(ATP) Basic Counseling Skills
(ATP) Basic Counseling Skills
(ATP) Basic Counseling Skills
The Client
The young man sought out assistance from the Peer Educators’ Club, where I was working at
that time. After some brief introductions during an orientation session, we agreed on a date, time
and private venue that we would meet, for numerous sessions. During the first few, he eventually
revealed that he was facing overwhelming pressure from home; a baggage which he said he has
shouldered throughout his academic years. I resolved to assist him to the best of my ability.
Counseling Skills
These are tools that any counselor uses during the counseling process, assisting the exploration
of issues presented by clients in the counseling session. These are indispensable to any
counselor; professional or otherwise.
a) Attending Skills
This set of skills help the counselor ‘attend’ to clients. The focus, however, will be the following
that were used during the counseling sessions, as mentioned;
Active Listening, for example, is used by paying utmost attention to what the client is saying. It
is imperative that they avoid any form of distractors and distractions. During the first session,
there were numerous times when the young student kept picking up his phone, as he received
calls that unfortunately and repeatedly interrupted the session. Luckily, this mistake was
corrected immediately and avoided during the next remaining sessions.
Observation, as well, is utilized by picking on the client’s body language or non-verbal
communication. These include body posture, facial expressions and gestures. In the young
student’s case, during the first few sessions, his sitting position was always stiff and upright, with
the tendency to look away from my face. Gladly, it changed to a more relaxed posture over time.
In addition, he would occasionally frown or wince at the mention of his parents or academics; an
apparent sign of a sensitive topic.
b) Responding Skills
This set of skills assist the counselor in responding appropriately to a client. The focus is drawn
to the following that were used during the counseling process;
Questioning, simply put, means asking questions. However, they must be the right questions,
and must be phrased in a type of way. Hence why they are classified into; open-ended, close-
ended, pre-determined, curiosity and rapid fire. In the case of the young student, during the third
session, he actively ranted about his academic life, upon which I asked, “What can you tell me
about your academics?”, which is an open-ended question I sought out to use, inorder to
understand his own perspective on the matter.
Summarization, which means bringing together the issues explored during the counseling
session. This helps to focus on important issues. In our case, at the beginning of every session
(minus the first one), I would remind the young man about everything we had agreed on during
the previous session. In addition, at the end of every session, I would sum up everything that we
had explored during that session.
Reflecting Feelings, a skill that allows the counselor to experience feelings with the client,
letting them know that they are aware of the client’s feelings. In our case, I utilized this,
particularly when the young man got emotional when talking about the overwhelming pressure
he always felt, one that resulted from his need to succeed. In addition, he spoke about his
guardians fondly, but in contrast, he flinched when I asked about their opinion on his academics.
Evaluation of Skills
Overall, the entire process began a bit rough, but smoothened out onwards, till the very end.
Thanks to the skills employed throughout the entire counseling process, I not only understood
and comprehended the issues brought up during the sessions, but also grasped the basic
understanding of every skill that I used and those that deliberately left out. As a counselor, I felt
proud of myself after the final session. Particularly, when the young man spoke about how
lighter and healthier he felt.
Arizona State University Online (2022) - https://asuonline.asu.edu/newsroom/online-
Online Counseling Programs (2020) - https://onlinecounselingprograms.com/become-a-
PositivePychology.Com (2021) - https://positivepsychology.com/counseling-
Counseling Tutor (2024) - https://counsellingtutor.com/basic-counselling-skills/