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Speech Recitation Rubric

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NAME: _____________________________________________ SECTION: _____________________


SPEAKS Speaks clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or
CLEARLY and distinctly all distinctly all (100- distinctly most (94- cannot be
(100-95%) the 95%) the time, but 85%) of the time. understood OR
time, and mispronounces Mispronounces no mispronounces
mispronounces no one word. more than one word. more than one
words. word.
POSTURE Uses posture Uses posture Sometimes stands Slouches and/or
AND EYE appropriate for the appropriate for the up straight and does not look at or
CONTACT poem, looks poem and establishes eye try to involve
relaxed and establishes eye contact. audience during
confident. contact with all presentation.
Establishes eye members of the
contact with all audience during
members of the the presentation.
audience during
the presentation.
VOLUME/ Volume is loud Volume is usually Volume is usually Volume too soft or
VOICE enough to be loud enough to be loud enough to be performer
heard by all heard by all heard by all mumbles. Audience
audience audience audience members. often has trouble
members members. Performer speaks so understanding.
throughout the Performer fast that audience
presentation. generally speaks has trouble
Performer speaks clearly and paces understanding.
clearly and paces performance. Is
performance. Is easily understood
easily understood by audience
by all audience members most of
members all the the time.
ACTING/ Performer uses Performer often Performer tries to Performer recites
DIALOGUE consistent voice uses voice use voice inflection, the poem, but does
inflection, facial inflection, facial facial expressions, not use voice
expressions, and expressions, and and movement to inflection, facial
movement to movement to make the speech expressions, or
make the speech make the speech more believable, movement to make
more believable, more believable, more entertaining, the speech more
more entertaining, more entertaining, and more easily believable,
and more easily and more easily understood. interesting, or clear.
understood. understood.

TOTAL: ________________

Score Equivalent:
16 = 95 12 = 92 9 = 88 6 = 85
15 = 94 11 = 91 8 = 87 5 = 84
13 = 93 10 = 90 7 = 86 4 = 83

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