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Emerging Trends in e - Learning-With A Refernce To Flip Learning

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Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language,

Online ISSN 2348-3083, SJ IMPACT FACTOR 2016 = 4.44,




Taiyaba Nazli, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Education and Training, Maulana Azad National Urdu
Uiversity, Gachibowli – Hyderabad-32. E

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Flip learning has emerged as a new technique of teaching and learning through e learning.
This novel instructional strategy has been found to be very effective in the content
transaction. This modern technique has become very popular in the recent times. Right from
the school education to the higher education the flipped classrooms has grown in popularity
with a proven potential to increase student engagement with a thorough usage of technology
involving students‟ active participation in the learning process
The role of technology is crucial in this type of learning. The growing accessibility of
educational technologies have made this type of teaching much easier who can explore, share
and create the content also. The flipped classroom is a new concept with a little variation in
the previous pedagogies such as active learning, peer instruction or blended learning that
requires students to come prepared to the classroom by the self study and by discuss with
peers for a purposeful academic activity. It is a kind of blended learning strategy. Here the
greater focus is given to the students‟ application of the conceptual knowledge gained rather
This paper gives a detailed account of the new emerging trends in the E-Learning,
particularly flipped classroom and flipped learning strategy. There are also other learning
strategies carried out through the electronic media and are popular with the teachers and
students. This paper briefly covers those teaching learning strategies also. Emerging
technologies have great potential to participate and play an effective role in the
universalization of education in India.
Flipped Learning has been defined as by a group of educators as follows:
Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the
group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is
transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides
students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject.
Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr. Taiyaba Nazli
(Pg. 7792-7798) 7800

A Flipped Classroom is one where students are introduced to content at home, and practice
working through it at school. This emerging concept of „flipped classroom‟ was introduced in
the United States and later caught the attention of educational experts throughout the world. It
can simply be defined “ school work at home and home work at school” Flipped Learning is
an approach that allows teachers to implement a methodology or various methodologies in
their classrooms. It is an instructional strategy mostly carried out online that reveres the
traditional environment of the classroom and is a type of “blended learning”. It moves the
learning activities outside the class room where students watch lectures, collaborate in online
discussions with the guidance of the mentor or teacher.
The pioneer and the most popular contributor of this type of teaching learning process is Mr.
Salman Khan who began recording his video lessons for his cousin to overcome her academic
difficulties in the subject of mathematics. The student for whom these videos were recorded
found them very useful because she could skip those of lessons which she had understood
already and could focus repeatedly on those which she could not follow. These videos
became so popular with the students that later Mr. Khan founded Khan Academy based on
this model. And now Khan Academy became synonymous with the flipped classroom.
Based on these lines only flipped classrooms later originated in 2007 in Colorado due to the
efforts of two concerned teachers, [Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams] who were worried
that their students often missed their chemistry classes due to their other engagements. Hence
they started recording their lecture and demonstration videos which they then posted on
YouTube for students to access. Since then flipped classrooms have evolved with a number
of variations with video lectures as their key feature. Sometimes the video lectures include
embedded questions prepared by the instructor and students are required to read background
materials or participate in online quizzes before coming to class. Sometimes Flipped
Classroom models use audio recordings also.
Flipped Classroom and Blended Learning modes of instruction can be carried out in as well
as out of the class room with the video lectures presented in between for the purpose of
authenticating the learnt lessons. A flipped classroom provides pre recorded lectures
including audio and video followed by the class activities. After watching the video lessons
outside or inside the classrooms, students get engaged in the fruitful interaction such as
question and answers sessions, discussions, practicing, clarifying academic doubts or learning

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Taiyaba Nazli
(Pg. 7792-7798) 7801

at their own pace. Flipped classrooms are also referred as „inverted‟ classrooms because in-
class activities are held as out of-classroom activities.
Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom are not much different from each other, it is also
called as Hybrid Learning. Both the styles and methods include off campus activities.
According to Beck, „The terms “Hybrid” and “Blended” have been typically used
interchangeably‟ and both the approaches include traditional face-to-face and internet-based
elements. But the U.S Department of Education distinguish between „blended learning‟ and
on-line learning, they differentiate these two on the basis that „face-to-face instruction
provide the human touch which enhances learning where as in the blended learning approach
students watch pre recorded videos before coming to the class with some back ground
knowledge and then ask questions to clarify their doubts and involve in discussion with
teachers. This becomes a blend of technology and classroom interaction and leads to the
maximum academic learning.
The concept behind flipped classroom is to allow the students to fully utilize the
technological resources and think independently to resolve their academic issues. It allows
them to re think about their problems while doing the work. This activity helps students twice
in learning, first with the video at home and later in the classroom providing the opportunity
for personalization and an overall guidance from teacher. In a flipped classroom students
access content on their own and practice under the guidance of teachers. While learning at
home students can pause, rewind, re watch concepts and engage creatively and review the
recorded lectures prepared by their teachers.
Educationists have given the following definition of a Flipped Classroom making FLIP
as an acronym:
 Flexible Environment:- Students are allowed a variety of modes of learning and

means of assessment.
 Learning Culture:- Student-centred communities of inquiry rather than instructor-

prepared lectures.
 Intentional Content:- Pacing the content in the most appropriate context – direct

instruction prior to class for the individual use and the videos accessible to all
 Professional Educator:- A reflective, accessible instructor who collaborates with
other educators and takes the responsibility for perfection.

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Taiyaba Nazli
(Pg. 7792-7798) 7802

The characteristics of Flipped Classroom are:--

* Change in the classroom timings.
*Doing homework in the classroom.
*In-class activities such as peer-learning, problem solving, discussion.
*Pre- class activities.
*Post-class activities.
*Extensive and convenient use of technology;[watching video lectures].
*Builds strong teacher-learner bond.
*Improve students‟ attitude, understanding, team work and adjustments with peers.
*Students can benefit from the class lectures at their own pace or at home conveniently
*Enhances collaborative learning by discussing complex topics in small groups.
*It facilitates continued learning since the videos can be watched as and when required, helps
in quick recalling and new adaptations for new lessons.
One of the striking feature of this method is that the valuable time of the class is spent in the
dissemination of knowledge. Teachers distribute the information individually or to the group
for self learning and exploring. The students who received tasks may complete it by
searching, integrating and discussing with the help of advanced ICT and finally display the
learnt lessons in the classroom in a systematic manner. Teachers should play a significant
role by guiding them to present they have learnt so that students learn to think independently
at their own as a personalized learning, changing the teaching method into a vivid and
interesting experience.
In the new era of college education, flipped classroom will overtake blended learning, inquiry
learning and other teaching methods. Its purpose is to make learning more flexible and
active, encourage students‟ participation.. The contribution of ICT is un avoidable in the
process of realization and popularization of “flipped classroom”, students learn with the
online courses and lectures through Internet besides communicating and interacting with
teachers and peers without going to the classroom. Therefore, the implementation and
promotion of “flipped classroom” changes a teachers‟ role, mode of teaching and the
management mode promoting a modern and flexible style of teaching and learning. The joint
propulsion of the three links can not only help students to develop the ability of autonomous
learning effectively, but also can cultivate the tacit understanding between students and
teachers, to enhance the efficiency of team work .[Ya ,Yung and Cheng-2009]. Flipped

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Taiyaba Nazli
(Pg. 7792-7798) 7803

classrooms show promising results. There is growing evidence that the flipped classroom
model can improve student achievement in almost all subjects. According to the Flipped
Learning Network, 71% of teachers who flipped their classes noticed improved grades, and
80% reported improved student attitudes and 99% of teachers reported that they would flip
their classes again the following year.
After the joint efforts of several generations of education scholars and college students, the
“flipped classroom”[Zhong, Song and Jiao-[2013] has achieved good stage progress in
college English teaching classroom Advantages and challenges of flipped learning.
The results of this synthesis indicated that flipped learning provided various benefits and
challenges for students and instructors. The benefits can be listed as flexibility, improvement
in interaction, professional skills, and student engagement. Challenges included increased
workload for faculty, student resistance, lack of opportunities for just-in-time questions,
technical issues, decreased interest and neglected material.
Advantages and Challenges :--
The results of this synthesis indicated that flipped learning provided various benefits and
challenges for students and instructors. The benefits can be listed as flexibility, improvement
in interaction, professional skills, and student engagement. Challenges included increased
workload for faculty, student resistance, lack of opportunities for just-in-time questions,
technical issues, decreased interest and neglected material.
Literature Review:-
One of the most commonly cited benefits of flipped learning was flexibility (Buechler et
al., 2014; Kiat and Kwot-2014; Mok- 2014; Simpson, Evans, Eley and Stiles, 2003;
Velegol et al.- 2015). An added value of the flipped approach was students could pause and
rewind the videos, take notes and solve problems while watching the lecture videos. Having
access to course materials for 24/7 provided flexibility for students with different learning
preferences and personal commitments. This flexible teaching and learning environment also
created time for complex problem solving (Ankeny and Krause, 2014; Mok- 2014) and
opportunities to cover more materials (Mason, Shuman and Cook- 2013a, 2013b).
The rationale behind flipped learning is to use face-to-face class time for complex exercises
where students can interact with each other and with the instructor. This synthesis concluded
that students enjoyed working with their peers (Bailey and Smith- 2013; Ghadiri et al., 2014;
Love et al., 2014; Talbert and Valley, 2012) and having the instructor available for help

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Taiyaba Nazli
(Pg. 7792-7798) 7804

(Clark, Norman and Besterfield-Sacre, 2014; Lemley et al., 2013; McGivney-Burelle and
Xue, 2013; Mok, 2014; Swithenbank and DeNucci, 2014).
Student-centred instructional approaches like flipped learning not only help students learn the
content but also provide opportunities to improve professional skills that “today's
competitive global market and changing work environment demand engineers to possess”
(Kumar and Hsiao, 2007- p. 18). Several authors argued that flipped learning contributed to
students' professional skills such as life-long learning (Luster-Teasley, Hargrove-Leak and
Waters-2014), learner autonomy (Kim, Kim, Khera and Getman, 2014; Mok- 2014), critical
thinking (Chetcuti et al., 2014) and interpersonal skills (Yelamarthi et al., 2015).
Another benefit that this synthesis revealed was student engagement (Lavelle et al., 2013).
Several researchers found that students came to class better prepared (Chetcuti et al.-2014;
Jungic, Kaur, Mulholland and Xin,-2015; Mo-2014; Papadopoulos and Roman- 2010), and
they devoted more time and formed better study habits compared to traditional classroom
approaches (Papadopoulos and Roman- 2010).
The application of “flipped classroom” in teaching practice may solve the flaws in traditional
education method of English courses in colleges and provide new teaching concepts and
ideas for college English education classroom. This great attempt of education innovation
will directly act on students, and the largest beneficiaries are college students, providing them
with not only the excellent teaching practice experience, but also help them to develop good
study habits, which may lay a solid foundation for the life, learning and work in the future.
This paper will introduce the concept and significance of “flipped classroom”, analyze the
current application situation and existing problems of “flipped classroom”, and then give
suggested measures on “flipped classroom”.
6. Conclusion
As the innovative teaching practice mode under Chinese higher education reform, “flipped
classroom” has made outstanding contribution to China‟s college English education. As for
college English teachers, this teaching mode has got rid of the traditional classroom teaching
mode, to take full use of the classroom time and resources as well as improve the classroom
teaching efficiency; as for the students, they can improve their interest in learning and their
autonomous learning abilities. In view of the current situation of China‟s college English
teaching, although differences exist between the development of “flipped classroom” itself
and the agreement of China‟s education practice, it will play its excellent effect through

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Taiyaba Nazli
(Pg. 7792-7798) 7805

common effort of all sections of society as well as teachers and students. The positive role of
“flipped classroom” in college English teaching should not be ignored, which has injected
new vitality for the current higher education reform in China.
Cite this paper
Dong, X. (2016) Application of Flipped Classroom in College English Teaching. Creative
Education, 7, 1335-1339. doi: 10.4236/ce.2016.79138.
There is also some danger that the flipped classroom could be seen as another front in a false
battle between teachers and technology. Yet Bergmann and Sams emphasize that the “only
magic bullet is the recruiting, training, and supporting of quality teachers.” And while Khan
Academy‟s prominence engenders fear of standardization and deprofessionalization among
some critics, Bergmann, Sams, and Smith see instructional videos as powerful tools for
teachers to create content, share resources, and improve practice. Smith admits that if such
tools were available when she first started out, she “would have run to this every week when
It seems almost certain that instructional videos, interactive simulations, and yet-to-be-
dreamed-up online tools will continue to multiply. But who will control these tools and
whether they will fulfill their potential remains to be seen. As Scott McLeod, one of the
nation‟s leading thinkers on educational technology and the director of the UCEA Center for
the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education, observes, the “reason Sal Khan
is so visible right now is that nobody did this instead. It would have been great if the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics had been doing this, but someone from the outside had
to fill the vacuum.” His guidance to educators: “Start making!”
Advantages and challenges of flipped learning
The results of this synthesis indicated that flipped learning provided various benefits and
challenges for students and instructors. The benefits can be listed as flexibility, improvement
in interaction, professional skills, and student engagement. Challenges included increased
workload for faculty, student resistance, lack of opportunities for just-in-time questions,
technical issues, decreased interest and neglected material.
This systematic review of research on flipped learning in engineering education is timely as
the flipped approach has gained popularity amongst engineering educators. It is imperative to
understand the current practices in order to shed light on future implementations. The review
of 62 articles included in this synthesis was framed around four major research questions.

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Taiyaba Nazli
(Pg. 7792-7798) 7806

First, the findings indicated a widespread adoption of flipped learning in various sub-fields of
engineering. Second, there is a paucity of the report of theoretical frameworks guiding the
development and evaluation of the flipped approach. Evaluation methods have mostly been
limited to quantitative data drawn from course assessments and surveys, and there is a
scarcity in qualitative research to understand phenomena in depth and within specific
contexts. Third, many researchers found that students in the flipped classroom had learned as
much as their counterparts in the traditional lecture-style format if not more. Fourth, flipped
learning provides several benefits and brings some challenges for instructors and students.
Synthesizing the existing research on flipped learning, this study provides recommendations
for researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to develop research-based action plans in
how to develop and evaluate flipped classrooms.
A systematic review of research on the flipped learning method in engineering
 Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu,
 Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez,
 Charles T. Jahren
 First published: 20 February 2017Full publication history
 DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12548
Several studies reveal positive learning outcomes. For example, study results published by
BMI medical education reported examination scores of 88.8% compared to 86.4% for
traditional students (2011). A survey of students at the University of North Carolina who
took part in a flipped course for Basic Pharmaceutics showed that over 85% of respondents
preferred the new approach compared to traditional lecture-based teaching afterward. A very
recent article from the College of Westchester , flipping 30-50% of course material over the
course of 2014 resulted in a 14.5% drop in what they call “D, F and W grades” (grades of D,
F, or Withdrawal).
The Flipped learning network, in collaboration with George Mason University and Pearson
conducted a review of research. Their findings from a review of research, mostly from the
point of view of teachers who have implemented a flipped approach, are that students are
more engaged and performing better, while the teachers are enjoying the increased interaction
with students.

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Taiyaba Nazli
(Pg. 7792-7798) 7807

Some results were more inconclusive. A quantitative comparison done be students at

Brigham Young where a non-flipped classroom was compared with an active flipped
classroom showed learning outcomes that were very similar. Interestingly, in both classes,
students ranked interaction with the instructor as more influential to their learning than what
they did at home. Same results with a comparison of two algebra classes at the University of
Colorado. Their conclusion was that the most important aspect of teaching in a flipped
learning model was face-to-face class time being used for cooperative activities as well as
dynamic and active, inquiry-based learning.
Even Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann, the acknowledged creators of the concept of
“flipped learning” maintain that flipping a classroom is not about the video and that not
everything should be taught with one. They emphasize that far more important is how
teachers engage students within the classroom.
My own conclusion is that having a flipped approach to your teaching can be beneficial
depending upon what the learning objective is. It certainly does not seem to be detrimental to
learning, providing students with another possibility to learn in a way that suits them.
Whatever method is employed however, the most important part of puzzle continues to be the
teacher and the quality of interaction between themselves and their student.
10 Published Results Supporting the Benefits of Flipped Learning
classroom/ Visited 24 March 2015
Galway, LP, etal 2014 “A novel integration of online and flipped classroom instructional models in
public health higher education” BMC Medical Education 2014, 14:181 visited 26 March 2015 Yes, flipped
learning is hot, but what does the research say about it?
Thursday, 26 March, 2015 - 16:19
Produce & educate
Goodwin, Bryan and Kirsten Miller March 2013 “Research Says / Evidence on Flipped Classrooms
Is Still Coming In” ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
Classrooms-Is-Still-Coming-In.aspx Visited24 March 2015
Jenson, JL, Kumer, Godoy, Spring 2015 “Improvements from a Flipped Classroom May Sim

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

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