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CBSE Class 6 Social Science Paper 1

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Sample Question Paper 2018-19

Social Science
Class – VI

Time: 2½ hours Total Marks: 75

General Instructions:
i. There are 36 Questions in all. All Questions are compulsory.
ii. Marks for each Questions are indicated against the Question.
iii. Questions from serial number 1 to 5, 13 to 17, 25 to 29 are multiple choice Questions
(MCQs) of 1 mark each. Every MCQ is provided with four alternatives. Write the
correct alternative.
iv. Questions from serial number 5 to 10, 18 to 22, 30 to 34 are 2 marks Questions.
v. Question numbers 11 to 12, 23 to 24, 35 to 36 are 5 marks Questions.

Section A

Q 1 – Where is the Iron Pillar located? [1]

a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Bihar
c) Delhi
d) Uttar Pradesh

Q 2 – Who wrote Harshavardhana's autobiography? [1]

a) Kalidasa
b) Ashoka
c) Banabhatta
d) Xuanzang

Q 3 – Who was the most important ruler of the Satavahanas? [1]

a) Gautami Balasri
b) Gautama Buddha
c) Gautamiputra Shri Satakarni
d) None of the above

Q 4 – An edict is [1]
a) A large rock
b) A top part of a pillar
c) An official order
d) A single piece of stone standing by itself

Biology 1
Q 5 – The people of the Harappan Valley procured gold from [1]
a) Afghanistan
b) Gujarat
c) Karnataka
d) Rajasthan

Q 6 What were the questions that Upanishadic thinkers wanted to answer? [2]

Q 7 State the extent of the Pallavas Empire. [2]

Q 8 Describe two regions where early men lived in India. [2]

Q 9 Why were some of the earliest works in Tamil known as Sangam literature? [2]

Q 10 Why did kings want to control the silk route? [2]

Q 11 What are the main teachings given by Buddha? [5]

State the main principles of Ashoka's dhamma.

Q 12 Write a short note on Nalanda. [5]

What was Arikamedu? Write a short note on it.

Section B


Q 13 Name the person/persons who inherit the property after the father’s death. [1]
a) Sons
b) Daughters
c) Wife
d) Sons, daughters and wife

Q 14 Who implements the decision taken by the Councillors? [1]

a) Commissioner
b) Administrative staff
c) Both of them
d) None of the above

Biology 2
15 Providing crops with water is known as? [1]
a) Harvesting
b) Weeding
c) Irrigation
d) Planting

Q 16 How many street vendors work in Indian urban areas? [1]

a) 50 lakh
b) 75 lakh
c) 1 crore
d) 2 crore

Q 17 In a Municipal Corporation, the elected members are called [1]

a) Ward Councillors
b) Ward Staff
c) Secretary
d) All of the above

Q 18 Discuss any two functions of the government. [1]

Q 19 How did Surat become one of the cleanest cities of India? [2]

Q 20 Name the various other sources of income which the rural people depend on? [2]

Q 21 What new change has been made in the Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005. [2]

Q 22 What is the main source of income for the people of Pudupet? [2]

Q 23 State the various duties of Tehsildars. [5]

What is being done for the hawkers/street vendors by the Government?

Q 24 When do farmers commit suicide in some areas? Explain in brief. [5]

Describe the functions of gramabhojaka. Why do you think he is powerful?

Biology 3
Section C

Q 25 Ebony is grown in which type of the following forests? [1]

a) Coniferous forests
b) Tropical Thorn forests
c) Tropical rainforests
d) Deciduous forests

Q 26 The Southernmost Himalayas are known as [1]

a) Siwaliks
b) Himadri
c) Himachal
d) Aravalli

Q 27 The internal forces of the Earth are called [1]

a) Exogenetic forces
b) Denudational forces
c) Gradational forces
d) Endogenetic forces

Q 28 North Temperate Zone lies between which of the following latitudes? [1]
a) Equator and Tropic of Capricorn
b) Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle
c) Equator and Antarctic Circle
d) Equator and tropic of Cancer

Q 29 Cinchona trees are found in the areas of rainfall more than [1]
a) 50 cm
b) 100 cm
c) 89 cm
d) 70 cm

Q 30 What is a plateau? Name the oldest plateau of India. [2]

Q 31 Why do large number of people live in the Northern plains? [2]

Q 32 Why the earth is called “blue planet”? [2]

Q 33 What type of vegetation is found in deserts? Give an example. [2]

Q 34 Why is it that in winter the temperature remains quite low in northern India? [2]

Q35 How are plateaus useful to us? [5]


Biology 4
Name the different seasons in India.

Q 36 What are landforms and how are they created? [5]

State the main features of the tropical rainforests?

Biology 5
Solutions of Sample Question Paper 2018-19
Social Science
Class – VI

Section A
1. (c) – Delhi
2. (d) – Xuanzang
3. (c) – Gautamiputra Shri Satakarni
4. (c) – An official order
5. (c) – Karnataka
Answer 6
Upanishadic thinkers were curious about life after death. Some of them were eager to know why sacrifices
should be performed. They felt there had to be something permanent in the universe that lasted even after
death. All these ideas are recorded in the Upanishads.

Answer 7
The Pallavas ruled over northern Tamil Nadu and parts of southern Andhra Pradesh. They had their
capital at Kanchipuram, which was a temple town and a centre of learning.

Answer 8
Two regions where the early men lived in India are:
River Indus and its tributaries: About 4,700 years ago, some of the earliest cities flourished alongside
the River Indus and its tributaries.
River Ganga and its tributaries: In ancient times many kingdoms developed on the banks of the River
Ganga and its tributaries. Magadha was the most powerful kingdom among these.

Answer 9
Sangam texts were composed 2300 years ago. These texts were called Sangam because they were
supposed to have been composed and compiled in assemblies (known as sangams) of poets which were
held in the city of Madurai.

Answer 10

Answer 11
The main teachings of Buddha were the four noble truths and the eight-fold path or ashtangika marga.
The Four Noble Truths
1. The world is full of suffering.
2. The main cause of suffering is desire.
3. One must get rid of desire to end suffering.
4. To end desire, and hence suffering, one must follow the eight-fold path.

The Eight-fold Path

1. Right thought

Biology 1
2. Right belief
3. Right speech
4. Right action
5. Right means of livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right memory
8. Right meditation


The main principles of Ashoka's dhamma were

o People should be peaceful, tolerant and live in harmony.
o Everyone should follow ahimsa or non-violence and non-injury towards all living things.
o People should love one another and respect all religions.
o People should be truthful, kind and generous towards all.
o People should obey elders, and elders should treat children with understanding.

Answer 12
Nalanda in Bihar was the most famous Buddhist monastery of its period. It was a unique centre of
Buddhist learning. Chinese pilgrims such as Xuanzang visited the Indian subcontinent and spent time
studying in the Nalanda University. Xuanzang described the university as follows:
1. The teachers were men of highest ability and talent, and they followed the teachings of the Buddha in all
2. The rules of the monastery were strict, and everyone had to follow them.
3. Discussions were held throughout the day, and the old and the young mutually helped one another.
4. Learned men from different cities came here to settle their doubts.
New entrants were asked difficult questions by the gatekeeper, who allowed them to enter only after they
were able to answer his questions. Seven out of every ten were not able to answer.


Arikamedu, near Puducherry, is an important archaeological site. It was excavated in the 1940s by the
British archaeologist Sir Mortimer Wheeler.
Arikamedu was a coastal trading centre, a major port and a coastal settlement where ships unloaded goods
from distant lands. It was an important bead-making centre. It was a prosperous settlement and owed its
prosperity to a thriving trade with the Roman Empire.
Textiles, beads, semi-precious stones and glass-shell bangles were the major exports from the port. The
imports included wine and olive oil.

Section B

13. (d) – Sons, daughters and wife
14. (c) – Both of them
15. (c) – Irrigation
16. (c) – 1 crore

Biology 2
17. (a) – Ward Councillors

Answer 18
Two functions of the government are:
•All the administrative functions such as building railways, postal services, roads, public schools and
hospitals are performed by the government.
•The government of a nation protects its boundaries and maintains peaceful relations with other

Answer 19
Before 1994, Surat was regarded as one of the dirtiest cities in India. In 1994, Surat faced a plague scare
which killed several people, and more than 30,000 people deserted the city. This is when the Municipal
Corporation of Surat decided to completely clean the city. Since then Surat continues to remain as one of
the cleanest cities in India.

Answer 20
The other sources of income which rural people depend on are
•Collecting forest resources
•Animal husbandry
•Dairy produce

Answer 21
The Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005, states that along with the sons, daughters and their mother
will inherit equal share of the land after the death of the father.

Answer 22
People in Pudupet earn their living by fishing. Their houses are close to the sea, where rows of catamarans
and nets lay around. At about 7 o’clock in the morning, there is a lot of activity on the beach because the
catamarans return with their catch and women gather to buy and sell fish.

Answer 23
The various duties undertaken by Tehsildars are:-
a. To supervise the work of the Patwari and ensure that the records are properly kept.
b. To make sure that land revenue is collected.
c. To make certain that farmers can easily obtain a copy of their records.
d. To provide students the caste certificate.
e. To hear disputes relating to various issues.


The Government is now recognising hawkers/street vendors as a general benefit and hawking as a right of
people to earn their livelihood.
The Government is trying to do the following:-
•Modify the law which banned street vendors, such that they have a place to work without hampering
either traffic or people.
•Make hawking zones for towns and cities.
•Allow mobile vendors to move around freely.
•It also has said that the hawkers need to be part of committees which are set up to take these and other

Biology 3
decisions relating to them.

Answer 24
The farmers commit suicide in some areas due to the following reasons:
•They have to borrow money from moneylenders to purchase basic things such as seeds, fertilisers and
•There is a possibility of a major crop failure if the seeds are not of good quality or pests attack their
•The crops can also be ruined if the monsoon does not bring enough rain.
•Because of this, farmers sometimes are unable to pay back their loans.
•For the family to survive, they may even have to borrow more money.
•The loan then becomes so large that no matter what they earn, they are unable to repay and are in debt.

The ‘gramabhojaka’ was used to be the largest landowner in a city or town. He used to keep slaves and hired
workers to cultivate the land. He was powerful since the king entrusted him with the important job of
collecting taxes from the villagers. His other functions were those of a policeman and judge.

Section C

25. (c) – Tropical rainforests
26. (a) – Siwaliks
27. (d) – Endogenetic forces
28. (b) – Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle
29. (b) – 100 cm

Answer 30
A plateau is an elevated flat land. It is a flat-topped table land standing above the surrounding area. The
Deccan plateau is the oldest plateau in India.

Answer 31
Large number of people live in the Northern plains because of the following reasons:-
(i) These plains are flat and levelled.
(ii) They provide fertile land for cultivation.
(iii) These are formed by alluvial deposits brought by the rivers Indus, Brahmaputra, Ganga and their

Answer 32
The three-fourth of the earth's surface is covered with water bodies. When looked from the space, it appears
blue due to those water bodies. That is why it is also known as the Blue planet.

Answer 33
Thorny vegetation is found in deserts. The leaves are reduced to spines in order to prevent the loss of water.
Some have small leaves to reduce water loss from leaf surfaces and deep roots to draw water from the sub-
soil. An example of a plant of thorny vegetation is cactus.

Biology 4
Answer 34
During the winter season, cool, dry winds blow from the north to the south. Sun rays do not fall directly in this
region, so the temperature remains quite low in the winter season in northern India.

Answer 35
Plateaus are useful to us in the following ways:
•They are very useful as they are rich in mineral deposits. As a result, mining areas in the world are located
in plateau areas.
•The African plateau is famous for gold and diamond mining. The Chhota Nagpur plateau in India has huge
reserves of iron, coal and manganese.
•Plateau areas also have several waterfalls.
•They are also rich in black soil which is very fertile and good for cultivation.
•Some plateaus are scenic spots and so are tourist attractions.


Throughout the year, climate changes in cycles; these cycles are known as seasons. In India, we experience four
major seasons i.e. summer, rainy, autumn and winter. During March, April and May the sun shines very brightly
and the temperature soars. The air becomes very hot stating the onset of the summer season. In India, the season
of rains is called the monsoon season. A good monsoon means adequate rains and a good crop. A good crop
means a good economy for the country. There are two types of monsoon seasons. The Southwest monsoon
season that marks the onset of rain begins in June and lasts until September. The Retreating monsoon season
occurs in September and October. The months of October and November mark the beginning of autumn during
which the monsoon winds move back towards the sea. The month of December marks the beginning of the
winter season. In India, winters stretch from December to February. During this season, cool, dry winds blow
from the north of India to the south of India.

Answer 36
The surface of the Earth is not uniform everywhere. At some places, it is rugged, while at places, it is level
and flat. These variations on the land surface are called landforms. Landforms are created as a result of two
processes—internal processes and external processes.
•The internal process leads to the upliftment and sinking of the Earth's surface at several places.
•The external process is the continuous wearing down and rebuilding of the land surface.


The main features of the tropical rainforests are

•They occur in the areas which receive heavy rainfall.
•They are so dense that sunlight does not reach the ground.
•Many species of trees are found in these forests, which shed their leaves at different times of the year.
•They always appear green and thus are called evergreen forests.
•Important trees found in these forests are mahogany, ebony and rosewood.
•Andaman and Nicobar Islands, parts of the north-eastern states and a narrow strip of the western slope of
the Western Ghats are home to these forests.

Biology 5

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