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Combining constraint processing and pattern matching to describe and locate

structured motifs in genomic sequences

Patricia Thébault, Simon de Givry, Thomas Schiex, and Christine Gaspin
INRA Biometrics and Artificial Intelligence
Toulouse, France

Abstract allows different regions of the same RNA strand (or of several
RNA strands) to fold together via a variety of interactions to
In molecular biology and bioinformatics, search- build structures that are essential for the biological function.
ing RNA gene occurrences in genomic sequences The level of organization relevant for biological function cor-
is a task whose importance has been renewed by responds to the spatial organization of the entire nucleotides
the recent discovery of numerous functional RNA, chain and is called the tertiary structure. The most prevalent
often interacting with other ligands. Even if several interactions which stabilize folded molecules are stacking and
programs exist for RNA motif search, no program hydrogen bonding between nucleotides on strands oriented
exists that can represent and solve the problem of in antiparallel directions. Similarly to what exists in DNA,
searching for occurrences of RNA motifs in inter- hydrogen bonds appear mostly between specific pairs of nu-
action with other molecules. cleic acids to form G–C and C–G or A–U and U–A bonds.
In this paper, we present a CSP formulation of this Therefore the interactions inside an RNA molecule usually
problem. We represent such RNA as structured involve one part of a molecule and the nucleic acid comple-
motifs that occur on more than one sequence and ment of a another part of the same molecule (for example,
which are related together by possible hybridiza- 5’-ACUCGA-3’ and 5’-UCGAGU-3’), and the two antipar-
tion. Together with pattern matching algorithms, allel regions bind together.
constraint satisfaction techniques have been im- All together, these interactions define the molecule three-
plemented in a prototype MilPat and applied to dimensional structure which is essential to characterize its
search for tRNA and snoRNA genes on genomic function and interactions with other molecules. Due to the
sequences. Results show that these combined tech- difficulty of determining such three dimensional RNA struc-
niques allow to efficiently search for interacting tures, one first explores the so-called RNA secondary struc-
motifs in large genomic sequences and offer a sim- ture, a simplified model of the RNA three dimensional tertiary
ple and extensible framework to solve such prob- structure.
lems. This secondary structure gives only a subset of those inter-
actions represented by C–G, G–C, A–U, and U–A pairs and
provides an important constraint for determining the three di-
1 Introduction mensional structure of RNA molecules.
Our understanding of the role of RNA has changed in recent An RNA molecule secondary structure can be represented
years. Firstly considered as being simply the messenger that on a circular planar graph where the N nucleotides of the se-
converts genetic information from DNA into proteins, RNA is quence are represented as vertices and are connected by edges
now seen as a key regulatory factor in many of the cell’s cru- representing either (along the circle) covalent bonds between
cial functions, affecting a large variety of processes includ- successive nucleotides in the RNA sequence or (inside the
ing plasmid replication, phage development, bacterial viru- circle) hydrogen bonds between nucleotides from different
lence, chromosome structure, DNA transcription, RNA pro- regions. Such a graph gives rise to characteristic secondary
cessing and modification, development control and others (for structural elements (see Fig. 1) such as helices (a succession
review [Storz, 2002]). Consequently, the systematic search of of paired nucleotides), and various kinds of loops (unpaired
non-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes, which produce functional nucleotides surrounded by helices).
RNAs instead of proteins, represents an important challenge. A more complete definition of secondary structure of RNA
RNA sequences can be considered as texts over the four allows for crossing edges in the representation graph making
letter alphabet {A,C, G,U}. Unlike double-stranded DNA, possible the representation of another type of helix usually
RNA molecules are almost exclusively found in an oriented called a pseudoknot (see Fig. 1). RNA structures can also
(left or 5’ to right or 3’) single-stranded form and often fold include nucleotide triples inside triple helices...
into more complex structures than DNA by making use of so This definition extends the usual definition which is of-
called complementary internal sequences. This characteristic ten limited to planar structures (therefore excluding pseudo-
this problem requires (1) to be able to formalize what a sig-
nature is and what it means for such a signature to occur in a
sequence (2) to design algorithms and data-structures that can
A U C A efficiently look for such occurrences in large sequences. For
G C HELIX WITH 1 MISMATCH sufficiently general signatures, this is an NP-complete prob-
G C lem [Vialette, 2004] that combines combinatorial optimiza-
U A tion and pattern matching issues.
U A G G Traditionally, two types of approaches have been used for
G C C A A U C A U A A RNA gene finding: signatures can be modelled as stochastic
C G U A G U A U A context free grammars (excluding pseudo-knots or complex
G U structures) and then searched using relatively time consum-
ing dynamic programming based parsers. This is e.g. used
5’ U
in [Sakakibara et al., 1994; Eddy and Durbin, 1994] for RNA
3’ genes or in [Bockhorst and Craven, 2001] for terminators.
Another approach defines a signature as a set of interre-
Figure 1: A representation of a secondary structure as a planar lated motifs. Occurrences of the signature are sought us-
graph. Thick edges represent covalent bonds. Thin edges rep- ing simple pattern-matching techniques and exhaustive tree
resent hydrogen interactions. Dotted edges represent a pseu- search. Such programs include RnaMot [Gautheret et al.,
doknot. Helices may contain local mismatches which cover 1990], RnaBob [Eddy, 1996], PatScan [Dsouza et al., 1997],
three different types of errors which are: insertions of nu- Palingol [Billoud et al., 1996] and RnaMotif [Macke et al.,
cleotide(s), also called bulges when only on one side, dele- 2001]. Although most allow pseudo-knots to be represented,
tions when the insertion is on the opposite side of the he- they have very variable efficiencies and are all restricted to
lix and internal loops, when nucleotides are located on both single RNA molecule signatures.
sides of the same helix. Insertion and deletion of nucleotides In this paper, we clearly separate the combinatorial aspects
are considered as symmetric operations, an insertion on one from the pattern matching aspect by modelling a signature as
side corresponding to a deletion on the other complementary a CSP. The CSP model captures the combinatorial features of
region. the problem while the constraints use pattern matching tech-
niques to enhance efficiency. This combination offers an ele-
gant and simple way to describe several RNA motifs in inter-
knots and multiple helices) and is always restricted to intra- action and a general purpose efficient algorithm to search for
sequences interactions. occurrences of such motifs.
In this paper, we use the extended definition where the
secondary structure of an RNA gene is defined as the set 2 Methods
of paired nucleotides which appear in the folded RNA, in-
cluding possible pseudoknots, triple helices but also duplexes The CSP formalism (see e.g. [Dechter, 2003]) is a power-
which are possible bindings forming helices with other RNA ful and extensively used framework for describing combi-
molecules. natorial search problems in artificial intelligence and oper-
Screening a sequence database with tools designed for se- ations research. This is usually well adapted to the defi-
quence similarity search quickly reveals similarities between nition of mathematical problems raised by molecular biol-
the query sequence and a range of database sequences. This ogy (see [Gaspin and Westhof, 1994; Muller et al., 1993;
can be achieved for ribosomal rRNA sequences and other Altman et al., 1994; Major et al., 1991; Barahona and Krip-
ncRNAs recently reported in the literature (although it is dif- pahl, 1999]) and has been used to model the structured motif
ficult to establish the beginning and end of the RNA in ques- search problem in [Eidhammer et al., 2001; Policriti et al.,
tion). But the nucleotide sequence of the RNA itself is poorly 2004].
conserved, the observation that the functionally important 2.1 Structured motifs as CSPs
structural regions are usually conserved in an RNA family
(see for example Fig. 2) allows one to search for those ele- The elements that may characterize an RNA gene family are
ments that characterize the family more precisely. usually described:
Thus, the information contained both in the sequence itself • in terms of the gene sequence itself (e.g. it must contain
and the secondary (tertiary) structure can be viewed as a bi- some possibly degenerated pattern);
ological signal to exploit and search for. Thus, whatever the • in terms of the structures the sequence creates: loops,
method, it appears necessary to include both conserved pri- helices, hairpins and possible duplexes with other
mary sequence elements and higher order structure elements molecules;
as signals to screen for. These common structural charac-
teristics can be captured by a signature that represents the • by specifying how these various elements are positioned
structural elements which are conserved inside a set of related relatively to each other.
RNA molecules. A possible occurrence of such a structured motif on a ge-
We focus here on the problem of searching for new mem- nomic sequence can be described by the positions of the var-
bers of a gene family given their common signature. Solving ious elements on the genomic sequence. A true occurrence is
Figure 2: Alignment of a subset of ten sequences of the tRNA family extracted from the RFAM RNA database
( Each line gives the tRNA gene sequence. Both sides of each helix are under-
lined for each sequence of the alignment. Consensus helices are identified by boxes at the end of the alignment. tRNA genes
include four helices corresponding respectively to helix 1 called A-stem (7 nucleotide pairs), helix 2 called D-stem (from 3 to
4 nucleotide pairs), helix 3 called C-stem (5 nucleotide pairs) and the last fourth helix, called, T-stem (5 nucleotide pairs). Six
loops corresponding respectively to the single strand between A-stem and D-stem (sequence UN with U invariant), D-loop (4 to
14 nucleotides), the single strand between D-stem and C-stem (one nucleotide), C-loop ( 6 to 60 nucleotides), the single strand
between C-stem and T-stem (also called V-loop, 2 to 22 nucleotides), T-loop (NUC) allow to build a signature of the family.
Note several hundred tRNA sequences are now available from biological databanks (see in particular RFAM).

such that the required patterns, structures actually appear in An example of possible use of this constraint is illustrated in
the genomic sequence and are correctly positioned relatively Fig. 3(1) where variable x1 is constrained to a position where
to each other. Note that a genomic sequence is represented as the AGGGCUAG pattern must appear with no error. A posi-
a string defined over the RNA alphabet {A,U, G,C}. tion satisfying this constraint (or occurrence of the pattern) is
A natural CSP model emerges from this description: the indicated by the arrow.
variables will represent the positions on the nucleotide se-
distance[lmin , lmax ](xi1 , xi2 )
quence of the elements of the description. More formally,
each variable xi ∈ X will represent a position on an associated this binary constraint is use to enforce the relative position of
RNA sequence (denoted ti ). The initial domain of variable xi , elements. It is satisfied iff
unless otherwise stated, will therefore be equal to [1, |ti |]. In lmin ≤ xi2 − xi1 ≤ lmax
order to represent information on required patterns, structures
and on relative positions of these elements, constraints will The parameters lmin , lmax specify the bounds for the differ-
be used. To describe a constraint we separate the variables ence between the two position variables. It is a simple usual
xi , ..., x j involved in the constraint (its scope) and possible ex- arithmetic constraint.
tra parameters p1 , ..., pk that influence the actual combination
of values that are authorized by the constraint. Such a con- helix[rule, error, typeerr , lmin , lmax , bmin , bmax ](xi1 , xi2 , xi3 , xi4 )
straint will be denoted as name[p1 , ..., pk ](xi , ..., x j ). We now this 4-ary constraint is used to enforce the existence of an he-
introduce the basic constraint types which are useful for RNA lix between the sequence regions delimited by [xi1 , xi2 ] and
signature expression: [xi3 , xi4 ]. This constraint assumes that the four variables are
related to the same sequence (it models intra-sequence in-
composition[word, error, typeerr ](xi ) teractions) and each region represents a substring of this se-
this unary constraint is satisfied iff some given sequence (a quence. The length and distances between these regions are
pattern) occurs at position xi on sequence ti . The pattern that also constrained. The constraint must be specified by the fol-
must occur is specified by the following constraint parame- lowing parameters:
ters: • rule: a binary relation on the RNA alphabet that char-
acterizes which pairs of nucleotides are allowed inside
• word is a word on the so-called IUPAC alphabet which an helix. For an RNA helix, one typically uses Watson-
includes meta-characters that match several characters Crick (A-U and G-C) pairs,possibly extended with Wob-
of the RNA alphabet. ble (G-U) pairing.
• error specifies the maximum number of tolerated mis- • error: the maximum number of tolerated mismatches be-
matches between an occurrence and the specified string. tween the two regions (nucleotides that do not satisfy the
• typeerr indicates if the error count is interpreted under previous paring relation).
the Hamming or Levenstein distance metric [Smith and • typeerr : the Hamming or Levenstein distance metric for
Waterman, 1981]. error counts.
(case 2)

(case 1)
X2 X3
X2 X3 [1...t] [1...t]

X1 X1 [1...t]

[1...t] [1...t]
X 1 X4
X1 X4

genomic sequence

target sequence

X1 X2
[1...t] [1...t] X1 X2

[1...t] [1...t] Y3 Y4
Y3 Y4

(case 3)
genomic sequence

X2 X6
X1 X2

X4 X3
X6 X5

X7 X8 X1 X4 X5

X1 X2
[1...t] [1...t] X2 X3 X6
X4 [1...t] [1...t] [1...t]
[1...t] [1...t]

[1...t] [1...t]
X 6 [1...t] [1...t] [1...t]
[1...t] [1...t]
X 1 X4 X5
X 7 X8

(case 4) (case 5)

Figure 3: Basic constraints. (case 1): occurrence of a pattern at one position (variable). The constraint graph contains one
variable with a unary constraint represented by a loop. (case 2): an helix and a loop defined by two related segments separated
by specified lengths. The constraint graph contains four variables, four implicit distance constraints represented by edges
and one hyper-edge (for the helix constraint) connecting all four variables with a rectangle in the middle. (case 3): a duplex
composed of two independent substrings (from two sequences). The constraint graph is similar to the previous one (two distance
constraints are removed). (cases 4 and 5): two helix constraints can describe a pseudo-knot (4) or a triple helix (5).

• lmin , lmax : the interval specifying possible lengths of the • lmin , lmax : the interval specifying possible lengths of the
two substrings. two substrings.
The constraint is illustrated in Fig. 3(3) involving x1 , x2 (on
• bmin , bmax : the interval specifying the possible distance one sequence) and y3 and y4 on another sequence. Values
between the two substrings (i.e., xi3 − xi3 ). satisfying the constraint (an occurrence) is indicated by the
This constraint is illustrated in Fig. 3(2), involving variables Note that together these constraints can describe more
x1 , x2 , x3 and x4 . Assuming Watson-Crick pairing, no error complex structures like pseudo-knots (Fig. 3(4)), triple he-
and suitable lengths, the constraint is satisfied for the values lices (Fig. 3(5)), and so on.
indicated by arrows on the sequence below. The flexibility of the CSP formalism using simply the four
previous basic constraints can be illustrated on famous RNA
duplex[lmin , lmax ](x1 , x2 , y3 , y4 ) gene families. The tRNA signature is represented in Fig. 4
this 4-ary constraint is used to enforce the existence of a where tRNA genes include four helices. The corresponding
(Watson-Crick based) duplex between the regions delimited CSP is build from 16 variables (the variable numbering fol-
by [x1 , x2 ] and [y3 , y4 ]. Although semantically equivalent lows the 3’ → 5’ orientation) with 15 distance constraints
to the previous one, it does not assume that the two sub- (one constraint between each successive pair of variables), 2
strings represented by the two regions belong to the same composition constraints and 4 helix constraints.
sequence. This has important computational impact. Only The same process can be applied to the snoRNA signa-
Watson-Crick pairing is considered. This constraint is used ture depicted in Fig. 5. snoRNA genes include a C box
to model RNA-RNA interactions between possibly different (RUGAUGA) with one error allowed, a single strand from
molecules. 22 to 44 nucleotides, a duplex with a target RNA from 9
Figure 5: Signature of snoRNA genes family including its
target interaction.

already explored).
Dedicated constraint propagation
For each type of constraint, we developed specific filtering
algorithm using appropriate pattern matching algorithms (ex-
cept for the distance constraint where we used the filtering
Figure 4: (A) Signature of tRNA genes family. White cir- algorithm described in [Hentenryck et al., 1992]):
cles : nucleotides with unknown composition, black circles • composition[...](xi ): to enforce arc consistency on
: known composition, little circles : number of nucleotides the lower bound of the domain of xi , one can simply
given by an interval, and edge : interaction between two nu- update this to the position of the first occurrence of the
cleotides. (B) Corresponding CSP model. pattern after lbi in the text ti . To find this occurrence, the
algorithm of Baeza-Yates and Manber [Baeza-Yaltes and
Gonnet, 1992; Wu and Manber, 1991] is used. This algo-
to 15 nucleotides and a D box (CUGA) with one error al-
rithm is based on a boolean representation of the search
lowed. The corresponding CSP is build from 4 variables cor-
state and exploit the intrinsic parallelism of bitwise logi-
responding to positions on the genomic sequence and a pair
cal operations in modern CPU. It has a linear complexity
of additional variables associated with the target RNA. The
for exact string search and a complexity in O(m × n) for
first set of variables is linked with 3 distance constraints
the Levenstein distance (m being the length of the text
and 2 composition constraints. The second set with one
and n that of the pattern sought). A similar processing
distance constraint. Both sets are connected through one
can be done on the other bound (but is not used in our
duplex constraint.
2.2 Algorithms and implementation • helix[...](xi1 , xi2 , xi3 , xi4 ): Consider for example vari-
Given such CSPs, our problem is to find all solutions. Com- able xi1 . To filter xi domain, we must find the first helix
pared to usual applications of the CSP formalism, this one is (a support) that satisfies the parameters of the constraint.
characterized by the potential huge domain size (the length By first we mean the helix with the smallest position of
of a complete pseudo-molecule can be greater than several the 5’ extremity of the first arm (pointed by x1 ). The
million of nucleotides) and its specific constraint types (ex- problem for helices (which can be seen as two related
cept for the distance constraint which is a usual arithmetic substrings) is more complex than for composition
constraint). For efficiency and memory space reasons, it is since the two strings are initially unknown. This makes
not possible to represent variable domains exhaustively and to it impossible to use string matching algorithms rely-
enforce arc consistency on them. As it is done in Constraint ing on a preprocessing of the string searched. The
Programming [Dechter, 2003], we represent the domain of most naive approach that successively tries all possi-
each variable xi by an interval [lbi , ubi ] and reason only on ble positions for the first and second string is obviously
domain bounds as done in arc-bound consistency [Lhomme, quadratic. However, in our case, the distance between
1993]. This limited bound filtering is done at each node inside the regions where the words may appear is constrained
a usual tree search algorithm. For n-ary constraints, the typ- by the length parameters bmin and bmax . Together with
ical form of local consistency used enforces the fact that the parameters lmin and lmax , this makes the complexity of
bounds in the domain of one variable in the constraint scope the naive approach linear in the text length. This is there-
must participate in at least one tuple that is authorized by the fore the method implemented. A similar approach can
constraint and the other domains. The exploration method we be used for other bounds.
used is a depth-first search algorithm with a refutation mech- • duplex[...](x1 , x2 , y3 , y4 ): this constraint differs from
anism (during backtracks, it propagates the removal of values the previous one by the precise fact that there is no
UACUACA Software E. coli S. cereviciae
1234567 A C (genome size) (4.6106 ) (12.07106 )
PatScan 1 min. 32 1 h 40



U A RnaMotif 4 s. 8h40


C RnaMot 2 min. 92 h
CUAC U M IL PAT (order A) 39 s 1 h52

M IL PAT (order B) 39 s 20 min.



Figure 6: The k factor tree (with k = 4) for UACUACA. This Table 1: Comparison of the time efficiency.
data structure represents the set of substrings of length 4 of
the text. between D-stem and C-stem (one nucleotide), C-loop ( 6 to
60 nucleotides), the single strand between C-stem and T-stem
possible bmin and bmax parameters since the two in- (also called V-loop, 2 to 22 nucleotides), T-loop (NUC).
teracting substrings do not necessarily appear on the The signature of tRNAs used here is deliberately a simple
same sequence. The previous naive approach is there- one that can be modelled in all existing general purpose tools.
fore impractical. We decided to use a specialized ver- We have concentrated on finding sequences that can adopt
sion of suffix-trees [McCreight, 1976; Ukkonen, 1992] a cloverleaf-like secondary structure within given ranges of
that captures occurrences of patterns of bounded length. stem and loop lengths. We searched the Escherichia coli and
This data structure, called a k-factor tree [Allali and Saccharomyces cerevisiae genomes.
Sagot, 2003] allows to perform string search in time We compared the time execution of M IL PAT with three
linear in the length of the pattern searched (indepen- other general purpose programs. The tRNA signature used
dently of the text length). The data structure, illustrated in our comparisons is from Gautheret and al. [Gautheret et
in Fig. 6, is built once before the search, in space and al., 1990]. It includes four helices constraints, 14 distance
time linear in the length of the text [McCreight, 1976; constraints and 2 composition constraints (see Fig. 4). The
Ukkonen, 1992]. The associated filtering algorithm does results of this comparison are shown in Table 1. For each
not enforce generalized bound arc consistency but is genome search test, all the programs gave the same number
only triggered when one of the two variables x1 or y3 of solutions (545 solutions are found for the E. coli genome
is assigned. All the occurrences of the Watson-Crick re- and 849982 for the S. cerevisiae genome).
verse complement can then be efficiently found in the On the computing efficiency basis, three groups may be
k-factor tree and used to update the bounds of the other formed from the slowest to the fastest: (i) RnaMot and
variables (the position of the first and last possible oc- RnaMotif, (ii) Patscan and M IL PAT with variable selection
currences define the new bounds). order A, and (iii) M IL PAT with variable selection order B. It
is well known that variable assignment order may have a sig-
Because these constraint propagation are quite expensive
nificant influence on efficiency. The static order A used by
compared to the simple distance constraint, and in or-
M IL PAT consists in ordering variables according to the topo-
der to avoid repeated useless applications of the filtering al-
logical order of the elements in the structured motif, from 5’
gorithms, once a support is found it is memorized and will
to 3’. Order B is a dynamic order following the first fail prin-
not be sought again until one of its value is deleted (as in
ciple: most constrained variables are chosen first by the back-
AC2001 [Bessiere and Regin, 2001]).
track algorithm. Without this order, M IL PAT already has an
execution time close to the most efficient program, PatScan.
3 Results and discussion Just changing the order leads to an early pruning of the search
This approach has been implemented in C++ and results in a tree and a considerably improved execution speed for Saccha-
specific solver called M IL PAT: Motifs and Inter-moLecular romyces cerevisiae.
motifs searching tool using csP formAlism and solving
Techniques. We tested our approach on different RNA gene 3.2 snoRNAs
search problems in order to assess its efficiency and mod- To validate the ability of M IL PAT to model interactions be-
elling capacities. tween different molecules, we performed a computational
scan of the Pyrococcus abyssi genome for C/D snoRNA
3.1 tRNAs genes. Since no existing general purpose tool allows to model
The tRNA structure and sequence profiles are perhaps the best interaction between a snoRNA and its target, we compared
studied among RNAs; hence, they are very appropriate for a M IL PAT to Snoscan, a tailored software for the C/D snoRNA
first benchmarking. genes. This program sequentially identifies six specific com-
tRNA genes include four helices corresponding respec- ponents of these genes (see Fig. 5): a RUGAUGA string (so
tively to A-stem (7 nucleotide pairs), D-stem (from 3 to 4 called C box), a sequence region, able to form a duplex with
nucleotide pairs), C-stem (5 nucleotide pairs) and T-stem (5 another “target” sequence and a CUGA string (so called D
nucleotide pairs), six loops corresponding respectively to the box). We used a S. cerevisiae tailored version of snoScan as
single strand between A-stem and D-stem (sequence UN with no archae-bacteria version is available. This fact probably ex-
U invariant), D-loop (4 to 14 nucleotides), the single strand plains the limited sensitivity shown in Table 2. The descriptor
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