. The
compound Poisson demand model is therefore not appropriate for SKUs associated
with r2/l \ 1 (non-qualifying). Note that the actual rate of demand occurrence k
does not affect the classification of SKUs as to whether they are qualifying or not.

2.5.1 Poisson-Geometric Compound Distribution (stuttering


The Geometric distribution Ge(pG) is a discrete monotonically decreasing distri-

bution with 0 B CV2 B 1 and mode m ~ ¼ 1: It can model transaction sizes that are
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 45

usually equal to one but can also take higher values. The Poisson-Geometric
compound distribution also accommodates the case of clumped demand since the
Poisson distribution is a special case of the Poisson-Geometric distribution. Spe-
cifically, if the parameter of the Geometric distribution Ge(pG) is 1, then the
transaction size can only take one value (transaction size 1). With the transaction
size being clumped, the demand model is now reduced to a standard Poisson
distribution. In the empirical goodness-of-fit tests, the Poisson-Geometric distri-
bution provided the most frequent fit of all the distributions considered (see
Table 2.5).

2.5.2 Poisson-Logarithmic Series Compound Distribution (NBD)

The Logarithmic series distribution Log(pL) is a discrete monotonically decreasing

distribution with an unbounded CV2 and m ~ ¼ 1: Just like the Geometric distri-
bution, the Logarithmic distribution can model transaction sizes that are constant
or monotonically decreasing. However, unlike the Geometric distribution the
parameter CV2 does not have an upper bound. The Poisson-Logarithmic series
compound distribution is therefore more flexible and can accommodate SKUs with
exceptionally large transaction sizes. In the empirical goodness-of-fit tests, the
Poisson-Logarithmic series distribution provided the second most frequent fit after
the stuttering Poisson distribution.
The work discussed in this section has been developed under the assumption
that demand arrivals follow a Poisson process. Similar results would be obtained if
demand was assumed to occur according to a Bernoulli process since when the
probability of more than one occurrence per period is negligible the Poisson and
Bernoulli distributions are nearly identical. In such cases, the Poisson distribution,
P0(k), is approximately equal to the Bernoulli distribution with:

Pð0Þ ¼ expðkÞ and Pð1Þ ¼ 1  expðkÞ:

2.5.3 Non-Qualifying SKUs

While qualifying SKUs can be reasonably modelled using compound distributions,

modelling non-qualifying SKUs is more challenging. Adan et al. (1995) proposed
using a Binomial distribution-based model for what is termed as non-qualifying
SKUs for the purposes of our research. Note that for the binomial distribution
Biðn; pÞ; r2 =l ¼ npq=np ¼ q\1; the binomial distribution can therefore accom-
modate non-qualifying SKUs. We are not aware of any empirical studies con-
ducted to determine whether the model proposed by Adan et al. may provide
adequate fit for real-life demand series. Moreover, it is not possible from that
46 A. A. Syntetos et al.

model to distinguish between the demand occurrence process and the transaction
size distribution. Such a model could however be useful for modeling slow-
moving non-qualifying SKUs and we will consider it in the next steps of our

2.5.4 Other Considerations

The normal distribution and the gamma distribution seem to be the least promising
of all the distributions considered in the empirical part of this chapter. For either
distribution, the variance can be less than, equal to or larger than the mean. The
two distributions can therefore be used to model both qualifying and non-quali-
fying SKUs. Furthermore, the normal distribution and the gamma distributions
have been studied extensively and tables of the critical values for both distribu-
tions are widely available. However, in the empirical study, the two distributions
provided the least frequent fit and there is no clear pattern associated with the
SKUs for which the distributions provided a good fit. The normal distribution and
the gamma distribution might be convenient to use but that should be contrasted to
their rather poor empirical performance.
As we have mentioned in Sect. 2.2, that the K–S test assumes that the data is
continuous and the test is less powerful if the data is discrete as in the case of this
research. The standard exact critical values provided for the continuous data are
larger than the true exact critical values for discrete data. Conover (1972) and
Pettitt and Stephens (1977) proposed a method for determining the exact critical
levels for the K–S test for discrete data. Choulakian et al. (1994) proposed a
method of calculating the critical values of the Cramér–von Mises test and the
Anderson–Darling test for discrete data. These tests have one significant drawback
because of their sensitivity: their critical values are very much dependent upon the
model being tested. Different tables of the critical values are therefore required for
each demand model being tested. Steele and Chaselling (2006) have compared the
power of these different goodness-of-fit tests for discrete data but their study was
not extensive enough to indicate which test is the most powerful for our purposes.

2.6 Conclusions and Further Research

Parametric approaches to forecasting rely upon an explicit demand distributional

assumption. Although the normal distribution is typically adequate for ‘fast’
demand items this is not true when demand is intermittent. Some research has been
conducted with regards to the hypothesised distributions needed for representing
such patterns and a number of distributions have been put forward as potential
candidates on the basis of: (i) theoretical arguments, (ii) intuitive appeal; (iii)
empirical support. A review of the literature though reveals that: (i) more empirical
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 47

studies are required in order to develop our understanding on the adequacy of these
distributions under differing underlying intermittent demand structures; (ii) there is
some scope for linking demand distributional assumptions to classification for
forecasting and stock control purposes. Both these issues are explored as part of
the research work presented in this chapter. The empirical databases available for
the purposes of our investigation come from the US DLA, RAF and Electronics
Industry and they consist of the individual monthly demand histories of 4,588,
5,000 and 3,055 SKUs, respectively.
The empirical goodness-of-fit of five distributions (of demand per period) has
been assessed by means of employing the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test. These
distributions are: Poisson, Negative Binomial Distribution (NBD), stuttering
Poisson, Normal and Gamma. The results indicate that both the NBD and stut-
tering Poisson provide the most frequent fit. Both these distributions are compound
in nature, meaning that they account explicitly for a demand arrival process
(Poisson) and a different distribution for the transaction sizes (Log series and
Geometric for the NBD and stuttering Poisson, respectively). Despite previous
claims, the gamma distribution does not perform very well and the same is true for
the normal distribution. This may be attributed to the continuous nature of these
distributions (since their fit is tested on discrete observations) but also to the fact
that we model demand per unit time period as opposed to lead time demand. Upon
reflection, this is viewed as a limitation of our work since lead time demand could
have been considered for two of the three datasets available to us (in those cases
the actual lead time was available). If that was the case, both the Normal and
gamma distribution would be associated potentially with a better performance. The
Poisson distribution provides a ‘reasonable’ fit and this is theoretically expected
for slow moving items.
Some recent work on the issue of demand classification (Syntetos et al.
2005) has focused on both the demand arrival pattern and distribution of the
demand sizes. In this chapter, we have attempted empirically to link the
goodness-of-fit of the above discussed distributions to the classification scheme
proposed by Syntetos et al. (2005). Although some of the results were matched
indeed by relevant theoretical expectations this was not the case when the
inventory implications of the proposed scheme were considered. Goodness-of-fit
tests focus on the entire demand distribution whereas stock control performance
is explicitly dependant upon the fit on the right-hand tail of a distribution. This
is an important issue in Inventory Management and one that has not received
adequate attention in the academic literature. The empirical results discussed
above have also been contrasted to some theoretical expectations offered by a
conceptual demand classification framework presented by Lengu and Syntetos
(2009). The framework links demand classification to some underlying char-
acteristics of intermittent demand patterns and although it seems capable of
explaining a number of empirical results it may not be utilized in an opera-
tionalised fashion yet.
The work presented in this chapter has revealed a number of interesting
themes for further research. Distributional assumptions play a critical role in
48 A. A. Syntetos et al.

practical inventory management applications and further work on the following

issues should prove to be valuable both from a theoretical and practitioner
• The development of modified goodness-of-fit tests for application in inventory
control, and even more specifically in an intermittent demand context, is a very
important area. In particular, putting more emphasis on the right-hand tail of the
distribution seems appropriate for stock control applications.
• Quantifying the effect that the inconsistency between the discrete nature of
demand data and the continuous nature of certain distributions may have on
goodness-of-fit statistics constitutes an interesting research question.
• The inconsistency between the discrete nature of demand observations and the
implicit assumption of continuous data employed by various goodness-of-fit
tests should be further explored.
• Replication of the analysis conducted in this chapter in larger demand datasets
coupled with the assessment of the goodness-of-fit of various distributions to the
lead time demand as opposed to demand per period should help advance
knowledge in this area.

Acknowledgements The research described in this chapter has been partly supported by the
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, UK) grants no. EP/D062942/1
and EP/G006075/1. More information on the former project may be obtained at http://www. In addition, we acknowledge the
financial support received from the Royal Society, UK: 2007/Round 1 Inter. Incoming Short
Visits—North America.


Goodness-of-Fit Results

Fig. A1 Dataset #2—good- Goodness of fit - Poisson

ness-of-fit results for Poisson
distribution 4

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 49

Fig. A2 Dataset #2—good- Goodness of fit - NBD

ness-of-fit results for the

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. A3 Dataset #2—good- Goodness of fit - Stuttering Poisson

ness-of-fit results for the 8
7 Stuttering Poisson
stuttering Poisson

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. A4 Dataset #2—good- Goodness of fit - Normal

ness-of-fit results for the
normal distribution 0,20




0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. A5 Dataset #2—good- Goodness of fit - Gamma

ness-of-fit results for gamma
distribution 10

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
50 A. A. Syntetos et al.

Fig. A6 Dataset #3—good- Goodness of fit - Poisson

ness-of-fit results for the 4
Poisson distribution

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. A7 Dataset #3—good- Goodness of fit - NBD

ness-of-fit results for the 6

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. A8 Dataset #3—good- Goodness of fit - Stuttering Poisson

ness-of-fit results for the 6
stuttering Poisson 5

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. A9 Dataset #3—good- Goodness of fit - Normal

ness-of-fit results for the 1,4
normal distribution 1,2

0 5 10 15 20
2 Distributional Assumptions for Parametric Forecasting of Intermittent Demand 51

Fig. A10 Dataset #3— Goodness of fit - Gamma

goodness-of-fit results for 9
gamma distribution 7

0 5 10 15 20 25 30


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Chapter 3
Decision Trees for Forecasting
Trended Demand

Natasha N. Atanackov and John E. Boylan

3.1 Introduction

Service parts, by their very nature, are often subject to trends in demand. The
trends may be short-term, as a consequence of changing market conditions, or
long-term, related to the life-cycle of the part. Fortuin (1980) suggested that there
are three phases of a service part’s life history: initial, normal and final. The initial
phase is often a time of growth in demand, as more original equipment begins to
fail. The normal phase may be more stable, but still subject to shorter-term trends,
perhaps reflecting wider market trends. The final phase is generally one of long-
term decline in demand, as the original equipment is replaced by newer models
and the service parts are required less frequently.
The nature of the trend in demand is not always clear, particularly during the
normal phase of demand, when noise in demand may mask trends. Therefore,
forecasting may be enhanced by improving the selection process between trended
and non-trended series, and between different types of trended series.
In many organisations, service parts are voluminous, amounting to thousands or
tens of thousands of items. This has led to the implementation of automatic
methods in forecasting and inventory management software. One approach to the
selection of methods is to use a ,pick best’ method, whereby a competition of
methods is conducted for each series. However, this approach is not suitable for
forecasting trended demand when the length of demand history is short, making it
difficult to discern growth or decline. Another approach is to simply allow users to
choose a forecasting technique from a menu. This presupposes that users are aware

N. N. Atanackov (&)
Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia
J. E. Boylan
Buckinghamshire New University, High Wycombe, UK

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 53

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_3,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
54 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

of the strengths and weaknesses of the methods on the menu, and know how to
conduct appropriate accuracy comparisons. This is not always a reasonable
assumption, particularly for those new to demand forecasting, or insufficiently
An alternative approach is to develop decision rules for method selection based
on the analysis of the models that underpin forecasting methods. Such selection
methods, known as protocols, can be implemented quite straightforwardly in
forecasting software. Analysing the problem from this perspective may bring new
insights and offer the opportunity of more accurate forecasts.
The aim of this chapter is to assess protocols for method selection, based on
rules derived from the time series features. The pool of methods consists of
well known non-seasonal exponential smoothing methods, namely Single
Exponential Smoothing (SES), Holt’s linear method, and damped Holt’s
method. The damped Holt’s method, introduced by Gardner and McKenzie
(1985), includes a damping parameter in Holt’s method to give more control
over trend extrapolation. It is included in many service parts applications and
has been found to perform well in forecasting competitions on real data. In this
chapter, a distinction will be maintained between a forecasting method, which
is a computational procedure to calculate a forecast, and a forecasting model,
which is a stochastic demand process. A model-based method takes the sto-
chastic process as given, and is based on an appropriate estimation procedure
for the parameters specified in the model. A schematic representation is shown
in Fig. 3.1.
The models considered in this chapter are restricted to non-intermittent demand,
for which the standard smoothing methods are appropriate. Intermittent demand
occurs when there is no demand at all in some time periods and requires different
smoothing approaches, such as Croston’s method. The selection of forecasting
methods for intermittent items is an important problem and has been a subject of
growing interest in the academic literature. Boylan and Syntetos (2008) review
recent developments and offer a framework for classification of service parts,
including consideration of intermittence and erraticness of demand. The approa-
ches suggested for the selection of methods for intermittent demand are quite
different to those that have been developed for non-intermittent demand. Both
categories of demand are vital for service parts management but, in this chapter,
we shall concentrate on non-intermittent demand.
The reminder of this chapter will develop an approach to select from the models
that underpin SES, Holt’s and damped Holt’s methods. Then, the approach will be

Identification Estimation
Set of Procedure Procedure
Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting
Models Model Method

Fig. 3.1 Forecasting models and methods

3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 55

examined and tested on real-world data. Three datasets will be employed. The first
two are ,standard data sets’, having been used in previous forecasting competi-
tions, while the third has not been analysed previously. The third dataset consists
of weekly demand histories; forecasts of weekly demand are required for inventory
management purposes.

3.2 Trend Forecasting Methods

Exponential smoothing (ES) is an excellent choice for automatic forecasting

systems involving many thousands of time series. Such systems are commonly
used for the inventory management of service parts. The implementation of three
of the most commonly applied exponential smoothing methods is discussed in this
section, including optimisation of smoothing parameters.

3.2.1 Single Exponential Smoothing Method (SES)

The single exponential smoothing method can be written as follows:

^lt ¼ adt þ ð1  aÞ^lt1 ð2:1Þ

d^tþn ¼ ^lt ð2:2Þ

where dt represents the observation for the current time period t; ^lt represents an
estimate of the underlying mean level of the series; d^tþn denotes a forecast made at
time t for n-periods ahead; and a represents a smoothing parameter. Equation (2.1)
shows how the smoothed level is updated when a new observation becomes
available. Equation (2.2) represents the n-step ahead forecast using observations
up to and including time t.
The choice of values of smoothing parameters in ES methods can be made in a
number of ways. Firstly, the parameter values can be set arbitrarily to values
suggested in the academic literature. Secondly, the estimation period of the time
series (discussed in Sect. 3.6.2) can be used to establish the parameters by
selecting values that minimise Mean Squared Error (or other error measure). The
values will be kept constant regardless of the new observations that become
available. Finally, the smoothing parameters can be optimised at each period,
before the forecasts are generated, meaning that all the available time series
information is used. In this study, the second approach is used, allowing for
optimisation of parameters, but without the computational burden of re-optimi-
sation every period. For SES, the smoothing constant is optimised from the range
0.05 to 0.95, with a step value of 0.05.
56 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

3.2.2 Holt’s Linear Method

When trend is present in the time series, the SES method needs to be generalised.
Holt’s linear trend method (Holt 1957, 2004a, b) produces estimates of the local
level and of the local growth rate. The method may be written as follows:
^lt ¼ adt þ ð1  aÞ ^lt1 þ ^bt1 ð2:3Þ
bt ¼ b ^lt  ^lt1 þ ð1  bÞ^bt1 ð2:4Þ

d^tþn ¼ ^lt þ n^
bt ð2:5Þ

where ^bt represents an estimate of the underlying trend of the series; a and b
represent smoothing parameters; and the remaining notation is unchanged.
Equation (2.3) shows how the smoothed level of the series is updated when a new
observation becomes available, while (2.4) serves the same purpose for the trend
estimate. Equation (2.5) gives a straight line trend-projection for the n-step ahead
As for single exponential smoothing, the parameters can be chosen arbitrarily,
or they can be estimated from the time series. In this chapter, the two parameters
are optimised once, with both parameters being required to lie in the interval 0.05–
0.95 (with step value of 0.05).

3.2.3 Damped Holt’s Method

It is not clear when the idea of damped trend was introduced for the first time in the
academic literature. Roberts (1982) introduced a predictor for sales forecasting
with an incremental growth estimate and a damping parameter, and proved its
optimality for an ARIMA (1, 1, 2) process. Gardner and McKenzie (1985) dis-
cussed Holt’s linear method, and suggested a generalised version of the method by
adding an autoregressive-damping parameter, /, to give more control over trend
extrapolation. The damped Holt’s method may be written as follows:
^lt ¼ adt þ ð1  aÞ ^lt1 þ /^bt1 ð2:6Þ
bt ¼ b ^lt  ^lt1 þ ð1  bÞ/^bt1
^ ð2:7Þ

d^tþn ¼ ^lt þ /i ^
bt ð2:8Þ

In the above equations, / is a damping parameter between zero and one, and the
remaining notation is unchanged. Depending on the value of the damping
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 57

parameter /, Gardner and McKenzie (1985) distinguished between four types

of trend projected by the damped Holt’s method:(i) If / = 0, there is no trend
in the time series and the method is equivalent to Single Exponential Smooth-
ing; (ii) If 0 \ / \ 1, the trend is damped and the forecast approaches an
asymptote given by the horizontal line ^lt þ ^ bt 1/ ; iii) If / = 1, the method is
equivalent to the standard Holt’s method and the trend is linear; (iv) if / [ 1,
the trend is exponential. The last option is considered to be dangerous in an
automatic forecasting system (Gardner and McKenzie 1985) and it will not be
discussed further in this chapter. Additionally, the / parameter can have a nega-
tive value. In that case, the process would have an oscillatory character, because
the sign of the damping parameter would be different in every subsequent
time period. This situation is rarely seen in practice and it will not be elaborated
The three parameters required for the Damped Holt’s method are optimised in
the same way as the other two smoothing methods. The range for the two
smoothing parameters is the same as for Holt’s method. The damping parameter is
optimised from the range 0.1 to 0.9 (step 0.1). The influence of the parameter
values will be discussed in Sects. 3.6 and 3.7.

3.2.4 Other Methods

Pegels (1969) included multiplicative trend forecasting within his classification of

exponential smoothing methods. This method was extended by Taylor (2003), who
introduced a version of exponential smoothing with a damped multiplicative trend.
Multiplicative trend methods are not commonly available in forecasting packages
for service parts. Therefore, these methods will not be analysed further in this
chapter, although their investigation would be a worthwhile topic for further
Another method that could be considered for analysis is the Theta Method
(Assimakopoulos and Nikolopoulos 2000). This method, as applied in the M3
competition (Makridakis and Hibon 2000), has been shown to be a member of the
exponential smoothing family of methods (Hyndman and Billah 2003). Like the
damped multiplicative trend method, the Theta method has yet to be implemented
in commercial software that may be applied to service parts, although academic
software has been developed (Makridakis et al. 2008).
In summary, the work presented in this chapter does not aim to provide
selection protocols between all exponential smoothing methods (see Hyndman et
al. 2008, for a comprehensive taxonomy of methods). Rather, an approach is
developed for three of the most commonly employed methods. A natural extension
to this work would be to include exponential smoothing methods for seasonal data,
discussed further in the final section of this chapter.
58 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

3.3 Approaches to Method Selection

Extrapolating trends is risky because if the trend forecast is in the wrong direction,
the resulting forecast will be less accurate than the random walk. This may lead to
significant over-stocking or under-stocking of service parts, particularly if lead-
times are long. Therefore, it is desirable to examine methods which can discern
when trend is present and when it is absent.
Numerous approaches to model and method selection have been discussed over
the last 40 years. Box and Jenkins (1970) proposed the analysis of the auto-
correlation function (ACF) and the partial auto-correlation function (PACF), after
appropriate differencing of series, to select between ARIMA models. Originally,
this procedure depended on careful analysis of the ACF and PACF of each indi-
vidual series, and was not suited to automatic forecasting systems. Since then,
automatic selection of models has been incorporated in forecasting packages such
as Autobox.
A less sophisticated approach is prediction validation (see, for example,
Makridakis et al. 1998). A subset of the dataset is withheld and various methods
are compared on this ,out-of-sample’ subset, using an error criterion such as Mean
Square Error or Mean Absolute Percentage Error. Billah et al. (2005) analysed
simulated and empirical data, and showed that prediction validation can be
improved upon by approaches based on ,encompassing’ and information criteria.
An ,encompassing approach’ relies on the most general method being applied to
all series, where all other methods under consideration are special cases of the
general method. Billah et al. (2005) compared SES, Holt’s method and Holt–
Winters’ method, using Holt’s as the encompassing approach for non-seasonal
data and Holt–Winters’ for seasonal data.
Information criteria are often recommended for the selection of an appropriate
forecasting method. These criteria penalise the likelihood by a function of the
number of parameters in the model. They have stimulated much academic interest
and are used in service parts computer applications such as Forecast Pro. The
following information criteria are well-established in the literature: Akaike’s
Information Criterion (Akaike 1974), the bias-corrected AIC (Hurvich and Tsai
1989), the Bayesian Information Criterion (Schwarz 1978), and the Hannan–Quinn
Information Criterion (Hannan and Quinn 1979). More recently, linear empirical
information criteria have been proposed by Billah et al. (2005). Gardner (2006)
comments that studies comparing the performance of different information criteria
should also include a comparison with universal application of damped Holt’s
method, as this offers a benchmark which is difficult to beat. This offers a more
general encompassing benchmark approach than Holt’s method (for non-seasonal
data) and is adopted in this study.
An alternative approach to model selection is to employ expert systems. Such
systems are based on sets of rules recommended by experts in the field. Collopy and
Armstrong (1992) gave rules to select between a random walk, time-series regres-
sion, Brown’s double exponential smoothing method and Holt’s linear method.
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 59

Vokurka et al. (1996) gave a fully automatic expert system to distinguish between
SES, the damped trend method, classical decomposition and a combination of all
methods. Gardner (1999) tested the expert systems of Collopy and Armstrong
(1992) and Vokurka et al. (1996) and found them to be less accurate than universal
application of the damped trend method. A subsequent study by Adya et al. (2001)
enhanced the rules of Collopy and Armstrong (1992) and found the new rules to
perform better than universal damped trend for annual data and about the same for
seasonally adjusted quarterly and monthly data. In the light of these studies, and the
comments by Gardner (2006) on the analysis of methods based on information
criteria, discussed previously, universal application of damped Holt’s method will
be used as a benchmark for comparison with the performance of the protocols and
decision trees tested in this study.
Another approach to method selection is based on time-series characteristics.
Shah (1997) developed a rule for selecting the best forecasting method for each
individual series, using discriminant analysis. He demonstrated that a choice of
forecasting method using summary statistics for an individual series was more
accurate than using any single method for all series considered. Meade (2000)
designed an experiment for testing the properties of 25 summary statistics. Nine
forecasting methods were used, divided into three groups, and tested on two data
sets, the M1-competition data and Fildes’ telecommunications data. The author
concluded that the summary statistics can be used to select a good forecasting
method or set of methods, but not necessarily the best.
Gardner and McKenzie (1988) proposed an approach based on comparison of
the variances of the original series, the once-differenced and the twice-differenced
series. Tashman and Kruk (1996) analysed three protocols for method selection on
real time series: Gardner and McKenzie’s (1988) variance procedure, the set of
rules from Rule-Based Forecasting (Collopy and Armstrong 1992), and a method-
switching procedure developed by Goodrich (1990). Tashman and Kruk found that
the protocols are effective in selecting the appropriate applications of strong trend
methods but do not effectively distinguish applications of non-trended and weak-
trended methods. This issue will be addressed in this chapter. A modification to the
Gardner and McKenzie protocol will be suggested, and tested on simulated and
real data.

3.4 Trend Forecasting Models

Mathematical models underpinning exponential smoothing methods will be

reviewed in this section. State-space models are investigated, rather than ARIMA
models, which were the original motivation of the work by Gardner and McKenzie
(1988). This offers a new perspective for the comparison of protocols based on
differencing of series.
Multiple source of error (MSOE) models are used in this chapter, rather than
single source of error (SSOE). The essential difference between the two forms
60 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

of state-space models is that the error terms are assumed to be independent in

MSOE models and perfectly correlated in SSOE models. Detailed discussions on
these model forms are provided by Harvey (2006), who advocates MSOE mod-
els, and by Hyndman et al. (2008) who advocate SSOE models. A detailed
comparison of the effect of model forms on method selection methods is
beyond the scope of this chapter, but would form an interesting follow-up

3.4.1 Steady State Model (SSM)

Under the Steady State Model (SSM) assumption, the mean level of the time series
fluctuates stochastically over time. The SSM model is given in the following form:

dt ¼ lt þ et ð4:1Þ

lt ¼ lt1 þ ct ð4:2Þ
where dt represents the observation for the current time period t; lt represents the
unobserved series mean level at time t; et and ct are uncorrelated normally dis-
tributed random variables each with zero mean E(et) = E(ct) = 0 and constant
variance V(e) = const. and V(c) = const.; et and ct are also serially uncorrelated.
The above model is often referred to as the local level model (eg Commandeur and
Koopman 2007). It corresponds to an ARIMA (0, 1, 1) process.

3.4.2 Linear Growth Model (LGM)

Theil and Wage (1964) analysed generating processes for trended time series.
Harrison (1967) extended their work and formulated a probabilistic Linear Growth
Model (LGM) of the following form:

dt ¼ lt þ et ð4:3Þ

lt ¼ lt1 þ bt þ ct ð4:4Þ

bt ¼ bt1 þ dt ð4:5Þ

where bt denotes the underlying trend; et, ct, and dt are uncorrelated normally
distributed random variables each with zero mean E(et) = E(ct) = E(dt) = 0 and
constant variance V(et) = const., V(ct) = const. and V(dt) = const; et, ct, and dt are
also serially uncorrelated. The above model is often referred to as the local linear
trend model (e.g. Commandeur and Koopman 2007) and it corresponds to an
ARIMA (0, 2, 2) process.
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 61

3.4.3 Damped Trend Model (DTM)

In the first Damped Trend Model (DTM 1), it is assumed that the dampening starts
in the second time period after the end of the historical data:

dt ¼ lt þ et ð4:6Þ

lt ¼ lt1 þ bt þ ct ð4:7Þ

bt ¼ /bt1 þ dt ð4:8Þ

where dt represents the observation for the current time period t; lt represents the
unobserved series level at time t; bt denotes the underlying trend; et, ct, and dt are
uncorrelated normally distributed random variables each with zero mean
E(et) = E(ct) = E(dt) = 0 and constant variance V(et) = const., V(ct) = const.
and V(dt) = const; et, ct, and dt are also serially uncorrelated; / represents a
damping parameter.
In the second Damped Trend Model (DTM 2), it is assumed that the dampening
starts in the first time period after the end of the historical data:
dt ¼ lt þ et ð4:9Þ

lt ¼ lt1 þ /bt þ ct ð4:10Þ

bt ¼ /bt1 þ dt ð4:11Þ

where dt, lt, bt, et, ct, dt and / are as defined in the previous sub-section. In this
model, the damping parameter is applied one period earlier than in DTM 1.
Atanackov (2004) analysed the Serial Variation Curves, discussed in the next
section, for both model forms. She showed that the Serial Variation Curve for
DTM 1, for the special case of / = 0, is not consistent with the Serial Variation
Curve for the Steady State Model (SSM). On the other hand, the Serial Variation
Curve for DTM 2 is consistent with SSM for / = 0 and is consistent with the
Linear Growth Model for / = 1. Therefore, for the remainder of this chapter,
DTM 2 will be adopted.

3.5 Method Selection Protocols and Decision Trees

Protocols and decision trees for method selection purposes will be analysed in this
section. The aim is to propose a more coherent approach that exhibits good per-
formance in practical applications. The research process will be based on the
selection of mathematical models, discussed in Sect. 3.4, that underpin the
methods discussed in Sect. 3.2, namely SES, linear Holt’s and damped Holt’s
62 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Harrison’s (1967) Serial Variation Curves will be examined and extended, to

form a protocol for method selection. Also, the existing Gardner and McKenzie’s
(1988) procedure, based on the analysis of the variances of time series, will be
examined and a modification of the procedure will be suggested.
Taking into account the performance of these protocols, two types of decision
trees will be designed to select between non-trended and trended time series and,
subsequently, between different types of underlying trend (damped or undamped).
Decision trees are completely automatic and human judgement is not necessary.
As such, the trees can be utilised for short-term forecasting of service parts,
particularly for inventory control and production planning for forecasting thou-
sands of items on a regular basis.

3.5.1 The SVC Protocol: Harrison’s Serial Variation Curves

Harrison (1967) suggested testing the lagged second differences of the data in
order to assess the suitability of a data generating process. The idea was originally
applied to the Linear Growth Model (LGM) only, and has not been extended since.
In this chapter, the SVC procedure will be applied for the first time to the Damped
Trend Model (DTM). It will be shown that the SVC approach applied to the LGM
and DTM models can form an independent diagnostic, from now on called the
SVC protocol, to select between the two trended models.
Defining D1(t) = dt - dt-1 as the first difference of the observations at time t,
and defining Dn(t) = D1(t) - D1(t - n) as the second difference of the obser-
vations lagged by n periods, and taking the squared expectations of the above
differences, Harrison (1967) showed that, for n C 2:

E½Dn ðtÞ2 ¼ 4VðeÞ þ 2VðcÞ þ nVðdÞ ð5:1Þ

Thus, the variances of the lagged second differences are a linear function of the
lag, with gradient V(d). This relationship is called a Serial Variation Curve (SVC).
Using the same notation as above, the SVC of the DTM 2 has been derived
(Atanackov 2004) for different lag lengths (n C 2):

2/2 ð1  /n Þ
E½Dn ðtÞ2 ¼ 4VðeÞ þ 2VðcÞ þ VðdÞ ð5:2Þ
1  /2
Equation (5.1) is a special case of (5.2) when / = 1 (by application of
L’Hôpital’s rule to (5.2)). Equation (5.2) shows that the Serial Variation Curve of
the lagged second differences of the data for the DTM 2 (0 \ / \ 1) is expected to
be a curve, as illustrated in Fig. 3.2.
Because the Serial Variation Curve (SVC) of the LGM model is linear, and the
SVC of the DTM model is non-linear, a protocol can be designed to distinguish
between series that follow a weak trended model (DTM) and series that follow a
strong trended model (LGM). The new protocol, called the SVC protocol, is based
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 63

Fig. 3.2 The SVC of the two The SVC for the LGM and DTM models
trended models: LGM and 16
LGM model DTM model
DTM (/ = 0.8) 14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lag length

on fitting a straight line, using least squares regression, through the SVC points
(that is through the variances of the lagged second differences) and on testing the
significance of the autocorrelation (AC) of the residuals.
From Fig. 3.2 it follows that there are two cases: (i) for the LGM model, there
is no significant AC of the residuals; (ii) for the DTM model, there is significant
positive AC of the residuals. The one-sided Durbin–Watson statistic (Durbin and
Watson 1951) is appropriate for testing the autocorrelation of the residuals.
In order to use the SVC protocol for real life applications it is necessary to
establish its operational rules. The lag length to be used for the SVC fitting is not
known in advance. Therefore, it will be tested as part of the simulation analysis.
Six different lag lengths of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 are examined under two
significance levels: 1 and 5%. Their performance is compared in terms of the
percentage of correctly identified time series models and the best operational rules
for the SVC protocol are established. The findings are summarised in Sect. 3.6.5.

3.5.2 Gardner and McKenzie’s Variance Procedure

The original Gardner–McKenzie (GM) protocol is based on a comparison of the

variances of the original data, first-differenced data and second-differenced data.
Gardner and McKenzie (1988) recommend:
• If the variance of the original time series V(0) is minimum, a constant mean
model is diagnosed, and the SES method should be used;
• If the variance of the first difference of the series V(1) is minimum, a weak trend
model is diagnosed and damped Holt’s method is recommended;
• If the variance of the second difference of the time series V(2) is minimum, a
strong trend model is diagnosed and Holt’s linear method should be applied.
The diagnostics and the models for which the recommended methods are
optimal are summarised in Table 3.1.
64 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Table 3.1 Gardner and McKenzie’s diagnostics and recommended methods

Model ARIMA (0, 1, 1) ARIMA (1, 1, 2) ARIMA (0, 2, 2)
Diagnostic V(0) minimum V(1) minimum V(2) minimum
Diagnosis No trend Weak trend Strong trend
Recommended method SES Damped Holt’s Holt’s linear

The original GM protocol has its roots in the Box–Jenkins methodology of

transforming a non-stationary series into a stationary series by differencing the
data. The middle coefficient in the ARIMA processes (see Table 3.1) refers to the
level of differencing required in order to achieve stationarity in a given time series.
Since SES and damped Holt’s are both optimal for ARIMA series with first-
differencing, both forecasting methods will be suitable when the variance V(1) is
minimum. However, Gardner and McKenzie’s protocol selects SES for stationary
series, the case in which no differencing is necessary, and differencing the series
results in an increase in the series variance. Tashman and Kruk (1996) criticise this
selection, arguing that a stationary ARMA procedure would outperform SES on
such stationary series. They further note that the GM protocol would select the
damped trend method for time series that follow an ARIMA (0, 1, 1) model, and
therefore exhibit non-trended behaviour. These series, however, would be ideally
forecasted by the SES forecasting method. Of course, the damped Holt’s method
incorporates SES as a special case, when the / parameter takes a zero value.
However, there is no assurance that a forecasting algorithm will optimise the
damping parameter / at the zero value.

3.5.3 V(0)V(2) Protocol

Following the above discussion, a modification of Gardner and McKenzie’s var-

iance procedure is suggested in this section. Its purpose is to distinguish between
non-trended series (assumed to follow a Steady State Model) and trended series
(assumed to follow a Linear Growth Model). The new protocol does not attempt to
diagnose a Damped Trend Model. However, the protocol is included in Decision
Trees, discussed in the next two sub-sections, which will further distinguish
between damped and undamped trend.
Tashman and Kruk (1996) found that the GM protocol could distinguish
effectively between weak and strong trend (accomplished by a V(1) vs. V(2)
comparison) but was less effective at distinguishing between no trend and weak
trend. It is proposed that a distinction should be made between non-trended and
trended series by comparing the variance of the original series, V(0), with the
variance of the second differences of the series, V(2). If V(0) is lower, the series is
categorised as ,non-trended’ (Steady State Model), whereas if V(2) is lower, it is
categorised as ,trended’ (Linear Growth Model). This rule is called the V(0)V(2)
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 65

If V(2) is minimum, the categorisation of the series as following the Linear

Growth Model is consistent, from an ARIMA perspective, with the requirement of
twice-differencing to achieve stationarity. If V(0) is minimum, the categorisation
of the series as following the Steady State Model is not consistent with the
requirement of differencing once to achieve stationarity. Of course, the use of V(1)
is required for consistency with this requirement but, as shown by Tashman and
Kruk (1996) and as discussed later, V(1) should be reserved for the effective
identification of damped trend series.
The state-space models introduced in Sect. 3.4 offer a different lens through
which these rules may be viewed. By analysing variance expressions, the condi-
tions under which the correct models will be identified by the V(0)V(2) protocol
may be identified. For the SSM model, comparison of V(0) and V(2) gives the
following inequality (Atanackov 2004):

Vð0Þ\Vð2Þ if and only if n\ þ2 ð5:3Þ

where n is the length of the time series. Further analysis of the above expression
shows that the V(0)V(2) protocol can detect the SSM time series for low values of
the smoothing parameter a and for short time series. This result is confirmed by
simulation experiments.
For the LGM model, comparison of the variances V(0) and V(2) gives the
following inequality (Atanackov 2004):

VðcÞ 2n3 þ 3n2  23n þ 18 VðeÞ

Vð0Þ [ Vð2Þ if and only if ðn  2Þ þ [
VðdÞ 6 VðdÞ

where the notation is unchanged. Further analysis of the above expression shows
that the V(0)V(2) protocol can detect the LGM time series in a high percentage of
cases for the higher values of the a parameter, and for time series containing more
than 20 observations. For low a values and for short time series the V(0)V(2)
protocol detects non-trended series.
The performance of the V(0)V(2) protocol will be analysed further using sim-
ulation experiments on theoretically generated data, and tested on real data sets.

3.5.4 Decision Tree A

Two new decision trees are presented in this section. The first, Decision Tree A,
incorporates an extension of Harrison’s Serial Variation Curves. The second,
Decision Tree B, is based solely on the idea of comparing the variances of the
original series and the once- and twice-differenced series.
66 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Decision Tree A is based on protocols to distinguish between the non-trended

and trended time series and, subsequently, between damped (weak) and linear
(strong) trend. The V(0)V(2) protocol is applied as a trend detector and then the
SVC protocol is employed to select the type of the trend. Decision Tree A, shown
below, selects between non-trended and trended models first, and then between
damped trend (DTM) and linear trend (LGM), as shown below:

3.5.5 Decision Tree B

Decision Tree B is based on the analysis of the three variances, V(0)—variance of

the time series, V(1)—variance of the differenced series, and V(2)—variance of the
twice differenced series. The comparison is based on the same variables as sug-
gested by Gardner and McKenzie (1988), but the rules are different. Firstly, as in
Tree A, if V(0) \ V(2) then the time series is considered to be non-trended,
indicating a steady state model (SSM) and hence, SES as the optimal forecasting
On the other hand, if the series exhibits variance V(2) less than V(0) it is
considered as evidence of trend. The type of the trend still needs to be detected.
Roberts (1982) proved that the ARIMA (1, 1, 2) represents a damped trend model
while the ARIMA (0, 2, 2) is equivalent to the linear growth model. Therefore, the
comparison between the variances V(1) and V(2) will be an indicator of the
appropriate trend model. Since the middle number in the ARIMA triplet indicates
the level of differencing, it follows that minimum V(1) reveals a damped trend
model and hence, damped Holt’s method for generating forecasts while the min-
imum V(2) shows strong trend in time series, and hence Holt’s linear method for
generating forecasts.

3.6 Simulation Experiment

The simulation experiment serves two purposes. The first purpose is to identify
suitable parameters for the SVC protocol and, subsequently, for the Decision Tree
A, namely the lag length and the relevant significance level, that cannot be
established otherwise. The second purpose is to assess the classification and
forecasting performance of the protocols under controlled conditions, where the
underlying models are known. The protocols and decision trees to be tested are as
follows: (i) The SVC protocol—extended Harrison’s Serial Variation Curves; (ii)
Original GM protocol—Gardner and McKenzie’s (1988) variance procedure; (iii)
V(0)V(2) protocol; (iv) Decision Tree A; and (v) Decision Tree B.
The three mathematical models outlined in Sect. 3.4 (SSM, LGM and DTM2)
will be employed in the first part of the experiment to simulate time series
exhibiting known characteristics. Choosing different combinations of smoothing
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 67

parameters, and making connections between the method and model parameters, it
will be possible to generate time series data that follow a given model for which
the optimal forecasting method is known in advance. Eight different lengths of
time series, namely 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, and 150 observations per series,
will be generated for each of the three models. This covers all the series lengths in
the empirical study, to be presented in the following section. For every length,
10,000 replications will be made.
The protocols are tested for classification performance. Protocols will be
applied to the relevant data sets (for example, the SVC is relevant for the LGM and
DTM models) and the percentage of series for which the model is correctly
identified will be recorded. The aim of this classification is to establish the
operational rules necessary for the protocols’ practical application, and to support
the analysis of the forecasting performance.
Finally, the simulation is designed to test the forecasting performance of the
protocols. Forecasting performance will be evaluated over a six-period horizon.
Since the methods are MSE-optimal for the corresponding models, the Mean
Square Error (MSE) is used as an accuracy measure, and the Geometric Root Mean
Square Error (GRMSE) will be used in the simulation experiment to summarise the
accuracy results. In addition, the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) will be employed in
the simulation exercise because it is intended to use this error measure in the
empirical analysis. This error measure is less sensitive to outlying or extreme
observations. The error measures are discussed in more detail in Sect. 3.6.4.

3.6.1 Generating the Models

The objective here is to establish the relationships between the method and the
model parameters for the three methods, to generate data sets that follow specific
models and exhibit specific forecasting methods as optimal. In order to cover many
different combinations of the smoothing parameter values, while keeping the
simulation experiment manageable, five different a values will be used for gen-
erating the SSM model, twelve pairs of a and b parameters will be chosen for
generating the time series that follow the LGM model, and eighteen triplets of
smoothing parameters and the damping parameter / will be used for the DTM2
model generation. Altogether, thirty five data sets, each containing 80,000 time
series will be generated for experimental purposes.
In order to simulate the time series that follow the SSM model and genuinely
have the SES as the optimal forecasting method, the connection between the
method and the model parameters needs to be established. In this particular case,
there is only one method parameter, the smoothing parameter a, and two model
parameters, the variances of the error terms et and ct, i.e. V(c) and V(e). Following
Harrison (1967), the connection between the optimal smoothing parameter for the
SES method and the variance parameters for the SSM model can be expressed as
68 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

V ðeÞ ¼ V ð cÞ ð6:1Þ
The above formula will be used in the experiment to generate time series data
that follow the SSM model. Five different smoothing parameter values (0.1, 0.3,
0.5, 0.7, and 0.9) will be used, to cover the range between 0 and 1. Finally, in order
to generate the SSM process, ct and et will be chosen from two sets of indepen-
dently normally distributed random numbers, with zero means and constant
variances V(c) and V(e), respectively. The initial level will be set at 100. The run-
in procedure (also known as ,warming up’) will be used, to allow the time series to
become stable.
To simulate the LGM process, four parameters will be taken into account: two
smoothing parameters a and b for Holt’s linear exponential smoothing method,
and two variance ratios characterising the LGM model. The relationship between
the model and optimal method parameters, obtained by Harrison (1967) and
further discussed by Harvey (1984), can be expressed as follows:

a2 þ a2 b  2ab
VðcÞ ¼ VðdÞ ð6:2Þ
a 2 b2
VðeÞ ¼ VðdÞ ð6:3Þ
a2 b 2
Twelve pairs of the smoothing parameter values, a and b, are selected, to assess
the influence of the parameters on the forecasting performance of Holt’s linear
method for the series following the LGM model, while covering a wide region of
possible combinations. The random components et, ct, and dt will be chosen from
three different sets of independently normally distributed random numbers, with
zero means and constant variances V(e), V(c) and V(d), respectively. The initial
level will be set at 100 and the run-in period will be applied.
The relationships between method and model parameters for damped Holt’s
method, given the DTM 2 model, can be expressed as follows (Atanackov

VðcÞ ða2 þ /a2 b  ab  /abÞ/2

¼ 2   ð6:4Þ
VðdÞ / a2 b2 þ abð1  /Þ  /2 abð1  /Þ þ /a2 b 1  /2

VðeÞ ð1  aÞ/2
¼ 2   ð6:5Þ
VðdÞ / a2 b2 þ abð1  /Þ  /2 abð1  /Þ þ /a2 b 1  /2

The value of the damping parameter / has been assumed to be in the interval
(0, 1). The smoothing parameter values, a and b, will be chosen in such a way as to
test the influence of the parameters on the forecasting performance of damped
Holt’s method for time series that follow the DTM model, while encompassing a
wide region of possible combinations. The random components et, ct, and dt will
be chosen from three different sets of independently normally distributed
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 69

random numbers, with zero means and constant variances V(e), V(c) and V(d),
respectively. The initial level will be set at 100 and the run-in period will be
applied (Figs. 3.3, 3.4).

3.6.2 In-sample and Out-of-Sample Characteristics

In order to conduct the empirical evaluation of the forecasting performances of the

selection protocols, the time series will be divided in two parts (see Fig. 3.5). The
first part, called the estimation period, is used to calibrate the forecasting method
to the historical data, while the second part, called the out-of-sample period, is
used to test the accuracy of the selected forecasting method and the forecasting
performances of the employed protocol.
The estimation period, often called the in-sample period, consists of two parts:
the initialisation period and the calibration period. The observations from the
initialisation period are used to initialise the smoothing method. The calibration
period, on the other hand, is used for the estimation of the optimal method
parameters. The process is carried out by generating the forecasts for each com-
bination of the smoothing parameters and, subsequently, the Mean Squared Error
(MSE) of the forecasts is computed and recorded. The procedure is repeated for

Fig. 3.3 Decision tree A

Time series

V(0) < V(2)

AC significant?


Fig. 3.4 Decision tree B

Time series

V(0) < V(2)

V(1) < V(2)


70 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Initialisation Calibration Performance

Estimation period Out-of-sample period

Fig. 3.5 Series splitting design

every combination of smoothing parameters relevant for the method under concern
and, finally, the errors are compared. The parameters that produce the minimum
error will be chosen as the optimal ones.
As argued by many researchers (e.g. Fildes 1992; Tashman 2000; Armstrong
2001) forecasting methods should be assessed for accuracy using the out-of-
sample period rather than goodness of fit to the past data. Therefore, in this study
the estimation period will not be used for comparison of the forecasting perfor-
mances of relevant protocols. During this research, the series will be split as shown
in Table 3.2.

3.6.3 Fixed Versus Rolling Forecasting Origin

After selecting a method and optimising its parameters, the actual observations
from the out-of-sample period will not be taken into account when selecting and
optimising a method. The last observation in the estimation period (Fig. 3.5) is
called the forecasting origin. There are two ways of performing an out-of-sample
test regarding the forecasting origins: (i) Single (or fixed-origin), and (ii) Multiple
(or rolling-origin).
Given the length of the performance period (Fig. 3.5) the single forecasting
origin will produce only one forecast for each of the relevant forecasting horizons

Table 3.2 The time series Time series length Initialisation Calibration Performance
splitting rules
14–15 2 6 6–7
16–18 3 6 7–9
19–21 4 6 9–11
22–24 5 7 10–12
25–27 6 12 7–9
28–30 8 12 8–10
31–33 8 13 10–12
34–36 8 16 10–12
37–39 8 19 10–12
[40 8 n – 8 – 12 12
At the bottom of the table, n represents the series length
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 71

ððP þ 1Þ; ðP ¼ 2Þ; . . . ; ðP ¼ NÞÞ: Therefore, the forecast error value and,
consequently, the performance of a given forecasting method, or the protocol in this
particular case, will heavily depend on the choice of the starting point. If the selected
point is an irregular observation (i.e. outlier) then the errors for every subsequent
forecasting horizon might not reflect reality and completely distort the picture of the
pattern in the time series, and finally offer a misleading evaluation of the method
performance. Therefore, throughout the simulation experiment either with the
theoretically generated data or the real data, multiple time origins will be utilised.1

3.6.4 Accuracy Measures

In order to report on the accuracy for a given method, the errors are firstly aver-
aged over the length of the performance period and, subsequently, averaged across
all series for a given length. Two error measures, the Geometric Root Mean Square
Error (GRMSE) and the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), will be employed to express
the accuracy of the protocols and universal application of forecasting methods
using theoretically generated time series data.
The Geometric Root Mean Squared Error (GRMSE) was first used in fore-
casting competitions by Newbold and Granger (1974) and is defined as follows:
ðYt  Ft Þ2

where Yt represents the observation at period t, and Ft represents the forecast made
for the period t, n is the number of data points in the performance period.
The Mean Square Error (MSE) is scale dependent and sensitive to outliers
(Chatfield 1988, 1992). This difficulty is mitigated by the Geometric Root Mean
Square Error (GRMSE) and eliminated when used as a relative measure (i.e.
calculating the GRMSE of one method to that of another) under an assumption of
multiplicative random error terms (Fildes 1992). However, relative measures will
not be used in simulation, since the purpose of the experiment is to test the
protocols using theoretically generated time series rather than real life series. This
error measure is well-behaved and has a straightforward interpretation, (Fildes
1992; Sanders 1997)
Another error measure, considered to be suitable for the simulation experiment,
will be the Mean Absolute Error (MAE). An accuracy measure must be robust
from one data set to another, and not be unduly influenced by outliers. From a
practical point of view, it must make sense, be easily understood, and convey as
much information about accuracy as possible. The MAE satisfies all the above
conditions. Therefore, the Mean Absolute Error will be employed in order to allow
the results achieved in the simulation experiment, concerning the comparison of

A consequence of this choice is that a direct comparison with M3-competition results will not
be possible.
72 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

the protocols, to be tested on real life time series. The MAE will provide a ground
for comparison between the performance of the protocols in the theoretically made
environment and real forecasting applications. In the empirical analysis, the MAE
will be complemented by the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE).

3.6.5 The SVC Operational Rules

The first stage in the simulation experiment is to examine the protocol classifi-
cation performance and to establish the SVC operational rules. Durbin and Watson
(1951) statistics are used to test the significance of the autocorrelation of the
residuals. Six different lengths 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 were tested, under 5 and
1% significance levels.2 The best simulation results for both LGM and DTM
models are presented in Figs. 3.6 and 3.7.

SVC applied on the LGM model; lag length 15, SL 5%

Percentage LGM recognition








10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
Time series length
alpha=0.4; beta=0.125 alpha=0.65; beta=0.231 alpha=0.85; beta=0.412

alpha=0.75; beta0.214 alpha=0.8; beta=0.125

Fig. 3.6 Percentage of the LGM series recognised by SVC protocol for different smoothing
parameters, as a function of time series length (lag length 15, 5% significance level)

A drawback of the DW statistic has been taken into account. The Durbin-Watson statistic has a
gap between the significant positive autocorrelation, representing the DTM model, and not
significant autocorrelation, representing the LGM model. Therefore, if the result belongs to that
gap it follows that the DW test is inconclusive. Therefore, an operational rule had to be adopted in
order to overcome the problem. There were two possibilities: either to allocate the inconclusive
time series to the LGM model or to the DTM model. Having analysed the above issue in both
cases during the simulation experiment, it was concluded that the penalty in terms of forecast
accuracy is lower, if the inconclusive time series are allocated to the DTM model. Since the LGM
model is a special case of the DTM model (for / = 1), it follows that the LGM could be detected,
but not vice versa.
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 73

SVC applied on the DTM model; lag length 15, SL 5%

Percentage DTM recognised

10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
Time series length
phi=0.1;alpha=0.15;beta=0.05 phi=0.3;alpha=0.35;beta=0.2 phi=0.5;alpha=0.25;beta=0.15
phi=0.7;alpha=0.9;beta=0.4 phi=0.9;alpha=0.65;beta=0.1

Fig. 3.7 Percentage of the DTM series recognised by SVC protocol for different smoothing
parameters, as a function of time series length (lag length 15, 5% significance level)

Five sets of smoothing parameters for the LGM model were tested and the lag
length 15 was the best performing one. A significance level of 5% was selected.
Although a significance level of 1% for testing the difference between the curve
(DTM) and a straight line (LGM) performed well on the LGM time series, rec-
ognising a high percentage of series, it was not chosen because it did not perform
well on the DTM time series.
From Fig. 3.6, it follows that the SVC protocol detects the LGM model in a
higher percentage of cases for higher values of the smoothing parameters,
regardless of the length of the time series. According to Fildes et al. (1998) this
result is not surprising. On the other hand, for low values of the smoothing
parameters the SVC detects the LGM model only for the short time series. For
longer series, the LGM model is missed and the DTM model is detected in a high
percentage of cases.
From Fig. 3.7, it follows that the SVC protocol with lag length 15 and sig-
nificance level 5% performs better, in terms of percentage recognition of the DTM
time series, for the middle values of the damping parameter / (between 0.3 and 0.7
inclusive) and the series containing more than 30 observations. When using the
same combinations of the smoothing parameters and the damping parameter / but
using 1% significance level instead of 5%, the DTM time series percentage rec-
ognition by the SVC protocol drops heavily for every combination tested in the
experiment. Therefore, the 5% significance level will be adopted as a rule for the
SVC practical applications.
Based on the above analysis, the operational rules for the SVC protocol derived
from the theoretically generated time series can be summarised as follows: (i) The
lag length for the SVC fitting should be 15; (ii) The significance level to be
employed should be 5%; (iii) The number of observations in the time series should
be 30 or more.
74 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

The Decision Tree A, designed to use the SVC protocol, will use these oper-
ational rules. The original Gardner and McKenzie variance procedure and its
modified version, called the V(0)V(2) protocol, as well as the Decision Tree B do
not require operational rules for their practical application.

3.6.6 Results of the Simulation Experiment

Having generated 35 data sets and established the operational rules for the relevant
protocols, the next stage involves testing the protocols’ classification performance.
Each protocol will be applied on the time series following the models relevant for
the protocol of interest. The percentage recognition of the specific model, and the
forecast accuracy of the recommended method will be recorded for comparison
Single exponential smoothing (SES) needs one parameter to be estimated from
the time series in order to generate forecasts. The smoothing parameter a will be
selected based on the outcome of the comparison of the MSE errors for the
estimation period. The method will be initialised using an average of up to 8
observations from the beginning of data history, and values of the smoothing
parameter will be chosen from a range of 0.05 up to 0.95 with a step of 0.05. In this
study, Holt’s linear and damped Holt’s methods will be initialised using simple
linear regression, using up to the first eight observations. In testing the perfor-
mance of the universal application of forecasting methods, the values of the
smoothing parameters a and b will be chosen from a range of 0.05 up to 0.95 with
a step of 0.05.
Forecasts from 1-, up to 6-periods ahead will be computed and the performance
of the forecasting methods and, consequently, selection protocols will be com-
pared for every separate length of the horizons. Finally, throughout this study,
minimum n-step ahead MSE will be used during the calibration period in order to
select the smoothing parameters for the length of forecasting horizon equals n. Steady State Model (SSM)

This section reports on the protocols’ performance when time series follow the
Steady State Model (SSM). Five different values of smoothing parameter a were
used in order to generate five sets of the SSM time series. The relevant protocols to
be applied for the series following the SSM model are the original GM protocol
and the V(0)V(2) protocol. Both trees perform the same as the V(0)V(2) protocol,
while the SVC protocol is not applicable since it deals with trended series only.
Table 3.3 shows that both protocols perform less well for higher smoothing
parameter values. Such series exhibit behaviour that may appear to be trended in
the short-term. The declining performance of both protocols as a function of series
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 75

Table 3.3 Percentage of SSM series recognised by the protocols

Protocols Time series length
10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
SSM model, a = 0.1
V(0)V(2), both trees 91.4 82.4 71.7 61.8 52.3 33.4 21.5 8.4
Original GM 65.8 37.3 20.3 11.4 6.4 1.3 0.3 0
SSM model, a = 0.3
V(0)V(2), both trees 72.0 47.0 29.4 18.5 11.1 3.4 0.9 0.1
Original GM 39.0 12.1 3.3 0.9 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
SSM model, a = 0.5
V(0)V(2), both trees 67.7 42.2 24.6 14.5 8.0 2.3 0.4 0.0
Original GM 35.9 9.2 2.3 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
SSM model, a = 0.7
V(0)V(2), both trees 66.7 40.5 23.8 12.6 7.7 1.8 0.4 0.0
Original GM 35.3 8.7 2.2 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
SSM model, a = 0.9
V(0)V(2), both trees 65.5 39.3 23.0 13.0 7.1 1.6 0.3 0.0
Original GM 34.6 8.8 2.2 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

length is due to the greater tendency for long-term drifts in the mean level to
emerge, which are misdiagnosed as trend.
The original GM protocol exhibits poor classification characteristics when
detecting series with no trend (Table 3.3) as it chooses the DTM in a high per-
centage of cases for longer time series (Table 3.4).
Both protocols and the two decision trees were tested for forecasting accuracy
(see Table 3.5). Protocols’ performance are compared with universal application
of the SES method, as it is the best predictor for the series following the SSM
model (a = 0.1).
Even though the percentage recognition of the adequate mathematical model is
identical, Tree B produces more accurate forecasts than Tree A, for all forecasting
horizons tested in the experiment and for lengths of data history of 20 observations
or more. The main difference is in the models that are identified. According to

Table 3.4 Percentage of SSM series misidentified by the protocols (SSM model, a = 0.1)
Protocols Time series length
10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
Percentage DTM identified
Tree A 2.7 6.7 13.7 20.6 28.3 41.6 51.6 62.6
Tree B 8.0 17.6 28.3 38.2 47.7 66.7 78.5 91.6
Original GM 33.5 62.7 79.7 88.6 93.6 98.7 99.7 100.0
Percentage LGM identified
Tree A 5.9 10.9 14.6 17.6 19.4 25.0 26.9 29.0
Tree B 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Original GM 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
76 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Table 3.5 Mean Absolute Errors for the universal application of the SES method, V(0)V(2)
protocol, Decision Trees and the original GM protocol (SSM model, a = 0.1)
Protocols Time series length
10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
MAE 1-step ahead
SES 13.74 14.18 13.74 13.21 13.02 12.79 12.76 12.76
V(0)V(2) 14.16 14.56 14.13 13.53 13.32 13.09 13.02 13.05
Tree A 13.97 14.49 14.05 13.43 13.22 12.96 12.89 12.88
Tree B 14.01 14.36 13.92 13.34 13.14 12.88 12.81 12.79
Original GM 14.33 14.77 14.33 13.57 13.26 12.91 12.81 12.80
MAE 3-step ahead
SES 17.38 18.37 18.42 18.03 17.80 17.49 17.27 17.21
V(0)V(2) 18.55 19.47 19.58 19.20 19.00 18.61 18.44 18.37
Tree A 17.68 19.18 19.28 18.82 18.58 18.09 17.84 17.69
Tree B 17.94 18.74 18.77 18.39 18.15 17.75 17.48 17.35
Original GM 18.44 19.38 19.24 18.69 18.34 17.82 17.49 17.35
MAE 6-step ahead
SES – 25.53 22.92 23.12 23.02 22.73 22.51 22.38
V(0)V(2) – 28.46 25.19 25.57 25.64 25.42 25.41 25.34
Tree A – 27.50 24.58 24.72 24.57 24.07 23.77 23.50
Tree B – 25.70 23.45 23.73 23.62 23.20 22.89 22.62
Original GM – 25.41 24.29 24.03 23.75 23.22 22.91 22.62

Table 3.4, Tree A selects the LGM model more often, while Tree B selects the
DTM model more often. The better performance of Tree B may be explained by
the lower penalty of misdiagnosing an SSM series as DTM instead of LGM. Also,
Tree B produces more accurate forecasts than the original GM protocol for the
series containing up to 50 observations. For longer time series, the accuracy of
these two protocols is very nearly the same, regardless of the length of forecasting
horizon. Linear Growth Model (LGM)

Twelve sets of smoothing parameters a and b relevant for Holt’s linear method
were used to generate time series that exhibit trended behaviour according to the
relationships between the method parameters and the LGM model parameters
shown earlier in the chapter.
When testing the protocols on the LGM time series with low values of the a
parameter, both decision trees, the V(0)V(2) protocol and the original GM protocol
detect the SSM model for the shorter time series (Table 3.6). For longer time
series, the trees and the original GM protocol detect the DTM model. The results
presented in Tables 3.6 and 3.7 confirm the theoretical expectation that the
V(0)V(2) protocol will identify series that exhibit strong trend; this is particularly
evident for series containing more than 50 observations. The SVC protocol
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 77

Table 3.6 Percentage of LGM series correctly identified and misidentified by the protocols
(LGM model, a = 0.4 and b = 0.125)
Protocols Time series length
10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
Percentage SSM identified
V(0)V(2), both trees 96.9 88.0 68.9 52.2 40.3 24.5 17.5 11.4
Original GM 78.7 47.9 29.3 21.4 16.6 9.5 6.9 4.2
SVC – – – – – – – –
Percentage DTM identified
Tree A 1.0 5.3 20.1 34.4 45.3 60.5 67.3 74.3
Tree B 3.1 12.0 31.1 47.8 59.7 75.6 82.6 88.6
V(0)V(2) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Original GM 21.2 52.1 70.7 78.6 83.4 90.5 93.1 95.8
SVC 46.8 54.8 69.8 74.6 77.6 80.6 82.0 83.8
Percentage LGM recognised
Tree A 2.1 6.7 11.0 13.4 14.4 15.1 15.2 16.3
Tree B 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
V(0)V(2) 3.1 12.0 31.1 47.8 59.7 75.6 82.6 88.6
Original GM 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SVC 53.2 45.2 30.2 25.4 22.4 19.4 18.0 16.2

recognises the LGM model for short time series only while for longer series the
DTM model is identified.
For higher values of the smoothing parameter a and the same value of b
parameter as in the previous table (see Table 3.7), the SVC protocol detects the
LGM time series in approximately 60% of cases for all lengths of series, leading to
good performance of Tree A.
Decision Tree B and the original GM protocol detect weak trended series
instead of strong trended ones, as expected. It is therefore necessary to compare the
forecasting performance of the protocols before drawing conclusions regarding
their applicability.
From the forecasting perspective, given the GRMSE as the performance
measure and taking into account only 1-step ahead forecasting horizon, the lowest
forecasting error is produced by the universal application of Holt’s linear method
regardless of the time series length (see Table 3.8). Furthermore, Table 3.8 shows
that the Decision Tree A performs better than the Tree B, while the performance of
the original GM protocol depends on the series length.
Similar conclusions hold for 3-steps ahead forecasting horizon (see Fig. 3.8). Damped Trend Model (DTM)

Eighteen sets of the smoothing parameters and the damping parameter / were used
to generate series exhibiting damped trend. Decision trees A and B, original GM
and the SVC protocols were applied on the time series that follow the DTM model.
78 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Table 3.7 Percentage of LGM series correctly identified and misidentified by the protocols
(LGM model, a = 0.8 and b = 0.125)
Protocols Time series length
10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
Percentage SSM identified
V(0)V(2), both trees 48.2 23.0 12.0 6.7 3.9 0.9 0.4 0.0
Original GM 22.5 6.1 1.5 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
SVC – – – – – – – –
Percentage DTM identified
Tree A 18.6 28.1 34.8 36.6 39.5 39.0 39.8 39.3
Tree B 50.0 76.9 88.0 93.3 96.1 99.1 99.6 100.0
V(0)V(2) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Original GM 75.7 93.9 98.5 99.5 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0
SVC 38.7 37.2 40.6 39.8 41.4 39.5 40.0 39.3
Percentage LGM recognised
Tree A 33.3 48.9 53.2 56.7 56.6 60.1 59.9 60.7
Tree B 1.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
V(0)V(2) 51.8 77.0 88.0 93.3 96.1 99.1 99.6 100.0
Original GM 1.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SVC 61.4 62.9 59.4 60.2 58.6 60.5 60.0 60.7

Table 3.8 GRMSE (1-step ahead) for the universal application of the Holt’s method, V(0)V(2)
protocol, Decision Trees, the original GM protocol and the SVC protocol
Protocols Time series length
10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
LGM model, a = 0.4, b = 0.125
GRMSE 1-step ahead
Holt’s method 297.1 305.4 275.3 264.2 258.7 256.5 255.7 253.6
V(0)V(2) 297.7 315.6 296.1 281.6 271.4 264.0 262.0 259.4
Tree A 295.8 315.5 297.0 284.7 277.4 273.2 272.5 270.9
Tree B 296.3 315.7 298.4 286.9 279.9 275.7 274.9 273.2
Original GM 298.6 317.2 298.0 282.5 276.7 274.7 274.5 273.0
SVC 301.0 317.0 290.0 278.1 273.4 272.2 272.1 270.8
LGM model, a = 0.8, b = 0.125
GRMSE 1-step ahead
Holt’s method 59.0 67.4 64.7 60.6 59.5 58.0 57.9 57.7
V(0)V(2) 68.1 72.7 67.7 62.6 61.1 59.4 59.2 59.1
Tree A 68.0 73.5 68.3 63.0 61.6 59.9 59.8 59.6
Tree B 68.1 74.8 69.7 63.7 62.3 60.8 60.7 60.5
Original GM 69.4 77.8 70.7 63.8 62.3 60.8 60.7 60.5
SVC 68.3 74.2 68.6 63.0 61.6 59.9 59.8 59.6

The V(0)V(2) protocol is not applicable since it chooses between the non-trended
and trended time series regardless of the trend type. The results for four sets of the
parameters are presented in Table 3.9.
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 79

LGM α = 0.8, β = 0.125, 3-steps ahead








10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
Time series length
Holt's V0V2 Tree A Tree B GM SVC

Fig. 3.8 GRMSE (3-steps ahead) for the relevant protocols (LGM model, a = 0.8 and
b = 0.125)

Table 3.9 Percentage of DTM series correctly identified by the protocols

Protocols Time series length
10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
DTM model, / = 0.1, a = 0.15, b = 0.05
Tree A 12.6 26.3 31.8 31.0 31.5 28.5 27.9 25.4
Tree B 36.1 67.9 83.8 92.4 96.4 99.4 99.9 100.0
Original GM 66.3 93.1 98.5 99.7 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0
SVC 35.1 36.4 37.1 33.4 32.6 28.6 27.9 25.4
DTM model, / = 0.3, a = 0.35, b = 0.2
Tree A 16.5 42.1 49.1 48.3 49.8 47.6 48.3 49.7
Tree B 49.7 78.8 90.3 94.9 96.9 99.0 99.6 99.9
Original GM 71.6 90.7 94.4 96.4 97.2 99.0 99.6 99.9
SVC 29.8 46.5 50.5 48.7 49.9 47.6 48.3 49.7
DTM model, / = 0.8, a = 0.9, b = 0.4
Tree A 24.1 51.0 60.0 60.6 61.7 64.7 68.1 73.6
Tree B 61.7 73.2 72.1 68.5 66.6 62.5 59.3 56.5
Original GM 74.7 76.6 72.7 68.6 66.7 62.5 59.3 56.5
SVC 31.9 52.1 60.2 60.6 61.7 64.7 68.1 73.6
DTM model, / = 0.9, a = 0.65, b = 0.1
Tree A 16.0 29.0 32.3 32.5 33.0 28.8 28.0 26.2
Tree B 45.4 77.1 90.0 95.9 98.2 99.8 99.9 100.0
Original GM 71.9 94.7 98.6 99.5 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0
SVC 35.5 36.0 35.8 33.9 33.6 28.8 28.0 26.2

Table 3.9 shows that Tree B and the original GM protocol selects the DTM
time series in a high percentage of cases for the time series containing more than
10 observations and the low values of the smoothing parameter b regardless of the
80 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Table 3.10 GRMSE (1-step ahead) for the universal application of the damped Holt’s method,
Decision Trees, the original GM protocol and the SVC protocol
Protocols Time series length
10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150
DTM model, / = 0.3, a = 0.35, b = 0.2
GRMSE 1-step ahead
Damped Holt’s 29.4 31.6 28.3 26.0 25.6 25.3 25.1 25.0
Tree A 29.4 32.5 29.2 26.8 26.4 26.1 26.0 25.9
Tree B 29.4 31.7 28.6 26.2 25.7 25.3 25.1 25.0
Original GM 30.2 32.5 28.6 26.2 25.7 25.3 25.1 25.0
SVC 29.4 32.1 29.0 26.7 26.4 26.1 26.0 25.9
DTM model, / = 0.9, a = 0.65, b= 0.1
GRMSE 1-step ahead
Damped Holt’s 489.8 550.2 506.4 466.8 455.2 448.0 446.5 445.6
Tree A 490.0 556.6 512.7 472.9 460.5 452.3 450.7 450.0
Tree B 492.6 551.1 506.9 466.8 455.4 448.0 446.6 445.6
Original GM 505.2 574.1 510.5 467.4 455.3 448.0 446.6 445.6
SVC 492.8 557.4 510.3 471.5 459.9 452.2 450.7 450.0

value of the damping parameter / and the smoothing parameter a. For the higher b
value of 0.4, the percentage recognition by the two protocols still remains high and
it is not less than 56% regardless of the series length. In those cases, the Tree A
recognises the DTM model for the series containing more than 10 observations.
From the forecasting perspective, using the GRMSE as the error measure and
taking into account 1-step ahead forecasting horizon, it follows that the lowest
forecasting error is produced by the universal application of damped Holt’s
method (see Table 3.10), as expected.
Even though the Decision Tree B and the original GM protocol have selected
the highest percentage of DTM time series, the difference in forecasting accuracy
is almost negligible.

3.7 Real Data Analysis

The purpose of this section is to assess the forecasting performance of the pro-
tocols and decision trees for method selection as well as universal application of
forecasting methods using empirical data sets gathered from different sources. As
noted earlier, it is important to compare forecasting performance with universal
application of damped Holt’s method.
Since the focus of this chapter is the improvement of forecasting accuracy of the
non-seasonal exponential smoothing methods relevant for short-term forecasting,
it follows that the length of the forecasting horizon should be considered as an
important factor in the empirical analysis. This issue will be addressed accord-
ingly, using 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-step ahead horizons for the performance testing.
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 81

During the experiment with the real data, single test periods will be used and two
error measures will be applied. There is no evidence that multiple test periods can
help in deciding which forecasting method produces the lowest error. The method
coefficients will be calibrated once, for every time series of interest. Errors are
calculated using the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the Mean Absolute Per-
centage Error (MAPE).

3.7.1 Yearly Data

The entire M3-yearly data set has been used for testing the protocols and decision
trees since the data are neither slow (intermittent) nor seasonal. The M3-yearly
data set contains 645 time series of different lengths. The shortest time series
contain only 14 observations and the longest series contain 41 observations. As the
time series exhibit different lengths, the splitting rules defined in Sect. 3.6.2 were
Table 3.11 presents the classification by the protocols and Table 3.12 presents
their forecasting performance using the MAPE as the error measure. Table 3.11
shows that the V(0)V(2) protocol, and consequently both decision trees, select 119
time series as non-trended, while the three protocols diagnose different types of
trend. Tree B favours the DTM model, while Tree A detects the DTM and LGM
models almost equally. The V(0)V(2) protocol, by construction, selects only the
LGM model for trended series.
Table 3.12 shows a forecasting accuracy comparison between the three uni-
versal methods and the method selection protocols.
Comparing the accuracy of the universal application of forecasting methods
among themselves, SES generates the most accurate forecasts for the horizons up
to 3-periods ahead, while for the longer horizons damped Holt’s is more accurate
than SES.
It is evident that Tree B outperforms the original GM procedure for all fore-
casting horizons. This confirms the results of the simulation experiment discussed
in the previous section of this chapter. Tree B is also more accurate than Tree A for
all horizons, with Tree A performing less well than the GM procedure for a

Table 3.11 Classification of Protocols Mathematical models

645 yearly time series by the
protocols SSM DTM LGM
Number of series detected
Tree A 119 271 255
Tree B 119 404 122
Orig GM 45 478 122
V(0)V(2) 119 0 526
SVC 0 307 338
82 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Table 3.12 Forecasting performance (MAPE) for yearly data

Protocols Forecasting horizon
1-Step 2-Steps 3-Steps 4-Steps 5-Steps 6-Steps
Universal application of forecasting methods
SES 12.99 19.18 22.63 25.72 27.90 39.72
Holt’s 13.99 22.85 27.40 31.24 36.02 45.41
Damped Holt’s 13.59 19.78 22.78 25.38 26.99 38.23
Tree A 12.98 19.32 23.63 26.43 28.98 39.50
Tree B 12.96 19.12 22.37 24.82 26.59 38.18
Original GM 13.14 19.63 22.69 25.26 27.12 38.81
V(0)V(2) 12.95 19.56 23.76 26.58 28.99 36.67
SVC 13.78 21.37 25.59 29.08 33.44 44.18
Lowest MAPE values are emboldened

horizon of four periods or more. Overall, Tree B is the best performing method or
protocol. This result, shown above for Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) is
also confirmed for Mean Absolute Error (MAE).
The lack of a single universal method that dominates over all forecasting
horizons means that Tree B’s outperformance over SES and damped Holt’s is
greatest for different horizons: a gain of 0.63% over damped Holt’s for a one-step
ahead error, and a gain of 1.54% for a six-step ahead error.

3.7.2 Telecommunication Data

A data set containing non-seasonal telecommunication time series was extracted

from the 3,003 M3-competition time series. The series belong to the category
‘‘other’’ regarding the time periods of data collection. The whole data set is
homogeneous, in that the time series exhibit strong negative trend.
Table 3.13 summaries the classification results of the M3-telecommunications
data set by the protocols employed in this research.
Table 3.13 shows that all the protocols have detected trended series only. The
V(0)V(2) protocol selects the LGM model in 100% of cases while the original GM

Table 3.13 Classification of Protocols Mathematical models

149 telecommunication time
series by the protocols SSM DTM LGM
Number of series detected
Tree A 0 57 92
Tree B 0 146 3
Original GM 0 146 3
V(0)V(2) 0 0 149
SVC 0 57 92
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 83

variance procedure and Decision Tree B exhibited the same performance in terms
of number of series detected (only 2% of time series were detected as strong
trended). Furthermore, both the SVC protocol and Decision Tree A have exhibited
exactly the same performance and detected 38% of time series as damped trended
and 62% as strong trended.
Comparison of the universal application of single methods (see Table 3.14)
shows a clear advantage to the damped Holt’s method over SES for all forecast
horizons. It also shows a slight gain over Holt’s method (except for six-step ahead
forecasts, where the improvement is more marked).
None of the protocols perform badly, because none of them select SES, for
which there may be a strong penalty in forecast accuracy. There is little to choose
between the protocols (see Table 3.14), with the Tree B and the GM protocol
giving exactly the same result, because neither selects SES for any series. There is
a small gain in accuracy of Tree B over Tree A, widening as the forecast horizon
lengthens. Tree B is again the best protocol.
Unsurprisingly, these results show that if the damped Holt’s method is the best
method for almost all series, then there is little to be gained over universal
application of that method by employing a method selection protocol. However,
should any of the series have been allocated to SES by default, then the use of
Tree B, or one of the other protocols, would have been of some benefit.

3.7.3 Weekly Data

Goodrich (2001) noted that in the M3-competition data set, there were no weekly
series, ‘‘despite their tremendous importance to business, e.g. for materials man-
agement and inventory control’’, (Goodrich 2001: 561). Therefore, a weekly data
set is included in this empirical study and the performance of the protocols will be
analysis and reported (Table 3.16).

Table 3.14 Forecasting performance (MAPE) for telecommunications data

Protocols Forecasting horizon
1-Step 2-Steps 3-Steps 4-Steps 5-Steps 6-Steps
Universal application of forecasting methods
SES 1.42 2.60 3.80 5.02 6.29 7.52
Holt’s 1.06 1.79 2.56 3.35 4.15 5.22
Damped Holt’s 1.04 1.79 2.56 3.30 4.14 4.84
Tree A 1.05 1.80 2.59 3.36 4.37 5.43
Tree B 1.04 1.79 2.55 3.29 4.13 4.80
Original GM 1.04 1.79 2.55 3.29 4.13 4.80
V(0)V(2) 1.06 1.79 2.56 3.35 4.15 5.22
SVC 1.05 1.80 2.59 3.36 4.37 5.43
Lowest MAPE values are emboldened
84 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Table 3.15 The Protocols Mathematical models

classification of 156 weekly
time series by the protocols SSM DTM LGM
Number of series detected
Tree A 150 3 3
Tree B 150 6 0
Original GM 104 52 0
V(0)V(2) 150 0 6
SVC 0 79 77

Weekly data set contains 156 non-seasonal and non-slow-moving time series.
All series are the same length and they contain 125 observations each. Table 3.15
summarises the classification findings of the protocols.
In contrast to the previous dataset, this dataset is dominated by series for which
SES is the best method amongst the three smoothing methods. The SVC protocol
is of little relevance here, as it does not include SES in its pool of methods. The
performance of the protocols and universal application of forecasting methods is
presented in Table 3.16.
In this particular data set, the SES is the best performing method from 2- up to
6-periods-ahead forecasting horizon confirming that the trees have selected the
non-trended model correctly. Again, none of the protocols perform badly (except
the SVC), as they never or rarely select Holt’s method, for which the accuracy
penalty is greatest.
Unsurprisingly, these results show if Single Exponential Smoothing is the best
method for almost all the series, then there is little to be gained over universal
application of that method by employing a method selection protocol. However,
should any of the series have been allocated to Holt’s method by default, then the
use of Tree B, or one of the other protocols, would have been of some benefit.

Table 3.16 Forecasting performance (MAPE) for weekly data

Protocols Forecasting horizon
1-Step 2-Steps 3-Steps 4-Steps 5-Steps 6-Steps
Universal application of forecasting methods
SES 37.76 41.47 40.41 39.80 39.68 39.06
Holt’s 38.39 43.18 44.88 44.35 44.46 43.35
Damped Holt’s 37.62 41.58 40.60 40.22 40.02 39.42
Tree A 37.77 41.58 40.91 40.06 39.83 39.26
Tree B 37.75 41.47 40.39 39.79 39.68 39.06
GM 37.79 41.67 41.31 39.97 40.38 39.58
V(0)V(2) 37.79 41.61 41.00 40.16 39.95 39.36
SVC 37.84 42.54 43.46 42.70 42.44 41.44
Lowest MAPE values are emboldened
3 Decision Trees for Forecasting Trended Demand 85

3.8 Conclusions

Evidence is lacking on the comparison of decision trees for model selection with
the universal application of damped Holt’s method. The M3 competition shows
that this method is difficult to beat. This chapter has presented results comparing
decision trees with the damped Holt’s method, as an ,encompassing approach’.
This serves as a base for further studies, which should include other approaches
such as prediction validation and information criteria, discussed in Sect 3.3.
The simulation study showed that the Steady State Model may be detected more
accurately by the V(0)V(2) protocol (and, hence, by both decision trees) than by
the original GM protocol, although the performance of all protocols declines as the
length of series increases. Tree B’s forecasting performance is better than Tree A’s
in this case, because when it fails to recognise that data is non-trended, it is more
likely to allocate the series to the damped Holt’s method than Holt’s linear method.
The simulation study also showed that the Linear Growth Model (LGM) may be
detected more accurately by the V(0)V(2) protocol than the GM protocol. In this
case, Tree A performs better than Tree B in the sense of recognising more LGM
series. The best protocol, in terms of forecasting accuracy, is the V(0)V(2) method,
as it does not misclassify trended series as damped trend. There is little to choose
between Tree A and Tree B forecast accuracy, with Tree A having a slight edge.
For damped trend series, the simulation study showed that the original GM pro-
tocol classified the most series correctly, with Tree B being the next best classi-
fication method. However, the difference in forecasting performance is almost
Empirical analysis of yearly data from the M3 competition shows that it is
possible for a protocol to give greater accuracy than universal application of the
damped Holt’s method. The weekly series confirm a small gain in accuracy for
Tree B. However, the telecommunications dataset shows almost identical accuracy
results between Tree B and damped Holt’s, as this method is diagnosed for almost
all series by Tree B. The decision tree produces no accuracy benefit in this case,
but neither does it yield any deterioration in performance, thus demonstrating its
The M3 yearly data also show Tree B identifying series as damped trend much
more frequently than Tree A. For this dataset, Tree B gives greater forecast
accuracy than both Tree A and the original GM protocol. Although the benefits are
not large, they are consistent across forecasting horizons, with a general tendency
for Tree B to have greater accuracy over longer horizons. For the telecommuni-
cations data, Tree B and the GM protocol give the same results, which are better
than Tree A, particularly for longer horizons. The most natural explanation of this
difference is the tendency of Tree A to mis-specify damped trend as linear trend.
This tendency was identified in the simulation study, and it was shown that it
penalises forecast accuracy. These conclusions are restricted to non-seasonal
datasets. More research is needed on extending the approach to seasonal series,
including a detailed analysis of the Holt-Winters method.
86 N. N. Atanackov and J. E. Boylan

Overall, this study shows that Tree B is a promising approach for diagnosing
trend in non–seasonal time series. It can be implemented quite straightforwardly in
forecasting applications for service parts. As it is simple to understand and apply,
and produces robust accuracy results, this decision tree should be considered as a
potential approach to forecasting method selection along with other more
sophisticated approaches.


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Chapter 4
The Impact of Aggregation Level
on Lumpy Demand Management

Emilio Bartezzaghi and Matteo Kalchschmidt

4.1 Lumpy Demand Management

In the last 20 years companies have always paid great attention on managing
demand variability. Demand fluctuations are due to several reasons: quick changes
in the final customer’s preferences and taste are a common cause of demand
variability (e.g., in the fashion industry demand for a given color can change
dramatically from year to year). Marketing activities may also lead demand to
suddenly change e.g., when promotional activities are conducted due to the high
elasticity of demand to price. Competitors can also be a source of variability, since
their behavior can influence how the demand distributes on each single company
serving a specific market. The supply chain structure is also a significant cause of
demand unsteadiness: the bullwhip effect (Lee et al. 1997) is a common phe-
nomenon in different industrial contexts, leading to an increase in the variability of
the demand over supply chain stages.
A vast amount of the literature has addressed the issue of designing managerial
systems capable of coping with demand variability. This has been done by
focusing on different leverages: from demand forecasting, aiming at increasing the
capability of companies to understand variability, to production planning, trying to
design efficient planning systems, capable of reacting towards sudden changes in
the final demand, to inventory management, in order to manage the complex trade-
off between inventory cost and service level, and so on.

E. Bartezzaghi
Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering,
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
M. Kalchschmidt (&)
Department of Economics and Technology Management,
Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 89

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_4,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
90 E. Bartezzaghi and M. Kalchschmidt

This issue is common to all industrial contexts; however, a rather peculiar and
complex situation is faced in the case of spare parts. The problem of managing
spare parts demand is relevant for many reasons: first of all it influences the final
product business since it affects post sale service quality. Moreover, it is a relevant
business as the market is captive, thus very profitable and so firms have to pay
relevant attention towards this issue. However, it is a very difficult business to
cope with, since requirements are usually very dispersed over time and demand
uncertainty is frequently very high.
Spare parts, in fact, often show very sporadic demand patterns for long periods
of their life time. This is the case, for example, of service items that have to be
stored for years as long as repair service has to be guaranteed even for products
that have reached the end of their market life. Spare parts demand often tend to be
highly variable and sporadic showing frequently a very peculiar pattern called
lumpy demand.
Lumpy demand can be defined as (Bartezzaghi et al. 1999):
• variable, therefore characterized by relevant fluctuations (Wemmerlöv and
Whybark 1984; Wemmerlöv 1986; Ho 1995; Syntetos and Boylan 2005);
• sporadic, as historical series are characterized by many days with no demand at
all (Ward 1978; Williams 1982; Fildes and Beard 1992; Vereecke and Verst-
raeten 1994; Syntetos and Boylan 2005);
• nervous, thus leading to show differences between successive demand obser-
vation, so implying that cross time correlation is low (Wemmerlöv and Whybark
1984; Ho 1995; Bartezzaghi and Verganti 1995).
Managing inventories when demand is lumpy is thus a complex issue since
companies have to cope with both a sporadic pattern, that usually induces high
inventory investments, and highly variable order size, that make it difficult to
estimate inventory levels and may affect service levels. For this reason, companies
facing lumpy demand often experience both high inventory levels and unsatis-
factory service levels at the same time.
Lumpiness may emerge as the consequence of different structural character-
istics of the market. In particular, we may refer to the following main factors
(Bartezzaghi et al. 1999):
• low number of customers in the market. Fewer customers usually induce spo-
radic requests for the product unit and, therefore, demand lumpiness increases;
• high heterogeneity of customers. Heterogeneous requests occur when the
potential market consists of customers with considerably different sizes or
buying behaviors (i.e. customers that order for very different lot sizes or with
different frequencies); thus the higher the heterogeneity of customers, the higher
the demand lumpiness;
• low frequency of customers requests. The higher the frequency of requests from
a customer, the higher the number of different customers that ask for the unit in
a given time bracket. Thus lumpiness increases as the frequency of each cus-
tomer’s purchase decreases;
4 The Impact of Aggregation Level on Lumpy Demand Management 91

• high variety of customers requests. Demand lumpiness increases also if each

single customer has a variable reorder behavior over time. Customers may
change significantly their buying behavior in specific periods of time due, for
example, to promotional activities or to speculative buying;
• high correlation between customers requests. Lumpiness may occur also
because customers’ requests are strongly correlated with each other. Correlation,
for example, may be due to imitation and managerial fads which induce similar
behaviors in customers so that sudden peaks of demand may occur after periods
of no requests.
Spare parts demand often shows this specific kind of variability. This is mainly
due to the low frequency of requests for these items. In fact spare parts often tend
to behave as ‘‘slow items’’ since requests for them are distributed over a long
period of life. Besides, requests may change significantly between orders due to
the fact that several different kinds of customers may be served by a single service
unit. This is often the case when spare parts are ordered from independent units
that provide the final customer with repair services. In this situation, reorder sizes
are influenced by the specific reorder criteria adopted by each service provider. As
a matter of fact, most of the contributions on lumpy demand management have
specifically taken into consideration the spare parts case (see for example Croston
1974; Petrović et al. 1988; Cobbaert and Van Oudheusden 1996; Shibuya et al.
1998; Liu and Shi 1999; Willemain et al. 2004).
Due to its relevant impact on companies’ performance, lumpy demand man-
agement has received major attention in the current literature. Specifically the
literature has provided several approaches (i.e. forecasting methods and inventory
models) to cope with this kind of demand. Also the specific case of spare parts has
been taken into account and specific methodologies have been provided to cope
with demand variability in this particular case and proposing different models to
improve inventory performance (some of the works in these field are: Petrović
et al. 1988; Cohen and Kleindorfer 1989; Cobbaert and Van Oudheusden 1996;
David et al. 1997; Dekker et al. 1998; Shibuya et al. 1998; Liu and Shi 1999;
Teunter and Fortuin 1999; Kalchschmidt et al. 2003; Syntetos and Boylan 2005).
Literature on lumpy demand management has mainly focused on methods to
better evaluate demand variability (i.e. forecasting methods; e.g., Syntetos and
Boylan 2005) and inventory models specific to this particular case (e.g., Teunter
and Fortuin 1999). However these models usually don’t address the problem of the
aggregation level of data. This problem arises when the implementation of specific
techniques takes place. In fact, when trying to implement forecasting and inven-
tory models, practitioners often find out that this is much more complex than the
simple design or selection of an appropriate algorithm and it involves the choice of
the relevant pieces of information, the design of information systems, the control
of data quality, and the definition of managerial processes. One critical issue
concerning the implementation and adoption of forecasting and inventory man-
agement techniques is the choice of the appropriate level at which demand has to
be managed. In particular, demand has to be defined over three dimensions:
92 E. Bartezzaghi and M. Kalchschmidt

(1) One shall define the market he/she tries to forecast; e.g., one retailer might
want to forecast demand at the single store level, while a manufacturer might
be interested in the demand for the overall region or country; clearly the
former forecasting problem is harder to tackle than the latter;
(2) One shall define the product the demand refers to; e.g., for a given retailer it
might be fairly difficult to predict the demand for a given product at the style-
color-size-packaging level, whereas forecasting the total turnover for a given
product category might not be that hard (Wacker and Lummus 2002);
(3) Finally one needs to define the time frame of the forecasting problem, i.e., one
shall define the time bucket and the forecasting horizon; indeed forecasting
demand at the day level is much more complex than forecasting total yearly
The choice of the aggregation level is important since according to the specific
aggregation level chosen, demand variability may show specific peculiarities and
thus different techniques may apply, thus affecting forecasting and inventory
In the remainder of this work we will refer to the previous three dimensions as
the level of aggregation of the forecasting problem. The smaller the market, the
more detailed the definition of the product and the smaller the time bucket, the
more the forecasting problem is detailed.
This work focuses on the impact of the aggregation level of data on inventory
performance and we address in particular the specific case of lumpy demand. In
fact limited contributions can be found regarding how the aggregation level may
influence lumpy demand.
The remainder of this paper is thus structured as follows. In the next section the
level of aggregation of demand will be described and literature contributions on
this issue will be summarized. Then specific research objectives and methodology
will be described. In the last two sections, empirical results will be described, a
proper discussion of results will be provided and future research objectives will be

4.2 The Impact of Data Aggregation

As previously mentioned, when a forecasting problem has to be addressed, it is

important to clearly state at which level of aggregation a forecast has to be pro-
vided. Typically this choice relates to the specific decision the forecast will be used
for. For example, when yearly financial budget is under consideration, a company
usually doesn’t need a very detailed forecast: a forecast for some future months of
sales at market level is going to be enough for this specific decision making
process. On the contrary, if inventory decision is under consideration, probably a
company will need to provide a forecast at the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) level,
for the next future days or weeks and regarding the part of the market that the
specific warehouse is serving.
4 The Impact of Aggregation Level on Lumpy Demand Management 93

Data Forecast
aggregation aggregation
Demand data

No data No forecast
aggregation/ aggregation/ Forecast
disaggregation disaggregation

Data Forecast
disaggregation disaggregation

Data aggregation Forecast aggregation
process evaluation process process

Fig. 4.1 Aggregation level options in the forecasting process

However, the level of aggregation at which the forecast has to be used (at thus
provided) is not necessarily the same of the level of aggregation at which the
forecast is evaluated. In particular, during the forecasting process, we face the
problem of aggregation in two different situation. First, when information (i.e.,
past demand data) is collected, one has to choose at which level of aggregation
these data should be used (we refer to this as the data aggregation process). Based
on what companies choose here, different forecasting methods may then be
selected, based on the characteristics of variability the demand shows at that level
of aggregation (e.g., if monthly data is used then seasonality may be an important
variability component to be considered; on the contrary if the same data is used at
the yearly level seasonality becomes irrelevant, at least for the forecast evaluation
process). Second, when the forecast has been evaluated it may need to be
aggregated or disaggregated in order to provide the final forecast at the required
aggregation level that the decision making process needs (e.g., if a market forecast
is needed for budget purposes, if we evaluate forecast at customer level we then
need to aggregate all these forecasts by simply summing up them). We refer to this
as the forecast aggregation process. Figure 4.1 summarizes these different situa-
tions. In this work we will focus on the data aggregation process.
As Fig. 4.1 exemplifies, given a certain aggregation level at which a forecast is
needed, one can decide to obtain this forecast though a more aggregate forecast
(thus a disaggregation process is needed to provide the final forecast), through a
more disaggregated process (thus an aggregation is needed) or without any
aggregation or disaggregation. Forecast evaluation can be performed at different
data aggregation levels. Data in fact can be aggregated before evaluating the
forecast or disaggregated (e.g., in the retail industry frequently companies estimate
the demand in different ways according to whether data collected on demand refer
to promotional periods or not).
Based on these options companies may then structure their forecasting process
differently. For example, one typical solution is when the forecast is evaluated at
the same level of aggregation at which the forecast is used. In this situation, based
on the aggregation level requested from the decision making process, the fore-
casting approach is selected according to data or information available, and no
94 E. Bartezzaghi and M. Kalchschmidt

aggregation or disaggregation of the data is done. Another possibility is when the

forecast is evaluated at a more detailed level compared to which the forecast is
used. In this case, the forecast is evaluated based on disaggregated data and then
some aggregation of these is conducted before the final forecast is provided. This
is often referred to as Bottom-Up approach (Orcutt et al. 1968; Zellner and Tobias
2000; Weatherford et al. 2001). A typical example of this situation is when sales
budget are developed: usually sales people are asked to provide their own forecast
regarding their specific geographical area or regarding their specific customers.
These forecasts are then aggregated all together to get to an overall market fore-
cast. Another common situation is when the forecast is evaluated at a more
aggregate level compared to which the forecast is used. In this situation, the data
collection and the forecast evaluation is done at a more aggregate level compared
to the one at which the forecast is then provided. This is often referred to as Top-
Down approach (Theil 1954; Grunfeld and Griliches 1960; Lapide 1998). For
example, this is often used when a weekly forecast has to be divided at the daily
level for production scheduling purposes, based on some estimation of the daily
As previously mentioned, this choice has to be done on one or more of three
different dimensions:
• Product: companies have to choose at which level of detail of the product
structure they want to evaluate forecasts. The demand can be foreseen by
leveraging on very detailed data (e.g., referring to SKU) or very aggregate ones
(e.g., referring to product families).
• Market: the demand can be foreseen by taking into consideration very precise
and detailed information (e.g., the demand of each single customer) or very
aggregate one (e.g., the demand at market level).
• Time bucket: in the end, companies have to choose whether they want to rely on
detailed or aggregate time buckets: demand can be foreseen at daily level,
weekly level, monthly level, etc.
The literature on demand management and forecasting has devoted some
attention to the problem of choosing the proper level of aggregation. Some con-
tributions on this issue focus on the use of aggregation to estimate seasonality
curves (Dalhart 1974; Withycombe 1989; Bunn and Vassilopoulos 1993, 1999;
Dekker et al. 2004). These works provided evidence that aggregating correlated
time series can be helpful to better estimate seasonality since it can reduce random
variability. Other works focus on the selection of the proper level of data aggre-
gation (e.g., Chan 1993; Gonzales 1992; Weiss 1984). Some authors argue that the
top-down approach (i.e., evaluating forecast at aggregate level and then dividing it
at detailed level) can be helpful as it is more efficient and more accurate in times of
stable demand (Theil 1954; Grunfeld and Griliches 1960; Lapide 1998). Other
authors, however, reply that the bottom-up approach (i.e., building a forecast by
evaluating the forecasts at detailed level and then aggregating them) is needed
when there are differences across time series (Orcutt et al. 1968; Zellner and
Tobias 2000; Weatherford et al. 2001). Finally, other contributions (Miller et al.
4 The Impact of Aggregation Level on Lumpy Demand Management 95

1976; Barnea and Lakonishok 1980; Fliedner 1999) take a more contingent
approach and show that the choice between the aggregate and detailed approach
depends on the correlation among time series. Zotteri and Kalchschmidt (2007)
analytically demonstrate that in fact aggregation is preferable only under certain
circumstances (i.e., high demand variability, few periods of demand, etc.).
Limited contributions can, however, be found regarding aggregation in the case
of lumpy demand. Specifically, several of the mentioned contributions considered
frequently the case of stationary and continuous demand. Unfortunately this is not
always the case: spare parts usually show a lumpy pattern and it is not completely
clear whether literature findings still hold here.
Similarly, contributions on the aggregation level selection have mainly focused
on forecasting, i.e., the impact of aggregation on forecasting accuracy. Limited
contributions have consider simultaneously the impact on forecasting and inven-
tory management systems. In fact, literature on lumpy demand management has
argued and, sometimes, proved that designing an integrated forecasting and
inventory management system may be much more beneficial than focusing on just
one of the two (Kalchschmidt et al. 2003). In this situation the forecasting method
applied has to focus on estimating demand characteristics that the chosen inven-
tory system needs to define reorder politics.
This work aims at providing a better understanding of how aggregation may
influence inventory performance when demand is lumpy. In particular here
attention is devoted to the case of aggregation over time (temporal aggregation).
This choice is due to the fact that limited contributions can be found on this
specific issue (also in the stationary and stable demand case). As a matter of fact,
the vast amount of contributions on this topic usually refer to aggregation over
product and over market dimensions (see previously mentioned contributions),
while only limited contributions can be found regarding temporal aggregation for
non-lumpy demand (some contributions can be found in Johnston and Harrison
1986; Snyder et al. 1999; Dekker et al. 2004) and very few specific to the lumpy
demand case (Nikolopoulos et al. 2009). For all these reasons, in the reminder of
the paper only temporal aggregation will be considered.

4.3 Objectives and Methodology

The goal of this work is to study whether temporal aggregation of lumpy demand
may be beneficial in terms of impact on inventory performances. Specifically, the
objectives are:
(1) Analyze the impact of temporal aggregation level in a specific situation,
namely spare parts demand.
(2) Evaluate the impact of demand characteristics (e.g., lumpiness) on the choice
of the proper level of aggregation.
In order to achieve these goals a simulation analysis based on real demand data
has been considered. Demand data has been collected from the Spare Parts
96 E. Bartezzaghi and M. Kalchschmidt

Table 4.1 Descriptive statistics for the considered sample

Demand Demand interarrival Demand size Order frequency
Average CV Average CV Average CV (No. of days with
(units) (days) (units per order) nonzero demand)
Min 0.01 0.86 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2
25% Ile 0.03 3.89 7.21 0.66 1.01 0.00 4
Median 0.10 6.19 18.34 0.84 1.81 0.64 9
75% Ile 0.44 8.46 40.20 1.01 4.00 1.20 28
Max 53.44 13.58 104.50 4.09 269.67 4.84 209

Management Division of a major multinational white goods manufacturer. The

company provided us with daily level demand data for all its spare parts SKUs
over almost 1 year period (specifically 209 working days). The company manages
more than 68.000 SKUs; among these, almost 52.000 have less than two orders per
year. We decided to focus only on those items that presented at least two orders
over the available data set. Then we selected from 16.875 SKUs that guaranteed
this requirement a sample of 1.000 SKUs chosen at random. Among these, 926
SKUs at the end were considered (some SKUs were omitted due to item specific
problems, such as item recoding or termination).
This data set was divided in two samples: the first one, based on the first
105 days was allocated for fitting purposes of the selected model, while the second
one (based on the remaining 104 days) was used for testing performance.
Table 4.1 synthesizes some descriptive statistics on the overall sample.
As it can be noted the demand variability is quite high (median Coefficient of
Variation (CV) is above 6). This is due to both variability in the demand size
(median CV of demand size is 0.64) but also to the demand intermittency (median
number of days with non zero demand is 9 out of 209 days of demand). Thus,
coherently with our definition of lumpy demand and with previous contributions
(Syntetos and Boylan 2005), we can conclude that considered data has in fact a
lumpy pattern (both size is variable and demand is intermittent).
To achieve our research goals, we based our analyses on a simulation model
with the following characteristics:
(1) In order to estimate inventory levels, we adopted Syntetos and Boylan (S&B)
unbiased variation of Croston’s method (Syntetos and Boylan 2001). We
selected this forecasting approach since it is actually considered a reliable
method for the case of lumpy demand compared to other known solutions
(Syntetos and Boylan 2001, 2005; Altay et al. 2008). This approach reduces
the bias in the estimation of the average demand in case of lumpy pattern. We
refer to Syntetos and Boylan (2001) for a detailed description of the approach
and to Kalchschmidt et al. (2003) and Syntetos and Boylan (2005) for com-
parisons with other methodologies in the case of lumpy demand. The
smoothing parameters were set at 0.2 and the C parameter was set to 200 (see
cited papers for details on the model). Some tests were also run with other
4 The Impact of Aggregation Level on Lumpy Demand Management 97

values for these parameters. Even if differences arise when parameters change,
these do not affect significantly the results of our analyses. For this reason and
for briefness sake we omitted these analyses here.
(2) The safety stock is defined according to the actual demand variability and the
desired service level. Specifically we simulated different scenarios according
to different average service levels i.e., 94% (the average service level the
company was achieving) and 99.1% (the desired service level the company
was aiming to have). We considered these two levels of performance since
they represent what the company considered as reference. For briefness sake
we will show the results only for the former case.
(3) The reorder model considered is an order-up-to system with daily revisions of
inventory levels; backlog is allowed.
(4) Deliveries from suppliers are assumed constant and equal to 20 days for all
items. The company based its own reorder politics on this specific value. We
argue that according to the specific lead time suppliers provide, the impact of
the aggregation level on inventory performances may change. However, we
claim that the considerations we draw from our analyses are not affected
explicitly from this specific assumption. We discuss this issue in deeper detail
in the conclusions.
Each day of the simulation we update model parameters and evaluate inventory
performance in terms of inventory levels and service level (i.e., served quantity
compared to actual demand). If inventory is not enough to fulfill daily demand a
backlog is accounted and demand is served as soon as inventory is available.
Simulations were run according to five different aggregation levels of demand
data. Specifically we considered aggregation on a 1 day level (1d, data as it is), a
2 days level (2d, demand is aggregated between 2 subsequent days), 3 days level
(3d), 10 days level (10d) and 30 days level (30d). Other intermediate aggregation
levels were run but here they are omitted for sake of brevity. Since the perfor-
mances of the systems under investigation are based on two objectives (service
level and inventory level), in order to compare the different scenarios we run all
simulations so to guarantee a 94% service level on the average of the test period.
We then can directly compare inventory levels to identify the impact of the data
aggregation process.

4.4 Simulation Results and Discussion

Figure 4.2 shows the average inventory level of the considered items on the testing
period for different aggregation levels.
As it can be noted, the average inventory level required to guarantee a 94%
average service level reduces as we aggregate demand data. The extent to which
inventories benefit from aggregation is impressive (in particular when comparing
the more detailed levels with the more aggregate ones) and the benefit of further
aggregation tends to reduce on higher horizons. In order to verify that these
98 E. Bartezzaghi and M. Kalchschmidt

Fig. 4.2 Average inventory

levels for the different tem-
poral aggregation levels con-
sidered (average service level
is 94.1%)

average results were consistent at SKUs level (and to avoid eventual bias due to
few peculiar cases, e.g., high volume skus) we ran nonparametric tests on the
equality of average inventories between the different simulation runs (we based
our analyses on Friedman’s test1). All tests were significant at 0.99 level, thus we
can claim than on a relevant portion of our SKUs, aggregating demand improves
inventory performances.
Even if on average the temporal aggregation seems to pay off, a more detailed
analysis showed that this is not true for all items. Table 4.2, in fact, highlights that
some items don’t benefit from aggregation but, on the contrary, face a worsening
of the inventory level. As we can see, among the considered SKUs, on average
almost 22% show worse performance when demand is aggregated, while almost
9% on average are not affected by the aggregation level.
The identified phenomenon seems to apply differently on the items considered,
thus we take a contingent approach to identify what are the key drivers that
influence the optimal aggregation level. In order to identify discriminant contin-
gent factors we ran multiple comparisons among three groups of items (namely
those for which aggregation improves performance, those were aggregation is
indifferent and those where aggregation lead to worse performance) for all the
considered aggregation levels. T tests on the equality of means were run among the
different groups on the following variables2:
• Average demand;
• Standard deviation of demand;
• Coefficient of variation of demand;
• Asymmetry of demand;

The Friedman test is the nonparametric equivalent of a one-sample repeated measures design
or a two-way analysis of variance with one observation per cell. Friedman tests the null
hypothesis that k related variables come from the same population. For each case, the k variables
are ranked from 1 to k. The test statistic is based on these ranks.
For space sake we omit all statistical analyses. All contingencies have been evaluated at daily
level since this was the most detailed level available.
4 The Impact of Aggregation Level on Lumpy Demand Management 99

Table 4.2 Distribution of SKUs for different aggregation levels, classified according to whether
they improve performance by aggregating demand, stay the same, or worsen
From 1 to 2 days From 2 to 3 days From 3 to 10 days From 10 to 30 days
Improvement 817 529 711 517
Indifference 59 80 76 105
Worsening 50 317 139 304
Total 926 926 926 926

• Lumpiness of demand: lumpiness has been measured according to the following


CV 2
Lumpiness ¼
l  LT

where CV is the coefficient of variation of demand, l is the average demand and

LT is the replenishment lead time;
• Number of days with non zero demand;
• Average size of demand;
• Standard deviation of demand size;
• Coefficient of variation of demand size;
• Average interarrival;
• Standard deviation of interarrival;
• Coefficient of variation of interarrival.
Among all, two variables seem to be constantly changing between the con-
sidered groups at the different aggregation levels: coefficient of variation of
demand size (CVs) and average interarrival between successive orders. These two
measures are negatively correlated among themselves (Pearson correlation index is
-0.51 with p \ 0.001) due to the fact that both measures are affected by the
number of days of non zero demand. In order to get rid of the effect of the days of
actual demand, we define a standard coefficient of variation of demand size as
CVsn ¼ pffiffiffi
where CVs is the coefficient of variation of demand size and n is the number of
days of non zero demand. This indicator reduces the bias that CVs has due to the
number of days of actual observations.
Figure 4.3 shows the distribution of the 926 SKUs considered according to
these two variables.
Based on these two variables, we divided the different SKUs in clusters. In
particular, we ran first a hierarchical cluster analysis, in order to identify the proper
number of groups. Specifically, we applied a hierarchical cluster analysis with
between-groups linkage based on Squared Euclidean distance. Through the
100 E. Bartezzaghi and M. Kalchschmidt

Fig. 4.3 SKUs distribution

according to the standard
coefficient of variation of
demand size CVsn and the
average interarrival

Table 4.3 Descriptive statistics of final clusters centroids

Std. CV of demand size Interarrival
No. of SKUs Mean Std. dev. Mean Std. dev.
HVHS 99 0.450 0.198 56.262 19.603
LVHS 237 0.011 0.038 50.798 21.020
HVS 136 0.472 0.129 15.856 8.828
LWS 454 0.154 0.076 10.364 8.281
Combined 926 0.196 0.194 26.426 24.267

analysis of the dendogram, we identified four as a proper number of clusters.

A k-means cluster analysis with four as number of clusters led us to identify the
following groups of items (Table 4.3 provides information regarding the final
cluster centroids):
• High variability and highly sporadic (HVHS): these items are characterized by
both high variability of demand size and sporadic pattern (on average less than 4
orders per year).
• Low variability and highly sporadic (LVHS): these items show a sporadic
pattern (on average less than 4 orders per year) but demand size tends to be quite
• High variability and sporadic (HVS): these items are ordered more frequently
(on average more than 13 orders per year), however with highly variable
• Low variability and sporadic (LVS): these items are ordered frequently (on
average more than 13 orders per year) and with very stable quantities.
The clusters obtained are also coherent to previous contributions that group
SKUs according to similar variables (e.g., Syntetos and Boylan 2005).
In order to compare the different aggregation levels, we defined the Average
Inventory Reduction (AIR) as the average percentage reduction of inventories
between two different aggregation levels. In particular, AIR is defined as:
4 The Impact of Aggregation Level on Lumpy Demand Management 101

1 X InvLev ½ik  InvLev ½ jk

AIR½i  j ¼
k k InvLev ½jk

Where InvLev [i]k is the inventory level for item k at aggregation level i.
Based on these clusters we evaluated the average inventory reduction (AIR)
between the different aggregation levels within each cluster. Table 4.4 summarizes
this comparison.
These results show again that improvements in inventory performance are
widespread in the sample, and thus they confirm our previous evidence. Quite
interestingly, however the improvements obtained through a more aggregated
forecast are significant when the demand is not highly sporadic. In fact, when
sporadic behavior is limited, all reductions are significant (based on pair com-
parisons at SKU level). Significant benefits may occur also when the demand is
highly sporadic but only if the variability is limited; in fact, in most of the com-
parisons there is a significant reduction even if in one case a significant increase
can also be seen. When the demand is highly sporadic and the demand size is
highly variable, no significant improvements can be found; quite interestingly even
if on average some reductions can still be found here, they are not statistically
These results suggest that aggregating demand seems to be a reliable approach
when demand is lumpy. However when demand sporadic behavior and variability
are extremely high (i.e. HVS skus), this approach is not helpful and can in some
cases lead to worse performances. This result eventually suggests that in this last
situation, demand forecasting can be highly inefficient and one should design
inventory management solutions based on other approaches. In our case it should
also be noted that this situation affects only a limited part of the inventory problem
we are addressing. In fact these items account for no more than 10% of the
considered SKUs that are responsible for less than 2% of demand volumes and less
than 1% of the average inventory level.

Table 4.4 Average percentage inventory reduction for each cluster between the different
aggregation levels (AIR[i-j]: average inventory reduction with i days aggregation level compared
to j days aggregation level; * p \ 0.05, based on pair comparison of each SKU)
Demand size variability Interarrival
Sporadic Highly sporadic
High AIR[2–1]: -51.1%* AIR[2–1]: -20.0%
AIR[3–2]: -33.6%* AIR[3–2]: -10.9%
AIR[10–3]: -47.1%* AIR[10–3]: +4.1%
AIR[30–10]: -21.7%* AIR[30–10]: +9.5%*
Low AIR[2–1]: -39.5%* AIR[2–1]: -44.3%*
AIR[3–2]: -23.8%* AIR[3–2]: -12.5%
AIR[10–3]: -37.5%* AIR[10–3]: -19.8%*
AIR[30–10]: -44.3%* AIR[30–10]: +18.5%*
102 E. Bartezzaghi and M. Kalchschmidt

4.5 Conclusions

This work provides evidence that the temporal aggregation of data may be ben-
eficial in spare parts inventory management and forecasting. The presented results
show a clear effect of the aggregation of data over inventory performance, thus
they emphasize the importance of paying proper attention in defining the aggre-
gation level at which demand is managed. This consideration is coherent with
previous results on this topic in the case of non-lumpy demand (see literature
review for details) and provides evidence that also when demand is sporadic or
lumpy, this issue has to be taken in high consideration.
A second contribution relates to the contingent analysis of the impacts of
aggregation. The analyses show that even if the impact is usually significant, the
characteristics of the demand significantly influence the possibility of improving
inventory performance by leveraging on temporal aggregation. In particular,
results provide evidence that when the demand is sporadic, impressive inventory
reduction can be gained by leveraging on data aggregation. However when the
demand occurrence is extremely low (in our case less than four orders in one year),
leveraging on data aggregation may be effective if variability in demand size is not
extremely high. On the contrary, if both sporadic nature of demand and variability
of demand size are extremely high, impacts can be limited. This last situation,
however, is limited to few cases in our sample (almost 10% of the considered
SKUs). This result is coherent with other contributions in the field, claiming that
when demand lumpiness is too high, companies should not invest too much in
forecasting those patterns due to the extreme uncertainty of the situation.
This work also highlights some interesting issues that future studies should
devote attention to. First of all, it would be important to define criteria that can
provide companies with a clear a priori determination of the aggregation level they
should adopt. In fact this work, provides some guidelines for companies willing to
understand whether they should aggregate data or not. Such a contribution is
important for managers since it can provide them with some guidelines to better
manage their spare parts inventories.
We would also like to draw attention to some limitations of this work. First of
all, we considered a specific situation in terms of data (available from one single
company), thus one can doubt about the possibility to generalize these results. We
argue, however, that these results are at some extent of general validity since even
if the data come from a single company they represent a typical situation faced in
the spare parts business. Indeed future studies should consider other data sets from
other companies to verify these results. A second issue relates to the specific
forecasting technique that we adopted to manage demand. This work focuses on
one specific forecasting method (i.e. Syntetos and Boylan’s method). It would be
important to evaluate to which extent these results are method-specific and thus
how the selection of the aggregation level should take the forecasting method
adopted into account. We consider that some specificities of the applied method
may have an impact since different methods rely on the estimation of different
4 The Impact of Aggregation Level on Lumpy Demand Management 103

parameters that can be influenced heterogeneously by the aggregation level. We

argue, however, that our results still constitute a relevant contribution for this
topic, also due to the fact that the adopted method is considered to provide superior
performances compared to others for the specific case of lumpy demand.
In the end, we would like to draw attention on the assumptions we made on
suppliers lead time. As we mentioned, we assumed lead times constantly equal to
20 days for all items. Our results are for sure influenced by this assumption that we
made in order to simplify analyses. We argue, however, that the overall conclu-
sions of our work is not affected by this supposition. We claim that relaxing his
assumption would be important for providing more reliable guidelines for com-
panies and thus future works should address this topic.


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Chapter 5
Bayesian Forecasting of Spare
Parts Using Simulation

David F. Muñoz and Diego F. Muñoz

5.1 Introduction

Forecasting demand plays a major role in many service and manufacturing

organizations. Forecasts help in the scheduling of taskforce, obtaining higher
service levels for the customer, and determining resource requirements among
many others (Makridakis et al. 1998). Forecasting accuracy is an increasingly
important objective in most firms and, in particular, plays a key role in forecasting
lumpy demand.
According to many authors (e.g., Wacker and Sprague 1998; Zotteri and
Kalchsdmidt 2007a), the accuracy of forecasts depends sensitively on the
quantitative technique used, thus, this chapter has been motivated by an increasing
need for applying and formulating new tools for demand forecasting, and in
particular for the case of lumpy demand. As suggested by the work of Caniato
et al. (2005) and Kalchsdmidt et al. (2006), it is necessary to propose forecasting
techniques that not only take into account the time series, but also the structure of
the demand-generating process (non-systematic variability). For this reason, in this
chapter we illustrate how to apply simulation techniques and Bayesian statistics in
a model that takes into account particular characteristics of the system under study.
In practice, a new forecasting model may become complex in the sense that
analytical expressions for the point and variability estimators cannot be obtained.
As an example, we can mention Croston’s method (Croston 1972) proposed to fore-
cast lumpy demands, which was revised by Rao (1973) and later again by Syntetos and
Boylan (2001). This is our motivation for proposing a simulation-based methodology

D. F. Muñoz (&)
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico, Mexico
D. F. Muñoz
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 105

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_5,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
106 D. F. Muñoz and D. F. Muñoz

to produce point and variability estimators for demand forecasting. Surprisingly,

up to this day, simulation had been used to compare the performance of different
techniques for demand forecasting (see Bartezzaghi et al. 1999; Zotteri and
Kalchsdmidt 2007b), however the literature on using simulation as a technique for
demand forecasting is still scarce. In this direction, we should mention the work of
Willemain et al. (2004), where a simulation model was used to produce forecasts for
intermittent demand, obtaining more accurate forecasts than do exponential
smoothing and Croston’s method. Although in this work the bootstrap method was
applied and parameter uncertainty was not incorporated in the model.
It is worth mentioning that in classical simulation applications, people tend to
fix the value of each parameter. Conversely, in forecasting applications parameter
uncertainty is incorporated from sample data. The novelty of our simulation
approach is that we are able to incorporate parameter uncertainty as in most
forecasting techniques.
We should mention that using a Bayesian approach is particularly recom-
mended when it is important to assess parameter uncertainty (e.g., because of short
sample data), as is illustrated in de Alba and Mendoza (2007) where the authors
illustrate the application of a Bayesian method for seasonal data and show that it
can outperform traditional time series methods for short time series.
This chapter illustrates the development and application of a model that was
used to forecast the demand for spare parts experienced by a car dealer in Mexico
as well as the potential of simulation as a powerful tool for forecasting using a
complex model of the system under study. Our methodology can be used as an
example of how to attack forecasting problems when the complexity of the model
does not allow us to obtain analytical expressions for the point and variability
estimators needed for forecasting.
The organization of this chapter is as follows. In Sect. 5.2 we present a general
framework to apply simulation techniques in order to produce consistent (as the
number of simulation replications increases) estimators for the parameters needed
for forecasting, using a complex model under a Bayesian approach. In Sect. 5.3 we
develop two simple models that can be used to produce a forecast for the demand
of spare parts under lumpy demand. In Sect. 5.4 we use real data from the demand
of clutches at a car dealer in Mexico, and apply one of the models developed in
Sect. 5.4, and the simulation techniques presented in Sect. 5.3, to illustrate how to
compute a point forecast and a reorder point for the demand of clutches during the
lead time of an order. Finally in Sect. 5.5 we discuss the main conclusions
obtained from this research.

5.2 A Bayesian Framework for Forecasting Using Simulation

In this section, we provide a general framework to construct forecasts for a

response variable from the output of simulation experiments using a complex
model (in the sense that analytical expressions for the forecasting parameters are
5 Bayesian Forecasting of Spare Parts Using Simulation 107

not available). We propose two main steps for forecasting using simulation
(see Fig. 5.1). The first step consists in the assessment of parameter uncertainty
using available data (x) and a prior density (probability in the discrete case)
function p(h), so that parameter uncertainty is assessed through a resulting pos-
terior density function PðhjXÞ. In the second step we use the simulation model and
the posterior density to estimate the parameters related to the forecast of the
response variable (W). We now explain in detail this approach.

5.2.1 Bayesian Estimation

Although the incorporation of parameter uncertainty is extensively discussed in

the literature on Bayesian statistics, we will provide a short review of the
concepts and notation that are required to propose methods for forecasting using
As in most forecasting models, the output of our simulation model depends
upon a vector H of uncertain parameters, where some of them may characterize
random components of the simulation model.
We remark that a random component (also called random input) of a stochastic
simulation is a sequence U1, U2, … of random quantities that are needed as input
to the simulation. When the Ui’s are assumed to be independent and identically
distributed (i.i.d.), a random component is identified by the corresponding prob-
ability distribution, which is typically assumed to be a member of a parametric
family. Since we wish to consider parameter uncertainty, the vector of parameters
is a random variable (denoted H), and h 2 P denotes a particular value, where P is
the parameter space.
We assume that sample data on the model parameters is available through a
vector of observations x 2 <n that satisfies a likelihood function LðxjhÞ. If p(h) is a

Fig. 5.1 Main steps for Step I

p (θ x )
forecasting using simulation Bayesian Estimation
Based on:
p (θ )
L (x θ )

Step II
Simulation Experiments
Based on:
p (θ x )
W = g (Y (s ) : 0 ≤ s ≤ T ; Θ )

r ( x ) = E [W X = x ]
[ q β / 2 (x ), q1 − β / 2 ( x )]
108 D. F. Muñoz and D. F. Muñoz

prior density function for the vector of parameters H, then the posterior (given the
data x) density function of H becomes

pðhj xÞ ¼ R ; ð1Þ
P pðhÞLðxjhÞdh

for x 2 <n and h 2 P.

Note that we are using the notation p(h) for the prior density of H, and PðhjXÞ
for the conditional density of H given [X = x] (although in general they are
different functions), this admittedly imprecise notation will greatly simplify the
For the special case where x = (x1, …, xn) is a set of observations of a random
sample X = (X1, X2, …, Xn) from a density function f ðyjhÞ, the likelihood func-
tion takes the form of
LðxjhÞ ¼ f ðx1 jhÞ f ðx2 jhÞ . . . f ðxn jhÞ ð2Þ
The prior p(h) reflects the initial uncertainty on the vector of parameters H,
and there are essentially two points of view to proposing a prior p(h). The first
approach consists on using a non-informative prior, which is appropriate when
we wish to consider a prior that does not ‘‘favor’’ any possible value of H over
others, so that this is considered an ‘‘objective’’ point of view (see e.g., Berger
et al. 2009 for further discussions). Non-informative priors have been exten-
sively studied, and textbooks on Bayesian statistics usually provide the corre-
sponding reference (non-informative) prior for the most commonly used
distribution (see e.g., Bernardo and Smith 2000). The second approach is a
‘‘subjective’’ point of view, and consists on establishing a prior based on expert
judgment, see e.g., Kraan and Bedford 2005 for a discussion on how to
construct a prior from forecasts based on expert judgment. We should R mention
that a prior p(h) need not be a proper density (in the sense that P pðhÞdh ¼ 1.
In order
R to have a well-defined prior p(h), it suffices that p(h) C 0 for h 2 P,
and P pðhÞLðxjhÞdh\1:

5.2.2 Forecasting Using Simulation

Let Y = {Y(s), s C 0; H} be the (possibly multivariate) stochastic process that

represents the output of a simulation model corresponding to the system under
study. Note that discrete-time stochastic processes can be incorporated into our
framework if we let Y ðsÞ ¼ Y ðbscÞ, where bsc denotes the integer part of s. Since
we wish to forecast a response variable from a transient simulation, we let
W = g(Y(s), 0 B s B T; H) be the response variable of interest, where T is the run
length, and assume that T is a stopping time (see Asmussen 2003 for a definition)
with respect to the stochastic process Y.
5 Bayesian Forecasting of Spare Parts Using Simulation 109

In general, a forecast for a response variable W is completely defined by its

cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) FðwjxÞ ¼ P½w  wjX ¼ x. However, from
a practical point of view a forecast is expressed in terms of a point forecast and an
assessment of the uncertainty on the point forecast. The standard point forecast
used in Bayesian statistics is the expectation
r ð xÞ ¼ E½W jX ¼ x: ð3Þ
Another performance measure that is of practical importance is the a-quantile
defined by
qa ð xÞ ¼ inf fw : F ðwj xÞ  ag; ð4Þ

for 0 \ a \ 1. In order to asses the uncertainty on the point forecast r(x), a-quantiles
are useful, since for 0 \ b \ 1, a (1 - b)100% prediction interval in the form of
[qb/2(x), q1-b/2(x)] is usually constructed. This interval is called
 a (1 - b)100%
prediction interval because p qb=2 ðxÞ  W  q1  b=2ðxÞjX ¼ 1  b, provided
FðwjxÞ is continuous at qb/2(x) and q1-b/2(x).
Quantiles are also useful to compute reorder points in inventory management.
In this particular application, when W is the demand during the lead time, the
a-quantile qa(x) can be interpreted as the reorder point for a 100a% (type-I) service
level (see e.g., Chopra and Meindl 2004). Forecasting Using Posterior Sampling

When analytical expressions for the forecasting parameters of Eqs. 3 and 4 cannot
be obtained (or they are too complicated), simulation can be applied to estimate
these parameters. In Fig. 5.2 we illustrate a first algorithm, called posterior sam-
pling (PS), to estimate the required forecasting parameters using simulation. Under
PS we sample from the posterior density PðhjXÞ to obtain i.i.d. observations of the
response variable W, that allow us to estimate the point forecast r(x) by ^r ð xÞ; and
the a-quantile qa(x) by ^qa ð xÞ (as defined in the algorithm of Fig. 5.2). As is well
known, these estimators are consistent, which means that they approach the

Fig. 5.2 Forecasting using posterior sampling

110 D. F. Muñoz and D. F. Muñoz

corresponding parameter as the number of replications m increases. However, the

number of replications required to obtain estimators within a prescribed precision
is problem dependent. Therefore, a good practice is to compute a measurement of
the accuracy of a point estimator, so that if not acceptable, we can increase the
number of replications in order to reduce the estimation error.
The standard way to assess the accuracy of a point estimator obtained from
simulation experiments is to compute the halfwidth of an asymptotic confidence
interval. According to the standard Central Limit Theorem (CLT), an appropriate
100(1 - b)% halfwidth for the estimator ^r ð xÞ is given by
Sð x Þ
Hb ½^r ð xÞ ¼ z1b=2 pffiffiffiffi ; ð5Þ
Pm ffi
where Sð xÞ ¼ m1=2 i1 ½Wi  ^ r ð xÞ2 and z1-b/2 denotes the (1  b=2)-quantile
of a standard normal distribution. A simple practical interpretation for a halfwidth
is that the parameter r(x) lies within ^r ð xÞ  Hb ½^r ð xÞ with a confidence of
100(1 - b)%, and this is why a halfwidth is useful to assess the accuracy of a point
estimator. Similarly, a 100(1 - b)% halfwidth for the estimator ^qa ð xÞ is given by
Hb ½ ^
qa ð xÞ ¼ ðYn1 þ Yn2 Þ=2; ð6Þ
j k
where the Yi‘s are defined in Fig. 5.2, and n1 ¼ ma  z1b=2 ½mað1  aÞ1=2 ;
l m
n2 ¼ ma þ z1b=2 ½mað1  aÞ1=2 : The asymptotic validity of this halfwidth is
established in Serfling (1980).
Classical simulation techniques for transient simulation usually adopt an
algorithm that is very similar to the PS algorithm, the only difference is that the
value of H is fixed, so that sampling from PðhjXÞ is no longer required. Thus, the
variance of the response variable under a classical approach has the form of
r2 ðhÞ ¼ E W 2 jX ¼ x; H ¼ h  ðE½W jX ¼ x; H ¼ hÞ2 ; ð7Þ

where h 2 P is the fixed value of H. On the other hand, under our Bayesian
approach, the variance of the response variable is
r2W ¼ E W 2 jX ¼ x  ðE½W jX ¼ xÞ2 ; ð8Þ

so that by letting r1 ðhÞþ ¼ E½WjX ¼ x; H ¼ h , adding and subtracting the

term E½r1 ð HÞjX ¼ x in (8), we can verify that

r2W ¼ r2p þ r2s ; ð9Þ

where r2p ¼ E r12 ðHÞj X ¼ x  ðE½r1 ðHÞj X ¼ xÞ2 ; r2s ¼ E½r2 ðHÞj X ¼ x; and
r2(h) is defined in (7). Note that r2p = 0 and r2s = r2(h) under a classical
approach, and this is why r2p is called the parametric variance, and r2s is called the
stochastic variance.
5 Bayesian Forecasting of Spare Parts Using Simulation 111 Forecasting Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo

In order to implement the algorithm of Fig. 5.2, a valid method to generate samples
from the posterior density Pðhj XÞ is required, which can be available if the family
of distributions corresponding to Pðhj XÞ has been identified. However, in many
situations it is very difficult to obtain an analytic expression that allows us to
identify the family of distributions corresponding to the posterior density Pðhj XÞ,
and in this case we can apply a technique called Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC), which does not require an algorithm to generate samples from Pðhj XÞ.
The algorithm of Fig. 5.3 is an implementation of MCMC that is called the
independence sampler, because the generation of a sample from an auxiliary
density q(h) (where q(h) [ 0 whenever p(h) [ 0) is required. As mentioned by
several authors (e.g., Asmussen and Glynn 2007), the algorithm of Fig. 5.3
performs better when q(h) is closer to the posterior density p(h|x).
Note that (although it is not required to compute the point estimators), we are
dividing the number of replications m into b batches of length mb. This is because
we are suggesting to use the method of batch means in order to produce asymptotic
confidence intervals for the point estimators. Although a CLT for the point
estimators can be established (under mild assumptions), we are not trying to
estimate the asymptotic variance of the point estimators, because finding consis-
tent estimators may be a difficult task and batch means may be also required
(see e.g., Song and Chih 2008). Instead we can choose a number of batches
b between 5 and 20 (as suggested by Schmeiser 1982), so that under suitable

Fig. 5.3 Forecasting using Markov chain Monte Carlo

112 D. F. Muñoz and D. F. Muñoz

assumptions, the following 100(1 - b)% halfwidths are asymptotically

(as m ? ?) valid for r(x) and qa(x), respectively,
SMC ð xÞ
Hb ½^rMC ð xÞ ¼ tðb1;1b=2Þ pffiffiffi ; ð10Þ
 MC  SMC ð xÞ
^a ð xÞ ¼ tðb1;1b=2Þ apffiffiffi ;
Hb q ð11Þ
where t(b-1,1-b/2) denotes the (1 - b/2)-quantile of a Student-t distribution with
(b - 1) degrees of freedom, ^rMC ð xÞ;^ qMCa ð xÞ are defined in Fig. 5.3, and
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ub ub
uP 2 uP  i 2
u ½^ri  ^rMC ð xÞ u ^qa  qa
ti¼1 t i¼1
SMC ð xÞ ¼ ; SMC
a ð xÞ ¼ ;
b1 b1
where ^ri ;^qia are defined in Fig. 5.3, and qa ¼ b1 bi¼1 ^qia : See Muñoz (2010) for a
further discussion on the validity of the confidence interval provided in Eq. 11. Selection of q(h) for the Independence Sampler

As mentioned before, the independence sampler of Fig. 5.3 performs better

when q(h) is closer to the posterior density PðhjXÞ, and this is why a procedure
to select a density q(h) can be proposed by taking into account that, under
regularity conditions, a posterior density PðhjXÞ satisfies a CLT (as the sample
size n ? ?), where the limiting distribution is (multivariate) normal. Therefore,
a reasonable proposal for q(h) is a density corresponding to a multivariate
normal distribution with mean vector mn and covariance matrix Vn, where the
parameters mn and Vn can be determined according to the particular form of
The following steps to select the parameters mn and Vn are based on Theorem
5.14 of Bernardo and Smith (2000), and can be applied when the likelihood
function has the particular form of Eq. 2.
1. Let us denote pn ðhÞ ¼ pðhj xÞ; where x = (x1, … xn), and set Ln(h) = log
2. Let mn be the local minimum of Ln(h), and compute mn by solving L0n ðmn Þ ¼
rLn ðhÞjh¼mn ¼ 0:
3. Compute the Hessian matrix Ln ðmn Þ ¼ oohLinohðhjÞ jh¼mn ; which has to be positive

definite for this procedure to be valid.

4. Set Vn = [-Ln00 (mn)]-1.
A simple illustration of the application of these steps to propose a sampling
distribution q(h) for the independence sampler is provided in Sect. 5.4.
5 Bayesian Forecasting of Spare Parts Using Simulation 113

5.3 Forecasting Models for Spare Parts

In this section, we present two simple models that can be used to forecast the
demand for spare parts, and will help us illustrate how the techniques described in
the previous section can be applied. In both models we assume that failures occur
randomly, and the only difference is how the sample data is available, as we
explain below.
Under both models we have k machines, each has a critical part and failures
occur independently at the same rate H 2 P = (0, ?). There is uncertainty on the
failure rate H, so that p(h) is a prior density on H, and for i = 1,…, k,
Ni = {Ni(t):t C 0; H} denotes the failure process for component i, which are
assumed to be conditionally independent (see e.g., Chung 1974 for a definition)
relative to H, and

eHs ðHsÞ j
P½Ni ðt þ sÞ  Ni ðtÞ ¼ jjH; Ni ðuÞ; 0  u  t ¼
j ¼ 0; 1; . . .; t; s  0; i ¼ 1; . . .; k

(i.e., Ni are Poisson processes with the same rate H).

5.3.1 A Model Using Failure Time Data

Under this model, the available sample information corresponds to the time
between failures of every part. Thus, the sample data x = (x1, x2,…, xn) comes
from a random sample X = (X1, X2,…, Xn) of the exponential density
he ; y [ 0;
f ðyjhÞ ¼
0; otherwise,

and it follows from (2) that the likelihood function is given by

h xi
Lð x j hÞ ¼ h e i¼1 : ð12Þ
An appropriate non-informative prior for the exponential density (see e.g.,
Bernardo and Smith 2000) is p(h) = h-1, so that it follows from (1) and (12) that
 n P

h xi
xi h e i¼1

pðhj xÞ ¼ ; ð13Þ
ðn  1Þ!

which corresponds to the Gamma n; ni¼1 xi distribution, where, for b1, b2 [ 0,
Gamma(b1, b2) denotes a Gamma distribution with expectation b1b-1
2 .
114 D. F. Muñoz and D. F. Muñoz

We are interested in the number of failed components during a time period of

length t0, so that the response we want to forecast is

W¼ Ni ðt0 Þ; ð14Þ

given [X = x].
In order to obtain an analytical expression for the point forecast r(x), we can
apply Proposition 1 of Muñoz and Muñoz (2008), by taking into account that
r1(h) = E[W|H = h] = kt0h, so that
Z1 !1
r ð xÞ ¼ r1 ðhÞpðhj xÞdh ¼ kt0 n xi : ð15Þ

For the case where t0 corresponds to the lead time for an order, the reorder
point for a 100a% service level is given by qa(x), as defined in Eq. 4. In this
case, we do not have a simple analytical expression for qa(x), for which using
the algorithm of Fig. 5.2 would be appropriate to estimate qa(x) using
Now, let us suppose that we have Q spare parts at the beginning of a period of
length t0. Two performance measures of interest in this case are the type-I service
level (100a1%) and the type-II service level (100a2%), where

a1 ¼ P½W  QjX ¼ x; and a2 ¼ E½minf1; Q=W gjX ¼ x: ð16Þ

As we can see from Eq. 16, both service levels are particular cases of the
performance measure r(x) for a suitably defined response variable. Obtaining
analytical expressions for these performance measures can be a difficult task,
so that it would be appropriate to apply the algorithm of Fig. 5.2 to estimate
a1 and a2.

5.3.2 A Model with Censored Data

Let us suppose that times between failures are not recorded, however for each
period i = 1, 2,…, p, we record the number ki of machines in operation during
period i, and the number of failures
per machine during period i. In this case, the
sample data takes the form of x ¼ x11 ; . . .; x1k1 ; . . .; xp1 ; . . .; xpkp ; where xij is the
number of failures for the j-th machine Pp in operation during period i,
j = 1,…, ki; i = 1,…, p (in this case n ¼ i¼1 ki ).
In order to simplify our notation, we assume that each period has a length of 1
time unit, which means that the failure rate is expressed in the appropriate scale
(failures per time unit). Since the failure processes are assumed to be conditionally
5 Bayesian Forecasting of Spare Parts Using Simulation 115

independent relative to H, given [H = h], the sample data x can be regarded as a

random sample X = (X1, X2, …, Xn) from a Poisson distribution with a (discrete)
probability function given by

eh hy
f ð y j hÞ ¼ ; y ¼ 0; 1; . . .;

and it follows from (2) that the likelihood function is given by:

p P
p P

h ki xij
e i¼1h i¼1 j¼1
LðxjhÞ ¼ : ð17Þ
‘ Qi
p k
xij !
i¼1 j¼1

An appropriate non-informative prior for the Poisson model (see e.g., Bernardo
and Smith 2000) is p(h) = h-1/2, so that it follows from (1) and (17) that

p P
ki P
p P
xij þ1=2 xij 1=2
n i¼1 j¼1
h i¼1 j¼1
pðhj xÞ ¼ ! ; ð18Þ
p P
C xij þ 1=2
i¼1 j¼1

P P 
p ki
which corresponds to the Gamma i¼1 j¼1 x ij þ 1=2; n distribution.
As in the previous model, we are interested in the number of failed components
during a time period of length t0, so that the response we want to forecast is the
same as in Eq. 14. By taking into account that under this model the posterior
density p pðhjxÞ now takes the form of Eq. 18, we can proceed as in Eq. 15 to
obtain an analytical expression for the point forecast r(x):

Z1 !
p X
r ð xÞ ¼ r1 ðhÞpðhj xÞdh ¼ n kt0 xij þ 1=2 : ð19Þ
i¼1 j¼1

Also in this case, the use of the algorithm of Fig. 5.2 would be helpful to
estimate a reorder point qa(x), or a service level as defined in (15).
We would like to mention that in the two simple models presented we do not
require the use of the algorithm of Fig. 5.3, because we can recognize the family of
distributions corresponding to the posterior density (in both cases is the Gamma
family). However, if we do not use the objective (non-informative) prior in these
models, it may be the case that the family of distributions corresponding to the
posterior density p(h|x) may not be easily recognized, and the algorithm of Fig. 5.3
will be useful, as we will illustrate in the next section.
116 D. F. Muñoz and D. F. Muñoz

5.4 An Application to Forecasting Spare Parts

for a Car Dealer

In this section we apply the model that uses censored data to forecast the demand
of clutches (from a particular model), that is experienced by a car dealer. We will
illustrate the use of the methods described in previous sections using demand data
obtained from a car and spare parts dealer in Mexico.

5.4.1 Using PS to Compute Reorder Points and Service Levels

Car model A is the ongoing model of a very successful line, which continues to be
produced and offered to this day. Table 5.1 presents the data available for this
model, which include car and clutch demand for every month of 2008. To apply
the model with censored data, we assume that customers that acquire their cars at a
particular dealer also purchase spare parts from it. Thus, the number ki of cars in
operation at period i is equal to the amount of model A cars sold by the dealer up
to that period of time, so that ki = ki-1 ? Si, where Si is the amount of cars that
were sold in period i. As we can see from Table 5.1, model A began the year 2008
with 337 cars in operation (according to sales from previous years).
We are interested in forecasting the demand W, as given in Eq. 14, when
t0 = 0.5 and k = 500, since we are assuming that the lead time for an order of
clutches is approximately 15 days, and there are 500 cars in operation during the
forecasting period.
Using (19) we computed the point forecast for the demand of clutches during
the lead time, and obtained r(x) = 1.82701. Then, we applied the algorithm of

Table 5.1 Car sales and Month (i) Car Cars in Clutch Demand
clutch demand for Model  Pki 
Sales (Si) Operation (ki)
A in 2008 j¼1 xij

January (1) 4 341 3

February (2) 1 342 3
March (3) 6 348 2
April (4) 9 357 3
May (5) 6 363 3
June (6) 15 378 3
July (7) 7 385 3
August (8) 2 387 1
September (9) 8 395 4
October (10) 16 411 3
November (11) 20 431 3
December (12) 15 446 2
Total 109 4584 32
5 Bayesian Forecasting of Spare Parts Using Simulation 117

Fig. 5.2 in order to estimate q0.9(x), the reorder point for a 90% service level.
The results for the estimation of r(x) and q0.9(x) using m = 106 replications are
summarized in Table 5.2. In the case of r(x) the halfwidth indicates that ^r ð xÞ has
an error that is below 0.00228, although we already know that r ð xÞ and ^r ð xÞ are
equal within 4 decimal places.
In the case of the estimation of q0.9(x), we see from Table 5.2 that the halfwidth
is 0, which is not surprising if we take into account that in our application W is a
discrete random variable, and its c.d.f. is piecewise constant. Note also that
P½W  qa ðxÞjX ¼ x is not necessarily equal to a (as is the case when W is a
continuous random variable), for which it would be of interest to estimate the true
service level corresponding to q0.9(x).
In Table 5.3 we report the estimated type-I service level (cumulative proba-
bility) for different values of Q, obtained from applying the PS algorithm with
m = 106 replications. From this table we see that the true service level for
q0.9(x) = 4 is approximately 95.74%.
As we can observe from Tables 5.2 and 5.3, the number of replications
m = 106 was large enough to obtain accurate estimators for all the estimated
parameters, which may not be true when the number of replications is small. To
illustrate how the number of replications affect coverage and halfwidths, we
repeated the estimation experiment M = 1000 times for different values of m, and
computed the empirical coverage, average halfwidth and standard deviation, mean
square error and bias for each set of replications. Since theoretical (true) values of
r(x) and q0.9(x) are required for these computations, we used the values of
r(x) = 1.82701 and q0.9(x) = 4 obtained before. The results of these experiments
are presented in Table 5.4.

Table 5.2 Estimated Performance measure Simulation estimate Halfwidth

performance measures using
PS with m = 106 replications r(x) ^r ð xÞ ¼ 1:82695 0.00228
q0.9(x) ^q0:9 ð xÞ ¼ 4 0

Table 5.3 Estimated type-I Initial Estimated type-I Halfwidth

service levels for different inventory (Q) service level ð^a1 Þ
values of Q using PS with
m = 106 1 0.460923 4.09E-04
2 0.722068 3.30E-04
3 0.881953 1.71E-04
4 0.95742 6.71E-05
5 0.986648 2.17E-05
6 0.996307 6.05E-06
7 0.999127 1.43E-06
8 0.999789 3.47E-07
9 0.999956 7.24E-08
10 0.999989 1.81E-08
11 0.999999 1.64E-09
12 1 0.00E+00
118 D. F. Muñoz and D. F. Muñoz

Table 5.4 Performance of the PS algorithm from M=1000 experiments and different numbers of
replications m
Posterior Estimated Empirical Halfwidth Mean square Bias
sampling parameter coverage error
Average St.
m = 100 r(x) 0.878 0.2269 0.0187 0.0211 0.0064
q0.9(x) 0.679 0.5585 0.2467 0.3400 -0.3340
m = 400 r(x) 0.898 0.1139 0.0045 0.0047 0.0022
q0.9(x) 0.869 0.336 0.2348 0.1310 -0.1310
m = 1600 r(x) 0.904 0.0570 0.0011 0.0012 0.0003
q0.9(x) 0.987 0.1295 0.2191 0.0130 -0.0130

As can be observed from the results presented in Table 5.4, the empirical
coverage approaches the nominal 90% as the number of replications increases, and
for m = 1600 we already obtain an acceptable coverage. Also note that for
m = 1600 we obtained an over-coverage in the estimation of q0.9(x), which is
explained by the fact that the response variable W is discrete. It is worth men-
tioning that increasing the number of replications also increase the accuracy of the
point estimation, and consistently reduce the halfwidth, mean square error and

5.4.2 Using MCMC to Incorporate a Subjective Prior

As explained in Sect. 5.3.2, when using the non-informative (Gamma) prior for
the model with censored data, we were able to identify that the posterior distri-
bution is also Gamma, for which we can apply the PS algorithm for the estimation
of r(x) and qa(x). In this section we illustrate how MCMC can be applied when
using a subjective prior for which we cannot identify the family of distributions
corresponding to the posterior density.
We considered a uniform prior on [a, b], where the values of a and b can be
supplied by the user. An analytical expression for the posterior density using this
prior is not easy to obtain, so that the use of the MCMC algorithm of Fig. 5.3 is
justified. For the implementation of this algorithm we considered a sampling
distribution q(h) that was obtained using the procedure suggested in Sect.,
as we explain below.
Since p(h) = 1, for a \ h \ b, it follows from (1) and (14) that:

p X
ki X
p a
p Y
Ln ðhÞ ¼ log½pðhj xÞ ¼ xij logðhÞ  h ki  log xij ! ;
i¼1 j¼1 i¼1 i¼1 j¼1
5 Bayesian Forecasting of Spare Parts Using Simulation 119

for a \ h \ b, so that by solving Ln(mn) = 0 we obtain the mean

p P
i¼1 j¼1
mn ¼ : ð20Þ

00 2 Pp Pki
On the other hand, since Ln ðhÞ ¼ h i¼1 j¼1 xij ; we obtain the variance
h 00 i1 mn

r2 ¼ Ln ðmn Þ ¼ : ð21Þ

p ki
i¼1 j¼1

Finally, by considering that pðhjxÞ is zero when h \ a or h [ b, we selected

q(h) as the density corresponding to a truncated N(mn, r2) distribution on [a, b],
where mn and r2 are defined in (20) and (21), respectively.
Using the sampling distribution q(h) defined before, we implemented
the method described in Fig. 5.3, to forecast the demand W as defined in (14).
The parameters of the prior were set at a = 0 and b = 0.02 for t0 = 0.5 and
k = 500. The results for the estimation of r(x) and q0.9(x) using m = 106 repli-
cations with this method are summarized in Table 5.5.
We may see from Tables 5.2 and 5.5 that the estimations obtained with a
uniform (subjective) prior and the non-informative (objective) prior are extremely
similar (up to the second decimal place in the case of r(x), and exactly the same for

P0.9(x)). This result

is not surprising if we note from Table 5.1 that our sample size
i¼1 ki ¼ 4584 is large, and as is well known, in this case the posterior
distribution is dominated by the data.
Another interesting consequence of possessing a large sample data is that
parameter uncertainty is reduced, and the variance r2W, as defined in (9), is
dominated by the stochastic variance r2s . To illustrate this, note that our model
satisfies r1(h) = r2(h) = kt0h, so that, under the objective (Gamma) prior, we can
P p Pk i
verify that r2p = (kt0)2b1b-2 2 -1
2 , and rs = kt0b1b2 , where b1 ¼ i¼1 j¼1 xij ; and
b2 ¼ i¼1 ki : These results allow us to verify that, for the data of Table 5.1, r2s
accounts for 94.82% of the variance r2W.
To provide an example of how these Bayesian methods perform differently
according to the available information, we simulated a different data set for our
same forecasting estimation. For the new data, the number k of machines in
operation is small, whereas, the failure rate is rather high. Our simulated data is
shown in Table 5.6, and was obtained by considered a fixed number of machines

Table 5.5 Estimated Performance measure Simulation estimate Halfwidth

performance measures using
MCMC with m = 106 r(x) ^rMC ð xÞ ¼ 1:86013 0.00254
replications q0.9(x) ^qMC
0:9 ð xÞ ¼ 4
120 D. F. Muñoz and D. F. Muñoz

Table 5.6 Simulated data Month (i) Machines in operation (ki) Failures Pki x
for 10 machines and a rate j¼1 ij
h=1 January (1) 10 8
February (2) 10 13
March (3) 10 13
April (4) 10 14
May (5) 10 9
June (6) 10 14
July (7) 10 12
August (8) 10 8
September (9) 10 11
October (10) 10 13
November (11) 10 13
December (12) 10 16
Total 120 144

in operation ki = 10, i = 1, …, 12, with failures distributed according to a Pois-

son distribution with rate h = 1 failures/month. The estimation of r(x) and
q0.9(x) using m = 106 replications, k = 10 and t0 = 1 are summarized in
Table 5.7 for both the PS and the MCMC method. For the PS algorithm we
considered the objective (Gamma) prior, whereas for the MCMC method we
considered the uniform distribution on [0.8, 1.2].
In Table 5.7 we summarized the results for the estimation of r(x) and
q0.9(x) using different priors. In the case of PS, we are working with a
non-informative prior, which is used to assume very little prior knowledge about
parameter H. On the other hand, for the MCMC case, we considered a uniform
prior on [0.8, 1.2] in order to provide more information on H. As we see from
Table 5.7, the influence of the prior on the estimated parameters is far greater than
that observed with the data of Table 5.1. Furthermore, in Fig. 5.4 we present plots
of the c.d.f. of W obtained under the two different priors, where we can more easily
recognize the difference. Note that the distribution of W under the objective
(non-informative) prior exhibits a larger variance.

5.5 Conclusions and Directions for Future Research

In this chapter, we show how a simulation model can be used in conjunction with
Bayesian techniques to estimate point and variability parameters needed for
solving forecasting problems related to spare parts inventory. The advantage of
using simulation as a forecasting tool lies in the fact that even very complex
models that incorporate detailed information about the system under study may be
analyzed to produce reliable forecasts.
5 Bayesian Forecasting of Spare Parts Using Simulation 121

Table 5.7 Estimated Method Simulation estimate Halfwidth

performance measures using
PS and MCMC with m = 106 PS ^r ð xÞ ¼ 12:0449 0.00594
replications q0:9 ð xÞ ¼ 17
^ 0
MCMC ^rMC ð xÞ ¼ 11:2499 0.00529
^ 0:9 ð xÞ ¼ 16

Fig. 5.4 Cumulative

empirical distribution of the
response variable using
simulated failure data

This chapter presents a Bayesian framework for forecasting using two different
methods. The first method, posterior sampling, requires a valid algorithm to
generate samples from the posterior density function p(h|x), whereas the second
one, Markov chain Monte Carlo, can be implemented when the family of distri-
butions corresponding to p(h|x) has not been identified. We illustrate the potential
applications of these methods by proposing two simple models, a model with
failure time data and a model with censored data, which can be applied under a
Bayesian framework to forecast the demand of spare parts.
We applied the model for censored data, using real data from a car and spare
parts dealer in Mexico, and illustrated the application of both the PS and MCMC
methodologies. In the case of the PS method, a non-informative prior was used to
establish the posterior distribution, whereas, for MCMC, a uniform (subjective)
prior was considered. The results of applying these methods allow us to arrive to
several interesting conclusions.
Firstly, the accuracy of the point estimators, as well as the halfwidth, bias and
mean square errors, are highly dependent of the number of replications m of the
simulation experiments. Thus, it is very important, from a practitioner’s point of
view, to establish the number of replications m according to the desired accuracy,
and the computation of the corresponding halfwidth is important to assess the
accuracy of the point estimators obtained using simulation.
122 D. F. Muñoz and D. F. Muñoz

Secondly, the results using real data show that having a large sample size let the
posterior distribution dominated by the data. Thus, the results obtained with an
objective prior are very similar to the ones obtained with a more informative prior,
since the priors have little influence on the posterior distribution. To illustrate this
phenomenon, another set of data was simulated using a smaller sample with a
higher failure rate. In this case, the influence of the prior is made evident and, thus,
the results are considerably different.
Finally, the relevance of the methodologies illustrated in this chapter depends
on the ability of the proposed model to imitate the real system, which is closed
related to an adequate selection of the parameters for which sample data is
available as well as the random components that incorporate the stochastic
uncertainty. In this direction, the models proposed in Sect. 5.3 can be modified to
resemble more accurately the system under study (e.g., assuming a different family
of distributions for the time between failures). Likewise, this framework could also
prove useful in forecasting problems related to supply chain management (see e.g.,
Kalchschmidt et al. 2006).

Acknowledgments This research has received support from the Asociación Mexicana de
Cultura A.C. Jaime Galindo and Jorge Luquin have also participated. They both shared their
knowledge on the auto-parts sector. As such, the authors want to express their most sincere


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Chapter 6
A Review of Bootstrapping for Spare
Parts Forecasting

Marilyn Smith and M. Zied Babai

6.1 Introduction

Inventory forecasting for spare parts constitutes a very important operational issue
in many industries, such as automotive and aerospace. It has been reported that the
stock value for spare parts may account for up to 60% of the total stock value in
any industrial setting (Johnston et al. 2003). Since demand for spare parts arises
from corrective and preventive maintenance related activities, generally these
items are characterized by a highly variable demand size, with many periods when
there is no demand at all. Such patterns are often called sporadic or intermittent.
Intermittent demand patterns are built from constituent elements (demand sizes
and intervals) and they are very difficult to forecast. Croston’s method (Croston
1972) and its variants (in conjunction with an appropriate distribution) have been
reported to offer tangible benefits to stockists forecasting intermittent demand.
Nevertheless, there are certainly some restrictions regarding the degree of lump-
iness that may be dealt with effectively by any parametric distribution. In addition
to the average inter-demand interval, the coefficient of variation of demand sizes
has been shown in the literature to be very important from a forecasting per-
spective (Syntetos et al. 2005). However, as the data become more erratic, the true
demand size distribution may not comply with any standard theoretical distribu-
tion. This challenges the effectiveness of any parametric approach. When SKUs
exhibit a lumpy demand pattern one could argue that only non-parametric boot-
strapping approaches (that do not rely upon any underlying distributional
assumption) may provide opportunities for further improvements in this area.

M. Smith (&)
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC, USA
M. Z. Babai
BEM Bordeaux Management School, Bordeaux, France

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 125

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_6,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
126 M. Smith and M. Z. Babai

Non-parametric bootstrapping approaches rely upon sampling randomly indi-

vidual observations from the demand history to build a histogram of the lead-time
demand distribution. Since the seminal work of Efron (1979), there has been
considerable research literature that deals with bootstrapping approaches for
forecasting intermittent demand items (e.g., Snyder 2002; Willemain et al. 2004;
Porras and Dekker 2008). The work that has received most attention is that pub-
lished by Willemain et al. (2004), in which the authors claimed improvements in
forecasting accuracy achieved over parametric approaches. However, this work
has been criticized in terms of its methodological arrangements and experimental
structure. This also has motivated a number of calls to academics and practitioners
to broaden the empirical knowledge-base in this area (e.g., Gardner and Koehler
2005). The objective of this chapter is: (i) to review the literature on bootstrapping
methodologies, focusing in particular on those related to spare parts inventory
forecasting; and (ii) to present the algorithmic steps associated with their imple-
mentation in practice. The latter may serve as an information repository for future
research and empirical comparisons in this area.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. In Sect. 6.2, a brief
description of the research on the origins of the bootstrapping approach is pro-
vided. Section 6.3 presents a detailed review of bootstrapping, also positioning it
in the context of inventory forecasting for spare parts. Finally, some natural
extensions for further work in this area are given in Sect. 6.4. Details related to the
implementation of the bootstrapping methods discussed in this chapter are pre-
sented in the Appendix.

6.2 Research Background on the Bootstrapping Approach

6.2.1 Efron’s Introduction of the Bootstrap

During the 1977 Rietz Lecture at the Seattle joint statistical meetings, Professor
Bradley Efron introduced the bootstrap technique to estimate the sampling dis-
tribution of an observed sample. Later, the lecture was published in The Annals of
Statistics (Efron 1979). The paper presented the mathematical development for
bootstrapping as an extension of the jackknife method, which had first been
introduced by Quenouille for estimating bias, and then developed further by Tukey
for estimating variance, both of which were described by Miller (1974). Professor
Efron was asked in an interview if he had an application in mind when he
developed the bootstrap, but he indicated that he had been trying to determine why
the jackknife did not always give dependable variance estimates (Aczel 1995). His
study of the jackknife led him to the bootstrap, and while he modestly stated in the
abstract of the landmark work that the bootstrap worked ‘‘satisfactorily’’, he
demonstrated bootstrap’s superiority over the jackknife in estimating the sample
median, variance of a sample mean, and estimating error rates in a linear
6 A Review of Bootstrapping for Spare Parts Forecasting 127

discrimination problem. The key to the bootstrap was that it did not just use data
from a population (n), but it took a sample from the set with the mass of 1/n, and
replaced it in a set to form a new sample. The sample and replacement steps, or
making bootstrap samples, are repeated for a number of replications. These
bootstrap samples can then be analyzed for the distribution. Using direct calcu-
lations is too time consuming for most problems, but Efron presented a short
example with n = 13, using values of zero or one for the variables. If a Taylor
series expansion is used to evaluate the bootstrap samples, then the results are the
same as the jackknife. More information on the algorithmic steps related to the
application of Efron’s method is given in Appendix A.1. Hence with modern
computing technology (discussed later), the preferred method to generate the
bootstrap samples is to use a Monte Carlo simulation, and 50 replications were run
for each trial. In the example used, Efron was careful to note that the bootstrap
provided frequency statements, not likelihood statements.
While Efron published several articles, monographs, and books related to the
bootstrap, a limited number are reviewed here for their specific application to spare
parts inventory forecasting. These articles capture the major statistical models
developed from the bootstrap. In 1983, Efron and Gong presented the bootstrap,
jackknife, and cross-validation from a more ‘‘relaxed’’ perspective. That is, the
paper is more descriptive of the bootstrap technique, with limited mathematical
equations and proofs. The paper introduces a nonparametric example of LSAT
(law school admission test) scores and undergraduate GPA (grade point average).
In this problem 100 replications were run, and then 200 replications, but the
differences in the results were too small to be noted. If the reader is somewhat
rusty in mathematical and statistical theory, it may be better to start with this 1983
paper, and then move to the original 1979 paper.
Later Efron (1987) extended the original bootstrap concept with bias-corrected
confidence intervals, and further improved the confidence intervals to wider
problems. The law school student data introduced earlier was again used to
demonstrate the confidence intervals. Also, it was noted that while runs of 100
gave good results for the standard error estimates, trial and error indicated that
1,000 bootstrap replications are needed for determining confidence intervals. In
1990, Efron published bootstrap methods for bias estimates and confidence limits
that generate the bootstrap samples the same way, but require fewer computations
than the original models. After the bootstrap sample is generated, a probability
vector (P) is generated where the ith component is the proportion of bootstrap
sample equaling xi. The law school data were used again to illustrate the method,
using the sample correlation for P.
As an aside, Efron (2000) noted that the name bootstrap was taken from the
fables of Baron Muenchausen (also spelled Munchhausen and Munchausen).
These fables were published in the late 1700’s, and with centuries of time and
multiple translations, as well as fables published under the Baron’s name which he
did not write, an exact citation is difficult. However, in all the fables, the Baron has
extraordinary powers, such as our modern Superman, but also the phenomenal tool
making ability of Angus MacGyver from the 1980’s television series. Professor
128 M. Smith and M. Z. Babai

Roger Johnson (2009) has found a reference where the Baron falls a couple of
miles from the clouds (another tall tale), into a hole nine fathoms deep. The Baron
reports ‘‘Looking down, I observed that I had on a pair of boots with exceptionally
sturdy straps. Grasping them firmly, I pulled myself with all my might. Soon I had
hoist myself to the top and stepped out on terra firma without further ado.’’ The
Baron’s adventures were entertaining with no moral to the story, but the moral to
this story is to illustrate the power of the bootstrap statistical technique based on
the origins of its name.

6.2.2 The Bootstrap and the Computer

The use of the computer has been integral to the bootstrap from the beginning,
with the bootstrap samples in the landmark paper being generated by Monte Carlo
simulation using a 370/168 computer. Efron reported the Stanford University
computer time for those runs cost $4.00. As his work progressed, computer
technology progressed, and by 1991 problems using up to 400 bootstrap samples
were being run on a personal computer (Efron and Tibshirani 1991). In 1994,
Thomas Willemain (1994) published a short paper describing how to use Lotus
1-2-3 to construct a basic spreadsheet for a bootstrap problem. The steps are well
documented, so the procedure could easily be adapted to Excel.
On October 26, 1999, Business Wire reported that Smart Software, Inc. was
releasing its new Intermittent Demand Forecasting for spare parts and other
intermittent demand (‘‘Smart Software brings…’’). Smart and Willemain (2000)
described the software, the bootstrapping methodology it uses and gave an
example problem in the June 2000 Performance Advantage. The pending patent
for the ‘‘system and method for forecasting intermittent demand’’ used by the
software was granted to Smart Software, Inc. March 20, 2001 (Smart Software
2001) (A later section provides more information about the bootstrap model used
in the patent). Today, Smart Software promises that SmartForecasts will ‘‘typically
reduce standing inventory by as much as 15–20% in the first year, increase parts
availability 10–20% and more, and reduce the need for associated costs of
emergency transshipments’’ (Smart Software ‘‘Intermittent Demand…’’).
In 2002b, Smart Software’s SmartForecasts was listed in a review of 52 fore-
casting packages. However, the review only listed support, price, and function-
alities, such as data entry, file export, graphic capabilities, and the statistical
methods used, but bootstrap was not listed as a choice for statistical technique and
would have only been captured in ‘‘Other’’. The review did not provide any
caparison of performance (Elikai et al. 2002). Sanders and Manrodt (2003) sur-
veyed practitioners regarding their use and satisfaction of marketing forecast
software, and their study could be used as a model for an updated study of
inventory forecasting software use, features, performance, and user satisfaction.
6 A Review of Bootstrapping for Spare Parts Forecasting 129

6.3 Bootstrapping Methods for Spare Parts Forecasting

6.3.1 Foundational Work

The intermittent demand pattern for spare parts means that traditional inventory
models, such as those with the economic order quantity (EOQ) or materials
requirements planning (MRP) as their foundations, are not applicable, since EOQ
models require a constant demand or a normal distribution, and MRP models
require fixed lot sizes. Most papers on spare parts inventory or intermittent demand
begin with a cursory introduction about the need for different models. These
models assume spare parts usually have periods of zero demand, then a part breaks
on some random interval, the part must be replaced, and the research issue is to be
able to predict the demand for the replacement parts. That is, the random time
between demands for spare parts and the number demanded do not tend to follow
patterns for parametric methods, which require a readily distinguishable statistical
distribution and meaningful measures of mean, standard deviations, etc. Kennedy
et al. (2002) began their literature review with a more extensive discussion of the
unique characteristics of maintenance inventories that would support the need for
non-parametric models. The special data related to these parts, includes supplier
reliability, stock-out objectives, inventory turn goals, age-based replacement of
working parts, spare parts obsolescence, and repairable items, as well as some
special cases such as emergency ordering.
Croston’s 1972 landmark work on intermittent demand uses parametric statis-
tics, but it serves as the benchmark for later non-parametric work using the
bootstrap. He extended the exponential smoothing method by adding variables for
the size of the non-zero demands when they occur and an estimated inter-arrival
time between non-zero demands that follow a Bernoulli process. It should be noted
that he assumed the demand variables and the time between demands were
independent. He used an example with 180 observations, with demand occurring
on average every six review periods, and the average demand 3.5 units with a
standard deviation of 1.0 unit. The Croston model prevented stockouts 95% of the
time, while the exponential smoothing model resulted in stockouts in 20% of the
Bookbinder and Lordahl (1989) developed a model using the bootstrap to
estimate the lead-time distribution (LTD) and determine re-order points. They then
compared their bootstrap model results to inventory models based on normal
distributions using simulated populations of varying shapes. The calculations were
done on a TRS (Model III) microcomputer, with only samples of n B 30 con-
sidered. Seven different probability density functions were used: uniform, trun-
cated normal, log normal, two-point, positively skewed bimodal, symmetric
bimodal, and positively skewed normal. The algorithmic steps for the imple-
mentation of Bookbinder and Lordahl’s method are given in Appendix A.2. The
researchers presented a comprehensive table of results of the acceptability of
service at .8, .9, and .95, which captured all seven tested distributions, different
130 M. Smith and M. Z. Babai

sample sizes and varying coefficients of variance. Their results show when the
bootstrap performed better, when the normal better, when both were acceptable,
and when neither was acceptable. Generally, the normal only performed better
than or as well as the bootstrap for the log normal and truncated normal distri-
butions. The bootstrap tended to dominate in the case of the two point distribution,
and negative skew binomial, which would better model the demand for spare parts.
Since the data was simulated, they could compare the known optimal costs to the
costs from the bootstrap model and the costs based on the normal theories. The
costs results were also presented for all the combinations of the service level
results. The bootstrap estimates gave better cost results for the distributions with
some type of bimodal data, as well as slightly better cost results for the uniform
data. The authors also performed a Newman–Keuls test for an analysis of variance
(ANOVA) for the bootstrap and normal procedures. The results showed that the
bootstrap was much less sensitive to the lead time distribution.
Snyder (2002) used data from an automobile company to illustrate four models
that used a parametric bootstrap for demand forecasting of slow and fast moving
inventory items. Like other researchers, he considered exponential smoothing and
Croston’s method. In his Monte Carlo simulation, he needed estimates of mean,
bias, and variance, so he used least squares estimates in their place making the
model a parametric bootstrap. He also reviewed the Croston method and identified
problems with how seed values are selected for the exponentially weighted mean
averages, and developed a modified version called MCROST. MCROST was then
modified for a log transformation of non-zero demands, giving the log-space
adaptation (LOG). Lastly, he experimented with a modification of Croston’s model
that used variances instead of mean absolute deviation and a second smoothing
variable was introduced to define how variable changes over time (AVAR). Details
related to the implementation of the MCROST, the LOG and the AVAR methods
are presented in Appendix A.3. The simulation used 10,000 replications with the
key performance measure being the order-up-to level (OUL) that represented the
ideal level of stock that achieved a 95% fill rate target while being as low as
possible. For the slow moving item, which would most closely represent the
typical demand for spare parts, the OUL’s were very close.

6.3.2 SmartForecasts

Before the development of SmartForecasts, Willemain et al. (1994) tested and

extended Croston’s work. They used simulated data, as well as real world data to
violate Croston’s assumptions, and also compared Croston’s model to exponential
smoothing when some of his assumptions were violated. First, they gathered
intermittent demand data from four organizations, in four very different industries,
where the companies indicated these data were particularly challenging to forecast.
Based on these data, they identified areas where Croston’s assumptions may not
apply. In the first scenario, the normal distribution for the demand was changed
6 A Review of Bootstrapping for Spare Parts Forecasting 131

from normal to lognormal. While Croston had assumed no relationship between

demand interval and demand size, Willemain et al. (1994) tested for both positive
and negative cross correlations. Croston had also only considered the case of
demand sizes to be independent, but Willemain et al. (1994) investigated both
positive and negative correlations. In addition, they tested the scenarios for both
positive and negative correlations between the demand intervals.
In their Monte Carlo comparison of Croston and exponential smoothing,
Willemain et al. (1994) measured accuracy by mean absolute percentage error
(MAPE), median absolute percentage error, root mean square error, and mean
absolute deviation. For all four scenarios, Croston’s model gave more accurate
results for the true demand on all four measures than exponential smoothing.
Further, on average, it was also more accurate than exponential smoothing for the
industrial data.
At the 2002 APICS International Conference, Charles Smart, President of
Smart Software, Inc presented more details about the SmartForecasts mentioned
above (This presentation is also available as a white paper on the Smart Software
web site, The research to develop the software was a joint
effort of Smart Software and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute through an Inno-
vative Research Grant from the National Science Foundation (Thomas Willemain,
the co-developer, is a Professor of Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems at
Rensselaer, as well as Vice President of Smart Software). The developers studied
28,000 data series from nine companies in the US and Europe. The research
confirmed that exponential smoothing and Croston’s method were effective for
forecasting demand per period for intermittent items, but both techniques were
lacking in forecasting the entire distribution, especially when service level
requirements are imposed. The paper gives an example of intermittent demand
data for 24 periods and demonstrates how the bootstrap method can be used to
estimate demand per period and the requirements to meet customer service levels.
With an example lead time of 3 months, random demands for 3 months are taken
to get an estimated lead time demand (bootstrap), and the process is repeated on
the computer for thousands of times to get an estimated lead time demand
Smart’s (Smart 2002a) conference presentation provided impressive results for
SmartForecasts. Two organizations had tested the software using their own data.
A warehouse with 12,000 SKUs got almost 100% accuracy using the software, first
at a 95% service level, and then at a 98% service level. An aircraft maintenance
operation used their data on 6,000 SKUs to estimate that if they had used the
SmartForecasts, they could have saved $3 million per year in inventory holding
costs. The software had already helped NSK Corporation save $1 million in their
aftermarket business unit and increase on-time delivery above 98%, and NSK
predicted future savings of about $3 million.
Willemain et al. (2004) provided more details about the mathematical model
used by SmartForecasts, as well as statistical comparison of its performance to
exponential smoothing and Croston’s method. Again, the key improvements in the
model are the lead time distribution based on bootstrapping and the method of
132 M. Smith and M. Z. Babai

assessing the accuracy of the forecast. With respect to the use of the bootstrap, this
model expands the inventory applications of Bookbinder and Lordahl (1989) and
Wang and Rao (1992), since neither of these applications considered the special
case of intermittent demand. The paper presents general information about the nine
organizations used to develop the model, as well summary statistics for their
respective demand data.
The bootstrap was modified in three ways to better model the intermittent
inventory data with autocorrelation, frequent repeated values, and relatively short
series. First, positive and negative autocorrelation are added, since demand can run
in ‘‘streaks’’. These autocorrelations are modeled using a two state, first order
Markov process to get zero and non-zero demands. The next step is to generate
numerical values for the nonzero forecasts. If only the bootstrap replacement
values were used, then only past values could occur in the future. The model then
uses a patented ‘‘jittering’’ process to allow more variation around the nonzero
values. The example is given that a 7 may be replaced with a 7 or 6 or 10. The
authors report that the jittering was shown to improve the accuracy, especially for
small sample sizes. More information on the algorithmic steps for the imple-
mentation of Willemain et al.’s method is given in Appendix A.4.
The lead time distribution for the model was evaluated and compared to
exponential smoothing and Croston’s method. Results were examined on the upper
tail as a measure of the ability of the model to satisfy the availability requirement
and on the lower tail as a measure of holding costs. While the bootstrap method
was shown to be the most accurate forecasting method, all the methods were least
well calibrated in the tails of the distributions. The authors concluded their paper
with three significant suggestions for further work. First, they recognized that there
are problems with the jittering step, and it will not work for items that are sold in
different size cases. However, in the paper it is not clear exactly how one deter-
mines the standard normal random deviate for this step. The second issue is
nonstationarity, or the fact that the demand distributions for the items may be
changing due to seasonality, life cycle stage of the product, or some other com-
plication or trend. Finally, the authors acknowledge that they began the research
with the idea that the intermittent demand followed some kind of Poisson process.
While they were unable to find an acceptable Poisson based model, they still
consider this an avenue for future research.
Michael Lawrence, editor of the International Journal of Forecasting, pub-
lished a special commentary following the article described above. He noted the
unique aspect, perhaps the first ever, of publishing a patented technique in an
academic journal. One of the reviewers had expressed a concern about other
researchers being able to use and extend these contributions, and then publish their
comparisons with patent protected methods. In their response to these reviewer
comments, Willemain et al. (2005) stressed the importance of researchers being
able to patent their work and gain the potential economic benefits of the work.
Further, they note that discussions of patented algorithms do not result in legal
patent infringement. Finally, they offer that ‘‘it is easy to arrange a nominal
licensing fee for researchers doing non-competitive work’’ (Lawrence 2004).
6 A Review of Bootstrapping for Spare Parts Forecasting 133

More discussion ensued about the work described above. Gardner and Koehler
(2005) expressed reservations about the work because Willemain et al. had not
used some later published research for the simple exponential smoothing model
and Croston’s model. The comparison to the exponential smoothing method used
an estimated standard deviation based on work from 1959, but this estimate had
been improved by later researchers, including Snyder et al. (1999). Willemain
et al. (2004) assumed a normal distribution for the lead time demand in the
exponential smoothing model, but Gardner and Koehler suggested a bootstrap lead
time demand based on the work of Snyder et al. (2002). Gardner and Koehler also
noted published research that improved upon the original Croston model, but
Willemain et al. had only compared their work to the original Croston. In their
response, Willemain et al. acknowledge the use of the early versions of expo-
nential smoothing and Croston’s method, and they encourage researchers to
continue this stream of research by comparing the changes proposed by Gardner
and Koehler to the bootstrap method. However, they note that there should be
more research to determine how these proposed changes to exponential smoothing
and Croston would compare when their new accuracy metric was applied.
The patent granted to Smart Software, Inc. for the ‘‘System and Method for
Forecasting Intermittent Demand’’ provides more information than the articles
mentioned above. Some of the patent’s references are provided in this chapter, but
the patent references more book chapters and monographs, as well as more broadly
related topics such as forecasting accuracy and statistical smoothing methods,
which are outside the scope of this work.
The patent includes five high level flow diagrams (Figs. 6.1–6.5) of the com-
puter system, software, method of forecasting, selection of demand values, and the
method of forecasting using a subseries method. Figure 6.6 in the patent, the
experimental demand data, is the same as Table 6.2 in Willemain et al. (2004).
The patent includes subseries methods (normal and log normal) which approxi-
mate the distribution by using the sums of overlapping distributions. This com-
ponent of the patent is not featured in Willemain et al. (2004). However, the patent
reports that the subseries forecasts were more accurate than exponential smoothing
and Croston, and can be computed faster than their bootstrap. Figure 6.7 is the
same as Table 6.3 in Willemain et al. (2004), except Fig. 6.7 also includes
accuracy results for the subseries models. Figures 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10 show the
forecasting accuracy of exponential smoothing, Croston’s method, bootstrap, as
well as the subseries normal and subseries log normal, as measured by a table of
mean log likelihood ratios, chi-square values, and a graph of mean log likelihood
values, respectively.
The patent gives a small example to aid understanding the concepts, with
intermittent demand for 12 months presented in Table 6.1. Table 6.2 lists exam-
ples of five replications for possible demand and lead time distributions over
months 13–16 (Table 6.3 is the same as Table 6.1). Table 6.4 gives examples of
four different 12 month strings of zero and non-zero (1) data generated from
Markov transition probabilities based on the LTD in Table 6.1. Table 6.5 illus-
trates how bootstrap converts the non-zero values (the 1’s) in Table 4 to integers.
134 M. Smith and M. Z. Babai

Then Table 6.6 presents the demand values which were determined by jiggering
the bootstrap demand values from Table 6.5. The jittering process is presented in
general terms, but detailed enough to more clearly explain the specific data.

6.3.3 Other Significant Work on Bootstrapping and Spare

Parts Inventory

Hua et al. (2006) developed an integrated forecasting method (IFM) method to

predict auto correlated nonzero demands and presented two methods of assessing
forecast methods. Their forecasting method uses a first order Markov process, first
estimating the nonzero demand, and then the lead time distribution. In their
algorithm, a user specified a variable to adjust for nonzero demand that may have
some special explanation. Once the nonzero demands have been identified, they
used a bootstrap to estimate the lead time distribution. Their research also included
the development of two new forecasting performance assessment measures. One
measure is the error ratio of nonzero demand judgments (ERNJ) over time, which
would apply to binary forecasts, and then used the average of the average of the
ERJN (AERNJ) for each forecasting method. They also developed a mean absolute
percentage error of lead time distribution (MAPELTD). The new methods and
measures were compared with exponential smoothing, Croston’s method, and a
modified bootstrap (MB), which is the same as the bootstrap method described by
Willemain et al. (2004), but without their patented jittering technique. Based on 40
kinds of spare parts data from a petrochemical enterprise in China, the AERNJ
performed significantly better than the MB over an 8-month period. Also, IFM was
better at forecasting occurrences of nonzero demand than MB. When the IFM was
compared to the three other forecasting methods mentioned above, it was found to
better forecast LTD.
In Hua et al.’s (2006) examples used to demonstrate their model, they included
plant and equipment overhaul plans to illustrate the special times when nonzero
demands could be expected. Also, they suggest that current information technol-
ogy systems make it possible to incorporate other information about explanatory
variables into the model. In a related paper about forecasting in general, Bunn and
Wright (1991) suggested the development of bootstrap models that incorporate
judgments. They identify four general, common issues that must be addressed
within all classes of model building which incorporate judgment. These issues,
which would also seem to apply to forecasting the intermittent demand for spare
parts, are: variable selection, model specification (in terms of specifying the
relationships between variables), parameter estimation, and data analysis. A recent
work by Syntetos et al. (‘‘The effects of integrating management judgment…,’’
2009b) presents a model that integrates management judgment into the forecasted
intermittent demand for end products. Their work used data on slow moving items
in an international pharmaceutical company, which uses a commercial forecasting
6 A Review of Bootstrapping for Spare Parts Forecasting 135

software package. The model for forecast adjustments and assessing forecast
performance incorporated concepts previously developed and tested by the
research team. The adjusted demand forecasts were better than the system forecast
for 61% of the SKUs studied, which suggests potential for expanding the model to
study judgment adjustments for spare parts forecasts. The comprehensive literature
review in Syntetos et al. (2009a) provides examples of related types of forecasting
models that have included judgment in the forecasts.
In 2008, Porras and Dekker published the results of a major study of re-order
points for spare parts inventory. The study used data covering a 5-year period from
a petrochemical company in the Netherlands with 60 plants, totaling 14,383 spare
parts. The current method is based in the SAP, which does not capture and
accommodate for the special case of the intermittent demand The parts were
classified into criticality classes, demand classes (based on demand pattern and
demand level), and price classes. The classes were combined, so that an item’s
three digit code indicated its criticality, demand, and price classes. First, classes
were optimized, and then items within classes were optimized. The simulation
model used an ex-ante approach, where once the distribution had been fitted, and
then a different distribution was used for testing. It also used an ex-post approach
where the same data set was used for fitting and testing. The performances of both
approaches were tested. The researchers tested four methods for determining LTD:
normal, Poisson, Willemain’s method, and a new empirical method. Their new
empirical method samples demands over blocks of time equal to the lead time
length (capturing implicitly underlying auto-correlation structures). Details related
to the implementation of this bootstrapping method are presented in Appendix A.5.
The optimization model determines the lot size (Q) and the smallest reorder point
that satisfies a 100% fill rate. Then the model determines cost savings using the
holding cost and ordering costs of the current model and the model being tested.
Porras and Dekker (2008) gleaned several interesting findings from their study.
When they used the ex-post approach, all of the tested models outperformed the
current approach. The normal LTD performed best overall, but Willemain’s model
and their empirical model were close. Their empirical model produced cost sav-
ings of 1.05 million euros and Willemain’s model saved .96 million euros over the
current model. The results for the ex-ante were similar. In their conclusion, they
reiterated the need for including high demands for preventative maintenance in
spare parts inventory models.
Varghese and Rossetti (2008) developed a model for use on the spare parts used
by the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program of the US Navy. The model is a
Markov Chain demand occurrence (MC) and auto regressive (ARTA) to any
demand amount (IDF), and it is a parametric bootstrap (PB); that is MC-ARTA-
IDF-PB). They compared their model to the work of Croston (1972) and Syntetos
(2001) on mean square error, mean absolute deviation, and mean absolute per-
centage error. With a bootstrap of 1,000 replications, they did not find any sig-
nificant differences between the three forecasting methods, leading them to
conclude that more work is needed on their estimation algorithm and to experi-
ment with using their model for differing inventory policies.
136 M. Smith and M. Z. Babai

Teunter and Duncan (2009) used UK Royal Air Force data for 5,000 items over
a 6-year period to compare forecasting methods for spare parts. The objective of
the system is to minimize stock levels, while meeting a service level constraint.
They compared six methods of forecasting demand. A zero forecast was the
benchmark, since traditional inventory models do not incorporate a forecast. The
traditional forecasting techniques of moving average and exponential smoothing
were used. They also considered Croston’s original model for intermittent
demands and the variation to Croston’s model that was developed by Syntetos and
Boylan (2005). Bookbinder and Lordahl’s (1989) bootstrapping method was also
included. To compare the first five methods, they used the relative geometric root
mean square error (RGRMSE), which calculates the performance of one method
compared to another as the ratio of the geometric mean of the squared errors. That
is, they calculated the average mean square error for each item, and then calculated
the geometric average of these numbers over the entire data set. When they used
the RGRMSE, the zero forecast gave the best results, but the authors concluded
that forecast performance cannot be measured strictly on error measures.
When Teunter and Duncan (2009) compared service levels, they used normal
and lognormal for lead time demand, except for the bootstrap method, which
generated its own lead time distribution. The six methods were compared for
service level and a combination of service level and average inventory level. The
zero forecast performed the worst. The bootstrap and the two Croston type
methods performed the best, with the results being very close. However, initially
all the methods gave results that were significantly below the ideal target. When
the researchers realized that an order in a period is triggered by a demand in that
period, they adjusted the lead time distribution to lognormal for the bootstrap and
Croston based methods. The improvement in service level accuracy was

6.4 Future Research

Based on the review above, a few ideas for future work surface. First, an empirical
study of the commercial forecasting software packages that are available would be
timely. Such a study could follow Elikai et al. (2002), but also include capture
information about whether bootstrapping is used, and specifically whether the
forecasting techniques are applicable to intermittent demand. Other work, similar
to that of Sanders and Manrodt (2003) could examine the user satisfaction and
performance of commercially available software for forecasting of spare part
demand. A study like this was done by McNeill et al. (2007) with AMR Research,
but it does not appear to be in the public domain.
In their response to a reviewer comment regarding the ability of academics to
make comparisons of their work to the patented SmartForecasts (Lawrence 2004),
Willemain et al. offered to make their patented SmartForecasts available to aca-
demic researchers for a ‘‘nominal licensing fee’’ to encourage future scholarly
6 A Review of Bootstrapping for Spare Parts Forecasting 137

research in this area. So far, it does not appear that anyone has accepted the offer,
even though it could help researchers understand and extend the patented
‘‘jittering’’ step. In addition, Willemain et al. (2004) suggested work on examining
a Poisson based model for spare parts forecasting.
As noted above, the research to develop SmartForecasts used 28,000 inventory
items. Hence, the researchers decided against individual item analysis and pooled
data across items, which impacts error measures. However, the SmartForecasts
patent notes that the forecasting program is designed to run on any computing
hardware. So as hardware has improved, and continues to improve, then it is
assumed that the feasibility of performing comparisons and error analysis on per
item basis would increase.
Hsa et al. used plans for plant overhauls (scheduled preventative maintenance)
in their model, and other researchers have suggested models that can incorporate
other types of judgments (Bunn and Wright 1991; Syntetos et al. 2009b). As Hsa
et al. noted, while management information technology improves and the inte-
gration abilities increase, this should become easier. Also, Willemain et al. (2004)
had the considerations of seasonality, or other issues, as possible extensions of
their work.


A.1 Efron’s Bootstrapping Method

Efron’s bootstrapping method works according to the following steps:

1. Obtain historical demand data in chosen time buckets (e.g., days, weeks,
2. Express the lead-time L as an integer multiple of the time bucket;
3. Sample randomly with replacement L demands from the demand history;
4. Sum the sampled values to get one predicted value of Lead Time Demand
5. Repeat steps 3–4 many times;
6. Sort and use the resulting distribution of LTD values.

A.2 Bookbinder and Lordahl’s Bootstrapping Method

Bookbinder and Lordahl’s method works according to the following steps:

1. Obtain historical demand data in chosen time buckets (e.g., days, weeks,
2. Express the lead-time L as an integer multiple of the time bucket;
138 M. Smith and M. Z. Babai

3. Sample randomly with replacement L demands from the demand history;

4. Sum the sampled values to get one predicted value of Lead Time Demand
5. Repeat steps 3–4 many times;
6. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the resulting LTD values;
7. A theoretical density function of the LTD values is obtained by considering the
empirical mean and standard deviation.

A.3 Snyder’s Bootstrapping Methods

A.3.1 Modified Croston (MCROST)

1. Obtain historical demand data in chosen time buckets (e.g., days, weeks,
2. Express the lead-time L as an integer multiple of the time bucket;
3. From the demand history, determine least squares estimates of the parameters
a, l and r;
4. Generate binary values ðx1 Þ; ðx2 Þ . . . xL for the indicator variable xt from a
Bernoulli distribution with probability p;
5. Use Monte Carlo random number generation methods to obtain values of the
errors ðe1 Þ; ðe2 Þ . . . eL generated from a normal distribution with mean zero and
variance xtr2;
6. Generate realizations ðy1 Þ; ðy2 Þ . . . yL of future series values by using the
equations: ðyt Þ ¼ xt lt1 þ et ; lt ¼ lt1 þ aet and l0 ¼ l;
7. Sum the L values of yt;
8. Repeat steps 4–7 many times;
9. Sort and use the resulting distribution of LTD values.

A.3.2 Log-Space Adaptation (LOG)

The steps are the same as in the MCROST method except for the step 6, where the
smoothing equations are modified to not allow for negative values as follows:

t Þ if xt ¼ 1
yt ¼ xt lt1 þ et ; yþ
t ¼ xt expðyt Þ; yt ¼ ; et ¼ xt ðyt  lt1 Þ;
arbitrary if xt ¼ 0
lt ¼ lt1 þ aet and l0 ¼ l
6 A Review of Bootstrapping for Spare Parts Forecasting 139

A.3.3 Adaptive Variance Version (AVAR)

The steps are the same as in the MCROST method except for the steps 5 and 6,
where the equations are modified as follows:

et  NID 0; r2t1 ; yt ¼ xt lt1 þ et ; yþ
t ¼ xt expðyt Þ; lt ¼ lt1 þ aet and l0 ¼ l

A second smoothing parameter b is also used in the following equation to

define how the variability changes over time.

r2t ¼ r2t1 þ bxt e2t  r2t1 ; r20 ¼ r2

A.4 Willemain’s Bootstrapping Method

Willemain’s method works according to the following steps:

1. Obtain historical demand data in chosen time buckets (e.g., days, weeks,
2. Estimate transition probabilities for two-state (zero vs. non-zero) Markov
3. Conditional on last observed demand, use Markov model to generate a
sequence of zero/non-zero values over forecast horizon;
4. Replace every non-zero state marker with a numerical value sampled at ran-
dom, with replacement, from the set of observed non-zero demands;
5. ‘Jitter’ the non-zero demand values—this is effectively an ad-hoc procedure
designed to allow greater variation than that already observed. The process
enables the sampling of demand size values that have not been observed in the
demand history

6. Sum the forecast values over the horizon to get one predicted value of Lead
Time Demand (LTD);
7. Repeat steps 3–6 many times;
8. Sort and use the resulting distribution of LTD values.
140 M. Smith and M. Z. Babai

A.5 Porras and Dekker’s Bootstrapping Method

Porras and Dekker’s method works according to the following steps:

1. Obtain historical demand data in chosen time buckets (e.g., days, weeks,
2. Express the lead-time L as an integer multiple of the time bucket
3. Consider the L successive demands from the demand history starting at the first
time bucket
4. Sum the sampled values to get one predicted value of Lead Time Demand (LTD)
5. Repeat step 3–4 by starting at the second, third,… time bucket
6. Sort and use the resulting distribution of LTD values.


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Chapter 7
A New Inventory Model
for Aircraft Spares

Michael MacDonnell and Ben Clegg

7.1 Introduction

This paper presents an optimization model for the planning of spare parts levels
used in the support of aircraft operations. In particular, the model addresses the
problem of planning rotable inventory: serialized items that are maintained and
restocked rather than discarded upon failure. This special problem can be char-
acterized as an operational situation where inventory levels do not change over the
planning period (typically a year) and the flow of inventory occurs in a closed
loop, from operation (installed on an aircraft), to the repair cycle, to spares
inventory and returning to operation. Thus inventory items classed in this way will
survive for the lifetime of the parent aircraft fleet. Changes in inventory are made
by buying and selling overhauled items in the case of a mature fleet. The trigger
for inventory activity in this operational situation is the failure of an item and its
removal from service: this then prompts a repair activity, which will later result in
replenishment. Thus demand is based purely on forecast failures, so there is no
need for ordering decisions in the short term. Inventory changes are reviewed and
planned in the medium term. Historically, inventory levels tend to creep up in
response to epidemics of failure. Given the pressure to maintain operational reli-
ability, it is usually considered acceptable to high levels of rotable stocks, even
though utilization of these stocks may be poor.
Treatment of the rotable problem in the literature is sparse: much of the prior
work addresses the forecasting of demand for consumable spares, even when the
operational context describes repairable assemblies. Much of the literature

M. MacDonnell (&)
School of Business, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland
B. Clegg
Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, England

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 143

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_7,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
144 M. MacDonnell and B. Clegg

addresses the problem at the item level, whereas the present work optimizes at a
system level. Given the stochastic nature of demand, the problem is re-stated to
give an objective of a service level (SL) target for an entire pool of inventory,
rather than applying a service level to each line item. In this manner it is possible
to skew inventory holdings by cost: the objective function changes from ‘‘exceed
target SL for each part’’ to ‘‘exceed target SL for the system of parts, at minimum
cost’’. One method in the literature, also observed in practice—Marginal Analy-
sis—addresses the problem at the system level, but is not an optimization.
A large-scale optimization model is developed and formulated for solution as a
binary integer linear program. This model is solved for a range of sensitivity
values and re-formulated for multiple operating scenarios, reflecting changing
operational criteria, such as increased fleet size, reduced repair times and varying
target SLs.
Current practice from the field and the literature is replicated and compared
with the new solution. The linear programming optimization is shown to produce
superior results to current practice: inventory investment can be reduced by 20% or
more without reducing SL. This is achieved through a coordinated increase in
availability of lower-cost parts with a reduction in holdings of higher-cost parts.
While the new solution is computationally intensive, its benefits exceed
implementation effort and the model may be applied to other operational settings
where expensive spares are held.

7.2 Literature Review and Problem Description

This paper looks at published model specifications and experience with specific
reference to the aircraft rotable inventory problem. Thus the focus is narrowed to
the rotable problem only, and does not consider the cases of consumable items,
which are better understood in mainstream practice. There are two main possible
approaches to classifying the rotable scheduling problem: planning parts at the
individual level, and planning for systems of parts where demand can be combined
and considered together. The latter is preferable since it more closely reflects the
reality of stochastic demand and is seen to give better results.
Demand for spares may arise in several ways (Ghobbar and Friend 2003a): due
to hard time constraints (for example, a landing gear assembly must be changed
after 500 flights), on condition (an item is inspected against a defined standard,
e.g., tyre tread depth) and condition monitoring (real time diagnosis of perfor-
mance, e.g., brake pad wear). Rotables can generally be considered as arising for
maintenance on condition, meaning that their performance is observed to be
deficient upon inspection, or often in operation. However, it is best to consider
rotables as arising for removal through condition monitoring, since their failure
will usually be observed during operation, so the removal does not typically result
from a planned inspection. Ghobbar’s analysis gives a detailed statistical analysis
of parts demand for maintenance items but there is no optimization involved.
7 A New Inventory Model for Aircraft Spares 145

Most companies owning rotable inventory follow practices recommended by

the aircraft OEMs, chiefly Airbus and Boeing; these policies are typically limited
to individual line item treatments. Airbus advise that 99% of their listed spare parts
are rotables and recommends a simple calculation to derive the mean number of
expected demand events of a given part in a year (Rutledge 1997):

E ¼ FH  n  N  ð1=MTBUR  365Þ  TAT

In the above equation, E = expected demand, FH = average flight hours per

aircraft, n = number of units on an aircraft, N = number of aircraft in the fleet,
MTBUR = mean time between unscheduled removals and TAT = repair turn
around time. Note that E is proportional to repair time, TAT: E is the number
of failures multiplied by the proportion of the time that a failed part is
unavailable due to being in the repair process. Thus, for example, if the number
of failures is 10 and the proportion of time that a spare is in the repair cycle is
one-tenth of a year (36 days), then the demand for the inventory calculation
is 1.
Using the above calculation for initial provisioning (spares purchase when a
fleet is first commissioned), the mean inventory demand figure is applied to a
Poisson distribution to give an inventory count that meets a stated probability of
demand being satisfied. Thus, if there is a need to meet 90% of requests for the
above item, which has a mean expected demand of 1 (when TAT is taken into
account), then the number of parts giving a probability of over 90% with a mean of
1 is 2. If 2 parts are held in stock there is a 92% chance that all requests are met, if
the average demand over a long time is 1.
Several measures are proposed to reduce the cost of initial provisioning
(Panayiotou 1998): price reduction (not a long-term measure), improved reli-
ability, reduced shop processing time and cost-optimized planning. The last item
involves some phasing of the provision of expensive spares, so that not all spares
are bought at the outset but are introduced as the fleet accumulates flying time.
This assumes that failures follow the Poisson distribution and needs to be managed
carefully. The cost-optimized planning principle also introduces reduced SL tar-
gets for non-essential items (Haupt 2001). Thus, while the required SL for items of
essentiality code 1 (‘‘no-go’’) is maintained at 94–96%, values for items with
dependent essentiality (‘‘go-if’’, i.e., systems with redundancy) are assigned 85–
92% and non-essential (‘‘go’’) items are required to be provided 70–80% of the
time. Thus average values of 95, 89 and 75% are prescribed, as compared with 95,
93 and 90% in common use.
Of an airline’s spares inventory, rotables or line replaceable units account for
25% by quantity and 90% by value (Haupt 2001).
The line item-level calculations are developed further in the Models chapter
later as the Poisson model (Model 1).
While the above treats items at the individual level, there is also scope for
considering the combined demand for parts. Haas and Verrijdt (1997) discusses a
model for a multi-indentured assembly, an engine, which comprises three levels of
146 M. MacDonnell and B. Clegg

indenture. Several stages of supply, or echelons, are also modeled. The model
consists of an aggregation of Poisson forecasts for individual part demand to meet
an overall SL target. However, there is no account of cost in the model, other than
aggregation: since an engine is effectively a hierarchical grouping of modules,
there is not much scope for cost optimization.
Adams (2004) compares item-level and system-level approaches to aircraft
rotable optimization, concluding that item-level forecasting is the least risky but
will over-provide spares. Meanwhile Marginal Analysis combines parts, takes
account of costs and can be modeled for multi-echelon scenarios. However, while
Marginal Analysis gives good results, they are not optimal. A genetic algorithm
approach is also tested—this is a complex approach, which may improve on
Marginal Analysis but is not necessarily optimal.
The Marginal Analysis method was first developed by Sherbrooke (1968) in a
military setting, in the Multi-Echelon Technique for Recoverable Item Control
(METRIC) model. It is interesting to note that the US Air Force investment in
recoverable items (rotables) is reported at $5bn in 1967. The METRIC model
addresses overall optimality of spares stocks and the balanced distribution of
spares in a network with two echelons, or levels of supply: bases and depots. Bases
are the locations from which aircraft operate (as in the supply chain schematic
Fig. 2.1) while depots are central inventory locations, usually with comprehensive
repair capabilities. The model represents failed requests for parts as back-orders,
so that a failed request survives until it is filled. The model is of type (s - 1, s),
i.e., a replacement is ordered when a part is taken from stock.
The approach adopted in this study differs from the METRIC model because:
(a) demand is presented here in mean terms, not recurring, so that behavior over a
planning period is represented by a SL;
(b) back-orders are not tolerated in commercial aviation—some action must be
taken to satisfy the demand, usually borrowing a part or expediting delivery in
the supply chain;
(c) Sherbrooke acknowledges that the marginal contribution of increasing part
numbers should be concave—marginal contribution should reduce as the
number of parts increases—but this is not the case and so the Marginal
Analysis approach is flawed.
The METRIC model is improved on with MOD-METRIC and VARI-METRIC
versions (Sherbrooke 1986), with better forecasting of expected back-order rates.
The ‘‘best’’ results, closest to optimal, are derived by simulation and the new
versions of the METRIC model are shown to be closer to those that are presumed
General Electric Rotable Services claim massive savings in inventory through
the use of Marginal Analysis—see Fig. 7.4. Where current practice achieves 77%
SL with $50M in inventory, the same performance is claimed with $28M in
inventory, a 44% reduction, through the use of Logistechs k2s (knowledge to
spares) solution, in which GE holds a stake. Figure 7.4 also shows that, for the
existing $50M in inventory, the operator could increase SL from 77 to 90%
7 A New Inventory Model for Aircraft Spares 147

Fig. 7.1 Cost/SL gain using

marginal analysis (GE Engine
Services 2002)

through optimal planning. The system provides demand forecasting, optimization

and simulation to customer including Air Canada and America West (Logistechs
2006) (Fig. 7.1).
Studies have been performed on demand prediction for aircraft spares (Ghobbar
2004) and the best inventory policies for determining optimal stock levels for
spares (Friend et al. 2001; Ghobbar and Friend 2003b) but they generally treat
individual line items so are not explored further here, since it is intended to
consider only pooled inventory here, i.e., the combined cost and performance of
many parts together.
It is claimed that cost reductions of 30% can be achieved by pooling spares
among airlines (Kilpi and Vepsalainen 2004) but there is a trade-off in short-term
SL, since it will be necessary to incorporate a delay of typically 12 h to allow for
provision of pooled spares. This work once again considers individual line items.
A genetic algorithm model is used to find optimal inventory levels for multiple
locations (Lee et al. 2007) but is again confined to a single line item.
A simulation model is used to determine a re-stocking priority order for mul-
tiple bases holding rotables (Lye and Chan 2007), but this does not treat groups of
parts as a system, focusing on the airline network and its distribution of demand.
In the above instances, there are models of varying sophistication, dealing with
the problem of multiple locations. Marginal Analysis seems to be the sole model
for grouping parts together with the aim of achieving a desired SL while arranging
the inventory selection so as to minimize cost.
Computer World (2005) gives a detailed account of Southwest Airline’s supply
chain optimization project, which uses a range of mathematical programming
solutions to plan inventory levels for its fleet of 385 Boeing 737 aircraft, with an
average utilization time of 12 h per day. Mathematical programming is applied to
expensive, slow-moving critical parts, but the details of the model are not dis-
closed. An optimization-based heuristic, Constrained Marginal Analysis, is used
for faster-moving parts: this recognizes the problem that Marginal Analysis has
148 M. MacDonnell and B. Clegg

with parts with infrequent demand, namely marginal contribution that does not
diminish continually. Through its supply chain optimization project, which
included reducing inventory in the supply chain as well as in stores, Southwest cut
its 2003 budget for rotable purchase from $26 to $14M, identified $25M of excess
inventory and avoided repair costs of $2M, while increasing SL from 92 to 95%.
A model has been proposed using a small example for illustration (MacDonnell
and Clegg 2007), which involves using a linear programming model to pick an
optimum selection set of inventory levels for a connected set of parts. The
resulting solution should meet a target SL at the least overall cost. It is predicted
that this can be achieved on a larger scale by increasing stocks of cheap parts while
reducing stocks of expensive parts. The consequential equivalent SLs for the
individual inventory items will therefore deviate from the target SL but the global
SL is maintained. An issue that remains to be addressed is the different essentiality
levels of parts in the same inventory, as they have different SL requirements and
should contribute differently to a connected solution. A version of this model has
been tested with a large MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul service provider)
SR Technics (Armac 2007), showing potential for a 25% reduction in capital
investment in inventory based on a 4-month trial reviewing new purchase requests.
As part of the study, the company showed that a 2-day reduction in component
repair cycle time would enable a reduction of $7.5M in their UK inventory.

7.3 Formulation and Implementation of the New Solution

Table 7.1 shows the values of a Poisson distribution for a range of mean values.
This is used as the basis for planning inventory levels at the line-item level in
current industry practice. Thus, if a given part number fails an average of 3 times a
year, then a stock of 6 spares is needed to ensure that at least 95% of requests for
spares are met. Note that demand is scaled down to allow for the return of stock:
for example, if a removed item is missing from stock (in the repair cycle) for one-
tenth of a year, then it is available for nine tenths of the year, so demand is scaled
down by a factor of ten. In such a case, the demand figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 in
Table 7.1 would equate to failure rates of 20, 30, 40 and 50.
The conventional approach described above is limited as follows:

Table 7.1 Sample cumulative Poisson distribution values

Expected value, x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mean 2 0.41 0.68 0.86 0.95 0.98 1 1 1 1 1
3 0.20 0.42 0.65 0.82 0.92 0.97 0.99 1 1 1
4 0.09 0.24 0.43 0.63 0.79 0.89 0.95 0.98 0.99 1
5 0.04 0.12 0.27 0.44 0.62 0.76 0.87 0.93 0.97 0.99
7 A New Inventory Model for Aircraft Spares 149

– rounding of quantities means that the target SL is often exceeded;

– there is no reference to cost;
– the real objective is to attain a SL for the combined system of parts.
The new model is stated as follows: for the combined total number of demand
events, ensure that the SL is met. For instance, if the total number of events is
5,000 and target SL 95%, ensure that 4,750 requests are filled. Finding the solution
that achieves this at the least cost will increase stock performance for lower-value
parts and allow requests for high-value parts to fail relatively more often. This
problem is solved as a binary integer linear programming formulation as follows:
– variables are created for part number quantities in a defined range, such that
X1,1, X1,2, X1,3,… denote quantities of 1, 2, 3,… for part number 1;
– exactly one value from Xn,1, Xn,2, Xn,3,… is chosen (set to 1);
– the combination of values for all Xn items exceeds the SL by satisfying mini-
mum stock levels to meet total demand;
– the objective function is to minimize the combined value of the chosen stock
– A trivial linear programming formulation is shown in Fig. 7.2 above. Looking at
the binary constraint, there are two part numbers with five possible values each,
such that X1a represents a quantity of 1 for part number 1, X1b is quantity two

Fig. 7.2 Linear programming formulation

150 M. MacDonnell and B. Clegg

for part number 1, and so on. The binary constraint and integer declaration
require that X1 and X2 will have exactly one quantity variable selected.
– The SL constraint in Fig. 7.2 requires that the combined number of satisfied
requests for inventory for the two parts will exceed 47.5, which is the total
number of expected demand events multiplied by the target SL.
– The objective function in Fig. 7.2 minimizes the total cost of the solution that
satisfies the constraints above.
Figure 7.3 shows that the solution calls for a quantity of 5 of part number 1 and
3 of part number 2. Note that, while part 1 is more expensive ($12,072 compared
with $1,429 from Fig. 7.2), it also has a higher fill rate, so a quantity of 5 of part 1
gives 31.68 fills, compared with 16.83 for 5 of part 2 (SL constraint in Fig. 7.2).
The total cost is $64,647 and the SL attained is derived from the number of
fills = 31.68 ? 16.32 = 48. If the target fill rate of 47.5 represents 95% SL, then
the SL attained can be calculated as: 0.95 * (48/47.5) = 96%, or 48 out of 50.
Several variants of the conventional and linear programming models are tested
to give a rigorous assessment; these are tested for a range of scenarios derived
from a common data set. In all, five models were tested on five scenarios, giving
25 formulations and sets of results, which are presented in the next section.
The data set used is a sample provided for Boeing 737 fleet support by a large
maintenance organization. The actual inventory holdings are also presented for

Fig. 7.3 Linear programming solution

7 A New Inventory Model for Aircraft Spares 151

comparison. The sample contains 300 inventory line items, which is about one
tenth of a typical inventory package for an aircraft family.

7.4 Results and Analysis

Table 7.2 presents results for five models, each tested against a common group of
five data sets, numbered 1–5 for each model. The five data sets represent different
operational scenarios, such as larger fleet size and shorter repair time, to observe

Table 7.2 Results of multiple model tests for rotable inventory planning
Run SL Total cost Actual cost Total inventory Average item value
(%) ($M) ($M) count ($)
Actual 89 32.9 2325 14164
P1 96 15.3 17.6 995 15362
P2 94 14.0 19.0 930 15006
P3 96 13.2 19.8 865 15220
P4 93 25.2 1649 15294
P5 94 21.0 1338 15713
M1 96 11.1 21.8 1050 10597
M2 95 10.6 22.4 1006 10509
M3 96 9.5 23.4 916 10395
M4 99 25.2 2060 12227
M5 97 18.4 1623 11364
C1 95 11.8 21.1 979 12063
C2 95 11.8 21.0 982 12178
C3 95 10.6 22.3 820 12984
C4 95 23.0 1634 14083
C5 95 18.4 1389 13260
L1 94 10.3 22.6 1019 10106
L2 93 9.8 23.2 972 10035
L3 94 8.6 24.3 882 9807
L4 95 17.5 1785 9786
L5 95 14.6 1513 9665
L3-1 94 9.7 23.2 1006 9662
L3-2 91 8.7 24.2 932 9381
L3-3 94 8.3 24.6 854 9709
L3-4 94 16.4 1734 9469
L3-5 91 12.2 1381 8858
152 M. MacDonnell and B. Clegg

the effect of changing operational conditions and to add rigor to the evaluation.
The five scenarios are as follows:
(1) Base—operating conditions obtained from an actual fleet support case and
pertaining to the data set used
(2) Fewer—Airbus recommends lower SL values for non-essential parts than
Boeing does—{95, 89, 75%} against {95, 93, 90%}, so these values are used
as an alternative scenario.
(3) Faster—repair times are given as 20, 28 or 38 days in the test data set used. An
alternative scenario reduces this time by 5 days.
(4) Bigger—operators often question the increase in spare stock utilization that
would result from a greater fleet utilization, either by increasing flight activity
or pooling demand with another operator. This scenario assesses a doubling in
(5) Best—this scenario combines Airbus recommended SLs, reduced repair times
and higher utilization.
The five models shown include conventional practice (Poisson), a published
system-level heuristic (Marginal Analysis), a simple heuristic sorting parts into
cost bands (Cost-wise skewed) and two linear programming (LP) models. LP
models differ in their treatment of parts with different target SLs. As explained
earlier, there are typically three SL values used to reflect three levels of
essentiality of parts. The LP model above comprises a single, large formulation
where demand for items with lower essentiality is scaled down relative to
demand for the parts with highest SL. This is an approximation but has the
advantage of being a single, large model so could provide a more efficient
solution. The LP3 model solves three separate formulations for different target
SLs so removing the approximation introduced in the LP model by scaling
demand for parts with lower SL.
With reference to the columns in Table 7.2, Run lists the solution sets gener-
ated, SL shows the SL attained, Total Cost is the extended cost of the solution,
Actual-cost is the improvement over the current inventory holding, Total inventory
count is the number of parts prescribed and Average item value is the total cost
divided by the inventory count. The values for Actual-cost left empty reflect
scenarios 4 and 5, which represent doubling the size of the supported fleet, so
comparison with the actual inventory holding is not meaningful.
Looking at the results for each model, the five rows represent different sce-
narios, so that P1 to P5 use the same methodology (industry standard Poisson
analysis) on the five different variations of operational conditions described.
Turning to the results, the first finding is that the Poisson model over-stocks:
for P1, where the target SLs are 95, 93 and 90%, the overall achieved is 96%.
This is because the process operates at the part level to exceed the target,
giving an excessive combined result. The Marginal Analysis model also over-
shoots substantially, the Cost-Wise Skewed model reaches the highest SL, 95%,
and the two LP models have lower aggregate results, meaning that they are
more precise.
7 A New Inventory Model for Aircraft Spares 153

Comparing overall results for the different models, it is striking that the
actual observed stock performance gives low SL but high cost—this is thought
to result from a practice over many years of over-ordering expensive items
following a low stock event. Interviewing managers in the organization, the
root cause appears to be poor management of repair times and the fact the
management priority is seen to be stock availability, not total inventory cost.
Also, there is a sense that low-cost items are less important and thus receive
less attention, although clearly their importance is the same as that of more
costly items.
The Poisson model is the most expensive for all scenarios, while LP3 is the
least expensive. Marginal Analysis gives good results for the first three scenarios
but over-stocks for the larger utilization levels, which is a recognized flaw in the
model, referred to as the need for a concave distribution, or diminishing marginal
return, which does not occur for higher demand rates.
The Cost-Wise Skewed model, a simple spreadsheet model that groups parts by
cost and lowers SL for the highest-cost items, gives better results than current
practice, so would be useful as an improvement. However, the LP models gives
significantly better results and should be recommended in all cases as superior.
The LP3 model, which solves separate formulations for different SL values, is
significantly superior to the LP model that combines SL using scaled-down
demand for non-essential items.
As well as better targeting of SLs, as can be seen from the overall SL values in
Table 7.2, it can be seen that, for each solution that gives a lower total cost than its
predecessor, the average item value is lower. Thus, while the total number of parts
tends to increase, they are less expensive parts. This is consistent with the aim of
reaching target inventory performance at the lowest cost. Therefore, having a
higher inventory count is not a negative: if average cost is lower, then the total cost
is also lower. Simply put, the aim is to ensure that, if a given number of demand
failures are expected to occur, then it is preferable that the stock-outs be for the
most expensive parts.
Having examined the aggregate results, which promise a potential cost reduc-
tion of up to 40% comparing different models, it is interesting to examine the
distribution of the results. Current practice performs a line-by-line set of calcu-
lations, so there is no relative analysis in relation to cost. The other models take
cost into account, so it is expected that their results prescribed high stock levels for
low-cost parts with stock levels (and consequent SLs) falling in proportion to cost
for the items with higher value.
Figure 7.4, which shows part numbers in order of increasing value, confirms
that low-value parts have high SL performance as they are highly stocked, while
high-value items have decreasing stock levels and SL performance. The curves
plotted are for 5 scenarios tested using model LP3. The noise in the curves is
attributed to rounding of small stock numbers.
It can be seen from Fig. 7.4 that there are two dominant gradients in the results,
with a steep slope for the rightmost portion of approximately one-fifth of the data
range. Fitting lines to the data gives two slopes for the first 80% and top 20% by
154 M. MacDonnell and B. Clegg

Fig. 7.4 SL performance for parts ranked by value, 5 cases for LP3 model, with two gradient

value of the inventory list. The tangent of the left slope is approximated
as:ð0:9945  0:9482Þ=0:8 ¼ 0:058; giving anangle of 3:3 below horizontal:
The right-hand slope is approximated as:

ð0:9482  0:4917Þ=0:2 ¼ 2:285; which is thetangent of 66:4 :

This method of deriving gradients could be used to provide an approximation
tool for planning a large inventory set without performing a linear programming
analysis and offer the potential for a real-time heuristic planning a scenario
analysis tool.

7.5 Conclusions and Recommendations

for Improved Practice

This study shows that there is a clear benefit in planning rotable inventory stocks
by using a system-wide cost-oriented approach. This can achieve very significant
cost savings when compared with current practice.
The data set tested represents approximately one tenth of the inventory list held
in support of a large Boeing 737 fleet. The actual value of the inventory holding for
the part number selection tested is over $30M, so a total estimate of up to $300M
is given to this operational scenario. The potential to reduce this investment by up
to 40% gives strong motivation for any large operator to move beyond current
practice and implement an optimization model such as that presented here.
The model shown here has been implemented as an enterprise application and
tested on full sets of fleet data. This data and the results are not disclosed for
7 A New Inventory Model for Aircraft Spares 155

commercial reasons, but inventory value reductions of 20–40% have been pre-
dicted in several instances, without loss of performance (SL).
Without implementing the large-scale, complex and intensive LP solution, it is
possible to apply gradients derived from test results to give a scaled prioritization
of inventory holdings in order of cost. For example, it is feasible to prescribe that
the lowest-value parts seek 99.45% SL, with the highest-value in the band of 80%
of part numbers having an SL target of 94.82%, with a slope of 0.058 for part
numbers between these limits, and a similar graduation of parts in the top 20%
band with limits of 94.82 and 49.17% and a slope of 2.285. The results of both the
LP solution and the proposed gradient heuristic are easily checked by calculating
the total number of demand fills by each line item, and the resulting global SL
In conclusion, current practice, which mainly employs the Poisson calculation,
is far from optimal and there are significant benefits to using a system-wide LP
solution for planning aircraft rotable inventory levels. Where it is not feasible to
formulate and run the LP model, the gradient heuristic will give a good approx-
imation of the LP results.


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Chapter 8
Forecasting and Inventory Management
for Spare Parts: An Installed Base

Stefan Minner

8.1 Introduction

As customers are more demanding with respect to after sales operations and
service level agreements put challenging availability targets on equipment uptime,
the provision and deployment of service parts becomes of focal interest for many
original equipment manufacturers. High demand variability and uncertainty driven
by different phases of a product’s and its critical components life-cycles make
spare parts demand forecasting and safety inventory management a major chal-
lenge. Boone et al. (2008) identify service parts demand forecasting as the
unanimously agreed challenge in service parts management in their Delphi study
with senior service parts managers. Parts management of a non-stationary demand
process over the phases of series production, end-of-production (EOP), end-of-
service (EOS), and end-of-life (EOL) is even further complicated by heteroge-
neous customers and different ages of equipment in use due to different points in
time of purchases and component replacements.
Mainstream stochastic inventory management approaches for spare parts make
use of distributional assumptions for demands. In reality, distributions and their
parameters are hardly known and need to be estimated. Practical suggestions
recommend the use of time series based forecasting approaches and derive safety
stock requirements from observed forecast errors. Boylan and Syntetos (2008) give
a recent excellent overview and classification in the area of service parts demand
forecasting. These ideas are supported by many Advanced Planning Systems and
commercial service parts supply chain solutions, e.g., SAP Service Parts Planning.
According to the literature, e.g., Dickersbach (2007), the majority of methods
offered by these systems are standard time series forecasting methods including

S. Minner (&)
University of Vienna, Brünner Straße 72, 1210 Vienna, Austria

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 157

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_8,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
158 S. Minner

extensions to intermittent demand patterns. The life-cycle dynamics are incorpo-

rated by specifying certain phase-in and phase-out patterns.
In this paper we pursue a causal demand modeling approach that combines
theoretical models from reliability pham (2003) and inventory theory Silver et al.
(1998) to derive improved service parts demand forecasts. Information technology,
machine monitoring tools, and detailed maintenance data from customers provide
additional knowledge on age and status of products and systems in use, and about
customer maintenance and replacement policies. This data, in the following gen-
erally referred to as installed base information, can be used to improve spare parts
demand models compared to the application of basic time series methods often
found in practice. Song and Zipkin (1996) present a state-dependent inventory
management approach which is related to the idea to base service parts demands
on the state of current installed base. Ihde et al. (1999) propose the use of con-
tinuous reliability models to estimate the market potential of service parts demand.
Schomber (2007) provides an overview and a simulation study to quantify the
value of age-based information. Jalil et al. (2009) investigate the value of installed
base data quality in the context of IBM’s service parts network. Their focus is
especially on geographical aspects of stock and customer locations.
We present an integrated life-cycle demand modeling and inventory manage-
ment framework that exploits different kinds of available information about
installed base. The focus is especially on low volume, high value products and
components, e.g., complex engines or medical equipment. The implementation of
the framework is illustrated by a stylized service parts system that consists of the
following model components. For every point in time, the state of the system from
the perspective of a service parts provider is represented by the number of products
in use, differentiated by age category. Sales of original parts follow some life-
cycle pattern under uncertainty. The products and components respectively have a
random life-time and failure characteristic with given probability distributions, and
the customers follow some well known maintenance and replacement policies,
e.g., age replacement or block replacement. This information is used to parame-
terize the required demand distributions for different inventory management
decisions and is dynamically updated. In situations of closed loop inventory sys-
tems where product returns, disassembly, and remanufacturing can be used as an
alternative source for service parts requirements, the proposed methodology is
capable to further strengthen the estimation of returns and their dependency on
past sales. Spengler and Schröter (2003), e.g., use a system dynamics approach to
model the complex interdependencies in such a system. As illustrated in Inderfurth
and Mukherjee (2008), a stochastic dynamic programming decision support
framework requires this information to dynamically optimize manufacturing and
remanufacturing decisions.
Based on a small simulation experiment we illustrate the benefits of this
accurate but more complex approach over simple time series based forecasting
techniques and forecast error driven safety stock setting approaches for different
life-cycle patterns of products and different phases of a product’s life-cycle.
Section 8.2 gives an overview on main ingredients of the modeling framework
8 Forecasting and Inventory Management for Spare Parts 159

with respect to demand life-cycle, inventory management, and maintenance

policies. In Sect. 8.3 we present the installed base forecasting and inventory
management concept which is further illustrated and benchmarked against sim-
ple-minded time series smoothing forecasting approaches in Sect. 8.4. Conclusions
and an outline for future research and refinements of the concept are given in
Sect. 8.5.

8.2 Foundations of Dynamic Service Parts Management

Dynamic service parts management explicitly addresses the different phases

during a product’s life cycle. The first phase from the perspective of service parts
management is from product introduction and therefore ramp-up of parts manu-
facturing to end of sales and EOP. After sales operations then take place until the
EOS, the most critical phase for the provision of service parts if they are no longer
produced together with parts for new products. From EOS until the EOL, there
might still be products in use, but without any obligation to provide service parts.
The following subsections sketch modeling basics for the different phases that are
used to present the installed based demand modeling framework in Sect. 8.3.

8.2.1 Spare Parts Forecasting and the Product Life Cycle

Let Dt denote the original equipment sales in period t for the product under
consideration. As a modeling example, the demands might follow some theoretical
demand distribution where mean demand follows a suggested life-cycle pattern
function. In the literature, two popular functional representations are
1. Albach–Brockhoff formula (with parameters a, b, c)

Dt ¼ atb ect ð8:1Þ

2. Logistic growth function (with parameters a, b, c) where St denotes cumulative

sales until period t
St ¼ : ð8:2Þ
1 þ ebct

For modeling uncertain product demands, the above functional representation

needs to be extended by a measure of demand variability, or following some
stochastic process (see, e.g., Beichelt 2006). Independence of demands between
periods is not a necessary assumption for the following modeling and can be
160 S. Minner

supplemented by some autocorrelation function, e.g., as it is typical for automotive

sales, see Stephan et al. (2009).

8.2.2 Spare Parts Inventory Management

Incorporating life-cycle dynamics, the foremost difference of strategic service

parts inventory management is a non-stationary demand process. In the following,
we use service parts and spare parts interchangeably. Because of different man-
ufacturing options in the production and after sales phase, and potentially different
service level requirements for service parts, not only the demand process but also
other parameters require stochastic dynamic modeling for inventory management,
though the available literature and main results are predominantly for stationary
inventory models (see, e.g., Silver et al. 1998).
Kennedy et al. (2002) give an overview on spare parts inventory management.
Important ingredients for service parts inventory management are customer spe-
cific service level requirements from service level agreements, e.g., product
availability often represented by non-stockout probability in planning frameworks.
Further, inventory management tasks can be classified into short term operational
replenishment operations where, according to some replenishment concepts and
rules, service parts are reordered from a single or multiple suppliers (e.g., Minner
2003) and medium term strategic tasks like volume contracting and inventory
placement (Minner 2000). The latter comprises where to stock service parts
(centrally or decentrally) and how much to stock (strategic safety stock levels). In
contrast to operational replenishment planning, the strategic planning of inven-
tories uses aggregate forecasts for service parts demands and is the special focus of
the following installed base modeling framework. Sherbrooke (2004) and
Muckstadt (2005) are respective state-of-the-art monographs for multi-echelon
techniques in inventory management for service parts. For the one-time service
parts provision at the time of end-of-production, Teunter (1998) provides an
overview and several research contributions to inventory modeling.

8.2.3 Reliability, Maintenance, and Repair Policies

Explaining service parts demands by a causal method requires knowledge about

the interaction of component reliability, maintenance policies, and repair and
replacement behavior of product users. An important initial driver for service parts
demands is component failure. However, not every failure generates a service part
demand if the component can be repaired, the component will be replaced by a
substitute or competitor product, or if the failure yields to the end-of-use of the
entire product. Secondly, the maintenance and replacement policy influences
service parts demands. For example, under age replacement, a component is
8 Forecasting and Inventory Management for Spare Parts 161

replaced upon failure, but at the latest after a maximum age has been reached.
Under block replacement, a failed component is either repaired or replaced by a
new one, for an overview, see, e.g., Dohi et al. (2003). The knowledge about
customers’ maintenance and replacement policies therefore can yield a significant
improvement and this knowledge can be utilized in order to parameterize the
component demand models presented in the following.

8.3 Installed Base Demand and Return Forecasts

The following presents a state-dependent forecasting and service parts demand

planning framework with age-based installed base information. The state of the
system in a given period is specified by the composition of the number of products
in use in that period being detailed by age.

8.3.1 Product Level Dynamics

We follow a discrete time approach and for ease of presentation assume that states
and dynamics are recorded at the end of the respective time periods t = 1, 2,…,
EOS. The installed base dynamics are driven by new product sales Dt entering the
base and end-of-use products leaving the base. The sequence of events assumed for
the following presentation of state dynamics is: demands occur, maintenance and
replacement of components is performed, end-of-use of products is recorded, and
finally, the installed base record is updated.
Let Bt and Bit denote the number of products in total and with age i at the end of
period t, respectively. For notational convenience, let B0;t1 ¼ Dt . Further, let Eit
denote the number of end-of-use products that leave the system with age i at the
end of period t prior to installed base recording. Then, the dynamics for the age-
specific number of products is
Bit ¼ Bi1; t1  Eit t ¼ 1; . . .; EOS; i ¼ 1; . . .; t: ð8:3Þ
Table 8.1 shows these dynamics over time and per age category.

Table 8.1 Installed base dynamics

B1t B2t … Bit
t=1 D1 - E11
t=2 D2 - E12 D1 - E11 - E22
t=3 D3 - E13 D2 - E12 - E23
… …
t Dt - E1t Dt-1 - E, t-1 - E2, t P
Dtiþ1  Ej; tiþj
162 S. Minner

Let pi denote the probability that a product of age i is taken out of use in an
arbitrary period. p1 denotes the probability that the sale of a period is no longer in
use in the next period. Assuming independence of end-of-use within and between
age categories, each component failure follows a Bernoulli process and the end-of-
use by age category follows a binomial distribution with parameters Bi-1,t-1 and pi.
Bi1; t1 e
PðEit ¼ eÞ ¼ pi ð1  pi ÞBi1; t1 e e ¼ 0; . . .; Bi1; t1 : ð8:4Þ
The total number of end-of-use products in period t is the sum of the age-
specific quantities for all ages up to t,
Et ¼ Eit : ð8:5Þ

The distribution of total end-of-use Et given the installed base at the end of
period t - 1 is the sum of t (independent) binomially distributed random variables.
The convolution can numerically be determined recursively as follows.
PðEk ¼ eÞ ¼ PðEk1 ¼ jÞPðEkt ¼ e  jÞ k ¼ 2; . . .; t and E1 ¼ E1t :

Starting with the distribution of products with age 1, E1t, the probability that
e products of age k and less are taken out of use is given by all possible combi-
nations of j products with maximum age k - 1 and e - j products of age k. This is
recursively repeated until the distribution of the number with age k = t has been

8.3.2 Component Level Dynamics

Each product might consist of multiple critical components. At the component

level, the dynamics are driven by sales, ageing, end-of-use-process, and compo-
nent replacement. For notational convenience, we assume bill-of-material coeffi-
cients being equal to one between component and product level. Further, it is
assumed that there will be no multiple failures for the same product within a
period, though this restricting assumption can easily be relaxed to general failure
characteristics. As the age of the product in use and its built-in components might
differ due to maintenance and replacement, we will detail components in the
following by age of the associated product and age of the respective component or
Let Cijt define the number of components of age i in a product of age j (i B j) at
the end of period t. Further, let qi denote the probability that a component of age
i has to be replaced. Mijt denotes the number of replaced components of age i in
8 Forecasting and Inventory Management for Spare Parts 163

products of age j in period t that are added to component age category 1 and leave
component age category i. Then, the component state dynamics are given by
> Dt  E1t i ¼ 1; j ¼ 1
< Pj
Cijt ¼ Mkjt i ¼ 1; j ¼ 2; . . .; t : ð8:7Þ
> k¼1
Ci1; j1; t1  Mijt  Eijt j ¼ 2; . . .; t; i ¼ 2; . . .; j
In the first row, the number of components in products of age 1 is equal to
demand less first-period end-of-use. In the second row, the number of components
of age 1 in products with an age j is equal to all component failures from products
of age j in period t. The last row shows component dynamics where the number of
components equals the number in the corresponding category at the end of the
previous period less the number of component failures and of components within
products that were terminated. Then, the total number of replaced components is

t X
Mt ¼ Mijt : ð8:8Þ
j¼1 i¼1

Assuming independence as done for the analysis on the product level, Mijt is
binomially distributed with parameters qi and Ci1; j1; t1: .
Ci1; j1; t1 m
PðMijt ¼ mÞ ¼ qi ð1  qi ÞCi1; j1; t1 m m ¼ 0; . . .; Ci1; j1; t1 :
For the service parts demand in a period driven by failures of components
within that periods sales, we find
PðM11t ¼ mÞ ¼ PðDt ¼ dÞqm
1 ð1  q1 Þ : ð8:10Þ

Using (8.9) and (8.10) in (8.8) and applying the same convolution logic as
presented in the previous subsection, the probability distribution of total compo-
nent demands can be determined.

8.3.3 Derivation of Future Installed Base Distributions

As a result of the above state analysis, we can derive the probability distributions
of future service parts requirements given the installed base information at the end
of period t. Note that this information can be used in a manifold way, to give a
single value demand forecast (e.g., mean, median or mode demand), give a
confidence interval, or directly use this distribution for inventory planning and
contracting purposes.
164 S. Minner

The future demand distribution can be developed using convolutions of indi-

vidual age category demands. For the age-specific installed base volumes of the
next period we find

PðBiþ1; tþ1 ¼ 8
bjBit Þ
<P 1
PðDtþ1 ¼ dÞPðEiþ1; tþ1 ¼ Bit þ d  bÞ i ¼ t; t  EOP
¼ d¼0
PðEiþ1; tþ1 ¼ Bit  bÞ i\t or t [ EOP
The determination of the probability distribution of next period’s installed base
differs for periods before EOP and after EOP. Before EOP, the probability that
b units are in use, given that currently the base consists of Bit is given by all
combinations of new sales Dt+1 and end-of-use Et+1 that yield a new base of
b. After EOP with end-of-use only, it is determined by the probability that end-of-
use products equal the difference in installed base.
For the determination of the probability distribution of service parts demands in
the next period, we use (8.8). The convolution can be performed sequentially as
described above for total end-of-use in (8.5) using (8.10) and (8.9).

8.4 Numerical Study

In order to illustrate the benefits of the above installed base dynamics analysis,
we use a simple comparison with exponential smoothing based methods in
the following. The proposed installed-base approach is benchmarked against
simple first-order exponential smoothing (though not being appropriate under a
life-cycle pattern driven random demand model from a theoretical perspective),
the naïve forecast that next period service parts demands will equal the observed
service parts demand from the current period, and an experience driven smoothing
forecast that updates service parts demand observed in a certain period t of the
life-cycle over the repetitions of the simulation.

8.4.1 Experimental Design

The experimental design and the required parameters are set as follows. Demand and Life-Cycle Function

We use two life-cycle settings with a short and a long production cycle. The
parameters that represent dynamic mean demand development are LC-1 (life-cycle
8 Forecasting and Inventory Management for Spare Parts 165

Type 1) with a = 1,000, b = 2, c = 1, EOP = 5, and EOS is either 10 or 15. In

the second set LC-2 (life-cycle Type 2) we use a = 150, b = 2, c = 0.4,
EOP = 10, and EOS either 15 or 20. Figure 8.1 shows the dynamic development
of expected demands over time.
Demand uncertainty is represented by assuming that period demands are
independently Gamma-distributed with the mean according to the life-cycle pat-
tern and the coefficient of variation cv = r/l selected from {0.2, 0.4, 0.8} and
assumed to be independent of time. End-of-Use and Component Failure Characteristics

We consider two kinds of component replacement and end-of-use probability

characteristics, constant (age-independent) and increasing with age. The chosen
values are pt = 0.1 and qt [ {0.2, 0.1} for all t = 1, … , EOS and pt = 1/max
{1, 10 - t} and qt [ {1/max{1, 5 - t} , 1/max{1, 10 - t}} for all t = 1, … , EOS.
In total, we have 48 different parameter configurations; each of them is
replicated 500 times.

8.4.2 Illustrative Results

Figure 8.2 shows an example of a single simulation run and illustrates original
product sales, service parts demand, and total installed base volume for each
period until EOS.
Table 8.2 shows the installed base specified by age of the built-in components
at the end of period 10, taken from one single simulation example.
In the following we benchmark the installed-base driven inventory planning
approach against three simple smoothing based methods.

Fig. 8.1 Life cycle patterns

LC-1 (left) and LC-2 (right)
166 S. Minner

Fig. 8.2 Simulation example: sales, service parts demand, and installed base

Table 8.2 Installed base detailed by age of built-in components

Product age Component age
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 350
2 17 89
3 50 35 297
4 28 24 17 139
5 18 13 11 6 89
6 5 6 5 4 2 30
7 6 5 2 2 5 4 18
8 21 18 17 8 13 8 8 67
9 13 7 8 7 0 4 3 3 20
10 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 4 0 5

1. First-order exponential smoothing with smoothing constant a = 0.3, chosen at

the upper range of typical text-book recommendations. The starting value for
smoothing is set equal to first period service parts demand.
2. Naïve forecast by using the last observation as the forecast for the next period
(note that this is a special case of 1 with a = 1).
3. Exponential smoothing driven learning: Here a specific forecast for each period
(phase) of the life-cycle is smoothed over the 500 replications of the simulation
to imitate long experience of service parts demand over previous products
having the same life-cycle characteristics. The used smoothing constant is set
equal to a = 0.1 at the lower range of recommended parameters to prevent too
volatile estimates in the learning environment.
For each method, the forecast error is dynamically monitored using the mean
squared error MSE which is then used to update the required inventory level by
using the currently available value of MSE instead of the variance of a theoretical
demand distribution.
The required strategic target inventory level for the next period then is set equal
to the derived service parts forecast plus a safety factor k times the estimated
standard deviation of service parts demands. The required safety factor was set to
k = 1.282. As we consider a strategic inventory approach with annual inventory
8 Forecasting and Inventory Management for Spare Parts 167

targets, short term, operational lead times are negligible. For the installed base
method, we use the derived service parts demand distribution and set the required
inventory level such that a non-stockout probability of 90% is guaranteed.
Table 8.3 shows the average inventory increase of the respective smoothing
method over the installed base approach. On average over all considered problem
instances, the information on installed base and its incorporation into tactical target
inventory planning offers an inventory reduction potential of 16% (over the
learning approach) to 50% (over simple first-order exponential smoothing). The
other rows in Table 8.3 show the respective increases of inventory levels detailed
by design parameters, that is for all instances having the same characteristics or
parameter as indicated in the first column.
As an inherent shortcoming from the exponential smoothing based methods, the
ex-ante learning capability lags behind the life-cycle development until end-of-
production and in the after-production phase, fails to properly adapt for end-of-use
and component failures that drive service parts demands. As a consequence, these
approaches do not meet the required service target early and overachieve the target
later. In order to prevent this happening, knowledge about the life-cycle has to be
incorporated. A detailed comparison for each varied parameter characteristic
shows that especially life-cycles with irregular pattern and early end-of-production
(LC-1) and late EOS have the largest impact on inventory improvement using
installed base information. The coefficient of demand variation and failure char-
acteristics do not show a clear indication of differences in improvements.
For all forecasting methods, Fig. 8.3 shows the average inventories over all 500
replications of the instance with life-cycle type 2, EOS = 15, cv = 0.4, pt = 0.1,
and qt = 0.2 detailed by the period within the life-cycle.
During the early production cycle, all smoothing methods adapt too slowly to
the service parts demands whereas in the after-sales phase with increasing
replacements and end-of-use, they do not adapt fast enough to the decreasing
number of components in use.

Table 8.3 Average relative inventory differences: time series versus installed base
Exp. smoothing (%) Naive (%) Learning (%)
LC-1 64 43 22
LC-2 36 17 9
EOS = EOP ? 5 39 23 13
EOS = EOP ? 10 66 37 16
cv = 0.2 49 29 13
cv = 0.4 44 26 24
cv = 0.8 56 34 9
p = 0.1, q = 0.2 27 17 12
p = 0.1, q = 0.1 39 24 15
p = 1/(10 - t), q = 1/(5 - t) 76 45 19
p = 1/(10 - t), q = 1/(10 - t) 59 35 16
All instances 50 30 16
168 S. Minner

Fig. 8.3 Development of average inventory levels for different methods

8.5 Summary and Conclusions

We have presented a framework for using information about product and com-
ponent installed-base, component age distributions according to previous main-
tenance and replacement that is provided by recent information technology and
equipment monitoring tools. We illustrated the value of this knowledge for
medium term inventory forecasts, e.g., in negotiations and volume contracting
with component suppliers after end-of-production. Compared to (admittedly not
appropriate but widely used for dynamic service parts demand forecasting) simple
time series methods for predicting service parts demands, the framework offers a
substantial inventory reduction potential, especially for longer life-cycles. The
approach offers a framework to unlock the value of information in service parts
management by transforming the knowledge about sales, maintenance and
replacement characteristics and the current age-structure of components in the
product base into a statistical model for mid-term inventory planning.
The presented framework can be adapted and extended into different directions.
Most obvious, a comparison with more sophisticated time series methods is
required to assess the full benefits of the proposed framework. In addition, other
error measures than MSE can be utilized when comparing the different forecasting
methods. The exemplary analysis can further be refined by introducing different
customer classes with individual product use and component replacement distri-
butions. As an example, consider customers replacing certain components under a
maintenance contract and age replacement. Several assumptions about the avail-
ability and observability of information are quite strong, especially about the end-
of-use characteristics and customer loyalty to OEM parts when components need
to be replaced. Depending on the industry and product under consideration, the
available data and its quality might differ. Some or all of the parameters that were
assumed to be given need to be estimated too, e.g., within a Bayesian framework.
Another fruitful application is to extend the methodology to multi-step forecasts,
e.g., when the EOL procurement decision needs to be taken (e.g., Teunter and
Fortuin 1999). However, then the determination of the total service parts demand
distribution over several future periods is somewhat more complicated as service
parts requirements of consecutive periods are correlated (through the dependence
of base dynamics and component dynamics). As a venue for computational
8 Forecasting and Inventory Management for Spare Parts 169

simplifications, instead of determining the exact distributions of a sum of binomial

distributions, for sufficiently large base volumes, we could approximate the
binomial by normal distributions where then, the sum of the normal distributions is
again normally distributed.


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Chapter 9
A Decision Making Framework
for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts
in Case of Lumpy Demand: Action
Research in the Avionic Sector

M. Macchi, L. Fumagalli, R. Pinto and S. Cavalieri

9.1 Introduction

Traditionally, maintenance has been considered as a core in-house activity. Only a

few years ago outsourcing maintenance has become a common practice (Taracki
et al. 2006). According to Harland et al. (2003), ‘‘outsourcing involves the use of
specialists to provide competences, technologies and resources’’. Three funda-
mental factors nowadays bring firms to use outsourcing in maintenance: (i) cost
reduction, since providers are more experienced, thus they can provide better
service efficiency; (ii) more skills, since using external resources is a way to
rapidly get new skills via qualified people and specific instruments; (iii) a highest
service level, since this is normally bound to penalties established during the
contracting phase measured by clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to which
the provider is duly responsible.
A well known contractual instrument to this concern is the Service Level
Agreement (SLA). SLA allows the customer to evaluate a provider’s performances
and pay the service accordingly. The basis of this contract clause is the definition of a
Service Level (SL) to be granted by the provider and, then, a no-claim bonus malus

M. Macchi (&)  L. Fumagalli

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale, Politecnico di Milano,
Piazza leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan, Italy
L. Fumagalli
R. Pinto  S. Cavalieri
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Bergamo,
Viale marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine, Bergamo, Italy
S. Cavalieri

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 171

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_9,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
172 M. Macchi et al.

Table 9.1 Example of processes involved in outsourcing contracts (adapted from Kumar et al.
Candidate processes Main activities
Operative Includes all the activities at the operational level, such as the equipment
maintenance repair, intervention preparation, intervention reporting, and so forth
Maintenance Includes all the activities at the management level, such as the work order
management requests management, work order assignment, operative data storage,
resources management, and so forth
Contractual Includes all the activities needed to transfer administrative information,
management contracts and documents between customers and provider
Data management Includes all the activities related to the acquisition and transfer of data from
the equipment in a customer’s site to the provider’s service workshop,
for their further analysis in maintenance engineering, condition
monitoring, and so forth
Spare parts Includes the acquisition and storage of spare parts and analysis on data
management regarding spare parts logistics
Maintenance Includes all the activities aimed at improving the performances of the
engineering maintenance contract by leveraging on preventive (cyclic and condition
based) maintenance and proactive maintenance
KPI monitoring Includes the monitoring of maintenance activities, at different level of
analysis (e.g., KPI at operative, tactical, strategic level)
Training activities Includes the activities offered to the customer’s maintenance personnel in
order to enable the transfer of information and knowhow required by
the maintenance interventions

system to manage differences between the SL and the effective outcomes, measured
by a KPIs’ dashboard covering the main aspects included in the outsourcing scope.
A critical issue that may arise when discussing about maintenance outsourcing
regards the identification of the processes that can be effectively outsourced. In
order to provide a quick reference, Table 9.1—adapted from Kumar et al.
(2004)—presents, with no claim of exhaustiveness, a range of candidate processes
for outsourcing.
In this chapter we consider the case of an Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) contractually committed—in its role of service provider—to execute four
of the above mentioned processes:
Operative Maintenance: the OEM performs repair activities on pieces of equip-
ment sent from the customer to a centralized service workshop.
Maintenance Management: the OEM manages work order requests for the repair
activities coming from different customers’ sites.
Contractual Management: all interventions are reported and any document
required in the contract is duly completed to be available for customer’s audits.
Spare Parts Management: whenever a defect is detected at the service workshop,
the component must be replaced; the OEM is responsible for the availability of
the proper components at the repairing premises.
Focusing in particular on the Spare Parts Management process, a structured
procedure supporting the management of a service contract from the OEM
standpoint is presented. Such a procedure tackles three main decisions:
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 173

1. to detain or not stocks of a spare item in the OEM’s service workshop;

2. to define the right level of inventories of a spare item, given it is detained;
3. to keep in stock full assemblies or sub-assemblies, in case of complex bill of
Although there is a huge body of academic literature devoted to provide a valid
and pragmatic answer to these questions, in the experience of the authors quite few
industrial companies seem to apply them rigorously and consistently. Two main
challenges arise, making difficult the utilization of models and methods normally
known from literature: first of all, each piece of equipment, subject to the repair
activities and replacement with spare items, runs in different operating conditions/
mission profiles, i.e. depending upon the diverse locations of the customers
worldwide; secondly, there is a partial or total lack of visibility on how each
equipment is actually utilized on field.
In such a context, the adoption of a decision making procedure has been pre-
ferred to specific analytical approaches. At each step of the procedure, simple tools
and algorithms have been devised to progressively solve the spare parts man-
agement problem. The proposal of such a procedure is an evolution of a series of
works on this subject carried out by the same authors as a result of collaborations
with companies operating in different industrial sectors. The positive feedbacks
gained from the industrial partners support the authors’ assumption that an ade-
quate combination of simple tools—already available in literature and collected
for their use in a structured procedure—can lead to a robust decision even in a
complex industrial environment.
The problem-solving orientation of the research and the strong collaborative
and participative pattern of relationship with the industrial counterpart—operating
in the avionic sector—enforced the idea to use Action Research as the most
suitable research methodology for this specific study. Scope, objectives, content
and main decisions have been carried out with a strong involvement of the
management of the company, thus being quite confident that its main findings are
likely to be of high relevance to at least a section of the practitioner community
(e.g. the immediate industrial partner and other companies operating in the same
The decision making framework, derived from a recent published contribution
of the same authors (Cavalieri et al. 2008), is described in Sect. 9.2. By using this
framework also as a taxonomy, an in-depth review is presented in the same section
providing a quick summary of the main models and methods for managing
maintenance spare parts available in literature. In Sect. 9.2 motivations for using
the action research as a research methodology are provided. The action research in
the avionic sector is then described in Sect. 9.4: the full demonstration of the
decision making framework is provided by presenting, in context of the action
research, the use of models and methods selected from literature as promising
‘‘tools’’ for factual and quantitative assessment. Section 9.5 draws some con-
clusions by discussing the managerial implications related to the adoption of the
framework; besides, some recommendations for future researches are outlined.
174 M. Macchi et al.

9.2 Spare Parts Management: A Brief Literature Review

Spare parts management is undoubtedly not a novel topic in the academic and
industrial world. Several approaches, coming mainly from logistics, operations
management and operations research communities, have been proposed in the past.
Given the plethora of contributions, there have been many systematic overviews
and comprehensive surveys, among which it is worthwhile to cite the works of
Guide and Srivastava (1997) and Kennedy et al. (2002).
A visible fall-out of such an intensive strive has been the development and
commercial proposal of numerous vertical IT solutions, often hyped to the
potential industrial customers as the real panacea for their day-by-day issues in
managing their spare parts inventory. Not neglecting the substantial added value
provided by some of these solutions, what seems really missing in the industrial
practice is the capability to follow a sound and consistent logical procedure in
tackling the spare part management problem. This motivated the same authors to
propose in Cavalieri et al. (2008) a stepwise decision making path in order to
orienteer an industrial manager on how to pragmatically handle the management
of maintenance spare parts in an industrial company. The framework is organized
into five sequential steps: (i) Part coding, (ii) Part classification, (iii) Part demand
forecasting, (iv) Stock management policy selection, (v) Policy test and validation.
A summary of the objectives of each step is provided in Table 9.2.
Since in the performed action research the part coding resulted as a non-critical
step, the remainder of this chapter will specifically address the other four phases.

9.2.1 Part Classification

The identification of criticality of spare items is the primary output of part clas-
sification. This is normally obtained by considering different aspects of the parts
and the considered environment. It is worth noticing that there are several defi-
nitions of criticality; hence it is useful to delineate criticality in a meaningful way
for the purposes of the chapter.
According to Dekker et al. (1998), criticality is the level of importance of a
piece of equipment for sustaining production in a safe and efficient way. A clas-
sification of level of equipment criticality can be used to put evidence on the
critical spare parts which deserve more attention and are to be kept in stock to
sustain production. Along with Huiskonen (2001), the criticality of a spare item is
related to the consequences caused by the failure of a part on the process in case a
replacement is not readily available. Hence, it could be named as process criti-
cality. Therefore, a spare part can be considered critical for the process when it
causes either long lasting or frequent stoppages (see also Schultz 2004), while no
alternative production facility is available in order to guarantee the production
continuity (see also Gajpal et al. 1994).
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 175

Table 9.2 The five decision making steps of the framework (adapted from Cavalieri et al. 2008)
Steps Objectives and contents
Part coding A specific spare item coding system has to provide a prompt
understanding of the technical features of the item, the equipment
tree it refers to, the involved supplier (especially for specific and
on-design parts) and, for stocked items, their physical location in
the warehouse. A part coding system is mandatory in order to
make decisions properly, since it realizes a rationalized set of data
on which decisions can rely upon
Part classification A proper classification of spare items is needed because of the high
variety of materials used for maintenance and repair purposes;
their technical and economical features can be highly different. A
proper classification system should give fundamental information
for establishing the criticality and, as a consequence, the strategies
for developing the logistics for different classes of maintenance
spare parts
Part demand forecasting Special forecasting techniques are required for some types of spare
items. Neglecting consumables, a common feature of many spare
items is their relative low level of consumption, due to breakdown
or preventive maintenance. Sometimes, time intervals between
requests span over several years. Moreover, the consumption rate
of a spare part is highly dependent on the number of pieces of
equipment where the part is installed, as well as its intrinsic level
of reliability
Stock management policy A stock management policy customized upon each class of spare
selection items is required; it might range from no-stock and on-demand
policies to the traditional EOQ-RL (Economic Order Quantity -
Reorder Level) approach
Policy test and validation Test and validation of the results achieved applying the above
mentioned steps are to be accomplished and refinement may be
applied when necessary. This can be obtained by what-if analysis
carried out in different scenarios of consumption and supply/repair
of the spare items

Beside aspects concerning the consequences on the process, other aspects are
related to the possibilities to control the logistics in a given service supply chain
setting. To this concern, the same Huiskonen (2001) suggests a so called control
criticality, including aspects more related to criticality in managing the spare
parts logistics as: (i) the availability of spare part suppliers, (ii) the supply lead-
times, (iii) the presence of standard versus user-defined features of a spare item,
(iv) the purchasing and inventory holding costs, (v) the demand patterns (either
easing or not the predictability of the maintenance events). Other authors mention
aspects related to the control criticality as the case of Haffar (1995), Dhillon
(2002), Mukhopadhyay et al. (2003), Syntetos (2001) and Ghobbar and Friend
Part classification methods represent a support in considering all the aspects
needed to characterize both the process and the control criticality. A part classi-
fication may adopt both quantitative methods, implying the adoption of drivers
176 M. Macchi et al.

Table 9.3 Short review of methods for part classification

Types of methods Main references
Quantitative methods based on traditional Haffar (1995): ABC analysis of logistics
Pareto approaches, single-driver (only one performances. This analysis typically enables
driver used) to focus on a specific aspect, like for example,
in the case of turnover rate, identifying slow
moving spares or even low rotating items
Quantitative methods based on traditional Schultz (2004): ABC analysis of MTTF (Mean
Pareto approaches, multiple-drivers (more Time To Failure) and MDT (Mean Down
drivers combined) Time). This analysis enables to identify the
spare items which deserve more attention
since they cause a process criticality, either
due to frequent failures (low MTTF) or long
lasting stoppages (high MDT) or both
Dhillon (2002): ABC analysis of annual demand
and annual purchasing cost. This analysis
enables to identify the spare items which
deserve attention because of their control
criticality, having major concern to their
contribution in the annual maintenance budget
Quantitative methods based on the analysis of Mukhopadhyay et al. (2003): Analysis of the
the demand patterns demand patterns based on measurements of
the moving rates for each period. This
analysis leads to identify the Fast (F), Slow
(S), Non Moving (N) spare items, based on
number of the parts consumed for each
period (FSN approach)
Syntetos (2001) and Ghobbar and Friend
(2002): Analysis of the demand patterns
based on the measurements of the average
time between two consecutive orders of the
same part and the variation of the demand
size. This analysis leads to four classes of
demand patterns, based on combinations of
the average time between orders and
variation of the demand size: smooth,
intermittent, erratic and lumpy demand
In both cases, the demand patterns measure
aspects of control criticality
Qualitative methods based on consultation with Mukhopadhyay et al. (2003): Analysis of the
maintenance experts subjective judgment of how Vital (V),
Desirable (D), Essential (E) is considered a
spare item for a system (VED analysis on
the process criticality)
Gajpal et al. (1994): VED analysis applied to
the scores assigned by means of
consultation of experts through an Analytic
Hierarchic Process (AHP) (for details on
AHP, see Saaty 1988 and Saaty 1990)
Due to the high flexibility, the two methods can
be adopted both to measure aspects of
process and control criticality
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 177

based on a numerical value, and qualitative methods, assigning criticality based on

a rough judgment or on subjective scoring methods. Table 9.3 provides an over-
view of the most cited methods in literature.
The identification of criticality of spare items is a relevant step towards the
identification of the development strategies of maintenance spare part logistics.

9.2.2 Part Demand Forecasting

Spare parts demand time series can show diversified patterns, depending upon the
type of part considered and the specific industry. In most cases, spare parts demand
is characterized by a sporadic behavior, which implies a large proportion of zero
values (i.e., periods in which there is no demand at all) and a great variability of
demand size, when it occurs. The consumption rate is not stationary; hence the
demand statistical properties are not independent by the time.
Describing the patterns of sporadic demand for forecasting purposes, the terms
erratic, intermittent and lumpy are often used as synonyms. A better specification
of these terms can be made by introducing two explicit measures of the demand
patterns (Syntetos 2001):
1. The average time between two consecutive orders of the same part, evaluated
through the Average Demand Interval (ADI) coefficient.
2. The variation of the demand size, evaluated through the square of the Coeffi-
cient of Variation (CV).
Depending on the values of these two indicators demand patterns can be
classified into four categories:
1. Smooth demand, which occurs randomly with few or none periods with no
demand and with modest variation in the demand size.
2. Intermittent demand, which appears randomly with many time periods having
no demand, but without a substantial variation in demand size.
3. Erratic demand, which is highly variable in the demand size and presents few or
none periods with no demand.
4. Lumpy demand, with many periods having no demand and high variability in
the demand size.
Table 9.4 provides an outline of the most common methods for forecasting
spare parts. In particular, two primary classes of techniques are:
– Reliability based forecasting (RBF), to be used when the installed base, that is
the number of current installations and their own technical operating conditions,
is known.
– Time series forecasting (TSF), suitable when the only available data are related
to the time series of the spare items consumption or repair records, while no
information about the reliability of the installed base is retrievable.
178 M. Macchi et al.

Table 9.4 Short review of methods for part demand forecasting

Types of methods Main references
RBF methods based on data banks expressly Petrovic and Petrovic (1992), Birolini (2004) and
devoted to collect the failure rates of Tucci and Bettini (2006): Reliability forecasts,
different typologies of items based on a priori knowledge of the conditions
of use, required performance and duty cycle of
an item, and supported by a computer aided
access to data banks for ease consultation
RBF methods based on the life data analysis of Lawless (2003), Birolini (2004) and Murthy et al.
different typologies of items (2004): Reliability forecasts, based on the
statistical analysis of a history of failures
registered in a Computer Maintenance
Management System (CMMS) or as outcome
of reliability tests. The Weibull analysis is one
of the most commonly used methods: it
consists of a data fitting procedure which aims
at finding the Weibull distribution that best fits
the records of the registered item failures
TSF methods based on the analysis of the Croston (1972): proposes a forecasting method
orders issued for a spare part (either the to deal with intermittent demand items. It
repair orders of existent items or the supply takes into account both demand size and
orders of new ones) inter-arrival time between demands
Syntetos and Boylan (2001) and Levén and
Segerstedt (2004): Syntetos and Boylan
showed that Croston’s method was
positively biased and proposed a modified
method, demonstrating its effectiveness
through simulation experiments. Levén and
Segerstedt propose another modification of
Croston’s method following the wake of
Syntetos and Boylan
Cavalieri et al. (2008): Forecasts based on the
adoption of the proper method selected in
accordance to the demand pattern (i.e., TSF
forecasting methods, such as a simple
exponential smoothing and its derivatives or
ARMA models, are suitable for the smooth
and erratic demand; more customized
models should be adopted for the
intermittent demand and lumpy demand)
TSF methods based on bootstrap Willemain et al. (2004): Bootstrap creates an
empirical distribution of pseudo-data by
sampling with replacement, e.g. using
Monte Carlo random sampling from the
individual observations available in the real
history. Then, forecast methods are applied
to this bootstrap distribution
Bootstrap is a simple method to estimate a
distribution from sample statistics when the
number of observations in the sample is low.
This requires, however, that the sample on
hand is representative of the real population
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 179

9.2.3 Stock Management Policy Selection

Based on the result of the forecasting step, this step aims at selecting an inventory
model (implementing a stock management policy or, briefly, a stocking policy),
and subsequently defining the stock size in each warehouse for those items that is
advisable to detain. Well known inventory models are:
– the continuous review, with fixed reorder point (r) and fixed order quantity (Q),
referred to as (Q, r);
– the continuous review, with fixed reorder point (s) and order-up-to level (S),
referred to as (s, S);
– the periodic review, with fixed ordering interval (T) and order-up-to level (R),
referred to as (T, R);
– the continuous review and order-up-to level (S) in a one-for-one replenishment
mode, referred to as (S - 1, S).
Specific models have been proposed in many case studies, mainly based on a set
of rules and algorithms tailored for each single case. As an example of this kind of
approach, special applications in many sectors like computers (Ashayeri et al. 1996),
airline (Tedone 1989), bus fleets (Singh et al. 1980), power generation (Bailey and
Helms 2007), and military (Rustenburg et al. 2001) are reported. Being industry-
specific, the portability of these models to other industrial settings is generally poor.
In general, a clear application grid of the different stocking policies with an
unambiguous understanding of the assumptions, starting hypothesis, area of
application (in terms of classes of items) and expected performance (in terms of
inventory or hidden costs) is still lacking today. According to Guide and
Srivastava (1997) and Cavalieri et al. (2008), the most important and critical
drivers that should be considered in selecting a proper inventory model for stock
sizing decisions are: (i) the demand pattern (deterministic or stochastic), (ii) the
degree of repairability of the spare items, (iii) the level of centralization/decen-
tralization (with inventory located either in a central site, in multiple decentralized
sites or with a mixed configuration between centralized and decentralized sites).
By combining the possible values of these drivers specific models can be
properly selected, as reported in Table 9.5.

9.2.4 Policy Test and Validation

Last step of the decision making process involves simulation in order to ensure that
the selected stocking policy is the most appropriate. Simulation is suitable to verify
whether the stock sizing decision taken at the previous step is robust and consistent
under different stochastic scenarios of consumption and supply/repair of the spare
items. In fact, it can be used to generate and register, on a simulated time scale, the
stochastic behaviors of repairable and non repairable systems. Based on a random
generation mechanism—the well known Monte Carlo sampling, see (Dubi 1999)
180 M. Macchi et al.

Table 9.5 Short review of models for stock management policy selection
Types of models Main references
Inventory models for stochastic demand with Archibald and Silver (1978): Inventory policies
non-repairable items for a continuous review system with discrete
compound Poisson demand. The paper
presents a recursive formula to calculate the
cost for any pair (s, S) and relations among s,
S, S - s and the cost that leads to an efficient
determination of the optimal s and S
Dekker et al. (1998) and Jardine and Tsang
(2006): Poisson model for calculating the
stock size S of a (S - 1, S) inventory model,
such that the demand may be directly
fulfilled from stock on hand at a given target
fill rate (i.e. probability of not running out of
stock when a failure occurs) during the
replenishment lead time T (which is a
constant supply time of the new item)
The Poisson model can be adopted as a good
approximation for the stock sizing of spare
parts when the demand rate in a period T is
‘‘not very high’’. In practice, this is valid for
the slow moving parts
Inventory models for stochastic demand with Jardine and Tsang (2006): The Poisson model
repairable items can be also adopted for the case of
repairable items, considering the
replenishment lead time T as a constant time
to repair (of the repairable items). This
means to assume an infinite repair capacity
Several issues related to the repair activities
should be included in the model, like (i) the
replacement by new items, when the
repairable items are worn beyond recovery,
so that they cannot be repaired anymore and
have to be condemned (Muckstadt and Isaac
(1981), Schaefer (1989)); (ii) the finite
repair capacity of the repair shop (Balana
et al. (1989), Ebeling (1991))
Inventory models for deterministic demand Cobbaert and Van Oudheusden (1996):
with non repairable items Modified EOQ models for fast moving parts
undergoing the risk of unexpected
obsolescence. These models are applicable
mainly to fast moving consumable items
with regular demand volumes; they can be
thought as modifications of existent models
for inventory management in manufacturing
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 181

Table 9.5 (continued)

Types of models Main references
Inventory models for deterministic demand Mabini et al. (1992): Modified EOQ model to
with repairable items account for multiple items that share a
common and limited repair capacity.
Similar considerations to those related to
models for deterministic demand with non
repairable items apply also to these models:
they are applicable to fast moving
consumable items with regular demand
volumes, as modifications of existent
models for inventory management in
Inventory models for centralized logistical Guide and Srivastava (1997): Most of the multi-
support/decentralized logistical support echelon models adopt an (S - 1, S)
(also known as multi-echelon inventory inventory model at each echelon, in case of
models) repairable items. Anyhow, different variants
of other inventory models, based on
continuous review or periodic reviews and
order quantities, can be found
Birolini (2004): It is opportune to compare the
two extremes: the centralized versus the
decentralized logistical support. In the
former, the demand of the spare items
issued from all the decentralized sites is
supposed to be satisfied by the stock
retained into the central site; in the latter,
the demand of a spare part at each
decentralized site is supposed to be satisfied
only by the stock retained into that site

for details—which generates values according to well defined probability density

functions (as for example the time to failure and time to repair), simulation results
in a number of ‘‘random walks’’—the simulation histories—where a system
operation state is progressively registered as a sequence of up and down times. The
simulation histories can then be used in order to estimate system characteristics
(e.g., the point and the average system availability, the mean downtimes, etc.) for
the plant/equipment supported by the maintenance logistics. This eventually may
help to verify maintenance decisions based also on costs.
Table 9.6 provides a few examples of the potential applications of simulation
for supporting spare parts decisions.

9.3 Motivations for Using Action Research

This study has been carried out using Action Research (AR) as the empirical
methodology for applying, testing and evaluating the consistency and support to
industrial decision makers of the proposed spare parts management framework.
182 M. Macchi et al.

Table 9.6 Short review of applications of the simulation method for policy test and validation
Potential applications References (only representative examples)
Verification of the service levels guaranteed by Dekker et al. (1998): Simulation is adopted to
a stocking policy verify the service level in a system, where
the stocks are already established based on a
critical-level policy sized by means of
analytic approximation
Verification of the availability of a system De Smidt-Destombes et al. (2006): The
based on different settings of maintenance availability of a k-out of-n system with
logistics support deteriorating components and hot standby
redundancy can be influenced by the
combined decision on different variables
concerning the maintenance logistics
support: the conditions to initiate a
maintenance task, the spare parts inventory
levels, the repair capacity and repair job
priority settings
Joint verification of the age replacement and Zohrul Kabir and Farrash (1996) and Sarker and
spare parts provisioning policy Haque (2000): a joint optimal age
replacement and spare parts provisioning
policy is searched for, based on the analysis
of the effects resulting from factors like age
based item replacement, shortage and
inventory holding costs, order supply lead

Such a qualitative methodology is important for studying complex, multivari-

ate, real-world phenomena that cannot be reduced for study with more positivist
approaches. It is significant in situations where participation and organizational
change processes are necessary. It merges research and practice thus producing
exceedingly relevant research findings (Baskerville and Pries-Heje 1999).
According to Coughlan and Coghlan (2002) AR has several broad character-
istics, among which:
• AR focuses on research in action, rather than research about action. Action
researchers are not merely observing something happen, but they actively work
at making it happen.
• AR is participative. It requires co-operation between the researchers and the
industrial counterpart personnel. Members of the client system are in some way
co-researchers as the action researcher works tightly with them.
• AR is a sequence of events, which comprises iterative cycles of gathering data,
feeding them back to those directly involved in their interpretation, planning,
implementing and evaluating actions, leading to further data gathering, and so forth.
The selection of AR as the research methodology for the current study resides
on several reasons, among which: (i) as the research is concerned not only with
quantitative data but also with rich, subjective, qualitative data, the research
philosophy cannot be considered positivist—i.e. providing universal knowledge—
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 183

but situational; (ii) the action researcher is immersed in the problem setting and not
a mere observer of phenomena; (iii) the research situation has demanded
responsiveness, as the research occurs in a changing environment in real-time.
On the other hand, as Conboy and Kirwan (2009) assert, there are some evident
limitations a researcher should be well aware of when applying such a method-
ology. In particular, AR is much harder to report and implies an heavy involve-
ment of the action researcher in the research situation, with the opportunity for
good learning, but at the potential cost of sound objectivity.

9.4 The Action Research in the Avionic Sector

The action research deals with a company producing and servicing radars, whose
customers are military air forces operating a relatively wide number of jet fighters.
The OEM is contractually committed to execute the repairing of the radars
installed on customers’ jet fighters. Since the radar is a critical part of the jet
fighter (a jet cannot be operated if the radar is not available) it represents an
important cause of Aircraft On Ground (AOG) time when radar replacements are
In order to reduce the AOG risk, the customer itself can stock radar modules to
be substituted on field: these are the so called Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) and
are directly replaced at military hangars without the direct intervention of the
OEM. A customer requires support from the OEM on other modules which are
sub-components of a LRU: these are the so called Shop Replaceable Units (SRUs).
Figure 9.1 outlines a simplified bill of material of a generic radar.
SRU and LRU (the latter in case that the damaged or malfunctioning SRU
cannot be identified at the customer’s premise) must be sent to the OEM in order to
be repaired. Each air force tends to accumulate a batch of failed SRUs/LRUs, in
order to send them all together for being repaired, reducing the number of

Fig. 9.1 Radar simplified BOM

184 M. Macchi et al.

Fig. 9.2 Logistics flows

shipments needed, and to control the costs of the outbound logistics. However, due
to the scarce integration of the OEM with its customers, the decision on the batch
size is up to the customer. Along with the relatively low number of customers, the
customers batching policy is recognized as a source of lumpy demand (Bart-
ezzaghi et al. 1999).
At OEM’s premises the broken SRUs/LRUs are first sent to the Failure Anal-
ysis unit where they are tested for defects. After detecting a malfunction, the SRU
is sent to the Repair unit if it is assumed that it can be repaired. The LRU without
SRU (i.e., incomplete LRU) is sent to the Control unit, where it should be reas-
sembled together with the repaired SRU.
Another possibility is that the LRU or SRU is not repairable. Then, a complete
new product has to be sent to the customer. Moreover, it is possible that the Failure
Analysis unit did not detect any malfunction. Then the ‘‘not broken or failed’’
SRU/LRU is sent to the Control unit for the Final Inspection.
Figure 9.2 reports in a IDEF format the main logistics flows involved in the
radar repair process.
The overall logistics performance is evaluated by measuring the Time to
Restore (TTR). Along with the active time required for isolating and replacing the
fault components (that is diagnostics and repair time in Fig. 9.3), there are specific
time components which are due to the logistics support to the maintenance
As an example, if the spare part is not detained, there could be a supply time
needed in order to contact and negotiate with the supplier the delivery of the
components to be replaced during the repair activity. Also the administrative and
logistics delay counts for the outbound logistics: this mainly refers to the move-
ment of the batch of SRUs from and to the customer’s site.
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 185

Time To Restore (TTR)

(fault state duration

after occurrence of a failure)

Active Repair Time (ART)

Administrative + Supply time Diagnostics Repair

Logistics delay (ALD) (SUT) time time

Risk of Aircraft on the Ground (AOG) time

(in case of stock-out of spare parts at the customer’s site)

Fig. 9.3 Typical time components of the Time to Restore (TTR) of a repairable item

Clearly a long TTR negatively impacts on the performance of the OEM and the
service level provided to the customer, since it increases the risk of AOG
(Fig. 9.3).
The OEM is responsible for a portion of the whole TTR, that in turn is com-
posed by three elements:
– the active repair time (ART);
– the supply time (SUT) for any spare item required for replacement;
– any administrative and logistics delay (ALD) registered within the scope of its
service workshop, that is from the entrance until the exit of a batch of SRUs,
before moving to the customer’s site.
The SLA established in the contract is applied to this part of the TTR (hereafter
referred to as TTROEM).

9.4.1 Problem Setting

A fast delivery from the OEM (that is, a low TTROEM) entails a reduction of AOG
risk. Hence, in order to induce quicker repair activities, the OEM is rewarded with
a bonus when it keeps the TTROEM lower than an established threshold (in the
remainder this is referred as TTRLowerBound
OEM ). Conversely, the OEM has to pay a
malus, as a penalty cost, whenever it exceeds a threshold (in the remainder referred
to as TTRUpperBound
OEM ). If the TTROEM falls between these thresholds the customers
pay the regular price defined in the contract. TTRUpperBound
OEM and TTRLowerBound
OEM are
the service levels agreed by the OEM in the contract.
The following expressions provide the mathematical formulation of the bonus/
malus. Firstly, the number of repaired items generating a bonus (NB) or a malus
186 M. Macchi et al.

(NM) can be evaluated starting from the repair orders delivered back by the OEM
to its customers (i being the index of each order, see Eqs. 1 and 2).

Order Sizei if TTROEM  TTRLowerBound
NBðiÞ ¼ ð1Þ
0 if TTROEM [ TTRLowerBound

Order Sizei if TTROEM [ TTRUpperBound
NM ðiÞ ¼ ð2Þ
0 if TTROEM  TTRUpperBound

As a result, the following Eq. 3 holds:

I ðT Þ
X I ðT Þ
½NBðiÞ þ NM ðiÞ  Order Sizei ð3Þ
i i

NB(i) and NM(i) are indexed in accordance to the number of the repair orders
delivered back to the customer, starting from i = 1 (first order delivered back to
the customer) until i = I(T) (last order delivered back to the customer). I(T) is
dependent on the horizon length T considered for decision making. Therefore,
based on such a set of orders, it is possible to define the cash flow (CFT) of bonus/
malus (Eq. 4), which, as well, depends on the horizon length T.
I ðT Þ
CFT ¼ ½Bonus  NBðiÞ  Malus  NM ðiÞ ð4Þ
In this case the bonus/malus are constants, not dependent on the type of items
under repair, the overall number of repaired items (no discount or ‘‘economy of
scale’’-like effects) and the customer.
The objective of the OEM is to maximize the cash flow, either by increasing the
bonus gained or reducing the malus to be paid. The leverages to this end are
ARTOEM, SUTOEM and ALDOEM (Fig. 9.3). Keeping constant the capacity of the
repairing shop floor, the inbound logistics and the administrative management, the
only time component that might change the performances is the SUTOEM. This can
be reduced through a sound management of spare parts inventory.
The following objective function (OF) is then introduced (Eq. 5).
Different spare items s can be kept in stock (up to N types), each spare item
having its own level of inventory (S(t,s)); hence, the Inventory Holding Cost
(IHCT) is evaluated by integrating, over the horizon T, the value progressively
reached by the level of Inventory at each time t for each spare item s kept in stock
(S(t, s)) (see the following Eqs. 6 and 7).

IHCT ¼ IHCðsÞ  Sðt; sÞdt ð6Þ

Sðt; sÞ ¼ IHs  Dðt; sÞ þ Rðt; sÞ ð7Þ

9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 187

where IHs inventory level for spare item s, representing the decision variable of the
problem; D(t,s) total number of spare items s demanded by the repair orders issued
over the horizon t; R(t,s) total number of spare items s restored over the horizon t;
IHC(s) inventory holding cost per unit of stocked item and unit of time for spare
In order to guarantee the profitability of the contract, the objective for the OEM
is to achieve a good balance between (i) the improvement of the total bonus and
reduction of the total malus and (ii) the reduction of the inventory holding costs
(Eq. 5).
D(t, s) and R(t, s) are the two stochastic variables which makes this balance
probabilistic in nature. As better discussed later, indeed, D(t,s) has been considered
as the most influencing variable, so a more robust study of its behavior is needed.

9.4.2 Adopting the Decision Making Framework

in the Case

After having described the industrial context of the case study and the main issues
and motivations for the company to change its current practice of managing its
spare parts logistic system, the following subsections will provide a detailed
explanation on how the decision making framework has been applied by following
the logical steps illustrated in Table 9.2. During this phase of the action research,
the industrial counterpart personnel has been involved by the action researcher,
according to the specific competences and role required. Part Classification

A quantitative method based on multiple drivers has been applied in order to

classify the criticality of components. Three drivers representing process and
control criticality have been adopted:
– The time to restore is adopted to express the process criticality. This measure is
not directly bounded to the AOG process metric but to the TTR performance
measure for which the OEM is responsible. This is clearly an effect due to the
OEM perspective as well as the restricted information sharing with its military
clients: since a quicker TTROEM is rewarding in accordance to the bonus-malus
formula established in the contract (as described in Eqs. 1–4), it is worth con-
sidering this measure as a driver when assigning process criticality to spare items.
– The inventory holding cost, representing both the financial and control view-
point, is another component of the profit function in the OEM perspective.
The inventory holding cost per unit of stocked item and unit of time (IHC(s)) is
the first driver used in order to evaluate the control criticality, to which attention
should be carefully devoted in order to guarantee that their high unit cost is
rewarded by proper grants resulting from the bonus-malus.
188 M. Macchi et al.

– The demand predictability, representing the logistics viewpoint. The demand

predictability is indeed affected by the fact that the repair orders occur inter-
mittently in time as well as they are erratic in size: the variation of the order
sizes is particularly challenging and generally leads to overstock spare inven-
tories in order to protect from the erratic demand.
These drivers are aligned with the profit function defined in the contract (see
Eqs. 4–6): indeed, they can be considered as the main factors influencing the
financial flows, directly as financial values (i.e., the IHC(s)) and indirectly as non
financial values influencing the potentials grants (i.e., the time to restore and the
inventory holding required for the spare items to face the erratic and intermittent
demand). Their implication with respect to the financial flows is better discussed in
the next sub-sections.
Process criticality—Keeping stock of SRUs guarantees shorter TTROEM and
reduces AOG risk letting the repair activities start just after the failure analysis
enables to identify the broken SRUs to be repaired. To this concern, an analysis
has been carried out by measuring the mean TTROEM (MTTROEM) on the past
orders of each type of SRU supported in the repair service: this enables to define
the ‘‘as-is’’ situation where no SRU inventory is kept. Such an average value
represents the comparison term against future improvements in the ‘‘to-be’’ sce-
nario, aimed at faster deliveries of functioning SRUs to the client.
A VED (Vital Essential Desirable) analysis has been then applied by identifying
the VED classes which eventually correspond to the different grants achievable in
the cash flows of bonus-malus (measured as in Eq. 4) thanks to faster deliveries:
– a spare item is vital if, kept on stock, guarantees to avoid a malus and to achieve
a bonus;
– a spare item is essential if, kept on stock, guarantees to achieve a bonus, while
the malus is on average avoided also without stock;
– a spare item is desirable, if kept on stock, is highly likely to guarantee to achieve
a bonus.
Table 9.7 shows an example presenting the results of the VED analysis built up
by using the MTTROEM (for sake of privacy, the MTTROEM related to the part codes
are fictitiously defined, even if they are representative of the different situations
incurred for the SRUs in the action research).
SRU A is clearly the most critical spare item, classified as vital: a malus is on
average expected in the ‘‘as-is’’ situation, without inventory holding of SRU A;

Table 9.7 Example of VED analysis based on MTTR

Part code TTRLowerBound
OEM (months) TTRUpperBound
OEM (months) MTTROEM (months) VED class
SRU N 2 4 0.5 None
SRU M 2 4 1.8 Desirable
SRU C 2 4 3.6 Essential
SRU A 2 4 6.1 Vital
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 189

indeed, the TTROEM is higher than the upper bound set in the contract clause.
Conversely, a bonus can be expected in the ‘‘to-be’’ scenario, with inventory
holding of SRU A: TTROEM is reduced to the diagnostics time (which is part of the
ART component) required for the first failure analysis plus some administrative
and logistics delays (the ALD time component); these are far below the lower
bound of the contract clause.
SRU C is ranked lower in criticality; hence it is classified as Essential and a
malus is never incurred, on average, also without inventory holding in the ‘‘as-is’’
situation. Last but not least, SRU M and SRU N differs only for the confidence that
they have to reach the bonus: both guarantee a bonus, even without inventory
holding; however, SRU M is closer to the lower bound than SRU N, hence the
decision maker is less confident that the bonus can be achieved; in this concern,
SRU M is considered Desirable, while SRU N is not considered at all in further
steps of the analysis.
Control criticality—Decisions about SRUs stocks impact on inventory holding
costs differently if compared to keeping stocks of other components at lower levels
of the BOM, like modules of electromechanical components of SRUs or, directly,
the electromechanical components. At this step, however, it is not easy to provide
a detailed assessment for balancing costs and grants, since the alternative stocking
policies, possible at different levels of the product BOM, lead to a combinatorial
problem. After having carried out the criticality analysis, the stocking policy is
selected working only on a subset of spare items—i.e. the critical items thus
reducing the size of the search space.
In a first step, an ABC classification is performed, by assuming the IHC(s) (for
unit of stocked item and time of item s) as the main driver for the cumulated Pareto
analysis: this provides a criticality ranking of most valuable SRUs (i.e. items
having the highest financial impact when kept on stock). This is clearly not
complete, even if it enables to identify, specifically amongst the SRUs, the class A
items, critical for their high values with respect to other SRUs (the B and C class
items), for which is less expensive keeping inventories.
In addition, when the demand is lumpy, the intermittent occurrences and high
variation of the order sizes finally lead to criticality in logistics, since the demand
predictability is challenging. According to the classification method presented in
Sect. 9.2.1 and the cut off values provided in Syntetos (2001), herein just con-
sidered as a reference benchmark, the demand is lumpy if CV2 [ 0,49 and
ADI [ 1,32. In this concern, all the SRUs shown in Fig. 9.4 represent critical
items, because they are expression of a lumpy demand.
Multi-dimensional criticality analysis—Three types of methods have been
applied leading to three independent spare parts criticality rankings. The three
rankings are now combined together for selecting the SRUs that deserve attention
in the further steps of the decision making process.
– The VED classification is helpful in order to define a priority list to be con-
sidered in the following steps by the OEM, according to the process criticality.
Keeping into account the maximization of the profitability of the contract,
190 M. Macchi et al.

Fig. 9.4 Demand Demand predictability

predictability of SRUs SRU g
(calculated from historical 14,00 SRU a
data available from 2000 to 12,00
2005) 10,00 SRU c

8,00 SRU e
6,00 SRU g
4,00 SRU d SRU h

0,00 2,00 4,00 6,00 8,00 10,00 12,00

specifically the grants in the bonus-malus formula, the stock management policy
is selected starting first from all vital items, which guarantee better grants
incoming from achievement of bonus and avoidance of malus.
– Referring to the control criticality, the ABC classification, based on the IHC(s)s
(for each unit of stocked item and time of spare item s), is also helpful: it would
be preferable to stock first the SRUs pertaining to class B and C, which cause
less financial loads.
– Finally, three different classes of control criticality can be also defined based on
the demand pattern and demand predictability, in particular considering only the
average demand interval (ADI): preference for selecting a stocking policy is
assigned to the most frequent issues of repair orders, equivalent to lower ADIs
(so a reduced intermittency of order arrivals). Three classes are defined to this
concern: a class with more frequent issues (less intermittent arrivals), which, in
the action research, is set to when ADI is lower than 6 months; a class with less
frequent demand (more intermittent arrivals), with ADI higher than 6 months
but lower than 12 months; a class with very low frequency, i.e. ADI higher than
12 months. The last class is not kept into account in the remainder, having
considered more than 12 months a long time span to wait for a new order to
consume the spare item.
The flow chart in Fig. 9.5 summarizes the combined adoption of the three
methods. On one hand, the priorities are assigned to SRUs whose repair orders
occur more frequently (i.e., ADI lower than 6 months, which guarantees a less
intermittent consumption of inventories), and less valuables with respect to their
unit inventory holding cost (B and C classes in the ABC classification). On the
other hand, only if budget is still available, the remaining vital and desirable items
are considered for stock management policy, also amongst the most valuable items
(class A of IHC(s)s) and less frequent (ADI more than 6 months but lower than
12 months).
Only the SRUs selected from criticality analysis, according to the flow chart in
Fig. 9.5, have been considered from now on: indeed, the results, achieved until the
second criticality ranking lead to select eight critical SRUs.
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 191

Fig. 9.5 Flow chart for combining the methods adopted for spare parts criticality analysis Spare Parts Forecasting

The partial or null visibility on how the Radars, and so their SRUs, are actually
utilized on field by the military customers on their jet fighters make forecasting
activities extremely hard: number of operating hours, operating conditions and
mission profiles are unknown, due to the military reluctance to reveal data.
Considering the uncertainties on this operational information, a RBF method (see
Table 9.4) based on life data analysis of different items on field is not applicable.
The scarce information about the real conditions of use and the duty cycle of
each item operating on field obstacle, in practice, also the RBF method based on
data banks. The last option is the time series forecasting (TSF), since data related
to the time series of the spare items consumption and repair records are available
in the Maintenance Information System and are duly completed during the con-
tractual management of the service; indeed, the commitment to proper contractual
management can be considered a relevant factor for guaranteeing the good quality
of the data records. The main issue to solve regards demand predictability. A clear
definition of which forecasting method is more suitable for the demand type of
each quadrant of the classification matrix of Fig. 9.4 is not an easy task in general
and this is particularly true for the lumpy demand quadrant, for which the demand
predictability is the most challenging. In the scope of this action research, it has
been preferred to test the stocking policies for the critical SRUs in different
simulated demand scenarios, instead of making use of a forecasting method to
obtain accurate spare parts forecasts. In this concern, policy test and validation
(step 5 of the decision making framework) has become relevant. The reason for
this preference is strictly subsequent to the high character of lumpiness observed
192 M. Macchi et al.

for the demand, especially due to the high variation of the order sizes: CV2 is in
the range between 5.21 and 13.62 (Fig. 9.4) revealing a quite relevant variation in
the demand size, combined with its high intermittency. This certainly imposes
high requirements on the forecasting method, potentially asking for a complex one,
with the hidden risk of only a partial capability to precisely fit, in the forecast, the
repair order distribution in time and quantity.
Accordingly, it has been decided to rely on the empirical probability density
functions of two primary stochastic variables, in the remainder symbolized as DI
(Demand Interval) and ROS (repair order size). These functions can be easily
extracted from the time series, expressed in the form of histograms of frequencies:
indeed, the length of the period kept under observation (i.e., 6 years) guarantees a
robust sample for building the histograms.
Looking ahead at the next steps, averages—like ADI—are the only statistics
being adopted for the rough stock sizing (step 4), before passing to policy test and
validation (step 5), wherein the histogram of frequencies themselves is directly
being exploited. This last issue means that other summary statistics, characterizing
the probability density functions (as CV2), have been considered during policy test
and validation. The empirical probability density functions of each critical SRU—
hence, the histograms and their related summary statistics—are the basis to enable
a Monte Carlo simulation of different demand scenarios. Further details about that
are provided in the step of policy test and validation (see Sect. 9.2.4).
Figure 9.6 summarizes the links between spare parts forecasting and the other
steps of the decision making framework, by showing the respective expressions of
the empirical observations used by each further step.

9.4.3 Stock Management Policy Selection

Among the different models available in literature, the continuous review and
order-up-to level (S) in a one-for-one replenishment mode, referred to as (S - 1, S),

Empirical probability Histograms are being used

Time series from by Monte Carlo sampling (at
density functions step 5) to generate different
the real history (2000- demand scenarios (i.e.
2005) simulation histories)

Histograms of

Summary Averages are the only summary

statistics being used for stock sizing
(step 4)

Fig. 9.6 From spare parts forecasting to next steps in the decision making framework
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 193

is more advisable for this case. It should be kept into account that the repair order
size varies, depending on each customer: so the one-for-one replenishment is
applied directly to the repair order that is received, meaning that one batch of SRUs
is repaired and is used, without being splitted, to replenish the stock level on hand,
previously reduced of the same quantity delivered to the same customer.
The selection of the (S - 1, S) model is in line with many references in lit-
erature of similar examples where the demand rate in a period T is assumed ‘‘not
very high’’ (see for example Jardine and Tsang 2006). Also in our case, as the ADI
shown in Fig. 9.4 demonstrates, the situation implies a demand rate in a period
T which is ‘‘not very high’’, leading to a slow moving character of the spare items.
The Poisson model can be adopted as a good approximation for the stock sizing of
spare parts in such a situation (as already outlined in Table 9.5).
Applying the Poisson distribution, a stock size S to be kept can be calculated,
based on a target level of fill rate R (i.e. the probability of not running out of stock
when a failure occurs). Equation 8 expresses the general formula of the Poisson

ðd  T Þi
Prfs1 þ    þ sn [ T g ¼  edT  R ð8Þ

where s1, … , sn represent the times to each failure, requiring the spare part (until
the n-th request), and are assumed to be independent positive random variables;
d is the demand rate per unit period and it is, in general, estimated according either
to a reliability based or a time series based forecasting; T expresses the time
interval taken as a reference for the target fill rate.
Applying the formula to the data of the case study:
– due to the simplification done for spare parts forecasting, at this step d is esti-
mated only on average, simply as 1 repair order for each ADI (1/ADI), so using
only part of the summary statistics available for each SRU;
– T is defined by considering the Poisson model calculated in the case of
repairable items (according to the classification illustrated in Table 9.5), hence
it represents the MTTROEM for the repair orders;
– the stock level S is fixed at a number of items close to the Average Repair Order
Size (AROS) keeping into account the fact that, at each ADI, the number of
items requested from stock is AROS.
Table 9.8 shows the rough stock sizing resulting from applying the Poisson
model: S has been rounded to the closer integer number (lower or higher); R is the
resulting target rate for this choice.
It is worth pointing out that R represents an analytic approximation that should
be further verified; besides, R means the instantaneous or point reliability, pro-
viding that spares are available on demand, at any given moment in time; while the
interval reliability (i.e., spares are available at all moments in a given interval) is
not estimated and would be ‘‘more demanding’’ (Jardine and Tsang 2006): the
following step of policy test and validation may help to provide more accurate
194 M. Macchi et al.

Table 9.8 Stock sizing Part code AROS (# items) S (# items, rounded) R (%)
based on the Poisson model
SRU a 1.33 1 61.8
SRU b 1.22 1 88.1
SRU c 1.63 2 99.6
SRU d 3.13 3 99.7
SRU e 1.88 2 99.9
SRU f 3 3 99.9
SRU g 2 2 99.9
SRU h 1.27 1 98.5

Fig. 9.7 Policy test and validation: a conceptual scheme

estimates of the performances expected by the service workshop, both for R and
other additional measures.
Furthermore, S is clearly not the final solution: it is instead an initial and rough
solution that will be improved again in the next step; hence, rounding to the lower
or upper integer is an acceptable choice at the current phase.

9.4.4 Policy Test and Validation

Policy test and validation enables to verify the stocking policies selected for the
SRUs. The initial stock sizing provided in the previous step 4 is at this phase verified
and progressively improved thanks to a search procedure enacted together with the
decision maker and the aid of the simulation used as a test bench tool (Fig. 9.7).
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 195

Table 9.9 Rules associated Part code Cumulated IHC(s)s Action

to the spare parts criticality (% calculated on the eight
ranking based on the IHC(s)s critical items) (%)
SRU b 20 Decrease
SRU d 39 Decrease
SRU c 55 Decrease
SRU h 70 Decrease
SRU a 85 Keep
SRU e 93 Keep
SRU f 98 Increase
SRU g 100 Increase

Table 9.10 Rules associated Part code ADIs (calendar months, ascendant order) Action
to the spare parts criticality
ranking based on the ADIs SRU b 3.38 Increase
SRU d 4.00 Increase
SRU c 4.80 Increase
SRU h 5.00 Keep
SRU a 5.25 Keep
SRU e 6.00 Keep
SRU f 7.34 Decrease
SRU g 10.25 Decrease

Table 9.11 Rules associated Part code VED Action

to the spare parts criticality (according to MTTROEM in
ranking based on the VED descendent order)
classes and MTTROEM
SRU a Vital Increase
SRU d Vital Increase
SRU f Vital Increase
SRU c Essential Keep
SRU b Essential Keep
SRU g Essential Keep
SRU e Essential Decrease
SRU h Essential Decrease

The search procedure is derived directly from the multi dimensional criticality
analysis played out during the step of part classification.
In order to improve the solution, three actions are defined: increase or decrease
the stock size (by one or more items) or keep it constant. Each action is associated
with the spare parts criticality rankings of the critical items (Tables 9.9, 9.10 and
9.11) resulting from the multi dimensional criticality analysis of part classification.
The associations express the behavior of the logistics expert who generally
tends to:
196 M. Macchi et al.

1. decrease stocks of items when they have a high IHC(s) or, vice versa, increase
stocks of items having a low IHC(s)s (Table 9.9 shows the rules associated to
the ABC classification, cumulated Pareto analysis, of IHC(s));
2. increase stocks of items frequently requested, while decrease those not fre-
quently requested (Table 9.10 reports items sorted from low ADIs—orders
more frequently requested—up to high ADIs—orders less frequently reques-
ted—rules are likewise associated);
3. increase or at least keep the stocks when the items are vital or essential, to gain
grants from the bonus-malus contract (the ranking in Table 9.11 is descendent,
being the top ranking occupied by the item with the highest MTTROEM, so the
highest risk, on average, to pay a malus and not be rewarded with a bonus).
The rules are then combined in order to form an integrated rule set (Table 9.12)
as a guideline for deciding on how to improve an initial solution (i.e. the stock
size). Using this rule set, a trade off may emerge in some cases. In order to manage
in a simple way these uncertain cases, alternative criteria have been selected: (i) a
random criterion is the simplest one; (ii) a criterion where either the process
criticality or the control criticality are dominant in the multidimensional analysis.
Table 9.12 demonstrates an example of improvement of an initial solution by
means of the search procedure, passing from an initial stock SI to a final stock SF:
(i) in clear situations prevail the most voted action (as an example, when at least 2
out of 3 increase are present, increase is selected; see these situations highlighted
in italic in the same table); (ii) uncertain situations are the remainder (i.e., three out
of eight SRUs highlighted in bold); in this specific case, the decrease or keep
action are prevailing and the control criticality is considered dominant. It is
however worth noticing also that, when trying a possible improvement, it has been
kept in mind the criticality of the eight items, as a binding rule: in this context, it
has been decided that a ‘‘minimum stock’’ should anyhow be guaranteed (i.e. S
equal to 1 item as minimum). This applies to one case in the example, SRU b,
where, due to this binding rule, the keep decision prevailed.

Table 9.12 Finding out a solution during the search procedure driven by the integrated rule set

Part Integrated rule set Improving from SI to SF

code Action Action Action SI SF
(due to IHC(s)s) (due to ADIs) (due to VED) (initial) (final)
SRU a Keep Keep Increase 1 1
SRU b Decrease Increase Keep(*, minimum) 1 1
SRU c Decrease Increase Keep 2 1
SRU d Decrease Increase Increase 3 4
SRU e Keep Keep Keep 2 2
SRU f Increase Decrease Increase 3 4
SRU g Increase Decrease Keep 2 1
SRU h Decrease Keep Keep 1 1
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 197

Further improvements may be obtained by progressively correcting the solu-

tions: i.e. by deciding to change the search direction in other different trials for the
uncertain cases (e.g., try to increase the stock of some SRUs instead of decrease,
action done at the previous improvement step), or, conversely, continue to follow a
given search direction for the certain ones (e.g., continue to increase or continue to
Therefore, the whole search procedure may start from the rough stock sizing
resulting from step 4 of the decision making framework. Then, the procedure is
applied together with simulation, in accordance to the conceptual scheme
(Fig. 9.7): progressively, by using a stepwise approach (increase or decrease by 1
or, in general, a small number of items) different solutions for the stock size are
decided, in accordance to the guidelines of the rule set fixed in Table 9.12, and
tested in simulation histories. Some trials are summarized in the Table 9.13: S1
represents the solution which guarantees the ‘‘minimum stock’’ in the ‘‘to-be’’
scenario (i.e. at least 1 item on stock is guaranteed for each critical SRU), S2 is the
initial and rough stock sizing resulting from step 4 (Table 9.8); S3 is the stock
sizing after one improvement step (this is the step shown in Table 9.12, where S3
is SF) and S4 is the stock sizing resulting after a further improvement step, when a
different trial of the uncertain cases has been carried on.
The simulation trials of Table 9.13 have been evaluated through some selected
performances: the Total Number of Bonus (TNB), Malus (TNM), Profitable (TNP)
and Non Profitable (TNNP) items along the horizon length of interest T (indeed, at
this step, T is the horizon of a simulation history, equal to the 6-year time span
I ðT Þ
TNBT ¼ NBðiÞ ð9Þ

I ðT Þ
TNMT ¼ NM ðiÞ ð10Þ

I ðT Þ
TNPT ¼ NPðiÞ ð11Þ

Table 9.13 Solutions used Part code S1 S2 S3 S4

as data inputs to be verified
by simulation SRU a 1 1 1 1
SRU b 1 1 1 1
SRU c 1 2 1 1
SRU d 1 3 4 4
SRU e 1 2 2 2
SRU f 1 3 4 4
SRU g 1 2 1 2
SRU h 1 1 1 1
198 M. Macchi et al.

I ðT Þ

These performances are clearly defined in order to be aligned with the profit
function (see the previous Eqs. 4–6). Indeed:
– the Total Number of Bonus and Total Number of Malus (Eqs. 9 and 10) directly
influence the grants coming from the cash flow of bonus/malus (Eq. 4): when
assuming, for example, the same value for the bonus and malus of an item,
profitability is guaranteed if the total number of bonus (i.e., items achieving the
bonus) is higher than the total number of malus (i.e. items achieving the malus);
a similar reasoning can be applied when knowing that the ratio r between the
bonus and malus parameters of an item is different than 1; in this case, profit-
ability is guaranteed if the total number of bonus is higher than 1/r times the
total number of malus;
– on the other hand, inventory holding costs are also part of the profit function
(Eqs. 5 and 6); hence, the Total Number of Profitable items (Eq. 11) is used in
order to measure a subset of Total Number of Bonus; this subset counts only
those items for which the achieved Bonus is higher than the Inventory Holding
Cost spent for the time that the same items are kept in stock before being used;
vice versa, in the case of Total Number of Non Profitable items (Eq. 12), the
achieved Bonus is lower than the Inventory Holding Cost; hence, these
performances are also aligned to the profit function, now having a specific
concern to the ratio between benefits (the bonus achieved by each item) and
costs (the IHC(s)s spent for each item on stock for some given units of time).
The results of the progressive search, as a whole, are shown in Table 9.14: the
marginal improvement progressively observed for the selected performances
decreases, passing from the ‘‘minimum stock’’ situation (S1) to the last trial (S4)
for the ‘‘to-be’’ scenario. The last trial in the table provides a solution which,
amongst all the trials, is characterized by the highest service level: it shows the
highest number of bonus TNB (high service due to quick response) and a limited
number of malus TNM (low service due to slow response). Besides, it is worth
noticing how this last trial guarantees that, among the orders reaching the bonus,
the total number of profitable items TNP is clearly higher than TNNP. These are
possible ‘‘to-be’’ solutions and have to be compared, of course, with the ‘‘as-is’’
case, without inventory holding, so to assess how much improvement each solu-
tion could guarantee, with respect to the existent operation.

Table 9.14 Results from Part code S1 S2 S3 S4

simulation of different trials
done during the search for TNBT 87 120 120 123
improved solutions TNMT 62 29 29 26
TNPT 83 115 115 117
TNNPT 4 5 5 6
9 Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts 199

As a concluding remark of this step, it is important to remind that Table 9.14

results from the same simulated demand scenario, built up in accordance to the
empirical probability density functions of the SRUs. This is the first simulation
history (or ‘‘random walk’’) allowing to prove, against the stochastic variations
both of the Demand Interval as well as the Repair Order Size, the different
solutions proposed for the stock sizing. It is worth noticing that the stochastic
variations of this ‘‘random walk’’ resembles the real history, in particular its
summary statistics of ADI and CV2. Hence, the assessment of the stocking policies
is certainly extended with respect to the previous step (i.e. step 4), where only the
ADI and AROS have been considered for stock sizing.
A last step of financial assessment, based on the profit function (Eqs. 4–6),
would help complete the analysis of performance measures (illustrated in
Table 9.14) by providing the traditional financial indicators, useful to support the
decision on stocking policies.

9.5 Conclusions and Managerial Implications

Most of the chapter has been devoted to a detailed description of the way the
multi-step decision making procedure has been planned to be properly applied in
the specific industrial context. The following main outcomes emerged from the
feedbacks gotten from the management involved in the action research.
– Complex, analytical models sometimes assume stringent hypothesis and a
reduced scope of application. Due to the peculiarities of the presented process in
the avionic sector, an analytical model would have been too complex and dif-
ficult for industrialists to tackle with reasonable effort. On the other hand, a
combination of simple models, organized within a well structured procedure,
can overcome the practical issues imposed by larger models providing a robust
decision support.
– The judgment of the decision-making operators can be effectively supported by
quantitative measures that reduce the ambiguity of qualitative decisions and
improve the effectiveness of the choice. As an example in the action research,
the assignment of criticality of spare items is one relevant step in order to
initially define the strategies for developing the maintenance spare part logistics,
and there is little room for subjectiveness thanks to the quantitative measures
– A simulation model is a powerful and user-friendly tool suitable for the analysis
and validation of the decisions taken about stock sizing. Besides, its combined
use with the judgment of the operators can effectively improve the outcome
deriving from first rough solutions.
– From the managerial point of view, the usage of a well defined decision making
framework can improve the overall performance by aligning the decisions to the
specific business scenario, giving sound evidence to the results of the strategic
200 M. Macchi et al.

managerial choices in a company. The proper definition of the stock sizes can
definitely lead to a better exploitation of the financial capital, while preserving
(or even improving) the required logistic service level.
Considering the main theoretical knowledge gained from this empirical
research, some further observations can be drawn.
First, the presented framework can be classified as a rule based one. Hence it is
quite easy to implement in the real practice of a company without the need of
complex and costly software or hardware supports: the way the framework was
implemented in the Action Research can be considered a live demonstration of its
implementation in corporate practice. Moreover, the overall framework has been
designed in order to let the human operator ‘‘keep the control’’ on the final
decision, so to avoid the negative feeling that a completely automated decision-
making system can sometimes generate.


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Chapter 10
Configuring Single-Echelon Systems
Using Demand Categorization

David Bucher and Joern Meissner

10.1 The Role of Demand Categorization for Spare

Parts Management

Spare parts planning is a complex task involving a large number of SKUs (stock-
keeping units) with many zero demand periods, which makes forecasting and
inventory control difficult. Intermittent SKUs may comprise about 60% of total
inventory in many industrial settings (Johnston and Boylan 1996; Johnston et al.
2003); for example in the aircraft industry, the demand for a specific jet engine, as
spare part, may show many zero demand periods, leading to a so called inter-
mittent demand pattern. Regarding the size of the intermittent SKU group, an
efficient selection of the best inventory methods implicates huge cost reductions
and service level improvements. However, the large amount of spare part SKUs
held in companies also implies that the inventory system cannot be configured
manually on an individual basis. Therefore, recent studies propose a sub-grouping
of intermittent demand patterns by a categorization scheme. Categorization
schemes provide the inventory manager with a better overview of the large number
of SKUs to be dealt with, similar to the ABC-analysis by Dickie (1951). Forming
sub-groups with similar inventory management requirements comprises the
opportunity to develop inventory rules for each sub-group and subsequently allow
an automated configuration of the sub-groups’ single-echelon inventory systems.
The application of an effective categorization scheme represents the foundation
of an efficiently managed spare part inventory system. Recent studies pursue the
development of a universally applicable categorization scheme. These studies give

D. Bucher  J. Meissner (&)

Department of Management Science, Lancaster University Management School,
Lancaster, UK
D. Bucher

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 203

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_10, Ó Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
204 D. Bucher and J. Meissner

rise to further research on how to theoretically derive categorization criteria and

how to enhance these universally applicable categorization schemes. Practitioners
might find the application of universal categorization criteria appealing, as no or
little adaption has to be made. This chapter aims to give guidance on how inter-
mittent demand categorization evolved, how to use recent results for further
research and how categorization schemes can be used in practice to manage spare
parts inventories efficiently. So far, only limited research on the demand catego-
rization of intermittent demand has been conducted. However, the question about
how to design a suitable single-echelon inventory system for SKUs with inter-
mittent demand finds increasing attention.
The following section clarifies the terminology used in this chapter for the
characterization of different demand patterns. Section 10.3 summarizes the find-
ings of published research undertaken in the area of demand categorization of
intermittent demand. In Sect. 10.4, a guide of how to introduce a demand cate-
gorization scheme in spare parts management is presented. Important research
which has to be undertaken in the future is outlined in Sect. 10.5. Finally, a
prospect for the application of demand categorization tools in spare parts man-
agement is given in the conclusion.

10.2 Nomenclature of Non-normal Demand Patterns

In the discussed studies of the following section, deviant denominations for

demand patterns are used. Before implementing a demand categorization scheme,
the denominations used for different demand patterns must be clarified to avoid
confusion. In the following, a nomenclature system mainly based on Boylan et al.
(2008) will be introduced (see Fig. 10.1).
The framework contains two factors, namely the mean inter-demand interval
and the coefficient of variation of demand size. The former refers to intermittence
of demand (demand arrival variability), and the latter refers to the erratic degree of
demand size variability. As will be seen in Syntetos et al. (2005), the combinations
of these two factors lead to four categories. The denominations and definitions of
the categories are summarized as follows:

Mean inter-demand interval

Low High

Non-intermittent Intermittent
Erratic Erratic Lumpy
Coefficient of
variation of
demand size
Non-erratic Smooth Slow

Fig. 10.1 Nomenclature framework of demand categorization for spare parts

10 Configuring Single-Echelon Systems Using Demand Categorization 205

Smooth This category comprises items with relatively few zero demand periods
and low demand size variability. Due to the comparably low variability
of these demand patterns, the forecast and stock control system should
lead to good results. However, many of these spare parts SKUs still
have a non-normal demand pattern, so normality assumptions might not
be valid.
Erratic Erratic SKUs have relatively few zero demand periods, but the demand
size variability is high. Erratic patterns are difficult to forecast, which
implies a relatively high forecast error, and therefore, this pattern often
tends to have excessive stock.
Slow Items with many zero demand periods and low demand size variability
are named slow SKUs. The denomination slow refers to the slow
turnover of these SKUs, as there are only a few periods with demand
greater zero, and when demand occurs, it usually equals one in the
context of spare parts management, leading to low demand size
variability. Boylan et al. (2008) propose mean demand size as third
factor to define slow-moving units. However, in the context of spare
parts inventories in general, low demand sizes can be expected if
demand size variability is low.
Lumpy SKUs categorized as lumpy have high demand size variability and a
high level of intermittence. These SKUs represent the biggest challenge
for spare parts inventory management as they often tend to have
excessive stocks and low CSLs at the same time. The slow category and
the lumpy category are likely to comprise most of the spare parts SKUs
and therefore should be in the focus of the inventory manager.

These definitions should avoid ambiguity when comparing the results of dif-
ferent academic studies and when implementing a categorization scheme in a spare
part inventory system.

10.3 Research in Demand Categorization

of Intermittent Demand

10.3.1 Categorization According to Williams (1984)

Williams (1984) is the first to examine intermittent demand patterns. In his work
he presents a classification scheme based on an idea called variance partition,
meaning that the lead time variance is divided into its constituent parts, namely
variance of the order sizes, transaction variability and variance of the lead-times.
Assuming random demand arrivals (meaning that the number of arrivals per period
206 D. Bucher and J. Meissner

n are Poisson distributed with mean k) and constant lead times, Williams (1984)
derives the following formula from the variance partition equation:

2 1 CVx2
CVDDTL ¼ þ ð1Þ
kL kL
This formula shows how the squared coefficient of variation of demand during
lead time, denoted as CVDDTL , can be written as the sum of two statistical
meaningful terms. The first term represents the reciprocal value of the product of
the mean number of arrivals per period, denoted by k, and the mean lead time,
denoted by L. The second term represents the ratio of the squared coefficient of
variation of the distribution of the demand sizes, denoted by CX2 , and the product of
the mean number of arrivals k and the mean lead time L.  The first term represents
the mean number of lead times between demands whereas the second term relates
to the lumpiness of demand. These two terms are used as measures to categorize
11,000 SKUs of a public utility with individual demands of the SKUs being small.
The cut-off values are chosen based on the considered empirical data set. Williams
(1984) presents the following classification scheme (Fig. 10.2).
Category A is called smooth. Thus continuous-demand stock-control techniques
are recommended by Williams (1984). The empirical demand distributions of the
A-category SKUs are further examined. A chi-test is conducted to show that the
Gamma distribution approximates well the A-category demand distributions. It is
suggested that category C and D1 are managed in a similar way; however, the
negative binomial distribution is mentioned as an alternative to the Gamma dis-
tribution. Category B consists of slow-moving items, having infrequent demand
arrivals and low coefficients of demand size variation. A chi-test conducted to test
the B-category demand distributions against a Poisson distribution shows that the
Poisson distribution adequately describes the empirical demand distributions.

Fig. 10.2 Demand

categorization according to Lumpiness:
Williams (1984)
0.5 1



B 2.8
10 Configuring Single-Echelon Systems Using Demand Categorization 207

The probability for D2 items to have more than one order per lead time is very low.
Therefore, these items are managed with a method developed by Williams (1982),
which is based on a Gamma distribution and the assumption that there is no more
than one order per lead time.
Williams (1984) introduces two factors to group intermittent demand patterns
in sub-groups, with both being dependent on the average lead-time. Using average
lead-time to differ intermittent demand patterns is an important contribution
incorporated in further studies. However, cut-off values are determined based on
the underlying empirical data, and therefore, this approach does not account for
universal validity.

10.3.2 Categorization According to Johnston

and Boylan (1996)

Johnston and Boylan (1996) compare the performance of the Croston forecasting
method (Croston 1972) with EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average),
thereby introducing the measure ‘‘average inter-demand interval’’. Their work
shows that the Croston method outperforms the EWMA method robustly over a
wide range of parameter settings, when the average inter-demand interval is
greater than 1.25 forecast revision periods. This result represents the first inventory
rule pursuing universal validity and additionally redefines intermittence by
showing that the method developed explicitly for intermittent demand (Croston
1972) outperforms the method for non-intermittent demand patterns (EWMA)
when the average inter-demand interval is greater than 1.25 forecasting periods.

10.3.3 Categorization According to Eaves (2002)

Eaves (2002) analyzes data of the Royal Air Force using the categorization method
of Williams (1984). He concludes that the demand variability is not properly
described by the categorization scheme. In particular, Eaves (2002) criticises the
differentiation of regular demand and the rest solely based on the variability of
demand. Subsequently, Eaves presents a new categorization of intermittent
demand using three measures to group SKUs: transaction variability, demand size
variability and lead time variability. In contrast to the categorization scheme by
Williams (1984), Eaves considers lead time variability to allow for a finer cate-
gorization. The three measures are chosen based on the lead time variance partition
formula derived by Williams (1984) for the case of variable lead times, stated as

2 Cn2 Cz2
CVDDTL ¼ þ þ CL2 ð2Þ
L nL
208 D. Bucher and J. Meissner

where Cz is the coefficient of variation for the demand size, Cn is the coefficient of
variation for the transactions per unit time, CL is the coefficient of variation for the
replenishment lead time,  n is the mean number of transactions per unit time and L 
is the mean replenishment lead time.
Figure 10.3 shows the categorization scheme according to Eaves (2002). The
SKUs with low variability of demand intervals are grouped into groups A (smooth)
and C (irregular), depending on variability of demand size. Variability of lead time
is solely used to group SKUs into D1 (erratic) and D2 (highly erratic). SKUs of
category B are called slow-moving. The cut-off values are derived from the data
set. This approach neglects universal validity like Williams (1984).

10.3.4 Categorization According to Syntetos et al. (2005)

Syntetos et al. (2005) followed an analytical approach to develop an inventory rule

with universal validity. By comparing the MSE (Mean Standard Error) formulas of
different forecasting estimators, namely EWMA, Croston and the Syntetos-
Boylan-Approximation (Syntetos and Boylan 2001), areas of superior performance
are defined. Although focussing solely on choosing the best forecasting method,
this categorization scheme may represent the basic framework to incorporate
further rules on configuring single-echelon inventory systems.
The categorization is conducted using two factors: the squared coefficient of
variation (representing demand size variability) and the average inter-demand
interval (representing demand arrival variability). The splitting of the total lead-
time demand variability into its constituent parts, namely demand size variability
and inter-demand interval variability, is in accordance with the findings by
Williams (1984). The derivation of the two factors and its cut-off values used for
the categorization is outlined in the following.

Fig. 10.3 Demand Demand size variability

categorization scheme 0.1
according to Eaves (2002)


Lead time

B 0.53
10 Configuring Single-Echelon Systems Using Demand Categorization 209

The comparison of the three forecasting methods under consideration is

undertaken by comparing the analytically derived MSE formulas of each fore-
casting method:
a p  1 2 r2 p  1 2 r2
MSEEWMA ¼ L L l þ þ l þ ð3Þ
2  a p2 p p2 p
a pðp  1Þ 2 a 2  r2
MSECROSTON  L L l þ r þ 2
2a p4 2a p
 2  )
a ðp  1Þ p  1 2 r2
þL l þ l þ ð4Þ
2a p2 p2 p
að2  aÞ ðp  1Þ 2 a 2  r2
4 p3 2a p
 2   )
a l p1 2 r
þL þ l þ ð5Þ
2 p2 p2 p

With l and r2 being mean and variance, respectively, of the demand sizes when
demand occurs. The average inter-demand interval is represented by p as the
number of forecast review periods including the demand occurring period. a is
the common smoothing constant value used, with b = 1 - a for EWMA. For
Crostons’ method and the SBA-method (Syntetos and Boylan Approximation) a is
used for the smoothing of the intervals and the demand size. Equations 3 and
approximations (4) and (5) assume a Bernoulli process of demand occurrence,
and therefore, inter-demand intervals are geometrically distributed.
Comparing the MSE of the Croston method with the MSE of the Syntetos
and Boylan Approximation, the following inequality is derived, assuming a fixed
lead time of L C 1.


h i
4ðp1Þ 2a
r2 ðp  1Þ 2a  p1  pða  4Þ ð6Þ
[ pða4Þð2paÞ

for p [ 1, 0 B a B 1.
From inequality (6) theoretical rules can be derived based on two criterions,
namely the squared coefficient of variation CV2 and the average inter-demand
interval p. Depending on the setting of the control parameters a, l, p and r2,
cut-off values can be developed. Inequality (6) holds for any p [ 1.32, implying
that superior performance is expected by the SBA method for any average inter-
demand interval greater than 1.32 forecast review periods. This result shows that
the SBA method delivers lower MSEs than the Croston method when there are
many zero demand periods. If p B 1.32, it depends on the value of the squared
coefficient of variation CV2. If CV2 [ 0.48, the MSE of the SBA method is
210 D. Bucher and J. Meissner

expected to be smaller, and thus, the SBA method is chosen. If CV2 B 0.48, there
is a cut-off value for p with 1 \ p B 1.32, with the Croston method chosen, when
p is below the cut-off value. With CV2 increasing, the p cut-off value increases up
to 1.32 for CV2 = 0.001. Thus, the SBA method is also preferable for SKUs with
fewer zero demand periods but relatively high changes of the demand size. Syn-
tetos et al. (2005) show that these results are valid for a smoothing constant value
of a = 0.15 and approximately true for other realistic a values.
Comparisons of the Croston method and the SBA method with EWMA showed
that the MSE of EWMA is always theoretically expected to be higher than the
MSE of Croston and SBA. The EWMA method is discarded from the categori-
zation scheme.
Based on these results a categorization scheme with four factor ranges is
modelled. For ranges with p [ 1.32 and/or CV2 [ 0.49 the Syntetos and Boylan
method is shown to perform theoretically better. For the factor range of p B 1.32
and CV2 B 0.49 neither method is shown to perform better in all cases.
A numerical result conducted by Syntetos et al. (2005) indicates that the Croston
method is expected to work better in that range, thus the Croston method is
assigned to this factor range of indecision.
Figure 10.4 shows the developed categorization scheme with the following
groups: A-erratic (but not very intermittent), B-smooth, C-lumpy, D-intermittent
(but not very erratic).
Developed for intermittent demand SKUs are expected to perform theoretically
better than conventional forecast methods. For fast-moving demand items, the
Croston method seems to be more appropriate. The Syntetos and Boylan
Approximation performs best for more intermittent and/or more irregular demand
The categorization scheme of Syntetos et al. (2005) is the first one to appear in
the literature pursuing general validity. By theoretically comparing the mean

Fig. 10.4 Demand Inter-demand interval

categorization scheme
according to Syntetos et al.
p = 1.32

Erratic Lumpy
Demand variability

CV =0.49

Smooth Slow
Croston SBA
10 Configuring Single-Echelon Systems Using Demand Categorization 211

squared errors of the EWMA method, the Croston method and the newly presented
Syntetos and Boylan Approximation, cut-off values are derived. The values are
expected to have general validity for a wide range of realistic control parameters.
This work currently forms the base of a new line of research pursuing a complete
categorization scheme for items with intermittent demand patterns. Extensions of
this promising approach are presented in the following.

10.3.5 Categorization According to Boylan et al. (2008)

Boylan et al. (2008) propose the first extension of the categorization of Syntetos
et al. (2005) by implementing stock control policies using different theoretical
statistical distributions to achieve a predetermined service level (see Fig. 10.5).
The stock control policies are assigned to each sub-group based on professional
experience. Thus, the categorization represents rather a best-practice approach
than an analytical rule. A theoretical comparison of the statistical distributions and
a subsequent derivation of areas of superior performance analogues to the work
conducted by Syntetos et al. (2005) is not conducted. The categorization system
developed in this case-study based paper is, however, thoroughly tested with a data
set provided by an inventory management software manufacturer.
Boylan et al. (2008) choose the continuous re-order point, order quantity (s, Q)
control policy. The authors, however, explicitly state that no significant difference
is expected when using other stock control policies, such as the periodic order-up-
to level (T, S) policy or the periodic order point order-up-to-level (T, s, S) policy.
This argument is supported by the work of Sani and Kingsman (1997), who use
empirical data to show that there are only minor differences in the use of different
control policies in the context of intermittent demand. Thus, the order quantity Q is

Fig. 10.5 Demand Inter-demand interval

categorization scheme
according to Boylan et al. 3 or more zero demand periods in the last 13 periods

Demand size variability

CV =0


212 D. Bucher and J. Meissner

determined by the cumulative forecast over the lead-time using the Syntetos and
Boylan Approximation. Safety stock s is determined by choosing an appropriate
statistical distribution. As mentioned earlier, the distributions are assigned to each
factor range based on professional experience. The Poisson distribution is decided
to be appropriate for items with slow demand patterns. According to Boylan et al.
(2008), this is an obvious choice for slow moving items and is already implied in
the inventory control software tool of the software manufacturer under concern
in the case study. For the category of lumpy demand patterns, the negative
binomial distribution was decided to be the most appropriate choice as it satisfies
both theoretical and empirical criteria (Syntetos and Boylan 2006).
Compared to the categorization scheme presented by Syntetos et al. (2005), two
alterations regarding the used criteria are undertaken. Due to the data set examined
in their case study, Boylan et al. (2008) decided to reset the cut-off value of CV2
from 0.49 to 0, as almost 50% of the first data set had zero variance of demand
size. Thus, this group is named slow instead of intermittent as in Syntetos et al.
(2005), and the remainder is called lumpy. The criterion inter-arrival interval
p used in Syntetos et al. (2005) was replaced by a criterion used by the software
manufacturer. The criterion is the number of zero demand periods over the last 13
periods, with the cut-off value being three periods. This criterion is used to sep-
arate normal demand from intermittent demand. A thorough discussion of the
nomenclature of different non-normal demand patterns is provided in Sect. 10.1.
Based on this categorization framework, Boylan et al. (2008) examine the
inventory management performance of the developed single-echelon inventory
systems for three data sets comprising about 16,000 SKUs coming from the
automotive, aerospace and chemical industry. In a first step, different combinations
of the forecast methods under concern, namely the Croston method, the Syntetos
and Boylan Approximation for the intermittent demand categories and Simple-
Exponential-Smoothing (SES) and Simple-Moving-Average (SMA) for the non-
intermittent categories, are compared for different cut-off values of zero demand
periods in the last 13 months. The results show that in the underlying data set the
forecast error, measured with the geometric root mean squared error (GRMSE) and
the average mean absolute error (MAE), shows little sensitivity towards the
selection of the cut-off values r for ranges from r = 2 to r = 6. In the range with
r = 7 to r = 13, the forecast accuracy is highly sensitive to the cut-off value with
a fast raising forecast error.
In the next step, implications of the chosen forecast methods on the stock
control performance are examined. For the group of slow moving items, a com-
parison of SMA with the SBA shows that SBA tends to slightly undershoot the
target customer service level (CSL), whereas the positive biased SMA results in a
significant overshoot of the CSL. This leads to considerable higher stock values for
SMA compared to the SBA method. It was decided that the savings in inventory
costs occurring when using the SBA method overcompensate for the slight
undershoot of the CSL. For the category of lumpy items no forecast method gets
close to the target CSL. Nevertheless, the usage of the negative binomial
10 Configuring Single-Echelon Systems Using Demand Categorization 213

distribution (NBD) is regarded as the most appropriate theoretical distribution for

the underlying demand patterns.
This case study shows that the usage of the two criteria, namely variation of
demand size, represented by CV2, and the number of zero demand periods, rep-
resented by p in Syntetos et al. (2005), are meaningful for the categorization of
intermittent demand pattern. For the group of slow-moving items, the SBA method
showed significant stock savings with a slight undershoot of the target CSL,
providing further evidence for the broad applicability of this recently developed
method when demand is of intermittent nature.

10.3.6 Case study by Syntetos et al. (2008)

In this case study, Syntetos et al. (2008a, b) show more empirical proof for the
need of an effective categorization scheme for the management of spare parts. The
European spare parts logistics operations of a Japanese electronics manufacturer
are centralized and within the same project, new and more effective classification
rules for the spare parts management are implemented. Before the project, the
decentralized spare part inventories in 15 countries in Europe showed poor service
levels of an average of 78.6% as well as high numbers of obsolete stocks. A highly
simplified inventory categorization scheme was in use based solely on order fre-
quencies and arbitrarily chosen cut-off values. The objective of the project was to
improve the service level of up to 95% as well as reducing inventory by 50%.
More elaborate categorization schemes, as discussed in the previous sections, were
thought to be necessary to be implemented. However, due to the short duration of
the project, only a simplified categorization scheme could be implemented. This
categorization scheme also takes into account the demand value of an SKU, which
is the value per item times the annual demand rate of the SKU, similar to the
classical ABC categorization scheme by Dickie (1951).
Although a more elaborate categorization scheme could not yet be implemented
due to limited time, the slightly improved categorization scheme increased the
service level up to 92.7%, the inventory investment was reduced by roughly 40%.
This case study shows that there is a very high potential in improving the inventory
performance by using more elaborate inventory categorization schemes. The
implementation of a very simple but meaningful categorization scheme for the
spare parts management of the Japanese manufacturer significantly reduced
inventory investments and assured a more accurate accomplishment of the target
customer service level. The results of this case study may encourage other com-
panies to pay more attention on the categorization scheme applied on spare parts
management, as it constitutes a simple and powerful mean to control stocks and
increase inventory performance considerably. In the next section, a rough guide
will be given on how to implement an effective categorization scheme for spare
parts management.
214 D. Bucher and J. Meissner

10.4 Guide to Introduce a Demand Categorization Scheme

10.4.1 Five Steps to Implement a Demand

Categorization Scheme

In this section the basic steps of how to implement a demand categorization

scheme will be outlined. The framework aims to show how an effective basic
categorization scheme can be applied in practice without losing a thorough
understanding of the techniques used. It might be of particular interest for orga-
nizations which have to handle a high amount of SKUs and wish to increase the
level of automated inventory management and increase the overview of their
inventories by grouping spare parts using factors, which are relevant for the single-
echelon system configuration.
The following five steps will give guidance and comments on what to consider
when implementing a categorization scheme (also see Fig. 10.6).
1. Collect historic demand data of all SKUs of the spare parts inventory. Historic
demand data sets can usually be retrieved from reports of the corporate ERP
2. First factor categorization: Normal, new and old SKUs. This factor, not dis-
cussed so far in this chapter, aims to determine the status of an item in the
product life cycle. New and old SKUs are usually very difficult to predict with
parametric forecasts and therefore should be managed either manually or with
other best practice methods. To differentiate normal SKUs from new and old
ones, a manual categorization can be undertaken. When facing many SKUs,
this can become a time consuming task. Alternatively, a factor can be deter-
mined, e.g., the cumulative demand of the last 12 months compared to the
cumulative demand of the last 36 months. Thus, a decreasing or increasing
demand can be detected. If there are no historic demand records, this might be a
sign that it is a newly introduced item.

Fig. 10.6 Framework for the Data collection.

implementation of a Managerial decision on the categorization of old, new
categorization scheme and normal SKUs.

old Product life cycle new


no p > 1.32? yes

2 2
CV > 0.49? yes yes CV > 0.49?
no no

decreasing smooth erratic lumpy slow increasing

10 Configuring Single-Echelon Systems Using Demand Categorization 215

3. Determine the average inter-demand interval p and the squared coefficient of

variation of demand size CV2 from historic demand data for each SKU.
4. Categorize the SKUs according to the following scheme. Configure the single-
echelon inventory system for each spare part SKU according to the assigned
According to the studies presented in Sect. 10.3, the single-echelon inventory
system for each category is configured in the following way. The SBA forecasting
method is used for the erratic, slow and lumpy categories according to Syntetos
et al. (2005). A periodic review system is applied for all categories. The dynamic
(t, S)-policy is a natural choice in the context of spare parts management, where
the order-up-to level S is recalculated in every order period in which demand
occurs. As already mentioned in the literature review, the selection of the order-
policy has generally little effect on the inventory performance when demand is
intermittent. For the determination of the safety stock, different theoretical
distributions are used to approximate the empirical demand distributions. For the
less intermittent or non-intermittent categories erratic and smooth, the normal
distribution is expected to deliver an appropriate description of the empirical
distributions. Based on the results of Boylan et al. (2008), the Poisson distribution
is applied for the slow category and the negative binomial distribution is used for
the lumpy category. The single-echelon configurations for each category are
summarized in Fig. 10.7. Old and new categorized SKUs should be managed
manually or with simple best-practice rules, e.g., if demand occurs in an order
period then order up to S, where S is the maximum demand size recorded in the
past. This simple rule focuses on achieving a high CSL.
5. Re-group on a yearly (or a more frequent) basis. This is of particular impor-
tance, when SKUs change over from new to normal and from normal to old,
respectively, otherwise the application of the framework as presented in
Fig. 10.6 might lead to poor results.

Fig. 10.7 Categorization Average inter-demand interval

scheme for a single-echelon p=1.32
inventory configuration
Squared coefficient of variation

Erratic Lumpy
(t,S)-policy (t,S)-policy
Normal NBD
CV =0.49

Smooth Slow
Croston SBA
(t,S)-policy (t,S)-policy
Normal Poisson
216 D. Bucher and J. Meissner

This guideline aims to show the basic steps that need to be undertaken when
implementing a categorization scheme for spare part inventories. However, it is
important to consider that this framework does not constitute an approach of
universal validity in a technical sense, as only for the choice of a (parametric)
forecasting technique results that come close to universal validity are available
(Syntetos et al. 2005). Nevertheless, the application of best-practices for the choice
of the statistical distribution and the inventory policy should lead to adequately
configured inventory systems in many industrial settings.
This approach also simplifies the inventory system configuration. In ERP sys-
tems such as SAP ERP, decisions have to be made on a large variety of system
parameters. This guideline focuses solely on the core issues in forecasting and
inventory control of intermittent demand.
Another potential obstacle, when implementing this approach is that it might
create a black box of how every SKU is managed. Therefore, it is important for the
inventory management to understand the applied forecast and inventory methods
and to question their appropriate application in the company’s inventory system.
Further, it is worth mentioning that manual managerial judgements are often
important in the context of spare parts management, as a wide range of information
may be very important. A recent study by Syntetos et al. (2008a, b) shows that the
combination of parametric forecast methods with managerial judgement often
leads to a considerable improvement of the inventory performance.

10.4.2 Additional Features

The basic categorization scheme presented in the previous section can be expan-
ded and combined with various other methods to enhance the inventory system.
Possible additional components are briefly discussed in the following.
The classical ABC-analysis introduced by Dickie (1951) is the most popular
inventory categorization scheme and still widely applied. Applying this catego-
rization scheme in combination with a categorization scheme for intermittent
demand patterns will allow the inventory manager to focus on high value spare
part SKUs and manage them manually when necessary and leave less valuable
C-items to the demand categorization scheme. This combination of categorization
schemes accounts for the fact that few SKUs are of high importance and therefore
need special attention of the inventory manager, while a large number of SKUs
account for only a small percentile of the usage and therefore can be left to the
demand categorization scheme.
The LMS-categorization which differentiates items by their volume require-
ments when stocked (large, medium, small) can also be combined with the demand
categorization scheme. This might be of particular interest for spare parts with
considerable differences in size and will account for the high differences in
stocking costs. Items of the L-category might be managed manually, or the safety
stock will be adjusted downwards due to the high storage costs.
10 Configuring Single-Echelon Systems Using Demand Categorization 217

To avoid the issue of a continuous re-categorization of SKUs whose demand

patterns show values close to the cut-off values of the categorization scheme,
a range of tolerance can be implemented at the cut-off values. This will avoid
a repetitive re-categorization of SKUs close to a cut-off value, and therefore will
provide a more stable performance, enhance comparability of the stock perfor-
mance with recent years and improve overview.
Including non-parametric forecast methods, in particular for the lumpy cate-
gory, might lead to better results. The bootstrapping method has been claimed to
be superior to other forecast methods (Willemain et al. 2004), but more research
must be undertaken to fully understand the performance of this non-parametric
forecast method when demand is intermittent. Nevertheless, it is important to note
that the proposed parametric forecast methods in this work are not the only
methods developed to forecast intermittent demand.

10.5 Further Research

As discussed in the literature review there are only few studies published in the
area of categorization of demand. New studies were conducted showing the high
potential of demand categorization schemes to efficiently manage SKUs with non-
normal demand patterns. First steps have been made towards a universal appli-
cable inventory system based on demand category schemes. Nevertheless, these
studies form only the beginning of an emerging research area which needs more
academic attention. This section aims to highlight research areas which are of
particular importance to enhance the theoretic understanding of the complex inter-
relations in the inventory system, as well as to accelerate the dispersal of effective
inventory systems based on demand categorization in practice.
Syntetos et al. (2005) compare different parametric forecast methods and
subsequently define areas of superiority. This approach represents the first cate-
gorization scheme giving theoretically derived suggestions about which forecast
method to use. As a second step, the derivation of areas of superiority for different
theoretic distributions is desirable. This can be undertaken following a similar
procedure as used in Syntetos et al. (2005).
The final goal of a categorization scheme is to achieve an overall optimization
of the inventory system, including forecast and inventory control. The determi-
nation of an optimum of this complex inventory system constitutes a challenge for
researchers, and it may not be feasible. Nevertheless, a valid formulation of the
overall optimization problem would be of great value to gain insights on how the
different modules of the inventory systems interact and what the right configura-
tion of such a system would be. For a recent case study in the context of the
German automobile industry see Bucher and Meissner (2010).
Most of the work presented in the literature review focuses solely on variability
of the demand patterns. However, the determination of an appropriate safety stock
needs to account for lead time variability as well, especially when lead times are
218 D. Bucher and J. Meissner

highly volatile. Therefore, the implementation of a method accounting for demand

variability as well as for lead time variability has the potential to improve CSL and
account for the higher complexity in real-world problems.
Syntetos et al. (2008a, b) present a periodic inventory policy developed for
SKUs with lead-times shorter than the average inter-demand interval. This study
implies an extension of the categorization scheme based on the ratio of lead-time
and average inter-demand interval and shows how the optimal CSL can be cal-
culated, similar to the newsvendor approach.
The studies discussed in this work focus solely on parametric forecasting
methods; however, non-parametric forecasts seem to be a promising alternative,
especially when demand patterns are non-normal. Therefore, a comparison about
when parametric forecasts and when non-parametric forecasts perform best has the
potential of delivering more insights as to when to use each method and when to
use no forecast at all.

10.6 Conclusion

Spare parts planning is a very complex task involving a wide variety of methods in
forecasting and inventory control. Demand categorization schemes allow an effi-
cient, automated selection of these methods for each SKU leading to an adequate
single-echelon inventory system configuration. Although decisions on how to
combine forecast and inventory control methods have a great impact on the
inventory performance, there is a limited number of studies concerning this issue.
A new line of research appeared with the goal to develop a universal applicable
demand categorization scheme.
Recent empirical studies show that although the research is still at the begin-
ning, the application of a demand categorization scheme may lead to a consid-
erable improvement of inventory performance. This work provides practitioners
with a guideline on how to implement a simple demand categorization scheme
which may leverage the inventory performance. The categorization scheme can be
run automatically and frees time of the spare parts inventory manager to focus on
the most important SKUs. To enhance the inventory performance, the presented
categorization scheme can be combined and extended with other categorization
methods as discussed in Sect. 10.4.2.
Approaches which are applicable in practice recently appeared in the literature,
including best-practices and analytically derived rules. There is still a great need
for further research in the area of demand categorization for intermittent demand
patterns. Particular research gaps are outlined in Sect. 10.5. Improving the
understanding of the interrelation between forecasting and inventory control and
how to truly optimize the single-echelon inventory system are still subject to
further research. This work as a collection of most recent studies shall represent a
base from which further research can be conducted.
10 Configuring Single-Echelon Systems Using Demand Categorization 219


Boylan JE, Syntetos AA, Karakostas GC (2008) Classification for forecasting and stock control: a
case study. J Oper Res Soc 59:473–481
Bucher D, Meissner J (2010) Intermittent demand categorization for safety stock planning.
Working paper, Lancaster University Management School.
Croston JD (1972) Forecasting and stock control for intermittent demands. Oper Res Quart
Dickie HF (1951) ABC inventory analysis shoots for dollars. Fact Manage Maint 109(7):92–94
Eaves AHC (2002) Forecasting for the ordering and stock holding of consumable spare parts.
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Johnston FR, Boylan JE (1996) Forecasting for items with intermittent demand. J Oper Res Soc
Johnston FR, Boylan JE, Shale EA (2003) An examination of the size of orders from customers,
their characterization and the implications for inventory control of slow moving items. J Oper
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Sani B, Kingsman BG (1997) Selecting the best periodic inventory control and demand
forecasting methods for low demand items. J Oper Res Soc 48:700–713
Syntetos AA, Boylan JE (2001) On the bias of intermittent demand estimates. Int J Prod Econ
Syntetos AA, Boylan JE (2006) Smoothing and adjustments of demand forecasting for inventory
control. In: Proceedings of the 12th IFAC symposium on information control problems in
manufacturing, vol 3. Saint Etienne, France, pp 173–178
Syntetos AA, Boylan JE, Croston JD (2005) On the categorization of demand patterns. J Oper
Res Soc 56:495–503
Syntetos AA, Babai MZ, Dallery Y, Teunter R (2008a) Periodic control of intermittent demand
items: theory and empirical analysis. J Oper Res Soc 60:611–618. doi:10.1057/palgrave.
Syntetos AA, Keyes N, Babai MZ (2008b) Demand categorisation in a European spare parts
logistics network. Int J Oper Prod Manag 29:292–316
Willemain TR, Smart CN, Schwarz HF (2004) A new approach to forecasting intermittent
demand for service parts inventories. Int J Forecast 20:375–387
Williams TM (1982) Reorder levels for lumpy demand. J Oper Res Soc 33:185–189
Williams TM (1984) Stock control with sporadic and slow-moving demand. J Oper Res Soc
Chapter 11
Optimal and Heuristic Solutions
for the Spare Parts Inventory
Control Problem

Ibrahim S. Kurtulus

Abstract One inventory problem that has not changed much with the advent of
supply chains is the control of spare parts which still involves managing a very
large number of parts that face erratic demand which occurs far in between. For
most items it has not been feasible to establish a control system based on the
individual item’s demand history. Hence either the parts have beenbundled into
one group as Wagner did and only one demand distribution has been used for all or
they have been divided into different groups and group distributions have been
used as in Razi. We picked two popular rules by Wagner and extensively tested
their performance on data obtained from a Fortune 500 company. Comparisons
were made with the optimal solution and optimal cost obtained from our procedure
based on the Archibald and Silver’s optimizing algorithm. For some problems with
very small mean demand and small average number of demand occurrences,
finding the optimal solution required an inordinate amount of CPU time, thus
justifying the need to use heuristics.

11.1 Introduction

The problem studied is an (s, S) type of inventory control system for a single item,
which is subject to sporadic demand that is also highly variable in size. There is a
fixed (replenishment) lead time of L. Item replenishment costs consist of a setup
cost K and a unit cost c. Units carried in excess of demand incur a holding cost of h

I. S. Kurtulus (&)
School of Business, Virginia Commonwealth University, 301 W. Main St., Richmond

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 221

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_11, Ó Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
222 I. S. Kurtulus

per unit and demand not satisfied is backordered and incurs a penalty cost of d per
unit. The objective function is to minimize the expected value of the sum of
carrying, backordering and (fixed) ordering costs. Under these assumptions, it has
been shown (Iglehart 1963) that a policy of type (s, S) will minimize the undis-
counted expected cost per period over an infinite horizon, where ordering deci-
sions are restricted to demand occurrences (Archibald 1976 and Silver 1978;
Beckmann 1961; Ehrhard 1979; Vienot and Wagner 1965). A replenishment order
of size (S - y) is placed when inventory on hand plus on order minus backorders y
is less than or equal to s.
In testing the performance of heuristics and optimal procedures, various
assumptions have been made with respect to demand. Common ones included
Poisson (Schultz 1987; Gelders and Looy 1978; Hadley and Whitin 1963) and
normal distributions (Croston 1972; Bartakke 1981; Porteus 1985; Vereecke and
Verstraeten 1994; Sani and Kingsman 1997). Unfortunately, test of fit of certain
parametric distribution to actual demand data has been difficult to show and
rarely reported in the literature. So far the most convincing arguments have
been made in favor of the compound Poisson distribution, which is what we
have used in this research. The assumption of random demand occurrence
(usually assumed to be Poisson as in queuing theory) and a nonparametric
distribution of demand size given as a frequency distribution are combined to
form the compound Poisson distribution (Adelson 1966; Feller 1968; Vienot
and Wagner 1965; Feeney and Sherbrooke 1966; Archibald and Silver 1978;
Razi 1999).
Another distribution recommended by researchers (i.e., Dunsmuir and Snyder
1989; Segerstedt 1994; Yeh 1997) has been a positively skewed gamma distri-
bution with a large spike at zero. It has been recommended both for demand size
and occurrence.
Two variations of the problem have also been investigated. One shows how the
algorithm is simplified if orders are placed when the reorder point s is reached
exactly (Zheng and Federgruen 1991). Since it is a model more appropriate for
continuous review systems, it is not used in this paper. And yet another addresses
the issue of nonstationary (variable) mean demand and develops a myopic heu-
ristic (Bollapragada and Morton 1999).
Over the years, various heuristics have also been recommended to solve the
problem. We pick two that were developed by Wagner with very realistic and
convenient assumptions for managers. Both heuristics can also be considered
variations of the same method. When the exact probability distribution (for
demand) is used Wagner has called his heuristic the algorithmic method and when
the probability distribution is approximated, the normal approximation. In past
research, heuristics’ performance has been tested by using simulation (i.e., Porteus
1985; Sani and Kingsman 1997). This paper deviates from this approach and
compares heuristics’ performance with the optimal cost obtained when the com-
pound Poisson distribution is used.
11 Optimal and Heuristic Solutions 223

11.2 Wagner’s Heuristics and Optimization

Wagner in 1975 developed a heuristics as probabilistic extensions of the basic

EOQ model. In his formulation Wagner first derives the formula for expected
average inventory based on an exact distribution. If the distribution is known,
Wagner calls his method the algorithmic solution since it has to go through a
number of iterations to determine s and Q(S = s ? Q). We will call it the exact
method (WEX). The solution will be optimal and identical to the optimal solution
obtained by the Archibald and Silver algorithm, if compound Poisson is used for
the demand distribution and the same approximations are made in both deriva-
tions: In Wagner’s derivation, expected average inventory is approximated first. In
Archibald–Silver’s derivations, all approximations are made when limits are taken.
However, for an executive who neither has the time nor a readily accessible data
base, it is very convenient to approximate the probability distribution in the heuristic
by a parametric distribution such as the normal. If one distribution is to be used for all
demand, then normal approximation is a reasonable choice. With normal, only two
parameters of the distribution, mean and standard deviation have to be estimated,
and the tables are readily available to compute the cumulative probabilities. In this
research, we used the discrete version of Wagner’s normal approximation heuristic
(WNOR). A brief discussion of both heuristics is provided in Appendix 2.
The optimizing procedure (Kurtulus 2004) used is based on the first part of the
algorithm (without the new bounds on n = S - s - 1) developed by Archibald
and Silver (1978). It was tested on the data reported in their paper and the same
optimal values were found (Kurtulus 2004). The Fortran code had to be written
from scratch because: (1) The Archibald–Silver code is based on 1978 technology;
(2) The treatment of the lower bound on s is different in this paper because one
more lower bound was developed; (3) It would have taken a long time to
understand the original 1978 code and the authors were no longer researching the
problem; (4) It might not have been possible to modify their algorithm to
accommodate for the non-optimal values of (s, S) found by the heuristics, which
may fall outside the lower and upper bounds developed by their algorithm.
In order to evaluate the performance of a heuristic, the (s, S) values created by
the heuristic were plugged into the objective function of the optimizing algorithm
and the corresponding cost was determined. In most cases, the heuristic solution
was not optimal. Percentage increase over the optimal cost was computed and the
results are reported in the tables.
We had few concerns in using simulation to rank the performance of the
heuristics: (1) the objective function is not convex, leaving the researcher with no
clear indication of when to stop; (2) Compound Poisson is two distributions. First
the interarrival time is generated to determine when the demand occurs and then
the demand size with all of its possible convolutions. For example, if a demand of
5 was generated, all possible (i.e., 1 ? 4, 2 ? 3, 4 ? 1, 3 ? 2, 5) ways of
obtaining a total demand of 5 had to be simulated. This further complicated the
issue of determining the number of runs needed to reach a steady state (if one
224 I. S. Kurtulus

could define it). (3) Different parameters used for k, l, K and h affected the CPU
time needed to find the optimal solution, which clearly indicated that they would
also affect the number of runs needed to reach a steady state, or some version of it.

11.3 The Design of the Data Base

The actual data used in the study was obtained from a Fortune 500 Company (Razi
1999). The manager in charge of spare parts inventory kept monthly demand
history for a 2 year period for each of the 22,500 parts. Those items with no
demand history (i.e., 30% of the items.) in the 2 year period were excluded from
the study. Of the remaining items, any item with total demand of 50 units or less
(in the 2 year period) was classified as slow moving. Then these items were
divided into 12 groups based on replenishment lead time (2, 3, 4, 6 weeks) and
total demand (i.e., 1–10, 11–20, 21–50) for the 2 year period. Finally, a frequency
distribution for demand size was generated for each group. All of these probability
distributions for demand were extremely skewed to the right, with peaks occurring
at one. Plots of the five distributions we picked are provided in Appendix 1.
The manager estimated ordering cost as $50 per order, carrying cost as 15% of the
item cost, backordering cost (cost of delay) as $20 if the item’s cost was less than
$100 and 30% of the cost of the item if its cost was more. Implicit in these com-
putations was the fact that the cost of work stoppage was not a problem and hence was
not considered as part of the cost of backordering. In the worst case scenario the part
could be obtained without work stoppage by Federal Express. Lambdas, the average
number of demand occurrences per year, were computed as follows: First we found
the average number of occurrences per month based on the 24 month demand history
for each item. We picked the minimum and the maximum in each group. Averaged
them and multiplied the average by 12 to find the yearly figure. Item cost used for
each group was also a simple average of the minimum and maximum in the group.
The data is summarized in Tables 11.1 and 11.2 in Appendix 1.
Peterson (1987) and Peterson et al. (2000) reported that Poisson distribution
adequately reflects the demand distribution for spare parts inventory. He used
ordering cost of ($3 or $20) and carrying cost of ($0.1, $0.2, $0.7) which he reports as
being similar to those used by the US Air Force inventory policies. His two back-
ordering cost levels (49 carrying cost, 99 carrying cost) correspond to 80 and 90%
service levels and represent the percentage of time an optimally controlled system
(in his simulations) incurs no backorders. Also, these service levels are around the
86% service level the Air Force targeted at the time. His lead times are
(0, 2, 4 time units) and mean demands are (0.1 and 1.0) and Poisson distributed.
When compared to Razi (1999), his ratios involving ordering-to-carrying cost and
ordering-to-backordering cost were higher and his mean demands were much lower.
11 Optimal and Heuristic Solutions 225

11.4 Results and Suggestions for Future Research

The results involving the data given in Table 11.1 and the two replenishment lead
times, 2 weeks (L = 0.04) and 4 weeks (L = 0.083) with WNOR are summarized
in Tables 11.3 and 11.4 (Appendix 1). In the two tables, the average increase in
cost (from optimal) are 97.9 and 71.04%, respectively. When the ratio of ordering
cost to holding cost is increased (or h is reduced) by 12-fold, the results improve to
76.9 and 66.4% as shown in Tables 11.5 and 11.6. The best results are obtained
when the ratio of ordering to holding cost is high and the replenishment lead time
is long (i.e., Table 11.6).
As expected, WEX does better than WNOR under both replenishment lead
times, giving only an average 42.8% increase from the optimal in Table 11.7 and
27.2% in Table 11.8 when the data in Table 11.1 is used. When the ratio of
ordering cost to holding cost is increased (or h is reduced) by 12-fold, the results
improve to 15.0 and 20.1% in Tables 11.9 and 11.10, respectively.
We are puzzled with the improvement in performance of both rules when the
re-supply lead time is doubled and the ratio of ordering to holding cost is not high.
In Tables 11.4 and 11.8, in case of groups 1, 2, 6, and 14, the percent increase from
optimal cost is less when L = 0.083, and approximately equal with group 3.
Under WEX, the best results are obtained when the ratio of ordering to holding
cost is high but when the replenishment lead time is short (i.e., Table 11.9). The
short lead time part is contrary to what we had observed in other cases. We believe
it is due to interaction affects not yet defined. Under WEX, in all cases Group 3
provides the worst results. However, the same cannot be said for WNOR. Hence
Group 3 cannot be treated as an outlier?
Given that all actual group distributions were skewed to the right with peak at
one, can we use a triangular distribution that has a peak at 1 and uses the range of
values for demand comparable to actual data being simulated. If successful, using
a triangular distribution with easily definable parameters, will free the practitioner
from the task of actually developing the exact distributions required by WEX?
Future research will answer some of these questions.

Appendix 1

Table 11.1 Characteristics of the original Razi data used in the study
Groups Ord$ Mean Variance Hold$ BckOrd$ Lambda
1 50 1.734 1.050 38.52 77.0 2.76
2 50 2.745 9.293 82.64 165.3 9.30
3 50 3.854 14.68 6.34 20.0 18.30
6 50 2.740 8.167 54.00 108.0 7.74
14 50 3.110 13.654 261.15 522.5 13.02
226 I. S. Kurtulus

Table 11.2 Ratios of ordering and backordering to holding cost used in the study
Groups Regular Ord$/ Regular BckOrd$/ Reduced Reduced Ord$/ Reduced BckOrd$/
Hold$ Hold$ Hold$ Hold$ Hold$
1 1.30 2 3.21 15.6 24
2 0.60 2 6.89 7.3 24
3 7.90 3.2 0.53 94.3 37.7
6 9.3 2 4.50 11.1 24
14 0.19 2 21.76 2.3 24

Table 11.3 Wagner normal approximation (L = 0.04)

Group WNOR WNOR TC$ Arch–Silver Arch–Silver % Increase
s S s S
1 1 2 212.59 -2 2 99.0
2 4 5 854.36 -2 3 110.7
3 2 10 360.20 -7 29 89.4
6 3 4 596.02 -2 4 107.4
14 5 6 2145.00 -1 2 83.0
Average 97.9
Data in Table 11.1 was used producing these results

Table 11.4 Wagner normal approximation (L = 0.083)

Group WNOR WNOR TC$ Arch–Silver Arch–Silver % Increase
s S s S
1 1 2 211.14 -2 2 85.2
2 3 5 804.94 -1 5 64.7
3 3 11 375.52 -5 33 89.8
6 3 4 601.40 -2 5 82.8
14 5 6 2224.51 0 5 32.7
Average 71.0
Data in Table 11.1 was used producing these results

Table 11.5 Wagner normal approximation (reduced holding costs, L = 0.04)

Group WNOR WNOR TC$ Arch–Silver Arch–Silver % Increase
s S s S
1 2 9 50.60 -1 11 29.3
2 6 12 229.73 0 20 50.5
3 6 33 129.06 -1 116 107.6
6 5 13 247.74 -1 22 133.6
14 8 10 732.67 3 19 63.5
Average 76.9
From Table 11.2, h = 3.21, 6.89, 0.53, 4.5, 21.76, are used. The rest of the data is from
Table 11.1
11 Optimal and Heuristic Solutions 227

Table 11.6 Wagner normal approximation (reduced holding costs, L = 0.083)

Group WNOR WNOR TC$ Arch–Silver Arch–Silver % Increase
s S s S
1 2 9 50.60 -1 12 23.2
2 6 12 250.36 2 24 45.8
3 6 33 134.47 4 123 110.5
6 5 13 165.63 1 25 42.4
14 9 10 1108.52 8 24 110.1
Average 66.4
From Table 11.2, h = 3.21, 6.89, 0.53, 4.5, 21.76, are used. The rest of the data is from
Table 11.1

Table 11.7 Wagner exact method (L = 0.04)

Group WEX WEX TC$ Arch–Silver Arch–Silver % Increase
s S s S
1 1 4 179.39 -2 2 67.9
2 1 6 528.61 -2 3 30.4
3 1 13 284.61 -7 29 49.7
6 1 6 377.21 -2 4 31.3
14 1 7 1575.79 -1 2 34.5
Average 42.8
Data in Table 11.1 was used producing these results

Table 11.8 Wagner exact method (L = 0.083)

Group WEX WEX TC$ Arch–Silver Arch–Silver % Increase
s S s S
1 1 4 175.25 -2 2 53.8
2 1 6 543.53 -1 5 11.2
3 1 13 298.00 -5 33 50.7
6 1 6 380.70 -2 5 15.7
14 1 7 1751.95 0 5 4.5
Average 27.2

Table 11.9 Wagner exact method (L = 0.04)

Group WEX WEX TC$ Arch–Silver Arch–Silver % Increase
s S s S
1 1 12 43.80 -1 11 12.0
2 1 18 155.01 0 20 1.5
3 1 41 97.31 -1 116 56.5
6 1 18 110.32 -1 22 4.0
14 1 19 452.35 3 19 1.0
Average 15.0
From Table 11.2, h = 3.21, 6.89, 0.53, 4.5, 21.76, are used. The rest of the data is from
Table 11.1
228 I. S. Kurtulus

Table 11.10 Wagner exact method (L = 0.083)

Group WEX WEX TC Arch–Silver Arch–Silver % Increase
s S s S
1 1 12 44.01 -1 12 7.0
2 1 18 179.58 2 24 4.6
3 1 41 105.41 4 123 65.0
6 1 18 121.41 1 25 4.6
14 1 19 629.70 8 4 19.4
Average 20.1
From Table 11.2, h = 3.21, 6.89, 0.53, 4.5, 21.76, are used. The rest of the data is from
Table 11.1

Appendix 2

Wagner’s Heuristics

Wagner (1975) has developed his heuristics as probabilistic extensions of the basic
EOQ model. If the exact distribution is known, Wagner calls his method
the algorithmic solution since it has to go through a number of iterations to
determine s and Q(S = s ? Q). We will call it the exact method (WEX). The
solution will be optimal with respect to the objective function assumed in the
model. Let pL(xL) be the probability mass functionP of demand (nonparametric)
during lead time and lL its mean and PL ðsÞ ¼ sxL ¼0 pL ðxL Þ: Then the exact
method goes through the following steps to find the solution:
Step 1: Let initial trial value of
Q¼ 2KlL =h ð1Þ
Step 2: Using the trial value of Q, compute:
R¼1 ð2Þ
hlL =2 þ lL d
Find a trial value for s such that it is the smallest positive integer for
PL ðsÞ  R ð3Þ
From the definition of (3) we can think of the value of PL(s) as the
minimum service level acceptable to the company.
Step 3: Stop if the new trial value of s is the same as before. Otherwise, calculate
a new trial value for Q by using (4) below and go back to Step 2.
X ffi
Q ¼ ð2KlL Þ=h þ ðlL þ ð2lL d=hÞÞ ðxL  sÞpL ðxL Þ ð4Þ
xL s
11 Optimal and Heuristic Solutions 229

Since as s is incremented (or decremented) Q in (4) converges, the algorithm will

end in a finite number of steps. However, for an executive who neither has the time
nor a readily accessible data base, it is very convenient to approximate the
probability distribution PL(x) by a parametric distribution such as the normal. Then
only two parameters of the distribution, lL = Ll and rL ¼ r L have to be esti-
mated, and the normal tables can be used for the cumulative distribution. Dropping
the subscript for the replenishment lead time (L), the discrete version of Wagner’s
normal approximation heuristic (WNOR) is defined by:
Step 1: Let initial trial value of
EOQ ¼ 2Kl=h ð5Þ
Step 2: Compute:
RN ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð6Þ
d ðT þ 1Þr

and find the fs value of the unit loss function (or standardized normal loss
integral) IN(f) such that:
IN ðfs Þ ¼ RN ð7Þ
Step 3: If l \ 0.8888 (K/h), then let s be determined by:
s ¼ ðL þ 1Þl þ fs ðL þ 1Þr ð8Þ

and S = s ? Q. Otherwise go to Step 4.

Step 4: Compute:
R¼ ð9Þ
ðh þ d Þ
and find the value of the standard normal variable fv such that
PN ðfv Þ ¼ R ð10Þ
fm ¼ minðfs ; fv Þ ð11Þ
Then (s, S) are determined by: pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
s ¼ ðL þ 1Þl þ fm ðL þ 1Þr ð12Þ

 h pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffii
S ¼ ðL þ 1Þl þ min fs ðL þ 1Þr þ EOQ; fv ðL þ 1Þr ð13Þ

For further discussion and justification for both WEX and WNOR, please refer to
Wagner (1975).
230 I. S. Kurtulus


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11 Optimal and Heuristic Solutions 231

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Chapter 12
Reliable Stopping Rules for Stocking
Spare Parts with Observed Demand
of No More Than One Unit

Matthew Lindsey and Robert Pavur

12.1 Introduction

Many studies describe challenges facing large manufacturers who must efficiently
control an inventory of tens of thousands of finished products, maintenance and
replacement or spare parts (Ward 1978; Gelders and Van Looy 1978; Dunsmuir
and Snyder 1989; Hua et al. 2007). Wagner and Lindemann (2008) have urgently
called for future research on strategic spare parts management. When stocking
spare parts, a few parts often represent the bulk of the investment and the majority
of the demand. However, it is important to be able to forecast the demand rate for
the slow-moving items as well as the heavily used parts. If a product has not had a
demand over a specified duration of time, its demand would be projected to be zero
based on many of the popular forecasting models, such as simple exponential
smoothing or moving averages. Yet, this product may still be required and be
worth carrying, particularly if the inventory cost is well managed.
This study examines the demand for these types of products and develops a
methodology to address related issues. In particular, we will propose a method-
ology to determine a one-sided prediction interval for predicting demand rates for
intermittent or slow-moving spare parts that is adapted from statistical procedures
developed for software reliability. The one-sided prediction interval is an upper-
sided interval and the upper endpoint could be compared to a threshold value so
that a decision can be made on whether to continue carrying a group of products.
In essence, a stopping rule can be employed to determine whether to stop stocking
certain products. A stopping rule procedure is a rule used in a decision-making

M. Lindsey (&)
Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX, USA
R. Pavur
University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 233

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_12,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
234 M. Lindsey and R. Pavur

process in which a decision is required on whether to stop carrying a product or

group of products. A stopping rule procedure can incorporate an estimate of the
future demand rate of products into its analysis to determine the continuation
decision of stocking inventory. A stopping rule typically provides an objective and
empirically supported rule to determine when stocking items, such as spare parts,
is no longer justified. Stopping rules may be based on economic policies, such as
the cost effectiveness of continuing to carry a spare part that was seldom used.
For slow-moving spare parts having no demand or limited demand over an
observed period of time, an effective rule may be difficult to establish. Managers
may re-evaluate the future demand rate of a group of slow-moving spare parts at
the end of specified time periods. An easy-to-implement stopping rule can be used
to discontinue spare parts whose projected demand rate is less than a given
threshold value. Typically, such a threshold is based on financial considerations. If
the upper endpoint of a one-sided prediction interval for the product’s future
demand rate is below the threshold, for instance, then the decision is to liquidate.

12.2 Predicting Future Demand Rate for Slow-Moving

Spare Parts

Companies may easily carry inappropriate quantities of slow-moving spares in

which future demand rates are difficult to forecast. Because of the importance of
maintaining a given service level as suggested by Miragliotta and Staudacher
(2004) organizations can compensate for poor forecasts by increasing assets or
working capital, but these options may prove costly. Service levels may be
determined by customer satisfaction. Often, some level of support may be needed
for an expensive product that sporadically required the replacement of a long-
lasting high tech component. Being able to accurately predict demand for slow-
moving spare parts and maintain an optimal inventory level for spare parts is one
way to cut waste. Unfortunately, traditional forecasting techniques often result in
stocking higher than needed levels of inventory for slow-moving spares. Porras
and Dekker (2008) point out that Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages
such as SAP R/3, which uses cycle service levels, are not adequate for the control
of spare parts that are more appropriately measured by the fill rate.
While traditional forecasting methods are applicable for spare parts with regular
usage, the application of intermittent demand forecasting techniques is often
needed. Ghobbar and Friend (2002) classify demand patterns into erratic, lumpy,
smooth and intermittent demand and suggest appropriate techniques for each
category. Willemain et al. (2004) classify techniques for forecasting items with
intermittent demand into the categories of methods such as non-extrapolative
approaches, variations of the Poisson process model, smoothing methods, varia-
tions of Croston’s method, and bootstrapping methods. Boylan et al. (2007) pro-
vide the definitions for terms used in the study of slow-moving inventory. Products
12 Reliable Stopping Rules for Stocking Spare Parts 235

with infrequent demand occurrences are classified as intermittent. Slow-moving

items are intermittent and have low average demand.
Cavalieri et al. (2008) provide a decision-making framework for managing
maintenance spare parts. The framework consists of coding and classifying parts,
forecasting demand for parts, determining a stock management policy and then
testing and validating. The middle step, part demand forecasting, can be difficult
when demand is low, including intermittent or lumpy demand. Cavalieri et al.
(2008) suggest that traditional time series-based forecasting methods are suitable
when the demand is smooth or erratic, but suggest that customized models are
needed for intermittent demand and lumpy demand. The method proposed in the
current paper fills the need identified by Cavalieri et al. (2008).
Many of the existing approaches to estimating demands for slow-moving
products find their roots in research related to predicting usage rates for military
spare parts, especially those onboard ships (Haber and Sitgreaves 1970). Haber
and Sitgreaves (1970) survey several forecasting methods for goods with spo-
radic demand patterns, including a method that relies on expert opinion to pool
usage figures for products with similar designs. These items would for the most
part be classified as having lumpy demand and would not follow the assumption
of demand following a Poisson distribution. A limitation is that the number of
categories to which parts are classified needs to be determined to provide suf-
ficient data to obtain reliable estimates of demand. An implicit assumption is
made that demand for each product is independent of the demand for other
The use of reliability analysis has also provided a context for the study of
controlling spare parts. Yamashina (1989) structured the problem of forecasting
demand for spare parts in terms of the product manufacturing pattern, the product
life characteristics and the part life characteristics. This view of forecasting
demand for spare parts utilizes the coefficient of variation of the product life
probability density function, shape of the demand curve, and the production
pattern to determine when spare parts are required.

12.3 Stopping Rules for Deciding to No Longer

Carry Inventory

Browne and Pitts (2004) state that a stopping rule can be used in the decision-
making process to make a judgment based on the information gathered about the
sufficiency of that information and the need to acquire additional information. That
is, a stopping rule is some test or heuristic invoked by the decision-maker to
determine the sufficiency of the information obtained. They remark that stopping
rules have been investigated extensively in decision-making research. Brown and
Zacks (2006) studied a stopping rule for the problem of quick detection of a
change-point in the intensity of a homogeneous ordinary Poisson process. In
general, finding optimal stopping rules is quite difficult.
236 M. Lindsey and R. Pavur

Ross (1985b) considered a stopping rule to determine when a software package

was ready to be released after testing for errors from bugs. Often, software
packages are released with some minimal number of bugs to accept a reasonable
risk of errors at the end of a testing phase. He proposed a procedure similar to that
used in a quality control setting. Assume that e(t)is the estimate of K(t), the true
future error rate of the software package. Let A be the minimal acceptable error
rate that management is willing to allow in a software package that is released to
the market. The stopping rule for testing can be the rule that calls for stopping the
testing procedure at the first time value of t such that the following upper limit on
the error estimate is below A: eðtÞ þ 3 E ½eðtÞ  KðtÞ2 \A: An important
question is: how reliable is this rule? This answer may depend on the accuracy of
the estimate of of K(t). The robustness of one-sided prediction intervals may
provide insights into the feasibility of this guideline.
In the context of inventory management, a stopping rule procedure may be used
in the decision-making process to determine whether to stop carrying a spare part
or group of spare parts. A viable stopping rule procedure must incorporate an
accurate estimate of the future demand rate of spare parts into its analysis to
optimally determine the continuation of inventory. Upper one-sided prediction
intervals for forecasting future demand rate for spare parts showing no demand
over a specified time frame could be assessed for robustness with respect to their
nominal Type I error rate and thus be validated for its usefulness in being part of a
stopping rule procedure. The study in this paper considers the robustness of such
one-sided prediction intervals and also extends these intervals to the case where
spare parts display no more than one demand over a specified time frame. The
reliability of one-sided prediction intervals is shown to depend on a combination of
parameters: the observed time frame, the true demand rate, the number of products
in inventory, and the appropriateness of assuming a normal approximation for the
distribution of the estimator.
Decision rules for determining whether a group of spare parts should be dis-
continued must involve a high degree of confidence that the true future demand
rate of the spare parts will be below a certain threshold. The threshold is typically
based on economic considerations, which will not be explored in this study. For
example, see Horodowich (1979) for a model that considers cost of capital, income
taxes, selling price inflation, scrap value, and magnitude of inventory on hand,
when considering when to discontinue a product.
Lindsey and Pavur (2009) proposed an extension of the Ross estimator to use in
forming two-sided prediction intervals for demand rates of inventory that has
displayed no demand over a specified period of time. The technique for forming
reliable one-sided prediction intervals for the future demand rate of existing
products with observed demand of zero was adapted from Ross (2002)’s meth-
odology on software reliability. Lindsey and Pavur (2009) used a simulation study
to examine the reliability of the two-sided prediction intervals for the future
demand of products with no observed demand across experimental conditions that
included product group size, mean time between demand, and Type I error levels.
12 Reliable Stopping Rules for Stocking Spare Parts 237

Ranges of these parameters over which the two-sided prediction intervals were
reliable were noted.
The current study differs from Lindsey and Pavur (2009) in that the reliability
of one-sided prediction intervals is investigated. Although it may seem that the
parameters under which two-sided predictions for products with no observed
demand are the same as that for one-sided prediction intervals, this is not the case
as is illustrated in a comparison of the two in the simulation study section of this
paper. The two-sided prediction interval allows for more error in one tail of the
prediction interval to be compensated by less error in the other tail. In addition,
this paper investigates an extension in which the demand rate of products which
display no more than one unit of demand are investigated. Although the prediction
intervals are adapted from Ross (1985a, b, 2002)’s estimators, he did not assess the
distribution or reliability of these estimators.

12.4 Estimating a Poisson Rate of Random Variables

with Zero or One Demand Units

If a set of Poisson random variables are observed over a specified time frame
and no observations occur, then an estimate of zero may be inappropriate
simply because the time frame may not have been long enough. This type of
problem has appeared in the software reliability literature. Ross (1985a, b,
2002) derived an estimator for the future demand of bugs in a software
package that has no occurrences. However, he did not examine the distribution
of this estimator or the reliability of prediction intervals constructed from this
estimator. He also did not extend this estimator to the case of estimating the
future demand rate of Poisson random variables with zero or one observed
occurrences. Many models based on the Poisson distribution have been con-
sidered for estimating failure rates in software (Abdel-Ghaly et al. 1986;
Kaufman 1996).
A description of this estimator will now be presented using the context of errors
in a software package during testing. Then a description will follow in which the
context will be translated into demand for a group of products with zero or one
observations. Suppose that there are n bugs contained in a software package.
The number of errors caused by bug i is assumed to follow a Poisson distribution
with a mean of ki, i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n. Ross (2002) defines Wi(t) = 1 if bug i has not
caused a detected error by time t [ 0 and 0 otherwise, i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n. These
indicator variables allow the future error rate of the bug with no observed error to
be KðtÞ ¼ ni¼1 ki Wi ðtÞ. This expression has unknown rate parameters, ki, that are
difficult to estimate without using a time frame that is long enough to provide an
accurate estimate. In the context of software applications, a high error rate by this
expression would be unacceptable to the customer. Ross (1985a, b) used the
following notation.
238 M. Lindsey and R. Pavur

n Number of errors
ki Error rate for bug i, i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n
t Length of time period over which errors are observed
Wi(t) Equal to 1 if bug i has not caused an error and 0 otherwise
K(t) Theoretical error rate of bugs
Mj(t) Number of bugs that have caused j errors by time t

Assume that a specified time frame is denoted by t. To estimate K(t), Ross

(2002) used Mj(t) to denote the number of bugs responsible for j detected errors by
time t, j = 1, 2, …, n. That is, M1(t) is the number of bugs that cause exactly one
error, M2(t) is the number of bugs that cause exactly two errors, and so on. Using
the assumption of a Possion process the expected future error of the bug displaying
no occurrences is E½KðtÞ ¼ ni¼1 ki E½Wi ðtÞ ¼ ni¼1 ki eki t . Interestingly, M1tðtÞ
and K(t) have the same expected value according to Ross (2002). M1tðtÞ is an
h estimator
i since it can be easily computed in practice. Thus,
E KðtÞ  t = 0, which is key to establishing that M1tðtÞ is an unbiased estimate
M1 ðtÞ

of K(t). For it to be a good estimator of K(t), its difference with K(t) should be
small. The second moment of KðtÞ  M1tðtÞ is the same as the expected value of
M1 ðtÞþ2M2 ðtÞ
, which is a function of M1(t) and M2(t). Therefore, the mean squared
difference between K(t) and M1tðtÞ can be estimated by M1 ðtÞþ2M 2 ðtÞ
M1 ðtÞ
The following results in Eq. 12.1 summarize that t is an unbiased estimator
of K(t) and that the variance of the difference, or equivalently the expected squared
difference, between the estimator and the unknown population rate K(t) decreases
over time.
E½M1 ðtÞ ¼ ki teki t
M1 ðtÞ
E ¼ E½KðtÞ
1X n
E½M2 ðtÞ ¼ ðki tÞ2 eki t ð12:1Þ
2 i¼1
(  ) X n  2 ki t 
M1 ðtÞ 2 ki e þ ki eki t
E KðtÞ  ¼
t i¼1
E½M1 ðtÞ þ 2M2 ðtÞ

The underlying assumptions for occurrences of bugs are the same assumptions
often made for occurrences of demand for products. That is, the demand for
products can be assumed, as is frequently stated in the literature, to follow a
Poisson process. In addition, an assumption can be made that one product’s
12 Reliable Stopping Rules for Stocking Spare Parts 239

demand is independent from another. This assumption makes the problem of

estimating demand, in the case of inventory, or error rates, in the case of software
applications, tractable. The prediction of software reliability uses some method-
ologies that maybe adapted for the study of slow-moving inventory.
Although there are many differences between software reliability and inventory
management, the proposed estimators can be used in both applications. One could
argue that bugs are not always known until they are detected whereas products are
always known to exist. Ross (1985a) addresses this limitation in software applica-
tions by extending the use of estimators to a case where there is a probability p of
detecting a bug. However, this extension is not needed for the case of inventory
management. An implicit assumption is that sales are detected with 100% certainty.
As an extension to the above approach, an estimator of the future demand rate of a
pool of products experiencing no more than one unit sold is proposed. Define
K(t) = ni¼1 ki Ii ðtÞ as the future unknown demand rate for products having exactly
one unit of sale by time t where Ii(t) = 1 if product i with demand rate ki has exactly
one unit of sale by time t and 0 otherwise, i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n. The future demand rate
for products with sales of no more than one unit is the sum of the random variables
K(t) and D(t). The proposed estimator of K(t) ? D(t) is M1 ðtÞþ2M t
2 ðtÞ
. This estimator is
Pn ki t 2 ki t
unbiased since its expected value is i¼1 ðki e þ ki te Þ, the same as the
expected value of K(t) ? D(t). An unbiased estimator of the squared difference
between K(t) ? D(t) and M1 ðtÞþ2M t
2 ðtÞ
is M1 ðtÞþ2M22ðtÞþ6M3 ðtÞ since the expected value of
Pn t
either is i¼1 ðt1 ki eki t þ tk2i eki t þ t2 k3i eki t Þ. If this expected squared difference
is small, then M1 ðtÞþ2M
2 ðtÞ
is a reasonable estimator of K(t) ? D(t).

12.5 One-Sided Prediction Intervals for Future Demand

Rate of Products with No Demand or with No
More than One Demand

Inventory managers may need a forecast for not only spare parts with no demand
but also spare parts that had a few demand occurrences. That is, a one-sided
prediction interval for slow-moving spares with less than some minimum number
of demands over a specified time period may be desired. For this reason, a one-
sided prediction interval is considered for the case in which there is zero or one
demand. Although this extension could be carried further, a simulation study of
many different one-sided prediction intervals would become too involved.
Two-sided prediction intervals were considered in Lindsey and Pavur (2009).
Since the upper limit of the prediction interval may be of more importance in
decision making on liquidating or no longer carrying a product, one-sided pre-
diction intervals (OSPIs) are proposed in this section for the case of estimating
future demand for products with no observed demand or with no more than one
observed demand. The proposed OSPIs with 100(1 - a)% confidence will be the
240 M. Lindsey and R. Pavur

estimate of future demand plus the appropriate 100(1 - a)% normal distribution
percentile multiplied by an estimate of the standard error of the estimate. However,
for certain parameters this OSPI may not be reliable. For example, the estimator
M1 ðtÞ
t for the demand rate of products with no demand may be too skewed to be
assumed to be approximately normally distributed. Under certain parameter values
such as a small product group size, the normal approximation may make the upper
limit of an OSPI too small. That is, the nominal (stated) confidence level of the
OSPI will no longer hold if the normal distribution is not a good approximation of
a distribution that is skewed or heavy tailed. Thus, the reliability of such one-sided
intervals will be assessed over a variety of demand rates and numbers of products.
The upper endpoint of a proposed OSPI for the case of estimating the future
demand of products with no observed demand is as follows.
M1 ðtÞ M1 ðtÞ þ 2M2 ðtÞ
þ Za ð12:2Þ
t t2
A proposed estimator for the future sales rate of products having no more than
one sale over a specified time frame is M1 ðtÞþ2M
2 ðtÞ
since it is an unbiased estimator
of the underlying demand rate. The unbiased estimator for the expected squared
difference of this estimator and the future demand rate is M1 ðtÞþ2M22ðtÞþ6M3 ðtÞ. The
upper end point of the proposed OSPI for the future demand rate of products
having no more than one sale by time period t are as follows.
M1 ðtÞ þ 2M2 ðtÞ M1 ðtÞ þ 2M2 ðtÞ þ 6M3 ðtÞ
þ Za : ð12:3Þ
t t2

Equation 12.2 will be referred to as the Zero Sales prediction intervals. That is,
the Zero Sales prediction intervals determine future demand rate for products
exhibiting no sales over a specified time frame. Equation 12.3 will be referred to
as the Zero and One Sales prediction interval. These prediction one-sided intervals
determine the future demand rate for spare parts having no more than one sale unit
of demand over a specified time frame. A value of zero can be used for the lower
end-point for these OSPIs.

12.6 Monte Carlo Simulation Study to Assess Reliability

of Proposed OSPIs

A Monte Carlo simulation with 5,000 replications was conducted to assess the
reliability of OSPIs for the demand rate of slow-moving products. One group of
slow-moving products that have not exhibited any demand over the specified time
frame will be referred to as the Zero Sales group. Another group of slow-moving
products that have exhibited no more than one demand will be referred to as the
12 Reliable Stopping Rules for Stocking Spare Parts 241

Zero and One Sales group. The reliability of the proposed OSPIs will be assessed
by simulating their Type I error rate. The next section will provide the empirical
Type I error rates for the Zero Sales OPSIs across various Product Group Sizes and
MTBDs. This section is followed by the results for the Zero and One Sales OSPIs.
Next, a comparison of the reliability of the two different OSPIs is presented.
Finally, an illustration is provided as to how the Zero and One Sales OSPIs
compare to the TSPIs with respect to their reliability across a variety of MTBDs.
Monte Carlo parameters similar to those selected in Lindsey and Pavur (2009)
in studying the reliability of two-sided prediction intervals for the Zero Sales group
are used in this study. A specified time frame of 100 units of time was selected for
the entire simulation study as 100 units of time could be converted into hourly,
daily or weekly data, but not longer periods, such as monthly or yearly. One
hundred time units would be roughly equal to 3 months or about a quarter if the
unit was a day or about 2 years if the unit was a week. The time frame of 100 units
was arbitrary, but it is reasonable to assume it would be a common time frame to
study for data either collected on a daily or weekly basis. This amount of time
would be an appropriate amount of time in which a manager would need to make
critical decisions if products were not moving. The total number of products in a
group that are observed for their demand range from 10 to 1,000. MTBD range
from 10 to 1,000 and include a case in which there is a mixture of MTBDs.
The confidence levels for the OSPIs are selected to be at the 90%, 95%, and
99% levels. That is, the nominal Type I error rates (alphas) are 10%, 5%, and 1%.
A Type I error occurs if a known demand rate is not within the one-sided pre-
diction interval constructed from the simulated demand of the products. An
empirical Type I error is considered near its nominal alpha value if this error is
within plus or minus two standard deviations of the nominal value (Zwick 1986;
Harwell 1991). For example, at the 99% confidence level with a nominal Type I
error rate of 1%, the empirical Type I error for 5,000 simulations must be between
0:01  2 ð0:01Þð10:01Þ
5;000 or from 0.007 to 0.013 for the prediction interval to be
considered reliable. For the 95 and 90% confidence levels, these intervals are
0.044 to 0.056 and 0.092 to 0.108, respectively.
The next section will provide the empirical Type I error rates for the Zero Sales
OPSIs across various Product Group Sizes and MTBDs. This section is followed
by the results for the Zero and One Sales OSPIs. Next, a comparison of the
reliability of the two different OSPIs is presented. Finally, an illustration is pro-
vided as to how the Zero and One Sales OSPIs compare to the TSPIs with respect
to their reliability across a variety of MTBDs.

12.7 Reliability of Zero Sales OSPIs across

Product Group Sizes

Empirical Type I errors of OSPIs for a group of products with zero sales are
assessed across a variety of conditions for the number of products and the demand
242 M. Lindsey and R. Pavur

rates to determine if OSPIs are reliable as a measure to compare with a threshold

value for making critical decisions about a subgroup of non-selling products.
Product groups are formed by managers based on the expected demand of the
products. Items that are expected to have similar demand levels would be grouped
together based on historical data or by expert opinion. The number of products in
each group ranges from 50 to 1,000 products across a specified demand rate for
three confidence levels. The effect of the group size on the performance of the one-
sided prediction intervals was assessed at four demand levels in terms of MTBD:
100, 200, or 300, or mixture of 50 and 400.
Product group sizes were increased by 50 up to 500 products and then by 100
up to 1,000 products. Product group sizes were incremented in this fashion to keep
the total number of simulations reasonable while still gaining insight into the
performance of the models when product group size is large. Product group sizes
under 500 were considered more practical to investigate than group sizes over 500.
Throughout the simulation, product group sizes and MTBD will not be evenly
spaced so that simulations can reveal information over wider ranges of parameters
while still examining performance over parameter values where performance is
thought to be changing quickly. The product mixture of 50 and 400 MTBDs
consisted of 25 products having an MTBD of 400 and the remaining 25 to 975
products having an MTBD of 50.
As illustrated in Fig. 12.1, OSPIs are generally reliable for higher demand rates
(shorter MTBD) with relatively larger product group sizes. The OSPIs should be
used with caution for product group sizes below 300 or with very low demand
rates. Reliable OSPIs can be obtained for use in a stopping rule. The conditions
under which OSPIs should be considered reliable include product group sizes that
are large and an observed time period that should approximate or be close to the
MTBD of the product group. The OSPIs appear to be less stable when the demand
rate is relatively low (i.e., MTBD = 300).

12.8 Reliability of Zero and One Sales OSPIs across

Product Group Sizes

Empirical Type I errors of OSPIs for a group of products with zero and one sales
are assessed in a similar fashion to the OSPIs for a group of products with zero
sales. The parameters used in the simulation in the previous section were used to
determine the reliability of the OSPIs for zero and one sales. Figure 12.2 illustrates
that for MTBDs of 100 and the mixture of MTBDs, that the Zero and One Sales
OSPIs maintain their nominal Type I error rate as the product group size increases.
A product group size of at least 200 should be used with these MTBDs. For low
demand rates (high MTBDs), the demand may be too slow to provide sufficient
information, to provide accurate statistics for a reliable OSPI for the demand rate
of products which have exhibited one demand.
12 Reliable Stopping Rules for Stocking Spare Parts 243

Fig. 12.1 Empirical Type I error versus product group size for OSPI of Zero Sales group

12.9 Comparison of the Reliability of Zero and One Sales

OSPIs and Zero Sales OSPIs

Since the Zero and One Sales OSPIs are estimating a demand rate for potentially
more products than the Zero Sales prediction interval, the Zero and One Sales
OSPI is expected to perform better with products having higher demand, since
more demand will occur more often even for the slowest moving products. To
assess this characteristic, a comparison is made between these two prediction
Figure 12.3 reveals the empirical Type I error rates for the Zero Sales OPSIs
and the Zero and One Sales OPSI across MTBDs ranging from 10 to 1,000.
A group product size of 200 was selected since this group size appears to be where
the OSPIs start to show robustness with respect to maintaining their nominal Type
I error rates. In general, the empirical Type I error rates for the Zero and One Sales
OSPIs are lower than those of the Zero Sales OSPIs for the first half of the graph
244 M. Lindsey and R. Pavur

Fig. 12.2 Empirical Type I One-Sided Zero and One Sales Prediction
error for Zero and One Sales Intervals Illustrating Effect of Product Group
OSPIs across product group Size
size 0.14



Empirical Type I Error Rate 90% Prediction Interval



95% Prediction Interval
99% Prediction Interval


50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Product Group Size

and then reverse. These results indeed reveal that for high demand rates, such as
MTBD = 15 and MTBD = 20, that the Zero and One Sales prediction intervals
have empirical Type I error rates closer to their nominal Type I error rates. This
occurs because the variability of the demand rate estimates for the Zero and One
Sales OPSIs tend to be lower at relatively higher demand rates. However, as the
MTBD increases, the Zero and One Sales prediction interval does appear to have
higher empirical Type I error rates than the Zero Sales prediction interval.
Although these empirical Type I errors tend to improve with an increase in the
number of products, the general pattern showing the relationship between these
two OSPIs appears to remain.

12.10 Comparison of the Reliability of Zero and One Sales

OSPIs and Two-Sided Prediction Intervals

Two-sided prediction intervals for the demand rate of products exhibiting zero
demand over a fixed time frame were the focus of the study by Lindsey and Pavur
(2009). To illustrate that a separate simulation study investigating OSPIs is needed
12 Reliable Stopping Rules for Stocking Spare Parts 245

Fig. 12.3 Empirical Type I error for Zero and One Sales and Zero Sales OSPIs

and that OSPIs should be used more cautiously then the two-sided prediction
intervals, a comparison of the empirical Type I errors of the two types of pre-
diction intervals for Zero and One Sales is illustrated in Fig. 12.4. The parameters
selected are the same as that used in Fig. 12.3 to compare the performance of the
Zero and One Sales OSPIs and the Zero Sales OSPIs.
Generally, the empirical Type I error rates for the two-sided prediction intervals
are lower than those for the Zero and One Sales OSPIs. Clearly, at the 95% and
99% confidence levels, an MTBD of 10 yields a greatly inflated Type I error. The
90% two-sided prediction interval is generally robust across the MTBDs in
maintaining its nominal Type I error rate. For the 95% and 99% two-sided and
one-sided prediction intervals, very large MTBDs can easily affect the reliability
of these intervals.
246 M. Lindsey and R. Pavur

One-Sided and Two-Sided Zero and One Sales Prediction

Intervals Illustrating Effect of Decreasing Demand Rate
(Increasing MTBD for 200 Products)




Empirical Type I Error Rate

90% Prediction Interval




95% Prediction Interval 99% Prediction Interval



10 15 20 30 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 12.4 Empirical Type I error for Zero and One Sales OSPIs and two-sided prediction

12.11 Discussion of Results and Conclusion

Estimation of the future demand rate of a group of products without sales or with
no more than one sale over a specified time period is difficult due to lack of data.
There are limited demand rate estimation procedures for this type of slow-moving
inventory. The proposed prediction intervals for the future demand rate of these
slow-moving products are unique in that one-sided prediction intervals addressing
12 Reliable Stopping Rules for Stocking Spare Parts 247

this problem have not been presented. The Monte Carlo simulation results pre-
sented in this paper provide insight into conditions under which these prediction
intervals are reliable. Knowledge of reliable upper endpoints of a one-sided pre-
diction interval allows managers to compare this value to some threshold value for
decision-making purposes.
The simulation study suggests that the OSPIs are not as robust with respect to
maintaining their nominal Type I error as the two-sided prediction intervals.
Generally, the OSPIs are reliable for higher demand rates (shorter MTBD) with
relatively larger product group sizes. The OSPIs should be used with caution for
product group sizes below 300 or with very low demand rates. Reliable OSPIs can
be obtained for use in a stopping rule. The conditions under which OSPIs should
be considered reliable include product group sizes that are large and an observed
time period that should approximate or be close to the MTBD of the product
group. The Zero and One Sales OSPI provides an interval for a demand rate for
potentially more products than the Zero Sales OSPI. This proposed prediction
interval performs better with products having higher demand.
One-sided prediction intervals are applicable to stopping rules to help deter-
mine when product demand rates are below threshold limits set by managers for
carrying the merchandise. Knowledge of the upper endpoint of an OSPI allows
managers to compare this value to some threshold value for decision-making
purposes. As long as estimated future demand rates are above an acceptable
minimum determined by management, products will likely be kept in stock. Once
the minimum demand rate (threshold value) is reached, products may be consid-
ered for liquidation. There are few options for managers to use in estimating the
future demand rate of products with no demand or with little demand. This study
provides an additional tool that can be used in the decision-making process of
deciding whether to continue carrying spare parts with little demand.

12.12 Unique Contribution of Research and Future

Research Ideas

Only a finite number of experimental conditions were investigated for the pro-
posed methodology. Additional simulations should be completed to extend this
research for values outside the ranges tested and even between the parameter
values selected. For example, the proposed prediction intervals were studied over a
specified range of product group sizes. General trends were identified, but running
additional simulations with group sizes in between the points selected would
support the general trend or possibly identify potential anomalies resulting from
some particular group size.
Modified prediction intervals for future demand should be investigated to
determine approaches to making them reliable to a wider range of demand rates
and product group sizes. There may be a correction factor that may be developed
248 M. Lindsey and R. Pavur

to enhance the performance of the prediction intervals. In addition, prediction

intervals for products having no more than two sales, or some given number of
sales, should be developed and investigated.
Two limitations to the current study were the assumption of independence of
the demand of products and the assumption that sales and demand were equivalent.
Assuming a correlation structure for the demand of inventory products would
require newly proposed methodology that might be difficult to implement. Future
research should address the issue in which independence of product demand does
not hold and address the issue of estimating demand that may not result in a sale.
These issues would require formulations that were more involved than those
presented in this research. Most importantly, future research should provide
extensive guidelines to inventory managers to select reliable models to optimize
inventory levels over a wide variety of product types. Furthermore, the perfor-
mance of any proposed model must be interpreted so that inventory managers may
use them appropriately. Future research should assess methodology that performs
well under assumptions that mimic real world conditions.


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Chapter 13
Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale
Service Parts Logistics Network Design
and Inventory Problems

Yi Sui, Erhan Kutanoglu and J. Wesley Barnes

Abstract This chapter documents a study of a reactive tabu search (RTS)

approach to the integrated service part logistics (SPL) network design and
inventory stocking problem. The integrated problem of designing and stocking
an SPL network has attracted more attention recently. The two sets of decisions
(network design and inventory stocking) usually have been considered sepa-
rately and sequentially in practice as well as in the research literature, although
interdependency between them exists and integration is necessary for overall
system performance optimization. However, the integrated mathematical pro-
gramming model and solution development for this problem are often intrac-
table due to the time-based service constraints which confine the lower bound
of the demand percentage satisfied within the specified time windows.
We use a RTS method to efficiently find very good solutions to this problem.
Tabu search combines a hill climbing strategy with a memory structure which
guides the search. The reactive mechanism dynamically adjusts the tabu tenure
during the search. An escape mechanism is activated when the search is trapped in
a local attractor basin. We also apply heuristic techniques to construct the initial
solution and use rule based comparisons to determine the best non-tabu solution in
a neighborhood about the current incumbent solution.
By applying this metaheuristic method to problem sets of different
sizes, we obtain high-quality solutions with remarkably small amounts of

Y. Sui (&)
MicroStrategy, Inc, McLean, VA, USA
E. Kutanoglu  J. W. Barnes
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
J. W. Barnes

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 251

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_13,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
252 Y. Sui et al.

computational effort. For the smaller problems, the tabu search solution is
identical or very close to the optimal solution provided by classical optimization-
based methods. For the larger problems, RTS obtains solutions superior to those
obtained by classical approaches.

13.1 Introduction

Pre-sale profit margins of manufacturing companies continue to shrink due to

intense global competition. Fortunately, in the United States, manufacturing
companies now earn up to 40–50% of their profit after the original product sale
and make nearly 25% of their revenues by providing parts, maintenance and other
services to customers (Poole 2003). Hence, post-sale activities such as Service Part
Logistics (SPL) have become increasingly important. SPL refers to the set of
operations and infrastructure that responds to existing customer problems by
providing replacements for failed parts in the customers’ products and by dis-
patching a technician if required.
Providing fast, high quality post-sale service to existing customers as promised
in high-dollar service contracts greatly enhances customer retention and increases
customer loyalty, significantly benefitting both before and after sales supply
chains. SPL plays a critical role in a wide domain of industries including computer
hardware (IBM, HP, Dell), medical equipment (GE, Siemens), heavy machinery
(Caterpillar), manufacturing equipment (Applied Materials), aerospace (Boeing)
and defense and military logistics. Post sales service is an important product
differentiator which enhances overall brand value within each industry. Because of
their business requirements, many SPL customers require service recovery in
hours, if not minutes. This extensively modifies the corresponding strategic, tac-
tical and operational SPL problems, rendering traditional supply chain method-
ologies ineffective.
The typical strategic SPL problem includes locating and staffing the part
stocking facilities, allocating customer demands to these facilities, and selecting
the proper stock levels to satisfy the stringent and time-sensitive service require-
ments. Traditional approaches to such network design problems fail to consider
inventory issues while locating facilities and allocating customers to those facil-
ities. Moreover, time-based service level requirements in SPL (requiring very
flexible network responsiveness) strongly tie the network design and inventory
decisions. Earlier optimization-based methods that have been introduced to solve
such integrated SPL problems (Jeet et al. 2009; Candas and Kutanoglu 2007) are
promising in obtaining comprehensive (and improved) solutions to small and
medium scale problems. However, these classical optimization-based methods
developed through new formulation, decomposition and lower bounding discov-
eries, even when carefully customized and specifically designed for these prob-
lems, fail to effectively scale up to solve industry-scale SPL problems. This study
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 253

introduces a more scalable, alternative approach, a Reactive Tabu Search (RTS)

algorithm, to solve larger SPL network and inventory design problems.

13.2 Literature Review

Some classical network design and facility location problems such as the set
covering location problem (Toregas et al. 1971), the p-median problem (Hakimi
1964), and the uncapacitated facility location (UFL) problem (Kuehn and
Hamburger 1963) have been widely studied. Magnanti and Wong (1984)
summarized early work on the location problem and Drezner (1995) gave a survey
of applications and methods for solving the facility location problem. Melkote and
Daskin (2001a) provided a comprehensive overview of network location models.
Some research papers in this area also study problems with service constraints or
reliability issues. Simchi-Levi (1991) studied the traveling salesman location
problem with a capacitated server at the service location. Melkote and Daskin
(2001b) examined a combined facility location/network design problem in which
the facilities have limited capacities on the amount of demand they can serve.
There is a significant amount of inventory management literature. In this study,
we focus only on literature closely related to the research documented here which
includes papers for specialized SPL inventory models. Cohen et al. (1988) pre-
sented a model of an (s, S) inventory system with two priority classes of cus-
tomers, Chen and Krass (2001) investigated inventory models with minimal
service level constraints, and Agrawal and Seshadri (2000) derived the bounds to
the fill-rate constrained (Q, r) inventory problem. Early work in the area of multi-
facility inventory models includes Sherbrooke (1968, 1986) and Muckstadt (1973).
SPL systems have been successfully implemented in different industries
(Cohen et al. 1990, 1999, 2000) and in the military domain (Rustenburg et al
2001). Cohen et al. (1997) summarized a benchmark study of after-sales service
logistics systems.
In recent years, the integrated problem of facility location and inventory
stocking has attracted some attention. Barahona and Jensen (1998) studied the
integrated model considering a low level of inventory for computer spare parts.
Nozick and Turnquist (1998) investigated a distribution system model with
inventory costs as part of the facility fixed cost while maximizing the service level.
A variation of this model minimizes the cost subject to the service constraints
(Nozick 2001). Daskin et al. (2002) introduced a facility location model which
incorporates working inventory and safety stock inventory costs at the facilities.
They also proposed a Lagrangian relaxation solution algorithm for this model.
Shen et al. (2003) considered a joint location inventory problem involving a single
supplier and multiple retailers and developed a column generation method to solve
this model. Jeet (2006) solved the integrated facility location and inventory
stocking problem while considering part commonality by using a fill rate outer
approximation scheme. Candas and Kutanoglu (2007) showed that determining the
254 Y. Sui et al.

network design and inventory stocking levels simultaneously is superior to treating

them separately for the same model.
For most large scale problems, traditional integer programming or mixed
integer programming (MIP) methods require excessive amounts of computational
effort to achieve optimality. Tabu Search (TS), first introduced by Glover (1989,
1990), can provide good solutions to these large problems in a more time-efficient
way. TS has been shown to be an effective and efficient method for combinatorial
optimization problems that combines a hill climbing strategy with memory
structures to guide the search (Glover 1989, 1990). Battiti and Tecchiolli (1994)
developed the RTS by adding a hashing scheme to detect cyclic behavior and an
intelligent way to dynamically adapt the tabu tenure based on the current status
and past history of the search. Barnes and Carlton (1995) introduced the RTS to
attack the vehicle routing problem with time windows and the results they
obtained were superior to the results from a classical optimization algorithm or a
genetic algorithm. In addition, the pickup and delivery problem with time windows
can be solved by RTS very efficiently to achieve high solution quality (Nanry and
Barnes 2000). Ciarleglio (2007) and Ciarleglio et al. (2008) extended traditional
TS techniques with the creation of Modular Abstract Self-Learning Tabu Search
which includes rule based objectives and dynamic neighborhood selection.
TS has been widely used in the network design area to achieve near optimal
solutions. Crainic et al. (1995, 1996) applied TS to the capacitated multicom-
modity network design problem. Cooperative parallel TS (Crainic and Gendreau
2002) was developed for the capacitated network design problem; their method
obtained better solutions than sequential approaches and a well designed coop-
erative search outperformed independent search strategies. Xu et al. (1996)
introduced probabilistic TS for telecommunications network design by using
movement estimations, error correction and probabilistic move selection.

13.3 The SPL Mathematical Model

This section introduces the MIP model for the integrated SPL problem. Stochastic
demands are included in terms of fill rate to represent the part availability. The
limitations of the mathematical programming model are listed at the end of this
section as well.

13.3.1 The Integrated SPL Model with Stochastic Demands

The service level requirements imposed on the SPL system motivate the simul-
taneous modeling of the network design and inventory stocking decisions. Our
integrated model development is based on Jeet et al. (2009). Similar to their study,
we make the following assumptions:
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 255

1. We assume that the SPL network has only one echelon and all the stocking
facilities serve the customers directly. We also assume these facilities can be
replenished by a central warehouse with unlimited-capacity (i.e., infinite sup-
ply) and no time delay.
2. We use a one-for-one replenishment policy for all the stocking facilities. Since
the demand is assumed to be very low and lead time is relatively short, we do
not need to consider the batch ordering where replenishment quantity is more
than one. This is a very common assumption in low demand inventory systems
such as SPL.
3. We assume that all the customer service level requirements are aggregated to
obtain the system target service level.
4. The demands from different customers are governed by statistically indepen-
dent Poisson distributions. The Poisson distribution is a good approximation of
the low-demand distribution (Muckstadt 2005).
5. Customer demand can be only assigned to one facility with at least one unit of stock.
In case of a facility ‘‘stock-out,’’ the customer demand is passed to the central
warehouse, which satisfies the customer demand with a direct shipment. For the
‘‘stocked-out’’ facility, the demand is considered lost, hence we use the lost-sales fill
rate. (Long run average fill rates are computed using the lost sales formula derived
from the steady state behavior of the M/G/s/s queuing model (Zipkin 2000).
6. There is only one time-window over which the target aggregate service level is
to be satisfied. When the facility can provide the part to the customer in need
within the time window (depending on the distance between the facility and the
customer), the satisfied unit of demand is counts towards its target service level.

13.3.2 The Model Notation

The following is used in the model:

• Sets and Indices

I Set of candidate facility locations, indexed by i.

J Set of customers/demand points, indexed by j.

• Parameters

fi Annual cost of operating facility i (assumed constant once the facility is open).
cij Cost of shipping one unit of the part from facility i to customer j.
dj Mean annual demand for customer j.
hi Annual inventory holding cost at facility i.
t Stock replenishment (resupply) lead time (assumed identical for all facilities).
a Time based service level (defined as the percentage of demand that is to be
satisfied within the time window).
256 Y. Sui et al.

dij Binary parameter that is 1 if customer j is within the time window of

facility i.
Smax Common maximum possible stock for any one facility.

• Variables

bi Fill rate at facility i.

ki Mean lead time demand at facility i.
Si Stock level at facility i.
Xij Binary decision variable; 1 if demand from customer j is assigned to facility i.
Yi Binary decision variable that is 1 if facility i is open.

13.3.3 The SPL Integer Programming Model

The model objective is to minimize the total annual cost of open facilities,
transportation, and inventory stocking. The constraints of our model draw mainly
from the UFL model and integrate the inventory part of the problem (fill rates and
service levels):
minimize fY þ
i2I i i i2I
c dX þ
j2J ij j ij
i2I i i
subject to i2I
Xij ¼ 1; 8j 2 J ð13:2Þ

Xij  Yi ; 8i 2 I and j 2 J ð13:3Þ

d d b X a
j2J ij j i ij
j2J j
ki ¼ t j2J
di Xij ; 8i 2 I ð13:5Þ

ksi =s 4
bi ¼ 1  Psi i ni ; 8i 2 I ð13:6Þ
n¼0 ki =n!

Xij  Si ; 8i 2 I and j 2 J ð13:7Þ

Yi 2 f0; 1g; Xij 2 f0; 1g; 8i 2 I and j 2 J ð13:8Þ

0  Si  Smax and integer, 8i 2 I ð13:9Þ

The objective function (1) is the total annual cost of operating facilities,
transportation, and inventory stocking. Constraints (2) and (3) are the UFL con-
straints which force each customer to be assigned to an open facility. Constraint
(4) requires that a fraction (0 B a B 1) of the total annual customer demands be
satisfied within the time window. Constraints (5) define the mean lead time
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 257

demand for each facility which is used to calculate the facility’s fill rate in con-
straints (6). Constraints (6) compute facility fill rates using the lost sales formula
(Zipkin 2000). Constraints (7) state that every facility that has been allocated some
demand must have at least one unit of stock. Constraints (8) state that the variables
Xij and Yi are 0 or 1, and constraints (9) confine the range and enforce the inte-
grality of the stock levels for all the facilities. For more details of the mathematical
model, see Jeet et al. (2009).

13.3.4 The Limitations of the SPL Model

As we can see from the mathematical model above, variables ki are dependent on
integer demand assignment variables Xij in constraints (5) and fill rate variables bi
are calculated from mean lead time demand variables ki in constraints (6). How-
ever, on the left hand side of service level constraint (4), the variables bi, which are
already originally computed from Xij, are multiplied by Xij. These interactions
make the problem non-linear and strongly coupled on variables Xij and make it
impossible to solve practically sized problems with classical MIP methods. Jeet
(2006) tested the above model for different smaller problem sizes, and created
benchmark results for these problem sets. These problems were modeled using
CPLEX 9.0 on a microcomputer with dual Xeon 1.8 GHz processors with 1 GB
RAM running the Suse Linux operating system. The largest data set had 24
potential facilities and 158 customers. Some of the problems were not solved to
optimality within 30 min of computational effort. A custom method specifically
developed for the integrated model using an outer approximation and a strong
lower bound had to solve a still time consuming lower bounding problem multiple
times. In real applications, SPL networks may have hundreds of potential facilities
and thousands of customers requiring far more scalable approaches. The inability
of classical approaches required the development of an efficient heuristic meth-
odology that would provide high quality solutions within acceptable amounts of
computational effort.

13.4 An RTS Approach to the SPL Problem (RTS–SPL)

TS, a metaheuristic search algorithm (Glover 1989, 1990), controls a hill climbing
heuristic using a tabu memory structure to manage the search and allows non-
improving solutions during the search to permit escape from local optima. Battiti
and Tecchiolli (1994) first introduced Reactive Tabu Search (RTS) to dynamically
change the tabu tenure by monitoring the repetitions of visited incumbent solutions
and allowed to search to escape from chaotic attractor basins. The solutions visited
during the search and the corresponding iteration numbers are preserved in
memory. When a candidate solution is considered, the repetitions of that solution
258 Y. Sui et al.

and the number of iterations between the two adjacent visits are checked. The RTS
increases the tabu tenure when solutions are often repeated to diversify the search
and decreases the tabu tenure to intensify the search when there are few repeated

13.4.1 Solution Representation and Neighborhood Structure

The RTS–SPL solution representation is an integer list of facility inventories,

bounded between 0 and Smax, with cardinality equal to the total number of the
potential facilities. Closed facilities have a list value of zero. This list provides the
values of the decision variables Yi and Si of the MIP model. Given a particular
solution, a heuristic method assigns the customers to open facilities (stipulates the
Xij’s) based on the values of ki and bi to achieve the maximal service level (given
the previous assignments made in the algorithm). This demand assignment method
is detailed in the next section.
The RTS–SPL neighborhood consists of alternate solutions created by three
different moves that transform the current solution into a neighboring solution:
• increasing inventory in a facility by one unit,
• decreasing inventory in a facility by one unit, and
• swapping all inventory between two facilities.
For illustration, suppose there are four facilities and the current solution is {1, 0,
2, 1} (where the second facility is closed). The RTS–SPL neighborhood of this
solution is {2, 0, 2, 1}, {1, 1, 2, 1}, {1, 0, 3, 1}, {1, 0, 2, 2}, {0, 0, 2, 1}, {1, 0, 1, 1},
{1, 0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 2, 1}, {2, 0, 1, 1}, {1, 2, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 2, 0}, and {1, 0, 1, 2} where
move types (i) and (ii) generate the first 7 neighboring solutions and move type
(iii) generates the remaining 5 neighboring solutions.

13.4.2 The Solution Evaluation

The total solution cost is the sum of the fixed facility opening costs, the inventory
costs, and the transportation costs. The first two of these are easily calculated using
the solution representation. For transportation costs, customer demands must be
assigned to facilities. The assignment of customers to facilities also directly affects
the service level achieved. To this end, assignment decisions (represented by Xij’s
in the MIP model) are made carefully by paying attention to both transportation
costs and service level contribution of an assignment. We define ui ¼
bi j2J dij dj bi Xij to be the service level contribution of facility i. Summing the ui
over all i yields the left hand side of the service level constraint (4). ui is the
expected demand satisfied within the time window (over a year period) at facility
i. If a customer within a facility i’s time window is assigned to that facility, ui will
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 259

increase depending on the total demand assigned to that facility. If a customer

j outside of facility i’s time window is assigned to facility i, bi will decrease in
accordance with Eqs. 13.5 and 13.6. For this case, dij, and the service level would
decrease due to a decrease in fill rate.
Consider the following simple heuristic method for assigning each customer to
a facility:
1. Sort the customers in descending order according to their demands, breaking
ties arbitrarily.
2. Traverse the sorted customer list, starting at the top. If there is an open facility
with a unique smallest transportation cost for the current customer, assign the
customer to that facility.
3. Traverse any remaining unassigned customers (which have two or more open
facilities with the same minimal transportation cost) in sorted order and, if only
one of the customer’s open facilities satisfies the customer’s time window,
assign the customer to that facility.
4. Remaining unassigned customers have two or more open facilities with the
same or ‘‘very close’’ minimal transportation costs (within e of each other) that
are either (a) within the customer’s time window or (b) outside the customer’s
time window.
a. Type (a) customers are assigned to the facility that maximally increases the
P service level contribution. For example, suppose the total demand is
j2J dj ¼ 80 with two facilities under consideration. Facility 1 has stock
level S1 = 1, and with the assignments done in the first 3 steps of the
heuristic, we have: b1 = 0.3946 and u1 = 31.5676. Facility 2 has S2 = 1,
b2 = 0.5105 and u2 = 25.5245 with the assignments performed so far.
Suppose dj = 2 for a customer to be assigned and customer j is within both
facilities’ time windows with the same transportation cost. Assigning j to
facility 1, yields u01 ¼ 31:8744 with Du1 ¼ u01  u1 ¼ 0:3068: Assigning
j to facility 2 yields u02 ¼ 26:0357 with Du2 ¼ u02  u2 ¼ 0:5112: Since
Du2 [ Du1, we assign j to facility 2.
b. Type (b) customers are assigned to the facility that minimally decreases
the total service level contribution. Using the same parameters as in the
above example, assigning j to facility 1, yields u01 ¼ 31:097 with Du1 ¼
u1  u01 ¼ 0:4706: Assigning j to facility 2 yields u02 ¼ 25:0343 with Du2 ¼
u2  u02 ¼ 0:4902: Since Du1 \ Du2, we assign j to facility 1.
5. Assigning all customers according to the first 4 steps may not achieve the
required service level yielding an infeasible solution. If the difference between
the required service level and the achieved service level is below an empirically
determined amount, a ‘‘fine tuning’’ procedure is performed in an attempt to
increase the service level with an acceptable cost increase. First, consider
moving customers from open low fill rate facilities to an open high fill rate
facilities. If moving a single customer achieves feasibility, choose the one with
the least cost increment. Otherwise, compare the ratio of the cost increment to
260 Y. Sui et al.

Fig. 13.1 Choose_Best_Neighboring_Solution function

the service level increment and pick the customer with the least ratio. Continue
moving customers to open higher fill rate facilities until the solution either
reaches feasibility or a maximum number of customers are moved.

13.4.3 Neighborhood Solution Selection

Figure 13.1 presents the pseudo-code for the Choose_Best_Neighboring_Solution

function. In each search iteration, the new incumbent solution is determined by a
rule based comparison operator (Ciarleglio 2007) that uses the total solution cost
and service level. All neighboring solutions are evaluated. Tabu neighbors are
considered only when either they are superior to the previous best found solution
or when all neighboring solutions are tabu. Identical total costs cause the achieved
service levels to be compared with the incumbent solution’s service level.
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 261

13.4.4 The Tabu Memory Structure and Aspiration Criterion

The tabu memory structure consists of a matrix of size jIjXSmax with the rows
corresponding to the facility indices ( fac_index) and the columns to the facility
stock levels ( fac_stock). A neighbor solution is tabu if the stock level for that
facility has been changed from the neighbor solution’s proposed stock level in the
last tabu tenure iterations. For a swap move, both facilities stock levels must
satisfy this tabu criterion for the neighbor solution to be tabu.

13.4.5 Reactive Memory Structure

The memory structure is indexed by fac_index and fac_stock. Each visited

(incumbent) solution is stored with the iteration most recently visited (last_time)
and the number of times visited (repetition). The constants INCREASE and
DECREASE determine the speed of the multiplicative tabu tenure adjustment. The
exponential modifications of the tabu tenure cause the search to react faster and the
moving_average and tabu_tenure_change are used for tabu tenure reduction. As
exemplified by Battiti and Tecchiolli (1994) and Carlton and Barnes (1996), the
variable chaotic stores the number of often-visited solutions and a diversifying
Escape strategy is executed when chaotic is greater than a predefined constant
Occasionally, the search can stagnate and needs to be restarted with a ‘‘good’’
initial restart solution. For this reason, all visited solutions which improve the
current best solution found are saved in the best_solution_stack. When the current
best solution found has not been improved for non_update_limit iterations or the
incumbent solution fails to possess a cost that is less than 1.5 times the best cost
previously found for consecutive outside_range_limit iterations, the top solution
from the best_solution_stack becomes the incumbent solution for restarting the
search. The search restarts after reinitializing all tabu and hashing information and
resetting the parameters such as non_update_limit, and outside_range_limit. The
Check_For_Restart function, whose pseudo-code is presented in Fig. 13.2, mon-
itors for the occurrence of these conditions required for restarting the search.
Another function determines whether a termination criterion has been satisfied.
The two termination criteria are: (1) the time limit, TIME_MAX, is reached, or (2)
the best_solution_stack is empty when the restart condition is satisfied.

13.4.6 Escape Mechanisms

The Check_For_Repetitions function, presented in Fig. 13.3, detects the repetition

of previously visited solutions. Increasing the tabu tenure discourages additional
repetitions. The tabu tenure’s exponential increase quickly breaks any simple
262 Y. Sui et al.

Fig. 13.2 Check_For_Restart function

cycling behavior. A more powerful reaction mechanism counts the number of

often-visited solutions. When a solution has been visited REP ? 1 times, the
solution is added to an often-visited set. When the number of often-visited solu-
tions reaches the threshold CHAOS, the Escape function, presented in Fig. 13.4, is
activated. Exponentially reducing the tabu tenure keeps the tabu tenure from
growing too large and quickly returns the tabu tenure to smaller values.
The escape mechanism executes a series of swap moves while preserving the
tabu memory structure. The rule based comparison is also used here to select the
swap move. First the swap move that achieves a lowest total cost becomes the
new incumbent solution. If two different swap moves performed from the current
incumbent solution obtain the same cost, then the higher service level is pre-
ferred. Swap moves assure an escape from a local attractor basin since an
inventory swap between two open facilities usually will not change the total cost
but will change the service level. The solution with higher service level has a
greater chance of reducing inventory while satisfying the service level constraint.
Inventory swaps between open and closed facilities can lead to a new search
region since increasing or decreasing inventory at a single open facility does not
change the solution dramatically in such a swap move. If no swap move yields a
feasible neighboring solution for the current incumbent solution’s neighborhood,
one unit of stock level will be added to increase the total service level,
increasing the likelihood of obtaining a feasible swap move in the following
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 263

Fig. 13.3 Check_For_Repetitions function

13.4.7 Overall RTS–SPL Logic

The Initialization function initializes the data structures for the tabu memory
structure and the initial solution is generated by a heuristic method. Viewing the
construction of the initial solution as a weighted set covering problem, we desire to
open the facility, i, that can cover the largest amount of unassigned demand. To
determine the appropriate inventory level for that facility, we compute the ratio of
264 Y. Sui et al.

Fig. 13.4 Escape and Restart functions

the opening cost, fi, and the cost of providing one unit of inventory, hi. If fi,/
hi C Smax, opening facility i is more expensive than stocking more units in the
currently open facilities which indicates the stock level of the newly opened
facility i should be ‘‘high,’’ hence is set to its maximum level. Otherwise, we set
the inventory level of facility i to one unit. This facility opening procedure is
repeated until all the customers are assigned. Function Reactive_Tabu_Search,
presented in Fig. 13.5, summarizes the RTS–SPL algorithm.

13.5 Computational Results

In this section, we apply RTS–SPL to a benchmark set of problems of different

sizes. For small and medium sized data sets (Jeet 2006), we compare the RTS-SPL
results with the MIP solutions and with other TS methods. Since no classical MIP
methodology can successfully attack practical sized problems, we compare the
RTS–SPL solutions only to solutions obtained by other TS methods for the large
and very large problems.

13.5.1 Test Problems

Two of our test problem sets are from Jeet (2006) and the other two larger sets are
randomly generated for this study using the same approach in Jeet (2006).
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 265

Fig. 13.5 Reactive_Tabu_Search functions

RTS–SPL was executed on the same computer used to generate Jeet (2006) results:
Dual Xeon 1.8 GHz processors with 1 GB RAM. During all problem runs, all
RTS-SPL parameters are held constant at the following values: INCREASE = 1.2,
DECREASE = 0.8, REP = 2, CHAOS = 5, CYCLE_MAX = 10, W1 = 0.1,
W2 = 0.9.

13.5.2 Results for the Small Problem Sets

The small problems have 15 facilities and 50 customers (15 9 50) with customer
and facility locations generated randomly on a 150 9 150 grid. The transportation
costs, cij, or equal to one tenth of the Euclidean distance between facility i and
customer j, rounded to a positive integer. The annual mean demand values, dj, are
uniformly distributed over the range from 1 to 3. Replenishment lead times for all
facilities are 7 (days). Time window indicators, dij, are set to one if the Euclidean
distance between facility i and customer j is less than 40, and zero, otherwise. Smax
266 Y. Sui et al.

is set to 5, which is more than enough to obtain fill rates very close to 100% at all
facilities regardless of the demand assigned to any facility.
Five levels of holding cost, same for all facilities, hi (h = 1, 10, 20, 50, and
100) and three service levels (40, 60, or 80% of the maximum possible service) are
investigated. Fixed costs, fi, of opening all facilities are set to either 0 or 1,000.
Generating one problem for every possible combination of holding costs, service
levels, and facility fixed costs yields 30 problems. Three such problem sets were
Tables 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3 present the comparative results including the RTS–
SPL solution values, MIP solution values (Jeet 2006), the percentage difference,
D = 100(RTS - MIP)/MIP%, the number of open facilities, and the total
inventory across all facilities. A bracketed value after the facility or inventory
numbers indicates the difference between the RTS–SPL and MIP solutions. For
example, 15(-1) means the RTS-SPL solution has 15 units of stock, 1 less than the
MIP solution’s total inventory. Similarly, 17(+1) means that the RTS-SPL’s total
stock level is 17, 1 more than the MIP solution’s.
For Tables 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3, when the fixed cost is 0 (top halves of the
tables), RTS–SPL obtained the same or better solutions than the MIP for all
problems (Note that MIP solutions may not be optimal due to time limit used for
both methods, 900 s in this case). When the fixed cost is 1000 (bottom halves of
the tables), RTS–SPL found slightly inferior solution values in 8 of the 45 prob-
lems when compared to the MIP solutions with a maximal difference of 1.06% and
superior solutions in 10 out of the 45 instances with a maximal difference of 2.81%
The computational time for RTS–SPL for any problem was \1 s while the
average time for MIP to run for one instance was 34 s with maximum time of
806 s. The RTS–SPL obtains near optimal solutions in markedly less computa-
tional effort.

13.5.3 Results for the Medium Size Data Sets

The medium sized problem sets were based on real data provided by a service
parts logistics group at a large computer hardware manufacturer. We use six
representative networks (customer and facility locations), representing different
regions in the United States. The sizes of the networks are different depending on
the region. We use the actual transportation costs and dij values provided in the
real data. The problems were solved for service time-windows of 2 hours (TW1)
and 12 hours (TW2). Longer time-windows yield more dij = 1 indicating that the
demands are more easily satisfied towards time-based service since more candidate
facilities can provide service to those customers. The maximum stock level for
each facility is 5.
Three levels of holding cost hi (50, 100, or 200) and three service levels (40, 60,
or 80%) were investigated. Facility opening costs were all set to 0, focusing on the
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 267

Table 13.1 RTS and MIP solutions for small data set A
Instance Solution
n h a (%) f RTS MIP D (%) Open fac Total inventory
1a 1 40 0 232 232 0.00 12 12
2a 1 60 0 232 232 0.00 12 12
3a 1 80 0 232 232 0.00 12 12
4a 10 40 0 314 314 0.00 7 7
5a 10 60 0 314 314 0.00 7 7
6a 10 80 0 321 321 0.00 9 9
7a 20 40 0 369 369 0.00 5 5
8a 20 60 0 369 369 0.00 5 5
9a 20 80 0 411 411 0.00 9 9
10a 50 40 0 491 491 0.00 4 4
11a 50 60 0 519 519 0.00 5 5
12a 50 80 0 652 652 0.00 7 8
13a 100 40 0 665 665 0.00 3 3
14a 100 60 0 769 769 0.00 5 5
15a 100 80 0 1052 1052 0.00 7 8
16a 1 40 1000 2444 2444 0.00 2 5
17a 1 60 1000 3366 3366 0.00 3 7
18a 1 80 1000 4300 4300 0.00 4 9
19a 10 40 1000 2489 2489 0.00 2 5
20a 10 60 1000 3429 3435 -0.17 3 7
21a 10 80 1000 4381 4381 0.00 4 9
22a 20 40 1000 2539 2539 0.00 2 5
23a 20 60 1000 3499 3505 -0.17 3 7
24a 20 80 1000 4471 4471 0.00 4 9
25a 50 40 1000 2689 2689 0.00 2 5
26a 50 60 1000 3709 3715 -0.16 3 7
27a 50 80 1000 4741 4741 0.00 4 9
28a 100 40 1000 2939 3024 -2.81 2 5
29a 100 60 1000 4059 4065 -0.15 3 7
30a 100 80 1000 5191 5191 0.00 4 9

inventory and transportation tradeoffs. Replicating each combination of the

holding costs and target service levels for each of the six data sets, we have nine
instances for each network at each level of the time window. The sizes of the
six different data sets are (a) 12 9 90, (b) 13 9 96, (c) 13 9 106, (d) 19 9 128,
(e) 16 9 134, and (f) 24 9 158.
The results of RTS-SPL are compared with results of the MIP method in
Tables 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7, 13.8, and 13.9. For the medium size data sets with
time windows of 2 h, RTS–SPL is superior on 9 of the problems with a maximum
improvement of 1.20% and inferior on only two instances with a negligible dif-
ference of 0.01%. With these exceptions, the better RTS–SPL results are obtained
at the highest service level. RTS–SPL and MIP solutions for the much easier
268 Y. Sui et al.

Table 13.2 RTS and MIP solutions for small data set B
Instance Solution
n h a (%) f RTS MIP D (%) Open fac Total inventory
1b 1 40 0 279 279 0.00 15 15
2b 1 60 0 279 279 0.00 15 15
3b 1 80 0 280 280 0.00 15 16
4b 10 40 0 368 368 0.00 9 9
5b 10 60 0 368 368 0.00 9 9
6b 10 80 0 388 388 0.00 9 11
7b 20 40 0 443 443 0.00 7 7
8b 20 60 0 443 443 0.00 7 7
9b 20 80 0 490 490 0.00 8 10
10b 50 40 0 583 583 0.00 4 4
11b 50 60 0 628 629 -0.16 6 6
12b 50 80 0 790 790 0.00 8 10
13b 100 40 0 783 783 0.00 4 4
14b 100 60 0 928 929 -0.11 6 6
15b 100 80 0 1290 1290 0.00 8 10
16b 1 40 1000 2535 2535 0.00 2 5
17b 1 60 1000 3449 3449 0.00 3 9
18b 1 80 1000 6341 6342 -0.02 6 15(-1)
19b 10 40 1000 2580 2580 0.00 2 5
20b 10 60 1000 3530 3530 0.00 3 9
21b 10 80 1000 6464 6464 0.00 6 13
22b 20 40 1000 2630 2630 0.00 2 5
23b 20 60 1000 3620 3620 0.00 3 9
24b 20 80 1000 6594 6594 0.00 6 13(+1)
25b 50 40 1000 2780 2780 0.00 2 5
26b 50 60 1000 3890 3890 0.00 3 9
27b 50 80 1000 6984 6954 0.43 6 13(+1)
28b 100 40 1000 3030 3030 0.00 2 5
29b 100 60 1000 4340 4340 0.00 3 9
30b 100 80 1000 7634 7554 1.06 6 13(+1)

medium size data sets with 12 h time windows are virtually identical, hence are
not presented here.
The run time limits of RTS-SPL are 5 s for the first three data sets and 10 s for
the last three data sets. The actual average total run time over 18 instances for each
of the six networks was 1.814, 2.844, 3.957, 8.361, 6.453, and 7.809 seconds and
the time when the best solution was first encountered was shorter. The average run
times of MIP for the six sets are 0.28, 1.67, 69.78, 4.11, 19.83, and 3.78 s. There is
no apparent advantage for RTS–SPL for some data sets, but the MIP run times are
highly variable while the RTS is much more consistent. The longest MIP run times
are 1, 18, 386, 36, 183, and 17 s for each set. RTS–SPL found very good or
optimal solutions in acceptable times for all the instances.
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 269

Table 13.3 RTS and MIP solutions for small data set C
Instance Solution
n h a (%) f RTS MIP D (%) Open fac Total inventory
1c 1 40 0 290 290 0.00 11 11
2c 1 60 0 290 290 0.00 11 11
3c 1 80 0 297 298 -0.34 11 18
4c 10 40 0 366 366 0.00 6 6
5c 10 60 0 366 366 0.00 6 6
6c 10 80 0 438 438 0.00 7 14
7c 20 40 0 416 416 0.00 5 5
8c 20 60 0 426 426 0.00 6 6
9c 20 80 0 578 579 -0.17 7 14
10c 50 40 0 533 533 0.00 3 3
11c 50 60 0 606 606 0.00 6 6
12c 50 80 0 998 999 -0.10 7 14
13c 100 40 0 683 683 0.00 3 3
14c 100 60 0 906 906 0.00 6 6
15c 100 80 0 1698 1699 -0.06 7 14
16c 1 40 1000 2462 2462 0.00 2 6
17c 1 60 1000 3390 3385 0.15 3 7(-4)
18c 1 80 1000 6336 6326 0.16 6 17(+1)
19c 10 40 1000 2516 2530 -0.55 2 6(+1)
20c 10 60 1000 3453 3453 0.00 3 7
21c 10 80 1000 6485 6470 0.23 6 16
22c 20 40 1000 2576 2580 -0.16 2 6(+1)
23c 20 60 1000 3523 3523 0.00 3 7
24c 20 80 1000 6645 6630 0.23 6 16
25c 50 40 1000 2729 2730 -0.04 2 5
26c 50 60 1000 3733 3733 0.00 3 7
27c 50 80 1000 7125 7110 0.21 6 16
28c 100 40 1000 2979 2980 -0.03 2 5
29c 100 60 1000 4083 4083 0.00 3 7
30c 100 80 1000 7925 7910 0.19 6 16

Table 13.4 RTS and MIP solutions for medium data set A
Instance Solution
n h a (%) TW RTS MIP D (%) Open Total
fac inventory
1a 50 0.4 TW1 8404 8404 0.00 9 9
2a 100 0.4 TW1 8854 8854 0.00 9 9
3a 200 0.4 TW1 9738 9738 0.00 8 8
4a 50 0.6 TW1 8404 8404 0.00 9 9
5a 100 0.6 TW1 8854 8854 0.00 9 9
6a 200 0.6 TW1 9738 9738 0.00 8 8
7a 50 0.8 TW1 8454 8454 0.00 9 10
8a 100 0.8 TW1 8954 8954 0.00 9 10
9a 200 0.8 TW1 9954 9954 0.00 9 10
270 Y. Sui et al.

Table 13.5 RTS and MIP solutions for medium data set B
Instance Solution
n h a (%) TW RTS MIP D (%) Open Total
fac inventory
1b 50 0.4 TW1 8437 8437 0.00 12 12
2b 100 0.4 TW1 9012 9012 0.00 11 11
3b 200 0.4 TW1 10010 10010 0.00 9 9
4b 50 0.6 TW1 8437 8437 0.00 12 12
5b 100 0.6 TW1 9012 9012 0.00 11 11
6b 200 0.6 TW1 10010 10010 0.00 9 9
7b 50 0.8 TW1 8487 8487 0.00 12 13
8b 100 0.8 TW1 9112 9212 -1.09 11 12(-1)
9b 200 0.8 TW1 10312 10437 -1.20 11(-1) 12(-1)

Table 13.6 RTS and MIP solutions for medium data set C
Instance Solution
n h a (%) TW RTS MIP D (%) Open Total
fac inventory
1c 50 0.4 TW1 7397 7396 0.01 7 7
2c 100 0.4 TW1 7651 7651 0.00 5 5
3c 200 0.4 TW1 8151 8151 0.00 5 5
4c 50 0.6 TW1 7397 7446 -0.66 7(-1) 7(-1)
5c 100 0.6 TW1 7747 7751 -0.05 7(+2) 7(+1)
6c 200 0.6 TW1 8351 8351 0.00 5 6
7c 50 0.8 TW1 7547 7546 0.01 7 10
8c 100 0.8 TW1 7999 7999 0.00 6 9
9c 200 0.8 TW1 8899 8899 0.00 6 9

Table 13.7 RTS and MIP solutions for medium data set D
Instance Solution
n h a (%) TW RTS MIP D (%) Open Total
fac inventory
1d 50 0.4 TW1 13468 13468 0.00 17 17
2d 100 0.4 TW1 14246 14246 0.00 15 15
3d 200 0.4 TW1 15656 15656 0.00 12 12
4d 50 0.6 TW1 13468 13468 0.00 17 17
5d 100 0.6 TW1 14246 14246 0.00 15 15
6d 200 0.6 TW1 15656 15656 0.00 12 12
7d 50 0.8 TW1 13518 13518 0.00 17 18
8d 100 0.8 TW1 14346 14377 -0.22 15(-1) 16(-1)
9d 200 0.8 TW1 15946 16077 -0.81 15(-1) 16(-1)
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 271

Table 13.8 RTS and MIP solutions for medium data set E
Instance Solution
n h a (%) TW RTS MIP D (%) Open Total
fac inventory
1e 50 0.4 TW1 10055 10055 0.00 14 14
2e 100 0.4 TW1 10708 10708 0.00 13 13
3e 200 0.4 TW1 11863 11863 0.00 11 11
4e 50 0.6 TW1 10055 10055 0.00 14 14
5e 100 0.6 TW1 10708 10708 0.00 13 13
6e 200 0.6 TW1 11863 11863 0.00 11 11
7e 50 0.8 TW1 10205 10205 0.00 14 17
8e 100 0.8 TW1 11008 11008 0.00 13 16
9e 200 0.8 TW1 12511 12511 0.00 12 15

Table 13.9 RTS and MIP solutions for medium data set F
Instance Solution
n h a TW RTS MIP D (%) Open Total
(%) fac inventory
1f 50 0.4 TW1 17040 17040 0.00 19 19
2f 100 0.4 TW1 17891 17891 0.00 16 16
3f 200 0.4 TW1 19480 19480 0.00 14 14
4f 50 0.6 TW1 17040 17040 0.00 19 19
5f 100 0.6 TW1 17891 17891 0.00 16 16
6f 200 0.6 TW1 19480 19480 0.00 14 14
7f 50 0.8 TW1 17040 17090 -0.29 19 19(-1)
8f 100 0.8 TW1 17990 18022 -0.18 19(+2) 19(+1)
9f 200 0.8 TW1 19691 19822 -0.66 16(-1) 17(-1)

The restart and escape features do not play very important role in the medium
size data sets. The instances are ‘‘easy’’ for the RTS-SPL since there are certain
patterns embedded in the real data. Some limitations are incorporated in the data
itself to prevent some customers from being assigned to certain facilities and these
limitations make the search easier. The iteration when the best solution was first
found was small implying that the search finds the best solution very quickly and
leaves very little room of improvement for the restart and escape mechanisms.

13.5.4 Results for the Large and Extra Large Problem Sets

The two data sets discussed in this section were generated the same way as the
small data sets. The three large data sets have 50 facilities and 200 customers
randomly generated on a 150 9 150 grid and the three extra large data sets have
272 Y. Sui et al.

100 facilities and 500 customers randomly generated on a 200 9 200 grid. Dif-
ferent random number seeds were used for the problem generations. The service
radius is set to 40 as in the small data set. The maximum stock level for the large
problem set is 7 and for the extra large problem set 10.
Three values for holding cost (1, 20, 100) and three target service levels (40, 60,
80%) were investigated. Two values for the facility fixed cost (0, 1000) were also
considered. Combining all possible interactions of these factors produces 18
instances for each problem set. Thus, there are 54 instances associated with either
the large problem sets or extra large problem sets.
The results of the three large data sets presented in Tables 13.10, 13.11, and
13.12 show that the average time for obtaining the best solution is 3.175 s with a
300-s limit on run time. For the extra large data sets (Tables 13.13, 13.14, and
13.15) the average run time is 117 s with a 600-s limit.
The problem sizes considered here made it impossible to obtain an optimal
or near optimal solution for any of these problems using classical MIP
approaches. Hence, we cannot compare RTS–SPL with a classical MIP
approach. Nevertheless, we compare the RTS–SPL to its variations without
escape and without restart procedures. Tables 13.10, 13.11, 13.12, 13.13, 13.14,
and 13.15 show the results of (1) the standard RTS, (2) the RTS without escape
mechanism (NoEsc), and (3) the RTS without restart mechanism (NoRes). The
D after NoEsc or NoRes means the percentage differences between their
solutions and RTS solutions. All the versions of TS have the same parameter
settings and the same run time limit. For the large data sets, there are 29 and 6

Table 13.10 RTS and TS solutions for large data set A

Instance RTS solution Compare
n h a (%) f RTS Best iter Best time(ms) NoEsc D (%) NoRes D (%)
1a 1 40 0 686 31 280 686 0.00 686 0.00
2a 1 60 0 686 28 170 686 0.00 686 0.00
3a 1 80 0 686 35 230 686 0.00 686 0.00
4a 20 40 0 1071 56 620 1072 0.09 1071 0.00
5a 20 60 0 1071 53 600 1072 0.09 1071 0.00
6a 20 80 0 1180 109 1780 1195 1.27 1180 0.00
7a 100 40 0 1722 153 1470 1755 1.92 1722 0.00
8a 100 60 0 2012 2447 29240 2029 0.84 2015 0.15
9a 100 80 0 2618 222 3140 2698 3.06 2618 0.00
10a 1 40 1000 3914 1427 16530 3977 1.61 3914 0.00
11a 1 60 1000 4581 1059 11660 4592 0.24 4592 0.24
12a 1 80 1000 6262 30 370 6304 0.67 6262 0.00
13a 20 40 1000 4123 1427 16460 4167 1.07 4123 0.00
14a 20 60 1000 4841 9 100 4841 0.00 4841 0.00
15a 20 80 1000 6592 163 1920 6646 0.82 6592 0.00
16a 100 40 1000 4967 5 60 4967 0.00 4967 0.00
17a 100 60 1000 5881 9 100 5881 0.00 5881 0.00
18a 100 80 1000 7952 163 1880 8086 1.69 7952 0.00
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 273

Table 13.11 RTS and TS solutions for large data set B

Instance RTS solution Compare
n h a (%) f RTS Best iter Best time(ms) NoEsc D (%) NoRes D (%)
1b 1 40 0 639 42 420 639 0.00 639 0.00
2b 1 60 0 639 43 440 639 0.00 639 0.00
3b 1 80 0 639 49 530 639 0.00 639 0.00
4b 20 40 0 1052 67 730 1052 0.00 1052 0.00
5b 20 60 0 1052 110 1420 1062 0.95 1052 0.00
6b 20 80 0 1155 1244 18420 1189 2.94 1159 0.35
7b 100 40 0 1671 131 1350 1679 0.48 1671 0.00
8b 100 60 0 1976 1477 16330 1987 0.56 1978 0.10
9b 100 80 0 2605 1043 13130 2640 1.34 2623 0.69
10b 1 40 1000 3879 20 290 3914 0.90 3879 0.00
11b 1 60 1000 4480 568 4270 4547 1.50 4480 0.00
12b 1 80 1000 5268 42 380 5308 0.76 5268 0.00
13b 20 40 1000 4104 5 40 4104 0.00 4104 0.00
14b 20 60 1000 4750 1499 11300 4794 0.93 4759 0.19
15b 20 80 1000 5629 42 380 5669 0.71 5629 0.00
16b 100 40 1000 4904 5 40 4904 0.00 4904 0.00
17b 100 60 1000 5813 21 190 5834 0.36 5813 0.00
18b 100 80 1000 7072 23 190 7189 1.65 7072 0.00

Table 13.12 RTS and TS solutions for large data set C

Instance RTS solution Compare
n h a (%) f RTS Best iter Best time(ms) NoEsc D (%) NoRes D (%)
1c 1 40 0 641 38 380 641 0.00 641 0.00
2c 1 60 0 641 38 390 641 0.00 641 0.00
3c 1 80 0 641 45 510 641 0.00 641 0.00
4c 20 40 0 1016 34 250 1016 0.00 1016 0.00
5c 20 60 0 1016 38 350 1016 0.00 1016 0.00
6c 20 80 0 1139 216 3330 1176 3.25 1139 0.00
7c 100 40 0 1685 784 7900 1685 0.00 1685 0.00
8c 100 60 0 1940 46 470 1967 1.39 1940 0.00
9c 100 80 0 2624 2 30 2603 -0.80 2624 0.00
10c 1 40 1000 4022 5 90 4022 0.00 4022 0.00
11c 1 60 1000 4565 9 110 4565 0.00 4565 0.00
12c 1 80 1000 5311 20 300 5365 1.02 5311 0.00
13c 20 40 1000 4212 5 60 4212 0.00 4212 0.00
14c 20 60 1000 4812 9 110 4812 0.00 4812 0.00
15c 20 80 1000 5672 20 290 5745 1.29 5672 0.00
16c 100 40 1000 5012 5 60 5012 0.00 5012 0.00
17c 100 60 1000 5852 9 110 5852 0.00 5852 0.00
18c 100 80 1000 7192 20 290 7345 2.13 7192 0.00
274 Y. Sui et al.

Table 13.13 RTS and TS solutions for extra large data set A
Instance RTS solution Compare
n h a (%) f RTS Best iter Best time(ms) NoEsc D (%) NoRes D (%)
1a 1 40 0 1572 75 3850 1572 0.00 1572 0.00
2a 1 60 0 1572 83 4650 1572 0.00 1572 0.00
3a 1 80 0 1574 91 7750 1574 0.00 1574 0.00
4a 20 40 0 2455 211 18800 2457 0.08 2455 0.00
5a 20 60 0 2455 209 18590 2457 0.08 2455 0.00
6a 20 80 0 2771 1767 205600 2858 3.14 2775 0.14
7a 100 40 0 3919 2603 177460 3933 0.36 3925 0.15
8a 100 60 0 4700 100 8960 4762 1.32 4700 0.00
9a 100 80 0 6095 507 45400 6151 0.92 6095 0.00
10a 1 40 1000 8332 86 9400 8643 3.73 8332 0.00
11a 1 60 1000 8963 39 3720 9075 1.25 8963 0.00
12a 1 80 1000 10491 130 14330 10532 0.39 10491 0.00
13a 20 40 1000 8714 31 3150 9023 3.55 8714 0.00
14a 20 60 1000 9533 39 4080 9626 0.98 9533 0.00
15a 20 80 1000 11358 458 48070 11406 0.42 11358 0.00
16a 100 40 1000 10314 31 3600 10623 3.00 10314 0.00
17a 100 60 1000 11933 39 4080 11946 0.11 11933 0.00
18a 100 80 1000 14958 458 50480 15086 0.86 14958 0.00

Table 13.14 RTS and TS solutions for extra large data set B
Instance RTS solution Compare
n h a (%) f RTS Best iter Best time(ms) NoEsc D (%) NoRes D (%)
1b 1 40 0 1618 62 3360 1618 0.00 1618 0.00
2b 1 60 0 1618 66 3510 1618 0.00 1618 0.00
3b 1 80 0 1621 110 10850 1622 0.06 1621 0.00
4b 20 40 0 2440 146 12500 2442 0.08 2440 0.00
5b 20 60 0 2440 156 15120 2442 0.08 2440 0.00
6b 20 80 0 2758 4717 516530 2799 1.49 2756 -0.07
7b 100 40 0 3853 4259 355130 3866 0.34 3854 0.03
8b 100 60 0 4568 7223 598410 4613 0.99 4613 0.99
9b 100 80 0 5877 6016 575340 6030 2.60 5925 0.82
10b 1 40 1000 7911 46 5460 8045 1.69 7911 0.00
11b 1 60 1000 8838 5836 557400 8997 1.80 8839 0.01
12b 1 80 1000 10292 43 3960 10408 1.13 10292 0.00
13b 20 40 1000 8386 46 5470 8501 1.37 8386 0.00
14b 20 60 1000 9409 99 10880 9586 1.88 9409 0.00
15b 20 80 1000 11052 43 3950 11320 2.42 11052 0.00
16b 100 40 1000 10037 174 19610 10214 1.76 10037 0.00
17b 100 60 1000 11809 91 10830 12066 2.18 11809 0.00
18b 100 80 1000 14252 43 4200 15160 6.37 14252 0.00
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 275

Table 13.15 RTS and TS solutions for extra large data set C
Instance RTS solution Compare
n h a (%) f RTS Best iter Best time(ms) NoEsc D (%) NoRes D (%)
1c 1 40 0 1644 67 3460 1644 0.00 1644 0.00
2c 1 60 0 1644 72 4320 1644 0.00 1644 0.00
3c 1 80 0 1647 133 16250 1648 0.06 1647 0.00
4c 20 40 0 2467 146 11830 2478 0.45 2467 0.00
5c 20 60 0 2461 475 49650 2481 0.81 2461 0.00
6c 20 80 0 2768 3928 462650 2853 3.07 2769 0.04
7c 100 40 0 3772 1486 103140 3798 0.69 3772 0.00
8c 100 60 0 4595 5933 560910 4621 0.57 4608 0.28
9c 100 80 0 5921 5009 477140 6084 2.75 6025 1.76
10c 1 40 1000 8049 1042 109980 8122 0.91 8054 0.06
11c 1 60 1000 8929 4205 439850 8971 0.47 8959 0.34
12c 1 80 1000 11086 105 10230 11330 2.20 11086 0.00
13c 20 40 1000 8567 28 3930 8616 0.57 8567 0.00
14c 20 60 1000 9518 2976 311770 9579 0.64 9548 0.32
15c 20 80 1000 11799 80 8190 12147 2.95 11799 0.00
16c 100 40 1000 10157 62 7560 10189 0.32 10157 0.00
17c 100 60 1000 11998 3788 405300 12139 1.18 12028 0.25
18c 100 80 1000 14759 80 8030 15587 5.61 14759 0.00

out of 54 instances with better results when compared to the RTS–SPL without
escape and without restart separately, respectively. Only 1 instance saw
improvement for the RTS–SPL without escape or restart (red highlighting). For
the extra large data sets, only 7 instances for the RTS–SPL without escape
obtained the same result as the full version of the RTS. The other 47 instances
obtained inferior results when the escape feature was disabled and 2 of them
were inferior by more than 5%. Disabling the restart mechanism affects the
solution quality for total 13 instances and only 1 instance improves. Hence, it
appears that the larger the data set size, the more important the restart and
escape mechanisms become.

13.5.5 RTS–SPL Solutions and Randomly Generated Solutions

RTS–SPL provides very good solutions for various size problems as tested com-
putationally. However, during the search procedure, RTS–SPL visits a large
number of solutions. To ‘‘validate’’ RTS–SPL, we randomly generated the same
number of solutions that were visited by RTS–SPL and compared their best
solution value found with the RTS–SPL final solution. We performed this exercise
using the small problems, conjecturing that the random solutions would have the
highest chance to ‘‘hit’’ a near optimal solution for this data set and hence would
be more competitive compared to RTS–SPL solutions. For the small data sets,
276 Y. Sui et al.

there are around 2,000 iterations processed for each instance and the number of
solutions visited at each iteration is about 30. Therefore, we randomly generate
60,000 solutions for each instance and compare the best of these with RTS
solutions. As presented in Sui (2008), the RTS solutions were always better than
the best of random ones and the improvement was greater than 100% for some
instances. The average improvement was about 28% for the zero fixed cost and
56% for the fixed cost of 1000.

13.6 Conclusions and Future Research

In this study, we investigated the application of a reactive tabu seach approach,

RTS–SPL, to a service part logistics problem which possesses strong interactions
between the network design and inventory decisions. The traditional MIP or even
the customized method based on the lower and upper bounding schemes does not
scale up well to solve the large SPL problems. RTS–SPL developed to overcome
this computational difficulty produces high quality solutions. We show that the full
featured RTS–SPL competes very favorably with MIP-based methods for small
and medium size problems and finds high quality solutions for large and extra
large problems. The escape and restart features for the full RTS greatly enhance
the methodology.
As a future step, we believe combining RTS with the exact optimization-based
methods for the integrated SPL problem could lead to improved results, especially in
providing a solution quality guarantee. Similar hybrid methods have been developed
in the literature. Dumitrescu and Stutzle (2002) studied several local search
approaches that were strengthened by the use of exact algorithms. The direct flight
network design problem was solved efficiently by a method that combines TS and
branch and bound (Budenbender 2000). Chelouah and Siarry (2005) designed a
hybrid method combining continuous TS and Nelder–Mead simplex algorithms for
global optimization for multi-minima functions. One way to combine RTS and
optimization would be using optimization based methods to explore the TS neigh-
borhood. We could enlarge the TS neighborhood to make it more efficient and
effective by solving the facility inventory and customer assignment at one time.
Large neighborhoods can reach much better solutions in one search step than simple
and small neighborhoods. However, large neighborhoods have the associated dis-
advantage that a large amount of time may be spent finding the best neighboring
solution. It may be possible to model the problem of searching a large neighborhood
as an optimization problem which can be solved by an optimization based method.
Another way of combining the two methods is solving the problem by an optimi-
zation based method while considering the structure of good solutions. First, TS is
conducted to collect the attributes of good solutions by defining a set of good solu-
tions. Then, the problem is solved using the optimization method whose solution
space is confined within the attributes of the good solutions.
13 Reactive Tabu Search for Large Scale SPL 277


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Chapter 14
Common Mistakes and Guidelines
for Change in Service Parts Management

Andrew J. Huber

Abstract Throughout this book several characteristics and approaches are

presented for dealing with the unique challenges of service parts management.
While there are some organizations who apply rigorous and innovative methods,
service parts management is an area where practice often lags theory. This chapter
presents some of the common misperceptions and failures that often occur in the
management of service parts supply chains in the high technology, aviation,
automotive and telecom industries.
The good news for managers of service parts supply chains is that opportunities
for improvement abound. Readers of this book can evaluate the performance of
any parts supply network and compare the methods actually used to each method
described in this book. This can be done by asking a few simple questions relative
to each technique:
• Does the problem this technique addresses exist in this service environment?
Often the answer will be yes!
• How does this organization currently deal with this problem?
• Is the method described in this book appropriate for this environment?
• Are there other methods that would lead to an improvement in this area?
Through an analysis beginning with the simple questions listed above, con-
sultants and managers can discover guidelines for improvement that can serve as
the foundation for a short, medium and long term plan for transformation of the
service supply chain. Due to the common mistakes fueled by misperception, the
opportunity for improvement is often dramatic.

A. J. Huber (&)
Xerox Services, Xerox Corporation, 100 Clinton Avenue South,
Rochester, 14644 NY, USA

N. Altay and L. A. Litteral (eds.), Service Parts Management, 279

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-039-7_14,  Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011
280 A. J. Huber

Some common mistakes discussed in this chapter are:

• Failure to recognize the strategic importance of service to the profitability of the
• Failure to apply systems thinking in the structure and operation of the parts
supply chain.
• Failure to forecast demand at the point of consumption.
• Failure to incorporate causal factors into the forecasting process.
• Failure to apply advanced inventory optimization and automatic replenishment.
• Inability to effectively deal with short supply situations.
For each of the common mistakes listed above, some guidelines for improve-
ment are discussed. The objective is the leave the reader with a model for eval-
uating current performance and crafting a plan for action from which service
organizations will realize significant value.

14.1 Service Parts Management Misperceptions

In recent decades the level of investment in service supply chains has increased due to
the recognition of their importance. Service parts management is ripe with oppor-
tunity for academicians, practitioners and managers due to several emerging trends:
1. Product commoditization and price pressure
2. Cost reduction opportunities through technology upgrades
3. Increased demand for differentiated service offerings
4. The need for improvement in underperforming service supply chains
This chapter will focus primarily on the need for improvement. There is a
wide disparity between organizations in the level of sophistication brought to the
practice of service parts management. On the sophisticated side of the spectrum,
the United States military has long employed the use of sophisticated techniques
and systems to manage over $100 billion worth of service parts that are nec-
essary to maintain the readiness of its weapon systems. In the commercial world
there are large organizations that have very sophisticated processes and systems
for the management of parts, however there are many more who do not. Before
we list some of the more common mistakes and methods available for correcting
them, it is helpful to understand some misperceptions that cause the common
mistakes and often lead to poor performing service networks.

14.1.1 Misperception #1: Service is not Viewed

as Highly Profitable

When a company sells a product, it must convince its customers to purchase their
product rather than its competitors. The company’s effectiveness is largely a
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 281

function of its ability to effectively execute the ‘‘4 Ps’’ of marketing: product,
price, place and promotion. As product markets mature, competition leads to
product commoditization, where the products are relatively indistinguishable from
one another. This leads to competition based on price that benefits consumers but
reduces profits to the supplier.
For long life cycle maintenance intensive products, the profitability associated
with the service of a product is typically much larger than that achieved on the
sale. For one thing, the sale of the product occurs only once, but the sale of parts,
service, supplies, and sometimes the operation of the product represent a stream of
payments where profits are made year after year. The manager of a medical
equipment manufacturer once demonstrated to me that his company realizes eight
times as much profit from post sale services and supplies than from the sale of the
product itself. Similar parallels exist in many industries. Where maintenance is
involved and the parts required are uniquely engineered to the specific product,
service parts revenues are often a significant source of profitability.

14.1.2 Misperception #2: Parts Management is not that Hard

For the uninitiated, service parts management is viewed as a simple series of tasks:
people place orders on suppliers, shipments are put into inventory, and orders are
filled to customers. All that is needed is to monitor supplies on hand and order
more when needed. As a result of this perception of simplicity, rudimentary
systems are used and people with insufficient skills are employed to perform the
repetitive tasks of ordering. This is where the trouble starts!
Suppliers de-prioritize orders for small quantities and shipments arrive late. End
consumers incur backorders while their machines are down. Planners are blamed
for poor performance and stock up on items that they’ve been ‘‘burned’’ on before.
Inventory grows yet shortages persist. Millions of dollars off write-offs occur on
obsolete inventories. Customers incur costs of not having their equipment avail-
able and have to resort to alternatives like redundant machines, demanding their
own inventory often on consignment, sending jobs out while waiting for equip-
ment to be restored. Jobs don’t get done on time, planes don’t take off on time,
medical tests are delayed, and penalties are paid. ‘‘Planning’’ becomes just a word
on an organization chart as most of the people spend most of their time expediting
rather than planning.

14.1.3 Misperception #3: Good Planning is All

that is Required

This misperception is closely related to the misperception of simplicity. Upon

recognizing that service parts management is not as simple as previously thought,
282 A. J. Huber

a typical reaction might be to get some ‘‘smart’’ planners or a ‘‘good’’ planning

system and the problems will be ‘‘fixed’’.
In reality, effective management of the service supply chain requires effective
decision making and execution at the strategic, tactical and operational levels.
While planning is critical, it is primarily a tactical activity with operational ele-
ments like buying parts. Traditionally most supply chain improvement efforts have
focused on the tactical methods to the detriment of strategic and operational
considerations. Strategic decisions are not given the attention they deserve,
resulting in high costs than necessary in the latter stages of the product life cycle.
Operational decisions are dominated by simplistic approaches such as first come,
first served or priority service to the most demanding customers where ‘‘the
squeaky wheel gets the grease’’.
Much of the missed opportunity is strategic. As a rule of thumb, I contend that
75% of the effectiveness of the service parts supply chain is predetermined before
the product is introduced. The predetermination comes from the several important
strategic decisions including what tactical and operational systems and processes
will be employed to manage the supply chain. The misperception that supply chain
effectiveness is largely determined by the planning organizations sitting behind
their computer screens processing transactions is not unlike the perception that the
performance of one’s vehicle is largely determined by the mechanic who performs
the maintenance. The mechanic’s performance is critical, but the design of the
vehicle, components used, their availability and manner in which the vehicle is
driven are also important. Strategic Decisions

1. Design for serviceability and choice of components

Will the product be repaired or replaced? Will parts be replaced at the com-
ponent or subassembly level? Will failures be diagnosed remotely or on site? What
sensors and diagnostic software will be required? Will commonly available or
uniquely engineered parts be used?
2. Choice of suppliers and supplier agreements
Who will supply which components? What manufacturing lead times will
apply? How long after manufacturing discontinuance will parts continue to be
manufactured for service? What warranties will apply?
3. Where service will be performed and by whom
Will service be performed organically, contracted to others, or performed by
channel partners? Will service be performed at customer sites or local or central
repair and maintenance facilities? What training, diagnostic tools, documentation
and knowledge management systems will be required? What skill levels or cer-
tifications are required by the technicians?
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 283

4. Number and positioning of part stocking locations

Can there be a few centrally-located facilities or must they be located close to
customer sites to for rapid access? Will replenishments occur direct from the
supplier or will a multi-echelon resupply network be used? Who will run the
facilities? Who will own the inventories? How will they be replenished?
5. Reparability of parts
Which parts will be repaired, by whom, and where? What reverse logistics
network will be used? How quickly can failed assemblies be returned, repaired,
and placed back into service?
6. Capacity investments
What manufacturing and part repair capacity will be required? Who will make
the investment and incur the risk? Who will own the inventory, the manufacturer,
the repair provider or the end customer? Tactical Decisions

1. Metrics
What performance goals will be applied and how will they be measured?
2. Forecasting
How will demand forecasts be generated and from what data? Different
methods are generally appropriate at the pre-launch, post-launch, mid-life and end
of life cycles.
3. Replenishment methods
What replenishment rules will be applied and how will they be calculated?
Examples include use-one-replenish-one; economic order quantities, or periodic
4. Replenishment order prioritization
Which parts will be repaired first? How will manufacturing prioritize alloca-
tions between production requirements versus service needs? How will critical
shortage situations be managed?
5. Stock allocation
How will arriving shipments be distributed throughout the stocking network?
Will transshipments between locations be possible and under what circumstances
will they occur? When shortages exist, will inventory be reserved to meet critical
customer needs?
284 A. J. Huber Operational Decisions

Traditionally, advanced analytical methods have not been typically viable for
transactional systems at the operational level. Today however, several classes of
resources have become more prevalent making the potential for operational
decision making in real time an expanding area of opportunity. These resources
• inexpensive storage
• data from transactional systems
• communications bandwidth
• inexpensive and rapid processing power has created an environment where the
application of techniques that can respond in real time can improve perfor-
mance. Real time analytical methods are fertile ground for research and appli-
cation. In time, real time analytical modules could supplement or replace rules
and thresholds developed by tactical solutions. Imagine a world where a diag-
nostic system indicates an item has failed, and instantaneously a work order to
replace the unit is generated, the return ship instructions are provided, the part
repair facility schedules the repair of the part, and components are immediately
replenished from the manufacturer. The technology for this type of world exist
today, but to a large degree has not been exploited.
Here are some examples of operational decisions for service parts.
1. Whether to retain, repair or scrap a failed item.
2. To which repair facility a returned item should be sent.
3. When items should be transshipped between facilities.
4. Immediate updates to forecasts triggered from transactional activity. Examples
a. Orders for parts
b. Installation of equipment
c. Relocation of equipment
d. Removals of equipment
e. Changes in the usage or mission of equipment

14.1.4 Misperception #4: Forecasting is Purely Statistical

On the day of this writing, a Google search on the words ‘‘improve demand
forecasting’’ yielded the following results on the first search results page:
• 10 articles on forecasting and planning software packages
• 2 articles containing the essential proposition was that judgmental forecasting is
‘‘bad’’ and statistical forecasting is ‘‘good’’
• 1 web site of a panel of experts listing their findings on the challenge of fore-
casting global demand for health care services
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 285

Given the prevalence of attention to statistical techniques, it is no wonder that

many perceive that improving forecasts is largely an exercise of finding the best
statistical forecast technique. I am reminded of a discussion I once had with a
software marketer to whom I had made the point that good forecasting is both an
art and a science. Her response to me was that at least 90% of the people in our
industry would disagree with me, and she is probably right. Forecasting experts
understand that forecasts can be improved by the choice of the model that best
reflects demand patterns of the environment for which forecasts are needed. This
can lead to the simple yet often wrong conclusion that the best forecasts are
obtained by fitting several candidate models to historical demand data and
choosing the one with the best fit. Best fit is typically determined based on some
metric like mean square error, mean absolute deviation or mean absolute per-
centage error.
In practice however, I contend that improving forecasting in a service parts
environment may involve the use of improved statistical forecasting techniques, it
may involve the incorporation of additional or more accurate causal factor data,
and/or it may involve the use of knowledge that is contained outside historical
demand data. It is knowledge discerned outside of the historical data where the art
comes in. Several examples come to mind.
Early in my career I was provided with data on a central parts warehouse where
I obtained the economic order quantities and safety stock targets of every item. In
a steady state environment with a r, Q order policy where quantity Q is reordered
whenever inventory drops below r, one would expect the average inventory level
to be ‘ Q ? Safety Stock where r = (Safety Stock ? Lead Time Demand). In
fact I discovered that actual inventory value was three times higher than this
calculated average. I then discovered that the ‘‘overstock’’ conditions were largely
due to three causes: ‘ of the excess inventory was for a single product. That
product had expected to be a market-changing strategic offering for the company.
To get ready for its introduction, the parts had been ordered in advance. However,
the product introduction had been delayed and sales were well below initial pro-
jections. In addition to the excess parts inventory for that single product, 1/3 of the
excess was due to end of life buys of parts for discontinued products that would
require years of continued service. The remainder of the excess was due to another
product that had not met sales projections. Clearly, the overstock could only have
been prevented by better forecasting of the product sales prior to introduction and
continued sources of supply for products no longer being manufactured. Ironically,
management at the time did not recognize these 3 big opportunities for inventory
reduction because their root causes were not evident in the summary reports they
had been receiving.
Another ability that could be characterized as the ‘‘art’’ of forecasting comes is
selecting the best forecast technique for the situation at hand. Consider this real
example. A manufacturer of consumer products had done an adequate job of
forecasting demand for parts for its traditional analog products but was plagued
with part shortages on its newer digital products. The analog products had tradi-
tionally long product life cycles where an initial supply of parts could be
286 A. J. Huber

purchased prior to launch then the statistical forecasting would take over and
perform adequately until an all time buy had to be purchased. With the digital
products however, the life cycles were much shorter. Typically by the time the
product was on retail shelves manufacturing was already planning the last pro-
duction runs and the parts planner was being asked to place all time buy orders.
Here the statistical methods that simply projected past history for the analog
products could no longer perform for the shorter life-cycle digital products. A
statistical model was in fact constructed for this situation, and it incorporated
channel sales volumes, sell-through time lags, and time to failure distributions
derived from previous generation but similar products. This example illustrates
that forecasting requires the use of both statistical methods as well as judgment
derived from knowledge of the market matched to knowledge of forecasting

14.2 Common Mistakes in Practice

Now that we understand some common misperceptions about service parts man-
agement, let us turn to some of the mistakes that lead to poor performance.
Mistake #1: Failure to Recognize the Strategic Importance of Service to the
Profitability of the Company
I have introduced the misperception by many that equipment service is not
highly profitable. This misperception results in organizations to forgo profit
opportunities in either of two ways:
1. Failure to exploit service revenue potential by the development and marketing
of differentiated services offerings
2. Failure to apply technologies and an information infrastructure to achieve
efficiency and effectiveness.

14.2.1 Failure to Fully Exploit Revenue Opportunities

Companies who do fully exploit revenue opportunities associated with service

have active service marketing departments that study the market segments for their
product offerings in order to tailor services offerings that meet the unique needs of
each market segment and often tailored to each specific customer. Companies who
do not fully exploit the revenue potential of service tend to provide ‘‘one size fits
all’’ service plans or they may leave the service portion of their business to channel
partners or independent service providers.
At its most fundamental level, the market for differentiated offerings stems
from the fact that different customers may use the same product in different ways
and incur different costs if equipment is down and not available for use. For one
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 287

customer a machine may be used for work that is not critical and a service offering
that provides next business day response and repair within 48 h may meet their
needs. For another customer, the same type of machine may be used in the
operation of their business and if it cannot be repaired the same day that customer
may lose business. In these environments it is common to offer three levels of
service with significantly uplifted prices for higher levels of service.
When companies tailor service offerings to unique customer needs, they create
win-win business for both them and their customer: they realize the greater rev-
enue and margins from customers with the greatest need for equipment avail-
ability, and they retain the business from customers who would otherwise turn to
lower cost competitors. Differentiated offerings and flexibility in terms along with
consistency in delivery to those terms enable long term business relationships
based on customer loyalty that enable consistent and predictable levels of
Many companies traditionally thought of as product manufacturers have been
transforming themselves to become total solutions providers comprised largely of
three components:
1. The products
2. The maintenance of those products
3. The operation of the product and delivery of the services produced
Thus a manufacturer of printers may sell the printers, or the management of a
fleet of printers including maintenance and supplies replenishment, or it may be a
provider of printing services where the product, supplies and maintenance are only
the means to produce prints.
For repair and maintenance contracts, service offerings may be differentiated
along three dimensions:
1. The days and hours of coverage when service is available
2. The services that are included and excluded from the offering
3. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) performance guarantees
Differentiation in service offerings represent an opportunity for profits yet a
challenge for service parts managers. Consider a simple example of three tiered
• mission critical with 2 h guaranteed onsite response
• same day service
• next day service
It is clear that a very high level of parts availability must be maintained for
customers who have purchased the ‘‘mission critical’’ service offering. Service
level targets would be less stringent for the same-day customers whereas overnight
shipment for the next day customers sufficient if problems can be diagnosed
remotely. In this example, answers to important strategic, tactical and operational
questions become more complicated compared to a ‘‘one size fits all’’ service
environment where every customer is entitled to the same level of service. Where
288 A. J. Huber

will what parts be stocked? For whom will they be stocked? How will orders be
filled? How can we ensure that parts for mission critical customers are always
readily available without having to provide the same high levels of service to
same-day and next-day customers? Service marketing consultant Al Hahn
emphasizes that to effectively market service, ‘‘It is important to deliver the level
of service you have sold the customer, and no more.’’ If you don’t deliver to the
SLAs the customer paid for, you will pay penalties and risk losing that customer.
However, if you over-deliver on the 2nd tier contracts there will be no incentive to
buy the higher priced (and more profitable) mission-critical contract.
One well-known equipment provider in the information technology industry
solves this challenge by maintaining two separate sets of inventories with dif-
ferent service targets: one for its business customers, and one for its consumers.
Most readers of this book however will quickly recognize that maintaining two
separate inventories of the same parts is inherently inefficient. Savings could be
realized if both customer sets can be supplied from the same pool of parts
Another executive I spoke with from a large service provider also in the
information technology industry told me that his company manages to 82 sep-
arate sets of SLAs depending on what was negotiated with each customer. His
company’s problem has become even more complex. How many parts must be
stocked to meet the needs of all customers? At what point do you put an order
from a lower priority customer on backorder to reserve inventory for the higher
priority customers? When must a replenishment order be shipped by air versus
ground? To which locations should parts in short supply be replenished first if
each location supports a different combination of high, medium and lower pri-
ority customers?
As companies traditionally thought of as product manufacturers expand their
scope towards providers of total solutions, new challenges (and hence opportunities)
have arisen for service parts managers and researchers. Aviation and defense
industries are an example. Aircraft operators like Air France, United Airlines and
Delta Airlines have large maintenance organizations that they leverage for other
airlines as well as their own. Aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Lockheed offer
Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) contracts to commercial and government cus-
tomers. SLA targets associated with these contracts are typically based on targets for
uptime or operational availability of aircraft systems. The challenge for the service
parts manager is to provide a supply of parts that provide high probabilities of
achieving the SLA targets, but at lowest possible cost. The ‘‘right’’ level of cost in
these complex environments include all costs incurred in support of the PBL
contract, such as the number and capacity of stock locations and part repair
facilities, the operating costs of those facilities, the information technology
infrastructure, and the cost of transportation. As new methods are developed and
new systems that apply them are deployed, costs can continue to decrease with no
degradation or even higher levels of performance. As a result, the ‘‘right’’ levels of
cost are continuously moving targets.
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 289

14.2.2 Failure to Apply Technologies to Achieve Efficiency

and Effectiveness

Companies who are best in class at marketing their service can are not necessarily
the most efficient in delivering those services. Conversely, companies who are best
in class in delivery of service do not necessarily fully exploit the market value of
their capabilities.
One large global high technology company is often cited as best in class for its
service portfolio of offerings. This company appropriately places extremely high
priority on ensuring that each customer consistently receives the contracted levels
of service. Everyone in the supply chain organization knows the importance of
having a full compliment of parts readily available locally for its most important
customers. While it does a credible job in achieving high levels of service, it does
so at tremendous levels of inefficiency. While it makes very good profits from
service, it clearly could do much better.
Oftentimes companies fail to achieve efficiencies that are possible because they
are focused on relatively small areas of opportunity while overlooking larger
opportunities. The high technology company mentioned above has been in a multi-
year battle for cost efficiency due to intense price competition with its competitors.
The price competition has dramatically impaired the profitability of both com-
panies. One of the opportunities it has pursued is the off-shoring of business
process services. The service parts supply chain planning groups were one of the
business processes identified and the company will undoubtedly reduce its labor
costs by training offshore providers to perform planning functions that had pre-
viously been done primarily in the United States and Europe. While the company
is clearly benefiting from the labor cost reduction, it did so before pursuing even
higher cost reductions that may have been achieved by reengineering the manner
in which it manages its service parts supply chain. First, there existed opportunities
to reduce global parts inventories by reducing its number of stocking locations and
pooling of inventories, the savings from which could have surpassed the entire
cost of its planning organization. Secondly, the planning processes were highly
manual. New systems had been put in place to consolidate multiple sets of legacy
applications it had accumulated through acquisitions. The new systems largely
supported the old manual processes, whereas much of the manual decision making
could have been automated reducing the need for the planning labor. In my
assessment, increasing the level of automation had the potential to reduce the total
labor required by more than half. Had the company consolidated its stock locations
and improved its inventory management practices before it moved the work off-
shore, much greater savings could have been realized.
Why didn’t the company reengineer its inventory management practices? It
certainly had the opportunity when it was consolidating its legacy applications and
developing new systems. To me the answer was simple: the people on the project
team did not know how to transform the supply chain. This leads me to the next
290 A. J. Huber Mistake #2: Failure to Apply Systems Thinking in the Structure

and Operation of the Parts Supply Chain

In large organizations people have well-defined scopes of responsibility and as a

result focus primarily on their own challenges at hand. At the management levels,
managers worry about their own scope of responsibility. This can result in
behaviors that I have characterized as ‘‘not knowing or caring about what goes on
outside your own cubical’’. While this helps drive individual accountability and
performance, it often does so at the expense of overall performance. Optimizing
individual sub-processes does not lead to overall optimization. Overall performance
suffers due to disconnected silos of functions. As my friend Jack Muckstadt of
Cornell University likes to say ‘‘Local optimization leads to global disharmony.’’
As an example, there is often one organization responsible for service parts
inventories in the field, another responsible for central parts inventories. The
central warehouses are the suppliers to the field locations. Field planners and
central planners work in different locations and may never have even met each
other. Central planners focus on fill rates and backorders, perhaps giving priority to
external customers over field stock replenishments. Field planners expect but do
not receive perfect delivery from the central warehouse, so they may engage in
hoarding of inventories due to shortages that have occurred in the past. Similarly,
central planners order parts from manufacturing and do not receive perfect
delivery and adopt similar behaviors. Manufacturers may be months late on some
items yet may want to ‘‘unload’’ its excess inventories to the service supply chain
where they will eventually be used.
Compare the scenario described above to the benefits of multi-echelon multi-
item inventory optimization. Multi-echelon optimization is a system-wide approach
to setting inventory levels. Readers familiar with these techniques understand (and
can prove mathematically) that this technique can provide better overall levels of
service than managing parts on the basis of single-part single-location decisions.
Despite the benefits of this approach, the organizational structure and lack of col-
laborative processes and the inability to make decisions based on what’s best for all
the customers rather than specific sets of internal or external customers can prevent
these benefits. In order to achieve breakthrough levels of performance, opportu-
nities must be discovered using a systems approach where the operation of the
entire supply chain is synchronized rather than the optimization of its individual
parts. (I refer to the supply chain system, not just the information technology
systems.) Successful application of a systems approach may require that organi-
zational responsibilities be redefined to support the process redesign.
If there is a simple answer to enabling systems thinking when driving trans-
formational change, it is to involve people who understand methods to improve the
entire supply chain. This is not to say that current employees should not be
involved. John Kotter, Harvard’s expert on driving transformational change in
organizations, emphasizes the need to empower broad based action (Kotter 1996).
While current employees must participate, it is critical that the change effort
involve people with the right mix of perspectives and skills. To make sure that
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 291

teams do not perpetuate suboptimal past practices, thought leaders with deep
knowledge of available research and current technologies should be key contrib-
utors to strategies for change. The power of knowledge and the value of outside
perspective should not be underestimated. It is critical that people with an
expanded perspective be participants in the decision process. Sometimes the views
of experts can be overruled by project leaders unable to grasp the potential of the
ideas of the expert or they reject them because they don’t fit within their mental
model of the current process. This can be a warning sign: either the expert is really
no expert at all, or the expert’s ideas have been pushed aside and the value of those
ideas will not be realized.
While the presence of experts is important, operational people are best able to
evaluate the practicality of new approaches. Operational people must have an open
mind and be able to see possibilities beyond current practices. To ensure ideas are
practical, operational people must identify what additional considerations are
required, based on their knowledge of customers, suppliers and products.
The need for systems thinkers and process and technology experts in driving
transformational change to achieve dramatic levels of improvement cannot be
overemphasized. If change agents do not drive efforts, new systems will typically
be enablers of past business processes and practices. Because most operational
people have the current process as their point of reference, they are likely to ask
for functionality that duplicates what they already have or support their current
practices with some minor improvements that are unlikely to achieve dramatic
levels of improvement.
Supply chain and information technology transformation projects must be
coordinated if their potential is to be realized. Substituting one set of systems for
another under the assumption of ‘‘like for like’’ functionality substitution generally
represents a missed opportunity for improvement. (Upgrading from version x to
Version x.1 of a commercial off the shelf application may be an exception.) Major
information technology implementations are projects where it is critical to involve
experts, otherwise the end result will be to continue current processes and (at best)
continue current levels of performance.
One symptom of failure to apply systems thinking to the structure and operation
of the supply chain is the inflexibility imposed by not planning for change. Major
information technology projects can take several years from initial planning to full
deployment. Cross-functional teams of people with business subject matter
knowledge are teamed with information technologists. The business people make
it a point to demand the capabilities they use today, plus issues that have chal-
lenged them in the past, plus challenges they are currently facing (a new product
launch for example). By the time the project is fully deployed, the technology
supports business needs that were in place several years ago, but do not meet the
unanticipated challenges of today. There may be new technology in place, yet the
business continues to be paralyzed by inflexibility. That is why it is important to
think strategically from a systems perspective. What types of products might the
organization need to support, what are the range of associated services that may be
offered, how will service levels be defined, and what are might be the implications
292 A. J. Huber

for service parts management? By answering those fundamental strategic ques-

tions first, the supply chain structure, business processes and technology solutions
can be designed for dynamic responses to changing support requirements. Mistake #3: Overreliance on Internal Metrics like Fill Rates

and Inventory Turns

A common mantra of the service parts manager is to have the right part in the right
place at the right time at the right cost. Another common business mantra is ‘‘what
gets measured gets done’’. Metrics like fill rates and inventory turnover ratios are
convenient and easy to produce. But are they accurate reflections of the ‘‘right’’
parts, places, times and costs?
At its most fundamental level, the role of the service parts manager is to provide
parts availability when needed. The end consumer, the user of the equipment, or
the consumer of the service that the equipment produces, desires that the service be
available when needed. Thus the traveler wants no flight delays, the pilot wants to
fly the plane when needed, the mechanic wants to perform maintenance when
scheduled, and he needs the tools, knowledge, time and service parts to perform
the maintenance. Similarly, the military wants the weapon system to be available
when a mission must be performed, the printer wants to complete print jobs on
time, and the homeowner wants the furnace or air conditioner to be operating when
its needed most. In each of these scenarios, the customer desires the product to be
operational when needed. Thus it is the uptime of the product during the times the
user is likely to need it that is the only relative metric to the end consumer. The
customer only cares about service parts management if the parts are not available,
they cost too much, or they do not perform as intended. In other words, they don’t
care about fill rates or inventory turns.
This is not to say that fill rates and inventory turns are not useful. Fill rates are a
convenient way to gauge changes in what it represents: the percentage of demands
that can be filled immediately from inventory. If the objective is to improve uptime
by placing more critical parts closer to the customer, then it may be useful to
measure fill rates of critical components at field locations.
Military supply chains have long targeted service parts management around
operational availability metrics (see Sherbrooke 2004). PBL contracts also com-
monly use operational availability to define service levels required. In the com-
mercial world outside the airlines, uptime-based service level agreement targets
are routinely specified in contracts, yet many service supply chains continue to use
metrics like fill rates and turns as their primary performance targets. Having a high
fill rate is of no value to the end consumer if they are unable to use their equipment
when needed. A better approach is to have a mix of service-level metrics that are
more relevant to what the customer wants. Examples include backorders, back-
order duration, outstanding backorders with down machines, aircrafts on ground,
equipment uptime, ‘‘hard’’ machine down occurrences (where the equipment is not
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 293

functional) or ‘‘soft’’ machine down occurrences (where the equipment is oper-

ating at reduced performance or without all features).
Inventory turns is another useful metric but is not the ultimate objective. The
owners of the business desire to meet the needs of the customer at the least possible
cost. The lower the inventory value, the higher the turnover ratio, the better. Too
often however targets are set based on some arbitrary number (increase turnover by
X%) rather than thorough consideration to the important strategic questions of
where will parts be stocked, what replenishment rules will be applied, what are
lead times for manufacture, repair, and transportation; and what levels of service
must be met. Answers to these strategic questions and the resulting structure and
operation of the supply chain will determine the ‘‘right’’ inventory turn targets.
Inventory targets should be the result of policy, not the basis for policy. Mistake #4: Failure to Forecast Demand at the Point

of Consumption

Much has been written about the ‘‘bullwhip effect’’ in supply chains (Lee et al.
1997). When a systems approach is not applied to the structure of the entire supply
chain and each parts facility is operated as if it were an independent entity, it is
common to track demand and generate forecasts based on orders from downstream
locations as if they were independent demands from external customers, when in
reality they are not. In fact, the bullwhip effect will result in more variability as
you move up the echelon structure, making the orders less predictable and harder
to forecast, resulting in excess inventory, variable workloads, and shortages.
At a large global diesel powered vehicle manufacturer I worked with, inde-
pendent repair shops purchase parts from local dealers. Local dealers purchase
parts for from the manufacturer for their own service facilities as well as for sales
to the local repair shops. The manufacturer supplies the dealers from a global
network of large distribution facilities which in turn are resupplied from a central
warehouse located within the grounds of their expansive manufacturing plant. The
distribution network for truck and bus parts is multi-enterprise: dealers had no
visibility to consumption of the repair shops, and the manufacturer had no visi-
bility to the consumption of the dealers, only their replenishment orders. As a
result, replenishment orders from the dealers to the manufacturer warehouses
upstream were erratic, making them difficult to forecast and resulted in the need
for expensive safety stock.
In order to improve levels of service to the dealers, the company transformed
the way they replenished dealers using a more collaborative systems approach.
Each dealer provided from their own inventory system daily demands for each part
it used or sold. The dealers and the manufacturers agreed on the levels of service
that would be provided to the end customers. Consistent levels of service and
‘‘minimum truck on lift’’ time for long-haul truckers is a competitive advantage for
both the manufacturer and its dealer network. The logistics arm of the
294 A. J. Huber

manufacturer developed and provided to its dealers a system to set target stock
levels of every part based on its high standards for service. Critical repair parts are
given priority over deferrable maintenance items with different service objectives.
Advanced inventory optimization methods are used to enable the dealers to pro-
vide high levels of service at minimal inventory investment.
The primary objective of the collaborative system with its dealers was to ensure
consistently high levels of parts availability throughout the dealer network so that
its customers could deliver its goods and passengers on time with minimal cost of
downtime. While it certainly achieved its goal of consistently high service, it was
able to do so at significantly reduced inventory, both for the dealer and for the
manufacturer. Because it now forecasts based primarily on consumption demand
data rather than replenishment orders, forecasts are more accurate, safety stock is
reduced, and the work levels in the warehouses are less variable. Dealer inventory
was reduced due to the use of advanced inventory optimization. Warehouse work
levels reflected scheduled replenishments to the dealers rather than reacting to
orders from disparate dealer systems and practices. As a result, overtime cost at the
warehouse was also reduced.
At a company producing high technology equipment, the global parts supply
chain was largely a set of independently operated operations. Local service pro-
viders ordered from facilities in each country. In Europe country stocks were
replenished from a central facility. The European facility was replenished from the
US central warehouse using largely manual ordering processes. The US facility
had highly erratic order patterns that were difficult to forecast accurately. When
demand is not forecast at the point of consumption and the inventory replenish-
ments are not coordinated throughout the entire network, the result is high levels of
inventory and imbalances with overages in some locations while others incur
backorders of the same items. Mistake #5: Failure to Incorporate Causal Factors into

the Forecasting Process

Statistical forecast methods that apply historical demand data to predict future
demands are perfectly acceptable in some but not all situations. When demand is
relatively steady or in some way predictable and changes come gradually over
time and the lead time to replenish inventory is short relative to the time in
which demand levels change, simple methods like moving averages or expo-
nential smoothing may be all that is required. If no reliable causal data is
available and the value of increases in forecast accuracy is high, it may be
worthwhile to apply more advanced and sophisticated methods that can detect
seasonal and cyclical patterns.
Oftentimes however, demand can be highly dynamic and causal data is readily
available. Forecasts and inventories can be highly responsive to changes in causal
data in dynamic environments yet many companies continue to apply simple time
series-based statistical methods. Consider a field stock location that supports a
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 295

team of technicians servicing equipment under service contracts. New machines

are sold, older machines are retired. If a large local customer replaces all its
machines with a newer model, it may take a year or more before the statistical
forecasts at the field stock location ‘‘learn’’ of this event by reducing the forecasts
of parts for the older model and increasing the forecasts of the newer model. A
better method is to calculate the replacement rate for each part on each model of
equipment, then apply those failure rates to the currently installed equipment
population size (the causal factor). Similarly, the inventory levels at upstream
locations can immediately react to known changes in the install base. Other causal
factors may be applied, such as the volume of jobs run through a fleet of machines.
Since the forecasts can be immediately updated to changes in the known causal
factors, events such as the retirement of a fleet of equipment at one location can
immediately free up that inventory for other locations that still need the parts.
Without such a responsive forecast environment, forecasts take time to reflect
events such as reductions in the install base of equipment, often resulting in wasted
inventory that may never be sold.
Other examples of valuable causal factors include the following:
• flight schedules by airlines
• fleet deployments at military facilities
• product sales forecasts of consumer products
• historical failure rates of similar previous generation products to forecast part
demands for new products
• currently contracted equipment as a predictor of geographic dispersion of future
sales placements
Both forecasting at the point of consumption and incorporation of relevant
causal factors are important ingredients in building lean and effective service parts
supply chains. Mistake #6: Failure to Apply Advanced Inventory Optimization

and Automatic Replenishment

Failure to utilize advanced multi-item and multi-echelon inventory optimization

methods that are readily available (and have been for decades) is another example
of treating decisions as single-part single-location decisions rather than applying a
systems approach. Take the simple example of maximizing the fill rate of a
location at minimum cost of inventory. When there is a high degree of variability
in demand rates and a high degree of variability in part costs as is typically the
case, it can easily be shown that multi-item optimization can achieve the same fill
rate for roughly half the inventory value. Similar results can be easily shown for
inventory levels optimized to an uptime rather than a fill rate objective. Despite
this fact many companies continue to apply simplistic sets of stocking and
replenishment rules.
296 A. J. Huber

Significant value from a systems approach can often be obtained when applying
the following tactical and operational practices:
• Forecast demand at the point of consumption.
• Apply relevant causal factors in the forecasting process.
• Optimize inventory targets using multi-item multi-echelon inventory
• Automate routine replenishment transactions.
A manufacturer of printing systems wanted to improve its local availability of
parts for one of its products to reduce customer downtime. A team of engineers
and a parts planning specialist gathered data on historical demand patterns,
equipment placements, parts reliability, and engineering changes. The team came
up with 3 sets of field stocking recommendations; one each for large, medium
and small cities. The process took about a month and was reasonably successful
in improving the local supplies for that one product. Later however an automated
solution was put in place that had a more dramatic effect. A system was
developed that tracked part usage and the supported contracted equipment at the
technician level. Demand rates were calculated and inventory targets set auto-
matically for the technicians van stock, with some allowable discretion based on
their local knowledge. The system computed demand rates for the local field
stock locations after consideration of the inventory carried by each technician.
Field stock locations were reduced to fewer, larger facilities in strategic locations
with delivery services available when needed. As a result, field inventory levels
were reduced by 2/3 while local fill rates improved from roughly 85 to 95%.
Replenishment of both technician van stock and field stock locations was fully
automated. All that was needed was to put away the parts that were shipped and
return items on the return list (parts no longer required due to changes in the
install base).
Levels of performance improvement possible at companies that make these
fundamental mistakes (often without knowing it) can be so dramatic as to be
unbelievable. An engine manufacturer sells parts to a network of independent
distributors who in tern sell parts to dealers and repair shops. Like the large
vehicle manufacturer already discussed, this engine producer set out to establish
a collaborative system with its customers. In this companies case, its customers
were the independent distributors. High levels of service were deemed to be the
most critical requirement of the product. The manufacturer adopted software
that utilized advanced inventory optimization methods to set inventory levels
whereas their previous system applied a simplistic set of single-item safety
stock calculations with targets set by traditional ABC classifications. When the
new system was being configured, the company used its historically high fill
rate values as its performance objective. When the resulting recommended value
of the inventory was only one third the current inventory, the managers could
not believe it was possible. In fact, they assumed it was an error in the
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 297

Similarly, a high technology provider of computer networking equipment was

so uneasy about taking a risk of impairing service that it would run an older system
concurrently with a newer optimization solution. It then wrote a program of its
own to choose the higher of the two systems stock level targets for each part at
each location.
Small carefully controlled field pilots are recommended for organizations
implementing advanced inventory optimization for the first time. When choosing
pilot metrics, make sure they are from a systems perspective and not by comparing
each part at each location to previous decisions, for they will be different, and for
good reason. Use customer-focused metrics like the ones mentioned: backorder
occurrences, backorder delay times, first time fix rates, and equipment downtimes
due to parts. Starting with small pilots and expanding to larger scale pilots are a
good way to identify any technical or process bugs and glitches as well as a way to
prove the concept to become more comfortable with the approach. Mistake #7: Inability to Effectively Deal

with Short Supply Situations

Systems approaches are needed to make the best of a bad situation when it comes
to short supply situations. A clear hierarchy of needs should be defined in advance
as part of a strategic design exercise. Many organizations fall into the trap of
simply reacting and expediting when shortages occur.
An example of a more effective approach is to first supply the most important
customer when their machine is down and when they need it the most. If all
machine-down situations can be fulfilled, then position remaining inventory in
locations where demands from machine-down customers are most likely to occur.
As more parts become available, distribute them throughout the network using
optimization that maximizes the expected number of critical orders filled until the
next replenishment arrives. When replenishments arrive late and inventory
decreases, reverse the process.
When automated controls are not put in place, human behavior can cause part
shortages to go from bad to worse. Spread a rumor among the field technician
workforce that a part is in short supply and hoarding behavior will ensue. Fearing
that they need to protect inventory for ‘‘my own customers’’, each inventory
manager refuses to transship parts to other locations in dire need. Inventory
increases, service gets worse.
When advanced parts management techniques are applied, when systems are
put in place to automate processes and when audits are put in place to ensure
accurate data, there is little need for manual overriding of individual transactions.
In fact environments where individuals examine and override optimized inventory
targets, order quantities and order timing more typically make performance worse
rather than better. When automated methods are effective, it reduces the need for
labor and frees people to work the root causes of supply problems while the system
makes best use of the inventory available at the time.
298 A. J. Huber Mistake #8: Overreliance on Benchmarking

Best in Class Performance

Calling the practice of benchmarking as a ‘‘mistake’’ may come as a surprise to the

reader. The practice of benchmarking is not a mistake in itself, in fact it can be
very helpful to discover which organizations achieve the best performance in
certain aspects of the supply chain, then to evaluate and prioritize the imple-
mentation of similar practices within their own organization. A simple framework
for evaluation is presented later in this chapter may serve as a helpful means of
evaluating best practices.
The mistake I refer to is the overreliance on benchmarking that leads to
‘‘copycat’’ duplication of past practices from other organization that may either not
be appropriate or it may not be the best technique available in light of current
technology. Copycat duplication of all methods that happen to be used by leading
supply chain practitioners can only lead to performance as good as or almost as
good as the organization being benchmarked. In fact, if the benchmark performer
is truly a leading edge practitioner, they may in fact be working on changing and
improving the practice you intend to copy.
A better practice would be to utilize a combination of benchmarking, keeping
up with industry innovations, attendance at conferences, awareness of new tech-
nology vendor offerings (with a healthy sense of skepticism) and industry-
academia collaboration in the development and deployment of new techniques.
The authors of this book are a good place to start especially if they have identified
new approaches to solving problems that are directly applicable to challenges that
exist in your parts supply chain. Societies such as INFORMS and POMS maintain
service and supply chain management interest and practice groups. Several
universities have service and supply chain centers of excellence. Companies such
as IBM and UPS have been actively engaged in parts supply chain research. In my
experience some of the best performing service supply chains understand the
complexity of service environments and have one or more thought leaders on staff
employed full time in pursuit of strategic opportunities to drive towards improved
performance. These resident experts can help guide managers in charting their
course for the service parts supply chain.

14.3 A Simple Framework for Improvement

If Service Parts Management is not at all simple, if an organization has suffered

from misperceptions and fallen victim to some of the strategic ‘‘mistakes’’ we
have discussed, where should one begin in charting the course toward
improvement? Fortunately, the more mistakes an organization has made, the
more ‘‘low hanging fruit’’ opportunities exist to dramatically improve perfor-
mance and reduce cost.
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 299

The objective of this section is to describe a simple approach to identify stra-

tegic issues around service parts management, then derive a Pareto ranking of the
opportunities listed in order of importance. Before we dive in to the investigation,
it is helpful to keep in mind two principles:
1. What is the role of service parts in meeting the larger organizational strategic
objectives? What levels of service are required and what is the current
The truck manufacturer described earlier clearly defined their objective of
maintaining consistently high levels of availability of repair parts at each dealer to
enable their customers to minimize vehicle on lift time and achieve on time
2. If service levels fall below requirements, fix them first. It makes no sense to
reduce costs first if the supply chain is not meeting its fundamental responsibility
of enabling operational maintenance of equipment at the uptime levels required.
3. Identify cost saving opportunities, and rank them by value.
A simple ranking approach based on the principles above will help prioritize
what should be done first, and avoid the trap of haphazard yet good ideas that seem
reasonable to do, have great potential but may not be the right project at the right
time in light of more urgent priorities. Fix the customer first, then chase the dollars,
then go after the dimes.

14.3.1 Step 1: Define the Problems to be Solved

and Gather Ideas

If service levels are not meeting requirements, clear priority must be placed on
finding the root causes of delays in providing parts and causes of shortages and
methods to avoid them. Often times, opportunities to improve service through
process and technology improvement will simultaneously bring about opportuni-
ties to reduce cost. If processes are not changed, service levels can only be
improved at increased cost, largely by increasing inventory to mask the ineffi-
ciencies that are occurring. This may be necessary in the short term, but it is not an
effective strategy for the long term.
If cost is the primary objective, it is helpful to have team members define the
overall cost levels and the components of cost, including any hidden components. It is
critical that the focus is on all relevant costs, not just those included in the current set
of performance metrics and not just those in the accounting entries. Obvious costs
include operational costs of planning, repair facilities, transportation, warehousing,
order processing. Inventory levels represent opportunity cost of capital. Not so
obvious are the costs associated with shortages and delays. For example, the average
mission capable availability of aircraft in the US Air Force fleet was 72% in 2001.
Fully 14% of the fleet on average was not mission capable due to supply problems
300 A. J. Huber

(GAO 2001). Given the size of the Air Force fleet and the cost of each aircraft, this
represents and opportunity cost of billions of dollars.
Although it is important to define the problem and understand the causes of
delays and shortages as well as the operational, inventory and opportunity costs;
do not limit the idea gathering to only those that directly address the stated
problems at hand. While this may seem counterintuitive, I emphasize this because
there may be opportunities for new processes and technologies that may not be
apparent. For example, the techniques described throughout this book represent
ideas worthy of evaluation that will be new to most readers. Other new ideas may
be gleaned from conferences, recent publications, consultants and staff.
Ideas can come from anywhere. When I managed a parts supply chain, the
warehouse manager expressed that my planning organization must be doing a bad
job of planning because there were so many expensive parts in the warehouse that
were not moving at all. That led us to adopt a practice of what we called the ‘‘dusty
parts’’ test. When he found high cost parts with a ‘‘thick layer of dust’’ on them, he
would bring them to my attention and I would have the planning group find out
when were they purchased and why were they purchased at that time. On several
occasions we uncovered process improvement opportunities that we could go after
to prevent wasted expense in the future.

14.3.2 Step 2: Evaluate Each Idea

Four fundamental questions may serve to evaluate improvement ideas:

1. Does the problem this technique addresses exist in this service environment?
2. How does this organization currently deal with this problem?
3. Is the idea appropriate for this environment?
4. Are there other methods that would lead to an improvement in this area?
Let us consider each of these simple questions using a hypothetical case study:
A manufacturer of medical diagnostic equipment provides a line of 30 machines
that perform a variety of medical tests at hospitals, clinics and some doctors’ offices.
The company’s service organization maintains its own team of approximately 250
service technicians in North America, uses a combination of direct employees and
service partners in Europe, and utilizes a dealer network in other regions of the world.
Approximately 70% of its business resides in the North America.
The typical machine requires service about six times per year, of which about ‘
are scheduled maintenance calls and ‘ are unscheduled failures. Some of the
customers have contracted for same day service; others receive the standard next-
day service.
About 1/3 of the field replaceable parts are high value repairable assemblies,
most of which the company refurbishes in a central repair facility located on the
grounds of the manufacturing plant. Some of the assemblies require special
equipment and skills and are sent to component manufacturers for repair.
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 301

When assemblies are removed and replaced in the field, technicians return them
in the box the new assembly was shipped in using a preprinted return label from
the shipping provider. The damaged assemblies are then sent to the receiving area
of the central parts warehouse, also on the grounds of the manufacturing plant.
The service parts planning organization determines the disposition of each
returned item. During the early and mid life cycle stages, almost all assemblies are
sent to the appropriate repair facility for refurbishing. During the later stages of the
product life cycle, the planner may choose to scrap some units or store them in
their damaged condition until more are needed.
In the field, technicians are expected to return each item within a week. To save
trips, technicians typically keep the return parts in their vans and stop by UPS to
drop off them off when they happen to be near a UPS facility. Currently, about
65% of the parts arrive at the central warehouse within 2 weeks, 85% within a
month, some take much longer, and each year about 4% are never accounted for.
The receiving workload at the central warehouse is highly variable. The wait
time for a returned part to be received can vary from same day to as long as two
weeks, with three days being typical. When items are received, the warehouse
system instructs the receiving clerk whether the item is to be scrapped (in which
case it is sent to the recycler), put away in its unrepaired state, or sent to the repair
facility for refurbishment.
The repair facility typically runs with 30 days of work in process. About 15
percent of the time, items wait longer because not all the required component parts
are available. Some units can wait as long as 5 months before they are repaired.
Repaired parts are returned to the central warehouse where they are returned to stock.
The manager of the service parts operation saw the reverse logistics process as a
big opportunity for improvement. She was frustrated with the large amount of
unrepaired inventory in both the receiving area, the storage area for unrepaired
items, and within the repair facility. Although the used parts did not show on the
books, she knew that her planners were buying newly manufactured parts when
good used ones were tied up in technician vans, the warehouse, and the repair
facility. A team was commissioned to study the problem and make recommenda-
tions. Two university professors of Operations Management were brought in to
work with the team and make recommendations. They interviewed managers and
specialists from the planning department, warehouse and repair center. They were
provided with data from the planning and transaction processing systems. After a
few months of part time effort, the professors made a preliminary recommendation.
The professors proposed that a real-time decision support model be developed
by them over the summer that could be incorporated into the company’s existing
warehouse, repair center and field parts management systems. Data from the
planning application would feed the decision making model that would disposition
‘‘optimal’’ courses of action for each failed repairable part as the failures occurred.
The model would be developed by the professors and some of their students who
would deliver a working prototype that the company’s IT organization could
transform to a production application. The new decision model would be inte-
grated with the transaction processing systems.
302 A. J. Huber

Here’s how the application would work. At the time a part failed, a transaction
would be sent to the real time decision model along with data on that part and each
of its substitutes from the planning system. The model would determine in real
time where the part should be returned to and what method of transportation to use.
The decision alternatives would be to send it to a reclamation facility, to the repair
vendor, or to the central warehouse for long term storage. Once the model rec-
ommended scrap, store or repair; it would determine the level of urgency and
recommend air or ground transportation. Technicians would be expected to deliver
emergency air shipments before taking their next service call, ground shipments
would be processed every Friday afternoon.
For parts in all time buy status, a complimentary forecast model would estimate
the remaining lifetime supply required incorporating current the current install
base and its trend rate of decline as well as actual repair yields. These lifetime
supply requirements forecasts would be used to feed the real-time model in
deciding whether to scrap or return parts in lifetime buy status.
Since the needed parts would go directly to the repair facility, they would no
longer be tied up at the central warehouse. For the company’s repair facility, the
professors made two recommendations. First, there were bottlenecks that occurred
frequently for several classes of expensive critical parts. For those, additional
capacity would be added by purchasing additional test equipment and cross
training technicians from other stations. Second, the professors would develop a
2nd set of algorithms that would optimize the order that each waiting part would
be repaired in. Since it would receive real-time notification of every failed part as
it happened, the repair center could prioritize the work with an optimization
objective of minimizing priority-weighted customer delay times.
The professors quantified the projected reductions in cycle times, work in
process, and inventory of both repaired and unrepaired parts, yielding a substantial
savings. They also pointed out how quickly critical parts in short supply could flow
through the entire reverse logistics supply chain. This would significantly reduce
critical customer backorders and reduced customer downtime.
After the professors presented to the service parts management team, the idea
could be evaluated using the four questions simple questions.

14.3.3 Question 1: Does the Problem this Technique

Addresses Exist in this Service Environment?

Here the answer is obviously yes, since the professors were brought in specifically
to address the reverse supply chain of unrepaired inventory. However, one can
imagine other scenarios where an idea like this would be proposed:
• The idea may be published in a book like the one you are reading now.
• The concept may be published in a leading journal.
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 303

• The supply chain manager may present the concept and accomplishments post-
implementation at an industry conference.
• The ideas may be incorporated into a commercial off the shelf software
• The method may be offered as a service by a transportation company with repair
facilities or by a contract repair provider.
Let’s assume that the professors completed the project and published their work
in a leading journal. An inventory specialist at a major airline engine repair facility
might have read the article with interest and compared it to the methods his
company used to perform engine overhauls for their own and other airlines. While
the method may not have been 100% applicable to his own engine repair opera-
tion, there certainly would be parallels. Because of the high cost of engines, the
airlines may already move engines directly from aircraft to the repair facility and
the process would begin almost immediately. If however the engine repairs con-
sisted both of planned and unplanned activity, the concept of a model like the one
that the professors proposed to optimize the order of repairs would be applicable
using the same or a similar approach.

14.3.4 Question 2: How Does this Organization Currently

Deal with this Problem?

For our medical equipment manufacturer we have already described how they
currently manage the problem. Other approaches in practice are similar to the
situation we have described and others are radically different.
An information technology hardware provider has a strategy of outsourcing all
of its manufacturing to contract manufacturers. They also require that these
manufacturers supply service parts, thereby bypassing the need to have a signifi-
cant investment in a service parts management with the exception of an investment
in field parts inventory. In this type of environment, each replaced assembly might
be returned to the manufacturer for return credit, then the challenge of managing
the part repair process becomes the contract manufacturer’s challenge.
Regardless of the contractual arrangement however, the fundamental process of
return and repair for resale still exists, and one can envision the adoption of the
technique by the contract manufacturer. One can imagine the manufacturer
maintaining one or several repair facilities and a parts warehouse where it
refurbishes returned parts from all its customers and returns them to stock for
In the aircraft engine example, the maintenance facility may receive the engines
from its customers, perform an initial inspection to determine the parts required,
order any missing parts, and begin the refurbishment operation only once all
component parts are received and assigned to the repair order, and a workstation is
available to begin the work.
304 A. J. Huber

14.3.5 Question 3: Is the Idea Appropriate for this


The idea would generally be applicable to the medical equipment manufacturer. Of

course problems could arise. The professors may have received some misinfor-
mation or faulty data. The existing systems may not be able to provide the required
data in real-time. The optimization model may be overly computationally intensive
to accommodate the volume of transactions experienced. The existing transac-
tional systems may not have the technical capability for integration with the
decision modules, requiring a total replacement at a cost not viable, and so on.
For the contract manufacturer, the idea may be generally applicable. Unless the
manufacturer integrates its systems with its customers systems however, it may not
be able to activate the scrap, retain or repair decision until items are received from
its customers. It may use the scrap decision to discontinue granting of return credit
to its customers since they would no longer be of value. The optimization of the
order of repairs with the objective of minimizing customer delay times may be
directly applicable since it is solving the same problem, albeit by another
For the aircraft engine repair facility, the concept may apply but the optimi-
zation model may be overly simplistic because aircraft engines may have many
more parts used in an overhaul procedure than the field replaceable assemblies
from the medical devices. The aircraft engines are typically made up of subas-
sembly components themselves that must be refurbished, necessitating a more
complex multi-indenture optimization approach such as those described in
Muckstadt (2005) and Sherbrooke (2004).

14.3.6 Question 4: Are there Other Methods that would Lead

to an Improvement in this Area?

There may be alternatives to the approach recommended by the professors that the
medical equipment manufacturer may consider. Rather than make the higher cost
investment in the development and integration of the two real-time decision
support models into their existing systems, it may instead consider a less costly
simpler approach that would achieve a portion of the results. For example, it could
establish some heuristic thresholds to automate the decision to scrap, retain, return
or air ship the return from the field. An example might include the following:

• If the supply exceeds the forecasted remaining life cycle requirements adjusted
for yield rates and some level of safety stock, scrap the item.
• If [X months supply on hand exist, retain the item for future repair.
• If on hand inventory \ safety stock, air ship the return to the repair facility.
• If an outstanding backorder exists, expedite the repair upon receipt.
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 305

Of course, both ideas might make sense, the rules-based heuristics listed above
for a ‘‘quick fix’’, followed by a more elegant solution to realize more cost
reduction and service level improvement.
Another possibility might be consideration of more strategic alternatives. One
alternative might be to discontinue the medical device manufacturer’s internal
repair operation and outsource it to a contract repair provider that has a higher
scale operation, such as the example of the IT hardware provider’s relationship
with the contract manufacturer who maintains supplementary repair capabilities. A
contract repair provider may have the scale to leverage information technology
investments to achieve a higher return on investment and share a portion of the
savings with their customers while increasing its own profitability.
An alternative method that the aircraft engine manufacturer might pursue could
arise through a root cause analysis of its repair cycle times and causes of delays.
For example, perhaps much of its cycle times are due to times awaiting parts to
complete engine overhauls. A closer look may reveal that component part supplies
are managed using an independent-demand forecasting and ordering model opti-
mized to a fill rate objective. Perhaps time awaiting parts could be reduced through
the incorporation of a dependent-demand forecast approach coupled with an
inventory optimization model whose objective function is to minimize repair cycle

14.3.7 Step 3: Quantify and Rank Each Idea by Value

The four-question approach while simple, may be useful for reducing the number
of investment alternatives under consideration, and may lead to investigation of
other alternatives that would not have been considered previously. Examples
include the case of the outsourcing alternative for the medical device provider or
the dependent-demand approach for the aircraft engine repair facility.
It can be helpful to keep a list of improvement ideas that survive the evaluation
process described in Step 2. First, consider service level improvements. I have
proposed that if service levels fall below requirements, fix them first.
One way to prioritize competing approaches to improve service level is to
identify what service metric will be used, and then rank ideas by cost divided by
service improvement. For example, a retail parts supplier may use fill rate as the
performance metric if customers take their purchases elsewhere if orders cannot be
filled immediately. For each competing idea, you may evaluate the project cost per
expected increases in orders filled.
For the medical equipment provider, backorder time may be a superior service
metric to fill rate, since its customers may have no alternatives to placing a
backorder when stock-outs occur. Here for every day the customer must wait for
backorders to be filled, their medical device may be unavailable for use. Therefore,
competing projects might be ranked by their investment cost per expected
reductions in backorder days.
306 A. J. Huber

If cost reduction is the objective, then a similar method could be used in mea-
suring investment required per dollar of annual spend reduction. Computation of net
present value for each project using time-phased expenditures and time-phased
return on investment will enable comparison of projects with the greatest value. If
investment funds are limited, internal rate of returns should also be considered.
To project inventory savings, it will often be helpful to apply Little’s Law
where L = k * w where L = inventory, k = demand rate and w = cycle times
(see Muckstadt 2005; Fredendall and Hill 2001). Little’s Law is helpful in
translating cycle time improvements to inventory reductions. (It is also useful in
translating the number of backorders to backorder delay times.)
Because service parts supply chains often perform very inefficiently due to the
types of mistakes that have been outlined here, many improvement projects will
often result in service level improvement and cost reduction. Here it may be useful
to add the value of service improvement and cost reduction per dollar of invest-
ment. It is not straightforward to value service improvement due to the behavioral
questions of what levels of service improvement will increase customer loyalty,
improve the company’s reputation to attract more business, and similar arguments.
For simplicity’s sake, it can be helpful to arbitrarily assign a value to the service
metric, such as the value of a lost order or the value of a backorder day. Don’t
forget that losing an order may also involve loss of repeat business. While there
may be no ‘‘right’’ value to place on these service metrics (don’t ask the
accountants to answer it for you), you can construct your spreadsheet with a
parameter for service value, then increase and decrease it until it seems to make
the appropriate trade-off between cost reduction and service level improvement. In
other words, ask yourself how much you would be willing to invest in a project for
service level improvement to derive a reasonable value. In this manner, it can be
convenient to rank projects that improve service, reduce cost, or both.

14.4 Conclusion

Service parts supply chains can yield dramatic improvements for reasonable levels
of investments because it is an area where current practice does not incorporate the
processes and technologies that are currently available to run them more effec-
tively and efficiently.
The initial and perhaps most significant challenge for the service parts manager,
practitioner or consultant is to get the attention of senior management and show
convince them of the magnitude of the opportunities that exist. Part of that selling
process should include consideration for whether the senior managers are afflicted
with the misperceptions I’ve identified here. It should also look at the motives of
the manager and translation of those motives into the implications and opportu-
nities for service parts management. The two most common are to maintain the
uptime of the customer’s equipment, and to provide the consistently profitable
annuity streams that aftermarket support businesses represent.
14 Common Mistakes and Guidelines 307

The consultant must craft a convincing argument that educates senior man-
agement on the link between their objectives and the improvement opportunities
you are requesting permission to pursue. The education must be quick and con-
vincing. ‘‘Deep dive’’ discussions into arcane inventory theory can quickly lose the
interest of many. Focus your proposal and presentation on the conclusions you
want the executive to draw. Here are three desirable reactions that may be
worthwhile aiming for:
• That’s my problem!
• These ideas will go a long way to helping solve my problem.
• This proposal seems low-risk.
Finally, nothing breeds confidence more than success. Smaller projects tackled
first that deliver results quickly will build confidence both by the project sponsors
and by the teams implementing them.

Acknowledgments To Robert G. Brown, whose teaching, consulting and text Advanced Service
Parts Inventory Management (Brown 1982) when I was a young analyst working with Eastman
Kodak’s service parts organization inspired me to apply analytical methods and would one day
lead to my assignment there as Service Parts Supply Chain Director. To my friends Peter L.
Jackson and John A. Muckstadt of Cornell University whose knowledge and understanding of the
elements involved in optimizing supply chains under the uncertain conditions of service envi-
ronments convinced me that ‘‘It’s not rocket science, it’s much harder than that!’’ Many of the
issues I’ve highlighted in this chapter would have been overlooked by me were it not for the
mentoring of Professor Muckstadt and working prototypes developed by Professor Jackson.


Brown R (1982) Advanced service parts inventory control. Materials Management Systems,
Fredendall L, Hill E (2001) Basics of supply chain management. St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton
Kotter J (1996) Leading change. Harvard Business School Press, Boston
Lee H, Padmanabhan V, Whang S (1997) The bullwhip effect in supply chains. Sloan
Management Review 38:93–102
Muckstadt J (2005) Analysis and algorithms for service parts supply chains. Springer, New York
Sherbrooke C (2004) Optimal inventory modeling of systems. Springer, New York
United States General Accounting Office (2001) Air Force inventory: parts shortages are
impacting operations and maintenance. Report: 01-587

A Component replacement, 157, 165, 168

ABC classification, 189, 296 Cost bands, 152
Accuracy measures, 71 Cost-wise skewed model, 152, 153
Action research, 171, 173, 181–182 Criticality
Aircraft on ground, 183 Control, 175, 176, 187, 189, 190, 196
Akaike’s information criterion, 58 Multi-dimensional, 189
Albach-Brockhoff formula, 159 Process, 176, 188, 196
a-quantile, 109 Croston’s
Asymptotic validity, 110 Assumptions, 5, 130
Autocorrelation, 132 Bias, 8, 10
Estimates, 10, 14–16, 18, 19
Method, 2–8, 10, 15, 18, 54, 96, 106,
B 130–134, 209–212
Estimation, 107
Forecasting, 105 D
Information criteria, 58 Damped Holt’s method, 54, 56, 57, 59, 63, 64,
Bernoulli 66, 74, 80, 83, 85
Probability, 3 Damped trend model, 61, 64, 66, 77
Demand, 5 Data
Process, 36, 162 Aggregation, 92, 93, 102
Bias correction, 12 Car parts, 116
Bias-corrected AIC, 58 Censored, 114, 116, 118, 121
Binomial Defense Logistics Agency, 32, 37
Compound, 35 Electronics, 32, 37, 38, 47, 213
Negative, 35, 41, 47 Royal Air Force, 32, 37, 38, 136, 207
Block replacement, 161 Telecommunication, 59, 82, 83, 86
Bootstrapping, 126 Weekly, 83, 84, 241
White goods, 96
Yearly, 81, 82, 85
C Decision trees, 53, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 75–78,
Central limit theorem, 31, 110 80, 81, 85
Chi-square test, 37 Delphi, 157
Cluster centroids, 100 Demand
Coefficient of variation, 40, 99–100, Categorization, 203–206, 214, 217, 218
125, 177 Characteristics, 2, 32, 40, 43, 95, 96
Commoditization, 280 Erratic, 31, 177, 178, 188, 201

310 Index

D (cont.) G
Interval, 3–10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 29, 38, Gardner-McKenzie protocol, 63
41, 43, 131, 177, 190, 192, 199, Geometric distribution, 3, 5, 10, 15
207–210, 215 General Electric, 146
Lumpy, 35, 89, 90–92, 95, 102, 103, Genetic algorithm, 146
105, 106, 125, 171, 176–178, Goodness-of-fit, 37, 40
184, 191, 235 GRMSE, 71, 212
Slow, 212
Smooth, 14, 177
Dendogram, 100 H
Discriminant analysis, 59 Halfwidth, 110, 112, 117–121
Distributions Hannan-Quinn criterion, 58
Assumptions, 31, 32, 39, 43, 47, 157 Heuristics, 222, 228
Demand, 164, 166, 167, 169, 206, 223, 224 Holt’s linear method, 56
Exponential, 7, 35
Gamma, 34, 35, 39, 42, 46, 47, 51, 113,
115, 206, 207, 222 I
Geometric, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15, 35, 44, 45, Independence sampler, 112
209 Inductive rule, 43
Lognormal, 136 Installed base, 157, 161
Negative binomial, 32, 35, 41, 47, 206, Integer programming, 254
212, 215 Integrated forecasting method, 134
Normal, 35, 36, 39, 41–43, 46, 47, 60, 61, Intermittent demand, 1, 31
68, 110, 112, 129, 130, 138, 169, Inter-demand intervals, 5, 15, 125
215, 240 Inventory
Poisson, 35, 36, 39, 41, 44, 45, 47, 50, 115, Re-order point, 34
120, 145, 146, 148, 193, 206, 212, Optimization, 295
215, 222, 224, 235, 237, 255 Order-up-to-Level, 34, 211
Dynamic service parts management, 159

E Jackknife, 126–127
Efron, 126, 127 Jittering, 132
End-of-life, 157
End-of-production, 157, 167
End-of-service, 157 K
End-of-use, 165 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, 37
EWMA, 207, 210
Expediting, 281
Exponential smoothing L
Estimates, 13 Linear growth model, 60, 76
Method, 2 Linear programming, 149–150
Non-seasonal, 54 Line replaceable unit, 183
Single, 55 Little’s law, 306
LMS categorization, 216
Log-space adaptation, 138
F Logistic growth function, 159
Process, 113
Simulated data, 119 M
Time, 113 Maintenance, 160
Forecast aggregation, 93 MAPELTD, 134
Forecasting origin, 70 Marginal analysis, 144–147, 152
Friedman’s test, 98 Markov chain, 111
Index 311

Method selection, 58 RGRMSE, 136

Monte Carlo, 240 Rotable inventory, 143–145
MRO, 148
Multi-echelon, 146
Multiplicative trend, 57 S
Multiple source of error, 59 Safety stock, 97
SAP, 135, 157, 216, 234
SBA method, 11, 18, 209–210
N Serial variation curves, 61
Non-systematic variability, 105 Service level, 114, 171, 287
Normal approximation, 222 Shop replaceable unit, 183
Normality assumption, 5, 31 SI method, 6
Simulation, 7, 16–17, 63, 66, 95–98, 108
Single-echelon, 203
O SY method, 10, 17, 26
OEM, 172 SmartForecasts, 130
Operational availability, 292 Smart Software, 128
State-dependent forecasting, 161
Steady state model, 60, 74
P Stopping rules, 233, 235
Parametic Subjective prior, 118
Approach, 2, 31, 125
Forecasting, 31, 34
Part classification, 174–176, 187 T
Part coding, 174 Tabu search, 251
Performance-based logistics, 288 Theta method, 57
Poisson Time to restore, 184
Compound, 35, 222 Trend forecasting, 59
H-SKU, 36
Log-zero, 36
Logarithmic, 35 U
Package, 36 US Navy, 135
Stuttering, 35, 42, 44, 49–50 US Air Force, 146, 224
Posterior sampling, 109
Practice, 286
Product life cycle, 159 V
Variance of estimates, 13
VED analysis, 188
RBF method, 178, 191
Reactive tabu search, 253, 257 W
Reliability, 160, 177 Wagner, 222, 228
Response variable, 108

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