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Preface To International Standards and Philippine Standards Philippine Framework For Assurance Engagements Glossary of Terms (December 2002)

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CHAPTER 8: PHILIPPINE STANDARDS ON AUDITING  Associated when the auditor attaches report to

information or consents to the use of auditor’s name in a

 If inappropriate use of auditor’s name occurs, auditors
PURPOSE: Describe the framework within which PSAs are may:
issued in relation to the services performed by auditors 1. Request management to stop doing so
ISSUED BY: Auditing Standards and Practices Council (ASPC) 2. Inform any known third party user
3. Seek legal advice
Financial Reporting Framework
Financial Statements PSQC, Framework, PSA, PAPS, PSRE, PSAE, PSRS
 Prepared and presented annually for the wide range of  Preface to International Standards and Philippine Standards
users used in decision-making.  Philippine Framework for Assurance Engagements
 Prepared in accordance with:  Glossary of Terms (December 2002)
1. Accounting standards generally accepted in the
2. International Accounting Standards Philippine Standard on Quality Control
3. Other authoritative and comprehensive financial  Philippine Standard on Quality Control (PSQC) 1 (Redrafted) -
reporting framework Quality Controls for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of
Financial Statements, and Other Assurance and Related
Framework for Auditing and Related services Services Engagements
PURPOSE: Distinguish audit from related services
Philippine Auditing Standards
Auditing Related Services  PSA 120 - Framework of Philippine Standards on Auditing
Nature Agreed-  PSA 200 (Revised and Redrafted) - Overall Objectives of the
of upon Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in
Audit Review Compilation
Service Procedure Accordance with International Standards on Auditing
s  PSA 210 (Redrafted) – Agreeing the Terms of Audit
Level of Engagements
High, not
Moderate None None  PSA 220 (Redrafted) – Quality Control for Audits of Historical
e Financial Statements
Report Factual Identificatio  PSA 230 (Redrafted) – Audit Documentation
Provided finding of n of
Positive Negative  PSA 240 (Redrafted) – The Auditor’s Responsibility to Consider
procedure compiled
Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements
s info
Objectiv Enable Enable an Engaged Engage to  PSA 250 (Redrafted) – Consideration of Laws and Regulations in
e the auditor to to carry use an Audit of Financial Statements
auditor state out audit accounting  PSA 260 (Revised and Redrafted) – Communication with Those
to whether procedure expertise to Charged with Governance
express anything s to which collect,  PSA 265 (New) - Communicating Deficiencies in Internal
an has come the classify, and Control to Those Charged with Governance and Management
opinion to the auditor summarize  PSA 300 (Redrafted) – Planning an Audit of Financial
whether auditor’s and the financial Statements
the attention entity and information  PSA 315 (Redrafted) – Identifying and Assessing the Risks of
financial that causes any Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and
stateme the auditor appropriat Its Environment
nts, in all to believe e third  PSA 320 (Revised and Redrafted) – Materiality in Planning and
material that FS are parties Performing an Audit
respects, not have
 PSA 330 (Redrafted) – The Auditor's Responses to Assessed
in prepared, agreed
accordan in all and report
ce with materials on factual
 PSA 402 (Revised and Redrafted) – Audit Considerations
Relating to Entities Using Service Organizations
an respects, in findings
identifie accordance  PSA 500 (Redrafted) – Audit Evidence
d with the  PSA 501 (Redrafted) – Audit Evidence – Additional
reportin framework Considerations on Specific Items
g  PSA 505 (Revised and Redrafted) – External Confirmations
framewo  PSA 510 (Redrafted) – Initial Audit Engagements-Opening
rk Balances
 PSA 520 (Redrafted) – Analytical Procedures
Level of Assurance  PSA 530 (Redrafted) – Audit Sampling
 Auditor’s satisfaction to the reliability of an assertion
 PSA 540 (Revised and Redrafted) – Auditing Accounting
 Determined by the procedures performed and their results Estimates, Including Fair Value Accounting Estimates, and
Related Disclosures
Auditors Association with Financial Information
 PSA 550 (Revised and Redrafted) – Related Parties
 PSA 560 (Redrafted) – Subsequent Events  PSAE 3000 (Rev.) – Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits
 PSA 570 (Redrafted) – Going Concern or Reviews of Historical Financial Statements
 PSA 580 (Revised and Redrafted)– Written Representations  PSAE 3400 – The Examination of Prospective Financial
 PSA 600 (Revised and Redrafted) – Special Considerations- Information (previously PSA 810) Hits:
Audits of Group Financial Statements (Including the Work of
Component Auditors) Philippine Standards on Related Services
 PSA 610 (Redrafted) – Using the Work of Internal Auditors
 PSA 620 (Revised and Redrafted) – Using the Work of an Expert  PSRS 4400 – Engagements to Perform Agreed-Upon Procedures
 PSA 700 (Redrafted) – The Independent Auditor’s Report on a Regarding Financial Information (previously PSA 920)
Complete Set of General Purpose Financial Statements  PSRS 4410 – Engagements to Compile Financial Information
 PSA 705 (Revised and Redrafted) - Modifications to the (previously PSA 930)
Opinion in the Independent Auditor's Report
 PSA 706 (Revised and Redrafted) - Emphasis of Matter Glossary of Terms
Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent
Auditor's Report
Access controls—designed to restrict access to on-line terminal
 PSA 710 (Redrafted)– Comparative Information-Corresponding devices, programs and data.
Figures and Comparative Financial Statements a) User authentication – attempts to identify a user through unique
 PSA 720 (Redrafted) – The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to log-on identifications, passwords, access cards or biometric data.
Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial b) User authorization – access rules to determine the computer
Statements resources each user may access.
 PSA 800 (Revised and Redrafted) – Special Considerations- Specifically, such procedures are designed to prevent or detect:
Audits of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with (a) Unauthorized access to on-line terminal devices, programs and
Special Purpose Frameworks data;
 PSA 805 (Revised and Redrafted) - Special Considerations- (b) Entry of unauthorized transactions;
Audits of Single Financial Statements and Specific Elements, (c) Unauthorized changes to data files;
Accounts or Items of a Financial Statement (d) The use of computer programs by unauthorized personnel; and
 PSA 810 (Revised and Redrafted) - Engagements to Report on (e) The use of computer programs that have not been authorized.
Summary Financial Statements
Accounting estimate— approximation of the amount of an item in
Philippine Auditing Practice Statements the absence of a precise means of measurement.
 PAPS 1000 – Inter-Bank Confirmation Procedures
 PAPS 1002Ph (Revised) - The Auditor's Report on General Accounting system—series of tasks and records of an entity by
Purpose Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with a which transactions are processed as a means of maintaining
Philippine Financial Reporting Framework Other than PFRS financial records. Such systems identify, assemble, analyze,
(March 12, 2010) calculate, classify, record, summarize and report transactions and
 PAPS 1003Ph - Guidance in Dealing with Reports Required by other events.
the SEC Relating to Increase in Capital Stock of a Corporation
 PAPS 1000Ph – Audit Evidence – Practical Problems in Audit of Agreed-upon procedures engagement— auditor is engaged to carry
Financial Statements out those procedures of an audit nature to which the auditor and
 PAPS 1004 – The Relationship Between Bangko Sentral ng the entity and any appropriate third parties have agreed and to
Pilipinas (BSP) and Banks’ External Auditors report on factual findings. The recipients of the report must form
their own conclusions from the report by the auditor. The report is
 PAPS 1005 (Rev.) – The Special Consideration in the Audit of
restricted to those parties that have agreed to the procedures to be
Small Entities
performed since others, unaware of the reasons for the procedures
 PAPS 1006 – Audits of the Financial Statements of Banks may misinterpret the results.
 PAPS 1010 – The Consideration of Environmental Matters in
the Audit of Financial Statements
Analytical procedures—analysis of significant ratios and trends
 PAPS 1012 – Auditing Derivative Financial Instruments including the resulting investigation of fluctuations and relationships
 PAPS 1013 – Electronic Commerce – Effect on the Audit of that are inconsistent with other relevant information or deviate
Financial Statements from predictable amounts.
 PAPS 1014 – Reporting by Auditors on Compliance with
International Financial Reporting Standards Annual report—document which includes its financial statements
together with the audit report thereon. This document is frequently
Philippine Standards on Review Engagements referred to as the “annual report.”
 PSRE 2400 (previously 910) - Engagements to Review Financial
Statements (previously PSA 910) Application controls in computer information systems—specific
 PSRE 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed controls over the relevant accounting applications maintained by the
by the Independent Auditor of the Entity computer. Establish specific control procedures over the accounting
applications to provide reasonable assurance that all transactions
Philippine Standards on Assurance Engagements are authorized and recorded, and are processed completely,
accurately and on a timely basis.
Appropriateness— measure of the quality of audit evidence Anomalous error—arises from an isolated event that has not
recurred other than on specifically identifiable occasions and is
Assertions—representations by management, explicit or otherwise, therefore not representative of errors in the population.
that are embodied in the financial statements. (see Financial
statements assertions) Expected error— auditor expects to be present in the population.

Assistants—personnel involved in an individual audit other than the Non-sampling risk—arises from factors that cause the auditor to
auditor. reach an erroneous conclusion for any reason not related to the size
of the sample.
Assurance—(see Reasonable assurance)
Population—entire set of data from which a sample is selected and
Attendance—being present during all or part of a process being about which the auditor wishes to draw conclusions.
performed by others
Sampling risk—arises from the possibility that the auditor’s
Audit—objective of an audit of financial statements is to enable the conclusion, based on a sample may be different from the conclusion
auditor to express an opinion whether the financial statements are reached if the entire population were subjected to the same audit
prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an identified procedure.
financial reporting framework. The phrase used to express the
auditor’s opinion is “present fairly, in all material respects. A similar Sampling unit— individual items constituting a population
objective applies to the audit of financial or other information
prepared in accordance with appropriate criteria. Statistical sampling—any approach to sampling that has the
following characteristics:
Audit evidence—information obtained by the auditor in arriving at (a) Random selection of a sample; and
the conclusions on which the audit opinion is based. Underlying (b) Use of probability theory to evaluate sample results, including
Accounting Data and Corroborating Information measurement of sampling risk.

Audit firm—firm or entity providing audit services, including where Stratification— dividing a population into subpopulations, each of
appropriate its partners, or a sole practitioner. which is a group of sampling units which have similar characteristics
(often monetary value).
Audit opinion—(see Opinion)
Tolerable error—maximum error in a population that the auditor is
Audit program—sets out the nature, timing and extent of planned willing to accept.
audit procedures required to implement the overall audit plan. The
audit program serves as a set of instructions to assistants involved in Auditor—person with final responsibility for the audit. This term is
the audit and as a means to control the proper execution of the also used to refer to an audit firm
Continuing auditor—audited and reported on the prior period’s
Audit risk—auditor gives an inappropriate audit opinion when the financial statements and continues as the auditor for the current
financial statements are materially misstated. Audit risk has three period.
components: inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.
External auditor/ External Audit—used to distinguish from internal
 Control risk—misstatement that could occur in an account auditor
balance or class of transactions will not be prevented or
detected and corrected on a timely basis by the accounting and Incoming auditor—current period’s auditor who did not audit the
internal control systems. prior period’s financial statements.
 Detection risk—auditor’s substantive procedures will not
detect a misstatement that exists in an account balance or class Other auditor—auditor, other than the principal auditor, with
of transactions responsibility for reporting on the financial information of a
 Inherent risk—susceptibility of an account balance or class of component which is included in the financial statements audited by
transactions to misstatement, assuming that there were no the principal auditor.
related internal controls.
Personnel—all partners and professional staff engaged in the audit
Audit sampling—application of audit procedures to less than 100% practice of the firm.
of items within an account balance or class of transactions such that
all sampling units have a chance of selection. Obtain and evaluate
Predecessor auditor—previously the auditor of an entity and who
audit evidence about some characteristic of the items selected in
has been replaced by an incoming auditor.
order to form or assist in forming a conclusion concerning the
population from which the sample is drawn. Audit sampling can use
either a statistical or a non-statistical approach. Principal auditor—responsibility for reporting on the financial
statements of an entity when those financial statements include
financial information of one or more components audited by
another auditor.
Auditor’s association—when the auditor attaches a report to that Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)— electronic transmission of
information or consents to the use of the auditor’s name in a documents between organizations in a machine-readable form.
professional connection.
Emphasis of matter paragraph(s)—(see Modified auditor’s report)
Comparatives—present amounts and appropriate disclosures of an
entity for more than one period, depending on the framework. The Encryption (cryptography)—transforming programs and information
frameworks and methods of presentation are as follows: into a form that cannot be understood without access to specific
(a) Corresponding figures where amounts and other disclosures for decoding algorithms (cryptographic keys) to provide an effective
the preceding period are included as part of the current period control for protecting confidential or sensitive programs and
financial statements; and information from unauthorized access or modification.
(b) Comparative financial statements where amounts and other
disclosures for the preceding period are included for comparison
Engagement letter—documents and confirms the auditor’s
with the financial statements of the current period, but do not form
acceptance of the appointment, the objective and scope of the
part of the current period financial statements.
audit, the extent of the auditor’s responsibilities to the client and
the form of any reports.
Compilation engagement—accountant is engaged to use accounting
expertise as opposed to auditing expertise to collect, classify and
Environmental matters—defined as:
summarize financial information.
(a) Initiatives to prevent, abate, or remedy damage to the
environment, or to deal with conservation of renewable and non-
Component—division, branch, subsidiary, joint venture, associated renewable resources;
company or other entity whose financial information is included in (b) Consequences of violating environmental laws and regulations;
financial statements audited by the principal auditor. (c) Consequences of environmental damage done to others or to
natural resources; and
Comprehensive basis of accounting—comprises a set of criteria (d) Consequences of vicarious liability imposed by law (for example,
used in preparing financial statements which applies to all material liability for damages caused by previous owners).
items and which has substantial support.
Environmental performance report—report, separate from the
Computation—checking the arithmetical accuracy of source financial statements, in which an entity provides third parties with
documents and accounting records or of performing independent qualitative information on the entity’s commitments towards the
calculations. environmental aspects of the business, its policies and targets in
that field, its achievement in managing the relationship between its
Computer-assisted audit techniques—applications of auditing business processes and environmental risk, and quantitative
procedures using the computer as an audit tool are known as information on its environmental performance.
Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs).
Environmental risk—may be included in assessment inherent risk
Computer information systems—exists when a computer of any for the development of the overall audit plan
type or size is involved in the processing by the entity of financial
information of significance to the audit, whether that computer is Error—unintentional mistake in financial statements.
operated by the entity or by a third party.
Expert—person or firm possessing special skill, knowledge and
Confirmation—(see External confirmation) experience in a particular field other than accounting and auditing.

Control environment—comprises the overall attitude, awareness External confirmation—obtaining and evaluating audit evidence
and actions of directors and management regarding the internal through a direct communication from a third party in response to a
control system and its importance in the entity. request for information about a particular item affecting assertions
made by management
Control procedures—policies and procedures in addition to the
control environment which management has established to achieve Fair Value—amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a
the entity’s specific objectives. liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s
length transaction.
Corporate Governance—(see Governance)
Financial statements—balance sheets, income statements or profit
Database—collection of data that is shared and used by a number of and loss accounts, statements showing either all changes in equity
different users for different purposes. or changes in equity other than those arising from capital
transactions with owners and distributions to owners, cash flow
statements, notes and other statements and explanatory material
Disclaimer of opinion—(see Modified auditor’s report)
which are identified as being part of the financial statements.

Documentation—material (working papers) prepared by and for, or

Summarized financial statements—summarized annual audited
obtained and retained by the auditor in connection with the
financial statements for informing user groups interested in the
performance of the audit.
highlights only of the entity’s financial performance and position.
Financial statement assertions—assertions by management, explicit Internal auditing—appraisal activity established within an entity as a
or otherwise, that are embodied in the financial statements and can service to the entity. Its functions include examining, evaluating and
be categorized as follows: monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting and
(a) Existence: an asset or a liability exists at a given date; internal control systems.
(b) Rights and obligations: an asset or a liability pertains to the entity
at a given date; Internal control system—internal controls to assist in achieving
(c) Occurrence: a transaction or event took place which pertains to management’s objective of ensuring the orderly and efficient
the entity during the period; conduct of its business, including adherence to management
(d) Completeness: there are no unrecorded assets, liabilities, policies, the safeguarding of assets, the prevention and detection of
transactions or events, or undisclosed items; fraud and error, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting
(e) Valuation: an asset or liability is recorded at an appropriate records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial information.
carrying value;
(f) Measurement: a transaction or event is recorded at the proper
IT environment—policies and procedures that the entity
amount and revenue or expense is allocated to the proper period;
implements and the IT infrastructure and application software that it
uses to support business operations and achieve business strategies.
(g) Presentation and disclosure: an item is disclosed, classified, and
described in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
framework. Knowledge of the business—auditor’s general knowledge of the
economy and the industry within which the entity operates and a
more particular knowledge of how the entity operates.
Firewall—combination of hardware and software that protects a
WAN, LAN or PC from unauthorized access
Limitation on scope—sometimes be imposed by the entity due to
circumstances. It may also arise when, in the opinion of the auditor,
Forecast—prospective financial information prepared on the basis
the entity’s accounting records are inadequate or when the auditor
of assumptions as to future events which management expects to
is unable to carry out an audit procedure believed desirable.
take place and the actions management expects to take as of the
date the information is prepared (best-estimate assumptions).
Local Area Network (LAN)—serves users within a confined
geographical area and developed to facilitate the exchange and
Fraud—intentional act by one or more individuals among
sharing of resources within an organization, including data,
management, employees, or third parties, which results in a
software, storage, printers and telecommunications equipment.
misrepresentation of financial statements.
They allow for decentralized computing. The basic components of a
LAN are transmission media and software, user terminals and shared
General controls in computer information systems—to provide a peripherals.
reasonable level of assurance that the overall objectives of internal
control are achieved.
Management—officers and others who also perform senior
managerial functions. Management includes directors and the audit
Going concern assumption—entity is ordinarily viewed as committee only in those instances when they perform such
continuing in business for the foreseeable future with neither the functions.
intention nor the necessity of liquidation, ceasing trading or seeking
protection from creditors pursuant to laws or regulations.
Management representations—made by management to the
Accordingly, assets and liabilities are recorded on the basis that the
auditor during the course of an audit, either unsolicited or in
entity will be able to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in
response to specific inquiries.
the normal course of business.

Material inconsistency—other information contradicts information

Governance—role of persons entrusted with the supervision,
contained in the audited financial statements. A material
control and direction of an entity and accountable for ensuring that
inconsistency may raise doubt about the audit conclusions drawn
the entity achieves its objectives, financial reporting, and reporting
from audit evidence previously obtained and, possibly, about the
to interested parties.
basis for the auditor’s opinion on the financial statements.

Government business enterprises—operate within the public sector

Material misstatement of fact—such information, not related to
ordinarily to meet a political or social interest objective. They are
matters appearing in the audited financial statements, is incorrectly
ordinarily required to operate commercially to make profits or to
stated or presented.
recoup, through user charges a substantial proportion of their
operating costs.
Material weaknesses—weaknesses in internal control that could
have a material effect on the financial statements.
Inquiry—seeking information of knowledgeable persons inside or
outside the entity.
Materiality—omission or misstatement could influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial
Inspection—examining records, documents, or tangible assets.

Interim financial information or statements—issued at interim

Misstatement—mistake in financial information which would arise
dates (usually half yearly or quarterly) in respect of a financial
from errors and fraud.
Modified auditor’s report—either an emphasis of matter PCs or personal computers (also referred to as microcomputers)—
paragraph(s) is added to the report or if the opinion is other than economical yet powerful self-contained general purpose computers.
unqualified: Programs and data may be stored internally on a hard disk or on
removable storage media. PCs may be connected to on-line
Matters That Do Not Affect the Auditor’s Opinion networks, printers and other devices such as scanners and modems.

Emphasis of matter paragraph(s)—adding an emphasis of matter Planning—developing a general strategy and a detailed approach for
paragraph(s) to highlight a matter affecting the financial statements the expected nature, timing and extent of the audit.
which is included in a note to the financial statements that more
extensively discusses the matter. Post balance sheet events—(see Subsequent events)

Matters That Do Affect the Auditor’s Opinion Programming controls—prevent or detect improper changes to
computer programs that are accessed through on-line terminal
Qualified opinion—auditor concludes that an unqualified opinion devices. Access may be restricted by controls such as the use of
cannot be expressed but the effect of any disagreement with separate operational and program development libraries and the
management, or limitation on scope is not that material and use of specialized program library software.
pervasive to require an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion.
Projection—prospective financial information prepared on the basis
Disclaimer of opinion—expressed when the possible effect of a of:
limitation on scope is so material and pervasive that the auditor has (a) Hypothetical assumptions about future events and management
not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence and actions which are not necessarily expected to take place; or
accordingly is unable to express an opinion on the financial (b) A mixture of best-estimate and hypothetical assumptions.
Prospective financial information—based on assumptions about
Adverse opinion—expressed when the effect of a disagreement is events that may occur in the future and possible actions by an
so material and pervasive to the financial statements that the entity. Prospective financial information can be in the form of a
auditor concludes that a qualification of the report is not adequate forecast, a projection or a combination of both.
to disclose the misleading or incomplete nature of the financial
statements. Public sector—national governments, regional governments, local
governments and related governmental entities
National practices (auditing) –set of auditing guidelines not having
the authority of standards defined by an authoritative body at a Quality controls—policies and procedures adopted by a firm to
country level and commonly applied by auditors in the conduct of an provide reasonable assurance that all audits done by the firm are
audit or related services. [This definition does not apply in the being carried out in accordance with objective of PSA 220
Philippines and is therefore not used.]
Reasonable assurance—high, but not absolute, level of assurance,
National standards (auditing)—set of auditing standards defined by expressed positively in the audit report as reasonable assurance,
the Auditing Standards and Practices Council or by law or regulations that the information subject to audit is free of material
or an authoritative body at the country level, the application of misstatement.
which is mandatory in conducting an audit or related services and
which should be complied with in the conduct of an audit or related Related parties—Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
services. 24/International Accounting Standard 24 (SFAS 24/IAS 24) as:

Noncompliance—acts of omission or commission by the entity being Related party—one party has the ability to control the other
audited, either intentional or unintentional, which are contrary to party or exercise significant influence over the other party in
the prevailing laws or regulations. making financial and operating decisions.

Observation—looking at a process or procedure being performed by Related party transaction—transfer of resources or obligations
others between related parties, regardless of whether a price is
Opening balances—account balances which exist at the beginning of
the period which are based upon the closing balances of the prior Related services—reviews, agreed-upon procedures and
period and reflect the effects of transactions of prior periods and compilations.
accounting policies applied in the prior period.
Review engagement—enable an auditor to state whether, anything
Opinion—included in the auditor’s report with respect to FS. An has come to the auditor’s attention that causes the auditor to
unqualified opinion is expressed when the auditor concludes that believe that the financial statements are not prepared, in all
the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, material respects, in accordance with an identified financial
in accordance with the identified financial reporting framework. reporting framework.
Scope of an Audit—audit procedures deemed necessary in the Transaction logs—reports that are designed to create an audit trail
circumstances to achieve the objective of the audit. for each on-line transaction. Such reports often document the
source of a transaction (terminal, time and user) as well as the
Scope of a Review—review procedures deemed necessary in the transaction’s details.
circumstances to achieve the objective of the review.
Uncertainty—matter whose outcome depends on future actions or
Segment information—distinguishable components or industry and events not under the direct control of the entity but that may affect
geographical aspects of an entity. the financial statements.

Service organization—one that executes transactions and maintains Walk-through test—tracing a few transactions through the
related accountability or records transactions and processes related accounting system.
data (e.g., a computer information systems service organization).
Wide area network (WAN)—transmits information across an
Significance—related to materiality of the financial statement expanded area such as between plant sites, cities and nations.
assertion affected. WANs allow for on-line access to applications from remote
terminals. Several LANs can be interconnected in a WAN.
Small entity—any entity in which:
(a) There is concentration of ownership and management in a small Working papers—record of the auditor’s planning; nature, timing
number of individuals (often a single individual); and and extent of the auditing procedures performed; and results of
(b) One or more of the following are also found: such procedures and the conclusions drawn from the evidence
(i) Few sources of income; obtained. Working papers may be in the form of data stored on
(ii) Unsophisticated record-keeping; and paper, film, electronic media or other media.
(iii) Limited internal controls together with the potential for
management override of controls.

Special purpose auditor’s report—report issued in connection with

the independent audit of financial information other than an
auditor’s report on financial statements, including:
(a) FS prepared in accordance with a comprehensive basis of
accounting other than Philippine Financial Reporting Standards;
(b) Specified accounts, elements of accounts, or items in a financial
(c) Compliance with contractual agreements; and
(d) Summarized financial statements.

Subsequent events—SFAS 10/IAS 10 identifies two types of events

both favorable and unfavorable occurring after period end:
(a) Those that provide further evidence of conditions that existed at
period end; and
(b) Those that are indicative of conditions that arose subsequent to
period end.

Substantive procedures—tests performed to obtain audit evidence

to detect material misstatements in the financial statements, and
are of two types:
(a) Tests of details of transactions and balances; and
(b) Analytical procedures.

Sufficiency—measure of the quantity of audit evidence.

Supreme Audit Institution—public body of a State which is

designated, constituted or organized, exercises by virtue of law, the
highest public auditing function of that State.

Tests of control—Tests of control are performed to obtain audit

evidence about the effectiveness of the:
(a) Design of the accounting and internal control systems, whether
they are suitably designed to prevent or detect and correct material
misstatements; and
(b) Operation of the internal controls throughout the period.

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