Seattle Angina Questionaire
Seattle Angina Questionaire
Seattle Angina Questionaire
2 353
February 1995333%41
Objectives. This study souaht to establish the validity, repro- glycerinrefills and other validated instruments. Reproducibility
ducibility and responsivenessof the Seattle Angina Question- and re:l%nsivenesswere assessedby comparing serial responses
naire, a 19.item self-administeredquestionnaire measuring five over a &month interval.
dimensionsof coronary artery disease:physii 11limitation, angi- Rmd&s. All five scalescorrelatedsignificantlywith other mea-
nal stability, angina1 frequency, treatment satisfaction and dis- sures of diagnosis and patient function (r = 0.31 to 0.70, p 5
easeperception. 0.001).Questionnaireresponsesof patients with stable coronary
Background.Assessingihe functional status of patients is artery diseasedid not changeover 3 months. The questionnaire
becoming increasingly important in both clinical research and was sensitive to both dramatic clinical change, as seen after
quality assuranceprograms. No current functional status mea- successfulcoronary angioplasty, and to more subtle clinical
sure quantifies all of the important domains alfectedby coronary change,as seenamong outpatients with initially stable coronary
artery disease. artery disease.
MefAods.Cross-sectionalor serialadministration of the Seattle Conclusions.The SeattleAngina Questionnaireis a valid and
Angina Questionnairewas carried out in four groups of patients: reliableinstrument that measuresfiveclinicallyimportant dimeo-
70 undergoing exercisetreadmill testing, 58 undergoing coronary sions of health in patients with coronary artery disease.It is
angioplasty,160 with initiahy stable coronary artery diseaseand sensitiveto clinical changeand should be a valuable measureof
an additional 84 with coronary artery disease.Evideuceof validity outcomein cardiovascularresearch.
was sought by comparing the questionnaire’sfive scaleswith the (J Am Coli Cardiol 1995;25:333-41)
duration of exercisetreadmill tests, physiciandiagnoses,oitro-
Mortality reduction is a widely accepted criterion for demon- as the primary outcome in clinica)trials (2-4). Although these
strating therapeutic efficacyin the treatment of coronary artcry surrogate end points do not obviate the need for evaluating
di: ,dse. Yet, age-adjusted mortality rates have declined by martamy, they can be measured in all patients and can provide
5b 10 in the past X’ :/ears (1). As further therapeutic improvc- more powerful clinical trials with a given sample size. How-
menis are realized, it will become increasingly difficult to ever. a potentiai problem with the use of surrogate end points
compare the impact of alternattve treatments on mottalitv. is that they may correlate poorly with both survival (5) and
Furthermore, as mortality declines, improving the quahty of patients’ functional status (6-8). Directly monitoring patients’
life or functional status of survivors with coronary disease ftmctional status not only increasesthe power of clinical trials
becomes increasinglyimportant. but also examinesan important goal of therapy.
Rather than focus on mortality, investigators often use There is no universallyaccepted functional status measure
physiologicmeasures,such as left ventricular ejection fraction, for coronary disease(9). Most commonly used is the Canadian
exercisetreadmill duration or narrowing of coronary arteries, Cardiovascular Society classification, with which physicians
rate patients’ functional status (10). The SpecificActivity Scale
and the Duke Activity Status Index predict physicalIimitation
From the *Health Services Research and Development Program, Seattle but lack specificityfor coronary diseaseand do not addressthe
Veterans Affairs Medical Center and TDepartments of Internal Medicine and
Ca;&!ogy, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. The research re- full spectrum 0; limitation imposed by this condition (11,12).
purted he*: was supported by HSR&D Project IIR 93-133R CSHS #1 from the Several quality of life domains are important to patients
Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Health Ser- with coronary disease. Like existing measures, an optimal
vices Research and Development Service. Dr. Sperms was a Health Services
Research and Development fellow at the Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical measure should quantify the level of exertion that a patient
Center. routinely performs, especiallybecausepatients may alter their
Manuscript received April 1,1994; revised manuscript received July 21,1994, level of activity to minimize the frequency of their angina (13).
accepted September 12, 1994.
Brlpress for conespo dence: Dr. John A. Spertas. Division of Cardiology,
Second, the frequency of angina should be measured because
RG-22. University of Wlhington, Seattle, Warhington 98195. this is a critical marker of disease classifica!3n (14). a prog-
ABIM PSQ = American Board of Internal Medicine Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire; CAD = coronary artery
disease; CCSC = Canadian Cardiovascular Society classification; coeff = coefficient; DASI = Duke Activity Status Index;
ETT = exercise treadmill tc t; ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient; PTCA = percutaneous transluminal coronary
angioplasty; Pts (pts) = patients; SAV = Seattle Angka Que;;tionnaire; SAS = SF&c Activity Scale; SF-36 = Short
nostic indicator (1517) and can signal the need for therapeu- treatment satis:action scale (questions 5 to 8) quantifies pa-
tic change. Third, patients’ satisfaction with their treatment tients’ satisfactionwith their current treatment, and the disease
regimen should be quantified becauseit may alter therapeutic perception scale (questions 9 to 11) characterizesthe burden
strategies and influence compliance (18). Finally, a functional of coronary artery diseaseon patients’ quality of life.
status measure shouid assesspatients’ perception of how their The Seattle Angina Questionnaire is scored by assigning
diseaselimits their quality of life. each response an ordinal value, beginning with 1 for the
We developed a disease-specificfunctional status measure, response that implies the lowest level of functioning, and
the Seattle Angina Questionnaire, to quantify the physicaland summing across items within each of the five scales.Scale
emotional effects of coronary artery disease.This instrument scoresare then transformed to a 0 to 100 range by subtracting
(Appendix) is a 19-item self-administeredquestionnaire result- the lowest possible scale score, dividing by the rang? of the
ing in five scalesthat measure clinically important dimensions scale and multiplying by 100. Because each scale monitor5 a
of coronary artery disease:physicallimitation, angina1stability, unique dimension of coronary artery disease, no summary
angina1 frequency, treatment satisfaction and diseasepercep- score is generated.
tion. To improve response rate, the Seattle Angina Question-
To be useful, a functional status measure must be valid naire is brief and self-administered, requiring <5 min to
(measure what it intends to), reproducible and responsive to complete. It was designed in a machine-readable format to
clinically important changes (19,20). This report evaluates a permit fast, easy and inexpensivedata entry. Furthermore, it
group of studies supporting the validity, reproducibility and can supplement a broader assssment of functional status,such
responsivenessof the Seattle Angina Questionnaire. as the Short Form-36 (23).
Data collection. To assessquestionnaire validity, reproduc-
ibility and responsiveness,we studied four distinct patient
Methods groups. Table 1 outlines each study. All investigations were
Design of the Seattle Angiua Questionnaire. The physical approved by the tiniversity of Washington Human Subjects
limitation scale (question 1) is derived from the scales of Committee.
Goldman et al. (11) and Feinstein and Well, (21) and mea- Patientsundergoing exercisetreadmill test. All patients with
sureshow daily activitiesare limited by symptoms of coronary coronary artery diseasewho had a symptom-limited treadmill
disease.Specificactivitieswere chosen to minimize ditferences test performed between November 1992 and February 1993 at
among socioeconomic classesand gender. The angina1 sta- a Veterans Affairs medical center and a university-affiliated
bility scale (question 2) assesseschange in the frequency of outpatient clinic were studied. We considered coronary artery
angina at patients’ most strenuous level of activity.The angina1 diseaseto be present if the patient had 1) a previous myocar-
frequency scale (questions 3 and 4) is modified from the dial infarction; 2) a previous revascularization procedure or
Angina Questionnaire of Peduzzi and Hultgren (22). The angiogram documenting coronary disease;or 3) characteristic
JACC Vol. 7.5. No. 2 SPERTIJS ET AL. 335
chest pain and abnormal treadmili test results at the time of ration of symptoms and presence CT absccc: cf r;;,st;bii
the study. angina. We defined unstable angina as either crescendo an-
Each patient completed, in random order, three question- gina, new onset rest angina or angina requiring intravenous
naires, including the Seattle Angina Questionnaire and the medications for pain control.
Duke Activity Status Index. Patients enrolled during the first Three months later. we mailed subjectsthe Seattle Angina
6 weeks of the study completed the Specific Activity Scale Questionnaire, the Short Form-36 and a questionnaire inquir-
administered by a trained interviewer. Subjectsenrolled during ing about repeat invasivecardiac procedures. Nonrespondents
the second half of the study completed the physical activity were telephoned and encouraged to participate, but question-
questions of the Short Form-36 instead of the SpecificActivity naires were not administered by telephone. Patients who
Scale. The physician administering the treadmill test com- underwent repeat catheterization were considered to have had
pleted a brief information sheet verifying the entry cri*eria and unsuccessfulinitial revascularizationand were excluded from
documenting the Canadian Cardiovascuidr Society Classifica- the final analysis.
tion. Analyses. Validation of the physical limitation scale. We
Outpatients with self-reported coronav artery disease. The hypothesizedthat the physicallimitation scalewould be signif-
treatment satisfaction scale was validated among outpatients icantly associatedwith patients’ exercise performance dura-
who reported that they had coronary artery diseasein response tion. After adjusting for age, we correlated all administered
to a smvey of all enrollees in an interna! medicine clinic who instruments with the duration of treadmill test performance.
were under the care of third-year medical residents (n - 350). Validation of the angina1 stabilig scale. Becausethis scale
We mailed these patients the Seattle Angina Questionnaire monitors change in angina1 symptoms, we hypothesized that
and the American Board of Internal Medicine’s Patient Satis- patients with unstable angina would have a lower score than
faction Questionnaire, a valid measure of physicians’human- those with stable angina. Using a two-samplet test (two-tailed),
istic qualities (24). we compared angina1 stability scores among angioplasty pa-
Patients with initially stable coronary artery disease. The tients with and without unstable angina.
validity of the remaining three scalesand the reproducibility of We also validated this scale in the cohort of patients with
the entire Seattle Angina Questionnaire were studied in a stable coronary artery disease,who, we expected, might expe-
cohort of patients with initially stable coronary artery disease rience mild but detectable fluctuations in their angina1severity.
identified from the Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical Center’s We correlated scores on the angina1 stability scale with pa-
computerized data base. Enrollees in the General Internal tients’ global rating of change as assessedin the 3-month
Medicine Clinic were included if they met all of the following follow-up question.
criteria: 1) a dischargediagnosiswithin the previous 5 years of Validation of the angina fiequenc) xale. We hypothesized
coronary disease; 2) a current prescription for nitroglycerin; that patients reporting a higher frequency of angina and
3) no change in antianginai medicines within the previous 9 nitroglycerin use on the Seattle Angiria Questionnaire would
months; 4) no hospital admissionswithin 2 months; and 5) no have more frequent refills of subiingJal nitroglycerin tablets.
diagnostic tests for evaluation of cardiac diseaseduring the 2 Becausethe pharmacy at the Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical
months preceding the study. Center is the primary source of medications for its patients, we
Subjectswere mailed the Seattle Angina Questionnaire and examined its records for our sample of patients with stable
the Short Form-36. Three months later a similar packet was coronary disease. Angina1 frequency scoreswere correlated
mailed that also contained a five-point global questionnaire with the number of nitroglycerin refills during the previous
inquiring whether angina1 symptoms had changed. Patients year.
failing to respond were contacted by telephone to encourage Validation of the treatment satisfaction scale. We validated
completion, but questionnaires were not administered by the treatment satisfaction scale by correlating scoresfor this
telephone. Patients who required hospital admission or new scale with scores for the American Board of Internal Medi-
antianginal medications during the study period were excluded cine’s Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire among the outpa-
trom the reproducibility analysis. tients who reported a diagnosisof coronary artery disease.
Patients unde%oing percutaneous coronary angioplasty. To Validation of the disease perception scale. We hypothesized
evaluate the responsivenessof the Seattle Angina Question- that this scale would correlate significantly with the general
naire to clinical change, we administered it to patients under- health scale of the Short Form-36, a measure of personal
going coronaI)r angioplasty, who we anticipated would experi- evaluations of health, health outlook and resistanceto illness.
ence a significant improvement in their coronary artery All patients who completed both the Seattle Angina Question-
disease. Patients were enrolled from the cardiac catheteriza- naire and the Short Form-36 servedas the study group for this
tion laboratories of a university medical center and a Vetercns comparison.
Affairs medical center between September 1992 and January Reproducibility study. To evaluate reproducibility, we used
1993. Patients who were hypotensive, had undergone intuba- paired t tests (two-tailed) and intraclasscorrelation coefficients
tion, did not speak English or were otherwise unable IO to analyze the 3-month change in scores observed among
complete the questionnaires were excluded. The operating patients with initially stable coronary artery disease. The
physician documented the indications for the procedure, du- intraclass correlation coefficient combines information from
336 SPERTUS ET AL. JACC Vol. 25, No. 2
Table2. Correlationsof PhysicalLimitationScalesWith Exercise angioplasty a~irijiigpatici;ts who completed the questionnaire.
TreadmillTestDuration The mean age of participants was59 years,and 83% were men.
r &e-Adjustedr Angina1 stability scoreswere significantlylower among patients
Limitation No.*If Coefficient Coefficient with unstable angina than among thosewith stable angina (21.4
Measure Pts (p value) (pvaloe) vs. 39.8, p = 0.03).
SAQphysicalscore 70 0.36(0.002) 0.42(0.001) Among the cohort of patients with initis!ly stable angina,
DASIscore 70 0.36(0.002) 0.40 (0.001) there was a significantcorrelation between the angina1stability
SF-36 physical
score 26 0.29(0.16) 0.024(0.93) scaleand patients’ perception of global change after 3 months.
SASscore 44 0.26 (0.09) 0.36(0.02)
Of 160 questionnaires mailed to patients meeting our criteria
ccsc score 70 0.14(0.24) 0.21(0.11)
for stable angina, 134 (84%) returned both the baseline and
asinTable1. 3-month questionnaires. The mean age of respondents was 68,
and 98% were men, Angina1 stability scorescorrelated signif-
icantly with patients’ global assessmentof change (r = 0.7C,
the t test and the product moment correlation to describe the p < 0.0001).
proportion of total variability attributable to between-person Anginal frequency scale. To establish the validity of the
differences (19). Higher intraclass correlation coefficients angina1frequency scale,we studied the 134 patients who were
(range 0 to 1) indicate greater reproducibility. selectedfor initially stable coronary artery disease.The corre-
Responsivenessstudy. Responsiveness to large clinical lation between the angina frequency score and l-year nitro-
changeswas tested using paired I tests (two-tailed) of baseline glycerin refills was 0.31 (p = 0.0006).
; nd follow-up scores among patients undergoing successful Treatment satisfactionscale. There were I22 patients who
hngioplasty. reported a diagnosisof coronary artery disease,and 84 (69%)
Defining a smaller clinically relevant change in scores.Is returned both the Seattle Angina Questionnaire and the
addition to responsivenessin patients with major clinical American Board of Internal Medicine’s Patient Satisfaction
improvement, we sought to define a smaller clinically impor- Questionnaire. The mean age of respondentswas 67 years, and
tant change in Seattle Angina Questionnaire scores (25). 95% were men. The two scaleswere highly correlated (r =
Knowing the change in scorethat reflectsa meaningful change 0.67, p < 0.0001).
in clinicalstatus facilitatesscore interpretation and samplesize Diseaseperception scale. Scoresfor the diseaseperception
calculations in clinical trials. scale,obtained from the 134 patients with stable angina and
On the basis of patient responses to the global question the 58 patients undergoing angioplasty,were highly correlated
inquiring about overall symptom change, we classified our with the general health perceptions scaleof the Short Form-36
sample of patients with initially stable coronary disease into (r = 0.60, p < 0.0001).
three groups: those who rated thei; angina asworse, those who Reproducibility study. Of 134 patients with initially stable
rated their angina as unchanged and those who felt their coronary disease who returned both baseline and 3-month
angina had improved. Using a paired t test (two-tailed), we questionnaire; we excluded 17who were either hospitalized or
compared the mean 3-month change in Seattle Angina Ques- had received a new antianginal prescription during the study.
tionnaire score?for each group. The mean age of the remaining 117 patients was 69 years, and
97% were men.
No significant changes were observed among the Seattle
Results Angina Questionnaire scales of patients with initially sta.ble
Validation studies. Physicallimitation scale. Ail 70 pa- coronary diseaseduring the 3-month study period (Table 3).
tients with coronary diseasewho underwent treadmill testing Except for the single-item angina1stability scale,the intraciass
during the study period agreed to participate. The mean age correlation coefficients were quite high.
was 61 years,and 95% were men. Adjusted for age, the Seattle Responsivenessstudy. Of 58 patients undergoing angio-
Angina Questionnaire, the Duke Activity Status Index and the plasty who compieted baseline queslionna’ires,48 (83%) re-
Specific Activity Scale were all significantly associatedwith turned the 3-month follow-up questionnaires. There were no
total exerciseduration (‘Fable2) and with each other (r = 0.43 significant differences in age, gender, diagnosis of unstable
to 0.84, p < 0.001). The age-adjusted correlation between angina, duration of angina or baseline questionnaire scores
exercise dnration and the Seattle Angina Questionnaire ex- between patients who returned the follow-up questionnaires
ceeded that of all other measures. and those who did not. Three patients who underwent repeat
Angina1stabil@ scale. On this scale, lower scoresindicate catheterization were excluded. The final analyseswere per-
more frequent angina, and higher scoreslessfrequent angina, formed for 45 patients with a mean age of 60.2 years:87% were
compared with the previous month. A scoreof 50 indicates no men.
change in angina1 frequency at the patient’s most strenuous Unlike the results in patients with initially stable coronary
level of activity. disease (Table 3), all scales except treatment satisfaction
We compared scoreson the angina1stability scalewith the improved dramatically 3 months after successfulangioplasty
presenceor absenceof unstable angina at the time of corona5 (Fig. 1).
JACC Vol. 25, No. 2 SPERTUS ET AL. 337
Table 3. Mean 3-Month Change in Seattle Angina Questionnaire Scores Among Patients With Stable
Coronary Artery Disease
Defining a smaller clinically relevant change in scores. Of mean scores did not change after 3 months of observation
117 patients with initially stable angina, 28 reported worsening among patients with stable coronary artery disease.In support
of their condition, 73 remained in stable condition, and 16 of its responsiveness,mean scoresimproved dramatically after
reported improvement. All scalesdecreased in the group that successfulangiopiasty and to a lesser degree among patients
reported worsening, remained unchanged in the patients with experiencing smaller changes in the state of their coronary
initially stable coronary disease and increased among the disease.
patients who reported an improvement (Fig. 2). The changesin There are two primary advantagesof the Seattie Angina
ail but the treatment satisfaction scalewere statisticallysignif- Questionnaire over existing measures.Despite its brevity, the
icant. A change in score of 10 points equaled or exceeded a self-administered Seattle Angina Questionnaire quantifies a
change perceptible lo patients, and we interpreted this as a broader spectrum of diseaseeffectsthan the Canadian Cardio-
clinically important difference in scores.This contrastswith the vascularSocietyClassification, the Duke Activity Status Index
improvements of 18 to 46 points seen among patients under- or the Specific Activity Scale. Although these other instru-
going angiopiasty (Fig. 2). ments measure limitations in patients’ exertional capacity, the
Seattle Angina Questionnaire not only captures this domain
but also quantifies patients’ symptom frequency, symptom
Discussion stability, satisfaction with treatment and quality of life. In
The Seattle Angina Questionnaire. The Seattle Angina addition, the Seattle Angina Questionnaire physicailimitation
Questionnaire appears to be valid, reproducible and respon- scale captures activity limitations specific to coronary artery
sive. In support of its validity, we found pred;&$le and disease,unlike the Specific Activity Scale, the Duke Activity
significant correlations between each scaleand other, external Status !ndex and the Short Form-36, which also measure the
measures of each domain. In support of its reproducibility, effects of other comorbid conditions.
Physical Limitation
Anginai Stability
Figure 1. Mean 3-monthchangein Seattle Angina Ques- Angina! Frequency (7 $-t-J p<~ <Ii
tionnaire scoresamong patients undergoing successful
coronaryangioplasty(n = 45). BTCA = percutaneous
transluminalcoronaryangioplasty;SAQ = SeattleAngina Treatment Satisfaction
Disease Percaption -
0 20 40 50 80 100
_.._ -.._.._ __ ._._ __-._ ,
--.~ SAQ Scores
! !--.. Baseline Score
Score 3 Months After PTCA
338 SPERTUS ET AL. JACC Vol. 25. No. 2
This latter advantage is particularly important in patients method of estimating medication use, and our correlations
with multiple medical problems. For example, if a patient with approximate those observed behveen antihypertensive drug
both rheumatoid arthritis and coronary diseasewere to have a refills and diastolic blood pressure reduction or anticonvulsant
flare-up of his or her arthritis without a change in the coronary agent refills and plasma drug levels (25).
disease,these other measureswould detect a marked decrease The predominance of elderiy men in our study, hugely
in the patient’s activity. This change in activity could be reflecting the clientele of a Veterans Atfairs medical center,
mistakenly interpreted as a worsening of the patient’s coronary may limit the generalizability of our findings. However, the
disease. !3y specificallyteasing c;,t the limitations in activity high prevalenceof comorbid conditions among this population
caused by symptoms of angina, we hoped to create a more attests to the specificity of the Seattle Angina Questionnaire
accurate measure of how a patient’s coronary disease influ- in monitoring the unique functional limitations of coronary
encesphysicalactivity.The reliability and responsivenessof the disease. Additional studies should be performed in women
Seattle Angina Questionnaire suggestthat we have had some and other socioeconomic groups to verify our findings. An
successwith our approach,
additional caveat of our questionnaire is the focus of several
A common criticism of quality of life measures in clinical
scaleson angina1 symptoms. Although patients with atypical
researchis that the data are “soft.” Researchersoften consider
symptoms or silent ischemia may have difficulty answering
that information provided by patients is lessreliable than that
obtained by clinicians or physiologic tests. However, some these questions, none of our studies restricted entry to only
researchers have argued that ihe essenceof “hardness” is those with classical symptoms. Nevertheless, the Seattle
consistencyor reproducibility (27). It is noteworthy that the Angina Questionnaire may have limited use in these
intraclass correlation coefficient of serial exercise treadmill populations.
tests,administered 1 day apart, is 0.70 (28) whereasthat of our The incomplete response rate of study subjects to our
physical limitation scale, administered 3 months apart, is mailed questionnaires may represent a final potential limita-
substantially higher at 0.83. tion of our study. Although we detected no baselinedifferences
Study limitations. Validating the Seattle Angina Qnestion- between those who responded to follow-up questicnnaires and
naire was complicated by the absence of reference standards those who did not, WCcannot exclude a potential bias in our
for functional status domains. Although we recognize the results from the failure of all study participants to return
limitations of our comparison standards,we believe that these follow-up questionnaires.
were the best options available. Not surprisingly,corre!ations Conclusions. The use of functional status instruments as
with other questionnaires were higher than those of exercise an outcome in clinical research is a promising technique.
duration or nitroglycerin refills. The lowest correlations were Indeed, a major thrust of current efforts to characterize
seen in validating the angina1 frequency scale. Medication treatment outcome is toward measuresthat are highly relevant
refills are an imperfect measure of angina1frequency because to both patienis and society. In general, this includes direct
patients may not consume all of the medication received,may measures of health-related quality of life. Reliable and valid
not use nitroglycerin with each episode of angina and may measures,such as the Seattle Angina Questionnaire, can serve
obtain prescriptionsoutside the Veterans Affairs system.Nev- an important role as sensitive and clinically meaningful out-
ertheless, this approach has been demonstrated to be a valid come measuresin cardiovascularresearch.
JACC Vol. 25, No. 2 SPERTUS ET AL.. 339
1. The following is a list of activities that people often do during the week. Although for
some people with several medical problems it is dilhcult to determine what it is that limits
them, please go over the activities listed below and indicate how much limitation you have
had due to chest pain, chest tightness, or angina over the Dast 4 weeks.
Place an x in one box on each line. -
or did
Activity Severely Moderately Somewhat *A Little Not not do
Limited Limited Limited Limited Limited for other
.- reasons
Dressing yourself 0 cl 0 0 Cl a
Walking indoors on 0 0 0 0 0 0
level ground
Showering 0 0 0 0 a 0
Climbiilg a hill or a
flight of stairs without 0 0 0 0 0 0
vacuumin~ or carrying 0 0 0 0 0 0
Walking more than a 0 0 0 0 0 a
block at a brisk pace
Running or jogging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lifting or moving
heavy objects (e.g. 0 0 0 0 0 0
furniture, children)
Participating in
strenuous sports (e.g. 0 0 0 0 0 0
swimming, tennis)
2. @Dar& with 4 weeks ago, how often do you have chest pain, chest tightness, or
angina when doing your most strenuous level of activity?
I have had chest pain, chest tightness, or angina...
Much more Slightly more About the Slightly less Much less
0Ren often same often often
0 0 0 0 0
3. Over the past 4 weeks, on average, how many times have you had chest pain, chest
tightness, or angina?
I get chest pain, chest tightness, or angina..
4 or more l-3 times 3 or more times 1-2 times Less than None over
times per per day per week but per week once a the past 4
dav not every day week weeks
d 0 q -- a 0 0
340 SPERTUS ET AL. JACC Vol. 25, No. 2
SEATTLE ANGINA QlJESTlONNAlRE February 1995:33:-41.
4. Over the past 4 weeks, on average, how many times have you had to take nitros
(nitroglycerin tablets) for your chest pain, chest tigltness, or angina?
I tak,: nitros...
4 or more 1-3 times 3 or more times l-2 times Less than None over
times per per day per week but per week once a the past 4
day not every day week weeks
Cl 0 0 cl 0 cl
5. How bothersome is it for you to take your pills for chest pain, chest tightness or
angina as prescribed?
Very Moderately Somewhat A little Not My doctor
bothersome bothersome bothersome bothersome bothersome has not
at all prescribed
0 0 0 Q 0 Q
0. How satisfied are you that everything possioie is being done to treat yoiir chest pain,
chest tightness, or angina?
7. How satisfied are you with the explanations your doctor has given you about your
chest pain, chest tightness, or angina?
Not satisfied Mostly Somewhat Mostly WJY
at all dissatisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied
0 0 0 0 0
8. Overall, how satisfied tie you with the ctirren; treatment of yola chest pain, chest
tightness, or angina‘?
Not satisfied Mostly Somewhat Mostly fit$lY
at all dissatisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied
cl cl Q 0 0
9. Over the past 4 weeks, how much has your cheat pain, chest tightness, or angina
interfered with your enjoyment of We?
It has severely It has It has slightly It has barely It has not
limited my moderately limited my limited my limited my
enjoyment of limited my enjoyment of enjqment of enjoyment of
life enjoyment of lie life life life
0 0 a 0 0
JACC Vol. 25, No. 2 SPERTUS ET AL. 341
10. If you hd to spend the rest of your lifii with your chest pain, chest tightness, or
angina the way it is right now, how would you reel about this?
Not satisfied Mostly Somewhat Mostly H&W
at all dissatistied satisfied satisfied satisfied
e e 0 a a
i i . How often do you worry that you may have a heart attack or die suddenly?
I can’t stop I often think I occasioaally I rarely think I never think
worrying or won-y worry about it or wony or worry
about it about it about it about it
cl R cl Ll cl
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