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Professor of Botany
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Translated from the Hebrew by SYBIL BROmO·ALTMAN



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2 THE CELL ••......•..•••...•.•••.....•.....•.

3 MERISTEMS . . ., . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 44

Mature Tissues
4 PARENCHYMA ............................. 73
5 COLLENCHYMA ....... .
..................... 80
6 SCLERENCHYMA ..........•....•..............
7 XYLEM ••.•.••.• ,.,.. . • • . • . . . . . •. . . . . • . . •. . •. . . . .• 102
I I .
8 PHLOEM •.•••••••....••••••.••.•.•.•••.•...•.••. 118
9 LATICIFERS .•...•..•.....•.•.....••.•.••..••••. 130
10 EPIDERMIS...................................... 137
I •

Primary Vegetative Body Of the Plant

II THE STEM ................................... 162
12 THE LEAF ...................................
13 THE ROOT ..........................

Secondary Body of the Plant

14 VASCULAR CAMBIUM •.••..•.••.•...••••.....••
15 SECONDARY XYLEM .•••.....•.••...•.•........ 286

16 SECONDARY PHLOEM •.••..•••••.•.•..••..••... 325

17 PERIDERM ••..•.•••..•.•....••..•..•••. -•••..• 331


.............. 349
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Copyright © J 967

First English Edition 1967

Reprinted with corrections 1969
r-- Reprinted 1972 - ___--,
I r~!~iral Ph,l! lti~., Cri)"H

" CAL I CUl-67JOll
N D. .s;- r-:t I

Original Hebrew book _published by

Hakkibutz Hameuhad Publishing House Ltd.

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 66--24822

Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co., Exeter

08 011943 3

PLANT anatomy is a basic science and as such is of great importance to stu-

dents of all the plant sciences. Without a thorough knowledge of this field
the physiological processes carried out within the plant and the phylogene-
tic relationships between the various plant groups cannot be fully under-
stood. The detailed study of the elements and tissues of which the plant
is constructed enables a better understanding of adaptation to special
functions as well as of the adaptation of entire plants to different environ-
mental conditions. Without a thorough knowledge of the anatomical and
histological structure of plants the results of physiological and ecological
oxperiments, for instance, may be incorrectly interpreted. Also, to-day no
~onclusive opinions on evolutionary trends or taxonomic relationships can
be suggested on the traditional basis of the study of external morphological
characteristics alone; it is now necessary to support such work by the use
of the many and varied anatomical and histological characters, which can
be observed only from microscopic, and even submicf9scopic, investigation.
Anatomy, which draws the attention of the student to the form, varia-
bility and structure of the Itissues comprising the plant body, can be said
to develop an aesthetic sense. In addition to this, the awareness of the
regularity, and repetition, at different levels, of the structural patterns, as
well as of the amazing correlation of structure and function, serves to make
anatomy a rewarding field of research.
A large section of this book deals with the vegetative plant body. The
first introductory chapter briefly presents the general structure of the
higher plant. This is followed by tbe descriptions of the different types of
cells and tissues that are present in the Tracheophyta. Later chapters de-
scribe how the vegetative plant body, both primary and secondary, is con-
structed of these various tissues. The last section deals with the structure
of the flower, fruit and seed. In the chapter on the flower I have covered
pollination, fertilization and embryo development. In my opinion this is
necessary in order that a full and balanced picture of the development and
structure of plants and their tissues can be obtained.
An effort has been made, when dealing with the structure of the ele-
ments, tissues and organs of the plant body, to employ the following ap-
proaches-ontogenetic, phylogenetic, physiological and ecological. Atten-
tion has also been paid, wherever possible, to such characteristics that are
of importance to agriculture and industry.
In view of modern research in plant anatomy and biology as a whole,
which ha~ hTf"Illnl"d-""" 1: ....1. .. ~- --
vi Contents

Reproductive Organs
THE FLOWER . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 360
20 THE FRUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439

21 THE SEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466

GLOSSARY OF TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 't~0


viii Preface

bility in the definitions of the various elements and tissues is stressed

throughout the book. i
In many cases I have endeavoured to point out problems which as yet
constitute serious gaps in our knowledge, and which await further research.
The inclusion of a large number of illustrations has enabled the text to
be written in a concise form. The great majority of the micrographs are
original and have been made from slides in the collection of.the laboratory
of Plant Anatomy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The drawings
are in p",rt original or have been taken from previous publications of
the author, and the rest have been redrawn and adapted from various books
and articles. In the case of the latter the original author is cited in the le-'
gend and the reference is given at the end of the relevant chapter or Chap-
ter I. In a book of this size and scope it is impossible to deal with all the
relevant facts in detail and therefore many references are given in the text.
It is hoped that readers will refer to these and other articles, books, etc.,
in order to broaden their knowledge. For convenience, details of these
references are given at the end of each chapter. \
This book was originally written in Hebrew for the use of students study-
ing in Israel. Thus many of the examples cited )Ire of plants growing in this
and neighbouring regions. /
I express my thanks to all those who helped me in the preparation of tlie
original'Hebrew book. I am indebted to·my friend S. Stoler for his critical
reading of the manuscript and for his valuable suggestions; to Mrs. Ella
Werker for her great help in the preparation of the manuscript and for
seeing the book through press; to Mrs. Batya Amir for the careful and
accurate execution of most of the drawings; to Y. Shehori for his aid in the·
preparation of mast of the photographs appearing in tire book; and to Mrs.
Irena Fertig for her assistance in reading the pr09fs. My thanks are also
extended to all those who have put at my disposal photographs and.draw-
ings, as well as to my colleagues at the Hebrew University who gave me
valuable advice at all times. I especially thank my students, throughout the
years, who have encouraged me to write this book.
In connection with this revised English edition I am indebted to Dr. C. \
R. Metcalfe and Sir George Taylor who suggested and "encouraged me to
have my book translated. I greatly appreciate the criticism and advice that
Dr. Metcalfe extended after having read the English manuscript. I thank
Dr. F. A. L. Clowes who undertook to edit the English. I gratefully acknow-
ledge the permission so generously granted to me by the Hakkibutz Hame-
uhad Publishing House Limited to translate the original text. I also thank
Mrs. Sybil Broido-Altman for undertaking the translation. Once again I
thank Mrs. Ella Werker, who assisted in the collation.
April, 1965



PLANTS that bear seeds are termed spermatophytes. These plants pro-
duce spores (newly formed embryo sacs and pollen grains) and therefore
they are sporophytes. These plants develop from a zygote which results



FIG. 1. Schematic drawings of longitudinal sections ofa dicotyledonous plant at

various ages. 1. Embryo. 2, Seedling. 3, Mature plant. (Adapted from Troll, 1948.)

from the fertilization of an egg cell by a male gamete. At the start the
zygote divides into two cells which themselves undergo further divisions
to form the embryo. The embryo usually consists of radicle, hypocotyl,
cotyledons and olumule (Pi!!. L no n TJ,p. p".,h .." ...... ~~ 0 1_..J
............ " ____
2 Plant Anatomy

and dormant within the seed which develops from the entire ovule. IUs
not always clear whether the embryo possesses a radicle ~roper or whether
it merely has a root apical meristem. It is difficult to make a definite dis-
tinction between the radicle and hypocotyl, and therefore the axis of the
embryo is called the hypocotyl-root axis.
With the germination of the seed the embryo renews its growth. The
radicle grows and penetrates deeper into the soil. In some species the
hypocotyl elongates and so raises the cotyledons above soil level where
they become green (epigeal germination). In other species the hypocotyl
does not elongate, .or it elongates only very slightly, and the cotyledons
remain below soil level where they eventually rot (hypogeal germination).
The plumule, which is situated above the junction of the cotyledons to the
hypocotyl, elongates and gives rise to the stem and leaves (Fig. 1, nos.
2, 3) ..
That part of the stem to which the leaf is attached is ter~ed the node and
that part of the stem between two nodes, the internode. The number of
nodes and internodes ihcreases with the continued growth of the stem.
At the start of germination all the cells of the embryo divide, but later
cell division is restricted to certain areas of the seedling-usually in the
apices of the axis. /' '
The morphology of the various organs of the spermatophytes is extrem-
ely varied. The nature of the different. organs, such as the stem, leaf, root,
flower and fruit, and the differences in their external and internal structure
have been variously interpreted (De Bary, 1877; Strasburger, 1891, 1923;
Haberlandt, 1918; Goebel, 1928-33; Troll, 1935, 1937,1938, 1939, 195+-
57; Eames and MacDaniels, 1947; Foster, 1950; McLean and Ivimey-
'Cook, 1951, 1956; Esau, 1953; Eames, 1961). The stem (which bears the
leaves) together with the leaves forms a single ont9genetic and, apparent-
ly, also evolutionary unit, and so these organs together are termed the shoot.
The shoot and root, together with their branches, form .an organic con-
tinuation of the embryo as their development results form the activity of
the apical meristems, which are tissues directly descended from those of
the embryo.
In those spermatophytes in which the apical meristems of the main
shoot remain active throughout the life of the. plant, the shoots developing
from the axillary buds remain secondary and the extent of their gro,wth is
regulated by the apex of the main shoot. Such branching of the stem is
termed monopodia! (Fig. 2, no. 1). The main axis and the successive axial
branches do not always have the ability to grow indefinitely. In many
plants the shoot apex becomes reproductive or aborts, and then further
growth is carried out by lateral buds. Such branching is termed sympodial
(Fig. 2, no. 2).
In many cases buds and roots may develop from portions of the plant
distant from the apical meristems; such organs are termed adventitious
General Structure of Higher Plants 3

organs. Examples of such organs are the fibrous roots which are common
among the monocotyledons and develop from the hypocotyl or from the
basal internodes of the stem,· Adventitious roots sometimes develop from
aerial portions or Trom old roots of woody plants. Adventitious shoots
are known. to develop on roots and on stems from·places in which no dor-
mant buds are found. The apices of the adventitious shoots and roots
contain the same meristematic tissues as the apical meristems of the ordi-
;;ary organs of the primary axis.

" J ~ 5-", ..-

-4 4--.:-
-3 3- '_
-2 2-·,
-1 I'::""

FIG. 2. Diagrams of the mode of branching in trees, I, Monopodial branching.

2, Sympodial branching. The numbers indicate the position of the tip at the end
of each annual longitudinal incremen!. (Adapted from Troll, 1948.)

As the cells formed by the meristem become more distant from the
apex, they undergo gradual differentiation (Fig. 3). Near the apex of the
shoot and root three meristems of different tissues become observable:
(1) protoderm, from which the epidermis, the protective tissue, develops;
(2) procambium, from which the primary vascular tissues (primary xylem
which serves mainly to transport water and the primary phloem which
serves to transport metabolites) develop; (3) ground meristem, from which
tissues of the cortex and pith develop. These comprise parenchyma, the
basic tissue of the plant, sclerenchyma and colienchyma, the supporting
tissues of the plant.
The cells of the procambium gradually differentiate into phloem and
xylem elements, and so these elements become more numerous as seen in
consecutive cross-sections of the stem made at levels further away from
the ::Inpv Th ... _1..1 ___ _ 1 _____ "-_ '-
4 Plant Anatomy

Primary phloem

- lateral root

- Root cap

FIG. 3. Schematic drawings of a dicotyledonous p lant showing the arrangement

of the principal tissues. I, Longitudinal section. 2, 3 and 4, Cross-sections at
varioUS levels. (Adapted from Esau, 1953.)
General Structure of Higher Plants 5

circumference inwards. In the root the direction of differentiation of the

primary xylem is also centripetal, while in the stem these elements increase
from the centre toward the circumference. Therefore in .lhe stem the pri-
mary phloem and xylem approach one another during their development.
In monocotyledons and in a few herbaceous dicotyledons all the cells"of
the procambium differentiate into elements of the conductive tissues.
In most dicotyledons and gymnosperms, one layer of procambial cells
. between the primary xylem and primary phloem forms a new meristematic
tissue called the vascular cambium. The vascular cambium produces second-
ary phloem towards the circumference, and secondary xylem towards the
centre of the axis, as a result of cell division in a plane parallel to the cir-
cumference. The volume of the secondary tissues, especially of the xylem,
continually increases and thus the thkk stem and,root of the shrub or tree
is developed. In such a case the functions of the tissues produced by the
apical meristems are restricted to the ends of the shoots and Toots only .
. With the increase in width of the axis of the plant, as a result of the increase
.and· development of the secondary vascular tissues, the epidermis and
cortex peel off, and then the function of protection against external damage
• is taken over by a secondary protective tissue-the periderm. In the periderm
a second,uy meristematic tissue, the phellogen, is present. The phellogen
produces the phe/lem (several layers of dead cork cells) towards the exterior
and inwards, in the majority of cases, it produces the phelloderm, which
consists of one to five laye}s of living cells.
The complex of plant tissues developing from the primary meristems,
which are usually found in the apices of the roots and shoots, is termed the
primary plan! body, and those tissues developing from the vascular cambium
and phellogen constitute the secondary plant body.
Leaves develop from the apical meristem. They consist of an epidermis,
mesophyll and veins-strands of vascular tissue surrounded by paren-
chyma or by parenchyma and supporting tissues.
In addition to the tissues mentioned above, other tissues; such as latid-
fers, are found in the spermatophytes. Idioblasts, i.e. specialized ceils, as
well as some of the specialized tissues may develop from the basic tissues
within the plant body.

BOUREAU, E. 1954, 1956, 1957. Anatomie Vegetate, VQIs. 1, 2, 3, Presses Univer-
sitaires de France, Paris.
CARLQUIST, S., 1962. Comparative Plant Anatomy, Holt, Reinhart and Winston, New
De BARY, A. 1877. Vergleichende Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane. W. Engelmann,
EAMF<:' 4 T 10£1 .,,----, ,
Plant Anatomy
EAMES, A. 1. and MACDANIELS, L. H. 1947. An Introduction to Plant Anatomy. '2nd ed.
McGraw~Hill. New York-London. t
ESAU, K. 1953. Plant Anatomy. John Wiley, New York.
FOSTER, A. S. 1950. Practical Plant Anatomy. D. Van Nostrand, New York-London.,
GOEBEL, K. 1928-33. Organographie der Pflanzen, Vols. 1-3.' G. Fischer. Jena.
HABERLANDT, G.1918.Physi%gischePjlanzenanatomie. 5thed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
McLEAN, R. C. and IVIMEY-Com" W. R. 1~51. 1956. Textbook o/Theqretical Botany,
1 and 2. Longmans. London.
PALLADIN, W. I. 1914. Pjianzenanatomie. B. G. Teubner, Leipzig and Berlin.
StRASBuRGER, E. 1891. Ober den Bau und die Verrichtungen der Leitungshahnen in
den PJlanzen. Histo!ogische Dei/riige. Vol. 3. G. Fischer, Jena.
STltASBURGER, E. 1923. -Das botanische Praklikum. 7th ed. G. Fischer, Jena.
TROLL, W. 1935, 1937. 1938, 1939. Verglelchende Morph%gle der Mheren Pflanzen.
Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin.
TROLL, W. 1948. Allgemeine Botanjk. F. Enke, Stuttgart.
TROLL, W. 1954-7. Praktische £infiihrung in die Pf/anzenmorphologie. Vols. 1, 2. G.
Fischer, Jena.


THE basic. units of which organisms are constructed are the cells. The term
cellula was first used by Robert Hooke in 1665 .. Hooke gave this term to
the small cavities surrounded by walls that he saw in cork; later he ob-
served cells in other plant tissues and saw that they contained "juice"
(Matzke, 1943).
Still later the protoplasm-the substance within the cell-was discov-
ered." In 1880 Hanstein coined the term protoplast to indicate the unit of
protoplasm found in a single cell. He also suggested that the term proto-
plast should be used instead of the term cell, but his suggestion is not gener-
ally,accepted and cell is the accepted term. In plants the term cell includes
'the protoplast together with the wall.
The cell wall. was, for a long time, regarded as a non-living excretion of
the living cell matter, but recently more and more evidence has been found
that organic unity exists bhween the protoplast and the wall, especially in
young cells, and that the two together form a single biological unit.
In 1831 Robert Brown discovered the nucleus in an epidermal cell of an
.s-."cJ.h.ld 0\ttft. lcr 18# H(J)sa H7Jl' l~l(h'hl db'tiago.·l~hed (;e{~\.X'U' tire f'l'(lt<J-
plasm and the cell sap, and in 1862 Kiilliker introduced the term cyto-
plasm. From the end of the nineteenth century and during the twentieth
century research on the cell has developed so rapidly and with such enorm-
ous strides that cytology has become a science of its own.
It is customary to divide the protoplast constituents into two groups: (a)
protoplasmic components and (b) non-protoplasmic components.
To the first group belongs the cytoplasm, the "living" protoplasmic sub-
stance of the cell in which the specialized protoplasmic organelles, such as
the nucleus and plastids, are located (Fig. 4, no. 6). The nucleus carries the
information of heredity and so is of paramount importance to all the pro-
cesses in the cell. The plastids usually contain pigments, but sometimes they
are devoid of pigments and then they may store starch granules, lipid
droplets and protein crystals. Other protoplasmic organelles are the mito-
chondria, which are minute bodies concerned in the respiratory processes
and the ribosomes, still smaller organelles, which are the sites of protein
To the second group belong the vacuoles, which are nOllofotonl::1o;;:mi,..
inclu~i(\n<:l (,.. ... ~ .. _.J ~ ~. •
8 . Plant Anatomy

include reserve materials such as starch grains, oil droplets, and aleurone
grains, and other products of metabolism such as various, crystals.
Usually the cell contains a single nucleus, but in some lower plants the.
presence of a nucleus with a distinc.t and permanent structure. is doubtful.

Endopla smic
Pr'oplaslid reticulum

FIG. 4. 1, Three-dimensional diagram of a plant cell from which a porlion has been
removed to reveal a large central vacuole and the cytoplasm, which contains the
nucleus, lining the cell waU. 2, As above, but of a cell in which 'the nucleus is
located more or less centrally and in which the cytoplasm surrounding the nu-
cleus is connected to the peripheral cytoplasm by cytoplasmic strands. 3, An
adaxial epidermal cell from the calyx of Tropaeolum majus containing chromo-
plasts. 4, Chromoplasts in a carrot root cell. 5, Leucoplasls in a young endosperm
cell of Zea. 6, Diagram of a meristematic plant cell. (No.3, adapted from
Strasburger, J923 ; nos. 4 and 5, adapted from Eames a nd MacDaniels, 1947;'
no. 6, adapted from Sitte, 1961.)

In some cells of the higher plants, such as the sieve elements of the phloem
which a re adapted for translocation, the nucleus is absent from the mature
cell. However, there are also cells which have numerous nuclei. A .multi-
The Cell 9

nucleated cell can comprise an entire organism as in some fungi and algae,
or multi-nucleated cells may be a transitory stage in the development of a
tissue as, for example, in the endosperm of many plants and sometimes in
fibres. The accepted view in many cases is that each nucleus together with
the protoplasm surrounding it' forms a walHess cell so that the entire
multi-nucleate body comprises a group of protoplasmic units. Such a struc-
ture is called a coenocyte.
The coenocyte aroused much interest in phylogenetic and ontogenetic
studies. Two theories exist which deal with the relation of the entire organ-
ism and the single cell. According to the cell theory, which was developed
about the middle of the nineteenth century, the organism consists, both
phylogenetically and ontogenetically, of a complex of an enormous number
of cells each of which plays a role in determining the nature of the organism.
The theory contradicting the above is the organisrnal theory. This theory
gives less importance to the individual cells and mainly stresses the unity
of the protoplasmic mass of the entire organism. According to this theory
the. organism as a unit, to a large extent, determines the nature of the cells.
_. These two theories are important and, for the following reasons, atten-
.,!ion_was.paid to both of them in histological and cytological research of
. plants. ,Many aspects of ontogeny, such as the processes of cell division,
_the.· origin· of vessels and articulated laticifers, the development of idio-
blasts, etc., were investigated in the light of the cell theory. However, the
specialization of the different cells and tissues in the plant and the sites of
appearance of the various types of cells and tissues can be explained only
on the basis of the organismal theory which regards the organism as an

Tlie protoplast

The cytoplasm

The cytoplasm comprises part of the protoplast. Physically it is a vis-

cous substance which is more or less transparent in visible light. Chemi-
cally the structure of the cytoplasm is very complex even though the major
component (85-90 %l is water. Of the most important components of the
cytoplasm are the proteins. Many of the physical properties of the cyto-
plasm can be explained by the fact that most of the inorganic and organic
substances in it are present in colloidal solutions. However, these substan-
ces may occur in other states such as solutions and crystals.
Until recently the cytoplasm was considered to be structureless, but
with the aid of thf' plp.rtr<".... ...... : ...... ~~---- ~--, .
Plant Anatomy

covered within the cytoplasm. This structure, the so-called endoplasmic

reticulum, consists of lipoproteinaceous membranes whj~h form a capillary
anastoITlOsing system. Membranes of apparently similar structure are found
on the external surface of the cytoplasm, i.e. :the plasmalemma or ecioplasl;
on the border between the cytoplasm and the vacuoles, i.e. the tonoplast;
and around the nucleus as well as around all the other protoplasmic
organelles. The latter are themselves of membranous structure. There are
indications that all the above membranes are interconnected. The lipids
and proteins .in these membranes are arranged in specific patterns whIch
give the membranes special properties of permeability. The membranes are
living parts of the cytoplasm and they alter according to the activity of the
protoplast. The plasma membranes are especially characterized by their
selective permeability to the passage of different substances through them.

The nucleus
The nucleus is a round or ellipsoid protoplasmic body (Fig. 5, no. I).
It is separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear membrane. The nuclear
membrane has been observed to consist/6f double porous lamella~
(Fig. 4, no. 6). In many cases connections between these lamellae and the
endoplasmic' reticulum have been observed (De Robertis et al., 1960).
The nuclear sap or karyolymph, one or rilOr'; nucleoli, and the chromo-
somes are found within the membrane.- The chromoso'mes consist of
chromonemata. The last two terms are derived from the word chromatin
which means an intensely staining substance. The chromosomes consist of
nucleoproteins of .~hich the nucleic acid component is mainly DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid), the carrier of genetic information. Another group
of nucleic acids is RNA (ribonucleic acid) which is concerned in the syn-
thesis of proteins. Part of the RNA is formed on the DNA template. The
prevailing nucleic acid in'the cytoplasm is RNA.

The plastids

Various types of plastids can be distinguished. These differ from each

other in structure and function, but develop from similar primordial or-
ganelles. One type of plastid may change into another. The classification
of plastids is based on the presence or absence of pigments. Plastids lacking'
pigment are called leucoplasts, plastids with a green pigment, chloroplasts,
and those with a pigment other than green, chromoplasts.
Leucoplasts are found in cells that have been protected from light and,
in many cases, in mature epidermal cells (Fig. 58, no. 3). Leucoplasts are
of varied and irregular shape. Usually the leucoplasts are concentrated
The Cell 11

FIG. 5. 1, Portion of an epidermal cell of a bulb scale of Allium cepa showing the
nucleus and m1\ochondria. x "830. 2, Cells of a moss leaf showing chloroplasts.
X140. 3, Chloroplasts in a su bepidermal cell of the greert fruit of Lyco-
perSiCO!1 escu/elltum .. grana can be distinguished as darker areas in the chloroplasts.
X660. 4, As above, but in a mature fruit where the chlorop!;lsts have become
changed into chromoplasts. X 66{l. (Nos. 3 a nd 4, courtesy of Y. Ben-Shaul.)
Plant Anatomy

around the nucleus (Fig. 4, no. 5; Fig. 58, no. 3). Their main function is
concerned with the development of starch grains. When the leucoplasts
become specialized to store starch in those regions where starch is stored,
they are called, amyloplasts, and similarly those_leucoplasts related to the

f IG. 6. Electron micrographs of plastids and their contents, 1, Proplastid of

A nacharis canadensis. X 12,000. 2, Chic )plast of A. canadensis. x 10,000. 3,
G rana in a chlo roplast of Zea mays. X<;'5 ,500. 4, Carotene body from a carrot
root. x 20,000. (Nos. 1 and 2, from Miihlethaler, 1960 ; no. 3, courtesy ofS.
Klein; no. 4, co urtesy of Y. Ben-Shaul.)

production of oils and fats are termed elaioplasts. The Jatter are fo und
mainly in liverworts and monocotyledons.
Chloroplasts contain aJI the enzymes respo nsible for photosynthesis and
they are fo und in tissues exposed to light. They usually have the form of
The Cell 13

flattened convex discs, plates or ellipsoids. Among the higher plants the
average diameter of chloroplasts is 3 1', but larger and smaller ones exist.
The number of chloroplasts per cell depends on the particular tissue as well
as the plant. In the higher plants there is always more than one,plastid per
cell (Fig. 5, no. 2). The chlorophylls (the green pigments) are aggregated
within the plastid entirely, or almost so, in small bodies, the grana (Fig. 6,
nos. 2, 3).The material in which the grana are dispersed is called the stro-
.. ma. The protein content of the chloroplast is high. By means of the electron
microscope a double-membrane envelope and an inner lamellar structure
which is denser and more complicated in the grana was discerned.
Chromoplasts have various shapes which are usually irregular. They may
be more or less round, elongated or angled and many of them are lobed
(Fig. 4, nos. 3, 4). Their colour is variable-from yellow tones through
orange to yellowish-red. The colour is due to xanthophylls and carotenes.
The pigments are present in the chromoplasts in various forms-diffused,
granular or crystalline. It is thought that it is the crystalline form that gives
the various angular shapes to the chromoplasts as can be seen, for example,
"in the carrot root (Fig. 6, no. 4).
ChromopJasts play an important roJe in the composition of the colours
"Of flowers and fruits, but they are also found in roots and other parts
of. plants. Many of them are chloroplasts that have undergone changes,
but they can also develop directly from proplastids (Fig. 6, no. 1).

Development of the plastid

Plastids are found in large quantities in'young meristematic cells where
they are minute. At this primordial stage of development they are called
proplastids. As the cell enlarges the proplastids reproduce anddevelop into
mature plastids whiCh are also able to reproduce but at slower rate. The
fact that one type of plastid may develop into another type is proof that
aU plastids have a common origin. For example, the chloroplasts of young
fruits may develop into chromoplasts in the mature fruits, and the leueo-
plasts in the potato tuber become chloroplasts when exposed to light.


The mitochondria are, as has already been mentioned, small proto-

plasmic organelles found in the cytoplasm. Mitochondria are thread- or
rod-shaped (Fig. 5, no. 1). Their content is more dense than the cytoplasm
and they consist mainly of proteins and lipids. From present data on the
submicroscopic structure ofthemitochondria it appears that the mitochon-
drion consists of two membranes: an outer limitinp" onp. ~nr1 ~n ;1"11"1 .... ..... ..,~
14· Plant Anatomy

wbich sends complex infoldings into the lumen of the mitochondrion. The
-lumen, which is surrounded by the inner membrane, is occupied by a rela-
tively dense material, which is generally termed the mito1chondrial matrix.
Mitochondria are very sensitive to environmental influences and they are
often destroyed by the usual fixation methods, especially those involving
tbe. acids, used in cytology and histology. Mitochondria are produced by
division and are passed on from generation. to generation via the gamet~s.
Mitochondria contain enzymes that playa role in respiration:

Ribosomes and Goigi apparatus

The minute bodies that are often found connected to the endoplasmic
reticulum are termed ribosomes. Their size is 100-200 A. These bodies may
be arranged in groups, are rich in RNA and were found to be centres of
protein synthesis. In the cytoplasm there appear also special structures
composed of double membranes and vesicles. These structureJ are known
as Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex. \


The vacuoles

Generally one or several vacuoles are present in the protoplast of plant

cells. In many cells the vacuoles are so large that the cytoplasm forms an
extremely thin layer which lines the cell wall and all the protoplasmic
,m:\\\"""" \"ca\'2e1.\ ""tb'n. tbe c)'t"p\asm ()\) tbe d!c\\m.SeIe\)ce ()l tbe
cell. Sometimes some cytoplasm is retained around the nucleus in the centre
of the cell and cytoplasmic strands pass from it t9 'the cytoplasm on the
periphery of the cell (Fig. 4, nos. 1,2). The vacuoles contain the cell sap.
All the vacuoles, includi,!g the cell sap, of a single cell are termed the
vacuome. The cell sap, which is not protoplasmic, consists of true aqueous
or colloidal solutions. The substances that can be found in the cell sap are
salts, sugars, polysaccharides such as inulin, org~nic acids, protein com-
pounds, tannins, anthocyanins, flavones and others. These substances are
ergastic and represent storage materials that can be utilized by the proto-
plast when necessary, or they are metabolic by-products. The tonoplast
separates the vacuole from the cytoplasm.


The plant pigments are usually found in the plastids and in the cell sap.
The green colour is due to chlorophyll which is found in the chloroplasts.
In the same plastids carotenoids, the yellow to orange pigments, are also
The Cell 15

found but they are masked by the chlorophyll. Carotenes and xanthophylls
belong to the carotenoids. The latter pigments become noticeable when
there is little or no chlorophyll as is the case in the chromoplasts. Another
group of pigments is the flavoneswhich are water soluble and which colour
the cell sap. In some genera, for example Verbascum, it is the flavones that
give the yellow colour to the petals. The anthocyanins, which are the oxi-
dation products of the flavones, are also water soluble and give red, purple,
violet and blue colours to the cell sap. These pigments are responsible for
iii'; colouring of flowers, fruits, young leaves, etc. The colour of antho-
cyanins varies according to the pH of the cell sap: they are red in an acid
medium and blue in a basic one. Sometimes the visible colour is the result
of a few pigments occurring together in a single cell. For instance, chloro-
or chromoplasts can be found together with anthocyanins.
White petals are devoid of pigm,nts and the colour seen results from the
reflection of light from the petals which are opaque due to the presence of
numerous large intercellular spaces that are filled with air.
-·'The colouring of autumn leaves is the result of various processes as well
!'as'the combination of different pigments. With the gradual death of the
::-feaf the chlorophyll breaks down into colourless substances and the caro-
"tenoids become visible making the leaf appear yellow. The red and purple
colours are from pigments in the cell sap, i.e. oxidation products of the
flavones. These colours are most brilliant when formed in the presence of
sugars in leaves exposed to stro-ng light: Autumn colours, which result
from the combination of ;mall amounts of chlorophyll and carotenoids
and greater amounts of anthocyanins together with tannins and various
uncommon pigments and the browning of the cell wall, are best developed
in the cold temperate zones.

Ergastic substances

Organic and inorganic by-products of metabolism such as mucilages,

resins, gums, latex, tannins, alkaloids and others arc found in the cyto-
plasm or in the vacuoles (Kuster, 1956). Reserve food materials such as
starch grains, aleurone grains, inulin (Fig. 7, no. 12) and oils may be pre-
sent. Reserve food substances are found either in solution or as solid
Starch. Starch grains are the most commonly found solid particles. They
appear in different forms, but in the majority of cases they are spherical
or egg-shaped (Fig. 7, nos. I-II). When crowded, starch grains become an-
gular. In some plants, as, for example, Fagopyrum, Avena and Oryzll,
the starch grains are compound. The size of starch grains varies greatly-
their diameter in the p'otato tuber is from 70 to 100 1'; in Triticum caryop-
ses from 30 to 40 I'; in Zea caryopses from 12 to 181" In many plants it
16 Plant Anatomy

FIG. 7. 1-4, Potato starch grains. 1 and 2, Compound starc h gra ins. 3, Simple
sta r ch grain. 4 , Half-compound starch grain. 5, Cross-section of the outer por-
tion of a potato tube r. 6, Banana starch grains. 7 and 8, Starch grains' of
Triticum durum. 9, Stages in d evelopment of sta rch g ra ins in chloroplasts of
Phaius maculala. 10, Compound starch grain of Avena. 11 , As in No. 10, b ut
disintegrating . 12, Sphaerocrysta ls of inulin in ceUs of a Dahlia tuber . 13, Aleurone
gr ains. in an endosperm cell of Ricinus communis [(Om a section of material
embe dded in dilute glyce ri ne. (Most of the figures a da pte d from Strasburger ,
Palla din a nd Troll.)
The Cell 17

is possible to distinguish concentric layering in the starch grain. These

layers are laid down successively around the hilum. In compound grains
several such hila are present.. The successive layers differ in their density
and water content. Starch, when organized in grains, is optically ani-
sotropic; This fact can be observed when the grains are examined under
polarized light.
Starch develops within the plastids. The assimilation starch, a temporary
product of photosynthesis, is formed in the chloroplasts (Fig. 7, no. 9).
Siorage starch is formed in leucoplasts. One or more starch grains may be
formed in a single plastid. As the grain enlarg~s the plastid swells and its
contents usually are displaced to one side of the grain, so that most of the
grain is covered by a very thin layer of plastid material.
Proteins. Ergastic protein is reserve material in amorphous Of crystal-
like form. Amorphous protein is found together with starch in the endo-
sperm of wheat grains. Crystal-like protein, in the form of small cubes, is
found in the parenchyma cells of the outermost regions of the potato tuber.
Crystal-like and amorphous protein are found together in aleurone grains
;in'the endosperm and embryo of many seeds (Fig. 7, no. 13).
The development of afeurone grains in the seed of Ridnus has been des-
cribed in detail by Frey-Wyssling (1948). The aleurone grains are formed
from readily soluble proteins with globular molecules and relatively low
molecular weight which accumulate in the vacuoles of the siorage cells
where they crystallize. From these liquid vacuoles water is lost: This causes
the various vacuolar 'components to precipitate according to their solu-
bility. In Ricinus the first substance to be precipitated is the almost in-
soluble phytin (magnesium-potassium salt of inositol phosphoric acid);
this substance forms the gioboid. Next, the corpuscularly dispersed reserve
proteins precipitate out in a lattice to fill the remaining space of the vacuole
and so form the crystalloid part of the aleurone grain. Finally, the remain-
ing liquid, which now contains soluble albumin, solidifies to form a homo-
geneous substance which surrounds both the globoid and crystalloid.
Fatty substances. Oils and fats (storage lipids) and other compounds
with lipid characteristics, such as waxes, suberin and ,;utin, are also ergas-
tic substances. These substances are formed directly by the cytoplasm and
the elaioplasts. Oils and fats are common reserve materials in seeds,
embryos and meristematic cells. The essential oils also belong to this group.
In certain plants, such as the conifers, essential oils are found throughout
the plant, but in other plants they are found only in the leaves, petals or
peels of fruits.
Crystals. As was mentioned previously, crystals are the by-products of
the metabolic processes of the cell. These crystals are of differing chemical
composition and are found in many kinds of cells of the plant. The most
common crystals are those of calcium salts, especially calcium oxalate.
Crystals of inorganic compounds, such as gypsum and silica, are less
18 Plant Anatomy

common. Crystals of organic substances, such as carotene~ berberine

and saponin, are relatively common. The shape of,crystals in plants varies
very greatly (Fig. 8, nos. 1-3). They may be solitary, hcmboidal, octa-
hedral, or very much elongated. The elongated crystars, when massive and
occurring solitarily, as for example in the Iridaceae, are called styloids, and
when thin and occurring in bundles, raphides. Crystals may be compound
and clustered in spherical masses 'and then they are termed druses. Small
prismatic crystals as well as minute crystals, called crystal'sand, are also

\~ -
-_.,_ _
1 _ >
FIG. 8. 1, Two parenchyma cells from the petiole of Begonia; in the upper cell a
solitary prismatic crystal and in the lower cell. a druse. 1., Variously shaped pris-
matic crystaJs. 3, Indivjdual raphides and a bundJe of raphides. 4, A cell with
pentagonal faces. 5-8, Various types of cell shapes with 14 faces. (Nos. 1-3, adapt-
ed from Palladin, 1914; nos. 4--8, adapted from Frey-Wyssling; 1959.)

Crystals of calcium oxalate are found usually in the vacuole but some
workers (for instance, Scott, 1941) refer to crystals that develop in the
cytoplasm. Crystals can be found in cells resembling those neighbouring
them but lacking crystals, or they may be confined to special crystal-con-
taining cells, i.e. idioblasts (Foster, 1956).
Idioblasts are cells that differ distinctly from the surrounding cells in
both shape and structure. Raphides are usually found in very large cells
which, when mature, do not contain a living protoplast, but which are
The Cell 19

filled with mucilage. Idioblasts with raphides are found in many mono-
cotyledons and also in some dicotyledons as, for instance, in the petals of
Impatiens balsamina.
Silicon salts ",re often deposited in. cell walls, as is common in the
grasses, but they can also be found within the cell.
Cystoliths. These are internal outgrowths of the cell wall that are en-
crusted with calcium carbonate (Fig. 55, no. I).
Tannins. The tannins are a heterogeneous group of phenol derivatives.
in' microscopical sections of tissues tannins are usually identifiable in the
cells as yellow, red or brown substances. Tannins can be found in the differ-
ent parts of the plant, especially leaves, the periderm, galls, and in cells
associated with vascular bundles. Tannin-containing cells may be inter-
connected or tannins may be found in isolated specialized cells (idioblasts).
Within the cell the tannins may be found in the vacuole or in the form of
droplets in the cytoplasm, and sometimes they penetrate into the cell wall,
as, for instance, in cork tissue. Tannins are thought to protect the plant
against dehydration, rotting and damage by animals.

The cell as a tissue component

'Mature cells vary in size and shape. Cells may be ellipsoidal, ovate,
cylindrical, flattened, prism-like, star-shaped, fibre-like, and lobed .. Paren-
chyma cells are usually frorit 10 to 100 fb in diameter, but in fleshy fruits
and the pith of stems larger cells can be found. Fibres are usually about
1-8 mm long but fibres 55 cm long are also known, e.g. in Boehmeria.


As the cell volume increases in the meristematic region the primary

elastic cell wall tends to assume the smallest possible surface area, i.e. the
form of a sphere. After mitosis, forces act that tend to impart to the cell
a spherical form, but as there are no intercellular spaces in the meristem,
the cells, which are densely arranged, become polYhedral in shape (Fig. 8,
no. 4). The basic shape of cells is a 14-faced polyhedron (Matzke, 1946).
However, in plant tissues, cells with 12, 13, 15, 16 or more faces are found.
Most of the faces of the cell wall are, according to Matzke, pentagonal
(Fig. 8, no. 4) but tetragonal and hexagonal faces can also be found (Fig.
8, nos. 5-8). Similar structure was found in bubbles of soap foam, and also
in experiments where'lead shot was subjected to sufficient pressure to
cause the elimination of the air spaces (Marvin, 1939),
Accordingly, the basic shape of the cells of the apical meristems is of
a 14-faced polyhedron (Fig, 8, no, 4) in which most of the faces are penta-
20 Plant Anatomy

gonal and the remaining ones tetra- or hexagonal. In the apical ineristem
of Anacharis densa, Matzke.(1956) found that during Ithe interphase, the
average number of faces of the polyhedron increased from 13·85 to J6·84,
and after division the daughter cells had an average of 12·61 faces.
As result of the continued increase of cell volume during growth, the
number of wall faces increases above 14. This makes it impossible for all
the sides to remain in contact with all the sides of the neighbouring,cells
and so intercellular spaces develop. In some tissues the'intercellular spaces
reach relatively large dimensions and then they are referred to as air spaces,
ducts, etc. Such spaces can develop in two ways: (a) by the separation of
neighbouring cell walls, as in the development of the resin ducts in Pinus;
this type of development is known as schizogenous development (Fig. 33,
nos. 2-5); (b) by the disintegration of the cells in the place where the space
develops, as in the essential oil cavities in the peel of citrus fruits; this type
of development is known as lysigenous development (Fig. 34, nos. 1-6).
In some cases spaces are formed by these two methods together and then
the development is known as schizo-lysigenous I development. The inter-
cellular spaces in the protoxylem are sometimes' formed in this way.
The intercellular spaces can be irregular and variable in shape or they
may form a distinct and permanent system as' in many water plants, in the
banana leaf, and other plants (Fig. 93, ~o/ 3; Fig. 97, no. I) .


All cells develop from existing cells by cell division. The young celldn
the growing regions are an relatively smal1,: as they mature their size and
shape alter in accordance with their physiological function. As the cell
wall is already present at the earliest stages of d~velopment of the cell it \
takes part, together with the protoplast, in the processes of cell growth.
When a group of cells grows together uniformly, the cells of the group
take up different positions and shapes, but the relationships between the
neighbouring cell walls do not change and no new areas of contact are forme~
between the cells; this type of growth is known as symplastic growth\
In many cases growth results in the alteration of the existing relationships
between the cell and in development of new contacts between neighbouring
cells; such processes take place in gliding and intrusive growth. In gliding
growth the cell wall of one cell slides over that of the neighbouring cell thus
forming new areas of contact both between cells that were already in con-
tact and between cells that were not previously in contact. This type of
growth is found during the production of new initial cells in a non-storied
cambium, and during the development of xylem and phloem elements.
Intrusive growth is that growth in which portions of cells continue to
grow, and in doing so penetrate between neighbouring cells with which
I t '. ,. j.I i

The Cell
I D~te
S''i I
new areas of contact are formed. In;-s-uc-h:-c-a-se-s-t:7h-e-re-:-is-n-o-g";l~id~i-n-g-.':'In-m-a-n-y-l
plants the ends of the fibres grow in this way. The-growth of the branches
of some sclereids and of the non-articulated laticifers is intrusive.
Many cells whose growth continues over a long period develop by all
three methods of growth, or by two of them.

The cell wall

The presence of a wall in plant cells distinguishes them from animal
cells. Among the vascular plants only certain cells, connected with the
reproductive processes, are naked; all other cells have walls.
The cell wall was discovered in the seventeenth century before the pre-
sence of the protoplast was recognized and since then many researchers
have investigated the cell wall. Various methods-chemical, physical and
morphological-have been used. These investigations were assisted by
advances in organic chemistry, X-rays, the use of th~ light and polarizing
microscopes, and, recently, by the electron microscope.


Contrary theories exist as to the nature of the wall. According to one

theory the cell wall, at least dhring its growth, contains protoplasmic mate-
rial. According to another theory the cell wall is a dead excretion on the
surface of the protoplast. According to both theories however, the cell
wall grows when in contact 'with the protoplast but outside of it. Only in
the spores of some pteridophytes does the outer part of the wall develop
from the tapetum which surrounds the spores while _they are being formed
(Sharp, 1943).


During mitosis, at the telophase, the phragmoplast widens and becomes

barrel-shaped. At the same time, on the equatorial plane the cell plate, i.e.
the first-evident partition between the new protoplasts, begins to form in-
side the phragmoplast. In the area where the cell plate forms, the fibres of the
phragmoplast become indistinct and are restricted to the circumference of
the cell plate (Fig. 9, nos. 3-5). With the enlargement of the cell plate the
fibres of the phragmoplast approach the wall of the dividing cell. In very
long cells, such as the fusiform cells of the cambium, the cell plate soon
reaches the side walls of the dividing mother cell, but contact with the end
walls of the cells is delayed and thus it is possible to see the fibres of the
phragmoplast arranged in two lines perpendicular to the longitudinal
22 Plant Anatomy

axis of the cell (Fig. 124, nos. 3, 4). In such cells the young nuclei almost
reach the. resting state,..with a membrane and nucleoli, ;while the cell plate
has not yet reached the end walls oflhe dividing cell. When the cell plate
reaches all parts of the existing wall of the dividing cell the phragmoplast
disappears completely. At this stage the viscosity of the cell plate becomes


:I LphragmOP,ast

i. ""i"' " Cell piate%: '.
• ·Wv .,.,/-->:_"·"'-
3 4


Cell plate

/5 s
Parent-cell waIJ
Middle Newly - formed
lamell cell wall

9 Intercellular '10

FIG. 9. 1 and 2, Diagrammatic sections of cells with secondary walls. 1, Cross-sec-

tion. 2, Longitudinal section. 3-6, Stages in cell division showing the development
and growth of the cell plate. 7-10, Schematic drawings showing the connection
of the newly formed wall to the wall of the cell that underwent division. (Nos.
t and 2, adapted from Kerr and Bailey, 1934; nos. 3-6, adapted from Sinnott and
Bloch, 1941; nos. 7-10, adapted from Martens, 1937.)

higher, and on both sides thin lamellae are laid down by the daughter pro,
toplasts. These lamellae are the initial stage in the development of the new
walls of the daughter cells. The cell plate gradually undergoes changes to
form the intercellnlar $ubstance referred to as the middle lamella..It is not
yet known what substance comprises the cell plate; it is possible'that it is of
protoplasmic origin.
The Cell 23

Along the iine of contact of the new wall and the wall of the mother cell,
the new and old middle lamellae are separated by the primary wall of the
mother cell (Fig. 9, no. 8). According to Martens (1937, 1938) the connec-
tion between,these.middle lamellae is effected in the following manner. In
the primary wall of the mother cell a cavity; which is triangular in cross-
section, develops all along the line of contact of the new' and old walls.
This cavity continues to enlarge till it reaches the middle lamella of the
mother cell and so connection is made between the new and old middle
lamellae. If the cavity continues to grow and the intercellular substance
does not fill' it, an intercellular space lined with intercellular substance is
formed., According to Priestley and Scott (1939) the middle lamellae are
brought into contact after the stretching wall of the mother cell tears
opposite the new wall.


-- On the basis of the development and structure of plant tissues it is possi-

.ble to distinguish the following principal three layers in the cell wall: (a) the
middle, lamella or the intercellular substance; (b) the primary wall; (c) the
secondary wall (Fig: 9, nos. 1,2). The'middle lamella is the'cement that
holds the individual cells together to form the tissues and, accordingly, it is
found between'the primary cell walls of neighbouring cells. The secondary
wall develops on the inner surface of the primary wall.
The middle lamella consists of colloidal matter that is optically inactive
(isotropic). The basic constituents of the middle lamella are calcium and
magnesium pedales'. In addition to these substances protein substances are
apparently also present.
The primary wall is the first true cell wall, which develops on the new
cell, and in many cells 'it is the only cell wall, as the middle lamella is regarded
as intercellular substance and not a wall proper. The primary wall is
that part of the cell, wall that develops in cells or portions ofthem which
are still growing. This wall is optically active (anisotropic), and it contains
cellulose, pectic compounds as well as hemicellulose and polysaccharides
other than cellulose.
The secondary wall is formed on the inner surface of the primary wall.
It begins to develop in cells or parts of them that have ceased to grow. The
secondary wall consists of cellulose and other polysaccharides including
hemicellulose. In addition to these substances deposits of lignin, suberin,
cutin, waxes, tannins, inorganic salts, such as calcium carbonate and cal-
cium oxalate, silica and other substances may occur in the secondary walls.
The lignin first appears in the intercellular substance and primary wall
from where it spreads centripetally through the secondary wail as this
wall develops.
24 Plant Anatomy

The secondary wall is very strongly anisotropic- and layering can be ob-
served The reason for this layering is discussed later in this chapter.
In the majority of tracheids and fibres three layers_Jthe outer layer (Sl)'
central layer (S2)' and inner layer (Sa)-can be discerned in the secondart
wall. Of these layers the central layer is usually the-thickest. In some-cells,
however, the number of layers may be ffi()re than three (Fig. 10, no. 1)·

FIG. 10. I, Outer portion of a cross-section of a young stem of Linum usitalissi-
mum showing maturing fibres in which the various layers of the. secondary
wall have separated from each other during sectioning. X 460. 2, Pi. dark-field
photograph of a bordered pit of Cedrus showing the fringed torus. x 700. 3,
Electron micrograph of a cross-section of a pit membrane of a living fibre of
Tamarix showing plasmodesmata. x 35,000. (No.2, from Huber in Handbuch
der Mikroskopie in der Technik, Umschau Verlag, 1951,)

Some authors (for example, Meier, 1957) use the term tertiary wall of
tertiary layer for the inner layer of the secondary wall. According to Frey'
Wyssling (1959) an innermost layer with a chemical c;omposition different
from that of the secondary wall may be present in addition to the innef
layer of the secondary wall . He suggests that this layer should be called
the tertiary or terminal layer.
It should be mentioned that some investigators use the term compound
mjddle lamella when dealing with wood tissue. This term is used to refef
The Cell 25

to the complexes of lignified layers which appear more or less homogeneous

when examined under the light microscope with no pretreatment. The
compound middle lamella may be three-layered and then it refers to the
middle lamella proper and the adjoil1ing primary walls, or five-layered,
and then it refers to the middle lamella proper, the primary walls and the
outer layer of the secondary walls of the adjoining cells (cf. Kerr and
Bailey, 1934).


The fine structure of the cell wall, particularly that of the secondary wall,
has been intensively studied in the last century. This research was stimu-
lated because of its importance to the fibre, paper and other industries.
rhe researchers worked in two directions, i.e. from the morphological and
)hysico-chemical approaches. By combining the results of these two fields
)f research a rather clear picture of the fine structure of the cell wall has
b-een derived.
Results of the morphological line of research. With the high power magni-
"cation of the ordinary light microscope, different arrangements of the
layering in the secondary.wall can be seen in cross-sections of fibres, tra-
eheids, hairs, etc. The layers can be concentric, radial or have a compli-
cated arrangement. When the cell wall is allowed to swell under the in-
fluence of suitable reagents, fine structures can be observed with the a"id
of the light microscope (Fig. 11, no. 1). By means of such methods Bailey
and others (Bailey and Kerr, 1935; Bailey and Vestal, 1937 a, b; Bailey,
1957) found that ttle cell wall is built of a s,!stem of mtccosco>;lic tbceads-
the'microfibrils, which are grouped together in larger bundles. The layer-
ing seen in the secondary wall is often the result of the different density of
the microfibrils; this is the case in cotton fibres, for example. In the denser,
darker wall layers, the microfibrils are more numerous per unit area
and they are more tightly packed. In the less dense, lighter wall layers,
the microfibrils are looser and the capillary spaces between the fibrils are
larger. In heavily lignified walls it is possible to dissolve the cellulose and
retain the lignin only, or the lignin alone can be dissolved and the cellulose
retained. In this way the component retained gives, as it were, a nega.tive
image of the component which has been dissolved. This phenomenon not,
only proves that the lignin is found in the elongated interfibrillar 'pace~. of
the cellulose but also that these capillary spaces are continuous. Therefore
it is clear that the secondary wall consists of two continuous interpen~trat­
ing systems, one of which is the cellulose microfibrils, and the,other the
. system of microcapillary spaces. These spaces / may be filled
WIth lignin, cutin, suberin, hemicelluloses, and other organic substances
and even mineral crystals, and in fresh tissue aque~us solutions. The
26 Plant Anatomy

material between the microfibrils forms the noncellulosic .matrix .. Not

all the layering ofthe secondary wall tha.t can be seen with the light ,micre:-
scope is the result of the degree of density of the cellulosic microfibrils as
was suggested previously. In tracheary elements and sclerencbyma .cells
the more pronounced layers are usuaUythe result of the different quantities
of lignin, pectic substances, hemicellulose or otber organic substances de-

FIG. 11. 1, Striations seen on the surface of a tangential section of the secondary
wall of a fibre-tracheid of. Siparuna bifida. x 1100, 2, A longitudimi.l Section
through the secondary wall of a tntcheid of Pinus showing the plane of mechanical
cleavage. x 460. 3, A longitudinal section in the secondary xylem of Pinus showing
the spiral arrangement of the cavities produced by enzymatic actibn of fungi on
the secondary wall. x 230. 4, Longitudinal section of tracheids of Larix showing
the orientation of iodine crystallized in the spaces between the microfibrils. x 480.
(Courtesy of I.W. Bailey.)

posited in the interfibrillar spaces of the cellulose, or of the presence, in

certain cells, of layers lacking cellulose, or of tbe different orientation of
the microfibrils in the va rious wall layers.
In order to demonstrate the presence of the two parallel, three-dimen-
sional systems, the cellulosic IIlicrofibriHar network and the network of
The Cell 27

interfibrillar microcapillary spaces, Bailey used methods other than those

described above. For example, he-succeeded in crystallizing iodine in the
elongated, microcapillary spaces (Fig. 11; no. 4) thus demonstrating their
presence and the orient~tion ,o f the microfibrils in the different layers of
the wall.

FlO. 12. 1, Electron micrograph showing the structure of the secondary wall of
Valonia. X 7000. 2, As above, but of the primary wall. x 8000. (From Steward
. and MUhleth~ler, 1953.) /

The second stage In the morphological research of the fine structure of

the cell wall is based on the use of the electron microscope. Among the
outstanding research workers of this stage are Frey-Wyssling, MUhletha-
ler, Roelofsen, Preston and Wardrop. . r(
Although there are many restrictions, mainly because of the methods of
preparation of the material to be examined, the electron microscope has
28. Plant Anatomy

made possible many advances in the study of the structure of the cell wall.
The amazing photographs which were made with the electron microscope
(Fig. 12, nos. I, 2) revealed the fine microfibrils which Jannot be seen by
means of the ordinary light microscope. The results of research with the
electron microscope have in general confirmed the theories of Bailey on the
structure of the walL
The morphological structure orihe cellulose in the cell wall, as is known
today, can be summarized in the following way. Within the cell wall differ-
ently arranged lamellae are recognized, each of which consists of micro-
fibrils. According to at least some researchers the microfibrils are grouped
in bundles. These bundles as well as the microfibrils anastomose to form
a three-dimensional network. This network is interwoven with a parallel
network of microcapillary spaces occupied by noncellulotic substances.
The width of the microfibrillar bundles can be as much as 0·25 fl. and
that of the microfibrils themselves, as measured from fibres of Boehmeria,
),021' (170--200 A) approximately. However, thinner and sometimes even
_. - -in - differenLcells. and \ plants: The microfibrils
thicker microfibrils are found
have recently been found to be fasciations of elementary fibrils which are about
35 A thick.
Results or the physico-chemical. line of research. The cellulose molecule-
consists of long chains of linked glucose resid6es. The chain molecules are
arranged in bundles which are generally termed micellae. The hypothesis
of the presence of micellae was proposed by N.iigeli in the last century.
According to him the micellae are the individual units arranged in a perma-
n"nt order within an intermicellar matrix. With the aid of the polarizing
microscope the crystal-like nature of the micellae was proven. From the
res~lts of various investigations, especially those made with X-rays, inves-
tigators came to the conclusion that the micellae consist of parallel chains
of glucose residues which have characteristic and permanent distances be-
tween them. As a result of extensive research carried out in the last thirty years
by botanists, chimists and,physicists, several theories 'f.ere suggested which
attempted to explain the organization of the cellulosf-molecules in the cell
walL Frey-Wyssling ~nd Muhlethaler have recently come to 'the fo1l6wing
conclusion as regards tIIe,structure of cellulose. The thrdtd-like cellulose
molecules are regularly arranged in bundles. Each such 'bundle .Which forms
an elementary fibril, consists of about 36 cellulose molecules. The elementary
fibril is in greatest part crystalline. Only very small parts of it, which are
presumably arranged at random, may be paracrystalline. The number .of
glucose residues in cellulose molecules of fibre cells was found to vary from
500 to 10,000 and the length of these molecules varies from 2500 to 50,000 A
(Frey-Wyssling, A. and K. Muhlethaler, 1965. Ultrastructural Plant Cytology.
Elsevier Publishing Co.) (Fig. 13).
Most ofttle above is based on the results of research made on the secondary
cell wall, but recently much attention has been paid to the structure of the
The Cell 29

primary wall. T\1e primary wall is similar in structure to the secondary

wall in that it consists of anisotropic (crystalline) cellulose microfibrils and a
noncellulotic matrix. Sometimes, as in the Phycomycetes, the microfibrils
consist of chitin (FreY-W.yssling and Miihlethaler, 1950; Roelofsen, 1951)

Primary woll

Bundles of
microfibrils ~--,=---,__



Elementary fibril

FIG. 13. Diagrammatic representation of the submicroscopic structure of the cell
wall. 1, Portion of a cell with secondary wall layers, 2, Bundles of microfibrils,
microfibrils and an elementary fibril. 3, Two unit cells of cellulose, as suggested by
Meyer and Mark. 4, Two glucose residues. .,

or of other substances. The interfibrillar matrix usually contains pectic
compounds and hemicellulose, but in many cells lignin, cutin, suberin,
waxes and many other organic substances may also be present. The pri-
mary wall of manv cel1s h~", ~ 1'1""",11", .. .,. " .. _ .. ~ .... __
'T" •
30 Plant Anatomy

microfibrils cross,in the primary wall differs in different, cells as well as in

the various lamellae and in different parts of the wall aD a single cell (Fig.
12, no. 2).
-New theories, based on electron microscopic research, have been devel-
oped as to the manner in which the primary wall grows (Wardrop, 1962).
Frey-Wyssling and Stecher (1951), for instance, suggested that the pri-
mary cell wall grows in a way that has been termed mosaic growth. In such
growth thin areas, penetrated by the cytoplasm, appear in the growing pri-
mary wall. In these regions cytoplasmic synthesis takes place so that the
microfibrils are pushed apart by the enlarging ·mass of cytoplasm, thus
enlarging the cell surface. Subsequently new microfibrils are woven into
the wall to fill in the thinner areas. A more recent concept is the theory of
multinet growth (Houwink and Roelofsen, 1954). According to this theory
the thickening and increase in surface area of the primary wall is brought
about, in many cases, by the separation of the crossed microfibrils and
alteration in their orientation, in the earliest formed lamellae, from being
almost transverse to almost longitudinal. New lamellae with denser, crossed
and almost transversely orientated microfibrils are added centripetally.
The classical debate as to whether the growth of the cell wall is accom-
plished by intussusception or by apposition/is, therefore, still continued.
According· to the first opinion the material of the new wall is laid down
" between particles of the existing substance of the expanding wall. Accord-
ing to the second opinion the growth is due to the centripetal addition of
new layers, one upon the other. However, in the light of p'resent knowledge
it appears that the theory of apposition is the more acceptable.


In order to discover the orientation of the microfibrils, the micellae and

the cellulose chains in the different layers of the cell wall, and particularly
in the secondary wall, many investigations have been made (Bailey and
Kerr, 1935, 1937; Bailey and Vestal, 1937a, b; Bailey and Berkley, 1942\
Wardrop and Preston, 1947; Frey-Wyssling et al., 1948; FreY-Wyssling,
1948,1950; Bailey, 1957; Wardrop, 1954, 1958; and others). These investi-
gations were based on all of the methods, both direct and indirect, that
were described previously. In general, the results obtained by different
methods of investigation on the same object have proved similar. The ori-.
entation of the microfibrils and of the bundles of nlicrofibrils in two layers
can be determined simultaneously in specially prepared sections (Fig. 12,
no. 1). The orientation of iodine crystals in the interfibrillar spaces can also
be seen easily with high magnification of the ordinary light microscope.
Electron micrographs are also of value where the axes of the cells can be
marked on the small nortion of the wall seen in them.
The Cell 31

When a thin cross-section through tracheids is examined with a poJariz-.

ing microscope while the two Nicol prisms are crossed, certain layers of
the waH appear brIght and others dark (Fig. 14, nos. 2, 4, 5). In the. bright-
est layers, those with the strongest birefringence, the longitudinal axes of

FIG. 14. 1, Micrograph of a cross-section of tracheids of P inus in which three lay-

ers can be distinguished in the seconda ry wall. 2, As above, but as seen under
the po larizing microscope. 3, X -ray diffraction pattern of delignified wood of
Pinus Jongi/o Jia. 4, As in N o. 3, b ut as seen in a polarizing microscope. 5, M icro-
graph of a cross-section of fibres of Pandanus as seen in the polarizing microscope
showing t he n umerous concentric layers in the secondary cell wall. (Co urtesy of
r.W. Bailey.)
the crystals of cellulose are parallel to the surface of the section, i.e. per-
pendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tracheid. In the l ayers in which
the cellUlose crystals are perpendicular to the surface of the section the
passage ofl ight is not affected and the l aver ~ r~m ~i n rl"rl. h "t",,,, ..n ~rM ~~..:I
32 Plant Ana/omy

prisms. In these layers the crystals are parallel to the longitudinal axes ot
the tracheids. The bright layers. however, are not cobtinuous on the cir'
cumference but are interrupted in four places. The brightest sections ot
such a layer are those that lie at an angle of 45 to the axis of the analyser
and the polarizer of the microscope, and'the darkest areas of the same layer'
are approximately parallel to these axes. The birefringence is only apparent

I /
I /
I /
I /
--4-_ :\

FIG. 15. Three-dimensional schematic drawing of a tracheid to show various

secondary waH layers and the orientation of the microfibriIs iri them and around
the bordered pits. Microfibrils indicated by broken lines. (Adapted' from Brown
el al., 1949.)

when the longitudinal axes of the crystals are at an angle of 45 to the ax~,

of the crossed analyser and polarizer. By the study of oblique sections, cu.1
at different angles or on the basis of accurate calculations of the degree
of the birefringence, it is possible to use this method to determine the
accurate orientation of the cellulose crystals in the various layers of the
wall (Preston, 1952).
From the results obtained from investigations using X-rays, lhe orien'
tation of the cellulose crystals in the different lavers cannot nf" nptprn-o-i..,,,,,,.-I'
The Cell 33

only conclusions as to the average orientation of the different wall layers

of a large number of cells can be drawn. In order to make X-ray photo-
graphs. sections of tissue about I mm thick are used. The angle .between the
longitudinal axis of the cellulose crystals and that of the cell is calculated
according to size of the preferred orientation of X-ray diffraction spots
(Fig. 14, no. 3). ~
From the results of the above investigations, it is seen that the orientation
-of tlie microfibrils and the micellae in the secondary walls differs in differ-
ent plants, in the cells of the different plant organs, in the different layers
of the same cell wall, and sometimes even in the different lamellae of the
same layer. In the walls of many vessel members, tracheids and fibres that
have been studied and that have three layers to the secondary wall, the
following arrangement of the microfibrils and micellae has been found: the
orientation in the outer and inner layers is almost horizontal or the micro-
fibrils are orientated in a very low spiral; and the orientation in the central
layer is almost parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cell, the microfibrils
,being arranged in a steep spiral (Fig. 15).
Bailey and Vestal (1937a) found that in the outer wall layer of the
·tracheids of early conifer wood the orientation of the cellulose microfibrils
around the large bordered pits is circular, while the microfibrils in the
central layer are only slightly deflected around the pits. .
In cotton fibres the largest portion of ·the secondary wall consists of
spirally arranged microfibrils that are orientated at an angle of 45" or less
to the longitudinal axis of the cell. In flax fibres the orientation of the mic-
rofibrils is spiral, but the.direction of the spiral in each of the numerous
overlying layers opposes 'that in the adjacent layers.


As has been mentioned previously, the wall in a cross-section appears

to be built of layers, because of the different composition and structure of
the lamellae which are added continuously as the wall grows. The difference
in the structure is brought about, as explained above, by the differences in
density and orientation of the cellulose microfibrils, the presence of different
quantities of ligmin, etc. These features result in differences in the refrac-
tion of light so that the layers of the wall are emphasized.
Because of the large amount of cellulose in the wall, the properties of the
wall are determined by those of cellulose; the other substances add some
characteristics, or alter slightly, those of the cellulose. One of the important
properties of cellulose is its ability to withstand stretching because of its
elasticity. The lignin increases the resistance of the wall to pressure and so
prevents the folding of the cellulose microfibrils. The orientation of the
microfibrils in the different lamellae of the wall no doubt is an iJbportant
f!ll"'+""" ;~ ..l_ .. ____ !_~.
34 . Plant Anatomy


Primary pit fields

The primary walls of young cells' stretch and increase in surface are~
and thickness as the cell grows. However, certain portioris of the wall
generally remain thin; these portions are termed primary pit fields (Fig. 16,
nos. I, 2). Sometimes, when the pit fields are numerous and deeply sunken,
the wall, in which they occur, appears beaded in cross-section. In cells,
such as th~ phloem elements for example, that have only a primary wall
when fully differentiated, the primary pit fields alter with maturation (se~
Chapter 8'.
A characteristic feature of the primary pit fields of living cells is tM
presence of concentrations of very thin protoplasmic strands, i.e. the·
plasmodesmata. The plasmodesmata connect the protoplasts of neigh'
bouring cells (Fig. 10, no. 3). They are apparently present in all living cell,
"f higher plants, the living protoplasts ·of which are, therefore, united to.
form a .single unit. Because of their extreme fineriess and their plasmiC:
nature, plasmodesmata can be seen, in the light microscope, only wheJl
special.techniques are used. Plasmodesmata are relatively easily seen il) \
the endosperm of seeds, such as ihose ofJhe Phoenix, Aesculus and Diospy'
ros and· in ihe cotyledons of some'plants: .
Plasmodesmata usually occur in groups, but sometimes they may be.
more or less evenly distributed over the entire wall. When in groups the
plasmodesmata usually occur in the primary pit fields as has been demon'
strated in cambial cells (Kerr and Bailey, 1934; Livingston and Bailey,
1946). In mature living cells with secondary walls large groups of plasmo<
desmata traverse the pit membranes.
The cytoplasmic nature of the plasmodesmata is proven by the follow,
ing facts: they are present only in living cells; they stain similarly to the
cytoplasm; they exhibit a positive reaction for oxidases; on ph,smolysis
the protoplast withdraws from the wall in aJr'places except where plasmo-
desmata are present (Esau, 1953).
The following explanation of the origin and development of the plas'
modesmata has been given by Frey-Wyssling (1959). The nature of the cell
plate is unknown but without doubt it is partly protoplasmic. Iris thought
that young growing walls are penetrated by cytoplasm. With the accumu'
lation of the cellulose micro fibrils (Fig. 16, no. 2) and pectic substances
in the wall, the cytoplasmic connections gradually become narrower until
they constitute thin threads, i.e. the plasmodesmata. According to Buva!
and Puissant (1958) plasmodesmata are already present in the cell
plate at the time of cell division. Apparently, with the increase of the wall
surface the number of plasmodesmata also increases; this is probably
brought about by the splitting of the original threads. When new areas of
The Cell 35
contact are made between the cells (during the expansion of tissues;during
intrusive growth, in grafts, connections between tyloses, etc.), new plasmo-

FIG. 16. 1, Micrograpl1 of parenchyma cells from the pith of Nicotiana tabacum
showing primary pit fields. x 750. 2, Electron micrograph of a primary pit field
of Zea mays. x 24,OOO. (No.2, after Miihletbaler, 1950.)

desmata are apparently formed in the maturing cell walls. Plasmodesmata

have been seen to become branched during the expansion and thickening
1960). Branched plasmodesmata have also been observed by the author
in the pit membranes of the wood fibres of Tamarix spp.
It is thought that the plasmodesmata play an active role in the transport
of materials and the relay of stimuli. According to Schumacher (1942) one
of the proofs that plasmodesmata relay stimuli is their presence in the outer
walls of the epidermal cells. It is also thought that viruses can pass from
one cell to another via the plasmodesmata (Esau, 1961).


Certain portions of the cell wall remain thin even as the secondary wall
is formed and they, therefore, consist only of primary wall material. These
areas, which are of variable shape, are called pits (Fig. 17, nos. 1-6). Some
authors use the term pit to refer only to the pit cavity together with the
primary wall, which closes the pit. Others use the term pit to refer to the
above structures together with that part of the secondary wall that surrounds
the pit cavity. Pits can develop over the primary pit fields and then one
or more pits may develop in the pit field, or .pits develop on those parts of
the primary wall devoid of pit fields. On the other hand, the primary pit
fields can become completely covered by the secondary cell wall.
The pits are apparently areas through which sUbsdnces pass from cell
to cell. The concentration of plasmodesmata,. in living cells in the region
of the pit membranes is an "additional proof of the pit being a channel of
exchange. Generally each pit has a complementary pit exactly opposite it
in the wall of the neighbouring cell. Such pits form a morphological and
functional unit called the pit-pair (Fig. 17, no. 2). The cavity formed by
the break in the secondary wall is called the pit cavity. The membrane,
built of the primary cell walls and middle lamella, that separates the two
pit cavities of the pit-pair, is called the pit membrane or closing membrane.
The opening of the pit on the inner side of the cell wall, i.e. on that side
facing the lumen of the cell, is called the pit aperture (Fig. 17, no. 2).
Two principal types of pits are recognized-simple pits and bordered
pits (Fig. 17, nos. 1-7). The main characteristic of bordered pits is that the
secondary wall develops over the pit cavity to form an overarching roof
with a narrow pore in its centre. In a simple pit no such development of
the secondary wall is present.
If the two pits of a pair are simple, a simple pit-pair is formed (Fig.
17, no. 2); if the two pits are bordered, a bordered pit-pair (Fig. 17, no. 3);
if one of the pits is simple and the other bordered, a ha!J,bordered pit-pair
(Fig. 17, no. 4). If the pit has no compiement&ry pit in the adjacen(cell or
ifit is opposite an intercellular space, it is termed a blind pit (Fig. 17, no. I).
Sometimes two or more pits are found opposite one large pit- such an
arrangement is called unilateral compound pitting.
). " ;~ .
The pit cavity of a simple pit may have the same diameter over its entire
depth, or it may widen or narrow toward the pit aperture. In places where
the secondary wall is very thick the pit cavity has the form of a canal.

Pit chamber


2 3 4 5 6


9 10

FIG. 17. Structure of pits. 1, Simple pit. 2, Simple pit-pair. 3, Bordered pit-pair.
4, Half-bordered pit-pair. 5 and 6, Bordered pits . 7, Three-dimensional diagram
. of a portion of the adjacent walls of fwo tracheids showing the structure of
bordered pit-pairs. 8, Diagram of pit membrane and torus of, Pinus showing the
perforations in the membrane. 9 and 10, Longitudinal sections of bordered pit·
pairs of a tracheid. Arrows indicate direction of water flow. 9, Torus and memo
brane in median position.\lO, Torus closing one of the pit apertures. 11 and 12,
Longitudi nal section·of tlie wall of adjacent vessels with vestured pits. (Nos.
8- 12 after LW. Bailey.)
38. Plant Anatomy

Sometimes this canal is branched towards the outer layers of the cell wall
and then the pit is called a branched simple pit. Such pits arise from the
fusion of several pits during the centripetal addition of liiyers to the secon-
dary wall (Fig. 38, no. 4).
Simple pits ·are usually' found in parenchyma cells with thickened walls,
in libriform fibres and scleroids. Bordered pits are found in the tiacheary
elements and in fibre-tracheids.
The bordered pit is more complicated than the simple in its structure
and is variously shaped. In the bordered pit that part of the pit cavity t!tat
is formed by overarching of the secondary wall is called the pit chamber
and the opening in the secondary wall that faces the cell lumen is called
the pit aperture. If the secondary wall is very thick a canal-the pit
canal-is formed between the cell lumen and the pit chamber. In the pit
canal two openings are distinguished-that facing the cell lumen is termed
the inner aperture and that nearest the pit chamber, the· outer aperture
(Fig. 17, no. 6).
In some plants there are bordered pit-pairs in which the pit membrane
is thickened in its central portion; this thickening, which is of a primary
nature, is disc-shaped and is termed the torus (Fig. 17, nos. 7-10). The dia-
meter of the torus is wider than that of the pi~ aperture. \
Bannan (1941) describes the occurrence,of thickenings, other than the
torus, on the pit membrane. These thickenings may be radial or tangential
in relation to the torus. The torus found in the bordered pits of Cedrus is
fringed on its circumference (Fig. 10, no. 2). This feature is a characteristic
of Cedrus, and as such it aids in the identification of the wo'od of this genus.
It\. tracheids of many conifers the ",it membrane around the torus is
porous. The presence of these pores was discovered in 1913 by Bailey in
experiments that derr,onstrated the passage of a suspension of finely divided
particles of carbon from one tracheid to anotJ:;er. This has been con- \
firmed by electron micrographs (Liese and Fahnenbrock, 1952). The pit
membrane is usually flexible and, under certain conditions, the torus can
be pushed against one of the pit apertures (Fig. 17, nos. 9, 10). When the
torus is in the median position, i.e. in the middle of a pit·pair, water can
easily pass from one tracheid to another, In a pit-pair where the torus is in\
a lateral position, i.e. pressed against one of the pit apertures, the passage .
of water is very limited. Most of the tori in late wood and all 'of them in the
heartwood are always in a lateral position and the flexibility of the pit
membrane is lost.
The presence of a torus is especially characteristic of the bordered pits
of the Gnetales, of Ginkgo, and most of the Coniferales. Tori occur only
rarely in the Ophioglossales (Bierhorst, 1960) and in the angiosperms.
In some dicotyledons thin, simple or branched sculpturings are present
on the secondary wall that forms the pit chamber, or around the pit aper-
ture. Such pits are called vestured pits (Fig. 17, nos. II, 12) and the sculp-
The Cell 39

turings may have various shapes .. Because of the special properties of light
refraction and of,staining these pits jf porous or net-like in sur-
face view an9, thus, were once , termed sieve-pits. Vestured pits are found
in the tra~heary elements of the secondary wood of certain dicotyledonous
genera and species, such as some of the Legumjnosae, Cruciferae, Myrta-

,,~ =:,


3 .... 5

FIG. 18. 1, Portion of the common wall between two fibre-tracheids showing the
type of bordered pit characteristic of these elements. 2-5, Types of pitting. 2, Sca-
lariform pitting. 3, Transition from elongated pits in scalariform arrangement
to shorter circular pits in opposite arrangement. 4, Opposite pitting. 5, Alternate

ceae and Caprifoliaceae. Vestured pits are found in phylogenetically more

developed xylem and therefore they are considered to be an advanced
form of pit.
The shape of the pit aperture can be the same a:> that of the pit chamber
or different from it. The pit aperture may be round, elliptic or linear. As
40 Plant Anatomy

the walls continue to thicken the pit chamber becomes smaller and the pit
canal between the inner and outer apertures becomes longer. In such pits
the inner aperture often becomes long and narrow, as seek in surface view,
and, in very thick walls, its longitudinal axis may be longer than the dia-
meter of the pit chamber. When the inner aperture is large and linear,
narrow or elliptic, and when the outer aperture is small and circular, the
pit canal has the shape of a flattened funnel. The elongated inner apertures
of such a. bordered pit-pair may be parallel or crossed. This type of pit
occurs mainly in fibre-tracheids (Fig. 18, no. I). '
Bordered pits found in tracheary elements vary in shape and arrange-
ment. When the pits are distinctly elongated or linear and arranged in
ladder-like tiers the arrangement is termed scalariform pitting. When the
pits are circular or only slightly elongated and the outlines are elliptic
there are two possible ways in which they may be arranged on the wall:
in horizontal lines) i.e. opposite pitting, or in diagonal lines, i.e. alternate
pitting. When the pits are crowded the outline of the opposite pits becomes
rectangular or square, and that of the alternate pits hexagonal (Fig. 18,
nos. 2-5). \
Tracheary elements have especially well developed bordered pits in
those regions where they are adjacent to other tracheary elements. In the·
regions of contact with parenchymatous cell( reduced bordered pits are
sometimes found. Usually those parts of the wall adjacent to fibres are
devoid of pits.
Other sculpturings on the cell wall
In addition to the pits many other sculpturings exist on the cell walls.
These include, for example, the perforations in the end walls of the vessel
members, various thickenings on the inner surface lof cell walls, such as
wall thickenings in the proto xylem elements, spiral thickenings on the
inner surfaces of pitted secondary walls, casparian strips of endodermal
cells, thickenings in the walls of the endothecial cells of pollen sacs, and
external projections formed partly by the wall itself and partly by deposits,
e.g. of cuticle on epidermal cells and of external layers on spores and pollen
grains. The above features are discussed in later chapters. Here only three
structures will be discussed-crassulae, trabeculae and lvarl structures.
Crassulae are linear or crescent-shaped thickenings of the primary wall
and middle lamella which occur between bordered pits or small groups of
these pits. The crassulae may sometimes surround the pits. They represent
the borders of the primary pit fields of the young cell from which the ele-
ment developed. Crassulae are well developed. in the tracheids of certain
gymnosperms (Fig. 133, no. 4).
Trabeculae are rod-shaped thickenings of the wall which traverse the
cell lumen radially. They usually appear in radial rows in the wood ele-
The Cell 41

ments, and sometimes co-ntinuous rows of cells traversed by trabeculae

extend through the cambium into the phloem. Trabeculae are common in
the tracheids of the secondary wood of conifers.
Wart structures are structures that have been observed on the inner
surface of the secondary wall of conifer tracheids and of fibres and vessels
of many dicotyledons (Wardrop et al., 1959; Liese and Ledbetter, 1963). The
diameter of these structures. varies between 0·1 I' and 0·5 1'. They develop
after, or towards the completion of, differentiation and lignification of the
secondary wall, and according to Liese and Ledbetter they consist of rem·
nants of the protoplast. These structures are probably identical with the
tertiary layer as described by Frey-Wyssling (see p. 24).

In some dicotyledonous families, such as the Moraceae and Urticaceae,
stalked outgrowths of the wall that project into the cell lumen are present.
These outgrowths are called cystoliths. They consist of cellulose and are
Impregnated with calcium carbonate. Cystoliths are irregular in shape and
sometimes they almost completely fill the cell. Cystoliths may appear in
parenchymatous cells in various parts of the plant including even the
xylem and phloem rays, but they are usually found in the epidermis in
hairs ,?r special large cells which are termed lit/wcysts (Fig. 55, no. J).
BAILEY, 1. W. 1'~n.lhe_preservat'lve treatment 01 wood. 11. 'The structure 01 the p'ft
membranes in the tracheids of-conifers" and their relation to' the penetration of
-gases, liquids and finely divided solids into green and seasonal wood. Forestry
Quart. 11: 12-20.
BA.lLEY, I. W. 1957.',Aggregation of microfibrils and their orientations in the secondary
wall of coniferous tracheids. Amer. Jour. Bot. 44: 415--418.
BAILEY, L W. and BERKI.EY, E. E. 1942. The significance of X-rays in studying the
orientation of cellulose in the ~econdary wall of tracheids. Amer. Jour. Bot. 29:
BAILEY, J. W. and KERR, T. 1935. The visible structure of the secondary wall and its
significance in physical and chemical investigations of tracheary cells and fibres.
Jour. Arnold Arb. 16: 273-300.
BAILEY, I. W. and KfRR, T. 1937. The structural variability of the secondary wall as
revealed by "lignin" residues. Jour. Arnold Arb. 18: 261-272.
BAILEY, 1. W. and VESTAL, M. R. 1937a. The orientation of cellulose in the secondary
wall of tracheary cells. Jour. Arnold Arb. 18: 185-195.
BAILEY, 1. W. and VESTAL, M. R. 1937b. The significance of certain wood-destroying
fungi in the study of the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. Jour. Arnold Arb. 18:
BANNAN, M. W. 1941. Variability in wood structure in roots of native Ontario conifers.
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 173-194.
BIERHORST, D. W. 1960. Observations on tracheary elements. Phytomorphology 10:
42 Plant Anatomy

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IN THE early stages of the development of the embryo, all the cells undergo "
division, but with further growth and development cell division and multi-
plication become restricted to special parts of the plant in which the
tissues remain embryonic in character and the cells retain the ability to di-
vide. These embryonic tissues in the mature plant body, are called meri-
stems. Cell division can also occur in tissues other than meristems, for in-
stance, in the cortex of the stem and in young, developing vascular tissues.
However, in these tissues the number of divisions is limited. On the other
hand, the cells of the meristems continue to divide indefinitely and as a
result new cells are continually added to the plant ·body. Meristems may
also be found in a temporary resting phase, for instance, in perennial .\
plants that are dormant in certain seasons and in axillary buds that may be
dormant even during the active phase of thee plant.
The process of the growth and morpho-physiological specialization of
the cells produced by the meristems'is called differentiation. Theoretically,
it was believed that the tissues that undergo differentiation ~radually lose'
the embryonic characteristics of the meristem and acquire the mature state.
Such tissues are called mature or permanent. Recently it has been shown
that the term permanent tissues.can used in relation to certain cells
which have undergone' i~reversible differentia"tion, ~s, for instance, sieve
elements which have no nucleus and dead cells, such as tracheids, vessel
elements and cork cells. All ceUS' which contain nuclei possess, to 'a certain
degree, the ahility to grow and divide and redifferentiate if the appropriate
stimulus is present (Bloch, 1941; Buvat, 1944, 1945; Gautheret, ,1945,1957;
White, 1946; Wetmore, 1954, 1956).

Classification of meristems
The classification of meristems is made on the basis of various criteria
-their position in the plant body, their origin and the tissues which
they produce, their structure, their stage of development and their func-
According to the position of the meristems in the plant body they are
divided into the following types: (a) apical meristems, which are found in
Meristems 45

the apices of the main and secondary shoots and roots; (b) intercalary
meristems, which are found between mature tissues~ as, for example, in the
bases of the internodes of grasses; (c) iatera/.meristems, which are situated
parallel to the circumference of the organ in which they are found, as, for
instance, the vascular cambium and the phellogen.
It is customary to distinguish between primary and secondary meristems
-a classification based on the origin of the meristems. Accordingly, pri-
-mary meristems are those whose cells develop directly from the embryonic
cells and so constitute a direct continuation of the embryo, while secondary
meristems are those that develop from mature tissues which have already
undergone differentiation.
The above definitions of primary and secondary meristems, however, are
not always accurate. For example, the apical meristems of truly adventi-
tious organs develop secondarily within relatively mature tissues as well
as within secondary meristematic tissues, although according to their struc-
ture and function they are primary meristems. On the other hand, a large
!!i!part of, or sometimes even the entire, vascular cambium, which is generally
accepted to be a secondary meristem, develops. at a late stage, from the
"apical meristem, i.e. from a part of the procambium.
Examples of secondary meristems, which can be determined as such
·without doubt, according to origin, are the phellogen which develops from
parenchyma or collenchyma cells which have already undergone differen-
tiation and callous tissue ";hich develops in tissue cultures made from
mature tissues.
From the above it can be seen that it is more correct to use the terms pri-
mary and secondary meristems to refer. to. the stage of development at
which the meristems appear and to the types of tissue that develop from
them and not to their origin. From the primary meristems the fundamental
part~ of the plant, such as the epidermis, the cortical tissues of the stem
and root, the mesophyll of the leaf and the primary vascular tissues de-
velop, and from the secondary meristems the secondary vascular and pro-
tective tissues.
In certain monocotyledons, such as some palms, banana, Veratrum and
others, the thickening of the stem takes place near the apices and therefore
is regarded as being of primary nature. The meristem responsible for this
type of increase in thickness is termed primary thickening rneristem.

stages of development of primary meristems

Secondary meristems, e.g. the cambium and tbe pbellogen, are homo-
geneous tissues in whicb different stages cannot be distinguished. In the
primary meristems, however, different regions in various stages of differ-
46 Plant Anatomy

a promeristem and a meristematic zone below it in which groups of cells

have undergone a certain degree of differentiation. Thetpromeristem con-
sists of the apical initials together with the cells derived from them and
which are still close to the initials. Thepartly differentiated meristematic
zone consists of the following three meristems: the protoderm from which
the epidermal system of the plant develops, the procambium from which the
primary vascular tissues develop, and the ground.rneristem from which the
ground tissues of the plant, as, for instance, the parenchyma and scleren-
chyma of the cortex and pith and the collenchyma of the cortex, develop.
The term initials in meristems refers to cells which remain within the
meristem and which add cells to the plant body by means of division.

Cytological characteristics of meristems

Meristematic cells are usually thin-walled, more isodiametric in shape
than the cells of mature tissues and relatively richer in protoplasm. How-
ever, it is not possible to find a general morphological criterion by which
meristematic cells can be distinguished from unspecialized mature cells.
Usually the protoplasts of meristematic cells'are
devoid- -
of reserve mate-
rials and crystals and the plastids are in _the proplastid stage. However,
the protoplasts ofthe phellogen, a secondary meristem, may contain. these
bodies. In most cells of apical meristems of a large number of plants,. and
especially among the angiosperms, the vacuoles are very' small, not ob-
vious, and are scattered throughout the protoplast. However, in pterido-
phytes and many spermatophytes at least some of the cells of the apical
meristem contain conspicuous vacuoles. Also the cells of the vascular,
cambium are highly vacuolated (Bailey, 1930). In general, it is possible to
state that the larger the meristematic cell, even if it is an initial cell or one
close to the initials, the greater is the degree of vacuolization. The size of
the meristematic cells varies. Also the ratio between the size of the cell and
that of the nucleus varies very greatly in different meristematic cells. The
wall of meristematic cells is usually thin, but certain cells in the 'apical,
meristems have thick walls and cells of the vascular cambium have very'
thick radial walls at certain periods. I
From the above it can be seen that morphological analysis alone is not
sufficient to determine the meristematic nature of cells and the use of ex-
perimental methods is often necessary. mer;stems
In the nineteenth century research workers mainly dealt with the problem
of the number of the initials in the apices and the determination of the
tissues that were derived from them. Thus the histogen theory of Han stein
Meristems 47

(1868) and the apical cell theory of Nageli (1878) were developed. Modern
research on spermatophytes deals with histo-cytological arrangement of
the zones of cells and their activity in the apices. Recently experimental
research .on apices attached to entire plants or grown as tissue cultures has
contributed to the clarification of these problems (Ball, 1946, 1947, 1960;
Clowes, 1953, 1954; Wetmore, 1954, 1956; Wardlaw, 1957; Gifford and
Tepper, 1962a, b). Initials can be recognized by microscopical investigations
.and by the use of assumptions based o~ the orientation of cell divisions.
Experiments have been made to determine the location and number of the
initials by the application of colchicine. Using this substance it has been
possih\e to increase the number of chromosomes in a few cells, and as the
,derivatives of such cells possess the increased number of chromosomes it is
possible to identify all the cells that are derived from the colchicine-affected
cells. If the affected cell is an initial, entire regions of tissues, the cells
of which have the increased chromosome number, result; thus polyploid
chimeras are artificially formed. This phenomenon makes it possible to
identify the initials (Dermen, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1951). Although the initials
"are usually permanent, opinions exist that they may sometimes be replaced
by new initials. In addition to the above-mentioned studies of Dermen, the
"':.observations of other workers on polyploid chimeras (Satina et aI., 1940;
Satina and Blakeslee, 1941, 1943; Satina, 19'59) and on variegated chimeras
(ThieJke, 1948, 1954, 1955, 1957; Bartels, 1960; Moh, 1961) are of great
impodance in the 'study of apical meristems.
In this book the apical meristem will be divided, as already mentioned,
into two main regions-the promeristem which comprises the apical
initials and neighbouring cells, and the meristematic zone below it in which
the three basic meristems (the protoderm, procambium' and ground meris-
tern) of the tissue systems can be distinguished.
The following discussion deals mainly with the arrangement and function
of the cells in the promeristem.


Wolff, in 1759, discovered that the new leaves and tissues of the stem
arise in the very apex of the stem. He termed this region the "punctum
vegetationis". Today the term shoot apex is generally used (Fig. 19, no. I)
as it is the region of initiation of the primary organization of the shoot in
which the processes of growth take place and which cannot be limited to
a point. The shoot apex proper is considered as that terminal part of the
shoot immediately above the uppermost leaf primordium. There are great
differences in the shape and size of the shoot apices among the spermato-
phytes. In a median longitudinal section the apex generally appears more
or less convex. In Anacharis and Myriophyllum and some grasses the shane
48 Plant Anatomy

of the apex is.a narrow cone with a rounded tip (Fig. 20, nos. 1, 3; Fig.
21, nos. 1, 2), while in a rew plants, e.g. Drimys andl Hibiscus syriacus,
it is slightly concave (Gifford, 1950; Tolbert, 1961).
Before the initiation of each leaf the apical meristem widens considerably
and after the appearance of the leaf primordium ·it again· becomes narrow.

FlO. 19. Shoot apex of Vilis vim/era. 1, Vegetative shoot apex. 2, Vegetative shoot
apex in which the tip of the apex is seen to be asymmetrical; this is apparently
connected with the initiation of an axiUary bud. 3, Apex in which the main apex
and an axillary bud can be distinguished; the axillary bud_js~apparently repro-
ductive. 4, Primordial inflorescence (Drawings adapted from Z.' Bernstein.)

This phenomenon is rhythmic, i.e. it recurs with the initiation of each leaf
or pair of leaves. Schmidt (1924) introduced the terms minimal- and maxi-
mal-areas of the apex. For the period between the successive initiations of
two leaves or two pairs of leaves he suggested the use of the term plasto-
chron (Fig. 27, nos. 1-6) which had been used previously but with a much
wider meaning. The shoot apices of dicotyledons with opposite leaves
(such as Lonicera, Coleus, Vinca, Ligustrum, Syringa and others) are parti-
cularly suitable for the study of plastochronic changes.
Meristems 49
In the Angiospermae the shoot apices are usually small. The measure-
ment' of the diameter is taken as the 'width of the apex immediately above

FIG. 20. Photographs of shoot apices. 1, Vegetative shoot apex of Hordeum bu/-
bosum. 2, Early stage in development of inflorescence of Hordeum bulbosum. 3,
Shoot apex of Secale at the time of floral induction. 4, Early stage of floral devel-
opment in Secale. (Photographs courtesy of D . Koller.)

the youngest primordium. The diameter usually varies between 90 fL (in

(:ertain grasses) and 130-200 f.L (in many dicotyledons). In the banana plant,
however, width of the apex reaches 280 fL, in certain Pal mae and in Nym-
Plant Anatomy

FIG. 21. 1-3, Micrographs of longitudinal sections of vegetative shoot apices. J,

Anacharis canadensis. x 30. 2, Coleus blumei. X 135. 3, Vinca major. X 80. 4,
Portion of a median lo ngitudinal sectio n of the shoot of Anabasis articulata show-
ing the intercalary meristem at the base of the internode. x 45.

FIG. 22. Micrographs of longitudinal sections of shoot api'ces of pteridophytes. 1,

Seiaginella, in which two apical initials can be distinguished. X1150. 2, Marsilea
with a single apica l initial. x 430. 3, Ophioglossum lusitanicum with several api-
cal initials, x 380.
52 Plant Anatomy

phaea, 500 p, and in Trichocereus itis between 700-800 p (Ball, 1941; Boke,
1941; Cutter, 1957; Fahnetal., 1963). The differences in the diameter of
the apices of gymnosperms are much greater (Kemp, 1943). The apices of
the conifers are cone-shaped and fairly narrow and the dimensions of
their diameter are similar to those typical for angiosperms. On the other
hand, the apices in Ginkgo and Cycas are three to eight times as wide as
they are high (Johnson, 1944). In Cycas ,evoluta the diameter of the maxi,
mal-area of the apex is 3·5 mm (Foster, 1940).


In the Pteridophyta there are one or more initials which can usually be
easily distinguished from the neighbouring cells. These initials give rise
to all the cells of the apex. If only one initial is present it is termed the
apical cell (Fig. 22, no. 2) and if more than one cell are ,present they are
termed apical initials (Fig. 22, no. 3). The single apical cell usually is tetra-
hedral in shape and its base is directed toward the surface of the apex.
A single apical cell is found in the Psilotales, in Eqllisetllm and in some
ferns. The single apical cell divides in such a manner that the new cells are'
DoughIer cells

/ z
FIG. 23. Diagrams of apical cel1s to show the manner of division and addition of
cells to the plant body. 1, Tetrahedral apical cell with base directed towards the
surface of the apex and in {vhich the planes of division are parallel to the other
three faces. 2, Apical cell in which the planes of division are parallel to two faces
only. (Adapted from Schliepp, 1926.)

formed on all its sides with the exception of that on the surface of the apex.
The apical cells of pteridophytes are usually four-sided, but in SOme water
ferns, e.g. Salvinia and Azolla, and sometimes in Selaginella, they are only
three-sided. In the former, new cells are produced on three sides while in
the latter only on two sides (Fig. 23, nos. 1,2).
It is thought that the ferns (Filicinae) with a single apical cell are evolu-
tionarily more advanced than those with several apical initials.
Meristems 53


It was believed that the tissue of the shoot apex of spermatophytes was
a primordial meristem (promeristem) consisting of undifferentiated cells
which are morphologically equal. ~Recent cyto-histological research on the
shoot apices of spermatophytes has disproved this theory and has shown
that it is possible to distinguish, in these meristems, a complicated arrange-
ment of groups of cells which are characterized by the following features-
the size of the cell and the nucleus, differential staining, the relative thick-
ness of the cell walls and the frequency and orientation of cell division. The
plane of these divisions may be anticlinal, i.e. at right-angles to the surface
of'lthe apex, or periclinal, i.e. parallel to the surface of the apex, or dia-
gonal. ~
Since 1937'much research has been made on the structure of the shoot
apex of gymnosperms (Korody, 1937; Foster, 1938, 1939b, 1940, 1943;
Cross, 1939, 1942, 1943; lohnson, 1939, 1944; Gifford, 1943; Kemp, 1943;
Majumdar, 1945; Sterling, 1945, 1946; Allen, 1947; Gifford and Wetmore,
'1957; Guttenberg, 1961).
It is characteristic of all the gymnosperms that the direction of the cell
(li~visions in the surface of the apex is both anticlinal and periclinal and so
this layer represents the initiation zone of the entire apex and has been
tenned the surface meristem. The striking feature in the struct~re of most
gymnosperm' apices is the occurrence of a distinct zone of ceniral mother
cells. The cells of this zone are characterized by their size, the numerouS
large vacuoles and the presence, in many of them, of relatively thick walls.
Along the sides and the base orthe central mother cell zone the other apical
regions develop as a result orthe diagonal and horizontal divisions of the
central mother cells. In this way the peripheral zone or flank meristem is
developed laterally and the rib meristem zone (also known as central
meristem) from the base. The term rib meristem was introduced by Schuepp
(1926) to describe that type of meristematic tissue that consists of vertical
series of transversely dividing cells. According to Popham (1952), three
principal types of gymnosperms can be distinguished on the basis of the
structure of the shoot apex (Fig. 24, nos. 4-6; Fig. 25, nos. 1,2).
1. The Cycas type (Fig. 24, no. 4) in which three meristematic zones can
be distinguished. (a) The surface meristem in which the cells divide anti-
clinally, periclinally and diagonally. The cells of this zone are not uniform
in appearance and apical initials have been distinguished in the centre of
this zone in the seedlings of Cycas revoluta, but not in mature plants. The
cells of this zone give rise to the epidermis and the other apical meristema-
tic zones. (b) The rib meristem which is situated in the central region of the
apex below the surface layer. In the upper region of this zone vertical rows
of cells are obvious. The cells at the base of these rowS divide periclinally,
anticlinally and diagonally, and they are usually large and contain large
54 Plant Anatomy

vacuoles. In C. ,evoluta the pith develops from this tissue. (c) The flank
me,istem which enlarges by cell division within the zone itself and by the
addition of cells from the surface layer and from the periphery of the rib·
meristem. The cells of this zone are smaller than those of the rib meristem
and they are generally elongated. In C. ,evo/uta the cortex, the procambium
and the leaf primordia develop from this zone.



Flank rneristem
FIG. 24. I, Schematic drawing of a gr;ss plant to show the regions of growth. In-
tercalary meristematic regions~ heavily shaded; regions that are still growing but
whose tissues have undergone< a certain degree of differentiation, lightly shaded;
mature regions. unshaded. 2-9, Diagrams of eyto-histological zonation in vege-
tative shoot apices. 2, Pteridophyte type with single apical cell. 3, Selaginella type
with 2-5 apical initials. 4, Cycas type. 5, Ginkgo type. 6, Crypto»}eria-Abies type.
7. Schematic representation of the histogen theory of angiosperms. 8, Opuntia
type. 9, Usual angiosperm type. (No.1, adapted from Esau. 1953; nos. 2-6. 8
and 9, adapted from Popham, 1952.)
Meristems 55

2. The Ginkgo type (Fig. 25, nb. ']) in which five meristematic zones can
be distinguished in ,t he apex. (a) The surface meristem, the cells of which
mostly divide anticlinalIy, but among which periclinal divisions also occur.
The peric1inal divisions are more frequent in the cells of- the summit.

rface meristem

transitional zone

Flank meristem

Surface meristem

Central mother cells

FIG. 25. Micrographs of longitudinal sections of gymnosperm snoot apices. I,

Shoot apex of Ginkgo in which five zones can be distinguished. x 80. 2, Shoot
apex of Pinus ha/epensis in which four zones can be distinguished. x 400.
(Dark-staining areas are resin-filled celis.)

These cells are the apical initials. (b) The zone of central mother cells
which occurs in a median position below the surface layer. These cells are
large, polyhedral and they are irregularly arranged. They contain numer-
ous vacuoles and t he nuclei of many of them are large and the cell walls
are thick, particularly in the angles of the cells. The division of these cells
56 Plant Anatomy

is in various planes. (c) The cambium-like transitional zone which is cup-

shaped. This zone, which forms a transitional zone between the central
mother cells and the zones below them, is relatively narrow and is charac-
terized by frequent cell divisions. Most of the divisions are periclinal in
relation to the central mother cells, and so cells are added to the zones
below the transitional zone. (d) The rib'meristem which is found under the
central portion of the cambium-like transitional zone. The cells in this
zone are generally arranged in rows and the pith of the stem develops from
this zone. (e) The flank meristem which forms a cylinder surrounding.the
rib meristem, and which is a continuation of the cambium-like transitional
zone. Hie number of cells in this zone increases by division in the meristem
itself as well as by the addition of cells from the surface meristem and the
cambium-like transitional zone. The cortex, leaf primordia, procambium
and, in certain plants (Microcycas and Zamia), the outer region of the
pith develop from this zone. The following are some examples of plants
with the Ginkgo type of apex: Ginkgobiloba, Zamiaspp., Sequoia semper-
virens, Microcycas calocoma (side branches) and Pseudotsuga taxifolia.
3. The Cryptomeria-Abies type (Fig. 25, no. 2). In this type four meriste-
matic zones can be distinguished. The cambium-like transitional zone is
absent and the remaining zones are as in the, Ginkgo type. Of the plants
with this type of apical meristem the following species should be ,men-
tioned: Pinus montana,. Sequoia gigantea; Metasequoia glyptostrovoides,
Abies con color , Taxus baccata, Ephedra altissima and Cryptomeria japonica.,


At the beginning of the cyto-histological research on the apices of plants

the histogen theory of Hanstein (1868) was put ,forward. According to
Hanstein the following three zones (Fig. 24, no. 7) can be distinguished in
the shoot apex of angiosperms: an outermost zone, the dermatogen; a
central zone, plerome, which consists of irregularly arranged cells; and a
hollow cylindrical zone of several layers of cells between the dermatogen
and the plerome, the periblem. Hanstein stated that the dermatogen, peri-
blem and plerome develop from independent groups' of initials, which
act as direct histogens. According to this theory, therefore, the meristems
are destined from the beginning to produce certain tissues, i.e. the epider-
mis develops from the dermatogen, the cortex and internal tissues of the
leaf from the periblem, and the central cylinder from the plerome. The his-
togen theory of Hanstein was accepted for a long time, but later research,
which brought to light the following facts, disproved it. (I) In most sper-
matophytes it is not possible to distinguish clearly between the periblem
and plerome. (2) No predetermination of the mature tissues can be traced
in the various initials. In 1924, the theory of Schmidt which divides the
Meristems 57
apex into two regions, the tunica and the corpus, was postulated. According
to this theory no constant relationship can be traced between the parti-
cular initials of the promeristem arid the inner tissues of the shoot. The
two regions recognized by this theory are usually distinguished by the
planes of cell divisions in them. The·tunica consists 'of the 'outermost layer
or layers of cells which surround the inner cell mass-the corpus. The
plane of cell division in the tunica is principally anticlinal. In the corpus
the planes of cell division are in all directions. The tunica enlarges in
surface area and -the corpus in volume. The tunica-corpus theory is a
very adaptable one and today it is generally accepted in literature.
As already mentioned, the tunica consists of a single or a few layers of
cells which surround the inner meristem. The number of layers is not al-
~ays constant in a given genus or family, and not even in a species, and
c~ses are known where the number of layers varies in a single plant during
different stages of the development of the vegetative apex. The number of
layers can be from one to nine. In monocotyledons, no more than six have
been recorded. Sometimes, especially among the monocotyledons, a few
peric1inal divisions occur in the tunica, which is a contradiction of the ori-
ginal definition of the tunica and therefore Popham and Chan (1950) intro-
duced the term mantle for all the outer layers of the apex which can be dis-
'tinguished histologically from the inner cell mass without taking into ac-
count the planes of division in these Jayers. They retained the term'tunica for
thoselayers in which only anticlinal cell divisions take place. In this book
the term tunica is used in the1broad sense, and is equivalent to the mantle
of Popham and Chan.
Although the plane of cell division is generally the same throughout the
entire tunica, cytologically to/0 zones can be distinguished in it. One zone
is the central apical zone consisting of one or few initials which are larger
and have larger nuclei and vacuoles than the other tunica cells and which,
therefore, are also more lightly staining. The second zone is that region
on the sides of the apex between the initials and the leaf primordia. It con-
sists of smaller, more darkly staining cells which divide more frequently
and among which periclinal division may occur close to the primordia.
The corpus isfar less homogeneous than the tunica. Among the ·angio-
sperms two main types of corpus are recognized on the basis of internal
arrangement (Popham, 1952).
1. The usual angiosperm type (Fig. 24, no. 9) in which three main zones
can be distinguished in the corpus: (a) the zone of central mother cells
which probably represent the corpus initials and which is located below
the apical portion of the tunica, i.e. below the tunica initials; (b) the rib
meristem; and (c) the flank meristem. The latter two zones appear as contin-
uations of the central mother cells (Fig. 21, nos. 1, 3).
2. The Opuntia type (Fig. 24, no. 8) in which, in addition to the above
zones, a cambium-like transitional zone can be distinguished. This zone,
58 . Plant Anatomy

which is cup-shaped, is found between the central mother cells and the rib
and flank meristems (Fig. 26, nos; 1, 2). The cambium-like transitional
zone differs from the other zones of the apical meristem in that its height
and diameter vary considerably during the plastochron, reaching a maxi-
mum development close to a developing primordium (Fahn et aL 1963).

FIG. 26. 1, Micrograph of a longitudinal section of the uPller portion of the vege-
tative shoot apex of the Dwarf Cavendish banana showing a two-layered tunica.
x 460. 2, Micrograph of a longitudinal section of the shoot apex of Coleus blumei
showing a four-layered tunica. :><: 450.
Mer/stems 59

According to Philipson (1954) this zone is only a temporary feature in

many of the plants in which it occurs, as it disappears towards the end of
the plastochron.
The following are some examples of plants with an Opuntia type apex:
Phoenix dactyli/era, the Dwarf Cavendish banana, Chrysanthemum mari-
(olium, Opuntia cylindrica, Bellis perennis, Xanthium pennsylvanicum and
Liriodendron t"lipi/era.
The cambium-like transitional zone is always associated with leaf prim-
ordia. In Ficus carica, for example, a series of' such zones can be seen
in a median longitudinal section of a vegetative bud. Here each
cambium-like transitional zone corresponds to the basal part of the
developing internode and, as such, may represent a region of more
intense intercalary growth. Therefore the cambium-like transitional zone
should not be used as a criterion on which shoot apices can be classified
into different types.
The cells of the flank meristem are usually derived from the initials of
the corpus, but in some plants they arise also from the tunica initials .
...::..... ·.The rib meristem usually consists of cells arranged in rows which
-narrow towards the apex but they may sometimes be irregularly arranged.
~Themajority of divisions in this zone are horizontal, but diagonal divisions
also occur. Series of cells that increase in size as they become further dis-
_ tantfrom the central mother ~ells can be distinguished. With the increased
cell size the vacuoles also enlarge.
From what is known today, it can be concluded that the epidermis and
its derivatives originate from the outermost layer of the tunica. The flank
meristem contributes to the development of the leaf primordia, the cortex,
all or part of the procambium, and sometimes also the outer region of the


From the point of view of activity (cell division) two zones, which are
parallel to the cyto-histological zones, are generally distinguished: (a) a
central apical zone which includes the initials of the tunica and of the cor-
pus and in which division is considered to occur rarely; and (b) a
peripheral zone to which much mitotic activity is ascribed.
Extreme views as to the activity of these two zones are held by
Plantefol (1947, 1948) and Buvat (1952) who, contrary to most investiga-
tors do not regard the central apical zone as having the role of cell-
producing cells during the vegetative development of the plant (Fig. 27,
no. 7), but as being active only when the vegetative apex becomes reproduc-
tive. They base their views mainly on the fact that in vegetative apices no
divisions are found in this region. Thus, according to the above authors
an inactive region (meristeme d' attente) is present in the shoot apex.
60 , Plant Anatomy

However, Dermen (1945, 1947, 1948, 1951), by the production of peri-

clinal polyploid cytochimeras with the use of colchicine, showed thardivi-
sions do occur in the zone of these initials, From histological investigatio~s
made on apical meristems of many species, (Millington and Fisk, 1956;
Popham, 1958; Fahn et ai" 1963), cell divisions in the zone of the central

n leO!


FIG. 27. 1-6, Diagrams --of longitu-dinai sections 'of a-shoot '-apex with opposite
leaves showing the changes in shape and size of the apex during a plastochron.
In nos. 1 and 6 the area of the apex is minimal, while in no. 5 it is maximal. 7,
Diagram of the vegetative shoot apex after Buvat, showing the central inac-
tive region (meristeme d'attenle) and a peripheral zone of high mitotic 'activity
(anneau initial).
mother cells were demonstrated, With the use of microphotographs taken - .
with a cine camera of the surfaces of culture-grown shoot apices of several
plants, Ball (1960) came to the conclusion that all the cells in the surface
layer, including those at the summit of the apex, divide and do so quite fre-
quently. Also the application of radioactively-labelled precursors of DNA
(Partanen and Gifford, 1958; Gifford and Tepper, 1962a, b) did not reveal
the existence of an inactive zone in the shoot apex.
Branching of the shoot originates at the shoot apex. In many pterido-
phytes the branching is brought about by the equal division into two of
the single apical cell or group of apical cells, The resultant type of branch-
Meristems 61

ing is termed dichotomous branching. In other pte_ridophytes and in sper-

matophytes, lateral buds, from ~hich branches may develop later, are
initiated in the axils of the leaf primordia.


The reproductive apex, which produces the flowers and bracts (Fig. 19,
no. 4; Fig. 20, nos. 1-4), usually develops from a vegetative apex, which
produces leaves and axillary buds. As stated by Philipson (1947, 1949), the
basic function of the vegetative apex is to promote longitudinal growth of
the axis and that of the reproductive apex is to produce a meristematic
envelope with large surface area from which the parts of a flower or
flowers develop .. This meristematic envelope is superimposed on a base
of parenchymatous tissue. Many investigators (Boke, 1947; Popham and
Chan, 1952; Wetmore et al., 1959; Fahn et al., 1963, and others) have
shown that the transition from vegetative to reproductive apex is ,gradual.
The first noticeable change' is the increase of mitotic activity on the
boundary between the central mother cell zone and the rib meristem zone.
Gradually this activity spreads into the central mother cell zone where the
Oellsthen become smaller and richer in protoplasm. In this way all the cells
above the rib meristemare added to the tunica, the cells of which are more
Dr iess isodiametric and are relatively small. Following these changes mi-
totic adivityand gro,!,th ceases, or almost so, in the cells of the rib meris-
tern and of the pith below it. Thus, in the apex a parenchymatous pith
mrrounded by meristematic cells develops (Fig. 28, no. I). Depending on
the species, the bracts, the axillary branches of the inflorescence and the
flowers themselves develop from these meristematic cells. An apex in this
sfage of development ceases to elongate in plants with capitula or single
flowers, and in other plants the rate of elongation is reduced. In certain
plants, such as banana, for example, an extensive and rapid elongation
takes place. In such apices a well-developed rib meristem can be observed,
and this meristem probably participates in the process of elongation.
These histological changes are no doubt accompanied by physiological
and biochemical changes. This may be demonstrated by the fact that
the dominance of the main apex, which suppresses the development of the
lateral buds, is lost with the production of the inflorescence.


In the embryo, within the seed, only the promeristem of the root or,
sometimes, an embryonic radicle may be seen at the base of the hypocotyl.
Only after the germination of the seed and with the development of the
62. Plant Anatomy

primary root can any definite arrangement be discerned in the promeristem.

The promeristem of the lateral and adventitious roots have a similar struc-
ture to that of the primary root. The structure of the ioot promeristem
has been intensively studied in order to discover the origin of the various

FIG. 28. 1, Micrograph of a longitudinal section of a reproductive shoot apex of

Chrysanthemum anetlti/olium at an early stage of development. X 160. 2, Micro-
gra,?h of a longi.tudi,nal ~t\ot\ of a. developing toot of Mar silea i.n whk.h it i.s pos-
sible to distinguish a single apical cell which contributes cells both towards the
body of the root (upper side of micrograph) and towards the root cap (lower side
of microgniph). x 600.
Meristems 63

In some of the Pteridophyta, as, for instance;the Polypodiaceae, Ophio-

glossaceae and Equisetum, the entire root develops from, a single apical
cell (Fig, 28, no. 2; Fig. 29, no. 1), while inothers, e.. g. the.Marattiaceae,
a few initials are present. When there is only a siIJgle apical cell it is .tetra-
hedral, and it divides in such a way so as to add new-cells to the-body of
the root from its upper-three sides and to the root cap from its base.
According to various investigators (Guttenberg, 1940, 1947, 1960;
Schade and Guttenberg, 1951;. Guttenberg et al., -1955) it appears' that

FIG. 29. 1, Micrograph of a longitudinal section of the root tip of Ophiog!ossum

illsitanicum in which a single apical cell can be distinguished. X 95. 2, Longitudi-
nal section of the root tip of Pinllspinea. x 30. 3, Portion of no. 2 enlarged. x 100.
64 Plant Anatomy

there is a single central initial or but a few initials in the root apex of the
Spermatopbyta (Fig. 30, no. 3; Fig. 31, no. I). Other investigators, how-
ever, such as'Clowes (1950; 1953, 1954, 1961), believe that there is a larger
group of initials in the median region of the root apex .
.Allen (1947), working on Pseudotsuga (Fig. 30, nos. 1,2), distinguished
a central group of permanent initials with three groups of temporary ini-

1 \ ,
a i .!
I i

\ \ ,., . I
,\ '~J"_}
\. I -' II
"'l z ~\..-/
s \ •
,, ,,,

,.J, ,["
, , ,,,
,, ,,

,, ,
, ,,
,, ,

i i
\ '\ ,\

FIG. 30; 1 and 2, Median longitudinal sections of a root of a Pseudo/sllga seedling.

J, Camera lucida drawing in which it is possible to trace the divisions in the per-
manent initials. x 140. 2, Diagram of entire root tip in which the zone of perma:'
nent initials is indicated by a thick line; (1) temporary initials from which the
central cylinder, (6) and (8), develops; (2) temporary initials which give rise to the
columeUa (4) from which the foot cap (5) develops as a result of lateral divi-
sions; (3) temporary initials of the cortex (7) from which the protoderm deve~
lops. 3, Longitudinal section of a young root tip of He/ian/hus annl/l/s. (Nos. 1
and 2, adapted from Allen, 1947; no. 3, adapted from Guttenberg et al., 1955.)
Meristems 65

tia[s (mother cells) on its periphery. He observed that the meristem of the
vascular cylinder developed from the first group of temporary initials, the
meristem of the cortey. from the second, and the columella from the third.
The columella is a group of cells that forms the longitudinal axis of the
root cap. In it the cells are arranged in longitudinal rows. Cells are added
to the root cap from the columella by pericJinal cell division on its peri-
phery. "Ihe protoderm was seen to develop from the young cortex. Accord-
ing to Wilcox's work on Abies procera(l954) there appear to be two groups
of temporary initials, one of which gives rise to the central cylinder and
the other to the columella, from which the root cap and cortex develop.
Although research on the development of the histogens in the shoot
apex has proved that they do not exist, many authors still use the terms
'dermatogen-meristem of the epidermis,periblem-meristem of the cortex,
and plerome-meristem of the central cylinder, in connection with footS.
However, the terms, as used today, have a somewhat different meaning to
those as ,,,od by Ha\\stdn. 1'he mothe! celh of the ';a!ious tissue systems
of the root are replaced, at relatively long intervals, by new cells which are
~derived from the common permanent initia1s. In many cases more than one
tissue develops from a group of mother cells (temporary initials) and so
it is desirable to use, wherever possible, instead of histogens, the terms
protoderm, meris/em of the cortex and meristem of the ,vascular cylinder
for th~ meristems that are derived from the promeristem, i.e. from the zone
of permanent and temporary initials of the root apex.
Adapting Guttenberg's view the meristems of the different tissue systems
can be traced, in the root apex, at various distances from the central cells
(i.e. the permanent initials). In some species the initials (temporary) of
the various tissue systems- are already discrete immediately adjace\\t to
the- central cells, i.e. closed type. These initials represent those of the
vascular cylinder, the cortex and the common initials of the protoderm
and root cap, e.g. as in Brassica, or the separate initials of the protoderm
and the root cap, e.g. as in ":ea and Triticum (Fig. 31, no. I). The special
initials of the root cap were termed calyptrogen by Ianczewski (1874). In
other species the meristems of the different tissue systems finally become
distinct only some distance away from the central cells, i.e. open type.
In this type. common initials for the cortex meristem, root cap and proto-
derm (e.g. Helianthus, Fig. 30, no. 3) or for the meristems of all the tissue
systems (e.g. Allium) appear on the periphery of the central cells. The
importance of the above types is queried as they have been observed to
occur in the roots of a single species.
Recent research (Jensen, 1957; Clowes, 1958 a, b, 1961; Jensen and
Kavaljian, 1958) on the promeristem of the root apex has shown that the
cells of the central part of the promeristem have very low mitotic activity.
This part is termed quiescent centre (Fig. 3 I. no. 2).
It is also necessary to mention here the Korper-Kappe theory (Fig. 31,
66 , Plant Anatomy

no. 3) which was put forward by Schiiepp (1917), This theory, similar to
the tunica-corpus theory of the shoot apex, is based on differences in the
planes of cell division. According to 'the Karper-Kappe theory the cells

FIG. 31. 1, Longitudinal section of the root tip of Triticum vulgare. 2, Diagram 'of
the foot tip of Allium cepa showing, by means of shading, the gradation of mitotic
activity in different zones; the most active zone is the most darkly shaded.- 3, Dia-
gram illustrating the Korper-Kappe pattern of the root apex of Zea mays. (No.1,
adapted from Schade and Guttenberg, 1951; no. 2, adapted from Jensen and Ka-
valjian, 1958; no. 3, adapted from Clowes, 1961.)

divide in a pattern which was termed T-divisions. In the outer regions fo

the root apex the Kappe consists of cells in which, after the first horizontal
division, the lower daughter cell divides longitudinally, i.e, at right'angles
to the plane of the first division, Thus the planes of the two divisio!,s form
Meristems 67

a "r' in a median longitudinal section of the root. In the K6rper- the

inner region of the apex - the "T" is inverted, i.e. the second division takes
place in the upper daughter cell. In some families, such as the Gramineae,
the position of the boundary between these two regions was found to be
constant in relation to the meristems of the various tissue systems, but in
other plants, e.g. Fagus, the boundary may· occur in different positions in
the root tip, such as in the middle of the cortex, between the cortex and
the epidermis, etc. (Clowes, 1961). Karper-type T-divisions can also be
seen in the central column of the root cap in Fagus.

Intercalary rnerislems
Intercalary meristems are parts of the apical meristem that become
separated from the apex during the growth of the plant by regions of more
mature tissues (Fig. 24, no. I). In stems with intercalary meristems the
nodes mature earlier and the intercalary meristems are localized in the
:internodes. At first, the entire internode is meristemotic, but with further
development part of the internode matures faster and so various stages
'of-development can be found in the internode. In most plants with inter-
calary meristems the region with the cells showing the least degree of differ-
entiation is at.the base of the internode, but this region may sometimes
be found in the middle or at the ·top. of the internode (Eames and Mac-
Daniels, 1947). In more mature stages the intercalary meristems are sepa-
rated from each other by fully.matured tissues and they, themselves, are
penetrated 'by vascular bundles that consist of proto xylem and proto-
phloem. Finally, the intercalary meristems undergo complete differentiation
and so disappear.
The best-known examples of intercalary meristems are those in the
stems' of grasses, some other monocotyledons, some species of the Caryo-
phyllaceae, and articulated species of the Chenopodiaceae and Equisetum.
Intercalary meristems also occur in the peduncles of the inflorescences of
certain plants, in the leaves of many monocotyledons (e.g. in the Grami-
neae and Iris), Pinaceae and others. The gynophore of Arachis (ground nut)
also elongates as a result of the activity of an intercalary meristem (Jacobs,
Internodal elongation in many grasses is brought about by an intercalary
meristem, the cells of which divide to form parallel series of cells and which
is, therefore, termed rib meristem (not to be confused with the rib meristem
of apices). The enlargement of the derivatives of this meristem also con-
tributes to the elongation of the internode (Milt"nyi, 1931; Kaufman,
1959). Milt"nyi states that the intercalary meristems of grass internodes
have no fixed position, but that their position is altered as the internode
elongates. At first the intercalary meristematic activity occurs throughout
68. Plant Anatomy

the internode, as has already been mentioned above; but after the develop·
ment of the _lacunae, that are present in most grasses, this activity becomes
restricted to the peripheral ground tissue in the proximity of and above the
nodal plate, i.e. in the joint regions. The meristematic activity of the joints
.can be reactivated even in mature stems. It has been shown that~ in those
parts of plants that have already undergone a certain degree of differentia-
tion, such as in flowers, fruits, leaves and stems without special intercalary
meristems, the cells continue to divide for a long time after they have been
derived from the apical meristem. This type of growth can also be con-
sidered as intercalary, but the growth regions are less well defined.

In the last 30 years many investigators have been attracted to research

on meristems, and especially on apical meristems. This interest is due to
the great importance of the apex in which the pattern of initiation of
leaves, buds, flowers and the various tissues is determined. The continuity
of the tissue systems of the shoot and root resulCfrom the activity of the
apices. Because the systems of essential elements\, such as the tracheary
elements, cannot undergo further changes once they are fully differentiated,
and because they must be stable and continuous in order to function, the'
structure of the plant must be determined in the apical meristem. In long-
lived plants with secondary thickening, the continuity of the conducting
systems between the young parts of the root and shoot is brought about by
secondary vascular tissues which are produced by the vascular cambium~
a lateral·meristem. '
The problem of the indentification of initials has been solved for shoot
apices of the lower vascular plants, with a single apical initial. In higher
vascular plants ·the exact delimitation of the initials in the apex is stili'
unsettled. In the root apex, for instance, changes in the size ofthe quies-
cent centre have been observed (Clowes, 1961). This phenomenon is cer"
tainly correlated with changes occurring in the initials. These changes
suggest that the mother cells of the various tissue systems of the root, situ-
ated on the periphery of the quiescent centre, are not permanent initials. \
These initials become further distant from the quiescent centre and then
their former position is taken up by new initials whiCh mnst, therefore,
be produced in the quiescent centre in which the permanent initials are
found. The exact location of the various types of initials in the shoot apex
of most spermatophytes is even more difficult than in the root tip, as in
the shoot apices, contrary to the root tip, all the apical cells divide fairly
The permanent initials of the root, which exhibit very low mitotic activ-
ity, may, as already suggested by Clowes (1961), function as sites of hor-
mone synthesis and in the maintenance of the geometry of the apical meri-
Aleristems 69

In conclusion, from the data on apic_es accumulated until now, we have

to realize that we do not, as-yet, know the exact pattern of initiation and
differentiation in the apical meristems. Still less clear is the physiological
interpretation of apical morphogenesis.

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IT'IS the usual practice to divide the plant body into different tissues, but
with the accumulation of knowledge of tissue structure it becomes more
and more' difficult to give an exact definition of a tissue. The accepted
definition of a tissue is a group of cells with common origin, structure and
,function. However, this definition is not suitable for all cases. When dealing
with the tissues of higher plants a more flexible definition is necessary. If we
could base our descriptions on elements, i,e. the individual types of cells,
it would be easier to define these units. However, difficulties would also
arise from such a classification because of the transitional forms present.
, _For the sake of convenience, in this book the anatomical and histological
, structure of plants will be discussed on the basis of tissue classification,
Today a complex of cells of common origin is generally understood by the
~terin tissue. A tissue may consist of cells of different form and even differ-
-ent function, but in tissues consisting of different cell types the cell com-
posiiion is always ihe same. '
. The tissues in the plant body are classified on ihe [ollowing'bases: accord-
ing to their position in the plant; the cell types of which they consist; their
function; the manner and place of their origin; and their stage of develop-
ment. Tissues are also divided into simple and complex tissues according to
the number of cell types that they comprise, A simple tissue is homogeneoUs
and consists or'only one type of cell, while a complex tissue is heierogeneous
and comprises two or more cell types. -Parenchyma, collenchyma, scleren-
chyma and latieifers are examples of simple tissues. All other tissues are
complex. Complex tissues, however, may contain parenchyma, scleren-
chyma or' other elements. Examples of complex tissues are xylem and


THE parenchyma of the primary plant body develops from the ground
meristem, and that connected with the vascular elements, from the pro-
cambium or cambium. The phellogen in many plants also produces paren-
chyma (the phelloderm). Parenchyma consists of living cells of differing
shape and with differing physiological functions.
74 Plant Anatomy

By the term parenchyma we generally refer to tissues which exhibit

relatively little specialization, and which may be concerned with various
physiological functions of the plant. \
Parenchyma cells retain the ability to divide even when mature. They
also play an important role in wound recovery and regeneration. Phylo-
genetically the parenchyma of the primary body is considered to be a pri-
mitive tissue as the lowest multicellular plants consist of parenchyma only.
Ontogenetically parenchyma may also be, considered primitive as its cells
are morphologically similar to those of meristems. ",
Large portions of the plant, such as the pith, all or most o( the cortex of
the root and shoot, the peri cycle, the mesophyll of the leaf and the fleshy
parts of fruits, consist of parenchyma. Parenchyma cells also occur in the
xylem and phloem.


Many parenchyma cells are polyhedral and their the differ-
ent planes is more or less equal (Fig. 33, no. 1) but many other shapes are
common. Elongated parenchyma cells are found in the palisade tissue of
the leaf, in the medullary rays, etc.; lobed cells are found in spongy'
mesophyll and in the palisade parenchyma/of Lilium (Fig. 89, no. I);
and in the mesophyll of the Xanthorrhoeac;,ae the parenchyma cells have
folds or projections (Fahn, 1954). Stellate parenchyma cells ar"found in
the stems of plants with well developed air spaces, such is Scirpus and
Juncus, for example (Fig. 32, no. I). In Juncus, according'to Geesteranus
(1941), the stellate pith cells differentiate ontogenetically from a mass of
cubo-octahedral cells which are arranged in vertical rows on their hexagonal
faces. The mechanical stretching of. the pith, which is mainly in a radiiil
direction as a result of the growth of the surrounding tissues, as, well as
the special arrangement of the intercellular spaces, causes the development
of the characteristic arms, of the cells.
The medium-sized polyhedral parenchyma cells usually have fourteen
faces (Higinbotham, 1942; Lewis, 1944; Matzke, 1946; Hulbary, 1948); the
number of sides is less in the smaller cells and greater in'the larger cells \
(Marvin, 1944). The number and size of the in{ercellula(spaces also affects
the number of faces of the polyhedron as the presence of intercellular spaces
reduces the planes of contact between the cells. The polyhedral shape
of the parenchyma cells is the result of numerous factors among which are
pressure and surface tension (see Chapter 2).
Mature parenchymatous tissue may be tightly packed'and without inter-
cellular spaces or it may have a well developed system of intercellular
spaces. For example, the parenchyma of the endosperm of most seeds is
devoid, or almost so, of intercellular spaces, while in the stems and leaves
of hydrophytes the intercellular spaces reach maximal development.
Parenchyma 75
The development of intercellular spaces is either schizogenous or /ysi-
genous. The schizogenous development of .an intercellular space .t akes
place as follows: at the time when the primary wall is formed between two
. (Fig
new cells the middle lamella between the two new cell walls .
. 9, nos.


F IG. 32. 1, M icrograph of stellate parenchyma cells as seen in a cross-section of

the stem of Cyperus papyrus. x 430. 2, Micrograph of portion of a cross-section
of Linum usifatissimum in which the extraxylaryfibres can be distinguished x 115.
76 Plant Anatomy

7-10) comes into contact only with the.primary waiL of the mother cell and
not with the middle lamella between it. and the neighbouring cells. Thus,
a small space develops where the new middle lamella coloes into contact
with the mother cell wall. That portion of the mother cell wall opposite
this small space disintegrates and so forms the intercellular space which
can be enlarged by the formation of a similar space in the neighbouring

cell. The intercellular space is lined with the substance of theimiddle la-
mella. These intercellular spaces may be further enlarged by divisions of
the surrounding cells in a plane perpendicular to the circumference of the
space. The resin ducts of the Coniferae, the secretory ducts of the Compo-
sitae, Umbelliferae, Hedera helix (Fig. 33, nos. 2-5) and other species,
are formed schizogenously. Lysigenous intercellular spaces are formed by
the disintegration of entire cells. Examples oflysigenous intercellular spaces
are the large spaces in water plants and in the roots of some monocotyle-
dons, and also the essential oil cavities in Eucalyptus, Citrus (Fig. 34, nos.
I -6) and Gossypium.
Parenchyma 77


Most parenchyma cells, e.g. those that contain chloroplasts and those
that act as storage cells, usuall)' have thin primary walls, but parenchyma
cells with thick primary walls also exist. Certain parenchyma storage cells,
as, for example, the endosperm of Phoenix(Fig. 212, no.,3), Diospyro"
Coffea and Asparagus, have very thick walls in which hemicellulose, which


FIG. 34. Lysigenolts development of an essential oil cavity in the peel of the
fruit of Citrus. 1-4, Sections at right-angles to the surface of the peel. 5 and 6,
Sections parallel to the surface of the peel. (Adapted from Martinet, 1871.)

serves as the reserve substance, accumulates. The walls of these cells gra-
dually become thinner during germination. Parenchyma cells with rela-
tively thick and lignifitd secondary walls are common, especially in the
secondary xylem.
The internal structure of the parenchyma cell varies according to its
function. Parenchyma cells which take part in photosynthesis contain
chloroplasts and then the tissue they form is termed chlorenchyma. In the
photosynthetic parenchyma there are usually many or large vacuoles.
Certain parenchyma cells contain leucoplasts. Parenchyma cells may serve
to store different res<rve materials which may be found in solution in the
vacuoles, or in the form of solid particles or liquid in the cytoplasm. Sugars
78 Plant Anatomy

or other soluble carbohydrates and nitrogenous substances may be found

in the cell sap. Amides, 'proteins and sugars are found dissolved in the cell
sap, as, for example, in the roots of the sugar beet and ih the bulb scales
of Allium cepa. Starch, protein, oils and fats occur in the cytoplasm in the
form of small particles. Protein and starch grains are found in the cyto-
plasm of the cells of the cotyledons of many species of the Leguminosae,
and protein and oils are found in the endosperm of Ricinus communis and
the cotyledons orG/ydne max. In the parenchyma cells of the potato tuoer,
for example, amides and proteins are found in the cell sap and starch' in
the cytopl~sm. Starch is the most common reserve material in plants and
it is found in the endosperm, cotyledons, tubers, fruits, xylem and phloem
parenchyma, the cortex, etc.
In succulent plants parenchyma cells that store water are present. Such
cells are usually large, thin-walled and have only a thin layer of cyto-
plasm, and they are devoid of, or contain very few, chloroplasts. The
water-storing cells have a large vacuole which contains somewhat muci-
laginous sap. The mucilaginous. substances apparently increase the water-
holding capacity of the cell, and they are also present in the cytoplasm and
The parenchyma cells of different storage organs contain water as well •
as reserve substances, as, for instance, in the potato tuber which supplies
water to the developing parts of the plant/at the start of the sprouting
Many parenchyma cells contain tannins, and such cells may be scattered
throughout the plant or they may form continuous systems. Most of the
tannins are found in the vacuoles. Tannin-containing cells retain the
ability to divide and grow as do parenchyma cells devoid of tannins.
Mineral substances can be found invarious crystalline forms in parenchyma
cells. Some such cells may remain viable after the formation of the
crystals but, others die.
Idioblastic parenchyma cells may contain various substances. such as
the enzyme myrosin (Cruciferae, Capparidaceae, Resedaceae, etc.), oily
~ubstances (Lauraceae, Simarubaceae, Calycanthaceae, etc.), mucilagin-
ous substances (many monocotyledons and the Cactaceae,.Portulacaceae,
Malvaceae, Tiliaceae, etc.) and resiniferous substances (Meliabeae, some
Rutaceae, Rubiaceae, etc.) (SperJich, 1939; Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950)'

EAMES, A. J. and MACDANIELS, L. H. 1947. ln~roduclion 10 Plant Anatomy. 2nd ed.
McGraw-Hill, New York-London.
ESAU, K. 1953. Plant Anatomy. John Wiley, New York.
FAHN, A. 1954. The anatom.ical structure of Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort. Jour. Linn.
Soc. London, Bot. 55: 158-184.
Parenchyma 79
GEESTERANUS, R. A. M. 1941. On the development of the stellate form of the pith
cells of Juncus species. Proc. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. 44: 489-501, 648-653.
HIGINBOTHAM, N. 1942. The three-dimensional shapeb'of undifferentiated cells in the
petiole of Angiopleris evecta. Amer. Jour. Bot. 29: 851-858.
HULBARY, R. L. 1948. Three-dimensional cell shape in the tuberous roots of Asparagus
and in the leaf of Rhoeo. Amer. Jour. Bot. 35: 558-566.
LEWIS, F. T. 1944. The geometry of growth and cell division in columnar parenchyma.
Amer. Jour. Bot. 31: 619-629.
MARTINET, J. B. 1871. Organes de secretion des vegetaux. Theses. Facult6 des Sciences
de Paris.
MARVIN, J. W. 1944. Cell shape and cell volume relations in the pith of Eupatorium
per/oUatum L. Amer. Jour. Bot. 31: 208-218.
MATZKE, E." B. 1946. The three-dimensional shape of bubbles of foam-an analysis
of the role of surface forces in three-dimensional cell shape determination. Amer.
\ Jour. Bot. 33: 58-80.
METCALFE, c._R. and CHALK, L. 1950. Anatomy o/the Dicotyledons. Clarendon Press,
, Oxford.
Sl'i.RUCH, A. 1939. Da~ trophische Parenchym. R. Exkretion~gewebe.ln: K. Lin-s.bauer.
Handbuch der Pjlanzenanatomie. Band 4, Lief. 38. Gebr. Borntraeger, Berliri.

THE supporting tissues of the plant, i.e. the collenchyma and the scleren-
chyma, a;e designated from the functional point of view by the term
s(ereame (Haberlandt, 1918).
Ontogenetically collenchyma develops from elongated cells which re-
semble procambium and which appear in the very early stages of the
differentiation of the meristem. Collenchyma con,ists of living, slightly
elongated cells which, generally, have unevenly thickened wall,. Co\\en-
chyma functions as a supporting tissue in young growing organs and, in
herbaceous plants, even in mature organs (Ambronn, 1881; Miiller, 1890;
Anderson, 1927; Esau, 1936). Collenchyma is plastic and it stretches
irreversibly with the growth of the organ in which it occurs. Mature
collenchyma is less plastic, harder and more' brittle than young collen-'
chyma. There is a physiological and morphological relationship between
collenchyma and parenchyma and, in places where the two tissues occur
side by side, transitional forms can be found between typical collenchyma
and typical parenchyma. I
Collenchyma, like parenchyma, may contain chloroplasts. Chloroplasts
occur in larger numbers in less specialized collenchyma cells which re-
semble parenchyma and in smaller numbers, or not at all, in'the most
specialized collerichyma, which consists of elongated· narrow cells. Col'
lenchyma cells may also contain tannins. I
In a freshly made cross-section of collenchyma the cell w·alls appear
nacre-like. It has been seen in plants exposed to wind that the walls of
collenchyma cells become thicker. Collenchyma mdY become lignified and
the walls may thicken thus resulting in the fonriiition of sclerenchYma.
The thickened walls of the collenchyma may, secondarily, beCOMe thin
and then the cells may again become meristematic and start to divide as,
for instance, where the phellogen is formed in"collenchyma tissue. Primary
pit fields can be distinguished in the walls of collenchyma cells.

Position of Collenchyma in the Plant

Collenchyma may occur in stems, leaves, floral parts, fruits and roots.
In the latter collenchyma is mainly developed when they are exposed to
light (Van Fleet, 1950). Collenchyma is absent in the stems and leaves of
Collenchyma 81

many monocotyledons where scJerenchyma develops at an early age.

Collenchyma usually forms immediately below the epidermis but, in cer-
tain cases, one or two layers of parenchyma occur between the collen-
chyma and the epidermis. When the collenchyma is found directly beneath
the epidermis, the inner walls, or sometimes the entire wall; Of the epidermal
cells become thickened similarly to the walls of the collenchyma cells.
In stems the collenchyma may occur as a complete cylinder or in longi-
tudinal strips. In leaves the collenchyma occurs on one or both sides of the
veins and along the margins of the blade. In many plants groups of elong-
ated parenchyma cells which become collenchyma-Iike occur on the out-
side of the phloem strands and also on the inside of the xylem, or even as
'a sheath around the entire vascular bundle. When these groups are only
ion the sides of the xylem or phloem they appear dome-shaped in cross-
section (Fig. 70, no. 2).

Structw'e and Arrangement of Collenchyma Cells

The size and shape of the collenchyma cells varies. The cells may be short
prisms and resemble the neighbouring parenchyma cells, or long and
fibre-like with tapered ends, but all intermediate shapes and sizes occur.
The longest collenchyma cells are found in the central poriions of the
strands of collenchyma, and the shorter·ones on the periphery. This can
be explained as follows: the'collenchyma strands are formed by a series of
longitudinal divisions which start in the centre of the strand; the cells
continue to elongate after division and therefore the central cells are the
longest as they are the first to be formed and to reach the maximum length.
During the development of the collenchyma sWi~ds horizontal "divisions
also take'place.
According to the type of wall thickening two main types bf collenchyma
can be distinguished.
I. Angular collenchyma (Fig. 35, no. I) in which the thickening of the
cell wall is longitudinal in the angles of the cells. In cross-section these
thickenings are seen to be in those places where three and more cells meet.
Examples of such collenchyma are found in the petioles of the leaves of
Vilis, Begonia, Coleus, Cucurbita, Morus, Beta, and in the stems of Sol-
anum tuberosum, Atropa belladonna and Nicotiana tabacum.
2. Lamellar collenchyma (Fig. 35, no. 2) in which the thickenings are
mainly on the tangential walls of the cells. Examples of this type of col-
lenchyma are found in the stern cortex of Sambucus nigra and the petiole of
Cochlearia armoracia.
Some authors distinguish a further type, i.e. lacunar collenchyma (Fos-
ter, 1950), and others yet another type, i.e. annular collenchyma (Duchaigne,
1955). The lacunar type is described as that in which the thickening
82 . Plant Anatomy

appears in those parts of the cell wall that face intercellular spaces. Such
collenchyma can be seen in the petioles of species of the Compositae,
Salvia, Malva, Althaea and Asclepias. However, as IDtercellular spaces
can be distinguished in other types of collenchyma, this does not seem
to be a valid criterion for the classification of a special type. Annular col-
lenchyma (Fig. 35, no. 3) is described as being collenchyma in which the


FIG. 35: Different types of collenchyma.l,Angular collenchyma as seen in a cross-

section of the stem of Nicotiana tabacurri. 2, Lamellar collenchyma as seen in a
cross-section of the cortex of a young branch of Sambucus. 3, Annular collenchy-
rna as seen in cross-section of the main vein of a leaf of Nerium oleander.

cell lumen is circular, or almost so, in cross-section. However, from obser-

vations made on the maturation of angular collenchyma, it was seen that,
with the continued thickening of the cell wall, the lumen loses its angular
The walls of collenchyma cells consist of alternating layers that are
rich in cellulose and poor in pectic compounds and those which are poor
84 Plant Anatomy 1

AMBRONN, H. 1881. (Ther die Entwickelungsgeschichte und die mechanischen Eigen-
schaften de's Collenchyms. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des me~hanischen Gewebe-
systems. Iahrb. Wiss. Bot. 12: 473-":'541.
ANDERSON, D. 1927. Dber _die,Struktur der Kollenchyrnzellwand auf Grund mikro-
chemischer Untersuchungen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss.' Wien, Math.-Naturw. Kl. 136:
BEER, M. and SETTERFIELD, G. 1958. Fine structure in thickened primary walls of
collenchyma_cells of celery petioles. Amer. Jour.Bot. 45: 571-580.' "-...
DUCHAIGNE, A. 1955. Les divers types de collenchymes chez les Dicotyl6dones: leur
ontogenie et leur lignification. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. Ser. II, 16: 455-479. ..
ESAU, K. 1936. Ontogeny and structure of collenchyma and of vascular tissues in
celery petioles. Hilgardia 10: 431-476.
ESAU, K. 1953. Plant Anatomy. John Wiley, New York.
FOSTER, A. S. 1950. Practical Plant Anatomy. D. Van Nostrand, New York-London.
HABERLANDT, G. 1918. Physiologische Pjianzenanatomie. W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
MAJUMDAR, G. P. and PRESTON, R. D. 1941. The fine structure of coIlenchyma cells in
Heracleum sphondylium L. Proc. Roy'. Soc. (London) B 130: 201-217.
MULLER, C. 1890. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Formen des Collenchyms. Ber. DIsch.
Bot. Ges. 8: 150-166.
PRESTON, R. D. and DUCKWORTH, R. B. 1946. The fine structure of the walls of col·
lenchyma cells in Petasites vulgariS L. Proc. Leeds Phil. Lit. Soc. 4 (5) 343-351.
ROELOFSEN, P. A. 1959. The Plant Cell· Wall, Encyclopedia of Plant Anatomy, Gebr.
Borntraeger, Berlin. ~.
VAN FLEET, D. S. 1950. A comparison of histochemical and anatomical characteristics
of the"hypodermis with the endodermis in vascular plants. Amer., Jour. Bot. 37:
Coilenchyma 83

in cellulose and rich in pectic compounds. In fresh material the water

content. of the entire wall is about 67 %. Roelofsen (1959) states that in
.Petasites the collenchyma cell walls contain 45 %pectin, 35 %hemicellulose
and about 20% cellulose. Preston and Duckworth (1946).and Majumdar
and Preston (1941), working on Petasites and Heracleum, found that the
walls of collenchyma cells, or at least the angular thickenings, consisted
. of seven to twenty lamellae which were alternately rich and poor in cellulose
'but which become richer in cellulose as they approach the cell lumen.
According to some authors (Duchaigne, 1955; Beer and Setterfield, 1958),
the additional layers of microfibrils .that appear during the development
?f the characteristic wall thickenIngs seem to arise both on the outside
and on the inside of those layers that are continuous around the entire
2ell. In very thick walls the additional layers extend around the cell.
In this type of wall pits can be seen. Collenchyma cells are apparently
the only cells in which it is not known which part of the wall is laid down
during the period of longitudinal growth and which part after the cells
have reached maximum length. It is, therefore, impossible to delimit the
~ primary and secondary wall layers in these cells.
In many dicotyledons, e.g. in the petioles and stems of Medicago sativa,
• Eryngium maritimum, Viscum album and Salvia officinalis, the collenchyma
may become sclerified. This sclerification is brought about, according to
Duchaigne (1955), by a process of centripetal and centrifugaUamellation.
The inner lamellae, during the ,process· of growth, together form a layer
rich in cellulose which 'later 'becomes impregnated with lignin. New con'
centric, lignified lamellae appear centrifugally around the first such layer.
As a result of this centrifugal development of lignified lamellae, the pecto-
cellulosic substance of the ,collenchyma walls progressively disappears.
Often, however, parr of this substance remains even after the walls be-
come fully sclerified. Later, additional lamellae develop centripetally and
so the cell lumen is gradually reduced. The greatest concentration of lignin
is finally found in the outermost wall layers. Simple pits are also present
here as in sclerenchyma.

Generally, we can conclude that typical collenchyma is a juvenile sup-

porting tissue, and when it is present in an organ which persists for a long
period it becomes sclerified.
The peculiar manner in which the walls of collenchyma cells become
thickened, i.e. by centrifugal as well as centripetal apposition of lamellae,
is a very interesting phenomenon and further research is necessary to
clarify how microfibrils are produced outside the existing wall. This, prob-
ably, will also lead to a better understanding of wall growth, both in
thickness and in surface area.

SCLERENCHYMA is a tissue composed of cells with thickened secondary
ceiL walls, lignified or not, whose principal function is support and some-
times protection. Sclerenchyma cells exhibit elastic properties unlike col-
lenchyma cells which exhibit plastic properties.
\ Sclerenchyma cells may differ in shape, structure, origin and develop-
ment. Many transitional f9rms exist between the various cell shapes and
thus it is difficult to classify the different types of sclerenchyma. Generally,
sclerenchyma is divided into fibres and sclereids. Fibres are usually defined
as long cells and sclereids as short cells. This definition is not sufficient,
as very long sclereids exist and relatively short fibres can be found. At-
tempts to describe the differences between fibres and sclereids were made
on the basis of the presence of pits which are more numerous in sclereids,
as well as on the origin of the elements. Sclereids develop from paren-
chyma cells whose walls becom~ secondarily thickened, whereas fibres de-
velop from meristematic cells and so they are determined from their
origin. Other research, 'however, has shown that these definitions are also
insufficient due to their inconstancies. ,Not only is it difficult to distinguish
between the different types of sclerenchyma cells because of the existing
transitional forms, but it is also somewhat difficult to distinguish between
sclerenchyma and parenchyma as there are parenchyma cells with thick
secondary walls, such as the xylem parenchyma.

Fibres occur in different parts of the plant body. They may occur
singly as idioblasts (e.g. in the leaflets of Cyeas), but more usually they
form bands or a network or an uninterrupted hollow cylinder (Fig. 32,
no. 2). Fibres are most commonly found among the vascular tissues but
in many plants they are also well developed in the ground tissues. Accord-
ing to their position in the plant body, fibres are classified into two basic
types - xylary and exlraxylary fibres.
Xylary fibres constituto an integral part of the xylem and they develop
from the same meristematic tissues as do the other xylem elements. These
fibres are of varied shape in spite of their common origin. Two main types
of xylary fibres, i.e. libriform fibres and fibre-I,acheids, are distinguished
86 . Plant Anatomy

on the basis of wall thickness and type and amount of pits (Fig. 37, nos.
1-3). Libriform fibres resemble phloem fibres (liber=inner bark) and they
are usually longer than the tracheids of the plant in which they occur.
These fibres have extremely thick walls and simple pits. Fibre-tracheids
are forms intermediate between tracheids and libriform fibres. Their walls
are of medium thickness - not as thick as those of the libriform fibres but
thicker than those of the tracheids. The pits in fibre-tracheids are bordered
but their pit chambers are smaller than those oftracheids. In fibre-trac]l.eids
and sometimes also in libriform fibres the pit canal is elongated and·.the
inner pit aperture usually becomes slit-like (Fig. 18, no. I) as a result of
the thickening of the wall. In fibre-tracheids, therefore, the length of the
pit aperture usually exceeds the diameter of the pit chamber. In both libri-
form fibres and fibre-tracheids, the inner pit apertures of a pit-pair are
usually at right-angles to each other.
Another type of fibre present in the secondary xylem of dicotyledons
is the gelatinous or mucilaginous fibre (Fig. 138, no. I). In such fibres·the
innermost layer of the secondary wall contains much ",-cellulose and is
poor in lignin. This layer, termed the "G layer", absorbs much water and
may swell so as to fill the entire lumen of the fibre. On drying, these
layers shrink irreversibly. (Dadswdl and Wardrop 1955). The G-layers
wereJound to be relatively porous and. less/~ompact than the adjacent'
outer layers (Cote and Day, 1962). Gelatin6us fibres are characteristic. of
tension wood.
Extraxylary fibres occur elsewhere in the plant other than among the
xylem elements. They occur, for instance, in· the cortex or they may be
closely related to the phloem elements. In the stems of many monocoty-
ledons, the extraxylary fibres occur in an uninterrupted hollow cylinder
in the, ground tissue, and they may be situated at various·distances inside
the epidermis and may even -surround the outermost /
vascular bundles.
Commonly in the monocotyledons, the fibres form sheaths around the
vascular bundles. Such fibres develop partly from the procambium and
partly from the ground tissue (Esau, 1943).
In the stems of climbing and certain other dicotyledonous plants, such
as Aristolochia and Cucurbita, fibres are found on the inside of the inner- \.
most cortical layer and on the periphery of the central cylinder (Fig. 71).
It was thought that such fibres were not dejlelopmentally connected with
the phloem and so they were termed, by many workers, pericyclic fibres.
However, Esau (1938, 1943), Blyth (1958) and others, as a result of onto-
genetic studies on these fibres in many plants (Nicotiana, Linum, Corcho,rus,
Ricinus, Nerium, etc.), came to the conclusion that these fibres develop
from the procambium and so constitute part of the primary phloem.
The above classification into xylary and extraxylary fibres is not always
applicable as there are fibres~uch as the septate fibres (Fig. 37, no. 4),
which are found in the xylem and the phloem even of the same species,
Sclerenchyma 87

e.g. in Vitis where they are very common (Vestal and Vestal, 1940; Spack-
man and Swamy, 1949). These fibres are characterized by the presence of
internal septa and, usually, of a living protoplast. The internal septa are
formed by the inner lamellae of the secondary wali and middle lamellae.
The latter, however, do not connect with the middle laniella of the entire
fibre. Septate fibres contain starch, oils, resins and sometimes crystals of
calcium oxalate and, therefore, they are thought to have a storage function.
Mature fibres have well developed, usually lignified secondary walls
which are sometimes so thick as to obscure the lumen of the fibre. Lamellae
can be distinguished in these walls. In Linum, for example, each lamella is
0·1-0·2 /" thick as seen in a cross-section of the fibre.
\ Mention should be made here of those elongated cells that sometimes
occur in the secondary xylem and whose secondary walls are equal in
thickness to those of the xylem parenchyma. These cells contain living
protoplasts and, according to Haberlandt (1918), they were termed by
Sanio, substitute fibres (ErsatzJasern). It appears, however, that these cells
should be included among the xylem parenchyma and that they should
not be confused with the living libriform fibres and fibre-tracheids (Fahn
and Arnon, 1963; Fahn and Leshem, 1963) which are discussed later in
this chapter.


Fibres are usually very lo~g and narrow cells with tapered, and some-
times branched, ends. The length of fibres varies very greatly and generally
extraxylary fibres are longer than xylary fibres. In Cannabis sativa (hemp)
the fibres are 0·5-5·5 cm long, in Linum usitatissimum (flax), from 0·8 to
6·9 em, and in Boehmeria nivea (ramie) Aldaba (1927) showed, by means of
a special maceration, that the fibres may reach a length of 55 cm. These
ramie fibres are among the longest cells in the higher plants.


Ontogenetically fibres develop from different meristems, such as the

procambium, cambium, ground meristem and even from the protoderm,
as in certain species of the Gramineae and Cyperaceae. The fibres formed
by the cambium develop from fusiform initials and elongate only little or
not at all during their maturation.
Fibres that arise from short initials, as in Linum (flax) and Boehmeria
nivea (ramie), must necessarily elongate greatly in the course of their matu-
ration. In ramie, according to Aldaba (1927), the initials of the primary
phloem fibres are 20 /" long while the mature fibres can be up to 55 em
(550.000 /") long. The elongation is very gradual and may take some
88 Plant Anatomy

months. This gradual elongation of primary phloem fibres involves a very

complicated development of the se~ondary wall. While tfe fibre still gf<?WS
symplastically, the wall remains thin. Later, when the ends begin to grow
by intrusive growth, only the cell walls of the ends remain thin and second-
ary wall formation commences from the middle of the fibre in those parts
of wall which have ceased to elongate. In Linum and ramie it has been

FIG. 36. Stages in the ontogeny of the extraxylary fibres of Boehmeria nivea. I,
Elongation of the upper end, showing a series of young lamellae one within the
other; each lamella is open at its tip. 2 and 3. Development of chamb:::rs by inner
lamellae. 4-8, Diagrammatic representation of the differentiation of a phloem
fibre, in which the centripetal development of the lamellae of the secondary wall is
shown. 8, Widened chambers, formed by the relatively increased growth o~ inner
lamellae which are present only along part of the fibre. (Adapted from Aldaba,

2 3 4

FIG. 37. 1-3, Tips of elements from the secondary xylem of Quercus ithaburensis.
1, Tracheid. 2, Fibre-tracheid. 3, Libriform fibre. 4, Septate fibre of Vitis. 5,
Isolated sc1ereids from the leaf blade of Olea. (No.5, adapted from Arzee,

found that this process is gradual so that new lamellae of the secondary
wall are added centripetally in the form of cylinders which are open at
both ends. At the same time the first-formed lamellae continue to elongate
towards the fibre ends which they reach only when the fibre ceases to elon-
gate (Fig. 36, nos. 1-8). According to Kundu and Sen (1960) the upper
ends of ramie fibres continue to grow for a longer period than the basal
ends. Sometimes not all the lamellae reach the actual fibre end and in some
fibres chambers may be formed in the terminal portions by the ingrowth,

9Q Plant Anatomy

Sclerenchyma 91

toward the cell lumen, of these lamellae. The lamellae of the primary phloem
fibres, of .at least·of the immature fibres; are often not strongly attached
one. to another. This feature is easily demonstrated during the cross-sec-
tioning of such material when the different layers become torn one from
the other. In short fibres, such as those found in Agave, Sansevieria and
Musa textilis, whose total length is not more than a rew millimetres, all
portions of the cell wall grow at the same rate.
Differences existin the manner of growth of the fibres in the primary
body and of those in the secondary body. The initials of the primary fibres
appear early, before the organ in which they occur has elongated, and so
they may grow in length symplastically together with the neighbouring cells
, which continue to divide. The symplastic growth is augmented by intrusive
and gliding growth of the ends which thus penetrate between the surround-
ing cells. The initials of the secondary fibres develop in organs that have
ceased to elongate and therefore the growth of secondary fibres can be
intrusive only. This is apparently the reason why the primary fibres are
usually longer than the secondary fibres of the same plant. Thus it was
found in ramie that the average length of the primary phloem fibres is
164·5 mm while that of the secondary phloem fibres is 15·5 mm.


During the development ~f primary phloem fibres of Nicotiana and Li-

num, Esau (1938, 1943) observed that the protoplast was multinucleate.
The protoplast in deveJopil!g secondary fibres usually has a single nucleus.
Mature libriform fibres and fibre-tracheids were usually regarded as
being dead supporting structures. In mature fibres the presence of a living
protoplast and nucleus had been described only in phloem fibres (Kallen,
1882) and in septate fibres (Spackman and Swamy, 1949). According to
Bailey (1953), libriform fibnis sometimes retain their living contents sub-
sequent to the formation of the thick, lignified secondary wall, thus enabl-
ing these cells to assume a storage function in addition to that of support.

FIG. 38. I, Micrograph of a longitudinal section of the secondary xylem of Noea

mucronata showing nuclei in the fibres. x 400. 2, Tangential longitudinal section
of the secondary xylem of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in which the common wall
between two fibres and pits characteristic of fibre-tracheids can be distinguished.
)( 950. 3, Portion of a longitudinal section of the secondary xylem of Tamarix
aphylla in which a fibre containing cytoplasm and nucleus can be distinguished.
)( 680 .. 4, BrachysGlereids as seen in a cross-section of the stem cortex of Hoya
carnosa. X 600. 5, Portion of a longitudinal section of the secondary xylem
of Teucrium polium showing fibre-tracheids with nuclei. )( 630. 6, Portion of a
longitudinal section of the secondary xylem of Rubia velutina showing fibres with
nuclei. )(210.
92 Plant Anatomy

Recently, however, living protoplasts and nuclei have been identified

in libriform fibres of many species, and even in fibre-tr~cheids (Fig. 38,
nos. I, 3, 5, 6). Such living fibres were found to occur in the wood of
Tamarix spp., in many woody species of the Chenopodiaceae, and shrubs
and subshrubs of many other dicotyledonous families (Fahn and Arnon,
1963; Fahn and Leshem, 1963). Living protoplasts have also been found
in many monocotyledonous fibres. In fibres with long, narrow lumina the
nuclei are usually elongated (Fig. 38, nos. I, 3, 6). The life span of the wood
fibres of Tamarix aphylla is about 20 years. "


As has been mentioned above, the xylary fibres differ in shape, size,
thickness of wall, type and amount of pits. It is assumed, from the evo-
lutionary point of view, that fibres have developed from tracheids. This
assumption is supported by the fact that many transitionai forms between
these two types of elements are found in some angiosperms, as, for example,
Quercus spp. From the many transitional forms that have been distinguished
it appears that the following changes have taken place during the
course of the evolution of fibres from tracheids. The wall has become
thickened, the number of pits and the size ofthepit chamber has been reduced
leading to the eventual disappearance of the bordered' pit, and the cells
have become shortened. Thisassumed shortening of the fib'~es refers'to the
shortening of the initials of the fibres in the cambium and not to the mature
fibres. In the mature tissues of one plant, the libriform fibres are usually
longer than the tracheids, and this increased length is secondary and is the
result of the additional growth of the ends of the fibres.


The'term fibre, as used in industry, does not generally have the same\
meaning as that defined by botanists. For instance, the- commercial fibres
of Linum, Boehmeria and Corchorus are, inreality, a bundle' of fibres and
those from monocotyledonous leaves, such as from Agave, Musa textilis,
and others, are usually the vascular bundles with the surrounding sheaths
of fibres. From some plants the commercial fibres comprise the vascular
system of the root, e.g. Muhlenbergia, Of of the entire plant, e.g. Tillandsia.
The commercial fibres of Gossypium (cotton) are the epidermal hairs of
the seeds. Kapok fibres are hairs produced on the inner surface of the
capsule of Ceiba penlandra.
Commercial fibres are divided into two types-hard fibres and soft
fibres. Hard fibres are those which have a high lignin content in the walls,
Sclerenchyma 93

and are of a stiff texture. Hard fibres are obtained from monocotyledons.
Soft fibres mayor may not contain lignin, they are flexible and elastic,
and are of dicotyledonous origin. The best-known plants from which hard

FIG. 39. I, Processed fibres of Limlln ; fi bres of cylindrical shape. X 120. 2,

Processed fibres of Gossypium; fibres are flat. X 120. ( From E. Liebert, in Handbuch
der M ik roskopie in der Technik , Umscha u Verlag, 1951. )

fi bres are produced are different species of Agave, especially A . s isalana,

Tillandsia usneo ides, M usa textilis, Furcraea gigantea and Phormium
tenax. Soft fibres a re mainly produced from Linum usitatissimum (flax)
(Fig. 39, no. 1), Cannabis sativa (hemp), Boehmeria nivea (ramie), Corcho~
94 Plant Anatomy

(US capsularis (jute), Hibiscus cannabinus (kenaf) and Ceiba pentandra

The fibres of cotton, which are produced from the indu'mentum of seeds
(Fig. 39, no. 2), represent the most important commercial fibres in use
Fibres'are also classified according to their use (Schery, 1954): (a) tex-
tile fibres which are used in the manufacture of fabrics; (b) cordage fibres;
(c) brush fibres such as are used in the manufacture of brushes and brooms;
a'nd' (d) filling fibres such as those used for stuffing upholstery, mattresses
and life-belts, caulking (barrels, plumbing) and reinforcing (wall plates,
plastics). -
In the textile industry the principal fibre used is cotton and, in smaller
amounts flax, ramie and hemp. 'For coarser fabrics~ such as sacking and
bagging, jute is principally used, and cotton, flax, hemp and a few other
hard fibres are used to a lesser extent. For the .manufacture of twine, jute,
cotton, hemp and, to a lesser extent, flax and several hard fibres are used.
Ropes and binder twines are manufactured from hard fibres, such as those
of Musa textilis (abaca) and Agave spp·. (sisal), and to a small extent from
cotton and other soft fibres. Brushes and brooms are made from Agave
fibres, fibres from the stems and leaves of the Palmae and the inflores-,
cencesof Sorghum vulgare, among others. As fi\lingfibres, the fibres of Ceiba
pentandra (kapok), cotton,"jute; the fibres of Tillandsia usneoides, several
hard fibres and 'others an, used. For caulking fibres, hemp, jute and sisal
are used. I .
From a technological point of view, the shape of the fibre cell, its length
and wall structure are of importance in the fibre industry. Special attention
is paid to the length of the Bbre, the extent to which neighbouring Bbres
overlap, how they are joined to .one another and to the fibrillar structure
of the wall. ' . /
Commercially, fibres are ranked according to durability, tensile strength,
length· of the strands, fineness, uniformity and elasticity. On the basis of
the above features some of the most important commercial fibres may be
divided hito the following four ranks:

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3

Hard .fibres Mllsa textilis Agave spp. Phormium lenax Furcraeagiganlea

Soft fibres Linum usita- Boehmeria nivea Cannabis sativa Corchorus
tissimum capsularis
Sclerenehyma 95

Sclereids occur in many different places in the plantbody. In many plants

they occur as hard masses of cells within soft parenchyma tissue. Certain
organs, such as the shell of walnuts and many other stone and seed coats,
are built entirely of sclereids. In many plants sclereids appear as idioblasts,
i.e. as cells which are readily distinguished from the surrounding ceils of
the tissue by their size, shape and the thickness of their wall. Idioblastic
sclereids are very variable in shape, Sclereids of peculiar shape are found
in the leaves of various plants, e.g. in Camellia, Trochodendron, Nymphaea
and Olea (Fig. 41), in the reducea ;eaves and the stem cortex of Arthroene-
mum (Fig. 40, no. 2), and in the aerial roots of Monstera. In Arthroenemum
glaueum sclereids appear at the end of the veins, a phenomenon that was
discussed for other plants by Foste~8946). Tschirch (1889) suggested the
division of sclereids into four types: (1) braehyselereids or stone cells which
are -more or 1ess isodiametric in form; such scIereids are usually found in
the phloem, the cortex and the bark of stems and in the flesh of such fruits
as pears (Pyrus communis) and quinces (Cydonia oblonga) (Fig. 38, no.
-A); (2) maerosclereids which are rod-shaped sclereids; such sclereids often
,form a continuous layer in the testa of seeds, e.g. in the seeds.of the Legu-
-minosae (Fig. 40, no. 1); (3) osteoselereids which are bone- or spool-shaped
sclereids, the ends of which are enlarged, lobed and sometimes even some-
what branched; such s~lereids are mainly found in seed coats and some-
times also in the leaves of certain dicotyledons (Fig. 40, no. I); (4) astero-
sclereids ",hieh are variClust" branched and Clften star-shaped; such sclereids
are'mainly found injeaves·(l'ig. 37, no, 5).,


Typicil brachysdereids develop from parenchyma cells by secondary

thickening of the cell wall. This secondary wall is very thick and numerous
concentric layers and branched pits can usually be distinguished in it. The
physiological reasons for the sclerification of the parenchyma cells is not
known, but Bloch (1944) thought that the fact that stone cells often appear
close to wound tissues suggests that they develop in response to some phy-
siological disturbances. In the bark the change of many parenchyma cells
to sclereids suggests that, in this case, the cause is the aging of the tissue.
Another interesting example of the development of stone cells is in the'
continuous cylinders of the phloem fibres. When stems of plants with
such cylinders grow in width, neighbouring parenchyma cells penetrate
into the spaces formed between the fibres of the cylinder. The parenchyma
cells then divide and become sclerified and so close the gaps formed in the
cylinder (Haberlandt, 1918).
96 , Plant Anatomy

As a result of investigation of the ontogenetic development of the

branched type of scIereids in the leaves of Trochodendron aralioides and
Mouriria huberi (Foster, 1944, 1945, 1947), ofMemecylo~1 spp .. (Rao', 1957),
of Olea (Arzee, 1953a, b) and in the aerial roots of M onstera (Bloch, 1946),

FIG. 40. 1, Isolated osteosc1erei ds and macrosclereids from a maceration of the

seed coat of Pisum sativum. X 500.2, Sclereids with projections as seen in the stem
of Arthrocl/emum glaucum cleared by treatment with lactic acid. _x 80.
Sclerenchyma 97

FIG. 41. Sc1ereids in the leaf blade of Olea e(Jyopaea. 1, Portion of a cross-section
of the blade in which parts of the sclereids (darkly stained) can be seen. X 160. 2.
Portion of a relatively thick, cleared cross-section of the leaf blade photographed
in polari:l:ed light in which the sclereids appear white. X 95. 3, Surface view of
portion of a cleared leaf, photographed in polarized light, showing the arrange-
ment Qfthe sclereids in the sPongy parenchyma. X 110. (From Arzee, 1953a.)
98, Plant Anatomy

the following histogenetic facts have been realized, In all the above exam-
ples the scleroids develop from small initials with thin walls which, already
in the early stages of development, begin to branch arid so acquire the
form of the mature sclereid. The branches or projections of the sclereid
penetrate into the intercellular spaces,but intrusive growth of these branches,
between the joined walls of neighbouring cells, is also common (Fig. 42,
nos. 1-3). The degree of pitting in these sclereids is not constant. .
Sclereids are usually described as non-living cells when 'mature, but it
has been seen that the protoplasts may remain viable throughout the life
of the organ in which the sclereids are found. In non-deciduous leaves and
in certain stems the life of the sclereids may sometimes be 4-5 years (Puch-
. inger, 1923). The protoplast in,the stone cells in the fruits of the pear and
quince also remains alive for relatively long periods. According to Alexan-
drovand Djaparidze (1927), during the ripening of the quince fruit, the
stone cells undergo a process of delignification, whiCh they believe is an
indication of the enzymatic activity of the protoplast of the stone cell

The structure of the fibre wall has been investigated comparatively tho- \
roughly and emphasis has.been laid on the, ~(ll structure offibresthat are
of economic value; Attention has also' been paid to the ontogenetic and
phylogenetic development of fibres, Cell growth, especially intrusive
growth, can be well studied in the course of nbre development.
As was mentioned in the chapter dealing with collenchyma, collenchyma
cells may often become sclerified during the maturation of the organs in
which they occur. This fact emphasizes the "iew of tire close reiatiorrs.lrip
between' these two tissues.
Because of the great variability in the form of nbres and because of the
existence of many transitional forms, fibres serve as favourable material
for the study of the evolution of an element or part of it, as, for instance,
the evolution of the pit.
,Substitute and septate fibres have, during the course of evolution, be-
come strikingly different from the typical fibre form and. should, actually,
be classified as parenchyma cells with secondarily thickened JaIls. A sub-
stitute fibre resembles an elongated parenchyma cell and a septate fibre a
longitudinal series of parenchyma cells derived from a single mother cell

FIG. 42. Stages of development of sclereids in the leaf blade of Olea europaea. 1,
Portion of a cross-section of a young leaf in which a sc1ereid initial can be dis-
tinguished in the as yet single row of palisade cells. x 370. 2, Portion of cross-sec-
tion of a leaf blade, showing the intrusive growth of an arm of a developing scle-
reid. x 940. 3, Portion of a section cut parallel to the blade surface in which a
scJereid initial can be seen. x 210. (From Arzee, 1953b.)
100 Plant Anatomy

in which secondary wall lamellae develop before the cell divisions are com-
~~. . I
The libriform fibres and the fibre-tracheids have, till recently, generally
been described as non-living cells devoid of protoplasts and were regarded
as having only mechanical function or, at the most, as playing a small role
in water conduction in addition to the tracheary elements. However. it
now appears, in the light of recent research, that the libriform fibres and·
even fibre-tracheids of the sap wood of many woody plants contain living
protoplasts. Therefore we should begin to consider fibres not only as sup-
porting elements but also as elements that doubtless fulfill various other
important physiological functions. This aspect, the investigation of which
has been initiated in our laboratory, awaits still further research.
It is possible that the retention of living protoplasts in fibres is more
characteristic for certain life forms (e.g. shrubs and subshrubs) or for
woody plants of certain habitats, such asxeric ones. The evolutionary and
ecological investigation of these assumptions may possibly bring to light
some interesting results. \
It is also worth mentioning that the appearance' of the living protoplasts
in libriform fibres and fibre-tracheids represents a further example of the
indistinct.limits between the various elements·that form the highly differ'
entiated tissues of the higher plant. body:' This, together with similar
phenomena, are of grearimportance in oUf' understanding of the evolution
of the various elements.
The appearance ofidioblastic sclereids in the leaves of pla'nts that belong
to diversified taxonomic and ecological groups makes it difficult to under-
stand both their evolutionary and functional significance.

References /
Al.DABA, V. C. 1927. The structure 'arid development of the cell'wall in plants.'l. Bast
fibers of Boehmeria and Linum. Amer. Jou.r. Bot. 14: 16-24.
ALEXANDROV, W. G. and DJAPARIDZE, L. 1. 1927. Ubef das Entholzen und Verholzen
der Zetlhaut. Pianta 4: 467--475. .
ARZEE, T. 1953a. Morphology and ontogeny of foliar sc1ereids in Olea europaea. I.
Distribution and structure. Amer. Jour. Bot. 40: 680-687."'" I
ARZEE, T. 1953b. Morphology and ontogeny of foliar sclereids in Olea europaea. II.
Ontogeny. Amer. JOllY. Bot. 40: 745-752.
BAILEY, 1. W. 1953. Evolution of the tracheary tissue of land plants. Amer. JOllr. Bot,
40: 4-8.
BLOCH, R. 1944. Developmental potency, differentiation and pattern in meristems of
Monstera deliciosa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 31: 71-77. .
BLOCH, R. 1946. Differentiation and pattern in Monstera deliciosa. The idioblastic
development of the tr:..:hosclereids in the air root. Amer. Jour. Bot. 33: 544-551.
BLYTH, A. 1958. Origin of primary extraxylary stem fibers in Dicotyledons. Univ.
Calif. Publ. Bor. 30: 145-232. .
COTE, W. A. and DAY, A. C. 1962. The G layer in gelatinous fibers-electron micro-
scopic studies. Forest Prod. Jour. 12: 333-338.
Sclerenchyma 101

DADSWELL, H. E. and WARDROP, A. B. 1955. The structure and properties of tension

wood. Holzforschung 9: 97-104.
ESAU, K. 1938. The multinucleate condition in fibers of tobacco. Hilgardia 11: 427-434.
ESAU, K. 1943~ Vascular differentiation in the vegetative shoot of Litlum. III. -The origin
of the bast fibers. Amer. Jour. Bot. 30: 579-586.
ESAU, K. 1953. Plant Anatomy, John Wiley, New York.
FAlm, A. and ARNON, N. 1963. The living wood fibres of Tamarix aphylla and the
changes occurring in them in transition from sapwood to heartwood. New Phytol.
62: 99-104.
FAHN, A. and LESHEM, B. 1963. Wood fibres with-living protoplasts. New Phytol. 62:
FOSTER, A. S. 1944. Structure and development of sclereids in the petiole of Camellia
japanica L. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 71: 302-326.
FOSTER, A. S. 1945. Origin and development of sclereids in the foliage leaf of Trocha-
dendron aralioides Sieb. & Zucco Amer. Jour. Bot. 32: 456-468.
FOSTER, A. S. 1946. Comparative morphology of the foliar sclereids in the genus Mouri-
ria AubI. Jour. "Arnold Arbor: 27: 25}-271.
FOSTER, A. S. 1947. Structure and ontogeny of the terminal sclereids in the leaf of
Mouriria huberi Congo Amer. Jour. Bot. 34: 501-514 .
. F:_OSTER, A. S. 1950. Practical P{attt Attatomy. D. Van Nostrand .• New York-London.
HABERLANDT, G. 1918. Physiologische Pjfanzellanatomie. 5th ed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
KALLEN', F. 1882. Verhatten des Protoplasma in nen Gev,'eben von Urtica urens cnt-
wicklungsgeschichtlich dargestellt. Flora 65: 65-80, 81-96, 97-105.
KUNDU, B. C. and SEN, S. 1960. Origin and development of fibres in ramie (Boehrneria
niveo Gaud.). Proc. Nat. inst. Sci. India.26B-(Suppl.): J90-198.
'PUCHINGER, H. 1923. Ober die Lebensdauer sclerotinierten ZeBen. Sitzber. Akad.
Wiss. Wien, Math-Naturw. KI. L 131: 47-57.
RAO, T.,A. 1957. Comparative1morpho}ogy and ontogeny of foliar sclereids in seed
plants. 1. Memecylon L. Phytomorphology 7: 306-330.
SCHERY, R. W. 1954. Plants for Man. Allen & Unwin, London.
SPACKMAN, W. and SWAMY, B.I.G. L. 1949. The nature and occurrence of septate fibres
in dicotyledons. Abstract in Arner.Jour. Bot. 36: 804.
TSCHIRCH, A. '1889. Angew(mdte Pjfanzenonatomie. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Wien
and Leipzig.
VESTAL, P. A. and VESTAL, M. R. 1940. The formation of septa jn the fibertracheids
of Hypericum androsaemum L. Harvard Bot, Mus. Leaflets 8: 169-188.

THE vascular system of the sporophytes of the higher plants consists of
xylem, the main function of which is the transport of water and solutes,
and phloem which mainly transports the products of photosynthesis.
On the basis of its physiological and phylogenetic importance, the vas-
cular system, and especially the xylem, has been used for the classification
of a large group of plants. The term vascular plants was first used in 19 I 7
by Jeffrey. Recently the term Tracheophyta has been introduced to cover
this group of plants which comprises the Pteridophyta and Spermato-
phyta. The term Tracheophyta has been derived from the xylem, and not
the phloem, because of the firm and enduring structure of the tracheary ,
elements. These elements have thick, hard walls. and so can be distinguished
more easily than the phloem elements. Also' the xylem is more readily
preserved in fossils and so can he identified more easily.
Xylem is a complex tissue as it consists of several types ,of cells. Tlk
most important cells are the tracheary elements which are,the non,living
cells that are principally concerned with the transport of water and which
-a\':)\), \~ 'a c't1ta)Tl oegtee, na~e a '5UPPOT\)tlg l\)D.c\)DTl. rlnTe'&o a1i~ 1>I't3ent
in the xylem where they are mainly concerned with the strengthening of
the plant body. Sclereids also may be sometimes present. Parenchyma
cells which have storage and other functions also occur in the xylem. The
xylem of some plants contains laticifers (see Chapter 9). .
The xylem and phloem elongates in developing prgans by the continual
differentiation of new elements produced by the procambium, which itself
is continuously produced by the apical promeristem. The xylem produced
by the procambium in the primary body is called·the primary/xylem. In
many plants, after the completion of the formation of the primary body,
secondary tissues are developed. The xylem that is produced as a result of
the activity of the vascular cambium is called the secondary xylem.
In the primary xylem the elements that are completed early, i.e. the
protoxylem, are distinguished from those completed later, i.e. the meia-
Xylem 103

Tracheary elements
Two basic types oftracheary elements are distinguished-tracheids and
vessel members. The term tracheid was introduced in 1863 by'Sanio who
discussed the similarity and differences between this element and the
vessel member. Since then much work has been devoted to the investiga-
tion of the structure, shape, function, ontogeny and phylogeny of these
The main difference between tracheids and vessel members is that the
former are not perforated while the end walls of the latter are perforated
(Fig. 45). A vessel, which is also termed a trachea, is built of numerous
vessel members that are joined one to the other by their end walls. Vessels
are terminated by a vessel member of which the proximal end wall is
perforated, whereas the distal end wall is not, i.e. the distal parts of a vessel
is tracheid-like.


In a radial longitudinal section of vascular bundles it can be seen that

thetracheary elements differ one from the other in the shape and structur<
of' the secondary wall. In many plants the secondary wall thickening of
the first-formed xylem (protoxylem) is annular or helical (Fig. 43, nos.
7-9; Fig. 44, no. I). The 'helical thickening may be single, or more than
one helix may be present in a single element. The rings or helices may be
arranged in a loose or acdense manner. From an ontogenetic viewQoint~
,the annular elements precede the helical elements.)n later-formed trache-
ary elements the helical bands becom(;j'oined in certain areas gIving rise
to a ladder-like type thickening; such thickening is termed scalari/arm
thickening (Fig. 43, no. 10). In tracheary elements formed at a still later
ontogenetic stage the wall thickening is in the form of a network, i.e .
. reticulate thickening (Fig. 43, no. 11). When the openings in the secondary
wall of such a network are elongated in a direction perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the element, the thickening is termed scalari/arm-
reticulate. In the ontogenetically most advanced elements, the secondary
cell wall is interrupted only at the pits; such elements are termed pitted
elements (Fig. 44, no. 2). Pitted elements are characteristic of the late
primary and of the secondary xylem. Not all the above types are
always found in a single plant. On the other hand, intermediate types not
mentioned above can be found, as well as combinations of more than one
form of thickening which may occur in a single element. The annular
and helical wall thickenings may vary in thickness and certain helices are
so deeply grooved on their inner surfaces as to appear double (Fig. 43,
no. 6). In some cases the helical thickening is joined by a narrow strip
+'" +J.."" __ :~~_ •• ••. _11 /n~_ ......
The pits in pitted tracheary elements are bordered. The well-developed
bordered pit-pairs which are usually present between two tracheary ele-
ments are termed intervascular pits. Between tracheary elements and fibres
there may be only a rew small pits or even none at all. Between tracheary

Primary strip



o Groove
o strip

7 10 Primary II

FIG. 43. 1, Tip of tracheid of Dryopferis .. with scalariform pitting. 2 and 3, Tips of
tracheids of Kingia. 4, Tracheid of Pinus. 5, Portion of a longitudinally sectioned
trachear), element showing the helical wall thickenings and the strips by which
they are joined to the primary wall. 6, As in no. 5, but in which the helical thicken-
ing is deeply grooved. 7-11, Different types of wall thickening in'tracheary ele-
ments. 7; Annular thickening. 8, Helical thickening. 9, Dense helical thickening.
10, Scalariform thickening. 11, Reticulate thickening.
elements and parenchyma cells the pit-pairs are mostly half-bordered,
i.e. bordered on the side of the tracheary element and simple on the side
of the parenchyma cell.
When the bordered pits are transversely elongated and are arranged in
longitudinal rows along the element, the pitting is termed scalariform
pitting (Fig. 18, no. 2). Circular and elliptical pits are arranged in horizontal
or diagonal rows. The former arrangement is called opposite pitting (Fig.
( 18, no. 4) and the latter alternate pitting (Fig. 18, no. 5). On the inside
surface of a pitted secondary wall a helical thickening may develop (Fig.
132). I
.In the Ophioglossales, the. Ginkgoales, the Coniferales and the Gnetales
\no"'scalariform pitteo .elements are found. Tn plants of these orders bor-
dered pits, which are similar to those found in the secondary tracheary
elements of the same plant, are found on the reticulate and helical thicken-
ings of the pri'm ary xylem (Fig. 46, no. 10). '
\ The following facts are known about the formation of the special wall
thickenings of the trachea~y element's.

F IG. 44. I and 2; Micrographs of longitudinal sections of the young stem of Clf<!U/,-
bila. >(' 150. 1, Protoxylem elements with annular and helical thickening. 2, Pitted
meta"xylem vessel. 3~ Micrograph of a radial longitudinal section in the secondary·
xylem of Viburnum linus showing a scalariform perforation plate. x 470. "
Criiger (1855) observed that in the positions where the thickenings of
the secondary wall will develop, strips of actively streaming cytoplasm
appear. Similar conclusions were reached by Barkley (1927) who believed
that the position of the cytoplasmic strips is determined by the position
of rows of vacuoles.
A similar phenomenon was also observed by Sinnott and Bloch
(1945) who studied the development of tracheary elements from paren-
chyma cells during the regeneration in the vascular bundles of Coleus.
Interesting observations were made by Majumdar (1940, 1941) who
worked on the development of vessels in the protoxylem of Heracleum.
Recently Wooding and Northcote (1964) suggested that the Golgi appara-
tuses are involved in the formation of the wall thickenings.
There is also evidence that the cytoplasm of the developing tracheary
element lines the cell wall with suberin (Scott ef al., 1960).
The functional significance of the different types of wall thickenings in
the tracheary elements is not clear. It is possible that the exclusive ap-
pearance of annular and spiral thickenings in elements in those organs that
are still elongating has some connection with the rapid increasdn length
of the organ. Investigations using X-rays together with the regulation of
light which altered the rate of stem elongation proved this assumption.
Goodwin (1942) and Smith and Kersten (1942) saw that if stem elongation
is inhibited the production of annular and spiral vessels is reduced !Jr. stop-
ped and pitted vessels develop.


As has been mentioned previously, two main types oftracheary elements,

can be distinguished-tracheids and vessel members. Tracheids are non-
perforated cells in which only bordered pit-pairs are found in the areas of
contact between them, while vessel members are perforated at their ends.
By these perforations the vessel members become joined to form a tube-
like series of cells which is termed a Vesse(or trachea. Vessels are limite4
in length and those vessel members which terminate a vessel are perforated
on one end only, i.e. the terminating end is not perforated. Therefore the
passage of· water from vessel to vessel takes place via'the pits as from tra-
cheid to tracheid. It is difficult to measure the length of vessels but this
was done successfully by Handley in 1936 who made use of the fact that, ,
although water and solution pass through the pits, gas does not. Handley
forced coal gas into one end of a cut branch and attempted to light it '
at the other end. From such experiments he came to the conclusion that
the length of the vessels in Acer is about 60 cm and in Fraxinus about
The vessel members are usually perforated on the end walls but some-
times the perforations are formed on the side walls. Those parts of the
cell wall that bear perforations are called perforation plates. The perfora-
tion plate may contain one large perforation and then it is termed a
simple perforation plate (Fig. 45, nos. 4-6), or it may contain numerous
perforations. In the latter case there are several possible ways in which


~- 0_

~ £:9
~;i :;
o -Q ~

~ f. 5

FIG. 45. Dicotyledonous vessel members. 1 and 2. Vessel members in which the
perforation plates at Iboth ends are scalariform. 3, Vessel member with
one scalariform and one simple perforation plate. 4-6, Vessel members
with simple perforation plates. "Tails", the narrow elongated tips of the vessel
members, can be seen in nos. 2-5. (AdaI?ted from Failey.)

the perforations can be arranged. When the perforations are elongated

and are arranged in a parallel series the plate is termed a scalari/orm per-
joration plate (Fig. 44, no. 3; Fig. 45, nos. I, 2), when in a reticulate
manner, reticulate perforation plate (Fig. 46, nos. 2, 4) and when the per-
forations are almost circular the plate is termed a foraminate perforation
plate (Fig. 46, no. II).
The scalariform perforation plates may sometimes be very long and
then they contain hundreds of perforations. In such cases the end wall
bearing the plate is very long and oblique so that it is sometimes difficult
to decide whether it is a vessel member or a tracheid. The identity of these
elements can be ~stablished by passing a carbon suspension through sec-
tioned portions of branches. The suspended particles can pass only
through perforations as the pit membrane prevents their passage through
the pits. However, sometimes even the above method is not reliable and' a
further method in which very fine longitudinal sections of the perforati~n
plate are cut, is used in order to discover if the primary wall is present or

2 3
II 4



o @
@ @\
(j) '@@
9 @8 @':-
6 7 8 10
FIG. 46. 1-5, Perforation plates of vessel members in the primary xylem of mono-
cotyledons. 1, Scalariform perforation plate from the stem of Phoenix dactylI/era.
X 70. 2, Reticulate perforation plate from the root of Hymenocallis caribaea.
x 200. 3-5, Vessel members from the stem of Rhoeo discolor. x 150.3, Scalari-
form perforation 'plate of a helically-thickened vessel member. 4, Reticulate
perforation plate of an annularly-thickened vessel member. 5, Simple perforation
plate. 6-9, Ends of vessel members with helical thickening from dicotyledonous
primary xylem. 6, Scalariform perforation plate. 7, Transitional form between a
scalariform and simple perforation plate. 8 and 9, Simple perforation plates. 10,
Tracheid of Gne/urn with helical thickening and circular bordered pits. 11, Vessel
member end of Ephedra with a foraminate perforation plate. (Nos. 1-5, adapted
from Cheadle, 1953; nos. 6-10, adapted from Bailey, 1944.)

not. This method also involves technical difficulties. It may be that som
of the gaps in the secondary wall are perforations and some are pit,
It has been suggested that such intermediate forms between typica
tracheids and typical vessels· should be termed vessel-traeheids (Fahn
1953) or vessel-·member-traeheids by analogy with fibre-tracheids, whicl
are intermediate between fibres and tracheids.
In many dicotyledonous species the middle portion of the vessel mem-
bers of the secondary xylem widens during ontogenetic development while
the tips remain narrow and elongated. These tips are not perforated and
they appear as projections that overlap the walls of the neighbouring vessel
members; these tips have been termed tails (Chalk and Chatlaway, 1934,
1935). The perforations are present at the end of the widened part of the
element, i.e. near the base of the tails (Fig. 45, nos. 2-5).

/ -
Vessels develop from meristematic cells - procambial cells in the primary
xylem and cambial cells in the secondary xylem. The vessel members may
or may not elongate prior to the thickening of the wall but they usually
widen in, this stage of development. '
Much attention has been paid by workers studying the ontogeny of
vessels to the end walls in which the perforations develop. Different opin-
ions exist as to how the perforations develop. According to Esau and Hewitt
(1940), who worked on herbaceous plants in which the vessel members.
had simple perforation plates, layers of the secondary wall are deposited
on the primary wall in the pattern specific for each type of vessel after
the vessel ~~mbers have reached their maximum size., Those parts of the
primary wall in the position where the perforation will develop do not
become covered with secondary wall substance, but they become thicker'
relative to the other area of the primary wall of the element (Fig. 47, nos.
1-3). This thickening appa'rently is not the result of the addition of material
to the wall but the result of the swelling of intercellular substance. After
the secondary walls are completely developed and lignified the swollen
parts of the primary wall and middle lamella slowly disintegrate. This
process is apparently brought about by the protoplast which' itself later
dies and disintegrates (Fig. 47, no. 4). '
According to Priestley et al. (1935), who investigated the development
of the vessels in trees, the production of the perforation in the end wall is
a sudden process and no intermediate stages can be found. Apparently,
while the walls are still very thin, the end walls c'ontract suddenly, and so
the rim or rims around the perforations areformed (Fig. 47, no. 5). Often
a stretched pectic membrane remains in the position of the 'perforation.
By means of plasmolysis 'the ab'ove 'workers were able to show ·that each'
vessel member has a separale protoplast during all stages of the thickening
and lignification of the wall. ,/
In ring-porous and sometimes in diffuse-porous wood, in/which the
vessels are wide, as the vessei grows in width the cells neighbouring it may
become separated one from the other. In this way the vessei is brought into
•• ~ -, , . , , -';'<- ,_"

contact with new gel1s (Fig. 47, nos. 6, 7). In ma~y,cases it is possible to
110 Plant Anatomy

observe that where the position of the above separating cells is shifted rela-
tive to the widening vessel, the cells retain their original ~ttachments, or
at least partially so,-in those positions where there are pits".'\This is possii:>le
by the extension of the cell wall to forni bridge-like connections in the re-
gion of the pits (Fig. 47, no. 8). According to Priestley et af. (1935) this

'\. FlO. 47. 1--4, Development of a perforation plate in vessel members of Apiumgra~
veolens, after'Esau. 1936. The development of helical secondary thickening on
the ~~e walls and t~e presence ~f the primary end w~ll can ~e see~ ~n nos. 1~~.
The end wall has dIsappeared III no. '4.;5, End portIOns of two adjacent vessel
members of Fraxittus in which it is possible to distinguish the' perforation rim and
the two pro(?plasts that have separated from one another: x 125. 6 and,7. Dia~
grams of cross-~ections of a vessel and neighbouring cells showing how the v:essel,
during enlargement, comes into contact with new cells. Neighbouring cells indi ..
cated by numerals-:..,S, Drawing of portion of a vessel of Ulmus in surface view,
showing how the cells'around the vessel tear away from each other as a result of
the widening of the vess~b,The neighbouring cells retain their origimil attachments
to the vessels where there a'fe pits, resulting in the formation of bridge·like exten·
sions. x 95. (Nos. 5-8, adapted from Priestley et al., 1935.) T

phenomenon is apparently mS-POSSible because of the greater plasti-

city of the pits themselves or their ;nargins. These workers state that in
ring-porous wood the cells surrounding the,.vessels differentiate prior to the
vessels or, at latest, simultaneously with them and therefore the above
separation takes place. In diffuse-porous woo,j"the walls of the cells next to
the vessel become thickened and lignified somewhat later than those of
the vessel members. "
Xylem 111

The xylem holds an important position in the study of plant tissues as

the structu!e of its elements is of extreme importance in taxonomy and
phylogeny. More attention has been paid to the phylogenetic development
of xylem than to any other tissue. The structure of the tracheary elements
has been studied in special detail. The research has been aided by statis-
tical methods which emphasize the differences in structure and shape of
the tracheary elements and which have explained their phylogenetic signi-
It ha, been obvious for a long time that the tracheid is a more primitive
.element than the vessel member. The tracheid is the only tracheary element
\found among Pteridospermae, in fossil Spermatophyta, in most of the
'lowest vascular plants of today, and in nearly all the Gymnospermae. It is
commonly accepted that vessel members have developed from tracheids.
Vessel members occur· in the following diverse groups of plants:. in the most
advanced gymilOsperms, the Gnetales; in dicotyledons except for the low-
ermost taxonomic groups; in monocotyledons; in the fern, Pteridium; in
certain species of Selaginella; and in Equisetum (Bierhorst, 1958). From
_ the above it can be assumed that vessels developed independently, by
'parallel evolution, in each of these groups.


In order to understand the problems of plant phylogeny, fundamental

methods oflogic have been used. Frost (1930 a, b; 1931) clearly defined some
of these fundamental logical assumptions while trying to .establish .the
origin of ihe vessels in the dicoiyledons. The following are the principal
assumptions~sed by Frost.
1. The association method. This method states that if it is possible to de-
termine which of two (Otructures is the more primitive, and if it is assumed
that the two structures have a direct genetical relationship, it will be. pos-
sible to conclude that the primitive condition of the more advanced struc-
ture will be similar to the general condition of the primitive structure. If
there is not much similarity then the assumption of direct genetical rela-
tionship is not correct or the elements in question are, ,apparently, so far
separated in the scale of evolution that the primitive form of the advanced
element has been lost. Therefore, with reference to'tracheary elements, if
it is assumed that the tracheids are more primitive than the vessel members
and that the two elements have a direct genetical relationship, then it must
be concluded that the most primitive vessel members will be those that are
most similar to tracheids.
2. The correlation method. By this method it is assumed that in a certain
homogeneous tissue, as, for instance, the secondary xylem, there will
112 Plant Anatomy

exist a statistically significant correlation between the degrees of speciali.

zation of. the .
characteristics of a structurejn a largt;l random_sample

(many species), i.e. the various features have undergone evolutionary
changes simultaneously. Therefore, features occurring together with those
features that are defined as being primitive, by the association method, are
themselves primitive, and those that occur together with features defined
as being advanced, are advanced. It is necessary to bear in mind that
such correlations express only the general trends of development'and that
exceptions. exist. The development of some features may be delayed and
of others advanced. The investigation of these exceptions can indicate the
lines of secondary specialization which only become clear after the princi·
pal lines of development have been determined. In relation to the vessel
members, if great length is a primitive feature (as is derived by the associa-
tion method) then all other features that are found in correlation with
great length are also primitive features.
3. The sequence method. This method deals with the reconstruction of
the evolutionary variability on the basis of the variation, as seen in living
forms. These variations can be seen ontogenetically or by the comparison
of different plants belonging to a single taxonomical group. The contri-
bution of this method to the problem of the origin of vessels has been the \
determination of the origin of vessel membertfrom tracheids with scalari-
form pitting. Typical tracheids of this type appear only in the sec~ndary
wood of those dicotyledonous genera that have no vessels, e.g' genera of
the Winteraceae, Monimiaceae, Chloranthaceae and Tetrac~ntraceae, but
are completely absent from the secondary xylem of angiosperms that con-
tain vessels (Bailey, 1944). In some trees and large shrubs of various primi-
tive dicotyledonous families, the vessel members of the secondary xylem
are 'similar in ·size, angular cross-section, pitting and thin secondary walis
to tracheids with scalariform pitting. It is important to mention that the
scalariform pitted tracheids have served as the origin not only of vessel
members but also of tracheids with circular bordered pits and apparently
a1S-0, indirectly, offibre·tracheids and libriform fibres (Tippo, 1946; Bailey,
1936~1923). The complete or almost complete absence of primitive tracheids
with scaliiriform pitting in the Angiospermae is related. to theirdevelop- \
ment, in th~'p-rocess of phylogeny, into vessel members or into tracheids

with a more advanced form of pitting. .-

The following ')~ctural features of the angiosperm tracheary ele-
ments are those that are"used as a basis for the study of their evolution.
1. The length of the el1!nent. The tracheids are long cells whose average
length reaches 4·35 mm in ir/,chodendron, a vessel-less dicotyledon (Bailey,
1944). Their average length as calculated from many hundreds of measure-
ments made in monocotyledons is s:0k'm (Cheadle, 1943a).ln monocoty-
ledons, according to Cheadle, vessels"can be divided into four groups,
according to their degree of specializatl'on. The average lengths of the

Xylem 113

vessel members in these four groups are 3·96 mm, 2·58 mm, 1·47 mm and
.0·76 mm.·As the.vessel members are shorter than the·tracheids the shorter
the vessel member, the more advanced it is considered to be.
2. The diameter of the element. The diameter of the tracheid is smaller
than that of the vessel member.
J. Tile thickness of the wall. The wall of a typical tracheid 'is thin and is
of equal thickness over the entire circumference. This feature is also seen
in primitive vessel members.
4. The perforation plates. Those scalariform perforation plates that are
long, oblique and with numerous perforations are considered the most pri-
mitive and the simple, horizontal perforation plates the most advanced.
5. The shape of the element in cross-section. The shape of the tracheids
\ and theprimitive vessels in cross-section is angular, while that of advanced
vessel members is circular or nearly so.
6. The type of pitting. In the dicotyledons scalariform pitting in vessel
members is considered to be primitive. The structure and arrangement of
pits developed, from scalariform 'pitting, through intermediate forms in
which scalariform pits occur together with circular or elliptical pits (Fig.
18, no. 3), to forms with only circular or elliptical pits. Of this advanced
type of pitting, that in which the pits are arranged in parallel rows, i.e.
opposite pitting, is more primitive than alternate pitting, in which the cir-
cular or elliptical pits are arranged along more or less helical lines (Fig. 18,
nos. 4, 5). The appear,ance 1of the spiral thickenings on the inside of the
secondary wall of the tracheary elements is evidence of advanced develop-
The Qhyloil,enetic develoQment of the side walls of the trachear~ elements
was prior to that of the perforation of the.end_walls ..


From investigations based on the methods and facts that have been
mentioned above ano which have been made over the last 30 ye~is, the
present knowledge of the evolutionary development of the mono- and di-
cotyledonous vessel members can be summarized, after Cheadle(1953), as

I. Ten woody genera are known that completely lack vessels. These
genera belong to the following five families: Chloranthaceae, Winteraceae,
Tetracentraceae, Trochodendraceae and Monimiaceae.
2. There are 52 out of 147 families that consist of woody plants only and
that contain one or more species that have only scalariform-perforated
114' Plant Anatomy

vessel members. The following are some of these families: Aquifoliaceae,

Betulaceae, Buxaceae,..Celas!racea~" Magnoliaceae, Myrtrceae, Styraca-
3. Of 82 families that contain both woody and herbaceous species, only
7 families contain. one or more species with exclusively scalariform:perfo-
rated vessel members.
4. Of the herbaceous plants, the internal structure of which has been
adequately studied, only Paeonia of the Ranunculaceae, Pentaphragma of
the Campanulaceae, and a few other species of three other families have
exclusively scalariform-perforated vessel members. However, in, these
examples the perforation plate is mostly not of the very primitive type as the
plate is short and has only a few perforations.
5. Of the remaining herbaceous families, in 61 families only yessel mem-
bers with simple perforation plates are found and in 20 families the perfo-
ration is mainly simple but a few scalariform perforation plates (usually
short) can be found.
From all the aboveJactsjt appears that,inthe dicotyledons the vessels
arose first in woody plants. Apparently they developed independently a
number of times as vessel-less species are found in different families.
Because of the advanced character of the vessels in herbaceous plants it \
cannot be suggested that the woody plants have been derived from the
herbaceous plants.
As a result of the data that have accumulated, it has been concluded that'
the vessels arose first in the secondary xylem and later in the metaxylem.
The specialization has also gradually advanced from the sec'ondary to pri'
mary xylem.
It can also be assumed that the herbaceous plants have developed from
tlie woody plan!s by reduction of cambial activity only after obvious devel-
opment of the vessel members had taken place in'the woody ancestral
In some specialized dicotyledons, such as certain of the Cactaceae, the
'secondary xylem lacks vessels which are replaced by so-called vascular
tracheids. However, in such plants the lack of vessel elements is a result of
seco;'aa_ry reduction (Bailey, 1957). \


I. From a phylo'gci,'etic point of view, vessels in the monocotyledons

first appeared in the roo~:'aEcd later in the stems and leaves. The special-
ization of the vessels followed,t!>e same pattern (Cheadle, 1943a, b).
2. Phylogenetically, the vessels-fizst appeared and became specialized in
the late-formed metaxylem and progressed gradually into the early-formed
metaxylem and finally into the protoxYlem (Cheadle, 1944).
Xylem 115

3. Monocotyledons exist today that have, in the last-formed'metllxylem

of their roots, only, the most- primitive .vessels the perforation"plates of
which are scalariform and which contain ~ore than 100 parallelperfora-
4. A few monocotyledonous families with only aquatic species are known
to include plants that lack vessels completely in all their organs. This fea-
. ture, however, may be a secondary one.

The tracheary elements have developed during the evolution of the land
plants As has been pointed out by Bailey (1953), two main functional
trends have become evident during the course of the morphological evo-
lution of these elements, i.e. the development of those structures that en-
hance rapid conduction, on the one hand, and of those that strengthen the
elements, on the other hand. These two trends are antagonistic to a great
extent because certain structures that increase the efficiency of conduction
tend to weaken the cells and vice versa. However, during the course of
evolution, structures have been developed that have, to various extents,
resolved these two trends.
Pitted tracheary elements, in addition to those with annular and helical
wall thickenings, are found in most of the Tracheophyta, with the exception
of certain lower Devonian plants and some hydrophytes .. Elements with
such wall thickenings 'give support to the mature stem. The. absence of
living protoplasts in the 'tracheary elements, the development of elongated
tracheids and the occurrence of vessel members are all features that in-
crease the efficiency of water:'conduction. The bordered pit-pairs which are
characteristic of the tracheary elements, are, as has been shown by Bailey,
well adapted to their function and they combine the-two ab'ove-meritioned
trends. On hand, the area of the pit membrane is comparatively
large and so the passage of water's fairly easy and, on the other hand, the
extent of the development of the secondary wall is maximal because the
secondary wall overafches the pit membrane in such a manner that the
pit membrane remains comparatively large whereas the pit aperture is very
small. This feature greatly strengthens the tracheary elements.
In tracheids more rapid conduction is obtained by the elongation of the
cells, the increase in diameter of the lumen and in the number of pits and
the reduction of wall thickness. Strengthening of the tissue is brought
about by the shortering of the cells, narrowing of the lumen, increase in
wall thickness and the reduction in the number of pits. In the secondary
xylem of conifers, for instance, the early wood is more adapted for efficient
water conduction and the tracheids of the late wood, for support.
Conduction is further facilitated by the complete disappearance of the
pit membranes in certain areas so resulting in the formation of vessel
members. In the secondary xylem of certain primitive dicotyledons primi-
116 Plant Anatomy

tive vessel members, resembling scalariform pitted tracheids, and thick-

walled, narrow tracheids with a few round bordered pits have been observ-
ed to occur side by side. This phenomenon proves tIlat the evolution
of tracheids, in relation to function, was dichotomous, i.e. the scalariform
tracheids evolved into vessel members which were better adapted to con-
duction, whereas the tracheids with round bordered pits are modified to
give better support and, through various intermediate forms, give rise to
the libriform fibres. Fibre-tracheids, which are an intermediate form, and
libriform fibres functionally differ greatly from the tracheary elements
and in many plants they contain even living protoplasts and store reserve
From. the large amount of data that has been accumulated from the
study of the various angiosperm groups, it is possible to build a clear
picture of the trend of evolution as has taken place in the development of
the tracheary elements. The fact that this trend is unidirectional, irreversi-
ble and cannot be interpreted in the reverse direction is important and
should be emphasized. The structural evolution of the tracheary elements
presents one of the most convincing examples of evolutionary development.
However, although it is obvious from the great amount of data, that this
structural evolution has been accompanied by functional specialization, as
yet.. almost nothing is known about whether/or not a correlation exists
between the types of trachoary elements ari'd ecological conditions. This
is a problem·that still needs to be investigated.
The sequence of the different types of tracheary elements and the nu-
merous transitional forms are important features in the stu"&y of the origin
of the Angiospermae and the phylogeny of the various taxonomic groups
"Th""l'. """'Th. \.. '" ,\\\\ ""''''''''''''Y, """''''''''''' 'u",,,,,,,,,,,,,, "'~ 1>"""\\"'\ ""I!. "''''''''''-
gent evolution, to accumulate more data concerning the tracheary ele-
ments of the various species and to use such da.ta together with . mor-
phological' and structural data concerning other elements and, tissues, be-
fore any definite conclusions
, -
can be drawn (Fahn, 1954).

~ I
BAILEY, I. W. 1936. The problem of differentiating and classifying trad:eids, fiber~
'tracheids and libriform fibers. Trap. Woods. 45: 18-23.
BAILEY:-L~. 1944. The develo~ment of vessels in angiosperms and its significance in
morphological research. Amer. Jour. Bot. 31: 421-428.
BAILEY, I. W. 1953. Evolution of the tracheary tissue of land plants. Amer. Jour.~Bot.
40: 4-8. """
BAILEY, L W. 1957. Additional notes on the vesselless dicotyledon Amborella trichopoda
Baill. Jour. Arnold Arbor. 38: 374-378.
BARKLEY, G. 1927. Differentiation of vascular bundle of Trichosanthos anguina. Bal.
Gaz. 83: 173-184. ~.
BIERHORST, D. W. 1958. Vessels in Equisetum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 45: 534-537.

Xylem 117

CHALK, L. and CHATTAWAY, M. M. 1934. Measuring the length of vessel members.

Tr~p. Woods 40: 19-26.
CHALK, -L. and CHATTAWAY, M. M. 1935. Factors affecting dimensional variations of
vessel members. Trop. Woods 41: 17-37.
CHEADLE, V. 1. 1943a. The origin and certain trends of specialization of the vessel in
the Monocotyledoneae. Arner.Jour. Bot. 30: 11-17.
CHEADLE, V. 1. 1943b. Vessel specialization in the late metaxylem of the various organs
in the Monocotyledoneae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 30: 484-490.
CHEA.DLE, V. I. 1944. Specialization of vessels within the xylem of each organ in the
Monocotyledoneae. Arner. Jour. Bot. 31: 81-92.
CHEADLE, V. I. 1953. Independent origin of vessels in the monocotyledons and dico-
tyledons. Phytomorphology 3: 23--44.
CRUGER, H. 1855. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Zellwand. Bot. Ztg. 13: 601-613;
\ESAU, K. 1936. Vessel development in celery. Hilgardia 10: 479-4-88.
ESAU, K. 1953. Plant Anatomy. John Wiley, New York.
ESAu, K. and HEWITT, W. B. 1940. Structure of end walls in differentiating vessels.
Hi/gardia 13: 229-244.
FAHN, A. 1953. Metaxylem elements in some families of the Monocotyledoneae. New
Phytol. 53: 530-540.
FAHN, A; 1954. The anatomical structure of the Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort. Jour.
Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 55: 158-184.
FOSTER, A. S. 1950. Practical Plant Anatomy. D. Van Nostrand, New York-London.
FROST, F. H. 1930a. Specialization in secondary xylem of dicotyledons. 1. Origin of
vessel. Bot. Gilz. 89: 67-94.
FROST, F. H. 1930b. Specialization in secondary xylem of dicotyledons. II. Evolution
of end walls of vessel segment.- Bot. Gaz. 90: 198-212.
FROST,-F. H. 1931. Specialization in secondary xylem of dicotyledons. III. Specialization
of lateral wall of vessel segment. Bot. Gaz. 91: 88-96.
GOODWIN, R. H. 1942. On the development of xylary elements in the first internode of
Arena in dark and light. Amer. Jour. Bot. 29: 818-828.
HANDLEY, W.- R. C. 1936. Some observations on the problem of vessel length deter~
mination in woody dicotylt!dons. New Phytol. 35: 456-471.
JEFFREY, E. C. 1917. The Anatomy of Woody Plants. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago.
MAJUMDAR, G. P. 1940. The development and structure of protoxylem vessels in
Heracleum Sphondylium L. Pr~c. Leeds Phil. Lit. Soc. 3: '642-651.
MAJUMDAR, G. P. 1941. The origin and nature of the 'bases of the secondary thick-
enings of xylem vessels in Heracleum Sphondylium L. Current Sci. (India) 10:
PRIESTLEY, J. H., SCOTT, L. 1. and MALLINS, M. E. 1935. Vessel development in the
angiosperms. Proc. Leeds. Phil. Lit. Soc. 3: 42-54.
SANIO, C. 1863. Vergleichende Untersuchungen tiber die Elementarorgane des Holz-
karpers. IlL Tracheales System. Bot. Ztg. 21: 113-118; 121-128.
SCOTT, F. M., SJAHOLM, V. and BOWLER, E. 1960. Light and electron microscope
studies of the primary xylem of Ricinus communis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47: 162-173.
SINNOTT, E. W. and BLOCH, R. 1945. The cytoplasmic basis of intercellular patterns in
vascular differentiation. Amer. Jour. Bot. 32: 151-156.
SMITH, G. F. and KERSTEN, H. 1942. The relation between xylem thickenings in primary
roots of Vida faba seedlings and elongation as shown by soft X~ray irradiation.
Bull. Ton ey Bot. Club 69: 221-234.
TIPPO, O. 1946. The role of wood anatomy in phylogeny. Amer. Midi. Nat. 36: 362-372.
WOODING, F. B. P. and NORTHCOTE, D. H. 1964. The development of the secondary
wall of the xylem in Acer pseudoplatanus. J. Cell Bioi. 23: 327-337.


THE phloem together with the xylem constitute the conducting system
of vascular plants. The xylem functions principally in the conduction of
water, and the phloem of products of photosynthesis. Similarly to the
xylem the phloem also is a compound tissue. The important cells of the
phloem are the sieve elements which serve for the conduction of the photo-
synthetic products. Additional to these elements phloem contains typical
parenchyma cells in which reserve substances are stored, as well as spe-
cialized parenchyma cells, i.e. the companion cells and albuminous cells,
which are connected with the functioning of thelsieve elements. Fibres,
sclereids and sometimes laticifers may also be found in phloem tissue.
The primary phloem, similarly to the primary, xylem, develops from the
procambium. The primary phloem is divided)nto the protophloem, which
develops from the procambium during an early ontogenetic stage, "nd the
metaphloem which also develops from the procambium, but at a later stage
of development. J
The sieve elements were first discovered by Hartig in 1837 and the term
phloem was coined, from the Greek word for bark, by Nageli in 1858.
Tire plilaem iff tire stem, is asuilily external to the xylem Ollt, ill rome
ferns and in different species of numerous dicotyledonous families, e.g.
Asclepiadaceae, Cucurbitaceae, My~taceae, Apocynapeae, Convolvulaceae,
Compo sitae and Solanaceae, phloem is also present on the inside oftbe
xylem. Phloem.on the inside of the xylemds called internal or intraxylary
phloem (Fig. 70, no. 3) and it develop~ a little later than the external
phloem. In certain families, such as the Chenopodiaceae, Amarantha-
ceae, Nyctaginaceae, Salvadoraceae and others, phloem is also present
within the secondary xylem. This type of phloem is, called interxylary
phloem or included phloem (Fig. 158, nos. 1-3) .. '

Sieve elements
The mo;;Characteristic features of sieve elements are the sieve areas in
the walls and thedisappearance of the nucleus from the protol'last.
The sieve areas are'interpreted as being modified l'rimary l'it fields and
they appear as depressio~'in the wall in which groups of pores are 10-
Phloem 119

cated. Connecting strands, which are structures resembling plasmodesmata

but which are. thjcker, pass .through these pores and so connect the pro-
toplasts of the neighbouring sieve elements (Fig. 50, no. I; Fig . .51, no. I).
Sieve areas can be distinguished from primary pit fields by the following
two features: (a) in the sieve areas the connecting strands are much thicker
than the plasmodesmata that occur in the primary pit fields; (b) in the
sieve area each pore contains a small cylinder of callose which surrounds
the connecting strand (Fig. 48, nos. 2--4; Fig; 51, no. I). The diameter of


FIG. 48. Djagrams showing development and maturation of a portion of a sleve

plate. 1. Early stage showing appearance of callose platelets. 2, The pores are
lined by relatively thin callose -cylinders. 3, The callose'cylinders have thickened
and callose has been deposited on the surface of the plate between the cylinders.
4, Sieve plate with definitive callus. .

the pores varies in the different species from a fraction of a micron to

14 1'. In Spiraea vanhouttei the diameter of the pores is less than I I' while
in Pyrus malus and Pyrus communis the maximum diameter is only a little
larger than I 1', in Curcubita spp. it is 10·3 I' and in Ailanthus altissima,
14·3 I' (Esau and Cheadle, 1959). The presence of callose can easily be
demonstrated by staining with aniline blue or resorcin blue (Esau, 1948).
In ultraviolet light even minute amounts of callose stained with aniline
blue give a lemon-yellow fluorescence. Callose also occurs on the walls of
fungal cells, in the germination tube of pollen grains, in cystoliths, and
recently, has even been shown to be present in the primary pit fields of
epidermal cells (Currier and Strugger, 1956).
Callose is a polysaccharide built of v-glucose residues (Frey-Wyssling
et al., 1957). More accurate analysis has shown that in Vitis the callose
120 Plant Anatomy

consists of /l-D-glucopyranose residues with I: 3 linkages (Aspinall and

Kessler, 19,57), also found on those, portions of the ,wall.between
the callose cylinders surrounding the connecting strands. In old ele-
ments large amounts of callose accurilUlate to form continuous thick
layers which were termed callus by Hanstein in 1864. This term callus
should not be confused with that referring to wound tissue.
In sieve areas that are not highly specialized the connecting strands are
extremely thin, and are nearly indistinguishable from plasmodesmata. In
highly specialized sieve areas the connecting strands are very thick and
they stain intensely. When the sieve element is young, the sieve area is
thinner than the other portions of the cell wall and it appears as a depres-
sion on the inner surface of the waiL As the element matures additional
callose is laid down not only on the cylinders, which line the pores, but
also on the surface of the sieve area between the pores, so that finally,
in old elements, the sieve areas do not appear as depressions but as raised
portions above the surface. When the element ceases to function the con-
necting strands become very thin and may even disappear. When sieve
areas develop close to one another the callose masses from each sieve area
may fuse to form a single mass. Large masses of callose which develop
with the cessation of function of the elements are called definitive callus
(Fig. 49, no. I). Usually, with the complete,diSintegration ofihe protoplast
of the element the callus'peels away from'the sieve areas. In m'ost :licoty-
ledons the sieve elements function during a single growing ,season, but in
certain plants, such as Suaeda, TWa and viiis, the sieve elements function
for two 'or more years. In Tilia no distinct changes can be seen in the
sieve elements with the start of the resting season, while in Vilis large
amounts of callus accumulate in the autumn, disintegrate in the spring
before the commencement"of cambial activity, and so the sieve elements
start to function for a second year (Esau, 1948; Bernstein and Fahn, 1960).
The density and arrangement of the sieve areas on the sieve elements
exhibit the same degree of variation as does the pitting on the walls of the
tracheary elements. On the ba'sis of the thickness of the connecting strands
and the degree of development of the callose cylinders, sieve areas with,
different stages of specialization can be distinguished.,Iii certain plants,
such as the Coniferales, all the sieve areas of an element are' equal, while
in other plants, for instance, most of the angiosperms, some of the sieve
areas are more specialized, i.e. they have more well-developed connecting
,.strands and callose cylinders than those found in other areas. These more
specialized sieve areas are usually situated on the ,end walls of' the.
elem.::nts,,)"hich are horizontal or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the
element. Those parts of the cell wall that bear such specialized sieve areas
are called sieve'plates (Fig. 49, no. 3).
Two theories exist- as,!o the manner in which the pores of the si ve plate
develop. According to <ine,theorv the sieve plates develop fromeprimary

pit fields and then the connecting strands are derived from a single or
a group of plasmodesmata.- According to the second theory the pore sites
of the future sieve plates contain no plasmodesma'ta ana the'formation'of
the pores involves the dissolution of the wall at the pore site.
According to Esau et al. (1962), the sites of the future pores are first
• delimited by the appearance of small deposits of callose in the form of

3 4 5

FIG. 49. 1-4, Sieve-tube members of Via's. 1 and 2, Longitudinal sections of com-
pound sieve plates between two elements. 1, Elements in dormant state in which
the plate is covered by a thick layer of callus. 2, Elements reactivated after the re-
moval of the callus. The slime which fills the sieve areas is indicated by heavy stip-
pling. 3, Surface view of two compound sieve plates. 4. Sieve-tube elements with
companion cells. 5, Portion of a sieve cell of Pinus. (Nos. 1-4, adapted from
Esau, 1948.)
12.2 Plant Anatomy

platelets. Apparently, the formation of the · callose platelets takes· place

after the en~oplasmic reticulum approaches the~. devel9ping. sieve ,plale,:
TI1€ callose pla'fele'fs are paired andthe two mem bers of, such a pair occur
on the opposite sides of a sieve plate where they are separated from each
other by thin portions of the wall consisting of the middle lamella and
parts of the primary walls of the two adjacent cells (Fig. 48, !.lO. l). The

FIG. 50. 1, Microl!,ral)h of a longitudinal section ill Ilhloem of Cucurbila, l'>tait'ed

with aniline blue, in which sli me plugs can be distinguished. x 440. 2, Surface view
of a sieve plate showing the pores lined by cylinders of callose; stained with ani-
Iilie blue. x 640. 3, Sorface view of a sieve plate showing the large pores; stained
with safranin-fast green. x 880.
Phloem 123

platelets increase in diameter, whereas the cellulosic bars between the pore,crease. in. ~idth. lhese cellulosic pars together form t~e basic
network of the sieve. plate. The platelets and' the bars incre_ase in thickness.
It appears that there is a single plasmodesma in each pore site. The per-
foration occurs in the centre of each platelet in that position where the
thin wall dissolves. ·The callose platelets of each pair fuse around the per-
foration and thus each pore is lined with callose from its inception. Later,
callose appears also on the surface of the sieve plate. The·perforation of
the sieve plate takes place after the disintegration of the nucleus.
Those sieve elements that have unspecialized sieve areas that are' similar
throughout the element are called sieve cells (Fig. 49, no. 5). Sieve cells,

FIG. 51. 1, Cross-section of a sieve plate of Cucurbita. X 1200. 2 and 3, Compound

sieve plates in secondary phloem of Vilis. 2, Surface view as seen in radial longi-
tudinal sections of phloem. x·265. 3, Cross-section of plate as seen in tangential
longitudinal section of phloem. x 265.

thererore, do' not contain sieve plates. These 'cells are usually elongated
with tapering ends or their end walls are very oblique. In the positions
where sieve cells overlap one another the sieve areas are more numerous.
Elements in which sieve plates can be distinguished are called sieve-tube
members (Fig. 49, no. 4). Sieve plates are usually found on the end walls
which may be very oblique or horizontal or in intermediate planes. In
certain elements, e.g. those of Vilis and Pyrus malus, the sieve plate con-
tains several sieve areas; while in other elements, e.g. those of Cucurbita,
only one sieve area may be present. The former type of sieve plate is termed
a compound sieve plate (Fig. 49, nos. 1-4; Fig. 51 , nos. 2, 3) and the latter,
a simple sieve plate (Fig. 50, nos. 1-3). The sieve-tube members are con-
nected one to the other by the walls that contain the sieve plates and so
form sieve tubes. Sieve plates are found only very occasionally on the
longitudinal walls of the sieve-tube members. On these walls unspecialized
sieve areas develop.
124 Plant Anatomy


The walls of siev" elements, are usually only primary and consisLmainly
of cellulose. Only in a single family of the Coniferale;, the Pinaceae, has
a secondary, 'non,lignified cell wall been found in the sieve cells (Abbe
and Crafts, 1939). The thickness of the wall of the sieve elements varies in
different cpecies; in some species the cell wall is I p. thick while in other
species the wall nearly fills the cell lumen. Esau and Cheadle (1958) also
found differences in the structure of the wall. In certain species they found
that the wall is homogeneous, while in others the wall is composed of
two layers-a thin layer close to the middle lamella and a thicker layer
next to the cytoplasm. The inner layer as seen in cross-sections of fresh
material has a sheen similar to mother-of-pearl, and therefore has been
termed the,nacreous layer. The thickness of the wall of the sieve elements
usually decreases with the aging of the element. Thick nacreous walls can
be seen, for example, in Magnolia, Laurus, Rhamnus and Persea but they
are not present in Casuarina, Crataegus, Fraxinus" Morus, Populus, Salix
and Passiflora, among others.
, '
The most characteristic feature of the protoplast of the sieve elemenhs
the absence ofa nucleus in the mature,'active cell., The structure of im-
mature sieve elements resembles that of the procambial and cambial cells
'from which they develop. In this stage the protoplast contains vacuoles
and a large nucleus. With the specialization of the element the nucleus
disintegrates and disappears. In certain plants the nucleolus or nucleoli are
extruded from the nucleus prior to its disintegration and they remain
within Jhe sieve,element.
A more or less viscous substance, which stains readily with cytoplasmic~
stains, is present in the sieve-tube members of dicotyledons. This substance
has been termed slime. It is thought that slime is of a proteinaceous nature.
It is located in the vacoule and in the preparation of sections it accumu-
lates at the ends of the cells near the sieve plates. These slime accumulations
are termed slime plugs (Fig. 50, no. I; Fig. 51, no. I). The slime is produce~,
in the cytoplasm in the form of small, variously shapO'd slime bodies that,
with the specialization of the sieve element, become' more iiquid and pass
into the vacuole where they become amorphous. This process takes place at
the same time as the disintegration of the nucleus. In monocotyledons,
gymnosperms and pteridophytes slime bodies have not been observed,
and in these plants the vacuole of the sieve elements is aqueous with only
small quantities of slime.
In the sieve elements of many species small plastids that take part in
the synthesis of carbohydrate granules are present. These granules are
similar to starch but stain red with iodine, and apparently contain a high
Phloem 125

percentage of dextrins. In sections these granules accumulate, together

with the. slime, 1),~a~ the. sieye., areas.
It is difficult to get an accurate picture of the structure of the protoplast
in a mature sieve element from the study of microscope .sections because
of the position of the protoplasmic constituents that take place
during sectioning. The cell contents are the direction of the
cuts, and a portion may even be extruded onto the surface of the sec-
tion by.a pressure that exists in the mature sieve element. Under the
microscope it is seen that the slime content of the vacuoles accumulates
near those" sieve areas close to the cuts and it appears as if this substance
passes through the sieve areas. In. order to avoid these artifacts investi~
gators have used special fixation and other methods prior to sectioning.
The accepted view today is that there is a thin cytoplasmic layer lining the
inner surface of the cell ."!all and the centre of the cell is occupied by a
large central vacoule which contains the cell sap and different quantities
of slime. The protoplasts devoid of nuclei are firmly. attached to the sieve
l'reas by the connecting strands·(Esau, 1950). During the maturation of
.the·sieve element the border between the vacuole and the cytoplasm disap-
pears. From electron microscope studies it has been seen, during the
_nuclear disintegration, that the other organelles, the endoplasmic reti-
ctiWm and the tonoplast become more or less disorganized. The plasma-
kmma'and the remnants of the other cytoplasmic structuresconstitute the
thin parietal cytoplasmic layer of the mature element (Esau and Cheadle,
1962). These and other'featu'res indicate reduced metabolic'activity in the
mature sieve elements.
Different opinions exist as to the nature of the connecting strands.
According to one opinion these strands are entirely cytoplasmic, while
according to an'other;they'contain'vacuolar substances which ~¢rv_e-as the
connection between the vacuoles of the neighbouring elements. The latter
view, i.e. that of vacuolar continuity, "is the more accepted . one today.
Different and contrary theories also exist as to the method of conduction
of the photosynthetic products in the sieve elements (Esau ef al., 1957).
According to one theory these substances are conducted through the sieve
elements by a mass flow which is the result of the differences in hydrostatic
pressure between the supplying and receiving organs. This theory was·
first formulated by Munch in 1930 and can be demonstrated by the follow-
ing model. When an osmotic cell containing solutes is placed in water,
water enters into it. The level of the solution in the osmometer will rise
until equilibrium is reached between the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures.
]f two osmometers with solutions of different osmotic pressures are used,
it is seen that the solution rises less in that osmometer with the lower
osmotic pressure. If the two osmometers are connected there wilt be a
flow from that osmometer with the higher osmotic pressure to that with
the lower. This flow is a result of the pressure gradient between the two
126 Plant Anatomy

osmometers. In.the above case, molecules of solute flow passively with the
solvent. Therefore, according
. to the theory of mass flow,
, the·.molecules
of sugar and other dIssolved substances are conducted through the phloem
as a result of the flow of the aqueous solution. Thus the force, which
enables the flow, is a result of the differences in the osmotic pressure be-
tween the supplying organs (the leaves) and the receiving organs (the roots,
tubers, etc.). Supporters of this theory regard the phloem as the .tube
that connects the above-mentioned osmometers, as the cytoplasm in these'
elements, contrary to that of other cells, is permeable to the products of
photosynthesis (Huber, 1941). According to these investigators the cyto-
plasm of the sieve elements lacks a tonoplast, is incapable of accumulat-
ing "neutral red" and does not plasmolyse when the cells are placed in a
hypertonic solution.
Another theory is that of the active transport of the solutes. The sup-
porters of this theory are of the opinion that the cytoplasm of the sieve
elements takes an active part in the transfer of the substances. They sug-
gest that the protoplasts of the sieve elements have the property of selec-
tive permeability, and they explain the difficulty ~f demonstrating plasmo-
lysis of these cells by the particular sensitivity of the nucleus-free proto-
plast which therefore necessarily demands, extremely careful treatment
(Rouschal, 1941). /
It is accepted 'by" all workers thai the passage of photosynthates in the
sieve elements is much faster than that in ordinary parenchyma cells.
Phylogeny of sieve elements
In the most priinitive form the sieve elements are parenchyma cells that
have undergone modifications in connection with their function. This was t

followed by the loss of the nucleus. This protoplasmic specialization ap-

parently resulted in the' development of the interdependence of the sieve
elements and parenchyma cells that retain their nucleus, i.e. the albumin-
ous cells in the gymnosperms and the companion cells in the angio\
sperms. In the angiosperms the sieve elements and companion cells develop
from the same mother cell. The specialization of the sieve' elements also
involved the development of thick connecting strands. In pteridophyte~
and gym os perms these strands are thin and resemble plasmodesmata,
while in the angiosperms they are thiCk and conspicuous. The evolutionary
trends in the shape of the sieve elements and the arrangement of sieve
areas have been more thoroughly studied in the monocotyledons (Cheadle
and Whitford, 1941; Cheadle, 1948; Cheadle and Uhl, 1948). The speci-
alization, in this group of plants, has taken the following courses: (I)
gradual localization of highly specialized sieve areas to the end walls of
,the elements; (2) gradual changes in the position of the end wall from very
Phloem 127

oblique to horizontal; (3) gradual change from compound sieve plates to

.simple.ones; (4) gradual reduction of the sieve·areas on the side· walls of
the elements. in monocotyledons the above investigators also found that
the sieve tubes first developed in the. aerial portions of the plants from
where the development and specialization spread to the roots. This
direction of development is opposite to that of the development of the
vessels in the xylem. This phenomenon is understandable from a functional
point of view. Features ofthe dicotyledonous sieve-tube members suggest
. that the phylogenetic -devefopment in this group of plants is similar to
that of the mon~cotyledons; but as yet no conclusive research J{a~ been
done. According to Zahur (1959), the sieve-tube elements in the angio-
sperms, li~e the vessel elements, have undergone a decrease in length
during the course of evolution.

Companion and albuminous cells

~- Sieve-tube members of the angiosperms are accompained by highly spe-
cialized parenchyma cells which are termed companion cells (Fig. 49, no. 4).
'These cells retain the nuclei throughout their life_ The above two types of
-'i!,,_I!lents, i.e. the sieve-tube members and the companion cells, are-related
ontogenetically as they develop from the same meristematic ceiL Such a
meristematic cell divides longitudinally once or several times and one of
the resulting cells, usually1the largest, specializes to form the sieve-tube
member and the others develop directly or indirectly, by further transverse
or longitudinal divisions, into the companion cells. One or more compan-
ion cells may accompany,la sieve-tube member. Companion cells vary.,in
size - they may be as long as the sieve-tube member to which they are
related or they may be shorter. Companion cells may develop on various
sides of the sieve tube or they may form longitudinal rows on one side
only. Companion cells are strongly attached to the sieve-tube members
from which they usually cannot be separated even by maceration. The
walls between sieve-tube members and the companion cells are thin or
possess many thin areas which, apparently, are sieve areas on the side of
the sieve-tube member and primary pit fields on the side of the companion
ceIL The length of life of the companion cells is usually the same as that
of the sieve-tube member to which they are attached. This feature proves
not only the ontogenetic connection but also the functional connection
that exists between these cells. The companion cells and also the phloem
parenchyma play an important part in the maintenance of a pressure
gradient in the sieve tubes (Esau, 1961).
The protoplast of mature companion cells stains more intensely than
that of ordinary parenchyma cells. It is thought that this staining property
is due to the presence of a substance similar to that of the slime of the sieve-
128 Plant Anatomy

tube members. Esau (1947, 1948) found slime bodies in the companio]l
cells of Vitis and observed that, with the dispersal of this slime, the pro-
toplast stained more' intensely. 'i
Starch has not been found in companion cells.
In pteridophytes and gymnosperms companion cells, as described above,
do not occur, but cells which stain intensely with cytoplasmic stain? a~e
present. These cells are apparently connected physiologically and mor-
phologically to.the.sieve cellsand have ceen termed alhuminous cells. Onto,
genetically these cells develop from the phloem parenchyma or from cells
of the phloem .rays. Albuminous cells do not contain starch during the
period that the phloem is active, but they may store it· during the rest

P"oiopll/oem and lIIl'iaph/oem

The primary phloem, as described previously, consists of protophloem
nad metaphloem. The proto phloem, together with protoxylem, constitutes
the vascular tissue of the young elongating parts of the plant.
The description of phloem elements given above refers only to meta~ ,
phloem and secondary phloem. Sieve areas can~ot be. distinguished in the'
protophloem elements of gymnosperms. Cn/angiosperms there are_ sieve-
tube members in the protophloem but. in may plants, there are no com-
panion -cells. These sieve-tube members are long ,and narrow, and sieve
areas can be distinguished only with difficulty. The walls/are somewhat
thick and the cell contents stain only slightly. The sieve tubes bf the pro-
tophI oem are apparently active for a short period only. As the sieve-tube
members have no nucleus they cannot divide and grow with the elongating
organ and so they become. obliterated by the surrounding cells. The rem-
nants of these obliterated cells may completely disappear in time. In many
dicotyledonous stems the parenchYma of the protophloem remains after
the obliteration of the sieve-tube members, and then these cells become
fibres. In leaves they form elongated collenchyma cells.
In contrast to those sieve elements of the protophloem which only
function for' a short period and which are early obliterated, the sieve ele-
ments of the metaphloem of the Pteridophyta and long-living' monocoty-
ledons, such as the Pal mae, apparently function for many years.
When fibres occur in the primary phloem of dicotyledonous plants
they are always restricted to the protophloem even in those cases w~ere
fibres develop later in the secondary phloem of the same plant.
Phloem 129

ASBE, L. B. and CRAFTS, A. S. 1939. Phloem of white pine and other coniferous species.
Bot. Goz. 100: 695-722.
ASPINALL, G:O. and KESSLER, G. 1957. The structure of callose from the grape vine.
Chern. Ind. 1957: 1296., '
BERNSTEIN, Z. and FAHN, A. 1960. The effect of annual and bi-annual pruning on the
seasonal changes in xylem formation in the grapevine. Ann. Bot., N. 5.;24: 159-171.
CHEADLE, V. I. 1948. Observations on the phloem in the Monocotyledoneae. II. Addi-
tional data on the occurrence and phylogenetic specialization in structure of the
sieve tubes in the metaphloem. Amer. Jour. Bot. 35: 129-131.
CHEADLE, V', 1. and UHL, N. W. 1948. The relation of metaphloem to the types of
vascular bundles in the Monocotyledoneae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 35: 578-583.
CHEADLE, V. I. and WHITFORD, N. B. 1941.-f>bservations on the phloem in the Mono-
cotyledoneae. r. The occurrence and phylogenetic specialization in structure of the
sieve tubes in the "ltaphloern. Amer. Jour. Bot. 28: 623-627.
CURRIER, H. B. and STRUGGER, S. 1956. Aniline blue and fluorescence microscopy of
callose in bulb scales of Allium cepa,L. Protoplasma 45: 552-559.
ESAu, K. 1947 .. A study of some sieve-tube inclusions. ,Amer. Jour. Bot. 34: 224-233.
ESAU, K. 1948. Phloem structure in the grapevine and its seasonal changes. Hilgardia
18: 217-296.
:ESAU, K. 1950. Development and structure of the phloem tissue. 1L Bot. Rev. 16: 67-114.
-ESAU, K. 1961. Plants, Viruses and Insects. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass.
ESAU, K. and CHEADLE, V. I. 1958. Wall thickening in sieve elements. Proc. Nation.
Acad. Sci. 44: 546-553.
ESAu, X. and CHEADLE, V. I. 1959. Size of pores and their contents -in sieve elements of
dicotyledons. Proc. Nation. Acad. Sci. 45: 156-162.
ESAU, K. and CHEADLE, ".1.1962. An ~~aluation of studies on ultrastructure oftono-
plast in sieve elements. Proc! Nat. Acad. Sci. 48: 1-8.
ESAU, K., CHEADLE, V. i. and RISLEY, E. B. 1962. Development of sieve-plate pores.
Bot. Gaz. 123: 233-243. .
ESAU, K., CURRIER, H. B, and CHEADLE, V. L 1957. Physiology of phloem. Annual
Rev. Pl. Physiol. 8: 349-374.
FREY-WYSSlING, A., EpPRECHT, :W. and KESSLER, G. 1957. Zur Charakterisierung der
Siebroehren-Kallose. Experientia 13: 22-23.
HUBER, B. 1941. Gesichertes und Problematisches. in der Wanderung der Assimilate.
Ber. DIsch. Bot. Ges. 59: 181-194.
MUNCH, E. 1930. Die Stojfbewegungen in der Pfianze. G. Fischer, lena.
ROUSCHAL. E. 1941. Untersuchungen tiber die Protoplasmatik und Funktion der
Siebrohren. Flora 35: 135-200.
ZAHUR, M. S. 1959. Comparative study of secondary phloem 01' 423 species of woody
dicotyledons belonging to 85 families. Cornell Unlv. Agric. Exp. Sta. Memoir 358.


LATEX, a viscous liquid, is known to occur in many angiosperms. This

liquid may occur either in series of cells or in single long cells; both these
speciaJized structures have been termed latidlers. However, latex may
also occur in unspecialized parenchyma cells.
Latex is a suspension or, in certain cases, an emulsion, the chemical
composition of which differs in the different species. Among the suspended
material rubber particles [(C,Hs)n], waxes, resins, proteins, essential oils,
mucilages, and in certain Euphorbia species, variously shaped starch grains
can be found. Latex, like the cell sap, also contains salts, organic acids
and other substances in true solution. Certain plants contain, in the latex,
sugars (the Compositae), tannins (Musa), alkaloids (Papaver somniferumL
and in Carica papaya, a proteolytic enzyme, papaine, is present. The colour
of latex varies in the different plant species-it may be white and milky
(Euphorbia, Lactuca, Asclepias), yellow-brown (Cannabis), yellow to
orange (Papaver)or colourless (Morus). . /
The function of the latex in the plant is not clear. Ha~erlandt (1918)
believed the latex to be of nutritional value in many plants. Sperlich (1939)
regarded latex as a reserve material. The most acceptable theory is that the'
latex contains metabolic by-products and the laticifers represent a secretory
system. Substances that are regarded as excretory,irather than as reserve
materials, accumulate in the laticifers. Rubber, for example, like the essen"
tial oils and unlike starc~, cannot revert to nutritional substrates as no
enzymes capable of breaking down rubber are present in the plant (Bon-
ner and Galston, 1947). In the laticifers latex is under pressure and there-
fore when the laticifers are cut the latex is extruded. This is a pressure
flow. The dynamics of latex flow have been deaft with in detail by Frey-
Wyssling (1952). .
The cell wall of the laticifers is entirely primary, and may be as thick as
or thicker than the neighbouring parenchyma cells. Primary pit fields are
rare in laticifers. In Hevea callose plugs have been found in the laticifers at
the base of old leaves (Spencer, 1939). .
Lalicifer', 131

Types of laticifers
According to De Bary (1877), the laticifers are divided into two main
types: non-articulated and articulated. This classification has no relation-
ship to taxonomic groups and thus different types of laticifers may be
found in different species of one family.
The non-articulated laticifers develop from a single cell which greatly
'elongates with the growth of the plant and which is sometimes branched.
Such laticifers are also termed laticiferous cells. Articulated laticifers con-
sist of sim!,le or branched series of cells which are usually elongated. The
end walls of such cells remain entire or become porous or disappear com-
pletely. Such laticifers are also termed laticiferous vessels.


Non-articulated laticifers are characteristic of various species of the

following families: Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Mora-
ceae, and Urticaceae. Simple (unbranched) non-articulated laticifers are
found, for example, in Vinca, Urtica and Cann6bis, and branched non-
articulated laticifers in Euphorbia, Nerium, (Fig. 53, nos. 1,2) Ficus and
As has already been mentioned, different forms of non-articulated latici-
fers exist and in certain mature plants laticiferous cells may develop into
very large systems which extend throughout the different shoot and root
tissues. Scharffstein (1932) found that in some Euphorbia species the entire
system is deriv~d from afew initialsthat are already. present in the embryo.
Mahlberg (1961) found in Nerium that the number of initials is constant
and that they can all be distinguished already in the embryo where they
appear in the cotyledonary node from where they send branches into the
cotyledons, the hypocotyl and the radicle (Fig. 53, nos. 1, 2). In the course
of development of certain species of Euphorbia laticiferous cells are found
on the circumference of the central cylinder and they branch into the
leaves and pith. In the leaves of certain species of the Euphorbiaceae the
laticiferous cells reach the epidermis where they !Day even come into con-
tact with the cuticle. Blaser (1945) working on Cryptostegia grandiflora
(Asclepiadaceae) found that the early-formed laticiferous cells in the cor-
tex branch radially in the position of the leaf-gaps and penetrate into the
pith. After a period of cambial activity these branches of the laticiferous
cells become surrounded by the secondary phloem and xylem. The growth
and expansion of the branched laticiferous cells is continuous throughout
the life of the plant and their ends penetrate into the new buds, develop-
ing leaves and growing regions of the root. Such development of latici-
ferous cells, for example, has been observed in Nerium (Mahlberg, 1963).
132 Plant Anatomy

The growth of these branched laticiferous cells is by a combination of

intrusive and symplastic growth (Mahlberg, 1959b). It is of interest that,
in certain plants, even the old portions of these cell walls {etain the ability
to grow and produce new branches as was shown by grafting experiments
carried out by Scharffstein on Euphorbia esculenta. Numerous nuclei have
been observed in the branched non-articulated laticifers of different plants.
Scharffstein (1932) and Mahlberg (1959a) drew attention to the fact that
the multiplication of the nuclei takes place early in the ontogeny of the
laticiferous cell. "-
The growth of the simple non-articulated laticifers is simpler than that
of the branched non-articulated ones. The initials of the former have not
been observed in the embryo but only in the developing shoot, as, for
instance, in Vinca and Cannabis(Zander, 1928; Scharffstein, 1932). The
initials appear below the apical meristem and they develop into long, un-
branched ducts which grow by a combination of intrusive and symplastic
growth. These laticiferous cells may penetrate from the stem into the
leaves (Vinca) or they may develop independently iIi these organs (Can-
nabis). In certain species multiplication of the nuclei also takes place
during the development of simple non-articulated laticifers.


Articulated laticifers are characteristic of differer.t species/of the Com-

positae, Convoivulaceae, Papaveraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Caricaceae, Sapo-
taceae,. Liliaceae and M-usaceae.
S,:mp-1e (unbranched) articuJated }atidfecs -occur itl Afu'SC1 (Fig. 54, nl1S.
\-3), Allium (Fig. 52, no. 2), Convolvulus and Ipomoea. Branched artic-
ulated laticifers are found in Sonchus (Fig.152, no. 1)/ Cichorium, Lactuca,
Taraxacum. Tragopogon, Scorzonera, Carica, Manillal and Hevea. Like
the non-articulated laticifers, the articulated laticifers appear in the early
ontogenetic stages. In Taraxacum kok'-saghyz the differentiation of the
laticifers commences with the uptake of water at the time of the germina-
tion of the seed. The primary laticifers appear in the pericycle in close
connection with the phloem, whereas the secondary laticifers differentiate
in the secondary phloem very close to the cambium (Rudenskaja, 1938;
Artschwager and McGuire, 1943; Krotkov, 1945). Scharffstein (1932),
Sperlich (1939), Artschwager and McGuire (1943) and other workers
observed the process of the formation of the articulated laticifers from
single cells in the embryos of Tragopogon, Scorzonera, Taraxacum and
Hevea brasiliensis. Articulated laticiferous vessels develop in many plants
in the phloem or peri cycle of the stem and root. They also occur in the
leafmesophyll. Apart from the connections formed between the cells of one
laticifer by the entire or partial dissolution of the end walls, connection
Lalicifers 133

may also be made between adjacent laticiferous vessels in species with

:branched 'articulated laticifers. Articulated laticifers may also become
connected by horizontally or diagonally orientated elements. Reticulate
systems may also develop as a res'ult of the formation of branches which
arise on the side walls · of the laticifers. Sometimes parenchyma cells
between two laticiferous vessels ·redifferentiate and so connect the two

FIG . 52. I, Micrograph of a stem of Sonchus oleraceus, cleared with lactic aci d,
to show the branched, articulated laticifers. X 140. 2, Tangential section at a depth
of two cells below the abaxial epidermis of a bulb scale of Allium cepa in which
simple articulated laticifers can be distinguished. x 115.

The simple (unbranched) laticifers of Musa usually accompany thl

vascular tissues (Skutch, 1932). In Musa the central portion of the end
walls of two adjacent cells becomes torn away, but usually it remains
attached to one side of the cell where it appears as a loose flap (Fig. 54,
nos. 2, 3). In Allium the laticiferous vessels are in no way connected with
the vascular tissue and they are fo und in the third layer of leaf mesophyll
or in the third layer below the a baxial epidermis of the bulb scales. The
end walls of the cells of the laticifers of Allium are not perforated, but
well developed primary pit fields appear in them.
134 Plant Analomy
Laticifers 135


There are many plant species from which rubber can be obtained, but
of them, Herea brasiliensis in the Euphorbiaceae, which is known as the
Para rubber tree, is the most important in world economics. This plant is
today grown in central America, the West Jndies, Brazil, Liberia, Ceylon,
Malayan Archipelago, Sumatra, Java and eastern India. The latex of
H: brasiliensis contains about 30 % rubber.
Other rubber plants of secondary economic importance (Schery, 1954)
are CastUra (Panama rubber) in the Moraceae, Manihot (Ceara rubber) in
the Euphorbiaceae, Parthenium argentatum (guayule) and Taraxacum kok-
saghyz in the Compositae, Hancornia and Lando/phia in the Apocynaceae,
and Cryptostegia in the Asclepiadaceae. Parthenium argenta tum was in-
vestigated thoroughly in the U.S.A., during World War II, when rubber
was unobtainable from the Heyea plantations in Asia.

The analogy in the structucal organization of the laticifers with that

of the vascular system is of interest. On this basIs, the nOll#articulated
-Iaticifers can be compared to tracheids and sieve cells. However~ laticifers,
which have no conducting function, do not necessarily have to be mature
throughout their entire length and So their ends can grow continuously
at the plant apices. It is possible that if tracheids and sieve cells did not
necessarily have to beof s~ spedaJized a structure in order to function
soon after their initiation, they too would be capable of such extensive
growth as is exhibited by these laticiferous cells. The articulated laticifers
can be compared with vessels and sieve tubes as they are. similarly built
of series of many cells. This similarity was probably one of the reasons
why early botanists considered the laticifers to be structures concerned
with the conduction of nutrients.

ARTSCHWAGER, E. and MCGUIRE, R. C. 1943. ContritlItion to the morphology and
anatomy of the Russian dandelion (Taraxacum Kok-saghyz). U.S.D.A. Tech.
Bull. 843.
BLASER, H. W. 1945. Anatomy of Cryptostegia grandiflora with special reference to
the latex. Amer. Jour. Bot. 32; 135-141. ..
BONNER, J. and GALSTON, A. W. 1947. The physiology and biochemistry of rubber
formation in plants. Bot. Rev. 13: 543-596.
DE BARY, A. 1877. Vergleichende Anatomie dey Vegetationsorgane dey Phanerogamen
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ESAU, K. 1953. Plant Anatomy. John Wiley, New York.
FosTER, A. S. 1950. Pract{cal Plant Anatomy. D. Van Nostrand, New York-London.
FREY~WYSSLING, A. 1952. Latex flow. In: Deformation and Flow in. Biological Systems.
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136 Plant Anatomy

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KROTKOV, O. 1945. The review of literature on Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rod. Bal. Rev.
11: 417-461.
MAHLBERG, P. O. 1959a. Karyokinesis in non-articulated laticifers of Nerium oleander
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MAHLBERG, P. G. 1959b. Development of the non-articulated laticifer in proliferated
embryos of Euphorbiamarginata Pursh. Phytomorphology 9: 156-162.
MAHLBERG, P. G. 1961. Embryogeny and histogenesis in Ni!r/'um oleander. If. Origin
and development of the non-articulated laticifer. Amer. Jour. Bol. 48: 90-99.
MAHLBERG, P. G. 1963. Development of non-articulated laticifers in seedling axis of
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RUDENSXAJA, S. J. 1938. Development of the latex vessel system as -a factor of rubber
accumulation in kok-saghyz roots. (".R. (Doklady) A cad. Sci. URSS 20 (5):
SCHARFFSTEIN, G. 1932. Untersuchungen an ungegtiederten Milchr6hren. Beihf Bot.
Centra/bl. 49 11) 197-220.
SCHERY, R. W. 1954. Plants for Man. Allen & Unwin. London.
SKUTCH, A. F. 1932. Anatomy of the axis of the banana. Bot. Gaz. 93: 233-258.
SPENCER, H. J. 1939. On the nature of the blocking of the laticiferous system at the
leaf-base of Hevea hrasiliensis. Ann. Bot .. N.S. 3: 231-235.
SPERLICH. A. 1939. Das trophische Parenchym. B. Exkretionsgewebe. In: K. Linsbuuer.
Handbuch der Pjlanzenallatolllie, Band 4, Lief. 38"Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin.
ZANDER, A. 1928. Ober Verlauf und Entstchung der"Milchrohren des Hanfes (Can-
nabis sativa). Flora 23: 191-218. /


THE epidermis constitutes the outermost layer of cells of the leaves, floral
parts, f~uits and seeds, and of stems and roots before they undergo con-
siderable secondary thickening. Functionally and morphologically the
epidermal cells are not uniform and among them, apart from the ordinary
cells, many types of hairs, stomatal guard cells, and other specialized cells
are found. Topographically, however, and to a certain extent also onto-
genetically, the epidermis constitutes 'a uniform tissue.
The earliest stages of the ontogenetic development of the epidermis
differ in the rool and shoot (see Chapter 3). This fact caused certain in-
vestigators to coin special terms, epiblem and rhizodermis, for the outer-
most layer of the root (Linsbauer, 1930; Guttenberg, 1940, and others).
However, if the development of the epidermis from the, protoderm is
traced ignoring the problem of the origin of this meristematic tissue, it
is possible to apply the term epidermis to all the organs of the various
groups of vascular plants.
The epidermis usually exists throughout the entire life of those organs
that have no secondary thickening. In a few plants, s,-\ch as long-lived
moho-cotyledons with no secondary thickening, the epidermis is replaced
by a cork tissues as the organs age. The duration of the epidermis in organs
with secondary growth differs; usually in stems and r~ots the epidermis
is replaced by the periderm during the plan!'s first year, but there are
certain trees, e.g. Acer striatum, in which the periderm develops only after
several years of secondary growth of the organ (De Bary, 1877). In such
cases the epidermal cells continue to divide and to enlarge
tangentially (Fig. 148, nos. 3-6).

'-U;SPJ';"f(} and lUliltisel"inie epidernl,is

In most spermatophytes the epidermis consists of a single layer of cells,

but in certain plants one or several cell layers, which are morphologically
and physiologically distinct from the inner ground tissue, are found on the
inside of the surface layer. These layers may develop ontogenetically
from two different merjstematic tissues, i.e. from the meristem of tHe
orrllJnn ti',lIP or from th~ nrotoderm. In the former case, these layers
138 Plant Anatomy

are termed a hypodermis and, in the latter case, the tissueI

formed is re-
garded as being a multiseriate epidermis, A multiseriate epidermis develops
as a result of periclinal divisions of the protodermal cells, These divisions
are relatively delayed and occur in late ontogenetic stages, e,g. in the
leaves of Ficus elastica the epidermis remains single-layered till the stage

4:ti~~9W~ ) Ep:d"m;,

FIG. 55. Portions of cross-sections of the leaf blade of- Ficus elastica. approx.
X 500. 1. Adaxial side of the blade in which the multiseriate epidermis the
cells of which include a lithocyst (a cystolith-containing cell), can be distin-
guished. 2 and 3, Two early stages in the development of the adaxial multiseriate
epidermis and a lithocyst. 4-,6, Stages in the development of the multiseriate
abaxial epidermis. (Adapted from De Bary, 1877.)

when the leaf begins to expand in the bud and the stipules are shed (Fig.
55, nos. 1-6). Multiseriate epidermis occurs in the Moraceae, certain
species of the Begoniaceae and Piperaceae, and some articulated Cheno-
podiaceae. In Anabasis articulata the multiseriate epidermis develops in
the lower region of each internode (Fip"_ flO:; n()~ l_h.1· -riifT ';:Ll .,...n<o 1 "'t\
Epidermis 139

'The velamen, the special absorbing tissue of orchid roots, is also a

multiseriate epidermis (Fig. 67, nos. 3,4). The cells of the innermost layer
of the multiseriate epidermis of leaves usually function as a water-storing
tissue (De Bary, 1877). -

Epidermal cells
Various types of epidermal cells can be distinguished in different plants:
the ordinary cells of the epidermis; single cells or groups of cells with
special structure, form or content; cells connected with stomata; and epi-
dermal appendages termed trichomes.


C The ordinary cells of the epidermis vary in shape, size and arrangement,
but they are always closely attached to form a compact layer devoid of
"intercellular spaces. In the epidermis of petals air spaces may sometimes
occur but they are always covered by the cuticle (Eames and MacDaniels,
'l947)., Many epidermal cells are tabular, and in the leaf blade of dicoty-
ledons the anticlinal walls ar~ mostly sinuous. In the stems, and especially
in the leaves'of many monocotyledons, the epidermal cells are elongated.
In-the epidermis of certain seeds (in species of the Leguminosae and in
Punica) the cells are relatively very elongated in a radial direction and ,are
rod-shaped. In certain plants; for instance Aloi' aristata, the epidermal' cells.
appear to be hexagonal in surface view but actually they are polyhedral,
and according to Matzke (1947), the average number of faces is 10·885.
The external wall of the epidermal cells of certain leaves and petals ,is
raised in the form of papillae. In certain pteridophytes such papillae are
found on the epidermal cell wall facing the mesophyll.

Walt structure

The epidermal cell wall differs in thickness'-some cells are thin-walled

while in others the outer wall is thicker than the other walls. In seeds,
scales and certain leaves, e.g. the leaves of conifers, the epidermal cell
walls are very thick and lignified (Fig. 103, no. 2; Fig. 104, no. 2).
Primary pit fields are often found in the walls, especially on the radial
and inner walls, of the epidermal cells. In the outer epidermal wall of
many leaves plasmodesmata are present. These plasmodesmata are termed
ectodesmata and they may have the appearance of ordinarv olasmode"m"t.
140 Plant Anatomy

dicum and Helxine soleirolii) or paintbrush-shaped (e.g. in the bulb scales

of' Allium cepa, the 'first' leaves of Antirrhinum inajus' imd the leaves"of
Sidalcea neomexicana). In both these cases the broad part of the ectodesma
is directed toward the cell lumen (Franke, 1962). In the epidermal cells
of certain leaves, petals and dry fruits, partial partitions are found on the
inside of the outer wall. These partitions sometimes almost reach the
inner epidermal wall (Fig. 205, no. 1).
Cutin, a fatty substance, is usually present in the outer walls of~he
epidermal cells. This substance is found within the cell wall, i.e. in the
interfibrillar and intermicellar spaces of the cellulose, and it also constitutes
a special layer-the cuticle-on the outer surface of the cell wall (Fig. 88,
no. 1). Cutin stains red with Sudan IV .. All the parts of the herbaceous
stem, the leaves and, to a certain extent, the mature portions of the root
are covered with a cuticle. The cuticle is usually aLent from the actively
growing parts of the roots. During the early stages of the development of
the epidermis, the cuticle of each cell does not reach the margins of the
cell (Loomis and Schieferstein, 1959) but later it forms a continuous layer
which"covers the entire epidermis.
In certain plants, which have been preserved from early geological
eras, the cuticle has retained its shape and Jh~ structure of the epidermal
cells can be learnt from it: These preserved fragments of cuticle are often
used' to classify'these early plants (Fig. 58, no. '1);
The cuticle is of varying·thickness in different plants, and it)s usually
thicker in plants growing in dry habitats (Fig. 88, no. 1/ The surface of
the cuticle may be smooth, rough, ridged or furrowed (Fig. 58, no. 2).
Priestley (1943) states that very thin layers of cutin can be distinguished
on those mesophyll cell walls that border the intercellular spaces. These
spaces form a continuous system connected with/the stomata' and there-
fore these cutin layers constitute'a'continuation of the cuticl~ on the oute~
surface of the epidermis. The cuticle on the surface of the epidermis often
penetrates, to a certain extent, between the radial walls of the epidermal
cells (Fig. 104, no. 2). In the outer thick walls bel0w the cuticle there are
alternating lamellae of cellulose and pectic substances. Cutin is found in\
both these types of lamellae. Therefore we distinguish'between the cuticle'
proper and the cuticle layer which is found. below it. The buticle proper
is formed by the secretion of cutin or its precursors, i.e. by cuticularization
(Fritz, 1935, 1937; Roelofsen, 1952). The cuticle layer is formed by the
deposition of cutin in the intermicellar and interfibrillar spaces in the
outermost cell wall layer, i.e. by cutinization. The cuticle layer consists of
several lamellae-up to 20 in the leaves of Aloe, for instance, and up to
65 in the pericarp of Asparagus. The lamellar structure can be distinguished
without any special treatment in Eucalyptus and Viscum. The outermost
lamellae of the cuticle layer are very poor in cellulose but are rich in
cutin and contain a large amount of pectin. The inner lamellae (greater
Epidermis 141

in number) contain more cellulose. In Aloi! six lamellae rich in cutin

were found to alternate with five' lamellae rich in cellulose: 'Still further·
inwards, toward the cell lumen, the cuticle layer of Aloe contains several
I~mellae with an even lower cutin. content, and which probably also differ
in their pectin content. In the non-cutinized part of the wall the presence
of pectin has been proved.

FIG. 56. 1, Portion of a cross-section of the stem of Saccharum showing rod~

shaped or hair-like wax deposits on the surface of the epidermis. 2, Cross-section
of a stoma of Allium cepa. 3, Surface view of the epide,rmis of Iris in which the
stomata can be seen to be arranged in longitudinal rows. The stomata are sunken
and the rectangular depressions formed by the overarching of the neighbouring
epidermal cells are shown as shaded areas in the diagram. 4, Portion of a cross-
section of the leaf of Xanthorrhoeagracilis in which a sunken stoma overarched by
trichomes can be seen. 5, Surface view of the epidermis of Pennisetum clandesti-
num showing epidermal cells characteristic to the G[amineae. (No.1, adapted
from De Bary, 1877; no. 2, adapted from Haberlandt, 1918.)
142 Plant Anatomy

The above structure of the cuticle suggests that the passage of the cutin
is from the inside outwards and that it accumulates on the surface~ where
it forms the cuticle. .." ~ I ~
Various theories have been proposed to explain this outward movement
of the cutin. According to someinvestigators special channels are present
in the outer epidermal walls through which the fatty substances, which
form the cutin, pass (Scott et al., 1957); otlier investigators believe that
the .porous nature of the wall suffices. The latter~ view is more accept·
able. "-
Deposits of wax in the form of granules, as-in Brassica, Dianthus, or of
rods, as in Saccharum (Fig. 56, no. I) or as continuous layers, as in Thuja
orientalis, are. often found on the surface of the cuticle. In the leaves of
Agave a continuous layer of wax is also found below the cuticle (Schiefer·
stein and Loomis, 1959). In certain plants platelets of wax have been found
within the ~utin of outer epidermal cell.walls (Roelofsen, 1952). Deposits
of salts in the form of crystals, e.g. in Tamarix and Plumbago capensis, of
caoutchouc, e.g.,Eucalyptus, or of oils and re~ins sometimes occur on the
surface of cuticle or within it. Deposits of silico'n salts are found in the
epidermal cell walls of many plants, as, for example, Equisetum, the Gra·
mineae, many species of the Cyperaceae, the,Palmae and certain species
of the Moraceae, the Aristolochiaceae and the'Magnoliaceae (Metcalfe and
Chalk, 1950). '
Lignin is rarely found in the epidermal cell walls. When it is present it
may be found in all the walls or only in the ouier wall. Lignified epidermal
walls are found in the leaves oflhe Cycadaceae, in the needles of conifers,
the rhizomes of the Gramineae, in the strips of epidermis above the bundles
of sclerenchyma in the leaves of the Gramineae, Juncaceae and Cyperaceae,
in the leaves of certain species of Eucalyptus and Quercus and in Laurus
nobilis and Nerium oleander. /
Parts of the epidermal cell walls of groups of cells or of single cells may
become mucilaginous in certain dicotyledonous families, such as the Mora-
ceae, Malvaceae, Rhamnaceae, Thymelaeaceae and Euphorbiaceae. In
certain seeds, such as those of Linum usiiatissimum (Fig. 216, no. 2) and
species of Alyssum, the outer walls of the epidermal cells'become mucila· \.
ginous. In the nectaries of certain plants the epidermal cells! also become
mucilaginous at the time of nectar secretion (Fahn, 1952).


The protoplast of the epidermal cells of most plants contains minute

leucoplasts and is devoid of chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are found in certain
pteridophytes, hydrophytes and in some shade plants. Anthocyanins are
found in the vacuoles of the epidermal cells of the petals of numerous

Epiderinis 143
flowers, in the leaves of Zebrinapendula and red cabbage, in the stems and
petioles of Ricinus and indifferent organs o(many other plants. Tannins,.
mucilage and crystals lI1ay be present in epidermal cells .


In certain pteridophyte,?, .iu ..the gymnosperms, in_many species of the

aramineae and certain dicotyledons fibre-like epidermal cells are found .
In the Gramineae, between the elongated epidermal cells, i.e. long-cells,
above the veins, there are short-cells which are of two type s- silica-cells


FIG. 57. 1, Surface view of the epidermis of a grass leaf ( Crypsis schoenoides).
X 600. 2, Portion of a cross-section of a grass leaf ( Dactylocteflium robecchi) in
which bulliform cells can be distinguished in the epidermis. x 110. 3, Surface view
of a stoma of Crypsis schoefloides. x 1000.
144 . Plant Anatomy

and cork-cells. The latter two types of cells often occur successively in pairs,
throughout the length of the leaf. The silica-cells contain silica-bodies which
are isotropic masses of silica in the centre of which are usually minute gran-
ules. In surface view the silica-bodies may be circular, elliptic, dumb-
bell or saddle-shaped (Fig. 56, no. 5; Fig. 57, no. I). The walls of the cork-
cells are impregnated with suberin and many of them contain solid organic
substances. The above short-cells sometimes bear papillae, setae, spines or
hairs. Metcalfe (1960) draws attention to the fact that the cork-cells in
many plant,s contain silica-bodies, and·that in certain grasses silica-bodies
also occur in some elongated cells. Silica-bodies also occur in specialized
epidermal cells of the Cyperaceae and some other monocotyledons (Met-
calfe, 1963).
In the Gramineae and many other monocotyledons, with the exception
of the Helobiae, bulliform cells are found in the epidermis. These cells are
larger than the typical epidermal cells and they are thin-walled and have
a large vacuole. The bulliform cells may constitute the entire adaxial epi-
.dermis of the leaf or they form isolated parallel the.area.between
the veins. In a cross-section of the leaf"these cells appear in·a fan-like
arrangement in which the central cell is the tallest. In certain plants bulli-
form cells are also found on the abaxial surface of the leaf. These cells are
sometimes accompanied bysimilar mesophyll Cells. Bulliform cells contain
much water and are devoid, or nearly seC of chloroplasts. Their wall
cons.ists of cellulose and pectic substances, and the outermost ~all contains
cutin and is covered by cuticle (Fig. 57, no. 2). I
Different opinions exist as to the function of the bulliform cells. Accord-
ing to one opinion they function in the opening of the rolled leaf as present
in the bud. According to a second view they bring about the rolling or
unrolling of mature leaves as a result of their loss or uptake of water. Re-
cent research carried out by Shields (1951) on tweIve xerophytic grass
species has questioned the importance of the bulliform cells in both the open'
ing of the young leaves from the bud and in the hygrochastic movements
(opening due to water absorption) of the matru, leaves. According to
Metcalfe (1959), the bulliform cells often become filled with large masses of
silica and their outer walls often become thick and cutinized.
Other specialized epidermal cells are the cystoliths which are found in
the Acanthaceae, Moraceae, Urticaceae and Eucurbitaceae. In the Cruci-
ferae myrosin cells are sometimes found in the epidermis. These cells are
sac-like secretory cells which contain the enzyme myrosin, and they stain
red in the Millon test, or violet with orcein solution and concentrated
hydrochloric acid.
Epidermis 145


The continuity of the epidermis is interrupted by minute openings which

are intercellular spaces each of which is limited by two specialized cells
termed the guard cells (Fig. 58, no. 3). The guard cells together with the
opening between them constitute the stoma. In many plants subsidiary or
accessory cells can be distinguished. These cells differ morphologically
., from the typical epidermal cells and they constitute two or more cells bor-
dering the guard cells to which they are apparently functionally connected
(Fig. 58, no. 3). The subsidiary cells usually develop from protodermal
.cells adjacent to the stomatal mother cells but they may also develop from
sister cells of the mother cell (De Bary, 1877).
; Stomata are usually found on the aerial portions of the plant and especi-
ally on leaves, ordinary stems, and rhizomes., Stomata are absent from
roots and the entire plant body of certain parasitic plants that lack chloro-
phyll, such as Monotropa and Neottia. In Orobanche, however, stomata are
found on the stem although this genus is also devoid of chlorophyll. Sto-
- mata are present in some submerged water plants but not in most others.
Stomata may be found on petals, staminal filaments (e.g. Colchicum),
. 'carpels and seeds, but these stomata are usually non-functional.
In ph'otosynthesizingJeaves stomata may befound on both sides of the
leaf or orr the lower side only. Tn ceiiain watei' plants with leaves that fioat
on the'surface of the water, e.g. Nymphaea, stomata are found,only on the
upper surface of the leaf which is exposed to the atmosphere. The number
of stomata per square millimetre is different in different plants; for exam-
ple, in Pistacia pa/aesfina there are 176 stomata per square millimetre; in
P(stacia lentiscus, 255; in Styra~ 9fficinalis, 261;.in .Quercus callfprinos,
402; and in Olea"europaea, 545. '
I n leaves with reticulate venation the stomata are distributed in _flO
particular order, while in leaves in which the majority of veins are parallel,
as in the Gramineae, the stomata are arranged in parallel rows.
The guard cells of the stomata may be level, sunken (Fig. 56, no. 2)
or raised relative to the other epidermal cells. In ca,~s where the epider-
mis is multi seriate, e.g. as in species of Anabasis and Haloxylon and in
Ficus elastica, the guard-cell mother cells are differentiated at that stage
of development when the protoderm is as yet a single layer. During the
process of further development the surrounding protodermal cells undergo
several periclinal divisions resulting in the raising of the multiseriate epi-
dermis above the level of the guard cells (Fig. 63, nos. 1-6; Fig. 64, nos.
I, 2) (Fahn and Dembo, 1964).
Below the stomata and directed inwards to the mesophyll are large inter-
cellular spaces which are termed substornatal chambers (Fig. 103, no. 2).
The guard cells of most plants, except those of the Gramineae and eype-
raceae and some others, are kidney-shaped in outline. The size of the aper-
146 plant Anatomy

FIG. 58. I, Micrograph of the cuticle o f the fo ssil Cupre!o'Sinoc ladus from which
the shape of the epidermal cells can be d etermined . x 700. 2, Micrograph ofa s ur-
f ace view of \he abaxial epid erma l ce\l~ in a regi011 above a "Vein uf a pe\a \ o f P eiUT-
gonium zonale .. it is possible to d istinguish cuticula r striations particula rly in' the
centra l porti on of the cells which is papill ate. x 780. 3, Microgra ph of a surface
view of the a baxial epidermis of Zebrina pel1dllla in which g uard cells and subsidi-
Epidemiis 147

ture between the guard cells increases or decreases as a result of turgor

changes in the guard-cell vacuoles. The movements an, 'possible because
of the unequal thickness of the walls of the guard cells. This feature is
particularly obvious in cross-sections, where the cell lumen usually appears
triangular (Fig. 56, no. 2). In most cases the thinnest wall is that closest to
the subsidiary or ordinary.neighbouring epidermal cells; this wall is termed
the back wall. The increase in turgor causes the cell sap to press against
all the walls and results in the expansion of the walls and especially of the
thin, more elastic back walls. The back walls stretoh vertically and also

ledge" Front cavity

Back cavity

FIG. 59. Various types of stomata. _1 and 2. Abies pinsapo. ,3 and 4. Juniperus
chinensis. 5, SY1{echanthus fibrosus. X 280. 6, Corypha talieri: x'175. 7, Chamaerops
humilis. x280. Nos. 2 and 4, longitudinal sections; the rest cross-sections.
Cuticle represented by solid black, lignified areas by dark shading, (Nos. 1-4,
adapted from Florin, 1931; nos, 5-7, adapted from Tomlinson, 1961.)

become somewhat convex and so push into the neighbouring epidermal

cells. These walls thus draw apart the thick outer and inner walls, which
are much less elastic and cannot stretch. Therefore the angle, which can
be seen in cross-section at the junction of the outer and inner walls at the
edge of the stomatal aperture, increases and the stomatal aperture is wid-
ened, i.e. opens. Protuberances of the guard-cell wall may be present above,
or both above and below, the stomatal aperture (Fig. 59, no. 7). In cross-
section these protuberances appear as horn-shaped ledges. The outer ledge
delimits the front cavity above the aperture, and the inner ledge delimits
the back cavity which abuts on the substomatal chamber.
The guard cells in the Oramineae and Cyperaceae are of a form different
from that which has been described above. They are elongated and bone-
shaped. The ends of these guard cells are expanded and thin-walled, while
148 Plant Anatomy

the middle portions are elongated and thick walled and the cell lumen is
narrow (Fig. 56, no. 5). As a result of .turgor increase in this type of guard
cell, the expanded tips swell and so push apart the middle blongated por-
tions of the cells. Because of the above structure the nuclei in the guard
cells of grasses appear as two ellipses connected by a. narrow thread.
According to Flint and Moreland (1946) the two parts of the nucleus may
become completely separated.
The chemical composition of the guard-cell wall is the same as that of .
the ordinary epidermal cells of the same plant. They are usually covered,
by cuticle which generally continues on that wall that faces the aperture

"""- » Cross - section
ot end of
guard cells

FIG. 60. Structure of stomata of Haloxylon articulatum. 1, Surface view showing
thin-walled areas at the ends' of the guard cells. 2, Portion lor a cross-section of
the siem~ showing a guard cell in longitudinal section. The cell-lumen is dumb-
ben shaped; nucleus heavily stippled. 3, Portion of longitudinal section of stem
showing the biseriate epidermis and sunken stomata, sectioned transversely at
various levels. x 400.
and it also reaches the cells abutting on the substomatal chamber. In
Citrus, cuticle is absent from the cell wall facing' the stomatal aperture
(Turrell, 1947).
Apart from the types of guard-cell structure described above many other
structural variations exist in the mono- and dicotyledons, e.g. in species
of Haloxylon (Fig. 60, nos. 1-3) and Anabasis and in the Palmae (Fig.
59, nos. 5-7). These variations probably result in different methods of
functioning (Tomlinson, 1961; Fahn and Dembo, 1964).
The various types of stomata in the Coniferales (Fig. 59, nos. ,1-4)
have been described by Florin (1931). He distinguishes several types accord-
Epidermis 149

iug to the movements of the guard cells during the opening orthe stomata.
These.variations in movement are due to the different positions of the thin
parts of the wall as well as to the presence and position of the lignified and
non-lignified wall areas.

FIG. 61. Different types of arrangement, as seen in surface view of the leaf, of the
subsidiary cells relative to the stoma. 1, Acacia; rubiaceous or paracytic type. 2,
Brassica; cruciferous or anisocytic type. 3, Dianthus; caryophyllaceous or diacy~
tic type. 4, Pelargonium; ranunculaceous or anomocytic type.

Morphologically, four main types of stomata have been distinguished

in the dicotyledons, on the basis of the arrangement of the epidermal cells
neighbouring the guard cells (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950).
I. The ranunculaceous or anomocytic type (Fig. 61, no. 4) in which the
guard cells are surrounded by a certain number of cells that do not differ
in size and shape from the other epidermal cells. This type is common in
the Ranunculaceae, Geraniaceae, Capparidaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Malva-
ceae, Scrophulariaceae, Tamaricaceae and Papaveraceae.
150 . Plant Anatomy

2. The cruelif<erouS or anisocytic type (Fig.

. 61,,
no. 2)
. in which the
cells are surrounded .by three unequally-sIzed subsIdIary cells. This type .IS
common in the Cruciferae, in Nicotiana, Solanum, Sedum hnd others.
3. The rubiaceous or paracytic type (Fig. 61, no. I) in which each guard
cell is accompanied by one or more subsidiary cells, the longitudinal axes
of which are parallel to that of the guard cells and aperture. This type is
common in the Rubiaceae, Magnoliaceae, most species of the Convolvu-

3 4 5

FIG. 62.1~5, Ontogeny of stomata of Allium cepa; 1 a'od 2, Elongated epidermal
cells before unequal division; 3, Showing that the smaller cell resulting from
this division is richer in protoplasm. It is this cell that gives rise, by a longitudinal
division, to the two guard cells which in no. 4 are not yet separated by the stoma-
tal aperture. In no. 5 the stomatal aperture has developed. 6 and 7, Epidermis of'
Sedum pubescens. 6, Early stages in the development of stomata up to the stage
where three subsidiary cells and two guard cel1s, but no aperture, can be distin-
guished. Numerals indicate ontogenetic stages. 7, Portion of epidermis with ma-
ture stoma. 8-10, Types of monocotyledonous stomata. 8, Strelitzia nicolei. 9,
CommeUna communis. 10, Pandanus haerhachii. (Nos. 1-5, adapted from Blinning
and Biegert, 1953; nos. 8-10, adapted from Stebbins and Khush, 1961.)
Epidermis 151

.laceae and Mimosaceae, some genera of the Papilionaceae, such as Ononis,

Arachis, Phaseolus and Psora/ea, and-various species of other families.
4. The caryop/;yllaceous or didcytic. type (Fig. 61, no. 3) in which each
stoma is surrounded by two subsidiary cells, the common wall of which
is at right-angles to the longitudinal axis of the stoma, This type is common
in the Caryophyllaceae, Acanthaceae and others.
Recently an attempt has been made to classify the stomatal complex of
\ monocotyledonous leaves (Stebbins and Khush, 1961). The following
types have been distinguished.
1. That. type in which the guard cells are surrounded by four to six sub-
sidiary cells (Fig. 62, no. 8). This type is common in many species of the
~raceae, Commelinaceae, Musaceae, Strelitziaceae, Cannaceae and Zingi-
, 2. That type in which the guard cells are surrounded by four to six sub-
sidiary cells of which two are roundish, smaller than the rest and are situ-
ated at the ends of the gliard cells (Fig. 62, no. 10). This type is found in
many species of the Palmae, Pandanaceae and Cyclanthaceae.
3. That type in which the guard cells are accompanied laterally by two
subsidiary cells--one on each side (Fig. 62, no. 9). This type is found in
many species of the Pontederiaceae, Flagellariaceae, Butomales, Alisma-
tales, Potamogetonales, Cyperales, Xyridales, Juncales, Graminales and
4. That type in which the guard cells are not associated with any subsidi-
ary cells (Fig. 56, no. 3): This/type can be seen in many species of the Lilia-
les (with the exception of the Pontederiaceae), the Dioscoreales, Amarylli-
dales, Iridales, Orchidales and others.

Ontogeny of stomata

The stomata develop from the protoderm (Fig. 62, nos. 1-7; Fig. 63,
nos. 1-6; Fig. 64, nos. 1.2). The mother cell of the guard cells (Fig. 62,
, no. 3) is usually tbe smaller of the two cells that result from an unequal
division of a protodermal cell (Bunning and Biegert, 1953; Bonnett, 1961,
and others). Tbe motber cell divides to form two cells which differentiate
into the guard cells. At first these cells are small and have no special shape
but, as tbey develop, they enlarge and become characteristically sbaped.
During their development the middle lamella between the two guard cells
swells and becomes lens-shaped shortly before the time when it disintegrates
to form the stomatal aperture (Ziegenspeck, 1944). Even in those cases
in which the mature guard cells are sunken or raised relative to the ordinary
cells of the uniseriate epidermis, the guard-cell mother cells and the guard
cells are level with the other epidermal cells immediately after their for-
mation. The sinking and the raising is brought about during the maturation
152 Plant Anatomy
Epidermis 153

of the guard cells. The development of stomata in the leaf continues for
a relatively long period during·the.growth of the leaf.
On the basis of the order of the appearance of the stomata OIl the photo-
synthesizing organ, two main types of development can be distinguished:
(I) that in which the stomata appear gradually in a basipetal sequence, i.e.
from the tip of the organ to its base, as is the case in leaves with parallel
venation and in the internodes of the articulated species of the Cheno-
'podiaceae; (2) that in which there is no regularity in the appearance of the
stomata in the various regions of the growing organ, as is the case in
leaves with reticulate venation.


All unicellular and multicellular appendages of the epidermis are de-

signated by the term trichome. More massive str.uctures, such as warts and
spines (e.g. the thorn of Rosa), which consist of epidermal as well as sub-
epidermal tissues, are termed emergences. In some cases it is difficult to
distinguish clearly between these two types of appendage.
The use of trichomes in taxonomy is well known. Some families can
be easily identified by the presence of a particular type or types of hair.
In other cases the hairs are important in the classification of genera and
species (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950; Metcalfe, 1963).
Trichomes can be classified into several types (Solereder, 1908; Foster,
1950; Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950; Uphof, 1962).

(a) Simple unicellular or multicellular uniseriate, non-flattened hairs,

as are commOD, for example, in the Lauraceae, Moraceae, Triticum, Hor-
deum, Pelargonium and Gossypium. In Gossypium the Jibres used in com-
merce constitute unicellular epidermal hairs, which may be up to 6 em
, long and which are located on the seed coat. This group includes papillae
and bladders, which are also known as vesiculate hairs. Good examples
of the latter can be seen in Atriplex (Fig. 65, no. 5) where the vesicle dries
out during maturation so that the salt content remains on the leaf surface
as a white, powdery layer.
(b) Squamiform hairs which are conspicuously ilattened, multicellular
hairs. These may be sessile and are then termed scales, or stalked and
are then known as peltate hairs. Peltate hairs occur, for example, in Olea
(Fig. 66, nos. I, 2).
(c) Branched, multicellular hairs which may be stellate, e.g. in Styrax
(Fig. 65, nos. 2, 3) or candelabrum-like, e.g. in Platanus and Verbascum
(Fig. 65, no. I).
154 Plant Anatomy

(d) Shaggy hairs which consist, at least at the base, of two or mare con-
tiguous rows of cells. Such hairs may be seen on the petiole base of Por-
tulaca oleracea (Fig. 65, no. 4), in Schizanthus, and cert'ain species of the

':, "
'\'/ i;

FIG, 65. Different types oftrichomes. 1, Candelabrum-like, branched, multicellu-

lar trichome from the leaf of Verbascum. 2, Stellate multicellular trichome from
the leaf of Styrax officinalis; lateral view showing how the trichome arises from
between ordinary epidermal cells. 3, As in no. 2, but surface view. 4, Shaggy hairs
as seen at the base of the petiole of Portulaca oleracea. 5, Vesiculate hairs of
A/rip/ex portulacoides. 6, Colleter of Ononis na/rix.
Epidermis 155

In some species the hairs may show movements. This may be brought
about in two ways: either by hygroscopic mechanisms, that is, by the
differential swelling and shrinking of the cell walls (e.g. as on the seed of


I Gland

4 5 7

FIG. 66. Trichomes and epidermal glands. 1 and 2, Peltate hair of Olea europaea.
1, Surface view showing in the centre the stalk cell around which the "shield" de·
velops. 2, Lateral view. 3, Portion of cross-section of the leaf of Tamarix showing
a multicellular salt gland. 4-7, Stinging hair of Urtiea dioica. 4, As seen under a
mkroscope with the focus on the surface of the trichome. S, As in no. 4, but with
focus on centre of the trichome. 6, Intact tip. 7, Trichome with broken tip. 8 and
9, Calcium-secreting gland in epidermis of Plumbago capensis. 8, In surface view
of the epidermis, 9, In cross-section of the leaf. 10, Portion of a cross-section of
the leaf of Thymus capitatus showing a secretory gland. (Nos. 4-6. adapted
from Troll, 1948.)

Tarnarix); or by the action of living cells which may comprise the hair
itself or which may be present only at the base of the hair or close to it
(Uphof, 1962).
156 . Plant Anatomy

2. Glandular trichomes
These may be unicellular; multicellular or scale-like.IThe simple multi-
cellular glandular trichomes consist of a stalk and a uni- or multicellular
head. Such trichomes occur, for instance, on the leaves of Nicotiana,
Primula and many species of the Labiatae (Fig. 66, no. 10). Certain gland-
ular trichomes consist of a multicellular mass surrounded by palisade-
like secretory cells.
Glandular trichomes, which secrete a sticky substance and which usually
consis't of a multicellular stalk and head, have been termed colleters. Such
trichomes are mainly found on bud scale; and stipules, e.g. of Rosa,
Syringa, Aesculus and on the stems and leaves of Ononis, and on the calyx
of Plumbago capensis.
Another type of glandular trichome is the digestive gland which is
found on insectivorous plants, e.g. in the Nepenthaceae, Droseraceae and
Highly specialized glandular trichomes are the stinging hairs of Urtica.
These trichomes consist of a single, long cell which has a broad, bladder-
like base and narrow, needle-like upper part (Fig: 66, nos. 4-7). The broad
base is surrounded by epidermal celIs which are raised above the level of
the other epidermal cells. The wall of the/distal needle-like part of the
secreting cell is impregnated with silica adhe tip and with calcium some-
what lower. The very tip is spherical and breaks off, along a predetermined
line, ,when the hair is touched. The broken tip resembles} the tip of a sy-
ringe and so easily penetrates the skin into which the poisonous, irritating
cell contents (hystamine and acetylcholine) are injected.
Uni- and multicellular appendages exist from which nectar is secreted.
Some of these "re devoid of cuticle and the. nectar is secreted by diffusion,
while oth'erg have a cuticle and then the secreting mechanism is more
I \
complex. In the latter the outermost layer of the cell ,wall of the head of .
the secreting trichome gradually s,,:ells and expands so thit, a crescent-
shaped mucilaginous layer is formed below the cuticle. This layer con-
tinues to enlarge and so depresses the innermost layer of the cell wall to-
ward the cell lumen which becomes almost obliterated, Eventually the
cuticle bursts and the mucilaginous' mass, in which. the nectariferous
sub- \
stances have accumulated, is brought to the surface (e.g, Hibiscus, Abuti/on
and Tropaeolum). Active secretory cells have a dense protoplast. External
glandular layers may develop on epidermal outgrowths and emergences,
or independently of them. Thus, for instance, nectariferous tissues may
occur on the teeth of leaf margins (Prunus amygdalus, Ailanthus altissima) or
on different parts of the floral organs. The manner of secretion from these
glands differs in the various plant species, Here also the secretion may be
accomplished by simple diffusion, by the swelling of the outermost layers
of the epidermal cell wall and the rupture of the cuticle, or special aper-
Epidermis 157
tures, which are modified stomata, may be present on the epidermis (Fahn,
1952). (See Chapter 19 for further details.)
Multicellular epidermal glands of special interest are the salt. and chalk
glands. These glands are somewhat sunken or are level in relation to the
epidermis. Salt-secreting glands (Fig. 66, no. 3; Fig. 67) nos~ 1, 2) are

FlO. 67. 1 and 2, Salt-secreting gland on the lea f of Tamari~. 1, In tangential

section. X 520. 2, In cross-section. x 600. 3, C ross-section of the aerial root of an
epiphytic orch id, in which it is possible to distinguish the velamen. x 35. 4, As in
no. 3, but outer portion, consisting mainly of velamen, enlarged. x 200 ~ in some
of the cells the wa lls, with strip-like thickenings, which stren gthen the cells, can
be seen.
158 Plant Anatomy

common in the Tamaricaceae (Yolkens, 1887; Brunner, 1909). These

glands secrete other salts in addition to sodium chloride. Chalk glands
are common in the Plumbaginaceae (Fig. 66, nos. ~, 9) where they some-
times secrete mucilage in addition to calcium carbonate (Metcalfe and
Chalk, 1950).
Multicellular trichomes develop from a single initial which is situated
among the other epidermal 'cells. This cell elongates and then undergoes
a number of divisions. The cells of multicellular trichomes may develop
secondary walls, and in some cases the walls even become lignified. "

/ 2

FIG. 68. 1, Longitudinal section through a gland present on the petiole of Prunus "
amygda/us showing a palisade-like_.secretory epidermis. 2 and 3, Development of
root hairs. 2, Epidermal cells. showing the begin'ning· of-a protubera'nce at the
apical end of the cell. 3, Maturing root hairs that develop from the above pro-
tuberances as the ceJls become further -distant from 'the root ape,Y. (Nos. 2
a~d 3, adapted from Troll, 1948.)

Root hairs are tubular elongations of epidermal cells. They are branched
in only very few plants. Root hairs are 80--1500J' long and 5-17 I" in dia~.
meter (Dittmer, 1949). The root hairs have large vacuoles and they are
usually thin-walled. On the aerial, adventitious roots of Kallmchoii fed-
tschenkoi multicellular root hairs have been found (Popham and Henry,
Root hairs begin to form beyond the meristematic zone of the ,young'
roots in regions where the epidermal cells can still elongate. The root hairs
usually first appear as small protuberances near the apical end of the
epidermal cell. If the epidermal cell continues to elongate after the appear-
ance of the protuberance the root hair is found somewhat distant from
the apical end of the mature epidermal cell (Fig. 68, nos. 2, 3). Root hairs
Epidermis 159

elongate at their tips where the wall is thinner, softer and more delicate.
The nucleus is usually located close to the growing tip of. the root. hair.
The epidermal cells which give rise to Toot hairs elongate less than the
other epidermal cells. (See Cormack, 1949, for further anatomical and
physiological details.)
In some plants only certain of the root epidermal cells, termed tricho-
blasts or pi/iferous cells, can produce root hairs. These are small cells
which result from unequal divisions of epidermal cells.
Root hairs are usually viable for only a short period, generally only
a few days. With the death of the root hairs and if the cells are not slough-
ed, the walls of the epidermal cells become suberized and lignified. In
some plants root hairs hav, been found that remain permanently on the
plant. The walls of such root hairs become thick and then apparently
lose their ability to take up water from the soil (Artschwager, 1925;
Cormack, 1949).

Both ontogenetically and functionally the epidermis may be considered

• as.": 'separate tissue. The epidermis develops from the protoderm by con-
tinuous anticlinal cell divisions. As it is a compact tissue, devoid of inter..
. cellular spaces and covered with a cuticle, the epidermis provides protection
to all those plant organs that consist entirely, or almost so, of primary
The specialized cells of the epidermis are of great interest as they usually
are of characteristic structhre, ontogenetic development and function.
They are also of great value in the study of taxonomic and evolutionary
problems. Specialized cells, such as the trichoblasts and guard cells, are
the products of unequal celi divisions and they arise from the smaller of
the two cells thus formed. Bunning (1952, ~953) has already drawn atten-
tion to thi's phenomenon which is characteristic not only for the epidermis
but also for idioblasts, such as raphide·containing cells and. idioblastic
sclereids, which develop in inner tissues. Bunning states that the small
embryonic cells, which are capable of varied development, are at first
qualitatively equal and that their consequent development is, therefore,
controlled by factors which as yet have not been analysed.
Till now no satisfactory explanation has been given of the phylogeny
and functional significance of certain of the specialized cells, such as the
bulliform, silica- and cork-cells of grass leaves.
Several types of arrangement of the subsidiary cells around the guard
cells are recognized in both monocotyledons and dicotyledons. In relation
to the dicotyledons, no conclusions have been put forward as to the
evolutionary trends among these types. For the monocotyledons, Stebbins
and Khush (1961) suggest that the type with four or more subsidiary cells
is the most primitive, and that those types with few subsidiary cells or those
lacking them entirely have been derived, independently, from this primi-
Plant Anatomy

tive~type by reduction. It should be mentioned, however, that this evolu-

tionary trend does not correlate with that of ,other anatomical character-
istics, such as the evolution of the tracheary elements, ~for instance. It- is
seen, therefore, (hat additional research should be made in this field.
As regards the opening and closing of the stomatal aperture, the struc-
ture of only a few types of guard cell has been thoroughly investigated.
There are' indications that the variations in guard-cell structure result in
different opening -and closing mechanisms. [n certain cases, such. as . in
hydathodes and nectaries, the stomata are so modified that their apertures
remain o'pen permanently. '
Iwsome desert plants the walls of the guard cells become cutinized and
thickened atthe'~"ndofthe su~mer to such an extent that the cell lumen
is almost ~ completely obliterated. Therefore it was suggested (Yolkens,
1887) that stomata :ovith such guard cells remain closed during the critical
drought period.~This is a feature of extreme interest and~furtherstudy~may
lead to a better understanding of the anatomical adapwtions of desert


ARTSCHWAGER, E. 1925. Anafomy of vegetative,l~ans

of sugar cane. Jour. Agric.
Res. 30: 197-221.
BONNETT, O. T. 1961. The oat plant: its histology and development. Univ. of Illinois.
Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 672. j
BRUNNER, C. '1909. Beitraege zur vergleichenden Anatomie'der Tarnaricaceen. Jahrh.
Wiss: Anst. Hamburg 1909: 89-162.
BUNNING, E. 1952. Morphogenesis in plants. Survey of Biological Progress 2: 105-140.
BUNNING, E. 1953. Entwicklungs- und Bewegungsphysi%gie der Pjlanze. 3rd ed.
Springer, Berlin.
BUNNING, E. and BIEGERT, F. 1953. Die Bildung der S'paltoeffflUngsi'flitialen bei
Allium Cepa. Ztschr. f Bot. 41: 17-39. / \.
CHALONER, W. G. Clnd LORCH, J. 1960. An opposite-leaved conifer from the Jurassic
of Israel. Palaeontology 2: 226-242. . - \
CORMACK, R. G. H. 1949. The development of root hairs in angiosperms. Bot. Rev.
15: 583-612.
DE BARY, A. 1877. Vergleichende Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane. der Phanerogamen\
und Fame. W. Engelmann, Leipzig. ",. \
DITTMER, H. 1. 1949, Root hair variations in plant species. Amer. Jour, Bot. 36: 152-155.
EAMES, A. J. and MACDANIELS, L. H. 1947. Introduction to Plant Anatbmy, 2nd ed.
McGraw-Hill, New York-London.
ESAu, K, 1953. Plant Anatomy, John Wiley~ New York.
FAHN, A. 1952. On the structure of floral nectaries. Bot. Gaz. 113: 464-470.
FAHN, A. and DEMElO, N. 1964. Structure and development of the epidermis in arti.
culated Chenopodiaceae. Israel Jour. Bot. 13: 177-192.
FLINT, L. H. and MORELAND, C. F. 1946. A study of the stomata in sugar cane. Amer.
Jour. Bot. 33: 80-82.
FLORIN, R. 1931. UIltersuchungen zur Stammesgeschichte der Coniferales und Cordai-
tales. Svenska Vetenska Akad. Handl. Ser. 5, 10: 1-588.
FOSTER, A. S. 1950. Practical Plant Anatomy. D. Van Nostrand, New York.
Epidermis 161

fRANKE, W. 1962. Ektodesrnenstudien. 1. Mitteilung. Uber pilzformig ers.chneinenden

Ektodesmen; kritische Abhandlung ueber das _Weseo der Ektodesmen. Planta 59:
·222-238.· . .
FRITZ, F. 1935. Uber Kutikula von Aloe- und Gasteriaarten. lahrb. Wiss. BOI. 81:
FRITZ, F. 1937. Untersuchungen tiber die Kutinisierung der Zellmembranen und den
rhythmischen Verlauf dieses Vorganges. Planta 26: 693-704.
GUTTENBERG, H. v. 1940. Der primaere Bau dec Angiospermenwurzel. In: K. Lins-
bauer, Handbuch der Pjlanzenanatomie. Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin.
HABERLANDT, G: 1918', Physiologische Pjfanzenanatomie. 5th ed. W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
LINSBAUER; K. 1930. Die Epidermis. In: K. Linsbauer. Handbuch der Pjianzenanatomie,
'Band 4, Lief. 27, Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin.
LOOMIS, W. E.-and SCHlEfERSTElN, R. H: 1959. Growth and differentiation of the epi-
dermal wall. Proc. IX. Intern. Bot. Congr. Montreal: 235-236.
MARTINET, J. B. 1871. Organes de secretion des vegetaux. Theses, Faculte des Sciences
de Paris.
MATZKE, E. B. 1947. The three-dimensional shape of epidermal cells of Aloe aristala.
Amer. Jour. Bot. 34: 182-195'. -
METCALFE, C. R. 1959. A vista in plant anatomy. In: -Vistas in Botany, ed. W. B.
Turrill, I: 76-99. Pergamon Press, London.
METCALFE, C. R. 1960. Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. I. Gramineae. Clarendon Press,
". - Oxford .
. METCALFE, C. R. 1963. Comparative anatomy as a modern botanical discipline. In:
Adv. Bot. Res. Ed. R. D. Preston, I: 101-147. Academic Press, London-New York.
'ME~C~LfE, C. R. and CHALK, L. 1950. Anatomy -of the Dicotyledons. 1-2. Clarendon
Press, Oxford.
POPHAM, R. A. and HENRY, R. D. 1955. Multicellular root hairs on adventitious roots
of Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi. Ohio Jour. Sci. 55: 301-307.
PRIESTLEY, J. H. 1943. The cuticle in angiosperms. Bot. Rev. 9: 593-616.
RoELOFS'EN, P. A. 1952. On the submicroscopic structure of cuticular cell walls. Acia
Bot. Neerl. 1: 99-114.
SCHIEFERSTEIN, R. H. and LOOMIS, W. E. 1959. Development of the cuticular layer in
angiosperm leaves. Amer. 'Jour. Bot. 46: 625-635.
Scon;- F; M., HAMMER, K:'C.,:BAKER, E. and BOWLER~ E. 1957. lJItrasonic and electron
microscope study of onion epidermal wall. Science 125: 399-400.
SHIELDS, L. M. 1951. The involution mechanism in leaves of certain xeric grasses.
Phytomorphology 1: 225-241.
SOLEREDER, H. 1908. Systematische Anatomie dey Dikotyledonen. Erganzungsbd.
F. Enke, Stuttgart.
STEBBINS, G. L. and KHUSH, G. S. 1961. Variation in the organization of the stomatal
complex in the leaf epidermis of monocotyledons and its bearing on their phylo-
geny. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48: 51-59.
TOMLINSON, P. B. 1961. Tn: Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. II. Palmae. Clarendon
Press, Oxford.
TROLL, W. 1948. Allgemeine Botanik. F. Enke, Stuttgart.
TURRELL, F. M. 1947. Citrus leaf stomata: structure, composition and pore size in
relation to penetration of liquids. Bot. Gaz. 108: 476-483.
UPHOF, J. C. T. 1962. Plant hairs. In: K. Linsbauer, Encyclopedia of Plant Anatomy.
Vol. IV, 5. Sect.: Histology. Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin. ....._
VOLKENS. G. 1887. Die Flora der aegyptisch-arabischen Wiiste auf Grundlage anatomisch
physiologischer Forschungen. Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin.
ZIEGENSPECK, H. 1944. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Entwicklung der Spalt~
otfnungen von Monokotyledonen und Dikotyledonen im Lichte dec Polariskopie
und Dichroskopie. Protoplasma 3&: 197-224.
IN THE previous chapters the structure of the tissues, the type of cells of
which they consist 'and the structure and characteristics of these cells,
have been considered. In the present chapter the arrangement of and inter-
relationship between these tissues in the different vegetative organs of the
primary body of the sporophyte will be discussed. An attempt will also
be made to explain the structure of the primary body both from a function-
al and from a phylogenetic standpoint.
The vegetative organs that will be discussed n,xt are the stem, the leaf
and the root. It is difficult, however, to distinguish between the stem and
the leaves-these organs develop from a common meristem, i.e. from the
apical meristem of the shoot apex. The connection between and mutual
dependence of these two organs'exist throughout the entire growth period
of the plant (Wetmore, 1943; Wardlaw, '1960). Arber (1950) claims that
the leaf is actually a stem-like structure which has secol!darily become
flattened. In certain ferns leaf primordia were diverted from producing
leaves and were induced to become buds when wide and deep incisions
were made around them in the shoot apex (Cutter, 1959). Thus the stem and,
leaf are regarded .as a complex unit and are given the common term shoot,
The acceptance' of'this relationship and connection between the stem
and the leaf enables a more thorough understanding of the primary struc-
ture of the stem.



Ontogenetic development of the stem

The axis of the embryo in the seed consists of a hypocotyl and radicle.
At the tip of the hypocotyl one or more cotyledons and the bud of the
shoot, i.e. the plumule, are found. At the tip of the radicle is the root cap.
The bud of the shoot usually consists of an axis containing a few
internodes, which have not elongated, and some lear primordia. With the
The Stem 163

germination of the seed the embryo enlarges and starts to grow, the apical
meristem of the young shoot adds further leaf primordia and the inter-
nodes between the lower primordia, which in the meantime .have become
distant from the apex, elongate. In many plants buds develop in the axils
of the developing leaves giving rise to a branched shoot.
In mature plants the development of leaf primordia at the shoot apex
and the elongation of the nodes below it are the same as that in the growing
embryo of the germinating seed. The oider of appearance and the arrange-
ment of leaves on the stem is more or'less characteristic 'of each species.

FIG. 69. Portion of a branch of Prunus. The broken line which passes from leaf
to leaf indicates the phyllotaxis which, in this case,- is i.
That part of the stem from which a leaf or leaves develop is called the
node and that portion of the stem between two such nodes, the internode.
The length of the internodes varies in the different species. In certain
plants, such as CichoriunJ, Thrincia and others, where the leaves are ar-
ranged in a basal rosette, the internodes hardly elongate at all, but in most
spermatophytes the internodes elongate to differing extents. At each node
one, two or more leaves may be found. The arrangement of the leaves
on the stem is termed phyllotaxy. When there are more than two leaves at
one node the arrangement is termed whorled. When there are two leaves at
each node the leaves are said to be opposite; in this type of arrangement the
leaves of the successive nodes may be at right-angles to each other and then
the arrangement is termed decussate; or the leaves may form two parallel
ranks along the stem, i.e. distichous. When there is a single leaf at each node
and the leaves are arranged spirally on the stem the phyllotaxy is ~aid to be
164· Plant Anatamy

alternate. The space, on the circumference of the stem, between two succes-
sive leaves, whether they arise at a single node or whether t,hey are arranged
spirally on the stem, is constant, i.e. two successive leaves are separated by
a constant portion of the perimeter of the stem (Fig. 69).
The position of the leaf primordia on the stem apex is determined before
it is possible to distinguish any feature that indicates that such develop-
ment has begun. Therefore i1 appears that. the factors determining the posi-
tion of the primordia on the stem apex' are internal and, in general, they
are identical with those factors that control the distribution of the growth
potential in the apical meristem. There is reason to assume that each leaf,
together with that portion orthe axis around it and below its junction to
the axis, forms a single physiological unit. Such leaf fields or primordial
fields are already present in the shoot apex. This association between stem
and leaf is evident, among others, in the relationship between the phylo-.
taxy and the vascularization and general structure of the stem.

Arrangement of primary tissues in the stem
The primary body deveJops from the protoderm, procambium and
ground meristem. The arrangement and stru~ture of the primary tissues
is as follows. ,/ .


Externally, the stem is bounded by the epidermis which contains, apart

from the typical epidermal cells, guard cells,'idiohlasts and different types
of trichomes (see Chapter 10).


The stem cortex is that cylindrical region between the epidermis and the
vascular cylinder (Fig. 70, nos. 1-4; Fig. 82, ;0'. 2). It may comprise various
cell types. In the simplest case, the cortex consists entirely of' thin-walled
parenchyma tissue. In many stems, as for instance Pelargonium, Retarna
and Salicornia, this parenchyma may have a photosynthetic function in
addition to that of the temporary storage of starch and other metabolites.
In other cases the outer region of the cortex, which borders on the epider-
mis, may include collenchyma or fibres, and the inner region of paren-
chyma. The collenchyma or fibres may form a continuous cylinder or they
may be present in the form of separated strips. The stem cortex may con-
tain sclereids, secretory cells and laticifers.
The Stem 165

FIG. 70. 1, Cross-section of a youog stem of M edicago sativa. X 30. 2, Portion of

I, enlarged. x 11 5.3 and 4, Portions of cross-sections of a stem of Lycopersicon
esculmfum . 3, A young stem in which interna l phloem can be d istinguished.
>< 85. 4, A mature stem io which it is possible to distinguish tha t the cortical pa-
rench yma below the epidermis has developed into chlorenchyma a nd that a fair
amount of secondary xylem has been produced. x 95.
166 Plant Anatomy


In the stem difficulty exists in determining the anatomicaliborder between

the cortex and the stele (Esau, 1950) as in stems a distinct endodermis, i.e.
a layer of specialized cells which delimits the cortex from the yascular cylin~
der, is not usually developed. It has not yet been clarified if the endodermis
is ontogenetically related to the cortex'or to the stele.

FIG. 71. Portion of a cross-section of a well developed hypocotyl of Ricinus.

(Adapted from Palladin, 1914.)

Morphologically, a well developed endodermis' is a compact layer of

living cells which form a hollow cylinder. The,walls of the endodermal cells
are of characteristic and specialized structure. In the typical cells, bands
and strips which contain lignin and suberin, apart from cellulose, are pre-
sent on the radial and transverse walls; these are called Casparian strips,or
Casparian bands (Fig. Ill, nos. 2, 3). In the course of maturation the endo-
dermal cells may undergo changes that involve the addition of suberin
lamellae on the entire inner surface of the t:ell walls. This may be followed
by the addition of a secondary layer of cellulose, which may sometimes
contain lignin, on the inside of suberin lamellae. (See also Chapter 13.)
The Stem 167

The endodermis is most conspicuous in the stems of the lo·wer vascular

plants. Here the cell walls have Casparian strips and a suberin lamella, and
the endodermis surrounds the vascular tissue. It is sometimes also found
between the vascular cylinder and the pith (Marsilea, Ophioglossum -and
others). In certain ferns, e.g. Dryopteris, the endodermis surrounds the
individual bundles. In the spermatophytes the endodermis is usually most
obvious in the _root, but, in some herbaceous plants, Casparian strips can
also beobserved in the endodermis of the stem. In stems, however, a typi-
cal endodermis is more usually found in underground stems, such as rhi-
zomes, than in aerial stems.ln the herbaceous stems of Senecio and Leonurus
the endodermis is developed only when the plant reaches the flowering
The innermost cortical layer of young dicotyledonous stems usually
contains many large starch grains (Fig. 71). This layer has been termed the
starch sheath, and, because of its position, it is considered to be homo-
logous with the endodermis.
Different investigations have shown that, in some monocotyledons, an
endodermis with typical secondary cell walls may be caused to develop to
a greater extent under the influence of external factors, such as the lack
=ofnitrogenous salts and a high degree of aeration of the soil, among others
(Van ",Ieet; 1942a, b; 1950a, b). In some dicotyledonous stems Casparian
strips may develop under conditions thalcause etiolation (Priestley, 1926).
In·the stems of the lower vascular plants and in the roots of all vascular
plants, the pericycle can readily be located between the endodermis and
the vascular t{ssues. The existence of the pericycle as a separate tissue in
the stems of spermatophytes is questionable. The tendency is to relate
ontogenetically any tissue between the cortex and the phloem to the
phloem (Blyth, 1958). _- -


Internal to the cortex is the vascular system of the stem. In the gymno-
sperms and most of the dicotyledons the vascular system consists of a continu-
ous or a split cylinder which encloses the pith, i.e. the central portion of
the stem (Fig. 70, no. I; Fig. 77, nos. 1-4). In this cylinder two types of
vascular tissues can be distinguished-the phloem which is usually exter-
nal, and the xylem which is usually internal. In the case of the split cylinder
each strand is termed a vascular bundle. A vascular bundle in which the
phloem is only external to the xylem is said to be a collaterat' bundle (Fig.
70, no. 2; Fig. 72, nos. 3, 4; Fig. 83, no. 1). In some dicotyledonous fami-
lies, e.g. the Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Apocynaceae,
Convolvulaceae and Compositae, internal phloem is also ptesent. The in-
ternal phloem may be present as separate strands on the border of the pith,
168 . Plant Anatomy

as in Lycopersicon (Fig. 70, no. 3), or it may be in close contact with the
inner side of the xylem, as in the stems of the Cucurbitaceae and Myrta-
ceae. The latter type of bundle is termed a bicollateral bundle (Fig. 82, no .

F I G . 72. Cross-sections through vascular bundles of different types. 1, Stem bundle

I)f Kingia. 2, FQ\iar bund\e of Xalttharrhoea. 3, Stem bundle of Zea. 4, Stem'
bundle of Ranuncu!us. (Nos. 3 and 4, adapted from Palladin, 1914.)

2). In some monocotyledons, as for example Convallaria mojalis, A corus,

some genera of the Xanthorrhoeaceae, as well as the secondary bundles
of Aloe arborescens, Drocaena, Cordyline and others, the xylem surrounds
The Stem 169
the phloem. Such bundles are termed amphivasal bundles (Fig. 83, no. 3).
Bundles common in the Pteridophyta, in which the phloem surrounds the
xylem are termed amphicribral bundles. There are also bundles in which
the xylem is seen to be V- or U-shaped in cross-section. In the former,
'as can be seen in the leaf of Xanthorrhoea, for example, the phloem groups
are situated at the free ends of the xylem arms (Fig. 72, no. 2). In the case
of U-shaped xylem the phloem is' surrounded on three sides by xylem;
such bundles occur in the stem of Asparagus aphyl/us and Kingia australis
(Fig. 72, no. I).
In most monocotyledons and in a" few dicoty~_edons no distinct vascu-
lar cyli ·,der exists, and the primary vascular system consists of a large num-
ber of bundles which are scattered irregularly, and it is impossible to distin-
guish clearly the boundary between the cortex, the vascular cylinder and
the pith (Fig. 82, no. I).
The vascular system plays an important role in the attempt to solve phy-
logenetic problems. The vascular system has been thoroughly investigated,
by comparative methods, both from plants living today and from fossil
forms. Van Tieghem and Douliot (1886) proposed the stelar theory to
explain the structure of the plant axis. This theory greatly influenced later
investigators who worked on the, comparative anatomy of the Tracheo-
phyta. According to the above theory the gross anatomical structure of
the root and stem is similar, i.e. in both of them the cortex surrounds a
central core which they. termed the stele. The stele comprises the pericycle,
i.e. the non-vascular tissue between the phloem and cortex, the vascular
tissues and the pith, when present.
Medullary and cortical bundles, present on the inside and outside of the
stele respectively, are found' in certain plants (De Bary, 1877; Eames and
MacDaniels, 1947; Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950). These bundles are associa-
ted with stems of both anomalous and typical structure. Medullary bundles
occur in numerous dicotyledonous families, e.g. in the Amaranthaceae,
Chenopodiaceae, Orobanchaceae, Berberidaceae and Cucurbitaceae. Cor-
tical bundles are less common and are known to occur, for example, in
the Melastomaceae, Proteaceae, Araliaceae and Calycanthaceae. So-called
"cortical" bundles are often leaf-traces which descend through the cortex
for some distance before entering the stele, e.g. as in Begonia and Casua-
rina. In many plants, with reduced leaves and a fleshy, photosynthetic
cortex, branches from the base of the leaf-trace penetrate into the cortex
(Eames and MacDaniels, 1947; Fahn, 1963).


According to Smith (1955), Esau (1953) and other authors, the stele
of the sporophyte of vascular plants may be divided into two basic types:
(I) protostele which consists of a solid central cylinder of xylem surrounded
17(} Plant Anatomy

by phloem; and (2) siphonostele in which there is a cylinder of pith within

the xylem. Both ontogenetically and phylogenetically the the
more primitive, and it is thought that the siphonostele has'developed phylo-
genetically from the protostele.


FIG. 73. 1-3, Three-dimensional diagrams of different types of protostele. The
diagrams represent the stele alone without the cortex and epidermis. The micro-
ph~llls appear in those positions where there are protuberances on the surface of
the stele. 1, Hapiosteie. 2, Actinostele. 3, Plectostele. 4-8, Diagrams of cross-sec-
tions of stems with siphonosteles showing different stages in evolutionary develop-
ment. 4, Amphiphloic siphonosteie (solenostele), 5, Dictyosteie. 6, Ectophloic
siphonostele. 7, Eustele. 8, Atactostele. Xylem-hatched; phloem-stippled.

Three types of proto stele can be distinguished: (I) haplostele (Fig. 73,
no. 1) which is the simplest type, in which the xylem appears more or less
circular in cross-section, e.g. Rhynia and Selaginella .. (2) actiflostele (Fig.
The Stem 171

73, no. 2) in which the xylem is stellate in cross-section, e.g. Psilotum; and
(3) plectostele (F)g. 73, no. 3) in which.the.xylem is split into longitudinal
plates of which some are joined and others separate, e.g. Lycopodium.
The various types of proto stele are characteristic of the Lycopsida (the
lower Pteridophyta) and the siphonostele of the Pteropsida (the phylo-
genetically more advanced Pteri<iophyta and the Spermatophyta.).
Two types of siphonostele are distinguished according to the positions
dfthe phloem and xylem: (1) ectophloic siphonostele in which phloem only
surrounds the xylem externally (Fig. 73, no. 6); and (2) amphiphloic


FIG. 74. 1, Diagrammatic representation, on a single plane, of the primary vas-

cular system of Populus canadensis; the leaf-gaps are the only interruptions. Hea-
vily stippled areas-protoxylem; lightly stippledareas-metaxylem; unstippled
areas-leaf-gaps. The broken line indicates the position of leaf attachment. 2,
Three-dimensional diagram of the stele of the rhizome of Ophioglossum lusitani-
cllm. The larger part of the stele is dictyostelic and only the small basal portion is
protostelic. Both leaf traceS (directed upwards) and bundles that enter the roots
(directed downwards) arise from the bundles which surround the gaps. (No. I,
adapted from Eames and MacDaniels. 1947.)
172 Plant Ana/omy

siphonostele (Fig. 73, no. 4) in which the phloem surrounds the xylem both
externally and internally and where the endodermis appears both outside
and inside the vascular tissue on the borders of the cortex and pith, res-
pectively (e.g. Adiantum and Marsilea).
The siphonostele may consist of a continuous cylinder of vascular tissue
or of a network of bundles (Fig. 74, no. 2; Fig. 75, nos. 1-5). The latter type
is the more advanced and the vascular tissues of this type appear in cross-

FIG. 75. Diagrams ofsiphonosteles with different types of arrangement of the leaf·
and branch-traces and gaps. 1, Unilacunar node with one leaf-trace. 2, Unilacu-
nar node with associated branch-traces and gap. 3, Overlapping gaps so that the
stele forms a network of bundles. (, Trilacunar node with three leaf-traces.
5, Unilacunar node with three traces.

section as a ring of separate bundles. The regions between the bundles are
parenchymatous. Those parenchymatous regions that occur in the stele,
above the positions where the leaf-traces pass out from the stele to the
leaves, are termed leafgaps (Fig. 75, no. I). An amphiphloic siphonostele
in which the successive leaf-gaps are considerably distant, one from the
other, is termed a solenostele. An amphiphloic siphonostele with overlap-
The Stem 173

ping gaps, i.e. that in which the lower part of one gap is parallel with the
upper part of another gap, is termed a dictyostele (Fig. 73, no. 5). In this
case the bundles are interconnected to form a cylindrical network (Fig. 74,
no. 2) and each bundle is of concentric structure consisting of a central
strand of xylem surrounded by phloem. Individually such buudles are
termed meristeles. From the anatomicaJ"point of view these are amphicri-
During the course of evolutionary development the eustele (Fig. 73, no.
7), with collateral bundles, was formed by,the splitting of the ectophloic
siphonostele. Bicollateral vascular bundles'in which the xylem strands are
accompanied externally and internally by phloem strands and which are
'found in advanced dicotyledonous families appear to be the result of a
secondary specialization and not a relic of the primitive structure charac-
teristic of the Filicinae.
In some plants, e.g. Marattia,Pteridium and Maton/a, two or more con-
centric cylinders of vascular tissue are present. Such a stele is termed a
polycyclic stele. The individual cylinders in this case are interconnected.
)n rare cases stems and roots contain more than one stele; such a condition
_is termed polystelic (see Chapter 13).
A different interpretation of the above nomenclature exists and has been
summarized by Sporne '(1962). According to this interpretation the·ecto-
phloic .siphonostele without leaf-gaps, such as is found in the Pteridophyta,
is considered as a protosteleand is termed a medullated protostele. Sporne
does not use the term siphonostele for the Pteridophyta.
As in the dictyostele, the bundles of the eustele are usually intercon-
nected. That type of stele in which the bundles are scattered (Fig. 73, no. 8),
such as is characteristic of the monocotyledons, 'is called an aiactostele
(Nast, 1944; Esau, 1953).
In the siphonostele not all the interruptions in the vascular tissue are
leaf-gaps as described above. Some interruptions result from the secondary
reduction of vascular tissue and the f-ormation of interfascicular paren-
chyma. Such interruptions are termed perforations. When such perforations
occur in a solenostele it may be confused with a dictyostele. The paren-
chymatous connections between the pith and cortex are termed medullary
rays. •
There are certain plants, such as Populus, for example (Fig. 74, no. I),
in which the primary vascular cylinder consists of a thin layer of vascular
tissue which is interrupted only by leaf- and small branch-gaps. Rib-like
projections composed entirely of protoxylem are found on the inner sur-
face of this cylinder (Eames and MacDaniels, 1947).
Differing from the Pteropsida whose steles form leaf-gaps, the steles in
microphyllous plants, i.e. the Psilopsida, Lycopsida and Sphenopsida, are
devoid of such parenchymatous regions (Fig. 73, nos. 1-3). In microphyl-
lOllS plants with a siphonostele the only gaDS oresent are hran('h-fTnn,,, whi~h
174 Plant Allatomy

.are tho~e gaps associated with bundles that depart from the central cylinder
to the lateral branches. This type of siphonostele has been termed by some
authors cladosiphonic, and that found in the. Pteropsida phyllosiphonic

FIG. 76. 1 and 2, Micrographs of the central portion of cross-sections'of the erect
rhizome of Ophioglossum /usitanicltm showing the transition from protostele to
siphonostele. I, Protostele. 2, Siphonostele. 3, A branch tip of Chimonanthus (a
woody genus of the Ranales) cleared by treatment with lactic acid to show the pat-
tern of vascularization in which the nodes are unllacunar with two traces; the
traces fuse on entry into the leaf. Nos. 1 and 2, x 200. '

The development of siphonostele f~om the proto stele has been a point
of discussion (Bower, 1911 a, b). According to one view the pith, i.e. the
parenchymatous core, in the siphonostele originated from the cortex.
The supporters of this vie\. use the presence of the endodermis, in certain
The Stem 175

ferns, between the pith and :vascular tissue as proof of this view. According
to them.the endodermis penetrated inwards together with the'parenchyma
of the cortex, and they explain the absence of such an endodermis in
other plants as being the result of further development. According to
another theory the siphonostele developed from the protostele by the
alteration of the inner vascular initials to parenchyma initials; This
theory is supported by the fact,that tracheary elements may be found in
the centre of the stele scattered among the parenchyma cells. This feature
is common in relatively primitive plants, both living and fossil. Such steles
may be considered as intermediate stages between protosteles and siphono-
steles. In the light of our present knowledge of morphogenesis it is difficult
to accept the former theory. Research on Ophioglossum lusitanicum
(Gewirtz and Fahn, 1960) showed that the stele.of the rhizome of the
sporophyte that developed from the gametophyte (not as a result of
vegetative reproduction) was protostelic at the base and siphonostelic
(dictyostelic) in its upper portion. Furthermore, it was clearly seen in
the transition zone, below the level of the first leaf-gap, that the pith
undoubtedly originated from the xylem. Here parenchyma cells were
seen mingled with tracheids and the number of parenchyma cells was
'seen to increase in an upwards direction (Fig. 76, nOs. 1, 2).


In the angiosperms, and especially in the dicotyledons, the primary

vascular cylinder is interrupted at each node by the exit of one or more
bundles that enter the leaves. The stelar bundles, which are thecontinuation
of the bundles in the leaf bases, are called leaf-traces. According to the
number of leaf-gaps per leaf the node is termed unilacunar, tri/acunar or
multilacunar (Fig. 75, nos, 1-5; Fig. 77, nos. 1-5; Fig. 74). The anatomy
of the node is an important aspect of taxonomy and of the comparative
morphology of the stem, leaf and flower. Sinnott (1914) concluded that
the trilacunar node is the primitive type in'the angiosperms and that the
uoilacunar node developed, phylogenetically, from it by the loss of the
two lateral gaps together with their respective traces, or by the approxi-
mation of the lateral traces to the median bundle to form a bundle com-
posed of three traces, which is associated, therefore, with a single gap.
Contrary to the reduction in the process of the formation of the unilacunar
node, Sinnott states that the multilacunar node is formed by the addition of
new gaps and traces.
The assumption that the trilacunar node is the primitive one among the
angiosperms has been refuted by recent research on nodal anatomy in the
gymnosperms and angiosperms (Gunckel and Wetmore, 1946a, b; Mars-
den and Bailey, 1955; Marsden and Steeves, 1955; Bailey, 1956; Fahn and
176 . Plant Ana/omy

/ 4

FIG. 77. Diagrams showing the relationship between the vascular systems of the
leaf and the stem. 1-4, Cross-sections of the nodes of young stems. 1, Eucalyptus
camaldulensis in which the node is unilacunar. 2, Laurus nobilis, also with un i-
lacunar node. 3, Chrysanthemum ane/hi/olium in which the node is trilacunar with
three traces. 4, Dianthus caryophyllus which has opposite leaves and unilacunar
nodes. 5, Diagrams showing the possible ways of development of the nodal
vascularization in dicotyledons from the unilacunar node with two traces. (No.
5, adapted from Marsden and Bailey, 1955.)
The Stem 177

Bailey, 1957), By these workers and others it has been shown that in many
Pteridophyta, in the Cordaitales,. Bennettitales, in ,Ginkgo and Ephedra,
a single gap is found in that position where the leaf-traces depart from
the stele. Similarly, in many dicotyledons unilacnnar nodes with two leaf-
traces have also been found. Many of the dicotyledonous genera with
unilacunar nodes with a ,double leaf-trace belong to the primitive groups
of the Ranales and the Chenopodiaceae. Bailey (1956) found in many
dicotyledons that the vascular supply to the cotyledons consists of a
double leaf-trace which arises from a unilacunar node (Fig. 78).

\fl.. W

()# ••~
~ .
'~ '~
() ()

. I 'cto .,

:.~.~:/ '\./; " !:

FIG. 78. Different types of vascularization of the cotyledonary node in dicoty-

ledons. The most common type of cotyledonary node in the 99 dicotyledonous
families that have been investigated is the unilacunar node with two traces.
(Adapted from Bailey, 1956.)

Bailey is of the opinion that the leaves of angiosperms are able to un-
dergo reversible changes in shape and vascularization.
In the light of the above facts it can be assumed: (I) that the unilacunar
node of certain genera of the Ranales is primitive and has not changed
during its evolution, from that of the lower Pteropsida; (2) in certain
other dicotyledonous genera, e.g. genera of the Leguminosae, Ana-
cardiaceae and others, the unilacunar node has apparently been derived,
178 . Plant Anatomy

by reduction, from a trilacunar node; (3) there are positive indications in-
certain dicotyledonous. groups, such as the Epacridaceaej and Chloran-
thaceae, that in the course of evolution the tri- and multilacunar .nodes
have arisen from the unilacunar node (Bailey, 1956).
The evolutionary development from.a unilacunar node· with two leaf-
traces to other types of unilacunar nodes with one, th,ree, .or more traces
may occur in a single family as can be demonstrated in the Chenopodiace!,e
(Bisalputra, 1962; Fahn and Broido, 1963). -

Co" """1-

FIG. 79. Diagrams of the primary vascular system of the stem of Anabasis articu-
lata. 1. Vascular system spread out on one plane. 2, Three-dimensional diagram
showing the bundles on one side of the stem. The number of bundles and their
arrangement as seen in cross-section can be seen at the level of the cut. \

In order further to clarify the nature of the leaf-traces and the nodal
type, it is necessary to study more accurately-the nature of the traces and
to follow their passage downwards in the stem. Often the picture obtained
at the node is not a true reflection of the situation but lower in the stem
the stele is more conservative (Fig. 76, no. 3) and a more correct picture
of the arrangement of the leaf-traces is obtained (Fahn and Bailey, 1957).
The suggested evolutionary trends of the basic types of nodal structure
are given in Fig. 77, no. 5.
In the literature the bundles of the stem have been variously classified,
i.e. as leaf-trace bundles, cauline bundles and common bundles. Leaf-trace
The Stem 179

bundle was used to designate those bundles that directly connect the leaf
and stele. Cauline bundle refers to those bundles that form the· major
vascular system of the stem and which may anastomose and give rise to
leaf-traces. The term common bundle has been used for those bundles
that run unbranched for a relatively long distance in the stem and which
eventually terminate in a leaf-trace. However, it appears that. in most
plants the vascular system of the stem can be interpreted as being a system
of leaf-traces that continue downwards in the stem for one or more inter-


~ J

m 2

FIG. 80. Diagrams of the primary vascular system of the stem of Chenopodium
glaucum. 1, Vascular system spread out on one plane. 2, Three-dimensional dia-
gram showing the bundles on one side of the stem. The number of bundles and
their arrangement as seen in a cross-section can be seen at the level of the cut.

nodes where they fuse with the leaf-traces of Jower nodes (Figs. 79 and
80). This view is strengthened by the fact that the stem mainly functions
as a connecting organ between the leaves and the root. The number of
bundles in the stem is thus determined by the phyllotaxis and by the degree
to which the traces continue down in the stem. Inasmuch as the phyllo-
t~xis is more dense and the leaf-traces continue down along a larger Dum-
180 Plant Anatomy

ber of internodes, the number of bundles, as seen in a cross-section of the

stem, will be greater. ~hanges in number may sQ,metimes,occuralong.the
stem of one plant. It IS known, for example, that the number of bundles
seen in a cross-section of that part of the stem that develops first, i.e.
the lowermost portion, is less, than that seen in cross-sections of higher
portions, and that the number of bundles again decreases in the uppermost
portion prior to the development of floral primordia.


Branches develop from axillary buds and have vascular connections

with the main axis. These 'vascular connections are termed branch-traces.
At the node the branch-trace is situated very close to the leaf-traces that
enter the leaf in whose axil the branch develops. The branch-gap is situated
above the leaf-gap and together these two gaps appear as one. In the
dicotyledons and gymnosperms the vascular supply to the axillary bran-
ches usually consists of two traces (Fig. 75, no. 2). However, in some plants
only one trace is present and in others more than two. If only one trace
is present in cross-section it appears horseshoe- or crescent-shaped. In
the branches themselves, the stele is simila~. t~ that of the main axis.


lne s\em, D~ \ne vaDDu, Q1CD\),leoom Ql'lieT ~Tom one ano\neT 1n \ne
pattern of the primary vascularization (Balfour and Philipson, 1962, and'
others). These differences are' apparently connected ~ith evolutionary
The amount of primary .vascular tissue, as has been described above,
varies from a solid through a hollow unintO'rrupted cylinder to a small
number of narrow separate bundles. It is assumed that during the course
of evolution the primary vascular cylinder became thinner, i.e. it under-
went reduction in a radial direction and because of the appearance of
leaf-gaps, branch-gaps and perforations, and because of further reduction
of the vascular tissue in a tangential direction, the cylinder became split
into the longitudinal strands such as are seen in most dicotyledons.
The arrangement of secondary vascular tissue of the gymnosperms and
dicotyledons bears no relation to the arrangement of the primary vascular
tissue, and may be in the form of an entire cylinder. However. the amount
and arrangement of the secondary vascular tissues and especially that
of the xylem may also vary from an entire cylinder of various widths, as
in trees, to separate strands. as in the herbaceous stems of certain annuaJ
·-i- 1
The Stem 181

dicotyledons, e.g. Cucurbita, and in certain species it may even be almost

completely absent. It is assumed that. the ,reduction of the secondary
vascular tissue is also the result of evolutionary processes.


The vascular system of monocotyledons usually consists o'f bundles

that are scattered throughout the ground tissue of the stem. In cross-
sections of such stems it can be seen that the bundles do not form a ring
such a' is seen in cross-sections of most dicotyledons. Among dicotyledons,
,however, an arrangement of more or less scattered bundles does occur in a
,small number of plants, e.g. in the Nymphaeaceae, many plants of the
Ranunculaceae and the herbaceous genera of the Berberidaceae.
In the Gramineae there are two basic types of arrangement of the
vascular bundles: (l) that in which the vascular bundles are arranged in
two circles (Fig. 81, no. 4), the outer circle consisting of thin bundles
and the inner of thick bundles, e.g. Triticum, Hordeum, Avena and Oryza;
and (2) that in which the vascular bundles are scattered throughout the
·entire cross-section of the stem, e.g. Sorghum, Saccharum and Zea (Fig.
81, no. 5). The individual bundles of the Gramineae are collateral and
are usually surrounded by a.sclerenchymatous sheath.
The complicated arrangement of vascular bundles in the monocotyledon-
ous stem, and especially i~ the Gramineae, is connected with the posi-
tion of the various bundles of each leaf in the stem. According to Kuma-
zawa (1961) three types of leaf-trace bundles are present in the stem of
Zea (Fig. 81, nos. 1,2). The first type is represented by those bundles derived
from mid~ribs and the larger lateral veins. These penetrate deep into the
interior of the stem and then pass to the periphery in lower nodes. The
second type is represented by leaf-trace bundles derived from smaller
lateral veins which, immediately on entering the stem, occupy the position
of the outermost peripheral bundles with which they fuse sooner or later.
The third type is represented by bundles that are very thjn and which
Soon fade out within the cortex close to the level of the node. It is impor-
tant to mention that in the Gramineae. there are special horizontal bundles
at the nodes which connect the leaf bundles together (Fig. 81, no. 3).
In the stem of Triticum the internodes are hollow and the nodes solid.
The thin leaf bundles are continued in the outer circle of the stem, and
the thick bundles constitute the inner circle of bundles. Immediately above
the position where the leaf is attached, the internodal vascular bundles
become horizontal or oblique, and they approach the periphery. In the
nodal portion the bundles branch and fuse in various ways, and this
results in the reduction of their number. The remaining bundles, together
with the thick bundles of the leaf of the same node, constitute the inner
Plant Anatomy

FIG. 81. 1-3, Zea mays. 1, Diagrammatic representation of a longitudinally sec-

tioned stem showing the vascularization. Mid-rib leaf-traces-unshaded; large la-
teralleaf-traces-stippled; small lateral traces and very thin leaf bundles which
fade out soon after entering the cortex - black. Coieoptile traces and the vascular
system of the hypocDtyl appear at the base of the diagram and are drawn in solid
black. 2, Diagram of a reconstruction of part of a node. 3, Outer portion of cross-
section of a young node showing the development of horizontal procambial
strands which interconnect the vertical bundles. 4 and 5, Cross-sections of mono-
cotyledonous stems showing two types of arrangement of the vascular bundles.
4, Secaie, in which the vascular bundles are arranged in two rings. 5, Zea mays,
in which the vascular bundles are scattered throughout the cross-section. (Nos.
1-3, adapted from Kumazawa. 1961; nos. 4-5, adapted from Troll, 1948).
The Stem 183

FIG. 82. 1, Micrograph of the outer portion of a cross-section of the stern of Zea
mays showing the vascula r bundles scatiered in the ground parenchyma. x 50.
184 Plant Anatomy

circle of bundles of the next lower internode: In this circle, therefore,

about half the bundles are those of the nearest
,~," leaf above
i ~
the internode
while the rest are from that internode above this leaf. Of the outer circle
of an internode most of the bundles belong to the nearest leaf above it
(Esau, 1953).


With the progressive differentiation of the promeristematic cells the

three meristems, the protoderm, ground nieristem and procambium, are
formed. The procambium may be in the form of a solid or hollow cylinder
or of strips. The procambium stains more intensely than the neighbouring
tissues as a result of the delayed appearance of the vacoules in it. The de-
velopment of the pro cambium is continuous in ali acropetal direction,
i.e. from below towards the apex. The procambium differentiates below
the position where a leaf primordium is formed as a small buttress on
the surface of'the apex. As the leaf primordium grows its procambium
develops in continuation with the procambial strands of the stem below it.
Various opinions exist as to what factors control the order of appearance
of leaves, their arrangement and the organiZ'ation of the apex,_ in general.
Some workers regard the controlling cellire"as the promeristem
of the apex, while others regard it as being in the procambium which
develops acropetally (Crafts, 1943; Gunckd and Wet!,lOre, I 946a, b;
Snow and Snow, 1947; Philipson, 1949; Wardlaw, 1948, 1950, 1955):
The differentiation of procambial cells into cells of the vascular tissue
takes place in different plants and organs at different stages of,proca)llbial
development. For instance, in aerial stems of the' spermatophytes the
procambial cells undergo differentiation into tracheary elements even at \
the level where cell division still takes place in the procambium, while in .
the roots of most sperII]atophytes and in the stems of most pteridophytes
the first differentiation of the procambium takes place only where almost
all of the procambium cells have ceased to divide.
The earliest sieve elements (those of the protophloem) usually underg~,
acropetal differentiation, i.e. from the phloem of the traces of more mature
leaves, to the leaf primordia. The development of the phloem commences
before the appearance of the xylem elements. In spermatophytes the
primary xylem begins to differentiate from the procambium near the base
of the developing leaf, from where its further differentiation continues in
two directions-acropetally into the leaf, , and basipetally into the stem.
In the stem the newly formed xylem becomes continuous with the xylem
of earlier formed strands.
The above processes of differentiation have been proved only in relation
to the development of the protophloem and protoxylem. As yet the pattern
TI:e Stem 185

FIG. 83. 1, M icrograph of a cross-section of a single vascular bundle of Zea mays.

/{ 200. 2, Pbotograph of the lower portion of a longitudinaUy sectioned n"lature
stem of Zea mays in which most of the parench ymatous tissues have been destroy-
ed and showing horizontally orientated va scular bundles at the nodes . 3, Micro-
graph of a cross-section of an amphivasal secondal'Y vascular bundle from the
Plant Anatomy

of differentiation of the metaphloem and metaxylem along the shoot has

not been investigated thoroughly in the sp~rma!9phytes.
In the procambium it is possible to distinguish bet\veen that part that
will differentiate into xylem and that part that will differentiate into phloem
by the more intense staining of the latter as well as by the differences in
the plane of ,cell division.
According to the sequence of differentiation of the xylem across that
part of the procambium from which the xylem develops,· three types of
xylem can be distinguished. '-
I. The type in which the first-maturing elements 'are external, i,e, clos-
est to the periphery of the organ, as is seen in angiosperm roots (Fig. 114,
no, I). In this type the direction of the maturation of the xylem elements is
centripetal. This type of xylem is termed exarch,
2. The type in which the first-maturing elements are internal, i.e. nearest
to the centre of the axis, as is seen in angiosperm stems (Fig.71). In this
type the direction of the maturation of the xylem elements is centrifugal.
This type of xylem is termed,endarch.
3. ,The type in which the first-maturing elem~nts occur in the middle of
the xylem strand. In this case the direction of the maturation of the xylem
elements is both centripetal and centrifugal.· This type of xylem is termed
mesarch. /
The exarch and mesarch types of piimary xylem are apparently the
more primitive;
The phloem always develops towards the xylem. In those cases where the
phloem is situated only on the outside of the xylem the development of
the phloem is centripetal, and in internal phloem the development is centri-
In plants that exhibit secondary thickening that part of the procambium
between the primary xylem and phloem remains meristematic and forms",-
part of the vascular cambium. .

Adaptation of the stem to desert and salif!e habitats \

In desert perennials the leaves are usually very much reduced, e.g. as in
the articulated Chenopodiaceae, or they are shed at the beginning of the
very long dry season. In some plants, e.g., Artemisia spp., Reaumuria spp.,
Gymnocarpos fruticosus and Atriplex spp., the shed leaves are replaced,
during the dry season, by smaller and more xeromorphic leaves (Zohary,
1961). In other plants, e.g. Zygophyl/um dumosum, the chloroplast-contain-
ing petioles are retained after the leaflets are shed. In still others, such as
Retama raetam and Calligonum comosum, in which the function of photo-
synthesis is taken over by the young green branches, these branches may
be shed. In many desert plants even ordinary branches and larger portions
The Stem 187

of the plants die during the dry season (Orshan, 1953) so reducing the plant
body. and its requirements to a minimum. However; although' most desert
perennials appear dead at the end of the dry season they are capable of
developing new shoots with the onset of the rainy season.
As no or little foliage'actually remains on desert plants during the dry
season, the main problem of adaptation is not by what means transpiration
is reduced in the leaves, but how the plant remains viable until the onsel
of the rainy season. The answer to this question must therefore be sought
in the axis of the plant.
In some desert plants the function of photosynthesis is taken over by
the cortex of the stem. In others, in addition to the presence of photo-
synthesizing tissues, water-storing parenchyma, is developed.
Another commonly observed character of desert shrubs is the occurrence
of a split axis. The axes of Artemisia herba,alba, Peganum harmala, Zygo-
phyllum dumosum and Zilla spinosa, for instance, become split by various
anatomical mechanisms into separate parts or "splits" (Ginzburg, 1963}
which may compete with one another; the split in the most favourable
'microhabitat around the mother plant will probably be the one to sur-
- 'In primary stems the cortex is generally narrow and the vascular tissues
are situated' on the periphery of a wide pith; However, it has been observed
that the cortex of the primary stem of plants growing in deserts or salt
marshes is recognizably thicker than in mesophytes. This feature, which is
accompanied by the Hcontr~ction" of the vascular strands around a narrow
pith, may be an adaptive one by which the vascular tissues are protected
from drought or other damage in the early stage,s of development before
the periderm is developed.\
It is known that in the articulated Chenopodiaceae, such as Anabasis
spp., Haloxylon spp. and Arthrocnemum glaucum, the fleshy photosynthe-
sizing cortex is'shed from the mature stems in the summer as the result of
the formation of a periderm which develops in the phloem parenchyma
(Fahn, 1963). It is also of interest that in some desert plants, such as Atri-
plex halimus, Zygophyllum dumosum and Fagonia cretica, for example,
which do not have a fleshy cortex, the first-formed periderm also develops
deep within the stem in the pericycle or phloem parenchyma. This is an
adaptive feature.
In some desert shrubs, such as Artemisia spp. and Achillea jragrantissima,
interxylary cork rings are produced at the end of each annual wood incre-
ment. Moss (1940) has already pointed out the important adaptive value
of these interxylary cork tissues which reduce water loss and restrict the
upward passage of water to a narrow zone of functioning secondary xylem.
The anatomical structure of the stems of some xerophytes (plants grow-
ing in arid habitats) and one halophyte (plant growing in saline soil) will
be described here,
IB8 Plant Anatomy

Retama raetam. (Fig. 84, no. 3) may be cited as an example of plants with
xeromorphic.stem.(Evenari, 1938)._Along; brapches.o( this plants
there are ribs and furrows. The stomata are situated in the furrows in
which there are also nllmerous hairs ..:rhe central portion ofthe .ribs .con~
sists of a sclerenchymatous strand which is accompanied laterally, on the
sides facing the furrows, by one .or two rows of large colourless parenchyma
cells which serve as water~storjng cells and usually contain crystals. Be~


FIG. 84. Succulent and xeromorphic stems. I, Arthrocnemum glaucum. Portion of

cleared young stem showing the vascular syst em to be co ntracted to a narrow cyl-
inder in the centre of the stem and the anastomosing system of vascular bundles in
the fl eshy cortex and reduced leaves. x 12. 2, Portio n of a cleared fleshy young
stem of Anabasis articulata, from which the epidermis has been removed; in
addition to the details distinguishable in no. I, numerous crysta ls in the form of
druses can be seen. x 27.3, Micrograph of a cross-section of a young stem of Re-
tama raetam in which t he ribbed nature of the cortex can be seen. >:- 30.
The Stem 189

tween these cells and the epidermis is the photosynthesizing tissue, which
,consists of small and dense parenchyma cells containing chloroplasts and
crystals. The epidermal cells have very thick outer walls and cu!icle.
The succulent stems of desert plants are characterized by a well developed
water-storing tissue in the cortex and pith. As a result of this the ratio be-
tween the cortex and vascular cylinder in these plants is considerably larger
than that of other dicotyledons (Fig. 84, nos, 1,3), Anabatiis articulata (Fig.
84, no: '2; -Fig, 85) may be cited as an example of desert plants with a


Branches of
. vQscular bundles

Central vascular

, parenchyma

FIG. 85. Micrograph of a cross·section of the stem of Anabasis articulata. x28.

succulent stem (Volkens, 1887; Evenari, 1938; Fahn and Arzee, '1959), In
the young green internodes the epidermis consists of three to four layers
of thick-walled cells and it is covered by a very thick cuticle, Below the
epidermis is a hypodermis of thinner-walled cells which similarly to the
epidermis contain crystals, On the inside of this layer there is a layer
of palisade cells with chloroplasts, Immediately inside the palisade tissue
is a layer of more or less cubical cells which also contain chlorophyll. Still
further inwards is the water-storing parenchyma which also contains, here
and ther", large druses. With the maturation of the stem, cork tissue devel-
ops in the outer phloem parenchyma. Branches of the vascular bundles of
the internodes pass through this cork tissue into the cortex, In still older
branches the connection between the bundles and their branches is disrupt-
ed by the completion of theglrk cylinder and, as a result, the outer layers
dry out and are shed,
In Salicornia fruticosa (Fig. 86, nos. 1-3) which grows in salines, the
structure of the cortex is simpler (Fahn and Arzee, 1959). The epidermis
190 Plant Anatomy

is single-layered and thin-walled. The photosynthesizing tissue consists of

large palisade cells .yhich,store, 'o/.ater" as dq the, paren h yma, cells"of the
inner cortex. 1

FIG. 86. Succulent articulated stem of Salicorniafruticosa. 1, Longitudinal section

of the upper portion of the stem. x 13. 2, Portion of no. 1, enlarged. x 20. 3,
Cross-section of an internode. x 30.
The Stem 191

ARBER, A. 1950. The Natural Philosophy of Plant Form. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cam~
BAILEY, 1. W. 1956. Nodal anatomy in retrospect. Jour. Arnold Arb. 37: 269-287.
BALFOUR, E. E. and PHlLIPSON, W. R. 1962.' The development of the primary vascular
system of certain dicotyledons. Phylomorpho!ogy 12:.110-143.
BISALPU"fRA, T. 1962. Anatomical and morphological studies in the Chenopodiaceae.
III. The primary vascular system and nodal anatomy. Aust. Jour. Bot. 10: 13-24.
BLYTH', A. 1958, Origin of primary extraxylary stem fibers in dicotyledons. Univ. Calif.
Publ. Bat. 30: 145-232.
BOWER, F. O. 1911a. On the primary xylem and the origin of medullation in the Ophio~
glossum. Ann. Bot. 25: 537-555.
BOWER, F. O. 1911b. On the medullation in the Pteridophyta. Ann. Bot. 25: 555-575.
CRAFTS. A. S. 1943. Vascular differentiation in the shoot apex of Sequoia sempervirens.
Amer. Jour. Bot. '3~: 110-121.
CUTTER, E. G. 1959. Formation of lateral members. Proc. IX. Intern. Bot. Congr.
Montreal: 84-85.
DE BARY, A. 1877. Vergleichende Anatolnie der Vegetationsorgane der Phanerogamen
und Farne. W. Engelman, Leipzig.
EAMES. A.]; and MACDANIELS, L. H. 1947. An Itllroduction to Plant Anatomy, 2nd ed.
. McGraw-Hill, New York-London.
ESAU, K. 1950. Development and structure of the phloem tissue. If. Bot. Rev. 16:
.",_. 67~1I4.
ESAu,_K.J953._Plant Anatomy. John Wiley, New York.
EVENARI, M. 1938. The physiological anatomy of the transpiratory organs- and the
conducting systems. of certain plants typical of the wildernes.s of Judaea. Jour.
Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 51: 389-407.
FAHN, A. 1963. The fleshy cortex of. articulated Chenopodit1ceae. Maheshwari Camm.
Vol, Jour. Indian Bot. Soc. 42A: 39-45. '
FAHN, A. and ARZEE; T. 1959. Vascularization of articulated Chenopodiaceae and the
nature of their fleshy cortex. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46: 33()..-338.
FAlIN, A. and BAILEY, 1. W. 1957. The nodal anatomy and the primary vascular cylinder
of the Calycanthaceae. Jour. Arnold Arh. 38: 107-117.
FAHN, A. and BROIDO, S. 1963. The primary vasculariiation of the stems and leaves
of the genera Salsola and Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae). Phytomorphology 13: 156-165.
GEWIRTZ, M. and FAHN, A. 1960. The anatomy of sporophyte, and gametophyte of
Ophioglossum lusitanicum L. ssp. lusitanicum. Phytomorphology 10: 342-351.
GINZBURG, C. 1963. Some anatomic features of splitting of desert shrubs. Phyto-
morphology 13: 92-97.
GUNCKEL, J. E. and WETMORE, R. H. 1946a. Studies of development in long shoots of
Ginkgo hi/oba L. I. The origin and pattern of development of the cortex, pith and
procambium. Amer. Jout. Bot. 33: 285-295.
GUNCKEL, J. E. and WETMORE, R. H. 1946b. Studies on the development of long and
short shoots of Ginkgo hiloba L. II. PhyIlotaxis and organization of the primary
vascular system, primary phloem and primary xylem. Amer. Jour. Bot. 33: 532-543.
GWYNNE-VAUGHAN, D. T. 1901. Observations on the anatomy of solenostelic ferns.
[. Loxsoma. Ann. Bot. IS: 71-98,
JEFFREY, E. C. 1910. The Pteropsida. Bot. Gaz. 50: 401--414.
KUMAZAWA, M, 1961. Studies on the vascular course in maize plant. Phytomorpho{ogy
11: 128-139.
MARSDEN. M. P. F. and BAILEY, 1. W. 1955. A fourth type of nodal anatomy in dieD--
tyledons illustrated by Clerodendrolt trichotomum Thunb. Jour. Arnold Arb. 36:


As HAS already been mentioned, it is difficult, both from theoretical and

practical viewpoints, to distinguish clearly between the leaf and the stem.
This difficulty is clarified in the light of the accepted assumption that the
leaves in the Pteropsida (the higher Pteridophyta and the Spermatophyta)
have, phylogenetically, developed from a certain system of branches.
The structure of the conducting tissues in the petiole and main vein of
the leaf is usually similar to that of the stem. Sometimes the same photo-
synthetic and non-photosynthetic parenchymatoustissues are found both
.in the .leaves and in the cortex of the stem (Fahn and Arzee, 1959). The
.most important characteristic of the leaf is the early termination of apical
"g~~'Y_th. In certain ferns the apical meristem remains active for a relatively
long period, while in other ferns, e.g. Ophioglossum, and in the Spermato-
phyta'the !rue apical activity ceases very early in the development of the
leaf and then the shape and size of the leaf is determined by intercalary
and marginal growth:. I
Morphologically and anatomically the leaf is the most variable plani
organ. The collective term for all the types of leaves appearing on plants
is the pliyllome (Arber, 1950). The different phyllomes of the Spermatophy-
ta are.extremely',variable both in external and in internaFstructure and in
function. Because of this variability the following types of phyllomes have
been classified: foliage leaves, cataphylls, hypsophylls, cotyledons, and
others. The foliage leaves are the principal photosynthetic organs. The
cataphyiIs are the scales that appear on buds and on underground stems
and their function is protection or the storage of reserve materials. The
first, lowermost leaves of a side branch are termed prophyl/s; in monoco-
tyledons only one prophyll is usually present and in dicotyledons, two. The
hypsophylls are the various types of bracts that accompany the flowers
and their function is, apparently, protection. Sometimes the hypsophylls
are coloured and then their function is similar to that of petals. The coty-
ledons are the first leaves of the plant. The floral organs are also considered
as leaves.
192 Plant Anatomy

MARSDEN, M. P. F; and STEEVES, T. A. 1955. On the primary vascular system and nodal
anatomy of Ephedra. Jour. Arnold Arb. 36: 241-258.
METCA~FE, C. R. and CHALK, L. 1950. Anatomy of the DicotyleJons. Clarendon Press;
Moss, E. H. 1940. Interxylary cork in Artemisia with a refere-nee to its taxonomic signi-
ficance. Amer. Jour. Bot. 27: 762-768.
NAST, C. G. 1944. The comparative morphology of the Wintera(:eae. VI. Vascular
anatomy of the .flowerjng shoot. JOJlr. Arnold Arb.-25: 454-466.
ORSHAN, G. 1~53. Note on the application of Raunkiaers system of life forms in arid
regions. Palest, iour. Bot. Jerusalem 6: 120-122.
PALLADlN, W.l. 1914. Pjlanzenanatomie. B. G. Teubner, l:eipzig and Berlin. "'"
PmuPsoN, W. R. 1949. The ontogeny of the shoot apex in dicotyledons. Bioi. Rev.
24: 21-50.
PRIESTLEY, J. H. 1926. Light and growth. II. On the anatomy of etiolated plants. New
Phytol. 25: 145-170. .
SHARMAN, B. C. 1942. Development anatomy of the shoot of Zea mays L. Ann. Bot.
6: 245-282.
SINNOTT, E. W. 1914. Investigations on the phylogeny of angiosperms. r. The anatomy
of the node as an aid in the classification of angiosperms. Amer. Jour. Bot. 1:
SMITH, G. M. 1955. Cryptogamic Botany. Vol. II. Bryophytes and Pteridophytes. 2nd
ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.
SNOW, M. and SNOW, R. 1947. On the determination of leaves. Nelv Phytol. 46: 5-19.
SPORNE, K. R. 1962. The Morphology of Pteridophytes. Hutchinson Univ. Library,
London. ~
TROLL, W.-1948.' Allgemeine Botanik. F. Enke,"".Stuttgart.·
VAN FLEET, D. S. [941a. The development and distribution oftfte endodermis'and an
associated oxidase system in monocotyledonous'plants. Amer. Jour. Bot: 29:,)-15.
VAN FLEET, D. S. 1942b. The significance of oxidation in the endo,dermis. Amer.'Jour.
Bot. 29: 747-755. /
V AN FLEET, D. S. 1950a. The cell forms and their common substance reactions in the
parenchyma-vascular boundary. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 77: 340-353. ,
VAN FLEET, D. S. 1950b . A comparison ofhis~oc~e~i~a_! apd anatomicaI"characteristics
of the hypodermis with the- endodermis in vascular plants. Amer. 'lour. Bot. 37:
721-725. I
VAN TIEGHEM, P. and DOULIOT, H: 1886: Sur la polystelie. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser. 7,3:
275-322. .
VOLKENS, G. 1887. Die Flora der aegyptisch-arabischen Wilste auf Grundla'ge anatomisch
physiologischer Forschungen. Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin.
WARDLAW, C. w. 1948. Experimental and analytical studies ,of Pteridophytes. XI.
Preliminary observations on tensile stress as a factor in_fern phyllotaxis. Am};.
Bot. N.S. 12: 97-109. .. I.
WARDLAW, C. W. 1950. Experimental and analytical studIes of pterIdophytes. XVI.
The induction of leaves and buds in Dryop/eris aristata Druce. Ann. Bot. N.S. 14:
WARDLAW, C. W. 1955. Evidence relating to the diffusion-reaction theory of morpho-
genesis. New Phytol. 54: 39-48.
WARDLAW, C. W, 1960. The inception of shoot organization. Phytomorphology 10:
WETMORE, R. H. 1943. Leaf-stem relationships in the vascular plants. Torreya 43: 16-28.
ZOHARY, M. 1961. On hydro-ecological relations of the Near East desert vegetation.
Plant water relationships in arid and semi-arid conditions. Proc. Madrid Symp.
Unesco, Arid Zone Res. 16: 199-212.
Plant Anatomy
Morphology of the leaf
In this chapter we shall deal with foliage leaves which/among the Angio-
spermae in particular, themselves exhibit great variation in anatomical and
morphological structure. The foliage leaves in certain· angiosperm genera
are sessile and consist almost entirely of lamina, but in most genera several
distinct parts can be distinguished in. the foliage leaf, i.e. the leaf base,
petiole and lamina. The shape, structure and relative size of these parts
differ and are used to classify the foliage leaves into different types. In
many dicotyledonous genera two appendages, i.e. the stipules, develop" at
the leaf base. The stipules may be attached to the leaf base or they may
be free appendages. Even when they are free appendages they develop as
outgrowths of the leaf primordia. The vascular supply of the stipules is
derived from the leaf traces (Fig. 97, no. 2). In some plants the stipules
are green and resemble leaflets and have a photosynthetic function, but
their main function is -the protection of young developing leaves. In some


4 primordial 5

FIG. 87. Bud scales of Vilis vinijera. Numerals indicate the centripetal order of
appearance of the scales and young foliage leaves. 1, Cataphyll which envelops
the bud. 2-5~ Young foliage leaves in order of their appearance in the bud. The
stipules of the outer leaves are relatively large and they serve to protect the bud.
(Adapted from drawings made by Z. Bernstein.)
The Leaf 1<:)5

woody dicotyledons (e.g. Ficus and Vitis) the outermost scales protecting
the buds are stipules (Fig. 87, nos. 1-5). In most monocotyledons and some
dicotyledons (the Umbelliferae and Polygonaceae) the leaf base is widened
so as to form a sheath which surrounds the node. Usually a relationship
exists between the anatomical structure of the node and the appearance of
stipules and a sh~athin the dicotyledons (Sinnott and Bailey, 1914). Most
plants with trilacunar nodes (i.e. those in which are three leaf-gaps
at 'each node) have stipules and those with multilacunar nodes, have
sheath-like leaf bases.
Leaves are divided into simple and compound depending on whether the
stalk bears one or more leaflets. In the case of compound leaves the com-
mon stalk is termed the rachis. If the leaflets arise from the sides of the rachis,
the leaf is said to be pinnate, and if all from one point, as rays, palmate.
The margin of the leaf, and similarly the leaflets, may be entire or variously
In some plants, such as many species of Acacia of Australian origin, the
lamina of. the leaves is reduced, and from the remaining parts a flat, leaf-
.:like photosynthetic organ is developed; this type of organ is termed a
~phyllode. In certain plants (Opuntia spp., Muehlenbeckia platyclados) the
stems are photosynthetic and have become flat; such organs are termed
platyclades, When the platyclade appears very leaf-like, as in Ruscus, it is
billed a phylloclade.

Histology Of the foliage leaf

Histologically the leaf is composed of three types of tissue systems :,epi-
dermis, mesophyll and 'vascular tissues ..


The epidermis of leaves of different plants varies in the number of lay-

ers, its shape, structure, arrangement of the stomata, appearance and
arrangement of trichomes and occurrence of specialized cells. (The above
features are discussed in Chapter 10.) Because of the usnally flat structure
of the leaf, a distinction is made between the epidermal tissues of the two
surfaces of the leaf; that surface of the leaf that is closer to the internode
above it and which usually faces upwards is referred to as the adaxial sur-
iace, and the other surface as the abaxial surface.
196 Plant Anatomy

F IG. 88. Micrographs of porti ons of cross-sections of I'e ar laminae. 1, EucalyptuS

hemiphloia which has an isolateral arrangement of mesollhyll tissues and a thick
cuticle. The inner palisade-like cells are darkly stained because they contain tan-
nins. Bundle sheaths surrounding the veins can be distinguished. X 130. 2, Rosa
showing the dorsiventral arrangement of the mesophyll. x 140. 3, As in no. 2, bLlt
portion enlarged. X 270.
The Leaf 197


The mesophyll comprises the parenchymatous tissue internal to the

epidermis. The mesophyll usually undergoes differeniiation to form the
photosynthetic tissues and so contains chloroplasts. In many plants, especi-
ally among the dicotyledons, two types of parenchyma can be distinguished
in the mesophyll: palisade parenchyma and. spongy parenchyma (Fig. 88,
no. 3; fig. 91, nos. 1, 2i. The cells of typical palisade parenchyma are elon-
gated and in cross-section of the leaf they are rod-shaped and appear to be
arranged in rows, while in a section parallel to the leaf surface these cells
are seen to be rounded and separated or only slightly attached to one an-
other (Fig. 91, no. I). In certain plants the palisade cells are of shape differ-
ent from the typical. In certain species of the Xanthorrhoeceae small
papilla-like projections and constrictions which run around the cells are
found (Fahn, 1954). In Lilium large lobes are present on the palisade cells
which therefore appear branched (Fig. 89, no. I).
The palisade cells are found immediately below the uni- or multiseriate
'epidermis, but sometimes a hypodermis may be present between the epi-
dermis and the palisade tissue. The cells of palisade parenchyma may be
arranged in ,on"" or .more layers and in the latter case the length of the cells
i'n the different rows may be"equal, or they may become shorter towards
the centre of the mesophyll. The palisade tissue is usnally found on the
adaxial surface of the,leaLIIn some plants, however, e.g. Thymelaea, the
palisade parenchyma is found only on the abaxial side of the leaf (Fig. 89,
nos. 2, 3). In certain plants, including many xeromorphic species, e.g.
Dianthus caryophyllus, Atriplex portulacoides (Fig. 90, no. 1), species of
Centaurea, Artemisia ~nd )lyoporum, palisade parenchyma is-present oil
both sid'es"or the leaf with the result tbat only a small strip of spongy paren-
chyma is present in the central portion of the lamina. A leaf in which the
palisade parenchyma occurs on one side onhe leaf and the spongy paren-
chyma on the other is termed dorsiventra! or bi/acia!. Wben the palisade
parenchyma is present on both sides of the leaf, the leaf is said to be iso-
lateral or isobilateral.
The ceUs of the spongy parenchyma are variously shaped. They may
resemble the palisade cells, or have equal diameters, or be elongated in a
direction parallel to the leaf surface. However, a characteristic of all spongy
parenchyma cells is the presence of lobes by which the neighbouring cells
are connected.
The distinction between the palisade and spongy parenchyma is not
always easy, especially when the palisade parenchyma consists of several
layers. In the latter case the cells of the innermost layers greatly resemble
those of adjacent spongy parenchyma.
In certain plants, such as Zea and many other grasses, the mesophyll
cells are more or less uniform in shape (Fig. 93. no. 2). Also in (,prh:!-in
198 Plant Anatomy

paren chyma


Palisa de

FIG. 89. 1, Portion of across-section of the Jamina of L ifium candidum showing lob-
ed palisade parenchyma cells immediately below the epidermis. x 430. 2, Cross-
section of the leaf of Thymelaea hirsuta in which the palisade parenchyma is pre-
sent on the abaxial side of the leaf and the spongy parenchyma on the adaxial
side. X 55. 3, As in no. 2, but portion around mid-rib en larged. x 200.
FIG. 90. 1, Portion of a cross~section of the leaf of Atriplex portulacoides showing
the vesiculate salt trichomes, thick~wal1ed epidermis and isobilateral arrange-
ment of the mesophyll tissues. The inner mesophyll celIs are large, contain few
chloroplasts and store water; occasional druses occur in these cells. 2, As above,
but of Atriplex halimus in which the epidermis is relatively thin-walled, the uni~
seriate hypodermis is devoid of chloroplasts, stores water and contains occa-
sional druses. The chlorenchyma, which consists of uniform elongated cells, is pre-
sent between the abaxial and adllxial hypodermal layers. The bundle sheaths are
open on the abaxial sicif' nf th", " .. ",.,,~ ~J..~ ~ ... 11~ -~ ~,_- -'_
200 Plant Anatomy

species of Eucalyptus (e.g. E. hemiphloia) and in Atrip/ex it is not possible

to distinguish between ·two types ·of parenchyma, and the mesophyll is
entirely composed of palisade cells (Fig; 88, no. 1; Fig: 90, no. 2).
The palisade tissue has become specialized in such a way that the effi-
ciency of photosynthesis has been increased. In mesophyll that can be clear-
ly divided into palisade and spongy parenchyma the large majority of the
chloroplasts are found in the palisade cells. -Because of the .shape and ?r-
rangement of the palisade cells the chloroplasts can be. placed so as to

FlO. 91. Micrographs of sectiOr1s cut parallel to the leaf su rface of Rosa. 1, Section
through the palisade parenchyma. x 520. 2, Sectio n through spongy parenchyma.
x 420.
The Leaf 201

enable the maximum utilization of light, Under illumination the chloro-

plasts forrri' i 'singJe 'layeTlining' the-walls oUhe palisade cells;
Another important factor that increases photosynthetic efficiency is the
presence of a well developed system of intercellular spaces which is present
jn the mesophyle and which facilitates rapid gas exchange. Because of the
cell arrangement in the mesophylllarge surface areas of the cells are ex-
posed-and ~o brought into,contact with aiL, Together these surface areas
have been termed the internal surface area of the leaf as distincffrom the

FIG. 92. Micrographs of portions of cross-~ections of leaf laminae. 1, Musa (Dwarf

Cavendish banana), x 150. 2, Iris, in which the leaf is unifacial. x 100.
202 Plant Anatomy

external surface area of the leaf. The ratio of the volume of the intercellular
~paces, to the,total volume of the leaf varies between 77 ;.1 pOD and 713: 1000
(Sift on, 1945). The ratio of the internalsurface area to the external surface
area is of ecological importance (Turrell, 1936, 1939, 1942, 1944). The inter-
nal surface area of Styrax officinalis is eight times larger than the external
surface area, and in Olea it is eighteen ,times larger.
The specialization of the palisade tissue that results in more efficient
photosynthesis is brought about not only by the increased number of
chloroplasts in the cells but also by the dimensions of its free surface area,
Although the volume of the intercellular spaces in the spongy tissue is
much larger than that,in the palisade tissue, the free surface area is greater
in the palisade tissue. This feature becomes obvious when sections parallel
to the leaf surface are examined (Fig. 91, nos, 1,2). In such sections it is
seen that the palisade cells are round in cross-section and that the areas of
contact between the cells are restricted to very narrow strips, while the
areas of contact in the spongy tissue are fiatter and wider. Thus, for exam-
ple, in Styrax officinalis the free surface area of th.palisade tissue is about
twice as large as that of the spongy tissue. \
The intercellular spaces of the mesophyU usually develop schizogenously,
but in certain plants the development may also be lysigenous by the dis-
integration of gr()UPS of cells, Examples oUhe latter type o(development
are seen in water and marshy plants, and also in the banana leaf (Skutch,
1927) (Fig. 92, no. I).

Xerophytes, according to the definition'of Maximov (1931), 'are plants

that grow in arid habitats and whose transpiration decreases to a minimum
under conditions of water deficiency. Plants may develop structural cha-
racteristics that are adaptations to arid habitats. Such plants a're termed
xeromorphic plants. Xeromorphism, however, is not confined to xero-
phytes, and not all xerophytes exhibit xeromorphic characters. \
One of the most obvious features of xeromorphic lea~es is the small
ratio of the external leaf surface to its volume. According {o numerous
workers (Schimper, 1898; Maximov, 1929;-Weaver and Clements, 1929;
Oppenheimer, 1960, and others) the reduction of the external surface is
accompanied by certain changes in the internal structure of the leaf as, for
instance, the reduction in cell size, the increase in the thickness of the/ cell
walls, the greater density both of the vascular system (Wylie, 1949) and
of the stomata, and the increased development of the palisade tissue at the
expense of the spongy tissue. Xeromorphic leaves are often covered with
trichomes. In xerophytes with succulent leaves water-storing tissue is
The Leaf 203
The lack of nitrogenous compounds and/or water in the soil often results
in the appearance of xeromorphic characters such as the formation of
thick walls and cuticle and the additional development of sclerenchyma
(Volkens, 1887; Kraus and Kraybill, 1918; Welton, 1928; Schneider, 1936),
A clear relationship can be established between the salinity of th~ soil and
the appearance of succulent features in the plants growing in it (Mothes,
1932). Intense illumination and the retardation of the water flow due
to water deficiency apparently results in the increased development of
palisade tissue (Shields, 1950).
Some of the above changes, such as the increase in the number of sto-
mata, allow a higher rate of gas exchange under conditions of favoura):>le
water supply. Furthermore, the increased development of palisade tissue
probably results in an ihcrease of photosyntheti<, activity.
The reduction in the size of the leaf is thought to be'a feature correlated
with the reduction of the rate of transpiration and in many places it is seen
that plants with small leaves are commoner in dry habitats. In somecases
the'reduction of leaf size is connected with an increase in the total number
- of leaves on the plant. Thus, for example, the total external surface area of
~he entire foliage of certain coniferous trees is usually greater than that of
-many dicotyledons (Gro,om, 1910).
'Trichomes are very common onxerophytes. If a species exists in both
xeromorphic and mesomorphic forms, the former has a denser indumen-
tum (Coulter et al., 1931).ln many xeromorphic plants, such as, for in-
stance, Nerlum and X~ntho~rhoea, the stomata are sunken in depressions
or grooves which are covered by trichomes (Fig. 93, no. 1).
According to some investigators (such as Weaver and Clements, 1929),
the trichomes and wax cov"rings play but.a.small role in the.reduction of
transpiration as "long as the stomata are open. However, when the stomata
are closed these structures fulfill an important protective function. Accord-
ing to Shields (1950), Jiving trichomes, which themselves lose water, do not
protect the plant from excessive transpiration as do dead trichomes which
form protective layers. As trichomes are more numerous on plants grow·
ing in dry habitats, and as they do not prevent excessive evaporation,
Shields suggests that it is possible that the trichomes are symptoms of
water loss rather than being structures that function to reduce evaporation.
Volkens (1887) suggested that in some desert plants the stomata on the
photosynthesizing plant organs become permanently closed during the
summer season. This closure is caused by the additional thickening and
cutinization of the guard-cell walls (e.g. Aristida ciliata, Sporobolus spica-
Ius) or by the blocking of the sunken stomata from the exterior by resinous
masses (e.g. Pilyranthus) or by wax layers (e.g. Capparis spinosa). In
Anabasis articulata and other related species prominent wall thickenings
have been seen to develop in the guard cells in the hot summer months.
The permanent closure of the stomata of desert plants during the drv sea-
204 Plant Anatomy

son should be investigated experimentally, as this feature explains how

those green'parts of desert-phints ·that do' no! dry out 'manage to 'retain
their water content (Fig. 64, nos: I, 2).
In Rumex acetosella drops of resin or oil form in the epidermis and in
the cells around' the veins under drought conditions (Transeau, 1904); this
feature apparently hinders the passage of water. It is possible that this is
also the function of the tannins and resins found in species of Quercus
and Pistacia of the Mediterranean maquis. '-
Water in leaves is conducted not only by the veins and bundle-sheath
exterisions, but also by the mesophyll cells and epidermis (Shull, 1934;
Wylie, 1943). Water 'transport towards the epidermis is much higher
through the palisade tissue than through the spongy parenchyma. In cen-
tric xeromorphicleaves the palisade cells radiate around the central vascular
bundles and therefore, under favourable conditions of water supply, the
transport of water from the bundles to the epidermis is enhanced (Thoday,
1931j. The presence of intercellular spaces, especially between the palisade
cells, however, limits water transport in the plane parallel to the leaf sur-
face (Wylie, 1943). '
The volume of intercellular spaces is smaller in xeromorphic leaves than
in mesomorphic ones, ,However, the ratio between the internal free surface
area of the leaf and its ext~rnal surface is,';;all in shade leaves (6· 8 to 9· 9)
and large (17'2 to 31·3) in xeromorphic leaves (Turrell, 1936). Similar
results have been obtained by us from plants of various ecological
types, e.g. in Styrax officinalis, which is a mesophyte, the ratio is 8.91,
while in Olea europaea and Quercus call1prinos, which are xerophytes, it is
17·95 and 18· 95 respectively. The increase in the free internal surface area'
is due to the increased development of the palisade tissue ..Thelatter is prob-
ably one of the reasons why, besid~s the increase in , photosynthetic activ-
ity, the rate of transpiration of xerophytes is high under conditions 'of
favourable water supply. ,
In some xerophytes, and generally in halophytes, well developed water-
storing tissues occur in the leaves. Water-storage tissue in the leaf consists
of large cells with large vacuoles containing a dilute and/or mucilaginous \
cell sap. These cells have a thin layer of cytoplasm lining the cell walls
in which scattered chloroplasts may be fou'1d._The osmotic pressure in the
photosynthesizing cells is higher than in the non-photosynthesizing and
when water is lacking they obtain their water from the water-storing tissue.
As a result of this, the thin-walled water-storing cells shrink, but under
favourable conditions of water supply they rapidly return to their former
state (Schimper, 1898).
In the reduced leaves of Salicornia, broad and short tracheid-like cells
are found among the palisade cells (Fahn and Arzee, 1959). The function
of these cells has been variously interpreted by different workers. Duval-
Jouve (1868) stated that they were filled with air. According to Holtermann
The Leaf 205

(1907) these cells transport water to the peripheral layers. Other in-
vestigators (Heinricher, 1885; Volkens, 1887; Solereder, 1908; De Fraine,
1912) believe that these tracheid-like cells have a water-storing function
(Fig. 94). Tracheoid idioblasts may be scattered throughout the mesophyll
as, for instance, in Pogonophora schomburgkiana of the Euphorbiaceae
(Foster, 1956)'.
Involution of the leaves, which is especjally typical of grasses, is a cha-
racter" of xerophytes. This feature is brought about by the action of bulli- •
form cells and lor other epidermal and mesophyll elements which may be
parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous (Shields, 1951).
There are plants, such as Nerium oleander, which, although growing in
favourable wet conditions, have xeromorphic leaves, as these are defined
today. On the other hand, plants, such as Prunus amygdalus and Anagyris,
which grow in dry hahitats, have leaves of mesomorphic charader. How-
ever, in the majority' of cases there is a correlation between all the above-
mentioned xeromorphic features, or some of them, and the dry conditions
ortlle 'habitat. It is necessary to continue the investigation of additional
-anatomical and physiological features in order to understand better how
.desert plants withstand conditions of extreme drought.


In contrast with the different types of xerophytic habitats, water pro-
vides a uniform habitat and therefore the anatomical structure of water
plants is less varied than that of the xerophytes. The factors that influence
water plants are principally temperature, air and 'the concentration and
composition of salts in the water. The most striking structural features
in the leaves of water plants are the reduction of supporting and protective
tissues, the decrease in the amount of vascular tissue, especially xylem,
and the presence of air chambers.
The epidermis of water plants does not have a protective function and
it plays a part in the uptake of nutrient substances from the water and in
gas exchange. The cuticle is very thin, as are the cell walls. The epidermal
cells of many hydrophytes contain chloroplasts. Immersed leaves are usually
devoid of stomata although sometimes vestigial stomata may be found.
Many stomata are, however, present on the upper surface of floating leaves.
[n many species of water plants, e.g. Ceratophyllum, Myriophyllum and
Ulricuiaria, the leaves are divided into narrow cylindrical lobes which
greatly increase the area of contact with the water. In Ranunculus aquatilis
the floating leaves are entire, while the immersed leaves are divided into
narrow lobes.
In the leaves and stems of hydrophytes air chambers, filled with gases,
are found (Fig. 93, no. 3; Fig. 97, no. 1). These chamhp.-r~ ~rp int", .......",I1"l.., ...
Plant Anatomy

FIG. 93. Micrographs of portions of cross-sections of leaf laminae. 1, Nerium

oleallder showing the thick adaxial cuticle, multiseriate epidermis, dorsiventral
arrangement of the mesophyll and the abaxial grooves in which the stomata are
situated and in which there are many trichomes. x 95. 2, Zea mays showing a
group of bullifofro cells, the uniform structure of the mesophyll and the bundl e
The LeaJ 207

spaces which are usually regular in shape and which pass through the
entire leaf. In many plants the air chambersomay penetrate deep into the
tissues of the stem. This type of structure can be seen in the leaves of
Potamogeton and Eichhornia. The air chambers are usually separated from
one another by thin partitions of one or two layers of chloroplast-contain-
ing cells. Cross partitions also occur in the air passages-elongated air
cavities arranged parallel to the longitudinal axis of the organs-where
they are termed diaphragms (Fig. 96, nos. I, 2). The diaphragms consist
of a single layer of cells with small intercellular spaces. which appear as
small pores and which apparently allow the passage of gases but not of
The most specialized tissue found in the stem and respiratory roots of
many water plants is the aerenchyma (Fig. 95, no. 3). Aerenchyma is,
strictly speaking, a phellem tissue derived from a typical phellogen of
either cortical or epidermal origin (Haberlandt, 1918). During the devel-
opment of this phellem single cells, at constant intervals from each cell
.layer, elongate in a radial direction (in relation to the organ) while the
~cells between them remain short. This lengthening of the cells pushes the
previously formed layer of cells outwards so that numerous elongated air
~chambers, parallel to the axis of the pbnt, are formed. The elongated
cells form the radial walls of the air' chambers, while the non-elongated
'cells form the tangential' walls. From the physiological point of view,
however, any tissue that,
large intercellular spaces is termed
Immersed hydrophytes contain very little sclerenchyma and may even
be devoid of this tissue. Strips of sclerenchyma are, however, sometimes
found along the leaf margins.
The root system ofhydrophytes °is usually very reduced and it principally
provides an anchorage in the soil as the uptake of water and salts is car-
ried out by the leaves and stems, For the same reason the vascular system
is also much reduced. The reduction is especially obvious in the xylem
tissue. Tn many species the xylem of the large veins is represented by only
a few elements and in many of the small veins tracheary elements are
completely absent. In such plants a duct similar to an air passage is pre-
sent in the position of the xylem. The phloem is also reduced in comparison
with that of land plants, but not to the same extent as is the xylem.

sheaths which consist of a single layer of thin-walled cells. x 210. 3, Nymphaea

alba showing stomata in the adaxial epidermis, several layers of palisade cells
with veins immediately below them and the wide region of tissue containing
large air cavities, in the walls of which are asterosclereids. The abaxial epidermis
is devoid of stomata. x 1 10.
208 Plant Anatomy

A similarity :exists between the tissues of the petiole; arid those of the
stem. The epidermis of the petiole is continuous with that of the stem.
The parenchyma cells of the petiole" like those of the, cortex, contain,only
a few chloroplasts especially as compared with the cells of tqe lamina.

FIG. 94. 1, Micrograph of a node a nd reduced leaves of a cleared stem of Sali-

cornia, showing the tracheids which are present in the region of the palisade
parenchyma. These tracheids store water and they are co nnected to the vein
endings present in the leaves and in the stem cortex. X 40, 2, Portion of above in
region of tracheids, s howing the helical thickening of the tracheids. X 120.
The Leaf 209

The supporting tissues of the petiole are collenchyma and jor sc\erenchyma.
The vascular.bundles of thepetiol<'".l]lay be collateral"e.g. Ligustrum (Fig.
98, no. 1), bicollateral, c;.g. _Ner_ium, or concentric, as in certain pterido-
phytes and many dicotyledons. The phloem is accompanied, in many
species, by groups of fibres. The arrangement" of the vascular tissues in
the petiole differs in different plants. It may appear in a cross-section of
the petiole as a continuous or an
int~rrupted cre~cent, e.g. Olea, Nicotiana,
Nerium, Of as an entire or interrupted'ring, e.g. -Ricinus, Quercus calliprinos,

\'] I


FIG. 95. 1 and 2, Succulent leaf of Sa/sola kali. 1, Outline of entire cross-section
of lamina. 2, Detailed diagram of one half of the lamina showing palisade paren-
chyma on both sides of the leaf and the central portion of large, water-storing
parenchyma cells. 3, Portion of a cross-section of an aerial pneumatophore of
Jussiaea peruviana in which secondary vascular tissues, phellogen and aerenchy-
rna can be distinguished. (Nos. 1 and 2, adapted from Shields, 1951; no. 3,
aClantprl from Palbrlin lQ,A ...
210 plant Anatomy

Q. boissieri (Fig. 98, no. 2), Citrus (Fig. 102, no. 1), or as a ring with
additional internal and external bundles, e.g. Vilis, Platanus, Robinia,
Pelargonium. An arrangement of· scattered bundles is ~een in many mono-

FlG. 96. 1, Micrograph of portion of a cross-section of the leaf of Rrltomus show-

iog a diaphragm traversing an air passage. ~x 145. 2, Portion of the diaphragm
enlarged. X 450.

cotyledons and in Rumex. If there is a single collateral bundle in the

petiole, the phloem is found on the abaxial side and if the bundles are
arranged in a ring the phloem is external to the xylem on the periphery of
the ring.
The Leaf 211

In certain plants the base of the petiole appears swollen and contains
a larger amount of parenchyma than·the rest· of the petiole. Such a petiole
base is termed a pulvinus. In such cases where this area is capable of bring-
ing about leaf movement, as in Mimosa pudica, for example, the paren-
cbyma cells on the active side of the pulvinus have thinner walls. Inter:
cellular spaces are present and there appears to be a close association
between the cytoplasm and the cell wall.

FIG. 97. 1, Cross-section of a leaf of Ceratophyllum submersum. 2, Diagram of the

leaf base of Tdfolium showing that the vascular supply of the stipules is derived
from the lateral1eaf-traces. 3, Surface view of the venation of a mature portion
of the leaf of Quercus cal/iprinos .. the veins that are accompanied by bundle-
sheath extensions are represented by double lines and those without such exten-
sions by a single line. (No. J, adapted from Troll. 1948; no. 2, adapted from Fos-
tcr and Gifford, 1959.)


As has already been noted in the chapter on the stem, one, two. three
or many leaf traces enter the leaf. The leaf traces may continue in the
same number throughout the entire length of the leaf or they may divide.
fuse and branch again later. Single or several closely associated vascular
bundles form the veins. The term vein is sometimes used to include the
vascular tissue together with the non-vascular tissue that surrounds it.
212 Plant Anatomy

There are plants, such as certain species of the Coniferales and Equ;setum,
in which theJeaf has but a single .. However, in most of the higher
pteridophytes and the majority of the angiosperms the' leaf contains nu-
merous veins. The arrangement of the veins in-the leaf is termed venation.

, .,'

-_ ._

• >
," _',

FIG. 98. Cross-sections of petioles. 1, Ligustrumjapl;nicum in which the bundle is

crescent-shaped. 2, Quercus boissieri in which the bundles are'arranged in a ring.
White areas-parenchyma; sparsely stippleJ areas-collenchyma; densely
stippled 3reas-phloem;hatched areas-xylem; solid black areas-sclerenchyma.

In the angiosperms two main types of venation are usually distinguished

-reticulate and parallel venation. In leaves with reticulate venation,
which is the commonest type among the dicotyledons, the veins are of
different sizes depending on the degree of branching. As a result of branch-
ing and fusing a network of veins is formed. In leaves with parallel vena-
tion, which is the commonest type among the monocotyledons, the main
veins continue throughout the entire leaf and are almost parallel for most
The Leaf 213

of their length but approach one another and fuse at the leaf tip or both
at the leaf tip and base. These "parallel""veins are interconnected by very
thin bundles which are scattered throughout the lamina (Fig. 99, no. 2).
In certain monocotyledons, e.g. Zantedeschia, a special type of venation
is found. Here the veins are parallel for a certain distance, after which
they spread out in a feather-like pattern. In these leaves there are also
small veins that connect the main veins. Parallel venation can also be
found in certain dicotyledons, e.g. Plantago, Geropogon and Tragopogon,
and reticulate venation also occurs in certain monocotyledons, e.g. genera
of the Orchidaceae, in Smilax and Arum.
When the venation is reticulate the largest vein passes through the
median part of the leaf andit forms the main or central vein from which
smaller veins branch. In certain leaves numerous 'large veins can be seen
spreading out, as rays, from the base of the leaf lamina toward its margins.
Those parts of the lamina through which the larger veins, both main and
secondary, pass are usually thicker and project as ribs on the abaxial side
()f the leaf. These ribs are formed of parenchymatous tissue which is poor
'iii: chloroplasts, and of supporting tissue which is usually collenchyma.
'.Therefore the larger veins have no direct contact with the mesophyll, in
.the narrow se::!se of the word. The small veins that form a network between
the'larger veins, and which occur in the mesophyll proper, are usually
situated in the outermost layer of the spongy mesophyll which borders
the palisade cells (Fig.,,88, l10s. 2, 3; Fig. 92, no. I; Fig. 93, nos. I, 3).
The small veins usually form net,,:orks. These networks vary in size
aL<d shape, and they accordingly subdivide the area of the mesophyll.
The smallest areas, which are bounded by the thinnest branches of the
b4ndles, are called areoli, and they usually contain terminal vein-endings
which end blindly in the mesophyll (Fig. 99, no. 3). The degree of branch-
ing of these vein-endings differs in the leaves of different plants. Thus, for
instance, in the leaves of Euphorbia (Fig. 99, no. 3) or Ricinus, very many
such blind ends may be found in a single areole, in Morus there are some-
what fewer, in Quercus boissieri very few, and in the leaves of Q. calliprinos
(Fig. 97, no. 3) blind vein-endings are absent or almost so.
In monocotyledons with parallel venation, the veins that pass along
the entire leaf may be almost of the same thickness or they may be of
different thicknesses. In the latter case the thick and thinner veins are
arranged alternately. The median vein is usually the thickest.
In Ginkgo and many pteridophytes the veins do not form a closed system
since the adjacent branches do not anastomose (Arnott, 1959). In such
leaves all the terminal branches terminate freely within the lamina or along
its margins. In many leaves of this type the branching of the veins is
In most cases the arrangement of the vascular tissue in the main vein
resembles that in the petiole.
214 Plant Anatomy

FIG. 99.·Portions of cleared leaves as seen in surface view. I, Pistaci'a palaestina,

micrograph in polarized light in which the crystals in the cells of the bundle-
sheath extensions can be seen. 2, L olium rigidum showing minute veins which run
transversely to the longitudinal axis of the leaf and which connect the parallel
veIns. X 35. 3, Euphorbia milii showing areoIi with numerous blind vein endings.
x 4S.
The Leaf 215

The large veins. in dicotyledonous leaves may consist of both primary

and secondary tissues,· while the, smaller, veins consist of primary ·tissues
only. The large. and medium-sized veins contain vessels and sieve tubes.
In the smallest veins the tracheary elements are tracheids with annular
and spiral wall thickenings. The phloem close to the vein-endings consists
of parenchyma only. In dicotyledons the vein-endings often contain only
tracheids, which may be single or in pairs orin irregular groups. Sometimes
terminal sclereids may be found as a continuation of ihe tracheids (Foster,
1956; Fahn and Arzee, 1959) as, for instance, in Mouriria, Boronia and
Arthrocnemum glaucum (Fig. 40, no. 2). The thin veins that connect the
parallel veins of grass leaves may contain a single row oftracheary elements
and a single row of sieve elements .
• Much importance is given to the problem of the density of the veins in
the leaf. The total length of the veins in a unit area of the leaf is usually
great. Thus, for instance, we have found in Quercus calliprinos that the total
length of the veins in a square millimetre is 11 mm and in Q. boissieri,
about 14 mm. According to Wylie (1939, 1946) the average disiance between
the veins of the dicotyledonous leaf is about 0·13 mm.
As has already been mentioned, the leaf contains tissues in which the
cells have many lateral connections (i.e. the epidermis and the spongy
parenchyma) and others in which the cells have few lateral connections
(i.e. the palisade parenchyma). Wylie also came to the conclusion that a
correlation exists between the density of the veins and the volume of the
mesophyll tissues. On the one hand, with increase in the volume of the
palisade tissue, in which the conductivity in the direction parallel to the
leaf surface is low, the distance between the veins becomes smaller and,
on the other hand, with increase in the volume of the spongy tissue, in
which 'conductiori is e'fficient in the above-mentioned direction, the distance
between the veins becomes larger.

Bundle sheaths

The large veins are surrounded by much parenchyma which is poor in

chloroplasts. The smaller veins, also, are usually surrounded by a layer
of tightly packed parenchyma cells; such a layer is termed the bundle
sheath. In dicotyledons the cells of the bundle sheath are usually elongated
in a direction parallel to the vein, but sometimes, as, for example, in
Atriplex halimus, the cells are more or less cubical (Fig. 100, no. 2; Fig.
90, no. 2). The cells of the bundle sheath are thin-walled, and they may
contain as many chloroplasts as the mesophyll cells, or they may contain
only a few chloroplasts, or they may be devoid of them. Sometimes crystals
may occur in the bundle-sheath cells (Fig. 99, no. I). The bundle sheaths
also surround the vein-endings. Although in most of the dicotyledons the
216 Plant Anatomy

bundle sheath consists of parenchyma cells, there are some families, such
as the Winteraceae (Bailey and Nast, 1944),.in which ~he sheath is scleren-

FIG. 100. 1. Micrograph of portion of a cross-section of the leaf blade of SIYIUJ(
officinalis in which stellate hairs on the abaxial surface and bundle-sheath exten-
sions can be distinguished. x 150. 2. Surface view of cleared leaf of Atrip/ex hal!- /
mUll in which the bundle sheaths surrounding the veins can be seen.

In many dicotyledonous leaves, such as those of Styrax ojJicinalis and

Quercus, among others, the parenchyma of the bundle sheath extends to :
the epidermis on one side or on both sides of the leaf. These plates of
parenchyma tells usually reach the epidermis itself, and they are termed
bundle-sheath extensions (Fig. 100, no. n.
There are proofs that the bundle-
The Leaf 217

sheath extensions have a conducting function in the leaf (Wylie, 1943,

1947, 1949, 1951). They conduct from the bundle~ 10 the.epidermal.celis,
which are very closely connected laterally and which therefore function
to conduct in a plane parallel to the leaf surface. In some plants the bundle'
sheath extensions accompany the veins throughout almost their entire
length, '"'hile there are other plants in which bundle-sheath. extensions are

FIG. 101. Portions of cross-sections of grass leaves. 1, Desmostachya bipinnata in

which the bundle sheath consists of two layers, the outer parenchymatous and the
inner sclerenchymatous. x 260. 2, Hyparrhenia hirta, in which the bundle sheath
consists of a single layer of chloroplast-containing cells. X260.
218 Plant Anatomy

completely absent (Olea, Pistacia lentiscus). In Quercus calliprinos 94%

of the total vein length .is accompanied by !?ungl!,-!.h~ath ~~tensions; in
Q. boissieri, 71 %; in Styrax officinalis, 62 %; and in IPistacia paiaestina,
50 %. According to Wylie, the density of the veins in mesomorphic leaves
is indirectly proportional to the total length of the bundle-sheath exten-
Bundle sheaths also occur in the monocotyledons, especially in the
grasses in.which two types are distinguished .. In the· subfamily Panicoideae
(with the exception of certain species of Panicum) the sheath consists of
a single layer of thin-walled cells which contain chloroplasts (Fig. 101,
no. 2). In the subfamily Pooideae the sheath consists of two layers of cells.
The inner layer, which apparently develops from the procambium, consists
of living, thick-walled, chloroplast-free cells which are elongated parallel
to the veins, while the cells of the outer layer are thin-walled and mostly
contain chloroplasts (Fig. 101, no. 1). On the small veins the inner layer
may be present only on the side of the phloem.
The bundlesheath can be regarded as an endodermis, The contents and
walls of the bundle-sheath cells often stain similarly fo those of the endo-
dermis and, in the young leaves of certain grasses and sedges, Casparian
strips even have been observed in the walls of those bundle-sheath cells
that are thick~walled when mature (Gutttnberg, 1943; Van Fleet, 1950).
The parenchyma cells of the sheath/may sometimes store starch, and
then a "starch sheath" is formed.

Supporting tissues of the leaf

The epidermis, itself, because of its compact~structure'and the strength

of the cuticle, and the fact that the walls of its cells may sometimes be thick
or impregnated with silica, gives support to the lamina. Collenchyma is
usually found close to the larger veins immediately below the epidermis
and also on the leaf margins in dicotyledonous leaves. The bundle-shea~h
extensions may also be collenchymatous. In addition·to collenchyma, scle-
reids are present in the mesophyll of many dicotyledons. The large arid
medium~sized veins in many plants, e.g. Pistacia palaestina, are accompanied
by groups of fibres. In monocotyledonous leaves the vascular bundles are
accOll}panied by many fibres. In the Gramineae and in many other mono-
cotyledons the fibres form girders on one or both sides of the bundles, and
in many leaves they continue from the bundle sheaths to the epidermis,
the cells of which, in such regions, may then also become fibre-like (Fig.
101, nos. I, 2).
The Leaf 219


Secretory structures, which participate in the secretion of water or

other substances, are a common feature of leaves. Many of these secretory
structures are of epidermal nature and are discussed in Chapter 10.
The substances produced may be excreted from the cells or they may be
retained only to be released upon the disintegration of the cells.
Glands are present on many foliage leaves and cataphylls. These structures
consist of a mass of dense parenchyma cells in which there terminates a
vascular bundle. The parenchyma is covered by a glandular epidermis.
The cells of such im epidermis are mostly elongated in a direction at right-
angles to the surface of the gland (Fig. 68, no. 1) and have densecytoplasm
and large nuclei. The presence of these glands on the petioles and on the
teeth of the laminar margins, for instance, are of great taxonomic impor-
tance because of their constant position in the species, and even varieties,
in which they occur. The glands on different organs or parts of an organ of
the same species may secrete different substances. In Prunus persica and
~other related species, for example, the glands on the laminar teeth secrete
a· bitter resinous substance, while those on the petiole secrete nectar.
':""'Nectariferous glands are found on the petioles of many plants, e.g.
Passijlora, Ricinus and Impatiens. In Vicia nectariferous tissue is present
in the central portion of the stipule where it is easily distinguished because
of the anthocyanins present1in its cells.
Another type of secretory structure is the essential oil cavity which oc-
curs characteristically in the mesophyll of the leaves of plants, such as
Eucalyptus, Gossypium and Citrus, for example. These are examples of
lysigenous cavities in which the secretions formed in the cells are released
after the disintegration of lhe cells, the lysis of which forms the cavity
(Fig. 88, no. 1).
Examples of other types of secretory structures found in leaves are schi,
zogenous resin ducts, which are characteristic of the Compo sitae, Anacar-
diaceae and Coniferales; laticifers as found in Euphorbia .. mucilage cavities
found in the Sterculiaceae, different species of the Malvaceae, Moraceae
and other families.
In leaves, secretory substances may also be found in idioblasts. These
secretory cells are classified according to the substances secreted, although
cells that contain a mixture of different substances also exist. The secreting
idioblasts, like other secretory structures, are of important taxonomic
significance (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950). For instance, the secretory cells
of the Lauraceae, Simarubaceae and Onagraceae contain oils. Cells contain-
ing the enzyme myrosin are found in the Cruciferae, Capparidaceae, Rese-
daceae, Tropaeolaceae and Moringaceae. Cells with a resinous content are
found in the Meliaceae and in many species of the Euphorbiaceae, Ruta-
ceae and Rubiaceae. Tannin-containing cells are found in the Anacardia-
220 Plant Anatomy

ceae (especially in Pistacia paiaestina and P. lentiscus), Annonaceae, Cras-

sulaceae (especially in Sel11perviVlfm tectorum and species of Echeveria),
Ericaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Buxaceae, Polygonaceae, R6saceae, Tamarica-

~.. ~.

102. 1, Cross-section of the petiole of Citrus; stem-like arrangement of

vascular tissues and essential oil cavities can be distinguished. x 35. 2, Portion of J
section cut parallel to the surface of the leaf of Sedum sp. showing the structure
of a hydathode. x 140.

ceae and Leguminosae. Cells with tannin compounds are also fo und in
parenchyma of fruits, e.g. of Ceratonia. Cells with mucilaginous contents .
a re found in the Buxaceae, many species of the Malvaceae, Chenopodia-
The Leaf 221

ceae and Rubiaceae, and in many monocotyledonous plants. Cells contain e

jng .secretory substances that· have not been identified are found in' very
many families, such as the Anacardiaceae, Fagaceae, Buxaceae, Aristo-
lochiaceae, Crucif~rae, Platanaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Rutaceae and Puni-
Idioblasts with differing types of crystals and cystoliths are found in
the leaves of different species as has alr,ady been describedill'previous
Special secretory structures are the hydathodes (Fig. 102, no. 2) which
secrete water in the form of drops from within the leaf. This phenomenon
is called guttation. Hydathodes secrete water which is brought to the sur-
face by the terminal tracheids of the veins. This water passes through the
intercellular spaces of the loosely packed parenchyma of the hydathode
which is devoid of chloroplasts and which is called the epithem. The inter-
cellular spaces open to the exterior by special pores which are of stomatal
origin and which remain permanently open (Stevens, ·1956). The epithem
may be bounded by suberized cells or cells with Casparian strips. Some
hydathodes lack a typical epithem. Haberlandt (1918) distinguished two
different types of hydathode-active hydathodes and passive hydathodes.
'Both these types are more broadly discussed by Sperlich(1939). In the
-opinion of certain workers the term hydathode should be used only for
those organs -through which water is secreted passively (Stocking, 1956).
According to them the active hydathodes of Haberlandt might better be
considered as glands that sbcrete dilute nectar. Typical hydathodes occur
on the leaves of Brassica and plants belonging to the Crassulaceae among


Most gymnosperms are evergreen and their leaves are usually xero-
morphic. Two types of gymnosperm leaf will be described here - that of
Cycas and that of conifers, such as Pinus and Cedrus.
The leaf of Cycas (Fig. 103, no. I) is leathery and stiff, the epidermal
cells are thick walled and have a thick cuticle, and the stomata are sunken
and occur on the abaxial surface of the leaf. The mesophyll consists of
palisade and spongy parenchyma as in angiosperms. A un i- or biseriate
hypodermis is present between the adaxial epidermis and the
parenchyma. The xylem of the median vein is of a special primitive type.
The protoxylem is present on the abaxial side and the metaxylem on the
adaxial side. The protoxylem is accompanied by a small amount of paren--
chyma. Secondary xylem develops near the phloem from a cambium situated
between the two types of vascular tissue. The vein is surrounded by an
endodennis. The transfusion tissue, which consists of tracheids and elon-
gated parenchyma cells, occurs on both sides of the vein. This tissue is cha-
222 Plant Anatomy

racteristic of the gymnosperms and it is assumed that it plays a part in the

passage of water and nutrient substances betweenthe .bun~le and the meso-
phyll. !

The epidermis of the needle~like leaves · of Pinus (Fig. 103, no.' 2) and·
Cedrus (Fig. 104, nos. 1,2) consists of extremely thickcwalled cells and is cov-

F IG. 103. Micrographs of cross-sections of gymnosperm leaves. 1, A leaflet of

Cycas revoluta. x 35. 2, Pinus halepensis. X 110.

ered with a thick cuticle. The stomata are scattered on all sides of the leaf;
they are sunken and are overarched by the subsidiary cells (Fig. 103,
no . 2). A hypodermis of fibre-like cells is present except in the areas below the
stomata. The mesophyll is of a parenchymatous nature. The walls of the
mesophyll cells h ave characteristic ridge-like invaginations into the cells.
The Leaf 223

FIG. 104. 1, Micrograph of a cross-section of the leaf of Cedrus deodara. x 40.

2, Cross-section of a stoma of C. deodara. x 430. 3, Portion of a cross-section of
a developing leaf of Musa showing the a daxial meristem. x 40.
224 Plant Anatomy

These cells contain chloroplasts. Resin ducts are also present in the meso-
phyll .. In the centre of the leaLthere is.a single vascular. bundle, or .two,
which are then close to one another. The arrangement bf the proto- and
metaxylem is as in angiosperms, j.e. the protoxylem is on the adaxial side
and the metaxylein.on the abaxial side close to' the phloem. The bundle is
surrounded by transfusion tissue consisting oftracheids and of living paren-
chyma cells. The parenchyma cells contain tannins"resins, and also starch
in certain seasons'ofihe year. The tracheids closest to the'bundles are long
while those further away are more parenchyma-like and have relatively
thin, slightly lignified walls and bordered pits. Because of their thinner
walls these'tracheids are not able te withstand the pressure of the living
cells around them in which the turgor is higher, so they become somewhat
crushed. In the transfusion tissue close to the phloem there are certain cells
that have dense cytoplasm and which are similar to albuminous cells. The
vascular bundles together with the transfusion tissue are surrounded by
a sheath of relatively thick-walled,cells-the.,endodermis (Fig. 103, no. 2;
Fig. 104, no. I).

Del'elopment of the foliage leaf

The development ofthe leaf can be diVi{ed, although artificially, into
the following stages; initiation, early differentiali'on, development of the
leaf axis, origin of the lamina. histogenesis of the tissUIOf the lamina.


The initiation of the leaf commences' with periclinill divisions in 'a small
group of cells on the sides of the apex.The number of cell layers, however,
th'at begin to divide thus and their position on the apex varies'considerably
in different plants. For example, in many grasses, it was found that lear'
initiation starts with periclinal division in the cells of the surface layer of
the apex (i.e. in the outermost layer of the tunica) and 'in~ cells of the layer,
immediately below it (Sharman, 1942, 1945; Thielke, 1951). In this case the'
main portion of the leaf primordium originates·from the butermost cell
layer of the shoot apex. .
Contrary to the situation in the grasses, in other monocotyledons, e.g.
Tulipa (Sass, 1944), and apparently in all the dicotyledons thus far exam-
ined, the first periclinal divisions do not take place in the cells of the surface
Jayer, but in the cells of one or more Jayers below it. In the apices of such
plants, therefore, the surface layer does not take part in the initiation of
the inner tissues of the leaf, This layer enlarges by numerous anticlinal
divisions of its cells and so becomes adapted to the growth of the primor-
dium. The surface layer gives rise to the protoderm of the young leaf.
The Leaf 225

In the gymnosperms there is the same amount-of variation in the initia'-

tion of ' the leaf primordia' as there 'is in the angiosperms, In Taxodium
distichum, for example, the initiation of the leaf primordium originates
with periclinal divisions in the cell layer immediately below the surface
layer of the apex (Cross, 1940), while 'in most of the Coniferales and in
Zamia, (Korody, 1937; Johnson, 1943) the periclinal divisions take place
in the surface layer of the apex as well as in the layer below it-
- -Most'commonly the initiation of the leaf primordium commences in cell
layers below the surface layer. In this case the degree to which the inner
cell layers of the tunica and the neighbouring cell layers of the corpus par-
ticipate in the initiation of the primordium differs, and it is difficult to
determine accurately the part played by each of them. In order to clarify
this problem periclinal cytochimeras, produced by the application of
colchicine,:have been used. With the aid of such cytochimeras it has been
possible to show from which layers of the apex the various tissues of the
leaf develop (Satina and Blakeslee, 1941; Dermen, 1947, 1951). Dermen
_thus was able to determine that in Vaccinium and Pyrus malus, for instance,
three cell layers of the apical meristem take part in the formation of the
,leaf. The leaf epidermis develops from the outermost layer (i.e. from the
Outer tunica layer) by anticlinal divisions. The second and third layers (Le.
'ihe"inner layer of the tunica and the outermost'layer of the corpus) give
rise to the mesophyll and the vascular bundles.


As a, result of continued cell division the leaf primordium protrudes

from the shoot apex as a buttress whIch has the form of a small papilla
or crescent. This leaf buttress consists of a protoderm layer, an inner mass
of ground meristem and a procambial strand which develops acropetally
from the nearby procambium of the stem (see Chapter II).


In many dicotyledons and gymnosperms the development of the leaf

axis precedes that of the lamina or of the leaflets (in a compound leaf).
As a result of the rapid development the primordium becomes shaped
like a gradually tapering cone the adaxial side of which is flattened (Fig.
IDS, no. 1). The tip of the cone functions for a while as an apical meristem,
but in spermatophytes the cells at the tip of the leaf exhibit histological
signs of maturation relatively soon. In certain plants, from that early
stage of development when the primordium is still less than I mm ·Iong,
all further increase in length is due to the division and elongation of cells
226- Plant Anatomy

-----w ------6
n---o -----u ----cC1
L~--o --u 2
-cC:\ 3

: ;' ii>

:;,?,] W3"

",$:1:" '.:-~_:i;.-'_:~,.-_':,-; K~~_£),


--0 \\~:;! (/ ~ \
~4 )__L._ ___ ~ __ -- _. 5

FIG. 105. Diagrams of longitudinal and cross-sections of leaf primordia of Nico-

tiana tabacum at different ontogentic stages. 1, A young. more or less cone-shaped
primordium. 2, Primordium in which the narrow margins, from which the lamina
will develop, can be seen. 3, Primordium in which the beginning of development
of the main lateral veins can be seen. 4, Primordium 5 mm long in which the early
development of the provascular system can be seen. 5, A more advanced stage.
Nos. 1-3, x 25; nos. 4 and 5, x 10. (Adapted from Avery, 1933.)
The Leaf 227

distant from the tip of the primordium, i.e. by intercalary growth. In

leaves of ferns, however, the apical growth continues for' a long period
together with the addition of cells by intercalary growth in an acropetal
direction. The increase in length of the axis is usually accompanied by an
obvious increase in width. This thickening is particularly striking in those
numerous plants in which a cambium-like region, in which the cells
divide tangentially, develops along the adaxial side of the primordium.
This cambium~like region is termed the-adaxial meristem or ventral meristem
(Fig. 104, no. 3) and from it accessory bundles may develop (Foster, 1936,
1950; Kaufman, 1959).


During thepreceding elongation andJhickening of the axis of the young

leaf, the cells of the adaxial margins co;}tiliue to divide very frequently-
much more so than the inner cells of the ground meristem. In simple leaves
~two wing-like strips (Fig. 105, nos. 2, 3) usually develop on the margins
;as a result of the accelerated growth of these cells. In leaves with a petiole
-the marginal growth is depressed in the basal portion of the leaf axis which
then develops into the petiole. In a cross-section both sides of the devel-
oping)amina can be seen to consist of protoderm enclosing a rew layers
of ground tissue. The new cells that are added to the different layers of
the lamina originate from rbws of marginal initials aud submarginal ini-
tials (Fig. 106, nos. 1-2).
The marginal initials are the cells of the outermost layer on the margins
of the young lamina. Generally, in the angiosperms these initials divide
only ariticIinaIly and so add new cells to the abaxial and adaxial protoderm.
In certain mon,?cotyledons and in the bud scales of Rhododendron spp.
periclinal divisions also occur, resulting in the addition of new cells to the
nearby ground meristem (Foster, 1937; Sharman, 1942, 1945). In the
variegated leaves of certain plants the white margins may develop as a
result of periclinal divisions in the protoderm (Renner aud Voss, 1942).
The submarginal initials undergo divisions in various planes. These
cells give rise to new cells which are added to the inner layers of the young
In pinnately and palmately compound leaves the lateral leaflets develop
from the adaxial marginal meristem of the axis of the young leaf as two
rows of papillae. In certain plants the order of development of the leaflets
is acropetal, e.g. Carya (Foster, 1932, 1935), but in many other plants the
order is basipetal. As is seen in Carya, the primordium of each lateral
leaflet first develops an axis and the laminae of the leaflets later develop
from the margins of these axes. The tip of the main axis develops into a
terminal leaflet.
228 Plant Anatomy

Sfster cell of
Submarginal submarginal.


Vascular Vascular Vascular

bUrldles(l) bundle (2) bundles(1)
FIG. 106. 1-4, Cross-sections of the marginal portions of leaves of Nicoliana tana-
cum, at different stages of development, showiti.irthe divisions which, together
with the enlargement of the cells, result in the growth of the young lamina. 1,
Showing the direction of division in the protoderm and submarginal initial. The
cell b is a sister ceIl of the submarginal initial (a) and both are derived from a peri-
clinal division of a submarginal initial in that positio~. 2: Showing the two cells,
a 1 and a2 resulting from the anticlinal division of a, and the cells hI and b 2 which
arose from the peridinal division of b. 3 and 4, Development of mesophyII and pro-
vascular strands; different stages of development of the vascular bundles are indi-
cated by numerals. 5, Median longitudinal section of a primordium showing the
provascular strand of the mid-rib. (Adapted from Avery, 1933.)


The marginal growth apparently continues longer than does the apical
growth but it, too, ceases relatively early. In Nicotiana tabacum, for ex-
ample, Avery (1933) observed that marginal growth continues, at least
The Leaf 229

in the lower part of the lamina, until .lhat stage where the leaf is several
centimetres long. In. Cercis.siliquastrum.(Slade,.1957).marginal growth of
the lamina is completed by the time the leaf measures 2-2·5 mm. In the
leaf of the Dwarf Cavendish banana, in which. a marginal .vein is differ-
entiated in the early stages of development of the leaf primordium, mar-

Middle spongy

Aooxiol - - - - - - - - _ A b o K i a l epidermis

Adaxial _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
protoderm Adaxial epidermis

AdoxiOI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._Outer layer of long

IClyer palisade parenchyma

r Inner layer of shorl

~paliSOde parenchyma

Ad . If______'"Middle spongy
, . / OXIO ler parenchyma
Marginal Submorgin~Middle __...Procombium_....Vo.sculor ,tissue of
initials ' initials layers' ~ _ vems

~ (2) Abaxiol tier ~Spongy"parenchymo

""- ~AbO){ial
Outer loyer of
spongy parenchyma
2 Abaxial _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aboltial
protoderm epidermis

FIG. 107. Diagrammatic representation of leaf histogenesis. 1, Carya buckleyi.

2, Pelargonium zona/e. (Adapted from Foster, 1936.)

ginal growth in the laminar part of the primordium ceases as early as

between the fourth and sixth plastochron. Marginal growth on the right
side of the mid-rib ceases in the fourth plastochron when the primordium
is about 5 mm long whereas, on the left side, it ceases during the sixth
plastochron when the primordium is about 20 mm long. After the cessa-
tion of marginal growth, further growth of the lamina is brought about
by cell division in the various cell layers of the lamina. These divisions
230 Plant Anatomy

are mostly anticlinal and thus a plate meristem (Fig. 106, nos. 3, 4) is
formed._A. plate meristem. is· one in which the planes orcell divisions"in
each layer are perpendicular to the surface of the organ in which the
meristem occurs. The activity of such a meristem results "in increase in sur-
face area but not in thickness of the organ. In the lamiea the cells of this
meristem ,have a stratified arrangement and therefore it is possible to

Adaxial _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Adoxiol
protoderm ep'laermis

Adaxial Palisade
Ioyer - - - - - - - -....parenchymo
_ _ _~V,osculor bundles
/ ProCombium OM sheath
Marginal Submorginal~Middle loyers _ _ _ _ _ _~Middle spongy
Inifiois ~irli1iOiS
~Abo,(,.'a)1 parer\chymo.
~ Abaxial spongy
loyer ---------+-:porenChyma

Abaxial Abmdal
. protoderm epidermis

----,-C---......-Adoxial epidermis

do)',\al mesofiliyll loyer
~~~:fal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _".~Midri~thjCkening

IMlals ~
Central,'O, and
procamblol strands
Bundle sheo1h

Central mesophyll
Vascular bundles
. Bundle sheath

Abaxial I CBundle sheath

loyer ~ Aboxial mesophyll foyer

Abaxiol - - - - - - -....._Abaxial epidermis

FIG. 108. Diagrammatic representation of leaf histogenesis. 1, Nicotiana tabacum. \
2, Oryza. (No.1, adapted from Foster, 1936; no. 2, adapted fr0l1)' Kaufman,
1959.) ~.

trace, with relative ease, the origin of the epidermis, palisade and spongy
tissues, and the vascular bundles. In Fig. 107 and 108, it can be seen how,
in different plants, these tissues develop from the cell layers of the y~ung
The regular arrangement of the cell layers is interrupted to differing
extents by the development of the vascular bundles, their sheaths and
supporting tissues. As a result of this, in the final stages of the expansion
of the leaf surface the regular arrangement of the cell layers becomes
The Leaf 231

restricted to those areas of the lamina between the large lateral veins. The
palisade parenchyma'is'one'of the last·tissueS"to cease growing and divid·
ing. This tissue -may continue to Junction as a meristem for- some time
after the cells of the spongy parenchyma and of the epidermis have ceased
to divide.
The different parts of the leaf expand at different rates and in different
directions (Avery, ·1933). This type of growth has been termed anisotropic
growth (Ashby, 1948a). The type of growth of a leaf is controlled by
genetic factors, but it is also influenced by internal and external environ·
mental conditions (McCallum, 1902; Ashby, 1948b; Allsopp, 1955; Jones,
1956). Thus, the shape of leaves on different parts ofthe stem of the same
plant is apparently' influenced by internal factors. Among the external
factors that influence the sbape of leaves are water supply, nutrients, day
length, amount of light, etc.


The development of tbe vascular system in tbe leaf has, as yet, been
'studied only in a small number of plants. From what is known of the
development of dicotyledonous leaves, it appeal's that development of
the procambial strand of the mid·rib precedes that of the lamina and
it pro,eeds in the acropetal direCtiojj (Fig. 106; no. 5). With the com·
mencement of the development of the lamina the procambi,il strands
of the large lateral veins and, later, of the smaller veins begin to form
gradually. As was seen in j-V;cotiana tabacum (Avery, 1933), the procambial
strands of the small vein;, which form in a basipetal direction, develop
mainly during the intercalary growth of the lamina (Fig. 105, nos. 4, 5).
However, deviations from the above- pattern of 'oiiferehtiation- are· also
known to occur (Slade, 1957).
In the leaves of Zea (Sharman, 1942) the procambial strands of the
median vein and of the principal lateral veins develop acropetally while
those of the smaller lateral veins, which are arranged alternately with tbe
larger ('nes, develop basipetally, i.e. from tbe tip to tbe base of the leaf.
The latter development takes place only after the appearance of proto·
phloem in the larger veins. The cross veins which connect the parallel
veins are tbe last to form and they develop basipetally. The procambial
strands of the marginal veins of the banana leaf also develop in a basipetal
direction. The differentiation of the conducting elements begins before
the completion of the procambial system. The protophloem and proto·
xylem both differentiate acropetally and the differentiation of the proto·
xylem follows that of the protophloem. After the final elongation of the
veins, the development of the meta phloem and metaxylem commences in
a more or less definite basipetal direction, first in the large strands in
232 Plant Anatomy

which the differentIation of the protophloem and protoxylem is completed,

and.,then in basipetally developing procambial strands'l in which proto-
phloem and protoxylem do not develop.
The blind vein-endings occurring in the areoli are, according to Slade
(1957, 1959), caused by the rupture of the minor vascular network during
that stage of development when the leaf expands as a result of mesophyll
cell enlargement. According to Pray (1963), however, the vein-endings. do
not result from rupture, but there is a progressive differentiation of pro-
cambium from the ground meristem during the expansion of the lamina.

Development of leaves differing from the typical

Cataphyll formation in the shoot apices of the dicotyledons is indicat-
ed in the early stages of development of the primordium. Cataphylls are
distinguished from foliage leaves by the following characteristics: the
slightly developed mesophyll which is usually devoid of palisade paren-
chyma; the reduced system of vascular bundlei which often form an
open dichotomous type of venation; and the small number or even
absence of stomata. In certain cataphylls very little, and sometimes
even no sclerenchyma, while in.others therej(
, . / an excessive development of
sclerenchyma. In' some plants, such as Aesculus, for example, a periderm
develops below the abaxial epidermis of the outer scales.
The following are the differences that take place in the d;'velopment of
the cataphyll as compared with that of a foliage leaf: the adaxial meristem
of the leaf axis primordium is only slightly active or not at all; the marginal
growth is,accelerated and is truly lateral and not latero-adaxial, as in the
foliage leaf; as a result of rapid growth and the absence 'of thickening of
the mid-rib the.scale Qecomes typically sheath-like l


.... \ ,
Grass leaves have linear laminae and sheathing bases·~urrounding the
stem. The development of the leaf of Oryza sativa as described by Kauf-
man (1959) will be used here as an example-of the development of this
type of leaf.
The leaf primordia are initiated in the tunica from which the ground
rneristem and protoderm of the leaf develop. At the shoot apex, in'the
early stage of initiation, a localized protuberance appears which later
becomes crescent-shaped and then as a result of further marginal and
apical growth, eventually surrounds the apex. As the young primordium
grows upwards it becomes hood-shaped (Fig. 109, no. I). Apical growth
of the leaf ceases during the third plastochron when the primordium is
the Leaf 233
labout 0·9 mm long, but the margins continue to grow and the primordium
elongates further. The continued marginal growth is brought about by
the activity ofthe marginal meristem andlhe elongation of the primordium
by a rib-meristem form of growth. A meristem of this kind is characterized
by parallel series of cells in which transverse divisions take place. The rib
. meristem and adaxial meristem (Fig. 104, no. 3) become distinguishable
during the second and third plastochrons.

Cone shaped

leaf primordium '

1. 2

Hood- shaped
'\ ShOot
leof primordium. ... /' (lpel(


leof primordium
FIG. 109. 1, Three-dimensional drawing of the shoot apex of Oryza, showing the
apex and first three leaf primordia.' NUOlerals indicate the relative plastochrons.
2-4, Median longitudinal sections of Iigules at different stages of development
(Adaptedfrom Kaufman, 1959.)

As described above, in the primordia of monocotyledonous leaves, the

processes of apical and marginal growth are simultaneous during the
early plastochrons. This is contrary to the development of dicotyledonous
leaves where there are two distinct stages as have been previously described
(Esau, 1953; Kaufman, 1959).
In Oryza the ligule is initiated during the third plastochron by periclinal
divisions in the adaxial protoderm (Fig. 109, nos. 2-4). At first the ligule
is a small adaxial protuberance which, as a result of continued peric1inal
divisions in the protoderm, expands laterally towards the margin of the
sbeath. The auricular primordia are apparently derived from both the
sheath and ligule protoderm as well as from the ground meristem.
Continued elongation of the lamina and sheath, at this stage, still
results from the activity of the rib meristem, whereas the extension of the
lamina wings is caused by the activities of the marginal and of the distinct
plate meristem,.
234 Plant Anatomy

The development of the sheath differs from that of the lamina in that
no distinct plate meristem is. seen in the wings of the, sheath and the ex-
tension of them is accomplished, primarily, by the activity of the marginal
meristem and by the enlargement of the cells derived from it.
As the differentiation in the lamina precedes that in the sheath, the
meristematic activity becomes more and more restricted to the base of the
sheath where the region of actively dividing and enlarging cells should,
therefore, be regarded as an intercalary ineristem. ~
The direction of the cellular differentiation and maturation in the leaf
of Oryza and Musa is basipetal. The development of the laminar mesophyll
in the former is depicted in Fig, 108, no, 2,
In certain monocotyledons the apical meristem of the primordium
ceases its activity very early and then a new centre of growth arises on the
abaxial side of the original leaf apex, That part of the leaf that develops
from the new apex is unifacial as it consists of tissues from the abaxial
side of the leaf only (Knoll, 1948; Thielke, 1948). The unifacial part of
the leaf may be cylindrical, as for instance in Allium cepa and }IincUs
maritimus, or it may be fiat, as in Iris (Fig, 92, no\ 2),

Leaj . a b SClSSlon
.. /

In perennial and especially woody plants with 'distind seasonal growth

rhythms, there is a seasonal drying-out and loss of organ§. This 10S3 is
brought about by the process of abscission. Leaves, fioral parts, fruits and
branches, for example, in Ulmus and Populus (Eames and MacDaniels,
1947), may thus be shed.
Leaves of gymnosperms'and woody dicotyledons are usually" shed prior
to their death as a result of changes that take place in the tissues of the leaf
base. In the base of mature deciduou~s leaves a narrow zone, the so:"called
absc;ssion zone, can be seen. This zone can'be distinguished, histologically
from the surrounding tissues bec-:;use of its different structure (Fig, liD,
nos, 1,2) and externally by the presence of a shallow groove or by a differ- ,
ence in colour of the epidermis. The vascular bundles in'''this'region are
usually narrower and the sclerenchyma and collenchyma are les~ well devel-
oped or absent. Some days or even weeks prior to the shedding of the
leaf abscission tissue, termed the separation layer, develops in this zone.
This tissue consists of a few layers of cells which are generally distinguish-
able from the neighbouring cells by their shape, smaller size, containing
many starch grains, having a dense cytoplasm as well as by different
wall staining properties. Generally, cell divisions can be observed in the
region destined to form the abscission tissue, A short time before the leaf
is shed the middle lamellae alone, or the middle lamellae together with
the outer layers of the walls of these cells, become gelatinous and even-
The Leaf 235

tually they disintegrate and dissolve resulting in abscission. Sometimes

even entire ceUs disintegrate., In some 'species no dissolution" takes place
and abscission is apparently effected by physical stresses. The latter is the
case in most monocotyledons and herbaceous dicotyledons. In guayule
(Parthenium argentaturn), for example, tpe separation layer consists of
suberized cells, but it is not directly involved in the separation of the leaf

FIG. 110. Leaf abscission. 1, Longitudinal section of the leaf base of ,Prunus
showing the cells that divide to form the separation layer. 2, Coleus, longitudinal
section of portion of the stem together with the leaf base after the abscission of
the leaf. (Adapted from Gibbs, 1950.)

from the stem. After the leaf dies its base breaks away from the stem
through the weakened region of the abscission zone (Addicott, 1945;
Facey, 1950; Addicott and Lynch, 1955).
All the parenchyma cells including those of the vascular tissues of the
abscission zone take part in the process of abscission so that the leaf re·
mains attached to the stem only by the vascular elements. According to
many investigators these elements eventually break as a result of the weight
of the leaf or the action of the wind and so the leaf is shed. According to
236' Plant Anatomy

Facey (1950) the middle lamellae between the cells of the vascular tissues
also disintegrate. .\
The tissues below the separation layer, which become exposed to the air
wjth the shedding of the leaf, are protected from desiccation and the entry
of agents of disease by the formation of the protective layer. This layer
may be of two types - primary' protective layer or secondary protective
layer, Le. periderm. The primary protective layer is formed as a res.ult
of the lignification and suberization of the parenchyma cells in ·this region
or of the cells arismg from them by irregular cell divisions (Pfeiffer, 1928).
An opinion exists that the substance appearing in the cell walls of the pro-
tective tissue, and which has been defined as lignin, is really wound gum
which gives reactions similar to lignin (Hewitt, 1938).
The time at which the primary protective layer and periderm appear
differs in different plants. This fact has resulted in the development of a
complicated classification of abscission types (Pfeiffer, 1928).
Many factors exist that apparently influence the abscission ofleaves, and
growth regulators are the most important among them (Addicott and
Lynch, .1955). It is known, for example, that auxin inhibits abscission
(Gawadi and Avery, 1950).

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THE root constitutes the lower portion of the piant axis and it usually
develops below the soil surface, although there are roots that grow in the
air as there are stems that develop below soil surface. However, basic
differences in the development and arrangement of the primary tissues in
these two organs are always distinguishable. The histogenesis of the epi-
dermis of the root differs from that of the stem (see Chapter 3). In sperma-
tophytes the primary xylem in the roo~is .exarch .and that in the ~tem is
endarch. The xylem and phloem strands in the root do not form common
bundles but are arranged alternately, while in the stem the vascular bundles
are collateral, bicollateral or amphivasal. Roots bear no appendages that
are comparable to the leaves of the stem; roo.ts~re devoid of stOlnata lInd
their branches originate in the relatively, mature tissue of the pericycle
in contrast to the stem where the branches originate from the apical meris-
tern. Roots also possess a root cap which has"no parallel in. stems.
Much variability exists in the shape and structure of roofs. This varia-
bility, in many cases, is related to the function of the roots, i.e, whether
they are storage roots, succulent roots, aerial roots, pneumatophores, climb-
ing roots, prop roots, or whether they contain symbiotic fungi (mycorrhi-
za). Environmental conditions often influence the root system. Plants grow-
ing in dry soils usually have better developed root systems. Many plants
growing in sandy soils. develop shallow, horizontal, lateral roots which
spread out, close below the soil surface, over a distance of tens of metres
(e.g. Tamarix and Retama).
On the basis of origin two types of roots - primary roots and adventi-
tious roots-are distinguished. Primary roots develop'f(om the apex of
the embryo that is destined, from its origin,_to give rise to I a root, and
from the pericycle of relatively mature parts of roots, while adventitious
roots develop from other tissues of mature roots or from other parts of the
plant body, such as stems and leaves. Special importance has been given
to those adventitious roots that develop from the callus of cuttings.
In most dicotyledons and gymnosperms the root system consists of a
tap root from which side branches arise. The order of appearance of the
lateral roots is from the root neck (that part where the root joins the stem)
towards the root tip, but in some cases the primordia of some of the lateral
roots remain dormant. The mature portions of the root, which usually
The Root 241

undergo secondary thickening, function only as a holdfast in the soil and

to store .·reserve materials. The .uptake of water and salts is carried out
mainly by the extremities of the root sy'stem which are still in the process
of primary growth.
The roots of mature monocotyledons are usually adventitious and de-
velop from the stem (Fig. I 16, no. I). They may branch several times, as do
the roots of dicotyledons, or they may be unbranched, and generally such
roots do not develop secondary thickening. The most common type of root
system among monocotyledons is the fibrous root system. In grasses the
adventitious roots begin to develop from the hypocotyl when the latter is
still in the embryonic state, i.e. they' are semirial roots.
The radicle 'present in the seed consists of the root meristem and it gives
rise to the first root on the germination 'of the seed. In the gymnosperms
and dicotyledons this root develops into the tap root with its branches. In
monocotyledons this root usually dries out early in the growth of the plant
and the root system of the mature plant consists of numerous adventitious
The apical meristems of lateral roots develop deep within the inner
tissues in contrast to the buds of the shoot which develop from outer
tissues. Therefore the branching of roots is endogenous and that of stems,
Cortical roots are present in several monocotyledons (Pant, 1943;
McLean and Ivimey-Cook;· 1951). In Tillandsia; for example, these roots,
which originate in the perl cycle of the stem, grow directly downwards
through the. cortex .and. they emerge near the base of the stem. In Aspho-
de/us tenuifolius, contrary to most other herbaceous monocotyledons
with fibrqus root systems,i the root developing from the radicle of the
embryo' persists, and a large number of ci:friiCal foots arise from the base
of the flattened, condensed stem. The cortex of this primary root is penetrat-
ed by 'the 'adventitious cortical roots which pass vertically downwards
through it fo'r some distance before they emerge into the soil.

.4rrangement of the primary tissues in the root

At a certain distance from the apical initials (see Chapter 3) of the root
the following zones can be distinguished: root cap, epidermis, root cortex
and vascular or central cylinder.


The root cap is situated at the tip of roots (Fig. 29, no, 2), it protects
the root promeristem and aids the penetration of the growing foot into
the soil. The root penetrates into the soil more easily because of the mucila-
242. Plant Anatomy

gino us nature of the walls of the outermost cells of the root cap. Theroot
cap cpnsists ofli~ing.parenchyma. cells"which. often .contain starch. These
cells may have no special arrangement or they may be arfanged in radiat-
ing rows which originate from the initials. In many plants the central
cells of the root cap form a more distinct and constant structure which is
termed the columella (see Chapter 3).
The root-cap develops continuously. The outermost cells die, becor_ne
separated from one another and disintegrate, and· they are replaced by new
cells which, are produced by the initials. Root caps are apparently found
on roots of all plants except for the roots of some parasites and some my-
corrhizal roots. External factors ·influence the structure of the root cap.
Root caps develop in true water plants but they degenerate early.


The epidermal cells of roots are thin walled and are usually devoid of
cuticle, although sometimes the outermost cell walls, including those of
the root hairs, undergo cutinization (Guttenberg, 1940; Scott et al.,
1963). On those parts of roots that are exposed to the air and on those
parts in the soil on which the epidermis persis(s for a long time, the outer-
most cell walls become thick, and may sometimes contain lignin or dark-
coloured substances which have not been fully,identified. The epidermis
of roots is usually uniseriate but exceptions do exist. On th~ aerial roots
of plants belonging to the Orchidaceae and in the epiphytic, tropical genera
of the Araceae the epidermis is multiseriate and it is specialized to form
a velamen (Fig. 67, nos. 3, 4). The velamen is a sheath of compactly arran-
ged dead cells, the walls· of which are strengthened by band'like or reti-
culate thickenings and which contain many primary pit-fields. When the
air is dry these cells are filled with air, but when rain falls they become filled
with water. Special structures, termed pneumcitodes, are present in the
velamen. The function of these structures is~t_9~nable gas exchange during
these periods when the root is saturated with' moisture. The pneumatodes
consist of groups of cells with very dense spiral wall thickenirigs. These
groups extend, in a ray-like fashion, from the periphery of the epidermis to
the endodermis. Oil droplets can be discerned in these cells. The endo-
dermal cells that are continuous with the pneumatodes are filled with air
(Gessner, 1956).
The most characteristic feature of the root epidermis)s the production
of root hairs which are organs well adapte.d to the efficient uptake of water
and salts. The region of root hairs is usually restricted to one or a few centi-
metres from the root apex. Root hairs are absent close to the apical meris-
tern and they usually die and dry out on the more mature portions of the
root. Certain herbaceous plants, and especially water-plants, lack root
The Roof 243

hairs. Plants that usually grow in soil and which produce root hairs fail
to do so when they ·are grown in water. Calcium is one of the factors'
controlling the normal development of root hairs (Cormack et al., 1963).
In some plants the root hairs remain on the root for a long time. In Gle-
ditschia triacanthos, for example, the root hairs remain viable for some
months and their walls become thickened. Long-lived root hairs have
been found in certain species .of the Compositae and in some plants of
other families (Cormack, 1949; Scott" et al., 1963) but it is doubtful
whether these root hairs take part in the uptake of water from the soil. In
many cases the presence of sue'> long-lived root hairs is connected with a
small amount of secondary thickening and absence of periderm.
I In certain plants all the epidermal cells may give rise to root hairs while
in others only certain cells, frichoblasts, may do so. Some workers have
found that root hairs develop from a subepidermal layer in the Commeli-
naceae and related families, and also in Citrus (Hayward and Long, 1942).
(For more details see Chapter 10).


In most of the dicotyledons and gymnosperms the cortex of the root con-
sists mainly of parenchyma cells. Tn many monocotyledons in which the
ioot cortex is not shed while the root remains viable, much sclerenchyma
develops in addition to' the parenchyma. The root cortex is usually wider
than the stem cortex (Fig. 112, no. I) and therefore it plays a larger role in
storage. The innermost layer of the cortex constitutes the endodermis
(Fig. II I, nos. 1-3; Fig. 1I2, no. 2). Incerlain plants such as Smilax, Iris
(Fig. 112, no. I), Citrus (Coss"llan, 1940) and Phoenix, for example, there
is a special layer below the epidermis; this layer is termed the exodermis.
The arrangement of the cells of the cortex, as seen in cross-section of
the root, may be in radial rows, at least in the inner layers, or the cells of
two adjacent concentric layers may be arranged alternately. The radial
arrangement is the result of the way in which the cells divide during the
formation of the cortex (Guttenberg, 1940; Heimsch, 1960). Repeated
peridinal divisions increase the number of cell layers in a radial direction,
while anticlinal divisions add to the periphery and length of the cortex.
The cells that undergo periclinal divisions are the inner cortical cells and,
after the periclinal divisions are completed the innermost layer of the
cortex differentiates to form the endodermis.
SChizogenous intercellular spaces, which appear in the early ontogenetic
stages, are very common in the Toot cortex . .In certain plants, such as the
Gramineae and Cyperaceae, large lysigenous intercellular spaces often
develop in addition to the schizogenous ones. Large air canals are com~
mon in the root cortex of the Palmae (Tomlinson, 1961).
244 Plant Anatomy

The parenchyma cells of the root cortex usually lack chlorophyll.

Chloroplasts are found in the roots only of certain water plants andinthe
aerial roots of many epiphytes. Secretory cells, resin ddct; and laticifers
are found in the root cortex of different plants. If sclerenchyma is developed
it is usually in the form of a cylinder within the epidermis, within the exo-
dermis or adjacent to the. endodermis.
In many gymnosperms and certain dicotyledons, such as plants belong-
ing. to the Cruciferae, -Caprifoliaceae and Rosaceae, reticulate ,or· an..:
nular wall thickenings can be found in the cells outside of th' endodermh.
Collenchyma is sometimes also found in the root cortex (Guttenberg,


2 3
FIG. 111.1, Cross-section of a root of a seedling of Triticum.2, Three-dimensional
diagram of a single endodermal cell with Casparian strip. 3, Portion of a cross-
section of a root showing part of the endodermis and a row of cortical parenchy-
maceU!; in a 'btateQ,f }'.\a~mo\y'bi,:>.l\ can be s.een that the protoplast of the endoder-
mal cell remains attached to the Casparian strips. (No. t, adapted from Avery,
1930; no. 3, adapted from Esau, 1953.)
The Root




FIG. JI2. Microgrl1phs of cross:sections of the root of Iris. I, Entire' cross-section.

x 10. 2, Vascular cylinder, enlarged. X 110.


In many plants the waJls of the cells of the outer subepidermal layers of
the cortex become suberized. In this way the exodermis, a protective
tissue, is formed (Guttenberg, 1943). The exodermis is similar in structure
and cytocbemical characteristics to the endodermis (Van Fleet, 1950). An
almost continuous ,suberin lamella lines the primary cell wall internally,
and it in turn is usu'ally lined with layers of cellulose which develop centri-
petally. Also lignin is often deposited in the walls of these cells and, in
246 Plant Anatomy

certain cases, Casparian strips have also been distinguished (Van Fleet,
1950). The cells of the exodermis contain viable protoplasts even when
mature; In,"the 'pteridophytes no exoderm"is is developed: "but sometimes,
as, for instance, in Ophioglossum. certain fatty substances are deposited
in the walls of the subepidermal cells but no special suberin lamella is
The thickness of the exodermis varies from a single cell layer to many
layers. The exodermis" may s.ometimes .be accompanied, on its inner side,
by sclerenchyma as, for example, in the root of Ananas (Krauss, 1949).
In Phoenix the exodermis is fibrous (Tomlinson, 1961).


The endodermis, which consists of a uniseriate cylinder of cells, develops

in all vascular plants apart from a few exceptions. T~is layer of cells
represents the inner boundary of the root. cortex (Fig. Ill, nos. ,1-3;
Fig. 112, no. 2). Because of its physiological and phylogenetic importance
the endodermis has been very thoroughly investigated. In that part of
the root where the primary vascular system is s,tarting to mature, Caspar ian
strips appear on the radial and cross walls of the endodermal cells (Fig.
111, no. 2). These strips are bands of wall s;;'bstance that undergo chemical
changes and which"become thickened. If plasmolysis is brought about in
endodermal cells in tliis stage of development the protoplast withdraws
from the tangential walls, but remains attached to the Cas pari an strips
(Guttenberg, 1943). The chemical composition and the structure of the
Casparian strips has not yet been finally clarified but there is evidence
that they contain both lignin and suberin (Van Fleet, 1942a). During the
primary development of the root the endodermal cells are capable of much
additional growth., This feature is striking'during the endogenousin'itiation
of lateral roots from the pericycle which is accompanied by the division
and stretching of the n~ighbouring endodermiil cells. In addition, the
endodermal cells in certain roots continue to~'div;de aflticlinallY during
the early stages of secondary thickening. Casparian strip§' develop in many"
of the cells thus formed. ' /
In many of the angiosperms, pteridophytes and some gymnosperms,
the endodermis remains in the primary form and is shed together with
the cortex with the development of secondary thickening and periderm.
However, in other angiosperms in which there is no secondary thickening
an almost continuous lamella of suberin develops on the inner side of
the entire primary wall, including the Casparian strips. This lamella
characterizes the second stage of development of the wall and in the third
stage a layer of cellulose is laid down centripetally on the inside' of the
suberin lamella. This layer may reach a very considerable thickness on
The Root 247

the radial walls, the walls parallel to a cross-section of the root, ana on
the inner tangential walls of the endodermal cells (Fig. 112, cno. 2).
This lype of endodermal cell is common in the roots of most monocotyled-
ons (Guttenberg, 1943). These thickened endodermal cell walls may be-
come lignified. The endodermis 'of the 'conifers is characterized by 'the
second stage of wall development only, i.e. by the development ofa suberin
lamella on the inner side of the walls (Guttenberg, 1941; Wilcox, 1962a).
The additional wall layers of the endodermal cells do not develop simult-
aneously in all the endodermal cells as seen in a single cross-section.
Casparian strips and the sucess;ve stages of the development of the typical
wall first appear opposite the phloem strands from where the development
~preads towards those endodermal cells that are opposite the xylem strands
(Van Fleet, 1942a, b; Guttenberg, 1943; Clowes, 1951). Because of the
delay in wall differentiation of the endodermal cells opposite xylem these
cells often have Casparian strips only, These cells are termed passage cells
as they are thought to provide passage for substances between the cortex
,and vascular cylinder, The passage cells may remain unaltered throughout
the entire life of the root or they, too, may develop thick secondary walls
as do the other endodermal cells,
The production of the suberin lamellae on the endodermal cell walls
results from the polymerization of unsaturated fatty compounds which is
brought about .by oxidases and peroxidases. The peroxidases are brought
to the"endodermal cells via the sieve elements. This has led Van Fleet
(1942b) ,to suggest that thid is the reason why the greatest amount of
suberin is .laid down on the inner walls of the endodermal cells and why
the passage cells, which lack .suberin, appear mostly opposite the xylem,
and not the phloem, strand's.


The vascular cylinder occupies the central portion of the root. In roots
it is more clearly delimited from the cortex than in the stem, because of
the presence of the endodermis which is characteristically better developed
in roots.
The primary vascular tissue is surrounded by a region of cells which is
termed the pericycle (Fig. 112, no. 2), The pericycle generally consists of
one or more layers of thin-walled parenchyma cells, It is in direct contact
with the protophloem and protoxylem and can already be distinguished
prior to the lignification of the protoxylem elements, The pericycle retains
its meristematic characteristics, The primordia of the lateral roots in all
spetmat()l'h~tes and the l'hellogen and portions of the vascular cambium
in the dicotyledons develop from the l'eric~cle, In monocotyledons the
phellogen usually develops in the outer parts of the cortex, In the roots
248 Plant Anatomy

of many Gramineae and eyperaceae the outermost tracheary elements of

the protoxylem ;may develop .from the pericycle and, jin the Potamoge-
tonaceae, even the phloem elements may do so. In such ca~es the peri cycle
is not continuous (Guttenberg, 1943).
In monocotyledons, where there is usually no secondary thickening,
sc1erification takes place in part or all of the peri cycle. In most angiosperms
the pericycle is uniseriate but in many monocotyledons (such ~s the Grami-
neae; Palmae, Agave and Smilax) and in a few dicotyledons (such as
Celtis, Morus and Salix) the pericycle consists of several layer~ of cells.
Sometimes the peri cycle is uniseriate opposite the phloem and is wider
opposite the xylem. In gymnosperms the pericycle is usually multi seriate ..
In the roots of certain water-plants and parasites the pericycle is absent.
Laticifers and secretory ducts may be present in the peri cycle.
One of the principal features by which root~ and stems,can be differen,
tiated is the arrangement of the primary vascular tissues. In the primary
body of the root the pericycle is bordered directly on its inner surface by
the phloem and xylem strands (Fig. 112, no. 2; Fig. 114, no. 1) .. The phloem
strands are always separate and they are concentrated on the periphery of
the vascular cylinder. The xylem strands may be in separate units on the
periphery of the vascular cylinder or they may extend into the centre and
then, as in many plants, the xylem appears star-shaped in cross-section,
This structure led many workers to regard' the vascular cylinder of the
root 'as ,being' a protostele.· In ,many plants, and, especially in the mono-
cotyledons, the xylem strands do not reach the centre,bf the vascular
cylinder which is then occupied by a pith.
The tracheary elements in the root mature centripetally and therefore
the xylem is exarch, i.e. 'the protoxylem is situated on the, outer side of the
metaxylem. The differeritiaJion of the phloem is also centripetal so that
the protophloem is closest to the pericycle, while the metaphloem is
closest'to the' axis of the root. .
The number of protoxylem groups in the root, i.e, whether' one, two,
three, etc., is expressed by the terms monarch, 4[arch, Iriarch, respective'y~
and a root in which there are many protoxylem groups i~.said to be poly- ,
arch. Diarch roots (Fig. 115, no. I) are found, for example, in Lycoperiscon,
Nicollana, Beta, Raphanus, Daucus and Linum. In Pisum the' root is tri-
arch, while in Vicia (Fig. 113, no. 2), Ranunculus and Gossypium, it is
tetrarch. Polyarch arrangement is characteristic of the adventitious roots
of monocotyledons (Fig. 112, no. 2). A correlation exists between, the
diameter of the vascular cylinder and the number of protoxylem groups
and the presence or absence of a pith. When the diameter of the vascular
cylinder is large a pith is usually present and the number of protoxylem
groups is large. Variations in these features may be found even in one
and the same plant. For example in one plant of Libocedrus decurrens
di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexarch roots have been found (Wilcox, 1962b).
The Root 249

Similar variation has been observed in certain dicotyledonous species (Jost,

1932; Torrey, 1957).
In gymnosperms and dicotyle{)onsthe number· of the xylem strands.·in
the. root is generally small. In these groups of plants the roots are usually
di-, tri- or tetrarch but there are some dicotyledonous species in which
there are more xylem strands. The water-plant, Trapa natans, has a thin
root- which is monarch. In monocotyledons the number of xylem strands
in the seminal roots is small, like that in dicotyledonous roots, but the


FIG. 11 3. Micrographs of cross-sectio ns of roots. 1, Lycopersicon esculentum in

which the development o f a lateral root ca n be seen. x 70. 2, A young root of
T?:". : .,.. r _ L _ ~ . .. ro.
250 . Plant Anatomy

adventitious roots are polyarch and the number of strands in the Palmae
and the Pandanaceae may be 100 or more, In the roots of the Filicinae
different numbers of;xylem strands may be found~froii1 one, 'as in Ophio-
glossum /usitanicum, to many .a s in Marattia fraX_inea.
In certain monocotyledons, such as Triticum (Fig, 1 I 1, no, 1), one large
vessel is found in the centre of the vascular cylinder. Between this .meta~

FIG. 114. I, Micrograph of a cross-section of the tetrarch vascular cylinder of a

young root of ¥icia laba in which recently formed elements of secondary xylem,
still thin-walled, can also be distinguished. x 115. 2, As above, hut of an older
root in which a relatively large amount of secondary xylem has been formed and
in which the cambium is already almost cylindrical. X 11 5.
8 mm Mature
I ;.-
~ r protoxylem
Mature / I
protaphloem ~
-;/ . I


,-; Immature
protox lem
II 1000).1
Immature II
protophlaern_ I


FIG. 115. 1, Cross-sections, at different levels, of a root of Raphanus sativus show-

ing the differentiation of the primary xylem. 2, Diagram of a longitudinal section
of the root tip of Hordeum showing the areas of differentiation and maturation of
the vascular tissues. 3, Three-dimensional diagram of a portion of a seedling of
Triticum showing the connection of the vascular systems of scutellum, hypocotyl-
root axis, coleoptile and the first foliage leaves. (No.1, adapted from Stover, 1951 ;
no. 2, adapted from Heimsch,1951; no. 3, adapted from Boyd and Avery, 1936.)
252 Plant Anatomy

xylem vessel and the peripheral strands there is usually parenchyma. In

other, plants, e.g.,Zea and Iris (Fig. 112, nos. I, 2), th,large metaxylem
vessels form a circle around the pith. The, number of these large vessels
is not always equal to that of the peripheral strands. In certain plants ,two
peripheral xylem strands are associated with a single large inner ,vessel.
In woody monocotyledons the inner vessels may be arranged in two or
three circles (e.g. Latania of the Palmae) or they may be scattered in the
centre of the cylinder (e.g. Raphia hookeri).-In a'few other monocotyledons,
e.g. Musa, Cordyline and Pandanus, phloem strands are scattered in'the
centre of the root.
In most plants there are interconnections between the different tracheary
elements which appear separate in cross-section of the root. In roots with
a pith it is also possible to find, here and there, lateral connections between
the phloem groups. However, there are plants that have no lateral connec-
tions between the phloem strands or the different tracheary elements.
The primary phloem of the roots of most plants does not contain fibres
but in certain plants, 'such 'as those of the Papiiionaceae, 'Malvaceae and
Annonaceae (Guttenberg, 1943), fibres are found in the primary
phloem (Fig. 114, nos. 1,2).
In many mature roots ihat do not have secondary thickening the paren-
chyma, associated with the primarY- vascul(r tissues, becomes sclerified.
In many- Coniferales, except for the Taxodiaceae, Cupressaceae and Taxa·
ceae, resin ducts are present in the region of the primary conducting tissues.
Some roots are polystelic. In cross-sections of such roots a number of
vascular cylinders each of which is surrounded by an ecidodermis can be
seen. Examples of such roots are the root tubers of some species of Orchis
(Arber, 1925) and members of the Pal mae (Tomlinson, 1961).

Tissue, differentiation in"the root
Some distance from the apical promeristem of the root the epidermis,
cortex, and vascular cylinder can be distmguished.
- can also ,
be identified close to the apical meristem. As it is not. possible to distin-
guish clearly between the meristems of the vascular and' non-vascular
tissues in the vascular cylinder, it is not yet clear whether the peri cycle devel-
ops from the pro cambium or from the ground meristem. The cells of the
procambium that differentiate into the tracheary elements soon become
distinguishable from those cells from which th'e phloem elements will devel-
op. The former cells enlarge and they havi'ilirge vacuoles, while the latter
undergo numerous divisions without enlarging so that they become very
small. :
The order of appearance of the different tracheary elements, in com-
parison to the order in which they undergo maturation, is of interest. The
The Root 253

cells that develop into metaxylem elements enlarge; together with the
vacuoles in them, prior to those cells that differentiate into the protoxylem
elements while the order of maturation is, of course, the contrary. There-
fore the fil\al dimensions of the metaxylem elements are rar larger than are
those of the protoxylem. This is especially obvious in the monocotyledons
(Heimsch, 1951).
The ontogenetic development of the primary vascular system of the
'rooris simpler than that of the stem because the differentiation of the
vascular system of the latter is connected with the development of the
leaves. The vascular system of the root develops independently of, the late-
ral organs and the procambium develops acropetally as an uninterrupted
continuation of the vascular tissues in the more mature parts of the root.
Th-e differentiation and maturation of the xylem and phloem is also acro.
petal (Popham, 1955) and follows that of the procambium. From the accu-
rate investigations that have been carried out till now it appears that the
pro,t"phloem elements mature closer to the apical meristem than do the
.earliest tracheary elements (Fig. 115, no. 2). From this it is seen that the
~process of maturation of the protoxylem and proto phloem elements is
also simpler in the root than in the stem where the early differentiation of
-tlie-xylem close to a leaf primordium is in two directions.
"Generally the differentiation of the root tIssues behind the apical pro-
meristem can be summarized as follows: periclinal diVIsions in the cortex
cease near the level where the sieve' elements mature; beyond this region
the root"undergoes rapid elotigation, and the maturation of the protoxylem
usually takes place only when the process of elongation is almost complet-
ed; Casparian strips develop in the endodermal cells before the matura-
tion of the:protoxylemelements and generally also before the appearance
of root hairs.
The pr,oximity of the mature conducting elements-to the root apex is
dependent on the rate of growth and both these processes are dependent
on the external conditions, the type of root, and the stage of its develop-
ment (Wilcox, I 962a). H"imsch (1951) found the following distances be-
tween the root apex and the first mature vascular elements in different roots
of Hordeum: protophloemelements, 0·25-0·75 mm; protoxylem elements,
0·40-8·5 mm; elements of the early metaxylem, 0·55-21·6 mm or more,
While the large central vessels mature at even greater distances (Fig. I I 5,
no. 2). The earliest appearance of Casparian strips is at a distance of about
O· 75 mm from the apex.


There is great variation in the secondary growth in different roots. The

tap-root and main lateral roots of gymnosperms and woody dicotyledons
usually have secondary thickening, but the smallest branches do not. In
254 Plant Anatomy

the roots of some herbaceous dicotyledons secondary thickening may be

completely.absent,.,yestigial.(e.g. Ranunculus) or it maY,be well developed
(e.g. M edicago).
Roots of most monocotyledons are devoid of secondary thickening.
However~ in soine, e.g. Dracaena,' such thickening does occur.
In the roots of gymnosperms and dicotyledons that do exhibit secon-
dary thickening the cambium first appears on the inner side of the phloem
(Fig. 114, no. 'I). After these cambialcells have produced a few secondary
elements the pericyc1e cells on the outer sides of the protoxylem gr;;Ups
begin to (livide, and the inner cells resulting from these divisions form cam-
bial cells. These strands of cambium unite with those on the inner sides of
the primary phloem strands. Arfirst the cambium has an undulating shape,
as seen in cross-section of the root; but as the development of the secon-
dary xylem on the inner side of the phloem strands precedes that of the se-
condary xylem external to the protoxylem groups, the cambium soon be-
comes circular in cross-section (Fig. 114, no. 2).


/ .
As has already been mentioned, one of)he most prominent characteris-
tics by which roots and stems can be distinguished is the manner In which
the lateral appendages develop from the axis. In the stem, the primordia of
the branches and leaves are initiated in the apical meristem from the outer
cell layers. Unlike this, lateral roots develop endogenously from inner cell
layers in regions of relatively mature tissues. The initiation of lateral roots
usually commences immediately behind 'the region of root hairs; but in
certain plants, especially water-plants, e.g. Eichhornia, the lateral' roots ,
begin to form, in the young pericyc1e, below this,{egion. In gymriosperms:
and angiosperms '(lie latenil roots are commonly initiated in the pericyc1e
whence they pass through the cortex of the parent root to the exterior. In
pteridophytes the lateral roots mostly are initiated in the endodermis
(Ogura, 1938). ' , ,\
A definite relationship exists between the position of the protoxylem
groups and phloem strands and the position of the initiation of lateral
roots. In triarch roots or those with more 'ilian three protoxylem groups
the lateral roots usually develop opposite the protoxylem groups. But in
certain plants, for instance, species of the Gramineae, Cyperaceae and
Juncaceae, the lateral roots develop opposite the phloem strands. In diarch
roots the primordia of the lateral roots appear opposite the phloem strands
or close to the protoxylem groups (Fig. 113, no. I), and so two rows of late-
ral roots develop. In some diarch roots, lateral roots may develop on both
sides of the protoxylem groups so that, in such cases, four rows of lateral
roots develop. In the fleshy carrot root additional lateral roots develop at
The Root 255

the base of earlier-formed lateral roots that have dried out (Esau, '1940,
In angiosperms the primordia of the laterarroots are formed by the peri-
dinal and anticlinal divisions of a group of pericycle cells, The initiating
divisions are periclinal. As a result of further growth tlie primordium
penetrates through the cortex ofthe parent root. It is possible to distinguish
the zones of primary ·tissues, apical meristem and root-cap of the lateral


4 5
FIG. 116. I, Basal portion of a plant of Zea mays in which the remains of the
seedling roots, and the adventitious roots, arising at the base of the internodes,
can be seen. 2-4, Portions of radial longitudinal sections of foots of Hypericum
showing eady stages in the development of lateral roots. 5, A seedling of Sinapis
alba in which the region of root hairs can be seen. (Adapted from Troll, 1948.)

root primordium even before it appears on the surface of the parent root
(Fig. 116, nos. 2-4). Different opinions exist as to how the passage of the
growing lateral root is effected through the cortex of the original root.
According to one view the lateral roots partially digest the cortical tissue
during penetration, while according to another view the process of pene-
tration is purely a mechanical one. However, it is generally agreed that the
developing lateral roots do not form any connection with the tissues through
which they penetrate.
256 Plnnt Anntomy

In many plants, as, for instancc::, Dqucus carota, the endodermis of the
parent root takes. part in the formation, of. the,primordi~m of the .lateral
roots (Esau, 19~0). Insuch cases the endoderm is may divide only anticli-
nally, but sometimes it may divide periclinally as well and thus forms more
than one layer. With the eruption of the lateral root on the surface of the
parent root, or even prior to it, the tissue that developed from the, ensJo-
dermis dies and it is eventually shed. Incertain -.yater-plants. and in species
of the Papilionaceae'; Cucurbitaceae and some others families, the inner-
most layers of the cortex also take part in the development of the lateral
roots (Esau, 1953).
The connection between the vascular systems of the lateral and parent
roots is brought about by intervening cells. As the lateral roots originate in
the pericycle the distance between the two vascular systems is small. Of
the intervening cells, which also develop from the pericycle, some differ-
entiate into sieve elements and some into tracheary elements.
The xylem of the lateral roots of many monocotyledons is connected
with two or more xylem strands of the original root. This can be seen in
Monstera, for example, where the connections ar~ not only with the peri-
pheral xylem strands but also with the innermost large vessels of the meta-
xylem. This is brought about by the modification, into tracheary elements;
of parenchyma cells between the xylem and phloem strands (Rywosch,
1909). /

Adventitious roots /
Adventitious roots, as defined above, may develop from large roo is,
from the hypocotyl of young plants, from the primary and secondary body
of stems, and from leaves. In the roots and stems of most plants adventi-
tious roots develop endogenously, but there are/examples in which the
development is exogenous. Primordia of adventitious roots may be formed
by the following tissues;·the epidermis, together with corticaHissue, of
buds and hypocotyls (e.g. Cardamine prJtensis, Rorippa austriaca); stem
peri cycle (e.g~ Coleus, Zea mays); ray parenchyma between pericycle and \
cambium (e.g. Tropaeolum majus, Lonicerajaponica, Tami'rix); non-differ-
entiated secondary phloem and cambium between the vasc'ular. bundles
(e.g. Rosa); interfascicular cambium and 'pericycle (e.g. Portulaca olera-
cea); interfascicular cambium, pericycle and phloem (e.g. Begonia); the
pith of the stem (e.g. Portulaca oleracea); parenchymatous interruptions
in the secondary xylem which are formed due to the presence of leaf-gaps
(e.g. Ribes nigrum) or buds (e.g. Cotoneaster dammeri) (Hayward, 1938;
Boureau, 1954); tissues of leaf margins ,and. petioles (e.g. Begonia, Kalan-
The development of adventitious roots has been described in some' species
of Salix (Carlson, 1938, 1950). In these species the adventitious roots
The Root 257
develop from primordia which appear in the stem prior to its removal as a
cutting. These primordia are· formed from secondary parenchymatous
tissue in the leaf- or branch-gaps. Several layers of cells external to the
cambium take part in the formation of a primordium, to whose.inner side
cells are: also added by the cambium. The primordium becomes dome-
shaped as a result of the intensified growth of the secondary xylem imme-
diately inwards of it. These primordia remain dormant withinthe inner
bark as long as the branch is not removed from the tree. The differentiation
of these primordia is extremely slow so that even in 9-year-old branches,
the typical root'tip structure is not discernible. After the first year of
growth, additional primordia may develop vertically above and below the
.first-formed primordia on both branches left on the tree and on cuttings.
On cuttings most of the primordia develop rapidly into roots. Similar
adventitious root primordia have been observed on woody roots of
Zygophyl/um dumosum.
Plant species differ from one another in their ability to produce roots on
cuttings. Cuttings of planfs with dormant adventitious root primordia
(e.g. Salix) root easily as do many plants with broad vascular rays but
without such primordia (e.g. Vitis vinifera, Tamal'ix spp.). Cuttings of
'Ceratonia, Pyrus and Carya, for example, which have no dormant pr~­
mordia and in which the rays are narrow, root with difficulty.
The ability to produce adventitious roots varies with age-generally,
they develop more easily on younger plants and plant organs.

Root structure in relation to function


The uptake of 'water and solutes is accomplished mainly by the young

parts of the roots.
The accepted opinion is that only a small amount of water penetrates
through the root-cap and through the apical meristem (Kramer, 1945;
Brouwer, 1959). The main uptake of water is apparently in that region
where the primary xylem is almost completely mature. In this region the
root hairs, the important role of which in the uptake of water is not doubt-
ed, are produced. In mature regions in which a periderm is present
water uptake also takes place, and is probably effected through the lenti-
eels (Kramer, 1946). The amount of water uptake in different places along
the root depends on various factors. To a certain extent these differences
are dependent on differences in structure. In many trees the region of up-
take may become inactive with the onset of unfavourable ecological
conditions as a result of the production of impermeable layers. The endo-
dermis and sometimes the exodermis, both of which contain suberin
258 Plant Anatomy

lamellae, develop a short distance from the apical. meristem. In certain

plants fatty substances have been found in the walls o~ the cells of the
outer layers of the root-cap, and in the epidermal cells between the root-
cap and that region where .the exodermis begins to form. This process has
been 'termed metacutization (Plaut, 1920; Guttenberg, 1943) .
.Ions are selectively transported and accumulated by roots. In the various
processes involved the different tissues of the root participate in, differ-
ent ways. The undifferentiated non-vacuolated cells of the root apex (up
to 0·5 mm in the root of Zea mays, for example) do not accumulate ions,
and ions enter and leave the cells passively (Handley and Overstreet, 1963).
The vacuolated and differentiated cells of the cortex have a marked ability
to accumulate solutes. However, in different plants the main sites of entry
of the various ions along the roots differ (Scott and Martin, 1962). The
vascular cylinder, however, which serves as the main transport system for
water and ions, exhibits a low rate of metabolism and has almost no capa-
city for accumulation.
The main harrier to transport acroSS tlie root'is believed to be the endo-
dermis: It is assumed that the fatty substances, deposited in the Casparian
strips of the endodermal cells, prevent the free passage of water and solutes
through the cell walls and restrict all transporno the protoplast. It is well'
known that the cytoplasm of the endoderma( cells is,strongly attached tt>
the Casparian strips. Therefore the passage of solutes from the cortex into
the xylem through the free 'space is prevented (Priestley, 1920, 1922;
Priestley and North, 1922; Brouwer, 1959). The endodermis' not only takes
part in selective transport of solutes from the outer solutions into the vessels,
but also constitutes a barrier to water movement, thus making possible
the existence of ahydrostatic pressure- usually 'termed the root pressure.
The endodermal barrier appears to'be very effeCtive in ion"selectivity except
in cases where the ionic strenith of the outer solutibnis very high or when
the ,roots are,deprived ()f en'ergy sOurces. "


In all primary roots reserve substances (mostly starch) are 'stored in the
cortex, which in most plants is relatively 'thick. In ordinary roots with
secondary thickening reserve substances are stored similarly as in stems,
i.e. in the parenchyma and sclerenchyma tissues of the secondary xylem
and phloem. Usually roots contain more parenchyma than do stems.'
There are plants in which certain parts of the root system develop into
thick, fleshy organs which function especially as storage organs. In many
plants the tap-root and hypocotyl undergo such modification.
The origin of the storage tissue may differ. In the carrot, for example
(Esau, 1940), the hypocotyl and tap-root become thickened and, with the
The Root 259

FIG. 117. Micrograph of the outer portion of a cross-section of the root tuber of
Ipomoea balalas. x 20.
Plant Anatomy
development of the periderm, the narrow cortex is shed. The organ be~
comes fleshy as a result of the excessive development of parenchyma in the
secondary xylem and especially in the secondary phloem. '
!n the sugar beet, according to Artschwager (1926), the hypocotyl and
root become fleshy as a result of an anomalous secondary thickening which
is characteristic of the Chenopodiaceae and which is discussed in more
detail in a later chapter. Here it will only be mentioned that, as a result of
the activityoofnumerous cambia, layer~ of secondary" tissue consisting of
parenchyma in which groups of conducting elements are scattered, ari,
formed. The sugar is found as a reserve substance in the cells of this secon-
dary parenchyma.
In Ipomoea batatas (Fig. 117) the fleshiness of the root is due to the
following development (Hayward, 1938). Both the primary and secondary
xylem develop normally and contain a large amount of parenchyma. How-
ever, with further development many anomalous secondary cambia are for-
med around single vessels or groups o( them. These cambia, which are
annular' in 'cross'sectiori "Fthe root, produce some phfoem but'"mainly
parenchyma. Some distance from the vessels, lati~ifers are also formed.
Tertiary tracheary elements develop close to and around the vessels
that are encircled by these special secondary cambia. Still later, secondary
cambia may be formed in the parenchym!,'~ot associated with vascular
In the radish the fleshiness of the root and hypocotyl 'is due to the' eX"
cessive development of parenchyma in the secondary xylem which is prod uc-
ed by the normal cambium, as well as secondary parenchyma produced
by additional cambia which also produce tertiary conducting elements
(Hayward, 1938).
r ,
The anchorage function 'of the robt in the soil is aided by
, ),;
the following
structural features: the branching of many lateral roots from a tap-root
and the development of many adventitious roots in fibrous root systems; \
the growth of root hairs which are of great importance in'young roots; the
development of sclerified tissues (principally_xylem) in the cenire of young
roots and the development of sclerenchyma in old roots.


The renewal buds of certain plants occupy a definite position within the
soil or on its surface. This position is mostly obtained by the pull of
special roots, which have been termed contractile roots (Rimbach, 1895,
1899,1929, 1932; Arber, 1925; Bottum, 1941; Davey, 1946; Dittmer, 1948;
The Root 261

Galil, 1958, 1961). Such roots are known to exist on many herbaceous
dicotyledons (e.g. Taraxacum; Medicago sativa; Daucus, Trifolium, Oxalis,
sugar beet) and in many bulbous and cormous monocotyledons (e.g.
Phaedranassa· chloracra, Hypoxis setosa, Bellevalia flexuosa, Gladiolus
segetum, Colchicum steveni, !5do/{don .montanum, Muscari parvijiorum,
Allium neapolitanum). Contractile roots or parts of roots are distinguish-
able from normal roots by their outer, wrinkled appearance.

Centrol cylinder

FlO, 118. Portion of_a longitudinal section-of a contractile root of Oxalis'hirta

showing the arrangement of turgid and collapsed cells in the contracted central
cylinder, and the contorted xylem. Solid black cells represent secretory cells.
(Adapted from Davey, 1946.)

According to Arber (1925), who studied Hypoxis se(osa, only the outer
cortex is wrinkled whereas the central cylinder and the inner cortex are
unaffected. Rimbach (1899) and later investigators explain the shortening
of the inner core as being due to the change in form of the inner cortical
cells. These cells, according to them, increase in radial and tangential dia-
meter and decrease in length.
Davey (1946) described the histological changes that are involved in the
root contraction of Oxalis hirta seedlings. According to him a small
amount of the contraction is due to the active growth of the phloem paren-
chyma cells in a transverse direction and their shortening in a longitudinal
direction. The main contraction mechanism, however, is as follows: hori-
262 Plant Anatomy

zontal zones of cells of the uniform secondary phloem parenchyma lose

their pro top lasts and sap and so collapse. Alternating ",ith these zones of
collapsing cells there remain narrow zones 'of living'turgid cells. The verti-
cal walls of the collapsing cells fold so that the horizontal walls are
brought together. Each collapsing zone becomes inclined upwards so that
the diameter of the root core becomes reduced and it tears away from the
periderm and the remnants of the cortex. The cortical tissues then ex-
hibit wrinkling. The phloem strands become contorted but remain alive.
The xylem strands and iheir associated cambium become spirally contorted
(Fig. 118);
Attention should be drawn, however, to the fact that the two above-
mentioned mechanisms may not be the only ones acting in the root to bring
about contraction.


The root systems of trees growing in littoral swamps, in which the soil is
periodically inundated and lacking in oxygen, exhibit various adaptations
to their habitat. These involve features that ensure sufficient aeration and
additional support. /
The Rhizophoraceae arc characteriz~d by stilt-roots which descend from
the stems and whose lower portions only are subterranean. The cortex of
these stilt-roots is spongy due to the development of complex intercellular
spaces (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950), In Phoenix paiudosa there are, at the
base of the stem, special roots which descend into the ciud and which
contain lenticels and aerenchyma produced by the phellogen,
Aerial, negatively geotropic. root projections, which are termed pneuma~
tophores, are commonly produced in swampy habitats .. These roots serve
for gas exchange. In Avicennia the pneumatophores are erect, peg-like
aerial projections of the lateral subterranean roots. In Bruguiera' erio-
petala knee-like aerial projections, which are part of the horizontal roots,
are produced. The morph~logy and anatomy of the pneumatophores of
Amoora, Carapa and Heritiera were studied in:detiill by Groom and Wilson
(1925). In these genera the aerial projections are wing-like protuberances
which are produced on the upper surface o'fth~ horizont';l roots by inten-
sified cambial activity in these regions. In the· three last-menti~ned genera
it was seen that the pneumatophores all possess lenticels and that they
contain only few xylem vessels and thick-walled fibres. The bulk of the
tissue of the root consists of thin-walled fibres and parenchyma tissue (axial
and ray parenchyma). At certain times this parenchyma was seen to con-
tain much starch, and so it may sometimes act as a storage tissue. However,
most of the cells have no solid contents and therefore it is possible that all
the cells, including the vessels, may act as air reservoirs. In Amoora and
Carapa the intercellular spaces in the wood are no larger than usual.
The Root 263

Adaptations of roots to :reric conditions

The following adaptations of roots to xeric conditions are well known:
the form of the root system, the succulence of the roots, the development
of a thick. bark, the sc1erification of the cortical cells, and the isolation of
the vascular cylinder by periderm formation or by the necrosis of the corti-
cal parenchyma (Hayden, 1919; Weaver,-1920; Evenari, 1938; Zohary and
Orshan, 1954 ;.Killian and Lemee,. 1956). Secondary wall thickening in endo-
dermal cells of ferns and monocotyledons was observed by Van Fleet (1957)
to be more prominent in plants growing in unfavourable conditions. In ad-
dition to the above, there are other characters that may be of adapti vevalue.
One of the commonly accepted characters of xerophytes is the presence
of well developed xylem tissues which help rapid conduction when water
is available. In this connection it is of interest to mention the roots of
Retama raetam. In this plant, which grows in sandy soils and wadi beds,
there are in addition to the usual vertical and diageotropic root§, horizon-
tal roots which have been observed to reach a length of up to 10 m. The
vessel members of the vertical roots are narrower and shorter than those
of the diageotropic roots and even more so than those of the horizontal
roots. Moreover, in the latter type of root a gradient in the length and width
of vessel members exists from .the distal ends of the roots to the part where
they are·attache.d to the vertical roots .. The advantage ofttiis feature may
be in its compensating effect on what would otherwise be a much more pro-
nounced. gradient in suctiori pressure from the stem toward the distal parts
of the roots. Both the greater width'and length of the vessel members in
the distal parts of the horizontal roots presumably ensure a more efficient
flow of water in these very long, horizontal roots. This feature is doubtless
of greaHmportance'as the 'horizontal roots take up water from the upper
layers, which in sandy soils, drain rapidly.
Two other interesting features have recently been observed in the pri-
mary roots of desert plants (Ginzburg, Ph.D. thesis). Firstly, in the roots
of plants growing under extreme desert conditions the,number of cortical
layers is reduced. The advantage of this feature may be that it shortens the
distance between the soil and the stele. Secondly, it has been observed that
the Casparian strips are much wider in plants growing in extremely dry ha-
bitats and in salt marshes as compared with those growing under mesophy-
tic conditions. In extreme cases the Casparian strips were seen to occupy
the entire radial and tranverse walls of the endodermal cells, As h" already
been mentioned, it appears that the endodermis represents a semi-per-
meable barrier that controls the movement of solutes into the central cylin-
der. If this is correct, the endodermis would function more efficiently when
the protoplasts are attached to larger portions of the radial and transverse
walls of the endodermal cells, Such a feature seems, therefore, to be an
adaptive character in plants growing under saline conditions.
264 ' Plant Anatomy

Connection between the vascular systems

of the root and stem "
The primary vascular systems of the root and stem are distinguished
from one another, as has already been described, by structure and' by the
direction of the radial development. The proto xylem in the root is exarch
while that of the stem is endarch. The xylem and phloem are arranged
alternately in the root;:while the arrangement in the stem is usually collate'
ral. Because of the differences in the functional design of the purely axial
structure of the root and that of the appendage-bearing stem, there are
necessarily basic differences in, the pattern of the vascular systems of these
two organs. The pattern of the vascularization of the stem, unlike that of
the root, is determined by the presence of the leaves. At the level where the
vascular systems of the root and stem meet, they must necessarily become
adapted to one another. This region of the plant axis where one system
gradually passes into the other has been termed the transition region. As
has already been explained in an earlier chapter; in the embryo the shoot
apex is found on one side of the hypocotyl and the ~oot apex on the other.
Therefore it is in the hypocotyl, and sometimes also in the lowermost inter-
nodes, that the one type of vascular system must change into the other.
The structure of the transition,region is complex and differs in different
plant 'spe~;es., Only general explanations are usually given of the transition
between the conducting systems of the root and stem"and notof,the tran-
sition between the conducting system of the root and the conducting sys-
tem serving the cotyledons and the shoot above them. /
The explanations given by many research workers and quoted in a large
number of textbooks are based on the study only of serial sections of seedl-
ings in which primary'vascular tissue is fully-developed. This method of
investigation caused the workers involved to conclude that the separate
strands or phloem twist and that their orientation is inverted'during their
passage through the hypocotyl and into that part of the stem above the
cotyledons. These conclusions have not been confirmed by more recent
ontogenetic studies, which are based on tracing the connection between'the
simple, axial conducting system of the root on the one hand, and ,the com-
plex vascular system of the shoot, on the other. i
In Daucus (Esau, 1940; Foster, 1950), for example, three bundles enter
into each cotyledon. The median bundle of these three traces consists of a
strand of exarch xylem which is continuous with the protoxylem of the
root and is accompanied laterally by two phloem strands. In this strand
centripetal differentiation can be followed for some distance into·the coty-
ledon. In contrast with this, each of the lateral cotyledonary traces is colla-
teral with external phloem and endarch xylem on the inside. Throughout
the entire length of these bundles the differentiation of the xylem proceeds
in a centrifugal direction. These bundles originate from the central portion
The Root 265
of the diarch xylem oflhe root. Therefore, in the case of Daucus, there is
a definite continuation" without any.. inversion,. between ·the ·primary vas-
cular system of the cotyledons and that of the common axis of the hypo-
cotyl-radicle. In Daucus the apical meristem of the epicotyl commences to
produce leaf primordia after secondary thickening is initiated in the region
of hypocotyl-radicle. The collateral traces of these foliage leaves join with
the secondary vascular tissues of the hypocotyl and root.
According to Crooks (1933) the transition between the vascular systems
of the stem and root in Linum (Fig. 119, nos. 1-6), which also has a diarch
root system, is as follows. In the lower part of the hypocotyl the stele is
similar to that of the root. A little higher a parenchymatous pith develops
in the centre of the stele and at the same time each of the phloem strands
divides, resulting in four strands (Fig. 119, no. 4). The development of the
metaxylem elements gradually passes to the sides of the protoxylem and
so four groups, of metaxylem are obtained, each of which is in contact
with the inner side of a phloem strand. About half-way along the hypocotyl
each of the fourmetaxylem strands, together with its external accompany-
ing phloem strand. divides into two, so that eight collateral bundles, which
constitute cotyledonary traces, are obtained. Still higher, just below the
'cotyledonary node, the eight traces become arranged in two opposing
groups of four (Fig. 119, no.-,3 a, a, and b, b,). Ai the cotyledonary node the
two'lateral traces of each group (a and aI)' become greatly separated from
the inner two and they, enterI into the cotyledons where they form the two
lateral veins. Still higher, the middle two metaxylem strands (b and b,)
again approach one another on the outer side of the protoxylem, so that
at the base of the cotyledons the primary xylem is endarch. The two meta-
xylem strands, which had approached one another, eventually Juse and
form the median vein of each of the cotyledons. The phloem groups of
the median vein fuse at a higher level within the cotyledon (Fig. 119, no. 2).
The phloem, which is associated with the fwo leaves of the epicotyl, is
already differentiated in the lower part of the hypocotyl at the level where
the two strands of the root phloem diverge to form four strands. However,
the xylem of the epicotyl develops somewhat later tha'1 that of the cotyle-
dons and hypocotyl. The development of the xylem of the collateral bund-
les of the first foliage leaves above the cotyledonary node is endarch. These
bundles develop basipetally into the hypocotyl where they may join with
the strands of metaxylem and phloem or where they may terminate blindly
within the parenchyma. In the axes of older seedlings (more than 1 week
old), the protoxylem is the first to be stretched and crushed. Later, the
earliest-formed metaxylem is obliterated in the middle and upper portions
of the hypocotyl. Finally, nearly all the primary xylem disappears, but
fragments of it may be distinguished in the parenchyma of the transition
region, especially in longitudinal sections, for some time or even
throughout the life of the plant.
266. Plant Anatomy

In certain.plants, for example Beta, in which the root is also diarch, one.
trace of double nature-
enters each
of the cotyledons.
•.• ~
of these coty-
ledonary traces consists of two bundles which are partially fused along the
protoxylem. In this case the protoxylem is also brought closer to the centre
by the change in the position. of differentiation of the metaxylem in the



(4) ~-. ~~~~-\\




FIG. 119. Transition region in a seedling of Linum usitatissimum. 1, Three·dimen-

sional diagram of the hypocotyl and cotyledonary node. 2-5, Portions of cross-
sections at various levels of the hypocotyl and of one cotyledon. The numerals in
The Root 267

upper part of the hypocotyl and the bundles become completely collateral
oandoendarch,only-in.the cotyledons (Artschwager, 1926; Hayward, 1938).
The double nature of the cotyledonary trace has phylogenetic importance
(Bailey, 1956).
In Medicago sativa the root is usually triarch. In transition, to the hypo-
cotyl one of the xylem strands becomes smaller than the other two. The
two large strands become'situated one opposite the otheLas in a diarch
arrangement. The small third bundle is at right-angles to the two large
ones. Higher up a fourth strand of protoxylem develops opposite the small
third one and so the stele becomes ,tetrarch at the base of the hypocotyL
During this process a fourth strand of phloem is also developed and the
phloem strands alternate with the xylem strands. Higher up in the hypo-
cotyl pith is developed. The phloem strands divide so that they number
eight; these strands become orientated so as to take up a position almost
collateral. to the xylem strands. The differentiation of the metaxylem ele-


FIG. 119
no. 1 indicate the levels at which the cross-sections were made. 6, An entire seed~
ling at the stage of development corresponding to that depicted in the other
drawings. For further explanations, see text. (Adapted from crooics. 1933.)
Plant Anatomy

ments, a short distance below the cotyledonary node, takes place in such a
position that two V-shaped groups, as seen in cross-section, are formed.
The protoxylem is located in the angle between the twe! arms of the V.
The two triads, i.e. the xylem groups together with their associated phloem,
constitute the 'cotyledonary bundles (Hayward, 1938).
The length of the transition region in dicotyledons differs - in some
plants it is short while in others it is long. In some plants the changesin
orientation are gradual and continue'throughout the entire length of·the
hypocotyl, while in others these changes are restricted to the upper portion
of the hypocotyl alone. In the latter case the hypocotyl is referred to as
being of root structure. The transition region is longest in seedlings with
subterranean cotyledons (hypogeal germination) as it extends for one or
more nodes above the cotyledons.
In monocotyledons the transition bet'veen the vascular tissues of the
root and stem is affected by the'presence of a single cotyledon and by the
shortness of the lowermost internodes (Esau, 1953). In many monocotyle-
dons part of the vascular system of the root is connected'with'the vascular
system of the cotyledon, while part is connected ~ith th~ vascular tissues
of the first foliage leaf. In both these cases the connecting vascular strands
exhibit features typical of iran sit ion. However,,in a small number of mono- \
cotyledons the transition takes place between' the root and cotyledon alone
as is ,common in the dicotyledons (Arber, 1925).
As an example of a transition region in monocotyledons / we shall cite
that of the seedling of Triticum (Fig. 115, no. 3) as described by Boyd and
Avery (1936). The polyarch vascular cylinder of the root is connected to
that of the leaves by the presence of plate-like vascular tissue which is pre-
sent below the insertion of the scutellum. This plate is termed the nodal
plate. Separate bundles arise acropetally from the nodal plate. These bund-
les are irregularly arranged in the basal portions where they exhibiUransi-
tional features. Higher up these bundles continue to branch and produce
a cylinder of bundles with endarch xylem a;rcr~with collateral arrangement
of xylem and phloem. This system consists of bundles that enter the scu-
tellum, coleoptile and the first two foliage leaves.
The transition region of the gymnosperms is generally" similar to that
common in the dicotyledons in which the connection occurs primarily
between the root and (he cotyledons, but ins more complex than in the
dicotyledons because of the increased number of cotyledons (Boureau,
The complex structure of the transition region between the root and
shoot is apparently, as already suggested by Esau (1961), the result of the
meeting of influences of two morphogenetic centres - the shoot apex and
the root apex. These influences are especially strong in the embryonic stage
of the plant where the two centres (apices) are close to each other. The
differentiation in that region where the two opposite trends meet should
The Root 269
be intermediate between the two. During the growth of the seedling the
two poles move furtherapart'and the influence of each of'them ou'the
region near the other is weakened. Accordingly, the extension of the tran-
sition region into one or more internodes above the cotyledons in seedlings
in which the germination is hypogeal may be explained by the extended
influence of the root apex on the basal internodes'oflhe stem as a result of
,the ret~rded growth of the hypocotyl in such seedlings.

ARBER, A. 1925. Monocotyledons. A morphological study, Cambridge University Press,
\ Cambridge.
ARTSCHWAGER. E. 1926. Anatomy of the vegetative organs of the sugar beet. Jour.
Agric. Res. 33: 143-176.
AVERY. G. S., Jr. 1930. Coinparative anatomy and morphology of embryos and seed-
lings of maize, oats, and wheat. Bot. Gaz. 89: 1-39.
BAILEY, I. W. 1956 •. Nodal anatomy_in retrospect. Jour. Arnold Arb.' 37: 269-287.
BOTTUM, F. R. 1941. Histological studies on the root of Melilotus alba. Bot. Gaz. 103:
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GROWTH in thickness that occurs distant from the apices is called secondary
growth, and the tissues thus produced are termed secondary tissues. These
tissues constitute the secondary .body of the plant. Secondary tissues devel-

Secondary Primary
xylem phloem

FIG. 120. 1, Portion of a cross-section of a four year-old branch of Populus alba.

x 40. 2, Portion of a tangential sect ion through the cambium of the stem of Nico-
tiana tabacum. showing the middle portion of a dividing fusiform initial. x 1.250.
Vascular Cambium 273

op from secondary meristems, i.e. from the vascular cambium and the
phellogen or cork fambium ..Commonly, _the main.stem, which in.,certain
'plants may reach a diameter of some metres. the branches. roots. and often
even petioles and the main veins -of leaves, consist of secondary tissues
(Fig. 120, no. I).
The development of secondary vascular tissues from the cambium is
characteristic of the dicotyledons and the gymnosperms. In certain. mono-
_ cotyledons the vascular tissues are also increased after the primary growth
is completed, but the cambium of these plants is of a different nature. In
the pteridophytes secondary thickening was more common among those
species that have become extinct. In the living pteridophytes this feature is
\rare but occurs, for example, in [soetes and Botrychium. Certain monocoty-
!edons, as, for instance, some Palmae, exhibit considerable thickening that
is the result of a primary thickening meristem only, but these plants nev-
er reach the diameter of old dicotyledonous trees.


THE vascular cambium is a lateral meristem that develops either as longi-
tudinal strands or as a hollow cylinder. In the woody angiosperms and
gymnosperms the primary dssues of the stem 'and root exist for only a rela-
tively short period before they become destroyed or obliterated by the
development of the secondary vascular tissues which are produced by the
cambium. In many herbaceous angiosperms, and also in most of the re-
c~nt lower vascular plants, cambium is absent or vest~gial.

General development and st1'uctW'e of the

vas<!ular canlbium
In certain plants, including monocotyledons, all the cells of the procam-
bium undergo differentiation into primary vascular tissues. In almost all
the dicotyledons and gymnosperms a portion of the procambium remains
meristematic even after the completion of primary growth and develops
into the cambium of the secondary body. The cambium that arises within
the bundles of primary vascular tissue of the stem is called fascicular cam-
bium (Fig. 70, nos. 2, 3). The strips of fascicular cambium usually become
joined by additional strips of cambium which constitutes the interfascicular
cambium (Fig. 71). The interfascicular cambium is not a continuation of
the procambium but develops from the interfascicular parenchyma. There-
fore this part of the cambium constitutes a secondary meristem also from
the point of view of its origin. Thus a complete hollow cvlinder of cam-
274 Plant Anatomy

bium is developed which is present throughou( the length of the main

plant axis and from which, there arise ,narrower cylinders of cambium
belonging to the stem and root branches, Sometimes the ~ambium extends
into the leaves, In most dicotyledons and gymnosperms the cambial cylin-
der develops between the' primary xylem and phloem, a' position that is
retained throughout the life 'of the plant. From this position the cambium
produces the secondary xylem centripetally, and the secondary phloem



FIG. 121. I, Portion of a cross-section of t-stem of Pinus showing the cambial zone
and neighbouring tissues. 2, As above but i radial section and showing a vascular
ray. (No.2, adapted from Haberlandt, 191,8.)'

centrifugally. In certain dicotyledonous plantCe.g. the Chenopodiaoeae,the

secondary thickening of the, axis is anomalous and it is brought about in a
manner that differs from that described above.
Among the important investigations of the structure of the cambium'and
the manner of its cell division are those of Bailey (1920a, b, 1923, 1930),
Bannan (1950, 1951a, b), Bannan and Whalley (1950), Newman (1956)
and Wilson (1964).
During the growing period the cambial initials together with their imme-
diate derivatives form the cambial zone. In a cross-section the cells of the
Vascular Cambium 275

cambial zone are seen to be arranged in radial rows (Fig. 121, no. I). The
cells on either side of this zone gradually widen until they acquire the shape
and features of mature phloem and xylem elements. In the narrow sense
of the word the cambium consists only of the single layer of initials, but it
is customary to refer to the entire cambial zone by this term as it is difficult,
in a single section, to distinguish between the initials and the neighbonring
cells that are derived from them. Some authors (Catesson, 1964) doubt
the existence of one layer of cambial initials and consider the cells of the
whole homogeneous part of the cambial zone to have the properties of ini-
tials. When the cambium is active the cambial zone is wide and consists of
many cell layers, but when it is dormant the zone is usually reduced to one
or a few cell layers only.
In conifers, according to Bannan (1962), the cambial zone in the resting
state may consist of five layers, buUUs usually. two- or three-layered. In
the three-layered condition the layer nearest the more or less immature
phloem is recognizable as that of the cambial initials and the inner layers
constitute the xylem mother cells. In these plants the first divisions, on the
renewal of cambial activity, may occur in any of the three layers of the
cambial zone, but the usual site of the first divisions is among the xylem
mother cells closest to the already differentiated xylem and not, as might
be expected, in the cambial initials. The initiation of the divisions closest to
the xylem is of interest and may be connected with the supply of water
as well as with the presence oCgrowth hormones (Bannan, 1962). Accord-
ing to Evert (l963), in Pyr~s malus final differentiation of the phloem ele-
ments from cells produced in the previous season precedes xylem differen-
tiation by about 6 weeks.


There are two basic types of cambial initials.

1. Fusiform initials (Fig. J 22, nos. I, 2) which are elongated cells with
tapered ends. These cells are very long and in old trunks of Sequoia semper-
virens, for example, they reach a maximum length of8·7 mm (Bailey, 1923).
2. Ray initials (Fig. 122, nos. 1,2) which are much smaller cells than those
of the above type and which are almost isodiametric.
Both these types of initials are larger in older trunks than in very young
ones. The longitudinally orientated elements in an organ, such as the trache-
ary elements, fibres, xylem and phloem parenchyma and the sieve elements,
develop from the fusiform initials. The cells of the vascular rays, which
are orientated horizontally in the organ, develop from the ray initials.
One of the interesting features of cambial cells is their intense vacuola-
tion. The walls of these cells possess primary pit-fields with plasmodes-
mata (Fig. 123, no. I) .. The radial walls, especially of the mother cells, are
Plant Anatomy

FlO. 122. Tangential sections of different cambial types. 1, Storied cambium of'
Robinia. 2, Non-storied cambium of Fraxinus.
Vascular Cambium 277



FIG. 123. I, Diagram of a fusif6im-initial of the cambium of Robinia pseudacacia

showing its highly vacuolated protoplast and the presence of numerous primary
pit-fields. 2-4, Diagrammatic' representation of the anticlinal division of fusiform
initials that results in the increase in girth of the cambium. 2, Division of a fusi-
form initial in non-storied cambium showing the relative position of the daughter
cells during their elongation. The plane of the division is diagonal, and the cells
come to lie one next to the other as a result of gliding growth. 3,Three stages in the.
'anticlinal division of afusiform initial in a storied cambium. 4, Three possible ori-
entations of the new wall formed during the anticlinal division of a fusiform ini-
tiaLFrom right to left: in conifers, in non-storied dicotyledonous cambium; in
storied dicotyledonous cambium. (Adapted from Bailey, 1923, 1930.)

thicker than the tangential ones; this featnre is a result of the predominantly
periclinal divisions in the cambial cells during which the thickening of the
radial walls is continuous.


Two types of cambium can be distinguished on the basis of the arran-

gement of the fusiform cells as seen in tangential section.
1. Storied or stratified cambium (Fig. 122, no. 1) in which the fusiform
initials are arranged in horizontal rows so that their ends are approxima-
tely at the same level. This type of cambium is found in Tamarix and Robi-
nia, for example.
278 'Plimt Anatomy

2. Non-storied or non-stratified cambium (Fig. 122, no. ,2) in which the

fusiform initials partially overlap one another and in which they are not
arrangedjn,horizontal rows, i
The fusiform initials in the second type are longer and this type is the
more common, Bailey (1923) saw in the initials of storied cambium a high-
er phylogenetic stage, and he suggested that they have developed by gra-
dual reduction of the size of the cells and of longitudinal sliding growth.


The cambial initials and the cells that are derived from them but which
have not yet undergone differentiation divide periclinally and anticlinally
in a longitudinal plane, As a result of t1>e periclinal divisions, which are
the more numerous, new cells are added to the secondary phloem ,and,
xylem, The derivatives of each initial therefore form radial rows, which can
sometimes also be distinguished in the xylem and phloem, Usually, how-
ever, this order is lost in the vascular tissues because of the changes in shape
that take place during the differentiation and maturation (>f their cells,
As a result of the secondary thickening, the circumference of the xylem,
cylinder increases. Together with this the cambium /
also increases in cir-
cumference by the addition of new cells. In.storied cambium the addition
of new fusiform initials is 'brought about by longitudinal aniiclinal divi-
sions (Fig, 123, no. 3) of the existing initials. In non'storied cambium, on
the other hand, the fusiform initials undergo oblique, app/oaching hori-
zontal, anticlinal divisions, after which each of the new cells elongates at
its ends till it is as long as, or even longer than, the cell from which it was
derived (Fig. 123, no. 2).
Because of the great length of ihe fusiform 'initials, the formation of the
cell plate during the process of longitudinai divisio"n is peculiar to these
cells. The ceIL plate begins to form between' the two new nuclei and it
spreads slowly. A relatively long period passes before it reaches'the 'end
walls. While the cell plate is not complete. its free margins are surrounded
by phragmoplast (Fig. 120, no. 2; Fig. 124, nos. 1-4). '
In the conifers (Bannan, 1962) intensively dividing cambial cells divide
once every 4-6 days, whereas apical _meristmatic cells divide 'every 8-18
hr. Possibly, the slower division or'the cambial cells is due to the time
required for the phragmoplasts t<i'reach the ends of the elongated cells,
which may be up to a rew millimetres long. Most divisions, as seen in
radial longitudinal sections, take place among the xylem mother cells. The
rate of division in the cambial initials and the phloem mother cells is
lower than in the xylem mother cells. The relative rates of xylem and
phloem formation have been found to change during the growing season
only in some plants. According to Bannan (1950, 1951a, b), in the conifers
Vascular Cambium 279

there are two processes that take place during the enlargement of the cam-
bial cylinder. Firstly,nearly all t)1e~.neY( ray. initials develop from.special,
transverse divisions offusiform cells. Secondly, single initials are continually
lost from the cambium and are replaced by new ones. Many of the fusiform
initials that.are about to be lost shorten before they are finally obliterated.
Phragmoplast Phragmoplast

2 3 4
FIG. 124. Diagrams showing various stages in the. division of a fusiform initial of
Robinia pseudacacia. l.:. J, Dividing cells as seen in radiafsection .. 4, As seen in
tangential section. (Adapted from Bailey, 1920c.)
Seasonal activity of Cambium
~b~1~ a1~ p\an\~ 'Wbose cam.'D1um. 1~ achve tblOUg'nDUt t'ne ent11e \1\" 'X
the plant; i:e., the cambial cells divide continuously'and theresulting cells
undergo gradual differentiation to form the xylem and phloem elements.
This .type of activity is usuallyJound in plants growing in tropical regions ..
Contrary to this, in plants whose origin is in the temperate regions, the
cambium ceases its activity with the onset of unfavourable conditions, usu-
ally the autumn, and it enters a dormant state which may last from the
end of summer till the follewing spring. In spring the cambium again be-
comes active. From an anatomical point of view the commencement of the
cambial activity censists of two stages: (I) the cambial cells become wider
radially; and (2) the cells begin te divide as described abeve. With the
enlargement ,of the cambial cells their radial walls usually become weak-
ened, so that in this stage the bark of the stems and reets may easily be
peeled. In later stages this easy separation of the bark from the xylem is also
pessible because of the increase in number ,of cells in the cambial zene as a
result of the cell divisions. The separatien principally occurs in the regien
of the young xylem cells which have already reached their maximum dia_
meter, but which still have thin primary walls.
280 Plant Anatomy

Various methods are used to determine cambial activity. The ease by

which the bark may be peeled is often used as an "indication of cambial
activity: "A· second method is based olf"the "anatomibal examinati'on of
cross-sections cut in the region of the cambium and the tissues adjacent
to it. In this method the number of cell layers of not yet fully differentiated
xylem elements is taken as an indication of the rate of cainbial activity.
Recently a new method has been developed by which both the rates of cell
division and of cell differentiation can be precisely determined (Waisel
and Fahn, 1965a). This method involves the application of
bon to photosynthesizing plants. If the cambium is active the radioactive
carbon is incorporated in the newly formed cell walls where it can easily
be detected by autoradiographic techniques.
As has already been mentioned, there are plants in which the cambium
is active throughounhe year and those in which there is a break, which
may be as long as 8 months in duration in the mmbial activity. In the
Mediterranean and desert regions of Israel it is possible to find both the
above two as well as intermediate types (Oppenheimer, 1945; Fahn, 1953,
1955, 1958a, b, 1959a, b, 1962; Fahn and Sarnat, 1963). In these regions
the range of temperature is such that the cambium may remain active
throughout the year if such activity is in accordance with the hereditary
characteristics of the plant. In arid regionS: such as these, however, the
amount of available-water in the soil is an important factor in the control
of cambial activity, and, of course, the general ability to grow depends on
<this factor. It is of interest to note" th-ilt in certain plants, e.g. Tamarix
articulata, Acacia raddiana and A. tortilis, which grow in fhe desert regions
of Israel and whose roots reach those levels that contain a certain amount
of moisture even at the end of the dry summer, the cambium is active
throughout the year. From the point of view of cambial ,activity the
trees 'and shrubs growing in Israel may be divided into the following five \
types. , .
'1. Woody' plants, such as Retarna rae tam Webb., Artemisia mono-
sperma Del., Zygophyllum dumosum Boiss. and Reaumuria palaes/ina
Boiss., which all exhibit more or less distinct growth.,rings, the develop-
ment of which commences in the early winter months, ·i.e. betwee" No-\
vember and January. The cambium in these specie's is dormant for a
fairly long period. .
2. Trees and shrubs such as three Quercus species, three Pistacia species,
Ceratollia siliqua L., Tamarix jordanis Boiss. var. negevensis Zoh., T.
galliea L. vaT. maris-mortui Zoh., and CaWgonum comosum L'Her. which
all exhibit more or less distinct growth rings, the development of which
commences in the period March to May, i.e. in the spring. Some of the
plants of this group have a marked dormant'period, while in others, such
as Ceratonia and the two Tamarix species, the cambium is inactive for a
very short period only, and may even be active throughout the year. In the
Vascular Cambium 281

latter case only the seasons of early and late wood production can be
'3, Shrubs, such as Anabasis articulata Moq. and Salsola rosmarinus
Solms-Laub., which are intermediate between the first 'two groups in that
the commencement of the growth-ring production is in February.
4. Trees, such as Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. and Tamarix aphyl/a
Karst., in which the formation of the early wood starts in September
(August),.i.e. toward the . end of the dry summer season. In Eucalyptus the
late wood, which consists of one or two bands of flattened fibres two or
three layers thick, is produced during the spring or in early summer, and
the cambium is inactive or almost so during July-August. In some speci-
mens of Tamarix aphylla commencement of growth-ring production was
fbund to be in August-September, while in other specimens two such
periods were seen - one in the- late summer and one at the end of
February-resultingiiHhe production oftwo growth rings annually.
5. Trees and shrubs, such as Acacia tortilis Hayne, A. 'raddiana Savi,
A. cyanophylla Lindl. and Thymelaea hirsuta Endl., in which there are no
growth rings and in which the same type of wood is produced throughout
the year.
In Eucalyptus camaldulensis the annual growth ring was seen to be pro-
duced in September which coincides with the spring of Australia, where
this indigenous. Therefore it" is seen that the endogenous "growth
rhythm persists in the trunk,of Eucalyptus species and that it withstands
the influence of external factors in a new and different _environment. In the
case of Israel this is "probably possible because of the mildness of the win-
ters. This feature of the growth,rhythm is, however, confined to evergreens,
as in deciduous plants the endogenous rhythm of cambial activity may" be-
come· suppressed under 'the" influence. of sudden changes in climate that
bring about leaf fall and bud burst. In the grapevine a second bud burst,
which was accompanied by the formation of a second growth ring; could
be artificially induced by defoliation (Bernstein and Fahn, 1960).
From the behaviour of tropical woody species and of Eucalyptus intro-
·,duced into an area with a mild climate, it appears that the annual rhythm
of growth-ring production, at least in evergreens, may be considered as a
conservative character. Therefore it may be that the plants of the above-
described types are of different geographic origin. The first group, in which
the growth-ring production commences between November and January,
i.e. at the beginning of the wet winter, and in which the cambium is active
during that period and dormant during the dry season, appears to be the
indigenous type, and it is the best suited to the area under discllssion.
282 Plant Anatomy


The relationship between the cambial activity and ithe 'activity of the
vegetative buds differs in different species. The activity of the cambium
usually starts below the sprouting buds from where it spreads downwards.
The velocity of this spread. also differs. In Acer it was found to be rather
slow (Cockerham, 1930) while in various conifers, in some ring-porous
dicotyledons (Priestley, 1930; Wareing, 195 I) and in some evergreens(Fahn,
1953) the downward spread of the cambial activity is very rarid. For in-'
stance, in the Mediterranean region of Israel the time lag between bud
sprouting and the activation of the cambium is 2-4 weeks in some deci-
duous species, while in evergreens there is no such lag and the two pro-
cesses take place simultaneously (Fahn, 1953).
The stimulus for the reactivation of the cambium is, apparently, a cer-
tain levd or combination of growth-reg"lating'.substances (Gouwentak,
1941). The close relation of cambial and bud activity led Avery el al. (1937)
to conclude that these substances, which are produced by the b_uds, flow
downwards from them along the axis where acti'(ity is thus induced. How-
ever, ,in most plants a certain period of dormancy must be completed
before the cambium can be reactivated by known treatments, such as the
application of growth r~gulators (Gouwentllk and Mass, 1940; Gouwen~
tak, 19,4l) and, increased day length. Thus; the application of such treat'
ments 'Yill induce acth:ity ·only after a certain unknown factor or factors,
which calIse dormancy, have been eliminated. I
According to Wareing (i958) two main groups of regulators, i.e. gibbe-
rellins and auxins, have been shown to affect cambial activity. Under the
influence of gibberellin rapid cell divisions, which are not followed by diffe-
rentiation, are induced in the_c~mbium. Auxins,.on the other hand, cause.
rapid cell differentiation. The simultaneous effect of the above two groups
of substances seems. to result in the appearanceLof normal cambial acti-
vity. .... _-,~ \. *

Very little is as yet known about the factors that cause the cessation of
cambial activity. Wareing (1951) and Wareing and Roberts (1956),have
stressed the role of photoperiodism in the activity of tl1e,cambium.These '
investigators showed that in juvenile plants of Robinia pseudacacia and
Pinus sylvestris cambial dormancy can be induced by the appiication of
short day conditions and that the cambium can be reactivated by long day
conditions. However, other external factors, such as temperature (Waisel
and Fahn, I 965b), as well as internal ones, especially in adult plants, s,eem
to playa major role in the control of the rhythm of canibial activity.
Vascular Cambium 283

Pql·t played by cambium in healing of wounds

One Of the important functions of the cambium is to form callus or
wound tissue over wounds. This tissue consists of masses of soft paren-
chyma tissue which are rapidly fonned on or below the damaged surface
of stems and roots. Callus may be formed by the division of parenchyma
cells of the phloem, cortex and vascular rays, but it- is mostly formed by
the c;.a:mbium. The outer cells of the parenchymatous masses become
suberized or a periderm develops in them (Chapter 17). Below this protec-
tive layer a reorganized cambium produces new vascular tissues.
Callus is also developed, at the beginning of the growth season, on the cir-
cumference of wounds caused by pruning. With the continued production,
by the cambium, of secondary xylem in the undamaged area around the
scar, and because of the eventual fusion of the cambial layers, the wound
becomes completely·covered. The production of the secondary wood con·
tinues so that the layer covering the wound is continually thickened.
=-If the. cambium is damaged during the growing season it may be re-
£ormed from the immature xylem cells below it if these cells are protected
from drying-out immediately after the wound is formed. Sometimes in
.ringing experiments it is difficult to prevent the formation of new cambium
e-ven, if the ringed surface is scratched with a knife, as the living immature
xylem. cells .below it produce callus tissue in which the new cambium is

PU1·t played by ,cambium in grafting

The important process o~grafting is based on the ability of thecambium
to fOfm callus in the stock\ and sCion, and to fuse so as to form a contin~
uou, layer at the junction 'of the stock and scio~. This cambium devel-
ops, after fusion, normal vascular tissues (Mendel, 1936; Roberts, 1949;
Masse, 1953; Buck, 1954). In cases where the stock and scion are incom-
patible, their cambia do not fuse and normal phloem and xylem is not
produced. Instead, parenchymatous masses are formed which result in a
weak union and which only enable slow conduction (Roberts, 1949; Mosse
and Herrero, 1951; Herrero, 1951; Masse, 1955).

AVERY, G. S., Jr., BURKHOLDER, P. R. and CREIGHTON, H. B. 1937. Production and
distribution of growth hormone in shoots of Aesculus and Malus, and its probable
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284 Plant Anatomy

BAILEY, I. W. 1920c. The formation of cell plate in the cambium of the higher plants.
Proc. Nation. Acad. Sci. 6: 197-200.
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BAILEY, 1. W. 1930. The cambium and its derivative tissues. V. A. reconnaissance of the
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BANNAN, M. W. 1950. The frequency of anticlinal divisions in fusiform cambial cells
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BANNAN, M. W.1951a. The reduction of fusiform cambial cells in Chamaecyparis and
Thuja. Cana'd. Jour. Boi. 29: 57:_67. .
BANNAN, M. W. 1951b. The annual cycle of size changes jn the fusiform cambial 'Cells
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BANNAN, M. W. 1962. Tpe vascular cambium and tree-ring development. In: Tree
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BANNAN, M. W. and WHALLEY, B, E. 1950. The elongation of fusiform cambial cells
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BERNSTEIN, Z. and FAHN, A. 1960. The effect of annual and bi-annual pruning on the
seasonal changes in xylem formation in the grapevine.- Ann. Bot.,N. S,-24: 159-171.
BUCK, G. J. 1954. The histology of the bud-graft union in roses. Iowa State~ Coil. Jour.
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CATESSON, A. 1964. Origine, fonctionnement et variations ,cytologiques saisonnieres du
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Boral1ique, Paris, 12e serie, 5: 229-498.
COCKEI{HAM, G. 1930. Some observations on cambial activity and seasonal starch
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EVERT, R. F. 1963. The cambium and seasonal development of the phloem in pyrus
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FAHN, A. 1953. Annual wood ring development in maquis trees of Israel. Palest. Jour.-
Bot" Jerusalem 6: 1-26. /
FAHN, A. 1955. The development of the growth ring in wood of Quercus infectaria and
Pistacia lenliscus in the hill region of Israel. Trop. Woods 101": 52-59.
FAHN, A, 1958a. Xylem structure and annual rhythm of development in trees and
shrubs of the desert. I. Tamarix aphylla, T. jordanis var. negevensis. T, gallica var.
liiaris-mortui. Trop, Woods 109: 81-94.
FAHN, A. 1958b. Xylem structure and annual rhythm of development in trees and
shrubs of the desert. II. Acacia tortihs and A. raddiana, Bull. Res. Counc. Israel
70: 23-28.
F AHN, A. 1959a. Xylem structure and annual rhythm of development' in trees and
shrubs of the desert. III. Eucalyptus comaldulensis and Acacia cyanophylla. Bull.
Res. Counc. lsrael7D: 122-129. ..- , _
FAHN, A. 1959b, Annual rhythm of xylem development in trees \and-shrubs in Israel. \
Proc. IX. Intern, Bot. Congr. Montreal: 110. . ,. .
FARN, A. 1962. Xylem structure and the annual rhythm of cambial a~tivity in woody
species of the East Mediterranean regions-:- News Bull. Internat. Assoc. Wood
Anatomists, 1962/1: 2-6.
FAHN, A. and SARNAT, C. 1963. Xylem structure and annual rhythm of development in
trees and shrubs of the desert. IV. Shrubs. Bull. Res. Counc. IsraelllD: 198-209.
GOUWENTAK, C. A. 1941. Cambial activity as dependent on the presence of growth
hormone and the non-resting conditions of stems. Proc. Acad. Sci. Arnst. 44: 654-
GOUWENTAK, C, A. and MASS, A. L. 1940. Kambiumtatigkeit und Wuchsstoff. II.
Meded, Landb. Hoogesch. Wageningen 44: 3-16.
HABERLANDT. G. 1918. Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie. 5th ed. W. Engelmann,
Vascular Cambium 285
HERRERO, J. 1951. Studies of compatible and incompatible graft combinations with
special reference to hardy fruit trees. Jour. Hort. Sci. 26: 186-237.
MENDEL, K. 1936', The anatomy and histology of the' bud-union in citrus. Palest. Jour.
Bot. Hort. Sci. 1: 3-46.
MOSSE, B. 1953. The origin and structure of bridge tissues in ring-grafted apple sterns.
Jour. lfort. Sci. 28: 41-48.
MOSSE, B. 1955. Symptoms of incompatibility induced in a peach by ring grafting with
an incompatible rootstock variety. Ann. Rep. E. Mailing Res. Sta. 1954, pp. 76-77.
MOSSE, B. and HERRERO, J. 1951. Studies on incompatibility between some pear and
. ·-qi.ti"nce grafts. Jour. Hort. Sci, 26: 238-245.
NEWMAN, I. V. 1956. Pattern in the meristems of vascular plants. 1. Cell partition in
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OPPENHEIMER, H. R. 1945. Cambial wood production in stems of Pinus halepensis.
Palest. Jour. Bot.' Rehovot Ser. 5: 22-51.
PRIESTLEY, J. H. 1930. Studies in the physiology of cambial activity. III. The seasonal
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ROBERTS,- R .. H. 1949. TheoretiCal aspects of graftage.-Bot. Rev. 15: 423-463.
WAISEL, Y. and FAHN, A.1965a. A radiological method for the determination of cambial
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WAISEL, Y. and FAHN, A. 1965b. The effects of environment on wood formation and
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WAREING, P. F. 1951. Growth studies in woody species. IV. The initiation of cambial
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WAREIi'~G, P. F. 1958. Interaction between IAA and G. A. in cambial activity. Nature
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WAREING, P.- F. and ROBERTS, D. L. 1956. Photoperiodic control of-cambial activity
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WILSON. B. F. 1964. A model fo'r cell production by the cambium of conifers. In:
The Formation of Wood ill Forest Trees, ed., M. H. Zimmermann. Acad .. Press~
New York-London. pp. 19-36.


THE cambium, which is described in the preceding chapter, produces,

towards the centre of the stem and root, secondary xylem which comprises
various elements-tracheids, vessel members, different types of fibres,
parenchyma cells, xylem ray cells, and sometimes secretory cells. The
occurrence and the arrangement of these elements varies in different groups
of plants. The quantitative differences in the number of cells, as well as in
the size of the elements that exist between the species of a single genus,
make it possible to identify the plant by its secondary xylem alone.
Usually it is difficult to distinguish clearly between the primary and se-
condary xylem. The best distinguishing feature between these two tissues
is the length of the t",cheary elements (Bailey, 1944). The first-formed
tracheary elementsof secondary xylem· are much shorter than the tracheary
elements of primary xylem; they are even shorter than the pitted tracheary
elements of primary xylem which are themselves usually shorter than the
spirally thickened elements. This feature may be the result of stretching,
which takes place during the development of the primary xylem elements,
but not during that of elements formed by the cambium. Also it is possible
that, prior to the differentiation of the cambium from the procambium, the
cells of the latter divide·transversely. I
The structure, ontogeny and phylogeny of the· various xylem elements,
both primary and secondary, have already been dealt with ·in Chapters 6
and 7. This chapter will mainly discuss the arrangement of the elements
in the secondary xylem.


The most distinctive feature characterizing the secondary xylem is the

existence of two systems of elements which differ in the orientation of their
longitudinal axes - one system is vertical and the other horizontal. The
horizontal system comprises the xylem rays (Fig. 126; Fig. 132), and the
vertical or axial system, the tracheary elements, fibres and wood parenchy-
ma. The living cells of the rays and of the axial system are usually inter-
connected, so that it is possible to speak of a continuous system ,of living
cells. This system is generally connected with the living cells of the pith,
phloem and cortex. .
Secondary Xylem 287


Two types of parenchyma are found in the secondary xylem - the

axial parenchyma and the ray parenchyma (Fig. 132). The ray parenchyma
cells originate from special, relatively short cambial initials, while the cells
of the axial parenchyma develop from fusiform initials. The cells of the
axial.parenchyma may be asJong'as the fusiform initialS from which they
are derived or much shorter as a result of transverse division prior to
differentiation. The shorter axial parenchyma cells are the more common.


I i


Vessel lumen 2

FIG. 125. 1, Cross-section of a vessel of Robinia pseudacacia showing tyloses. 2,

Longitudinal section of a ve'ssel of Vilis vinifera showing the development of tylo-
~es from the neighbouring parenc~yma cells. (!"l0.I, adapted from Strasburger.)

The ray-parenchyma cells may be variously shaped, but the following

two forms are the most common: that in which the longest axis of the cells
is radial, and that in which it is vertical. All ray parenchyma cells may have
secondary walk, or only primary walls may be developed. Where secon-
dary walls are developed the pit-pairs may be simple, half-bordered and
sometimes even bordered.
The parenchyma of the xylem serves to store reserve materials, such as
starch and oil. Tannins, crystals and other substances are also frequently
found in many of'these cells. Sometimes the parenchyma cells containing
crystals divide so that chambers, each containing one crystal, are formed
(Chattaway, 1955, 1956).
In many plants the cells of both types of wood parenchyma form pro-
tuberances which penetrate through the pits into the vessels after they be-
come inactive, or into the vessels of xylem tissue that has been injured.
These outgrowths are termed tyloses (singular: tylosis) (Fig.125,nos. 1.2:
288 Plant Anatomy

Fig. 129, nos. 1, 2). The nucleus. and part of the cytoplasm of the paren-
chyma.cells, .from which the tylosis is formed, ,enter the. tylosis. Tyloses
may divide. I


The number. of xylem rays in a_ trunk incr~ases with the increase in its
girth. The length, width and height of each ray can be measured. Thelength •
of the ray is determined in cross-sections of the wood. The width ofthe
ray is measured in tangential sections and it is usually expressed as the
maximal number of cells in a horizontal direction. The height of the ray,
parallel to the longitudinal axis of the stem or root, is also measured
from tangential sections and it is usual1y expressed in one of two ways-
if itis not very large, in the number of cells, and if it is very large, in microns
or millimetres. The dimensions of the rays'varyin the different plants and
sometimes even in the same plant. When the ray is one ~ell wide, it is said
to be a uniseriate ray (Fig: 127, no. 4);'when twq cells wiele, 'biseriate and
when more than two cells wide, multiseriate (Fig. 130, no. 1). In a tangen-
tial section a multiseriate ray is seen to become narrow towards both its
upper and lower edges, where it is usually uniseriate. \
'In species that have a storied cambium (see Chapter 14) a similar arran-
gement may exist: in the xylem (Fig. no, no. I). Sometimes lhe sloried
arrangement becomes indistinct. because ,of the intrusive growth of the
ends of the developing fibres and tracheids. The blurring/of the arrange-
ment occurs to different extents so that it is possible to distinguish different
degrees of storied arrangement from that where the fibres, tracheids and
axial parenchyma cefIs are equal in length' an~ are arranged in, horizontal
rows, to that in wh'ich arrangement of th:e xylem elemenfs is similar to that
developed from a non-storied cambium. In storied xylem the vessel mem-
bers are usually short. Phylogenetically the storied arningement is thought
to be the more advanced. \
The outer part of the secondary xylem contains living cells and at least
part of it is active in the transp~rt of water. The outer p7~lt is termed the\
sapwood or alburnum. ]n most trees the inner portion of t~e secondary
xylem completely ceases to conduct water and living cells in!it die. This is
accompanied by the disintegration of the protoplast, the loss of the cell sap
and the removal of reserve materials from cells that stored them. In those
species in which tyloses are a characteristic feature of the wood the vessels
in this inner portion become totally blocked, at this stage, by the formation·
of tyloses. The cell walls of the parenchyma cells which were little lignified
may become more heavily lignified. Certain substances, such as oils, gums,
resins, tannins, coloured substances and aromatic compounds, develop in
the cells, or are accumulated in them. In the gymnosperms the flexible
pit membrane becomes rigid and fixed in .such a position that the torus
Secondary Xylem 289

closes the pit aperture. Secondary xylem that has undergone such changes
is' termed -heartwood or duramen (Fi"g. 131, no. '1). The' above-mentioned
changes make the heartwood more-resistant to decay. The accumulation
of coloured substances in this part of the xylem makes it easily recognIz-
able from the sapwood. Heartwood may sometimes be developed as the
result of pathological conditions.
The quantitative relation between the amount of heart- and sapwood, and
the degree of difference between them varies greatly in the different species,
and the differences are influenced by the conditions under which the plants
are grown. In certain trees, e.g. Populus, Salix, and Abies, no distinct
heartwood is developed. In trees such as Robinia and Morus the sapwood
is very narrow, while in Ace,., Fraxinus and Tamarix the sapwood is wide.
There are fundamental differences in the histological structure of the
",ood of dicotyledons and that of gymnosperms, and especially of that of
the conifers. In the 'timber trade the wood of dicotyledons is known as
hardwood and that of gymnosperms as sO[Mood. These terms do not accu-
rately express the degree of hardness, as in both groups wood with both
hard and soft structure can be found.



FIG. 126. Three-dimensional diagram of a cube of secondary xylem of Pinus hale-

290 Plant Anatomy

SecoruJary xylem of Gymnospermae

The structure of the secondary xylem of the gymnospJrms (Fig. 126) is
simpler and more homogeneous than. that of the angiosperms. The prin-
cipal differences are the absence of vessels in the wood of gymnosperms
(with the exception of the Gnetales) and their presence in the angiosperms,
and the relatively small amount of wood parenchyma, especially axial
parenchyma, in the gymnosperms.


In most gymnosperms, the tracheary elements of the vertical system are,

as has already been mentioned, tracheids. However, the trachelds of the
late wood (i.e. those formed at the end of the growing season) develop
relatively thick walls and their pits have small pit chambers and long canals.
Because of this structure these tracheids may be termed fibre-tracheids.
Libriform fibres are not found in the secondary 'xylem of gymnosperms.
The xylem formed at the end of the growing season' appears darker because
of the special structure of its tracheids, and so growth rings in conifers are
easily distinguishable. /
The tracheids (and the fibre-tracheids) are from 0·5 mm to 11 mm long.
Because of this'great length each tracheid ~oines into contact with one ray
or more. ,The tracheids overlap one another with flat; chisel-shaped ends.
Neighbouring tracheids are joined by bordered pits which lpay be arranged
in a single longitudinal row or in a few rows. In the latter case the pitting
may be opposite or alternate. From various investigations it has been
shown that the number of pits per tracheid may be from 50 to 300.
The size of the pits, the shape'of tne pit 'border and ofthe pit-aperture,
vary very greatly and therefore these features are _i{nportant in the identi-
fication of gymnosperm wood. The pits are more numerous at the ends
of the tracheids where they overlap one another. Usually the pits are pre-
sent only on the radial walls of the tracheidS1but in the tracheids of the
late wood pits are also present on the tang';iial walls. 'Pits with tori are ~
found in Ginkgo, the Gnetales and most of the Coniferaies. ,In a micro- "
scopic radial longitudinal section of the wood of many gymrlosperm spe-
cies transversely orientated thickenings of thewall can be observed above
and below the pits (Fig. 133, no. 4), These are thickenings of the middle
lamella and the primary walls, and they are termed crassulae (see also Chap-
~~. .
Another feature of gymnosperm wood is the occurrence of trabeculae
in the tracheids, Trabeculae are rod-shaped outgrowths of the tangential
cell walls which grow across the cell lumen so as to connect the tangential
walls. Tracheids containing trabeculae are usually arranged in long radial
Secondary Xylem 291

In some conifers spiral thickenings have been observed on the internal

wall surface of 'the pitted' trachoids.
When axial parenchyma is present in the wood of conifers it is usually
arranged in .strips that are equally distributed throughout the secondary
xylem. In certain conifers, e.g. Araucaria and Taxus, axial parenchyma is
completely absent. In Pinus axial parenchyma is present only in connection
_with the. resin. ducts. (Fig. 126).


The rays in gymnosperms may comprise parenchyma cells only, i.e.

homoceilular rays, or parenchyma ceUs and tracheids, i.e. heterocellular
rays (Fig. 126). The ray tracheid, are distinguished from the ray paren-
chyma mainly by the presence of bordered pits and by the absence of a
:protoplast. Th".ray,parenchyma cells contain living protoplasts in the sap-
wood, and generally in the heartwood, darkly coloured resins. The walls
of the parenchyma cells may be primary only (e.g. in the Taxodiaceae,
Araucariaceae, Taxaceae and Cupressaceae) or secondary as well (e.g. in
mosfspecies of the Pinaceae).
The ray tracheids all.have)ignified secondary walls. In certain conifers
these cells have very thick walls with tooth-like or band-like thickenings
whicli proTect into the celi lumen (Fig. 121, no. 2). The ray tracheids
occur singly or in rowS. They may be at the upper or lower edges of the ray,
or they may be scattered among the ray parenchyma cells.
In the large majority of' gymnosperms the rays are uniseriate and they
are usually from one·to twenty cells high, bunhey may be as high as sixty
cells. If a resin duct passes through a ray it passes through the centre of
the ray, which becomes more tban one cell wide in thatposition.
Where the vertical tracheids come in contact with ray parenchyma cells
the pit-pairs are usually half-bordered, Le. the bordered pit is situated on
the side oftbe tracheid and the simple pit on the side of the parenchyma
cell. This area of contact between a ray ?arenchyma cell and a single verti-
cal tracheid is termed a cross-jield, The type of pits, their numher and -dis-
tribution in the cross-field are important features in the identification of
gymnosperm wood (Fig. 127, no. 3).


Resin ducts are developed in the vertical or both verticil! and horizontal
systems of a large number of gymnosperms. The ducts develop schizo-
genously between resin-producing parenchyma cells which then form the
epithelium of the duct. Sometimes a resin duct mav hecnme hlncke:cI hv
292 · Plant Anatomy

the enlargement of tbe epithelia) cells; such structures are termed tyJo-
. .. and. lignification of, the cdl·wall of
the epithelial cells in the various conifer genera. In those genera, where the

FIG. 127. Micrographs of the secondary xylem of Pinus ha/epensis sectioned in dif..-
ferent planes. 1. Cross-section showing the border between the two growth rings.
X 95.2, Cross-section showing a resin duct . X 70.3 Radial section of a
between the two growth rings. )( 95. 4, Tangential section of a portion incorpo-
rating a resin duct. >< 95.-

resin-secreting cells have thick, lignified walls and in which these cells die
after one season, relatively little resin is prod uced. In those plants where the
epithelial cells are thin walled and function during several seasons a large
amount of resin is produced . Resin ducts, the epithelial cells of which have
lignified waJis, occur in Abies and Cedrus, for example, while in Pinus the
secretory cells are thin walled a nd not lignified (Fig. 127, nos. 2, 4; Fig.
128. no. 2; F ig. 126). ·
Secondary Xylem 293

It is thought that in the secondary xylem of conifers resin ducts are prO-
duced as a .result of injuries, such as wounding, pressure andJrost, among
others. In certain conifers such as Cupress~s, . for example. (Fig.
128, nO,

FIG. 128. I, Cross-section of the secondary xylem of Cupressus sempervirens. x 40.

2, Cross-section of the secondary xylem of Cedrus Iibani in which resin ducts, de-
veloped as a resul t of wounding, can be . een. x 36.

1), resin ducts are never developed in the secondary xylem. The location of
th e resin ducts, when formed in the xylem, depends on the type of injury
a nd on the plant species. For instance, an open wound results in the for-
mation of dense or scanty tangential groups of resin ducts around the
294 . Plant Anatomy

wound. Injuries resulting from pressure or any other factor that acts on a
relatively large area,results in the formation o(scattered"dpcts. The extent
of this scattering depends on the genus: in Pinus, for example, the ducts are
more scattered than in Abies or Cedrus. In the last two the ducts are short

FIG. 129. I, Micrograph of a portio n of a cross-section of the seconda ry xylem of

the root of Eucalyptus camaldulensis showing t he beginning of the develo pment
of tyloses in the vessels. x 120. 2, Cross-section of the secondary xylem of the
stem of Quercus ithaburensis showing a vessel blocked by fully developed tyloses.
x 21 0. 3, Cross-section of the secondary xylem of the stem of Tamarix aphylla
sho wing the expansion of the rays between adjacent growth rir,.gs and the
vasicentric parenchyma. x 35.
Secondary Xylem 295

and branched. In Pinus the ducts which develop a great distance from the
.centre oCthe.injury are very long.and.are.not.arranged in groups, but'are
scattered to a great extent. From the results of experiments it has been

F IG. 130. Secondary xylem of tbe stem of Tamarix aphy lla . 1, Tangenti al section.
x 35. 2, Radial sect ion showing heterogeneo us rays. x 35.

sh own that the largest number of resin ducts is pr oduced when the cambium
of the injured branches is intensively active (Bannan, 1933, 19j4, 1936;
Messeri, 1959 and Spurr, 1950).
296 'Plant Anatomy

FIG, 131. 1 An entire cross-section of a branch of Acacia raddialla in which, from

the o utside inwards, the bark, sapwood and dark heartwood can be distin-'
guished. x 0'5, 2 As above, but of Quercus boissieri in which'the very broad
rays and eccentric growth rings are readily distinguished, x l~

Secondary xylem oj Dicotyledonae

The secondary xylem of dicotyledons (Fig, 132) is more complex than

that of t he gymnosperms, Dicotyledonous wood comprises elements that
vary in size, shape, type a nd arrangement In the secondary xylem of
Quercus, for example, vessel members, tracheids, fibre-tracheids, libriform
Secondary Xylem 297
fibres, gelatinous fibres (Chapter.6), wood-parenchyma and rays of differ-
ent sizes, are found. However, there are some dicotyledonous trees in·
whicli ihe wood 'is comprised of
a s~~Ile~ number of element types. For


FIG. 132. Three·dimensional diagram of a cube of secondary xylem of Cerds


instance, in many species of the J uglandaceae, apart from vessel members

and parenchyma cells, only fibre-tracheids are found in the wood.
In trees of tropical origin, growth rings are not usually distinguishable,
while in trees of temperate origin growth rings can usually be distinguished
in the secondary xylem. These growth rings are generally annual, that is,
one such ring is produced each year; but there are trees, for instance,
298· Plant Anatomy

certain specimens of Tamarix aphy/la (Fahn, 1958), in which two rings

.are produced in. a single .year. The .growth, rings are .ob~ious. because. of
the seasonal differences in amount and shape of certain of the cells devel-
oping from the cambium. The cells produced at the end of the growth
season when the cambial activity is slow are ,narrower, especially in a
radial direction, and mostly have thicker walls. The early wood consists
of relatively broad cells with large lumina. The differences between th~:se
cells 'and the thick-walled smaller cells, which terminate the growth Of
the preceding year, emphasizes the growth rings. To the unaided eye these
rings are distinguishable because of the differences in colour between the
early and late wood. In certain plants, such as Tilja, Cera/onta; Spartfum
juneeurn, and ZygoDhyllum dumosum (Fig. 133, no. 5), one to three cell
layers between the rings consist of wood-parenchyma cells. The walls of
these cells are thinner than those of the neighbouring fibres. In the
stems of many plants, such as Zygophyilum, for example, this border
parenchyma forms a pale line which clearly marks the borders of the
growth rings.


The arrangement of the vessels in the sec.oric!'ary xylem of dicotyledons

is a characteristic feature and is used in·the identification of species. When
the vessels are ,more, or less equal in diameter 'and uniformly distributed
throughout the wood, or when there is only a gradual change in size and
distribution throughout the growth ring, the wood is fermed diffuse-
porous wood (Fig. 133, no. 3; Fig. 134, nos. 1, 3). Examples of species
with such wood are Acer spp., Populus alba, Acacia eyanophylla, Olea
europaea, and Eucalyptus spp. When the wood contains vessels of different
diameters and in which those produced at the be~inning of the season
are distinctly larger than those of the late wood, the wood is said to be
ring-porous wood (Fig. 135, nos. 1, 2). The wood of Fraxinus spp.; Quercus
robur, Q. ithaburensis, Robinia pseudaci{tiafrand PistaciaJ"atlantica may be
given as examples of this type of wood. Many intermediate forms occur
between the above two extreme types. Environmental conditions and the
age of the plant also influence, to a certain extent, the 'arrangement of the
vessels. _-

FIG. 133. 1-3, Secondary xylem of Populus de/toides. 1, Tangential section. x 80.
2, Radial section. x 80. 3, Cross~section. X 65. 4, Radial section of the secondary
xylem of Pinus halepensis showing tracheids with bordered pits and crassulae.
X 400. 5, Cross-section of the secondary xylem of Zygophy/lum dumosum in
which the initial parenchyma on the border between the adjacent growth rings
can be distinguished. xli O.
Secondary Xylem
300 Plant Anatomy

Ring-porous wood is thought to be more advanced than diffuse-porous

from, the. phylogenetic point,of view. The formerjs found~onlyjn rel~tively
few species and mainly in plants from the northern hemisphere (GIlbert,

1 , '

- -~
FIG. 134, Diffuse-porous secondary xylem. 1 and 2, Secondary
" xylem of Salix
babylonica. 1, Cross-section showing the border between two growth rings.' X 100.

2, Tan genti al section. x 100. 3, Cross-section of the secondary xylem of Crafae-

gus azarolus showing the border between two growth rings. x 35.

1940). It has also been recorded that ring-porous wood is relatively com-
mon in plants growing in arid habitats (Huber, 1935). This observation
is supported by the results of the investigations made on woody plants
growing in the Negev. Bailey (1924) suggests that typical ring p orosity
developed in plants already adapted to tropical environments that be-
came subjected to climates with cold winters or with alternating very dry
Secondary Xylem 301

and wet seasons. This developme'1~' "is, in other words, connected. with
seasonal activity.
The pattern of distribution of the vessels is studied in cross-sections

FIG . 135. Ring-porous wood. 1, Fraxinus syriaca. x 25. 2, Quercus ithaburensis.

x35 .

of the wood. Here the vessels can be seen to be single as, for example, in
Eucalyptus (Fig. 137, no. I) and QuerclJs, or in groups of different size
and shape. For instance, the groups may consist of radial, oblique or
tangential rows of two to many vessels, the wa lls of wh ich are in contact
with one another and which are called multiples (Fig. 134, no. 1). Such
ni ctr;h , "+: ,... .... --.. .... . . 1- ..... ___ _ C' _ _____ _
302 Plant Anatomy

and Populus. The groups may be In the fOfm of clusters (Fig. 138, no. 3;
Fig. 140, no. I), i.e. irregular 'groups which c'onSiSt of v~rying numbers of
vessels in both ..radial and tangential directions. Pistacia may be cited as

FIG. 136. I, Cross-section of the secondary xylem of Quercus boissieri showin

diffuse apotracheal parenchyma. X 120. 2, Tangential section of QuerCliS itha
burellsis showing small uniseriate and very large mlllt;~".r;"t .. ""orpo" tp r"v. v .,~
Secondary Xylem 303

an example ohuch distribution. The single vessels may be circular or ellip-

tical as"seen 'in ·cross-section. 'Vessels arranged in groups are usuaHy flat-
tened where they are in contact with one another.
According to Priestley and Scott (1936), the' deyelopment ,of the vessels
in early ring-porous wood is very rapid and sudden, while that iii diffuse-
porous wood is slow. Handley.(1936) measured the length of vessels and
concluded that· the vess~!~ ,i n .ring-porous wood are longer than those in
diffuse-porous wood. According to Huber (1935), in ring-porous wood

FIG. 137. 1, Cross-section of the secondary xylem of Eucalyptus camaldulensis

showing the border between two growth rings. x 50. 1., Radial section of t he
secondary xylem of Olea eurooaea showinll '" h "tpr(lopn ..,,,. ~ ~~" v 1 <;n
304 Plant Anatomy

the transport of _water is almost entirely restricted to the outermost ring,.

and the flow ,of water ,In plants v.:ith such wood is ten times faster than
that in plants with diffuse-porous wood. I
It is worth mentioning that, in the light of recent research, it appears
that all the vessels' of one ring, or even ()f the entire secondary xylem, are
interconnected so that a network is formed (Braun, 1961).

FIG. 138. I, Cross-section, of gelatinous fibres from the secondary xylem of

Acacia raddiana. x 450.2, Vestured pits ofa vessel of A. tortilis, as seen in radial
section of the secondary xylem. x 1200.. 3, Cross-section of the secondary
xylem of Pis/acia atlaniica. x 100. " y -


The amount of the axial parenchyma varies in the different dicotyledon-

ous species. In some species there is very little axial parenchyma, or'it is
entirely absent, while in others it constitutes a very large portion of the
wood. Apart from the differe n ces in the a mount of axial parenchyma there
are also differences in its distribution amon g t he other elements of the
secondary xyl em . Much taxonomic importa nce is a ttach ed to the type of
di stribution of the axial p a renchyma.
Secondary X )Jlem 305

There are' two basic types of distribution of the axial parenchyma:

apotrachea( (Fig. 136, no. 1) in which the. parenchyma is typically inde-

fIG. 139. Secondary xylem of Acacia cyafloplrylfa. J, CrOss-section. x 4S. 2, Tan-
. gential sectiO[l. X 100.

pendent of the ve\',\;el\; tho ugh it may come \1\ contact with them here and
t he re; and paratrachea! (Fig . 139, no . I) in whic h t he parenc hym a is
di stinc tly associated with t he vessels. Both these types are subd ivided
306 Plan( Anatomy

into the following variations. When the apotracheal parenchyma is in

the form of s.mall uniseriate s!rands or: single. cells sc~ttered irregularly
among the fibres, it is said to be diffuse parenchyma (Fig: 136, no. 1).

FIG. 140. Secondary xylem of Thyme/aea hirsuta. 1, Cross-section, showing the

small vessels to be arranged in dendritic, diagona l or radial patterns. x 60. 2,
Tangential section. ><: 70.
Secondary Xylem 307

When, in a cross-section of the wood, the axial parenchyma is s.een, to

form'concentric bands, it is said to be banded'or metatracheal parenchyma
(Fig. 135, no. 2). Single apatracheai parenchyma cells or those arranged
in more oriess continuous layers, which may be of variable width, at the
end of a growth ring are termed terminal parenchyma. Similar parenchyma
formed at tbe beginning of the growth ring is termed initial parenchyma
(Fig. 133, .no. 5) . .Initial parenchyma occurs in Ceratonia, Zygophyllum
and Spartium, for example.

FIG. 141. J, Cross-section of the secorldary xylem of Acacia albida, showing broad
bands of parenchyma. x 12.2, Cross-section of tbe secondary xylem of Ochroma.
x 40
308 Plant Anatomy

The paratracheal parenchyma also may be variously distributed. elf

the parenchyma does not' form a continuous sheath around the vessels,
-as. for" example in Acer, it is said to be scanty paratrache'al parenchyma.
When the paratracheal parenchyma occurs on one side, either external
(abaxial) or internal (adaxial), of the vessels ilis said to be unilaterally
paratracheal parenchyma. Parenchyma which forms entire sheaths, of
different width, around the vessels, e.g ..Tamarix (Fig. 129, no. 3), is termed
vasicentric parenchyma. -The shapes-' of such sheaths as seen in cross-'
section of the wood may be circular or somewhat elliptical. In some plants;
e.g. Acacia cyanophylla, Cercis siliquastrum, _the sheaths in cross-section
can be seen to have lateral wing-like extensions (Fig. 139, no. '1); such
parenchyma is called aliform parenchyma. In the wood of certain species,
such as Acacia raddiana and A. albida, the aliform parenchyma is seen, in
cross-section, to form diagonal or tangential bands; this type of parenchy-
ma is termed confluent parenchyma (Fig. 141, no. I).
The distribution of septate wood fibres, if present, is similar to that of
the axial parenchyma. In those species'th'at contaiii ii I~rge number of
septate fibres there is little axial parenchyma (Spackman and Swamy,
1949). . ,
In certain plants, e.g .. Eucalyptus, short irregularly shaped tracheids are
present in the immediafe proximity of the v~ss'els. These tracheids do not,
however, form_-a separate continuous vertical system and they- are termed
vasicentric tracheids.
Kribs (1937) describes the phylogenetic evolution of the/axial paren-
chyma as having taken the following course: (1) from the diffuse apo-,
tracheal type, through various intermediate forms and apotracheal banded
parenchyma types to paratracheal distribution, and finally, in the most
advanced form, to the development of. vasicentric parenchyma with
numerous. cell layers in .the sheath; (2) the individaal parenchyma cells
became shorter and broader with the increased specializati~n ~f the
secondary xylem, just as in the vessel members. According to Kribs the
absence of axial parenchyma is a ·primitive feature and the presence of
terminal parenchyma is an advar{ced feature which has resulted from
reduction. /?


In dicotyledons the rays usually consist only of parenchyma ,cells. On

the basis of the orientation of the longest axis of the cells, as seen in radial
longitudinal section, parenchyma cells that form the ray may be of one
type only or of two types. If the ray cells are ,all elongated in a radial
direction, i.e. if all the cells are procumbent, the ray is homogeneous. This
type of ray is included, by some workers, with the similar type found in
the conifers in the term homocellular ray. When the ray in dicotyledonous
Secondary Xylem 309

wood consists' of the two types of cells, i.e. procumbent and square or
vertically elongated cells, it. is said to be"heterogeneous (Fig. 130, no. 2;
Fig. 137, no. 2). It has been proposed by some workers to include this
type of ray with the coniferous rays composed of different cell types in
the term heterocellular ray.
Heterogeneous rays may be uni- or multi seriate. The most common
type of heterogeneous ray is that in which the central portion of the ray
is multi seriate and consists of the radially elongated cells, while the upper
and lower edges contain the square or vertically elongated cells. Sometimes
the radially elongated cells are surrounded by square or vertically elon-
. gated cells. Thert are also a few plants, e.g. Olea, in which the square or
\vertically elongated cells are mingled with the radially elongated cells.
! The above nomenclature concerning the structure and arrangement of

the elements of the secondary xylem is based on that published by the

Committee on Nomenclature of the International Association of Wood
Anatomists (lnt. Ass. Wood Anatomists, 1947).
It is thought that the presence of two types of rays - uniseriate compris-
ing vertically elongated cells and multiseriate heterogeneous - is a primitive
feature from the phylogenetic viewpoint. From this type the many other
different types of rays evolved. The evolution was apparently in various
directions. One trend has led to the enlargement of the multiseriate rays,
while another has been to their reduction in size and number. The uni-
seriate rays became reduced in height and number. In many plants one
type of ray was lost and in 'a few examples both. In Quercus the speciali-
zation has resulted in the development of very large multiseriate rays and
small uniseriate ones. In S"lix and Populus the phylogenetic specialization
is expressed in the development of only one type of ray - the uniseriate.
I~ Hudsonia (Cistaceae) and Aeonium arboreum (Crassulaceae), for ex-
ample, the secondary xylem, or at least its inner gortion that develops
from the cambium in the first years of its activity, is"completely devoid of
rays. In plants that have such secondary xylem a few uniseriate, non-
continuous rays can be seen in the outer portion of the wood that develops
later (Barghoorn, 194Ib). From the point of view of cell composition the
homogeneous rays are considered to be more advanced than the hetero-
geneous ones.
The decrease in the size of rays with phylogenetic advancement may
have been brought about by changes that took place in the cambium
(Barghoorn, 1941a) (Fig. 142, nos. 5-7). Some of the ray initials may be-
come lost and their place be taken up by fusiform initials of the cambium.
If this occurs on the ray margins the ray simply becomes narrower, but
if it occurs within the ray it results in the splitting of the ray into two or
more parts. A ray may also become split as a result of the intrusive growth
of the tips of the fusiform initials into a group of ray initials. Further, a
ray may become split by the changing of some ray initials into fusiform
310 Plant Anatomy

initials. In this manner aggregate rays (Fig. 136, no .. 2) are often formed
from large rays. An aggregate ray is defined as a ray comprising a group
, . _ _ , .~._, w· •

of small and narrow rays which appears to 'the unaiaed eye or under low
magnification to be a single large ray.

2 3 4


5 6

FIG. 142.1-4, Serial tangential sections of the secondary xylem of Viburnum odo-
ratissimum sho~ing the ori'gin of a ray initial at the end of a fusiform initial.
Newly formed ray initial stippled. 5-7. Serial tangen!ial sections of th~ secondary
xylem of Trochodendron aralioides showing the splitfing' of a ray by the apical elon-
gation of a fusiform initial. The entry of the fusiform initial into the ray is made
possible by the loss of the ray initial that is stippled i~_no. 5. (Adapted from
Barghoorn, 1940.) ____

As was mentioned above, the rays may also have increased in size dur..
ing evolution. This enlargement may be brought about by the merging of
rays (Fig. 143), by the anticlinal division of the ray initials, orby the hori-
zontal subdivision of the fusiform initials adjacent to the ray so as to form
additional ray initials. The merging of rays is brought about by the loss
of the fusiform initials that separate the two rays.
Secondary Xylem 311

"I ~'


Lr 1
illT 1 \\ \\'
FIG. 143. Radial section of the secondary xylem of Casearia nitida illustrating the
fusion of two rays by the vertical elongation ,of the marginal initials and their
derivatives. Cambium on right. (Adapted from Barghoorn, 1940.)


Intercellular gum ducts occur in dicotyledonous wood similarly to resin

ducts in the gymnosperms (Brown et al., 1949). They may arise normally
in the wood or may be the result of various kinds ofinjury. These ducts
c·ontain various substances such as resins, oils, gums and mucilages. Nor-
mally·formed gum ducts always occupy a characteristic position in the
wood while those of traurriatic origin are variously situated. In a given
plant the canals may be either horizontal or vertical, but in only a few
cases are the two types present in a single plant (cf. Stern, 1954).
Traumatic gum ducts may.develop schizogenously, Iysigenously or by
it combination of both these two methods, i.e. schizo-lysigenously. In the
latter case the cavity is first formed by cell division and then it is enlarged
by the disintegration of the surrounding cells. The above process of disin-
tegration is termed gummosis. Gummosis involves the disintegration of the
cell wall carbohydrates and especially of starch, which is present in the
celis, to form substances that are collectively known as gum. Gums may
accumulate in the gum ducts, vessels or other celis of the xylem. Gummo-
sis is often caused by diseases, insect or mechanical injury and physiolo-
gical disturbances in the plant (Esau, 1953).

Effect of secondary thickening on leaf-traces

As the cambium is situated between the xylem and the phloem, the newly
formed xylem continually pushes the phloem and the cambium itself out-
wards. This results in the separation of the xylem of the inner portion of
the leaf-trace, which is situated in the primary body, from its assQciated
312 Plant Anatomy

primary phloem. The outer portion of the leaf-trace, therefore, becomes

buried in the secondary xylem 9f the stem (Fig. 1~4, 10s. 1,.2).
With the continued secondary growth and further pushing out of the
cortex and the phloem, in which the outer portion of the leaf-trace is
situated, the leaf-trace becomes torn into two parts (Fig. 144, no. 3). The
tearing of the trace takes place only after the leaf is shed - usually in the
first or second season after shedding.

FIG. 144. Diagrams illustrating the relationship of the leaf~trace to th~ expanding
secondary plant body in woody dicotyledons, as seen in radial section. I, Showing
the condition of the leaf-trace in a stem devoid of secondary thickening; the leaf-
gap is still open. 2, A stem after I year of secondary growth showing that the gap
is p.artly closed by the secondary xylem and phloem. 3, Showing, the stem of a
declduollS plant after 2 years of secondary growth; the ruptured ends of the
trace are separated by secondary vascular tissl'es. 4, Showing the extension of the
leaf trace in an evergreen plant after 5 years secondary growth (parts outside the
cambium not represented in th1s diagram). In this case the trace ruptures from
time to time and the gaps thus formed are filled by secondary tissue 'produced by
that part of the cambium on the under side of the trace where it is in contact with
the secondary xylem. In the trace the primary tissue is represented by cross-
hatching and the secondary tissue by solid black areas. In all the figures primary
xylem is represented by widely spaced hatching, secondary xylem by more dense
hatching, primary phloem by fine stippling, secondary phloem by coarse stippling,
the xylem of the diverging part of the leaf-trace by cross-hatching. (Adapted from
Eames and MacDanieis, 1947.)
Secondary Xylem 313

In evergreen plantS"the leaf-traces elongate as a result of a special type

of secondary growth' which is' brought abo-ilt by the addition of new xylem
to the middle of the trace. The primary xylem of the leaf base gradually
ruptures obliquely (because the leaf-traces pass out, towards the leaves,
obliquely through the cortex) and the cambium in that region then adds
new cells which replace those destroyed. In Araucaria, for example, leaf-
traces may reach a considerable length and may pass through several
growth rings (Fig. 144, no. 4). In evergreens the trace is ruptured after the
leaf is shed as is the case in deciduous plants (Eames and MacDaniels,

\ Fib,'e and tracheid ':Ul'iation within the trlln/,

The length of fibres and tracheids has been found to increase from the
centre of trunk towards its periphery (Gerry, 1915; Stern-Cohen and Fahn,
1964). Fibre length also varies along the trunk: in Eucalyptus gompho-
cephafa, for example, the longest fibres were found to occur at a height of
about 6 ft above ground level. In a growth ring the late-wood fibres in
dicotyledons and tracheids in gymnosperms have been found to be longer
than those of the early wood (Kribs, 1928; Bisset ef al., 1950; Stern-Cohen
and Fahn, 1964). In dicotyledons the variations in fibre length within the
same growth ring are probably due to changes which take place during the
differentiation of the fibres and are not due to an alteration in size of the
fusiform initials in the ca;"bium. Such a view has also been expressed
by Chalk et al. (1955) as a result of the investigations carried out on trees
with storied wood. The increase in wall thickness, and length of the fibres
of the late wood is probably the result of the difference in the rate of growth,
i.e. the period of differentiation of an element produced toward the end
of the growth season is longer than that of'one produced at the beginning
of the season and, therefore, the elements of the late wood may become
longer and have thicker walls (Bisset et al., 1950). The variation in fibre
length along the tree as well as from the centre of the trunk toward the
cambium in trees with non-storied wood is generally accepted to be con-
nected with the change in size of the fusiform initials.
Comparison of trees growing in mesophytic and arid habitats showed
that the dimensions of width, wall thickness and length of the fibres were
all larger in the trees growing in the mesophytic habitat (Stern-Cohen and
Fahn, 1964).

Gt'owth-ring analysis
The problem of the correlation between the amount of annual incre-
ment and the environment arose because of the variations observed in the
width of the annual growth rings (Douglass, 1936: Holmsgaard. 1955:
314 Plant Anatomy

Glock, 1955; Fahn et al., 1963). The many investigations that have been
made,in this respect-suggest that._in arid regions the main factor influenc-
ing the width of. the growth ring is the amount of pre~ipitation, while in
the cooler temperate regions, temperature may play an important r61e. It
has also been suggested tliat there is' a correlation between the width of the
annual rings and the amount of sun-spots. Many authors haye tried to
draw conclusions as to the history of the climate by growth-ring analysis
of very old trees. -

Relationship between the microscopic

Sil'uciw'e ancllcooll properties
The woods of different species possess certain properties which make
them suitable for different uses. These properties depend on the histolo-
gical and chemical structure of the xylem tissue. The histological features
that affect the characteristics of the wood are the'presence and distribution
of vessels, the presence or absence of fibres and their relative number,
the diameter of the fibres and thickness of their walls, the length of the
fibres and the extent to which they overlap, the
of the fibres - whether
straight or curved, the width and number of the rays, and the presence
or absence of tyloses. '"
The chemical structure is of importance in connection with certain pro-
perties and especially those by which heartwood differyi'rom sapwood.
The cell walls themselves differ in the relative amounts of cellulose, lig-
nin, etc. Tannin compounds may be accumulated in large quantities in the
cell walls and the cells may contain different amounts of gum" resins and

The specific gravity of the wall substance of the secondary xylem of all
plants is more or less the same, and is about 1·53. Therefore the difference:\
in the weight of woods depend on the proportion betwe~n the. amount of
wall substance and lumen. Plants such as Diospyros, for example, in which
the cell walls are thick and the lumina small and which contain many fibres,
have heavy wood. Plants in which the cell walls are thin and in which the
lumina of parenchyma and fibres are large, have light wood. In some ge-
nera, such as Populus and TWa, the specific gravity of the secondary xylem
is low although the fibre walls are no(particularly thin; in these woods the
low specific gravity is due to the presence of numerous thin-walled vessels.
An extremely light wood is that of Ochroma (balsa wood), which belongs
to the type of wood known as "cork-wood". Such wood contains a high
proportion of large, thin-walled parenchyma cells (Fig. 141, no. 2).
Secondary Xylem 315

The specific gravity of wood varies from 0·04 (Aeschynomene of the.

Leguminosae) to abllut 1·4-(Krugiodendron of the Rhamnaceae). The spe-
cific gravity of timber commonly used in trade is between 0·35-0·65 (Eames
and MacDaniels, 1947). The specific gravity .of the wood of some trees
growing in Isra~lis as fclto\'.'~: E!~-::2Iyptus camaldulensis, 0.52-0·68; Pinu~
halepensis, 0·48; Ficus sycomorus, 0·40; Quercus calliprinos, 0·80; Phillyrea
media, o· 79; Tamarix aphylla, O· 5I.
.- O[ij,e ~ery light type of wood, balsa wood (Ochroma), the specific
gravity of which is 0·1-0·16, is much utilized in industry, especially as in-
sulating material in the aircraft and life-boat industries. Balsa wood is
strong in relation to its specific gravity. Histologically, two types of light
wood can be distinguished: that iIi which there are bands of lignified,
thick-walled cells alternating with bands of non-lignified thin-walled cells,
and that in which the above two types of cells are homogeneously arranged
(Eames and MacDanielS, 1947). In the wood of certain plants, such as
Carica papaya and Phytolacca dioica, the only lignified elements are the


Wood that contains many libriform fibres or fibre-tracheids is a strong

wood and therefore it'is seen that dense and heavy woods must also be
strong woods. The length ~f the fibres and the degree to which their ends
overlap are apparently of less importance to the strength of the wood.
According to some workers (Pillow and Luxford, 1937) the orientation of
the cellulosic microfibrils in the walls influences the strength ofthe wood.
For example, it is thought thalwhen the microfibrils are so orientated as to
be almost parallel to the horizontal axis of the fibre, the wood is weakened.


The ability of wood to withstand rotting, as a result of bacterial or fun-

gal action, mainly depends on the chemical composition of the wood.
The degree of durability is determined by the presence of substances such
as resins, tannins and oils in the walls and lumina of the cells. Also, the
appearance of tyloses is of some importance, as they block the passage of
fungal hyphae as well as of oxygen and water through the vessels.
Wood of trees such as Sequoia, Catalpa, Robinia, Mac/ura and Casta-
nea are very durable, while that of trees such as Populus, Acer, Tilia and
Carya rot very rapidly (Eames and MacDaniels, 1947). The heartwood is
usually more resistant to decay than is the sapwood. There is no definite
correlation between the depth of colour of W()Ot1 ~nn it", ..t" .. '>.h.~I:tu 1-..
316 Plant Anatomy

generally darker woods are more resistant to decay. The colour is usually
an indicator of' the amount of·preservative'substances·inlthe'wood.
The ability of wood to remain intact under mechanical strain depends on
the hardness and density of the wood.


A flexible wood is one in which the wood structure is homogeneous

with long straight fibres that overlap for some distance, and with straight
rays. Pliability is also influenced by the amount of water in the wood
(Pillow and Luxford, 1937).
Many properties of wood are connected with hygroscopic moisture, a
factor on which numerous technological problems, the main of which is
the dimensional stability of wood, depend. For details of thi,; and other
problems of wood technology see Brown, Panshin and Forsaith, Vol. 2,
1952 and Tiemann, 195 I. \

Gl'uin , \

Grain is the term used when describing thlarientation of the elements in

the wood. For instance, if all the elements are orientated parallel to the.
longitudinal axis of the trunk, the wood is said to be straight grained, and
if the elements are spirally arranged, spiral grained. If thele is no percep-
tible difference bet;"'.en the early and late wood, the wood is even grained
but when distinct differences eKist between the early and late wood, the
wood is said to be uneven grained.
The designs and patterns that are characteristic of variously sawn woods
are termed figures (Brown et al., Vol. I, 1952). These figures are dependent
on the grain and its exposure by the direction of sawing. \
Wood in which the orientation of the elements is spiral, but in ·which the
spiral is reversed at more or less regular intervals along a single radius, is
called interlocked-grained wood. A radial cut of such wood results in tim- \
ber that exhibits a characteristic figure known in commerce, as- ribbon or
stripe figure. The striped effect of light an<l_dark bands results from the
difference in light reflection from the differently orientated elements.
Wavy or curly figures are the result of the undulations of the fibres, to
tbe left and right of a radial plane. Such wood when cut tangentially exhi-
bits undulated figures. When the undulations are close to one another and
the changes in direction of the fibres are abrupt the pattern obtained is
termedfiddlebackfigure as such designs, ·chiefly from maple and mahogany
stock, have long been used in the manufacture of violins.
The figure commonly known as bird's-eye figure is produced when wood
with numerous conical indentations of the growth rings is cut tangentially.
Secondary Xylem 317

Border between
, two growth rings

FLu. 145. Diagram iUus.trating the relationship between the secondary tissues of a
branch and main sten'l. (Adapted from Eames and MacDaniels, 1947.)

IJefects in It"ood I'eslliting /"011' gl'olcfh stresses

Environmental factors may result in the production of wood with abnor-

n1<11 structure and properties. One type of such abnorma1 wood is reaction
I\'oodwhich develops in leaning trunks and limbs (Wardrop and Dadswell,
1948, SCLlrfield and Wardrop, 1963; Wardrop and Davies, (964). This wood
brings about the recovery of the organs. There are considerable
differences in the place of development, nature and shape of the reaction
wood of conifers and that of dicotyledons. In the conifers the reaction
wood develops on the underside of the leaning trunk or branch, while in
the dicotyledons it develops on the upperside. The reaction wood of the
conifers is termed compression Il'ood, and that of the dicotyledons tellsion
lI·ood. Although these terms emphasize the fact that the reason for the
development of the reaction wood is the tension that acts throughout the
length of the trunks and branches, it must not be forgotten that other fac-
318 Plant Anatomy

tors such as light, gravity and the flow of solutions may also influence the
formation of such wo~d,-Stresses also exist in erect trefs buUhey are in-
creased in leaning trees.


Compression wood is produced by the local increased activity of the

cambium. There is, however, little direct correlation between the-amount of
compression wood formed and the extent of recovery of the stem. Accord-
ing to some workers a leaning stem can also recover by the production
of normal wood in addition to the compression wood., Camp'ression wood
is recognizable by the presence,of excentric growth rings. Typical compres-
sion wood is 15-40 % heavier than the normal wood of the same species.
In compression as compared with TIC?rmal wood there is a more gradual
transition between early and late wood. The tracheids:of compression
wood are seen to be rounder in cross-section, and intercellular spaces can
be found between them. The microfibrils of cellulose in the secondary wall
of these tracheids are orientated in such a way 'as to form a large angle
with the longitudinal axis of the cells. The inner layer of the secondary wall
is absent or only slightly developed (Warc!rop and Dadswell, 1950), and
spiral striations can be seen in the secondarywalls. The walls of the com-
pression wood tracheids that are formed i~ the spring are slightly thicker
than those of the normal wood. The compression wood tracheids are usu-
ally shorter than those of normal wood. There is usually a somewhat
higher lignin content in compression wood than in norm~l wood. Gener-
ally, it is possible to summarize the characteristics of compression wood,-in
comparjson wjth those of normaJ WOOD, as bdng heayjer, more brjttJe and
capable of unusually,high and~'irregular longitudinal shrinkage but of less
transverse shrinkage. Because of these differences in shrinkage, lumber
containing compression wood twists as it dries qut.

Tension wood develops on the upper side of leaning dicotyledonous

stems and, similarly to compression wood, the presence of tension wood

is recognized in a stem by the formation oCeccentric growth rings. This
asymmetry is the result of the more rapid or more continuous cambial
activity on one side of the stem (Wardrop and Dadswell, 1955). Histolo-
gically the distinguishing feature of tension wood is the presence of gela-~
tinous fibres in the early formed wood of the growth rings. The orien-
(ation of the ceHulosic microfibrils in the outer, non-gelatinous wall layers
of the gelatinous fibres is about 45 in relation to the longitudinal axis of

the fibres. In the inner, gelatinous layers, the orientation of the micro-
fibrils is almost parallel to the longitudinal axis of the fibre (MUnch, 1938;
Secondary Xylem 319

Wardrop and Dadswell, 1948, 1955). From these facts some workers have the gelatinous wall layers thatare mainly responsible
for the contraction of the tension wood. There is -less lignin in tension
wood than in normal wood, but the amount of cellulose and pentosans is
higher (see also p. 86).
Two types of tension wood are distinguishable: compact tension Jl'ood
in which the gelatinous fibres are situated in certain regions of the stem
(e.g .. Acer), and diffuse tension irood in which single or groups of gelati-
nous fibres are scattered among the normal fibres (e.g. Acacia, Fig. 138,
no. I).

2 3

FIG: '146: 1 and 2, Diagrams-showing the development o{reaction wood (represen-

ted by solid black areas) in' looped branches. 1, Compression wood. 2, Tension
wood. 3, Diagrams illustrating the results obtained when a loop in which tension
wood has been formed is cut in half. The arrows indicate the direction of the
movement -of th~ cut ends. (Adapted from Jaccard. 1938.)

The strength of the tension wood of the different species varies, but in
most cases this wood tends to form horizontal breaks. Some research
workers found that such breaks occur in single fibres. When tension wood
is sawn the cut surface appears woolly due to the tearing of the groups of
gelatinous fibres.
Tension usually exists between the peripheral secondary xylem and that
near the centre of the stem. When a piece of stem is cut longitudinally the
peripheral parts contract more than those portions nearer the centre. In
asymmetric stems containing tension wood the difference in bending is
more obvious. In branches that were bent into loops (Fig. 146, nos. 1-3)
tension wood was seen to develop on those sides of the loop which were
directed upwards. When such a loop was cut, after the formation of the
tension wood, contraction again occurred in those places where the ten-
sion wood had formed. Similar experiments were made with conifer bran-
ches in order to establish the properties oflhe compression wood (Jaccard,
, Plant Anatomy

The facts gathered from different investigations, and cited by Wardrop

(1964), show that not in all cases does the tension wood develop on
the uppers ide of the bent branch or stem, As a result of Bending in different
ways and directions, it was possible to obtain tension wood on different sides
of the same branch. As it became clear from these experiments that a
relationship exists between the production of tension wood and the ten-
dency of the stem or branch to shrink longitudinally (Wardrop, 1956), it
-was possible to understand She fact that tension wood develops in those
places where it enables the stem or branches to return to the normal
There are several theories that attempt to explain the mechanism by which
a bent stem or branch recovers due to the development of the tension wood.
According to Frey-Wyssling (1952) it is accomplished by forces in the cam-
bium which far exceed the normal osmotic pressure, According to MUnch
(1938) the cells shrink because of the characteristic· orientation orthe cellu-
lose units in the different wall layers. According to Wardrop (1956) the
acting force is the volume contraction of the cell wall during'the crystalli-
zation of the cellulose. None of these theories or any of the others that
attempt to explain the mechanism by which bent trunks straighten have
been sufficiently proved as yet

An. example oj a hey by which trees and .• II1'ubs may be

i(lCntijied accori1ing to the structm'fJ
oj the .• fJcmulm'y xylem /
As has already been discussed, the secondary xylem of the different spe-
·~ies" 'iarie~
in the ,shape, size, arrangement and relative am<?~nts of its con-
stituent elements. Usually there is a connection between the similarity of
the internal structure of the woocl and the genetic felationship of the plants I.
(cf. Metcalfe, and Chalk, 1950). This variability and similarity make it
possible to devise a key by which the plant species can be identified accord-
ing to the structure of their secondary xylem only. This possibility of iden-
tifying the botanical species from a piece of timber is oCgreat taxonomic\
as well as commercial and industrial importance. Thi"s method has also
been used to identify the wood from which objecis fou~d in archeo-
logical excavations were made.
There are different ways in which such a key may be made, including the
use of a punched-card system (Clarke. 1938a, b; Phillips, 1948). Following
is an example of a dichotomous key in which a small number of the trees
and shrubs growing in Israel can be determined. In such a key two alter-
natives are given at each stage. Only one or the alternatives will be entirely
applicable to the wood in question. This alternative leads to another stage
in the key from which the wood may be identified immediately, or which
Secondary Xylem 321

leads to further alternatives from which the wood can eventually to identi-
I. Wood lacking vessels (gymnosperms) ........................ 2
-. Wood with vessels (dicotyledons) ........................... 4
2. Resin ducts present in each growth ring .. , .. , ... , ..... ,.. Pin liS
-. Resin ducts not present in all growth rings (only present in case of
injury), or completely absent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3: Resin d'ucts sometimes present; tori with lobed edges ........ Cedrus
-, Resin ducts never present; tori not as above ............ Cupressus
4. (I) Included phloem present., ......................... '..... 5
-. Included phloem absent ................................... 6
S. Rays contain cells that are radially elongated. . . . . . . . . . .. Sa/vac/ora
-. Rays lacking; sometimes the wood parenchyma may be arranged in
short radial rows ,similar to rays ... -, ... '.. _.................... .
Bougainvillea and genera of the Chenopodiaceae
6. (4) Growth rings not distinct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
·~~.-Growth rings distinct ...................................... 8
7.- Rays clearly heterogeneolls .................. . Ficus s),co)}lorus
-, Ra,Ys almost homogeneous ....................... Acacia rad(hana
;0,,-.... A. torfiJ;s
8. (6) Wood more or less distinctly ring-porous-the vessels forrued
'at the l5egi'nning of the season are conspicuously larger than those
formed later and this may be seen without the-aid 'of a microscope 9
-. Wood diffuse-porous --'- the diameter of the vessels almost equal
throughout the growth ring. or gradually smaller toward the termi-
nation of the ring ........... '.............................. 13
9. Vessels .single.or arra~'ged in multiples.of 2-4. Rays 2-3 cells wide.
Pafatracheal wood· parenc-hyma around the ,narrow vessels is a}j~
form-confluent ...................... ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fraxinus
-. Vessels and wood pa~enchyma not arranged as above .. , ... , ... , 10
10. Wood rays 1-4 cells wide .............................. , .... II
-. Large wood rays wider than 4 cells .......................... 12
11. Vasicentric parenchyma scanty ....................... Pis/ada
-, Vasicentric parenchyma aliform to aliform~confluent ....... Cerds
12. (10) Large, aggregate, multiseriate rays (more than 20 cells wide)
present; vessels devoid of gum deposits ................. Quercus
-. Rays not aggregate, less than 10 cells wide; vessels filled with
gums .................................. ,. Prunus amygdalus
13. (8) Rays not wider than one cell ........................... 14
-. Rays wider than one cell .......................... '.' . . . . . .. IS
14. Rays homogeneous .................................. Popuilis
-. Rays heterogeneous ................................... Salix
15. (13) Maximum width of the rays exceeds 6 cells ............... 16
-. Maximum width of rays less than 4 cells ..................... 18
322 Plant Anatamy

16. Wood parenchyma storied. paratracheal and vasicentric ... Tamarix

-. Wood parenchyma not as above .... '..... ' .... {............. 17
17. Height of large rays exceeds 70 cells; in cross-section of wood the
rays widen perceptibly between growth rings. Vessels are not filled
with gum ..................... '" ................... ' ... Platanus
-. Height of large rays less than 60 cells; rays do not widen perceptib-
Iy. Most vessels filled with gum .............. Prunus amygdalus
18. (15) Apotracheal terminal and paratracheal vasicentric wood paren-'
chyma present. Vessels mostly arranged in multiples of 2-6 vesseis 19
-. Wood not as above ........................................ 20
19. Spiral thickening clearly visible on inner pitted walls of the vessels.
Diameter of the early-formed vessels greater than that of the later-
formed vessels ............................'............ Cerds
-. Spiral thickening not present on inner walls of vessels. Early and
late-formed vessels of same diameter .................. Ceratonia
20. (18) Rays conspicuously heterogeneous; several row~ of radially elon-
gated cells alternate with several rows of vertically elongated
cells ................................ '................ ' Olea
-. Rays not as above ........................................ 21
21. Vessels single ... : ................./ ............... Eucalyptus
-. Most of the vessels arranged in myltiples ................. ' Acer

BAILEY, 1. W. 1924. The problem of identifying the wood of cretaceous and later dico-
tyledons: Paraphyllanthoxylon arizonense. Ann. Bot. 38: 439--451.
BAILEY, I. W', I944. The develupment of vessels in -angiosperms and its s'ignificance in
morphological-research. Amer. Jour. -Bot. '31: 421-428.
BANNAN, M. W. 1933. Factors influencing the distribut"ion of vertical resin canals in
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BANNAN, M. W: 1934. Seasonal wounding and res'in cyst production i~ the 'hemlock
Tsuga canadensis (L). Carr. Ann. Bot. 48: 857-868.
BANNAN, M. Wi 1936. Vertical resin ducts in the secondary wood.of the Abietineae
New Phytol. 35: 11-46. ' \,
BARGHOORN, E. S., Jr. 1940. The ontogenetic development, and phylogenetic special
ization of rays in the xylem of dicotyledons. I. The primitive ray' structure. Arner
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BARGHOORN, E. S., Jr. 1941a. The ontogenetic development and phylogenetic specia-
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lization of rays in the xylem of dicotyledons. III. The elimination of rays. Bull.
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BISSET, I. J. W., DADSWELL, H. E. and AMOS, G. L 1950. Changes in fibre length within
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BRAUN, H. Y. 1961. The organization of the hydrosystem in the stemwood of trees
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Secondary Xylem 323
BROWN, H. P., PANSHIN, A. J. and FORSAITH, C. C. 1949, 1952. Textbook 0/ Wood Tech-
nology. Vol. I. and II. McGraw~Hi1l. New York.
CHALK, L., MARSTAND, E: B. and WALSH, J. P. C. de. 1955. Fibre length in storied
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CHATTAWAY, M. M. 1955. Crystals in woody tissue; Part I. Trop: Woods 102:
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CLARKE, S. H. 1938a. A multiple-entry perforated card-key with special reference to the
identification of hardwoods. New Phytol. 37:_369-374.
"CLARKE;' S:·H. 1938b. The use of perforated cards in multiple-entry identification keys
and in the study of the inter-relation of variable properties. ehron. Bot. 4: 517-518.
DOUGLASS, A. E. 1936. Climatic Cycles and Tree Growth. Vol. 3. A Study of Cycles.
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Hill, New York - London.
ESAU, K. 1953. Plant Anatomy. John Wiley, New York.
FAHN, A.' 1958. Xylem structure and rhythm of development in trees and shrubs of
the desert. 1. Tamarix aphylla, r.- jordanis var. negevensis, T._gaWca var. maris·
mortui. Trap. Woods' 109: 81-94.
FAHN, A. WACHS, N. and _GINZBURG, C. 1963. Dendrochronological studies in the
.Negev. Israel Explor. Jour. 13: 291-299.
:-FREY:WYSSLlNG, A. 1952. Wachstumsleistung des pflanzlichen Zytopiasmas. JJer.
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•G_ERRV, E. 1915. Fiber measurement studies. Length variatiom., where they occur, and
"theLr.relation_to the strength and uses of wood. Science 41: 179.
GILBERT, S. G. 1940. Evolutionary significance of ring porosity in woody angiosperms.
Bot. Goz. 102: 105-120.
GLOCK, W. S. 1955. Growth rings and climate. Bot. Rev. 21: -73-188.
HANDLEY, W. R. C. 1936. Some observations on the problem 'of-vessel length deter·
mination in woody dicotyledons. New,Phytol. 35: 456--471.
HOu.rSGAARD, E.1955. Tree-ring analysis of Danish forest trees. Forstl. Forseksv. Danm.
22: 1-246 (with English summary).
HUBER, B. 1935. Die physiologische ,Bedeutung der Ring. und Zerstreutporigkeit.
Ber: Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 53: 711-719, .
terms used iri wood anatomy. Trop. Woods 1;)7: 1-36.
JACCARD, P. 1938. Exzentrisches Dickenwachstum und anatomisch-histologische
Differenzierung des Holzes. Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 48: 491-537.
KRIBS, D. A. 1928. Length of tracheids in Jack pine in relation to their position in the
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54: 1-14.
KRIBS, D. A. 1937. Salient lines of structural specialization in the wood parenchyma
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MUNCH, E. 1938. Statik und Dynamik des schraubigen Baues der Zellwand, beson-
ders des Druck- und Zugholzes. Flora (Jema), N. S. 32: 357-424.
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324 Plant Anatomy

PRIESTLEY, J. H. and SCOTT, L. 1. 1936. A note upon summer wood production in the
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SCURFIELD; O. and WARDROP, A. B. 1963. The nature 'of reaction wood. VlI. Ligni-
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STERN-COHEN, S. and FAHN, A. 1964. Structure and variation of the wood fibres of
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WARDROP, A. B. 1964. The reaction anatomy of arborescent angiosperms. In;· _The For-
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WARDROP, A. B. and DADSWELL, H. E. 1948. The-nature of reaction wood. 1. The
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WARDROP, A. B. and DADSWELL, H. E. 1955. The/nature of reaction wood. IV. Vari-
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WARDROP, A. B. and DAVIES, G. W. 1964. The nature'of reaction 'wood. VIII. The
structure and differentiation of compression wood. Austral. Jour. Bot. 12: 24-36.


THE arrangement of the elements of the secondary phloem is parallel to

that of the secondary xylem. Tn the phloem there are also two systems, the
vertical and horizontal, which are derived from those initials that give rise
to the similar systems in the xylem.
The principal components of the vertical system of the phloem are the
sieve elements, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres. The horizontal
system £2l]1prises the parenchyma of the phloem rays.
Storied,:non-storied and intermediate arrangements of the elements can
~~1s() be distinguished in the phloem. As in the xylem, the arrangement of
:the tissue is primarilv determined by the nature of the cambium, i.e.
rwh~ther it is storied o·r not. Secondly, the arrangement is determined by
the ~xtent of- elongation of the yarious. elements of the vertical system
during the differentiation of the cells.
In many species ·of dicotyledonous trees growth rings may idso be observ-
ed in the phloem, but they are less distinct than those seen in the xylem.
The growth rings, as seen in the phloem, are due to the differences in the
cells produced at the beginning and at the end of the season - at the be-
ginning of the growth. season the cells are conspicuously extended radially,
while those produced at the end of the season are flatiened. The arrange-
ment of growth rings becomes obscured after some growth seasons as a
result of the obliteration of the sieve elements, which -cease to function,
and because of the changes that take place in the other cells. These changes
involve the enlargement of the parenchyma cells, for instance. In many
gymnosperms and angiosperms, tangential bands of fibres are developed
in the secondary phloem (Fig. 147, no. 2). The number of these bands is
not constant in each season and therefore they cannot be used as an indi-
cation of the age of the secondary phloem (Esau, 1948; Huber, 1949;
Artschwager, 1950).
The ray initials in the cambium produce cells both towards the xylem
and the phloem (Fig. 121, no. 2), so that the xylem and phloem rays are
continuous. In the vicinity of the cambium the xylem and phloem rays are
equal in size, but in many plants the mature outer portions of the phloem
rays are of increased width (Fig. 147, no. 1). This feature is, of course,
connected with the increase in circumference of the trunk as a result of
secondary thickening. The widening of the phloem rays may be accom-
Plant Anatomy

plished solely by the lateral expansion of the existing cells or, as is more
common, by the increase, as a result.of radial cell division, of the number
of'cellS on' die periphery. These widened parts of the ~ays constitute the
expansion tissue which is discussed more fully in the following chapter.

PhloeClJ Periderm

FIG. 147. 1, Micrograph of the outer portion of the stem of Gossyp;um in which
the widening of the vascular ray towards the periderm can be distinguished. X 27.
2, Cross-section of the secondary p hloem of Cupressus sempervirens in which
bands of phloem fib res can be seen to a lternate with bands of phloem parenchy-
ma and sieve cells. X 120.
Secondary Phloem 327

Sometimes only some rays become enlarged, while others do not change.
The outer parts of. the·phloem rays become cut off from the inner portions
by the development of cork tissue, This tissue is produced by the phello-
gen, and. its formation results in the interruption of the. connection be-
tween the inner living layers of the phloem and the outer layers which dry

Secondary phloem oj conijers

As in the secondary xylem, the secondary phloem of the conifers is of
relatively simple structure. The vertical system is comprised of sieve cells
and parenchyma cells, including albuminous cells (see Chapter 8), and in
many plants fibres are also present. The phloem rays of the conifers are
usually uniseriate and they usually consist of parenchyma cells only, but
sometimes albuminous cells may also be present. The radial arrangement
of the secondary phloem elements of the conifers is retained, even in the
mature regions, because the elements do 'noi change their shape mucb
_during differentiation. The ends oftbe sieve cells overlap one another and
. lengthwise each sieve cell comes into contact with a few r~ys. As in the
_,di§Jribution of the pits on the tracheids, there are more sieve areas on the
overlapping end portions of the sieve cells than there are on the other por-
tions of these cells. Usually the sieve areas develop on the nidial walls of
the sieve cells. The parenchyma cells, with the exception of the albuminous
cells (Srivastava, 1963), of the vertical system store starch at certain sea-
sons of the year and many of them contain resins, tannins and a!so crystals.
I n the Pinaceae the cells of the phloem parenchyma develop in tangential
rows or bands. In the Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae there are alternating
bands of phloem parenchyma; 'sieve cells and'fibres (Fig. '147, no. 2). The
secondary phloem of the Pinaceae contains no fibres but the sieve cells
are thick walled (Abbe and Crafts, 1939). Resin ducts may be present in
the secondary phloem of the conifers. In some conifers, e.g. Abies balsamea,
these schizogenous ducts form blisters in the secondary phloem which can
be seen externally on the bark of the trunk. This resin, known as Canada
balsam, is used as a mounting medium in microscopy because its refractive
index is the same as that of glass.
For further details on the structure and development of the secondary
phloem of conifers refer to Srivastava (1963).

Secondary phloem oj dicotyledons

As in the secondary xylem of the dicotyledons, the secondary phloem
has a relatively complicated structure. The vertical sy.tem contains sieve-
tUbe members, companion cells, parenchyma cells and fibres. The hori-
zontaI system consists of variously sized rays, from uni- to muItiseriate.
328 Plant Anatomy

which consist of parenchyma cells only. In both systems, sclereids, lysi-

genous or 'schizogenous secretory· structures, laticifers imd other cells that
contain special substances may be present. Many of the parenchyma cells
contain crystals and sometimes such cells become subdivided to form cham-
bers, each of which contains a single crystal. Crystals 'may also be formed
in the rays and in the 'sclerenchyma cells of the phloem.
The secondary phloem.fibres of dicotyledons are variously arranged. In
Carya, which has a hard bark, the fibres constituie ihe largest portion of
the phloem and they enclose among them scattered groups of the other
phloem ·elements. In Vitis, for example, the fibres, a great proportion of
which are septate, are arranged in tangential bands which alternate with
bands of the sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma. In
Laurus, Nicotiana and Sten%bium there are few fibres and they are
scattered among. the rest of the elements of Jh e yertical system. In
Aristolochia' no "fibres' are present. ..
Phloem fibres that do not develop directly from fusiform cambial initials
but from parenchyma cells of non-functioning phloem have been termed
fibre-sclereids (Esau e/ al., 1953). Fibre-sclereid's occur, for example, in
the secondary phloem of Pyrus malus (Evert, 1963). ,
Sclereids occur both in functioning and non-functioning phloem where
they arise from parenchyma cells. In secoridary phloem the sclereids may
occur separately from, or together with, the fibres. In Platanus and Fagus,
for example, the· sclereids are the only sclerified elements present in the
secondary phloem. In functioning phloem, sclereids arl usually not as
abundant as are the fibres, but in many species the parenchyma cells of
the non-functioning phloem differentiate into sclereids. In certain plants,
sueD. as Prunus, for example, there is no~sc1erenchyma" in the ,functioning
phloem, but; in' the phloem which has ceased to '"onduct, both fibres and
sclereids differentiate. J '

The arrangement of the sieve tubes and the parenchyma cells differs
in various plants. The sieve tubes and parenchyma cells may form separate
alternating bands as in Robinia and Arist%chia, for example, o~. sieve
tubes may be arranged in radi~l rows as in Prunus. \ ,J " \

In the sieve-tube members, the sieve areas are distinctly better developed
on the sieve plates than on the lateral wall~_However, in soIhe plants, e.g.
the subfamily Pomoideae of the Rosaceae, this difference is relatively
slight. In genera such as Quercus, Jug/ans, Vitis and Populus, the secondary
phloem is not storied and the sieve-tube members are elc,lgated and,bear
mostly compound sieve plates on the o'Slique end walls. In Acer, for ex-
ample, the sieve-tube members are shorter than the above and the end
walls are only slightly o\>lique and they bear simple sieve plates. In Robinia,
Tamarix, Ulmus and Fraxinus the simple sieve plates are horizontal. In
Robinia and Tamarix the phloem is storied and the sieve-tube members
are short. The oblique end walls are usually so orientated that, in a
Secondary Phloem 329

radial longitudinal section of the stem, the surface of the sieve plate is
'seen, 'and in a tangentiai"section; the 'sieve plates are sectioned longitudi-
nally. This arrangement is well demonstrated in Vitis, for example.

Duration 01 the activity 01 secondary phloem

In most dicotyledons the functioning part of the phloem is restricted
to that secondary phloem that is produced in the, last growth season.
Sometimes before the cambium begins to produce new phloem all or most
of\ the sieve elements produced in the previous season cease to function.
However, in some plants, e.g. Tilia, the sieve tubes are active throughout
a number of years and no changes have been observed to take place during
, lthe winter. In Vilis the phloem was observed to be active for two seasons,
but, unlike Tilia, Vitis lays down thick layers of callose .with the onset of
winter. These layers are. subsequently resorbed in the spring before the
renewal of cambial activity (Esau, 1948; Bernstein and Fahn, 1960). It
should be mentioned that in plants with included phloem, e,g. Bougain-
villea and the woody species of the Chenopodiaceae, the phloem strands
remain active for many years. The duration of the activity of the phloem
in the secondary bundles of,the long,lived monocotyledons has _yet to be
investigated. In most conifers the activity of the phloem elements is also
restricted to a single growing season (Esau, 1953).
That part of the secondary phloem in which the sieve tubes no longer
serve as a conducting system, has been termed non-functioning or inactive
phloi'm (EsalJ, J950). In many'pJ1lniS Ih" parenchyma c-t'JJs in,lhis phloem
remain viable and continue tei store starch until such time when the region
is cut off from the more central region by the formation of the periderm.
The characteristic feattires of the non-functioning phloem are the presence
of thick layers of callose termed definitive callus, which cover the sieve
areas, the disorganization and disintegration of the protoplast, and the
collapse and crushing of the elements, especially in the older regions of
the phloem. The definitive callus may not always be seen as it tends to
peel away. The most definite indication of non-functioning phloem is the
presence of crushed elements. The companion cells cease to function
together with the sieve tubes to which they are attached.
In certain plants, e.g. Robinia pseudacacia and some species of Pinus,
the non-functioning phloem contains only a narrow band of intact phloem
elements. In Populus and TWa crushed sieve tubes are found only a great
distance from the cambium and, although only tl)e sieve tubes close to
the cambium function, the shape of the non-functioning sieve tubes is
retained. In Salix the sieve tubes are never obliterated and their shape and
size is retained even after the formation of the periderm which separates
them from the inner tissues.
330' Plant Anatomy

In Vitis vinifera the non-functioning sieve tubes become filled with

tylose-like proliferations from the neighbouring parenchyma. cells (Esau,
The amount of non-functioning phloem that accumulates depends on
the manner in which the phellogen is formed. If the phellogen is formed
close to the stem surface and when it is not replaced for many years by
deeper-formed phellogens, the stem may be encircled by a thick layer .of
rion-functioning phloem (e.g. Prunus). If new, more deeply formed phel-
logens are formed annually within the phloem, e.g. Vitis, there is no
accumulation of non-functioning secondary phloem.

ABBE, L. B. and CRAFTS, A. S. "1939. Phloem of white pine and other coniferous species.
Bot. Gaz. 100: 695-722.
ARTSCHWAGER, E. 1950. The time factor .in the differentiation of the secondary xylem
and phloem in pecan. Amer. Jour. Bot. 37: 15-24. ,
BERNSTEIN, Z. and FAHN, A. 1960. The effect of annual and bi-annual pruning on the
seasonal changes in xylem formation in the grapevine. Ann. Bot., N. S. 24: 159-171.
ESAU, K. 1948. Phloem structure in the grapevine, and'its seasonal changes. Hilgardia \.
18: 217-296. /
EsAU, K. )950. Development and structure of the phloem tissue. II. Bot. Rev. 16:
ESAU, K. 1953. Plant Anatomy. John Wiley, New York. /
ESAU, K., CHEADLE, V. I. and GIFFORD, E. M. Jr. 1953. Compara?ve structure and
possible trends of specialization of the phloem. Amer. Jour. Bot. 40: 9-19.
EVERT, R. F. 1963. Ontogeny and structure of the secondary phloem in Pyrus mal~s.
Amer. Jour. Bot. 50: 8-37. •
HUBER, B. 1949. Zur Phylogenie des Jahrringbaues der Rinde. Svensk .Bot. Tidskr ..
4k376~382. . . , .
SRIVASTAVA, L. M. 1963. Secondary phloem in the Pinaceae. Univ. Calif ,Publ. Bot.
36: 1-142.


THE development of the secondary vascular tissue is usually accompanied

by the formation of cork. Functionally this cork tissue forms a protective
layer which replaces the epidermis which dies and is shed. Cork usually
forms in the roots and stems of dicotyledons that have continuous and
pronounced secondary thickening, but it is not formed on leaves,
with-the exception of ihe scaies of winter buds of certain plants. In the
rhizomes of some pteridophytes, e.g. Ophioglossum, the epidermis and
uilaerlying outer coriioal cells become suberized. .
Cork is part of the compound secondary tissue which is termed the
periderm (Fig. 147, no. I; Fig. 148, no. I). The periderm usually consists
of three parts: the phel/ogen which is the cork cambium; the phe/lem
which is the cork and which is produced centrifugally by the phellogen;
and the phel/oderrn which is 'lhe parenchymatous tissue produced centri-
petally by the phellogen. I
The development of the periderm sometimes commences only after the
production of the secondary vascular tissues has reached considerable
jimensions. In such cases,the circumference of the epidermis increases
together with the secondiry and other tissues on the outer side of the
<-- - •

:ambium. Examples of trees with the above type of development are

Laurus, Citrus, Comus, some species of Eucalyptus, Acer and Acacia.
In Viscum, for example, cork tissue is never formed and tlte epidermis,
the cell walls of which thicken, increases in circumference and persists on
the stem throughout the life of the plant.
In addition to the above-mentioned places cork tissue also develops at
the place of leaf abscission, around those areas of the plant which are
damaged by disease and below wounds.

Structure of the peride'rm components


The phellogen is a secondary meristematic tissue from all points of

view-it originates from cells that have undergone differentiation and it
produces tissues that comprise part of the secondary plant body. According
332 Plant Anatomy

to its position, the phellogen is a lateral meristem as, like the cambium,
it results increase·of the,diameter·of the axis' by periclinal divisions
in its cells. Histologically the phellogen is simpler than the vascular cam-
bium as it consists of only one type of initial. These cells appear rectangular
in' cros~;.. section with their shorter axis in the radial direction and, in longi-
tudinal tangential section, they are seen to be regular polygons. The
protoplasts of the phellogen cells contain variously sized vacuoles and
they may contain chloroplasts and tannins. There are no intercellular
spaces in the phellogen except in those regions where lenticels develop.


Like the cells of the phellogeri, the cells of the phellem (the cork cells)
are usually polygonal as seen in"-tangential section and, in cross-section,
they are flattened radially. In cross-section (Fig. 148, nos. I, 2), the cork
cells are usually seen to be arranged in cc·:upact. radia!" rows whIch are
devoid of intercellular spaces. This radial arrangement indicates that the
pbellogen cells divide tangentially.
Cork cells are dead cells. Various types of cork cells can be distinguished'
and in a few plants crystal-containing cells/"nd sclereids may be found
among the cork cells. Sometimes non-suberized cells, which are termed
phelloids,occur in the·phellem. Two common types of cork cells are tbose
which are hollow, thin-walled and somewhat widened rad!illy, ami those
which are thick-walled and radially flattened. The cells of the latter type
may often be filled with dark resiniferous or tanniniferous substances as,
for example, can be seen in Eucalyptus. These two types ,of pheilem cells
may occur together in the same plant as, for example, , in Arbutus and
Betula where they occur in alternating layers. In Betula this fe",ture causes
the cork to peel like sheets of paper.
The primary wall of the phellem cells consists of cellulose and may some-
times also contain lignin or suberin. Internally the primary wall . is lined
by a relatively thick layer of suberin, which is termed',_th~'suberin lamella.
A thin cellulose layer, which in certain plants may;b;' lignified; may be
,Jresent on the inside of this lamella. In the thin-walled phell~m cells this
inner layer of cellulose is absent (Eames and MacDaniels, 1947), The
suberin lamella is impermeable to water and gases, and it withstands the
action of acids. The protoplast of the phellem cells is lost after the various
wall layers have been formed and the cell lumen becomes filled witn air
or the pigmented substances mentioned above.
In the phellem of some plants, 'e.g. species of Haloxylon and Anabasis
(Fig. 148, no. 7), bands or large groups of hollow, thick-walled cells
occur among the usual thin-walled cork cells. These cells have a lignified
primary wall and a thick outer layer of secondary wall on the inside of
Periderm 333

which is a relatively thin suberin lamella. This suberin lamella, in turn, is

lined by a thinnish cellulose layer which may sometimes be.lignified.
"The cork tissue of certain' pla;'i~, such as that of Quercus suber, for
example, is very elastic, but the cork ormost plants lacks this quality.


The phelloderm cells are living cells with non-suberized walls. They are
similar to the parenchyma cells of the cortex but, if the phelloderm is multi-
seriate, they are usually arranged in radial rows. In certain plants the
phelloderm cells contain chloroplasts and they are photosynthetic. These
cells may also store starch. Sclereids and ot.her special cells are sometimes
present among the phelloderm cells.

Development of periderm
The phellogen may develop in living epidermal (Fig. 148, no. 2), pa-
renchyma or collenchyma cells (Fig. 148, no. I). The cells become meris-
"(ematic and undergo periclinal division. With the commencement of these
divisions starch and tannins. are gradually lost from those cells that con-
tained them. As a result of the first periclinal division two cells, which
are similar in appearance,lare formed. The inner cell is capable of further
division, but often it does not do so. In both cases, however, this cell is
regarded as a phelloderm cell. The outer cell undergoes a periclinal division
resulting in the formation of two cells. The" outer of these two cells differ-
entiates "inio" a cork cell and the inner cell constitutes tlie phellagen initial
and continues to divide. Sometimes the cork and phellogen cells are formed
after the first division and then no phelloderm cell is formed. In addition
to periclinal divisions the initials of the phellogen undergo occasional anti-
clinal divisions, so that the circumference of the cork cylinder is continu~
ously increased.
The number of phellem layers is usually greater than the number of
phelloderm layers. In certain plants the phelloderm is completely absent
but in many plants it consists of one to three layers of cells, while in a few
other plants it may be up to six layers thick. The number of layers in the
phelloderm may also alter with the age of the plant. The number of layers
of pheHem cells produced in a single season varies, in different species,
and may be very large. If the first-formed periderm remains on the
axial organ for many years, the outer layers of cork become cracked and
are shed so that the layer of cork remaining on a plant is of more or less
constant thickness.
In certain plants, such as Quercus suber and Arist%chia, thick layers
334- Plant Ana/omy


FIG. 148. 1, Outermost portion of a cross-section of a branch of Populus deltoides

showing the development of the phellogen in the outermost l<lyer of the cortex.
2, As above but of Solanum dulcamara in which the phellogen develops in the epi-
dermis. The phellogen is formed from the inner cells resulting: from a periclinal
division of the epidermal cells; the outer cells form the outermost Jayer of the
phellem and are covered by cuticle. No phelloderm is formed. 3-6, Portions of
Periderm 335
of cork are added on the surface of the stems. The firstcformed periderms,
which are replaced by more-internal periderms, are relatively· thin and
contain only a few layers of cork cells.
In most dicotyledons and gymnosperms the first periderm is usually
developed in the first year of growth of the axial organ on those portions
which have ceased to elongate. Periderm formed on young organs develops
at the same time all over the. circumference to form an entire cylinder,
'while periderms that are formed on older organs usually start to develop
in isolated patches from which the activity spreads laterally, and it may
take SOme years till the cork tissue forms an entire cylinder.

Location of phellogen formation

As has alread'y been' mentioned 'above, the periderm replaces the primary
protective tissues (epidermis and cortex) of the axial organs. With the
coniinuation of the 'process of secondary thickening the periderms them-
"Seiv-e·s are replaced, from time to time, by new periderrns which are formed
each time deeper in the living tissues of the axis. Therefore, it is necessary
10, distinguish between the first periderm and those that,are formed later.
The development of the first phellogen may take place in different cell
layers -external to the vascular cambium. In many stems, e.g. Solanum
dulcamara, Quercus suber and Nerium oleander, the first phellogen is"formed
in the epidermis itself (Fig.' 148, no. 2). More commonly the first phellogen
develops in the layer of cells immediately below the epidermis. Such de-
velopment can be seen in Populus (Fig. 148, no. I), Juglansand Ulmus,
,among others. In the potalo.tuber, thephellogen develops in the epidermis
as well as 1n the subepidermal cell layer, but the phellogen formed in the
epidermis does not continue to function. after its formation. In th~ stems
of certain plants, e.g. Robinia pseudacacia, species of Aris/o!ochia and
Pinus, the first phellogen forms in the second or third cortical layers. In
Thuja, Punica, Arbutus, Vitis and Anabasis the cambium of the first-formed
periderm develops near the phloem or in the phloem parenchyma itself.
In roots of gymnosperms and dicotyledons, the first phellogen is character-
istically formed in inner layers, usually in the pericycle. In the roots of

the outermost layers as seen in cross~section of the stem of Eucalyptils gigantea

Showing various stages in the anticlinal division of the epidermal and cortical cells;
the divisions bring about the increase in the circumference of the organ. In the
early stages groups of cells related to a single mother cell carl be distinguished. 7,
Portion of a cross-section of the periderm of Anabasis articulata, in which two
types of phellem cells-thin walled and thick walled-can be seen. Thickened
walls. stippled. (Nos. 1 and 2, adapted from Eames and MacDaniels, 1947; nos.
3-6, adapted from Chattaway, 1953.)
336 Plant Anatomy

FIG . 149. I, Micrograph of the o uter portion of a cross-section of a branch of

Vilis vinilera showing the first-formed peride~m to develop in the phloem paren-
chyma. )( 35 . 2, Photogr aph of a cross-secti on of rhytidome of Pinus showing
scal e-shaped additional periderms. The periderms are distinguishable as dark
lines x 6.
Periderm 337

monocotyledons the first phellogen usually develops in the outer layers of

the cortex. _
If subsequent periderms form one within the other, one additional
phellogen may be produced in each growth season. The later-formed
periderms each develop deeper in the cortex or primary phloem and, with
continued secondary thickening, deeper and deeper within the secondary
phloem. Two types of formation of subsequent periderms may be dis-
·tinguished. In those plants in which the first-formed periderm develops in
an inner layer, e.g. Vitis, the additional periderms usually form entire
cylinders similar to the first-formed periderm, while in plants in which
the first periderm is formed in the epidermis or the outer layers of the
cortex, e.g. Pinus, the additional periderms develop in the form of scales
or shells, the concave side of which is directed outwards (Fig. 149, no. 2;
Fig. 150, nos. 1-5).
·In certain genera the·subsequentcperiderm already begins to develop in
the first year of growth of the stem or branch. In apple and pear trees sub-
sequent periderms begin to'develop in·the sixth or eighth year of growth
and, according to Evert (1963), the first phellogen may even remain active
for about 20 years. In Punica and in a few species of Populus a.nd Prunus
the first-formed phellogen may remain active for 20 or 30 years, while on
Querc~us suber, some species of Fagus, AnabasIs and- Haloxyloll; and in a
few "ther genera and species, normally no subsequent pheilogens are
formed during the life of the plant. In Quercus suber and other species in
which the first phellogen is ~ctive throughout the entire life of the plant, or
for many years, there are seasonal differences in the types of phellem cells
produced. As a result of this, bands, which can apparently be regarded as
annual growth rings of ph ell em, are developed. In bottle corks such annual
rings can be well demonstrated (Fig. 152, no. I).
In roots the first-formed periderm may persist as a continuous -layer
over the entire length of the organ, with the exception of the tips. The in-
creasein diameter' of the cork cylinder is brought about' by anticlinal divi-
sions in the phellogen cells and in the living cells below them. Usually the
cork of roots is thin and smooth. The conditions in the soil apparently
hasten the rotting and sloughing of the cracked outer portions of the cork.
In the roots of many herbaceous plants no periderm is formed, but the
outer layers of cells become suberized (i.e. deposits of suberin are laid down
in the cell walls).
In certain plants, as, for example, many species of Artemisia and espe-
cially those from arid regions (Moss, 1940; Moss and Gorham, 1953) and
in Achillea fragrantissima, layers of cork cells occur in the secondary
xylem, on the borders of the annual growth rings.
With the formation of each subsequent periderm the tissues exterior to
it become cut off from the nutrient and water supply and so die. As a re-
sult of this a hard, outer crust develops on the periphery of the axis. This
338 Plant Anatomy

- .


7 8 \
FIG. 150. 1-5, Diagrams showing the position, '>hape and extent of the additional
periderms formed in a woody stem on which the first-formed periderm develops as
an entire cylinder close to the epidermis.-l-4, As seen in cross-section of branches
aged from 1-4, years. In nos. 3 and 4 the first-formed periderm toeether with the
tissues external to it have sloughed away. 5, Three-dimensional diagram of an
outer portion of a stem showing the peripheral tissues, which here include a
narrow zone of functioning phloem and a wide rhytidome with deep grooves; a
considerable amount of the latter tissue has been weathered away. 6-8, Protective
layers of monocotyledons. 6, Cross-section of the outer part of the cortex of Cur-
cuma tonga showing storied cork. 7, Radial section of the stem of Cordyline aus-
tralis showing the position of the layers of storied cork, which enclose patches of
suberized undivided cortical cells. 8, Diagram of portion of a cross-section of the
Periderm 339

crust increases in thickness due to the, addition of further cork layers which
enclose. pockets ,of cortical tissue and .dry phloem . .AIl .the. cork layers
together with the cortical and phloem tissues, external to the innermost phel-
logen, are termed rhytidome or outer bd'rk;_while all-_the tissues external

FIG. '151. -I, Photograph of a branch of Cillotropis procera showing the deeply
grooved rhytidome. x 0'6. 2, Branch of Tamarix sp. in which tranSVf'fse lenticels
can be seen. x 0'7.

to the vascular cambium are included in the term bark. The living part of
the bark inside the rhytidome is often termed the inner bark. With the
increase in diameter of the secondary xylem the circumference of the cam-
bial cylinder enlarges. As a result of this, the new-formed layers of second-
ary xylem are larger in circumference than are the outer layers of the
inner bark which are, therefore, brought under strain. This strain is acco m-

stem of Cordyline indivisa showing a superficial layer of crushed cells and alter-
nating tangential bands of suberized, undivided cortical cells, and storied cork.
(Nos. 1- 5, adapted from Eames a nd M acDaniels, 1947; nos. 6.,.8, adapted f rom
Philipp, 1923.)
340 Plant Anatomy

modated by the production of expansion tissue and proliferation tissue

(Whitmore, 1962a). Expansion tissue is an intercalary_tis~ue.formec mainly
by the phloem rays (Fig. 147, no. I), and proliferation tissue develops as a
result of the proliferation of the 'axial phloem parenchyma.

FIG. 152. I and 2. A bott le-stopper made o f cork . J. As seen f rom above (i.e. cross
section of the cork relative to its positi o n on the stem) in which wide growth rings
a nd two lenticels can be seen . x 2 '5. 2. As seen f rom the sidc ( i.e. in tange nti al
section of the cork relat ive to its JJ.osition o n the stcm) in wh ich the lent icels can
be seen as dark patc hes. x 2' 5.3. Raphanu.\' salivils roo t showing each lateral root
to be accompanied by a pair of lenticels.
Periderm 341

,Morphology of bark
The 'outer appearance of stems 'differs in 'different species of plants" and
the type of bark is used in many cases as it taxonomic character. These
differences result from the manner of growth of the periderm, the
structure of the phellem and the nature and amount of tissues that are
separated by the periderm from the stem, Therefore it is possible to con-
.elude that the outer appearance of the stem is determined by the type of
In plants in which the first periderm forms close to the epidermis a small
amount of primary tissue is cut off from the stem and is eventually shed.
In this case the phellem becomes exposed and then no rhytidome is con-
sidered to be present on the stem. When such a phellem is thin its surface
i~ usually smooth, while if it is thick, the surface is cracked and ridged. In
plants where the first-formed periderm develops deep within the axis,
thicker layers of tissue, which are usually connected to the cork, remain
on the. stem surface, alid therefore these plants exhibit a.rhytidome.
_ Certain rhytidomes, e.g. tho-se of Ulmus americana, Magnolia acuminata
7and Calotropis (Fig. lSI, no. 1), consist mainly of parenchyma tissue and
~soft phellem, while in others, e.g. species of Quercus and Carya, the rhyti-
dome contains large quantities of fibres (mostly phloem fibres) which are
associated with hard cork cells. The manner of formation of the periderm
influences the shape of the bark in general and of the rhytidome in par-
ticular. When ihe subsequent periderms develop in the form of overlapping
scales or shells the outer layers are sloughed accordingly, and so a scaly
bark is formed. This type of bark occurs on relatively young stems of
Pinus, Pyrus communis and others. In Vilis, Lonicera, Clematis and Cu-
pressus,.for example, the subsequent periderms are Jormed as entire'cylin-
ders and so the dead outer tissues are sloughed as hollow cylinders. This
type of bark is termed ring bark. The bark of Platanus, Arbl<tus and spe-
cies of Eucalyptus, for example, is intermediate between the above two
types. In these plants the outer layers of the bark peel off in the form
of relatively large sheets.
The sloughing of the outer layers of the bark is brought about in various
ways. In Arbutus and Platanus the large plates of dead outer tissue sepa-
rate from the inner portions of the bark through a layer of thin-walled
cork cells, and the thick-walled cork cells below them remain attached to
the stem which, therefore, has a smooth surface. In species of Eucalyptus
the sheets of dead outer tissues of the bark exfoliate through layers of pa-
renchyma cells with unthickened walls, which occur on the periphery of
the phellem (Chattaway, 1953). In some trees, e.g. Fagus, the inner bark
grows slowly and therefore much expansion tissue is formed. In this case
the subsequent periderms cut off small amounts of secondary phloem and
the sloughing of the outer bark is slow, resulting in the fall of minute scales
and even powder (Whitmore, 1962b).
342 Plant Anatomy

In many plants the different layers of the rhytidome adhere to one

'another and remain'on the stem for many years and the outer bark-becomes
very thick and is deeply grooved, Such bark occurs in species. of Pinus,
Quercus and many other trees,

Conlmercial cor/<

Commercial cork made from the bark of trees and, in particular, from
that of Quercus suber (Eames and MacDaniels, 1947), In the stem of this
plant the first phellogen forms in the epidermis, This phellogen may remain
on the plant indefinitely but in order to obtain commercial cork this first-
formed periderm is removed when the tree is about 20 years old and about
40 cm in diameter. After the first periderm is removed the' exposed cells
of .the phell_"d..E,!, ~nd cDrtex dry Dut and die, and a new phellDgen is
formed a few millimetres within the cortex, below the first-farmen phello-
gen. This subsequent phellogen produces cork more rapidly and in about
10 years a cork layer thick enough to be of commercial'vaiue is obtained.
This cork is of better v.alue than the virgin cork, which has almost no
commercial value. However, it is of poorer quality than that of cork ob-
tained from periderms that are formed . as aresult of subsequent stripping"
made at about 10 year intervals till the tree 1s about 150 or more years old.
After a few strippings the phellogens are formed in the second'ary phloem.
The pieces 'of cork that are stripped from the tree exhibit surfaces with
different structure-the outer surface is rough because or'weathering and
the presence of remnants of dead tissues outside of the phelloderm, while
the inner surface is smooth. On the radial surfaces and in cross-sections of
,such pieces of cork, bands, which apparently represent annual increments,
can ,be distinguished (Fig. 152, no, I). I '
The dark brown spots that can be seen on tangential surfaces of cork
and the similar stripes seen on radial surfaces and in cross-sections (Fig.
152, nos. 1,2) are lenticels (see p. 344). '
The features that give commercial value to. cork are its imperviousness to
gases and liquids and its strength, elasticity and'lightness.

Pt'otective tissues oj monocotyledons

In herbaceous monocotyledons the epidermis, which has a cuticle, is
the only means of external protection on the plant axis. When the epi-
dermis is ruptured the cortical cells helow become suberized. The suberin
lamellae in these cells are laid down as in typical cork cells. This feature
is common in the Gramineae, Juncaceae, Typhaceae, and other families.
Different types of protective tissues are found on the stems of perennial
monocotyledons (Floresta, 1905 ;lehilipp, 1923; Eames and MacDaniels,
Periderm 343

1947; Tomlinson, 1961), For instance, in the palm Roystonea, in which

the trunk'is' white and smooth, a hard periderm, which-"remains on"the
stem throughout the life of the plant, and which is similar to that of di-
cotyledons, is developed. According to' the above authors, in thickened
stems of the monocotyledons such as Curcuma, Cordyline, and many palms
a special kind of protective tissue is developed. This tissue is formed by the
secondary activity of a storied meristem which appears in the outer _cor-
tex. The initials of this meristem undergo three to eight pericJinal divi-
sions and so radially arranged layers of cells, which become suberized,
are produced (Fig. 150, no. 6). Cork Dfthis type is called storied cork. The
initials here, unlike those of a typical phellogen, do not form a regular,
uninterrupted cylinder.
, The radial rows of cells that divide to form the storied cork are arranged
in irregular ,tangential bands which enclose between them large cells which
do not divide but which, however, are also suberized. The individual bands
of storied cork may fuse both radially and tangentially (Fig. 150, nos. 7,8).
The layers of storied cork may be formed further in towards the centre of
yhe trunk and between these layers alternating layers of undivided suber-
'ized cells and non-suberized destroyed cells occur (Fig. 150, no. 8). In this
"Way layers that are analogous to, but less organized than, the,rhytidome of
dicotyledons are formed.
From observations made on Dracaena sp., Aloe arborescens and Yucca,
it was"found difficult to dete.ct differences between the"secondary protec-
tive tissues developed in them and those of dicotyledons which are pro-
duced by a typical phellogen.

TVollnd co ..t.
Generally, in such places where living plant tissue is exposed to the air
as a result of wounding wound cork is developed. Usually the outer dead
tissues are separated from the inner intact ones by a layer of cells which
become suberized .. Apart from this,separating layer a phellogen may be
developed in the living undamaged layers. This phellogen produces pheJ-
loderm and ph ell em in the usual manner. The layer of cork thus formed
prevents the loss of water through the wound and it protects the plants
against the entry of fungi and bacteria. Apparwtly wound cork may de-
velop on all parts of the plant, including even fruits and leaves. However,
there are differences in the type and amount of cork developed in different
species, organs and tissues, and under different environmental conditions.
Usually wound cork is more easily developed on woody plants than 01
herbaceous or monocotyledonous ones. Low temperatures and low humid-
ity may delay the development of wound cork even in those places where
it develops readily as, for example, on potato tubers (Kuster, 1925;
-\rtschwager and Starrett, 1933; Bloch, 1941).
In certain species of the Rosaceae, Myrtaceae, Hypericaceae and Ona·
graceae, a special phellogen is formed in the pericycle of the root or under·
ground stern. This phellogen produces, centrifugally, a few layers of thin·
walled non-suberized cells which alternate with a layer of endodermal-lik<
cells. At the start of the differentiation of the latter into cork cells, Caspar·
ian strips appear on the walls, which, with further development, become
entirely lined by a suberin layer. This type of complex tissue is termed poly·
derm. Its inner layers, including the cork cells, are living and may serve as
a storage tissue (Mylius, 1913; Luhan, 1955; Nelson and Wilhelm, 1957).

In the large majority of plants there are restricted areas of relatively
loosely arranged celJs, suberized or non-sul·erized, in the periderm. These
areas are termed lentice/s. Lenticels protrude .above thesurrounding peri-
derm because of the bigger size and loose arrangement of the cells which,
themselves, are usually more numerous in these regions. Because of the
continuity of the intercelfular spaces of the lenticels and those of the inner
tissues of the axial organ, it is assumed thai the function of the' lenticels
is connected with gas exchange, similar to that of the stomata on organs
covered by an epidermis only.


Lenticels usualJy occur on stems and roots, and they appear on

young branches and other smooth organs as rough, dark patches which
are somewhat raised above the epidermis through which they erupt (Fig.
lSI, no. 2). Lenticels are.also sometimes present on fruits. In apples and
pears, for example, they appear as smalJ dots on the surface of the fruit.
Only a few plants, e.g. Philadelphus, Anabasis, Haloxylon, Campsis radi-
cans, Vilis, and some other species, many of which are climbers, do not
possess lenticels although they form a periderm.
The number of lenticels occurring on a unit of surface area of a stem
differs in the various species (Eames and MacDaniels, 1947). In certain
species a lenticel develops under each sioma, or under a group of stomata.
In others, lenticels may ~lso develop between stomata if the latter are spar-
sely distributed, and, if the stomata are very ntimerous, lenticels may de-
velop only under some of them. The arrangement of the lenticels on the stem
also varies.- sometimes they appear in longitudinal or horizontal rows,
but generalJy they are irregularly scattered over the entire surface. In
~' young roqts the lenticels usually appear in pairs-one lentlcei on each
side of a lateral root (Fig. 152, no. 3). In storage roots, such as those of
Daucus, for example, the pairs of lenticels appear in vertical rows alongside
the rows of lateral roots. In older roots the arrangement of the lenticels
is irregular.

FIG. 153. I, Young lenticel of Sambucus nigra. 2, Mature lenticel of Pnmus

aviunl. (No. I adapted from Troll, 1948; no. 2, adapted from Boureau, 1954.)

Externally mature lenticels are usually lens-shaped and they are convex
both towards the exterior and the interior (Fig. 153, no. 2). According to
the orientation of the rupture of the epidermis the lenticels are described·
as being longitudinal or transverse (Fig. 151, no. 2). The lenticels which
are situated ciose1to the outer _ends of the phloem rays enabl~ relatively free
passag~ of gases between the inner hssues of the axis and the atmosphere.
346 Plant Anatomy

In stems with larger vascular rays it may be seen that the lenticels usually
appear directly opposite, the rays.. 'i
In the roots orPhoenix dactylifera lenticellular structures occur which
take part in aeration of the root butwhich differ from the above-descri bed
ordinary lenticels. Here the lenticels formeollar-like stmctures around the
thinner roots. The complementary tissue is, however, of typical structure.


Lenticels begin to form together with the first periderm or shortly before.
The time of the formation of the lenticels differs in various species and it is
dependent on the persistence of the epidermis on the stem. In most species
the development of the lenticels is already commenced during the first
season of 'growth of the organ and sometimes even before the elongation
or the organ is completed.
The first-formed len'ticels generally- appear below a ,stoma or group of
stomata. The cells in these regions begin to div'ide in different directions
and the chlorophyll in them disappears so that a loose colourless tissue is
formed., The division of the cells progresses in the cortex inwards and the
orientation of the divisions becomes mor~ and more periclinal until the
phellogen of the'lenticel is formed. The cells that are derived from the
divisions of the substomatal cells, as well as those produced towards the
exterior by the phellogen of the lenticel, are termed co,riplementary cells.
The increase in number of these cells causes, the ruptu(e of the epidermis
so that masses of complementary cells are pushed out and rise above the
surface of the organ. The exp_ose,d cefls die and weather away and they
are replaced by new cells produced by the phellogen (Fig. '153, no. I).
Complementary cells may be suberized or non:suberized, and they are
usually more or less spherical and thin-walled. Centripetally the phellogen
of the lenticel may produce phelloderm. '
In some species, apart from the complementary cells, the phellogen of
the lenticel also produces closing layers centrifugally ,(Fig. 153, no. 2~.
These layers, which consist of compact tissue, alternate with the comple~
mentary tissue. I
Two types of complementary tissue are-d[stinguished: that in which the
connection between the cells is relatively strong, as, for example, in Sam-
bucus (Fig. 154), Salix and Ginkgo; and that in which the cells have almost
no attachment between them giving the tissue a powder-like appearance,
as, for example, in the stems of Pyrus, Prunus and Robinia and in the roots
of Morus (Eames and MacDaniels, 1947) . .1n the latter type the cells of the
complementary tissue are held in place by the closing layers (Fig. 153,
no. 2). In spite of their compactness, the closing layers contain intercellular
spaces which allow the passage of gases. Similar gaps are found in the
Periderm 347

phellogen itself. The closing layers are ruptured as a result of the continual
production of new complementary ceJls. In the temperate zones the lenti-

Secondary phloem

-F~G. 154. Micrograph of a-cross-section of a lenticel of Sambucus nigra. x 50.

eels become closed at the end of "the growing season by a closing layer.
This layer is ruptured oilly with the renewal of the activity of the plant
which is accompanied by the rapid and excessive p!oduction of new com-
plementary cells.


In plants in which additional inner periderms are formed relatively

early in the life of the plant, the lenticels are cut off early from the inner
tissues and are shed together with the outer tissues of the bark. Inplants
in which the first-formed outer periderm remains for a long time on the
axial organ, the lenticels may remain active for many years. In these cases
the lenticels elongate transversely as a result of secondary growth. The
elongation of the phellogen of the lenticel in a tangential direction, with
the increase of the circumference of the organ, is brought about by anti-
clinal divisions of the initials as occurs in the phellogen surrounding the
lenticel. On the stems of some plants, e.g. Acacia raddiana, Tamarix gallica
and Betula, and on the roots of Morus, for example, the transversly elong-
ated lenticels form conspicuous marks on the surface of the smooth bark.
In some plants the lenticels do not increase in size with age, but they be-
come split into severallenticels. In certain plants, e.g. Quercus suber and
Ailanthus, there is no appreciahle increase in size of the lenticels with age.
348 Plant Anatomy

In the subsequent periderms new lenticels are produced as a result of

the ~ctiyity of special areas ?f the new phellogens. In plants with rough.
barks the lenticels are not easily seen as they occur in the additional inner
periderms at the base of the cracks in the outer bark. These cracks are a
result of the continued secondary growth.
In Quercus suber, where the cork layer is several centimetres thick, the
lenticels remain active for a long time and result in the formation of cylin-
ders of complementary. tissue (Fig. 152, nos. I, 2) which extend from'the
phellogen to the surface of the phellem. This.complementary tissue forms
the patches of dark brown crumbling tissue found in commercial cork.
Because of the radial orientation of these cylindrical masses of complemen-
tary tissue, bottle corks are cut from the cork tissue in a direction parallel
to the surface of the trunk so that the cylindrical lenticels extend trans-
versely through them.

ARTSCHWAGER, E. F. and STARRETT, R. C. 1933. Suberization and woundcork forma-
tion in the sugar beet as affected by temperature and relative humidity. Jour. Agric.
Res. 47: 669-674.. .
BLOCH, R. 1941. Wound healing in higher plants. Bot: Rev. 7: 110-146. \
BOUREAU, E. 1954. Anafomie Vegbale, Vol. 1. 'Press~s Universitaires de France, Paris.
CHATTAWAY, M. M. 1953. The anatomy'of bark I. The-genus EucalYPlus. Austral.
Jour.- Bot. 1: 402--433.
EAMES, A. J. and MACDANlELS, L. H: 1947. An IntroduCtion to Plant Anatomy. McGraw-
Hill, New York-London. /
EVERT, R. F. 1963. Ontogeny and structure of the secondary phloem in Pyrus malus.
Amer. Jour. Bot. SO: 8-37.
FLOR£STA.,, 1905. Ricerche sui periderma delle Palme. Contr. Biol. Veg. Palermo 3_,
333-354. tav. 18-19.
KOSiER, E. 1925. Pathologische Pjfanzenanatomie, 3rd ed. G. Fischer, lena.
LUHAN, M. 1955. Das Abschlussgewebe der' Wurzeln uhserer Alpenpflanzen. Ber.
Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 68: 87-92.
Moss, E. H. 1940. Interxylary cork in Artemisia with a reference to its taxonomic
significance. Amer. Jour. Bot. 27: 762-768.
Moss, E. H. and GORHAM, A. 1. 1953. Interxy\ary cork and fission of stems and roots.
phytomorphology 3: 285-294. \,
MYLJus, G. )913. Das Polyderm. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung tiber die physio~
logisch~m Scheiden: Polyderm, Periderm und Endodermis. Bibl. ,Bot. 18, 1-119.
NELSON, P. E. and WILHELM, S. 1957. Some aspects of the strawberry root. Hilgardia
26: 631-642.
PHILIPP, M. 1923. Ober die verkorkten Abschlussgewebe der Monokotylen. Bibl.
Bot. Stuttgart 92: 1-28.
TOMLINSON, P. B. 1961. In: Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. II. Pa/mae. Clarendon
Press, Oxford.
TROLL, W. 1948. Allgemeine Botanik. F. Enke, Stuttgart.
WHITMORE, T. C. 1962a. Studies in systematic bark morphology. I. Bark morphology
in Dipterocarpaceae. II. General features of bark construction in Dipterocarpa-
ceae. New Phytol. 61: 191-220.
WHITMORE, T. C.1962b. Why do trees have different sorts of bark ?New Scient. 16: 330-331.


THE usual structure of the secondary conducting tissues of most spermato-

phytes is as has been described in the previous chapters. The processes of
secondary growth that give rise to this type of structure may be termed the
common type of secondary grmt'th. However, in many p1ants there are devia-
tions from this type of secon~ary growth. Such deviations may include such
features as the unequal activity of different portions of the cambium on
the circumference of the axis, the alteration of the relative amounts and
position of the xylem and phloem, and the appearance of additional cam-
bia·."The secondary growth that results in the development of a secondary
body differing from the common is termed anomalous secondary grmrth.

FIG. 155. Diagrams of cross-sections of stems with anomalous secondary thicken~

ing. 1. Arisfolochia triangularis, portion of a cross-section. 2, Serjania clematidi-
folia. 3, Heferopferis anomala. Periderm-crass-hatched; secondary phloem-
stippled; secondary xylem-hatched. (No.1, adapted from Schenk, 1892; nos,
2 and 3, adapted from Pfeiffer, 1926.)
350 Plant Anatomy

If, ina cross-section of a stem, the cambium produces.more xylem than

phloem in certain places and more phloem than xylem in others, the xylem
cylinder: becomes ridged and sometimes even much metre complex struc-
tures may develop (Fig. 155, no. 3). In certain plants sllch as Aristolochia,
for example, there are strands of cambium that produce only ray-like paren-

FIG. 156. I, Surface view of a cross-sectio n of the stem of Zygophyllum dumosum

showing the splitting that results from the cessation of cambial act ivity in local-
ized areas. x O.8. 2, As above but of a 2-year-old stem of Artemisia herba-alba
showing an interxyla ry cork ri ng and suberized tissue which splits the last growth
ring. x )6.
Anomalous Secondary Growth 351

ohyma; these strands increase in number with the increase of the circum-
ference of the~cambium (Fig.,155,.no. I). Jhe,reduction of the, activity. of
the cambium to restricted areas only results in the formation of ridged
stems, which often split. The latter type of secondary growth occurs in
Peganum harmala and Zygophyllum dumosum (Fig. 156, no. 1), among
others. In certain genera, for instance, Serjania, of ~he Sapindaceae, the
cambium first appears in separate strands eachof which surrounds a group
of v!lscular bundles or even a single primary vascular bundle (Fig'. 155, no.
2). Stems that develop in this~ way appear as if they originate from the
fusion of a,number of stems. With the aging of such stems and with the
production of periderm layers the stems split into numerous parts (splits).
A similar structure can result from the excessive development of the xylem
and phloem parenchyma which results in the splitting of both the conduct·
ing tissues and the cambium cylinder.
In Achilleafragrantissima and some species of Artemisia a layer of cork
is produced each year on the border between two growth rings of xylem,
i.e. interxylary cork. This ;[eature,'when accompanied 'by the suberization·e; rays, as in Artemisia herba·alba, for example (Ginzburg, 1963),
or by the cessation of activity in certain portions of the cambium, also re-
:stiltsin the splitting of the stem (Fig. 156, no. 2).

Included phloem

In certain plants strands of secondary phloem develop within the second·

ary xylem. In genera such as Strychnos (Loganiaceae), Leptadenia (Ascle·
piadaceae), Thunbergia ,(Acanthaceae), Bougainvillea (Nyctaginaceae),
Salvadora (Salvadoraceae); and in various species of the Amaranthaceae,
Chenopodiaceae and other families, strands ofsecondary phloem become
included in the following way. Strips of the cambium cease to function
and the cells in these strips undergo differentiation to form conducting
tissues. New strands of vascular cambium later develop, by redifferentiation,
in the outer phloem parenchyma produced by these strips. The margins of
the new cambial strands connect up with the rest of the cambium which
continues to function in the usual manner. In this way xylem is produced
on the outside of the phloem strand, which therefore becomes included
within the xylem. This type of activity is repeated many times so that secon·
dary xylem with scattered groups of included phloem (Fig. 158, nos. 1-3;
Fig. 159, no. I) js produced (pfeiffer, 1926; I1jin, 1950).
In the Chenopodiaceae the additional cambia are, as seen in cross-sec~
tion, in the form of long or short arches. They appear irregularly or spi·
rally in the phloem or outside it (Fig. 157, no. 1). Frequently the addition·
al cambia in this family form more or less entire rings (Fig. 157, no. 2).
Sometimes an ontogenetic relationship exists between the successive cam-
352 Plant Anatomy

F IG. 157. Surface view of cross-sectioned stems of plants belongi ng to the Chen o-
podiaceae showin g different arrangement s of the included phloem a nd its associ-
ated tracheary e lements. 1, Ha/oxylun urrictllatllm. :~ 10. 2, Al1ahasi< articulata.
x 6.
Al1omalous Secondary Groll'th 353
bia, as is the case in Beta, for example (Artschwager, 1926). The cambial
initials divide and the inner cells resulting from this ,division continue to
divide a number of times before they undergo differentiation into xylem
and ph loem elements, while the outer cells form the initials of the next outer
cambium, ,which replaces the former one. The initials of 't his cambium

F IG , 158. M icrograp hs of cross-sectio ns of secondary xy iem with included phloem,

I . A II'ip/£'x I/((/imll,~. x 105 . 2, A . porfll/a('('vid~s. X 135.3, BVlIgainviffeag/ahra.
>: 34
354 Plant Ana/omy

divide similarly to those of the cambium which it replaces, and this feature
is ,repeated many times. .
In some species, e.g. Salvadora persica (Singh" 1944! and some earlier
authors), Thunbergia mysorensis and T. grandifiora (Mullenders, 1947), no
additional cambia are formed. The included phloem is differentiated from
localized patches of thin-walled cells which are produced centripetally by
the normal cambium. Subsequently the cambium resumes normal activity
i.e. the "centripetal production- of xylem, in- these regions. As a· result of
this the above-mentioned patches of phloem become deeply embedded in
the secondary xylem (see also: Structure of storage roots, p. 258).
In many species of_the Chenopodiaceae, in Bougainvillea and in other
plants with similar secondary thickening, each strand of secondary phloem
is accompanied, on its inner surface, by a group of xylem vessels (Fig.
158, nos. 1-3). In cross-section such stems appear, therefore, to consist
of a fibrous ground tissue in which there are scatter~d "vascular bundles".
The parenchyma associated with the included phloem is termed conjunc-
tive tissue. -This"parenchyma is variously arranged and developed: it may
be ray-like or 'tn bands that connect the phloem strands, or it may surround
and intermingle with the vessel groups. The phloem strands and vessels
of these "vascular bundles" of the secondary, body may anastomose both
tangentially and r;idially, but" tangential connections are.the more common.
I n the perennial species of. the Cheno'podiaceae growing in the,·desert
the anastomosing 'system of included phloem may have, important .adap-
tive value, especially as the phloem in this family may remain active for
many years. Even in cases wh'!re the outer tissues of the '~tem dry out dur~
ing the long summer, the included phloem strands remain viable ana so
can supply nutrients to the buds which, at the onset of the growing sea-
son, can then commence 1'0 develop.

SeeonlTury g1'01Vth in'mo'lOcoty1<;llons \

~ ~
In most monocotyledons secondafy thickening is absent, 'but in thase
plants that have thick axial organs, e.g. the stems of palms, therhizomes df
Musa spp. (Fig. 160, no. 3) and Veratrum album and the bulbs of Galan-
thus nivalis and Tulipa, much and rapid,thickening takes place below the
apical meristem (Skutch, 1932; Ball, 1941; Clowes, 1961). This thicken-
ing is accomplished by a primary thickening meristem. The activity of this
type of meristem is somewhat similar to that of a vascular caplbium and
if these two types of tissue occur in one and the same plant then the latter
develops from the former. Ball (1941) described the primary thickening
meristem and its activity in the Pal mae in the following way. During the
process of growth of the stem, the activity of the primary thickening meri-
stem is largely independent of the apical meristem (Fig. 159, no. 2). In tl]~.
Anomalous Secondary Growth 355

embryo the primary thickening meristem constitutes a flat zone below the
leaf and sheath pr.i!,!ordia anq, in the se.edling, a steep. cone. In later stages
of development this meristem again appears as a flat zone and eventually
it becomes concave. Mostof the stem tissues develop from it. During the
maturation Df the palm the primary thickening meristem at first, contri-
butes mainly to the thickening of the stem, but later it is also responsible

C~mbium which Newl~ - formed

becomes fully addJtionol

FIG. 159. 1, Diagram of portion of a cross-section of a stem with anomalous sec-

ondary thickening illustrating how the strands of included phloem are formed.
2, Diagram of a median "longitudinal section of the shoot apex of Washingfonia
/iii/era. (No.2, adapted from a micrograph of Ball, 1941.)

for the increase in stem height. Below the concave meristematic zone of
the mature palm longitudinally orientated rows of cells can be distinguished;
the activity of this zone results in the increased length of the trunk.
The primary thickening meristem develops as the result of periclinal divi-
sions in the cells in the region below the very young leaf and sheath pri-
mordia. This meristem has no special layer of initials, such as is present
in a typical vascular cambium. In the banana corm new cells are added to
the primary thickening meristem from the cortex.
356 Plant Anatomy

In the palms and in the banana corm the provascular strands (the pro-
cambium) are derived from two sources-to a smalh~r extent from ,the
shoot apex, and to a larger extent from the primary thickening meristem.
In addition to the above-mentioned meristem which brings about' pri:"
mary thickening, in palm stems- the ground tissue close to the apex ex-
pands and thus also results in additional thickening of the stem. It has
been reported (Zodda, 1904; Schoute, 1912; Tomlinson, 1961) that in
some palms the expansion of the ground 'tissue continues for a long period
and that it is very obvious in the older parts of the stem which are c~nsi­
derably distant from the shoot apex (e.g. in Roystonea and Actinophloeus).
Here the central parenchyma cells and the not yet fully differentiated outer
fibres of the bundle sheath continue to undergo divisions, which are followed
by cell expansion, for a long period. The intercellular spaces also
increase in size proportionally to the increase in size of the parenchyma
cells. This type of secondary thickening has been termed diffuse second-
ary grawth (Tomlinson,~ 1961). The ventricose shape of some palm trees
is, according to ~Torrilinson, probably due to the increased vigour of the
leafy' crown, and such stems are mainly of primary origin, but some
secondary thickening may also take place.
Secondary thicke~ing proper takes plac~n different monocotyledonous
species such as Aloe arborescens, specles-·of Yucca, Dracaena and Sanse-
vieria of the Liliaceae, species of Agave of the Amaryllidaceae, and in
species of Xanthorrhoea, Kingia and Lomandra of the Australian family, the
Xanthorrhoeaceae (Cheadle, 1937; Fahn, 1954). Seconsl6ry thickening in
the monocotyledons is brought about by a special cambIum which appears
in that part of the stem that has already ceased to elongate and which is in
continuation with.the primary thickening meristem (Chouard, 1937). This
cambium develops in the parenchyma of the stem external to the entire
mass of primary vascular bundles. The cells / of this secondary meri- t
stem are, as seen in tangential view, of different shapes-they may be
fusiform (that is, long with tapered ends), rectangular, or with 'one tapered
and one truncate end.
The monocotyledonous cambium functions in the manner described be-
low. At first the initials of the cambium produce cells' towards the centr~'
of the stem and only later a small amoun~. tissue is produ'ced toward the
circumference. The cells produced on the outside of the cambium all devel-
op into parenchyma cells, while those produced on the inside develop, in
part, into parenchyma and, in part, into the vascular bundles (Fig. 160,
nos. 1,2). The inner parenchymatous ground tissue is termed conjunctive
tissue and the walls of its cells may sometimes become thiCkened. The
bundles develop from single cells that are cut off from the cambial initials.
Each of these single cells represents the centre of a future vascular strand.
These cells divide anticlinally to produce two or three rows of cells which
then divide periclinally; later the direction of the divisions becomes hap-
Mature Differentiating
secondary secondary Stem
bundle bundles cortex

FIG. 160. 1 a nd 2, Portions of cross-sect ions o f monocotyledonous stems sho wing

the type of secondary growth characteristic in this group. I, Aloe arborescens.
x 48. 2, Dracaena. x 32. 3, Upper portion of a median longitudinal section of
the ve~etative shoot apex of Mtlsa (Dwarf Cavendish banana) in which the zone
358 Plant Anatomy

hazard but still longitudinal. In this manner the secondary vascular bun-
dles,are.formed. The cells of the bundle undergo sliding growth during
their development. The xylem elements elongate fifteen to forty times their
original length, while the xylem parenchyma and the phloem elements
undergo little or no elongation. The thickening of the walls of those
tracheids cl1?sest to the centre of the axis commences, in most cases, prior
to the completion of the cell division in the developing bundle (Cheadle,
1937). "-
The secondary bundles may be amphivasal, i.e. the xylem surrounds
the phloem as is seen in Xanthorrhoea, Lomandra, Dracaena (Fig. 83, no.3)
and Aloi' arborescens, for example, or the xylem may surround the phloem
on three sides and then the bundle appears U-shaped in cross-section
as is seen, for example, in Kingia (Fig. 72, no. I). The tracheary"elements
of these bundles in all the species that have as yet been stud,ied are all
tracheids. The walls of the parenchyma cells in which the vascular bundles
are scattered may be thin or thick and lignified. The parenchyma that devel-
ops externally to the cambium usually remains \thin walled and in many
plants many of the cells of this tissue contain crystals. In XanthorrllOea
resin is secreted in the cells 01 the outer parenchyma so that a resin sheath
is formed around the stem. (It is repor!ed tgat the aborigines of Australia
have almost completely destroyed the (reis of Xanthorrhoea by burning
them in order to enjoy,the beautiful flames that result from the burning of
this resin sheath.) /
The connection between the primary and secondary ,bodies in mono-
cotyledons with secondary thickening is strong, as it is in the dicotyledons.
The union, in monocotyledons, is even more obvious because there are
connections between the secondary bundles and the peripheral foliar ones.

ARTSCHWAGER, E. 1926. Anatomy of the vegetative organs of the sugar beet. JONr. \
Agric. Res. 33: 143-176. ,.
BALL, E. 1941. The development of the shoot apex and the primary thickening meristem
in Phoenix canariensis Chaub., with comparisons to Washingtonla ./ilifera Wats.
and. Trachycarpus excelsa Wend1. Amer. Jour.-~Bjjt: 28: 820-832.
CHEADLE, V. 1. 1937. Secondary growth by means of a thickening ring in certain mono~
cotyledons. Bot. Gaz. 98: 535-555.
CHOUARD, P. 1937. La nature et Ie role des formation dites "secondaires" dans l'edi·
fication de la tige des monocotyledones. Soc. Bot. France Bull. 83: 819-836:
CLOWES, F. A, L 1961. Apical Meristems. Blackwell Scientific PubL, Oxford.
EAMES, A. J. and MACDANIELS, L. H.1947, An Introduction to Plant Anatomy. McGraw-
Hill, New York - London.
ESAu, K, 1953, Plant Atmtomy. John Wiley, New York,
FAHN, A. 1954. The anatomical structure of the Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort, Jour.
Linn. Soc. London. Bet. 55: 158-184.
Anomalous Secondary Growth 359

GINZBURG" C. 1963. Some anatomic features of splittil).8 of desert shrubs. Phylo.

morphology 13: 92.:..97.
ILJIN, M. M. 1950. Polykambialnost' i evoliutsya. In: Problemy-Botaniki'l: 232-249.
MULLENDERS, W. 1947. L'origine du phloeme interxyIemien chez Stylidium et Thun.
bergia. Travaux BioL Insi. J. B. Carnoy 43
PfEIFFF.R, H. 1926. nas abilorme Dickenwachstum. In: K. Linsbauer, Handbuch der
Pjlanzenanatomie, Band 9, Lief. 15, Gebr: Borntraeger, Berlin.
SCHENK, H. 1892. Bei/rage zur Biologie und Anatomie der Lianen. G. Fischer, Jena.
SCHom; C.'1912.-Uber das Dickenwachstum der Palmen. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenz.
11. sor. 2: 1-209,
S1-NOH, B. 1944. A contribution to the anatomy of Sa/vadora persico L. with special
reference to the origin of the included phloem. Jour. Ind. Bot. Soc. 23: 71-78.
SKUTCH, A. F. 1932. Anatomy of the axis of the banana. Bot. Gaz. 93: 233-258.
TOMLINsoN, P. B. 1961. In: Anatomy 0/ the Monocotyledons. II. Pa/mae. Clarendon
Press, Oxford. . .
ZODDA. G. 1904. SulI'ispessimento dello stipite di alcune palme. Malpighia 18: 512-545,

Floral organs
The problem of homology and morphological evolution of the flower
has occupied research workers for a"lol1g time. Investigators such as Wolff
and Goethe in the eighteenth century and De Candolle at the beginning
of the nineteenth century, and many others since then, were interested by
this problem (Arber, 1937, 1950). Opinions were expressed that floral organs
are derived directly from foliage leaves. How;,ver, 'in the light of the view
generally accepted today that the leaves aI;d stem constitute a single unit
which is termed the shoot, we can visualize the 'development of the flower as
being parallel to that ofa vegetative branch and not as being d~rived from it.
The flower consists of an axis on which the rest of the. floral organs are
borne. That part of the axis that represents the internode terminated by the
flower is termed the pedicel, The distal end of the pedicel is swollen to
various extents and this portion is termed the floral receptacle or thalamus.
The floral organs are attachedto the receptacle. Niypical flower has four
types of organs. The outermost" organs of the'flow~r~re the separs, whi~h
together constitute the calyx which is usually green and is found lowest
on the receptacle. On the inside of the sepals is the corolla, consisting of
the petals which are generally coloured. These two types of organs together l
form the perianth; however, sometimes one of them. 'may be lacking.
When all the organs of the perianth are similar they are termed tepals.
Within the perianth two kinds of reproductive organs are found: exter-
nally the stamens which together form the androecium, and internally the
carpels which form the gynoecium.
The arrangement of the floral organs on the receptacle may be spiral or
whorled, and both types of arrangement may occur in the same flower.
In most flowers in which the arrangement is whorled, the organs of each
whorl alternate with those of the neighbouring whorl. The floral organs
may be free or fused. Fusion of:organs of the same type is termed cohesion,
and that of different types of organs, adnation.
The Flower 361

The term pistil is no longer used as it is not sufficiently well defined'

This term was used,both for. each oLthe free, carpels of a flower. as well as
for the unit which is formed by the fusion of a few carpels. Therefore, in
this book we shall refer to all the carpels of a flower, whether they are
free or fused, as the gynoecium.
The stamen consists of a filament which distally bears the anther. Two
lobes can be distinguished in the anther and they are attached to a contin-
'uation of the filament which is termed the connective. Each of these lobes
contains two pollen sacs in which pollen grains are found. The pollen grains
in their early stage of development are the microspores of the angiosperms.
The free carpei or fused gynoecium usually consists of the following
three parts: the ovary, a hollow body which ~ontains one or more ovules;
the style which results from the elongation of the ovary wall; and the
stigma which is that part at the top of the style which has a surface struc-
ture enabling pollination. The ovules are attached to a special thickened
region of the carpel waif which is termed the placenta.
When the carpels are found on the highest'level of the floral axis the
.ovary is termed superior and the flower, hypogynous. In certain plants the
peiianth and stamens are located on the edge of a laterally expanded disc
·which -raises them above the ovary; such a flower is termed perigynous,
and its ovary is said to b~' intermediate or pseudo-inferior. The concave
disc may completely enclose the ovary so that it is then' found below the
other floral organs; in such ,a flower the ovary is said to be inferior, and
the flower epigynous.· I
In some plants, e.g. Capparis, only that part of the receptacle that bears
carpels is elongated; such:a structure is termed Ii gynophore. An elonga-
tion of that part of the receptacle that bears the carpels and stamens, e.g.
Passiflora, is termed androgynophore.,

Ontogeny of the flower

The morphological changes that take place when a vegetative apex be-
comes reproductive are usually rapid and obvious. In many plants the axis
elongates abruptly during this time or immediately afterwards and the
apex widens and often becomes slightly flattened (Popham and Chan,
1952; Fahn et aI., 1963). The sudden elongation of the flower-bearing
axis prior to flowering is especially noticeable in those plants in which
the internodes are very short and in which the foliage leaves form basal
rassettes, e.g. in many species of the Compositae, in the Gramine~e, and
in the banana (Skutch, 1932; Barnard, 1957, and others). The elongated
axis may bear a single flower but usually it bears an inflorescence. The ter-
minal meristem and the meristems in the axils of the bracts may develop
flowers in the order (Fig. 161, nos. 1-4) that reflects the type of inflores-
362 Plant Anatomy

cence (Fahn, 1953a). In a .vegetative apex the apical meristem usually

continues to function above the developing leaf primordia, but in the case
of a developing flower the meristematic zone in the apex' diminishes until
it is lost completely, or until a small, non-active residue alone remains
(Tepfer, 1953; Leroy, 1955).
As has already been mentioned. in Chapter 3, the arrangement of the
cells in the apical meristem alters when the shoot apex changes from the
vegetative stage to the reproductive. In the apical meristem of the inflores-
cences and of the individual flowers of most plants that have been examined,
a central zone of cells with large vacuoles has been observed to be covered

7 5 '3 2

II 9
/ 3

FIG. 161. Four stages in the ontogeny of a flower cluster of Musa; the numerals
irtdicate the order of the appearance of the floral primordia.
. . / .

by a zone of relatively 'small cells which are rich in pr\2toplasm and which
mostly divide anticlinally: With this development the activity 'of the rib
meristem ceases. It will not be discussed here whether in the reproductive
apex a tunica-corpus arrangement is present, but it should be mentioned \
that the number of cell layers in the outer zone is usuall{larger than that .
found in the vegetative apex. The"initiation andthe first stages of histo logi-
cal differentiation of the different floral organs are, in principle, similar to
the early ontogenetic stages of bracts and foliage leaves (Tepfer, 1953).
The morphological and functional differences between the different floral
organs are apparently related to a series of physiological processes which
take place during the different stages of floral differentiation. This assump-
tion is supported by the results of experiments which involved the incising
and dissecting of the primordia of floral organs at different developmental
stages (Cusick, 1956). ..",..
The developing floral organs usually appear in a distinct acropetal order
The Flower 363
(Fig. 162, nos. 1,2), i.e. the youngest organs are closest to the apex. How-
ever, in certain genera and families; e:g. Paeonia, the ''Bixaceae, "Dillenia=
ceae and Tiliaceae, the floral apex stops growing and ,then basipetal or

Sepal Carpel ::/~"'Yt:;:-&,0


Stamens 3


FIG. 162. Ontogeny of flowers. 1-3, Ranunculus trilobus. 1 and 2, Two stages in the
development of the entire flower. 3, Developing carpe1. 4-7, Reseda odorata.
4 and 5, Two stages in the development of the entire flower. 6 and 7. Developing
gynoecium at stages later than those depicted in nos. 4 and 5. (Adapted from
Payer, 1857.)

centrifugal development of the staminal primordia can be distinguished

in the zone of the stamens (Corner, 1946; Sporne, 1958). Other deviations
from the usual ontogenetic development of the floral organs are also known.
364 Piant Anatomy

Sometimes there may be a delay in the development of the petals although

their primo'rdia appear prior to those of the outermost. stamens. In zygo-
'mcirphic "flowers unequal development of the floral organ\ is already obvi-
ous in early ontogenetical stages; In Reseda, for example (Fig. 162, nos.
4, 5), the adaxial side of the receptacle is already better developed than the
abaxial side in the earliest stage of development, and the abaxial petal
appears only after the adaxial stamens are almosi fully developed.
In those. flowers. in which certain organs are partially reduced, as, 'for
instance, in the case of the sterility of some of the stamens, the development
of these organs is retarded in relation to that of the other normal organs.

FIG. 163. Development of a peltatc carpel in an apocarpobs gynoecium. 1 and 2,

Diagrams of sections of the carpel at different ontogenetic stages. 1, Longitudinal
sections. 2, Cross~sections. 3-7, Different stages irl,,_ the development of the carpel
in Thalictrum showing the development of the sill,'the ovule and the portion above
the sill which folds over and closes the locule. 3-6,- Developing carpel sectioned
longitudinally. 7, Surface view of the side of the carpel on which the Closure took
place. (Nos. 1 and 2, adapted from Goebel; nos. 3-7, adapte'd from Trol1.)
The development of the reduced organs ceases completely before mature
shape is obtained. The female flower of Musa may be given as an example
of such development. In certain species the .appearance of primordia of
reduced organs may be retarded in relation to that of the similar normal
organs. Examples also exist in which the carpels mature before the sta-
mens. This feature is apparently brought about by a local concentration of
growth substances (McLean and Ivimey-Cook, 1956).
In flowers in which the gynoecium is apocarpous, i.e. in which the carpels
are free, each carpel primordium appears in its earliest stage of- develop-
The Flower 365

ment as a.rounded buttress which is similar to the primordia of the other

floral organs; and.leaves .. In. a-later stage of development the carpel pri-
mordium resembles that of a peltate leaf (Fig. 163, nos. 1-7). Still later

r'1-"" ....., "
" , ' \ ~!\
\>;'J;\,,~~;~C1; \ it'meo

\2' -~"{l i', J A

\::::::)'(s""" . 3 4

9 10
FIG. 164. Ontogenyoffiowers.l-4, Development of the a pocarpo us gynoecium of
BUfomus umbel/atus. 5-10, Linum perenne. Stages in the development of the syn~
carpous gynoecium from separate primordia which expand laterally and fuse to
form a single ring. (Adapted from Payer, 1857.)

a depression appears at the tip of the primordium and as a result of un·

equal development, which then commences, an abaxial lip, from which
the dorsal side of the carpel develops, is formed. The adaxial lip of the
primordium develops more slowly and forms the "sill" of the carpel
(McLean and Ivimey-Cook, 1956). This sill may enlarge and form the
margins of the carpels (Fig. 163, nos. 1-7). It is assumed that the sill ori-
366 Plant Anatomy

ginally consisted of the two basal laminar lobes which, as in the onto-
geny,of.the peltate leaf, have fused. The area:\"here the two margins fusp.!
'is termed the' cross~zone. The 'ovule or ov'illes deveiop 'from this zone
(Fig. 163, nos. 5, 6) . .1n most.cascs the dorsal side of the carpel folds and
closes' over the sill. In a few gellera of the monocotyledons, e.g. plants
belonging to the Butomaceae, the. primordia of the carpels are horseshoe-

FIG, 165. I, Portion of a IOngitu~$ection of a developing inflorescence

Musa (Dwarf Cavendish banana) showing floral primordia in different stages of
development. x 34. In the second primordium from the left, the depression that
represents au. e.atl-, !)t.a.-&e. i.u. tne. <ie'le\~?met;'\t d t.l.' \e \'i\{e~\c~ ,\)'1?~'J, ...·M·.. ~ '5't.~Yl.
2, Cross-section of the pedicel of Aquilegia caerulea in which ten bundles,i five
large alternating with five small, can be distinguished. x 34.
The Flower 367

shaped, in cross-section, and remain so almost until the- maturation of the

carpels, and. so no sill is developed. In this. case the. fusion of.the margins
of the c'arpels is incomplete even in the mature carpel (Fig. 164, nos. 1-4).
In flowers with syncarpous gynoecia, i.e. those in which the carpels "are
fused, the ovaries may develop in two ways. In the first type, carpel
primordia first appear separate and fuse later as a result of lateral
growth. Subsequently, the carpels grow upwards as a unit on which the
primordial apices are ·borne (Fig: 164, nos. 5-10). In the other type of
development the carpels are already joined in the earliest stages of pri-
mordial development so that the ovary wall rises, from its initiation, as a
ring. The regions of fusion between the carpels are distinguishable by in-
wardly directed folds (Fig. 162, nos. 5-7). During the very early stages
of development of an inferior ovary, a depression can be distinguished in
the centre of the developing flower (Fig. 165, no. I). This depression
gradually deepens. In the flower of Musa, three separate rounded carpel
primordia can be distinguished before the formation of ihis depression.

Vasculm';zation of the floweI'

_ The anatomical structure of the axis of the inflorescence and of the
peaicel is 'similar to that "Of a typical steni; the vasculac cylinder may be
entire or split. Within the receptacle the shape of the stele becomes similar
to tliat of the receptacle itself, i.e. the stele is usually widened at the base
and narrows towards the upper part of the receptacle. From the stele of
the receptacle the traces pass out to the various floral organs. The traces
and the gaps split the stele into a characteristic network of vascular bundles
(Fig. 168, no. I; Fig. 170j. The stele may be further split as a result of
ihe. reduction of vascular tissues, as occurs in-a typical stem (Eames, 1931 ;
Eames and MacDaniels, 1947; Tepfer, 1953). The traces of the various
floral organs leave the stele in whorls or along a spiral line, in accordance
with the arrangement of the organs on the receptacle. The traces of the
uppermost carpels may, in certain plants, terminate the stele of the recep-
tacle (Fig. 171, no. I). In other plants, however, the stele continues above
the level of the traces to the uppermost carpels. In this case the terminal
bundles of the stele of the receptacle, which consist only of phloem or pro-
cambium, gradually fade out within the top of the receptacle (Fig. 171, no. 2).
The number of traces to the various floral organs varies. The number
of traces to a sepal is usually equal to that supplying the foliage leaves
of the same plant. Petals generally have one trace, but in some families
three or more traces may be present. Stamens usually have a single trace
but in some ranaHan families and certain species of a few other families,
e.g. the Lauraceae and Musaceae, three traces enter each stamen. Carpels
may have one, three, five or more traces; three traces is the most common
condition, but five also occur frequently. The median carpel trace leaves
368 Planl Anatomy

the stele at a lower' level than do the other traces. The continuation of this
median .trace constitutes the dorsal bundle of. the. carpel and the trace
itself is .termed the dorsal.trace. The dorsal bundle is actually homologous
to the, leaf mid-rib. The two outermost traces on each side are .termed .the
marginal or I'enfrai traces, :as the bundles' that pass along the margins
bf the carpel develop from them. If the carpels are fused to form a syn-
carpous gynoecium these marginal bundles are found lateral to the dorsal
hundle and if the carpels are folded inwards they are founo ventrally

F IG. 166. Cross-secti o n in the receptacle of Aqlli/egia meru/ea. 1, A t the level of

the exit of the sepa l traces, showing the traces to two sepals. Each sepal is s upplied
by th ree traces. x 36. 2, At a level a little hig her than in n o . I sho wing t wo single
p etal traces and the vascular supply, consist ing of t hree traces, to o ne sepal. x 38.
The Flower 369

relative to the dorsal bundle (Fig. 169, nos. I, 2), As a result of the in-
ward-folding ,of the carpel margins the. yentral bundles, .ar,t; inverted-
their phloem i"s directed towards the,cavity of the ovary, and thei(xylem
outwards. If more than three traces are present in a carpel the additional
traces are present between the ventral and dorsal traces, and they are

FIG. 167. Aquilegia caerulea. 1, C ross-section in the receptacle at the level of the
exi t of the traces to the numerous who rls of stamens; Within the receptacle the
stamina! traces are seen to be arranged in radial rows. X 35. 2, Cross-section in
the basal portio n of a sing le carpel in which the single do rsal trace and two ven-
tral traces can be d istinguished. I n the ventral traces (but not in the' branches of
them that appear close to them in the micrograph) it can be seen that the xylem is
directed o utwards and the phloem inwards. X 110.
370 , Plant Anatomy

termed lateral traces, The vascular bundles of the carpels may branch and
may even continue to do so during the development of the fruit,
The vascular bundles that supply the ovules usually :originate from the
ventral carpel bundles, or from branches of them ,that are present in the
placenta:(Fig, 169, no, I), The ovular bundle is single and thin, and reaches
the zone of the chalaLa;' it doe. not penetrate into the nucellm but in some
genera branches of it enter into the integuments,
The structure of the receptacular stele and the, system of vascular bundles
within the floral organs is relatively complex even in the simpler types
of flowers (i.e. those that are phylogenetically relatively primitive). The
interpretation of floral vascularization becomes even more difficult in
flowers in which fusion of the traces has taken place during the process of
evolution. Eames (Eames, 1931; Eames and MacDaniels, 1947) gives
Aquilegia of the Ranunculaceae and Pyrola of the Ericaceae as examples
of flowers with simple vascular systems. In species of Aquilegia the pedicel
contains five thick bundles which alternate with five thin bundles (Fig.
165, no. 2). These bundles fuse at the base of the flower to form an un-
interrupted ring. Above tliis lever five groups or; sepal traces, each group
consisting of three traces per single gap, depart from the stele (Fig. 166,
no. I). A little higher, alternating with the sepal traces, a single trace passes
out to each of the five petals (Fig. 166, no'/2). Above the, petal gaps the
traces to the numerous stamens are fou~d. Each stamen has a single
trace (Fig. 167, no. I). Above the uppermost whorl of stamens the stele
once again becomes an uninterrupted ring. Shortly above this level five
compound gaps of the carpels are formed. From the base of each such
gap, the dorsal trace is given off and, from the sides, the pair of ventral
traces (Fig. 170; Fig. 171, no. 2). The ventral traces invert immediately
on their exit from the stele and so enter the carpel wit" the xylem directed
outwards (Fig' 167, no.-2j. Ahovethis levelthe stele consists of fivebundles
which mainly consist of phloem. This vasculat tissue gradually fades
towards the rounded tip of the receptacle. .,
The type of vascular 'system that is exemplified by Pyrola (Fig. 171,
no. I) differs principally from the type of Aquilegia in the following fea,
tures: (a) each sepal has only one trace; (b) above that'level at wh'ich the,
dorsal carpel traces depart from the stele the remaining stelar bundles
fuse in pairs to form five strands, each of which represents the two ventral
traces; (c) no vestigial vascular tissue is found at the top of the receptacle.


During phylogenetic development of;the flower, processes of cohesion,

adnation and organ abortion have taken place. It is commonly accepted
that during the process of evolution the external fusion of organs precedes
The Flower 371

that of the inner tissues, and that the fusion of the vascular tissue repre-
sents the last stage in this process, Fusion of vascular bundles involves
those bundles that were close to one another: The fusion may involve
the traces alone or may include part ·of the bundles within the organs,
and not very often does it continue throughout the entire length of the
bundles. Usually there is ontogenetic and histological evidence that
fusion has taken place. Evidence of aborted organs is assumed from the
·presence of rtdimentary organs and persisting traces as 'compared with
related flowers.

Bundle fusion

As a result of the cohesion of organs, in many cases the lateral and

marginal vascular bundles and traces fuse. In the calyces of plants of the
Labiatae different stages of vein fusion cah be found. Thus, according to
Eames (1931), in Nepetd'and Monarda it· is possible -to discern that each
...sepal has a main vein and two lateral veins (Fig. 172, nos. I, 3); in the
=:calyces of Ajuga and Physostegia the neighbouring lateral veins are seen
:-ro be fused almost up to the base of the sinuses between the calyx lobes
(Fig. 172, nos. 2, 4); in Salvia (Fig. 172, no. 5) two pairs of lateral veins
are fused while the others remain free ..
In sympetalous corollas vein fusion .may also. be found (Fig. 172, nos.
6-10). In the sympetalous flowers of the Rubiaceae, for example, it is
still possible to discern fifteen veins, three in each petal. In the Compositae
it is possible to find evidence of the fusion of the lateral bundles and of
the loss of the median bundles (Koch, 1930).
Iii the gyhoecium the fusion' of ilie bundles lakes' place in the following
ways. Ifthe carpels are free the two ventral bundles approach oneanother
on the ventral side of the primitive type of carpel that develops into a
follicle (Fig. 169, no. 1). The ventral bundles may fuse from the base and
the fusion may continue along the entire length of the carpel or along only
part of it (Fig. 169, nos. 2, 3). A carpel with a single dorsal and a single
ventral bundle may have two or three traces. In the former case one trace
is related to the dorsal bundle and one to the ventral. In very reduced
carpels, as, for instance, those in cypselae, there js sometjrnes only one
trace, and it splits at the base of the locule of the carpel. In such a trace
the three original traces are fused. If the carpels are fused, two types of
fusion are distinguished. On the one hand, when a large portion of the
carpel is folded inwards and the placenta is axile, the ventral bundles are
brought to the centre of the ovary where a pair of inverted ventral bundles
of a single carpel or those of two adjacent carpels fuse (Fig. 172, nos.
16-18). The lateral bundles (i.e. those between the dorsal and ventral
bundles) of two neighbouring carpels may also fuse in such an ovary
372 Plant Ana(omy


FIG. 168. 1, Photograph of a cleared flower of Aquilegia caerulea as seen in lat.enil

view; the sepals and petals have been removed. x 20. 2, Micrograph of a c~oss­
section of a young pollen sac of Passi/lora caerulea showing a glandular tape-
tum. x 130.
The Flower 373

FIG. 169. Diagrams illustrating the carpellary vascular ~upply. 1, A carpel sup-
.plied by three traces each of which is accompanied by a separate gap; bundles re-
'main unfused within th-e carpel to the stigma. 2, A carpel in which the two ventral
~ rraces are fused from the base of the carpel. 3, A carpel in which the ventral traces
arise fused, but in which they separate in the basal portion of the carpel. (Adapted
from Eames and MacDaniels, 1947,)

PIG. 170. Diagrammatic representation of the stele of Aquilegia spread out in a

single plane. (Adapted from Tepfer, 1953.)
374 Plant Anatomy

(Fig. 172, nos. 16-18). On the other hand, if the carpels become fused
while they are and so form a single common locule with parietal
placentation, the ventral bundles are not inverted and they occur in pairs
along those lines where the cohesion of the carpel margins takes place"
or they may fuse to form common bundles (Fig. 172, no. 11).


FIo. 171. Diagrammatic representation of different types offioral vascularization.

1, Pyrola, showing an entire flower. 2, Aquilegia, showing the upper part of a
flower. Vascular tissue'stippled. (Adapted from Eames and MacDaniels, 1947.)"

In addition to the fusion of bundles as a result of cohesion of organs,

bundle fusio~ also results from adnation, i.e. the fusion of organs of
different whorls. Bundles that are radially or tangentially close to one
another may fuse, and this process may involve different numbers of
bundles which may belong to two or more whorls. Different stages in
l The Flower 375

'"' 13 '"' 14 e 15

&?J ~00 17 18
376 Plant Anatomy

the fusion of the staminal bundles with those of the petals (epipetalous
stamens) may be seen, for example, in the Crassulaceae (Fig, 173, no. 7).
In flowers of plants belonging to the Rosaceae (Fig, 173, 'nos. 3-6), it
is possible to discern the fusion of bundles from }nore tban. two whorls
(Jackson, 1934),

The hiferior ovary

The problem of the phylogenetic development of the inferio~' ovary

still challenges flower morphologists. The problem is whether the gyno-
ecium has sunk into a concave receptacle which then surrounded the
carpels and fused with them (axial theory), or whether the inferior ovary
arose as a result of the cohesion and adnation of the lower portions of all
the floral organs to the gynoecium, which they surround (appendicular
theory). In "rder to solve this problem different methods within'the field
of comparative morphology, involving ontogeny, histology, teratology and
palaeontology have been used., Much attention has been paid to the
floral vascular anatomy (Douglas, 1944), The latter line of investigation in
connection with the inferior ovary has revealed the following features,
In the wall of the inferior ovary of certain 'plants, e.g. Hedera (Fig. 173,
no. I), separate traces which are related'to the. different floral organs are
found. In many plants', e.g. Juglans (Fig. 173, no. 2) anda rew species of
the Ericaceae, different stages of bundle fusion have' been observed in the

FIG; 172. 1-5" Stages -in the fusion of lateral bundles,lin gamosepalous calyces,
I, Calyx of Nepelo veronica cut and spread out; the hiteral bundles are unfused.
2, CaLyx of Afl/ga replans in which the lateraL bundles are fused. 3: ,Diagram of
the cross-sectio-n of the calyx of Monarda didyma in which the lateral bundles are
free. 4, Cross-section of the calyx of Physosregia virginiaI/O in which the'lateral
bundles are fused. 5, Cross-section of the calyx of Salvia patens in which two pairs
of lateral traces are fused. 6-10, Stages in the fusion of lateratbundles in gamo-
petalous corollas. 6, Hamelia patens, in which the lateral traces are unfused. 7,
Senecio [remonai. 8, Anaslrophia ilid/olia. 9, Chrysanthemum leucdnthemum. 10,
XanthiunT orientale. 11-18, Diagrams of cross-sections of carpels showing differ-
ent stages of cohesion. 11, Reseda odorafa in which the placentation is parietal.
12-15, Different stages in the fusion of the ventral bundles in follicles. 16-18,
Different stages in the phylogenetic develcpment of the syncarpous ovary from
the stage where the tissues and vascular bundles of each carpel are unfused
through the stage where the carpeJlary tissues but not the vascular tissues are
fused to the final stage where the carpellary tissues and lateral and ventral bundles
are fused. In nos. }1-18 the xylem is represented by solid black and the phloem is
white. (Nos. I~5 and 11-18, adapted from Eames and MacDanie1s, 1947'; nos.
6-10, adapted from Koch, 1930.)
The Flower 377

378 Plant Anatomy

wall of the inferior ovary (Manning, 1940; Douglas, 1944; Eames and
MacDaniels, 'j 947; Eames, 1961). 'In relation ·to· these plants, therefore,
it is possible to conclude from the vascular anatomy that the wall of the
inferior ovary consists of. the ovary wall proper together with the other
floral organs that are fused with it.
In species belonging to the Cactaceae and Santalaceae (Fig. 174, no. I),
inverted vascular bundles, i.e. those with inwardly directed phloem and
outwardly directed xylem, can be found along the entire length of the
inferior ovary wall (Smith and Smith, 1942; Tiagi, 1955). This feattire
suggests that in these species the inferior ovary has developed as a resuIt
of the involution of the receptacle, as the sinking of the gynoecium into
the receptacle necessitates an inward folding of the upper portion of the
receptacular stele. In Rosa, Jackson (1934) found, according'to the vas-
cular anatomy, tbat the lower portion of lbe Jlesby fflli! consjs!s Df reup-
tacular tissue, while the. upper portion 01' it consists of fused floral. organs
(Fig. 174, nos. 2-4). Jackson also showed that various intermediate stages,
which demonstrate the evolution of the rose fruit, can· be seen in related
genera: The fruit of Pyrus malus vaL paradisiaca and related genera
apparently consists mainly of true ovary wall and of other floral organs
that are fused to it, and the receptacle consdtutes a very small portion,
which is not easily discernible, at the base' of the fruit (Fig. 211, no. 6)
(MacDaniels, 1940). The adnation o('the bundles in an inferior ovary
that is developed from the fusion of the ovary wall prope'j to other floral
organs is not equal in different radii, neither in the number of traces in-
volved nor to the extent to which they are fused.

FIG. 173. I, Diagram of a longitudinal section through the inferior ovary of

Hedera helix in which 'there is no fusion between the sepal, petal and staminal
bundles. or between these bundles and the carpellary bundles. 2, Longitudinal
section of the flower. including bracts, of J uglans nigra showing the fu~ion. in their
basal portions, of the bundles of the different organs. 3....:6. Longitudinal sections
of flowers of related genera of the Rosaceae showing different degrees of adnation
of the hypanthium to the carpels. 3, Physocarpus opuli/olius in which the ovary is
superior and the sepals, petals and stamens are fused, but not to the carpels. 4,
Sorbus sorbifolia in which the hypanthium is adnated to the base of the carpels.,5,
Spiraea vanhouttei in which the hypanthium is adnated to the carpels to a level
half way along the ovary. 6, Pyrus malus var. paradisiaca in. which the hypanthium
is adnated to the ovary throughout its length. 7, Diagrams showing different
degrees of vascular fusion during the adnation of a stamen and petal, as seen
in both longitudinal and cross-sections. (Nos. 1, 6 and 7, adapted from Eames
and MacDaniels,1947; no. 2, adapted from Manning, 1940; nos. 3-5, adapted
from Jackson, 1934.)
The Flower 379

Q Q a Q
0 00 •

a 0
CJ •
Q " 0
v 0
0 o ,
0 0 a~ ,........_ 0
0 ~
0 0
0 , '" C
0 " o 0 0 0

0 0 0 0
~ U
~ 3 4

FIG. 174. I, Diagram of a longitudinal section of the inferior ovary of Darbya

(Sant31aceae) showing the vascularization; xylem-black and phloem-white. 2-4,
Rosa helenae. 2, Diagram of a longitudinal section of the flower; broken line,
phloem and solid line, xylem. 4, Diagram of a cross-section in the lower quarter
of the hypanthium showing the vascular bundles (xylem - black, phloem -white).
The arrangement of the vascular tissues in the innermost row is seen to be inverted,
a fact which is evidence of invagination at this level. 3, A cross-section at a level
higher than in no. 4 in which there is no inversion of the vascular tissues
indicating that at this level there is no invagination. (No. t, adapted from Doug-
las, 1944; nos. 2-4, adapted from Jackson, 1934.)
380 Plant Anatomy

In addition to the fusion of the floral organs of a single flower among

themselves, fusion may occur between flowers and the, Qracts accompany-
ing them, e.g. Lonicera and Juglans, and even between several flowers, e.g.
in certain species of Lonicera, _Corn us and M aclura. These features are also
often accompanied by the fusion of bundles (Manning, 1940; Eames and
MacDaniels, 1947),

Vestigial 'Vascular bundles

The presence of vestigial vascular bundles, in certain po'sitions, is fre-

quently taken as proof of the degeneration of the organs that were origi-
nally present in the same position in the ancestral floral type. Vestigial
petal traces may be found in the receptacle of apetalous flowers, e.g. Aristo-
lochia, species of Rhamnus, Salix and certain species of Quercus. Vestigial
staminal traces can be found in the Scrophulariaceae, Labiatae, Cucurbi-
taceae; and in certain genera of o'therfamilies': In the Caprifoliaceae, Eri-
caceae, Rutaceae and Valerianaceae vestigial carp~l tra~es are found. Such
vestigial traces may also be found in unisexual flowers. Degenerate ovules
are commonly associated with vestigial bundles.
The reduction that has taken place durin8 the evolutionary specializa-
tion of the floral often accompanied by the reduction of the vas-
cular supply to the organs. This is exemplified by the development of the
achenium or cypsela, which contains a single ovule, fro{n a legume Of
follicle, which contains several ovules, and by the reduction of the corolla
in the capitulum of the Compositae. Such reduction is recognizable by the
shortening of the bundles.
In some carpels, in which much reduction has taken place, only one
bundle, which enters the ovule directly from the rece'ptacular stele, is foun".
In stamens the bundles may sometimes terminate at the base of the fila-
ments instead of reaching the anther. In the sympetalous corollas of many
of the Compositae the median bundle is lost and lateral bundles may also
become reduced, and they even disappear in the corollas of certain plants~
(Chute, 1930; Eames, 1931). - / '
The importance of the structure of the floral vascular s'ystem in the
interpretation of the morphological structure and the clarification of the
phylogenetic relationships between different plants is still debatable (Hen-
slow, 1891; Sporne, 1958). Puri (1951), who reviewed the relevant literature
on floral anatomy, came to the conclusion that this method of research
has contributed much to the better understanding of the angiosperm flow-
er. However, he stresses the necessity of regarding the structure of the
vascular system of the flower as only one important aspect of the problem
of floral morphology. According to Puri the study of the external structure
of organs and their ontogenetic development should not be neglected.
The Flower 381

In spite of the above-mentioned reservations, the vascularization of the

flower. represents an additional feature which enriches our ability to tackle
evolutionary and taxonomic problems.

Ilistology of sepals and petals

The external structure of sepals and petals may be leaf-like. However,
the internal structure only of green sepals resembles that of foliage leaves
and the internal structure of coloured sepals and petals is distinctly differ-
In the perianth the vascular system is usually only poorly developed and
the veins usually lack sclerenchyma. The mesophyll commonly consists of
spongy parenchyma only and its cells contain chromoplasts or pigments
in the. cell sap or both. Usually the epidermal cell walls are thin. The anti-
clinal walls of these cells are, in many flowers, folded or undulated and
,they_are arranged so that the projections of the cells dove-tail one into the
other, 'a feature that strengthens the epidermis. At the base of the petals,
as well as along the length of the veins, the anticlinal walls are usually
straight'even when they are wavy in the other epidermal cells. The outer
walls of the epidermal cells commonly have papillae, which make the petals
glisten. More papillae are present on the adaxial than the' abaxial epider-
mis and they are not developed at the base of the petals. Stomata, if pre-
sent, are scanty and ilOn-f~nctioning. Trichomes may sometimes be pre-
sent on sepals and petals. Sometimes intercellular spaces, covered by cuticle
(Hiller, 1884), are formed,in the epidermis of petals. The thickness of the
cuticle varies in 'different plants and it may be variously sculptured (Mar-
tens, 1934) (Fig; 58, no. 2). Various pigments are found in the epidermal
cells of the petals and sepals. The.less specialized the petals are, the more
their internal structure resembles that of foliage leaves, that is, the veins
and the mesophyll are better developed, a palisade-like tissue is present,
the epidermis is devoid of papillae and there are many stomata.

Tile stamen


The stamens and carpels of highly specialized flowers differ greatly in

structure and general shape from foliage leaves. Different opinions still
exist as to the morphological interpretation and evolutionary development
of the stamens and carpels (Parkin, 1951). The most commonly accepted
theory is that these organs are homologous to leaves. The opinion also
ex;sts that the development of the stamen can be explained on the basis of
382 Plant Anatomy

the tel orne theory, that is, from primitive dichotomously branched axes.
According to this theory the stamen. has developed as the result of these-.
duction and fusion of a system oraxes that bore spor~ngia at their tips
(Wilson 1937, 1942). New light was thrown on the phylogeny of stamens
and carpels by Bailey and his co-workers from their morphologicaland
comparative anatomical research in many families of the Ranales. From
these investigations it has become apparent that in the woody species of
the Ranales that exist today not only primitive stages of xylem develop-
ment have been preserved, but also primitive types of stamens and carpels
(Bailey and Smith, 1942; Bailey and Nast, 1943a, b; Bailey, Nast and
Smith, 1943; Bailey and Swamy, 1949, 1951; Canright, 1952; Bailey, 1956).
A very primitive type of stamen is found in the genus Degeneria; here no
filament, anther or connective can be distinguished as the stamen is broad
and leaf-like, and has three vascular bundles. The four pollen sacs (the
microsporangia) are deeply sunk,jnto the abaxial side of the stamenJFig.
176, nos. I, 2). The pollen sacs are found between the lateral and median
bundles. Similar stainens are found in other'ranalian genera, e.g. Austro-
baileya, Himantandra and certain genera of th'e Magnoliaceae. Tn the
Magnoliaceae intermediate stages may be found from broad stamens with
three bundles and laminal pollen sacs, i.e/pollen sacs distant from the
margins, as jn Degeneria, to stamens with marginal pollen sacs and dis-
tinct filaments and anthers (Canright, 1952).


The epidermisof the filament possesses a cuticle and in certain species;
triChomes. The filament consists of parenchyma with well developed vacuo-
les and small intercellular spaces. Often pigments are pr~sent in the cell
sap. The size and external shape of angiosperm stamens varies greatly,
but the anther generally'contains four pollen sacs (microsporangia) which
are paired in two lobes, The two lobes are separated by a zone of sterile
tissue which is termed the connective, A vascular bundle passes through the
connective (Fig, 175, nos, 1-3), According to Boke (1949), who worked on"
Vinca rosea, even some time after the region of the developing anther be-
comes discernible in the staminal primordiUm, the anther still consists only
of protoderm and a mass of ground meristem, All of the subepidermal
layer of the young anther may be sporogenous, but actually the sporo-
genous tissue is developed from four cell regions which are located,in the
four angles of the developing anther. In each of these regions there is a
row of hypodermal initials which divide periclinally to form two layers
(Fig, 176, nos. 4-8), The inner layer of these initials constitutes the primary
sporogenous cel/s, which by further division form the pollen mother cells,
The outer layer of the above initials constitute the primary parietal cells,
The Flower 383

from which the wall of the ponen sacs and a large portion of the tapetum
develop, as a.result.of peric1inal and anticlinal cell'di~ision: The tapetum
apparently serves for the nourishment of the developing- pollen mother

FIG. 175. Micrographs of cross-sections of the anthers of Passifiora coerulea a t

di fferent stages of development. 3, Mature anther after dehiscence. 1 and 2, x 30;
3, x 26.

cells and microspores (pollen grains). The outermost layer of parietal cells
is located immediately below the epidermis of the anther. Prior to the
liberation of the pollen grains several wall thickenings develop in each of
the cell s of this layer. H owever, no thickening is developed in the outer
"" ,

Developing pollen sac wall 6

F IG. J 76. 1 and 2 , Stamen of Degeneria viliensis. I, Drawing of an entire stamen,

showing a pair of sporangia between each of the lateral and median veins. 2, Dia-
gram of a cross-section of the stamen showing the four deeply em bedded sporangia
a nd endothecium (shaded black). 3, Portion of a cross-section of the anther of
Lilium showing the structure of the stomium. 4-8, D evelo pment of the pollen sacs
of Vinca rosea. 4- 7, In cross-sect ion. 8, In longitudinal section. (Nos. i and 2,
a dapted from Bailey and Smith, 1942; no. 3, adapted from Esau, ] 953; nos. 4-8,
The Flower 385

wall closest to the epidermis. Each thickening is V-shaped with the gap
directed. towards .the.epidermis (Fig .. 175, no. 2). This cell layer. is usually
termed the endothecium and the opening of the pollen sacs is brought about
by this layer. The opening mechanism is described as' follows. During the
dehydration of the anther the endothecitim loses water. As the water con-
tent of these cells'decreases the walls of each cell are drawn toward its
centre as a result of the cohesion forces. between the water molecules and
the adhesion forces between the water and the cell walls. Because of the

FIG. 177. Types of anther dehiscence differing from the ordinary. 1, Anther of So~
lanum villosum showing the apical pores. 2 and 3, Anther of Laurus nobilis show-
ing differe~t stages in dehiscence by lateral valves.

absence of thickenings in the outer periclinal walt it becomes more foided

than the anticlimil and the inner periclinal walls which have thickenings;
thus, as a result of water loss, the cell appears trapezium-shaped in cross-
section. As all the endothecial cells losowater almost at the same time and
all the external walls fold and wrinkle, the endothecium shrinks in a man-
ner that results in the opening of the anther. The cells in the region along
which anthers dehisc are thin-walled. In most plants the regions of dehiscence
are in the form of longitudinal slits between the two pollen sacs of each
lobe. Each such slit is termed a stomium. Prior to dehiscence part of the
partition between the two sacs of a lobe usually disintegrates. After this
the region of dehiscence is covered only by the epidermis. The epidermal
cells, in this region, are extremely small, especially in comparison with the
neighbouring epidermal cells, and they are easily ruptured when the anther
ripens (Fig. 175; Fig. 176, no. 3). Another type of stomium, cornman
III the Ericaceae and in Solanum, is that occurring at the top of the
386 Plant Anatomy

anther only (Fig. 177, no. 1). Openings may also develop on the sides of
the anther as, for example, in the Lauraeeae (Fig. 177,(n05. 2, 3).
The cell layer or layers below the endothecium both stretch and become
compressed during the development of the pollen-sac and in many plants
they are obliterated so that it is difficult to distinguish them in mature an-
thers immediately prior to dehiscence (Fig. 175, no. 2).
The formation of the tapetum takes place as a result of gradual differen-
tiation in the anther wall. In those cases where additional tapetal layers

@®w~~/ 2
FIG. 178. 1, Diagram of portion of across~section of the poilen sac of Symphoricar-
pus racemOSJiS showing an amoeboid tapetum. 2, Different types of arrangement
of the pollen grains in the tetrad. From left to right -tetrahedral, isobilateral.
decussate, T-shaped,
. ,
linear. (Adapted from Maheshwari, 1950.)

develop, they arise from cell division in other cells of the anther, and
especially of those on the inner side of the sporogenous
. tissue (Fig. 176,
nos. 7, 8). In some cases the sporogenous tissue itself may take part III
tapetum formation (Eames, 1961). The tapetal celkare distinctly enlarged,
rich in protoplasm and they may be multinucleate or polyploid. Various
irregular mitotic divisions and nuclear fusion take place in these cells
(Maheshwari, 1950). Two types of tapetum are distinguished-glandular
or secretory tapetum (Fig. 168, no. 2) in which the cells remain' in their
original position where they later disintegrate and their contents are ab-
sorbed by the pollen mother cells and the developing pollen grains: and
amoeboid tapetum (Fig. 178, no. I) in which the protoplasts of the tapetal
cells penetrate between the pollen mother cells and the developing pollen
grains where they fuse among themselves to form a tapetal periplasmodium.
The Flower 387


The primary sporogenous cells commence to divide mitotically, in differ-

ent planes, together with the development of the pollen sac wall. The
derivatives of these divisions are the pollen mother cells, which are also
known as microsporocytes. Each mother cell undergoes a meiotic division
to form a tetrad of pollen grains, Le, four haploid microspores. Shortly
before the meiotic division, the pollen mother cells usually separate one
from the other, their protoplasts round off and they become covered by a
thick gelatinous wall which stains with callose stains. The arrangement of
the pollen grains in the tetrad differs in different species and sometimes it
may eyen differ in the same species (Fig. 178, no. 2). Apparently the two
most common arrangements are the tetrahedral and the isobilateral ones.
On the basis of the manner of the wall formation accompanying the
meiotic division ofthe pollen mother cell, two types are distinguished: (I)
the successive type in which each of the nuclear divisions is accompanied
by waIl formation. (Fig. '179', nos. i -5); (2) the simultaneous type in which
~'peripheral'constrictions commence to develop only after the four nuclei
"have 'been formed, and the wall formation precedes from these constric-
-iiOiiSinwards (Fig. 179, nos. 6-9). The simultaneous type is more typical
of dicotyledons, while the successive type is typical of many -monocotyle-
dons, but this systematic division is not absolute and many exceptions Also there is no correlation between these types of wall formation
and the arrangement of th~ grains in the tetrad.
In most cases the poIlen grains of each tetrad separate from one another
and they lie freely in the pollen sac. In some plants, e.g. the Ericaceae, the
pollen grains remain in tetrads even when mature (Fig. 181, no. 4). In
certain plants, e.g. Acacia, the tetrads are stuck together in groups, which
may contain as many as 64 pollen grains (Fig. 182, no. I); these groups are
found in separate chambers formed by the development of transverse par-
titions in the pollen sacs. In some plants, e.g. the Asclepiadaceae, all the
pollen grains of a sac are united in a single compact mass; such a mass is
termed a pollinium (Fig. 179, no. 10). In Orchidaccae pollinia are also
~ormed, but in certain genera of this family the pollinium is less compact as
~t comprises smaller groups of pollen grains, Le. rnassulae, which are loosely
lOmed among themselves, usually by means of viscin threads (Fig. 179, no.
The first-formed wall that separates each of the pollen grains consists of
c~llose and pectic substances, that is, the same material as the general wan
o the tetrad, and it is termed the special wall.
th A young pollen grain has a large central vacuole, but with maturation
e nucleus enlarges and the cytoplasm becomes denser and increases in
~mount, so that when the grain is mature the cytoplasm obliterates the
acuole. Mature pollen grains contain large amounts of starch Of, in cer~
388 Plant Anatomy

tain species, fatty substances which are apparently absorbed from the
tapetum. In many plants the starch disappears from thefollen grains dur-
ing the ripening of the anther, while in others the starch disintegrates only
in the pollen tube. It is assumed that there is a connection between the
disintegration of the starch and the high osmotic pressure of · the pollen

FIG. 179. 1-9, Different types of wall formation in pollen mother cells. 1-5,
Successive type in Z ea. 6-9, Simultaneous type in M e/ilotus alba. 10, Diagram of
the paired pollinia of Asclepias which are joined by the adhesive body. I I, Dia-
gram of a group of massulae from a pollinium of a plant belonging to the Orchida·
ceae showing the connecting viscin threads. (Nos. 1- 9, adapted from Foster and
Gifford, 1959; nos. 10 and 11, adapted from Schoenichen, 1922.)
The Flower 389

tubes which is higher than that of the cells of the style through which the
tube passes.
The chemical analysis of mature pollen grains shows the following
composition (McLean and Ivimey-Cook. 1956):
proteins 7,0-26·0 % ash 0·9-5·4 %
carbohydrates 24,0-48·0 % water 7·0-16·0%
fats 0'9-14·5%
Mature pollen grains usually have two walls-the outer wall or exine,
and the inner wall or intine. The intine participates in the formation of
the pollen tube. The exine at first appears within the special wall as a thin
membrane. With further development this membrane thickens discernibly,
and two layers become distinguishable in it; the outer of these two layers
is termed the sexine and the inner; the nexine (Erdtman, 1952). The sexine
is thin and has a high refractive index and, therefore, it is not easily seen.
The surfaceof the sexine is at first smooth but later, after the formation
of the nexine, many types of projections may develop on it. In the aper-
:ryres,-'regions of characteristic shape from which the pollen tubes emerge,
JIi·~i'le.may be completely absent or it may be represented by the nexine
only (Erdtman, 1952). The nexine is relatively thick and is impregnated
with cutins. The specific cutin present in the exine has been termed
sporopoUenin (Frey'Wyssling, 1959). This substance is more stable than
other cutins and suberin. 'lIt is also found in the walls of fungal spores.
The preservation of pollen grains in peat and in older deposits is apparently
due to the presence of sporopollenin.
The intine is not of constant thickness on the circumference of the
pollen grain and it is always thicker at the apertures. The inner part of
the intine apparently contains cellulose and the outer part, pectin. Callose
apparently also occurs in the intine at the apertures. The intine readily
absorbs water, as a result of which it swells greatly, especially at the aper-
tures. Because of this, the nexine, if present in the apertures, is ruptured
and the intine emerges.
With the development of the pollen grain walls, the mother cell walls
and special walls are destroyed and dissolved. The substances of these
walls mix with those of the tapetum, and the young grains thus become
~uspended in a colloidal liquid from which they absorb nutrients. Accord-
Ing to Strasburger (1889) the entire exine is secreted from the protoplast
of the pollen grain, while according to some workers (Mezzetti-Bambacioni,
1941) it is possible that the tapetum participates in the formation of the
Numerous characteristic projections and sculpturings develop on the
outer ,urface of the pollen grain. Only in a few plants, such as species
of the Gramineae, are the poJlen grains smooth. In most cases the sexine
constitutes a layer of drumstick-shaped rods, which are termed pila. In
390 Plant Anatomy

many plants the heads ofthese rods fuse to form the tegil/um (a roof-like
layer) which may also be formed by a membrane covering the heads
of the ,rods. The tegillum is generally perforated by Iriinute pores, and
spines, warts or other structures may deyelop externally on it. The forma·
tion of air sacs is brought about by the separation of the pila from th,

2 3 4

5 6 7

-~ r \ 8,
(V\ /
8 IOQ f

FIG. 180. 1-8, Sculpturing on pollen grains. -},-&;ttered pita. 2-4, Adherent pila
arranged in ch<lracteristic reticulate patterns or in rows, 5, Cross~section of a pol-
Jen-grain wall with a thick sexine. 6, As in no. 5, but with thin sexine. 7, Cross-
section of pollen-grain wall on which the heads of the pila are fused to form a
tegillum. 8, Different types of pila fusion, and the resulting types of structure.
On the left, disappearance of the pila bases; on the right, development of spines,
etc. 9-16, Arrangement and types of apertures. 9 and 10, Unisulcate pollen grain.
9, Lateral view. 10, Polar view. 11 and 12, Tricolpate pollen grain. 11, Lateral
view. 12, Polar view. 13, Rugate pollen grain. 14, Porate pol1en grain. 15 and 16,
Pollen grain with three pores. 15, Lateral view. 16, Polar view. (Nos. 1-8, adapted
from Erdtman, 1952.) - ,
The Flower 391

nexine. The reticulate, striped or other patterns of sculpturing; which

are visible on'the surface of many pollen grains; result from the'particular
arrangement of the pila (Fig. J SO, nos. I ~S). 'In many plants there' is a
fatty substance on the exine which, apart from the spines and other ap-
pendages of the grain wall, aids the adhesion of the pollen to pollinating
In addition to the different sculpturings on the surface of pollen grains,
which resulf from the structure of the sexine, th~re are also many other
mO'rphological characteristics that are used in classification of the pollen
(Fig. lSI, nos. 1-4; Fig. IS2, nos. 1-4). From pollen analysis it is possible
to determine the species of plants occurring in a certain area as well as
the existence of plant species, of which no other relic has been preserved,
in early geological times. Quantitative pollen analysis made on recent
geological layers has greatly helped in the understanding of the history
of floras in nfilIiy parts of the world. Because pollen grains are one of the
most important causes,of allergic diseases, and especially of those of the
respiratory tract, much attention has been' pai,t"to' the analy~is of pollen
pre'seriCin the atmosphere in the different seasons. Much importance is
also ,attached to the determination of the pollen collected by bees in
research~onhoney plants. As a result of this wide range of research, based
on the variability of pollen grains, a very detailed nomenclature of the
structural characteristics of pollen has been developed 'which enables
exact morphological descriptions'to be made of different pollen grains
(Wodehouse, 1935; Erdtm'an, 1952).
Oval pollen grains are commoner among monocotyledons than among
dicotyledons, but this is not a feature distinguishing between these two
groups. In the monocotyledons the pollen grains of a single tetrad are
usually arranged in one piane, while in dicotyledons the arrangement is
usually tetrahedral. Pollen grains that are arranged in on~ plane are some-
What boat-shaped, and are bilaterally symmetrical. Monocotyledonous
pollen grains usually have one aperture, and those of dicotyledons usually
have three which develop in those regions where the grains are in contact
in the tetrahedral tetrad (Wodehouse, 1935). Although these character-
istics are generally reliable for distinguishing between pollen of mono-
and dicotyledons, there are, however, exceptions. In dicotyledons, pollen
grains with a single aperture are found in the Piperaceae and in woody'
species of different ranalian families. In the Nymphaeaceae there are both
genera whose pollen grains possess one aperture and those that have
three (Bailey and Nast, 1943), Pollen grains with more than three aper-
tures also exist.
Erdtman (1952) distinguishes between different types of apertures, four
of Which are given below.
1. Sulcus: an elongated furrow perpendicular to the longitudinal axis,
at the pole of the grain (Fig. ISO, nos. 9, 10).
392' Plant Anatomy

FIG. 181. Micrograp5s of pollen grains. 1, Pollen grain of Sonchus oleraceus show-
ing the well developed ribs and spines on the sexine. x 940. 2, Po llen grain of
Lavatera cretica in which numerous pori can be distinguished. x 405. 3, Polar
view of a pollen grain of S~necio joppensis with three apertu res. X 810. 4, Arbutus
andrachne, tetrad of pollen grains which forms a single dispersal unit. x 770.
The FlolI'er 393

FIG. 182. Micrographs of pollen grains. 1, Acacia, a single disper~l unit consist-
ing or many pollen grains. X 840. 2, Single pollen grain of Nuphar. x 860. 3,
Single pollen grain of Hordeum spontaneul1l showin g the single ape rture. X 1150.
4, Th~ee pollen grains of Oenothera drummondii ; each grain has three apert ures.
x 210.
394 Plant Anatomy

2. Colpa: an elongated furrow at right-angles to the equatorial plane;

the ends of the furrow'are directed towards the poles of the grain
(Fig. 180, nos. 11, 12).
3. Ruga: an elongated furrow the direction of which differs from both
of the above types (Fig. 180, no. 13).
4. Porus: a circular aperture. When the number of pori is small they
occur only in the e.quatorial region, but if they are numerous.they
may occur all over the surface of the grain (Fig. 180, nos. H~6).

A circular porus, in which the two layers of the exine are absent, may
sometimes be present in the middle of the elongated, nexine-covered
furrow (e.g. in, Centaurea and other genera of the Compo sitae).
In Zostera, which is marine, the pollen grains are thread-like. This
feature is apparently connected with the hydrophilous mode of pollination.
Pollen grains of most plants that are of typically wirid-pollinated familie's
are smooth and dry. If most of the genera of a familY,are insect pollinated
and. only c~riain genera of it. are wind pollinated, as, for example the
genera Artemisia and Ambrosia of the Compo sitae, the wind-pollinated
genera retain the sculptured structure typical. of the entire family, but it
may be developed to a lesser extent. /
The size of pollen grains also varies/very greatly; Erdtman classifies
them, according to size, into the following ,groups: perminuta, in_ which
the diameter is less than 10 1'; minuta, in which the diameter is 10-25 1';
media, 25-50 1'; magna, 50-100 f'; permagna, 100--200/1'; giganta, the
diameter of which is greater than 200 1'. Very small grains may be found
in Myosotis alpestris (2·5-3·51') and Echium vulgare (10-141'); very large
grains_occur)n Cucurbita pepo,.(230 I') and Mirabilis jalapa (250 it).
The carpel


, \
Several views have been suggested concerning the homology of the
carpels. It has been suggested that the carpel is of axial nature, that is,
the flower may be interpreted as a system of branches. According to
Wilson (1942) the carpel, like the stamen, has developed from fertile
telomes. In this case the sporangia-bearing telomes fused to form a.leaf-
like organ which bore ovules on its margins. The involution of the rriargins
of this hypothetical organ represents the final stage in the development
of the present-day ovary which encloses the ovules.
There are some theories which are based on the independence of origin
of the placenta and carpeL The gonophyll theory, as proposed by Melville
(1961, 1962), is one such theory. According to him the ovary consists of
The Flower 395

sterile leaves and ovule-bearing branches that are usually epiphyllous to

the leaves. Each leaf together with the fertile branch is considered as a unit
and is termed a gonophyll instead of carpel. (This theory is also applied
to the stameri where the basic unit is termed an androphyll.) In a number
of families it is supposed that the ovule-bearing branches have become
ebracteate and then the ovary consists of sterile gonophylls, i.e. tegophylls,
which alternate with the ebracteate ovuliferous branches. However, the
anaiomical arguments used by Melville against the classical theory of the
foliar origin of the carpel are not convincing.
Another concept is the sui genetis concept by which it is claimed that
the stamens and the carpels are neither homologous with leaves nor
The most accepted view, however, is tliat the carpel is homologous
with the leaf. Several interpretations of this view have been given. Troll
and his co-workers, on the basis of the structure and ontogeny of carpels,
such as those seen in .Thalictrum (described earlier in this chapter), have
put,forward the'priltaie carpel/heory. According to this theory the carpel
~S'basicaIIy a peltate organ (Puri, 1960; Eames, 1961).
~ According to the classical interpretation the carpel is derived from a
fertile leaf, the margins of which bore ovules. The margins became in-
voluted and fused between themselves, or with the margins of other car-
pels. In: Jhis way the ovules became enclosed within the locule (De
Candolle, 1819; Browri, 1826; Joshi, 1947; Puri, 1960; 'Lorch, 1963).
A different view concerning the original position of the ovules on the
carpel Was suggested by Bailey and Swamy who investigated some primi-
tive woody genera of the. Ranales. The carpel of Degeneria (Degeneria-
ceae),aud~Drimys(Winteraceae), for instance, ,, many respects
from the typical carpel of the angiosperms as no closed ovary, style or
stigma can be. distinguished. In the early ontogenetic stages the carpel of
Degeneria can "be seen, in' cross-section, to be a folded organ of which
the margins flare outwards and remain unfused for ~ long time. This type
of carpel is termed conduplicate (Fig. 183, nos. 1-3). Swamy (1949b) ob-
served On the flared margins and extending into the locule, even beyond
the attachment of the ovules an excessive development of hairs. The cleft
between the closely appressed margins is filled with interlocking hairs.
On the inner side of the carpel the trichomes are small and papilla-like.
According to Swamy, all the hairs together form the surface area of the
stigma. When pollination takes place the pollen grains become attached
to the hairy, outwardly flared margins of the open carpel. Swamy also
observed that the germination tubes of the pollen grains grow into the
carpel locule between these hairs and that they never penetrate the carpel
tissue. In the early stages of carpel development the two rows of ovules
are very remote from the true margins. The vascular supply to the ovules
may be derived from the ventral or dorsal bundles, or from both. After
396 Plant Anatomy

FIG. J 83. 1-3, CondupJicate carpel of Drimys piperita. I, Lateral view showing the
stigmatic margins. 2, Cross-section showing the position of the ovule3 and the
penetration of a pollen tube. 3, Cleared, unfolded carpel showing the general pat-
tern of the vascularization and the source of the ovular supply. 4-7. Diagram-
matic representation of the development of the present-day carpel from the condu-
plicate carpel. 8- 10, Diagrams of cross-sections of syncarpous gynoecia showing
the different ways in which fusion may take place. 8, Lateral cohesion in a whorl
of open conduplicate carpels. 9, Adnation of the free margins of the conduplicate
carpel to the torus. 10, Cohesion of ventral surfaces of the carpels. (Adapted from
R-:.ilF1o'\/ ~n~ <::l1r:JITHI 1 Q.c;: l ...
The Flower 397

pollinatIOn and fertilization, the inner, ap~ressed, surfaces of the carpel,

which are' ori the outside of the ovules, fuse and the outwardly flared
margins remain as suberized ribs -on the mature fruit.
In Drimys (Fig. 183, nos., 1-3), like Degeneria, the carpels are also
folded in half and they have widened margins with stigma-like character-
istics. Bailey and Swamy (1951) found that the young carpel has a stalk,
and the blade-like portion of the carpel encloses two ,rows of ovules
which are situated on the inner adaxial surface a great distance from the
margins (Fig. 183, nos. 2, 3). When such a mature carpel is cleared and
unfolded, it can be seen that the ovules, which are situated between the
dorsal and ventral bundles, are supplied with traces from both these
bundles (Fig. 183, no. 3). Here also the pollen grains reach the hairy
margins of the carpels and the pollen tubes penetrate to the ovules by
growing between the hairs on the inner surface of the carpels (Fig. 183,
no. 2). Structure somewhat similar to this has recently been found in the
genus Cananga of the Annonaceae (Periasamy and Swamy, 1956).
-!:Lorn tIiis type of conduplicate carpel with flared margins, the present-
'daycarpel has developed, according to Bailey, by closure and the con-
~centration,of the stigmatic margins to the upper part of the carpel only.
According to Bailey, the loss of the marginal portions outside of the
ovules has resulted in the impression that the'carpel'margins are involuted
and that the placentae are marginal (Fig. 183, nos. 4-7). During the course
of evolution the number ofJ ovules was reduced, and they remained only
on the lower portion of the carpel while the upper part underwent differ-
entiation to form a style and stigma. Puri (1960), however, defends the
classical concept of the ventral involution of the carpels and the fusion
of the ovule-bearing margins.
The evolution of the angiosperm gynoecium has also involved the fusion
between two or more carpels of a single flower: This fusion has taken
place in various ways (Murray, 1945; Baum, 1948a, b, c; Leinfellner, 1950;
Bailey and Swamy, 1951). The margins of the carpels may have fused to
the receptacle (Fig. 183, no. 9), or they may be fused to one another along
their ventral parts (Fig. 183, no. 10), or along their lateral palts. In the
latter case the carpels may remain open to form a unilocular ovary (Fig.
183, no. 8). In the case of the fusion of the margins of the carpels in the
centre of the ovary, the number of locules formed is equal to the number
of carpels (Fig. 183, nos. 9, 10). The carpels may fuse during their onto-
geny or they may be fused already at their conceptien (see description of
the ontogeny of the syncarpous ovary, p. 367).
There are angiosperm flowers in which the structure of the ovary differs
from those described above. In the Cruciferae, for instance, the ovary is
divided into locules other than by the folding of the carpels. The placenta
may develop on a central column which is not joined throughout its
length to the wall of the ovary (free-central placentation as is seen. for
398 Plant Anatomy

example, in the Primulaceae), or in a unilocular ovary.the placenta may

develop only. at the base of. the ovary (basal placentatipn as is seen" for
example, in the Compositae), The fusion of the carpel; may not always
take place. along their entire length.
In an apocarpous gynoecium each carpel has a single style. In a syn-
carpous gynoecium the styles may be fused to different extents (Baum,
I 948d), In certain plants, e,g. in the Hypericaceae, the carpels are fused
only at the base and the styles are free or almost so. In highly specialized
flowers, e.g. in the Solanaceae and Oleaceae, the styles and stigmas' are
completely fused,


At the time of anthesis, i,e, the maturation of the anthers and ovules,
or prior to it, only slight histological differentiation is observable in the
ovary wall. It then consists mainly of parenchyma and 'vascular tissues
and is covered by a cuticle-bearing epider';'is, A~ the ovary develops into
a fruit, striking histological changes take place in the ovary wall (see
Chapter 2 0 ) , ' /
The stigma and style have special structures and.physiological character-
istics that enable the pollen grains to germinate 9n the stigma and the
pollen tube to penetrate to the ovules, The protoderm of the stignia differ-
entiates into a glandular epidermis, the cells of which are rich in proto-
plasm, This epidermis usually is papillate and covered with a cuticle
(Schnarf, 1928), and it secretes a sugar-containing solution. Sometimes
other cell layers below the' epidermis form a glandular tissue which func-
tions similarly to ·the epidermis. In many' plants (e:g, Phaseolus, Lilium,
Papaver and Lupinus) the epidermal cells of the stigma develop into
short dense hairs (Fig, 184; no,.2; Fig,J85, nos. 1,2), or they·may develop
into long, branched hairs, e,g, the Oramineae and other wind-pollinated
plants (Fig, 184, no. I). "".'
Between the tissue of the stigma andhhe ovary, there is a specialized
tissue through which the germinating pollen'tube penefrates. This tissue'
provides a nutrient substrate which aids tlie pollen tub" to/grow through
the style into the ovary. This tissue was-termed transmitting tissue by
Arber (1937) and this is the term that will be used here; however, this
tissue is also known by various other terms. As has already been mentioned,
in the most primitive dicotyledons (e,g, in ranalian Jamilies such as the
Winteraceae and Degeneriaceae) the carpels do not develop styles and
the pollen tubes reach the ovules by growing through the hairs present
on the unfused margins of the carpels, In phylogenetically more advanced
forms the carpel margins fuse, a style is developed and the stigmatic tissue
is reduced to the upper portion of the style only, This tissue however,
The Flower 399

remains in contact with the placenta by the transmitting tissue, which

has. features similar to those.of the stigma. The style may- be hollow ' or
solid, depending on the degree of closure of the fused or free carpels. The
hollow style of a syncarpous gynoedum may contain a single canal, or

FIG. 184. J, Photograph of portion of the feathery stigma of Avena. x 16. 2,

Micrograph of a longitudinal section of the stigma of Lilium showing the multi-
cellular hairs on its surface.. x 50.

several canals, the number of which is equal to that of the carpels. The
canals are lined entirely or in longitudinal strips by gland ular transmitting
tissue, which may be papillose (Fig. 186, nos. 1, 2). In the canal the cells
of tra nsmitting tissue are covered by cuticle. In ma ny plants (e.g. Cucur-
hila and Datura) this tissue is several cell layers thick. The transmitting
400 Plant Anatomy

tissue also covers the placenta and in certain species it is even present on
the funiculus. In some plants the transmitting tissue i~ brought.closer to
the micr~pyl~ by the development of outgrowths of the placenta or stylar
canal; these outgrowths .h~ve been termed obturators (Schnarf, 1928).

F IG . 185. 1, Diag ram of a lon gitudinal sect ion of the stigma of Papaver rhoeas in
which the germinatio n of pollen grains amon g the un icellular hairs on the surface
of the stigma can be seen. 2, Tip of the style o f L upinus {uleus showin g pollen
grains amo ng the hairs on the st igma. (Adapted fr om Schoenichen ; 1922.)
The Flower 401

Ontogenetic research on the styles of Cucurb"ita and Daiura has shown that
the multiseriate transmitting tissue and the multiseriate glandular· tissue
of the stigma develop from the epidermal cells by peric1inal division
(Kirkwood, 1906; Satina, i 944). Tn most angiosperms. the style. is· solid

FIG.186. 1, Micrograph of a cross-section of the style of Lilium in which the glan-

dular epidermis lining the central canal can be seen . X 35 . 2, Portion of the glan-
dular ep idermis, enlarged. x 500.

(Fig. 187, nos. 1, 2), a nd then the transmitti ng tiss ue constitutes strands of
elongated cells rich in cytopI.lsm . The middle lamellae o f these cells swell
to produce a mu cilaginous substance in the intercellular spaces through
which the pollen tubes grow. In a syncarpous gynoecium with a sin1?le,
402 Plant Anatomy

solid style several strands of transmitting tissue develop and these are
connected to the diiferent"placentae .of the oyary.- f _
Different opinions have been expressed as to the factors directing the
growth of the germinating pollen tube. There are investigators who suggest
that a chemotactic attraction exists between the pollen tube and the tissues
of the stigma and ovule. According to other workers the very structure
and arrangement of the transmitting tissue in the style direct the growth
of the pollen tube (Schnarf, 1928 ; Renner and Preuss-Herzog, 1943).

FrG. 187. I, Micrograph of a cross-section of the style of Oenothera drummondii

in which the pollen tubes can be seen between the cells of the central portion of
the style. x 80. 2, Central portion of no. I, enlarged. x 320.
The Flower 403

In hollow styles the tubes of the germinating pollen grains grow between
the papillae of the transmitting tissue, ;tnd, if t)ley are absent,~ on the outer
surfaces of the epidermal cells. In many plants the cuticle on the trans-
mitting tissue disappears before pollination and the walls ofthe glandular
tissue soften and swell. The pollen tubes may sometimes penetrate deeper
into the transmitting tissue and grow between the cells. In solid styles
the pollen tubes grow between the cells of the transmitting tissue. In
grasses the pollen tube may even grow between the cells already in the
stigma. On the stigma of grasses there are large multicellular hairs, con-
sisting of several longitudinal rows of cells. The pollen tube penetrates
between the inner cell rows of these hairs and from there to the transmit-
ting tissue of the style. In the ovary the pollen tube penetrates via the trans-
mitting tissue, which lines the ovary wall and the placenta, and eventually
it reaches the ovule (Pope, 1946; Kiesselbach, 1949). Before the pollen
tubes penetrate the transmitting tissue the walls of its cells swell, so that
the tissue appears collenchymatous with mucilaginous walls and the con-
nections between the cells weaken. As a result of these changes it is easy
!9~macerate the transmitting tissue at this stage of development. The pol-
len tubes pass through the swollen, mucilaginous parts of the walls which
they-apparently digest (Schoch-Bodmer and Huber, 1947). Proofs have
also been given that pollen tubes contain enzymes that are capable of
disintegrating pectic substances (Paton, 1921). The protoplasts of the
transmitting tissue may also be utilized by the developing pollen tube,
but in many plants they may contract and die. As a result of this the style
does not increase-in width even contains very many pollen tubes.
Apart from the. transmitting tissue and vascular bundles, the style
consists of thin-walled parenchyma and a typical cuticle-covered epidermis,
in which stomata~ may sometimes be found.

Tile ovule
The ovule consists of the nucellus which is surrounded by one or two
integuments, and it is attached to the placenta by a stalk, i.e. the funiculus.
At the free end of the ovule a small gap is left by the integuments; this
opening is termed the micropyle. The region where the integuments fuse
with the funiculus is termed the chalaza. A nucellar cell, usually one of
those below the outermost layer at the micropylar end, differentiates into
the macro- or megaspore mother cell. The nucellus is, therefore, considered
to be the megasporangium.
Ovules may be of different form. The following two main types may be
distinguished: (I) orthotropous or atropous in 'which the nucellar apex is
In a straight line with the funiculus and is continuous with it; (2) anatropous
OVUle in which the apex of the nucellus is directed backwards toward the
404 Plant Ana/omy



; cells

4 ; I


FIG. 188.1-4, Stages in the ontogenyJof an ovule, 5, Diagram of l:l; longitudinal

section of an ovule. 6-11, Different types of ovules. Embryo sacs stippled. 6, Atro-
pOllS. 7, Anatropous. 8, Campylotropous. 9, Hemianatropous. 10, Amphitropous.
11, CircinotropollS. J 2, Longit,udinal section of the ovule of Asphodelus jistulosus
showing the development of the aril which is considered to be a third integument;
arB stippled. (No.5, adapted from Haupt, 1953; nos. 6-12, adapted from Ma-
heshwari, 1950.)
The Flower 405

base of the funiculus (Fig. 188, nos. 6, 7). Between these two extreme forms
there are. different.intermediate stages in which the ovule axisjs variously
bent (Fig. 188, nos. 8-10). A detailed terminology has been developed
for all these forms i.e. hemianatropous, campylotropous and amphitropous
(Schnarf, 1927; Maheshwari, 1950). In the Plumbaginaceae, Opuntia and
some other genera of the Cactaceae the funiculus is very long and it surrounds
,he ovule; this type of ovule is termed circinotropous (Fig. 188, no. II).
'Tlie ovules develop from the placentae of the ovary. The ovule pri-
mordium originates by periclinal division of cells below the surface layer
)f the placenta. At first the primordium appears as a conical projection
",ith a rounded tip. The first sporogenous cell is already distinguishable
n the primordial nucellus in that it is larger than the neighbouring cells
llld it has a larger nucleus and denser cytoplasm. The inner integument,
Nhich is sometimes also the only one, begins to develop some distance
from the nucellar apex. The initiation of this integument takes place by
periclinal divisions in the protoderm. At first the integument appears as
ill !lllDUlar ridge, which later grows toward the nucellar apex and so en-
,elops the nucellus, except for the micropyle left at the free end of the
:;;;-ule (Fig. 188, nos. 1-4). The initiation of the outer integument, if it is
)fesent, takes place in the protoderm a little lower than that of the inner
ntegument and it develops similiuly to 'the latter. In many plants the
Juter integument does not reach the micropyle. In anatropous and bent
ovules the growth of the integuments is asymmetric. In plants with sym-
petalous flowers the nucellus'is usually enveloped by a single integument,
while in more primitive dicotyledons and in many monocotyledons the
ovule has two integuments.
The nucellus is usually considered to be the megasporangium, but the
homology of the integuments is still an unsolved problem. At the chalaza
there is no differentiation between the tissues. of the integuments and the
In certain plants the structure of the ovules differs from that described
above. There are ovules that lack integuments and those in which the
number of integuments is greater than two. The nucellus may be fused
entirely to the integuments, In some ovules the integuments grow more
than usual and may even close the micropyle, while in others the integ-
uments do not reach the nucellar tip. In certain plants, e.g. species of
Asphodelus, a third integument develops from the base of the ovule; this
structure is termed aril (Fig. 188, no. 12). (See also Chapter 21.)
The thickness of the nucellus in a mature ovule differs in various plants.
h may be very thin-one to two cell layers surrounding the embryo sac-
Or it may consist of numerous cell layers. Also the integuments may vary
In thickness, and the thinnest may consist of the two epidermal layers
only. However, in such integuments the part closest to the micropyle may
be somewhat thicker.
Plant Anatomy

The entire surfaces of all the ovular parts are covered with cuticle.
Thus ·it" is possible to distinguish an outer cuticle whic!, covers the funi-
culusand the outer integument externally, a middle cuticle which is double
and" is present between the two ·integuments, and an inner cuticle which
is also double and is present between the inner integument and the" nu-
During the development of the embryo sac the vegetative tissue of the
nucellus is completely or partly destroyed, and its content is absorbed
by the other parts of the ovule. In certain plants, e.g: the Centrospermae,
the nucellus may, in the seed, produce a nntritious tissue which is termed
perisperm. With the maturation of the ovule the histological structure of
the integuments alters. In many plants the inner epidermis of the inte-
gument d"velops into a nutritious layer which,is termed the· integumental
tapetum. This layer consists of tall, dark-staining cells. This feature is
characteristic of those families in which the 'nucellus is destroyed' early
so that the integument is brought into contact with the embryo sac. It
is a common feature in the Sympetalae.

There are plants in which several megaspore mother cells appear in a
single oyule, but usually only a single mother cell develops in each nucel-
lu,. Generally the sporogenous cell develops directly from a hypodermal
nucellar cell (Fig. 189, no. 1). This cell is distinguishable from the neigh-
bouring cells by its size, the size of its nucleus and the density of its cyto-
plasm. In certain phints indirect developmen't of the sporogenous cell has
been observed; the" hypodermal cell first divides into an outer parietal
cell, which is usually smaller, and a larger inn~r cell, which constitutes
the primary sporogenous ceil. The latter usually develops into the mega-
spore mother cell, and 'the parietal cell may divide in different planes to
form numerous parietal cells. As a result of these divisions the,megaspore
mother cell is pushed deep into the nucellus in many, plants (Fig. 189,
nos. 2-7; Fig. 190, no. 1). On the other hand, in ovules w~ere no parietal
cells develop the nucellus is thin (Fig. 19Q"no. ·3). The phyiogenetic signi-
ficance of the parietal cells is not clear, but it is thought that the trend,
during the development of the angiosperm ovule, has been towards their
The megaspore mother cell undergoes a meiotic division which is accom-
panied by the formation of a separate wall on each of the four 'megaspores.
The megaspores are arranged in one row, and generally the three closest
to the micropyle degenerate, and the remaining one enlarges.
The Flower 407

Parietal Megaspore
cel's 'mother cell Tetrad of

FlG.·189. Development of the megaspore in Hydrilla verticillata. (Adapted from
Maheshwari, 1950.)

The male gametophyte

The mature male gametophyte consists of three cells resulting from two
mitotic divisions which take place in the pollen grain. Prior to the first
mitotic division the nucleus of the microspore (the young pollen grain)
takes up a position close to the wall. The first division results in the for-
mation of two cells, viz., the vegetative cell and the generative cell (Fig. 191,
nos. 1-4). These cells lack walls. Shortly after its formation, the generative
cell loses contact with the wall and becomes surrounded by the cytoplasm
of tbe vegetative cell. Here it is seen to be oval or lens-shaped (Fig. 191,
no. 6). It is at this stage that the pollen is shed from the anther although in
many plants it has been found that the generative cell divides once to form
408 Flant Anatomy

F lo. 190. Micrographs of longitudinal sections of ovules. 1, Longitudinal section

of the ovary of Pislacia vera in which the large, folded funiculus can be seen. The
ovule has a thick nucellus and the embryo sac lies close to the chalaza. x 100. 2.
Longitudina l section of the ovule of Pistacia vera after fertilization in which an
embryo can already be discerned. x 30. 3, Longitud ina l section of the ovule of
Lilium candidum before ferti lization showing the very thin nucellus. Six nuclei can
be distinguished in the embryo sac. x 11 5. 4. Longitudinal section of the ovule of
rhe Flower 409

two male gametes before the opening of the anther (Fig. 191, nos. 7, 8).
In other plants it has been seen (Maheshwari, 1950) that the generative
cell divides only after it penetrates into the developing pollen tube (Fig.
191, nos. 9, 10).
In the past it was believed that the two male gametes move passively
in the cytoplasmic stream of the pollen tube, but recently the opinion has
been"advanced that they move independently because it was seen that their



3 ,

.'F~< "'~""'~·'I ,,;iC:0

Pollen tube

._c'" · .~''Ci-"-,-",'\$;'10','
Male gametes

FIG. 191. Types of development or'the male gametophyte-in angiosperms. Expla:

nation in text. (Adapted from Maheshwari. -1950.)

movement is not identical with that of the cytoplasm. The opinion also
existed that the vegetative nucleus, which is also termed the pollen-tube nu-
cleus, controls, to some extent, the penetration of the pollen tube into the
ovary. However, this opinion has been questioned (Maheshwari, 1950). In
certain plants the vegetative nucleus begins to degenerate a short while
after its formation and, even when it is present for a long time, it does not
always precede the male gametes and it may be found behind them.
The inner lamella of the wall of the pollen tube consists of callose in
addition to cellulose (Tupy, 1959). The protoplast is present only in the
distal part of the tube and it becomes separated from the proximal part of
the tube by the formation of callose plugs, which are formed from time
to time by the protoplast and, as a result, it is possible to distinguish many
such olulls in a lonu nnllpn tnhp
410 Plant Anatomy

The female gammophyte

As has already heen described, the megaspore enlarges and undergoes
three succ~ssive mitotic divisions to give rise to the embryo sac, Le. female
gametophyte with eight nuclei (Fig. 188, no. 5). As a result of the extensive
embryogenetic research that ha's been carried out in angiosperm families
and genera, it has been shown that there are many deviations from the
typical manner of development of the megaspores and the embryo sac.
Maheshwari (1950) formulated a method of classification of the different
types of development of the angiosperm embryo sac ,based on the follow-
ing features: (I) the number of megaspores or megaspore nuclei that par-
ticipate in the formation of the embryo sac; (2) the total number of divisions
that take place during the formation of the megaspore and the gameto-
phyte; (3) the number and arrangement of the nuclei and their chromosome
number in the mature embryo sac.
Here, a few of the most common types are described and other types may
be seen in Fig. 192.


Polygonum type-an eight-nucleate embryo sac

In this type four distinct megaspores develop and only one, usually that
furthest from the micropyle, develops into the embryo sac. This megaspore
enlarges and its nucleus divides into two nucld, one of which moves to the
micropylar pole and the other to the chalazall'ole of the' cell. Later, each
of these nuclei undergoes two successive divisions so that eight nuClei,
four at each pole, are formed. Three of the four nuclei at the micropylar
pole become organized in wall-less cells to form the egg apparatus, At the
time of fertilization the middle cell of these thr,e constitutes the female
gamete,).e. theoegg cell., The two lateral cells are. termed synergids. Three
of the nudei at the chalazal pole become organized into three wall-less
cells which are termed the antipodal cells. The number of these cells in-
creases, in certain plants, as a result of additional divisions. The two
remaining polar nuclei move into the centre of the eml>ryo sac where they
may fuse to form a diploid nucleus, termed the secondary nucleus (Fig.
188, no. 5). _
This type of embryo sac is the most common and was first described by
Strasburger in 1879.

Deno/hera type-a Jour-nucleate embryo sac

In this type the megaspore closest to the micropyle is the one that usn-
ally remains viable and, as the result of two mitotic divisions, an embryo
sac with four nuclei is formed. Three of the nuclei constitute the egg appa-
The Flower 411


POLyGONUM 8 ®Cj 0 0 GJ
DENOTHERA 8 ffi (!) 0 0J
,LCI"" G@) (J 0 W
PEN'" 8000~
DRUSA 8'0 0 Q Q
F"T'LLARIA 0) 0 0 Q 0
ADOXA 8000
FIG. 192. Diagram showing important types of embryo sacs and their develop-
ment in angiosperms. (Adapted from Maheshwari, 19S0.)
412 Plant Anaiomy

ratus and the fourth forms a single polar nucleus. Fertilization in this type
results in the formation of a diploid endosperm nucleus,and not a triploid
one as in the above type.


Allium type

The sporogenous cell divides into only two cells-dyad-as a result

of the first meiotic division. Of these two cells, either the cell directed
toward the chalaza may remain viable (Allium), or that closest to the mi-
cropyle(Scilla). The nucleus of the viable cell divides to form two haploid
nuclei which are regarded as megaspore nuclei. As the result of a further
two divisions eight nuclei are obtained, which become organized and
arranged as in the Polygonum type.
There afe alSo plants in which intermediate stages between monos po ric
and bisporic embryo sacs can be found. '


Adoxa type

This type is found, among others, in Sambucus, Ulmus and Tulipa. In

this type, as a result of the meiotic division of the sporogenous cell, four
nuclei, which lie free in the cytorlasm of the young embryo sac, are obtained.
After an additional mitotic division a total of eight haploid nuclei,
which organize in the typical way, are obtained.

Fritillaria type
This type is found in many genera among which are Lilium and Fritil-
laria. Here three of the four nuclei obtained from the meiotic division
move to the chalazal pole of the young embryo sac, and the fourth is
found at the micropylar pole. The latter nucleus divides in the usual man-
ner, and the other three nuclei fuse to form a single triploid nucleus," which
immediately divides into two. As a result of this, a secolld four-nucleate
stage is obtained in which there are two haploid nuclei at the micropylar
pole and two triploid ones at the chalazal pole. Later a third and last di-
vision takes place, which gives rise to four haploid nuclei at the micro-
pylar pole and four triploid ones at the chalazal pole. The final arrange-
The Flower 413

ment in the mature embryo sac is a normal haploid egg apparatus, three
triploid antipodal cells, and a tetraploid secondary nucleus which results
from the fusion of~a haploid and a triploid polar nucleus,

Nectar, a sugar-containing solution, is secreted by nectaries which most
frequently occur on insect- and bird-pollinated plants. Nectaries may con-
sist of specialized tissue which differs histologically from the neighbouring
tissues, i.e. structural nee/aries, or they may consist of non-specialized
tissues, i.e. non-structural nectaries (Zimmermann, 1932; Frey-Wyssling
and Hiiusermann, 1960). Non-structural nectaries have been observed in
many plants and on various organs, e.g. on the leaves of Pteridium aquili-
num and Dracaena refleXa;!)ll the floral bracts of Sanse~ieria zeylanica; on
the sepals ofPaeonia albiflora; and on. the tepals of Caltleya percivaliana.
Struct~ral nectaries may form special outgrowths or they may occupy
._d_elimrteci-~egions of the surface layers of the various plant organs on which
~y~jire formed. Such nectaries usually consist of excretory epidermis Of
·trichomes·and a differentiated nectariferous tissue below it. At the nectari-
ferous tissue there is a well developed vascular supply (Frei, 1955; Frey-
Wyssling, 1955).-Sometimes no nectariferous tissue is developed and then
only a secretory epidermis is present. Which of the above two types of
nectaries is the more advadced is still to be clarified.


Nectaries may develop on all parts of the plant. Nectaries that are con-
nected with the floral organs are.termedfloral nectaries, and those developc-
ing on the vegetative parts of the plant, extrafloral nectaries. Extrafloral
nectaries may be found on different organs such as petioles (Passiflora)
stipules (Vicia faba), teeth of leaves (Ailanthus aitissima, Prunus and
Impatiens), and on the margins of the cyathia of Euphorbia. Extraftoral
nectaries are regarded, phylogenetically, as more primitive than floral
nectaries (Frey-Wyssling, 1933). This chapter will deal only with floral
Many workers used the form and location of the nectary as taxonomic
characteristics by which they attempted to support their theories regarding
the phylogenetic relationship between species, genera and families (Bon-
llIer, 1879; Schniewind-Thies, 1897; Knuth, 1898-1905; Porsch, 1913;
Daumann, 1928, 1930a, b, c, 1931a, b; Brown, 1938). It has been shown
(Fahn, 1953b) that a phylogenetic trend of development, expressed by the
acrocentripetal change of position of the nectaries within the flower, i.e.
from the sepals towards the ovary and uo to the stvl!'"_ f'yjo;:h: Thp rA'L... ",; ... ~
414 Plant Anatomy

classification of the floral nectaries, according to their location, has been

suggested (Fahn, 1952, 1953b).
1. Perigonial nectaries-those developing on the perianth:
(a) close to the base of the perianth parts (Ranunculus, Leontice
Althaea, Hibiscus, Fritillaria);
(b) in spurs formed by the perianth parts (Garidella, Pelargonium,
Tropaeolum, Centranthus).

2. Toral nectaries-those developing on the receptacle:

(a) marginal-between the base of the sepals and petals (Capparis,
'(b) annular-the nectary forms a ring or a part of one on the surface
of the receptacle:
(i) between the sepals and ovary (Grevi/lea);
(ii) between the stamen bases (Polygonum, Cruciferae);
(iii) a ring consisting of small swellings between the stamens and
around the ovary (Cistus); \
(iv) a shallow or concave ring between the stamens and the ovary
base (Anagyris, Caesalpinia, Ceratonia, Cercis siliquastrum,
Robinia, Prunus, Cydonia, Rubus, PunicaY; or between the
stamens and the styles whenJthe ovary is inferior (Eucalyptus,
Cucurbitaceae, Campanulaceae, Dipsaceaey;- ,
(v) a prominent ring around the ovary base (Boraginaceae, most of
the Labiatae, Bignoniaceae, Citrus); /
(c) tubular-the nectary lines a spur which is sunk into the "pedicel"

3. Staminal nectaries-those related to stamens:/

(a) on tlie filaments (Colchicum, Laurus; ,Dianthus, Silene); .or ·in the
tube formed by the fusion of the filaments (many plants of the Papi-
lionaceae) ;
(b) on an appendage of the connective (Viola, Asclepias).

4. Ovarial nectaries-those developing on,the ovary "'all: i

(a) on all the free surface of the carpels (Tofte/dia palustris, Sarracenia);
(b) on the ovary base (Gentiana);
(c) septal-on the partitions of monocotyledonous syncarpous ovaries
(Liliaceae, Musaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Iridaceae).
5. Stylar nectaries-those developing at the base ofthe style:
(a) common to the base of the style and stylopodium (Umbelliferae);
(b) only on the base of style (in most insect-pollinated species of the
Compo sitae such as Helianthus, Senecio and Calendula).
The Flower 415


The cells of the nectariferous tissue usually contain dense cytoplasm in

which abundant granules may be distinguished (Caspary, 1848; Bonnier,
1879; Fahn, 1952). The cells oflloral nectariferous tissue are usually more
or less cubical (Fahn, 1948). In extralloral nectaries a nectar-excreting epi-
dermis with palisade-like cells (Fig. 193, no. 1) can'be found (Agthe, 1951).

FIG.,193. I, Portion of a cross~section of the nectariferous gland on the base of

the petiole of Ricinus communis showing the palisade-like epidermis and the vas-
cular tissues which penetrate deeply into the nectariferous tissue. 2. Portion- of the
nedariferous tiss-ue which lines the spur of Tropaeo/um, showing a unicellular nec-
tar-secreting cell. (No', 1, adapted from Agthe, 1951; no. 2, adapted from Sehoe-
nichen, 1922.)

The histological differences in nectaries are mainly connected with the

manner of secretion of the nectar. On this basis different types of nectari-
ferous tissue have been distinguished (Behrens, 1879; Fahn, 1948).
1. Nectariferous tissue in which the excretion is by diffusion through
thin-walled epidermal cells. These cells are not covered with' cuticle al-
though cuticle is generally present on the neighbouring epidermal cells.
The cells below the epidermis have a dense, usually yellow cytoplasm and
the epidermal cells are transparent.
2. Nectariferous tissue in which the excretion is by diffusion from thin-
walled epidermal papillae. These papillae are unicellular, fairly large, and
they are formed by the elongation of epidermal cells. In the cytvplasm of
416 Plant Anatomy

the papillae, grains, consisting of dextrose and other carbohydrate sub-

stances, are ,found. The. secretion is through .the thin ,alls and starts at
the. tip of the papillae or on theIr sides.
3. Nectariferous tissue in which the excretion is from the tips of uni- or
multicellular hairs, the outer walls of which are covered by cuticle. The
wall at the tip of the hair thickens by gradual swelling until three layers
can be distinguished in it. Of these, the middle and thickest layer is muci-
laginous ,ind it further increases in thickness althe expense of the· volume
of the cell contents. Eventually the outer wall layer, together with the'cu-
ticle, ruptures and the mucilage, S'lturated with nectar, is extruded (Fig.
193, no. 2).
4. The nectar is excreted through stomata that are specially modified
for this function. The shape ·of the~e stomata is generally similar to that
of ordinary stomata and a Substolllatal chamber is present. However,
these stomata remain open perman~ntly. The epidermal cells and also the
guard cells are covered by cuticle. The nectar is secreted from the deep-
lying layers of nectariferous tissue, ·through the intercellular spaces, sub-
stomatal chambers and stomata. \
5. The nectar is excreted as a result of the rupture of the cuticle, which is
brought about by the swelling of the outer wall. In nectaries of this type
the outer walls are covered by a thick cutiCle, and' 'three layers, two dark
and one light, can be distinguished iIJ the ~uter walls. The wall layer closest
to the cuticle. becomes mucilaginou~ at the time of the secretion and, as a
result of its swelling, the cuticle is ruptured and the nectar-saturated mucil-
age is extruded onto the surf~ce of the :nectary. I
An opinion exists that the submicroscopical structure of the cuticle on
the nectariferous tissue differs from that of the cuticle on the other epi-
dermal cells of the' plant (Frey'WYssling, 1933) .. Further investigations,
involving .electron microscopy, of the outer wallt and cuticle of the epi-
dermis of nectaries will, no doubt, reveal important features that will
enable a better understanding of the manner in which the secretion passes
through these structures.
Different types of nectary structlJre are described as follows.

Garidella unguicularis

The nectariferous tissue in this flower is found at the petal knee, i.e.
in that place where the blade passes into the claw (Fig. 194, nos. 1-4).
This knee forms a type of spur, the aperture of which is closed by a cover
connected to the claw of the petal (Fig. 194, nos. 2, 3). Within the aperture
of the spur, on the ,joe of t,oe pet~l-blsde' sad close to the caver margins,
are brushes of unicellular hairs, which thus block the spur aperture more
tightly. The tongue of the bee is PU'hed into the spur, which contains the
The Flower 417

nectar, through the above-mentioned hairs. The nectariferous tissue con·

sists of layers of extremely small cells which are strikingly different from
the neighbouring cells. The outer thickened walls of the epidermal cells

FIG. 194. Nectaries. 1-4, Garidella unguicularis. I, An entire petal. 2, Median lon-
gitudinal section of a petal. 3, Knee portion, in longitudinal section, enlarged to
show the position of the nectariferous tissue. 4, Outer portion of nectariferous
tissue showing the thick cuticle on the epidermis. 5-7, Capparis sicuia. 5, General
aspect of the flower after the removal of the sepals, in which the nectar collects,
to show the triangular nectary. 6, Median longitudinal section of the receptacle
in the region of the nectary (stippled). 7, A portion of the epidermis over the nec-
tary showing the modified stomata through which the nectar is secreted. 8, Cistus
villosus. Flower from which the petals and stamens have been removed to expose
the nectary.

are covered by cuticle and form low papillae. The contents of the epidermal
cells do not differ from those of the other nectariferous cells, which are
granular and yellow in colour. The vascular bundles come into contact
with the nectariferous tissue (Fig. 194. no. 3).
418 Plant Anatomy

Capparis sicula

'External1y'the nectarY'appears aS'a white triangle on the margin of the

torus (Fig. 194, no. 5). The apex of the triangle is directed towards the
stamens 'and the base is opposite that of the largest, boat-shaped sepal,
in which large quantities of nectar accumulate. The other two sides of
the triangle are bordered by two petals of which the margins of the basal
portions, where they border the nectary, are somewhat thickened :and
folded downwards on themselves so as to form a narrow slit between
them. The adjacent margins of the upper portions of these petals overlap
one another. In order to suck the nectar from the boat-shaped sepal the
bee stands on the two petals, separates them, and pushes its tongue through
the slit formed by the lower m'argins. of the petals (Fig. 194, no, 5). In a
median section of the flower (Fig. 194, no. 6) it can'be seen that the nectari-
ferous tissue penetrates deeply into the receptacle. The epidermis of the
nectariferous tissue is covered, by a very thin cuticle and it contains many
el1iptical stomata (Fig. 194, no. 7).

Colchicum ritchii
The nectariferous tissue is found on the Ifa'sal portion of the filaments
(Fig. 195, no. I), which are adnated to tn;; tepals. External1y the nectari-

lF 4

~ 6
FIG. 195. Nectaries. 1-3, Colchicum rjlchii.I, An entire tepal with adnated stamen.
Nectariferous tissue at the base of the filament, stippled. 2, Cross-section of the
filament in the region of the nectary. 3, Portion of the epidermis of the nectary in
surface view. 4-6, Citrus limon. 4, Median longitudinal section of an entire flower,
showing the position of the nectary. 5, Portion of the epidermis of the nectary.
6, Portion of a cross-section of the nectary showing a modified stoma, and canal
below it through which the nectar is secreted.
The Flower 419

ferous tissue appears as a yellow band surrounding' the base of the fila-
ment. A, swelling of the' petal is present on each side of the stamen; the
nectar accumulates between these swellings. In a cross-section of the
filament transparent epidermal cells overlying a thick region of rounded
cells with granular contents can be seen in the region of the nectary (Fig.
195, no. 2). The central portion of the section is occupied by vascular
bundles and parenchymatous tissue in which there are m~ny large inter-
cellular ·spaces. Small intercellular spaces are also preseut in the nectari- ,
ferous tissue. The nectariferous tissue on that side of the filament facing
the petal is much thicker aud its colour is darker (yellow-brown) than that
on the free side. There is no discernible development of the cuticle on the
epidermal cell walls. Large, circular stomata are present on the surface of
the nectary (Fig. 195, no. 3).

Citrus limon
=The nectary in Citrus forms a ring around the base of the ovary (Fig
'195, nos. ~6). Stomata with wide apertures are present on raised portions
'OCthe ,ring. In tangential section of the nectary the stomata are seen to be
strikingly rounded in shape (Fig. 195, no. 5), and in cross-section it is
seen that the substomatal chambers are fairly deep and that the cells
below the epidermis are small and compact. The epidermis itself is seen
to consist of small .cubi~al, thick-walled cells which are covered by a
relatively thin cuticle. All the cells of the nectary, including those of the
epidermis, have a granular colourless content. Sometimes these cells may
also contain crystals, as i's a common featureinall other tissues of Citrus.

Cistus villosus

This plant is usually thought to be a pollen-producing plant only, but

it is also frequently visited by bees that collect nectar. The upper portion
of the receptacle is swollen around the bases of the innermost stamens,
especially on the side closest to the ovary, and forms the nectariferous
tissue (Fig. 194, no. 8). The epidermis of the nectary contains stomata and
is apparently without cuticle.

Bauhinia purpurea

In this plant the nectariferous tissue lines a tubular cavity which has
been formed either by the depression of the receptacle on one side of the
gynophore, or by the fusion of the basal portions of the perianth and
420 Plant Anat(Jmy

stamens (Fig. 196, ·no. 2). In a cross-section of the receptacle (Fig. 196,
no. I) two whorls of vascular bundles can be 'seen as well as the large
central bundle of ' the gynophore. The epidermis lining the above cavity'

, \
FIG. 196. Nectaries. 1 and 2, Bauhinia purpurea. 1, Cross-section of the flower in
the region of the nectary. The vascular bundles of the various floral organs are
shown in the tissues around the nectary. 2, Median longitudinal section of the flow-
er showing the position of the tube-like nectary_ 3,'Diagram of a cross-section
of the ovary of Muscari racemosum. 4, Diagram of a cross-section of the ovary
of Asphodeline lutea. 5-7, Diagrams.-cf lo-ngitudinal sections of flowers. 5,
Muscari. 6, Allium. 7. Asphodeills. 8 and 9, Bupleurum subovatum. 8, Portion of a,
cross-section of the epidermis and underlying nectariferous tissue. 9, Surface view
of portion of the epidermis. /

is thin-walled, fairly transparent, and consists of very small cells; there

are no stomata in this epidermis. The nectariferous tissue, which consists
of small cells with yellow, granular contents, is found 'below the entire
.,epidermis, with the exception of that part that overlies the gynophore.
The Flower 421

Bupleurum subovatum
As in all the Umbelliferae, the nectariferous tissue in this plant is found
on the upper portion of the inferior ovary, i.e. on the stylopodium. In a
cross-section of the nectary (Fig. 196, no. 8) the epidermis is seen to be
transparent and consists of thick-walled cells covered by a thick ridged
cuticle (Fig. 196, no. 9). This epidermis contains very small, sunken sto-
mata. Below the epidermis there is a thick region of compact cells with
grariular contents. These nectariferous cells are strikingly different from
the neighbouring parenchyma cells below them.

Some species with septal nectaries

In Muscari racemosum, for example, the septal nectary consists of
three very compressed cavities, one in each of the three partitions of the
ovary, which are lined by nectariferous tissue (Fig. 196, rio. 3). Parallel
to eac;:h cavity, on the external surface of the ovary, is a groove which is
connected to the cavity at the upper portion of the ovary. In this species
the nectar, secreted by the nectariferous tissue into the cavities, fills them,
whence,it overflows down the grooves and accumulates between the base
"nhe ovary and the tepals. In Allium, the secretion of the nectar is as in
Muscari, but it accumulates between the base of the ovary and the stamens
(Fig. 196, nos. 5, 6). In Asphodelus and Asphodeline there are no grooves
on the ovary wall (Fig. 196, no. 4) and the three nectariferous canals open
at the top of the ovary. 'In these genera the filaments are bent at their
bases so that they cover the ovary (Fig. 196, no. 7). This results in the
formation of a capillary cavity between the ovary and the filaments. The
nectar, which is extruded at the top of the ovary, is drawn by capillary
force to the ovary base. Without this structure the nectar would spill out of
the flower because of its horizontal or pendulous position in these genera.
Branches of vascular hundles come dose to the nectariferous tissue,
but they do not penetrate into it. These branch endings may consist of
both xylem and phloem, or of only one type of tissue. According to Agthe
(1951), the sugar concentration of the nectar is correlated with the type
of vascular tissue that reaches the nectariferous tissue. Thus, he claims
that, in Euphorbia pulcherrima and Abutilon striatum in which the sugar
concentration of the nectar is high, the endings of the terminal branches
closest to the nectary consist only of phloem, while in Ricinus communis,
Friti/laria imperiolis and Ranunculus acer, in which the sugar concentration
of the nectar is low, the branch endings consist of equal amounts of
xylem and phloem, or of a larger proportion of xylem. One of the funda-
mental differences between nectaries and hydathodes is that the branch
endings of the vascular bundles that come into contact with the hydathode
tisslIe consist of tracheary elements only.
422 Plant Anatomy

. . . I '
Sucrose, glucose and fructose have been found to be' among the most
common constituents of nectar. ,Apart from these, mucilages, proteins
and organic acids are also sometimes found in nectar. The acids are res-
ponsible for the low pH- found in the nectar of some plants (Beutler,
1930; Fahn, 1949). Zimmermann (1954) found transglucosidases in the
nectar of Impatiens. The concentration of nectar varies from 3 to 87.%.
It was found that the output of fresh nectar, and the amount of the dry
matter in it, produced by different s~cies in a 24 hr period varies consid~r­
ably. The variation per flower may ~~ between 0·13 mg fresh nectar
and 0·10 mg dry matter, to 268 mg fre,\h nectar and 47 mg dry matter
(Fahn, 1948, 1949). In unisexual flowers there are striking differences in
the amount of nectar secreted by the male and female flowers. Among the
external factors that increase the amount of nectar secretion, temperature
and soil moisture should be mentioned; these f~ctors influence the general
physiological activity of the plant (Fahn, 1948" 1949). The sugar content
in the plant is the most important internal factbr that influences nectar
secretion (Helder, 1958).
From the work of some investigators (Frey-Wyssling and Agthe, 1950;
Agthe, 1951 ; Zimmermann, 1953), it became clear that tilere is a correlation
between the translocation of substances'i~ the phloem and the secretion
by the nectariferous tissue. The above workers attempt to explain the
mechanism of secretion on the basis of this relation~hip. According to
them the contents of the sieve elements is extruded through the nectari-
ferous tissue by the excess pressure in the sieve elements. The second pos-
sibility, that the nectar solution is secreted by an active.mechanism which
takes place in the nectariferous tissue, appeared less feasible to the above
workers, but today, in the light of the most recent research on sugar up-
take, it seems that,this second possibility is 'more correctCHelder, ,1958).

Abscission of floral parts

Petals, stamens, and sometimes other flJ'iral organs may' be .shed as a
result of the formation of a separation layer. The cells of this tissue are
distinguishable from those of the neighbouring ones by their more circular
or cubical shape (Pfeiffer, 1928), In flowers the tissue of the separation
layer is less' well developed than in leaves of woody dicotyledons (see
Chapter 12), and it appears only shortly before the floral parts are shed.
In plants with unisexual flowers, usually entire male flowers are shed
after the release of the pollen (Yampolsky, 1934). Sometimes entire male
inflorescences are shed, e.g. Morus, Casuarina and Ceratonia. Female and
bisexual flowers that fail to be fertilized may also be shed,
The Flower 423

424' Plant Anatomy

Formation oj endosperm and ernbryo


As has already been described above, the pollen grain germinates and
produces a pollen tube on the stigma. The pollen tube, which carries within
it the two male gametes, passes through the style and reaches the ovule.
In most plants the pollen tube penetrates into 'the ovule via the micro-
pyle. In some plants the pollen tube penetrates through the chalazal region,
i.e. chalazogamy. This feature occurs, for example, in Casuarina and species
of Pistacia. After its entry into the ovule the pollen tube penetrates into
the embryo sac where it may pass between the synergids and the embryo-
sac wall or between the. egg cell and the synergids. Usually one of the
synergids is destroyed as a result of the penetration of the pollen tube.
Later the tip of the pollen tube ruptures and the two male gametes, some-
times together with remnants of the vegetative cell, enter into the cyto-
plasm of the embryo sac (the 'female gametophyte). One of the male
gametes fuses with the egg cell, and the second fuses with the two polar
nuclei or with the secondary nucleus if the latter.two have fused previously.
This process of fertilization is termed double fertilization. As a result of
the fusion of a male gamete with the egg cell~ zygote, which later develops
into the embryo, is formed and, as a result ofthe fusion of the second male
gamete with the poiar nuclei or with the secondary nucleus, the endosperm
is formed. /


The endosperm is a storage tissue which proyides nutrItlOn for the

embryo and the young seedling. In certain plants, e.g. Pisum, Phaseolus
and Arachis, the entire endosperm tissue is digested by the developing
embryo. Generally, in the seeds of such plants the cotyledons thicken and
they store reserve substances which provide nutrients for the young seed-
lings. In other plants, e.g. Ricinus and plants belonging t~·the .Gramineae, \
the endosperm tissue is. still present at the time of germinati6n.
The endosperm develops from mitotic division of the endosperm nucleus,
which results from the fusion of one of the male gametes with the two

FIG. 197. 1. Embryo sac of Musa errans which has a nuclear endosperm. 2-5,
Embryo sac of Eremurus himalaicus showing the development of a helobial
endosperm. 6-8. Development of the cellular endosperm in Villarsia reniformis
in which the first divisions are transverse. 9-11, Cellular endosperms in which
the first divisions are longitudinal. 9 and 10, Adoxa moschatellina. 11, Centran-
thus macrosiphon. (Adapted from Maheshwari. 1950.)
The Flower 425

polar nuclei or with the secondary nucleus. This division usually precedes
that of the zygote. The further development oCthe er\oosperm differs in
the various groups of plants, and the following main types can be distin-
guished according to the manner of development.

Nuclear endosperm
In this type the first divisions are not followed by wall formation, and
the nuclei usually take up a parietal position and a large vacuole forms in
the centre of the embryo sac. These nuclei may remain free in the cyto-
plasm of the embryo sac throughout the entire development, or later
walls may develop in at least certaiil parts of the embryo sac, as in Capsefla
bursa-pastoris. Sometimes a few nuclei may divide at a faster rate than
the others and so isolated groups or "nodules'! are formed, These "no-
dules" become surrounded by a distinct cytoplasmic membrane (Fig. 190,
~no: 4; Fii-i')7, no. 1). In this type, as in the following types, there
:"are-many variations which are discussed in detail by Maheshwari (\950).

In this type the first division of the endosperm nucleus is accompanied
by the formation of a wall which is usually horizontal, but which may some-
times be longitudinal or diagonal (Fig. 197, nos. 6-'-11). The planes of the
following divisions may be parallel to that of the first division, but a short
while afterwards walls develop in different planes, so that the mature en-
dosperm consists of a tissue the cells of which are orientated in different
In certain plants (e.g. Thesium Impatiens, Acanthus, Lobelia and Lobu-
laria) haustoria of peculiar structure develop at one or both poles of the
endosperm (Fig. 198, nos. 1,2). These haustoria may penetrate deep into
the neighbouring tissues of the ovule and from these tissues they transfer
nutrients to the developing endosperm. In certain plants secondary haus-
toria develop laterally from endospermal cells close to the micropyle or

Helohial endosperm

This type of endosperm constitutes an intermediate form between the

nuclear and cellular types of endosperm. It occurs in different angiosperm
genera, e.g. Asphodelus, Muscari, Ornithogo/um, Saxifraga and Echium.
426 Plant Anatomy

Most typically, endosperm of this type develops in the following manner.

The first division of the endosperm nucleus is accompanied by the forma-
tion of. a horizontal wall which'divides the embryo s~c int~ two, usually
unequal, chambers of which, the micropylar one is large' and the chalaza],
small (Fig. 197, nos. 2-5). This is followed by several nuclear divisions in

FIG.' 198. 1, Upper portion of the ovule of Impatiens roylei showing the hypha~
like branches of the haustorium which penetrate into the tissue of the funiculus.
2" Longitudinal section of the ovule of Lobelia' amoena showing the cellular endo-
sperm, and rnkropylar and chalazal haus-toria. (Adapted from Mab'eshwari,
the micropylar chamber where the resulting nuclei remain rree, while in
the chalazal chamber the nucleus does not divide or undergoes only a few
divisions. In the course of further development the amount of cytoplasm
in the chalazal chamber is reduced and the nuclei begin to disintegrate.
Simultaneously, in many species, cell walls may appear in the micropylar
No doubt intermediate forms exist between the three above-mentioned
endosperm types. It is as yet not clear whether the course of phylogenetic
de'lel'lllment has been fr'lm the nuclear t'l the cellular tYlle, or 'lice '1ersa
(Maheshwari, 1950).
The Flower 427


After its formation, the zygote commonly enters a dormant stage for a
certain.period. At the same time the large vacuole which was still present
in the egg cell disappears and the cytoplasm becomes more homogeneous.
Usually the zygote begins to divide after the division of the endosperm
nucleus. There are plants, e.g. Oryza and Crepis, in which the zygote be-
gins to divide a few hours after fertilization, while in others the first divi-
'sion takes place only much later. In Pistacia vera, for example, the first
division takes place about twa months after fertilization.
The plane of the first division o(the zygote is almost always transverse.
As a result of this division two cells are obtained; that closer to the micro-
pyle is termed the basal cell, and the other, the terminal cell. During the
course of further development the terminal cell may divide transversely
or longitudinally. The basal cell usually divides transversely. However, in
certain genera this cell does'not divide but enlarges to form a large, sac-
like cell. (Wardlaw, 1955.)

~Dic7ityledonous embryo

On the basis of the differences in the manner of development of the pro-

embryo to the four-celled stage, dicotyledonous embryos have been classi-
fied into five main types (Schnarf, 1929; Johansen, 1945; Maheshwari,

Tlte termin<ll cell divides.longit«dinally

(a) Tne basal cell ooes not participate in the formation of the embryo, or
it participates to a small extent only ... crucifer type (Fig .. 199, nos.

(b) The basal and terminal cells participate in the formation of the em-
bryo. . . asterad type (Fig. 200, nos. 1-6).

The terminal cell divides transversely

Ca) The basal cell does not participate in the formation of the embryo
or it participates to a small extent only.
Ci) The basal cell develops into a suspensor which may be two or
more cells long... solanad type (Fig. 200, nos. 7-14).

FIG. 199. Development of the embryo of Capsella bursa-pastort's. Explanation in

text. (Adapted from Soueges, 1914, 1919 and Maheshwari. 1950.)
428 Plant Anatomy

12 13 14
The Flower 429

(ii) The basal cell does not divide. If a suspensor is present, it

develops 'from the terminal" cell. . . caryophyllad type.
(b) The basal and terminal cells participate in the formation of the
embryo. . . chenopodiad type.

Below a detailed description of the embryo development of .Capsel/a

bursa-pastoris (crucifer type) is given (Fig. 199, nos. 1-21). The embryo
of this plant was among the first to be studied (Hanstein, 1870; Sou"ges,
1914, 1919). In this species the first division of the zygote is transverse to
form a basal cell (cb) and a terminal cell (ca) (Fig. 199, no. 2). The basal
cell divides transversely, and the terminal longitudinally (Fig. 199, nos.3-5)
to form a four-celled proembryo. Each of the two new terminal cells then
divides longitudinally so that the newly formed walls are perpendicular to
the first-formed wall. Thus four cells, which are collectively termed the
quadrant, are formed (Fig. 199, no. 10). The cells of the quadrant then di~'"
vide transv~rsely to form eight cells-the octant-arranged in two tiers
(F:ig.)Q~,no. 11; Fig. 190, no. 4). Later each of the octant cells undergoes
a peri"linal division to form a protodermal and an inner cell (Fig. 199, nos.
13,..,i4);·~The subsequent divisions of the protodermal cells are anticlinal.
The ground meristem and the procambium of the hypocotyl and the coty-
ledons develop .from the inner cells as a result of further division and
differentiation (Fig. 199, nos. 15-21).
Together with the development of the embryo proper, the two cells, de-
rived from the division of the basal cell, divide to form a suspensor which
consists of a row of six to ten cells (Fig. 199, nos. 2-19). The suspensor
cell closest !o the micropyle enlarges and becomes sac-like (v), and it ap-
parently functions as a haustorium. The suspensor cell closest to the.
embryo is termed the hypophysis (h) and it becomes part of the embryo.
This cell undergoes transverse and· longitudinal divisions to form two
four-celled tiers. The root cap and the neighbouring protoderm develop
as a result of further divisions of t.he cells of the tier closest to the row of the
suspensor cells, and the second tier contributes cells to the cortex of the
Meanwhile, the ceUs of the embryo proper continue to divide, especially
in those two areas where the cotyledons will develop. At this stage the
embryo is heart-shaped in longitudinal view (Fig. 199, no. 18). Later the
hypocotyl and cotyledons elongate as a result of further cell division (Fig.

FIG. 200.1-6, Development of the embryo of Geum urbanum (asterad type). 7-14,
Development of the embryo of Nicotiana (solanad type). 15-21, Development of
the embryo of Muscari comosum. 22-30, Development of the embryo of Poa
annua, Explanations in text. (Adapted from Maheshwari, 1950.)



7 8 9
·10 II
13 14

16 17 18 19 20 21
Q'b @rdjij n'

~" ~ ~ m t--C:__..--<

22 23
24 25

The Flower 431

199, noS. 19, 20). During still later stages of development the cotyledons
bend. to conform to the shape of.the embryo sac (Fig. 199, no .. 21).
In some plants, e.g. Sedum acre, the sac-like suspensor cell closest to the
micropyle may develop a branched haustorium.

Monocotyledonous embryo

There is no important difference in the first divisions of the mono- and

dicotyledonous embryos, but in further developmental stages there are
distinct differences. In the mature embryo of nearly all dicotyledons (ex-
cept for a few genera of the Umbelliferae and one species of Ranunculus)
the shoot apex is found between the bases of the two cotyledons, while
in the monocotyledonous embryo the shoot apex is lateral to the single
As examples of the development of monocotyledonous embryos those
of Muscari comosum (Liliaceae) and Poa annua (Gramineae) will be given.
;;;:IwMuscari comosum (Fig. 200, nos. 15-21), according to Soueges (1932)
andMaheshwari (1950), the basal cell divides transversely, and the termi-
'iiiiiCeli'longitudinally (Fig. 200, no. 16). Following this, the two terminal
cells and the cell closest to them (m) divide longitudinally, and the cell
closest to the micropyle divides transversely into two cells, n and n° re-
speciiv~lY(Fig. 200, no. 17): The cell n°, which is now the closest to the
micropyle, also divides transversely to form the cells a and p. After this
all the cells, including those of the quadrant (q), divide longitudinally or
diagonally (Fig. 200, nos. i8, 19). Eventually the cotyledon develops from
the tier of cells indicated by q, the hypocotyl and shoot tip from m, the root
initials from n, the root cap from 0, and the suspensor from the cell p
(Fig. 200, nos. 20, 21).
In Poa annua (Fig. 200, nos. 22-30), as described bySoueges (1924) and
Maheshwari (1950), the development of the embryo differs from that of
Muscar; principally in the fact that the cells of the quadrant divide trans-
versely to form two tiers I and r (Fig. 200, nos. 26, 27), as well as in having
differences in the structure of the embryo in the early stages of develop-
ment (Fig. 200, nos. 29, 30). In Poa the scutellum and part of the coleop-
tiler c/O) develop from the two terminal tiers, I and r. The remaining por-
tion of the coleoptile (c/), and the shoot and root tips develop from the
tier indicated by m. The root cap, the coleorrhiza and the epiblast (eb)
develop from the tier of cells, n. From the remaining cells, 0 and p, which
are close to the micropyle, the hypoblast (termed suspensor in other plants)
develops (Fig. 220, no. 2).
. EXplanations and details of the parts of the mature embryo are given
In Chapter 21.
In all mature embryos, no matter what the type of development, differ-
The Flower 433

FIG. 201. 1-2, Different types ofsuspensors in the Papilionaceae. 1, Orobus angusti-
Jolius in which the suspensor consists of large multinucleate cells. 2, Cleer arie-
tinum in which the suspensor consists of two rows of relatively large uninuc1eate
cells. 3, Asperula showing young embryo with suspensor haustoria. 4-6, Develop-
ment of adventitious embryos in Poncirus tn/oliata. 4, Micropylar portion of the
embryo sac showing a fertilized egg cell, pollen tube, endosperm nuclei, and
certain nucellar ceIls (stippled) which are enlarged, rich in cytoplasm and which
have large nuclei. 5, As in no. 4, but at a later stage of development. ,6, Still later
stage, showing numerous embryos in the endosperm. Only the embryo that devel-
oped from the zygote has a suspensor. (Adapted from Maheshwari, 1950.)
432 Plant Anatomy

entiation into root apex, hypocotyl, cotyledon or cotyledons and shoot

apex takes place. However, in certain plants. e.g. the Orchidaceae and the
Raffl.esiaceae, .the .embryo .remains. small and oval, anp
is undifferentiated
(Swamy, 1949a).


In most plants the function of the suspensor is only to push the embryo
into the endosperm, but in some plants it may develop into a large'haus-
torium which penetrates between the cells of the endosperm, and, to a
certain extent, even between the cells of the tissue surrounding 'the endo-
sperm. In many genera of the Papilionaceae the suspensor is of the latter
type (Guignard, 1882). In Pisum and Orobus for example, the suspensor con-
sists of two pairs of multinucleate cells; the cells of the pair closer to the
micropyle are large and very elongated, and those of the second pair are
almost spherical (Fig. 201, no. 1). In Cicer the suspensor consists of two
rows of uninucleate cells (Fig. 201, no. 2). In.the Rubiaceae (Lloyd, 1902;
Sou"ges, 1925) the suspensor at first develops 'as a multicellular thread,
and later the cells closest to the micropyle develop lateral projections. These
projections penetrate into the endosperm and their tips swell (Fig.
201, no. 3). /'.

Apomixis is a process of asexual reproduction in which. no nuclear fu-
sion takes place and which occurs in place of sexual repr~duction. Mahesh-
wari (1950) distinguished four types of apomixis.
I. Non-recurrent apomixis. The megaspore mother cell undergoes the
regular meiotic division to form the haploid embryo sac. The new embryo
developsfrom.the egg cell, i.e. hap/oidparthenog~nesis, or from any' other
cell of the embryo sac, i.e. hap/Did apogamy. As piants thus formed con-
tain only one set of chromosomes they are usually sterile and 'so the pro-
cess is not repeated in the next generation. /' .
2. Recurrent apomixis. The embryo sac may develop from a sporogenous\
cell-:- generative apospory- or from other ?elk oVthe /~ucellus -so-
matic apospory. In·thls case all the cells are diplOid and,the embryo may
develop from the egg cell (diplOid parthenog;;esis) or froin any other cell of
the embryo sac (diploid apogamy).
3. Adventive embryony. The embryo does not develop from the cells of
the embryo sac but from a cell of the nucellus or the integuments. This type
of development is also known as sporophytic budding.
4. Vegetative reproduction. In this type of development the flowers, or
parts of them, are replaced by bulbi!s or other vegetative propagules,
which may germinate while still on the plant.
The Flower 435

BARNARD, C. 1957. Floral histogenesis -in the monocotyledons. I. The Gramineae.

Austral. Jour. Bot. 5: 1-20.
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ihre-Bedeutung fUr die typologische Betrachtung des coenokarpen Gynozeums.
Osterr. BOl. Ztschr: 95: 124"':"128.
BAUM, H. 1948c. Postgenitale Verwachsung in und zwischen Karpell- und Staub-
blattkreisen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.- Nalurw: Kl. Abt. 1, 157: 17-38.
BAUM, H. 1948d. Ontogenetische Beobachtungen an einkarpelligen Griffe1n und
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BEUTLER, R. 1930. Biologisch·chemische Untersuchungen am Nectar von Immenblu-
men. Ztschr. Vergl. Physiol. 12: 72-176.
BOKE, N. H. 1949:_Development of ihe stamens and carpels in Vinca rosea L. Amer.
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CASPARY, R. 1848. De Neetariis. Elberfeldae.
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CORNER, E. J. H. 1946. Centrifugal stamens. Jour. Arnold Arb. 27: 423-437.
CUSICK, F. 1956. Studies of floral morphogenesis. I. Median bisections of flower pri-
mordia in Primula bulleyana Forrest. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 63: 153-166.
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Gener. 4: 353-376.
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De CANDOLLE, A. P. 1819. Theorie elementaire de la botanique. 2nd ed. Paris, Deterville.
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EAMES, A. J. and MACDANIELS, L. H. 1947. An Introduction to Plant Anatomy. 2nd ed.
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434 Plant Anatomy


The term polyembryony refers to the appearance of two or more embryos

in a single seed. The processes of apomixis are often ac~ompanied by the'
formation of afew embryos from the same ovule. Sometimes a normal
embryo may develop together with those produced by apomixis. In a single
ovule of certain species of Citrus, for, example, three to twelve apomixiai
adventitious embryos (Fig. 201, nos. 4-6) may develop alongside the normal
embryo (Webber and Batchelor, 1943).
Numerous embryos may develop as a result of the formation of growths
on the multicellular body derived from the zygote, which change, during
the course of development, into independent embryos. Sometimes addi-
tional embryos may be formed by the synergids or the antipodal cells that
may be fertilized by male gametes brought into the embryo sac by addi-
tional pollen tubes, or even without fertilization. (For more details on
polyembryony Maheshwari (1950) should be consulted.)
Pseudo-polyembryony may also result when two or more nucelli, each
of which gives rise to a normal embryo, fuse. \
In addition to other anatomical characters, the structural and develop-
mental features of embryology have recently been shown to be of great value
in the solution of taxonomic problems (Maheshwari, 1950, 1959" 1963;
Palser, 1959; Rau, 1962; Subramanyam, 1962). Such embryologicaIfeatures
include the type of tapetum, the manner of division of the pollen mothercells,
the shape and organization of the pollen grains, the structure of the ovule,
the thickness of the nucellus, the development of the megaspore and embryo-
sac, the path of entry of the pollen tube into the embryosac, type and devel-
opment of the endosperm, and the structure and development of the embryo.
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bai/eya. Jour. Arnold Arb. 330: 211-226.
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MAHESHWARI, P. 1950. An Introduction to the Embryology of Angiosperms. McGraw-
Hill, New York-London.
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Club 9: 1-112.


THE fruit generally' develops from the gynoecium, but in many fruits
other organs also participate. Sucb organs may be the tepals (Morus),
the receptacle (Fragaria), bracts lAmmas), the 1\.Of"\ tube, which i~ formea
by the floral organs together with lhe receptacle (Pyrus malus), or the
enlarged axis of the inflores,~ence (FiCUS). In cases where organs other than
the gynoecium participate in the formation of the fruit, the fruit is termed
a false fruit or pseudocarp.
It is generally accepted that the fruit develops after fertilization, but
Jhis is not always so. Fruits of many plants, such as certain varieties of
CMusa, Citrus and Vitis, develop without the formation of seeds. This

.plfenomenon is termed parthenocarpy.

There are different methods of fruit classification (Winkler, 1939, 1940;
McLean and Ivimey-Cook, 1956; and others). The fruits are classified into
a few types on the basis of two criteria. The main criterion is the degree of
hardness of the pericarp, i.e. the fruil wall, - whether it is dry and hard or
soft and fleshy or juicy. The second criterion is the ability of the fruit to
dehisce or not when ripe.

Dry fruits


(a) Fruits that develop from a single carpel.

(i) Follicle: a pod-like fruit which generally splits down the ventral
side (Delphinium, Brachychiton).
(ii) Legume: a fruit that splits into two valves along a suture which
surrounds the fruit (Leguminosae).
(b) Syncarpous fruits, i.e. those developing from an ovary with two or
more carpels.

(i) Si/iqua: a pod-like fruit COJlsisting of two carpels which is con sid-
,««<1 b~ ma,,~ to b« a '1'",0...1 t~?'< ,,( ,,",,~mte. (w:. bet"w). The.
suture between the carpels' margins forms a thick rib, termed
replum, around the fruit. From these ,utures, which bear the
438 Plant Anatomy

SCHNIEWIND·THIES, J. 1897. Beitdige zue Kenntnis dec Septalnektarien. Abstract: Bot.

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SOUEGES, E. C. R. 1924. Embryogenie des Graminees. Developpement de l'embryon
chez Ie Poa annua 1. CampI. Rend. Acad. des Sci. Paris 178: 1307-1310.
SOUEGES, E. C. R. 1925. Developpement de l'embryon chez Ie Sherardia- arvensis L
Buff. Soc. Bot. de France 72: 546-565.
SOUEGES, E. C. R. 1932. Recherches sur l'embryogenie des Liliacees (Muscari comosum
L) Bull. Soc. Bot. de France 79: 11-123.
SPORNE~ K. R. 1958. Some aspects of floral vascular systems. Proc. Linn. Soc. London,
Bot. 169: 75-84. '
STRASBURGER, E. 1889.0ber das Wachstum vegetabilischer ZeUhaute. Histologische
Beitr. Heft 2. Jena. ' I /

SUBRAMANYAM. K. 1962. Embryology in relation to systematic botany with particular

reference to the Crassulaceae. In: Plant Embryology. A Symposium. C.S.I.R. New
Delhi, pp. 94-112.
SWAMY, B. G. L. 1949a. Embryological studies in the Orchidaceae. II. Embryogeny
Amer. Midland Nat. 41: 202-232. /
SWAMY, B. G. L. 1949b. Further contributions to the morphology of the Degeneriaceae.
Jour. Arnold Arb. 30: 10-38.
TEPFER, S. S. 1953. Floral anatomy and ontogeny in AquiJegia formosa var. truncata
and Ranunculus repens. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bol. 25: 513-648.
TIAGI, Y. D. 1955.-Studies in floral morphology;·II. Vascular anatomy of the flower
of certain species of the Cactaceae. Jour. 'Indian Bol. Soc. 34: 408-428.
TROLL. W. 1948. Allgemeine Botanik. F. Enke. Stuttgart.
TuPY, J. 1959. Callose formation in pollen tubes and incompatibility. 'Bioi. Plant. 1:
192-198.' .,
WARDLAW, C. W. 1955. Embryogenesis in Plants. Methuen, London; John Wiley,
New York.
WEBBER, H. J. and BATCHELOR, L. D. 1943. The Citrus Industry. Vol. I. Univ. of Calif."
Press, Berkeley. ",. . I
WILSON, C. L. 1937. The phylogeny of the stamen. Amer. Jour. Bot. 26: 686-699.
WILSON, C. L. 1942. The telome theory and the_orIgin of the stamen. Amer. Jour. Bot.
21: 759-764.
WODEHOUSE, R. P. 1935. Pollen Grains. McGraw-Hill, New York-London~
YAMPOLSKY, C. 1934. The cytology of the abscission zone in Mercuriali6 annua. Bull.
Torrey Bot. Club ~1: 279-289.
ZIMMERMANN, J. O. 1932. Ober die extrafloralen Nectarien der Angiospermen. Beih.
Bot. Cbl. 49A: 99-196.
ZIMMERMANN, M. 1953. Papierchromatographische Untersuchungen tiber die pflanzli-
che Zuckersekretion. Thesis, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Ztirich.
ZIMMERMANN, M. 1954. Ober die Sekretion saccharosespaltender Transglukosidasen
im pflanzIichen Nektar. Experientia (Basel) 10: 145-146.
The Fruit 441


Schizocarpic fruits are those that develop from multiloculate ovaries

that separate when ripe into akenes, the number of which is equal to the
number of carpels. Such a fruit is termed a schizocarp and each of the
parts into which it separates are termed mericarps (e.g. many genera of the
Malvaceae such as Malvo and Lavatera).
The cremocarp of the Umbelliferae is also a schizocarp, but it is actually
a false'fruit as it develops from an inferior ovary. In the Labiatae the fruit
also separates into akene-like mericarps (nutlet or coccus) each of which
consists of half a carpel enclosing a single seed.
From a phylogenetic view point the follicle, which develops from an
apocarpous gynoecium, is considered the most primitive type of fruit.

Fleshy fruits
Berry or bacca. A fruit in which the pericarp is usually thick and juicy
.and in which three strata can be distinguished: the outer stratum which
usually contains the pigment orthe fruit-exocarp; the relatively thick
i,fraium below it-mesocarp; and the membranous inner ~!ratum­
endocarp. This fleshy pericarp may enclose' one or many seeds (e.g. grape,
tomato):' ,The fruit of Citrus, which is also a berry, has been specially termed
an hesperidium. The fruits of Coffea, Sambucus, Hedera, Cucumis and
Musa are also. berries but, theoretically, they are false fruits as they develop
from inferior ovaries; they differ from tYl'ical false fruits in that the extra-
carpellary parts contribute a'nlY a small part in the construction of their
Drupe. This fruit differs from the berry in that the endocarp is thick and
hard (Prunus, Mangijera,.Pistacia, Juglans). The "nut" of Cocos is a drupe
in which the mesocarp consists of fibrous matter.
Aggregate fruits are obtained when the carpels of an apocarpous gyn-
oecium ripen individually but in the course of ripening the individual fruits
of a flower aggregate to form a single unit, as, for example, in Rubus.

llistological structure of the pericarp

There is no distinct tissue differentiation in the pericarp prior to the
ripening of the fruit. During the development of the fruit the number of
cells increases and the parenchymatous ground tissue may remain as it is,
or part of it may become sclerenchymatous. In the mature fruit the above
three layers - the exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp -can be distinguished
but sometimes only the exo- and endocarps are discernible. However -in
440 Plant Anatomy

placentae on their inner surfaces, two membranes grow inwards

where they fuse to form a false septum which; divides the locule
into two. When the fruit ripens the two valves'separate from the
replum to which the seeds remain attached and which itself
remains 'as a frame around the septum. Such fruits occur in most
genera of the eruciferae.
(ii) Capsule: a fruit developing from two or more carpels and dehtsc-
ing in different ways that are of taxonomic importance. Usually
the split is from apex down and then it may be along the dorsal
bundle of each carpel and the dehiscence is said to be loculicidal
(e.g. Epilobium, Iris), or between the carpels and the dehiscence
is said to be septicidal (e.g. Hypericum). If the outer wall of the
fruit breaks away from the septa, which remain attached to the
axis, the dehiscence is said to be seplifragal. In some species of
Campanula and Papaver, the dehiscence is porous, i.e. by means
of small pores which develop in the pericarp. In Anagallis and
Hyoscyamus, the dehiscence is- cifCufns'cissile, .i.e. by"means of a
transverse split which results in the formation of a lid. When the
dehiscence is by means of outwardly. flared teeth, it is said to be
valvate. In all the examples given aDove, the portions into which
tb.e fruit splits are termed valves:/


(a) Achenium, achene or akene: a single-seeded fruit formed by one

carpel (Ranunculus).
(b) Cypsela: a single-seeded fruit developing frefm aninferior ovary and
thus surrounded by other floral tissues in addition to the ovary wall
(Compositae). This is actually a false fruit. \
(c) Nux or nut: a single-seeded fruit that develops.from an ovary that
originally consists of a few carpels of which all but one, in which a,
single ovule develops, degenerate (Valerianellq arid TWa). The acorn
of Quercus together with its involucre. is a false nut'as it develops
from an inferior ovary.
(d) Caryopsis: a one-seeded fruit in which the seed wall is adnated to
the pericarp (Gramineae)
(e) Samara: a winged one-seeded fruit (Ulmus and Fraxinus).

There are also indehiscent dry fruits consisting of several carpels and
containing one or more seeds, i.e. carcerulus (in a few Cruciferae, as, for
example, Crambe).
The Fruit 443


= c
epklermisE~ - -:_. !~


~""H'4' i~& J~~

i:g_":·",_~~,,-o:,:: ~

9 10 II
442 Plant Anatomy

many fruits the exo- and endocarps may consist only of epidermal tissues
and the peri carp then consists mainly of mesocarp. The; division into these
pericarp layers is only one of convenience to facilitate the anatomical
description of "mature fruits and these layers do not represent separate
tissues from the point of view of their origin. In this hook this division will
also be used in the description of false fruits.
In large fruits vascular bundles, which develop in the ground tissue, are
added to the vascular system of the gynoecium (as described in the pre-
vious chapter) so that the supply of water and other substances to all parts
of the fruit is made possible. .
Usually there is a relationship between the manner of fruit and seed
dispersal, and the histological structure of the peri carp.


Dehiscent fruits
Follicle. In the follicle of Delphinium, for example, the exocarp (outer
epidermis and sometimes also a hypodermal iayer) consists of thick-walled
cells; the meso carp is parenchymatous and the endocarp (the inner epider-
mis) consists of thick-walled cells (Fig. 202, no. I). The vascular bundles
have sc1erenchymatous sheaths. The pericarp dries out with the maturation
of the fruit and the dehiscence of the follicle, along the'line of marginal
fusion of the carpel, results from this drying process. '
Legume. The following is a description of the basic structure of a legume
of the Leguminosae. The exocarp usually consists of epidermis only, the
mesocarp-of relatively thick parenchyma, the endocarp""":of sClere-
chyma on the inside of which is usually a thin-~alled epidermis or a few
parenchyma layers and an epidermis. The vascuiar bundles ~re situated-in
the parenchyma of the mesocarp and they are accompanied by sderen-
chyma. Although the general structure of the legume in most species of
the Leguminosae is uniform, there may bedifferencesin.the relative thick-
ness of the different pericarp tissues, the structure of their cells, the orien-
tation of the different elements and, som~mes, also in the submicroscopic
structure (Monsi, 1943; Fahn and Zohary, 1955). Thus in Astragalus
rnacrocarpus, the outer epidermal cells are thin walled (Fig. 202, no. II),
while in Lupinus hirsutus (Fig. 202, no. 6) and species of Vieia they are
thick walled. The epidermis may be typically uniseriate or a hypodermis
may be present, as, for example, in Lupinus hirsutus. The tissue of the meso-
carp may not always be parenchymatous and in certain legumes it is en-
tirely collenchymatous (Calyeotorne vi/losa, Fig. 202, no. 4) or it may be
partly collenchymatous and partly parenchymatous (Retama raetam, Fig.
202, no" 9). In some legumes there are sclereids scattered in the collenchyma
The Fruit. 445

7 8 9 10
444 Plant Anatomy

(R. raetam and Anagyris foetida, Fig. 202, nos. 9, 10). The sclerenchyma,
which constitutes most of the endocarp, consists either of one zone of
fibres which are all arranged in one direction (Astragdlus macro carpus,
Fig. 202, no.' II ; Acacia raddiana, Fig. 202, no. 7; Lupinus hirsutus, Fig.
202, no. 6) or of two zones in which the longitudinal orientation of their
ceJIs differs (Astragalus hamosus, Fig. ,202, no. 2; Hymenocafpos circinna-
tus). In the legumes of certain species there is no sclerenchymatous region
at all (G/ycyrrhiza echinata; Trifolium subterraneum; M elilotus, Fig. 2()3,
no. 3). In some species the sclerenchymatous stratum of the endocarp'is
lined on the inside not by parenchyma but by collenchyma (Retama
raetam, Fig. 202, no. 9; Anagyris foetida, Fig. 202, no. 10). The cell walls
of the inner epidermis are usually thin,. but in the legumes of certain spe-
cies they may be slightly thickened (Trifolium stellatum) or the cells may
be fibre-like (Trigonella arabica). Spines, which usually consist of scleren-
chyma, develop on certain legumes (Scorpiurus muiicata, Fig. 203, no. 4;
Hedysarumpallens, Fig. 203, no. I).
The two valves ofa dried legume usmilly twlst,(Fig. 210, no. 2). This is
brought about by the anisotropic shrinkage of the thickened walls of the
pericarp cells. This feature is a result of the orientation of the micro-
nbrils and cellulose crystals in the walls. The greatest swelling of the cell
walls takes place in the direction at right,angles to the longitudinal axis of
the Il1icrofibrils. Because of this the greatest shrinkage; during the drying
out of the valves, is also in this direction. In Vicia and in many species of
other genera (Fahn and Zohary, 1955) the 'sclerenchymi cells of the en-
docarp are orientated at an angle of about 45° to the lo'ngitudinal aXIS of
the legume, While the elongated, thick-walled epidermal or epidermal and
hypodermal cells are orientated in a similar angle but in the opposite di-
rection. In the valves of these legumes the microfibrillar orientation relative
to the cell axis is the same in both the endo- and exocarp, but as the cell
axes in these two strata of the pericarp are, themselves, differently orien-
tated, tension develops during the drying out of the valves. This tension
results in the twisting of the valves after the forces that keep the cells to-
gether in the mature abscission zone are overcome. The legume then de-.
hisces explosively, the valves contort and the seeds are/e~pelled.

FIG. 202. 1, Portions of a cross-section of the follicle wall of Delphinium. 2-11,

Portions of sections of the walls of legumes of different species of the Legumino-
sae. 2, Astragalus hamosus, cross-section. 3, A. amalecitanus, cross-section. 4,
Ca/yeotorne villosa, oblique section. 5, Scorpiurus muricata, cross-section. 6, Lu-
pinus hirsutus, oblique section. 7, Acacia raddiana. cross-section. 8, Astragalus
fruticosus, cross-section. 9, R~tama raetam, oblique section. 10, Anagyris foe/ida,
oblique sectiDn.ll~ As/ragalus macrocarpus, obJique sect jon. In all the diagrams
the outer epidermis is uppermost.
The Fruit 447

termine the direction of the bending of the teeth or valves. The thinner
walls of the epidermis, or of the sclerenchymatoustissue below the epider-
mis, or of the sclerenchyma accompanying the vascular bundles, usually

FIG. 204. 1 and 2, Cross-sections of both types of fruits of Aethionema carneum

ShOwing the region around the replum. 1, Of a young indehiscent siliqua. 2, Of a
young dehiscent siliqua. 3-6, Plantago cretica. 3, Entire plant in dry condition.
4, As in no. 3, moist. 5 and 6, Diagrams of longitudinal sections through the rem-
nants of a flower and its bracts which remain on the plant even after the ripening
of the fruit. Cohesion tissue, represented by hatching. 5, Dry, showing the cohe-
sion tissue, to be contracted. 6, Moist, showing the expansion of the cohesion
tissue which causes the sepals and bracts to spread.

constitute the resistance tissues. The swelling and, therefore, the shrinkage
?fthesetissues along the axis of ben ding is relatively small. These differences
In swelling and shrinkage cause the characteristic opening movements. In
capsules abscission tissue is developed between the teeth or valves. In capsules
that open by means of a lid, e.g. the fruits of Hyoscyamus, Plantago, Anagallis
and Portulaca, the absclssion tissue develops as a ring around the capsule.
446 Plant Anatomy

There are many variations in the structure connected with the opening
mechanism that has been described .above. In the legumes of Wisteria
sinensis (Monsi, 1943) and Lupinus angustifolius (Fahn and Zohary,
1955), for example, all the sclerenchymatous cells of the endocarp have
uniform orientation, but two zones, in" which the orientation of the cellu:-
lose crystals differ, can be distinguished. These zones, therefore, also differ
in the direction of greatest swelling. There are also legumes in which the
endocarp sclerenchyma consists of two Jayers that are distinguished by cell
orientation (Astragalus !ruticosus, Fig. 202, no. 8; A. harnosus, Fig.·202,
no. 2; Hedysarum pallens, Fig. 203, no. 1). In the legumes of other species,
e.g. Ornithopus compressus, the endocarp sclerenchyma consists of two
zones, as mentioned above, but in one zone the orientation of the fibrils is
parallel to the longitudinal cell axis and in the second zone, at right-
angles to it. As a result of this the fibrillar orientation, relative to the axis
of the legume, is the same in the two zones. In these plants, in addition,
the orientation of the fibrils of the epidermal cells is parallel to that of the
fibrils in the sclerenchyma and therefore the fruit does not dehisce when
dry. Abscission tissue is also not developed in such legumes.
Siliqua. In the peri carp of the siJiq ua the cells of the exo- and mesocarp
are usually thin walled' and the endocarp tissue is sclerenchymatous. An
abscission zone usually develops between the replum and the valves
(Fig. 204, no. 2). ./
Capsule. The epidermal cells of many capsules, which open by teeth or
valves, have very thick outer walls while the mesocarp'tissue is paren-
chymatous. Elongated, thick-walled cells may sometimes be present below
the epidermis (Fig. 205, no. 1), The inner epidermal cells may also be thick
walled. In the capsules of certain species of the Primulaceae, such as Lysi-
machia rnauritiana, the cells of the inner epidermis have particularly thick
walls on the side closest to the mesocarp (Guttenberg, 1926). The dehis-
cence ortbe capsuleis also brought about by the anisotropic swelling of the
cell walls. The walls that bring about the dehiscence in this case are mainly
the very thick walls of the outer or inner epidermis, and it is they that de-

FIG. 203. 1-4, Diagrams of cross-sections of legumes of different species of the
Leguminosae. In those places where the sclerenchyma cells are seen in longitudi-
nal section, the sclerenchyma is indicated by parallel lines, and in those places
where the cells are cross-sectioned, it is indicated by cross-hatching. 1, Hedysa-
rum pallens. 2, Astragalus fruticosus. 3, Melilo/us sp. 4, Scorpiurus muricata. 5-10,
Hygroscopic movements. 5 and 6, Capitula of Anvillea garcini, showing the move-
ment of the involucre bracts. 5, Dry. 6, Moist. 7 and 8, Salvia horminum, showing
the movement of the pedicel and the mericarp-containing calyx. 7, Dry, showing
the pedicel bent <lownwards bringing the calyx close to the axis of the, inflores·
cence. 8, Moist. 9and 10, Cichoriumpumi!um, capitula showing movement of the
involucre. 9, Dry. 10. Moist.
The Fruit 449

In the dispersal of the seeds of dry fruits, sepals and extrafloral organs
may sometimes participate, e.g. the bracts of the capitulum (Cichorium,
Fig. 203, nos. 9, 10; Anvil/ea, Fig. 203, nos. 5, 6), floral pedicels (Salvia
iwrminum, Fig. 203, nos. 7, 8), axes of inflorescences (Plantago cretica,
Fig. 204, nos. 3, 4), and entire branches (Anastatica hierochuntica) (Stein-
brinck and Schinz, 1908; Zohary and Fahn, 1941; Fahn, 1947). The mecha-
nisms of dispersal in these cases are also usually based on the differences
in direction of excessive swelling in the different zones of the sclerenchy-
matous tissues. This swelling mechanism also causes the twisting of the
"beak" of the mericarp of Erodium (Fig. 210, no. I).
In addition to the swelling mechanism there is the cohesion mechanism
that is responsible for the movement of organs connected with the dispersal
of fruits and seeds. Cohesion tissue occurs, for example, on the outer side
of the bracts of many of the Compo sitae (Senecio, Tragopogon and Gero-
pogon, Fig. 205, nos. 2, 3), between the bases of the rays of the umbel, e.g.
Ammi visnaga (Fig. 205, nos. 4-6), between the tepals, e.g. Plantago ere-
.tica (Fig. 204, nos. 5, 6), etc. The cells of cohesion tissues are usually elon-
"gated and thin walled; the longitudinal axis of these cells is at right-
angles to that of the shrinkage axis of the tissue, As a result of the loss of
;;;'water·the cell walls fold or wrinkle, the cell volume is reduced and the tis-
"'sile;-iil shrinking, draws with it the organ that is attached to it. If water is
again absorbed by the cells, they swell and the volume of the tissue increases
(Guttenberg, 1926; Zohary.and Fahn, 1941),
. I

Indehiscent fruits

The histological structure of only three dry indehiscent fruits - cypsela,

caryopsis and cremocarp-will be,
Cypse/a: The anatomical structure 'and development of the peri carp of
Lactuca sativa have been described by Borthwick and Robbins (1928).
The nucellus almost completely disappears already prior to pollination and
the integument is very thick-from eight to twelve cells in thickness. The
pericarp increases in thickness, and its cells are similar to, but smaller,
than those of the integument. A distinct outer epidermis is discernible in
the pericarp. With the maturation of the flower, lysigenous cavities begin
to form in the inner portion of the pericarp (Fig. 206, no. 1). During the
process of fruit ripening the inner layers of the pericarp disintegrate. About
a week after fertilization, with the growth of the embryo and the develop-
ment of the endosperm, further disintegration of the peri carp tissues, and
also of those of the integument, takes place (Fig, 206, no. 2), About 10
days after fertilization the cells of the inner epidermis of the integument
disintegrate and their inner walls may adhere to the endosperm where
they form a membrane which, in certain fruits, is suberized. This mem-
448 Plant Anatomy

The rupture between the lid and the rest of the capsule, along this abscission
line, is apparently brought about by the fact that the maturing pericarp




4 5
FIG. '205. i, Vaccaria pyramTdata:longitudinal section through a -tooth oflhe cap·
sule. The outer epidermis (directed upwards) has very thick walls in which the
lamellae are orientated almost perpendicularly to the surface of the teeth. These
walls, when wet, are capable of extensive swelling in a longitudinal direction, and
the elongated cells below this epidermis and the cells of the inner epidermis, \
itself, form a tissue that resists this movement. As a result the valves open out-
wards when they are dry and close when they are moist. 2 and 3, Geropogon, show-
ing action of cohesion tissue - hatched areas:2;Ripe capitulum in dry condition.
3, In moist condition showing that the cohesion tissue, when saturated with water,
raises the involucre bracts. 4-6, Ammi visnaga 4, Diagram of a cross-section
through the base of the compound umbel, showing the bases of the partial umbels
to be embedded in coheson tissue (stippled). 5 and 6, Tangential sections through
the cohesion tissue. 5, Dry. 6, Moist. (Nos. 4-6, adapted from Guttenberg, 1926.)

dries out and shrinks while the volume of the seeds, which fill the entire
cavity of the fruit, does not change (Rethke, 1946; Subramanyam and
Raju, 1953).
The Fruit 451

3). The integumental celIs of the mature seed are compressed and partiy
obliterated, but the outer epidermiscmay remain as a layer of thick-walled

(nner layers
of nuceUus


FIG. 207. 1-4, Portions of cross·section through the pericarp of the caryopsis of
Triticum at different stages of development. (Adapted from Hayward, 1938.)

Caryopsis. The pericarp and the remains of the integuments of the single
seed of the caryopsis are completely fused (Krauss, 1933; Bradbury,
MacMasters and Cull, 1956). In the caryopsis of Triticum (Fig. 207, no.
450 Plant Anatomy

brane is considered by Borthwick and Robbins to be semipermeable. With

the ripening of the cypsela, pericarp ribs which consist of sclerenchyma-
tous tissue become obvious (Fig. 206, nos. 2-4). In the mature fruit the

FIG. 206. Development of the pericarp in LactYell satlva. 1, Portion of a cross-Sec-
tion of an ovary 2 hr after fertilization. 2, Portion of a cross-section of the cypsela
about a week after fertilization. 3, Mature pericarp. 4, Diagram of a cross-section
of an entire cypsela. (Adapted from Borthwick and Robbins, 1928 and Hayward,

rest of the pericarp, apart from the ribs, consists of one or two eel! layers
as a result of the disintegration of the parenchyma cells. Cypselae differ
greatly in colour. These differences are partly due to the presence or ab-
sence of pigment in the outer epidermal cells of the pericarp (Fig. 206, no.
The Fruit 453

The maturing mericarps, each of which develops from a single carpel

together with a small amount of tissue (inferior. ovary), separate
one from the other along the area of adnation between them, but they




FIG. 208. 1-4, Fruit of Apium graveolens. I, Drawing of the entire cremocarp. 2,
Cross-section of a single mericarp. 3, Portion of a cross-section of a mericarp
showing the structure of a rib. 4, As in No.3, in the region of an oil cavity. 5, A
mature cremocarp with separated mericarps. 6, Distal portion of spine of the
nutlet of Ranunculus arvensis showing the pointed, curve-d cell at its apex by which
it becomes attached to the dispersal agents. 7, Cypsela of the Cornpositae show-
ing the feathery pappus. (Nos. 1-4, adapted from Hayward, 1938.)
452 Plant Ana/omy

4; Fig. 220,'nos. 1,2), for example, three main parts can be distinguished:
(1) the caryopsis coat which includes the pericarp, the seed coat and the
nucellus; (2) the endosperm; (3) the embryo. Five layers can be distinguished
in the pericarp: the outer epidermis, the hypodermis, a zone of thin-
walled cells, cross cells and tube cells .. The outer epidermis and the hypo-
dermis together form the exocarp. The 'cells of the exocarp are elongated
in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the caryopsis, and they
become compressed and their walls thicken considerably so that, when
the caryopsis is ripe, cell lumina cannot easily be distinguished in them.
The cross cells are found below the parenchymatous layer and they have
thick walls with pits which are elongated transversly to the cell. The longi-
tudinal axis of these cells is at right-angles to that of the exocarp cells.
The tube cells constitute the inner epidermis of the pericarp and they
occur on the inside of the cross cells. There are large intercellular spaces
between the tube cells, the walls of which are pitted and thinner than those
of the cross cells. The longitudinal axis of the tube cells is parallel to that
of the eKocarp cells. The tube cells are only clearly visible on certain parts
of the caryopsis (Bradbury e1 al., 1956). The seed coat, which is adnated to
the pericarp, is crushed in the mature caryopsis and therefore it is difficult
to discern cells in this zone. When fully mature the seed coat consists only
of the inner integument, the outer being cbmpletelY destroyed. In a section
of the caryposis stained with Sudan.IV two cuticles are, discernible: an
outer thick one of the single remaining integument, and a thin one which
constitutes that of the nucellus together with thai of the' inner side of the
integument. The nucellus tissue may be partially or enti~ely digested during
the development afthe caryopsis. In those parts where nucellus is still pres-
ent it is discernible as one or two layers of thin-walled cells between the
aleurone layer and the seed coat. In the mature caryopsis these nucellar
cells are usually crushed and they appear as a ,thin, glassy zone, which is
bright and colourless (Fig. 207, nos. 1-4).
Cremocarp. The fruit of Apium graveolens is described here as an example
of a cremocarp (Hayward, 1938). Each mericarp has five ribs in which the
vascular bundles, accompanied by scierenchyma, are situated (Fig. 208,
nos. 1-3). Between the ribs one to three oil ducts m,ay be present (Fig. 208,
nos. 2,4). The exocarp cells (i.e. the outer epidermis) are small and isodi-
ametric. In surface view they appear lolled: The mesocarp is parenchyma-
tous and its cells have small papillae and finely striated walls. The oil
ducts in the mesocarp are surrounded by polyhedral cells which become
brown as the fruit ripens. The slightly elongated cells of the innermost
layer of the mesocarp are wider than those of the endocarp. The endocarp
(the inner epidermis) consists of narrow cells of which the longitudinal
axis is parallel to the transverse axis of the mericarp (Fig. 208, nos. 3, 4),
or their arrangement is mosaic. Inside the pericarp is the thin seed coat
which surrounds the endosperm in which the embryo is completely enclosed.
The Fruit 455

The dispersal of indehiscent, dry fruits and their seeds is brought about
in various ways, and here also a correlation can be found between the man-
ner of dispersal and the anatomical structure of the peri carp. Thus, for
instance, on the akenes of Ranunculus arvensis strong, hook-like hairs,
which consist of extremely thick-walled cells (Fig. 208, no. 6), develop;
these hairs enable the fruit to cling to the coats of animals. Cypselae of
many of the Compositae develop a characteristic pappus of hairs or bris-
tles which may be branched (Fig. 208, no. 7). The outer cypselae of Calen-
dula officinalis are boat-shaped and the margins are widened to form back-
wardly directed wings. In a cross section of such a cypsela (Fig. 209, no.
1), it is possible to see that the endocarp consists of a thick sclerenchyma-
tous tissue. The centre of the keel, the wings and the ribs on the side oppo-
site the keel consist oflarge parenchyma cells whose pitted walls are slightly
thickened. Most of the region between the epidermis and the inner tissues
of the cypsela consists of very long palisade-like gells which have large
intercellular spaces between them (Fig. 209, no. 2). This tissue together
with the thick-walled large parenchyma cells, which are filled with air,
aid'in the dispersal of these cypselae by wind.
:.... An outgrowth of large oil-storing cells occurs on the basal part of the
'fruit' of some plants, e.g. Hepatica triloba, Ranunculus ficaria, Anemone
nemorosa, Adanisvernalls and Fumarla a/fieinalls. Such growths are termed
eiaiosomes and they may also occur on seeds (see following chapter). In
Baraga o/ficinalis, Anchusa ,pp., Ajuga spp. and other species the elaio-
some of the fruit or the mehcarp develops from a portion of the pedicel
(Schoenichen, 1924). Elaiosomes are thought to be an adaptation to fruit
and seed dispersal by ants.
There are many other modifications in the histological structure of dry
fruits which are adapted to dispersal by air, water and animals, but it is
not within the scope of this book to discuss all 9f them.


Berry. In a berry all of the ground tissue of the ovary wall develops
into a fleshy or juicy tissue, and sometimes other organs may also contrib-
ute to the formation of this tissue. In Lycopersicon, for example, the
greater part of the juicy tissue develops from the placenta. In certain
berries the locules of the fruit become filled with growths of the pericarp
and placenta (Physalis) or of the septa (Bryonia diaica) (Kraus, 1949).
Below, the structure and development of some special fruits which are
considered to be berries, in the wide sense of the term, are described .
. Lycopersicon esculenturn. This fruit consists of a pericarp and placental
tJSsue on which the seeds are borne. The exocarp consists of an epidermis
and three or four layers of collenchyma cells. The epidermal cells are
454 Plant Anatomy

remain attached to the branched carpophore (Fig. 208, no. 5). There are
different opinions as to the origin of the carpophore-+there .are investi-
gators who believe that it arises from the floral axis, while others believe
that it develops from the carpels. Jackson (1933) claims that usually only


FIG. 209. Calendula officinalis.
/' .
1, Diagram of a cross-section of the cypsela. 2,
Epidermal cells and palisade-like cells, between which there are large air spaces,
grea tly enlarged. (Adapted from Schoenichen, 1924.)

the basal portion is of receptacular origin while the greater portion of the
carpophoreis carpellary and contains the ventral carpel bundles. The abscis-
sion zone occurs partly between the two mericarps and partly between the
mericarps and the carpophore. With the maturation of the cremocarp,
an abscission zone also appears within the carpophore, in the lignified tissue
between the two ventral veins. This abscission zone splits the carpophore
into two.
The Fruit 457

,/ 3


.. Sepal

bundle ,
? ---:o.,_Hypanthium

Bundles conneCTing
the dorsal and
ventral bundles

456 Plant Anatomy

polyhedral and are covered by a thin cuticle. The ' number of epidermal
cells does not increase greatly with the development and growth of the
fruit, and so the epidermal cells of the mature fruit are much larger than

Flo. 210. 1, Erodium, photograph of a mature mericarp in a dry condition. 2,
Spartillm jUllceclm, photograph of mature legumes which have dehicsed as a
result of the twisting of the valves. (Photographs, courtesy of D. Koller.)

those in the young fruit. The glandular and other hairs that are usually
present on the young fruit are shed as it matures. There are no stomata on
the epidermis of the fruit (Rosenbaum and Sando, 1920). The mesocarp
The Fruit 459

the pericarp, take place before fertilization or immediately after it. The
growth of the fruit is mainly accomplished by cell enlargement (Ragland,
1934). At first all the cells enlarge almost equally in all directions, ,but with

FIG. 212. 1 and 2, M icrog raphs of portio ns of the pericarp of Citrus. x 40. 1,
Outer portion . 2, I nner portion. 3, M icrograph of a section of the endosperm of
Phoenix dactyli/era. x 430. c-'
458 Plant Anatomy

consists of a thick layer of large thin walled cells which enclose many
intercellular spaces. In the early stages of development, so\>n after pollina-
tion, the number of layers in the mesocarp increases rapidly, but the main
increase in thickness of the peri carp results from an enormous increase
in cell volume in later stages of development. During the process of fruit
ripening, some of the cells of the inner and central portion of the carpels
may disintegrate. With the development of the ovules, after pollination,
the parenchymatous tissue of the placenta grows around the funiculi.
This parenchyma continues to grow until it completely encloses the dev~l­
oping seeds (Fig. 211, no. 5). The cells of this tissue are thin-walled and
they form a homogeneous tissue; they do not fuse with the pericarp but
they adhere to it as well as to the seeds. At first this parenchymatous
tissue is firm, but as the fruit ripens the cell walls become thinner and the
cells are partly destroyed (Hayward, 1918).
Citrus. In this genus the fruit develops from a syncarpous gynoecium
with axile placentation. With the development of the fruit the number of
cells throughout the ovary increases and, finally, \ three strata (Fig. 212,
nos. 1,2) can be distinguished (Schoenichcn, 1924; Ford, 1942; Scott and
Baker, 1947). The eXDcarp (flavedo) consists of small, dense collenchyma
cells which contain ch~ornoplasts. This tissue/contains essential oil cavi-
ties (Fig. 212, no. 1). The epidermis consists of very small, thick-walled
cells, and in surface view it _resembles a 'Cobbled surface; they contain
chromoplasts and oil droplets. A rew scattered stomata can be
the epidermis. The mesocarp (albedo) consists ofloosely conhected, colour-
less cells; this tissue has a spongy nature and is white becal{se of the numer-
ous air spaces in it. The endocarp is relatively thin and consists of very
elongated, thick-walled cells which form a compact tissue. The stalked,
spindle-shaped juice vesicles, which fill the loculesjwhen the fruit ripens,
develop from the cells of the inner epidermis ·and subepidermal layers
(Hartl, 1957). Each juice vesicle is covered externally by a 'Iayer of elongated
cells which enclose very large, extremely thin-walled juice cells '(Fig. 211,
nos. 1, 2).
Drupe. In the drupe of Prunus persica (Add oms, Nightingale and Blake, \
1930) most of the cell divisions, which occur during.the development of '
_____ ---

FIG. 211. 1 and 2, CiJrlls. J, A single juice vesic1e. 2, Portion of the vesicle as seen
under the microscope. 3 and 4, Ecballium eiaferium. 3, Diagram of a longitudinally
sectioned fruit. 4, A few cells from the inner, white portion 'of the pericarp. 5,
Diagram of a cross -section of the ovary of Lycopersicon esculentum after fertili-
zation in which the enlargement of the parenchymatous tissue of the placenta is
shown. This tissue forms the fleshy tissue of the fruit. 6, Diagram of a cross-
section of the fruit of Pyrus malus var. paradisiaca. (No.2, adapted from
Schoenichen, 1924; nos. 3 and 4. adapted from Guttenberg, 1926; no. 5, adap-
ted from Hayward, 1938; no. 6, ada~ted from MacDaniels. 1940.)
The Fruit 461

bundles are interconnected by branches. It is difficult to distinguish dis-

tinctly between the ovary and the hypanthium; generally it is possible to
etate that the border is between the innermost, prominent bundles of the
hypanthium and the dorsal bundles of the carpels.
According to Mac Daniels (1940) the ovary wall develops into a paren-
chymatous exocarp and a cartilaginous endocarp which lines the locules.
The endocarp consists of elongated sclereids with very thick walls which
almost completely obliterate the cell lumen. These sclereids do not develop
close to the dorsal bundles. The endocarp is that part of the fruit that first
becomes fully matured, and the last-maturing portion is that which de-
velops from the hypanthium.
In the fruits of Pyrus communis and Cydonia oblonga groups of brachy-
sclereids (see Chapter 6) develop in the parenchyma.
The banana is also a fruit that develops from an inferior ovary, and
it is essentially a berry. From the periphery inwards the following parts
can be distinguished: the exocarp, which formnhe peel of the fruit, con-
sisting of epidermis, hypodermis and aerenchyma; the meso carp consisting
of large. radially elongated cells which are rich in starch; and the endo-
carp consisting of the inner epidermis only. The mesocarp, which consti-
-tutes the edible part of the fruit, develops from the three to five layers of
the carpel wall immediately next to the inner epidermis which lines the
locules. These cells first elongate extensively in a radial direction and then
they mainly undergo periclinal divisions, although anticlinal divisions also
occur. I


The seeds of fleshy fruits are usually dispersed by animals that eat the
juicy edible portion of the fruit, but there are also fleshy fruits the seeds
of which are actively dispersed similarly to those of certain dry, dehiscent
fruits. This type of dispersal is called autoehory. The mechanism of self-
dispersal in fleshy fruits is based on turgor pressure. As an example of
fruits with this type of mechanism the fruits of Ecballfum elaterium and
Impatiens will be described here.
The fruit of Ecballium (Fig. 211, nos. 3, 4) is ellipsoidal and is attached
to a long stalk, which is bent downward at an acute angle. The pericarp
(which develops from an inferior ovary) is fleshy and its outer portion
consists of an epidermis and chloroplast-containing parenchyma, in which

FIG. 213. Fleshy capsule of Impatiens. 1, Longitudinally sectioned closed fruit.

2, A fruit, the valves of which have curled inwards and in doing so have ejected
the seeds. 3, Portion of a longitudinal section of the pericarp showing the tissue
active in opening the fruit. 4, As in no. 3, but as seen in crosswsection. (Nos. I,
3 and 4, adapted from Guttenberg, 1926.)
460 Plant Anatomy

further development of the fruit the enlargement is mainly in a radial

direction. This feature is particularly noticeable in the inner portion of the
mesocarp. The epidermis (the exocarp) of the mature fruit bears a cuticle
and very many unicellular hairs. The meso carp consists of a non-compact
parenchymatous tissue in which the cell dimensions increase from the
periphery inwards. In the same direction the shape of the cells also alters,
from oval cells in which the longer axis is parallel to the fruit surface to
cylindrical, radially arranged cells . .The endocarp consists of sclereids and
it forms the stone of the fruit. The outer surface of the peach ston~ is
grooved, and in the deep grooves vascular bundles which branch into the
meso carp are found.


The fruit of Pyrusmalus var. paradisiaca may be given as an example of

a fleshy fruit developing from an inferior ovary.. This fruit has been ex-
tensively investigated by numerous workers (MacArthur and Wetmore,
1939, 1941; MacDaniels, 1940; Smith, 1940, 1950) who have reached the
conclusion that it mainly develops from the hypanthium, i.e. from the
basal portion of the perianth and the stamens/which are fused andadnated
to the carpels. The receptacle participates ;'n the formation of only a very
small portion of the basal part of the fruit. The outer parenchyma of the
fruit develops from the hyp,mthium and it contains ten vascular bundles-
five belonging to the sepals and five belonging to the petals (Fig. 211, no. 6).
These vascular bundles are branched and the branches penetrate into the
parenchyma where they form a network. The epidermis is coyered by a
cuticle which increases in thickness as the fruit develops. Inearly stages
of development of the epidermis stomata may be distinguished, but these
later cease to. function and are replaced by lentitels (Clements, 1935). In
young fruits there are unicellular epidermal hairs, which a~e shed with
the maturation of the fr~it. In certain varieties, cork develops \ on part of
the surface of the ripening fruit. The subepidermal tissue, which develops
from the outer portion of the hypanthiuID, consists o(a several-layered, \
thick-walled collenchyma tissue, the cells of which art tangentially elon- '
gated. Intercellular spaces develop in this_tissue only shortly before fruit
maturation, and they are best developed in the more internal ground
parenchyma. In still deeper layers the cells are more or less oval and their
longer axis is usually radially orientated. This part of the fruit grows most
intensely during fruit development, at the start by division of the cells
and the enlargement of the derivatives, and later by the increase in cell
volume only (Tukey and Young, 1942). The part of the fruit that develops
from the ovary is formed by the five folded, but unfused, carpels. Five
dorsal carpel bundles are found on the outer side of the locules and ten
ventral bundles in the centre (Fig. 211, no. 6). The dorsal and ventral
The Fruit 463

vascular bundles are embedded. Further inwards the pericarp is white and
consists of elliptical cells which are rich in pectic substances and have
thick, pitted walls. The longer axis of these cells is at right-angles to the
longitudinal axis of the. fruit and large intercellular spaces are present
between them (Fig. 21"1, no.4). Still further inwards is the tissue that en-
velops the seeds, and which consists of large, vesicle-like, extremely thin-
walled cells between which there are no intercellular spaces. These cells
have a very thin layer of cytoplasm, and their cell sap contains the glucoside,
elaterinidin. This substance is present in such large amounts that in the
ripe fruit the osmotic pressure of the sap reaches about 27 atmospheres.
As a result of the turgor pressure of the elaterinidin-containing cells, the
elastic cells of the white portion of the pericarp expand, and this occurs
mainly in the direction at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the fruit.
Abscission' tissue develops, as the fruit matures, around that part of the
stalk that is within the pericarp (Fig. 211, no. 3). At the instant when
the pressure which develops in the inner juicy tissue surrounding the
seeds exceeds that of the force that keeps the cells of the separation layer
together, the stalk is expelled. Simultaneously the pericarp, and especially
the white portion of it, contracts and the fruit content-the large
juicy~cells together with the seeds-is ejected with great force. It was
found that the amount of contraction of the peri carp in a transverse
direction is 17·3 % and in a longitudinal direction 10·8 % (Guttenberg,
1926). . I
The fruit of Impatiens is a fleshy capsule in which the septa are extremely
delicate. It is cylindrical but somewhat swonen in the upper portion in
which the seeds develop (Fig. 213, no. I). This upper part of the fruit re-
mains inactive, as far as the opening mechanism is concerned, while in
the lower portion tension is developed between the outer tissue, which
has an expansion potential, and the inner tissue, which offers_resistance.
When the fruit is mature, the abscission tissue between the carpeIs rup-
tures and each valve abruptly curls inwards and, as a result of this, the
seeds are expelled (Fig. 213, no. 2). The expansion tissue is located below
the outer epidermis which consists of thick-walled cells. This tissue con-
sists of radially elongated parenchyma cells and lacks intercellular spaces
(Fig. 213, nos. 3, 4). The cells have a rich sugar content when the fruit
ripens and the osmotic pressure in their cell sap reaches 25 to 26 atmospheres.
This pressure would result in the rounding of the cells were it not for
the resistance offered by the inner portion of the pericarp, which consists
of two or three layers of collenchyma cells, the longitudinal axes of which
are parallel to that of the fruit (Fig. 213, no. 3). These cells elongate by
10% as a result of the turgor pressure in the outer tissue, and they contract
again to the same extent with the opening of the fruit. The outer tissue
elongates parallel to the longitudinal axis of the fruit by 32·25 % with the
opening of the fruit (Guttenberg, 1926).
462 Plant Anatomy

• I

The Fruit 465
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The Seed 467

0- 0_o,_0 " _'00

integument 3
0:'0 0 0 0 1

.~l ~ijOiOr:;:~"m'"t
::2= I Cuticle
~ Integument
Endosperm/ 4 and nucellus

FIG. 214. 1~7, Portions of cross-sections of testae. 1, Viola tricolor. 2, Magnolia
macrophy'Ua._ 3, -Sinapis alba. 4, Malva silvestris. 5, Plantago Ian ceo/ala. 6. Lyth-
rum salicaria, showing the invaginated hairs which contain substances that become
mucilaginous when moistened, and then the whole structure is pushed out like a
finger of a glove. 7, Ceratonta siliqua. 8, An entire seed of Orchis in which the
embryo (stippled) can be seen through the tran.')parent testa. (Nos. 1 and 2,
adapted from Eames and MacDaniels,1947; nos. 3-6, adapted from Netolitzky,


THE seed develops from the ovule. In the mature seed the following parts
can be distinguished: the testa, which is the seed coat and which develops
from one or two integuments; endosperm, which may be present in a large
or small amount; the embryo, which constitutes the partially developed,
young sporophyte. In some seeds the endosperm is completely absent and
such seeds, as well as those that contain a very small amaun't of endosperm,
are termed exalbuminous seeds. In the seeds of certain plants, e.g. Beta, the
,nucellar tissue persists and increases in volume\ to form the perisperm.
Several features can be distinguished on the outer' surface of the seed. The
micropyle may be completely obliterated or it may remain as a distinct
pore. In the place where the seed was attached to the funiculus a scar,
termed the hilum, is present. Water can penet~ate with relative ease through
the hilum. In anatropous ovules, in which part. of the funiculus is fused to
the integument, the seed becomes detached together with the fused part of
the funiculus which forms a characteristic ridge termed th,/aphe. After the
fertilIzatIOn of the ovule, growths, termed arils, develop on the surface of
the seeds of certain plants. These growths when they occur on the funicu-
lus, e.-g., in Euonymus and A-cada spp., are ot1en termed stropnfoles and when
occurring around the micropyle, e.g. ih Ricinus, caruncles. Arils are very
common in tropical and sUbtropical plants, e.g. inllntsia bijuga, Pithecello-
bium" dulce, Durio· zibethinits~ Acacia retivenea, Bocciafrutesceris and Myris-
tica fragrans. Arils are organs that are well adapted to seed dispersal by
animals (Corner, 1949). Arils that contain oil, such as those of Chelido-
nium majus, Luzula vi/losa, Gagea lutea, Reseda odorata, Galanthus nivalis,
and Ricinus communis, are elaiosomes' (see preceding,chapter). In Cheli- .
donium majus (S~emes, 1943) the elaiosome (Fig. 217, no. 3) consists of
small basal cells and large, sac-like outer-cells which store oil, proteins
and starch-like grains. Elaiosomes are thought to be connected with seed
dispersal by ants. ....,;.,

The testa
Angiosperm ovules have one or two integuments (see Chapter 19). In
order to clarify which parts of the integuments take part in the formation of
the testa, ontogenetic investigation is necessary. All parts of one or both
468 Plant Anatomy

integuments may take part in the formation of the seed coat, e.g. Viola
tricolor (Fig. 214, no. I), but in most seeds much of the integumental tissue
is destroyed and absorbed by the other developing tiss~es of the seed. and
then the seed coat develops only from the remaining parts of the integu-
ments. The parts that are destroyed are usually the innermost or intermediate
middle layers of the integument. The nucellus may also take part in
the construction of the seed coat (Fig. 214, nos. 2, 6). However, in the devel-
opment of most seeds the nucellus is apparently completely destroyed
(Netolitzky, 1926; Eames and MacDaniels, 1947). '
In certain seeds, especially those of indehiscent fruits, only the two or
three outermost layers of the integument persist. In the mature seed of the
Umbelliferae only the outer epidermis of the outer integument remains.
In the seeds of certain genera of the Compositaei e.g. Lactuca (Fig. 206,
nos. 3, 4), the integuments are represented only by a thin layer of oblite-
rated cells which persists beneath the cypsela coat. The innermost layers
of the latter coat also disintegrate (see .Chapter 20). In the seeds of certain
monocotyledons, e.g. Zea, the integuments are, completely destroyed. In
seeds· developing from ovules with two integuments, the two integuments
may be present in the testa or only two or three of the QuteJ::most layers
of the outer integument may remain. In such seeds the inner integument
may constitute the major portion of the se(d coat (Fig. 214, no. 4), or the
outer one may be the better developed and be especially adapted for pro-
tection while the inner is non-specialized (Fig. 214, no. 3). The former type
is characteristic of the Maivaceae, Violaceae, Hypericaceie , and Ti1iaceae,
and the latter of the Cruciferae, Papaveraceae, Berberidaceae and certain
genera of the Liliaceae, Iridaceae and Araceae. In the Onagraceae, Lyth-
raceae,. Aristolochiaceae and others, protective layers develop from both
integuments, and the-entire nucellus or its outermost layers only also take
part in the formation of the seed coat (Fig. 214, no. 6). In mostof the Legu-
rninosae, RanuncuJaceae'and certain'genera of the" LiJiaceae and Amarylli-
daceae the inner integument and the nucellus are completely obliterated.
In the seeds of only a few plants in wpich the ovule is surrounded by a
single integument does the entire integument form the.seed coat. Usually
only a few of the outermost cell layers and the inner epidermis persist; e.g~
in the Plantaginaceae (Fig. 214, no. 5) and Polemoniaceae.1


There are vast differences in histological structure of the seed coats of

the different plants. The simplest type of seed coat structure occurs in the
seeds of the Orchidaceae where the seed coat consists of a single layer of
elongated cells which originate from the outer integument. An air space
is present (Fig. 214, no. 8) between this membranous coat and the un-
The Seed 469

differentiated embryo. This feature enables the dispersal of the seeds, which
are about a quarter of a millimetre long, by wind.
The structure of seed coatnhat are very hard or fleshy, and especially
of those that are sculptured, is complicated.
In the seeds of some plants, e.g. certain genera of the Leguminosae, the
testa is covered by a very thick cuticle which prevents the passage of water
and air as long as it is undamaged.
In the seed coats of certain plants, a layer of radially elongated cells,
which are'palisade-like but devoid of intercellular spaces, may be present.
These cells have been termed Malpighian cells after the investigator who first
described them. Because of their shape and the thickness of their walls,
these cells are also termed macrosclereids. The thickness of the walls is
characteristically not equal throughout, and the walls may consist of
cellulose only or of lignin or cutin as well. Malpighian cells are especially
characteristic of the Leguminosae where they constitute the outer epider-
mis. In seeds of the Leguminosae, the cell lumen of the Malpighian cells
is usually widest at the base of the cell. In Cercidiumjloridum, the walls of
rthese epidermal cells have been observed to be traversed by plasm odes-
_matd (Scott et al., 1962). In a cross-section of the seed coat, a thin line
-which runs across the cells and parallel to the surface of the seed close to
the cuticle can be distinguished. This is due to the fact that, along this
lille, the light refraction differs from that in other parts of the cells. This
line is termed the light line or linea lucida(Fig. 214, no. 7). In the seeds of
certain species the light line is a result of deposition of wax globules in the
cells (Eames ,and MacDaniels, 1947). Non-epidermal Malpighian cells are
mainly found in families other than the Leguminosae, e.g. in the seeds of
dossypium (Fig. 216, no. 4) iwd Malva(Fig. 214, no. 4).
)n the seeds of many of the Leguminosae one or more layers of cells with
unusual shape are found below the Malpighian cells; these cells may be
funnel- or bone-shaped, for instance, and because they are also thick-
walled, they are termed osteosclereids. They may, like the epidermal cells,
contain pigments or be devoid of them. In certain species of Phaseolus
these cells also contain crystals of oxalate salts (Netolitzky, 1926). The
greater portion of the inner tissue of the integuments disintegrates and
the outer cells develop at the expense of the contents of this tissue. The
cells that remain after this process of disintegration may sometimes be
thick-walled. In the testa cf many seeds the inner epidermis may be pres-
ent and sometimes a cuticle can be distinguished between the. testa and
the remains of the nucellus or endosperm (Fig. 214, nos. 4--7). Relatively
well-developed vascular bundles may be found in the testa of certain plants
(Arachis), while in others (Pisum and Lathyrus) they can hardly be distin-
guished. In leguminous seeds the nucellus apparently disappears completely.
Corner (1951) has drawn attention to the value of the structure of the
seed coat in the taxonomy of the Leguminosae. The cells of the testae
4io Plant Anatomy

of the seeds of other families also have different characteristic shapes, wall
thickenings, etc. The testa of Phoenix consists of thin;walled cells only.
During the course of seed development, the number of cell layers of the
integuments, and especially of the inner integument, decreases.
The structure and development of the seed of Lycopersicon escu/enlum
has been described by Soueges (1907) and is of great interest. In the thick
integument of the young Lycopersicon seed the following four parts can be
distinguished: an outer epidermis; an intermediate parenchymatous tissue
in which inner and outer zones can be distinguished; an inner epidermis
which contains pigment (Fig. 215, no. 1). With the development and enlarge-
ment of the seed, the cells of the outer parenchymatous zone increase
in number, and thickenings develop in the inner tangential walls and at
the base of the radial walls of the outer epidermal cells (Fig. 215, nos. 2,
3). When the seeds are partially mature the outer epidermal cells are seen

Outer zone
of thln-
walled cells

FIG. 215. Pottions of cross-sections of the testa of Lycopersicon esculentum show-
, ing different stages of development. (Adapted from Hayward, 1938.)
The Seed 471

to be very elongated in a radial direction, .and longitudinal wall thicken-

ings, which appear more or less in the angles of the cells, are developed,
These thickenings increase in length till they reach the outer tangential
wall (Fig. 215, no. 4). With the final ripening of the seeds the thin parts
of the radial and outer walls rupture, and only the thickened straJids re-
main. These strands form the hair- or scale-like structures that cover the
surface of the mature seed (Fig. 215, no. 5). Togethel with this process
the intermediate parenchyma disintegrates gradually in a centrifugal di-
rection from the inner zone. In the mature seed nothing remains of this
parenchyma except for the crushed walls which form a more or less uni-
form membranous layer. The pigment-containing inner epidermis remains
and it forms the inner border of the testa.
In certain seeds, e.g. those of Linum usitatissimum, in outer layer, which
becomes mucilaginous when in contact with water, s developed. In the
mature seed of Linum several zones may easily be distinguished (Hayward,
1938). The outer epidermis is covered by a cuticle. With the development
,f the seed coat a mucilaginous substance develops on the inner side of
he thick outer wall of the epidermal cells so as almost completely to fill the
'ell lumen (Fig. 216, nos. 1, 2). This substance, which exhibits a stratified
exllire; swells very greatly when it absorbs water. The middle lamellae
'etween the cells are not sufficiently elastic to accommodate this swelling
md so they rupture and the outer cutinized wall layers, which are covered
vith cuticle, become raised and crack. Below the epidermis there are one or
wo layers of cells who~e lurriina appear circular in a surface view of the
seed. Below these cells is a .layer of elongated, pitted sclerenchyma cells
(Fig. 216, no. 2). The orientation of these cells is parallel to the longi-
tudinal axis of the seed. Still further inwards there are two zones of paren-
chyma cells which are elongated at right-angles to the sclerenchyma cells.
These parenchyma cells contain much starch, which is absorbed by the
other tissues during the development of the seed, and the. cells themselves
become crushed and obliterated. The cells of the innermost layer of the
testa are cubical or polyhedral with thick pitted walls and they contain
in their cell lumina, the pigment tlrat determines the colour of the seed.
The surface of the seeds of different species may have special and charac-
teristic features, which are used in classification. Hairs, ribs, folds, spines
or hooks usually develop from the epidermis of the testa alone, but there
are instances in which subepidermal cells take part in their formation.
The fibres of Gossypium, for example, are epidermal cells which elongate
to form hairs (Fig. 216, no. 4). Sometimes the testa is expanded to form a
Wing-like structure of thin-walled cells, which become filled with air. Such
Winged seeds (Fibigia ciypeata, for example) are easily distributed by
wind. Many seeds, e.g. of most genera of the Asclepiadaceae, Apocynaceae
and Tamaricaceae, bear tufts of hairs which facilitate dispersal by wind.
In some such seeds, e.g. those of Tamarix (Fig. 217, no. 1) and Myricaria,/
The Seed 475

is termed hypogeal germination. In this type of germination the terminal bud

of the embryo is pushed out through the soil by the elongation of the epi-
cotyl which is the stem above the cotyledons (Fig. 219,"nos. 1,2).




FIG. 21S. 1, Longitudinally sectioned seed of Ridnus communis. The protuberance

at the base of the seed is the caruncle. 2, Embryo of Ricinus communis with coty.
ledoDS opened out. 3, Embryo of Phaseolus vulgaris with cotyledons spread out.
4-6, Seedlings of Ricinus communis at different stages of development. 4, Emer-
gence of the primary root and hypocotyI. 5, Schematic diagram of a seedling that
has already produced foliage leaves. 6, Young seedling with cotyledons expanded.
(Adapted from Troll, 1948.)
472 Plant Anatomy

the hairs undergo hygroscopic movements-they spread when dry and

converge when wet. This movemenCis brought about! by the specialized
structure (Fig. 217, no. 2) of the basal portion of the abaxial wall of each
hair (Guttenberg, 1926).
The testa of certain 'plants is juicy. In Punica, for example, the juicy
edible layer develops entirely ·from outer epidermal cells which elongate

" Outer

'- Inner

FIG. 216. 1 and 2, Portions of cross-seCtions of the testa of Linum usitatissimum.

1, Developing testa. 2. Mature testa. 3, Diagram of a longitudinal section of the
seed of Punica granatum showing the radially elongated cells of the outer epider-
mis of the testa; these cells form the fleshy part of the seed. The inner portion of
the outer integument is sclerenchymatous (solid black.) 4, Portion of a cross-
section of the testa of Gossypium. (Nos. 1 and 2, adapted from Haywa'rd. 1938;
nos. 3 and 4, adapted from Eames and MacDanieis, 1947.)
The Seed 473

to a very large extent in a radial direction. The sap of these cells develops
a turgor pressure which preserves the characteristic external shape of these
seeds (Fig. 216, no. 3).


FIG. 217. 1 and 2, Tamar-ix. 1, An entire seed, with tuft of hairs. 2, The base of a
single hairof the tuft, enlarged to show the characteristic structure of the- abaxial
wall. 3, Elaiosome of Chelidonium majus. (No.3, adapted from Szemes, 1943.)

The endosperm

The development and types of endosperm have been discussed in Chap-

ter 19; here the mature endosperm will be briefly described. The endosperm
tissue in the developing seed may consist of thin-walled cells with large
vacuoles, which do not contain reserve substances. Such an endosperm is
entirely or partially absorbed by the developing embryo, e.g. Lactuca. In
many other seeds, e.g. those of Ricinus and the Gramineae, the endosperm
functions as a storage tissue. An endosperm of this type may consist of
thin-walled cells and then the reserve material is located within the cell,
or it may consist of thick-walled cel!s and then the walls themselves con-
The Seed 477

In addition to the functions of storage and photosynthesis, cotyledons

may bring about the breakdown, 'absorption and transport of nutrient
substances from the endosperm to. the developing embryo. Cotyledons ful-
filling such functions occur in the monocotyledons such as Allium cepa,
Phoenix and in the Gramineae. During the germination of the seed of
Allium cepa (Fig. 219, nos 3-5), the cotyledon elongates and pushes the
radicle tip out of the seed. The emerging root tip is usually directed upward
at first, owing to the shape of the seed, and it becomes positively geotropic
only at a later stage. The sharp bend thus caused by the change in the di-
rection of growth is known as the "knee" (Fig. 219, no. 5). The other end
of the cotyledon remains within the seed where it is in contact wit'h the
endosperm and where it functions as an haustorium for the absorption of
nutrients. The exposed part of the cotyledon becomes green and may carry
out photosynthesis. In the final stage of the germination process the remains
of the testa.and endosperm are shed from the absorbing end of the coty-
ledon and the cotyledon then straightens.
The germination of the seed of Phoenix (Fig. 219, nos. 6-11) is, in gen-
'eral, similar to the above. Here, that end of the cotyledon that remains
.within the endosperm develops into an haustorium which gradually enlarges
'WitIi the increased disintegration of the. endosperm (Fig. 219, no. 10).
In Phoenix the terminal bud of the embryo shoot is concealed in the sheath-
ing part of the cotyledon.
In the Gramineae the cotyledon is shield-like and has therefore been
termed the scutellum. 'This ~rgan remains within the caryopsis in contact
with the endosperm from which it absorbs the nutrient substances (Fig.
220, nos. I, 2). The epidermal cells of the scutellum that border on the
endosperm are elongated at right-angles to the surface of the scutellum.
Scattered glands are present between these epidermal cells (Sargant and
Robertson, 1905).· Here, also, the first' organ to emerge from the caryopsis
is the radicle. The shoot apex is enclosed in a sheath-like leaf termed the
coleoptile. At first, the coleoptile grows at the same rate as the bud within
it. Only after it reaches a certain length do theinternodes of the plumule
elongate and the foliage leaves enlarge so that they emerge to the exterior
through a rupture which forms at the upper end of the coleoptile.
The nature of the coleoptile has been variously interpreted (Eames,
1961). Some authors regard it as the first true leaf, while others believe it
to be part of the cotyledon. Various opinions also exist as to the nature of
the axial part of the embryo below the coleoptile (Eames, 1961). It is con-
sidered by some authors to be a complex structure formed by the fusion
of parts of the cotyledon with the hypocotyl, and thus this part of the axis
is termed, by them, the mesocotyl. Those investigators who consider the
coleoptile to be the first leaf regard the above part of the embryonal axis
as the first internode. The sheath that surrounds the endogenously devel-
oped root is termed tne coleorrhiza. This sheath is interpreted as being
474 Plant Anatomy

stitute the reserve substance. In the former type mainly starch grains and
proteins are the stored substances. There are two main forms in which
proteins may be stored in the endosperm-in an amoi-phous form (glu-
tens), or in the form of aleurone grains. Aleurone grains consist of a pro-
tein crystalloid and a spherical body (the globoid) which contains salts of
calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in an organic compound. In the
caryopses of cereals glutens are found in the starch cells and aleurone
grains are restricted to the outermost layer of endosperm cells (the aleu-
rone layer). In Ricinus, however, aleurone grains occur throughout'the
entire endosperm. In endosperm in which there is no starch, oils and fats
may be present as reserve substances. (See also Chapter 2.)
Cell walls that constitute reserve material, e.g. in the seeds of Phoenix
(Fig. 212, no. 3) and Diospyros, usually consist of hemicelluloses and other
similar carbohydrates. In Phoenix, Meier (1958) recorded that these walls
apparently contain, in addition, about 6 % of cellulose. These cells have a
very thick secondary wall.
Some seeds, e.g. those of Ceratonia, have a \ mucilaginous endosperm
(Fig. 214, no. 7). A stratified thickening of the walls of these endospermal
cells can be distinguished. These walls become more or less mucilaginous
when in contact with water. In the dry seeds' these endospermal cells are
hard and, during germination, they function both as a swelling and nutri-
tional tissue (Netolitzky, 1926).

With the germination of the seed, the testa ruptures at the 'micropylar
end and the radicle emerges. GeneraJly, the radicle penetrates into the
soil, ,develops root hairs and often lateral ro'ots. After this, further
rupturing of the testa takes place. •
In many seeds the cotyledons and shoot apex emerge while ihe hypoco-
tyl elongates as a result of intercalary growth. This type of germination is
termed epigea/ germination; examples of such germinatkm can be seen in,
Helianthus, Raphanus, Phaseolus and Ricinus (Fig. 2l8(nos. +-6). '
The cotyledons of plants in which the germination is epigeal may vary
in form and function. The cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris, for example,
are very thick and function as storage organs (Fig. 218, no. 3). These coty-
ledons wither early and are shed. The cotyledons of many other dicotyle-
donous plants in Vlhich the germination is epigeal are thinner structures,
which, when appearing above ground, more closely resemble foliage leaves
(Fig. 218, no. 6).
In many otber plants, e.g. Vida, Pisum sativum and Quercus, the thick
cotyledons, which contain reserve materials, remain within the testa and
the hypocotyl elongates only slightly or not at all. This type of germination
The Seed 479

embryonic organs, such as the colearrhiza, far example (Rath, 1955; Brawn,
1960; Eames, 1961; Foard and Haber, 1962; Negbi and Koller, 1962).
A provascular system can be distinguished within the embryo, and it has
been described in detail by Avery (1930).

AVERY, G. S., Jr. 1930. Comparative anatomy and morphology of embryos and seed~
lings of maize, oats, and wheat. Bot., Gaz: 89: 1-39. '
BROWN, W. V. 1?60. The morphology of the grass embryo. Phylomorpho!ogy 10:
CORNER, E. J. H. 1949. The Durian theory or the origin of the modem tree. Ann. Bot.
N. S. 13: 367-414.
CoRNER, E. J. H. 1951. The leguminous seed. Phytomorph%gy 1: 117-150.
EAMES, A. J. 1961. Morphology of the Angiosperms. McGraw-Hill, New York.
EAMES, A. 1. and MACDANIELS, L. H. 1947. An Introduction 'to Plant Anatomy. 2nd
ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.
-ESAU;~K. 1953. Plant Anatomy. John Wiley, New York.
'" FOARD, D. E. and HABER, A. H. 1962. Use of growth characteristics in studies of morpho-
logic relations. 1. Similarities between epiblast and coleorhiza. Amer. Jour. Bot.
49: 520-523.
-GUTTENBERG, H. v. 1926. Die Bewegungsgewebe. In: K. Linsbauer. Handbuch der
Pjlanzenanatomie. B-d. 5: Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin.
HAYWARD, H. E. 1938. The Structure of Economic Plants. Macmillan, New York.
MEIER; H. 1958. On the structure of cell walls aT}d cell wall mannans from ivory nuts
and from dates. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 28: 229-240.
NEGBI, M. and KOLLER, D. 1962. Homologies in the grass embryo-a re-evaluation.
Phytomorphology 12: 289-296.
NETOLlTZKY, F. 1926. Anato~ie der Angiaspermen-Samen. In: K. Linsbauer, Hand·
buch der Pjlanzenanatom;'e, Abt. 2, Teil 2, Band 10, Gebr. 'Borntraeger, Berlin.
ROTH, 1. 1955. Zur morphologischen Deutung des Grasembryos und verwandter
Embryophyten. Flora 142: 564--600. , _ /
SARGANT, E. and ROBERTSON, A. 1905. The anatomy of the scutellum in Zea mays.
Ann. Bot. 19: 115-124.
SCOTT, F. M., BYSTROM, B. G. and BOWLER, E. 1962. Cercidium jloridum seed coat,
light and electron microscope study. Amer. JOllr. BOl. 49: 821-833.
SOUEGES, E. C. R. 1907. Deveioppement et structure du tegument seminal chez les
Solanacees. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Ser. 9, 6: 1-124.
SZEMES, G. 1943. Zur Entwicklung des Elaiosoms von Chelidonium majus. Wiener Bot.
Zeit. 92: 215-219.
TROLL, W. 1948. Allgemeine Bo/anik. F. Enke, Stuttgart.
TROLL, W. 1954-7. Praktische Ein!iihrung in die Pjlanzenmorphologie. Vals. 1, 2.
O. Fischer, Jena.
476 . Plant Anatomy'

HYPOcotY'f~' Endosperm
co;,y~et~OIOPhYli T"lo COlyledoo-

Epicoty[ Cotyledon_ 3

Testo\ Silt-shaped

portion of

First foliage-i / '

f" ,
Cotyledon /


Sheathing \ \ .'M'
portion at,
cotyledon 10

, . 8

Umbiliform 6
overlying the
'\ "
FIG. 219.1 and 2, Seedlings of Vida/aba.I, Longitudinally sectioned germinating
seed. 2, A young plant. 3-5, Seed and seedling of Allium cepa. 3, Longitudinally
sectioned seed. 4, Germinating seed sectioned longitudinally. 5, Developing seed-
ling. 6-11, Seed and seedling of Phoenix dactyli/era. 6, An entire seed. 7, Longi-
tudinally sectioned seed. 8, Germinating seed. 9, Mature seedling which has al-
ready produced foliage leaves. 10, Longitudinally sectioned seed which has ger-
minated and has already produced a mature seedling. II, Cross-section of seed-
ling at the same stage as in No. 10. (Adapted from Troll, 1948.)
Glossary of Terms 481

apical cell, the single initial present in the apical meristem of some roots and shoots;
typical of many lower vascular plants.
apocarpy, that condition in a flower and ovary where the carpels are free.
apomixis, proe'ess of reproduction in the ovule without fertilization.
apposition (of cell wall), wall growth as a result of successive addition, layer on layer, of
wall materia1.
aril, a ftes1_1y growth on the seed developing from the base of the ovule. Sometimes also
used to refer to outgrowths developing from other parts of the ovule.
asterosclereid, a branched sclereid.
atactosteIe, a stele which consists of vascular bundles scattered throughout the ground
tissue as- in the Monocotyledoneae.
autochory, seed dispersal by means of a self~dispersal mechanism.
axial organ, the root, stem, inflorescence Ot flower axis without their appendages.

back wall, that part of the guard-cell wall which is adjacent to the subsidiary or ordinary
neighbouring epidermal cells.
bark, a collective term f9f all the tissues outside the vascular cambium.
bark, outer, see rhytidome.
basipetal, proceeding towards the base.
'bif~c'ialleaf or dorsiventralleaf, a leaf in which palisade parenchyma is present on one
- s{de of the bJade and spongy parenchyma on the other.
body, primary, that part of the plant which develops from the primary meristems, api-
""--cal and intercalary.
body, 'secondary, that part of the plant, comprising the secondary vascular tissues and
periderm, which is added to the primary body as a result of the activity of the lateral
meristems, i.c'. the _cambium and phellog~n.
brachysclereid or stone cell, a short, more Or less isodiametric sclereid.
bulliform, cell, an enlarged epidermal cell common in the leaf of the Gramineae; rows
of such cells occur along the leaf,
bundle sheath, a layer or layers of cells surrounding the vascular bundles of leaves; may
conslst of parenchyma or sclerenchyma.
bundle sheath extension, a strip o(ground tissue present along the leaf v~ins and extend-
ing from the bundle sheath to the-epidermis; m'ay be present on both sides of the vein
or on one side only and may consist of parenchyma or sclerenchyma.

callose, a polysaccharide present in sieve areas, walls of pollen tubes, wans of fungal
celIs, etc.
callus, (1) a layer of callose which forms on sieve areas; (2) the tissue formed as a result
of wounding or a tissue developing in tissue culture.
calyptrogen; a term arising out of the histogen theory. In the root apex that meristem
from which the root cap develops independently of all other initials of the apical
cambium, non-storied, a cambium in which the fusiform initials, as seen in tangential
section, partially overlap one another and are not arranged in horizontal rows.
cambium, storied, a cambium in which the fusiform initials, as seen in tangential section,
are arranged tn horizontal rows.
cambium, vascullr, a lateral meristem from which the secondary vascular tissues, i.e.
secondary xylem and phloem, develop.
cambium-like transitional zone, a cyto-histological zone visible in some shoot apices
(see pp. 55-59).
carpopbore, the split axis of a cremocarp to which the mericarps remain attached after
they become separated from each other.
478 Plant Anatomy

either part of the scutellum or part of the axis. Another characteristic

feature of the grass embryo of certain genera is the pres~nce of the epiblast.
This is a small scale-like organ opposite the scutellum, and it is devoid of


FIG. 220. 1, Grain of Triticum sectioned longitudinally in the region of the

groove. 2, Longitudinal section of the embryo of Triticum. (No. I, adapted from
Esau, 1953; no. 2, adapted from Hayward, 1938.)

vascular supply. Differe;'t opinions exist as to the homology of the epi-

blast. According to some investigators it represents a vestigial second
cotyledon, while others regard it as being an outgrowth or part of other
Glossary of Terms 483

cuticle, a layer of cutin, a fatty substance which is almost impermeable to water, on the
outer walls of the epjdermaJ cells.
(utic1e layer, the outer portions of the epidermal walls which are impregnated with cutin.
cutinization, the deposition of cutin in cell walls.
cylinder, central or vascular, that part of the axis of the plant consisting of vascular tissue
and the associated parenchyma. Equivalent to the term stele. but without the evolu-
tionary connotation' associated with this term.
cystolith, a specific outgrowth of the cell wall on which calcium carbonate is deposited.
'Characteristic of certain families, e.g. the Moraceae.
cytochimera, a combination, in a single plant organ, of tissues the cells of which are of
different chromosome number.
cytokinesis, the process of cell division which results in the formation of two separate

dermatogen, see histogen.

diacytic type, a specific pattern of arrangement of the guard cells and other epidermal
cells adjacent to them (see p. 151).
diaphragm, a cross partition in an-elongated air cavity.
diarch, that condition in the primary xylem of the root where there are two protoxylem
_ strands.
dictyostele, a siphonostele in which the leaf·gaps are large and partly overlap one another
so as to divide the stele mto separate bUDdIes in each of which the phloem surrounds
'the xylem.
differentiation, the physiological and morphological changes leading to specialization
which occur in a cell, tissue, organ or entire plant during the process of development
from' a rneristematic or juvenile state to a mature one.
diffuse·porous wood, see wood. '/ - - " ,
dorsiventralleaf, see bifacialleaf.
druse, a compound crystal, more or less spherical in shape and in which the many compo·
nent crystals protrude from the surface.
duct, an elongated space formed schizogenously, lysigenously or schizo·lysigenously and
which may contain secretory substances or air.
duramen, see heartwood.

ectodesma, a plasmodesma appearing in the outer walls of the epidermis.

ectoplast, see plasmalemma.
elaiopJast, an oil·producing and storing leucoplast.
elaiosome, an outgrowth on a fruit or seed that contains large oil·storing cells.
emergence, a projection of the surface of a plant organ which consists Dot only of epi·
dermal cells or parts of them, but also of cells derived from underlying tissues.
endarch xylem, in reference to the direction of maturation of the elements in a strand
of primary xylem; a strand in which the first·formedelements(the protoxylem) are
closest to the centre of the axis, i.e. the maturation is centrifugal.
endocarp, the innermost layer of the pericarp (fruit wan).
endogenous, developing from internal tissues.
endosperm, a nutrient tissue formed within the embryo ,sac of the Spermatophyta.
endothecium, in the pollen~sac wall; a layer of cells with characteristic wall thickenings
situated below the epidermis.
epiblast, a small growth present opposite the scutellum in the embryo of some Grami~
epiblem, the outermost cell layer (epidermis) of roots, as termed by some workers.
I'ni ... ntvl th"" .,t ....... ,,1" ...... ....... k ... ,.-. .,. .. ,.1 " ...... til; ..... "h.-.""" +h", ,..... +.,1 .. ..'1 ........
This glossary includes most of the terms used in this book. Many terms which
occur only once are defined only where they are, mentioned. -.. . . .
abaxial, directed outwards from the axis. '.
abscission zone, that zone containing the tissues which bring about the abscission of
organs such as leaves, fruits and flowers.
accessory or subsidiary cen, an epidermal cen which borders on a guard cell of the stoma
and which differs from the ordinary epidermal cells.
acropetal, proceeding towards the apex.
actinosteie, a protosteie in which the xylem, as seen in cross-seCtion, is star~shaped.
adaxial, directed towards the axis.
adnation, concrescence of organs or' tissues of different nature.
adventitious organ, an organ which developed in an unusual position.
aerenchyma, a parenchymatous tissue characterized by the presence of large interceilular
spaces. \
aggregate fruit, a fruit developing from an apocarpous ovary in which the development
of the carpels is independent, each having its own pericarp, but with the ripening of
the fruit, a single unit is formed., /- .
albuminous cell, certain cells in the phloem rays or in the phloem parenchyma of Gym·
nospermae which are connected morphologically.and physiologically to the sieve ele~
ments. Unlike the companion cells of the Angiospermae, these cells do not usually
arise from the same cell as the sieve element. /
alburnum, see sapwood.
aleurone grain, a characteristic structure of reserve protein present in the seeds of numer~
ous plants. In the endosperm of certain plants such grains are found in the outermost
cell layer which is then termed the aleurone layer.
amphicribral vascular bundle, see vascular bundle-.
amphipbloic siphonostele, see siphonostele."
amphivasal vascularo bundle, see vascular bundle.
aniYlopla~tid, a leuc~plastid which has become s'pecialized to store starch.
androecium, the collective term for all the stamens of a flower. \
androgynophore, a stalk-like elongation of the floral axis between the perianth and sta-
mens, which elevates the androecium and gynoecium. '. '
anisocytic type (of stoma tal, a specific pattern of arrangement of ~ the guard cells and
other epidermal cells adjacent to them (see p. 150). /.
anisotropic, having different properties along different axes. Optically--':having different
optical properties. showing birefringence. -
anomocytic type (of stomata), a specific pattern of arrangement of the guard cells and
other epidermal cells adjacent to them (see p. 149).
anthesis, the time of maturation of the male and female organs of the flower.
anticlinal, perpendicular to the surface.
antipodal cells, the cells of the female gametophyte present at the chalaza1 end of the
mature embryo sac of the Angiospermae.
aperture (of pollen grain). an area of characteristic shape in which the exine is completely
lacking or in which nexine alone is present; the pollen tube emerges via such
an area.
apex, the terminal portion of the shoot or root in which the apical meristem is located.
Glossary of Terms 485

grollth, intrusive, that type of growth in which the growing cell penetrates between exist-
ing cells and in which new areas of contact are formed between the penetrating and
neighbouring cells.
growth, mosaic, a theory concerning primary wall growth-(see p; 30).
growth, multinet, a theory concerning primary wall growth (see p. 30).
growth, symplastic,_the process of uniform growth of _neighbouring cells so that the
adjacent walls do not alter position relative to each other and no new areas of contact
are formed.
growth ring, a clearly distinguishable region in the secondary xylem or phloem which
:is formed during a single growth season.
guard cells, a pair of specialized epidermal cells which, together with the aperture be-
tween them, form the stoma.
gum, a general term for the substances formed on the disintegration of cells, mainly
gummosis, a pathological condition which is expressed by the formation of gum.
guttation, the secretion of water, in a liquid form, from plants.
gynoecium, all the carpels of a single flower.
gynophore, an elongation of the floral axis between the stamens and _the carpels, thus
forming a stalk which 'elevates the gynoecium.

-_haplostele, a protostcle in which the xylem, as seen in crossMsection, is more or less cirM
~hacdwood, a common name for wood of the Dicotyledoneae.
haustorium, a specialized organ that draws nutriment from another organ or tissue .
. heartwood or duramen, the inner layers of wood in the growing tree or shrub, which have
lost the ability to conduct and no longer contain living cells. Generally darker in COM
lour. than sapwood. '1

hilum, (1) that portion of a starch grain around which the starch is laid down in layers;
(2) the scar present on a seed resulting from its abscission from the funiculus.
histogen, a term used to refer to those initials in the apical mcristem of the root and shoot
which are predestinated to give rise to a particular and constant tissue system of the
organ concerned. Hanstein distinguished three histogens: dermatogen which gives
rise to the epidermis; periblem which gives rise to the cortex; plerome, which gives rise
to the vascular cylinder.
hydathode, a structure sometimes of glandular nature, through which water is secreted
in liquid form; found mainly on leaves.
hygrochastic process, manner of fruit opening or of the movement of other organs,
as a result of water uptake; usually connected with the dispersal of seeds or spores.
hypoblast, a term used for the suspensor of the mature grass embryo.
bypodermis, a specific layer or layers of cells beneath the epidermis, which differ strUCM
turally from the tissue below them. In the narrow sense of the term, refers only to
such layers which arise from a meristem other than the protoderm.
hypophysis, one of the cells of the embryo in its early stages of development (see p. 432).
bypsophyll, an inflorescence bract; a vestigial leaf or any other leaf having a structure
different from that of a foliage leaf and occurring near the top of the shoot.

idioblast, a specific cell which is clearly distinguished from the other cells of the tissue in
which it appears, either by size, structure or content.
initial, (1) in meristems;-a cell which remains within a meristem and which adds cells
to the plant body as a result of cell division; (2) of an element; a meristematic cell
which differentiates into a mature specialized element.
integument, an envelope surrounding the nucellus of the ovule.
A82 . Plant Anatomy

caruncle, an outgrowth of the integuments at the micropylar region.

caryopsis, a fruit in which the pericarp and testa are fused; characteristic of the Gra-
mineae. '
Casparian strip, a band-like structure in the primary wall containing lignin and-suberin.
Especially characteristic of the endodermal ceHs of roots where the band is present
in the anticlinal walls, both radial and transverse.
cataphyll, a leaf which appears on the basal portions of shoots, e.g. scales on rhizomes,
bud scales, etc.
cell plate, that part of the wall which develops between the two daughter nuclei dur-
ing telophase.
central mother cells a cyto-histoiogicai zone of the shoot apex (see pp. 53-57).
chalaza, that region in the ovule where the nucellus and integuments connect with the
chimera, a combination in a single plant organ of tissues of different genetic composition.
chlorenchyma, a chloroplast-containing parenchyma tissue such as the mesophyll and
other green tissues.
chlorophylIs, the green pigments presenfin- the chloroplastids.
chloroplastid, a specific protoplasmic body in which photosynthesis takes place; con-
tains among other pigments, the chlorophyIls.
cmomopiastid, 'a specific protoplasmic body containing pigments other than chloro-
phyll; usually containing carotenoids. \
cluster, referring to the arrangement of vessels as seen in cross-section of the secondary
xylem; several vessels grouped together in both radial and tangential direction.
coenocyte, a group of protoplasmic units; a multinucleate structure._ID Spermatophyta
often"used to refer to multinucleate cells. /
cohesion, concrescence of organs or tissues of the same nature.
coleoptile, the sheath surrounding the 'apical meristem and leaf primordia of the grass
-ryQ. /
coleorrhiza, the sheath which surrounds the radicle of the grass embryo.
collenchyma, the supporting tissue of young organs; consisting of more or less elongated
cells the walls of which are usually unequally thickened. '
colleter, a multicellular hair comprising stalk-and head, and having a sticky secretion.
columella, the central portion of the root~cap in which the cells occur in_longitudinal
companion cell, a specialized J!are~chyma_cell associated with,fhe sieve_tube member in
the phloem of Angiospermae; it originates from the same mother cell as the sieve tube
member and has a physiological connection with it. \
complementary cells, a loose tissue formed towards the periphery by the phellogen of
the lenticel; the cells mayor may not have suberized walls.
connective, the tissue present between the two lobes of an anther. " \
cork, see phel/em in periderm. / /
cork cell, (I) a dead cell which arises from the phellogen and whose walls are impregnated
with suberin; has a protective function as the walls are impermeable 'to water and
gases; (2) in an epidermis-a short cell with suberized walls; characteristic of Gra-
corpus, according to the tunica-corpus theory. in the shoot apex of Angiospermae that
group of cells below the surface layer or layers (i.e. tunica) in which cell divisions take
place in various planes; such divisions cause the increase in volume of the shoot apex.
cortex, the tissue region between the vascular cylinder and epidermis of the axis.
cotyledon, the first leaf of the embryo.
crassulae, in tracheids of Gymnospermae transversely-orientated thickenings accompa-
nying the pit-pam and formed by the intercellular substance and primary wall material.
cross-field, the rectangle formed by the walls of a ray cell and an axial tracheid as seen
in a radial section; mainly used in the description of conifer wood.
484 Plant Anatomy

epidermis, the outermost cell layer of primary tissues of the plant; sometimes comprising
more than one layer-multiseriate epidermis. t
epipetalous stamen, a stamen which is adnated to a petal.
epithem, the' tissue between the vein ending and the secretory pore ora hydathode.
ergastic matter, the non-protoplasmic products of metabolic processes of the proto-
plasm; starch grains, oil droplets, crystals and certain liquids; found in the cytoplasm,
vacuoles and cell walls.
eustele, phylogenetically the most advanced type of stele, the vascular tissue of which
forms a hollow reticulate cylinder built of collateral or bicollateral vascular bundles.
exalbuminous seed, a seed which is devoid of endosperm when mature. ~
exarch xylem, in reference to the direction of maturation of the elements in a strand of
primary xylem; a strand in which the first-formed elements (the protoxylem) are fur-
thest from the centre of the axis, i.e. the maturation is centripetal.
exine, the outer wall of a mature pollen grain.
exocarp, the outermost layer of the pericarp (fruit waH); also termed epicarp.
exodermis, in some roots the outermost layer or layers of cells of the cortex, the struc-
tUIe of which i'3 ':,\mihI to that of the enUOUe1'ID\'5, Le. the ce\\ wa\\o:. ale more 01' \e'5'5
thickened and contain suberin lamellae. A type of hypodermis.
exogenous, ,developing from external tissues.

fascicular, being part of or situated in a bundle of vasculir tissue.

fibre, an elongated sclerenchymatous cell with tapered ends and with more or less thick
secondary walls; the wans' may or may not contain lignin and a living protoplast
may Of may not be retained in the mature fibre; /
fibre, gelatinous, a xylem fibre in which the inner layers of the secondary wall have a
high capacity to absorb water and to swell.
fibre, libriform, a fibre of the secondary xylem usually, with thick walls and simple pits
which are generally few in number. /
fibre, septate, a fibre which becomes subdivided by thin transverse Walls after the secon-
dary wall layers have been formed.
fibre-sclereid, phloem fibres that develop from parenchyma cells of non-functioning
fibre-tracheid, in-the secondary xylem; a transition form between trachdd and libriform
fibre. /
foraminate, having round pores.
funiculus, the stalk by which the ovule is attached to the placenta.
fusiform, of elongated form with tapered ends.

gametophyte, that plant generation which gives rise to the gam~tes from which, after,,-
fertilization, the sporophyte develops. ./ ~
gap, branch, in a siphonostele the parenchymatous region in the vascular cylinder above
the position where a branch-trace enters a branch.-
gap. leaf, in a siphonostele, the parenchymatous region in the vascular cylinder above
the position where the leaf-trace enters a leaf.
germination, epigeal, the process of germination in which the cotyledons and epicotyl
emerge from the seed as a result of the elongation of the hypocotyl.
germination, bypogeaJ, the p,rocess of germination in which the hypocotyl elongates
very little or not at all and the thick cotyledons, which store reserve materials, remain
within the testa.
gonophyll, according to the gonophyll theory, a sterile leaf together with an ovule-bear-
ing branch from which it i:"l assumed that the carpel has been derived.
growth, gliding or sliding, that type of growth in which the walls of neighbouring cells
slide over one another. -
48" Plant Anatomy

intercellular substance, see middle lamella.

internode, that part of the stem between two nodes.
interxylary. within and surrounded by xylem tissue.
jutine, the inner wall of a mature pollen grain.
intraxylary~ on the inner side of the-xylem relative to the axis of the plant.
intussusception,-cell wall growth as a -result of the interpolation of new wall material
within the wan already formed.
isobilateral or isolateralleaf, a leaf having palisade tissue on both sides of the blade.
isotropic. having equal properties along all axes. Optically-having equal optical pro-
perties in all directions.

karyokinesis, the process of nuc1ear division.

karyolymph, the nuclear sap.
knot, a portion of a dead branch, the wood of which has become heartwood and
which is embedded in the deve~oping wood of the stem from which the branch arose.

acuna, (1) an intercellular space; (2) an interruption in the vascular tissue of the central
laticifer, a cell or row of cells containing latex, a substance specific to such cells.
lenticel, an isolated area in the periderm consisting of suberized or non-suberized cells
with numerous intercellular spaces between them.
leucoplastid, a plastid devoid of pigment.
lignin, a mixed polymer containing phenolic derivatives of phenyl_propane. Commonly
found in secondarily thickened cell walls. /
lithocyst, a -cell containing a cystolith.
Iysigenous, the manner of formation of an intercellular space as a result of the disintegra-
tion of cells.

maceration, the artificia1 separation of the individual cens of a tissue by disintegration
of tbe middle lamella,
macrosdereid, a sorrrewlril( elongated sclereid the secondary wall of which is un~uan,.
thickened. Common in the seeds of Leguminosae where they represent the epidermis
of the testa and where they are termed Malpighian cells. /
.Malpighian cell, see macrosclereid.
mantle, all'those"outer cell layers of the shoot apex of the Angiospermae which can be
distinguished by their layered arrangement from the cells of the inner portion of the
shoot apex.
massula, a large group of adherent pollen grains, which participates in the formation
of a po11inium, ' /
matrix, a substance in which another substance is deposited or embedded.
median, situated in the middle. - f
megaspore, the femalespore from which the female-gametophyte develops; also called
meristele, one of the bundles of a dictyostele; see also vascular bundle.
meristem, a tissue which produces cells that undergo differentiation to form mature
meristem, apical, a meristem situated in the apical region of the shoot or root which, as
a result of divisions, gives rise to those cells which form the primary tissues of the shoot
or root.
meristem, flank, one of the cyto-histological regions of the shoot apex (see pp.53-57).
meristem, ground, a meristematic tissue which originates in the apical meristem and
which produces tissues other than epidermis and vascular tissues.
Glossary of Terms 487

meristelfl, intercalary, meristematic tissue derived from the apical meristem and which
becomes separated from the apex in the course of develoment of the plant by regions
of more or less mature tissues.
meristem, lateral, a meristem which is situated parallel to the circumference of the plant
organ in which it, occurs.
meristenl, plate, a parallel layered meristem in which the planes of cell divisions in each
layer are perpendicular to the surface of the organ which is usually a fiat one.
meristero, rib, (1) one of the cyto~histologka\ regions of the shoot apex (see p. 53), (2) a
meristemcharacterized by parallel series of cells in which transverse divisions take place.
mesarch xylem, in reference to the direction of maturation of elements in a strand of
primary xylem; a strand in \yhich the first-formed elements (the protoxylem) occur in
the'centre of the strand; i.e. the maturation is both-centripetal and centrifugal.
mesocarp, the middle layer of the pericarp (fruit wall).
mesocotyl, often refers to the internode betwen the scutellar node and the coleoptile in
the Grarnineae.
mesomorphic, having structure characteristic of mesophytes.
mesophyll, the photosynthetic parenchymatous tissue situated between the two epider..
mal layers of the leaf.
mesophyte, a plant suited to a fairly and continuously moist climate.
metaphloem, that part of the primary phloem which undergoes differentiation after the
. protophloem.
-metaxylem, that part of the primary xylem which undergoes final differentiation after
the protoxylem.
;micella, the present usage refers to a unit of cellulose in which the molecules are ar-
ranged parallel to one another so that the atoms form a crystalline lattice structure.
microfibril, a submicroscopic thread-like constituent of the cen wall; composed in most
plants of cellulose molecules.
micropyle, the opening at the free end of the ovule, between the integuments.
microspore, the male spore from which the male gametophyte develops.
microsporocyte, a cell which differentiates into a microspore.
middle lamella, the lamella present between the walls of two adjacent cells.
mimchQ.tldriotl (Qlutal mit(lch_(lo._d(ia)~ a ve(~ small QrctoQlas.mic bod~ in thec~toQ-las.m;
contains enzymes involved in respiration.
morphogenesis, the total expression of the ~orphological phenomena of differentiation
and development of tissues and organs.
mother cell, a cell which gives rise to other cells as a result of its division.
multiple (of vessels), referring to the arrangement of vessels as seen in cross~section of
the secondary xylem; a group of two or more vessels arranged in radial, oblique or
tangential rows.
mycorrhiza, the symbiosis between fungi and the roots of higher plants.
myrosin cell, a cell containing myrosin; present in the vegetative parts and seeds of
certain Cruciferae.

nectary, a multicellular glandular structure which secretes a sugary solution. Found in

flowers (floral nee/aries) or on vegetative plant organs (ex/rafloral nee/aries).
nexine, the inner layer of the exine.
node, thaf portion of the stem where a leaf or leaves are attached; anatomically this
region cannot be defined accurately.
nucellus, that tissue within the ovule in which the female gametophyte develops.

obturator, an outgrowth of the placenta or stylar canal which brings the transmitting
tissue closer to the micropyle.
488 Plant Anatomy

ontogeny, the process of development of an organism, orgae or tissue towards-maturation.

osteosclereid, a spool- or bone-shaped sc1ereid. I

paracytic type (of stomata), a specific pattern of arrangement of the guard cells and other
epidermal cells adjacent -to them (see p. 150).
parenchyma, a ground tissue composed of living cells which may differ in size, shape and
wall structure_
parenchyma, apotracheal, axial parenchyma of the secondary xylem, typically indepe~:
dent of the vessels although may occasionally be in contact with them. Divided into
the following types according to the distribution as seen in cross-section of the secon-
dary xylem: banded or metatracheal-concentric uni- or multiseriate bands, arcs or
entire rings; diffuse -single cells distributed irregularly among fibres; initial- bands
of parenchyma produced at the beginning of a growth ring; terminal-bands of
parenchyma produced at the end of a growth ring.
parenchyma, axial, parenchyma of the vertical system of secondary xylem, i.e. paren-
chyma cells derived from fusiform cambial initials.
parenchyma, paratrache31, axial parenchyma of the secondary xylem associated with
the vessels or vascular tracheids. Divided into the following types' according to the
distribution as seen in cross-section: aliform-paratracheal -parenchyma which is
expanded tangentially in the form of wings; conflue:at-groups of aliform parenchy-
ma which become corttinuous so as to form irregular tangential or diagonal bands;
scanty-an incomplete sheath or a few parenchyma cells present around the vessels;
vasicentric-parenchyrna forming an entire sheath of variable width around indi-
vidual vessels or groups of vessels. /
parenchyma, wood, see parenchyma, xylem.
parenchyma,-'xylem, parenchyma occurring in the secondary xylem, usually in two sys-
tems: (I) axial, and (2) radial (ray parenchyma). /
parthenocarpy, the production of fruit without fertilization.
pectic compounds, a group of polymers of galacturonic acid and its derivatives; occurr-
ing in three types of compounds -protopectin, pectin and pectic adds. Constituting
the most important component of the middle lamella.
perforation (in stele), interruption in the vascular tissue of a siphonostele, other than
leaf- or branch-gap; developed as a- result of secondary reduction.
perforation plate, that portion of the cell wall of a vessel member which is perforated.
The following types of perforation plates are distinguished: (l) foraminate perforation
plate-a plate with numerous, more or less circular perforations; (2), reticulate
perforation plate -a plate in which the remnants of the wall between the perforations
form a net-like structure; (3) scalariform perforation plate-a plate' with numerouS
elongated pores which are arranged parallel one near the other; (4) simple perforation
plate-a plate having one large perforation. /~
peribtem, see b.\st~ge\\..
pericarp, the fruit wall. ___ -
periclinal, parallel to the surface.
pericycle, that portion of the ground tissue of the vascular cylinder between the conduct~
ing tissues and the endodermis.
periderm, the secondary protective tissue which replaces the epidermis; consists of
phel/em, phellogen and phe/{oderm. .
perisperm, a nutrient tissue of the seed, similar to the endosperm, but of nucellar
pheIJogen, the cork cam bium; a secondary lateral meristem which produces the phellelll
and phelloderm.
phloem, the principal tissue responsible for the transport of assimilates in the vascular
plants; consists mainly of sieve elements, parenchyma cells, fibres and sclereids.
Glossary of Terms 489
phloem, interxylary, secondary phloem which occurs within the secondary xylem as is
the case in certain Dicotyledoneae.
phloem, intraxylary, primary phloem occurring on the inner side of the primary xylem.
phragmoplast, a fibrous' structure which appears during mitotic telophase between the
two daughter nuclei; participates in the formation of the cell plate which divides the
mother cell into two.
phyllome, a collective term referring to all types of leaves.
phylogeny, the history of a species or a' larger taxonomical group from an evolutionary
viewpoint. I
piliferous cell, see trichoblast.
pit, a depression in a cell wall with secondary thickening; in such an area only primary
wall and middle lamella are present.
pit, bordered, a pit ir which the aperture in the secondary wall is small and conceals
below it a dome-shaped chamber which is situated above the pit-membrane.
pit cavity, the cavity of a single pit extending from the pit membrane to the aperture
bordering the cell lumen.
pitmembrane, the middle lamella and primary wall closing the pit cavity on its outer side.
pit-pair, two complementary pits of neighbouring cells.
pit, vestured, a bordered pit having projections, which may be.simple or branched, on
that part o(the secondary wall which forms the border of the pit chamber or the pit
_ aperture; found in certain Dicotyledoneae. .
-pith, the ground tissue in the centre of the stem and root.
pitting, the type and arrangement of pits in the cell wall.
~placenta, the region of attachment of the ovules to the carpel.
placentation, the position of the placenta in the ovary.
plasmalemma, the membrane on the outer surface of the cytoplasm; adjacent to celI
walLAlso known as ectoplast.
plasmodesma, a thin, cytoplasmic strand which passes through a pore in the cell wall,
and which usually connects the pro top lasts of two adjacent cells.
plastid, a protoplasmic body separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane; fulfilling
a definite function.
piastochron, that period of time between the commencement' of two successive and repe-
titive phenomena, for example, between the initiation of two successive leaf primordia.
plectostele, a protostele in which the xylem is arranged in longitudinal plates which may
be in terconnected.
plerome, see bistogen.
~plumule, the bud or shoot apex of the embryo.
pneumatode, in a velamen, a group of cells with very dense spiral wall thickenings;
enables gas exchange when the root is saturated with moisture.
pneumatopbore, an aerial, negatively geotropic root projection serving for gas exchange;
produced in swampy habitats.
pollen tube, an elongated projection, covered only by intine, of the vegetative cell of a
pollen grain.
pollinium, the entire pollen grain complement of a single pollen sac, when the grains
adhere together to form one mass.
polyarch, the primary xylem of root in which the number of protoxylem strands is large
(usually more than five).
polyderm, a special type of. protective tissue composed of alternating bands of endo-
dermis-like cells and -non-suberized parenchyma cells.
polyembryony, the presence of more than one embryo in an ovule.
primary pit-field, a thin portion of the primary waH in which the pores, through which
plasmodesmata pass, are concentrated.
primordium, an organ, cell or organized group of cells in the earliest stage of differen-
Glossary oj Terms 491

scuteHum, a part of the embryo of the Gramineae; considered to be homologous to a Coty-

ledon; serves as an organ which transfers nutrients from the endosperm to other parts
of the germinating embryo.
scparatioo la),'er, that layer in the abscission zone the cells of which disintegrate or sepa-
rate and so cause the abscission of the organ concerned or part of it, e.g., leaf, branch,
fruit. fruit valves, etc.
sexine, the outer layer of the exine.
shoot, the stem and its appendages.
sieve area, an area on the wall of a sieve element which appears as a depression and which
contaillS pores lined with callose.
sieve cell, a sieve element in which the sieve areas have undergone relatively little differ-
entiation, i.e. they are of more or less uniform structure and have narrOW pores and
connecting strands.
sie'Ve element, that type of phloem element which_takes part in the transport of assimi-
lates. Classified into two types-sieve cell and sieve-tube member.
sieve plate, that part of the cell wall of a sieve element which contains one or more highly
specialized sieve areas. Characteristic of the Angiospermae.
sieve tube, a series of sieve-t'ube members which are arranged end to end and which are
connected through their sieve plates.
sieve-tube member, one of the cells of which a sieve tube is comprised.
silica cell, a short epidermal cell filled with silica as occurs in the epidermis of the
siphonostcle, a stele in which the vascular tissue comprises a hollow cylinder, i.e. in
which the central portion is occupied by pith.
siphonostele, amphiphloic, a siphonostele in which the phloem surrounds the xylem both
externally and internally.
siphonos-teIe, ectophloic, a siphonostele in which the phloem surrounds the xylem on
the outside only. _~
soft woo'd, a common name for wood of the Gymnospermae, in particular the Coniferae.
solenostele, an amphiphloic siphonostele in which the successive leaf-gaps (lre consider-
ably distant one from the other.
specialization:'the changes during the course of evolution in structure of (l cell, tissue,
organ or entire plant, which enable it to carry out a certain function more efficiently.
sporophyte, that plant generation which produces spores- from which the gametophyte
starch sheath, referring to the innermost layer of the cortex, when its cells are character-
ized by presence of a large, more or less constant quantity of starch; homologous-
with the endodermis.
stele, that portion of the plant axis whkh comprises the vascular system and its associ-
ated grOund tissue, i.e. pericycle, interfascicular regions and pith.
stele, polycyclic, a stele consisting of two or more concentric cylinders of vascular tissue.
stereome, a collective physiological term for all the supporting tissues in the plant, i.e.
sclerenchyma and collenchyma.
strophiole, a growth on the funiculus and/or seed.
suberization, the deposition of suberin in cell walls.
subsidiary cell, see accessory cell.
succulent, fleshy, juicy.
supporting tissue, see tissue, mechanical.
surface layer or surface meristcm, one of the cyto-histological zones of the Gymnosper-
mae shoot apex.
suspensor, that part of the embryo which connects its main part to the basal cell.
syncarpy, that condition in a flower and ovary where the carpels are fused.
synergids, the cells present alongside the egg cell in a mature embryo sac.
490 Plant Anatomy

procambium, a primary meristem which undergoes differentiation to form the primary

vascular tissues. /
pro-embryo, the embryo in the earIi~st stages of development.
promeristem, the initials and their immediate derivatives in the apical meristem.
proph),'ll, one of the first leaves of a lateral branch.
propiastid, a plastid in the earliest stages of development, a primordial plastid.
protoderm, the meristem of the epidermis.
protophloem, the first-formed elements of the primary phloem.
protosteJe, the simplest type of stele which comprises a solid Core of xylem surroun'd-
ed by phloem. "'-
protosteie, medulated, according to the terminology of some authors, an ectophloic
siphonosteie without leaf-gaps; occurs- in Pteridophyta.
protoxylem, the first-formed elements of the primary xylem.
provascular bundle, a procambium strand.
pseudocarp. a fruit in which floral organs other than the carpels participate, in the forma-
tion of its wall.
pulvinus, the swelling at the base of a leaf petiole or of a petiolule of a leaflet.

raphe, a ridge along the seed formed by that part of the funiculus which was fused to the
ovule. \
raphide, a needle-shaped crystal usually occurring in dense bundles.
ray, phloem, that part of the vascular ray which passes through the secondary phloem.
ray, pith, an interfascicular region in a stem. /
ray, vascular, a strip of tissue running radially thrDugh the secondary xylem and
phloem; "formed 'by the cambium. /
ray, xylem, that part of the vascular ray which passes through the secondary xylem.
replum, the ridge surrounding the siliqua of the Cruciferae which 're-main's attached to
the false septum, as a frame, on the dehiscence of the fruit. / .
rhytidome, that part of the bark comprising the periderm and tissues external to it
which are cut off by it. Also called outer bark. '
ribosome, a minute protoplasmic body in the cytoplasm playing an important role in
protein synthesis.
ring-porous wood, see-wood.
rod cell, see macrosclereid. /
root-cap. a- thimble-shaped structure which covers the root"apex.
root, contractile, a special root which has th-e ability to contract and thus bring the
developing renewal buds to a definite position in relation to the soil surfaCe.
root hair, a type of trichome developing on the epidermis of roots; absorbs solutions
from the soil.

sapwood or alburnum, that portion of the wood that in the living tf;e and shrub contains
living cells and reserve materials. _____ 'l()
scalariform, the parallel arrangement, One near- the other, of elongated structures in
the cell wall of an element.
schizogenous, the manner of formation of intercellular spaces by the separation of cells
along their middle lamellae.
schizo-Iysigenous, the manner of formation of intercellular spaces by both cell separation
along their middle lamellae and cell disintegration.
sclereid, a sc1erenchymatous cell of variolls shape. but usually not much elongated; has
thjck, Jjgnified secondary wall which often contains many pits.
scierenchyma, a supporting tissue composed of fibres and/or sclereids.
sclerification, the process of changing into sclerenchyma by the formation of secondary
walls. .
492 . Plant Anatomy

tapetum. the innermost layer of the pollen sac wall; the contents of its cells are absorbed
by the pollen grains during their development.
tapetum, amoeboid, tapetum in which the protopiasts of its cells pedetrate between the
pollen mother cells "and developing pollen grains; glandular, tapetum in which the
cells remain in their original position until their disintegration.
telome, the ultimate terminal portion of a dichotomously branching axis bearing a spo-
rangium, (fertile telorne) or lacking a sporangium (sterile telome). According to the
Ie/ome theory the most primitive vascular plants were composed entirely of telome
testa, the seed coat.
tetrarch, the primary xylem of root in which the number of protoxylem strands is four.
tissue, complementary, see cells, complementary.
tissue, conjunctive, (I) a special type of parenchyma associated with included phloem
in Dicotyledoneae with anomalous thickening; (2) the parenchyma present between
the secondary vascular bundles of MonocotyJedoneae with secondary thickening.
tissue element, each individual cell of a tissue.
tissue, expansion, an intercalary tissue in the outer portion of the inner bark formed
mainly by the phloem rays; accommodates the expansion in circumference.
iissue, ground, all the mature plant tissues except the epidermis; periderm and vascular
tissue, mature, a tissue which has undergone differentiation.\
tissue, mechanical, a tissue comprised of celis, the walls of which are more or less thick·
eoed; such tissues give support to the plant body. Also referred to as supporting tissues.
tissue, proliferation, a tissue which develops from phloem parenchyma in the outer pOf·
tion of-the inner bark aceomodating the expansion/in circumference.
tissue, transfusion, that tissue which, in the leaves~o{ the Gymnospermae, surrounds or
is associated in some other way with -the vascular bundles. Comprised of dead tra·
cheids and living parenchyma cells.
tissue, transmitting, a tis~ue in the style similar to the tissue of the stig91a in both strue·
ture and physiological properties; connects, the stigma and the inside of the ovary.
tonoplast, the cytoplasmic membrane whieh borders the vacuole.
torus, the thickened central portion of- the pit membrane in a bordered pit.
trabecula, a rod·like projection of the cell wan which· crosses the cell lumen, usually in
a radial direction.
trace, branch, that part of a vascular bundle in the stem extending from the position
where it joins the vascular system of the branch to where it joins the vascular system
of the majn stem.
trace, leaf, that part of a vascuJar bundle/ in the stem from the position where it enters
the leaf to where it joins the vascular system of the stem.
trachea, see fessel. \
tracheary element, that type of xylem element which takes part in water transport. \.
Classified into two types-tracheid and vessel member. ;' I ..
tracheid, a tracheary element of the xylem, which unlike the vessel member, is not
perforated. ---v;;:
triarch, the primary xylem of root in which the number of protoxylem strands is three.
trichoblast, a specialized cell in the root epidermis which gives rise to a root hair.
trichome, an epidermal appendage; may be of various shapes, structures, size and func·
tion; includes hairs, scales, etc. /
tunica, the outermost layer or layers in the apical shoot meristem of the Angiospermae
in which the plane of division is almost entirely anticlinal.
tylosis, an outgrowth of a ray cell or of an axial parenchyma cell into the lumen of a
vessel; such outgrowths partially or completely block the vessels.
tylo'loid, a prolif.eration of an epithelial cell into an intercellular cavity such as resin or
gum duct.
Glossary of Terms 493

unifacialleaf, a leaf in which the structure of both sides is alike and in which each side
forms a mirror-image of the other side. Ontogenetically, a leaf which develops from a
centre of growth situated on one of the sides of a leaf primordium.

l'3cuoiation, the shape, amount and size of the vacuome. Also the process of forming
vacuole, a cavity in the cytoplasrTl containing an aqueous solution, the cell sap.
vacuome, the collective term for all the vacuoles of a single cell.
vascular, an adjective referring to the xylem or phloem or both.
vascular bundle, a strand of conducting tissue. The following types of vascular bundles
are recognized: (1) bicollateral vascular bundle-vascular bundle in which phloem
is present both on the outside and inside of the xylem; (2) collateral vascular bundle
-vascular bundle in which phloem is present on one side of the xylem only, common-
ly external to it; (3) concentric ~ascular bundle-vascular bundle in which the phloem
surrounds the xylem (i.e. amphicribral) or the xylem surrounds the phloem (i.e.
vein, a strand of vascular tissue in a flat organ, such as a leaf.
velamen, the multiseriate epidermis present on the aerial roots of some ropical epiphytic
species of the Orchidaceae and Araceae; also present on some terrestrial roots.
venation, the arrangement of the veins in the leaf blade.
~ vessel, a series of vessel members joined end to end by their perforated end walls.
Also termed trachea.
_vessel member, a tracheary elemeflt, one of the cells of which a vessel is comprised.

wall, general, the gelatinous wall which at first surrounds the pollen'mother cell and
then later the developing tetrad.
waUlayer, terminal, see wall layer , tertiary.
wall layer , tertiary, according to 'some authors, a layer present on the inside of the inner
layer of the secondary wall.
wall, special, the first wall formed which separates each of the pollen grains in the tetrad.
\'II\\tt Su\\~t\\te, 'S.maU granules. ocCurring em the tnner 'S.urface of the s,ocondary wall of
tracheids, fibres and vessels.
wood, compression, the reaction wood of the Coniferae, formed on the lower side of bent
or leaning trpnks and. branches.
wood, diffuse-porous; the $ecoiidary xylem of a single growth ring in which,the vessels
are more or less uniformly distributed or in which the diameter of vessels alters only
slightly across the growth ring.
wood, reaction, the secondary xylem ""ith special structure, produced in those parts of
trunks and branches which leaJ1 or are bent; apparently tends to return these organs
to their original position. Tension wood in the Dicotyledonae; compression wood in the
wood, ring-porous. secondary xylem of a single growth ring in which the vessels pro·
duced at the beginning of a growth season are significantly larger than those produced
at the end Qf the &eaSQn.
wood, tension, the reaction wood of the Dicotyledoneae formed on the upper side of
leaning or bent trunks and branches.
woody, an entire plant or a plant organ with well developed secondary xylem.

xeromorphic, having structure typical of xerophytes.

xerophyte, a plant adapted to arid habitats.
xylem, the tissue mainly responsible for conduction of water in vascular plants; charac-
terized by the presence of tracheary elements. Xylem, especially secondary xylem~
mav also serve as a sUDDortin!!. tissue.
Numbers in bold type indicate bibliographic references

Abbe, L. B. 124,129,327,330 Barnard, C. 361,435

Addicott, F. T. 235,236,236 Barnes, C. R. 236
Addoms, R. M. 458,464 Bartels, F. 47,69
" Agthe, C. 415,421,422,434,436 Batchelor, L. D. 434,438
Aldaba, V. C. 87,88,100 Baum, H. 397, 398, 435
Alexandroy, W. G. ,98,100 Beer, M. -83,84
Allen, G. S. 53, 64, 69 Behrens, VV.J. 415,435
Allsopp, A. 231,236 Ben~Shaul, Y. 11,12
Ambronn, H. 80,84 Berkley, E. E. 30,41
Amos, G. L. 322 Bernstein, Z. 48, 120, 129, 194, 281,
Anderson, D. 80,84 284,329,330
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Avery, G. S., Jr. 226, 228, 231, 236, ,Bonner, J. 130,135
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Barkley, G. 106,116 Buck, G. J. 283,284
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Frei, E. 413,436 268,270,450-453,458,464,470-472,
Frey-Wyssling, A. 17, 18, 24, 27--30, 478,479
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323,389,413,416,422,436 Heinricher, E. 205,237
Fritz, F. 140,161 Helder, R. J. 422,436
Frost, F. H. 111,117 Henry, R. D. 158,161
Henslow, G. 380,436
\ Herrero, J. 283,285
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270,446,448,449,458,461,463,464, Johnson, M. A. 52, 53, 71, 225, 237
472,479 Jones, H. 231,237
Gwynne-Vaughan, D. T. 191 Joshi, A. C. 395,436
Jost, L. 249,270

Haber, A. H. 479,479
Haberlandt, G. 2, 6, 80, 84, 87, 95, Kallen, F. 91,101
101,130,136,141,207,221,237,274, Kaufman, P. B. 67, 71, 227, 230, 232,
284 233,237
Hammer, K. C. 161 Kavaljian, L. G. 65,66,71
Handley, R. 258,270 Kemp, M. 52, 53, 71
Handley, W. R. C. 106, JI7, 303,323 Kerr, T. 22,25,30,34,41,42
Hanstein, J. 7,46,56,65,70,120,429, Kersten, H. 106,117
436 Kessler, G. 120,129
496 Author Index
Blinning, E. 150,151,159,160 Day, A. C. 86,100
Burkholder, P. R. 283 De Bary, A. 2,5, 13/, 135, 137-139,
Burmeister, J. 70 141,145,160,169,191
Buvat, R. 34,42,44,59,60,69 De Candolle, A. P. 360, 395, 435
Bystrom, B. G. 271,479 De Fraine, E. 205,236
Dembo, N. 145,148,160
Dermen, H. 47,60,70,225,237
Canright, J. E. 382,435 De Robertis, E. D. P. 10,42
Carlquist, S. 5 Dittmer, H. J. 158,160,260,269
Carlson, M. C. 256, 269 Djaparidze, L.1. 98,100
Caspary, R. 415, 435 Douglas, G. E. 376,378,379,435
Catesson, A. 275, 284 Douglass, A. E. 313,323
Chalk, L. 78,79, 109,117, 142, 149, Douliot, H. 169,192
153, 158, 161, 169, 192, 219, 238, Duchaigne, A. 81,83,84
262, 270, 313, 320,323 Duckworth, R. B. 83,84
Chaloner, W. G. 146, 160 Duval-Jouvc, 1. 204,237'
Chan, A. P. 57,61,71,361,43,
Chattaway, M. M. 109, 117, 287,
323, 335, 341, 348 Eames, A. J. 2,5,6,8,67,70,78, 139,
Cheadle, V. I. 108, 112-114, 117, 160,169,171,173,191,234,237,269,
119, 124-126, 129, 330, 356, 358, 312,313,315, 3J7, 323, 332, 335, 339,
358 342,344,346,348,358,367,370,371,
Chouard, P. 356, 358 373,374,376, 378, 380, 386, 395, 435,
Chute, H. M. 380, 435 464,497,468,- 469, 472, 477, 479, 479
Clarke, S. H. 320, 323 Epprecht, W. 129
Clements, F. E. 202; 203, 239 Erdtman, G. 389-391,394,435
Clements, H. 460, 464 Esau, K. 2, 4, 6, 34, 36, 42, 54, 70
Clowes, F. A. L. 47,64-68,69,247, 78, 80, 84, 86, 91, 101, 109, 110,
269, 354 358 117,119-121,124,125; 127,128,129,
.c Clowes, H. C. 236 135,160, J66, 169, 173, 184, 191, 233,
Cockerham, G. 282, 284 237,244, 255, 256, 258, 264, 268, 269,
Cormack. R. G. H. 159.160,243,269 311,323, 325, 328-330,330,358, 384,
Corner, E. J. -H. 363,- 435, 466, 469, 435,~464, 478
479 Evenari, M. 188,189,191,263,269
Cossmann, K. F. 243, 269 Evert, R. F. 275, 284, 328,330, 337,
Cote, W. A. 86,100 348
Coulter, J. M. 203,236
Crafts, A. S. 124, 129, 184, 191, 327
330 Facey, V. 235,236,237
Creighton, H. B. 283 Fahn, A. 52, 59-6t,' 70,74,78, 87, 92, ,,
Crooks, D. M. 265,267,269 101,108,116,117,·120,129,142,145,
Cross, G. L. 53,69,225,236 148,157,160,169,175,178,187,189,
CrUger, H. lO6,117 191,~193, 197, 204, 215, 237, 280-282,
Cull,J. M. 451,464 284,285,298,313,314,323,324,329,
Currier, H. B. 119,129 330, 356, 358, 361, 413-415, 422,
Cusick, F. 362, 4JS 436, 442, 444, 446, 449, 464, 465
Cutter, E. G. 52,69,162,191 Fahnenbrock, M. 38,42
First, T. 70.436
Fisk, E. L. 71
Dadswell, H. E. 86,101,317-319,322, Flint, L. H. 148,160
324 Floresta, P. la 342,348
Daumann, E. 413,435 Florin, R. 147,148,160
Davey, A. J. 260, 261, 269 Foard, D. E. 479,479
Davies. G. W. 41. 43. 317. 324 Ford, E. S. 458,464
Author Index 499

North, E. K. 258,270 Robbins, W. W. 449,450,464

Northcote, D. H. 106,117 Roberts, D. L. 282,285
Nowinski, W. W. 10,42 Roberts, R. H. 283,285
Robertson, A. 477,479
Roelofsen, P. A. 27,29,30,42,43,83,
Ogura, Y. 254,270 84,140,142,161
Oppenheimer, H. R. 202, 238, 280, Rosenbaum, 1. 456,464
285 Roth, I. 479,479
Orshan, G. 187,192,263,271 Rouschal, E. 126,129
Overstreet, R. 258,270 Rudenskaja, S. J. 132,136
Rywosch, S. 256, 271

Palladin, W. I. 6, 16, 18, 76, 166, '168,

i 209 Saez, F. A. 10,42
i Palser, B. F. 434,437 Sando, C. E. 456,464
Panshin, A. J. 42,316,323 Sanio, C. 87,103,117
Pant,D. D. 241,270 Sargant,E. 477,479
Parkin, J. 381,437 Sarnat, C. 280,284
Partanen, C. R. 60,71 Sass, J. E. 224,238
Paton;·J:V. 403,437 Satina, S. 47, 71, 72. 225, 238, 401,
Payer,J.B. 363,365,437 437
Periasamy, K. 397,437 Schade,C. 63,66,72
Pfeiffer, H. 236, 238, 349, 351, 359, Scharffstein, G. 131,132,136
422,437 Schenk, H. 349,359
Philipp, M. 339, 342, 348 Schery, R. W. 94,101,135,136
Philipson, W. R. 19, 59, 61, 71, 180, Schieferstein, R. H. 140,142,161
184,191,192 Schimper, A. F. W. 202,204,238
Phillips, E. W. J. 320,323 Schinz, H. 449, 465
Pillow, M. Y. 315,316,323 Schmidt, A. 48, 56, 72
Plantefol, L. 59,71 Schnarf, K. 398,400,402,405,427,437,
Plaut, M. 258:270 438
Pope, M. N. 403,437 Schneider, K. 203,238
Popham, R. A. 53,54,57,61,71,158, Schniewind-Thies, J. 413, 438
161,253,270,361,437 Schoch-Bodmer, H. 403,438
Porsch, O. 413,437 Schoetticheri. W. 388, 400, 415, 438,
Pray, T. R. 232,238 454,455,458,464
Preston, R. D. 27, 30, 32, 43. 83,84 Schoute, J. C. 356,359
Preuss-Herzog, G. 402,437 Schtiepp, O. 52, 53, 66, 72
Priestley, J. H. 23,43,109, 110, 117, Schumacher, W. 36,43
140,161,167,192,258,270,282,285, Scott, B. I. H. 271
303,323 Scott, F. M. 18,23,43,106,117, 142,
Puchinger, H. 98,101 161,242,243,258,271,458,465,469,
Puissant, A. 34,42 479
Puri, V. 380,395,397,437 Scott, L. I. 43,117.303,323
Scurfield, G. 317, 323
Sen, S. 89, 101
Ragland, C. H. 459,464 Setterfield, G. 83,84
Raju, M. V. S. 448,465 Sharman, B. C. 185,192,224,227,231,
Rao, T. A. 96,101 238
Rau, M. A. 434,437 Sharp,L. W. 21,43
Renner, O. 227,238,402,437 Shielos, L. M. 144, 161,203,205, 209,
Rethke, R. V. 448,464 238
Rimbach, A. 260,261,270,271 Shull, C. A. 204,238
Risley. E. B. 129 Sifton, H. B. 202,238
Author Index 5Ql
Wooding, F. B. P. 106,117 Zahur, M. S. 127,129
Wyckoff, R. W. G. 42 Zander, A. 132,136
Wylie, R. B. 202,204,215,217,218, Ziegenspeck, H. 151, 161
239 Zimmermann, J. G. 413,438
Zimmermann. M. 422,438
Zodda, G. 356,359
Yampolsky, C. 422,438 Zohary, M. 186, 192, 263, 271, 442.
Young, J. O. 460,465 444,446,449,464,465
498 Author Index

Khush,G.S. 150,151,159,161 Maheshwari, P. 386, 404, 405, 407,

Kiesselbach, T. A. 403,436 409-411, 424-427, 429, 431-434, 437
Killian, T. 263,270 Mahlberg, P. G. 1131, 132, 134, 136
Kirkwood,1. E. 401,436 Majumdar, O. P. 53,71,83,84. 106,
Klein, S. 12 117
'Knoll, F. 234;237 Mallins, M. E. 117
Knuth, P. 413,436 Manning, W. E. 378,380,437
Koch, M. F. 371,376,436 Marsden, M. P. F. 175,176,191,192
Koller, D. 49,456,479,479 Marstand, E. B. 323
Kolliker, A. v. 7 Martens, P. 22,23,42.381,437 ,,,-
Korody, E. 53,71,225,237 Martin, D. W. 258,271
Kramer, P. J. 257,270 Martinet, I. B. 77,79,161
Kraus, E. J. 203,237 Marvin,I. VV. 19,42,74,76,79
Kraus, G. 455,464 Mass, A. L. 282, 284
Krauss, B. H. 246,270 Matzke, E. B. 7, 19,20,42,74,79,139,
Krauss, L. 451,464 161
Kraybill, H, R. 203,237 Maximov, N. A. 202,237,238
Kribs, D. A. 308, 313,323 McCallum, W. B. 231,238
Krotkov, G. 132,136 McGuire, R. C. 132, 135
Krull, R. 35,42 'McLean, R. C. '2,'6,241,270,' 364,365,
Kumazawa, M. 181,182,191 389, 437, ~39: 464
Kundu, B. C. 89,101 Meier, H. 24,42,474,479
Kuster, E, 15,42,343,348 Melville, R. 394,395,437
Mendel, K. 283,285
Mes~eri, A. 295,323
Ledbetter, M. C. 41; 42 Metcalfe, C. R. 78, 79, 142, 144, 149,
Leinfellner, W. 397,436 153,.158,161,169,192,219,238,262,
Lemay, P. 269 270,320,323 .
Lemee, G. 263,270 Mezze~ti-BambacionyV. 389,437
Leroy, Y. F. 361,436 Millington, VV. F. 71
Leshem, B. 87,92,101 Miltenyi, L. 67,71 .
Lewis, F. T. 74,79 Moh, c. C. 47,71
Liebert, E. 93 Mohl,H. v. 7
Liese, W. - 38, 41, 42, 43 Monsi, M. 442, 446, 464
Linsbauer, K. 137,161 Moreland, C:' F. 148,160
Livingston, L. G. 34,42 Moss, E. H. 187,192,337,348
Lloyd, F. E. 432,437 Masse, B. 283,285
Long, E. M. 243,270 Mathes, K. 203,238
Loomis, W. E. 140, 142,161 J'vIlihlethaler, K. 12,27,·29,35,42,43
Lorch, J. 146,160,395,437 MuJlenders, W. 354,359
Luhan, M. 344,348 'MUlier, C. 80, 8~ .. ./ .
Luxford, R. F. 315,316,323 MUnch, E. 125, 129, ,318, 320, 323
Lynch, R. S. 235,236,236 Mun:ay, M. A. 397,437
Mylius, G. 344,348

MacArthur, M. 460,464
MacDaniels, L. H. 2,6,8,67,70,78, Niigeli, C. W. 28,47,71, 118
139,160,169,171,173,191,234,237, Nast, C. G. 173, 192, 216, 236, 382,
269,312-315,317,323,332,335,339, 391,434
342,344,346,348,359,367,370,373, Negbi, M. 479,479
374,376,378,380,435,437,458,460, Nelson, P. E. 344,348
461, 464, 467, 468, 469, 472, 479 Netolitzky, F. 467-469,474,479
Maclachlan, G. A. 269 Newman,1. V. 274,285
MacMasters, M. M. 451,464 Nightingale, O. T. 458,464
Author Index

Singh, B. 354,359 Tippo,O. 112,117

Sinnott, E. W. 22,43, 106, 117, 175, Tolbert, R. G. 48,72
192,195,238 Tomlinson, P. B. 147, 148, 161, 243,
Sitte, P. 8,43 246,252,271,343,348,356,359
Sjaholm, V. 117 Torrey, J: G. 249,271
Skutch, A. F. 133,136,202,238,354, Transeau, E. N. 204,239
359,361,438 Troll, W. 1-3, 6, 16, 155, 158, 182,
Slade, B. F. 229,231,232,238 211, 255, 345, 364, 395, 475, 476,
Smith, A. C. 382, 384, 434 479
Smith, E. C. 378,438 Tschirch, A. 95,101
Smith, F. H. 378,438 Tukey, H. B. 460,465
Smith, G. F. 106,117 Tupy, J. 409,438
Smith, G. M. 169,192 Turrell, F. M. 148, 161, 202, 204, 239
Smith, W. H. 460,465
Snow, M. 184,192
Snow, R. 184,192 Uhl, N. W. 126,129
",-Solereder, H. 153,161,205,238 Uphof, J. C. T. 153,155,161 \
Soueges, E. c. R. 427, 429, 431, 432,
Spackman, W. 87, 91, 101, 308, 324 Van Fleet, D. S. 80,84,167,192,218,
Spencer, H. J. 130,136 239,245-247,263,271
Sperlich;A. 78,79,130,132,136,221, Van Ticghem, P. 169,192
238 Vestal, M. R. 25, 30, 33, 41, 87, 101
Spornc, K. R. 173, 192, 363, 380, 438 Vestal, P. A. 87,101
Spurr, R. A. 295,324 Volkens, G. '158, 160, 161, 189, 192,
Srivastava, L. M. 327,330 203,205,239.
Starrett, R. C. 343,348 Voss,M. 227,238
Stebbins; G. L. 150, 151, 159, 161
Stecher, H. 30,42
Steeves, T. A. 175,192
Steinbrinck, C. 449,465
Wachs, N. 323 /
Waisel, Y. 280,282,285
Sterling, C. 53,72- .Walsh, J. P. C. de 323
Stern, W. L. 311,324 Wardlaw, C. W. 47,72,162,184,192,
Stern-Cohen, S. 313, 324 438 I ., .-"

Stevens, A. B. P. 221,238 Wardrop, A.' B. 27, 30,41, 43, 86, 101,

Steward, F. C. 27,43 317-320,323,324
Stocking, C. R. 221,238 Wareing, P. F. 282,285 \
Stoler. S. 70,436 Weaver, J. E. 202, 203, 239, 263, 271
Stover, B. L. 251,271 Webber, H. J. 434,438
Strasburger, E. 2, 6, 8, 16, 287, 389, Welton, F. A. 203,239 ...
410,438 Wetmore, R. H. 44;",47,53,61,70,72,
Strugger,S. 119,129 162, 175, 184, 191, 192,.460,464
Subramanyam, K. 434, 438, 448, 465 Whalley, B. E. 274,284
Swamy, B. G. L. 87,91,101,308,324, White, P. R. 44,72
382, 395-397,432,434,435,437,438 Whitford, N. B. 126,129
Szemes, G. 466,473,479 Whitmore, T. C. 340,341,348
Wilcox, H. 65,72, 247, 248, 253, 271
Wilhelm, S. 344,348
Tepfer, S. S. 361,362,367,373,438 Wilson, B. F. 274,285
Tepper, H. B. 47,60,70 Wilson, C. L. 382,394,438
Thielke, C. 47,72,224, 234, 238, 239 Wilson, S. E. 262,270
Thoday, D. 204,239 Winkler, H. 439,465
Tiagi, Y. D. 378,438 Wodehouse, R. P. 391,438
Tiemann, D. H. 316,324 Wolff, C. F. 47,72,360
~or Index 501

ding, F. B. P. 106,117 Zahur, M. S. 127,129

coif, R. W. G. 42 Zander, A. 132,136

" R. B. 202,204,215,217,218, Ziegenspeck, H. 151,161
Zimmermann, J. G. 413,438
Zimmermann, M. 422,438
Zodda, G. 356,359
polsky, C. 422,438 Zohary, M. 186, 192~63, 271, 442.
19,J.O. 460,465 444,446,449,464,465
Numbers in italics indicate that emphasis is placed- on the subject. Numbers in bold
, type indicate that the subject is cited in a figure or in a legend to a figure

Abies, 289,292,294 Adnation (fusion in flower), 360, 374,

balsamea, 327 376, 378, 378
concolor, 56 Adonis vernalis, 455
'pinsapo, 147 Adoxa moschatellina, 424
procera, 65 Adventitious organ (see also Root and
Abscission Shoot), 2, 3, 45
of branches, 234 Adventive embryony, 432,433
of floral parts, 234,422 Aeonium arboreum, 309
of fruit, 234 Aerenchyma, 207, 209, 262, 461
'-"of leaf 234,235,331 Aeschynomene, 315
~Abscission tissue, 234,447, 447, 463 Aescuius, 34,156,232·
Abscission zone fruit, 444, 446 Aethionema carneum, 447
of 454 Agave, 91,92,93,94,142,248,356
of leaf, 234,235, 235 sisalana, 93
Abutilon, 156 Ailanthus, 348
striatum, 421 altissima, 119, 156~ 413
Acacia, 149, 195, .301, 319, 331'"1387, Air chamber, 205, 207
393,466 development, 207
albida, 307, 308 Air passage, 207,210
cyanophylla, 281,298,305.308 Ajuga, 371,455
raddiana, 280; 281, 296, 304, 308, reptans, 376
,321,347,444,444 ' Akene (see also Achene and Achenium),
retivenea, - 466 440,441,455
(ortilis, 280,281,304,321 Albumin, 17
Acanthaceae, 144,151,351 Albuminous cell, 118, 126, 127-128,
Acanihus, 425 224,327
Accessory bundle, 227 Alburnum, see Sapwood
Accessory cell (see also Subsidiary cell), Aleurone grain, 8,15,16,17,474
145 development, 17
Acer, 106,282,289,298, 308, 315, 319, Aleurone layer, 452,474
322,328,331 Algae, 9
striatum, 137 Alismatales, 151
Achene (see also Achenium and Akene), Alkaloids, 15,130
440 Allium, 65,132,412,420,421
Achenium (see also Akene and Achene), cepa, 11,66,78,133,141, .ISO, 234,
380,440 476,477
Achillea jragrantissima, 187, 337, 351 neapolitanum, 261
Acarus, 168 Aloe, 140,141
Actinophloeus, 356 arborescens, 168, 343, 356, 357, 358
Actinostele, 170,170 aristala, 139
Active transport theory, 126 Althaea, 82,414
Adaxial meristem, 223, 227, 232, 233 Alyssum, 142
Adiantum, 172 Amaranthaceae, 118,169,351
504 Subject Index

'Amaryllidaceae, 356,414,468 Antipodal cells, 410,413,434

Ambrosia. 394 Antirrhinum majus, t 140
Amides, 78 Anvillea, 449
Ammi visnaga~ 448,449 garcini, 446
Amoora, 262 Aperture of pollen grain, 389, 390,
Amphivasal bundle, see Vascular bundle 391,393
AmylopJast, 12 types, 391, 392
Anabasis, 145,148,187,332,335,337, Apex
344 in angiosperms, 49,56-59
articulata, 50, 138, 152, 178, 188, in gymnosperms, 53-56,55
189,189,203,281,335,352 main, 61
Anacardiaceae, 177,219,221 in pteridophytes, 51,52,52
Anacharis, 47 reproductive, 6/.62,362
canadensis, 12,50 in root, 3, 6/-67, 66, 68, 253, 264,
Anagallis, 440 432
Anagyris, 205~ 414 in shoot, 3, 4, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
foetide" 444,444 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,.58, 59, 60, 60,
Ananas, 246,439 65, 66, 68, 264, 266, 431, 432, 474,
Anastatica hierochimtica, 449 476,477,478
Anastrophia md/olia, 376 in stem, 47
Anchusa, 455 vegetative, 47,48-50,57,58,59,61,
Androecium, 360 361
Androgynophore, 361 Apical cell, 51,52,52,54,60,62,63,63
Androphyll, 395 Apical cell theory, 47
Anemone nemorosa, 455 Apical initials (see also -Initials), 46,
Angiospermae (Angiosperms) /' 47,51,52,52,55,241
fibres, 92 Apical meristem, J, 44-48, 58, 59, '67,68
gynoecium, 397 Cryptomeria-Abies type, 56
laticifers, 130 Cycas type, 53,51
leaf, 194, 224, 227 in flower, 362 I
male gametophyte, 409 Ginkgo type, 55-56
ovule, 466 in inflorescence, 362
phloem, 120,126,128,325 in lateral roots, 241, iS5
pit, 38 in leaf, 5,48, 193, 225, 234
root, 246, 254, 255 Opuntia type, 57,58
shoot apex, 49,52,54,56-59 in root, 2, 3, 5, 45,' 252, 253. 257
stem, 175 in shoot, 3, 5, 45, 58'<;0, 162, 163
style, 401 usual angiosperm type, 57
xylem, 111-113,290 Apiumgraveolens, no, 452, 453
Angiosperms, see Angiospermae Apocarpous, see\ Gynoecium ,
Aniline blue, 119,122 Apocynaceae, 118: 131, 135, 167, 471
Anisocytic (cruciferous) type of stoma, Apogamy , I
149~ 150 diploid, 432
Anisotropic properties, of cell wall, 23, haploid, 432
24,29 Apomixis, 432,434 /
Anneau initial, 60 recurrent, 432
Annonaceae, 220,252 non-recurrent, 432
Anomocytic (ranunculaceous) type of Apospory, generative, 432
stoma, 149,149 Appendicular theory, 376
Anther, 361,382,398,407,409 Apple (see also Pyrus malus), 337,344
dehiscence, 385, 385, 386 Apposition, growth by; 30
development, 382 Aquifoliaceae, 114
Anthesis, 398 Aquilegia, 370,373,374
Anthocyanin, 14,15,142,219 caerulea 366,368,369,372
Subject Index 50S
Araceae, 151, 242,468 Balsa wood (se~ also Ochroma), 314,
Arachis, 67,151,424,469 315
Araliaceae. 169 Banana (see also Musa), 16,45,49,61.
Araucaria, 291,313 202,231,355,356,361,461
Araucariaceae, 291 Bark, 280,296,328,339
Arbutus, 332,335,341 inner, 339,341,348
andrachne, 392 morphology, 341
Areoli, 213,214,232 outer, 339,341,342,347,348
Aril, 404,405,466 ring, 341
Aristida ciliata, 203 root, 279
Aristolochia, 86, 328, 333, 335, 350, 380 scaly, 341
triangularis, 349 stem, 95,279,341
Aristolochiaceae, 142,221, 468 Basal cell, 427,429
Aromatic compounds, 2SB Bauhinia, 414
Artemisia, 186,187,197,337,351,394 purpurea, 419,420
herba-alba, 187,350,351 Beet (see also Beta), _260,261
monosperma, 280 Begonia, 18,81,169,256
Arthrocnemum. 95 Begoniaceae, 138
glaucum •. 95,96, 187, 188, 215 Bellevaliaflexuosa, 261
:Arum, 213 Bellis perennis, 59
'Asclepiadaceae, 118, 131, 135, 167, Bennettitales, 177
351,387,471 Berberidaceae. 169,181,468
Asclepias, 82,131,388,414 Berberine, 18
Asparagus, 77,140 Berry (baeca), 441,455,461
aphyllus, 169 development and structure, 455,
Asperu/a, 433 456-458
Asphodeline~ 421 Beta, 8i, 248, 266, 353, 466
lutea, 420 f Betula, 332,347
Asphodelus, 405,420,421,425 Betulaceae, 114
jistulosus, 404 Bignoniaceae, 414
lenui/oUus, 241 Birefringence, 31, 32
Asterad type of embryo development, Bixaceae, 363
427,429 Boccia!rutescens, 466
Asterosclereid, 95,207 Boehmeria, 92
Astragalus nivea (ramie), 87,88, 89, 91,.93,,94
amalecitanus, 444 Boraginaceae, 414
!ruticosus, 444,446,446 Barago officinalis, 455
hamosus, 444,444,446 Boronia, 215
macrocarpus, 442,444,444 Botrychium, 273
Atactostele, .170,173 Bougainvillea, 321,329,351,354
Atriplex, 153,186,200 glabra, 353
halimus, 187,199,215,216,353 Brachychiton, 439
portulaca ides, 154, 197,199,353 Brachysclereid (see also Stone cell), 91,
Atropa belladonna, 81 95,461
Austrobaileya, 382 Bract, 61,361,439,449
Autochory, 461 Branch gap, 172.173
Auxin, 236, 282 Branch trace, 172,180
Avena, 15,16,181,399 Branching
Avicennia, 262 in root, 241
Axial theory, 376 dichotomous, 61
Azalia, 52 endogenous, 241
exogenous, 241
Bacca, see Berry monopodial, 2,3
n .. _ _ _ -"_'
Rack w~" fiT1 ... ",.rti ,.... In 1 A7
506 Subject Index

Brassica, 6.? 142, 149, 221 Cambial zone, 274,274,275,279

Bruguiera eriopetala, 262 Cambium, -t4l, 87,250,272,280,;298,
Bryonia dioica, 455 325
Bud, 162,163; 193, 227, 260 activity, 279-282, 318
<l:xilIary, 1,2,44,48,61 'cell division, 272, 277. 278, 279
of embryo shoot, 477 cork, 273,331 -
lateral, 2, 61 factors influencing cambial activity.
sprouting or bursting, 281,282 282
terminal, 1 fascicular, 273
vegetative, 59 interfas'cicuIar, 273 "
Bulliform cell, 143, 144, 159, 205, 206 methods to determine cambial activity,
function, 144 280
Bundle, see Vascular bundle monocotyledonous, 356,357
dorsal and ventral, see Carpel non-storied (non-stratified), 278,
'Bundle sheath, 196, 199, 206. 207 288
215,216,217,218 in root, 253-254,260,274,286
Bundle sheath extension, 204, 211, secondary. 259,260
214,216,216-218 in stem, 272,274,286, 350
Junction, .217,218 storied (stratified), 276, 277, 277,
Bupleurum subovatum, 420,421 i 278,288
Butomaceae, 366 vacuolation in cells, 275
ButomaJes, 151 vascular, 186,273-283
Butomus, 210 / Cambium-like transitional zone (in shoot
umbel/arus, 365 apex), 54,55,56,58,58, 59
Buxaceae, 114, 220, 221 / Camellia, 9S
Campanula, 440
Campanulaceae, 114, 414
Cabbage (see also Brassica), 143 Campsis radicans, 344
Cactaceae, 78,114,378,405 Canada balsim, 327
Caesalpinia, 414 Cannabis, '131,132
Calcium, 23,156,243,474 sativa, 87,93,94
carbonate, 23,41,158 Cannaceae,- 151
oxalate, 17,23,87 Caoutchouc,. 142
pectate, 23 Capitulum, 380,446,448,449
Calendula', 414, Capparidaceae, 78,149,219 \
officinalis, 454,455 Cappar{s, 361,414·
Calligonum comosum; 186,280 sicula, 417,418-
Callose, 119, 120, 123, 329, 387, 409 spinosa, 203
cylinder, 119,120 Caprifoliaceae, 39,244,380
platelet, 119,122,123 CapseUa bursa-pasloris, 408,425;' 427,
plug, 130,409 429~' . \ \
Callous tissue, see CaIlus and Wound Capsule, '440, '446-448,448
tissue - ------- fieshy, 461, 463
Callus (CalIous tissue, Wound tissue), opening mechanism, 446-448 / '
45,240,283 Carapa, 262
Callus (of sieve elements), 119,120,121 Carbohydrates, 78, 124, 311, 389,416
definitive, 120,329 Carcerulus, 440
Calotropis, 341 Cardamine pralensis, 256
Caiycanthaceae, 78,169 Carica, 132
Ca/ye%me vilJosa, 444 papnyn, 130, 315
Calyptrogen, 65 Caricaceae, 132
Calyx, ·360,371,376,446 Carotene, 13,15.18
Cambial activity, see Cambjum Carotene body, 12
"",1 ")"10 '1,1 r"r,.-.,t .. n"'irl<l, 14. 1 'ij
Subject Index 507
Carpel, 360, 363, 365, 365-369, ."<9, companion, 118,121,126,127-128,
376.380,394-403,439,440.453.;~O 327
cohesion, 374,376 complementary, 345, 346, 347, 347
con duplicate, 395 cork, 141,144,159,332, 341
dorsal bundle, 368, 369, 395, 397, cross, 452
457,460,461 crystal-containing, 332
dorsal trace, 368, 369, 373, 374 generative, 407,409,409
free, 361, 399 guard, 137,141,145,146,147, 148,
fused~ 399 ISO, 151, 152, 159, 160, 164, 203
histology, 398-403 long, 141, 143, 144
lateral bundle, 371 malpighian, 467,469,472
lateral trace, 370 mother, 21,23,63,65,68,126,145,278
marginal bundle, 368,371 multinucleated, 9
phylogeny, 394-398 myrosin, 144,219
sill, 364,365,366 nectar-secreting, 415
ventral bundle, 369, 374, 395, 397, nectariferous, 417
457,~60 passage, 245,247
ventral or marginal trace, 368, 369, raphide-containing, 159
373,374 resin-secreting, 292
wall, 461 secretory, 164, 219, 244, 286, 292
Carpophore, 454 short, 141,143,144
Carrot (see also Daucus), 254,258 sieve, 121,123,327
Caruncle, 466,475 silica, 141,143,143,144,159
~Carya, 227,315,328,341 sporogenous, 405; 412
buckleyi, 229 stone, see Brachysclereid
Caryophyllaccac, 67,151 storage, 17, 77
Caryophyllad type of- embryo develop- subsidiary or accessory 141, 145,
ment, 429 , T 146,147,149, 151, 159, 222
Caryopsis, 440,451,451-452, 477 tannincontaining, 219
Casearia nitida" 311 terminal (of embryo)~ 427,428,429,
Casparian strips (bands), 40,166, 167, 430
218,221, 244,246, 247, 253, 258, tube, 451,452
263,344 vegetative, 407,409,424
Castanea, 315 water-storing, 78,188
Castilla, 135 Cell plate, 21,22,22,34,272,278,279
Casuarina, 124,169,422,4-24 Cell sap, 7; /4, 15, 78; 125,147, 204,
Catalpa, 315 288,463
Cataphyll, 193,194,219,232 Cell theory, _9
Cattleyapercivaliana, 413 Cell wall, 7, 8, 14,21-41,22, 28, 88
Cauline bundles, 178, 179 apposition growth, 30
Ceara rubber, 135 in collenchyma, 80, 81
Cedrus, 24,3&,221,222,292,294,321 in cork, 332
deodara, 223 in endodermis, 166,167,244,246,247
libani, 293 in epidermis, 139,189
Ceiba pentandra, 92,94 fine structure in primary, 28-30
Cela straceae, 114 fine structure in secondary. 25-28,
Cell, 7-41 30-33
accessory or subsidiary, 145 formation, 21-23
albuminous, 118,126,127-128, 224, in guard cells; 147, 148
327 intussusception growth, 30
apical, 52,52,54,60,62,63 in laticifers, 130
basal (of embryo), 427, 428, 429, layering in secondary, 24-27
430 mosaic growth, 30
bulliform, 143, 144, 159, 205, 206 multinet growth, 30

508 Subject In
Cell wall (cont.) Chimonanthus, 174
primary. 22, 23, 25, 27, 28-30, 29, Chitin, 29
34,36,75,77,287 Chloranthaceae. 112, 113, 178
secondary, 23-26,24,26,27,28,29, Chlorenchyma, 77, 165
3D, 31, 32, 36, 37, 37, 40, 85, 95, Chlorophyll, 13-15,189,244
103,287 Chloroplast, to, 11, 12, 12-15, 17
in secondary xylem, 314 80,142,186,189,197,199,200,
in sieve elements, 124 213,215,218,224,244,332,333
structure of cellulose, 28,29 Chromatin, 10
tertiary, . 24 Chromonemata, 10
Cellular endosperm, 425,426 Chromopiast, 8, to, 11,13, 15, 45E
Cellulose, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 33, 82, 83, Chromosome, 10,47
140, 141, 144, 166, 245, '246, 314, Chrysanthemum
319,333,389,469,474 anethi/oNum, 62, 176
a-cellulose, 86 indicum, 139
crystals, 31-33,444,446 leucanthemum, 376
microfibrils, 26,29;33,34,'318 mori/olium, 59
orientation, 30-33 Cicer, 432
structure, 28,29 ariefinum, 433
Celtis~ 248 Cichorium, 132,163,449
Centaurea, 197,394 pumilum, 446
Central'cylinder (see 'also Vascular cy- Circumscissile dehiscence of fruit,
linder), 263 Cistaceae, 309
Central meristem (in shoot apex) (see Cistus, 414
also Rib meristem), 53 . villosus, 417,419
Central mother cells (in shoot apex), Citrus, 76,148, 2 to, 219, 220, 243,
53,54,55,55, 56,57,58, '58,59-61 414, 419, 434, 441, 458, 458.
Centranthus, 414 limon, 418,419
macrosiphon, 424 Clematis, 341
Centrospermae, 406 Climbing root, 240
Ceratonia, 220; 280, 298, 301, 307, 322, Closing layer (in lenticel), 345,
414,422,474 Closing membrane (see also Pit n
siliqua, 280,467 brane), 36
Ceratophyllum, 205 Cluster type of vessel arrangement,
submersum, 211 Cochlearia armoracia, 81
Cerddiumfloridum, ...,.,.469 Cocos, 441
Cerds, 321,322 Coenocyte, 9
siliquastr~m, 229,297,308,414 Coffea, -"'77,441
Chalaza, 370,403,405,425 - " . . . . . - Cohesion-(fusion in flower}, 360,
Chalazal . ,.'/ _....,/ 376,376
'chamber, 426 Cohesion mechanism (in organ m
haustorium, 426 ment), 449
pole; 410,412 Cohesion tissue, 447,448,449
region, 424 Colchicine, 47,60, 225
Chamaerops hurnilis, 147 /
Colchicum, 145,414
Chelidonium rnajus, 466,473 rilchii, 418,418
Chenopodiaceae, 67,92,118,138,153, steveni, 261
169, 177,178, 186, 187: 220,260, ,Coleoplile, 251,268,431,477,478
274, 321, 329, 351, '352, 354 'Coleorrhiza, 251, 431, 477, 478,
Chenopodial type of embryo develop- Coleus, 48,81,106,235,256
ment, 429 , b/umei, 50,58
Chimera (see also Cytochimera) Collenchyma, 3, 45, 73, 80-84, 8:
- polyploid, 47 333
, 47 angular, 81,82,82
Subject Index 509
annular, 81 Corpus,' '-.!7, 225
in fruit; 442,455, 458, 46~ Cortex (cortical tissue), 3,4, 5, 45, 46,
lacunar, 81 169, 172'-175, 181, 182, 241, 256,
lamellar, 81,82 286;339
in leaf, 81, 128, 209, 212, :218, 234 collenchyma, 46
in root, 244 in desert plants, 189
in stem, 81,164,165 fleshy, 187; 188
Colleter, 156 ~or~gin, 59 .
Colour substances (in wood), 288,< 289 In root, 45, 74, 243-245, 245, 247,
Calpa (in pollen grain), 394' 252, 255, 255, 258, 259, 260, 261,
Columella, 63,64,65,242 261
Commelina communis, 150 sclerenchyma, 46, 243
Commelinaceae, 151,243 in stem 44,45,74,95,187,243
Common bundle, 178,179 Cortical bundle, 169
Companion cell, 118,121,126-128,327 Cortical root, . . . 241
Complementary cell, 34S~ 346, 347, 347 Corypha talieri, 147
Compositae, 76, 82, 118, 130; 132, 135, Cotoneaster, 414
154, 167, 219, 243, 361,371, 394, dammeri, 256
398, 414, 440, 449, 453: 455, 468 Cotyledon, I, I, 34, 162, 177, 193,
Conduplicate carpel, 395 264-266, 266, 269, 424, 429, 432,
Coniferae (see also Conifers), 76 474, 475, 476,477 ______
Coniferales, 38, 105, 120, 124, 148, Cotyledonary bundle, 268
219,225,252,290 Cotyledonary node, 265, 267, 268
Conifers (Coniferae), 115, 142, 203, Cotyledonary trace, 265-267
221,247,275,277,278,282,290 Crambe, 440
apices, 52 Crassula, '40,290, 298
resin ducts, 292 Crassulaceae, 220,221,'309; 376
wood (secondary xylem), 290, 317 Crataegus, 124
Connecting strands (in sieve areas), azarolus, 300
1/9,120,123,125,126 Cremocarp, 441,453,452-454
Connective, 361,382 Crepis, 427
Contlactile root, 260-262,261 Cross-cell, 451,452
Convallaria majalis, 168 Cross field, 291
Convolvulaceae, 118, 132, 150, 167 Cross zone, 366
Convolvulus, 132 Crucifer type of embryo development,
Corchorus, 86,92 427,429
capsularis, 93, 94 Cruciferae, 39,78, 144, 15:1,219,221,
Cordaitales, 177 244,397,414,440,468
Cordyline, 168,252,343 Crypsis schoenoides, 143
Cork, 189, 331, 333, 335, 337, 338, Cryptomeriajaponica, 56
340,343,348 Cryptostegia, 135
cambium, 273,331 grandi/loya, 131
cell in Gramineae, 141, 144, 159- Crystals, 17-19, 18, 143, 188, 189,
cell in phellem, 332,341 214, 215, 221, 287, 327,328, 358,
commercial, 342, 348 419
in fruit, 460 substances and types, 11,18
interxylary, 351 Crystal chamber, 287,328
in root, 337 Crystal sand, 18
storied, 338,343 Cucumis, 441
tissue, 137, 189, 331, 335, 339, 348 Cucurbita, 81,86, lOS, 119, 122, 123,
wound. 343 ' 123,183,399,401
Comus, 331, 380 pepo, 394
Corolia, 360, 380 Cucurbitaceae, 118,144,149,167-169.
sympetalous, 371 256,380,414
510 Subject Index
Cupressaceae, 252,291,327 Darbya, 379
Cupressjnociadus, 146 Datura, 399,401
Cupressus, 293,321,341 Daucus, 248, 261, 264, 265
sempervirens, 293,326 carota, 256
Curcuma, 343 Degeneria, 382,395,397
Cuticle, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 147, vitiensis, 384
148, 156,159,334 Degeneriaceae, 395, 398
in fruit, 140,452,456,460 Dehiscence (in fruit), 439,440,442-449
layer, 140,141 in capsule, 446
in leaf. 140, 196, 203, 205, 206, 218, in fo11icle, 442
221 in legume, 444
in nectary. 416,417,419 Delphinium, 439,442,444
in ovule: inner, 406; middle, 406; Dermatogen, 56,65
\)\)\'eT, ~% DelYfIiX',1na:rn Mpir.tftfl1n, 1.....,
in petal, 381 Dextrins, 125
proper, 140 Diacytic (caryophyllaceous) type of sto-
in root, 140 ma, 149,'151
in seed, 467,469,471 Dianthus, 142,149,414
in stamen, 382 . caryophyllus, 176,197
in stem, 140, 189,334, 342 Diaphragm, 207,210
in style, 399,403 Dichotomous branching, see Branching
Cuticularization, 140 Dicotyledons,S, 19, 83, 86, 92, 93,95
Cutin, 17,23,25,29,140-142,144,389, bundle sheath, 215
468 cambium, 273
Cutinization, 140,203,242,471 cell wall, 38, 41
Cycadaceae, 142 embryo, 427-431
Cycas, 52, 53, 54, 85, 221 epidermis, 139,159
revo/uta, 52-54, 222 leaf, 193-195, 209, 212, 213, 215,
Cyclanthaceae, 151 216, 218, 224, 225, 231, 232, 234,
Cydonia, 414 235
oblonga, 95,98,461 periderm, 335
Cyperaceae, 87, 142, 144, 145, 147, phellogen in roots, 335
243,248,254 root, 240, 243, 247, 249, 254, 261
Cyperales, 151 secondary xylem, 296-311,313,317
Cyperus papyrus, 75 shoot apex, 48
Cypsela, 380,440,449-451, 450,453, sieve-t~be members, 124,127
454,455 stem, 167,173
Cystolith, 19,41,119,138,221 tension ~ood, 318,
Cytochimera, 225 ~/ type of node, 177,178
Cytoplasm, 7,8,9, 10, 13-15, 17-)9, vascular cylinder, 169,175,249
30, 34, 77, 204, 211, 224, 234, 258 ? vessel, 107,111
components and structure, 9, 10 'Dictyostele, 170,173
in egg cell, 427 Differentiation, 44,184
in embryo sac, 412,425 in cambial cells, 278
in pollen grain, 387 in floral organs, 362
in sieve elements, 124,125 in embryo, .~29, 431, 432
in sporogenous cell, 406 in laticifers, 132
in connection with thickenings of tra- in leaf, 234
cheary elements, 106 in meristematic zone, 46
Cytoplasmic strapd, 8 in metaxylem, 267
" in phloem, 248,253,275
in primary xylem, 251
Dactyloctenium robecchi, 143 in procambium,' 102,273
Dahlia, 16 ' .... in protophloem,\ 184
Subject Index 511

in protoxylenl, 184 406,

410, 424, 424, 431, 432, 433,
in sieve elements, 184 434 "-
of tissues in root, 252-253 Adoxa type, 411,412
in vascular tissue, 184-186,251... . . . Allium type, 411, 412
in xylem, 253,264,275 in angiosperms, 410, 411
Dilleniaceae, 363 bisporic, 412
Diospyros, 34,77, _314, 474 ,-Drusa type, '411
Dipsaceae, 414 . Pritillaria type, 411, 412
Dispersal of seeds, 449, 455, 471 haploid, 432
mechanism in dry fruits, . . -449 monosporic, 410
structural adaptation in fleshY fruits, Oenothera type, 410,411
461-463 '. Peperomia'type, 411
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 10 Plumbage/la type, 411
Dracaena, 168,185,254,343,356,357, Plumbago type, 411
358 /' Polyg(Jnum type, 410,411
reflexa, 413 tetrasporic, 412
Drimys, 48, 395, 397 types, 410-413
piperita, 396 Emerg'eoce, 153,156
Droseraceae, 156 _Endocarp, 441,442,446,452,455,459,
Drupe, 441 / 460,461
Druse, 18,188,189,199 Endodermis, 166-167, 172,174, 175__""-
Dryopteris, 104,167 initiation of lateral roots, 254,255,
Duct 256
gum, 311 in leaf, 218,221,224
oil, 452 in root, 242-244, 244, 245, 246-247,
resin, 76, 219, 289, 291, 292, 293 250,252,257,258, 263'
schizogenous, 219,291,311 Endogenous
secretory, 76,76 branching, 241
Duramen, see Heartwood development of adventitious roots,
Durio zibethinus, 466 256
Dwarf Cavendish banana (see also Musa) development of lateral roots, 254,
58,59,201,229,366 255
Dyad, 412 Endoplasmic reticulum, 10,14,125
Endosperm, 77, 424, 432, 450, 451,
452,459, 466, 467, 469,.470, 472,
Ecballium elaterium, 458,461 473-474, 475, 476,478
Echeveria, 220 cellular, 424,425,426
Echium, 425 development, 424, 424-426
vulgare, 394 helobial, 424,425-426
Ectodesma, 139, 140 mucihiginous, 467,474
Ectoplast (see also Plasmalemma), 10 nuclear, 424,425
Egg apparatus, 410,413 types, 425-427,474
Egg cell (female gamete), 1,410,424, Endothecium, 383, 384, 385, 386
427,432,433 Enzymes, 12,14,403
Eichhornia, 207, 254 myrosin, 78,144,219
Elaioplast, 12, 17 oxidases, 247
Elaiosome, 455,466,473 papaine, 130
Elaterinidin, 463 peroxidases, 247
Embryo, 1, I, 2, 44, 264, 424-434, Epacridaceae. 178
433,466,475,475,478 Ephedra, 108, 177
development, 427-432,427,429 altissima, 56
dicotyledonous, 427-431 Epiblast,' 251,431,478,478
monocotyledonous, 431 Epiblem, 137
Embryo sac (female gametophyte), 405, Epicotyl, 265,475,476
512 Subject Index
Epidermis, 3, 81, 86, 137-160, 141, esculenfa, 132
143,146,331,333,342 milii, 214
cork-cells, 141,144 ,puicherrima, 421
in desert plants, 189 EUphorbiaceae, 131, 132, 135, 142,
excretory, 413 205,219,220
in filament, 382 Eustele, 170,173
in fruit, 442,446,449,450,451,452, EXine, 389,391,394
454,456,460,461,462 Exocarp, 441,442, 452, 455,458,459,
glandular (of the style), 398,401 460,461
inner, in seed, 469,470,470 Exodennis, 243, 244, 245, 245-246,
in leaf, 139, 195, 201, 202-205, 218, 257
222,225,232,234 Exogenous branching, 241
long-cells, 141,143,143 development of adventitious roots,
meristem, 45, 137 256
multiseriate, 137-139,138, 145,152, Expansion tissue, 340
189,206,242 External surface area (of leaf), 202,204
in nectary, 415, 417, 418, 419--421,
origin, 59 Fagaceae, 221
outer, in seed, 468--470, 470, 472 Fagonia crefica, 187
in ovary, 398 Fagus, 67,328,337,341
in perianth, 381 Fats, 12,17,78,389,474
in petal, J 39, 146 Fatty compounds, 247,391
in petiole, 208 Fatty substances, 246,258,388
in root, 137,242-243,244,252 Ferns, 193,227,263
in seed, 139,468-470 'Fertilization, 1,408,424,427,449,459
in slioot, 137 double, 424
short--cells, 141,143 Fibigia clypeata, 471
silica-cells, 141,143,143 Fibres, 25, 31, 33,85-94,98, 102,128,
in stem, 139,164,189 164, 209, 218, 252, 262, 286, 288,
uniseriate, 137,138,242 325,327
in water plants, 205 brush, 94
Epilobium, 440 commercial, 92-94
Epiphyte, 242,244 cordage, 94
Epithem. 221 development, 87-91
-Equisetum, 52,63,67, Ill, 142 evolution ofxylary, 92
Eremurus himalaicus, 424 extraxylary, 75,85,87,88
Ergastic substances, 7,1-:1-,15-19 filling, 94 /'>.",
Ericaceae, 220, 370, 376, 380, 385, 387 ./ flattened, ..... 93,281 ""
Erodiuin, 449, 456 . _.. form and ~ngth, 87,313,'315
Eryngium maritimum, 83 G-layer of wall, 86
Essential oils, 130 ,gelatinous or mucilaginous, 86,297,
Essential oil cavity, 76, 77. 219, 220, 304,318
458,459 hard, 92,94
Eucalyptu" 76, 140, 142, 200, 219, Iibriform, 38,85-87,89,91,92,100,
298,301,308, 322, 331, 332, 341, '112, 116,296, 315
414 ' , living, 92 ._
camaldulensis, 91, 176, 281, 294, lumen, 86, 87
303,315 pericyclic, 86
giganfea, 335 phloem, 86,87,88,91,95,118,250,
gomphocephala, 313 " 325,326 '
hemipiiioia, 196, 200 primary", 91
Euonymus, 466. secondary, 91 ,
Euphorbia, 130, i31, 213, 219,413 septate, 86,89,91,98
Subject Index 513

soft, 92, 9~
dehiscent, 439,440,442-449
substitute, '87,98 dry, 439-441,449,455
textile, 94 false, 440
wood, 36,313,314 fleshy, 378,441
xylary, 85,87,92 fleshy false, 460-461
Fibre-like cell, 222 .indehiscent dry, 440,449-455
Fibre-sclereid, 328" limticels, 344
Flbre-tracheid, _26, 39, 40, 85-87, 89, schizocarpic, 441
91,91,92,100,108,112, 116, 290,~ syncarpous, 439
296,315 Fruit dispersal, 449,455
Ficus, 131,195 Fumaria officinalis, 455
carica, 59 Fungi, 9
elastica, 138,138,145 fungar hyphae (in a vessel), 315
sycomorus, 315, 3~1 symbiotic, 240·
Filament, 361,382;419 Funiculus, 400, 403, 404~ 405, 408,
Filicinae" 52, 173,250 458,466
FlageUariaceae, 151 Furcraeagigantea, 93,94
Flankmeristem, in apex, 53,54,54,55, . Fusiform cell, 21
56-59, 58 ~ / -Fusiform· initial, see Initial
Flavones, 14,15
Floral organs, see Floral parts
Floral parts (organs), 80,360 Gagea lutea, 466
developing, 362, 363, 363, Galanthus niva/is, 354,466
free, 360 Gamete
fusion, 360,378,380 female (see also Egg cell), 410
traces, 367 male, 1,409,424,43-"'.
types, 360 Gametophyte, 175
Floral receptacle, see Receptac1e female· (see also Embryo sac), 410-
Flower, 2,61,360-434 413,424
-apetalous, 380 male 407-409,409
axis, 360,361 Garidella, 414
bisexual, 422 unguicularis, 416,417
epigynous, 361 Generative apospory, 432
female, 422 Generative cclI, of male gametophyte,
fusion of several flowers, 380 407,409,409
hypogynous, 361 Gentiana, 414.
male, 422 Geraniaceae, 149
ontogeny. 361-367,363,365 Germinat.ion, 2,241,476,477
perigynous, 361 epigeal, 2,474
sympetalous, 371,405 / hypogeal, 2,268,269,475
unisexual, 380,422 pollen grain, 400
vascularization, 367-381 Germination tube (see also Pollen tube),
zygomorphic, 364 395
Follicle, 380,439,441,442,444 Geropogon, 213,448,449
Fragaria, 439 Geum urbanum, .....429
Fraximls, 106, 110, 124,276, 289, 298, Gibberellins, 282
321,328,440 Ginkgo, 38,52,54,55,177,213,290,346
syriaca, 301 hi/oba, 56
Fritillaria, 411,412,414 Ginkgoales, 105
imperialis, 421 Gladiolus segetum, 261
Fructose, 422 Gland, 155,219
Fruit, 2, 80, 95, 439-463 chalk (calcium-secreting), IS5, 157,
aggregate, 441 158
classification, 439 epidermal, 155,157,219
514 Subject Index

Gland (CUf{t.) Growth ring

nectariferous (see also Nectary and analysis, 313-314
Nectariferous tissue), 219, 415 in compression wood. 318
salt, 155, 157,157, 158 eccentric, 318
Gleditschia triacanlh~s, 243 in phellem, 337, 340
Glucopyranose, {J.D,120 in secondary phloem, 325
Glucose, 28,422 in secondary xylem, 280, 281, 292,
Glutens, 474 294,297,298,313,318,321
Glycine max, 78 in tension wood, 318
Glycyrrhiza echinata, 444 Guard cdl, 137, 141, 145, 146, 147,
Gnetales, 38,105, 111,290 148, 148, 150, 150, 151, 152, 159,
Gneturn, 108 160,164
Golgi complex (apparatus), 8, 14, 106 in desert plants, 203
Gonophyll, 395 development, 151-153
Gonophyll theory, 394 function, 147,148
Gossypium, 76, 92, 93, 153, 219, 248, types, 145,148
326,469,471,472 Guayule, 135,235
Grain (of wood), '316 (lum, 15,288,311,314,321,322
bird's eyefigure, 316 duct, 311
even, 316 Gummosis, 311
fidd1eback, 316 Guttation, 221
interlocked, 316 Gymnocarposfruticosus, 186
ribbon or stripe figure; 316 '_", Gymnospermae (Gymnosperms)
spiral, 316 cambium, 273
straight, 316 epidermis, 143
uneven, 316, identiticationofwoOO, 291
wavy or curly figure. 316 leaf, 221-224, 222, 225,234
Graminales, 151 periderm, 335
Gramineae. 67, 87, 141. 142-145, 147, phloem, 124,126,128,325
181, 218, 243, 248, 254, '342, 361, procarnbium, 5
389, 398, 424, 431, 440; 473, root, 240,243,246,248,249,253,254
477 secondary xylem, 288,290,291
Grana, 11,12,13 shoot apex, 52-56,55
Grape, 441 stem, 167,175
Grasses (see' also Gramineae), 224, tracheary elements, 40, 111, 190
232,241 xylem rays, 291
Grevillea, 414 Gymnosperms, see Gymnospermae
Ground meristem, 3, 46, 47, 87, 164, Gynoecium, 360, 361, 376, 397, 439
225, 227, 232,233,252,382,429 • apocarpous, _,364, 364. 365, 398,441
Ground tissue, 85,86,181 develo'ping, 363 "-
Growth fusion of bundles, 371
anisotropic, 231 synC"arpous, 365, 367, 368, 396, 398,
apical, 227,232,233 399,401,458
apposition, 30 Gynophore, 67,361,419,420
endogenous, 281 Gypsum, 17
gliding, 20 .. 91
intercalary,. 59,68,227, 23J, 474
intrusive, 20, 35, 88, 91, 98, 132, ·2~8 Hairs, 25;137,395
intussusception, 30 ........ branched, 153,154,398
marginal, 227-229,232,233 epidermal, 92,153-160
mosaic, 30 in fruit: 455,456,463
. multi net, 30 glandular, 456
sliding, 278, 358 hook-like', 455
symplastic, 88,91,132 multicellular, 153, 399, 403, 416
, "
Subject Index 515

peltate, 153,155
Hydathode, 160,220,221,421
in seed, 467 types, 221 "-
shaggy, 154, 154 Hydrilla verticillata, 407
squamiform, 153 'Hydrophytes, 74,142; 205,207
stellate, 153, 154,216 leaf, 74,205, 207
in stigma, 398,399,400,403 root, 207
types, 153,154,154,155 ' stem, 74~207
unicellular, 153, 400, 416, 460, 463 Hygrochastic movements, 144
uniseriate, 153 Hy_menocallis caribaea, 108
vesiculate, 153,154 Hy';;e-'lOcarpos circinnatlls, 444
Halophyte, 187,204 Hyoscyamus~ 440,447'
Haloxylon, 145,148,187,332,337,344 Hypanthium, 378, 379, <457, 460, 461
articulatum, '148,352 Hyparrhenia hirra, ' 217'
Hamelid patens, 376 Hypericaceae. 344,398,468
Hancornia, 135 /.,...Hypericum, 255,440
Haplostele, 170;'170 ;,--- Hypoblast, 431
Haostorium of embfyo, 429,431,432, Hypocotyl, 1,1-3,162,166,182,241,
476,477 251, 258, 260, 264, 265, 266, 267,
Haustorium of endosperm, 425 y 267-269,429,431,432,474,475,476
branched, 426 Hypocotyl - radicle axis, - 265
chalaza!, 426 Hypocotyl - root axis, 2,251
secondary, 425 Hypodermis, 138,152,189, 197, 199,
Heartwood (Duramen), 289,291,296, 201,221,222,461
314,315 biseriate, 22l
Hedera, 376,441 uniseriate, 221
helix, 76~ 378 Hypophysis, 429
Hedysarum pallens, 444,446,446 Hypoxis setosa, 261
Helianthus, 65,414,474 Hypsophyll, 193
annuus, 64
Helobiae, 144
Helxine so/eirolii, 140 Idioblast, 5, 18, 19, 85, 95, 159, 164,
Hemicellulose, 23,25,26,29,77,83,474 221
Hemp (see also Cannabis sativa), 94 Idioblas-tic parenchyma cells, 78
Hepatica fri/aba, 455 . Impatiens, 219, 413, 422, 425, 461,
Heracleum, 83 461,463
Herftlera, 262 balS(lmina, 19
Hesperidium, 441 roylei, 426
Heteropteris anomala, 349 Indehiscent fruit (see also Fruit), 449-
Hevea, 130,132,135 , 455,468 '
brasiliensis, 132,135 Infi'orescence, 361,439,449
Hibiscus, 156,414 Initials, 46,47.52,68
cannabinus (Kenaf), 94 apical, 46
syriacus, 48 apical, in root, 6~, 64, 65, 241, 242
Hilum a'picat, in shoot, 51, 52, 55. 57, 59,
in starch grain, 17 60
in seed, 466 cambial, 92, 274, 275, 278, 279, 287,
Himantandra, 382 356
Histogen, 65 fibre. 87,92
Histogen theory; 46,54 fusiform, 87,272,274,275,276,277,
Hordeum, 15, 153, 181, 251, 253 277, 278, 279, 287, 309, 310, 313
bulbosum, 49 hypodermal, 382
spontaneum, 393 laticifer, 131,134
Hoya carnosa, 91 marginal, 227,229,230,311
Hudsonia 309 parenchyma, 175
516 Subject Index
Initials (cont.) ·Ixiolirion montanum, 261
pennanent, ~3, 64, 64, 65, 68 Juglans, 328,335,376,380,441
phellogen, 332,333 nigra, 378
ray, 274,275,276,279,309 Juice vesicle, 458,458
root cap (calyptrogen), 65 Juncaceae, 142,254,342
sclereid, 98,99 Juncales, 151
storied meristem of protective tissue, Juncus, 74
343 . maritimus, 234
submarginal, 227,228,229,230 Juniperus chinensis, 147
temporary, 64 ..' 64,65 J ussiaea peruviana, 209
types of cambial; 275 Jute (see also Corchorus capsularis) ,
vascular, 175' 94
integument, 405
lateral root, 246,254 KalancllOe, 256
leaf, 224-225,232 fedtschenkoi, 158
Integument, 403, 405, 408, 449, 450, Kapok fibres, 92
466,468,470 Karyolymph, 10
inner, 404,405,451,467,468,470, Kenaf, see Hibiscus cannabinus
472 Kingia, 104,168,356,358
outer, 404,405,406,451,467,468) australis, 169
.,_,_ Korper-Kappe theory, 65-67
Integumental tapetum, 406 Krugiodendron, 315
InterCellular spaces, 23,98,145
in collenchyma, ' 82 ' Labiatae, 156,380,414,441
in epidermis, 139,381 Lactic acid, 133, 174
in fruit, 452,455-458,460,463 ,Lactuca, 132,468
in leaf, 201,202,204,221 sativa, 449,450
in lenticel, 344 Lamina (of leaf), 194, 195, 196, 197,
in nectariferous tissue, 419 206, 209, 213, 225,226, 228, 228-
in parenchyma, 74-76 234
in petal, 381 histogenesis, 228-231
in root, 243,262 origin, 227
in seed, 469 Landolphia, 135
in style, 401 Larix, 26
Intercellular substance, 23, 109::0- Latania,." 252
Internal surface area (of leaf), 201- Lateral meristems, 45,273,332
202,204 Latex, 15, 130, 135 ~

Internode 2, 59, 67, 138, 162, 163, ~/ Lathyrus, ./469 ""

179-181, 184; 189,264,360,477 Laticlfer, ..-5; 73, 102, 130-/35, 328
Intine, 389 ./ articulated, 131,132-133,133,134,
Intsia bijuga, 466 135
Intussusception, growth by, 30 branched, 131--133,133'
Inulin, 14-16 cell-wall structure, 130
Iodine, 26,27,30,124 in embryo, 134
Ipomoea, 132 'in epidermis, 131
batatas, 259,'260 .......... function, 13-0, 135
Iridaceae, 18,414,468; in leaf, 131,134,219,
Iridales, 151 non-articulated, 131-132
Iris, 67, 141, 201, 234, 243, 245, 252, in pericycle,' 132, 248
440 ~ in phloem, 118
!soetes, 273 primary, 132
Isotropic properties of middle lam'ella, -in root, 131,244,248,260
23 ~ secondary, 132
Subject Index 517

in shoot, 131 \ vascular system, 211-218

simple. 131,132,133 water-storage tissue, 204
in stem, 133, 164 xeromorphic, ' 186,202-205
unbranched, 131,132 "- Leaf base, 194,195; 2il, 232, 234, 235,
Laticiferous cells, 131, 135 235,313
vessels, 131,133 \,/ Leaf gap,_ 4,171,172,172, 173,175,
Lauraceae, 78,153,219,367,386 312 "-.., .
Laurus, 124,328,331, 414_ Leaf primordium,. 47-49, 48, 61, 162,
nobilis, 142,176,385 164, 184, 194, 224, 226, 232~234,
Lavatera, 441 233 "
cretica, 392 Leaf trace, 4,169,171,172,175,171-
Leaf, 61, 80, 95, 97, 193-236, 196, 179,178,179,182,194,211,211,
198-201, 206, 209-211, 214, 216, 312,312 .
217,220,222,223,413 effects of secondary thickening,
abscissiC'n, 234-236,235'-/ 311-313
biracial, 197,- ....... types in Zea, :181
blade, 97,139,216 Leaflet, 186,195,'225
bundle, 182 Legume, 380, 439, 442-446, 444, .446,
bundle sheath, 199, 206, 215-218, 456"
217 opening mechanism, 444-446
compound, 195,227 Leguminosae, 39, 78, 95, 139, 177,220,
of conifers, 139 315,439,442,446,468,469
development, 224-234 Lenticel, 332, 339, 340, 342, 344-348,
development of veins, 231-232 345,347
dorsi ventral, 196, 197 development and structure, 346-347
epidermis, 139,204,215 distribution, 344-346
fertile, 395 duration, 347-UB
fields or primordial fields, 164 function, 344, 345
first, 477 in rOlH, 257,262,344,345
foliage, 187, 193-232, 265,477 in stem, 344, 345
of gymnosperms, 221-224,222, 223 Leontice 414
histogenesis, 228-231,229,230 Leonurus, 167
histology, 195-224 Leptadenia, -351
of hydrophytes, 205-207 LeucopJast, 8, 10, 12,; 13, 17,77, 142
isobilateral, 197 Ubocedrus decurrens, 248
isolateral, 196,197 light line, see Linea·lucida
laticifers, 133 Lignification, 236,247,292
mesophyll, 45,133,197-202 Lignified walls, 224,247,288,291,292,
of monocotyledons, 195, 213, 227, 315,332 .
232-234 Lignin, 23, 25, 26, 29, 33, 83, 86, 92,
morphology, 194,195 142, 166, 236, 242, 245,246, 314,
nectaries, 413 319,332,469
palmate, 195,227 Ligule, 233.233
parenchyma, 213,215 Ligusfrum, 48,209
. phyllotaxis (see also Phyllotaxy~, japonicum, 212
163,163 Liliaceae, 132,356,414,431,468
pinnate, 195,227 Liliales, 151
shade, 204 Ulium, 74,197,384,398,399,401,412
sheath, 195,233,234 candidum, 198,408
sheath-like, 195 Linea lucida (light ]inc), 469
simple, 195,227 Unum, 86-88,91,92,93,248,265,471
sterile, 395 perenne, 365
succulent, 202,209 usitatissimum, 24, 75, 87, 94, 142,
unifacial, 234 266,471,472
518 Subject Index

Lipids, 7,8,10,13,17 Marginal meristem in leaf, 233, 234

Liriodendron flllipi/l!ra, 59 Marsilea, 62,167,172
Lithocyst, 41, 138 flow theory, 125
Liverworts, 12 Massulae, 387,388
Lobelia, 425 Matonia, 173
amoena, 426 Mature tissue (permanent ,tissue), 44,
Lobuiaria, 425 45,56,67,73
Locule, 395,397,440,455,460 _Medicago, 254
Loculicidal dehiscence of capsule, 440 sativa, 83,165,261,267
Loganiaccae, 351 Medullary ray. 74,173
LaNum rigidum, 214 'Megagametogenesis, 411
Lomandra, 356, 358 lMegasporangium, 405
Lonicera, 48, 341, 380 lMegaspore, 407,410,412
japonica, 256 development, 407
Lumen (in cell), 36,38, -;1-0, 41, 82, 147" iMegaspore mother cell, 403, 406, 432
452,471 Megasporogenesis, 406,411
Lupi,!us, 398 .Meiotic division, 406,412,432
angustifolius, 446 Melastomaceae, 169
hirsutus, 444,444 Meliaceae. 78,219
!uteus, 400 Melilotus, 444,446
Luzula villosa, 466 alba, 388
Lycopersicoll, 168,248,455,470 -- Memecy[on, 96
escuientum, 11, '165, 249, 455, 470, Mericarp, 441,452,453,456
470 Meristele, 173
Lycopodium, 171 Meristem (meristematic tissue) (see
Lycopsida, 171,173 also Apical meristem, Ground meri-
Lysigenous stem, Lateral meristem and Primary
cavity, 219,449 thickening meristem) 44-69, 85
cavity development, 77 cytological characteristics, 46
space, 75-76,243 intercalary, 45,50,54,67--68, 234
Lysiinachia mauritiana, 446 marginal, 233,234
Lythraceae, 468 periderm, 333
Lylhnlm .ra/icaria, 467 primary, 5,45
root, 65,241
secondary, 45,273,356
Mac/ura, 315,380 stem;'" 67'
Macrosclereid, 95,96,469 storied, 343
Macrospore mother cell, see Megaspore .' surface, 53. 55 ~
mother cell . -_./'" Meristematic cell '-.._
Magnesium pectates, 23 ..- of companion cell, 127
Magnesium salt~ 474 of fibre, 85
Magnolia, 124 of sieve-tube member, 127
acumillata, 341 Meristime d'attente, 59, 60
macrophylla, 467 Mesocarp, 441. 446. 458, 459, 461
Magnoliaccae, 114,142,150,382 Mesocotyl, 477, 478
Malpighian cell, "467,469,472 'to Mesomorphic, 203-205,218
Malva, 82,441,469" 'Mesophyll, '5, 196, 197-205, 199,
silvestds, 467 213, 215, 218, 221, 224, 225, 232,
Malvaceae, 78,142,149,219.220,252, 38V" \
441,468 development, 228
Manihot, 132,135 ....._ dorsiventral arrangement, 196
Mantle, 57 isolateral arrangement, 196
j\:farattia, 173 Mesophyte, 204
fraxinea, 250\ Metacutization, \ 258
Subject Index 519
Metaphloem, 118,128, 231 root, 3,241,243,247,248,254
Metaxylem, 102, 171, 224, 231, 265. seconct'ary growth, 354-358
266 " seed, 468,477
in hypocotyl, 265, 266 stele, 173
in root, 248, 252 primary, thickening meristem, 45,
vessel, 105,252 ',,354,355
Micellae, 28, 29, 33 vascular bundles, 168,169,181,182,
orientation in secondary wall, 30,33 210
Microcapillary spaces, 27,28 vascular system, 169, 181-184
Microcycas. 56 woody, 252
ca/acoma, 56 Monopodial branching, see, Branching
Microfibrils, 25-33, 29, 32, 83 Monotropa, 145
bundle, 28,29,30 Monstera', . 95,96
lameIlae, 28 ' ~oraceae" 131,135,138,142,144,153,
in legume, 444 219
orientation, 30-33 Moringaceae, 219
space between, 25-27,29 Afarus, 81,124,130,213,248,289,346,
Micropyle, 400, 403, 404, 410, 425, ~ 347,422,439
Microspore, 383,407
Microsporocyte (see also Pollen 'mother
Mother cells
in root apex, 63, 65, 68
phloem, 278
- -
cell), 387 stomatal, 145
Middle lamella, 22, 22, 23, 25, 36, xylem, 278
37, 40, 75, 76, 87, 234, 236, 401, Mouriria, 215
471 hubert, ,96 "
compound, 24 ~ucilages, 15,130,142,143,158,220,
Midrib, 181,182 311,422
Millon test, 144 cavities, 219
Mimosa pudica, 111 Muci\agim.)u'i)
Mimosaceae, 151 substance, 78
Mirabilisjalapa, 394 mass, 156
Mitochondria, 7,8.11,13,14 M uehlenbeckia 'platyc!ados, 195
lumen, 14 A[uhlenbergia, 92
matrix, 14 Multiple's (of vessels), 301
Mitosis, see Mitotic division Musa (see also Dwarf Cavendish bana-
Mitotic division (mitosis), 21,407, 4lO, na), 130; 132, 133, 134, 201, ,223,
424 234, '252, 354, 357, 362, 364, 366,
Monarda, 371 441
didyma, 376 errans, 424
Monimiaceae, 112,113 textilis, 91-94
Monocotyledons, 12, 19, 45, 57, 76, Musaceae, 132,151,367,414
78,81, 86, 92, 93, 111,221 Muscari. '4~O, 421,425
bundle sheath, 218 comosum, 429,431
cambium, 273,356 parvijlorum, 261
development of leaf, 232,233 racemosur}, 420,421
embryo, 431,432 Mycorrhiza. 240
endodermis, 167, 246, 263 Mycorrhizal roots, 242
epidermis, 139,144 Myopor~m, 197
leaf, 193, 212, 213, 218, 225, 227, Myosotis alpestris, 394
232~234,235 Myricaria, 471
phellogen in root, 337 Myriophyllum, 47,205
phloem, 124, 126~128 Myristicairagrans, 466
procambium, 5 Myrosin, 78,144,219
protective tissue, 342, 343 Myrtaceae, 39,114,118,168,344
520 Subject Index
Nacreous layer of waIl, 124 Nuclear membrane, 10
Necrosis, 263 Nuclear sap, 10
Nectar, 156, 219, 413, 416, 419 Nuc1eolus, 8, 22
excreting epidermis, 415 N ucleoproteins, 10
secretion, 142,422 Nucleus, 7-9, 8, 10, 11, 12. 14, 22
Nectariferous tissue, 413, 415, 415, in endosperm, 412, 424, 425, 427
416,417,417,420,420-422 in fibre, 91,91
gland, 415 in laticifers, 132
types, 415'-416 in meristematic cell, 46
Nectary, 142, 160,413-422,417,418, in phloem, 124
420, polar, 410,424,425
annular, 414 in pollen grain, 409
extraftoral, 413,415 in root hair, 159
floral, 413,414 secondary, 410.424,425
location, 413,414 vegetative, 409,409
marginal, 414 Nuphar, 393
non-structural, 413 Nut (nux), 440
ovarial, 414 false, 440
perigoniai, 414 Nux, see Nut
staminal, 414 Nyctaginaceae, 118,351
structural, 413 Nymphaea, 49,95, 145
structure, 4J5-421 nlbn, 207
styiar, 414 Nymphaeaceae. 181,391
toral, 414,
tubular, '4'14
types, 413-414 Obturator, 400
Neottia, 145 Ochroma, 307,314,315
Nepenthaceae, 156 Octant, 429
Nepeta, 371 Oenothera drummondii, 393,402
veronica, 376 Oil, 12, 15, 78, 87, 142, 204,219,287,
Nerium, 86,131,203,209 288,311,315,466
oleander, 82,134,142,205, 206,335 cavity, 453
Nexine. 389, 394 droplet" 8,17,242,458
Nicotiana, 86, 91, 150, 156,209, 248, duct, 452
328, 429 storing cell, 455
tabaCkm,' 135, 81, 82, 226, 228, 228, Olea, 89,95,96,202,209,218,309,322
230,231,272 europaea, 97,98,145,155,204,298,
Nitrogenous substances (compounds), 303 /"
78,203 -"" Oleaceae, 398 ""-
Nodal plate, 2St, '268 Onagraceae, 219,344,468
Node, 2, 67. 163, 176, 179, 181, 182, Ononis, 151,156
185,195,208 ' natrix, 154
anatomy, 175-180 Ophioglossaceae, 63 '-
cotyledonary, 131, 134, 177, 265, Ophioglossales, "38.105
267,268 Ophiog!ossum, 167,193,246
evolution, 177-180 /usitanicum, 51,63,171,174,175,250
multilacunar, 175,178,195 Opunlia,-S4. 59,195,405
trilacunar, 172, 175, 176, 178, 195 cylindrica, 59
unilacunar, 172,175,176,177,177, Orcein solution, 144
178 Orchid '(see also Orchidaceae), 139,
Noea mucronata, 91 ........ 157
NuceJJus, 403,404,405,406,408,449, Orchidaceae. 213, 242, 387, 388, 432.
468,'4.69 468
Nuclear end,?sperm, 424,425 Orchidales, \ 151
Subject Index

Orchis, 252,467
Organic acids, 130,422
\ Panicoideae, 218
Panicum, 218
Organismal theory, 9' .......... Papaine, 130
Ornithogalum, 425 Papaver, 398,440
Ornjthopus compress«s, 446 rhoeas, 400
Orobanchaceae, ) 69 ,somni/e'rum, 130
OrobuYlc-he, \45 , "
Ya'l>1l.'V'elaC'ta't, 1>2, \~.. , ~,,~
Orobus, 432 Papilionaceae, 151; 252, 256, 414, 432,
angustijolius, 433 433
Oryza, 15,181,233,23), 234,427 Para rubber tree, 135'
sativa, 232 Paracytic (rubiaceous) type of stoma,
Osteosciereid, 95,96,469 149,150
Ovary, 361, 394, 408, 414, 421, 461 Para,sites (plants), 248
inferior, 361, 366, 376-380, 378, Parenchyma, 3, 38, 61, 73-78, 80, 81,
/ ...
379,421,440,460,4 61 /' 95,98,105,183,208,235,286
intermediate or pseudo-bferior, 361 aliform, 308, 321
multiloculate, 441 apotracheal, 302,305,305-307, J22
superior, 361 axial;-,- 287, 288, 290, 291, 304-308
syncarpous, 376 banded or metatracheal, 307
types of development, 367 confluent, 308,321'
unilocular, 397,398 cortical, 164, 165, 283
vascularization of inferior, 378, 379 diffuse, 302,306
wall, 361, 367, 376, 378, 398, 414, in fruit, 441,455'
440,455,461 ground, 183
Ovule, 2,361,380,395,397,398,402, initial, 298,307
403-407, 404, 406, 408, 424, 426, interfascicular, 173,273
434,466 'palisade (see also Palisade paren~
amphitropous, 404,405 chyma), 197
anatropous, 403,404,405,466 paratracheill, 305, 308, 321, 322
atropous. 403,404 phloem, 118, 128, 189, 260, 261,
campylotropous, 404.405,408 283, 325, 326
d.ldno\l\)})O\\~, 4\\4,4.0$ 'i.'Q."'j,' 281
hemianatropolls, 404.405 root, 242,258,260
orthotropous, 403 scanty paratrachdll, 308
types, 403, 404, 405 secondary, 260
Oxalis, 261 spongy (see also Spongy parenchyma) ..
hifta. 261 197 '
Oxidases, 34,247 stellate, 74,75
terminal, 307
unilaterally paratrache:al. 308
Paeonia, 114, 363 vasicentric, 308, 321, 322
olbi/lora, 413 water-storing, 187, 189, 189, 209
Palisade wood, 286,287,298, 322
cells, 189,190,197,200,201,213 wound, 283
parenchyma, 196, 197, 198. 200, xylem, 85,87,102,286,287
208,209,221 Parietal cell (primary)
tissue, 190, 197, 200, 202-204, 215 in anther, 382,'383.384
Palmae (,see also Palms), 49, 128, 142, in ovule, 406,407
148,151,243,248,250,252,273,354 Parthenium argentaturn, 135, 235
Palms (see also Palmae), 343, 354-356 Parthenocarpy, 439
Panama rubber, 135 Parthenogenesis
Pandanaceae, 151,250 diploid, 432
Pandanus, 31,252 haploid, 432
haerbachii, 150 Pa~sage cell, 245,247
522 Subject Index

Passiflora, 124,219,361,413 Permanent tissue (see also Mature tissue),

caerulea, 372,383 44
Peach (see also Prunus persica), 460 Peroxidases, 247
Pear (see also Pyrus communis), 98, Persea, 124
337,344 Petal, 360,364,414,419,422
Pectic compounds (substances), 23, 26, bundle, 457
29, 34, 82, 140, 144, 387, 403, 463 histology, 381
Pectin, 82,140,389 trace, 367,368,372,373
Pectocellulosic substance, 83 Petasites, 83
Pedicel, 360,366,446,449,455 Petiole, 193, 194, 210, 211, 212, 219,
IPeganum !rarmala, 187,351 220,227
Peiargonium, 149, 153, 164, 210, 414 structure, 208-211
zonale, 146,229 ' Phaedranassa chloracra, 26 J
Peltate carpel Phaius maculata, 16
development, 364, 365 Phaseo/us, 151,398,424,469,474
theory, 395 vulgaris, 474,475
Pennisetum clandestinum, 141 Phellem, 5, 207, 331-333, 334, 341,
Pentaphragma, 114 343,345,348
Pentosans,' 319 types of cells, 332
Perforation plate, 106-109,108 Phelloderm, 5, 73, 331, 333, 334, 342,
dcvelopment,~ ·110 343,345, 346
foraminate, 107,-108 sc1ereids, 333
in monocotyledons, 108 Phellogen, 5, 45, 46, 73, 80, 207, 209,
reticulate, 107, ,108 247, 262, 327, 330, 331, 332, 334,
scalariform, 105, 107, 107.108 343,344,345,346,348
simple, 107,107,108 development in cortex, 334,337
Perforations in siphonosteie, 173 development in epidermis, 334
Perianth, 360,381,414,419,460 first, 335,337,342
Periblem, 56~ 65 formation, 335-340
Pericarp, 439-460,451,453,463, initials, 333
development, 450' subsequent, 337
in dry fruit, 442-455 Phelloid, 332
in fleshy fruit, 455-460, 458, 461 Phenol, 19
histological structure, 441-463 Philadelphus, 344
layers in caryopsis, 452 Phillyrea media, 315
ribs, 450, 452 Phloem, 3,4,41,73,74,75,76,81,86,
Pericycle,' 74, 132, 167, 169, 187, ·241 95, 102, 118-128, 123, 132, 165,
development of lateral roots, .....254, 166, 168,,170, 170-173, 174, 248,
255,255 -" ~286,349,421, '
multiseriate, 248 elements, 3,248, 327
in root, 240,244,245, 246: 247, 248, external, 183,264
250,254 . fibres, 86,87,88, 9J, 95, 118, 325,
uniseriate, 248 326,328,341
Periderm, 4,5,187,232 .. 236,246; 260, in hydrophytes, 207
262, 263, 272, 283, 326,32?, 331- " internal or intraxylary, 118,16.5,167,
348,355 183
development, 333-340 interiylary or included, 118, 321,
first, 335,336,338' ,329,351-354,352,353
structure, 331-333 in leaf, 198,201,_207,209,210,212,
subsequent (additional), 336, )37, 215,221
338,341 " parenchyma, 340,351
Peripheral zone in apex (see also Flank primary, 3-5, 4, 86, 118, 128, 252,
meristem), 53 254,272,274
Peris!Jerm,-. 406,466 in prima'F root, 248, 252, 265
Subject Index 523
rays, 128,325,326,327,340,345 branched, 95"
in root, 240,244,245, 247. 248, 251, branched simple, "38
252,254,262,264,265 , canal, _37~ 38, 40, 86, 290:.-
secondary, 4, 5, 123, 272, 325-330,..... cavity, 36,37,37,38
326 chamber, 38,. 39, 39, 40, 86, 92.
in stem, 118, 165; '350, 351 290
Phoenix, 34,77,243,246,470,474,477 half-.bordered pit-pair, 36,37, IDS,
dactyli/era, 59,108, 345, 459, 476 287;'291
paiudosa, 262 ". intervascular, 104
Phormium lenax, 93,' 94 membrane (closing membrane), 24,
Phosphorus, 474 34,36,37,38,108
Phragmoplast, 21, 22, 22, 272, 278, pair, '36,38,86
279 simple, 36, 38, 83, 291
Phylloclade, 195 simple pit-pair~ 36,37,287'
Phyllode, 195 vestured, 37,38,39,304
Phyllome, 193 /' Pith, 3,4,61,74,'169,265,,267,286
Phyllosiphonic"siphonostele, '174 in root, 248, 252
Phyllotaxy (phyllotaxis), 163, 163, -179 in stem, 165,167,169,172,174,174,
Physalis, 455 ~ 187,188
Physocarpus opulifolius, 378 Pithecellobium dulce, 466
Physostegia, 371 Pitted elements, 103,104
virginiana, 376 Pitting, 92, 98, 113
Phytin, 17 alternate,- '39,'40,105,113,290.
Phylalaeca dioica, 315 opposite, ,39,40,105, 113,290
Pigments (pigmentation), 10, 14, 15, scalariform, 39, 40, 104, lOS, 112,
381,382,469 113 .
Pila, 389,390,390,391 unilateral compound, 36
Piliferous cells, 159 Pi/yranthus, 203
Pinaceae, 67. 124, 291, 327 Placenta, 361,365,394,397, 399, 405,
Pinus, 26,37,104,221,222,274,291, 440, 455, 458
292, 294, 321, 329, 335, 336, 337, Placentation;' axile, 458
341,342 basal~ 398
haiepensis, 222, 289. 292, 298, 315 free central, 397
longi/olia, 31 parietal, 376
montana, 56 Plant
pinea, 63 desert, 160, 186, 187, 189, 203, 263
sylvestris, 282 insectivorous, 156
Piperaceae, 138,391 marshy, '202
Pis/acia, 204, 280, 302, 321, 424, 441 microphyllous, 173
atlantica, 298,304 shade, 142
lentiscus, 145,218,220 water, 202, 205, 242, 243, 248, 249,
palaestina, 145,214,218,220 254,256
vera, 408,427 xeromorphic, 197,202
Pistil, 361 Plantaginaceae, 468
Pisum, 248,424,432,469 Plantago, 213,447
sativum, 96,474 cretica, 447.449
Pit. 32, 36-40, 39, 83, 86, 91, 92, 98, lanceolata, 467
110,463 Plasmalemma, 10, 125
aperture, 36-40, 37, 39, 86, 289 Plasmodesmata" 24, 34-36, 121, 123.
blind, 36 469
bordered, 24,32,36,37,38,39,40, branched, 36
86, '12, 104, 105, 116, 224, 291, 298 in cambial cells, 275
bordered pit-pair, 36,37,38,40,104, in epidermis, 139
106,287 shape, 139,140
524 Subject Index

Plastid, 7,10,14,12,17,46 opening mechanism, 383, 385

amylo-, 12 Pollen (germination) tube, 119, 388,
chiaro- (see also Chloroplast) 10-15. 389,396,402,403,409,409,424,434
11 factors directing growth, 402, 403
chromo- (see also ChromopJast), JO, nucleus, 409
ll,13,IS Pollinium, 387,388
development, 13 Polycyclic stele, 173
elaio-, 12, 17 Polyderm, 344
lelleo- (see also Leucoplast), 10, 12, Polyembryony, 434
13 pseudo-, 434
in sieve elements, 124 Polygonaceae, 195,220
types, 10-12 Polygonum, 414
Plastochron, 48, 58, 59, 229, 232, 233, Polyploid chimera, 47
233 Polysaccharides, 14,23,119
Platanaceae. 221 Polystelic, 173,252
Platanus, 153,210,322, :328, 341 Pomoideae, 328
Plate meristem, 230,233,234 Poncirus trifoliata, 433
Platyclade, 195 Pontederiaceae, 151
Plectostele, '170, 171 Pooideae, 218
Plerome, 56,65 Populus, 124, 173, 234, 289, 302, 309,
Plumbaginaceae, 158,221,405 314, 315, 321, 328, 329, 335, 337
Plumbagocapensis, 142,155,156- alba, 272, 298
Plumule, 1',1,2,162,477 canadensis, 171
Pneumatodes, 141 deltoldes, 198,334
Pneumatophore, 209,240,262 Pore (in sieve elements), 118, lt9, 121,
Poa annua, 429,431 122
Pogonophora schomburgkiana, 205 development, 120
Polarizing microscope, 28, 31, 31, 32 Portulaca, 447
Poiemoniaceae, 468 ', oleracea, 154,154, 256
Pollen grain, 40, 1 J9, 361, 383, 383, Portulacaceae, 78
386, 386, 387-394, 388, ,392, 393, Porus (in pollen grain), 394
397,400,407 Potamogeton, 207
aperture, see Aperture of pollen grain Potamogetonaceae, 248
____ chemical analysis, 389, . Potamogetonales, 151
development, 387~394 Potato tuber, 15, 16, 17,78, 335, 343
giganta, 394 Primary phloem; 3-5, 4, 86, 87, 118,
magna, 394 128,274
media, 394 external, 165
minuta, 394 internal, 165 ____ ~
permagna, 394 Primary pit-field, 34-36, 35, 40, 80
perminuta, 394 in cambial cells;_"'- 275, 277
tetrad, 386,387,389,392 in epidermis, 139
type of s~ulpturing, 389-391, 390, in laticifers, 130,133
'392 in phloem, 118,127
wall formation, 387; 389 in velamen, 242
walls, 389,390 Primary plant body, 5, 73, 74, 162-
Pollen mother cell (microsporocyte), 382, 271,311 .....,
383,383,386,387 ~ Primary sporogenous cell (see also Spo-
simultaneous type of waH formation Togenouscell)\ 381,384,407
in, 387,388 Primary thickening meristem, 45,354,
successive type of wall formation in, . '-c 355,355, 357
387,388- . Primary vascular system
Pollen sac, 361,372, 382, 383, 383, 387 in root, 246,253
development, 382,"383,384 in stem, 161-169,171,178,179
Subject Index 525
. \
PrImary vascular tiSsue, 45, 46, 265
. \
In root, 247,251,253
in root, 247, 248 \ Protoplasm, "7,9 "-
Primary xylem, 3-5, 4, /02, 105, 108, in meristematic cell, 46
118,274,286 Protoplasmic strands, 34
endarch, 240 Protoplast, 7,9-19; 22, 34, 98
exarch, 240 in companion cell, 121
in root,S, '240,249 in developing vessel, 109
in stem,S, 165, 183,240 in endode;mis, 246
Primordial fields, 164 . in epidermis, 142.
Primordium in exodermis, 246
of adventitious root, 256,257 in fibre, 91, \00,116
of branch, 254 in phellogen, 332
of camel, 364-367 in pollen graia, 387
floral, 362, 362, 364, 366 in pollen tube, 409
oj \alera\ TOol, 24\),24");i54-250 in ny parenc'nyma, 2'SI't
of leaf, 4,'47,48,48,49; 57,59,60,· in sclereid, 98
254,361 "- . in secondary xylem, 288
of ovule, 405 in sieve element, 124-126
of petal, 364 in substitute fibre. 87
staminal, 363 in tapetum, 386
Primula, 156 Protostele, 169-171, ·170, 171, 173,
Primulaceae, 398,446 174,174,248
Procambium, 3-5,4,45,46,47,50,66, medullated, 173
86,87,164,273 types, 170; 171
in cotyledon, 429 Protoxylem, 40,67,' 102,103, lOS, 166,
in embryo, 478 171,268
in hypocotyl, 429 endarch, 264-
in leaf, 225,229,230,232 exarch, 264
origin, 59 in leaf, 221,224,231,232
phloem, 118,186 in root, 247,248,250,251,253; 254,
in root, 66, 252, 253 264
in stem, 184, 225 in stem, 168,264
xylem, 186 in transition region, 265-268, :266-
Proembryo, 429 267
Proliferation tissue, 340 Prunus, 163, 235, 328, 330, 337, 346;
Promeristem, 46,47,102,252 413,414,441
in root, 61,62,65 amygdalus, 156, 158, 205, 321, ·322
in shoot, 50, 53, 57 avium, 345
Prop roots, 240 persica (see also Peach), 219, 458
ProphyIl, 193 Pseudocarp, 439
Proplastid, 12, J3,46 Pseudotsuga, 64,64
Proteaceae, 169 taxi/alia, 56
Protective layer, 236 Psilopsida, 173
Protein, 7,9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 23, 78, 130, Psilotales, 52
389,422, 466, 474 Psi/otum, 171
amorphous, 17 Psora/ea, 151
crystal-like, 7, 17 Pteridium, 111, 173
Protoderm, 3,46,65,87,151,152,159, aquilinum, 413
164,398,405 Pteridophyta (Pteridophytes), 21, 46,
in leaf, 224, 225, 227, 228-230, 232, 51, 52, 60, 61, 63, 102, 124, 128,
233 139, 142, 143, 169, 171, 177, 184,
in sti~ma.. 398 193 .. 209 .. 212.,213.)46 .. 273
Protophloem, 67,118,128,168 Pteridophytes, see Pteridophyta
in leaf, 231,232 Pteridospermae, 111
526 Subject Index
Pteropsida, 171, 173, 174, 177, 193 Resedaceae, 78,219
Pulvinus, 211 ,Reserve materials, 8,78, 116, 258, 260,
Punica, 139,335,337,414,472 424
granatum, 472 Resin duct, 222, 224, 244, 252, 289,
Punicaceae, 221 291-295,292,293,321,327
Pyrola, 370,374 epithelium, 291,292
Pyrus, 346,414 Resinous masses, 203
communis, 95,119,341,461 Resins (resiniferous substances), 15,
malus, 119,123,225,275,328 78, 87, 130, 142,204,219,224,288,
malus var. paradisiaca, 378,378,458, 291,292, 311, 314, 315, 327, 332,
460 358
Resorcin blue, 119
Quadrant, 429,431 Retarno, 164,240
Quercus, 92, 142, 204, -216, 280, 296, raetam, 186,188,188,263,280,444,
301, 309, 321, 328, 341, 342, 380, 444
440,474 Rhamnaceae, 142,315
boissieri, 210, 212, 213, 215, 218, Rhamnus, 124,380
296,302 . Rhizodermis, 137
calliprinos, 145, 204, 209,. 211, 213, Rhizome, 171,174, 175
215,218,315 Rhizophoraceae, 262
ithaburensis, 294,298,301,302 Rhododendron, 227
robur, 298 Rhoeo discolor, 108
suber, 333,335,337,342,348 Rhynia, 170
Rhytidome, 336, 338, 339, 341-343
Rachis, 195 Rib ~eristem (see also Central meristem),
Radicle, 1,1,2,61,162,241,429,474, 53, 54, 54, 55, 56, 58, 58, 59, 61,
475,476,478 362
Radioactiye carbon, 280 in leaf, 233
Radish (see also Raphanus sativus), 260 Ribes nigrum, 256
Raffiesiaceae, 432 Ribosome, 7,14
Ramie, see Boehmeria nivea Ricinus, 17,86,143,166.209,213,219,
Rana1es, 174,177,382,393 466,473,474
Ranalian (see also Ranales), 391, 398 communis, 16,78,415,421,466,475
Ranunculaceae, 114,149,181,370,468 RNA (ribonucleic acid), 10,14
Ranunculus, 168, 248, 254, 414, 431, Robinia, 210,276,277, 289, 315, 328,
440 346
acer, 421 pseudacacia, 277, 279. 282, 287,
aquatilis, 205 298,329,335
arvensis, 453,455 Root, 2-5,62,63, 80, 240~269
ficoria, 455 _adventitious, - 3, 62, 240,"241, 248,
trilobus, 363 250,255,256,257,260
Raphanus, 248,474 aerial, 95, 96, 157, 240, 242, 244,
sativus (see also Radish), 251 26}
Raphe, 466 bark, 263
Raphia hookf?ri, 252 central cylinder, 65
Raphide,' 18, 18, 19 contractile, 260-262, 261
Reaumuria, 186 deyelopment of _lateral, 254-256,
p%estino, 280 ~ 2SS
Receptacle (thalamus), 360, 364, 368, diarch, 249:254,265-267_
369,414,439 fibrous, 3:241~' 260
Red cabbage, 143 ion accumulation, 258
Replum, 4)9,440,447 "lateral, 4,62, 240, 249,253, 260, 474
Reseda, 364,414--.. lenticels, 344
odorata, 363, 376, ~66 monarch, 249
Subject Index 527
mycorrhizal, 242 Saivadora, 321,351
neck, 240 persica, 354'
periderm, 331 Salvadoraceae, ltE, 3S~
phloem, 240,247,248 '" Salvia, 82, 371
polyarcb, 250, 268 horminum, 446,449
poJyderm, 344 officinalis, 83
primary, 62,240,475,476 'patens, _376
prop. 240 SaiVinfa,' 52
respiratory, 207 Samara, 440
pressure, 258 ./ " Sambucus, 82,346,412,441
seminal, 241, 249 nigra, 81,345,347
stilt, 262 Sansevieria, 91,356
structure in relation to function, zeylanica, :413
257-262 Santalaceae, 378,379
tap. 241,253,258 ... Sapindaceae, 351
tetrarch, 249, 267 /~ Saponin, 18
tip (apex), 4,64,66, 61, 68, 240, 251 Sapotaceae, '132
triarch, 249,254,267 Sapwood (alburnum), 288, 289, 291,
in xerophytes, 263 296,314,315
xylem, 240,247',248
Root cap. 4,62,63,63,64,65,66,67,
Sarracenia, 414
Sarraceniaceae, 156
Saxifraga, 425
. -
Root hair, 158. 158, 159, 242. 243. Scale, 194,195,232,331
244,254,255 Schizanthus, 154
development, 158,158 Schizogenous
multicelIular, 158 gum duct, 311
Rorippa austriaca, 256 intercellular space, 75, 76, 243
Rosa, 153, 156, 196, 200, 256, 378 resin duct, 2\9,291
helenae, 379 secretory duct, 76,76
Rosaceae, 220, 244, 328,344, 376,378 Schizo·lysigenous (duct development),
Roys/onea, 343, 356 311
Rubber, 130, 135 Scilla, 412
Rubber plants, 135 Scion, . 283
Rubia velutina, 91 ScirpUs~ 74
Rubiaceae, 78,150,219,221,371,432 Sclereids, 38,85,95-100
Rubus, 414,441 in aerial root, 95, 96
Ruga (in pollen grain), 394 in fruit, 95; 98, 442, 460, 461
Rumex, 210 in leaf, 95, 96, 97, 98, 98, 215, 218
acetosel/a, 204 in phellem, 332
Ruscus, 195 in phelloderm, 333
Rutaceae, 78,219,221,380 in phloem, 95,118
in secondary phloem, 328
in seed, 95,96
Saccharum, 141,142,181 in stem, 95,96,98, 164
SafTanin - fast green, 122 in xylem, 102
Salicornia, 164,204,208 Sclerenchyma, 3,26,73,80,83,85-101
fruticosa, 189,190 in flower, 381 .
Salix, 124,248,256,257,289,309,321, in fruit, 444,446,446,447,452
329,346,380 in leaf, 207, 209, 212, 216, 217, 232,
babylollica, 300 234
Sa/sola in root, 243,244,246, 260
kali, 209 in secondary phloem, 328
rosmarinus, 28t in seed, 471
Salts, 130,142,153,241 in stem, 168,181,183,188, IsS
528 Subject Index

Sclerification, 83,95,98, 248, 263 vertical system, 286,290,291

Sc1erified tissue, 252,260 Secretory cells, 164, 219, 244, 286, 292
Scorpiurus muricata, 444,444,446 Secretory ducts, 248
Scorzonera; 132 Secretory structures, 219-221, 328
Scrophulariaceae, 149,380 Secretory substances, 221
Scutellum, 251, 268, 431, 477, 478, Sedum, 150,220
478 acre, 431
SecaJe, 49,182 pubescens, 150
Secondary growth (see also Secondary Seed, 1,2,34,424,451,463,466-479,
thickening), 272 472,473,475,476
anomalous, 349-3.?4,349 coat (testa), 95, 96, 139, 452, 466-
common type, 349 473,467,472
diffuse, 356 dispersal (expelling, rejecting), 444,
in monocotyledons, 354-358,357 449,461,461,463
in root, 253 exalbuminous, 466
Secondary phloem, 5, 123, 128, 274, germination, 2,241,476,477
278,325-330,326.336,341 hairs, 471,472,473
in angiosperms, 325 winged, 471
in conifers, 327 Seedling, 1,2,255,264,266,268,269,
in dicotyledons, 325,327-329 424,474-479,475,476
duration of activity, 329 Selaginella, 51, 111, 170
functioning, 328,338 \ Seminal root, 241,249
in gymnosperms, 325 Sempervivum tectorum, 220
horizontal system, 325,327 Senecio, 167,414,449
non-functioning' or inactive, 329, fremontii, 376
330 joppensis, 392
phellogen formation in, 342 Sepal, 360,414,418,449,460
in root, 258,260 bundle, 457
sclereids, 328 histology, 381
storied, 328 trace, 368,370,372,373
vertical system, 325, 327 Separation layer (see a/so Abscission
Secondary plant body, 5, 272-358, tissue), 234, 235, 235, 236, 422
331 Septicidal dehiscence of capsule, 44(
Secondary thickening (see also Secon- Septifragal dehiscence of capsule, 44(
dary growth), 278 Sequoia, 315
in pteridophytes, 273 .-' gigantea, 56
in root, 253,254,258,260: 331 sempervirens, 56,275
in stem, 325,331 Serjania, 351
Secondary tissues, 45,272 clematidifolia, 349 _
in branch, 317 / Sexine, 389,3-90,391,392
in stem, 317 Sho~t, 2,3,5,162
Secondary vascular tissues, 45, 68; 331 "adventitious, 3
Secondary xylem (see also Wood), 5, ~ branching, 60
77,87,102,103,187,278,283,286, ,/1 "Shoot apex, 2,3,'4,48-51,54,55,58
339 t 60, 162, 224, 225, 232, 233, 476
cork in, 337,339 ..: 478 '".
in dicotyledons, 296-311 reproductive, 61, 62
in gymnosperms, 290-295 vegetative, 47-6/
horizontal system:--- 286,291 Sidalcea I'leomexicana, 140
identification key, 320-322 Sieve area, 118-120,121,123, 123, 12~
in leaf, 221 127,128,327
in root, 150,254,258,260,294- Sieve cell, 121,123,327
in stem, 165,183, 274, 286-322 Sie~e elements, Jl8-127, 128, 184, 21 ~

structure, 286 247,; 325, 329
Subject Index 529
phylogeny, 126 Spongy parenchyma",(spongy tissue),
S\e'te })\?ttc, 119, 120, 112, lll, l23, 196, 197, l<}S, 200, 200, 202, 204,
329 221,231,381 --
compound, 121,123,123,127
'- Spore, 1, 21,40
simple, 123, 127 Sporobolus spicaws, 203
Sieve tube, 123,121,215,328,329 Sporogenous cell (s'ee also Primary spo-
Sieve-tube member (element), 121, J 23, rOgerlOusceII) 405,412 .
124,127,128,327;328 Sporophyte, 1,102,175,466
Silene, 414 ,/ Sporophytic budding, 432
Silica (silicon salts), 17, 23, 142, 144, Sporopollenin, 389
156,218 Stamen, 360, '364; 381-394, 384, 395,
bodies, 144 414,417,422,460
cell, 141, 143, 143, 144,159 bundle, 372,380 "..
Siliqua, 439,446,447 / epipetalous, 376
Simarubaceae, 78,219"" /' phylogeny, 381
Simultaneous type of pollen grain devel- structure and tissue differentiation,
opment, 387 382-386
Sinapis alba, 255,467
Siparuna bifida, If.
Siphonostele, 170,170,171. 172, 174,
trace, 367,369,373,380
StaTch, 1, S, 18, B1, 1M, 224, 242, 25S,
262,287, 311, 387, 461,471
assimilation, 17
amphiphloic, 170.17/-17] compound gfain, 15, 16~ 17
ciadosiphonic, 114 grain, 7, 8, 12, 15-17, 16, 78, 130,
ectophloic, 170,17/,173 167,234,474
phyllosiphonic, 174 half-compound grain, 16
types, 171-174 simple grain, 16
Slime, 124,125 storage. 12, 17. 128, 164,218,327"
body, 128 329,333
plug, 122-123,124 Starch sheath, 166,167,218
Smilax, 213,243,248 Stelar theory, 169
Solanaceae, 118, 167, 398 Stele, 169
SoIanad type (of embryo development), in floral receptacle, 367,370,373,378
427,430 in hypocotyl, 265, 267
Solanum, 150, 385 polycyclic, 173
dulcamara, 334,335 in root, 263,265
tuberosum. 81 in stem, 166, 169
villosum, 385 types, 169-175
Solenostele, } 72, 173 Stem, 2-5, 80; 162-190, 165, 176, 178,
Somatic apospory, 432 179, 182, 183, 185, 188, 190, 241,
Sonchlls, 132 329, 335, 349, 350, 351, 354, 356,
oleracells, 133,392 357, 358
Sorb:Js sorbi/olia, 378 leaning, 318
Sorghum, 131 lenticels, '344
vulgare, 94 periderm, 331
Sparaum, 307 succulent, 188,189,189,190
junceum, 298,456 tension wood, 318,319
Special wall, 387 vascular system, 167-186264, 265,
Spermatophyta (see also Spermatophy- 268
tes), 64,102,193 xeromorphic, 188, 188
Spermatophytes (see also Spermato- Stenolobium, 328
phyta), 1-2, 5, 46, 47, 53, 56, 6J', StercuIiaceae, 219
225,240,247 Stereome, 80
Sphenopsida, 173 Stigma, 361,395,397,398,399,400,
Spiraea vanhauttei, 119,378 402,424
530 Subject Index
Stilt-roots, 262 Suberin, 17,23,25,29,106,166,167,
Slipule, 48, 194, 194-195, 211. 219, 245,247,257,332,337,344
413 Suberin lamella, 167, 245-247, 258,
Stock, 283 332,342
Stomata, ]40. 141, 143, 145-153, Suberization~ 236,351
146-150,157,160,419,421 Suberized cells, 235, 245, 283, 337,
caryophyllaceous or diacytic type, 342-343,346,449
151 Subsidiary cell, 141, 145, 146, 147,
in cataphyll, 232 149,151,222
in conifer leaf, 147, 148, 221, 222 Substomatal chamber, 145, 147, 148,
cruciferous or anisocytic type, 150 419
in flower, 145,381,403 Successive type of pollen grain develop.
in fruit, 458,460 ment, 387
in grasses, 143,217 Succulent
in leaf, 141, 143, 145, 149, 195,206, features, 203
217,222,223 leaves, 202,209,
and lenticel, 344, 346 p~ants, 78, 203
modified, 157,221,417,418 roots, 240
ontogeny, 150,151,'152 stems, 188,189,190
ranunculaceous or anornocytic type, Sucrose, 422
149 Sudan IV, 140,452
in rhizomes, 145 Sugar beet (see also Beta), 260, 261
'fubiaceous or paracytic type, 150' Sugars, 78, 130, 260, 421, 422, 463
in seeds', 145 Sui generis concept, 395
in stem, 145, 188,344, 346 ," Sulcus (in pollen grain), 391
sunken, 206,221,222,421 Supporting tissue, 80, 83
types, 147,149-151 in leaf, 209,218,230
types in dicotyledons, 149,149 Surface meristem, of apex, 53, 54, 55
types in monocotyledons, 150, 151 Suspensor, 429,431
in xeromorphic leaves, 203 function, 432
Stomatal aperture. 147, 148, 150, 160 types, 433
Stomium;, 383,384,385 variation in structure, 432

_- Stone ceU'(see also Brachysclereid), 98

Storage cell, 17,77
Storage roots, 240, 258-260, 259, 354
Storage tissue, 262
Swelling mechanism (in seed dispersal).
Sympetalae, 406
Symphoricarpus racemosus, 386
Storied meristem, 343 Sympodial branching, see Branching
Strelitzianicolei, ISO SYlIechantltus /ibrosus, 147
Strelitziaceae, 151 ,Synergids, 404, 410, 424~434
Stroma, 13 Syringa, 48,156 -"""-
~ ~
Strophiole, 466,/
Structural nectaries, 413
Strychnos, 351 T.:... division, 66,67
Stylar canal, 399,400,401 Tail of vessel member. 107,109
Style, 361,395,397,398,400-402,414. Tamaricaceae, 149,158,220,471
424 <
Tamarix, 24,36,92,142,155.157,240,
hollow, 399,401,403 256, 257, 277,_280, 289, 308, 322,
solid, 399,401,402,403
< 328,471,473
Styloid, 18 aphy/la, 91,'.92, 281, 294, 295, 298,
Stylopodium, 414 315 '\
Styracaceae, 114 articulata, 280
Styrax, 153 . . . . . ._ gaWca var. maris·mortui, 280,347
officinalis, 145, 154, 202, 204, 216, jordanis var. negevensis, 280
216,218 Tannins, J4-15, 19; 23, 78, 80, 130.

"• \
Subject Inde>; 531
143, 204, 220, 224, 287, 288, 314, cork, 137"'\~
315,327,332, 333 endosperm, 424; 473
cells containing, 78,219,220 expansion, 463
Tapetal periplasmodium, 386 glandular, 398,401
Tapetum, 21,383,434 ground, 137,227,455
amoeboid, 386,386 ,,- integumental, 468
glandular or secretory" 372,386 lignified, in fruit'l 454
integumental, 406 mature or permanent, 44,45,56,67,
Taraxacum, 132,261 73
kok-saghyz, 132, 135 nectariferous, ,413, 415, 415-417,
'ta.r..aceae, 152, l~ 1 4li,42~,42\)-422
Taxodiaceae, 252,291,327 nucelIar, 452,466
Taxodium distichum, 225 nutritious, 406: ,
Taxus, 291 resistence, 447,448
baccala, 56 sporoge'nous: i~; anther, 382, 386
Tegillum, ".390 sterile, in anther, 382
Tegophylls, "395 storage, 344,424,473
Telome theory, 382 supporting, 80, 83, 209, 218, 230
Telomes, fertile, 394 -transmitting, 398-403,
Tepal, 360,421,439 water-storing, 139, 189, 202, 204
Terminal cell, 427,429 Tofte/dia palustris, 414
Tertiary layer (of cell wall), 41 Tomato (see also Lycopersicon esculen-
Tertiary waJ1 (layer), 24 tum), 441
'"C~">.t_~(~ee<I.(s() Se.edGcat}. 95',466-473, TQn.Q\)\a~t, '1~,\4, 125
467,470,472,475,476,477 Torus, 24;'37,38,288,290,321
formation, 466-468 Trabeculae, 10,41,290
histological structure, 468-473 Trace, see Branch trace, Carpel trace,
Tetracentraceae, 112, 113 Leaf trace" Petal trace, Sepal trace
Tetrad, see Pollen grain and Stamen trace
Teucrium polium, 91 Trachea (see also Vessel), 103,106
Thalamus, see Receptacle Tracheary element, 39, 40, 68, 100,
ThaNetrum, 395 102~1l6, .104,· 175, 184, 207, 215,
Thesium, 425 248;252,253,260,286
Thrincia, 163 development, 106
Thuja, 335 in dicotyledons" 113, 114
orientalis, 142 length, 112,l1:i
Thunbergia, 351 in monocotyledons, 114,115
grandiflora, 354 perforation plate, 113
mysorensis, 354 phylogenesis, 111-115
Thymelaea, 197 secondary, 105
hirsuta, 198,281,306 secondary walI, 103
Thymelaeaceae, 142 thickness of wall, 113
Thymus capitatus, ISS type of pitting, 113
Typhaceae, 342 types, 106
Tilia, 120,298,314,315,329,440 Tracheid, 24,25',26,31,31,32,33,37,
Tiliaceae, 363,468 38, 86, 89, 92, ]03, 104, 106, 112,
Tillandsia, 92,241 175,208,215,221,224,286
usneoides, 93,94 development of fibres from, 92
Tissue length, 31~
abscission, 234,447,447,463 in secondary xylem, 288, 290, 296~
absorbing, 139 318
cohesion, 447,448,449 Tracheid-like cell, 204,205
complementary, 346,348 Tracheoid idioblasts, 205
conjunctive, 354, 356 Tracheophyta, 102,115,169
532 Subject Index

Trqgopogon, 132,213.449 Ur/ iea, 131,156

Transfusion tissue, 221 ,dioica, 155
Transglucosidases, 422 Urticaceae, 131,144
Transition region between root and stem, U,tricularia, 205
in gymnosperms, 268
in monocotyledons, 268 Vaccariapyramidata, 448
Transmitting tissue, 398-403 Vaccinium, 225
Trapa natans, 249 Vacuole (vacuolation), 7,8,10,14,15,
Trichoblast, 159,243 17-19,77,78,106
Trichocerells, 52 in apical meristem, 46
Trichomes (see also Hairs), 139, J 53, . in cambial ceUs, 275,277
155,164,199,206,395 nuclear endosperm, 425
branched multicellular, 153 in sieve element, 124,125
colleters, 156 Vacuome, 14
development of multicellular, 158 Valerianaceae, 380
digestive glands, 156 Valerianella, 440
in flower, 381,382,395 Valonia, 27
glandular, 156-158 yalvate dehiscence ofcapsuJe, 440
non-glandular, 153-153 Valves, of fruit, 440,444,456,461
salt, 199 Vascular bundle, 67, 81, 86, 92, 106.
shaggy, 154 ~ 167, 168, 183, 185, 188, 189, 189,
simple uniceHular or multicellular 209,219,240
seriate, 153 accessory, 227
squamiform, 153 amphicribral, 169,173
types, 153-159 amphivasal, 169,185,240,358
in xerophytes, 203 in anomalous secondary growth,
Trifo[i~m, 26 t 351
stellatum, 444 arrangement in Gramineae, 181,218
subterraneum, 444 arrangement in monocotyledons, 181,
Trigonella arabica, 444

irificum, 65, 153, 181,244; .250, 251, arrangement in stem, 175-184
268,451,451,478 bicollateral, 168, 173, 209, 240
durum, 16 in carpel, 367-370,373,395
vulgare, 66 collateral, 167, 173, 181, 209, 210,
Trochodendraceae, It3 240 .-
Troc/lOdendron, 95,112 concentric, 209
ara'Iioidcs, 96,310 in floral organs, 367,371,372,373,
Tropaeolaceae, 2i9 374, 376, 376, 378, 378, 380, 420
Tropaeolum, 156,414,415 ~/ in frui( 442, 447, 452, 453, 454,
majus, 8,256 460 /---
Tube cells, 451,452 • in leaf, 168,204,209,212,218,219,
Tulipa, 224,354,412 222, 225, 228, 230, 230, 232, 234
Tunica, 54,57,58, 61, 224, 225, 232 in" monocotyledons (prim'ary or se-
Tunica~corpus theory, 57,66 condary), 185,355,356,357,358
Tyloses, 287,287,294,314,315 in nectariferous tissue, 413
Tylosoids, 292 in ovules, "370,395,397
in petiole, 209,212
in transitron region, 264-268
Ulmus, 110,234,328,335,412,440 types, 167-169
americana, 341 vestigial, 380
Umbelliferae, 76, '195,414,421,431, " Vascular cambium, 4, 5, 45, 68, 102,
441,468, 247, 272, 273-283, 274, 332, 335,
Unifacial, leaf, . . . . 234 339 \
Subject Index 533
cell division, 278~279, 279 Veratrum, 45~
development, 273'...275 album, 354
seasonal activity, 279-282 Verbascum, 15,153,154
structure, 273-279 ........ Vessel (see also Trachea), 106, 110,
Vascular cylinder (central cylinder) 112,215,260,262,287,294
meristem, 65 \,- annular, 106
in pedicel, 367 , arrangement' in secondary xylem,
primary, 173,175 298~304~314
in root, 245,247-251,-249,250,255, development, 109, 110
263 / length, 106
in stem, 166,167,169,189 pitted, 106
Vascular ray, 274,326 spiral, 106
Vascular system, 102, 251 Vessel member, 33,40, 103. 106, '107,
development in leaf, 231 108,110, lll c I13,26J,286,296
in flower, 370,378,380 / Vessel member'- tracheids, 108
in hydrophytes, 207 Vesse1-tracheids, '108
in leaf, 176,2H:c218 Vestigial
in monocotyledons, 181 petal traces, 380
ontogeny of primary, 184_,;.18.6 -Vascular bundles, 380
primary, 167-169,178,179,264 Viburnum
in root, 264 odoratissimum, 310
in scutellum, 251 linus, lOS
in stem, 167-186,176,188,264 Vicia, 219,248,'444,474
in xerophyte leaf, 202 faba, 249,250,413,476
Vascular tissue, 85,169,172,173,175, Villarsia reniforrnis, 424
184, 187, 205, 211, 213, 220, 221, Vinca, 48,131,132
235,236,252 major, SO
in floral organs, 367,370,371, 379, rosea, 382,384
primary, 264 Viola, 414
secondary (see also Secondary phloem tricolor, 467,'468
and Secondary xy1em), 2®, 273, Violaceae, 468 -
283 Viscin threads, 381,388
Vascu1arization, 174,177.182 Viscum, 140,331
in cotyledons, 177 album. 35. 83
in flower, 367-381,374 Vitis, 81, 87, 89. 119, 120, 121, 123,
Vasicentric tracheids, 308 128, 195, 210, 328~330, 335, 337,
Vegetative cell, of male gametophyte, 341,344
407,409,424 )ljnifera, 48, 194, 257, 287. 330, 336
Vegetative reproduction, 432
Vein (see also Venation and Vascular
bundle), 5,266,267 WaIl layers
development in leaf, 231,232 G-layer,86
endings, 213, 214, 215, 220, 232 central, 24
in flower, 371,381,384 inner, 24
lateral, 181,371 outer, 24
in leaf, 204,211,212,213,214, 215, secondary, 24,25
218,221,229 terminal, 24
Velamen, 139, 157,242 tertiary, 24
Venation (see also Vein), 211,212,213 Wall thickening' iri tracheary elements,
dichotomous, 213,232 103
parallel, 212,213,214,215 annular, 103,104,105,106,215,244
reticulate, 212,213 dense helical, 104
Ventral meristem (see also Adaxial me~ helical, 103, 104, 105, 105,
ristem), 227 reticulate, 103,104,105,244
Subject Index.

scalariform, 103,104 Xeromorphic, 203

scalariform-reticulate, )03 leaves, 203-205, 221
secondary in endoderm is, - 263 Xeromorphism, 202
spiral, 106,215,242,291,322 Xerophytes, 187,202-205,263
Wart structure, 40,41 Xylem (see also Primary xylem and Se..
Washingtoniajibfera, 355 condary xylem), 3-5, 39, 73, 81,
VVax, 17, 23, 29, 130, 141, 203, 469 86, 102-116, 168, 174, [75, 281
granules, 142 endareh, 186,264,265,267,268
laYers, 142,203 exarch, 186,248,264
rods, 142 in hydrophytes, 207
Winteraceae, 112, 113, 216, 395, 398 in leaf, 198, 201, 207, 210,212,221
Wisteria sinensis, 446 mesarch, 186
Wood (see also Secondary xylem) in root, 240, 247, 248, 262, 264, 261
arrangement of axial wood in stem, 165,167,170,170,264,349.
parenchyma, 304-308 349-35[
compression, 317,318,319 strands, 248-250,262, 267
in conifers, 289 in xerophytes, 263
in dicotyledons, 289 Xylem ray, 286,288, 32[
diffuse-porous, 109, 110, 298, 300, ,aggregate, 302, 310
300,303,321 biseriate, 288
durability, 315 in dicotyledons, 297, 308-310, 310,
early, 281,298
grain (see also Grain), 316 .. 311
in gymnosperms, 289,291,308
in gymnosperms, 289 heterocellular, 291,309
hard, 289 heterogeneous, 295, 303, 309, 321,
lacking vessels,' 321 322
late, 281,298,313 homocellular, 291,308
parenchyma, 286,287,297,298 homogeneous, 308, 321
pliability, 316 multiseriate, 288, 302, 309, 321
reaction, 317,319 structure, 308-311
ring-porous, 109" 110, 28~, 298, 300, uniseriate, 288,291,302,309
303,321 Xyridales, 151
soft, 289
storied, 313
strength, 315 Yucca, 343,356
tension, 86, Jl~---:J20, 319
tension, compact, 319
tension, diffuse, 319 Zomia, 56, 225
weight, 314,315 Zantedeschia,_ 213 - ' "
Wound tissue (see also Callus), 283 ~Z.ea, 8,15;65,168,181,197,231,252,
388, 461V
mays, 12, 35, 66, 182, 183, 18S,
X-rays, 28, 32, 33 206,255,256,258
diffraction pattern, 31, Zebrina pendula, 143, 146
Xanthium Zilla spinosa, 187
orientale, 376 Zingiberaceae, 151
pennsylvanicum, 59 Zo~tera. 394 __
Xanthophylls, 13,15 .... Zygophyllum, 298,307
XOl1lhorrhoea, 168, 169, 203, 356, 358 dumosum, '\ 186, 187, 257, 2BO, 298,
gracilis, 141 298,350,351
Xanthorrhoeaceae', 74,168,197 Zygote, 1,424,425,427,433,434
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ACCec5i"r. No_ S "1l


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