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CBSE Solved Sample Papers For Class 6 For Social Science

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CBSE Solved Sample Papers for Class 6 – Social

By Anand Meena - March 1, 2016

CBSE Solved Sample Papers for Class 6 for Social Science

CBSE Solved Sample Papers for Class 6 for Social Science Subject is given below. The
solved sample papers are created as per the latest CBSE syllabus and curriculum
keeping in mind the latest marking schemes.

Part – 1

Q 1 each patwari is responsible for:

(a) A single village

(b) Two village
(c) A group of village
(d) None of these

Ans (c)

Q 2 the court poet of samudragupta was called:

(a) Satakarni
(b) Harishena
(c) Aryavarta
(d) None of these

Ans (b)

Q 3 purana literally mean:

(a) Fine
(b) Old
(c) New
(d) All of above

Q 4 kalinga is the ancient name of

(a) Bengal
(b) Haryana
(c) Orissa
(d) Bihar

Ans (c)

Q 5 the part of the cholas was called:

(a) Maduari
(b) Kaveripattnam
(c) Kaveri
(d) None of the above

Ans (b)

Q 6 huge water bodies on the earth are called:

(a) Rivers
(b) Ocean basins
(c) Seas
(d) Streams

Ans (b)

Q 7 the gram panchayat is elected for:

(a) Four years

(b) Five years
(c) Six years
(d) Seven years

Ans (b)

Q 8 the second most popular country of the world is:

(a) China
(b) Russia
(c) Japan
(d) India


Q 9 the secretary of the gram sabha is :

(a) Not an elected person
(b) An elected person
(c) Appointed by the sarpanch
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) not an elected person

Question 10: A step hill with an elevation of more than 600 meters is termed as an:

(a) Mountain
(b) Ocean
(c) Valley
(d) Hill

Answer: (a) Mountain

Question 11: Raw silk has to be extracted from the:

(a) Eggs of silkworms

(b) Cocoon of silkworms
(c) Larva of silkworms
(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Cocoon of silkworms

Question 12: A place where several caves were hollowed out the hills over centuries:

(a) Bhitargoan
(b) Ajanta
(c) Aihole
(d) Mahabalipuram

Answer: (a) Ajanta

Question 13: Coastal plains like Mumbai and Kolkata experience:

(a) Moderate climate

(b) Cold climate
(c) Hot climate
(d) None of these

Answer: (a) Moderate climate

Question 14: The wearing of the earth’s surface is called:

(a) Erosion
(b) Formation
(c) Deposition
(d) None of these

Answer: (a) Erosion

Question 15: Devotees walked around the Stupak in:

(a) A clockwise direction

(b) Straight direction
(c) An anti-clockwise direction
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) A clockwise direction

Question 16: The city of surat has a plague scare in:

(a) 1992
(b) 1993
(c) 1994
(d) 1995

Answer: (c) 1994

Part – II

Question 17: Who was the most famous ruler of the Maryann dynasty? How did he try
to reach his message to the people?

Answer: Asoka was the most famous mauryan ruler. He was the first ruler who tried to
reach his message to the people through inscriptions the most of Asoka’s inscriptions
were written in prakrit.

Question 18: What is the climate of India? How has this name been given to the

Answer: The climate of India is broadly monsoon climate. Monsoon word has been
derived from the Arabic word “mausim” which means seasons. India is located in the
tropical zone, hence most of the rain is brought by monsoon winds.

Question 19: Describe the boundaries of india.

Answer: Boundaries of india:

• It is bounded by the mighty Himalayas in the north.
• Arabian Sea bounds it in the west.
• Bay of Bengal forms its boundary in the east.
• Indian ocean bounds it in the south.
• India is a country of vast geographical expanse.

Question 20: What are erosion and deposition?


(a) Erosion:

• Wearing down the earths’s surface is called “erosion”.

• Erosional process lowers the surface.

(b) Deposition:

• Rebuilding of earth’s surface is called deposition.

Question 21: Write a short note on samanta?

Answer: During the gupta’s reign, there were military leaders who provided the king
with troops whenever he needed them. They were not paid regular salaries. Instead
some of them received grants of land. They collected revenue from the land and used
this to maintain soldiers and horses, and provided equipment for warfare. These men
were known as sanants. Whenever, the ruler was weak sanantas tried to become

Question 22: Why do you think ordinary people were attracted to bhakti?


(1) I think that ordinary people were attracted to Bhakti because, bhaktsaint used
the language of people which they would understand easily.
(2) The saints emphasized the worship of certain duties, which because a central
feature of later Hinduism, gained an importance.
(3) These deities included shiva, Vishnu and goddesses such a Durga. Bhakti is
generally understood a person’s devotion to his or her chosen deity.

Question 23: Write a brief note on manimekalai.

Answer: Second tamil epic, the manimekalai was composed by sattanar around 1400
years ago. This describes the story of the daughter of kovatan and madhavi. These
beautiful composition were last to scholars for several centuries till their manuscripts
were rediscovered, about a hundred years ago.

Question 24: If you could visit any one of the places as per chapta building painting
and book, which would you choose and why?

Answer: I would choose Mathura because it is related with life of lord Krishna and it is
very near from delhi, my home city. Mathura is well connected by road and railways.
These are many shrines and temples. I am fond of sweets. Mathura is well-known for
its some sweet products, especially peras.

Question 25: Give an account of some important migratory birds.

Answer: Some birds migrate to our country in winter season every year. They are
pelican, Siberian crane, flamingo, pintail duck, curlew Siberian cranes migrate from
Siberian cranes migrate from Siberia. They arrive in December. They stay till early
march then they return to their native region.

Question 26: What are major features of a city?

Answer: Features of s city:

(a) Electricity facilities

(b) Hospitals
(c) Water facilities
(d) Crowded markets
(e) Many buses and cares

Question 27: Write a brief note on hereditary officer?

Answer: These officers whose posts are transmitted from one generation to another, is
called hereditary officers. For example, property, some diseases or some qualities may
be hereditary. Some important administrative posts were hereditary during the region
of the guptas. This means that sons succeeded fathers to these posts. For example,
the poet harishena was a mahadanda-nayaka or chief judicial officer, like his father.
Those persons who are commissioned or appointed to perform public duties are called

Question 28: Why are forests necessary?

Answer: Forests are necessary because of the following reasons:

(a) Forests are very useful for us.
(b) They perform various functions.
(c) Plants release oxygen that we breathe and absorb carbon dioxide which we
(d) The roots of the plants bind the soil which results in control of soil erosion.

Question 29: Define:

(a) Mountains
(b) Glaciers


(a) Mountains: Natural elevation of the earth’s surface with a small summit and a
broad base, higher than the surrounding area.
(b) Glaciers: These are permanent moving heaps of ice and snow..

Question 30: Enumerate the physical divisions of india?

Answer: Physicals divisions of india:

(a) The Island

(b) The Coastal plains
(c) The peninsular plateau
(d) The north Indian plains
(e) The Himalayan mountain

Question 31: How do you think wars affect the lives of ordinary people today?

Answer: Today wars affect the lives of ordinary people today in the following ways:

(1) They are killed in a large number.

(2) Their property-houses, shops etc. are destroyed.
(3) Wars create violence and disturbances in the society.
(4) Development projects and welfare works undertaken by the government for
welfare and benefit of the people are disturbed and postponed.
(5) Wars waste economics and other resources. Government generally more taxes
on the people.

Part – III

Question 32: What are plateaus? Give their major feature?


Plateaus: Plateaus are flat topped tableland with steep slopes on one side or more

Features of the plateaus: Height varies from a few hundred meters of several thousand
meters. Plateaus may be young or old.

(a) Deccan plateaus of India are one of the oldest plateaus of the world.
(b) East African plateaus.
(c) Western plateaus of Australia.
(d) The Tibet plateau is the highest plateau of the world with a 4000 to 6000 meters
above mean sea level.

Question 33: Describe two major oceans of the world.

Answer: Two major oceans of the world are:

(1) The pacific ocean:

(a) The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean. It is spread on 33.3% area of the earth.
(b) Mariana trench, the deepest part of the earth lies under the Pacific Ocean.
(c) Its shape is circular.
(d) It is bounded by Asia and Australia one side and north and the South Americans
on the other.

(2) The Atlantic ocean:

(a) The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean.

(b) It is “s” in shape.
(c) It is flanked by the north and the South America on the western side and Europe
and Africa on the eastern side.
(d) Its coastline is highly indented. This irregular and indented coastline facilities
development of natural harbors.
(e) The Atlantic Ocean is the busiest ocean from the point of view of commerce.

Question 34: Discuss the organisms found in the biosphere.


(a) The four realms of the earth interact with each other and affect one another in
some way or other.
(b) The organism found in the biosphere is broadly divided into plant kingdom and
animal kingdom.
(c) The growth of human population is a major cause of change in the biosphere
the growing population requires space for living. This leads to increase of silt in the
rivers that results ultimately into floods.

• (i) Floods provide new soil or alluvial.

• (ii) But simultaneously floods destroy human habitation and cause
complete disruption in smooth living of people.

Question 35: Give an account of the ways of earning livelihood in rural areas.

Answer: Various ways of earning livelihood in rural areas:

(a) Farm and non-farm activities.

(b) Farm activities involve the following

• (i) Preparing the land

• (ii) Sowing
• (iii) Weeding
• (iv) Harvesting
• (v) Farmers depend on the nature for growth of crops. Hence life resolves
round certain seasons.
• (vi) Different crops are raised in different regions.
• (vii) However, there are similarities in their situation and problems they

(c) Some people work as laborers on the farmland and earn their living.
(d) Other ways of livelihood are fishing crafts etc.
(e) Aruna and paarivelam represent the fishing community.

Question 34: Describe the three level of panchayati.

Answer: Panchayati raj system is a process through which people participate in their
own government.

• Gram panchayat
• Block level pancahyat
• District panchayat

(a) Gram panchayat: It is at village level, panchayat president and ward members.
(b) Block level panchayat: Numerous village panchayat as its members.
(c) District panchayat: Its prepares the development plans for the whole district. It
controls the money distributed to block and village panchayats.



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