MUO Lab Examination
MUO Lab Examination
MUO Lab Examination
1. For a cylindrical particle whose length equals the diameter, the sphericity is
a. <1
b. 2
c. 2
d. 1
2. For crushed coal particles , the sphericity is
a. < 1
b. 1
c. >1
d. Infinite
3. In the tyler standard screen series, the ratio of the actual mesh dimension of any screen to that
of the next small screen is
a. 1
b. 2
c. 2
d. 1
4. 20- mesh screen means
a. 20 openings per linear inch
b. 20 openings per linear cm
c. 20 openings per square inch
d. 20 openings per square cm
5. In screen analysis, the notation 60/72 means
a. Passing through 60-mesh and retained on 72-mesh
b. Passing through 72-mesh and retained on 60-mesh
c. 60 gm fines and 72 gm coarse
d. 72 gm fines and 60 gm coarse
6. The crushing energy required to create new surface is given by
a. Fick’s law
b. Rittinger’s law
c. Fourier’s law
d. Kopp’s law
7. The mechanical efficiency of a crushing machine is
a. The ratio of the energy supplied to the machine to the surface energy created by
b. The ratio of the surface energy created by crushing to the energy supplied to the
c. The ratio of the energy absorbed by the solid to the energy supplied to the machine
d. The ratio of the energy supplied to the machine to the energy absorbed by the solid
8. Jaw crushers operate by
a. Compression
b. Attrition
c. Impact
d. Cutting
9. Ultrafine grienders operate principally by
a. Slow compression
b. Attrition
c. Impact
d. Cutting
10. Fluid-energy mill is an example of
a. Crusher
b. Griender
c. Ultrafine griender
d. Cutting
11. During grinding of the solid particles, the temperature of the solid particles
a. Remains constant
b. Increases
c. Decreases
d. Can’t say
12. In a plate and frame filter press, the cake resistance increases steadily with the time of filtration.
This is valid for
a. Constant pressure filtration method
b. Constant rate filtration method
c. Both a and b
d. Nether a nor b
13. The rate of filtration through filter cake is
a. Directly proportional to the driving surface
b. Inversely proportional to the specific cake resistance
c. Inversely proportiona to the viscosity of the filtrate
d. All of the answers
14. The specific cake resistance has the dimensions
a. M-1L-1
b. ML-1
c. M-1L
d. L-1
15. The flow of filtrate through cake in a plate and frame filter press ensures
a. Laminar flow
b. Turbulent flow
c. Plug flow
d. None of the above
16. Industrially the process of sedimentation is conducted on a large scale in equlilibrium called
a. Sorting classifiers
b. Cyclones
c. Thickners
d. Filters
17. Device which separate particles of differing densities are known as
a. Thickners
b. Sorting classifiers
c. Cyclones
d. Filters
18. Match the following
I. Wet clay 1. Non cohesive solid
II. Plastic chips 2. Cohesive solid
III. A small vessel with a 3. Silo
slopy bottom
IV. A tall and relatively 4. Hopper
small in diameter
a. I-2, II-1, III-4, IV-3
b. I-1, II-2, III-4, IV-3
c. I-2, II-1, III-3, IV-4
d. I-1, II-2, III-3, IV-4
19. Differential settling methods used in sorting classifiers utilize
a. The difference in the densites
b. The difference in the terminal velocities
c. The difference in the particle size
d. None of the above
20. The equilant diameter of a 6 ×12 cm cross section is in cm
a. 8
b. 2
c. 6
d. 12