Fertigation Management
Fertigation Management
Fertigation Management
The present experiment was conducted to clarify the effects of different fertigation systems (drip or sub fertigation)
in combination with 2 formulae of nutrient solution (modified Enshi formulation or Shizudai tomato formulation)
at EC 4 dS·m−1 on the response of “High soluble solid content tomato” grown in soilless culture systems from
September, 2005 to February, 2006. The growth, total yield and size of fruit decreased in the sub fertigation
system regardless of the nutrient solution formulation. On the other hand, the soluble solid content was higher
in the sub fertigation system. Sub fertigation inhibited water uptake compared to drip fertigation. EC of the
medium solution was higher in the sub than drip fertigation system, and higher with the Shizudai than the Enshi
formulation. The highest and lowest EC values were 29.6 and 16.1 dS·m−1 in Sub × Shizudai and Drip × Enshi
treatment, respectively. The matric potential of medium in the sub fertigation system was higher than that in the
drip fertigation system. The proline concentration of leaves taken on November 17 and December 2 was higher
in the sub than the drip fertigation system regardless of the nutrient solution formulation. Judging from the above
results, growth and yield suppression in the sub fertigation system seems to be mainly caused by salinity stress,
not by water stress.
Key Words: drip fertigation, proline, salinity stress, sub fertigation, water stress.
144 S. Sarkar, Y. Kiriiwa, M. Endo, T. Kobayashi and A. Nukaya
EC NO3-N P S Cl K Ca Mg Na
Nutrient solution
(dS·m−1) −1
(me·L )
Modified Enshi formulation (Enshi) 4 24 6 10 0 12 14 10 0
Shizudai tomato formulation (Shizudai) 4 12 3 9 16 10 10 9 9
Table 2. Effects of a combination of nutrient solution and fertigation system on the growth of tomatoes at the end of the experiment.
free drainage, the nutrient solution was distributed from proline concentration of the leaf lamina adjacent to the
a single reservoir tank for each treatment and was 1st cluster on November 2, the 1st and 2nd clusters on
administrated through one emitter per pot, each having November 17, and the 1st to 3rd clusters on December
a flow rate of 25 mL per min. The leaching fraction (i.e. 2 was measured as described by Bates et al. (1973). The
the ratio between drainage and fertigation volume) was matric potential of coir substrate in pots was measured
around 0 to 0.05 and 0.1 to 0.2 in the first and second by tensiometer (Model AG-T-200, Ishiguro Nozai Co.
halves of the growing season, respectively. The drained Ltd., Japan), which was buried 3 cm from the stem basis,
solution was collected at the bottom end of each trough at an interval of 5 minutes from December 9 to January
to measure the volume and to monitor the EC and pH 16, and the data were collected by a datalogger (Model
every day. In the sub fertigation system, nutrient solution 21x, Campbell Scientific, Inc., USA). Medium solutions
was distributed from a PVC tube (13 cm diameter, 4 m were extracted using a porous cup buried in the pot and
long) with 17 holes, 20 cm apart, which was laid along sucked up with a syringe during the night on December
the trough wall with a flow rate of around 1 L/min/plant 27, December 28, January 12, and January 24, to measure
and collected in a 90 L recirculating tank. the EC and major elemental contents.
The fertigation schedule was controlled by an All data were subjected to ANOVA and Scheffe’s
operation timer and the nutrient solution was applied 21 Multiple Range Test, as and when necessary.
times a day (mostly every 30 minutes) from 6:00 to
17:00, October 19 through November 8, and 20 times a
day from 6:00 to 16:30, November 9 through February There was no significant interaction in stem length,
14, 2006 in both systems. The duration of fertigation stem diameter, fresh weight of stem and fresh weight of
(30 to 180 seconds per time) was determined by daily leaves among the treatments (Table 2). Stem length was
manual operation according to weather conditions in not affected by treatments both before pinching and at
order to apply the nutrient solution just before the leaves the end of the experiment (data not shown). Stem
start showing wilting symptoms on the upper part of diameter was significantly greater in Enshi than Shizudai
tomato plants. The amount of residual volume, the EC formulation, regardless of the fertigation system. On the
and pH of reservoir tanks in the drip fertigation system other hand, the fresh weight of stem and leaves was
and those of recirculating tanks in the sub fertigation greater in the drip fertigation system than the sub
system were measured every day. The amount of water fertigation system, regardless of the nutrient solution
consumption was calculated every day by deducting the formulation. The flowering date of each cluster was not
drained solution from the amount of applied nutrient affected by the treatment (data not shown).
solution. The nutrient solution in the tanks of both Fruit fresh weight was greatest in the Drip × Enshi
systems was refilled with full-strength original solution, and Drip × Shizudai (67 g for both systems), followed
as shown in Table 1, to compensate for crop water by Sub × Enshi (55 g), and then Sub × Shizudai (44 g),
consumption every day. The nutrient solution in sub as shown in Table 3. Most of the fruits were classified
fertigation was renewed twice during the experiment on as M size, between 40 and 80 g/fruit. The number of M
November 7 and December 8 and the EC finally reached size fruit was 7.9, 8.4, 6.8, and 7.1 fruit/plant in Drip ×
8.6 and 7.7 dS·m−1 in Enshi and Shizudai, respectively, Enshi, Drip × Shizudai, Sub × Enshi and Sub × Shizudai,
at the end of the experiment (data not shown). A complete respectively; however, the number of S size fruits (less
randomized block experimental design was adopted with than 40 g) increased in the sub fertigation system and
2 blocks for 4 treatments in Table 2. Each treatment that of L size fruit (more than 80 g) increased in the drip
consisted of 16 plants (8 plants per trough); thus, 64 fertigation system. As a result, total yield was
plants were used for the whole experiment. significantly higher in the drip fertigation system (810
During the experiment, the diameter of the main stem and 795 g/plant in Drip × Enshi and Drip × Shizudai,
just below the fruit clusters during each flowering time respectively) than in the sub fertigation system (592 and
was measured. Stem length and the fresh weight of leaves 489 g/plant in Sub × Enshi and Sub × Shizudai,
and stems were measured at the end of the experiment. respectively). Also, the number of fruits harvested per
In addition to the weight and number of fruits harvested plant decreased in the sub fertigation system regardless
in due course in the ripening stage, the incidence of non- of the nutrient solution formulation, because of a slightly
marketable fruit was also recorded. Soluble solid content higher occurrence of blossom end-rotted fruit. On the
of fruit juice of each cluster, squeezed by hand with other hand, soluble solid content was higher in the sub
cheesecloth, was determined with a hand refractometer fertigation system (11.0%) than in the drip fertigation
(Model FR-100, Atago Co. Ltd., Japan). Major elements, system (10.0%). Also, it was affected by the nutrient
Na and Cl contents, of fruit harvested in the 3rd cluster solution formulation and was higher in Shizudai (10.7%)
were measured by the method of Nukaya et al. (1977), than in Enshi (10.3%). The highest value (11.2%) was
after drying the fruit pulp at 80°C for 2 days in a observed in the Sub × Shizudai treatment, as shown in
ventilated oven. Table 3.
In order to measure the stress level of plants, the The root system was distributed throughout the pot
146 S. Sarkar, Y. Kiriiwa, M. Endo, T. Kobayashi and A. Nukaya
in the drip fertigation system, but existed only in the The EC of the medium solution was higher in the sub
lower part of the pot in the sub fertigation system. The than drip fertigation system, and higher in the Shizudai
root volume and thickness were less in the sub fertigation than in the Enshi formulation. The highest and lowest
system. EC values were 29.6 and 16.1 dS·m−1 in Sub × Shizudai
Water consumption per plant was almost the same and Drip × Enshi treatment, respectively. The NO3-N
among treatments from the first month to the middle of concentration was also higher in the sub fertigation
November; however, it then became lower in the sub system, and lower in the Shizudai formulation than in
fertigation system than in the drip fertigation system, the Enshi formulation. The Na concentration was highest
and was especially lower in the Sub × Shizudai. The in Sub × Shizudai, followed by Drip × Shizudai, and
difference became apparent on November 20, and it then lowest in both Drip × Enshi and Sub × Enshi treatments.
also decreased in the Sub × Enshi on December 5. Sub K and Mg were higher with the sub than drip fertigation
fertigation inhibited water consumption compared to the system. P and Ca were higher in the Enshi than Shizudai
drip fertigation (Fig. 1). formulation, but were not affected by the fertigation
Changes in the matric potential of the medium system (Table 4).
measured on a fine day in December 26 are shown in Na and Cl in fruits tended to be higher in the Shizudai
Figure 2, with a typical pattern of fluctuation. The matric formulation than the Enshi formulation regardless of the
potential in the sub fertigation system fluctuated between fertigation system. NO3-N and Mg were significantly
−0.5 and 0 kPa during the day time and was higher than higher in the sub fertigation system. P and K were not
that in the drip fertigation system between −2.0 and affected by the treatment.
−0.8 kPa. From December 20 to January 16, the matric The proline concentration of the leaves taken just
potential fluctuated between −2.0 (very occasionally below the first flower cluster on November 2 was not
−3.0) and −0.7 kPa in the drip fertigation system, different among treatments; however, that on November
although in the sub fertigation system it fluctuated 17 and December 2 was higher in the sub than drip
between −1.5 and 0 kPa (data not shown). fertigation system regardless of the nutrient solution
Table 3. Effect of a combination of nutrient solution and fertigation system on the yield of tomatoes at the end of the experiment.
Total yield Marketable yield Number of fruit Fruit fresh weight Soluble solid content
(g/plant) (g/plant) (number/plant) (g/plant) (%)
Drip × Enshi 810 802 11.8 67 az 9.8
Drip × Shizudai 795 767 11.4 67 a 10.2
Sub × Enshi 592 561 9.9 55 b 10.8
Sub × Shizudai 489 482 11.2 44 c 11.2
Nutrient solutiony NS NS NS — **
Fertigation systemy *** *** * — ***
Interaction NS NS NS ** NS
Mean separation within columns by Scheffe’s multiple range test, at 5% level.
Same as Table 2.
Table 4. Effect of a combination of nutrient solution and fertigation system on EC and the concentration of
elemental contents in medium solution.
EC NO3-N P K Ca Mg Na
(dS·m−1) (me·L−1)
Drip × Enshi 16.1x 173 7 57 37 86 5 cz
Drip × Shizudai 21.9 63 1 52 20 83 95 b
Sub × Enshi 22.5 218 11 71 32 129 6c
Sub × Shizudai 29.6 90 3 68 26 145 145 a
Nutrient solutiony * * * NS * NS —
Fertigation systemy * * NS * NS * —
Interaction NS NS NS NS NS NS ***
Same as Table 3.
Same as Table 2.
Average value of samples taken at December 27 and 28, January 12 and 24 (n = 3).
Fig. 3. Changes in the proline concentration of leaves attached below the 1st cluster.
formulation, as shown in Figure 3. The proline system increased with increasing cluster number, but
concentration, taken just below the first to third flowering that in the drip fertigation system was almost stable
cluster on November 2 was also higher in the sub than among sampling dates (data not shown).
the drip fertigation system; that in the sub fertigation So, the fertigation system significantly differed in leaf
148 S. Sarkar, Y. Kiriiwa, M. Endo, T. Kobayashi and A. Nukaya
proline content. No significant difference was found in out by Li et al. (2001) and Willumsen et al. (1996);
the proline content of leaves supplying a different however, growth and yield were not affected by the
formulation of nutrient solution. But both (Drip and Sub) source of salinity, in contrast to the result of Adams
fertigation systems showed a high significant difference (1991) and Ehret and Ho (1986). Increased soluble solid
in the leaf proline content in tomato plants. content with the Shizudai formulation was caused by
not only the reduced size of the fruit, but also higher
salinity stress expressed as EC and higher Na
It is widely believed that tomatoes grown under saline concentration in the root environment, as shown in
and/or water stress conditions bear higher quality fruits Table 4. The results of sensory testing experiments
(Cuartero et al., 1999); however, quality varied with the reported by Dorais et al. (2000) and Peterson et al. (1998)
cultural practice and also the composition of nutrient showed that fruit from high EC-treated plants with NaCl
solution i.e. source of salinity. enhanced the sensory evaluation of the sweetness of
With respect to cultural practices, Santamaria et al. tomato fruit and improved the overall flavor intensity of
(2003) observed that the yield of cherry tomato was tomato fruit. In the present experiment, the effect of a
lower with sub irrigation than with traditional free- combination of fertigation management and the
drainage drip irrigation, but the quality was higher in composition of nutrient solution on the sensory
sub irrigation. In contrast, Incrocci et al. (2006) reported evaluation of fruit taste and quality was not investigated.
no significant influence of irrigation methods on fruit Further investigation should be conducted to clarify this
yield and quality, when round tomatoes were cultivated point.
by conventional drip irrigation or by sub irrigation in a Salinity stress expressed as EC of the medium solution
closed system. (Table 4) was higher in the Shizudai than Enshi
On the other hand, with respect to the source of formulation, and to a much greater extent in the sub than
salinity, major nutrients or NaCl may influence the yield drip fertigation system in the present experiment. Na
and quality of tomatoes in a different manner, especially concentration in medium solution was extremely higher
at higher (more than 10 dS·m−1) EC in soilless culture. in the Shizudai formulation. Incrocci et al. (2006) stated
Adams (1991) concluded that yield reduction with that, in sub irrigation treatment, salts, especially Na,
increasing salinity at 12 dS·m−1 by major nutrients, due tended to be concentrated in the upper layer and the
to poorer vegetative growth resulting from deficiencies reverse phenomenon was observed in drip irrigation
of Mg, B and Fe, was greater than that of NaCl, as treatment. On the other hand, the matric potential of the
reported previously for NFT (Adams and Ho, 1989; coir substrate in pots was determined by tensiometer to
Ehret and Ho, 1986), and that this response is general, express water stress, as shown in Figure 2. The matric
irrespective of the osmoticum used (Ho and Adams, potential was always higher in the sub than in the drip
1989). fertigation system during the experiment. This means
The present experiment revealed that the growth, yield that water stress in the medium was always higher in
and water consumption per plant were generally greater the drip fertigation system. Judging from the above
in the drip than the sub fertigation system, but the quality results of EC and the matric potential of medium, growth
expressed as soluble solid content of fruit was higher in and yield suppression in the sub fertigation system seems
the sub than in the drip fertigation system, as reported to be mainly caused by salinity stress, but not by water
by Santamaria et al. (2003). This increased soluble solid stress.
content in the sub fertigation system might be related to However, it is difficult to compare the intensity of
decreased fruit size, as shown in Table 3. Yield reduction salinity and water stress, because the unit of such stress
in the sub fertigation system was caused by a reduction is different. Recently, an increase of proline has been
in fruit weight, but not in the number of fruits, as pointed shown in various plant parts when exposed to various
Table 5. Effect of a combination of fertigation methods and composition of nutrient solution on elemental contents
in fruit (% of dry matter basis).
Treatment NO3-N P K Ca Mg Na Cl
Drip × Enshi 0.39 0.31 2.60 0.03 0.13 0.1 cz 0.12
Drip × Shizudai 0.41 0.27 2.42 0.01 0.14 0.2 b 0.80
Sub × Enshi 0.48 0.26 2.49 0.02 0.18 0.2 c 0.19
Sub × Shizudai 0.46 0.36 2.57 0.02 0.17 0.4 a 0.81
Nutrient solutiony NS NS NS * NS — ***
Fertigation systemy ** NS NS NS * — NS
Interaction NS NS NS NS NS * NS
Same as Table 3.
Same as Table 2.
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