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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

 Feb. 27, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q1. The Right to Information act has completed ten years, but there are mixed
opinions evaluating its journey so far. Discuss the challenges in the
implementation of the Act in its true spirit.
Introduce with RTI and its positives.
Discuss both the demand side and supply side challenges to its implementation.
Conclude with the way forward.
Model Answer :
Under the Right to Information ( RTI) Act, which came into force in 2005, any citizen of India may request
information from a public authority which is required to reply expeditiously or within thirty days. It also mandates
self disclosure of information on websites by the authorities. In its decade long existence, the Act has managed to
bring transparency by exposing corruption cases such as CWG, 2G and Adarsh society scams.
However, challenges remain in the implementation. They include:
Demand Side Problems:
Awareness of the RTI act: The awareness levels about the Act are still poor. According to an RTI Assessment, not
more than 35% are aware of the act in rural areas and about 40% are aware of the Act in urban areas.
Use of the RTI act: Only a small percentage of population is using the Act, and even in that, a mere 8% of all the
applications nationally were women. Rural-urban divide is also seen.
Supply side problems:
1. Information & Record Management: The record management in the government departments is still in
shambles with issues like lack of computerization, files being lost or burnt, files and information being dispersed
across several o ices of one department etc.
2. Implementation of Section 4: It mandates self disclosure by the authorities. Studies found that more than 50%
of the applications filed under the RTI Act ask for information that should have been disclosed under Section 4.
3. Working of the Information Commissions: There is a huge pendency of cases, with close to 2 lakh
appeals/complaints pending in 23 di erent commissions. 
4. Public Information O icers (PIOs): These o icers are o en not properly equipped or trained to handle the
responsibility of supplying information .
5. Lack of substantive authority: State Information Commissions do not have enough authority to uphold
accountability in functioning of public authorities; even penalties that are imposed are not recovered. 1/834
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6. Lack of Ownership by State Government: Lack of ownership of the Act by state governments has also resulted
in scarcity of financial resources for the functioning of the Act. 

Way forward:
A lot remains to be done to make transparency and accountability a regular feature of governance in India. Given
that the weakness of the RTI lies in its weak implementation, the next phase of RTI act needs to focus on increasing
the authority of implementing agencies, especially the SICs to ensure much needed compliance from government
Subjects : Governance

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Q2. Social audit is an e ective instrument of citizen centric governance to

fight corruption. Discuss along with the mechanisms of social audit in India.
Introduce with social audit.
Discuss the significance of social audit and its role to fight corruption.
Then, give social audit mechanism in India.
Conclude with suggestions.
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-social-audit-is-an-e ective-instrument-of-citizen-
Model Answer :
A social audit is a way of measuring, understanding, reporting and ultimately improving an organization’s social and
ethical performance. A social audit helps to narrow gaps between vision/goal and reality, between e iciency and
e ectiveness. Civil society organizations (CSOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), political representatives,
civil servants and local people collectively organize such social audits. 2/834
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Importance of social audit as tool of citizen centric governance:

It values the voice of stakeholders, including marginalized/poor groups whose voices are rarely heard.
It also trains the community on participatory local planning.
It strengthens accountability and transparency in local bodies.
It involves those people in developmental activities for whom schemes are targeted, thus reducing corruption.
It promotes collective decision making and shared responsibilities.
It develops human resources and social capital by educating them.
Various mechanisms of social audit in India are:
The 73rd amendment of the Indian Constitution empowers the gram sabhas to conduct Social Audits in addition
to its other functions.
Social audits were made statutory for the first time in National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005.
Recently, Meghalaya became the first state in India to operationalize a law that makes social audit of
government programmes and schemes a part of government practice.
Way Forward:
Social audit strengths the democracy by empowering citizens. But there is no mechanism in India for its e ective
implementation. Powers to audit NGOs, summon ministers and former secretaries and a monitoring mechanism for
following up the e ective implementation of the recommendations are some of the proposals of the Public
Accounts Committee (PAC) on the auditing reforms.
Subjects : Governance

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Nitish Kumar (/u/nitish-kumar/594bcab24c45570e7d97900e/) 3 weeks ago

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 Feb. 26, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q1. What is the rationale behind the special arrangement for administration of
tribal areas under Sixth Schedule of the Constitution? In this respect also
enumerate the key features of administration of tribal areas.
Introduce the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution
Explain the rationale behind special arrangement
Enumerate the key features of administration of tribal areas as per Schedule VI
Conclude Appropriately
Model Answer :
The Sixth Schedule of the Constitution contains special provisions for the administration of the tribal areas in four
states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. These areas are given special treatment and autonomy for self
government for the following reasons:
The tribal people in other parts of India have comparatively adopted the culture of the people in whose midst
they live. But the tribal areas under schedule six still have roots in their own culture, customs and civilisation.
They were not much assimilated with ways and lives of the other people, and thus, the areas under schedule six
were deemed to be requiring special treatment.
The key features of administration of tribal areas under schedule six are:
The tribal areas in the mentioned states are constituted as autonomous districts, but they are within the
executive jurisdiction of the state government.
The autonomous district has a district council consisting of 26 elected and 4 nominated members. The elected
members hold o ice for 5 years and nominated members hold o ice during the pleasure of the
governor. Examples: Bodoland Territorial Council in Assam, Garo Hills Autonomous District Council in Meghalaya
etc. 5/834
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The Governor and President, as the case may be, decide whether parliament and state laws apply to these
regions or they apply with specified modification and exception.
Each autonomous region also has a regional council.
The district and regional council can legislate on certain areas like land, forests, marriage & customs, etc. Such
laws need the assent of the Governor.
The autonomous district can be further divided into autonomous regions by the governor.
The organisation or reorganisation like changing areas, names, etc. of these autonomous districts can be done
by the Governor of respective state.
Village council or court of trial for suits and cases between tribes can be constituted by regional and district
council having territorial jurisdiction.
The assessment and collection of land revenue along with imposition of specified taxes can be done by the
district and regional council.
The provisions under the schedule six ensure that the ways of life of the tribal areas are preserved and protected by
making the tribals participants in their administration.
Subjects : Polity

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Gopikrishna B (/u/gopikrishna-b/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4a19/) 4 weeks ago

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Sixth Schedule along with Article 244 envisages special administrative setup for the Tribal areas of following
States - Assam,Meghalaya,Tripura and Mizoram w...

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Q2. Constitutionalisation of Panchayati Raj paved the way for grass root
empowerment in India. In this regard discuss the salient features of the 73rd
amendment Act, 1992.
Introduce with how 73rd Amendment Act, 1992 was significant
Discuss the salient features of this act
Conclude Appropriately
Model Answer :
The 73rd amendment Act, 1992 has given practical shape to the Directive Principles of State Policy by
Constitutionalising the Panchayati Raj in India and transformed the representative democracy into a participatory
Its salient features are:
1. Three tier system: In every state, the panchayat will be at three levels i.e, village, intermediate and district level. 6/834
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2. Gram Sabha: Village assembly comprises of all registered voters in the area of a panchayat and serves as the
foundation of Panchayati Raj. The powers and functions of a Gram Sabha are determined by the respective state
3. Election of representatives: All members at all levels are directly elected by people. The chairperson of
panchayat at village level is elected as per provisions of the state legislature and chairperson of panchayat at
remaining two tiers are elected indirectly by and from amongst elected members.
4. Reservations: There is proportionate reservation for SCs and STs at every level of the Panchayati Raj. Also,
women are provided with minimum one-third reservations at all the levels of panchayats. The state legislature
may also make provisions for reservations of OBCs.
5. Duration: A panchayat is given a five year term, but it can be dissolved before its completion of the term. A
definite timeline is given for holding fresh elections and if a panchayat is dissolved prematurely then the original
period of five years then the reconstituted panchayat will hold o ice only for the remaining period.
6. State Election Commission: The conduct of Panchayati Raj elections is vested in the state election commission
consisting of a state election commissioner appointed by the governor of the state.
7. State Finance Commission: The Governor of a state will, a er every five years, constitute a finance commission
to review the financial position of panchayats. 

However, the performance of Panchayats has lot le to be desired, especially in light of limited powers and financial
autonomy provided to them by the States. A lot can be done to improve the performance of panchayats, including
greater financial autonomy, capacity building, infrastructure improvement and less bureaucratic control.
Subjects : Polity

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 4 weeks ago

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 Feb. 25, 2018 (2 Questions) 10/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. The Constitution of India provides pardoning power to the executive.

Explain the pardoning powers of the President, and discuss how the scope of
the pardoning power of the President is wider than the pardoning power of
the Governor?
Introduce with why pardoning powers are provided to the executives
Highlight the Pardoning powers of the President under Article 72
Discuss how the scope of the pardoning power of the President is wider than the
pardoning power of the Governor
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Constitution of India grants clemency powers to the President and the Governors of States, respectively
through Articles 72 and 161 of the Constitution of India. These powers are to allow for correction of any possible
judicial errors and to provide relief to those they regard as being punished unduly harshly.
Pardoning powers of the President:
Under Article 72(1) of the Constitution, the President is empowered to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or
remissions of punishment, or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any individual who has been
convicted of o ences in all cases where:
1. In all cases where the punishment or sentence is by a Court Martial;
2. In all cases where the punishment or sentence is for an o ence against any law relating to a matter to which
the executive power of the Union extends;
3. In all cases where the sentence is a sentence of death.

The scope of the pardoning power of the President under Article 72 is wider than the pardoning power of the
Governor under Article 161. The power di ers in the following two ways:
The power of the President to grant pardon extends in cases where the punishment or sentence is by a Court
Martial, but Article 161 does not provide any such power to the Governor.
The President can grant pardon in all cases where the sentence given is sentence of death, but pardoning power
of Governor does not extend to death sentence cases.
The pardoning power of President and Governor is bound by the advice of their respective Councils of Ministers. The
Supreme Court held that the pardoning power is subject to judicial review in case of mala fide, irrelevant, irrational
or discriminating pardons.
Subjects : Polity

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Yatindra Singh Kalesh (/u/yatindra-singh-kalesh/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4bcb/) 1 month ago

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Q2. Despite being in the position of a titular Head of the State, the role of
President of India in Indian democracy has been more than just symbolic.
In the introduction, briefly talk about the Constitutional status of the President
of India
Analyze the institution of President for being symbolic/substantive
Explain how over the last seven decades the institution of President has evolved
Conclude by giving your opinion on the issue
Model Answer :
The Preamble of Indian Constitution clearly articulates India as a Republic, signifying that India has an elected Head
of the State. The Constitution envisaged this institution to maintain continuity in administration. Since the
President is Constitutionally bound to act on the advise of the Council of Ministers and has few discretionary
powers, he/she is referred to as the titular head of the State. 
However, the Constitution of India and conventions provide several discretionary powers to the President of India,
which shows that its institution is more than just symbolic:
In case of a hung Parliament, the President may invite the leader of the party he deems capable of proving its
majority to form the government.
U/Art. 78(c) he can use his discretion to enforce collective responsibility of the CoM  
He can exercise what are referred to as Suspensive Veto and Pocket Veto to halt legislation that he deems
unconstitutional or not in good faith 15/834
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Over the last seven decades, notwithstanding some instances like proclamation of emergency under pressure from
the then Prime Minister, the Presidents have been a significant presence in keeping a watch over state of a airs. For
Dr Rajendra Prasad believed that the President was not bound to accept all the pieces of advice of the Prime
Minister and his Council of Ministers.
Pocket Veto was used in 1986 by the then President Zail Singh in the Postal (Amendment) Bill. The President did
not assent to the bill by arguing that the scope of the bill was too sweeping which would give the government
arbitrary powers to intercept postal communications indiscriminately.
In mid-2006, President A. P. J. Abdul Kalam sent back a controversial bill regarding the exclusion of certain
o ices from the scope of 'o ices of profit'.
Thus, it can be said that the Presidents of India have fulfilled greater roles in shaping the nation and have not
remained mere figureheads. In a country marked by immense diversity of language, culture, preferences, and
leadership, the Indian Presidents have served to remain a strong unifying factor and symbol of the nation’s prestige.
Subjects : Polity

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Urmila Kanawat (/u/urmila-kanawat/594e6d484c4557071b1e3571/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 23, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q1. Even as more than half of India’s population is dependent on agriculture,

Indian farm exports are declining every year due to various reasons.
Comment. Suggest measures for India to take advantage of its wide climate
and soil variations to better position itself for increased exports.
Introduce with agriculture in India and decline in agriculture exports
Highlight reasons for decline in exports
Discuss how India can boost agriculture to better position for exports
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Around 60–70%% of Indian population directly or indirectly depends upon Agriculture sector and the sector
currently contributes to 16–17% of the GDP. India is a net exporter in agriculture products and governments have
been taking measures to promote more exports. However, India's agricultural exports have declined to $33.87
billion in 2016-17 from $43.23 billion in 2013-14.
Export and import of agricultural products depend on various factors such as availability, international and
domestic demand and supply situation and quality concerns. Some of the causes for decline in exports include:
Weak global prices which have the export of our major agriculture commodities uncompetitive.
Significant fall in exports of our marine products, bu alo meat, rice including basmati which have been top
contributors in exports basket.
Domestic prices of three major agri commodities in India - wheat, soya meal and maize - have remained higher
than international market in the last 18 months, which restricted the prospects of Indian commodity exports in
the international market.
Exports of some commodities like spices has faced with several quality related issues, such as adulteration in
jeera and chilli.
India has largest arable land acreage and a wide variety of agro-climatic conditions which can be leveraged to make
India the growth engine and food provider to the world. Some of the measures that can be taken include:
Productivity – of our farmers, which is much below global average, must be raised by providing farmers with
good variety of seeds, irrigation and helping them choose crops pertinent to local climate.
Value addition – Food processing industry (FPI) must be given boost, as currently only 6% of our food is
Extension services – On soil health, use of fertilizers, veterinary services, crop varieties, dryland farming etc must
be provided. 19/834
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Technology – Sensors to monitor soil, weather and crop conditions, Hydrology survey, pest management,
precision farming etc, Animal biometric collars, Kisan Suvidha App, SmartAgri, ‘AgriMarket’ etc
Land reforms - Problem of small land holding must be solved by cooperative farming or land consolidation
facilitated by contract farming, feeding to FPI and improvement in supply chain.
Other measures could include massive awareness campaigns for best agricultural practices, greater capital
investments and developing export infrastructure etc.
Agriculture exports are important for boosting farmers' income and government of India has been implementing a
number of measures and incentives for promoting the their exports, including financial assistance from APEDA and
incentives under Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS).
Subjects : Editorials

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Urmila Kanawat (/u/urmila-kanawat/594e6d484c4557071b1e3571/) 1 month ago

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Q2. There has been some criticism of the government's plan to invest in high
speed railway (HSR). Discuss the demerits and merits of HSR.
Introduce with the HSR project that was launched
Highlight the demerits
Enumerate the merits
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
In 2017, foundation stone was laid for the ambitious Rs 1 lakh crore Ahmedabad-Mumbai high-speed rail
project. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Union Railway Ministry have inked a MoU for the
508-km corridor. However, it led to criticism from some quarters in light of the high expenditure.
Demerits of High Speed Railway:
1. The huge financial expenditure can further strain the country's limited resources, which can invested in sectors
like health and education. 
2. India may not be ready as it is still in a learning phase in terms of safe operation of its present trains. We need to
first ensure that we have build proper managerial capacity and accident free running of the trains before
jumping to the next level. 

Merits of High Speed Railway:

1. More intensive urbanisation as well as rising incomes would lead to higher travel propensity.
2. They have the highest safety standards as can be seen from the fact that Japan had no accidents in decades.
3. With the average operating speeds of around 250 km/h, HSR helps bring settlements 500 km apart within two
hours of each other.
4. The financing for the project is mostly by Japan on highly favourable terms with low interest rates and great
leeway in repayment.
5. The technology transfer envisaged in this project will benefit Indian Railways, and boost the Make in India
6. High-speed electric trains are energy-e icient and environment friendly, and only emits an eight and a fi h of
carbon dioxide as against automobiles and airplanes per passenger km, respectively.
7. HSR can been a catalyst for economic growth, a stimulus for the development of satellite towns, helping
alleviate migration to metropolises, as seen in Japan.

A nation of India’s size, potential and aspirations has to acquire the best technologies in line with the high ambition
and willpower of “New India.” Such technologies can also have a great downstream impact, as seen when India
adapted to technological advances like computers and smart phones.
Subjects : Editorials 23/834
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Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 22, 2018 (3 Questions) 27/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q2. PMAY (U) is beneficial both welfare-wise and economically, but its
implementation has been slow so far for various reasons. Discuss, along with
strategies for the e ective implementation of the scheme.
Introduce briefly mentioning the PMAY (U) scheme and its benefits
Highlight the slowness of the progress and discuss causes briefly
Suggest strategies for e ective implementation
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) or PMAY (U) was launched in June 2015 with the target of constructing 2 crore
a ordable houses by 2022. As well as providing housing to large number of people, it could have
potentially significant economic gains, especially in terms of jobs and investment, as well as giving fillip to core
construction sectors such as steel and cement.
However, progress on the scheme has been slow. More than 2 years a er the launch, about 22 lakh housing units
have been approved under PMAY (U), and just 1.4 lakh houses have been completed. 
The reasons for slow progress include:
Disparities in implementation by states: For example, while only 2% of the grounded houses were completed
in Himachal Pradesh as on July 2017, the comparable figures for Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka
are 5%, 25% and 25%, respectively.
Low credit flow: The major slowdown in credit flow to the housing sector has thwarted construction activities
of many builders.
Measures to hasten the implementation of the scheme:
1. Overhaul funding mechanisms:

The Union Budget 2017-18 has awarded infrastructure status to a ordable housing and implemented the real
estate Bill (RERA), which should ensure easier access to institutional credit to the builders along with greater
Long-term bonds could be issued by infrastructure and housing finance companies.
1. Ensuring completion of stalled projects:

A suitable process must be put in place through which the government can take over stalled projects and ensure
their completion.
Alternatively, the government can ensure access to time-bound and outcome-bound credit, raised through
sovereign infra bonds, to developers to help them finish projects.
1. Encourage foreign investment:

The government has to take a proactive approach to encouraging foreign participation and investment into the
a ordable housing sector, which will bring both capital and superior technology for fast and e icient
1. Find a way out of high land acquisition costs: 28/834
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To minimise land acquisition costs, government could increase floor space index (FSI) and enable vertical
The government must also consider better utilisation of its existing land banks and that of other public sector
Success in implementation of PMAY (U) needs to be ensured through progress in the measures listed above. It is has
huge economic benefits with a potential addition of about 2% to the GDP growth rate and create employment
across the value chain.
Subjects : Editorials

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Avinash Misra (/u/avinash-misra/594d026f4c45570e80f77f6e/) 1 month ago

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Q1. Discuss the reasons for, and the impact of, the recent sovereign ratings
upgrade of India by International credit agency Moody's.
Introduce with the ratings upgrade 31/834
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Highlight the measures that influenced the upgrade

Explain how sovereign rating upgrade helps India
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The global credit rating agency Moody’s Investors Services recently upgraded India’s sovereign ratings to Baa2 (from
its lowest investment grade Baa3). It is the first ratings upgrade by Moody’s for India since 2004. It cited the
Government of India’s wide-ranging program of economic and institutional reforms among the reasons for the
Measures that influenced the upgrade:
1. GST:

The major tax reform, GST (Goods and Services Tax), has been implemented fairly smoothly, with good urgency
shown and many political barriers crossed.
1. IBC (Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code):

IBC is in place for tackling NPAs, and already major cases which have been referred to the tribunal and the
resolution process is in progress.
1. Recapitalization:

Banks have been recently recapitalised to ensure that they are adequately equipped to face the challenge of
future growth in credit.
1. Rationalisation of subsidies:

The rationalisation of delivery of public subsides was an achievement in e iciency with the UID (unique identity)
scheme playing a major role.
1. Others:

The power sector reform where the states took over Discom debt (under UDAY scheme), monetary policy reform
though setting up of MPC (Monetary Policy Committee) etc. also helped.
What does a higher rating mean for India?
1. Vindication of policies:

It is a vindication of all the policies implemented and measures undertaken by India to put the system in place
and address all concerns of rating agencies.
1. Eases borrowing:

A better rating will help Indian companies access global markets on more favourable terms, as sovereign rating is
considered when interest rates are determined globally for overseas borrowers.
1. Greater investment in India:

There could be a positive impact for foreign investors especially when the decision to allocate funds for any
market or country is driven by the rating.
1. Good for reputation:

From the point of view of reputation, the upgrade is helpful (though India is still underrated), especially as it
comes at the time when the global economy is still in a tenuous state. 32/834
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While the upgrade was very much logical, we need to be guarded as the rating is still in the BBB moderate
risk category (it has moved from Baa3 to Baa2). The pace of reforms has to be kept up, and despite the coming
elections, the fiscal deficit number have to be monitored well to ensure that there are few slippages.
Subjects : Editorials

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Q2. Surplus human activities have severely a ected the marine life on the
Earth’s oceans. Comment.
Introduce with importance of oceans
List anthropogenic impact on marine life
Conclude appropriately
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-surplus-human-activities-have-severely-a ected-the-
Model Answer :
Oceans provide life support only to marine life but also to humans as they produce more than half the world’s
oxygen, create more than $128 billion in GDP annually. However, surplus human activity is spreading harmful
substances such as oil, plastic, industrial and agricultural waste and chemical particles into the ocean causing
marine pollution.
Anthropogenic activities impacting marine life: 36/834
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Marine Pollution: Sewage, toxic chemicals from industries, large scale oil spills, ocean mining, disposal of
plastic are all destroying the marine life.
Climate Change: Increased sea carbon dioxide levels and sea temperature due to human induced climate
change can cause, ocean acidification etc harm the habitat of marine life, especially corals.
Physical disturbance of sea-bed habitat and marine biota : This occurs as a result of bottom trawling,
dredging for shipping, o shore hydrocarbon industries, deep sea mining and land reclamation projects.
Increased demand for marine space: from fisheries, aquaculture, shipping routes, tourism etc.
Underwater noise: from shipping, o shore exploration, mining etc.
Oceans are the largest water bodies on the planet Earth. Marine pollution is the release of harmful substances such
as oil, plastic, industrial and agricultural waste and chemical particles into the ocean. The marine debris creates
health hazard for marine life.
Impact of human activities on marine life:
The wastes that are dumped into the oceans tend to have toxic substances, which soak in all the oceanic oxygen
leading to death of marine life.
Rising ocean temperatures and de-oxygenation can kill Corals or impede their reproduction and growth, causing
negative impact on the whole ecosystem.
Phytoplankton and marine bacteria carry out most of the first degree production on which food webs depend.
The increase in sea temperature is a ecting their productivity, which in turn will have serious implications for
human food security and nutrient cycles.
Plastic debris that reaches the ocean remains floating for years as it does not decompose quickly; Birds, turtles,
and fish ingest a variety of plastic items, especially micro-beads and their digestive systems become clogged,
Oil spill is extremely toxic to marine life, o en su ocating marine animals too.
Bioaccumulation of hazardous substances damages immune and reproductive systems and also causes the
death of marine life.
About 30-35% of critical marine habitats have been overused or destroyed. The Sustainable Development Goal 14
on "Life below water" aims to sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems from pollution. Given
the state of ocean ecosystems, it is paramount for nations to collaborate scientifically and create networks for
Subjects : Ecology and Environment

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 Feb. 21, 2018 (1 Questions)

Q1. According to State of India’s Environment 2017, nearly 30 per cent of India
is degraded or facing desertification. Highlight the major causes of
Desertification in India. Also explain steps taken by Government to address
the problem.
Brief introduction about Desertification in India
Major causes for the Desertification in India
Steps taken by Government to address the desertification.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Desertification is a type of land degradation, where relatively dry land region becomes increasingly arid, typically
losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife. According to State of India’s Environment 2017, nearly
30 per cent of India is degraded or facing desertification, with 26 of 29 Indian states reporting an increase in the area
undergoing desertification in the past 10 years.
Major causes (according to the ‘Desertification and Land degradation atlas of India by ISRO):
1. Water Erosion- responsible for around 10.98% of desertification in India. Loss of soil due to rainfall or surface
runo .
2. Vegetation degradation- responsible for about 8.91% of desertification. Includes deforestation, shi ing
cultivation, degradation in grazing, grassland.
3. Wind erosion- responsible for 5.55% of desertification; soil erosion by wind is more common in areas where the
natural vegetation has been destroyed. Such conditions occur mainly in arid and dry areas along the sandy
shores of oceans, lakes and rivers. 40/834
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4. Salinity- responsible for around 1.12% of desertification. Saline accumulation retards plant growth. Land
devoid of plant cover easily becomes desertified.
5. Human settlements- responsible for 0.69% of desertification, it includes urbanisation, mining etc.
6. Others- responsible for around 2%. Includes water logging, frost shattering, mass movement etc

Steps taken by Government to combat Desertification:

India has committed itself to the U.N. Convention on Combating Desertification (UNCCD) that it would fully
stop land degradation by 2030.
The National Action Programme for Combating Desertification was prepared in 2001 to take action in
addressing the desertification.
Also a Regional Action Programme has been formulated to strengthen the existing capacity of the UNCCD
member country parties and to network with each other for e ective measures to combat desertification.
Six Thematic Programme Network (TPN) have been identified for this purpose. India also participated
actively in TPN.
There are number of programmes that address issues related to land degradation and desertification, including
Integrated Watershed Management Programme
National A orestation Programme
National Mission for Green India
National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas
India can take a look at global case studies in order to fight the problem of desertification, for example China’s ‘the
green wall’. India needs to take leadership in the global e ort in eradicating the problem of desertification. This
alone will ensure sustainable land management and provide food, water and livelihood security to people besides
safeguarding the environment.
Subjects : Ecology and Environment

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 Feb. 20, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q1. Discuss the major Industrial regions of India? Also, point out major
industries located in each region. (250 words)
Briefly mention the importance of industrial regions and their features
Discuss the major industrial regions of India and for each region mention major
industries located there (It is useful to Indicate the location of each region on a
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Development of an Industrial base is necessary for socio-economic development of any country. Industries  are
crucial for employment creation, value addition to the products of primary sector and export competitiveness. The
Industrial regions are identified using indicators and criteria like number of factories located, number of factory
workers, industrial output, the value of production, etc.
The major industrial regions of India are:
1. Mumbai-Pune Region:
Trade with European countries a er Suez Canal opening boosted the development of industries in this
The humid climate, natural ports, hydropower availability and cotton production are the key factors of
growth of this region.
The key industries are cotton textiles, engineering goods, leather goods, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and
processed foods.
2. Kolkata-Hugli Region:
Situated along the banks of Hugli River in West Bengal.
The proximity to areas growing jute and tea plantations, coal mines, cheap labour availability, etc. were the
key factors of industrial growth.
Major industries are jute textiles, cotton textiles, silk textiles, iron and steel, footwear and chemical industry.
3. Ahmedabad-Vadodara Region:
Availability of cheap land and labour, proximity to cotton growing areas, port facilities and nuclear, thermal
and hydel power projects aided this region in the Industrial activities. 44/834
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Key industries of this region are cotton textiles, diamond industry, silk textiles, petrochemical industry,
pharmaceuticals industry and engineering goods industry.
4. Bengaluru-Coimbatore-Madurai Region:
This region covers the area of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
More than 60% of workers are engaged in textiles and rest are engaged in producing engineering goods and
food-processing industry.
Good climate, skilled labour and regular supply of power are the pull factors for industries.
5. Chhotanagpur Region:
Covers Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal and Odisha.
It is also called “Ruhr of India” due to the heavy concentration of Iron and Steel industry.
The pull factors are abundance of fossil fuel, metallic and non-metallic minerals, cheap labour availability,
and power availability from Damodar Valley Corporation.
Other key industries are fertilizer, locomotive, glass and cement.
6. Agra-Delhi-Kalka-Saharanpur Region:
Proximate to the national capital of India
Raw materials form agriculture, power availability from multiple sources, proximity to market and peaceful
industrial environment have facilitated industrial development.
Key industries are engineering goods, sugar, textiles, food processing, glass and agriculture machinery.

These regions are facing issues like outdated technology, power shortages, a spike in prices of land, etc. which
needs to be addressed in order to sustain the industrial activities in these regions. Several small Industrial regions
are also emerging which will further boost industrial base of India.
Subjects : Geography

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Q2. What are footloose industries? Discuss the key characteristics a footloose
industry. (150 words)
Define footloose industry with examples
Discuss the key characteristics of a footloose industry
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The footloose industry is such type industry which doesn’t have a strong locational preference as the input
resources and output markets can be found in many places. These are called footloose as these type of industries
are prone to relocation. Although locational factors are not much important for footloose industries, those areas are
preferred where input costs can be minimised and output realisation can be maximised. Some prominent examples
of footloose industry are watch-making, diamond cutting, precision electronics etc. 50/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

The key characteristics a footloose industry are:

These industries require small plant size compared to heavy and small industries.
These are less dependent on specific raw material, especially weight losing ones. Most of the raw materials are
small and light and can be transported easily.
It needs skilled workers as the industrial process is advanced and major work needs high-quality precision.
Like the inputs, the output is lightweight and can be easily transported to the markets. Most of the footloose
industries produce low volume and high-value outputs.
These are environment-friendly industries as the process involved in these industries have a negligible carbon
It prefers location which is peaceful and cost friendly as to attract the human capital.
Also, location with a good connectivity of roads, railways, telecommunication, airways etc. are preferred to
facilitate quick movement of skilled workers and high-value outputs.
These industries are crucial for the development of areas which lack locational advantages with respect to heavy
and small industries like port facilities, availability of raw materials, etc. Good development of footloose industry
can provide high-value employment opportunities and competitive advantage in world trade.
Subjects : Geography

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characteristics-a-footloose-industry-150-words-appr/5a8c2f5f4c455713bf2c00c4/) 53/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

 Feb. 19, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q1. What are the conditions favourable for the formation of tropical cyclones?
Explain the structure of a mature tropical cyclonic storm.
Introduce with tropical cyclones
Discuss the conditions favourable for cyclones
Explain the structure, with a diagram
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Tropical cyclones are violent storms that originate over oceans in tropical areas and move over to the coastal areas
bringing about large scale destruction caused by violent winds, very heavy rainfall and storm surges.
The conditions favourable for the formation of tropical cyclones are:
1. Large sea surface with temperature higher than 27° C
2. Presence of the Coriolis force
3. Small variations in the vertical wind speed
4. A pre-existing weaklow-pressure area or low-level-cyclonic circulation
5. Upper divergence above the sea level system

Structure of Cyclone:
The Eye: A mature tropical cyclone is characterised by the strong spirally circulating wind around the centre,
called the eye. The diameter of the circulating system can vary between 150 and 250 km. The eye is a region of
calm with subsiding air.
Eye Wall: Around the eye is the eye wall, where there is a strong spiralling ascent of air to greater height reaching
the tropopause. The wind reaches maximum velocity in this region, reaching as high as 250 km per hour.
Torrential rain occurs here.
Rain Bands: From the eye wall, rain bands may radiate and trains of cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds may
dri into the outer region. These bands are capable of producing heavy bursts of rain and wind, as well as
tornadoes. 54/834
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The cyclones become more severe and destructive with rising wind speed. In such situations, there is need for
comprehensive disaster risk assessment and preparedness to reduce the damages and injuries to human and
animal lives and other properties.
Subjects : Geography

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Q2. Why are coral reefs called rainforests of the sea? What are the factors
responsible for coral bleaching?
Why coral reefs are called rain forest
Factors for coral reef to thrive
Factors leading to coral bleaching
Conclude appropriately 60/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Model Answer :
Coral reefs comprise less than 0.1 per cent of the ocean’s total area. Scientists estimate that more than one million
species of plants and animals are associated with coral reef ecosystems, making reefs one of the most diverse and
important ecosystems on the planet. That is the reason Coral reefs are also called as the underwater equivalent of
However, Corals are very sensitive and need a very specific environment to thrive:
Corals grow in shallow clear water where sunlight can reach them.
Corals are in a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae (algae) that grow inside of them. The algae provides
oxygen and nutrition, along with the vibrant colours, to the corals, and since these algae needs sunlight to
survive, corals also need sunlight to survive.
Reef-building corals also require warm water and saltwater conditions to survive.
Coral Bleaching:
Coral bleaching occurs when corals are stressed by changes in conditions such as temperature, light, or nutrients.
When this happens, the zooxanthellae leave the corals’ bodies. This changes their color to white (as color of coral
are due to algea) and can also in e ect starve them of nutrients. If bleaching continues for too long, or if too many
bleaching events occur in a row, corals die.
Coral reef ecosystems world-wide have been subject to unprecedented degradation over the past few decades.
Disturbances a ecting coral reefs include anthropogenic and natural factors:
Natural factors:
Increase in sea temperature : A slight increase in ocean temperature can harm corals. The El Niño in 1998
caused increase the sea temperature that resulted in the worst coral bleaching in recorded history, destroying
about 15% of the world’s corals.
Ocean Acidification : There rise in carbon dioxide levels is increasing acidity of ocean water. This inhibits the
corals ability to create calcareous skeletons, which is essential for their survival.
Diseases : Bacterial infections (V. Shiloi) attack zooxanthellae and cause bleaching, like in Mediterranean sea in
Anthropogenic factors:
Over fishing, especially using damaging practices like cyanide fishing, pollution from agricultural and industrial
runo , coral mining, development of industrial areas near coral ecosystems damage the corals.
Human induced climate change causes increased sea carbon dioxide levels and sea temperature, thus causing
Coral reefs are vital for thriving ocean ecosystems. They also directly or indirectly provide food and livelihood to 500
million people apart from important services coastal protection, medicines, recreation, and tourism. All e orts must
be made to conserve them and restore the habitat.
Subjects : Geography

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 Feb. 18, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. What is El Niño? Discuss the changes associated with it and their e ects.
Introduce with El Nino
Highlight some changes which occur due to El Nino
Then discuss the e ects of these changes
Conclude appropriately
and-their-e ects-approach-introduce-with-e/5a89d4994c45574d6f3ca 0/)
Model Answer :
El Niño is a climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean with a global impact on weather patterns. The cycle begins when
warm water in the western tropical Pacific Ocean shi s eastward along the equator toward the coast of South
America. Normally, this warm water pools near Indonesia and the Philippines. During an El Niño, the Pacific's
warmest surface waters sit o shore of northwestern South America.It (http://America.It) appears once every three
to seven years, bringing drought, floods and other weather extremes to di erent parts of the world.
Changes associated with the El Nino are:
Appearance of warm currents o the coast of Peru in the Eastern Pacific. 64/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Surface water temperatures o South America warm up because there is less upwelling of the cold water from
below to cool the surface.
The warm waters release excess energy (heat) into the atmosphere leading to weather changes all over the
These changes due to El Nino have following e ects:
Increase in the temperature of water on the Peruvian coast by 10°C
The distortion of equatorial atmospheric circulation
Irregularities in the evaporation of sea water
Causes extreme weather in some areas, like drought in India, Australia etc.
Reduction in the amount of planktons which further reduces the number of fish in the sea
Increased risks of diseases like malaria, dengue etc.
El Niño is one extreme in a natural cycle, with the opposite extreme called La Niña. The e ect of climate change on
the cycle is not yet understood, though some scientists think El Niño will become more common.
Subjects : Geography - Physical

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. India has Himalayan and Peninsular drainage systems as the two major
drainage systems but both are quite di erent. Examine.
Briefly introduce with the two drainage systems
Then, discuss the major di erences between both
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Indian drainage system consists of a large number of small and big rivers. On the basis of the mode of origin, nature
and characteristics, the Indian drainage may also be classified into the Himalayan drainage system and the
Peninsular drainage system. Both drainage systems have majority of their rivers draining into Bay of Bengal. While
Peninsular rivers receive water only from rains, some Himalayan rivers also get water from melting glaciers.
But both the drainage systems di er in a number of aspects:

Hence, both the Himalayan and peninsular drainage systems similar in some aspects but di er in other aspects.
Subjects : Geography - Physical

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Jhanak Balhara (/u/jhanak-balhara/594e700c4c4557071b1e3c15/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 16, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q1. The distinction between plan and non-plan expenditure in budget had
created schools without teachers and hospitals without doctors. In the light of
this statement, discuss major issues pertaining to plan and non-plan
Introduce with the abolition of the plan and non-plan classification
Highlight the major issues like focus on plan expenditure, excessive union
control etc.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Union budget 2017-18 discarded the Plan and Non-Plan expenditure classification. The relevance of plan and
non-plan expenditure was lost a er the abolition of the Planning Commission. Earlier, the Rangarajan committee
had also recommended to abolish this distinction.
Major Issues:
The union government control and micro-management of the plan model has led to excessive focus on ‘plan
expenditure’ while non-plan items such as maintenance were neglected.
Once the capital assets or the posts are created under plan expenditure, the assets/posts and maintainance are
shi ed to the non plan side of budget and are o en neglected with little allocation. As a result, this distinction is
said to have created schools without teachers and institutions without employees.
The States resented the tied nature of funds made available by Planning Commission. In the context of fiscal
federalism, this distinction was an obstacle for achieving the goals of co-operative federalism.
The ARC report has also pointed out that, the Plan and Non-Plan divide runs too deep and it was di icult to give
a comprehensive idea about resource availability to the departments at an early stage of budget development.
While the Ministry of Finance is charged with the responsibility of maintaining aggregate fiscal discipline, the
allocation of resources was in accordance with strategic priorities determined largely by the erstwhile Planning
Commission and the line departments were held accountable for the e icient and e ective use of resources. 70/834
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Hence funds allocated did not match policy priorities and o en the spending did not produce the intended
The policy regarding what should get classified as plan expenditure and what should get classified as Non-Plan
expenditure has lost clarity. Also, with fragmented distinction, it became di icult not only to ascertain cost of
delivering a service but also to link outlays to outcomes. Outcomes and outputs of programmes depend on total
expenditure, Plan and Non-Plan put together. Hence doing away with the distinction was a much needed step.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Q2. Discuss the advantages and risks of crypto-currencies like the Bitcoin.
Introduce with the concept of cryptocurrency
Discuss its advantages 73/834
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Highlight the risks

Conclude with the government's position that they have been outlawed
Model Answer :
Cryptocurrency is an electronic or digital currency that works on a peer-to-peer basis without the need for a trusted
third party such as a governmental agency, bank etc. Cryptocurrencies have gotten impressive following over the
last few years and many believe that they will o er serious competition to national currencies issued by central
No Third-party Interruptions - Governments, banks and other financial intermediaries have no way to interrupt
user transactions or place freezes on Bitcoin accounts. As a result, users experience a greater degree of freedom
than with national currencies.
Very Low Transaction Fees - Since Bitcoin transactions have no intermediary institutions or government
involvement, the costs of transacting are kept very low. This can be a major advantage for travelers and MSME
Real time - Additionally, any transfer in Bitcoins happens very quickly, eliminating the inconvenience of typical
authorization requirements and wait periods.
Transparency - With the block chain, all finalized transactions are available for everyone to see (however
personal information is hidden) and anyone can verify the transaction, which also means the currency cannot be
User Anonymity - Bitcoin purchases are discrete and cannot be traced back to the one holding them.
Risks posed by these Currencies:
Risk and Volatility - There is no underlying or backing of any asset for these currencies and their value seems to
be a matter of speculation. Huge volatility in their value has been noticed in the recent past.
Cyber Security Threat – These are prone to losses arising out of hacking, loss of password, compromise of
access credentials, malware attack etc.
Outside the regulatory zone – These are being traded on exchange platforms set up in various jurisdictions
whose legal status is unclear. Hence, the traders are exposed to legal as well as financial risks.
Source of Money Laundering and Terror financing – Due to anonymity, black money can proliferate easily and
terror funding becomes easy.
Due to the security risks and lack of government oversight, cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoins, have been
outlawed in India. The Union Finance minister said that the government does not consider cryptocurrencies as legal
tender and will take all measures to eliminate use of these cryptoassets in financing illegitimate activities, or as part
of the payment system. However, the government would explore the use of blockchain technology (underlying the
cryptocurrencies) to add muscle to the digital economy. 
Subjects : Current A airs

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 Feb. 15, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. With the passage of The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill,
2016, transgender people will have a better chance at being integrated into
mainstream leading to greater inclusiveness. Critically comment.
Introduce with the discrimination faced by transgenders
Highlight the key provisions of the Transgender Bill
Comment on how the provisions fall short of the intent behind the Bill
Conclude appropriately
protection-of-rights-bill-2016-transgender-people- 77/834
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Model Answer :
Transgender people have been among the most marginalised sections of Indian society. Apart from struggling with
the problem of identity, they have been deprived of social justice and the ability to live their lives freely and realise
their potential. The Government of India has recently introduced Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill,
2016 to protect their rights and to secure their deserving place in the society.
Key provisions of the Bill:
The Bill defines the transgender person thereby leaving no scope for ambiguity.
The Bill prohibits discrimination against a transgender person and directs the governments to provide welfare
schemes in areas such as education, employment and healthcare.
O ences like compelling a transgender person to beg, denial of access to a public place, physical and sexual
abuse, etc. have been penalized.
Once the bill becomes law, transgender people would be allowed into more workplaces through a irmative
action thereby improving the quality of life.
In this sense, the bill seems to empower the transgender persons with rights and privileges denied to them so far.
However, there are many issues which have been le untouched by the bill:
The definition of a transgender in the dra bill is in stark contrast to global developments, where transgenders
have been granted the right to self determine and to seek benefits according to such identity.
Definition of discrimination has not been included in the bill which provides ample scope of ambiguity.
The major anomaly in the current scenario of gender justice is Section 377 of the IPC. By choosing not to repeal
section 377, the Bill fails to recognise important civil rights like marriage and divorce, adoption among others
which are critical to transgender persons’ lives.
Legal protection may be a deterrent to harassment or violence. However, to erase the blight of stigma from the
mindset of common people we need more focus on awareness. The bill overlooks this aspect.
The Transgender Bill has a potential to bring immense change in India's human rights movements. However, unless
it addresses the important issues a ecting their private lives, it will not succeed. India is within touching distance of
enabling the legal empowerment of a hitherto marginalised community and it should make laws for Transgenders
rights as progressive and comprehensive as possible.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 1 month ago

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Q1. India has one of the most progressive disability policy frameworks in the
developing world. However, there remain huge challenges in bringing the
di erently abled population into the mainstream. Discuss.
Introduce with how India has a progressive policy for people with disabilities
Highlight the challenges they face like stigma, improper enumeration etc.
Briefly suggest steps to be taken to better integrate them
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
According to the Census 2011, there are 2.68 crores (2.2%) persons with disabilities in India, though according to
some estimates, the actual number may be as high as five per cent of our population. India has taken a progressive
approach towards those with disabilities. India is signatory of UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disability
and Marrakesh Treaty. Accessible India Campaign was  launched with the aim of achieving universal accessibility
for Persons with Disabilities. However, poor implementation of policies along with di erent challenges have acted
as deterrents in bringing them into mainstream.
Various Challenges:
Social Segregation and Stigma attached to disability is a big issue, considerably impacting their integration
into society.
Inconsistency in Disability definition across censuses: Di erent definitions in di erent censuses have led to
inclusion of someone in one census and exclusion of the same person in another census.
Narrow perspective: India looks at disability from medical or pathological angle only. Most developing
countries look from social angle, highlighting institutional and social arrangements preventing those with 81/834
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impairments from leading normal lives.

Lack of standard reporting: Census depends on self-reporting of disability; this may leave out mental disability
and even physical disability.
Lack of Institutional and Infrastructural Support for the disabled in India.
Lack of coordination- inter-sectoral, inter-ministerial coordination as well as between govt bodies and NGOs.
Limited competence and capacity of decentralizing services .
Way Forward:
Firstly, it is important to properly enumerate them. Kerala became first state to conduct a census of its own called
Kerala Disability Census for 2014-15. Other states must follow example. Accessibility and support services for
persons with disability must be fast-tracked while also aiming to raise public awareness and understanding of
disability through social marketing and campaigns.
It is not just the defect in their biological body that makes them disabled but the psychological trauma they go
through due to unfriendly attitude of the society towards them that renders them disable. By providing them aids to
overcome their disability and enabling them to earn a dignified livelihood, we can actually transform them from
being disabled to being di erently-abled.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Jhanak Balhara (/u/jhanak-balhara/594e700c4c4557071b1e3c15/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 14, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. "In Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan is fighting a hybrid war, and Indian
response should also be in the hybrid domain". Discuss.
Introduce with Hybrid conflict
Talk about how Pakistan indulges in regular and hybrid wars against India and
India's response
Discuss why India needs to engage in hybrid war and what it involves
Conclude appropriately 83/834
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Model Answer :
Hybrid war is one fought through a combination of conventional, irregular (e orts to win legitimacy and influence
over the populations), and asymmetric (for example, terrorism, insurgency, guerrilla warfare etc.) means. It can
include the combination of special operations and conventional military forces, intelligence agents, political
provocateurs, media representatives, economic intimidation, cyber-attacks, and proxies and surrogates, terrorist,
and criminal elements.
Pakistan's hybrid war against India:
For the last 70 years, India's response to Pakistan's e orts at direct war have been professional and e ective
(1947, 1965 etc).
As a result, Pakistan has indulged in a hybrid conflict with India which extends to multiple domains, including
promotion of radical ideology, creation of alienation among people, intimidation, and importantly, maintaining
financial conduits for the unimpeded flow of money into the conflict system. Their cause is being furthered by
the separatists in India.
Need for India to engage in Hybrid war:
In this conflict, India's approach has been defensive, reactive and tentative. Fighting the adversary in a hybrid
conflict, like the one in Jammu & Kashmir, through the military route has been ine ective.
There is an increasing body of opinion in India that the response to Pakistan's hybrid war in Kashmir should be
through hybrid warfare.
There is a need of for the national strategy to incorporate all elements of national power i.e. intellectual,
economic, intelligence, cyber capabilities, scientific, business, trade and diplomatic.
Hybrid warfare has a strong espionage element and India needs an aggressive intelligence posture with an
expertise and specialists from diverse fields like technology, economy, finance, culture, arts and politics.
Indian security community needs to indulge in information warfare and adopt proactive ways of bringing
information operations to the fore while dealing with hybrid conflict.
Agencies, led by NIA, have recently been successful in targeting the financial support to radicalism and terrorism
in Kashmir.
India also needs to develop the ability to conduct covert strikes in Pakistan to take out high value terrorist
Hybrid warfare is not a new strategy. Since times immemorial, such tactics have been the essential instrument of
the statecra . India also has the capabilities, but not the experience. To deal with an enemy like Pakistan, hybrid
war is the need of the hour. To this end, fault-lines in Pakistan need to be identified and e ectively utilised for our
geo-political ends.
Subjects : Security Issues

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 1 month ago

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Q1. The Naga insurgency has been a major threat to India's security and
integrity and can destabilize multiple states in north-eastern India. Elaborate.
Also discuss various measures taken by the governments in handling the
Introduce the issue of Naga insurgency.
Explain its impact on security of India as well as that in northeastern states.
Provide measures undertaken by Government especially Naga peace accord.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Ever since Indian Independence, the Naga Insurgency has taken many forms, including the demands for
secessionism to wanton violence. The Naga Insurgency at present is driven by demand for Independent Nation -
Greater Nagaland or Nagalim.
Impact on India’s security:
Violence: Thousands of lives have been lost due to violence in the region.
Secessionism: It also influences other Secessionist movements like Kuki insurgents, Bodo rebels and ULFA
(Assam), HNLC (Meghalaya), NLFT (Tripura) etc in many states 87/834
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Collaboration with hostile nations – There has been international collaboration with hostile countries like
China, Pakistan, and Myanmar. 
Extortion industry is thriving leading to loss of confidence in law and order situation.
Impact on other NE states:
Those demanding Naga nation seek to assert claims to the Naga inhabited areas of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and
Manipur and even in Myanmar. The violence and secessionist movements influenced similar groups and tactics in
other NE states, destabilizing them.
Measures taken by governments at various levels:
1. Security related measures:

UAPA: Many militant/insurgent groups declared as terrorist organization under UAPA - Unlawful Activities
(Prevention) Act, 1967.
AFSPA: Most of NE declared as ‘Disturbed Areas’ under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958.
CAPF: Deployment of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs).
Surrender and Rehabilitation Policy: Onetime payment and vocational training.
1. Center's assistance to States:

Assistance for additional battalions: Sanction of India Reserve (IR) battalions, setting up of Counter Insurgency
and Anti Terrorism (CIAT) schools;
Scheme for Modernization of State Police Forces (MPF scheme).
1. Border Management:

Deployment of Assam Rifles along the Myanmar border and strengthening border fencing.
1. Development related measures:

Infrastructure creation- Road, Rail, Telecom, Power and Waterways sectors

Agriculture – Horticulture promotion, Organic Farming etc.
Employment - Capacity building, Tourism, Skills training and industrial development.
Act East Policy- to link ASEAN with our North East.
1. Attempts for political solution:

Tripartite Naga Accord signed in 2015

Greater autonomy and decentralization
Special provisions like VI Schedule, Article 371 C for Manipur, Hill Councils etc.
Naga Accord has given opportunity for peace and stability in region, which can be utilized for development so that
people can be weaned away from insurgency and illegal activities. At the same time more clarity can be brought
regarding Naga peace accord to allay fears of neighboring states.
Subjects : Security Issues

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Shailja Pandey (/u/shailja-pandey/594e69534c4557071ea8030a/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 13, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q1. Discuss the applications of biotechnology in the agriculture and allied

Introduce by mentioning the need for biotechnology in agriculture and allied
Explain how biotechnology can be used in agriculture and allied sectors.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Agriculture along with its allied sectors is the largest source of livelihood in India. Biotechnology can be
instrumental in improving productivity and modernising these sectors. The National Biotechnology Development
Strategy 2015-2020 has a special focus on the agriculture and the allied sectors.
The applications of biotechnology are manifold in this regard: 93/834
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Crop farming:
Productivity of the crops is enhanced using genomics information and interfaces with wide hybridisation,
molecular mapping, etc.
Crops can be made less input intensive and less prone to biotic and abiotic stresses.
Nutritional value of the crops can also be enhanced.
Animal Rearing:
The health and productivity of Livestock and Poultry can be enhanced.
Biotechnology can ensure good breeding and reproductive technologies.
Disease resistance in indigenous stocks e.g. cattle, chicken, bu alo, sheep pigs etc. is being enhanced.
Feed and fodder enrichment can be done by enhancing its nutritional value.
Micro-diets being developed for larviculture, which is used as food for fish stock.
Enrichment of aqua-feed with microbial enzymes which is cost e ective at the same time.
Ensuring the health of the aquaculture environment and of the aquatic animals
DNA marker technology is being used in various species for trait characterisation related to growth, disease
resistance and salinity tolerance and could be exploited for enhancing productivity
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants:
Biotechnology helps in understanding the mechanism of action of medicinal plant based drugs,
understanding the biosynthesis pathways for commercial application, botanical pesticides & insecticides and
studies on genetic diversity.
Genomic resources on medicinal and aromatic plants can be generated to enhance the content of the
therapeutically important products.
Medicinal and aromatic plants based products can be developed for human and animal healthcare.
There are a number of more applications of the biotechnology in the agriculture and the allied sectors which can
significantly contribute towards the goal of doubling the farmers’ income in near future. The need to the hour is
e iciently leveraging the present technology and adequately investing for innovative research in this area.
Subjects : Science and Technology

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Urmila Kanawat (/u/urmila-kanawat/594e6d484c4557071b1e3571/) 1 month ago

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Q2. What do you understand by Bioprospecting? What are the main benefits
and challenges associated with bioprospecting?
Introduce with explaining the concept of bioprospecting.
Explain the benefits associated with bioprospecting.
Explain the challenges associated with bioprospecting.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Biodiversity prospecting or bioprospecting is the systematic search for biochemical and genetic information in
nature in order to develop commercially valuable products for pharmaceutical, agricultural, cosmetic and other
applications. The phases of bioprospecting start with sample collection, isolation, characterisation and move to
product development and commercialisation.
Benefits of bioprospecting:
The most important benefit is the medicinal properties of the plants and other organisms.Innovation is
promoted through bioprospecting, helping countries to develop new pharmaceutical products. Even our
indigenous medical system is heavily based on bioprospecting.
It also favours employment opportunities related to natural products. 97/834
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The local community and business enterprises both benefit from the economic value of the plant and
organisms. The Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 ensures that the benefits derived are not abused by
It creates an incentive to monitor and preserve biodiversity in order to avoid the risk of losing economic
opportunities from competitors or extinction
Technology and knowledge transfer among countries is promoted through bioprospecting
Biodiversity conservation is boosted as local populations will become increasingly aware of the potential
economic value of natural habitats.
Traditional culture and habits are preserved by rediscovering ancient native practices.
However, there are several challenges in this regard:
Bioprospecting is time-consuming which enhances the risk in terms of expected returns.There is no certainty of
returns and success rate is very low.
Traditional knowledge bears the risk of biopiracy and intellectual property, especially for the countries who are
not parties to Nagoya Protocol and where the local law enforcement is weak in this area.
Unequal capacities of host country stakeholders lead to unfair negotiation outcomes over benefit sharing. The
negotiation of bioprospecting contracts can be di icult, including the determination of a fair price for
exploration and commercialisation.
Bioprospecting involving marine environment is prone to legal risks, including of litigation in multiple
jurisdictions or conflicts of jurisdiction like in Antarctica.
Unsustainable harvesting of resources and other negative environmental impacts can damage the biodiversity
and environment.
The concerns can be largely dealt with stronger legal and enforcement mechanisms but the local community and
the enterprises will have to work responsibly to ensure that the prospects of biodiversity are utilised sustainably.
Subjects : Science and Technology

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Ashutosh Shekhar (/u/ashutosh-shekhar/598c1ae54c45570ef8039416/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 12, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. The FDI policy is being continuously revised to promote both the
Greenfield and Brownfield investments but they are treated di erently.
Discuss along with the recent steps taken by government to boost foreign
investment in India.
Introduce with Greenfield and Brownfield investments
Briefly discuss how the policy di ers slightly
Then discuss steps taken to promote foreign investment
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Greenfield investment is the investment in new plants or investment in which a parent company or government
begins a new venture by constructing new facilities, while Brownfield investment is the investment in an existing
plant. In brownfield investment, the entity either purchases an existing facility to begin new production or merges
with other entities. 102/834
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The FDI policy in our country is usually sectoral in terms of permitting Greenfield and Brownfiled investment.
Usually FDI policy for new investments in Greenfield projects is more liberal than that for the Brownfield
investments as they o en lead to acquisition of domestic companies by MNCs. For example, while FDI for green-
field projects in Pharmaceutical Sector is under automatic route, brown-field projects with investment beyond 74%
are placed under government route.
Government has taken following measures to boost foreign investment in India:
The Government has put in place an investor-friendly policy, wherein except for a small negative list, most
sectors are open for 100% FDI under the Automatic route.
100% FDI under automatic route has been permitted in Brownfield Airport projects.
Foreign investment in financial services activities regulated by financial sector regulators such as RBI, SEBI, IRDA
etc. will be 100% under the automatic route.
Regional Air Transport Service has been opened for foreign investment up to 100%, with 49% under automatic
FDI Policy on Insurance and Pension sector has been reviewed to permit foreign investment up to 49% under the
automatic route.
100% FDI under automatic route is permitted in the marketplace model of e-commerce.
Foreign investment up to 49% in defence sector has been permitted under automatic route along with specified
Full fungibility of foreign investment has been introduced in Banking-Private sector.
Measures are also being taken for the rationalization of the regulatory environment through business process
reengineering and use of information technology.
These measures are expected to increase foreign investment, which complements and supplements domestic
investment. Domestic companies will be benefited through FDI, by way of enhanced access to supplementary
capital and state-of-art-technologies; exposure to global managerial practices and opportunities of integration into
global markets resulting into accelerated domestic growth of the country.
Subjects : Economy

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Akshay kumar Gupta (/u/akshay-kumar-gupta/598ef00b4c45570efbcbd95d/) 1 month ago

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Q1. Public private partnership is a key model of infrastructure development in

India today but there is a need to mature it to deliver infrastructure projects
better and faster. Discuss in light of the Kelkar Committee's
Give a brief introduction about PPP
Highlight the various shortcomings in PPP
Discuss the important recommendation of Kelkar committee
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Public private partnership (PPP) is a long-term contract between a private party and a government entity, for
providing a public asset or service, in which the private party bears significant risk and management responsibility,
and remuneration is linked to performance. A large number of key infrastructure projects today are being
implemented in a PPP mode, including airports, highways, ports etc. However, various shortcomings of this model
have impacted this model's e ectiveness.
Various shortcomings in the PPP projects:
Delay in projects lead to cost overrun due to which customers have to pay higher charges for the services.
Due to economic conditions like Non-performing assets, private entities are not able to get long term credit.
Elongated timelines due to lack of institutional capacity in the project-award process have been hurting.
Weakening economic growth and the debt overhang problem have constrained both the capacity and flow of
private investment in asset creation.
Complex government rules sometimes force private companies to withdraw
In light of this, the Union Finance Minister’s had set up the Committee on Revisiting and Revitalizing the PPP model
of Infrastructure Development (Chair: Dr. Vijay Kelkar) in 2015. The committee submitted its report the same year.
Kelkar committee recommendations to revitalize PPP in infrastucture: 106/834
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Set up an institution for invigorating private investments in infrastructure, providing guidance for a national PPP
policy and developments in PPP.
An institutionalized mechanism like the National Facilitation Committee (NFC) to ensure time bound resolution
of issues including getting timely clearances.
Essential to set up independent Regulators in sectors going in for PPP.
Build up capacity in all stakeholders, including regulators, authority, consultants, financing agencies, developers
Amend the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 to distinguish between genuine errors in decision-making and
acts of corruption.
Pre-qualified PPP consultancies could be empanelled.
PPPs are an important policy instrument that will enable India to compress time in this journey towards economic
growth and development. A successful and growing stream of PPPs in infrastructure will go a long way in
accelerating the country’s development process.
Subjects : Economy

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 Feb. 11, 2018 (2 Questions) 109/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q2. The concept of "port led development" is central to the Sagarmala

vision." What is Sagarmala initiative and how can it help in achieving the aim
of port led development.
Introduce with India's potential for port-led development
Explain Sagarmala initiative with its components
Explain how it will help in port led development
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
India is richly endowed with natural maritime advantages, a strategic location for key international trade routes,
and navigable and potentially navigable waterways. There is great potential for port-led development in India, but
to realize it Indian ports must address infrastructural and operational challenges.
Sagarmala initiative:
The prime objective of the Sagarmala project is to promote port-led direct and indirect development and to provide
infrastructure to transport goods to and from ports quickly, e iciently and cost-e ectively. The Sagarmala Project
seeks to reduce logistics costs by developing access to new development regions with intermodal solutions,
enhanced connectivity with main economic centres and beyond through expansion of rail, inland water, coastal and
road services. As part of the programme, a National Perspective Plan (NPP) for the comprehensive development of
India’s coastline and maritime sector has been prepared.
Components of Sagarmala Programme:
1. Port Modernization & New Port Development: De-bottlenecking and capacity expansion of existing ports and
development of new Greenfield ports
2. Port Connectivity Enhancement: Enhancing the connectivity of the ports to the hinterland, optimizing cost and
time of cargo movement through multi-modal logistics solutions including domestic waterways (inland water
transport and coastal shipping)
3. Port-linked Industrialization: Developing port-proximate industrial clusters and Coastal Economic Zones to
reduce logistics cost and time of EXIM and domestic cargo
4. Coastal Community Development: Promoting sustainable development of coastal communities through skill
development & livelihood generation activities, fisheries development, coastal tourism etc.

How Sagarmala initiative can help in achieving the aim of port lead development?
The concept of "port led development" is central to the Sagarmala vision. Port led development focuses on logistics
intensive industries, where transportation either represents a high proportion of costs, or timely logistics are a
critical success factor.  The population in adjoining areas would have to be su iciently skilled to participate in
economic opportunities on o er. The synergistic and coordinated development of four components, namely
logistics intensive industries, e icient ports, seamless connectivity and requisite skill-base will lead to unlocking of
economic value.
Conclusion 110/834
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India, where the logistics cost around 19% of GDP is amongst the highest in the world, is on the path to complete
transformation under the Sagarmala Programme, by unlocking the full potential of India’s coastline and waterways.
Subjects : Economy

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Manish Khatri (/u/manish-khatri/59aeb1654c45574fb1b49084/) 1 month ago

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Q1. India's poor export infrastructure remains a major limitation on its

export competitiveness. Discuss. Enumerate some of the steps the
government of India is taking to improve our export infrastructure.
Introduce with the need for export competitiveness
List shortcomings in export infrastructure
What steps were taken to improve export infrastructure 113/834
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Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Over the last 25 years since India’s liberalisation, its foreign trade has expanded multifold. But India's share in World
Merchandise Exports over the last few years remained at around 1.7%. India's poor export infrastructure remains a
major limitation on its export competitiveness.
Shortcomings in export infrastructure:
1. Ports Infrastructure: Indian ports lag behind international standards, have inadequate capacity to handle high-
volume trade flow and have high turn-around time. Lack of trans-shipment hubs and high level of manual
operations are other concerns.
2. Poor hinterland connectivity: Limited hinterland linkages increase the cost and time of transportation and
cargo movement.
3. Airport infrastructure: The cargo volume handled by Indian airports is very less as compared to major
international airports. The major bottlenecks are lack of competitive air cargos, congestion at terminals, lack of
specialized storage for hazardous and vulnerable cargo, slow cargo clearance etc.
4. IT Infrastructure: This includes lack of facility for electronic payment of fees, duties, taxes etc. at the customs
5. Warehouses and Coldchains: India lacks capacity in warehousing and coldchains which is a big concern,
especially for perishable goods.

To improve the export infrastructure GOI is taking following steps:

1. Modernization of Infrastructure: GOI is undertaking modernization of infrastructure, including port
modernization, upgradation of Air cargo facility at major airports, Dedicated Freight Corridors, network of
national highways and waterways.
2. Sagarmala: The Sagarmala initiative was launched with objectives of port modernization and creating e icient
evacuation system and hinterland connectivity.
3. Multimodal Parks: Multi Modal Logistics Parks are being set up at various locations, to act as hubs for freight
movement, and enhance connectivity with road and rail and other modes of transport to promote
multimodal freight transportation.
4. Logistics Performance Index: The commerce ministry is working on a Logistics Performance Index (LPI) for
states and union territories, which will promote competition by ranking them as per their trade related facilities.
5. TIES Scheme: Tje Union Commerce Ministry in 2017 launched a new scheme Trade Infrastructure for Export
Scheme (TIES) to provide assistance for setting up and up-gradation of infrastructure projects with
overwhelming export linkages.

India needs to increase its share in world exports to boost growth and jobs as well as reduce trade deficit. Renewed
focus on export infrastructure is welcome and needs to be sustain to improve India's export competitiveness and
economic growth.
Subjects : Economy

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Urmila Kanawat (/u/urmila-kanawat/594e6d484c4557071b1e3571/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 9, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. In this age of capitalism and globalization, consumer awareness is

important in order for consumers to protect themselves from the profit-
oriented businesses. Discuss.
Introduce with the nature of marketing today
Highlight the need for consumer awareness
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Due to open competition in the modern era, consumer-oriented market has slowly given space to an era of
marketization which excessively rely on advertisement, o ers etc. to attract consumers. This has necessitated the
need to make consumers aware of his/her rights and duties.
Need and importance of consumer awareness: 117/834
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To achieve maximum satisfaction: Due to limited nature of individual income, the consumers excessively rely
on cheap and best product and services. A well aware consumer will be capable of taking informed decisions.
Protection against exploitation: Consumers are exploited in many ways such as underweighting, charging
more than the market price, selling duplicate goods, misleading advertisements etc. Consumer awareness
shields them from the exploitation by producers and sellers.
Control over consumption of harmful goods: Consumer education and awareness motivate people not to
purchase harmful goods such as cigarette, tobacco etc.
Motivation for saving: A well aware consumer is able to discriminate between real needs and perceived needs.
Knowledge regarding solution of problems: It becomes necessary that the information about their rights
should be provided to them so that they cannot be cheated by producers and sellers. Also, the awareness about
the grievance redreassal mechanisms enable the exploited consumers to take recourse of these platforms to
seek justice
Consumer awareness leads to consumer empowerment which is necessary to shi the balance in favour of them.
The government of India is taking necessary steps to increase the awareness among consumers. "Jago Grahak Jago"
Campaign, Using IT and Panchayats as a platform to increase awareness, regulator for advertisements, launching
INGRAM portal etc. are few examples in this regard. NGOs and civil societies also can play an important role in
creating awareness among consumers.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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Urmila Kanawat (/u/urmila-kanawat/594e6d484c4557071b1e3571/) 1 month ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. Many developments, which have altered the market dynamic significantly
both from a retail and a technological perspective, were not envisaged in the
Consumer Protection Act 1986. Hence, there is an urgent need to revise
existing regulations and formulate a restructured mechanism that can be
aligned with the modern nature of markets. Comment.
Introduce with CP Act and the changing landscape
Highlight the issues with the current mechanism that needs changing
Conclude appropriately
dynamic-significantly-both-from-a-retail-and-a-te/5a7dfa 4c4557655f14e309/)
Model Answer :
The Consumer Protection Act 1986 was enacted to safeguard the interests of consumers, and it has been e ective to
some degree. However, the Act had come into force at a time when the country’s economic landscape and the level
of consumer awareness were at an infancy stage.
Need to revise existing regulation:
Globalisation has resulted in a convergence of markets all across the world. Consumer relationships with
businesses have become more complex since the opening up of the Indian economy in 1991. Therefore, the laws
to protect them have to be commensurately adjusted.
With the coming of the internet age, online transaction systems gained acceptance giving rise to the
phenomenon of e-marketplaces. There is a lack of clarity around the a er-sales services like refunds and returns
in the present Act.
Penal steps can be taken only through a judicial process before the State or District Consumer Redressal Forums,
which are overburdened. As a result, consumers are being made to su er for an average of five years to get their
grievances redressed.There is no focus on time bound justice delivery in the present act.
The present act does not provide ways to settle the disputes through alternate dispute resolution mechanisms.
The need was felt to have a Central Authority, which will act as a national regulator for the protection of
consumer rights and will take suo moto action against companies indulging in unfair trade practices to the
detriment of consumers.
In the absence of provisions for class law suit, the current act fails to compensate group of people with the same
or similar injuries caused by the same product or action. The individual law suits have to be filed to avail the
It is necessary for India to ensure that its consumer’s interests are protected since high level of consumer confidence
in an economy allows them to experiment and support new businesses, thus boosting competition and
encouraging growth. In this context, the government has proposed Consumer Protection Bill 2017, which has
provisions to deal with the fast changing technological and market dynamics, e-commerce being the latest.
Subjects : Yojna summary 121/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  1 month ago

Hashin Jithu (/u/hashin-jithu/594bcc4b4c45570e80f775fc/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 8, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. The Consumer Protection Bill, 2017 seeks to enlarge the scope of the
existing law and make it more e ective and purposeful. Discuss the key
features of the new Bill and highlight any shortcomings.
Introduce with the new Bill and how it is in line with the present day's
Discuss the key features of the Bill like the new Authority, provisions on Ads etc.
Suggest some shortcoming like establishing liability, provisions on services etc.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Consumer Protection Bill, 2017 seeks to replace the archaic Consumer Protection Act, 1986. It takes into
account the changing nature of the Indian economy and the emergence of global supply chains, rise in international
trade and the rapid development of e-commerce that have led to new delivery systems for goods and services.
Key features of the Bill:
Central Consumer Protection Authority: For the first time, India will have a Central Consumer Protection
Authority, which will act as a national regulator for the protection of consumer rights. The agency will have the
power to take suo moto action.
Class Action suits: It will introduce class action lawsuits to India. (A "class action" lawsuit is one in which a
group of people with the same or similar grievances/injuries sue the defendant as a group.)
Powers to take action: The Bill has a provision for product liability and provides enough powers to the
regulatory authority to recall products and cancel licences if a consumer complaint a ects more than one
Protection of online consumers: There are provisions dealing with disputes that pertain to online purchase. At
present, the law is not clear on refunds or dispute settlement for online shoppers.
Handling misleading ads: The new bill also has provisions that subscribe he y penalties and jail terms for
adulteration and misleading advertisements by companies. Celebrities have been prohibited from endorsing
such advertisements by making them accountable for their actions.
ADRs: It also has provisions for “mediation” as an alternate dispute resolution (ADR), thus making the process
less cumbersome, simple and quicker.
Issues: 126/834
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The Bill requires that a claimant, in order to claim product liability, must establish four kinds of defects in the
product, the injury caused from it, and that it belonged to the manufacturer. This puts unreasonable burden on
the claimant.
The conditions to be proven to claim product liability do not include conditions for services.  It is unclear how a
consumer can claim product liability for deficiency in services under the Bill.
The Bill empowers the central government to supervise the functioning of, and issue binding directions to the
district, state and national consumer redressal commissions.  This could a ect the independence of these quasi-
judicial bodies.
The new consumer protection framework an e icient piece of legislation, keeping pace with the new market
dynamics. The issues highlighted above need to be addressed to make the Bill more purposeful.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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Urmila Kanawat (/u/urmila-kanawat/594e6d484c4557071b1e3571/) 1 month ago

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the-scope-of-the-existing-law-and-make-it-more/5a7c8f054c45576438dc1e70/) 129/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. The consumer protection legislation in India has so far not been able to
e ectively protect the consumer interests and redress their grievances.
Introduce with The Consumer Protection Act, 1986
Enumerate the reasons why it hasn't been very e ective
Conclude appropriately
far-not-been-able-to-e ectively-protect-the-/5a7c8e8f4c4557655f14d72e/)
Model Answer :
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 provides for a three-tier structure for consumer disputes redressal in the shape
of Consumer forums at the District, State and National levels. However, due to various reasons these courts are not
living up to their mandate.
These reasons include:
The final disposal in many cases takes a long time, due to various factors like long drawn out traditional
procedures, inadequate infrastructure, frequent adjournments given by the judges at the behest of lawyers etc.
In the process, the consumers cannot a ord to approach the consumer fora, considering the time, money and
e orts involved in seeking consumer disputes redressal.
Inordinate delays in the appointment of members of the adjudication panel by state governments have o en
brought the working of these tribunals to a halt.
Miserly compensation awarded by the courts have also put a low price on consumer su ering, thereby
discouraging many from approaching these forums.
The evaluation report published by Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) said the complicated
procedure forced the consumers to engage a lawyer and this made the entire process of dispute resolution very
The united Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection (UNGCP) have called upon the Member States to formulate
consumer protection policies aimed at fair, a ordable and speedy consumer dispute redressal. To better safeguard
the interests of consumers and provide them with simple, quick and inexpensive’ redressal mechanism, the
government is looking to bring in the new Consumer Protection Bill 2017. 
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  1 month ago

Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 7, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Discuss the factors responsible for the imperialist control of African
countries by European countries.
Start with the condition of Africa before imperialism.
Then, discuss factors responsible for imperialism in Africa.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
The interior of Africa was almost unknown to the Europeans till the middle of the 19th century. But it was occupied
by European powers during the period of New Imperialism, between 1881 and 1914. It is also known as "Scramble
for Africa" as it involved scramble for the occupation, division and colonization of African continent. Mainly seven
European powers – France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Portugal – were active during this period to
claim African territory.
Causes of European imperialism in Africa were:
Economic factors- Many countries Africa were well known for natural resources like gold, diamonds etc. Also,
African countries provided good market for the manufactured goods.
Inner conflicts- The conflicts between states and within states was other important reason. The rulers and
chiefs o en sought the support of the Europeans against their rivals.
Bogus treaties- Treaties were signed between European powers to settle disputes over claims to African
territories between themselves. These treaties were o en fraudulent and bogus. 133/834
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Strategic rivalry- The rivalry between Britain, France, Germany, and the other European powers accounts for a
large part of the colonization.
Role of explorers, traders and missionaries- The explorers aroused the Europeans interest in Africa and
missionaries found this opportunity for spreading Christianity.
Slaves- Cheap slaves were available in Africa which was badly needed in the European countries to work at low
Less military strength- The African countries had outdated firearms which had been sold to them by the
As by 1914, almost all parts of the non-industrialized world had come under direct or indirect control of a few
industrialized countries. Most countries of Africa had lost their political freedom and were ruled by one or other
imperialist country.
Subjects : History - World

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 1 month ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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control-of-african-countries-by-european-coun/5a7b50254c45576438dc15a2/) 136/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. Explain the Monroe doctrine, dollar diplomacy and big stick policy with
reference to imperialism in South America.
Give a brief introduction about imperialism in South America.
Explain Monroe doctrine, dollar diplomacy and big stick policy.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
The United States in the 19th century extended her territories through war with Mexico and purchase of Louisiana,
Florida and Alaska from France, Spain and Russia respectively. Within a short period a er the civil war (1861-65), the
US emerged as a major industrial and military power in the world. During the period from 1890s to the early years of
20th century, it spread its control over South America also.
Various policies adopted by United States in South America are:
Monroe doctrine- The Monroe Doctrine (named a er President James Monroe) of 1823 was a United States'
policy of opposing European interference in the a airs of the newly independent Latin American states or
potential United States territories. It added that US would not interfere in the internal concerns of the European
countries. US used this doctrine to control vast territory in the South America. Di erent presidents of US
modified this doctrine for their gains, like Roosevelt in 1904.
Big Stick Policy- The policy was popularized and named by President Theodore Roosevelt that asserted U.S.
domination when such dominance was considered the moral imperative. It was used by the US, acting as
the international policeman, to assert its domination in various parts of Americas. Example: In 1909, American
troops were sent to Nicaragua in support of a revolt which had been inspired by an American mining company.
Dollar diplomacy- The extension of the US influence through economic investments in the region is known as
the ‘Dollar diplomacy’. The economic and political domination of South America was facilitated by the absence
of strong governments in the countries of South America. Many of these countries were ruled by corrupt military
leaders with armed gangs.
By early 20th century most of the countries of the South America, though politically independent, came under the
economic and political control of the United States.
Subjects : History - World

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 Feb. 6, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2: Discuss the salient features of the Sufi Movement in medieval India.
Introduce the Sufi Movement
Discuss salient features of the Sufi movement
Conclude appropriately
medieval-india-approach-introduce-the-sufi-m/5a797acd4c45576438db d0/)
Model Answer :
Sufism or ‘Tasawwuf’ in the Islamic texts, is the quest for the divine within man. Sufis turned to asceticism and
mysticism in protest against the growing materialism of the Caliphate as a religious and political institution. Sufis
sought an interpretation of the Quran on the basis of their personal experience and by following the example of the
Prophet Muhammad whom they regarded as a perfect human being.
The features of Sufi movement are as follows:
1. The Sufis were organised into various orders called Silsilahs. Each of these silsilah e.g. Suhrawardi, Qadiri,
Chishti, etc. were founded by a leading figure who lent his name to it. A silsilah consisted of persons who had
become disciples of a particular Sufi saint. Though di erent silsilahs had their individual special characteristics,
all shared some common features.
2. Sufism stressed the importance of traversing the Sufi pathas a method of establishing direct communion with
divine reality.
3. As per Sufi beliefs, the beginner has to pass through a succession of stages and changing psychological
conditions experience God. 140/834
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4. Only a spiritual director or Pir who had himself successfully traversed the Sufi path can lead his disciple towards
establishing direct communion with God.
5. The disciple has to practise spiritual exercises like self mortification, recollection of God's name and progress
through the stages to attain concentration and contemplation.
6. Impersonate musical recitals were organised and the intention was to induce a mystic sense of ecstasy.
However, this practice was not supported by some Sufi silsilahs .
7. The centre of the activities of a Sufi order was the hospice. Here the Pir imparted spiritual training to his
disciples. The number of isciples and popularity of the hospice depended on the reputation of the Pir. The
hospices were supported by endowment and charity.

The Sufism was a critical response to the dogmatic traditions developed in Islam. By the eleventh century, it
gathered mass followings and evolved into a well-developed movement with a body of literature on Quranic studies
and Sufi practices.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Shivam Dwivedi (/u/shivam-dwivedi/594bcc4b4c45570e80f7756e/) 1 month ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. Saint Kabir was a major driving force behind the Bhakti Movement. Throw
light upon the teachings and philosophy of Saint Kabir.
Introduce the life of Saint Kabir
Discuss his teachings and philosophy
Conclude appropriately
bhakti-movement-throw-light-upon-the-teachings-a/5a797aa34c45576438db cd/)
Model Answer :
Saint Kabirdas was a major driving force behind the Bhakti movement in the fi eenth century. Majority of his
teachings can be found in his composition Bijak. He was very vocal about the unnecessary rituals, ceremonies, etc.
prevalent in the society and preached the path of love and devotion to the God.
The teachings and philosophy of Saint Kabir can be summarised as follows:
He believed in the existence of only one God and the only way to get close to one's God was to follow the path of
Bhakti, i.e., complete devotion.
Di erences between religions were manmade to him and he believed that all the religions will lead to the same
God. A person must purify his soul through love and praise the God through kirtans, i.e. devotional songs in
order to attain proximity to the God.
He taught to overcome the religious di erences and promoted brotherhood, especially between Hindus and
Denunciation of materialness and worldliness was central to devotion towards God. Once a person is far from
the lifestyle of sense pleasure, then only his soul will unite with the God
He was against rituals like idol worshipping, pilgrimage, namaz or becoming a hermit to find God. He said that a
normal householder can also find God if he leads a simple and devotional life.
Social evils like caste system and supremacy of Brahmins was also attacked by Saint Kabir. He preached that all
human beings are created equal, hence no one is above another fellow human being.
The teachings of Kabir earned him the respect from all sections of the society. Hindus and Muslims equally revered
him. Kabir became a symbol of unity, devotion and reason and his simple but brilliantly lyrical and symbolic ‘dohas’
(couplets) are famous even today.
Subjects : History and Culture

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 Feb. 5, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Peasant struggles in India have a continuous history since 1930s. Discuss
the reasons why agrarian movements in India have not led to agrarian
Introduce with peasant struggles pre-Independence
Discuss why their struggle achieved little
Highlight some post-independence agrarian reforms and give reasons for their
limited success
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Several agrarian movements, like the Kisan Sabha movement in Bihar, the Tebhaga Movement in Bengal
and Telangana Movement during 1946-48, took place in pre-independence India to protest against the deplorable
state of peasantry. Their fight was against exorbitant rents and illegal levies by Zamindars, arbitrary ejection of
tenants and anti-peasant colonial economic policies.
Some agrarian reforms were achieved under the Congress Ministries formed a er 1937 elections. However there
were inherent limitations:
These movements did not show much interest in problems of agricultural labourers.
The colonial British government resisted any meaningful reform. 147/834
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The outbreak of World War II which brought about the resignation of the Congress Ministries and launching of
severe repression against Le Wing and Kisan Sabha leaders because of their strong anti war stance.
Even though pre-independence agrarian movements didn’t register immediate success, they created fertile ground
for further reforms. This is evident in the post-independence movements like the Naxalite Movement (1967
onwards) seeking to secure rights for the marginalized sections of the agricultural community, New Farmers’
Movements that got onto the national political stage in 1980s led by the Shetkari Sangathana and other Farmer
agitations like the one by Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.
These reforms had following weakness which restricted its success:
Lands reforms were scuttled by the vested interests of Zamindars who exploited their political clout and
complexities of legal process.
A major weakness of these movements was their failure to create a sustained movement on large issues. The
movements started with small demands like debt relief and got fizzled out when they were met.
They rarely went beyond landowning peasants’ issues, and did not include the needs of landless labourers,
women etc in their agenda.
The excessive dependence of these movements on political parties and leaders
In the a ermath of the green revolution, the disparity among farmers belonging to di erent regions has been on
the rise. The farmers of one region no longer identify with the causes of the farmers from other regions.
Despite all these challenges, it would be wrong to conclude that there have been no agrarian reforms in India. Some
measure of land reforms, abolition of Zamindari system, forming of cooperatives, tenancy rights to the tiller,
government support like MSP, fertilizer subsidy, credit and crop insurance have led to significant improvement in
the lives of farmers.
Subjects : History Modern

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KD Singh (/u/kd-singh/594e6d484c4557071b1e34af/) 1 month ago

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Peasants were worst victim of British raj. They su ered in the hands of zamindars, moneylenders & police
oppression. Therefore pre-independent India saw...

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Q1. Trace the journey of working class movement in India since the advent of
modern industries. How did this disparate group emerge as an organized class
in late 1920s onwards?
Introduce the advent of working class.
Trace the development of all India class consciousness in various phases.
Conclude appropriately. 148/834
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Model Answer :
The modern worker makes his appearance in India in the second half of 19th century with the slow beginnings of
Railways and modern industries. Before the nationalists began to associate with working class agitations towards
the end of 19th century, there were several strikes, agitations. But these were sporadic, spontaneous and
unorganized revolts based on economic grievances.
Phase 1 (1850s -1900): In this phase the worker class remained largely unorganized on a class basis. There were
some early attempts at organized e ort to improve the conditions of workers. Ex: Workingmen’s club by
Sasipada Banerjee in Bengal. One major reason for the relatively lukewarm attitude of the early nationalists was
that during this phase they didn’t wish to create any divisions within the ranks of Indian people. Thus, we notice
lack of class consciousness among workers in this period.
Phase 2: With the coming of Swadeshi movement, the situation began to change rapidly and the nationalists
took up the task of organizing stable trade unions, strikes etc. Thus, there was a perceptible shi from purely
economic issues to wider political issues.
Phase 3 (1910 onwards): In this phase, there was a close integration of workers movement with the national
movement and class consciousness was fast developing among the workers. The formation of Ahmedabad
Textile Labor Association in 1918, All India Trade Union Congress in 1920 were the important events of this
Emergence as an organized class:
Phase 4 (late 1920s onwards): The impetus given by the Russian Revolution in 1917 helped the le ist ideas to
have a significant impact on the working-class movement. WPPs (workers and peasant’s parties) organized by
various communist groups were rapidly gaining in strength within the Congress. Communist influence on the
trade movement became very strong since late 1920s and onwards. A er that almost all the trade unions barring
few identified themselves with the radical le ist ideas and the working class emerged as an organized, self-
conscious class in 1920s.
This process of emergence of working class as an organized, all India class is inextricably linked with the growth of
national movement as Indian working class could not exist before the notion of ‘Indian’ people had begun to take
Subjects : History Modern

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 Feb. 4, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. The conditions and the nature of The Non-Cooperation Movement were
di erent from the Civil Disobedience Movement. Critically examine.
Give a brief introduction about the non-cooperation and civil disobedience
Give an account of conditions present at the time of both movements.
Explain how the nature of both movements di ers.
Conclude with a stand based on above discussion.
cooperation-movement-were-di erent-from-the-civil-
Model Answer :
Both the Non-Cooperation Movement (NCM) and the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) were the mass
movements in India’s struggle for freedom. They di ered in following ways:
Conditions at the time of NCM (1920-22):
Due to the First World War, the economy was in a bad condition. The prices of essential commodities were high
and industrial production decreased.
Rowlatt Act was passed to arrest suspects without any trial.
The Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre exposed the brutal nature of the foreign rule.
The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms failed to satisfy the rising demand of the Indians for self-government.
Muslim sections of the population were angered by the treatment meted out to Turkey by the British a er the
First World War under Treaty of Sevres. 152/834
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Conditions at the time of CDM (1930-34):

In Lahore session of 1929, Congress took decision to launch CDM with the aim of complete independence.
Land revenue was very high and there was monopoly of government even on basic commodities like salt.
Gandhi’s eleven demands like release of political prisoners, abolishment of salt tax etc. were not accepted by the
Nature of the movements:
NCM was in response to Punjab wrongs and Khilafat issue while CDM was in response of rejection of 11 demands
put forward by congress.
The stated objective of NCM was to attain Swaraj but CDM’s was to attain Poorna Swaraj.
The NCM was centered on not cooperating with the government. For example- boycott of government schools
and colleges, law courts, legislative councils, foreign clothes, government honors and titles etc. On the other
hand, CDM was centered on peaceful breach of law. For example- refusal to abide by salt law, to resign from
government jobs, to disobey the laws, to refuse to pay taxes etc.
The congress was organizationally stronger at the time of CDM as compared to NCM.
No major labor upsurge coincided with CDM as it was at the time of NCM.
Although the nature and conditions at the time of both movements were di erent both were largely peaceful mass
movements started to attain the goal of India’s freedom. 
Subjects : History Modern

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cooperation-movement-were-di erent-from-the-civil-disob/5a774a2b4c45576555e4cce5/)

Q1. What are the causes which lead to the appointment of Simon Commission?
Why it was opposed? What were the reactions of di erent sections of
resistance movement?
Provide brief Introduction Simon commission
Causes for the appointment of Simon Commission and Reasons for its
Explain how di erent section reacted
Conclude appropriately 
wer/5a7749f64c45576438dbb9 /)
Model Answer :
The Indian Statutory Commission, commonly referred to as the Simon Commission a er its chairman Sir John
Allsebrook Simon, was sent to India in 1928 to study potential constitutional reform. In 1930, it published a two-
volume report known as the Simon Report. 158/834
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Causes for the appointment:

The Commission was set up in response to the nationalist movement, to look into the functioning of the
constitutional system in India.
Government of India Act 1919 had introduced the system of dyarchy to govern the provinces of British India, and
promised to investigate the progress of the new governance scheme by 1929 and suggest new steps for reform. 
The 1919 reforms fell short of the aspirations of the Indian people.
Moreover, the Government of Britain led by Conservatives  feared a defeat in the elections scheduled to be held
shortly and wanted to oversee reform before that. In March 1927, it announced its decision to appoint the
“Statutory Commission” in advance of the prescribed date.
Reason for opposition:
As no Indian was included in the Commission, it was considered to be a direct insult to the Indians, thus
opposed by all shades of the Indian public opinion and provided a common meeting ground for the di erent
political parties.
The Indian response against the commission was immediate and nearly unanimous. What angered the Indians
most was the exclusion of Indians from the commission and the basic notion behind the exclusion that
foreigners would discuss and decide upon India’s fitness for self-government. It was seen as a violation of the
principle of self- determination, and a deliberate insult to the self-respect of Indians.
The Congress decided to boycott the commission “at every stage and in every form”. The Liberals of the Hindu
Mahasabha and the majority faction of the Muslim League also supported the boycott. On the other hand, the
Unionists in Punjab and the Justice Party in the south decided not to boycott the commission.
All-India hartal was observed on the day of Commission's landing in India. Protest demonstrations were held
everywhere with  black flags and slogans of ‘Simon Go Back’.
The Simon boycott movement provided the first taste of political action to a new generation of youth. It provided a
fertile ground for the germination and spread of new radical ideas of socialism. Under these circumstances, the INC
in its Madras session (1927) adopted resolutions to dra a Constitution for India.
Subjects : History Modern

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Shivam Dwivedi (/u/shivam-dwivedi/594bcc4b4c45570e80f7756e/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 2, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q1. 'Lone Wolf' terror attacks have recently been on the rise across the world,
especially in Europe. What do you understand by 'Lone Wolf' attacks? What
threat do they pose to the internal security of India? Suggest strategies to curb
this threat.
Introduce with meaning of lone wolf attacks
Discuss the threat they pose to India
Discuss strategies to counter them
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
A lone wolf is a terrorist who is not part of a group or directed by an outside organization, and commits terror
activities by himself. However, he/she is usually radicalised by a terrorist outfit and subscribes to the ideology of
that outfit. The rise of Islamic State (IS) and encouragement of lone-wolf attacks on crowds using fast moving
vehicles, as seen in Nice, Berlin, Stockholm etc. has brought the issue to the forefront.
Threat to India's security:
Attacks encouraged in India: While India has not yet experienced a lone wolf terrorist strike, it is in the list of
countries that IS, as well as Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), has encouraged to be targeted by lone
wolf terrorist attacks.
Attacks thwarted: In 2017, the Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested two people for planning an IS-
inspired lone-wolf attacks. There have been other arrests all over India of potential perpetrators.
Radicalization: A fast growing population, especially youth with access to mass media and social media, opens
limitless avenues of unrestrained radical propaganda.
Challenges in thwarting them: The absence of lone-wolf attacker from the radars of the intelligence as he is not
part of any group, and the limited security and intelligence personnel to monitor them.
Strategies to curb this threat: 162/834
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Counter-radicalisation: Big data analytics can be used to understand the level of radicalisation of potential
recruits, their networks and sources of information, funding and leadership in order to unravel the roots of
Monitoring the web: The IB has set up a cell dedicated to monitor the web, and infiltrate jihadist social media
accounts, and identify individual terrorists and disrupt their communications.
Special teams: There is a need for specialised police teams to be trained and organised in every state to act as
Coordination: We must coordinate with various agencies across the world to improve intelligence sharing
mechanisms, strengthen measures against terror financing etc.
Social interventions: There must also be interventions at a social level, and society and parents should be
encouraged to keep a watch and report suspicious activities.
India remains an important target for groups like the IS and Al Qaeda, which see the country’s democratic, secular
and open social fabric as a threat to their ideology. It is therefore important to undertake suitable proactive
measures to limit the potential damage that can be caused by such attacks.
Subjects : Editorials

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Urmila Kanawat (/u/urmila-kanawat/594e6d484c4557071b1e3571/) 1 month ago

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Q2. Examine the merits and demerits of the first-past-the-post election

system? Do you think Proportional Representation system can be an
alternative for India’s plurality electoral system? Substantiate your answer
with relevant arguments.
Introduce with FPTP and why it was adopted
Discuss merits and demerits of FPTP
Discuss proportional system and its drawbacks
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
India's Constitution makers adopted the Parliamentary form of government with representative democracy in
which legislators are elected by First Past The Post system (FPTP). When India gained independence, universal
su rage was immediately introduced, and FPTP was adopted as it is a simple election system that can be
understood by common voters.
Merits of the FPTP system:
It is easy to understand.
The system gives clear choice to the voters to either vote for a candidate or a party.
In FPTP system, the voter knows whom they have voted for. They can hold him/ her accountable.
It has discouraged candidates to get votes from one community.
However, there's been some criticism of FPTP as the number of political parties mushroomed. This resulted in the
winning candidates o en getting a much smaller percentage of votes compared to simple majority. 
Demerits of the FPTP system:
It allows a disproportionate relation between the votes that a party polls and the seats it garners.
The winning candidate does not necessarily have a real (absolute) majority in the constituency.
The parties winning more than half the seats have o en, in state and general elections, got only a few percent
votes more than the second largest party. 
Proportional Representation system
Alternatives to FPTP system were suggested, mainly the Proportional Representation (PR) system in which parties
are allotted seats in proportion to the votes they poll. However, Proportional Representation system is not a
solution due to some inherent drawbacks:
Our present system is based on the idea of constituency-level representation. The list system would nullify that
and will cra huge multi-member constituencies.
With the list system, the relation between the voter and the candidate would be snapped.
Our present constituencies are already huge, making the relation between candidate and voter too tenuous.
The grip of the party over legislators would possibly become vicious because the candidature of a particular
person would be less important than the party leader and the party brand name.
A true democracy cannot exist without reflecting majority aspirations. We need electoral reforms to ensure that the
will of the people is reflected in a proper manner. The Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law
and Justice is deliberating on electoral reforms. However a move to Proportional Representation system at present 166/834
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is not be a feasible move.

Subjects : Editorials

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Utkersh Tripathi (/u/utkersh-tripathi/59aeb1654c45574fb1b48e94/) 1 month ago

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 Feb. 1, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q1. Despite being heavily dependent on agriculture for food and livelihood

security, the state of this sector in eastern India remains poor. Discuss.
Suggest steps to usher in sustainable agriculture revolution to this region.
Introduce with agriculture in eastern India
Discuss various aspects of agriculture that compare poorly to rest of India -
including returns, yield, vulnerability etc. 169/834
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Discuss measures to bring sustainable agriculture revolution - like

diversification, integrated farming, infrastructure etc.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
A large fraction of the population in Eastern India is dependent on agriculture for food and livelihood
security. Though the region has the best of soils in the country and an abundance of water, sunshine and labour,
agricultural performance is largely of subsistence level. 
Poor state of agriculture in Eastern India:
Poor returns: The average annual farm incomes in eastern states are also nearly half of the national average,
and much less (5-7 times lower) compared to the north-western states.
Poor yield: The crop yields are low and almost stagnating in eastern India. Average yield of rice per hectare is
less than half that in Punjan and Haryana, while the average yield of wheat is significantly below the national
Vulnerable to climate change: The region is also highly vulnerable to climate change, making agriculture more
vulnerable to climate extremes such as droughts and floods, resulting in high inter-year crop yield variability.
Poor marketing: In the absence of suitable marketing facilities in the region, most farmers sell their surplus at
non-remunerative prices soon a er harvests.
Others: The region also has experienced low adoption of improved varieties of crops and new technologies as
well as low investment in agriculture development.
In recent years, agriculture in this region has begun to transform with aid of schemes like BGREI (Bringing Green
Revolution to Eastern India). But the pace of transformation needs to be accelerated through reforms to usher
in Green Revolution.
Measures to bring in sustainable green revolution in the region:
Agri-diversification: Diversification of agriculture in eastern India towards high-value produce will be a
significant step forward to increase farmer’s income. There is enormous scope for dairy, horticulture and
fisheries in eastern India.
Integrated-farming system: An integrated-farming-system (IFS) approach - through innovation in
farming, community-led systems for water conservation, organic farming along with activities like dairy, poultry,
fishery, goat-rearing - can generate additional incomes for farmers.
Infrastructure: Physical and financial infrastructure such as agro-processing, rural warehouses, cold storages,
cold chains, and financing institutions should be provided.
Others: Access to e icient input- and output-markets, irrigation etc. are also needed.
A comprehensive approach by integrating technologies, policies, institutions and agri-infrastructure is necessary to
usher in a new green revolution in eastern India. The success of all e orts will rely on how farmers are consolidated
through self-help groups or farmer-producer organisations or cooperatives to take advantage of economies-of-
Subjects : Editorials

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Q2. While foreign a airs are in the exclusive domain of the Union government,
the states have an important role in cultivating relationships internationally
and promoting trade ties. Discuss. Do you think the recent mechanism of
States Division in the MEA can help the states play a more constructive role in
foreign a airs.
Introduce with foreign policy and need for states' involvement
Discuss the role States can play, along with examples of success abroad and in
Explain why the States' division was set up and how it helps, along with
Conclude appropriately
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-while-foreign-a airs-are-in-the-exclusive-domain-of-
Model Answer :
The Indian Constitution has "Foreign a airs" in the Union list making it the exclusive domain of the Union
government. However, the States, as members of the union, must have an important say to put forward both their
interests and concerns, and must be encouraged to cultivate relationships with various countries and promote trade
Role of States in cultivating international ties:
There is great potential for the States to play a role in securing the best deals with foreign governments for
themselves within the overall policy of the Central government. Team India must also include State governments in
foreign policymaking, particularly in matters relating to trade and investment. Many positive aspects of greater
participation by state governments in foreign policy can be seen in India too, with states like Karnataka and Andhra
Pradesh directly negotiating with foreign governments to woo investments in IT while Gujarat, Kerala etc. roped in
investment and improved trade ties.
Countries like the U.S. and China encourage their State governments to take economic delegations to foreign
countries and even to establish their own trading o ices abroad.
Improving the states' constructive role in foreign relations:
States Division in the MEA: The Ministry of External A airs (MEA) now has a States division to encourage States
to play an important role in not only implementing foreign policy, but also in formulating it. The division assists
the States in building bridges with the countries in which they have a special interest on account of proximity or
the presence of diaspora from that State.
IFS o icers coordinating with States: IFS o icers have been asked to choose a State each to understand its
special requirements and to advise them. They are expected to bring their regional expertise to take the correct
decisions on neighbours. 176/834
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More measures needed:

However, a States division in the MEA, by itself, cannot make a di erence in policymaking. A new structure, in which
the States are fully represented, should be established and the Ministry of External A airs should have o ices in key
States. Think tanks may be established in States to facilitate policy options and to provide inputs to the States and
the Centre.
Subjects : Editorials

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Gopikrishna B (/u/gopikrishna-b/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4a19/) 1 month ago

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Foreign policy determines the contours of a countries cooperation with other countries
economically,politically,culturally and militarily.With a federal poli...

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 Jan. 31, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. There's been a paradigm shi in disaster management from a relief-

centric approach to an integrated approach covering all four phases of
disaster management. Discuss.
Introduce with the paradigm shi to an integrated approach to disaster
Discuss the four phases of the DM cycle 
Conclude accordingly
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-theres-been-a-paradigm-shi -in-disaster-
Model Answer :
India is vulnerable to numerous types of natural and manmade disasters. The management of disasters has gone
through a gradual evolution. Recently, there's been a paradigm shi in disaster management - from the hitherto
relief-centric approach to a more proactive, holistic and integrated approach covering all the four phases of disaster
The four phases of disaster management cycle: 177/834
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1) Mitigation: Mitigation involves steps to reduce vulnerability to disaster impacts such as injuries and loss of life
and property. This involves strengthening of public infrastructure; and other e orts to make the community more
resilient to a catastrophic event.
2) Preparedness: Preparedness focuses on understanding how a disaster might impact the community and how
education, outreach and training can build capacity to respond to and recover from a disaster.
3) Response: Response addresses immediate threats presented by the disaster, including saving lives, meeting
humanitarian needs (food, shelter, clothing, public health and safety), cleanup, damage assessment, and the start
of resource distribution. As the response period progresses, focus shi s from dealing with immediate emergency
issues to conducting repairs, restoring utilities, establishing operations for public services (including
permitting), and finishing the cleanup process.
4) Recovery: Recovery is the fourth phase of disaster which involves the restoration of all aspects of the disaster’s
impact on a community and the return of the local economy to some sense of normalcy. 
The National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) takes into consideration all the phases, and provides a framework
and direction to the government agencies for all phases of disaster management cycle. India has considerably
enhanced its capabilities in disaster management. The e ective implementation of NDMP is of crucial importance in
making India disaster-resilient while India pursues the goals of sustainable development.
Subjects : Disaster Management

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Q1. What do you understand by disaster? Enumerate various types of natural

and man-made disasters?
Define disaster as per NDMA.
Mention both man-made and natural disasters, with examples
Mention some national and international initiatives and conclude accordingly.
appr/5a720c7a4c45576af9de 85/)
Model Answer :
According to NDMA Act 2005, "Disaster" means a catastrophe, or grave occurrence in any area, arising from natural
or manmade causes, or by accident which results in substantial loss of life or damage to property and environment,
and is of such a nature or magnitude as to be beyond the coping capacity of the community of the a ected area.
Disasters can be triggered by natural hazards or be human-induced, or result from a combination of both. Broadly
disasters are classified into two categories i.e. Natural Hazard and Manmade Hazard.
Types of Natural Hazards:
1. Geophysical: Geological process or phenomenon that adversely a ect of life, property or environment are of
this category. Example: earth-quake, volcano
2. Hydrological: Events caused by deviations in the normal water cycle and/or overflow of bodies of water caused
by wind set-up. Example: Floods
3. Meteorological: Events caused by short-lived/small to meso-scale atmospheric processes. Example: Cyclone,
Dust-Storm, Snow. 181/834
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4. Climatological: Events caused by long-lived meso- to macro-scale climatic processes. Example: Drought,

Extreme cold or hot.
5. Biological: Process or phenomenon of organic origin or conveyed by biological vectors. Example: Epidemics due
to viral, bacterial etc.

Manmade Disasters:
Accidental: These are the hazard due to various accidental events. These include industrial accidents, building
collapse, fires, mine flooding, development within high-risk zones etc.
CBRN: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear hazards rank very high in among the human-induced
risks, these also includes war related and terrorist attack.
Transportation: Disasters which are caused due to transportation activity inroad, air, rail, on river or sea etc are
transportation disaster.
Pollution: These disasters are those which cause severe pollution air, land and water. These can be due
cumulative impact of above three factors also.
Most of the disasters have multiple e ects. They not only a ect humans but also other species and environment
(For example the climate change/global warming itself gets intensified due to pollution caused by humans). The
Sendai framework, Marpol oil spill response, IAEA provisions are some international initiatives to counter various
disasters. India is also a signatory of Sendai framework and already incorporated this plan (including SDG and
UNFCC) in its national disaster management plan i.e. NDMA 2016.
Subjects : Disaster Management

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Anushka Sachdeva (/u/anushka-sachdeva/594bc92c4c45570e7d9789d9/) 1 month ago

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"Disaster is catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave occurrence in any area, arising from natural or man
made causes, or by accident or negligence which resul...

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 Jan. 30, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Emotional Intelligence is the unique intersection of the heart and head,
which is very important in the current working environment of civil servants.
Introduce EI as the unique intersection of the heart and head.
Discuss the factors due to which EI is very important in the current working
environment of civil servants 182/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Conclude accordingly.
Model Answer :
The concept of Emotional Intelligence has been popularised as a concept by Daniel Goleman in his book Emotional
Intelligence(1995), as the capacity to recognise our own emotions and those of others and to regulate these
emotions to enhance the relationships and one's life.
The current work environment of the civil servant is very complex and to achieve maximum public welfare,
emotional intelligence is a critical factor which can be seen as follows:
A civil servant is required to adhere to rules & regulations and be sensitive to peoples requirements at the same
time. O en there is a conflict between rules and public requirement and it requires good emotional intelligence
to resolve this.
The developmental gaps have led to a di erent set of aspirations and requirements for di erent socio-economic
segments. Good EI is necessary to perceive this and deliver on the aspirations of people.
Upholding the rule of law is a key task for civil servants, sometimes the ground situation gets extremely di icult
to manage, like during riots, mob violence etc. where a small indident can provoke people. Resolving these
issues needs emotional intelligence.
Day to day administration is riddled with problems like political pressure, corruption, less flexible rule etc. These
can be only tackled with EI.
The grass-root level empowerment, especially a er the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendment have changed
the fundamentals of governance. A civil servant should be mindful of the decentralisation of power and his role
in the governance model.
The workplace of civil servants is also an important area where good EI is essential. An o icer has to motivate his
subordinate to perform, keep the requirements of his superior in mind and maintain a healthy relationship with
his peers.
EI is rightly considered as the unique intersection of head i.e cognition, and heart i.e emotion. In today's tech-driven
environment with declining social skills, the role of EI for a civil servant has become more important than ever.
Subjects : Ethics - EQ + Attitude

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Anushka Sachdeva (/u/anushka-sachdeva/594bc92c4c45570e7d9789d9/) 1 month ago

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Emotional intelligence is the ability to be aware of one's emotions, as well as that of others and to use
emotional information to guide thinking & behav...

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Q1. What do you understand by Emotional Quotient(EQ)? Discuss the

importance of EQ in the Workplace.
Define EQ. 183/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Point out areas of workplace where EQ is useful

Conclude accordingly
Model Answer :
Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the measurement of one's ability to manage one's and others' emotions e ectively. A er
the concept of Emotional Intelligence was popularised by Daniel Goleman, a growing body of research has indicated
that the emotion management is a key factor in the e icient working and high performance of an organisation. 
The importance of EQ can be seen as follows:
1. Higher EQ in workforce results into high performance which is desirable for success in the workplace. People are
aware of themselves and the impact of their action on others. The workers are committed to the organisation
and satisfied with their jobs.
2. The measurement of EQ can lead to a suitable division of work at the workplace as resources are directed to
where they are likely to succeed and deliver results.
3. Healthy interpersonal relationships are critical in the workplace, people with good EQ tend to have good
superior, peer and subordinate relationships. High EQ also facilitates good work-life balance.
4. Motivating people to achieve excellence is a critical task in the workplace which requires good EQ in leaders.
5. Dealing with parties outside the organisations like creditors, suppliers, customers etc require emotional
intelligence and people with high EQ do very well in this area.
6. Decision making is the key task of management at the workplace, this requires e ective planning having a
balance between head and heart.

Realising the importance of the EQ at the workplace, organisations are integrating EQ in the organisation culture.
Multi-National Corporations like Google and even governments, like in Singapore, are focusing on the EQ factor in
the training and recruitment process of their organisation.
Subjects : Ethics - EQ + Attitude

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Akhilesh Kumar (/u/akhilesh-kumar/594e6d474c4557071b1e3361/) 1 month ago

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Emotional Quotient is a tool to compute the ability of a person to notice and manage perceptions of his
feelings and then controlling reactions accordingly. ...

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 Jan. 29, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Explain good governance and ethical governance with suitable examples.
Define good governance and give its various parameters. 184/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Discuss about ethical governance.

Then explain with example, how these two are related.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Good governance is an attempt to widen the scope of public administration by going beyond formal government. It
was propagated by international financial aid donor agencies such as World Bank in 1990s. It is value based
governance which makes public administration open, transparent, accountable, participative, e ective and rule
Ethical governance is a concept related to good governance. It requires that public o icials adhere to high moral
standards while serving others. Or in other words, ethical governance brings ethical element in the good
It is necessary for public authorities to not only satisfy the obligations laid down by law, but, in addition, their
conduct must be inspired and be guided by principles of ethics and good conduct which have not yet been expressly
stated in the regulations.
Example- Suppose you are collector of a district and a scheme regarding distribution of houses at subsidized rates is
under you. You are distributing the houses according to rules in a transparent manner. This is good governance.
Now, an old lady comes to you and requests to allot a house to her but she doesn’t have relevant documents. Now
you have to make choice based on rules and empathy. Not driving the helpless lady away but actually helping her in
accessing relevant documents shows empathy of the collector and displays ethical governance.
A system of laws and rules, however elaborate, cannot provide for all situations. Hence both good governance and
ethical governance are required to ensure that the authority entrusted to the public o icials is exercised in the best
interest of the people.
Subjects : Ethics - Administrative

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Rakesh (/u/rakesh/594bcc4a4c45570e80f77438/) 1 month ago

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ANS good governance is a developmental concept which can be defined as existence of processes,
institutions and mechanisms through which citizen can articula...

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Q1. What do you mean by social accountability? Explain the key steps for
enabling a social accountability process mechanism. 185/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Define social accountability in the introduction.
Then, discuss various steps required to ensure social accountability.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Social accountability (SA) is an approach to governance that involves citizens and civil society organizations in
public decision making. SA interventions can enable citizens and civil society actors to articulate their needs to
governments and service providers. SA also brings the perspective of citizens and civil society actors to government
activities, such as policy making, the management of public finances and resources, and service delivery. 
Key steps for enabling a social accountability mechanism:
Mobilizing around an entry point- First point is the identification of an entry point and developing strategy to
address the problem. For example, Gram Sabhas (GSs) and ward sabhas o er an important entry point for
strengthening community mobilization.
Building an information base- Generate relevant information, both supply side and demand side, for building a
credible evidence base. Generation of reliable information on process, quality, and outcomes of service delivery
helps strengthen accountability even within the system.
Going public- To elicit meaningful participation from the citizens, it is fundamental that they are first made
aware of what they are entitled to. There's a need to disseminate information to the public and have a public
debate around it.
Building coalitions- Informing the citizens of their rights and responsibilities, engaging their interest and
mobilizing them to build coalitions and partnerships with di erent stakeholders are core aspects of social
Advocating and negotiating change- The most crucial and challenging element of a social accountability
strategy is to be able to elicit a response from public o icials and e ect real change.
By bringing together the spheres of public participation, citizen rights, and public sector reform, social
accountability puts people at the center of the governance agenda. Ultimately, the e ectiveness and sustainability
of social accountability mechanisms is improved when they are institutionalized.
Subjects : Ethics - Administrative

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 1 month ago

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 Jan. 28, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Nelson Mandela found motivation in his struggle for freedom from
oppression in Mahatma Gandhi?
Briefly explain about Nelson Mandela
Throw light on the factors and values which deeply impacted Mandela and his
Conclude Appropriately
Model Answer :
I could never reach the standard of morality, simplicity and love for the poor set by the Mahatma. While Gandhi was
a human without weaknesses, I am a man of many weaknesses." ~ Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid political leader who served as President of South Africa from
1994 to 1999. He was the country's first democratically elected black head of state. Mandela called Gandhi his
'political guru' and a 'role model'. 
Gandhi and Mandela:
Gandhi is most revered in South Africa for his commitment to non-violence and the Mandela-led Movement against
apartheid in South Africa was strongly influenced by this Gandhian philosophy. Gandhi and Mandela had a shared
conviction that all suppressed people, whatever their di erences of religion or ethnicity or caste, must stand
together against their oppressors. 
Inspiration from Satyagraha: 189/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

It was in South Africa that Gandhi first experimented with truth, and developed Satyagraha as a philosophy and a
method of struggle. Gandhi's Satyagraha campaign, a compelling act of passive protest against oppression, inspired
the formation of the African National Congress (ANC) as well as strengthening Mandela's belief in the shared
humanity. Inspired by Satyagraha campaign's way of passive, nonviolent political resistance, the ANC launched the
first mass movement against apartheid.
Non-violence: Nelson Mandela truly believed that Gandhi's nonviolent ways of protesting were stimulating, and
saw saw nonviolence as an integral part of the anti-apartheid movement. But he wasn't as absolutist as Gandhi
when it came to violence, and he wasn't bound to non-violence when peaceful protest was met with violence.
However, the use of violence by the ANC overall was limited.
Forgiveness: Mandela learned from Gandhi the essential virtues of forgiveness and compassion, values that served
him and his country very well when he became the President.
A er his release in prison, Mandela o en visited India, and was also conferred with the Bharat Ratna. As a strong
follower of Gandhi's teachings, he was awarded the International Gandhi Peace Price in 2001 for his peacemaking
e orts by the Indian government. Both the leaders are recognized for their contribution in world peace.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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Gopikrishna B (/u/gopikrishna-b/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4a19/) 1 month ago

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Nelson Mandela revered as Gandhi of South Africa dedicated his life for the emancipation of Blacks from the
White Masters.Mandela himself was a passionate fo...

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Q1. Rabindranath Tagore was a believer in universal humanism and

internationalism. Elaborate.
Briefly Introduce with Tagore
Discuss the concept of humanism and Tagore as Humanist
Discuss his notion of internationalism
Conclude Appropriately
Model Answer :
Rabindranath Tagore is the versatile personality of Indian literary scholarship, and is considered as the Rishi, the
Gurudev and the Maharshi. He was a multi-dimensional personality and the underlying theme of his creations was
the love for man. 190/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Tagore as a humanist
Humanism refers to a rationalist system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or
supernatural matters. Humanism emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively,
and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence over established doctrine or faith.
Tagore was a humanist, a prophet of love, sympathy, fellow feeling and cooperation. His humanism was based on
spiritual foundations. Tagore’s universal humanism is mainly expressed through his concept of interpersonal
relationship. Tagore’s concept of man/human personality is expressed in terms of finding the realization of the
feeling of intimacy with nature. Nature is not alien but is essentially related to man, and in the vastness of nature,
we are not unknown strangers; we are her kith and kin. 
Tagore favoured the higher ideology of universalism, as opposed to nationalism and patriotism, which he thought
were constricting the higher ideals of oneness of humankind and a world without borders.
Rabindranath’s notion of internationalism and humanism          
Tagore’s humanism led him to universalism and internationalism.
Tagore’s internationalism was basically the critique of the narrowly defined concepts of nationalism and
patriotism. Tagore denounced nationalism, deeming it among humanity's greatest problems.
According to his internationalism, all human beings to be treated equally regardless of the country or nation to
which they belonged. He also did not want barriers between people even within the same nation like those of
caste, race, and religion.
Tagore’s internationalism was built on the spiritual underpinnings. He said that the supreme truth of life is not
merely to live, but also to know our existence and realize the self through love and sympathy with others.
Rabindranath Tagore was a true humanist and believer in internationalism. His song ‘Jana gana mana’  invoking the
same goal of a larger humanity was chosen as our national anthem and remains a symbol of modern India’s legacy
of universal humanity.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 1 month ago

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 Jan. 24, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. What are the key issues associated with India-Bangladesh border? Discuss
the steps taken by government of India to address those issues.
Briefly introduce with India-Bangladesh border.
Explain the issues with India-Bangladesh border.
Then discuss steps taken by Government to address the issues.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
The India-Bangladesh border is India's longest international border measuring 4,096.7 km passing through West
Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. The entire border consists of varied geographical features like
plains, hills, riverine stretches, and forests with hardly any natural obstacles.
Various issues associated with India-Bangladesh border:
Illegal movement of people from Bangladesh into India, especially in Assam, West Bengal and Tripura is a
perennial problem. There are around two crore illegal migrants staying in India.
The porous nature of the border have also made it easy for Indian Insurgent Groups (IIGs) to cross over into
Bangladesh, where they have set up safe houses and training camps.
Activities including smuggling of arms, human and narcotics tra icking, counterfeiting Indian currency etc. are
also quite rampant. 
The border also faces the unique problem of smuggling of cattle, readymade garments and food grains.
The Indian Government has taken following measures to address these issues:
Security Measures: Border Security Force operational responsibility of International Border with Bangladesh.
E ective domination of the border is carried out round the clock surveillance of the borders by patrolling and by
deploying observation posts all along the International Border.
Construction of fencing and floodlighting as well as patrol roads is being done all along the border. 194/834
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Up-gradation of intelligence network and co-ordination with sister agencies. Conduct of special operations
along with border.
Bilateral Mechanism: A three-tier bilateral institutional mechanism was set up between India and Bangladesh in
1994 to resolve security and border management issues. In July, 2011, a Co-ordinated Border Management Plan
(CBMP) was signed between the two countries for proper management of International border.
Border Area Development Programme (BADP): Various developmental works in the border areas have been
undertaken by the MHA under the BADP as part of a comprehensive approach to the border management.
The Ministry of Home A airs is exploring the deployment of a Comprehensive Integrated Border Management
System (CIBMS) through integration of Radars, sensors, cameras, communication networks and command and
control solutions. E ective border management and maintenance of peace and tranquillity along the border is only
possible through involvement of the local people as well as cooperation with the neighbour.
Subjects : Security Issues

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Abhishek Agarwal (/u/abhishek-agarwal/5995a6d14c45573cdd0aeacb/) 2 months ago

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Stretching over 4000kms, Indo-Bangladesh border the 5th longest land border in the world. It runs along 5
states - West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, T...

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Q1. Discuss the role of Indian Coast Guard to deal with the contemporary
maritime challenges.
Give a brief introduction about Indian Coast Guard.
Discuss the various maritime challenges.
Then, explain the role of Coast Guard to deal with challenges.
Conclude with suggestions.
Model Answer :
The Indian Coast Guard is a multi-mission organization, conducting round-the-year real-life operations at sea. 
Despite being relatively small, it has a wide range of task capabilities for both surface and air operations. For
e ective command and control, the Maritime Zones of India are divided into five Coast Guard Regions, namely,
North-West, West, East, North-East and Andaman & Nicobar. 
Maritime challenges:
Maritime terrorism is a major challenge that makes our 7517 km long coastline vulnerable to attacks. Example-
26/11 attack of Mumbai.
Rising incidents of pirates in the Indian Ocean. Example-Somali pirates. 195/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Threats to national security like arms-smuggling, terrorist infiltration as well as crimes like illegal fishing, human-
smuggling and drug-tra icking.
Natural disasters like cyclones as well as man-made disasters like oil spills.
China’s growing naval presence in Indian Ocean.
Role of Coast Guard in dealing with maritime challenges:
Indian Coast Guard (ICG) is responsible for coastal security in territorial waters.
ICG ships and aircra undertake regular patrols to enforce maritime laws, and other regulations and
international treaties to which India is a signatory.
ICG works to mitigate the e ect of maritime accidents, and help in ensuring safety and security from natural or
man-made disasters.
ICG provides assistance to fishermen in distress at sea like during cyclones, earthquake etc.
It also backs-up the navy in case of war.
It also assists the Customs and other authorities in anti-smuggling operations.
India needs a multidimensional approach like a multi-disciplinary maritime advisory body, modernization of ports
and infrastructure, capacity building of coast guards, coordination among marine police, coast guards and navy etc.
to handle all the maritime challenges e ectively.
Subjects : Security Issues

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Sameer Umashankar Pardhi (/u/sameer-umashankar-pardhi/594bc92b4c45570e7d9787ad/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 23, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. What do you understand by the term "Big Data"? Suggest ways in which
government can use big data to improve service delivery? 199/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Introduce with the concept of big data
Explain how big data can help improve service delivery in tax administration,
health services etc.
Conclude Appropriately.
Model Answer :
Big Data is data whose scale, diversity, and complexity require new architecture, and analytics to manage and
extract value from it. The increasing volume and detail of information captured by governments, enterprises, social
media, and more connected devices are fueling exponential growth in big data. Big data analytics opens up
opportunities for governments to improve the citizens' customer experience, to improve government e iciency to
boost business and design better policies.
The Indian government is looking at ways to bring data analytics, supercomputing and the Aadhaar database
together so as to improve service delivery and design better public policies. Some of the important applications
For policy making: The volume of data generated is growing exponentially, which can be a goldmine for the
inputs in policy making. For example, the use of Big Data also allows policymakers to understand the direction of
labour flows and design relevant policies.
Tax administration: By integrating and analyzing the multiple data sources including income tax filings, pan
data, digital transactions etc., big data will help tax departments in becoming e icient in tax administration ans
also in finding tax evaders, and identifying tax malpractices like hawala dealings.
Health care: Big data can help in identifying disease outbreaks, analyse disease patterns
and seasonality, thereby improving public health care and drug supplies.
Agriculture: Big Data can be used to understand consumer needs, farmer preferences, supply chain
management, managing food processing and reducing wastage.
The Department of Science and Technology's launched Big Data Initiative (BDI) to promote and foster Big Data
science and applications in the country. It shows that India realizes the potential of big data in an increasingly
digitized world, and intends to harness it. However, the huge amount of data collected and the ability to gain
insights into individuals primarily raises privacy and data security concerns. These should be addressed by the
government with data protection policies.
Subjects : Science and Technology

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Anushka Sachdeva (/u/anushka-sachdeva/594bc92c4c45570e7d9789d9/) 2 months ago

6 Likes - 2 Comments - 0 Feedbacks

Big data is an evolving term that describes any voluminous amount of structured, semi-structured or
unstructured data that has the potential to be mined... 200/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. What is the di erence between nuclear fission and fusion reactions?
Discuss the type of nuclear reactions that are tapped in running nuclear power
Introduce the concept of both nuclear fission and fusion
Make a comparative analysis.
Explain its working in nuclear power plant.
Conclude Appropriately.
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-what-is-the-di erence-between-nuclear-fission-and-
Model Answer :
Nuclear fission is the process in which a large nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei with the release of energy, while
Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide and fuse together into a new nucleus
with the release of tremendous amount of energy.
Key Di erences:
1. Nuclear fusion happens in natural forces like stars and sun, on the other hand, nuclear fission reaction never
occurs in nature in normal cases.
2. Fusion is a clean reaction where the bi-product produced is a stable atom while the bi-product of fission reaction
is radioactive.
3. For nuclear fission critical mass of the substance and neutrons with high speed is necessity, while, nuclear fusion
requires high density and high temperature (like the inner core of sun).
4. Fission is used in nuclear power reactors since it can be controlled, while fusion is not utilized to produce power
since the reaction is not easily controlled.

Reactions in Nuclear power plant:

The reaction that happens in nuclear power plants is nuclear fission, which is a chain reaction. The commonly use
nuclear fuels are isotopes uranium-235 and plutonium-239, because their atoms have relatively large nuclei that are
easy to split, especially when hit by neutrons.
When a uranium-235 or plutonium-239 nucleus is hit by a neutron, the following happens:
The nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei, which are radioactive.
Two or three more neutrons are released.
Energy is released.
This resulting energy is then used to heat water in nuclear reactors and ultimately produces electricity. The
additional neutrons released may also hit other uranium or plutonium nuclei and cause them to split and thus
creating a chain reaction. The chain reaction in nuclear reactors is controlled to stop it going too fast.
Conclusion: 201/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Nuclear energy has to play an important role in India’s energy scenario as it can be produced in large amount while
being a clean energy source which greatly enhances energy independence and energy security. Creating Thorium
reactors with the ability to use large domestically available thorium reserves would represent the next great leap in
the use of nuclear energy.
Subjects : Science and Technology

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Abhijeet Kumar Sinha (/u/abhijeet-kumar-sinha/5950cd4f4c4557071ea80feb/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 22, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Information Technology can play an important role

in transforming agriculture by providing information to the farmers to make
informed decisions. Discuss.
Introduce with the need to integrate technology in agriculture
Explain how IT can help farmer through information dissemination
Conclude with NeGP-A that seeks to transform the availability of information to
Model Answer : 205/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

To meet the growing needs of our country’s increasing population as well as make agriculture viable for the large
portion dependent on this sector, we have to innovate, work with farmers to infuse knowledge and
technology. Information Technology can help improve farmers’ lives by helping raise the farm productivity and
income levels through provision of relevant information and services.
The benefits of using IT:
Pre harvest support:
Agricultural extension: Farmers can get latest information on variety of seeds, pesticides, machines, cropping
method, animal husbandry, pisciculture information etc. online. Kisan Mitra, Agroweb, krishivihar are already
supporting farmers free of cost.
Weather and disaster: They can get latest updates on sowing time, pest spread, disease spread and disaster
related information. Further it helps in soil and water management planning.
Policy: They can get information about latest policy, MSP rates, demand and rates of crop, insurance and subsidy
Post-harvest support:
Market Information: They can get information of market prices at various mandi (eNAM), transport , storage rates
etc. and can book them online. Further it helps them in future/ commodity trading.
Subsidy and loan: Farmers can get information of subsidy, loan, weavers and funds etc. 
Awareness: Farmers can plan selling rates and time their products according to  future statistics. Government
can also educate them according to latest farm practices and global scenarios. Kisan Helplines are also solving
their various queries in their local language.
The mission of sustainable agriculture, evergreen revolution and doubling farmers income can be aided by reducing
digital divide and IT-Agriculture integration. The Union government has included Agriculture Mission Mode
Project under NeGP (NeGP A) to integrate all the diverse information currently existing in silos, to disseminate
information to farmers on time. 
Subjects : Economy

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Abhiroop Biswas (/u/abhiroop-biswas/594bcc4c4c45570e80f77714/) 2 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. “Government policies are adversely impacting the cropping pattern in

India”. Explain.
Introduce with significance of agriculture
Highlight government policies like MSP and subsidies and how they are
impacting cropping patterns
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
India’s agricultural growth is below 3.5% and has a share of approximately 17% in GDP but it has more than 50%
share in employment. Governments have extensively focused on this sector with various schemes and policies. But
many of policies have not only disproportionately favoured few farmers but also adversely a ected some farmers
and the cropping pattern of India. 
Adverse impact of government policies can be observed from the following:
MSP: MSPs are mostly in favour of food grains. Though well intentioned, it o en incentivizes farmers to grow
crops with remunerative MSP irrespective of the soil, moisture and weather conditions (agro climatic region).
This adversely a ects cropping pattern. 
Procurement policy: Crops like wheat and rice are mostly (60%) acquired from few states like Punjab, Haryana
and western UP. This led to excessive focus on the cultivation of wheat, rice and sugarcane in the procurement
states at the expense of other crops such as pulses, oilseed and coarse grains.
Subsidies: The high subsidies provided to power, water and fertilizers mostly benefits the large farmer. They led
to cultivation of unsuitable crops through heavy fertilizer application and groundwater usage. 
Poor infrastructure: Poor state of infrastructure, technology adoption and logistics have made horticulture
unviable even in places where agro-climatic conditions are suitable.
Others: Apart from the above, arbitraty stockholding limits as well as arbitrary import/export policies have also
distort the cropping pattern.
Case Study: Farmers of Punjab are growing rice which requires high irrigation. Despite lack of abundant rainfall as
required, they continue to grow it because of Government support on irrigation, power, fertilizers as well as MSP.
This cause high stress on groundwater and soil salinization. Hence it is a ection not only natural cropping pattern 209/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

but also agricultural sustainability.

It is clear that various government policies have adversely a ected the cropping pattern in India. To truly help in
making agriculture remunerative and sustainable, the government needs to integrate agro-climatic conditions,
changing consumption patterns etc. into its agriculture policies.
Subjects : Economy

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Saurabh Kr. Salona (/u/saurabh-kr-salona/59aeb1644c45574fb1b48e3c/) 2 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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 Jan. 21, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. The recent government initiative SAMPADA is a comprehensive package of

old and new schemes to boost the food processing sector in India. Discuss the
various schemes brought under the umbrella of SAMPADA.
Introduce SAMPADA scheme briefly.
One by one discuss the seven schemes present within the umbrella of the
Conclude Appropriately.
Model Answer : 213/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

PM Kisan SAMPADA Yojana aims to create of modern infrastructure with e icient supply chain from farm to retail
outlet. It will provide a big boost to the growth of food processing sector and also help in creating employment
opportunities, reducing wastage of agricultural produce etc.
It is an umbrella scheme and the following schemes would fall under it:
1. Mega food parks:

It aims to link agricultural production to the market by bringing together farmers, processors and retailers.
The Mega Food Park Scheme is based on cluster approach and would consist of supply chain infrastructure
including collection centers, primary processing centers, central processing centers, cold chain etc.
1. Cold chain, value addition and preservation infrastructure:

The scheme aims to provide integrated cold chain and preservation infrastructure facilities, without any break,
from the farm to the consumer.
It covers pre-cooling facilities at production sites, mobile cooling units along with value addition centers for
horticulture, organic produce, dairy, meat etc.
1. Creation/ expansion of food processing/ preservation capacities:

The scheme aims to create processing and preservation capacities and modernization of existing food
processing units.
This will increase the level of processing, value addition leading to reduction of wastage.
1. Infrastructure for agro-processing clusters:

It aims to create well-equipped supply chain consisting of modern infrastructure.

Each cluster will have two components i.e. Basic Enabling Infrastructure (roads, water supply etc.), Core
Infrastructure (ware houses, cold storages, etc.)
1. Creation of backward and forward linkages:

The aims to provide e ective and seamless backward and forward integration for processed food industry.
It will plug the gaps in supply chain in terms of availability of raw material and linkages with the market.
1. Food safety & quality assurance infrastructure:

It will look into various aspect of Total Quality Management such as quality control, quality system and quality
It also ensures that quality food products manufactured and sold in the market meet the stringent parameters
prescribed by the food safety regulator.
1. Human resources and institutions:

It aims to provide financial assistance for R&D work in product and process development, e icient technologies,
improved packaging etc.
It will also provide for standardization of various factors viz. additives, coloring agents, preservatives etc. within
permissible limits.
Successful implementation of SAMPADA scheme would bring down post-harvest losses, provide quality food to
consumers at cheaper price, help in doubling of farmers’ income and contribute towards food security of India.
Subjects : Economy

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 2 months ago

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Q1. Discuss the opportunities in the key segments of food processing sector in
• Introduce food processing industry as a sunrise sector
• Discuss the opportunities under key segments of food processing sector like
Fisheries, fruit and vegetables, Milk, etc.
• Conclude Appropriately. 218/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Model Answer :
The Indian food processing industry contributes 1.49% to the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the economy. It
has been accorded the status of priority sector by the Government of India and is o en termed as the “sunrise
sector” considering its huge potential. With varied geographic and climatic profile which allows cultivation of a
variety of crops, India provides many natural advantages for this industry to grow.
Opportunities in the key segments of food processing industry in India:
1. Fruits and Vegetables:

India is the world’s 2nd largest producer of fruits and vegetables.

Presently 10% of the products in this segment are processed. It is expected that the processing will grow to 25%
by 2025.
Opportunities exist in making preserved, candied fruits and vegetables, juices, jams, jellies, soups, powders,
dehydrated vegetables and ready-to-eat curries..
1. Fisheries:

India is the third largest producer of fish and second largest inland fish producer.
It is an entirely export oriented segment thus providing a lot of scope in international market.
1. Meat and Poultry:

India is the largest producer of bu alo meat and second largest producer of goat meat. Eggs and broilers are
leading the growth in this segment.
Only 1-2% of the raw meat is converted into value added products.
Huge opportunities exist in making egg powder, cut meats, sausages and other value added products.
1. Milk & Dairy:

India is the largest producer of milk and milk products.

India shelters the maximum number of cows and bu aloes across the world.
Opportunities exist in dairy processing for liquid milk, curd, flavoured yoghurt, processed cheese, cottage
cheese, Swiss cheese, blue cheese, ice cream and milk-based sweets.
1. Grains and Cereals:

India is a self-su icient country in terms of grain production. However, large amounts of grain are wasted in
India, including an estimated 21 million tonnes of wheat every year.
One of the major reasons for the wastage is that India is currently only processing 10 per cent of its food.
There is huge potential in milling of food grains like rice, wheat and pulses.
1. Consumer Foods:

It is the fastest growing segment in India and includes packaged food (snacks, chips, bakery foods etc.), aerated
so drinks, packaged drinking water, alcoholic beverages.
The segment is growing at approximately 6-7% annually.
Food processing industry serves as a vital link between the agriculture and manufacturing sectors of the economy
and thus, to explore the opportunity available in various segments, successful implementation of government
policies like SAMPADA yojana can turn out to be a boon. 219/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Subjects : Economy

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Anushka Sachdeva (/u/anushka-sachdeva/594bc92c4c45570e7d9789d9/) 2 months ago

3 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks

Food Processing Industry (FPI) in India is commonly called as 'sunrise sector'  because of the vital linkages
and synergies it promotes b...

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 Jan. 19, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Khadi was launched as a political weapon of nationalism during the

freedom struggle. However, relevance of Khadi is not lost even in post-
independent India. Discuss. 
Introduce with Khadi as a symbol of nationalism
Highlight the relevance of Khadi today
Briefly discuss the measures being taken to support this sector
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
In 1920, the INC and Gandhi ji launched Khadi as a political weapon of nationalism in the fight against imperialism
and as the best instrument for giving concrete expression to the Swadeshi Spirit. Khadi was the material
embodiment of an ideal that represented freedom from colonialism on the one hand and a feeling of self-reliance
and economic self-su iciency on the other. Khadi rendered an opportunity to every man, woman and child to
cultivate self-discipline and self-sacrifice as a part of the non-cooperation movement. 
However, even in post-independent India, khadi has not lost its relevance.
Relevance of Khadi today:
Khadi and Village industries have been the back bone of rural economy.
Khadi remains the source of livelihood for lakhs of rural artisans who include spinners, weavers and other
artisans spread across the country. 
During 2015-16, Khadi Sector registered production of Rs. 1065 crore and Sales of Rs. 1510 crore, and khadi
activity provided employment to 11 lakh persons.
Khadi activity is predominantly women based and a large percentage of khadi artisans are women.
Khadi has become fashion statement today because it is unique in terms of comfort. 220/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Khadi is natural, hand cra ed, ecofriendly, bio-degradable and nonexploitative, while synthetic textile industry
is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters.
Understanding the significance of this industry, the Government of India has formulated various developmental
schemes for implementation through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), including Market
Development Assistance (MDA), Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) scheme, Prime Minister's Employment
Generation Programme (PMEGP) and Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI)
throughout the country.
To further boost this sector, steps can be taken to ensure insurance to weavers, include them in reliable network of
health services, enhance educational capacity and to get their e orts a global recognition.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Kavya Pal (/u/kavya-pal/5950cf124c4557071b1e432e/) 2 months ago

2 Likes - 1 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 221/834
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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. Despite its inherent strength, the handicra s sector in India su ers from
various weaknesses due to which it is not able to realize its full potential.
Discuss. (150 words) 223/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Introduce with the handicra s sector.
Discuss the strength of the sector.
Highlight the weaknesses the industry is su ering from.
Conclude appropriately.
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-despite-its-inherent-strength-the-handicra s-sector-
in-india-su ers-from-various-weaknesses-due/5a624da64c4557432340a5b7/)
Model Answer :
The Indian handicra and handloom industry forms an integral part of rich cultural heritage of country. It is an
unorganised, decentralised, labour intensive cottage industry which provides employment to cra spersons in rural
and semi urban areas.
Indian Handicra s Industry potentially has a large and diversified market in domestic & international platforms.
It provides large product varieties and range as it is full of diversified culture.
Labor rates are cheap and it results in competitive prices.
The industry needs low capital investment.
The barriers for new entries in this market are low.
This Industry is potentially a large source of employment.
It is the potential source of foreign revenue because of export potential.
Weaknesses of the industry include:
Lacking in infrastructure and communication facilities.
Lack of awareness among cra smen about international requirements and market.
Lack of co-ordination between government bodies and private players.
Inadequate information of new technology and developments.
Inadequate information of current market trends.
Lack of skilled labor in industry.
Confinement of the industry to rural areas and small cities and inability to reach untapped market.
Lack of promotion of products.
Indian handicra s are representative of Indian culture and heritage. There is dire need to exploit its strengths while
addressing its weaknesses to withstand the onslaught of globalization. Government has taken various steps such as
formation of Weaver’s Service Centres, Mega Handloom Clusters scheme, India Handloom Brand etc. to promote
this sector.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Qahdim Hussain (/u/qahdim-hussain/598c1ae64c45570ef803955c/) 2 months ago

2 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks

The Handicra sector in India, is technically & statistically the second largest source of employment
generator. It also provides the cutting edge to re...

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india-su ers-from-various-weaknesses-due/5a624da64c4557432340a5b7/) 224/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

 Jan. 18, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in India are not progressing
satisfactorily due to various challenges. In this context, discuss the
various challenges and opportunities of MSME sector.
Introduce with significance of MSMEs
Highlight the challenges faced by the sector
Highlight the opportunities
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role for the growth of Indian economy by contributing
45% of industrial output, 40% of exports, employing 40 percent of India’s workforce and producing more than 8000
quality products for the Indian and international markets. Despite of the importance of the MSMEs in Indian
economic growth, the sector is facing challenges.
Absence of adequate and timely banking finance
Limited capital and knowledge
Non-availability of suitable technology
Low production capacity
Ine ective marketing strategy and absence of proper market linkages
Constraints on modernisation & expansions
Non availability of skilled labour at a ordable cost
Follow up with various government agencies to resolve problems due to lack of man power and knowledge etc.
It also presents various opportunities:
Less Capital Intensive: With its less capital intensive and high labour absorption nature, MSME sector can make
significant contribution to employment generation and also to rural industrialization.
Employment Generating Sector: The sector has huge employment potential.
E ective Tool for the Removal of Regional Disparity: MSME sector can take care of local needs, improve
economic condition of the area and most importantly, can bring a qualitative change in the economy of the
Export Contribution: Its contribution towards export is 40 percent.
Equitable Distribution of Income
SMEs are now exposed to greater opportunities than ever for expansion and diversification across the sectors. It is
very important to empower the MSME sector to utilize the limited resources (human & economic) they have in an
optimum manner. The SMEs need to be educated and informed of the latest developments taking place globally
and be helped to acquire skills necessary to keep pace with the global developments.
Subjects : Yojna summary 225/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Anjali (/u/anjali/594e700b4c4557071b1e3b4f/) 2 months ago

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Q1. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a significant role in
inclusive growth of Indian economy. Comment.
• Introduce with the important role of MSMEs in the growth of Indian economy 227/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

• Explain how MSMEs play an important role in inclusive growth in India

• Conclude appropriately

Model Answer :
Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector occupies a position of strategic importance in Indian economy.
Nearly 90 percent of the industrial units belong to this sector, employing 40 percent of India’s workforce. In 2014/15,
MSMEs accounted for just over 30 percent of the GDP. Not only that, MSMEs are instruments of inclusive growth
which touch upon the lives of the most vulnerable and marginalized. 
MSME role in inclusive growth:
Employment – It is labour intensive and creates more employment per unit of capital employed. For many
families, it is the only source of livelihood.
Equality – The income generated in a large number of small enterprises is dispersed more widely in the
community than income generated in few large enterprises. The relation between workers and the employers
are more harmonious in small enterprises, thereby giving a sense of ownership to the workers.
Tapping Latent Resources – Small enterprises are able to tap latent resources like entrepreneurial ability
and hoarded wealth. It also encourages growth of a class of small entrepreneurs which introduces a dynamic
element in the economy.
Decentralization – It promotes regional dispersal of industries in comparison to the large industries, which are
mostly concentrated in cities.  
The principle of self-employment is at least as important to a successful democracy as that of self-government.
Thus, instead of taking a welfare approach, this sector seeks to empower people to break the cycle of poverty and
deprivation. It focuses on people’s skills and agency and plays an important role in inclusive development.
Way forward:
However, besides facing several infrastructural deficiencies and challenges like flow of institutional credit and
inadequate market linkages, this sector also su ers from caste and gender dynamics. It makes the situation
vulnerable for women, children and people from lower castes. We need to overcome these challenges so as to
realise the full potential of MSME in inclusive development of the country.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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Sapna Meena (/u/sapna-meena/594d01964c45570e7a1e555f/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 17, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. What are the expectations behind the proposal to grant constitutional

status to the National Commission for Backward Classes? What could be the
issues that may be faced in achieving the goals?
Introduce with why a constitutional NCBC was created
List expectation from new constitutional body
Discuss issues that are to be addressed
Conclude with how this is a good move
Model Answer :
In order to safeguard the interests of the socially and educationally backward classes in India more e ectively, a
proposal was made to grant Constitutional status to the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC). At
present, NCBC is a statutory body with limited functions. NCBC as a constitutional body will work for the welfare of
backward classes on the lines of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC).
Expectations from the proposed NCBC:
All matters regarding the welfare and development of backward classes will be addressed and their complaints
will be investigated.
Union and state governments will consult the Commission on all significant policy matters a ecting the socially
and educationally backward classes.
Similar to SC and ST lists, there will be only one central BC list for each state. There will be no separate state list.
Inclusion & exclusion in the list will be decided by the Parliament. Hence demands by any group will be
subjected to greater scrutiny and only the most deserving will get included. 
Issues in achieving goals:
Criteria for defining backwardness: Proposed Constitutional amendment bill has not set for any criteria to
identify a caste as backward.
Federalism: Parliament will be the final authority on inclusion of communities in the BC list and, therefore, takes
away the authority of states. The states can now only send requests to the NCBC.
Di erence in the Central & State lists: In some states, there are a few di erences in the central and the state list of
BCs. Their position should have been clarified so that there is no anxiety for the backward classes.
Social unrest: Once this bill becomes a law, it will be very di icult to include Jats, Marathas, Patidars—it’s a very
lengthy process. These agitations may get more aggravated.
Though some issues need to be sorted out yet, the proposed new commission for backward classes with
constitutional status fulfils the long standing demand of the community. Its e ectiveness will be measured by its
ability to help address the developmental needs of the backward section of the society that has been the cause of 233/834
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much social unrest.

Subjects : Social Justice

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Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 2 months ago

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grant-constitutional-status-to-the-national-commi/5a5f9c494c455742cc67a4a7/) 237/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. The dra Medical Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2014 is considered to be a

step forward in ensuring rights of women. Do you agree? Enumerate the
various merits it confers over the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971. 
Discuss how the medical termination bill 2014 is more aligned with needs of
pregnant women.
Explain the merits of the new Bill over the old Act.
Conclude appropriately.
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-the-dra -medical-termination-of-pregnancy-bill-2014-
Model Answer :
Yes, the dra medical termination of pregnancy bill 2014 is a step forward in ensuring the reproductive rights of a
woman as it recognises the reproductive right of a woman in light of article 21. It also enhances women’s choice to
terminate pregnancy at later stages in genuine cases of congenital disorders or in cases of rape. The need for the
amendments to the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971 is the news again due to case by case
approach being taken by the Supreme Court in dealing with them.
The various merits of this dra Bill over the 1971 Act:
MTP 1971 places a 20 weeks ceiling on term of pregnancy. 
MTP Bill 2014 increases the legal limit on pregnancy termination to 24 weeks from earlier 20 weeks.
Cases with feotal abnormalities:
MTP 1971 does not permit termination of pregnancy beyond 20 weeks limit even in cases of substantial foetal
MTP Bill 2014 amends the section 3 in the original bill and provides that the length of pregnancy shall not apply
in a decision to abort foetus with abnormality developed a er 20 weeks, as conclusive determination of foetal
abnormality is possible in most cases a er the 20th week of gestational age.
Rape cases:
Under MTP 1971, even rape victims were not allowed to abort a er 20 weeks which compelled them to move to
Under the new Bill, a woman can take an independent decision in consultation with a registered health-care
Legal abortions:
The severe restrictions under MTP 1971 led to increased unsafe abortions and maternal deaths.
The amended act will increase the availability of safe and legal abortions in India.
Way forward: 238/834
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Foetal abnormalities show up only by 18 weeks, and some defects could be revealed a er 20 weeks has passed. The
Supreme Court held that only the legislature could address the demand for change in the legal limit. The Parliament
must move at the earliest for the safety of mothers while achieving a balance between the reproductive rights of
pregnant women and the rights of feotuses.
Subjects : Social Justice

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 2 months ago

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is-considered-to-be-a-step-forward-in-ensuri/5a5f9bc84c4557421cf234ca/) 242/834
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 Jan. 16, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. What are the key provisions of America's new Afghanistan policy? Discuss
its implications for India and Pakistan.
Start with the recent decision of US govt. about Afghanistan.
Give provisions of US new Afghanistan policy.
Then discuss its implications for India and Pak.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Recently, U.S. President Donald Trump laid out the long-awaited U.S. strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia. A er
16 years, Afghanistan remains America’s longest war. It has spent more than $800 billion and nearly 2,400 U.S.
soldiers have lost their lives.
Key provisions of Trump’s new Afghanistan policy are:
The US will not indulge in a a rapid exit from Afghanistan, whose consequences would be "predictable and
It was made clear that the purpose of the U.S. military presence “is not nation-building”, but “killing terrorists”. 
It declared that US military would ramp up troop levels in Afghanistan by several thousands.
It li ed restrictions on the US commanders to attack the Taliban and other terrorist groups in Afghanistan.
Mr. Trump said that Afghanistan will require the integration of diplomatic, economic and military solutions in
which one day, a political settlement could occur that might involve elements of the Taliban.
It called Pakistan a country that shelters terrorists and threatened to cut o US aid to Pakistan.
It recognized the larger role of India in providing economic and development assistance to Afghanistan, and
called for U.S. to further develop its relationship with India.
Implications of the new policy on India:
It elevated India as key security and economic partner of US which is a departure from previous approaches.
It also gives India an opportunity to work with US for overall development of Afghanistan. So, India’s role in
Afghanistan’s peace and stability will rise.
Implications of the new policy on Pakistan:
New policy might force Pakistan to stop harboring the terrorists groups.
It may also force Pakistan to rethink its foreign policy of using terror as instrument.
Pakistan may move close to China to deal with US pressure which would further enhance influence of China in
The new Afghanistan policy of US correctly recognizes that quick and complete withdrawal of troops will only result
in undesirable outcomes. It also recognizes the need to put an end to terrorist sanctuaries in Pakistan and has
decided to take a tough stance on Pakistan. The success of this new policy once again depends on how successful
US is in convincing Pakistan to stop its support to Afghan terrorists. 243/834
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Subjects : International Relations

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 2 months ago

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Click to view 37 more answers (/mains-daily-questions/q2-what-are-the-key-provisions-of-americas-new-

afghanistan-policy-discuss-its-implications-for-india/5a5e48bc4c4557421cf2223a/) 247/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. The unique nature of India-Nepal relationship has recently been strained
by the Madhesi uprising episode in Nepal. Explain. (150 words)
Introduce with the unique nature of India-Nepal relations.
Explain Madhesi uprising and its impact on relations.
As way forward, suggest measures to mend the ties with Nepal.
Model Answer :
As close neighbours, India and Nepal share a unique relationship of friendship and cooperation characterized by
 open borders and deep-rooted people-to-people contacts of kinship and culture. The India-Nepal Treaty of Peace
and Friendship of 1950 forms the bedrock of the special relations that exist between India and Nepal. But the recent
episode of Madhesi uprising has a ected the India-Nepal relations in a negative way.
Madhesi uprising and its impact on bilateral relations:
Madheshis (culturally closer to Indian people) of Nepal constitute a large proportion of the population in the Terai
region bordering India. Their dissatisfaction with the 2015 Constitution of Nepal led to the Madhesi uprising and the
consequent violence in the areas bordering India made Indian government also concerned. India put diplomatic
pressure on Nepal to take care of their demands. The Madhesi blockade of goods entering Nepal put great stress on
supplies of essential commodities, and many in Nepal government pointed fingers at India for engineering the
blockade. It negatively impacted the relations between India and Nepal. Nepal raised the issue of India’s “trade
blockade” at the UN in October 2015. Subsequently, Nepal was even seen moving closer to China for investment
and connectivity projects.
Way forward:
The Madhesi impact has further been exacerbated by the fact that in the 2017 elections, the Communists, who
campaigned against Madhesi blockade, came to power in Nepal. Although India has lost the goodwill of ordinary
Nepalis because of a multitude of reasons, it can still regain the lost goodwill. India must move quickly to repair the
trust deficit with Nepal and its leadership, and also must stop playing political favourites in Kathmandu and engage
with the widest possible political spectrum. India must also again look to project its so power, undertaken via the
cultural connections, the long shared histories and a deeper understanding of the Indo-Nepali relationship beyond
politics and security. 
Subjects : International Relations

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Akshay kumar Gupta (/u/akshay-kumar-gupta/598ef00b4c45570efbcbd95d/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 15, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. What is the importance of judicial review in the Indian democracy?

Enumerate the key provisions in the constitution with respect to judicial
review in India.
Introduce the meaning of judicial review
Discuss the importance of judicial review
Explain key provisions of the constitution with respect to judicial review in India
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The concept of judicial review originated in the USA. It is the power of the judiciary to test the constitutionality of
the legislative or executive actions of the government. If the actions are found to be ultra vires to the constitution,
then such actions are declared null and void by the judiciary.
The importance of the judicial review in Indian democracy:
1. To uphold the supremacy of the Constitution of India.
2. To ensure that the spirit of cooperative federalism and adequate balance between powers of centre and states
are maintained.
3. The fundamental rights of the citizens are protected by the courts by ensuring the guarantees given by the
constitution are upheld.
4. The courts can interpret the ambiguous provisions of the constitution so that the government actions do not
transgress the constitution.

Despite the term judicial review is not used in the constitution of India, there are many provisions in the
constitution conferring this power to the judiciary:
Article 13: All laws inconsistent with the Fundamental Rights shall be null and void.
Article 32: It guarantees the right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights
and empowers the Supreme Court to issue directions or orders or writs for that purpose.
Article 226: High Courts can issue directions or orders or writs for the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights
and for any other purpose. 250/834
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Article 131: Provides for the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in the centre–state and inter-state
Article 132-134: Provides for the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in constitutional cases, civil cases
and criminal cases.
Article 143: The President can seek the opinion of the Supreme Court on any question of law or fact and on any
pre-constitution legal matters.
Article 227: The High Courts have the power of superintendence over all courts and tribunals within their
respective territorial jurisdictions except military courts and tribunals.
Article 245: Dealing with the territorial extent of laws made by Parliament and by the Legislatures of States.
Article 246: Dealing with the subject matter of laws made by Parliament and by the Legislatures of States.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had described the provisions related to judicial review as the ‘heart of the Constitution’. This
power of judicial review has been utilised by the courts of India over time in cases like the Bank Nationalisation
case(1970), Keshavananda Bharti case(1973) and very recently in NJAC case. However, the Supreme Court of India
has cautioned the judges to respect and not encroach upon the domain of other organs of government by exercising
restraint in using these powers.
Subjects : Polity

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Kausar Ahmed (/u/kausar-ahmed/59aeb1654c45574fb1b49008/) 2 months ago

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Q1. The use of Article 356 of the Constitution of India has been a subject of
continuous debate. Point out the propositions laid down by the Supreme
Court of India in the Bommai Case pertaining to the imposition of the Article
Introduce with the intent behind A356 and misuse of this provision.
Discuss the propositions laid down by the Supreme Court of India in the
Bommai Case.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
In case of the failure of the constitutional machinery in a state, the Centre can take over the government of such
state under the Article 356 of the Constitution of India. This is popularly known as the Presidents Rule or State
Emergency. Dr. BR Ambedkar hoped that the drastic power conferred by this provision would be used as a measure
of last resort only. However, since independence, this provision has been used in an arbitrary manner for political
To tackle the arbitrariness of the Article 356, the Supreme Court of India laid down following propositions in the
Bommai Case (1994): 255/834
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The imposition of Article 356 is subject to the judicial review

The Burden of proof is on centre that relevant material exists to justify the proclamation of A356
The proclamation of Article 356 can be struck down by the court if it is malafide or based on irrelevant grounds.
If the proclamation of Article 356 is invalidated, the court can restore the dismissed state government and revive
the state legislative assembly
The state legislative assembly can be suspended till the proclamation of Article 356 is approved by the
Parliament. Only a er such approval, the assembly can be dissolved.
A state government pursuing anti-secular policies are liable to action under Article 356.
The question of the state government losing the confidence of the legislative assembly should be decided on the
floor of the house, and until then the ministry should not be unseated.  
When a new party enters to power in the centre, it does not have authority to dismiss the ministries of the other
parties in the states.
Article 356 gives an exceptional power and should be used only occasionally to deal with specific situations.
The last proposition mentioned above is very important because to uphold the spirit of the cooperative federalism
in India the centre must be very patient and allow the states to function properly within the scope of the
constitution.To (http://constitution.To) guide the centre in exercising the power given under Article 356, the
Supreme Court of India also enlisted the situations were the use of Article 356 will be proper or improper.
Subjects : Polity

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Ayushi Agrawal (/u/ayushi-agrawal/594e797c4c4557072136e77b/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 14, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Analyse various types of constitutional amendments, with suitable

examples. (150 words)
Write about constitutional amendment and related provisions
Write about types and minimum majority etc. needed
Conclude accordingly
Model Answer :
Like any other written constitution, the Indian constitution also provides for its amendment in order to adjust itself
to changing environment. The procedure laid down in Indian constitution is neither too easy nor too tough. Further
parliament cannot amend those provisions which form basic structure.
Types of amendments:
Article 368 provides for two types of amendments that is, by special majority of parliament and also through the
ratification of half of the states by a simple majority. But, some other articles provide for the amendment of certain
provisions of the constitution by a simple majority. Notably, these amendments are not deemed to be amendments
of the constitution for the purpose of Article 368.
Therefore, the constitution can be amended in three ways:
1. Amendment by simple majority of the parliament: These amendments are outside scope of Article 368. For
example: Establishment of new state, abolition or creation of legislative councils in state, schedule 5 and 6 etc.
2. Amendment by special majority of the parliament: Majority of the provisions of constitution are amended by
special majority, which is the majority of total membership of the house and two-third of present and voting. For
example: fundamental rights, DPSPs, all provisions which are not covered by first or third category.
3. Amendment by special majority of parliament and ratification of half of the state legislatures: It includes
provisions related to federal structure. For example: Election of the President and the manner, SC/HCs,
representation of states in parliament etc. The recent GST amendment bill which sought to change the levying
and distribution of taxes between Centre and States needed an amendment of this type.

Hence we can say that Indian constitution is neither too flexible nor too rigid but a synthesis of both. It depends of
the gravity and type of provision, which brings it under type di erent category (and procedure to be followed to
change it).
Subjects : Polity

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago 259/834
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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 2 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. What do you understand by “basic structure" doctrine? Explain the

evolution of this doctrine in India.
• Explain about basic structure.
• Write about evolution of it, with concerned SC verdicts
• Conclude accordingly.

Model Answer : 262/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

The word "Basic Structure" is neither mentioned in constitution nor it is defined by SC. The Supreme Court
recognized Basic Structure concept for the first time in the historic Kesavananda Bharati case in 1973. Though not
specifically defined, based on various judgments it can be said that "Basic Structure" consists of those elements of
constitution which parliament cannot amend or take away even by a constitutional amendment. These are
essential pillars which are considered as vital to the very existence of the constitution. Basic structure includes
supremacy of the constitution, judicial review, federalism, independence of judiciary etc.
The constitution under article 368 empowers the Parliament to amend the constitution, but this power is not
absolute.  With the intention of preserving the original ideals envisioned by the constitution-makers, the Supreme
Court pronounced that Parliament could not distort damage or alter the basic features of the Constitution under the
pretext of amending it.  If the Supreme Court finds any law made by the Parliament inconsistent with the
constitution, it has the power to declare that law to be invalid (article 13 and 14). Ever since the Kesavananda
Bharati case, Supreme Court has been the interpreter of the Constitution and the arbiter of all amendments made
by Parliament.
Evolution of the Basic Structure
The evolution of Basic Structure doctrine can be traced from issue of right to property and first constitutional
amendment bill 1951 itself.
The First Constitution Amendment Act, 1951 was challenged in the Shankari Prasad vs. Union of India. The
Supreme Court held that the Parliament, under Article 368, has the power to amend any part of the constitution
including fundamental rights.
In Golak Nath vs State of Punjab case in 1967, the Supreme Court ruled that Article 368 only lays down the
procedure to amend the constitution and does not give absolute powers to the parliament to amend any part of
the constitution.
The Parliament, in 1971, passed the 24th Constitution Amendment Act and gave the absolute power to the
parliament to make any changes in the constitution including the fundamental rights.
In 1973, in Kesavananda Bharti vs. State of Kerala case, the Supreme Court held that the Parliament has power to
amend any provision of the constitution, but doing so, the basic structure of the constitution is to be
maintained. Further in Minerva mills and Waman Rao cases, SC rea irmed its position of Keshwanand bharti
judgment and mentioned that the basic structure doctrine is applicable post 1973.
Despite the larger number of amendments made to the Indian Constitution, the hopes and ideas of its framers
remain intact and identifiable as the Constitution adopted in 1949. This is principally due to the Supreme Court’s
decision in Kesavananda Bharati.
Subjects : Polity

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Abhishek Agarwal (/u/abhishek-agarwal/5995a6d14c45573cdd0aeacb/) 2 months ago

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The Basic Structure Doctrine is a judicial principle that recognizes certain characteristic features of the
constitution which are beyond the constituent pow...

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 Jan. 12, 2018 (2 Questions) 263/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q2. Constitutional mechanism to resolve the inter-state water disputes have

failed to address and solve the problems. Is the failure due to structural or
process inadequacy or both? Discuss.
In the introduction, mention the constitutional provision along with few
examples of inter-state water disputes.
Discuss various issues with the mechanism : Structural and process inadequacy
Provide some suggestions
Model Answer :
In pursuance of Article 262, Inter-state water dispute Act was passed empowering the Central government to set up
an ad hoc tribunal for the adjudication. It also excluded jurisdiction of Supreme Court or any other court from the
dispute resolution matter. However, disputes like Cauveri water, Mahadeyi river etc. point out towards various
issues with the existing mechanism.
Structural issues:
There is no structure to promote multi-stakeholder approach in negotiation. O en farmers and villagers whose
livelihoods depend on the river in dispute are excluded.
There is no institutional arrangement within state and beyond at inter-state river basin which can facilitate the
exchange of hydrological information.
A platform to resolve disputes at early stage through negotiations, conciliation or mediation is missing.
A structure in the form of appellate tribunal to appeal against the verdict is absent. The verdict of tribunal is final
and binding on parties.
Procedural issues:
Despite having no jurisdiction, SC frequently accepts the case through special leave petition (SLP). It further
complicates the matter, as SC does not have the technical capacity to assess the case. E.g. – In 2016, SC asked
Karnataka government to release 6000 cusecs of water without any scientific backing.
No process to ensure timely establishment of tribunals by Centre and also there is no fixed timeline for tribunals
to deliver verdict. Request for Cauvery water dispute tribunal had been pending since 1970 and tribunal
constituted in 1990. This loophole was fixed through IWD amendment act of 2000 which made it mandatory to
constitute tribunal within 1 year and final judgement by tribunal within 3 years. However, this timeline is not
There is no process to fix the accountability of Central government with this regard. Centre o en delays the
publication of verdict given by the tribunal in o icial gazettes.
Also, there is no process to fix the accountability of states involved. States wilfully disobey the verdict.
The current mechanism su ers from both types of inadequacy: structural as well as process. However, followingthe
principles of equity as enshrined in National Water Policy 2016 and motivating farmers to cultivate suitable crops
using water e icient processes can help us to address the issue.
Subjects : Current A airs 264/834
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Palak Jha (/u/palak-jha/594e69534c4557071ea802fa/) 2 months ago

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Q1. Defying the barriers of age, gender and religion, the Indian women
became the torch- bearer during the struggle for freedom in India. In this
context, discuss the role of women in the freedom struggle especially during 267/834
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the Gandhian phase.

Introduce briefly with factors encouraging women's participation
Discuss the di erent role played by women citing some examples.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Gandhiji successfully managed to evolve his discourse on the position of women both within and outside the
domain of home. The late 19th century educational reforms produced a new kind of awareness among masses
which believed in equality and empowerment of women. As a result women played a very important role in Indian
freedom struggle.
Role Played by women:
During Swadeshi campaign their activities were limited to boycott of foreign cloth and picketing of liquor shops.
A nationalistic cult around Bharat Mata (mother India) started to emerge which further necessitated the role of
Independent bodies of women such as Rashtriya Stree Sanghas were fused with District Congress Committees. It
also saw inclusion of women from all sections – Hindu/ Muslim, widows, scheduled/marginalised sections. E.g. -
BiAmma, the mother of Ali brothers addressed 6000 women to join men in picketing. In Andhra Pradesh, a
vibrant Durgabai collected over a thousand devadasis to hear Gandhi’s speech.
During Civil Disobedience, women volunteers participated in marches boycotts and prabhatpheris. Desh Sevika
Sangh was formed for passive resistance. Sarojini Naidu, Muhtulaxmi Reddy, Margret Cousins were put in jail.
In the event of men’s arrest, the women’s organisation took on the task of carrying on civil disobedience and
organising meetings. Many girl children used to form a BanarSena in order to participate in Prabhat Pheris. Many
a times they used to act as a couriers in order to deliver important information.
Women like Usha Mehta were active in organizing underground radio station, also known as Secret Congress
The image and magnitude of participation of the Indian women within the national movement was drawn from the
multilayered nations of Mother India and Victorian morality. They defied social customs and established themselves
as a force to reckon with.
Subjects : Current A airs

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Urmila Kanawat (/u/urmila-kanawat/594e6d484c4557071b1e3571/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 11, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. What is net neutrality? Discuss the merits and demerits of net neutrality in
light of TRAI's recent recommendations.
Introduce with Net Neutrality
Discuss why it is important
Make arguments on why net neutrality is not needed
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Net neutrality is the principle that supports treatment of all data on the Internet equally. It means a service provider
should allow equal access to all content and applications regardless of the source.
Net Neutrality: Need of the hour
Net Neutrality will preserve the internet architecture that has enabled the fast and innovative development so
Without net neutrality, the Internet will look like cable TV in which few big companies will control the medium.
Net Neutrality is crucial for small business owners, start-ups and entrepreneurs, who rely on the open Internet to
launch their businesses.Twitter, Wats app etc. would not have gained the current popularity, had they been
discriminated in their initial phase. 271/834
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The internet has become a global heritage of mankind and it would be ethical to adhere to the principles of net
Today freedom of speech and expression also includes right to seek, receive and impart information or ideas,
regardless of the medium used. Without net neutrality, a service provider could slow down its competitors'
content or block political opinions it disagreed with. This would be against the idea of free speech.
Arguments against net neutrality
Tra ic management is inevitable, and neutrality has never existed.
Without net neutrality restrictions in commercial agreements with content and service providers, telecome
operators will be able to raise funds which would make them more interested in investing in infrastructure.
This will encourage new services and innovations along with guaranteed quality of service.
The open market is based on choice, and users can always change their Internet provider if not satisfied.
Any form of government regulation will be against the idea of free market and it may have repercussions on its
growth and creativity.
The debate on net neutrality is primarily about what kind of Internet can nurture a fair society. Concerns regarding
digital equality, individual rights, business interests of smaller players, national economic interests etc. are hidden
across the layers of the Internet eco-system. Hence, net neutrality is the need for India as suggested by TRAI and a
Committee headed by A K Bhargava.
Subjects : Current A airs

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Akshay kumar Gupta (/u/akshay-kumar-gupta/598ef00b4c45570efbcbd95d/) 2 months ago

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Q1. The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition
of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 – FRA – aims to correct ‘historical injustice’, which is
admirable. However, the Act adversely a ects the country’s natural
ecosystems and wild life. Discuss.
Introduce with why FRA was brought in in 2006
Discuss the FRA provisions meant to rectify the shortcomings in the previous
Forest Act
Explain how some FRA provisions may be harmful to environment
Conclude with suggestions on meeting twin objectives of justice to dwellers and
conserving the ecosystem and wild life.
Model Answer :
Under the Indian Forest Act, areas were o en declared to be “government forests” without recording who lived in
these areas, what uses they made of the forest and so on. The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest
Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 was enacted to rectify these anomalies.
FRA: Correcting historical injustice
The FRA provides grants of land to forest dwellers – in situ – to the extent of their present holding but not
exceeding four hectares.
Addition of a category of people termed as Other Traditional Forest Dwellers further extends these rights to
others who have been living in forests for generations.
Gram Sabha has been empowered to take important decisions regarding development.
Compensation and livelihood opportunities have been ensured by recognising rights of communities over forest
resources like forest produce, waterbodies and pastures. The decision to remove bamboo from the category of
tree will further help the local economy.
However, concerns have been raised that FRA might adversely a ect the environment.
E ect on environment:
Over the last three decades, habitat fragmentation has been identified as the single largest threat to biodiversity.
By granting land to forest dwellers, FRA has set the stage for another round of massive fragmentation. This will
also lead to serious human–wildlife conflict.
Weak procedures prescribed for identifying beneficiaries will be exploited to the hilt by powerful land-grabbers.
Many tribal beneficiaries will be short-changed, while mining and logging companies could enter previously
protected areas piggy-backing on land given to forest dwellers.
Conclusion: 275/834
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The act is indeed a progressive step, however, other ways to correct the ‘historical injustice’ meted out to our
forest dwellers may be explored. Compensation and livelihood opportunities outside reserves and important
corridors through resettlement is a good option.
The huge corpus of funds collected from compulsory levies imposed on mining and developmental projects can
be devolved to States specifically for voluntary resettlement projects.
Only then, we will be able to achieve the twin objective of correcting the historical injustice and maintaining our
Subjects : Current A airs

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Swati Buri (/u/swati-buri/598eeeb54c45570ef5fd45ad/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 10, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Describe the di erent steps towards the unification of Italy a er

revolution of 1848.
Approach 278/834
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Start with the condition of Italy before 1848.

Then discuss major stages in unification a er 1848.
Conclude appropriately.
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-describe-the-di erent-steps-towards-the-unification-
of-italy-a er-revolution-of-1848-approach-s/5a566a7b4c455742cc672589/)
Model Answer :
In early 19th century, Italy was divided into a number of states. The major states were Sardinia, Lombardy, Venetia,
and Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (Sicily and Naples), Papal States, Tuscany, Parma and Modena. Of these, the most
powerful was the kingdom of Sardinia. Venetia and Lombardy were under Austrian occupation.
A er the revolution of 1848, which is also known as Young Italy movement, the major steps in unification were:
A er 1848, Prime Minister Count Cavour, took the initiative of uniting Italy under the leadership of Sardinia.
Hoping to gain the support of Britain and France, he entered the Crimean war in 1853-56 against Russia.
In 1859, Cavour entered into an alliance with Louis Bonaparte and went to war with Austria in which Austria was
ousted from Lombardy.
The other states like the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies were still to be united with Sardinia.
An uprising at the end of November 1860 under the leadership of Garibaldi led to liberation of the Two Sicilies.
Rome was still outside the kingdom of Italy. When the war between France and Prussia broke out in 1870,
Bonaparte was forced to withdraw his troops from Rome.
Italian soldiers occupied the city of Rome in 1870, and in July 1871, Rome became the capital of united Italy.
Although Italy became a monarchy in spite of the important role played by leaders like Garibaldi, it marked a great
advance in the history of Italy.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Anjali (/u/anjali/594e700b4c4557071b1e3b4f/) 2 months ago

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of-italy-a er-revolution-of-1848-approach-s/5a566a7b4c455742cc672589/)

Q1. What were the problems of divided Germany? Discuss the role of
Bismarck’s “policy of blood and iron” in Germany’s unification.
Start with a brief introduction about divided Germany
Enumerate the problems of divided Germany.
Then, discuss the role of Bismarck’s policy in Germany’s unification.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
In the 18th century, Germany was divided into a number of states. Some of these states were very small and did not
extend beyond the limits of a city. During the Napoleon wars, many of these states ceased to exist. At the end of
wars, there were still thirty-eight independent states in Germany. Among them Prussia, Wurttemberg, Bavaria and
Saxony were fairly large. Due to the large number of independent states, problems were manifold:
The economic development was hampered due to large number of states. Also, the social and political system in
these states was very backward.
The growth of national consciousness, particularly a er the French Revolution, provoked the people of these
states to demand for the national unification of Germany.
In 1815, the German states along with Austria were organized into a Germanic Confederation. However, each
state tried to preserve its independence and its oppressive political and social system.
In 1848, revolts occurred in every German state and the rulers were forced to grant democratic constitutions. To
unite Germany and to frame a constitution for the united Germany, a constituent assembly met in Frankfurt.
With the failure of the revolution of 1848 to unify Germany, one phase come to an end. The other phase started with
the Bismarck’s policy.
Role of Bismarck’s policy in Germany’s unification:
Under this policy, Bismarck wanted to preserve the predominance of the landed aristocrats and the army in the
united German state and to achieve the unification of Germany under the leadership of the Prussian monarchy.
Under the policy of “blood and iron”, he eliminated Austria from the Germanic Confederation.
He aligned with Austria in a war against Denmark over the possession of Schleswig and Holstein. A er that, he
entered into an alliance with Italy against Austria, defeated Austria and dissolved the Germanic Confederation.
The unification of Germany was completed as a result of a war between Prussia and France.
A er unification, many changes happened in the Germany. It emerged as a very strong power in Europe and
underwent heavy industrialization in a very short period of time.
Subjects : History and Culture

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago 281/834
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Vinod Kumar Meena (/u/vinod-kumar-meena/594bcae64c45570e7d979908/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 9, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Bring out the salient features of key heterodox schools of Indian
Introduce heterodox school of Indian Philosophy.
Discuss the key features of di erent schools within the heterodox school of
Indian Philosophy.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer : 284/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Schools that do not accept the authority of Vedas are by definition unorthodox or heterodox (nastika) schools of
Indian philosophy. The following schools are considered as heterodox schools:
Its founder was Charvaka, author of the Barhaspatya Sutras.
This school is also known as Lokayata, which means keen attachment to the physical and material world (Loka).
Charvaka is a materialistic, sceptical and atheistic school of thought.
Charvaka argued against the need to achieve salvation and also denied the existence of God and soul.
This schools advocated hedonism and propound the theory of ‘eat, drink and make merry’.
The founder of the school is Gautama Buddha.
The question of God is largely irrelevant in Buddhism, and one should not trust the Vedas blindly.
Buddhism believes that the world is full of su ering, the theory of which is encoded in four noble truths.
It advocates Noble Eightfold Path for ending the su ering and attain nirvana.
Buddhism is majorly divided into two sects i.e. Hinayana and the Mahayana.
The founder of Jain philosophy is Mahavira, the 24 th Tirthankara, although Jainism as a religion is much older.
Their basic principle is anekantavada i.e. reality is perceived di erently from di erent points of view, and that no
single point of view is completely true.
According to Jainism, only Kevalis have infinite knowledge and can know the true answer. All others would only
know a part of the answer.
They argue that controlling the mind and regulating one’s conduct can stop the su ering faced by human
beings. The mind can be controlled by seeking right knowledge and perception.
Jain philosophy advocates following the panch-mahavratas i.e. nonviolence, abstinence, truth, non-stealing and
Although di ering in many features, almost all the schools of Indian philosophy, except Charvaka, are intimately
associated with spirituality and have a common goal to improve the human life.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Vikas Bharti (/u/vikas-bharti/59aeb1644c45574fb1b48d46/) 2 months ago

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Q1. Discuss the contribution of Buddhism to Indian Culture. Despite bringing

the social and religious revolution, why did Buddhism decline in India?
Introduce with Buddhism
Point out contributions of Buddhism to Indian Culture.
Discuss the reasons for the decline of Buddhism in India.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Buddhism propounded by Gautam Buddha was a remarkable social and religious movement started in the 6th
century BC. It concentrated on the worldly problems faced by a people and prescribed the path through which
these problems can be conquered and one can attend nirvana.
The concept of “ahimsa” was the chief contribution of Buddhism which became the cherished value of our
It tried to upli position of women and shudras in the society.
Buddhism had a remarkable contribution towards art and culture of the country. Stupas like in Sanchi and rock
cut caves of Ajanta and Ellora are primary examples.
The residential universities like Nalanda and Taxila were the epicentre of education and knowledge which were
promoted by Buddhism.
Buddhism contributed to the development of literature in Pali and other local languages.
Buddhism has a key role in spreading Indian cultural values to other parts of the world, majorly in countries in
Despite these remarkable contributions the Buddhism declined due to following reasons:
The revival of Brahmanism and rise of Bhagvatism led to falling in popularity of Buddhism.
The local languages, primarily Pali, were used by masses. A er 1st century AD, the Buddhists began using
Sanskrit which was languages of elite and it alienated masses from Buddhism.
A er Mahayana Buddhism gained popularity, the idol worship and making o erings became prevalent, and this
led to declining in moral standards. 288/834
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By 7th century AD, Buddhist monasteries were dominated by ease loving people and materialistic distractions.
They started overlooking Buddha’s principles of a monk’s life.
Some Kings like Shashanka of Gauda also persecuted followers of Buddhism. During medieval times in southern
India, Vaishnavites and Shaivites were bitterly against the buddhism resulting into the weakening of Buddhism.
Huna invaders in the 5th-6th century AD and Turkish invaders in the 12th century AD destroyed the Buddhist
Despite the decline of Buddhism in India, it le an abiding mark on the ethos of Indian culture. It is still very popular
in many Asian countries and serves as a mascot of the Indian so power.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Armaya Awasthi (/u/armaya-awasthi/594e69ed4c4557072136e1fa/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 8, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Analyse the argument that Swadeshi Movement was an expression of

extremist politics. What were the reasons for decline of the movement? (250
Introduce with the partition and the swadeshi movement
Discuss how the new methods used were an expression of extremist politics
Give reasons for decline of the movement
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Swadeshi Movement was a comprehensive movement which had its genesis in the anti-partition movement which
was started to oppose the British decision to partition Bengal. Although it was backed by an economic strategy
aimed at removing British Empire from power and improving economic conditions in India by following the
principles of Swadeshi, the main factor responsible for the movement was Partition of Bengal by the British to break
the growing strength of Bengali nationalism since Bengal was the base of Indian nationalism.
An expression of extremist politics:
Extremists were rising during that time leading up to the announcement of Bengal's partition in 1905 because of
reasons including
The failure of the moderates to get any notable success
The reactionary rulings of Lord Curzon such as Calcutta Corporation Act(1899), Universities Act(1904), Sedition
Act(1904), O icials Secret Act(1904) and 292/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

The contemporary international events like defeat of Russia by Japan which encouraged the Indians to fight
against the British
The methods used in the Swadeshi Movement clearly indicated an expression of extremist politics. These included
programmes like boycott of government services, courts, schools, colleges and of foreign goods, promotion of
swadeshi goods, promotion of national education through establishment of national schools and colleges.
Celebration of Ganpati festival and Shivaji festival and o ering the meals were the techniques used to reach the
masses. Landlords, students, women all actively participated in this economic and political movement.
However, the movement could not sustain and was crushed by 1908.
Reasons for decline:
The movement was not properly directed, it lacked e ective organisation and party structure.
It was not supported by the muslims masses, especially the peasantry class. All India Muslim League was set up
during this time.
Severe government repression in the forms of controls and ban on public meetings, processions and press.
Internal conflicts among Congress leaders leading to Surat Split weakened the movement.
The movement was rendered leaderless with most of the leaders either arrested or deported by 1908.
Although Swadeshi was originally conceived as merely a handmade of boycott of foreign goods and meant only to
be an urge to use indigenous in preference to foreign goods, it soon attained a much more comprehensive character
and became a concrete symbol of nationalism.
Subjects : History and Culture

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pratyush (/u/pratyush/5950cd504c4557071ea812e3/) 2 months ago

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Q1. Discuss the positive and negative outcomes of the Non Cooperation
Movement? (250 words)
Introduce with the Non Cooperation Movement and reasons for it
Analyse its positive and negative outcomes
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Non Cooperation Movement was the first nationwide mass movement, approved by the Indian National
Congress at the Nagpur Session in 1920. It was a sequel to the Rowlatt Act, the Khilafat Movement and the
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. The movement began with Mahatma Gandhi renouncing the titles given by the British,
resignation of membership from the local bodies, popularisation of swadeshi goods and khadi, boycott of
government functions, courts, government schools and colleges, foreign goods. Legislatures were boycotted, no
leader of the Congress came forward to contest the elections for the Legislatures.
Impact of the movement :
The most significant impact of the NCM was that it brought Gandhi to the forefront of National Politics in India.
There was a mass imprisonment and the sense of terror of the jails was removed and “going to jail” became a badge
of honor.
Positive Outcomes:
Congress became the party of common man with widespread support of peasants, artisans, workers,
intellectuals, etc.
Charkha and Khadi became the symbol of Indian Nationalism.
People got awakened about their political rights and privileges and realized that it is only through their own
e orts that India could hope to be free.
It revealed that the congress was the only organization while could properly direct national e ort to gain
The movement also revealed that communal problem is going to be a big problem and this problem of
communalism is absolutely state sponsored.
Negative Outcomes:
None of the reasons for which it was started, including the Jallianwallah Bagh tragedy, demand for swaraj,
problems of Khilafat volunteers etc., got a remedy.
The boycott of the educational institutions was not accepted by many of the leaders such as Lala Lajpat Rai.
Some leaders did not like they way it was started, many other did not like the way it was conducted and most of
them could digest the sudden withdrawal. 296/834
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Revolutionary activities in Punjab got a setback because nothing happened with the criminals of the massacre
and some new outfits were born parallel to congress.
Despite being unsuccessful in the what it set out to achieve in the first place, the Non cooperation movement began
a new era in the history of struggle of India for independence.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Vinod Kumar Meena (/u/vinod-kumar-meena/594bcae64c45570e7d979908/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 7, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2: Morley-Minto reforms were more progressive than previous reforms but
also laid the foundation for communal division in India. Examine. (150 words)
Introduce with mentioning background of Morley-Minto reform. 299/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Mention some of its progressive points.

Mention about separate electorate reform.
Analyse how this reform caused communal division
Conclude accordingly.
Model Answer :
The Swadeshi movement fizzle out during 1908 because of heavy repression and Surat split (1907). Further the
Muslim elites formed Shimla Deputation and asked for separate electorate in view of their loyalty and support to
British empire. Hence in 1909 Morley-Minto reform was presented.
It have various progressive clauses:
Number of seats in councils were increased.
Non-o icial majority in provincial councils was introduced.
Indirect elections were introduced for the Elected members.
Legislature was allowed to pass resolutions, ask questions and vote on budget.
It also introduced communal provisions:
Separate electorate for Muslims
Reservations of seats for Muslims in all elections
These reforms laid the foundation of Hindu Muslim divide by legal means. It further intensified communal interests,
religion based political ideology and social insecurity. The political front like Muslim league have misused these
legal means and demanded irrational distinctions between Hindu and Muslim. This further lead to more communal
acts in 1919 (Montford reform), communal violence of 1940s and finally partition of India. 
Hence we can say that the Marley-Minto reform was the first act(legal framework) which laid theframework of
communal division of India.
Subjects : History and Culture

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

R.Keerthana Priyadharshini (/u/rkeerthana-priyadharshini/594bcae84c45570e7d979c94/) 2 months ago

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previous-reforms-but-also-laid-the-foundation-for/5a5239924c45570a0f7298f6/) 303/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. What were the di erences between the extremists and moderates? Briefly
describe how the extremists took the movement forward.  (250 words)
Introduce with mentioning about moderates and extremist.
Write about the di erence in the methods of their movement.
Also mention about response of masses.
Conclude accordingly.
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-what-were-the-di erences-between-the-extremists-
Model Answer :
Moderates used so means for freedom struggle through petitions, speeches etc. They laid the initial building block
of preparation and awakening of people for freedom struggle (during second half of 19th century). Extremists, who
took over the leadership of the national movement a er the extremists, believed in mass based struggle. Leaders
like LalaLajpat Rai, Tilak and BC Pal were in favour of  extremism.
The di erence between moderates and extremists:
1. Moderates demanded constitutional reform where as extremist favoured extra constitutional means like boycott
and passive resistance with Swaraj as primary objective.
2. The moderates were mainly inspired by western liberal thoughts and European history where as extremists were
inspired by Indian history, heritage and Hindu traditions.
3. Moderates believed in British political connection with India and expressed loyalty to the crown but the
extremists considered Britishers as exploiters and consider loyalty to crown as unworthy.
4. Moderates believed that movement should be limited to middle class intelengesia and felt that masses were not
ready for large scale movement. Extremists had huge faith on masses and wanted them to sacrifice for freedom

Movement leadership of the extremists:

The movement laid by extremist during Bengal partition and Swadeshi during 1905-1908 was a leap forward in
freedom struggle. Hitherto the untouched sections like student, women, rural population also participated. The
passive resistance and non cooperation trend started because of their new approach. The movement was not
confined to political sphere but encompassed art, literature, science and industry also.
Although the di erences between moderates and extremists led to split of INC at Surat, they led the foundation for
mass awakening and mass struggle in India which was visible during WW1 phase and Gandhian era of freedom
struggle. Both groups justifies their approach in their relative era because extremist of today will be moderates of
tomorrow was rightly analysed by Tilak.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 5, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. RTI was brought in to promote transparency and accountability in the

working public authorities but the RTI activists face significant challenges.
Discuss. Briefly evaluate the proposed amendments to the RTI rules that
further threatens the safety of the activists.
Introduce with the RTI
Highlight challenges RTI activists face like violence, large pendency etc.
Discuss the issues with proposed amendments to rules 10 and 12
Conclude with suggestions on how to make RTI more e ective
Model Answer :
The Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI) provides for setting out the practical regime of right to information for
citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency
and accountability in the working of every public authority. The Act remains one of the most empowering pieces of 307/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Challenges faced by RTI community:
Violent Reactions: The RTI activists are already exposed to violence. According to the National Campaign for
People’s Right to Information (NCPRI), 69 activists have been killed, 130 RTI activists have been victims of assault
and 170 others are victims of harrassment.
Attitude of GOI: Some of the agencies of Government of India refuse to disclose the required information. The
rejection rate in PMO itself is very high.
Training of Information o icers: The Information O icers do not necessarily get the right training, o en do not
get the updated information which would make their action more appropriate.
Huge pendency of cases: In some states, the Information Commissions are burdened with huge pendency of
cases. For example. UP has has more than 48,000 cases with the Commissions.
Powers of the Commission: The Commission does not have enough power for getting responses to its
questions. It does not have the mechanisms for following up on whether its orders have been complied with.
Proposed Amendments:
Some of the amendments to the RTI Act proposed by the government of India have raised concerns with the RTI
activits. The most controversial amendment pertained to Rules 10 and 12.
Deletion of Rule 10(1): The amendment means that the CIC need not hear an appellant before dismissing an
appeal if it is not satisfied that it is a fit case to proceed with.
Activists say no appeal should be dismissed without giving a hearing to the appellant.
Rule 12 on ‘Withdrawal/Abatement of Appeal’: The Amendment would allow proceedings pending before the
Commission to end in case of the applicant’s death.
This makes the job of those who file RTIs even more risky and creates the conditions of more violence against
the RTI activists.
Way forward:
Identifying the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and proactively disclose information for those questions could
help reduce the RTI applications. For capacity building, universities could include the RTI Act in their
curriculum. Implementation of the Whistle Blowers Protection Act (2011) would go a long way in protecting the RTI
Subjects : Editorials

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Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 2 months ago

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Q1. The lack of financial inclusion is costly to the individual as well as to

society as a whole. Discuss along with the steps taken by the government to
promote financial inclusion.
Introduce with financial inclusion
Explain how lack of it imposes costs on individual, society and the government
Discuss steps taken to secure financial inclusion
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Financial inclusion is the way governments strive to take the common people along by bringing them into the
formal channel of the economy. Through financial inclusion, the poor benefit by becoming a part of the mainstream
economy, and are able to invest in various financial products and to borrow from formal channels.
Impact of lack of financial inclusion: 312/834
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On the Individual: It forces the unbanked into informal banking sectors. The interest rates are higher and the
amount of available funds much smaller. The informal banking structure is outside any legislative framework and
any dispute between lenders and borrowers cannot be settled legally.
On the Society: Financial inclusion increases the amount of available savings, the rate of capital formation,
e iciency of financial inter-mediation, and thereby allows the tapping of new business opportunities.
On the government: The government is not able to ensure that the subsidies it provides reach the people correctly
resulting in gaps and leakages in public subsidies and welfare programmes
The scope of financial inclusion is not limited to banking services. It extends to other financial services like
insurance, equity products, pension products etc.
Steps by government for Financial Inclusion:
Universal banking: Over the years, State sponsored universal banking (deposits, loans, insurance and savings
instruments) has helped economic diversification in rural areas.
PradhanMantri Jan DhanYojna: Launches in 2014, it sought to ensure that all households have at least one
bank account and brought crores of families into the formal system.
Rupay Cards:RuPay debit cards have been provided to the account holders of PMJDY.
White label ATMs: To expand the network of ATMs, the RBI has allowed non-bank entities to start white label
Micro ATMs: Over 1 lakh micro ATMs have been deployed in rural areas.
Financial Literacy Centres: Financial Literacy Centres were started by commercial banks at the request of the
Life and Accident insurance: Schemes have been provided since a long time and recentlyPradhan Mantri
Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana were brought in with very low yearly
Pension:Various pension schemes are available and recently Atal Pension Yojana was launched with focus on
the unorganised sector.
Financial inclusion enables the masses to get all the legitimate benefits arising out of the growth of the country,
while the funds mobilised from them will give the economy an extra thrust on its path of growth.
Subjects : Editorials

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Divya Jain (/u/divya-jain/594d01974c45570e7a1e57c9/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 4, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. There's been a steady decline in growth rates since 2016-17 due to various
reason including the fall in investment rates. Discuss. Suggest measures to
revive private investment.
Introduce with falling growth rate
Explain the External and Internal factors responsible for decline in growth rate
Suggest ways to revive private investment
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
From the later quarters of 2016-17, there's been a decline in the growth rates of India's GDP. GDP growth rate for the
first quarter (April-June) of 2017-18 fell below 6%. Part of the growth decline is due to some systemic shocks like
demonetization as well as reforms like GST, but other factors were responsible for steady decline.
Factors contributing to the steady decline in growth rate:
1. External:

Poor exports: Export demand has been weak because of the tepid growth rate of the advanced economies.
However, this is only partly responsible for the sharp decline in growth rate.
1. Internal:

Fall in investment rate: The fundamental problem has been the sharp fall in the investment rate. Gross Fixed
Capital Formation (GFCF) rate fell to 27.1% in 2016-17 from a high 34.3% in 2011-12. However, the public
investment rate has not shown any decline.
Decline in private investment: It is the decline in private investment, both corporate and households, that has
been responsible for the steady fall.
Stimulating private investment:
1. Reforms:Reforms like bankruptcy code and GST, modifications in FDI rules are welcome and the reform agenda
must be continued. 
2. Improve health of banks: High NPAs caused poor health of banks and sharp reduction in the flow of new credit.
The IBC and other measures will hasten the resolution of NPAs. The recent bank recapitalization is a timely boost
for the credit to take o again. 
3. Revive stalled projects:A close look must be taken at stalled projects to find ways to revive those which are
viable. Industry-by-industry consultations and analyses are needed to pinpoint problems and their solutions.
4. Boosting SMEs:Even though the progress of small and medium industries is very much dependent on the
fortunes of the large, a separate look at medium and small enterprises may be needed to prod them into new 317/834
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5. Real Estate: This sector has taken a beating a er demonetization. However, there are signs of revival in
investment in real estate by the household sector. The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act will
encourage investment in real estate by protecting the buyers.

Our goal must be to achieve and sustain a growth rate of 8% and above over an extended period. Only when the two
engines of public and private investment function at full throttle will India grow at a fast rate.
Subjects : Editorials

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Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 2 months ago

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Q1. A irmative action cannot ensure social justice due to the mismatch
between the opportunities and claimants. Discuss along with ways
to eliminate caste based disadvantages. Also, examine the proposal for sub-
categorisation of OBCs to make a irmative action in India more equitable.
Introduce with how public policies have limited scope in ensuring social justice
With data, explain mismatch between government jobs and claimants
Discuss ways to eliminate caste based disadvantages
Explain the proposal and need for subcategorization of OBCs
Conclude appropriately
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-a irmative-action-cannot-ensure-social-justice-due-
Model Answer :
The biggest challenge India faces in ensuring social justice is that the groups perceived to be disadvantaged consist
of a very large segment of Indian society. There are demands from various groups are for reservations in higher
education and government jobs but public policies like reservations are highly limited in scope in achieving social
The National Sample Survey (NSS) data from 2011-12 show that about 72% of the people claim to be Dalits, Adivasis
and OBCs. On the other hand, less than 7% aged 25-49 have a college degree while less than 3% of the whole
population is employed in government and public-sector jobs. This means a vast proportion of the population
eligible for reservations must still compete for a tiny number of seats and jobs which clearly shows any benefits of
reservations will only reach small percentage of population.
Ways to eliminate caste based disadvantages:
Focussing on eliminating discrimination: The benefits of reservations come too late in the life of children of
disadvantaged groups. Improving quality of education for all, including those from marginalised groups, must be a
first step in addressing caste-based inequalities.
Ensure benefits of reservation are wide spread among the disadvantaged groups: O en, the same person takes
advantage of reservation at multiple levels in education and employment. Also, o en multiple people in same
family line claim the benefits. One way out is to limit the use of quotas to once in a person’s lifetime.
Sub-categorisation of OBCs:
Currently, there are allegations that OBC reservations are being cornered by only a few castes. Sub-categorisation of
OBCs is another way to ensure benefits of reservation are wide spread as they will ensure that even the most
discriminated among OBCs will also benefit. The Union Cabinet in 2017 approved a proposal for setting up of a
Commission under article 340 of the Constitution to examine the issue of sub-categorization of the Other Backward
Classes (OBCs). 322/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Way forward:
There are practical challenges facing sub-categorisation as good quality of reliable data is not available on castes.
One way to attain is to include caste data in Census 2021. Therea er, linking benefits to Aadhaar could ensure that
reservation benefits are not captured by just a few. However, the only way to ensure social justice to all is to create
an enabling environment for greater opportunities in education and employment. 
Subjects : Editorials

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Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 3, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Discuss the various anthropogenic reasons due to which Sunderbans is

losing its mangroves. Why is conservation of Indian Sunderbans vital? (250
words ) 326/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Introduce with sunderbans and its importance.
Discuss the various reasons which are leading to its depletion.
Discuss why it is necessary to conserve them and some govt initiatives regarding
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Sunderbans is a cluster of low lying islands in the Bay of Bengal, spread across India and Bangladesh famous for
its unique mangrove forests. It is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world with great
biodiversity of both flora and fauna. A study conducted by School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University,
reveals that from 1986 to 2012, Indian Sunderbans has lost 5.5% of its total area.
Reasons for its depletion
Anthropogenic Causes:
Over exploitation of forest to meet the growing requirement and illegal removal of Sundri trees for timber
and pulp.
Commercialisation of Golpata tree in order to produce oil and alcohol for human consumption.
The rapidly expanding shrimp farming industry is deteriorating the mangrove forests in the Sunderbans.
Industrial development, agriculture, and aquaculture has led to huge amount of garbage, waste water,
pollutants and other e luents discharged into the wetland making it vulnerable.
Oil pollution due to spillages has become a serious threat in the Sunderban and is damaging aquatic fauna
and seabirds.
Natural Causes:
Natural disasters, climate change and sea level rise has increased the salinity of water and hence the
freshwater loving species of mangroves are replaced by salt water loving ones.
Other causes:
Artificial Plantation is being done for aesthetic purposes, especially at the tourist spots. These plants are
competitive and pose a threat to the mangrove.
Mangrove conservation is vital because
They are the breeding and nursery grounds for more than 35 species of reptiles, 270 species of birds, and 42
species of mammals.
They are home to around 400 tigers, which is largest in the world.
They are a good source of timber, fuel and fodder to coastal communities.
They provide coastal protection against wave and wind erosion as well as moderate the impact of storms and
Way forward:
Anthropogenic exploitation of resources in Sunderbans can be mitigated by strengthening them with endemic plant
and tree species that can thrive in changing salinity conditions and can provide co-benefits to local communities,
and providing sustainable alternatives to forest based livelihoods. Government of India has also taken up many
initiatives such as TEEB, Mangroves for the Future etc. to save the mangroves.
Subjects : Ecology and Environment 327/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Kausar Ahmed (/u/kausar-ahmed/59aeb1654c45574fb1b49008/) 2 months ago

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which-sunderbans-is-losing-its-mangroves-why-is-/5a4ce1d64c45570a0cb0ef98/) 331/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. Water pollution strongly impacts the balance of nature, which ultimately
impacts all humans. What are the various reasons for water pollution in India
and what are the possible steps to combat this problem? (250 words)
Introduce with water pollution and problems due to it.
Mention the various reasons for water pollution in India.
How this problem can be mitigated. Mention some government initiatives.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Water pollution is one of the biggest problem facing India right now. More than half the rivers in India are polluted
as well as large percentage of other water bodies. Water pollution leads to death of aquatic animals, disruption of
food chain, destruction of ecosystem, various diseases, and has huge socio-economic costs.
Reasons for water pollution in India:
Untreated Sewage: Sewage discharged from the cities, towns and some villages is the predominant cause of
water pollution in India. Major cities of India produce 38,354 MLD of the sewage, but the urban sewage treatment
capacity is only 11,786 MLD.
Inadequate treatment of industrial waste: Inadequately treated industrial waste containing pollutants like
asbestos, lead, mercury, petrochemicals is discharged into the lakes and rivers.
Improper practices in agricultural sector: Traces of fertilizers and pesticides are wasted into the nearest water
bodies at the onset of the monsoon or whenever there are heavy showers.
Eutrophication: Industrial e luents, excess fertilizer run o , pesticides, dumping of untreated sewage has led to
eutrophication which has led to death of many aquatic animals. Ex – death of fishes in Ulsoor Lake.
Social and religious practices: Religious practices like cremation on river banks, immersion of idols etc. also
adversely a ect the water quality.
Some of the possible steps to mitigate it:
Sewage Treatment: Adequate care should be taken to ensure that e ective sewage treatment process is in
place. Action plans have been prepared for sewage management and restoration of water quality in aquatic
Industrial Treatment: Industries should treat its e luent wastes prior to discharge. Toxic materials must be
treated chemically and converted into harmless materials. Government is providing financial assistance for
installation of common e luent treatment plants for clusters of small scale industrial units.
Monitoring: Government is ensuring installation of online e luent monitoring systems to check the discharge of
e luent directly into rivers and water bodies .
Improved farming practices: Farmers can be educated and incentivised to take up proper agricultural practices
to prevent agriculture run-o from entering water bodies.
Public Awareness: Common public should be made aware of the e ects of water pollution. There is also a need
for behavioural interventions including incentives or punishments. 332/834
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Water is fundamental to life, livelihood, food security and sustainable development. Water pollution creates a great
burden on both public health and economy. Water quality and quantity are interlinked and need to be managed in
an integrated manner, consistent with broader environmental management, to reduce pollution and wastage.
Subjects : Ecology and Environment

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 Jan. 2, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Discuss the di erent types of soils with their key distribution areas in
Give a brief introduction about soils.
Discuss various types of soils along with their distribution areas.
Conclude appropriately.
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-discuss-the-di erent-types-of-soils-with-their-key-
Model Answer :
Soil is the mixture of rock debris and organic materials which develop on the earth’s surface. The major factors
a ecting the formation of soil are relief, parent material, climate, vegetation and other life-forms and time. Besides
these, human activities also influence it to a large extent. Components of the soil are mineral particles, humus,
water and air.
Various types of soil and their distribution areas are:
1. Alluvial soils- Alluvial soils are widespread in the northern plains and the river valleys. The alluvial soils vary in
nature from sandy loam to clay. They are generally rich in potash but poor in phosphorous.
2. Black soils- Black soil covers most of the Deccan Plateau which includes parts of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh,
Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and some parts of Tamil Nadu. The black soils are generally clayey, deep and
3. Red and Yellow soils- Red soil develops on crystalline igneous rocks in areas of low rainfall in the eastern and
southern part of the Deccan Plateau. Along the piedmont zone of the Western Ghat, long stretch of area is
occupied by red loamy soil. It looks yellow when it occurs in a hydrated form.
4. Laterite soils- The laterite soils develop in areas with high temperature and high rainfall. The laterite soils are
commonly found in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and the hilly areas of Odisha and Assam.
5. Arid soils- These are generally sandy in structure and saline in nature. Arid soils develop in western Rajasthan,
which exhibits characteristic arid topography.
6. Saline soils- Saline soils contain a larger proportion of sodium, potassium and magnesium. Saline soils are
more widespread in western Gujarat, deltas of the eastern coast and in Sunderban areas of West Bengal.
7. Peaty soils- These soils are rich in humus and organic content. It occurs widely in the northern part of Bihar,
southern part of Uttaranchal and the coastal areas of West Bengal, Orissa and Tamil Nadu.
8. Forest soils- Forest soils are formed in the forest areas where su icient rainfall is available. The soils vary in
structure and texture depending on the mountain environment where they are formed.

Soil is the most important layer of the earth’s crust, and proper steps like contour bunding, contour terracing,
regulated forestry, controlled grazing etc. are needed to conserve this resource.
Subjects : Geography - Resources 337/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 2 months ago

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Q1. What are the benefits of using Coal Bed Methane (CBM)? Give an account of
CBM resources in India.
Briefly discuss about Coal Bed Methane in introduction.
Give the advantages of CBM.
Then discuss about their distribution in India and present situation.
Conclude appropriately.
app/5a4b36a04c45570a0f7204b9/) 340/834
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Model Answer :
Coal Bed methane is natural gas that is stored (absorbed) in deeply buried coal seams. It is pipeline-quality gas that
requires no or minimal processing prior to sale. The presence of methane is well known from its occurrence in the
coal mining industry, particularly underground mining where it can present serious safety risks. This
unconventional source of natural gas is now considered as an alternative source for augmenting India’s energy
Benefits of using Coal Bed Methane:
Industrial use- By using CBM gas as an industrial fuel, the profile of small-scale industries like in the Raniganj
region of West Bengal has been radically transformed.
E iciency- The thermal output and quality of CBM were far superior to alternative fuels.
Environment friendly- CBM is considered as the environment friendly gas as it emits only carbon dioxide and
water on combustion.
Safer to extract- As extraction of CBM is done prior to coal mining activities, it makes mining activities safer by
degassing the coal seams.
Gas based economy- The increasing use of natural gas as a fuel by SMEs will be instrumental in augmenting the
overall national goal of developing a gas-based economy. Thus extraction of CBM would help in increasing the
domestic gas production.
Distribution of CBM in India:
According to the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons, India has the fi h-largest proven coal reserves in the
world and, thus holds significant prospects for exploration and exploitation of CBM.
The potential CBM resources in the country are about 2600 Billion Cubic Metres in 12 coal bearing states of
The Gondwana sediments of eastern India host the bulk of India’s coal reserves and the current CBM producing
blocks. Some of best prospective areas for CBM development are situated in Damodar Koel valley and Son
Though 33 blocks were awarded for extraction so far covering 64 percent of the total available coal bearing areas
in 12 states, CBM is currently being produced in only four blocks, in Jharkhand, West Bengal and Madhya
As the demand of energy will continue to rise in future in India, this is the right time to boost production capacities
and supplies across all the CBM-rich regions of the nation. The government is targeting CBM's contribution of five
per cent of national gas production (from 1.78 percent in 2016-17). To this end, the new Hydrocarbon Exploration
Licensing Policy (HELP) is a good move as it encourages CBM extraction by o ering a single-licence for exploration
and production for all forms of hydrocarbons, as well as giving marketing and pricing freedom.
Subjects : Geography - Resources

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Sonam Maurya (/u/sonam-maurya/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4a93/) 2 months ago

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 Jan. 1, 2018 (2 Questions)

Q2. Define Faulting. Describe major types of faults and the resultant
Explain what is faulting
Describe major types of faults
Explain landforms due to faulting
Conclude with importance of faulting
Model Answer :
When the crustal rocks are displaced due to movement caused by the endogenetic forces along a plane, the
resultant structure is called a fault and the process is known as faulting. The plane along which the rocks blocks are
displaced is called fault plane. A fault may be vertical, inclined, horizontal or any of type and form. The movement
responsible for the formation of a fault may operate in vertical or horizontal or in any direction.
Types of Fault:
The di erent types of faulting of the crustal rocks are determined by the direction of motion along the fracture
plane. Based on this several types of faults have been recognised by the geologists:
1. Normal Fault: These faults developed mainly due to the vertical movements that occur as the rocks are pulled
apart due to tensional force. When two normal faults occur, the narrow block that dropps down between them is 344/834
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a graben, and elevated region is a horst. The horsts make block-like plateaus or mountains o en with flat top but
steep sides.

1. Reverse Fault: The Reverse faults are formed due to the movement of both the fractured rock blocks towards
each other. On account of extreme compression rocks snap and one stratum is pushed over the underlying
2. Lateral Fault or Strike-slip fault: A lateral fault is formed when the rock blocks are displaced horizontally along
the fault plane due to horizontal movement. They are the result of Shear stresses in the crust.

Landforms Associated with Faulting:

1. Block Mountains: These Mountains are formed when great blocks of the earth crust may be raised or lowered
due to normal faulting. For example: Black forest in Germany and Ruwnzori in Uganda.
2. Ri Valley: It is a trough or basin, formed due to displacement of crustal parts and subsidence of middle portion
between two normal faults. For example: East African ri valley and Narmada ri valley.
3. Plateaus and Basins: These are the result of wrapping of the earth crust. Upli ed area due to wrapping are
called plateaus for e.g. Deccan Plateau (India) and depressed areas due to wrapping are called basins for e.g.
Victoria Basin (Africa).

Faulting has not only geomorphological importance but it also have great socio-economic significance. For e.g.
petroleum deposits are found in porous sedimentary rocks that have been faulted against impervious shale beds. 345/834
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Subjects : Geography - Physical

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Divya Jain (/u/divya-jain/594d01974c45570e7a1e57c9/) 2 months ago

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Q1. Western disturbances play an important role in large part of India's winter
climate and agriculture. In light of this statement, discuss the genesis and
impact of Western disturbances.
Introduce with western disturbances
Talk about their genesis
Write the impact of western disturbances on India
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Western disturbances are phenomenon that are mostly active during India's winters, impacting North and North-
west India with rainfall, snowfall and fog. The frequency of western disturbances varies from year to year, but on an
average 3 to 5 disturbances are experienced per month from November to March. The resultant changes in weather
conditions have both positive and negative impact on agriculture and thus socio-economic conditions of the
Genesis: 349/834
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Disturbance means an area of “disturbed” or reduced air pressure, and as the disturbances travels from West to
East, they are termed as western disturbances. They originate in Mediterranean sea and enter India with moisture
content augmented from the Caspian sea and the Persian Gulf on the way and cause winter rainfall in Northern
India. This movement of the western disturbances is associated with sub-tropical westerly jet stream, which
blows at a very high speed during winter over the sub-tropical zone. In winter season, the southern branch of this jet
stream shi s towards topic of cancer and flows along 25 degree north latitude. This jetstream is responsible for
bringing western disturbances form the Mediterranean region to the subcontinent. 
Western Disturbances along with their induced systems are the principle rain producing systems during non-
monsoonal months over North India including Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. Their e ect sometime
extends up to Gangetic plains and Northeast India.
They are also responsible for bringing snowfall in the higher reaches of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh
and Uttarakhand.
Western Disturbance brings winter and pre-monsoon rain and is important for the development of the Rabi
crop in the Northern subcontinent. Considering that wheat is one of the most important Rabi crops, which is the
staple diet of people in this region, winter showers contribute to India’s food security.
Sometime, due to severe rainfall/ snowfall, it damages the rabi crops. Pulses are also get a ected.
As the western disturbance will be bringing more moisture, there will be an increase in fog. Low visibility
problems will increase in Delhi-NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana.
The climatic phenomena like western disturbances lead to variation from typical monsoon climate in India, and has
significant impact on weather, sustainability of agriculture & socioeconomic conditions.
Subjects : Geography - Physical

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Sapna Meena (/u/sapna-meena/594d01964c45570e7a1e555f/) 2 months ago

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 Dec. 29, 2017 (3 Questions)

Q2. What are the objectives of Swachch Bharat Abhiyan? Do you think
construction of toilets in su icient number may eliminate open defecation?
Introduce with SBA
Mention objectives of SBA 352/834
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Bring out reasons why construction of toilets alone cannot solve the issue
Provide some suggestions
do-you-think-construction-of-toilets-in-su ici/5a467e824c45570a0cb0ad70/)
Model Answer :
Launched on 2nd October, 2014, Swachch Bharat Abhiyan is a national campaign by the Government of India to
create Clean India by 2019.
Elimination of open defecation
Conversion of unsanitary toilets to pourflush toilets (a type of pit latrine, usually connected to two pits)
Eradication of manual scavenging
100% collection and processing/disposal/reuse/recycling of municipal solid waste
A behavioral change in people regarding healthy sanitation practices
Generation of awareness among citizens about sanitation and its linkages with public health
However, the number of toilets constructed alone are not exactly an indicator of the success of the SwachhBharat
Many people in rural India prefer open defecation, even when they have access to their own privately-built
latrine due to behavioural and cultural reasons.
The newly constructed latrines do not fit well with the culture of purity and pollution that also underpins the
caste system.
People are reluctant to accumulate faeces in latrine pits near their homes; they believe that latrine pits will fill up
more quickly than is actually the case; and they are worried about how latrine pits will be emptied.
The access to public or community toilet is very poor. Even in the areas where public toilet has been constructed,
people do not prefer to use these toilets due to unhygienic conditions.
Way Forward:
It is imperative to bring attitudinal changes in people towards sanitation. Awareness programs need to be
launched to aware people about the benefits of using toilets and weed out misinformation about use of such
toilets and to break traditional practices.
Local community empowerment is the most powerful tool.
Rather than monitoring how many toilets have been created, a monitoring mechanism should be developed on
the levels of open defecation, usage of toilets constructed, amount of solid municipal waste reduced, percentage
of cleanliness achieved etc.
We need to learn lessons from the Pulse Polio campaign, which helped eradicate polio in the country. A sanitation
campaign of such epic proportions will help the government achieve its goal of elimination of open defecation. We
need to focus beyond the construction of toilets by incorporating best strategies for changing people’s sanitation
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Sparsh Sharma (/u/sparsh-sharma/594bcae84c45570e7d979c9c/) 2 months ago

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Q1. The call for women-led development is facing several impediments.

Discuss those impediments. Also mention some innovative measures to
overcome these impediments.
Discuss the meaning of women led development in brief.
Mention various impediments
Mention some innovative measures
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The New India Initiative of the government has emphasized on women-led development as an approach for women
empowerment. Ensuring a greater role for women to harness their potential in current developmental model is the
main crux of women led development. It goes beyond the concept of development of women and ensures equity
and justice in every sphere.  However, there are multiple impediments to this approach. 356/834
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Various impediments:
Perception - The first impediment is the way they are perceived. Women are o en seen as less able than men.
Role stereotyping – In many families, women are considered only for the role of caring for children and the aged,
and the house work. Also, these activities are not recognized and monetized. They are deprived of the
opportunities to go outside and earn wages, like their male counterparts.
Invisible workers: Women o en remain invisible and unrecognized as workers, both because they are women
and because work in the informal economy is o en hidden.
Gender sensitive infrastructure at di erent places (including workplace) remain missing.
Others - Sexual harassment at workplace, patriarchal mindset of society, and biased socialisation processes
leading to self exclusion are few examples which are obstacles for women led development.
Although government has taken multiple steps, following innovative measures could be taken to hasten the
All women day in Panchayats – Fixing one day in a week for women on which all the activities of Panchayat
would be carried out by women of that village.
e-platforms - Creating an e-platform exclusively for women so as to get their feedbacks on legislative matters.
Mandatory use of audio- visual techniques (such as movies, documentaries etc. showing the importance of
women empowerment) in every gram sabha meetings to create awareness.
Revamping curriculum - Also, revamping the educational curriculum so as to sensitise the younger generation
would be helpful in long term.
To ensure women led development, women should be included in planning for not only sectors like social
development, but also sectors like infrastructure, use of common lands, natural resources and employments.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Namrata Singh (/u/namrata-singh/5950d0f94c4557071b1e4d4f/) 2 months ago

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Q2. The new Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 seeks to
regulate and promote the real estate sector by protecting buyers' rights as
well as encourage developers but challenges remain in its implementation.
Introduce with the new law
Highlight the benefits to buyers and the builders
Highlight the challenges in e ective implementation
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 was enacted to bring in transparency, accountability in the
real estate sector. It aims at protecting the property buyers, by providing a framework for reducing conflict with
developers. Each state and UT will have its own regulatory authority called Real Estate Regulatory.
To Buyers
Significant buyers protection through stringent penal provisions
Under the new realty Bill, an escrow account will be used to make sure that builders do not rob consumer.
Buyers delaying payments and builders delaying hand-over of properties did not share same penalties thus
far. Now, they will be made equal.
Builders, apart from disclosing various details on architecture and engineering, cannot change designs or
plans without approval from consumers.
Clear definition of carpet area, fixing builders liability, ensuring exit of home buyers at any stage of
construction through exit clause, isolating buyers from false/misleading advertisements etc. are few
provisions which intend to make the buyers king.
Ensures common and best practices as single-window clearances for projects, digitisation of records and
grading of developers may help create a culture of quality and e iciency in the sector
Will enhance confidence of investors, which in turn will bring higher investment and FDI
The increased transparency would provide confidence to the buyers which will provide the required boost to
the demand side.
Challenges in implementation: 360/834
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The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 is a model law, and it is up to the states to dra and
pass their own laws. Whether State governments are going to implement the RERA as it is or not is a challenge.
For example, West Bengal has legislated its own Housing Industry Regulation Act.
Many States have provided relief to the builders by excluding many ongoing projects from the regulatory net.
Approvals for housing projects from urban local bodies across India are ridden with delays and gra . They have
all been excluded from any accountability under RERA.
A sense of unease among builders have prevailed due to a possible increase in the cost of capital due to
maintenance of separate escrow account.
The implementation of the Act will be crucial to its success. Governments must ensure that proper infrastructure is
provided to RERA so that they can discharge their services e ectively.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Prakash Mani Gautam (/u/prakash-mani-gautam/594bcc4a4c45570e80f773f4/) 2 months ago

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 Dec. 28, 2017 (1 Questions) 363/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. This is a decade when luxury items like LED TVs and smartphones are
becoming a ordable and housing is getting more and more expensive in India.
Introduce with the housing scenario in India
Mention the various reasons behind expensive housing and housing scarcity
Bring out various government steps to improve housing
Conclude appropriately
smartphones-are-becoming-a ordable-and-housi/5a4541b54c45570a0cb0a4af/)
Model Answer :
Housing in India varies significantly and can reflect the socio-economic mix of its vast population. The concept of
a ordable housing has become an illusion in India as the current housing deficit in India stands at 19 million units.
95% of this deficit is around the EWS and LIG segments.
Reasons for expensive housing:
1. Absence of an e ective policy framework for EWS and LIG housing, which is compounded with rising land cost,
spiraling construction costs.
2. Long gestation period accentuated by multiple approvals to be obtained from multiple authorities in a two to
three year time period.
3. Inadequate long-term funding across the project life cycle necessitating multiple rounds of funding for the same
project increasing the cost of capital and time.  
4. Multiple fees and taxes are charged across project stages which inflates construction cost by 30 to 35 %.
5. High urbanisation rate, coupled with high rate of migration from rural areas is stressing the limited urban
infrastructure and has resulted in raising the cost per unit of built-up area.
6. Lack of availability of land, primarily targeting of luxury, high-end and upper-mid housing segment owing to the
higher returns etc. further complicates the issue.

Steps Taken by Government

Housing for All by 2022
Rajiv AwasYojanawith an aim to create Slum Free India
Indira AwasYojana - Provides financial assistance to rural poor for constructing their houses themselves.
Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - To protect home-buyers as well as help boost investments
in the real estate industry.
The government has acknowledged the importance of the housing issues in the country and the smart city
programme is another attempt to improve the situation in urban areas. The solution, however, to the a ordable
housing crisis would be focussed e orts on land and housing policy reforms, delegation of power to urban local
bodies, fostering innovative housing finance, and the reduction in project costs and schedule overruns.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  2 months ago

Manish Khatri (/u/manish-khatri/59aeb1654c45574fb1b49084/) 2 months ago

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smartphones-are-becoming-a ordable-and-housi/5a4541b54c45570a0cb0a4af/)

 Dec. 27, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. The industrial revolution is considered as the main force behind the
globalization. Give arguments to support this. (150 words)
Briefly explain industrial revolution and globalization in introduction.
Give factors explaining how industrialization leads to globalization.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Industrial Revolution (IR) was the transition of an agrarian and handicra economy to one dominated by 
industry and machine manufacturing. It began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of
the world. It included, new chemical manufacturing  and  iron production processes, the increasing use of  steam
power, the development of  machine tools and the rise of the  factory system. 367/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Globalization is a multidimensional concept. It has political, economic and cultural manifestations like freer
movement of capital, people and trade. And it is about the increasing interaction of people, states, or countries
through the growth of the international flow of money, ideas, and culture.
Industrialization is considered as the main impetus to the globalization because of following reasons:
The first industrial revolution brought major advancements in the field of combustion engines, transportation
etc. which set the stage of globalization.
Industrialization also required various raw materials sourced from di erent countries, thus pushing for
As large amount of low cost goods were produced for the profit motive, di erent markets were required to sell
the goods.
Industrialization fostered the competition among the firms across the world for low cost of goods as people of
di erent countries preferred to buy the least cost good.
Cheap labor was required for the maximum profit, and o en industries were moved to low cost locations in
other countries.
Hence Industrialization and globalization, both are interlinked to each other. Industrialization is di icult without
globalization; similarly globalization is incomplete without industrialization.
Subjects : History and Culture

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Aaditya Singh (/u/aaditya-singh/594bcab34c45570e7d97920a/) 3 months ago

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Q1. Why was Britain the first country to experience industrial revolution? And
how were the lives of British children a ected by the industrial revolution?
(150 words)
Give a brief introduction of industrial revolution.
Discuss the factors responsible for industrial revolution in Britain.
Then, discuss the impact of industrialization on children.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
The desire to produce more goods at low cost to make higher profits led to the industrial revolution and further
growth of capitalism. Industrial Revolution was the beginning of a machine age because it was then that machines
began to take over some of the work of men and animals. It began in England in about 1750.
The reasons for Britain to first experience the revolution are:
Britain had accumulated vast profits through her overseas trade which could provide the necessary capital.
She had acquired colonies which ensured a regular supply of raw materials.
Due to a large number of landless small peasants there was no dearth of labor force.
Britain had plenty of natural resources such as iron and coal, essential for industries.
She also developed a large shipping industry for the transportation.
But some sections of society like children were a ected in a negative way by the industrial revolution:
Children were o en employed in textile factories because they were small enough to move between tightly
packed machinery.
The long hours of work, including cleaning the machines on Sundays, allowed them little fresh air or exercise.
Children hands o en got crushed in the machines, while some died when they fell into machines as they
dropped o to sleep from exhaustion.
The owners of coal mines used children to reach deep coal faces or those where the approach path was too
narrow for adults. Roofs caved in or explosions took place, and injuries were therefore common.
Hence industrialization brought benefits like low cost of goods as well as hardships like unemployment, smoky
crowded cities, unhealthy living and working conditions, rivalry and conflict between nations.
Subjects : History and Culture

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Anand Asangi (/u/anand-asangi/59aead394c4557349d0a2e26/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 26, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Discuss the major forms of Buddhist architecture found in India.

Introduce briefly about beginning of Buddhist architecture.
Discuss the major forms of Buddhist architecture along with examples.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Buddhist school of architecture gained popularity in 3rd Century BC during Mauryan period, emperor Ashoka
established Buddhism as his state religion and opted for the architectural monuments to spread Buddhism in
di erent places.
The major structures associated with Buddhist architecture are:
Stupas: The Stupas holds the most important place among all the Buddhist structures. A Stupa is a dome-shaped
monument containing Buddhists' relics or some significant artefacts of Buddhism. The best examples of stupas are
at Amaravati, Sanchi, Barhut and Gaya. Sanchi stupa is one of the most striking architectural remains of ancient
Chaityas: Chaitya is a hall of worship for monks. It is rectangular in shape with many columns and a semi-circular
roof. The main door has a large window, the only source of sunlight. There is a stupa at the end of the hall. Some
very beautiful rock-cut chaityas are in at Ajanta, ElIora, Karle, Bagh, Barabara hills.
Viharas: Vihara (Monasteries) consist of a central hall with small cells all around, which is the dwelling place of
monks. During Ashokan period, these were plain rooms. At a later stage, they were decorated with artistic columns
and other pieces of sculpture. Examples of viharas are: Nalanda, Taxila, Nagapattinam, Ajanta and Ellora caves.
Temples: Temples or Pagodas are multi-story Buddhist towers, erected as a memorial or shrine. They are symbols
of five elements of the universe - earth, water, fire, air and ether, and along with them consciousness, which is
considered the ultimate reality. They are full of carvings and sculptures, are mainly pyramidical in shape. The most
prominent temple is Mahabodhi temple. Other major Buddhist temples are at Sanchi (450 CE), Taxila and Sarnath.
Pillars: Pillars erected during Mauryan times were highly influenced by Buddhism. Monolithic sha , beautifully
sculpted capitol and abacus are striking features of these pillars. Fragments of pillars are found at Sanchi, Sarnath,
Amaravati etc. The lion-capital pillar at Sarnath is the most magnificent piece of Mauryan pillars. 376/834
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The Buddhist architecture is a unique blend of spirituality and cra smanship, providing valuable information on the
rich social and cultural heritage of India.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 3 months ago

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found-in-india-approach-introduce-briefly-about-/5a4291c64c45570a12508a17/) 380/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. Discuss the development of temple architecture in eastern India

Introduce by mentioning the areas having significant temple architecture in
Eastern India.
Point out one by one the key features of temple architecture in these areas i.e.
Bengal, Odisha and Assam.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Temple architecture provides a narrative of the history and culture of India. Most of the art and architectural
remains that survive from Ancient and Medieval India are religious in nature. Important regional variants of the
dominant schools of temple architecture in India are found in the North-East (mainly in Assam), Bengal and Odisha.
1. Bengal:

The popular style of architecture between ninth and eleventh centuries in Bengal and Bihar is known as the Pala
Palas were patrons of Buddhism and their temples were made in local Vanga style.
Early Pala style had tall curving shikhara crowned by a large amalaka which is similar to temples of Odisha.
Later they have a curving or sloping side like that of the bamboo roof of a Bengali hut.
The temples have pillars made of black to grey basalt and chlorite stone and also have arched niches. Terracotta
was the main medium of construction.
Terecotta temple at Vishnupur is an excellent example of Pala style.
1. Odisha:

The main architectural features of Odisha temples are classified as rekhapida, pidhadeul and khakra.
The temples of Odisha had a distinct substyle within the Nagara style. The shikhara, called Deul, is vertical
almost until the top which curves sharply inwards.
Deuls are preceded by mandapas called jagamohana.
The ground plan of the main temple is square, which becomes circular in the crowning mastaka.
The exterior of the temples is lavishly carved while their interiors generally quite bare.
Temples usually have boundary walls.
Puri Jagannath temple and Konark Sun temple are among the most remarkable constructions of Odisha style.
1. Assam:

A distinct regional style developed in Assam by the twel h century before which influence of Gupta style of
architecture could be seen.
This distinct style known as the Ahom style came with the migration of people from Upper Burma and had the
influence of Pala style of Bengal as well.
Terracotta was principle medium of construction and a number of temples have been renovated in course of
Kamakhya temple in Guwahati is an excellent example.
These architectural marvels are not only the standing examples of diversity and richness of art forms in India but
also gives a glimpse of the kind of society that made these.
Subjects : History and Culture 381/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 25, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. What were the factors that led to growth of early nationalism in India?
Introduce with the lead up the the rise of nationalism in 19th century
Mention various factors that lead to growth of nationalism in India
Conclude accordingly.
Model Answer : 384/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Indian nationalism grew in the second half of the 19th century partly as a result of colonial policies and partly as a
reaction to colonial policies. The 1857 revolt gave an impetus to a new wave of nationalism. 
Some of the major factors that led to growth of nationalism include:
1. Colonial Exploitation: Various section of people such as peasants, artisans, workers started realising the
exploitative character of the British rule. Early intellectuals like Dadabhai Naoroji and RC dutta educated people
about the “drain” of wealth being caused by the British rule.
2. Racism: The racial discrimination practised by the British Administration made Indians conscious of national
humiliation and resulted in feeling of oneness while facing British.
3. Impact of western thought: Spread of education and ideas of scholars such Milton, Paine, Voltaire, Rousseau etc
have imbibed rational, political and nationalist thought.
4. Role of press and literature: About 169 newspaper in English and vernacular languages were printed that spread
various ideas and knowledge.
5. Modernization: Modern transport and communication, with ease of movement of people and trade also played
an important role.
6. Political, Administrative and Economic Unification of India: This was done by the British to make it easier for
them to rule such a vast country but it also helped the people in identifying the common enemy.
7. Rise of middle class Intelligentsia: They provided intellectual and political leadership.
8. Others: Apart from these, various other reasons like the socio-religious reform movements, cultural revivalism
and contemporary international movements also contributed.

The above mentioned factors along with activism of various political organisations including INC have played
catalytic role and spread the idea of nationalism. The early nationalism formed the basis for the Indian National
Movement that culminated in an Independent India a er a long struggle.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 3 months ago

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Q1. Examine the contribution of moderates in the Indian freedom struggle.

In introduction mention the formation of INC and moderates were dominant
early on
Explain the methods and role of political work of moderates
Conclude with how they set the stage for the Extremists to take over
Model Answer :
In 1885, various nationalist associations united and formed Indian National Congress under the leadership of AO
Hume, Surendranath Banerjee, Anand Mohan Bose, Umesh Chandra Bannerjee etc. Many of the early leaders of INC
who dominated the Congress policies during this period were staunch believers in moderate political methods and
hence were referred to as the Moderates. Their believed in constitutional agitation within the confines of the law.
They tried to generate awareness among the public on various issues and then presented the public demands to the
Government through resolutions, petitions, meetings, etc.
Contribution of the moderates:
1. Economic Critique of British imperialism: Dadabhai Naoroji, RC dutta and D Wacha propagated the economic
“drain theory” and exposed the exploitative nature of the British rule.
2. Constitutional reform and propaganda in legislation: Gradual constitutional reforms ultimately leading to the
1935 GoI Act, Expansion of legislative councils and increase in their powers, Indian membership in executive
councils, amendments to the India Council Acts were a result of moderate struggle. 389/834
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3. Campaign for general administration reform: Moderates had some success in lobbying for the Indianisation of
services, separation of executive from judiciary, increase expenditure on welfare, labour laws etc.
4. Defence of civil Rights: Some of their most vociferous demands were centered around the civil and political
rights, including the right to speech, thought, association and free press, and they had good success in this.

Early moderates represented the most progressive force of that time. They have trained people for political work,
spread nationalist sentiment and exposed British exploitative character. However, their success was limited as they
had a narrow social base, and their leaders did not have much faith in the masses. But moderates were successful in
creating solid base for more vigorous militant mass based national movement which was seen during Swadeshi
Movement (post 1905).
Subjects : History and Culture

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Mohd Atif (/u/mohd-atif/594e797b4c4557072136e6e5/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 24, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. What were the reasons for the failure of the 1857 revolt, and how was the
revolt suppressed.
Briefly introduce with the revolt of 1857 and its failure. 392/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Discuss the reasons for its failure.

Discuss how it was suppressed.
Conclude Appropriately.
Model Answer :
The Revolt of 1857 was a major, but ultimately unsuccessful, uprising in India in 1857–58 against the rule of the
British East India Company, which functioned as a sovereign power on behalf of the British Crown.
The Revolt failed due to the following reasons:
Pan India participation was absent. The eastern, southern and western parts of India remained more or less
una ected.
All classes did not join the revolt - not only did some people not join the revolt, but even worked against the
revolt. For example, big zamindars and Awadh taluqdars backed o .
There was no coordination or central leadership among Indian Rebels.
There was a lack of a unified ideology. The rebels were a group of diverse elements with di ering grievances and
concepts of current politics.
The Indian soldiers were poorly equipped materially, fighting with swords and spears, guns and muskets. On the
other hand, the European soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons of war like the Enfield Rifle.
Many Indian rulers like the Sindhia of Gwalior, Holkar of Indore etc. also gave active help to the British.
Modern educated Indians were of the belief that the British would usher in an era of modernisation and hence
opposed the Revolt.
It was not easy for the British to put down the uprising.
Before sending out the troops to re-conquer North India, the British passed a series of laws to help them
suppress the revolt. During May and June 1857, through a number of Acts, North India was put under martial
law; military o icers and even ordinary Britons were given the power to try and punish Indians suspected of
rebellion. Thus the ordinary processes of law and trial were suspended and it was made clear that rebellion
would be punished by death.
The British, like the rebels, recognized the symbolic value of Delhi. To reestablish their authority, the British used
military power on a gigantic scale.
They also tried to break the united resistance of big landholders and peasants by promising to give back to the
former their estates
Though the Britishers were successful in quickly suppressing it, the 1857 Revolt marked the first large scale attempt
to overthrow the British rule and had a profound influence on the young men and women who would soon be part
of the national movement.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Karishma Tiwari (/u/karishma-tiwari/594e69204c4557071ea7fe1a/) 3 months ago

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Q1. The Revolt of 1857 is also known as India’s first war of Independence.
Make an evaluation of the support and opposition to the revolt from various
part of India. (250 words)
Briefly introduce with the revolt of 1857.
Discuss the support and opposition to the revolt.
Conclude Appropriately.
Model Answer :
The Revolt of 1857 was a major uprising in India in 1857–58 against the rule of the British East India Company, which
functioned as a sovereign power on behalf of the British Crown. Since it got support from a wide section of the
Indian society, especially in the Northern plains, and dealt a big blow to the British prestige by capturing Delhi, it is
o en referred to as India’s first war of Independence.
Support to the revolt:
The revolt started from Meerut where Indian sepoys killed the British o icers and reached Delhi where Bahadur
Shah was installed as the King.
General Bakht Khan, led the revolt of Bareilly troops and brought them to Delhi. 396/834
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In Kanpur, Nana Sahib, son of BajiRao II expelled the sepoys from Kanpur and proclaimed himself the Peshwa
and accepted Bahadur Shah as emperor and himself to be his governor.
In Lucknow, Begum HazratMahal proclaimed her son Birjis Qadr as the Nawab of Awadh.
Rani LaxmiBai of Jhansi protested against the denial of rights to her adopted son, and fought against British.
In Faizabad, Maulavi Ahmadullah, native of Madras fought a large scale battle against a company of British
troops sent to stop him from preaching sedition.
Opposition/Apathy to the revolt from various regions:
The Eastern, western and southern parts of India remained more or less una ected.
Big Merchants, Zamindars of Bengal, many taluqdars of Awadh supported British.
Most Indian rulers also gave active help to the British. For example, Sindhia of Gwalior, Holkar of Indore, Nizam,
Raja of Jodhpur, Nawab of Bhopal, other Rajput rulers, rulers of Patiala, Nabha, Sindh and other Sikh chie ains
did not participate in the revolt.
While many Indians did rise against the British, there were many who fought for the British. The revolt was
spontaneous and there was no unifying cause, but was fed by resentments born of diverse perceptions, including
invasive British-style social reforms, harsh land taxes, summary treatment of some rich landowners and princes, as
well as scepticism about the improvements brought about by British rule.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Devendra Kumar (/u/devendra-kumar/5950cdf34c4557072136f0e0/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 22, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. Does the right to clean environment entail legal regulations on burning
crackers during Diwali? Discuss in the light of Article 21 of the Indian
Constitution and Judgement(s) of the apex court in this regard. 
Introduce with Article 21 and why the issues of burning of crackers during Diwali
keeps coming up
Discuss the need to balance the Right to Religious Freedom (Article 25) and
Right to Life (Article 21), and how the SC has refused a blanket ban
Discuss why banning is not the solution to clean environment
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Article 21 of Indian constitution guarantees Right to Life and Liberty. Subsequent judgements by the apex court
(especially a er Maneka Gandhi case) have enlarged its scope and right to clean environment has been brought
under its ambit.
Issues with burning of crackers:
With the various types of crackers, the level of pollution caused is extremely high, which makes the air
unbreathable and noise levels intolerable. Almost every year, Delhi and the NCR region witness a spike in
pollution level just a er Diwali.
These regions also report 30% to 40% increased cases of wheezing, respiratory diseases etc. during and post-
Balance between Right to Environment and Right to Religious freedom:
All freedoms come with certain reasonable restrictions. To ensure the fundamental right to clean environment,
the government may take steps to regulate burning crackers during Diwali. But there is a need to balance
between Right to Environment and Right to Religious freedom. In 2015, the Supreme Court dismissed a petition
which was aimed at putting a blanket ban on bursting of crackers on Diwali or designating a particular place for
bursting crackers. 
Ban on burning Crackers is not the solution:
Totality of causes for pollution need to be tackled: The burning of crackers is just a two day event and only partly
contributes to the long term problem of urban pollution especially in the NCR region. Hence, comprehensive
measures need to be taken rather than just taking on the bursting of crackers.
Cultural Sentiments - A blanket ban on cracker bursting would also be problematic and would annoy the
majority of pupulation as bursting crackers during Diwali is a century old tradition. 400/834
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Implementation issue - There are already various restrictions over the type of crackers that can be manufactured
and sold. The apex court in 2005 has laid down few essential guidelines relating to firecrackers. Authorities have
failed to implement these guidelines.
Bursting crackers is matter of individual freedom as well as religious freedom. Worldwide crackers are used to
celebrate new year and Christmas festivals.
It is necessary to exercise certain prudence and caution in this situation and best way to go about it is to
hoslistically tackle the problem of pollution. Implementing various guidelines along with regulating the bursting
of crackers and steps to sensitize people about the environmental problems is a better solution.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Venkata Lokesh Kumar Yella (/u/venkata-lokesh-kumar-yella/594d026e4c45570e80f77de6/) 3 months ago

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Q2. Increasing interest of India in Africa has its pros and cons. Critically.
Introduce with how India's engagement with Africa has been growing
Discuss the pros of India's increasing interest in Africa
Highlight the cons of this
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer : 404/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Indian interest in Africa has increased in recent years and can be seen in “Addis Ababa declaration” where it was
decided to enhance partnership with new initiatives for the mutual benefit of Africa and India. India is a
‘development partner’ of Africa and has placed a growing emphasis on this and other tools of economic diplomacy
to ensure it continues to develop and grow in a sustainable manner.
Geo-political gain - African support will prove helpful for India to become a permanent member in UN Security
Council. Also, African continent provides a platform to India to reinforce its so power through the over two
million strong Indian diaspora there.
Economic gain - Africa has emerged as a crucial source for natural resources and for developing new markets.
Africa also contains rich reservoir of valuable minerals, metals including gold and diamond. India had launched
Focus Africa programme to ensure this gain.
Food security - The availability of arable land in Africa can also become a major source of meeting India’s rapidly
growing agricultural demand.
Energy Security - Africa’s oil and gas provides energy-starved India with new sources of import, but also allows it
to diversify its supply away from the Middle East stranglehold.
Geo-strategic gain – Maritime security in Indian ocean, international terrorism, presence of aggressive china etc.
are few issues which can be tackled more e ectively through increased cooperation between these two
Indian investment would always at risk due to political instability in African region. Conflict between Sudan and
South Sudan have brought to the fore the high-risk nature of investments in the African region.
There is a lack of business regulation in African economies. As a result, India’s economic inroads into Africa
cannot be separated from controversy over some of its deals such as its oil exploration contract with Sudan and
trade agreements with Zimbabwe.
Chinese Investment is more as compared to India. Hence, in the longer run, China may utilize Africa for its own
interest at the expanse of India’s e orts.
India’s interest in Africa is bringing the two continents together through multi-level cooperation. It needs to be
structured in a way to overcome the existing challenges and to begin an era that will bring "AmandlaNgawethu"
(power to the people).
Subjects : Current A airs

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Sapna Meena (/u/sapna-meena/594d01964c45570e7a1e555f/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 21, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Food grain production is touching new heights every year and we are
producing more than su icient to feed our people without relying on external
support. However, su icient food production is not the only criteria to
eliminate hunger. Discuss.
Introduce with some data showing the annual food grain production in India
and rank of India in Global Hunger Index.
Discuss the various factors for prevailing hunger situation
Conclude with acknowledging the complexity of hunger and associated issues
and how the government is tackling them.
year-and-we-are-producing-more-than-su icient/5a3bf7b04c455705faca7cea/)
Model Answer :
As per the Third Advance Estimates for 2016-17, the total foodgrain production in India is estimated at 273 million
tonnes. Despite this, the country is home to one-quarter of all undernourished people worldwide. According to the
2017 hunger index report, India is ranked 100th out of 119 countries.
Various factors behind the worsening hunger situation:
Poverty Trap: Poor people neither have resources to produce food nor buy it, which o en results them being
unable to work enough to get out of the poverty trap.
Corruption - According to Amartya Sen, hunger usually arises from food distribution problems, or from
governmental policies in the developing world, and not from the insu iciency of food production. Corruption, 408/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

leakages, exclusion-inclusion error etc. makes the public distribution system ine icient in addressing the issue
of hunger and malnutrition.
Lack of awareness: Many people do not know about the nutritional component in their diets. As a result, we see
the incidents of child stunting, child wasting etc.
Socio-Cultural Factors - Hunger in India also has age, gender and caste dimensions. The gender dimension is
evident from the World Bank’s report which says that 60% of those who are hungry are female.
Food wastage – Food wastage is a big problem in India through the entire food cycle, from farm to fork, majorly
due to lack of storage, low capacity in food processing etc.
Hunger in India is a complex issue. It is widespread and the causes are di erent across various regions. 
While availability, accessibility and a ordability of food needs to be ensured, it is also important to realize that
stunting, wasting etc. are not solely determined by food intake but are an outcome of a complex interaction of
factors related to genetics, the environment, sanitation and utilisation of food intake.
Realising this, the govt. has adopted a multi-pronged strategies such as National Food Security Act, 2013, Mid-
Day meal, MGNREGA, Targeted Food distribution, National Nutrition Mission etc. along with sanitation missions
like Swachch Bharat Abhiyan.
Subjects : Current A airs

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Megha Aggarwal (/u/megha-aggarwal/594bc92b4c45570e7d978753/) 3 months ago

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Q1. What do you understand by Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM). What are

the advantages of this technology as compared to older available methods of
determining bio-molecular structure?
Introduce with Cryo-EM and why it was in news (2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry)
Discuss its significance as to how this technique is di erent from available
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Cryo-EM is a technology that allows researchers to construct three-dimensional images of sample microscopic
objects at super-cold (cryogenic) temperatures, using focused beams of electrons. Jacques Dubochet, Joachim
Frank and Richard Henderson were awarded 2017 Noble Prize in Chemistry for their work in developing cryo-
electron microscopy (cryo-EM).
Significance of Cryo-EM
Microscopes allow scientists to look at structures that cannot be seen with the naked eye – but when these
structures are very tiny, it is no longer possible to use rays of light to do the job because their wavelengths are
not short enough.
Cryo-EM technique could look at very tiny structures, but until recently, this technique could only produce fuzzy,
blob-like images of biological macromolecules.
Instead, scientists employed methods known as x-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
which produced fine details. However, these methods had certain drawbacks.
X-ray crystallography requires that proteins be crystallized before they can be scanned, but crystallization is
not always possible or desirable.
NMR can only determine the structure of relatively small objects—certainly nothing as large as a molecular
machine such as a ribosome or an ion channel.
But over the past several years, cryoEM has begun to produce images with the kind of near-atomic resolution
that was once available only to its rivals, but without the drawbacks.
CryoEM can handle a wide range of scales; though the method can’t yet resolve the smallest objects available to
NMR, it’s getting there, and it can already be used to image much larger ones with ease. In addition, the freezing
process used in cryoEM allows proteins to remain in something resembling their native state, o ering the
possibility of gleaning more information about function.
Conclusion 412/834
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During the recent Zika outbreak in Brazil, a group of researchers generated a high-resolution 3D image of the virus
structure using Cryo-EM technique. This provided a starting point for searching for possible sites that could be
targeted by drugs to prevent the spread of the virus. Understanding how biomolecules function and interact is
fundamental to biochemistry, and underpins e orts to develop new drugs and medical treatments, and understand
and treat diseases.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 20, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Discuss the salient features of the Rights of Persons with Disability Act
2016 along with the shortcomings. (250 words)
Introduce with some stats reflecting situation of disabled and the need for such
an Act.
Point out the salient features of the Act.
Mention what is missing in the bill
Conclude Appropriately.
Model Answer : 414/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

In India, according to the 2011 Census, 2.21% of the population has one or multiple types of disabilities, making the
country home to one of the largest disabled populations in the world. So the Parliament passed Rights of Persons
with Disability Act 2016, a radically transformative legislation to address the concerns of arguably the most
marginalised section of the Indian society.
Salient features of the Act:
1. It increases the number of recognised disabilities from 7 to 21.
2. It allows Central Government to notify additional disabilities, now disability is defined on the basis of dynamic
and evolving concept.
3. It also defines persons with benchmark disability as those with at least 40% of specified disabilities making
them entitled to benefits such as reservations in education and employment, preference in govt schemes, etc.
4. Reservation in all government institutions of higher education and those getting aid from the government for
persons with benchmark disabilities is increased from 3% to 5% and in government jobs from 3% to 4%.
5. All existing public buildings are to be made accessible for disabled persons.
6. Central and State advisory boards on disability to advise government on policies and programmes on disability
and to review the activities of organisations dealing with disabled persons.
7. National and State fund to support persons with disabilities.
8. It has penal provisions for violation of the Act which was missing in earlier legislation.

But there are few shortcomings in the Act such as:

1. The Bill makes the clauses on non-discrimination in employment mandatory only in government
2. The bill does not specify the time frame for a certificate of disability to be issued. This gives PWDs no way to
address the issues they face when tackling the bureaucracy in receiving their benefits.

However legislation alone is not enough, if implementation remains abysmal. While taking care of the
implementation, the law must also gradually evolve to take care of the needs of people with various types and
levels of disabilities. 
Subjects : Social Justice

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 3 months ago

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Q1. Children testifying as witnesses find the courtroom experience

intimidating. What steps have been taken by the government and courts
towards ensuring a conducive and protective atmosphere for vulnerable
witnesses. (250 words)
Briefly introduce with the problems faced by children inside courtrooms.
Discuss the steps like POCSO act, SC’s guidelines, Delhi HC’s guidelines, etc.
Conclude Appropriately.
Model Answer :
Vulnerable witnesses in criminal cases, o en minor survivors of rape or victims of sex abuse end up being ill treated
by the criminal justice system. They are o en treated like any other witness of the State in a criminal trial. Delays
and intimidating questions during trial in a hostile environment o en makes the witnesses hostile. So, to protect
the rights of vulnerable witnesses while testifying in a court, various steps have been taken such as:
Laws: POCSO Act provides for child friendly procedures during a trial. Under this law, the o icer recording a
child’s statement should not be in uniform; also, during court proceedings steps must be taken to ensure that
the child is not exposed to the accused. The court is allowed to record a child’s statement through video
conferencing, or using one-way mirrors or curtains. 419/834
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SC directions: The Supreme Court has ordered setting up of at least 2 vulnerable witnesses deposition centres
in the jurisdiction of every high court across the country by January 2018. The SC bench said eventually every
district should have a special centre, which would provide vulnerable witnesses a friendly atmosphere to testify.
SC has directed other HCs to adopt Delhi HC’s guidelines for recording the evidence of vulnerable witnesses in
criminal matters.
Delhi HC guidelines: Delhi High Court has given Guidelines for Recording the Evidence of Vulnerable Witnesses
in Criminal Matters. Its main objectives include eliciting complete, accurate and reliable testimony from child
witnesses, minimising harm, and preventing ‘secondary victimisation’. The practices include a screen or some
arrangement by which the victim does not see the body or face of the accused; reducing cross-examination
questions to writing and handing them over to the judge to be put to the victim in a language that is clear and
not embarrassing; and su icient breaks for victims of child abuse or rape while testifying.
For now, the term ‘vulnerable witnesses’ is limited to children, but the principle may have to be expanded to include
adults who may be equally vulnerable to threats and an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. Ideally, every district
in the country would need a special deposition centre.
Subjects : Social Justice

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Aniket Dnyaneshwar Dewhare (/u/aniket-dnyaneshwar-dewhare/594d007b4c45570e7d97a25d/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 19, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. What is Attitude? Discuss its components with examples. (150 words)
Briefly explain attitude in introduction.
Give its components with examples. 423/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Attitude is a state of the mind, a set of views, or thoughts, regarding some topic (called the ‘attitude object’), which
have an evaluative feature (positive, negative or neutral quality). It is accompanied by an emotional component,
and a tendency to act in a particular way with regard to the attitude object.
Components of Attitude:
It has 3 components, commonly referred as A-B-C:
1. Cognitive Component- The thought component which consists of values, ideas and other information is
referred to as the cognitive aspect.
2. A ective Component- The emotional component which involve the person’s feeling or a ect-positive, neutral
or negative-about an object is known as the a ective aspect.
3. Behavioral Component- The tendency to act in a particular manner towards an objectis called the behavioral
(or conative) aspect.

Suppose a group of children are playing cricket in ground. Based on su icient information, your view towards
sports is positive (Cognitive Component). You feel very happy when you see children playing but you don’t feel good
when someone stops them to play. (Emotional Part). Now supposes you also started playing with children. This
shows the behavioral component of attitude.
Hence attitude plays an important role in changing our opinions, thinking, views etc. towards a particular attitude
object through its three components.
Subjects : Ethics - EQ + Attitude

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Cheshta Choudhury (/u/cheshta-choudhury/594e69ed4c4557072136e1ae/) 3 months ago

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Q2. How do groups influence the performance of an individual? Explain with

real life examples. (150 words)
Briefly explain group in introduction.
Then discuss influence on individual while performing an activity alone and in a
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
A group may be defined as an organized system of two or more individuals, who are interacting and interdependent,
who have common motives, have a set of role relationships among its members, and have norms that regulate the
behavior of its members. These groups influence the behavior of individuals or its members in one or di erent form.
Two broad categories are:
(i) When an individual performing an activity alone in the presence of others- Task performance can be
facilitated and improved, or inhibited and worsened by the presence of others. For example- Ram is about to
participate in a dance contest. Due to nervousness, he may not be able to perform well. But on the other hand, he
may perform well due to the encouragement he gets performing in front of an audience.
(ii) When an individual performing an activity along with the others as part of a larger group- Some studies
have found that individuals work less hard in a group than they do when performing alone. This phenomenon is
referred to as ‘social loafing’. However, if the group dynamics, leadership and incentive structures are good, then the
individuals could be driven to perform at a higher level in a group that they would have done by themselves alone.
For example- Game of tug-of-war. As group members feel less responsible for the overall task, such situations give
opportunities to group members to relax and become a free rider. But when all of them are driven to really win, they
would put in more e ort.
However, individuals behave in di erent ways depending on one’s attitude, personality, situation etc. Hence,
group’s influence on individual performance is di erent in di erent conditions.
Subjects : Ethics - EQ + Attitude

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Priya Chauhan (/u/priya-chauhan/5950cf384c4557071ea81a16/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 18, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Non-Partisanship is a foundational value of Civil Service. What do you

understand by Non-partisanship? Explain its importance in Civil Service. (150
Define Non-partisanship
Give example of Non-partisanship
Explain its importance in Civil Service
Conclude accordingly
Model Answer :
Non-partisanship in Civil Service means non-disposition of civil servants towards any political party i.e. to exhibit
political neutrality. The values of the administrator should flow from the constitution but not from the philosophy of
any political party. Non-partisanship is the process of not involving in any political party even if the person has
strong faith in any political thought.
In India we have two kinds of executive i.e. Political Executives (elected) and permanent executives (appointed
based on meritocracy). The political executives generally lack expertise so the permanent executives assist the
former in policy formulation and their implementation. This makes it non-partisanship a non-negotiable and
foundational value of civil service. For example civil servant viz. T.N. Seshan, Vinod Rai etc have displayed
exemplary quality of civil service and brought various changes in election, auditing systems in India respectively. 
Importance of Non-partisanship Partisanship in Civil Service:
Non-partitionship helps to maintain trust of  people in Administration.
It helps to maintain healthy relationship between political executives and civil servants.
It motivates civil servant to provide recommendations/suggestions to policy makers without ill-will or favor.
It helps in e ective policy formulation and its implementation. 432/834
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It also help in mending self interest based political ideology towards holistic development.
It keeps the ideology of constitution above any other political, religious or economic ideology.
To maintain compatibility and avoid conflicts between the bureaucracy and political leadership, non-partisanship is
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Prakash Mani Gautam (/u/prakash-mani-gautam/594bcc4a4c45570e80f773f4/) 3 months ago

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Q1. Explain with an example the di erence between attitude and aptitude.
Why are both these attributes important in a Civil Servant? (150 words)
Define Attitude and Aptitude
Mention di erences between Attitude and Aptitude with an example
Highlight the importance of Aptitude and Attitude in Civil Service 435/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Conclude accordingly
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-explain-with-an-example-the-di erence-between-
Model Answer :
Attitude: Attitude is the mental evaluation of the social situation, event, person or organization, that has the
potential to guide the way we think, we feel, and we behave. It is associated with character. Attitude has three
components i.e. A ect (emotions-associated feelings), Behaviour and Cognition (knowledge and understanding).
Aptitude: Aptitude is natural/acquired ability for learning a specific skill or to perform a specific task. It is associated
with the competence of a person.
An example to illustrate the di erence:
In “operation Sulaimani” a district collector in Kozhikode has stated initiative to feed poor by collaborating with
large restaurants (donating extra food). In this case the attitude of the district collector is towards poor is of
compassion and the aptitude is his innovative way to collaborate with restaurants.
Why Aptitude is  considered as foundation value in Civil Service?
India is facing several socio-economic challenges. Civil Servants should possess the ability to solve these problems
innovatively and e iciently. For this, a civil servant must possess the right aptitude and right attitude. For example,
in the above example the civil servant may have the right aptitude towards addressing the needs of the poor, but if
he does not have the right attitude towards the poor (like having compassion of them), then he would not have tried
to find a solution to the problem.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Rahul Goyal (/u/rahul-goyal/594bcc4b4c45570e80f774ec/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 17, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. “Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself”.
Discuss. (150 words)
Introduce with the golden rule in ethics.
Explain the given quote by referring to Confucius.
Point out exceptions.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
The ethic of equality frames the essence of any morality and it can be found across various religious and
philosophical texts. As per the golden rule of ethics, we must treat others as we wish others to treat us.
Confucius' interpretation:
Confucius gave a negative explanation of the golden rule as per which one should not impose such ethical
standards on others which he himself does not adhere to. He attempted to expose the hypocrisy of people who in
public life portray the idealistic morals urging people to follow their example and in private life conveniently
disregard such morals. Confucius maintained that the ethical standards should be universal and identical for all the
individuals. An excellent example can be found in Mahatma Gandhi’s life who first himself followed the path of non-
violence and truth then asked his followers to be a satyagrahi.
May not be always possible to adhere:
However, philosophers like Kant have argued that the golden rule overlooks the variances created by di erent
situations. For e.g. as a judge would not want anyone to sentence him to death, he himself should not award such
punishment to a convict. Similarly, the circumstances, needs, tastes and belief systems of di erent people vary,
hence not all people may desire similar treatment as one would treat himself.
Despite the exceptions cited, the principle of equality in ethical standards is considered as the key to ethical
behaviour and if people adopt the golden rule, they need not refer any elaborate moral codes.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago 439/834
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Aishwarya Verma (/u/aishwarya-verma/5950cd514c4557071ea81347/) 3 months ago

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Q1. The Four Noble Truth contains the essence of Buddha’s teachings. Explain.
Introduce with Buddha and his path to liberation.
Explain the four truths one by one.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Buddhist teachings aim to remove dukkha i.e su ering, by steering middle course between extreme self-denial and
material pleasures. A er his enlightenment, Buddha gave his first sermon at Sarnath and elaborated the following
Four Nobel Truths:
1. The truth of dukkha: The Buddhist teachings refer to three types of dukkha i.e the ordinary su erings like illness,
the su ering from resisting change in the world and the su ering from dissatisfaction due to nonfulfillment of 442/834
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expectations. Buddha said if we can understand the true nature of dukkha then we can find happiness in life.
2. Origin of dukkha: The origin of dukkha is traced to craving conditioned by ignorance. The craving can be for
sensory pleasures or for the wish to be separated from painful feelings or for the desire to achieve something. It
becomes the source of dukkha when there is a misunderstanding of the self and reality.
3. Cessation of dukkha: It is the ultimate objective of Buddhist teachings i.e. final absence of things that cause
dukkha. By removing the causes of su erings form the mind one can experience the nirvana.
4. The path leading to the cessation of dukkha: This path is called the eightfold path consisting of eight areas of
practice which touches every aspect of body speech and mind in our lives. It is the actual practice of the
Buddha's teachings which brings dharma and leads to the cessation of dukkha.

These truth forms the cornerstone of Buddhism and many Buddhist schools believe that the understanding of the
Four Nobel Truths defines the enlightenment itself.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Anjali (/u/anjali/594e700b4c4557071b1e3b4f/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 15, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Financial inclusion is an important component of inclusive growth.

Discuss what financial inclusion is and how it helps both the state and citizens.
Also discuss some of the steps taken by the government in this regard.
Define financial inclusion and interlink how financial inclusion is component of
inclusive growth
Discuss benefits of financial inclusion 444/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Discuss steps taken by government

Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Financial inclusion may be defined as the process of ensuring access to financial services and timely and adequate
credit where needed by vulnerable groups such as weaker sections and low income groups at an a ordable cost. It
not only includes the accessibility to banking services but also extends to other financial products like insurance,
equity, pension and other products.
Financial inclusion ensures that benefits of growth are reaching to weaker sections of society by integrating them
into the formal economy, thus it is an important component of inclusive growth.
Benefits of financial inclusion for individuals:
It ensures credit accessibility from formal banking sector rather than from informal economy where rates are
high and fund availability is low.
It provides accessibility to formal dispute redressal system in case of any dispute between borrowers and
It brings them under the state sponsored security net.
Benefits for State:
It plugs gaps and leakages in public subsidies and welfare programmes.
The government can directly transfer the subsidy amount into the account of the beneficiary.
It ensures that the benefit of the welfare programmes reach the real beneficiary directly and thus helps
government to achieve the target of Inclusive growth.
To improve financial inclusion in the country the government has taken following initiatives:
1. With the Jan Dhan Yojana, the GOI is striving to end the financial untouchability by ensuring that the
economically weaker sections have access to bank accounts.
2. Through  Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (Accident Insurance), Atal Pension Yojana (Unorganized
Sector) and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Yojana (Life Insurance), the GOI is providing social and economic
security to the marginalized sections of the society.
3. Under the MUDRA Yojana, GOI is providing microfinance to entrepreneurs in rural hinterland of India.
4. The government has advised the banks to deploy micro ATMs and White label ATMs in rural areas.
5. Financial Literacy Centres are being setup at the request of the RBI in di erent parts of the country.
6. With the Venture Capital Fund scheme, the SC/ST groups are being encouraged to become job providers
instead of job seekers. Under this loans are being provided to the SC/ST group at minimal rates.

The government is committed to its target of financial inclusion through which funds mobilised from the people are
now being brought in to the formal channel. It will definitely give the economy a thrust on its path of inclusive
Subjects : Editorials

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 3 months ago 445/834
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Q1. The recent floods incidents in the North-Eastern States highlighted the

need to shi focus from Flood protection to Flood Governance. Discuss the
causes and flood governance e orts needed in the North East in this regard.
Start into with vulnerability of Brahmaputra valley
Discuss causes of repeated flood incidents
Discuss how flood governance can be implemented
Conclude appropriately
states-highlighted-the-need-to-shi -focus-from-f/5a3412c64c455705fe9edec6/)
Model Answer :
According to National Flood commission of India, the Brahmaputra valley is one of the most hazard prone regions
of the country. The unprecedented floods have become a recurring annual problem in Assam and other north
eastern states following reasons: 448/834
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1. The rivers in the Northeast experience a sharp fall in gradient causing a large volume of water to gush to the
2. Most of these rivers carry large amounts of sediments which get deposited on the floodplains reducing the
storage capacity of the river channels resulting in inundation of the adjoining floodplains.
3. The embankments constructed along the Brahmaputra River are now worn and torn. Most of the embankments
are used as roads by the villagers further deteriorating their condition.
4. Landslides and increasing top soil erosion due to uncontrolled deforestation in the river catchment area is
further adding to the river sediments.

As seen in 2017 Assam floods, the situation becomes grim with the arrival of monsoon. There is a need to shi the
focus from flood protection to flood governance by building resilience of local communities with the measures like:
1. Reducing vulnerability of the local communities by adopting a Community-based advance flood warning
systems. Such systems have been successfully piloted in parts of Assam.
2. Providing adequate number of boats to enhance access to developmental activities during floods. Boats are
most important yet scarce resource in the villages.
3. Providing Elevated toilets, eco-sanitation units and elevated dug wells or tube wells with iron filter in the
Northeast as usual toilets are of limited use in flood-prone areas.
4. There is a need to maximise productivity by giving people access to cheaper sources of irrigation.
5. Innovative agriculture techniques like floating vegetable gardens and short duration boro paddy needs to be
carried out.
6. Scientific fish farming on the water bodies and on the inundated land can ensure that inundation is put to
optimal use.
7. Strategic environment assessment of development activities needs to be undertaken in the Brahmaputra basin.
8. Strengthening planning authorities like the Brahmaputra Board and flood control departments by sta ing them
with scientists from a wide range of disciplines is essential.

With combination of above initiatives, flood governance can be implemented in the flood-prone regions of the
North East. However it would require a focused approach from both the Centre and state governments.
Subjects : Editorials

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Kausar Ahmed (/u/kausar-ahmed/59aeb1654c45574fb1b49008/) 3 months ago

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Please evaluate it. 449/834
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highlighted-the-need-to-shi -focus-from-f/5a3412c64c455705fe9edec6/)

 Dec. 14, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. India and Afghanistan's e orts at improved connectivity to circumvent

Pakistan are commendable, but concerns remain in their execution.
Comment. (150 words)
Introduce with the need for India and Afghanistan to find new trade routes
Discuss the connectivity e orts including air freight corridor and chabahar port
and highlight issues
Conclude appropriately
(/mains-daily-questions/q2india-and-afghanistans-e orts-at-improved-
Model Answer :
Afghanistan had no direct land route to India, and has to pass through Pakistan. There is much interest between
India and Afghanistan for greater trade and economic cooperation, but despite the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit
Trade Agreement (APTTA) of 2010, Pakistan continues to delay/deny truck shipments from Afghanistan to India.
To overcome Pakistan’s obstructionist behaviour to India-Afghanistan trade, the two countries took two major
initiatives including linkages via Chabahar port in Iran and the recently launches air freight corridor.
India-Afghanistan air corridor:
The two countries launched the India-Afghanistan air freight corridor in June 2017.
It is aimed at providing the private sector in Afghanistan with a platform to increase their exports to India. 
The plan allowed Afghanistan traders to pay what they would have to transport their goods by road and the rest
would be paid by the Afghan government.
Issues: 452/834
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Though welcomed by the traders, the air corridor has been hit by logistical problems, including shortage of
cargo planes, procedural delays caused by lack of adequate cargo screening machines and cold storage facilities
at the Afghanistan airport as well as delays in customs clearances in India.
Chabahar port: 
The Chabahar port phase I recently inaugurated also marks an important milestone in India-Iran relations and
also provides a viable transit corridor to Afghanistan.
The India-Iran-Afghanistan trilateral agreement to develop transit trade has yet to be ratified in Iran. There are
delays in developing berths as well as the railway line connecting Chabahar to the Afghan border at Zahedan.
Eventually, India’s dealings with both Afghanistan and Iran are not just about circumventing Pakistan. They should
open up important new connectivity and commerce avenues, as well as develop markets in Central Asia, and
through them to Russia and Europe.
Subjects : Editorials

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Katta Ravi Teja (/u/katta-ravi-teja/598c13344c45570ef8038857/) 3 months ago

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Q1. The proposed amendments to the Whistle Blowers Act defeat the very
purpose of the legislation. Discuss. (250 words)
Introduce with why the Whistle Blowers Act was introduced
Briefly note some key provisions of the Act 456/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Highlight the provisions in the Amendment Bill and discuss how they dilute the
intention behind the Act
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Whistle-blowers are people who bring to the notice of the concerned authorities the allegations against a public
servant of corruption, wilful misuse of power or commission of a criminal o ence. The murder of some civil servants
who highlighted corrupt practices led to demand for a legislation to protect whistle-blowers. The Whistle Blowers
Protection (WBP) Act, 2014 was thus enacted to protect the whistle-blowers.
The Whistle Blowers Protection (WBP) Act, 2014 had provisions to conceal the identity of a whistle-blower,
broad definition of a whistle-blower to include even NGOs and private persons, as well as provisions for protection
against victimisation of the complainant or anyone who renders assistance in an inquiry.
The WBP Act, though passed in 2014, has not been operationalised. In 2015, an amendment Bill was introduced in
Parliament by the government. 
The provisions of The Whistle Blowers Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2015 include:
No immunity under OSA: Unlike the WBP Act, the amendment Bill seeks to remove immunity provided
to whistle-blowers who disclose any such information which is liable to prosecution under the O icial Secrets
Act (OSA).
No inquires in some cases despite whistle-blowing: The amendment Bill says that complaints by whistle-
blowers containing information which would prejudicially a ect the sovereignty, integrity, security or economic
interests of the state shall not be inquired into.
Whistle-blowing on some information if only obtained under RTI: As per amendment Bill, certain categories
of information relating to relates to commercial confidence, trade secrets etc. cannot form part of the disclosure
made by a whistle-blower, unless the information has been obtained under the RTI Act. 
The amendments proposed in the new Bill would fundamentally dilute the law. The rationale given was that the
amendments largely seek to bring the WBP Act in line with the RTI Act. Conflating the two laws completely di erent
objectives is inappropriate and would preclude genuine whistle-blowing in several scenarios, like in cases where a
government o icial comes across evidence of wrongdoing (in the normal course of their work) and does not need
the RTI Act to access the information.
Way forward:
The government needs to immediately promulgate the rules and implement WBP Act 2014 to o er protection to
whistleblowers. To ensure that sensitive information pertaining to national security and integrity is not
compromised, the government could have proposed additional safeguards for such disclosures. For example,
complaints in such cases can be filed only in sealed envelopes to the competent authorities.
Subjects : Editorials

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Divyanshu Nigam (/u/divyanshu-nigam/594bcae64c45570e7d97993a/) 3 months ago

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Whistle Blowers Protection Act 2014 457/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Whistle-blowers are people who bring to the notice of the concerned authorities the allegations against a
public servant ...

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 Dec. 13, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Explain the Samadhan doctrine to tackle the problem of le -wing

extremism in India.
Briefly introduce the problem of LWE.
Elaborate the components of the Samadhan doctrine as proposed by the HM of
Conclude appropriately.
problem-of-le -wing-extremism-in-india-approach-
Model Answer :
The Le Wing Extremism(LWE) is one of the biggest internal security threats to India. It is not only leading to the loss
of lives on both sides day by day but also preventing the growth and development of a significant number of
people. The ‘SAMADHAN’ doctrine as recently proposed by the honourable Home Minister of India, to tackle this
menace is as follows:
Smart Leadership: A leadership having a proper vision and mission is the key. The leadership must develop
coordinated strategy & plan, and display passion & self-belief in eradicating the LWE.
Aggressive Strategy: The counter strategy should not be a reaction to an occurred event, we have to bring
aggression in strategy, deployment of forces, operations and developmental activities.
Motivation and Training: Proper facilities and operating environment like provision of power, water,
connectivity etc should be provided to the deployed forces so that they can remain stress-free. Adequate
training in local conditions like language, traditions and culture should be provided to the forces to earn the
trust of local people.
Actionable Intelligence: Establish good intelligence network with local people, use the inputs given by the
surrendered LWE cadre and periodic exchange of information between the state police and central agencies.
Dashboard Based Key Performance Indicator and Key Result Areas: Forces should develop the KPIs and KRAs
to assess the preparedness & performance and individual abilities of o icers.
Harnessing Technology: Use of technologies of satellite monitoring, UAVs, communication, trackers in weapons
etc. can have a multiplier e ect on the force applied against the LWE.
Action plan for each Theatre: Develop the specific action plan to tackle the LWE for each a ected state as the
conditions are variable. Also, the plan should be developed on a short-term, medium-term, long-term basis and
the goals and deadlines must be clearly defined.
No access to Financing: The LWE movement can be crippled by stopping the access to finance as there will be
no scope for basic provisions and procurement of the arms & ammunition for the extremist cadre. The channels 458/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

of finance must be identified and eliminated at the earliest.

This is a holistic strategy aimed at realising the vision of LWE free India. The fight against LWE is a coordinated battle
on security and development fronts and needs to be finished & won at the earliest.
Subjects : Security Issues

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Shiv Patel (/u/shiv-patel/594d026e4c45570e80f77e98/) 3 months ago

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problem-of-le -wing-extremism-in-india-approach-brie/5a3174fd4c455705fe9eaedc/)

Q1. The Le Wing Extremism poses the biggest internal security threat to
India. What are the factors responsible for the rise of the le -wing extremism
in India?
Briefly, introduce with the threat posed by the LWE.
Discuss the factors responsible for the rise of the le -wing extremism in India.
Conclude with a brief way forward.
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-the-le -wing-extremism-poses-the-biggest-internal-
Model Answer : 461/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

The Le Wing Extremism which erupted in the late 1960s, poses a grave internal security threat to India. From using
the tools used by farmers as weapons for violence to using sophisticated weapons like improvised explosive
devices, the movement has come a long way in its war upon the state. Growth and development in LWE a ected
states like Chattisgarh and Jharkhand have taken a backseat and the violence continues to take innocent lives.
The causes of rise of LWE in India are as follows:
Jal-Jangal-Jameen: The tribals share a deep relationship with nature, and the forests are their home & source of
livelihood. Enactment of modern legislations and government rules, curtailment of land rights, land acquisition
without appropriate rehabilitation etc.. curtailed their traditional rights. The feeling of despair and deprivation
among tribals made them vulnerable to recruitment by le -wing extremists.
Governance Deficit: The regions where good governance was lacking and the genuine grievances of people were
overlooked, the le wing extremist was able to exert their influence and gradually took control of the law and order
in these areas. Corruption, ill-equipped public o icials and weak local governance further aggravated this problem.
Economic Reasons: Poverty and underdevelopment coupled with lack of education and employment fuelled the
feeling of hopelessness and desperation among the people. Young people were easily attracted towards the
extremist ideology and resorted to violent means. To sustain the movement, the vested interests in the LWE
movement deliberately create hurdles in states' attempts to ensure development in the a ected areas.
Social Causes: Social fragmentation, marginalisation, the abuse of their dignity and discontent with the
government alienated the downtrodden in the society from mainstream and the LWE lured them by giving false
hope for improving their social status.
Political Issues: The suppression of political and civil rights of poor by the powerful and rich people in the society
fuelled the sense of discontent and in retaliation, some took up arms against their suppressors.
The fight against LWE needs to be won along with ensuring rehabilitation of its cadre. Eradication of the LWE
requires the use of force and ensuring development in the a ected area at the same time, and the governments at
both the centre and state will have to work in synchronization to achieve this.
Subjects : Security Issues

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Lokendra Singh Chahal (/u/lokendra-singh-chahal/5950cd504c4557071ea8118d/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 12, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. What are supercomputers? Give an account of their applications and

India’s progress in this sector.
Introduce supercomputer, with some examples
Write about its use in various sectors
Give an account of development of supercomputers in India
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
A computer or array of computers that act as one collective machine capable of processing enormous amounts of
data are called super computer. Supercomputers are used for very complex jobs such as nuclear research or
forecasting weather patterns. The performance measured in FLOPS (floating point operations per second). The top
Supercomputers of the world are Sunway taihu-Light running at 93 Petaflops (thousand trillion FLOPS), Tianhe-2
running at 33 Petaflops and Piz-DAINT running at 19 Petaflops.
Applications of supercomputers: 465/834
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Weather and climate modeling- better forecast and accuracy e.g. Monsoon.
Academic research- solving complex and large mathematical problems. They have wide application in Quantum
physics, fluid mechanics etc.
Medical- discovery of new drugs by analyzing protein interactions, mutation in genes etc.
Oil and Gas exploration- analyzing large and complex data of geophysics and giving.
Big Data Analysis- analyzing large number of di erent types of data and giving possible outcomes.
Aerospace- development of aircra and space vehicles.
Nuclear research- simulate actual nuclear fusion or fission.
Supercomputer development in India:
The first indigenous supercomputer was developed in 1991 by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
(CDAC) which was called as PARAM 8000.
In the 12th five-year plan, the government of India (GOI) had committed that $2.5bn for the research in the
supercomputing field.
In 2015, GOI approved 7-year supercomputing program known as National Supercomputing Mission which aims
to create a cluster of 73 supercomputers
As of July 2017, India has 4 supercomputers with speeds in top 500 but not any in top 10.
Supercomputers have huge potential applications in social development and it can help to achieve food security,
energy security, environmental protection etc. To move to the next level, India needs to look beyond mere
applications of HPC and focus on the fundamental sciences of it. India must also leverage technological expertise of
the global network of Indian-origin scientists as well as encourage participation from the private sector.
Subjects : Science and Technology

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Katta Ravi Teja (/u/katta-ravi-teja/598c13344c45570ef8038857/) 3 months ago

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Please review my answer 466/834
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applications-and-indias-progress-in-this-sector-/5a3024c54c455705fac91d85/) 469/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. What is 3D printing. How is it beneficial over traditional methods of

manufacturing. Describe its applications in various fields.
Define the concept of 3D Printing
Mention the benefits of 3D Printing over traditional methods of manufacturing
Give some examples of the use of 3D, including in the field of medicine.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. In
this process, a 3-D object is created through an additive printing process (that is, build objects layer-by-layer rather
than say, through molding) using variety of materials, including plastics, glass and powders. These materials are
used to create an object by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created.
Major advantages over traditional methods are:-
Customization: It is possible to personalize products based on the end-users requirements at no additional
process cost.
Complexity: It helps in creating lighter, stronger and complex components or the whole products that are
di icult or impossible to produce with traditional techniques.
Tool-less: 3D printing can eliminate many tools required, thus saving time and cost.
Environment Friendly: 3D printing is energy e icient and waste little material.
“Democratization” of manufacturing: Now consumers and entrepreneurs can make their own products.
Application of 3D Printing in various Fields:
At present 3D printing is being used in various industries like- Apparel, Jewelry, Automotive industry, robotics,
Space, medical etc.
Industrial Goods: Tooling, spare parts and prototypes for manufacturing tooling machines and for industrial
Automotive Industry: 3D printing allows you to test the concept ideas by printing the 3D design
Textile and Fashion: 3-D printed new structures, on-demand clothes, new materials are changing the shape of
the fashion industry
3D Printing in Medical Field:
Organs: Bioprinting can create organs with an internal network of blood vessels. For example, researchers at IIT-
Delhi have developed a 3D bioprinted cartilagesimilar to the natural ones seen in human knees.
Medical education- Surgeons can create anatomical model of any organ for practice before the actual surgery.
Dental- It can reduce the cost of dental implant manifold along with customized dental tools which can be more
e ective and comfortable.
Though the slow speed at which 3-D printed objects are created makes it di icult to create objects through mass
production, as a technology, 3-D printing has been lauded for its ability to give small scale manufacturers the ability
to create prototypes of new products quickly and cheaply, especially when compared to older
manufacturing processes. 470/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Subjects : Science and Technology

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Nishchal H R (/u/nishchal-h-r/594d026e4c45570e80f77e80/) 3 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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 Dec. 11, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Examine the salient features of merger of Railway and General budget and
the benefits likely to accrue therefrom.
Introduce with the decision of govt. regarding the merger of both budgets.
Give the salient features of merger.
Then discuss the benefits of the merger.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Recently, the Government has merged the Rail Budget with the Union Budget from budget year 2017-18. The merger
of Railway Budget with General Budget is based on the recommendations of the Bibek Debroy Committee. The 92-
year-old practice of presenting a Railway budget based on recommendations of Acworth committee has come to an
Salient features of merger of Railway and General Budget are:
1. Ministry of Railways will continue to function as a departmentally run commercial undertaking;
2. A separate Statement of Budget Estimates and Demand for Grant will be created for Railways;
3. A single Appropriation Bill, including the estimates of Railways, will be prepared and presented by Ministry of
Finance to Parliament and all legislative work connected therewith will be handled by Ministry of Finance;
4. Ministry of Finance will provide Gross Budgetary Support to Ministry of Railways towards meeting part of its
capital expenditure.

Following benefits are likely to accrue from merger:

1. The merger will help the Railways get rid of the annual dividend of 10,000 crore they have to pay on account of
receiving gross budgetary support from the government every year.
2. It would also help the Railways raise extra capital expenditure to enhance connectivity in the country.
3. Merger of Rail Budget with Union Budget would facilitate multimodal transport planning between highways,
railways and inland waterways.
4. The Rail Budget will be free of political pressures. So no new trains will be introduced based on populism.
5. It will allow Ministry of Finance greater elbow-room at the time of mid-year review for better allocation of
resources. 474/834
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The merger move is significant for e ective functioning of the railways but much will depend on the e icient
utilization of the resources. So government needs to focus on other areas like integrated transport policy, railway
safety etc.
Subjects : Economy

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Nishchal H R (/u/nishchal-h-r/594d026e4c45570e80f77e80/) 3 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. Explain the circumstances that necessitated the FRBM Act of 2003. Also
highlight the shortcomings in the FRBM Act 2003.
Briefly discuss FRBM in the introduction.
Explain the need of FRBM act.
Then discuss the various shortcomings in the FRBM act 2003.
Conclude with suggestions of N.K. Singh Committee.
Model Answer :
The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 (FRBM) is an law enacted by the government of India to
ensure fiscal discipline by reducing India’s fiscal deficit and improving the macroeconomic management. 
Need for FRBM Act:
High revenue deficit due to higher expenditure on subsidies, salaries, defense etc. compelled the government to
make big borrowing since 1990s. The rising government borrowing and the resultant government debts have
seriously eroded the financial health of the country. And high borrowings further lead to payment of higher
interests. Thus to institutionalize fiscal prudence and discipline, FRBM was needed.
FRMB Act aimed to achieve fiscal discipline through limits on the Central Government borrowings, debt and deficits,
greater transparency in fiscal operations of the Central Government etc. It set targets for the union government to
bring down revenue and fiscal deficits. 477/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

However, the targets mostly went unmet and were revised several times. Over the last few years, the government of
India again paid greater attention to fiscal responsibility, and announced in the budget 2016-17 its decision to
realize the 3% fiscal deficit, as originally set. 
Despite the good intentions, FRBM Act su ered from certain shortcomings:
The Act prescribes a target fiscal deficit of 3% of GDP for the centre but with no explicit justification for the
There is no flexibility in the Act to deal with cyclical shocks like financial crisis of 2008.
There is no mechanism like fiscal accountability council to review fiscal performances under the act.
Other issue is about apportioning the debt between centre and states. As the 14th Finance Commission has gone
for greater devolution of taxes to the states, changes are required.
FRBM act is outdated as it was passed in 2003 which is not suitable in present context.
There is a need for fiscal management, including FRBM, to evolve to the changing needs to the time. The
recommendations of the N.K Singh committee on flexible targets with escape clause, creation of fiscal council,
reduction of combined debt-to-GDP ratio of the centre and states to 60 per cent by 2023 etc. may be incorporated.
Subjects : Economy

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Kirandeep Kaur Sahota (/u/kirandeep-kaur-sahota/5950cf394c4557071ea81b0a/) 3 months ago

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act-of-2003-also-highlight-the-shortcomings-/5a2ecbe04c455705fe9e75aa/) 480/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

 Dec. 10, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. What is Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020. Discuss its salient features.(250
Define what is Foreign Trade Policy.
Discuss its salient features including SEIS, MEIS.
Conclude Appropriately.
Model Answer :
Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 provides a framework for increasing exports of goods and services as well as
generation of employment and increasing value addition in the country in keeping with the vision of Make in India,
Digital India and Skill India initiatives. The focus of the government is to support both the manufacturing and
services sectors, with a special emphasis on improving the ease of doing business’.
Salient features of the FTP 2015-20 are as follows:
Introduction of two new schemes
Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)- for export of specified goods to specific markets. Five
di erent schemes namely Focus Product Scheme, Market Linked Focus Product Scheme, Focus Market
Scheme, Agri-Infrastructure Incentive Scrip and Vishesh Krishi Gram Udyog Yojana were merged into MEIS.
There is higher level of rewards under MEIS for export items with high domestic content and value addition.
Services Exports from India Scheme (SEIS)- for increasing exports of notified services. It replaced the
Served From India Scheme(SFIS). Benefits from both these schemes will be extended to units located in SEZs
To increase exports to 900 bn USD by 2019-20 from 466 bn USD in 2013-14.
To raise India’s share in world exports from 2% to 3.5%.
Duty Credit Strips to be freely transferable and usable for payments of custom duty, excise duty and service tax.
To promote ease of doing business and trade facilitation, FTP seeks to move towards e-filing of documents.
The “Approved Exporter System” will help manufacturer exporters to self certify their manufactured goods and
help in getting fast access to international markets.
‘MSME clusters’ have been identified for focused interventions to boost exports.
To promote domestic capital goods manufacturing industry, Specific Export Obligation under EPCG scheme has
been reduced to 75%.
In December 2017, government announced liberal incentives of Rs 8,450 crore in its mid-term review of FTP 2015-20
to promote labour-intensive sectors under MEIS and SEIS schemes. The Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 has been a
positive step to undertake structural changes and push for long term competitiveness, and its implementation must
be properly overseen to boost exports and export competitiveness.
Subjects : Economy

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Anjali (/u/anjali/594e700b4c4557071b1e3b4f/) 3 months ago 481/834
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Q1. Discuss the land reform initiatives taken by the governments in India a er
Independence. (250 words)
Introduce with what is Land reform.
Mention the reasons for land reforms
Discuss some of the land reform initiatives by the government.
Conclude Appropriately.
governments-in-india-a er-independence-250-
Model Answer :
Land Reforms usually refers to mainly the redistribution of agricultural land from the big landlords to the poor. It
also refers to regulation of ownership, operation, sales, leasing and inheritance of land.
In India, there was a dramatic shi in the land ownership pattern during the colonial rule. They gave the zamindars
and the big landlords a golden opportunity to exploit the rural poor to a great extent, and absentee landlordism was
rampant. A er independence, Governments at the centre and state level introduced land reform initiatives such as:
1. Abolition of Intermediaries: Soon a er independence, measures for the abolition of Zamindari system were
adopted in di erent states as intermediaries like zamindars, talukdars, jagirs, etc had dominated the agricultural
sector in India.
2. Tenancy Reforms: Rural India had three types of tenants namely permanent or occupancy tenants, temporary
or non-occupancy tenants and sub-tenants. So there were di erent tenancy reforms in  di erent states to
provide security of tenure for the tenant, fixation of fair rent, and grant of ownership rights to certain types of
3. Ceilings on Land Holdings: Ceiling legislations were enacted and implemented in India to fix the maximum
amount of land an individual or family can possess. Orchards, grazing land, co-operative farms, etc were
exempted from it. 483/834
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4. Consolidation of Holdings: Due to inheritance laws, size of the holdings was decreasing and number of
holdings was increasing over time. So consolidation of holdings became an integral part of our land reforms
policy since the inception of on the planning in 1951.
5. Compilation and Updating of Land Records: In recent years the states have been urged to take all measures for
updating land records with the utmost urgency by adopting a time-bound programme. E orts are also being
made to maintain the land records through computerization.

Land reform  is a continuous process. Digitization of land records must be completed at the earliest as proper land
titling will be the basis of any future reform. 
Subjects : Economy

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

More Pavan Audumbar (/u/more-pavan-audumbar/5950cd514c4557071ea812ef/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 8, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. With the country on track to achieve complete rural electrification, the
next step is to ensure power for all. Discuss how the recently launched
Saubhagya scheme seeks to achieve this.
Introduce with progress rural electrification and how 'power for all' is the next
Explain Saubhagya scheme and its key features that are aimed at achieving
power for all
Conclude with how the scheme does not address some critical issues and why
there is a need to address them
Model Answer :
The Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (earlier Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana) scheme
envisaged creation of basic electricity infrastructure in villages while the Integrated Power Development Scheme
(IPDS) sought to achieve the same in the urban areas. A village to said to be "electrified" if 10% of households in the
village enjoy access to electricity, along with some public places. Only about 3000 villages are to le to be
electrified. However, even in areas that were electrified, many households do not have electricity connections for
many reasons including last mile connectivity, awareness as well as poverty.
To address this, in September 2017, the Government of India launched the Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar
Yojana (Saubhagya) to achieve universal household electrification in the country. It seeks to provide electricity
connections to over 4 crore unelectrified households in rural and urban areas by Dec’ 2018.
Key Highlights 489/834
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Poor households would be provided electricity connections free of cost, while others can get connection for Rs.
For households located in remote and inaccessible areas, solar power packs would be provided.
Application for electricity connections shall be registered electronically.
Camps would be organised in villages for identification of beneficiaries, and to complete requisite
Wide multi-media campaign would be undertaken to make people aware of all aspects the Scheme.
The Gram Panchayat / public institutions in rural areas may be authorized for activities including distribution of
bills and collection of revenue.
The Rural Electrification Corporation Limited (REC) will remain the nodal agency for the operationalisation of the
scheme throughout the country.
Saubhagya does not address the fundamentals of India’s crippling power problem, including the poor financial
health of discoms, high AT&C losses, illegal connections we well as the cost of power. However, Saubhagya scheme
is notable for aiming to achieve power for all households which is well beyond the earlier target of electricity
infrastructure for all areas. Its success would mostly depend on making power a ordable as well as addressing the
structural issues plaguing the power sector.
Subjects : Current A airs

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 3 months ago

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Q1. Discuss the impediments India is facing in its pursuit of a permanent seat
in UN Security Council.
Introduce with India's fight for UNSC membership
Enumerate the various impediments to India's pursuit
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
India has been actively pursuing the permanent membership of the UN Security Council (UNSC). It has pushed for
text-based negotiations in the UN as a step to move forward the agenda of UNSC reform. However, it is facing
several challenges in doing so.
Resistance from P-5 countries as these countries are reluctant to share the exclusive power with new entrants.
Although four of the five permanent members support India's membership, it is not certain that they would
accord India same powers as they enjoy.
Absence of consensus on complex issues such as the size of the expansion in the permanent and non-
permanent categories, regional distribution, the working methods of the Security Council, its relationship with
the UNGA, and veto powers.
Opposition from other countries – Pakistan along with the Uniting for Consensus (UFC) countries (comprising
countries like Pakistan, Italy, Mexico, Egypt etc) have been leading the opposition to India’s inclusion.
Global image of India - India is seen as a so country, and P5 countries o en question India’s inability to o er
and sanction extreme measures.
India’s economic contribution- India’s economic contribution to Security Council budget is very minimal,
which again discredits its claim to join council as a permanent group.
Adoption of a negotiating text for Security Council reforms and re-election of Justice Dalveer Bhandari as a judge at
the International Court of Justice is reflective of the support India enjoys in the world body. If a permanent seat is
not available at UNSC in the short term, there are other options India can explore. One proposal is for the creation of
‘semi-permanent’ seats, according to which members would be elected for six-eight years and would be eligible for
immediate reelection. India's claim to permanent membership will significantly improve if it quickly grows to be an
economic power.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Venkata Lokesh Kumar Yella (/u/venkata-lokesh-kumar-yella/594d026e4c45570e80f77de6/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 7, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. National Health Policy 2017 seeks to recognise and address the realities of
health care in India but some shortcomings remain. Discuss.
Introduce with NHP 2017
Enumerate the key features of NHP that are addressing the issues in healthcare
Mention the shortcomings
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The National Health Policy 2017 is aimed at achieving the highest possible level of good health and well-being,
through a preventive and promotive health care orientation in all developmental policies, and to achieve universal
access to good quality health care services.
Key features of NHP 2017:
To address the low public expenditure on health, it seeks to raise public healthcare expenditure to 2.5% of GDP
from current 1.4% which is very low.
It envisions more than two-thirds of the public health expenditure going towards primary healthcare, providing
a larger package of assured comprehensive primary healthcare through the ‘Health and Wellness Centres’.
It calls every family to be linked by a health card to a primary care facility providing a defined package of
To take of catastrophic out-of-pocket expenditure on health, it proposes free diagnostics, free drugs and free
emergency and essential healthcare services in all public hospitals in order to provide healthcare access and
financial protection. 497/834
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Recognizing the large role of private health care, the policy advocates a positive and proactive engagement with
the private sector for critical gap filling towards achieving national goals. A mix of public and private care is
neede to ensure that every insured individual should have a right to choice, e iciency and quality.
The Policy has not introduced the right to health, instead adopted an “assurance-based approach”.
Even the target of increasing public health expenditure to 2.5% of GDP by 2025 is very low in comparison to what
has been achieved by the neighbouring countries like Bangladesh.
It speaks of increasing the health budget in a time-bound manner stepwise. But it does not mention in which
year how much of it is going to be increased.
The new National Health Policy 2017 is a step in the right direction, as it will help in the creation of an ecosystem to
touch the lives of poor and underprivileged. To implement it e ectively, budgetary oversight must be created so as
to keep tab of how the money is spent and whether it is spent within stipulated time.
Subjects : Current A airs

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Dharm Pal (/u/dharm-pal/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4b07/) 3 months ago

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Q1. In the Union Budget 2017, Electoral Bonds were introduced as a way of
funding for political parties. What are electoral bonds and why were they
introduced? Why have these bonds been subject of much criticism?
Introduction should explain the meaning of Electoral Bonds.
Explain the rationale behind their introduction i.e., to prevent black money
entering political process.
Bring out how these bonds fail to address some key aspects of political funding
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Electoral bonds are essentially like bearer cheques. Those wishing to donate to a political party can buy these
bonds by making payments digitally or through cheque, and gi them to political parties. The political party can
convert these bonds back into money. The finance minister said the bonds will encourage cleaner funding in
Aimed at curbing black money in political funding:
Today, most political parties accept cash donations from anonymous sources. They are only required to report
any donation of over Rs. 20,000 to the IT department. But there has been a trend of more donations flowing by
way of hard cash in smaller amounts.
Electoral bonds will prompt donors to take the banking route to donate. With the introduction of electoral
bonds, the upper limit on anonymous cash donations has been reduced from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 2,000. The
introduction of these bonds is aimed at reducing the flow of black money to political parties in the name of cash
Criticism: 502/834
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Transparency in funding further reduced: The identity of the donor is not revealed to the party or public. The
political parties would no longer need to reveal the donor’s name even for contributions above Rs. 20,000,
provided these are in the form of electoral bonds. This adds more opacity to political funding.
Favours ruling party: There are fears that the ruling party may access opposition parties' donor information
from banks. The Opposition parties may then struggle to raise adequate funds. Electoral bonds thus fail the
level-playing field test.
However, the government said that banking confidentiality laws protect the information.
Way Forward:
It may be worthwhile to study alternate methods to clean up political funding. One way as suggested by the
former Chief Election Commissioner S.Y. Quraishi is the setting up of a National Electoral Fund to which all
donors can contribute. The funds would be allocated to political parties in proportion to the votes they get. Not
only would this protect the identity of donors, it would also weed out black money from political funding.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Varun Jat (/u/varun-jat/594d01974c45570e7a1e585f/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 6, 2017 (2 Questions) 505/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q2. The multiple connectivity initiatives being taken up by India and

Bangladesh are crucial for the development on North Eastern India as well as
regional economic prosperity. Discuss.
Introduce with how connectivity has improved the relationship between the two
Mention few connectivity initiatives which have improved the overall relations
and discuss how these initiatives have helped North Eastern India.
Conclude Appropriately.
Model Answer :
India’s relations with Bangladesh have certainly witnessed a significant upswing over the past decade, despite some
persistent challenges. Regional connectivity has o ered a game changing opportunity for India and Bangladesh to
cement the ties. The connectivity initiatives will not only help connect rest of India with the north eastern region but
also help in establishing India's connectivity with ASEAN nations.
Some of the connectivity initiatives are:
Broadband connectivity of 10 gbps is being provided from Bangladesh’s Cox Bazar to Tripura and beyond, to
help improve the speed and reliability of internet access in North Eastern India.
Bus Services on the Agartala – Dhaka – Kolkata route has reduced the distance between Agartala and Kolkata by
around 700 kms. The resultant decline in the prices of goods and services can have a strong impact on consumer
welfare and poverty reduction in Northeast India.
Cargo vessels have been occasionally plying through Bangladesh (Kolkata-Dhaka-Guwahati-Dibrugarh) under a
protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade. For ex- Heavy machinery and equipment for the Numaligarh refinery
and Subansiri hydroelectric project in Arunachal Pradesh.
For Northeast India, Bangladesh is potentially its most important economic partner, given the latter’s size and
India already exports 660 MW of power to Bangladesh from Tripura and Behrampur in Orissa. Bangladesh can be
the power corridor for transmission of hydro energy from Arunachal Pradesh to the rest of India.
In the future energy trade could well link up with potential hydropower exports from Bhutan and Nepal to form a
BBIN power market.
The connectivity initiative can spur India Bangladesh economic relationship as well as energize the economy of
North East India and advance India’s Act East vision. Equal emphasis on physical and institutional connectivity
between India and Bangladesh will facilitate the exploration of more opportunities through trade and investment.
Subjects : International Relations

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Shailja Pandey (/u/shailja-pandey/594e69534c4557071ea8030a/) 3 months ago

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Q1. Fishing disputes have been a constant area of concern between India and
Sri Lanka. Discuss the reasons for these disputes and the measures being
taken to deal with them? Also suggest ways to further mitigate the problem.
(250 words)
Briefly introduce with the fishing problems between two nations.
Reasons for the problems and e orts of both the governments in resolving the
How it can be mitigated.
Conclude Appropriately.
rea/5a2838664c455765a417 7d/)
Model Answer : 510/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Sri Lanka is India’s closest maritime neighbour. In the Palk Bay, the minimum and maximum distance between the
two coasts is just 16 and 45 kms. The two countries are separated by the International Maritime Boundary
Line(IMBL), but o en fishermen from both the sides cross over to the other side for fishing expeditions and that
results in arrests, seizure of fishing vessels as well as shootings on occasions.
Reasons for dispute:
1. One of the major reason complicating this issue is of the Katchatheevu island. The Government of India ceded
the uninhabited island to Sri Lanka in 1974 under a conditional accord and recognized its sovereignty over the
island. But the Tamil fishermen believe that Katchatheevu is traditionally their territory and so they have a right
to fish there and Sri Lankan authorities believe that this endangers the livelihood of Sri Lankan fishermen.
2. Due to gradual drop in fish count in the Indian waters, Indian fishermen are forced to wander into Sri Lankan
waters as the catch is su icient here.
3. Sri Lanka is against the use of mechanised trawlers used by Indian fishermen as bottom trawling severely
damages marine resources.

Steps taken by the two governments:

Joint working Group on fisheries to help resolve the dispute.
A hotline between the coast guards of both nations.
Government of India has launched a programme on diversification of bottom trawlers into deep sea fishing
vessels for tuna long lining under the Blue Revolution scheme.
The Central and Tamil Nadu governments have committed to replace trawlers with deep sea vessels.
Confidence building measures are being taken by the visits of state level o icials between both the nations.
More measures to mitigate the disputes:
It is important to increase the monitoring capacity in Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) system to
manage the trawlers.
Indian government must roll out measures for the fishermen, including:
Buy-backs of trawlers
Alternative livelihoods like seaweed farming and sea-cage farming
Skill development  
Fishermen co-operatives can be institutionalized
A resolution between both countries that if the straying fishermen are apprehended, they must be returned to
their country of origin.
It is in both the nations interests to ensure peace and stability in their neighbourhood, so both countries should
recognize the legitimacy of each other’s concerns and operate in a way which is mutually beneficial.
Subjects : International Relations

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Shrikesh Kumar Rai (/u/shrikesh-kumar-rai/598eeeb64c45570ef5fd4645/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 5, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. What do you mean by delegated legislation? Give its advantages and
Briefly explain delegated legislation in the introduction.
Discuss the positives of such legislation.
Then give its disadvantages.
Conclude with some suggestions.
Model Answer :
When law making power is delegated to executive by legislation, then it is known as delegated legislation or sub-
ordinate legislation. In this case, legislature outlines the broad guidelines but while detailed provisions are added
by executive.There is a Committee on Subordinate Legislation also to scrutinize and report to the house.
Delegated legislation has following advantages:
Technical expertise and knowledge of the fields like cyber security etc. is required in the current time which is
provided by executives.
Due to rising number of issues, legislature cannot devote much time to each issue. So delegated legislation is
Certain issues require urgent guidelines like Air Pollution etc. So it is of great help when house is not in session.
Also it can consult a large number of stakeholders on issues involving in the law making process.
Certain issues like floods etc. require flexibility and interpretation of law.
But it has some disadvantages also:
It violates principle of separation of powers as it shi s power from legislature to executive.
The law making power is entrusted to legislature by constitution. So sometimes it is seen that legislature is
abdicating its responsibility
Even bureaucrats are not experts in the fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning etc.
It also decreases the control of legislature over executive.
With rising number of issues and paucity of time, delegated legislation is inevitable. But the legislature should give
su icient guidance to the rule making authority as Supreme Court in Raj Narain Singh vs. Chairman P.A. Committee
held that legislature can authorize an executive authority to modify the law made, but not the essential features.
Subjects : Governance 515/834
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Puneet Dwived (/u/puneet-dwived/594e69204c4557071ea7fd58/) 3 months ago

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Q1. Discuss the need for lateral entry in civil services.

Explain lateral entry in introduction with current progress.
Discuss its need in civil services.
Then give negatives of lateral entry in civil services.
Conclude with suggestions.
Model Answer :
Recently, the PMO has instructed the department of personnel and training to prepare a proposal for middle-rung
lateral entry in ministries dealing with the economy and infrastructure. Many committees like SurinderNath, Hota
and 2nd ARC have already recommended for that.
Need of Lateral Entry:
1. Need for specialized skills and knowledge-In a 21st century economy, a quarter century a er liberalization,
need for specialized skills and knowledge for policy-making and administration is vital. For example-Digital
India, Artificial Intelligence.
2. Shortage of o icers-The Baswan Committee (2016) has shown how large states such as Bihar, Madhya Pradesh
and Rajasthan have a deficit of 75 to over 100 o icers. So, Lateral entry is the right step in direction of filling
3. For Better Governance and e iciency-The lateral entrants will infuse new ideas in system and adopt the best
practices of private sector management. It will help in improving the performance and e iciency of
administration. 519/834
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4. International Experience- Australia, Belgium, New Zealand, the UK, the Netherlands and the US identify
specific senior positions that are open to appointments from a wider pool of civil servants as well as private-
sector executives with relevant domain experience.

Why this may not be good idea:

1. Discontent among the government personnel- Large-scale lateral induction would a ect the motivation and
dedication of talented o icers.
2. Previous experiences- Whiz-kids from the private sector that ran Air India, Indian Airlines and Vayudoot proved
to be failures. The best managerialcapability may not be able to deliver results in an adverse
3. Chances of favoritism-lateral entry would open the gates for a spoils system, drive talented people away from a
civil service career.
4. Di iculty in assessing performance- It would be as di icult to measure the performance of lateral entrants as it
would of career civil servants.

Way forward:
The government could contemplate hiring outside talent to head certain projectsand public-sector entities
where private-sector expertise could be invaluable.
A credible agency like UPSC should be entrusted with the responsibility ofrecruitment.
The recruitment and service rules for such posts have to be clearly defined andmade incentive-compatible.
Although reforms in civil services are much needed but for that political willand involvement of bureaucracy is
Subjects : Governance

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 3 months ago

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Here is my submission 520/834
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 Dec. 4, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. What are the reasons behind the Emergency provisions in Indian
constitution? Explain how the 44th constitutional amendment protects
against the arbitrary imposition of National Emergency.
Introduce with types of emergencies and the relevant articles in the Constitution
Explain the rationality behind the provisions
Explain briefly the background to the 44th constitutional amendment
Explain how it protects against the arbitrary imposition of National Emergency.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The constitution of India stipulates three kinds of emergency i.e. National Emergency (Article 352), Constitutional
Emergency (Article 356) and Financial Emergency (Article 360). These provisions enable the Central government to
meet any abnormal situation e ectively.
The rationality behind the incorporation of these provisions in the Constitution is to safeguard the sovereignty,
unity, integrity and security of the country. For example, Art 352 empowers the President to declare a national
emergency when the security of India or a part of it is threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion.
Art 356 enables the centre to take over the government of a state in case of failure of constitutional machinery in the
state, while Art 360 is aimed at managing a situation when the financial stability of India or part of its territory is
Significance of the 44th constitutional amendment:
The post-emergency Shah Commission enquiry found that the imposition of 1975 Emergency was not justified and
was taken by the then Prime Minister alone. The 44th amendment 1978 of the Indian Constitution was introduced to
protect against the arbitrary imposition of emergency (by amending Art 352) as well as to remove distortions that
were introduced into the Constitution by 42nd Amendment 1976.
Relevant amendments to Article 352:
The ground of “internal disturbance” was substituted by the ground of “armed rebellion”.
Proclamation of Emergency can now be issued only when the security of India or any part of its territory is 523/834
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threatened by war or external aggression or by armed rebellion.

President shall not issue a Proclamation of Emergency unless the decision of the Union Cabinet is
communicated to him in writing.
Declaration of National Emergency was brought under judicial review. 
Proclamation of Emergency has to be approved within a period of one month (instead of two months) by
resolutions of both Houses of Parliament and has to be passed by a majority of the total membership of each
house and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting in each House instead of
a simple majority.
For continuance of the Proclamation of Emergency, approval by resolutions of both Houses will be required
every six months.
Thus these amendments have provided safeguards against the arbitrary imposition of National Emergency, as can
be seen by the fact that National Emergency has never been declared since the 44th Constitutional Amendment.
Subjects : Polity

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Vishnu Kant Mishra (/u/vishnu-kant-mishra/594bcae64c45570e7d979974/) 3 months ago

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Emergency provisions witnessed the most agitated scenes and debates in the Constituent Assembly. There
are three types of emergencies under the Indian c...

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Q1. What do you understand by the doctrine of Separation of Powers.

Compare and contrast the doctrine as followed by the American Presidential
system and Indian Parliamentary system.
Define the concept of Separation of power
Mention about Concept of Separation power in American constitution
Compare and contrast with separation of powers in Indian system
Conclude accordingly
doctrine-/5a2534ed4c45576cbc6544 /)
Model Answer :
The doctrine of Separation of Powers emphasizes the mutual exclusiveness of the three organs of
government, viz., legislature, executive and judiciary. The main underlying idea is that each of these organs should
exercise only one type of function. There should not be concentration of all the functions in one organ otherwise it
could act in an arbitrary manner. The French scholar Montesquieu has propounded this concept to check the
tyranny by organs of government. 524/834
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Provisions of Separation of Powers in American constitution :

In American constitution, the doctrine of Separation of Powers forms the foundation on which the whole structure
of the Constitution is based. It has been accepted and strictly adopted in U.S.A. Article I - Section 1 vests all
legislative powers in the Congress. Article II - Section 1 vest all executive powers in the President and Article III -
Section 1 vests all judicial powers in the Supreme Court.
Legislature's control of executive: In Indian parliamentary system, the executive (council of ministers) is
derived from the legislature and is collectively responsible to the Parliament (Art 75) while the US President and
his cabinet are neither members nor responsible to the legislature. The government in India falls when it loses
the confidence of Lok Sabha while the US President has a fixed tenure of o ice and can be removed only by the
extremely cumbersome process of impeachment.
Executive's power over legislature: The US President cannot dissolve the lower house of the legislature
whereas in India, the Prime Minister has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha.
Independence of judiciary: The judiciary in both the countries enjoys great amount of Independence. However,
while the US Supreme Court judges are appointed by the President, the Indian Supreme Court judges are
appointed by the President on the recommendation of the SC collegium. However, the proliferation of Tribunals
in India is being seen as the executive taking away some of the judicial functions.
Despite the relationship between legislature and executive in India, the doctrine of Separation of Powers is followed
in spirit, and the doctrine is interpreted by the Supreme Court as part of basic structure of the Constitution that
cannot be done away with under any circumstances. However, checks and balances exist in both the systems to a
varying degree.
Subjects : Polity

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Pramaya Kumar Singh (/u/pramaya-kumar-singh/594bcc4b4c45570e80f77668/) 3 months ago

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 Dec. 3, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. The Supreme Court of India's recognition of the right to privacy as a

fundamental right is going to have widespread implications. Explain.
Introduce with right to privacy and recent judgement of SC in this regard.
Point out various implications of this judgement.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
The right to privacy gives people the right to lead their lives in a manner that is reasonably secluded from public
scrutiny. The Indian constitution does not explicitly recognises the right to privacy as a fundamental right. The
Supreme Court of India recently ruled that the right to privacy is intrinsic to life and liberty and hence protected as a
fundamental right under article 21 of the constitution of India.
The implications of this decision are as follows:
The state is now obligated to take all the necessary means e.g. enacting suitable legislative and policy
framework, to protect the privacy of the citizens.
The judgement will impact the Aadhaar project as it involves the biometric and demographic data which are
intrinsic to the privacy of individuals.
In the age of digitalisation and technology, several non-state actors like IT companies also deal with various
forms of data relating to an individual. Formation of a robust data protection regime will be expedited by this
The SC has explicitly included a person’s sexual orientation as a part of the right to privacy, this can help in
reforming the legal architecture like sec. 377 of the IPC, w.r.t the LGBT community.
Overall, this will help an individual to control and protect the vital aspects of his/her life like eating habits,
religion and faith, health records, etc against unnecessary intrusion in privacy.
The recognition of right to privacy is going to have many e ects in future as more and more legal cases will be tried
on its parameter. This judgement has undoubtedly ushered a new era, however, it should be kept in mind that the
right to privacy is not an absolute right but subject to reasonable restrictions for greater public interest.
Subjects : Polity

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago 528/834
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Prashant Kumar Mishra (/u/prashant-kumar-mishra/594e797c4c4557072136e83b/) 3 months ago

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Q2. "Freedom of Speech and Expression is sacrosanct and the said right
should not be ordinarily interfered with.” Explain in the context of recent
controversies regarding release of cinematographic films in India.
Introduce with the right to freedom of speech and expression
Point out how the artistic expression in the form of in form of cinematographic
films forms part of the freedom of speech and expression.
Point out the reasonable restrictions that can be put upon the public exhibition
of such cinematographic films, and mention their misuse.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer : 531/834
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Freedom of speech and expression is an integral feature of a modern democracy as it helps in enabling free
discussions on various issues. The right of free speech is internationally recognised and the Indian Constitution
under the article 19(1)(a) has guaranteed the freedom of speech and expression as a fundamental right.
The cinematographic films are a form of artistic expression and an artist is free to express in a manner not
prohibited by law. The films are a major tool of mass communication and can help in provoking the conscious or
subconscious thoughts of a viewer. It helps in the formation of public opinion on vital social, political and economic
issues, e.g. a recent movie “Toilet: ek prem katha” was hailed for promoting sanitation and cleanliness. The SC has
also recognised that artistic expression in form of films are covered by the Article 19 of the constitution.
However, the freedom of expression in the form of cinematographic films is not absolute, they can be subject to
following restrictions:
Under the Article 19(2), a reasonable restriction can be put upon the freedom of speech and expression, covering
area such as security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states, contempt of court, defamation,
sovereignty &integrity of India, etc.
The CBFC is empowered to refuse certification for public exhibition of a film under the grounds mentioned under
the Cinematograph Act, 1952 .
State can ban or put restriction on the public exhibition of a film if it creates a situation of law and order
These reasonable restrictions have been twisted for banning films on many occasions to suit the vested interests. A
recent uproar over an unreleased film Padmavati and statements of various public functionaries to ban it in case of
its release, is triggering concerns of pre-censorship threatening the freedom of speech and expression.
In the case of Prakash Jha Productions vs. Union of India the Supreme Court said that state governments cannot
ban a film merely on the apprehension that it could cause a law and order problem; and also recently asked the
other courts to exercise extreme restraint in granting stays on creative arts like films. The freedom of speech and
expression is an essence of the constitution & democracy and rather than curbing it, a democratic state should
cherish it.
Subjects : Polity

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Sakshi Raja Parmar (/u/sakshi-raja-parmar/594d007c4c45570e7d97a587/) 3 months ago

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 Nov. 29, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Secularism in India is to be understood at the three levels of the

individual, society and the State, which are complementary to each other.
Comment. (250 words)
Explain multiple religions in India and concept of Secularism
Explain significance of secularism at all three levels
Explain how they are complementary
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
India is characterised by great diversity of religious beliefs and practices. India is renowned for its practice of
religious tolerance for thousands of years. Even in modern India, Constitution ensures that India is a secular state
and all citizens and religions enjoy the fundamental right to freedom of religion under Articles 15, 25 and 26.
However, the idea of secularism has to understood at the following three levels:
Individual level: Every citizen of India has a right to follow his religious beliefs and practice and promote
it peacefully. But simultaneously, secularism demands that the individual must be tolerant of others' beliefs and
practices and should not practice any religious discrimination.
Society level: Secularism at society level can be understood by Indian philosophy of ‘Sarva Dharma Sambhav’ (all
Dharmas (truths) are equal to or harmonious with each other). Indian societies have great religious diversity and
peaceful coexistence is only possible when all religions are respectful and tolerant of other religions. Almost all
communal riots are a result of people of one religion taking an antagonistic stance against other religions or people
of other religions.
State level: India is a secular state where all religions are treated equally, and people of all religions are treated
equally. The State does not promote o icially any religion as state religion. The objective is to uphold Indian
philosophy of peaceful religious coexistence, and not allow any community to dominate other. Despite the
multifarious religions and conflicting beliefs, Indian state has mostly been exemplary in upholding secularism. 535/834
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Complementary nature:
The idea of secularism is complementary at all three levels because the individuals live and act within society, while
society exists to serve individuals. State links individuals to groups and organisations, and establishes balance and
reconciliation between them. The secular ideals at the three levels must combine in such a way as to enhance or
emphasize the qualities of each other or another.
Thus, secularism can only be truly upheld when it is practised at all the three levels - individual, societal and the
State. For example, Quami Ekta Committees has been found very e ective in maintaining peace between
communities. In these committees, state administration interacts with society's leaders to solve any conflicts
between individuals/groups of di erent communities.
Subjects : Society

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Prashant Kumar Mishra (/u/prashant-kumar-mishra/594e797c4c4557072136e83b/) 3 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. Describe some of the major elements of India's rich cultural diversity. (150
words) 538/834
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Approach :
Introduce with how India is home to rich cultural diversity
Discuss major elements of cultural diversity, including race, religion and
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
India is considered the hotspot of the world in terms of diversity. The large geographical span of India has been
home to and given birth to numerous races, religions, languages etc. This rich cultural diversity is further enhanced
by the immigration of numerous groups with their culturtal elements that have made India their home, including
Parsis, Christians, Muslims etc. 
Elements of cultural diversity in India include:
1. Race: Anthropological Survey of India classified India into 6 racial groups namely Negrito, Proto-Australoids,
Mongoloids, Mediterranean, Nordic, etc.
2. Language: India is home to nearly 179 languages and 544 dialects out of which 122 are major languages
belonging to 5 linguistic families. 
3. Religion: It is characterised by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices. Religious tolerance has been one of
the keystones of Indian culture. India is the birthplace of four of the world’s major religions i.e. Hinduism,
Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. 
4. Architecture: Indian has various temples, caves, stupas, forts, sarais, tombs etc. which reflect architectural
diversity. India liberally imported features from other countries and integrated them in India’s architecture style.
5. Dance forms: India has great diversity in dance forms practised, including folk dances, tribal dances, classical
dances etc. The popular classical dances include Kathak, Manipuri, Bharatanatyam etc.

The diversity is our rich heritage and coexistence of such diverse elements is reflected in our philosophy of 'Unity in
Subjects : Society

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 3 months ago

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 Nov. 28, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2: Discuss the Nolan Committee's principles of public life. (150 words)

Introduce with importance of ethics in public life and mention Nolan committee
Discuss the principles as given by Nolan Committee.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Public o icials are expected to uphold highest standards in their actions and an ethical code acts as a guide to
achieve this. In the year 1994, The Committee on Standards in Public Life, famously known as the Nolan Committee,
was set up in the UK to advice on the ethical standards in the public life.
The seven principles of public life given by The Nolan Committee are as follows:
Selflessness: Public o icials should act solely in terms of public interest.They should not seek any personal
gains out of the public position they hold.
Integrity: Any obligation to a person or organisation must be avoided by public o icers which can influence
them in performing their o icial duties.
Objectivity: The o icial decisions taken must be impartial, fair and on merit; utilising the best evidence
available and without any prejudice.
Accountability: Public o icials are ultimately accountable to the public, to ensure this it is  necessary that they
are open to any scrutiny.
Openness: The decisions must be taken in a transparent manner, all the information should be disclosed to the
public unless the law forbids it.
Honesty: The public o icers must be truthful and honest towards their duties and responsibilities.
Leadership: The holders of public o ice must uphold these principles in their behaviour and lead by example.
These principles form the cornerstone of a public o ice and many countries have embodied these principles
through various means like the constitution, laws, service codes, etc.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

 Like (3)  40 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  3 months ago

Prashant Kumar Mishra (/u/prashant-kumar-mishra/594e797c4c4557072136e83b/) 3 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1: Discuss the role of family in inculcating values in a person. (150 words)
Introduce explaining values.
Discuss the role of the family.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Values are an individual/group's own principles or qualities guiding their judgment and behaviour. They can be
intrinsic like truth, courage, goodness, etc or they can be extrinsic like wealth, fame, physical strength, etc., and
their sum-total forms the value system.
Values can be innate to one or can be acquired from the external environment. The family is instrumental in
inculcating values in an individual.
Role of Family:
The first institution of socialisation for a person is his/her family. Since values have an a ective component, family
plays a major role in an individual subscribing to certain values. For example, a child can acquire courage as a value
a er watching his family being honest and courageous. However, family can impart values with negative outcomes
also. A child growing up in a environment of power and corruption may look down on the value of honesty and
value power more. 
The sustained relationships and the existing value system of the family members shape the values of a child and
accordingly the child’s attitude towards the family, society and oneself is formed. A family, where good values are
encouraged and bad values are discouraged, supports in forming a strong and desirable value system in an
individual, which in turn helps in maintaining the stability of the society.
Though there are other factors like peer groups, educational institutions, and society at large, which later influence
the value system of a person, it is the family which lays down a strong foundation of the value system of an
Subjects : Ethics - Essence 545/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Prashant Kumar Mishra (/u/prashant-kumar-mishra/594e797c4c4557072136e83b/) 3 months ago

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 Nov. 27, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Ethics play important role in our society. Illustrate with examples. (150
Define ethics in introduction.
Then discuss the role of ethics in our society with examples.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Man has always sought to know how to lead a ‘good’ life and to draw up rules of conduct. Ethics are a set of
standards that a society place on itself and which helps guide behavior, choices and actions. 
Role of ethics in our society:
Survival of society: No society can survive without an ethical code of conduct of what is acceptable and what is
not. It is even more important where laws do not reach. For example, taking care of older parents
Making life easy: Ethics help an individual take decisions in most facets of life without having to scrutinize the
good and bad of everything. For example, an individual does not have to learn on his own to not steal etc.
Aid in making laws: Ethics by themselves are not enforceable, and hence most ethical standards are
incorporated as laws. For example, laws to punish sexual harassment at o ice.
Functioning of organisations: Each organisation evolves its own ethical code reflective of its values, to guide
the conduct of its members. For example, civil services have their own code of conduct, while Army has its own. 547/834
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Evaluating own morality: Ethics help a person to look at his own life critically and to evaluate the morality of his
actions/choices/decisions. For example, everyone following lane discipline will help you see the wrong in your
actions if you break lanes.
Ethics make a society peaceful, harmonious and a better place to live by guiding the behavior of people. Ethics act
as a self-governing system to keep human self-interest and the good of society at equilibrium because the eyes of
the law are not always available.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Dharm Pal (/u/dharm-pal/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4b07/) 4 months ago

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Q1. Di erentiate among ethics, morals and values with suitable examples.
(150 words)
In introduction, write about how these are inter related terms.
Then give di erences among ethics, morals and values with examples.
Conclude appropriately.
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-di erentiate-among-ethics-morals-and-values-with-
Model Answer :
Ethics, morals and values are inter-related terms as all shape how we behave in our life. While they o en used
interchangeably, there are di erences in what each term signifies.
Ethics is a set of standards that society places on itself. They guide individual's behaviour as a member of the
society. For example- Disrespecting elderly people is seen as unethical by society.
Morals are the principles that an individual adheres to, to make the distinction between right and wrong. It is
based on personal conscience. For example- You may have moral that lying is unacceptable, and see liars as
Values are the individual's own principles or qualities that guide his behavior/actions. It does not necessarily
involve judging something as right or wrong. For example-  you may value honesty more than achievement by
any means.
Morals focus on logical and rational criteria to reach a decision, while values describe what is valuable to an
individual. And ethics on the other hand, are dictated by society, culture or religion. Morals and values define the
personal character while ethics stress on social system. Ethics, morals and values play important role in di erent
aspects by guiding the behavior of people, and enable social living by man.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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Navin Kumar Budania (/u/navin-kumar-budania/594bcc4b4c45570e80f77628/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 26, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2: Evaluate capital punishment on ethical grounds. (200 words)

Introduce with meaning of capital punishment.
Arguments why capital punishment is seen as ethical
Arguments why capital punishment is seen as unethical
Conclude accordingly
Model Answer : 553/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Capital punishment or the death penalty is a practice whereby a person is put to death by the force of law as a
punishment for a crime. This method of punishment is being followed since a long time. While some states like
China and Saudi Arabia use it regularly, others like Nepal and most European countries have completely banned it.
Capital punishment as ethical:
Those who favour the death penalty argue that those who commit heinous crimes like killing a human, forfeit their
right to live. Philosophers like Thomas Aquinas have advocated that killing a criminal is a good act because it
provides justice to the person killed and as the criminal has already forfeited his natural worthiness to live by killing
a person. The death penalty is supported as it is retributive in nature and acts as a deterrence against crimes. 
Religious sanction facilitates capital punishment on ethical grounds, as seen in countries like Saudi Arabia.
In societies like India, capital punishment is seen as ethical and has wide sanction for heinous crimes like rape
and terrorism but the law sanctions it only in the rarest of rare cases. It is seen as retributive justice It will act as
deterrence and prevent the serious o ences in future.
Capital punishment as unethical:
Those who are against the death penalty argue that human life have intrinsic value and everyone have inalienable
right to live. The deterrence is the wrong concept, it undermines human dignity, and has a scope of unfair
application. In Gandhiji’s words, an eye for an eye can makes the whole world blind. Instead of inflicting su ering on
human beings for a crime, the punishment should reformatory.
Religions like Buddhism and Jainism place great emphasis on non-violence and compassion for all life, and
deem capital punishment as unethical.
In Europe, there is wide acceptance in society that a man cannot take away the life of another man and capital
punishment is unethical.
In 2012 UN voting, 110 countries voted in favor of abolition of death penalty, which depicts wide acceptance of
capital punishment as unethical.
The view of capital punishment as ethical or unethical varies from society to society. But, with delayed executions
seen as violative of the human rights and excessive retribution, there is an increasing opinion towards seeing
this method of punishment gone.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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Vishnu Kant Mishra (/u/vishnu-kant-mishra/594bcae64c45570e7d979974/) 4 months ago

10 Likes - 1 Comments - 0 Feedbacks

Capital punishment, or the death penalty, is the execution of a convicted criminal by the state
as punishment ( for the most serious crimes...

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Q1: What are the various sources of ethics? Briefly describe their impact on
ethics in Indian society? (200 words)
Approach: 554/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Define Ethics
Mention various sources of ethics with examples
Explain through examples how they impact ethics in Indian society
Conclude accordingly.
Model Answer :
Ethics is a set of standards that society places on itself. They guide individual's behaviour, choices and actions as a
member of the society. Ethics are derived from various sources, including religion, traditions and customs.
Important sources of ethics include: 
1. Religion: Religion is the most important source of ethics, as religious teachings o en prescribe what is right and
wrong and society subscribes to such norms.
2. Traditions: Practices that are handed over from generation to generation become part of societal standards.
3. Family: Family is the fundamental unit of the society and they establish certain standards for a functioning
society. A child is first educated about ethical norms in family.
4. Human conscience: Conscience helps a man to di erentiate between good and bad, and certain standards for
society are acceptable for all conscientious men. 
5. Government laws: Sometimes, certain standards are imposed on the society through laws, which over time are
accepted by society and forms part of its ethical system 
6. Role Models and Philosophers: They inspire people and help in societies discovering or assimilating new virtues.

Impact the above sources on ethics in Indian society:

Hindu philosophy of "Sarva Dharma Sambhava" and principle of non-violence in Jainism/Buddhism had a
profound influence on Indian society.
Government prohibition of practices like sati and permitting of widow remarriage encouraged the society to
incorporate their prohibition in societal standards.
Role Models like Mahatma Gandhi and Ambedkar have stood against social evils and set examples of bringing
changes in ethical norms.
Societies are dynamic, as are its ethical standards and the sources of these ethical standards. They form the
guidelines by which we should live as members of the society.
Subjects : Ethics - Essence

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Gurleen Sidhu (/u/gurleen-sidhu/594e691f4c4557071ea7fbf8/) 4 months ago

2 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 555/834
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 Nov. 24, 2017 (3 Questions)

Q1. States have recently been rolling out farm loan waiver schemes as a
measure of immediate relief to those farmers but they will only have a limited
impact. Explain. Suggest sustainable strategies to relieve farmer distress.
Introduce with poor stats of agriculture leading to demand for waivers
Explain why loan waivers will have limited impact
Suggest more sustainable solutions to improve farmers' income
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer : 559/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Indian agriculture is characterized by low scale, low productivity and little returns compelling farmers to take loans
for both farm and non-farm purposes. This is driving them to indebtedness and distress and consequent demands
for farm loan waivers. Recently a few States like UP, Maharashtra and Punjab etc have responded to farm distress by
rolling out farm loan waiver schemes as a measure of immediate relief. 
However, the waivers will provide limited relief to the farmers due to following reasons:
Covers only a tiny fraction of farmers: According to 2012-13 NSS-SAS, 48% of the agricultural households are
investing from their own savings (no loans) while 39% borrowed only from non-institutional sources. They will
not be eligible.
Partial relief: About half of the institutional borrowing of a cultivator is for non-farm purposes, and not eligible
for relief.
Excludes agricultural labourers
Erodes credit culture: It severely erodes the credit culture as debtors who can repay may also not repay, with
dire long-run consequences to the banking business.
Poor quality data: The scheme is prone to serious exclusion and inclusion errors, as was found by CAG in 2008
loan waiver scheme. Maharashtra recently detected 15 lakh fake farmers accounts applying for loan waiver.
Implications for other developmental expenditure: Such schemes have serious implications for other
developmental expenditure which can have a much larger multiplier e ect on the economy. For instance, loan
waiver may cost Uttar Pradesh at least Rs. 36,000 crore, which is 4.4 times the State’s 2016-17 capital expenditure
of Rs. 8,191 crore in agriculture, including irrigation and flood management.
Loan waiving can only provide a short-term relief to a limited section of farmers. It has little chance of bringing
farmers out of the vicious cycle of indebtedness. What is needed are long-term sustainable solutions.
The sustainable solution to indebtedness and agrarian distress is to:
1. Enhance access to non-farm sources of income
2. Raise income from agricultural activities through
Improved technology, expansion of irrigation coverage, and crop diversification towards high-value crops
Getting farmers remunerative prices for farm produce by creating a liberalised environment for investment,
trading and marketing.

Diverting funds to loan waivers will only deprive States of funds for capital expenditure on agriculture development.
Agrarian distress and farmers’ income will be addressed much better if States undertake and sincerely implement
long-pending reforms in the agriculture sector with urgency.
Subjects : Editorials

 Like (8)  103 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

DB (/u/db/5950cdf34c4557072136f162/) 4 months ago

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Q2. Food is lost or wasted throughout the supply chain with significant
negative impact, including on natural resources and environment. Discuss.
Suggest strategies to deal with this problem.
Introduce with the issue of food wastage and brief reasons why
Discuss impact of food wastage
Suggest ways like processing and logistics to reduce food wastage
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), one third of food produced for human consumption is
lost or wasted globally. An estimated 21 million tonnes of wheat are wasted in India every year.
Food is lost or wasted throughout the supply chain, from initial agricultural production to final household
consumption. A recent study revealed that only 10% of food is covered by cold storage facilities in India. Poor
storage coupled with poor supply-chain management and low processing capacity results in significant wastage,
both at pre- and post-harvest stages, of cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables.
Impact of food wastage:
Waste of resources: The wastage of food entails loss of considerable amount of resources used in production
such as land, water, energy and inputs.
Economic impact: Wastage results in national economic loss. One study estimated that India loses Rs. 58,000
crore every year in terms of wastage.
Environmental impact: The energy spent over wasted food results in an estimated 3.3 billion tonnes of carbon
dioxide production every year. Food waste emissions (like methane from decaying of rice) have impact on
climate change.
Social impact: The substantial amount of food that is wasted in India can feed many hungry and
undernourished people, as can be seen from India's 97th rank in the Global Hunger Index for 2016.
Ways to reduce food wastage:
Food processing: India is currently only processing 10 per cent of its food, resulting in enormous food waste. We
must partner with food processing industry from developed countries by borrowing best practices, technology
and innovation, as well as inviting them for investment 564/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Logistics: There is a need to modernise its food supply chain and attract large-scale investment into cold-
storage, refrigerated trucks and other modern logistics.
Networks of food banks: Creating networks and channels of distribution between those who have surplus food
and those who are in need of them, may be promoted.
International practices to encourage donation: India can follow US and French laws banning supermarkets
from destroying unsold food and facilitating donation.
It is unconscionable for India, one of the world’s largest producers of food, to have so much food wastage while a
significant proportion of the population is undernourished. A comprehensive national strategy to tackle food
wastage by combining the e orts of the government and private sectors and civil society is needed.
Subjects : Editorials

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Divyanshu Nigam (/u/divyanshu-nigam/594bcae64c45570e7d97993a/) 4 months ago

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Food Wastage
According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) — One-third of the food produced for human
consumption is lost or wasted globall...

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Q1. The root cause of farmers' agitations lies in governments' failure in

ensuring MSPs and guaranteed procurement for the farmers' produce.
Introduce with the cause of farmers' agitations
Highlight issues in MSPs and procurement
Suggest improvements in MSP and procurement
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Agriculture is the major source of income of more than half of India’s population. Yet, the farmers' fortunes are not
predictable but depend on many things, including rains, prevailing prices, and indebtedness. The problems are
exacerbated due to non-remunerative MSPs and poor state of government procurement. Unless they have assured
and reasonable returns, farmer discontent and resultant agitations will continue.
Issues with MSP and Procurement: 565/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

MSP: Data from CACP shows farmers earned just a 6.7% return over costs (going by MSP) for paddy, while returns for
pulses like moong in 2016-17 were just 0.7% over costs. Also, NSSO data shows that only 6 per cent farmers in the
country get the benefit of MSP in reality. 
Procurement:  Out of the 20-plus crops for which the government fixes the MSP every year, e ective procurement
takes place only in paddy, wheat and cotton. Even here, procurement is concentrated in a few States. For example,
in 2016-17, for instance, only 31.5 per cent of the marketable surplus in wheat was procured by FCI, and 90 per cent
of this was in just three States — Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh. This means farmers are forced to sell their
produce at a loss in wholesale markets as government procurement agencies didn’t buy enough.
Way forward:
Increase MSP:
While input costs for farming have been rising, the rise in MSP has been sluggish. State support is needed for
making farming more lucrative.
The government must consider M.S. Swaminathan Committee’s recommendation that the MSP should be 1.5-
times the cost of production.
However, unless there is a procurement guarantee from the government, the MSP has little meaning on the
ground. Measures that need to be taken on procurement:
There needs to be guaranteed procurement of all major crops, and enough procurement centres should be
made available for this.
Government centres must start procurement soon a er the harvest.
The process of to ascertain the quantity of land on which the crop was sown, and the yield must be made easier.
While raising MSP is responsibility of the center, procurement is the responsibility of State governments and local
bodies. Village-level co-operatives need to be revived for procurement. For the medium to long term, measures
must be taken to raise agriculture productivity as well as to ease trade and price discovery so that farmers do not
depend on the government for better prices and procurement.
Subjects : Editorials

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Vipin Chauhan (/u/vipin-chauhan/594e700b4c4557071b1e3b53/) 4 months ago

1 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 566/834
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 Nov. 23, 2017 (1 Questions)

Q2. The new Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) and the setting up of
National Data Repository represent significant reform in hydrocarbon
exploration and production, in India. Discuss.
Introduce with new policy HELP and how OALP and NDR were brought in as part
of it
Discuss OALP and NDR and their benefits
Highlight some concerns that remain in boosting hydrocarbon exploration and
production in India
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
To enhance domestic oil & gas production, bring substantial investment in the sector and generate sizable
employment, the government of India had come up with the Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP)
in 2016. To further open up the hydrocarbon exploration and production industry in India, the National Data
Repository (NDR) and Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) were launched under HELP.
1. Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP):

The new policy places greater discretion in the hands of explorers and operators, who can choose the blocks for
exploration and bid for them. Earlier explorers were forced to bid for blocks chosen by the government.
Companies may also submit applications through the year and not just twice a year, as was the case earlier.
This gives the government a better chance to woo serious energy investors in the sector to India. 569/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

1. National Data Repository (NDR):

The lack of seismic sedimentary basin data (52% of India’s basins had not been appraised as yet) had been
hampering the oil and gas exploration and production sector in India.
NDR is envisaged as a centralised database of geological and hydrocarbon information that will be available to
Besides allowing potential investors to make informed decisions, this will open up a new sector in India.
There are many companies around the world whose business is to simply explore hydrocarbon basins and sell
the information they gather. The new initiative seeks to incentivise such prospectors.
However, some concerns remain in wooing investors:
The incentives to bid for acerage for those who have already invested in exploration of an area are seen as
insu icient. A revenue-share from production may be considered for the hydrocarbon sector, similar to mining.
There are fears that attracting enough investment may be di icult as investors have had some unpleasant past
experiences in India with large projects such as KG-D6. Proven reserves in other parts of the world, such as the
Gulf of Mexico, may lead to dulling interest in Indian acreage.
 Despite the concerns, HELP with OALP and NDR as its components represents a significant step towards reform and
revival of the hydrocarbon exploration and production in India and meet the government’s objective of reducing oil
imports by 10% by 2022. Concerns of various investors and stakeholders must be heard and incorporated in the
policy to further incentivize investment in this sector.
Subjects : Editorials

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Vishnu Kant Mishra (/u/vishnu-kant-mishra/594bcae64c45570e7d979974/) 4 months ago

5 Likes - 2 Comments - 0 Feedbacks

In order to cut import dependence and aid India's quest for energy security, Government had
launched Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (...

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 Nov. 22, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. At the onset of winter every year, stubble burning is invariably blamed for
the smog in and around Delhi. What are the other factors contributing to
smog? Suggest alternatives for disposal of the stubble.
Approach :
Introduce with what is smog and smog problem in northern India.
Mention the various reasons contributing to it with focus on stubble burning.
Suggest alternatives to the stubble burning.
Conclude appropriately. 570/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Model Answer :
Smog is used to refer to a type of air pollution caused by a combination of smoke (and other pollutants) and fog. It
has become a perennial problem in Delhi and adjoining areas of the National Capital Territory of India where air
pollution peaked on both PM 2.5 and PM 10 levels. Indian Medical Association declared it as a ‘state of medical
Stubble burning:
Paddy stubble burning in areas around Delhi, at the onset of winter every year, increases the severity of smog,
creating a health crisis. Due to paucity of time and to save on costs of stubble disposal, farmers in Punjab, Haryana
and Delhi burn their combine harvested fields to prepare it for sowing of wheat crop.
Smog gets accentuated as cold weather and stagnant winds in this season trap the smoke particles near the ground
surface. However, stubble burning is only one of the several factors responsible for this smog.
Other factors contributing to smog:
Vehicular emissions, especially from trucks, which have large contribution.
Power plants, industries and domestic cooking 
Road dust, which accounts for about 35% of PM 2.5 in the air according to a study by IIT Kanpur.
Municipal solid waste burning
Dust from construction activities like land clearing, demolition etc.
In light of the health emergency created by the severe smog, and the far reaching impact of stubble burning, there
have been calls from all stakeholders for finding alternative methods to dispose of the paddy straw.
Alternatives to Stubble Burning:
Paddy straw can be used by Biomass energy plants for generating power.
Using Turbo Happy Seeder Machine, which can drill the wheat seeds into soil and deposit the straw over the
sown area as mulch cover.
It can be used along with sugarcane leaves to make rich quality of organic manure in a compost pit.
In-situ decomposition with microbial application
Crop diversification from rice to other crops
There is a need to holistically address the problem. Considering most farmers are small and marginal, Government
needs to provide them with either financial incentives or alternative modes of disposal. Meanwhile, in regions in
and around Delhi, measures must be taken to mitigate other pollutants through public transportation, ban on old
diesel vehicles and polluting industries, vaccum cleaning of road dust etc.
Subjects : Ecology and Environment

 Like (2)  112 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Harshal Mohan Pawar (/u/harshal-mohan-pawar/59aead394c4557349d0a2d36/) 4 months ago

7 Likes - 3 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 571/834
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Q2. Wetlands provide numerous important ecological services and their

destruction of wetlands is a cause of concern. Discuss, along with the
measures being taken by the government for their conservation.
Approach :
Introduce with wetlands
Mention how wetlands provide key ecological services
Mention the threats to wetlands and steps taken by government to conserve
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Wetlands are areas where water is at or near the surface of the land and water is the primary factor controlling the
environment and the associated plant and animal life. They include swamps, marshes, lakes, lagoons, saltmarshes,
mangroves, bogs, peatlands etc. The destruction of wetlands is a concern because they are some of the most
productive habitats on the planet, and provide many ecological services.
Ecological services provided by wetlands:
They are important sites for biodiversity, conservation of endangered species, and provide habitation to a large
number of flora and fauna.
They help in water storage and purification, ground water replenishment, and are nurseries for freshwater
.Stabilise climatic conditions as they act as carbon sinks.
Shoreline stabilization and erosion control, flood control etc.
Are important for primary products such as agriculture (eg. paddy cultivation), fisheries and forestry.
Wetlands are getting extinct due to manifold reasons, including anthropogenic and natural causes. Burgeoning
population, intensified human activities, deforestation, pollution, climate change, salinization, unplanned
development, absence of management structure, lack of proper legislation, lack of public awareness about it’s
importance, etc are contributing to their decline.
Various steps taken by government to conserve wetlands: 576/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

India is a signatory to RAMSAR convention on wetlands, which promotes designation and conservation of key
The National Wetland Conservation and Management Program for conservation and wise use of wetlands in the
country works to prevent their further degradation.
Wetland (conservation and management) rules, 2010 were notified recently to ensure better conservation and
management. New rules were notified in 2017 to ban encroachment of wetlands, and prohibit solid waste
dumping, discharge of untreated waste and e luents from industries, cities, towns etc.
National Lake Conservation Plan to restore and conserve the urban and semi-urban lakes of the country
degraded due to waste water into the lake and other unique freshwater ecosystems, through an integrated
ecosystem approach.
National Environment Policy, 2006 recognises the numerous ecological services rendered by wetlands.
National Centre on Wetlands and Marine biodiversity was set up for specialised studies.
Wetlands are indispensable for countless benefits and ecosystem services they provide. An integrated management
plan must be prepared for each wetland. Wetlands Conservation must be taken up at district, State, national,
regional, and global levels for the welfare of present and future generations.
Subjects : Ecology and Environment

 Like (2)  99 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

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Vishnu Kant Mishra (/u/vishnu-kant-mishra/594bcae64c45570e7d979974/) 4 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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 Nov. 21, 2017 (2 Questions) 579/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q2. Explain the various factors controlling the temperature distribution on our
Introduce with importance of temperature.(be brief)
Discuss various factor influencing the distribution of temperature on Earth.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
Temperature is an important climatic element having far-reaching global influences. The distribution of
temperature across the globe is uneven as it is influenced by the interaction of incoming solar radiation (insolation)
with various factors of the earth’s surface and the atmosphere.
The factors influencing the temperature on earth are as follows:
1. Latitude: Due to earth’s inclination, the temperature diminishes form the equatorial region towards the polar
regions. The insolation heats up a smaller area in equatorial region as the solar rays travel a shorter distance,
whereas away from the equatorial region the solar rays travel a longer distance and hence the temperature is
2. Altitude: The atmosphere is mainly heated by the energy radiated by the earth's surface (terrestrial radiation)
that's been heated by insolation, and thus the places nearer to the earth surface are warmer than places away
form the surface. Hence, as the hight increases from the earth surface, the temperature decreases.
3. Continentality: The land heats up faster and cools down faster compared with the water bodies, hence the
interiors of the continents are warmer in the summers and colder in the winter compared with the land on the
margins along with oceans.
4. Ocean Currents and Winds: The ocean currents and winds are two types: cold and warm. Both the types can
a ect the temperature of an area by transporting their heat or coldness to a region. Cold Ocean Current like
Labrador Current gives a chilling e ect in the north-east Canada. Similarly Chinook, a warm local wind brings
relief to people from cold in the Western US.
5. Natural Vegetation: The thickness of natural vegetation can also impact the temperature by acting as a shield
against insolation. The areas devoid of vegetation usually have a higher temperature.
6. Soil: The type and colour of soil also impact temperature as light coloured soil reflects a major portion of
insolation whereas dark soil absorbs more insolation.

Some local aspects also influence the temperature but by and large the above-mentioned factors control the
distribution of temperature on the earth. It is important to study the temperature distribution as temperature
influences major climatic aspects like water vapour in the air, evaporation rate, cloud formation, precipitation etc.
Subjects : Geography

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

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Q1. Mountains are one of the major landforms found on the Earth. Discuss the
various types of mountains along with suitable examples.
Introduce Mountains as a major landform
Point out the major types of mountains and give examples for each type.
Conclude appropriately.
the-earth-discuss-the-various-types-of-mountain/5a1471d04c455712e d39ca/)
Model Answer :
The surface of the earth is filled with a varied and diverse range of landforms and the Mountains are one of them.
Mountains are elevations on the surface of the earth and cover a significant proportion of the landscape.
Mountains can be divided into following types:
1. Fold Mountains: These Mountains are caused by large-scale earth movements causing stress in the earth’s crust.
Due to stress, the rocks are subject to compressive forces that produce foldings in the rocks. The foldings are in a
wave-like form and the up-folded waves are called anticlines and down-folded waves are called synclines. The
fold mountains are the most widespread type of mountain. The Himalayas, Rockies and Alps are few examples of
fold mountains.
2. Block Mountains: These are the result of faulting which takes place when the earths crust cracks due to tension
or compression. As a result, a section of earth’s crust subsides or rises above the surrounding level. These
mountains are characterised by steep slopes and flat summits. The Vosges Mountains in Europe are an example
of block mountains.
3. Volcanic Mountains: These Mountains are made up around a vent from which material like lava, cinders, ashes,
dust, liquid mud etc are ejected from fissures in the earth’s crust. These materials accumulate layer by layer over
the time and give rise to Volcanic Mountains. Some prominent examples are Mt. Fuji, Mt. Agung, and Mt.
4. Residual Mountains: The process of denudation gives rise to these mountains. The general level of land gets
lowered by agents of denudation and resistant areas stand tall. The plateaux eroded by rivers also o en give rise 584/834
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to residual mountains as seen in Scandinavian countries and Deccan plateau in India.

5. Dome Mountains: Very large amount magma when pushes the earth’s surface from below without erupting, the
overlaying rocks gets pushed upward and when this magma cools over the time the rocks solidify into Dome

Even a er their formation, the mountains continue to be reshaped by various endogenic and exogenic forces. These
various types of mountains can be found throughout the globe influencing life on earth in a major way.
Subjects : Geography

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Anjali (/u/anjali/594e700b4c4557071b1e3b4f/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 20, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Zero carbon renewables is the eventual goal, but in the foreseeable future
coal seems to be the only option for reliable 24x7 power at low price in India. 587/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Briefly introduce about the energy need in India.
Discuss the constraints to renewables.
Then explain why coal is the only viable option for 24X7 power.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
India's electricity sector is dominated by fossil fuels, and in particular coal, which in 2016 produced about two thirds
of all electricity. Also, India is the world's third largest producer and fourth largest consumer of electricity. To meet
the growing demand of power at reasonable price in foreseeable future, coal seems a viable option.
Constraints to renewables:
High Initial Cost- While development of a coal based power plant requires around Rs 4 crore per MW, the
investment required for wind and solar power-based plants is significantly higher.
Shortage of capacity- The current renewable energy generation capacity falls far short of meeting India's
electricity demands.
The Weather factor- Most Renewable energy systems are weather dependent; thus, factors like number of sunny
days, wind condition, monsoon, tide level, supply of biomass, etc. play an important role in feasibility of the
Low social acceptance- Despite heavy subsidy being provided by the government for installation of solar water-
heaters and lighting systems, its penetration is still very low.
Shortage of trained manpower- Skill upgradation of the existing manpower and training of new professionals are
essential to achieve the goal of "power to all" by 2012. 
Advantages of Coal over Renewables:
The already installed power generation capacity of coal-powered plants is large.
It is an a ordable energy resource because of its low price as compared to other renewable energy resources.
Relatively low capital investment as compared to the other energy sources like nuclear.
Abundance of coal reserves in India.
Coal produces much higher energy upon combustion.
Low carbon coal technologies like supercritical, ultra supercritical etc. can be used to reduce carbon content.
Although, coal is a viable option in the foreseeable future, the future of our energy needs lies in renewable energy
resources. The use of these resources, rather than an increase in fossil fuel supplies, should be
encouraged. Government of India’s push to have 175 GW of installed renewable capacity by 2022 is a welcome step
in this regard.
Subjects : Geography

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

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Q1. The oceans and seas are home to unlimited resources like hydrocarbons,
minerals and fish, but their exploitation remains a challenge. Discuss.
Introduce with oceans and marine resource availability
Discuss resources under categories like Physical, Biological, Renewable energy
Briefly highlight the challenges in exploiting them
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Oceans and seas are the bodies of salt water that cover about 71% of the Earth's surface and these contain roughly
97 percent of the Earth’s water supply. Oceans like Pacific, Atlantic etc. are home to a diverse web of life. And these
oceans and seas are home to variety of resources like physical, biological and energy resources:
Physical Resources:
Manganese nodules- These are rock concretions on the sea bottom formed of concentric layers of iron and
manganese hydroxides around a core.
Salts- Commercial salt is produced from the evaporation of seawater, rather than by being extracted from
sedimentary deposits.
Sand and Gravel- Oceans are the major source of sand and gravel. Mining of these resources is done by dredging
of shallow areas.
Energy Resources:
Oil and gas- It represents the most lucrative mineral resource extracted from the marine environment. Known oil
and gas reserves on the continental shelves are estimated at 30 percent. Oil is now being extracted at depths of 592/834
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more than 2900 metres below the surface of the sea while gas production is currently around 2700 metres below
the surface of sea.
Renewable energy:
Renewable energy can be extracted from ocean waves, tides, salinity, and ocean temperature di erences.
Biological Resources:
Marine plants and animals provide 4 percent of the human protein needs. The dominant marine food sources of
protein are fish, crustaceans, molluscs etc. Nearly 85 percent of the shell/finfish is obtained from the marine
Various challenges in the exploitation of marine resources are:
High Cost: Production cost including mining and transport is high for minerals like manganese. The economical
viable metallic resources are few.
Environmental concerns: There are high chances of leakage of oil and gas while extraction which can pollute
the water and a ect marine organisms.
Inadequate technology: Technology is inadequate for mining the metals like iron,copper,lead etc. from the
metallic sulfide muds.
Ownership issues: Another challenge is ownership issue as certain areas of oceans and seas are disputed one.
Although marine resources are important for economic growth, we must ensure that their usage, especially of
marine biological resources, is sustainable. The need for international cooperation towards this end is recognized
by its inclusion in the Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 14 makes it a goal to "Conserve and sustainably use the
oceans, seas and marine resources".
Subjects : Geography

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Gurleen Sidhu (/u/gurleen-sidhu/594e691f4c4557071ea7fbf8/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 19, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. What are Tsunami waves? How they are di erent from other oceanic
Introduce your answer while defining what are tsunami waves
Explain what are oceanic waves
Di erentiate between Tsunami waves and other oceanic waves
Conclude appropriately
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-what-are-tsunami-waves-how-they-are-di erent-
an/5a11d1ee4c455712e d11c3/)
Model Answer :
Tsunamis, also known as seismic sea waves, are a series of enormous waves created by an underwater (sea)
disturbance caused by an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or even meteorite. In the open ocean, tsunamis
have extremely long wavelengths. When the tsunami wave enters shallow waters, its length shortens and its height
rises, thus the wave is forced upward into a towering wall of water sometimes as much as 30 meters in height.
Ocean waves are upper layer waves which are caused by wind moving across the surface of the water. The friction
between the air molecules and the water molecules causes energy to be transferred from the wind to the water.
Di erence between Tsunami wave and other oceanic waves:
Causes: Normal ocean waves are caused by the wind, whereas tsunamis are powered by a geological force like
Wavelength: In the open ocean, tsunamis have extremely long wavelengths which can be between 100 and 300
km, whereas normal ocean waves have wavelengths of only 30 or 40 meters. 597/834
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Magnitude: Tsunami involves movement of the entire water column from surface to seafloor. Normal wind
waves only involve motion of the uppermost layer of the water.
Speed: Typically a tsunami wave travel across a deep ocean at an average speed of 800 km per hour, whereas
normal ocean waves travel at speeds of 8-100 km per hour.
Direction: Tsunami waves radiate across the ocean from the source, like ripples on a pond. Ocean waves are
usually powered by the wind direction.
Behaviour on Shore: Tsunami waves can change their path around land masses, whereas a normal wave
generally breaks at shore.
Tsunamis are natural disasters that can cause major damage to life and property, as seen frequently in the Indo-
Pacific region. As a result, early warning systems have been put in place along with public awareness to minimize
the damage, especially to life, from these events.
Subjects : Geography

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Richa Singh (/u/richa-singh/594d007c4c45570e7d97a569/) 4 months ago

4 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 598/834
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Q1. Di erentiate between primary and secondary earthquake waves. Also

explain how earthquake wave help in study of interior of earth.
Introduction with earthquake and various types of waves
Di erentiate between Primary and Secondary earthquake wave.
Explain how earthquake waves help in the study of interior of the earth
Conclude appropriately 601/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

(/mains-daily-questions/q1-di erentiate-between-primary-and-secondary-
hel/5a11d1c74c455712e d11c0/)
Model Answer :
An earthquake is the shaking and vibration of the Earth's crust due to movement of the Earth's plates. The
vibrations travel outwards from the epicentre as waves. Earthquake waves are basically of two types — body waves
and surface waves. Body waves can travel through the earth's inner layers, but surface waves can only move along
the surface. There are two types of body waves: P-waves (Primary waves)  and S-waves (Secondary waves).
There are generally four di erences between primary and secondary earthquake waves:
Form of Wave: Primary waves are made up of compression waves (also known as push-pull waves), while S
waves are transverse waves.
Speed: P waves travel faster than S waves, and are the first to be detected by the seismographs. P waves travel at
speeds between 1 and 14 km per second, while S waves travel significantly slower, between 1 and 8 km per
Travel Capability: P waves can travel through any kind of material, whether it is a solid, liquid or gas. S waves
can only move through solids and are stopped by liquids and gases.
Size: S waves are generally larger than P waves and they move the earth around them with greater force. P
waves are significantly smaller and do not cause as much damage because they compress particles in only one
Interior of the earth:
Earth quake waves help in study of interior of the earth, and the following characteristics of earth's interior are
revealed by studying earthquake waves:
Earth's interior has varying material density: The study of the speed and direction of these waves reveals that
earth's interior has layers of varying densities.
Earth has a layered structure : The seismic waves travel in curved paths, and get reflected and refracted
when travelling through the earth. Analysis of the variation in the properties of various waves shows a three
layered structure in the interior of earth.
Core is liquid: As stated earlier S waves cannot pass through liquid. S wave disappears at the angular distance of
105 deg from the epicentre and P wave weakens. It is evident from the diagram that S wave is totally absent in
the core of earth. This shows that core is a liquid which is located at a depth of 2900 km from surface. 602/834
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While earthquakes are considered natural disasters due to the devastation they cause, measuring and calculating
the behaviour of earthquake wave on seismograph has also helped us study the interior structure of earth.
Subjects : Geography

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Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

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earthquake-waves-also-explain-how-earthquake-wave-hel/5a11d1c74c455712e d11c0/) 606/834
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 Nov. 17, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. The RBI has formed a 10-member task force, headed by M Deosthalee, to

suggest a roadmap for building a comprehensive Public Credit Registry (PCR)
to improve market e iciency. What is a PCR and how will it impact credit
culture in India?
Introduce with what a PCR is and its objective
Make a note on the current scenario of credit assessment
Enumerate the benefits of PCR
Conclusion appropriately
Model Answer :
RBI has set up the Deosthalee panel to suggest roadmap for the creation of a Public Credit Registry (PCR) operated
by the regulator. The PCR will be an extensive database of credit information for India that is accessible to all
stakeholders. The idea is to capture all relevant information on the borrower and entire set of borrowing contracts
and outcomes in one large database.
Generally, a PCR is managed by a public authority and reporting of loan details to the PCR by lenders is mandated
by law. Private credit bureaus and public credit registry (PCR), generally operated by a central bank or a supervisory
authority, work in tandem in most of the countries. However, in India, some private credit information companies
provide credit scores and allied reports, and they are regulated by RBI under Credit Information Companies
(Regulation) Act, 2005 (CICRA 2005).
Benefits Of PCR
A PCR can potentially help banks in credit assessment and pricing of credit.
It is required to improve the credit culture in our country. It has been demonstrated in the ‘Doing Business 2017’
report that credit information systems impart transparency in the credit market, following which access to credit
improves and delinquencies decrease.
A central repository which captures the credit data will help in preventing overpledging of collateral by a
PCR can help in early intervention and e ective restructuring of stressed bank credits.
It will also benefit start-ups, new entrepreneurs, and small MSMEs who are presently disadvantaged as they lack
many of the desired qualifications (that big businesses have) for credit. Transparency of credit information
would serve as a “reputational collateral” for such borrowers. This would not only help promote financial
inclusion, but also reward the good borrowers thereby imparting credit discipline.
The PCR can also help RBI in understanding whether transmission of monetary policy is working, and if not
remove the bottlenecks.
Conclusion: 607/834
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The RBI has made a strong case for setting up a public credit registry in India to address the twin balance sheet
problem of the banking sector and the corporate sector. This is a step in right direction by the RBI in tackling the
growing menace of bad loans and asset quality of the banks. The database would help enhancing credit market
e iciency, boosting financial inclusion, improving ease of doing business and controlling delinquencies.
Subjects : Current A airs

 Like (4)  86 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Harshal Mohan Pawar (/u/harshal-mohan-pawar/59aead394c4557349d0a2d36/) 4 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. Vaccines are amongst the most cost e ective preventive public health
interventions and the Indian government provides adequate importance to
the immunization programmes. However, the goal of reaching everyone,
everywhere with life-saving vaccines faces di erent challenges. Discuss.
Briefly discuss the importance of vaccines in public health.
Mention the government e orts in this regard and how they have fallen short
Mention various challenges faced by Immunization programmes in India
Mention how Mission Indradhanush is pushing immunization in mission mode
Conclude appropriately
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-vaccines-are-amongst-the-most-cost-e ective-
Model Answer :
Vaccines stimulate the body's own immune system (hence called Immunization) to protect the person against
subsequent infection or disease. Immunization is a proven tool for controlling and eliminating life-threatening
infectious diseases, and also reduces the burden of health expenses especially for the poor. It also helps reduce
indirect costs such as school absenteeism, loss of wages of caregivers, reduced productivity from illnesses etc.
The GoI had also launched Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) in 1985 to provide free of cost vaccines to all
children across the country to protect them against 11 life threatening diseases, including polio, Tb, Measles
etc. Despite considerable success over 3 decades, the full immunization rate in India is still low at 58.5% for rural
and 67.4% for urban. In comparison, 82% of Bangladeshi children are fully vaccinated by age two.
Challenges faced by Immunization schemes:
Huge population with relatively high growthrate - It is a barrier in itself. To reach each and every one of such a
huge cohort every year is a daunting task.
Geographical diversity - snow bound/ hilly areas, deserts, tropical forest areas, remote island territories are
di icult to reach
Cultural diversity - with various religions, languages, traditions, beliefs and customs
Political instability - coalition governments, politically sensitive areas like Naxal/terrorist-a ected areas
Mobile/migrant population - Reaching out to a significant proportion of such population in some states is
another challenge.
Lack of awareness - It is one great barrier to achieve cent percent immunization coverage.
Low levels of education negatively impact health-seeking behavior.
Supply side constraints - The inadequate delivery of health services (supply shortages, vacant sta positions,
lack of training); Inadequate cold chain storage to keep vaccines in proper condition 611/834
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The most striking successes of Immunization have been the eradication of smallpox and polio from India. To
overcome the challenges and accelerate the process of immunization, immunization in Mission Mode has been
adopted through the launch of Mission Indradhanush in 2014. It seeks to cover 5% and more new children every
year, with the aim to vaccinate at least 90% all those children who are partially vaccinated or unvaccinated by 2020.
With strong political will and e orts of the all the stakeholders, it is possible to immunize each and every child in the
country from vaccine preventable diseases. Full immunization will rescues lakhs of children from disease mortality
and morbidity and is essential for social development and reduced health cost burden on the family and the
Subjects : Current A airs

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 16, 2017 (4 Questions)

Q1. The need of the hour is to conduct all elections in India in synchronised
manner to ensure minimum “campaign mode” disruption to governance.
Discuss the merits and demerits of holding simultaneous elections to centre
and states in India. 
Introduce with elections in India and why the idea is being talked about
Make arguments in favour
Make arguments against it
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
With 29 states and the union going for elections at least once every 5 years, India seems perpetually in an election
mode that takes up significant government resources while also hindering development work. As a result, the idea
of conducting simultaneous Lok Sabha And Assembly Elections in India is gaining momentum, with even the Niti
Aayog endorsing the idea.
Arguments in favour of conducting simultaneous election:
Curtailment in expenditure: Simultaneous elections can drastically reduce the financial burden on the
Policy paralysis: With the announcement of election dates, Model Code Of Conduct (MCC) gets enforced. As a
result, the Governments cannot take major policy decisions.
A ects developmental activities:
Conducting an election in India is a complex job and the entire government machinery gets involved. It
a ects the other developmental activities of the government.
Many government o icials are even sent to other states on deputation during an election. It a ects the
activities of government even in those states which are not undergoing an election.
A ects internal security: Security forces have to be diverted for the electoral work.
Historical precedent: For nearly two decades a er independence, polls to the Lok Sabha and most of the state
assemblies were held simultaneously.
Arguments against the idea of simultaneous election:
There is no empirical evidence to show that frequent elections have in any way a ected the quality of
governance or decision making.
Conducting simultaneous elections is a mammoth task. It will require large number of security personnel along
with government o icials to conduct the election. 616/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Frequent elections have kept the government on its toes. It is general tendency that once elected,
representatives slowly move away from the people. If there are no more elections for five years, the people will
surely be forgotten for that duration.
Regional issues might get merged with the national issues if simultaneous elections are conducted. It might
a ect the regional parties in negative ways.
It also has the potential to a ect the national parties as a national party will have to be spread too thin if it is
focusing on both national and state elections at the same time.
A deliberation on the issue is welcome. But it should be done with an open mind, keeping in mind feasibility as well
as desirability.
Subjects : Current A airs

 Like (1)  110 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

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Q2. Poor farmers in drought a ected regions are in a desperate situation and
are taking extreme steps such as suicides. What are the causes for droughts
and how can this problem be mitigated?
Brief Introduction to droughts in India
Mention causes for droughts, and briefly mention problems that arise due to
Discuss how to mitigate drought problem. 620/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Conclude appropriately
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-poor-farmers-in-drought-a ected-regions-are-in-a-
Model Answer :
Drought results from long period of dry weather and insu icient precipitation, which causes acute dry conditions. In
India around 68 percent of the country is prone to drought in varying degrees. Since agriculture is the major source
of livelihood in India, successive droughts have led to crop failures creating acute rural distress leading to farmer
Factors responsible for droughts in India:
Natural factors:
The South-west monsoon accounts for 70 to 80 per cent of the annual rainfall over major parts of India. Failure of
monsoon is a major reason for droughts in India.
Skewed distribution of monsoon rains across di erent regions of India make some regions chronically prone to
Depletion of surface and sub-surface water resources, especially in areas of low yearly rainfall.
Climatological factors like El Nino impact the onset of southwest monsoon and moisture carrying capacity.
Anthropogenic factors:
Inappropriate agricultural activities leading to excessive water use cause depletion in water levels.
Activities such as deforestation and encroachment of wetlands lessen the ability of land to hold water.
Anthropogeic activities leading to global warming, result in fluctuations in phenomenon like monsoons.
Droughts have severe economic, social and environmental consequences. Water bodies gets dried up, soil quality
and crop yields gets reduced, farmer distress increases culminating into hunger, malnutrition, deaths and farmer
As a result, there has been a shi in approach to drought from relief centric approach to holistic and integrated
management with emphasis on prevention, mitigation and preparedness.
Droughts can be mitigated by:
Systems: Drought monitoring, advanced warning systems and Drought Management Plans at various levels.
Integrated Watershed Management: Focus should be on conserving and developing degraded natural
resources including water through moisture conservation, rain water harvesting etc. especially in drought-prone
areas and deserts.
Irrigation: Irrigation facilities reduce dependency on monsoon, and techniques like drip irrigation reduce usage
of water. Ex- SAUNI project.
Agriculture: Proper agricultural practices (right crops, crop rotation etc.) based on agro-climatic conditions
Capacity Development: Human resource development, training, education (including public awareness
campaigns) and capacity building 
Crop Insurance
Climate change will potentially increasing the frequency of events like droughts, which can lead crop losses, distress
and widespread unemployment. While drought mitigation measures can significantly improve the coping capacity
and dampen the impact of drought, if drought conditions worsen, many agencies of the state and centre will have to
work in concert to prevent acute rural distress.
Subjects : Disaster Management

 Like (5)  108 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago 621/834
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Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. Floods are the most commonly occurring natural disaster in India. What
are the reasons for frequent floods in India? Suggest steps that need to be
taken for proper flood management.
Brief Introduction to floods in India.
Mention reasons for floods.
Discuss measures for flood management.
Conclude appropriately
disaster-in-india-what-are-the-reasons-for-frequen/5a0c85304c455712e cb417/)
Model Answer :
India is one of the most flood prone countries in the world. Riverine flooding is the most critical climate-related
hazard in India. Twenty-three of the 35 states and union territories in the country are subject to floods and 40
million hectares of land, roughly one-eighth of the country’s geographical area, is prone to floods..
Reasons for Floods in India:
Natural reasons:
Rainfall: Heavy seasonal rains lead to rivers carrying water over their carrying capacity, as seen in frequent
floods in Bihar.
Silt: Heavy sediment load from the catchments (especially Himalayan ranes), coupled with inadequate carrying
capacity of the rivers
Cyclones: Cyclones accompanied by strong winds, high tidal bores inundates coastal regions and cause floods.
Cloud bursts: They result in flash floods, as seen in Uttarakhand floods.
Anthropogenic causes: 625/834
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Drainage: Human impact on natural drainage reduces its capacity to carry away the rainwater quickly to
streams/ rivers.
Flood plain encroachment: Population pressure resulting in encroachments into the flood plains over the years
has aggravated the flood problem
Urban planning: Improper town planning, inadequate drainage arrangement lead to urban floods. Ex- Chennai
Floods create various problems such as crop and livestock loss, outbreak of diseases, water and sanitation issues,
mud houses gets destroyed, access to basic services such as school gets restricted.
Measures for flood management:
Shi ing the focus from flood management to flood governance i.e. shi from viewing floods as an extreme
natural catastrophe to a hazard that is partly anthropogenic and partly natural.
Construction/strengthening  of embankments, new dams and reservoirs with specific flood cushion provisions
Desilting/Dredging of rivers
Catchment Area Treatment /A orestation to prevent soil erosion, enhance water conservation and minimise
water and sediment runo .
Integrated Water Resources Management
Rejuvenation of wetlands, lakes, dykes, drain as it will check the flooding to a large extent.
Capacity building through training and public awareness
Flood response teams, SDRF and NDRF as well as adequate contingency funds for immediate flood response
Flood Management Plans to be prepared by all relevant agencies
According to the estimate of the National Commission on Floods, 80 per cent of flood prone area in India can be
provided with a reasonable degree of protection. To minimize the damage caused by floods, flood control and
management planning along with potential impact of climate change need to be integrated into development
planning for the country.
Subjects : Disaster Management

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Mrinal Shrivastav (/u/mrinal-shrivastav/598c1ae64c45570ef80395b4/) 4 months ago

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Q2. BIMSTEC is a natural platform for regional cooperation and India has been
clearly signaling its renewed interest in this organisation. Explain the
significance of BIMSTEC for India highlighting the issues preventing it from
realizing its full potential.
Introduce with BIMSTEC and why it's back to prominence 630/834
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Discuss the significance of BIMSTEC for India.

Mention various challenges in realizing its potential
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is a regional organization
comprising seven Member States lying in the littoral and adjacent areas of the Bay of Bengal. Comprising of
Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal and Bhutan, BIMSTEC is home to 1.5 billion people, and a
combined GDP of US$ 2.5 trillion. In 2016, India had hosted the BIMSTEC members at Goa during the BRICS
Outreach Summit, signifying India’s renewed interest in this organization.
Significance of BIMSTEC for India:
BIMSTEC is an integral part of India’s ongoing e orts to map out new pathways of geo-economic cooperation
among countries in the region which it sees as part of its extended neighbourhood.
BIMSTEC is a robust platform for promoting regional cooperation and connectivity. It is conceived as a bridge-
builder between the SAARC and the ASEAN.
Work is going on some major projects on connectivity which could transform the movement of Goods & Vehicles
through the countries in grouping, including Kaladan Multi-Modal Project and Asian Trilateral Highway.
BIMSTEC could be a potential game-changer for the north-eastern India’s quest for prosperity. The states of
India’s northeast have shown a marked economic vibrancy, with the region clocking economic growth of 10% a
year which is faster than the country’s average of about 5% a year.
In counterterrorism, close cooperation between India and BIMSTEC countries can strengthen the fight against
terrorism and illicit drug tra icking.
The potential to tap the vast energy resources and scope for intra-regional trade and investment too is huge.
BIMSTEC more naturally lends itself to regional integration—physical connectivity as well as economic cooperation
—than Saarc which is dominated by India and Pakistan and hamstrung by tensions between the two. Therefore,
BIMSTEC seems an attractive alternative to SAARC.
Contentious issues concerning BIMSTEC nations:
Lack of commitment to invest in several priority areas identified by the member states are some key institutional
factors holding the BIMSTEC back. The fact that BIMSTEC permanent Secretariat was established in Dhaka in
2014 17 years a er its founding is o en cited as example of lack of commitment.
There are some other bilateral issues like the India-Bangladesh dispute over Teesta river-water
sharing, Bangladesh and Myanmar's ongoing problems in regard to the Rohingya Muslims as refugees, as well
as India-Lanka friction on the fishermen issue.
Way forward:
The potential of BIMSTEC is too large for few issues to hold it back and countries, with India taking the lead, must
work to overcome them. For BIMSTEC to become an enabler of regional cooperation, it will have to evolve as an
organisation that works through a bottom-up people-centric approach, with greater people-to-people contacts.
Subjects : Current A airs 631/834
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Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 15, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. Discuss the benefits of ISRO’s Telemedicine and Tele-education

Introduce with discussing the Telemedicine programme of ISRO.
Point out benefits of Telemedicine programme.
Discuss the Tele-education programme of ISRO.
Point out benefits of Tele-education programme.
Conclude appropriately.
education-programmes-approach-introduce-with-/5a0b26f64c455712e ca69b/)
Model Answer :
Since coming into being, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has upheld its mission of bringing space to
the service of the common man, and to the service of the Nation. Two of the prime example include facilitation of
Telemedicine and Tele-education.
Telemedicine - health services provided using telecommunications technology - is one of the unique applications of
space technology. ISRO’s Telemedicine programme was started in 2001 to connect remote hospitals and medical 635/834
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colleges through the satellites with the major specialty hospitals in cities. The programme has now connected more
than 300 rural hospitals with 60 specialty hospitals in cities.
The major benefits of Telemedicine programme are as follows:
It results in significant cost savings for both citizens and government.
The programme improves connectivity in remote and rural areas with major cities.
The timely advice received through Telemedicine helps in saving lives.
The programme provides the opportunity for Continuing Medical Education (CME) for doctors and medical
students. On the other hand, rural healthcare providers also get training.
This programme is crucial in the disaster management operations as physical connectivity is hampered at the
time of disasters.
ISRO’s Tele-education programme aims at providing satellite-based distance education to improve the quality of
education and bridge the rural-urban divide. ISRO launched India’s first thematic satellite “EDUSAT” to provide a
wide range of interactive educational delivery modes like TV programmes, video conferencing, web-based
instructions, etc., which are now catered by satellites like INSAT-3C, INSAT-4CR and GSAT-12. It benefits around 1.5
crore students per year.
The major benefits of Tele-education programme are as follows:
It e ectively supplements curriculum-based teaching.
Teachers training is facilitated.
It improves access to quality resources.
The rural-urban gap in the area of education is filled by taking education to every nook and corner of the
Users with special requirements such as visually challenged or mentally challenged benefit by accessing
networks specially designed for their requirements.
There is no doubt that these initiatives have contributed to the development of health and education services. ISRO
has set up specialised centres to monitor smooth implantation of telemedicine and tele-education programmes.
The interconnections of networks are being upgraded continuously to facilitate state of the art facilities which will
be instrumental in the nation building.
Subjects : Science and Technology

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Aishwarya Verma (/u/aishwarya-verma/5950cd514c4557071ea81347/) 4 months ago

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Q2. The number of projects undertaken in space technology is growing day by

day as the area of applications are immense. Explain.
• Introduce by pointing out increasing endeavours in the space technology.
• Discuss the applications by subdividing into 4-5 headings.
• Conclude appropriately.
applic/5a0b97ba4c455712e caacc/)
Model Answer :
The space technology is without a doubt driving the modern world. A number of countries and private enterprises
are undertaking projects or entering into collaboration for development of space technology. The applications of
space technology are not limited to exploring the outer space which remains an object of fascination for mankind
since time immemorial.
The applications of space technology are:
Earth Observation: The Remote sensing satellites are used for earth observation which has a wide range of
applications in the areas of agriculture, water resource management, urban planning, mineral exploration, etc.
Satellite Communication: The communication satellites have revolutionized the economic and technological
growth of mankind. Various applications like Telemedicine, Direct to Home services, Internet Services,
Telecommunication , etc. The INSAT and GSAT series of satellite are instrumental in facilitating e-governance in
Disaster Management: The space technology aids disaster management in a big way by providing the
emergency communication system and remote sensing capabilities to predict upcoming disasters. For example,
recently launched South Asia Satellite boosts e orts made to reduce the disaster risk in the region. 639/834
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Satellite Navigation: The satellite navigation is widely used for civil purposes like address location, road
transportation, civil airline navigation, etc., among its strategic uses are border management, monitoring enemy
movement, etc. Some of the prominent satellite navigation systems are GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BEIDOU.
India has also developed IRNSS(NAVIC) and GAGAN in this area.
Climate Monitoring: Various systems have been developed to provide hourly information on the critical weather
patterns such as pressure, temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind, etc. ISRO has developed AGROMET to measure
soil temperature, soil heat, soil radiation, soil moisture, etc. Doppler Weather Radars are being used to monitor
extreme weather events like heavy rainfalls and cyclones.
Others: The o shoots of space technology are being applied in our day to day life such as the CAT scans, scratch-
resistant lenses, artificial limbs, etc.
Besides being a profitable venture, space technology is also making lives of people simpler. Space technology
should continue to be harnessed for human development and to reveal the unknown for the benefit of humankind.
Subjects : Science and Technology

 Like (4)  62 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

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technology-is-growing-day-by-day-as-the-area-of-applic/5a0b97ba4c455712e caacc/)

 Nov. 14, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. Rapid and sustained poverty reduction requires inclusive growth that
allows people to contribute to and benefit from economic growth. Analyze.
Briefly introduce inclusive growth.
Discuss the need of inclusive growth for poverty reduction. 643/834
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Then explain how it allows people to contribute to and benefit from economic
Conclude while giving suggestions briefly.
Model Answer :
Inclusive growth is growth that creates opportunity for all segments of the population and distributes the dividends
of increased prosperity, both in monetary and non-monetary terms, fairly across society. This concept expands
upon traditional economic growth models to include focus on the equity of health, human capital, environmental
quality, social protection, and food security.
Need of inclusive growth for poverty reduction:
According to Oxfam’s report, ‘An economy for the 99 percent’, the gap between rich and poor is far greater than had
been feared. Inequalities in incomes lead to poverty, and have multidimensional impacts on social, economic and
political life. Overall levels of health are far worse in more economically unequal societies.
Rapid pace of growth is unquestionably necessary for substantial poverty reduction, but for this growth to be
sustainable in the long run, it should be broad-based across sectors, and inclusive of the large part of the country’s
labour force.
Benefits of inclusive growth:
In equal societies, people will have more job opportunities; equal income etc. This will lead to rise in purchasing
power of people, better physical and mental health, rise in literacy rate, more social mobility and less violence. All
these factors like high purchasing power, labor growth etc. will spur the economic growth as well. So, inclusive
growth is beneficial for both people and economic growth, thus allowing both to contribute to each other.
Way Forward:
In the short run, governments could use income distribution schemes to weaken negative impact on the poor of
strategies intended to jump start growth but in long term governments need to empower people in terms of human
capital. The Indian government has taken many steps in this direction like Right to education act, National health
policy 2017, redistributive tax approach etc. but their e ective implementation is the need of hour.
Subjects : Economy

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Harshal Mohan Pawar (/u/harshal-mohan-pawar/59aead394c4557349d0a2d36/) 4 months ago

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Q2. Unemployment is the greatest economic challenge facing India. Discuss

the various steps taken by government for job creation and also suggest some
structural changes to tackle the problem.
Give a brief introduction about present condition of employment in India.
Then discuss steps taken by government for job creation
Then suggest some structural changes.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
India’s economy may be growing more than twice as fast as the rest of the world but the story on the jobs creation
front is just the opposite. According to the Ministry of Labor and Employment, only three out of every 500 registered
job-seekers secured employment in 2015. Also, over 30% of youth aged 15-29 in India are not in employment,
education or training, posing an economic and social challenge.
Steps taken by government for job creation:
1. Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme- To bring together widely dispersed traditional artisans/
rural and urban unemployed youth and give them self-employment opportunities to the extent possible,
through financial assistance to set up new enterprises
2. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005- It aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural
areas by guaranteeing 100 days of wage employment in a financial year.
3. Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)- To provide formal access of financial facilities to non-corporates, small
4. Promoting MSMEs: Promotion of MSMEs due to their job creation potential, including tax breaks
5. Make in India: Through this initiative, government attempts to transform India into a global design and
manufacturing hub as well as generate large-scale employment.
6. Startup India: Startup India campaign is based on an action plan aimed at promoting bank financing for start-up
ventures to boost entrepreneurship and encourage startups with jobs creation.

However, the economy is a licted with certain structural deficiencies, like predominance of services sector (with
less employment potential), large informal sector employment etc.  They need to be rectified for the economy to
realize its full potential and secure employment to millions.
Some of the structural changes that are needed include:
Reduction in the workforce employed in agriculture. As of 2011-12, agriculture employs 50% of the workforce
but only account for 18% of gross domestic product (GDP).
The need to shi from informal sector employment to formal sector employment. The NSS data showed that as
many as 85% of these were in the “informal sector”, including both self-employmed and wage-employed. 649/834
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Focus on export-oriented labor-intensive sectors such as apparel and leather as they have both export and large
employment potential.
India is facing the challenge both of creating of new jobs and improving the quality of existing jobs. Structural
changes in the economy and faster economic growth are the key to meet this challenge.
Subjects : Economy

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 13, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. Power sector along with transport facility is backbone of manufacturing

sector in India. Examine the above statement in the light of recent reforms in
the power and transport sector.
Introduce with some facts on manufacturing sector.
Discuss the importance of power and transport sector in Manufacturing
Mention few initiatives taken for boosting power and transport sectors
Way forward and Conclude accordingly
backbone-of-manufacturing-sector-in-india-examine- 653/834
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Model Answer :
Manufacturing sector in India accounts for 15% of the GDP and 25 % of total employment. If India has to maintain a
sustained GDP growth of 9-10 % per annum, it is crucial that the manufacturing sector grows steadily at 14-15 % per
annum over the next three decades. The power and transport sectors contribute significantly to  growth of
manufacturing sector. Industry sector accounted for the largest share of power consumption (43.83%) in India.
About 65% of freight and 80% passenger tra ic is carried by the roads. But Indian manufacturing has for long been
crippled by the power shortages as well as poor quality of transport infrastructure. Reforms in these sectors is
crucial to transform manufacturing in India.
Recent reforms and changes in energy sector include:
Increase in India’s total power generation capacity by nearly one third (31% or an addition of 76,577 MW)
between 2014 and 2017
“One nation, One price and One grid” to increase transmission capacity (26% increase in 3 years)
Push for 100% rural electrification under Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY), as well as “power
to all”  by 2019
Energy E iciency activities like UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by A ordable LEDs for All);
Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) scheme for turnaround of state distribution; 
Renewable energy push
Recent reforms in the transport sector include:
Bharatmala, which is envisaged as an umbrella program that will subsume unfinished parts of NHDP and also
focus on the new initiatives like development of Border and  International connectivity roads, Coastal & port
connectivity roads, National Corridors E iciency improvements, Economic corridors development and others; 
Setu Bharatam program for building bridges for safe and seamless travel on National Highways; 
National Highways Interconnectivity Improvement Project, National Road Safety Policy, 
Freight corridors
Sagarmala initiative
Legal support like Motor Vehicle amendment Act
Better transport facilities will provide faster cargo movement, quick forward and backward linkages, reduce
perishability, enable better response to market fluctuations, more customer satisfaction and increase in demand.
Uninterrupted and a ordable power will further reduce manufacturing costs and make the goods globally
competitive. Thus all the bottlenecks for both these sectors like policy paralysis, financial assistance, monitoring,
and surveillance etc has to be removed. Manufacture sector has huge opportunity to provide employment and this
sector is yet to boom. Above initiatives are critical to ensure growth in manufacturing.
Subjects : Economy

 Like (7)  72 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Namrata Singh (/u/namrata-singh/5950d0f94c4557071b1e4d4f/) 4 months ago

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Q2. MSME holds the key for economic growth and employment generation in
India. Explain the potential of MSME in growth and social development of
country in the light of Make in India programme.
Mention status of MSME and employment in India.
Emphasize that MSMEs are working under-potential and needs revival.
Discuss the role of make in India in MSME
Write few challenges, way forward and conclude accordingly.
Model Answer :
The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Sector through more than 6,000 products contributes about 8%
to GDP, 45% to the total manufacturing output and 40% to the exports from the country. MSMEs are complementary
to large industries as ancillary units and this sector contributes enormously to the socio-economic development of
the country. As India gears up to retrace the high growth path, the MSMEs assume a pivotal role in driving the
growth engine and generating employment opportunities. 657/834
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Significance for growth and social development of the country:

MSME sector currently consists of 36 million units, and provides employment to over 8 crore persons.
This sector has the potential to increase its share in manufacturing GDP to 15% by the year 2020, with a potential
to contribute over 50% to the employment.
The sector provides large opportunities for both self-employment and wage-employment outside the
agricultural sector at comparatively lower capital cost than large industries.
MSMEs help in industrialization of rural & backward areas, thereby, reducing regional imbalances, assuring more
equitable distribution of national income and wealth. 
MSMEs contribute in building an inclusive and sustainable society through creation of non-farm livelihood at low
cost, balanced regional development, gender and social balance, environmentally sustainable development,
Make in India and MSMEs:
The Make in India programme emphasizes on increasing the share of manufacturing in GDP from present 14-15% to
25 % by 2022, by getting Indian companies as well as global firms to invest and partner in the manufacturing. These
firms can take advantage of the inherent depth of the MSME Sector in terms of range of products and services,
marketing networks in the defence ancilliaries, auto industry, electronics industry, chemicals, leather, textiles, agro
and food processing, pharmaceuticals, transport and tourism industries, etc. 
Some initiatives which are part of the Make in India programme can help transform MSME sector, including the
cluster development programme (MSE-CDP), National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Skill
Development through MSME Development Institutes, Khadi promotion etc.
However, certain challenges confront the MSMEs, including lack of adequate credit and capital, poor and
inadequate infrastructural facilities, inadequate access and marketing linkagess and technology etc. The Indian
MSME sector is poised for rapid growth and integration with major global value chains. Timely policy intervention
and due support to this sector to overcome challenges can render the Indian MSMEs globally competitive, and
enable them to drive growth and social development of our country.
Subjects : Economy

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Milku Chandrashekar Reddy (/u/milku-chandrashekar-reddy/5950cf134c4557071b1e448c/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 10, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. More than 10 years since coming into force, the MGNREGA continues to be
one of the most ambitious schemes of modern India. Discuss the impact of the
scheme and highlight issues in its implementation.
Introduce with MGNREGA
Enumerate the positive outcomes of the legislation
Highlight issues in its implementation
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The enactment of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) provided a legal
guarantee for 100 days of wage employment in a financial year to any rural household. Its demand-based legal
framework promised to provide a new dimension to the rural empowerment e orts.
Positive outcomes of this Act:
Social Capital: An institutional platform is provided for enabling the mobilization of all the stakeholders into
group action which fosters cooperation and community action.
Physical Capital: Creating durable assets of higher quality, resulting in an improved production base.
Economic Opportunities: Income enhancements, savings and investments become possible through various
allied activities.
Social empowerment: Mainly women and people from lower castes got benefit leading to their financial
Strengthening Democratic Processes: Convergence awareness and planning at the grass root level has potential
for greater ownership of projects.
Check on migration: As rural people get source of employment through this scheme, it led to reduction in
migration. 661/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Insurance against calamities: In case of draught and other natural calamities, this scheme provides an alternate
source of income for farmers.
However, a er a few years, the scheme’s performance and its impact on rural economy started waning. The scheme
was also criticized for not creating durable assets, while the beneficiaries complained of corruption and delay in
payments. Its implementation was also uneven across states.
Issues with the implementation:
There is a lack of appreciation of a demand driven, rights-based approach, both among communities and
o icials leading to inadequate community participation and consultation.
Poorly attended gram sabhas resulted in an incomplete or inappropriate list of activities to be undertaken.
While multiple cards being possessed by a single household is observed in some cases, the exclusion of several
households is also quite common.
Delays in raising and approving bills and consequent delays in wage payments have also been quite common.
Poor capacity of Gram Panchayats, and poorer capacity support from o icial agencies, are common features.
To overcome issues in the implementation and create durable assets, the MNREGS scheme has recently been
revamped towards use of ICT tools, space technology, focus on improving livelihood resource base of people etc.
Measure like National Electronic Fund Management System (NeFMS), Aadhaar seeding for direct wage payment,
Geo tagging of assets and strengthening of Social Audit System are some steps being taken towards bringing in
more transparency and accountability in the programme implementation.  
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Nipul Seervi (/u/nipul-seervi/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4ba9/) 4 months ago

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Click to view 91 more answers (/mains-daily-questions/q2-more-than-10-years-since-coming-into-force-the-


Q1. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime aims to re-shape India's
economic landscape benefiting various stakeholders, while also making it an
easier place to do business. Comment.
Introduce with transformational aims of GST
Discuss how various stakeholders benefit from the GST regime and the impact
on doing business
Mention some challenges with GST
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer : 666/834
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The Goods & Services Tax (GST) is aimed at a simplified, assesse-friendly tax administration system in the country
with a paradigm shi towards ‘One Nation, One Tax, One Market’. By doing away with the cascading of myriad
indirect taxes across the country, it is expected to make India an easier place to do business by easing tax
compliance and reducing corruption as well as costs.
Benefits of GST:
It will benefit because of uniform single indirect tax throughout the country, removal of tax related barriers at
inter-state borders, reduced logistic costs, and minimal interface with tax authorities.
Exports will become more competitive and Make in India programme will get a major fillip due to increased
ease of doing business.
As India will become one big common market, manufacturers will be able to take rational decisions with
regard to sourcing of raw materials, location of manufacturing and warehousing facilities.
To consumers:
Removal of cascading in taxes and e iciency gains will bring down the overall price paid by the consumers.
How GST leads to ease of doing business:
Simpler tax regime with fewer exemptions
Reduction in compliance costs – no multiple record keeping for a variety of taxes so lesser manpower needed
Simplified and automated procedures for various processes such as registration, returns, refunds etc.
All interaction to be through the common GSTN portal – minimal public interface between the tax payers and
Harmonization of laws, procedures and rates of taxes
The Central and State Governments will also benefit through widened tax base and significant reduction in the tax
collection costs. However, there are few challenges which need to be addressed in order to achieve the intended
goals of GST. 
The challenges include:
Multiplicity of tax rates, cesses, exemption of certain goods from GST which are against the basic principle of
single tax regime.
High tax rates on many goods and services (they are being reduced now).
Businesses (and professionals) having to wait for refunds.
Potential short-term adverse impact on the informal sector and the SME sector.
The launch of GST is a transformative reform and will change the way businesses are done in India. Radical change
of this magnitude is bound to bring about some pain but the gains of little pain are going to be many and long
lasting for the Indian economy.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 9, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. India is working on the principle of empowering the persons with

disability through intervention, inclusive education, skill development,
placement, and advocacy generation.  Discuss.
Introduce the question by mentioning the disability scenario in India. 671/834
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Briefly discuss various steps taken by government for the welfare of disable
Mention various challenges.
Finally, suggest di erent ways to address the issue.
persons-with-disability-through-intervention-/5a049be84c455712 89df47/)
Model Answer :
According to Census 2011, the percentage of di erently-abled people in India is 2.21 per cent. India has one of the
more progressive disability policy frameworks in the developing world as can be seen from di erent initiatives
launched by the government.
Initiatives by the government:
Statutory and Executive provisions:
Statutory provisions like Mental Health Act 1987, Rehabilitation Council of India Act 1992, Persons with Disability
(Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995, and National Trust Act 1999.
National Policy for Person with Disabilities 2006.
Centre recently announced universal ID for person with disabilities. It will be valid throughout the country and
will allow the persons with disability to avail benefits of schemes and reservations
In sync with International Treaties:
India signed the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disability in 2007.
India is a signatory to Marrakesh Treaty to facilitate Access to Published works by Visually Impaired Persons and
Persons with Print Disabilities.
Under this treaty, India launched Accessible India Campaign (Sugam Bharat Abhiyan) and has set up
Sugamya Pustakalaya, an online library for Persons with print disabilities.
Other measures:
Term "divyang" is being considered in place of "viklang" to change mindset. The term would help in raising self-
confidence and subsequent empowerment.
Besides, government has made adequate provisions in education, employment, housing schemes etc. so that
the di erently abled people are not excluded.
Despite the measures undertaken, various challenges remain in bringing the di erently abled population into
mainstream, including social and physical barriers, inconsistency in disability definition across censuses,
multiplicity of agencies or departments etc. 
Way forward:
In order to design comprehensive social security schemes for disabled population, the first step would be to collect
detailed data on them to understand the dynamics of disability, and design inclusive strategies. Comprehensive
administrative arrangements, pooling of funds from various sources and delivering the benefits under professional
supervision and control are important steps that need to be taken immediately. Also, there is a need to increase
public awareness and understanding of disability through social marketing and campaigns.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago 672/834
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Rohit Chauhan (/u/rohit-chauhan/594bcae74c45570e7d979a28/) 4 months ago

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persons-with-disability-through-intervention-/5a049be84c455712 89df47/)

Q2. With rising fiscal deficit and leakages in the welfare schemes, CSR is seen
as a useful additional avenue to address the problems of society in a cost
e ective manner and thereby helping India to achieve an inclusive growth.
Briefly discuss about CSR as a mandatory provision in India.
Discuss with examples, how CSR activities provide alternative as well as
additional services to the needy
Conclude appropriately
schemes-csr-is-seen-as-a-useful-additional/5a049c264c455712 89df49/)
Model Answer :
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a way in which companies integrate social and environmental concerns in
their business operations. For example, firms in polluting industries organize CSR activities related to the 675/834
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environment, while firms in the iron and steel and power sector spend more on local community development, as
their projects cause large-scale displacement. The government of India made it mandatory for companies to
undertake CSR activities (worth 2 per cent of their profits) under the Companies Act, 2013. 
India is at the threshold of demographic dividend, and there is an urgent need for the creation of human and
physical capital to reap its rewards. Public delivery of goods and services is o en riddled with corruption and
bureaucratic ine iciency and the welfare schemes are crippled with leakages. In light of this, CSR initiatives are seen
as a useful alternative to governmental provision of merit goods.
Usefulness of CSR:
CSR Activities for Marginalized Sections:
Providing literacy and vocational education and removing barriers to access and employability
Facilitating livelihoods in rural areas by creating job opportunities through SHGs and micro enterprises, thereby
reducing the need for migration
Setting up old age homes, day care centers, and such other facilities for senior citizens.
Supplementing Government’s e orts to make cities slum free.
CSR - the Harbinger for Empowerment:
Govt. flagship programmes like Make in India, Start-Up India, Skill India, Digital India are being promoted
through CSR projects.
Tata Motors collaborates with a number of industrial training institutes to conduct skill development
programmes. Some of the companies collaborate with government schools and support the mid-day meal
Tata Consultancy services and Bharti Airtel, as a part of their CSR initiatives, are building toilets for girls in
schools in support of government’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
Innovative CSR projects that are economically viable, scalable and replicable in demographic context can have deep
rooted societal impact that will mainstream the marginalized. We need to tap the enormous resource pool and the
organizational capacity of the corporate sector to design viable and innovative CSR projects. It would be useful for
community organizations to think more strategically about the prospective corporate partners which can help them
achieve their goals. 
Subjects : Yojna summary

 Like (3)  78 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Dharm Pal (/u/dharm-pal/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4b07/) 4 months ago

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schemes-csr-is-seen-as-a-useful-additional/5a049c264c455712 89df49/)

 Nov. 8, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. The prevalence of NGOs is o en considered as a sign of well-functioning

civil society. Discuss the role and impact of NGOs in capacity building of a
Approach :
Briefly introduce with what are NGOs.
Explain the various roles played by NGOs.
Their impacts on the capacity building of the nation.
Conclude Appropriately.
(/mains-daily-questions/q1-the-prevalence-of-ngos-is-o en-considered-as-a-sign-
of-well-functioning-civil-society-discuss-th/5a034de24c455712 89d315/)
Model Answer :
An Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) is a group, organisation, non-profit establishment of individuals,
activists, voluntary and social persons who are working or associated for social welfare and social development. As
NGOs are expected to contribute to democracy in developing countries and build democratic aid structures, their
presence is considered as a sign of well-functioning civil society.
Roles played by NGOs in capacity building:
1. At Individual level- NGOs help individuals in building their capacity by providing public services like education,
food, education etc. Example- Akshay Patra foundation provides mid-day meals in the schools; CARE India works
for empowering Indian women.
2. At community level- They empower the community in number of ways like grievance redressal, by explaining
the provisions of various laws and policies, by taking their issues and problems with the government etc.
Example- NGOs help people conduct social audits of NREGA works. 683/834
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3. At institutional level- NGOs help the government in understanding the ground realities of various issues and
also in monitoring the implementation of Government schemes at ground level. Thus help in capacity building
of the institutions or agencies. Example- Public hearing panels o en have no clue on the scope of their role in
environmental clearance process, and NGOs aid them in understanding the issues.

Besides, larger NGOs also help strengthen other smaller NGOs by providing them skill training and organisational
support. For example, NGOs like Oxfam support many local NGOs in India.
Impact of NGOs:
NGOs have played an important role in aiding improvements in the income and consumption levels of the poor.
Various environment conservation and wildlife conservation initiatives have become successful due to active
participation of NGOs. Ex- Narmada Bachao Andolan.
From providing direct benefit (like distributing nutrition feed to malnourished children) to enabling and
empowering people (like making a community realise the importance of sending their children to school), NGOs
have helped the underprivileged and deprived people march ahead in life.
Recently a lot of questions were raised regarding their auditing, reporting, involvement in anti-development
activities etc. So, for e ective functioning of NGOs, various steps like dra ing of a comprehensive model legislation,
ethical education and training etc. as recommended by 2nd ARC need to be implemented.
Subjects : Develop Sector

 Like (8)  77 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Sonam Yadav (/u/sonam-yadav/594bcae64c45570e7d979924/) 4 months ago

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of-well-functioning-civil-society-discuss-th/5a034de24c455712 89d315/)

Q2. Self Help Groups are an e ective tool to women empowerment. Explain
with example the roles played by SHGs in women empowerment. Discuss
some government initiatives in helping the SHGs?
Briefly introduce with what are Self Help Groups.
Show how they help in women empowerment.
Discuss some of the problems faced by SHGs and government initiatives to help
Conclude Appropriately.
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-self-help-groups-are-an-e ective-tool-to-women-
Model Answer :
A Self Help Group (SHG) is a group of micro entrepreneurs having homogeneous social and economic background,
all voluntarily coming together to save small sums to contribute to a common fund to meet their emergency needs 689/834
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on the basis of mutual help. They can save their collective savings in banks, and receive easy access to loans with a
small rate of interest to start their micro unit enterprise.
Women empowerment:
Women have been the great beneficiaries of the SHG movement. SHG is a viable organized set up to disburse micro
credit to the rural women and encouraging them together into entrepreneurial activities. This can be seen from the
fact that, at present there are 29 lakh SHGs existing in the country with a membership of over 3 crore 40 lakh women
as active participants. For example, Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad (SMGULP) is considered as one of the most
remarkable SHGs that is identified with women empowerment in  India. Recently, women SHG have got involved in
solid waste management, Custom Hiring Centres (CHCs) for agricultural implements etc. 
SHGs bring group consciousness among women, give a sense of belonging, self-confidence and facilitate
understanding about her own rights, roles, privileges and responsibilities as a member of society. It enables them to
become participants, decision makers and beneficiaries in the democratic, economic social and cultural spheres of
Government initiatives:
SHGs face various problems in terms of capacity building such as the need of support in accounting, financial
management, marketing, access loans, skill development etc. 
There are various initiatives by government to overcome these problems such as :
District Rural Development Agencies: They organise melas of SHG products on regular basis for selling their
Self Help Group – Bank Linkage Program: Under this programme, banks were allowed to open savings
accounts for Self-Help Groups (SHGs). It is being implemented by  commercial banks, co-operative banks and
rural regional banks.
Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (later renamed NRLM, Ajeevika) - To bring the assisted poor families
above the poverty line by organising them into Self Help Groups (SHGs) through the process of social
mobilisation, their training and capacity building and provision of income generating assets through a mix of
bank credit and government subsidy.
NABARD's eShakti: To promote digitisation of SHGs.
Since its inception, SHGs have come a long way, through economic and social assistance. They have proven to not
just upli the livelihoods but have also empowered the social, economic and political lives. Now, it is important for
stakeholders to invest in providing the right kind of support to maximise the impact these groups can have on
Subjects : Develop Sector

 Like (10)  98 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Harshal Mohan Pawar (/u/harshal-mohan-pawar/59aead394c4557349d0a2d36/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 7, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1 : What do you understand by the term “Good Governance”? Discuss the

major characteristics of Good Governance.
Introduce by discussing the concept of Good Governance.
Point out major characteristics of Good Governance.
Conclude appropriately.
gove/5a0202274c455712 89c4a7/)
Model Answer :
The term Good Governance was used for the first time by the World bank in 1989. It deals with improving both
qualitative and quantitative aspects of the governance framework. It aims towards providing an enabling
environment in which people can achieve their true potential and maximum welfare of the people is realised. It is
quintessential for the holistic and sustainable development of a nation.
Some of the key characteristics of Good Governance are as follows:
1. Participation: Participation by people of all race, caste, creed, and gender in governance ensures that the rights
of citizens are respected and citizens feel obligated towards their duties at the same time.
2. Rule of Law: This provides a suitable framework for good governance and ensure that human rights are
protected and weaker sections feel safe.
3. Transparency: It is important that the citizens are aware of the functioning of the government. The access to
information and its free availability ensures fairness in decision making and implementation.
4. Responsiveness: The institutions of the government ensure that the citizens are served in a reasonable time
frame by removing unnecessary delays in decision making and implementation. 695/834
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5. Consensus Oriented: The divergent interests are reconciled and consensus is reached for maximum welfare of
the society accounting for both short term and long term interests.
6. Equity and Inclusiveness: The government takes care of interests of all its citizens and special care is given for
most vulnerable groups such as minorities, Sc/STs, women, etc., so that they don’t feel sidelined from the
7. E ectiveness and E iciency: Good governance calls of optimal utilisation of resources at disposal. The wastage
is minimised and sustainable development is encouraged.
8. Accountability: It is the crucial that both public and private institutions are accountable to their stakeholders and
uphold the interest of the public at large.

To highlight the importance of good governance, the government of India has decided to celebrate December 25th
as “Good Governance Day” each year. Achieving good governance in totality won't be easy, however, we should
strive continuously towards making it a reality.
Subjects : Governance

 Like (2)  84 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

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governance-discuss-the-major-characteristics-of-good-gove/5a0202274c455712 89c4a7/)

Q2. What do you understand by Citizens’ Charter? Discuss the components and
benefits of a good Citizens’ Charter.
Introduce with the meaning of Citizens’ Charter.
Point out various components of an ideal Citizens’ Charter.
Discuss the benefits of having a good Citizens’ Charter.
Conclude appropriately. 699/834
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Model Answer :
Good governance is the key for holistic and sustainable development, and to achieve this becoming transparent,
accountable and citizen-friendly are primary requirements. The Citizens’ Charter is a document that focusses on the
organisation's commitment towards the citizens with respect to the standard of services, information, choice, and
consultation, grievance redressal, etc. The objective of the citizens’ charter is not to create a separate class of rights
but to help in enforcing the existing rights. It helps a layman to know the functions of organisations and to
understand the process of availing a service or seeking remedy from the organisation.
The components of a good citizens’ charter should be:
The Vision and the Mission Statement of the organisation
Details of business transacted by the organisation.
Details of services including standards, quality, time frame etc.
Particulars of grievance redressal mechanism and how to access it.
Additional commitments and expectations from clients such as compensation in the event of failure of service
The benefits of having a good citizens’ charter are as follows:
It acts as a guide to the public by educating them about their rights and entitlements. The scope for middlemen
in public service delivery is reduced consequently.
The quality and e iciency of service delivery of an organisation improves with the help of citizen charter as it
acts as a quality benchmark for the services to be provided by the organisation.
The o icials are responsive towards the public and it helps in the maximum welfare of the people.
The cases of corruption and gra by the o icials come down as citizens are more educated and aware about
their rights.
Citizens’ charter inspires public's trust in the organisation and the government.
The implementation of the citizens' charter is a continuous exercise. There should be a periodic review of the
citizens' charter and modifications should be as per the feedback of the stakeholders. For any government
committed towards public welfare, enacting citizens' charter of its institutions is a major step.
Subjects : Governance

 Like (7)  70 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Harshal Mohan Pawar (/u/harshal-mohan-pawar/59aead394c4557349d0a2d36/) 4 months ago

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 Nov. 6, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. Critically discuss the need of Rajya Sabha in Indian Polity.

Briefly introduce Rajya Sabha
Give arguments in favor of need of Rajya Sabha
Then give arguments against the need of Rajya Sabha
Conclude while taking a stand based on arguments
polity-approach-briefly-introduce-rajya-sabh/5a00a0d04c455712 89b1d6/)
Model Answer :
The Constitution makers opted for Bicameralism, with the Council of States (later renamed as The Rajya Sabha) as
the upper house of the Parliament of India. The upper house was envisaged to represent the interests of the states
in the Parliament while also aiding and checking the legislative powers of the directly elected lower house. The
members (except some nominated ones) of the House are elected by the elected members of the Assemblies of the
States and two Union Territories. Recently, there have been demands to abolish the Rajya Sabha for excessively
obstructing legislative agenda.
Arguments in favour of Rajya Sabha:
Act as a screener:  It facilitates a second look at legislations that may sometimes be the result of purely political
compulsions of the ruling majority in the popular House.
New Ideas: It also has the advantage of having some people who have excelled in di erent areas of life who can
participate in the debates with an amount of authority and learning.
Basic Structure: The bicameral nature of the Indian Parliament is part of the “basic structure” of the Indian
Constitution, rendering it incapable of being amended.
Non-Dissolvable body: While lok sabha may sometimes be in turmoil, over no-confidence motion, dissolution
etc., Rajya Sabha ensures stability at that time.
Arguments against the need of Rajya Sabha:
A haven for losers: Rajya Sabha has become a haven for losers in elections, crony capitalists, compromised
journalists and party fundraisers. 
Obstruction of legislative process: Sometimes, it is seen that Rajya Sabha acts as obstruction to legislative
process for political gains. 705/834
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Unequal representation of states: There are unequal seats for di erent states. So, federal element seems biased
Lack of power regarding certain bills: It can’t bring no confidence motion or amend other important bills like
money bill.
Rajya Sabha, when it functions appropriately, has an important role to play in Indian democracy. Yet, its descent
over the recent times into a political tool for opposition to block elected government's mandate without due
deliberation has reduced its utility and honour. Thus, to improve its accountability and performance, it would be
useful to introduce certain reforms like direct elections of the  members of the Rajya Sabha (like in the US), equal
representation of all states etc.
Subjects : Polity

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Vipin Chauhan (/u/vipin-chauhan/594e700b4c4557071b1e3b53/) 4 months ago

2 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 706/834
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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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polity-approach-briefly-introduce-rajya-sabh/5a00a0d04c455712 89b1d6/)

Q2. What are Departmentally Related Standing Committees (DRSCs)? Discuss

their role in improving the e ectiveness of Parliament as an institution.
Approach: 708/834
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Briefly explain what DRSCs are

Discuss their role in e ectiveness of Parliament
Then give their limitations
Conclude with suggestions
e /5a00a0fa4c455712 89b1d9/)
Model Answer :
Over the years, the volume of business transacted by Parliament has steadily declined. The Lok Sabha did not have
adequate time to analyse the demands for grants of the various ministries and departments, and they were passed
without much deliberation and debate.
In light of this, the Departmentally Related Standing Committees (DRSC) were introduced to make the
parliamentary activity more e ective and to make the executive more accountable. A system of 17 DRSCs came into
being in 1993 (later expanded to 24). 
Functioning of of DRSCs:
The 31 member Standing Committees (each focusing on a set of ministries) consider the demands for grants of the
ministries concerned, scrutinize the bills or important policy papers of related ministry when referred to by the
Speaker/Chairman, make annual reports on implementation of relevant policies etc. These Committees provide
necessary direction, guidance and inputs for broad policy formulations and in achievement of the long-term
national perspective by the executive.
Role of DRSCs in increasing Parliament’s e ectiveness:
1. Help Parliament to manage its business better. It is easier to examine a topic in depth by a committee of 31
members than by legislatures with large membership. 
2. Enable input from experts and those who may be directly a ected by a policy or legislation.
3. Allow members to discuss issues and reach consensus without worrying about constituency pressures.
4. As anti-defection law does not apply to committees, decisions are not usually made on party lines.
5. Allow members to focus on some specific areas and build their expertise, which helps them scrutinize issues
more thoroughly.

Limitations of DRSCs:
1. All Bills are not referred to committees. For example- just 27 percent of Bills introduced in the current Parliament
have been so referred.
2. The recommendations of committees are not binding.
3. Lack of standing research support is another concern. They are backed by the general support sta of Parliament
and do not have a dedicated set of researchers associated with them.
4. Another issue is related to the transparency of the work of committees. All committees meet behind closed
doors and only the final report is published, with summary minutes.

There is a need to further strengthen its ability for detailed scrutiny of issues so that it helps parliament to work
better in its lawmaking and accountability roles. These would include mandatory examination of all Bills, creating
research teams, and improving the transparency of input from advocacy groups. 709/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Subjects : Polity

 Like (4)  86 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Harshal Mohan Pawar (/u/harshal-mohan-pawar/59aead394c4557349d0a2d36/) 4 months ago

2 Likes - 1 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 710/834
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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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committees-drscs-discuss-their-role-in-improving-the-e /5a00a0fa4c455712 89b1d9/) 712/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

 Nov. 5, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1:  What do you understand by  ”equality before law” and “equal protection
of laws”? Can there be exceptions to equality? Explain.
Introduce with Right to equality and article 14
Define the core concept of” Equality before law” and “Equal protection of law”
Giving reference of SC, mention exceptions
Conclude appropriately
equal-protection-of-laws-can-there-be-exception/59 2fcb4c455712 898e3d/)
Model Answer :
Article 14-18 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the right to equality to every citizen of India. Article 14 says that
State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of
The concept of “equality before law” is of British origin. It connotes:
a) The absence of any special privileges in favor of any person.
b) The equal subjection of all people to ordinary law of the land administered by ordinary law courts.
c) No person whether rich or poor, low or high, o icial or non-o icial is above law.
The concept of “equal protection of laws” has been taken from the American Constitution. It connotes:
a) The equality of treatment under equal circumstances, both in the privileges conferred and liabilities imposed by
the laws.
b) The similar application of the same law to all persons who are similarly situated
c) Like should be treated alike without any discrimination.
The former is negative concept while the latter is a positive concept. However both of them aimed at establishing
equality of legal status, opportunity and justice. 
However, the Supreme Court held that where equals and unequals are treated di erently (for examples, armed
forces, public o icials on o icial duty etc.), Article 14 does not apply. There are constitutional exceptions to right to
Some of them are:
1. No process for arrest or imprisonment of president or governor shall be issued from any court during his term of
o ice.
2. No member of parliament shall be liable to any proceeding of court  for anything said or voted in parliament (Art
3. Article 31C - where law made by state to implement DPSPs in clause (b) and (c) of Article 39 cannot be
challenged for violation of article 14. 713/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Hence the rule of equality before law is not absolute and it permits reasonable classification of persons, objects and
transactions by the law for the purpose of achieving specific ends. But classification must not be arbitrary, artificial
or evasive.
Subjects : Polity

 Like (4)  150 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Vishu Gupta (/u/vishu-gupta/594d007c4c45570e7d97a4a3/) 4 months ago

4 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 714/834
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equal-protection-of-laws-can-there-be-exception/59 2fcb4c455712 898e3d/)

Q2. “The DPSPs are fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall
be duty of the state to apply these principles in making laws”. Explain.  Why
are DPSPs o en subjected to criticism?
Introduce by mentioning DPSP, related articles and philosophy
Write the reasons for incorporation of DPSP and its utility
Discuss reasons why they are o en criticized
Conclude accordingly
country-and-it-shall-be-duty-of-the-state-to-a/59 30104c455713027412c4/)
Model Answer :
Directive Principles of State Policy denote the ideals that the State should keep in mind in formulating policies and
enacting laws. They are enumerated in Part IV of the constitution from Article 36 to 51. Though non-justiciable,
Article 37 says that application of DPSPs is fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be the duty of
the State to apply these principles in making laws. 
DPSPs are the instrument of instructions to all authorities in Indian union. They form dominating background to all
state action, legislative or executive and also a guide to secure to all citizens of India justice, liberty, equality and
fraternity. Dr BR Ambedkar had pointed out that directives have great values because they lay down the ideal of
economic democracy. 
DPSPs are supplementary to the fundamental rights and provide an opportunity to the opposition to question
ruling party on ground of violation of directives. The people can examine policies and programmes of government 718/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

in light of these declarations. On various occasions, the Supreme Court gave reference to DPSPs to provide
complete justice (under article 142).
Hence we can say that the DPSPs are fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be duty of the state
to apply these principles in making laws.
Criticism of DPSP:
1) No legal force: The directives are non-justiciable in nature, that is, they are not legally enforceable by the courts
for their violation.
2) Illogically arranged: These directives are not arranged in a logical manner based on a consistent philosophy. The
declaration mixes up relatively unimportant issues with the most vital economic and social questions.
3) Constitutional conflict: The directives can lead to constitutional conflict between Center and the States, the
President and the Prime Minister, the Governor and the Chief Minister. For example, Center can give direction to a
State for their implementation, failing which it can dismiss the concerned State government.
4) Conservative: As per Sir Ivor Jennings, the emerging needs of India of 21st century, are not reflected in the
DPSPs. The provisions are based on the political philosophy of the 19th century.
Overall we can say that despite not being justiciable, the Directive Principles of State Policy along with Fundamental
Rights form the soul of the constitution.
Subjects : Polity

 Like (8)  146 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Rahul Anand (/u/rahul-anand/5950cd504c4557071ea810f3/) 4 months ago

3 Likes - 4 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 719/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS 720/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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the-country-and-it-shall-be-duty-of-the-state-to-a/59 30104c455713027412c4/)

 Nov. 3, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. From defence and counter-terrorism to water harvesting and agriculture,

the great number of avenues for India-Israel cooperation make it possible for
the ties to overcome the faultlines and reach great heights. Comment.
Introduce briefly with India-Israel ties
Discuss the major avenues of cooperation between these two countries 721/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Highlight some main faultlines in the relationship

Conclude with a positive view towards future relations
avenue/59fcb95b4c455712 896582/)
Model Answer :
The convergence of mutual bilateral interests between India and Israel is more conspicuous than ever before and
this can be seen in growing cooperation on multiple fronts.
Defence deals:
Israel is set to topple the US as the chief exporter of arms and ammunitions to India with Barak missiles,
surveillance drones and other big league defence deals.
In line with "Make in India" campaign, Israel has agreed to build a maintenance plant in India for the jointly-
developed Barak 8 system.
National security and counter-terrorism:
India and Israel are boosting up the counter-terrorism cooperation and sharing real-time intel on issues crucial
to national security. These ties are being taken forward based on common threats from global terrorism.
Water and agriculture:
Given Israel’s novel and e icient water technologies, there is ongoing cooperation between the two countries.
Several Desalination Plants (Nemelli, Chennai, and Jamnagar) were built by Israeli companies in India.
Government of Rajasthan and Mekorot (Israel’s national water company) signed a MOU for joint development of
waste water reuse capabilities and infrastructure facilities for high tech agriculture in Rajasthan.
India and Israel signed a comprehensive agreement for cooperation in agriculture in 2006.
Israeli drip irrigation technologies and products are now widely used in India. Israeli companies and experts are
providing expertise to manage and improve dairy farming in India.
However, there are some potential fault-lines in the India-Israel relationship, including:
Israel’s keenness to forge stronger ties with India’s regional rival, China.
India’s relationships with the Middle Eastern countries including Iran, Israel’s arch enemy.
India continues to have a so -spot for Palestine which does not go well with Israel. India and Israel will continue
to ‘agree to disagree’ as regards India’s voting pattern in the UN on Palestine-related issues for the foreseeable
India is de-hyphenating Israel from Palestine and is prepared to deal with the two separately and independently. As
a result, the relationship between these two countries is gaining momentum day by day. Future prospects seemed
so bright that the Prime Minister of Israel has proclaimed that the “sky is not the limit,” while referring to the future
of India-Israel relations.
Subjects : Current A airs

 Like (6)  106 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

5 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 722/834
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Click to view 105 more answers (/mains-daily-questions/q2-from-defence-and-counter-terrorism-to-water-

harvesting-and-agriculture-the-great-number-of-avenue/59fcb95b4c455712 896582/)

Q1. A recent CAG audit report on the ammunition management highlighted

that army faces severe shortage in ammunition making it very di icult to fight
even a short intense war. Explore the reasons for the shortage and suggest
measures to overcome them.
Introduce with the CAG report which emphasised ammunition shortage
Explain the reasons for such shortage.
Suggest some measures to overcome them
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The recent CAG report highlighted the continuing shortage of ammunition in the army, mainly for artillery guns,
tanks, air defence and certain infantry weapons and also pointed out that there has been no significant
improvement in the availability of War Wastage Reserve (WWR) ammunition which is needed to fight a full-scale war.
The CAG also said that 40% of ammunitions were at a critical level having stock of less than 10 days. This means that
there is also shortage of ammunition to fight even a short intense war which usually lasts for 10 to 15 days. 
Reasons For Such Shortage:
The CAG slammed the State-run Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) for critical deficiency in availability of
ammunition to the Army.
There is not enough expertise within the Army in the field of weapon design and technology resulting in lack of
meaningful inputs for the indigenous defence industry.
The Army remains rooted to the outdated policies of employing ‘generalists’ rather than ‘specialists’ to man the
weapon procurement functions at Army headquarters. 726/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Ine iciency and apparent lack of accountability of various organs of the defence ministry responsible, namely
the DRDO, OFB and Defence Public Sector Units (DPSUs).
Private industry is not yet being provided a level playing field to compete fairly with the public sector.
Consequently, the indigenous defence industry mostly based on the public sector is unable to provide items of
desired quality in a timely manner causing huge cost overruns.
Inadequate Budgetary Support.
Inordinately delayed in acquisition of new equipment and upgradation of existing equipment.
Some measures to overcome shortages:
To hasten procurement, a recent decision by the government to give full financial powers to the vice chief of the
Indian Army to procure ammunitions and spares for 10 types of weapons systems and equipment is
welcome. The procedure will be part of revenue procurement of the army for in-service equipment and will
bypass the combursome process for new procurement. 
To aid the process of indigenous development, Army will need to place many specialists in procurement. 
The new Strategic Partnership model between Indian private sector players and foreign defence manufactures
for defence manufacturing in India is also expected to be key to India's defence preparedness.
The Army will have to address the shortage quickly to be prepared to fight not only short intense war but also, if the
need arises, to fight against two enemies at the same time.
Subjects : Current A airs

 Like (7)  98 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Karishma Tiwari (/u/karishma-tiwari/594e69204c4557071ea7fe1a/) 4 months ago

3 Likes - 1 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 727/834
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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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 Nov. 2, 2017 (4 Questions)

Q1. What were the factors responsible for American revolution? Examine the
e ects of the revolution.
Briefly introduce American Revolution
Explain the various factors responsible for American Revolution
Mention the e ects/outcomes of the American Revolution
Conclude appropriately
revolution-examine-the-e ects-of-the-revolution-a/59f9c4354c4557130273b6c9/)
Model Answer :
The American Revolution or the U.S. war of Independence was a revolt waged by the American colonies to get
independence from Great Britain during 1775. For more than a decade before the outbreak of American Revolution,
tension had been building between colonists and the British authorities due to various reasons such as:
1. Navigation Law of 1651 – It was compulsory for American ships to visit British ports before leaving for other parts
of the world.
2. American colonies were not allowed to establish manufacturing units, especially heavy industries.
3. A er the end of Seven Years War in 1763 (British and Allies vs French and Allies), Britain faced severe economic
crisis. In this situation British Parliament's policy to impose various taxes on American colonies like stamp duty,
sugar duty, etc. In response, Massachusetts Assembly demanded representation in British parliament by giving
the slogan ‘No Taxation Without Representation’.
4. Samuel Adams organised mass protest in Boston in response to the Townshed Plan(It increased import duty on
tea). Britain took military action against them and it led to Boston Massacre. In response to which Samuel Adams
along with his supporters threw away the tea containers into Atlantic ocean. This was Boston Tea Party of 1773.

These all reasons culminated into the war of independence from 1776 in which various important battles were
fought like Concord, Lexington, etc.  Later France also supported American fighters by sending its army under
Outcomes of the Revolution :
1. By the Treaty of Paris, 1783, Britain le all its claims on American colonies. It led to political and economic
upheaval in Britain.
2. The 13 colonies became independent and determined to be loosely connected under the 1781 Articles of

A er the American Revolution, America emerged as a political and economic superpower. The revolution also
inspired revolutionaries and freedom fighters across the world, most notably inspiring the French Revolution. 
Subjects : History and Culture 730/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Parki Sesha Sai Prudhvi Chandra (/u/parki-sesha-sai-prudhvi-chandra/5950cf134c4557071b1e452c/) 4 months ago

0 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks

Britain, the European power in the 17th century colonized America and imposed numerous restrictions
during its infant stage which eventually led to the revol...

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revolution-examine-the-e ects-of-the-revolution-a/59f9c4354c4557130273b6c9/)

Q2. Philosophers in Europe had a great influence on the minds of people and
led to a revolutionary awakening in their minds. Examine the role of
intellectuals in the French Revolution?
Briefly introduce French Revolution
Discuss the roles of intellectuals
Conclude appropriately
minds-of-people-and-led-to-a-revolutionary-aw/59f9c4604c455712 893200/)
Model Answer :
The French Revolution or the Revolution of 1789 happened during a period of political and social upheaval in
France. Incompetent rulers of France and their absurd economic policies led to the shattering to political and
administrative structure in France. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy and established republic. However,
unfortunately it culminated into dictatorship under Napolean.
Philosophers such as Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Locke, etc were the backbone of the revolution.
Their writings exposed the ine iciency of the monarch and his government and encouraged people to challenge its
authority and fight for their rights. Their ideas can be summarised as:
Voltaire: He believed in freedom of expression. He attacked the catholic church and wanted people to fight
against the privileges and dominance of the church without guilt.
Diderot: He prepared encyclopaedia of challenges faced by France and provided solution for those challenges.
According to him, religion is a personal a air of individual so it should not interfere in the matters of the state. He
emphasised the principle of secularism.
Rousseau: He asserted the doctrine of democracy and popular sovereignty. He believed that the government
should be based on the consent of the governed with liberty, equality and fraternity provided to the people. In
his book Social Contract, he talks of a contract between the ruler and the ruled.
Montesquieu: His philosophy outlined division of power and constitutional monarchy. He believed that all
powers should not be concentrated in one hand.
Thus the ideas of philosophers had a great influence on the minds of people and they played a vital role in bringing
about the revolution. Their ideas envisaged a society based on freedom and equal laws and opportunities  for all. 731/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Subjects : History and Culture

 Like (1)  51 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Dharm Pal (/u/dharm-pal/5950d0f84c4557071b1e4b07/) 4 months ago

2 Likes - 2 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 732/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS 733/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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minds-of-people-and-led-to-a-revolutionary-aw/59f9c4604c455712 893200/)

Q1. Women’s rights and food security are issues that are inextricably linked. In
this sense, it is said that empowering women is the key to achieving food
security. Discuss.
Introduce by briefly highlighting the correlation linkages between women’s
rights and food security
Elaborate the need to consider the gender aspect of food security 734/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Conclude appropriately
inextricably-linked-in-this-sense-it-is-said-/59fb67944c455712 895768/)
Model Answer :
Women play important roles as producers of food, managers of natural resources, income earners, and caretakers of
household food and nutrition security. However, widespread discrimination against women and girls – socially,
culturally and legally – results in lower agricultural productivity and poorer health and nutrition, especially among
women and girls, who make up 60 percent of undernourished people worldwide.
The gender aspect of food security:
People’s overall access to food depends to a great extent on the work of rural women.
On an average, women provide 43% of the agricultural labor force in developing countries.
Women are involved in variety of agricultural activities like crops, livestock and fish farming.
Poor households headed by women o en succeed in providing more nutritional food for their children than
those headed by men.
There is strong correlation between a higher level of gender equality and lower level of child mortality.
Nutrition received by women during pregnancy and the first 24 months of a child’s life has significant bearing on
a child’s development.
Women’s resilience to climate change is also not adequate. Discrimination of women and girls get reinforced and
occurrences of domestic violence increases during times of food scarcity.
Need to consider this aspect in planning and policy:
Hence, it is crucial to include them in emergency related food security planning and decision making as
potential change agents and decision makers, rather than portraying them as victims.
Gender dynamics within households must be taken into account in situations of displacement when food aid
and other relief items are distributed.
By giving women greater control over water and food distribution, power dynamics can greatly be shi ed in the
favour of women.
Neither strong economic growth nor increased food availability per capita are su icient to reduce hunger, and
especially child malnutrition, unless we integrate the gender dimension to food security. Food security strategies
must also be developed to improve women's access to childcare, farmer support mechanisms, and credit and
agricultural services.
Subjects : Current A airs

 Like (9)  96 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Vakati Jyothishmathi (/u/vakati-jyothishmathi/5950cf144c4557071b1e45da/) 4 months ago

1 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Feedbacks

The relation between the women and the social issues are implicit.Women i.e; mother is always the source of
food for a child during her pregnancy.So (http://pregnancy.So) food sec...

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inextricably-linked-in-this-sense-it-is-said-/59fb67944c455712 895768/) 735/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q2. Education enhances the ability of a public representative in more

e ectively discharging his/her duties. Therefore, prescription of an
educational qualification is not irrelevant for better administration of the
panchayats. Critically comment.
Introduction with few examples of states that have imposed educational
qualification as criteria for contesting local election.
Provide arguments in support of the given statement as well as against it.
Conclude appropriately
representative-in-more-e ectively-discharging-
Model Answer :
Rajasthan and Haryana have laid down the minimum educational qualifications for contesting elections to various
local bodies. The imposition of educational criteria has started a debate as many are terming it as undemocratic. 
Arguments in favour:
Education will enable the candidates to e ectively discharge duties of the panchayat, as it enhaces e iciency.
Duties like social audit, paper work optimization etc. can be e ectively discharged.
Many activities like sanitation campaign, women empowerment in rural area, breaking caste barriers etc. require
the local leaders to go beyond the prevailing cultural norm in order to bring the required change. Educated
background will sensitize the leaders towards these issues and thereby bringing more commitment.
Such laws will promote able leadership at the local level.
Arguments against:
These new norms are in contradiction to the philosophy of the Indian Constitution. Every eligible Indian was
allowed to contest elections in 1952 even when the literacy rate was 11 per cent.
It would lead to exclusion of vulnerable communities such as women, SC/ST etc. as the literacy rate is quite
lower among them. For example, In Haryana, these criteria deprive 68 per cent of the Dalit women and 41 per
cent of the Dalit men from the right to contest panchayat elections.
It is against the principle of equal opportunity to all as these laws create two classes of voters, that is, those who
are qualified to contest the elections to the panchayats and those who are not.
These laws are also somewhat incoherent. For instance, if a Class V qualification is enough to discharge a
member’s function in the case of a Dalit woman, why has a higher qualification been imposed on others?
In an era of globalization and technological revolution, this step can be termed as a progressive one only if it does
not lead to exclusion. Hence, the first step should be taken to increase the literacy rate of the country. In the
meantime, adequate relaxation must be extended to areas where literacy rate is low.
Subjects : Current A airs 736/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Karishma Tiwari (/u/karishma-tiwari/594e69204c4557071ea7fe1a/) 4 months ago

5 Likes - 2 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 737/834
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representative-in-more-e ectively-discharging-hisher-/59fb6acd4c455712fca2aa60/)

 Nov. 1, 2017 (4 Questions) 740/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q1. "The Harappan culture was distinct on many elements from the
contemporary cultures in western Asia". Elaborate.
Introduce with Harappan and contemporary civilizations in western Asia.
Point out the elements distinguishing Harappan culture from contemporary
civilizations in western Asia.
Conclude your arguments.
Model Answer :
The Harappan civilization, which was at its peak from about 2600 BCE to 1800 BCE, was the largest of the four
ancient urban civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, South Asia and China. Due to the establishment of trade ties with
other civilizations, Harappan culture also had artefacts that seem to have been influenced by external civilisations
of western Asia. However, there are various features found in the Harappan culture which distinguishes it from the
contemporary cities in western Asia.
The major distinguishing features are:
The Harappan cities showed a grid pattern and all the major aspects like streets, drainage systems etc were
properly planned. On the other hand, the cities in western Asia showed a haphazard growth.
The dwelling places in Harappan cities were also planned with rectangular houses, brick-lined bathrooms,
wells with staircase , etc., while the houses in cities like Mesopotamia lack such features.
The drainage system of Harappan cities was one of a kind, with the exception of Crete in Knossos all other cities
in western Asia lack such an e icient system.
Harappan cities remarkably used burnt bricks, while in contemporary Egyptian cities dried bricks were used
and in contemporary Mesopotamian cities baked bricks were used.
The pottery and seals of Harappan culture were distinguished from the pottery and seals found in cities of
western Asia by the depiction of the local animal kingdom.
The most remarkable di erence is the development of own script by the Harappan people which bear no
resemblance to Egyptian or Mesopotamian scripts.
The Harappans, unlike the Mesopotamians, used bronze on a limited scale and largely relied on the stone
The remarkable di erence is the area covered by the Harappan culture, no other urban complex of the
magnitude of Harappa has been discovered so far in the western Asia.
The above-mentioned features establish the uniqueness of the Harappan culture. Some influence of urban
civilizations of western Asia can be seen in the Harappan culture, like cosmetics found during the excavation of
Harappan cities, but the Harappan culture was remarkably developed and distinct than its west Asian counterparts.
Subjects : History and Culture

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Kiran Singh (/u/kiran-singh/598c13354c45570ef8038ac1/) 4 months ago 741/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q2. "The Maurayans made a remarkable contribution to Indian art and

architecture." Elaborate.
Introduce with briefly mentioning the significance of Mauryan rule in India.
Point out the contribution of Mauryans in the di erent forms of Art and
Conclude your arguments.
Model Answer :
The Mauryan kings were great patrons of art due to which this period saw remarkable progress made in the art and
architecture. The influence of Buddhism and Jainism can be easily seen in the art and architecture of the Mauryan
period. On the other hand, the individual initiatives also contributed to the development of art and architecture in
this period. Thus, we can see that Mauryan art was the summation of the court art and popular art.
The contributions during Mauryan period are as following:
A. Court Art:
Palaces: Some of the magnificent structures of Mauryan times are the palaces. The palace of Chandragupta
Maurya was inspired from the Achaemenid palaces. The three-storied palace of Ashoka at Kumhrar is another
magnificent example. Mauryans used wood as principle building material due to which the remains of these
building are in deteriorating condition.
Pillars: Mauryans introduced stone masonry to a large scale, the engineering in the erection of monolithic stone
pillars is remarkable. Only the capitals in form of beautiful sculptures were joined atop of a pillar. These pillars
are erected throughout the country. The Sarnath Lion Capitol pillar is a remarkable masterpiece among them. 745/834
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Stupas: The art of making stupa reached a high during the time of Ashoka. These structures, which were used to
keep holy relics of Buddha, display remarkable sculptures and architectural designs. For e.g. most famous of
them, the Sanchi Stupa is a world heritage site.
B. Popular Art:
Caves: The Mauryan artisans started the practice of hewing out caves from rocks for the monks to live in.They
were marked by highly polished finish and decorated gateways. The Barabar Caves are the prime examples of
cave architecture form. Later on, this inspired the development of cave architecture in western and southern
Pottery: Black paint and lustrous finish were features of pottery in Mauryan times, they are generally referred as
Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW) and Painted Grey Ware (PGW).
Sculptures: The sculptures in Mauryan times were widely used for religious expression. They were used in
stupas and making stone figurines of Yaksha and Yakshini. Also, terracotta figures were made by the general
public at large scale.
It is befitting to say that the Mauryans gave a great contribution to the art and architecture as it also contributed
significantly to the evolution of the Indian art and architecture. The contribution of Maurayans are duly recognised
by Indian government as the national emblem and the chakra in the national flag are taken from Mauryan art forms.
Subjects : History and Culture

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Harshal Mohan Pawar (/u/harshal-mohan-pawar/59aead394c4557349d0a2d36/) 4 months ago

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Q1. What were the factors responsible for American revolution? Examine the
e ects of the revolution.
Approach :           
Briefly introduce American Revolution
Explain the various factors responsible for American Revolution
Mention the e ects/outcomes of the American Revolution
Conclude appropriately
revolution-examine-the-e ects-of-the-revolution-a/59fa13574c4557130273c6c9/)
Model Answer :
The American Revolution or the U.S. war of Independence was a revolt waged by the American colonies to get
independence from Great Britain during 1775. For more than a decade before the outbreak of American Revolution,
tension had been building between colonists and the British authorities due to various reasons such as:
1. Navigation Law of 1651 – It was compulsory for American ships to visit British ports before leaving for other parts
of the world.
2. American colonies were not allowed to establish manufacturing units, especially heavy industries.
3. A er the end of Seven Years War in 1763 (British and Allies vs French and Allies), Britain faced severe economic
crisis. In this situation British Parliament's policy to impose various taxes on American colonies like stamp duty,
sugar duty, etc. In response, Massachusetts Assembly demanded representation in British parliament by giving
the slogan ‘No Taxation Without Representation’.
4. Samuel Adams organised mass protest in Boston in response to the Townshed Plan(It increased import duty on
tea). Britain took military action against them and it led to Boston Massacre. In response to which Samuel Adams
along with his supporters threw away the tea containers into Atlantic ocean. This was Boston Tea Party of 1773.

These all reasons culminated into the war of independence from 1776 in which various important battles were
fought like Concord, Lexington, etc.  Later France also supported American fighters by sending its army under
Outcomes of the Revolution :
1. By the Treaty of Paris, 1783, Britain le all its claims on American colonies. It led to political and economic
upheaval in Britain.
2. The 13 colonies became independent and determined to be loosely connected under the 1781 Articles of
Confederation. 751/834
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A er the American Revolution, America emerged as a political and economic superpower. The revolution also
inspired revolutionaries and freedom fighters across the world, most notably inspiring the French Revolution. 
Subjects : History - World

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Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

4 Likes - 3 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 752/834
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Q2. Philosophers in Europe had a great influence on the minds of people and
led to a revolutionary awakening in their minds. Examine the role of
intellectuals in the French Revolution?
Briefly introduce French Revolution
Discuss the roles of intellectuals
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The French Revolution or the Revolution of 1789 happened during a period of political and social upheaval in
France. Incompetent rulers of France and their absurd economic policies led to the shattering to political and
administrative structure in France. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy and established republic. However,
unfortunately it culminated into dictatorship under Napolean. 755/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Philosophers such as Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Locke, etc were the backbone of the revolution.
Their writings exposed the ine iciency of the monarch and his government and encouraged people to challenge its
authority and fight for their rights. Their ideas can be summarised as:
Voltaire: He believed in freedom of expression. He attacked the catholic church and wanted people to fight
against the privileges and dominance of the church without guilt.
Diderot: He prepared encyclopaedia of challenges faced by France and provided solution for those challenges.
According to him, religion is a personal a air of individual so it should not interfere in the matters of the state. He
emphasised the principle of secularism.
Rousseau: He asserted the doctrine of democracy and popular sovereignty. He believed that the government
should be based on the consent of the governed with liberty, equality and fraternity provided to the people. In
his book Social Contract, he talks of a contract between the ruler and the ruled.
Montesquieu: His philosophy outlined division of power and constitutional monarchy. He believed that all
powers should not be concentrated in one hand.
Thus the ideas of philosophers had a great influence on the minds of people and they played a vital role in bringing
about the revolution. Their ideas envisaged a society based on freedom and equal laws and opportunities  for all.
Subjects : History - World

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Karishma Tiwari (/u/karishma-tiwari/594e69204c4557071ea7fe1a/) 4 months ago

4 Likes - 1 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 756/834
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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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minds-of-people-and-led-to-a-revolutionary-aw/59fa13a04c4557130273c6ec/) 758/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

 Oct. 30, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. Examine the contribution of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar to India’s

awakening in the 19th century.
Briefly introduce Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Examine his contributions to India’s awakening
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
A great scholar and reformer, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar dedicated his entire life to the cause of social reforms. He
was deeply influenced by the European ideal of humanism and rationalism. But the Indian heritage was of no less
value to him.
Contribution of Ishwar Chandra to India’s awakening:
He encouraged the study of Sanskrit and Bengali literature.
He also introduced the study of Western thought in the Sanskrit college to inspire the Indians to shake o their
age-old beliefs and to modernize their ideas.
He helped in opening approximately 35 girls’ schools in Bengal and also opened the Sanskrit college to non-
He also established evening school in his native village for the farmers and labors, so that they can be literate. 
He has enriched the Bengali Education System by writing many good text books for students, and also started
Bengali newspaper "Shome Prakash" which started publishing in 1858.
Emancipation of women:
He started a movement in support of widow remarriage which resulted in Widow Remarriage Act 1856.
He protested against child-marriage and campaigned against polygamy.
Ishwar Chandra took upon himself the task of promoting the cause of female education. For this, he collaborated
with Drinkwater Bethune in establishing the Hindu Female School (at present known as Bethune School and
College) in 1849.
Through his e orts for educational and social reforms, he played an important role in India’s awakening in the 19th
Subjects : History and Culture

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Tapendra Meena (/u/tapendra-meena/598c13344c45570ef80387e3/) 4 months ago 759/834
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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q2. Discuss the role played by reformers in the 19th century for the
emancipation of women.
Briefly give various social ills present in 19th century related to women.
Discuss the role played by reformers for emancipation of women.
Conclude with their limitations.
Model Answer :
In the 19th century, women were generally accorded a low status, with no identity of their own. They were further
suppressed by practices such as purdah, early marriage, ban on widow remarriage, sati, polygamy etc. and
discriminated against in education, inheritance etc. Watching women's plight, some social reformers took it upon
themselves to improve the status of women.
Role played by reformers for the emancipation of women: 762/834
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Raja Ram Mohan Roy- He was the first person to take an initiative to challenge the practice of Sati. He also
made e orts to advocate widow re-marriage, attacked polygamy and the degraded status of widows.
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar- The first Hindu Widow Remarriage Act was introduced in 1856 owing to his
relentless e orts. He also protested against child-marriage, campaigned against polygamy, and championed
female education.
Swami Vivekananda- He laid stress on the removal of religious superstitions, obscurantism, and outdated
social customs. He motivated the people to respect women while he himself worked for women’s upli ment and
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan- He worked hard to raise the status of the Muslim women. He was against the purdah
system, polygamy, easy divorce and lack of education among the girls. He made commendable e orts to
promote women’s education.
Jyotirao Phule- He first educated his wife, a er which both of them opened a school for girls in India in 1848
and took up the cause of women and started a girls’ school in Poona in 1851. He is also remembered for his
e orts towards promoting widow remarriage.
Pandita Ramabai- She promoted girls education and started the Arya Mahila Samaj in1881, in Pune, to improve
the condition of women, especially child widows. In 1889, she established the Mukti Mission, in Pune, a refuge
for young widows who had been deserted and abused by their families.
The social reformers worked hard for the emancipation of women. But these reform movements had certain
limitations. It a ected a very small percentage of the population, mostly the educated class and could not reach the
vast masses of the peasantry and urban poor who continued to live in the same conditions.
Subjects : History and Culture

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 4 months ago

7 Likes - 1 Comments - 0 Feedbacks 763/834
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 Oct. 29, 2017 (2 Questions) 766/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q2. Discuss the impact of various land revenue settlements introduced by the
Britishers in Indian agriculture.
Briefly introduce the British land revenue policies and need for them
Explain the impacts of the policies on Indian Agriculture
Conclude Appropriately
Model Answer :
A er the Battle of Buxar (1764), East India Company had got the Diwani (revenue) rights over Bihar, Bengal and
Orissa. So, starting then, in order to collect the revenue, various land revenue policies were introduced by the
Britishers. The various policies and their impacts on Indian agriculture are as follows:
Permanent Settlement
It was planned by John Shore but was introduced by Lord Cornwallis in Bihar, Bengal, Orissa and district of Benares
in 1793. In this model, zamindars and revenue collectors became the owners of the entire land in their zamindaris,
and the right of ownership was hereditary and transferrable.
Its impact on Indian Agriculture:
Cultivators were reduced to the low status of mere tenants and were deprived of long standing rights to the soil
and other customary rights like use of pasture land, forest lands, irrigation canals, fisheries, homestead plots
and protection against enhancement of rent, etc.
Rise of the problem of Absentee Landlordism - where new moneyed men from Calcutta with no local
connections bought lands when Zamindars struggled to meet revenue obligations. The new landlords were
o en absentees from their lands, and generated resentment among the farmers.
Ryotwari System
It was introduced by Read and Munro in 1820 in South and South Western India, later it was introduced in parts of
Madras and Bombay presidency. In this system, cultivator was to be recognised as the owner of his plot of the land
subject to the payment of land revenue. The settlement was not made permanent, it was revised periodically a er
20 to 30 years, when the revenue demand was usually raised.
Its impact on Indian Agriculture:
Ryot had to pay revenue even when his produce was partially or wholly destroyed by drought or floods.
Government retained the right to enhance the land revenue at will.
Government claimed very high tax around 45% to 55%.
Rigid system of revenue collection forced ryots into the hands of moneylenders.
Mahalwari System
It was introduced by Holt Mackenzie and R Merttins Bird in 1822 in Ganga valley, N-W provinces, Central India,
Punjab. In this the revenue settlement was to be made village by village or estate by estate (Mahals) with landlords
or heads of families (called Lambardar) who collectively claimed to be the landlords of the village or the estate.
Its impact on Indian Agriculture:
As the revenue was revised periodically, and revenue demands increased, farmers were the su erers even in this
system. 767/834
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This brought about some improvement in agriculture facilities like irrigation, but farmers benefited little from
So the various types of revenue settlement policies gave rise to a new form of private ownership of land, in which
the benefit of innovation did not reach the cultivators. Land became a commodity which could be freely bought and
sold and thus shaking up the village structure and stability. They led to impoverishment of the peasantry and hence
rural indebtedness.
Subjects : History and Culture

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Arghya Patnaik (/u/arghya-patnaik/5960cc494c455728d8902fc4/) 4 months ago

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Q1. Explain how trade monopolies of East India Company were diluted by
di erent Charter Acts passed by the British Parliament?
Approach :          
Brief Introduction on how EIC got trade monopoly and why it was diluted.
Then explain how di erent charter acts diluted the trade monopoly of EIC. 770/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Conclude appropriately.
company-were-diluted-by-di erent-charter-acts-
Model Answer :
The British came to India in 1600 as traders in the form of East India Company (EIC), which had the exclusive right of
trading in India under charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I.  A er the Battle of Buxar (1764), the EIC got Diwani
rights also. However, party and parliamentary rivalries, political ambitions of statesman and commercial greed of
merchants, jealousy of other sections of the British society due to the large wealth brought by the Company o icials
back to Britain led to the dilution of trade monopolies of East India Company.
The Charter Act of 1793
It gave the East India Company a monopoly to trade with East only for a period of 20 years.
The Charter Act of 1813
It ended the trade monopoly of East India Company in India.
But the company’s monopoly to trade in tea with India and trade with China was kept intact.
Trade in India in all the commodities except tea was thrown open to all British subjects.
The Charter Act of 1833
It ended the monopoly in trade with China and the monopoly to trade in tea in India.
Henceforth all restrictions on European Immigration into India were abolished. The Europeans were allowed to
settle and own property in India.
A er the Battle of Plassey (1757), Company had started using its political control to acquire monopolistic control
over Indian trade and production but problems such as relations of East India Company and its possessions to the
government in Britain, ideology of free market theory of Adam Smith, etc led to the dilution of monopoly of the
Subjects : History and Culture

 Like (14)  160 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  4 months ago

Saurav Suneja (/u/saurav-suneja/594e69204c4557071ea7fe06/) 4 months ago

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EIC was first given the right to trade on the east of cape of good hope by queen elizabeth in 1600 which
made them the sole traders representing Britain in I...

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 Oct. 27, 2017 (2 Questions) 771/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Q2. With India obtaining membership of the Shanghai Cooperation

Organisation (SCO), an important platform has opened up for New Delhi,
which can serve as a critical geopolitical pole focused on central Asia and its
neighbourhood. Discuss.
Briefly mention about SCO.
Discuss the significance of SCO for India. 
Also bring out the challenges that India might face in this organization.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation created
in 2001 by Russia, China and the Central Asian Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyztan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The
organisation is mainly aimed at maintaining and ensuring peace, security and stability in the region. 
During a recent expansion of the grouping, India also became member of the grouping. With the expansion of the
SCO, the organisation would now represent over 2/5th of global population and nearly 1/5th of the world economy.
Significance of SCO for India:
India’s security, geopolitical, strategic and economic interests are closely intertwined with developments in the
Central Asian region.
The ever present and expanding challenges of terrorism, radicalism and instability pose a grave threat to the
sovereignty and integrity not only of India but also of countries in its broader neighborhood. India feels as an
SCO member it will be able to play a major role in addressing these threats.
New Delhi is also keen on deepening its security-related cooperation with the SCO and its Regional Anti-
Terrorism Structure (RATS) which specifically deals with issues relating to security and defence.
In addition, the mostly landlocked Central Asian region is richly endowed with natural resources and vital
minerals. To access these resources, India is actively collaborating to develop the Iranian seaport of Chabahar
(as Pakistan refuses to provide access through its territory) with possible financial and technical support from
Japan. India has also prioritized the construction of the International North-South Transport Corridor. Joining
the SCO will be a welcome diplomatic boost to India’s e orts to connect with Central Asia.
India’s membership in the SCO will provide a welcome opportunity for India’s leadership to meet with their
counterparts from Central Asia, Russia, China, Afghanistan and others regularly and frequently. India’s potential
participation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) will be an added advantage to make this partnership more
Challenges faced by India at SCO:
The possibility that SCO might be used as a counterweight against USA, and India will have to tread cautiously.
Fragile nature of SCO as Central Asian countries keep changing their position regularly in line with their interests.
Di erences between India and Pakistan on the issue of connecting South Asia with central Asia might hamper
the functioning of the SCO as it has halted the growth of SAARC.
China’s approach towards Pakistani terrorists like Masood Azhar & Lakhwi 772/834
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Support to BRI of all members of SCO might lead to isolation of India on this platform.
It would be di icult for India to overcome the burden of geography and make tangible gains in terms of trans-
regional connectivity.
India should strive to benefit from its regional presence in Central Asia to track trends in security, energy, trade,
connectivity and cultural interests. New Delhi should use the SCO atmosphere to build better convergence with
China and Russia as well as to o set the intensity of China-Pakistan alignment, which actually undercuts India’s
direct access to Eurasia.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Q1. The government of India is planning to align the financial year with the
calendar year. Discuss the rationale for such aproposed change and the
challenges associated with it.
Introduction with the current financial year, and the proposal for change
Discuss the benefits associated with it.
Mention few challenges associated with it
Conclude appropriately 776/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Model Answer :
India follows April-March financial year, which is same as United Kingdom's fiscal year. It was adopted in 1867
principally to align the Indian financial year with that of the British government. About 150 nations follow January-
December as their financial year. Another 33, including India, follow April to March.
However, the government is planning to shi to a January-December financial year. The 1st ARC ( Administrative
Reforms Commission) has recommended it way back in 1967. Recently, the central government constituted a
committee under former chief economic advisor Shankar Acharya to examine the desirability and feasibility of
having a new financial year. The report is yet to be made public. 
Rational for such change:
In case of a drought, which happens between June and September, a change in the accounting period from
January to December will help in better budgeting to help handle the crisis. If the Union budget is presented in
November, then early allocations will help the agro-economy and farmers.
This shi will align India with the fiscal year followed by most developed countries worldwide. With an
increasing number of global companies engaging in business activities with Indian companies, the integration of
the Indian economy with the global economy will become convenient and there will be standardisation and
uniformity in reporting.
A NITI Aayog note had also said that a change in the financial year was required as the current system leads to
sub-optimal utilisation of working season.  The financial year is not aligned with international practices and it
impacted data collection and dissemination from the perspective of national accounts.
Comparison of macro data with other countries will also be much simpler as many multi-lateral agencies such as
the IMF and the World Bank give projections for the calendar year.
Challenges in bringing this change:
The change in financial year would mean changes in book-keeping, HR practices, accounting so ware, and
taxation system, involving huge costs for big and small industries.
Companies will be required to finish the current accounting year in nine months’ accounts before moving to the
calendar year, which will require lots of cut-o procedures to be advanced, like reconciliation of books of
accounts, transfer pricing study etc.
If this change happens, the government would have to amend a number of laws, which includes Income Tax (I-T)
Act, Companies Act etc. For example, Section 2 (41) of Companies Act, 2013 made it mandatory for companies to
follow an April-March financial year.
It would also have to rework the Centre’s balance sheet, start a new assessment year for taxes.
A er implementing GST (Goods and Service Tax) on July 1 and last year's surprise demonetisation move, a
change in fiscal year could further add to the confusion for the India Inc.
Implementation of change in financial year should be well planned to prevent any disruptions. It might be better to
put o the changeover until companies have settled down with the GST laws and new accounting standards. The
change will add to the transition costs but long-term benefits of the move may help to deal with this. Recently,
Madhya Pradesh became the first state to switch to the January-December financial year. Other States may follow.
Subjects : Current A airs

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  5 months ago 777/834
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Krishna Kumar Chanchal (/u/krishna-kumar-chanchal/598c13334c45570ef803872b/) 5 months ago

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 Oct. 26, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. The already large population in India as well as the high population
growth rate necessitates speedy achievement of demographic transition from
high birth rate to low birth rate. Comment.
Introduce the question by mentioning facts from census data and briefly discuss
the factors responsible for high population growth in India
Mention various e ects of the rapid population growth in India
Discuss the steps taken to control population growth
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
India is one of the most densely populated countries of the world. It has to support about 17% of the world
population, although its land area is merely 2.4% of the land area of the world. According to Census 2011, India’s
population stands at 1.21 billion.
Various factors a ect India's high population growth including low socio-economic development, early marriage,
low usage of contraceptives, low levels of education etc.
E ects of the rapid population growth in India:
Providing employment to growing population, of which many are illiterate, remains challenging and in absence
of adequate opportunities is an indication of the wastage of human capital. 782/834
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Over-strained infrastructure such as housing, transportation, health care, sanitation and education. 
Pressure on land and other renewable natural resources as common properties such as forest and water are
over-exploited. This results in deforestation and desertification with permanent damage to the renewable
Cost of production of the basic necessities of life, such as food, increases when the population is growing fast
and less productive lands are brought into cultivation with costly irrigation etc.
Inequitable distribution of income: In the face of a rapidly growing population, the major concern of a
developing country tends to be focused more on economic growth while concerns of unequal distribution of
income are pushed to background.
Steps/Measures to Control the Population Growth of India by the Government of India: 
(Note: Brief mentioning of government steps to address the issue is su icient. Here, we are just providing a more
comprehensive list)
The National Population Policy 2000 gave a focused approach to the problem of population stabilization.
The National Commission on Population was formed in the year 2000. The Commission, chaired by the Prime
Minister, has the mandate to review, monitor and give directions for implementation of the National Population
The Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (National Population Stabilization Fund) was setup as an autonomous society of
the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2005. Its broad mandate is to undertake activities aimed at
achieving population stabilization.
Programmes like the National Rural Health Mission, Janani Suraksha Yojana, ICDS (Integrated Child
Development Services) etc. have also been launched by the government to tackle the healthcare needs of
people. This is also expected to contribute to population stabilization.
Free contraceptives are also being provided. In addition, monetary incentives are given to couples undertaking
permanent family planning methods like vasectomy and tubectomy.
RMNCH Counselors (Reproductive Maternal New Born and Child Health) availability at the high case facilities to
ensure counseling of the clients visiting the facilities.
Accreditation of more private/NGO facilities to increase the provider base for family planning services under PPP.
Around World Population Day (11th July), events are held for mobilization/sensitization followed by a fortnight
of assured family planning service delivery, It has been made a mandatory activity from 2012-13 and starts from
27th June each year..
Providing greater choice and improved access to modern contraceptives should become an inextricable part of
India’s health and gender-equality programme. Public sensitisation campaigns about the benefits of family
planning, and replacing coercive surgeries with access to a range of modern reproductive health choices, should
form the bedrock of our health strategy.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Karishma Tiwari (/u/karishma-tiwari/594e69204c4557071ea7fe1a/) 5 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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Q1. Considering India's great geographical extent from East to West, a single
timezone makes neither economic nor social sense. In this context, evaluate
the need to have a separate time zone for Northeastern India.
Introduction should contain brief discussion on IST
Discuss the merits and demerits of having separate timezone for the NE
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The time zone of India i.e. IST is based on 82.5 Degrees E longitude, which passes through Uttar pradesh. Many
believe that the current time zone in India is not representative of the geographical vastness of the country. 
Longitude-wise, there's a di erence of 30 degrees between the easternmost and the westernmost points of India -
Kibithu in Arunachal Pradesh and Gugariyaa in Gujarat respectively. As a result, the sun rises earlier and sets earlier
in the northeast compared to the other parts of the country. Due to this, many leaders from the North East India
have started demanding a separate time zone for the region.
Separate time zone: Arguments in Favour:
A separate time zone for the northeast would save working day light-time and save electricity. 786/834
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Back in 2006, a planning commission report suggested di erent time zones in India could improve e iciency.
Another report by the Bengaluru-based National Institute of Advanced Studies claimed that such a move could
save up to 2.7 billion units of electricity.
In the current arrangement, social lives of people in north eastern region take a hit too. It gets dark too early.
People prefer to stay inside their homes rather than go out and socialise. Productive hours at o ices, mainly
government o ices, are usually for only 7 hours. The location of the states in the timezone means that they eat
breakfast late in the day, eat dinner earlier than most.
Separate time zone is not an alien concept for India and the world:
The British used to follow not one, not two, but three time zones in pre-independent India, owing to its
vastness - a Bombay time zone, a Calcutta time zone as well as a 'Tea Garden Time' or baagaan time zone
(one hour ahead of the current IST).
Many countries have multiple time zones - The United States - covering 4300-km distance from end-to-end -
has four separate time zones. Similarly Russia currently has 11 time zones.
Arguments against the separate time zone in India:
There will be a lack of coordination between di erent parts of the densely populated country.
It will also pose a logistical challenge in running the railways, airlines, airports, financial traders, etc.
People from northeastern region - due to di erence in their customs, languages and many other reasons - feel
alienated from rest of the country. Separate time zone for this region may further enhance this di erence.
Workplaces across India will have di erent hours to work and it will create problems in sending information.
Broadcasting of di erent networks over all of the region would be a ected.
An expert panel constituted by the ministry of science and technology in 2002 rejected the idea of a di erent
time zone.
The idea of having separate time zone runs counter to the idea of One Nation – One Grid, One Nation –One Tax
and One Nation –One Agricultural Market (recent initiatives by GoI to unify the country).
Very little or no research has been done on impact on social and economic lives of a di erent time zone for the
Northeast. It is time that some pilot studies are taken up to study the feasibility of a new time zone in the
region. Meanwhile, we can also experiment with daylight saving measures like advancing working hours for
government o ices, commercial establishments and schools. This will give us data on likely impact of a di erent
time zone for the Northeast.
Subjects : Current A airs

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Karishma Tiwari (/u/karishma-tiwari/594e69204c4557071ea7fe1a/) 5 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

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 Oct. 25, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Education is one of the important pillars of youth empowerment.

However, the barriers faced by existing education system are preventing our
country from harnessing the demographic dividend through the
empowerment of youth. Discuss.
Introduce with the youth heavy Indian demographics and the importance of
Highlight the existing barriers in our education system
Discuss some government initiatives in education to empower the youth
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Indian population under the age group of 15-29 comprises 27.5 of the total population, giving India a favourable
demographic profile. Nearly 65% of India's population is under 35, making it a largely young nation.
The key to youth empowerment is to educate them and make them employable. The demographic dividend is never
a burden on any nation but a window of opportunity if we are able to achieve this. However, our existing education
system su ers from many setbacks.
The existing education system of India has many barriers:
Systemic issues: 790/834
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Lack of quality and motivated teachers and mentors

Faculty crunch
Paucity of funds especially in state institutions
Not enough budgetary support (3.3% of GDP)
Interfering and overpowering political bureaucratic setup
Inability of senior academicians and researchers to implement their visions
Out dated and rigid curriculum, non-uniformity in curricula, inability of conventional teaching pedagogy to
teach tech savvy youths of today, minimization of laboratory based education are major concerns.
Curricula today make youth literate but not educated with holistic development.
Institutions of higher education (except federal funded institutions) are ill-equipped.
No inputs taken from employers:
Lack of participation of employers in designing curriculum
Government Initiatives:
Expansion of education for youth at every level by establishing new Institutions like IITs, IIMs, AIIMs etc.
Global initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) aimed at tapping the pool of scientist and entrepreneurs
internationally to encourage their engagement with the institutes of Higher Education.
Impacting Research Innovation and Technology (IMPRINT) India with an aim to direct research in the Premier
institutions into areas of social relevance.
Uchchtar Avishkar Yojana launched to promote industry specific need based research
National institutional ranking framework for ranking the higher education institutions
Establishment of Higher Education Financing Agency
National Academic Depository (NAD) for maintaining academic awards in digital depository
SWAYAM - indigenous IT platform for hosting the massive open online courses
National digital library
Campus Connect to provide Wi-Fi enabled campus
All India Survey on Higher Education
National initiative for design innovation
Rashtriya uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)
Choice Based Credit System - an excellent approach to design curriculum, which is going to be a student centric,
giving them ample opportunity for interdisciplinary academic along with multi directional movement within
state, nation and world’s education system.
To empower the youth, the education system calculated reforms are needed. The four pronged positive approach -
student centric education systems (CBCS), employers need based curricula, extended helping hand of government
through its policies and and recognition and acceptance of trained and talented youth by the society and world of
work - can empower youth and nation both.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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Abhishek Anand Dwivedi (/u/abhishek-anand-dwivedi/594d007c4c45570e7d97a4e1/) 5 months ago

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3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

The very fact that two third of Indian population is below 35 years of age is a great window of opportunity for
our country to tap this immense potentiality,...

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Q1. In order to meaningfully avail of the favourable demographic dividend, it

is essential that the youth are put in the circle of generating beneficial output
and constructive inputs. Comment. 
Introduce the question by explaining the meaning of demographic dividend and
provide some data to show that it favourable for India.
Mention the reasons which necessitates placing of youths in the circle of
generating beneficial output and constructive inputs. (Here the term beneficial
output signifies the realization of the potential of youth for the development
and creation of opportunities. Youth’s contribution as an input can generate
beneficial output.)
Briefly mention few initiatives by the govt.
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Demographic dividend refers to a situation when the proportion of working people in the total population is high
because this indicates that more people have the potential to be productive and contribute to growth of the
The Indian population under the age group of 15-29 comprises 27.5 of the total population, giving India a favourable
demographic profile. Nearly 65% of India's population is under 35, making it a largely young nation.
Importance of youth:
Youth of any nation plays a very important role in the growth and development of that nation. Few examples can be
seen below:
Within array of social, political or civil movements, the youths have been at the centre of activities, from the
LGBT movement to the equal rights for women and from environmental concerns to human rights.
Youth has the innate ability to adapt to the average ever-changing societal dynamics, and should be at the core
of economic/socially meaningful actions.
The youth can act as a bridge between generations.
The young today are no longer so rigid in matters of inter-dining and inter-community marriage as they are
challenging the rigid social system.
The biggest achievement of the youth and technology co-option can be said to the risk taking spirit and the rise
of start-ups. The sheer grit of youth, coupled with technology has made entrepreneurship universal accessible. 792/834
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The favourable demographic dividend should be utilized for creating new opportunities based on the skills of
contemporary relevance. Youth's important role in bringing the required change necessitates that they must be put
in the circle of generating beneficial output and constructive inputs.
However, various hurdles - such as the ill e ects of fast growing urban sutures, the existing disparity between
availability and accessibility, financial constraints or the rigid social structures etc. – are not letting youths to
create the beneficial output by using their potentials.
It is, therefore, necessary that youths be given relevant education, necessary skills and dignified job
opportunities so has to harness their potential.
Some initiatives taken by the government:
The government, through its specialised Ministry for Youth A airs and Sports has constantly looked and re-
looked at development and the advancement aspects for the substantial and beneficial growth of Indian youth.
The “National Youth policy, 2014” reiterates the commitment of the entire nation to the all round development
of the youth of India so that they can realise their full potential and contribute productively to the nation
building process.
Skill Upgradation Training Program (SUTP) aims to develop skills for employment.
Youths have the potential power to help India become a global power. They are the constructive inputs necessary to
generate beneficial outputs for a nation, and must be backed with substantial policy orientation and support.
Subjects : Yojna summary

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  5 months ago

Prateek Singotiya (/u/prateek-singotiya/594e691f4c4557071ea7fd18/) 5 months ago

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Demographic dividend is a period through which a country having a larger porportion of young working
population (15-35 years age) passes. Demographic dividen...

Click to view 102 more answers (/mains-daily-questions/q1-in-order-to-meaningfully-avail-of-the-favourable-


 Oct. 24, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been identified as a global threat that
can cause serious health and economic problems. Discuss the reasons leading
AMR to this alarming level and give suitable measures to tackle it.
Introduce with AMR and concerns involved.
Point out the causes of growth in AMR. 793/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Mention the suitable measures.

Conclude with mentioning the recent steps taken by India and WHO.(Very
Model Answer :
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the ability of a microorganism (like bacteria, viruses, and some parasites) to stop
an antimicrobial (such as antibiotics, antivirals, and antimalarials) from working against it. As a result, standard
treatments become ine ective, infections persist and may spread to others. The growth of antimicrobial resistance
is threatening the health and well-being across the globe by posing the threat of prolonged illness, high mortality
and high economic costs.
There are various reasons leading to such a high growth in Antimicrobial resistance:
Overprescription, self-medication, over the counter sale of antimicrobials resulting into over-use of antibiotics in
treating diseases.
Patients o en do not finish the entire course of medicine.
Spread of AMR microorganisms due to poor public sanitation and hygiene.
Poor infection control by hospitals is a major reason for the spread of AMR.
Antimicrobials are used indiscriminately in animal husbandry and crop farming, causing AMR resistant
microorganisms to enter into the food chain. 
There is lack of new antimicrobials being developed that can be e ective in tackling AMR.
There is a dire need to arrest AMR as soon as possible.
Some measures that can be taken are:
Enhance public awareness with respect to proper use of Antimicrobials.
Over the counter sale of antimicrobials needs to be strictly regulated.
Strengthen the surveillance network for monitoring new AMR.
Precision methods need to be developed to facilitate optimal usage of antimicrobials in animal husbandry and
crop farming.  
Sanitation and hygiene need to be promoted to stop the spread of AMR microorganisms.
Enhance research and development to develop new and advanced antimicrobials.
Seeing the urgency to control antimicrobial resistance, the WHO came up with Global Action Plan on
Antimicrobial Resistance. To tackle this menace, India also recently launched a National Action Plan on
Antimicrobial Resistance, similarly many other countries have developed national programmes on AMR. ‘The Red
Line Campaign’ of the government of India to create awareness with respect to Antimicrobial usage has been
appreciated worldwide. This enabling environment can help in countering the growth of AMR.
Subjects : Science and Technology

 Like (18)  167 Answers (/u/vajiram-ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/) Vajiram & Ravi, New Delhi (/u/vajiram-

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Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 5 months ago

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Q1. CRISPR-Cas9 is a revolutionary technique in the world of science. What is

CRISPR-Cas9? Discuss its potential applications and the apprehensions
associated with the use of this technology.
Introduce with discussing the CRISPR-Cas9 technique.
Point out the areas where this can be helpful.
Discuss the apprehensions associated with this technology.
Conclude appropriately.
Model Answer :
CRISPR-Cas9 is a genome editing technology that is based on the natural defense mechanism of archaea and
bacteria. It enables us to edit parts of the genome by adding, removing or altering sections of DNA sequence. In this
process, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR) is the mechanism at work and Cas9
protein is an enzyme that is used as molecular scissors. It is regarded as a simple, cost-e ective and precise method
of genetic manipulation.
The CRISPR-Cas9 technique can be used in the following areas:
It can be helpful in treating diseases like cancer, hepatitis B, etc., which are associated with genetics.
It holds the potential for germline editing in the future paving way for personalized healthcare.
Genetic defects like cataracts can be treated with this method.
It can facilitate organ transplant from animals to humans and can also enable the creation of human organs in
animals like pigs, facilitating limitless supplies for emergencies.
It can be used to enhance yield, climate change tolerance and nutritional properties in the crops. 798/834
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In food processing industries it can be helpful to engineer probiotic culture.

Other applications:
Gene Drives, i.e., genetic systems where a particular trait can be passed from parent to o spring, can be
developed. For e.g., it can be useful in controlling diseases such as malaria by enhancing sterility among vector
However, there are several apprehensions associated with this method:
The prominent ethical concern is related to the Germline editing, posing unintended consequences for future
generations. For e.g. it can be exploited to produce designer babies.
Despite being the most e ective too,l so far it is not yet proved to be 100% e ective.
There are chances of ‘o -target e ects’ where unintended DNA site can be edited, giving rise to unknown
The concept of Gene Drive can lead to spreading of an induced trait to other organisms in the environment.
Gene Drives can also reduce the genetic diversity of the target population.
The use of CRISPR-Cas9 in somatic cells can give path-breaking results, but with respect to the germline editing, we
should be cautious. Proper risk assessment and more research in this area is the need of the hour to reap its
potential benefits.
Subjects : Science and Technology

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  5 months ago

Aakriti Singh (/u/aakriti-singh/594e700c4c4557071b1e3d55/) 5 months ago

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 Oct. 23, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q1. The National Health Policy 2017 aims at achieving universal health
coverage and delivering quality health care services to all at a ordable cost.
Discuss the main provisions of policy in this regard and highlight any
Briefly introduce NHP 2017
Discuss the main provisions of NHP
Then also give its shortcomings
Conclude with a futuristic approach
Model Answer :
The National Health Policy seeks to reach everyone in an integrated way to move towards wellness. It seeks to
promote quality of care, with focus on emerging diseases and investment in preventive healthcare. 
Main provisions of policy:
It proposes free drugs, free diagnostics and free emergency care services in all public hospitals.
It prioritizes the role of the Government in shaping health systems in all its dimensions.
It advocates a positive and proactive engagement with the private sector for critical gap filling towards achieving
national goals.
The policy proposes raising public health expenditure to 2.5% of the GDP in a time bound manner.
The policy envisages providing larger package of assured comprehensive primary health care through the Health
and Wellness Centers'.
The policy assigns specific quantitative targets aimed at reduction of disease prevalence/incidence, for health
status etc.
Various shortcomings in the policy: 801/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

Public health expenditure target of 2.5% seems to be insu icient with the rising cases of communicable and
non-communicable diseases.
Right to health which was proposed in the dra is deleted.
There is no mention of reforming the regulatory framework for like Medical Council of India etc.
Another one is the neglect to incentivize and promote operational research in health sector
Also there is lack of clarity in objective, design, financing and incentives.
Even with such limitations, the Health Policy is forward-looking because it does seek to strengthen the
infrastructure, capacity, financing and human resources, and envisages a complete overhaul of primary care in a
way that will expand its scope and scale to ensure continuity with higher levels of care.
Subjects : Social Justice

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Vivek Mudgal (/u/vivek-mudgal/594e700b4c4557071b1e3b17/) 5 months ago

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Q2. Critically examine the success of Right to Education Act in India.

Briefly introduce RTE 804/834
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Highlight its objectives

Then discuss its success with shortcomings
Conclude with some suggestions
Model Answer :
The Right to Education (RTE) Act, 2009, which represents the consequential legislation envisaged under Article 21-A,
provides a right to full time elementary education of satisfactory and equitable quality in a formal school which
satisfies certain essential norms and standards.
The main objective of RTE is to provide free and compulsory education to all children between the age of 6 to 14
years. To achieve this, the Act provides various provisions, including twenty-five per cent reservation for
economically disadvantaged communities in all private schools, teacher training, norms for schools etc.
Success of the Act:
There is a significant increase in the enrollments rates and at the same time reduction in drop-out rates in
primary schools.
Considerable progress in education inputs over the last decade due to e orts like SSA and RTE - pupil-teacher
ratios have fallen over 20 percent (from 47.4 to 39.8). 
Also, there have been significant improvements in the physical infrastructure of schools in India. For example-
fractions of schools with toilets and electricity has more than doubled.
Various shortcomings in its implementations:
One flaw is the “no failure” policy. Children are constantly passed to higher grade levels, regardless of whether or
not they are prepared for that higher level of work.
The country’s school students still depend on inadequate government schools – where teacher quality is
abysmal, attendance is poor, infrastructure non-existent, and corruption rampant. 
There are no special audit mechanisms like in the case of NREGA.
There is shortage of teaching sta in primary schools and the primary issue is of teacher absenteeism.
Most private schools don't reserve 25% quota for EWS category even a er the government directive.
Way Forward:
The government needs to take various steps like strict enforcement of 25% quota, timely reimbursement to schools,
use of advanced technology like biometrics to check teacher absenteeism, more focus on school infrastructure etc.
for e ective implementation of RTE.
Subjects : Social Justice

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  5 months ago

Shefali Awana (/u/shefali-awana/594d01964c45570e7a1e56cb/) 5 months ago

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 Oct. 22, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2: Define Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR). What are the various types of
temperature inversion? (200 words)
Define ELR
Define Temperature inversion
Discuss various types of temperature inversions (mention the areas where they
are prominent if possible)
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
Environmental lapse rate (ELR) is the rate at which the air temperature changes with height in the atmosphere
surrounding a cloud or a rising parcel of air.  Though the overall average rate decreases about 6.5°C/km, the rate
varies greatly in di erent airstreams and di erent regions of the world and at di erent seasons of the year. 
Where the lapse rate of temperature is negative (that is, when temperature increases with the height), a
temperature inversion is said have occurred.
Types of temperature inversion:
There are four kinds of temperature inversions: ground, turbulence, subsidence, and frontal.
1) Ground inversion: A ground inversion develops when air is cooled by contact with a colder surface until it
becomes cooler than the overlying atmosphere; this occurs most o en on clear nights when the ground cools o
rapidly due to radiation. If the temperature of surface air drops below its dew point, then the chances of fog 809/834
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appearing increases. Topography greatly a ects the magnitude of ground inversions. If the land is rolling or hilly,
the cold air formed on the higher land surfaces tends to drain into the hollows, producing a larger and thicker
inversion above low ground and little or none above higher elevations.
2) Turbulence inversion: A turbulence inversion o en forms when quiescent air overlies turbulent air. Within the
turbulent layer, vertical mixing carries heat downward and cools the upper part of the layer. The unmixed air above
is not cooled and eventually is warmer than the air below; an inversion then exists.
3) Subsidence inversion: A subsidence inversion develops when a widespread layer of air descends. The layer is
compressed and heated by the resulting increase in atmospheric pressure, and as a result the lapse rate of
temperature is reduced. If the air mass sinks low enough, the air at higher altitudes becomes warmer than at lower
altitudes, producing a temperature inversion.  Subsidence inversions are common over the northern continents in
winter and over the subtropical oceans; these regions generally have subsiding air because they are located under
large high-pressure centres.
4) Frontal inversion: A frontal inversion occurs when a cold air mass undercuts a warm air mass and li s it alo ; the
front between the two air masses then has warm air above and cold air below. This kind of inversion has
considerable slope, whereas other inversions are nearly horizontal. In addition, humidity may be high, and clouds
may be present immediately above it. This type of inversions is generally found in northern Europe.
Temperature inversions are interesting and abnormal climatological phenomenon. They can also have adverse
health impact when they occur near the surface of the earth - by trapping pollutants near the ground.
Subjects : Geography

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  5 months ago

Taposh Basumatary (/u/taposh-basumatary/5950cf394c4557071ea81ac8/) 5 months ago

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Q1: What are ocean currents? What are various factors a ecting ocean
currents around the globe? (200 words)
Introduce with ocean currents (Include some examples)
Write various factors a ecting ocean currents
Conclude appropriately
a ecting-ocean-currents-around-the-globe200-wor/59ece10c4c45572d4dd79657/)
Model Answer :
Regular movement of a large mass of ocean water in fairly defined direction over great distances is known as ocean
current. They origin and movement is influenced by a multitude of factors including planetary winds, coriolis forces,
gravity, temperature, salinity etc.
The currents are categorised as warm or cold on the basis of relative temperature w.r.t the surrounding water.
Examples of warm currents (which bring warm water into cold water areas): Kuroshio current, gulf stream
Examples of cold currents (which bring cold water into warm water areas):  Oyashio Current, Labrador current.
Factors a ecting ocean currents of the world:
a) Factors related to atmosphere:
Planetary winds: The leading role in ocean currents is played by frictional drag of surface water by planetary
winds. Most of the currents of the world tend to follow the direction of planetary winds. For example, within the
tropics, the trade winds blow from the east and hence, north equatorial and south equatorial currents flow east
to west. The impact of planetary winds is most prominently seen in Indian Ocean, where there is a seasonal
reversal of the monsoon winds and generates the Somali current. 
Others: Other factors including atmospheric pressure, rainfall and rate of evaporation also a ect the flow of
currents. . 
b) Factors related to earth’s rotation:
As the earth rotates from west to east, the water near equator tends to move from east to west.
Earth's rotation on its own axis generates the Coriolis force, due to which the moving water turns and follows an
elliptical path known as gyre. In these gyres, water circulates clockwise in the northern hemisphere and 816/834
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anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere.

c) Set of factors related to ocean:
Temperature di erence and salinity di erence also a ect the ocean current movement. 
Salinity: Water having high salinity is heavier and it subsides. As a result, light water with less salinity rushes
towards the area of high salinity and a current is formed. For example, Mediterranean Sea is more saline and on
the surface, water moves from Atlantic to the Mediterranean. 
Temperature: Similarly, equatorial water becomes lighter due to heating while water at the poles becomes heavy
due to cooling. As a result, a di erence in sea levels in created and a surface current is created from equatorial
regions towards the poles.
d) Modifying factors:
Shape of coastline and oceanic bottom topography also a ect the currents. For example, the South equatorial
current splits up as the Brazilian current at the Brazilian coast. 
Ocean currents are important phenomenon which help in circulation of the ocean water and are essential for
regulating the temperature, salinity and nutrient flow throughout the ocean.
Subjects : Geography

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ravi-new-delhi/594a39864c45570e7d978606/)  5 months ago

Gurleen Sidhu (/u/gurleen-sidhu/594e691f4c4557071ea7fbf8/) 5 months ago

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 Oct. 17, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2: Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP). How it is di erent from Gross National
product (GNP). Also explain the limitations of GDP as a indicator of social well-
being. (200 words) 820/834
3/28/2018 Vajiram & Ravi - EdgeLMS

di erent-from-gross-national-product-gnp-also-
Model Answer :
Gross domestic product (GNP):
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's
borders in a specific time period. 
Gross national product (GNP):
Gross national product (GNP) is the total value of all the final products and services produced in a given period by
the means of production owned by a country's residents. The basis for calculating the GDP is the location, whereas
GNP is based on citizenship.
While GDP is o en seen as an indicator of economic well-being, a high GDP per Capita need not necessarily mean a
high average standard of living or well-being. GDP has inherent limitations in what it represents. 
Limitations of GDP:
GDP also includes activities with negative externalities, particularly environmental ones, among others. For
example, smoking.
GDP also includes expenditures that contribute positively to the GDP, but they clearly do not contribute to social
well-being. For example, military related expenditure.
A country with wide disparities in income could appear more progressive, strictly using GDP, than a country
where the income disparities were significantly lower.
The existence of a large hidden economy may make comparisons based on GDP very misleading.
It does not account for productive non market activities, for example, the services of a mother to her children.
Also, GDP does not include a meaningful part of the economy – household work.
Certain destructive events or activities can increase GDP while decreasing overall welfare, making the GDP an
inaccurate gauge of social welfare. A massive hailstorm that creates demand for thousands of new roofs and
windows in a particular region, for example, is not an economically beneficial event.
As researchers including Amartya Sen pointed out, human (or social) well-being does not depend solely on
commodities (as captured by the GDP statistics), but on the capability of people to actually use them in a way they
wish to.
Given all the limitations of GDP as measures of welfare, it is clear that the practice of (implicitly or explicitly) using
GDP statistics as a welfare proxy is flawed.  However, for now, it remains the main indicator of development due to
its relative ease of measurement and comparison.
Subjects : Economy

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Shweta (/u/shweta/594d01964c45570e7a1e5695/) 5 months ago

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Q1. What are the various types of unemployment? Give suitable examples in Indian
context. (200 words)
Model Answer :
Unemployment is a phenomenon that occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to
find work. The most frequently measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate, which is the ratio of
unemployed people to the number of people in the labor force. 
Unemployment is broadly broken down into five types:
1. Frictional Unemployment: This type of unemployment occurs because of workers who are voluntarily
unemployed between jobs. 
Example: A so ware professional resigning from one company and looking for another job.
2. Structural Unemployment: This occurs when changes in market economies lead to situations where demand
increases for some job skills while other job skills become outmoded and are no longer in demand. 
Example: Computerization in banking meant people with no computer skills were no longer needed.
3. Cyclical Unemployment: This occurs due to downturns in overall business activity. 
Example: In Indian economy, it was partially visible in 2008 when IT MNCs retrenched employees. 
4. Seasonal Unemployment: It is unemployment that occurs during certain seasons of the year. In some industries
and occupations like agriculture, holiday resorts etc., production activities take place only in some seasons. People
engaged in such type of activities may remain unemployed during the o -season.
Example: In India, between Rabi and Kharif period many farmers and agricultural labour remain unemployed. Some
of them use opportunities provided by MGNREGA programme. 825/834
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5. Disguised Unemployment: It is a situation in which more people are doing work than actually required. Even if
some are withdrawn, production does not su er. 
Example: Overcrowding in agriculture due to rapid growth of population and lack of alternative job opportunities
means more people work on a farm than needed.
India's unemployment numbers hide the huge disguised unemployment in agriculture. This, along with the fact that
around 1 lakh people are joining the labour force every month in India, necessitates prioritizing job creation. Self-
employment opportunities and labour intensive industries must be the focus of the government, along with
increased industrialisation.
Subjects : Economy

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Gurleen Sidhu (/u/gurleen-sidhu/594e691f4c4557071ea7fbf8/) 5 months ago

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Unemployment can be defined as the lack of availability of employment/jobs for labour force which is the
number of people within an economy who are able as w...

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 Oct. 16, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Indian Constitution is o en described as a “bag of borrowing.” Do you agree?

Give arguments to justify your opinion.
In the Introduction, explain why the Constitution of India is described as a “bag
of borrowing” (that is, various provisions borrowed from various Constitutions).
Then mention the Constitutional provisions which we have borrowed from other
Give your opinion on whether you agree or not and substantiate your position.
(/mains-daily-questions/q2-indian-constitution-is-o en-described-as-a-bag-of-
Model Answer :
The architects of Indian Constitution went through all the then existing major Constitutions of the world before
dra ing their own and as Dr. Ambedkar  observed, they tried to accommodate the best possible  and time tested
features of each of them to the requirement of the country. Therefore, Constitution of India is o en described as a
bag of borrowing as it freely drew from the Constitutions of various other countries and the Government of India
Act, 1935. 
The major Constitutional provisions which we have borrowed from other Countries are as follows: 826/834
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From U.K: Provisions of Parliamentary System, Bicameral Parliament, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, Single
Citizenship, O ice of CAG, Writ jurisdiction of court, Rule of law.
From USA: The concept of Written Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Supreme Court, President as executive
Head of state, Vice President as chairman of council of states, and Judicial Review.
From the Australian Constitution: Concurrent List, Cooperative Federalism, and Centre-State Relationship.
From the erstwhile USSR: The concept of Fundamental Duties.
From Canada: Federal System and Residuary Powers.
From Ireland: The concept of Directive Principles of State Policy, Nomination of members to Rajya Sabha by
President, and Method of Presidential election.
GoI Act of 1935 remained the biggest influence:
However, the Government of India Act, 1935 had the biggest influence on our Constitution. From the 1935 Act,
we borrowed the Federal scheme, Declaration of Emergency powers, Ordinance making power of president and
governor, O ice of governor, Power of federal judiciary, and Administrative structure both at centre and state
Since, most of them were already in place at the time of the framing of Constitution, it made sense to
incorporate the major provisions of this Act.
Although several provisions of the Constitution have been borrowed from other Countries, these provisions have
been moulded and fit in accordance with the requirement of ours. Moreover the largest influence in our
Constitution was the Government of India Act, 1935. Hence it will not be precise to say that Constitution of India is
only a bag of borrowing.
Subjects : Polity

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Krishna Sanjay Rai (/u/krishna-sanjay-rai/594e797b4c4557072136e75d/) 5 months ago

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Borrowing means adopting something from others.The structural part of Indian constitution to a large extent
is derived from the Government of India Act of 19...

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Q1. What are the basic values enshrined in the Preamble of our Constitution? How
relevant are these values in the present time?
In the Introduction part, write about the Preamble and the values enshrined in
the Preamble.
Then briefly explain some of the important values mention in the Preamble
A er that explain how  they are relevant in the present time 827/834
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Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Preamble to the constitution embodies the essence of the entire constitution and is like an introduction and
preface of a book. It embodies the fundamental values and the philosophy on which the Constitution is based. It
embodies the ideals and aspirations of the people of India.
Values in the Preamble:
The values expressed in the Preamble are Sovereignty, Socialism, Secularism, Democracy, Republican character,
Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Human Dignity and the Unity and Integrity of the Nation. Some of them are
explained below:
The term “Sovereignty” implies that India is internally supreme and externally free.
By the word “Socialism”, the Constitution means the achievement of Socialistic ends through democratic means
i.e. democratic socialism.
By Secularism the Constitution means that India is neutral in religious matters and treats all religions impartially.
The terms Democratic Republic means that the government will be run by the method of discussion and
persuasion. And the supreme power is held by the people and their elected representative.
To build up an ideal democracy, the preamble emphasizes justice, liberty, equality and fraternity as political
ideals. These ideals listed in the preamble are, according to Prof. Barker, the quintessence of western democracy.
Relevance for today:
The basic values enshrined in our Preamble are co-terminus with the ideals and aspirations of the freedom struggle.
These values are even more relevant today than the date of its adoption because of these following reasons:
In the present world order, the idea of sovereignty is more relevant because in the Globalized era several
international organization forces small countries to do what large countries want.
In view of the persistent communal tensions and riots on the basis of religion, secular values are more relevant
Although we have achieved political democracy, we are yet to achieve social democracy (social justice, equality
and dignity of person) and economic democracy (reducing economic inequalities).
On the other hand, the idea of Socialism, though it still exists in the preamble, has given way to a more modern
concept of the “welfare state” (where government does not control all economic activity, but aims to provide
benefits to all) a er the 1991 reforms (coinciding with the fall of Soviet Union).
As seen above, the values enshrined in our Preamble are very relevant in today’s context. They also aid in the legal
interpretation where the language of the Constitution is found to be ambiguous.
Subjects : Polity

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Gurleen Sidhu (/u/gurleen-sidhu/594e691f4c4557071ea7fbf8/) 5 months ago

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Preamble to Indian constitution signifies the basic values, aspirations and Ideals of India as a society. The
dream of a society united in the face of divers...

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 Oct. 15, 2017 (2 Questions)

Q2. Discuss the consequences of the Battle of Plassey and the Battle of Buxar in the
Modern Indian history. (200 words)
Introduce with the two battles
Explain the various consequences of the Battle of Plassey
Then explain the consequences of the Battle of Buxar
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The Battles of Plassey (1757) and Buxar (1764) are seminal moments in Modern Indian history as they marked the
beginning on the rise of British colonial rule in India.
In 1757, the Battle of Plassey was fought by the forces of Siraj Ud Daulah (Nawab of Bengal) with the support of
French support troops against the troops of the British East India Company, led by Robert Clive. Victory at Plassey
had enabled the East India company to establish a puppet Nawab on the throne of Bengal. The 1764 Battle of Buxar
was more decisive in result than the Battle of Plassey, with even more significant consequences.
Consequences of Battle of Plassey:
From the military point of view, the Battle of Plassey was not an important engagement. However, what followed
therea er is o en referred to as the “Plassey plunder”.
Immediately a er the war, the English army and navy each received the he y sums of money.
Prior to 1757, the English trade in Bengal was  largely financed through import  of bullion from England, but a er
Plassey not only bullion import stopped  but bullion was exported from Bengal to China and other parts of India,
which gave a competitive advantage to the English company over its European rivals.
Company o icials made personal fortunes not only through direct extortion but also through private trade.
Consequences of Battle of Buxar:
A er Buxar, the English power in Northern India became unchallengeable.
At the Treaty of Allahabad of 1765, Shah Alam granted the company the Diwani (revenue collecting rights) of
Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
The British resident posted at the court of Murshidabad (Bengal) gradually, by 1772, became the locus of real
administrative power in the province. Thus it was in Bengal that the system of indirect rule as a policy of the
company’s imperial governance was first initiated. 829/834
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If the Battle of Plassey had made the English a powerful factor in the politics of Bengal, the victory of Buxar made
them a great power of North India and contenders for the supremacy of the whole country.
Subjects : History and Culture

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Vishal Patil (/u/vishal-patil/594bcae64c45570e7d979938/) 5 months ago

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      History witnesses that impact of war in future does not depend on mere amount of bloodshed but on its
political and geographical importa...

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Q1. Explain the various reasons behind the downfall of the Mughal Empire in India?
(200 words)
Give a brief introduction
Then explain the various reasons like:
1. Downfall due to the crisis of personality
2. Downfall due to the inherent weaknesses in the Mughal Institutions
3. Others
Conclude appropriately
Model Answer :
The first half of the eighteenth century witnessed the decline of the Mughal Empire. There are various explanations
given by the historians behind the downfall of the Mughal Empire. They are:
1. Downfall due to the wrong policies of Aurangzeb
Aurangzeb was the last great Mughal Emperor and was blamed for the decline of Mughal Empire, due to his religious
policies and expansionist military campaigns against Bijapur, Golconda and Marathas. The economic drain caused
by Aurangzeb’s continuous wars in the Deccan had disastrous e ects.
2. Personality Crisis
Crisis of personality is also seen as one of the major causes. The able statesmen were preoccupied more in self -
aggrandizement and had little concern for the fate of the empire. During the times of crises, they could not provide
3. Weakness in the Mughal institutions:
By the time decline started, Mughal institutions su ered from weaknesses in institutions. Those include: 830/834
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a) Problem in Mansabdari System:

• The Mansabdars were were paid in the form of a Jagir, that is landed estate.
• About 4/5th of the landed revenue of the Mughal was under the controls of the Mansabdars but this income was
very unevenly distributed. 
• However, less than 6% of the about 8000 mansabdars controlled 61% of the revenue of the empire.
• This created jealousy and tensions particularly when the resources of the empire were stagnant or even
diminishing. This economic situation is known as the “Jagirdari Crisis.”
• It also created resentment against the Mughal Empire.
b) Decline of the Army:
• Crisis in Jagirdari System also led to corruption in army. No Mansabdar maintained the required number of
soldiers and horses and there was no e ective supervision either.
• The decline of army became more palpable as there was no fresh technological input or organizational innovation.
• The nobles now were more interested in carving out autonomous or semi-autonomous principalities for
themselves, which resulted in a virtual fragmentation of the empire.
4. Agrarian crisis:
Agrarian crisis is also seen as one of the primary causes of Mughal decline. The crisis was caused by endemic state
oppression aimed at extracting high revenues from the farmers. This generated resistance on the part of exploited
peasants who had to choose between starvation and slavery or armed resistance.
5. More causes:
It is also believed that the Mughal decline is the result of the rise of new groups to economic and political power and
the inability of a distant and weakened centre to control them any longer.
Thus, the inherent weaknesses of the Mughal body politic and the numerous contemporary operative causes had
sapped the strength and spirit of the Empire. 
Subjects : History and Culture

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