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Combined Footing

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17.1 Introduction
17.2 Design of Rectangular Combined Footing with or without Beam
17.3 Design of Trapezoidal Combined Footing with or without Beam
17.4 Design of Strap Footing
17.5 Summary
17.6 Answers to SAQs


A footing provided under two or more collinear columns is called combined footing
These footings are necessary under the following circumstances:

i) where single collinear footings under adjacent columns overlap due to

restricted width of footing or due to low bearing capacity of soil, and

ii) to avoid non-uniform soil pressure* beneath isolated or single footing

The design of a combined footing is more efficient and economical as well as the
settlement of footing is uniform if the pressure distribution due to load is uil$orrn. This
condition may be achieved if the centroid of all applied loads and the centroid of the
area of footing coincide. Generally, these footings may be of the following tjlpes :

i) a rectangular slab type with or wilzout a beam connecting the columns,

ii) a trapezoidal slab type with or without a beam connecting the columns, and
iii) isolated footings connected by a beam (strap footing).

After reading this unit, you will be able to
recognise the conditions under which a combined r.c. footing is provided as a
foundation; their various types,
analyse the loads and stresses to which a combined footing is subjected, and
design and detail such a footing.


The design of a rectangular combined footing may be done in the following steps :

a) Determine column loads and self-weight of the footing.

b) Determine area of footing for the above load and known bearing capacity of
soil. The width of footing is fixed. Keep in mind that the length should always
be more than distance between the external faces of extreme columns. The
prqjections of footing beyond the columns in the longitudinal direction may
he fixed in such a way that the C.G. of column loads must coincide with the
C.G. of area of footing to have uniform distribution of soil pressure.

* The soil pressure may be non-uniform due to restriction on required dimenhion o f footing caused by property
line or otherwise.
c) Draw S.F.D. and R.M.D. and mention their critical values and respective
locations Sor dcsign purposcs.
i f the rectangulr~rconrhined footing is to be without henni.
i) I)etcr~iiincthe depth of slab for ~ n a x i ~ n ubc~ldil~g
~n molnent as well as lor one-
n:ay ;rnd two-wuy shears and fix up the dcsigried tlepth accordingly.
ii) 'l'reating Lllc slab as a wide and inverred bca~nspa~lninglo~lgi~utlinally,
betwceil tlrc columns desig11 and detail the n ~ a i nrcinforccrncrlts. 'rlic shear
reinforceme~ltIbr one-way sllear may also be tlcsipncd, iS ncccssary.
iii) 111the ueiu vicinity of columns, the slah bends in (hc form of a saucer. i.e., it
bends in tlle transverse direction us well. Ijencc tile load below a colun~nis to
be distrihulcd across the full width and a irrr~irrd1l.t~grh r(jlrrt1 10 lhr
din~ensiorzofcalirnln ulong lhe iengtlr ~j~foioor~rlg plrrs twice tlrc <[f'Ecliv~deplli
ofjootirrg on eirher side of i h e colrcmn. Tlic reiictivc pressurc (111 thc abz~ve
arca Is cvaluatcd for tile design of cantilever projeclions oS the slab III the
transverse directions in the same way as fix isoliltcd 1'0oting i n tlie remaining
portion of [he length. Only distribution bars arc proviclcd i n tllc tr;lnsvcrse
If the rectangular combined footing is to be provided with bean1

i) Design and detail main as well as shear rciuforcements for the beam, and
11) n bc des~gncdin
The projected cantilever slah in the transverse d ~ r e c l ~ o[nay
tllc usual way.
Example 17.1
~ l s cross-section of 250 x 250 mm and 300 x 300 lnln arc loaded
Two c o l u ~ r ~hav~ng
wit11 300 kN and 500 kN respect~vciy.The c/c d~stanccbctwce~itllc coluinn I S 4 m
and the bcaring capactty of soil 1s 100 k ~ l r n ' . Design a rcc.6un#1~iurcoinb~ncd
fuot~ngwltholct hearn.
Supcr-imposed load = 300 + 500 = 800 kN

Self weight of footing = 80 kN

(assuming 10% of superimposed load)
Total lo:~d = 880 kN
Size of Footing
880 2
Rciluired area of fooling = -
= 8.8 m

Hence provided area of footing = 6 m x 1.5 m = 9 m 2 > 8.8 m2

Let the C.G. of loads bc at x fronn tlie centre of colurnn C, (Figure 17.l(a)). Taking
moment o f superimposed loads about centre of column C , ,

For uniform soil pressure C.G. of loads must coincide with C.G. of footing. i.e.
projection of footing on L.1I.S. from centre of column C,

Similarly, projecti~irof footing on K.1-1.S. from ce,ntrc of coluinn C,,-

ajeslgn of Comblned
1, = 6m

(a) S i ~ of
e Footling

f 1 1 it .=88bN/rn2

i f.b) Net Upward Pressure Diagram


(c) Shear Force Diagram I

(d) Bending Moment Diagram

Figure 17.1: Size of Footing, S.F.D. & R.M.D.

Net upward pressure on footing

+ 500
- = 88,89 kN/mZ (Figure 17.1 (b))
6 x 1.5

The S.F.D. and B.M.D. have been drawn in Figure 17.1 (c&d).
Depth of footing fro Xm Bending Moltlent consideration
Let the distance of point from centre of C , where S.F. is zero be x, then
For 416 as main reinforcelnent

Hence provided D = 430 mm

Assuming $16 as main reinforcement

Checking D for Two-way shear*

Taking critical section for two-way shear at - from the face of column C2(Figure 17.2)

k igure 17.2: Crilical Section for Two-way Shear

Permissible shear stress = ks zc,

Short side of column

ks = 0.5 = 0.5 + 1 = 1.5 > I

Long side of column

Hence ks = 1

zc = 0.16 &= 0.16 -,h= 0.62 ~ l r n m ~

:. > zv
Pennissiblc sl~carstrcss, ks-cc= 1 x 0.62 = 0.62 ~ / r n m ~ Hence O.K.

* In most of the cases bending moment or two-way shear determines the value of D for a footing. lf the depth.
s o ejaluated, is found inadequate, in one-way shear reinforcement shall be provided.
I,ongitudinal Tensile Reinforcenient in Span Design of Combined
I:or ~naximumspan hogging bending moment M = 187.50 kNm

Hence provided 21816 as longitudinal tensile reinforcement

Check for L)evelopmenf Lenglh at point of Ir~~flecfion
1x1 n be thc number of $16 bars required at point inflection at 0.282 m from centre line
of column C2

where, M1 = fd AQIjB d
= 140 x n x 201 x 0.865 x 382

= 9.29811kNrn
V = 262.39 kNm
Ld grcatcr of 12 x (dia of bar) = I2 x 16 = 192 mm or d = 382 . i.e. Lo = 382 mm

substituting above values, the equation for L,,

Hencc all tllc 21 numbcr $16 may be cxlended beyond point of inflection for a distance
of effective depth (382 mrn) and, thereafter, only alternative bars may be extented upto
' the edge of footing as nominal reinforcement.
IAongitudinalTensile Reinforcement at column C1
B.M. at L.11. face of column C1

B.M. at R.H. face of column C ,

= -1 1.46 kNm (hogging B.M.)

.. - - - ...

RCC Structures-I :. Longitudinal tensile reinforcement for maximum sagging moment = 9.38 kNm will
only be designed.

A,, = - X
a,, jBd
938 lo6
140 x 0.865 x 382
= 202.77 mm2 < A,, (= 1948mm2)

Hence provided 10$16 (A, = 2010mm2)

Longitwdinal Tensile Reinforcement at column C2
B.M.a4 R.H. face of column C2

B.M. a4 L.H. face of column C2

:. Longitudinal tensile reinforcement for maximum sagging moment

Hence provided 14 number $16 (A, = 2814 mm2)

Checkfor one-way shear
In cantilever projection

Critical section for S.F. at distance d beyond the lett ~,:e of column C, falls beyond edge
of footing, hence no check is necessary.
The shlear force at critical section d on R.H.S. of column C2,
V = 88.89 x 1.5 x (1.5 - 0.15 - 0.382) = 129.068 kN

Permissible shear stress = k ~ =, 1 x 0.287 ~ / m r >

n t~,,
Hence no shear reinforcement is necessary.
In Cehtral portion
Point 9f contraflexure is nearer to column face C,, hence shear stress at this point
I'ermissible sliear stress = krc = 1 x 0.248 = 0.248 ~ l r n r n< ~t,
Hence shear reinforcement will be providcd for a shear force of
Vs = V - V , = 227.997 - 0.248 x 1500 x 382 X = 85.893

If 48-8legged stlrrups arc provided

0 A d
140 8 5O 3x2 = 249.05 rnln c,c
" v~ 85.893 x 1 o3
i Spacing for minimum shear reinforcc~ne~~t
is given by

Ttie spacii~gshall also not cxceed 0.75 x 3x2 = 286.5 c/c

Hence provided 48-81egged stirrups @I45 clc

Point of contraflexure is nearer to colu~nnface C,, llclice shear st1ress at this point

I- Permissible shear stress = k~~ = 1 x 0.287 = 0.287 N/rnm2 < tV

Hence shear rcinforcement will be provided f'or a shear force of
Vs = V - Vc = 262.39 - 0.287 x 1500 x 382 x = 97.939 kN

1 If 48-8 legged stirrups are provided

S v = o.wArvd = t4Ox 50 382 = 218.42 ~ n mclc

v, 97.939~lo3
Hence provided 48-8legged stirrups @I45 clc
(as this is according to minimum shear re~~lforceme~il)
I Trunsvrrse I? einyorcernenl

1) Under Colunln C ,

Slab projected bcyoitd the face of column C, = -----,

(15 - 0.25)
RCC Struciures-I width over which column load is supposed to be distributed,
b' = 0.25 + 2 x 0.382 = 1.014m

.: Net upward pressure =
1.014 x 1.5
= 197.239 kN/m2

Considering l m wide strip

M,, at face of column = 197.239 x - = 38.52 kNm

A5 , =
- = 38.52 x lo6
140 x 0.865 x 368 = 864.36 mm2

1000x 113
spacing = =116.80 mm c/c

Hence provided $12 @I15 c/c in a width of 1.014 m.

ii) Under column C2

(1.5 - 0.3)
Slab projected beyond the face of column C2 = = 0.6 m

Net upward pressure = = 3 13.28 kN/m2

1.064 x 1.5
Considering Im wide strip

spacing = = 89.30

Hence provided 412 @85 for a width of 1.064 m under column C2

T h e detailing$ of reinforcement have been shown in Figure 17.3.

Design of Combined

@) Plan of Top Reinforcement 4 yo-$

(c) Plan of Bottom Reidforcement

Figure 17.3: Detailing of Footlng

Example 17.2
Two columns having cross-section of 500 x 500 mm and 600 x 600 mm are
transmitting loads of 1250 kN and 1750 kN respectively. The c/c distance between
the columns is 5 m and the bearing capacity of soil is 300 k ~ / mDesign
~. a
combined rectangular footing with beam joining the columns.
Super-imposed load = 1250 + 1750 = 3000 kN
Self-weight of footing = 300 kN
(assuming 10% of superimposed load)
Total load
Size of Footing

Required area of footing = -= 11 m2
Hence provided size of footing = 6.5 m x 1.7 m = 11.05 m2 > 11 m2
Let the C.G. of loads be at 2 from the centre of column C , (Figure 17.4(a)). Taking
moment of superimposed loads about centre of column C,,
- (1250 + 1750) X + 1750 x 5 = 0
or 2=2.916m

i (a) Size of ~ootmg I

(d) Bending Moment Diagram

Figurn 17.4: Slze of Footlng, S.ED. & B.M.D.

For uniform soil pressure, C.G. of loads must coincide with C.G. of footing;
Projection of footing on L.H.S. of centre of column C ,

Similrlrly, projection of footing on R.H.S. of centre of column C2,

Net upward pressure on footing

= 271.49 k ~ / m
~ 17.4(b))
6.5 x 1.7
The S.F.D. and B.M.D. have been drawn in Figure 17.4 (c & d). Deslgn of Comblned
Design of Slab
Let the width of the beam = 600 mm

.: --- 0.55 m
Projection of slab beyond the longitudinal face of beam = 1.7- 0.6

:. M,, = 271.49 x --
OSS2 - 41.06 kNmlm width

Provided D = 350 mm

A,, = -= 4106 lo6 = 1177.29 mm2
o,,jBd 140 x 0.865 x 288

:. Provided +12@95c/c (= 1189.47 mm2/m)

Check for shear
S.F. at critical section (i.e. at d from face of beam) = 271.49 (0.55 - 0.288)
= 71.13 kN/m width

Permissible shear stress = k~~ = 1 x 0.265 = 0.265 N/mm2 > r,,

Hence no shear reinforcement is necessary.
Check for developmet length

Straight length available beyond the face of the beam = 550 - 40 = 5 10 c Ld

With standard U-hook total lenth = 510 + 16 x 12 = 702 > 700 Hence 0.K
Design of Beam
The beam will act as a T-beam in the span between points of conuaflexture and as
rectangular beam in the projected portioli
KCC Structures-1 Design of'beam I ~ e t w e eC~l ~& C2

I,, lor ell'cci~vcw~dlhcalculation of rsolattld 'I'-beam = 5 - (0.024 + 0.273) = 4.703 m

1:or balanced scction

j , = 0.0

or d = 1058.4 1n1n
llence provided 1) = 1150 inin

.. d = 1150 - 40 - 32 - - = 1062 (Assuming $32 rcinSorccmc.nt in two layers)

Areas of steel (A,,)

i) For critical 1I.M. in the span

M = crSl x A,l x la

1, O.9d = 0.9 x 1062 = 955.8 inln

M - 1275.24 x 1 0 ~
:. A,[ = --- - = 10263.17 mm"
o,,,l,? 130 x 955.8

Hence provided.13432 in two layers ( A , = 10452 mm2)

Clieck for L)eveiopt?~enrLength

A$,jB d
wberc Mi = a,,
= 140 x 11 x 804 x 0.9 x 1062

=n x 107.58 x lo6 Ninm

V = 1085.86 kN
L, = greater of 124 (= 12x32=384) or d = 1062
Subscibutirrg al! values in the abovc equation

Hence all 13432 have bee11 extended upto the edge of footing on H.H.S. and an
L.H.S. all the bars may be bent at 90' to make up I.,, at the edge.
ii) For H.M. at the face of column on R.H.S. projection Ilesign of Combined
Load per m run = 27 1.49 x 1.7 = 46 1.53 kN/m

Hence provided 8420 ( A , = 2513.27 mm2)

These bars may be bent at 90" at the edggto make up for development length
lii) For B.M. at the face of column on L.H.S. projection

As,,,, will only be sufficient.

Hence provided 8$20 and tile bars may be bent at 90° at the edge to make up for
development length
Provision of Shear Reinforcement
S.F. at d from interior face of R.H. column

Hence provided $10-4 legged stirrups @ 100 clc

The details of reinforcements have been shown in Figure 17.5.

KCC Structures-I

(a) Detailing of Beam

(b) Detailing of Slab

Figure 17.5: Details of the Designed Footing with Beam

i) Delire a combined footing. Under which conditions it is essential ?
ii) W l dt are the types of combined footings ?
iii) Fnumerale the steps for design of combined rectangular footing,
iv) Design and detail a combined rectangular footing without beam to transmit
800 kN and 1200 kN through column at sizes 400 x 400 mm and 500 x 500
mm respectively. The distance between the columns is 3.5 m and the bearin,
capacity of soil is 250 k ~ / m ~ .

v) Design and detail the rectangular footing as given in (ii) with beam.


A trapezoidal footing becomes a necessity when the dimension along tlie length of
footing is limited due to property line or due to some other reasons.
Example 17.3 .
Twq columns having cross-sections of 240 x 249 mm and 300 x 300 mm are loaded
with 300 kN and 500 kN respectively. The clc distance between tlie column is 4m.
The bearing capacity of soil is 100 k ~ l mThe
~ . footing is restricted to 120 mm
from centre of first column and 150 mm from that of second column. Design a
trupezoidul combined footing without beam.
Solution Design of Combined

Super-imposed load = 300 + 500 = 800 kN

Self-weight of footing = 80 kN
(assuming 10% of superimposed)
Tola1 load
Size of Footing
Required area of footing = -= 8.8 m2

(a) Size of Footmg

1 I 1
292.083m (b) Pressure Diagram


(c) Shear Force ~ i a - u 453 ,,#I5kN

0.467 OlOkNm


(d) Bending Moment hqpm

11 .6: Size of Footing, S.F.D. & B.M.D.

Let the C.G. of loads be at i from the centrc of column C, (Figure 17.6(a)).Taking
moment o f superimposed loads about centre of column C,,
HCC Structures-1 For uniform soil pressure C.G. of loads must coincide with C.G. of footing, i.e., C.G. of
footing from side B, is given by

or H l + 2 B , = 1.84(B,+B2)
or - 0.84 B , + 0.16 B, =0

Solving sirnulta~~eous
equations 17.1 and 17.2
H, = 0.7 m, and B, = 3.5 ~n(Figure 17.6(a))
. Net upward pressure on footing

800 kN
= 89.22? (Figure 17.6(b))
+ 3.5)
x 4.27 m

Calculaticvn for S.F.1). and B.M.D.

p = 89.22 k ~ / m '
Let he breadth be Bx at distance x from L.H.S. edge

S.F. at centroid of Cl (L.H.S.) Breadth Bx at the centroid of column C,

= 0.779 m

:. S.F. at centroid of Cl

= -7.917 kN
S.F. at K.H.S. of centroid of C,
= 300 - 7.9 17 = 292.083 kN
S.F. at R.H.S. of centroid of C2: Breadth at centroid of C2

= 3.402 m
:. S.F. at R.11. of centroid of C,

= 46.185 kN

:. S.P. at Id. H. of cen troid of C2

= - 500 + 46.185 = 453.815 kN
Let S.E = 0 at x, then Deslgn of Combined
Footlngs centroid of C1

B.M. at centroid of C2

= 12.010 kNm
Max. B.M. at x = 2.308

The s.F.~).and B.M.U. have been drawn i n Figure 17.6 (c&d).

Depth of Footing froin Rending Moment Consideration

Depth of Footing from Two-way Shear Consideration

i) Under colulnn C , (Figure 17.7)

RCC Structures-I

= (0.72 + 2 d )
Shear force on critical section

Figure 17# : Two-way Shear Under

Column C,

kc = (0.5 + 1) = 1.5 >1

Hence kc = 1

Equating z and zc

ii) Under column C, (Figure 17.8)

d d
b, = ( b , + 2 x - ) + 2 x (b,+ - )
2 2
= (0.3 + d ) + (0.6 + d ) r-
= (0.9 + 2 d ) L7

Shear force on critical section

Figure 17.8: Two-Way Sheer

Under Clumn C;
Dcslgn of Combined

Hence kc = 1

.'. ~c=kcx~.16&=0.16~&=0.619~/mm2

Equating z and zc

Therefore maximum value of d from above considerations = 439.639

I Hence ~rovidedD = 520

Asl = -= = 03~3.43mm-
'o,,jBd 140 x 0.865 x 470

Hence provided 21+20

Check for development length near column C ,

Let 14+20 are only extended upto the column C ,
:. M , = o s t A s r j B d= 1 4 0 14
~ x 3 1 4 ~ 0 . 8 6 5x 4 7 0 = 250.21 x 106Nmm
I V = 292.083 kN

I Providing 90' bend,

or + 5 23.22 Iicncc O.K.
Ctleckfor developtnenr lenglh under column C,
Let all 21+20 extend upto the M I . edge of footing

:. M , = 0 3 , A 3 , j , d = 1 4 0 x 2 1 x 3 1 4 ~ 0 . 8 6 5x 4 7 0 = 3 7 5 . 3 1 kNm
V = 453.815 kN
Providing 00" bcncl at tllc edgc,

L, = 150 - 40 + 8 x 20 = 270
L, = 58.3 +

or + 5 23.07 Hence O.K.

Check for one-way shear

i) Near colutr~t~

The shear force at critical section d from inner face of column CI

Width at this section is given by

(0.7 + 1.165)
v = y---D l +2 4 ( b , + d ) + 300 = -89.22 x (0.24 + 0.47) + :90

k= 1
Per~nissibleshear stress
= k t r = 1 x 0.346 = 0.346 ~lrnrn' < t v
Assu~ning$8-8legged stirrups Design of Combined
A A v= 50.26 x 8 = 402.08 mm2
V , = -cc bd = 0.346 x 1165 x 470 = 189.45 x lo3 N

:. VT = V - V r = 240.93 x lo3 - 189.45 x lo3 = 51.48 x103 N

Spacing is minimum of'

i) 917.72
ii) 187.67
iii) 0.75d = 0.75 x 470 = 752.5

Hence provided 48-8 legged stirrups @185c/c

li) Near Column C2

The S.F. at critical section d from inner face of column C2
V = 274.13

Widtlr of rootirig at this section, Hx = B , + B2


:. Permissiblc shear stress krc = 1 x 0.281 = 0.281 N/mm2 > -cV

Hence no shear reinforcement is required at this end.
'Vransverse Keinforcenlent

i) Under Colltrnn C,
Wldth of t'ootilig at the cclitrc ol'column C, = 0.7 + 0.656 x 0.12 = 0.78 m
KCC Structures-I
(0.78- 0.24)
Prqjectio~iol' slab at the celitrc ol' colum~i= = 0.27 ,n
Width 01' hcliclilig strip = 0.24 + 0.47 = 0.71 In
Width of footing at 0.7 1 In
= 0.7 + 0.656 x 0.71 = 1.159 m

(0.7+ 1.17)
Area under colutn~iload = x 0.71= 0.664 m2

:. Upward pressure = -- - 451.81 kN1m2
Ma;ximum B.M. at the face of columri

0.15 0.15 x 780 x 520

Nominal reinl'orcemcnt = -bD = = 608.4 rnmL
100 I00

Spacing for +I2 bars = = 131.87
Hence provided +12@130 clc
i) Under colrltniz C,
Widtli ol' footilig at tlic centre of column C , = 0.7 + 0.656 x 4.12 = 3.4 rn
(3.4 - 0.3)
Projcctioo of slab = = 1.55m
Wi,dtl~of bcliding strip = 0.3 + 0.47 = 0.77 m
Width of I'ootiug at 0.77 m from right edge
= 0.7 + 0.656 x 3.5 = 2.996 m

(2.996+ 3.5)
Area oT loaded strip = x 0.77 = 2.5 m2

Net ~pwarclpressure = -- 200 kN1m2
13.M. at tlic face of column

Hence provided +20@50 clc

The detailings of rei~lforcementhave becn sliown in Figure 17.9. Design of Combined

4m I
O 8 - 8 legged str.

(a) Detailing of the Trapezoidal Footing

(b) Plan showing Longitudinal Reiforcement

Figure 17.9: Detailing ol' the Designed Footing

Design and detail a trapezoidal combined footing witlz bea~nfor the data given in
Example 17.3.


I\ strap footing is a co~nbinationof two or more isolated footings joined by a beam

called a sirup beam. The size of isolated footings and their locations with respect to
axes of respective columns are such that the ('.(;. of applied colurnn loads coincides with
the (' i;. of all isolated footings taken together.
Example 17.4
Two colu~nnshaving cross-sections of 240 x 240 mm and 300 x 300 mm are loaded
with 300 kN and 500 kN, respectively. The c/c distance between the columns is
4 m. The bearing capacity of soil is 100 k ~ l r n Design
~. a combined footing strap
NT 00s 2%

"Z Z

'3 J O Inoqv
s a ~ o aj ~ 1 1 3 e puea ~ pasodu1!~3dnsJO sluauroul 3u!)enba 'a~oja~arli 1 a ~ n s s a ~urJoj!un
JOJ sXu!ioql om1 3g1 j o '9.3311,~
s p v o l ~ o. t ) ' ~ar[l rliim appu103 plnorp ( 0 1 ' ~a~n81,-1)
Design of Combinea

:. Net upward pressure on footing =

2 (2.2+ 2.2)

Design of Footing Slab

Let thc width of strap beam = 400 lnln

2 - 0.4
The projection of slab beyond the longitudinal face of beam = - - 0.8 m

Adopting 12 bars

Hence provided D = 230 mm

.. D = 2 3 0 - 4 0 - --= 184

Check for one way-shear

The shear force at a distance d from face of the beam,

V = V, (1 - d ) = 90.9 1 (0.8 - 0.184) = 56 kN

tor U=230

:. Permissible shear stress = 1.14 x 0.334 = 0.381 ~ l m r >n tv

Hence no shear reinforcement is necessary in the slab
A,, = - -- -
-. 29.09 lo6 = 1906.47
a, jBd 140 x 0.865 x 126

Hence provided $1 2'285

Distribrdtion sfeel

Hence provided +10@225

Clreck for development length
L , = 58 34 = 58.3 x 12 = 699.6 mm
Length available = 800 - 40 = 760 > Ld Hence O.K.
Design of Strap.Beam
The S.F.D. and B.M.D. for the beam have been drawn in Figure 17.8 (c&d).
'The beam just right of B (Figure 17.8(b)) will act as rectangular beam

183.996 x 1o6
= 725.47 mtn
0.874 x 400
Let dia, of bar be 25inm

Hence provided L) = 850

:. d = 850 - 40 - -= 797.5

i) Main reinforce in the span

Since the beam acts as T-beam at the point of maximum B.M.
:. taking j -, 0.9

Hence provided 5425 (A, = 2454.37 mm2)

Check for devclopmenl length at point of contra-flexture
M, = 0 ~ ~ x n x - x 2 5 ~ x 0 . 9 x d

1, = greater of 12+ or d = 797.5

L, = 58.3 x 25 = 1457.25
Deslgn of Conthincd
45.802n x 1O6 Footings
1457.25 1 + 797.5
.-223.63 x 10'

or n 2 3.22

1Ie11ceall 5425 arc extcndcd uplo lhc rigllt edge.

i i) Main reinforcement at support C,-

H.M. at extcrlor Sacc of colulnn C,

13.M. at interior face of column C ,

I-lence design moment, M = 41.023 kNln

Hence provided 3416 ( A , = 603 mm2)

Check for Developrttent Leng~h

At point of contra-llexture

or n 2 1.19 < 3 kicncc O.K.

Hence all 3+16 will he extended upto a distance d beyond point of contra-flexture in
the span.
KCC Struc1u1.e~-I
Check for shear
i) A t colulnn C ,

S.F. at distallce rl liom interior face of column

:. V c = ~ ~ b d = 0 . 3 4 2 44 x0 0 ~ 7 9 7 . 5= 109.23 kN
V s = V - V c = 111.36-109.23=2.13 kN
TJsing 48-2 legged strirrups

o, x A,, x d - 140 x 100 x 7975 = 5241.7

S" = -
v~ 2.13~

The spacing shall be ~niliil~~um

ii) 135.94
iii) 0.75 d = 0.75 x 797.5 = 598.125
iv) 450
Hence provided 48-2 legged stirrups @I35 c/c
ii) AtcolumnC,

S.P. at distance d from interior face of column,

V = 90.91 x 2 (1.1 + 0.15 + 0.7975) - 500
Design of Conxhined

[Jsi~ig$8-2 legged stirrups

a,, x A,, x d - 140 x 100.26 x 7975 = 605.279
S, = -
v~ 18.494 x lo'
Siinil;lrly, S.1:. at distrlilcc d on R.H. o f exterior face of column C2
V = 90.91 x 2 (1.1 - 0.15 - 7517.5) = 27.72 kN

t =-=
V 2 7 . 7 2 ~10' = 0.087 ~ l ~ n(very
r n ~much less)
bd 400x7973

IIeiicc oiily iioilaii~alreiiiforceincnt will be provided

Spaci~igwill bc rniiiirnurn o l
i) 605.279
ii) 135.94

iv) 450
Hence provided 48-2 legged stirrups @I35 c/c throughout the beam.
The reinfoicement dulailings have been shown in Figure 17.11.

(a) Detailing of Footing Slab

(b) Detailing of the Strap beam

Figure 17.1 1: Detailing ol'll~eDesigned Strap Footing

HCC Strllrtures-l SAQ 3
Design a strap footing for the dala given in SAQ 2

A combined footing for two or more columns in a line is provided i f single or isolated
footing for theln would have overlappcd or ifunifor~npressure below the footing is desired.
A trapezoidal combincd fooling is provided whcrc therc is rcslriclion OII Icngth of footing
for obtailiing uniform soil pressure. 'l'he footing slab \i9ithonl beam is designed essentially
as a wide bean1 but a portio~lof slab under a column bends in transverse direction as well.
I f a beam is provided for joitiirlg thc columns, it is dcsigucd in an usual way; whcreas the
projections of slab beyolid the longitudinal faces of beam are desigried as cantilcvcrs.


i) Refer section 17.1
ii) ltefer scction 17.1
iii) Kcfcr sectio~l17.2
iv) Kcfcr ITxa~nple17.1
V) Refer Example 17.2


Hint : Dctennination of size of footing is the same as that for 1Sxample 17.3. The
design of beam and projecting transverse slab may be done in the same way as don(
for them in Example 17.2


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