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Parrington, John-Redesigning Life - How Genome Editing Will Transform The World-Oxford University Press (2016)

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The book discusses advances in biotechnology and genetic engineering, covering topics like gene editing, synthetic biology, regenerative medicine and their implications.

The book discusses the development and applications of new technologies that allow DNA to be manipulated, such as CRISPR, organoids, gene drives and more.

Some of the topics covered in the book include gene editing, transgenic animals, optogenetics, molecular farming, gene therapy, tissue engineering and synthetic biology.


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I would like to thank a number of people who have helped bring this, my
second book, to fruition. I owe a particular debt to Latha Menon, my
editor at Oxford University Press, who always expertly balances her critical
comments with great encouragement about the work at hand. I would also
like to thank Jenny Nugee of the OUP editorial team, for her help on a multi-
tude of practical matters, and Elizabeth Stone at Bourchier Limited for her
meticulous copy-editing of the book. I gained some extremely valuable in-
sights and suggestions for changes to the text from Margarida Ruas, as well
as some very helpful comments from three anonymous reviewers who read
my original proposal and one who read a late draft of the book. Margarida
Ruas also produced a superb set of line drawings. I also owe many thanks to
Anthony Morgan for producing the author photo for the book cover. For
their expert assistance with marketing and publicity, and answers to my
many questions on this front, I would like to thank Phil Henderson and Kate
Farquhar-Thomson of OUP. I owe thanks also to friends and colleagues
who have indulged my many speculations about the new technologies de-
scribed in the book, as well as providing helpful feedback and suggestions.
My final set of thanks is to my family, for providing such a warm and lovely
home environment that meant so much to me during the long hours spent
on researching and writing. Finally, there is a debt that is hard to express
adequately in words, and that is to my mother. As well as her encourage-
ment at every stage of my life, through both ups and downs, she also com-
municated her great love of books and reading, her ability to look for the
positive in every situation, and a questioning and enquiring attitude to life.
It is to her memory that I dedicate this book.

List of Platesix
List of Figuresxi

Introduction: The Gene Revolution 1

1. Natural Born Mutants 7
2. Supersize My Mouse 31
3. Light as a Life Tool 58
4. The Gene Scissors 82
5. Next Year’s Models 109
6. The Molecular Farm 130
7. New Gene Therapy 153
8. Regenerating Life 181
9. Life as a Machine 205
10.  A Redesigned Planet? 229

Glossary 291
Endnotes 293
Index of names337
Index of subjects343

1. Brainbow identifies neurons by colour.

Jeff Lichtman, Harvard University

2. Injection of a human fertilized egg.

Sebastian Kaulitzki, Science Photo Library

3. Bacteriophage infecting a bacterium.

AMI Images, Science Photo Library

4. Human brain organoid with different structures.

IMBA/Madeline Lancaster


1. DNA replication process 21

2. Recessive and dominant characteristics in Mendel’s pea flowers 23
3. Transcription and translation processes 32
4. Procedure for producing recombinant DNA 36
5. Transgenic animals with growth induced by cadmium 41
6. Inheritance of recessive and dominant characteristics 47
7. Gene-therapy treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency 48
8. Homologous recombination during sex cell formation 52
9. Involvement of BRCA1 in DNA repair by homologous
10. Strategy for selecting correct gene targeting events in ES cells 54
11. Cell-type-specific knockout mice 56
12. Ovaries contain stem cells that can produce eggs 66
13. The nerve cell 70
14. Propagation of an action potential 72
15. Optogenetics uses light to stimulate neurons 73
16. DNA repair mechanisms after a double strand break 86
17. Zinc finger nucleases and TALENs 88
18. CRISPR/CAS9 system for targeted DNA cleavage 93
19. RNA interference inhibits gene expression 96
20. Genome-wide screen for genes involved in lung metastasis 99
21. Regulation of gene expression by transcription factors and CAS9 101
22. Light-activated gene editing 102
23. Mammalian brains and prefrontal cortex 125
24. Creating hornless dairy cattle by introducing naturally
occurring mutations 147
25. CCR5 is needed for HIV infection 168

List of Figur es

26. Gene-drive inheritance by mutation chain reaction 174

27. Induced pluripotent stem cells 191
28. The three temperature-dependent stages in a PCR cycle 208
29. The three-letter genetic code and the corresponding amino acids 219
30. Expanding the genetic code with the X-Y base pair 223
31. Use of artificial primordial germ cells to make eggs and sperm 244

All figures by Margarida Ruas

1  Brainbow identifies neurons by colour.

2  Injection of a human fertilized egg.

3  Bacteriophage infecting a bacterium.

4  Human brain organoid with different structures.

The Gene Revolution

I magine if living things were as easy to modify as a computer Word file.

Think of the possibilities if the genetic code of organisms could be
tweaked a little here, changed a bit there, to give organisms slightly different
properties, or even radically different ones. Let’s take things a step further.
Picture life forms whose very genetic recipe was manufactured in a chem-
istry lab using new components never seen before on Earth. In such a world,
microorganisms might be adapted to produce new types of fuel, and farm
animals or plants engineered to produce leaner meat or juicier fruit, but
also to withstand extremes of temperature or drought to meet the increas-
ing demands of climate change. Medical research too would be transformed
if we could easily modify the genomes of different species in order to gen-
erate mutant animals to model human disease.
If genomes really could be modified like computer text, medicine itself
might look very different. Instead of people having to suffer terrible diseases
like cystic fibrosis or muscular dystrophy,1 the gene defects associated with
these conditions could be corrected in the affected tissues. If tinkering with
genomes were both precise and efficient, such conditions might become a
thing of the past, with genetic defects corrected at the embryo stage or even
earlier, in the eggs or sperm within the gonads. Of course, this could pose
the question of what was considered a defect. For instance, would the avail-
ability of personalized genome information and the ability to manipulate
this information lead to a situation where parents clamoured to have off-
spring engineered to kick a football like Cristiano Ronaldo, compose music


like Mozart, or have Einstein’s scientific genius? And if life forms in the
future become truly synthetic, does that mean that one day we’ll have syn-
thetic people too?
But there are other, more troubling future scenarios that can be imagined
if genetic modification were to become as easy as cutting and pasting a
Word file. For what is to stop such technology being used to engineer new
lethal types of viruses, or synthetic life forms escaping and taking over the
world? And how could we ensure that new types of genetically modified
(GM) food—whether animal or plant—were safe to eat? Could such plants
pose a risk to the environment? And what about the welfare of the modified
animals? This is also potentially an issue if scientists develop new types of
mutant animals to model human disease. Will this lead to pain and suf-
fering in a wider range of species, including our biological cousins—mon-
keys and other primates? And if researchers developed GM primates to
study how the human brain works, could this lead to a Planet of the Apes-type
scenario? For that matter, could the technology be used as a tool to recreate
long-extinct organisms such as woolly mammoths or fearsome dinosaurs
like Tyrannosaurus rex?
The prospect of being able to modify life in such a routine manner may
either excite or horrify, depending on your viewpoint. Yet although these
imagined future scenarios sound like science fiction rather than fact, it’s
time we discussed the new technologies that are transforming our ability to
manipulate life. For while the scenarios above are fictional, thanks to the
new technologies—particularly one called ‘genome editing’2 but also a new
branch of science called ‘synthetic biology’—many soon may not be.3
Of course, you could be forgiven for thinking genome manipulation is
nothing new. After all, isn’t that the scientific basis for all those debates
about GM crops, gene therapy, or designer babies? And indeed, we’ve had
the technology to cut and paste gene sequences in a test tube since the
1970s,4 while in the 1980s it became possible to modify the genome of an
organism as complex as a mouse.5 But the difference between genome edit-
ing and past forms of genetic engineering is a bit like comparing letterpress
printing with the first word processor, or modern motor cars with horse-

Introduction: The Gene R e volu tion

drawn carriages, in terms of scope and potential. So, as Jennifer Doudna of

the University of California, Berkeley, a pioneer of a type of genome editing
called CRISPR/CAS9, recently put it: ‘It’s a technology that gives scientists a
capability that has not been in our hands in the past. We’re basically now
able to have a molecular scalpel for genomes. All the technologies in the
past were sort of like sledgehammers.’6 Quite why this is so, is a topic that
will be explored in detail in this book.

A Scientific Revolution

Perhaps most astonishing is the speed at which the new genetic engineering
is taking place.7 Despite genome editing being a recent development, it’s
been taken up and applied in various different ways at a pace that has sur-
prised many scientists. And it is for this reason that Science magazine named
CRISPR/CAS9 its ‘Breakthrough of the Year’ in 2015, instead of the Pluto
flyby or the discovery of a new human ancestor.8 ‘We all kind of marvel at
how fast this took off as a technology,’ said Doudna. ‘There’s just a really
tremendous feeling of excitement for the potential of CRISPR.’9 One way
the technology is having a major impact in biomedical science is through a
new-found ability to modify genomes from species ranging from simple
bacteria through to mammals—not only mice, but large animals like pigs
and monkeys. At the same time, the capacity of genome editing to geneti-
cally modify animals and plants important for agriculture looks set to have
a huge impact on food production.
Yet amidst the excitement, the new technology is also creating controversy,
precisely because of its greatly enhanced accuracy and power compared to
past genetic engineering approaches. That isn’t only due to the potential
impact in already controversial areas like GM crops and animal models of
disease, but because genome editing is equally applicable to human cells. In
November 2015, the technology was used to treat a baby with an aggressive
form of child leukaemia, producing what doctors called a ‘near miracle’
recovery.10 More controversially, genome editing has been used to modify


the genome of human embryos for the first time in history. And although
there was no intention of implanting the embryos into a woman, this has
led some scientists to call for a ban on such research, saying that it’s ‘dan-
gerous and ethically unacceptable’.11
The range of potential applications of genome editing are such that
Dustin Rubinstein, who’s applying this technology at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, believes ‘it’s really going to just empower us to have
more creativity . . . to get into the sandbox and have more control over what
you build. You’re only limited by your imagination.’6 Yet, as Jennifer Doudna
recently pointed out, ‘Great things can be done with the power of technol-
ogy—and there are things you would not want done. Most of the public
does not appreciate what is coming.’12 Surely, given the scale of the scientific
revolution now underway, this is a deficit that needs correcting if the wider
public are to influence the way genome editing is employed. But taking part
in such a debate requires a proper understanding of the underlying science
and what distinguishes the new technology from previous approaches to
modifying life. Such was the stimulus for writing this book.
There are other major developments taking place in biotechnology too.
For instance, take the new field of optogenetics.13 This employs laser beams
to stimulate—or inhibit—nerve cells in the brain of a mouse, allowing sci-
entists to better understand how this organ works, but also to control
behaviour. This approach is revolutionizing neuroscience by making it pos­
sible to uncover how particular nerve cells contribute to complex brain
functions like learning, memory, pain, and pleasure. ‘Optogenetics is not
just a flash in the pan,’ believes neuroscientist Robert Gereau of Washington
University in Saint Louis. ‘It allows us to do experiments that were not
doable before. This is a true game changer like few other techniques in sci-
ence.’14 In addition, scientists are identifying other ways to manipulate nerve
cell activity with electromagnetism and ultrasound. What’s more, this tech-
nology has recently been used to manipulate other cell types, such as those
of the heart or the pancreatic cells that secrete insulin.
Or consider the latest in stem cell technology. The development of stem
cells with ‘pluripotent’ potential—the ability to give rise to any cell type in

Introduction: The Gene R e volu tion

the body—is a huge growth area in biomedicine.15 Pluripotent cells can be

derived from human embryos, which has caused some controversy, but re-
cently even ordinary human skin cells have been transformed into such
pluripotent stem cells.16 Perhaps most startling has been the demonstration
that such cells can self-organize into structures similar to organs like the
gut, pancreas, liver, eye, and even brain.17 Currently such technologies are
primarily being used to further understanding of brain function or organ
development, but the potential direct clinical applications are huge. And the
ability to grow human organs in culture—both for research and as a poten-
tial replacement for a diseased or aged heart, liver, or pancreas—is itself
being boosted by the ability to modulate gene activity made possible by
genome editing.
Synthetic biology is an even more radical approach to redesigning life.
This approach has led to the creation of the first artificial bacterial genome
and yeast chromosome.18 The long-term aim of such research is to use such
artificial constructions as a starting point for more radical changes to ge-
nomes than can be achieved even with genome editing. Meanwhile, other
synthetic biologists are seeking to change the very structure of DNA and of
the proteins that it encodes.19 In the future, this approach may make it pos-
sible to radically redesign bacteria so they can perform important practical
functions, like producing fuel or food, detecting the presence of toxins in
the body, or acting as construction materials. And the application of syn-
thetic biology to more complex organisms might one day create animals or
plants that are totally resistant to viruses.
These exciting advances pose serious ethical issues that shouldn’t be
ducked. For instance, in agriculture, how can we ensure that genome edit-
ing is used to benefit the majority of the world’s population and not just
increase the profits of giant companies? In biomedicine, such technology
might revolutionize the understanding and treatment of disease, but what
are the risks? This question is particularly controversial when we consider
the possibility of using genome editing to genetically modify a human
embryo, for instance for the treatment of disease. For, as well as the poten-
tial risks, would such embryo modification eventually lead to other genetic


changes being introduced into a new human life, such as those that alter
looks, skills, or personality? Optogenetics is revealing new information
about how the brain works but could it one day be used as a form of mind
control? And while synthetic biology might lead to the production of novel
life forms with a variety of practical uses, how can we be sure these new life
forms will not overrun the planet and cause harm?
Such are the themes of the book. But it’s now time to step back a little
and, in the first chapter, consider whether, for all the novelty of genome ed-
iting and other technologies for transforming life, the human capacity for
modifying life might not be quite so new after all.


Natural Born Mutants

S uper-sized salmon. Glow-in-the-dark cats. Goats that produce spider silk

in their milk.20 It’s not surprising many people view genetic engineering
with suspicion, given the way we often encounter it in the media. We will
look at some weird and wonderful uses of this technology, but in this book
I’ll be making the case for genetic engineering as a vital tool for understand-
ing life and manipulating it for human benefit. And I hope to demonstrate
that, far from being of interest only to scientists, these new powers are some­
thing everyone should know about. Very soon, their influence will affect us
all. Yet they represent just the latest step in a unique human characteristic:
our ability to consciously transform the world around us. This capacity is
based on two key human traits: our ability to make and use tools, and our
self-conscious awareness, which allows us to plan how to employ such tools.21
Now some may argue that a scientist manipulating genes in a test tube or
creating a GM plant or animal, is quite different from a prehistoric cave
dweller fashioning a spear from a stick and sharpened flint. But is it true that
genome manipulation by humans is a totally new phenomenon? Certainly
this is the case if we only consider the direct modification of genetic mater-
ial, using tools first developed in the 1970s, a topic we’ll shortly explore in
Chapter 2. But indirect manipulation of genomes is something we humans
have been engaged upon for many thousands of years, through our domes-
tication of the various plants and animals that provide us with food,
clothing, transport; through aesthetic pleasures like gardening or sport;
and even through our yearning for company, in the form of pets.
We domesticated other organisms by taking wild species and transform-
ing them in size, looks, behaviour, and other properties—ultimately by


altering their genes. And while this was done without knowledge of the
material basis of inheritance, recent advances in genome analysis mean we
can now pinpoint in precise molecular detail the genetic changes that oc-
curred during the agricultural revolution that transformed human society
12,000 years ago.22 Such changes resulted from humans selecting certain
wild variants over others and, in the process, creating rice or wheat from
wild grasses or the domestic pig from a wild boar. Yet although the agricul-
tural revolution was the main driver for such changes, it’s not the first
example of humans transforming the genome of a species. For that, we
must look even further back, to a time when all humans lived as small
groups of hunter gatherers. It was then that we adopted one particular wild
species which not only transformed our hunting capacity but also evolved
into a faithful companion—a status it has maintained to this day. By now
you’ve probably guessed that I’m talking about the dog.

From Wolf to Hound

An image I spotted recently on the Internet shows a dog reclining on a sofa,

above the words: ‘We were wolves once, wild and wary, stealth and cun-
ning, then we noticed you had couches.’23 Now if we forgo some historical
inaccuracy on the home furniture front, unless a cave alcove covered in furs
counts as a couch, this image isn’t so far off the truth. It correctly identifies
the dog’s ancestor as a wolf, and draws attention to the behavioural changes
that accompanied the progression from wary wild animal to the lolling pet
of today. That dogs evolved from wolves has long been known. What
modern science can contribute is insight into how and when this evolution
took place. It can also reveal the molecular changes that made our canine
companions the way they are today.
We know the point in prehistory when wolves were first domesticated
from archaeology—through the discovery of burials by humans of wolf
skeletons that already show dog-like features like a smaller frame and shorter
jaw24—and from comparing the genomes of different breeds of dogs with

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

those of wolves. Since genomes acquire random mutations in their deoxy-

ribonucleic acid (DNA) over time, such a comparison is used as a ‘molecular
clock’ to estimate the time a species has been in existence. Genetic compari-
sons of existing human beings have helped us piece together the chron-
ology and geography of our evolution, and has shown that modern humans
first evolved in East Africa 200,000–150,000 years ago.25 Similarly, genetic
studies suggest dogs originated in South-East Asia and have been part of
human society for at least 33,000 years.26, 27 What’s more, DNA analysis by
Love Dalén and colleagues at the Swedish Museum of Natural History of a
wolf bone from the Taimyr Peninsula in northern Siberia that was radiocar-
bon dated to be 35,000 years old, indicated that the DNA already showed
signs of genetic differences associated with modern dogs. According to
Dalén, this means that dogs were either domesticated at this time, or the
population split into modern wolves and a wild ancestor of modern dogs
that later became extinct. ‘We think the simplest explanation is that dogs
were domesticated at the time of the split,’ said Dalén.28
Exactly how the wild wolf started on its journey to faithful human com-
panion is a matter of some debate. One theory is that humans and wolves
first came into contact while hunting. Both species tend to hunt in packs,
and while they may have encountered each other pursuing a common prey,
sometimes wolves must have hunted humans and vice versa. Perhaps
during one hunt a wolf cub became separated from its pack, or the latter
were killed and a human hunter took a cub home with him. Then, in a re-
verse situation to Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book, where the lost child
Mowgli is raised by wolves,29 the wolf cub would have grown up in human
society. As the cub grew into an adult wolf, eventually it might have become
too dangerous to remain in the settlement. Assuming this happened suc-
cessively to wolves with slightly different temperaments, gradually, by nat-
ural selection, those animals that fitted best into human society would have
been the ones that remained in the settlement and bred with similar tame
wolves living there.
A second theory is probably not best to ponder if you’re planning on
eating soon. For this proposes that humans and wolves first came into close


contact because of the latter’s fondness for consuming the refuse that a set-
tlement’s occupants would throw out,30 including the human faeces that
accumulated on the edge of primitive settlements.31 Based on this unsa-
voury starting point, the wolves that were more docile and least afraid of
humans would thereby be most likely to consume such refuse: eventually
this would lead to interactions with humans and the tame wolves being ac-
cepted into the life of the settlement.
For either theory to work, our human ancestors would have had to recog-
nize some value in keeping such a canine companion, and here the hunting
skills of wolves may have been a key factor. Subsequently, through natural
selection, the human settlements that hunted using tame wolves would have
been more likely to survive because of their greater efficiency at bringing
home meat. In line with this possibility, even today some tribes in Nicaragua
depend on dogs to detect prey, while traditional moose hunters in Arctic
regions bring home 56 per cent more prey when accompanied by dogs.30
As well as ensuring that a bond developed between humans and their
tame wolves, this joint activity between the two species may have helped
select wolves most suited to this role, and possibly also humans that could
work best with their wolf helpers. For instance, Pat Shipman of Pennsylvania
State University believes working with wolves could have led to the evolu-
tion of a distinctive human characteristic—our eyes with their white sclera,
coloured iris, and black pupil—which contrast with those of other primates
that have a dark sclera. Since wolves’ eyes also have a white sclera, Shipman
thinks this feature evolved in humans to aid communication with our new
canine companions. It is much easier to work out what humans/animals are
gazing at if they have a white sclera. Shipman argues that this change prob-
ably aided communication between humans themselves, since ‘it provides
a very useful form of non-verbal communication and would have been of im-
mense help to early hunters. They would have been able to communicate
silently but very effectively.’32
Shipman believes the new-found alliance between humans and wolves
was so important that it may have been a key factor in the disappearance of
the Neanderthals, who became extinct between 30,000 and 40,000 years

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

ago. Explanations for this extinction range from the effects of climate change,
genocide by modern humans, or a battle for scarce resources ­between
Neanderthals and humans—which our species eventually won thanks to
our superior skills. Shipman favours the last scenario but with a twist,
namely that tame wolves gave us the edge in this competition. ‘Early wolf-
dogs would have tracked and harassed animals like elk and bison and would
have hounded them until they tired,’ she said. ‘Then humans would have
killed them with spears or bows and arrows. This meant the dogs did not
need to approach these large cornered animals to finish them off—often
the most dangerous part of a hunt—while humans didn’t have to expend
energy in tracking and wearing down prey.’32 While speculations like these
are thought-provoking, they are difficult to confirm in the absence of a ma-
chine to replay prehistory. Yet what genome analysis is revealing with much
higher certainty are the precise molecular changes that ­occurred as wolves
evolved into dogs.
This analysis suggests that dogs are a product of a process called neoteny,
which also seems to have been central to human evolution. Through neot-
eny, an evolving species retains juvenile features into adulthood. So human
adults have many physical features—a flatter and broader face, hairless
body, large head-to-body ratio—in common with young, but not older,
apes.33 This slowing of development was crucial in human evolution, allow-
ing a greater capacity for learning. And recent studies indicate that, through
genetic changes that promote neoteny, adult dogs have also retained an
inclination to learn into adulthood that is absent in wolves. This helped
them gain important skills to aid their human masters, like tracking and
fetching prey, as well as a love of learning and performing tricks that may
have enhanced their attractiveness as pets. Importantly, while dogs often
compete over objects when playing with other dogs, they are usually more
cooperative when the play partner is a human.34 This may have helped the
dog–owner relationship develop.
Another important characteristic in dogs is their capacity to eat a varied
diet. Genetic analysis by Kerstin Lindblad-Toh of Uppsala University,
Sweden, has revealed that dogs differ from wolves in several genes that aid


the digestion of starches into sugars.35 As a consequence, although our pet

pooches love steak, they’re also happy wolfing down rice or potatoes. This
change would have been important in easing the adaptation of dogs to life
around humans because it meant they could consume scraps that humans
found unpalatable and left uneaten. Clearly, a number of complex changes—
both behavioural and physical—occurred during the transition from wolf
to dog, but what is clear to conservation biologist Peter Smith, chief execu-
tive of the British Wildwood Trust, is that ‘the deep, deep connection has
existed between man and wolves—now our dogs—for many tens of thou-
sands of years and that is why we love dogs so much. They are part of our
own evolution into a modern society.’36

A Feline Interloper

While dogs may be humankind’s oldest friend, cats are the other main rivals
for our affections, so much so that they are now the world’s most popular
pet, outnumbering dogs by around three to one.37 This popularity is undoubt­
edly helped by the fact that cats are far more self-reliant than dogs—so they
require virtually no training; they can groom themselves; and they may be
left alone without pining for their owner, but nevertheless (usually) greet us
affectionately when we return home.
Some behavioural differences between cats and dogs have a basis in the
biology of the two species, namely wild cats and wolves, from which these
pets evolved. However, they also reflect the distinct ways in which these spe-
cies entered our lives and their subsequent evolution. For while humans
have cohabited with dogs for at least 30,000 years, genome analysis indi-
cates that cats only joined our households 10,000–12,000 years ago. And
here there’s a clear link with the period during the agricultural revolution
when humans first began to grow enough cereal plants to accumulate a sur-
plus, and thereby a need to store grain.38
The accumulation of grain in this way made it possible, for the first time,
for humans to begin living together in large groups, and led to the birth of

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

cities. But grain stores also attracted rats and mice. And wild cats that preyed
on these rodents must have made a sufficient difference to the ability of
people in the new cities to keep their grain safe for them to be welcomed
into these places of human habitation. The Natufians, who inhabited the
Levant region of the Middle East and are widely regarded to have invented
agriculture, seem to have been the first people to attract the wild Arabian
cat into their lives in this way.37 Subsequently, cats in ancient Egypt became
so important they were worshipped as gods.39
While the initial relationship of cats to people in these first cities was prob-
ably like today’s urban foxes, which are adapted to a human environment
while retaining an essential wildness, the usefulness and subsequent evolu-
tion of wild cats led to them being assimilated into human households. And
recent analysis of domesticated cat genomes in comparison to those of wild
cats has provided some fascinating insights into this evolution. Such analysis
has revealed that domestic cats differ in genes that control aggressive behav-
iour, formation of memories, and the ability to learn from both fear- and
reward-based stimuli.40 According to ‘anthrozoologist’ John Bradshaw of
Bristol University, such genetic changes ‘give domestic kittens the ability to
become sociable with people—but if they don’t encounter humans until
they’re over 10 weeks old, they can remain as “wild” as any wildcat’.41 In add-
ition, like dogs, our feline companions tolerate a more varied diet than just
meat, making it easier for them to fit into a domestic lifestyle by eating table
scraps. So cats have a longer intestine than their wild cousins and enhanced
activity of genes that aid digestion of fatty plant matter.40
In other respects though, cats are more similar to wild cats than dogs are
to wolves, or as Bradshaw puts it, modern cats have ‘three paws firmly
planted in the wild’.42 This may be due to their more recent evolution, but
probably also reflects the fact that, while the first cats showed their useful-
ness to city-dwelling people because of their rodent-catching skills, there
was probably no human selection for these skills analogous to the way dogs
were selected for specific characteristics that were useful during a hunt.
Maybe this explains why cats can be affectionate or aloof, serene or savage,
since they are that much closer to wild cats than dogs are to wolves.


Taming the Earth

While cats protected our grain stores in ancient times, that grain had to
come from plants, and a key feature of the agricultural revolution was the
cultivation of wild plant species in a fixed location for the first time. Humans
are not the only organisms that cultivate other species—certain ants, bee-
tles, and termites ‘farm’ fungus43—but we are the only ones that do so on
such a widespread scale and with so many different farmed varieties.
Importantly, like our technologies in general, farming is constantly evolv-
ing. Thus, from the moment humans began to cultivate wild plants we also
began to select for specific characteristics in these plants, and so the evolu-
tion of the different domesticated species began.
Now, through genome analysis, we’re beginning to understand the
molecular basis of the evolution of staple crops like rice, maize, and wheat.44
In fact, all such cereal crops are varieties of grass, and at the genetic level
they’re much more similar than might appear from their superficial differ-
ences. Human selection led to the development of these distinct types of
plants with very different attributes as foodstuffs. In some cases, different
populations have also made selections based on distinct properties of the
same plant: so in some parts of the world people traditionally eat long-grain
rice, while others prefer short-grain, sticky varieties.44
In some cases, the characteristics for which a particular plant is bred have
changed over time. So lettuce was originally grown in ancient Egypt for its
seeds, which were used to produce oil, and the original plant formed no
head of leaves; only subsequently was there selection for plants with large
leaves.45 Meanwhile, cabbage, which is part of the mustard family, was ori-
ginally so toxic it was eaten in small quantities for medicinal properties. It
was only through selective breeding that it evolved into the non-toxic plant
we can eat today with impunity.46 Such changes in what are viewed as
important attributes even in the same plant pose a challenge for genomic
studies of crop plants. Quite contradictory tendencies may have been se-
lected at different points in a plant’s history, and this complicates the ­genetic

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

As well as identifying the genetic differences that underlie the specific

characteristics of a particular domestic plant, genome analysis has also led
to more general insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying domes-
tication. So we now know that every domestic plant went through an evo-
lutionary process called ‘domestication syndrome’ that made it easier to
grow as a crop. For instance, in rice this syndrome included loss of shat-
tering (the seeds don’t break off from the central stalk before harvesting), an
increase in seed size, and the seeds all germinating simultaneously so they
can be harvested at once.47 Similar features have been identified in the evo-
lution of other cereal crops.
Of course, agriculture is not just about plants. The genomes of animals
and birds kept for meat production, such as pigs, sheep, cows, goats, and
chickens, have all now been sequenced and comparisons are underway,
where possible, with the genomes of the wild species from which the
domestic animal originated. Such a comparison between domestic pigs and
wild boars by Merete Fredholm and colleagues at Copenhagen University
has revealed the genetic differences that underlie one very noticeable
domestic pig characteristic—its much greater length compared to a wild
boar.48 Longer pigs are an advantage to farmers because this means more
pork on each individual animal. ‘There are certain genetic variants that
make the pig grow longer,’ said Fredholm. ‘Originally, it was a rare gene
mutation, but today it occurs in just about all domesticated pigs.’48 One
such mutation led to domestic pigs having an increased number of bones in
their spine, compared to wild boars.
You might assume that the domestication of animals like pigs for meat
production would only lead to changes in the genomes of the animals that
are eaten. Yet new research has also identified some fascinating genetic
changes in the humans who first began to farm pigs for their meat. Scientists,
including Matthew Cobb of the University of Manchester, studied genetic
differences across human populations in genes coding for so-called ‘olfac-
tory receptors’ which detect different odours, and found that one gene,
olfactory receptor 7D4 (OR7D4), which enables us to detect a smell called
androstenone—a sex hormone produced by male pigs and found in pork—


differs between different populations.49 Depending on their particular

OR7D4 gene variant, people respond differently to androstenone—so some
individuals find it foul, some sweet, and others cannot smell it at all.
However, the concentration of these distinct types shows an intriguing dis-
tribution in different parts of the world. ‘We found the variants that enable
you to smell this odour are very highly represented in Africa which is where
we all came from,’ said Cobb. ‘In Europe and Asia there is an increased ten-
dency to not be able to smell this odour due to changes in their DNA.’49 But
these regions are precisely the places where pigs were first domesticated,
and Cobb believes there is a good reason for this: ‘Our hypothesis is that
these mutations enabled people to eat pork without being disgusted by boar
meat and that this helped those populations survive.’49
While production of meat is a primary reason for the domestication of
animals, it’s not the only one. So our ancestors bred sheep and goats for
their wool, and oxen and horses as means of transport, and here too gen-
omic analysis is providing new insights. For instance, analysis of the gen-
omes of cashmere goats showed that the genes coding for keratins—the
main proteins in skin, nails, and hair—and those that regulate hair growth
are subtly different in this breed, accounting for their particularly fine
wool.50 Meanwhile, by studying the genomes of different horse breeds, Vera
Warmuth and colleagues at Cambridge University have shown that wild
horses were first domesticated in the western Eurasian Steppe—modern-
day Ukraine and West Kazakhstan—around 6,000 years ago. Michael
Hofreiter of York University believes that uncovering the timescale and
geography of horse domestication in this way will reveal more than just the
history of these animals. ‘Horse domestication has changed human cul-
tures a lot,’ he said. ‘It has changed warfare, it has changed transportation.
Studying the past of horses can tell us a lot about our own past.’51
It’s not only domestic farm animals whose genomes are now under scru-
tiny, but also the microorganisms that cause them disease. Such research is
challenging long-held assumptions about the spread of certain diseases.
One such assumption is that most diseases that plague humans originally
came from farm animals. This is one reason why Jared Diamond of the

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

University of California, Los Angeles, believes the agricultural revolution

was ‘the worst mistake in the history of the human race’.52 The idea that most
human diseases are a by-product of agriculture comes from observations
that smallpox is similar to cowpox and measles to rinderpest, a disease of
cattle, and so on. And, certainly, comparisons of the genomes of life forms
that infect humans and farm animals have tended to confirm the idea that
agriculture, while generally a blessing, has also been a curse in this respect.53
Yet recent studies have also uncovered interesting exceptions in which it
seems that humans infected animals first. So while it’s long been assumed
that tuberculosis, found in both cows and humans, was passed to us from
these animals, new genomic evidence indicates that humans first became
susceptible to this bacterium and subsequently passed it to cows.53 Another
common assumption is that we first acquired tapeworms from pigs, since
we can be infected by these parasites after eating undercooked, contamin-
ated meat. Yet genetic analysis indicates that here too it was humans who
first infected these farm animals.53

Many New Breeds

Another reason for keeping domestic animals is for primarily aesthetic pur-
poses. I say primarily because a prize-winning dog or cat can clearly be a
pet as well as a show object. In fact, pedigree breeding is a relatively recent
phenomenon; so the large number of dog breeds we now take for granted
date back less than two hundred years, to the Victorian era.54 The Industrial
Revolution, which fuelled the rise of modern capitalism, also, for the first
time, generated a significant middle class with both the time and money to
indulge themselves.55 And one form that such indulgence took was breeding
specific types of dogs and cats, but also pigeons, and even mice, and pre-
senting these at shows. Driven purely by aesthetic notions, in only a short
period of time such competitive breeding created the 400 types of dogs
with their fantastic range of size, shape, and looks, from the tiny Chihuahua
to the huge Great Dane.54


The study of pedigree breeds has played an important role in the bio-
logical sciences, for instance stimulating Charles Darwin’s theory of evolu-
tion by natural selection.56 His voyage around the world in the HMS Beagle is
rightly credited with helping him formulate this theory, since it exposed
him to many natural varieties of animals and plants.57 Yet an equally import-
ant stimulus was Darwin’s observations of the many pigeon breeds being
created in Britain by ‘pigeon fanciers’, for these showed how rapidly size,
shape, and form could be influenced by artificial selection. A particular
object of selection for such fanciers was the crest—feathers on the neck and
head that grow upwards rather than downwards, as in wild pigeons.58
Michael Shapiro of the University of Utah, who studies the genetics of crest
formation, has described the different types. ‘Some are small and pointed,’
he said. ‘Others look like a shell behind the head; some people think they
look like mullets. They can be as extreme as an Elizabethan collar.’58
Darwin’s study of pigeons, which started in March 1855, was to be strictly a
way of collecting facts about the variation in a domestic species: there was
to be ‘no amusement’.59 However, by November of that year he wrote to his
friend the geologist Charles Lyell, who was planning a visit: ‘I will show you
my pigeons! Which are the greatest treat, in my opinion, which can be of-
fered to a human being.’59 Darwin had been caught up in a craze so popular
in mid-nineteenth-century Britain that it crossed the class divide, counting
miners, weavers, and Queen Victoria herself amongst its many enthusiasts.
Whitwell Elwin, who reviewed Darwin’s unpublished manuscript detail-
ing his ideas about evolution, dismissed the work as a whole, calling it ‘a
wild & foolish piece of imagination . . . for an outline it is too much & for a
thorough discussion of the question it is not near enough’.56 However, he
liked the section about pigeons, and recommended that Darwin scrap the
main manuscript and write a short book about pigeons instead. ‘Everybody
is interested in pigeons,’ he wrote, and a book like this would ‘be reviewed
in every journal in the kingdom and soon be on every table.’56 Luckily
Darwin and his publisher ignored this advice, and we ended up with The
Origin of Species, not The Little Book of Pigeons. None the less, Darwin’s obser-
vations of artificial selection and how it produced the many different pigeon

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

breeds was a key step in the evolution of his theory. It led to a recognition
that selection could also arise in nature, with competition for scarce re-
sources resulting in the variants in the population which thrive in such cir-
cumstances being more likely to survive and produce offspring, which
would inherit their traits.60
Recently, studies of pedigree breeds have become important in a different
way, by providing new insights into the genetic basis of human disease.
Since pet dogs and cats share our homes and our food (though less so now
in societies in which people buy specialized pet foods), their environment is
also more similar to ours than other mammalian species. Most importantly,
the huge number of dog and cat varieties are not just different in size, shape,
and behaviour, but also have different susceptibility to specific diseases.61
And now, by analysing the genomes of these different breeds, it’s becoming
possible to pinpoint the molecular basis of such differences, with import-
ance not only for veterinary, but also human, medicine.
So narcolepsy—the brain disorder that causes a person to suddenly fall
asleep at inappropriate times and which can be potentially fatal if, say,
­driving—is particularly common in Dobermann Pinschers. Genome ana-
lysis of this breed identified a link between this condition and a gene that
regulates the brain’s uptake of a neurotransmitter called hypocretin.61
Subsequent analysis of brain fluid from human narcoleptics showed they
lacked this chemical. Studies of how hypocretin can block sleep may iden-
tify ways to prevent narcolepsy, or conversely lead to treatments for insom-
nia. Meanwhile, a study led by Leslie Lyons of the University of Missouri
found that an important cause of kidney failure in old age—polycystic
kidney disease—is associated with mutations in the same gene in both
people and cats.62 And since some cat breeds are susceptible to type 2 dia-
betes, asthma, and other conditions found in humans, the search is now on
for the feline genes associated with these conditions.
The study of naturally occurring mutations in different pedigree breeds
is also leading to the identification of genes involved in body morphology.
Dwarfism is a defining feature of dog breeds like Dachshunds, Pekingese,
and Basset Hounds. In all such breeds, this is due to a change in the gene


coding for fibroblast growth factor, which, as its name suggests, is involved
in growth.54 Changes in another gene, coding for bone morphogenesis pro-
tein (BMP), are responsible for the differently shaped skulls of sheepdogs,
with their long snouts, compared to flat-faced bulldogs.63 Understanding
how BMP performs this role could lead to new insights into the molecular
basis of human disorders of the skull and face.
Studies of the behavioural quirks of pets may even lead to new insights
into human psychiatric disorders.64 Dobermann Pinschers are particularly
prone to a condition that causes them to chase their tails for hours on end,
or suck on a toy or one of their paws so compulsively that it interferes with
their sleeping or eating. Such canine compulsive disorder is thought to have
similarities with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in humans. And
Border Collies sometimes overreact to loud noises in a manner similar to
people with anxiety disorders. But while behavioural quirks are often par-
ticular to specific breeds, in other cases a dog will display a behaviour that is
unusual for its pedigree. A new project called Darwin’s Dogs, run by scien-
tists at the University of Massachusetts, is now trying to identify genetic links
to such behavioural characteristics.64 Miranda Workman of Buffalo, New
York, is one pet owner who has enrolled her dogs in the scheme, because
she wants to know why her Dutch Shepherd Athena has a jovial side not
usually found in this guard dog breed, and why Sherlock, her Jack Russell, is
more shy and sensitive than most terriers. ‘I have some dogs that don’t
necessarily fit the stereotype,’ she said. ‘Is it their environment that’s dif-
ferent or are they different? It will be fun to find out why they are that way.’64

Natural Born Mutants

Although the study of naturally occurring mutations in dogs and cats for
biomedical purposes may be novel, as applied to other species in an experi-
mental setting it’s far from a new idea. Indeed, genetics has been intimately
bound up with the investigation of mutants from its origins in the late nine-
teenth century. In the popular consciousness the word mutant tends to

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

c­ onjure up images of bug-eyed monsters, or beings with incredible powers

like Spiderman or the Incredible Hulk.65 However, in scientific terms a
mutant is merely an organism with a new characteristic resulting from a
change in its DNA.66 Mutation is a natural consequence of the fact that DNA
is subject to environmental insults, whether from radiation or chemicals;
another important source of mutation is the DNA copying process.
The discovery of the famous double helix structure of DNA by Watson
and Crick in 1953 was important because it immediately indicated how this
‘molecule of life’ replicates itself.67 What happens is that the two strands of
the helix split in two and a mirror image copy is formed from each, the
DNA polymerase enzyme that does this assembling the new strand from
the ‘nucleotide’ units that form the DNA molecule (see Figure 1).
While highly accurate, this replication process occasionally suffers from
errors. To combat mutations—whether arising from radiation, chemical
damage, or the replication process—organisms ranging from bacteria to
humans employ various forms of DNA repair. Just how important such
repair mechanisms are is demonstrated by the unfortunate individuals who
lack them. People with a condition called xeroderma pigmentosum are
highly prone to DNA damage caused by the Sun’s UV rays.68 Even brief

DNA polymerase

DNA unwinding and unzipping


New DNA forming

Fig. 1.  DNA replication process


e­ xposure to normal sunlight causes the skin of such people to blister, and
they are prone to skin cancer. Another DNA repair defect, Cockayne syn-
drome, leads to premature ageing,68 while defects in the breast cancer 1 and
2 (BRCA1 and BRCA2) genes, both involved in DNA repair, causes a strong
tendency to develop breast and ovarian cancer. This latter defect made the
headlines when actress Angelina Jolie made public her decision to have a
double mastectomy and removal of her ovaries after her mother and aunt,
with whom she shared the BRCA1 gene defect, died prematurely from ovar-
ian and breast cancer, respectively.69 That defects in the same cellular pro-
cess can have such varied effects reflects the fact that different types of DNA
repair are more important in some parts of the body than others.
Mutations can cause cancer because any change in DNA that results in
abnormalities in the proteins regulating cell growth and division may lead
to tumour growth. In fact multiple changes in the genome of a cell are gen-
erally required for this to happen, which is why our likelihood of succumb-
ing to cancer increases with age, reflecting the gradual accumulation of
mutations in our bodies over time.70 However, if a mutation occurs in the
sperm or egg DNA, a susceptibility to a particular type of cancer can be in-
herited. This was the case with Angelina Jolie, whose inherited BCRA1 gene
defect meant that, before her mastectomy, her risk of getting breast cancer
before the age of 70 was 65 to 87 per cent compared to a 12.5 per cent risk in
most women.71 In fact, each one of us is likely to be carrying numerous
harmful mutations in our genomes. These can result in other serious dis-
eases besides cancer, such as cystic fibrosis.72 That such mutations don’t
generally result in disease is because we have every gene in duplicate, and
it’s sufficient in most cases for a person to have only a single functional gene
for this not to cause a problem.
While many people are aware of the link between mutations and disease,
there is much less recognition of the fact that, without mutations, we human
beings, or indeed any of the other species on the planet, would not exist. To
understand why, we need to return to Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
Darwin recognized that evolutionary change took place because some vari-
ants in a population are more suited to survive in a particular environment,

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

and therefore to reproduce, than others.73 And we now know that muta-
tions in DNA underlie such differences between individuals, some of which
enhance survival. This ensures the spread of such mutations through a
population and ultimately the evolution of a species.

A Model of Life

Darwin never identified the material basis of inheritance. That was left to
the monk Gregor Mendel, who, in the 1860s, studying the inheritance of
pea plants, first proposed that inherited characteristics are passed down as
discrete ‘factors’, which we now call genes.74 Mendel showed that the inher-
itance of pea characteristics, like purple or white flowers, or short or long
stems, followed precise mathematical patterns, which he divided into two
types: dominant, in which a single defective gene can cause the character-
istic, being passed down from an affected individual to half their offspring;
and recessive, in which two defective genes are required, so that two unaf-
fected carriers of the characteristic have a one in four chance of having an
affected offspring (see Figure  2). Mendel’s work complemented Darwin’s
ideas by providing a material basis for species variation and its transmission
across generations. But Darwin died not knowing of Mendel’s findings,
which were also overlooked by other scientists. It was only when Mendel’s
findings were rediscovered in 1900 that Darwinism and Mendelism were
united into a single theory of evolution and inheritance.73

A a

Self pollination A
AA Aa 3 : 1
Dominant trait Recessive trait
Aa (Purple colour) (White colour)
Aa aa

Fig. 2.  Recessive and dominant characteristics in Mendel’s pea flowers


The realization that genes are made out of DNA had to wait almost an-
other half century, when Oswald Avery at the Rockefeller University in New
York showed in 1944 that DNA was the molecule of inheritance,75 while
Watson and Crick identified DNA’s double helix structure at Cambridge
University in 1953.76 Not only did this latter discovery reveal how the mol-
ecule replicated, subsequent studies showed how it acted as a code for the
assembly of proteins. However, long before these discoveries, in the 1900s,
Thomas Hunt Morgan, of Columbia University in New York, had recog-
nized that mutant organisms offered a way to study the material basis of
genes, since the pattern of inheritance of their abnormal characteristics
could be studied, and the genes associated with the mutation identified.
Initially working with mice, Morgan quickly switched his studies to fruit
flies (Drosophila melanogaster), because he realized that, with their rapid re­
production time and large numbers of offspring, there was far more chance
of spotting rare mutants that did arise.77 And through patient identification
and characterization of such mutants, Morgan’s team confirmed Mendel’s
findings in an animal species. They also identified new patterns of inherit-
ance, such as a mutation that caused white eyes instead of the normal red
ones, but typically only in males. The discovery that some characteristics
are sex-linked led to the realization that the associated genes must be lo-
cated on the X chromosome. This explained why human disorders like hae-
mophilia generally only affect males: haemophilia is a recessive disorder
and females with two X chromosomes are therefore usually protected, since
it is unlikely that both copies are abnormal.78
Despite these promising initial findings with naturally occurring muta-
tions, fruit fly genetics really only took off when Hermann Muller, a former
member of Morgan’s team, discovered a way to greatly boost the mutation
rate in this species.79 Muller might have only been 5´2˝ in height, but he was
a larger-than-life character who inspired and outraged in equal measure.
For Muller was as passionate about socialism as he was about science, and
he seemed to believe that a Bolshevik should be, well, bolshie—a stance that
would get him into trouble throughout his life. In Morgan’s group, Muller
made some important contributions, such as showing that mutations in

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

one gene could alter the expression of another gene, implying that genes
interact. However, Muller didn’t feel his ideas were given sufficient credit in
Morgan’s publications, and he moved to set up his own lab at the University
of Texas. Here he showed that irradiating fruit flies with X-rays dramatically
increased the number of mutants in subsequent offspring. ‘In a few months
Muller found more mutant genes than the total from all the Drosophila labs
up to that time,’ said James Crow, who was a graduate student at Texas and
later became a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.80 The dis-
covery was made in the mid-1920s, 30 years after the discovery of X-rays by
William Röntgen.81
Unfortunately, Muller’s socialist views led to trouble with the authorities.
He helped publish a Communist newspaper at his university, and the FBI
tracked his activities. In 1932, Muller moved to Russia, expecting to find
himself amongst kindred spirits, only to discover that the country was in
the grip of Stalin’s clampdown on both personal and academic freedom. By
the time he left in 1937, many of Muller’s students and colleagues had ‘disap-
peared’ or been shipped to Siberia, and he was lucky not to meet a similar
fate, as traditional genetics was increasingly seen as a ‘bourgeois deviation’
in the new totalitarian state.
Despite these troubles, Muller’s greatest triumph was still to come. In
1945, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. The award not only recognized the
importance of Muller’s findings for basic science, but also reflected increas-
ing awareness of the dangerous effects of radiation on human genes.79 This
was shown in practice by the tragically early death of Marie Curie, who,
with her husband Pierre, had isolated the naturally radioactive elements
polonium and radium.82 Describing these studies, Marie wrote how ‘one of
our joys was to go into our workroom at night; we then perceived on all
sides the feebly luminous silhouettes of the bottles or capsules containing
our products. . . . The glowing tubes looked like faint, fairy lights.’83 Marie
paid a terrible price for her lack of awareness of the health risks associated
with radiation. She succumbed to aplastic anaemia, a cancer of the blood
brought on by massive exposure to radiation during her work, which would
result in her death in 1934.82 The devastating effects of radiation on human


beings was demonstrated on a far greater scale by the dropping of atomic

bombs by the US Air Force on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in the same year that Muller was awarded his Nobel Prize.84
The foundations of experimental genetics were built upon Morgan,
Muller, and their colleagues’ studies of the fruit fly, and this organism remains
highly important today in biomedical research. Studies of embryo develop-
ment in this species have identified many genes involved in important
­processes in human beings. The most famous are the homeotic (HOX)
genes that regulate the patterning of the body in both flies and humans,85
but we have also learned a great deal about genes that regulate the develop-
ment and function of the brain and nervous system from fly studies.86
Indeed, the continuing importance of this species was shown by a study in
August 2015 that used fruit fly larvae to capture the activity of an entire
central nervous system in a complex animal for the first time.87 The study,
by Philipp Keller and colleagues at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in
Ashburn, Virginia, used a new technique called light-sheet microscopy,
which illuminates a specimen with laser light from both sides, while twin
cameras record images from front and back. The researchers genetically
modified the larva’s nerve cells—using techniques that we’ll explore in
Chapter 3—to make them fluoresce when they fire. ‘By imaging different
parts of the nervous system at the same time, we can see how behaviours
are controlled and then build models of how it all works,’ said Keller.87 This
approach makes it possible to study how the brain and nerves work simul-
taneously to generate behaviour, and may provide new insights into ways to
treat spinal injuries in people.

Fancy Mice

While fruit fly studies have furthered our understanding of many basic bio-
logical processes, ultimately scientists need to study a mammalian ‘model’
of human health and disease, given that we are mammals ourselves. And
the species that has been the favoured choice in this respect is the mouse. In

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

addition to its rapid reproductive cycle and small size, the establishment of
the mouse as a model organism was helped by the existence of naturally
occurring mutant mice thanks to the nineteenth-century interest of breed­
ing ‘fancy’ mice with differently coloured coats and other characteristics as
a hobby.88 Mendel himself first began studying inheritance of coat colour in
mice, breeding these in his living quarters.89 However, the local religious
leader, Bishop Schaffgotsch, was outraged that a monk who had taken the
vow of chastity was encouraging—and watching—rodent sex, and ordered
Mendel to ‘stop the work with the smelly creatures’.90 In response, Mendel
turned to cultivating peas instead, remarking that it was lucky that the bishop
‘did not understand that plants also had sex!’89 So it was that pea plants, not
mice, became the first model organism of genetics.
When geneticists did begin studying mice in the early twentieth century,
they were greatly helped by the activities of a woman called Abbie Lathrop.91
She initially trained as a teacher but gave up this vocation because of chronic
ill health. This didn’t, however, prevent her beginning a new career, breeding
fancy mice. These turned out to be of great interest not only to mice ‘fan-
ciers’, but also to geneticists. The business was such a success that at one
point Lathrop had more than 11,000 mice.91 The animals were fed oats and
crackers; Lathrop got through one and a half tons of oats and 12 barrels of
crackers each month. She also paid local children seven cents an hour to
clean the cages.92 But, most importantly, Lathrop kept careful records of the
different mouse breeds, and these would later prove vital for scientists inter-
ested in determining the inheritance pattern of interesting mouse charac-
At one point Lathrop noticed that some mouse breeds were particularly
prone to developing lesions on their skin.91 She sent samples to several sci-
entists asking for advice about their origin, and one of these, Leo Loeb at
Pennsylvania University, diagnosed the lesions as malignant. Lathrop and
Loeb’s joint interest in the genetic basis of this cancer susceptibility subse-
quently developed into a valuable collaboration. Amongst the important
findings the pair made was the discovery that removing the ovaries from
mice susceptible to mammary gland tumours reduced the incidence of


such tumours. This finding had eventual relevance for treatment of breast
cancer in humans, as one way of treating this cancer is to block the effects
of the hormone oestrogen, which is secreted by the ovaries and inhibited by
the anti-cancer drug tamoxifen, also known as Nolvadex®. Such was the
import­ance of Lathrop’s mice that, when she died in 1918, many were used
to populate a new mouse breeding and research institute founded by
Clarence Little at Bar Harbor, Maine,93 despite him once patronizingly
describing Lathrop as a ‘talented pet-shop owner’.90 The institute, now
known as the Jackson Laboratory, continues to be the world’s largest sup-
plier of inbred mouse breeds to this day.

Enhancing Abnormality

Although scientists have learned a huge amount from studying naturally

occurring mouse breeds, nature sometimes needs a helping hand, as Muller
had shown in fruit flies. But although X-rays were shown to induce muta-
tions in mice as early as 1923, the logistics of inducing large numbers of
mutations by this method and subsequently trying to determine the genetic
basis of such mutations seemed too daunting at this time.94 More recently,
the use of artificial mutagenesis to create and study mutations in mice has
taken on a new lease of life, because the sequencing of the mouse genome
makes it much easier to identify the genetic basis of mutants. Instead of
employing X-rays, a mutagenic chemical ethylnitrosourea (ENU) is used.94
By treating male mice with this chemical, then mating them with females,
many mutant offspring can be generated. These then undergo a number of
tests to detect abnormalities; mice are weighed and measured, X-rayed to
detect skeletal defects, and their blood chemical composition analysed. Tests
are also carried out to detect abnormalities in vision, hearing, and behaviour.
One research area that has particularly benefited from this approach is
the study of deafness. Around one in six people in Britain has some kind of
hearing loss, including most people over 70, and the number is rising,95 with
a similar situation being the case in the USA.96 Karen Steel of King’s College

Natur al Bor n Mu tants

London has tracked down many of the genes involved by identifying mutant
mice that fail to respond to a sound stimulus, or have problems in balance,
which can be linked to deafness. Steel likens the quest to identify genes
associated with each defect to solving a puzzle. ‘You have no idea of what
the mechanism might be before you start studying the genetics,’ she said.
‘So, it’s a bit like putting a jigsaw together, or unwrapping a parcel, as you
find out what’s going on inside.’97 According to her, ‘characterising these
mutants taught us many lessons. First, many of the genes that we found had
never been linked to deafness before. That told us that there are many dif-
ferent genes that can cause deafness. Second, there are a wide variety of
mechanisms that can cause hearing impairment.’97 The studies showed that
genetic defects can cause deafness at birth, but also create susceptibility to
hearing loss in later years. Characterization of the genes associated with
deafness may lead to greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms
those genes regulate, and hopefully to new drugs for treating both congeni-
tal and progressive hearing loss.95
Although the study of mouse mutants is proving of great value for bio-
medical research it does raise important issues about animal welfare, since
defects in a particular gene could potentially result in an abnormality that
causes pain or distress. In fact, surprisingly, many mouse mutations have
quite subtle effects on the body, perhaps because the developing embryo
compensates for loss of a particular gene by enhancing or repressing the
activity of other genes.98 But this is not always the case. A naturally occur-
ring deaf mutant, the whirler mouse, is so-named because of its rapid circ-
ling and head-tossing motions. This odd behaviour is due to a defect in a
gene involved in forming hair-like projections in the cochlea, a component
of the inner ear.99 Because these projections play important roles in hearing
and balance, study of this mutant has led to important insights into both
these processes.
Another naturally occurring mouse mutant eats excessively, becomes
­severely obese, and develops diabetes, because of a defect in a gene coding
for the hormone leptin, which regulates appetite by signalling to the brain
that the animal is full.100 Study of this mutant may reveal new ways to


­ nderstand and treat obesity and diabetes, currently reaching epidemic

proportions in many countries, despite regular calls for people to eat less
and exercise more.101 But it’s not surprising some people find such obvi-
ously abnormal mouse mutants disturbing, and it’s important that scien-
tists can explain the benefits for human health to be gained from studying
such mutants, in order to justify their use in biomedical research.
There will be always be people fundamentally opposed to any experi-
mentation on animals no matter what the benefits for medicine. Others
may see the potential value of such research, but still feel queasy about this
cultivation of abnormality in another mammalian species. Such unease
should certainly not be dismissed as irrelevant or irrational; it is based on a
reasonable wish that other species be treated with respect and dignity. The
deliberate generation of mutants by radiation or chemicals may also raise
concerns that echo centuries-old fears about the dangers of humans ‘play-
ing God’. Such issues are also relevant for so-called ‘transgenic’ organisms
in which, instead of relying on nature, radiation, or chemicals to mutate the
genetic material, there is a conscious effort to directly manipulate the DNA
that is the molecular basis of genes. For while the identification of the genes
mutated in naturally occurring or ENU mutants is easier because of the
availability of whole genome sequences, it still remains a laborious job to
‘map’ the defect to its position in the genome. In addition, generating muta-
tions by either chemicals or radiation is very much a hit-and-miss affair.
Because of this, scientists have sought to directly modify the genome of a
living organism. We will now look at how they first achieved this and the
potential of such technology for human society, but also some of the ethical
issues it raises.


Supersize My Mouse

A tension has long existed in science between those who believe we

should merely seek to understand the natural world and those who
think we should actively manipulate and control it for human benefit.
Contemplation of nature has long been regarded as a noble pursuit, but sus-
picion and even fear may be attached to scientists who seek to transform
living things.102 That such fears have ancient roots is shown by the existence
of myths like that of Prometheus, the Titan who defied the Greek gods by
giving fire to humankind, or the Jewish Golem, a powerful being created
from clay. The same fears are reflected in literature, in characters such as
Mary Shelley’s Dr Frankenstein, with his monstrous creation, or Marlowe
and Goethe’s Faust, the scholar who sells his soul to the devil in order to
gain powers that allow him to transform and manipulate the natural world.
A central theme of such myths and stories is the havoc and chaos such
acts create, and the punishments awaiting those who disturb the natural
order.103 And such images certainly helped frame much popular discussion
of the first attempts to directly modify the genetic material of living organ-
isms. So GM crops have been referred to as ‘Frankenfoods’104 that pose grave
risks to both human health and the environment, while media coverage of
transgenic animals—so-called because foreign genes have been transferred
into their genomes—often focuses on bizarre examples like animals that
glow in the dark or plants that produce fish oils. A focus on such curiosities
may help sell newspapers or advertising space on the Internet, but it can
mislead people about the benefits of genetic engineering, as well as its real
limitations and risks. Any serious discussion of this topic needs to examine
the actual science of genetic modification, and to do this, we need to return


to Saturday, 28 February 1953, when Jim Watson and Francis Crick first
determined the double helix structure of DNA. At their celebratory drinks
at the Eagle pub in Cambridge, Crick’s boast that he and Watson had dis-
covered the ‘secret of life’105 may have bemused anyone else listening, but
wasn’t so far wrong in terms of the impact of the discovery on our under-
standing of the natural world.
The discovery initiated the age of molecular biology by providing a uni-
fying principle to genetics that had been lacking: the recognition that life
can be viewed as a linear code. The genetic blueprint, DNA, can be seen as a
long string of four different letters—defined by the chemical names aden-
ine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, generally abbreviated to A, C, G, and T.
Importantly, the order of these four letters is not random, but occurs in a
precise sequence of triplets, each coding for a particular amino acid, the units
from which proteins are composed.106 So a linear code based on the four
DNA letters is ‘transcribed’ first into ribonucleic acid (RNA)—DNA’s chem-
ical cousin—and then ‘translated’ into proteins, themselves linear molecules,
but composed of 20 different units—the amino acids (see Figure 3).







Methionine Proline Leucine Alanine Arginine Histidine

(Amino acid chain)

Fig. 3.  Transcription and translation processes

Supersize My Mouse

Unlike DNA, with its unvarying double helix, each type of protein folds
into a unique 3D shape based on its specific sequence of amino acids. It’s
because of these differences in shape and size that proteins can perform so
many different roles in the cell, acting as cellular building blocks, motors,
and transporters, as well as carrying out many other functions. The genetic
code—the connection between the sequence of letters in the DNA and that
of the amino acids in proteins (see Figure  3)—was cracked by the mid-
1960s.107 But knowing how the code worked didn’t immediately translate
into an ability to manipulate it. That only became possible with the discov-
ery of natural processes in bacteria that provided key tools for genetic

Engineering Life

The first of these processes allows bacteria to defend themselves from infec-
tion. Since we generally think of bacteria being the infective agents, it may
seem strange that these microorganisms suffer infection themselves. Yet
just as humans can be infected by viruses, so bacteria have their own vir-
uses to deal with—so-called bacteriophages.108 And just as our own immune
system wards off infectious agents, so bacteria have their own miniature
form of immunity. This process was discovered by Werner Arber of the
University of Geneva, in the 1960s, but Hamilton Smith of Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore, Maryland, worked out its specific details in 1970.109
He showed that bacteria produce catalytic proteins—enzymes—that rec-
ognize a specific DNA sequence in the genome of an invading virus and
chop the DNA at that point. The target sequences are small, typically four to
six letters, and each bacterial species produces its own set of one or more
unique cutting enzymes.
So Escherichia coli, more commonly known as E. coli—the bacterium that
lives inside a human gut but also exists in more dangerous forms—pro-
duces an enzyme named EcoRI that cuts within the sequence GAATTC.
Since this sequence occurs many times within any typical long stretch of


DNA, this poses the question of why the enzyme doesn’t cut the bacteri-
um’s own genome into pieces. What prevents this happening is that, just as
our immune system can distinguish invading microorganisms from our
own cells and tissues, E. coli has also evolved a mechanism to protect its
genome. This involves the recognition site GAATTC being chemically
modified with a methyl (–CH3) group in the bacterial DNA, which prevents
the site being cut in the genome. Because of this, the cutting proteins have
become known as ‘restriction enzymes’, since their action is restricted to
targeting only foreign DNA.110
Many different bacterial species produce their own unique restriction
enzyme with a distinct cutting site. So, armed with a variety of such en-
zymes, it’s possible to cut anywhere in a DNA sequence. The first use of
such enzymes was demonstrated by Daniel Nathans, also at Johns Hopkins,
who employed HindII and HindIII, restriction enzymes Hamilton Smith
had purified from the Haemophilus influenza bacterium, to cut the SV40
monkey virus into 11 pieces, thereby creating the first ‘restriction map’.111
Long before it became possible to identify a piece of DNA by its sequence,
this method made it possible to do so by the precise number and size of
fragments it could be cut into, like a kind of molecular fingerprint. For
these discoveries, Arber, Smith, and Nathans were awarded a Nobel Prize in
When told he’d been awarded the greatest prize in science, Hamilton
Smith’s response was initially one of shock. ‘Are you kidding?’ he said when
a reporter told him about the award. ‘I just didn't imagine it would be taken
in that light.’112 This feeling was shared by his family. When Smith’s mother
heard the news on her car radio, puzzled, she turned to her husband and
said, ‘I didn't know there was another Hamilton Smith at Hopkins.’112 The
fact was that, before the award, Smith was viewed at Johns Hopkins only as
a fairly obscure researcher, known more for his moth-eaten sweaters, shirts
worn bare at the elbows, and thick glasses through which he squinted as if
he’d just emerged from a cave, than for any sense of impending fame.112 His
studies of restriction enzymes were seen as highly esoteric, if they were rec-
ognized at all. However, Smith’s discovery was about to make him famous

Supersize My Mouse

because of its huge practical potential for increasing humanity’s capacity to

manipulate the genetic code.
The second step on the road to genetic engineering was the discovery, by
Martin Gellert at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Bob Lehman
at Stanford University, of another type of enzyme called DNA ligase, which
can join two DNA fragments together.113 This enzyme is employed natur-
ally during the process of DNA replication, alongside the DNA polymerase
enzyme that actually creates the new DNA strand. By using both restriction
enzymes and DNA ligase, it was finally possible to cut and paste DNA se-
quences in a test tube. At first, it wasn’t clear how the new technologies
could be used to modify the genes of a living organism, because introduc-
tion of restriction enzymes into a cell would cut its genome at multiple
points, killing the cell in the process. A chance meeting between two scien-
tists—Stanley Cohen of Stanford University and Herbert Boyer of the
University of California in San Francisco—provided the final link in the
chain that would make genetic engineering of living organisms a reality.
In 1972 Cohen and Boyer were in Honolulu attending a molecular biology
meeting, at which both gave talks. While Boyer spoke about his studies of
the precise cutting mechanism of the restriction enzyme EcoRI, Cohen’s
talk concerned his investigation of a kind of molecular parasite in bac-
teria—loops of DNA called plasmids that use the host cell’s own DNA rep-
lication machinery to propagate themselves.114 This isn’t a wholly selfish act
though, for plasmids also give something back. Because they contain genes
that code for resistance to antibiotics, help the host bacterium to digest un-
usual substances, and kill other types of bacteria, they provide the bacter-
ium with an extra capacity for survival.115
It was when Cohen and Boyer met to discuss their work over a late-night
snack at a delicatessen near Waikiki Beach that an idea was born with
technological implications that continue to reverberate today.114 The two
scientists realized that plasmids could be used to transport genes of any
species into a bacterial cell, where they would not only be replicated along-
side the genome of the host cell, but could also be expressed as functional
proteins. All that was required was to cut a gene of interest, and also a


The two DNA Recombinant vector

Digested plasmid
Plasmid fragments are carrying gene of
and gene of interest
joined together interest is inserted
are mixed together
using DNA ligase into bacteria

enzyme Gene of

Foreign DNA ligase
Bacterial DNA

Fig. 4.  Procedure for producing recombinant DNA

plasmid, with a restriction enzyme, use DNA ligase to attach the two to-
gether, then introduce the resulting gene construct into a bacterium (see
Figure 4). Cohen achieved this by using a ‘heat shock’ to get the bacterium to
take up the DNA. Since uptake of the gene construct into the bacterium is
highly inefficient, this rare event must be selected for. Such selection makes
use of the antibiotic resistance genes that plasmids typically contain. If the
experiment is carried out in a solution containing the antibiotic, only those
cells containing the plasmid DNA survive.

Birth of Biotechnology

Cohen and Boyer demonstrated their ‘recombinant’ DNA technology initially

by showing that they could join together DNA from two different plasmids
and propagate this construct in bacteria. But the real power of the technol-
ogy was demonstrated by using it to create bacteria that could produce
human proteins of clinical relevance. This was achieved first by Genentech,
a company set up by Boyer and Robert Swanson in 1976.114 Swanson was a
28-year-old unemployed banker who recognized that molecular biology had
progressed to the point where it could make money—lots of it. So he visited
Boyer and proposed a partnership. One of Boyer’s colleagues remembered

Supersize My Mouse

‘standing out in the hallway laughing at this guy in a three-piece suit. We

didn't get people like that visiting us.’116 Yet Swanson’s ten-minute pitch was
persuasive enough for biologist and banker to go for a beer at a local bar and
discuss the proposal further. A deal was struck, but there were still plenty of
obstacles ahead; in particular, the fledgling company required start-up
funds, as well as a saleable product.
Swanson eventually managed to find investors, but only after a fraught
six-month period which he spent drawing unemployment money and living
on peanut butter sandwiches. Meanwhile, Boyer had hit upon a p ­ roduct—
somatostatin—a hormone that regulates growth and can be used to treat
tumours and growth disorders.114 The biotechnology business was born,
and soon other human proteins were being produced, most notably insu-
lin. Previously, people with diabetes had to rely on insulin extracted from
the pancreases of pigs slaughtered for their meat. However, slight molecular
differences between pig and human insulin meant that this version of the
hormone caused adverse immune reactions in some people. But in 1978,
Genentech began developing a way to produce human insulin in bacteria in
collaboration with the Eli Lilly pharmaceutical company, and in 1982 this
became the first biotechnology product to appear on the market.114
The growth of biotechnology from university laboratory experiments
to billion-dollar industry is one of the success stories of modern science.117
Yet for a time in the mid-1970s it seemed that biotechnology might never
get started at all, because of fears about its safety. And notably, it was sci-
entists themselves, not government officials, political activists, or religious
figures, who decided that further development of the technology should
cease until the risks had been properly assessed. In particular, Paul Berg,
who had been using the technology to study the functional properties
of the genes of the simian virus 40 (SV40) virus in a bacterium, became
concerned about the health risks if such modified bacteria were to escape
into the wild, a reasonable fear given the virus itself had been shown to
cause cancer.
Berg and other molecular biologists—notably Sydney Brenner, David Balti­
more, Richard Roblin, and Maxine Singer—organized a meeting to discuss


such risks and devise ways to reduce them, to be held at the Asilomar Con­
ference Center in Pacific Grove, California, in February 1975.118 The meeting
was to discuss the possibility that, while ‘the new technology opened extra-
ordinary avenues for genetics and could ultimately lead to exceptional
opportunities in medicine, agriculture and industry . . . unfettered pursuit of
these goals might have unforeseen and damaging consequences for human
health and Earth’s ecosystems’.118 In line with such concerns, in the run-up
to the meeting a voluntary moratorium was proposed, and despite the
commercial potential of the new technology, this was universally observed
not only in academia but also in the biotechnology industry. One effect of
publicizing the potential risks of recombinant technology was that, in the
build-up to the meeting, the media ‘had a field day conjuring up fantastical
“what if” scenarios’.118 Some scientists feared this would turn the public
against recombinant DNA technology. However, the fact that at the meeting
itself there were not only scientists but also lawyers, journalists, and gov-
ernment officials provided an opportunity for members of the public to
be informed ‘about the deliberations, as well as the bickering, accusations,
wavering views and ultimately the consensus’ of how to maximize the
potential and minimize the risks of biotechnology.118
The Asilomar meeting decided that recombinant DNA technology could
continue, but only following strict guidelines that regulated the safe dis-
posal of GM bacteria. It also introduced genetic safeguards that limited the
bacteria’s ability to survive in the wild, should any accidentally escape.
Importantly, according to Berg, the meeting introduced the principle that
‘the best way to respond to concerns created by emerging knowledge or
early-stage technologies is for scientists from publicly funded institutions
to find common cause with the wider public about the best way to regu-
late—as early as possible’. Berg was particularly concerned that ‘once scien-
tists from corporations begin to dominate the research enterprise, it will
simply be too late’.118 So, although the biotechnology industry had devel-
oped from academic science, already some of the priorities and interests of
the two spheres were diverging, in ways that remain relevant today.

Supersize My Mouse

A Giant Mouse

So much for introducing a gene into a bacterium. But what about manipu-
lating the genome of a complex, multicellular organism? Such a GM or-
ganism—a mouse—was created in 1974 by Rudolf Jaenisch, now at the
Whitehead Institute and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
Boston.119 At this time he was working as a postdoctoral researcher in
Arnold Levine’s laboratory at Princeton University. Jaenisch had joined
Levine’s group because the lab was pursuing an exciting new area of re-
search—the role of certain viruses in causing cancer. Jaenisch’s project was
to study the mechanism of replication of the SV40 virus mentioned in the
section ‘Engineering Life’. However, only two months after his arrival,
Levine told Jaenisch that ‘he was going on sabbatical to Europe and that I
should run the lab’.119 What might have overwhelmed a lesser individual
became an important step in Jaenisch’s career development, for while con-
tinuing his main project into SV40 replication with Levine’s graduate students,
the absence of his supervisor meant he began exploring areas of research
that he might not have otherwise.
In particular, Jaenisch became fascinated by a puzzling fact related to the
cancer-causing ability of SV40. When injected into mice, the virus only
caused formation of tumours in tissues such as bone, muscle, cartilage, and
fat, but not others like the liver. Jaenisch reasoned that this selectivity must
arise either because SV40 could not infect liver cells, or because these cells
were turning off replication of the virus after infection.119 To test which scen-
ario was correct, Jaenisch decided to see if he could infect an early mouse
embryo with the virus. Since at this stage of life all cells are pluripotent,
meaning they can give rise to any cell type, this should allow him to intro-
duce the virus into all tissues of the body. The only problem was the fact
that no one had ever tried such an experiment. Undeterred, Jaenisch sought
help from Beatrice Mintz of the Fox Chase Cancer Centre in Philadelphia, an
expert on isolating and culturing mouse embryos. With her help, Jaenisch
injected mouse embryos with SV40, then implanted them into females.


The initial results were disappointing. None of the resulting offspring

developed tumours, not even in tissues usually affected by the virus.
However, when Jaenisch used a radioactive probe to detect the presence of
SV40 genes he found that viral DNA was present within the mouse
genome.119 Here was clear evidence that he had created the first transgenic
mouse. But the lack of any tumours suggested that something was sup-
pressing the effects of the viral genes. In fact, such a suppression mechanism
makes a lot of biological sense, for without it embryos would be vulnerable
to the effects of any virus that happened to infect them. Understanding how
such ‘epigenetic’ effects can alter gene expression is now a central part of
Jaenisch’s research, and has turned out to be crucial to understanding how
embryos develop, and how both the cellular and bodily environment influ-
ence which genes are turned on or off.120
While Jaenisch had shown that a virus could be used to modify the
genome of a mouse, it remained to be seen whether mice could express a
gene from another complex species, in the same way that GM bacteria pro-
duce human insulin. This feat was first achieved by Richard Palmiter of
the  University of Washington and Ralph Brinster of the University of
Pennsylvania in 1982.121 They were studying a gene coding for the metal-
lothionein protein. This protein traps metal ions like copper, zinc, and cad-
mium, and so helps prevent poisoning of the body by such metals. The
­metallothionein gene is itself turned on by the presence of a metal like cad-
mium, thereby acting as a sensor (see Figure 5A).
Palmiter and Brinster fused the regulatory region, or promoter, of the
metallothionein gene to the rat gene coding for growth hormone, and in-
jected this gene construct into fertilized mouse eggs, which were then
­implanted in females. Remarkably, if cadmium was included in the diets of
the resulting offspring, these animals grew much bigger than normal since
the foreign growth hormone gene was now permanently stimulated (see
Figure 5B). This showed not only that the rat gene had been inherited by
these mice, but that it functioned perfectly too. ‘The giant mouse experi-
ment was a fantastic experiment,’ said Brinster. ‘That is the experiment that
made everybody, including us, stop and say, “This is incredibly powerful” . . . It’s

Supersize My Mouse

Metal-regulatory Heavy metal
transcription factor Transcription “ON”

Metallothionein Metallothionein Metallothionein

promoter gene protein
activated by produced
heavy metals

Egg implanted Normal diet
promoter Growth hormone
in female mouse

plasmid Diet containg
Recombinant plasmid cadmium
injected into fertilized
mouse egg Progeny carrying
growth hormone gene
regulated by heavy metals

Fig. 5.  Transgenic animals with growth induced by cadmium

the first time man was able to experimentally modify the genetic code that
will make the next individual.’122
Such transgenic mice have been useful to biomedical research in numer-
ous ways. For instance, they have been used to study why genes are turned
on in some cell types in the body but off in others. Investigating this issue
could help us understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the devel-
opment of the different bodily tissues, and why sometimes such mechan-
isms go wrong, leading to a developmental abnormality or cancer. Many
different regulatory elements are present in the promoter of any given gene.
By fusing each separately to a ‘reporter’ gene, and then creating transgenic
mice expressing such gene constructs, it’s possible to uncover the specific
contribution of each regulatory element.123 The first such reporter gene was
a bacterial gene called β-galactosidase. The presence of the protein product
of this gene can be detected by a chemical reaction that produces a blue
colour, thereby labelling the cells in which the gene is normally turned on.


But an even more direct way of visualizing gene promoter activity uses
genes coding for fluorescent proteins that, when fused to regulatory elem-
ents, signal their presence by the fluorescence they emit in a particular cell
type or tissue. By such means scientists can track the expression of a gene
product during a bodily process.
This approach has proved very important for studying the progression of
disease in mice models. Osteoarthritis is a painful joint disease that affects
millions of people around the world.124 This disorder is generally first de-
tected when painful symptoms occur, but by then the disease has already
progressed to a late stage. So there is a lot of interest in understanding the
mechanisms underlying the initial stages of osteoarthritis in order to im-
prove its diagnosis and treatment. Recently, researchers at Tufts University
and Harvard University Medical Schools used a fluorescent reporter ap-
proach to monitor the activity of a gene involved in loss of cartilage in the
joint—the key characteristic of osteoarthritis—in mice in which the condi-
tion had been triggered by injury. ‘The fluorescent probe made it easy to see
the activities that lead to cartilage breakdown in the initial and moderate
stages of osteoarthritis, which is needed for early detection and adequate
monitoring of the disease,’ said Shadi Esfahani, one of the researchers.124
The team believe their approach could be used to study the effectiveness of
new osteoarthritis drugs, leading to improved treatments.

Crop Controversy

Transgenic technology has also been used to create GM plants both for re-
search and agriculture. This technology has been employed to produce
plants that are resistant to viruses, other infectious agents, and even to in-
sects; to create forms that are more resistant to weedkiller so that the latter
can be used more effectively to destroy neighbouring weeds; and to change
the appearance, flavour, and nutrient composition of the modified plant.125
There is now widespread production of such crops, with a recent report
claiming that ‘around one 10th of the world’s planted crops are GM.’126 There

Supersize My Mouse

has also been substantial opposition to GM crops, for instance from the Soil
Association, an organization committed to ‘organic’ methods of farming,
on three main grounds.127 First, concerns have been raised about the impact
of such crops on the environment, for instance if a herbicide resistance gene
were to be transmitted to weeds. Second, some have claimed that GM crops
will not help ordinary farmers, but rather allow giant agribusiness compa-
nies to further increase their grip on the farming industry. Finally, there are
claims that GM crops pose risks to human health.
Assessing the scientific basis of such claims has not been helped by the
highly polarized way in which the debate has developed. Science journalist
Natasha Gilbert claimed in an article in Nature in 2013 that, ‘in the pitched
debate over genetically modified (GM) foods and crops, it can be hard to see
where scientific evidence ends and dogma and speculation begin’.128 To try
to get a clearer picture about the impact of GM crops, Gilbert looked at
three key issues: whether the spread of herbicide resistance genes in the
USA had helped create superweeds; whether the introduction of GM insect-
resistant cotton in India had dramatically increased suicide rates amongst
small farmers; and whether transgenes in GM crops imported into Mexico
from the USA had contaminated local maize strains.128
Gilbert claims that, in only one of these cases, is there an unambiguous
answer: namely that the suicide rate amongst Indian farmers does not seem
to have been directly affected by the introduction of modified cotton. So a
study by Ian Plewis of the University of Manchester in 2012 found that the
suicide rate in areas of India that now grow GM cotton did not change sig-
nificantly following the introduction of such cotton to India in 2002.129 In
contrast, Gilbert did find evidence of an increase in resistant weeds in fields
planted with GM herbicide-resistant crops. But this may reflect overreliance
on one specific herbicide rather than any actual transfer of transgenes, as
the same phenomenon has also been seen in fields planted with standard
crops. Finally, Gilbert found evidence both for and against the possibility
that transgenes from GM plants can spread to non-modified crops.128
One aspect of GM crops that has caused particular controversy is so-
called ‘terminator’ technology. A plan to develop this technology, which


creates transgenic plants that produce sterile seeds, thereby forcing farmers
to buy new seed for each planting, was announced by the multinational
Monsanto in 1998.130 The proposal generated huge opposition, on the
grounds that it would force farmers in the developing world to purchase
expensive seed each year from Monsanto, rather than saving new seed to
sow the following season as was their normal practice. In fact, many con-
ventional hybrid crops—the result of breeding two different plant var-
ieties131—also produce sterile seeds. And, according to Paul Moyes of the
European Association for Bioindustries, ‘plant breeders and farmers have
preferred hybrid seeds for more than 30 years because they were more pro-
ductive. This means they have to buy their seeds again every year because
hybrid seeds can only be used once.’130 Nevertheless, the fact that termina-
tor technology seemed to represent a deliberate attempt to impose such
sterility was seized upon by anti-GM activists. So, for example, Andrew
Simms of Christian Aid, the development charity, said, ‘Terminator tech-
nology was the lynchpin of a strategy to protect corporate royalties in de-
veloping countries.’130 And indeed, opposition was such that, in 1999,
Monsanto’s chairman Robert Shapiro was forced to promise not to com-
mercialize the technology.
Turning to the third controversial aspect of GM crops, the question of
how safe they are for human consumption, there are two potential areas of
concern.132 One is that genetic modification of crops may cause harmful
chemical changes in the resulting food product. The second concern is
linked to the way GM crops are produced. Because integration of transgenes
into the genome is so inefficient, antibiotic resistance is used to select for the
rare cases in which integration occurs, a gene that confers such resistance
being included in the gene construct. However, this additional gene could,
in theory, be transferred to bacteria in soil or the human gut, where it might
then create antibiotic resistance in a pathogenic bacterium.
In fact, there is little evidence to indicate toxicity of GM foods, despite
widespread media coverage of a study by Árpád Pusztai of the Rowett
Research Institute in Aberdeen in 1999.133 The study appeared to show that
rats fed GM potatoes suffered damage to their vital organs and immune

Supersize My Mouse

s­ ystems. But a subsequent review of the study by six toxicologists appointed

by the Royal Society, Britain’s national science academy, concluded that the
study was flawed in many ‘aspects of design, execution and analysis’, adding
that ‘where the data seemed to show slight differences between rats fed pre-
dominantly on GM and on non-GM potatoes, the differences were uninter-
pretable because of the technical limitations of the experiment and the
incorrect use of statistical tests’.133
As for the transmission of antibiotic resistance from a GM crop to a viru-
lent bacterium, this is certainly a concern. But while theoretically possible,
it looks likely to be relatively rare. In contrast, a far greater risk in this regard
is posed by inappropriate use of antibiotics, partly through overprescrip-
tion to human patients, but also because of the widespread use of these sub-
stances to treat infected livestock in agriculture.134
While anti-GM protestors have argued that GM plants are detrimental to
human health, recently they themselves have been accused of preventing
poor people in the developing world gaining the benefits of one particular
GM crop. The plant in question is golden rice, which was engineered to pro-
vide vitamin A to counter blindness and other diseases in children in the
developing world. ‘Vitamin A deficiency is deadly,’ said Adrian Dubock,
who helped develop the plant. ‘It affects children’s immune systems and
kills around two million every year in developing countries. It is also a
major cause of blindness in the third world. Boosting levels of vitamin A in
rice provides a simple, straightforward way to put that right.’135 Yet despite
being developed in 1999, cultivation of the plant has been blocked by a vig-
orous campaign by anti-GM groups like Greenpeace, on the grounds that
the crop’s introduction in the developing world is part of a general plan to
make farmers increasingly dependent on Western industry. Greenpeace
also argued that the rice would provide only a tiny amount of the vitamin A
required by a person each day, and ensuring that people in the developing
world had a normal balanced diet was a much surer way of combating vita-
min A deficiency. Yet recently a trial carried out on Chinese children, aged
between 6 and 8, showed that a bowl of cooked golden rice could provide
60 per cent of the recommended intake of vitamin A for young people.


Findings like this have led Mark Lynas, an environmental campaigner and
one of the founders of the anti-GM crop movement, to recently publicly
apologize for opposing the planting of GM crops in Britain. ‘The first gen-
eration of GM crops were suspect, I believed then, but the case for contin-
ued opposition to new generations—which provide life-saving vitamins for
starving people—is no longer justifiable,’ he said.135
What this discussion of the benefits and risks of GM crops does highlight
is that such issues are not purely scientific ones. Instead, they are intimately
connected with the development of GM crops in a free market system, with
all that implies in terms of the interests of public versus private ownership,
and the priorities of profit compared to those of a sustainable agriculture
that benefits the maximum number of people.126 These are issues to which
we will return in Chapter 6 when assessing more recent approaches to gen-
etic modification of plants and animals that are already promising to have a
major impact on agriculture.

Genes as Therapy

As well as its use in agriculture, standard transgenic technology has been

employed in gene therapy in humans. Potential targets for such therapy are
conditions caused by absence of a normal gene product. Following a pat-
tern of inheritance established by Mendel in pea plants, these disorders are
known as recessive disorders, because a person is only affected when they
have two faulty copies of a defective gene.136 These diseases occur when two
unaffected ‘carriers’, each with a single faulty copy of a gene, have an af-
fected child. Following Mendel’s laws, on average this will be the case in a
quarter of their children (see Figure 6).
Cystic fibrosis is one such disorder, caused by the absence of a protein,
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), that forms
pores in cell surface membranes and transports chloride ions out. In the
lungs, lack of the protein causes a chemical imbalance and subsequent
stickiness in the mucus that lines the airways, which causes havoc in the

Supersize My Mouse

Recessive inheritance Dominant inheritance

Nn Nn Nn nn

Carrier Carrier Affected Normal

father mother father mother

NN Nn Nn nn Nn nn Nn nn
Normal Carrier Carrier Affected Affected Normal Affected Normal

Fig. 6.  Inheritance of recessive and dominant characteristics

operation of this organ, leading to lung dysfunction and infection. But this
has also made cystic fibrosis a potential target for gene therapy, since lung
cells are relatively accessible via the respiratory tract.137 Diseases affecting
the blood cells are also targets for gene therapy, since the stem cells that pro-
duce such cells are located in the bone marrow. By extracting a sample of
bone marrow, introducing a functional copy of the gene that’s defective into
the stem cells within, and then replacing the treated bone marrow, it should
be possible to treat the disorder.138
Unfortunately, gene therapy using standard transgenic technology has
been far from a success story. A key challenge is getting a gene construct
into an affected tissue. Attempts to do this include wrapping the gene con-
struct in a detergent shell, to help it cross the cell’s fatty membrane.137
However, this is an inefficient process. An alternative strategy uses a virus
to carry the gene construct into the cell.139 This is a potentially attractive
route because viruses have evolved to cross cellular boundaries and, in
some cases, even integrate their genetic material into the genome of a host
cell. This latter property is a particular feature of retroviruses, of which
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the most famous member.140
A safe, adapted form of HIV was used in a clinical trial carried out in Paris
in the late 1990s to treat a disorder called severe combined immunodeficiency
(SCID). In this disorder, a gene defect in white blood cells leaves sufferers
without a functioning immune system and thereby extremely vulnerable to


Recombinant retrovirus
carrying correct form of gene
Bone marrow cells
with defective gene

Cells infected with


Bone marrow cells

extracted from patient

Engineered bone marrow

cells returned to patient Normal recombinant
gene is carried into the
genome of bone marrow

Bone marrow cells

carrying corrected gene

Fig. 7.  Gene-therapy treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency

infection. The treatment of bone marrow from such individuals with a retro-
virus carrying a normal copy of the defective gene cured the disorder (see
Figure 7).141 However, some treated patients subsequently developed leukae-
mia. An investigation showed that while the retrovirus had successfully car-
ried the normal gene into the genomes of sufferers’ cells, in some cases it also
disrupted the action of genes that control cell growth and division, causing
cancer. A more recent trial led by Patrick Aubourg at the French National
Institute of Health and Medical Research in Paris, has been successful in
curing SCID without causing leukaemia in the process. ‘The new generation
of [viral] vectors is much safer, although the risk is not zero,’ said Aubourg.142
For a dominant genetic disorder like Huntington’s disease, the problem is
not the loss of a gene, but rather the fact that the mutant gene product dis-
rupts normal cellular function. In this case, every generation is affected,
with the chance of an affected person passing on the condition to their

Supersize My Mouse

c­ hildren being one in two (see Figure 6). In Huntington’s, what begins as odd,
jerky movements of the limbs rapidly progresses into psychosis and full-
scale dementia.143 The condition has not been considered suitable for gene
therapy because treatment would involve precisely replacing the mutant
gene with the normal version, something not possible with standard trans-
genic approaches. But at the end of the 1980s, a more precise way to modify
genes was identified, and it came from a surprising starting point—cancers
called teratomas that can occur in various locations in the body, but are par-
ticularly common in tumours of the testicles and ovaries.144
Teratomas have a startling property first identified by Leroy Stevens at
the Jackson Laboratory, Maine, in 1953. Newly arrived at this mouse breeding
institute, Stevens noticed that one mouse breed had a tendency to develop
abnormally enlarged testicles. ‘We killed it, and looked at the testes, and
they had strange things inside,’ said Don Varnum, a technician working
with Stevens.145 This was somewhat of an understatement given that the
tumour, for this is what it was, comprised a grotesque mishmash of dif-
ferent tissues, including bone, hair, and teeth. It was as if the tumour cells
could form any cell type in the body. And the discovery of teratomas in
humans showed that this wasn’t just a peculiarity of mice. Teratomas were
also discovered in ovaries and in other parts of the body, like the brain.144
Trying to understand the phenomenon would occupy Stevens for the rest
of his career. In 1970 he made a major step forward when he discovered that
cells from an early mouse embryo, transplanted into the testicles of adult
mice, also generated teratomas. Based on this observation, Stevens pro-
posed that teratomas might provide a clue as to how the unspecialized cells
of the embryo could develop into all the specialized cell types that make up
the body—so-called ‘pluripotency’.145

Pluripotent Potential

One scientist who became particularly interested in this question was

Martin Evans. Working with Gail Martin at University College London in


the mid-1970s, Evans began studying teratoma cells in culture and found
little difference between them and cells extracted from a normal embryo.146
Were the tumour cells simply unspecialized cells that only became malig-
nant in the wrong environment? In line with this, while cells isolated from
normal embryos turned malignant when injected into an adult mouse, tera-
toma cells injected into an early mouse embryo became part of the normal
tissues of the resulting mouse. This suggested that embryonic cells might be
used to generate a whole mouse. And indeed, by taking embryonic cells
from one mouse breed and injecting these into the embryo of another,
Evans showed that the resulting offspring were ‘chimaeras’—products of
more than one original embryo and named after those mythical beasts like
the Sphinx with the head of one animal and the body of another.146
This chimaeric quality was shown graphically by taking embryonic cells
from a black mouse and injecting these into the embryo of a white one. This
produced mice with patches of black amongst mainly white fur, and genetic
analysis showed that other tissues of these animals were a similar patch-
work, suggesting the embryonic cells could develop into any cell type. This
capacity included an ability to develop into the cells that form the next gen-
eration—sperm and eggs—since breeding male and female chimaeras led
to some offspring that were totally black, that is, totally derived from the
embryonic cells.146 Reflecting their pluripotent properties, the embryonic
cells were named embryonic stem (ES) cells.
The discovery of ES cells immediately suggested a new route for making
transgenic mice. Rather than injecting a gene construct into a fertilized egg
and hoping it would integrate into the latter’s genome, an ES cell could be
genetically modified and used to create a transgenic mouse. Nonetheless,
the same limitations would apply to such a mouse as with the standard
route—unless a way were found to modify a gene in the ES cell more pre-
cisely than was possible with standard methods. In the end, such precision
was achieved using a process that occurs naturally in cells, called ‘homolo-
gous recombination’.147 This occurs when two pieces of DNA that contain
sequences which are identical, or very similar, come into contact. Such
proximity triggers a cellular mechanism in which the two sequences are

Supersize My Mouse

­exchanged.148 In fact, this mechanism is central to a process without which

you or I would not exist.
This process is sexual reproduction. Although we tend to associate sex
with the physical act and the feelings that go with that, in evolutionary
terms the primary role of sex is to create new characteristics for natural
selection to work on.149 Novel characteristics also occur in organisms that
reproduce asexually, as shown by bacteria that become resistant to antibiot-
ics. Such changes occur through mutation, and although this may be a one
in a million event, it only takes one bacterium to develop resistance to an
antibiotic for this single organism to pass on this characteristic to its des-
cendants. Mutations are also ultimately the source of variation in complex
multicellular organisms, including humans, but these changes are very rare,
and occur very slowly in a species like ours that currently produces a new
generation every 25 years on average,150 unlike bacteria which can produce
a copy of themselves in less than an hour.151
Sexual reproduction, however, can generate novelty in a single genera-
tion by mixing and matching the genetic material in the mother’s and
­father’s genomes.152 This is possible because, while cells in the body gener-
ally contain two copies of each gene, the sperm and egg only have a single
copy. This is a necessary state of affairs given that the union of an egg and a
sperm creates a new life, since otherwise the number of copies of each gene
would increase with each new generation. However, within a testicle or
ovary, sperm or eggs develop from stem cells that contain two copies of
each gene—one derived from the original maternal genome, the other from
the paternal genome. It is during this process that homologous recombina-
tion takes place, swapping similar regions of the maternal and paternal
chromosomes (see Figure 8).152 As a consequence, when eggs or sperm are
formed, each has a unique genome. This explains why, although we have
many things in common with our siblings, we can also differ greatly in
looks and temperament.
A second important role for homologous recombination is in DNA
repair. As we saw in Chapter 1, organisms from bacteria to humans have
evolved mechanisms for correcting damage to their DNA. Homologous


Homologous Duplicated Recombined Sex cell

chromosomes chromosomes chromosomes chromosomes

From From New combinations of

mother father maternal and paternal genes

Fig. 8.  Homologous recombination during sex cell formation

recombination plays a role here by allowing a sequence in which a double-

stranded break has occurred to be repaired using the non-broken copy as
a  template.148 The importance of this process is shown by what happens
when it’s defective. As we saw in Chapter 1, the role of the BRCA genes in
cancer susceptibility was highlighted by Angelina Jolie’s decision to have a
double mastectomy, and subsequent removal of her ovaries, because she
inherited a defect in the BRCA1 gene from her mother.153 In fact, the BRCA
genes are central components of the homologous recombination process
(see Figure 9).154
So why does a gene defect that affects a fundamental process like DNA
repair and is present in all cells of the body only cause breast or ovarian
cancer? One explanation is that both tissues undergo rapid cell division
under the influence of the hormone oestrogen. This leaves them vulnerable
to mutations that can occur during the DNA replication that accompanies
cell division, creating a greater need for a correctly operating DNA repair
The link between homologous recombination and cancer illustrates the
importance of this process for normal cellular function. But this capacity of
the cell to swap similar stretches of DNA is now a key tool in genetic engin-
eering. The two scientists who recognized that homologous recombination
offered a way to precisely modify genes in the ES cell genome were Mario
Capecchi of the University of Utah and Oliver Smithies of the University of
North Carolina.156 Although homologous recombination is very rare in this

Supersize My Mouse

Other DNA repair enzymes

DNA damage agent BRCA1

DNA double-strand break

DNA template

Repaired DNA

Fig. 9.  Involvement of BRCA1 in DNA repair by homologous recombination

cell type, in 1989 Capecchi and Smithies independently developed ways to

select the cell in which successful gene targeting had taken place by an in-
genious drug selection method that selected for the one in a million event in
which homologous recombination had taken place, against the far more
common random integration of the targeting construct into the genome. In
essence, this method selects for a gene that confers resistance to the anti-
biotic neomycin which is present in the targeting construct, while selecting
against the presence of a ‘suicide gene’ thymidine kinase (TK), that is trans-
ferred during random integration of this construct but not during homolo-
gous recombination (see Figure 10).
The development of such gene targeting revolutionized biomedicine by
providing, for the first time, mice with precisely engineered genomes. Its
importance was acknowledged by the award of a Nobel Prize to Capecchi,
Smithies, and Martin Evans in 2007.156 Justifying the award, Göran Hansson
of the Nobel Committee, said: ‘It is difficult to imagine contemporary med-
ical research without the use of gene-targeted models. The ability to gen-
erate predictable designer mutations in mouse genes has led to penetrating
new insights into development, immunology, neurobiology, physiology
and metabolism.’157
Capecchi’s part in the discovery was particularly remarkable given that
he was lucky to make it to adulthood, never mind scientific success.158 His
grandfather was accidentally gunned down by his own men during World


Targeting vector

Targeted Random
Homology arms for
gene insertion integration
homologous recombination

Targeting vector Targeting vector

Target gene Random gene

Homologous regions Random

recombine integration

Target gene Genome is modified

is modified randomly

Modified genome carries a neoR gene Modified genome carries a neoR and a
inserted in the target gene tk gene inserted in a random location
but no tk gene (neoR tk–) (neoR tk+)
Add neomycin and
gancyclovir to cells

Cells survive Cells die

Fig. 10.  Strategy for selecting correct gene targeting events in ES cells

War I, while Capecchi’s father, a fighter pilot, perished in World War II. His
American mother became an anti-fascist activist in Mussolini’s Italy during
that war, but was caught in 1941 by the Gestapo and sent to Dachau concen-
tration camp. Capecchi was only 4 years old, and his mother’s provision for
someone to look after her son if she was arrested fell through. So for the
next four years Capecchi fended for himself, ‘sometimes living in the streets,
sometimes joining gangs of other homeless children, sometimes living in
orphanages’.158 Miraculously, his mother survived Dachau, and in 1946,
after a year’s search, she finally traced her son to a hospital in Reggio Emilia,

Supersize My Mouse

where he was surviving on a cup of coffee and a crust of bread each day in a
ward for abandoned children.158
The half-starved Capecchi left for the USA with his mother, and after grow­
ing up on a Quaker commune, he eventually made it to the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and then Harvard University. There he worked with
Jim Watson, co-discoverer of the DNA double helix structure, but there
were still plenty of obstacles in his way, for his first grant application to de-
velop gene targeting, submitted to the US NIH, was rejected as being ‘not
worthy of pursuit’.158 Luckily, Capecchi decided to carry on regardless, and
when he applied for an NIH grant a second time, his application was greeted
enthusiastically, and with an added note: ‘We are glad that you didn’t follow
our advice.’158

Knockouts and Knockins

The first mice produced by gene targeting were referred to as ‘knockouts’,

being engineered to totally lack a particular gene product.159 Studies of such
mice are now routine in biomedical science. For instance, my colleagues
and I recently used this approach to show that proteins called two-pore
channels (TPCs) play important roles in regulating bodily processes includ-
ing the formation of new blood vessels, skeletal muscle development, heart
contraction, and regulation of glucose levels in the blood.160 Sometimes
knocking out a gene has very clear effects on bodily function. However, in a
surprising number of cases, eliminating a gene’s function has far less effect
than might have been expected.
This lack of effect is thought to be due to the organism compensating for
the loss of a gene, by increased expression during embryo development of
other genes that can substitute for the missing one.161 To get around this
problem, scientists have devised ingenious ways to delay the elimination of
a gene until adulthood. ES cells, for example, can be engineered so that a
gene is marked with a molecular tag and thereby becomes disabled when
the resulting mouse is exposed to an enzyme called a recombinase that’s


activated by a chemical fed to the animal.159 Another complicating factor

with knockout mice is that a gene may have effects in multiple cell types
and tissues, making it difficult to isolate each effect because of the ways that
different parts of the body interact. To address this issue, mice have been
engineered so that the recombinase gene is present in the animal but only
switched on in specific cell types, making it possible, for instance, to knock
out a gene only in the brain and not in other parts of the body, or even only
in specific cell types within the brain (see Figure 11).159
Although totally knocking out a gene can lead to important insights
about its normal function in the body, as well as providing a model for
human diseases in which a gene is completely disabled, many genetic dis-
eases are caused by more subtle changes. For example, sickle cell anaemia
involves only a single amino acid change in the haemoglobin protein, yet
results in a devastating, life-threatening disorder, by affecting the ability of

Mouse expressing Cre recombinase Mouse with target gene

in specific cell types marked in all cells

Specific cell type

Cre gene gene

Cre protein


Progeny mice with target gene removed only in cells expressing Cre

Fig. 11.  Cell-type-specific knockout mice

Supersize My Mouse

the protein to carry oxygen and giving the red blood cells of sufferers an
odd, sickle shape.162 My colleagues and I recently identified an infertile man
whose sperm’s inability to activate his partner’s eggs to develop into em-
bryos is caused by a single amino acid change in the phospholipase C zeta
(PLCζ) protein, which appears to play a central role in the egg activation
To address these cases, gene targeting can also be used to create mice
with such a subtle change.159 This ‘knockin’ approach may also be used to
attach a fluorescent tag to a protein to allow its movements to be tracked
during particular cellular processes. This can provide clues about a pro-
tein’s function, and, if a protein only found in a particular cell type is tagged,
this also makes it possible to fluorescently ‘label’ such a cell type and thereby
identify it in a living animal so its properties can be studied. This can be par-
ticularly important in the brain, where it can be difficult to distinguish dif-
ferent cell types on morphological grounds. In fact, the use of fluorescent
tags, and indeed of light itself, in combination with knockout and trans-
genic technology, has gone way beyond simply identifying the location of a
protein in a living cell or of that cell in the body. It’s now becoming possible
to use light to trigger functional activity in a cell. This is transforming our
understanding of how the brain works, but also other organs in the body, in
some very exciting ways. So let’s now look at what light has to offer as a tool
to manipulate life.


Light as a Life Tool

W here would life be, without light? The centrality of the Sun’s rays to
our existence has been recognized since the dawn of humanity,
with light featuring strongly in accounts of life’s creation in various reli-
gious texts. In the Bible, God commands ‘Let there be light!’, while worship
of the Sun was central to religions like those of the ancient Egyptians, the
Aztecs, and the Celts.164 This ancient acknowledgement of light’s import-
ance reflects the fact that the world’s ecosystem is ultimately powered by
solar rays. Plants use photosynthesis to turn the Sun’s energy into organic
molecules, which animals like ourselves either consume directly by eating
plants, or indirectly by feeding on other animals. Solar rays also provide the
warmth that allows cellular activities to take place at a reasonable rate, and
allow us to see what’s around us. So important is light to life that organisms
from simple microbes to our own species have evolved cellular and bodily
mechanisms to detect the day–night cycle.165 This body clock tells us when
it’s time to go to bed, and also regulates our metabolism. It’s the reason why
we suffer jet lag, and why many shift workers are prone to ill health, with
recent studies suggesting this may be due to disturbances in the normal pat-
tern of gene activity.166
Organisms have also developed ways to directly sense the Sun’s rays,
from light-sensitive pores on the surface membranes of single-celled algae,
to sensors on the skin of worms that regulate their movement, or the exquis-
ite structure of the human eye that allows us to see with such colour and
precision.167 Some organisms even generate light. Fireflies, with their glowing
patterns—signals to attract mates—can make the forests they inhabit look
like something from a fairy tale.168 Other phosphorescent land organisms

Light as a Life Tool

include some species of fungi, and a tropical snail found in South-East

Asia.169 However, most phosphorescence is found in the sea, being emitted
by tiny plankton, but also larger organisms like jellyfish, squid, and various
types of fish. This can be used to attract prey, like the glowing filament the
anglerfish uses to entice smaller fish into its ferocious jaws, or as a defence
mechanism, like the vampire squid, that ejects not ink, but a sticky bio-
luminescent mucus to startle, confuse, and delay predators.169
For years scientists have sought to understand how light is sensed, as well
as generated, by organisms. More recently, we’ve begun to use light as a tool
to manipulate and control life processes. Of course, light has been an
important tool in biology for centuries. The first light microscopes made it
possible to visualize aspects of life invisible to the naked eye. Thus, Robert
Hooke, in Oxford, built one of the first microscopes and used it to study the
natural world, his findings being published in 1665 in a book entitled
Micrographia, which became the world’s first scientific bestseller.170 Some
people disputed his diagrams, such as one showing the compound eye of an
insect, because the miniature world Hooke had uncovered looked too alien!
One object Hooke studied was a piece of cork, which he showed to be com-
posed of tiny units; he called these cells, after the spaces that monks, or
prisoners, inhabit.171 We now recognize cells as the basic units of life.
The first person to visualize a living animal cell was Antonie van
Leeuwenhoek, who lived and worked in seventeenth-century Delft in the
Netherlands, and was a contemporary of the painter Vermeer. An expert
lens maker, he produced microscopes whose resolution wasn’t bettered
until the nineteenth century.172 In 1677, van Leeuwenhoek used one to study
his own semen and observed for the first time a living sperm cell, with its
characteristic head and tail, which he described as ‘moving like a snake or
like an eel swimming in water’.173 He presented his findings to Lord Somers,
President of the British Royal Society, although he was careful to add that
‘what I investigate is only what, without sinfully defiling myself, remains as
a residue after conjugal coitus. If your Lordship should consider that these
observations may disgust or scandalize, regard them as private and to pub-
lish or destroy them as your Lordship thinks fit.’174 In fact, van Leeuwenhoek


was rather fond of self-experimentation, once leaving a piece of stocking

containing three lice tied to his leg for 25 days to assess their capacity for
reproduction.175 By these means he estimated that two pairs of lice could
generate 10,000 young in only eight weeks. Quite what his wife Cornelia
thought about the lice and the post-conjugal microscopy experiments,
there is no record.
Later development of higher magnification microscopes made it possible
to visualize structures inside cells like the nucleus. But there’s an inherent
limitation to the magnification possible with a light microscope, and that’s
the wavelength of light itself. To get around this problem, scientists turned to
radiation of a smaller wavelength—electrons. With the electron microscope,
it became possible for the first time to visualize subcellular structures at
a  fine level of detail.176 And recent developments in electron microscopy
mean it’s now possible to study the structure of important biomolecules
like proteins at the atomic level.177 There are disadvantages, though, to this
type of microscopy: it needs to be carried out in a vacuum and an electron
beam can only pick out structures dense enough to deflect its rays. This
means that, using this technique, it’s only possible to view cells that are al-
ready dead and stained with electron-dense heavy metals.176
Cellular processes are controlled by proteins, and one way of under-
standing a specific protein’s function is to study its location inside a cell. For
instance, if a protein is located in the nucleus it’s likely to be involved in
turning genes on or off, or if in the membrane it may regulate entry or exit
of substances from the cell, or mediate the interactions between cells. One
way of identifying a protein’s cellular location uses antibodies—chemically
tagged with fluorescent molecules—that recognize specific proteins. The
power of this approach was shown by a study my colleagues and I recently
carried out at Oxford University. I mentioned in Chapter 2 that one of my
research interests is a sperm protein called PLCζ, which we believe is the
agent that activates the egg to develop into an embryo at fertilization.178
One way we confirmed this role was to show, by antibody labelling, that
PLCζ is located in a region of the sperm head that’s precisely where an egg
activation stimulus should be, being the part that first comes into contact

Light as a Life Tool

with the egg.179 What’s more, our analysis of sperm from an infertile man in
which the PLCζ protein is mutated showed that the mutant protein is incor-
rectly localized, preventing it from performing its normal role.180
While such studies use a light microscope, if an antibody is tagged with a
heavy metal like gold it’s possible, with an electron microscope, to pinpoint
the location of proteins in subcellular structures. In 2013 Gregory Frolenkov
and colleagues at the University of Kentucky used this approach to uncover
the precise interaction between two proteins called protocadherin-related
15 (PCDH15) and cadherin-related 23 (CDH23), in the hair cells of the inner
ear, thereby defining their role in the hearing process.181 According to
Frolenkov, the study ‘reveals the details of a process that is likely to be vital
for the development, maintenance, and restoration of normal hearing’.182
And since the genes coding for the PCDH15 and CDH23 proteins can be mu-
tated in a type of deafness called Usher syndrome, this information could
help devise new treatments for this particular type of hearing disorder.181

A Living Palette

Despite these positive features of combining microscopy and antibody

labelling, this approach can only be carried out on dead cells in which the
cellular structures are immobilized with a chemical fixative like formalde-
hyde—also used to embalm bodies—and then the cell membrane disrupted
with detergent. This treatment is necessary because antibodies cannot cross
the cell membrane, but such analysis gives a picture of the cell as a static
entity, rather than the dynamic object it really is. What if it were possible to
label proteins within a living cell so they could be visualized without killing
the cell in the process? This is indeed now possible, and the origins of this
new technology are worth relating, for they show that sometimes discover-
ies with a major impact on biomedicine originate not from thought of prac-
tical benefits, but because of sheer curiosity about the natural world.
In this case, it was the curiosity of a Japanese scientist called Osamu
Shimomura that eventually led to a new technology. Shimomura was born


in Nagasaki, and at the age of 16 he was lucky to survive the atomic bomb
that devastated the city in 1945, being only seven and a half miles from the
centre of the blast.183 This demonstration of the lethal application of atomic
physics didn’t destroy his growing passion for science and, studying chem-
istry at Nagoya University, Shimomura became fascinated by ‘sea fireflies’.
These organisms, actually tiny crustaceans that emit a blue light, are par-
ticularly abundant in the sea off Kone and Ikuchi islands, near Hiroshima.
In 1956, as a graduate student, Shimomura decided to try and isolate lucif-
erin, the luminescent substance in these organisms, despite the fact that US
researchers had been trying in vain to do so for over twenty years. For ten
months Shimomura also had no success, until one night he ‘accidentally’
added a strong acid to a sea firefly extract.184 Next morning he saw that the
acid treatment had caused the luciferin to form pure crystals. ‘That success
offered hope for my future, which had looked grey ever since the end of
World War II,’ he later recalled. ‘I was so excited and happy that I wasn’t able
to sleep at night.’185
Later, having moved to the USA, Shimomura became a researcher at the
Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory near Cape Cod, where he began
studying phosphorescent jellyfish. Shimomura found that their vivid colour
is the product of two proteins—aequorin, which generates blue light when
it comes into contact with calcium ions,186 and green fluorescent protein
(GFP), which only becomes phosphorescent when in close proximity with
light from aequorin. Because aequorin emits light following contact with
calcium, scientists recognized that it could be used to detect changes in the
concentration of this ion in the cell. Such calcium ‘signals’ convey informa-
tion coming from the outside of the cell to effector proteins. These effector
proteins carry out important tasks in the body, for instance as regulators of
heart contraction, secretion of insulin by the pancreas, and release of neuro-
transmitters in the brain.187
Lionel Jaffe and colleagues, also at Woods Hole, used aequorin to show
that calcium signals play a key role during activation of the egg by the sperm
during fertilization. By injecting the protein into fish eggs and then adding
fish sperm under a microscope, Jaffe’s team showed that, as the sperm fuses

Light as a Life Tool

with the egg, a burst of bioluminescence occurs, beginning at the point of

sperm–egg fusion and travelling across the egg like a forest fire.188 In 2002,
my colleagues and I identified the sperm PLCζ protein, and subsequently
showed that this triggers the calcium signal in eggs ranging from fish to
humans.189 And Andrew Miller at Hong Kong’s University of Science and
Technology has used aequorin to study the role of calcium signals during
development of the zebrafish (Danio rerio).190 This species is ideal for studying
vertebrate development, since its embryos develop outside the mother’s
body and are transparent, making it possible to perform fluorescent imaging
in the living embryo. Miller and his team used this approach to show that
calcium signals of many different sizes and shapes regulate key stages of
embryo development, from establishment of the main body and tissue layers,
to development of specialized tissues or organs like the heart or brain.190
Yet despite aequorin’s importance for studying calcium signals, it was
Shimomura’s discovery of GFP that has had the bigger impact on biomed-
ical science.191 For the isolation of the gene coding for this protein suggested
that GFP could be used to make the protein products of other genes ‘visible’
by fusing the GFP gene sequence to them. In particular, Martin Chalfie of
Columbia University and Roger Tsien of the University of California, San
Diego, developed GFP in this way. The ability to tag a gene, and therefore its
protein product, has revolutionized cell biology, by making it possible to
track a protein’s movements in a living cell. And Tsien’s creation of a range
of differently coloured fluorescent proteins, which fluoresce at different
wavelengths in the light spectrum, means the localization of two or more
proteins in the cell can be studied at the same time by giving them differ-
ently coloured tags. For the discovery and development of GFP as a technol-
ogy, Shimomura, Chalfie, and Tsien received a Nobel Prize in 2008.191
Use of fluorescent tags to label proteins is now a standard approach to
track the movements of proteins in cells, thereby providing important clues
as to their functions. For instance, in 2012 my colleagues and I used this ap-
proach to study how proteins called two-pore channels, or TPCs for short,
defend the body against infection or cancer.192 Cytotoxic T-cells are white
blood cells that recognize infected or cancerous cells and kill them by


forming a connection with the target cell, introducing noxious substances

that destroy it. By labelling TPCs with a red fluorescent tag and expressing
these in human cytotoxic T-cells in culture, we showed that when these
cells come into contact with an infected cell, TPCs physically move to the
point of contact, where they trigger calcium signals that regulate the killing
event.192 Such information may aid the design of new drugs that enhance
this process.

Green Eggs and Sperm

We can learn much from studies of cells in culture, but there are limits to
how much they can reflect the complexity of many bodily processes. A par-
ticularly powerful use of protein labelling combines this technique with
transgenic technology to create a whole animal that expresses a labelled
protein in its cells. One study investigated the inheritance of subcellular
structures called mitochondria, which produce most of the energy in our
bodies. Mitochondria have another distinctive feature. They contain their
own DNA genome, distinct from that in the cell nucleus. This reflects the
fact that these subcellular structures were originally free-living bacteria that
became incorporated into our single-celled ancestors about 1.5 billion years
ago, in a relationship that became mutually beneficial: the mitochondria
providing energy and the host cell a sheltering environment.193
How vital mitochondria are to multicellular life is shown by the effects of
cyanide, which blocks energy production by these tiny powerhouses, caus-
ing almost instant death.194 Some people have mutations in their mitochon-
drial genome, leading to a reduction in the capacity of these subcellular
structures to produce energy.195 This particularly affects processes requir-
ing lots of energy, like vision, muscle contraction, and conduction of im-
pulses in the brain. These gene defects tend to be associated with muscle
weakness, neurological problems, and in one type of disorder, blindness
that occurs in middle age. The particular symptoms vary depending upon
which gene is affected and its specific role in the energy-making process.

Light as a Life Tool

But what all these disorders have in common is their inheritance through
the mother.195
This inheritance pattern reflects the fact that a human embryo only in-
herits mitochondria from the egg, not from the sperm. Why this is so, was
for a long time not very clear. For although the egg is substantially bigger
than a sperm, and consequently contributes more mitochondria, the sperm
also contains these structures; indeed, mitochondria supply the energy that
powers the sperm’s rapidly beating tail.196 Moreover, studies of the fertiliza-
tion process have shown that the whole sperm is engulfed by the egg fol-
lowing the fusion of these two cells.197 So why isn’t any sperm mitochondrial
DNA passed on to the next generation?
To find out, in 2001 Hiromichi Yonekawa and colleagues at Tokyo
Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science created male transgenic mice in
which a protein only found in mitochondria was labelled with GFP.198 Since
this colours the mitochondrion with fluorescence, it allowed Yonekawa’s
team to track the movement of the mitochondria in sperm from such mice
as they fertilize the egg. Sperm mitochondria are concentrated in a region
called the midpiece that lies midway between the sperm head and tail,
making it easier to track their movements under a fluorescence microscope.
The researchers found that when the sperm unites with an egg, the fluores-
cent mitochondria are engulfed into the egg with the rest of the sperm body,
where they remain visible. But then the fluorescence suddenly disappears.198
Further investigation revealed that the egg has a mechanism for identifying
the male mitochondria and destroying them, although why it does this re-
mains unclear.199
Other studies that have used this technology to study the reproductive
process may have very important implications for medicine, and indeed
society, in the future. For such studies have challenged a long-accepted
dogma, namely that women are born with a finite supply of eggs that’s de-
pleted throughout life and exhausted at the menopause. Instead, it now
seems possible that women may retain a hidden capacity to produce fertile
eggs after the normal child-bearing age. This suggestion, first proposed by
Jonathan Tilly of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston in 2004, is


based on the idea that stem cells exist in the ovaries of both young and old
mammals, with the potential to develop into fertile eggs. In 2009 Ji Wu and
colleagues at Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, isolated and cultured such
putative stem cells, and infected them with a virus expressing GFP. When
Wu’s team injected the cells into the ovaries of sterilized female mice, the
mice gave birth to green fluorescent offspring, suggesting that the stem cells
gave rise to these offspring.200 Subsequently, in 2012, Tilly and colleagues
identified similar stem cells in human ovaries. And after expressing GFP in
these cells with a virus, they showed that these stem cells could generate
green fluorescent eggs in human ovary tissue transplanted into a mouse
(see Figure 12).201
Not everyone is convinced of the existence of stem cells that can produce
eggs in the ovaries of either mice or humans. Some critics believe the first
study’s findings resulted from the sterilization procedure not being totally
effective, and the virus transferring its GFP fluorescence to normal eggs still
remaining in the host ovary.200 Something similar could account for the
apparent generation of green fluorescent eggs from the human ovary stem
cells. And at least four other research groups have failed to reproduce Tilly’s
or Wu’s findings. ‘We immediately repeated the experiment . . . My lab never
got the cells,’ said Kui Liu, of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.202
Yet  a previous high-profile critic of Tilly, Evelyn Telfer, who studies egg

Mouse transplanted
Stem cells with human
follicles ovarian tssue

Isolated Stem cells

Human stem cells expressing GFP-expressing
ovarian tissue GFP after stem cells
viral infection injected into
human ovarian tissue

eggs in
ovarian follicles

Fig. 12.  Ovaries contain stem cells that can produce eggs

Light as a Life Tool

­ aturation at Edinburgh University, has become a convert to the idea of the

existence of ovarian stem cells.203 Telfer says she was impressed by data Tilly
shared with her, and his ‘openness and diligence’ when she visited his lab.202
Both Tilly and Telfer believe the menopause may not be due to a shortage of
egg cells as such, but reflects a depletion of the cells within the ovary re-
quired to support and nurture eggs.
Might stem cells in the ovaries of post-menopausal women be coaxed to
produce fertile eggs? If this were possible, it could help women who un-
dergo the menopause prematurely, and so miss out on having children.
More controversially, it could allow women to conceive long after the
normal child-bearing age. And since the menopause is associated with
health risks such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancer, finding ways to
artificially sustain the production of eggs and the hormones they produce
could be of great general benefit to women’s health. ‘It’s very clear that
keeping the ovaries working has tremendous health benefits on the ageing
female body,’ said Tilly. ‘To me, there is a grander golden chalice here which
is ageing itself. These cells may provide a way for us to tackle that tremen-
dously important problem.’203

Visualizing the Brain

While combining fluorescent tagging and transgenic technology has led to

valuable insights into the reproductive process, the most important appli-
cation of this technology is in studies of the brain. The human brain is the
most complex object in the known universe, with its 100 billion nerve cells,
or neurons, joined by 100 trillion connections.204 The mouse brain may
contain a thousand times fewer cells, but is still highly complex.205 There are
also many functional similarities between human and mouse brains, with a
recent study showing that the two species use their brains in remarkably
similar ways while finding their way around a maze.206 Identifying how the
different cell types in a mouse brain are connected together, as well as study-
ing their unique electrical properties—for the brain may be viewed as one


huge circuit board—could lead to important insights into human brain

If regulatory DNA elements found next to genes only expressed in specific
types of neurons are linked to fluorescent ‘reporter’ genes, these constructs
can be used to create transgenic mice that express such tags only in these cell
types, giving scientists a vital new resource for brain studies.207 This tech-
nique makes it possible to identify specific cell types by their fluorescence.
One approach, called ‘brainbow’, was developed by Jeff Lichtman and Joshua
Sanes at Harvard University. ‘In the same way that a television monitor
mixes red, green and blue to depict a wide array of colors, the combination
of three or more fluorescent proteins in neurons can generate many different
hues,’ said Lichtman.208 The brainbow approach, which creates images that
wouldn’t look out of place in a modern art museum, makes it possible to
tag several hundred neurons at once with 90 distinct colours (see Plate 1).
Such studies show that particular types of neurons are located in very
specific parts of the brain, but also make it possible to visualize the intricate
3D structure of each neuron. The brain is like a dense forest in which the
trees—the neurons—grow near, around, and on top of each other, their
branches and roots intertwining.209 Labelling an individual neuron using
fluorescence reveals not just the body of the cell—akin to the trunk of a
tree—but also its roots and branches, amongst those of adjacent neurons.
Brain researchers have gained insights into the connections, and functional
interactions, between nerve cell types by using different coloured fluores-
cent tags.207 Use of GFP technology to create a detailed microanatomy of the
brain mirrors something of what can be achieved using antibodies that rec-
ognize specific neurons by the proteins they produce, except that antibody
staining can only be applied to dead cells. Fluorescence tagging allows sci-
entists to label living cells. In the brain, scientists can insert microelectrodes
that measure the electrical properties of the glowing neurons—including
their roots and branches, which receive signals from other cells and transmit
their own responses in return—providing clues about their function.
This approach has been used to investigate the neurons involved in smell
and taste. A major insight into the molecular basis of such sensations was

Light as a Life Tool

made by Richard Axel and Linda Buck at Columbia University in 1991.210

They were trying to understand how the 5 million or so neurons in the skin
of the inner nose convey sensory information to the brain. Each of these
neurons possesses hair-like projections that detect the molecules associ-
ated with different odours and send a message to the olfactory bulb in the
brain. This structure, located at the front of the brain, acts like a clearing
house, relaying information about the odours that our nose detects both to
the brain’s higher cortex, which handles conscious thought, and the limbic
system, which deals with emotions.210
Until Axel and Buck’s discovery, the identity of the ‘receptor’ proteins on
the surface membranes of the neurons in the inner nose had been unclear.
To identify these, Buck and Axel decided to look for genes that were only
expressed in these neurons, on the basis that some of them would code for
the smell receptors. At first this search proved fruitless, because of a problem
later acknowledged by Axel: ‘there are a large number of odorant receptors,
and each was expressed only at a very low level’.210 But then Buck had the
idea that the smell receptors might have similar characteristics to a protein
involved in another sensory process. This protein—rhodopsin—is ex-
pressed in the rod cells of the eye and allows us to see. And sure enough, a
search for genes related to rhodopsin revealed a huge family of different
genes, each expressed in a specific neuron in the inner nose. In fact, there
are around a thousand different odorant receptor genes, which still begs the
question of how this number allows us to detect and remember the 10,000
different odours that a typical person can smell. Buck has likened the pro-
cess to forming words with different letters. ‘Just as you put different com-
binations of letters of the alphabet together to form words, you put different
combinations of receptors together to get different smells,’ she said.211 For
the discovery, Axel and Buck were awarded a Nobel Prize in 2004.210
Odorant receptors detect smells in the nose, but how is this sensory
information transmitted to the brain? It’s here that GFP technology has
proven particularly useful. Peter Mombaerts, a member of Axel’s labora-
tory who subsequently founded his own group at the Rockefeller University
in New York, tagged one of the odorant receptor genes with GFP.212 He then



Nucleus Axon terminals

Cell body
Myelin sheath

Direction of impulse

Fig. 13.  The nerve cell

created a knockin mouse expressing the modified receptor. Studying the

pattern of fluorescence in the knockin mouse brain, he made a surprising
discovery about the neurons that detect odours. Neurons have multiple
inputs—dendrites—and one output—the axon (see Figure 13).
The axon can be shorter than a millimetre or longer than a metre in the
case of neurons in the spinal cord.213 GFP labelling made it possible to track
the axon of an odour-sensing neuron as it passed from the inner nose into
the brain. But while the labelled cells that expressed a specific odorant
receptor were scattered across the surface of the inner nose, in the brain
they all converged at a specific spot on the olfactory bulb.212 This is a remark-
able route-finding feat—like a blind person navigating the length of a foot-
ball field through a crowd of thousands of people by touch alone. Subsequent
studies have shown that specific odorant receptors on the developing axon
interact with other proteins to guide the axon in the correct direction.214

Light-Induced Thoughts

Fluorescently labelling cells in the brain to measure both their electrical prop-
erties and anatomical relationships is one way in which light has been har-
nessed for biomedical research. An even more remarkable technology uses
light to activate cells in the living brain. Optogenetics, as this new technology

Light as a Life Tool

is known, uses genetically encoded switches that allow neurons to be turned

on or off with bursts of laser light. To understand optogenetics, we need to
step back and consider how the brain and nervous system works. At the
most basic level, this system is like a highly complex electrical circuit.215
Each neuron has various pump and pore proteins in its dendrites that con-
trol the ionic composition of the cell. The unstimulated neuron normally
has a negative electric charge. But brain chemicals—known as neurotrans-
mitters—modulate the charge of the neuron by their effect on the different
pumps and pores in the dendrites. Activating neurotransmitters cause a
flow of positive ions into the cell and negative ones out. At a certain point
this triggers an explosive change called an action potential, a rapid flow of
positively charged sodium ions into the neuron (Figure 14).215 This causes a
chain reaction that propagates itself down the axon to its terminus, where it
stimulates the release of further neurotransmitters that cause positive or
negative changes in neighbouring neurons. In contrast, inhibitory neuro-
transmitters make the neuron even more negative than normal, making it
harder for an action potential to occur.215
Optogenetics uses light to manipulate the positive or negative charge of
neurons genetically engineered to respond in this way (see Figure  15).
Underpinning this technology was the discovery that certain types of bac-
teria and algae have protein pores on their surface membranes that allow
ions into these microorganisms in response to light.216 Such pore proteins,
known as opsins, are related to rhodopsin which, as we’ve noted, allows the
rods of our own eyes to detect light. In microorganisms, opsins play a var-
iety of different roles. By powering movement, they can orientate an aquatic
microbe towards the Sun’s light in order to generate energy through photo-
synthesis, or help it find shade to escape the damaging effects of UV light, in
environments ranging from tropical seas to polar regions.216
Opsins were mainly viewed as a curiosity of nature, but a few scientists
began to recognize that such proteins might make it possible to activate
neurons in the brain. In fact, as early as 1979, Francis Crick had speculated
that ‘this seems rather far-fetched, but it is conceivable that molecular biolo-
gists could engineer a particular cell type to be sensitive to light’.217 Crick


Axon segment
At rest Outside


Action potential


K+ Action potential


K+ Action potential



Fig. 14.  Propagation of an action potential

offered no specific molecular strategy for such an approach; however, at the

turn of the twenty-first century, a few scientists decided to test whether opsins
provided a solution. The first was Gero Miesenböck, working at the Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. In 2002, Miesenböck engineered
neurons in the brain of a fruit fly to express the microbial opsins and showed

Light as a Life Tool

Green alga containing Some neurons take up

channelrhodopsin ChR gene the recombinant DNA

Blue light Recombinant plasmid

carrying the
channelrhodopsin gene Blue
ChR from green algae light

(ChR) allows sodium
ions to pass through the
plasma membrane in
reponse to blue light A blue light pulse initiates
an action potential in the
neuron containing the
channelrhodopsin gene

Fig. 15.  Optogenetics uses light to stimulate neurons

that they could now respond to light.218 Few people thought this ap-
proach would ever work in mammals, but, undeterred, Karl Deisseroth
of Stanford University decided to see if he could develop this technology
in rodents.
A practising psychiatrist as well as a neuroscientist, Deisseroth is con-
cerned that psychiatry’s ability to treat the most intractable disorders—
severe depression, schizophrenia, autism—is limited by a lack of under-
standing of how the brain works. ‘A cardiologist can explain a damaged
heart muscle to a patient,’ he said. ‘With depression, you cannot say what it
really is. People can give drugs of different kinds, put electrodes in and
stimulate different parts of the brain and see changed behavior—but there
is no tissue-level understanding. That problem has framed everything. How
do we build the tools to keep the tissue intact but let us see and control
what’s going on?’219 Deisseroth decided that using transgenic technology to
express opsins in rodents could provide a revolutionary way to explore the
functional role of different neurons in the mammalian brain.


A key initial question was whether the microbial proteins would func-
tion as well in rodent neurons as they did in those of the fruit fly. To test this,
Deisseroth’s research team—at that time just himself and two graduate stu-
dents, Feng Zhang and Ed Boyden—expressed a microbial opsin in rat neu-
rons in culture using a viral carrier. When light was shone on to the cells,
this triggered an action potential.219 So, could a similar effect be obtained in
the living rodent brain? In fact it took several years for Deisseroth and his
team to achieve this aim because it meant not only using transgenic ap-
proaches to modify specific cell types in the rodent brain to become respon-
sive to light, but also finding ways to deliver light deep into the brain. This
latter goal was achieved using an ultra-thin fibre-optic wire attached to a
laser light source, surgically implanted into the brain. A combination of
these approaches allowed Deisseroth’s team to make a dramatic demon-
stration of the power of optogenetics. By stimulating neurons in the motor
cortex—the region of the brain that controls movement—they showed that
light could be used to make a mouse run in circles, like a remote-controlled
toy. ‘That’s really the moment we knew that it could drive very, very robust
behavior,’ said Zhang.219 But what fully convinced the neuroscience com-
munity of the power of optogenetics as a tool to study key mechanisms of
brain function and dysfunction were a series of studies published in 2009.
First, another of Deisseroth’s graduate students, Viviana Gradinaru, pub-
lished a study with him in Science describing the use of optogenetics to
define the precise neuron connections in Parkinson’s disease.219 Shortly
afterwards, another study involving Zhang and Deisseroth was published
in the same journal that examined the cellular basis of pleasure and reward.
Such feelings are particularly associated with the neurotransmitter dopa-
mine. By activating dopamine-producing neurons with light, the research-
ers could drive reinforced behaviour in the absence of any other cue or
reward.219 This study provided important information about the nerve im-
pulses that may underlie addiction or conditions like depression, in which a
person is unable to be pleased or excited by events around them. In add-
ition, two other studies published in Nature by Deisseroth and his colleagues
used optogenetics to identify neurons that regulate brain activities, which

Light as a Life Tool

were known to be abnormal in schizophrenia and autism. These studies

appeared in quick succession, and succeeded in convincing neuroscientists
of the revolutionary potential of the technology. ‘That was all people
needed,’ said Deisseroth. ‘The world ran with it.’219
Since these studies were published, optogenetics has become a vital tool
in the arsenal of neuroscientists.220 Thousands of labs around the world are
now using it to better understand the complex wiring of the mammalian
brain and the basis of mental disorders including addiction, depression,
Parkinson’s disease, autism, pain, and stroke. According to Robert Malenka
at Stanford University, the technology has ‘allowed neuroscientists to
manipulate neural activity in a rigorous and sophisticated way and in a
manner that was unimaginable 15–20 years ago’.220 And optogenetics con-
tinues to evolve.
One important development is the identification of specific types of
opsins with different effects on the neurons in which they are expressed, in
response to different wavelengths of light. So the opsin used by Deisseroth
and his team in their pioneering studies causes an influx of positively
charged ions into the cell in response to blue light, thereby activating them.
Another type of opsin allows influx of negatively charged ions in response
to yellow light, and this inhibits the neuron’s ability to fire.220 This has made
it possible to activate or inhibit neurons purely by shining a different colour
light on a specific part of the brain. Meanwhile, a search for other naturally
occurring opsins has identified forms that act at different speeds. Scientists
expressing these different forms in a mouse brain can now practise exquis-
ite control over the timing and duration of nerve impulses, manipulating
brain activity at the same speed as such cells normally communicate with
each other.220
Yang Dan and colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, have
used optogenetics to investigate the parts of the brain that control sleep.221
By using light to stimulate neurons in a brain region called the medulla,
Dan’s team showed that they could induce rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
in mice within seconds. This type of sleep is associated with dreaming and
involves activation of the brain cortex and total paralysis of the skeletal


muscles, presumably so we don’t act out the dreams flashing through our
mind. ‘People used to think that this region of the medulla was only in-
volved in the paralysis of skeletal muscles during REM sleep,’ said Dan.
‘What we showed is that these neurons triggered all aspects of REM sleep,
including muscle paralysis and the typical cortical activation that makes the
brain look more awake than in non-REM sleep.’221 Dan believes that al-
though other regions of the brain have been implicated in the sleep–wake
cycle, ‘because of the strong induction of REM sleep . . . this might be a crit-
ical node of a relatively small network that makes the decision whether you
go into dream sleep or not’.221 Given that many psychiatric disorders are
associated with abnormalities in REM sleep, the researchers hope that such
studies might provide insights into the basis of these disorders and possibly
future treatments for insomnia.

Making a Memory

Optogenetics has also been used to explore how memories are encoded in
the brain. Memory has been a topic of scientific interest ever since Aristotle
wrote On Memory and Reminiscence in 350 bc.222 He compared memories to
impressions made in a wax tablet, a writing device in use at the time.223 In
the eighteenth century, the English philosopher David Hartley first pro-
posed that memories were encoded in the activity of the brain. It was only
in 1904, however, that the German biologist Richard Semon linked memor-
ies to changes in specific groups of brain neurons which he called ‘en-
grams’.223 An important insight into the potential physical basis of memory
was made by Tim Bliss and Terje Lømo at the University of Oslo in the late
1960s. They discovered that repeatedly electrically stimulating a neuron
in a region of the brain called the hippocampus boosted the cell’s ability to
talk to a neighbouring neuron.224 This communication between neurons
occurs across tiny gaps called synapses, and Bliss and Lømo realized that
such strengthening of synaptic connections—which they called long-term
potentiation (LTP)—could be the physical basis of memory. Studies carried

Light as a Life Tool

out subsequently have shown that synapses are strengthened when rodents
run around an enclosure, and that blocking LTP with drugs, or knocking
out genes that regulate LTP, can impair memory in mice.225 Other studies
have shown that another process called long-term depression (LTD) has the
opposite effect.
Yet despite these pieces of indirect evidence in support of the link be-
tween LTP, LTD, and memory, direct evidence for such a link has remained
elusive, with Robert Malenka commenting recently that ‘proof of causal-
ity—that LTP is actually used for the encoding of a memory in a manner
that is absolutely required—has been extremely difficult, if not impossible,
to generate’.225 But optogenetics has now supplied what looks like such evi-
dence, in a study led by Roberto Malinow at the University of California,
San Diego. He and his colleagues created a virus that expressed microbial
opsin and injected this into specific neurons in the brain of a rat. In classical
‘conditioning’ studies of memory formation, rats can be trained to fear a
specific sound by following the sound with an electric shock. After such
conditioning the sound alone will make the rats freeze in fear.225
By using light to stimulate neurons connecting a brain region involved
in processing sound with one that handles fear, and then giving the rats
a shock, Malinow’s team created the same kind of fearful memory without
the rats ever hearing the sound. This demonstrated, according to Malinow,
that ‘we can make a memory of something that the animal never experi-
enced before’.225 And an examination of the synapses of the neurons in-
volved showed that the rats had undergone molecular changes that are a
hallmark of LTP. What’s more, when light was used to induce LTD, the rats
no longer cowered after the simulated sound stimulus was triggered in
their brains. Subsequent use of light to induce LTP was sufficient to reim-
plant the fear. ‘We were playing with memory like a yo-yo,’ said Malinow.225
The Nobel laureate Eric Kandel, a pioneer of the study of the cellular basis
of memory, believes the findings show ‘more directly than the indirect
evidence that existed before that LTP has a role in memory storage and it
can be wiped out by LTD . . . This is the best evidence so far available,


Susumu Tonegawa of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has also

used optogenetics to explore the cellular mechanisms of memory forma-
tion. His studies have shown that memory is stored, not in individual neu-
rons, but in circuits of multiple cells that he calls ‘engrams’, following the
term first proposed by Richard Semon in 1904.226 Tonegawa’s team demon-
strated that such memory circuits exist in the hippocampus, and show
the  synaptic strengthening associated with LTP. Such strengthening was
blocked by drugs that inhibit gene expression, indicating that the neurons
in these circuits must produce new proteins to consolidate memory.
Importantly, Tonegawa’s latest studies address an issue that may be central
to understanding memory loss in humans, which can occur through con-
cussion, stress, or diseases like Alzheimer’s. The issue is whether the amne-
sia in such conditions is due to inability to store memories, or because
access to a memory is blocked, preventing its recall. According to Tonegawa,
‘The majority of researchers have favored the storage theory, but . . . this
majority theory is probably wrong.’226 His conclusion is based on the fact
that although inhibiting gene expression in neurons involved in memory
made mice forget a learned stimulus, it was possible with optogenetics to
reactivate the memory. For Tonegawa, this suggests that ‘past memories
may not be erased, but could simply be lost and inaccessible for recall’.226
Clearly, if the brain is severely damaged then the process of memory storage
itself may also be defective, but such findings in an animal model offer the
exciting prospect that it might be possible to rescue ‘lost’ memories in
human patients suffering from amnesia by targeting the retrieval process.
One of Tonegawa’s most remarkable findings is the discovery that op-
togenetics can activate ‘happy’ memories to treat a depressive state.227 This
study was stimulated by the discovery of neurons that become active when
male mice enjoy a rewarding experience—spending time with a female
mouse. The researchers then induced a depressive state by restricting the
movements of the male mice, which led to their losing interest in pleasures
like a sugary drink. However, light activation of the neurons associated with
feel-good activities reversed the depressive state within minutes. While this
effect was only short-lived, pulsing the neurons with light twice a day for six

Light as a Life Tool

consecutive days had an effect that persisted even in the absence of light
stimulation. ‘We were able to cure the animals’ depression,’ said Tonegawa.227
One important finding of the study was that an alternative strategy that in-
volved exposure to females for five days did not cure the depressive state. ‘I
think that’s one of the most intriguing aspects of the study,’ said Amit Etkin,
a Stanford neuroscientist. ‘There’s something special about the encoding of
a positive memory that differs from simply being rewarded.’227
But it’s not only in the study of brain functions that optogenetics is
showing its potential. According to Karl Deisseroth, ‘if you had to pick the
next logical tissue for work on optogenetics, the heart is a great one’.228 This
is because heart cells are also activated by electrical impulses. And indeed
Philipp Sasse and colleagues at the University of Bonn have engineered
mouse ES cells to respond to light, and then induced them to turn into heart
cells.228 Shining light on to a patch of cells in a culture dish made the cells
beat in unison. In contrast, when the researchers shone light on already
beating cells, those cells began beating out of synchrony with the others, in
what Sasse calls ‘a cardiac arrest in a petri dish’.228 And by using the modi-
fied stem cells to make transgenic mice, Sasse and his team showed that
shining light on to the hearts of such mice in different places also made
these beat out of step, mimicking the arrhythmias that can trigger fatal
heart attacks in humans.228
These studies look to be just the start of an expansion in the range of
application of optogenetics. There are now moves to stimulate skeletal
muscles with light, since they are naturally activated by nervous impulses,
with the idea that this might be used to study certain forms of paralysis and
ultimately identify ways to overcome them. The technique may be applied to
other excitable cells, like those of the immune system and insulin-secreting
pancreatic cells, to better understand their properties, as well as conditions
such as auto-immune disorders and diabetes.228
Optogenetics has also now been extended beyond the initiation of elec-
trical impulses. Some chemicals in the brain do not stimulate pumps or
channels but instead activate receptors in the cell surface that regulate
important enzymes. By genetically fusing such receptors with opsins, it has


been possible to activate such enzymes, and thereby the cellular processes
that they regulate.229 Meanwhile, there have been important new develop-
ments in the fibre-optic technologies that deliver light to the deepest reaches
of the brain and other parts of the body. Ed Boyden is working on ‘multi-
wave’ arrays that emit light at multiple points, allowing larger areas of the
brain to be targeted.230 What’s more, use of different types of opsins that
respond to infra-red light, which has a long wavelength and can penetrate
deep into living tissue, now make it possible to control brain activity inside
a genetically engineered mouse from a device outside its skull, without the
need for implanted optic fibres.231
Other scientists are working to eliminate the need for external stimula-
tion by light, by creating types of opsins that provide their own illumin-
ation. So Jack Tung, Robert Gross, and colleagues at Emory University,
Georgia, and Georgia Tech, have taken the enzyme luciferase, which pro-
duces a bioluminescent product when exposed to luciferin—the chemical
first isolated by Osamu Shimomura in 1956—and fused it to an inhibitory
opsin.232 They then expressed this gene construct in the brain of a rat and
showed that when luciferin was injected into the brain, this disabled the
brain’s ability to respond to an amphetamine drug. The researchers are now
using this approach to study ways to halt or prevent seizures—a character-
istic feature of epilepsy—in rodents. ‘We think that this approach may be
particularly useful for modelling treatments for generalized seizures and
seizures that involve multiple areas of the brain,’ said Tung. ‘We’re also
working on making luminopsins responsive to seizure activity: turning on
the light only when it is needed.’232
Other research has shown that light itself may eventually be dispensed
with as a stimulus to regulate neurons. So Sreekanth Chalasani and col-
leagues at the Salk Institute in California have developed a technique they
call ‘sonogenetics’ that uses ultrasound to control the behaviour of neu-
rons.233 Admittedly, the demonstration was carried out in nematode worms,
not mammals. Chalasani and his colleagues identified a cell surface protein
pore called transient receptor potential cation channel C4 (TRPC4), that is
naturally sensitive to sound waves. By introducing this protein into worm

Light as a Life Tool

neurons the researchers could control their behaviour using ultrasound. ‘As
soon as the ultrasound hits the worm, the neuron turns on,’ said Chalasani.
‘And when the neuron becomes active, it is telling the rest of the neural cir-
cuit, “Hey, I've become active.” When that information passes along, the
animal then turns, goes back, and goes off in a different direction.’233 It re-
mains to be seen whether this approach can be applied to mice, but it seems
highly likely. And since ultrasound waves can penetrate the skull, it’s possible
that this approach could be used to study GM rodents in a non-invasive
Given the powerful ways in which optogenetics has been used in mice
and other model animals, would it be possible to use this technology in
people? For instance, could a light-emitting device on the skull, use of lumi-
nopsins, or even ultrasound, be used to treat a human patient with a brain
disorder like epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease, or perhaps someone with a
psychiatric or mood disorder? Of course, for this to be possible there would
need to be some way of precisely genetically modifying the brain cells of
such an individual. As we saw in Chapter 2, until now such precision has
only been possible in mice, and more recently rats, and then only indirectly
by first modifying ES cells, and then using these to create a whole animal
knockout or knockin. But all that has begun to change. It’s now time to ex-
plore in detail the revolution taking place in biology, called genome editing.


The Gene Scissors

T he words ‘revolutionary’ and ‘breakthrough’ can be overused in media

reports about new scientific discoveries. Many scientists blame jour-
nalists for oversensationalizing research findings, yet while there’s undoubt-
edly some truth in this, it’s clearly not the whole story, since a recent report
in the British Medical Journal found that more than a third of press releases
from top British universities contained exaggerated statements.234 Just as
journalists must engage the public’s interest in order to sell newspapers—or
advertising space on the Internet—so scientists and the institutions they
work for are under increasing pressure to demonstrate the practical rele-
vance of their work and may exaggerate its impact. Such hype is damaging
not only because it misleads the public about the importance of a specific
discovery, but also because it can lead to general cynicism about the value of
science to society.
But every once in a while, a scientific discovery is made whose impact on
society is likely to be so immense that even an abundance of superlatives
may not do it full justice. Genome editing looks set to be such a discovery.
This approach has been taken up by laboratories across the world as a re-
search tool, and is drawing millions of dollars of investment from industry
because of its potential for medicine and agriculture. Such is the excitement
about genome editing that Nobel Prize-winning biologist Craig Mello, of
the University of Massachusetts, recently remarked that ‘there truly is a rev­
olution in genetics going on right now, with gene editing allowing us to
modify the genomes of every medically or agriculturally important animal
or plant, as well as giving us the potential to genome edit human cells, and
potentially, even human embryos’.235 Only a month after Mello made this

The Gene Scissors

statement, a study was published showing that this approach had been used
to genetically modify human embryos for the first time in history.236
Why genome editing has created such a stir is best understood by com-
paring it to the genetic engineering approaches considered in Chapter  2.
There, we looked at two main approaches to gene modification. One in-
volves the random insertion of a gene construct into the genome of a host
cell. The advantage of this approach is that it can be applied to practically
any cell. But its usefulness for biomedicine and agriculture has been limited
by its inefficiency and also the fact that it involves essentially dumping a
piece of DNA randomly into the genome. Also, it only provides the possi-
bility of adding a foreign gene to a genome, not of modifying one already
The second approach, using ES cells, has a much greater level of preci-
sion. As we saw, it can be used to totally eliminate a gene’s action in a mouse
or introduce more subtle modifications, like a mutation to model disease or
a fluorescent tag to label a gene’s protein product. The limitation here lies
not in the flexibility of the approach but rather in the gene targeting, which
is a complicated procedure that must first be carried out on ES cells. Only
subsequently can these be used to create a GM rodent. This use of ES cells is
also associated with a more fundamental problem. It has not been possible
to isolate, and thereby genetically modify, ES cells from other mammalian
species besides mice, and more recently, rats and humans.237 Cells with
many properties similar to mouse ES cells have been isolated from other
mammalian species like pigs and sheep.238 But despite the superficial simi-
larity, for some reason these cells lack the pluripotency required for making
GM versions of these other species.239
In contrast to such limitations of traditional genetic engineering ap-
proaches, the power of genome editing lies in four key features.240 First, the
technique can be applied to practically any cell type from any plant or
animal species, ranging from bacteria to humans. Second, it can precisely
target any region in a genome, thereby completely knocking out the func-
tion of a gene, or subtly modifying it, by introducing a mutation or fluores-
cent tag. Third, the efficiency of gene targeting is extremely high, so no


complicated drug selection to identify a one in a million event is required.

Fourth, this type of genetic engineering leaves no trace of foreign DNA in
the genome that is being targeted. Finally, the tools for the newest type of
genome editing are simple to prepare, being well within the power of any
scientist with basic molecular biology skills, reagents, and equipment. This
is why laboratories across the world are adopting this technology in their
research, whether they’re studying bacteria, plants, animals, or human
cells in culture. But from the point of view of genetic modification of life,
perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of genome editing is the ease with
which it can be applied to a fertilized egg, the source of all complex multi-
cellular life.
With genome editing, it is now possible to create a knockout or knockin
mouse in several months as opposed to a couple of years for the ES cell ap-
proach.241 And unlike this approach, genome editing can be applied to ferti­
lized eggs of other mammalian species. Over the last few years it has been
used to create GM rabbits, goats, pigs, and monkeys. Referring to the tech-
nology, the Nobel laureate David Baltimore of Caltech in Pasadena, Cali­
fornia, said: ‘These are monumental moments in the history of biomedical
research. They don’t happen every day.’242 In plants, genome editing has
generated modified versions of species like wheat, rice, potatoes, and toma-
toes.243 ‘We are talking about bringing products to market in five to ten
years,’ said Neal Gutterson, vice president at Pioneer Hi-Bred, part of
DuPont’s chemicals and biotech seed business. ‘That is a pretty damn good
time line compared to other technology.’244 The ease with which it’s now
possible to create GM species looks set to transform both medicine and
­agriculture. So what is the scientific basis of genome editing and what
makes it so powerful compared to past approaches?
In fact, although the genome-editing revolution is a recent event, much of
the science underlying it goes back decades. What sparked the revolution
was the recognition that a number of previous discoveries could be brought
together to form a new technology that may be thought of as a very precise
pair of ‘molecular scissors’. Such scissors accurately target a DNA sequence,
like the restriction enzymes described in Chapter  2, but unlike the latter,

The Gene Scissors

they can be employed in a living cell. Or, as geneticist George Church of

Harvard University recently put it when describing the new technology:
‘You don’t even have to take the genome out of the organism . . . It’s like you
throw a piston into a car and it finds its way to the right place and swaps out
with one of the pistons while the motor’s running.’245 Importantly, these
scissors can not only cut a gene in a specific place, but also guide other tools
to modify the gene in various ways.

Molecular Scissors

The discovery that a break in the DNA double helix inside a living cell can
lead to precise modifications of that part of the genome was first made in
the late 1990s by Maria Jasin and colleagues at the Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center, New York. Jasin’s main interest was in understanding how
such breaks play a role in tumour formation. She was studying the BRCA2
gene, which, as we noted in Chapter  1, plays an important role in DNA
repair. Its absence greatly increases the risk of breast and ovarian cancer,
since DNA breaks are much less likely to be repaired.246 An interesting side
aspect of this study was the discovery that, in a normal cell, the repair pro-
cess can proceed in two ways: either by connecting the two broken ends
together, but in such a clumsy manner that this adds or deletes DNA se-
quence; or in a much more accurate fashion by homologous recombination
that restores the correct sequence (see Figure 16).247
This showed that if a way were found to accurately create a break in the
genome at a specific place, the cell’s own repair machinery would then
create a mismatch join that could result in a knockout of the gene, or if a
suitable complementary piece of DNA was available, a substitution that
would create a knockin modification. The only problem was that, at this
time, no obvious way of creating a sequence-specific DNA break was
In fact another decade would pass before such a tool became avail-
able. This arose from a discovery made by Srinivasan Chandrasegaran and


DNA damage agent

DNA double strand break

Non-homologous Homologous
end joining recombination

DNA repair DNA repair

enzymes enzymes

Insertions or deletions
Inaccurately repaired DNA template DNA

Accurately repaired DNA

Fig. 16.  DNA repair mechanisms after a double strand break

colleagues at Johns Hopkins University. They were studying a protein called

FokI, a restriction enzyme of the sort we looked at in Chapter  2. What
became clear from these studies was that FokI is divided into two separate
structural regions. One carries out the enzyme’s cutting action, while the
other recognizes the DNA sequence to be cut. Chandrasegaran realized
that, given this clear separation, it might be possible to fuse the part of the
FokI gene that coded for the cutting action to a different type of protein that
recognized different sites in a genome.247 If so, this could create a cutting
tool that could be targeted against any gene. What was required was some

The Gene Scissors

kind of family of proteins that recognized a wide variety of different DNA

sequences. And Chandrasegaran finally identified such a family in the so-
called ‘zinc finger’ proteins.
These gene regulatory proteins get their name from the zinc ion at their
core and the finger-like appearance of part of their 3D structure.248 The spe-
cific genes they regulate are controlled by steroid hormones. These bodily
messengers include the sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen, the
pregnancy regulator progesterone, and cortisol, which is released into the
body at times of stress. Such hormones work by binding to a particular
zinc finger protein, which then attaches to its specific target gene, thereby
activating its expression. What particularly interested Chandrasegaran
was the large number of these proteins, each specific for a particular DNA
sequence. This led to the idea that it might be possible to create a sequence-
specific DNA cutting enzyme by fusing different zinc finger proteins with
the cutting part of FokI (see Figure 17). And tests with the first zinc finger
nuclease, or ZFN as it was named, showed the hybrid protein to indeed
have this capacity.
ZFNs made it possible for the first time to precisely genetically modify
the genomes of cells from various different species.249 So Dana Carroll of
the University of Utah first used the technology to modify a gene in fruit
flies. ‘It showed for the first time that we could hit a real gene at its normal
genomic site in a real organism,’ said Carroll.250 One species in which ge­
netic engineering was greatly enhanced by ZFNs was the zebrafish. As we
saw in Chapter  3, this species has been used to investigate the molecular
changes during embryogenesis; it is also proving to be important for study-
ing processes in the adult vertebrate. What’s been lacking, however, is a way
to make knockout or knockin versions of this species. Use of ZFNs made it
possible for the first time to create GM zebrafish to study the role of specific
genes during development and those that regulate important bodily pro-
cesses in the adult.251 One study used this technology to knock out a gene,
antithrombin 3 (AT3), involved in regulating blood clotting. This resulted in
fish with a strongly increased tendency towards thrombosis—the disorder
in which excessive blood clotting occurs—as the fish grew older.252 Since


Zinc Finger Nucleases TALENs

Zinc finger TALEN

domains modules



Specific DNA binding by Specific DNA binding by
zinc finger domains TALEN modules


to cleave DNA

Double strand break

Fig. 17.  Zinc finger nucleases and TALENs

thrombosis can lead to heart attacks and stroke in people, this zebrafish
mutant could help scientists to understand the molecular basis of throm-
bosis. It may also be used to test drugs that can inhibit excessive clotting.
More recently, the cutting part of FokI has been fused to the DNA recog-
nition part of a different protein family, called transcription activator-like
effectors, or TALEs. These proteins are secreted by bacteria that infect
plants; they activate expression of particular genes in the plant cell and
thereby make it easier for the pathogen to establish itself in its host. Once
fused to FokI, these are referred to as TALE nucleases, or TALENs (see
Figure  17).253 Importantly, there are far more TALEs than zinc finger pro-
teins, making it possible to target a much larger variety of regions in the
genome with TALENs than with ZFNs. And as such, these new tools have
been used to successfully modify genomes from species as diverse as yeast,
fruit flies, zebrafish, pigs, and cress, as well as human cells in culture.253

The Gene Scissors

Despite the power of ZFNs and TALENs, they remain a relatively cumber-
some tool. The fact that these proteins must each be created anew to gen-
erate a novel cutting specificity has limited the ease with which they can be
produced and employed in biomedicine. Because of this, after the develop-
ment of these cutting tools, the search continued for better ones. In the end,
a major breakthrough on this front came with the discovery that a sequence-
specific cutting enzyme existed in bacteria that was different from ZFNs
and TALENs in one key respect: the recognition device that guides this cut-
ting enzyme to a specific sequence in the DNA genome is the chemical
cousin of DNA, namely RNA.


The cutting system that proved so revolutionary is known as CRISPR/CAS9.

The first part of the name comes from the acronym ‘clustered regularly in-
terspaced short palindromic repeats’, CAS9 being the enzyme that cuts the
DNA. In fact, the CRISPR repeats have been known about since 1987, when
they were first noticed in the genome of the bacterium E. coli by Yoshizumi
Ishino and colleagues at Osaka University. The researchers were studying a
gene called inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) and, as well as sequencing the coding
region of this gene, Ishino’s team also sequenced the adjacent part of the
genome to identify regulatory elements that switched the gene on or off.
However, instead the researchers found something odd. Near the IAP gene
lay five identical segments of DNA, each separated by ‘spacer’ regions; unlike
the repeats, each of these had a unique sequence. While describing these
‘unusual’ DNA structures, Ishino and his colleagues concluded, almost with
a shrug, that the ‘biological significance of these sequences is not known’.254
So things remained until 2002, when Ruud Jansen and colleagues at
Utrecht University in the Netherlands carried out a computer-based ‘bioin­
formatic’ survey of different bacterial genomes and made a surprising
finding. The researchers noticed that, far from being unique to E. coli, the
odd genetic sandwiches were present in a staggering number of bacterial


species.255 It was Jansen and his colleagues who christened the sequences
CRISPR. They also found that these sequences were generally found next to
CRISPR associated (CAS) genes that coded for proteins with a similar struc-
ture to enzymes which interacted with DNA. The researchers concluded
that this association suggested a ‘functional relationship’ existed between
the CAS genes and CRISPR sequences; however, the role of this relationship
remained unclear.255
Then, three years later, in 2005, several research groups independently
made an intriguing discovery. They noticed that the CRISPR spacers looked
a lot like the DNA of bacteriophages—the viruses that infect bacteria which
we came across in Chapter 2. Crucially, when Eugene Koonin, an evolution-
ary biologist at the National Center for Biotechnology Information in
Bethesda, Maryland, heard about this discovery, ‘the whole thing clicked’.256
Koonin suggested that bacteria use CAS enzymes to grab fragments of
DNA from viruses. They then insert the viral DNA fragments between their
own CRISPR sequences. Later, if a virus of the same type comes along, the
bacteria use CRISPR to recognize the invader, creating what science jour-
nalist Carl Zimmer has called a ‘molecular most-wanted gallery’.256 In other
words, just as our own immune system remembers past infections and re-
sponds rapidly if they reappear, which is why we’re generally only infected
once by viruses like chicken pox, so bacteria possess an analogous system.
Far from being useless pieces of junk DNA, it was now looking as if CRISPR
sequences played a key role in bacterial immunity. And this discovery was
to have an immediate practical application in an unexpected area.
In particular, Rodolphe Barrangou, a microbiologist working for Danisco,
recognized that the CRISPR sequences might provide an important defence
for the bacteria that converted milk into yogurt at his company, for some-
times entire cultures would be lost to outbreaks of bacteriophage.256 To
test Koonin’s hypothesis, Barrangou and his colleagues infected the milk-­
fermenting bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus with bacteriophage. The
­viruses killed most of the bacteria, but some survived. Analysis of the resist-
ant bacteria confirmed that they had inserted DNA fragments from the
­bacteriophage into their spacers. When the researchers deleted the new

The Gene Scissors

spacers, the bacteria lost their resistance. This discovery led many manufac-
turers to select for customized CRISPR sequences in their cultures so the
bacteria could withstand virus outbreaks. ‘If you’ve eaten yogurt or cheese,
chances are you’ve eaten CRISPR-ized cells,’ said Barrangou.256
So much for the functional role of the CRISPR sequences, but what re-
mained unclear was the underlying mechanism of this defence system. In
the end, the big breakthrough on this front was made by Jennifer Doudna,
of the University of California, Berkeley, and Emmanuelle Charpentier, a
French scientist working at Umeå University, Sweden. Doudna was brought
up in Hilo, a region of Hawaii with dramatic waterfalls, fertile rainforests,
and blooming tropical gardens.257 It sounds like an ideal place in which to
grow up, but with her blonde hair and blue eyes Doudna felt out of place
amongst the other children, who were mainly of Polynesian and Asian des-
cent. ‘I think to them I looked like a freak,’ she recently recalled. ‘And I felt
like a freak.’257 This feeling of isolation contributed to a kind of bookishness
that led to an interest in science from a young age. Doudna found her calling
at school after hearing a female scientist discuss her cancer research studies.
‘I was just dumbstruck,’ she said. ‘I wanted to be her.’257
Spells as a graduate student working for Jack Szostak at Harvard
University, and then postdoctoral research with Thomas Cech at the
University of Colorado, provided Doudna with impeccable mentorship, for
both men went on to receive Nobel Prizes for their work. Doudna was al-
ready recognized as an expert in the structures of different RNAs—increas-
ingly seen as a key player in the cell alongside DNA—when she was asked
by the Berkeley environmental researcher Jillian Banfield for help with
­sequencing the genome of a bacterium isolated from an abandoned
Californian mine. Doudna recalls, ‘I remember thinking this is probably the
most obscure thing I ever worked on.’258 The analysis revealed CRISPR se-
quences, and, while analysing them, Doudna became fascinated by this bac-
terial defence system and determined to understand its molecular basis. In
particular, given her interest in RNA, Doudna was intrigued to discover that
this molecule appeared to play an important role as an intermediary in the
CRISPR system, although how it did so remained unclear.


Such was the situation when Doudna met Emmanuelle Charpentier, at a

conference. Charpentier, a microbiologist, was also studying CRISPR, but
in the context of its role in Streptococcus bacteria, a group that includes bacte-
rial species that can cause sore throats as well as those that have alarming—
and potentially fatal—‘flesh-eating’ properties.259 The particular type of
Streptococcus bacteria that Charpentier was studying produced a CAS pro-
tein called CAS9. As the two scientists talked about the different approaches
they were using to study CRISPR, it became clear that combining their com-
plementary skills would be far more powerful than working alone. And
indeed, in less than a year, the two made a major discovery. ‘We found that
CAS9 has the ability to make a double-stranded break in DNA at sites that
are programmed by a small RNA molecule,’ said Doudna. ‘What was so im-
portant was that we could really show how the CAS9 protein worked.’260
Doudna and Charpentier had discovered that CRISPR works by produ-
cing an RNA copy of a virus DNA and this ‘guide RNA’ then directs the CAS
enzyme to a specific site in the viral genome, which is cleaved (see Figure 18).
In a way, it’s a bit like a word search function combined with a cut-and-
paste facility, with the guide RNA carrying out the search and the CAS9
enzyme doing the cutting. However, the truly revolutionary aspect of this
discovery was not only that it provided the mechanism of a key process in
microbes, but that it also suggested the system could be adapted as a form
of genetic engineering.
‘One day . . . we realized, gosh, this could be a very powerful technology,’
said Doudna.261 She and Charpentier recognized that it might be possible to
reprogramme the system to recognize new DNA sequences: ‘If it could be
made to work in eukaryote systems—plants and animals—then you’d have
a system where you could effectively decide where to produce a double-
stranded break in that cell’s genome.’260 Of course, this is also possible with
ZFNs and TALENs. But as Charpentier pointed out: ‘All the other tools, each
time you want to target DNA at a specific site you have to engineer a new
protein . . . With CAS9, anyone can use the tool. It’s cheap, it’s fast, it’s
efficient, and it works in any size organism.’262 Unlike ZFNs and TALENs,
CRISPR always uses the same enzyme—CAS9. Instead, it’s the guide RNA

The Gene Scissors

Guide RNA A A A


Target genomic locus



Double strand break

Fig. 18.  CRISPR/CAS9 system for targeted DNA cleavage

that varies. Since the guide RNA can be generated in a few days for a small
sum, CRISPR can be performed in a fraction of the time and cost of the
other technologies. Indeed, James Haber of Brandeis University recently es-
timated that ZFNs, which typically cost US$5,000 or more to order, are
150 times more expensive than the combined cost of CAS9 and a guide RNA,
which comes to about $30. ‘That effectively democratized the technology
so that everyone is using it,’ said Haber. ‘It’s a huge revolution.’263 So what
form is this revolution taking?
The most straightforward way of using genome editing is to create a
knockout cell or organism. When a cutting enzyme cuts DNA at a specific
sequence, the cell responds by seeking to repair the break. But when this


happens the repair is often a botched affair, as we noted in the section

‘Molecular Scissors’. If this occurs in a gene coding for a protein, it can dis-
rupt the genetic code and ensure that the protein is not produced. However,
a segment of DNA identical to the one surrounding the cutting site but with
a subtle difference, say a mutation or a fluorescent tag, can also be intro-
duced into a cell alongside CAS9 and the guide RNA. In this case, the cell’s
own natural homologous recombination mechanisms can create a knockin
change. As we saw in Chapter 2, such specific gene targeting has been pos-
sible in mice for some years, but only through the indirect route of modify-
ing ES cells first, and then using these to create a whole modified mouse. But
genome editing can be applied to any cell from any species, and unlike the
ES cell strategy, it’s extremely efficient, and does not need drug selection to
identify a one-in-a-million event. Because of this, research groups around the
world are applying this approach to their cell type and species of interest.

Life in a Dish

One key system used in biomedical research is human cells grown in culture.
Such cells may be obtained from biopsies or organs donated to ­research by
people when they die. However, such ‘primary’ cells have an inbuilt limited
lifespan, so that, if allowed to divide in a culture dish, after 40 to 60 cell divi-
sions (the figure varies depending on cell type), the cells eventually stop div-
iding. This is called the ‘Hayflick limit’ after Leonard Hayflick, the man who
discovered it in 1962, and it is thought to be connected to the natural ageing
process.264 Cancer cells have no such limit to their capacity to divide, having
gained immortality through mutations that overcome the natural barriers
to unlimited division that normal cells possess. The first and most famous
of such ‘immortalized cell lines’ is the HeLa cell.265
This was isolated from the highly malignant ovarian tumour of Henrietta
Lacks, a poor black woman, in 1941, without her knowledge or consent. Lacks
soon succumbed to the cancer, but HeLa cells continue to multiply in the
incubators of laboratories across the world, having been used to develop the

The Gene Scissors

polio vaccine, aided research into cancer and AIDS, and used to assess
the  effect of toxins and radiation on human cells.265 Subsequently, many
other  immortalized human cell lines were isolated from tumours, while
­infection of normal human cells with tumorigenic viruses can immortalize
such cells.266 Some immortalized cell lines retain characteristics of the cell
types from which they originated in the body. This means that they can be
used to study the specific properties of such cell types in a culture dish. For
instance, some immortalized cell lines isolated from the pancreas will se-
crete insulin in response to a glucose stimulus, just like normal pancreatic
beta cells.267
As we saw in Chapter 2, the discovery of ways to precisely modify the gen-
omes of mouse ES cells, and then the use of these to create a GM mouse,
revolutionized biomedicine by making it possible to dissect gene function in
a living mammal. Ironically, humans are the only other species besides mice
and rats in which it has been possible to isolate ES cells.268 Clearly though,
there are ethical reasons why it would be impossible to use such cells to
create, first, living human chimaeras and then breed these to produce GM
humans. So the question was whether genome editing could be applied to
immortalized human cell lines, or indeed primary cells generated from
biopsies, in order to study the roles of specific genes in cellular processes.
In fact, even prior to the development of genome-editing technology,
there has been a way to modify the expression of genes in human cells using
an approach called ‘RNA interference’.269 This is a natural process found in
cells of species ranging from petunias to people, whereby certain types of
RNA act to suppress gene expression. As we saw in Chapter 2, the DNA se-
quence of letters in a gene acts as a linear code that’s translated into another
linear code, the unique string of amino acids that makes up each protein.
However, this isn’t a direct translation; rather it requires an intermediary—
messenger RNA—essentially a copy of the protein-coding sequence of each
gene. In RNA interference, small regulatory RNAs either trigger destruction
of the messenger RNA or block its translation into protein. The process is
regulated by proteins that exist naturally in cells—one called DICER gener-
ates the small regulatory RNAs, also known as siRNAs; while a protein


Double stranded RNA

RISC incorporates
complementary mRNA

mRNA degradation

mRNA No protein
siRNA duplex

Translation block

RISC incorporates
partially complementary mRNA

Fig. 19.  RNA interference inhibits gene expression

complex named RNA interference silencing complex, or RISC, mediates

the RNA destruction or the block to translation (see Figure 19). The discov-
ery of this process by Craig Mello and Andrew Fire of the University of
Massachusetts led to their receiving a Nobel Prize in 2006 and was import-
ant for two reasons. First, it revealed a far more central role for RNAs in the
control of gene expression than had been suspected. Second, it provided a
tool to inhibit the expression of specific genes in various cell types from dif-
ferent species; in particular the approach could be used to ‘knock down’
gene expression in human cells.269
This made it possible for the first time to explore the function of specific
genes in human cells. So, for instance, in 2009 my colleagues and I used this
approach in a human cell line to show that a protein named TPC2, which
forms a pore on the surface of a cellular structure called the lysosome, plays
a key role in generating calcium signals.270 Formerly, the lysosome was
thought merely to be the ‘dustbin’ of the cell, gobbling up its discarded
waste, but studies like ours show that it also has another important role to
play in regulating a variety of cellular processes via such calcium signals.271
Despite these important features of RNA interference, the approach does
have some limitations. One is that the inhibition of protein production is
often incomplete, in contrast to knockout at the DNA level, which completely

The Gene Scissors

blocks expression of a gene. Second, the approach can only be used to in-
hibit gene expression, not introduce subtle alterations like the knockin ap-
proach discussed. Because of this, when CRISPR genome editing was first
developed, an obvious question was whether it could be used to make
knockouts or knockins of genes in cultured human cells. And the person
who showed that this was indeed the case was a scientist we have already
come across—Feng Zhang.
As we saw in Chapter  3, as a PhD student Zhang worked with Karl
Deisseroth, who would later say of Zhang that his ‘skills were absolutely
essential to the creation of optogenetics’.272 However, making his mark in
one hot new area of biotechnology was clearly not enough for Zhang, who
has been called the ‘Midas of Methods’ because of his pioneering role in dif-
ferent areas of biotechnology.272 As a postdoctoral researcher working with
Paola Arlotta at Harvard University, he devised a way to use TALEs not
to  cut, but to activate genes artificially. Arlotta has subsequently praised
Zhang’s capacity for highly inventive problem solving. ‘He has an ability to
see the simplicity of things,’ she said. ‘That’s a gift that not everybody has.’272
Subsequently, having set up his own group at the Broad Institute, itself part
of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Zhang heard about CRISPR
from a speaker at a scientific advisory board meeting. ‘I was bored,’ he said,
‘so as the researcher spoke, I just Googled it.’273 Then he went to Miami for
a conference, but while there he spent his time reading papers on CRISPR
and filling his notebook with ideas about how to use it to modify the human
genome. ‘That was an extremely exciting weekend,’ he remarked.273 Back in
Boston, Zhang quickly set about seeing whether the technology could be
adapted to edit human cells in culture. In early 2013 he published his find-
ings, showing he could knock out not just one gene, but several simultan-
eously, in such cells. In fact, he was not the only scientist to pursue this goal;
in the same issue of Science in which Zhang’s paper was published, George
Church reported that he had also edited human cells with CRISPR/CAS9.273
The ability to knock out genes in a human cell line is proving important in
uncovering the functions of those genes. The Human Genome Project showed
that there are just over 22,000 genes in our genome, but our understanding


of their functions is still very incomplete. And the molecular basis of many
important cellular processes is far from clear. So there is much work still
to be done to connect particular genes with specific processes. One way to
do this is to knock out genes individually and assess the effect on a particu-
lar process. But it could take many years to screen a whole genome by this
route. A more powerful approach is to carry out a so-called ‘genome-wide
screen’.274 In such a screen, cells are cultured in thousands of individual ‘wells’
arrayed in a grid. Into each well a CRISPR/CAS9 construct is introduced that
inhibits the expression of a specific gene. Given there are over 22,000 genes
in the human genome, an equivalent number of wells need to be screened.
Then all these wells are subjected to a test of the cellular process of interest.
Such a screen, by a group led by Feng Zhang, identified genes involved in
the developing resistance of human melanoma cells, growing in a culture,
to the drug vemurafenib, also known as Zelboraf®, which is used to treat
skin cancer.275 Since such drug resistance is a major reason why some can-
cers start regrowing following initial successful treatment, this could pro-
vide important information that allows clinicians to devise ways to combat
such resistance. Another study led by Zhang and Philip Sharp, also at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, used genome editing to screen for
genes involved in tumour formation in a mouse model. According to Sharp,
it’s important to study cancer in a living animal because ‘tumour evolution
is an extremely complex set of processes, or hallmarks, controlled by net-
works of genes’.276
The study’s aim was to identify genes involved in metastasis, the process
in which malignant cells escape their tissue of origin and travel around the
body in the blood, spreading cancer where they go. First, genome editing
was used to knock out genes in cultured mouse lung cells across the whole
genome (see Figure 20). These cells were then injected into live mice, and in
some cases this created metastatic tumours. By isolating these tumours and
sequencing their genomes, it was possible to identify the genes knocked out
and establish a role for these genes in metastasis. Zhang believes the study
‘represents a first step toward using CAS9 to identify important genes in
cancer and other complex diseases’.276

The Gene Scissors

Viruses carrying different

guide RNAs
Mouse transplanted
with mutant cells

Genome editing Mutant cells


Cell line

Mutant genes that

promote metastasis Metastatic tissue Some mutant cells
are identified isolated and DNA generate
analysed lung metastasis

Fig. 20.  Genome-wide screen for genes involved in lung metastasis

Remote-Controlled Genes

In these studies, genome editing was used to knock out genes. However, the
same approach can also be used to introduce more subtle knockin changes,
such as single amino acid modifications like those found in human dis-
eases, or the addition of a fluorescent tag. We saw in Chapter 2 how such
subtle genetic modifications can be introduced into the genome of a mouse
using ES cells as an intermediary. However, with genome editing, it’s pos­
sible to create a knockin mouse in a single step simply by including a seg-
ment of DNA similar to the region of the gene to be modified.277 Compared
to the complicated construct required for the ES cell method, such a DNA
fragment can be made in hours on a DNA synthesizer. As such, the CRISPR/
CAS9 approach is making it feasible to rapidly generate mouse knockouts
and knockins to study the functional role of specific genes in a whole
animal model. So while standard knockout and knockin mice generated via
ES cells typically take 18 months and cost up to $20,000, according to
Douglas Mortlock, a transgenic mouse expert at Vanderbilt University,
‘now we can basically squirt this stuff into mouse embryos and three weeks


later mice are born that have the mutation . . . at a cost of $3,000 or less. It’s
A particularly interesting aspect of genome editing though is that its
range of potential uses goes way beyond creating standard knockout, and
knockin, cells or whole animals. So, especially for CRISPR/CAS9, the ability
to direct the enzyme CAS9 to a particular sequence in the genome has
opened up possibilities beyond just disabling a gene or modifying the prop-
erties of its protein product. Instead, the capacity to position CAS9 in this
sequence-specific manner can also be used to switch genes on or off in a
controlled fashion. In this case, instead of acting like a pair of scissors,
CRISPR/CAS9 works more like a dimmer switch. To understand how, it’s
worth looking in more detail at how genes are expressed.
Genes in organisms as diverse as bacteria and humans are regulated by
gene regulatory proteins known as transcription factors.279 These proteins
bind to regulatory DNA sequences adjacent to the gene (the so-called gene
promoter) and thereby affect the activity of the RNA polymerase that pro-
duces the messenger RNA that acts as the intermediary between a gene and
its protein product (see Figure 21A). Given that each gene is controlled by a
large number of regulatory sequences, which can activate but also inhibit
the polymerase, this allows an exquisite level of control depending on
which transcription factors happen to be in any particular cell type.
The gene constructs used to create a standard transgenic mouse generally
include a regulatory DNA sequence adjacent to the gene that binds a power-
ful activating transcription factor, thereby ensuring the gene is always
turned on. Alternatively, a transgenic mouse may be engineered so that the
regulatory region binds the transcription factor only when the mouse is in-
jected with a specific chemical, allowing reversible control of gene expres-
sion in the animal.280 A limitation of this approach is that the transgene is a
foreign gene inserted randomly in the genome. But genome editing makes it
possible to reversibly control the expression of a cell’s own genes. A guide
RNA directs a version of CAS9 engineered not to cut DNA, but instead to
attract a specific transcription factor to a site in the genome (see Figure 21B).
While one version of this approach uses a transcription factor that can be

The Gene Scissors

Transcription Factors Transcription “ON”
initiation site


Guide CAS9 Trancriptional
RNA activator protein Transcription


Fig. 21.  Regulation of gene expression by transcription factors and CAS9

induced to bind by a chemical injected into the mouse, there may be other
potential ways to turn gene expression on or off. One would be a cross be-
tween the optogenetic approach we looked at in Chapter 3 and CRISPR/CAS9.
Moritoshi Sato’s team at the University of Tokyo recently demonstrated
how light can be used to regulate CRISPR/CAS9 genome editing. For Sato,
one limitation of conventional CRISPR/CAS9 technology was that ‘the exist-
ing CAS9 does not allow us to modify the genome of a small subset of cells in
tissue, such as neurons in the brain . . . we have been interested in the develop-
ment of a powerful tool that enables spatial and temporal control of genome
editing’.281 To achieve this, Sato and his colleagues split CAS9 into two inac-
tive halves, each tagged with light-sensitive tags. When the two halves are
expressed in a cell with a guide RNA they are unable to edit their target gene;
however, when blue light is shone upon the cell, the two halves unite to form
an active enzyme, which cuts the DNA (see Figure 22). The study impressed
Paul Knoepfler, a biologist at the University of California, Davis, who said that
‘this is an effective new system for extremely precise control of gene editing
via light’.281 And although it has only been tested in cultured cells, given the
speed of development of genome editing it’s surely only a matter of time
before such an approach is developed in a mouse model. In such a model it


Blue light

Genomic DNA

CAS9 is activated
light sensitive

Split CAS9
DNA double strand break

Edited DNA

Fig. 22.  Light-activated gene editing

could, for instance, be used to make precise knockouts of specific genes in

specific cells in the brain. An adapted version of such an approach might in-
volve a light-activated CAS9 that could regulate gene expression. And the
effect could be reversible, for as soon as the light was switched off the two
CAS9 halves would fall apart and the target gene would stop being expressed.
In fact, this is only one way in which gene expression might soon be con-
trolled at a distance. A study led by Jeffrey Friedman of the Rockefeller
University and Jonathan Dordick of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy,
New York, used a magnetic field to activate expression of a gene in a living
mouse.282 The researchers engineered mice to express a version of the insu-
lin gene that’s activated in the presence of calcium signals. The mice were also
engineered to express a pore protein, transient receptor potential cation
channel V1 (TRPV1), on their surface membranes, which allows entry of
calcium into their cells but only in response to a magnetic device. When the
mice were placed in the magnetic field, the presence of insulin was detected
in the blood. Dordick believes that this approach is a ‘big a­ dvance in remote
gene expression because it is non-invasive and easily adaptable. You don’t have
to insert anything—no wires, no light systems—the genes are introduced
through gene therapy.’282 While in this case an indirect approach was used,

The Gene Scissors

it seems possible that we’ll soon see a situation in which a gene engineered
to respond to a regulatory protein is directly activated by a magnetic field.

Problems with Patents

Something the pioneers of CRISPR/CAS9 agree upon is the importance of

basic scientific research. So Jennifer Doudna has stressed that often scien-
tists ‘don’t set out with a practical goal in mind beyond the goal of under-
standing how things work . . . the idea of working on a bacterial immune
system and studying how bacteria deal with viral infection was a fun, fas-
cinating project that I certainly never anticipated would lead to something
like this’.283 And while acknowledging the importance of ‘some kind of big
hypothesis or direction or interest’ in scientific research, Emmanuelle
Charpentier believes the discovery shows that ‘sometimes you just hit some­
thing, certain components that you want to put together in a way that maybe
does not make sense but you just want to do it. Scientists need to have the
support to be able to do some crazy experiments to see where they go.’284
Yet despite its origins in basic research, the great practical potential of
genome editing for both medicine and agriculture has led to tensions be-
tween the different researchers involved in the CRISPR/CAS9 discovery
about who played the biggest role and therefore who has the biggest claim
to patenting the technology. The first signs of such tensions came in April
2014 with the news that Doudna and Charpentier had split into rival teams.
So Charpentier established a consortium called CRISPR Therapeutics that
included Craig Mello, co-discoverer of the RNA interference technique
mentioned in the section ‘Life in a Dish’, which was promised $25 million by
venture capitalists to commercialize the invention for medical use.
Meanwhile, Doudna joined Feng Zhang and George Church in a rival con-
sortium named Editas Medicine with $43 million in venture capital prom-
ised to develop the technology for the clinic.285
Subsequently Doudna broke off relations with Editas, and focused her
efforts on another company, named Caribou Biosciences.286 The reason for


this second parting of the ways was a clash about patents, with Feng Zhang
filing an application that claimed he had been first to develop the genome-
editing technology.287 Yet doesn’t the timescale of discovery we outlined in
the section ‘A CRISPR Cut’ show it was Doudna and Charpentier who not
only first discovered the basic mechanism of CRISPR/CAS9 but also recog-
nized its potential as a genome-editing tool? Certainly that was the opinion
of the committee who, in November 2014, awarded the two scientists each
a Breakthrough Prize. These prizes, worth $3 million, twice the value of a
Nobel Prize, were set up by Yuri Milner, a Russian entrepreneur who left a
PhD in physics to make $1 billion through investments in internet compa­
nies, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame, Sergey Brin, who co-founded
Google, and Jack Ma, the Chinese internet magnate.288
However, Zhang seems intent on challenging the idea that his contribu-
tion to the genome-editing discovery was a secondary one. Backing this
­position, Robert Desimone, who heads the McGovern Institute for Brain
Research, where Feng has an appointment, recently challenged The Economist’s
account of how CRISPR/CAS9 was invented. In a letter to the magazine he
wrote that Doudna and Charpentier’s paper studied ‘a purified protein in a
test tube: it involved no cells, no genomes and no editing. Rather, the paper
simply highlighted the potential that genome editing might be possible.’289
And the Broad Institute, part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol­
ogy, where Zhang also has an appointment, released a statement saying the
institute ‘was not the first to file a patent request related to CRISPR. How­
ever, [it] was the first to file a patent that described an actual invention—­
experimental data regarding a successful method for mammalian genome
editing.’290 Meanwhile, in January 2016, Eric Lander, the head of the Broad
Institute, came under fire for a review article he wrote for Cell, entitled ‘The
Heroes of CRISPR’. Although the article was supposed to be an objective
history of genome editing, some critics argued that it skewed the history
of  CRISPR to favour Feng Zhang’s contribution, with Berkeley professor
Michael Eisen calling it ‘science propaganda at its most repellent’ and ‘a
­deliberate effort to undermine Doudna and Charpentier’s patent claims
and prizeworthiness’.291

The Gene Scissors

The controversy surrounding the dispute may be one factor behind the
failure to award a Nobel Prize for the CRISPR/CAS9 discovery in October
2015. Doudna and Charpentier were tipped to win the prize for chemistry
by Thomson Reuters but instead it went to Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich,
and Aziz Sancar, for their studies of DNA repair.292 In fact, it would be very
unusual for a Nobel Prize to be awarded for a discovery as recent as the
CRISPR/CAS9 one, but it’s possible that the Nobel Committee would also
prefer to see a clearer resolution of each individual’s role in the discovery.290
And, demonstrating that some senior geneticists have concerns about the
current patent battle, Nobel laureate John Sulston, who played a key role
in the Human Genome Project, has drawn attention to the dangers of pat-
enting as fundamental a technology as genome editing. ‘This is not just a
philosophical point of view,’ he said. ‘It’s actually the case that monopolistic
control of this kind would be bad for science, bad for consumers and bad for
business, because it removes the element of competition.’293
In fact, the very speed with which CRISPR/CAS9 genome-editing tech-
nology is evolving may itself be a factor that could scupper attempts to
­monopolize ownership of the technology. Thus, a recent report concluded
that, ‘given the pace of innovation in gene editing, today’s legal fights could
end up serving little purpose. Improved versions of CRISPR/CAS9 have al-
ready been invented, and entirely new methods are likely.’294 And, indeed,
recent studies of natural CRISPR systems are revealing a vast menagerie of
different types. Tapping that diversity could lead to more effective genome
editing, or open the way to applications no one has thought of yet. ‘You can
imagine that many labs—including our own—are busily looking at other
variants and how they work,’ said Doudna. ‘So stay tuned.’295

A Step Too Far?

While arguments about who should reap the commercial benefits of

CRISPR/CAS9 have been one source of controversy, a far more potent issue
in the public eye was the news that scientists had used CRISPR/CAS9 to


modify the genome of a human embryo for the first time in history (see
Plate 2). The news first appeared in the form of a rumour. On 12 March
2015, a comment piece appeared in Nature by Edward Lanphier, president of
Sangamo BioSciences and chairman of the Alliance for Regenerative
Medicine, and four co-authors, all experts in genome editing. This called on
scientists not to use CRISPR/CAS9 to modify human embryos, even for re-
search.296 It transpired that Lanphier and his co-authors had heard that un-
specified scientists had already used this approach to create GM human em-
bryos and were seeking to publish their findings. Normally, when a paper is
submitted to an academic journal, it is sent to scientific experts who send
back comments and a recommendation about whether to publish the
study.297 In this ‘peer review’ process, the reviewers remain anonymous to
the researchers submitting the paper, while they themselves should not
reveal to colleagues or friends that they are reviewing a particular study. In
this case though, the reviewers clearly felt it was in the public interest to
raise the alarm.
The call for a ‘voluntary moratorium’ on attempts to use genome editing
to modify human embryos had clear similarities with the situation in the
run-up to the Asilomar conference in 1975. At that time, as we saw in
Chapter 2, fears about the safety of the new recombinant DNA technology
led to a halt of any further development of the technology until potential
risks had been discussed and safety guidelines agreed. Yet while some scien-
tists agreed with Lanphier’s call for a moratorium, others were less con-
vinced. Lanphier himself said: ‘We are humans, not transgenic rats. We
­believe there is a fundamental ethical issue in crossing the boundary to
modifying the human germ line.’298 However, George Church was more
qualified in his thoughts about the new development, saying that there
should be a moratorium on embryo editing, but only ‘until safety issues are
cleared up and there is general consensus that it is OK’.298
On 22 April 2015, the study that had been the main object of the rumours
was published in a relatively obscure journal called Protein & Cell—having re-
portedly been rejected by reviewers for both Nature and Science on ‘ethical
grounds’—and it was finally possible to examine what had been achieved in

The Gene Scissors

detail.299 The study was led by Junjiu Huang, of Sun Yat-Sen University in
China, and the report revealed that Huang and his team had used CRISPR/
CAS9 to correct a gene defect that underlies the disease β-thalassaemia, a
potentially fatal blood disorder.299 The defect is in the β-globin gene, which
codes for one of the components of the haemoglobin protein that carries
oxygen around the blood.
In an attempt to counter potential ethical objections, Huang and his team
used embryos created by the accidental union of two sperm with a single
egg; such embryos were obtained from a local in vitro fertilization (IVF)
clinic, which would normally have discarded them.300 These embryos can
undergo the first stages of development but will never result in a live birth.
The study showed that CRISPR/CAS9 could correct the gene defect, but
with low efficiency and accuracy. So only a fraction of the treated embryos
were successfully modified, and there were also a number of ‘off-target’ ef-
fects upon other genes in the genome. ‘If you want to do it in normal em-
bryos, you need to be close to 100%,’ said Huang. ‘That’s why we stopped.
We still think it’s too immature.’300 However, George Church is less con-
vinced, pointing out that the Chinese researchers did not use the most up-
to-date CRISPR/CAS9 methods and that many of the problems of efficiency
and accuracy could have been avoided if they had.298
Following the publication of the paper, scientists remained deeply div­
ided about the wisdom of seeking to apply genome editing to a human
embryo. For Edward Lanphier, the result ‘underlines what we said before:
we need to pause this research and make sure we have a broad based discus-
sion about which direction we’re going here’.299 However, George Daley, a
stem-cell biologist at Harvard University, supports editing of human em-
bryos for research purposes. He believes that employing genome editing to
modify the genomes of human embryos grown in culture could be used to
study the role of certain genes in early development. ‘Some questions about
early human development can only be addressed by studying human em-
bryos,’ he said.298
Meanwhile, philosophers of ethics have been equally divided on this
issue. John Harris, a bioethicist at Manchester University, said that although


the poor performance of the technique in Huang’s study ‘should be a stern

warning to any practitioner who thinks the technology is ready for testing
to eradicate disease genes,’ he believes Huang’s use of non-viable embryos is
‘no worse than what happens in in vitro fertilization all the time’.298 However,
Tetsuya Ishii, a professor of bioethics at Hokkaido University, Japan, fears
that if genome editing of human embryos becomes permissible as a form of
preventative medicine, it could be the start of a ‘slippery slope to designer
babies in countries with lax regulations’.301
In fact, these issues are far from the only controversial aspects of genome
editing. Another issue likely to generate future debate is whether this ap-
proach can be employed safely and effectively as a form of gene therapy to
treat disease in adult humans. But there’s also the fact that genome editing
is likely to have a major impact on agriculture, as it can be used not just to
create new types of GM crops, but GM animals too. And ultimately the
question arises whether, in the future, genome editing may be a legitimate
method for ‘enhancing’ the human species. For instance, John Harris be-
lieves that ‘if we could become more resistant to disease, more resilient to
injury, improving our cognitive powers, or increasing our life expectancy,
I don’t see why we would not do that’.302
Clearly, these are questions that need to be examined in detail, and in the
following chapters that’s exactly what I’ll be doing. But while, ultimately,
medicine is supposed to be about treatments and cures, we can only hope
to develop such therapies on the basis of a proper understanding of the
human body, both in terms of normal function but also when it’s in a patho-
logical state. And in the pursuit of such understanding, the availability of
other species that can act as ‘model organisms’ in which to study human
health and disease has been a vital aspect of the biomedical sciences. So, as
the initial step in this discussion about the applications of genome editing,
we should turn to look at the varied ways that this technology is beginning
to transform the study of such model organisms, large and small.


Next Year’s Models

T he use of other species to model human health and disease has been
central to biomedical science since its inception. As early as the seven-
teenth century William Harvey was using dogs to demonstrate the circula-
tion of the blood. Nowadays, the details of such vivisection seem barbaric,
with the animals being cut open while they writhed in agony on the operat-
ing table, with no anaesthetics or painkillers to alleviate their distress.303
And currently in Britain, all experiments on live animals, whether involving
surgery or a GM mouse that will spend its whole life being monitored in a
cage and may never undergo any invasive procedures, must be carried out
under the strict regulations of a Home Office licence.304 Anaesthetics or
painkillers must also be used wherever possible to alleviate distress in the
animal, although there will be experiments in which the whole point of
the exercise is to study the pain response. Similar regulations apply to re-
search on animals in the USA, Japan, Australia, China, and other coun-
tries.305 Despite such guidelines, it’s not surprising that, since most people
are sensitive to the suffering of other creatures, animal experimentation
remains controversial.
Yet if we really want to understand how the human body works, and
what happens when things go wrong in disease, then animal experimenta-
tion will continue to be central to biomedical research.306 Opponents of
such experimentation often point to alternatives like biochemical analysis
carried out in a test tube, study of cells in culture, or modelling of bodily
processes on a computer. In fact, such approaches form a normal part of
biomedical research; so, for instance, my colleagues and I carried out more


than half of our recent studies into the molecular basis of calcium signals on
cells in culture.307 But when researching the biology of the heart, the liver, or
the brain, it’s impossible to get a picture of the true complexity of these organs
from such studies. That’s because the structure of organs, and the way dif-
ferent cell types interact within that structure, have so far proved impos-
sible to mimic accurately in culture.306 This is particularly the case with the
brain, with its billions of cells, themselves existing as hundreds of different
cell types, connected by trillions of nerve connections; although, as we’ll
explore in Chapter 8, ways in which it may be studied could be starting to
change with new advances in human stem-cell research. Another reason
why cultured cells cannot mimic the complexity of many processes occur-
ring in a living animal is that organs communicate with each other and the
rest of the body via hormones, growth factors, and other chemicals.
Of course, animal experiments do not necessarily have to involve mam-
mals. So much of our knowledge of the mechanisms by which genes are
turned on or off originally came from studies of bacteria,308 while the genes
regulating the cell cycle—the process by which cells reproduce and divide—
were originally identified in yeast.309 We saw in Chapter  1 how studies of
fruit flies laid the foundation for modern genetics, and how, more recently,
this organism has furthered our understanding of embryo development,
particularly that of the nervous system and brain. The lowly nematode
worm has also been of great importance in this respect. Studies of the
nematode identified the phenomenon of controlled cell death, the process
whereby cells commit suicide, which is important in precise modelling of
the embryo during development and the prevention of cancer during adult-
hood.310 And, as we saw in Chapter 3, the zebrafish has also been an import-
ant organism for studying embryogenesis.311
The reason we can gain valuable insights from these different organisms
is that all life evolved from the same original genetic stock, and also because
evolution has an innate conservatism. It tends to adapt what is already there,
rather than totally fashioning things anew, with the consequence that there
is a remarkable degree of similarity between many processes occurring in
such organisms and those in the human body.312

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

The reasons for studying such non-mammalian lifeforms are both eth-
ical and scientific. Ethically, it’s seen as more acceptable to carry out experi-
ments on ‘lower’ organisms because, having a less developed nervous
system, they are judged less likely to feel pain or distress. To some extent
this is a subjective judgement. In Britain it was only in the mid-1980s that it
became necessary to have a licence to study zebrafish or frogs, perhaps
­because studies on warm-blooded furry animals like mice excite more in-
terest than ones on cold-blooded, slimy ones. Yet frogs and fish are still
complex organisms, and there’s increasing recognition that they also need
to be treated in ways that minimize any pain or distress they may suffer. Studies
of invertebrate species, apart from the octopus, still require no licence.313
Invertebrate species also have features that make them valuable for re-
search purposes.314 With their short lifespans and large numbers of off-
spring, fruit flies and worms have been particularly suitable for genetics,
because it’s possible to dose them with radiation or mutagenic chemicals,
and then screen resulting offspring for mutant forms.315 For studies of
embryogenesis, the fact that fly and worm embryos develop outside the
mother makes them much more amenable for study than the mammal in
its mother’s womb. The zebrafish embryo also develops outside its mother’s
body, yet being a vertebrate it shares many specific features of development
with mammals. That zebrafish embryos are transparent is important be-
cause it allows sophisticated imaging approaches to be used to study what’s
going on at the molecular level inside the cells of a living embryo.316
Genome editing looks set to have a big impact on the study of these non-
mammalian organisms because of the sheer speed at which genes can be
targeted using this technology. In June 2015, Shawn Burgess at the US NIH
showed that CRISPR/CAS9 genome editing can be used to knock out genes
in the zebrafish on a mass scale. ‘What we have done is to establish an entire
pipeline for knocking out many genes and testing their function quickly in
a vertebrate model,’ he said.317 Burgess’s team successfully mutated 82
genes, about 50 of which are similar to human genes linked to deafness.
Such mutants can now be screened to assess exactly how such genes are
involved in hearing. But Burgess has even bigger ambitions. ‘We’ve shown


that with relatively moderate resources, you can analyse hundreds of genes,’
he said. ‘On the scale of big science, you could target every gene in the
genome with what would be a relatively modest scientific investment.’318

Mice as Models

Undoubtedly though, a principal way that genome editing will affect bio-
medical research is through its capacity to precisely modify the genomes of
different mammals. Despite the importance of research in worms, flies, and
fish, major differences exist between mammals and other multicellular
organisms. Such differences include not just the development of the mam-
malian embryo inside the womb, but also the particular challenges posed
by maintaining a constant body temperature in a warm-blooded animal. In
addition, in mammals there has been a trend in some species towards larger
brains and a greater role for learning compared to instinct, with this feature
being particularly pronounced in the primate group of which our own
human species is a member.319
We saw in Chapter 2 how the discovery of ways to create knockout and
knockin mice using ES cells was a key development in biomedical science.
Yet the mouse is far from being the best mammalian model for many as-
pects of human health and disease.320 This is partly due to its much smaller
size compared to people, and also because of the shortness of the mouse
lifespan. But mice also differ from humans in the biology of some cell types
and tissues that limit the usefulness of this species as a model. Take, for in-
stance, the heart. Understanding the molecular and cellular basis of cardiac
function, and why hearts fail, is a pressing matter given the increasing num-
bers of people succumbing to cardiovascular disease.
A study by Emanuele Di Angelantonio and colleagues at Cambridge Uni­
versity published in July 2015 found that a combination of heart disease and
diabetes can shorten a person’s life dramatically. ‘An individual in their 60s
who has both conditions has an average reduction in life expectancy of about
15 years,’ he said.321 This is particularly a problem given the recent dramatic

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

global rise in diabetes, itself a product of increasing obesity. Clearly, one

important way of stemming the rise in cardiovascular disease is preventa-
tive. As Jeremy Pearson, a medical director at the British Heart Foundation,
which part-funded this particular study, said: ‘the results of this large study
emphasise the importance of preventing diabetes, heart attacks and strokes
in the first place, through encouraging patients to live a healthier lifestyle’.321
Unfortunately, this message is not getting through; instead the obesity ‘epi-
demic’ in the developed, and increasingly the developing, world is getting
worse, not better. Some recent reports highlight the scale of the problem.
The National Obesity Forum found that a previous estimate that half the
British population would be obese by 2050 actually underestimates the scale
of the obesity crisis.322 Another study, funded by Cancer Research UK (CR
UK), revealed that more than a third of obese or overweight teenagers think
their size is perfectly normal.323 Finally, a study by researchers at King’s College
London, that screened the electronic health records of 279,000 people in
Britain, concluded that existing weight loss programmes are ‘not working for
the vast majority of obese patients’.324 Similar problems exist in many other
developed countries, with more than two-thirds of US adults now being
classified as overweight or obese, compared to less than half in the 1970s.325
Despite the clear link between heart disease and environmental factors
such as junk food, lack of exercise, plus increasing stress within society,
there is still much we can learn from animal models about this disorder.
And valuable insights into the biology of the heart have come from studies
of knockout and knockin mice. By interfering with the expression of specific
genes and then assessing their effects, such studies allow scientists to build
up a picture of the molecular mechanisms that underlie heart function. This
is important because although the environment has an important impact
on a person’s susceptibility to disorders of the heart and circulation, so appar-
ently do genetic factors.326 And GM mice have made it possible to explore
the way genetic differences identified in people affect heart function at the
level of basic biology.327 At the same time, such mice can be placed on different
diets or exercise regimes to explore the way that genetics and environment
can combine to cause a particular problem within the heart or circulation.


Another important use for GM mice is to develop and test new therapies.
For while basic scientific research aims to uncover how molecules, cells, tis-
sues, and organs combine to make a living, functioning human being, the
ultimate goal of biomedical research is to devise new ways to treat disease.
A central aspect of modern medicine is its arsenal of drugs—generally
small molecular weight chemicals that can either be ingested or injected
and which have a beneficial effect upon the body. Because drugs may be inef-
fective, or have nasty, even fatal, side effects, testing new drugs on animals
prior to their use in human clinical trials is a vital part of drug develop-
ment.328 Such testing allows the clinical usefulness of a drug to be assessed,
but also its potential for adverse side effects. Testing can be carried out on
an unmodified animal if the aim is purely to assess the potential toxic effects
of a drug. But given that the point of drugs is to treat disease, drug testing in
animals should also test the capacity of a drug to relieve the symptoms, or
even better remove the underlying cause, of an illness. In this respect too,
knockout and knockin mice models of disease have been important.329
But there are also some limitations to the usefulness of the mouse as a
model for understanding human heart function and disease.330 One major
difference is the speed at which the hearts of the two species beat. A typical
mouse pulse is 600 beats a minute, whereas our own is around a tenth of
that speed. This reflects significant molecular differences between the mouse
and human heart. The protein responsible for the heart’s contractile force is
different, as are the cellular pumps and channels that produce the chemical
signals that regulate heart contraction.330 And because of these differences,
trying to model human heart disease in a mouse by knocking out or subtly
altering specific genes may result in misleading information about the
importance of such genetic factors for humans.

Matters of the Heart

Because of such concerns, scientists are exploring the possibility of modelling

heart function and disease in mammalian species more similar to ourselves.

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

The pig, in particular, has much to offer in this respect. As we saw in

Chapter  1, pigs have a long and intimate connection with our species
through our cultivation of this animal for meat. And the fact that humans
and pigs share many common features—such as our size and tendency to
enjoy a good feed—has attracted the attention of writers and dramatists
throughout the ages, most famously George Orwell in his political parable
Animal Farm, in which the originally revolutionary pigs become so similar
to their former human masters that it is ‘impossible to say which is which’.331
In fact, the similarities between pigs and humans are more than superfi-
cial, and the potential of the pig for modelling human health and disease is
increasingly recognized. Bhanu Telugu of the University of Maryland be-
lieves that ‘from a biomedical standpoint, the pig is really one of the most
important animals’.332 He points out that other large animals like cows or
sheep don’t have digestive systems, diets, or physiology similar enough to
ours to provide insight into human diseases. In size, structure, contractile
proteins, and the electrical and chemical signals that regulate it, the pig
heart is much more similar to a human heart than that of a mouse.330
The importance of the pig for modelling human heart function goes
beyond the similarities of the organ in these two species. When it comes to
testing drugs designed to treat heart disorders, the pig has other similarities
to us that make it a more suitable model than the mouse.333 An important
aspect of how drugs work is not only the effect they have on their target in
the body, but also how they get into the bloodstream, and from there to
the target cell or tissue. How a drug is processed and excreted from the body
by the liver and kidney are also important factors in designing a drug regime
that will successfully treat a disorder while resulting in minimal side effects.
But here factors like an organism’s size, diet, and metabolism all play an
important role, and have meant that some findings about a drug’s useful-
ness and side effects gleaned from mouse studies can be misleading.
In contrast, the similarities in size and also diet between ourselves and pigs
makes the pig a better model in this respect.333 That pigs live much longer
than mice is important for modelling heart disease, since heart disease is a
condition that generally affects older people.330 The similarity in size means


that pigs are important models for surgery, since similar procedures can be
used as in human surgery.333 It also means the various devices developed for
sophisticated imaging of the human body are directly applicable to the pig,
which can help in the comparison of pathologies in the two species.
Pigs may also become important as a source of heart transplants. This
might seem odd, given that another human heart would seem to be the
most obvious choice for such a transplant. Here though, we face a number
of problems. The first is that human donors are in short supply because of
the lack of people volunteering to donate an organ after their death, the dif-
ficulty of getting consent from grieving relatives, and a reduction in most
countries of the rate of fatal road accidents (the most reliable source of
healthy organs).334 ‘It’s a cruel situation currently, that someone who needs
a heart transplant has to pin their chance for a healthy life on the untimely
death of another person,’ said David Dunn, an expert on transplantation at
the State University of New York in Oswego.335 Even if an organ is available,
it’s highly likely to be rejected by the recipient’s immune system. Each of us
has proteins called major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) on the sur-
face of the cells that make up our major organs. These tell our immune sys-
tems that these organs are part of us, and subtle differences in MHCs in a trans-
planted heart will cause the immune system to generally attack it as a foreign
body.336 This can lead to severe blood clots and failure of the new organ.
With thousands of different MHC variants, the chance of finding a donor
with the same profile as the person requiring a transplant is slim indeed.
Because of this, and the shortage of donors, there is much interest in trans-
planting pig hearts into people whose own heart has failed, so-called ‘xeno-
transplantation’.336 Transplanting a normal pig heart would also lead to
rejection because of the mismatch between the MHC proteins. But, unlike
human donor hearts, there is a potential solution: to genetically modify the
pigs so that the MHC proteins on their hearts are no longer recognized as
foreign by the human immune system. And the same would apply to other
organs too, so such pigs could be the source of a new liver, kidney, pancreas,
or lungs.336

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

Despite the potential usefulness of the pig for biomedicine, whether to

model human health and disease or as a source of organs, the main obstacle
until recently has been the lack of an effective technology for produc­
ing knockout and knockin pigs. Now, genome editing offers such a technol-
ogy. In 2013, Bruce Whitelaw and colleagues at the Roslin Institute near
Edinburgh—the birthplace of Dolly the cloned sheep—successfully used
ZFNs and TALENs to create GM pigs.337 And in February 2015, Hong Wei
and his team at the Third Military Medical University in China used CRISPR/
CAS9 to create pigs with a knocked out version of a gene named Niemann-
Pick disease C1-like (NPC1L1).338 Previous studies showed that this gene plays
a key role in regulating the uptake of cholesterol by the intestine and liver.
Ezetimibe, also known as Ezetrol®, a drug that targets the expressed pro-
tein, lowers blood cholesterol in humans.339 Inhibiting the expression of
this gene in pigs will provide an important model for studying the beneficial
effects of low cholesterol levels on the heart and circulation.
As for creating GM pigs as a source of transplantable organs, Craig Venter,
who led one of the teams that first sequenced the human genome, has
­announced that his company, Synthetic Genomics, is developing such a
strategy.340 In collaboration with another company, United Therapeutics,
the plan is to use genome editing to create pigs with ‘humanized’ lungs. If
successful, this could help the 400,000 people in the USA alone who die
each year from various forms of lung disease. ‘We’re going to start with gen-
erating a brand new super-accurate sequence of the pig genome, and then
go through in detail and compare it to the human genome,’ said Venter.
‘The goal is to go in and edit . . . the pig genes that seem to be associated with
immune responses. We want to get it so there is no acute or chronic rejec-
tion.’340 In fact, Venter is far from alone in such a goal, since, in October 2015,
George Church reported that his team had modified more than 20 genes in
pig embryos, including ones that code for MHCs. ‘This is something I’ve
been wanting to do for almost a decade,’ he said.341 And a biotech company
named eGenesis that he has co-founded in Boston is now trying to engineer
pigs that can be used for organ transplantation as cheaply as possible.


Although Venter and Church both believe they’ll soon be able to deliver
modified pigs whose organs will not be rejected by a human recipient, a big
challenge will be confirming that such organs are safe to transplant. It will
not only be necessary to show that the pig organ won’t be rejected by the
recipient’s body, but also that the organ is compatible with the rest of the
human body in a more general sense. Although a pig organ may function
perfectly well as an isolated entity in a human being, recent studies indicate
that interactions between organs also play a key role in bodily function.
Such studies show that the heart has other functions besides its vital role in
pumping the blood around the body; for instance, it also produces hor-
mones that send signals to other organs.342 It will be important, therefore, to
confirm that a transplanted pig heart can also fulfil these other functions.
Another concern is the possibility of pathogens like bacteria or viruses
being transferred from the donor heart to the recipient human. Careful
breeding in sterile conditions can eliminate most problematic microorgan-
isms from the bodies of donor pigs. However, there is one class of viruses
that poses a problem in this respect—retroviruses. As we saw in Chapter 2,
these viruses, of which HIV is the most famous member, can integrate their
genetic material into the genomes of the cells they infect. This is one reason
why a person infected with HIV can go for years without showing any
symptoms. And pigs, through exposure to such viruses in the past, also
contain retroviral DNA in their genomes, called porcine endogenous retro-
viruses, or PERVs, to use their rather unfortunate acronym.
One concern is that such retroviruses might become activated in a human
host’s body and cause a serious disease in that individual.343 An even more
serious concern is that such a transplanted virus could jump to other human
individuals and cause an epidemic. Since HIV seems to have first arisen in
humans by jumping species from chimpanzees,344 the potential conse-
quences of the spread of a virus from pigs to humans needs to be taken very
seriously. One particular concern is that viruses that jump species can have
far more serious effects in their new host than in the previous one. The pre-
cursor of HIV has few adverse effects in chimpanzees. Jonathan Allan, a vir-
ologist at the Southwestern Foundation for Biomedical Research in San

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

Antonio, USA, remarked on this: ‘African primates all carry their own little
viruses. In some species, the viruses have been there for thousands of years.
And the natural host never gets sick.’345 However, in a species that has not
evolved to tolerate a particular virus the consequences can be devastating,
as seen with HIV in humans.
Until recently, there seemed little that could be done about the presence
of PERVs in potential donor pigs. ‘They were part of these animals’ gen-
omes,’ said Jay Fishman, associate director of the transplant centre at
Massachusetts General Hospital.335 Instead, those in favour of transplanting
pig organs into humans pointed to studies like one in which pig hearts
transplanted into baboons failed to show any activation of pig retroviruses
once inside the baboon’s body.346 None the less, the potential risks of allow-
ing such viruses into a human body have always been one of the objections
levelled against xenotransplantation. So, according to George Church, bil-
lions of dollars were invested in xenotransplantation research in the mid- to
late 1990s, but funding fizzled out because of the inability to find a way to
remove the viral sequences.347 Yet in October 2015, Church and his team
used CRISPR/CAS9 to delete all the PERVs in the genomes of pig kidney
cells in culture.348 ‘Fast-forward 15 years later, we got rid of them in 14 days
with CRISPR and a lot less money,’ said Church.347
Church’s team first analysed the genomic DNA of the pig cells. This re-
vealed 62 PERVs located at different sites in the genome; however, these
were practically identical in sequence, reflecting their origin from a single
ancestor that invaded the pig genome millions of years ago. The researchers
then used a form of CRISPR/CAS9 that didn’t just cut the viral DNA but
deleted it from the genome. Amazingly, in some cells this treatment elimin-
ated all 62 copies of the virus from the pig genome. And those edited cells
showed up to a thousandfold reduction in their ability to infect human
kidney cells with PERVs in a culture dish.348 In addition, Church claimed at a
US National Academy of Sciences meeting on genome editing that he and
his colleagues have successfully created pig embryos with inactivated PERV
sequences—the next step towards raising cloned pigs with retrovirus-free
organs.348 Because of this, and the plans to alter pig MHCs, David Dunn


commented: ‘This work brings us closer to a realization of a limitless supply

of safe, dependable pig organs for transplant.’335

The Complex Brain

The potential usefulness of pigs for modelling human health and disease,
and as a source of replacement organs, is due to the great similarities in
basic physiology between the two species. But one human organ that’s
peculiar in both size and complexity compared to other mammalian spe-
cies is the brain. Human beings are unique in possessing a self-conscious
awareness, a language capacity that allows us to communicate with other
humans as well as think, talk, and write conceptually, and an ability to de-
velop and use new tools and technologies in each new generation.349 Such
characteristics must ultimately be based on the distinctive biology of the
human brain, although obviously the shape of the mouth, throat, and hand
are also vital in allowing us to articulate thoughts vocally and use tools.350
This poses the question of how to model the human brain, both in terms of
its normal function but also degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and
Alzheimer’s and personality disorders like schizophrenia, depression, and
bipolar disorder.
The problem that such disorders pose for society is shown by recent fig-
ures from the US National Alliance on Mental Illness, which indicate that
about one in four adults in the USA experiences a diagnosable mental dis-
order in a given year.351 Figures from the UK Mental Health Foundation
reveal a similar situation in Britain.352 Of course, one might wonder what
type of ‘illness’ affects such a large proportion of the population, and some
experts criticize what they see as the increasing overmedicalization of indi-
viduals whose actions lie within the spectrum of normal human behaviour.
Peter Kinderman, head of Liverpool University’s Institute of Psychology,
remarked: ‘Many people who are shy, bereaved, eccentric, or have uncon-
ventional romantic lives will suddenly find themselves labeled as mentally
ill. It’s not humane, it’s not scientific, and it won’t help decide what help a

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

person needs.’353 This is particularly a concern given the increasing diag-

noses of children with conditions such as ‘attention deficit and hyperactiv-
ity disorder’, or ‘disruptive mood dysregulation disorder’.354 Some critics
argue that this is not only inappropriate labelling since such children may
simply be bored or naturally boisterous, but also dangerous, since such
conditions are increasingly treated with drugs whose long-term effects
remain far from clear.
Despite such concerns, it would be a mistake to underestimate the misery
caused by conditions like schizophrenia, major depression, or bipolar dis-
order—which affect one in 17, or about 13.6 million of the US population.351
A similar proportion of people are affected by these disorders in Britain.355
An insight into the devastating impact of such disorders, and the difficulties
in successfully treating them, was recently provided by Robert Desimone,
who, as we saw in Chapter  4, heads the McGovern Institute for Brain
Research, part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.356 As a first-
year psychology student, aged 18, Desimone spent a month at a state mental
hospital, living alongside and observing patients with schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder. He befriended a schizophrenic patient in her 30s, formerly
a promising student but now trapped in a world of delusion and failing to
respond to any of the available drug treatments. ‘What was so frustrating
was that here was an intelligent person who I could have imagined as a
fellow student in college, and yet here she was stuck in this mental hospital
because she had these delusional ideas,’ said Desimone. ‘That really opened
my eyes to how terrible some of the serious mental illnesses were, and how
frustrating it was for the physicians trying to treat them.’356
This incident happened over 40 years ago. Yet the same frustrations per-
sist, due to the continuing lack of effective, precise ways to diagnose and
treat serious mental disorders. This was particularly brought home to
Desimone in 2000 when his own 16-year-old son was diagnosed with bipo-
lar disorder, and he had to face the stark reality that the treatments available
were essentially unchanged from those used in the psychiatric ward where
he had worked more than three decades earlier. Desimone believes the
reason is that neuroscientists still don’t really understand what’s happening


in the brains of those with mental disorders. ‘I felt that we really needed to
go back to the lab and concentrate more on fundamental knowledge of
brain mechanisms and genetics,’ he said.356 And a chance to pursue such a
goal arose when he was asked to direct the McGovern Institute in 2004.
Under Desimone, the institute has recruited top researchers working in
the most cutting-edge aspects of neuroscience. Feng Zhang, who, as we saw
in Chapters 3 and 4, helped pioneer both optogenetics and CRISPR/CAS9
genome editing, joined the McGovern Institute in 2011. Zhang is also critical
of the current lack of precision that underlies our understanding of the biol-
ogy of mental disorders and the drugs used to treat them. ‘Traditionally
when we think about developing drugs to treat brain diseases, it’s all about
this hypothesis that there’s some kind of chemical imbalance,’ he said. ‘All
the cells in the brain live in this milieu of chemicals, and if there’s an imbal-
ance in the composition of the chemicals, then the brain has problems. But
that’s a very gross and inaccurate way of thinking about how the brain func-
tions.’356 Instead Zhang believes the focus should be on understanding the
‘abnormal signalling between different cells in specific neural circuits . . .
probably underlying many of the neurological or psychiatric diseases that
we know today’356—features highlighted by the optogenetic studies being
carried out by himself and others.
Optogenetics is only one of the technologies being developed at the
McGovern Institute. Another approach is the use of genome editing to
assess the functional relevance of genomic regions shown to be associated
with mental disorders in humans. On the completion of the Human
Genome Project in 2003, some influential figures predicted that we would
soon identify the genes associated with such disorders. Consequently,
Daniel Koshland, editor of Science, declared that the basis for ‘illnesses such
as manic depression, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia and heart disease’ would
all be unravelled, with new drug treatments for these conditions sure to
follow.357 Unfortunately, the reality has proved rather more complex.
The main strategy in trying to identify genes associated with human dis-
orders has been so-called ‘genome-wide association studies’ (GWAS).358
These studies typically analyse the genomes of a large number of individuals

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

with a disorder and compare them with people lacking the disorder. And
studies of schizophrenic individuals have indeed identified links with a
number of genomic regions. But far from identifying a few clear links, these
studies have found associations with over a hundred different regions.359
And each of these regions of the genome individually appear to have only a
minor impact. What’s more, the same complexity is emerging from genetic
studies of other mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, and
autism.360 Currently there is a debate about whether this indicates that gen-
etic predisposition to such disorders requires changes in a large number of
different genomic regions, or whether rare differences have a much more
significant impact, but only in a few individuals.361 Either way, this still
leaves the question of how to assess the functional importance of these gen-
etic differences.
Up till now, the main way to do this has employed ES cells to create
knockout or knockin mice with defects in genes associated with human
mental disorders. This makes it possible to explore the underlying biology
of such disorders, as well as test drugs that may be used to treat them. Here
genome editing can play a vital role by dramatically reducing the time and
cost required to produce such mice. Guoping Feng, a scientist at the McGovern
Institute, is pioneering this ‘high-throughput’ approach. ‘We have models
of obsessive-compulsive disorder and autism,’ he said. ‘By studying these
mice we want to learn what’s wrong with their brains.’362 In one such model,
mice show obsessive self-grooming, and Feng has shown that this behav-
iour ceases when the missing gene is reintroduced, even in adulthood. ‘The
brain is amazingly plastic,’ said Feng. ‘At least in a mouse, we have shown
that the damage can often be repaired.’362 So far he has only created mice
with differences in single genes, but human mental disorders appear to
­involve many contributing genetic differences. And here the capacity of
CRISPR/CAS9 for editing multiple genes simultaneously will be very
Such a focus on mice does, however, raise the question of whether we can
gain a meaningful idea of the role of specific genes or neurons in human
mental disorder purely from studying rodent models. One concern is that


many potential drugs for brain disorders have been tested successfully in
mice, only to prove ineffective in subsequent human trials. Thus, according
to Robert Desimone, ‘a lot of the treatments that are tried out in mice seem
very promising, and then they go into clinical trials and don’t go anywhere.
You hear the expression all the time that this is a great time to have
Alzheimer’s disease if you’re a mouse. You could say the same thing about
autism or any number of disorders.’356

Modify My Monkey

Because of such limitations there is increasing interest in using GM pri-

mates to complement rodent studies. For while human brains are particu-
larly large and complex compared to the size of our bodies, this is only the
culmination of a trend in primates as a whole.363 Primates therefore offer an
excellent model for studying the human brain and its various functions. Of
particular interest are brain regions like the prefrontal cortex, critical for
many higher human brain functions but not well developed in mice. In con-
trast, the monkey prefrontal cortex is much closer in size and structure to
our own (see Figure  23).363 Another aspect of primates that makes them
potentially better models for studying human brain disorders is the fact that
we and other primates interact with the world around us in similar ways. So
while rodents mainly rely on smell to negotiate their way around, primates,
including humans, are far more dependent on visual cues. This makes it
easier to devise tests to assess primate behaviour that have relevance to
those used on humans.364
Despite this, most neuroscience studies have traditionally used mice and
rats, not only because such rodents are much cheaper to breed and main-
tain, but also because of ethical concerns about work involving primates.365
And of course, a major attraction of mice, and more recently rats, has been
that these were the only mammalian species from which scientists could
create knockout and knockin versions. But now that genome editing makes
it possible to create primates that are precisely genetically modified, there is

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

Mouse Rat Macaque Chimpanzee Human

Prefrontal cortex

Fig. 23.  Mammalian brains and prefrontal cortex

likely to be increased interest in using such primates to study the brain, not-
withstanding the potential controversy this may generate in terms of eth-
ical issues.
That genome editing can be employed in primates was demonstrated in
January 2014 by Weizhi Ji and colleagues at the Yunnan Key Laboratory of
Primate Biomedical Research in China. They used CRISPR/CAS9 to knock
out the genes peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ)
and recombination activating gene 1 (RAG1) in cynomolgus macaque mon-
keys.366 Ji and his team targeted the genes in fertilized macaque eggs, then
implanted these into surrogate mothers. Two resulting offspring, named
Ningning and Min­gming, had knockouts in the genes. PPARγ regulates
­metabolism and RAG1 is involved in immunity, and the researchers are now
investigating what effect loss of these genes has upon these bodily func-
tions. Ji’s team subsequently targeted dystrophin—the gene defective in
people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)—in rhesus macaque
monkeys, and found that this caused severe muscle degeneration similar to
that observed in humans with this condition.367 The macaque may therefore
be a useful model for studying such diseases that affect humans.
But the main interest in GM primates is for studying brain disorders.
With this in mind, scientists at the McGovern Institute are now in the pro-
cess of using CRISPR/CAS9 to create GM macaques, as well as marmo-
sets—a smaller primate species with a faster breeding cycle.362 Because both
species are very social with highly structured communication patterns, they
should offer a valuable new route for assessing the role of genes involved in


social interaction. The aim is first to try to breed primates with a condition
similar to autism, and then to move on to schizophrenia and other dis-
orders. Such primate models will be important for understanding not only
the basic biology of mental disorders, but also for testing new drugs. Robert
Desimone hopes that ‘the primate models will give us better testing and
treatment platforms’.356
Such is the potential of gene editing in primates, but the application of
the technology in this manner is creating controversy. Troy Seidle, of
Humane Society International, believes there should be an outright ban on
the genetic manipulation of primates: ‘You can’t genetically manipulate a
highly sentient non-human primate without compromising its welfare,
perhaps significantly. GM primates will be just as intelligent, just as sensi-
tive to physical and psychological suffering as their non-GM counterparts,
and our moral responsibility toward them is no less.’368 Such opposition
may have an impact in countries that would otherwise be well placed to
develop the use of GM primates in brain research. In the USA, commercial
airlines have already ceased all primate shipments by air within the country,
making it difficult for researchers to transport animals.369 Many airlines in
Europe have taken similar steps, although Air France still provides a service.
And a recent report showed that a compromise European Union initiative,
which was supposed to balance the welfare of primates while allowing
some research on this animal group, is already in danger of unravelling be-
cause of political lobbying by animal rights activists.369
Consequently, future development and study of GM primates may well
shift to countries where there are fewer ethical concerns about such re-
search. As we mentioned earlier in this section, the first successful use of
genome editing to create such modified primates was in China. And China
not only has more relaxed attitudes to primate research but is also invest-
ing significant funds in this area. The dynamics of the situation are illus-
trated by the changing fortunes of the Yunnan Key Laboratory of Primate
Biomedical Research in Kunming, the institute in which Weizhi Ji and his
colleagues announced the birth of the first genome-edited primates. Ji re-
calls that when he first began his career at the Kunming Institute of Zoology

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

in 1982, ‘we did not have enough funding for research. We just did very
simple work, such as studying how to improve primate nutrition.’370
The subsequent expansion of the Chinese economy has led to a growth
in the country’s scientific ambitions, and major funds are being invested in
transforming the primate research institute at Kunming. It now boasts 75
covered homes for primates, housing more than 4,000 animals, which
spend their time swinging on hanging ladders and scampering up and
down wire mesh walls, while 60 trained animal keepers look after them full
time.370 The institute also has extensive facilities for creating genome-edit-
ing constructs, microinjection systems for injecting these into fertilized
monkey eggs, incubators for culturing the resulting embryos, and facilities
for implanting these into surrogate mothers. So, despite the ambitions of
well-established US centres of science like the McGovern Institute to de-
velop GM primates for studies of brain function, big future breakthroughs
in this area may well be at Chinese institutes like the one at Kunming.

The Language Gene

The use of GM primates to study mental disorders is likely to further our

understanding of such disorders but also generate controversy. However,
an even more controversial question is whether primates might ever be
used to investigate the biological basis of human uniqueness. To reiterate,
humans are unique among species in our capacity for self-conscious aware-
ness and our ability to change the world around us with tools. And ultim-
ately this must reflect differences in the human genome compared to other
species. The question then is whether genetic modification and the study of
primates might be one route to gaining key insights into the biological basis
of human uniqueness, and to what extent it would ever be deemed ethically
acceptable to pursue such research.
For instance, could GM primates be used to explore the biological basis
of human language? Until recently, scientists had no idea about the genes
that underpin the unique capacity of our species for communicating


through a system of abstract symbols—words. But in 2001, a team led by

Anthony Monaco and Simon Fisher at Oxford University studied a British
family with several members who had trouble with pronunciation, putting
words together, and understanding speech, and showed that these individ-
uals had a defect in a gene called forkhead box protein 2 (FOXP2). For Fisher,
now at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics at Nijmegen in the
Netherlands, the discovery ‘opened a molecular window on the neural basis
of speech and language’.371 Yet although FOXP2 was initially hailed as a
­‘language gene’, the question of its precise role in human language has been
complicated by the subsequent discovery that the gene is present in many
other animal species.372
Instead, attention has focused on the fact that the human FOXP2 protein
differs from the chimpanzee version in only two amino acids, while the
mouse version has a further amino acid difference, suggesting that such dif-
ferences could be one of the reasons for our species’ capacity for language
compared to other mammalian species, including our ape cousins.372
Recent studies suggest that one of FOXP2’s functions is to regulate the
number of nerve connections—synapses—in the brain, a role that it fulfils
partly through its regulation of another gene, named sushi repeat contain-
ing protein, X-linked 2 (SRPX2), which is involved in synapse formation.371
Yet exactly how all this might relate to a role in language capacity in
humans remains unclear. To explore this question further, in 2009 Fisher
and his colleagues created a knockin mouse in which the human FOXP2
gene was substituted for the mouse version.373 Initial studies of such mice
showed that they produce more frequent and complex alarm calls, while a
more recent study demonstrated that they are better at responding to cues
that require repetitive learning while learning to negotiate a maze. One
interpretation of such findings is that they confirm that the specific FOXP2
gene difference found in humans is central to the complexity of human lan-
guage, as well as our species’ unique ability to learn such complexity as chil-
dren. But some critics are sceptical about the conclusions that can be drawn
from studies carried out on mice, which have considerable differences from
us in brain size and structure, as well as in the way in which they interact

Ne xt Ye ar’s Models

with the environment.373 Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, a neuroscientist at Uni­

versity College London, for example, has pointed out that mice depend on
visual cues to work out what to do, whereas human infants respond to
audio cues. ‘If you really want to deal with the right [brain] circuit,’ she said,
‘you have to work with the right stimuli.’373
It would be interesting to assess the effect of introducing a ‘humanized’
version of FOXP2 into a primate, as well as investigate the effect of altering
the activity of other genes, such as SRPX2, in a primate model. But while
such studies might lead to unique insights into the biological basis of human
language, in carrying out such studies scientists might conceivably create a
primate with greater self-conscious awareness, raising all sorts of ethical
issues. So it’s not surprising that no scientist is currently proposing such
studies. In the future though, if generation of GM primates becomes com-
monplace, it’s hard to imagine that someone, somewhere, will not decide
this is an appropriate line of research, and act accordingly. For now, such
studies are likely to remain in the realms of science fiction. And indeed it
may be some years before studies of GM pigs, monkeys, or other large
mammalian species begin to have a major impact on biomedical science.
But this isn’t necessarily the case for other spheres of life, and agriculture
and farm­ing in particular is becoming a hot new area for the application of
genome editing. It’s time to enter the molecular farm.


The Molecular Farm

W hat could be more natural than the British countryside? Whether

your fancy is strolling through valleys filled with daffodils in spring,
taking a dip in burbling rivers in high summer, or hiking across hillsides
dotted with sheep in autumn, it’s not hard to see why Britain’s green and
pleasant land attracts so many visitors throughout the seasons. Yet for all its
idyllic qualities, one thing the British countryside cannot claim to be is nat-
ural. Not only was the landscape itself produced by human activity—and
this includes moors and heaths as well as the patchwork fields, for both are
products of the deforestation that began as early as 6,500 years ago374—but
the domesticated plant and animal species that populate England’s rural re-
gions are themselves products of thousands of years of selective breeding,
as we saw in Chapter 1. It was in Britain that the industrialization of agricul-
ture was first pioneered. With the establishment of the country as one of
the first capitalist nations following the English Civil War, and subsequent
upheavals of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the way was open
for a revolution in farming.375 Through enclosure of the common land that
poor people had farmed for centuries, albeit under a feudal system that
claimed much of their output, the new masters of the British countryside
gained access both to land to develop as they wished and an army of l­ andless
labourers to assist them in this goal. Yet equally important for the agricul-
tural revolution that continued in the 18th and 19th centuries was its har-
nessing of technology, via mechanization of crop production and livestock
handling, and the development of transport networks—canal, road, and
rail—to take its products to the growing cities of the nation.

The Molecul ar Far m

In the twentieth century, the most advanced methods of industrial

farming were pioneered in the USA. Before the Second World War, most US
farmers cultivated a variety of crops, along with livestock. As agriculture
became more industrialized, farmers abandoned diverse farming systems
in favour of highly specialized operations that separated crops from ani-
mals.376 Today, US crop production is characterized by fields planted with a
single crop over a given season, typically over a very large area. The meat
supply chain, meanwhile, is separated into many specialized industries:
breeding animals, growing feed crops, fattening the animals, slaughtering
them, and processing their meat. And as food production and processing
has become more specialized, this has allowed the mechanization of rou-
tine tasks, such as sowing seeds and harvesting. Meanwhile, agriculture has
become more dependent on resources manufactured off the farm, such as
agricultural chemicals and fossil fuels.376
Today, in an increasing number of countries, vegetables and fruits are
grown under cover in greenhouses with sophisticated lighting and irriga-
tion systems, while animals are reared intensively, with warehouses con-
taining rows and rows of battery hens crammed into tiny cages or milking
cows that never see the light of day.377 Such intensive farming uses large
amounts of chemicals, whether fertilizers to boost plant growth and herbi-
cides to prevent the growth of weeds, or antibiotics to keep control of the
infections that can spread rapidly amongst animals in close proximity. It’s
thanks to the adoption of such intensive farming practices that China now
produces a third of the world’s meat, and why the meat consumption of its
vast population jumped from 4 kg to 61 kg per person between 1961 and
Apart from concerns about animal welfare, modern farming practices
also create problems. One is the pollution of the environment by herbicide
and fertilizer run-off. Another is the infection rife amongst intensively
farmed animals, posing a health risk because of contaminated meat, while
the continuous use of antibiotics to control such infection is one factor
behind the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, with potentially


disastrous future consequences for human health. Recently, China’s Ministry

of Environmental Protection warned that ‘Chinese policymakers see the US
intensive pork production model as the solution to China’s food safety
problems. Yet it is precisely this system of factory farming that has led to
drastic environmental, public health and animal welfare problems in the
US.’378 Another aspect of modern farming is that, increasingly, giant multi-
national companies control food production, from the development of new
varieties of plant seed, to their planting and harvesting in the ground, to the
processing of plants and animals into food.
Today, living in Oxford, England, I take it for granted that I can go to my
local supermarket and buy beef from Bolivia, spinach from Spain, or tiger
prawns from Thailand. So varied are the nations that supply such products,
it’s doubtful whether many people even register the point of origin of most
of what they buy. In some developed countries there is an increasing reac-
tion against the industrialization and globalization of agriculture; so many
British restaurants and ‘gastro-pubs’ now draw attention to the local, sea-
sonal, and ‘organic’ nature of their ingredients.379 However, since such food-
stuffs are more expensive, this increasingly means two tiers of customers,
not just in terms of eating out but also at supermarkets—with more ‘ethical’
and expensive food distinguished by labels like ‘Fair Trade’ or ‘Finest’.
Another trend is the increasing numbers of supermarket aisles devoted
to processed food. Recent years have seen a dramatic rise in food prices,
which in Britain rose 32 per cent in the period 2007–12 according to official
UK figures. In the USA, a 2012 report showed that food inflation was the
highest recorded in 36 years.380 Such increases have meant that poorer
people have focused their stretched budgets on cheaper processed products
at the expense of fresh fish, meat, and fruit.381 And the availability of cheap
‘junk’ food is a key factor in the obesity ‘epidemic’ now affecting Britain, the
USA, and other Western countries, itself leading to a dramatic rise in dia-
betes.382 Meanwhile, the adoption of diets high in meat and processed dairy
products has led to an emerging epidemic of diabetes in China, with 50 per
cent of the population showing a prevalence of pre-diabetes and 11 per cent
already diabetic (up from 1 per cent in 1980).378

The Molecul ar Far m

Feeding Humanity

While it’s important to recognize the problems associated with the indus-
trialization and globalization of agriculture, it would be equally mistaken
to underestimate its success in feeding the world’s growing population—
albeit with huge continuing inequalities in food distribution. But can these
methods continue to feed the planet in the future? The ability of food pro-
duction to keep pace with a world population that rose from 3 to 7 billion
between 1960 and 2011 was primarily due to the remarkable increase in crop
yields with only a slight expansion in land cultivated that occurred in this
period, thanks to the ‘Green Revolution’.383 Spearheaded by Iowa-born
plant geneticist Norman Borlaug, the Green Revolution introduced more
productive varieties of wheat, corn, and rice into many parts of the world,
combined with greater use of fertilizer and irrigation. The resulting increase
in crop yields fed people directly, as well as the livestock that provide meat.
But the success story of the Green Revolution shouldn’t blind us to the
problems that still exist, with an estimated 795 million people—one in nine
people on the planet—lacking sufficient food to lead a healthy active life.384
And many problems lie ahead. Since at least the turn of the millennium,
increases in wheat, rice, and other cereal crop yields have begun showing
signs of slowing.385, 386 This isn’t only worrying because such a rise is neces-
sary to keep pace with a growing world population, predicted to reach at
least 9 billion by 2050, but also because recent evidence suggests that the
fall in yield is linked to global warming.
A study by David Lobell, an environmental scientist at Stanford Univer­
sity, and Wolfram Schlenker, an economist at Columbia University, found
that, from 1980 to 2008, climate change depressed yields of wheat and corn;
yields still rose during that time but overall production was 2 to 3 per cent
less than it would have been in the absence of global warming.385 This
finding suggests that climate change, widely scientifically accepted as being
the result of human activity, has not only already adversely affected food
production, but that this negative impact will intensify as the planet heats
up.386 A particularly worrying aspect of the findings is that agriculture


hasn’t adapted to the increased frequency of hot days. ‘What surprised me

most and should inform us going forward,’ said Schlenker, ‘is that there has
been tremendous progress in agricultural breeding . . . but if you look at sen-
sitivity to extreme heat, it seems to be just as bad as it was in the 1950s. We
need to have crops that are better at dealing with hot climates.’385
One important question is what role genome editing might play in such
a situation. In particular, is this technology likely to have a bigger impact
than previous transgenic approaches? The latter were originally promoted
by companies like Monsanto, Bayer, and DuPont as part of a new green
revolution that would greatly increase food production. Yet, as we saw in
Chapter 2, the application of transgenic technology to agriculture has been
far from the success story predicted. Not that we should underestimate the
impact of standard GM crops. Recent surveys estimate that more than 170
million hectares of such crops are grown worldwide, representing one
twelfth of global arable land.385 In the USA, most corn, soybeans, and cotton
are now engineered to repel insect pests or withstand herbicides used to
treat weeds. And in India, insect-resistant cotton represents 96 per cent of
the cotton grown in the country. Yet it’s far from clear whether GM crops
have resulted in either increased food production worldwide or lower prices
for consumers. Little transgenic corn and soybeans is used directly for human
consumption; instead much is used for animal feed and biofuels. And such
is the commercial success of these GM crops that US farmers are now sub-
stituting them for a major human food source—wheat—with adverse ef-
fects upon ordinary consumers. So 56 million acres of wheat were planted
in 2012, down from 62 million in 2000. And as supply has fallen, the price
of a bushel of wheat has risen, from $2.50 in 2000 to almost $8 in 2012.385
To some extent, the commercial application of transgenic technology to
only a few species with a limited range of new characteristics, such as insect
resistance and herbicide tolerance, is a reflection of the continuing contro-
versial status of GM crops. Public opposition and regulatory requirements
have made transgenic plants expensive to develop. That’s why nearly all GM
plants so far are lucrative, big-acreage crops like soybeans, corn, and cotton,
and why only giant conglomerates have been willing to invest in such crops,

The Molecul ar Far m

and then only for a limited range of products, particularly those not des-
tined for direct human consumption. Moreover, the continuing political
controversy over GM crops means that, for some parts of the world, devel-
opment has been at a virtual standstill. So in Europe, since the first GM crop
was produced in 1994—a tomato whose ripening was delayed, giving it a
longer shelf life—the European Union has granted just two licences to cul-
tivate GM crops: one for plants engineered to resist corn borers and another
for a starchy potato used to make paper.387
The limitations of previous GM crops are far from just political though.
As we saw in Chapter 2, one problem with standard transgenic technology
is that it involves randomly inserting a foreign gene into the genome of the
host cell. Not only does this mean the technology is incapable of making the
sort of subtle alterations such as those in a knockout or knockin mouse, but
it also means the inserted gene may disrupt some other gene in the host
genome, leading to unwanted, and possibly adverse, consequences. At the
same time, this is a very inefficient process, so usually an antibiotic resist-
ance gene is included in the transgene construct in order that plant cells that
have taken up this construct can be selected.388 And, as we also saw in
Chapter 2, this has led to fears about such resistance being transferred to
harmful bacteria.

Subtlety and Speed

In contrast, genome editing of plant cells, as with other types of cells, can be
used both to delete specific genes or introduce more subtle changes, like the
substitution of one type of amino acid for another, similar to what happens
in a disease like sickle cell anaemia in humans.389 A sign of how important
genome editing is seen to be by agribusiness was shown by the announce-
ment in October 2015 that DuPont had signed an agreement with Jennifer
Doudna’s company Caribou Biosciences to develop CRISPR/CAS9 as a key
new technology for crop production.390 Indeed, DuPont says it’s already
using this technology to make drought-resistant corn and wheat that is


modified so it breeds like a hybrid, rather than through self-pollination, as it

typically does.390 Hybrid plants are vigorous, and yields can be raised by 10
or 15 per cent. In theory, unlike previous transgenic approaches, genome
editing should leave no mark on the host cell genome apart from the precise
engineered change.
In practice, initial studies have introduced CRISPR guide RNAs and CAS9
protein not directly, but in the form of DNA constructs that express the
guide RNA and CAS9 enzyme within the recipient plant cell. To introduce
these DNA constructs into the cell, the approach used is that formerly em-
ployed to create standard GM crops, namely that the gene construct is car-
ried into the cell by the bacterial pest Agrobacterium tumefaciens.391 As a result,
Agrobacterium DNA can end up in the plant’s genome. Even if the pest is not
used, introduction of CRISPR/CAS9 DNA constructs into a plant cell using
other methods means that the construct DNA may be incorporated into the
plant’s genome. However, Jin-Soo Kim and colleagues at Seoul National
University have assembled the CAS9 enzyme together with a guide RNA,
and used solvents to get the resulting complex into the plant. In a paper
published in Nature Biotechnology in October 2015, Kim and his team reported
that their technique can knock out selected genes in tobacco plants, rice,
and lettuce. ‘In terms of science, our approach is just another improvement
in the field of genome editing,’ said Kim. ‘However, in terms of regulations
and public acceptance, our method could be path-breaking.’391 Since sol-
vents are used to introduce the construct into plant cells, there’s no need for
selection for antibiotic resistance. And, given that genome editing can be
applied to practically any plant species, this technology has far greater
potential for agriculture than previous approaches.
One way that genome editing of plants has already demonstrated its
potential is in combating disease. Potato blight is a fungus notorious for
its role in the Great Famine that devastated Ireland in the late 1840s.392
Eyewitness accounts from the period tell of infected plants emitting a hor-
rible stench as they blackened and withered in front of the disbelieving eyes
of Irish peasants. Although initially a natural disaster, it was the laissez-faire
ideology of the British state at the time that greatly exacerbated the human

The Molecul ar Far m

tragedy developing on England’s doorstep.392 On the one hand, this meant

that the government refused to provide the necessary massive food aid be-
cause of fears that English landowners and private businesses would be
harmed by resulting food price fluctuations. On the other, it led to large
quantities of native-grown wheat, barley, and oats being shipped from ports
such as Limerick and Waterford to England throughout the Famine years,
even though the local Irish were dying of starvation. It was policies such as
these that meant that, by the end of the Famine, at least a million people had
died—nearly one eighth of the population—and a further 2 million were
forced to emigrate. Within five years of the Famine, the Irish population had
been reduced by a quarter.393
Today, blight is still a major problem for potato farmers. Although fungi-
cides are now available to treat the infection, considerable amounts are
­required to keep the fungus at bay. So in Britain alone farmers spend £60
million on fungicides each year to combat the pest, and, in a bad year, losses
and control measures combined can account for half the total cost of
growing potatoes. Because of blight, potatoes are one of the crops most
treated with pesticides. In northern Europe, farmers typically spray a potato
crop 10 to 15 times a year. But in February 2014, Jonathan Jones and col-
leagues at the John Innes Centre in Norwich used genome editing to create
a GM potato resistant to the fungus.394 To do this, the researchers intro-
duced a gene difference found in a blight-resistant wild potato from South
America into the popular Désirée variety. ‘Breeding from wild relatives is
laborious and slow and by the time a gene is successfully introduced into a
cultivated variety, the late blight pathogen may already have evolved the
ability to overcome it,’ said Jones. ‘With new insights into both the patho-
gen and its potato host, we can use GM technology to tip the evolutionary
balance in favour of potatoes and against late blight.’394
In fact, there are already moves to use genome editing to introduce dis-
ease resistance into a variety of crop plants. Consequently, Jin-Soo Kim is
planning to use this form of CRISPR/CAS9 to make disease-resistant ba-
nanas. Currently, the most popular variety of this plant, the Cavendish, is
threatened by a devastating soil fungus and may soon be totally wiped out.


According to plant pathologist George Mahuku of the International Institute

of Tropical Agriculture, this prospect poses ‘a serious threat to livelihoods
and food security . . . In Africa, bananas are critical for food security and
income generation for more than 100 million people.’395 Kim wants to edit
the genome of this variety to knock out the receptor that the fungus uses to
invade the cells of the banana plant. ‘We will save the banana so that our
children and grandchildren can still enjoy the fruit,’ he said.391
A team led by Caixia Gao at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental
Biology in Beijing recently produced wheat resistant to a fungus called
powdery mildew, a major pest of the world’s top food source.396 The re-
searchers deleted genes in the wheat genome coding for proteins that block
defences against the mildew. This proved a particular challenge since the
wheat genome contains three copies of most of its genes. Yet using both
TALENs and CRISPR/CAS9, Gao reported that ‘we now caught all three
copies, and only by knocking out all three copies can we get this [mildew]-
resistant phenotype’.396 Meanwhile, Daniel Voytas and colleagues at the
University of Minnesota in Minneapolis recently used CRISPR/CAS9 to
target the geminivirus—a common crop pest that infects plant species ran-
ging from beans to beetroot.397 This is important as plant viruses cause
enormous losses in worldwide crop production each year. What’s more,
global warming is aggravating viral infection of crops by promoting viral
growth and the migration of virus-transmitting insects.398
The use of genome editing to introduce characteristics from a wild spe-
cies into a domestic variety is likely to have much wider applications than
introducing disease resistance. ‘Wild plants tend to manage much better under
harsh conditions than their cultivated relatives,’ said Michael Palmgren, a
plant biologist at the University of Copenhagen. ‘Many important proper-
ties of wild plants were unintentionally lost during thousands of years of
breeding.’399 In fact, the reintroduction of wild characteristics is a practice
that has been used by farmers for many years. Traditionally, such ‘reverse
breeding’ is carried out by crossing crops with wild versions of the plant
that have the desired characteristics. But the resulting hybrid may also end
up with other qualities that breeders had intentionally removed. ‘Wild

The Molecul ar Far m

plants are seldom tasty, nutritious, and easy to harvest,’ said Palmgren.399
The process of perfecting the hybrid plant is time-consuming and difficult
to control. With genome editing, there’s no need to go through extensive
crossing to induce the characteristic, which makes the whole process a lot
Palmgren has even suggested that ‘all crops would benefit from rewild-
ing’.399 This would not only protect them against pests and disease, but also
allow them to draw nutrients from the soil more efficiently. However, not
everyone agrees with this conclusion. ‘I find their whole premise to be
rather flawed,’ said Clay Sneller, a plant breeder and geneticist at Ohio State
University in Columbus. ‘They appear to think that during breeding we
have accumulated negative mutations, and if we got rid of those mutations
then the crop would be better. They reviewed no evidence that this occurs
on a wide scale in genes that truly matter.’399 Such concerns show that there
will be many divergences of opinion about the best way to employ genome
editing in agriculture. However, the precision of the new technology means
that different strategies can now be put to a practical test.
Improving a plant’s resistance to disease or its capacity for growth is only
one way in which genome editing is likely to have an impact on crops. The
other important impact will be on the food produced from such crops. For
instance, in April 2015 a potato plant was engineered so that it doesn’t
­accumulate sweet sugars at typical cold storage temperatures.400 This modi-
fication will let it last longer and, when fried, it won’t produce as much
acrylamide, a suspected carcinogen that can accumulate in some fried food.
The modified potato was created by Daniel Voytas in collaboration with a
biotechnology company called Cellectis Plant Sciences. The genome editing
disabled a gene that turns sucrose into glucose and fructose and took only
about a year to achieve. ‘If you did it via breeding it would take five to 10
years,’ said Voytas.400 Luc Mathis, CEO of Cellectis, claims that developing
the potato cost a tenth of that needed to create a standard transgenic plant
and bring it to market.
A particularly beneficial development for human health could be the use
of genome editing to create crops that don’t trigger dangerous food allergies.


Allergy to peanuts is particularly common, affecting more than 5 million

people in the USA and Europe, including 2 million children and adoles-
cents. And the prevalence of this allergy is rising: a recent study of US
children found that peanut allergies have risen threefold, from 0.4 per cent
in 1997 to 1.4 per cent in 2010.401 The reason for the increase remains unclear,
with explanations ranging from rising consumption of processed foods to
the idea that increased standards of hygiene have led to abnormal immune
responses because people are no longer exposed to as many germs in child-
hood. Whatever the reason, the anaphylactic shock that can result from
such an allergy can prove fatal. Acute attacks can be treated with adren-
aline, but there are cases of children dying even after multiple injections.402
Because of this, research is underway in engineering peanuts so they don’t
trigger an allergic response. Analysis of peanut proteins has identified seven
that can cause an allergy.402 And an important question is whether genome
editing can now be used to delete or modify the genes coding for these pro-
teins in the peanut genome.
The economy and speed of genome editing compared to traditional
transgenic approaches means that small companies, not just giant corpor-
ations, can now develop GM plants. But the ease of modification also means
that we may start to see changes to crops that some people might consider
frivolous. For example, in July 2012 a company called Okanagan Specialty
Fruits used RNA interference technology to engineer an apple that doesn’t
turn brown when sliced or bruised.403 Neal Carter, the founder and presi-
dent of the company, which is based in British Columbia, Canada, believes
the non-browning apples could increase the consumption of fresh apples,
which has fallen from about 20 pounds a year for each person in the late
1980s to 16 pounds today, according to the US Department of Agriculture.
A whole apple is ‘for many people too big a commitment,’ said Carter. ‘If
you had a bowl of apples at a meeting, people wouldn’t take an apple out of
the bowl. But if you had a plate of apple slices, everyone would take a slice.’403
However, showing the continuing political sensitivity of GM crops, many
apple industry representatives are wary of the product. ‘We don’t think it’s
in the best interest of the apple industry of the United States to have that

The Molecul ar Far m

product in the marketplace at this time,’ said Christian Schlect, president of

the Northwest Horticultural Council that represents the industry around
Washington State, and produces about 60 per cent of the apples in the
USA.403 While many industry representatives don’t believe genome editing
is dangerous, they think that it could undermine the fruit’s image as a
healthy and ‘natural’ food that ‘keeps the doctor away’, and is as American
as, well, apple pie.
The fact is that GM technology applied to crops for human consumption
remains a sensitive topic. And ironically, the very subtlety of genome edit-
ing that distinguishes it from traditional transgenic approaches is itself con-
troversial. It could mean that food companies will argue that some genome-
edited plants no longer need to be classified as GM. Take the modifications
that introduce resistance to fungus infection into a commercial potato or
banana plant. Because such modifications are based on mutations found in
a wild plant, does such a change need to be classified as GM? Not according
to Chidananda Nagamangala Kanchiswamy of the Istituto Agrario San
Michele all’Adige in Trentino, Italy, who believes that ‘the simple avoidance
of introducing foreign genes makes genetically edited crops more “natural”
than transgenic crops obtained by inserting foreign genes’.404
Similarly, Neal Gutterson, vice president at DuPont Pioneer, believes that
genome-edited plants ‘are basically comparable to what you get from con-
ventional breeding. We certainly hope that the regulatory agencies recog-
nize that and treat the products accordingly.’405 A recent survey of rice,
wheat, barley, fruit, and vegetable crops found that most plants created
by genome editing may be outside the scope of current GM organism
regulations, including those of the influential US Federal Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). Tetsuya Ishii, of Hokkaido University, who carried
out the survey, believes that since ‘genome editing technology is advancing
rapidly; therefore it is timely to review the regulatory system for plant
breeding . . . Moreover, we need to clarify the differences between older gen-
etic engineering techniques and modern genome editing, and shed light
on  various issues towards social acceptance of genome edited crops.’406
Certainly, this could be a key demand of GM opponents, on the grounds


that genome edited plants may have unintended adverse effects on the
environment and human health.

Surviving the Extremes

Will GM crops ever be seen as widely socially acceptable, whatever the

subtleties of the engineering used to create them? One factor that could be
important here is if such crops are seen as making a major contribution to
feeding the planet, rather than creating novelties like non-browning apples
or simply increasing the profits of giant companies. How humanity re-
sponds to the threat posed by global warming is likely to be key. Recent
evidence shows the seriousness of the problem, with an article in July 2015
pointing to the fact that: ‘California is in the midst of a drought unprece-
dented in over a millennium, a heat wave is killing thousands of people in
India and Pakistan, another has been baking Europe, and it seems as though
half of North America is on fire.’407 Even Pope Francis has weighed into the
debate with his statement that ‘leaving an inhabitable planet to future gen-
erations is, first and foremost, up to us. The issue is one which dramatically
affects us, for it has to do with the ultimate meaning of our earthly so-
journ.’407 Even if the rise in emissions were halted tomorrow, all the evi-
dence indicates that the effects of global warming caused by current carbon
dioxide levels will affect us for many years to come. Yet the political will to
radically address the root of the problem, namely our continued reliance on
fossil fuels and the carbon dioxide this releases into the air, seems to be
lacking, despite a succession of meetings of world leaders that have dis-
cussed and debated the issue over recent years.408
Although the main future trend will be rising global surface temperat-
ures, a recent study by Daniel Horton and colleagues at Stanford University
found ‘statistically significant’ evidence that shows global warming is also
causing ‘weather whiplash—wild swings from one extreme to another’.409
This explains not only the recent record high temperatures in places like
California but also the equally severe cold conditions that have affected

The Molecul ar Far m

many parts of the USA in recent winters, due to the partial breakdown of
the polar vortex that typically confines cold weather to the Arctic region,
allowing cold-air breakouts to the south. While such temperature swings
can cause chaos to cities and their transport networks, undoubtedly the
most serious impact will be on the plant and animal species that provide
food for the Earth’s 7 billion humans. As we saw in the section ‘Feeding
Humanity’, global warming is already having a worrying effect on the yields
of staple crops like wheat and corn. The central highlands of Mexico, for
example, experienced their driest and wettest years on record back to back
in 2011 and 2012, according to Matthew Reynolds, a physiologist at the
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in El Batán. Such vari-
ation is ‘worrisome and very bad for agriculture,’ he said. ‘If you have a rela-
tively stable climate, you can breed crops with genetic characteristics that
follow a certain profile of temperatures and rainfall. As soon as you get into
a state of flux, it’s much more difficult to know what traits to target.’385
It’s here that genome editing may aid the development of crops able to
withstand the extremes of temperature, drought, wind, and snow predicted
to be coming our way.410 To deal with such extreme changes, scientists may
need to do more than tinker with existing crop plants; a major transform-
ation of plants’ basic biology may be required. Daniel Voytas, working with
researchers at the Rice Research Institute in Los Baños, in the Philippines,
aims to rewrite the physiology of rice, by focusing on the process of photo-
synthesis.385 This is the cellular mechanism, common to all plants, that traps
energy from the Sun and uses it to convert carbon dioxide and water into
glucose, as a preliminary to producing the other complex molecules of life.
Photosynthesis can occur both as the C3 form, found in rice and wheat and
other grain-producing plants, or the more complex C4 form, used by plants
like corn and sugarcane.411 The two types are distinguished by the initial
molecule formed, with either a 3-carbon or 4-carbon sugar being produced.
An important difference between the two processes is that C4 photosyn-
thesis is far more efficient at high temperatures and dryness, so if a way
were found to create C4 versions of rice and wheat, their yields could be in-
creased in regions becoming hotter and drier due to climate change.405


Other important work along these lines is being pioneered by Eduardo

Blumwald, of the University of California, Davis. By introducing genetic dif-
ferences that provide tolerance to heat, drought, and high soil salinity into
rice and other plants, he hopes to create crops that can survive at periods in
their growth cycle when they are most prone to stress. ‘There’s no cure for
drought. If there’s no water, the plant dies. I’m not a magician,’ he said. ‘We
just want to delay the stress response as long as possible in order to main-
tain yields until the water comes.’385 Whether such radical changes to the
world’s main staple crops are both technically possible and will prove polit-
ically acceptable remains to be seen, but at least genome editing now makes
such engineering a tangible reality, not just a pipe dream.

Enviropigs and Frankenfish

If genome editing has the potential to vastly expand the possible range of
GM plants that can be grown, the technology may have an even bigger impact
on farm animals, which, as we saw in Chapter 2, have been little affected by
standard transgenic techniques. Political opposition has also played a role
here, similar to the situation with GM crops. GM pigs created by standard
genetic engineering approaches in the mid-1990s at first looked like they
might have a chance of commercial success, only to meet opposition be-
cause of their artificial origins. The pigs were produced by Cecil Forsberg
and his team at the University of Guelph, Canada, using standard transgenic
methods to engineer them to express an enzyme, phytase, normally gener-
ated by the gut bacteria of cows and other ruminant animals.412 Phytase breaks
down phosphorus-containing phytate in plants, but normally pigs do not
have such bacteria and require a phosphate supplement in their feed. The
gene construct used to create the GM pigs contained the gene coding for
phytase linked to a tissue-specific mouse gene promoter, which meant the
bacterial enzyme was only produced and secreted by the pig salivary glands.
Forsberg named the GM pig variety he had created the ‘enviropig’, because
it produced manure with lower levels of phosphorus, notorious for leaching

The Molecul ar Far m

into groundwater beneath pig farms and fuelling algal blooms in local
streams and lakes.412 He also claimed that the pigs would be more econom-
ical, since they would not require the extra cost of adding mineral phos-
phorus or commercially produced phytase to their feed to ensure that they
obtained the nutritional phosphorus they require. But attempts to obtain
approval to develop the pigs commercially foundered after opposition from
anti-GM activists. They argued that, because of their low-phosphorus
manure, if the enviropigs were approved for human consumption, ‘agricul-
ture [would have] an excuse to put them in even more concentrated facil-
ities’, as Alison Van Eenennaam of the University of California, Davis, who
studies the commercial application of GM technologies, put it.412 Such
opposition meant that, in 2011, the Ontario Pork Producers Marketing
Board, funder of the project, withdrew its support. Unable to find another
industry backer, the researchers decided they had no alternative but to ter-
minate the project. ‘These pigs were healthy pigs that did perform as they
were designed to perform. They just didn’t meet the social requirement,’
said Forsberg.412
Another transgenic animal project that produced a potentially important
commercial product, but then stalled subsequently, is a super-sized salmon.
This fish, named the AquAdvantage salmon by its creators Garth Fletcher
and his colleagues at Memorial University of Newfoundland, was produced
in 1989. They introduced a gene construct combining a growth hormone
gene from Chinook salmon and a highly active regulatory DNA element
from the eel-like ocean pout into fertilized Atlantic salmon eggs.412 The
resulting GM salmon grow to market size in half the time required for a con-
ventional farmed variety, while consuming 25 per cent less food overall. In
order for the fish to be approved for sale, the researchers had to demonstrate
that the salmon’s meat had the same composition as a normal fish. And to
prevent escape and interbreeding with wild fish, the GM salmon are all
sterile females and their watery enclosures at Prince Edward Island have
physical barriers between them and the sea. In recognition of these safe-
guards, a 2010 environmental impact assessment found that breeding the
AquAdvantage salmon shouldn’t harm wild fish. In November 2015, after


years of delays, the FDA finally approved the salmon for sale.413 Yet, due to a
vigorous campaign of opposition, 65 supermarkets, along with seven sea-
food companies and restaurants, have already signed a pledge not to carry
it. ‘We don’t want Prince Edward Island to be known around the world as
the home of the Frankenfish,’ said Leo Broderick, a retired schoolteacher on
the island who travelled to an FDA meeting in Maryland to campaign
against the salmon’s approval.414
As we have seen, a major difference between genome editing and pre-
vious transgenic approaches is the capacity of genome editing to introduce
precise changes to one or more genes in a way that doesn’t cause other
changes to the genome. It is also cheap, highly efficient, and can be applied
to practically any animal species. So could these features allow the new
technology to have a major impact on the development of livestock for the
industry in a way that previous approaches have not?

Hornless Cows and Beefy Bulls

One way that genome editing is being applied to livestock can be illustrated
by a recent study in which scientists used this technology to produce
Brazilian Nelore cattle with increased muscle mass. This study, led by Scott
Fahrenkrug of the University of Minnesota, in collaboration with the Roslin
Institute in Edinburgh and Texas A&M University, introduced a mutation
found in Belgian Blue cattle—hulking animals that provide unusually large
amounts of prized, lean cuts of beef—into rangy Nelore cattle which are
heat-tolerant.415 The mutation, which inhibits production of a muscle-­
supressing protein, myostatin, increases muscle mass. The introduction of
this mutation into the Nelore cattle has created animals that provide prime
meat cuts but can be kept in hot countries like Brazil, unlike Belgian Blues.
And such is the interest from the livestock industry that British-based com-
pany Genus, the world’s largest breeder of pigs and cattle, has funded some
of the study’s research. Jonathan Lightner is the head of research and devel-
opment (R&D) at Genus. ‘We haven’t realized the opportunity for genetic

The Molecul ar Far m

engineering in animals to any degree,’ he said. ‘But these new approaches

that let us move traits around could be transformational.’415
Another one of Fahrenkrug’s projects that Genus is backing is the intro-
duction of a natural mutation found in Angus beef cattle that means they
never develop horns, into a breed with a capacity to produce lots of milk,
such as black-and-white Holsteins (see Figure  24). Fahrenkrug began this
project after seeing a video showing a young Holstein heifer moaning and
bucking as a farmhand burned off its horn buds with a hot iron.415 This
operation is routinely carried out because of the dangers posed to farm-
hands handling the cows. Introducing the mutation from Angus cattle into
the Holstein breed would render such an operation unnecessary. Douglas
Keeth, an investor in the project, said his great-grandmother was gored to
death by a dairy cow. ‘When I was a young man working on a farm, we’d
dehorn cattle with mechanical means. You do a hundred steers and, well,
it’s a bloody mess,’ he said. ‘You wouldn’t want to show that on TV.’415 And

Angus meat cattle

have no horns

A naturally-occurring mutation has

been identified that creates
hornless breeds

Selective breeding
across many centuries

Wild ancestor of
modern cattle

Hornless mutation
Holstein dairy cattle into dairy cattle Genome-edited
have horns dairy cattle
with no horns

Fig. 24.  Creating hornless dairy cattle by introducing naturally occurring



Lightner believes that, because of its potential for eliminating such animal
suffering, the project could be viewed much more positively by the public
than previous GM experiments. ‘There may be an opportunity for a dif-
ferent public acceptance dialogue and different regulations,’ he said. ‘This
isn’t a glowing fish. It’s a cow that doesn’t have to have its horns cut off.’415
As for dairy farmers, they are interested, but also cautious about the
potential of genome editing. Tom Lawlor, head of R&D for the Holstein
Association USA, thinks that the technology ‘is very cool’.415 But he also
believes many milk producers are afraid of genetic engineering. ‘The tech-
nology definitely looks promising and seems to work, but we would enter
into it slowly as opposed to rapidly for fear the consumer would get the
wrong idea,’ he said. ‘We get scared to death, because our product is milk,
and it’s wholesome.’415 Lawlor also points to other scientific initiatives that
provide an alternative route to a hornless dairy cow, such as the 1000 Bull
Genomes Project. This has decoded the genomes of 234 dairy bulls, includ-
ing Swiss Fleckviehs, Holsteins, and Jerseys, and means that breeders can
now accurately size up an animal’s genetic profile at birth. As a conse-
quence, a few naturally occurring hornless bulls of these breeds are
approaching top-ranked status, and such genetic selection may be seen as a
less controversial strategy than direct genetic engineering.415
Another potentially important use for genome editing is in developing
animals that are resistant to disease. One such disease is African swine fever,
caused by a highly contagious pig virus, and characterized by high fever,
loss of appetite, haemorrhages in the skin and internal organs, and death in
two to ten days on average.416 The disease remained restricted to Africa
until 1957, when it was reported in Lisbon. Subsequently, the disease became
established in the Iberian Peninsula, and sporadic outbreaks occurred in
France, Belgium, and other European countries during the 1980s. Both
Spain and Portugal eradicated the disease by the mid-1990s only through a
mass slaughter policy. But from 2012 to 2015, outbreaks were reported in
Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, and Latvia, and the disease remains a serious
threat to domestic pigs across Europe.416 In contrast to the severe reactions
of domestic pigs to the virus, wild warthogs are far less affected. This is

The Molecul ar Far m

­ ecause of a difference in a gene called nuclear factor kappa B3 (NFKB3) that

is involved in immune responses. This gene is less active in warthogs com-
pared to domestic pigs, and, ironically, this turns out to be beneficial fol-
lowing infection by African swine fever. So, according to Simon Lillico of
the Roslin Institute, while in domestic pigs, ‘the immune system grossly
overreacts to something that itself isn’t that harmful’, in contrast ‘warthogs
still get infected, they just don’t drop dead’.417
Such is the natural situation; however, recently Lillico’s colleague, Bruce
Whitelaw, used CRISPR/CAS9 to create domestic pigs with the genetic dif-
ference found in warthogs. And a clinical trial that began in the summer of
2015 is exposing 12 GM pigs and 12 normal animals to the virus, to test mor-
tality and transmission rates in the two groups and thereby assess whether
the modified pigs fare better. Whitelaw believes the welfare aspect of creat-
ing disease-resistant animals may prove more acceptable to the public than
creating bigger, meatier farm animals. ‘We’re not trying to make huge pigs,
we’re trying to make healthier ones,’ he said. ‘I’d be staggered if anyone said
“No, I don’t want my animal to be healthier.” ’417 Whitelaw claims that farm-
ers have welcomed the focus on disease resistance, because, unlike size and
fertility, resilience to disease is almost impossible to breed in with trad-
itional methods. At a recent talk he gave, Whitelaw said the first question
from a Lithuanian farmer was ‘When can I get these animals?’417 And if the
clinical trial is a success, the next step is to apply to the FDA for commercial
approval. ‘We need these animals to deliver something that could be a prod-
uct,’ said Whitelaw. ‘If these pigs show resilience, we will go to the regula-
tors. The limitations are no longer technical, they’re legal.’417
One final potential application of genome editing is worth mentioning
because it shows that this technology might be used to improve livestock
farming in more indirect ways. Robert Speight, from the Queensland
University of Technology in Brisbane, has been using CRISPR/CAS9 to
‘supercharge’ the yeast commonly used to supplement livestock feed.418 ‘It’s
the same yeast that would be added normally, but what we’re trying to do is
up regulate one of its own enzymes which can also serve to aid digestion,’
he said. ‘Really, what we want to see is as much of the energy and nutrients


in the feed going into the animal to produce meat protein.’418 There is a par-
ticular current relevance to Speight’s research, as Queensland farmers are
increasingly turning to supplementary feeds to keep their remaining stock
alive due to the impact of a severe drought in this region in recent years.419

The Pressure to Patent

The examples mentioned in this chapter could be viewed as benign, or even

beneficial to the welfare of the animal, and this may help make genome edit-
ing of farm animals acceptable to the public and policymakers. But other
approaches being planned may be viewed as more problematic. For in-
stance, Pablo Ross at the University of California in Davis wants to use
genome editing to design cattle that produce only male offspring. ‘Males
grow faster than females, and in beef production they are more desirable,’
he said.420 And a gene modification that Scott Fahrenkrug is planning to
introduce into beef cattle would prevent them ever reaching sexual matur-
ity.415 This would make it quicker to fatten animals for slaughter, but could
be viewed as a disturbing development that would increasingly turn cattle
into meat-producing machines without a thought for their welfare. It could
also be viewed negatively by farmers as a way for big companies to gain
even more control over the farming process since such sexually immature
animals could only be obtained from the company and not used to produce
more offspring in the normal fashion. And indeed, the patent filed to cover
this application states that this approach will allow genome-editing com-
panies to keep selling animals without the risk of ‘uncontrolled breeding of
the animals by the buyers’.415
In fact, the issue of ownership is likely to become significant if genome
editing does become a regular aspect of livestock production. So the filing
of patents to cover genome-editing projects has alarmed some farmers al-
ready concerned about the way such patents have been used to restrict
access to crop seeds. ‘They could take semen from my bull, gene-edit it,
patent it, and the farmer will get totally screwed,’ said Roy MacGregor, who

The Molecul ar Far m

breeds hornless cattle in Peterborough, Ontario. ‘They should not be allowed

to.’415 On the other hand, pioneers of genome editing in livestock like Scott
Fahrenkrug point to the need to get a return on projects in which they have
invested huge amounts of time and money. No doubt this is a debate that
will only intensify as the technology becomes established in the industry.
Another likely point of future controversy is whether this technology
will only be used to carry out what Fahrenkrug calls ‘molecular breeding’—
that is, the introduction of natural mutations from one breed into another
of the same species, or whether more radical changes are in the pipeline.415
In June 2015, a team led by Jin-Soo Kim of Seoul National University in
Korea and Xi-Jun Yin of Yanbian University in China created pigs with
double the muscle mass of normal animals.421 In fact, the deletion of the
myostatin protein is precisely that found in cattle breeds like the Belgian
Blues. But this mutation isn’t normally found in pigs. Kim and Yin believe
their genetically jacked-up pigs could be of commercial interest, particu-
larly given the increasing consumption of pork in China. Preliminary inves-
tigations show that the pigs have many of the beefy cattle’s benefits—such
as leaner meat and a higher yield of meat per animal. However, the abnor-
mal size of the piglets resulted in birthing defects.421 What’s more, only 13 of
the 32 GM pigs survived to 8 months old, with just two remaining alive and
only one being healthy, suggesting that there are other adverse effects of
knocking out the myostatin gene in this species. The researchers believe
that if they sell sperm from this pig for insemination of normal female sows,
they can produce offspring with only half the extra muscle mass, and there-
fore none of the health problems. Whether this will satisfy ethical, health,
and safety concerns in China remains to be seen, but the project shows that
even if a mutation is found in the wild in one species, its introduction into a
different type of animal needs to be considered carefully with regard to po-
tential adverse effects in the host species.
Despite the potential political obstacles that may lie ahead for the prac-
tical application of genome editing in farming, Scott Fahrenkrug is sure that
the technology represents the future of agriculture. As he puts it, ‘People
will say to me, “You realize this changes everything, don’t you?” Because it


does. The genome is information. And this is information technology. We

have gone from being able to read the genome to being able to write it.’415
And it’s because of such unprecedented power to manipulate life that the
impact of genome editing looks set to extend into every corner of society in
the future. Already, its effects are being felt in medicine.


New Gene Therapy

I n the developed world it’s easy to take for granted the wonders of modern
medicine. Vaccines and antibiotics, anaesthetics and painkillers, laser and
keyhole surgery, drugs to treat diabetes or heart disease, whole body imag-
ing devices—the list could go on. In fact, the situation is very different in far
too many parts of the world, with a staggering third of the Earth’s popula-
tion still lacking access to even the most basic health provision.422 For sev-
eral billion people, this lack of health care is compounded by inadequate
food and access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Little wonder that
malaria, tuberculosis, cholera—and even simple malnutrition—remain
major causes of death in much of the developing world. The additional ter-
rible burden of HIV is heavily concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa and is
now the world’s biggest infectious killer.423 This is the reason why, even as
life expectancy rises globally, it remains stubbornly low in the developing
world. So while US average life expectancy is 79, in Zambia it’s 55.424
Even in the developed world, gross inequalities in health still exist. Half a
century after Martin Luther King Jr said that ‘of all forms of inequality, i­ njustice
in health care is the most shocking and inhumane’,425 millions in the
USA  lack access to proper health care because they can’t afford medical
insurance. And ethnic minorities are particularly vulnerable, with a World
Health Organization (WHO) report showing that infants born to African-
American women are 1.5 to 3 times more likely to die than other infants in
the USA.426 Even in Britain, with its publicly funded National Health
Service (NHS), there is still a substantial link between income and health.
A recent study by the UK Institute of Health Equity found that the average
gap in life expectancy across Britain between the best- and worst-off is


seven years, but in London this difference rises to 17, and in Glasgow there
is a 28-year difference in life expectancy between rich and poor.427
Such statistics show that the amazing technological advances in medi-
cine over the past century mean little without an equal focus on the social
inequalities that can cause ill health. Nevertheless, it would be equally
wrong to belittle the importance of developing new medical technologies.
For all the progress, there is still much that remains backward about modern
medicine. So, despite important advances in our understanding of the
molecular basis of cancer, the main treatment for this disease remains crude
surgery, or chemical or radiation therapies that have serious, sometimes
life-threatening effects in normal cells and tissues.428 As for degenerative
disorders of the brain like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, which
affect one in six people over 80, despite recent advances in our understand-
ing of such disorders, they remain essentially untreatable.429
And, as we saw in Chapter 3, although there are now a large variety of
drugs for treating personality disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar dis-
order, or depression, these remain blunt tools that, as many psychiatrists
acknowledge, treat some of the symptoms but not the underlying causes of
these disorders. Finally, there are concerns about how long we can rely on
one of the most powerful tools of modern medicine—antibiotics—with
Sally Davies, Britain’s chief medical officer, recently warning that antibiotic-­
resistant bacteria represent a ‘ticking time bomb’ that threatens to take us
back to nineteenth-century standards of health care.430

Single Gene Disorders

What is the likely impact of our new-found skills in genome editing on this
situation? This technology has led to great excitement because of its potential
to advance biomedical research, as we saw in Chapter 5. So genome editing
not only makes it possible to study gene function in human cells in culture
but has greatly accelerated the development of knockout and knockin mice,
and also made it possible to develop models of human health and disease in

Ne w Gene Ther apy

other mammals, ranging from pigs to primates.431 In addition, new ap-

proaches to studying the brain, like optogenetics, are revolutionizing our
understanding of how the brain functions and what happens when it goes
wrong in such animal models.432
Such new developments increase our understanding of the human body and
its various ailments by modelling it in an animal, and we can use such informa-
tion to design new diagnoses and treatments. But the new technologies might
have a more direct impact on human health and disease. For instance, could
genome editing be used therapeutically on human beings themselves? To
assess this possibility, we need to consider first our current state of understand-
ing of the human genome and its link with human disease; and second, the
practical challenges of seeking to manipulate the genome of a living person.
We saw in Chapter  1 how scientific understanding of the link between
genes and an organism’s characteristics was first shaped by Mendel’s dis-
covery of recessive and dominant inheritance patterns in pea plants.433 Such
patterns are also true of single-gene disorders in humans. So the dominant
Huntington’s disorder makes its presence known in each generation of a
family, while the recessive disorder cystic fibrosis only occurs when passed
down by two unaffected carriers. A slight variation on this theme is shown
by disorders like haemophilia or DMD. These recessive disorders are due to
defects in genes on the X chromosome and, since men only have one of this
chromosome, these disorders generally only affect men, with women as the
carriers. A major step forward in genetics was made from the mid-1980s
onwards with the discovery of the genes associated with cystic fibrosis,
Huntington’s, and DMD. Since then, many more human diseases with a
Mendelian pattern of inheritance have been linked to specific genes.434 The
discovery of genetic defects associated with such disorders has particularly
accelerated with the development of rapid and economical ‘next-generation’
DNA sequencing technologies, with a recent study reporting that almost
3,000 gene defects are now associated with disorders showing a Mendelian
inheritance pattern.435 And while such disorders are rare, once added to-
gether it’s estimated that they affect around 25 million people in the USA


The prospect of being able to correct ‘defective’ genes has been a dream in
medicine ever since the link between genetics and human disease was first
identified. Yet, as we saw in Chapter 2, gene therapy via standard transgenic
approaches has been far from a success story—even for well-characterized
single-gene disorders—because of two main obstacles.436 One is the difficulty
in getting gene constructs into tissues and across the membranes of cells in
the body. Viruses can effectively transport gene constructs into cells, but their
use also carries risks. The second obstacle has been the lack of a technology
to precisely engineer the genomes of treated cells. Instead, traditional gene
therapy has meant introducing a foreign DNA construct randomly into the
genome of the host cell. Not only can this disrupt the host genome and cause
damage, such as activating an oncogene (which can lead to cancer), but it’s
also only useful for treating recessive disorders in which a gene product is
absent, as in cystic fibrosis, not for treating dominant ones like Huntington’s
where a defective gene product disrupts normal cell function.
Since genome editing is so new, particularly the CRISPR/CAS9 version
that’s rapidly becoming the dominant approach, its full potential as a thera-
peutic strategy in humans is still only at the first stages of assessment, yet
already there are highly promising signs. Demonstrations of the technolo-
gy’s therapeutic potential have so far mainly involved mouse models of dis-
ease, although, encouragingly, there are now ongoing clinical trials and an
apparent recent success in treating childhood leukaemia that we’ll look at in
the section ‘New Cancer Cures’. Two main approaches are being pursued.
First, genome editing is being used to modify cells outside the body.
Although this is much easier to achieve in a controlled fashion, it does limit
this approach to only a few cell types, such as those in the bone marrow;
consequently, this restricts the types of diseases that can be treated to those
affecting the blood or immune system. Second, genome editing is being
employed to target cells located within the body. Although this opens up
the possibility of using the technology to modify practically any type of
genetic disease, technically this second approach is a lot more challenging.
The first animal study to demonstrate the clinical potential of genome
editing was carried out by Jinsong Li’s team at the Shanghai Institute for

Ne w Gene Ther apy

Biological Sciences. In December 2013, they used CRISPR/CAS9 to target a

mutant gene in a mouse model of cataract formation.437 These mice have a
naturally occurring mutation in the crystallin gamma C (CRYGC) gene
which codes for a protein that is a key component of the lens of the eye.
Such mice develop cataracts at an early age, but by using genome editing to
correct the CRYGC mutation in fertilized eggs of this mutant, a third of off-
spring grew up free of cataracts. Li acknowledged that the efficiency of the
technique was low, ‘and, for clinical purpose, the efficiency should reach
100 per cent’.437 However, the findings impressed Charles Gersbach, a gen-
eticist at Duke University, enough for him to say that ‘what’s significant
about this is it’s taking CRISPR to that next step of what it can be used for,
and in this case, it’s correcting mutations that cause disease’.437
A limitation of Li’s study was that the mutation was corrected only in an
embryo, not in an adult animal. However, such an employment of genome
editing in an adult mouse was achieved in March 2014 by Daniel Anderson
and colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; they reported
that they had ‘cured’ mice of a rare liver disorder.438 The disorder in this
mouse model was caused by a mutation in the gene coding for a liver
enzyme called fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH), which breaks down
the amino acid tyrosine. In this disorder, which affects about 1 in 100,000
people, the defect causes a build-up of tyrosine in the liver, leading to even-
tual liver failure. Current treatments in humans involve a low-protein diet
and a drug called nitisinone, also known as Orfadin®, which inhibits tyro-
sine production, but these measures are only partially effective.
To treat the disorder in mice, Anderson and his team injected CRISPR/
CAS9 constructs into the animals’ blood supply under high pressure. The
constructs were subsequently taken up by the liver, leading to a correction
of the gene defect in some cells of that organ. In fact, only one in 250 cells
were corrected, but it nonetheless allowed the corrected, now healthy liver
cells to proliferate and replace diseased liver cells. This was sufficient to cure
the disease, allowing the mice to survive after being taken off the nitisinone
drug. ‘The disease is caused by a single point mutation and we showed that
the CRISPR system can be delivered in an adult animal and result in a cure,’


said Anderson. ‘We think it’s an important proof of principle that this tech-
nology can be applied to animals to cure disease. The fundamental advan-
tage is that you are repairing the defect, you are actually correcting the DNA
itself.’439 However, he also acknowledged that the efficiency and safety of the
approach would need to be significantly improved before the technology
could be tested in humans.
Huntington’s disease is a well-known single-gene disorder of the brain.440
This dominant disorder affects a relatively large number of individuals—12
in every 100,000 people in Britain. The condition typically starts with
twitching and mood swings, but rapidly progresses to full-scale dementia
and death, generally in middle age. Because sufferers generally already have
children before they begin to show symptoms, the disease is passed down
through the generations. The identification of the genetic defect under-
lying Huntington’s disease in 1993—a decade before the completion of the
Human Genome Project—was a triumph of modern genetics.441 Sufferers
of the disorder were found to have a defect in a gene named huntingtin. This
gene has a repetitive DNA sequence, CAG, at its start that is repeated around
17 times in normal individuals. Each CAG codes for the amino acid glutam-
ine, so a typical individual will have 17 glutamine amino acid units at the
start of the huntingtin protein. However, faulty DNA replication can cause
the CAG repeats to expand, and if a person inherits 36 or more, they will
succumb to Huntington’s disorder. The reason is that the extra glutamines
cause the huntingtin protein to form aggregates within cells, making those
cells—particularly neurons—dysfunctional.
The identification of the huntingtin gene defect was greeted with hope
that this would quickly lead to a cure for this disorder. Unfortunately, all it
has meant is that people at risk can now have a genetic test that reveals how
many CAG repeats are present in their huntingtin gene. This is obviously
welcome news if it shows an individual is free of risk, and can also help
those considering having children. However, since a positive result is effect-
ively a death sentence, it’s not surprising that most people at risk choose not
to take the test. In 2010, journalist Charlotte Raven who took the test and
found she was positive described how she initially ‘thought taking the test

Ne w Gene Ther apy

would be like finding out the weather before you go on holiday’.442 Instead,
it was more like finding that ‘there was a bomb on the plane when you were
already airborne. I felt impotent and envious of the uninformed majority.
I wished I didn’t know.’442
Now though, there has been a glimmer of renewed hope for those with
the disorder, following a study by Nicole Déglon and colleagues at the
University of Lausanne in October 2015. The researchers infected two
groups of healthy adult mice with a virus expressing the mutant huntingtin
gene. One of the groups was also injected with a virus expressing CAS9
enzyme and a guide RNA targeting the huntingtin gene. Déglon believes
that what her team found is ‘remarkably encouraging’.443 After only three
weeks, the two groups of mice showed a striking contrast. While those only
treated with the mutant huntingtin showed large amounts of protein aggre-
gation in their brain cells, those with the mutant protein and the CRISPR/
CAS9 treatment had almost none—the genome editing had prevented
expression of almost 90 per cent of the mutant huntingtin. ‘Having reached
about 90% [blockage of production], this changes the story [of Huntington’s
therapy] completely,’ said Déglon. ‘It opens new treatment strategies that
are based in DNA, and so would have a permanent benefit for the rest of
someone’s life.’443
In fact, there are many issues that need addressing before this approach is
considered both effective and safe as a way to target Huntington’s disease in
humans. In Déglon’s study the guide RNAs targeted both normal and
mutant huntingtin. ‘If there is no specificity for mutant huntingtin, that’s a
concern,’ said Abdellatif Benraiss, a neuroscientist at the University of
Rochester in New York. ‘This is not a treatment for 4 weeks or 4 months,
this is going to be permanent.’443 For although huntingtin’s normal role re-
mains unclear, it is thought to be involved in important functions like trans-
porting substances in cells. ‘As bad as too much huntingtin is, we still need
one copy [of its gene] so it can do its job in our bodies,’ said Benraiss.443
Another issue is that the mutant protein was expressed artificially in the
mice. However, Déglon’s team are designing guide RNAs that distinguish
the normal and mutant huntingtin gene and only target the latter. And they


are also planning to test the CRISPR/CAS9 approach in mice engineered to

have both normal and mutant copies of the huntingtin gene, as in human
sufferers. ‘We’re just at the beginning of the story,’ said Déglon.443
A particularly interesting demonstration of the potential power of
genome editing has been the successful use of CRISPR/CAS9 to treat DMD
in a mouse model. DMD is a recessive single-gene disorder. Because the dys-
trophin gene that’s defective in this disorder is located on the X chromo-
some, the disorder generally affects males, as they only have a single X
chromosome and are more vulnerable to its loss. Loss of dystrophin causes
muscle wasting that starts in early childhood. Currently, there is no cure for
this devastating disorder, which usually results in death by the late teens. A
recent article by the father of a boy with DMD described how he realized his
son ‘would never play rugby, never make love, never make it to university,
never realise his full potential’.444
Three independent studies by US researchers published in Science in
January 2016 showed how CRISPR/CAS9 could be used to partially correct
the defect in dystrophin gene expression in mice with a mutation in the
gene.445 One of the studies was led by Charles Gersbach at Duke University.
His team used a type of virus called an adenovirus to deliver the CRISPR/
CAS9 tools to the muscles and bloodstream of the mutant mice. Chris
Nelson, one of the researchers involved in the study, said: ‘We know what
genes need to be fixed for certain diseases, but getting the gene editing tools
where they need to go is a huge challenge. The best way . . . is to take advan-
tage of viruses, because they have spent billions of years evolving to figure
out how to get their own viral genes into cells.’445
When the team injected the virus direct into the legs of adult mice, it led
to improved muscle strength. When injected into the bloodstream, this re-
sulted in improvements in heart and lung function.445 This is important be-
cause failure of these organs is what generally leads to the death of young
men that suffer from the disorder. The two other studies, led by teams at
Harvard University and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center, also showed that CRISPR/CAS9 treatment could alleviate the symp-
toms of the disorder in mutant mice, both when applied to new-born mice

Ne w Gene Ther apy

or by treating the mouse embryo, respectively.445 Commenting on the find-

ings, Adrian Thrasher, of London’s Institute of Child Health and Great
Ormond Street Hospital, saw the studies as ‘demonstrating proof of prin-
ciple of gene editing in vivo for neuromuscular disease’, but he also pointed
out that there was ‘still some way to go’ before such an approach was ‘trans-
latable to human subjects’.445

New Cancer Cures

Another exciting aspect of genome editing is the possibility of using it to

treat more common human diseases, like cancer. Forms of cancer can either
be caused by loss of an inhibitory tumour-suppressor gene or activation of
an oncogene, both of which can lead to abnormal cell growth and tumour
progression.446 Recent studies have shown that, in a human population,
many different gene mutations seem to be involved in driving the progres-
sion of a particular cancer. An investigation of women with breast cancer in
2011 showed that, in 50 patients, over 1,700 mutations were detected in their
tumours, most being unique to the individual.447 ‘Cancer genomes are
extraordinarily complicated,’ said Matthew Ellis of Washington University
who led the study. ‘This explains our difficulty in predicting outcomes and
finding new treatments.’447 The increasing ability to rapidly sequence the
whole genome of a sufferer’s cancer and compare that to their normal
genome—so-called ‘cancer genomics’—means it’s becoming possible to
pinpoint the exact molecular cause of a cancer in an individual.448 Such gen-
etic diversity poses problems for standard drug therapy. But with genome
editing it may be possible to correct the specific cancer-causing defects in a
tumour, whether due to loss of tumour-suppressor genes or activation of
In March 2015, scientists at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical
Research in Melbourne targeted and killed human lymphoma cells by using
CRISPR/CAS9 to knock out a gene that is essential for the survival of these
cells. One of the researchers leading the study, Brandon Aubrey, said ‘we


were able to kill human Burkitt lymphoma cells by deleting myeloid cell
leukaemia 1 (MCL1), a gene that has been shown to keep cancer cells alive’.449
Although this was a ‘pre-clinical’ study involving only human cells grown
in culture, Aubrey, who’s also a haematologist at the Royal Melbourne
Hospital, believes that, ‘as a clinician, it is very exciting to see the prospect
of new technology that could in the future provide new treatment options
for cancer patients’.449 Another researcher on the study, Marco Herold, is
equally optimistic about the potential of genome editing for cancer therapy
as well as research into the molecular basis of tumour formation, saying
that, ‘in addition to its very exciting potential for disease treatment, we have
shown that it has the potential to identify novel mutations in cancer-causing
genes and genes that “suppress” cancer development, which will help us to
identify how they initiate or accelerate the development of cancer’.449
Most exciting of all was the news in November 2015 about an apparently
successful use of genome editing to treat leukaemia in a British baby. The
story had all the elements of a film script—a dying baby, desperate parents,
and a team of doctors with a highly experimental new treatment.450 Yet this
was real life, and the parents, Lisa Foley and Ashleigh Richards, only al-
lowed the new therapy to be used to treat their daughter Layla’s cancer after
all else had failed. Layla was born a healthy 7lb 10oz in June 2014, but three
months later she developed a fast heartbeat, went off her milk, and cried
more than usual.451 At first the problem was thought to be nothing more
than a stomach bug, but blood tests revealed she had infant acute lympho-
blastic leukaemia; indeed, Layla’s doctors described it as one of the most
aggressive forms of this cancer they’d ever seen. Layla was immediately
given chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant to replace her can-
cerous blood cells. Yet despite several rounds of the treatment, the leukae-
mia returned. At that point the doctors told Layla’s parents there was
nothing more they could offer, apart from palliative care to ease the baby’s
suffering before she succumbed to the cancer. But Ashleigh and Lisa begged
the doctors not to give up. ‘We didn’t want to accept palliative care and give
up on our daughter, so we asked the doctors to try anything for our daughter,
even if it hadn’t been tried before,’ said Lisa.451

Ne w Gene Ther apy

The plea was enough to make the doctors at Great Ormond Street
Children’s Hospital in London, where Layla was being treated, reconsider
their options. And they decided to try a genome-editing approach, despite
the fact that it had only been tested on mice. ‘The treatment was highly
­experimental and we had to get special permissions, but she appeared
­ideally suited for this type of approach,’ said Waseem Qasim of University
College London’s Institute of Child Health, a consultant immunologist at
the hospital who led the treatment.451 This involved taking T-cells—a cen-
tral component of the immune system—from a donor, and using TALENs
to engineer the cells in order to prevent them from attacking the baby’s own
cells and becoming resistant to the chemotherapy drugs, and also to give
them the capacity to attack the leukaemic cells. Renier Brentjens of the
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York explained why this
latter modification was important. ‘Your own T-cells won’t recognize your
tumor cells,’ he said. ‘They think the tumor cell is, in fact, a normal cell. You
need to re-educate these T-cells.’450 At first nothing seemed to be happening,
but after two weeks a rash appeared, showing the engineered cells were
having an effect. Two months later, Layla was completely clear of the cancer,
which allowed the doctors to give her a second bone marrow transplant to
replace her entire blood and immune system. After three months she was
well enough to go home.
Waseem Qasim believes the approach could have much wider applica-
tion for other types of childhood leukaemia. ‘We have only used this treat-
ment on one very strong little girl, and we have to be cautious about claiming
this will be a suitable treatment option for all children,’ he said. ‘But this is a
landmark in the use of new gene engineering technology and the effects for
this child have been staggering.’451 Other experts have cautiously welcomed
the news. ‘This is a very exciting first effort and the authors imply that they
are taking this to wider trial,’ said Stephan Grupp of the University of
Pennsylvania. ‘More patients treated will give us a better idea of what the
true impact these genetically engineered T cells will have on leukaemia.’450
What does seem likely is that this is probably only the first of many such


Genes that Protect

If genome editing has such potential for treating cancer, what about other
common human disorders, like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, or mental
conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or depression? The main
difficulty is that, in spite of initial hopes following completion of the Human
Genome Project that we would soon identify clear genetic differences
underlying such conditions, the reality has proved to be rather more com-
plex, as we saw in Chapter 5.452 To reiterate, there is currently a major debate
about whether such disorders are due to many common genetic differences,
each with a small effect, or a few rare ones with large effects in specific indi-
viduals. However, a 2015 review of the genetic basis of mental disorder con-
cluded that, ‘in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, increasing evidence
supports the role of rare, disease-causing mutations in brain-expressed
genes’.453 Working out the role of these mutations is complicated by the fact
that, unlike Mendelian disorders, which tend to be due to mutations that
affect the amino acid sequence of a gene’s protein product, most mutations
associated with common disorders are located in the regulatory elements
that control the gene’s expression.454
This may explain why mental disorders like schizophrenia don’t appear
to follow a Mendelian pattern of inheritance, because the effects of muta-
tions in regulatory elements (of which there are often many for each gene,
all playing a contributing role to its expression) are likely to have much
more subtle effects on a gene than those that change its protein-coding
­sequence.454 Such a mutation may mean that an individual is more suscep-
tible to schizophrenia, but only if certain environmental triggers are also
present. For instance, one recent study found that possession of a mutation
that affects expression of protein kinase B alpha (PKB), a gene involved in
several important processes in the brain, increases a person’s risk of schizo-
phrenia, but only if the individual also takes cannabis as a teenager.455
Findings like these help to explain previous observations of a link between
this disorder and cannabis use, but also why most young people who take
this drug do not succumb to schizophrenia.456

Ne w Gene Ther apy

The complexity of the link between genetics and common disorders

poses a challenge for the idea of treating such disorders using conventional
drugs. If many genetic differences can contribute to a person succumbing
to a disease, then it’s difficult to see how drugs could be used to treat such a
large number of targets. However, if each person with a particular disease is
susceptible because of a rare gene difference only found in a few individ-
uals, then it could make drug treatment of a disorder difficult to justify eco-
nomically, since a different drug would potentially be needed for each of the
hundreds of different molecular causes of the disorder.
While either scenario poses potential problems for conventional drug
therapy, this is not necessarily the case for genome editing. So if a large
number of genetic differences each only make a small contribution to sus-
ceptibility to a disease, it might be possible simultaneously to make mul-
tiple corrective modifications at the genetic level, since in theory there is no
limit to how many genes can be targeted at once with CRISPR/CAS9.
Indeed, as we saw in Chapter 5, George Church’s team at Harvard University
used this technology to target 62 different retrovirus DNA sequences in the
pig genome. In fact, Church himself said, ‘we’re not convinced that what we
did is generalizable. It doesn’t mean that we can now change 62 different
genes easily.’457 But as CRISPR/CAS9 technology continues to evolve, accur-
ate multigene editing may well soon become a practical proposition. And if
disease susceptibility is due to a rare genetic difference in a particular indi-
vidual, this could be treated relatively easily by genome editing, with its
easy-to-generate tools specific to any region in the genome, as opposed to
the creation of new drugs for each new molecular target identified in an
As well as using genome editing to specifically target mutations associ-
ated with common disorders, another possibility suggested by Feng Zhang
is that the technology might be used to introduce ‘protective’ mutations
that would insulate a sufferer from the negative effects of a common dis-
order.458 Such mutations exist naturally in the human population, and have
been shown to protect the individuals in which they occur from both rare
single-gene disorders and more common ones. The severity of sickle cell


anaemia, a recessive single-gene disorder mentioned in Chapter 2, which is

caused by a mutation in the β-globin gene that codes for adult haemoglo-
bin, varies depending on whether the sufferer can produce the foetal form
of haemoglobin, known as HbF.458 This isn’t normally produced in adults,
but it is in individuals with a mutation in the HbF gene promoter; if they
also suffer from sickle cell anaemia, the foetal protein can partially substi-
tute for the loss of normal haemoglobin, protecting them from many ef-
fects of the disorder. Genetic analyses of human populations have also iden-
tified naturally occurring mutations that protect against more common
disorders, including cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s.458 It might
therefore be possible to introduce such mutations into people as a way to
protect them from these conditions.
In addition, genome editing might be used to introduce naturally occur-
ring protective mutations into people as a way to combat infectious dis-
eases, particularly HIV. Since this virus first came to public prominence in
the early 1980s, the HIV epidemic has led to the infection of almost 78 mil-
lion people and to 39 million deaths.459 As is well known, deaths due to HIV
infection occur because the virus prevents the immune system from func-
tioning properly, leaving sufferers vulnerable to infection by a range of
other infectious agents—the so-called acquired immune deficiency syn-
drome, or AIDS. This remains a major cause of death in some parts of the
world, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa, where nearly 71 per cent of the
people infected with HIV live.459
The most successful general route to combating viral infection is vaccin-
ation. Unfortunately, HIV is particularly resistant to this approach, since the
virus mutates so fast that there is a running battle for the body’s immune
system to keep up with it. And the fact that HIV can hide away within cells
and also disables the very immune system that protects us against infection,
are two other reasons why this virus has proven so lethal and hard to
combat.460 A major step forward in AIDS treatment was the development of
a range of anti-HIV drugs, particularly those that inhibit the virus’s reverse
transcriptase enzyme, or that inhibit the protease which HIV uses to mature
into infectious viral particles.461

Ne w Gene Ther apy

The success of anti-HIV drugs means that infection with the virus no
longer constitutes a death sentence. People diagnosed sufficiently early and
who take a cocktail of such drugs can now expect to live long and fruitful
lives.462 The continuing large number of deaths from AIDS worldwide,
which totalled 1.5 million in 2013,459 is mainly due to lack of access to these
drugs, and general poverty and lack of proper health care in the developing
countries in which most such deaths occur. Yet, despite the success of cur-
rent anti-HIV drugs, the search continues for more effective treatments for
a number of reasons. One is that although they keep HIV in check, and
thereby prevent its destructive effects on the immune system, such drugs do
not eradicate the virus from the body.461 In part this is because retroviruses
such as HIV integrate their genomes into those of the host cells they infect,
as we saw in Chapter 2. If an infected person stops drug treatment, the inte-
grated virus can become reactivated, which means that, currently, people
with HIV need to continue taking the drug cocktail for the rest of their lives,
which is both expensive from a health provision point of view, but also cre-
ates the risk of development of drug resistance and toxic side effects.463
Genome editing offers new possibilities for the treatment of HIV infec-
tion in a number of important ways. One is to make an infected person
resistant to the virus by genetically modifying the cells of the immune
system that HIV normally infects. This strategy seeks to mimic a genetic
difference found naturally in certain rare human individuals who are resist-
ant to HIV. Such individuals have been identified by the fact that although
they have repeatedly come into contact with the virus, for instance as pros-
titutes or drug abusers who have shared needles, they have nevertheless re-
mained free of HIV infection.464 And studies have shown that a key way in
which such natural immunity occurs in these individuals is through loss of
function of the C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) gene, which normally acts
as a cooperative partner, or co-receptor, to the cluster of differentiation 4
(CD4) receptor that exists on white blood cells.
HIV normally uses the CCR5 and CD4 proteins as a molecular gateway to
gain entry into the immune system’s T-cells (see Figure 25). In the rare indi-
viduals who don’t produce a functional CCR5 protein, the virus can’t do this



HIV can infect cells

that have CCR5
on their surface

HIV cannot infect cells
that lack CCR5
as in the case
of resistant people

Fig. 25.  CCR5 is needed for HIV infection

and fails to infect their T-cells or compromise their immune system, which
then promptly eliminates the virus. Remarkably, clinicians in Berlin showed
that bone marrow from someone with natural resistance to HIV, if trans-
planted into an infected person, can cure them of the disease. Or at least this
appears to be the case for one individual, Timothy Ray Brown, a man in-
fected with HIV and treated this way in 2008, who has reportedly been free
of the virus ever since.465 Brown was lucky in that the MHC proteins on his
tissues, whose role in transplant rejection we noted in Chapter 5, matched
those of the donor. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for most HIV sufferers,
but a study carried out in November 2014 suggested that deleting CCR5
from an infected person’s T-cells could eliminate HIV and cure them of
The study, led by Chad Cowan and Derrick Rossi at Harvard University,
used CRISPR/CAS9 genome editing to knock out CCR5 in human bone
marrow cells grown in culture. The cells were then treated with a chemical

Ne w Gene Ther apy

cocktail that induced them to turn into T-cells. ‘We showed that you can
knock out CCR5 very efficaciously . . . that the cells are still functional, and
we did very, very deep sequencing analysis to show that there were no un-
wanted mutations, so it appears to be safe,’ said Cowan.465 This suggests that
it may be possible to take an infected person’s bone marrow cells, use
genome editing to knock out CCR5, and then introduce the modified cells
back into the patient, where hopefully they will eradicate HIV from the
body. The next step is to test this strategy in an animal model. ‘There are
excellent mouse models you can give a human immune system and then
infect with HIV,’ said Cowan. ‘We can give our cells to the mice and see if
they’re protected from HIV.’465
In fact, genome editing of CCR5 using ZFNs is already being employed in
human patients. In March 2014, Sangamo BioSciences, a company based in
Richmond, California, published results from a clinical trial that used this
approach to treat cells from 12 people infected with the virus.466 After tar-
geting CCR5 in patients’ T-cells, the treated cells were introduced back into
the patients. The results were positive—at the time of the announcement,
half the participants were able to stop taking their anti-retroviral drugs—
and Sangamo reported that it has treated over 70 patients using this

Targeting Killer Viruses

Targeting CCR5 is one way in which genome editing may be used to treat
HIV; an alternative is to disable the virus itself. A number of studies have
shown that CRISPR/CAS9 can be used to excise the integrated viral DNA
from the genomes of infected cells. For instance, in July 2014, Kamel Khalili
and his team at Temple University in Philadelphia showed that they could
use this approach to completely remove the HIV genome from several
human cell lines, including one derived from T-cells of the immune system.
‘We were extremely happy with the outcome,’ said Khalili. ‘It was a little bit
mind-boggling how this system really can identify a single copy of the virus


in a chromosome, which is highly packed DNA, and exactly cleave that

In March 2015, Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte’s team at the Salk Institute
also reported success in eliminating HIV from human T-cells in culture.
Izpisua Belmonte believes his findings show that ‘by eliminating the virus at
the early steps of its life cycle, we can altogether prevent the infection of
human cells in an analogous manner to how conventional vaccines work’.468
The researchers are now investigating whether the technology can prevent
HIV becoming resistant to the targeting of its genome through changes in
its DNA sequence. ‘The HIV virus can mutate very quickly,’ said Hsin-Kai
‘Ken’ Liao, a researcher on the study. ‘If we target multiple regions at the
same time, we reduce the chance that the virus can develop resistance.’468
Genome editing offers a potential way to combat many types of viruses
that cause human disease, not just HIV. The hepatitis C virus, or HCV, is
spread by blood-to-blood contact associated with intravenous drug use,
poorly sterilized medical equipment, and transfusions.469 An estimated 130
to 150 million people worldwide are infected by HCV. Because the virus
does not cause any obvious initial symptoms, infected individuals often go
undetected. But, over time, HCV can cause chronic scarring of the liver and
cirrhosis, which can ultimately lead to liver failure or cancer of the liver. The
genome of HCV is composed of RNA, not DNA. In retroviruses like HIV,
which also have an RNA genome, the RNA is converted into DNA by the
viral enzyme reverse transcriptase, and this DNA can then integrate into
the host genome in the nucleus of the host cell. In contrast, the HCV RNA
genome remains outside the nucleus, in the host cell’s cytoplasm, where it
is replicated by a special viral enzyme—RNA-dependent RNA polymer-
ase—to produce more copies of the RNA genome, which are packaged with
proteins to form further infectious viral particles.470
The fact that HCV is a non-retroviral type of RNA virus (with no DNA
stage as part of its lifecycle) suggested that it might be impossible to target it
by genome editing. However, recently a team led by David Weiss and Arash
Grakoui at Emory University achieved this goal by using a modified form of
the CAS9 enzyme. This modified CAS9 uses a guide RNA to find its target

Ne w Gene Ther apy

in the HCV RNA genome, but, instead of cutting the RNA, it creates a road-
block that prevents the viral genome from being replicated by its RNA-
dependent RNA polymerase. Weiss, Grakoui, and their colleagues found
that after introducing the modified CAS9 and its guide RNA into human
liver cells in culture, the cells became resistant to infection by HCV.471 The
researchers believe this approach might eventually be used to treat chronic
HCV infection. And given that other non-retroviral RNA viruses like ’flu or
Ebola also have an RNA genome, this strategy may have much wider applic-
ability. Currently, one clinical approach being developed to combat Ebola
involves the use of RNA interference or RNAi, the technology mentioned in
Chapter  4. But according to Weiss, viruses can develop mechanisms to
thwart RNAi. ‘Since Cas9 [sic] is a bacterial protein and eukaryotic viruses
have likely not encountered it, they would not have ways to evade Cas9,’ he
said. ‘Thus, Cas9 could be effective in inhibiting viruses when the RNAi
system cannot.’472

Possibilities and Problems

Besides viruses, another main source of infectious disease is bacteria. Our

current main line of defence against bacteria is antibiotics—drugs that slow
the growth of bacteria or kill them outright.473 These drugs are now so
important in our lives that antibiotics like penicillin are household names.
While penicillin blocks the process by which bacteria develop protective
cell walls, other antibiotics inhibit bacterial gene expression in various
ways. For instance, streptomycin and chloramphenicol block the ability of
a bacterium to translate genes into their protein products.473 A cellular
structure called a ribosome catalyses this process in both humans and bac-
teria. The reason why such antibiotics do not also affect translation in
human cells is that the ribosome’s structure is slightly different in our cells
compared to bacteria.
As is becoming all too clear, bacteria can develop resistance to these
drugs.473 This partially occurs through natural selection, by which a mutation


that confers resistance in one bacterium can spread rapidly through a bac-
terial population if such resistance allows survival. Even if the mutation
only occurs in one in a million cells, the fact that bacteria can reproduce
themselves in less than half an hour makes the spread of resistance a real
problem. In addition, bacteria can swap antibiotic resistance genes through
a process named horizontal gene transfer. Most dangerous of all, bacteria
can develop resistance to multiple antibiotics.473
Another negative feature of antibiotics is that, since they affect all bac-
teria, they can adversely affect those that live in our guts and other parts of
our body. This would not be a problem if such bacteria were just useless
parasites, but this is far from the case. An increasing number of studies
show that many bacteria in our bodies have a beneficial role. A study by
Andrés Moya of the University of Valencia on the effects of antibiotic treat-
ment in human patients found that their ‘gut bacteria present a lower cap-
acity to produce proteins, as well as deficiencies in key activities, during and
after the treatment’.474 Specifically, the study suggested that, after the treat-
ment, the bacteria showed less capacity to absorb iron, digest certain foods,
and produce essential molecules for the patient. Findings like these imply
that excessive antibiotic use can lead to health problems, such as those
associated with digestion.
Genome editing offers a way to target harmful bacteria without affecting
the beneficial ones that help keep us healthy. With its precision, the tech-
nique can be used to target one bacterial species while leaving others un-
harmed. A challenge here, as with targeting of human cells, is to get the
­genome-editing tools into their bacterial target. Here, viruses may provide a
solution. We saw in Chapter 2 how, just as viruses can infect our cells and
cause disease, so bacteria have their own viral problem to deal with, namely
viruses called bacteriophage, or phage for short. Indeed, the CRISPR/CAS9
process evolved precisely to combat infection by such viruses. And just as
disabled retroviruses have been used to introduce gene constructs into
human cells, so there is now the possibility of engineering phage to carry
gene-editing tools into a target bacterium (see Plate 3). Chase Beisel and col-
leagues at North Carolina State University showed that this approach could

Ne w Gene Ther apy

be used to target pathogenic bacteria. The researchers tested the approach

with different combinations of bacteria present, and showed they could
eliminate just the targeted strain. ‘We were able to eliminate Salmonella in a
culture without affecting good bacteria,’ said Beisel.475 Another benefit of
the approach, according to Beisel, is that ‘by targeting specific DNA strands
through the CRISPR/CAS9 system, we’re able to bypass the mechanisms
underlying the many examples of antibiotic resistance’.475
There is another way in which genome editing might be used to combat
infectious disease, and it’s based on the fact that some infectious agents are
introduced into the body through another organism. An example is the
malaria parasite, a pathogenic microorganism carried by mosquitoes. In
March 2015, a study in fruit flies by Ethan Bier and colleagues at the Uni­
versity of California, San Diego, showed how the spread of malaria might
be tackled not by targeting the microorganism itself, but the mosquito.
Bier’s team developed a form of genome editing they have named ‘mutation
chain reaction’, or MCR.476
The researchers tweaked the CRISPR/CAS9 process to make a mutation
generated on one copy of a chromosome spread automatically to the other
copy (Figure 26). ‘MCR is remarkably active in all cells of the body, with one
result being that such mutations are transmitted to offspring via the
­germline with 95 per cent efficiency,’ said Valentino Gantz, a researcher
­involved in the study.477 If this approach, part of a general strategy known as
a ‘gene drive’, were applied to disease-carrying species in the wild, a single
mosquito equipped with a parasite-blocking gene could in theory spread
malaria resistance through an entire breeding population in a single season.
The approach might be taken even further, by using MCR to spread a defect
that kills the malaria-carrying mosquito species.
Showing just how fast research in this area is moving, in November 2015,
Anthony James and colleagues at the University of California, Irvine, devel-
oped an anti-malarial gene drive strategy in mosquitoes themselves.478
James and his colleagues engineered Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes—the
type responsible for more than 10 per cent of malaria cases in India—to ex-
press a gene coding for an antibody against the malaria parasite, Plasmodium


Mutant Wild-type Normal inheritance

50% chance of passing mutant gene Mutant gene pool does not increase
in the population of mosquitoes

Mutant/ Wild-type
gene drive Gene-drive inheritance

cut repair


100% chance of passing mutant gene Mutant gene pool increases exponentially
via mutation chain reaction in the population of mosquitoes

Fig. 26.  Gene drive inheritance by mutation chain reaction

falciparum. And tests showed that the modified mosquitoes passed on the
gene to 99.5 per cent of their offspring. James believes the ‘technology could
have a major role in sustaining malaria control and elimination as part of
the eradication agenda’.478
A type of gene drive called a ‘crash drive’ can even dramatically reduce
numbers of a malarial mosquito species. In December 2015, Andrea Crisanti
and Tony Nolan at Imperial College London reported their development of
mosquitoes with gene drives that disrupt three genes for female fertility,
each of which acts at a different stage of egg formation.479 Since the female
mosquitoes are infertile only when a copy is inherited from both parents,
the gene drives would have to be spread throughout a population before
having an effect. ‘The field has been trying to tackle malaria for more than
100 years,’ said Crisanti. ‘If successful, this technology has the potential to
substantially reduce the transmission of malaria.’479

Ne w Gene Ther apy

But not everyone is happy about the pace of this type of research. A letter,
published in August 2015 in Science by teams in Britain, the USA, Australia,
and Japan, stated that while gene drives might save lives and bring other
benefits, the accidental release of modified organisms ‘could have unpre-
dictable ecological consequences’.478 Another fear is that a gene altered in
mosquitoes to dramatically reduce their population numbers might some­
how be transferred into another insect species. What if it jumped, say, into
honey bees, whose populations in the wild are already declining? If this
happened, farmers might have a hard time pollinating their crops and the
world could face food shortages. For this reason, Kevin Esvelt of Harvard
University, who is also researching gene drives to eradicate malaria, has
called for a wider debate involving scientists, policymakers, and the public
about the pros and cons of the strategy. ‘There is no societal precedent
whatsoever for a widely accessible and inexpensive technology capable of
altering the shared environment,’ he said.480

A Question of Delivery

Such are the possibilities of genome editing for directly treating both the
genetic basis of disease and that caused by various infectious agents. Yet
some major obstacles remain. One is that the efficiency and accuracy of the
technology still needs to be improved considerably before it can be applied
routinely to living human beings. However, such is the speed of develop-
ment of the technology that it’s quite likely that such problems will eventu-
ally be ironed out. A more fundamental obstacle is getting the genome-ed-
iting tools into the cells of the tissues or organs to be treated.481 This has
been a major challenge for previous attempts at gene therapy. A central
problem is that cells are enclosed by a protective membrane that acts as a
barrier to large molecules like proteins, or nucleic acids like DNA and RNA.
An additional obstacle is delivering genome-editing tools to the tissue of
interest without their being degraded in the process by the body’s natural
defence mechanisms.


It is because of this risk of degradation that the genetic or infectious dis-

eases most likely to be treated initially using genome editing will be those
affecting tissues that are most accessible or can even be removed from the
body and then replaced once a genetic defect is corrected. Diseases that
affect the blood cells generally fall into the latter category, whether the red
blood cells that carry oxygen around the body or the white ones that pro-
vide our immune system, since both cell types originate from stem cells in
the bone marrow. A sample of bone marrow can be removed from a suf-
ferer, the cells within it treated, and then the sample replaced, so that cells
treated in this way can repopulate the blood.482 Potential treatable disorders
in this category include different forms of leukaemia, but also sickle cell
anaemia and thalassaemia, which affect the red blood cells’ oxygen-carrying
capacity, and severe combined immune disorder. The possibility that such
disorders may finally be closer to a real cure is leading to hope but also con-
cerns about how soon such a cure may take to develop amongst people with
such disorders. ‘It’s like a race. Will the research provide a cure while we’re
still alive?’ said Robert Rosen of Chicago, who has a rare bone marrow abnor­
mality; these can lead to leukaemia or other life-threatening conditions.480
To try to hasten a cure for people with these disorders, Rosen co-founded
the myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) Research Foundation, which is
now funding genome-editing studies. Because so much is at stake for some
desperately ill people, it will be important for scientists to be realistic about
the likely timescale of clinical genome-editing applications. For, as bioethi-
cist Alta Charo of the University of Wisconsin Law School has pointed out
in relation to this issue, ‘As money and excitement enter a field, there is a
risk the patient population will incorrectly believe that clinical treatments
are—or at least ought to be—available.’483
The challenges faced in applying genome editing in gene therapy are
similar in some respects to those faced by the traditional transgenic ap-
proaches mentioned in Chapter 2, but in other ways they are quite different.
In the case of CRISPR/CAS9, the two key components are the CAS9 cutting
enzyme and the RNAs that guide this to the genomic region that needs

Ne w Gene Ther apy

modifying, plus a DNA fragment coding for a replacement part of the

genome to be modified. These components can either be delivered as they
are or encoded in DNA constructs. The challenge now is to find a route of
delivery that is effective, so the target gene becomes modified but doesn’t
disrupt normal genome function. To achieve these aims there are two likely
routes. One is to use a virus to deliver a DNA construct to the target cell.484
Instead of needing to integrate the DNA construct into the genome of the
host cell, with genome editing it’s merely enough to deliver the tools to the
cell nucleus, so a genome-integrating virus is not necessarily required,
merely one that enters the nucleus. This could help minimize the risk of
disruption to the host cell genome. The second approach seeks to add some-
thing to the CAS9 enzyme, the guide RNA, and replacement DNA fragment
that would allow them to cross the cell membrane.485 Given the potential of
gene editing for gene therapy, there are now likely to be concerted efforts to
try to solve the issue of delivery.
All the genome-editing approaches so far mentioned in this chapter
have been aimed at combating genetically based or infectious disease in
children and adults. A much more controversial use of the technology
would be to target genetic disease at the point of conception. As we saw in
Chapter  4, genome editing is different from previous precision genetic
­engineering approaches in that it can be applied to a fertilized egg, includ-
ing that of our own species. Human embryos with a specific gene muta-
tion linked to disease, such as those that cause cystic fibrosis or
Huntington’s, might be treated in this way. And indeed, as we saw in
Chapter 4, there has been much controversy following the news that Junjiu
Huang and his team at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China, used
genome editing to correct the gene defect that causes β-thalassaemia, a
­potentially fatal blood disorder, in (non-viable) human embryos. Opinions
about this amongst scientists, as mentioned in Chapter 4, have been quite
varied, with some calling for an outright ban and others believing that, as
long as such studies are purely carried out for research purposes, they
should be allowed to go ahead.


The Germline Taboo

The potential use of an approach like CRISPR/CAS9 to modify the genome

of a human fertilized egg or early embryo is far more controversial than
gene therapy in an adult human, or even a child, because it represents a
change to the ‘germline’. This is the name given to the egg and sperm cells
in a multicellular, sexually reproducing organism like ourselves that gives
rise to the next generation.486 In contrast, all the other cells in our bodies are
known as ‘somatic’. This distinction dates back to August Weismann, who
first developed the concept in opposition to Darwin, who had suggested
that the body’s cells emit hundreds of ‘gemmules’, which congregate in the
reproductive organs prior to fertilization. In contrast, Weismann argued
that the cells that go on to form the eggs and sperm are segregated early on
in embryo development.487 And while somatic cells are subject to ageing
and other changes due to environmental influences, Weismann saw the
germ cells as immortal and unaffected by such influences. He tested this
idea in rather barbaric fashion by cutting off the tails of 68 mice and showing
that none of their subsequent offspring lacked a tail.
Recent studies have challenged Weismann’s dogma by showing that an
organism’s life experiences have a more direct effect on its offspring’s gen-
omes than previously thought. Such ‘epigenetic’ effects on the genome in-
volve chemical changes to the DNA and its associated regulatory proteins.488
In humans, such effects mean that diet, exposure to stress, and perhaps
more positive life experiences of one generation may have a profound
impact on subsequent generations. None the less, the idea that the germline
genome is special and should not be tampered with remains a strong one,
not least because there is no way the next generation can give their consent
to such an action. So while somatic gene therapy is generally seen as per-
missible if carried out safely and effectively to treat a genetic disease,
­germline gene therapy is far more controversial, because even if it were safe
and effective, its effects would not be confined to a single individual but
would potentially affect generations to come.

Ne w Gene Ther apy

In fact, there is another way to modify the genome of the next generation
besides genetic engineering of the fertilized egg or embryo, and that is to
target the sperm or egg, or alternatively the stem cells that give rise to these
in the testicles or ovary. Showing that it’s possible to use genome editing to
target the latter, Kent Hamra and colleagues at the University of Texas
Southwestern cultured rat testicular stem cells and then used CRISPR/
CAS9 to knock out certain selected genes in them.489 The GM stem cells
were then reintroduced into the testicles of rats, whose own stem cells had
been destroyed by chemotherapy. After allowing the transplanted stem
cells to produce sperm in the host testicles, the rats were then mated with
females. What Hamra and his colleagues found was that the resultant off-
spring had been genetically modified in a single step.
Such findings are likely to be of future importance for biomedical science
for a number of reasons. One is that although Hamra’s team followed quite
a complicated route to modify testicular stem cells—which involved isola-
tion and culture of such cells and transplantation into a host testicle—their
findings suggest that it might be possible to carry out genome editing on
the stem cells of the intact testicles. If so, this could greatly simplify not only
production of GM versions of rodents but also of other mammalian spe-
cies; such treated animals could simply be mated to females to produce GM
Such an approach in human beings might be used to treat certain types
of male infertility, particularly those in which a genetic defect prevents the
testicular stem cells giving rise to sperm.490 Currently this type of infertility
is untreatable, for although IVF can be used to treat patients whose sperm
are immobile or cannot bind or fuse with the egg, it cannot be employed if
no sperm are produced at all. Of course, any use of genome editing in this
manner would be controversial, since, while curing infertility, it would also
result in the modification of the genome not only in that individual but in
future generations. Nevertheless, a case might be made that, if such an ap-
proach could be carried out effectively and safely, it should be considered as
a way to allow infertile couples to conceive.


Another reason why an ability to precisely modify the genome of a tes-

ticular stem cell has important wider implications for medicine is that
recent studies have shown that such stem cells have an astonishing capacity
to give rise, in certain artificial conditions, to all the different cell types of
the body.491 Quite why this is so, and what general potential pluripotent
stem cells offer for the treatment of a variety of human diseases, are issues
that we will explore in more detail in Chapter 8.


Regenerating Life

I magine being able to replace human tissues or organs whenever one

became faulty, diseased, damaged, or simply old. If this were possible,
then disease might become a rarity and the natural human age-span greatly
extended, perhaps forever. In fact, such a dream has surprisingly old roots
in human society, as shown by the ancient Greek myth of the Titan,
Prometheus. As punishment for offending Zeus by stealing fire from Mount
Olympus, he was chained to a rock and tortured by an eagle that came each
night to devour his liver.492 Because of Prometheus’s immortality, his liver
regenerated itself each day, leaving him ready for the same torture for eter-
nity. The choice of organ in this grisly story was well considered, given we
now know the liver is the only human organ that can spontaneously regen-
erate itself after injury. And the ancient Greeks’ name for the liver—‘hepar’,
derived from ‘hepaomai’, which means to repair oneself—suggests that they
may have been aware of this property.493
While the liver is an organ that can regenerate itself, so can some tissues.
One human tissue that has long been known to have a capacity for regener-
ation is the skin. Skin transplantation in medicine has an ancient history,
with the Indian surgeon Sushrutha, who lived on the banks of the Ganges
around 600 bc, being its first recorded practitioner. He was an expert in
nose jobs, an operation in some demand at that time because of the official
practice of disfiguring the nose as a punishment for crimes such as theft and
adultery.494 Sushrutha’s method involved cutting a strip of skin from the
forehead and using this, still attached to its original location, to reconstruct
the damaged nose. After the graft had fully established itself, its connection
to the forehead was severed.494


The other human tissue that most lends itself to transplantation is the
bone marrow. This tissue produces our blood cells—both the red cells that
carry oxygen around the body and remove waste carbon dioxide, and the
white cells that constitute our immune system. The first person to recog-
nize the potential of bone marrow transplantation to treat leukaemia and
other blood cancers was E. Donnall Thomas of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center in Seattle.495 In the 1960s, Thomas and his team began
developing ways to use radiation and chemotherapy to destroy a cancer pa-
tient’s diseased bone marrow and then replace it with new marrow from a
healthy donor. Owing to this technique, some leukaemias that were once a
death sentence now have cure rates of up to 90 per cent. Bone marrow
transplantation has also been used to successfully treat non-malignant
blood disorders, such as sickle cell anaemia, when an appropriate donor
can be found.496 In recognition of his achievements, Thomas was awarded a
Nobel Prize in 1990.
We now recognize that the capacity of skin to regrow when grafted to
another part of the body, or transplanted bone marrow to regenerate a whole
new blood system, is due to a special type of cell—the stem cell.497 These
cells are distinguished from normal cells by their ability to divide indefin-
itely and capacity to give rise to more specialized cell types. Stem cells are a
reflection of the fact that we all start life as a single cell—the fertilized egg.
By the process of embryo development, this single cell will eventually develop
into a human being composed of almost 4 trillion cells. These cells can be
distinguished by their specific properties, there being over 200 cell types in
a human being.498 Cell types are distinguished by shape, size, and functional
properties, but ultimately this reflects the fact that, while all have the same
genome, the extent to which different genes are turned on or off varies.

A Very Gifted Cell

In the very early embryo, all cells can give rise to any cell in the body—­
so-called ‘pluripotency’.499 We know this because, as we saw in Chapter 2,

R egener ating Life

isolation of such cells from an early mouse embryo provides us with ES cells
which, when injected into another mouse embryo, can give rise to any cell
type in the body, including the eggs and sperm. Following Martin Evans’
discovery of such ES cells, which allowed the production of knockout and
knockin mice, there was a concerted effort to identify ES cells in other
mammalian species. As we saw, this effort has been unsuccessful, except
recently in another rodent species, rats. Yet, as we also noted, there is one
other mammalian species in which ES cells have been isolated besides these
two rodent ones, and that is our own.
James Thomson and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin first achieved
this feat in 1998, using ‘spare’ early embryos donated by IVF patients.500
Thomson’s team generated five immortalized ES cell lines from these em-
bryos; subsequent work by other researchers has isolated hundreds more. For
obvious ethical reasons, it’s impossible to carry out the ultimate test of human
ES cell pluripotency—to inject them into an early human embryo, implant
this into a woman, and see whether the ES cells give rise to all the different
human cell types in a resulting chimaera human being. However, human ES
cells have all the expected properties of such cells. For instance, they form
the teratomas mentioned in Chapter 2 if injected into a mouse, which is also
a key property of mouse ES cells. Most importantly for therapeutic pur-
poses, human ES cells can give rise to different specialized human cell types
in culture, if exposed to chemical agents that induce this change. The reason
is that this process mimics events that take place in the embryo.
During normal embryo development, stem cells give rise to more spe-
cialized cell types through a process called differentiation.501 This process,
which produces all the different human cell types and the tissues and organs
that contain them, is triggered by growth factors, hormones, and other
chemical messengers that bind to receptors on the surface of the stem cell.
When these receptors are activated, they send signals to the cell nucleus.
These signals activate regulatory factors that switch some genes on or
others off, in a specific pattern. As a result, proteins specific to a particular
cell type are produced. That is why one cell becomes a beating heart cell,
while another becomes a neuron that relays electrical impulses in the brain.


In the embryo, differentiation takes place in a highly ordered fashion,

with first the basic tissue layers being formed, then the main organs, and
finally the specialized cell types within those organs.502 A major focus of
developmental biologists over the past few decades has been to identify the
genes involved in regulating this symphony of gene expression. This quest
has resulted in the identification of the genes that regulate the basic body
plan—which, remarkably, are largely conserved from fruit flies to humans—
as well as those that determine the development of specific tissues and
organs.502, 503
In order to create human cell types, tissues, and organs from ES cells for
therapeutic purposes—for instance to provide a new pancreas for a type 1
diabetic or replace the neurons faulty in Parkinson’s disease—a major chal-
lenge is to mimic the signals that generate these cell types in the embryo. So,
information emerging from studies of pancreas or brain development in
the living embryo is highly important. However, it is far from straightfor-
ward to reproduce a process that normally takes place in the highly struc-
tured environment of an embryo in a plastic culture dish.504
One success has been the generation, from human ES, cells of the pancre-
atic beta cells that produce insulin.505 Almost 400 million people world-
wide have diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, which accounts for between 5 to 10
per cent of these cases, the beta cells are typically destroyed by an auto-im-
mune disorder.506 Type 1 diabetics can lead a relatively normal life thanks to
the availability of artificial human insulin, generated by genetically engin-
eering a bacterium to express the human insulin gene, as we saw in
Chapter 2. But they must also regularly inject such insulin, constantly moni-
tor their blood glucose by pricking a finger to obtain a sample, and be very
careful about what and when they eat.506 The routine is especially hard on
children. If not managed properly, high blood glucose levels can lead to
nerve and kidney damage, blindness, and a shortened life span.
Doug Melton of Harvard University, who previously identified some key
molecular mechanisms underlying the development of frog embryos,
began trying to generate human pancreatic beta cells in culture when his
own two children were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. ‘We wanted to re-

R egener ating Life

place insulin injections with “nature’s own solution”,’ he said.507 In October

2014, Melton reported that his team had devised a method for deriving huge
numbers of pancreatic beta cells from human ES cells. ‘What we did to solve
this problem is study all the genes that come on and go off during the
normal development of a beta cell,’ he said. ‘Once we knew which genes
come on and go off, we then had to find a way to manipulate their activ-
ity.’507 Melton’s team tested hundreds of culture conditions before hitting
on a six-step procedure that takes 40 days to produce the beta cells. This
generates hundreds of millions of beta cells—the quantities required for
transplantation into a type 1 diabetic. To demonstrate that the beta cells
were functional, Melton’s team showed they could produce insulin when
treated with glucose—the normal stimulus that triggers the hormone’s
secretion from the pancreas—in cell culture.
Elaine Fuchs, of Rockefeller University, hailed the discovery: ‘For dec-
ades, researchers have tried to generate human pancreatic beta cells that
could be cultured and passaged long term under conditions where they
produce insulin. Melton’s team have now overcome this hurdle and opened
the door for drug discovery and transplantation therapy in diabetes.’507
However, some obstacles still stand in the way of such cells being used
therapeutically. One concern is that since type 1 diabetes is generally caused
by an auto-immune disorder, the transplanted beta cells will need protec-
tion from an attack by the body’s own defence mechanisms. One possibility
would be to give the patient drugs that supress the immune system, but as
these carry their own risks Melton favours other strategies, for instance
encapsulating the transplanted cells in a mesh-like device to protect them
from attack by cells of the immune system. Melton has been pursuing this
strategy with bioengineer Daniel Anderson at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.508
Anderson has designed a capsule to be implanted in a diabetic patient,
made of layers of hydrogels, some containing beta cells and others anti-­
inflammatory drugs to inhibit the growth of fibrotic, scar-like tissue, which
could starve the cells of oxygen and block their ability to sense glucose and
release insulin.508 These devices are currently being tested in mouse models.


‘We do have some successes we are very excited about,’ said Anderson. ‘The
bottom line is we have reason to believe it is possible to use Doug’s cells in
our devices and cure diabetes in animals.’508 An alternative strategy would
be to genetically modify surface proteins on the beta cells so they are no
longer recognized by the immune system. And here genome editing could
be important, by making it possible to precisely alter the characteristics of
ES cells or differentiated cells derived from them.
While the pluripotent properties of human ES cells have led to great
excitement about their therapeutic potential, development and use of these
cells has its problems. For a start, there are ethical concerns about the der-
ivation of these cells from human embryos. For people who believe an early
human embryo has the same rights as a human child or adult, use of such
cells is tantamount to murder. Such a viewpoint had a significant impact on
public funding for ES cell research in the USA under President George
Bush.509 During this period, all federal funding for such research was with-
drawn, and only private funds and initiatives like the California Institute
for  Regenerative Medicine allowed cutting-edge ES cell work to proceed.
In Germany, use of embryos for research is restricted by the 1991 Embryo
Protection Act, which makes the derivation of ES cell lines a criminal
Ethical concerns are not the only obstacle faced by scientists seeking to
develop ES cells for therapeutic purposes. In Chapter 5, I mentioned how
the transplantation of tissues or organs from one human to another usually
leads to rejection of the transplanted tissue or organ because of differences
in the MHC proteins between the two individuals. The mismatch is detected
by the immune system, which then attacks the transplanted tissue or organ
as foreign. Because of this, people requiring a new liver, heart, or kidney
must be precisely matched with a donor who happens to share a similar
MHC profile. MHC mismatch is also a problem for those seeking to use cells
derived from ES cells therapeutically.511 Since they are originally derived
from human embryos of a particular genetic make-up, ES cells also have a
specific MHC profile, so again a precise match is needed.

R egener ating Life

The Cloning Controversy

One solution to this problem came from the discovery that it was possible
to clone mammals. In 1996, the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal
cloned from a differentiated adult cell, shattered the dogma that once a cell
becomes differentiated it no longer has the potential to give rise to other
cell types. Keith Campbell, Ian Wilmut, and their colleagues at the Roslin
Institute took an udder cell from a sheep, removed its nucleus, and trans-
planted the nucleus into a sheep egg whose own nucleus had been removed.
They showed that when a differentiated cell genome is exposed to the envir-
onment of the egg cytoplasm it can be ‘reprogrammed’ to develop into a
whole new organism.512 In fact, Dolly the sheep was not the first demonstra-
tion of cloning. In the 1960s, John Gurdon at Oxford University produced
cloned frogs from differentiated frog cell nuclei in exactly this manner.513
However, failure to reproduce this finding in mice led to the idea that this
was a peculiarity of amphibians. So Dolly’s birth came as a revelation and
also acted as a major stimulus to exploring the phenomenon of cloning and
pluripotency in greater detail.
The birth of Dolly, and subsequent success in cloning other mammalian
species including mice, raised the question of whether it would be possible
to clone a human being. Since cloning is an inefficient procedure, with
many cloned embryos failing to develop and those that do having various
defects, on safety grounds alone it would be highly inadvisable to try to
clone a person, never mind the many ethical issues. However, a cloned
human embryo could be a valuable source of ES cells, and ultimately of tis-
sues used for therapeutic purposes.514 So someone requiring a replacement
tissue or organ could supply a differentiated cell, say a skin cell, whose nu-
cleus would be removed and implanted into a human egg to create a cloned
embryo. This could then be used to create ES cells, and ultimately tissues or
organs for transplantation. And since these would be genetically identical
to the person requiring the transplant, they would not be rejected. Cloned
ES cells could also be important for investigating the molecular basis of


disease, since they could be used to generate a tissue or organ defective in a

particular individual, to explore how a genetic difference caused the defect.
For instance, ES cells cloned from someone with muscular dystrophy could
be differentiated into muscle cells, to explore how loss of dystrophin, the
gene defective in this disorder, causes a breakdown in muscle integrity and
So there are important reasons for creating cloned human ES cells.
However, as well as ethical concerns, the technological path to obtaining
such cells has been far from straightforward. In 2004, Woo-Suk Hwang and
colleagues at Seoul National University published a study in Nature present-
ing evidence that they had cloned a human embryo and isolated ES cells
from it.516 A subsequent study published in Science extended the findings by
demonstrating the generation of 11 ES cell lines from skin cells taken from
patients. The discovery led to Hwang becoming a celebrity. Korean Airlines
offered him free first-class seats and the government gave him the title of
‘Supreme Scientist’. The country even released a stamp in his honour; on it
was the silhouette of a man standing up out of a wheelchair—a symbol of
the potential practical benefits of stem-cell research. Hwang himself said: ‘I
want to be remembered in history as a pure scientist. I want this technology
applied to the whole of mankind.’517 Outside Korea, there was much acclaim
too, with Gerald Schatten, a reproductive biologist at the University of
Pittsburgh, saying that Hwang’s findings were ‘proof that you don’t just
have to be at a Howard Hughes institute or a first-world country to make
such splendid discoveries. It’d be unfair to say that they’re just karate kids.’518
Yet even as Hwang’s fame spread, doubts were beginning to be raised
about him. In particular, Young-Joon Ryu, a postdoctoral scientist who had
left Hwang’s group, grew suspicious about irregularities in the published
reports.517 He tipped off some Korean journalists, and this led to a media
investigation that unearthed evidence that Hwang had coerced junior
female scientists in his lab to donate eggs—necessary for the cloning work
but obtained in a completely unethical manner—and had also fabricated
data. Seoul National University opened an investigation into Hwang’s work
and reached the damning conclusion that ‘the data in the 2005 Science

R egener ating Life

paper cannot be some error from a simple mistake, but can only be seen as
ad ­ eliberate fabrication to make it look like 11 stem-cell lines using results
from just two’.517 In 2009, Hwang was ‘convicted of fabricating data, misus-
ing research funds, and trading illegally in human eggs’ and received a two-
year suspended prison term, although he never went to jail. Looking back at
the incident in 2014, Hwang said: ‘I created an illusion and made it look as if
it were real. I was drunk in the bubble I created.’517
The exposure of Hwang’s fabrication of data led some people to wonder
whether it would ever be possible to clone human embryos to provide a
source of ES cells, and a lack of positive results in this direction seemed in
line with such a conclusion. But in May 2013, Shoukhrat Mitalipov and col-
leagues at the Oregon Health and Science University produced cloned
human ES cells from foetal skin cells and cells taken from an 8-month-old
baby with a rare metabolic disorder called Leigh syndrome.519 Mitalipov’s
team succeeded where others had failed by pre-testing a variety of different
procedures in studies of cloning in monkeys. The researchers also carried
out tests to prove that their cloned ES cells could form various cell types,
including heart cells that were able to contract spontaneously.
Mitalipov’s success still left open the question of whether ES cells could
be cloned from an adult human being. This was demonstrated in April 2014
by Young Gie Chung and Dong Ryul Lee and colleagues at the CHA
University in Seoul, and independently by Dieter Egli and his team at the
New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute. In the first study, the
cloned ES cells were generated using nuclei from two healthy men, aged 35
and 75, while, in the second, they were cloned from a 32-year-old woman
with type 1 diabetes.520 In this second case the researchers also succeeded in
differentiating these ES cells into insulin-producing cells.
Ironically, the news that it had finally proved possible to create human ES
cells from embryos cloned from adult humans generated far less excitement
than the original claim made by WooSuk Hwang a decade earlier. The
reason was that, in the intervening decade, alternative routes had emerged
for the generation of pluripotent cells. One such route, mentioned in
Chapter 7, was identified by scientists studying the stem cells in testicles that


normally give rise to sperm. These studies showed that, with the right com-
bination of growth factors and hormones, such cells could differentiate into
many different cell types. A study led by Martin Dym of Georgetown
University Medical Center in Washington DC in 2009 showed that human
testicular stem cells could be induced to differentiate into cell types like
those of the pancreas, heart, or brain. ‘Given these advances, and with fur-
ther validation, it is possible that in the not-too-distant-future, men could
be cured of disease with a biopsy of their own testes,’ said Dym.521 This dis-
covery suggested that the stem cells that give rise to the eggs and sperm
were not as different from ES cells as had been supposed. In fact, other find-
ings were already challenging the unique status of ES cells in an even more
dramatic fashion.

Reprogramming Revolution

In particular, Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University began a line of investi-

gation that would lead to a startling conclusion. I mentioned in the section
‘The Cloning Controversy’ how, when a differentiated cell nucleus is trans-
planted into an egg with its own nucleus removed, this can lead to a ‘repro-
gramming’ of the genetic information in the nucleus so that it becomes
capable of generating all the different cell types of the organism. And this
must reflect the fact that regulatory factors in the egg cytoplasm modify
gene expression to create such a pluripotent state. Yamanaka reasoned that
if it were possible to determine the changes taking place in gene expression
during the cloning process, it might be possible to create a pluripotent cell
equivalent to an ES cell by artificially inducing such changes in a differenti-
ated cell. And indeed, he identified four genes coding for transcription fac-
tors that played a crucial role in the reprogramming process. By expressing
these genes in a skin cell, he was able to induce a pluripotent state, which he
named induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells (see Figure  27).522 By
exposing such iPS cells to different types of environmental conditions, it is
possible to induce them to differentiate into a variety of specialized cell

R egener ating Life

Specific culture conditions


for different cell types

added to cells
Skin biopsy

Cells grown in a dish Induced pluripotent

stem (iPS) cells

Different types of
differentiated cells

Fig. 27.  Induced pluripotent stem cells

types. This discovery led to Yamanaka being awarded a Nobel Prize with
John Gurdon in 2012.523 Yamanaka expressed the inducing genes using
retroviral constructs. This poses safety issues for the use of iPS cells for
therapeutic purposes, since, as we saw in Chapter  2, expression of genes
using such a viral route can lead to cancer. However, it has since proved pos-
sible to create iPS cells by introducing the transcription factors as proteins
that can enter the cell thanks to special tags which allow them to gain entry
across the cell’s surface membrane.524
Indeed, for a brief period after the publication of two papers in Nature in
January 2014, it seemed that generating iPS cells might be almost trivial.525
The studies, by Haruko Obokata of the RIKEN Centre for Developmental
Biology in Kobe, Japan, brought the 30-year-old researcher to international
prominence. For what Obokata claimed to have discovered was that mouse
skin cells only needed to be exposed to a weak citric acid solution for half an
hour, or alternatively simply squeezed, and, amazingly, after this treatment
they were transformed into iPS cells. Or rather STAP cells, for Obokata
coined her own acronym, standing for ‘stimulus-triggered acquisition of
pluripotency’, to describe her creation.525 The discovery seemed to have
wider relevance than simply providing an easier way of generating iPS cells,
because, as Obokata pointed out, the STAP mechanism might shed light on
the way cells gather wear and tear during our lifetimes. ‘By studying the
mechanism we might be able to learn more about how the age of cells is also
locked in,’ she said.525 Commentating on the study, Dusko Ilic, a stem-cell


biologist at King’s College London said it was ‘a major scientific discovery

that will be opening a new era in stem-cell biology’.525
Apart from concerns about whether this would mean drinking fruit juice
would cause cells in the throat to become pluripotent, from a scientific
point of view the findings seemed almost too good to be true. And indeed
they were. For even while Obokata was being hailed as a bright new star in
the scientific firmament and some journalists wondered if she were heading
for her own Nobel Prize to match Yamanaka and Gurdon’s, her story was
already falling apart. Within days of Obokata’s papers being published, alle-
gations began surfacing in science blogs and on Twitter that some of the
images looked doctored and that parts of the text had been lifted from other
papers.526 RIKEN began an investigation, and on 1 April 2014 it announced
that Obokata was guilty of scientific misconduct. Faced with a media back-
lash, Obokata’s response was to apologize for ‘insufficient efforts, ill-­
preparedness and unskilfulness’, which had led to errors of methodology
and sloppy data management.526 But she denied fabricating her results.
Yet attempts to reproduce Obokata’s findings by other researchers failed.
And then further investigations revealed that the STAP cells didn’t genetic-
ally match the mice from which they had supposedly been derived. Through
her lawyer, Obokata said she couldn’t understand how that was possible.
But the logical conclusion was that the STAP cells were just standard ES
cells that had been relabelled.526 Obokata’s downfall seemed complete, but
there was a particularly tragic ending to the story. For, following the expos-
ure of Obokata’s fraud, RIKEN began an investigation into how the scandal
had been allowed to occur. One scientist particularly criticized for not scru-
tinizing the findings more carefully was stem-cell biologist Yoshiki Sasai,
deputy director of RIKEN and Obokata’s line manager. Despite having no
direct role in the STAP discovery, in his own words, Sasai was ‘overwhelmed
with shame’.526 In early August 2014, after spending a month in a psychiatric
hospital being treated for depression, the scientist committed suicide by
jumping from a stairwell at a research facility opposite the RIKEN Institute,
leaving behind three farewell notes. One was addressed to Obokata
with  the  plea: ‘Be sure to reproduce STAP cells.’526 Yet, in the subsequent

R egener ating Life

period, neither Obokata herself, nor any other researcher, has reproduced
her findings.
The scandal surrounding STAP cells should not detract from the very
real existence of bona fide iPS cells, for these have now been reproducibly
generated in thousands of laboratories across the world. And compared to
ES cells, iPS cells have many potential advantages. One is that there are far
fewer ethical concerns about them, because they are not derived from a
human embryo. And since these cells can be generated from differentiated
cells from any human individual, this means it should be possible to gen-
erate tissues or organs from iPS cells from an individual and use them to
treat the same individual. In addition, the relative ease with which it’s pos-
sible to generate iPS cells, compared to the complicated cloning and ES cell
derivation procedures, is one factor underlying the current excitement
about these cells and their research and therapeutic potential. This also dis-
tinguishes them from testicular stem cells, which can only be obtained via a
testicular biopsy, which carries its own risks and is obviously only possible
in men. Both ES cells and iPS cells can give rise to therapeutically important
cell types. We’ve seen in the section ‘A Very Gifted Cell’ how Doug Melton
and his colleagues have identified a way to generate many pancreatic beta
cells from human ES cells. Melton also found that he could produce such
beta cells from human iPS cells.527
Will it ever be possible to grow whole organs in culture using either ES or
iPS cells? One potential problem is that an organ is a complicated structure,
often consisting of multiple cell types and blood vessels assembled in a pre-
cise fashion. But some exciting progress has recently been made. In July
2013, Takanori Takebe and colleagues at Yokohama City University created
‘mini-livers’ from iPS cells.528 Takebe’s team used iPS cells to make three cell
types that normally combine to form the developing liver in a human
embryo—hepatic endoderm cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and endothe-
lial cells. When mixed together, the three cell types not only divided in cul-
ture but also organized themselves into 3D liver ‘buds’, complete with blood
vessels. Transplanted into a mouse whose immune system had been engin-
eered not to reject human tissues, the human liver buds matured, the human


blood vessels connected to the mouse host’s blood vessels, and the liver
buds began performing many functions of the mature organ, like metabol-
izing sugars and drugs. When the mouse’s own liver was disabled, the
human liver buds kept the animal alive for two months. The researchers
claimed ‘this is the first report demonstrating the generation of a functional
human organ from pluripotent stem cells’.528 Malcolm Allison, a stem-cell
expert at Queen Mary University of London, believes the study’s findings
offer ‘the distinct possibility of being able to create mini-livers from the
skin cells of a patient dying of liver failure, and when transplanted would
not be subjected to immune rejection as happens with conventional liver
transplants today’.529

Self-Organizing Organs

The ability of cells to self-organize into organs, or parts of organs, is not

specific to the liver. Over recent years, researchers around the world have
coaxed stem cells to develop into structures resembling tissues from the
eye, gut, kidney, pancreas, prostate, lung, stomach, and breast.530 Named
‘organoids’ because they mimic some of the structure and function of real
organs, these miniature approximations of organs are providing insights
into human embryo development, serving as disease models and drug-
screening platforms, and may eventually be used to rescue damaged organs.
In July 2015 Austin Smith, director of the Wellcome Trust/MRC Stem Cell
Institute at Cambridge University, stated that this is ‘probably the most sig-
nificant development in the stem-cell field in the last five or six years’.530
Still, organoids are far from perfect representations of the organs they
partially resemble. Some lack key cell types, while others recapitulate only
the initial stages of an organ’s embryonic development. But an interesting
aspect of these studies is how little encouragement stem cells require to self-
assemble into intricate structures. Some scientists are not surprised at this
self-organizing feature of stem cells. The developmental biologist Melissa
Little at the University of Queensland believes ‘the embryo itself is incredibly

R egener ating Life

able to self-organize; it doesn't need a template or a map’.530 To some extent

this has been known since the 1900s, when embryologists showed that
sponges which were broken into single cells could reassemble. But many
scientists were sceptical about the idea that the organs of more complex
animals would show such straightforward self-organizing principles.
In part this was because of results achieved with stem cells cultured in
standard conditions. Traditionally, this has involved growing cells in 2D
layers on a plastic tissue culture dish. A major step forward came with the
realization that cells behave very differently when grown in matrigel—a
soft jelly that resembles the extracellular matrix, the 3D mesh of molecules
that surrounds cells in the body. Mina Bissell, a cancer researcher at the
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, helped to changed
people’s perceptions by showing in the 1990s that breast cells behave very
differently in 3D cultures than in conventional ones.530 Another important
step forward occurred in 2011 when Yoshiki Sasai generated much excite-
ment by showing he could grow bodily structures such as part of an eye and
a pituitary gland.530
As well as being a potential step on the way to growing organs in culture
for transplantation purposes, generation of organoids is proving important
for biomedical research. Hans Clevers and his colleagues at the Hubrecht
Institute in Utrecht have been making important progress in the creation of
‘mini-gut’ structures. After identifying intestinal stem cells in mice in 2007,
Clevers decided to see how such cells would grow in matrigel as opposed to
standard cell culture. ‘We were just trying things,’ he said. ‘We hoped that
we would make maybe a sphere or a blob of cells.’530 Yet remarkably, after
several months of culture, the stem cells had differentiated into structures
that resembled the intestine’s nutrient-absorbing villi, as well as the deep
valleys between them called crypts. ‘The structures, to our total astonish-
ment, looked like real guts,’ said Clevers.530
Clevers’ team is now using mini-guts grown from human intestinal stem
cells to study the effectiveness of drugs to treat cystic fibrosis. As we saw in
Chapter 2, this disorder is caused by the absence of a protein, CFTR, that
allows chloride ions out of cells lining the lungs, but also the pancreas and


intestine, which is why people with this disorder also have problems with
digestion. Clevers’ team take rectal biopsies from people with cystic fibro-
sis, use the cells to create personalized gut organoids, and then apply a
potential drug. If the treatment opens the ion channels, then water can flow
inwards and the gut organoids swell up. ‘It’s a black-and-white assay,’ said
Clevers, and one that is much quicker, cheaper, and safer as a first resort
than trying drugs in people.530 This approach has already been used to
assess the effectiveness of a drug called ivacaftor, also known as Kalydeco®
and five other cystic-fibrosis drugs in about a hundred patients; at least two
are now taking Kalydeco® as a result.
Clevers and his colleagues are also using organoid culture to test therap-
ies for treating cancer. They have grown gut organoids from cells extracted
from colorectal tumours and, with David Tuveson, a cancer researcher at
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, they have also generated pan-
creas organoids using biopsies taken from people with pancreatic cancer.
In both cases, the organoids are now being used to identify drugs that work
best on particular tumours. ‘What patients are looking for is a logical ap-
proach to their cancer,’ said Tuveson. ‘I’m very excited about what we’re
Undoubtedly the biggest challenge for those seeking to grow organs in
culture is the brain. As we mentioned in Chapter 3, the human brain is the
most complex structure in our bodies, indeed in the known universe (alien
brains may be more complex!). It may be asking a lot to grow a whole
human brain in culture. Still, Jürgen Knoblich and his colleagues at the
Institute of Molecular Biotechnology in Vienna have recently had some suc-
cess in growing formations of cells that mimic some of the brain’s regions.
Knoblich’s team created iPS cells from human skin and cultured these with
growth factors and other chemicals identified as being important for brain
development. The iPS cells first differentiated into neuroectoderm, the layer
of cells that eventually gives rise to the embryo’s nervous system. This was
then suspended in a gel scaffold to help it develop into 3D structures.
Remarkably, in less than a month, the stem cells developed into tiny orga-
noids corresponding to most of the regions of the brain. ‘If you zoom out

R egener ating Life

and look at the whole, it’s not a brain,’ said Knoblich. ‘But our cultures con-
tain individual brain regions that have a functional relationship with one
another.’531 Besides parts of cortex, which normally forms the outer layer of
the brain, the structures also contained regions of forebrain, which makes
neurons that connect to the cortex, and the choroid plexus, which gener-
ates the spinal fluid (see Plate 4).
Such organoids are useful for studying human brain disorders. People
with a condition called microcephaly are born with a head that is much
smaller than normal. Most children with microcephaly also have a small
brain and intellectual disability. Knoblich and his colleagues created iPS
cells from an individual with this condition and used them to create brain
organoids.531 During the initial stages of brain development, stem cells go
through a phase in which they divide to make more stem cells, increasing
their numbers. After a certain period, some of these cells switch to produ-
cing neurons. Knoblich’s team found that the period of stem-cell multipli-
cation was reduced in the case of the microcephalic iPS cells. This suggests
that one cause of microcephaly is that there aren’t enough stem cells avail-
able to turn into neurons, leading to a smaller brain. The researchers also
found that the reduced number of neurons in the microcephalic brain
structures was associated with lack of a protein called centrosomin, which
is known to play an important role as a regulator of neuronal growth.532
When Knoblich’s team added this protein to the microcephalic organoids,
the number of neurons increased.531 So one way to treat this condition
might be to enhance expression of this protein in the brain.
In October 2015, Rene Anand of Ohio State University announced at a
conference that he had made a major breakthrough in the creation of brain
organoids by growing structures from human iPS cells that included 98 per
cent of the cells that exist in the brain of a 5-week human foetus. Amazingly,
the mini-brains contained a spinal cord and even a retina. Anand claimed
his team’s work is different from previous studies, because ‘our organoids
have most of the brain parts’.533 This is important, he added, because ‘if you
want to study Parkinson’s, you need the midbrain. The best I can tell from
all published research on organoids is they don’t have the midbrain. We


have midbrains and we are already moving toward trying to study them.’533
Anand believes the development of the organoids may be pushed even fur-
ther. ‘If we let it go to 16 or 20 weeks that might complete it, filling in that 1%
of missing genes,’ he said.533
Reactions by other scientists to Anand’s claims have been mixed. Zameel
Cader, a neurologist at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, said that al-
though the work sounds very exciting, ‘when someone makes such an extra­
ordinary claim as this, you have to be cautious until they are willing to reveal
their data’.534 However, Rudolph Tanzi, an Alzheimer’s research pioneer at
Harvard University, said ‘I think it took all of us by surprise. The results
were absolutely astounding . . . it’s an incredible achievement.’533 Creating a
foetal brain that includes so many different types of brain cells amounts to
a ‘quantum leap forward’, he added.533 Anand has said that using this approach
to learn more about Alzheimer’s is a ‘high priority’ for his team. This would
involve taking skin cells from Alzheimer sufferers from which to create iPS
cells, allowing these to differentiate into brain organoids, and then investi-
gating whether differences can be detected with the normal brain in the
development of the organoids in a 3D matrix. These differences might cast
light on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie Alzheimer’s.
One strategy being pursued in such studies is to focus on individuals
with a particularly severe form of Alzheimer’s, which shows early onset,
affecting people in their 30s and 40s. It is hoped that the behaviour of brain
organoids created from such individuals may show more obvious differ-
ences in  their growth and development. More generally, the strategy of
focusing on a specific subset of people with a common brain disorder is al-
ready leading to some interesting insights. Flora Vaccarino and colleagues
at Yale University selected autistic patients with enlarged heads, a condition
that affects about a fifth of people with the disorder.535 The researchers then
created brain organoids from these patients and also from the patients’ fa-
thers, who did not have autism. Vaccarino’s team found that genes involved
with directing the proliferation of cells were overexpressed in the autistic
organoids. What’s more, according to Vaccarino, the analysis revealed that
‘the cells of the patients divide faster than the fathers’’.535

R egener ating Life

Further investigation showed that this proliferation was particularly

associated with overgrowth of ‘inhibitory’ neurons. When Vaccarino’s team
used genetic engineering to reduce the expression of a gene they had identi-
fied called forkhead box G1 (FOXG1), which is known to be involved in early
brain development, they were able to create organoids from the autistic pa-
tients without the neuronal imbalance seen previously. Quite how an in-
crease in FOXG1 and inhibitory neurons might lead to autism is unclear, but
Vaccarino thinks it’s possible that excess inhibition early in development ‘is
affecting the way neurons connect with each other’.535 These are prelimin-
ary findings, but they suggest that further studies of this type may yield
important new insights into disorders like autism and point to possible
treatments. Rene Anand has suggested other uses for brain organoids too,
like testing the effect of environmental toxins on the brain. ‘We can look at
the expression of every gene in the human genome at every step of the
development process and see how they change with different toxins. Maybe
then we’ll be able to say “holy cow, this one isn’t good for you” ’, he said.534

When Technologies Meet

Developing new approaches for getting ES or iPS cells to develop into com-
plex 3D structures is one important aspect of stem-cell technology. An
equally crucial one is the ability to control the differentiation pathway. At
the heart of such control is an understanding of the genetic pathways under-
lying the development of specific cell types, tissues, and organs in the normal
developing embryo. Just as important is having the ability to manipulate
such pathways in a culture dish. And it’s here that a combination of genome
editing and stem-cell technology is proving particularly fertile. In particu-
lar, the flexibility and efficiency of approaches like CRISPR/CAS9 are taking
the genetic manipulation of ES and iPS cells, and the differentiated cells de-
rived from them, to a previously undreamt of level of sophistication.
As I mentioned in Chapter 2, the development of knockout and knockin
mice was made possible by the use of homologous recombination to target


specific genes in mouse ES cells. However, not only is this approach ineffi-
cient, requiring drug selection to identify the one-in-a-million event in
which it takes place, but for some reason it has never worked well with
human ES cells. In contrast, CRISPR/CAS9 is highly efficient in such cells.
Even more important, an adapted version of this method, developed by Su-
Chun Zhang of the University of Wisconsin, can now be applied at any stage
of differentiation.536 To do this, Zhang’s team developed a version of CRISPR/
CAS9 in which the CAS9 enzyme can only be activated by stimulation with
a specific chemical. This means that human ES cells can be engineered so
that a specific gene is primed to be edited, but this will only happen when the
cells, or their differentiated cell progeny, are treated with the chemical.
With this approach, Zhang’s team can now ‘take out the gene at any given
time, in any type of cell’.536 This is important because shutting a gene off too
soon can kill the stem cell or inhibit its development. And, according to
Zhang, ‘you may want to delete it after the cells have differentiated into
heart, brain or liver cells . . . That precision is one reason I see so much
promise in this technology.’ Zhang now wants to apply his new approach to
the study of brain development. ‘You can very quickly pin down exactly
what [a] gene does, at the stem cell stage, neural stem cell stage or at the dif-
ferentiated neuron stage,’ he said.536
To demonstrate this precision, Zhang’s team engineered human ES cells
so that they could knock out orthodenticle homeobox 2 (OTX2), a gene
known to be involved in formation of the midbrain, at any stage of the dif-
ferentiation of human ES cells into different types of brain structures. During
brain development, the midbrain develops before the forebrain, the site of
higher mental functions. By delaying the knock out of the gene, Zhang and
his colleagues were able to show that the gene is also essential for the forma-
tion of the forebrain. ‘If you knock it out, you simply don’t have the cerebral
cortical cells, and they are essential to what it takes to be human,’ said
Zhang. ‘This is a really definitive way to show what genes are doing.’536
While the combination of stem technology and genome editing prom-
ises to have a major impact on biomedical research, it also has important
implications for the development of new therapies. In particular, genome

R egener ating Life

editing provides a new level of genetic precision that looks set to transform
the way stem cells are used to create replacement cells, tissues, and organs.
And the ease with which it’s now possible to generate iPS cells from par-
ticular individuals and use genome editing to alter them, means that this
specific combination may be a powerful new type of disease treatment.
Take for instance a study by Linzhao Cheng and colleagues at Johns
Hopkins University, which demonstrated how CRISPR/CAS9 could be used
to treat the recessive single-gene disorder sickle cell anaemia.537 We’ve come
across the molecular basis of this disorder in previous chapters: it results
from a single amino acid change in the β-globin protein. That alteration
makes the haemoglobin molecules form rope-like cables that cause the red
blood cells that contain them to bend into rigid, sickle shapes. The sickle
cells lodge in narrow capillaries, cutting off local blood supplies and caus-
ing great pain in the affected body parts, especially the hands, feet, and
intestines. The depletion of the red blood cells also causes the overwhelming
fatigue of anaemia. Eventually, this disorder can prove fatal.537
Cheng’s team took blood cells from people suffering from sickle cell
anaemia and induced them to change into iPS cells. They then used CRISPR/
CAS9 to correct the mutation in the β-globin gene that causes the disorder.
Finally, the researchers coaxed the corrected iPS cells to differentiate into
mature red blood cells that did not have the abnormal sickle shape. To
become medically useful, the technique of growing blood cells from stem
cells will need to be much more efficient and scaled up significantly. The
lab-grown stem cells would also need to be tested for safety. But Cheng be-
lieves that ‘this study shows it may be possible in the not-too-distant future
to provide patients with sickle cell disease with an exciting new treatment
option’.538 Cheng’s approach may also be useful for treating other disorders
of the blood.
In Chapter 7 we saw how a virus was used to deliver genome-editing tools
that partially reversed the muscle defects in a mouse model of Duchenne
muscular dystrophy, or DMD, raising the possibility that this approach
might be used to treat boys with this disorder. But a strategy involving
both genome editing and iPS cells might also offer a route to treat DMD in


humans. Showing the potential of such a combined approach, in November

2014 Akitsu Hotta and colleagues at Kyoto University generated iPS cells
from boys with DMD.539 They then used genome editing to correct the
defect in the dystrophin gene in these cells. Finally, they showed that the
genetically corrected iPS cells could differentiate into skeletal muscle cells
and express full-length dystrophin protein. A major goal now is to see
whether such corrected muscle cells can be introduced back into DMD suf-
ferers to treat their condition.
Perhaps the biggest hope for the use of combined genome editing and iPS
technology for therapeutic purposes is for the treatment of brain disorders
like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease. One scientist
interested in the treatment of Alzheimer’s is Mathew Blurton-Jones of the
University of California, Irvine.540 He plans to use CRISPR/CAS9 to insert
potentially therapeutic genes—like the growth factor brain-derived neuro-
trophic factor (BDNF) or the enzyme neprilysin, which can degrade the
plaques that form in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s—directly into
iPS cells. In April 2014 Blurton-Jones had some success in treating a mouse
model of this disorder by injecting the mice with iPS-cell-derived neurons
overexpressing neprilysin. However, he inserted that transgene randomly
into the cell genome. ‘That’s fine for a basic science experiment, but not for
the clinic,’ he said. ‘We would need to target a specific locus that we know is
safe, and CRISPR dramatically increases our ability to do that.’540
Such is the potential of the approaches mentioned that it’s not surprising
that a pioneer of them, Su-Chun Zhang, believes ‘this marriage between
human stem cells and genome editing technology will revolutionize the
way we do science’.541 But amid this excitement some scientists are sounding
a note of caution about the safety issues underlying the use of genome edit-
ing in biomedical research. One such person is Jennifer Doudna—the
CRISPR/CAS9 pioneer. Her concerns began at a meeting in which a post-
doctoral researcher presented work in which a virus was used to carry the
CRISPR tools into mice. The mice breathed in the virus, allowing the
CRISPR system to engineer mutations and create a model for human lung
cancer. It occurred to Doudna that a minor mistake in the design of the

R egener ating Life

guide RNA could create a tool that worked in human lungs as well. ‘It
seemed incredibly scary that you might have students who were working
with such a thing,’ said Doudna.542 In fact, Andrea Ventura of the Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, whose postdoc carried out the
work, believes his lab carefully considered the safety implications: the guide
RNAs were designed to target genome regions unique to mice and the virus
was disabled so it could not replicate. However, he agreed that it’s import-
ant to anticipate even remote risks. ‘The guides are not designed to cut the
human genome, but you never know,’ he said. ‘It’s not very likely, but it still
needs to be considered.’542
Similarly, some scientists are urging caution about the need to consider
potential adverse effects of the new technology when used as a therapeutic
strategy. In particular, concerns have been raised about the need to make
sure this technology does not introduce unwanted changes elsewhere in
the genome that have consequences for health. ‘These enzymes will cut in
places other than the places you have designed them to cut, and that has
lots  of implications,’ said James Haber, a molecular biologist at Brandeis
University. ‘If you’re going to replace somebody’s sickle-cell gene in a stem
cell, you’re going to be asked, “Well, what other damage might you have
done at other sites in the genome?” ’542 In fact, much work is being done to
eliminate such unwanted ‘off-target’ effects. However, Haber believes the
technology will have to be very precise indeed, since low-frequency events
could potentially be dangerous if they accelerate a cell’s growth and lead to
Ironically, the very ease with which CRISPR/CAS9 can be employed
poses challenges in ensuring it’s used responsibly. So Katrine Bosley, CEO
of Editas, a company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, pursuing CRISPR/
CAS9-mediated gene therapy, and a veteran of commercializing new tech-
nologies, said that while the problem in the past has been convincing others
that an approach will work, ‘with CRISPR it’s almost the opposite. There’s
so much excitement and support, but we have to be realistic about what it
takes to get there.’542 And, given the controversy about the use of genome
editing to modify the human germline, that means there are many technical,


but also ethical, issues to discuss relating to technologies like CRISPR/

CAS9. This is something we’ll look at in the concluding chapter, but before
we do so, let’s consider, in Chapter 9, an approach to redesigning life that
has fewer immediate practical implications, but that, in the long term, may
have an even greater impact upon humanity.


Life as a Machine

T he Rio Tinto in Andalucia, Spain, is one of the strangest rivers on Earth.

Near its source deep in the Sierra Morena Mountains, its deep crimson
colour does indeed look more like sangria made from the local vino tinto than
water. But with their extreme acidity (pH less than 2) and high concentration
of dissolved heavy metals, it would be inadvisable to swim in these waters,
never mind drink them.543 Red is just one of the shades of the waterways in
these parts; other streams are a violent shade of orange or an emerald green.
The strange colouration is due to the huge concentration of metal ores in this
region, a feature that has drawn prospectors to this area since ancient times.
According to myth, the fabled mines of King Solomon were located here.543
More reliable historically is that successive waves of Greeks, Carthaginians,
and Romans came to this region to mine its iron, copper, and silver.543
The Romans in particular mined silver here on an industrial scale, using
slaves kept in appalling conditions to work the underground waterwheels
that raised water from 100 metres deep to keep the mines dry. Later, in the
nineteenth century, the pollution from the copper and sulphur mines run
by the British-owned Rio Tinto Mining Company was so bad that locals
demonstrated in 1888, in what has been described as the first ecological pro-
test.544 In a brutal response to this protest, 200 of the unarmed demonstra-
tors were mown down by armed troops, brought in to quell the uprising.
Such was the power of the mining company at this time that those respon-
sible for this massacre were never punished; indeed, the events went prac-
tically unreported in Spanish newspapers.543
Today, mining operations around the Rio Tinto are a shadow of their
former self, due to competition from other parts of the world. Visiting this


region now, you’re more likely to bump into tourists drawn to the alien-
looking landscapes or come to learn about the history of the mines than
actual miners. But these days there’s another type of visitor to the Rio Tinto
too: biologists fascinated by its unusual life forms.545 For this region is also
known for its extremophiles, the name given to microorganisms that live in
the most inhospitable conditions on Earth. Such is the interest in these mi-
croorganisms that the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) has set up a project named the Mars Astrobiology Research and
Technology Experiment, on the basis that, if life exists on Mars, it may have
common features with the life forms that thrive in this region’s iron-rich
soil which has similarities to that on the red planet. Justifying the interest,
Carol Stoker, leader of the project, argues that ‘the Rio Tinto area is an
important analogue to searching for life in liquid water, deep beneath the
subsurface of Mars’.545

Life at the Extremes

While the Rio Tinto is a particularly striking example of an extreme envir-

onment that supports a wide variety of extremophile microorganisms, it’s
far from the only one. We now know that a rich diversity of such life forms
exist in locations as different as the boiling hot springs of Yellowstone Park
or the frozen wastes of Antarctica.546 Perhaps most surprising is the discov-
ery that, far from life just about hanging on for survival in these environ-
ments, these locations seem to be simply teeming with microorganisms.
For instance, in June 2015 a study led by Steven Chown at Monash University
in Melbourne, Australia, identified an unexpected richness of life forms in
the icy interior of the Antarctic. ‘Most people think of the continent as a
vast, icy waste,’ he said. ‘But that’s simply not true. There’s much biodiver-
sity on land, especially among the microorganisms.’547
Meanwhile, a study by Philippa Stoddard, Mark Brandon, and their col-
leagues at Yale University indicates that the Earth’s inhabitable zone may be
far deeper than previously suspected.548 Bacteria make their presence

Life as a M achine

known by a specific mix of lighter molecular weight carbon isotopes, de-

rived from the methane these microorganisms excrete, and the Yale re-
searchers have identified such tell-tale signs in rock samples that were
once as much as 19 kilometres below the surface of the Earth. ‘These really
light signals are only observed when you have biological processes,’ said
Stoddard.548 ‘Assuming our data are correct, this greatly expands our under-
standing of the extent of the Earth’s biosphere.’549
More direct evidence by Mark Lever and colleagues at Aarhus University,
Denmark, has come from drilling deep into the crust at the bottom of the
ocean and carrying out DNA and metabolic analysis on the samples ob-
tained. This showed that bacteria definitely live as deep as 1.6 kilometres
beneath the seabed. ‘We found live bacteria in the earth’s crust below the
sea, regardless of how deep down we drilled,’ said Lever. ‘We are talking
about a huge ecosystem in the rocks below the seabed.’550 This means the
living world we’re familiar with on the Earth’s surface may represent just a
fraction of the total. But how do such subterranean microbes live? Light is
central to most life as it fuels photosynthesis, which turns solar energy into
organic molecules. Deep in the Earth’s crust, there is no light. Instead, bac-
teria at this depth use a process called chemosynthesis, which allows them
to extract energy from the rocks themselves. ‘The bacteria feed on chem-
icals that are released when water seeps down through the rocks,’ said Lever.
‘The rocks contain iron ions that can react with sea water and produce
hydrogen, which the bacteria can use as an energy source for producing
their own organic matter.’550
The study of extremophile bacteria is of interest not only because it
reveals the fascinating diversity of life on Earth but also because of the
potential practical usefulness of such microorganisms. One of the most
well-known uses of extremophile bacteria is in the so-called ‘polymerase
chain reaction’, or PCR, invented by Kary Mullis in 1984.551 PCR is a method
for amplifying a single copy or a few copies of a segment of DNA by several
orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of a par-
ticular DNA sequence. Its uses range from detection of mutations in human
genes, including those in IVF embryos, to forensic analysis of crime scenes


and identification of family relationships between Egyptian mummies.552

Mullis claimed the idea for PCR came to him during a late-night drive through
the mountains of California with a friend. ‘I was just driving and thinking about
ideas and suddenly I saw it,’ he said. ‘I saw the polymerase chain reaction as
clear as if it were up on a blackboard in my head, so I pulled over and started
scribbling.’553 Mullis further recalled that his friend had been asleep but now
woke up and ‘objected groggily to the delay and the light, but I exclaimed I
had discovered something fantastic. Unimpressed, she went back to sleep.’553
Mullis also credited his experimentation with the drug LSD with aiding
the discovery. When asked whether the drug helped in coming up with the
idea for the technique, he replied, ‘What if I had not taken LSD ever; would
I have still invented PCR? I don’t know. I doubt it. I seriously doubt it.’554
Mullis was working for a small biotech company called Cetus at this time
and, after much persuasion, he convinced them of the importance of his
discovery. It was lucky for them that they finally listened, for Cetus went on
to sell the patent for PCR to Hoffman-La Roche for $300 million—the most
money ever paid for a patent. All Mullis got was a $10,000 bonus. However,
he did receive the Nobel Prize for his discovery in 1993.551
There are three temperature-sensitive steps in PCR (see Figure 28).555 First
a DNA ‘template’ containing a sequence that requires amplification is incu-
bated at 94°C to break the bonds holding the two strands of the double helix

DNA is denatured DNA polymerase synthesizes

100 ˚C
new DNA strands


80 ˚C
˚ C


40 Primers bind to
complementary strands


Fig. 28.  The three temperature-dependent stages in a PCR cycle

Life as a M achine

together. Then the sample is cooled to around 50–60°C, which allows two
‘primers’—short DNA sequences that match those at the start and end of
the region to be amplified—to bind to their complementary sequences in
the two separated strands of the DNA template. Next the temperature is
raised to 72°C, which allows DNA polymerase, the enzyme that replicates
DNA, to synthesize a new strand between the two primers. Finally, the tem-
perature is raised to 94°C and the process begins again. Typically, a PCR
reaction will undergo around 30 such cycles, all in the same plastic tube, on
a device called a thermal cycler that rapidly varies its temperature. However,
an equally crucial aspect of PCR is that the DNA polymerase used is not the
usual variety taken from an E. coli bacterium, since this becomes rapidly
inactive above 37°C, the normal temperature for such bacteria that live in
environments like the human gut. Instead, the polymerase comes from a
heat-resistant bacterial species called Thermus aquaticus that lives in boiling
hot springs at Yellowstone Park.555
PCR involves one very specific use of a protein from a thermophilic bac-
terium, but do extremophiles also have a more general practical importance?
Certainly Peter Golyshin of Bangor University, who studies such life forms,
believes so. ‘Chemical synthesis is often conducted in harsh conditions
with high temperatures, high pressures and high solvent concentrations,’
he said. ‘The anticipation is that enzyme catalysts produced by microbes
that live in hostile environments could be used in these industrial pro-
cesses.’556 Unfortunately, many extremophile microorganisms have proved
difficult to culture in the laboratory using tried and tested microbiology
techniques. This may be because standard culture media—a nutrient-rich
jelly on which bacteria are grown in a lab—does not contain all the other
microbes that live in their natural environment. It seems that extremophile
bacteria rely partly on the metabolic by-products of other microbial species
that thrive in their shared habitat.
According to Golyshin, one way around this problem is ‘instead of trying
to grow the microbes in the usual way we can just harvest their DNA, ex-
press their genes in surrogate hosts such as yeast or E. coli, and apply sub-
strates to see if they actively convert it or not’.556 The greatest diversity of


extremophiles is in the sea, for instance near hydrothermal volcanic vents

close to Milos Island in Greece. Mohamed Jebbar of the University of Brest,
France, has been collecting microorganisms from these vents. ‘The average
depth of the deep sea floor is 3,800 metres so we need very large and sophis-
ticated technology to explore these remote areas,’ he said.556 However, the
potential practical benefits are substantial, as the enzymes obtained from
such microbes may be useful for breaking down tough material such as cel-
lulose from plants and agricultural or urban waste to make biofuels. Other
potential uses of extremophiles are as biocatalysts that could break up can-
cerous tumours.
The search for novel extremophile microorganisms is based on the idea
that amongst nature’s great diversity there will be unusual life forms with
biological properties that can be harnessed for industrial or medical pur-
poses. There is, after all, a precedent in the wide variety of antibiotics that
are so vital to modern medicine.557 Typically, such antibiotics are natural
products generated by microorganisms. It may seem strange that bacteria
themselves produce these deadly anti-bacterial substances, but they do so
to maintain an advantage over other bacterial species, with which they
compete for resources. With antibiotics we’ve been able to make war on
harmful bacteria, thereby revolutionizing the treatment of infections and
providing a key preventative measure to minimize infection during surgery.
Unfortunately, as we saw in Chapter 7, this is a war that works both ways, as
bacteria have evolved ways to block antibiotic action, with the consequence
that many harmful bacteria are increasingly antibiotic resistant. We badly
need new antibiotics.
One of the richest potential sources of new antibiotics is common soil: a
gram of soil contains more bacteria than there are people on the planet.558
The difficulties of growing soil bacteria in the lab have hampered their anti-
biotic potential. But recently Kim Lewis’s team at Northeastern University,
Boston, developed a ‘soil hotel’ that recreates soil’s chemistry for its bacte-
rial inhabitants.558 This allowed them to identify 25 new antibiotics. One,
named teixobactin, kills some bacteria as quickly as established antibiotics;
it also cured laboratory mice suffering from bacterial infections with no

Life as a M achine

toxic side effects.558 Commentating on the study, Mark Woolhouse of the

University of Edinburgh said: ‘any report of a new antibiotic is auspicious,
but what most excites me about [this research] is the tantalising prospect
that this discovery is just the tip of the iceberg . . . It may be that we will find
more, perhaps many more, antibiotics using these latest techniques.’558
Such is the potential that lies at the bottom of the ocean or in the ground
beneath our feet. Even so, there are an increasing number of scientists who
are not content with working with existing life forms but believe the time is
now ripe for designing completely new ones. So while genome editing is
revolutionizing the genetic engineering of existing species, ‘synthetic biol-
ogy’ aims to go even further and redesign life from scratch.

Synthetic Life Code

One pioneer of this approach is Craig Venter, who led one of the teams that
first sequenced the human genome. Since then, Venter has headed several
biotechnology projects, like the development of genome-edited pigs for
xenotransplantation mentioned in Chapter 5. But one of his primary inter-
ests is synthetic biology. And, in 2010, Venter announced that he and his
colleagues had created the world’s first synthetic life form, following a pro-
ject that cost $40 million and engaged 20 scientists working for more than
a decade.559 Certainly it was an extraordinary feat, for Venter’s team took the
complete genome sequence of an existing bacterium—Mycoplasma my-
coides—and resynthesized it from scratch using lab chemicals. They then
inserted this genome into a bacterial cell whose own genome had been
excised. The researchers finally showed that the artificial genome could
propagate itself and the cell through subsequent generations. As a twist, the
researchers included extra sequences that served as ‘watermarks’, proving
authorship of the new life form.
Opinions vary as to the novelty of the creation. Julian Savulescu, a bio-
ethicist at Oxford University, believes that: ‘Venter is creaking open the most
profound door in humanity’s history, potentially peeking into its destiny . . . He


is going towards the role of a god: creating artificial life that could never
have existed naturally.’559 Others have been more critical, pointing out that,
to have truly created synthetic life, Venter’s team would need to do more
than just copy an existing natural genome, and instead it would also be
necessary to synthesize the bacterial cell’s wall, membrane, and cytoplas-
mic contents.560
While the criticism that there is more to a bacterium than its genome is a
valid one, it’s important to recognize that Venter and colleagues’ long-term
goal was always about more than artificially synthesizing an existing bac-
terial genome and showing it could be propagated across generations in an-
other bacterium’s vacant shell. This was just supposed to be the first stage in
a plan to strip life down to its bare essentials, so that entirely novel genomic
elements could be added on. Or, as Venter himself put it, ‘once we have a
minimal chassis, we can add anything else to it’.561 Such a minimal genome
needs to be identified before it can be constructed—and in August 2015 a
team led by Bernhard Palsson at the University of California, San Diego, did
precisely that.562
Palsson’s team took various bacterial species with different genomes and
modelled their growth in a wide variety of environments, with different
nutrient requirements. According to the researchers, this ‘forces the cell to
use a wide array of its biochemical pathways. By defining . . . those genes ex-
pressed across all simulation conditions, we select those that are used
regardless of nutrient availability.’562 The end result was a set of genes, reac-
tions, and processes universally required by bacteria. This minimal definition
will be key to creating useful synthetic bacteria in the future, according to
Laurence Yang, a researcher involved in the study, because ‘by defining the
vital set of genes and functions that need to always be present in a cell to
sustain life, we can begin to realize new ways to engineer a cell to optimize
production of a desired product without sacrificing the cell’s health’.562 Of
course, a key question now is identifying which novel elements should be
added to Venter’s ‘minimal chassis’ to provide useful new functions.
It’s not only bacteria that have potential uses for industry and medicine.
Human cells differ from bacteria in that our genomes are contained within

Life as a M achine

a nucleus, the membrane-bounded structure that separates the DNA from

the cytoplasm. Possession of a nucleus is a feature of so-called eukaryotes,
in contrast to bacteria, which are prokaryotes. All complex multicellular
organisms are eukaryotes, but there are also single-celled eukaryotes, the
most famous being yeast. I mentioned in Chapter 1 that a key aspect of the
agricultural revolution that began 12,000 years ago was the cultivation, for
the first time, of crops in a fixed location and the domestication of wild ani-
mals for the production of meat. But the simple yeast also had a big impact
on society at this time, by allowing the production of beer and leavened
Surprisingly, given we’re used to thinking of bread as a wholesome staple
of our diet and beer as a rather guilty pleasure, recent evidence suggests that
it was the alcoholic beverage that was developed first by humans, long
before leavened bread.563 It’s even possible that leavened bread was only cre-
ated by accident when some baker of old—perhaps a slightly inebriated
one—accidentally spilt some beer into a batch of dough and serendipit-
ously discovered the capacity of yeast to make bread rise. Some scientists
have even suggested that beer had a crucial role to play in the development
of civilization. Brian Hayden, an archaeologist at Simon Fraser University
in Burnaby, Canada, has uncovered evidence that beer-making was prac-
tised by the Natufians, who are widely regarded as the inventors of agricul-
ture.563 Hayden believes that once people began to recognize beer’s alcoholic
effects, it became a central part of feasts and other social gatherings that
forged bonds between people and inspired creativity. Political discussions
may also have taken place at these get-togethers, important in developing
power structures. ‘It’s not that drinking and brewing by itself helped start
cultivation,’ said Hayden. ‘It’s this context of feasts that links beer and the
emergence of complex societies.’563
While yeast remains central to brewing and baking today, it also has
important uses in biotechnology. This is because, for all the usefulness of
bacteria in biomedical processes like the production of human insulin, dif-
ferences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes in how proteins are modified
in the cell following their synthesis mean that sometimes it’s only possible


to produce biologically active proteins for medical use in eukaryotes. So

there is research interest in producing not only synthetic bacteria but also
their artificial equivalents in yeast. An important step towards this goal was
achieved recently when a team led by Jef Boeke of New York University syn-
thesized a yeast chromosome from lab chemicals.564 A yeast cell has 16
chromosomes, in contrast to the 23 pairs that exist in a human cell, and
Boeke’s team synthesized chromosome 9. But unlike Venter’s effort, which
created an exact replica of the Mycoplasma mycoides genome—bar the genetic
‘watermarks’ mentioned—Boeke decided to streamline the synthetic yeast
genome. This was done by leaving out ‘junk’ parts of the chromosome
thought to be unimportant for yeast function, such as repetitive DNA elem-
ents and the ‘introns’ that interrupt eukaryotic genes.564
Since there is currently a debate about whether some genomic regions
classified as ‘junk’ are as useless as had been thought, this was an important
way to test such elements in yeast. Another innovative feature of the project
was the nature of the team assembled to synthesize the yeast chromosome.
Boeke initially looked into how much it would it cost to pay a company to
synthesize the parts of the chromosome but the price quoted was so exor-
bitant that he decided to try a more cut-price approach. This involved offer-
ing the project as a ‘build-a-genome’ taught course to undergraduates at
Johns Hopkins University.564 Effectively, each student made their own
stretch of the chromosome, which involved stitching together short lengths
of DNA created by a DNA-synthesis machine into ever-larger chunks.
Eventually, this resulted in an entirely synthetic chromosome. And as a
reward for their efforts, many of the undergraduates were co-authors on the
paper that appeared describing the synthesis, which was published in Science
in March 2014.
Having synthesized the streamlined chromosome, Boeke’s team inserted
it into a yeast cell whose own chromosome 9 had been removed. And, des-
pite the altered nature of the substitute, yeast cells containing the synthetic
chromosome grew as well as normal yeast. ‘What’s amazing about it is that
there are over 50,000 base pairs that were either deleted, inserted or changed
in that chromosome of 250,000 base pairs, and it works,’ said Boeke. ‘That’s

Life as a M achine

kind of a remarkable effect.’564 But construction of a single synthetic yeast

chromosome is only the beginning of this project. Boeke is now enlisting
collaborators—including undergraduate students—from around the world
to synthesize streamlined versions of the other 15 chromosomes, and thereby
the whole yeast genome. The aim is to complete artificial versions of all the
chromosomes by 2017 and to have the whole genome assembled into a
yeast cell within the following couple of years. One of the collaborators in
this effort is Tom Ellis, of Imperial College London, who is now using a simi-
lar approach to Boeke to synthesize yeast chromosome 11. Ellis sees the pro-
ject as a riposte to expensive, factory-scale synthetic biology. ‘This shows
that the academic, open-source reply to what Venter did is, let’s set up some
labs with undergraduates, and they can do the same,’ he said.564
Ultimately, Boeke views creating a yeast cell with an entirely synthetic
genome as a way to test what is essential about this genome and which
attractive new features can be added on without disrupting the activity of
the cell as a whole. And indeed praise for the project and this goal has also
come from Venter and his colleagues, who said ‘this work is a prelude to and
demonstrates the feasibility of extensive refactoring or streamlining of the
other chromosomes’.564 One of the other scientists working towards such a
goal is Matthew Chang of the National University of Singapore. Chang and
his team have taken on the job of creating an artificial version of yeast
chromosome 15. ‘The whole premise is to reduce the size of the chromo-
somes to bare necessities and introduce choice elements which will allow
design engineering and evolution of the genome,’ he said.565 An important
underlying idea behind such a project is the notion that genomes can be
broken down into component parts that have been named ‘BioBricks’.566
And just as Lego® bricks can be joined together to make a variety of com-
plex structures, so such BioBricks, which include protein-coding DNA se-
quences but also promoters, enhancers, and other regulatory regions, can
be joined together to make novel genomes, and thereby the genetic basis for
completely new types of life forms.566
One important question is what the practical applications of artificial
yeast cells might be. The possibilities include engineering yeast to make


new types of antibiotics or drugs, foodstuffs, or novel materials for creating

clothes or for building. But Boeke thinks that many scientists and technolo-
gists still have to get their heads around the true potential of how to utilize
such artificial life forms. ‘It’s almost a technology that’s ahead of its time,’ he
said. When he gives seminars, Boeke often asks the audience: ‘I can make
anything up to a million bases, what should I make and why?’ Yet according
to him, surprisingly few people want to jump in with proposals. ‘It’s just
outside people’s comfort zones to think like that,’ he said.567

Biohackers in Hackney

While many people may lack the knowledge or confidence to suggest pos-
sible novel uses for synthetic biology, that may be starting to change if a small
but growing movement of ‘biohackers’ get their way. Although ‘hacker’
now often has negative connotations, signifying someone who sabotages,
or steals information from, the computer of an individual or organization,
the word’s original meaning is someone who tinkers with technology to
make or repurpose things. And biohackers play with biotechnology in their
spare time with the aim of making new life forms as part of a new do-it-
yourself biology (DIYbio) movement.568 Cathal Garvey, a biohacker based in
Dublin, believes that ‘Biohacking, or DIYbio, has got to be one of the most
exciting subcultures active today.’569 The members of this movement pay a
small monthly fee to cover the costs of rent, reagents, and equipment to
maintain a shared lab, which provides affordable access to anyone inter-
ested in biotechnology.568
In 2010 there were only a handful of biohacker groups around the world
but this had grown to over 70 by 2016, with groups in the USA, Europe,
Canada, Australia, South America, and Asia.568 One London biohacker
group is based in a laboratory called Biohackspace, located, appropriately,
in Hackney.570 In March 2015 the UK Health and Safety Executive, or HSE,
registered Biohackspace as ‘GM Centre 3266’—the first laboratory in Britain
that allows anyone to have a go at genetic engineering. Biohackspace has

Life as a M achine

about 20 regular members from diverse backgrounds, but few have scien-
tific training.570 Projects at Biohackspace range from generating genetically
modified bacteria to create new forms of art, to modifying brewer’s yeast to
make new ‘craft beers’.
Another biohacker group, BioCurious, is based in Sunnyvale, California.
Like other biohackers, its members are enthused by the possibilities offered
by CRISPR/CAS9 technology, partly for its precision but also because it’s so
quick, cheap, and easy to use, making it ideal for amateur biotechnologists.
One BioCurious member, Johan Sosa, an IT consultant, is already using the
genome-editing technology. ‘Currently we’re creating the guide RNA that
we’re going to use to edit a yeast genome,’ he said.570 One use of the technol-
ogy will be in the ‘Real Vegan Cheese’ project, whose aim is to modify bak-
er’s yeast so that it produces milk proteins.
Although run by amateurs, biohacker groups often seek advice from
professional biologists. For instance, Darren Nesbeth, a synthetic biologist
at University College London, has advised the members of Biohackspace
about health and safety issues. ‘They’ve got a licence now from the HSE to
do genetic modification, which requires they have a safety panel of individ-
uals,’ he said. ‘There’s a framework and guidance there equivalent to what
happens at a university.’570 Despite such safeguards, it’s perhaps not sur-
prising that the biohacker movement has caught the attention of the secur-
ity services. The FBI and US Department of Defense have already been in
touch with the BioCurious group and sent agents to visit their lab. ‘At the
beginning they were coming through quite frequently—at least once a
month, formally,’ said Maria Chavez, director of community for the group.
‘Informally, I’m not sure how many times they may have dropped in.’570
The response from professional scientists has been mixed. David Relman,
a professor of infectious diseases and co-director of Stanford University’s
Center for International Security and Cooperation, said that ‘I do not think
that we want an unregulated, non-overseen community of freelance practi-
tioners of [CRISPR/CAS9] technology.’571 In contrast, Darren Nesbeth be-
lieves that the biohacker movement could help alter the perception that
genetic engineering can only be done by academics in universities. ‘I see it


as a route to demystifying science for the general public,’ he said.570 Certainly,

a key attraction of biohacking for many of its members is the possibility
that it might help to make scientific know-how more freely available. So
Josiah Zayner, of Burlingame in the San Francisco Bay area, states that: ‘I
want to democratize science’. Zayner, whose left arm is tattooed with the
words ‘Build Something Beautiful’, has raised more than $46,000 through a
crowdfunding campaign to make CRISPR/CAS9 kits available to the public
for only $120.571
With his dyed hair, ear piercings, and a ‘Go Ninja Go’ T-shirt, Zayner
takes his inspiration from the pioneers of personal computing, who, through
groups like the Homebrew Computer Club, shared now-legendary ideas
and experiments.571 And the DIYbio movement is closely allied with pro-
jects such as BioBricks, which, as well as helping to create a standard set of
‘parts’ for synthetic biology, aims to make these freely available to anyone
who wants to use them.572 And while at the moment biohacker projects in-
volve subtle modifications to existing organisms, particularly bacteria and
yeast, it seems quite possible that in the future they may encompass far
more radical changes to life forms.

Subverting the Genome

As ambitious as the plan to create artificial chromosomes may seem, not

everyone is satisfied with the idea of limiting synthetic biology to creating
organisms that utilize the existing genetic code. An even more ambitious
goal is to create replicating systems of nucleic acids with a different genetic
code than the one shared by all organisms on Earth. As we saw in Chapter 2,
the normal genetic code is based on the four DNA letters—the bases A, C,
G, and T—which pair in the double helix as A-T and G-C, and code for the
20 different amino acids that make up proteins.573 RNA is essentially the
same, except that the base U replaces the T found in DNA. Remarkably, des-
pite the enormous variety of different species on our planet, every life form,
from the tiny ’flu virus to a human being, all share the same genetic code.

Life as a M achine

But this could soon be about to change, thanks to attempts to redesign life
in a number of different ways. ‘To make proteins with more than 20 amino
acids—possibly as many as 30 or 40—requires thinking outside of the box
of the standard genetic code,’ said molecular biologist Patrick O’Donoghue
from Western University, Ontario, Canada.574 One such way of thinking
out­side the box being pioneered by teams led by George Church at Harvard
University and Farren Isaacs at Yale University involves modifying the
­genetic code in such a way that it can be used to produce additional amino
To achieve this feat, the researchers have manipulated one of the genetic
code’s elements, the so-called ‘stop codon’. In Chapter 2 we mentioned the
fact that which amino acid gets added next in a growing protein chain
is  specified by three-letter DNA sequences, called codons (see Figure  29).
However, as well as codons that specify the different amino acids, the

Second letter
C Arg
Third letter
First letter


Ile (N) AGC (S) C

Initiation codon
Chain terminator codon (STOP)
Amino acids shown as three-letter and single-letter abbreviations

Fig. 29.  The three-letter genetic code and the corresponding amino acids


­ rotein translation machinery also needs to know where a protein sequence

starts and where it stops. For this purpose, the mRNA sequence that acts as
the intermediary between a gene composed of DNA and its protein product
also contains special triplet bases called start and stop codons.573 And while
there is only one start codon—AUG in the mRNA intermediary—there are
three stop codons, UAG, UGA, and UAA. Known as amber, opal, and ochre,
respectively, these stop codons can all act interchangeably of each other.
Church, Isaacs, and their colleagues removed one of these stop codons—
the UAG or amber variety—from the whole of the E. coli genome and re-
placed it with the UAA or ochre one. This means that the new codon will no
longer play the role of stop signal. Instead it can now be reinserted within a
protein coding sequence, together with an altered form of one of the so-
called ‘transfer RNAs’. These RNA species add amino acids to the growing
protein chain by matching each one to a specific codon. By engineering a
transfer RNA so that it now adds a novel amino acid not found in nature, it
will become possible for a modified bacterial cell to incorporate such a
novel amino acid into a protein sequence. ‘For the first time, we’re showing
that you can make genome-wide codon changes,’ said Isaacs. ‘We’re going
to be able to start introducing completely new functionality into organisms.’575
In fact, this is just the start of the possibilities for reengineering the genome
in such a manner, because of natural ‘redundancy’ in the genetic code (see
Figure 29). What this means is that often more than one triplet base codes
for a particular amino acid.573 For instance, the amino acid Glutamine can
be coded by either CAA or CAG. And such redundant codons could be com-
mandeered in a similar fashion to the amber stop codon, and would thereby
be free to code for novel amino acids. Consequently, a bacterial cell could be
engineered so that only CAA was used to code for Glutamine, freeing up CAG
to code for a novel amino acid. Indeed, George Church and his colleagues are
already starting to modify different genes in this fashion. In October 2013
they picked 13 codons and substituted them with alternatives coding for the
same amino acid across 42 different E. coli genes.576 Even though the genes’
DNA sequence was different, the proteins the cells produced were unchanged.
The next step is to endow these freed-up codons with new meaning.

Life as a M achine

While such studies tamper with the existing genetic code via its codon
usage, an even more radical approach seeks to transform the DNA code
itself. To do this, some scientists have sought to create a menagerie of exotic
letters beyond A, T, C, and G, which can partner up and be copied in similar
ways.577 One such pair is referred to as X-Y, although its true chemical name
is more complex. And this extra X-Y pair has now been used to create ex-
panded versions of nucleic acids called XNAs, the X standing for ‘xeno’. The
development of such XNAs was pioneered by Steven Benner, a biological
chemist at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Gainesville,
Florida. Benner first became interested in this issue as a graduate student in
the 1970s. At that time chemists were starting to try to build molecules that
could carry out the same functions as natural enzymes or antibodies with
different chemical structures. But, according to Benner, DNA was largely
ignored. ‘Chemists were looking at every other class of molecule from a
design perspective except the one at the centre of biology,’ he said.577 Even­
tually, Benner’s interest led to the development of the first XNAs.
A major challenge has been developing a replicating system that can
reproduce such XNAs.577 While XNA, like DNA and RNA, can be synthe-
sized chemically, this is still a relatively inefficient, error-prone, and costly
process. In a living cell, DNA and RNA are replicated by enzymes called
polymerases, from nucleotides—the units out of which RNA and DNA are
made. Such polymerases do not normally synthesize nucleic acids from
anything other than the A, C, G, and T varieties used to make DNA, or the U
that replaces T in RNA. There is a good reason for this, which is that such
enzymes have evolved to precisely recognize these specific nucleotides and
no others, in order to maximize the accuracy of the nucleic acid copying
process. However, through trial and error, Benner and his colleagues identi-
fied XNAs that could be replicated in a test tube by a DNA polymerase.577
While this work was done outside the cell, Floyd Romesberg and col-
leagues at Synthorx, a biotechnology company linked to the Scripps
Research Institute in San Diego, recently showed that XNA containing the
X-Y addition can be successfully replicated in bacteria over many gener-
ations.578 So aside from curiosity, what is the point of making an organism


with such an expanded DNA blueprint? According to Romesberg, there are

many reasons: ‘People would ask what the big deal is, and I said, “Imagine
you had a language with only four letters.” It would be clumsy and would
really curtail the kinds of stories you could tell. So imagine two more let-
ters. Now you could write more interesting stories.’578
In practical terms, such stories might have a number of interesting out-
comes. One is that these novel life forms might be a source of important
new proteins of biomedical importance. We saw in Chapter 2 how human
insulin produced in a bacterium has been important for the treatment of
diabetes. Bacteria have also been used to generate other medically important
proteins like the red-blood-cell booster erythropoietin or human growth
hormone for treating growth disorders.579 But the available proteins that
can be produced this way are limited by the fact that a normal cell builds
proteins from just 20 amino acids, which are assembled into long chains.
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the three-letter sequences of DNA
called codons specify which amino acid gets added next in a growing pro-
tein chain. However, with the extra X-Y base pair, in theory such an ex-
panded genetic code could produce proteins with 172 different amino acids
(see Figure 30).578 This is important because scientists have invented thou-
sands of artificial amino acids. But it’s one thing to create such amino acids,
quite another to use them to make proteins—for that, a living cell is re-
quired. ‘When you get to whole proteins, chemists really lose the ability.
Protein molecules are too complex, too big,’ said Peter Schultz, a biologist at
the Scripps Institute.578
The goal is to generate bacteria capable of making such proteins. ‘To
make a billion-dollar business, yes, we need a protein,’ said Floyd Romesberg.
‘The home run is the ability to produce therapeutic proteins with unnatural
amino acids in them.’578 And in August 2015 Romesberg and his colleagues
claimed to have achieved this goal. ‘The Synthorx system uses a fully nat-
ural cellular system and allows for site-specific insertion of multiple novel
amino acids to create more diverse proteins with a range of properties,’ said
Synthorx’s CEO, Court Turner. ‘We have now shown that our synthetic base
pair, X and Y, can not only be replicated in vivo but are also compatible with

Life as a M achine

DNA mRNA Amino acids

A 20 amino acids
T A A from which proteins can be built

4 nucleotides 64 codons
2 base pairs

DNA mRNA Amino acids

A T A 172 amino acids
Y X X from which proteins can be built

6 nucleotides 216 codons

3 base pairs

Fig. 30.  Expanding the genetic code with the X-Y base pair

the natural biological machinery to enable novel protein expression.’580

And, according to Romesberg, this will now make it possible ‘to add en-
tirely new types of groups to proteins (which are of course now validated
therapeutics) which should not just optimize already existing activities (or
arrangements of atoms like combinatorial chemistry does) but to add com-
pletely new functions’.580
Such novel functions could allow modified bacteria to become living
foundries producing new types of products or materials combining both
synthetic and natural amino acids, such as new types of protein-based
drugs and other important bioproducts. ‘It could be the foundation of new
types of drug delivery vehicles or nanostructures as well as antimicrobial
pesticides,’ said Farren Isaacs.581 The potential range of applications is vast.


So artificial amino acids could be added that give proteins unusual proper-
ties, such as the ability to bind to metals—resulting in novel adhesives. Or
enzymes could be developed that are activated only in the presence of other
molecules—which could be useful for drugs. Recoding could also aid bio-
medical research: novel amino acids, such as those carrying a fluorescent
tag, could be inserted and used to track cellular processes.576
The potential usefulness of this approach also goes beyond simply
making an expanded repertoire of proteins. Scientists, like Philipp Holliger
at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, are interested in
how another form of XNAs—this time with a different chemical backbone
to the one found in normal DNA—might be an important tool in biomedi-
cine.582 Importantly, Holliger and his colleagues recently reported that some
XNAs can form 3D structures and catalyse chemical reactions in the same
way as protein enzymes. Such XNAzymes, as they’ve been named, are able to
cut RNAs. As regulatory RNAs are increasingly known to play important roles
in human health and disease, altering their properties using XNAzymes
might have important therapeutic potential. One advantage of XNAs,
according to Holliger, is that they ‘are chemically extremely robust and, be-
cause they do not occur in nature, they are not recognised by the body’s
natural degrading enzymes. This might make them an attractive candidate
for long-lasting treatments that can disrupt disease-related RNAs.’582
As well as acting as catalysts, there’s also a hope that XNAs might have an
important role to play in the development of nanotechnology, which seeks
to create microscopic devices and structures that could have numerous
applications.582 The creation of such devices from DNA makes use of the
fact that this molecule can be coaxed into a variety of different shapes by
harnessing the same forces that normally hold the double helix together—
the attraction between the letters A and T, or G and C. By matching up the
letters on a long strand of DNA with those on smaller strands of this mol-
ecule, Paul Rothemund of Caltech first showed, in 2006, that the larger
strand could be stapled in place to create 3D shapes that Rothemund called
‘DNA origami’.583 This technology has already led to some useful practical
applications, such as the creation of a DNA origami ruler, which can be

Life as a M achine

used to measure the space between molecules in high-resolution micros-

copy.583 But perhaps the most exciting potential use is for the creation of
nanorobots that have flexible joints and sites that could be used to attach
antibodies or cancer drugs which could be used to treat cancer or other dis-
eases of the human body.583
A particularly important feature of such nanorobots is the presence on
their surface of structures that recognize receptors on the surface of target
cells, contact with which could lead to the drug or antibody within the
­nanorobot being delivered in the immediate vicinity of the cell.583 And by
constructing such nanorobots of XNA, it may be possible to ensure that they
do not get degraded by the body’s defence mechanisms. Such possibilities
have led Patrick Maxwell, chair of the British Medical Research Council’s
Molecular and Cellular Medicine Board, to remark, about Hollinger’s findings,
that: ‘[t]his latest advance offers the tantalising prospect of using designer
biological parts as a starting point for an entirely new class of therapies and
diagnostic tools that are more effective and have a longer shelf-life’.582

New Artificial Life Forms

Bacteria with genomes that have been engineered to contain XNAs or which
have been dramatically modified might have important uses as organisms
in their own right, not just as sources of modified proteins or nucleic acids.
One important application could be the creation of bacteria resistant to
bacteriophages—the viruses that infect bacteria. By recoding the genes of
bacteria used in the industrial production of enzymes, hormones, and food
products, researchers could block infection by such viruses, saving tons of
material that goes to waste from viral contamination.
The reason that changing the genetic code can lead to such resistance
is  that viruses replicate by using the host’s own replication machinery
and the raw molecules—the nucleotides and amino acids—that power this.
However, in a bacterium whose genome has been reconfigured so that
the amber stop codon no longer signals the end of a protein, viral genes


containing this stop codon would no longer be expressed properly, prevent-

ing the virus’s proteins being produced and thereby halting its spread.
Showing the feasibility of this approach, researchers led by Farren Isaacs
and George Church reported that, by reassigning the triplet UAG to UAA,
they could heighten the bacterium’s ability to resist viral infection from the
bacteriophage T7. ‘By changing the code, we engineered viral resistance,’
said Isaacs.574 Of course, it is also possible that mutation of viral genomes
and natural selection for novel forms that could reproduce in the modified
host bacterium might eventually overcome such resistance.
Another potential use for such bacteria that contain the extra X-Y base
pair is in the development of new vaccines. It might be possible, for in-
stance, to make a tuberculosis bacterium with unnatural DNA in it. It would
be a real, living organism, but without any raw material to copy its genes
(that is, no external source of the bases X and Y) it could be injected into a
person without having the potential to replicate itself and thereby make
them sick. ‘If it was TB, but also benign, that would be the perfect vaccine,’
said Peter Schultz.578
The inability of organisms with a radically altered genetic code to repro-
duce in the absence of new types of amino acids is also a positive safety
feature. For while such organisms may have all sorts of benefits, concerns
have been raised about the possibility of them escaping the confines of the
laboratory or industrial bioreactor and spreading across the biosphere. This
could especially be a problem if such bacteria have a selective advantage
over normal bacteria because they are resistant to bacteriophage. However,
such a scenario is seen as very unlikely because the altered life forms would
be incapable of survival in the wild due to the lack of the altered amino acids
they need to make proteins essential for their survival. ‘This adds another
important safety barrier,’ said Farren Isaacs.581 And, although bacteria have
an extraordinary ability to share genetic information in the wild584—one
cause of the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance—Yizhi ‘Patrick’ Cai, a bio-
technologist at the University of Edinburgh, believes that this is less likely
for the modified bacteria. ‘They cannot communicate with the wild type,’
he said, ‘because [the researchers] have engineered a species that speaks a

Life as a M achine

different chemical vocabulary.’581 However, whether such barriers would be

so absolute if these modified bacteria were ever to escape into the wild is a
question that would need to be considered very carefully.
While the creation of organisms with completely transformed genetic
codes has so far been confined to bacteria, success in this area poses the
question of whether it might be possible to apply this approach to more
complex plants or animals. For now, the greater complexity of the genomes
of these organisms means no one has yet attempted this ambitious goal. But
Lei Wang and colleagues at the Salk Institute have introduced novel amino
acids into proteins in the brain of a mouse, using a different approach.576
Wang wanted to modify a protein channel that controls the flow of potas-
sium ions into neurons. He reasoned that if the channel could be engineered
to contain an amino acid that changes shape in response to light, the chan-
nel could be opened or closed in response to light.
Although similar to the optogenetic approach mentioned in Chapter 3,
rather than the light-sensitive channel being a foreign gene from an alga
inserted into the mouse genome, in this case the protein would be one
of  the mouse’s own channels normally expressed in neurons. To achieve
this goal, Wang and his team injected DNA coding for a modified transfer
RNA—which transfers amino acids to the growing protein chain—into the
brains of mouse embryos while they were still in the uterus.576 The modified
transfer RNA was designed to attach to an unnatural amino acid that was
also injected into the brain. The embryos were then treated with electricity,
temporarily rendering the cell membranes of the neurons permeable so
they could take up the transfer RNA and amino acid. When the mice were
born, some of their neurons contained proteins modified by the unnatural
amino acid.
In future, genome editing might be used to modify the genetic code of
complex multicellular organisms on a genome-wide scale. If so, one poten-
tial use of such an approach could be to create complex organisms resistant
to infection by viruses, in the same way that bacteria have been made resist-
ant to bacteriophage. This kind of engineered resistance to viruses in animal
cells could be useful for existing biotechnology applications even if applied


not to whole organisms but to cells in culture. Animal cells cultured in huge
bioreactors play increasingly important roles in industry. For instance,
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are used by biotech company Genzyme
to produce the drugs imiglucerase, also known as Cerezyme® and agalsi-
dase beta, known as Fabrazyme®, for treatment of the rare genetic disorders
Gaucher disease and Fabry disease, respectively. Recently, the company lost
more than $100 million in sales of these drugs after a viral infection im-
peded the cells’ growth and they had to be completely replaced.581 Thus, the
production of modified CHO cells with an altered genetic code that pre-
vents replication of viruses in such cells could have important implications
for industry.
While the production of cells with modified genomes for cell culture may
be an immediate goal, scientists are also talking about the possibility of
creating whole animals or plants with radically altered genetic codes. The
commercial potential of crops and livestock with a built-in resistance to
infection by any type of virus could make such organisms very attractive to
farmers. And although more ambitious than engineering a bacterium,
genome editing makes such a goal more feasible. Certainly, George Church
believes virus-resistant plants and animals could eventually be created. ‘It’s
more of a challenge but it’s not out of reach,’ he said.581 Indeed, Church be-
lieves that a similar approach might even be used to create virus-resistant
humans.581 If this were the case, then one day we might have the possibility
of creating people with a natural built-in immunity to every virus, ranging
from the common cold and flu, through to lethal viruses such as HIV or
Ebola. Although such a scenario may be scientifically feasible, whether
most people would see it as a welcome development remains to be seen.
And on this note, it’s now time to examine, in the final chapter, exactly how
society should seek to deal with the amazing new technologies described so
far, and what measures we should be discussing to maximize their potential
for human benefit while minimizing the possibility of them being used to
cause harm, either accidentally or deliberately, to our own species and all
the other life forms with which we co-exist on planet Earth.


A Redesigned Planet?

I n this book, we have encountered many mutant life forms, whether nat-
urally occurring or produced by treatment with radiation or chemical
mutagens. But this concluding chapter begins with a fictional mutant—
Spiderman—the comic-book superhero. Spiderman was born when a
geeky teenager, Peter Parker, was bitten by a radioactive spider, which
turned him into a mutant superhuman gifted with ‘the agility and propor-
tionate strength of an arachnid’.585 Spiderman’s story aptly illustrates the
fantastical qualities sometimes ascribed to mutants, as well as reflecting the
fears and preoccupations of the Cold War era in which he arose. But a quote
from this superhero seems particularly relevant to this book: that ‘with
great power comes great responsibility’.586
For there seems no doubt that the new technologies described within
these pages—genome editing, optogenetics, stem-cell technology, syn-
thetic biology—provide humanity with unprecedented powers to manipu-
late the natural world, but also pose crucial questions about how such
powers will be used in a responsible fashion. And such is the importance of
this issue that the discussion about how to employ such technologies surely
cannot be left only to scientists but needs active public involvement. At the
same time, the debate is only likely to progress if based on facts and real
possibilities, not fears and misconceptions based on a misunderstanding of
the science underlying these technologies. With this in mind, I’d like to im-
agine some possible future scenarios, as one way of assessing the potential,
and risks, of these new ways to redesign life. Undoubtedly the most difficult
aspect is trying to predict how current discoveries might impact on the future.
For not only do science and technology evolve rapidly, but how society handles


new scientific and technological breakthroughs is also shaped by the nature

of that society.
Ultimately this is a guessing game, but our task is made slightly easier by
some talented novelists having imagined possible ways in which new gen-
etic technologies might lead to quite different future scenarios. I’d like to
consider two particular visions—one a utopic vision of the potential of sci-
ence to change society for the better, the other a dystopia in which genetic
engineering has created a hell on Earth—and then assess how far such fic-
tional visions match up to likely future developments in science.

Utopias and Dystopias

In the first vision, imagined by Kim Stanley Robinson in his Mars trilogy,
the quest by future colonizers of the red planet for a fair and equal society
requires a bitter revolutionary struggle with echoes of the American War
of Independence.587 Meanwhile, back on Earth, civilization has been rent
apart by the disastrous effects of global warming. So it is rebel scientists
on Mars who develop a form of genome editing that makes it possible to
repair the effects of ageing and thereby grant human beings a greatly ex-
panded lifespan.588 The ability to live to an extreme age is mainly pre-
sented as a liberating new feature of human existence, but Robinson also
explores more negative aspects, such as memory loss, mental instability,
and existential bore­dom. Further on in the trilogy, manipulation of the
human genome allows people to breathe the thin Martian atmosphere,
which is itself transformed by various means, and as people begin to col-
onize other planets and moons in the solar system besides Mars, they are
artificially adapted to low light levels in these outer reaches. While there is
plenty of social strife in this vision of the future, as well as disagreements
about the extent to which humans should seek to transform the environ-
ments of other planets to make them habitable, genetic engineering is
mainly portrayed in a positive light.

A R edesigned Pl anet?

This is definitely not the case in another futuristic trilogy, by Margaret

Atwood. The first novel in this series, Oryx and Crake, is told in flashback by
the narrator, Jimmy, who may be the last living human being after a deadly
plague has devastated humanity.589 We gradually realize this is no natural
disaster, but a deliberate act of terrorism initiated by Jimmy’s friend Glenn,
nicknamed Crake. We learn that the civilization that has perished was a deeply
divided place, dominated by biotechnology multinationals with names like
RejoovenEssence, OrganInc, and HelthWyzer. While ostensibly working
for RejoovenEssence, Crake’s secret plan was to wipe out the human race
with an engineered virus. At the same time, he had engineered a new race of
people, the Crakers—peaceful vegetarians, with no violent or jealous urges,
who are naturally resistant to sunburn or insect bites.590 Jimmy is now the
accidental survivor of the virus, trying to avoid being eaten by escaped
­pigoons—GM pigs with some disturbingly human qualities—and other
­genetic creations, while seeking to protect the naive Crakers. In fact, as the
trilogy progresses, in The Year of the Flood and MaddAddam, a glimmer of
hope for the future is raised.590 The overall feeling, though, is of genetic
engineering as a catastrophe out of control.

New Gene Therapy

How likely are either of these future scenarios? Beginning with more posi-
tive possibilities first, to what extent is genome editing really likely to initi-
ate a revolution in medicine? By providing more sophisticated animal
models of human disease, genome editing could help identify new molecu-
lar targets for disease treatment and thereby new drugs. Yet a key question,
if we are ever to see medical advances of the type envisaged by Kim Stanley
Robinson, is how feasible it will be to use genome editing for direct gene
therapy in human beings. Genome editing is likely to have the biggest initial
impact on genetic disorders of the blood, by making it possible to remove
bone marrow, correct a genetic defect in the stem cells that generate the


various blood cell types, and then replace the treated tissue. But how feas-
ible will it be to treat genetic defects in other parts of the body?
A major challenge will be finding effective ways to get genome-editing
tools into cells within tissues and organs in situ in the body. Viruses are par-
ticularly powerful delivery vehicles since they have evolved highly sophisti-
cated ways of gaining access to the cell but they also carry risks, as we saw
in Chapter 2, when we looked at the use of retroviruses to treat severe com-
bined immune disease (SCID). This treatment was effective, but the inser-
tion of the retrovirus’s genetic material into the host cell genome led to the
activation of an oncogene, and subsequent leukaemia, in some patients in
initial clinical trials. Modified retroviruses have now been developed with
much less chance of disrupting the host cell genome in dangerous ways.591
In addition, there is now a move to develop other types of viruses as deliv-
ery vehicles—like the adenovirus, the agent responsible for the common
cold.592 Unlike retroviruses, this virus does not generally integrate its gen-
etic material into the host genome. While seen as a negative characteristic
for standard transgenic approaches, this is now viewed as an attractive
safety feature, since the adenovirus can deliver genome-editing tools and
exit the cell without causing collateral damage.
Another strategy would be to modify the genome-editing tools them-
selves so they can gain entry to a cell. For instance, the genome-editing
enzyme CAS9 could be tagged with a ‘cell-penetrating peptide’.593 These are
sequences of amino acids found in proteins that have evolved to naturally
cross cell membranes, also known as ‘Trojan horse’ peptides because of
their ability to subvert normal cellular boundaries, just as the Greeks en-
tered Troy in clandestine fashion. The transactivator of transcription (TAT)
peptide of HIV is particularly adept at crossing such membranes thanks to
its particular chemical properties that allow it to penetrate this normally
impervious barrier.593
In October 2011 Gerard Wong and colleagues at the University of
California in Los Angeles showed that TAT interacts with the cell’s ‘cyto-
skeleton’ and specific receptors on the surface of the cell to facilitate its pas-
sage across the cell membrane. ‘Prior to this, people didn’t really know how

A R edesigned Pl anet?

it all worked, but we found that the HIV TAT peptide is really kind of like a
Swiss Army Knife molecule, in that it can interact very strongly with mem-
branes, as well as with the cytoskeletons of cells,’ said Wong.594 By using
such information to improve TAT’s penetrative capacity, and attaching it to
CAS9, the latter may be adapted so that it can penetrate cells in the body as
part of a therapeutic strategy. It may also be possible to introduce CRISPR
guide RNAs into the cell using this approach.
If delivery of genome-editing tools becomes straightforward, this could
mean that single-gene disorders like cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy
could finally be treated by directly introducing genome-editing tools into
the lungs and muscles respectively, or ensuring that they reach their specific
destination via the blood through molecular tags that target these organs.
Disorders of the brain like Huntington’s disease might also be treated in this
way, although here an additional obstacle is the ‘blood–brain barrier’, which
protects this vital and sensitive organ from infectious agents. But certain
types of adenovirus can cross this barrier, and these may be commandeered
to direct genome-editing tools to different brain regions.595 In fact, we are al-
ready beginning to see some exciting progress on these fronts, albeit in the
treatment of mouse models of muscular dystrophy and Huntington’s, as we
saw in Chapter 7. And, given that recent studies suggest there are thousands
of single-gene disorders that, while rare in any particular individual, cumu-
latively affect millions of people,596 such strategies may, in the future, have a
huge impact in reducing pain and suffering in the human population.

How to Conquer Cancer

What about the prospects for treatment of more common diseases like
cancer, diabetes, or mental disorders like schizophrenia? Here a complicat-
ing factor is identifying which genetic differences underlie such conditions
and therefore which might be corrected by gene therapy. For, as we saw in
Chapter 7, the more we learn about the genetics of such disorders, the more
complex the situation appears. Take, for instance, cancer. We’ve already


mentioned the breast cancer study which showed that, in 50 affected

women, over 1,700 mutations were detected in their tumours, most being
unique to the individual.597 And the new field of cancer genomics—in which
the whole genome sequence of an individual’s tumour is determined and
compared to that of a normal cell—indicates that this complexity is charac-
teristic of other cancers too. Making sense of such complexity may seem a
daunting prospect but encouraging progress is being made. David Schwartz
and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin have even developed what
they call a ‘Google Map’ of the cancer genome.598
Schwartz’s team subjected cancer samples to fine-detail DNA sequen-
cing, but also a new method called ‘optical mapping’, which creates an
image of the genome as a whole. With this approach it’s possible to zoom in
for a ‘street view’ of individual changes in the genetic alphabet of cancer, or
out for a more Google Earth-style perspective of whole genome changes.
‘Cancer genomes are complicated but we found that, using an approach like
this, you can begin to understand them at every level,’ said Schwartz.598 The
new approach could make it possible to examine changes in a patient’s
cancer as it progresses, monitor for signs of drug resistance, and fine-tune
treatments. One exciting possibility would be to combine such a diagnostic
approach with the use of genome editing to correct the mutations that drive
the cancer. If so, then soon treatment of cancer might be carried out in a far
more personalized manner. And, as we saw in Chapter 7, the news that, in
one patient, an aggressive form of childhood leukaemia appears to have
been cured by genome editing T-cells indicates the potential for engineering
the immune system so that it itself becomes the anti-cancer therapy.
While cancer is one common disorder of human health, it also has some
very specific distinguishing features. Research shows that some people have
greater tendencies towards certain types of cancer than others.599 Such
­familial predispositions were first recognized in 1866, when the French clin-
ician Paul Broca described a striking history of breast cancer in 15 members
of his wife’s family.599 In 1914, German biologist Theodor Boveri suggested
that an inherited predisposition to cancer could result from genetic defects
that led to a ‘weakened resistance against the action of factors that stimulate cell

A R edesigned Pl anet?

division’.599 As we saw in Chapter 1, the BRCA mutations that strongly pre-

dispose certain women to breast or ovarian cancer do so because they cause
a defect in a process used to repair mistakes in DNA. Another type of muta-
tion, in the retinoblastoma (RB1) gene, leads to a predisposition to cancer of
the retina.599 Normally the RB1 gene plays an important role in preventing
excessive cell division, in line with Boveri’s original suggestion. Other gen-
etic predispositions are less pronounced, but can lead to a greater chance of
succumbing to cancers of the bowel, skin, liver, prostate, and lung, to name
just some of the tissues in which such predisposition occurs.
Mutations that occur in different cell types during a person’s lifetime also
increase the chance of that individual succumbing to cancer. Indeed, Boveri
recognized this when he said that accumulation of ‘particular, incorrect
chromosome combinations’ underlies cancer.599 Subsequent research has
shown that such changes can be accelerated by environmental insults. We
now recognize a strong link between skin cancers like melanoma and
excessive exposure, particularly of fair-skinned people, to UV radiation
from the Sun or in a tanning salon. And a major breakthrough in our under-
standing of susceptibility to lung cancer was made by Richard Doll of the
British Medical Research Council, who in 1954 showed that smoking is a key
risk factor for this type of cancer.600
Ian Hall at the University of Nottingham and Martin Tobin at the
University of Leicester recently found that the genetic profile of individuals
who smoke has an important influence on whether they succumb to lung
cancer.601 People with differences in genes associated with susceptibility to
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)—a collection of lung dis-
orders including bronchitis and emphysema—were more likely to get lung
cancer. These genes play a role in the way lungs grow and respond to injury.
However, while providing one explanation for anecdotal tales about indi-
viduals who smoked heavily and still lived to a ripe old age, such findings
should not be seen as a green light for some to strike up a 40-a-day habit.
‘Smoking is the biggest lifestyle risk factor for COPD,’ said Tobin. ‘Genetics
play a big part, as they do in smoking behaviour. Our research helps to tell
us why, paving the way for improved prevention and treatment. Stopping


smoking is the best way to prevent smoking-related diseases such as COPD,

cancers and heart disease.’601 So while genome editing may eventually be
used routinely to treat cancer, preventative measures will continue to be
important where there is a clear link with environmental risk factors.

Disorders of the Mind

The environment plays an important role in other common disorders.

Obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke,
with the current rise in obesity leading to predictions of a future ‘epidemic’
of these conditions.602 Mental disorders are also affected by environmental
factors. Tirril Harris and George Brown of Bedford College in London
showed in 1978 that working-class women were far more likely to succumb
to depression than more affluent women, which they linked to the impact of
‘more severe life events’ and greater difficulties with finance and housing.603
And a recent study showed that black people of Caribbean origin in Britain
are nine times as likely to be diagnosed as schizophrenic as white Britons.604
Arguing against this difference being genetic, reported schizophrenia levels
amongst black people in the Caribbean is the same as among whites in
Britain. The study concluded that racism was probably a key factor, both in
terms of being diagnosed schizophrenic and as a trigger of the condition,
but also that other factors specific to particular immigrant communities,
such as differences in family structure, may explain why British Afro-
Caribbeans are so vulnerable in this respect.604
Whether someone succumbs to a disorder of the body, like diabetes, or of
the mind, like schizophrenia, is likely to be a complex equation involving
both genome and environment. Unfortunately, the genetic side of this e-
quation is looking far more complicated than some had supposed. For, as
we saw in Chapter 7, recent studies show that a mental disorder like schizo-
phrenia is associated with over a hundred different genomic regions, with
the majority of these being not in protein-coding genes but in regulatory
regions that often have subtle influences on gene expression.605 In trying to

A R edesigned Pl anet?

make sense of this complexity, one thing to consider is whether it was a

misconception to assume that schizophrenia is a single condition, as op-
posed to different ones lumped into one diagnosis. This would fit with the
wide variety of symptoms used to classify this disorder, which include
‘delusions, hallucinations, loosening of associations, disorganized speech
and behaviour, illogical thinking, social isolation and cognitive deficit’, of
which one diagnosed schizophrenic may display one set of such symptoms
while another has a completely different set.606
Such complexity also seems true for depression. This disorder affects 350
million people worldwide, and as many as two-thirds of people who
commit suicide have the condition.607 The symptoms and severity of depres-
sion also vary widely from one person to the next, and between men and
women. In July 2015 a genetic link to depression was identified by Jonathan
Flint and colleagues at Oxford University, but only by focusing on people
with the most serious form of the disorder. This type of depression, called
melancholia, robs people of the ability to feel joy. According to Douglas
Levinson, a psychiatrist at Stanford University, if you have this severe form
of depression ‘you can be a doting grandparent and your favourite grand-
children can show up at your door, and you can’t feel anything’.607
Flint’s study found links between melancholia and two genes.608 One is
called sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) and plays an important role in mitochondria, the struc-
tures in the cell that produce most of its energy. ‘It’s an appealing bit of biology
for a disorder that makes people tired and unmotivated’, remarked Levinson.609
The other gene, phospholysine phosphohistidine pyrophosphate phos-
phatase (LHPP), regulates the action of the thyroid gland, which might also
make sense in light of the listlessness associated with severe depression. For
now, the significance of these genetic links remains to be established, but what
has caught the interest of psychiatrists is how the study focused on people
with a very specific form of the disorder.609 Such an approach might help reveal
clearer links to the genetics of other mental disorders. It may also mean that
psychiatrists need to reconsider whether terms like ‘depression’, ‘schizo-
phrenia’, and ‘bipolar disorder’ obscure a situation in which there are many
partially overlapping conditions, each with a specific molecular basis.


In terms of a gene-therapy approach to treating common disorders, it

may be that some disorders may be more treatable than others precisely
because they have a clearer genetic basis. In many ways this is similar to the
situation with breast and ovarian cancer, in which admittedly drastic meas-
ures—a double mastectomy and removal of the ovaries—can greatly reduce
the risk of these cancers once a person is shown to have a defect in the BRCA
genes.610 In the future it may be possible to correct the BRCA gene defect
using genome editing and thereby avoid such a need for surgical interven-
tion. But it’s important to recognize that defects in BRCA1 and BRCA2 only
account for about 5 per cent of breast cancers and 10 to 15 per cent of ovar-
ian cancers. Inherited genetic links to the majority of cases of breast and
ovarian cancer remain much less clear.611 And even with discoveries such as
the new genetic links to severe depression mentioned, it may be that other
forms of this condition may turn out to be far less easy to define in genetic
terms. As such, predictions about the possibility of genome-editing treat-
ments as a general strategy for treating common disorders may be rather
premature, at least until the genetic links themselves become clearer.
Yet a lack of clarity about the genetic basis of a mental disorder like
depression might not necessarily stand in the way of using genetics to treat
such a disorder in the future. For, as we saw in Chapter 3, scientists have
used optogenetic light activation of neurons associated with feel-good
activities to reverse the depressive state in a mouse model of this disorder.612
Could such an approach ever be used in humans? To do so, it would be
necessary to both genetically engineer a person’s neurons so they responded
to light and find a way to shine light upon these neurons. In the future, such
engineering of the human brain may be possible using a virus or cell-­
permeable editing tools. As for stimulating neurons, we saw in Chapter 3
how scientists are experimenting with long-range methods of stimulation,
either by a light device on the surface of the skull or a magnetic field. So one
day we might see a situation where optogenetics in humans is used to treat
Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy, but also depression. And it’s also possible
that a combination of optogenetics and genome editing might be used to
manipulate gene expression in the brain as a form of therapy.

A R edesigned Pl anet?

Showing the pace of research in this area, Karl Deisseroth has formed a
company to pursue optogenetics trials in human patients.613 The company,
named Circuit Therapeutics, plans to initially focus on the treatment of
chronic pain. Neurons affected by chronic pain are located in and outside
the spinal cord, making them a more accessible target than the brain. ‘In
animal models it works incredibly well,’ said Scott Delp, a neuroscientist at
Stanford, who works closely with Deisseroth.613 Meanwhile, another com-
pany, RetroSense Therapeutics, which is based in Michigan, is soon to begin
human trials of optogenetics to treat a genetic condition that causes blind-
ness, which will involve stimulating neurons in the retina to bypass the
defect.613 In both these cases, the accessibility of the spinal cord and eye
make these logical starting points for therapy, but the fact that Circuit
Therapeutics is also planning to develop treatments for Parkinson’s and
other neurological disorders of the brain suggests that clinical trials in these
areas may not be far behind.613
Would such technological solutions to psychiatric disorders risk detract-
ing from other ways of tackling such disorders that focus on the social causes
of mental illness? This is particularly important given a study that showed a
strong link between economic crisis and stress, anxiety, and depression. The
study, by researchers from Roehampton University in London and the chil-
dren’s charity Elizabeth Finn Care, found that the incidence of depression
jumped between four- and fivefold during the economic crisis of 2009.614
Commenting on the findings in 2010, Steve Field, chairman of the Royal
College of General Practitioners, said: ‘GPs across the country have been
seeing a definite increase in the last year in the number of patients coming to
see them with mental health and physical issues. These appeared to be related
to either losing their job or fearing their job and livelihood are threatened.’614
So even if optogenetics could one day be used to treat depressive people
by triggering ‘happy’ memories, one concern is that, without also tackling
the social factors that trigger depression, we might end up with a situation
similar to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. In Huxley’s novel the govern-
ment provides its populace with the drug soma, which subdues all ‘malice
and bad tempers’, thus avoiding any need to discover and potentially tackle


the true source of a person’s sorrow.615 And, while non-addictive and

without negative side effects, soma is used by the government to control
people and stifle dissent. The fact that some psychiatrists believe that, even
now, antidepressants are often given out not to combat serious depression
but merely to ‘get rid of unhappiness’ shows the dangers of only pursuing a
technological solution to mental disorders.615 The development of new sci-
entific ways to treat depression should not detract from the fact that tack-
ling social issues like unemployment and lack of job security that enhance
this disorder should also be a priority, as should the proper provision of
counselling and other ways to treat depression.

New Organs for Old

A different strategy for tackling human disease would involve the replace-
ment of diseased, damaged, or aged tissues with replacement organs. As we
saw in Chapter  5, one source of such replacements might be pig organs
modified by genome editing so they are not rejected by the human host.616
A further alternative, though, would be to use human tissues and organs
developed using stem-cell technology. And the remarkable self-organizing
ability of stem cells in 3D cultures mentioned in Chapter 8 means this is not
such a far-fetched idea as it would once have seemed.617 Clearly, much more
needs to be done if the organoids created so far can be developed into real
replacement organs. None the less, particularly with the precision that can
now be achieved in the manipulation of gene expression in living cells via
genome editing, it’s not implausible to imagine a future in which a person’s
own cells are reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells and used to gen-
erate replacement organs.617
It is one thing to imagine replacing a heart, pancreas, or liver, but the
brain of someone can’t simply be replaced. For, as Tufts University philoso-
pher Daniel Dennett once put it, a brain transplant would be the one type of
transplant surgery where it would be better ‘to be the donor not the recipi-
ent’.618 However, in a number of different areas of brain study there have

A R edesigned Pl anet?

been important recent developments that could aid strategies to repair or

regenerate human brains while retaining their basic integrity. One is the
recognition that new neurons are produced naturally in some regions of
the adult brain.619 According to neuroscientists Maya Opendak and
Elizabeth Gould of Princeton University, such ‘neurogenesis’ may help
animals, including humans, adapt to their current environment and cir-
cumstances in a complex and changing world. ‘New neurons may serve as
a means to fine-tune the hippocampus to the predicted environment,’ said
Opendak. ‘In particular, seeking out rewarding experiences or avoiding
stressful experiences may help each individual optimize his or her own
brain.’620 Import­antly, stressful experiences like restraint, predator smells,
and sleep deprivation decrease the number of new neurons in the mouse
hippocampus. In contrast, rewarding experiences like physical exercise and
mating increase the production of new neurons in this brain region.620
The importance of neurogenesis for normal brain function is indicated
by studies demonstrating that Alzheimer’s disease—the commonest cause
of dementia, the symptoms of which include memory loss and difficulties
with problem solving or language—can involve a disruption of this pro-
cess. Alzheimer’s, which affects over half a million people in Britain, and
5 million people in the US,621 is associated with the presence in the brain of
‘plaques’ of a protein called amyloid-β.622 Cell signals regulated by the wing-
less type MMTV integration site (WNT) proteins, which play important
roles in neurogenesis, have been shown to be disrupted by such plaques.
And indicating possibilities for therapy, the introduction of neural stem
cells into the hippocampus of a mouse model of Alzheimer’s by Phil Hyu
Lee at the University College of Medicine in Seoul alleviated some symp-
toms of the disorder.623 This demonstrates one way in which stem-cell
therapy might be employed in humans. However, there are many issues to
consider before this approach becomes a therapeutic reality. So transplants
must not only have the desired physiological effect but also shouldn’t trigger
brain tumours. This is not a trivial consideration given that stem cells share
many properties with cancer cells, like an ability to divide indefinitely;
indeed, one theory of tumour formation sees it as driven by stem cells.624


Artificial Sex Cells

A characteristic feature of pluripotent stem cells—whether ES cells or iPS

cells—is their potential ability to give rise to any cell type in the body. But
identifying the precise culture conditions that will allow an ES or iPS cell to
generate a specific type of cell is far from trivial. As we saw in Chapter 8, it
took many years to identify the conditions required to generate pancreatic
beta cells from ES or iPS cells for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Never­
theless, we’ve also seen how remarkable recent progress has been in the
generation not just of specific cell types but even 3D structures with many
similarities to particular human organs. Sometimes the results of stem-cell
transformations can be quite startling, like the use of human iPS cells to
create a beating heart. The study, led by Lei Yang of the University of
Pittsburgh, took human skin cells, transformed them into iPS cells, and
then used these to create heart precursor cells.625 These cells were then im-
planted into a mouse heart ‘scaffold’, a network of non-living tissue com-
posed of proteins and carbohydrates to which cells can attach and grow.
The precursor cells grew and developed into heart muscle on the scaffold,
and eventually ‘began contracting again at the rate of 40 to 50 beats per
minute’, according to the researchers.625 ‘It is still far from making a whole
human heart,’ said Yang. ‘However, we provide a novel resource of cells . . . for
future heart tissue engineering.’625
Recent studies show that pluripotent stem cells can be also used to gen-
erate artificial eggs and sperm. In 2013, Mitinori Saitou and colleagues at
Kyoto University showed that cultured mice iPS or ES cells could be induced
to give rise to so-called primordial germ cells (PGCs).626 These specialized
cells are normally formed during embryo development and later give rise to
either sperm or eggs. And although the artificial PGCs couldn’t develop
beyond this stage in the culture dish, Saito and his team showed that, if im-
planted in mouse testes or ovaries, they could mature into sperm or eggs,
respectively.626 Both the artificial eggs and sperm were capable of fertiliza-
tion and producing offspring.

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A team led by Azim Surani of Cambridge University and Jacob Hanna of

the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel has now reproduced the ‘first
half’ of Saito’s study with human cells.627 A major hurdle that confounded
the first attempts to produce human artificial PGCs was the fact that while
mouse ES cells are ‘naive’—easy to coax into any differentiation path—the
human versions are much less adaptable. But by chemically tweaking the
human stem cells, Hanna made them naive like the mouse version. ‘The
first time we used those cells with the Saitou protocol—boom! We got
PGCs with high efficiency,’ said Hanna.627 And working with Surani, an
expert on PGC biology, he was able to use ES cells and iPS cells, from both
males and females, to make human PGCs with high efficiency. ‘It’s remark-
ably fast. We can now take any embryonic stem cell line and once we have
them in the proper conditions, we can make these primordial cells in five to
six days,’ said Surani.627
By studying this process, the researchers now hope to gain important in-
sights into the molecular mechanisms that regulate sperm and egg forma-
tion in the testicles and ovaries and how defects in these might cause
­infertility. More generally, studying this phenomenon could further under­
stand­ing and potential treatment of certain age-related disorders. As people
age, they accumulate not only mutations in their DNA but also chemical
changes that alter gene expression. Such ‘epigenetic’ changes can be caused
by exposure to chemicals in the environment, diet, and even stress, and
have been linked to disease and ageing. The DNA in embryonic PGC cells is
wiped clean of these epigenetic changes. So studying this process in culture
could, according to Surani, ‘tell us how to erase these epigenetic muta-
tions’.627 The process by which pluripotent stem cells become PGCs in cul-
ture could also be used to screen drugs used in cancer chemotherapy that
cause infertility as a side effect, in order to identify ones that are less dam-
aging to sperm or egg formation.
Such are the potential benefits of studying the transformation of stem
cells into sperm or egg precursors in culture. But they also raise a more con-
troversial issue, which is whether this route might be used to create sex cells


ES cells Artificial PGCs

ES cells

are converted into
artificial PGCs

The artificial PGCs Sex cells used in

further develop into mature in vitro
sex cells in vivo fertilization

Fig. 31.  Use of artificial primordial germ cells to make eggs and sperm

for making human babies (see Figure 31). This could be great news for infer-
tile individuals who fail to produce sperm or eggs in the normal manner, for
instance due to an early menopause, accident or injury, or exposure to
chemicals like the ones used for cancer chemotherapy. And indeed, al-
though the study by Saitou’s team was only in mice, soon after reporting
their findings the lab began getting emails from infertile couples desperate
to have a baby.626
There are still many technical challenges before this approach can even
be considered for clinical application. In their mice studies, Saitou’s team
found that their artificial PGCs only produced offspring at a third of the
rate for normal IVF. In addition, Yi Zhang, who studies epigenetic mechan-
isms at Harvard University, found that PGCs produced using Saitou’s
method do not erase their epigenetic programming as well as naturally
occurring ones. ‘We have to be aware that these are PGC-like cells and not
PGCs,’ he said.626 The difference raises questions about potential health
risks for babies created using this approach, because such epigenetic differ-
ences might lead to adverse effects in later life. In addition, both iPS and ES
cells frequently collect chromosomal abnormalities, genetic mutations,
and epigenetic irregularities during culture. According to Harry Moore, a
stem-cell biologist at the University of Sheffield, ‘there could be potentially
far-reaching, multi-generational consequences if something went wrong
in a subtle way’.626

A R edesigned Pl anet?

Let’s assume, though, that a way were found to ensure that eggs and
sperm produced in this manner were safe to use as a treatment for infertil-
ity. What ethical issues might this raise? One might assume that many
people would be happy about such an approach being used to help infertile
couples. But what if it allowed women to have children at any point in their
lives, for instance when they were well past the normal reproductive age?
Would this be seen as liberating or an irresponsible extension of a woman’s
reproductive age? And if the latter, is that double standards given that actor
Anthony Quinn conceived a child naturally at the age of 81?628 Let’s also
consider a further possibility. Currently, gay and lesbian couples can only
have children that are biologically related to one of them. However, con-
ceivably, with this approach, an egg could be produced from a skin cell of
one gay man and fertilized with the sperm of his partner, then implanted
into a surrogate mother.629 And a skin cell from a lesbian might be used to
make sperm to inseminate her female partner.
In fact, it may be difficult or even impossible to generate eggs from male
cells containing an X and Y chromosome, or sperm from female cells with
two X chromosomes, because of the role of the Y chromosome in generat-
ing the males of our species.629 It’s possible, though, that genome editing
might be used to genetically engineer PGCs to get around such problems.
And if this were the case, while some people might welcome same-sex cou-
ples being able to reproduce together, would others see this as a step too far
away from the ‘natural’ order of things? Finally, let’s suppose that an indi-
vidual decided they’d like to have both sperm and eggs created from their
skin cells. Imagine then that a woman had sperm generated in this way and
used them to inseminate herself, or a man pursued this goal using a surro-
gate mother. This would allow such a person to have a child with them-
selves.629 Now while many people might be happy with a same-sex couple
procreating using this approach, I imagine far more would have a problem
with this final scenario, not only because of the many ethical issues raised
by what’s been termed ‘the ultimate incest’,629 but also since such an ex-
treme form of inbreeding would be very inadvisable from a health point of
view. Yet it’s important to consider this final scenario, as well as the others,


if only to illustrate some potential dilemmas that advances in stem-cell

technology are raising for the future.

The New Eugenics?

The use of stem-cell technology to generate artificial eggs and sperm raises
exciting future prospects for the treatment of infertility, if also some highly
controversial issues, but it seems likely that it will be some time before
anyone considers this a safe approach for the treatment of this disorder. The
question of whether genome editing of human embryos might be used for
clinical purposes requires more immediate consideration. For, as we saw in
Chapter 4, the news that scientists in China have used the CRISPR/CAS9
approach to correct a gene defect in a human embryo—albeit one that
could never have developed into a person—shows how rapidly research is
progressing in this direction. And the news has generated a storm of con-
troversy. However, the argument by some researchers that there should be
a ban on such research has been far from universally taken up by scientists.
For instance, Katherine Littler, senior policy adviser at the Wellcome Trust,
a leading funder of biomedical research in Britain, recently said: ‘We think
it’s important to look at the issues in relation to human cells, and particu-
larly the germ line, in clinical applications . . . Let’s have some well thought-
through debates. A moratorium is the wrong starting point.’630 And Debra
Mathews, of the Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University,
believes that: ‘while there is controversy and deep moral disagreement
about human germline genetic modification, what is needed is not to stop
all discussion, debate and research’.631
Such a debate will involve discussing how genome editing might be used
in research into the mechanisms underlying human embryo development.
‘Much of our knowledge of early development comes from studies of mouse
embryos, yet it is becoming clear that gene activity and even some cell types
are very different in human embryos,’ said Robin Lovell-Badge of the Francis
Crick Institute in London. ‘Genome editing techniques could be used to ask

A R edesigned Pl anet?

how cell types are specified in the early embryo and the nature and import-
ance of the genes involved.’631 Yet other scientists fear such research may
prepare the ground for future use of human embryo genome editing for
therapeutic purposes. It has to be said that the arguments for wanting to
modify human embryos for such purposes have not been entirely convin-
cing, since it’s already possible to analyse human embryos that may have a
genetic disorder and distinguish ones that lack the genetic defect underlying
the disorder.632
This involves taking a single cell from an IVF embryo when it’s only a ball
of cells and carrying out DNA analysis on the cell. If an embryo is identified
as not possessing the defect, then it can be implanted into the mother. This
approach is now used to select embryos without defects in the CFTR gene
which causes cystic fibrosis; the huntingtin gene that leads to Huntington’s
disease, an early-onset dementia;632 and the BRCA genes, associated with
susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer.633 And despite the method des-
troying the specific cell that is analysed, the embryo can compensate for this
loss so that resulting human individuals appear normal. For this reason,
Edward Lanphier, who, as we saw in Chapter  4, is opposed to human
embryo genome editing, believes that there are no convincing arguments to
justify the technology as a form of germline therapy. ‘You can do it,’ he said.
‘But there really isn’t a medical reason.’634 Yet advocates of genome editing
in human embryos for therapeutic purposes point to a growing number of
disorders associated with defects in numerous genes.634 It would be very dif-
ficult to select embryos with non-defective versions of multiple genes but
feasible to correct them with genome editing. But the genome-editing
method carries its own problems, because the more genes that need to be
targeted, the greater the chance of incomplete targeting and ‘off-target’ ef-
fects that could cause unwanted changes in other parts of the genome.
Even if germline genome editing in humans was made legal, it’s unlikely
that any IVF clinicians would risk carrying out such editing of a human
embryo for clinical purposes unless they could be absolutely sure this
wouldn’t result in incomplete targeting or other adverse effects. However,
as we discussed in Chapter 7, one possible area where a case might be made


for germline genome editing is correction of a gene defect associated with

male infertility. These days, many types of infertility where sperm are pro-
duced but fail to swim or can’t bind and fuse with the egg can be treated
using a technique called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), which
involves injecting the sperm into the egg through a glass needle.635 This
technique makes conception possible for men whose sperm would fail to
fertilize an egg in standard IVF. But there are other types of infertility in
which the testicle is incapable of making sperm at all.636
Given that genome analysis is increasingly identifying the genetic defects
responsible for such a failure, perhaps genome editing could also be used
to correct it? It would be possible to monitor the efficiency of such an
approach and confirm the lack of off-target effects by analysing a sperm
sample following treatment, before any decision was made to use sperm
formed after correction of the defect for IVF treatment. This kind of correc-
tion of an infertility defect would be germline genome editing. But given the
pressure from infertile couples desperate for their own biological children,
it may perhaps be seen as an acceptable use of the technology, if shown to
be safe.

Roots of Intelligence

Concern about safety is only one of the issues that trouble people opposed
to germline genome editing. So, according to Edward Lanphier: ‘People say,
well, we don’t want children born with this, or born with that—but it’s a com­
pletely false argument and a slippery slope toward much more unaccept­
able uses.’634 A major worry is that using such an approach for therapeutic
purposes would lead ultimately to ‘designer babies’—human individuals
engineered at birth to have beautiful looks, high intelligence, or exceptional
ability at sport or music. Such fears run deep among scientists. So Eric
Lander recently warned that: ‘It has been only about a decade since we first
read the human genome. We should exercise great caution before we begin
to rewrite it.’637 And at an international conference that took place in

A R edesigned Pl anet?

Washington in November 2015 to discuss the science and ethics of genome

editing, over 150 biologists submitted a statement calling for a worldwide
ban on the genetic editing of embryos, claiming the practice would ‘irrevoc-
ably alter the human species’.638 One particular concern was that such tech-
nology would only be available to rich people, leading to a world where
inequality and discrimination were ‘inscribed onto the human genome’.638
But before we get too carried away with the idea that genome editing
could be used to create such enhanced individuals, it’s worth considering
the complexity of the interaction between environment and genetics, and
between genes themselves, that combines to shape a human being. For, as
we saw in Chapter 7, if there’s one central message emerging from studies of
the link between the human genome and susceptibility to common dis-
orders, it’s that this link is far more complex than had been supposed. And
this is also turning out to be the case for many other human characteristics.
Take, for instance, intelligence. Comparisons of IQ scores between iden-
tical versus non-identical twins have supported the idea that intelligence
has a strong genetic component. Yet such studies have a chequered history;
Cyril Burt of University College London, who produced the largest body of
findings of this sort in the mid-20th century, was identified after his death
in 1971 as a fraud who invented data and even a research assistant.639 More
generally, there have been problems with some studies that investigated
identical twins separated at birth. These cases are sought after, since iden-
tical twins brought up together experience the same environment and may
be treated much more similarly by relatives, friends, and acquaintances
than non-identical ones. For obvious reasons though, it’s difficult to find
identical twins separated at birth, and such twins are often self-selecting in
making themselves known to researchers.640 Moreover, few studies of twins,
whether reared apart or reared together, have included twins from ex-
tremely different backgrounds. And some identical twins said to have been
separated at birth have often had some contact; for instance, one set were
separated but lived in the same village.641
None the less, positive findings from such studies have encouraged ef-
forts to identify the genomic regions associated with IQ and other measures


of intelligence. Unfortunately, a recent article in Behavior Genetics summariz-

ing such studies concluded that ‘it now seems likely that many of the published
findings of the last decade are wrong or misleading and have not contrib-
uted to real advances in knowledge’.642 Some critics put this lack of consist-
ency down to ‘wishful thinking and shoddy statistics’.642 Yet the biggest
study to date, which investigated over 100,000 people and was meant to
introduce a rigour lacking in past studies, also generated inconclusive find-
ings. The study, led by Daniel Benjamin of Cornell University in Ithaca, New
York, found three gene variants associated with both educational attain-
ment and higher IQ scores. However, the effect of these variants was,
according to an article in Nature, ‘maddeningly small’, with each variant
associated with ‘roughly one additional month of schooling in people who
had it compared with people who did not’.642

Talent Born or Made?

Such negative findings do not bode well for anyone seeking to use genome
editing to produce the next Einstein. As for creating an artistic genius like
Mozart, a study led by Kári Stefánsson, central executive officer at deCODE,
a biotech company in Reykjavik, Iceland, points to some potential prob-
lems. The study found that genetic factors associated with an increased risk
of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are found more often in writers,
painters, and musicians. ‘I think these results support the old concept of the
mad genius,’ said Stefánsson. ‘Creativity is a quality that has given us Mozart,
Bach, van Gogh. It’s a quality that is very important for our society. But it
comes at a risk to the individual, and 1% of the population pays the price for
it.’643 In fact, David Cutler, a geneticist at Emory University in Atlanta, be-
lieves the study’s identification of the genetic factors that raise the risk of
mental problems explain only about 0.25 per cent of the variation in artistic
ability among individuals. ‘If the distance between me, the least artistic
person you are going to meet, and an actual artist is one mile, these variants

A R edesigned Pl anet?

appear to collectively explain 13 feet of the distance,’ he said.644 However, the

findings do suggest that tampering with the human genome in order to
create a great artist might have an opposite effect to that predicted.
Mozart’s ability to compose sonatas, symphonies, and operas before he
hit puberty, and masterpieces for the rest of his short life, suggests a high
degree of innate talent. However, we shouldn’t neglect the important role of
environment in creating one of the greatest musical geniuses of all time. So
not only was Mozart intensively coached from a young age by his father—a
composer, violinist, and author of a popular textbook on violin playing—
but his later work was highly influenced by the Enlightenment.645 This 18th-
century movement promoted science and art as a means of individual
expression and a challenge to autocratic rule. Such ideas may have inspired
Mozart to turn his back on his patron, the Archbishop of Salzburg, and
pursue a career as a freelance musician, something almost unheard of at the
time. It was a precarious existence, and one factor in Mozart’s tragically early
death at the age of 35, yet it allowed him to live independently and create his
masterpieces.646 In fact, the Enlightenment’s influence upon Mozart went
far further than allowing him to practise his art, for its themes of individu-
alism also influenced his music. For instance, Mozart’s experience as a
member of the Freemasons—at that time a society of radical thinkers—
guided his opera The Magic Flute, a thinly veiled celebration of Enlightenment
Of course, only focusing on such social influences is as mistaken as
assuming that biology alone can explain Mozart’s creativity, as a leading
geneticist once did when he told me that we would ‘soon know the gene
that made Mozart a musical genius’. In fact, it’s likely that both innate talent
and a very specific set of circumstances helped create such a unique body of
music. So attempts to use genome editing to produce the next Mozart are
far from likely to succeed. As it is, the possibility of exhuming this particu-
lar genius and analysing his genome is impossible, given that, for all his
talent, Mozart’s precarious financial status at his death means that his re-
mains lie unmarked somewhere in Vienna’s St Marx Cemetery.647


Nature and Nurture

How about manipulating the human genome to create a great sports-

person? Perhaps the most basic sporting ability is running, and a gene
implicated in this ability is actinin alpha 3 (ACTN3).648 This gene is expressed
in the ‘fast-twitch’ muscle fibres associated with rapid and powerful con-
tractions. ACTN3 varies at position 577 of its protein sequence, and the vari-
ants are referred to either as R to denote the amino acid arginine occurring
at this position, or X to denote a so-called ‘stop codon’ which brings the
protein sequence to an abrupt, premature halt. Some studies indicate that
great sprinters generally have two copies of the R variant, while marathon
runners are more likely to have two copies of the shorter X variant. Yet the
findings vary depending on whether Africans or Europeans are being
studied, and even studies indicating a positive association of the respective
variants with sprinting or endurance running ability show that ACTN3
makes only a modest contribution to elite athleticism.648 Other genes asso-
ciated with athletic ability include peroxisome proliferator-activated recep-
tor delta (PPARδ), which regulates muscle growth; insulin-like growth
factor 1 (IGF-1), which repairs and builds up muscles; and genes that regulate
erythropoietin, a hormone controlling the production of red blood cells,
which would act to increase blood oxygen levels.649 So creating a super-
sprinter like Usain Bolt is unlikely to be as simple as tweaking a single gene.
The role of genetics may be even more complicated for team sports. And
overly focusing on genetics neglects the important role played by environ-
ment in the creation of a great sportsperson. Two examples from football
show how intertwined the roles of nature and nurture can be. Cristiano
Ronaldo is often touted as the greatest goal scorer on the planet. And the
recent discovery that he has an extra bone in his ankle has led to claims that
this is one factor that allows him to put extra spin on the ball and deceive
goalkeepers.650 Yet to focus only on physical attributes underestimates an-
other crucial factor in Ronaldo’s success, namely the ‘blood, sweat and
tears’ shed in pursuit of his goal. So Mike Clegg—Manchester United’s
power development coach between 2000 and 2011—remembers that, as an

A R edesigned Pl anet?

18-year-old newcomer to the club, ‘Ronaldo was a natural talent,’ but also
that ‘he crammed in thousands and thousands of hours of graft to turn him-
self into the perfect player.’651
If anyone has a claim to be an even better footballer than Ronaldo it’s
Lionel Messi. Yet Messi was born with a physical defect that should have cut
short any hope of a footballing career—a growth hormone abnormality
that would have resulted in him becoming no taller than 4´ 7˝ in adulthood
if left untreated.652 But while growing up in Argentina Messi found ways to
compensate for his small stature: unable to ‘muscle’ his way through a
team’s defence, he learned to glide through it, and in the process became a
dribbling maestro. When Barcelona’s sporting director Carles Rexach
spotted his potential, and the club provided him with growth hormone
treatment that allowed him to reach 5´6˝, the result was a multiple winner
of the Ballon d’Or—the trophy awarded annually to the world’s best foot-
baller.652 Now Messi is clearly gifted with great endurance and speed, which
may be rooted in specific genetic qualities. But the fact that what should
have been a handicap on the route to sporting success turned out to be a
crucial feature along such a route shows the complexities of individual his-
tory. What’s more, it’s hard to imagine any parent choosing genome editing
to endow their child with a growth hormone defect so that after a child-
hood spent battling to overcome this handicap, they might emerge as a
world-class football player.
It’s not just in sport that genius may require both nature and nurture. For
instance, who would have predicted that a youth judged a failure by his
teachers and who said ‘school failed me, and I failed the school’ would
become one of the greatest scientists of all time? Yet such was the experi-
ence of Albert Einstein.653 The young Charles Darwin was accused by his
father of caring ‘for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat-catching’, and of
being ‘a disgrace to yourself and all your family’.654 In fact, with hindsight,
we can recognize qualities shown even at an early age by these two scien-
tists that would later contribute to their great discoveries. So, as a youth,
Darwin’s interest in cataloguing the wildlife he caught bordered on obses-
sion. Later in his life, he played backgammon each evening with his wife, the


results of which he carefully recorded, once reporting to a friend that ‘the

tally with my wife . . . stands thus: she, poor creature, has won only 2490
games, whilst I have won, hurrah, hurrah, 2795 games’.655 Yet his obsessive
attention to detail proved of great importance when Darwin was collecting
examples from the natural world to back up his theory of evolution by nat-
ural selection. And while Einstein didn’t impress his school teachers, at the
age of 16 he wrote an essay about the physical world that prefigured some of
his later insights about relativity.
But would Darwin have come up with his revolutionary theory if he had
missed out on a trip around the world on the HMS Beagle, which he almost
did, being only second choice for the position of a companion for Robert
Fitzroy, the ship’s captain?656 And would Einstein have made his amazing
discoveries if he had been successful in his applications for university
teaching positions? For his failure in these led to him accepting a job at the
Swiss Patent Office, which, although routine, provided a ‘worldly cloister’
that allowed him the time and space to develop ideas that the pressures of
an academic career might have denied.657

The Case for Regulation

The complexity of the link between biology and life experience, plus the
potential risks of off-target effects, should hopefully persuade anyone
thinking of trying to create a designer baby that this would not be a good
idea. But IVF practice also does not exist in a social vacuum. In Britain all
work on human embryos, whether for research or clinical purposes, re-
quires a licence from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority,
or HFEA.658 In November 2015, the first HFEA application to carry out
genome editing on human embryos was made by Kathy Niakan of the
Francis Crick Institute in London. She stressed that her aim was not to cor-
rect a gene defect linked to disease, but rather to better understand molecu-
lar processes underlying normal human embryo development. So Niakan
will use CRISPR/CAS9 to knock out or otherwise manipulate different

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genes to see what effect this has on embryogenesis. ‘The knowledge we ac-
quire will be very important for understanding how a healthy human
embryo develops, and this will inform our understanding of the causes of
miscarriage,’ she said. ‘It is not a slippery slope [towards designer babies]
because the UK has very tight regulation in this area.’659 And Robin Lovell-
Badge, head of stem-cell biology at the institute, agreed: ‘There is clearly lots
of interesting and important research you can do with these techniques
which has nothing to do with clinical applications.’659
In contrast to the situation in Britain, in the USA public funds for re-
search on human embryos have been harder to obtain. We saw in Chapter 8
how no federal government funds were available for research on human
ES cells when George Bush was US president. This ban was relaxed under
the presidency of Barack Obama.660 However, demonstrating the generally
more conservative stance of the US government on human embryo re-
search, recently the NIH stated that it will not fund any genome-editing re-
search on human embryos.661 Justifying the ban, the NIH director Francis
Collins said that genome editing of embryos is ‘viewed almost universally as
a line that should not be crossed’.661 Yet a curious situation exists in the USA
whereby, although public funding for human embryo work has waxed and
waned, private funds none the less sustain this research at a high level.661
And ironically, because in the USA there is no organization like the
HFEA that regulates human embryo research, there are effectively no legal
limits on this type of research, or even on its clinical application, as long as
private money funds it. This raises the question of whether a body like the
HFEA that allows valuable research on human embryos to proceed, but ex-
cludes attempts to pursue such research in an unethical fashion or apply it
clinically, may be something other countries, including the USA, should
It would be a brave—or foolhardy—scientist who would attempt to use
genome editing on human embryos for therapeutic purposes at present,
given the possibility of things going wrong. There is likely to be far less pres-
sure, though, on using the technology for the manipulation of other species.
And, as we observed in Chapters 5 and 6, such manipulation will probably


proceed in two main directions—first, to develop GM organisms as models

of human health and disease, and second, to create new varieties of animals
and plants with commercial value for agriculture. On the positive side,
genome editing offers the possibility of dramatically expanding the range
of organisms that can be created in these two different areas, as well as
greatly increasing the precision of the genome modification, with highly
beneficial outcomes for medicine and farming. Yet there are also potentially
negative aspects of such a strategy that we should now consider.

A Question of Safety

Let’s consider, for example, some possibilities raised by Margaret Atwood

in her Oryx and Crake trilogy. In this world of extreme division between
haves and have-nots, one reason why the better-off live in gated communi-
ties is because of the threats posed by genetically engineered viruses let
loose in the wider world by bioterrorists.662 To complicate matters, most of
these viruses seem to have started life in the labs of the giant biotech com-
panies that now dominate the world—acts of rebellion by alienated scien-
tists who work for these companies. And given that the final catastrophic
act of rebellion is by the talented scientist Crake, who rose to a position of
authority in one of the companies but then used it create a super-lethal
virus that wipes out civilization, this poses the question of how worried we
should be about new genetic technologies being used to create such agents
of bioterrorism.
Certainly, the fear of biological weapons being used by terrorists con-
cerns many people. For as Wil Hylton recently wrote in an article entitled
‘How Ready Are We for Bioterrorism?’ in the New York Times: ‘The specter of
a biological attack is difficult for almost anyone to imagine . . . Like a nuclear
bomb, the biological weapon threatens such a spectacle of horror—skin
boiling with smallpox pustules, eyes blackened with anthrax lesions, the
rotting bodies of bubonic plagues—that it can seem the province of fantasy
or nightmare.’663 Such are the fears, but what about the reality, and how

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much more of a threat do such weapons represent now that it’s possible to
manipulate the genomes of life forms, including harmful bacteria, with an
unprecedented level of precision?
In fact, biological weapons are not as new as might be imagined. The an-
cient Hittites sent plague victims into the camps of their enemies and
Herodotus, a Greek historian writing in the 5th century bc, described arch-
ers firing arrows tipped with manure to contaminate the wounds of their
victims.663 In 1763, as the British fought the French and their Native American
allies for possession of what’s now Canada, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, the British
commander-in-chief in North America, wrote to Colonel Henry Bouquet:
‘Could it not be contrived to send smallpox among these disaffected tribes
of Indians’ ?664 The colonel replied: ‘I will try to inoculate the [Native
American tribe] with some blankets that may fall in their hands, and take
care not to get the disease myself.’664 Smallpox decimated the Native
Americans, who had never been exposed to the disease and had no immu-
nity. During World War II, British and American scientists investigated the
possibility of using smallpox as a biological weapon; however, because of
the availability of a vaccine, it was not felt likely to be very effective.664 But in
1989, Vladimir Pasechnik, a Soviet scientist who defected to Britain, claimed
that the Soviet pharmaceutical company Biopreparat was a front for a mas-
sive bio-weapons programme, and another defector, Ken Alibek, said that a
goal of the programme was to create deadlier forms of smallpox against
which current vaccines would be useless.664
Yet for all the fears about biological weapons, and the willingness of indi-
viduals and governments to develop and even employ them, overall they
haven’t been a particularly effective weapon in history. For, although use of
such agents may tap into human fears about contamination by other life
forms that reach deep into our evolutionary past, shooting someone or
blowing them up is generally still far more effective than trying to infect
them with a biological agent. And we already have many vaccines and drugs
to combat known pathogens. But could this situation change if genome
editing made it possible to create new, super-lethal forms of known bacter-
ial or viral species, or even invent brand new pathogens?


Bear in mind first that a bioterrorist would find it difficult to compete

with some natural viruses already out there in the world.665 Take HIV for
instance—a virus that spreads via sex or exchange of contaminated blood,
yet lies dormant in the body for many years so infected people show no
symptoms and continue with their lives, infecting others in the process.666
Then, when the virus does finally reveal itself, it does so by repressing the
very immune system that normally protects against viral infection. Or con-
sider Ebola—a virus that causes extensive haemorrhaging from multiple
sites in the body of an infected person, resulting in the release of blood that
is highly infectious to anyone who comes into contact with it.667
An ingenious and dedicated bioterrorist might still try and outdo nature.
For instance, a particularly lethal combination might be a virus that causes
extensive haemorrhaging like Ebola, but which could be spread by cough-
ing and sneezing, like ’flu. But while it’s possible to imagine such a combin-
ation of characteristics, it would be difficult, and perhaps even impossible,
to create such a combination in practice, because viruses have evolved over
millions of years to infect a very specific part of the body and spread from
individual to individual in a very precise manner.668 It may in practice be no
easier to create a virus with the characteristics of ’flu and of Ebola, than it
would be to make a pig fly. On the other hand, it’s worth recalling the study
we mentioned in Chapter 4, in which CRISPR/CAS9 was used by Andrea
Ventura’s group at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New
York to engineer a respiratory virus that could cause lung cancer in mice.
For Stanford’s David Relman, Ventura’s group ‘ended up creating, in my
mind, a very dangerous virus and showed others how they too could make
similar kinds of dangerous viruses’.669
Another reason why it could be difficult for terrorists to use genome edit-
ing to create a lethal super-virus is the serious amount of expertise, facilities,
and funding required for such a feat. For despite what we’ve said previously
about techniques like CRISPR/CAS9 being far easier to carry out than pre-
vious approaches, and particularly with individuals like biohacker Josiah
Zayner, mentioned in Chapter 9, wanting to ‘democratize’ this technology
by making it freely available for an affordable price, it’s important not to

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overstate the point. To engineer a deadly virus using genome editing it

would still be necessary to have access, not only to molecular biology
­reagents and equipment but also specialized containment facilities so that
the virus being created did not pose more of a risk to the terrorists creating
it than to those against whom it was aimed.670
Perhaps it is for this reason that Margaret Atwood deliberately chose to
locate her bioterrorists not on the fringes of her future society, but as alien-
ated individuals working within biotech companies themselves. But how
real is such a possibility? In today’s academic or commercial biomedical
laboratories, work on potential pathogens is generally intensely monitored,
as part of the guidelines established after the Asilomar conference that
we mentioned in Chapter 2. So if someone really did want to develop a bio-
logical weapon within such a lab, they would have to evade the strict
Having said that, one incident illustrates that risks might be present in
the most unexpected places. Coming just a month after the 9/11 attacks, the
arrival in the USA in October 2011 of letters containing small amounts of
powdered anthrax which killed five people and left 17 seriously ill, had huge
impact in a country already feeling under siege. One contaminated letter
sent to the leader of the Democrat majority in the US Senate, Tom Daschle,
read: ‘We have this anthrax. You died now. Are you afraid? Death to
America.’671 Who was responsible for such an atrocity? The finger was
quickly pointed at Iraq, with former CIA director James Woolsey, Jr arguing
that Iraq was the state ‘most likely’ to support an anthrax attack against the
USA. ‘Saddam has a festering sense of revenge for his humiliation in the
Gulf War,’ he said.671 Indeed, the attacks were used to justify the second Gulf
War. So when US Secretary of State Colin Powell made the case for the inva-
sion of Iraq at the UN Security Council, he held up a vial of white powder
equivalent to a teaspoon of anthrax, and then stated that Iraq ‘could have
produced 25,000 litres’ of the deadly agent.671
Yet years later, the individual the FBI finally named as responsible for the
anthrax letters had no link to Iraq. He was Bruce Ivins, a disaffected scientist
at the Army’s biodefence labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland, who committed


suicide in 2008 before he could be brought to trial.671 This case shows the
danger of uncritically believing war propaganda. But it also raises questions
about work being carried out in secret military laboratories in the name of
defence, and whether this shouldn’t also be subject to the sort of guidelines
established at Asilomar. The case further poses questions about the need
for transparency in work involving GM organisms, no matter what the
sector. This is surely important if we are to prevent potentially lethal agents
falling into the wrong hands, as well as to safeguard against the potential
misuse of such agents by governments. And such precautions may become
increasingly important as the genome-editing revolution progresses.

Pigoons and Other Oddities

Moving away from engineered viruses and bacteria, how worried should
we be about the possibility of genome editing being used to create new—
and potentially dangerous—larger organisms? In Oryx and Crake, perhaps
the most dangerous aspect of the world that Jimmy must now inhabit is the
presence of numerous bizarre animals. Particularly sinister are the pigoons.
In the previous society, the ‘goal of the pigoon project was to grow an
assortment of foolproof human tissue organs in a transgenic knockout pig
host—organs that would transplant smoothly and avoid rejection, but
would also be able to fend off attacks by opportunistic microbes and vir-
uses’.672 However, the feral pigoons now roaming the ruins of civilization
seem to have acquired a measure of human-like intelligence, so now it is
they who hunt Jimmy. Other creations, like the snats—a cross between
snakes and rats—and glowing green rabbits, fit the general theme of a soci-
ety in which genetic engineering had become an anarchic pursuit in which
anything went. In one of Jimmy’s flashbacks, we learn that, in the biotech
companies, ‘there’d been a lot of fooling around . . . create-an-animal was so
much fun, said the guys doing it; it made you feel like God’.673
Back in the real world, it’s worth asking just how far genome editing
could go in modifying animals used for medical research, or indeed as a

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source of replacement organs. Here it might help if terms like ‘humanized

pigs’ were avoided by scientists in reference to animals that have been engin-
eered to provide a source of organs for transplants, for in reality such GM
porkers are merely animals with changes in proteins involved in the immune
response, not the sinister creations of Atwood’s imagination.674 In fact, as
we saw in Chapter  5, there are other good reasons for creating genome-­
edited pigs; for instance, for studies of heart function and disorders of this
organ. And as pigs are already kept for food production, it may be that such
research will not raise many issues for the general public.
Having said this, the news in January 2016 that US researchers have cre-
ated pigs and sheep that contain living human cells within them shows how
rapidly science fiction can become fact.675 So Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte
of the Salk Institute gave a presentation at the NIH Maryland campus in
November 2015 showing a dozen pig embryos containing human cells.
Another team from the University of Minnesota provided photographs of a
62-day-old pig foetus in which human cells, which had been introduced at
the embryo stage, appeared to have reversed a congenital eye defect. The
studies used genome editing to modify pig or sheep embryos so that they
were incapable of forming a specific tissue. By adding human stem cells, the
hope is that these cells will take over the task of forming the missing organ,
which could then be used in a transplant operation. ‘We can make an animal
without a heart. We have engineered pigs that lack skeletal muscles and
blood vessels,’ said Daniel Garry, who led the Minnesota study.675 While
such pigs can’t develop to adulthood on their own, they can do so if a few
cells are introduced from a normal pig embryo.
Garry was recently awarded a $1.4 million grant from the US Army,
which funds some biomedical research, to try to grow human hearts in
pigs.675 He justifies the research on the grounds that it could not only
­provide a new source of organs for transplants but also lead to important
new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying human organ for-
mation. But concerns are also being raised about the pace and direction of
the research, and the NIH has said that it will not support further studies
involving such ‘human–animal chimeras’ until it has reviewed the scientific


and social implications more closely.675 ‘We are not near the island of Dr.
Moreau, but science moves fast,’ NIH ethicist David Resnik said during the
November meeting. ‘The specter of an intelligent mouse stuck in a labora-
tory somewhere screaming “I want to get out” would be very troubling to

Meddling with Monkeys

Another area of research that holds great potential promise for the future
but also raises many ethical issues is the use of genome editing to manipu-
late the primate genome. Currently only a small proportion of medical re-
search is carried out on primates. In Britain in 2013, rodents were used in 82
per cent of studies but primates only in 0.05 per cent.676 Yet the placards
held by animal rights protestors often have photos of monkeys on them
because these are more likely to strike a chord with the public than pictures
of rats and mice. For reasons of cost alone it’s likely that primate studies will
always represent a tiny proportion of total research. However, our new-
found ability to precisely modify the genomes of primates may lead to
greater use of this animal group. For, as we saw in Chapter 5, despite wide-
spread use of rodents to model human brain function and disorders, there
are fundamental differences between human and rodent brains, not just in
size but also in structure, that mean there are limitations to what we can
learn from such studies.677
For instance, how much can we really learn from rodent studies about
complex human disorders like autism, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder,
which have a strong social and language basis? Those who carry out such
studies point to the fact that while they may not reproduce the complexity
of these human disorders, they can identify cellular mechanisms that reveal
important insights into the underlying basis of these psychiatric condi-
tions. However, to model these disorders in a more sophisticated fashion
there seems no doubt that we could learn a lot from exploring the role of

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altered gene expression in species whose brains, and ways of interacting

with the world, are much closer to our own, namely other primates.677
Clearly though, if such studies are to become more commonplace, then we
need to consider the ethical questions they may raise.
One strategy would be to engineer monkeys with genetic differences
identified in humans with psychiatric disorders. We’ve already mentioned
the large number of different genomic regions now linked to such dis-
orders.678 Given this complexity, it might make sense to focus on genes
linked to more extreme versions of psychiatric disorders, for, as we men-
tioned in the section ‘Disorders of the Mind’ with regard to depression, this
may help identify a more specific genetic link to the disorder. But if such
engineering results in a monkey with features of autism, depression, or
schizophrenia, we ought to consider whether creating a serious mental dis-
order in an animal similar to our own species is ethically acceptable.677
A few points are worth noting here. One is that a key aspect of human
psychiatric disorders is the dislocation they cause in terms of social inter-
actions. The French philosopher Michel Foucault, and Andrew Scull, a soci-
ologist at the University of California, San Diego, have both argued that
while mental disorders were recognized in pre-industrial society, they were
not necessarily viewed negatively, with sufferers regarded as part of the
spectrum of normal human behaviour, or, even more positively, as vision-
aries.679 Foucault, with his notion of a ‘great confinement’, proposed that
mental illness came to be regarded as an affliction at the time of the
Industrial Revolution and the rise of a regimented workforce, in which
deviations from the norm were seen as a threat to the social order.679
The effects of a psychiatric disorder in a laboratory primate model may
be quite subtle. This could pose problems in choosing how to assess such
changes in a primate, but also means the effects of the disorder may be rela-
tively benign. But what if such genetic changes result in psychological dis-
tress in a primate? Thought needs to be given to how such distress might be
alleviated while still allowing valuable information to be gained in terms of
new ways to understand and treat mental disorders in humans.


A Question of Language

A different way of studying human brain function would be to genetically

engineer a primate to be more human-like in its general thought processes.
Given the ethical implications, it’s perhaps not surprising that no scientists
are currently proposing to use such an approach. Yet, as an obvious way to
investigate the biological basis of human consciousness,680 it’s something
that at least needs to be considered in principle. In Chapter 5 we saw how
the FOXP2 gene was identified as a potentially critical link in language cap-
acity in humans.681 But while introduction of the human version of the
FOXP2 gene into mice led to some interesting changes in their behaviour,
such as increased vocalization and enhanced ability to negotiate a maze, the
major differences between a mouse and a human mean there are limits to
interpreting what such changes signify for our understanding of human
brain function.682
It would, therefore, potentially be valuable to introduce the humanized
FOXP2 into a monkey, and assess the effect on learning, memory, and other
cognitive functions. An even more interesting experiment would be to
introduce this genetic difference into a chimpanzee, given that our closest
biological cousin already has a capacity for associating abstract symbols
with objects or actions. Indeed, the symbol learning feats of some chimpan-
zees in studies carried out in the 1970s were used to argue that chimps can
learn language in sophisticated fashion like humans.683 In line with such
claims, some chimpanzees, like Nim Chimpsky (a pun on the name of the
famous linguist Noam Chomsky), could be taught to associate over 100
symbols, and it was even claimed that they could construct primitive sen-
More recent scrutiny of these studies suggests that even chimps taught
intensively from an early age never progress past a simple association of
symbols and objects, and while they do show some ability to lump together
objects and actions, this is very far removed from the human capacity for
forming complex grammatical sentences.683 But what would be the effect of

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introducing the humanized version of FOXP2, or other genes now being

shown to have a functional relationship to FOXP2, on a chimp’s language
capacity?683 Such studies could be important for uncovering the functional
basis of human language in an animal model, and could also lead to new
insights into language defects and mental disorders like autism or schizo-
phrenia, which are characterized by problems in social interaction.684 Yet
they would also raise some serious ethical issues.
For instance, if introducing genetic changes into a chimpanzee enhanced
its language capacity, could this create a chimp with self-conscious aware-
ness? If so, it could raise all sorts of questions about the effect on an animal
in a captive state. And of course it might also create fears that this kind of
change could lead to a Planet of the Apes situation, in which self-consciously
aware talking apes take over the world. In the 2011 film Rise of the Planet of the
Apes, the apes gain consciousness and the ability to talk through a genetic-
ally engineered virus that also proves deadly to people, thereby wiping out
most of humanity and with it the chance of our species preventing the apes’
rise to power.685 It’s hard to imagine a single virus having such an effect, but
genome editing, coupled with a better understanding of the genetic basis of
human language, means that the creation of a self-conscious chimp capable
of conversing via sign language (for a talking ape would also require genetic
engineering of the vocal chords) is not such a far-fetched idea as it might
once have appeared.
A simple way of ensuring that we do not get into situations that create
ethical dilemmas relating both to animal welfare and potential threats to
human safety would be to severely restrict the sort of genetic modifications
that can be carried out on a monkey or ape. Yet if sophisticated primate
models of human brain function and dysfunction prove necessary to under-
stand our brain function and the genetic basis of mental disorders, we may
in the future face difficult choices between furthering scientific understand-
ing and developing potential new treatments for psychiatric disorders, and
the ethical dilemmas that tampering with the genomes of other primate
species may generate.


Fears about Food

The prospect of genetically engineered, self-consciously aware apes prob-

ably lies some distance in the future, should it arise at all, but the impact of
genome editing on food production may have a more immediate effect on
our lives. This too could raise important ethical issues, particularly as GM
foodstuffs are already highly controversial. In fact, resistance to novel food-
stuffs is not a new phenomenon. When Tsar Peter the Great introduced po-
tatoes into Russia in the 18th century, long after they had been accepted in
the rest of Europe, this led to riots amongst the peasants, who saw it as a
plan to do away with their traditional source of carbohydrate—black bread.
One of the Tsar’s secret police reported that ‘ignorant allegations . . . that the
potato is a cursed fruit whose cultivation brought about God’s refusal to
bless the Russian land with fertility, were the cause of disobedience of peas-
ants of the Moscow gubernia, who, in some villages, destroyed entire potato
The government’s own guidelines about how to eat the new plant hardly
helped. The peasants were initially told that the edible part of the plant was
the fruit on the potato bush, rather than the root growing underground.
So  deep was this misconception that even the Tsarina Catherine had
the  fruit of the potato plant served to her husband after he gave her the
‘earthly apples’ as a gift.686 In fact, there was a deeper logic at work in the
resistance to the potato, for many peasants viewed the new plant as a plot
to reduce even further their limited rights and autonomy. Eventually, the
potato’s value as a source of nutrition won over; ironically, the centres of
greatest resistance to the plant are now Russia’s main potato-growing

Recent opposition to GM foodstuffs has been focused around three main

areas of concern: potential toxicity to human health; detrimental effects on
the environment; and further concentration of food production in the hands
of the giant agribusiness companies, as we saw in Chapter 6. Currently,
there is no convincing evidence that GM crops are toxic to human health.687
However, important points have been made about the possibility of antibiotic

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resistance genes spreading from standard GM plants to harmful bacteria,

thereby creating antibiotic-resistant pathogens, or genes for herbicide resist­
ance becoming incorporated into weeds, leading to the growth of weeds
that cannot be killed by such a herbicide. But these concerns may soon
become a thing of the past, given that, with genome editing, it’s no longer
necessary to use antibiotic selection to create GM crops or animals. And the
very subtlety of this approach, which can create the sort of genetic changes
associated with mutations that occur naturally, like those that produce
hornless cows or disease-resistant potatoes or pigs, may mean GM food is
viewed more benevolently by consumers.
Or again, it might not, since genetic modification of food species is still
heavily bound up in many people’s minds with the nightmarish and the
strange. Such concerns surface in the future vision of food production con-
jured up by Margaret Atwood in Oryx and Crake. So we learn in one of
Jimmy’s flashbacks how the giant agribusiness companies had mutated
food into an unrecognizable state in order to fit corporate needs.688 In
this  society, chickens were now ChickieNobs, monstrous creations that
are  all breast, without a head, wings, or feathers. Other foodstuffs like
‘SoyOBoyburgers’, represent a surfeit of heavily processed foods of debat-
able nutritious value. We also get hints that humanized pigoons bred for
organ replacements, or even disposable human beings from the ‘Pleebland’
zones outside the walled enclosures where the richer people live, may be
ending up in some food products.688
Since all detailed food labelling has been abolished in this fictional future,
there is no way to prove such adulteration is taking place. It’s also clear that
food production is now completely outside the control of ordinary farmers.
For instance, ‘the Happicuppa coffee bush was designed so that all of its
beans would ripen simultaneously, and coffee could be grown on huge
plantations and harvested with machines. This threw the small growers out
of business and reduced both them and their labourers to starvation-level
poverty.’688 All of which gives us a sense of a society in which ordinary
people have become disempowered, with no control over what’s available
to eat or drink—nor what they can produce.


Food for the People

Back in the present, an important question is to what extent new genetic

technologies might be leading us to such a nightmarish future vision of
food production, or whether we can look to more positive uses for such
technologies in agriculture. Here it’s important to consider how food pro-
duction relates to the structure of society as a whole. In the capitalist system
that dominates the planet, the driving force is ultimately profit, which leads
to a continual drive to revolutionize and expand production. One positive
aspect of this for food production is that technological innovations like the
original Industrial Revolution, and more recently the Green Revolution,
have allowed food production to keep pace with a rising global population.
This isn’t only true of crops. So Hugh Pennington, emeritus professor of
bacteriology at Aberdeen University, has argued that, ‘prior to the 1950s,
large numbers of people died because of tuberculosis due to a simple lack of
nourishment. The wide availability of cheap animal proteins, both chicken
and fish, has put an end to that.’689
Yet despite the capacity of intensive farming to provide a cheap source of
animal protein for poor people, another way of looking at this issue is to
examine the quality of such food, and the sustainability of current food
production methods. To tackle quality first, it’s clear that many people are
increasingly eating ‘junk’ food. This has huge implications for future global
health, with a recent report by the United Nations predicting that almost 1
billion people will be obese by 2025.690 So although fewer people in the
developed world now die of a simple lack of nourishment and associated
diseases, dramatically rising obesity is starting to pose an equal threat to the
lives of the poor. And although not directly a product of intensive farming,
one could argue that the latter practice is part of a general cheapening of the
quality of food products along with their price.
What’s more, accompanying this increase in diet-induced ill health, there
is evidence that intensive livestock farming methods are offloading prob-
lems on to the rest of society. The massive overuse of antibiotics in farming
in order to contain infections such as Salmonella has led to the spread of

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antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten modern medicine itself. And a

recent study showed that use of antibiotics in agriculture is growing world-
wide, particularly in China, which used 15,000 tons of antibiotics for this
purpose in 2010 and is projected to double its consumption by 2030.691
Intensive farming also has a negative impact upon animal welfare, both in
terms of the physical condition of the livestock and their psychological
health. An important question, then, is what genome editing is likely to add
to the equation, and whether its impact is likely to be predominantly nega-
tive or positive.
The ability to apply genome editing to practically any farmed species,
and to use it with a precision completely lacking in past forms of genetic
engineering, ought surely to be a positive thing. For instance, we saw in
Chapter 6 how genetic differences associated with characteristics found
in naturally occurring plant or animal species—like resistance to blight in
wild potatoes or a benign response to African swine fever in warthogs—
can now be introduced into domestic crops or animals quickly and cheaply.
And this ought in theory to lead to much reduced requirement for pesti-
cides and antibiotics. Similarly, it should now be possible to introduce
changes that add to the quality of a food product, whether leaner pork,
more flavoursome strawberries, riper tomatoes, or reduced amounts of car-
cinogens after a potato is fried. More fundamentally, the capacity of genome
editing for altering multiple genes simultaneously offers the prospect of
being able to introduce wholesale, but highly precise, changes. And this
might make it possible to radically transform plant or animal species so
that they can withstand the extremes of temperature, drought or flood, or
changes in the acidity or salinity of our oceans that will occur due to accel-
erating global warming.
Yet concerns have also been voiced about the use of genome editing in
agriculture. One worry is that this technology may put increasing power in
the hands of giant agribusiness companies primarily concerned with maxi-
mizing short-term profit and not about long-term effects on human health,
animal welfare, or the environment. However, genome editing could equally
be viewed as an empowering technology available to small producers, not


only giant companies, in a way that has not been possible with previous
forms of genetic engineering. This is important, because one criticism of
current agriculture and food production methods has been the recognition
of the need for sustainability and the value of locally sourced produce. Local
sourcing is seen as important because it minimizes unnecessary use of
fuel for transport, and is also part of a general increased recognition of the
fact that different communities have different resources, skills, and require-
Far from locally sourced foods being merely a fad in countries like Britain
and the USA, there has been a revival of interest in indigenous vegetables in
the developing world. A recent report described how, at a popular restaur-
ant in Nairobi, ‘the waiting staff run back and forth from the kitchen, bring-
ing out steaming plates of deep-green African nightshade, vibrant amaranth
stew and the sautéed leaves of cowpeas’.693 This is in contrast to several
years ago, when European vegetables like kale were the main greens on the
menu. According to leading African nutritionists, such indigenous veget-
ables are not just tasty but also often richer in protein, vitamins, iron, and
other nutrients than non-native crops, and they are better able to endure
droughts and pests. As Mary Abukutsa-Onyango, a horticultural researcher
at Jomo Kenyatta University in Juja, Kenya, remarked, ‘in Africa, malnutri-
tion is such a problem. We want to see indigenous vegetables play a role.’693
Scientists like Abukutsa-Onyango in Africa, as well as those in other
parts of the developing world, are interested in studying indigenous veget-
ables to further tap their health benefits and improve them through select-
ive breeding. An obvious question is whether genome editing could be used
to refine such plants, as an alternative to a focus on cash crops that make
profits for big companies but do little to help feed ordinary people in far too
many developing countries. Meanwhile, the potential genetic value of these
crops hasn’t escaped the notice of researchers in the developed world.
Calestous Juma, director of the Science, Technology, and Globalization
Project at Harvard University, believes that as well as being amenable to
improvement by genome editing, such native crops may have valuable ‘traits
that may be useful for other crops’,693 if introduced by genome editing. But

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if such moves are to help ordinary people in the developing world, the latter
need to be properly involved in decisions about the development and use of
indigenous crops, and not merely treated as accessories by big companies
keen to identify attractive genetic characteristics, but who leave nothing for
local people in return.

Editing as Aesthetics

From food to frivolity. Genome editing could be used for purely aesthetic
purposes. For instance, how about using it to create designer pets? In
October 2015, researchers at the Beijing Genomics Institute announced that
they had created micro-pigs by TALEN genome editing and would be selling
them as pets.694 The micro-pigs were created from a small breed of pig
known as Bama, by disabling one of its copies of the gene coding for growth
hormone receptor. The animals weigh around 15 kilograms when mature,
or about the same as a medium-sized dog, as compared to 100 kilograms
for a normal adult pig. Each micro-pig is being offered for 10,000 yuan—
about £1,000. The animals are being developed to raise cash to fund stem-
cell experiments and other research that take place at the institute. ‘We plan
to take orders now and see what the scale of the demand is,’ said the insti-
tute’s director, Yong Li.694 Customers will also be able to select their pet pig’s
colour and coat pattern.
The project has horrified animal welfare groups. ‘The idea is completely
unacceptable,’ said Penny Hawkins, head of the British Royal Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)’s research animals department.
‘In the past, pets have been bred by selecting animals, generation by gener-
ation, to produce a desired trait. Inducing a massive change in one go risks
creating animals that suffer all sorts of horrific impairments.’694 Some sci-
entists have also expressed caution about the project. ‘It’s questionable
whether we should impact the life, health and well-being of other animal
species on this planet light-heartedly,’ said Jens Boch of the Martin Luther
University of Halle-Wittenberg in Germany, one of the original pioneers of


TALENs.695 But reproductive biologist Willard Eyestone, of Virginia State

University, said ‘If the micro-pig is carefully evaluated and found to be equal
in health compared to a normal pig and differs only in terms of size, there
would be little scientific reason to block it from being offered as a pet.’694 In
contrast to the RSPCA, he added, ‘we must bear in mind that we have been
altering the genetic make-up of pets for millennia, using the comparatively
imprecise method of . . . selective breeding, which sometimes results in less
than healthy traits for the animal. In principle, gene editing should offer a
far more predictable and humane alternative.’694
However, concerns about GM pets don’t only relate to welfare issues.
Some scientists fear that using genome editing in this fashion trivializes the
technology in the minds of the general public and could lead to an eventual
backlash. Max Rothschild, of Iowa State University, explained: ‘The micro-
pigs produced by gene-editing are “cute” for some people. But they are still
pigs and require that their owners know how to raise them properly . . . More
to the point, this more trivial use of gene editing takes away from its import-
ant uses to improve livestock welfare, disease resistance and productiv-
ity.’694 Daniel Voytas, who, as we saw in Chapter 6, is pioneering genome
editing in agriculture, is similarly concerned. ‘I just hope we establish a
regulatory framework—guidelines for the safe and ethical use of this tech-
nology—that allows the potential to be realized,’ he said. ‘I worry that pet
mini pigs distract and add confusion to efforts to achieve this goal.’695 Such
sentiments may mean little, though, to consumers keen to purchase an
exotic pet. When the micro-pigs were first exhibited at the Shenzhen
International Biotech Leaders’ Summit in China, they stole the show. ‘We
had a bigger crowd than anyone,’ said Lars Bolund, a medical geneticist at
Aarhus University in Denmark, who helped develop the pigs with the
Beijing Genomics Institute researchers. ‘People were attached to them.
Everyone wanted to hold them.’695
This isn’t the only way that biotechnology is being used to create pets.
Edgar and Nina Otto from Florida were so attached to their Labrador Sir
Lancelot, that, when he died, they sent his frozen remains to Sooam Biotech
in South Korea, which created a clone that the couple named Lancelot

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Encore.696 Junichi Fukuda, who runs a TV commercial production com-

pany in Tokyo, is another customer. He paid Sooam to create a clone of
Momoko, his deceased pug, whom he says saw him through a divorce and
gave him much love in her 16 years of life. ‘She was the best pet in the world
for me,’ he said. ‘The reason I was able to work hard and become more suc-
cessful was because I was together with Momoko—that was how much I
loved her.’697 However, it’s unlikely that many bereaved pet owners will be
rushing down this route given that Sooam charges $100,000 to clone a pet.
Incidentally, Sooam is the brainchild of Woo-Suk Hwang. As we saw in
Chapter 8, Hwang claimed to have isolated stem cells from cloned human
embryos, only to be exposed for fraudulent and unethical practices. Yet
around the same time as his human embryo claims, Hwang also announced
that his team had cloned the first dog, an Afghan called Snuppy, and in this
case the claim was real.697 In fact, even at the height of his disgrace Hwang
was already setting up Sooam, backed by private donors. And its current
success shows that Hwang seems to have been as good at resurrecting his
career as he is at creating cloned copies of people’s pets.

Engineering a Winner

So much for using cloning to resurrect a dead pet. But what about using
new genetic technologies to create an animal that can generate lots of
money by enhancing its sporting performance, like a genome-edited race-
horse? Horse racing is the second most popular spectator sport in Britain,
with over 6 million race-goers each year; it employs about 90,000 people
and generates £3.7 billion a year for the economy.698 Breeding racehorses is
big business. Take Frankel—the greatest and most successful thoroughbred
in modern racing history. Not only is Frankel himself valued at more than
£100 million, but for a mare to have a quick roll in the hay with him in the
hope of producing a similar winner costs £125,000. As with human athletes,
both nature and nurture help to create a great racehorse, with the training
regime being highly important. Yet the role of genetics is demonstrated


by the fact that almost all the world’s half a million thoroughbreds derive
from only 28 ancestors born in the 18th and 19th centuries. And up to 95
per cent can be traced to just one stallion—the Darley Arabian, born in
Surprisingly, it’s still rare for genetic analysis to be used to identify great
potential winning racehorses; instead breeding decisions are usually made
by studying pedigree—the records of bloodlines and race results going back
generations. There’s a problem though in relying on pedigree alone as a
guide to quality, for an ancestor five generations back only contributes 3 per
cent of an animal’s DNA. The Green Monkey is an example of the dangers
of relying on bloodlines. In 2006 this colt with an impeccable pedigree sold
for $16 million. Yet it ran just four times and failed to win once. To try to
improve matters, British scientist Stephen Harrison set up Canterbury-
based company Thoroughbred Genetics Limited in 2000. This company
was the first to offer DNA screening for racehorse performance. Using such
methods to identify the best combination of stallion and mare, Harrison’s
biggest success is Sacred Choice, with nine wins from 37 starts. Yet judged
by traditional criteria, its mother, Sacred Habit, didn’t seem up to much.
‘Sacred Habit was sold because it was a rusty animal,’ said Harrison. ‘And
yet it bred this multiple group-one winner.’698
Until recently, the type of genetic analysis available only provided a
low-resolution estimate of a horse’s sporting potential. However, the com-
plete sequencing of the horse genome in 2009 has made it possible to begin
pinpointing specific genetic differences that identify a great racehorse. In
2010, Emmeline Hill of University College Dublin discovered that variations
in the myostatin gene, which codes for a protein that regulates muscle
development and muscle fibre type, determines the type of race that most
suits an animal and whether or not it will be an early developer. Her com-
pany, Equinome, offers three tests to owners and trainers, including one
based on this single ‘speed’ gene. ‘It was the first time that anyone had iden-
tified a single gene to an athletic trait in a thoroughbred,’ said Donal Ryan,
managing director of Equinome. ‘It’s quite astonishing that a single gene
has such significance, but it does.’698

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Yet despite the value of such tests for identifying the best breeding part-
ners, creating a great winner still remains a lottery, for the reason men-
tioned in Chapter 2—the mixing and matching of the paternal and mater-
nal genomes that occurs during egg and sperm formation often leads to
unpredictable results in offspring. Simon Marsh, a top horse breeder, re-
mains sceptical about some claims being made about the value of genetic
analysis in selecting the best breeding matches: ‘You can predict, if you are
on the front row of the grid in a Formula One race that you are probably
going to win the grand prix,’ he said. ‘But if you have the greatest stallion in
the world and the best mare in the world, there’s no reason why their pro-
geny won’t be beaten by something that cost just 10% of the price.’698
Such pessimism might be misplaced if we introduce another factor into
the equation—the technologies described in this book. One obvious
strategy would be to clone a great racer. Currently, the Jockey Club bans the
use of cloned horses, although an indication of changing views on this
matter was the decision in 2012 of the International Federation for Equestrian
Sports to allow cloned horses to compete in future Olympic Games.699 In
the USA, the governing body of quarter horse racing—sprinting contests
over short distances between small animals—lost a legal challenge to their
ruling against clones, setting a legal precedent that may also affect thor-
oughbred racing.699 But cloning is still a relatively inefficient process and
can lead to problems of ill health in some offspring. It also can’t be applied
to dead horses, unless they have been cryopreserved.
In contrast, as further insights emerge about the contribution of specific
genetic differences to racehorse biology, genome editing might in the future
be used to fine-tune a horse’s performance, or even recreate the genetic dif-
ferences that made a deceased horse a winner. For instance, DNA might be
taken from the corpse of a famous horse and used as a guide to genome
editing. One of the most famous horses in British racing history is Red Rum,
who won the Grand National steeplechase race three times. This sporting
legend died in 1995, and is buried at the finishing line at the Aintree ground
in Liverpool where the race takes place, with his head facing the winning
post.700 So maybe a DNA sample could be obtained from Red Rum’s remains,


and his genome sequenced and used as a guide to genome editing another
great winner. But would this be considered sacrilegious to the memory of
this sporting legend or acceptable practice in the pursuit of creating an-
other winner? And what would an ability to genetically stack the odds in a
horse’s favour do to the nature of the sport?

Manufacturing Mammoths

If watching horses run around a track is not your cup of tea, you may be
interested in much larger animals—like woolly mammoths. Some labora-
tories are intent in trying to resurrect this icon of the Ice Age using the latest
technologies. In particular, as well as raising funds through cloning dead
pets, Woo-Suk Hwang’s Sooam Biotech company is pursuing this goal. The
company recently cloned the endangered coyote, and plans to use this tech-
nology to repopulate endangered species such as Ethiopian wolves, the
American red wolf, and the Lycaon or African wild dog.697 However, it’s
Sooam’s particular focus on the woolly mammoth that has excited most
commentators’ attention.
Recently, scientists from the company established a collaboration with
researchers at Russia’s North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, the cap-
ital of the Sakha Republic in Siberia, to clone this long-extinct mammal.697
With no live mammoths, success will depend on finding a well-preserved
dead mammoth in the frozen tundra, extracting one of its cells, and implant-
ing the cell’s nucleus into an elephant egg from which the nucleus has been
removed. Finally, the resulting cloned embryo will be implanted into a
female elephant. To pursue this goal, Sooam scientists travel every
summer to Siberia, deeper and deeper into the Arctic Circle, looking for a
mammoth sample suitable for use in cloning. ‘The point is to find some-
thing that’s better than anything we’ve found before,’ said Sooam re-
searcher Insung Hwang. ‘That’s why we go on expeditions every year. That’s
why we try to improve our techniques of preserving the tissues during
transportation—we even built a lab in Yakutsk to really shorten that time of

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transporting samples from Russia to Korea.’697 And the discovery in October

2015 of preserved pieces of frozen mammoth skin on the Lyakhovsky
Islands of the Siberian north coast have boosted hopes that it may be pos-
sible to isolate viable nuclei from such remains.701
Not everyone is convinced it will be possible to recreate a mammoth in
this way. It’s not just that the DNA in a mammoth cell frozen for thousands
of years may be too fragmented for successful cloning. It’s also unclear
whether a mammoth embryo and foetus will be compatible with an ele-
phant mother. But there may be other ways to achieve the goal. George
Church is trying to recreate a mammoth by a different route at Harvard
University. Based on information from the sequenced mammoth genome,
Church recently used CRISPR/CAS9 to introduce genetic differences that
gave this species its small ears, subcutaneous fat, and long hair into an ele-
phant genome.702 If the hybrid creatures survive, Church’s team will next
engineer an elephant that can survive in the cold. Church believes that
expanding the elephant’s range into colder climates could help keep it away
from the human conflicts threatening to make Asian and African elephants
extinct. Later, after the engineered elephants gain a foothold, Church’s team
will try to revive the mammoths by integrating higher amounts of mam-
moth DNA into the hybrids.702
A legitimate question, even if such a project is scientifically possible, is
why anyone would want to recreate a mammoth. The justification provided
by Church is an ecological one. ‘4,000 years ago the tundras of Russia and
Canada consisted of a richer grass- and ice-based ecosystem,’ he said. ‘Today
they are melting, and if that process continues, they could release more
greenhouse gas than all the world’s forests would if they burned to the
ground. Returning mammoths to the tundras could stave off some effects
of warming.’703 Church believes mammoths could keep the region colder by
eating dead grass; enabling the Sun to reach spring grass, whose deep roots
prevent erosion; increasing reflected light by felling trees, which absorb
sunlight; and punching through snow so freezing air penetrates the soil.
But Stuart Pimm, an ecologist at Duke University, believes the attempt to
resurrect this species ‘totally ignores the very practical realities of what


conservation is about’.702 And despite the rationale provided by Church, it’s

hard not to feel that an unspoken reason for recreating mammoths is be-
cause of the thrill value of seeing these great animals in the flesh.

Dino-Chickens and Unicorns

Which brings us to the question of whether it would ever be possible to

bring back the dinosaurs, as in Jurassic Park. An important premise of the
first film in the series was that dinosaurs could be recreated by analysing,
and using information from, the genomes of 80-million-year-old dinosaur
species present in samples of ancient DNA. One idea was that such DNA
could be found in insects preserved in amber, these insects having sucked
the blood of dinosaurs.704 Having identified the full genomic DNA sequence,
a dinosaur could be recreated by reconstructing its genome using an exist-
ing reptile genome as a template. In fact, in 1993, when the first Jurassic Park
film was released, such an idea seemed not so far-fetched. Two days before
the film’s release, Raúl Cano and colleagues at California Polytechnic State
University announced they had sequenced the DNA of a 120–135-million-
year-old amber-encased weevil.705 A year later, Scott Woodward at Brigham
Young University in Utah announced that he and his team had sequenced
DNA from a dinosaur bone. ‘I am confident that we have a DNA sequence
that belongs to a Cretaceous period bone fragment,’ said Woodward.
‘Based on the circumstantial evidence, we believe it is a dinosaur.’704 But
as researchers refined the techniques for ancient DNA analysis, they
began to realize that these earlier announcements were too good to be
true. Geneticists can now retrieve and study the DNA of relatively re-
cently extinct forms—moas, cave bears, Neanderthals—from well-preserved
remains, but genetic material seems too fragile to last for tens of millions of
years.705 The more ancient sequences now appear to be contamination from
modern sources.
However, scientists may have been looking in the wrong place, for dino-
saur descendants turn out to be all around us, in the form of birds. Although

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a starling, or even a golden eagle, wouldn’t have the same effect on your
pulse rate as a Tyrannosaurus rex, birds, including the domestic chicken, are
closer genetically to dinosaurs than previously imagined. The idea that
birds evolved from dinosaurs has been around since 1860, when German
scientists discovered the fossil of a creature they named Archaeopteryx, after
the ancient Greek words: archaīos, meaning ‘ancient’, and ptéryx, meaning
‘wing’.706 Archaeopteryx had wings and feathers, yet looked remarkably like
a  dinosaur. But it was particularly comparisons of the genomes of birds
and reptiles that confirmed that our feathered friends are genetically quite
close to their dinosaur ancestors. And now some scientists want to create a
dinosaur-like organism by modifying a bird genome. One such scientist is
Jack Horner of Montana State University.707 As a child he had two dreams:
one was to be a palaeontologist, the other was to have a pet dinosaur. His
first dream came true when he was only 8, for Horner found a dinosaur
bone near his home in Montana. Since then he’s unearthed many more
dinosaur remains—including foetuses within eggs. One of Horner’s major
discoveries was that some dinosaurs built nests, lived in colonies, and cared
for their young.707
But it’s the second part of Horner’s dream that’s proving to be the most
controversial. Since birds are the evolutionary descendants of dinosaurs,
Horner believes they have dormant DNA that, if activated, could allow
them to develop some of the traits dinosaurs had, such as teeth, three-­
fingered hands, and tails. ‘For me, creating a dinosaur is the biggest project
we have,’ said Horner. ‘It’s like the moon project. We know we can do it—it
just takes time and money. And we will get it done. We will make a dino-
chicken-like animal pretty soon.’707
Demonstrating that such ideas are not totally off the wall, recently scien-
tists engineered a chicken embryo so that its beak became a dinosaur-like
snout and palate, similar to that of small feathered dinosaurs like Velociraptor.
The study was led by Bhart-Anjan Bhullar of Yale University in New Haven
and Arkhat Abzhanov of Harvard University, who said they did not set out
to create a ‘dino-chicken’.708 Rather, they were interested in understanding
the molecular processes that led to the development of the beak, a key


aspect of bird anatomy. It is also the part of the avian skeleton that has
‘diversified most extensively and most radically,’ said Bhullar.708 Yet despite
this diversity—ranging from flamingos to pelicans—very little is known
about ‘what the heck a beak actually is,’ he added. ‘I wanted to know what
the beak was skeletally, functionally and when this major transformation
occurred from a normal vertebrate snout to the very unique structures used
in birds.’708
To study this question, the researchers trawled through the genomes of
organisms ranging from mice, emus, alligators, lizards, and turtles. They
found that birds have a unique cluster of genes related to facial develop-
ment, which the non-beaked creatures lack. When they silenced these
genes, the beak structure reverted to its ancestral state. So too did the pal-
atal bone in the roof of the mouth. For now Bhullar has no plans, or ethical
approval, to hatch the snouted chickens. But he believes they would have
been able to survive ‘just fine’. ‘These weren’t drastic modifications,’ said
Bhullar. ‘They are far less weird than many breeds of chicken developed
by chicken hobbyists and breeders.’708
What other genetic changes would be required to make a chicken more
dinosaur-like? Jack Horner believes that, besides the beak change, other
modifications are required to make a ‘chickenosaurus’. So scientists would
have to give it teeth and a long tail, and revert its wings back into arms and
hands. Horner likens this to breeding a wolf into a Chihuahua, except on an
accelerated timescale.707 Yet not everyone thinks the task will be so straight-
forward. Bhart-Anjan Bhullar believes that if dinosaur-like features were to
be restored, it’s still possible that they wouldn’t function correctly: ‘You
could perhaps give a chicken fingers, but if the fingers don’t have the right
muscles on them, or if the nervous system and the brain are not properly
wired to deal with a hand that has separate digits, then you may have to do
a considerable amount of additional engineering.’709
Of course, there are other reasons why many people would have con-
cerns about scientists trying to recreate extinct dinosaur species, not least if
they’ve watched any of the Jurassic Park films, where things generally end up
going badly wrong. Such fears don’t seem to deter Horner though. Indeed,

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he thinks that genome editing might be used not only to resurrect extinct
animals but even create mythical creatures. ‘As absurd and wild as it sounds,
I honestly believe that even before we make a dino-chicken, we could make
a unicorn,’ he said. ‘Wouldn’t it be fun to have a unicorn? I mean, just think
of the possibilities of making mythical creatures—mixing and matching
different characteristics!’709 All of which gives a flavour of some of the eth-
ical conundrums that genome-editing technology may throw up in the
future. But the greatest dilemmas are likely to relate to the use of biotech-
nology to transform the human species or create human-like organisms.

The Remaking of Humankind

In the section ‘Talent Born or Made?’, we discussed why the use of genome
editing to generate ‘designer babies’ with desirable characteristics like great
intelligence or musical or sporting ability may be far from a trivial matter, if
it is possible at all. None the less, it’s also important to consider how a
greater awareness of the role of genetics in forming a human individual as
well as also the technologies discussed in this book—genome editing, but
also optogenetics, stem-cell technology, and synthetic biology—might
transform humanity in the future. For instance, what if it really does prove
feasible to create genome-edited pigs whose hearts, pancreases, lungs, and
livers can be transplanted into people requiring these organs? Or what
about pig–human chimaeras as a source of actual human organs? Will this
mean that human lives will be greatly extended, because any failure of a
person’s vital organs will be fixed by another transplant, acquired for little
more than the price of buying some pork steaks at the butchers? And if such
a strategy becomes commonplace in medicine, will this alter our perception
of what it means to be human, or will acquiring spare organs in this manner
simply be seen as equivalent to having a hearing aid or heart pacemaker?
Of course, there is still the question of what happens when the most dis-
tinctive human organ of all fails—a person’s brain. For even if human life-
spans could be greatly extended with a succession of genetically engineered


heart, liver, kidney, or lung transplants, this might be of little use without
the means to rejuvenate the brain. We’re all increasingly familiar with the
spectacle of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s robbing elderly people
of their mental faculties and much of their individuality. So it seems likely
that such problems would only increase as people’s lifespans are extended,
unless we find ways to better understand and treat such forms of dementia.
Here, a solution will rely on scientists gaining a clearer idea about the molecu-
lar and cellular changes that underlie dementia and thereby identifying new
drug targets. But there’s also the possibility that creation of human brain
structures from ES cells or personalized iPS cells could one day be used
to treat degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and even
those that affect personality, like depression, schizophrenia or bipolar dis-
Apart from the safety aspects of introducing artificially generated neu-
rons into the brain—we’d need to be sure such cells wouldn’t form tu-
mours—there is also the question of whether such infusions might alter
personality. But then, in the future, might stem-cell technology even be
used to engineer people with a permanently upbeat mood? And if not
through stem-cell technology, could a similar outcome be achieved using
optogenetics or other technologies that manipulate neuronal activity, or
even the expression of genes, using magnetic fields or radio signals? For this
to be possible, individuals’ brains would need to be genetically engineered
to respond in the correct fashion, but, with future advances in genome edit-
ing, it’s not inconceivable that this could become routine. If it did, this raises
a more worrying possibility, which is that such a technology might be used
to brainwash people into accepting a repressive political system or to erase
certain memories and plant false ones. There would need to be safeguards
against their misuse.
The replacement or rejuvenation of human organs is one way in which
an individual human life could be radically altered in the future. But could
genome editing also one day allow human beings to acquire completely
novel characteristics, borrowed from the rest of the animal kingdom? For
instance, could a human gain the ability to detect sensitive odours like a

A R edesigned Pl anet?

dog, the night vision of a cat, or even a capacity to remain underwater for
long periods of time like a dolphin? A potential problem is that such prop-
erties have evolved over millions of years in tandem with the other changes
that combine to give such organisms their unique characteristics. So it’s by
no means clear that such characteristics could be engineered into a person
in a functional manner, without having detrimental effects on the rest of
the human body.
There is another possibility: electronic gadgetry might allow a human to
acquire such characteristics. Such a strategy could well involve a combin-
ation of electronic devices and tissue implants, perhaps derived from per-
sonalized iPS cells. Either way, does this mean that, in the future, humanity
might undergo a diversification into individuals with quite different charac-
teristics, depending on which animal quality attracted them? And might
people of the future decide to transform their unborn children in this
fashion, by engineering IVF embryos, in an even more radical take on de-
signer babies?
The possible fusion of electronics and bioengineering leads us to another
possibility—that a human brain grown in culture might be linked to sen-
sory inputs that would allow it to detect and possibly learn. Such a brain
might then be allowed to become the controlling device within a computer
or robot. While such a scenario may sound like the plot for a bad horror
movie, recent advances in the culture of human brains from iPS cells of the
sort described in Chapter 8 mean that this possibility can no longer be dis-
regarded as pure fantasy. Of course, there would be many ethical issues in-
volved in treating a human brain in this fashion, but let’s imagine that such
an experiment went ahead. What would be the nature of the interaction of
such a brain with the outside world? Would it see itself as human? And how
would it feel about being contained inside a machine in this manner?
Taking our thought experiment a step further, given recent advances in
the creation of 3D structures representing diverse human tissues and organs,
is it possible that one day different organs could be combined to make an
artificial human being? This is the main premise of the classic 1980s science-
fiction film Blade Runner. In this future dystopia, stem-cell technology is used


to create ‘replicants’, who are visibly indistinguishable from adult humans

but engineered to have characteristics like superhuman strength or a beau-
tiful physique.710 The replicants are slaves, created to take part in military
combat or perform dangerous jobs, or who are ‘basic pleasure models’ that
service human sexual needs. To keep them under control, the replicants
have been engineered to have a greatly shortened lifespan. This leads to
conflict when some replicants rebel, something they have been programmed
not to do, showing the ways in which genetic engineering might not always
have the desired result, or perhaps just providing an illustration of the free-
dom of the human spirit, engineered or not. All of which raises the ques-
tion of what it means to be human, but also what kind of society would
allow a division to arise between ‘real’ humans and those ‘replicated’ from
human stem cells.

Prospects for the Future

It’s time to bring this book to a close. Let’s return to society as it stands in
the first part of the 21st century and assess the relationship of the biotech-
nologies discussed in these pages to that society. At the start of this book, I
made a point of locating the development of new genetic technologies as
part of two unique human characteristics: our ability to make and use tools;
and our self-conscious awareness, which allows us to plan how to employ
such tools. It is these attributes that have allowed humankind to manipulate
the world around us—both living and non-living—in such remarkable
fashion. And as a consequence, our species has been able to grow to 7 bil-
lion in number and also to progress, in less than 50,000 years, from living
in caves to sending people into space and robots to explore the surface
of Mars.
Yet despite such amazing progress, how much are we in control of our
destiny and how sustainable is our society? For, currently, a number of
major challenges face humanity and it remains to be seen how well we will
stand up to the test. Undoubtedly, the biggest problem of our time is global

A R edesigned Pl anet?

warming. It is difficult nowadays to find any serious scientist who does not
believe that phenomena caused by human activities—primarily rising CO2
emissions but also other greenhouse gases—are causing a rapid warming of
the planet. And numerous studies now point to the dire future consequences
of such warming. The NASA glaciologist Eric Rignot of the University of
California, Irvine, recently concluded that ‘a large sector of the western
Antarctic ice sheet has gone into a state of irreversible retreat . . . This retreat
will have major consequences for sea level rise worldwide.’711 If both the
western and eastern ice sheets—which cover an area the size of the USA
and Mexico combined—were to melt completely, this would raise global
sea levels by an astounding 60 metres or 196 feet.712
What remains unclear is how rapidly the process will occur. But even a
rise of 7 metres, which some scientists are now predicting by the end of the
century, would flood London, New York, and many other major cities.713
An even more worrying long-term prediction has been made by another
NASA scientist, James Hansen, of Columbia University, who has been called
the ‘father of climate change awareness’.714 He believes that once it reaches a
certain point, global warming may enter a ‘runaway’ phase, leading eventu-
ally to conditions like that on the planet Venus.715 Given that Venus has a
surface temperature of 482°C, this would clearly mean the end not just of
human civilization on Earth but probably all other life. However, long
before we reach that point, human populations, and the animals and plants
we rely on for food, will have to face the effects of rising global temperat-
ures and sea levels.716 Yet, despite the seriousness of the threat, a succession
of conferences involving world leaders have failed even to reduce the rise in
CO2 emissions, never mind reverse them.717 So Hansen’s verdict on the cli-
mate conference that took place in Paris in December 2015 was that it was a
‘fraud’, with ‘no action, just promises’.714
Genome editing might offer humanity a way of engineering crops and
livestock so that they can cope with an increasingly stressful climate. The
technology might also be used to create livestock that contribute less to
global methane emissions. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, being 25
times as efficient as trapping the Sun’s heat as CO2.718 And a surprising 26


per cent of all methane emissions in the USA come from the burps and farts
of cows and other ruminants that produce the gas as a by-product of their
digestive process. Yet individual animals can vary considerably in the
amount of methane they produce, and a new European Union-funded pro-
ject named RuminOmics aims to use cutting-edge technologies, including
genome editing, to try and produce a milk-producing breed that produces
less methane.719 Such a breed could be attractive to farmers because a herd
that emits less methane is likely to be more productive. According to
Lorenzo Morelli, director of the faculty of agriculture at the Catholic
University of Sacred Heart in Piacenza, Italy, and a partner in the project,
‘The methane is lost energy that could go into producing milk. So if we can
find the right genetic mix, we can find cattle that are less polluting, more
productive, and more profitable for the famer.’719
At the same time, genome editing could provide us with ways to keep
ahead of microorganisms that are rapidly becoming resistant to current
antibiotics. But it seems astonishing that our society is capable of generat-
ing such amazing new technologies as genome editing, optogenetics, and
organoids created from stem cells, yet lacks the political will to stop global
warming, which, if unchecked, will ultimately threaten humanity itself.
Because of this, it’s worth asking some searching questions—and such
questions are increasingly being asked in some very interesting places.
Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and the world’s richest man, recently
pledged $2 billion to counter climate change, while encouraging other
wealthy individuals to do the same.720 Not so unexpected you might say,
given that Gates has a long history of philanthropy, particularly in terms of
funding new technologies to help people in the developing world, who will
be worst hit by global warming. More surprising was Gates’ rejection of
claims typically made by free market advocates that the only way to reduce
climate change is to leave it to private enterprise.
According to Gates, the problem with such a strategy is that ‘there’s no
fortune to be made. Even if you have a new energy source that costs the
same as today’s and emits no CO2, it will be uncertain compared with what’s
tried-and-true and already operating at unbelievable scale and has gotten

A R edesigned Pl anet?

through all the regulatory problems.’721 Instead, he believes that global

warming will only be prevented by a ‘push-and-pull’ strategy—the former
provided by ‘a substantial carbon tax’, the latter by massively increased state
investment in technologies that shift energy production from the current
oil- and coal-based sources to renewable ones.721 But this also poses the
question of whether such intervention could be useful in other spheres.
Why, for instance, is something as fundamental as the development of
new antibiotics only left to the big pharmaceutical companies, which have
traditionally not focused much attention on this area of medicine because
of its low profit margins? One solution proposed by economist Jim O’Neill
is for big pharma to pay into a $2 billion global ‘innovation fund’ that would
fund ‘blue-sky’ research into antibiotics—with much of the money going to
universities and small biotech companies.722 ‘We need to kick-start drug
development to make sure the world has the drugs it needs, to treat infec-
tions and to enable modern medicine and surgery to continue as we know
it,’ he said.722 Against those who see such a contribution as too costly, O’Neill
pointed to the fact that antibiotic-resistant bacteria could kill 10 million
people a year worldwide by 2050 and cost $100 trillion in lost economic
output. However, such a fund may require higher taxation of pharmaceut-
ical companies if they can’t be persuaded to act with what O’Neill calls
‘enlightened self-interest’.722
At the same time it seems pertinent to ask why agribusiness companies
are allowed to use antibiotics in farming in a manner that threatens human
health, and whether tighter restrictions are required. An important move
forward in this direction was recently made by California Governor Jerry
Brown, who signed the USA’s most stringent law regulating the use of anti-
biotics in livestock, banning antibiotics used in human medicine and those
used solely for growth promotion. According to Brown: ‘The science is clear
that the overuse of antibiotics in livestock has contributed to the spread of
antibiotic resistance and the undermining of decades of life-saving advances
in medicine.’723 However, while welcoming the new law, Rebecca Spector,
director of the Center for Food Safety, wants even further ‘restrictions on
the use of other antibiotics and other drugs in animal production, and


also . . . stronger sanitary requirements and more space for animals so that

they can exhibit natural behaviors’, which is ‘critical to preserving these
drugs for human use, and also to encourage producers to improve the living
conditions of these animals so that drugs are less necessary’.723
It is clear that genome editing offers many possibilities for creating ani-
mals and plants that can adapt to, or even help offset, a changing climate.
And engineering disease resistance into crops and livestock could help
reduce the use of pesticides and antibiotics in agriculture. Yet already we are
seeing uses of the technology that some might consider frivolous, like apple
slices that don’t brown, or sinister, such as sterile plants or animals that never
reach reproductive age, leading to even more control of production falling
into the hands of giant companies. In Chapter 7 we saw how gene drives are
a technology that could be used to tackle mosquito-borne diseases like mal-
aria. But they also have other potential uses. A group of Harvard biologists
recently wrote in the journal eLIFE that gene drives could ‘support agricul-
ture by reversing pesticide and herbicide resistance in insects and weeds,
and control damaging invasive species’.724 But, while they might have many
benefits, there could be also many negative consequences of tampering with
natural ecosystems in this fashion. A reasonable question to ask, therefore,
might be whether we need a wider informed public debate about the direc-
tion of the new technology in agriculture. Some people may remain hostile
to GM technology in this sphere; others will see the potential for human
benefit but want evidence that genome editing is really going to be used for
making a significant contribution to feeding the world’s population, not
just increasing the bank balances of giant multinationals. And, at the same
time, we surely need a proper debate about the quality of our food, and
whether governments should be doing more to restrict the spread of junk
food and to subsidize healthier alternatives. For there is a risk of only focus-
ing on ‘technological fixes’ to health problems, when what are really re-
quired are societal measures.
Finally, there is the question of how far new biotechnologies should be
allowed to proceed in modifying human cells or modelling human health
and disease in animals. One potentially exciting possibility that we’ve con-

A R edesigned Pl anet?

sidered in this book is that such technologies might lead to better treat-
ments for mental disorders. Currently, the drugs available to treat such dis-
orders leave much to be desired. Indeed, Simon Schulz, director of the
Centre of Neurotechnology at Imperial College London, believes there is a
fundamental problem with the present strategy, ‘because it is becoming
exponentially more difficult to find new compounds that can deal with the
disease in question but which don’t affect other things’.725 Instead, Schulz
points to technologies like optogenetics, which might be applied in humans
after genome editing of cells in the brain. ‘This method doesn’t need to be
used with light,’ he said. ‘You could put a similar sensitivity in the neuron to
make it drug-activated instead. I see that—in particular—as being a really
powerful approach in the future.’725 In fact, such a strategy may have great
potential for medicine, but also for misuse. ‘We’ll have the technology at
some point to place invasive implants into people’s heads to give them new
senses,’ said Schulz. ‘I’d imagine the military would like to be able to do that.
We might consider it unethical for them to do certain things. But on the
other hand, if you had someone who is tetraplegic and has to have these
implants then you have a strong ethical case to give them control of their
body to be able to live an independent life. And why would you stop with
normal body functionality? Why would you stop?’725
Now I’d be very surprised if there weren’t many people who would want
to stop not just at this point, but considerably sooner, when it comes to the
prospect of genetically engineering human brain cells. But Schulz makes a
valid argument when he asks us to consider whether what’s considered
acceptable in a few decades’ time might not be very different from today.
For, as he says, ‘Look at privacy as a social concept. Think about how our
great grandparents would have dealt with the level of exposure we now
have online. It’s something they would never have considered. What’s
acceptable now and what will be acceptable in 2035 may be quite different.
Are we developing technology for the ethics as they are now or the ethics of
2035?’725 Clearly, though, in any democratic society, if perspectives are to
change, this needs to be on the basis of maximum open public discussion.
And while the prospects offered by genome editing or stem-cell technology


for medicine are very exciting, evidently there needs to be much thought
about the safety and ethics of treating human patients with such radically
different forms of therapy, and also about the welfare of the animals em-
ployed to model disease using the new technologies.
As for the question of whether genome editing should ever be used to
modify the human germline, there are many different viewpoints, as we’ve
seen at various points in this book, with some violently opposed and others
who argue that, in some circumstances, it might be justified as a treatment
for disease. As we’ve also seen, some people even believe that, if proved to
be safe, then it might be quite valid to use genome editing of the human
germline to ‘enhance’ the species. At the moment it would be hard to find
anyone proposing to make practical use of the technology in this way. Yet
who knows what the situation might be in five or ten years’ time, if genome
editing becomes increasingly fail-safe and our ability to interpret the genome
itself more refined. At the same time, will genetic modification of our near-
est primate relatives begin to blur the boundaries between what is human
and what is not? These are as much social questions as scientific ones, and
as they concern us all, they should be the subject of a far-reaching, scientif-
ically informed public debate. Hopefully, this book will prove to be a useful
starting point.


CRISPR/CAS9  Genome editing technol- body by modifying its pattern of gene

ogy that uses CRISPRs (clustered regu- expression.
larly interspaced short palindromic Knockout and knockin Organisms in
repeats) and the CAS9 enzyme. which a gene has either been totally
Enzyme  A biological molecule that acts disabled (knockouts) or subtly altered,
as a catalyst. Most enzymes are pro- for instance by a mutation, or addition
teins, but certain RNAs, called ribo- of a fluorescent tag (knockins).
zymes, also have catalytic activity. Mutation  A permanent, heritable change
Embryonic stem (ES) cells Pluripotent in the DNA sequence of a chromo-
stem cells isolated from early embryos some, usually in a single gene; com-
that have the potential to give rise to monly leads to a change in or loss of the
any cell type in the body. normal function of the gene product.
Extremophile  Micro-organisms with the Optogenetics  A technique that involves
ability to thrive in extreme environ- the use of light to control cells in a
ments such as in hot springs, icy wastes, living tissue, typically neurons, that
chemically polluted springs, or under have been genetically modified to ex-
high pressure. press light-sensitive protein pores.
Genome editing  A type of genetic engi- Organoid A three-dimensional organ-
neering in which DNA is inserted, like structure grown in a culture dish,
replaced, or removed from a genome of using iPS or ES cells that have been al-
a living cell using artificially engineered lowed to give rise to different cell types
nucleases, or ‘molecular scissors’. in a 3D matrix.
Gene expression Overall process by Promoter  DNA sequence that determines
which the information encoded in a the site of transcription initiation for
gene is converted into an observable RNA polymerase.
phenotype (most commonly produc- Restriction enzyme Proteins found
tion of a protein). naturally in bacteria that cut at or near
Genome-wide association study Inves­ specific DNA sequences and that can
tigation of many common genetic vari- be used as a tool in molecular biology
ants in different individuals to see if to make gene constructs.
any variant is associated with a charac- RNA interference The phenomenon
teristic. of gene silencing mediated by the
Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell  interaction of a double-stranded RNA,
Normal cell that has been altered so with a corresponding target messenger
that it can give rise to any cell in the RNA.


TALENs  Transcription activator-like effec- Translation  The ribosome-mediated pro-

tor nucleases are artificial restriction en- duction of a protein whose amino acid
zymes generated by fusing a TALE DNA- sequence is specified by the nucleotide
binding protein to a DNA cutting protein. sequence in an mRNA.
Transcription  Process whereby one strand Xeno-DNA (XNA) Artificial forms of
of a DNA molecule is used as a tem- DNA that have unusual letters, or bases,
plate for synthesis of a complementary or a different chemical backbone, to
RNA by RNA polymerase. naturally occurring DNA.
Transcription factor General term for ZFNs Artificial restriction enzymes gen-
any protein, other than RNA poly­ erated by fusing a zinc finger DNA-
merase, required to initiate or regulate binding domain to a DNA cutting
transcription in eukaryotic cells. protein.


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Abukutsa-Onyango, Mary  270 Blumwald, Eduardo  144

Abzhanov, Arkhat  279 Blurton-Jones, Mathew  202
Alexeyevich, Peter (Tsar Peter the Boch, Jens  271
Great) 266 Boeke, Jef  214–16
Alibek, Ken  257 Bolt, Usain  252
Allan, Jonathan  118 Bolund, Lars  272
Allison, Malcolm  194 Borlaug, Norman  133
Amherst, Jeffrey  257 Bosley, Katrine  203
Anand, Rene  197, 199 Bouquet, Henry  257
Anderson, Daniel  157–8, 185 Boveri, Theodor  234
Arber, Werner  33 Boyden, Ed  74, 80
Aristotle (of Stagira)  76 Boyer, Herbert  35–7
Arlotta, Paola  97 Bradshaw, John  13
Atwood, Margaret  231, 256, 259, 261, 267 Brandon, Mark  206
Aubourg, Patrick  48 Brenner, Sydney  37
Aubrey, Brandon  161–2 Brentjens, Renier  163
Avery, Oswald  24 Brin, Sergey  104
Axel, Richard  69 Brinster, Ralph  40
  Broca, Paul  234
Bach, Johann Sebastian  250 Broderick, Leo  146
Baltimore, David  37, 84 Brown, George  236
Banfield, Jillian  91 Brown, Jerry  287
Barrangou, Rodolphe  90–1 Brown, Timothy Ray  168
Beisel, Chase  172 Buck, Linda  69
Benjamin, Daniel  250 Burt, Cyril  249
Benner, Steven  221 Bush, George  186, 255
Benraiss, Abdellatif  159  
Berg, Paul  37–8 Cader, Zameel  198
Bergoglio, Jorge Mario (Pope Francis)  142 Cai, Yizhi ‘Patrick’  226
Bhullar, Bhart-Anjan  279–80 Campbell, Keith  187
Bier, Ethan  173 Cano, Raúl  278
Bissell, Mina  195 Capecchi, Mario  53–5
Bliss, Tim  76 Carroll, Dana  87

INDE X of names

Carter, Neal  140 Doudna, Jennifer  3–4, 91–2, 103–5,

Cech, Thomas  91 135, 202–3
Chalasani, Sreekanth  80–1 Dubock, Adrian  45
Chalfie, Martin  63 Dunn, David  116, 119
Chandrasegaran, Srinivasan  85–7 Dym, Martin  190
Chang, Matthew  215  
Charo, Alta  176 Egli, Dieter  189
Charpentier, Emmanuelle  91–2, 103, Einstein, Albert  2, 250, 253–4
104, 105 Eisen, Michael  104
Chavez, Maria  217 Ellis, Matthew  161
Cheng, Linzhao  201 Ellis, Tom  215
Chomsky, Noam  264 Elwin, Whitwell  18
Chown, Steven  206 Esfahani, Shadi  42
Chung, Young Gie  189 Esvelt, Kevin  175
Church, George  85, 97, 103, 106–7, 117–19, Etkin, Amit  79
165, 219–20, 226, 228, 277–8 Evans, Martin  49–50, 53, 183
Clegg, Mike  252 Eyestone, Willard  272
Clevers, Hans  195  
Cobb, Matthew  15 Fahrenkrug, Scott  146–7, 150–1
Cohen, Stanley  35–6 Feng, Guoping  123
Collins, Francis  255 Field, Steve  239
Cowan, Chad  168–9 Fire, Andrew  96
Crick, Francis  21, 24, 32, 71 Fisher, Simon  128
Crisanti, Andrea  174 Fishman, Jay  119
Crow, James  25 Fitzroy, Robert  254
Curie, Marie  25 Fletcher, Garth  145
Curie, Pierre  25 Flint, Jonathan  237
Cutler, David  250 Foley, Lisa  162
  Forsberg, Cecil  144
Dalén, Love  9 Foucault, Michel  263
Daley, George  107 Fredholm, Merete  15
Dan, Yang  75 Friedman, Jeffrey  102
Darwin, Charles  18, 20, 22–3, 178, 253–4 Frolenkov, Gregory  61
Daschle, Tom  259 Fuchs, Elaine  185
Davies, Sally  154 Fukuda, Junichi  273
Déglon, Nicole  159, 160  
Deisseroth, Karl  73–5, 79, 97, 239 Gantz, Valentino  173
Delp, Scott  239 Gao, Caixia  138
Dennett, Daniel  240 Garry, Daniel  261
Desimone, Robert  104, 121–2, 124, 126 Garvey, Cathal  216
Di Angelantonio, Emanuele  112 Gates, Bill  286
Diamond, Jared  16 Gellert, Martin  35
Doll, Richard  235 Gereau, Robert  4
Dordick, Jonathan  102 Gersbach, Charles  157, 160

INDE X of names

Gilbert, Natasha  43 Ishino, Yoshizumi  89

Golyshin, Peter  209 Ivins, Bruce  259
Gould, Elizabeth  241 Izpisua Belmonte, Juan Carlos  170, 261
Gradinaru, Viviana  74  
Grakoui, Arash  170 Jaenisch, Rudolf  39–40
Gross, Robert  80 Jaffe, Lionel  62
Grupp, Stephan  163 James, Anthony  173
Gurdon, John  187, 191 Jansen, Ruud  89
Gutterson, Neal  84, 141 Jasin, Maria  85
  Jebbar, Mohamed  210
Haber, James  93, 203 Ji, Weizhi  125, 126
Hall, Ian  235 Jolie, Angelina  22, 52
Hamra, Kent  179 Jones, Jonathan  137
Hanna, Jacob  243 Juma, Calestous  270
Hansen, James  285  
Hansson, Göran  53 Kanchiswamy, Chidananda
Harris, John  107, 108 Nagamangala 141
Harris, Tirril  236 Kandel, Eric  77
Harrison, Stephen  274 Keeth, Douglas  147
Hartley, David  76 Keller, Philipp  26
Harvey, William  109 Khalili, Kamel  169
Hawkins, Penny  271 Kim, Jin-Soo  136–8, 151
Hayden, Brian  213 Kinderman, Peter  120
Hayflick, Leonard  94 King, Jr, Martin Luther  153
Herodotus (of Halicarnassus)  257 Kipling, Rudyard  9
Herold, Marco  162 Knoblich, Jürgen  196
Hill, Emmeline  274 Knoepfler, Paul  101
Hofreiter, Michael  16 Koonin, Eugene  90
Holliger, Philipp  224 Koshland, Daniel  122
Hooke, Robert  59  
Horner, Jack  279–80 Lacks, Henrietta  94
Horton, Daniel  142 Lander, Eric  104, 248
Hotta, Akitsu  202 Lanphier, Edward  106–7, 247–8
Huang, Junjiu  107, 177 Lathrop, Abbie  27–8
Hussein, Saddam  259 Lawlor, Tom  148
Huxley, Aldous  239 Lee, Dong Ryul  189
Hwang, Insung  276 Lehman, Bob  35
Hwang, Woo-Suk  188–9, 273, 276 Lever, Mark  207
Hylton, Wil  256 Levine, Arnold  39
Hyu Lee, Phil  241 Levinson, Douglas  237
  Lewis, Kim  210
Ilic, Dusko  191 Li, Jinsong  156
Isaacs, Farren  219, 223, 226 Li, Yong  271
Ishii, Tetsuya  108, 141 Liao, Hsin-Kai ‘Ken’ 170

INDE X of names

Lichtman, Jeff  68 Moya, Andrés  172

Lightner, Jonathan  146 Moyes, Paul  44
Lillico, Simon  149 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus  2, 250–1
Lindahl, Tomas  105 Muller, Hermann  24–6, 28
Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin  11 Mullis, Kary  207–8
Little, Clarence  28  
Little, Melissa  194 Nathans, Daniel  34
Littler, Katherine  246 Nelson, Chris  160
Liu, Kui  66 Nesbeth, Darren  217
Lobell, David  133 Niakan, Kathy  254
Loeb, Leo  27 Nolan, Tony  174
Lømo, Terje  76  
Lovell-Badge, Robin  246, 255 O’Donoghue, Patrick  219
Lyell, Charles  18 O’Neill, Jim  287
Lyons, Leslie  19 Obama, Barack  255
  Obokata, Haruko  191–3
Ma, Jack  104 Opendak, Maya  241
MacGregor, Roy  150 Orwell, George  115
Mahuku, George  138 Otto, Edgar  272
Malenka, Robert  75, 77 Otto, Nina  272
Malinow, Roberto  77  
Marlowe, Christopher  31 Palmgren, Michael  138–9
Marsh, Simon  275 Palmiter, Richard  40
Martin, Gail  49 Palsson, Bernhard  212
Mathews, Debra  246 Pasechnik, Vladimir  257
Mathis, Luc  139 Pearson, Jeremy  113
Maxwell, Patrick  225 Pennington, Hugh  268
Mello, Craig  82, 96, 103 Pimm, Stuart  277
Melton, Douglas  184–5, 193 Plewis, Ian  43
Mendel, Gregor  23, 24, 27, 46, 155 Powell, Colin  259
Messi, Lionel  253 Pusztai, Árpád  44
Miesenböck, Gero  72  
Miller, Andrew  63 Qasim, Waseem  163
Milner, Yuri  104 Quinn, Anthony  245
Mintz, Beatrice  39  
Mitalipov, Shoukhrat  189 Raven, Charlotte  158
Modrich, Paul  105 Relman, David  217, 258
Mombaerts, Peter  69 Resnik, David  262
Monaco, Anthony  128 Rexach, Carles  253
Moore, Harry  244 Reynolds, Matthew  143
Morelli, Lorenzo  286 Richards, Ashleigh  162
Morgan, Thomas Hunt  24–6 Richards, Layla  162–3
Mortlock, Douglas  99 Rignot, Eric  285

INDE X of names

Robinson, Kim Stanley  230–1 Smith, Hamilton  33–4

Roblin, Richard  37 Smith, Peter  12
Romesberg, Floyd  221–3 Smithies, Oliver  53
Ronaldo, Cristiano  1, 252 Sneller, Clay  139
Röntgen, William  25 Somers, John (1st Baron Somers)  59
Rosen, Robert  176 Sosa, Johan  217
Ross, Pablo  150 Spector, Rebecca  287
Rossi, Derrick  168 Speight, Robert  149
Rothemund, Paul  224 Stalin, Joseph  25
Rothschild, Max  272 Steel, Karen  28
Rubinstein, Dustin  4 Stefánsson, Kári  250
Ryan, Donal  274 Stevens, Leroy  49
Ryu, Young-Joon  188 Stoddard, Philippa  206
  Stoker, Carol  206
Saitou, Mitinori  242–4 Sulston, John  105
Sancar, Aziz  105 Surani, Azim  243
Sanes, Joshua  68 Sushrutha (of Varanasi)  181
Sasai, Yoshiki  195 Swanson, Robert  36–7
Sasse, Philipp  79 Szostak, Jack  91
Sato, Moritoshi  101  
Savulescu, Julian  211 Takebe, Takanori  193
Schaffgotsch, Johann Anton Ernst Tanzi, Rudolph  198
(Bishop of Brünn)  27 Telfer, Evelyn  66
Schatten, Gerald  188 Telugu, Bhanu  115
Schlect, Christian  141 Thomas, E. Donnall  182
Schlenker, Wolfram  133–4 Thomson, James  183
Schultz, Peter  222, 226 Thrasher, Adrian  161
Schulz, Simon  289 Tilly, Jonathan  65–7
Schwartz, David  234 Tobin, Martin  235
Scull, Andrew  263 Tonegawa, Susumu  78–9
Seidle, Troy  126 Tsien, Roger  63
Semon, Richard  76, 78 Tung, Jack  80
Shapiro, Michael  18 Turner, Court  222
Shapiro, Robert  44 Tuveson, David  196
Sharp, Philip  98  
Shelley, Mary  31 Vaccarino, Flora  198–9
Shimomura, Osamu  61–3, 80 Van Eenennaam, Alison  145
Shipman, Pat  10–11 van Gogh, Vincent  250
Simms, Andrew  44 van Leeuwenhoek, Antonie  59
Singer, Maxine  37 van Leeuwenhoek, Cornelia  60
Skowrońska, Marta Helena Vargha-Khadem, Faraneh  129
(Tsarina Catherine)  266 Venter, Craig  117–18, 211, 212, 214, 215
Smith, Austin  194 Ventura, Andrea  203, 258

INDE X of names

Vermeer, Johannes  59 Woolhouse, Mark  211

Victoria, Alexandrina (Queen Victoria)  18 Woolsey, Jr, James  259
von Colloredo, Hieronymus (Archbishop of Workman, Miranda  20
Salzburg) 251 Wu, Ji  66
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang  31  
Voytas, Daniel  138–9, 143, 272 Yamanaka, Shinya  190
  Yang, Laurence  212
Wang, Lei  227 Yang, Lei  242
Warmuth, Vera  16 Yin, Xi-Jun  151
Watson, James  21, 24, 32, 55 Yonekawa, Hiromichi  65
Wei, Hong  117  
Weismann, August  178 Zayner, Josiah  218, 258
Weiss, David  170 Zhang, Feng  74, 97–8, 103–4, 122, 165
Whitelaw, Bruce  117, 149 Zhang, Su-Chun  200, 202
Wilmut, Ian  187 Zhang, Yi  244
Wong, Gerard  232 Zimmer, Carl  90
Woodward, Scott  278 Zuckerberg, Mark  104


(Page numbers in boldface refer to figures.)

1000 Bull Genomes Project 148 ancient Egyptians  58, 208

androstenone 15–16
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome anglerfish 59
(AIDS)  95, 166–8 Animal Farm (book)  115
actinin alpha 3 (ACTN3) gene  252 Anopheles stephensi mosquito  173
action potential (of neuron)  71, 72, 73–4 Antarctica 206
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia  162 anthrax  256, 259
addiction 74–5 antibiotics  35–6, 44–5, 51, 53, 131, 135–6, 153–4,
adenine 32 171–3, 210–11, 216, 226, 266–9, 286–8
adenovirus  160, 232–3 antithrombin 3 (AT3) gene  87
aequorin 62–3 apples  140–2, 288
African nightshade  270 AquAdvantage salmon  145
African swine fever  148–9, 269 Archaeopteryx 279
Afro-Caribbeans 236 Arctic  10, 143, 276
agalsidase beta (Fabrazyme®) drug  228 Asilomar conference  38, 106, 259–60
agribusiness companies  43, 135, 266–7, 269 asthma 19
agricultural revolution  8, 12, 14, 17, 130, 213 atomic bomb  26, 62
agriculture  3, 5, 13, 15, 17, 38, 42, 45–6, 82–4, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
103, 108, 129, 130–4, 136, 139, 143, 145, (ADHD) 121
151, 213, 256, 268–70, 272, 286, 288 autism  73, 75, 123–4, 126, 198–9, 262–3, 265
Agrobacterium tumefaciens bacterium 136 auto-immune disorders  79, 184–5
algae  58, 71, 73 axon (of neuron)  70–1, 70, 72
Alzheimer’s disease  78, 120, 122, 124, 154, Aztecs 58
166, 198, 202, 241, 282
amaranth 270 β-galactosidase gene  41
amber stop codon  220, 225 β-globin gene  107, 166, 201
American red wolf  276 bananas  137–8, 141
American War of Independence  230 baboons 119
amino acids  32–3, 32, 56–7, 95, 99, 128, 135, bacteria  3, 5, 21, 33–8, 40, 44, 51, 64, 71–2,
157–8, 164, 201, 218–19, 219, 220, 222–3, 83–4, 88–92, 100, 103, 110, 118, 131, 135,
223, 224–7, 232, 252 144, 154, 171–3, 206–7, 209–14, 217–18,
amnesia 78 220–3, 225–7, 257, 260, 267, 269, 287
amyloid-β 241 bacteriophages  33, 90, 172, 225–7
anaesthetics  109, 153 Ballon d’Or footballing award  253

INDE X of subjects

Barcelona football club  253 cadherin-related 23 (CDH23) gene  61

Basset Hound dog  19 calcium  62–4, 96, 102, 110
Bayer company  134 cancer  22, 25, 27–8, 37, 39, 41, 48–9, 52–3,
beak 279–80 63, 67, 85, 91, 94–5, 98, 99, 110, 154, 156,
beer  37, 213 161–4, 170, 182, 191, 195–6, 202–3, 210,
Belgian Blue cattle  146, 151 225, 233–6, 238, 241, 243–4, 247, 258
Bible 58 cancer genomics  161, 234
bioluminescence  59, 63 Cancer Research UK (CRUK) charity  113
BioBricks  215, 218 carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in
BioCurious biohackers group  217 atmosphere  142–3, 285–6
bioengineering 283 carbon tax  287
biofuels  134, 210 cardiovascular disease  112–13, 166
biohackers  216–18, 258 Caribou Biosciences company  103, 135
Biohackspace biohackers group  216–17 carrier (of recessive mutations)  23, 46, 47, 155
biotech companies  256, 259–60, 287 cashmere goats  16
biotechnology  4, 37–8, 97, 139, 211, 213, 216, cataracts 157
221, 227, 231, 272, 281 cats  7, 12–14, 17, 19–20, 283
bipolar disorder  120–1, 123, 154, 164, 237, cave bears  278
250, 262, 282 C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5)
birds  15, 278–80 gene 167–8, 168, 169
Blade Runner (film)  283 cell membrane  61, 177, 227, 232
blindness  45, 64, 184, 239 Celts 58
blood clotting  87 Center for Food Safety (US)  287
body clock  58 Center for International Security and
bone marrow  47–8, 48, 156, 162–3, 168–9, Cooperation (Stanford University)  217
176, 182, 231 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)  259
bone morphogenesis protein (BMP)  20 centrosomin protein  197
Border Collie dog  20 cereal crops  12, 14–15, 133
brainbow technique  68 Cetus company  208
brain  2, 4–6, 19, 26, 29, 49, 56–7, 62–4, 67–81, chemical or radiation therapies for
101–2, 101, 110, 112, 120, 122–9, 154–5, cancer  154, 162–3, 179, 182, 243–4
158–9, 164, 183–4, 190, 196–200, 202, chemosynthesis 207
227, 233, 238–41, 262–5, 280–3, 289 chickens  90, 267–8, 279–81
brainwashing 282 Chihuahua dog  17, 280
Brave New World (book)  239 chimaeras  50, 95, 183, 281
BRCA genes  22, 52, 52, 85, 235, 238, 247 chimpanzees 118, 125, 128, 264–5
bread  55, 213, 266 Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells  228
breast cancer  22, 28, 161, 234, 238 chloramphenicol 171
bubonic plague  256 cholesterol 117
Bulldogs 20 Christian Aid charity  44
Burkitt lymphoma  162 chromosomes  5, 24, 51, 52, 155, 160, 170, 173,
214–15, 235, 245
C3 and C4 forms of photosynthesis  143 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
cabbage 14 (COPD) 235

INDE X of subjects

Circuit Therapeutics company  239 dino-chicken 279

cirrhosis of the liver  170 dinosaurs 278–80
clinical trials  47, 114, 124, 149, 156, 169, 232, 239 disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
cloning  187–90, 193, 273, 275–7 (DMDD) 121
cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) gene, 167, 168 DIYbio movement  216, 218
Cockayne syndrome  22 DNA ligase  35–6, 36
codons 219–23 DNA origami  224
Cold War  229 DNA polymerase  21, 21, 35, 208–9, 221
corn  133–5, 143 DNA repair  21–2, 52–3, 52, 53, 85, 86, 105
cortex of brain  69, 74–5, 124–5, 125, 197 DNA replication  21, 21
cortisol hormone  87 Dobermann Pinscher dog  19–20
cotton plant  43, 134 dogs  8–13, 17, 19–20, 109, 253, 271, 273, 276, 283
cowpeas 270 Dolly the sheep  117, 187
cows  15, 17, 115, 131, 144, 147, 267, 286 dolphins 283
CRISPR/CAS9  3, 89, 93, 93, 97–9, 99, 100–1, domestication syndrome of plants  15
101, 102, 103, 104–7, 111, 117, 119, 122–3, dominant inheritance  23, 23, 47–8, 47,
125, 135–8, 149, 156–7, 159–61, 165, 168–9, 155–6, 158
172–3, 174, 176, 178–9, 199–204, 217–18, dopamine 74
246, 254, 258, 277 double helix of DNA  21, 24, 32–3, 32, 55, 85,
CRISPR spacers  90–1 208, 218, 224
CRISPR Therapeutics company  103 Dr Frankenstein (fictional character)  31
crystallin gamma C (CRYGC) gene  157 drought  1, 135, 142–4, 150, 269–70
cystic fibrosis disease  1, 22, 46–7, 155–6, 177, drugs  28–9, 42, 64, 73, 77–8, 80, 88, 98,
195–6, 233, 247 114–15, 117, 121–4, 126, 153–4, 157, 161,
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance 163–7, 169, 170–1, 185, 194–6, 208, 216,
regulator (CFTR) gene  46, 195, 247 223–5, 228, 231, 243, 257, 282, 287–9
cytoskeleton 232 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)  125,
cytosine 32 155, 160, 201–2
cytotoxic T–cells  64 DuPont company  84, 134–5, 141
Dutch Shepherd dog  20
Dachau concentation camp  54 dystopias  230, 283
Dachshund dog  19 dystrophin gene  125, 160, 188, 202
Darley (Arabian stallion)  274
deafness  28–9, 61, 111 Ebola  171, 228, 258
dendrites (of neuron)  70–1, 70 EcoRI restriction enzyme  33, 35
depression  73–5, 77, 79, 120–3, 154, 164, 192, Editas Medicine company  103, 203
236–40, 263, 282 eGenesis company  117
designer babies  2, 108, 248, 255, 281 eggs  1, 22, 40–1, 50–1, 57, 60–3, 65–6, 66, 67,
diabetes  19, 29–30, 37, 79, 112–13, 132, 153, 84, 107, 125, 127, 145, 157, 174, 177–9,
164, 184–6, 189, 222, 233, 236, 242 182–3, 187–90, 242–4, 244, 245–6, 248,
DICER protein  95–6, 96 275–6, 279
diet  11–13, 40–1, 45, 113–15, 132, 157, 178, 213, electron microscope  60–1
243, 268 electronics 283
differentiation  167, 183–4, 191, 199–200, 243 elephants 276–7

INDE X of subjects

Eli Lilly company  37 football  1, 252–3

Elizabeth Finn Care charity  239 forkhead box G1 (FOXG1) gene  199
Embryo Protection Act (Germany, 1991)  186 forkhead box protein 2 (FOXP2) gene  128–9,
embryo  1, 4–5, 26, 29, 39–40, 49–50, 55, 57, 264–5
60, 63, 65, 82–3, 99, 106–8, 110–12, 117, Frankel (racehorse)  273
119, 127, 157, 161, 177–9, 182–4, 186–9, ‘Frankenfoods’ 31
193–4, 196, 199, 207, 227, 242, 246–7, free market  46, 286
249, 254–5, 261, 273, 276–7, 279, 283 Freemasons 251
embryogenesis  87, 110–11, 255 frogs  111, 184, 187
embryonic stem cells (ES) cells  50, 53–4, 54, fruit flies  24–6, 28, 72, 74, 87–8, 110–11, 173, 184
55, 79, 81, 83–4, 94–5, 99, 112, 123, fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH)
183–90, 192–3, 200, 242–4, 244, 255, 282 gene 157
English Civil War  130
‘enviropig’ 144–5 Gaucher disease  228
epigenetics  40, 178, 243–4 gay men  245
epilepsy  80–1, 238 gene drives  173–4, 174, 175, 288
Equinome company  274 gene expression  40, 78, 95–7, 100–2, 160,
erythropoietin hormone  222, 252 171, 184, 190, 236, 238, 240, 243, 263
Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterium  33–4, 89, gene therapy  2, 46–7, 48, 49, 102, 108, 156,
209, 220 175–8, 203, 231, 233, 238
ethylnitrosourea (ENU)  28, 30 Genentech company  36–7
eugenics 246 genetic code  1, 33, 35, 41, 94, 218–19, 219,
eukaryotes  92, 213–14 220–3, 225–8
European Association for Bioindustries  44 genome analysis  8, 11–12, 14–15, 19, 248
extremophiles  206–7, 209–10 genome-wide association studies
eye  5, 10, 24, 58–9, 69, 71, 75, 105, 157, 194–5, (GWAS) 122
239, 261 genome-wide screens  98, 99
Ezetimibe (Ezetrol®) drug  117 Genus company  146–7
Genzyme company  228
Fabry disease  228 germline  173, 178, 203, 246–8, 290
factory farming  132 Gestapo 54
farming  14, 43, 129–32, 149–51, 256, global warming  133, 138, 142–3, 230, 269,
268–9, 287 285–7
‘fast-twitch’ muscle fibres  252 GM crops  2–3, 31, 42–6, 108, 134–6, 140, 142,
Faust (fictional character)  31 144, 266–7
Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI, USA)  golden eagle  279
25, 217, 259 ‘golden rice’  45
fertilizers  131, 133 Golem (mythical character)  31
fibre-optics in optogenetics  74, 80 ‘Google Map’ of the cancer genome  234
fireflies 58 Grand National race  275
fluorescent proteins  42, 57, 60, 62–8 Great Dane dog  17
FokI restriction enzyme  86–8 Green Revolution  133
food allergies  139 green fluorescent protein (GFP)  62–3, 65–6,
food production  3, 131–4, 261, 266–70 66, 68–70

INDE X of subjects

Green Monkey (racehorse)  274 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)  47,

greenhouse gases  277, 285 118–19, 153, 166–8, 168, 169–70, 228,
Greenpeace charity  45 232–3, 258
growth factors  20, 110, 183, 190, 195, 196, Humane Society International  126
202, 252 hunter gatherers  8
growth hormone  40–1, 41, 145, 222, huntingtin gene  158–60, 247
253, 271 Huntington’s disease  48–9, 155–6, 158–9,
guanine 32 177, 233, 247
guide RNA for CRISPR/CAS9  92–3, 93, 94, hybrid plants  44, 136, 138–9
99, 100, 101, 102, 136, 159, 170–1, 177,
203, 217, 233 Ice Age  276
Gulf War  259 identical twins  249
imaging studies  26, 63, 111, 116, 153
haemoglobin  56, 107, 166, 201 imiglucerase (Cerezyme®) drug  228
haemophilia  24, 155 immortalized cell lines  94–7, 99, 183
Hayflick limit  94 immune system  33–4, 45, 47, 79, 90, 103,
haemoglobin foetal (HbF) gene  166 116–17, 125, 140, 149, 156, 163, 166–9, 176,
Health and Safety Executive (HSE, UK)  216 182, 185–6, 193, 228, 234, 258
heart  4–5, 55, 62–3, 67, 73, 79, 88, 110, Incredible Hulk (fictional character)  21
112–19, 122, 153, 160, 164, 183, 186, 188– 9, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells  190–1,
190, 199–200, 236, 240, 242, 261, 191, 193, 196–9, 201–2, 242–4, 282–3
281–2 Industrial Revolution  17, 263, 268
heart disease  67, 112–15, 122, 153, 164, 236 infertility  179, 243, 245–6, 248
HeLa cells  94 inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) gene  89
hepatitis C virus (HCV)  170–1 insulin  4, 37, 40, 62, 79, 95, 102, 184–5, 189,
herbicide  43, 131, 134, 267, 288 213, 222
HindII restriction enzyme  34 insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) gene  252
HindIII restriction enzyme  34 intensive farming  131, 268
hippocampus of brain  76, 78, 241 International Federation for Equestrian
Hittites 257 Sports 275
HMS Beagle  18, 254 intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)  248
Hoffman-La Roche company  208 invertebrates 111
Holstein dairy cattle  147–8, 147 intelligence quotient (IQ)  249–50
Home Office (UK)  109 Iraq 259
Homebrew Computer Club  218 Irish Famine  136–7
homeotic (HOX) genes  26 ivacaftor (Kalydeco®) drug  196
homologous recombination (of DNA)  in vitro fertilization (IVF)  107, 179, 183, 207,
50–2, 52, 53–4, 54, 85, 86, 94, 199 244, 247–8, 254, 283
horizontal gene transfer  172
hormones  15, 28–9, 37, 53, 67, 87, 110, 118, Jack Russell dog  20
183, 185, 190, 225, 252 jellyfish  59, 62
Human Fertilisation and Embryology jetlag 58
Authority (HFEA)  254–5 Jockey Club  275
Human Genome Project  97, 105, 122, 158, 164 ‘junk’ DNA  90, 214

INDE X of subjects

‘junk’ food  113, 132, 268, 288 Manchester United football club  252
Jurassic Park (film)  278, 280 Mars (planet)  206, 230, 284
Mars Astrobiology Research and
keratin proteins  16 Technology Experiment  206
King Solomon’s mines  205 Mars trilogy (books)  230
knockin mutants  54, 57, 70, 81, 84–5, 87, 94, measles 17
97, 99–100, 112–14, 117, 123–4, 128, 135, Medical Research Council (UK)  225, 235
154, 183, 199 Mendelian pattern of inheritance  155, 164
knockout mutants  54, 55–6, 56, 57, 81, menopause  65, 67, 244
84–5, 87, 93, 96–7, 99–100, 102, 112–14, messenger RNA (mRNA)  32, 95, 96,
117, 123–5, 135, 154, 183, 199, 260 100, 220, 223
metabolism  53, 58, 115, 125
Lancelot Encore (cloned dog)  272 metallothionein gene  40, 41
language  120, 127–9, 222, 241, 262, 264–5 metastasis of tumours  98, 99
Lego® 215 methane  207, 285–6
Leigh syndrome  189 microcephaly 197
leptin hormone  29 microelectrodes in neuroscience  68
lesbians 245 Microphagia (book)  59
lettuce  14, 136 micro-pigs 271–2
leukaemia  3, 48, 156, 162–3, 176, 182, 232, 234 military  260, 284, 289
life expectancy  108, 112, 153–4 Mingming (knockout monkey)  125
light microscope  60–1 mitochondria  64–5, 237
liver  5, 39, 110, 115–17, 157, 170–1, 181, 186, moas (extinct bird species)  278
193–4, 200, 235, 240, 281–2 Momoko (cloned dog)  273
livestock  45, 130–1, 133, 146, 149–51, 228, monkeys  2–3, 34, 84, 124–5, 127, 129, 189, 262–5
268–9, 272, 285, 287–8 Monsanto company  44, 134
local sourcing of food ingredients  270 moon project  279
long-term depression (LTD)  77 mosquitoes 173–4, 174, 175, 288
long-term potentiation (LTP)  76–8 Mount Olympus  181
luciferin  62, 80 Mowgli (fictional character)  9
luminopsins 81 multinational companies  44, 132, 231, 288
lungs  46–7, 98, 99, 116–17, 160, 194–5, mutants  1–2, 20–1, 24–5, 27–30, 48–9, 61,
202–3, 233, 235, 258, 281–2 88, 99, 111, 157, 159–60, 174, 229
Lycaon (African wild dog)  276 mutation chain reaction (MCR)  173, 174
lysosomes 96 mutations  9, 15–16, 19–24, 28–30, 51, 53, 64,
83, 94, 100, 139, 141, 146–7, 147, 151, 157,
macaque monkeys  125, 125 160–2, 164–6, 169, 171–4, 174, 177,
magnetic stimulation  102–3, 238, 282 201–2, 207, 226, 234–5, 243–4, 267
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Mycoplasma mycoides bacterium  211, 214
genes  116–17, 119, 168, 186 myelin sheath (of neuron)  70
malaria  153, 173–5, 288 myeloid cell leukaemia 1 (MCL1) gene  162
mammals  3, 26, 66, 73, 75, 80, 83–4, 95, 104, myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN)
110–12, 114, 120, 124, 152, 128–9, 155, 179, Research Foundation  176
183, 187, 276 myostatin gene  146, 151, 274

INDE X of subjects

nanorobots 225 organ and tissue transplants  116–20, 162–3,

narcolepsy 19 168, 179, 181–2, 185–7, 193–5, 211, 240–1,
National Alliance on Mental Illness (USA)  120 261, 281–2
National Aeronautics and Space organic farming  43, 58, 132, 207
Administration (NASA, USA)  organoids  194–9, 240, 286
206, 285 orthodenticle homeobox 2 (OTX2) gene  200
National Health Service (NHS, UK)  153 Oryx and Crake (book)  231, 256, 260, 267
National Obesity Forum (UK)  113 osteoarthritis 42
Natufians  13, 213 ovaries  22, 27–8, 49, 51–2, 66–7, 66, 179, 238,
Neanderthals  10–11, 278 242–3
Nelore cattle  146
nematode worms  80–1, 110–11 pain  2, 4, 29, 75, 109, 111, 201, 233, 239
neprilysin enzyme  202 painkillers  109, 153
neurons 67–70, 70, 71–2, 72, 73, 73, 74–8, pancreatic beta cells  4, 79, 95, 184–5, 193, 242
80–1, 101, 123, 158, 183–4, 197, 199–200, Parkinson’s disease  74–5, 81, 120, 184, 197,
202, 227, 238–9, 241, 289 202, 238–9, 282
neurotransmitters  62, 71 patents  103–5, 150, 208
Niemann-Pick disease C1-like (NPC1L1) pathogens  44, 88, 118, 137, 173, 257, 259, 267
gene 117 pea plants  23, 23, 27, 46, 155
National Institutes of Health (NIH, USA),  peanut allergies  140
35, 55, 111, 255, 261–2 pedigree breeding  17–20, 274
Nim Chimpsky (trained chimpanzee)  264 Pekingese dog  19
Ningning (knockout monkey)  125 penicillin 171
nitisinone (Orfadin®) drug  157 peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
non-homologous end joining (of DNA)  86 gamma (PPARγ) gene  125
Northwest Horticultural Council (USA)  141 peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
nuclear factor kappa B3 (NFKB3) gene  149 delta (PPARδ) gene  252
petunias 95
obesity  29–30, 113, 132, 236, 268 pharmaceutical companies  37, 257, 287
obsessive-compulsive disorder  20, 123 phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ) gene  57,
octopuses 111 60–1, 63
odorant receptors  69–70 phospholysine phosphohistidine
Okanagan Specialty Fruits company  140 pyrophosphate phosphatase (LHPP)
olfactory receptor 7D4 (OR7D4) gene  15 gene 237
Olympic Games  275 photosynthesis  58, 71, 143, 207
On Memory and Reminiscence (book)  76 pigeon fanciers  18
oncogenes  156, 161, 232 pigoons (Oryx and Crake) 260
Ontario Pork Producers Marketing Board pigs  3, 8, 15–17, 37, 83–4, 88, 115–20, 129,
(Canada) 145 144–6, 148–9, 151, 155, 165, 211, 231, 240,
opsins 71–3, 73, 74–5, 77, 79–81 258, 260–1, 267, 271–2, 281
optical mapping (of chromosomes)  234 Planet of the Apes (film series)  2, 265
optogenetics  4, 6, 70–1, 73, 73, 74–9, 81, 97, plankton 59
101, 101, 122, 155, 227, 229, 238–9, 281–2, plasmids 35–6, 36, 41, 73
286, 289 Plasmodium falciparum bacterium  173

INDE X of subjects

pluripotency  4–5, 39, 49–50, 83, 180, 182–3, Red Rum (racehorse)  275
186–7, 189–91, 191, 192, 194, 240, 242–3 regulatory elements in genes  41–2, 89, 164
polycystic kidney disease  19 regulatory RNAs  95, 224
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)  207–8, replicants (Blade Runner) 284
208, 209 reporter genes  41–2, 68
porcine endogenous retroviruses repressive political systems  282
(PERVs) 118–19 restriction enzymes  34–6, 84, 86
pore proteins  55, 58, 63, 71, 80, 96, 102 retinoblastoma (RB1) gene  235
potato blight  136–7, 269 RetroSense Therapeutics company  239
potatoes  12, 44–5, 84, 135–7, 139, 141, 266, 269 retroviruses 47, 48, 118–19, 165, 167, 170,
powdery mildew disease of wheat  138 172, 232
prefrontal cortex of brain  124, 125 reverse transcriptase  166, 170
primary cells  94–5 rhodopsin gene  69, 71
primates  2, 10, 112, 119, 124–7, 129, 155, ribosomes 171
262–5, 290 rice  8, 12, 14–15, 45, 84, 133, 136, 141, 143–4
primers (in PCR)  208, 209 Rio Tinto mining region in Spain  205–6
primordial germ cells (PGCs)  242–4, 244, 255 RNA interference  95–6, 96, 103, 140, 171
profit motive  5, 46, 142, 268–9, 286–7 RNA interference silencing complex
progesterone 87 (RISC) 96, 96
prokaryotes 213 RNA polymerase  41, 100, 101, 171
Prometheus (mythical character)  31, 181 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase  170
promoter of gene  40–2, 56, 100, 101, 144, robots 284
166, 215 Royal College of General Practitioners
protease of HIV  166 (UK) 239
protein kinase B alpha (PKB) gene  164 Royal Society (UK)  45, 59
protocadherin-related 15 (PCDH15) gene  61 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
psychiatric disorders  20, 76, 239, 263, 265 to Animals (RSPCA, UK) charity  271–2
pump proteins  71 RuminOmics project  286

racehorses 273–6 Sacred Habit (racehorse)  274

radiation therapy for cancer  154, 182, 229 salmon  7, 145–6
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep  75–6 Salmonella bacteria  173, 268
rats  13, 44–5, 77, 81, 83, 95, 106, 124, 179, 183, Sangamo BioSciences company  106, 169
260, 262 schizophrenia  73, 75, 120–3, 126, 154, 164,
Real Vegan Cheese project  217 233, 236–7, 250, 262–3, 265, 282
recessive inheritance  23–4, 23, 46–7, 47, Security Council (UN)  259
155–6, 160, 166, 201 selective breeding  14, 130, 147, 270, 272
recombinant DNA technology  36, 36, 38, self-conscious awareness in humans  7, 120,
41, 48, 73, 106 127, 129, 265, 284
recombinase for conditional knockouts  severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
55–6, 56 disease 47, 48, 176, 232
recombination activating gene 1 (RAG1) sexual reproduction 51, 52
gene 125 sheep  15–16, 83, 115, 117, 130, 187, 261

INDE X of subjects

shift workers  58 TALE nucleases (TALENs)  88–9, 88, 92, 117,

Siberia  9, 25, 276–7 138, 163, 272
sickle cell anaemia  56, 135, 165–6, 176, tamoxifen (Nolvadex®) drug  28
182, 201 tapeworms 17
Sierra Morena mountains in Spain  205 T-cells  63–4, 163, 167–9, 168, 170, 234
simian virus 40 (SV40)  34, 37, 39–40 teixobactin 210
sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) gene  237 teratomas  49–50, 183
small interfering RNAs (siRNAs)  95, 96 testicles  49, 179, 189, 243
small regulatory RNAs  95 testicular stem cells  179, 190, 193
smallpox virus  17, 256–7 testosterone 87
snats (Oryx and Crake) 260 thalassaemia disease  107, 176–7
Snuppy (first cloned dog)  273 The Magic Flute (opera)  251
social questions  290 The Origin of Species (book)  18
Soil Association charity  43 Thoroughbred Genetics Limited
soma (Brave New World) 239–40 company 274
somatostatin gene  37 thrombosis 87–8
Sooam Biotech company  272–3, 276 thymine 32
soybeans 134 thyroid gland  237
SoyOBoyburgers (Oryx and Crake) 267 tobacco 136
sperm  1, 22, 50–1, 57, 59–63, 65, 107, 151, 178–9, tomatoes  84, 135, 269
183, 190, 242–4, 244, 245–6, 248, 275 two-pore channel protein (TPC) genes 
Sphinx (mythical character)  50 55, 63–4, 96
Spiderman (fictional character)  21, 229 transactivator of transcription (TAT)
St Marx Cemetery in Vienna  251 peptide of HIV  232–3
starlings 279 transcription 32, 32, 41, 101
stem cells  4–5, 47, 50–1, 66, 66, 67, 79, 107, transcription activator-like effectors
110, 176, 179–80, 182–3, 188–97, (TALEs) 88
199–200, 203, 229, 231, 240–3, 244, transcription factors  41, 100, 101, 190–1
246, 261, 273, 281–4, 286, 289 transfer RNA  220, 227
stimulus-triggered acquisition of transgenic animals  30–1, 40–1, 41, 42, 44,
pluripotency (STAP) cells  191–3 46–7, 50, 64–5, 66, 67–8, 73–4, 79,
stop codons  219–20, 219, 225–6, 252 99–100, 106, 134–6, 139–41, 144–6, 156,
strawberries 269 176–7, 232, 260
Streptococcus bacteria  90, 92 transient receptor potential cation channel
streptomycin 171 V1 (TRPV1) gene  102
stroke  75, 88, 133, 164, 236 translation 32, 32, 95–6, 96, 171, 220
Sun  21, 58, 71, 107, 143, 177, 235, 277, 285 transport networks for food
surgery  109, 116, 153–4, 210, 240, 287 production  130, 143
sushi repeat containing protein, X-linked ‘trojan horse’ peptides  232
2 (SRPX2) gene  128–9 tuberculosis  17, 153, 226, 268
synthetic biology  2, 5–6, 211, 215–16, 218, tumours  22, 27–8, 37, 39–40, 49–50, 85,
229, 281 94–5, 98, 161–2, 196, 210, 234, 241, 282
Synthorx company  221–2 Tyrannosaurus rex  2, 279

INDE X of subjects

‘ultimate incest’  245 wingless type MMTV integration site

unicorns 281 (WNT) genes  241
United Nations  268 wolves  8–13, 276, 280
United Therapeutics company  117 wool 16
US Army  261 woolly mammoths  2, 276–8
US Department of Agriculture  140 World Health Organization (WHO)  153
US Department of Defense  217 World War II  54, 62, 131, 257
US Senate  259
Usher syndrome  61 X chromosome  24, 155, 160, 245
xeno nucleic acids (XNAs)  221, 224–5
vampire squid  59 xenotransplantation  116, 119, 211
vemurafenib (Zelboraf®) drug  98 xeroderma pigmentosum disease  21
Venus (planet)  285 XNAzymes 224
vertebrates  63, 87, 111, 280 X-Y nucleotide pair  221–2, 223, 226
viruses  2, 5, 33–4, 37, 39–40, 47–8, 66, 77,
90–2, 95, 99, 118–19, 138, 148–9, 156, yeast  5, 88, 110, 149, 209, 213–5, 217–18
159–60, 165–72, 177, 201–3, 218, 225–8, Yellowstone Park (USA)  206, 209
231–3, 238, 256, 258–60, 265
vitamin A  45 zebrafish (Danio rerio)  63, 87–8, 110–11
Zeus 181
Wellcome Trust (UK) charity  246 zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs)  87–8, 88, 89,
wheat  8, 14, 84, 133–5, 137–8, 141, 143 92–3, 117, 169
whirler mouse  29 zinc finger proteins  87–8

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