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A Mini-Review On Membrane Fouling

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Bioresource Technology 122 (2012) 27–34

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A mini-review on membrane fouling

Wenshan Guo a, Huu-Hao Ngo a,⇑, Jianxin Li b,c
Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney, P.O. Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia
Laboratory for Membrane Materials and Separation Technology, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, PR China
State Key Laboratory of Hollow Fiber Membrane Materials and Processes, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300160, PR China

h i g h l i g h t s

" The cause, fouling phenomena and fouling mechanisms of membrane fouling are reviewed.
" Better understanding of fouling in membrane applications is provided.
" The predominant foulants in various membrane applications are reviewed.
" Different fouling mechanisms can provide a really complex matrix.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: During the last decades, the interest of using membrane technology has emerged in wastewater treat-
Available online 2 May 2012 ment as well as drinking water and process water production. However, the impediment of the mem-
brane technology is the fouling problem and consequently higher operating and membrane
Keywords: replacement cost. Hence, better understanding of membrane fouling is not only the key to solve the prob-
Membrane fouling lems, but also is one of the main factors driving membrane technology forward. This mini-review paper
Particulate/colloidal fouling identifies the major foulants and the principal membrane fouling mechanisms such as pore blocking, cake
Organic and inorganic fouling
formation, concentration polarization, organic adsorption, inorganic precipitation and biological fouling.
Fouling mechanisms
It also gives a holistic review about different fouling phenomena during the application of membrane
separation technologies in water and wastewater treatment, with specific references to various problems,
membranes, treatment processes and its practical applications.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO)) in gen-
eral and membrane bioreactors (MBRs) in particular have been
Membrane based separations have gained increasing popularity widely applied to for advanced water and wastewater treatment.
over the last three decades and become one of the most promising However, as various factors govern the operating cost of a mem-
technologies for the 21st century. As an advanced wastewater brane system, such as power requirements, costs of power, labor,
treatment technology, membrane technology has been playing a materials, membrane cleaning, scale inhibition and membrane life
key role in lower pollutant levels in purifying and/or concentrating and replacement, some limitations remain in using membranes for
a wide variety of fluids from water and wastewater to pharmaceu- water and wastewater treatment (Bennett, 2005). The major obsta-
tical and chemical products. Membrane processes are of great cle for the application of membrane processes is the rapid decline
interest because they reduce the number of unit operations, of the permeate flux over time as a result of membrane fouling.
recycle process water, and recover valuable products for other That is to say, membrane efficiency and membrane fouling present
applications. They have also been considered as attractive alterna- the significant challenges for RO, NF, UF and MF related technolo-
tives compared to conventional wastewater treatment processes gies (Frost and Sullivan et al., 2007). Hence, the aims of this paper
due to their inherent advantages such as selective separation, con- are to addresses the major issues on fouling in various membrane
tinuous and automatic operation, easy and well-arranged process applications, as well as offer a comprehensive overview about dif-
conduction, purification without the addition of chemicals, easy ferent foulants and fouling mechanisms.
scale-up and low space requirement (Sonune and Ghate, 2004).
Therefore, membrane techniques (e.g. microfiltration (MF), ultrafil- 2. Membrane foulants, fouling type and mechanisms

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 2 9514 1693; fax: +61 2 9514 2633. Membrane systems can be operated in either constant perme-
E-mail address: (H.-H. Ngo). ate flux (flow rate per unit membrane area, L/m2 h) with variable

0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28 W. Guo et al. / Bioresource Technology 122 (2012) 27–34

transmembrane pressure (TMP) or constant TMP with variable Raw waters contain a wide distribution of fine particles, dis-
permeate flux. The former mode is the common one. Based on solved organic compounds, colloids, less soluble salts and biologi-
the operating TMP, membranes for water treatment and reuse cal growth that can cause membrane fouling. Fouling by different
can be broadly categorizes as low pressure membranes (LPMs) foulants can be considered to occur by different mechanisms. Re-
and high pressure membranes (HPMs). LPMs include microfiltra- cent research has identified six principal fouling mechanisms: (i)
tion (MF) and loose ultrafiltration (UF) membranes, which are pore blocking, (ii) cake formation, (iii) concentration polarization,
operated at relatively low TMPs, typically less than 100–200 kPa. (iv) organic adsorption, (v) inorganic precipitation, and (vi) biolog-
On the other hand, HPMs such as tight UF, nanofiltration (NF) ical fouling.
and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes are operated at relatively
high TMPs (>200 kPa).
Membrane fouling occurs during an increase in TMP to main- 3. Particulate/colloidal fouling
tain a particular flux or during a decrease in flux when the system
is operated at constant pressure. Membrane fouling can be classi- Particulate matter in natural waters and wastewaters has been
fied as reversible fouling and irreversible fouling, of which the dis- classified by Rudolfs and Balmat (1952) in the following categories:
tinction is entirely dependent on the context in which membranes Settleable solids > 100 lm
are operated and cleaned. Reversible fouling (including backwash- Supra-Colloidal solids 1 lm to 100 lm
able and non-backwashable) occurs due to the cake layer or Colloidal solids 0.001 lm (10 Å) to 1 lm
concentration polarization of materials at the membrane rejection Dissolved solids < 10 Å
surface. Membrane with backwashable reversible fouling can be Colloids cover a wide size range, from a few nanometers to a
restored through appropriate physical washing protocol such as few micrometers. Aquatic colloids comprise corrosion products,
backwashing or hydrodynamic scouring (surface washing), while silt and clay, precipitated crystals, colloidal silica and sulfur,
the non-backwashable reversible fouling only can be removed by precipitated iron and aluminum compounds from incomplete
chemical cleaning. Irreversible fouling occurs by chemisorption treatment. Some high molecular weight (MW) organic substances
and pore plugging mechanisms. In case of irreversible fouling, (e.g. polysaccharide, peptidoglycans, proteins and humic aggre-
the loss in transmembrane flux cannot be recuperated hydro- gates) and their clusters (e.g. cellular debris) are also characterized
dynamically or chemically. This means that the membranes must (to a certain degree) as colloidal foulants since many features of
go through extensive chemical cleaning or be replaced. their behavior are common with those of inorganic colloidal parti-
Fouling of membranes is caused by complex physical and chem- cles (Yiantsios and Karabelas, 1998). Generally, membrane fouling
ical interactions between the various fouling constituents in the by particulates/colloids is attributed to initial pore blocking fol-
feed and between these constituents and the membrane surface. lowed by cake formation (Lim and Bai, 2003).
Mass transport can lead to the attachment, accumulation, or Colloids close to the size of membrane pores can cause pore
adsorption of materials onto membrane surfaces and/or within blocking while those much larger than membrane pores can lead
membrane pores. Previous studies have demonstrated that mem- to cake formation that is more easily removed (Huang et al.,
brane fouling and the characteristics of foulants are determined 2008). Convection, Brownian diffusion, shear-induced diffusion,
by feed water composition, the concentration of the major constit- inertial lift, gravitational settling and lateral migration are the
uents, water chemistry (pH, ionic strength, and divalent cation main transport mechanisms of colloids and fine particles from
concentration), membrane properties (surface morphology, hydro- the bulk of the flowing suspension to the membrane surface, which
phobicity, charge and molecular weight cut-off), temperature, strongly depend on shear rate, particle size and the bulk concentra-
mode of operation and hydrodynamic conditions (initial permeate tion of particles in the feed solution (Belfort et al., 1994). The
flux and crossflow velocity) (Li and Elimelech, 2004). Hence, any mechanisms of particulate/colloidal fouling include pore blocking,
factors that could change the hydrodynamic characteristics of cake formation and concentration polarization (Kennedy et al.,
membrane modules and the chemical characteristics of feed 2003). Pore blocking is the initial phase of particulate fouling as
waters would affect the overall membrane performance (Zhou well as the most severe mode of fouling, which can be described
and Smith, 2002). Consequently, the combined physical and chem- as three different types:
ical effects will control the degree of attachment, as well as will
determine how severe the fouling is and what strategies will be (1) Standard pore blocking: the constriction of the pore opening
effective in controlling it (Pearce, 2007). Normally, foulants can due to deposition of particles around the pore entry;
be classified into the following four categories: (2) Complete pore blocking (pore sealing): the plugging of a
pore; and
 Particulates: inorganic or organic particles/colloids act as fou- (3) Intermediate pore blocking: a combination of the previous
lants which can physically blind the membrane surface and two as the build up of deposited particles begins to bridge
block the pores, or hinder transport to the surface by the devel- the pre openings.
opment of a cake layer;
 Organic: dissolved components and colloids (e.g. humic As additional particles continue to deposit on the initial layer, a
and fulvic acids, hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials cake layer will be developed in the next stage. As soon as the cake
and proteins) which would attach to the membrane by forms, the cake layer will control transport and removal, and effec-
adsorption; tively takes over the role of the membrane. Cake permeability can
 Inorganic: dissolved components (e.g. iron, manganese and sil- be affected by particle shape and size, particle deformability and
ica) which tend to precipitate onto the membrane surface due operating parameters such as TMP (Pearce, 2007). It was observed
to pH change (scaling) or due to oxidation (e.g. iron or manga- that the rate of flux decay increased with increasing TMP, which
nese oxides). Coagulant/flocculant residuals may also be pres- could be caused by the thickness and the compactness of the cake
ent as inorganic foulants; and layer. At high TMP, more particles accumulated on membrane sur-
 Micro-biological organisms: the microbiological category cov- face and there was a high drag force resulting in cake compression.
ers vegetative matter such as algae, and microorganisms such In addition, the cake layer on the membrane surface has been
as bacteria which can adhere to the membranes and cause bio- found to be microstructure, including its surface and cross-section,
fouling (biofilm formation). which consists of numerous irregular pores of different size
W. Guo et al. / Bioresource Technology 122 (2012) 27–34 29

spanning several orders of magnitude in length scales (Meng et al., the short-range interactions between particles such as adsorption,
2005). Since microstructure of cake layer, such as volume fraction van der Waals attraction and electrostatic double layer repulsion
of the pores, relative location of the pores, geometrical structure of could become particularly significant near the membrane wall,
the pores, is a key factor determining membrane permeate flux, where the presence of concentration polarization and the formation
analysis of the filter cake formation mechanism is an effective of surface cake dramatically reduce the distances between particles.
approach to control membrane fouling. The final stage of particulate fouling is concentration polariza-
During soft colloid microfiltration, Hwang and Hsueh (2003) tion (CP). CP is a phenomenon that the concentration of solutes
concluded that the formation of the cake layer is a dynamic process, and/or particles in the vicinity of the membrane surface is higher
which can be divided into the three stages: (1) pore blocking at the than that in the bulk solution, which results in back diffusion into
beginning of filtration, (2) cake formation, and (3) cake compres- the bulk. As the effect of CP depends on water flux and the bound-
sion. In the first stage, the deposition and rearrangement of the col- ary layer mass transfer, the phenomena of CP are inherent to all
loidal particles on the membrane surface cause the overall filtration membrane filtration processes (Song and Elimelech, 1995). CP
resistance to increase. The average porosity and average specific fil- can cause elevated concentration of solutes and particles at the
tration resistance of the cake vary slightly during this period of membrane surface and increase their break through into the per-
filtration. In the second stage, there is a rapid increase in filtration meate stream. Thus, an increase of crossflow velocity, diffusion
resistance and a decrease in cake porosity due to cake compression coefficient of the solute/particle or temperature can reduce CP dur-
and colloid deformation. Then, a compact skin layer begins to be ing the filtration process. However, increased filtration pressure or
formed next to the filter membrane. The skin thickness is about permeate flux increases CP because fouling and CP tend to be
10–20% of the entire cake but this layer exhibits about 90% of the mutually exacerbating. The larger the CP, the more intense would
overall filtration resistance. The average cake porosity increases be the fouling, because the constituents at higher concentration are
gradually in the third stage due to the loose packing in the newly able to interact and deposit more strongly onto the membrane (Lay
formed cake. Shirazi et al. (2010) reviewed a resistance-in-series et al., 2010; Shirazi et al., 2010). For inorganic constituents, CP is
model to evaluate the characteristics of membrane fouling by using typically <2, but for larger and less diffusive molecules, CP could
Darcy’s Law. The model can be expressed as follows: be >5 (Fane, 2005).
In case of RO and NF processes, CP not only increases the poten-
J ¼ DPT =ðl  Rt Þ ð1Þ tial of fouling and deteriorate the quality of the permeate, but also
Rt ¼ Rm þ Rc þ Rf ð2Þ decreases the permeation rate as a result of increased osmotic
pressure (Matsuura, 1994). In other words, CP can be greatly aggra-
Where, J, permeation flux; DPT, transmembrane pressure; l, viscos- vated by the fouling cake due to the hindered back diffusion of
ity of the permeate; Rt, total resistance of membrane filtration; Rm, retained solutes from the fouled-membrane surface to the bulk
intrinsic membrane resistance caused by membrane itself and per- solution, which is known as cake enhanced concentration polariza-
manent resistance; Rc, cake resistance formed by cake layer depos- tion (CECP) or cake enhanced osmotic pressure (CEOP) (Chong
ited over membrane surface; Rf, fouling resistance caused by pore et al., 2008; Hoek and Elimelech, 2003). Under CECP or CEOP con-
plugging and/or solute adsorption onto the membrane pore and dition, the solutes need to diffuse through the tortuous paths with-
surface. in the cake layer and are unable to be exposed to the shear by
In Eq. (1) flux (J) is inversely proportional to total resistance (Rt). tangential flow as experienced in a free flow channel. Eventually,
Assuming constant TMP, less water is filtered with increasing resis- a drop in the effective back diffusion will greatly enhance the con-
tance to flow. centration and the osmotic pressure of solutes at the membrane
For activated sludge related biological treatment, the fractal surface, leading to a loss in the effective TMP. For salt-rejecting
dimension of activated sludge has a significant impact on cake membrane, the physical mechanisms causing enhanced osmotic
layer permeability due to its fractal structure. In general, a low va- pressure are a combination of hindered back-diffusion of salt ions
lue of fractal dimension often reflects a loose structure of sludge and altered crossflow hydrodynamics within colloidal deposit lay-
flocs formed through cluster–cluster aggregation, while compact ers, which lead to an enhanced salt concentration polarization
aggregates formed through particle–cluster mechanisms have high layer. Hence, this effect coupled with the hydraulic resistance of
fractal dimension value. Li et al. (2012) indicated that high fractal the cake layer both contribute towards the overall RO membrane
dimension represented low inner porosity of sludge floc, leading to performance loss.
higher membrane resistance. Lee et al. (2001) also reported that
membrane resistance, cake resistance, fouling resistance due to
irreversible adsorption and pore plugging contributed 12%, 80%, 4. Organic and inorganic fouling
and 8%, respectively to the total resistance of a submerged mem-
brane bioreactor (SMBR). Membrane can be fouled by both dissolved inorganic and or-
For non-porous membranes, particulate fouling is caused by the ganic compounds. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is ubiquitous
accumulation of particles on the membrane surface, which results in surface water and sewage, which can be classified into three dif-
in the formation of cake layer and creates a hydraulic resistance ferent categories according to their origins: (1) refractory natural
to permeate flow through the membrane. For porous membranes, organic matter (NOM) derived from drinking water sources, (2)
pore plugging by particulate matter smaller than the membrane synthetic organic compounds (SOC) added by consumers and dis-
pore size is a main mechanism for particulate fouling in addition infection byproducts (DBPs) generated during disinfection pro-
to cake formation (Zhu and Elimelech, 1997). Howe and Clark cesses of water and wastewater treatment, and (3) soluble
(2002) indicated that particulate matter larger than 0.45 lm was microbial products (SMP) formed during the biological treatment
relatively unimportant in fouling as compared to dissolved matter processes due to decomposition of organic compounds (Drewes
because particulate fouling accumulated during the filtration cycle and Fox, 1999). In drinking water treatment by LPMs (MF/UF),
could be removed during the backwash cycle. Very small colloids, NOM has been identified as a major foulant of polymeric mem-
ranging from 3 to 20 nm in diameter, appeared to be important branes in drinking water applications (AWWA, 2005). Moreover,
membrane foulants. They also mentioned that adsorption was as the major component of DOM is SMP, it can affect both kinetic
demonstrated to be an important mechanism for fouling by col- activity and flocculating properties of activated sludge during bio-
loids. It was also noted in the review of Zhou and Smith (2002) that logical wastewater treatment. It has been reviewed that the
30 W. Guo et al. / Bioresource Technology 122 (2012) 27–34

relative contribution of DOM to membrane fouling in MBR was in concluded that the initiation of fouling can be caused by medium
the range of 26–52% (Tang et al., 2010). to low MW component of NOM (300–1000 Da), where bulk of
NOM is a complex heterogeneous mixture of compounds the fouling observed is due to very high MW ‘colloidal’ NOM
formed as a result of decomposition of animal and plant materials (>50,000 Da). Thus, there are at least three fouling mechanisms be-
in the environment. Most NOM comprise of a range of compounds, cause of NOM:
from small hydrophobic acids, proteins and amino-acids to larger
humic and fulvic acids. The major fraction of NOM is composed 1) The NOM might adsorb in the membrane pores and narrow
of humic substances (HS), which comprise over 50% of the dis- or block the passageways available to the water;
solved organic carbon (DOC) of NOM as well as have both aromatic 2) It might block access to the pores by forming a separate gel
and aliphatic components containing three main functional layer on the membrane surface; and
groups: carboxylic acids (COOH), phenolic alcohols (OH), and 3) In cases both NOM and particles are present, it might bind
methoxy carbonyls (C@O) (Kipton et al., 1992; Yuan and Zydney, particles together to form a low permeability particle/NOM
1999). These complex and heterogeneous compounds (MW range layer on the membrane surface.
from 1000–100,000 Da) can be divided into humic acids, fulvic
acids and humin according to their solubility in acidic (pH) solu- On the basis of comparable DOC concentration, the order of the
tions. Humin is insoluble in water at any pH; humic acid is not sol- fouling potential of the fractionated NOM was consistently hydro-
uble under acidic conditions and precipitates at pH values below 2; philic neutral > hydrophobic acids > transphilic acids > hydrophilic
fulvic acid is soluble under all pH conditions. Some portions of charged (Fan et al., 2001).
them are persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are non-bio- Inorganic compounds can cause fouling when precipitation oc-
degradable and hardly removed by biological secondary treatment curs on the membrane due to hydrolysis and oxidation during fil-
process. The non-humic fractions of NOM are composed of trans- tration. The term ‘mineral scale’ is used to differentiate fouling
philic acids, proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates and account caused by inorganic salt deposits from organic fouling or biofoul-
for 20–40% of the DOC in waters and are less hydrophobic than ing. Two major mechanisms, namely crystallization and particulate
the humic fractions (Fan et al., 2001). fouling, play important roles during scale formation on membrane
Although HS are often present in surface waters, it was shown surface. During crystallization, deposition at the membrane surface
that they constitute a significant fraction of residual organics in occurs due to precipitation of ions, whereas during particulate
secondary effluents (Manka and Rebhun, 1982). The residual or- fouling, deposition occurs due to convective transportation of col-
ganic constituents in treated wastewater effluent are designated loidal particulate matter from the bulk solution to the membrane
as effluent organic matter (EfOM). EfOM represents a range of or- surface. Both of crystallization and particulate fouling are direct re-
ganic compounds measured as DOC or total organic carbon sults of inverse solubility of inorganic salts (Lee and Lee, 2000;
(TOC), which have been characterized as high MW (molecular Sheikholeslami, 2000). Particularly, in NF and RO systems, the dis-
weight) compounds (such as humic and fulvic acids, polysaccha- solved salts are normally concentrated by 4–10 times, and may
rides), proteins, enzymes, structural components of cells and low precipitate on the membrane surface as a result of exceeding their
MW compounds (such as nucleic acids, organic acids, antibiotics solubility. Thus, when higher salt concentration is present in feed
and steroids) (Drewes and Fox, 1999; Xu et al., 2010). Low MW water, greater inorganic scaling propensity and aggravated colloi-
EfOM is prone to adsorb onto a membrane surface and initiate or- dal fouling tend to occur.
ganic fouling and subsequent biofouling. In addition, the intrinsic Compounds commonly present in feed water and with a low
complexity and heterogeneity of EfOM, feed water chemistry (i.e., solubility are calcium carbonate (CaCO3), barium sulfate (BaSO4),
presence of silica and calcium, ionic strength, and solution pH) silica (SiO2) and calcium phosphate (CaSO4) (van de Lisdonk
can affect the interactions among constituents of EfOM and inten- et al., 2000). Potts et al. (1981) found that calcium, magnesium,
sify membrane fouling. carbonate, sulfate, silica and iron are the main inorganic sub-
NOM in natural water significantly influences many aspects of stances that cause fouling of the membrane. In river, groundwater,
water treatment, including the performance of unit processes (i.e. rainfall, seawater and municipal wastewater, the main basic or
oxidation, flocculation and adsorption), application of disinfec- acidic inorganic species that are in equilibrium with precipitates
tants, and biological stability. As a result of the reactions between or potential scaling components consist of OH, F, CO2 2
3 , SO4 ,
NOM and disinfectants such as chlorine, NOM can affect potable ortho-phosphate, and silicic acids. Major cations that account for
water quality in the areas of DBPs formation (trihalomethanes most of the precipitates directly or indirectly in various types of
(THMs), 2,4-dibromophenol (2,4-DBP), haloacetic acids (HAAs) water include Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+, and Al3+ (El-Manharawy and Hafez,
and other halogenated by-products), biological regrowth in the 2001). Xie et al. (2004) studied the possible formation of inorganic
distribution system, color, tastes and odors (Owen et al., 1995). scaling in a municipal wastewater reverse osmosis (MWRO) sys-
In addition, it was NOM is often implicated as a major foulant of tem with MF membrane treated secondary effluent as feed water.
membrane systems (Zhang et al., 2003). The results elucidated that in MWRO reclamation, phosphate and
Lin et al. (2000) observed that the hydrophilic fraction induced carbonate salts are dominant precipitates when feed water is sec-
the worst flux decline despite little rejection of DOC when studying ondary effluent without nutrient removal, even though the degrees
the effects of the characteristics of the fractionated humic acid on of saturation of various sparingly soluble substances are much less
the performance of a negatively charged hydrophobic UF mem- than those in the seawater RO (SWRO) process. Table 1 gives the
brane. Meanwhile, the largest molecules (6.5–22.6 kDa) of both sparingly soluble compounds can be formed and contribute to
hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions caused the greater flux de- membrane scaling during reactions among the cations and anions.
cline. Clark and Heneghan (1991) found hydrophobic membrane Other studies also suggested that membrane fouling due to inor-
suffers more fouling than hydrophilic membrane. Kwon et al. ganic salts is dependent on membrane properties (e.g. porosity,
(2005) showed that highly aromatic hydrophobic acids are respon- roughness, etc.) on the crystallization of inorganic salts, module
sible for significant flux declined through reversible fouling, geometry and membrane materials, feed solution characteristics
whereas irreversible fouling is caused by only a small portion of and operating conditions (e.g. shear rate and operating pressure)
NOM including high MW (>30 kDa) polysaccharides, colloidal (Shirazi et al., 2010). Van Hoof et al. (2002) reported the major
materials, low MW proteins and amino sugars. After testing a organic and inorganic foulants distribution worldwide and the
range of flat sheet MF and UF membranes, Lee et al. (2008) also identified percentages were 50.2, 7.6, 13.5, 4.7, 3.6, 3.7, 2.6 and
W. Guo et al. / Bioresource Technology 122 (2012) 27–34 31

Table 1 mination of EPS or SMP (including soluble polysaccharides and

Inorganic compounds most likely to contribute to scaling in MWRO membrane soluble proteins) concentration relies almost exclusively on carbo-
systems (Xie et al., 2004).
hydrates and protein measurements. Generally, as proteins are
Cations Anions more hydrophobic than carbohydrates and carbohydrates in part
F OH CO32 SO42 PO43 possess the hydrophilic nature, carbohydrate fractions of both
AlF3 Al(OH)3 – – AlPO4
EPS and SMP contributed to higher fouling propensity over that
Ca2+ CaF2 Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 CaSO4 Ca3(PO4)2 of protein fractions (Li et al., 2012; Yigit et al., 2008).
Fe3+ FeF3 Fe(OH)3 – – FePO4 In NF and RO filtration applications, biofouling can influence
Mg2+ MgF2 Mg(OH)2 MgCO3 MgSO4 Mg3(PO4)2 membrane performance by increasing in pressure drop across
membrane elements (feed-concentrate channel), decreasing mem-
brane permeability and sometimes increasing salt passage (Vrou-
14.1 for organic, Fe2O3, SiO2, Al2O3, CaPO4, CaCO3, CaSO4 and other wenvelder et al., 2010a). Vrouwenvelder and van der Kooij
foulants. (2001) studied the biofouling phenomena in 30 membrane ele-
ments (autopsy) for NF or RO collected from 13 plants. Biofouling
was observed at 12 of the 13 pilot plants, indicating that biofouling
5. Biofouling is a serious operational problem in NF and RO membrane filtration
installations. Huertas et al. (2008) examined the performance of NF
One of the most serious operational problems in membrane and RO membranes in removing boron from a synthetic wastewa-
applications is biofouling. Biofouling is defined as undesirable ter effluent. The adverse effects of biofilm growth on permeate flux
accumulation of microorganisms at a phase transition interface decline (down to less than 25% of its initial value) and substantial
(solid–liquid, gas–liquid or liquid–liquid), which may occur by decrease in boron rejection (declined by 45% and 34% for RO, 44%
deposition, growth and metabolism of bacteria cells or flocs on and 13% for NF at the initial influent boron concentrations of 5.5
the membranes. Several sequential steps are generally considered and 1.1 mg B/L, respectively) were attributed to both an increase
to be involved in the progression of biofilm formation, including: in hydraulic resistance to permeate flow due to bacterial EPS and
(i) surface conditioning by formation of a conditioning film (mac- a biofilm-enhanced concentration polarization near the membrane
romolecules, proteins, etc.); (ii) attachment of pioneer planktonic surface. Lee et al. (2009) analysed of organic matter of the biofilm
cells onto surfaces; (iii) formation of microcolonies by primary bio- on the membrane surface. The results showed that macromolecu-
adhesion; and (iv) subsequently development of mature biofilms lar substances such as proteins and carbohydrates were the major
(Sadr Ghayeni et al., 1996; Watnick and Kolter, 2000). Biofilms composites and contributed to the biofilm formation. Xu et al.
may or may not uniformly cover the substratum and minimally (2010) also indicated that membrane fouling was dominated by
consist of one, but usually multiple layers of living and dead micro- biofouling in combination with organic fouling, colloidal fouling
organisms and their associated extracellular products. Bacteria and inorganic scaling during treatment of the nitrified/denitrified
accumulate on membrane by two processes: attachment (bioadhe- effluent using NF and RO membranes.
sion and bioadsorption) and growth (multiplication) (Ivnitsky Generally, biofouling of NF and RO can be prevented by (i)
et al., 2005). The bioadhesion step will depend on the properties reducing the concentration of microorganisms and/or reducing
of the microorganisms, the solution and the surface. the concentration of nutrients by pretreatment, and/or (ii) per-
Nielsen and Jahn (1999) pointed out that the suggested compo- forming preventive/curative cleanings. A combination of pretreat-
nents in the biofilm are the cell biomass and the various extracellular ment and cleaning may be the better way to prevent biofouling.
polymeric substances (EPS). In all biofilms, the EPS fraction was Vrouwenvelder and van der Kooij (2003) conducted autopsies in
found to be the largest fraction, accounted for 50–80% of the total or- 45 NF and RO membrane elements obtained from 16 pilot plants,
ganic matter and protein. EPS are the construction materials for including evaluation of pretreatment and chemical dosed (e.g.
microbial aggregates such as biofilms, and activated sludge flocs. scale inhibitor). They found that chemicals (flocculant, scale-inhib-
The EPS in microbial aggregates have many charged groups (e.g. car- itor) dosed during pretreatment can pose a risk for biofouling.
boxyl, phosphoric, sulfhydryl, phenolic and hydroxyl groups) and However, pretreatment resulting in low values of AOC (assimilable
polar groups (e.g., aromatics, aliphatics in proteins and hydrophobic organic carbon) and BFR (biofilm formation rate) could lead to low
regions in carbohydrates). Since the presence of hydrophilic and risks of biofouling. In a later study, Vrouwenvelder et al. (2010b)
hydrophobic groups in EPS molecules indicates that EPS are ampho- reported phosphate limitation as a method to control biofouling
teric, the hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity of EPS is likely to signifi- of spiral wound RO membranes for a full-scale installation. Under
cantly influence the hydrophobicity of microbial aggregates and orthophosphate limiting conditions, as antiscalant dosage could in-
their formation in bioreactors. The formation of hydrophobic areas crease both phosphate and substrate concentrations of the water,
in EPS could be beneficial for organic pollutant adsorption as well dosing phosphonate based antiscalants could cause biofouling.
as fouling reduction (Sheng et al., 2010). Membrane fouling simulator (MFS) studies showed that low phos-
EPS can also be subdivided into bound EPS and soluble EPS, both phate concentrations (0.3 mg P/L) in the feed water restricted the
of which include bacterially produced polymers, lysis products and pressure drop increase and biomass accumulation, even in the
hydrolysis products. Bound EPS are dissolved/hydrolyzed by bacte- presence of high organic carbon concentrations. Therefore, acids
rial hydrolysis, while soluble EPS are biodegradable and a product or phosphonate-free antiscalants selection may be a feasible ap-
of the dissolution of bound EPS. They consist of different classes of proach to control biofouling.
organic macromolecules such as polysaccharides, proteins, humic In membrane assisted conventional activated sludge processes,
substances, nucleic acids, (phospho)lipids and other polymeric MF or UF membranes can be used either for direct sludge filtration
compounds, and have been found at or outside the cell surface (MBR concept) or as a polishing step after the settler (effluent fil-
and in the intercellular space of microbial aggregates. EPS can be tration concept). In both applications, membrane fouling is a major
released from the microbial aggregates into the water phase and issue. Through six different case studies, Rosenberger et al. (2005)
are then named soluble microbial products (SMP) (Flemming and demonstrated the importance of soluble and colloidal substances
Wingender, 2001; Rosenberger and Kraume, 2002). Normally, in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent and the water
polysaccharides (as carbohydrates) and proteins are assumed to phase of activated sludge from MBR systems based on membrane
be the major fractions that contribute to fouling. Thus, the deter- fouling. Mainly soluble polysaccharides, a part of the bacterial
32 W. Guo et al. / Bioresource Technology 122 (2012) 27–34

Table 2
Important factors related to biofouling of MBRs.

Fouling factors Effects on Biofouling References

MLSS As the MLSS concentration increases, concentration of both protein and carbohydrate fractions of EPS Yigit et al. (2008)
and SMP increases as well as the distribution of particle sizes shifts toward smaller particles and mean
particle size decreases.
OLR or F/M ratio High OLR or F/M ratio induces the generation of SMP and more bound EPS, resulting in decrease of Meng et al. (2007), Rosenberger and
sludge filterability and lower filtration index. Kraume (2002)
Dissolved oxygen Control aeration in MBR is essential. Low dissolved oxygen concentration leads to accumulation of high Fan and Zhou (2007), Jin et al. (2006)
concentration MW compounds in sludge suspension and a less porous biofilm with worse filterability, whereas too
high aeration leads to breakage of sludge flocs and production of SMP.
HRT Decreased HRT results in release of EPS from the bacterial cells, which is responsible for the rise in SMP Fallah et al. (2010), Meng et al. (2007),
and sludge deflocculation. Decreased HRT also causes over growth of filamentous bacteria and the Wang et al. (2009)
formation of large and irregular flocs. However, too high HRT also leads to an accumulation of foulants.
SRT Short SRT has negative impact on membrane due to high concentrations of SMP and bound EPS, Al-Halbouni et al. (2008), Keskes et al.
particularly polysaccharides in the supernatant. At shorter SRT, the concentrations of deposited EPS on (2012), Meng et al. (2009)
membrane are much higher than membrane at higher SRT. Although prolonged SRT is conducive to
sludge concentration and minimise excess biomass production, too long SRT accelerates fouling due to
large amount of foulants and high sludge viscosity. The optimum SRT of MBRs should be controlled at
20–50 days depending on HRT and feedwater quality.
Salinity Higher salt levels greatly affects the physical and biochemical properties of activated sludge, increasing Reid et al. (2006)
SMP and EPS concentrations, as well as decreasing membrane permeability.
Cations in Metal ions play a significant role in formation of fouling layers, which can bridge the deposited cells Arabi and Nakhla (2009), Kim and Jang
feedwater and biopolymers and then form a dense cake layer. Mg is beneficial in reducing membrane fouling due (2006), Meng et al. (2009)
to bridging of negatively charged biopolymers and enhancement of microbial aggregation. Thus, the
fouling rate is lower in the reactor with the higher Mg:Ca ratio. Mg also preferentially binds with
hydrophobic SMP (>100 kDa and <10 kDa) rather than hydrophilic. Rational Ca operation reduces
filamentous bacteria as a result of Ca bridges and increased hydrophobicity of EPS.
Temperature Temperature increase leads to biomass deterioration, increase in SMP and turbidity, and decreased Al-Halbouni et al. (2008)
protein in EPS. However, too low temperature correlates with an increased occurrence of filamentous
bacteria, which produce more SMP in the mixed liquor.
Nutrients Nitrogen deficiency increases the protein level in the EPS, associated with good settling (low SVI) and Sponza (2002)
high negatively charged floc surfaces. Phosphorous deficiency increases SVI values, decreases the
protein content of EPS and surface charge of flocs in activated sludge.

OLR, organic loading rate; SVI, Sludge volume index; HRT, hydraulic retention time; SRT, sludge retention time.

EPS, and organic colloids were found to be the main contributor to fouling fraction and predominated by SMP, presented a relative
membrane fouling and influence the membrane performance in higher concentration of strongly bound proteins.
wastewater filtration applications. They also reviewed that with Table 2 gives some important factors related to biofouling of
an increasing mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) the fouling po- MBRs. Overall, the development of more appropriate strategies to
tential would be reduced when at very low MLSS concentrations control membrane biofouling requires a more thorough under-
(<6 g/L), no impact at medium MLSS concentrations (8–12 g/L), standing of biofilm properties and behavior, especially the early
and more fouling at very high MLSS concentrations (>15 g/L). Other steps in biofilm formation (Zhang et al., 2006). Currently, control
parameters linked to the particulate fraction that are reported to measures for membrane biofouling include intermittent suction,
influence membrane performance are particle size distribution, improving module configurations, improving aeration, reducing
sludge hydrophobicity or sludge viscosity. the concentration of solids in the bioreactor, applying a tangential
Although there are various factors that affect membrane fouling surface shear force, backwashing the membrane module, and add-
of MBR, such as membrane properties, biomass properties, feed- ing exogenous antibacterial agents (Chang et al., 2002; Ramesh
water characteristics and operating conditions, membrane biofoul- et al., 2006).
ing via microbial products plays a critical role in determining the
feasibility of utilizing MBR when comparing with other biological
6. Conclusions
processes. Bound EPS have been noticed as key foulants in MBR
systems. Ramesh et al. (2006, 2007) fractionated bound EPS into
At present, membrane fouling is still the biggest challenge and
tightly bound EPS and loosely bound EPS. They stated that the
the major obstacle for the widespread implementation of mem-
tightly found EPS have the highest fouling potential and the loosely
brane processes. During the treatment, different fouling mecha-
bound EPS contribute most of the filtration resistances of the
nisms can provide a really complex matrix. Once membrane
sludge in MBR. Yamato et al. (2006) reported the bound EPS corre-
fouling occurs, it will reduce permeate flux, increase feed pressure,
lated with membrane fouling as its concentration was higher than
reduce productivity, increase system downtime, increase mem-
10 mg/g SS. Metzger et al. (2007) performed a detailed study to
brane maintenance and operation costs due to membrane cleaning,
provide a unique insight into the composition (protein and
and decrease the lifespan of the membrane modules. Therefore, the
carbohydrate) and spatial distribution of the particulate and solu-
better understanding of overall fouling picture is the prime objective
ble foulants on the membrane surface. The results showed three
to develop proper pretreatment for process train and secure better
distinguished fouling layers. The upper fouling layer consisted of
membrane treatability and producing acceptable effluent qualities.
loosely bound biomass flocs and attached SMP, and was character-
ized by a low specific biopolymer resistance and a high permeabil-
ity. The intermediate layer was composed equally by SMP and Acknowledgements
biomass aggregates, which had a higher concentration of carbohy-
drates and possibly played a significant in the formation of consec- This study was funded by Australian Research Council (ARC)
utive cake layer. The lower layer, representing the irreversible Industry Linkage Grant (LP0882089). The authors are also grateful
W. Guo et al. / Bioresource Technology 122 (2012) 27–34 33

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