APM - Part 2 Chapter 3
APM - Part 2 Chapter 3
APM - Part 2 Chapter 3
2.1 General
Rule 133B of the Aircraft Rules 1937 stipulates that organisations engaged in
the maintenance of aircraft and aircraft components shall be approved by
DGCA. The Airworthiness Directorate has been vested with the responsibilities
for the issuance, continuation, change, suspension or revocation of a
maintenance approval.
2.2 Resources
Head of the Regional Office shall ensure that the officers involved in CAR-145
organisation approvals must:
(a) Be appropriately qualified and have all necessary knowledge, experience
and training to perform their allocated tasks.
(b) have received training/continuation training on CAR-145 where relevant,
including its intended meaning and standard.
4. Procedures
The following procedures shall be followed for approval of maintenance organisation.
(a) For organization located in India, the Director of Airworthiness of the regional
office is delegated with the authority to grant approval to organisations. In his
absence, Director of Airworthiness (Hdqrs) and above are also delegated with
the authority to grant approval to organizations.
(b) For organization located outside India, Director of Airworthiness (Hdqrs) and
above are delegated with the authority to grant approval to organizations.
(c) The steps involved in the approval of an organisation are as follows and would
involve filling up of CA Form 6 - Approval Recommendation Report.
(d) The approval process should normally be completed within six months.
(i) Initial procedure:
a) Receipt of application along with fees (refer Rule133C and other
b) Introductory meeting with the applicant. The applicant may be asked to
give a presentation on his organisation.
c) Discussion and acceptance of Accountable Manager and post holders.
(i) For a large organization, one large team audit or a short series of small team
audits may be carried out.
(ii) It is recommended that the audit is carried out on a product line type basis in
that, for example, in the case of an organisation with Airbus A310 and A320
ratings, the audit be concentrated on one type only for a full compliance
check and dependent upon the result, the second type may only require a
sample check against those activities seen to be weak on compliance for the
first type.
(iii) The officers of AWD should always ensure that they are accompanied
throughout the audit by a senior technical member of the organisation.
Normally this is the quality manager. The reason for being accompanied is to
ensure the organisation is fully aware of any findings during the audit.
6.4 The RAO shall inform the senior technical member of the organisation at the end
of the audit visit on all findings made during the audit.
6.5 A meeting with the Accountable Manager shall be convened at least once during
the initial approval process to ensure that he/she fully understands the
significance of the approval and the reason for signing the exposition
commitment of the organisation to compliance with the procedures specified in
the exposition.
6.7 The officers of Airworthiness Directorate shall record all findings, closure actions
(actions required to close a finding) and recommendations.
(i) The reports should include the date each finding was cleared together
with reference to the RAO report or letter that confirmed the clearance.
(ii) There may be occasions when officers of AWD may find situations in the
organisation on which he/she is unsure about compliance. In this case, the
organisation should be informed about possible non-compliance at the time
and the fact that the situation will be reviewed within the Airworthiness
Directorate before a decision is made. If the decision is a finding of being in
compliance then a verbal confirmation to the organisation will suffice.
(iii) Findings should be recorded on the audit report form with a provisional
categorization as a level 1 or 2. Subsequent to the audit visit that identified
the particular findings, Airworthiness officers should review the provisional
finding levels, adjusting them if necessary and change the categorization from
provisional to confirmed.
(iv) All findings should be confirmed in writing to the applicant organisation within
2 weeks of the audit visit.
6.8 For initial approval all findings must be corrected before the approval can be issued.
7.1 The Director of Airworthiness shall formally approve the exposition and
associated procedures and issue to the applicant a Form 3 approval certificate,
which includes the approval ratings. The approval of the exposition and
associated procedures shall be intimated in writing. The certificate of approval
shall only be issued when the organization is in compliance with CAR-145.
(i) The approval will be based only upon the organizational capability (including
any associated sub-contractors) relative to CAR-145 and not limited by
reference to FAA/ EASA type certificated products. For example, if the
organization is capable of maintaining within the limitation of CAR -145 the
Boeing 737-200 series aircraft the approval schedule should state A1 Boeing
737-200 series and not Boeing737-2H6 which is a particular airline designator
for one of many -200 series.
(ii) The approval of the exposition shall be intimated in writing. The following
pages shall be stamped and signed:
(a) List of effective pages.
(b) Scope of activities (at each site if applicable).
(c) List of nominated persons (Including Accountable Manager).
(d) Facility details (at each site if applicable).
(e) Scope of Quality System.
(f) Authorization System
7.2 The conditions of the approval shall be indicated on the Form 3 approval
certificate. The validity of the CAR -145 approval will be for a period not
exceeding five year.
7.3 The reference number shall be included on the Form- 3 approval certificate. The
numeric sequence should be unique to the particular approved maintenance
7.4 For organizations having multiple locations, the approval shall be issued by the
DAW of the main base. In such cases the airworthiness office at the sub base
location may carry out the inspection and forward the recommendations. The
periodic renewal also may be carried out by the RAO on receipt of
recommendations of the airworthiness office at the sub base location. The
oversight functions, however lies with the region/sub region where the activity is
7.5 Fees: For grant of approvals, or changes to the approval ratings by inclusion of
additional type of Aircraft (aircraft and engine combination) on the Certificate of
approval, fees shall be charged in accordance with Rule 133C. For renewal of
approvals 50 percent of the grant of approval fees shall be charged in
accordance with Rule 133C. RAOs must ensure that a correct fee is charged
with regard to number of employees in an organisation as required by Rule
Note: A certificate may be obtained from the Accountable Manager regarding number of
employees for the purpose of Fee to be levied.
8.1 The office shall maintain and update a program listing the approved
maintenance organisations under its supervision, the dates when audit visits are
due and when such visits were carried out. Credit may be claimed by the officers
of AWD for specific item audits completed during the preceding 11 months period
(i.e., each item of CA form 6 may be deferred by 11 months from the due date of
the same item, if the previous results were satisfactory) subject to following four
(i) the specific item audit should be the same as that required by CAR-145
latest amendment;
(ii) there should be satisfactory evidence on record that such specific item audits
were carried out and that all corrective actions have been taken;
(iii) the officers of AWD should be satisfied that there is no reason to believe
standards have deteriorated in respect of those specific item audits being
granted a back credit; and
(iv) the specific item audit being granted a back credit should be audited not later
than 23 months after the last audit of the item.
(i) Where it has been decided that a series of audit visits are necessary to
arrive at a complete audit of an organisation, the program will indicate
which aspects of the approval will be covered on each visit.
(ii) It is recommended that part of an audit concentrates on two ongoing
aspects of the CAR-145 approval, namely the organisations internal self
monitoring quality reports produced by the quality monitoring personnel
to determine if the organization is identifying and correcting its problems
and secondly the number of concessions granted by the quality manager.
(iii) At the successful conclusion of the audit including approval of the
exposition, an audit report form will be completed by the auditing officer
including all recorded findings, closure actions and recommendation. A CA
Form 6 should be used for this activity.
(iv) In the case of line stations a sampling program based upon number of
line stations and complexity may be adopted.
8.3 A meeting with the Accountable Manager shall be convened at least once every
12 months to ensure he/she remains informed of significant issues arising
during audits and to ensure he/she fully understands the significance of the
9. Changes (145.B.35)
9.1 RAOs shall receive application from the organisation of any proposed change
as listed in 145.A.85.
9.2 RAOs shall comply with the applicable elements of the initial process
paragraphs for any change to the organisation.
9.3 RAO may prescribe the conditions under which organisation may operate during
such changes unless it determines that the approval should be suspended.
9.4 To have adequate control over any changes to the management personnel
specified in 145.A.30 (a) and (b) will require an amendment to the exposition.
(a) Changes to the CAR-145 approvals include the following:
(b) Name change
(c) Address change
(d) Approval scope and rating
(e) New base facility
The applicable part/s of the CA Form-6 should be used for the change.
2. In the case an indirect approval procedure is used for the approval of the
changes in accordance with point 145.A.70(c), the DGCA shall ensure
(i) that the changes remain minor and
(ii) that it has an adequate control over the approval of the changes to
ensure they remain in compliance with the requirements CAR 145.
The DGCA may define some class of amendments to the exposition which
may be incorporated without prior authority approval. In this case a procedure
should be stated in the amendment section of the MOE.
The exposition chapter dealing with scope of work/approval should not be
subject to this procedure.
10.3 The organization should submit each exposition amendment to the RAO whether
it is an amendment for approval or a delegated approval amendment. Where the
amendment requires approval by the RAO, RAO when satisfied that the
amendment meets the requirement of CAR 145, an approval to the same shall
be indicated in writing and with intimation to DGCA Hdqrs. Where the amendment
has been submitted under the delegated approval procedure the RAO should
acknowledge receipt in writing.
10.4 Safety Management (145.A.65 (d))
As a part of state safety programme, aircraft maintenance organisation shall
implement a safety management system acceptable to the DGCA that shall meet
the following objectives:
The procedure as laid down in sub rule 10 of Rule 133B and instructions issued by
DGCA Hdqrs from time to time shall be followed in order to:
(a) suspend an approval on reasonable grounds in the case of potential safety
threat; or
(b) admonish, warn, suspend, revoke or limit the approval granted to a person
or organization pursuant to 145.B.50.
Note: Enforcement action shall be taken as per the detail procedure(s) given in the
Enforcement Manual.
(a) When during audits or by other means evidence is found showing non-
compliance with the requirements of CAR- 145, the following actions shall
be taken:
(i) For level 1 findings, immediate action shall be taken to revoke , limit or
suspend in whole or in part, depending upon the extent of the level 1
finding, the maintenance organisation approval, until successful corrective
action has been taken by the organization. In practical terms a level 1
finding is where a significant non-compliance with CAR-145 is found.
The following are examples of level 1 finding:
− Failure to gain access to the organisation during normal operating hours of
the organisation in accordance with 145.A.90 (2) after two written requests.
− If the calibration control of equipment as specified in 45.A.40 (b) had
previously broken down on a particular type product line such that most
“calibrated” equipment was suspect from that time then that would be a
level 1 finding.
Note: A complete product line is defined as all the aircraft, engine or component
of a particular type.
For a level 1 finding it may be necessary for officers of Airworthiness
Directorate to ensure that further maintenance and re-certification of all
affected products is accomplished, dependent upon the nature of the
(ii) For level 2 findings, the corrective action period granted must be
appropriate to the nature of the finding but in any case initially must not be
more than 30 days. In certain circumstances and subject to the nature of
the finding 30 days period may be extended up to 45 days subject to a
satisfactory corrective action plan agreed. In practical terms where an
officer of AWD finds a non-compliance with CAR -145 against one
product, it is deemed to be a level 2 finding. The following are example
level 2 findings:
− One time use of a component without any serviceable tag.
− The training documents of the certifying staff are not completed.
(b) Action shall be taken to suspend in whole or part the approval in case of
failure to comply within the timescale granted.
(i) Where the organisation has not implemented the necessary corrective action
within the stipulated period, necessary action shall be taken in line with
requirements/guidelines as stipulated in the enforcement manual/
enforcement circular.
Appendix- I
CA Form 4
1. Name:
2. Position:
Signature:……………………………………. Date:………………………………………..
Part 1: General
Name of organisation : -----------------------------------------------------------------
DGCA Official(s)
Names : -----------------------------------------------------------------
Signature(s) : -----------------------------------------------------------------
DGCA office : _ __ _ _ _ __
*delete as appropriate
February 2017 Page 14 of 24
145.25 Facilities
145.30 Personnel
145.35 Certifying staff and support staff
145.36 Record of Airworthiness Review
145.40 Equipment, Tools, etc
145.42 Acceptance of Components
145.45 Maintenance Data
145.47 Production Planning
145.48 Performance of maintenance
145.50 Certification of Maintenance
145.55 Maintenance Records
145.60 Occurrence Reporting
145.65 Procedures & quality
145.70 See Part 3
145.75 Privileges of AMO
145.80 Limitations on AMO
145.85 Changes to AMO
145.90 Continued Validity
PART 3: Compliance with 145.A.70 Maintenance organisation exposition
Please either tick (✓) the box if satisfied with compliance; or if not satisfied with
compliance and specify the reference of the Part 4 finding; or enter N/A where an item is
not applicable; or N/R when applicable but not reviewed.
Part 1 Management
Name of organisation:
Approval reference:
Audit reference(s):
The following CAR -145 scope of approval is recommended for this organisation:
Or, it is recommended that the CAR -145 scope of approval specified in CA Form 3 referenced
...................................................... be continued.
DGCA office:
Date of recommendation:
*delete as appropriate
Application Form CA Form 2
Application for:
Initial grant
Renew al
5. Scope of CAR 145 Approval relevant to this application (See page 2 for
9. Place :
10. Date :
Note: When completed this form shall be sent to concerned regional airworthiness office for
organisations based in India and to DGCA Hdqrs for organisations based outside India.
With reference to the above scope of approval and item 5 on page 1, please complete in the
following example style, but relevant to your organization.
A1 Base & Line Boeing 737-200 B2 Lycoming Piston
A2 Base Piper PA34 B3 Garrett GTCP85
A2 Base & Line Cessna Piston Twins C2 SFENA
A3 Bell 206/212 C4 Boeing 747
B1 CFM 56 D1 Eddy Current
There may be any number of types/manufacturers, etc. listed against each rating.
Internal Checklist
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Email address:
Date of Application:
Observation Applicability
S/N Document(s) Requirement
Sat Unsat N/A
S/N Observation
Requirement Not
Sat Unsat
4. I, V& R
Whether evidence of the closure of findings are satisfactory.
5. Whether all the post holders required as per 145 are available I, V& R
and approved.
6. Whether facilities required as per CAR 145 is adequate for the I, V& R
intended/approved scope of approval.
( )
Director of Airworthiness