Millionaire Morning e Book
Millionaire Morning e Book
Millionaire Morning e Book
Lewis Howes
Copyright © 2017 Lewis Howes
Table of Contents
CONCLUSION ................................................................................... 40
To all the dreamers, change makers and action
takers. This is your moment, now go out there
and do something great!
How I Went from Broke to “Rich”
1. Education/Training
You feel you need to have the best grades, the right
degrees, and the right training to have the tools to
make more money.
2. No Time
You are working so much, then you come home to
cook and clean and be with family, workout, etc that
making more money is hard and you don’t have time.
3. Focus/Direction
You have tons of ideas but aren’t sure where to start
or which direction to go.
4. Knowing What To Do
You may have the big idea for a product or a business,
but you don’t know how to get it started with all the
tech, branding, marketing and legal documents. You
get overwhelmed and allow for this “not knowing” to
consume your days, which then turns into years of you
always talking about launching something but it never
actually happening.
5. No Resources/Team
It takes money to make money right? You need an
investor to give you the funds to launch your idea?
You don’t have the team of people to help you get
started and no money to pay them?
6. Fear of the Unknown
Life is scary. What if I fail? What if I look bad? What
if everyone who said I wouldn’t amount to anything is
right? What if I lose friends in the process? More im-
portantly... what if I succeed and my wildest dreams
come true?
7. Self-Worth / Belief
Most people don’t believe they are worthy of making
more and don’t believe in themselves. Why should I
8. Money is Bad
Most people don’t want to be “greedy” or they feel
that money is bad. If they have money then they won’t
be a good person.
10. Connections
A lot of people say they can’t make money because
they don’t have the right relationships. The only way
to get rich is to have rich friends and then you’ll get
There are many reasons why people find it hard to make more
money and become financially abundant. The fact of the mat-
ter is, all of these excuses why people don’t make more mon-
ey are simply that -- excuses!
Let’s go!
Mindset of the Rich
It felt like it was a life sentence and that I’d never make money
unless . . .
Think about your own life -- does your family openly talk
about how much they make, how much they want to make,
how much things cost that they own, etc?
Or do they not tell you how much their salary is, or how much
commission they made, or how much their home costs, or
even what they want to make?
You must first change your mindset around the topic. When
you receive money or make it, you shouldn’t be scared of it
or hoard it.
If you look at it like it’s an enemy, then it will only show up that
way in your life and you’ll always resist it.
Most people say they just want “more.” They don’t say “I want
to make $5,000 in the next 14 days by 5pm on the last day.”
You must be specific with how much you want to make and
by when if you want to set yourself up to win.
I’ll walk you through a more specifc financial goal setting ex-
ercise in chapter 8, but right now, I want you to think about
your Money Vision.
Now, this goal didn’t happen on its own. I then got to over-
come all the excuses I was making about why I didn’t have
money and went out to take action on a daily basis. Wouldn’t
you know it, just before that 9 month mark, I made my frst
$5,000, when before, I never made any money speaking and
could hardly stand in front of a group without trembling!
“ What are the 3 actions I will take today that will get
me closer to achieving this Money Vision in half the
Below, you’re going to write out your own Money Vision that I
want you to look at as part of your Millionaire Morning Routine.
If you write it down and forget about it, you will never stay
accountable with yourself and your goals.
You got this, now wake your ass up and make it happen!
This is a short booklet to get you the best tips quickly, but in
my online business coaching program, Inner Circle, I teach
a live class each month to help show people like you how to
start and grow their business online.
There is endless research out there that dives deep into the
power of sleep to activate the mind and body.
You must not only recover, but you must prepare yourself
for an amazing day. You can’t run at a high level if you aren’t
We are all different, so make sure you are getting enough sleep
Sleep helps you have more energy. Energy makes you pro-
ductive and passionate. That helps you make more money!
So what are some good sleep habits you can start develop-
ing right now?
I hated it.
But I always felt more prepared and ready for the day! I need-
ed to train my body and mind to take on any adversity during
sports competition, and these early morning wake ups and
workouts gave me an advantage over most other athletes in
the world.
If you wake up late, then you don’t take care of yourself in the
morning. You are scrambling, stressed, and reactive through-
out the rest of the day trying to play catch up.
And when you wake up late, then you stay up late to try to
relax from feeling stressed and repeat the process all over
The habits you have on a daily basis are the reasons you are
either rich or lacking money. Tom Corley, author of Rich Hab-
its: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals says, “It’s
often two or three habits that separate the wealthy from those
who are financially challenged.”
Based on his research, there may only be a few habits that are
holding you back from being poor or being rich.
Which ones of these are you not doing every single day?
On the next page, I wrote these 15 habits out once again, but
this time, I want you to put a checkbox next to which habits
you’re already doing really well.
And then I want you to look at the habits you are NOT doing.
Look at the empty boxes and pick 3 habits that you can im-
prove on in your life.
These will be the things you focus on for the first part of your
day in order to set a new habit!
Your money is waiting for you, but it’s not going to fall in your
From the list above, choose the top 3 habits you are
going to commit to working on to develop a Million-
aire Mindset.
It’s the opposite of what I want, but I train myself to see the
power and energy of waking up early and making my bed. It
conditions me to have a clean space and accomplish some-
thing small that I can be proud of in the first few minutes.
make your bed
set your clear intention
mastermind calls
2. Do the Math.
Get out your calculator and a piece of paper and pen-
cil. For example, if you want to make $100,000 in a
year, do the math and break down what you will need
to make each month, each week, and each day. We’ll
use $100,000 in the example below.
You will need to make $8,333 each month to hit your
$100,000 yearly goal.
You will need to make $1,923 per week to hit your $100,000
yearly goal.
You will need to make $275 per day to hit your $100,000
yearly goal.
You will need to make $35/hour to hit your $100,000 yearly
5. DO IT!!!!
After you have your plan, it is time to execute. You will
need to take MASSIVE ACTION EVERY DAY like never
before in your life. You need to create MOMENTUM.
There will be setbacks but you must keep pushing
towards your goal. You will surprise yourself. Be con-
sistent and push yourself to reach your dream num-
Nothing has made a bigger difference in my career and per-
sonal life than learning how to develop strong, real relation-
ships with people who were a few (or many) steps ahead of
me. You could call these people influencers.
Find out everything you can about this person. Who
One of the things I did early on when I was on Linke-
dIn every day for a year and a half was be the champi-
on of every person’s network. I reached out to people
and asked them what they were in need of, and then
I would link them to the people I knew or found the
people that could help. I did it with urgency and at-
tention to detail...I made sure to get the influencers
exactly what they needed. Make sure you become
the champion of someone’s network; you will always
be remembered because you are the connector.
The more you are yourself, and the more reliable you are, the
more authentic these relationships will be. People want to be
friends with real people.
You should also let them know how they can support you as
well. Invite them to things that you know they would enjoy
and you have a connection to. Pass along recommendations
that you think they might find interesting.
Get yourself 100% focused on your Money Vision and use the
time you have to take consistent action towards those goals.
That’s understandable, but it’s not going to get you where you
want to go.
Set your sights on the goals that will get you to your final
If you found value from this book, I would love to hear your
story of how this has impacted your life. I love getting emails
and DM’s and messages about how this has helped you on
your path to greatness!
Please also share this out to everyone you think can benefit
from it and let your friends know where you got this booklet
from. If you want to learn more about my other programs and
courses, we have more information in the back of this booklet
so you can join our community in a bigger way!