Appendices Appendix - I Details of Chandrapur Padghe HVDC Link
Appendices Appendix - I Details of Chandrapur Padghe HVDC Link
Appendices Appendix - I Details of Chandrapur Padghe HVDC Link
Appendix – I
Details of Chandrapur Padghe HVDC Link
The Power demand in the State of Maharashtra is concentrated in the western part of
the State around Mumbai, Pune, Nashik regions whereas the major thermal power generation
is concentrated in the eastern part of the state due to abundance of coal stock in that area.
The installed capacity of Chandrapur Thermal Power Station is 2340 MW. MahaGENCO
share of 577 from NTPC’s Korba Super Thermal Power Station is also received at
Chandrapur over 440 kV double circuit Bhilai Chandrapur line of Power Grid Corporation
India Ltd. (PGCIL). The Total Power is to be evacuated from Chandrapur 400 kV bus is
around 2700 MW. The existing transmission network comprising of three 400 kV circuits
between Chanrdapur and Mumbai can safely transmit around 1200 MW of power without
considering any contingency outages. It was therefore necessary to provide additional
transmission capacity of around 1500 MW between Chandrapur and Mumbai. Expansion of
400 kV transmission network by constructing several 400 kV lines was not feasible due to
severe constraints of right of way. Therefore the other two options viz. Construction of 800
kV AC link or, HVDC bipole link was considered. The option of HVDC bipole link was
found to be a better option considering long term requirement.
System Description
The Chandrapur – Padghe HVDC Bipole link has two poles one positive and the other
negative. The DC voltage of each pole is 500 kV. The salient details of the link are as given
Nominal Continuous Power Flow rating : 1500 MW (From Chandrapur to Padghe)
Overload Capability : 1650 MW for two hours
2000 MW for five second
Low Ambient Raring : 1650 MW continuous
(Temp. below 33 C) : 2200 MW for five second
Minimum power flow at monopolar : 75 MW for five second
Acceptable AC voltage Variation : Between 380 kV to 430 kV at Chandrapur
: Between 360 kV to 420 kV at Padghe
Acceptable Frequency variation : Between 47.5 Hz and 51.5 Hz
Operational modes
Thyristor valves
The Thyristor valves form the heart of HCDC system.
Thyristor in single valve : 96 nos.
Thyristor in quadruple valve : 384 nos.
Thyristor per pole : 1152 nos.
Thyristor in a section : 2304 nos.
Area of each thyristor : 45
Max Voltage of thyristor : 7 kV
Rated current of thyristor : 1700 Amp DC
Pulse group : 12 pulse per pole
Number of transformers in each terminal 6 Nos, Single phases 3 winding. + one
spare unit
Secondary winding connection 1 Star
1 delta
Nominal Voltage
Line winding 400 3 kV
Valve winding
Star 211 3 kV
Delta 211 kV
Rated power of each unit 298.6 MVA
Smoothing reactors
Type of reactors iron core oil insulted
No. of reactors One per pole with one spare unit at each station.
Rating 566 kV DC , 360 mH, 1700 Amp DC
AC filter
No. of Filters per station
HP 12 single tuned 4 nos.
HP 24/36 double tuned 2 nos.
HP 3 3 nos.
Nos. of filter banks per station 4 nos.
Rating of each filter bank 200 MVA
DC filter
Double tuned branches per pole 1 no. – 2/6th harmonic
1 no. – 12/24th harmonic
Rating of Second harmonic filter branch 2 micro farad at 650 kV DC
HVDC line
Length of the line 753 km
Number of poles Two
Nominal DC Voltage +/-500 kV
Highest DC Voltage +/-512 kV
Number of earth wires two (One AAAC and one OPGW)
Total number of towers 1970
Total tonnage of towers 25100 MT (Approx)
Maximum height of tower 63.23 meter from ground level (A+24)
Total length of Bersimis conductor used 6026 km
Total length of 80 sq. mm AAAC used 760 km
Total length of 24 fiber OPGW used 760 km
DC insulator (Porcelain and toughened glass) 502350 nos.
Optical communication
In order to ensure reliable communication between two terminals for transfer of control,
protection, information data an optical communication system utilizing OPGW on the DC
line is provided as main with a PLCC system as back up. Optical fiber system with 24 fiber is
being provided in the country for the first time over such a long distance. There are 5 Nos. of
repeater stations and 2 number of interface stations along the HVDC line located at the
various places as under:
Repeater station: Dhaba, Malkini Ahengaon, Hatwan and Hiwara.
Interface station: Dahegaon and Guha
Special features
• Reactive power control: By switching in and out filter banks either the reactive power
exchange or the AC voltage line be kept at targeted levels with dead bands which can be
set by the operator.
• Damping control: In case of AC lines or generator tripping, the parallel AC system
might start oscillating. The damping controller will counteract these power swings thus
giving the AC system a higher stability limit.
• Frequency control system: The fully computerized control and protection system has
been duplicated with one active system and one hot standby system. This will ensure high
reliability and availability of the HVDC System.
• Active DC filler: Active DC filter has been provided for the first time for an overhead
line transmission. The principle of an active filter is to inject in the DC line a controlled
current consisting of the harmonic currents not eliminated by the passive filters, but with
each component in phase opposition, so that a cancellation of harmonic currents occurs
thus eliminating harmonics on DC side.
• Transfer between metallic and ground return: Special equipments are included so that
the transfer can be made without interruption in the power flow.
• Various master control locations: The master control can be selected to be Padghe or
Chandrapur. In Chandrapur and Padghe station the control can be operated from SCADA,
mimic or backup mimic selected control signals can be issued from Kalwa (load dispatch
centre) also.
• Line fault locator: A special line fault locator has been developed for this project with a
resolution of 1km.
• Electrode line supervision: By an active supervision of the electrode line it is possible to
detect even high impedance faults.
• Diesel generation sets: At each terminal station two diesel generation sets are provided,
each giving 100% standby capacity, since each DG set is rated to meet entire essential
load of the station.
• Uninterrupted power supply (UPS): This arrangement has been provided for feeding
the valve cooling pumps with 15 mins capacity in order to have an uninterrupted power
flow even if both DG sets fail.
• Fire fighting system: Similar to other installations, mulsifire system along with sprinkler
system for valves, AFFF system for oil insulated bushings, high velocity water spray
system for transformers and smoothing reactors, CO2 system for station control room and
pole control room, hydrant system for switchyard and portable fire extinguishers from the
complete fire protection system. In addition addressable type of fire detection system and
VESDA system for valve hall are the unique features of fire protection system. The CO2
protection system provided for control room and other installation in the service building
are unique for MSEB.
For effective monitoring of total HVDC system, Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) system has been provided. The system is integrated with the control
equipment in HVDC converter stations. For communication between two converter station
and State Load Dispatch (LD) station Kalwa. OPGW provided on HVDC line and 200 kV
Padghe Kalwa line is used.
SCADA equipment provided at Padghe Chandrapur and L.D. station Kalwa display
the key parameters like power flow, current position of breakers earth switches etc. HVDC
system logs the entire event / alarm of self as well as remote (other) station. Control function
like modifying power order or rate of ramping can be set either through SCADA system or
Mimic panel provided.
inspection of valves during energized condition. This is the first ever HVDC project in the
world where such type of provision for inspection of valves is available.
Executing Agencies
The work of terminal station as well as repeater and interface station including design
manufacturing, supply, complete erection, testing and commissioning has been executed by
M/s Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd. (BHEL) M/s ABB power system AB, Sweden and
M/s ABB India Ltd. Mumbai. The erection of HVDC line is done by M/s Jyoti Structures,
M/s Best & Crompton, M/s KEC International and M/s Kalpataru Power Transmission. The
design of electrode stations bas been done by MSEB with the help of Hydro Quebec
International (HQI) and SNC Lavalin, Canada. The erection of electrode lines has been
carried out by M/s Transral Baroda. The electrode stations are constructed by MSEB
departmentally. NTPC India HQI Canada and SNC Lavalin Canada provided consultancy
for preparation of technical specifications for terminals and line. The OPGW & OFAC and
its accessories required for optical communication system are supplied by M/s BICO UK and
splicing is done by M/s OPTEL Telecommunication Ltd. Bhopal and M/s Kalindee Rail
Niram Ltd. Jaipur. The porcelain insulator for the line are supplied by M/s NGK insulator,
Japan through M/s Mitsui Japan. The toughened glass insulators are supplied by M/s Sedever
Photograph: 500 kV DC Terminal Tower
Photograph: 500 kV DC Terminal Tower
Photograph: Switch Yard
400 kV A.C. Switchyard in HVDC Terminal Station Chandrapur
Lightening Arrester (500 kV) and Smoothing Reactor
AC Filter Area
Appendix - II
Program for Filter Performance Analysis
close all
I3=input('Enter the magnitude of 3rd harmonic current= ')
I13=input('Enter the magnitude of 13th harmonic current= ')
I15=input('Enter the magnitude of 15th harmonic current= ')
I25=input('Enter the magnitude of 25rd harmonic current= ')
I37=input('Enter the magnitude of 37th harmonic current= ')
disp('D25 = '); disp(D25);
disp('D37 = '); disp(D37);
disp('Dtotal = '); disp(Dtotal);
if(D3<=1 & D13<=1 & D15<=1 & D25<=1 & D37<=1 & Dtotal<=4)
sprintf('Filter performance satisfactory');
disp('Filter performance NOT satisfacory');
disp('Calculating for the 15th harmonic');
R15 = input('Select the suitable resistance in filter circuit in ohms = ');
C15 = input('Select the suitable capacitor in microfarad =');
DenXC15 = 2*pi*15*50*C15;
XC15 = 1000000/DenXC15;
XL15 = XC15;
DenXL15 = 2*pi*15*50;
L15 = XL15/ DenXL15;
L15_mH = L15*1000;
Z15_fundfreqresi = R15*R15;
XC15_fundfreqden = 2*pi*50*C15;
XC15_fundfreq = 1000000/XC15_fundfreqden;
XL15_fundfreq = 2*pi*50*L15;
X15_fundfreq = XL15_fundfreq + XC15_fundfreq;
Z15_fundfreqreactance = X15_fundfreq*X15_fundfreq;
Z15_square = Z15_fundfreqresi + Z15_fundfreqreactance;
Z15_fundfreq = sqrt(Z15_square);
VC15_fundfreq = I15*Z15_fundfreq;
VC15_15harm = I15*XC15;
VC15_voltage = (VC15_fundfreq.^2 + VC15_15harm.^2);
SC_VA = VC15_voltage/XC15_fundfreq;
SC_kVA = SC_VA/1000;
I15_fundfreq = 0.066*I15;
SL_VA = (I15.^2 + I15_fundfreq.^2)*X15_fundfreq;
SL_kVA = SL_VA/1000;
Appendix - III
Expert System HVDC Fault Localisation
Public Class Form1
End If
Private Sub btn4ok_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btn4ok.Click
If rdb4yes.Checked = True Then
pnl5.Visible = True
pnl3.Visible = False
pnl6.Visible = True
pnl5.Visible = False
pnl3.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
End Sub
End If
End Sub
If rdb9yes.Checked = True Then
MsgBox("Ground Fault on Metalic Rerutn", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Result..")
MsgBox("Open Circuit on Metalic Return", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Result..")
End If
End Sub
End If
End Sub
End Sub
End If
End Sub
Public Class Form2
pnl3.Visible = True
pnl2.Visible = False
MsgBox("Protection System Malfunction", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Result..")
End If
End Sub
I am thankful to our HOD Dr. A. G. Thosar Madam for her continuous support and
inspiration throughout the completion of this thesis.
My Sincere thanks to Er. R. S. Parulkar, MSETCL, for the pains taken by him throughout
this work. My thanks to Er. Sonkawade, MSETCL for his help provided during simulation.
My gratitude towards Mrs. Puja W. Gandhare for tolerating the inconvenience caused.
I express my sincere thanks towards Dr. Waliwadekar V.N. and Dr. Venkatesh for their
guidance and inspiration.
My thanks to Ravi, Pankaj, Subhash, Ganesh, Mrs. Lata, Mrs. Mangal and Mrs. Meera for
their continuous assistance. I am also thankful to my friends, well wishers and all those who
have helped me directly or indirectly in the completion of this project.
Last but not the least I would like to thank Almighty for his blessings, my all family
members Kaka, my Sasubai, Baba and Surekha, especially my husband Abhay and
daughters Sai, Ila for their constant patience, cooperation, encouragement, motivation, the
ingredients needed for success, without which the completion of this thesis would have been
a distant dream.