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02 accents

The English Language Journal

for Baden-Württemberg
December 2004/January 2005

Have a Ball!

New trends in shopping

Marketing football
Party on Oscar Wilde!
Light bulbs and Kehrwoche
Photo: Soweto Gospel Choir
9 10 12 17

Feature News and Events Arts and Culture Labyrinth

8 One Stop Shopping 5 US election: 12 Happy Birthday Oscar! 22 Finding a flat
How Anglo-American activists fight on Oscar Wilde’s spirit alive
trends are changing the face 5 Bone-marrow benefit in B-W Regulars
of festive season bargain 6 New business forum 13 Christmas reading
hunting 6 Beer, tea and books 4 Letters
9 Mince pies and Children’s Corner 17 accents choice
Christmas crackers Profile What’s on listings
English shop 15 Kevin Kuranyi: 19 Classifieds
Christmas specials 7 Erwin Staudt: football hero 20 accents guide

Cover photo: R. Bruhn

President of VfB Stuttgart Plus: a football quiz Clubs and contacts
16 Crossovers: book reviews
accent on… 16 Children’s Christmas
10 Baden’s repose
Spotlight on Karlsruhe


Now that you’ve taken a bite, requests from people wanting accents is a way of contributing story to find out more about
we’re telling you to have a to subscribe to the magazine, to the financial survival of the Christmas shopping.
ball! It’s our Christmas and and we’re grateful for that. magazine. It’s your way, as And speaking of having a ball,
New Year’s edition, after all. Others have asked us – with a reader, of helping to cover Oscar Wilde has had another
So, Merry Christmas and a some justification – why they some of our costs. Give it some one. The dear old dandy of Irish
Happy New Year! should subscribe to a magazine thought. There’s a subscription literature celebrated his 150 th
We’ve had a great response they can pick up somewhere for form on the inside of the back birthday ... in Stuttgart, of all
to the first edition of accents – free. Good question. We’re not cover. places. Our arts editor was
thanks for your phone calls, trying to hoodwink people into there for the party. We also play
emails and letters. Many of you paying for something they can With the economy the way it is, football (that’s “soccer”, for
wanted to know where you can pick up for nothing in an English it’s not exactly a great time for some of you) in this edition,
pick up the magazine on a shop or an Irish pub. The idea having a ball, especially if that visit Karlsruhe, and – in Laby-
regular basis. We now have a of the personal subscription is means going on a spending rinth – provide you with tips
list of distribution points, which threefold. First, many people spree. Shopping is not a popular about moving into a new home.
is growing daily, and which you live outside large cities in past-time in Germany at the Finally, thanks to all our readers
can look up on our Web site. Baden-Württemberg, and won’t moment. Nevertheless, new – old and young alike – who
( be able to pick up the magazine shopping centres are springing wrote in for our two Christmas
We will also print this list in the so easily every two months up all over Baden-Württemberg competitions. Feast away and
magazine at a later date. We at a distribution point. Second, – and we are to blame! English we’ll see you on the other side
haven’t yet managed to reach a subscriber will have accents speakers, that is. Shopping of January!
each and every corner of home delivered before it’s trends from English-speaking
Baden-Württemberg, so bear distributed publicly. Finally, and countries are influencing local accents magazine
with us. We’ve also had a lot of more important, subscribing to retail trends. Read our feature editorial team

accents is sponsored by

accents magazine 3
Letters Twas the night before Christmas…
Schwäbisch Style
to the Editor Twas the night before Weihnachten, and all through the castle
The in-laws were visiting, oh what a hassle.
The stockings I’d hung from the chimney with care,
First edition well-received Were taken down swiftly when they started to stare.
“Nikolaustag war am sechsten Dezember,
Dear accents, That poor Ami-girl she can never remember.
I have just read your first edition and want to congratulate you. It’s a SHOE that he fills, not an oversized stocking.”
Though I’ve been living here for over seven years, I was entirely Then they laughed in a tone that was jolly, yet mocking.
unaware of the facilities available to English-speaking people in
the area. The layout and presentation of the magazine is terrific, The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
and it made for entertaining and informative reading. All the While visions of Spätzle danced in their heads.
very best for the future. Peggy-Anne Graham-Sechtem Papa in the Sauna, and I in my Schlafie,
Adding more whiskey to my strong Irish coffee.
The Editor,
How pleased I was to receive a copy of your magazine. It was When out on the Balkon there arose such a clatter,
like a breath of English air! A whiff of home. Yes, I still call I sprang from my Sessel to see what was the matter.
England home after living in B-W for over 50 years. Away to the Fenster I flew like a Blitz,
Dorothy Gläser-Noble, Schorndorf Cracked open the Rolladen, and peeked through the Schlitz.

Dear accents, The moon on the breast of the new fallen Schnee,
Congratulations. It’s about time someone took up where Steve Gave view of a man ... in a Mercedes sleigh.
& Anne (from The Written Word) left off. I couldn’t believe it, my gaze it was frozen!
Jeff Gomes, Deutsch-Australische-Freundschaft e.V. A white bearded man wearing red Lederhosen!
The sleigh he was driving was clean as a lick,
Dear Editor, I knew in a moment, it was schwäbisch St. Nick!
I just wanted to let you know that accents magazine is being
warmly received and read by visitors to our library. We’ve More rapid than a Porsche, his coursers they came,
nearly run out of copies of the first edition. You’ll have to send He whistled and shouted and called them by name:
double the amount next time. Now clean it! Now dust it!
Julia Arnold, Director, American Library, Karlsruhe Now kehren und saugen!
On wash it! On scrub it!
Dear accents, On Brezeln mit Laugen!
The article about bilingual children’s experiences in Germany
was so interesting that I sent a copy of it to my son and his His eyes how they twinkled! His nose red and gnarly.
English teacher, who live in Bavaria. Thanks! Alex Woodruff It looked like St. Nick liked his schwäbische Schorle.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work.
Dear accents, He dusted and polished, with a schwäbische quirk.
We very much enjoyed reading your article in Edition 01 about As I peeked from the stairway, tried not to smirk!
school children learning English. As promoters of the Neckar-
Alb region we’ve developed an advertisement related to this Then he sprang to his sleigh, where his reindeer did stand,
theme (Ed: see back page). The very positive reaction to our ad But being a German, he first shook my hand.
shows that we’ve struck the right chord at the right time. Anja Seeing no presents I yelled, „Nicky, nicht fahren!“
Neuhaus, Project Manager, Region Neckar Alb, IHK, Reutlingen His schwäbische reply, „Wir müssen doch sparen!“
I sighed to myself as he drove out of sight,
accents magazine Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Libanonstraße 58, 70184 Stuttgart, By Liz Gaiser

What do you miss about Christmas?

This was the question we posed to readers occasionally on the BBC World Service (12 years ago) it has become a Plochingen
in the first edition of accents. We found radio. So I decided to teach my Volkshoch- tradition enjoyed by locals and visitors from
this response the most inspiring. Here’s schule classes to sing them. Gradually, we all around. Come and join us this year on
the story of someone who heartily missed built up a repertoire. When I explained how Sunday, December 19 th, at 3:30 pm! (Hot
something at Christmas – and decided to people gathered on December 24 th, near punch is available to warm up cold toes.)
do something about it. the Christmas tree on Trafalgar Square in Ann Noisternig, Ebersbach
London, to sing carols every year, one class
What I missed most about Christmas was member suggested we do the same thing Ann wins this PONS picture dictionary.
singing carols. There are many lovely Ger- in front of the Christmas tree in the Ploch- Other entries to receive a PONS prize
man carols, of course. But I could only join ingen market place! We chose the Sunday include David Skevington of Freiburg and
in singing the old traditional English ones afternoon before December 24 th. Since then Steven Trevallion of Kirchentellinsfurt.

4 Letters accents magazine

News and Events

Staying Active
US election

The US Presidential election may be


over, but US political activists in Baden-
Württemberg are not going to sit around
waiting for the next presidential cam-
paign. Katharine Schmidt reports.
It’s all over. Bush beat Kerry. Or, in other
words, Republican President George W.
Bush defeated his Democrat rival, Senator
John F. Kerry, in the US Presidential election
in early November. Campaign commercials
are fading from memory and strategists in
both major political parties are busy once
again with the daily grind of politics. But in membership double and the number of Gary Anderson, professor of political science
Germany and in other European countries, country committees increase from 28 to 70 at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen,
expatriate voters are promising to remain since the 2000 election, wants to “keep says the major political parties are now
active, following an unprecedented increase that energy going,” according to international paying more attention to expatriate voters
in their level of participation in an election. spokeswoman Sharon Manitta. Within days than when he first started teaching in
Political activism usually drops off after of the Democrats’ defeat, Manitta and Germany in the late 1980 s. “They’re trying
a presidential election, according to Henry other members of the organization met in to get votes from any corner they can.”
Nickel, chairman of Republicans Abroad in Amsterdam to begin making plans for the The two major business organizations linking
Germany. But that’s not the case this time. next four years. Democratic activists in US and German companies differed slightly
“People are e-mailing me, calling me, and Baden-Württemberg say that while they are in their post-election statements. The
asking, ‘What comes next?’” says Nickel. disappointed with the results of this year’s American Chamber of Commerce in Ger-
“They’re fired up. We’ve got a lot of enthu- presidential election, they will stay involved many says that following the election it
siastic people.” Says Republicans Abroad in US politics. “We’re looking toward the expects the traditionally good economic
president in Stuttgart, John Gerrish: “For a future,” says Charles Keene, chairman relations between Germany and the US to
long time Americans outside the USA were of the Heidelberg chapter of Democrats continue. The German-American Business
not politically involved or active. This year Abroad. “When appointments to the Club, however, says: “It’s more important
more of them voted, just like Americans Supreme Court come up, we’ll be running a than ever to develop the important relation-
inside the USA.” postcard-writing campaign to the senators ship between German and American busi-
Democrats Abroad, which has seen and representatives in our home states.” nesses.”

Just the right medicine

42nd Street benefit

A dose of 42nd Street helps the medicine children, parents and medical staff. One ill stop laughing at the spectacle, reported
go down – or at least it did at a Tübingen child in particular, who had not smiled since doctors. The 42nd Street cast and crew
hospital in autumn. Michelle Anderson the day she’d arrived at hospital, could not donated their time, Stuttgart’s public trans-
reports. portation authority (SSB) donated the use
Touched by the way the medical staff at
Photo: APOLLO Theater Stuttgart

of the bus, and everyone walked away with

the Tübingen Children’s Clinic cared for smiles on their faces.
his son during a bone-marrow transplant, “After spending weeks at the hospital
Kevin Pedersen, the owner of the George watching these doctors and nurses at work
& Dragon English pub in Stuttgart, decided with my son I realised these guys would
to organise a special treat for the doctors do and give anything for the welfare of the
and nurses. children there,” says Pedersen. “I just
“I found out that many of the staff were wanted to show them my thanks.”
interested in musicals but never had time
to go and see one. So I decided I’d bring Help support the work of the DKMS,
the musical to them,” he explains. The the German Bone-Marrow Donor Bank
enterprising Englishman arranged for 25 (, by donating financially to:
performers from the cast of 42nd Street The cast of
(some of whom he knows) to be picked up 42nd Street DKMS
at the Tübingen
by a bus in Stuttgart and be driven to the Children’s Clinic. Kreissparkasse Tübingen
Children’s Clinic. The cast put on a special, Bank Code (BLZ): 641 500 20
private show in front of 200 delighted Account Number: 255 556

accents magazine News and Events 5

Stress-free Business Forum
Promoting international trade

A new international business forum has that many business people face similar
been founded in Baden-Württemberg, legal, accounting and trading problems,
aimed at promoting foreign trade, particularly says Jordan. “They can then work together
trade with the United Kingdom. The Inter- to find solutions to those problems.”
national Entrepreneurs Forum is a creation
of the British Chamber of Commerce in
B-W. The idea is to allow business leaders
to gather to discuss issues of mutual
concern away from the everyday stress of
commercial dealings.
“Business groups and clubs do already
exist for B-W employers interested in inter-
national trade. But we wanted to create
something different,” explains Helmut
Jordan, British Chamber of Commerce
chairman in B-W. “Business people need a
relaxed atmosphere where they can freely
exchange views with colleagues. During
normal business negotiations business Founders of the
people have to pay attention to every word International
they’re saying. A forum for a free exchange Forum. Third from
of ideas will be an asset.” right: Helmut Jordan.
An open discussion of issues often reveals

Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum
Beer and tea
James-F.-Byrnes-Institut e.V.
Charlottenplatz 17
Stuttgart Book Fair
(Inner courtyard, entrance 3)
70173 Stuttgart
Telephone 0711 228180 Beer drinking in Britain is an art form in December 10 th. Four different kinds of tea itself – so say drinking experts. Whereas will be drunk and there will be readings on
Germans prefer their beers to be light in the themes of tea and tea drinking.
colour, Brits don’t mind their ales being About 2,000 books from and about the
dark-red, brown or black. And, what’s UK will be on display at the Book Fair.
more, they can be served warm!
You can taste the delights of British
beers at a “Literary Beer Tasting” evening,
December 3 rd, as part of the Stuttgart The 54 th Stuttgart
Book Fair at the Haus der Wirtschaft. The Book Fair, 2004
Nov 18 - Dec 12
feature country at this year’s Book Fair, Daily 10 am - 8 pm
which runs until December 12 th, is the Haus der Wirtschaft
United Kingdom. Willi-Bleicher-
For a change of scene, you can also Straße 19, Stuttgart
attend a “Literary Tea Tasting” evening on

6 News and Events accents magazine


Erwin Staudt, President, VfB Stuttgart

Swabian Modesty Meets American Business

“Be Part of It!” The slogan rings out, in being approached by other clubs and orga-

Photo: VfB Stuttgart

English, at the end of a new advertising nisations that also want to implement the
spot showing in cinemas. There are images concept. But why does VfB need this? It’s
of children playing football, people cheer- only a football club, isn’t it?
ing, red and white banners, upbeat music. No, says Staudt. VfB Stuttgart is also an
This isn’t a new music video or an obscure important cultural institution. Baden-Würt-
car advert – it’s part of the new campaign temberg is a major economic region and
to double the currently 20,000-strong an international business center. It is home
membership of Stuttgart’s premier football to world-class opera and ballet companies,
club, VfB Stuttgart. and to other outstanding cultural institu-
The club’s president, Erwin Staudt, is tions. But Staudt argues that no city is
behind the advertising drive. Staudt has complete without an internationally recog-
been a VfB fan since childhood. He is now nised sports team, which brings media
living out a dream to take his local club into attention to the city. VfB aims to become
the international arena. He’s been lauded that team – it’s on the international offen-
for the professionalism and the pep he’s sive. And the language of that offensive is
brought to managing VfB, and for leading English. “The reason why we do a lot of
it to become one of Germany’s most marketing activities in English is because
successful teams over the last four years. we’re dedicated to becoming a part of a
However, few people realise how much European football community, to appeal
Staudt has borrowed from American busin- to a European audience. We now also
ess ideals and English-language culture to have our internet site in English (www.
put his plans into action at VfB. That’s clearly the inter-
“What I admire about the Anglo-Saxon national language of sports.”
world is how consistently they follow Not only is the marketing language Erwin Staudt,
something through, how they put a plan English, some of the tactics are American. President,
VfB Stuttgart: “I’ve
into action and get things done,” he says. Children are an important target group. had no problems
A former head of the German subsidiary of “Appealing to kids is a very sensible at VfB introducing
the American computer giant IBM, and a thing for us to do in the marketing of VfB American-style
fluent English speaker, Staudt concedes Stuttgart, because if you persuade kids to promotion.”
that Swabians have a more reserved support you, you have your customers of
attitude to marketing than Americans. But tomorrow. That’s why no VfB player will tower, but rather to see how we can borrow
he says he’s had no problems within VfB turn away a child without giving them an better ideas from elsewhere and adapt
Stuttgart introducing his rather unorthodox autograph – they’ll be fined if they do so.” them here,” Staudt adds.
brand of aggressive, American-style pro- The focus on children is not limited The high-profile advertising drive for new
motion. “Modesty is one of the foremost to seeing them as customers. VfB has members is succeeding. Before Staudt’s
qualities of the Swabian way of doing established a boarding school, which has presidency, club membership hovered
things,” Staudt says. “But we have to mix so far recruited ten youngsters who show around the 7,500 mark. It’s nearly tripled
that with a degree of outspokenness and promise as football players. The aim is to under his leadership, providing the club
aggressiveness – to be on the offensive. expand that number to 40. The children with a more solid financial base. But this
You need this in business and you need it are scouted from sports clubs not only in success has been achieved during a more-
in sport if you want to be successful and Baden-Württemberg, but also from outside or-less continuous VfB winning streak.
be a winner.” Germany. A number of local schools co- What if the team starts losing? According
One of his key reforms at VfB is the operate in the scheme, offering flexible to Staudt, members won’t desert the club.
introduction of the American business con- learning hours to allow time for intensive Membership is like a marriage agreement,
cept of a ‘balance scorecard’. It involves football training. “The aim is to give talen- he says – mostly, it’s a lifetime commit-
tallying a number of key statistics about the ted youngsters a Top Gun-style education. ment. And what do you get as a member?
organisation – in VfB’s case, these include This is an idea, borrowed from the US A better chance of getting tickets, for one
the number of stadium visitors, fans, and military, of taking the best of the best and thing. But more important, you get to be a
club members – into a summary score making them even better,” says Staudt. part of it.
sheet, to keep management continually “Thirty years of working for an inter-
informed about successes and weak spots national company like IBM taught me to By Maki Kuwayama
within the organisation. Staudt is now see the world not just from my own church

accents magazine Profile 7


One-Stop Shopping
This festive season, Christmas shoppers and New Year’s bargain hunters in
Baden-Württemberg will encounter a retail environment more and more influenced
by trends from English-speaking countries. Andrea Loper reports.

It’s Wednesday evening in a new shopping changing, with the introduction of credit- and work best in inner-city areas, or at the
mall near Stuttgart and everyone is on a card and bank-card payments, customer edges of cities, where there are links to
mission. Couples hurry in and out of grocery appreciation days, coupons, discounts days, public transportation, and where one can
stores, mothers try to quieten small children store chain newsletters, interactive web- wander through the city streets as well.”
while they chat with shopkeepers, friends sites and – most significantly – longer
meet for coffee, teenagers gather to com- shopping hours. All of these innovations Glass Galleries
pare their latest purchases. It’s just another are imports from overseas. Another import
extended evening of retail therapy. But is the huge American-style shopping mall, Shopping galleries, as they are popularly
it’s not a scene you would have found in which offers the convenience of a multi- called in Germany, are springing up all over
Baden-Württemberg just a few years ago. tude of shops under one roof, with plenty Baden-Württemberg. It remains a challenge,
First of all, shops wouldn’t have been open of parking, and areas within the mall to however, to find the required space for
at this time during the week. And second, take a break. such centres in the patchwork-quilt struc-
the building of this new shopping mall might “Shopping malls have certainly gained a ture of many German cities. And when the
not have attracted investors had it not been foothold in Germany but that doesn’t mean real estate can be found, the investment
for a gradual shift in German preferences the USA-style shopping model is always a costs can be high due to the several decks
to American-style malls that group large success here,” says Rüdiger Pleus, from of parking and the underground technical
retail stores, smaller shops and bistro-style the German Council of Shopping Centers. facilities that are required. Still, German
eateries. “In the United States there are so-called cities are approving planning permits for
US and Anglo shopping trends are slowly urban entertainment centers – massive these scaled-down malls, and happily boast-
changing the face of the German shopping shopping centers built in the empty green ing about their new shopping environments.
landscape, albeit not without local influence belts around a city, with shops and cinemas The latest is the SchwabenGalerie in
on the overall design. And some local tradi- and a bowling alley and stages with non- Stuttgart-Vaihingen. The closing of the
tions, particularly in the Christmas season, stop entertainment – they just don’t work Schwabenbräu Brewery made it possible to
are holding their own. here. This idea of linking shopping with redevelop an entire block in the center of
It used to be that Germans favored ‘pleasure’, creating a sort-of ‘shopping Vaihingen. With a 125-million euro invest-
shopping in small, local stores and paid for pleasure park’ just hasn’t taken off in ment by local businessman Rudi Häussler,
everything in cash. But those habits are Germany.” this atrium-style shopping center is located
What is ‘in’, according to Pleus, is the right in the heart of the neighborhood.
development of another type of shopping It boasts an underground parking lot and
Esslingen’s Christmas mall, one which borrows from the American 45 shops and businesses under one roof.
market includes experience but is adapted to German shop- It also has a community center and a 400-
a medieval market
complete with music, ping needs and conditions: the downtown seat theater. The SchwabenGalerie is also
pantomime and mall. “Roofed-over shopping malls are being close to bus, subway and suburban train
games. built,” says Pleus, “But they’re smaller connections.
“We certainly have borrowed from inter- hours.” markets. There’s a special atmosphere you
national shopping trends and ideas for Longer opening hours and greater con- don’t get in shopping malls,” says Bernd
the design and operation of this shopping venience for car drivers may be overseas Böllinger, manager of Stuttgart’s Christmas
center,” says SchwabenGalerie manager influences but Bettina Schmid says the market. “There are lots of toys, decorations,
Bettina Schmid. “As in the United States, Schwaben Galerie doesn’t follow the candles, handmade crafts, pottery and other
we think it’s very important that shopping American mall model slavishly. “It’s very artifacts you won’t find in large stores. And
in a big center becomes an enjoyable, a much a German shopping center,” she the scent of cinnamon, marzipan, roasted
pleasurable experience. We wanted to put says. “We don’t have non-stop entertain- almonds – and, of course, Glühwein (a hot,
shopping, eating and parking all under one ment on a stage, as one sees in America ... sweet alcoholic drink) – fills the air.”
roof.” We don’t have central air-conditioning ... Some Christmas markets offer further
A gradual liberalization of shop opening And we don’t have a fully-staffed infor- attractions. The city of Esslingen, for
hours in Germany over the last decade mation desk in the center – that would be example, stages a special medieval market.
has made it possible for this new wave of too expensive here.“ Traditionally dressed craftsmen and trades-
smaller-scale shopping malls to succeed. women sell unique, handmade gifts. There
“Opening hours are gradually becoming Shopping alternatives are displays of magic, fire-eating, traditional
more flexible and that’s a trend that’s art and craftwork, and games from the
borrowed from overseas,” says Schmid. Managers and owners of new, inner-city Middle Ages, while music is played on
“It definitely would have been difficult to malls have to be wary of offending small medieval instruments and actors stage
have built the SchwabenGalerie with the shop owners just outside their doors. Many centuries-old pantomimes.
opening hours of seven or eight years ago. Germans still prefer to do their shopping in It’s not only Germans who are attracted
Greater flexibility has opened up opport- smaller specialty stores, or combine a visit to Christmas markets. Baden-Württemberg
unities for centers like this to be built.” to a mall with a stroll through the city center lures more foreign visitors to its festive
The 1200-space, fully-lit, underground – especially if there’s a Christmas market seasonal markets than any other region of
parking garage is another attraction. Not in town. Germany. More than half a million foreign-
every German shopping center has invested Christmas market stall owners don’t ers visit Stuttgart’s Christmas market
so heavily in parking. Shoppers and shop provide large-scale parking, a constant alone. Visitors arrive by the busload from,
assistants alike see the advantages. “I indoor temperature, and all-under-one-roof above all, Switzerland, France, Austria, Italy
like working here because there’s lots of shopping. Instead, their customers are and Spain to hunt for Christmas bargains
parking,” says Harry Reith, a Media forced to huddle in the freezing cold, sand- and to soak up the atmosphere.
Markt employee. “It’s easy for customers wiched between thousands of others, and Although German retailers are borrowing
(and staff) to get here by train or by car.” wander between small huts asking, “How more and more retail ideas from the English-
Shopper Udo Josef agrees: “I’ll come here much does this cost?” every minute. But speaking world, and attracting customers
more often now because it’s convenient many Germans argue nothing beats shop- in the process, there are some uniquely
and parking is easier – if I buy something, ping in a Christmas market. “There’s some- German shopping experiences which won’t
parking is free for the first one-and-a-half thing unique about Germany’s Christmas be going out of fashion in a hurry.

Where can I get Christmas crackers or Konstanz

mince pies? Where can I buy decorations English Bookshop
and Santa Claus paraphernalia? Muenzgasse 10
At an English Shop (or its equivalent) near Tel 07531 15063
you! Baden-Württemberg has a range B-W’s only book store that stocks
of stores selling specifically English, exclusively English-language titles. Around
American or English-language wares. 15,000 books as well as tapes and CDs.
Here’s a list of some of them to help you
with Christmas and New Year’s shopping. Mannheim
English Country Store
Freiburg Draisstraße 35
Celtic Connections Tel 0621 106554
Gerberau 1, Martinsgasse A taste of the English countryside: John Lindsay from Stuttgart’s English Shop.
Tel 0761 35823 porcelain products, cosmetics, household
Irish, Scottish and English products for utensils, blankets and other goods.
sale including clothes, whiskies, biscuits Stuttgart
and jewellery. Pforzheim Piccadilly English Shop
Photo: Esslinger Stadtmarketing & Tourismus GmbH.

Piccadilly English Shop Schelling Straße 11

Heidelberg Jörg-Ratgeb-Straße 13 Tel 0711 2260902
Piccadilly English Shop Tel 07231 927097 Teas, whiskies, beers, biscuits, groceries,
Kürfürstenanlage 62 English groceries, biscuits, teas, beer and cards and books; DVDs and videos for
Tel 06221 167772 whisky, cards and books. DVDs and videos sale and for hire. Four extra pallets of
Teas, whiskies, beer, biscuits, groceries, for sale and hire. Christmas goodies have arrived to help
cards, books, as well as DVDs and videos you feel at home this Christmas.
for sale and for hire. Baden-Württemberg’s Reichenbach
biggest English store. Scottish Whisky Shop Tübingen
Danzigerstraße 16 British Corner
Karlsruhe Tel 07153 990292 Wilhelmstraße 44
Celtic Connections A hidden oasis for whisky fans. Joint Tel 07071 688007
Lammstraße 7a winner of an award for the best whisky Crisps, marmalades, biscuits and teas,
Tel 0721 29622 shop in Germany, 2001. new and second-hand books. Special
Irish, Scottish and English products Christmas products: puddings, mince
including clothes, biscuits and jewellery. pies, crackers etc.

accents magazine Feature 9

accent on…

Loved by Goethe
and Voltaire:
Karlsruhe’s famous

Karl’s place of rest Opposite page:

the radial layout
of the city.

In the early part of the 18 th Century, home of Germany’s Federal High Court and It’s also a city of bike riders and cycling
Margrave Karl Wilhelm, the grand ruler of the Federal Constitutional Court. events. In fact, one stage of the Tour de
Baden, had a dream. He envisaged a But it’s not only a city of grand buildings France – the world’s most famous bike
star-shaped city with a radial layout. A city and important lawyers. Karlsruhe also race – first came to Karlsruhe in 1987.
without walls. That vision gave birth to a carries the honorary title of the “Green And the next Tour de France, to be staged
city on the Rhine River floodplain between Metropolis,” ever since it hosted the in July 2005, will also feature Karlsruhe.
the Black Forest and the Vosges mountain National Garden Show in 1967. The city has If you’re a cycling fan, get to Karlsruhe on
range in France – the city of Karlsruhe. been expanding its gardens and public July 8 th to see the finish of the seventh
Karlsruhe was founded with the laying parks continually since then, as it’s been stage of the Tour, when the world’s best
of a cornerstone for a lavish royal residence doing with its light-rail network. If you want cyclists come charging across the French/
on June 17 th, 1715. The palace was much to visit a city with relatively few traffic German border to finish a 225-kilometre
loved by, among others, Voltaire, Goethe jams, and clean, well-maintained trams and leg in Karlsruhe.
and Napoleon, and the construction of trains, then visit Karlsruhe. Its extensive Then again, if you want to experience
many more grand buildings followed. Today, public transport network attracts trans- the peace and quiet of “Karl’s repose” pick
Karlsruhe is home to more than 270,000 portation experts from around the world. another day to visit.
people. Nationally, it’s known as a centre They marvel that a system can function so
for the administration of justice: it’s the efficiently.

10 accent on accents magazine

Baden’s Bridge-Builders

Town-twinning or ‘sister city’ partner- friends along the way, and we are visible,
ships – an outdated concept that doesn’t in both Karlsruhe and Nottingham. My Factfile
make sense in today’s high-tech world, counterpart Alma Shipman (President of
right? Not if you look at Karlsruhe’s the Nottingham-Karlsruhe Friendship Club) 67 communities in Baden-Württem-
partnership with Nottingham in the UK. and I try to make our activities interesting berg have twins in UK territories.
Thomas Ravel reports. and relevant to people in our communities.
We’ve been able to draw on the goodwill One of the oldest is Stuttgart/
I’m beginning to get used to being wrong. of city officials to help with initiatives to St. Helens, dating back to 1948 when
When I set out to start researching a story strengthen our links. Of course, more direct St. Helens donated glass for church
on the relevance of town-twinning in a fast- financial support would allow us to do windows in Stuttgart.
moving, on-line world, I reckoned a few more. But this is a community activity and
words would just about sum it up. But the communities may in future need to find Karlsruhe/Nottingham and Tübingen/
taking a look at a cross section of towns in more financial assistance themselves”. County Durham celebrated 35 th
Baden-Württemberg with partners in the A look at the range of activities which anniversaries in 2004, and Freiburg/
United Kingdom, I made some surprising the DEF offers in Karlsruhe is impressive: a Guildford their 25 th.
discoveries. regular English Conversation Circle; English
I suppose I’d envisaged town-twinning film evenings; bicycle tours and outings; Stuttgart/Cardiff will celebrate their
arrangements involving a statutory once- and participation in the annual Europe Day 50 th anniversary in 2005.
a-year exchange of civic officials accom- events each May. There are also exchanges
panied by much mutual back-slapping and between Nottingham and Karlsruhe.
plenty of hearty dinners at the taxpayers’ Groups of club members visit each other town council official laments: “We used to
expense. Or at the most, lethargy and to keep the community links alive. Christa have no problem getting an annual exchange
dormancy. Fellow cynics, prepare for a Fuß is particularly proud of efforts to raise with schools in our UK partner town. Now
shock! I discovered a network of dedicated Nottingham’s profile locally: for the last it’s getting so difficult we’re looking at an
and motivated people in places like Ravens- four years Karlsruhe and Notthingham have exchange in Ireland.”
burg, Aalen and Karlsruhe who work tire- had a joint stand at the Karlsruhe Christmas Hard work is required to maintain ex-
lessly to build bridges between their cities market. Also, to the bemusement of the changes and twinning links, admits Christa
and their chosen partner communities in locals, the DEF stages an annual pancake Fuß. “It’s not enough for a town council to
the UK. race each February on Karlsruhe’s Markt- try to establish a twinning link on a whim,”
Taking a closer look at Karlsruhe, I found platz. Long may it continue! she says. “There has to be a solid group
a well-functioning twinning link. With some The chief problems for twinning enthu- of people in the community on both sides,
razzmatazz, the Deutsch-Englischer Freun- siasts seem to be a lack of finance and a linked by mutual interests, to see it through.”
deskreis (DEF) in Karlsruhe celebrated its lack of time rather than a lack of interest. Mark Twigg agrees. “I welcome anything
25 th anniversary this year, and is a driving But more recently, another problem has done at any level to correct the stereo-
force behind Karlsruhe’s relationship with emerged: changing language interests in typical views of Germany that are still pre-
Nottingham in the East Midlands region of the UK. As Mark Twigg, British Consul valent in the UK. Politicians and diplomats
England. General in Stuttgart puts it: “Spanish are a necessary part of the mix and can
All well and good, but do people today has now replaced German as the second be vital but they come and go. What really
really notice the difference this partnership foreign language in a large number of UK matters is that friendships generated by
has made? Christa Fuß, President of the schools, and general student exchanges these links are sustained and grow.”
DEF has no doubts. “We’ve made so many are no longer as easy to arrange.” One Hear! Hear!

Photos: Stadt Karlsruhe

Hannibal ad portas
A Karlsruhe exhibition

The subject matter in this fascinating

exhibition is Hannibal, who famously
tried to conquer Rome with his herd
of elephants, and the legendary metro-
polis of Carthage – the Phoenician
society, founded in 814 BC and
destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC.

Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe Schloss

Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm
Thursdays till 9 pm
Adults 8 euros
Children 6 euros
Families 16 euros
Info Hotline 0721 9266541

accents magazine accent on 11

Arts and Culture

“All the world’s a stage but it has been badly cast”

The spirit of Oscar Wilde lives on, here in Baden-Württemberg! Two events – a stage
show dedicated to the Irish playwright, on his 150 th birthday, and a visit to Stuttgart
by Wilde’s grandson, Merlin Holland – have provided Arts Editor Stuart Marlow with
good reason to review Wilde’s legacy.

On October 16, the great Irish playwright excesses of capitalism in moral tirades, Marquess of Queensbury, denounced Wilde
Oscar Wilde received a resounding tribute Wilde lampooned the manners of the late as a sexual predator who was preying upon
at Stuttgart’s Theater der Altstadt for his Victorian London elite in a manner which his vulnerable son. Reacting to the slander,
150 th birthday. That evening, the theatre’s enthralled the very people he was mocking. Wilde fatefully sued Queensbury for libel.
artistic director, Susanne Heidenreich, The libel suit, which at first had an element
and British actor Brian D. Barnes led the Flamboyant Mother of farce, soon turned ugly. The evidence
audience in a hearty round of “Happy Birth- formed the basis of two criminal prosecu-
day” to Wilde. Oscar O’Flahertie Fingal Wills Wilde was tions against Wilde. Although he could
Barnes had just finished performing his born into a Protestant Irish family in Dublin, easily have escaped to Paris, Wilde decided
popular one-man-show, The Provocative on October 16 th, 1854. His father, the to stay and defend his principles. He was
Oscar Wilde. “My agent came up with the surgeon Sir William Wilde, was once dogged convicted in the second trial of sexual
title for my show,” says Barnes. “When by a scandal. In 1864 one of his patients practices referred to as ‘gross indecency’.
I told him the show was not really very complained to the press that she’d been In May, 1895 he was sentenced to two
provocative, he said ‘Oh, but the man given an anesthetic and sexually abused years’ hard labour. Mentally and physically
was!’ And he’s right: there are very few while unconscious. Fortunately, Oscar’s weakened in prison, Wilde died bankrupt
authors who provoke as much discussion powerful mother, Lady Jane Wilde, was not and isolated under the pseudonym of
and questioning as Oscar Wilde does.” afraid of public opinion. A tall, witty, Irish Sebastian Melmoth in a Paris hotel in
In fact, the two pioneering spirits of nationalist poet and pamphleteer, Lady Jane November, 1900.
modern English satirical drama were both Wilde displayed a challenging eccentricity More recently, Oscar Wilde has been
Irish. George Bernard Shaw and Oscar throughout her life. She not only wrote and hailed as a homosexual hero and, to some
Wilde, with their outrageous wit and dra- campaigned politically under the name of extent, a martyr. His tragic fate has been
matic skills, changed the nature of English Speranza (spirit of the nation), but taught well researched and dramatized. Why then
theatre. Whereas Shaw attacked the her son to see the world as a stage upon has his grandson and biographer, Merlin
which life should be acted out theatrically. Holland, found it so important to publish a
After studying classics in Dublin and new book, called The Real Trial of Oscar
Baden-Württemberg winning a scholarship to Oxford, the gifted Wilde, about the libel trial?
visitor: Oscar scholar Wilde moved to London to seek “I think it’s important that we get the
Wilde’s grandson,
Merlin Holland. fame and fortune. He was 22. Following his truth without the sensationalism,” says
mother’s example as a brilliant social wit, Holland, who visited the Stuttgart Book Fair
Oscar staged incidents in real life while at in November. “Up until now we’ve never
the same time creating biting satires on the actually seen a proper transcript of the trial.
hypocrisies of middle-class, London society. Here, we’ve got the actual words as they
He cast himself as a playboy, whose inter- were used. Oscar’s own account of his
action with friends and acquaintances was position is firm and serious. On the other
a studied exercise in witty repartee. To add hand, the crown prosecutor Sir Edward
even more of a stage character to his life, Carson’s intimidating manner of cross-
he had his fashionable clothes tailored as examination certainly comes over.”
theatrical costumes. His attempt to lead
a more conventional life, by marrying Wilde the Scapegoat?
Constance Lloyd in 1884, lasted only two
years. Though he did his best to support Holland’s book adds to suspicions that
his wife and two sons, he abandoned the British establishment was determined
domesticity in favour of a homosexual life- to destroy Oscar Wilde. Edward Carson
style which challenged public morality. was, like Oscar Wilde, an Irish Protestant.
Photo: Stuttgarter Buchwochen

Says Brian Barnes: “When his sexuality But he was a conservative anti-separatist,
became public, when he paraded his young who later became an icon of militant Ulster
pick-ups around London, it became too Unionism. Apart from the obvious hostility
much for high society. I mean the places of Carson to the Irish nationalism of the
he took them were pretty posh!” Wilde family, Oscar’s affair with Bosie
Wilde’s downfall was triggered by his threatened to expose scandals within the
infatuation for a young aristocrat, Lord British political establishment. Bosie’s older
Alfred Douglas or ‘Bosie’, as Wilde called brother, Drumlanrig, was said to have en-
him. Bosie’s father, the homophobic joyed a close homosexual partnership with

12 Arts and Culture accents magazine

none other than the prime minister of the
day, the Earl of Roseberry. In his recent
book The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde, Neil
McKenna contends that Bosie’s influential
father, faced with two gay sons, threatened
the prime minister with exposure if Wilde
was not made an example of. Merlin Hol-
land thinks this interpretation of the facts
is worthy of serious consideration. “If you
take the evidence as it is, it is a perfectly
reasonable conclusion to draw,” says
In 1896 Wilde’s mother, the formidable
Speranza, died, following the playwright’s
first year in prison. This was another severe
blow to Oscar, but he did manage to
compose two major works as a prisoner: a
reflection on his life, De Profundis, and The
Ballad of Reading Gaol. In stark contrast
to the humour in Wilde’s major works, his
Ballad is a bitterly realistic poem protesting
the cold inhumanity of the prison system
and the death penalty. Nobody felt a deeper
sense of regret than Wilde himself. His
family had left for France and adopted
the name Holland to escape publicity and
Brian D. Barnes does Oscar Wilde
harassment. He was essentially isolated. In
De Profundis he writes:
“No one knew how deeply I loved and Brian D. Barnes is an English actor who come from Germany.”
honoured (my mother.) Her death was ter- enjoys the unusual distinction of being In his show The Provocative Oscar
rible to me; but I, once a lord of language, more popular in Germany than he is in Wilde, Barnes presents the story of the
have no words in which to express my England. He first came to Stuttgart’s dramatist’s rise and fall, through the
anguish and my shame. She and my father Theater der Altstadt to stage a one-man- eyes of the literary executor Robert
had bequeathed me a name they had made show in 1973. The erstwhile dramaturge, Ross, who was Wilde’s first male lover
noble and honoured, not merely in litera- Christoph Stahr – who did a lot to and remained a friend for life. Works
ture, art, archaeology, and science, but in promote English-language drama – featured in the show include Lord Arthur
the public history of my own country, in its encouraged the Englishman to perform Savile’s Crime, scenes from the play
evolution as a nation. I had disgraced that in Stuttgart on a regular basis. Barnes Lady Windermere’s Fan and The Import-
name eternally. I had made it a low by- now calls Stuttgart his “artistic home”. ance of Being Earnest, the children’s
word among low people. I had dragged it Another popular stage haunt in Baden- story The Selfish Giant, and excerpts
through the very mire. I had given it to Württemberg is Freiburg. from the poem The Ballad of Reading
brutes that they might make it brutal, and “My one-man-theatre shows started Gaol.
to fools that they might turn it into a syno- in Germany in 1958 when I was studying “Oscar Wilde mocked society and
nym for folly.” at the Brecht Theatre in Berlin. I ran out that’s probably why he’s so provocative,”
Today, Oscar Wilde’s predicament of money and had to do a solo perfor- says Barnes. “He mocked society until
appeals to many people’s sense of injustice mance,” says Barnes. “Then it spread he triumphed with The Importance of
at the way Victorian society treated those to Volkshochschulen, then the British Being Earnest, where society actually
whose sexual practices openly differed Council got behind it, and it just grew. came and laughed at itself. And then
from the norm. I’ve played in more towns and cities in just a few weeks later he was in prison.
Germany than any other country. I would This to me is the great tragedy of the
say that 70 or 80 percent of my earnings man.”

Christmas Reading
Book reviews

‘Tis the season of non-stop festive events. Western civilization. Starting with ancient
The first few dinners were pleasant Greece, it continues into the early 20 th
enough, but now you’ve run out of con- century, describing changes in diet and
versation material. Perhaps this selection protocol through the ages. The grand scale
of books will bring some peace of mind. and aristocratic settings which provide
the background for this book may not
Feast: A History of Grand Eating, seem very much in keeping with the turkey
by Roy Strong roasting in your kitchen oven, but it might
Pimlico, 349 pages provide some perspective on your next
This is a scholarly history of feasting in dinner party.

accents magazine Arts and Culture 13

The Truth About Christmas, are curious to know what is “behind the
Book Orders by Philip Ardagh sky” or “on the other side of rain”, read
Macmillan, 88 pages this book.
This little book answers all your Christmas
questions. For example, why have you got The Silent and The Damned,
a turkey in the oven? And why did swans by Robert Wilson
Books reviewed in accents and peacocks, favoured in medieval times, Harper Collins, 358 pages
can be ordered through our partner give way to the turkey? Casually drop a For those interested in murder, here is a
company CliC few unusual facts at the next gathering of realistic, contemporary, sun-bathed mystery
family and friends. This small-format book to escape into. A Spanish police detective,
Feast E 17 is a great gift. Javier Falcon, is confronted with a series
Jonathan Strange E 22.50 of suicides that reek of murder. The pace
The Truth About Christmas E7 Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, of the storytelling, the dark psychological
The Silent ... Damned E 22.50 by Susanna Clarke insights, pervasive post-9/11 terror, and a
The Little Friend E 13.50 Bloomsbury, 782 pages realistic portrayal of legal and political
Harriet the Spy E 13.50 During the Napoleonic Wars two English problems make this book more thought-
Hoot E 8.50 magicians are called in to help the British provoking than most thrillers.
Football: Ultimate Guide E 15.50 fight the French. Magic in England has lain
dormant for centuries, and Mr Norrell and
For orders up to 20 euros there is a his talented pupil, Jonathan Strange, are
handling and postage fee of 3 euros. rallying to revive it. At first they get on, but
Orders beyond 20 euros are sent differences of opinion and a clash of per-
free of charge. A percentage of the sonalities bring about a bitter rivalry. This is
proceeds is donated to children’s a remarkable book, written with footnotes
literacy projects. Orders placed by and close attention to historic detail. It is
December 6th will be processed divided into three volumes, each progres-
before Christmas. The deadline sively more exciting than the previous one.
for all other orders is January 15th, Illustrated with black and white sketches,
2005. To order, write to: the book has a Dickensian feel to it. But if
one could smell it, it would reek of Eng-
CLiC land: damp, lush landscapes, the descrip-
Immenhoferstraße 22 tions of slightly moist objects, occasional
70180 Stuttgart darkness, medieval British folklore and culture – there is an engaging and yet com-
pletely unnerving reality to the tale. If you
Children’s Corner

Football Idol
Kevin Kuranyi

Who is Kevin Kuranyi? We put this ques- Is there a personal reason why you are so

Photo: VfB Stuttgart

tion to some young readers. friendly to children?
It is completely normal for me to go to the
“He plays for VfB Stuttgart, which is the fans and to sign autographs. It makes me
best club in Germany, and he is their best happy to bring a bit of joy to other people,
striker. He also plays for Germany.” especially to children.
Jonathan, aged 10
Tell us a little about your daily schedule.
“Kevin Kuranyi is cool. Do you think I could The training schedule is always determined
trade him in for my big brother?” by our game schedule. In a normal week,
Philip, aged 5 with a mandatory weekend game, we train
two times a day. The first session is at 10
Accents was able to catch up with Kevin o’clock in the morning and the second is
Kuranyi in between games and training at four o’clock in the afternoon. In addition
sessions. Kuranyi was born in Brazil, and to that we have pre-season training in the
his family moved to Germany when he was summer and in the winter. During that
still a young boy. The move to Germany time, we train for four to five weeks with-
and adjusting to life here reflects the exper- out any days off.
iences of many of our younger readers.
A lot of our readers, like you, were born
accents: How do you deal with fame? abroad and have formed a bridge between
KK: It doesn’t bother me being a public two cultures. How do you feel about
figure. I like to be there for the fans and I living here?
take time out for them when I’m finished Naturally the move to Germany was not
with training or when I’m stopped on the easy. In Germany you need to be on time, Kevin Kuranyi:
street. My private life is not negatively for example! But I have my German roots “Naturally the
move from Brazil
affected by it. from my father, and by now, I am used to to Germany
everything here and feel completely com- was not easy”.
fortable in Stuttgart.

Football Quiz
That’s “soccer” for some

We’ve got a great book – donated 6. Which nation won Euro 2004? Football: The Ultimate Guide to the
by Kingfisher – to give to someone Beautiful Game, by Clive Gifford
who can correctly answer these ten 7. Which nation lost the Euro 2004 final? Kingfisher, 91 pages
questions, and send the answers back Lavishly illustrated, this book is an excel-
to us as quickly as possible. 8. What VfB Stuttgart player scored a lent source of information for football fans
hat-trick in his first game this season? and for all those who feel the need to know
1. What English Premier League club do more about the sport. Aspects of the
Thierry Henry, Patrick Vieira and Freddie 9. Who was the second VfB Stuttgart game are described in detail and there
Ljungberg play for? player to score a hat-trick this season in are tips for players of all levels as well as
the 3-2 away victory at Kaiserslautern? advanced strategies and tactics for games.
2. In which year did VfB Stuttgart last win
the Bundesliga? 10. Which player, who plays his club foot-
ball for Real Madrid, captains England in
3. Which England striker did Real Madrid the number 7 shirt?
buy from Liverpool Football Club during
the summer for approximately £8 million? Send your answers to:
accents magazine
4. Which club achieved the German Football Quiz
Bundesliga and Cup double last season? Libanonstraße 58
70184 Stuttgart
5. What Portuguese club won the UEFA Fax 0711 3102160
Champions League last season?

accents magazine Childrens Corner 15

When Children Undertake to Understand their World

Here is a selection of books where the Like a wished-for but never-received kiss, Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh
main characters happen to be children. there is a lingering longing, a speculative Harper Collins, 285 pages
Confronted with incomprehensible adults, “What if?” that haunts this novel. Harriet, Another Harriet, also 12 years old, lives in
these children undertake to influence a a precociously intelligent 12-year-old, faced New York City. She’s an aspiring writer who
world they are forced to be a part of. The with her brother’s disturbing death more spies on her friends and neighbours. Her
first, written for adults, is the kind of book than a decade before, tries to find out why disarmingly honest observations are jotted
a sly child would read under the covers it happened. “What if Robin had lived? down in her notebook. When her notebook
with a torch. The second is written for What if the murderer is found? Will mother is read by her classmates and friends,
children, but the harsh honesty of the main be normal again?” she asks. This book is Harriet is faced with big changes. This book
character make it insightful reading for so beautifully written, it sticks in every appeals to children because of its sense of
adults. And the last book is a true crossover: crevice of the mind unwilling to let itself be cheekiness and adventure. But the wisps
written for adults who haven’t forgotten forgotten. There are no easy answers to of wisdom from a child growing up blow
how to be kids, or for grown-up kids. the untidiness of Harriet’s life – her deeply like a fresh breeze through the confined
private attempts to solve life’s mysteries adult world of social expectations and con-
The Little Friend, by Donna Tartt make it possible for her to get up every ventions. As Harriet writes: “I shouldn’t go
Bloomsbury, 555 pages morning to face each new day. round with blinders but should see every
way I can. Then I’ll know what way I want
to live and not just live like my family.”

Hoot, by Carl Hiaasen

Macmillan, 276 pages
Not all acts of terrorism result in death,
especially when instigated by a 12-year-old.
To protect a breeding ground of owls from
a fast food chain, ingenious forms of pro-
test are thought up, and put to the test.
Alligators invade port-a-loos, for instance.
Highly entertaining for readers of all ages.

Festive Writing
By accents’ young readers

Many thanks for the responses to our meal. On December 25 th we get the cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for
Christmas Competition, in which we presents, and on the 26 th we have lunch Rudolph and made sure the chimney was
asked you to describe what makes your with our grandparents, aunts, uncles, and clear so they could come down with all
Christmas different from a traditional cousins. Vanessa, aged 14 the presents. And then when you woke
German Christmas. We’ve picked three up the next morning, you got to open all
of our favourite responses. I remember my first Christmases in your gifts and play with them all day long.
America because we lived there for two- Now I live back in Germany again and I
It was one of my Christmas wishes to and-a-half years. Almost overnight the like the German way of celebrating Christ-
celebrate an American Christmas. So last atmosphere changed from Halloween and mas as well ... We keep our Christmas
year, on Christmas Eve, my dad, my mom, Thanksgiving into the Christmas season. tree until January 6 th and don’t tear every-
my sister, grandmother, grandfather, and Hundreds of lights decorated every house thing down on the 26 th like they do in
my uncle and I were only allowed to open and there were always fancy creatures in the States. Plus we have a lot more holi-
one present. At night Santa came to bring the front yards, such as Rudolph the Red- days, so it’s not all over in 24 hours!
his presents. Now here’s the funny part. Nosed Reindeer. My parents always took Anna, aged 6
My grandparents and my uncle did not me for walks in the evening so we could
stay at our house. So on the morning of look at all the decorations. And one night,
Christmas Day they put on their clothes we had the big “Christmas tree lighting”
over their pyjamas, and at our house they in the middle of our town. The whole
Photo: Stuttgart Marketing GmbH

simply took off (their coats so that) every- neighborhood gathered and there was
body was in pyjamas! Then we were carol singing and this giant Christmas tree
allowed to open the rest of our presents. was totally in the dark until we counted
Afterwards we had a Christmas break- down from 10 to 0, and then all of a sud-
fast. Yana, aged 10 den it was all lit up! Of course Santa was
there too, and you could stand in line and
Every year our Christmas is a mixture of wait to sit on his lap and have a little chat
British, French and German traditions. to make sure he knew ALL your wishes
On Christmas Eve we sing carols and tell ... The night before Christmas was
stories; we go to church and have a nice always very exciting. We set out some

16 Children’s Corner accents magazine

accents Freiburg
A Christmas Carol
Brian D Barnes’ One Man
choice Theatre version of the Charles
Dickens classic, Dec 19-22, 8 pm,
Wallgraben Theater
Fire of Dance
Jan 18, 8 pm, Burghof
Events Rocky Horror Show
The Original London Production

Event Jan 28, 8 pm, Rosengarten,
Christmas Dinner Lord of the Dance
Round Table (English acting group) Dec 10, 8 pm, Ortenauhalle
Dec 11, 6:30 pm, Torhaus Stuttgart
Bookings: Uschi 07361 42679 Ismael Ivo –
Freiburg Delirium of a Childhood
England’s “forgotten” North-East Dance, Dec 2-4, 8 pm,
An English weekend with Wilhelma Theater, Neckartal-
Dr. Roger Charlton, Saarbrücken straße 9,
Dr. Karl Kunibert Schäfer, Freiburg
Jan 28-30, registration req.,
Waldhof e.V., 0761 67134,
World’s biggest advent calendar
Nov 30 - Jan 6, 6 pm, Rathaus
Friends of the DAI Party
For members and non-members
Dec 4, 8 pm, Deutsch-Amerika-
nisches Institut, Sofienstraße 12,
06221 60730,
New Year’s Party at the DAI
Dec 31, 8 pm, see above
Word Up! – Poetry Slam
Poet vs. poet at the DAI
Dec 18, 8 pm, see above
22. Oberrheinische Narrentage
Carnival Event Psalms, Benjamin Britten
Jan 15-16, Exhibitions Dec 4, 7 pm, and Dec 5, 6 pm,
Reutlingen Martinskirche Sindelfingen
Carnival Parade
Jan 23, downtown
By Lionel Barth. Musical based
on Dickens’ “Oliver Twist”
Schwäbisch Hall
Stuttgart Singers
Dec 13, 7 pm, Krankenhaus,
Arthur-Gruber-Strasse, Sindelfingen
54 th Stuttgart Book Fair Dec 3, 4, 10, 11 and Old Masters Green Day
Guest country: United Kingdom Jan 7, 8, 14, 15 at 7:30 pm, Fürstenberg Collection, ‘American Idiot’ Tour 2005
Nov 18 - Dec 12, Haus der Dec 5, 11, 12 and Jan 9, 15, 16 Oct 16 - May 5, Kunsthalle Würth, Jan 15, Sporthalle Böblingen
Wirtschaft, Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19, at 3:30 pm Freiburg Stuttgart Theatre Center – Kelley Stuttgart John Lee Hooker Jr.
Holiday on Ice “Diamond Dreams” Theatre, Kelley Barracks, Vaihingen “Modernisms” Dec 12, 8 pm, Jazzhaus,
Dec 8-12, Schleyerhalle, general public welcome, tickets Drawings and prints 1900-1930, 0711 7292825, Hungarian National Gallery, Heidenheim
55 th Int. Calendar Show The Goat or Who is Sylvia Museum of Fine Arts Budapest Manfred Mann’s Earthband
With 36 th Int. KODAK Photo By Edward Albee, directed by and the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart Dec 18, 8 pm, Karl-Rau-Halle,
Calendar Prize, Jan 21 - Feb 13, Charles C. Urban, NEAT Oct 16 - Jan 23 Karlsruhe
Haus der Wirtschaft New English American Theatre “Funny Cuts” John Lee Hooker Jr.
Dec 9-11, 8 pm, Cartoons and comics Dec 13, 8 pm, Jubez,
kkt – Kommunales Kontakt Theater, in contemporary art Ludwigsburg
Stage Kissingerstraße 66 a, Bad Cannstatt Dec 4 - April 17, Staatsgalerie, US Army European Band & Choir, Dec 8, Forum am Schlosspark

Spirits at Christmas
An Irish Christmas: a one act
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Aquarelle, Pastelle und Zeichnungen
Schwäbisch Gmünd
Scottish music, Dec 18, 8 pm,
Smirnov’s Moscow City Ballet musical play, New English American Sept 18 - Jan 9, Kunsthalle Tübingen Hofkaffee, Hertslenweiler
Dec 16, 8 pm, Stadthalle Sindelfingen Theatre, Dec 12-13, 8 pm, Kommu- Stuttgart
Festival of Illusions/ nales Kontakt Theater, see above Mexico! Ian Anderson plays
Magicians’ Congress A Christmas Carol Tina Modotti and Edward Weston Orchestral Jethro Tull
Jan 5, 8 pm, Jan 9, 3 pm and 7 pm, Brian D Barnes’ One Man Photography, Dec 13-23, Jan 10 - Dec 6, 8 pm,
Convention Center, Theatre version of the Charles Feb 11, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Liederhalle, Beethovensaal
Stadthalle Sindelfingen Dickens classic, Dec 15-17, 8 pm, Institut, Karlstraße 3 Fast Eddy’s Blues Band
Heidelberg Theater der Altstadt “Bordell und Boudoir” Dec 16, 9 pm, Classic Rock Cafe
Cinderella Romeo & Juliet Works by Cézanne, Degas, Toulouse- Soweto Gospel Choir
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s TNT Theatre Britain and the Lautrece and Picasso, Jan 22 - From South Africa. Traditional
hallmark musical, Dec 10, 11, 17, 18 American Drama Group Europe May 22, Kunsthalle, see above African gospel mixed with modern
and Jan 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, Live music, powerful choreography Western spirituals. Dec 25-29,
at 7:30 pm, Dec 12, 19 (special and a simple performance style 8 pm, Dec 26 also 3:30 pm,
ACS/EFMP Invited Performance) Dec 16, 17, at 4 and 8 pm, Music Liederhalle
and Jan 9, 16 at 3 pm Wilhelma Theater, see above Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
Patton Barracks, Bldg 109,
general public welcome,
tickets 06221 175020,
Rocky Horror Show
The Original London Production
March 18, 8 pm,
Jan 12, 8 pm, Liederhalle,
ECLAT – Liederhalle, Hegelsaal Leonard Bernstein: Chichester Stuttgart New Music Festival

accents magazine accents choice 17

Jan 27-31, Theaterhaus Siemens- How do German and American aka-Filmclub
straße 11, tickets 0711 4020720, schools teach kids about God? Films on Wednesdays in Hörsaal accents forum Jan 28: Only between a man and a 2006, university bldg KG II,
Barclay James Harvest/Asia woman? The gay marriage debate Dec 15, 7:30 pm, Let us hear your accent!
Feb 4, Theaterhaus, see above Feb 9: Pets and companion animals, The Astronaut’s Wife , USA 1999, This informal meeting is
Jon Lord & the Gemini Orchestra Carl-Schurz-Haus, see above director: Rand Ravich open to anyone, who would
Feb 7, Theaterhaus, see above Heidelberg Film Series like add their voice to our
Tübingen English-Language Video “Jesus Christ Moviestar” magazine. Comments,
Ladies Night Discussion Group Jan 19, 7:45 pm, criticisms, and contributions
with Ana Popovic (Yug), Candye Dec 1: Jimmy Carter – part 1 Jesus Christ Superstar , USA 1973, are all welcome!
Kane (USA) & Sue Foley (Canada) Dec 15: Jimmy Carter – part 3 director: Norman Jewison
Blues Concert Dec 22: The Shakers Feb 2, 7:30 pm, Friday, Dec 10 & Feb 13
Jan 20, 8 pm, Sudhaus 6 pm, Deutsch-Amerikanisches The Passion of the Christ , USA 8:30 pm
On Tour in the Region Institut Library, 2004, director: Mel Gibson o’reilly’s irish pub
Uriah Heep Sofienstraße 12, 06221 60730, Feb 9, 6:30 pm, Dogville , Reuchlinstraße 27, Stuttgart
Dec 15, 8 pm, Scala Kultur GmbH, USA 2003, director: Lars von Trier
Ludwigsburg, Dec 17, 8 pm, Discussion group
Konzerthalle Ravensburg with Dr. Steven Bloom accents
The Golden Gospel Singers
From Harlem, NY, Dec 10, 8 pm,
Dec 7: Why are there so few female
professors at German universities?
Leonhardskirche Stuttgart, Dec 11,
8 pm, Friedenskirche Ludwigsburg,
Jan 6, 6 pm, Pauluskirche Ulm,
Dec 14: To what extend should
immigrants be expected to
assimilate? Dec 21: Has Christmas
Bad Wimpfen Reutlingen
Jan 8, 8 pm, Ev. Stiftskirche become a secular holiday? Altdeutscher Weihnachtsmarkt Reutlinger Weihnachtsmarkt
Backnang 6 pm, d.a.i. library, see above Nov 26 - Dec 12 (Fri-Sun) Nov 26 - Dec 19,
The Harlem Gospel Singers Karlsruhe Bietigheim-Bissingen all around the Marienkirche
& Band Conversation Circle: Sternlesmarkt Sindelfingen
Dec 17, Stadthalle, Brahmssaal, Xmas stories, poetry, Xmas carols Dec 9 - 19, town center Christmas Party
Karlsruhe, Dec 25 - 26, Dec 21, 7:30 pm, DEF, Haus der Esslingen On the Deutsch Australische
Rosengarten, Mannheim, Jugendverbände, Anne-Frank-Haus, Mittelalter- und Weihnachtsmarkt Freundschaftsclub. Call 07031
Jan 9, Festspielhaus, Baden-Baden, Moltkestraße 24, room 4 Medieval- & Christmas Market, 607521 for bookings. Dec 11, 6 pm,
Jan 20-21, 8 pm, Liederhalle, Stuttgart Nov 25 - Dec 22, 11 am - 8:30 pm Park-Restaurant, Stadthalle
Stuttgart, Feb 13, Konzerthaus, CLiC on Books 2. Adventsmarkt, Kunst- und Stuttgart
Freiburg Lecture and reading on children’s Handwerkermarkt Stuttgarter Weihnachtsmarkt
Wishbone Ash books, by Maki Kuwayama Adventsmarket, Arts & Crafts, Nov 26 - Dec 23, Marktplatz
Jan 20, 8 pm, die Halle, and Liz Hawighorst. Dec 7, 8:15 pm, Dec 4-5, Hafenmarkt Christmas Antique Market
Reichenbach, Buch Cafe, Haus der Wirtschaft, Freiburg Nov 26 - Dec 23, Karlsplatz
Feb 2, substage, Karlsruhe, Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19 Weihnachtsmarkt Festival of 9 Lessons and Carols Conversation Circle: Terrorism Nov 24 - Dec 23, town center St. Catherine’s church,
English Chamber Orchestra and its political influence Internationales Katharinenplatz, Dec 12, 5 pm,
Solist Shlomo Mintz, violin, Jan 23, Dec 16, 7-8 pm, Deutsch-Amerika- Weihnachts-Zirkusfestival info:
8 pm, Convention Center, Ulm nisches Zentrum, Charlottenplatz Dec 25 - Jan 6, Messe Freiburg Christmas Caroling
Jan 24, 8 pm, Liederhalle, Beet- 17, 0711 228180, Heidelberg Stuttgart Singers, Dec 20, 7-9 pm,
hovensaal, Jan 25, 8 pm, Stadthalle, Tübingen Weihnachtsmarkt Patch Barracks housing areas
Brahmssaal, Karlsruhe An Evening with a Good Book Nov 24 - Dec 22, Universitätsplatz, Weltweihnachtscircus
Literature with Walter Nilson Marktplatz, Kornmarkt International Christmas Circus,
Tickets can be bought at Dec 3, 6:30 pm, Deutsch-Amerika- Herrenberg Dec 14 - Jan 9 at 3 and 8 pm,
Booking-offices, by calling nisches Institut, Karlstraße 3, 07071 Weihnachtsmarkt Dec 14, 7 pm, Cannstatter Wasen,
Easy-ticket service 0711 2555555, 795260, Dec 3 - 5, downtown Talk at Eight: Discussion Group Karlsruhe Tübingen
SWR 1 ticket service 0180 5929211 on Current Issues Arts & Crafts Christmas Market Weihnachtsmarkt
With Laurence Stallings, Nov 27 - Dec 5, 11 am - 7 pm, Dec 10-12, old town
Dec 15, 8:15 pm, d.a.i., see above Museum beim Markt Mittelalterlicher (Medieval)
Lectures/Discussions Study Group: Imperial Democracy Christkindlesmarkt Weihnachtsmarkt
– The Domestic Factors of Empire Nov 25 - Dec 23 Dec 18-19, Kloster Bebenhausen

Lecture With Laurence Stallings and Scott
Stelle, Dec 17 at 6:45 pm, d.a.i.,
see above
Nottingham Stall
at the Christmas Market
Organized by the German-English
Nov 22 - Dec 22, 10 am
Arab Cinema: Friendship Club together with (Sun 11 am) - 8:30 pm, Münsterplatz
History and Cultural Identity friends from Nottingham, Karlsruhe’s Weil der Stadt
Lecture: Cinema and the Middle Film twin-city. Helpers welcome! Weihnachtsmarkt
East/Hollywood und Orient, Prof Dec 8-12, Call 0721 74623 Dec 4, 9 am, downtown
Viola Shafik, American University,
Cairo, Jan 18, 8 pm,
university bldg KG III, Hörsaal 3044,
Carol Singing
The Pitchblenders choir
assisted by a children’s choir Kids Monday Night at the Movies from the European School.
Finding a Job in English
CV and Cover Letter, Andy Larrew,
USA, Jan 19, 6:30 pm, Carl-Schurz-
(with the Carl-Schurz-Haus)
All movies with an introduction
by Prof. Dr. Jon Adams
Dec 11, 4 pm, Kleine Kirche,
Konstanz Heidelberg
Haus Library, Kaiser-Joseph-Straße and discussion afterwards: Christmas Market on the Lake Story Time for Kids
266, 2 nd Floor, 0761 31647, Friedrichsbau-Lichtspiele at 7 pm. Nov 26 - Dec 23, Story and craft for children Dec 13, The Human Stain , USA Marktstätte and harbor aged 3 to 6,
Two nations? 2003, director: Robert Benton Ludwigsburg Dec 13, 4:30 pm, d.a.i., see above
Race Relations and the Situation Jan 10, Spartan , USA 2004, Baroque Christmas Market Karlsruhe
of African Americans Today director: David Mamet Nov 25 - Dec 22, Marktplatz Stories for Kids ages 6 and up:
Dr. Britta Waldschmidt-Nelson, Mannheim Apple Tree Christmas
Ludwig Maximilian University Weihnachtsmarkt Dec 17, 4 pm, American Library,
Munich, Jan 31, 8 pm, university Nov 24 - Dec 23, Friedrichsplatz
Send your events to
bldg KG III, Hörsaal 3042, Offenburg Stuttgart Weihnachtsmarkt Reading by Bronwen
Our next issue is Feb/Mar
Violence as Spectacle: Nov 25 - Dec 22, downtown Dec 18, 3:30 - 4:15 pm,
Deadline for info: Jan 10
Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ Pforzheim Children’s English Library (CEL),
Videoclips and lecture with Dr. Terri Weihnachtsmarkt Etzelstraßse 25-27
J. Hennings, Freiburg, Feb 1, 8 pm, Nov 25 - Dec 22, Marktplatz Book Club for 9-12-year-olds
university bldg KG III, Hörsaal 3044, accents Plochingen
English Carol Singing
Launch Jan 22, 3-4 pm, Children’s
English Library (CEL), thereafter
Open Dialog Discussion Group
Dec 8: Winter Holiday Party!
magazine Dec 19, 3:30 pm, Marktplatz every 2 nd Saturday of the month
Jan 12: Religion in the classroom –

18 accents choice accents magazine

Classifieds To place an ad
Spa treatments
Please send the text for your & Yoga
classified ad to classifieds@
Business Services or fax Aromatherapy Massage
it to 0711 3102161. Please Reflexology
Translations English-German; include the category and Classic Spa Massage
Commerce, Marketing, IT, General, the issue in which it should Ayurveda Massage
by qualified translator. Heike Maher appear. One line of text con- Reiki
07022 951532, tains approx. 34 characters, Yoga Classes
including spaces, full-stops (All in English) Agency for native and commas.
English aupairs. Placement all over
Germany. Special care and offers for Non-commercial
aupairs in the Stuttgart/Böblingen (personal) ads Waldburgstraße 9
area. Personal care and highest Price for three lines E4 71032 Böblingen
possible security. Short term nanny Each additional line E 0.90 Tel 07054 931730
avail. (speech therap.) 07031 677921 Frame around ad E5
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Contact with Others Column width 45.5 mm
or 95 mm for two columns.
Looking for native speakers in Price for 30 mm E 59
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Add 16 % VAT to all prices.
English for Kids Classified ads must be paid
in advance. For direct debit
Koala English Club: English for send us your bank details
children. Learn with Bob the Koala. and signature or transfer
Or come to practice your mother payment to:
tongue. Small groups, lots of fun! accents media GbR
Classes also available for adults. LBBW Stuttgart
Michelle 0711 23283103 or The bank code 60050101
American Institute 0711 1817865 account no. 2227094

The deadline for the Feb/Mar

Employment 2005 issue is January 10th.

Assistant wanted on mini-job/

temp basis for business start-up in
marketing: Seeking to Rent

Native speakers wanted with Family of 4 seeking 4-room (3 BR)

financial/technical/business apartment with garden close to
experience and excellent inter- or in Stuttgart-West for long-term
personal and language skills. rental. Contact 0711 6361169
Freelance work. Contact: andrina.

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accents magazine classifieds 19

accents New Zealand
030 206210, Friedrichstraße 60,
International School Clubs & Organizations
Berlin of Kreuzlingen Konstanz
guide South Africa
030 220730, Friedrichstraße 60,
0041 71 6722727
Hauptstraße 27, Kreuzlingen,
Clubs &
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum /
United Kingdom English for preschoolers James-F.-Byrnes-Institut e.V.
0711 162690, Breite Straße 2, and first graders in Freiburg 0711 228180, Charlottenplatz 17,
Stuttgart 0761 1378177 Cathy Plog, Stuttgart,
United States of America Metropolitan Club e.V.
069 75350, Siesmayerstraße 21, 0711 9980124 Mathew Dorrman,
Frankfurt 18-35 years,
Emergency Libraries Stuttgart Conversation Club
0711 8892252 Ed Wilson,

Emerg Schools & Preschools

Librari 35 years and up,
Stuttgart Book Club
Police 110
Fire Department 112
Ambulance & Emergency
International School
Children’s English Library e.V.
Etzelstraße 25-27, Stuttgart,
Tue 4-6 pm, Fri 3-6 pm, Sat 2-5 pm,
German-American Club 1948
0711 814270 Eberhard Stein
Medical 19222 of Stuttgart e.V. German-American
Poison Hotline 0761 19240 0711 7696000, Sigmaringer Straße Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum Women’s Club Stuttgart
English Speaking Poison 257, Stuttgart, Charlottenplatz 17, Stuttgart,,
Control 06131 232466 Tue-Thu 2-6 pm
Doctor for House Calls Internationaler Montessori Deutsch-Amerikanisches Anglo-Stuttgart Society
0711 2628012 Kindergarten e.V. Institut Tübingen 0711 568113 Günther Jaumann,
0711 93150510, Sulzgrieser Karlstraße 3, Tue-Fri 1-6 pm
Straße 114, Esslingen Karlsruhe American Library British Club Stuttgart
Consulates Little English House Gerlingen 0721 72752, Kanalweg 52, 0711 455464 Alison Seyerle
English & Art for kids 3 and up Tue-Fri 2-6 pm, Wed 10-12 am, International Choir of Stuttgart

0711 816253, Hauptstraße 18/1
European School Karlsruhe
0721 683001, Albert-Schweitzer-
Sat 10 am-2 pm,
0711 769600912 Carola,
Stuttgart Singers
030 8800880, Wallstraße 76-79, Straße 1, Karlsruhe Institut Heidelberg 07159 44991 Kathy Williams,
Berlin Little English House Aalen Sophienstraße 12, Mon-Fri 1-6 pm,
Canada English & Art for kids 3 and up, Wed 1-8 pm, Sat 10 am-2 pm Stuttgart German-American
0711 2239678, Lange Straße 51, 07361 610165, Carl-Schurz-Haus Freiburg Community Chorus
Stuttgart Stuttgarter Straße 116 Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 266, 0711 463463 David A. Beckner
Ireland English Garden Mon-Fri 11:30 am - 1:30 pm, 3-6 pm German-American Seniors Club
030 220720, Friedrichstraße 200, English and music lessons, 0761 0711 2560867 Hildegard Göhrum
Berlin 8866181, Hasenweg 34, Freiburg German Conversation Group
Oberlin Kinderuniversität 07032 77919 Elena Fieres
0761 85648, International Toastmasters Club,
Am Mühlbach 13, Freiburg, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe,
Verband der Kelley Theatre 06224 51516 Pastor Richard Blake;
Is your group missing? Deutsch-Amerikanischen Clubs e.V. Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart,
07156 29164 Mi-Kiyoung Wöhler, 0711 7292825, First Church of Christ, Scientist
Then tell us all about it! N.E.A.T. 0711 6207921 Heinz Clauss, New English American Theater
0711 634320, Stuttgart, Evangelical Methodist Church
Kids & Playgroups, Stuttgart: 0711 251984 Dr Hans-Martin Niethammer;

English Playgroup Stuttgart-West
Outcast International
0711 634409, Stuttgart,
07121 78546 Harald Rückert;
Karlsruhe: 0721 43721 Peter Vesen;
0711 6361169 Bryan Groenjes, Anglo-Irish
EKiZ Ludwigstraße 41-43, Theatre Group Tübingen Church of Jesus Christ
0-6 years, Wed 4-6 pm 07071 67968 David Hegarty, of Latter Day Saints
English Playgroup Stuttgart, Stuttgart:
0711 613955 Oona Roxburgh, 0711 3419240 Ralf Gierschke;
Schubartstraße 12/14, 0-9 years Roadside Theater Mannheim:
accents, Patton Barracks, Heidelberg, 06223 809040 Dr Frank Heckmann,
magazine English Playgroup at the DAZ
06221 175020,
Church of the Nazarene
0711 228180 Kirstin Fuchs, Theaterhaus TiG 7 0711 551147 Mary Schaar,
4-8 years, Tue & Thu 3-4 pm 0621 154976, Theater Trennt e.V. Friedenskirche, Bad Cannstatt
English Playgroup Böblingen G7, 4 b, Mannheim, Evangelical Students
Freiburg, Ulm 07031 287647 Stefanie Spence, The maniACTS Freiburg Community Tübingen
presentational skills in English, 0-7 years, Wed 3:30-5 pm University English Department, 07071 61928 Heidi Abe English Playgroup Sindelfingen English Vesper Service Tübingen
English-Speaking Stammtisch 07031 873823 Christine Mitlacher, Sun 6 pm, during the university
S-Untertürkheim 2-5 years, Tue 3:30 pm, semester, 07071 51475,
0711 3041337 Derek Evans Political Groups
Deutsche Australische St Columban’s
Freundschaft e.V.
07031 607521 Jeff Gomes,
www.deutsch-australische- Photo: Stuttgart Marketing GmbH
American Voices Abroad Tübingen
Mission Karlsruhe
(Anglican) 0721 28379
Dr Hanns Engelhardt, Calvary Chapel Freiburg e.V.
Friends Club International e.V. 0761 7071333 David Pham,
Böblingen-Sindelfingen Democrats Abroad
07031 806522 Jan W. Boon 06221 3780
“Here We Are” Charles Keene, Heidelberg,
International Group Esslingen Movie Theaters
07163 8580 Alison Unrath Republicans Abroad
English Morning Tea Aidlingen
07034 7339 Ellen Zeller,
Wed 10 am - 12 pm
07146 20677
John W. Gerrish, Stuttgart,
CinemaxX Bosch-Areal, Stuttgart
Deutsch-Amerikanisches 0711 22007979,
Institut Tübingen Corso, Stuttgart-Vaihingen
07071 795260, Karlstraße 3, Business Organizations 0711 734916, Hauptstraße 6,
Anglo-German Club Pforzheim
07231 472155 Dr Maurice Claypole,
siness American German Business Club
Kommunales Kino Stuttgart
0711 221320, Friedrichstraße 23 A, / filmhaus
Pro Country e.V. Deutscher e.V. Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Kommunales Kino Esslingen
Country & Western Dachverband Karlsruhe 0711 310595, Maille 5,
07150 33212 Ralf Russig, 0711 2486078 Peggy Stinson, English play- and activity group President,, Scala Filmhaus Mühlacker
English-Speaking Circle Starzach in Altdorf 07041 3884, Bahnhofstraße 65
and Landkreise Freundenstadt, 07031 818763 Liane Kamin, American Chamber of Commerce Kino-Center Weil der Stadt
Tübingen & Zollernalb 0-7 years, Thu 3:30-5:30 pm in Germany e.V. 07033 2241, Badtorstraße 21
07478 8290 Kevin MacInerney-May St. Georg MKK English 0711 1667156 Prof Dr Roderich CinemaxX Freiburg
Schorndorf English Club Playgroup in Bonlanden C. Thümmel, Regional Chairperson, 0761 20281400, Bertholdstraße 50
07181 64440 Marion Rube 07127 960046 Mhorag Heger, Friedrichsbau-Lichtspiele
Deutsch-Amerikanisches 0-7 years, Tue 3:30-5:30 pm British Chamber of Commerce 0761 36031, Kaiser-Joseph-
Institut Heidelberg English Playgroup in Germany e.V. Straße 268
06221 60730, Sofienstraße 12, Herrenberg/Nebringen 0711 25540460 Prof Helmuth 07032 77452 Erika Laudenbach, Jordan, Regional Chairperson,
German-English 0-5 years, Mon 3-5 pm Sports
Friendship Club Karlsruhe Meet, Chat and USA forum Tübingen
0721 74623 Christa Fuß,,
Playgroup Waldenbuch
07157 8561 Elaine Rauhöft,
Fri from 4 pm onwards
07071 55970 Bernd Zeutschel, Sports
American Football Verband
International Women’s Club English on a Friday Afternoon Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Karlsruhe e.V. Tübingen Religious Services 0621 7624567 Andreas Stehle,
Annemarie Frenzel, Postfach 07071 930466 Günter Henke,
110448, 76054 Karlsruhe
Verein Deutsch-Amerikanischer
Freundschaft Pfullendorf
Fri from 3:30 pm onwards
English Reading Group Freiburg
Mütterzentrum Weingarten, St. Catherine’s Church
Reli Baden-Württembergischer
Baseball- und Softballverband
0711 705682 Jan van den Berg,
07552 6249 Dr Gary Anderson Krozingerstraße 11, (Anglican) 07151 68973,
Carl-Schurz-Haus Freiburg 0761 286803 Amanda Lampert or Katharinenplatz 5, Stuttgart, Basketballverband
0761 31647, Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 07666 99126 Fredi Trenkle Baden-Württemberg e.V.
266, City Chapel e.V. Stuttgart 06224 975150 Roland Dopp,
Network of English-Speaking 0711 6142956 Roland Krumm,
Women e.V. Theater Groups Marienstraße 12, Heidelberg International
07664 962450 Candice Siegenthaler, Anglican Church of Freiburg Ski Club Charter
British International
A.C.T.S. Anglophone
0761 904693 Minister Rev Robin
Stockitt, Katharinenstraße 9,
06221 767539 Margaret McGinley,
Rugby Association
07721 53278 Carol King, Collaborative Theatre of Stuttgart International Baptist Church of Baden-Württemberg 0711 6858370 Stuart Marlow, Stuttgart-Vaihingen: 0172 7384207 Jimmy Collins,
Deutsch-Irischer Freundeskreis (dif) 0711 6874365 Pastor Jay McFadden;
0711 2361736, Heidelberg-Sandhausen:

accents magazine accents guide 21


Flat out each tenant or flat owner in the building.

Best ask one of the neighbours to explain
Finding accomodation their particular roster system, and what
exactly needs to be swept, cleaned, scrub-
bed and polished around the house before
your turn comes up.
This section of accents is aimed at helping You can get a real estate agent, a Opting to live in a shared flat (Wohnge-
newcomers find their way in Germany. In Makler, to help you, although many of the meinschaft or WG) won’t excuse you from
this issue: tips on accommodation. ads in newspapers are placed by agents Kehrwoche but at least the work (or the
anyway. And in Germany, it’s not the land- wrath of the neighbours) can be shared.
Walk into any flat for rent in Germany, and lord who pays the agent’s fee but you as Shared flats are not only found in news-
you’ll be lucky to be able to switch on a the tenant, so be sure to ask if the person papers, university or college notice boards
light. There’ll be no light bulbs, no kitchen, showing you through a flat is an agent or are a good place to look. Or you can look
no bathroom to speak of. A washing the owner. up a central website, www.mitwohnzen-
machine? Furniture? Ha! There might be When you move into any house or flat, which provides phone numbers of
a functioning toilet and a basin but don’t you have to register with your local authori- agencies dealing in shared accommodation.
expect to find much else. ties at the Einwohnermeldeamt. If you fail This website also has helpful tips and
Flats for rent are listed in many news- to do so, you may incur a fine. Once you advice, in English, on renting, letting or
papers. Look for Immobilien (the property move into rented premises you enjoy more subletting shared premises.
section.) You’ll see flats to rent, Vermie- rights and privileges than tenants in many
tungen, and flats to buy, Wohnangebote. English-speaking countries. For example,
However, many of the terms in advertise- it’s not all that easy for a landlord to evict
ments may be confusing, even if you you. On the other hand, if you’re buying a Let there be light!
understand a bit of German. A so-called flat that’s already rented out, make sure A single light bulb
might be all you’ll
“three room flat” has TWO bedrooms and you find out when the existing tenants are find in a German
a living room, as well as a kitchen and a going to move – you won’t be able to ‘kick flat for rent.
bathroom. The rental price given at the end them out’ so easily. (See article below.)
of the ad may not include so-called Neben- Rights and privileges are balanced by
kosten (extra costs) like garbage disposal, responsibilities, the most important of
heating and water costs. If you can decode which – and one unique to Baden-Württem-
something like: 3 Zi, 80 qm, 2 OG, BJ 85, berg – is Kehrwoche (cleaning week). It’s
ZH, Ka, KM 700,– into: two bedroom flat a custom that often confuses (and annoys)
to rent, 80 square metres, on the second not only foreigners but Germans who move
storey, built in 1985, with a deposit to be to B-W from other states. In southwest
paid, for 700 euros per month, not inclu- Germany it’s rare to find a housemaster or
ding heating and water costs etc., then you building owner who cleans the corridors
shouldn’t have too much trouble finding and paths within and around a house; the
what you want. job is shared on a rotating weekly basis by

Move! of moving anytime soon. We thought

once we bought the house, the people
plumbing system as well. We proceeded
to rip out the toilet and half the down-
Fun with tenants would move. But, according to law
73760, paragraph 13,076, line 4 of the
stairs plumbing. “Not to worry,” my hus-
band told them. “You still have the toilet
Rights of German Renters Handbook, in the attic cubbyhole.”
they didn’t have to move until they found The longer the commune took to find
If you’re planning on buying a house or suitable and comparable living arrange- another place to live, the longer we took
a flat in Germany, my friends, this is THE ments. So we continued to live in our to fix the plumbing. And because God
MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION TO ASK tiny one-bedroom apartment with our does answer prayers, the kitchen sink
before you sign the contract. Are there two children. Meanwhile, our tenants and the dishwasher both broke. We told
people living in the house? In Germany continued to live in OUR four-bedroom them they were more than welcome to
there is no such thing as an eviction notice. house, merrily barbecuing in OUR back- buy a new sink and a dishwasher. Eight
I repeat, NO SUCH THING! Getting a yard while enjoying a beer on OUR patio. people sharing one attic toilet and no
family to move is one thing, but try And here’s the real kicker: the house kitchen to speak of hastened the apart-
getting an entire commune out of your was just around the corner, so we could ment search considerably. Two months
house. actually see them down there in the later, our long days in landlord hell
It’s known as a WG (Wohngemein- backyard from up on our tiny balcony. mercifully ended.
schaft): several people sharing an apart- After four months, the tenants called So remember, when setting out to
ment or house. In our case several was us. No, they hadn’t yet found a place to fulfill your dream of owning a home in
an understatement. There were four people live. The toilet was broken. My husband Germany, avoid houses with tenants!
on the lease and several permanent went right over. The toilet, we decided,
visitors. None of them had any intention needed serious work. Probably the entire By Liz Gaiser

22 Labyrinth accents magazine

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