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The Millionaire Morning

The millionaire mindset, habits, and routines

that will make you rich

Lewis Howes
Copyright © 2017 Lewis Howes
Table of Contents

INTRO How I Went from Broke to “Rich” ................................... 1

CHAPTER 1 Mindset of the Rich ................................................. 10
CHAPTER 2 Create a Clear Money Vision ................................ 13
CHAPTER 3 The Power of Your Dreams ................................... 16
CHAPTER 4 Money Doesn’t Sleep But You Must! ................. 19
CHAPTER 5 The Millionaire Wake up Time ............................. 21
CHAPTER 6 The Habits of Millionaires ..................................... 23
CHAPTER 7 My Habits and Money Routine ............................ 26
CHAPTER 8 Working Through the Numbers ......................... 29
CHAPTER 9 Relationships Are Key ............................................ 33
CHAPTER 10 Consistent Massive Action ................................. 38

CONCLUSION ................................................................................... 40
To all the dreamers, change makers and action
takers. This is your moment, now go out there
and do something great!
How I Went from Broke to “Rich”

In 2007, I was broke, living on my sister’s couch, and I had no

idea how to make any money.

I was terrified because I was in my early twenties, and I’d

never had a real job before. On top of that, I had just lost my
dream job of playing professional football to a career ending
wrist injury.

I didn’t have an entrepreneurial bone in my body.

My dad paid for my college education and my training as an

athlete, so the only jobs I had growing up were as a paperboy,
golf course greens mower, truck driver, and then club bounc-
er on the weekends at a bar when I was in college.

The most I made in a week was $250.

I made that much playing professional football in the Arena

League and even when I was a truck driver working 6 hours a
day, I still made the same amount.

Life wasn’t glamorous by any means. It got pretty old eating

Hot Pockets, chicken patties, ramen noodles and mac and
cheese every day as well.

Being broke meant I couldn’t afford my own apartment. For

nearly two years my sister let me live rent free on her couch.


People paid for my meals and any entertainment when I
wanted to go out, and I knew this wasn’t the life I wanted for
myself. I didn’t want to live the rest of my life poor, but I had no
clue how to make money.

No one taught me this growing up.

There was no class in school that showed me.

The topic of money always was so “hush-hush” in my family

that no one was open about it, so it seemed like a bad thing
when people had money.

I hated the feeling when others paid for my meals; I couldn’t

go out with friends and traveling anywhere was always out of
the picture.

I always looked for the cheapest flights on Southwest, and

even those I couldn’t afford if I wanted to go anywhere. Even
taking a Greyhound bus for $39 was a lot for me.

I knew my current lifestyle wasn’t working, and I needed to

figure out how to make more money, so I started to study the
rich, to learn how rich people think.

At a low point while on my sister’s couch, a mentor recom-

mended I go on LinkedIn to look for opportunities.

After several months I got pretty good at using the platform

and began coaching other people how to use it.

That led to the beginnings of a business which then led to me

finally making some money.


From there I discovered online business, and how to sell my
services and products digitally, I finally saw the possibility of
making money in a way that would work for me.

The Biggest Challenges to Making Money

Fast forward a few years and I’d made my first million dollars
(after working 18 hour days non-stop).

I’d also gained a substantial social media following (after

teaching social media marketing for a few years).

One day, I posted a question to my audience saying, “What’s

the biggest challenge you face mentally, emotionally or
physically in earning more income or making more money in

These were the top 10 responses (and in my mind, excuses)

from people struggling to make more money:

1. Education/Training
You feel you need to have the best grades, the right
degrees, and the right training to have the tools to
make more money.

(Rich Mindset Response)

This is BS. Many billionaires and financially successful peo-
ple dropped out of college or even high school. John D.
Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and Richard Branson are just a few
examples. They weren’t taught how to become rich but they
learned how based off of curiosity and a desire to learn. I have


a Sports Management degree, and it took me 7 years to com-
plete college. No one taught me how to start or grow a busi-
ness, but out of curiosity, I found the information online and
from mentors and turned my findings into action.

2. No Time
You are working so much, then you come home to
cook and clean and be with family, workout, etc that
making more money is hard and you don’t have time.

(Rich Mindset Response)

This is a challenge for some, I get it. No one said making
money is easy. But if you are watching T.V. at all during the
day, or spending time watching cat videos on YouTube, or
comparing yourself to everyone on Instagram and spending
3-4 hours a day on anything that isn’t serving you in mak-
ing more money, then you are lying to yourself. You HAVE
time, you are just choosing to do the “safe” thing instead of
something that’s uncomfortable for you, and that’s why you
are broke.

3. Focus/Direction
You have tons of ideas but aren’t sure where to start
or which direction to go.

(Rich Mindset Response)

This comes from a lack of vision and fear of either missing
out on an opportunity or fear that you will fail when you take


action on one of them. Start with ONE THING and take action
on this thing. When I started out I had a ton of ideas also, but
I saw an opportunity teaching people how to use LinkedIn
since there was a big need for it at the time. I went ALL IN on
that one thing and figured out every way I could make money
around it until I had the money I needed to get to the next

4. Knowing What To Do
You may have the big idea for a product or a business,
but you don’t know how to get it started with all the
tech, branding, marketing and legal documents. You
get overwhelmed and allow for this “not knowing” to
consume your days, which then turns into years of you
always talking about launching something but it never
actually happening.

(Rich Mindset Response)

I started out with no degree, no experience, and had no clue
what I was doing. The beautiful thing is we have Google, pod-
casts, books, YouTube and so many free tools to research all
the answers we need! There are no more excuses; all the in-
formation is available for us right now in almost any format
you want to learn from.

5. No Resources/Team
It takes money to make money right? You need an
investor to give you the funds to launch your idea?
You don’t have the team of people to help you get
started and no money to pay them?


(Rich Mindset Response)
I never had any of this when I started out broke on my sister’s
couch and lots of other people didn’t either. Now people are
making millions from a simple concept: crowdfunding. Start
with the concept, post it online, and see if people will pay for
it. When they do then you can start using that money to pro-
duce the idea. Millions of people have done this from tradi-
tional and nontraditional models, and you can as well!

6. Fear of the Unknown
Life is scary. What if I fail? What if I look bad? What
if everyone who said I wouldn’t amount to anything is
right? What if I lose friends in the process? More im-
portantly... what if I succeed and my wildest dreams
come true?

(Rich Mindset Response)

Ahh yes, I was terrified of everything when I started out. But
you know one thing I overcame? Being sick and tired of be-
ing sick and tired! At some point you need to put your big
boy and girl pants on, and look your fears in the face and say,
“BRING IT ON! You don’t have anything on me!” Fear is simply
your ego getting in the way of making and achieving what you
want. Now go get it!

7. Self-Worth / Belief
Most people don’t believe they are worthy of making
more and don’t believe in themselves. Why should I


make this much and achieve these things?

(Rich Mindset Response)

These scarcity conversations and lack of belief won’t bring
money your way. So if you continue with them, then you will
be broke until you stop. If you don’t ask for more of what you
want, then you won’t get it. I lost my only childhood dream,
was recovering from surgery, humiliated sleeping on my sis-
ter’s couch, broke, young, uneducated, lacking experience
-- but at some point I stopped doubting myself and started
taking action. You need to master the skills and start building
confidence in yourself so the belief is more than just inflated
self talk, but it’s real life truth!

8. Money is Bad
Most people don’t want to be “greedy” or they feel
that money is bad. If they have money then they won’t
be a good person.

(Rich Mindset Response)

Maybe you grew up in a family that meant well, but the con-
versations, body language and energy that came out around
the topic of money always made you feel bad about it. There-
fore you’ve never felt comfortable thinking about and talking
about money in a positive way. I grew up with that same feel-
ing because we were always struggling early on. The moment
I realized I was holding a negative energy around money was
the moment everything started to open up. Money comes to
you when you are ready for it, but it won’t come to you if you
can’t talk about it in a positive way.


9. Self-Sabotage
I hear this a lot. When people make money they spend
it too fast, don’t know what to do with it or feel guilty
because their friends and family aren’t making it. May-
be their family is starting to make them feel bad about
having it or asking for financial support. They don’t
want to carry that burden so they start to self-sabo-
tage and make poor decisions.

(Rich Mindset Response)

Money is an entirely different language. Making it is one part
of the conversation, but we must always be educating our-
selves on how to make it, invest it, grow it and save it, and if
we aren’t always learning then we will self sabotage. When
we focus on fear about having money, we will lose it. Find
ways to learn about it as you earn, and it will support you in
not sabotaging it!

10. Connections
A lot of people say they can’t make money because
they don’t have the right relationships. The only way
to get rich is to have rich friends and then you’ll get

(Rich Mindset Response)

I’m a firm believer that who you spend the most time with in-
spires you to live a similar lifestyle, but you don’t need to be
around rich people to make more money. I was hanging out
with poor college kids when I first started. But building rela-


tionships with people who got to the top did help me, and I
was able to get there over time. You must be willing to add
massive value and not try to get anything out of these rela-
tionships; otherwise people will always give their attention to
someone else.

There are many reasons why people find it hard to make more
money and become financially abundant. The fact of the mat-
ter is, all of these excuses why people don’t make more mon-
ey are simply that -- excuses!

I gave an example of how I overcame each one of these when

I could have easily stayed broke, and there are countless ex-
amples of people all over the world of every age, race, and
experience level who have overcome them as well.

Is it easy? No. Learning how to master anything takes time

and hard work, especially at first when you are breaking old
habits and establishing new ones. But this is what is required
of you to get from where you are to create bigger financial
results for yourself. It’s your decision. Stay stuck or build your
financial empire by overcoming your biggest challenges.

Which of the above challenges do you face the most? Tag me

on your Instagram story @lewishowes with a photo or video of
this book, and let me know, so we can connect.

No more fooling yourself. It’s time to make a change in your

life in order to create change in your bank account!

Let’s go!
Mindset of the Rich

Poor Thinking vs. Rich Thinking

I remember what it was like starting out, being so poor, where
it felt there was no way out.

It was like a prison. I was trapped, needing others to support

me financially without understanding how I would get out of
this prison.

It felt like it was a life sentence and that I’d never make money
unless . . .

1. I worked a job I hated and had to sell my soul

2. I won the lottery
3. I got lucky with some crazy investment
4. Someone died in my family and passed on their money

Essentially I didn’t see a world where I could make my own

money on my terms, let alone ever have one million dollars in
my bank account.

Today, not only have I generated tens of millions in sales for

my businesses, but I have more than 7 figures in my account.
It didn’t happen overnight, and it took an attitude shift and
way of thinking I never had before around money--making it,
investing it and keeping it.

The first step?


Talk about money!
Growing up no one talked about money in a positive way.

Think about your own life -- does your family openly talk
about how much they make, how much they want to make,
how much things cost that they own, etc?

Or do they not tell you how much their salary is, or how much
commission they made, or how much their home costs, or
even what they want to make?

None of my family or friends did growing up and we were

poor, always living in scarcity, wearing hand me downs, feel-
ing stress about money and not having enough.

I remember when I turned 14 my dad started openly talking

about money more, and he started making more. A LOT

You can’t attract more money into your life if

you are scared of it!
You can start taking action right now by talking freely about
the topic of money. Make it something you feel excited about
and comfortable with.

Talking about it like it’s something you are ashamed of and

scared of won’t bring more of it to your life.

The frst step is to find someone in your life who is comfortable

talking about money. This could be a friend, family member
or a peer.


If your friends or family don’t like talking about it, ask them
why. Make a request to have more money conversations and
see if you can ask more questions.

Here are a few questions you can start by asking:

What portion or percentage of your income do you put

toward your monthly bills (rent or mortgage and utilities)?
How much money do you save each month? Why?
How do you invest the money you save each month?
What type of things do you save for? Trips? 401k? Roth
IRA? Why?

Some people may feel uncomfortable and won’t want to an-

swer these questions or have this discussion, so make sure to
find people who are open to talking more freely so you can
understand how money works.

Reading this book and thinking about it in a creative way is a

great start!

You must first change your mindset around the topic. When
you receive money or make it, you shouldn’t be scared of it
or hoard it.

You should treat money like a great friend. Be comfortable

around it, talk openly and honestly with it, and allow it to flow
in and out of your life.

If you look at it like it’s an enemy, then it will only show up that
way in your life and you’ll always resist it.

Think about it differently, open your mind to it, and allow it to

flow in.


Create a Clear Money Vision

So many people say they want to make more money, or they

are frustrated they don’t have enough, but do you actually
know how much you want to make?

Most people say they just want “more.” They don’t say “I want
to make $5,000 in the next 14 days by 5pm on the last day.”

You must be specific with how much you want to make and
by when if you want to set yourself up to win.

You’re going to start to measure and get very clear on your

Money Vision.

I’ll walk you through a more specifc financial goal setting ex-
ercise in chapter 8, but right now, I want you to think about
your Money Vision.

Your Money Vision is a a single and defined clear financial

goal that you set for yourself.

When I was broke on my sister’s couch I remember setting a

goal that seemed so hard to do, but I knew I wanted to stretch
myself so I wrote out my own Money Vision:

“ I will make $5,000 from a speech in 9 months.”

This was a clear financial goal that I was striving for, along with
the exact date and time it would happen 9 months from then.

I then signed this piece of paper and framed it and put it on

the wall.


I looked at it every day and held the intention of what I want-
ed. It was always there staring me back in the face.

Anytime I got distracted I saw it and reconnected to my Mon-

ey Vision.

Now, this goal didn’t happen on its own. I then got to over-
come all the excuses I was making about why I didn’t have
money and went out to take action on a daily basis. Wouldn’t
you know it, just before that 9 month mark, I made my frst
$5,000, when before, I never made any money speaking and
could hardly stand in front of a group without trembling!

I know this is possible for you as well.

It doesn’t matter if you’re making $0 right now, or if you’re al-

ready generating a 7-figure income.

You must get absolutely clear on how much you want to

make and by when; it’s not just going to show up in your lap
without a clear vision.

If you are struggling getting to the next level financially, this

particular exercise gives you the focus to wake up every
morning and ask yourself:

“ What are the 3 actions I will take today that will get
me closer to achieving this Money Vision in half the

You should be asking yourself:

1. What do I need to learn?
2. Who do I need to connect with?
3. What skill do I need to master?
4. What actions do I need to take?
5. What fear do I need to overcome?


After you answer these, follow it with MASSIVE ACTION on a
daily basis. Then you will set yourself up to get it.

Your Millionaire Morning Routine should include a moment of

looking at your Money Vision on your wall and answering the
questions listed above.

Below, you’re going to write out your own Money Vision that I
want you to look at as part of your Millionaire Morning Routine.
If you write it down and forget about it, you will never stay
accountable with yourself and your goals.

I want you to write down the exact dollar amount of money

you would like to make by a certain date.

The date you write down should be specifc.

If you follow it CONSISTENTLY, day after day, morning after

morning, it will set you up for greater success of achieving
that vision!

You got this, now wake your ass up and make it happen!

Write your 90 day Money Vision below and circle it


The Power of Your Dreams

Your morning habits and your daily habits are so important to

all of your success in life (not just money success).

This is a short booklet to get you the best tips quickly, but in
my online business coaching program, Inner Circle, I teach
a live class each month to help show people like you how to
start and grow their business online.

Inner Circle includes video trainings on top of innovative strat-

egies that I use to grow my business, and when you join, you
also get access to monthly coaching calls with me, LIVE. I
want you to understand what’s working right NOW in my busi-
ness, and what I’m constantly doing to improve to get more
leads and sales.

In it you’ll learn how I apply online marketing, sales, audience

growth, branding, and more… but first, I want to get you the
things you can do with your morning mindset to make sure
you are set up for success!

However, in order to have the most powerful morning, we

must start with the night before. Because how you sleep mat-
ters for the next day in reaching your Money Vision.

If you have no energy, are drained, and are feeling stressed

constantly then you’re fighting an uphill battle to make more

So here’s how I approach my evenings and how I recommend

you do as well.


My challenge to you is to follow EACH of these 4 steps con-
sistently for the next 28 days to see how they help improve
your life.

1. Focus on the feeling of what you want

with the end in mind. It is crucial to FEEL
the things you want the most as if they
are happening in this moment.
For years I’d dream about being a New York Times
bestselling author. Eight years before it came true, I
had the dream in my mind. And every night I would
focus on what it would look like walking into Barnes
and Noble and seeing my book on the front shelf,
picking it up and seeing “New York Times Bestseller”
on the top of the book next to my name.

Sure enough, you work towards something long

enough and generate the skills needed, you set
yourself up to achieve those goals.

That was a half a million dollar deal right there and it

wouldn’t have happened without having a Money Vi-
sion and goal that I pursued day after day for 8 years.
I would focus on it before I went to bed so it would
sink into my dreams.

2. Look at your Money Vision, then write

down one action you will take tomorrow
to get closer to achieving it.
Most of the time we lose focus on our big future-
goals. This is especially true when we are so caught


up with the stresses of life, that we go to bed ex-
hausted without thinking about what we want to cre-
ate for the next day (and for our life).

That’s why it’s important to focus on one action in the

morning that will bring you closer to your money vi-
sion instead of going on auto-pilot and doing things
that don’t support the money vision.

Create a nightly habit of reflecting on your Money Vi-

sion, and deciding what action you are going to take
tomorrow to get a step closer to achieving your goal.

3. Express three things you are grateful for

from the day.
I love to end my nights with gratitude! This allows my
mind to have a recap on the day by either sharing
with my partner in person or on the phone or by writ-
ing it in my journal. When we express gratitude we
let go of stress and allow for more good to come into
our lives!

4. Put your phone in another room and turn

the lights off.
We must give our body and mind time to relax and
dream. If we don’t allow for space then we will always
be full of clutter. Shut off the electronics, turn off the
TV, and relax your mind to rest and recover so you
can have full energy early the next day to set yourself
up for The Millionaire Morning.


Money Doesn’t Sleep But You Must!

Weak body = weak mind = empty account

The body and brain cannot function at high levels with high
energy on no sleep. So it’s important to get your rest.

Taking care of your physical body is just as important for your

mental health when it comes to achieving your Money Vision.

Remember your college days when you pulled all nighters

during finals? That may have worked for a few moments to
cram in the info, but how did you feel for the next week?
Sleeping in, feeling exhausted and unproductive because
you didn’t take care of your body and sleep.

I spent many years staying up till 3am or pulling all nighters

and then sleeping in and doing it all over again.

In my 20’s I could pull it off, and I was able to get financial

results, but I was getting overweight, exhausted and realized
this wasn’t sustainable.

There is endless research out there that dives deep into the
power of sleep to activate the mind and body.

You must not only recover, but you must prepare yourself
for an amazing day. You can’t run at a high level if you aren’t

We are all different, so make sure you are getting enough sleep


that works for you, but you must make sure you don’t over-
sleep as well so you have the time to take action and get
financial results during the day.

Sleep helps you have more energy. Energy makes you pro-
ductive and passionate. That helps you make more money!
So what are some good sleep habits you can start develop-
ing right now?

Set a bedtime “alarm” - Don’t get so caught up working late

at night, surfing the internet, or watching TV, that by the time
you decide to go to bed, you’re overly exhausted. Make a
conscious decision what time you want to start getting ready
for bed each evening, and set an alarm to start your nightly
routine so you have enough time to wind down from your day.

Go to your bed - Don’t make a habit of falling asleep on your

couch or in a chair or at your desk. Make sure you’re setting
up a good habit of actually sleeping in your bed.

Follow your evening routine - Follow the evening routine we

outlined in the last chapter focusing on gratitude, your daily
goals, and putting your screen away. This will keep you fo-
cused and grounded in your vision and will make you less
distracted at bedtime.

Write down your thoughts - You can’t fall asleep if thoughts

are swirling in your head. I recommend that you keep a note-
book and pen next to your bed in case you think of something
you don’t want to forget either right before bed or during the
middle of the night. This will help you sleep with ease, since
your mind won’t have to work hard trying to remember things.

You can’t make money if you are tired everyday, so incorpo-

rate these best practices into your nightly routine for the next
28 days. Make sure you get to sleep so you can wake up early
with the other millionaires.


The Millionaire Wake up Time

I hated waking up early my entire life. In high school we’d get

up early for morning lifts at 6am, or shoot arounds in the bas-
ketball gym and hill sprints.

In college it was same thing except more intense and with

5am workout times.

I hated it.

But I always felt more prepared and ready for the day! I need-
ed to train my body and mind to take on any adversity during
sports competition, and these early morning wake ups and
workouts gave me an advantage over most other athletes in
the world.

Today, I still love my sleep, and it’s hard for me to wake up

early, but no one ever said greatness came easy, and making
money takes discipline also.

Most of the wealthiest people in the world wake up a few

hours before everyone else does or before their “work” be-

If you wake up late, then you don’t take care of yourself in the
morning. You are scrambling, stressed, and reactive through-
out the rest of the day trying to play catch up.

And when you wake up late, then you stay up late to try to
relax from feeling stressed and repeat the process all over


Here’s what you can start doing right now to put this into prac-

The key to a successful Millionaire Morning is getting up at

least 2 hours before any of your “work” or responsibilities be-
gin. The first 2-3 hours of every day should be for you and to
set the rest of your day up for incredible results.

If you’re not a morning person right now, start setting your

alarm earlier by 15 minute increments each day. This will take
the pressure off of waking up so early that you hit burnout
after a short period of time -- your routines need to be sus-

Keep waking up earlier and earlier in these 15 minute incre-

ments, until you’re waking up with 2 hours of “you” time so you
can set yourself up to win for the rest of your day.

Here’s what’s available to you when you wake up early (we’ll

be talking more about this in the next chapter as well):
Time to eat a healthy breakfast
Time to journal and set a clear intention for your day
Time to reflect on how your week has been going and
the work you have ahead of you
Time to work out, meditate, or stretch
Time to get ready, shower, get dressed without rushing
I personally wake up at 6:15am, since most of my responsibili-
ties don’t typically start until 9am. For me getting up at 6:15am
is tough, but when I do it and start my Millionaire Habits after-
ward, then I feel incredible and tend to create more financial
results that day over days when I sleep in and have a sloppy

Waking up 2-3 hours before your day starts is key. It allows

you to do what is needed to apply these habits.


The Habits of Millionaires

Before I dive into what I do every morning to set my days up

for financial success, we must understand the daily habits of

The habits you have on a daily basis are the reasons you are
either rich or lacking money. Tom Corley, author of Rich Hab-
its: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals says, “It’s
often two or three habits that separate the wealthy from those
who are financially challenged.”

He said, ”There is a cause and effect associated with habits.

Habits are the cause of wealth, poverty, happiness, sadness,
stress, good relationships, bad relationships, good health, or
bad health.”

The good news is all habits can be changed, Corley notes.

Here are some “rich habits” of self-made millionaires that you
can start developing today:

1. They read consistently

2. They workout
3. They spend time with other successful people
4. They have goals and pursue them
5. They get up early
6. They have multiple sources of income
7. They find and check in with mentors
8. They are positive
9. They don’t follow the herd
10. They are polite and use good etiquette


11. They help others succeed
12. They dedicate 15-30 minutes a day to thinking/
13. They seek feedback
14. They write to do lists and follow processes
15. They avoid time wasters

Based on his research, there may only be a few habits that are
holding you back from being poor or being rich.

Which ones of these are you not doing every single day?

On the next page, I wrote these 15 habits out once again, but
this time, I want you to put a checkbox next to which habits
you’re already doing really well.

And then I want you to look at the habits you are NOT doing.
Look at the empty boxes and pick 3 habits that you can im-
prove on in your life.

These will be the things you focus on for the first part of your
day in order to set a new habit!

Each time I do this exercise, I find new areas and opportunities

I can work on.

Your money is waiting for you, but it’s not going to fall in your

You must be willing to commit to a higher standard for your-

self and change your habits, which will change your actions,
and support you in creating more value in the world and in
return more money.


1. I read consistently
2. I workout
3. I spend time with other successful people
4. I have goals and pursue them
5. I get up early
6. I have multiple sources of income
7. I find and check in with mentors
8. I am positive
9. I don’t follow the herd
10. I am polite and use good etiquette
11. I help others succeed
12. I dedicate 15-30 minutes a day to thinking/dreaming
13. I seek feedback
14. I write to do lists and follow processes
15. I avoid time wasters

From the list above, choose the top 3 habits you are
going to commit to working on to develop a Million-
aire Mindset.


My Habits and Money Routine

From all my experience with sports training, research I did,

and mentors I listened to, I found a millionaire morning that
works best for me.

Here’s my Millionaire Morning routine:

6:15 Wake up, brush teeth, bathroom
6:20 Make bed, get dressed for workout
6:30 Workout and learn (run, lift, HIIT workout, yoga, etc.)
7:30 Stretch, meditate, breathing exercise, journal intention
8:00 Shower, dress for day
8:20 Read, make calls, focus on top 3 things for day
9:00 Work time

I wake up at 6:15am even though I don’t want to. I’d much

rather sleep till 8am and just lay there. It feels good for my big
body to rest, so waking up early isn’t this natural thing where
I’m alert right when my eyes open.

It’s the opposite of what I want, but I train myself to see the
power and energy of waking up early and making my bed. It
conditions me to have a clean space and accomplish some-
thing small that I can be proud of in the first few minutes.

There’s a reason the military does this -- it sets you up for

a productive day. There’s even a book that’s a #1 New York
Times bestseller called Make Your Bed. If you want to learn
the research behind it then get that book.


Next, I workout. Why? Because it’s where some of my best
ideas come from and it gives me energy. People like Mark
Zuckerberg and Richard Branson say exercise is a massive
key to success. I also try to listen to podcasts when I’m work-
ing out alone to educate myself and grow my mindset.

Meditation has been something that’s expanded my mind

ever since I started when I was 19 years old, training in sports.
It allowed me to stay calm, focus on my vision, and decom-
press my mind from any stresses of life. When I meditate, the
rest of my day goes much smoother, and when I don’t I some-
times feel overwhelmed.

Then I write down the 3 main things I want to take action on

that day to help me reach my Money Vision. If I don’t plan to
focus on these things, then I will get right into email or hop-
ping on social media and wasting my time. We must commit
and focus on making money or it won’t happen.

I try to make every day a game and a challenge for myself.

Something I can track, have fun with, and give myself some-
thing to celebrate when I’m done.

If you can incorporate these things in your morning routine,

I believe you’re setting yourself up to win in a massive way.

make your bed
set your clear intention
mastermind calls


I highly recommend this as it makes life that much more fun
as well.

Write down your millionaire morning routine with time

stamps for each part of your morning. Take a photo and tag
me on Instagram so I can comment on your morning routine.
Use the hashtag #millionairemorning


Working Through the Numbers

If you want to make more money, you need to get clear on

your money vision and also know your numbers.

For instance, if you want to make 1 million dollars in a year,

you need to know what it will take to get there.

And if you want to make $100,000 in a year you need to know

as well.

So let’s break it down.


1. Envision your money goal, be it $100,000 or $1 mil-

lion. Write it down.
Make this goal big enough that it feels uncomfort-
able, maybe even laughable given where you are
now. Spend some time thinking about the lifestyle
you desire and how much money it would take for
you to achieve that.

2. Do the Math.
Get out your calculator and a piece of paper and pen-
cil. For example, if you want to make $100,000 in a
year, do the math and break down what you will need
to make each month, each week, and each day. We’ll
use $100,000 in the example below.


To calculate each month:
To calculate each month, divide your yearly goal ($100,000)
by 12, since there are 12 months in the year.

You will need to make $8,333 each month to hit your
$100,000 yearly goal.

To calculate each week:

To calculate each week, divide your yearly goal ($100,000)
by 52, since there are 52 weeks in a year.

You will need to make $1,923 per week to hit your $100,000
yearly goal.

To calculate each day:

To calculate each day, divide your weekly goal ($1,923) by 7,
since there are 7 days in a week.

You will need to make $275 per day to hit your $100,000
yearly goal.

To calculate each hour:

To calculate each hour, divide your daily goal ($275) by 8,
since the average working day is 8 hours long.

You will need to make $35/hour to hit your $100,000 yearly

Get 100% clear and break it down in writing.


3. Make a list of all the things you do well or could do
to create wealth in these numbers.
Think in terms of multiple streams of income. What
knowledge, special skills, or talents do you have that
you could teach? What services can you share that
will be of value and you can get paid to do or share?
Can you consult on something? Is there a product
you could create and sell? What is the monetary val-
ue that people have paid you for these things or will
pay you? Make a list of all the things you could sell
and the income potential.

You must be able to add value to the world and if you

can’t do that then it will be hard to make more money

4. Create your plan to reach your $ goal.

Take your list of valuable services and products you
plan to offer and do the math again. If you have an
hourly rate, how many hours will you need to work to
get to your goal? If you have a product or service to
sell, how many of these will you need to sell to get to
your goal. Make a plan based on these numbers. If
the numbers don’t add up to your goal, look at what
you can do. Find a mentor to support you in leveling
up. Invest in yourself and gain the skills to create the
value which will in turn create income.

5. DO IT!!!!
After you have your plan, it is time to execute. You will
need to take MASSIVE ACTION EVERY DAY like never
before in your life. You need to create MOMENTUM.
There will be setbacks but you must keep pushing
towards your goal. You will surprise yourself. Be con-
sistent and push yourself to reach your dream num-


Write Out Numbers


Relationships Are Key

One of the most important skills millionaires have mastered

to grow in business and life is relationships.

The ability to relate to others and build trust is the foundation

for success.


As a kid, I was goofy and awkward and insecure. I didn’t know
intuitively how to relate to others.

I learned through my experiences on sports teams how to be

a team player. I have also spent years studying how to im-
prove my relationships, not only in business but with my fam-
ily and my friends.

I was terrified of public speaking until I made the decision to

join Toastmasters and face my fear every week at the

I invested in learning the skills I would need to have in order to

build relationships as well. I have done a lot by trial and error.

I have invested in personal development and increased my

emotional intelligence. I have practiced being a powerful lis-
tener, learning about body language and how to position my-
self in conversations.


These are some of the things I recommend you do to improve
your relationship skills with your mentors.

Nothing has made a bigger difference in my career and per-
sonal life than learning how to develop strong, real relation-
ships with people who were a few (or many) steps ahead of
me. You could call these people influencers.

A lot of people reach out to influencers because they want


If you want to reach out to an influencer, you need to think

about what you can give to them.

I look at the thing that means the most to them, something

meaningful to them in their personal life. Find ways to reach
out and connect to the heart of what matters most to them.

Eliminate your wants and only focus on giving, giving, giving.

Reach out in terms of supporting them, giving to them, con-

necting them with the right person. Look at the thing that
means the most to them--a charity, a foundation, usually not
necessarily what they do but what they care about in their
personal life.



Find out everything you can about this person. Who


they are, what they want in life. Read their books,
follow them online, understand as much as you can
about them. See what has been happening in their
life. Do the research and find out what they really care
about. Know something that adds value to them and
show that you understand who they are.


Find out what they are up to in life--maybe they
are launching a book and they need a launch team,
maybe they have a show coming out or they have a
foundation they need support with promotion. Step
into their shoes and think about what would support
them to achieve their goals. Find out what’s missing
and approach it by thinking “if I was this person, what
would support me to achieve my goals?” Find out
how to deliver that.

One of the things I did early on when I was on Linke-
dIn every day for a year and a half was be the champi-
on of every person’s network. I reached out to people
and asked them what they were in need of, and then
I would link them to the people I knew or found the
people that could help. I did it with urgency and at-
tention to detail...I made sure to get the influencers
exactly what they needed. Make sure you become
the champion of someone’s network; you will always
be remembered because you are the connector.


The goal is to be patient. I don’t think about what I can
get from this person. I may spend a year reaching out,
then finally have the opportunity to connect, and then
it may be a few years before I ask them for something


right away. Don’t come with an agenda, just give
without expectation. Sometimes the influencer will
offer just because of what you give!

Be a presence of value over time.

In addition to seeking mentors, you should continue to reach

out to people in your network and find ways to support and
add value to them.

Below, I want you to make a list of 5 people in your network.

These are people whose relationship you value. It doesn’t
matter if they’re older or younger than you, it doesn’t matter
if they’re in the same profession as you, and it doesn’t even
matter if you haven’t met them in person yet!

The best ways to support these people is to ask them how

you can support them.

Support looks different to everyone.

Maybe you can show support by showing up to their events,

or promoting their next project. So first, ask them, and then
follow through and always think of how you can add value to
the other person.

If you’re flaky, people will not invest in long term relationships

with you.

The more you are yourself, and the more reliable you are, the
more authentic these relationships will be. People want to be
friends with real people.

You should also let them know how they can support you as
well. Invite them to things that you know they would enjoy
and you have a connection to. Pass along recommendations
that you think they might find interesting.


Send them a text or note of acknowledgment on random oc-
casions without an ask attached.

Remember, this all takes time. Quality relationships don’t

happen overnight.

Showing up consistently for people over the long haul speaks

way more than any words you can say.

If you want to stand out in your relationships, show up, be

your word, be a good person, and always think of how you
can add value.

The good news is anyone is capable of doing this if they just

practice the right habits and come at it with the right intention.

Now below, write down the 1 mentor you’re committed to

reaching out to, and the 5 people in your network you are
committed to connecting with and supporting.


Consistent Massive Action


Even if you are busting your ass at a 9 to 5 job, and you have
a family and a second job, or a business, you can take the few
moments that you do have, even once a week, to aim toward
your goals.

If you are spending any time watching television or scrolling

social media mindlessly, those are windows when you can be
working towards your goals.

Get yourself 100% focused on your Money Vision and use the
time you have to take consistent action towards those goals.

One of the biggest hold-ups I see in my students and coach-

ing clients is that they don’t have clarity on what they really
want. And, if they do, they haven’t outlined how they are going
to get there.

One of the biggest setbacks to dreams becoming realities is

that the “getting started” part is overwhelming.

That’s understandable, but it’s not going to get you where you
want to go.

You’ve got to understand how to start before you can under-

stand how to achieve.

When I started working on my dreams, I had no clue how to


get to my end goal.

But I took action anyway.

My process can be summed up in two steps.

First, research how to achieve your dream. Learn from the

best. Then take the leap.

Second, be committed to doing whatever it takes. Play to

your strengths.

Set your sights on the goals that will get you to your final

Stay true to your intentions.

Hold yourself accountable by telling others.

This book provides amazing exercises for you if you’re willing

to step into action, but you need to be willing to put in the

You need to be committed to your own success.

You need to be willing to do the tough things - like waking up

early and putting your phone down before bed.

These are the things that are going to make a difference in

your life and help you build your empire.

Be dedicated and committed to taking action. If you do, you’ll

experience an amazing journey.

If you want to get rich, learn to hack systems in the market. If

you want your money and work to mean something, learn to
add value, and convert that value into wealth.


The intention of this booklet is to add value to your life to help
you get started on creating your Money Vision and your mil-
lionaire morning routines.

But one of the most challenging things you’ll face is staying

committed to your habits, goals, routines, and intentions.

That’s why I created a free group on Facebook for you and

other Millionaire Morning members.

Search “Millionaire Morning with Lewis Howes” on Facebook

and request to join the group.

Make sure you join our Facebook group, as we’ll be hold-

ing people accountable and committed consistently every

Remember, sharing is caring, so if you know someone who

would LOVE this free booklet, a friend who is working towards
building their millionaire life, send them to:

Be sure to tag me on Facebook and Instagram: @lewishowes.

If you found value from this book, I would love to hear your
story of how this has impacted your life. I love getting emails
and DM’s and messages about how this has helped you on
your path to greatness!

Please also share this out to everyone you think can benefit
from it and let your friends know where you got this booklet
from. If you want to learn more about my other programs and
courses, we have more information in the back of this booklet
so you can join our community in a bigger way!



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