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ELL Book

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Copyright © 2004 by Pippin Publishing Corporation

P.O. Box 242

Don Mills, Ontario
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and recording, or stored in any retrieval system
without permission in writing from the publisher.

Edited by Dyanne Rivers

Typeset by Jay Tee Graphics Ltd.
Cartoons by Pat Cupples
Indexed by Kathy O’Handley
Printed and bound in Canada by AGMV Marquis Imprimeur Inc.

First printed October, 2003; reprinted February, 2004; reprinted June, 2004; reprinted September, 2005;
revised and reprinted September, 2007.

We acknowledge the assistance of the OMDC Book Fund, an initiative of the Ontario Media Development

National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Coelho, Elizabeth, 1946–

Adding English : a guide to teaching in multilingual classrooms /
Elizabeth Coelho ; Dyanne Rivers, editor ; Pat Cupples, illustrator ; Kathy O’Handley, indexer.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-88751-095-7

1. English language—Study and teaching as a second language.

2. Linguistic minorities—Education. 3. Multicultural education.
I. Rivers, Dyanne II. Title.

LC3715.C636 2003 428’.0071 C2003-904455-6

10 9 8 7 6 5
To my father, Geoffrey Summers (1920–2003),
who first taught me about social justice
and the power of education to transform the world.

This book could not have been written without the generous support and contributions of
friends and colleagues. Many of the activities are based on the classroom practice of the many
colleagues with whom I have worked over the years, and many of the photographs that enliven
the book were taken by colleagues. As well, colleagues and mentors read and commented on
various drafts, saving me from ghastly mistakes and pointing me in new directions when neces-
sary. Any errors that remain are entirely my own.
I would like express specific thanks to the staff, parents, and students of the following schools,
for allowing photographs taken in their schools and classrooms between 1997 and 2003 to be
used in this book.
CD Farquharson Junior Public School, Toronto District School Board
Cedar Drive Junior Public School, Toronto District School Board
Country Hills Public School, Waterloo Region District School Board
Cummer Valley Middle School, Toronto District School Board
Maryvale Public School, Toronto District School Board
Pineway Public School, Toronto District School Board
R.J. Lang Elementary and Middle School, Toronto District School Board
Rockford Public School, Toronto District School Board
Scarborough Village Alternative Public School, Toronto District School Board
Sir Sandford Fleming Secondary School, Toronto District School Board
Summer Language Program, Toronto District School Board
West Hill Public School, Toronto District School Board
Western Technical-Commercial School, Toronto District School Board

I would also like to express my thanks to the colleagues who contributed many of the
Maaike Buma, Waterloo Region District School Board
Carol Gordon, Toronto District School Board
Bev Horton, Toronto District School Board
Kathy Lazarovits, Toronto District School Board
Al Weinberg, Toronto District School Board

The following experts commented on various drafts of the manuscript and gave valuable advice.
Jim Cummins, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Marjatta Holt, English Language Program, University of Toronto
Suzanne Holunga, The Language Centre, Toronto
Veronica Lam, Toronto District School Board
Irene McKay, George Brown Community College, Toronto
Stephanie Paulauskas, The Language Centre, Toronto
Hetty Roessingh, University of Calgary
Jura Seskus, English Language Program, University of Toronto

And as always, thanks to the students, teachers, and student teachers with whom I have worked
over the last three decades and whose experiences, ideas, and questions are included in this book
in various ways.

Introduction 9
Terms 9
Organization 10
How to Use This Book 11

I A Welcoming Environment 13

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 15

Where Do English Language Learners Come From? 15
Understanding the Needs of English Language Learners 16
Welcoming Newcomers to the School 20
To Learn More … 34

2 Creating an Inclusive Classroom 36

Welcomes and Introductions 36
Class Photographs 37
Questionnaires and Language Surveys 38
Roots and Routes 39
Inclusive Displays 40
Peer Tutors and Partners 41
Support for the Efforts of Language Learners 42
A Multilingual Classroom Environment 42
A Multicultural and Anti-Racist Curriculum 43
Multicultural Literature Circles 45
To Learn More … 48

II How English Works 51

3 I Say Tomato: The Sound System of English 53

Phonology: The Sounds of Language 53
The Sounds of English 54
Learning the Sounds of English 55
Teaching Pronunciation 63
To Learn More … 66

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 67

The Rules of Language 68
What Is Grammar? 68
Elements of English Grammar 69

Teaching Grammar 86
To Learn More … 89

5 In Other Words: The Power of English Vocabulary 90

Where Do English Words Come From? 90
How Many Words? 90
Which Words? 94
The Structure of English Words 98
Learning New Words 100
To Learn More … 105

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 106

Discourse Competence 106
Sociolinguistic Competence 109
Strategic Competence 118
To Learn More … 123

7 The Ritn Wird: Reading and Writing in English 125

Differences between Writing and Speech 125
Writing Systems around the World 126
Reading and Writing in English 133
Developing Reading and Writing Skills in English 136
To Learn More … 138

III The Language Learning Environment 139

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 141

How Do People Acquire Language(s)? 141
What Are the Ideal Conditions for Language Learning? 147
Do Young Children Learn Languages Better Than Older
Children? 150
How Long Does It Take an English Language Learner to Learn
English? 151
Should I Insist on English Only? 153
Should I Teach Grammar? 155
What about Phonics? 156
Should I Correct Students’ Mistakes? 157
How Can I Encourage Students to Participate in Class? 160
How Can I Promote a Positive Approach to Language
Learning? 161
What about Students Who Speak Another Variety of
English? 164
To Learn More … 165

9 Organizing Language Instruction 167

Organizing the Language Program 167
Methods of Second Language Instruction 175
To Learn More … 181

10 Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment 183

Providing Comprehensible Instruction 183
Providing Supportive Feedback 186

Incorporating Students’ Languages 189
Cooperative Learning 190
To Learn More … 198

11 Supporting Beginning Language Learners 200

Functional Language 201
Visual Support 202
Copying and Labeling 203
Physical Activity 203
Experience-Based Learning 206
Language Experience Stories 206
Listening to Stories on Tape 207
Games and Puzzles 208
If You Want to Get Started … 208

IV Language Learning across the Curriculum 215

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 217

Key Visuals 217
Guided Reading 220
Integrated Vocabulary Instruction 224
Integrated Grammar Instruction 232
Writing Scaffolds 233
Journals 236
The Writing Process 239
Guided Projects 242
Integrating the Arts 245
Alternative Resource Material 247
To Learn More … 249

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 251

Stages of Development in English as a Second Language 251
A Framework for Planning Instruction 252
Alternative Approaches to Assessment and Evaluation 260
Evaluation and Reporting 269
Putting It All Together: Planning Effective Lessons for English
Language Learners 274
To Learn More … 275

Afterword: A Great Adventure 277

Glossary 279

Index 287

Credits 301


Whether you are teaching an English-as-a-second-language class or

integrating English language learners into a mainstream K–12 classroom
program, this book offers information and advice to help you support
students who are learning English at the same time as they are learning
curriculum content.
In writing Adding English, one of my motivations was to help develop
basic principles and outline exemplary practices that can ensure that
English language learners have access to equitable educational
opportunities. Throughout the English-speaking world, there are wide
variations in the kind and amount of training that teachers receive for
working in linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms. This book is
intended to provide student teachers, new teachers, and seasoned
educators with the knowledge and skills required to teach effectively in the
multilingual classrooms that are increasingly the norm in communities in
Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New
The title, Adding English, is a reminder that the teacher’s task is to add
English to students’ existing language repertoires. We should encourage
English language learners to maintain and continue to develop their own
languages, because the ability to speak more than one language is an asset
to the individual, the community, and the nation. Learning English as a
second language is — or should be — a process of enrichment rather than
of remediation or replacement.

I have used ESL to refer to the English-as-a-second-language programs that
are commonly available to English language learners. In many school
districts, as well as in educational policy documents and curriculum
guidelines, and in many other books on this topic, students who are
learning English are called “English-as-a-second-language students” or

Introduction 9
“ESL students.” It is important to note, however, that English is, in fact, a
third or fourth language for many of these students.
In addition, the term ESL student implies that the learner is receiving
English language instruction from a specialist language teacher, whereas
this is frequently not the case. Many students who are new to English
when they arrive in an English-language school never receive ESL support.
Others who receive ESL instruction for the first year or two and who
continue to need support for language learning are no longer receiving any
support from an ESL teacher.
I have chosen to use the term English language learners to describe
students who are in the process of learning English, whether or not they
are receiving support through a designated ESL program. This choice is
consistent with the recent work of some of the leading scholars in the field
of bilingual and second language education, such as Jim Cummins of the
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.
Though I have kept technical language to a minimum, all teachers need a
certain basic vocabulary to understand the process of second language
acquisition and plan instruction for English language learners. Key terms
and concepts are highlighted throughout the book.

The 13 chapters of Adding English are organized into four sections.

I A Welcoming Environment
The two chapters in this section are intended to help you and your
colleagues provide an inclusive and welcoming environment for
newcomers and for students of various linguistic and cultural
backgrounds, whether they are native-born children enrolling in
Kindergarten or newcomers from a country on the other side of the world.

II How English Works

This section is about the English language: the least you need to know in
order to understand why students use the language they way they do.
Intended for teachers with little previous knowledge of linguistics or
grammar, this section summarizes basic terms and concepts relating to the
English sound and grammar systems and discusses the origin and
structure of English words, the writing system, and how language is used
in various real-life contexts, including the school. This information will
help you act as a language model and informant for English language

10 Adding English
III The Language Learning Environment
This section discusses what is involved in language learning and how
teachers can support the process. It outlines the advantages and
disadvantages of different ways of organizing second language instruction
and explains how you can organize your classroom to support second
language learners. The section concludes by suggesting activities for
students who are just beginning to learn English.

IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

This section is about supporting English language learners in all
classrooms. You will learn how to provide the scaffolding necessary to
support comprehension, promote language production, and enhance the
academic performance of English language learners, as well as native
speakers of English. You will also find suggestions for approaching
assessment, evaluation, and reporting.

How to Use This Book

The material is organized in a sequence that provides background
knowledge about English language learners, the English language, and the
language learning process before describing classroom strategies and
learning activities that demonstrate how this knowledge can be applied.
Please approach the book in any way that makes sense to you, however.
Throughout the book, you will find chapter references to key concepts that
are introduced elsewhere in the book. A glossary defines key terms and
concepts, and an index enables you to find key topics quickly.
I have chosen not to write this book in a formal academic style. Because I
preferred not to interrupt the flow of the text by embedding names and
dates, for example, I have not identified references in the usual academic
style. Each chapter, however, concludes with a section titled “To Learn
More …” This includes sources and suggests additional readings and
resources, including books, articles, and Web sites, that can be used to
explore topics in more depth.

Introduction 11
I A Welcoming Environment

A welcoming and inclusive multicultural school is one in which students

and parents of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds feel welcome,
valued, and included. The chapters in this section are intended to help you
and your colleagues establish a welcoming, inclusive environment for all
students, whether they are native-born children enrolling in Kindergarten
or newcomers from a country on the other side of the world.
The first chapter, “English Language Learners from Far and Near,”
provides background information about English language learners: where
they come from and what their needs are as they adjust to a new cultural
and educational environment. It also describes how to help newcomers get
off to a good start in their new school and how to establish a positive and
trusting relationship with parents.
The second chapter, “Creating an Inclusive Classroom,” describes
strategies and approaches that can help you create a classroom that values
linguistic and cultural diversity and promotes respect and understanding
among all students.

1 English Language Learners
from Far and Near

Students who are adjusting to a new cultural and educational environ-

ment have particular needs. This chapter discusses these needs and
how schools can provide a warm welcome that helps English language
learners get off to a good start.

Where Do English Language Learners

Come From?
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people immigrate to new coun-
tries. The push factors that motivate people to emigrate are much the
same as those that have always driven people to pull up stakes and
move to new countries. These factors include war or civil conflict, politi-
cal or religious oppression and other human rights abuses, poor social
and economic conditions, and lack of educational or career oppor-
In choosing a new country, emigrants are influenced by pull factors.
These include the scale of a country’s immigration program; its record
as a place of safety, tolerance, and peace; the availability of educational
and career opportunities; and its reputation for promoting social, politi-
cal, and religious freedom.

New Immigrants
Some English language learners in your classroom may have arrived as
immigrants last week, last year, or several years ago. Though most new-
comers plan to stay, some arrive as international — or visa — students
who intend to return to their homeland after completing their educa-
tion. Others arrive as refugees who may have fled their homeland in
Some children who were born in North traumatic circumstances. Some may have been separated from their
America begin learning English when they family or have witnessed the death of family members.
start school.

Native-Born Children
Others who are learning English as a second language may be
native-born children who speak a first language other than English and
encounter English for the first time only when they enter school. Most of
these children are the sons and daughters of immigrants who speak a
language other than English at home. In North America, Australia, and
New Zealand, however, some live in Aboriginal communities that pre-
date the arrival of Europeans. Others, such as Mennonites and Amish,

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 15

live in communities that have preserved their cultural and religious tra-
ditions, including their language. Although children from these
communities may not be new immigrants, they are still entering a new
linguistic and cultural environment when they arrive at school.
The impact of immigration on schools has been profound. In Canada,
for example, the cities of Toronto, Ontario, and Vancouver, British
Columbia, attract large numbers of immigrants. About 50 percent of the
students in these cities’ schools speak a first language other than Eng-
lish. In Toronto, 17,500 newcomers from more than 175 countries
enrolled in publicly funded elementary and secondary schools in 2001.
Though diversity on this scale is unparalleled in the world, statistics
from other areas show that linguistic diversity is a feature of many
urban schools.

The English language learners in this class- Students from French-Speaking Communities
room come from countries around the
world and speak many languages.
Some countries have more than one official language. In Canada, for
example, both English and French are official languages. Students from
French-speaking communities, however, may live in areas where there
is no French-language school. As a result, these students, too, may be
new to English when they start school. In addition, new immigrants to
Canada may settle first in Quebec, and their children may begin school
in French before moving to an English-speaking area and enrolling in
an English-language school. These children may have been in Canada
for several years or they may be Canadian born. Although they are not
newcomers, they still need support in learning English.

Students from English-Speaking Communities

Some students who also need support in learning English are from
English-speaking communities. Though they may come from countries
or communities where English is both the official language and the lan-
guage of instruction, the variety of English they have learned is so
different from standard English, or so-called school English, that they
may have difficulty communicating with their teachers.

Understanding the Needs of English Language

Most English language learners need a program of language instruc-
tion, as well as support in adjusting to a new cultural environment and
school system. At the same time, they need to be involved in an aca-
demic program that enables them to continue their education in other

Language Instruction
Students arrive with varying levels of English proficiency and may
need different kinds of English-as-a-second-language support. Chapter
10 includes an overview of models for providing ESL support.
Most beginning language learners need intensive support to acquire
English. They may be intimidated at first, especially if the grammar
system and script of their own language are entirely unrelated to

16 Section I A Welcoming Environment

English. These learners need a tremendous amount of visual and con-
textual support, as well as a safe learning environment in which they
can make the mistakes that are a necessary part of language learning.
They also need help from peers and, if possible, access to their own lan-
guage to clarify ideas and instructions. At the same time, they need to be
integrated into mainstream classrooms and activities for part of the
school day, so that they can interact with English-speaking peers and
become socially integrated into the life of the school.
Other students may be at one of several stages of developing profi-
ciency in English. Some students, especially adolescents, may have been
exposed to English as a foreign language in their home country. These
students may have studied English for an hour or two a week, or in
some cases, they may have attended schools where English was the lan-
guage of instruction. Students who studied English before immigrating
to an English-speaking country are often shocked to find that their level
of proficiency is not advanced enough for them to study effectively in
English. In this, they are no different from most English-speaking stu-
dents who have studied a language such as French in an
English-language school. These students would not be ready to receive
all their instruction, complete all assignments, or write tests and exami-
nations in French.
Depending on their level of proficiency in English, English language
learners need varying levels of ESL support. They also need to be inte-
grated into mainstream classes for some subjects. In these classes, they
need encouragement and support to participate in classroom activities
and continue learning English at the same time. Chapter 12 outlines
strategies for integrating language and content instruction.
No matter what stage language learners have reached on the path to
English proficiency, it is important to remember that most have already
developed age-appropriate levels of proficiency in at least one language
and that students who have received some schooling in their own coun-
try may be highly literate in their own language. The task of the school is
to help these students add English to their repertoire of language(s),
enabling them to learn effectively in an environment in which English is
the language of instruction. At the same time, it is important to do
everything possible to support the students’ continued development in
their first languages, at least until English catches up. Chapters 2 and 10
suggest strategies for capitalizing on students’ knowledge of their first

Adjustment Period
For many English language learners and their families, the period of
adjustment and acculturation to a new land and a new school system is
painful. Even native-born children find a new school environment
intimidating at first. Those who have come to their new school from
other countries may also be coping with feelings of loneliness, home-
sickness, and displacement. Even when a family has been planning the
move for months or years, the reality of life in a new country is often a
shock for adults and children alike.
Most newcomers pass through four stages of adjustment after arriv-
ing in a new country.

• Stage 1 — Arrival and first impressions: During the first few days
and weeks in a new country, immigrants may experience feelings

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 17

of adventure, optimism, and even euphoria. During this time, they
may celebrate their good fortune in embarking on a new phase of
life or in escaping a desperate situation in their home country. At
the same time, they may also be anxious about their new situation.
Some students may choose to observe, rather than participate in,
classroom situations as they try to figure out what is going on.

• Stage 2 — Culture shock: As newcomers begin to identify intimi-

dating, distasteful, or strange aspects of their new environment,
they may experience feelings of discomfort, dislocation, and alien-
ation. Students’ emotions may fluctuate between feelings of curi-
osity, adventure, and optimism, and feelings of sadness, loss, and
despair. Anxiety and frustration, as well as communication diffi-
culties, may make learning to live in a new culture seem like an
unachievable goal. Some may feel that the majority culture threat-
ens their sense of identity and completeness and seek support by
bonding exclusively with members of their own ethnic group.
During this stage, individual members of a community or family
may react differently. Some may feel a sense of loss so intense that
they are overwhelmed by pessimism and withdraw or act out their
unhappiness in other ways. Teachers must be alert to the signs and
Adapting to a new climate presents a prepared to give students special consideration and support at this
challenge to many newcomers. time. Other students, meanwhile, may be more optimistic, expect-
ing things to get better.

• Stage 3 — Recovery and optimism: Immigrants and refugees are

often extraordinarily resilient, and recovery from culture shock
brings a renewed sense of optimism and autonomy. The stresses
they have experienced and overcome may have helped them
develop coping skills that will stand them in good stead through-
out their lives. Although they may still feel pressure, students
begin to develop confidence in their ability to overcome difficul-
ties, including those associated with learning the new language.
They are able to communicate adequately for most day-to-day
purposes and begin to feel that they are making progress at school.
Some may begin to form friendships with students outside their
own cultural or linguistic group.

• Stage 4 — Acculturation: After a period that may last a year or two,

or even many years, most newcomers resolve internal conflicts by
re-creating their identities. They may choose to integrate, adopting
some of the values and practices of the new culture while main-
taining aspects of their original culture. Many children adopt dif-
ferent cultural styles depending on the context. Children who can
move comfortably between languages and cultures have learned
to value their heritage and to be flexible in their interactions with
others of various cultural backgrounds. Integration may also
involve developing bilingual competence.
In contrast, individuals who feel that their own cultural heritage
has little value in the wider society may choose to assimilate into
the mainstream and discard their original culture and language.
Though assimilation was once the purpose of most educational
programs for immigrants and minorities, it is no longer the stated
goal of education in many countries.

18 Section I A Welcoming Environment

Individual students — even members of the same family — may pass
through these stages of adjustment at different rates or even skip a stage
entirely. The stages are not always clearly delineated. They sometimes
overlap, so that an individual may appear to have reached a particular
stage of acculturation in one area while remaining at an earlier stage in
another. Children who enter welcoming and supportive classrooms, for
example, may become comfortable and confident at school long before
they are comfortable interacting with strangers or in less familiar con-
texts in the wider society. Some immigrants report feelings of great
optimism and seem to experience little or no difficulty during the transi-
tion period, while others experience great pain and frustration and
sometimes become stuck in the second stage.
For refugees, school may seem like a safe haven after months or years
of displacement and confusion. At the same time, they may be dealing
with feelings of displacement, grief, and loss that may make it difficult
at first for them to do well at school.
It is important not to forget the needs of visa students, most of whom
are living away from home for the first time and may also be doing their
own cooking, shopping, banking, cleaning, and other daily chores. In
addition, they may be coping with loneliness and homesickness.
Schools play a very important role in supporting newcomers through
this adjustment period and helping them integrate into the mainstream
without sacrificing important aspects of their culture and identity.
Ways of welcoming newcomers are discussed later in this chapter, and
Chapter 2 includes suggestions for creating an inclusive classroom that
honors students’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

Program Adaptation
Students who arrive from other countries need to continue their educa-
tion at the same time as they learn English. To help them do this, the
mainstream curriculum, which is designed for proficient English speak-
ers, must be adapted to enable second language learners to participate.
In linguistically and culturally demanding subjects such as social stud-
ies and language arts, major adaptations may be required. Even in
mathematics, which may appear to be less linguistically demanding,
skills such as problem solving and communication may require a level
of English proficiency that newcomers do not yet possess. Chapter 13
provides specific guidance on adapting the mainstream program for
language learners.
Some newcomers may have experienced significant disruption in
their education or come from countries where their access to education
was limited for socioeconomic reasons. As a result, these students may
not have developed the age-appropriate literacy skills or academic
background in their own language. Because they have not had the
opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge possessed by other stu-
dents their age, these educationally disadvantaged students would
have difficulty relating to the age-appropriate curriculum even if it
were offered in their own language. As a result, they need an intensive
program of language and literacy instruction, as well as academic
upgrading, to help them learn English and catch up to their age peers.

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 19

Welcoming Newcomers to the School
From their first day, students and their parents will form an impression
of the new school and how well they are likely to fit into it. Because first
impressions are important, schools must provide a warm welcome to
students and families whose first language is not English. Whether a
school receives one newcomer a year or more than a hundred, it is
essential to prepare effective welcoming procedures for reception and
orientation, initial assessment and placement, monitoring and counsel-
ing, and fostering parental involvement.

Reception and Orientation

A welcoming school plans for the arrival of newcomers, whether they
are arriving from a neighboring city or halfway around the world. The
procedures suggested in this section not only help ensure a smooth
transition for the students and the receiving teachers, but also reassure
parents about what lies ahead for their children.
This poster welcomes students in many FIRST CONTACT
Many factors help create a welcoming first impression.
• Create welcome signs in the languages of the community and dis-
play them prominently around the school. Ask parents and stu-
dents to help make the signs.
• Organize special intake and orientation days for students and par-
ents of various language backgrounds.
• Make sure that all members of the school’s support staff are
Questions for the Initial Interview trained to receive new students in a welcoming manner and know
Which language or languages did your child the routines to follow. The first contact with the school is usually at
first learn in the home? the front desk, and it is essential that this contact be reassuring.
What language do you now use in your Unprepared staff members may unintentionally communicate the
message that the school is not ready to receive these students or
What is the child’s dominant language (the
language in which the child is now most their parents. Provide a script for staff to use, as well as a list of con-
proficient)? tact people who can help in various languages.
How many years has the student been in • Designate a reception team. As well as ESL staff, an elementary
school? school team might include a school administrator, and a high
What was the language of instruction?
school team might include a guidance counselor.
Have there been any interruptions in
Was the child in school every day?
How large were the classes? As soon as a new family arrives, welcome them and find a suitable
Has the student developed any literacy skills space to conduct a private interview.
in the first language? If so, at what age did
the child begin to read? • Unless the student and parents are fluent in English, ask an inter-
What special aptitudes or interests has the preter to help. If no bilingual teachers are on staff, use a profes-
child shown at school? sional interpreter, if possible. Many school jurisdictions hire
Has the student experienced learning
difficulties or received any specialized professionally trained multilingual staff. It is also possible to use
education? community volunteers, as long as training is provided and confi-
What is the nature of the child’s experience dentiality guidelines are established and observed. To ensure con-
with English, if any, in the home country or fidentiality and maintain appropriate social relationships, it is best
since arrival? not to ask another parent or student to interpret.
Are educational records available? (If so,
have them translated and evaluated by a • Complete the registration form yourself, asking questions to elicit
bilingual educator who is familiar with the the necessary information. It is best not to ask the parents to fill in
education system in the student’s home the form, as they may be intimidated by the design of the form and
country.) may be unable to read English well enough to understand what is
required. An interview format helps set parents and student at

20 Section I A Welcoming Environment

ease and enables you to ask additional questions about the stu-
dent’s language background, educational background, immigra-
tion history, and so on.
• To elicit accurate information, explain the intent of the questions. It
is not uncommon, for example, for parents to report greater use or
knowledge of English than is the case, especially if they believe that
the school values English more highly than other languages. Instead
of asking, “Do you speak English?” or “What language do you
speak?” you can say, “The students in our school speak many lan-
guages. We are proud of this. We can also give special help to stu-
dents who are learning English. What languages do you speak?”
• Allow plenty of time for the interview. It takes more than twice as
long to communicate through an interpreter because both words
and entire concepts, such as field trip, home form, brown-bag lunch,
and credit course, must be translated and explained.
• Start a reception dossier on each newcomer and add to it as the stu-
dent settles in over the next few weeks.

To help parents feel comfortable and confident about their child’s start
in the new school, provide them with basic information about school
routines. Don’t overload the family with new information during this
first encounter, however. Welcoming procedures are intended to estab-
lish a relationship so that orientation can continue during the weeks and
months ahead.

• Create a one-page information sheet or small brochure that parents

can take home. It should include information about the school day;
the principal’s name; the school phone number; the names and
phone numbers of other contacts at the school; the dates of holi-
days, professional development days, and parent-teacher inter-
views; what to do if the student is absent; and so on. Make this
available in the languages of the school and include specific infor-
mation, such as the names of the student’s classroom or home form
teacher and the ESL teacher, and the name and phone number of a
community contact person or organization.

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 21

• Give the new student a starter kit of materials. These may include
pens and pencils, colored markers, a ruler, an eraser, and a note-
book or binder. A picture dictionary also makes an excellent wel-
coming gift.
• Provide information about the availability of heritage language
programs. These programs, which are intended to help children
maintain and continue to develop proficiency in their first lan-
guage, are sometimes called international language programs.
Encourage parents to continue to use their first language at home.
Explain that proficiency in the first language is important for con-
tinued cognitive growth and supports the acquisition of English.
Using the first language also helps unite the family by maintaining
effective communication at home during the adjustment period
and is an important source of cultural pride and individual
Student Ambassadors
self-esteem. Chapter 8 includes more information on the impor-
Train student ambassadors to help welcome tance of students’ first languages.
and orient new students. Discuss how a • Provide information about resettlement services in the neighbor-
recent arrival might feel during the first few
days of school, encouraging ambassadors hood and encourage the parents to join language classes for adults.
who have themselves been new students to Many school districts offer ESL programs for adults. Governments
draw on their experiences. may also provide resettlement services and language training pro-
Ambassadors can explain classroom grams, often through community agencies.
routines, ensure that the new student knows • Introduce the newcomer to a student ambassador from her or his
key locations in the school, describe school
services, and sit beside the newcomer for the homeroom or ESL class. Ask the ambassador to escort the student
first couple of weeks to explain what is going and the family on a brief school tour, including a visit to the stu-
on and to offer help when needed. Don’t dent’s classroom or homeroom and the ESL room. Meeting
expect the ambassador to become the another of the same background is encouraging for newcomers,
newcomer’s buddy, however. The especially if the ambassador has successfully passed through the
ambassador’s responsibilities should be
specific and finite; friendship may result, but adjustment period and is comfortable in the school. If an ambassa-
it is not the purpose of the program. dor of the same background is not available, the help of a sympa-
In middle and secondary schools, an thetic English-speaking peer is also appreciated.
ambassador may Ambassadors should reflect the ethnic and cultural makeup of
• explain how to read the timetable the school, though some newcomers may be more comfortable
• escort the new student to classes for the with an ambassador of the same sex. Ensure that many students
first full cycle have an opportunity to play this leadership role.
• help the student to find a locker and dem- Recognize the important role played by ambassadors by giving
onstrate how to use the lock
• help the newcomer get a bus pass them a button or certificate or displaying their names and photo-
• accompany the newcomer to the cafeteria graphs in a prominent place in the school.
for the first few days
• introduce the new student to extracurricu-
lar activities Initial Assessment and Placement
Whether students entering a new school are native-born children start-
ing Kindergarten or newcomers who have already begun their
education in other countries, their needs must be assessed accurately.
Some special guidelines apply, however, when assessing and placing
students whose first language is not English.
When English language learners arrive at the school, start an assess-
ment portfolio to document their progress. Include a record of the
initial interview and the assessment information you gather. During the
year, work with other teachers to add samples of work, observation
checklists and forms, and information collected through conferences
and journal responses. This will help you track students’ progress and
identify special needs or strengths.
The portfolio may be maintained by the ESL teacher or a counselor
with special responsibility for monitoring the progress of English lan-
This student ambassador is helping a new- guage learners. It can be shared with parents during parent-teacher
comer find his way around the school.

22 Section I A Welcoming Environment

interviews and with students during student-teacher conferences. Some
students may wish to maintain their portfolio electronically, as part of a
personal Web site.


Elementary English language learners should be placed in classes with
their age peers. At one time, some schools and school jurisdictions
placed beginning language learners a year or two behind their age peers
on the assumption that they would learn English more quickly if they
didn’t face the challenges of learning new skills and knowledge at the
same time. This practice may negatively affect students’ self-esteem,
however, and offers no advantage in helping students learn English or
catch up to their peers academically. In addition, research shows that a
second language is acquired more efficiently when learners want and
need to know the information that is being conveyed. Involvement in an
age-appropriate curriculum rather than a curriculum designed for
younger children is much more likely to be stimulating and engaging.
Language learners may be withdrawn from the mainstream class-
room for ESL support for part of the school day, or the ESL teacher may
work with the classroom teacher to develop an appropriate program for
the newcomer. Exceptionally shy or timid students may benefit from
staying in the ESL classroom for the first few days.
Over a period of several weeks, both the ESL and classroom teachers
can assess the student’s linguistic and educational needs in a low-stress
environment. This initial assessment information is extremely impor-
tant for tracking the child’s progress in the months and years ahead.
Though assessment procedures may vary according to the age of the
child, it is not usually appropriate to use formal tests because most are
developed for use with native speakers of English. Formal tests may
also intimidate newcomers, who are already dealing with the stress of
immersion in an unfamiliar linguistic and cultural environment.
Instead, informal assessment strategies can be used.
Informal Language Assessment Strategies
A variety of informal strategies — based on observation, individual
interviews, and carefully structured reading and writing tasks — can
help you gather information about a child’s level of education and
Language learners may be withdrawn from knowledge of English.
the mainstream classroom for part of the
school day. • Ask children who have already received some schooling in their
first language to produce a writing sample in this language. Even if
you can’t read it, this sample can provide useful information: Can
the child write in the first language? Does the letter or character
formation appear to be appropriately developed? How long does
the child take to produce the piece? Does the child check and edit
the piece? How simple or complex does it appear?
• To assess competence in simple day-to-day social interaction in
English, engage the child in conversation. Begin with questions
such as, “What is your name?” If the student can respond with
appropriate information (though not necessarily with correct
grammar or pronunciation), continue with a simple interview.
• Use pictures and concrete objects (e.g., pictures of numbers and
upper- and lower-case letters, color samples, shapes, and various
real objects, such as those found in the classroom) to assess the stu-
dent’s vocabulary. Ask the student to name the letters or numbers
in English or point to a specific item when you name it.

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 23

• Use simple props and instructions to assess the child’s ability to
follow simple oral instructions in English (e.g., “Give me the blue
ball,” “Put the ball in the box,” “Show me the smallest one,” or
“Open the book at page 4”).
• To assess listening comprehension, read a simple picture book
aloud while the child looks at the illustrations. Then ask questions
based on factual comprehension and, if the child is able to respond,
ask questions designed to encourage her to offer personal
responses and opinions and to make inferences.
• To assess reading comprehension, supply several picture books,
both fiction and non-fiction, and ask the child to choose one. Talk
about the book and read a page or two aloud before asking him to
continue reading silently. Then ask questions about the story. Do
not ask the child to read aloud. Children who stumble over pro-
nunciation may be able to understand if they read silently,
whereas fluent oral readers may actually understand little of what
they read.
• Collect a writing sample in English by asking the child to write a
response to the story or by offering a choice of photos or magazine
pictures to stimulate writing. Ensure that the pictures include peo-
ple and situations representing a variety of ethnic, cultural, and
geographic contexts.

Pictures like these can be used to stimulate writing in English.

• Observe how the child uses language in the classroom. How does
the child establish social relationships; follow oral directions and
classroom routines; use the first language; interact with peers in
English; engage in partner, small group, whole class, and individ-
ual activities; retain key vocabulary from one day or week to the
next; and use strategies to gain meaning or communicate in En-
glish (e.g., ask questions, use first language resources, and initiate

24 Section I A Welcoming Environment

In elementary schools, most language learners adjust relatively
smoothly and begin to communicate in English very quickly. As time
goes by, they begin to participate more actively in both mainstream and
ESL classroom activities. Some newcomers may, however, have trouble
adjusting or learning English. In these cases, an in-depth assessment of
the student’s language and mathematics skills conducted in the first or
dominant language is advisable. This assessment, which must be con-
ducted by a bilingual educator who is familiar with the school system in
both the student’s home country and new country, provides a much
clearer picture of the student’s educational background than an assess-
ment conducted in English only and helps determine what additional
assessment or support is required.
A first language assessment is also essential when teachers observe
learning difficulties that seem to be more severe than those experienced
in the normal process of second language acquisition. Students from
countries where education has not been consistently available may have
significant gaps in their educational background. Other students —
about the same percentage as in the general population — may have a
learning disability or other unidentified exceptional need.
Because many students stop developing in their first language once
they are immersed in an English-language school environment, the first
language assessment should be conducted as soon as possible. Even a
year later, a child struggling in English may not be able to do much
better in her first language unless she has received the support and
instruction necessary to continue developing in that language.
A first language assessment can provide the following information:
• Detailed and accurate information on the student’s educational
background, oral language development and literacy skills in the
first language, and conceptual development in mathematics.
• Other relevant information (e.g., cultural adjustment, family
issues, and medical, social, or emotional needs).
• Whether additional assessment is required.
• Whether linguistic and cultural adaptations are appropriate when
other assessments (e.g., psycho-educational assessment and
speech and language assessment) are called for.
• Recommendations for placement and program support


To determine the appropriate placement for adolescents, an assessment
should be conducted before the student is placed in classes, streams,
levels, and subjects. Ideally, this initial assessment would be conducted
by staff who are both knowledgeable about the education system in the
student’s country of origin and trained in second language assessment
techniques. The assessment may include several components and in-
volve several staff members. As a result, it may take more than a day to
coordinate all the procedures. In some school districts, newcomer
reception centers provide assessment and orientation services; in oth-
ers, this work is completed by in-school staff.
For adolescents, an initial assessment is The procedures should include an assessment of educational back-
essential before a provisional placement is ground, an assessment of skills in mathematics, and an assessment of
the student’s proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing English.
Gather this information in an assessment portfolio and make a provi-
sional placement.

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 25

Adolescents need not be placed with their age peers in all courses.
Some may be placed ahead of their age peers in some courses (e.g., if
their math skills are advanced) and with younger students in others
(e.g., at a beginning level in French or computer studies if they have
never studied these subjects).
Educational Background Assessment
During the initial interview, find out as much as possible about the stu-
dent’s previous education. If the student has brought education-related
documents, have them assessed by an educator who is familiar with the
education system that issued them. Many students do not bring docu-
ments, however, often because they left their home country under
conditions of extreme urgency or danger. Ask these students detailed
questions about their previous education. Do not confine your ques-
tions to the subjects taught in your own school system; many students
have studied subjects such as philosophy, religion, and citizenship,
which may not be included in your jurisdiction’s curriculum. Show stu-
dents textbooks containing charts, graphs, diagrams, maps, and other
visual material and ask them to identify items that seem familiar. Some
students may bring textbooks or notebooks used in their previous
As suggested on page 25, some students may need a more detailed
educational assessment conducted in their first language. A first lan-
guage assessment can be especially informative when there have been
gaps in a student’s education or when school personnel are unfamiliar
with the education system in the country or countries where a student
was previously educated. Arrange this assessment as soon as possible
so that the student can be placed in an appropriate program and given
the necessary support.
Assessing Mathematical Skills Mathematics Assessment
and Knowledge Fairly
Begin by showing a student math textbooks at various levels and asking
• Avoid problems that require students to him to point out concepts that seem familiar. Because the order in which
use a calculator. Many come from coun-
math concepts are taught varies from country to country, encourage
tries where mental computation is empha-
sized and calculators are not allowed. students to skip topics that seem unfamiliar and look ahead for others
• Do not expect students to use the algo- that are familiar. Some students may be able to show you the textbooks
rithms taught in your local curriculum. they used in their former schools.
Methods of carrying out procedures such Prepare two tests that begin with simple computation problems
as regrouping (borrowing and carrying)
drawn from the elementary curriculum and move on to more difficult
and long division often vary from country
to country. problems drawn from the secondary school curriculum. The tests
• Do not expect students to show every step should be nearly identical, with only the numbers changed. To reduce
in solving a problem. Many have been anxiety and allow the student time to review, give him one test to take
taught to do as much mental computation home for practice. The next day, administer the second test. Encourage
as possible.
him to skip problems he cannot do and look ahead for familiar items.
• Use metric measures unless the student is
from a country that uses another system
English Language Assessment: Oral Proficiency
(e.g., imperial measure is still used in
English-speaking Caribbean countries). During the initial interview, find out whether the student has been
• Avoid culturally based problems such as exposed to English. If the student studied English before immigrating,
those associated with sports, fruit and find out for how many years and for how many hours a week. Some stu-
vegetables, and geographical knowledge.
• Provide the test in the student’s own lan- dents may, for example, have received some English language training
guage if possible. These tests must be in refugee camps.
translated by someone who is not only If students have had no exposure to English, they are beginning
proficient in both languages but also learners of English, and no further assessment is necessary. If the stu-
familiar with mathematical terms and the dent has some knowledge of English, however, assess his oral
mathematics curriculum.
proficiency by conducting an informal interview in English. The chart

26 Section I A Welcoming Environment

Oral Assessment Interview Questions on this page provides questions that help assess how well the student
1. What is your name? understands oral English. Do not expect the student to answer ques-
2. How old are you? tions 1 to 7 in complete sentences: this would be unnatural. A one-word
3. Where were you born? answer that makes sense indicates comprehension. Chapter 13 includes
4. On what date were you born? some sample descriptors of oral language performance that can be used
5. What language do you speak at home?
6. What is your address? to assess a student’s responses and assist in placement.
7. How many years did you go to school in
your country? English Language Assessment: Reading Comprehension
When students have formally studied English, assess their reading
Proceed to the next questions only if the
student was able to answer questions 1 to 7. comprehension to find out how well they are likely to be able to deal
Questions 8 to 15 are intended to elicit longer with the language of instruction. Keep in mind, however, that reading
answers that will help you assess students’ assessments administered in English provide only an indication of stu-
use of grammatical features such as plurals, dents’ reading performance in English. They do not measure students’
subject-verb agreement, and verb tenses.
level of comprehension in reading, which may be much higher than their
Sometimes you may need to use additional
prompts such as, “Can you tell me more performance in English suggests. A student who reads at a Grade 3 level
about that?” or “Begin your answer like in English, for example, may be able to read at a much higher level in
this …” Korean. For this reason, be very cautious about interpreting this
8. How did you get here today? Begin your assessment.
answer like this: “I …” Oral reading tests also present problems because students who are
9. Why did you (your family) come to reading aloud in a second language may concentrate more on pronunci-
Canada? ation than on comprehension and may derive little or no meaning from
10. Tell me about your last school. How was
what they read. It is not unusual for students to read aloud fluently
it different from this one? Did you like it?
Why? What subjects did you like? while remaining unable to answer comprehension questions. Con-
11. Finish these descriptions: A good teacher versely, they may falter while reading aloud a passage that they are able
is someone who … A good student is to comprehend when they read silently.
someone who … Standardized tests may also present problems because they are
12. What are you going to do when you
developed for use with native speakers of English who are familiar with
leave here today?
13. What are your hopes and wishes for the the mainstream culture. As an alternative to formal or standardized
future? tests, use informal assessment procedures, such as graded reading and
14. Where do you think you will be five cloze passages. These focus on comprehension and are much less intim-
years from now? idating to students than formal tests.
15. What do you think you will be doing five
years from now? Graded reading passages and follow-up comprehension questions
provide useful information about specific reading skills such as un-
derstanding the main idea, finding details, following sequence, relat-
ing cause and effect, and making inferences. Some reading inventories
include reading passages at various levels and comprehension ques-
tions of various types. The content of these inventories, however, of-
ten assumes cultural knowledge that many newcomers are unlikely to
You may prefer to select passages from graded readers that have
been developed specifically for English language learners. These are
often graded using labels such as “beginner” and “low-intermediate”
or according to students’ vocabulary level: 500 words, 1000 words, and
so on.
You can also select your own passages and grade them yourself.
Some word processing programs, such as Microsoft Word, include a
feature that measures the reading level of passages. Then you can
develop clearly worded comprehension questions. You might ask the
questions orally or design questions that require simple true-or-false
answers. Show students how to answer the questions.
When you interpret the results, remember that the readability rating
was normed using native speakers of English. Many English language
learners possess much more background knowledge and a much higher
literacy level than they are able to demonstrate in English.

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 27

Graded reading passages are useful when it is important to know
how an English language learner’s performance compares with that of
native speakers. A 17-year-old who reads in English at a Grade 5 level,
for example, is likely to experience difficulty in a Grade 12 social science
Cloze passages are reading selections from which certain words have
been omitted. The term cloze derives from closure and refers to the
ability to infer whole images or patterns from incomplete information.
Readers who can fill in the missing words, or meaningful alternatives,
demonstrate an important comprehension strategy: the ability to use
context to figure out meaning.
Originally devised as a way of matching text and readers, cloze tests
are also useful in assessing an individual student’s comprehension of a
text. Chapters 12 and 13 include suggested uses for the cloze procedure.
To create a cloze test, choose several short graded reading passages of
various levels of difficulty about subjects that are likely to be familiar to
the reader. Students from Africa or the Caribbean, for example, are
unlikely to have much knowledge of winter and winter sports. Add a
title and short introduction to provide a context for each passage.
Construct the cloze passages by leaving the first and last sentences
intact and deleting every seventh or ninth word from the other sen-
tences (every seventh word is more challenging). Some of the deleted
words will be content words (nouns, verbs, etc.) and some will be func-
tion words (prepositions, articles, conjunctions, etc.). Leave a blank
where words were deleted.
Start with a passage that you think the student will be able to read. If
you are unsure, begin with the easiest. Tell the student to fill in each
blank with a word that makes sense. If she can’t think of the word in
English, encourage her to supply a word in her first language. If she is
able to understand the meaning of the passage, she will insert words
that make sense in the context.
In scoring the test, accept all meaningful words. Do not expect stu-
dents to fill in the exact words used in the original piece. A response that
is grammatically incorrect but semantically correct (i.e., correct in
meaning) indicates that the student understands the passage. If you are
not sure why a student inserted a particular word or phrase, ask.
Scoring is approximate, depending on whether you deleted every sev-
enth or ninth word, and the extent to which the content is within the
learner’s previous experience. Here is a guide.
• If at least 75 percent of a student’s responses are appropriate, he or
she is able to independently read and draw meaning from text at
that level.
• If between 60 and 75 percent of a student’s responses are appropri-
ate, she or he is able to read at that level only with instructional
• If less than 60 percent of a student’s responses are appropriate, he
or she is at the frustration level and is unable to comprehend text at
that level.
Eventually you may decide to develop your own standards by test-
ing your test on readers whose levels are already known.

English Language Assessment: Writing

If a student was able to participate in the reading assessment, the next
step is to collect a writing sample. Ask students whose proficiency in

28 Section I A Welcoming Environment

English is limited to respond to a picture by listing what they see. Oth-
ers may construct a more detailed description or write a story. If
students are more advanced, collect samples of different kinds of writ-
ing (e.g., a piece of personal writing, a narrative, a letter, a descriptive
piece, and an expository piece).

To create an English writing sample, students may describe what they see
in a picture like this or use the picture as inspiration for writing a more
detailed story.

Writing Assessment Topics Provide bilingual dictionaries for students to use. The purpose of
Give students a choice of topics. Those who this assessment is to find out how they handle a writing task, using all
have studied English as a foreign language the resources available. If a student asks you for a word, say and write it
in their home country or who have already so that the student can copy it and continue writing. You might, how-
participated in an ESL program in another ever, ask him to identify the words he looked up or that you gave him.
school may be able to respond to one of the
Take a holistic approach to assessing these writing samples. Con-
following topics:
sider the writer’s purpose, and the relevance of the information and
• Write a letter to a friend in your own how it is organized before turning your attention to word choice and
country. Tell your friend about your first
surface features such as sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation.
days in your new country.
• Write a letter to introduce yourself to your It is also helpful to collect a writing sample in the student’s first lan-
new teachers. guage. Even if you have no immediate access to bilingual support, a
• Describe your favorite teacher in your for- writing sample can provide the kind of information outlined earlier in
mer school. this chapter.
• Describe a holiday that you celebrate in
• Do you think boys and girls should go to
separate schools? Why? Newcomers must be placed in programs that offer them the best chance
of achieving success and satisfying their aspirations. As a result, their
initial placement should be provisional or tentative. Decisions about a
student’s placement affect her or his entire school experience. Unfortu-
nately, newcomers are sometimes placed in classrooms where the only
likely outcome is failure, either because the students are inadequately
prepared for the subject or because the teacher is inadequately prepared
for the students. To minimize errors of this kind, review the initial
placement in a couple of weeks and at regular intervals afterwards.
Most secondary school students need to be placed in an ESL class
and, perhaps, one or two content courses designed specifically to meet
the needs of English language learners. If courses like this are not

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 29

available, a planned program of support should be offered through
resource or itinerant teachers, volunteers, and trained peer tutors.
Beginning learners of English benefit from being placed in at least
one mainstream subject where they can interact with English-speaking
peers. Most can participate successfully in the mainstream mathematics
program, for example, as well as in subjects such as physical education,
family studies, art, and music.
Keep in mind that some students need much more support than
others. Those whose education has been interrupted and whose
first-language literacy is limited benefit from being placed in one class-
room with a trained ESL teacher for at least half the school day. This
enables them to concentrate on basic literacy, numeracy, and academic

Monitoring and Counseling

Once students are placed in a program designed to meet their needs, it
is important to monitor their progress and offer continuing support. All
students feel more secure if someone in the school understands their
needs, and this is especially true of newcomers. Institute procedures for
tracking students’ progress throughout the year and from year to year.
This monitoring should continue through the period of linguistic and
cultural adjustment, which lasts at least five years.
• Designate a team responsible for gathering and reviewing infor-
mation about students’ performance.
• Reach out to students. In schools with a guidance counselor, the
counselor might visit ESL classes to explain the role of the guid-
ance department. Most newcomers have no experience of guid-
ance programs. They need information about the services that are
available and reassurances about the confidentiality of the coun-
seling relationship.
• Organize information sessions about the education system for
newcomers in grades 7 and up. Explain how the system is orga-
nized, the courses necessary for graduation, and the programs that
will prepare them to enter either the workforce or a post-secondary
• Organize peer-support programs for newcomers and parent net-
works to support their families. Group sessions for specific linguis-
tic and cultural groups can be very helpful if a particular group
faces difficult issues.
• Coordinate support for students who are experiencing academic
or personal difficulties. Educational psychologists, bilingual edu-
cators, and community agencies may be able to help.
• Organize a mentoring program that pairs newcomers with stu-
dents who have adjusted successfully to the new cultural and edu-
cational environment and can serve as role models. Mentors
should be at least a year older, of the same sex, and if possible, of
the same ethnocultural background.


Like their English-speaking counterparts, some English language learn-
ers have special learning needs. They may have a learning disability or a
behavioral disorder, or they may be talented or intellectually gifted. It is
important, however, to be extremely cautious in making this judgment.
When recommending or interpreting the results of a psychological

30 Section I A Welcoming Environment

assessment, it is essential to take into account the fact that the student
may be unfamiliar with some of the cultural knowledge and experi-
ences that are taken for granted when these assessments are created. As
a result, the findings may not be accurate.
This does not mean that English language learners with special needs
cannot be identified, even if they are very recent arrivals. Some special
needs may become evident during the initial reception interview, espe-
cially if these needs have been identified in the home country or relate to
a physical disability such as a hearing impairment. Some students may
have special educational needs that have not previously been identi-
fied, however, especially if they are from countries where special
education services do not exist or are very limited.
It is important to identify students with special needs as soon as pos-
sible so that they can receive additional support. Teachers may identify
these needs by observing the student’s learning rate and strategies and
assessing the student’s growth in English. Before making a referral for
further assessment — by an educational psychologist, for example —
begin with a first language assessment, as described earlier.
It is also important to consider all the factors that may be affecting a
student’s learning (e.g., access to previous schooling, quality of school-
ing, previous exposure to English, emotional factors related to the
circumstances of immigration, and the amount and nature of the ESL
support provided). This helps you distinguish between academic diffi-
culties that are a result of limited schooling and problems that may in-
dicate a learning disability.
A first language assessment helps determine whether a student’s
behavior can be attributed to the normal process of adjusting to the new
culture and language or to deeper psychological problems, for example,
is the newly arrived child who remains silent for several weeks simply
experiencing the silent period that is a normal part of second language
acquisition for many children? See Chapter 8 for more information on
the silent period and other aspects of the second language acquisition
Involving a bilingual educator in additional assessments such as psy-
chological tests is a good idea. The tests can then be conducted in the
first language and culturally biased items can be identified and elimi-
nated or interpreted with caution. Make sure that parents are informed
of and involved in the process.

Parental Involvement
A supportive relationship between home and school helps immigrant
students adjust successfully to their new environment. To foster this
supportive relationship with their multilingual, multiracial, multicul-
tural communities, schools must welcome the presence and
participation of all students, their parents or guardians, and the wider
• Communicate effectively with the parents of all students. Some
parents may have difficulty understanding written communica-
tion in English, such as school handbooks, report cards, newslet-
ters, and information about field trips. Even if the parents
understand English, these communications often assume that they
also understand the school system. Important documents should
be translated into the languages of the students in the school.

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 31

• Encourage parents to help their children continue to develop in
their first language. See Chapter 8 for more information on the
importance of students’ first languages.
• Support heritage languages. Visit a heritage or international lan-
guage class in your school or a neighboring school. You will gain
insights into the kind of learning experiences that are familiar to
many English language learners, and the teacher and students will
appreciate your interest and support. Some secondary schools
offer credit courses in heritage languages, such as Punjabi and
Korean, that are spoken in the community.
• Make parent-teacher meetings and interviews more accessible to
immigrant families. Meetings that parents can attend on the way
home from work may be convenient. Instead of scheduling eve-
ning meetings, some schools have tried setting them up on Satur-
days or Sundays. Some schools hold meetings outside the school,
in apartment recreation rooms or community centers. Personal
telephone calls in the home language, usually in the evenings, are
an effective way of communicating with parents and inviting them
to meetings. Explain the purpose of the meeting and make it clear
that parental involvement is a crucial factor in students’ success.
• Hold meetings with specific groups of parents, using interpreters
and community workers to communicate with the parents in their
home language. It may also be helpful to organize meetings to
discuss specific topics, such as parenting in a new culture. Invite
representatives of community groups to act as resources at these
meetings. In parent-teacher interviews and meetings, avoid or
explain jargon such as achievement chart, rotary schedule, and manda-
tory credits.
• Promote bilingualism and biculturalism as goals for students.
Children must adopt behavior appropriate to the home and the
Translating important announcements into
the languages spoken by parents fosters a school, and they may find it less stressful if their parents approve
supportive relationship between the school of the behavior and learning styles adopted at school. Parents are
and the community. much more likely to approve if they feel that the school supports
the home culture and is not encouraging their children to become
completely assimilated.
• Explain some of the cultural and philosophical foundations of
schools and classrooms in your country. Activities that some par-
ents and students may regard as frivolous (e.g., field trips, projects,
and group work) may make more sense if teachers explain their
pedagogical underpinnings and help parents and students under-
stand the rationale for a student-centered, activity-oriented
approach. It is also helpful if parents and students understand that
individual expression is highly valued in many Western cultures.
At the same time, the school must be willing to incorporate some
of the values of the communities it serves. Schools might, for exam-
ple, designate a room where Muslim students can say Friday
prayers. Material dealing with sexuality and personal relation-
ships might also be studied in single-sex groupings.
• Be specific about expectations for behavior, such as completing
homework, arriving on time, being prepared for class, and so on.
Make sure that the school code of conduct is worded in simple and
concrete terms, with specific examples that all students and par-
ents can relate to. Examples might be shown visually, using draw-
ings and cartoons by the students in the school. The code of
conduct could also be displayed in the languages of the school.

32 Section I A Welcoming Environment

• Promote positive intercultural relations. Ensure that all students
and parents are aware of your school jurisdiction’s policy on racial
and ethnocultural harassment, and that all staff members know
the steps to follow when they become aware of harassment.
• Provide multilingual materials in the school library and organize a
home-reading program in the primary grades with books in the
languages of the community.
• Involve parents in finding and creating resources in their lan-
guages. Groups of parents can create signs and notices, produce
bilingual picture books for younger children, and read or tell sto-
ries in their own language. Involvement like this enhances the sta-
tus of parents and of the languages spoken in the community. It
also helps draw parents into a mutually supportive relationship
with the school.
• Acknowledge the significance of the special days and holidays
observed by the students attending the school.
• Ensure that classroom and hallway displays depict people from
many cultures in many settings.
• Encourage community groups to use the school for cultural events,
organizational meetings, and religious observances. Community
use of the school fosters a sense of belonging and ownership, and
parents who have attended cultural events in the building are
more likely to feel at ease visiting the school for matters to do with
their children’s education.

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 33

To Learn More …

Books and Articles

Anisef, P. and Kilbride, K.M. eds. Managing Two Worlds: The Fowler, J., and Hooper, H., 1998. ESL Learners With Special
experiences and concerns of immigrant youth in Ontario. Needs In British Columbia: Identification, Assessment and
Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc., 2003. Programming, British Columbia Ministry of Education,
Useful background reading for educators working with Skills and Training.
immigrant youth. Deals with the often difficult distinction between the normal
Artiles, J., and A. Ortiz, eds. English Language Learners with Spe- process of second language acquisition and possible indica-
cial Education Needs: Identification, Assessment, and Instruction. tors of a learning disability or other exceptionality, and
Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics and Delta provides guidelines for assessment and programming.
Systems, 2002.
Advice on identifying, placing, and teaching English lan- Lucas, T. Into, through and beyond Secondary School: Critical Tran-
guage learners with special needs. sitions for Immigrant Youths. Washington, D.C., and
Asgedom, Mawi. Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy’s Remarkable Jour- McHenry, Ill: Center for Applied Linguistics and Delta Sys-
ney from a Refugee Camp to Harvard. Chicago: Little, Brown, tems, 1997.
2002. Examines the transitions made by immigrant youth adjust-
This book is inspirational. Mawi Asgedom fled civil war in ing to a new linguistic and cultural environment, a new
Ethiopia and survived a Sudanese refugee camp for three personal identity, and a new school structure. Recommends
years. After being resettled in The United States at age seven, ways to serve these students more effectively.
Mawi overcame poverty, racism, language barriers and per- Multilingual Resources for Children Project. Building Bridges:
sonal tragedy to graduate from Harvard University. Ideal Multilingual Resources for Children. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilin-
for reading aloud to students. Additional information and gual Matters, 1995.
resources are available from the website: <www. Many interesting ideas for bringing community languages>. into the school.
British Columbia Teachers’ Federation. A description of current O’Malley, J.M., and L.V. Pierce. Authentic Assessment for English
issues and best practices for ESL learners: five case studies. Van- Language Learners. Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley (now
couver, B.C.: BC Teachers’ Federation, 2003. Pearson Education), 1996.
Reports from five different schools or districts on strategies How to develop and use assessment methods for various
for identifying and supporting English language learners purposes, including initial placement. Includes reproducible
with additional needs. checklists and rubrics that can be adapted as needed.
Churchill, S., and I. Kaprielian-Churchill. The Pulse of the World: Opoku-Dapaah, E. Somali Refugees in Toronto: a Profile. North
Refugees in Our Schools. Toronto, Ont.: OISE Press (now Uni- York, Ontario: York Lanes Press, 1995.
versity of Toronto Press), 1994. This study examines the social, cultural, and linguistic back-
Describes refugees’ experiences and how educators can help grounds of Somalis in Canada, as well as their interaction
them make a successful transition to a new society. with service organizations and mainstream society. Includes
Cloud, N. “Special Education Needs of Second Language Stu- recommendations for government agencies, education, and
dents.” Educating Second Language Children: The Whole Child, social services.
the Whole Curriculum, the Whole Community. F. Genesee, ed. Porter, J. New Canadian Voices. Toronto, Ont.: Wall and Emer-
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. son, 1991.
Detailed advice on identifying and supporting English lan- Collection of student writing about the immigrant experi-
guage learners who also have special needs. ence can be used with students to stimulate talking and
Coelho, E. Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Schools: An writing or with teachers to raise awareness of the experi-
Integrated Approach. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Mat- ences and needs of immigrant and refugee students.
ters, 1998. Rutter, J. Refugee Children in the Classroom. Stoke-on-Trent,
Provides more detailed information on various topics dis- England: Trentham Books, 1994.
cussed in this chapter, such as linguistic and cultural Provides background information on refugees in Britain,
diversity, immigration policy, and the immigrant and makes practical suggestions for welcoming and sup-
experience. porting refugee children in schools.
Ferguson, C. Reaching Out to Diverse Populations: What Can Yau, M. Refugee Students in Toronto Schools: An Exploratory
Schools Do to Foster Family-School Connections? A Strategy Study. Toronto, Ont.: Toronto Board of Education (now
Brief of the National Center for Family and Community Toronto District School Board), 1995.
Connections with Schools. September 2005. Provides background information on refugee students from
Available online at <>. This arti- various regions, examines how schools have responded to
cle gives practical research-based advice on parental their needs, and recommends courses of action for
involvement in a linguistically and culturally diverse educators.

34 Section I A Welcoming Environment

Videos and Software
B.C. Institute against Family Violence. Life in the Family: A New- newcomer families and the professionals who work with
comer’s Guide to Parenting Issues in Canada. B.C. Institute them are available at
against Family Violence, 2002. Talk to Your Child in your First Language (Primary Language Liter-
Developed for adult ESL classes, video and curriculum acy Project). n.d. Ottawa-Carleton District School Board and
package provides information and resources that address First Words Preschool Speech and Language Program.
issues faced by immigrant families as they adjust to new per- Manual, video, and parent booklets in several languages
spectives and laws relating to parenting and discipline. encourage parents to use their first language to help young
Could be used as a discussion starter in parent-teacher meet- children develop strong language skills.. For information on
ings. Available at <>. how to order the materials: First Words / Infant Hearing
Jamaican Canadian Association. FRESHIES – The Experiences of Program, Pinecrest Queensway Health & Community Ser-
Caribbean Newcomer Youth. Jamaican Canadian Association, vices, 1365 Richmond Road, 2nd Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K2B
2000. 6R7. Phone: 688-3979
This 30-minute video is about the experiences of 15 new- Toronto District School Board. You Have Language: Foundation
comer youth from the English-speaking Caribbean. They for Sucess. (2007)
discuss reuniting with their parents and their experiences at Video for parents, available in several languages, showing
school. parents and caregivers engaged in home language activities
Settlement Workers in Schools. New Moves: An Orientation that prepare children for success in learning English later on.
Video for Newcomer Students. Citizenship and Immigration
Canada (Ontario Region), 2005. Welcome Booklet CD Rom. (nd) London, U.K: Mantra Lingua
20-minute video features interviews with several students This software creates a personalized booklet of the school in
who talk about their experiences as newcomers and offer 19 languages. Designed for schools in the UK, the program is
advice to help other newcomer students to adapt success- an ingenious example of how to use software to provide ori-
fully to their new school environment. Available in various entation materials and other important communications in
languages. Users’ guide is also available. Additional video community languages. For more information: <http://
and print resources on various topics of interest to>

Websites and Online Resources

British Columbia Ministry of Education. English as a Second services for children who are experiencing stress related to
Language Learners: A Guide for ESL Specialists. Victoria, B.C.: displacement, war, and immigration. Training workshops
British Columbia Ministry of Education Special Programs and materials are available for educators.
Branch, 1999. <>. Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders).
Includes guidelines for reception and orientation as well as <>.
sample assessment materials. Provides information about refugee situations around the
Cultural Profiles Project. <>. world. Links provide access to MSF websites in various
Site includes online profiles of about 100 home countries of countries.
immigrants. Profiles are also available in hard copy. Suitable <>.
for student projects and as background for teachers. Resources and background information for newcomers to
Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settle- Canada and the teachers, settlement workers, and others
ment. <>. who work with newcomers.
Up-to-date research and a monthly electronic bulletin on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. <www.
impact of immigration and the integration of immigrants>.
into Canadian society. Provides current news on refugee issues, as well as country-
International Children’s Institute. <>. specific information about refugees.
Based in Montreal, Quebec, and Toronto, Ontario, this orga-
nization supports the development of programs and

1 English Language Learners from Far and Near 35

2 Creating an Inclusive Classroom

In multicultural schools, it is important to prepare all students — not

just newcomers and not just those who are learning English — to partic-
ipate in a culturally diverse society.
The most effective preparation takes place in classrooms where stu-
dents of all backgrounds feel valued as members of the school
community, learn to respect one another and explore linguistic and cul-
tural differences in a positive way, and welcome newcomers, whether
they have arrived from another school in the same community or
another country — and whether they speak English or are beginning
learners of the language.
Use strategies such as the following to create an inclusive learning
• Welcomes and introductions
• Class photographs
• Questionnaires and language surveys
• Roots and routes
• Inclusive displays
• Peer tutors and partners
• Support for the efforts of language learners
• A multilingual classroom environment
• A multicultural and anti-racist curriculum
• Multicultural literature circles

Welcomes and Introductions

The following strategies make the transition to a new classroom easier
for newcomers and help everyone feel welcome.

• Introduce newcomers as speakers of their first language and point out that
they are also learning English. Avoid referring to a new student as
someone who doesn’t speak English. No one likes to be described in
terms of what he or she cannot (yet) do. Every student arrives with
at least one language already established, and it is important to
acknowledge this. Write the student’s name and the name of the
language on the chalkboard and point out her or his country of ori-
gin on a world map, or ask the student newcomer to do so.

• Learn how to pronounce the new student’s name. As you say it, write it
on the chalkboard so that all students learn it. If the name is long,
you might ask the student to write and say it slowly so that you can

36 Section I A Welcoming Environment

Who Is in Our Group? learn to say it. Repeat the name several times to fix it in your mem-
1. Interview your partner. ory. Some long names consist of two or three words with separate
meanings, and it is easier to learn how to say them if the students
What is your name?
show you the component words.
(Learn to spell and pronounce your
partner’s name.)
Where were you born?
How long have you or your family been
in this country?
What language(s) do you speak?
Tell me something interesting about your
Write two or three more questions to ask
your partner.
• Seat newcomers or beginning learners of English beside someone who
____________________________________ speaks their first language. For the first few weeks, this provides a
sense of security for newcomers and helps them understand
2. Introduce your partner to the group.
what’s going on.
This is ________. He (she) was born in
_________. She (he) speaks _______. I can • Organize structured group interviews to help students introduce them-
tell you something interesting about
_________. selves to one another at the beginning of the year or whenever class-
room groupings change. Interviews will be more successful if you
3. Be ready to introduce the members of
model the process by inviting a student to interview you. Distrib-
your group to the class.
ute questions like those shown on this page to use as a guide.
Beginning learners of English can participate in this activity with
the help of a bilingual peer.

• Make time for personal contact with new students at least once during
every lesson. Check that new students are involved in meaningful
learning tasks, even if these are not the same as those other stu-
dents are working on. See Chapter 13 for advice on how to adapt
the program for English language learners.

Class Photographs
Photographs of the students can be used to create a class display or
photo album, as well as for other purposes. You will, however, need a
parent’s permission to display photographs of students under 18. Those
older than 18 can sign their own releases. Consult the principal to find
out whether your school or jurisdiction has standard release forms and
whether these are available in various languages. A blanket release that
covers the entire school year or an entire semester can be sent home at
the outset. When new students arrive, this form can be completed dur-
ing the initial reception interview.
When taking photographs, use a digital camera if possible, so that
you and the students can use the pictures for other purposes. They
might, for example, be displayed on a class Web site or used to embel-
lish students’ projects.

2 Creating an Inclusive Classroom 37

• Photograph every student in the class. You can do this while the
students are interviewing each other. If you use a digital or Polar-
oid camera, the pictures will be ready by the time students have
finished the interviews. Remember to include a photo of yourself.
• Encourage students to write a mini-biography to go with their photo-
graph by creating one to accompany your own picture. In your
biography, share the kind of information that you want students to
include in theirs. Some students may be able to produce bilingual
biographies, while newcomers may be able to write only in their
This web is an alternative way of sharing own language. You or another student might write an English
information. Each fact is circled with a col- version for them.
ored marker according to category (Home, • Create a permanent display of the photographs and encourage students
Family, etc.).
to add to the information about themselves as the year or semester
progresses. Newcomers may appreciate this opportunity to dem-
onstrate their progress in learning English. Arrange the photo-
graphs to match classroom groups and rearrange them whenever
groupings change. Remember to add photographs of newcomers
as they arrive.

Questionnaires and Language Surveys

Questionnaires and surveys enable you to learn about the linguistic and
cultural background of students and help students learn about one

Getting to Know You Questionnaires help lay the groundwork for individual conversations
• What is your name? with students. To help you learn about their linguistic and cultural
• Where were you born? background, as well as how they feel about school and the subject(s)
• If you were not born in this country, when you teach, ask students to fill them out at the beginning of the year or
did you come to this country? semester.
• What language do you usually speak at
The questions shown on this page can be adapted to suit students of
• What language do you usually speak with any age and level of English proficiency. If you are working with youn-
your friends? ger children, shorten the questionnaire and simplify the questions.
• What language(s) can you read? Learners who are new to English may need the help of a bilingual peer
• Which language do you read best? to complete the questionnaire. Mainstream teachers who work with the
• If English is not your first language, which
same group of students for most of the day might conduct the survey
language do you prefer to use for thinking
and problem solving? orally over several days. Don’t forget to survey students who arrive
• Have you been to school in any other later in the term.
• What do you like most about school?
• Is there anything you don’t like about Language Surveys
• How do you feel about this subject? Later in the year or semester, language surveys can be used to explore
• Are you involved in school activities or linguistic diversity in greater depth.
sports teams?
• What are your interests outside school? • Begin by sharing demographic information about your city, neighbor-
• What else would you like me to know
hood, or school (e.g., percentage of English speakers, percentage of
about you?
speakers of other languages, and percentage of immigrants). Ask
students to identify evidence of linguistic and cultural diversity
they have observed in the school, the community, or the media,
and invite them to bring examples to class (e.g., books, magazines,
newspapers, flyers, and announcements printed in various

38 Section I A Welcoming Environment

languages; information about community events; samples of their
work in an international languages class; and labels from pack-
aged foods). Display this material in the classroom or hallway. Ask
older students questions that encourage critical thinking (e.g., Is
there a correspondence between the language backgrounds of stu-
dents and teachers in the school? If not, is this a problem? If so,
what can be done about it? How can students of various back-
grounds be persuaded to consider a career in teaching?).

Language(s) in Your Life • Create and distribute a language survey like the one shown on this
1. Is English your first language? page and ask students to administer the survey to a partner or to
2. How long have you been learning respond privately in a journal. This survey encourages students to
English? reflect on the contexts in which they choose to use one or another of
3. What other language(s) do you speak their languages. The results can be fascinating. Some children may,
and understand?
for example, use different languages with different family mem-
4. What other language(s) can you read or
write? bers. Others may prefer to use one of their languages in specific sit-
5. What is your strongest language? uations, such as counting, telling jokes or stories, reading poetry,
6. What language(s) do you use with your and singing. Learning about their classmates’ language back-
parents? grounds encourages monolingual English-speaking children to
7. What language(s) do you use with your
become interested in languages and helps promote a positive
brothers and sisters?
8. What language(s) do you use with your approach to learning new languages.
9. What language(s) do you use with your • Integrate mathematics. Encourage groups to represent the survey
friends? data on graphs, charts, and tables and to create percentage and
10. Are you learning any languages now?
ratio problems for other groups to solve. A group might, for exam-
11. What language(s) do you think you
might learn in the future? ple, create a graph showing the languages spoken by class mem-
12. What are some advantages of knowing bers. Before drawing the graph, discuss the criteria for including a
more than one language? language (e.g., Will the graph include only languages students
learned as babies or all the languages students now know? Will it
include languages that students can speak but not read and write
or languages that they are just beginning to learn?).

• Display the survey data in the classroom or hallway. This display

could become a school project if one class or a group of classes sur-
veys other classes or uses data from a school profile to create a dis-
play at the school’s main entrance.

Roots and Routes

Caution! Displaying interest in students’ roots affirms that their cultural back-
Issues relating to immigration may be ground is valued and helps dispel notions that learning English means
troubling for some students. They may, for abandoning their own heritage.
example, have left their homeland in difficult
circumstances and some may even have lost • Trace students’ roots on a world map that is permanently displayed
family members. Be sensitive to this and
in the classroom. Make a name tag for each student — or have
prepare an alternative assignment for those
who prefer not to participate. These students students make their own — and place these on their country or
might, for example, report on less personal countries of origin.
information about their country or countries
of origin. • Add newcomers to the map as they arrive. Students can point out
their home country on the map, and if they already know some
English, tell you or the class something about it.

2 Creating an Inclusive Classroom 39

This display uses pushpins and colored thread to link photographs of stu-
dents to their countries of origin on a wall map.

• Ask students to interview each other about how, when, and why they,
their parents, or their ancestors immigrated. Some students may
need to consult family members to discover this information, and
some may wish to bring family photos or artifacts to show the

Inclusive Displays
The visual environment of the classroom transmits important messages
about students’ membership in the classroom community. Students are
more likely to feel a sense of ownership and inclusion if classroom
exhibits reflect their lives and work, as well as their contributions.

• Include material in languages other than English, such as signs and

labels, students’ writing, and items from community newspapers.

• Change displays regularly. Exhibits may focus on topics or events

explored in class. Invite all students to contribute to displays relat-
ing to general themes, such as food and nutrition, people who
make a difference, and mathematics in architecture. At the appro-
priate time, students from specific ethnocultural groups might
enjoy preparing a display featuring a special day or holiday.

• Involve students in creating displays. Groups that have worked

together for an extended period might, for example, be asked to
create a display. Group members can then explain how the display
reflects who they are or the work they have been doing.

• Don’t insist on perfection. Learning a second language involves

Student-created displays like this need not making mistakes, and these mistakes reflect learners’ current stage
be perfect. They are evidence of learning in of development. If you make students correct all their language
errors, the work is no longer theirs; moreover, second language

40 Section I A Welcoming Environment

learners learn little from this kind of correction. See chapters 8 and
10 for more information on errors and feedback.

• Be creative about finding space for displays. Don’t limit displays to bul-
letin boards. You might, for example, suspend material on clothes-
lines strung across the classroom. And don’t forget hallways! If
you are a middle or secondary school teacher working with classes
that rotate through the same classroom or if you share a classroom
with teachers, creating displays is more challenging — but not
impossible. Consider creating mobile displays on poster boards or
in binders that can be put away between classes.

Peer Tutors and Partners

A system of peer tutors and same-language partners helps meet the
needs of diverse groups of learners and can be especially helpful in pro-
viding extra help and support to newcomers. The research on peer
tutoring suggests that tutors also benefit from the experience. They
develop their social and leadership skills, feel a sense of accomplish-
ment, and often enhance their own understanding of concepts after
explaining them to someone else.

• Provide same-language partners for newcomers. Students who are just

beginning to learn English benefit from the support of a bilingual
partner for the first few weeks. If no one speaks the newcomer’s
language, select a friendly student who is sensitive to the needs of

• Organize a peer-tutoring program. Students who already speak some

English appreciate the support of a friendly English speaker. The
peer tutor may be from the same class or another class and the
tutoring may take place in or outside the classroom.

• Assign specific tasks to peer tutors and partners. A student might be

asked, for example, to work with an English language learner on a
mathematics problem. When the language learner can describe
each step orally in English, both students have successfully com-
pleted their assigned task.

• Collaborate with staff in nearby schools to link elementary children

with adolescents who can act as mentors, tutors, and role models.
If they speak the same language, so much the better, but this is not
essential. In some jurisdictions, doing this kind of work enables
secondary students to earn cooperative education credits or fulfill
community service requirements.

• Recognize the important contribution of peer tutors and partners

through a letter of commendation (in a language that parents
understand), a visit and a handshake from a school administrator,
or a presentation in a school assembly. The school might also pres-
ent an award to the partner or tutor of the year. When setting up
This peer tutor is helping a newcomer. the program, explain the benefits to participating students. It is
When selecting peer tutors, social skills are often said, for example, that those who teach learn the most.
more important than academic skills.

2 Creating an Inclusive Classroom 41

Support for the Efforts of Language Learners
Help students who are learning English by recognizing and supporting
their efforts and enlisting the support of all students in the class.

• Explain that every classroom is a language classroom as well as a place

for learning mathematics, social studies, or other subjects. Explain
the importance of a supportive environment in which language
learners feel comfortable speaking English without fear of ridicule
or criticism.

• Show English-speaking students how they can actively help classmates

who are learning English (e.g., by repeating or rephrasing, using
gestures and drawings to help explain something, writing a word,
and using effective strategies for seeking clarification and confirm-
ing comprehension). Encourage students to follow your example
when communicating with second language learners.

• Communicate a positive attitude toward language learning. The task is

not overwhelming, especially in a supportive environment with
positive motivation. Anyone who has acquired one language can
acquire another. Point out role models — other students, teachers,
and public figures — who have successfully acquired English as a
second or additional language.

• Communicate a positive attitude toward second language learners. Stu-

dents who are learning English are not “experiencing language diffi-
culties”; they are becoming linguistically enriched. Bilingualism is an
admirable goal, and people who are fully bilingual are an asset to
their community and country. English language learners in your
class can provide positive role models for learning another language.

A Multilingual Classroom Environment

Students in multilingual classrooms benefit when teachers and class-
mates value linguistic diversity.

• Communicate a positive attitude toward linguistic diversity by, for

example, displaying slogans that support language learning and
encouraging students to invent additional slogans.

• Incorporate other languages and other varieties of English into the class-
room and the curriculum by creating multilingual displays and
signs, comparing how various languages express ideas, and pro-
ducing dual-language versions of projects and assignments.
Encourage students to consult adults. This will help students
expand their knowledge of their first languages and provide par-
ents with opportunities to become involved in their children’s edu-
Celebrating linguistic diversity helps all cation. See Chapter 10 for more suggestions for incorporating
students feel valued. students’ languages into the program.

• Learn simple expressions in students’ languages. Students will appre-

ciate your efforts even if you learn only a few greetings. You might

42 Section I A Welcoming Environment

even take a course in a language spoken by a significant number of
students in the school.

• Encourage students to learn words and phrases in one another’s lan-

guages. Every week, for example, you might ask a student or group
of students who speak the same language to teach you and the
class a greeting in their language. Then everyone in the class will
use it for the rest of the week.

• Provide multilingual reading material in school and classroom librar-

ies. Though monolingual books in other languages may be avail-
able in community bookstores or public libraries, dual-language
materials are especially useful. Some popular children’s books are
available in dual-language editions.

• Involve parents. Ask parents and other community members to help

find material in their language, and involve parents of primary
children in creating simple picture books. You might also develop
homework activities — with instructions for parents printed in
their language — that children can participate in with their

A Multicultural and Anti-Racist Curriculum

Students created this multilingual
greeting. It is important to prepare all students to live and work effectively in the
culturally diverse communities and workplaces that are increasingly
common in Western countries. All students, even those in schools with
a homogeneous student population, benefit from a curriculum that
encourages them to
• value linguistic and cultural diversity
• enrich their store of cultural knowledge
• expand their world view and understand perspectives and experi-
ences different from their own
• recognize and challenge bias and discrimination whenever and
wherever they experience or witness them
Though schools can take the first steps toward achieving these goals
by introducing a model of multicultural education that celebrates cul-
tural differences, this does not go far enough. To help students accept
differing points of view and challenge racism and discrimination,
anti-racist education is also necessary.
Multicultural education, which consists of educational practices that
recognize the experiences and contributions of diverse cultural
groups, is often regarded as a developmental stage on the path toward
anti-racist education. Anti-racist education consists of institutional
practices intended to reduce prejudice and discrimination, promote
academic equity, and develop in all students the skills necessary to
interact effectively in a racially and culturally diverse society.
As the chart on the following page illustrates, many schools promote
multicultural education by offering special events and learning experi-
ences that celebrate cultural differences (the heroes-and-holidays
approach), and many teachers integrate multicultural content by
focusing on topics that highlight non-dominant cultures (the

2 Creating an Inclusive Classroom 43

Multicultural and Anti-Racist Education: A Continuum

Multicultural Education Anti-Racist Education

Section I
Heroes-and-Holidays Approach Multiculturalism-as-a-Subject Multiple-Perspectives Approach Social-Action Approach
Examples Examples Examples Examples
• School concerts featuring music, • Stand-alone units focusing on • Multicultural content is • Curriculum deals directly with
dance, and traditional clothing of specific cultures (e.g., black integrated naturally into bias, prejudice, and
various cultures. inventors and scientists, the curriculum. discrimination.
• Multicultural feasts featuring contributions of specific groups). • Diverse perspectives are • Students examine
food contributed by parents. recognized (e.g., consequences of taken-for-granted institutions,
• Special displays for Chinese New arrival of Europeans in Americas practices, and beliefs.

A Welcoming Environment
Year. from point of view of Aboriginal • Students learn how to challenge
peoples, Europeans, and inequity.
contemporary environ-

Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits

• Events can be a lot of fun. • Multiculturalism gains • Sends message that diversity is • Students develop critical
• A low-risk starting point for credibility when included in normal. thinking skills and sense of
schools that have never paid curriculum. • Students recognize fundamental control (e.g., believe they can
attention to cultural diversity. commonalities and interesting help change the world).
differences. • Students are prepared to
• Students’ cultural experience and participate in a democracy.
knowledge become a resource. • Fighting racism is seen as
• They learn about contributions everyone’s work.
of all groups to human
development and knowledge.

Concerns Concerns Concerns Concerns

• Events are separate from • Multicultural content is an • Members of the dominant • Care must be taken not to
curriculum. add-on to curriculum. cultural group may feel that their polarize students.
• Events are based on a limited • Examples may promote heritage is threatened. • Teachers need anti-racism
concept of culture. stereotypes (e.g., houses in North • Resources are not always readily training.
• Focus is on cultures viewed as America and huts in Africa as available.
different from the mainstream, examples of homes).
which is considered “normal.” • Mainstream perspectives may
dominate (e.g., To Kill a
Mockingbird addresses racism
from a white perspective).
multiculturalism-as-a-subject approach). These are positive ways to
begin raising everyone’s awareness of cultural diversity.
It is important, however, to keep moving along the path toward
anti-racist education by helping students see events from varying per-
spectives (the multiple-perspectives approach) and helping them
develop the skills and knowledge needed to take action (the
social-action approach). Only then will young people be prepared to
help create a just and equitable society in which people of all linguistic,
cultural, and racial backgrounds are able to reach their full potential.

Multicultural Literature Circles

Multicultural literature circles integrate varying cultural perspectives
into the curriculum and help students develop a problem-solving ap-
proach to racism and other forms of inequity. The approach is modeled
on book or literature circles, in which people who have read or are read-
ing the same book meet to talk about it. For many adults, book circles
are a way of socializing while expanding their intellectual and cultural
horizons, and book circles have become so popular that some adult fic-
tion is now published with accompanying discussion guides.
You can organize book circles — with a multicultural emphasis — in
your own classroom. If books are well chosen and appropriate support
is provided, this approach can promote reading as a pleasurable way to
spend private time. It also encourages students to share ideas and expe-
riences with others.
Reading and discussing multicultural literature enhances the multi-
cultural climate of the classroom, expands everyone’s store of cultural
knowledge, and enables students to view the world through perspec-
tives other than their own. Multicultural literature circles can be
adapted for use at any grade level.

Organizing Multicultural Literature Circles

1. Choose the books. To validate cultural diversity and broaden students’
cultural literacy, select a variety of books that deal with a particular
theme in various cultural contexts. With older students, short stories
can also be used. Depending on the size of the class, you may need four
to six copies of several different books or stories. Choose books or sto-
ries at various readability levels to accommodate students’ needs.
Choose themes addressed in the mainstream English or language
arts curriculum or that relate to other subjects such as social studies and
science. Possible themes include journeys, friendship, adventure, mak-
ing peace, escape, growing up, family, overcoming adversity, identity,
and dreams. Biographies related to themes such as freedom fighters,
great writers, and inventors can also be chosen.
Ask the school’s teacher-librarian or a librarian in your community’s
public library for help in researching suitable literature. Other resources
are mentioned in “To Learn More …” at the end of this chapter.
2. Model the activity. Choose a book and show students the cover and
some of the illustrations, or read the information on the jacket. Encour-
age students to brainstorm questions and predictions about the book.
Read the book aloud. If you have copies, students can follow along as
you read. Lead and model the kind of discussion you want students to

2 Creating an Inclusive Classroom 45

engage in as they read in their circles. To do this, use prompts such as,
“What do you think is going to happen next?” “Why did ____ do that?”
“Can you guess what the word ____________ means?” and “What
would you do in this situation?” Introduce concepts such as character,
setting, problem, and resolution.
Provide prompts for journal responses that encourage students to
retell, relate, and reflect on the book. See Chapter 12 for more informa-
tion on keeping journals.
3. Organize the circles and guide the discussions. Divide the class into
groups of four to six students and assign a different book to each group,
matching students’ reading levels to the books available.
Though groups may need only one or two class periods and meet-
ings to read and discuss children’s picture books, longer books may
require several periods of discussion and some at-home reading.
Circulate among the groups to participate in their discussions and
provide additional support when needed. You might even read aloud
some sections of the book.
Provide prompts and guiding questions like the following to encour-
age students to relate events in the story to their own experiences and to
talk about how the events might be perceived from other points of view.
The first few times, it may be helpful to assign each group member a
specific role, such as discussion leader, recorder, reporter, and so on.
With older students, intersperse group discussions with teacher-led
As students read and discuss books in discussions of various literary concepts and terms.
multicultural literature circles, it is impor-
tant to provide support and guidance.
Examples of Discussion Prompts
Fiction: Journeys Biography
Where does the story take place? When (where) was this person
Who are the main characters? born?
Why do they leave their country or What key events happened in her
community? or his life?
What problem do the characters What difficulties did he or she
face? How do they solve it? overcome?
Would you do the same thing in What was her or his main
that situation? Why? achievement?
What was your favorite part of the What was the most interesting part
story? of the story?
What does this story remind you of Why is it important for us to know
in your own life? about this person’s life?
What does this person’s story mean
to you?

4. Showcase the books. Suggest to students some ways of promoting their

book to their classmates. These presentations are different from tradi-
tional book talks. Remind students that their purpose is not to tell the
story but to reveal just enough to entice others to choose this book for
independent reading.

46 Section I A Welcoming Environment

Provide some models of the various ways students might present
their books. Here are some examples:

Suggestions for Showcasing Books

Fiction Biography
Dramatize a scene or simulate an Present key events in the subject’s
interview with characters. life through role plays or simulated
Create a book jacket, bookmark, or interviews.
captioned illustrations. Write letters to and from the
Write reviews or present TV subject.
commercials. Create posters or epitaphs to
Write and illustrate a story on a commemorate the person.
similar theme. These stories can be Write a letter to the principal,
collected into a class anthology and explaining why the person’s life
shared with other classes and and achievements should be
teachers. Some students may be commemorated in a specific way
able to produce bilingual versions (e.g., through an award for a
of their stories. Parents may be able student or group working toward
to help. similar goals).

5. Assign independent reading. Encourage every student to choose one of

the books to read individually. Some students may choose to read them
Don’t always require the students to complete follow-up work after
reading. This turns reading into a chore. The purpose of literature cir-
cles is to encourage students to read as many books as possible and to
think and talk about them so that they develop a lifelong love of reading
that will expand their horizons and enrich their lives.
6. Choose another theme and start again! Use multicultural literature circles
regularly to foster a love of reading, introduce differing cultural per-
spectives, and address problems related to racism and discrimination in
literature and in students’ daily lives. Reorganize the groups periodi-
cally so that students make connections with as many other students as

2 Creating an Inclusive Classroom 47

To Learn More …

Books and Articles

Banks, J.A. An Introduction to Multicultural Education. 2nd ed. Lee, E., D. Menkart, and M. Okazawa-Rey, eds. Beyond Heroes
Boston, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicul-
Overview of concepts and practices in multicultural and tural Education and Staff Development. Washington, D.C.:
anti-racist education. Network of Educators on the Americas, 1998.
Coelho, E. Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Schools: An Provides readings, practical examples, and a comprehensive
Integrated Approach. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Matters, resource guide.
1998. Muse, D., ed. Multicultural Resources for Young Readers. New
Examines schools and classrooms as cultural and linguistic York: New Press, 1997.
environments and provides practical strategies for integrating Guide to multicultural literature for students in Kindergar-
diverse languages and cultures into mainstream programs. ten to Grade 8 includes more than 1,000 book reviews,
Cummins, J., Bismilla, V., Chow, P., Cohen, S., Giampapa, F., organized thematically, as well as teaching suggestions,
Leoni, L., Sandhu, P., and Sastri, P. Affirming Identity in essays on multicultural education and information on vid-
Multilingual Classrooms. Educational Leadership Vol. 63 | eos and CD-ROMs. An essential resource for school
No. 1, September 2005: 38-43. librarians.
This article explains the value of incorporating students’ Samway, K.D., and G. Whang. Literature Study Circles in a Multi-
home languages and cultures into the classroom program, cultural Classroom. York, Me.: Stenhouse Publishers, 1996.
and describes some projects that use linguistic and cultural Detailed advice on using literature study circles. Includes
diversity as an asset. bibliographies of children’s literature and lists of authors
Daniels, H. Literature Circles: Voice and Choice in the Student-Cen- from various cultural backgrounds.
tered Classroom. York, Me.: Stenhouse Publishers, 1994. Samway, K.D., G. Whang, and M. Pippitt. Buddy Reading:
Guidelines for setting up and managing literature study cir- Cross-Age Tutoring in a Multicultural School. Portsmouth,
cles using the principles of cooperative learning. Staff N.H.: Heinemann, 1995.
development video is also available. Authors recount their experiences with cross-grade tutoring
Derman-Sparks, L., and the ABC Task Force. Anti-Bias Curricu- in an elementary setting. Suggestions for setting up the pro-
lum: Tools for Empowering Young Children. Washington, D.C.: gram and training tutors are helpful at all levels.
National Association for the Education of Young Children, Schecter, S., and J. Cummins, eds. Multilingual Education in
1989. Practice: Using Diversity As a Resource. Portsmouth, N.H.:
Classic handbook provides practical advice for implementing Heinemann, 2003.
an anti-bias curriculum. Includes a list of useful resources. Suggestions for incorporating students’ linguistic and cul-
Edwards, V. The Other Languages: A Guide to Multilingual Class- tural knowledge into the school environment. Includes
rooms. Reading, U.K.: National Centre for Language and classroom stories with photographs and many examples of
Literacy, 1996. students’ writing and artwork.
Helpful information includes suggestions for working with Schniedewind, N., and E. Davidson. Open Minds to Equality: A
children to enhance the multilingual climate of the school, as Sourcebook of Learning Activities to Promote Race, Sex, Class and
well as models of language surveys. Age Equity. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall
Edwards, V. The Power of Babel: Teaching and Learning in Multi- (now Pearson Education), 1997.
lingual Classrooms. Reading, U.K.: National Centre for Lan- Cooperative learning activities that help students recognize
guage and Literacy, 1998. and change inequities based on race, gender, class, age, lan-
Recounts experiences of teachers, parents, and students guage, sexual orientation, disability, and religion.
working together on multilingual projects that enable all Walker, S., V. Edwards, and H. Leonard. Write around the
children to participate in a rich multilingual environment. World. Reading, U.K.: National Centre for Language and Lit-
Hill, B.C., N.J. Johnson, and K.L.S. Noe. Literature Circles and eracy, 1998.
Response. Norwood, Mass.: Christopher Gordon Publishers, Practical ideas for producing bilingual resources in the
1995. classroom.
Collection of articles providing a rationale for literature cir- Zaslavsky, C. The Multicultural Math Classroom: Bringing in the
cles and practical advice on implementing this approach. World. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1996.
Kezwer, P., Worlds of Wonder: Resources for Multicultural Chil- Practical suggestions for topics and activities that help stu-
dren’s Literature. Toronto, Ont.: Pippin, 1995. dents learn about mathematical applications and inventions
Detailed listings of more than 320 multicultural titles from from many cultures. For information on other multicultural
picture books to young adult novels. mathematics resources by the same author: <www.math.>

48 Section I A Welcoming Environment

Many Voices. TV Ontario, 1991. Reflections: Suggestions for an Antiracist Curriculum. Toronto,
Series of problem-solving dramas related to racism and dis- Ont.: Metropolitan Toronto School Board (now Toronto Dis-
crimination. For students in Grades 6 to 9. trict School Board), 1996.
Playing Fair. National Film Board of Canada, 1992. Practical ways of integrating anti-racist education across the
Four video dramas designed to promote discussion of rac- curriculum at all grade levels.
ism and prejudice. For students in Grades 2 to 6.

Websites and Online Resources

Another Story <>. Mantralingua. <>.
This Toronto bookstore specializes in multicultural books U.K.-based publishing house specializing in multilingual
and diverse perspectives, including children’s picture children’s books, CDs, and display materials.
books, biographies, and young adult fiction. Staff will locate Multi-Cultural Books and Videos. <>.
books that support specific themes or link with topics in the A large selection of books, videos, audiocassettes, educa-
curriculum, such as medieval times, ancient history, com- tional materials and computer software. Dual-language
munities, and Canadian history. books are available in many languages, and a catalogue is
Center for Multilingual Multicultural Education at the Univer- available on request.
sity of Southern California. < The Multiliteracy Project. <>.
education/CMMR>. This site documents a three-year Canadian research study
Information on research, publications, about literacy and pedagogy in a pluralistic, technological
Dual Language Showcase: <http://thornwood.peelschools. society. The sample projects include dual language books
org/Dual>. written by students.
This school-based site shows m any examples of dual lan- National Centre for Language and Literacy <www.ncll.
guage books written by children. training, and public>.
services. Provides links to articles on current education Website includes a database of multicultural resources and
issues. information about books on multilingual schools and
International Children’s Digital Library. <www.icdlbooks. org>. classrooms.
This organization is creating a digital library of outstanding Rethinking Schools. <>.
children’s books from all over the world. The materials are Offers an online journal as well as advice and resources for
presented in the original languages in which they were pub- teachers interested in developing anti-racist and social-jus-
lished, reflecting cultural diversity around the world. tice education. Special publications include Rethinking Our
Classrooms, 1994; Rethinking Columbus: The Next 500 Years,
1998; and Rethinking Our Classrooms, Volume 2, 2001.

2 Creating an Inclusive Classroom 49

II How English Works

Teaching in multilingual schools requires a special awareness of language.

In addition to teaching a particular level or subject(s), teachers in
multilingual schools are important linguistic models and informants for
students who are learning English or who may speak a variety of English
other than standard English. Most native speakers of English, however,
pay little conscious attention to the way they put together the specific
sounds, words, and sentences that make up the language.
In addition, many English speakers have little knowledge of how other
languages differ from English. As a result, teachers are sometimes puzzled
by the problems students experience when learning English and find it
difficult to help them.
The chapters in this section are about the English language and how it
works. Designed for teachers who may have little or no background in
linguistics, the chapters present explicit information about language in
general, and English in particular. This information includes basic terms
and concepts relating to the sound system of English, its grammar system,
its writing system, the origin and structure of words, and how language is
used in various real-life contexts, including the school.
Each chapter focuses on several general concepts of language study and
presents examples of elements of English that often cause difficulty for
language learners — and sometimes native speakers, as well. Throughout,
the differences between English and other languages are highlighted to
help you become more aware of students’ needs. Each chapter concludes
with suggestions for language teaching and further reading.
For ESL teachers, a knowledge of how English works is as fundamental
as a knowledge of how mathematics works is for math teachers. Refer to
the information in this section regularly and, if your goal is to become an
expert language teacher, continue to read and study in this area. If you are
a classroom or subject teacher, an awareness of some of the complexities of
English and some of the common difficulties experienced by language
learners will help you understand what is involved in learning a second
language — and prepare you to help the students in your classroom.

For more detailed information for language teachers and teachers of
English language learners, see:

Fillmore, L.W., and C.E. Snow. What Teachers Need to Know About Lan-
guage. ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, 2000.
This article and several related articles are available at <
Freeman, D.E. and Y.S. Freeman. Essential Linguistics: What you Need to Know
to Teach Reading, ESL, Spelling, Phonics, and Grammar. Portsmouth, NH:
Introduction to basic concepts of linguistics for teachers, with practical
examples of classroom application.

52 Section II How English Works

3 I Say Tomato: The Sound System
of English

Helping students who are struggling to produce the sounds of English

requires knowledge of the English sound system, as well as of the diffi-
culties learners often encounter as they try to speak English. This
chapter introduces important elements of the English sound system and
provides information to help improve your “ear” for the sounds of lan-
guage, making it easier to understand your students and identify
specific problems they may have. The chapter also suggests strategies
for helping students who are having trouble reproducing some English

Phonology: The Sounds of Language

Every language uses a specific set of sounds that is not exactly the same
as the set of sounds used in any other language. These sounds, and the
patterns used to combine them into words and sentences, make up the
phonological system of a language. Phonology is the study of the
sounds of language.
Children who are learning their first language acquire its phonologi-
cal system very early in their development, long before they even begin
to say words. This explains why most people find it difficult to produce
new sounds when they try to learn a new language later in life and why
they often retain accents that mark them as non-native speakers.
When second language learners encounter sounds or phonological
patterns that are different from those of their first language, they often
These students are receiving help from a
specialist ESL teacher. substitute a sound or apply a pattern that exists in their own language.
This is what causes a second language learner’s accent. English speakers
who are learning French, for example, may have trouble pronouncing the
r sound, which is produced at the back of the mouth in many dialects of
French. They often substitute the English version of the sound, which
isn’t produced as far back. Similarly, the English sound represented by
the letters th in words like thin occurs in few other languages, and learn-
ers of English may pronounce this word as “tin,” “fin,” or “sin.” In
addition, learners sometimes have problems when a sound that does
exist in their own language is used differently. The g of the English word
go, for example, exists in Russian but never appears at the end of a word.
As a result, many Russian speakers pronounce a word like bag as “back.”
Everyone speaks with an accent, in their own language as well as in
languages they have learned later in life. In his lyrics for the song “Let’s
Call the Whole Thing Off,” songwriter Ira Gershwin poked gentle fun at
the differences among English accents by highlighting the varying pro-
nunciation of words such as tomato (tomahto).

3 I Say Tomato: The Sound System of English 53

Some accents, such as Australian, Jamaican, Southern American,
Maritime Canadian, or Northern English, are regional, while others are
linked to social class, so that people of similar social standing speak the
language more or less the same way. The Queen of England has an
accent, as do the prime minister of Canada and the president of the
United States. For more information on accents and language variety,
see Chapter 6.
When an accent doesn’t interfere with communication, it is simply an
interesting aspect of a person’s speech and may even be considered
sophisticated, charming, or cute. Learners of English from some lan-
guage backgrounds, however, tend to have specific difficulties with
some sounds of English, and these difficulties may interfere with com-
munication or create a negative impression among listeners. In these
cases, it is important to provide pronunciation instruction and practice.

The Sounds of English

The phonological system of a language consists of its individual speech
sounds, as well as its stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns. Under-
standing these can help you become more aware of the task facing the
second language learners in your classroom.

A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound that can affect meaning in a
language. For example, the English sounds represented in print by th
and t are phonemes because, although they are produced by moving the
tongue, teeth, and lips in somewhat similar ways, experienced English
speakers can perceive the difference between words such as thin and tin,
and tenth and tent.
In phonology, vowels and consonants are not letters of the alphabet,
but sounds. Though the English alphabet has 26 letters, for example,
English speakers produce more than 40 sounds. The exact number of
sounds depends on the variety of English spoken. Some other lan-
guages have more sounds than English, and some have fewer.

54 Section II How English Works

In print, the sounds of English are represented by letters and letter
Knotty Problems in English combinations, and one letter may represent several sounds. The letter a,
Using symbols to represent the sounds of for example, represents different sounds in the words ban, bane, and ball,
English is especially helpful for language and c represents different sounds in the words can’t and cent — and is
learners because of the large number of
not pronounced at all in scent. In addition, one sound may be repre-
homographs and homophones that exist in
the language. sented in print by several different letters or letter combinations (e.g.,
the letters s and c represent the same sounds in sent and cent).
Homographs are words that are spelled the
Because spelling is not always an accurate guide to pronunciation,
same but pronounced differently depending
on their meaning. most dictionaries provide a pronunciation guide. Some dictionaries use
respelling (e.g., puh-tay-toe for potato), while others use phonetic sym-
• read and read (present and past tense)
bols to represent the various sounds. Though the English alphabet has
• lead and lead (the verb and the metallic
element) only 26 letters, 40 or more symbols are used to represent its sounds.
Most technical books for language teachers use phonetic symbols to
Homophones, which are also called
represent English sounds and to describe the difficulties that learners may
homonyms, are words that sound the same
but are spelled differently. encounter when trying to produce these sounds (see the charts on the fol-
lowing pages). Dictionaries also use phonetic symbols. The symbols used
• red and read (past tense)
vary from reference to reference, however. This is why it is always impor-
• bare and bear
• meet and meat tant to check the symbols used in the reference books you consult.
• their, there, and they’re
• knotty and naughty (in most varieties of
North American English) The Phonemes of English
The charts on the following pages show symbols that are often used to
represent the phonemes of North American English. Many of the sym-
bols are taken from the International Phonetic Alphabet, which is a
much larger set of symbols that can be used to transcribe any language
or to show pronunciation variations among different speakers of the
same language.
The charts also include words shown in conventional print to illus-
trate how the sound represented by each symbol is usually pronounced
in North America. These words are intended as a general guide only.
The pronunciation of words varies, and a particular word may be pro-
nounced differently in your region. In most areas of North America, for
example, knotty and naughty sound exactly the same. In other varieties
of English, especially British English, the vowel sounds are different.
When dealing with the examples given in any pronunciation guide,
regional variations must always be taken into account.
To distinguish English phonemes from alphabetic letters, phonemes
are usually enclosed between two slashes. For example, /s/ represents
the phoneme that may be spelled s as in sip, ss as in hiss, ps as in psychol-
ogy, c as in cent, sc as in scent, and so on. The word cent is represented as
As you review the charts, read aloud each example word to hear how
it sounds. If this is the first time you have done this, you may be sur-
prised at how many ways there are of representing some sounds.
Language teachers may need to refer to this chart — or another similar
one — regularly to identify the specific sounds that are causing diffi-
culty for some students.

Learning the Sounds of English

Most problems with pronunciation in a second language are the result
of interference from the first language. Interference refers to a learner’s
transfer of features of the sound system of her or his first language to the

3 I Say Tomato: The Sound System of English 55

Many of the symbols for the consonant sounds of English are the same as the letters of the alphabet that
represent the sounds. Others are different because no letter accurately represents them.

Symbol Examples

b bite, rumble, object, table, rib

k keep, akin, bark, bike, ink, coil, question, chorus, acknowledge, anchor, back

d do, radio, undo, did, bend, water, butter, metal, medal, waiting, wading

f fill, roofing, after, life, shelf, phone, trophy, cough

" give, begin, ingrown, leg, rogue, song, exact, examine, example

h have, hold, ahead, unholy, whole

l list, please, allow, cool, apple

m map, hammer, impure, time, comb, thumb

n next, runner, anvil, rain, plane, pneumatic, mnemonic, knot

p pig, open, staple, stop, pump

r run, arrange, unrest, car, wrist, wrench, awry, unwritten

s sent, also, assent, list, kiss, cent, scent, ascent, listen, ice, locks, lox, psychology

t take, attack, cat, can’t, ptomaine, ptarmigan, Ptolemy

v van, avail, envy, give, delve

w well, wait, await, unwilling, what, while, one, anguish, language, Ouija

y you, yawn, soya, unyielding, use, usual, ewes, amuse, few

z zoo, razor, ozone, ooze, prize, comprise, prison, gives, lies, loses, exact

tʃ child, achieve, inch, future

d$ jump, enjoy, giant, agile, engine, lodge, sponge, exaggerate

ʃ shut, ashes, motion, tissue, conscious, ancient, fuchsia, rush, microfiche

θ think, ether, anthem, tooth, ninth, length

ð these, either, rhythm, smooth, soothe

$ genre, measure, occasion, azure, presume, unusual, beige

ŋ angle, anguish, language, English, ring, boring

56 Section II How English Works

Voiced and Unvoiced Consonants
Consonants are voiced or unvoiced. To see the difference, hold the tips of your fingers against your throat and
make the sound [z]. You will feel your vocal chords vibrate. Now make the sound [ s]. You will feel no vibration
in your vocal chords. The phoneme /z/ is voiced, and /s/ is unvoiced.

Voiced Unvoiced

b bat p pat

d den t ten

" gate k Kate

v vine f fine

z zip s sip

ð thy θ thigh

$ vision ʃ fission

d$ joke tʃ choke

Vowels and Diphthongs

In print, the letters a, e, i, o, u, and y are used in a variety of combinations to represent the vowel sounds of
English. Though the number of English vowel phonemes varies among dialects and regions, the following are
the most common.

I it, bit, crystal, exact, women

ε end, pen, correct

) angle, man, meringue, can, can’t, bath

ɑ pot, got, bought, father, law, cot, caught, offal, awful, shone, Sean, clod, clawed

υ put, pudding, foot, look, could

o bore, four, for, fore, door

, up, but, jump, butter, undo

ə about, rotten, forget, sofa, the, Roman, father

This is the most common vowel sound in English. It is sometimes called a schwa.
Some vowel sounds are diphthongs, which combine two vowel sounds:

iy evil, eat, meat, meet, meter, thief, receive

ey ate, day, rain, rein, reign, weight, hay, hey, plate

uw too, two, to, cruise, tune, noon, neutral, through, threw, true, blue

ow ode, boat, alone, though, so, sow, sew, potato, toe

ay by, buy, mine, lie, fly, find, fine, site, sight, sign, high, height

aw cow, out, bough

oy boy, oil, join, Freud

3 I Say Tomato: The Sound System of English 57

new language. This occurs because the sounds of the first language are
imprinted very early in a child’s development. Most children are born
with the vocal equipment to produce the sounds of any language. At the
babbling stage, however, babies begin to tune their repertoire of sounds,
patterning their production on the sounds they hear around them. Most
infants stop producing — and gradually lose the ability to produce —
sounds that are not part of their language environment. As a result, it is
often difficult later on for second language learners to produce sounds or
combinations of sounds that do not exist in their own language.

Individual Sounds and Combinations of Sounds

Why Are These Sentences Sew Sow So Some sounds of English are especially difficult for speakers of other lan-
Hard two too to Reed Read Allowed guages. For example, the sound /θ/ in think and its voiced equivalent,
Aloud? /ð/, in then, are uncommon in the languages of the world. As a result,
We polish the Polish furniture. many learners of English produce the closest match from their own lan-
guage. Thus, think may be pronounced as “tink” or “sink,” while then
He could lead if he would get the lead out.
may be pronounced as “den” or “zen.”
A farm can produce produce. Some vowel sounds pose problems as well. English, for example, dis-
The dump was so full it had to refuse refuse. tinguishes between the sounds /iy/, as in seat, and /I/, as in sit. Many
The soldier decided to desert in the desert. languages include only one of these sounds, so that students may have
trouble distinguishing them in spoken language and may pronounce
The present is a good time to present the
present. them the same way. This problem can also affect spelling.
Just as individual sounds differ among languages, so does the way
At the army base, a sea bass was painted on
the head of a bass drum.
sounds are combined. English, for example, includes many consonant
clusters, a term that refers to two or more consonants appearing in a
The dove dove into the bushes. row, as in desks, split, cluster. Some languages, such as Cantonese and
I did not object to the object. Vietnamese, have no consonant clusters; others use consonant clusters
The insurance for the invalid was invalid. differently from English. In English, for example, the consonant cluster
The bandage was wound around the wound.
/kn/, in which both [k] and [n] are pronounced, sometimes appears in
the middle of words (e.g., acknowledge), but never at the beginning of
There was a row among the oarsmen about words. In Russian and some other Slavic languages, this cluster occurs
how to row.
at the beginning of words (e.g., kniga — book).
They were too close to the door to close it. Learners of English often experience difficulty with consonant clus-
The buck does funny things when the does ters and develop a variety of strategies for dealing with these difficult
are present. sound combinations. In Spanish, for example, clusters beginning with
They sent a sewer down to stitch the tear in [s] do not begin words. As a result, Spanish speakers often pronounce a
the sewer line. word like street as /εstriyt/. And in Farsi, every consonant is paired
To help with planting, the farmer taught his with a vowel. As a result, Farsi speakers often try to add a lax, or weak,
sow to sow. vowel either before or in the middle of English consonant clusters. As a
The wind was too strong to wind the sail. result, they may pronounce a word like place as /pεleys/. They may
have special difficulty with clusters of three consonants and often try to
After a number of anesthetic injections, my
jaw got number. insert two additional vowel sounds, so that word like street may be pro-
nounced /εstεriyt/. Cantonese and Vietnamese speakers, by contrast,
I shed a tear when I saw the tear in my
may eliminate one of the consonant sounds in a cluster, so street may be
pronounced /sriyt/. At the end of a word, they may pronounce only the
I had to subject the subject to a series of tests. first sound in a cluster, so that a word like fast is pronounced as /f)s/.
How can I intimate this to my most intimate
Stressed and Unstressed Syllables
I spent last evening evening out a pile of dirt.
Stress refers to the degree of force with which a syllable is uttered. In all
English words of more than one syllable, one of the syllables is uttered
with stronger stress, or emphasis, than others (e.g., syllable). Though no
infallible rule governs which syllable is stressed, some useful general-
izations can be made.

58 Section II How English Works

Syllable Stress in English

Generalization Examples

In about 75 percent of two-syllable words, the first language accent student English teacher
syllable is stressed.

In some two-syllable words, the second syllable is pronounce become apply


Some two-syllable words can be used as nouns or Keep a record of the experiment.
verbs. When the word is a noun, the first syllable is Record every step of the procedure.
stressed; when it is a verb, the second is stressed.

Words of three or more syllables usually include a difficult understand pronunciation

major stress, a minor stress, and one or more biological perseverance
unstressed syllables. In the examples, the major
stress is in boldface and the minor stress is

An important characteristic of English is the forget connect alter around pronounce student
reduction of the vowel sound in unstressed syllables.
The vowel in unstressed syllables is usually
pronounced /ə/ (e.g., written — /rItən/).

In some words, the unstressed syllable is wanted example language

pronounced /I/ (e.g., depend — /dIpεnd/).

In compound nouns, the major stress is on the first handbag newspaper firefighter watershed
part of the word.

In compound verbs, the major stress is on the second overcome understand undermine overlook
part of the word, and the minor stress is on the first

When a suffix is added to a word, the stress pattern difficult — difficulty

doesn’t usually change. understand — understandable

When a suffix is added to a word ending in -tion, evolve — evolution

-sion, -ic, -ical, or -ity, the major stress is usually on phonology — phonological
the syllable that precedes the suffix.

These generalizations apply only to English. Stress patterns are dif-

ferent in other languages. In French, for example, the final syllable of a
word is usually stressed. In other languages, such as Jamaican Creole,
all syllables are stressed equally. As a result, many learners of English
find it very hard at first to even hear unstressed syllables in an English
sentence. To many learners, it sounds as if English speakers are swal-
lowing their words. As a result, it may be very difficult for learners to
understand what is being said.
When speaking, English language learners often stress syllables that
are usually unstressed in English, which tends to make some words
almost unintelligible to English-speaking listeners. For this reason, it is

3 I Say Tomato: The Sound System of English 59

extremely important to provide opportunities for students to hear and
practice saying new words.

English speech has a characteristic rhythm, or stress pattern, that is dif-
ferent from that of many other languages. In connected English speech,
the stresses or beats are spaced evenly through sentences. All sentences
with the same number of major stresses take about the same amount of
time to utter because the time between stressed syllables is the same, no
matter how many minor stresses and unstressed syllables separate
these syllables. The unstressed words and syllables are compressed or
reduced to make this possible.
Read the following sentences aloud:

● ● ●
John speaks French.
John is speaking English.
Jonathan is speaking Romanian.

All three sentences take about the same amount of time to say,
although the second and third have more syllables than the first. The
unstressed syllables are compressed and de-emphasized to make this
possible. In many other languages, equal stress is placed on all the sylla-
bles in words. When speakers of those languages attempt to give equal
time or emphasis to every syllable in an English word or sentence, the
effect is strange to the ears of English speakers. Some students need to
hear and repeat new words, on their own and in longer phrases and sen-
tences, to distinguish and produce the stress patterns of English.


Stressed and Unstressed Words In an English sentence, the words that carry the most information are
stressed. These are often called content words. Words that carry less
Content Words Function Words
(stressed) (unstressed) information are usually unstressed, even though they perform gram-
matical work — unless the speaker wishes to create a particular
Nouns Articles: a, an, the emphasis. These words are often called function words.
Main verbs Prepositions: to, of, Because the characteristic rhythm of English affects the way words
Adverbs on, in, etc.
are pronounced in connected speech, beginning learners of English
Adjectives Auxiliary verbs: is, often have trouble understanding speech, even though they may recog-
are, have, has, do,
Question words: does, etc. nize the same words in isolation or when they are carefully enunciated.
why, when, etc.
Modal auxiliary • The reduction of function words can cause phrases to sound like
verbs: can, will, single words. In normal speech, for example, the individual words
this, these, etc. must, etc.
in the following phrases are not distinct:
Conjunctions: but,
so, and, etc. fish and chips sounds like /fIʃəntʃIps/
Relative pronouns: a jug of milk sounds like /əd$,"əmIlk/
which, that, etc. all of them sounds like /ɑləvəm/
pronouns: I, you, it, going to sounds like /"ɑnə/
us, etc. got to sounds like /"ɑdə/
What do you mean? sounds like /wɑdəyəmiyn/
• Contractions are common in connected speech. Beginning learners
may have difficulty recognizing contractions in both speech and

60 Section II How English Works

Full Form Usual Written Example
Pronunciation Contraction
we have /wiyv/ we’ve We’ve done it.
I will /ayəl/ I’ll I’ll do it.
we are /wiyər/ we’re We’re going to be late.
• Some contracted forms are indistinguishable from one another,
which may confuse learners.
Full Form Usual Written Example
Pronunciation Contraction
he would /hiyd/ he’d He said he’d do it.
he had /hiyd/ he’d He said he’d done it.
she has /ʃiyz/ she’s She’s already left.
she is /ʃiyz/ she’s She’s leaving.
• In connected speech, individual sounds may be omitted, especially
when they occur in consonant clusters. For example, the word next
is usually pronounced without the final [t] when the following
word begins with a consonant, so that next month sounds like necks
month. The omission of this final consonant often makes it difficult
for learners to hear grammatical endings, such as past-tense verb
endings, in English. Say the following pairs of sentences aloud in a
normal way, noticing what happens to some of the past tense
We watch TV. We watched TV.
Education can open doors for you. Education opened doors for me.
Stop talking! They stopped talking.

Intonation refers to characteristic patterns of rise and fall in pitch. Eng-
lish has three basic levels of tone: high, mid, and low. These are used in
two main intonation patterns: rising-falling and rising.
• A rising-falling intonation pattern is used for most statements, as
well as for questions that begin with a question-word, such as who
or what. The pitch of the voice rises to a high tone at the major stress
in the sentence, then falls through the rest of the sentence to end at
a pitch lower than that of the first part of the sentence. Say the fol-
lowing sentence aloud and listen to the way your voice begins at
mid-tone, rises to a high tone, then falls to a low tone.
I had to go to the su permarket.
• A rising-falling intonation is used in each clause of a complex sen-
tence, dropping lower still at the end of the final clause.
Although he came l ate, he fin ished the work.
• A rising-falling intonation is also used in tag questions when the
intent is to seek agreement.
She’s a good teach er, is n’t she?
• A rising intonation is used in questions that require a yes-or-no
answer. The pitch begins to rise on the major sentence stress — and
continues rising.

3 I Say Tomato: The Sound System of English 61

Is it raining?
Do you speak English?
• A rising intonation marks the end of statements that express
doubt, seek clarification, or ask a question.
It’s raining? You speak English?
• Arising intonation is also used within sentences to indicate contin-
uation (e.g., when reciting words in a list or series).
She speaks Eng lish, Span ish, Ital ian, and Ger man.
• A rising intonation is used in tag questions when the intent is to
seek information.
She speaks Eng lish, doesn’t she?

In English, intonation is also used to communicate meanings that may

be quite different from the surface meaning of an utterance. “Yeah,
right!” may indicate agreement or sarcastic disagreement, for example.
Intonation is also used to communicate emotions or moods such as
boredom, enthusiasm, surprise, anger, and affection. When uttered a
certain way, an expression like “Oh, you fool!” can be a term of endear-
ment, for example. This emotional content can be very difficult for
learners of English to detect.
The intonation patterns of other languages are different from those of
English. In some languages, more changes in pitch occur. In tone lan-
guages, such as Cantonese and Vietnamese, individual words may be
spoken at a different pitch or tone. These languages include many
homophones, and only the tone enables listeners to distinguish the
meaning of two or more otherwise identical words. In Vietnamese, for
example, the word ba may mean six different things, depending on the
tone used.
When the intonation patterns of a language with a greater range of
pitch are applied to English, the effect may be disconcerting to English
speakers. Speakers of languages that mark statements and questions
differently from English, for example, may use a rising pitch when En-
glish would use a falling tone and vice versa. As a result, statements
may sound like questions. To English speakers, inappropriate intona-
tion may sometimes sound abrupt or impolite because the wrong word
is emphasized. At the same time, speakers of languages in which the
range of pitch is narrower than in English may sound bored or unin-
volved — to English speakers. Many learners need focused instruction
on the English intonation patterns used to ask questions and make
polite requests and suggestions.
An important feature of English intonation is its use of higher pitch
and volume to signal emphasis. Emphasizing a particular word
changes the meaning of a sentence, as the following examples show:
I didn’t give the book to Mei. (Someone else gave her the book.)
I didn’t give the book to Mei. (… although you think I did.)
I didn’t give the book to Mei. (I only lent it to her, or she took it from me.)
I didn’t give the book to Mei. (I gave her something else.)
I didn’t give the book to Mei. (I gave it to someone else.)
Some languages indicate emphasis by changing the order of the words
in sentences, rather than through intonation. As a result, some learners
of English need to practice listening to contrasting emphatic utterances

62 Section II How English Works

in order to help them distinguish the emphasis and understand its

Teaching Pronunciation
Younger children who are learning English seldom need a great deal of
help with pronunciation, although some sounds may be difficult for
some students. Learners older than 11 or 12 are more likely to have trou-
ble with specific words, sounds, and intonation patterns and will
probably need focused instruction in some areas. Listen carefully as stu-
dents speak or read aloud. You may notice that individual students or
members of specific language groups have specific pronunciation diffi-
culties. Some students whose first language does not include [w], for
example, may substitute [v], so that wet sounds like vet; on the other
hand, students whose first language includes [w] sound but no [v] may
do the opposite.

When to Teach Pronunciation

Avoid interrupting or correcting a student’s speech in front of the class.
If the student’s speech is so unclear that other students do not under-
stand, repeat or paraphrase without drawing direct attention to the
problem. Make a note of the problem so that you can provide focused
instruction individually or with a small group at an appropriate time.
Because students of different language backgrounds have different
problems with the pronunciation of English, it is not always appropri-
ate to deal with a specific pronunciation problem with the whole class
— even an ESL class — unless the whole class shares a common first
Do not expect all students to end up sounding like native speakers of
English. Most children who begin learning English before puberty will
acquire a local accent, but this is neither a realistic nor a desirable goal
for most adolescents and adults. Learning the sound system of a new
language tends to be more difficult for older students, who are often
more self-conscious than young children about experimenting with a
new language and using their tongue and lips in unfamiliar ways. They
may feel awkward and embarrassed. In addition, some may feel that
striving to speak English without an accent implies giving up their own
cultural identity.
For all students, the goal should be to speak English intelligibly, to
communicate accurately, and to avoid forms of pronunciation that may
be stigmatized in the wider society. As a result, it is important to pro-
vide focused instruction when
• a student confuses or distorts specific sounds that may interfere
with listeners’ comprehension. It can be confusing, for example, if
a speaker pronounces the [iy] in seat as the /I/ in sit and vice
• a student uses pronunciations that may be stigmatized by native
speakers. Some learners substitute [t] for /θ/, for example, so that
three sounds like tree. Among English speakers, this pronunciation
is associated with very young children who are learning to talk.
When older children and adults pronounce [θ] as [t], English

3 I Say Tomato: The Sound System of English 63

speakers may subconsciously view their speech — and by associa-
tion, their intellect — as childish or undeveloped.
• a student distorts the pronunciation of words by stressing the
wrong syllable, or by giving unstressed syllables equal emphasis.
The word examine, for example, is normally pronounced
/I"z)mIn/, with the major stress on the second syllable. The word
becomes unintelligible if it is pronounced as /εksəmayn/, with the
major stress on the first syllable, the second syllable unstressed,
and the final vowel sound pronounced as it is in words like mine,
line, and fine.
• inappropriate intonation leads to a mistaken conclusion that the
student is bored, tentative, deferential, overbearing, or aggressive.

How to Teach Pronunciation

Second language learners may have difficulty not only in producing
some of the sounds of English, but also in hearing the difference between
the way they produce a sound and the way the sound is produced by a
native speaker of English. For this reason, instruction in pronunciation
begins with helping students develop their phonemic awareness: the
ability to perceive sounds and subtle differences among sounds.
The following strategies help raise students’ phonemic awareness
and improve their articulation and intonation of English words and
• Read aloud often so that students become familiar with the rhythm
and intonation patterns of English.
• Read the same statement several different ways, using intonation
to communicate different meanings. Invite students to figure out
the differences in meaning.
• Encourage students to listen to books on tape while they follow
along in a printed text. They can rewind when they hear a new
or difficult word. For more ideas on using books on tape, see
Chapter 11.
• Choose language arts software that allows students to point to or
click on specific items to hear how the words are pronounced.
Make sure that the voice quality of the program is true to life: much
computer speech lacks stress and intonation, and you don’t want
your students to sound like robots!
Recognizing rhyme is an important aspect of • Lead students in choral readings of sentences and paragraphs to
phonemic awareness. help them produce the stress and intonation patterns of English.
Jazz chants that set common expressions and sentence patterns to
music are especially effective in helping learners of all ages inter-
nalize stress and intonation patterns, as well as common expres-
sions and grammatical patterns. For more information about jazz
chants, see “To Learn More …” at the end of this chapter.
• Introduce minimal pairs to help students perceive differences
between sounds. Minimal pairs are pairs of words that are identi-
cal except for one specific vowel or consonant sound (e.g., sit and
seat, slip and sleep). Always use real words and, as far as possible,
use words that students already know. For younger children or
beginning language learners, draw a picture to illustrate each
Ask students to listen as you say each word while pointing to an
appropriate picture. Be sure to pronounce each word in the pair
with exactly the same intonation: the two should sound identical

64 Section II How English Works

except for the specific vowel or consonant contrast you are focus-
ing on. In normal spoken English, the second word of each pair
would be spoken with a falling intonation, which may cause stu-
dents from tone-language backgrounds to assume that the tone,
rather than the sound, distinguishes the words. You may need to
pay special attention in order to produce “toneless” intonation for
this activity.
You can also read the pairs, some with the same and some with
different sounds, and ask students to identify which are the same
and different.
Minimal Pairs • Distribute a list of minimal pairs or a set of pictures that represent
These examples of minimal pairs can be used the words. Read aloud one word from each pair and ask students
to contrast the pronunciation of /θ/ and /t/ to circle the appropriate word or picture. You may need to repeat
at the beginning and end of words. this activity several times on different days — as well as individu-
thin tin ally with some students — until they can really hear the difference.
thick tick • When students can hear the difference between the two words in
thank tank minimal pairs, they are ready to practice producing the sounds.
three tree Ask them to say a pair of words so that the difference is clearly
through true
thread tread
heard. Do this chorally at first, then individually. To help students
hearth heart produce some sounds, you may need to show them how to posi-
tenth tent tion the tongue, lips, and teeth. Mirrors and diagrams may help
both boat show the position of the lips, teeth, and tongue, and a feather can
bath bat demonstrate how air escapes on plosive sounds, such as [p]. Try to
make this experience fun, not embarrassing!
• Make up a few sentences that include words containing the con-
trasting sounds (e.g., Sit in your seat and eat your dinner!) and ask
students to read them aloud chorally, then individually.
• Encourage students to create illustrated posters or booklets featur-
ing specific sounds, such as [θ] and [t]. Students of the same lan-
guage background often experience similar pronunciation
problems and could work together on this project. They can take
the booklet home to practice or work with a peer tutor. Each day
listen to one or two students as they read some of the captions
• When introducing new words during a lesson, always include pro-
nunciation practice. Say the word, articulating clearly, and write it
on the chalkboard. Then say it again, articulating slowly, pointing
to each syllable, and emphasizing the main stress on polysyllabic
words, such as evolution. Point out how the stress shifts when dif-
ferent forms of the word are used (e.g., evolve and evolution, photo-
graph and photographer, examine and examination).
Say the word again in a more natural way and instruct students
to repeat it, both chorally and individually. The next time students
enter the room, ask them to pronounce words they learned during
the previous lesson.
• Teach older students how to use pronunciation guides. Show stu-
dents how to find these in various resources, such as dictionaries,
and point out that many different systems are used.
• Invite students to rehearse, then read aloud, short passages from
familiar texts.
• Distribute a list of minimal pairs and encourage students to create
a skit that includes some of the words.

3 I Say Tomato: The Sound System of English 65

To Learn More …

Books and Audio Materials

Avery, P., and S. Ehrlich. Teaching American English Pronuncia- Student’s book, audiocassettes, and teacher’s manual pro-
tion. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1992. vide clear explanations and practice activities with a strong
Readable and comprehensive introduction to the sound sys- emphasis on intonation, stress, and rhythm.
tem of English. Includes helpful information about the Gilbert, J. Clear Speech from the Start: Basic Pronunciation and Lis-
specific difficulties of students of various language back- tening Comprehension in American English. Cambridge, U.K.:
grounds, as well as suggestions for teaching pronunciation. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Baker, A., and B. Goldstein. Pronunciation Pairs. Cambridge, Text and accompanying audiotape help beginning English
U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1990. language learners recognize and produce the sounds, into-
Student’s book, audiotapes, and teacher’s guide provide nation, and stress patterns necessary to communicate
exercises and communicative activities for specific sounds, intelligibly with English speakers.
stress patterns, and intonation patterns of North American Graham, C. Jazz Chants: Rhythms of American English for Stu-
English. Teacher’s guide includes a diagnostic test that can dents of English as a Second Language. New York: Oxford
be used to identify specific problems. University Press, 1978.
Celce-Murcia, M., D.M. Brinton, and J.M. Goodwin. Teaching An enduring classic that introduced a series of titles. Avail-
Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of able in book and audiocassette format, the chants use jazz
Other Languages. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University rhythms to help students improve pronunciation and into-
Press, 1996. nation and practice specific grammar patterns.
Comprehensive reference work for ESL teachers. Accompa- Grant, L. Well Said: Pronunciation for Clear Communication. 2nd
nying audiocassette provides oral language samples for ed. Boston, Mass.: Heinle and Heinle, 2000.
practice in assessing learners’ needs. Designed for use with adult learners, book is a useful
Chernen, J. Interactive Pronunciation Games. Vancouver, B.C.: resource for all language teachers and can be used by older
Vancouver Community College, 2000. secondary students for independent study. Audiotape is
Activities focus on distinguishing minimal pairs, intonation, also available.
word stress, and sentence stress and reinforce useful vocab- Laroy, C. Pronunciation. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press,
ulary and clarification language. Can be photocopied and 1995.
adapted to the needs of learners of various ages. Includes many ideas for improving rhythm, stress, and into-
English Language Learning and Instruction System. ELLIS nation, as well as the articulation of individual sounds.
Master Pronunciation. < >. Swan, M., and B. Smith. Learner English: A Teacher’s Guide to
Software that helps learners improve pronunciation and lis- Interference and Other Problems. 2nd ed. Cambridge, U.K.:
tening comprehension. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Encomium Publications. Pronunciation Power. <http:// enco- Information about the phonological system and grammati->. cal structure of more than 20 languages, as well as specific
CD-ROMs use sound samples, photographs, and diagrams difficulties that may be experienced by speakers of those lan-
to teach the sounds of English. guages. Audiocassette and CD are also available.
Fairfield Language Technologies. The Rosetta Stone. Weinstein, N. Whaddaya Say: Guided Practice in Relaxed Speech.
<>. 2nd ed. White Plains, N.Y.: Addison-Wesley, 2000.
ESL software package includes a speech recognition Activities to help learners recognize and begin to produce
component. the most common reduced forms of spoken English, such as
Gilbert, J. Clear Speech: Pronunciation and Listening Comprehen- gonna, wanna, etc. Audiocassette is available.
sion in American English. 2nd ed. Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Websites and Online Resources

Office of English Language and Writing Support, University of New Okanagan College. English Pronunciation. <http://
Toronto. <>.
htm>. Uses sound samples and graphics to demonstrate pronunci-
Designed to support graduate students at the University of ation. Online practice exercises also available.
Toronto, site provides links to Web-based resources on vari-
ous aspects of language use, including pronunciation. Good
background material for teachers.

66 Section II How English Works

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching
English Grammar

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the many grammatical errors

made by second language learners? Do you have trouble understanding
why students make these errors? Are you sometimes uncertain about
how to explain the correct forms? In response to problems such as these,
teachers sometimes resort to the red-pen approach, correcting and cir-
cling all errors in students’ work in the hope that they will learn from this.
The practice of using codes such as sp to indicate spelling errors and gr to
indicate grammar errors has been described as “spitting and growling in
the margin.”

This chapter discusses some of the features of English grammar that can
be difficult for English language learners. It also presents approaches to
grammar instruction and feedback that can be integrated into daily lessons.
These approaches enable teachers to set aside the red pen, stop spitting and
growling, and provide effective instruction and supportive feedback.

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 67

The Rules of Language
Breaking the Rules? Many of the traditional grammar rules that people learned in school are
Winston Churchill, the former prime prescriptive and proscriptive, describing what English speakers should
minister of the United Kingdom, was noted and should not say or write if they expect to be viewed as polite or edu-
for his skilled use of language. When a cated. You may have learned, for example, that whom is the correct form
report he was reading contained a to use as the object of a preposition and that sentences should not end
particularly stilted sentence written to avoid
with prepositions. According to these rules, it is correct to say, “To
placing a preposition at the end, Churchill is
said to have scribbled this famous comment whom do you think you’re talking?” and incorrect to say, “Who do you
in the margin: “This is the sort of bloody think you’re talking to?” Many of these rules apply only in the most for-
nonsense up with which I will not put!” mal situations, however; in most contexts, following them sounds
forced and pedantic. Most native speakers of English actually say,
“Who do you think you’re talking to?”
Early prescriptive and proscriptive rules sometimes applied the con-
ventions of Latin grammar to English. Because these rules took into
account neither language change nor stylistic and regional variations,
however, they did not necessarily reflect the way English was actually
spoken. Few second language learners wish to end up sounding like a
grammar book; they want to learn the language as it is really used — in
both formal and informal settings, and in speech and writing — by
native speakers of English.
This chapter takes a descriptive approach to language conventions. It
describes what native speakers do when they use English. Consider the
following conventions:
• The article a is used before nouns beginning with a consonant
sound, and an is used before nouns beginning with a vowel sound.
• The simple past tense of go is went.
Most native speakers of English follow these conventions with little or
no conscious awareness, and some may not even be able to state them
when asked. Instead, they do what “sounds” right because they have
internalized the patterns without explicit instruction. Indeed, children
acquire most of the grammar of their first language before they even
start school.
It takes many years, however, for second language learners to
acquire all the patterns or conventions of English grammar. To plan an
effective instructional program, teachers, and especially language
teachers, must have an awareness of English grammar and the difficul-
ties that learners may encounter.

What Is Grammar?
Grammar refers to the language patterns that indicate relationships
among words in sentences. Take, for example, the English words give,
book, teacher, and student. These words can be combined in many different
ways to create a sentence that makes sense in English — and the way they
are combined indicates the relationship among the words. Who gives the
book? When? To whom? Which book, teacher, or student? How many
books, students, or teachers? Is this a question or a statement?
The following are some of the ways in which these words can be
organized or transformed grammatically:

68 Section II How English Works

The teacher gave the book to Did the teacher give the book
the student. to the student?
The teacher gave the book to Has the teacher given the book to
a student. a student?
The teacher will give a book to Will (would, can, may, could,
the student. should) the teacher give a book
The teacher gave the books to to the student?
the student.
A student’s book was given to The student gave (will give, has
the teacher. given, etc.) the books to the teacher.
The teacher was given some
students’ books.

Elements of English Grammar

The study of English grammar usually includes both morphology and
syntax. Morphology refers to the study of word structure, while syntax
involves the study of word combinations or sentence structure.

As the smallest contrastive unit of grammar, morphemes are the build-
ing blocks of words. The word words, for example, is made up of two
morphemes: the first is word, and the second is the suffix -s, which
means more than one.
Morphemes are different from syllables. Some single-syllable words,
such as word, do consist of one morpheme. This is not always the case,
however. Words, for example, is a single-syllable word that consists of
two morphemes.
Derivational morphemes are affixes (prefixes or suffixes) that are
added to words to form new words (e.g., possible — impossible, impossi-
bility). To learn more about derivational morphemes, see Chapter 5.
Inflectional morphemes provide grammatical information about
gender, number, person, case, degree, and verb form. Though most
inflectional morphemes are suffixes, some irregular forms do exist (e.g.,
men is the plural of man).

In many languages, nouns are assigned a gender. They are masculine,
feminine, or in some languages, neuter. Grammatical gender often has
little to do with biological gender, however. In French, for example, girl
is feminine (la fille), while it is neuter in German (das Mädchen). Table is
feminine in French (la table) and masculine in German (der Tisch). En-
glish does not make this distinction, though cars and boats are some-
times referred to as “she” or “her.”
In some languages, different forms of a word indicate whether a per-
son is male or female (e.g., le directeur and la directrice in French).
English, too, sometimes uses different forms to indicate biological gen-
der, especially when describing occupations (e.g., waiter and waitress).
Recently, however, gender-neutral forms, such as server, have become
more common.
Some English pronouns also indicate gender (e.g., he-she, him-her,
his-her, and his-hers), while others do not (e.g., I, you, and we). In some

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 69

languages, gender distinctions are made in all pronoun forms; in others,
no distinctions exist.
Learner Errors
Learners who have not yet acquired all the forms of the English pro-
noun system may produce errors such as, I like Sara. He is very kind. This
may happen even among those who are at very advanced levels of
learning English.
In English grammar, number refers to the distinction between one (sin-
gular) and more than one (plural).
The plural of English nouns is usually formed by adding an inflec-
tional suffix, which is written as -s or -es and pronounced /s/ as in books,
/z/ as in pencils, or /Iz/ as in boxes. Some irregular plurals (e.g., men,
women, and children) also exist, and some plurals are the same as the sin-
gular form (e.g., sheep); others change the final consonant before adding
the plural suffix (e.g., knives).
English pronouns also have plural and singular forms (e.g., I-we and
In English, countable, or count, nouns are handled differently from
uncountable, or non-count, nouns. Count nouns, such as boy and book,
have plural forms (boys and books), while non-count nouns, such as milk,
are always singular and have no plural form. English speakers do not
say several milks, for example. Though the concept of count and
non-count nouns is not unknown in other languages, it may not apply
to the same words as it does in English.
Learner Errors
Learners may omit plural suffixes, especially when the context sup-
ports the concept. They may, for example, produce phrases something
like a man with blue eye. Beginning learners may also have difficulty
with irregular plural forms, producing things like two mans or three
Learners may also have trouble with count and non-count nouns.
Rice, for example, is a non-count noun in English but a count noun in
other languages. As a result, English language learners may say some-
thing like, “Wash your rices.”

Person is a grammatical form that applies to pronouns and affects the
form of verbs. Pronouns may be first, second, or third person, as shown
on the following chart.


Person Singular Plural

First I we
Second you you
Third he, she, it they

Though the form of verbs does change to indicate, among other

things, the time of an action, only one form of regular verbs — the pres-
ent-tense, third-person singular — changes to indicate person by

70 Section II How English Works

adding an -s or -es (e.g., she plays, he sings, it rains, she passes). In spoken
English, this suffix may be pronounced /s/ (e.g., she wants), /z/ (e.g., it
rains), or /Iz/ (e.g., she passes). This feature of English is called sub-
ject-verb agreement.
English also includes many verbs that do not follow an established
pattern, however. The third-person, present-tense singular form of have
is has, for example, and the verb be has many different forms in the pres-
ent and past tenses, as shown on the following chart.

Conjugation of Be
Present Tense Past Tense
Person Singular Plural Singular Plural
First I am we are I was we were
Second you are you are you were you were
Third he (she, they are he (she, they
it) is it) was were

Learner Errors
Subject-verb agreement is a continuing source of difficulty for second
language learners, even at advanced levels. Students may produce
errors such as, She never come here, They was very late, and Why don’t he
like it?

In English grammar, case refers to noun and pronoun forms that indi-
cate grammatical relationships to other words.
English nouns have only one morphological case, indicating posses-
sion. This is indicated in writing by adding the suffix -’s or -s’ (e.g., the
boy’s books, the boys’ books, and a summer’s day). This suffix may be pro-
nounced /s/ (e.g., the cat’s basket and the cats’ basket), /z/ (e.g., the boy’s
book and the boys’ book), or /Iz/ (e.g., the fox’s den and the foxes’ den).
English pronouns have three cases: subjective, objective, and posses-
sive, as shown on the following chart.

Case of English Pronouns

Subjective Objective Possessive
I me my, mine
you you your, yours
he him his
she her her, hers
you you your, yours
we us our, ours
they them their, theirs

Learner Errors
English language learners often experience difficulty learning pronoun
forms, especially in the early stages. As a result, beginners may produce

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 71

errors such as, This is yours book. They may also omit the possessive suf-
fix on nouns, as in, I like Aresh picture.
To express degrees of comparison, English uses the suffixes -er, -est, or
separate words such as more and less. The basic patterns are as follows:
• Most one-syllable regular adjectives and adverbs add -er to create
the comparative form and -est to create the superlative (e.g., tall,
taller, tallest and fast, faster, fastest).
• One-syllable adjectives consisting of a consonant-vowel-conso-
nant “sandwich” double the final consonant when adding a suffix:
(e.g., big, bigger, biggest).
• Most two-syllable regular adjectives ending in -y, -ly, and -le also
add -er and –est (e.g., happy, happier, happiest [note spelling change];
friendly, friendlier, friendliest; and simple, simpler, simplest).
• The comparative and superlative forms of most regular adjectives of
two or more syllables are created by using more and most or less and
least (e.g., intelligent, more [less] intelligent, most [least] intelligent).
• The comparative and superlative forms of all adverbs ending in -ly
are created by using more and most or less and least (e.g., easily, more
[less] easily, most [least] easily).
• Other adverbs have irregular forms, as shown on the chart.
Comparison of Irregular Adjectives and Adverbs
Adjective or Adverb Comparative Form Superlative Form
good better best
bad worse worst
little less least
few fewer fewest
much more most
many more most
well better best
badly worse worst

Learner Errors
Learners may overgeneralize the use of -er and -est, producing con-
structions such as, She is the intelligentest student in the class. Learners
may also omit the definite article in superlative forms, as in, He is tallest
student. Many second language learners — and some English speakers
— confuse less and fewer, as well as least and fewest. They may produce
errors such as, I have less books than you do, or This one costs the fewest

The form of the verb may indicate tense (past, present, or future) or con-
cepts such as completion or continuation. Verb forms may also be active
or passive. For example:

Simple Past Tense:

In spoken English, the simple past tense form of regular verbs is indi-
cated by a suffix which is represented in print as -d or -ed, as in lived,

72 Section II How English Works

kissed, wanted. The ending is pronounced /t/ as in finished, /d/ as in
moved, or /Id/ as in wanted. Some verbs have irregular past tense forms
(e.g., go/went, see/saw). Some past tense forms are the same as the present
(e.g., put, let, cut).

Auxiliary Verbs:
Some verb forms are created by combining the auxiliary verbs be, have,
or do, with some form of the main verb, as in she is studying, I have stud-
ied, or did you study? The form of the auxiliary verb changes to indicate
the tense, as in she was studying, she will be studying, or she had been

Present Participle:
Some verbs forms use the present participle, such as going or teaching, in
combination with some form of the auxiliary verb be, as in I am going, she
was teaching. The present participle is also used as an adjective, as in an
interesting lesson, a boring lesson, a charming person.

Past Participle:
Some forms of regular verbs use the past participle (e.g., wanted, moved,
kissed). The suffix is pronounced /Id/, /d/, and /t/). Some past partici-
ples are irregular, as in broken, written, seen. Past participles may be used
in combination with some form of the auxiliary verb have, as in I have
finished, she has moved, or they have gone. Past participles are also used in
combination with some form of the auxiliary verb be to form the passive
voice (e.g., the homework is done, the homework will be done, the homework
was done). Another use of the past participle is as an adjective, as in a
bored student, a used car, a broken window.
Learner Errors
English verb forms are complex and even advanced learners make
errors when using them. They may:
• use present-tense forms instead of the past, especially in the early
stages of learning English, producing sentences such as I see him
last night.
• over-generalize regular past tense endings, as in I forgetted to do my
• have difficulty with the written form of some -ing forms, where the
final consonant of a root must be doubled before adding the suffix,
as in run/running.
• take a long time to learn the forms of irregular verbs, and produce
errors such as I have broke it.
• confuse the use of present and past participles when used as adjec-
tives, as in I was very boring in that lesson or I am not very interesting in
• pronounce the past tense suffix incorrectly, so that words such as
moved or breathed are pronounced as two syllables (as they were in
Shakespeare’s time!).

Syntax refers to the way words are organized in sentences to create
meaning. Many second language learners have difficulty with specific
features of English sentence structure, especially when the syntactic
conventions of English differ from those of their first language. A

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 73

complete discussion of English syntax is beyond the scope of this book.
The following sections deal with some of the difficulties second lan-
guage learners may encounter.

In English, word order is very important and is more rigid than it is in
many other languages. Word order is used to distinguish subject from
object, nouns from verbs, adjectives from nouns, and so on. Changing
the order of words in a sentence can change the meaning of the sentence.
The typical word order in English is subject + verb + object.
Subject Verb Object
Lee kissed Mary.
Mary kissed Lee.

In English, adjectives usually precede nouns.

Adjective Noun
a fair school
a school fair

Learner Errors
Speakers of other languages may mix up or misinterpret word order in
English, especially in the beginning stages. German speakers, for exam-
ple, may place the verb at the end of the sentence, as is the rule in
German (e.g., I have the homework not finished), and Spanish speakers
may place adjectives after nouns (e.g., a flower pretty). Furthermore,
learners of all language backgrounds may not perceive differences in
meaning when the order of words is subtly rearranged (e.g., She had her
hair cut and She had cut her hair).

Determiners precede nouns and add meaning in some way. As shown
on the chart, they may give information about number and quantity or
answer the question, Which?

Determiner Examples

Indefinite articles: a and an I saw a child (an adult).

Definite article: the I saw the child (the children).

Demonstrative pronouns: this, I saw this child (these

that, these, those children, etc.).

Possessive pronouns: my, I saw my child (her children,

your, his, her, its, our, their etc.).

Quantifiers: some, any I saw some children. I didn’t

see any children.
I have some time. I don’t have
any time.

74 Section II How English Works

Learner Errors
Because the conventions governing the use of determiners are very
complex, beginning English language learners often produce errors
like, I don’t have child, I have headache, I saw that children, The life is precious,
I don’t have some time, and The humans have been on earth for more than a
million years.
Deciding when to use articles is especially difficult for second lan-
guage learners because not all languages use articles the same way as
English. Farsi, for example, distinguishes between definite and indefi-
nite by adding a suffix to nouns rather than by inserting a word before
the noun. South Asian languages, such as Hindi, Punjabi or Gujarati,
have no equivalent of the and, in some cases, use a word meaning one
where an indefinite article might be used in English. As a result, speak-
ers of these languages often omit articles entirely or use one instead of a
or an. And because some languages, such as Russian, include no
separate articles, speakers of these languages may omit them (e.g., May I
have book?) or use them incorrectly (e.g., I have the headache).


As the following chart shows, English verbs can be classified as lexical,
auxiliary, or modal, depending on their function.

Category Function Examples
Lexical Main verbs that carry She arrived late.
meaning I live in Toronto.
I work on Tuesdays.
Auxiliary Be, have, and do She didn’t arrive on
combine with lexical time.
verbs to create new I have lived here for
forms three years.
I am working tonight.
Do you speak English?
Modal Can, could, will, would, I may arrive late.
shall, should, may, I could live here
might, and must forever.
combine with lexical I should work tonight.
verbs to convey
important nuances of
Students used magnetic letters to practice
using the verb form shown on this mag-
netic board.
Verb forms in English usually indicate tense, or time. English has three
“simple” tenses: the simple past, simple present, and simple future.
• Verbs in the simple present and the simple past tense consist of one
word (e.g., go/went).
• The simple future consists of the modal verb will and the base form
of the lexical verb (e.g., will go).
Some verb forms indicate other concepts as well as past, present, or
future. For example:

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 75

• The auxiliary verb be is used with the present participle of the lexi-
cal verb to indicate “action in progress” or “continuing action,” as
in I am reading, they were sleeping, she will be working. These verb
forms are called the “progressive” or “continuous” tenses.
• The “perfect” forms of verbs, consisting of the auxiliary verb have
and the past participle of the main verb, communicate the concept
of “completed action with a continued effect.” For example: I have
studied for this test (implication: I am ready for the test now); he had
slept for only a few hours (implication: he was very tired the next
day). The future perfect combines will with have and the past parti-
ciple of the lexical verb or have been and the present participle of the
lexical verb (e.g., They will have traveled around the world, They will
have been traveling for six months).
These and other verb forms are used unconsciously by native English
speakers, and many would not be able to explain how they are formed
or used. Learners of English often have difficulty with the verb system
of English, because other languages do not have verb forms that are
exactly comparable.

English Verb Forms

Form Simple Continuous
Present live (lives) am (is, are) living
Past lived was (were) living
Future will live will be living
Present perfect has (have) lived has (have) been living
Past perfect had lived had been living
Future perfect will have lived will have been living

Some languages have more verb forms than English. In Russian, the
ending on past tense forms changes to match the subject: a different
form for I, you, we, etc. Other languages have fewer verb forms. In Chi-
nese, verbs never change form. Tense is either implicit in the context or
indicated by an adverbial expression such as yesterday or long ago.
An additional problem for many learners of English is that the gram-
matical tense of a verb does not always match its meaning. For instance,
it is correct, but somewhat unusual, to ask, What will you do tonight?
Most English speakers would probably ask, What are you doing tonight?
Similarly, most English speakers do not say, The train will arrive at eight
o’clock. They are more likely to say, The train arrives at eight o’clock. In
addition, going to is used more often than will to indicate a planned or
expected event (e.g., I am going to graduate at the end of June).

Learner Errors
Learners of English often have difficulty with the verb system of Eng-
lish because the verb forms in their first language are different.
• Some languages do not distinguish between the simple present
(e.g., I eat) and present continuous forms (e.g., I am eating). As a
result, learners of English may say, I eat my dinner now.

76 Section II How English Works

• Learners may also rely on adverbial expressions such as yesterday
or last week to indicate past time (e.g., I see him yesterday)
• Some students omit auxiliary verbs (e.g., She sleeping).
• Many learners of English, even at advanced stages, have trouble
producing complex forms accurately (e.g., I have never go there).

The verb be performs many roles in English. It functions as an auxiliary in
continuous forms (e.g., I am working) and in passive-voice forms (e.g., The
money was stolen). Be also functions as a linking, or copular, verb that cou-
ples or links a subject to a complement that may be a noun, adjective, or
prepositional phrase (e.g., She is a teacher, We are tired, and It’s in my bag).

Learner Errors
Many other languages either have no equivalent of be or they use it in
different ways, especially in the present tense. As a result, second lan-
guage learners often omit this verb and produce sentences such as, I too
tired to study last night or She in the garden now.

The verbs can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, ought to, and
must are modal verbs. Modal verbs convey important nuances of mean-
ing, such as permission or prohibition, intent, obligation, ability or
possibility, probability, and certainty.
Consider the meaning of the following sentences in which modal
verbs indicate the degree of certainty:
• It might rain tonight. She could have done it. (possible)
• It may rain tonight. She may have done it. (probable)
• It will rain tonight. She must have done it. (certain)
Modal verbs also signal important differences between suggestions,
advice, and orders, as the following sentences illustrate:
• You could go tonight. You might rewrite that. (a suggestion)
• You should go tonight. You should rewrite that. (advice)
• You must go tonight. You will rewrite that. (an order)
Modal verbs do not have many forms. For example, must has no past-
tense form: the past-tense equivalent of he must go is he had to go. Nega-
tive statements with modal verbs are formed by inserting not (e.g., You
must not go and Can’t you finish that?).
The meaning of modal verbs varies with the context. Though must,
for example, usually indicates obligation or compulsion (e.g., he must
go), it has an entirely different meaning in an expression like he must be
in love, in which it indicates certainty on the part of the speaker. Simi-
larly, may in a sentence like, You may go, indicates permission, whereas
You may do well on this test indicates possibility.

Learner Errors
The irregular forms and nuances of meaning of modal verbs present
many difficulties for learners of English who may produce errors like, I
will must go, and I must went.
Because other languages often use different structures to convey the
ideas expressed in English by modals, many learners produce sentences
such as, She can to do that, and You should going there. Forming questions
with modal verbs also poses problems for learners who often apply the

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 77

conventional patterns to produce sentences such as, Do I must go? In
addition, learners may apply the patterns to negative statements and
produce sentences such as, You don’t must go, or I don’t can finish that.
Language learners may also have trouble sorting out the subtle
shades of meaning conveyed by modal verbs and may deliver a stron-
ger or weaker message than intended. An eager student might, for
example, unintentionally give offense by saying, You must mark my work
tonight, in a situation where a native speaker would say, I would appreci-
ate it if you could mark my work tonight, or Do you think you might have time
to mark my work tonight?

Verbs in the passive voice are formed by combining a form of the auxil-
iary be with the past participle of a lexical verb. As the chart shows, the
passive voice can occur in any tense, even though the past participle is
used in all forms.
Academic and bureaucratic writing often makes greater use of the
passive voice than other styles.
As the following sentences show, the passive voice is used when the
focus is on the persons or objects affected by an action rather than on
who carried out the action.
• Active voice: The army surrounded the enemy forces. (Focus is on
what the army did.)
• Passive voice: The army was surrounded by the enemy forces.
(Focus is on what happened to the army.)
The passive voice is also used when the agent is unknown and to
avoid identifying the agent.
• Many European cities were destroyed during World War II.
• Millions of Africans were captured and transported to Europe and
the Americas.
Passive-voice verbs are also frequently used to describe processes
and systems and in administrative language.
• The experiment was carried out.
• The trees are felled, and the logs are floated downstream.
• The use of calculators is not allowed during tests.
• The examination will be written in the gym.
• The project is to be completed and handed in on February 6.

Passive Voice Verbs

Subject Form of Be Past Participle Additional Agent

The common cold is caused by a virus.

The fox is being chased by the hound.
The car was hit by a truck.
A decision has been reached. Unknown or unstated
Wheat is grown in Alberta. Unknown or unstated
Millions of dollars were cut from the budget. Unknown or unstated
The exam will be written tomorrow. Unknown or unstated

78 Section II How English Works

Learner errors
Some languages have no passive voice, and even in English, use of the
passive is often limited to formal or academic contexts. As a result, it
may take years for students to become proficient in using passive verbs.
This means that learners may have difficulty recognizing the differ-
ence in meaning between passive and active forms. They may not, for
example, understand the difference between sentences like, The car hit the
truck and The car was hit by the truck. Learners may also produce construc-
tions such as, The water heat or The water was heat, instead of, The water was
Questions in English often involve complex verb transformations using
auxiliary verbs. Questions fall into two main categories: yes-no ques-
tions and question-word questions. The chart shows the trans-
formations that occur when the affirmative statement She speaks English
is changed into a yes-no question and a question-word question.

Transforming Statements into Questions

Kind of Sentence Question Word Auxiliary Verb Subject Main Verb Object

Affirmative She speaks English.

Yes-no question Does she speak English?
Question-word When does she speak English?
How well does she speak English?

Learner Errors
In many languages, questions are formed by switching the place of sub-
ject and verb. As a result, many learners of English ask questions such
as, Like you pizza? Though this form was acceptable centuries ago,
including in Shakespeare’s time, it is no longer used.
In some languages, questions are communicated simply through the
use of rising intonation. Though this technique is also used in English, it
occurs only when someone is seeking confirmation (e.g., She speaks Eng-
In addition, questions are formed in some languages by adding a
question word at the beginning or end of a sentence — without chang-
ing the form of the verb. As a result, many second language learners
produce questions such as Where she lives?


As the chart shows, negatives are usually formed in English by inserting
an auxiliary verb and the adverb not before the main verb.

Transforming an Affirmative Statement into a Negative

Kind of Statement Subject Auxiliary Verb Adverb Main Verb Object

Affirmative She speaks English

Negative She does not speak English

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 79

Negative statements that use words other than not require no auxil-
iary verb (e.g., She never speaks English, She speaks no English).
Learner Errors
In many languages, negatives are formed by simply adding a word that
is the equivalent of not. As a result, it is very common for second lan-
guage learners to produce sentences such as, I not see him or I no see him.
In addition, the double negative (e.g., I don’t have no homework) — a
highly stigmatized form in contemporary standard English — is the
usual form in many languages and in some varieties of contemporary
English. Both ne and pas are negative words in French, for example, and
are used together in standard French statements like, Je ne parle pas
anglais, which translates literally as I not speak no English.


Negative questions are formed by changing the word order of a nega-
tive statement. A negative statement such as She doesn’t speak English can
be transformed into a negative question as follows:
• Doesn’t she speak English?
Learner Errors
Even after spending many years in an English-speaking environment,
second language learners often have trouble responding to negative
questions, such as Don’t you like tomatoes? In English, a negative
response agrees with the negative sense of the question: No, I don’t [like
tomatoes]. An affirmative response contradicts or disagrees with the
negative sense of the question: Yes, I do [like tomatoes]. In many other lan-
guages, answering yes to a negative question means, Yes, I don’t like


Tag questions are tacked to the end of statements, usually to elicit agree-
ment or confirmation. As indicated on the chart, if the statement is
affirmative, the question tag is usually negative, though it may be affir-
mative; if the statement is negative, the tag is always affirmative. The
response, if required, agrees or disagrees with the main statement.

Tag Questions and Responses

Statement Tag Question Agree Disagree

She speaks doesn’t she? Yes (she does). No (she

English, doesn’t).

She doesn’t does she? No (she Yes (she does).

speak English, doesn’t).

They speak don’t they? Yes (they do). No (they don’t).


They speak do they? Yes (they do). No (they don’t).


They don’t do they? No (they don’t). Yes (they do).

speak English,

80 Section II How English Works

Learner Errors
Because some other languages add one word as a tag, often the equiva-
lent of no, many second language learners reproduce this pattern, which
is unusual in English (e.g., She speaks English, no?). Learners may also be
unsure about how to respond to tag questions, especially when the
main statement is negative (e.g., She doesn’t speak English, does she? Yes,
[she doesn’t]).

Phrasal verbs are verbs that combine a verb and an adverb or a preposi-
tion (e.g., get up, put on, take out, get away with, give in to). Together, the
two — and sometimes more — words form a verb that means some-
thing different from the separate meaning of the individual words.
Consider the following sentences:
• Tiko called up his friend.
• Tiko called up the stairs.
Though phrasal verbs are common in languages that are closely related
to English (e.g., German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian),
they are rare in other languages. As a result, learners often have trouble
understanding the differences between phrasal verbs such as put off, put
out, put on, and put down, and even more trouble sorting out the differ-
ence between expressions such as, Let’s put it off until tomorrow and His
manner puts me off.
Phrasal verbs also present difficulties because the words in some are
separable; in others, they are not. If the words are separable, the parts of
the phrasal may be separated, and they are always separated when the
direct object of a sentence is a pronoun (e.g., I put on my coat, I put my coat
on, I put it on — not I put on it). If the two words are inseparable, they are
never separated (e.g., I got over my disappointment, I got over it — not I got
it over).
Learner Errors
Much exposure and practice are required to internalize the rules about
which phrasal verbs are separable and which are not. Though native
speakers acquire these rules at an early age and use them automatically,
it is not unusual for learners to produce sentences such as, I read on it up
in the encyclopedia, or I ran him into at the library.
Learners of English may also have difficulty understanding the dif-
ferences between I stood up to him, I stood him up, and I stood up for him.
They may fail to communicate effectively if they produce a sentence
Function of Infinitives and Gerunds such as, I saw through him, when the intended meaning is I saw him
Infinitive I want to I expect to
go. go. I N F I N I TI VE S AND GE R U N DS
Object + I want you I expect An infinitive is the base form of a verb and is often combined with to to
infinitive to go. them to go. form the to-infinitive (e.g., to eat, to go, to live). Like participles, gerunds
Object + I will let I can’t are -ing verb forms, but they differ from participles because they are
infinitive – you go. make you used as nouns (e.g., healthy eating, rough going, easy living). As the chart
to go. shows, infinitives and gerunds perform many functions in sentences.
Gerund I enjoy I avoid No easy rule explains which verbs are followed by infinitives (e.g.,
reading. reading. want, expect, hope, decide, and refuse) and which are followed by gerunds
(e.g., enjoy, avoid, risk, finish, and deny). To add to the difficulty for learn-
Possessive I appreciate I can’t bear
+ gerund your being your ers, some verbs (e.g., like, begin, start, and remember) may be followed by
here. leaving. either, depending on the specific meaning to be conveyed. Saying, I

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 81

remembered to do it, for example, is different from saying, I remembered
doing it.
Learner Errors
Most languages have no gerunds, though most do use infinitives. In
addition, infinitives occur more frequently than gerunds in spoken En-
glish. As a result, learners encounter infinitives more often than ger-
unds and may overgeneralize their use to produce errors such as, I enjoy
to read.
Learners may also overgeneralize the use of the to-infinitive, as this is
the most common pattern in English (e.g., I want to go, I hope to go, and
Please allow me to go). As a result, learners may produce sentences such
as, Please let me to go.

Sometimes called reported speech, indirect speech causes great confu-
sion for learners because of the complex rules governing the sequence of
tenses. Other changes may also be necessary when transferring direct to
indirect speech.
• Indirect speech requires the backshifting of tenses.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
I will do it. I told her (that) I would do it.
I have never met him. She said (that) she had never met him.
I don’t like him. She said (that) she didn’t like him.
What did you eat? The doctor asked what he had eaten.

• Indirect speech also involves changes in pronouns.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Why won’t you do it for me? She asked why he wouldn’t do it
for her.
I will love you forever. He said (that) he would love me
We must leave at once. She said (that) they must leave
at once.

• Possessive and demonstrative pronouns may also change.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
I will read my book. He said that he would read his
I’ve never seen this man before. She said (that) she had never
seen that man before.
I like these shoes the best. He said (that) he liked those
shoes the best.

• Imperatives become infinitives.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Have supper with us. They invited me to have supper
with them.
Go home! She told them to go home.

82 Section II How English Works

• Expressions related to time and space may change.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
I’ll do it tomorrow. He said (that) he would do it the
next day.
I ate here last night. He said (that) he had eaten there
the previous evening.
Come back later this evening. She told them to go back later
that evening.

• In indirect questions requiring a yes-or-no answer, if or whether

introduces the question and the verb is no longer in question form.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Is everything okay? She asked if everything was okay.
Do you want to eat here? She asked whether I wanted to eat
Do you want tea or coffee? She asked whether I wanted tea
or coffee.

• In indirect questions introduced by a question word, the question

word remains, but the verb is no longer in question form.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
What time will they be here? She wanted to know what time
they would be there.
Where are you going? He asked her where she was
Learner Errors
Because the distinction between direct and indirect speech is more
sharply defined in English than in many other languages, learners may
produce errors such as She told me she will come early instead of She told
me she would come early.
The rules governing indirect questions are especially confusing.
After learning how to use question forms, students must learn not to
use them in indirect questions. As a result, they may produce state-
ments such as, She asked me how old am I, and He asked her where was she
Learners must also learn not to apply the rules for question formation
in embedded questions such as I’d like to know what time the train arrives
and I wonder how old she is. Learners may say, I’d like to know what time
does the train arrive, and I wonder how old is she.

Pronouns such as it, he, this, which, and whose refer to antecedents, which
are words that have appeared earlier in a sentence or paragraph. The
greater the distance between an antecedent and pronoun, the more dif-
ficult it is for a listener — or reader — to keep the antecedent in
short-term memory. Consider the words them, most, and they in the final
sentence of the following paragraph, for example. What is their an-
Strangely, of the eighty pyramids built on the west bank of the Nile, not a
single body has been found in any of them. Most, including the Great

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 83

Pyramid, contain a granite sarcophagus — the outer casing of the coffin —
but empty they remain.

Learner Errors
Students may find it difficult to understand text that includes many sen-
tences like the one in the example in the preceding section. Note that
sarcophagus causes no difficulty because this word is defined in context;
rather, the problem is caused by the need to track the antecedents of
them, most, and they.
Some academic and literary texts are written in a style that involves
variations from the usual word order of English. Consider this sentence:
“Most, including the Great Pyramid, contain a granite sarcophagus —
the outer casing of the coffin — but empty they remain.” The more usual
word order for the final phrase is they remain empty.
Even young children encounter unusual syntax in the literature they
read and that is read to them. Word order such as that shown on the
chart can confuse second language learners and native speakers alike.

Literary Style and Normal Communication

Literary Normal

Down came a spider … A spider came down …

In the palace lived a wise old A wise old king lived in the
king. palace.
So poor were they that … They were so poor that …
But for the King’s refusal If the King had not refused …
to …
Had they known … If they had known …
Should you need If you need assistance …
assistance …

Were they to discover … If they discovered …

Learner Errors
Though students may understand every word in expressions like those
shown on the chart, they may have difficulty figuring out the meaning
of the sentence. They may, for example, expect sentences that begin
with words in reverse order (e.g., Should you …) to be questions.
Embedding refers to the inclusion of a linguistic unit in another linguis-
tic unit. This may involve separating the main verb from its subject by
adding one or more phrases (e.g., Canada, unlike the United States, has
a parliamentary form of government). Subordination refers to the join-
ing of a subordinate clause to a clause of higher value often by using
connectors (e.g., You can go as long as you have finished your home-
work). Academic and literary texts often contain complex sentences that
embed elements that distance the verb from the main subject and

84 Section II How English Works

include one or more subordinate clauses. The following example is
from an economics textbook:

Subject The monopolist,

Embedded phrase just like a firm in a competitive market structure,
Main verb will attempt to maximize profit
Embedded phrase by producing extra units of output
Subordinate clause so long as the additional revenue exceeds the
additional cost.
Learner Errors
Texts that feature many complex sentences are very demanding for
readers. As a result, less proficient readers and English language learn-
ers may find it difficult to extract meaning from what they are reading.

Conditional sentences express a relationship in which one situation
depends on another. Often introduced by if statements, they express
three kinds of condition: real or possible conditions, hypothetical condi-
tions, and impossible or unrealized conditions. As the chart indicates,
these conditions may refer to the past, present, or future.

Conditional Sentences

Kind of Condition Example

Present real condition If you cut your finger, it

Past real condition If I saw him in the street, I
always crossed to the other
Future possible condition If I have time tonight, I’ll
finish the essay.
Present hypothetical If I won the lottery, I would
condition still keep my job.

Present impossible condition If I were a bird, I would fly to

Past unrealized condition If I had studied harder, I
would have passed the test.

Conditional sentences are among the most difficult structures for

second language learners to master because the grammatical tense of
the verb does not always match the meaning. For example, if I have time
tonight is a present-tense form that refers to a future possibility, and if I
won the lottery uses a past-tense form to describe something that hasn’t
happened yet — and may never happen.
Though conditions are often expressed using if, other forms are also
used (e.g., Had penicillin not been invented …, But for the invention of
penicillin …, Should you require assistance …, and Were she to die while in
office …).

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 85

Learner Errors
Because some conditional verb forms are very complex, even native
speakers sometimes have difficulty with them. As a result, it is not
unusual for second language learners and native speakers alike to pro-
duce errors such as, If I would have known that …, and If you would have
told me …. In addition, they may also mis-hear the spoken elision of
would have into would’ve, so that they produce would of (e.g., I would of
bought it).


In English, it is possible to string together a set of nouns such as govern-
ment energy-conservation project, water-cycle diagram, and food-chain chart.
These expressions are very dense. To draw meaning from them, learn-
ers must understand not only every word, but also that only the last
word actually functions as a noun. The preceding nouns function as
Learner Errors
English language learners may have great difficulty unpacking expres-
sions like student council election committee meeting. A helpful technique
is to begin at the end by assuming that the final noun in the string is the
central concept and that the rest function as adjectives. Student council
election committee meeting, for example, can be unpacked as a meeting of a
committee for the election of a new council of students.

Technical, academic, and administrative prose often contains con-
densed expressions and reduced forms that cause tremendous
difficulty for English language learners. Reduced relative clauses, such
as air under pressure (i.e., air that is under pressure) and articles left in lockers
(i.e., articles that students have left in their lockers) can be especially
Learner errors
English language learners may misinterpret some of these expressions.
They may, for example, understand a phrase like organisms found in
water as organisms found water. Note that even in their expanded form,
these expressions often use passive verbs, which themselves pose diffi-
culties for many students.

Teaching Grammar
Research has shown that grammar instruction in isolation has little
effect on learners’ ability to create grammatically correct sentences.
Though students may be able to identify the correct form in grammar
exercises that focus on specific forms, they may be unable to transfer
these uses to real communication. For more information on the effects of
instruction, see Chapter 8.
When planning instruction to help students recognize and internal-
ize new grammatical patterns, keep the following principles in mind:
• Grammar is best taught and practiced in an authentic context. A
new structure is more likely to stick in learners’ minds if they have
immediate and frequent opportunities to use it in real

86 Section II How English Works

communicative contexts. As a result, specific grammar structures
should be taught and practiced in contexts in which it is natural or
necessary to use the structure repeatedly. If students need to use
passive verbs to write science lab reports, for example, use model
lab reports to highlight and explain the structure.
Get Rid of the Red Pen! • Supportive feedback is more helpful than overt correction (see
Chapter 8).
Supportive feedback does not consist of
correcting or circling every error in a • New structures will not stick unless they are appropriate to stu-
student’s work. This can be overwhelming dents’ current level of development. There is little point, for exam-
for the student, who may have little ple, in expecting students to learn passive constructions, such as
understanding of why a particular item has The water was heated, if they have not yet acquired the active form,
been corrected or circled. Instead, look for We heated the water.
consistent errors of a specific type and
provide feedback on these. • Students may need many opportunities to hear, read, and practice
a new structure for months or even years before they internalize it
thoroughly enough to produce it on their own.
The following strategies support the preceding principles and can be
incorporated into daily lessons in various subject areas. They enable
students to learn the curriculum at the same time as they focus on spe-
cific features of English grammar.
• Use material and plan activities that feature repeated language patterns.
Repetition of a grammatical structure in a meaningful context
helps learners recognize and understand the pattern. Songs,
chants, games, and children’s books often feature repetitive pat-
terns. Eric Hill’s picture book, Where’s Spot?, for example, repeats
prepositions (e.g., in, on, and under), interrogative forms of the
third-person singular of be (e.g., Is he in the…?), and negative forms
of the third person singular of be (e.g., He isn’t under the …).
The chants in Carolyn Graham’s Jazz Chants series are based on
repeated patterns and provide a change of pace in a lesson.
Students can also create their own books and chants, following a
pattern introduced in a song, chant, or picture book.

• Use the content of lessons to introduce grammar concepts. Look for

repeated patterns that occur naturally in textbooks and lessons,
such as past-tense verb forms in history and passive forms in sci-
ence lab reports. Highlight a specific language feature rather than
attempt to deal with all students’ grammar errors and problems at
once. Encourage students to use this feature independently by
incorporating it into other learning tasks, such as journal writing.
Provide opportunities for supported practice based on the con-
tent of a lesson or activity. You might, for example, introduce cloze
passages that require students to use the target structure. For more
information about journals, cloze passages, and other writing scaf-
folds, see Chapter 12.

• Provide learners with the tools they need to talk about language. Stu-
dents need a basic vocabulary about language if they are to discuss
and ask questions about the language patterns they are having
trouble with. By the time they are nine or 10 years old, most chil-
dren can learn and understand basic terms, such as noun, verb,
adjective, adverb, preposition; singular and plural; verb tense; and
suffix and prefix. Older learners can be introduced to concepts
such as subject, verb, object; active and passive verbs; articles; rela-
tive clauses and so on. You can teach these concepts by using

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 87

sentences from a story or text that you have been reading with the
class, student-generated sentences, or sentences about things that
happen in the class.
Instead of teaching parts of speech and other language concepts
by teaching a rule or definition first, try providing examples from
which learners can figure out a rule or pattern. To introduce the
concept of verbs, for example, follow these steps over a period of
several days.
What Did You Do Last Night? – Ask students to make statements, such as those shown on this
page, about what they did the previous night. Write these on the
Ms. Vega planned today’s lessons.
Ms. Vega had dinner at her friend’s house. chalkboard or chart paper.
Samantha went to the supermarket with her – Highlight or underline the verb in each sentence. Point to each
mother. verb and say, “This word is a verb.”
Sanjay played video games. – Erase the verbs and ask students to suggest a verb to complete
Van Bao called his brother in Sydney. each sentence. Be sure to use the word verb many times. There
Nobody went to the library.
Almost everybody watched television. may be several alternatives for the verbs in some sentences (e.g.,
Alfonso wrote a letter to his sister. Ms. Vega ate [had, enjoyed] dinner at her friend’s house).
Everyone went to bed before midnight. – Next day, write the sentences again, without highlighting or
Only four people did the math homework! underlining the verbs. Point to various words and ask, “Is this a
verb?” Then ask individual students to identify a verb by point-
ing to a word and saying, “This is a verb.”
– Write the nouns and verbs from the sentences on flash cards. As
you display each card, ask students to say, “Yes (it’s a verb),” or
“No (it isn’t a verb).”
– During the next few days, write sentences that use simple pres-
ent or past-tense verbs to describe the content of lessons and ask
students to identify the verbs.
Verbs in Math Problems – Use material related to the content of lessons to gradually
expand the concept of what a verb is. Mathematics word prob-
The regular price of a popsicle is 50 cents but
the store has a special sale price of 40 cents lems like the one shown on this page, for example, often use is
on Mondays. If Leroy buys 2 popsicles on and are or have and has to describe the context. To introduce
Saturday and 3 on Monday, what is the abstract verbs such as want, need, like, think, have, expect, hope,
average price of each popsicle? and be, you can also use examples from fiction and sentences
about the students. Gradually introduce negative forms and
forms other than simple present and simple past tenses.
– Use terms taught in class when you discuss writing with stu-
dents. Make suggestions like, “Can you add some really
interesting adjectives to describe how you felt?” or “If this hap-
pened last week, the verbs need to be in the past tense.”

• Take a long-term view! Remember that learners need hundreds, per-

haps even thousands, of opportunities to hear, read, and use the
target grammatical structure, as well as supportive feedback,
before they fully internalize English language forms. Be patient.
Your modeling, instruction, and feedback will contribute to stu-
dents’ long-term language development and, as long as other
teachers provide similar support, will bear fruit, though this may
not be evident for several years.

88 Section II How English Works

To Learn More …

Reference Books for Teachers

Celce-Murcia, M., and D. Larsen-Freeman. The Grammar Book: Palmer, F. Grammar. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin Books,
An ESL/EFL Teacher’s Course. 2nd ed. Boston, Mass.: Heinle & 1971.
Heinle, 1999. A much-reprinted classic. Provides an overview of impor-
An essential reference for language teachers who wish to tant concepts in grammar and is especially helpful in dealing
become expert in pedagogical grammar. with notions of “correctness.”
Crystal, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 2nd ed. Parrott, M. Grammar For English Language Teachers. Cambridge:
Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
A wide-ranging reference that explains how English and An introduction to the grammar system of English, with
other languages work. information about typical learner problems and suggestions
Eastwood, J. The Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford, for teaching. Online resources also available at <www.cup.
U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1994.>.
Useful guide to English grammar includes discussion of dif- Ur, P. Grammar Practice Activities: A practical guide for teachers.
ferences between British and American English and between Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1988.
English and other languages. The grammar practice activities in this book provide models
Lock, G. Functional English Grammar: An introduction for second for the teacher to develop activities based on the content of
language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, specific lessons or subject areas.
1996. Yule, G. Explaining English Grammar. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford
This book describes English grammar as a communicative University Press, 1998.
system. Useful for language teachers. Each chapter focuses on a problem area and provides expla-
nations, authentic examples, and teaching suggestions.

Websites and Online Resources

These websites were designed to support English language Grammar Help. <
learners at the post-secondary level but they also provide use- Grammar/>.
ful information for teachers. Online Writing Lab at Purdue University. <owl.english.>
Guide to grammar and Writing. Capital Community College. Writing at the University of Toronto: Advice on Academic
</>. Writing. <>.

4 No More Red Pen: Teaching English Grammar 89

5 In Other Words: The Power
of English Vocabulary

Vocabulary knowledge is an extremely important factor in reading

comprehension and academic achievement: the more words you know,
the higher your level of reading comprehension — and the higher your
level of reading comprehension, the higher your level of academic
Acquiring English vocabulary presents a major challenge to English
language learners. The varied origins of English words have given rise
to a huge lexicon that includes many synonyms and near-synonyms
that convey subtle differences in meaning. In addition, English words
can be transformed in a variety of ways to create additional word forms.
This chapter begins with a summary of the origins of English words.
This is followed by a discussion of the vocabulary that English language
learners must acquire to catch up to their age peers. The third section
describes the structure of English words, and the chapter ends with rec-
ommendations for teaching vocabulary. For more detailed suggestions,
see Chapter 12.

Where Do English Words Come From?

English is sometimes called a promiscuous language because it
embraces so many words from other languages. Only about 10 percent
of English words are actually English, or Anglo-Saxon, in origin. Dur-
ing its history, English has come into contact with many other
languages and has adopted words from many of them. Though most of
the additions were borrowed from Latin and Greek — either directly
from those languages or through French — English has also borrowed
words from other European languages, as well as from the languages of
South Asia (e.g., bungalow and jodhpur), the Americas (e.g., tobacco,
tomato, and potato), and Africa (e.g., zebra).
The chart on the following pages shows an approximate chronology
of English language and its borrowings from other languages.

How Many Words?

The adoption by English of hundreds of thousands of words from other
languages has produced a vocabulary unequalled in size by any other
language. The Oxford English Dictionary lists more than 500,000 words
and does not include hundreds of thousands of scientific and technical

90 Section II How English Works

terms. By comparison, German has about 185,000 words, and French
No single person can know all the words of English. The standard
reference dictionary found in most school libraries lists more than
100,000 words, but most are low-frequency words that are rarely used.
Others are subject-specific words, likely to be used only within a spe-
cific field of work or study. Only about 2,000 to 3,000 are high-
frequency words that are used constantly in many different contexts.

The Average English Speaker’s Vocabulary

Because experts disagree about what constitutes a word, it is difficult to
count the number of words people know. The simple word run, for
example, can be transformed by adding suffixes to produce the nouns
Running into New Words …
runner and running. Are these distinct words? In addition, run has many
In each of the following examples, run has a meanings. Does each meaning count as a different word?
different meaning and could therefore be
counted as a separate word. Nevertheless,
Knowledge of the various connotations of a word depends to a large
the meanings are related, even if only extent on experience and education. English-speaking children, for
figuratively, so that they could also be example, know the meaning of run as a verb of motion when they enter
counted as various forms of a single word. school. By the time they’re nine, they know the meaning of run as a base-
• Contextualized meanings such as run a ball term, and by the time they’re 11, they probably understand its use
race, run a company, salmon run, and run in political contexts, such as run for office. By 13, they understand the
cold. word in run a business, and by 18, in a run on the dollar.
• Phrasal verbs such as run in, run on, run Estimates of an individual’s word knowledge must also consider the
out, run out of, run up against, run into, run
up, run down, run through, and run over.
difference between active vocabulary — the words a person can use —
• Fixed idiomatic expressions such as run and passive or receptive vocabulary — the words a person can recog-
wild, run late, run short, run aground, run for nize or understand in print or when other speakers use them. The
office, and run-of-the-mill. receptive vocabulary of native speakers and second language learners
• Compound words and phrases such as alike is much larger than their active vocabulary. Should a count of the
runway, runoff, run-in, run-through, run-
ner-up, drug runner, running mate, and dog
number of words a person knows include only the words he uses or all
run. the words in his receptive vocabulary?
Some studies suggest that by the time they start Kindergarten, En-
glish-speaking children know about 1,000 words and add to this total at
the rate of about 1,000 words a year. By the age of eight, most students
have a vocabulary of 4,000 to 5,000 words. According to some estimates,
the average undergraduate enrolling at university has acquired a
vocabulary of about 15,000 word families, which are related words
such as educate, education, educated, and educational.

Setting Goals for English Language Learners

Students who are learning English as a second language must learn the
vocabulary necessary to catch up to their peers, who sometimes have a
huge head start. A newcomer who first enters an English school envi-
ronment at the age of eight, for example, must learn 4,000 to 5,000 words
to catch up to English-speaking eight-year-olds. This cannot be done in
a year. In fact, it would take several years for the newcomer to acquire
this many words. And because English-speaking children are adding
about 1,000 words a year to their vocabularies, the second language
learner is constantly attempting to catch up. She must learn the words
her peers already know, as well as 1,000 more a year until she catches
Most students who arrive in their new school environment with
good skills in their first language and a solid educational background,
who approach the task of acquiring English with confidence, and who

5 In Other Words: The Power of English Vocabulary 91

A Chronology of the Development of English

400 BCE First Celts arrive in Ireland and begin settling the British Isles.
As a result, the first languages spoken in what is now England were not English at all, but
varieties of Celtic.

55 BCE Roman legions begin invading and conquer Britannia, launching four centuries of Roman
occupation that end in the 5th century CE.
The linguistic effect of the occupation was minimal and is evident today mainly in place names,
such as London (from Londinium) and Manchester (the suffix derives from castellum, the Latin
word for fort).

449 CE Groups of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes from what is now northern Germany begin invading Britain,
pushing Celts into present-day Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall.
Over the next two centuries, England (from Englaland — land of the Angles) gradually became a
country. The English spoken during this period is known as Anglo-Saxon or Old English and is
the basis of contemporary English sentence structure and vocabulary. Fundamental words such
as man, woman, child, brother, sister, house, eat, drink, and sleep, as well as nearly all function words,
such as to, for, but, and, the, and or, are Anglo-Saxon in origin. Without these words, it would be
impossible to construct an English sentence.

597 CE Anglo-Saxons begin converting to Christianity, which paves the way for Latin, the language of
the Roman Catholic Church, to become the language of religion and scholarship.
Over the next centuries, many Latin words related to religion and law entered Old English, and
the Latin alphabet was adapted to represent Old English, replacing most of the runic characters
used in early English writing. Because the sounds of Latin and English were not exactly the same,
however, some runic characters were retained. The symbol Þ, for example, was retained to
represent the initial sound in words like thick and this. By the late middle ages, this character had
evolved and was similar in appearance to the letter Y. This is the origin of some present-day
commercial uses, such as Ye (The) Olde Tea Shoppe. By the end of the Middle Ages, Latin letters
had replaced all runic characters.

792 Vikings from Scandinavia begin to invade and settle in Britain.

A century later, most of northern England belonged to the Danes, and many Scandinavian words
became part of the language, providing many of the synonyms that exist today, such skill for craft
and skin for hide. Some of the new words came from the same source as Old English but had
changed in pronunciation (e.g., skirt-shirt and wake-watch). This led to significant dialectal
differences between northern and southern varieties of English, differences that continue to exist

1066 Normans, the French-speaking descendants of Vikings or Norsemen who had settled in the part
of France known as Normandy, begin their conquest of England.
This event sparked the next major stage in the evolution of English. For the next several centuries,
England was multilingual: Norman French was the language of court and the courts, Latin of
religion and education, and English of the common folk, who were in the majority. Welsh and

92 Section II How English Works

A Chronology of the Development of English

1066 Celtic languages were also spoken in some areas.

(cont’d.) During this Middle English period, about 10,000 French words entered English, transforming it
from a Germanic language to a language of mixed Germanic and Romance ancestry. Many of the
new words were synonyms for existing words (e.g., malady was added but did not replace the
English words sickness and illness) and reveal the feudal hierarchy of the time. Anglo-Saxons who
raised animals called them cows or oxen, pigs, and sheep, for example. The French-speaking
nobles, whose main experience with these animals was as meat cooked and served at the table,
ate beef, pork, and mutton (boeuf, porc, and mouton in modern French).

1337 The Hundred Years War between England and France begins.
This war accelerated the decline of French in England, and English became more widely used. It
replaced Latin as the language of instruction in schools, and writers such as Geoffrey Chaucer
chose to write in English rather than French. Over the next centuries, the printing press was
influential in stabilizing English, though spelling and vocabulary continued to vary from region
to region.

1450 The stage known as Early Modern English begins.

Though the precise dates of this phase in the evolution of English are disputed, it is often
identified as the 250-year period between 1450 and 1700. This was a time of great change. Latin
was still an important language of higher education, as was Greek, and many words from both
languages entered English at this time. As a result, it is now possible to express many concepts in
English using expressions rooted in either Anglo-Saxon or in Latin.
Many Greek and Latin words were also adopted to express new concepts in science and
technology, medicine, navigation and astronomy, and the arts. Words were also borrowed from
other languages as English speakers came into contact with them through commerce, maritime
exploration, and conquest and colonization. At the same time, English began its journey toward
becoming a world language. The Bible was translated into English, and Shakespeare wrote
during this period. The language was still very different from the English used today, as all who
have studied Shakespeare know.

1700 The stage known as Modern English begins.

Although the language continued to change, English began to displace the Celtic languages in
much of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, and became established in North America, India,
Australia, and many parts of Africa. The language developed differently in various areas,
resulting in many new varieties of English. During this period, English continued to gain new
vocabulary from increased contact with other peoples.

Today As a result of the many borrowings, English has a much larger lexicon than any other language.
Most of these words have come into English from other languages, and about 200,000 are in
regular use. Though widespread literacy and the mass media have helped stabilize English, the
language continues to evolve. New words are continually added — and the meanings of old ones
change — to express new or changing concepts. Today, most new words are formed by
compounding (e.g., photocopy, screensaver, and spellchecker).

5 In Other Words: The Power of English Vocabulary 93

receive appropriate support need at least five years to catch up to their
English-speaking peers. The graph represents the task facing an
eight-year-old English language learner (ELL). To catch up to her native
English-speaking peers (NES) within five years, she must learn 9,000 to
10,000 words, or about 2,000 new words a year. This is double the rate of
her English-speaking peers and means that she must learn an average of
about 10 new words or word families every school day. Students who
arrive with limited previous schooling need more support for a longer
Though an eight-year-old may catch up by the time she enters high
school, the task of acquiring English is even more challenging for those
who are older when they arrive. A 10-year-old won’t be able to catch up
to his peers before moving on to secondary school, and as the second
graph indicates, beginning learners of English who arrive when they
are 14 must spend an additional year in high school and learn about
3,000 words a year — triple the rate of their peers — to acquire the
15,000 words that their university-bound native English-speaking peers
know by the time they are 18. These students need ESL support
throughout the five-year period, and even then, their vocabulary may
lag behind that of their English-speaking peers by the time they are of
an age to enter post-secondary institutions.
Students who have studied some English in their home country may
progress more quickly, and those who speak European languages that
include words with Greek and Latin roots have an advantage when it
comes to learning low-frequency English words (e.g., the word machine
is similar in many European languages). Students who speak languages
that are completely unrelated to English, such as Chinese, however,
often have a harder time learning these words.
For all English language learners, acquiring an English vocabulary is
a challenging task. For this reason, it is as important to teach students
strategies for handling unfamiliar words as it is to add to their store of
known words. For more information on how long it takes English
language learners to catch up to their English-speaking peers, see
Chapter 8. Information about vocabulary instruction is found in Chap-
ter 12.

Which Words?
Though your instructional goals may include helping students learn
2,000 to 3,000 new words a year, this does not mean that you should try
to teach all these words. Students will acquire many high-frequency
words incidentally, through daily activities, meaningful classroom
activities, and regular interaction with more proficient English speak-
ers. Low-frequency words and subject-specific vocabulary require
more direct attention, however. Students may also need assistance to
expand their repertoire of connectives, the words and phrases that link
ideas (e.g., prior to and subsequently).

High-Frequency Words
To communicate in English, language learners must acquire the
high-frequency words that are used every day in a variety of contexts.
These include common nouns, such as boy, girl, mother, father, school, and

94 Section II How English Works

teacher; common verbs, such as live, like, run, eat, have, is and are; and
function words, such as the, in, but, and you. English-speaking children
acquire most of these words before starting school, and like them, En-
glish language learners will learn high-frequency vocabulary through
involvement in engaging and meaningful activities that enable them to
encounter and use basic words over and over again. For suggested
activities, see chapters 10 and 12.
Most high-frequency words are of Anglo-Saxon origin. The General
Service List, developed by Michael West and published in 1953, lists
2,000 high-frequency words in English. Although the list is dated and
does not contain contemporary high-frequency words such as computer,
it remains a useful guide for teachers interested in vocabulary develop-
ment. Many language-teaching materials, such as graded readers, are
based on this list. The vocabulary in standardized reading tests from
pre-primer to Grade 3 corresponds to the first 1,000 words on this list.
At first, most students learn only the most common and literal mean-
ings of these words. For this reason, they may have difficulty
understanding a common word when it appears in a specialized setting
(e.g., the meaning of face in geometry is different from the common
meaning). Learners may also have trouble understanding idiomatic
expressions, such as run that by me again.

Low-Frequency Words
When students are beyond the beginning stage of learning English,
teachers must focus on low-frequency words and word families that are
more likely to be learned and used in school than in daily life. Most of
these words, which are also known as general academic vocabulary,
are based in Latin (e.g., accurate, analyze, and consequently), though some
are from Greek (e.g., chronological and technological). Many of these
words are not essential for communication; high-frequency words can
be used to express most of the same concepts. In general, people of
higher socioeconomic status and greater education tend to use more
Latin-derived vocabulary in daily conversation (e.g., vocabulary instead
of words, possess instead of own, register instead of sign up, participate in
instead of join in, and converse instead of talk).
The academic word list, developed by the School of Linguistics and
Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New
Zealand, was published in 2000 and, in addition to the words on the
general service list, contains 570 word families that are frequently used
in academic texts. These words begin to appear in the Grade 4 curricu-
lum. Only about 25 percent of the words on standardized reading tests
for Grade 4 are high-frequency words found on the general service list;
the other 75 percent are academic or low-frequency words.
The graded word lists on the following page show the dramatic shift
that occurs between grades 3 and 4. Until Grade 3, the lists consist of
basic high-frequency words; by Grade 4, nearly all the words are low-
frequency Latin-based words.
Knowledge of general academic vocabulary is essential for reading
school texts and writing school assignments. In addition, the use of
these words is often associated with education, intelligence, and high
social status. Students must learn not only what these words mean, but
also when it is appropriate to use them. Though these words may create
a favorable impression in academic contexts, using too many in

5 In Other Words: The Power of English Vocabulary 95

informal settings may create an unfavorable impression of pomposity
and verbosity.

Like the meanings of the 2,000 most common words, the meanings of
some low-frequency words vary according to the subject area. The
word balance, for example, has a special meaning in business and
accounting courses. In history, a student may encounter the expression
balance of power; in environmental studies, balance of nature describes an
ecological concept; in law and civics, balance of mind refers to a legal
notion of criminal responsibility; in economics, balance of trade is an
important concept; in physical education, balance is a physical skill; in
developing an argument in many subject areas, a balanced view is desir-
able; in physics, balance is both a concept and a tool; and in the arts,
balance refers to harmony in the way the elements of a composition
relate to one another.
A general-purpose academic vocabulary can be developed by read-
ing aloud to students and by involving them in extensive independent
reading, as well as through focused instruction. Students must also
develop effective vocabulary acquisition strategies (e.g., using context
or word analysis to figure out meaning and using dictionaries effec-
tively) to help them deal with unknown words. To learn more about
these strategies, see Chapter 12.

Subject-Specific Words
Subject-specific or technical terms, such as photosynthesis, denominator,
equilateral, metaphor, and biome, occur only in a limited range of contexts
or subject areas. These words derive from Latin and, especially in sci-
ence and technology, from Greek. English language learners at all
Learning subject-specific words is impor- stages must learn important subject vocabulary. A 16-year-old begin-
tant if students are to achieve success in ning learner, for example, may need to learn the word trigonometry
science courses. before kitten.

96 Section II How English Works

Graded Word Lists

Pre-Primer Primer Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4*

1. a 1. all 1. after 1. also 1. air 1. amused

2. at 2. am 2. again 2. always 2. cold 2. ancient

3. back 3. any 3. book 3. around 3. dear 3. award

4. big 4. came 4. boy 4. best 4. drink 4. cemetery

5. can 5. day 5. come 5. box 5. every 5. echo

6. do 6. find 6. hand 6. color 6. food 6. elastic

7. for 7. had 7. how 7. fall 7. hold 7. flock

8. go 8. into 8. keep 8. five 8. learn 8. government

9. have 9. now 9. long 9. grow 9. move 9. invade

10. help 10. out 10. many 10. head 10. number 10. jealous

11. I 11. put 11. never 11. light 11. often 11. lizard

12. in 12. ran 12. next 12. made 12. several 12. mechanic

13. jump 13. say 13. once 13. part 13. start 13. mysterious

14. of 14. soon 14. open 14. people 14. such 14. portion

15. one 15. there 15. room 15. read 15. table 15. savage

16. play 16. two 16. school 16. same 16. today 16. scarlet

17. said 17. well 17. them 17. small 17. try 17. signal

18. see 18. what 18. think 18. town 18. wash 18. statue

19. she 19. with 19. up 19. turn 19. wrong 19. stout

20. that 20. yes 20. where 20. wish 20. yellow 20. vicious

In Other Words: The Power of English Vocabulary

*Note the dramatic shift in Grade 4 from everyday words of Anglo-Saxon origin, to more academic Latin-based words.

Although subject-specific words may appear to be hard to learn, they
are often less challenging than general academic words, because teach-
ers pay attention to teaching new technical terms when they introduce
concepts. In addition, subject-specific vocabulary is usually defined or
explained in textbooks, which often provide a glossary. It is important,
however, to help students see links among words. This may help when
they encounter new words that contain the same roots or affixes, such as
photo, bio, and chlor.
Some subjects — especially science — involve so many subject-spe-
cific terms that the task of learning them may be overwhelming for
English speakers and English learners alike. So much attention may be
paid to these words that some of the more generally useful vocabulary
may be neglected. Many of the specialized terms students must learn in
some subjects are not fully internalized and may be forgotten as soon as
the course is finished. As a result, it is important to focus on essential
conceptual words. If students do not need a word to understand the big
idea, the word is probably not important enough to take up space on the
vocabulary agenda.

The Structure of English Words

Possessing a rich vocabulary depends not only on knowing many
words, but also on understanding how words can be transformed to
create new or related words. To help students analyze the structure of
English words and recognize relationships among words, teachers
Word Classes
must understand word classes, traditionally known as parts of speech,
Class Examples as well as morphemes.

Nouns child, English,

language, swimming, Word Classes
Linguists often group English words into the word classes shown on the
Pronouns I, you, we, they, him, chart on this page. Students must learn to recognize which words in a
us, which, who, that sentence are nouns, verbs, and so on. Understanding these concepts and
Verbs run, jump, sleep, using the terms as labels is helpful to first and second language learners
think, have, be, die alike, especially adolescents. Rather than teaching these concepts by
definition, it may be more helpful to teach through example and to
Auxiliary verbs have, be, do (e.g., she
has gone, she is going, encourage students to label examples of nouns, verbs, and so on in sam-
did she go?) ples of real language. For a model lesson, see Chapter 12.

Modal verbs will, may, can (e.g., I

will go, I may go) Roots and Derivational Morphemes
Prepositions in, on, over, through, English words are made up of morphemes, which are combined in vari-
beneath ous ways to transform the meaning or function of words. Morphemes
Conjunctions and, because, if, so, are classified into three categories: word roots, also known as stems;
whereas inflectional morphemes; and derivational morphemes. The word pre-
fixes, for example, contains one derivational morpheme (pre-), one word
root (fix), and one inflectional morpheme (-es).

Every word contains at least one root that carries its basic meaning. The
words form, formal, formation, information, and informational, for example,
all contain the root form.
Some roots, such as form, word, root, and Canada, are free morphemes
that can stand alone as individual words. Some words contain more

98 Section II How English Works

than one free morpheme. Compound nouns such as blackboard, textbook,
and notebook, for example, consist of two roots, as do compound verbs
such as understand and overlook.
Some roots are bound morphemes that cannot stand alone. The root
duc, for example, derives from a Latin word meaning to lead and can be
used only in combination with other morphemes (e.g., reduce, educate,
and conduct).
Knowledge of low-frequency words is critically important to under-
standing textbooks and other academic material. Most low-frequency
words contain Latin or Greek roots. The chart on this page shows 20 of
the most common of these word roots in English. Knowledge of these
helps unlock the meaning of thousands of words in English.
These roots should be taught as they arise in daily lessons rather than
in isolation. If the word extensive occurs in a lesson, for example, ask stu-
dents to think of examples of other words that use the same root, add a
few more examples if necessary, and explain the meaning of the root. As
similar words occur in lessons, post them on a chart as a reference for

Common Roots in English

Root Meaning Examples

ceive, cept take, seize receive, conceive, concept, intercept

dic speak dictionary, dictate, contradict, predict, verdict
duc lead educate, produce, conduct, reduce
fac, fic, fec make, do factual, perfect, manufacture, fiction, efficient, defect
fer carry, bear offer, defer, confer, prefer
graph, gram write graph, monograph, autograph, telegram,

loc place location, dislocate, allocate, local

log word, study dialogue, epilogue, logic, geology

meter, metre measure barometer, thermometer, centimeter
mit, miss send transmit, submit, intermittent, mission

phon sound phonology, symphony, phonics, telephone

plic, plex, ply fold implicate, complicated, complex, perplex, multiply

pos, pon put, place position, dispose, compose, deposit, opposite, opponent
spec, spic see, look aspect, spectator, inspect, respect, conspicuous

scribe, script write inscribe, script, description, manuscript

sta, st stand station, status, insist, persist, protest

tain, ten (1) hold, have, keep detain, retain, contain, tenacious, maintenance

tele far telephone, television, telepathy, telegram

ten (2) stretch extend, extent, intend, intense, tension, tense

vis, vid see vision, visible, evidence, provide

5 In Other Words: The Power of English Vocabulary 99

The English affix system is very productive in forming new words.
Some words have both prefixes and suffixes (e.g., information and
informed), and some have more than one of each (e.g., misinformation
and informational). This productivity may create difficulties for learn-
ers, many of whom may not perceive the underlying relationships
among words such as act, actor, active, react, reaction, and reactionary.
Prefixes change or add to the meaning of a word (e.g., view and pre-
view), while most suffixes signal the word class (e.g., noun, verb, and so
on) and may add meaning. The charts on the following pages show the
most common prefixes and suffixes in English.
For students of some language backgrounds, creating new words by
adding affixes is an entirely new concept. Most Chinese words, for
example, serve many purposes without changing form. The same word
may function as a verb, noun, adjective, and adverb. Because the Chi-
nese words for difficult and difficulty are the same, learners may not
distinguish between these words in English, saying “This test is very
difficulty,” or “I have difficult in this test.”
It may take a long time and much guidance for English language
learners to become proficient in the morphological patterns of English.
Teachers can help students recognize roots and affixes — the building
blocks of words — when they encounter new words. This can dramati-
cally improve students’ reading comprehension and enhance their
ability to use new words appropriately.

Learning New Words

English language learners must expand their vocabulary at twice or
three times the rate of their English-speaking peers. To help them
achieve this, an effective vocabulary program includes three com-
• Extensive reading of student-selected material
• Explicit instruction focusing on vocabulary that arises within the
context of lessons
• Demonstration and modeling of vocabulary acquisition skills

Extensive Reading
According to Stephen Krashen, an expert in second language acquisi-
tion, reading extensively is the best way to promote vocabulary
development, increase awareness of sentence structure, and encourage
a life-long love of reading. Some researchers suggest that students pick
up new words 10 times faster through reading than through explicit
vocabulary instruction.
Most native speakers of English with large vocabularies developed
their knowledge of words through extensive reading. In addition, peo-
Reading extensively is a powerful way to ple who read a lot are likely to improve their spelling without any
expand vocabulary. focused spelling instruction. As long as the text is interesting and con-
tains no more than five percent new words, reading can be a pleasurable
way of expanding vocabulary, learning about life in North America and
about other cultures, enhancing awareness of English sentence struc-
ture, and developing awareness of various writing styles.

100 Section II How English Works

Common English Prefixes

Prefix Other Forms Meaning Examples

ab- a-, an- from, away, abnormal, abolish, abduct, atheist, abstract, absent, anarchy
up, out, not

ad- a-, ac-, af-, ag-, to, toward add, admit, address, advertise, adhere, accept, affix, affluent,
al-, an-, as-, at- affiliate, agree, allegiance, announce, ascend, attach

com- co-, col-, con-, with, combine, cooperate, collect, contain, correct
cor- together

de- from, defend, depend, decline, deceive, descend, deduct


dis- di-, dif- not; apart, disagree, dislike, distasteful; distance, diffuse, different

ex- e-, ef- out, beyond extract, expand, exceed, educate, erase, effluent

in-(1) ig-, im-, il-, ir- not inactive, indecent, incomplete, ignorant, ignoble, impossible,
illogical, illegal, irreversible, irreparable

in-(2) im-, il-, ir- into include, inform, invite, inhale, infect, import, immigrate,
illuminate, illustrate, irradiate

inter- between, interview, interfere, intervene, international


mis- bad, wrong mistake, misbehave, mislead, misrepresent

non- not nonviolent, nondescript, nonconformist

ob- op-, of-, oc- against, objection, obtain, opposite, oppose, offer, offend, occasion,
toward occur, occult

over- above, too oversee, overpower, overwhelming


per- through perceive, perfect, perform, persuade, pervasive

pre- before prevent, predict, prefix, preview, prejudice

pro- forward, in progress, prosperity, produce, protect, proactive


re- again, back reform, review, return, reduce, reflect

sub- suc-, suf-, sug-, under, close submerge, subvert, succeed, suffix, suffer, suggest, support,
sup-, sur-, sus- to surround, suspect

trans- across, transport, transfer, translate, transcribe


un- not unhappy, unlike, undo, unable

5 In Other Words: The Power of English Vocabulary 101

Common English Suffixes

Suffixes Word Class (Meaning) Examples

-al adjective usual, bilingual, fundamental, critical

-ic adjective economic, linguistic, public, poetic

-y adjective easy, sunny, funny, cheesy, watery, icy

-ant, -ent (1) adjective pleasant, defiant, diligent, excellent

-ive adjective active, passive, negative, furtive

-ous adjective dangerous, marvelous, joyous

-ble adjective: able to portable, possible, credible

-ward adjective: direction toward, forward, backward, westward, upward

-ern adjective: direction southern, western

-ful adjective: full of resourceful, helpful, useful

-less adjective: without useless, hopeless, worthless, careless

-ly adverb easily, usually, linguistically

-ion, -tion, -sion noun (abstract) union, education, confederation, expansion

-ment noun (abstract) government, judgment, announcement

-ty, -ity noun (abstract) safety, beauty, loyalty, unity, charity, necessity

-ance, -ence noun (abstract) repentance, ignorance, violence, absence

-ship noun (abstract) hardship, friendship, fellowship, citizenship

-ism noun (abstract): belief Hinduism, Judaism, socialism, racism, sexism

-ant, -ent (2) noun: person immigrant, assistant, student, superintendent

-ian noun: person historian, physician, mathematician, musician

-ist noun: person biologist, pharmacist, specialist, dentist , racist

-er, -or noun: person or teacher, ruler, hanger, doctor, actor, protractor

-ate verb indicate, immigrate, communicate

-ize verb symbolize, realize, organize

-en verb tighten, loosen, moisten, fasten, frighten

102 Section II How English Works

Encourage students to choose their own reading material: the pur-
pose is to read freely and extensively, not necessarily to read fine
literature or uplifting material. You can provide a selection of graded
readers developed for English language learners, as well as other
high-interest, low-vocabulary materials, though some students may
prefer to read informational books, magazines, and newspapers. Pic-
ture books can also be used with students of various ages as long as the
content is not too immature for older students.
How to Promote Extensive Reading Various publishers offer graded readers especially written or
adapted for English language learners. Some readers retell classic or
• Set aside a regular time for free reading.
traditional stories, while others present simplified versions of contem-
• Encourage students to choose their own porary adult fiction by authors such as John Grisham. Sentence
material at a suitable reading level. Offer
help to those who have difficulty choos- structure is controlled so that books for beginners use only the most
ing and always allow students to basic sentence structures while those at the higher levels are more com-
abandon a book that is not holding their plex. Vocabulary is also graded. Materials at the beginning level are
interest. based on the first 300 to 400 words of English, while those at higher
• Provide a variety of fiction and non-fiction levels include a vocabulary of 2,500 words or more. Do not insist that
materials that appeal to students’ inter- students read every title at each level; encourage them to choose titles
ests, including magazines, comic books, that interest them and to move on to the next level as soon as they can
children’s picture books, romance nov-
read with ease. (For a list of resources, please see page 213.)
els, young adult fiction, newspapers,
and how-to manuals. Emphasize reading for pleasure, and do not worry if students don’t
choose quality literature. They can learn an amazing number of low-fre-
• Provide plenty of material at each student’s
independent reading level (about 95 per- quency words, such as nemesis, villain, and heroic, from comic books.
cent known words, other than names). Quality literature can be introduced through teacher-directed activities
such as literature circles (see Chapter 2) and guided reading activities
• Provide recorded books for students at the
beginning level (see Chapter 11). (see Chapter 12).
English language learners enjoy reading simple books as long as the
• Focus on volume. Encourage students to
read as much — and as widely — as content and illustrations are appropriate to their maturity level. Some
possible. Students can keep a reading older students, however, may prefer not to reveal the kind of books
record of the number of pages or books they’re reading to their English-speaking peers. As a result, it may be a
read. good idea to keep these books in the ESL classroom rather than in the
• Make the experience pleasurable. Do not school library. Other students may be reluctant to read simple books
require students to write book reports because their pressing need is to read a science textbook or other com-
or subject them to comprehension quiz- plex material. Show these students how the books are graded and
zes. Follow-up activities should focus
explain that if they work diligently through the levels, they will learn
on the learner’s personal response to
the selected material and give students important vocabulary that will enable them to read textbooks. In addi-
choices. Most students enjoy discussing tion, explain that the program will also include some intensive reading
a book with a partner who has read the of more difficult textbook-style material.
same book, for example, but they Listening to books on tape is also helpful. Unless commercially pro-
should not be required to do this with
duced recordings are developed specifically for language learners, the
every book. Students may also enjoy
reading aloud favorite sections to a books are usually too difficult and the speech on the recordings is too
cross-grade tutor or presenting a fast. Try enlisting colleagues or senior students to help you create suit-
one-minute oral review to the class. able recordings for students. You might also pair students with
From time to time, encourage students cross-grade tutors who will work with them regularly, reading aloud
to write journal responses.
and explaining new words and concepts.
Some ESL graded readers include vocabulary practice exercises, but
it is not a good idea to require students to do so much work that reading
becomes a chore. Some students, however, may wish to complete
vocabulary and other follow-up exercises because this fits their image
of language learning. Allow them to do so. At the same time, you may
wish to point out that experts such as Stephen Krashen suggest that stu-
dents learn more words by reading another book than by completing
The main purpose of extensive reading is to instill a love of reading.
Encouraging students to read material they enjoy will keep them

5 In Other Words: The Power of English Vocabulary 103

motivated and moving forward. From time to time, ask students to meet
in informal literature circles to share information about the books they
are reading or meet students individually to talk about the books. Stu-
dents might also enjoy sharing information about their books through
drama or art activities. For more ideas for follow-ups, see chapters 2 and

Focused Instruction
Students also require focused instruction on new vocabulary as it arises
in daily lessons in various subject areas. This enables them to learn aca-
demic vocabulary in a meaningful context and provides opportunities
for them to use new words immediately. For specific strategies such as
word walls, cloze activities, and vocabulary notebooks, see Chapter 12.

Vocabulary Acquisition Skills

Second language learners must develop strategies for dealing with new
or challenging vocabulary when they are reading independently. Use
the guided reading process, described in Chapter 12, to demonstrate
effective strategies for dealing with unfamiliar words in textbooks and
other learning resources. These strategies are also useful when students
are reading questions on tests and exams, including standardized liter-
acy tests or the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). A
satisfactory score on the TOEFL is required by many universities before
they will admit non-native speakers of English. You can also teach stu-
dents how to use a vocabulary notebook and how to use dictionaries
effectively (see Chapter 12).

104 Section II How English Works

To Learn More …

Books and Articles

Allen, J. Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary in Grades McWilliam, N. What’s in a Word? vocabulary development in mul-
4-12. York, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers, 1999. tilingual classrooms. Stoke on Trent, UK, 1998.
Practical, research-based activities to enrich students’ vocab- This book has a strong emphasis on school language, aca-
ulary with words drawn from reading and from various demic vocabulary, and academic success of English
subject areas. language learners. Includes many examples of children’s
Bragg, M. The Adventure of English: the biography of a language. language and classroom talk.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2003. Nation, I.S.P. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Boston, Mass.:
Entertaining story of the origins of the language and its Heinle & Heinle, 1990.
spread around the world. The book builds on the U.K. televi- Includes answers to many questions that teachers ask, such
sion series of the same title. as, How many words does a second language learner need?
Coxhead, A. “A New Academic Word List.” TESOL Quarterly. and What should I do when there are unknown words in a
Vol. 34, no. 2 (2000), pp. 213–238. text?
This word list is available online: < Nation, P., ed. New Ways in Teaching Vocabulary. Alexandria,
research/awl>. VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages,
Crystal, D. English as a Global Language. 2 ed. Cambridge Uni- Inc., 1994.
versity Press, 2003. A variety of classroom activities to introduce and practise
Interesting story of the origins and spread of English and the vocabulary, and develop vocabulary acquisition skills.
development of various forms of English around the world. Pilgreen, J.L. The SSR Handbook: How to Organize and Manage a
Day, R.R., and Bamford, J. Extensive Reading in the Second Lan- Sustained Silent Reading Program. Portsmouth, N.H.:
guage Classroom. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, Heinemann, 2000.
1998. Practical advice on setting up an extensive reading program.
Examines the research base for extensive reading as a way to Includes suggestions for resources.
develop vocabulary and other aspects of linguistic compe- Richler, H.A. Bawdy Language: How a Second-Rate Language Slept
tence. Offers detailed practical advice on setting up an Its Way to the Top. Toronto, Ont.: Stoddart, 1999.
extensive reading program. An entertaining and informative look at the ever-changing
Fry, E., J. Kress, and D.L. Fountoukidis. The Reading Teacher’s English language.
Book of Lists. 4th ed. West Nyack, N.Y.: Center for Applied Schmitt, N., and McCarthy, M. Vocabulary: Description, Acquisi-
Research in Education (now Jossey-Bass), 2000. tion, and Pedagogy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Compendium of lists (e.g., mathematics vocabulary, pre- 1998.
fixes, and Greek and Latin roots) that are helpful when The articles in this collection provide a thorough treatment
planning lessons. of vocabulary, for those who intend to become expert lan-
Gairns, R., and Redman, S. Working with Words: A guide to guage teachers.
teaching and learning vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge Schmitt, N. Vocabulary in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cam-
University Press, 1986. bridge University Press, 2000.
Useful guide on vocabulary instruction.. Provides research-based information for language teachers,
Krashen, S. The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research. as well as suggestions for classroom practice. Includes a
Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1993. word list of academic vocabulary and a vocabulary test.
Discusses the benefits of extensive reading on overall lan- Various authors. Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge
guage development, including vocabulary and spelling. University Press, various dates.
Kress, J. The ESL Teacher’s Book of Lists. West Nyack, N.Y.: Cen- Series of student books at several levels, suitable for self
ter for Applied Research in Education (now Jossey-Bass), study for students at the secondary level; also useful as a
1993. model for designing content-based vocabulary activities.
Another compendium of lists that include general and aca- The series can be ordered in British or North American ver-
demic vocabulary. Useful reference for language teachers. sions. Similar books on idioms and phrasal verbs are also
McArthur, T., ed. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. available. <>
Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1996. West, M. A General Service List of English Words. London:
An essential reference, filled with interesting information Longman, Green, 1953.
about the English language. This list of the most frequent 2,000 words in English is out of
McCrum, R., W. Cran, and R. MacNeil. The Story of English. print and hard to find, but it is available online at
Revised ed. London: Faber and Faber, 1992. <>.
This comprehensive overview of the development of Eng- Wright, J. Dictionaries. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press,
lish was originally published to accompany the BBC 1998.
television series of the same name. Many classroom activities designed to teach effective dictio-
nary skills, learning strategies, and memory techniques.

5 In Other Words: The Power of English Vocabulary 105

6 English in Real Life:
Communicative Competence

The concept of communicative competence was developed by Dell

Hymes in the 1970s, and although the term has been adopted — and
adapted — by others, it continues to refer to the ability to communicate
effectively in real situations.
The previous chapters in this section presented information about
English pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. These aspects of lan-
guage performance are often called structural competence. Though
structural competence is essential, effective communication requires
more than learning new words, pronouncing them correctly, and
stringing them together in grammatical sequences. These sentences —
and the ideas they convey — must also be combined into a coherent
whole. This aspect of language performance is called discourse
Another important component of language performance is
sociolinguistic competence, which refers to the ability to recognize and
produce language that is appropriate in various social contexts and
relationships. Equally important is strategic competence, which
involves the ability to employ a variety of verbal and nonverbal strate-
gies that are essential to participating effectively in conversations.
The chart on this page is a simple model of communicative compe-
tence. This chapter provides an overview of discourse competence,
sociolinguistic competence, and strategic competence.

Communicative Competence

Structural Discourse Sociolinguistic Strategic

Competence Competence Competence Competence
Pronunciation Coherence and Style (register) Communication
Grammar cohesion Cultural norms strategies
Vocabulary Genres of Language Conversational
writing variety strategies

Discourse Competence
Discourse competence involves the ability to understand and produce
utterances or writing, such as stories, conversations, and reports, that
are longer than sentences. It includes the effective use of reference
words, understanding and using a wide variety of connective words
and phrases, and the ability to recognize and produce specific forms or
genres of language.

106 Section II How English Works

Reference Words
Reference words, such as it, he, this, which, whose, the former, and the lat-
Examples of Connectives ter, promote cohesion by linking ideas from one sentence to the next.
• To indicate generalizations The following examples are from a history textbook:
Generally speaking, in my opinion, it is
evident that, it can be argued that, some
In 1939, Mackenzie King promised Britain and France that Canada would
scientists (historians, experts, etc.) believe
support the war effort by sending military equipment and supplies. To do
• To add examples or details this, …
For example, for instance, one example of
this is, for one thing, such as
In this example, this is a convenient way of referring to sending military
• To add information or evidence
In addition, moreover, furthermore, also
equipment and supplies without repeating the phrase.
• To identify a conclusion Canadian scientists played a small role in helping the Americans develop
In conclusion, finally, to sum up, there-
fore, for these reasons, in the final analysis the atomic bomb. On August 6, 1945, the United States Air Force dropped
the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima in Japan. The Americans dropped a
• To identify cause and effect
second bomb on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. The destruction caused by
Consequently, accordingly, thus, there-
fore, in order to, for this reason, because these two bombs had never been seen before. The bomb dropped on Hiro-
(of), as a result (of) shima killed 70 000 people. Most were civilians. The second bomb
• To compare or contrast dropped on Nagasaki killed 40 000 people. Many more died later as a
Also, likewise, the same, similar, equally, result of the effects of radiation.
both, neither, too, as well, parallel, in com-
mon The underlined words and phrases help link the ideas in this para-
More, less, fewer, the most (least, fewest), graph by referring to ideas mentioned earlier. In addition, the
bigger (biggest), smaller (smallest)
Twice as much as, twice as many as, half expressions, the destruction caused and the bomb dropped, are reduced ver-
as much as, a quarter of sions of the longer forms, the destruction that was caused and the bomb that
Second highest, third largest was dropped. Reduced references like these are common in academic
Three times as many as, three times more text.
than, three times larger than
Ten percent more than, five percent less
than Connectives
Alternatively, by contrast, but, yet,
whereas, on the other hand, however, nev- In connected speech and organized writing, certain words and phrases
ertheless, conversely promote coherence by showing the logical organization of ideas. For
Unless, otherwise, instead (of) instance, the connective phrase for example indicates that an example of
Despite, in spite of, although, even
though, inasmuch as, notwithstanding a previously stated idea is being cited. As students progress in school,
they must acquire an increasingly sophisticated repertoire of connec-
• To indicate time and sequence
First, second, third
tives to understand academic text and organize their own ideas in
Before, after, subsequently, prior to, next, speech and writing.
then, after that, finally A typical written academic argument in English requires an opening
While, meanwhile, simultaneously, con- statement of fact or opinion. This is supported by a series of arguments
temporaneously, during or examples and concludes with a closing statement that restates the ini-
Invariably, always, usually, often,
sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely,
tial assertion.
hardly, never Specific connectives are used to advance a thesis or argument, sepa-
Briefly, temporarily, permanently, forever, rate main ideas from examples or details, and identify conclusions.
for the time being, for the foreseeable Other connectives link ideas among and within sentences and para-
future, for the next 10 years graphs in specific, logical ways. They may be used to identify cause and
• To illustrate spatial organization effect, to compare or contrast, to indicate time and sequence, and to
By, in, on, over, up, down, into, beside, illustrate spatial organization.
below, along, across, through, above Many learners of English must expand their repertoire of connective
Next to, equidistant from, parallel to,
attached to expressions so that they can recognize and use these expressions in for-
Bisecting, bisected by, intersecting, inter- mal academic writing.
sected by

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 107

Genres of Language
In all cultures, oral and written communication is shaped in accepted
ways according to the audience and the purpose. These forms of com-
munication can be classified as genres, each with specific identifiable
features. A typical informal conversation in English, for example, is
marked by hesitations, false starts, fillers (e.g., um, you know), grammar
errors, and idiomatic expressions. By contrast, a newsreader uses care-
ful speech that has been rehearsed to eliminate the hesitations,
redundancies, and errors that are typical of informal conversation.
Other genres of oral language include small talk, speeches, job inter-
views, talk-show interviews, and telephone conversations.
English language learners may be unfamiliar with the conventions
that apply to various genres. They may not know, for example, that
speeches in English traditionally begin with “Ladies and gentlemen.”
For this reason, they must be exposed to many examples of formal and
informal oral language and encouraged to use the features of each. For
more information about the features of oral language, see Chapter 7.
Specific textual features also mark the genres of written language. In
news stories, for example, an inverted pyramid structure is typical. The
first one or two paragraphs summarize the essential information: who,
what, when, and where. The most important details follow immedi-
ately; those that are less important are provided later. This means that, if
necessary, the bottom of the story can be cut without deleting important
information or requiring a complete rewrite. It also means that editors
can squeeze more attention-grabbing stories on to the front page and
continue each on inside pages. Readers can then decide which to read in
more depth. This style is also common in Web publishing because it
enables readers to skim the main points and decide whether to click on a
link to read more.
Other written genres include fairy tales, poems, science lab reports,
essays, and journal entries. For more information on the written genres
used in schools, see Chapter 7.

How Teachers Can Help

• Obtain the necessary permissions and make video- or audio tapes
of various genres of oral communication, such as radio and TV
news programs, public address announcements in the school,
recorded telephone messages, and so on. Encourage students to
discuss their similarities and differences. Students can also create
short skits or role plays using one of the genres.
• Present samples of various genres of formal and informal written
communication (e.g., formal business letters, friendly letters, and
e-mail messages) and encourage students to discuss their similari-
ties and differences.
• Use the guided reading process to draw students’ attention to ref-
erence words and connectives in instructional text. See chapters 7
and 12.
• Use modeled and guided writing to encourage students to pro-
duce writing in various genres. See chapters 7 and 12.

108 Section II How English Works

Sociolinguistic Competence
Sociolinguistic competence, also known as sociocultural competence,
involves speaking or writing at an appropriate level of formality for the
situation, observing cultural norms with respect to conventions such as
forms of address and nonverbal language, and recognizing or using
varieties or dialects of English. Sociolinguistic competence is as impor-
tant as accuracy in grammar, pronunciation, and word choice because
• students may use language that is grammatically correct but nev-
ertheless inappropriate in a specific context. They may, for exam-
ple, address their teachers in a style that is too familiar, too formal,
or too forthright. They may also misinterpret messages they
• learners may be unaware of cultural norms, such as the appropri-
ate form of address for a teacher or the importance of making eye
contact and using specific gestures.
• students whose first language is a non-standard variety of English,
such as Jamaican Creole, may have difficulty recognizing differ-
ences between the variety they speak and the variety required to
achieve success in school.

Language Style or Register

The language style or register that people use varies according to pur-
pose, situation, and relationships. Everyone has many styles of
speaking — and writing — and everyone varies his or her style to match
the audience. In English and many other languages, for example, social
What Is Register? characteristics, such as gender and the social status of the listener, may
Style is often referred to as register, although
affect the style of the participants in a conversation. Age is another
some linguists reserve register for the special important variable: people speak differently to older and younger lis-
ways that language is used in certain teners. In some languages, these differences are very marked. In
occupations. Teachers, for example, have a Korean, for example, children use various honorifics to address elders
language of their own, both formal (e.g., and older siblings.
learning outcomes, curriculum expectations, and
assessment rubrics) and informal (e.g., a spare
The language style selected also depends on the speaker’s relation-
and special ed). ship with other participants in a conversation. The way you speak to
Register can also refer to the way language your friends and family, for example, may be quite different from the
is used in various socioeconomic groups. way you speak at school. And even at school, the way you speak to an
The term luncheon, for example, may be individual student about an assignment may be different from the way
considered more elevated than lunch.
Through their choice of register, people may
you speak to the whole class, and the way you speak to the class may be
reveal their social origins or aspirations. different from the way you address a school assembly. Your style may
also change when you speak to the principal — and may be more formal
with a new principal than with a principal you have worked and social-
ized with for several years. Your style also varies according to your
purpose. You probably use a different style to converse informally, to
scold, to tell a story, to instruct, to entertain, and to make a speech.
To be successful in school, students must become competent in
choosing and using the appropriate language style for specific pur-
poses. Though it might be appropriate, for example, for a student to say
to a peer, “Hey, gimme my ball back, okay?” it would be inappropriate
to say, “Hey, gimme my essay back, okay?” to a teacher who has been
slow to return an assignment. In day-to-day conversation, it is factually
accurate and grammatically correct to say, “It rains a lot in Vancouver”;
in the context of a high school geography course, however, the student

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 109

who can write, “Vancouver has a higher rate of precipitation than most
other Canadian cities,” will probably earn higher marks.
Second language learners may not perceive these differences in style,
or they may have had insufficient exposure to English to develop a
range of styles. As a result, they may misinterpret messages or commu-
nicate unintended messages.
Problems may arise when teachers and students from differing cul-
tural backgrounds have different expectations about the style of
communication between teachers and students. Over the past 50 years,
North American classrooms have become much less formal, and the
teacher-student relationship is much less authoritarian than it is in
many other countries. It is also much less strict than adult-child rela-
tionships in some cultural and socio-economic groups. Rather than
issuing commands, for example, teachers in North America often
express directions and warnings as indirect requests or suggestions. At
the end of a lesson, a teacher might say, “I like the way Ranjit is putting
away all his crayons,” as a cue for other children to put away their cray-
ons, or “Where do the crayons belong, Ayesha?” as a veiled command
to an individual child.
This kind of indirectness may be misinterpreted by students from
backgrounds in which instructions, warnings, and rules are delivered
in a much more direct and explicit manner. These students might
respond more appropriately if the teacher said, “I want you all to put
away your crayons now,” or “Ayesha, put the crayons away now.”

How Teachers Can Help

• Find a supportive and non-judgmental way to let students know
they have used language in a socially inappropriate way, whether
this involves sounding too deferential or abrupt and rude. To the
student shown in the cartoon, for example, you might say, “I
understand that you want me to look at your paper as soon as I can,
but the way you said it is not the best way to speak to a teacher.
Instead, you could say, ‘Mr. ____, I worked hard on my assign-
ment, and I really want to know how I did. I hope you’ll have a
chance to look at it soon.’”

110 Section II How English Works

• In English or language arts classes, expose students to language at
various levels of formality and encourage them to identify differ-
ences. For example, after obtaining the appropriate permissions,
show video clips from interviews and talk shows on local public
television stations and compare these with material from shows
that appeal to different audiences.
• Encourage students to read and listen to famous speeches, such as
Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, and identify some
of the elements of oratorical style.
• Invite speakers to make presentations of various kinds. The presi-
dent of the students’ council or representatives of clubs, for exam-
ple, might provide information and solicit support for activities, or
the principal might visit to welcome newcomers and talk about the
school’s approach to cultural diversity. Afterwards, discuss how
elements of the speaker’s style differ from conversational speech
with a friend.
• Help students develop a repertoire of formal and informal ways of
expressing the same message. Display a list of expressions like
Formal and Informal Expressions those shown on this page and talk about situations in which each is
appropriate. Discuss factors such as the relationship between the
Formal Informal speakers (e.g., whether they know each other and whether one is
Could you speak Speak up! older or in a position of authority). Point out that the medium of
up, please? communication is also important. An expression like, “I think we
Would you mind have a bad line,” is appropriate only when speaking on the tele-
speaking more Come again? phone, and “Sorry, you’re breaking up,” is specific to a conversa-
loudly? What did you say? tion on a cellular phone.
You are speaking • Involve students in role plays that encourage them to practice
too softly. adjusting their speech to the social context. Pairs might be assigned
Huh? an expression from the list on this page, for example, and
I’m sorry, I can’t
hear you. Eh? instructed to create a short dialogue using it in an appropriate
It’s very noisy in Eh?
• Provide opportunities for students to “translate” formal language
into a more relaxed style and vice versa. Students might listen to a
Sorry, I missed formal announcement on the public address system, for example,
that. and translate this into the style of a conversation among friends in
I think we have a the cafeteria.
bad line. • Do not be embarrassed to deal with vulgar or obscene language.
Sorry, you’re Language learners sometimes use inappropriate expressions that
breaking up. they have learned in the schoolyard and elsewhere. Rather than
ignoring these expressions, explain what is considered appropri-
ate in English. A more proficient bilingual peer can sometimes
help with the explanation. In the case of anatomical expressions, it
is important to help students distinguish between vulgar terms,
everyday terms, and the words that might be used in a doctor’s
• At the beginning of the year or course, give instructions that are as
clear and direct as possible. Make sure all students can see and
hear you. Because students may also interact with other teachers
whose style is more indirect, however, gradually start using this
style yourself, but remember to decode it for the students. You
might say, for example, “The next class needs a clean and tidy
classroom. This means that you must clean up now.” To an indi-
vidual student, you might say, “I think you can improve this
assignment. This means that I want you to redo it, following the
suggestions I have given you, and show it to me tomorrow.”

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 111

• When students appear to ignore or misunderstand instructions,
treat this as a linguistic problem. You might say something like,
“Yesterday, I said that it might be a good idea to revise the last
paragraph of your report. What do you think I wanted you to do?”

Cultural Norms in Language Use

In every language, unstated social rules or norms govern how language
is used in various social contexts. The following factors may affect
• The context or setting may determine who may initiate a conversa-
tion, especially when differences in age, sex, or social status are
involved. Some newcomers, for example, may have been schooled
in an environment in which students seldom initiate discussions or
ask questions; rather, they wait for the teacher to call on them.
• The relationship among speakers may affect word choice. In French,
for example, tu is the familiar form of you and would be used by an
adult, such as a teacher, to address a child; the more formal vous,
however, is used to address strangers and authority figures.
• In some cultures, addressing a teacher as “Teacher” is a sign of
respect, but this is not so among English speakers. In some North
American schools, it is more usual to address teachers as “Sir” or
“Miss.” In other schools, students are required to address teachers
by name (e.g., “Mr. Arnold,” “Ms. Weinstein”), and in some alterna-
tive schools, students are encouraged to use teachers’ first names.
• Naming practices vary across cultures. If you address Lam Van
Bao’s mother as “Mrs. Bao,” for example, you are addressing her
by her son’s given name, which is like calling Billy Smith’s mother
“Mrs. Billy.”
• In some languages, such as Japanese and Korean, several levels of
formality exist and the level chosen depends on the relative status
of the speakers. By comparison, it may seem easy to make choices
in English. Still, when you address someone in English, you must
decide whether to use the person’s given name, nickname, pet
name, family name, or an honorific, such as Mr. or Ms, and the
family name. Many learners of English are taken aback by the
apparent easy familiarity of many North Americans and often mis-
judge their response. To make the matter even more complex, a
person addressed by his first name cannot assume that he is free to
reply in kind, even if both speakers are adults. What if the person is
his professor or supervisor at work?
• Using please and thank you is very important in English. It is also
common to acknowledge thanks by saying, “You’re welcome.”
Because these expressions — or their equivalents — are not as
commonly used by speakers of many other languages, some lan-
guage learners may sound unintentionally abrupt. And in some
languages, the equivalent expressions may be used in somewhat
different ways. In French, for example, merci, which means thank
you, sometimes indicates refusal and is the equivalent of saying
“No, thank you,” in English.
• English speakers are often uncomfortable with conversational
silences that last more than a few seconds and hasten to fill them.
When a student does not respond immediately to a question, the
teacher may move on to another student or ask another question.
In other cultures, silence may indicate thought or that a reply is not

112 Section II How English Works

considered necessary. In the classroom, second language learners
often need more time to compose a response.
• In many cultures, it is polite to decline an offer of food the first two
or three times it is offered — and accept it only on the third or
fourth offer. People from Bulgaria, for example, would be aston-
ished and offended if, after a first refusal, food is not offered to
them again. This is just one example of the importance of cultural
as well as linguistic knowledge in cross-cultural communication.

Nonverbal Language
Nonverbal language consists of body language, such as gestures, eye
contact, facial expressions, and body posture or movement, as well as
less visible but equally important behavior, such as the use of silence
and the use of physical space. Nonverbal language varies from culture
to culture. The following examples of differences in nonverbal language
may sometimes lead to miscommunication.
• Most English speakers beckon with the hand palm up; in other cul-
tures, this may be insulting. In some, it is usual to beckon with the
hand held palm down, which may look similar to the rather dis-
missive English gesture that means go away.
• Rules governing eye contact often vary. Many English speakers
interpret looking someone in the eye as a sign of trustworthiness,
sincerity, or interest. In some cultures, however, it is considered
impolite to make or maintain eye contact for more than a fraction
of a second, especially when the social status of the participants in
a conversation is different. It may be considered rude, for example,
for a child to sustain eye contact with a teacher or other adult.
• The interpretation of facial gestures, such as winking, raising the
eyebrows, rolling the eyes, looking upward, and smiling, may
vary from culture to culture. In some cultures, displaying an open
mouth is considered rude, which is why some students — espe-
cially females — may attempt to conceal a smile or laugh behind
their hands.
• Handshaking, where it is practiced at all, may be restricted to per-
sons of the same sex, to certain age groups, or to a particular kind
of relationship or situation. The handshake may also be gentler
than in North America, where a firm handshake is often consid-
ered a sign of forthrightness and strength of character.
• Head movements that indicate yes and no are not universal. In
Bulgaria, for example, a brief shake of the head means yes, and a
sharp toss of the head upwards indicates no. English speakers may
completely misinterpret these gestures.
• North American hand gestures, such as thumbs up or circling the
thumb and forefinger to indicate okay, are considered obscene in
some cultures.
• In some cultures, formalized body movements communicate
respect. In Japan, for example, students may have a repertoire of
bows, while South Asian students may join their hands in front of
the body and bow their heads.
• The physical distance that speakers maintain during conversation
varies. In some cultures, standing close to a conversation partner is
usual; in others, more personal space is required. Without being
aware of it, speakers from various cultures may move toward or
away from each other to regain their own position of comfort.

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 113

• In North America, physical touching is generally restricted to fam-
ily members, close friends, or those involved in intimate relation-
ships. In many other cultures, it is common to maintain fleeting
physical contact during conversation with, for example, a touch of
the hand on the arm.
• In many English-speaking countries, public displays of affection,
such as handholding and kissing, are common. In many other cul-
tures, however, physical intimacy between males and females is a
private matter, although friends of the same sex may hold hands or
walk arm-in-arm in public.

How Teachers Can Help

• Discuss student-teacher relationships and encourage students to
compare aspects of school culture in their new country with their
previous experience and expectations.
• Ask students to go outside the classroom to observe and document
unwritten cultural norms for forms of address, polite forms, and
nonverbal language. Students might, for example, visit a fast-food
restaurant or the school office to observe examples of polite lan-
guage and behavior, such as saying, “Good morning,” “May I help
you?” “Thank you,” and “You’re welcome.” They might also
observe how far apart people stand when engaged in conversa-
tion, how loudly they speak, and how they distribute themselves
in cafeterias, restaurants, elevators, buses, and other public places.
Teenagers will be especially interested in observing how couples
and friends behave in public. Discuss students’ observations and
make cross-cultural comparisons.
• Explore cultural differences through drama. Students might, for
example, create a role play showing how a situation might unfold
in their new culture and their country of origin.
• Ask students how names work in their home language and culture
and how you should address their parents. The class might create
a display comparing naming practices and explaining the meaning
or origin of their own names.
• Show students how to use the firm North American handshake
and set up role plays in which they can practice using it (e.g., dur-
ing introductions, parent-teacher interviews, or job interviews).
• Discuss nonverbal language as an important mode of communica-
tion and explain how cultural miscues may convey mistaken
impressions. Validate the cultural norms students are accustomed
to, but explain that they must also learn how to relate effectively to
people raised in English-speaking countries. Students can practice
using various forms of nonverbal communication in skits and role
• If you use a gesture that causes consternation or hilarity among
some students, explain what it means and ask whether its meaning
is different in their culture. Similarly, if a student uses a gesture
that puzzles you, ask what it means and show him or her an equiv-
alent gesture.

Language Variety and Standard English

All languages evolve differently in different locations and among vari-
ous social groups, and English is no exception. Differing varieties of

114 Section II How English Works

English evolved in the days before mass communication, when groups
of English speakers were often physically isolated from one another and
when contact among people of different social classes was limited. En-
glish also traveled with explorers, empire builders, colonial admin-
istrators, and British settlers to countries all over the world — and the
language evolved differently in all these places.
Regional and social-class variations survive today, despite mass
media and communication systems that enable people to interact with
one another across vast distances. Even though populations today are
highly mobile, moving easily from one speech community to another,
linguistic variation thrives. Pressures that encourage homogenization
are counterbalanced by pressures within speech communities to assert
their cultural and social identity by maintaining distinct speech
Language is more than a means of communication; it is also an
important marker of identity and social status. The variety of language
a person speaks sometimes reveals a great deal about his or her geo-
graphic origin, and socioeconomic status. Some varieties of English
enjoy greater prestige than others. The preferred or more prestigious
variety is associated with superior education and social standing and is
often referred to as standard English.
People who speak standard English are often considered well-spo-
ken. Other varieties of English are more likely to be associated with low
social standing, lack of sophistication, or undesirable character traits.
As a result, speakers of other varieties of English are more likely to be
judged to speak poorly. These attitudes are based on linguistic preju-
dice, rather than the intrinsic superiority of standard English.
Though standard English is not superior to other varieties of English,
it does have a special place as the language of school. To be academi-
cally successful, all students must become proficient in standard
English and the special ways it used at school. At the same time, other
varieties of English should be respected. Jamaican Creole, for example,
is a valid means of communication among Jamaicans and an important
source of cultural identity and self-esteem.
To work effectively with students who speak various forms of En-
glish, teachers must understand regional and social variety in English
and how the variety known as standard English acquired its status. It is
also important to respond to language variety in the classroom in ways
that are respectful and helpful to students who need to add standard
English to their language repertoire.


Standard English is a dialect. Once known as the King’s or Queen’s
English, it evolved from the dialect spoken at court and among the pow-
erful in London. William Caxton chose to represent this dialect in print
when he printed the first books in English, and its use as the printed
form of the language helped establish it as the standard.
The term standard is often used as if it were synonymous with correct;
in fact, all varieties of English are equally correct, and standard English
owes its status more to might than right. “A language is a dialect with
an army and a navy” is a famous saying among linguists. The standard
dialect is the one spoken by those in authority and those with education;
as a result, it has special currency as the dialect of prestige and power.
Those of higher socioeconomic status — and those who aspire to this —
usually speak the standard dialect. Many people also speak a local or

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 115

social-class variety, switching between their two dialects depending on
the context.
Standard English is not limited to a specific geographic region; it may
be spoken anywhere, often with a regional accent. Standard British Eng-
lish, standard Canadian English, standard American English, standard
Australian English, standard Jamaican English, and many other forms
of standard English are spoken with different accents. Vocabulary dif-
ferences also mark the varieties; for example, lorries in British English
are trucks in North America, and kinfolk in the Southern United States
Caribbean English Creole: Language
or Dialect? are relatives elsewhere. No matter where it is spoken, however, the sen-
tence structure of standard English is nearly identical.
Analysis has shown that the grammar and
phonological rules of Caribbean English REGI ONAL VARI ATI ON
Creole can be described as systematically as
those of any other language, including Regional dialects are spoken in various geographic areas, such as Lon-
English. Furthermore, Caribbean English don, Liverpool, Glasgow, New York, Atlanta, the Appalachian region
Creole is as distinct from English as French of the United States, Newfoundland, Singapore, New Delhi, Lagos, and
and Spanish are from Latin. many other cities and rural areas in countries around the world.
Whether it is a language or a dialect,
Caribbean English Creole coexists with Regional differences in English are sometimes so great that speakers of
standard English in the Caribbean and in the different varieties need subtitles to understand one another. Jamaican
English-speaking countries where Caribbean and Scottish films, for example, as well as films made in some English
immigrants and their children and cities, such as Manchester and Liverpool, are often subtitled for North
grandchildren live. Often stigmatized American distribution.
because it is associated with slavery,
poverty, lack of schooling, and lower A dialect is more than an accent. An accent is simply the way people
socioeconomic status, Creole may be viewed, pronounce the sounds of a language and is most marked on vowel
even by those who speak it, as inferior to sounds (e.g., bath may be pronounced /b)θ/ or /bɑθ/). Everyone
standard English, which is the official speaks with an accent, and there is no accent-free way to pronounce
language and the language of power and words, although some accents have greater prestige than others.
Most speakers of Caribbean English Dialects are marked by grammar differences as well as a distinctive
Creole can switch between Creole and accent. In many parts of Northern England, for example, he were is the
standard English, as well as intermediate third-person singular, past-tense form of be; tha and ta, derived from the
forms between the two. At the same time, archaic form thou, are used for you; and the forms thee, thy, and thine are
however, they may retain some distinctive common in some rural areas. In Newfoundland, youse is a common plu-
features of Creole grammar. They may mark
past-tense and plural forms inconsistently, ral form of you, while in the southern United States, you-all — or y’all —
for example, saying things like, “She give me is a commonly accepted plural form.
some book to read.” Pronunciation may also The grammar of some regional dialects diverges from standard En-
differ; the sounds represented in print by th, glish more dramatically than others. The grammar of Caribbean English
for example, may be pronounced so that thin Creole, such as Jamaican Creole and Trinidadian Creole, is different
sounds like tin and those sounds like doze.
When students of Caribbean background from that of standard English in many ways, including plural markers,
attend schools in English-speaking countries, verb tenses, and the pronoun system. The Oxford Companion to the En-
they may need explicit instruction in certain glish Language notes 11 grammatical features that identify Black English
forms of standard English. At the same time, vernacular, also known as Ebonics. Versions of this dialect are spoken
however, it is important to acknowledge by many African Americans.
their variety of English as a valid form of
communication that provides them with an The vocabulary of regional dialects also varies. Some words in Black
enriched language repertoire. They are English vernacular, such as yam and tote, trace their ancestry to the lan-
bilingual — or potentially bilingual — in the guages of West Africa, and Caribbean English Creole languages also
same way as, for example, their Vietnamese- include words of West African origin. The Jamaican word nyam, for
or Spanish-speaking peers. The kind of example, means eat and probably derives from Twi, the language of the
language instruction they need is not the
same, however. Students who speak Ashanti people of Ghana.
Caribbean English Creole may already Vocabulary differences among dialects can lead to comprehension
possess a large English vocabulary, for difficulties and are sometimes so great that speakers of different dialects
example, and are often receptively have trouble understanding one another. Nevertheless, speakers of
competent in English. Instruction should regional dialects usually refer to their language as English, and speak-
therefore focus on specific forms that cause
difficulty and use a contrastive approach to ers of different dialects generally use standard written forms.
make explicit the differences between the A regional dialect is not an incomplete or deficient version of stan-
two varieties of English. dard English. For reasons that have more to do with linguistic prejudice

116 Section II How English Works

Social-Class Variations in English than with the utility of the dialect in question, however, most regional
• Dropping aitches. Upper-class speakers in dialects do not have the same status as standard English. Because stan-
all regions of the United Kingdom usually dard English is the language of education, schools have a special
pronounce the h in words such as house, responsibility to help students learn standard English in addition to
while people in the lowest social groups their own dialect.
seldom do. Interestingly, dropping the h in
some words of French origin (e.g., an hotel SOCI AL-CLASS VARI ATI ON
and an historic occasion) is sometimes associ-
ated with upper-class speech in British Language is as much a badge of social class as it is of geographic origin.
English. Throughout the English-speaking world, varieties of language related
• Dropping the g in -ing endings and pro- to social class are often called sociolects. Like dialects, sociolects differ
nounce these as in. Until a few generations in accent, grammar, and some vocabulary. Because social differences
ago, this was also a fashionable affectation
among the British landed gentry, who were affect some of the most commonly used forms of the language, it is easy
very fond of huntin, shootin, and fishin. to listen to someone and “place” him or her socially within seconds. In
• Using ain’t. This word is, however, some- Pygmalion, both Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolitle knew that the way
times used by educated speakers as an Eliza spoke identified her origins in a poor, working-class London
affectation. Interestingly, the question form neighborhood and that she would be accepted by members of the upper
aren’t I? was probably adopted as a result
of the strong social stigma against the use classes only if she learned to speak like them.
of ain’t I? The examples shown on this page illustrate linguistic variations that
• Using me, him, and her as subjective pro- are commonly stigmatized as incorrect. These examples are in no way
nouns (e.g., James and me went to the movies). inferior to standard forms in terms of efficiency of communication and
• Using double negatives (e.g., She didn’t give are considered incorrect or sloppy only because they are generally asso-
me none and I never saw nobody). In some
other languages, however, double nega- ciated with lower socio-economic status and lower education levels. In
tives are common (e.g., ne … pas and ne … fact, some of these stigmatized forms may be used by more English
jamais in French). speakers than so-called correct forms. I seen it and I done it, for example,
• Using different verb forms (e.g., I been there, may be more common than the standard English forms I saw it and I did
I seen it, she done it, it’s broke, he give it to me it. If these forms are more widely used than the standard version, who is
last week,).
• Using them as a demonstrative pronoun to say which is correct?
(e.g., Give me them books). Nevertheless, these forms — and other features of non-standard En-
• Using don’t and was with all persons (e.g., glish or working-class speech — are frowned on in schools, and
She don’t like it and We was there). students who use them in their writing are nearly certain to have their
papers heavily marked in red ink and to receive lower marks. Genera-
tions of teachers have spent so much time and energy correcting
children who use these non-standard forms that many people now
hypercorrect by applying rules inappropriately. Many educated people
say, for example, “Between you and I …” when the objective form, me, is
the correct choice as the object of the preposition between.
To be successful in school, children whose home language is a
socially stigmatized variety of English must learn the standard English
forms that are accepted in the school setting. These students need an
awareness of the pragmatic value of standard English, not as a superior
version of language, but as a version that is associated with success in
the wider society.

How Teachers Can Help

Teachers in socially and culturally diverse schools must provide explicit
instruction in features of standard English and school language that
many learners may not be exposed to every day. Without this instruc-
tion, students whose home language does not match that of the school
may never acquire some important features of literary and academic
language. At the same time, however, it is important to validate other
languages and other varieties of English spoken in the community and
to ensure that all students develop positive attitudes toward linguistic
diversity and language variety.

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 117

The following approaches help students develop a pragmatic aware-
ness of the benefits of learning the language of the school and become
proficient in that language at the same time as they maintain and value
their own linguistic heritage and identity.
• Incorporate literature that includes different varieties of English.
Much Caribbean literature, for example, uses standard English in
the narrative and Creole for dialogue.
• Obtain the appropriate permissions and show video clips of peo-
ple using various English dialects. For example, the British soap
operas EastEnders and Coronation Street are set in working-class
districts in London and Northern England respectively.
• Develop students’ critical language awareness, helping them
understand that though standard English is no more correct than
other varieties of English, it is more closely associated with power
and success than others. A useful way to explain this is to say that
to change unfair rules, you must be able to speak the same lan-
guage as those who make the rules. Someone who is able to say,
“Them rules ain’t fair, so let’s change ’em!” as well as, “The exist-
ing rules are unjust, for the following reasons…. The following
changes are recommended ….” is more likely to receive a respect-
ful hearing.
• Provide explicit instruction in standard English forms and school
language. Use a content-based approach to integrate this instruc-
tion into the curriculum. For examples of content-based instruc-
tion, see Chapter 12.
• Provide supportive and formative feedback. Do not correct every
error a student makes; rather, note persistent errors made by indi-
viduals or groups and provide short, focused mini-lessons to those
students, either later in the lesson or the next day. And rather than
correcting students’ errors yourself, help students understand and
correct their own errors. For more information on responding to
students’ errors, see chapters 8 and 10.

Strategic Competence
Confident language learners use a range of communication strategies
to compensate for their incomplete knowledge of English and maintain
communication, even when the level of conversation is significantly
beyond their level of proficiency. Some English language learners may
be so anxious about getting things right, however, that they cannot
speak fluently or respond quickly enough in conversation or in class-
room discussions.
Confident language learners also use a variety of conversational
strategies, which are semi-fixed expressions that help people initiate or
enter a conversation, steer it in the direction they want to go, and termi-
nate it smoothly. Less confident students may be able to respond to
questions and prompts but lack the strategies required to initiate or
“steer” a conversation. As a result, they do not participate as much or as
effectively as they would like.

118 Section II How English Works

Communication Strategies
Second language learners must learn to use specific communication
strategies when communication is difficult. These strategies include
• paraphrasing to confirm comprehension (e.g., Do you mean that I
have to finish it this week?)
• seeking clarification (e.g., Can you give me an example of what
you mean?)
• finding an alternative way to express an idea. A student who
knows the word gloves but not mittens might say, “Like gloves, you
know, without fingers.”
• substituting an all-purpose word, such as things or stuff, for an
unknown word in the target language
• asking for help (e.g., Would you repeat that? or What does ___
• repeating, with rising intonation (e.g., I must finish it this week?)
• guessing at the meaning of a word based on the context or by anal-
ogy with other known words or cognates
• using nonverbal signals (e.g., mime, gestures, and facial expres-
sions) or drawing a picture to illustrate an unknown word
• approximation (e.g., substituting “beautiful red flower” for
• creating a word, following a known pattern (e.g., hateable for
Some learners avoid certain topics or situations that are especially
difficult. Many students become very frustrated when they want or
need to communicate their ideas on abstract or complex topics but are
unable to do so. Some English language learners in secondary school
avoid entire subjects, especially in the humanities, because they fear the
language load will be too great. Other less drastic avoidance strategies
include changing the subject, pretending not to understand a question,
and simply falling silent in a discussion.

How Teachers Can Help

• Do not over-emphasize correctness, as this may inhibit communi-
cation. Accept that mistakes are part of the language learning pro-
cess and encourage students to continue talking even when they
know they are making mistakes. For more on errors and error cor-
rection, see chapters 8 and 10.
• Involve language learners in engaging group tasks and prob-
lem-solving activities that promote interaction among students.
For suggestions on structuring group activities, see Chapter 10.
• Ensure that other students are sensitive to the needs of second lan-
guage learners. Show by your own example how they can help the
English language learner remain involved in discussions (e.g., by
repeating or rephrasing the learner’s utterance in a non-judgmen-
tal way).
• Comment favorably when students keep a conversation going
(e.g., Did you notice what Kim did when she didn’t know the word
• Encourage students to guess the meaning of new words, using
context, illustrations, and other cues.
• Help students expand their repertoire of conversational strategies.

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 119

Conversational Strategies
Think of your last meeting with your principal or another administra-
tor. One of you may have initiated the conversation by saying
something like, “Hi, thanks for coming in,” or “Thanks for finding the
time to see me.” Then one of you may have presented the topic by say-
ing, “I wanted to talk to you about (get your ideas on) ….” Perhaps one
of you disagreed with the other, saying, “Well, I don’t really see it that
way,” and one of you may have negotiated consensus: “Can we agree
that …?” Finally, someone probably ended the conversation with words
like, “Well, thanks for your help (input, time, etc.).”
Expressions like these perform important functions. Conversational
strategies not only help guide conversations, but they also give the par-
ticipants a second or two of thinking time. Without a repertoire of these
strategies, many English language learners are unable to participate as
effectively as they would like in classroom discussions or one-on-one
conversations. Conversations become awkward and stilted, with
uncomfortable gaps and moments of uncertainty, and some speakers
may never have an opportunity to say what is on their minds.
Some conversational strategies are especially important in classroom
interactions. Students need a repertoire of expressions to, for example,
seek attention or help, take a turn in a conversation or offer someone
else a turn, seek clarification or repetition, check comprehension,
express an opinion, indicate disagreement, keep the discussion on
track, and show appreciation. Proficiency in using these expressions
greatly enhances students’ fluency and confidence.
To seek the attention of a teacher, for example, it is appropriate to say
something like, “Excuse me, Ms ______, do you have a minute?” In
another situation, however, “Hey!” or “Yo!” might be more appropri-
ate. Students need a wide repertoire of these expressions, as well as the
language awareness necessary to choose the expression that is most
appropriate in a specific situation.
A repertoire of conversational strategies enables students to exert
greater control over their daily language transactions and learning
experiences. The chart on the following page shows examples of expres-
sions that students can use to improve classroom communication.

How Teachers Can Help

• Involve students in role plays focusing on the use of expressions
for a specific function. To practice interrupting politely, for exam-
ple, pairs of students might role play going to the office to get help
for a friend who is ill, asking for help from a teacher who is busy
planning a lesson, going to the staffroom to ask to see a specific
teacher, or asking for help in a store where two clerks are engaged
in conversation.
• Use cooperative learning to focus on specific behavior and conver-
sational strategies that support the group process. During group
activities, observe how students use nonverbal behavior and con-
versational strategies to take turns, disagree, keep the group on
task, and so on. If students are discussing a controversial topic, for
example, observe how they express disagreement. Do they use
strategies that promote continued discussion and negotiation and
communicate respect for one another’s ideas? If students are not
managing disagreement effectively, focus attention on this topic

120 Section II How English Works

Conversational Strategies
Intent of Speaker Strategy
Get attention or help Excuse me.
Do you have a moment?
Pardon me for interrupting.
Sorry to interrupt, but …
I wonder if you can help me.
Can you help me?
Can I bother you for a moment?
May I have some help over here?

Take (or offer) a turn I’d like to say (add, suggest, ask) …
I have an idea (point, comment, question).
Can I get a word in?
Let me suggest (explain, add).
Do you have any suggestions (ideas)?
What about you?
Let’s hear from _____. (We haven’t heard from ____.

Seek clarification or Sorry, I didn’t get that. Would you explain it again?
repetition Did you say …?
Would you run that by me again?
Would you repeat that?
Would you go over that again?
Come again?
Pre…storic? (repetition with rising intonation)

Express an opinion In my opinion, …

My view is …
You may not agree with me, but …
I strongly (honestly, really, etc.) believe (think) that …
As I see it, …
It seems to me that …
It’s clear (obvious) to me that …

Indicate disagreement I don’t really see it that way.

I don’t agree.
I disagree.
I don’t see eye to eye with you on that.
I have another point of view.
Look at it this way.
We’re not on the same wavelength.

Keep the discussion on Let’s get back to …

track Can we focus on …?
Going back to …
Let’s stay on topic (task).
We are off topic.

Show appreciation Thanks (thank you) (for your help, time, etc.).
I appreciate your help (support, etc.).
You have been very helpful (kind, supportive, etc.).
That’s a good idea (suggestion, etc.).
You have been a big help.

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 121

once the group task is finished. You might say, “When we disagree
with someone, it’s important to keep discussion going and show
respect for other people’s opinions. What are some things we can
say and do to manage disagreement and ensure that no one’s feel-
ings are hurt?”
Ask the groups to brainstorm possible answers and synthesize
students’ ideas into a class agreement that can be posted as a
reminder to students the next time they are discussing a controver-
sial topic. Continue adding to the agreement as necessary during
the year and generate new agreements as required. Though you
may need to draw students’ attention to the agreement many times
during the year, they will eventually begin to integrate the strate-
gies and expressions into their repertoire in a more natural way.
For more on cooperative learning, see Chapter 10.

122 Section II How English Works

To Learn More …

Books and Articles

Brown, H.D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. 4th Delpit, L. Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Class-
ed. White Plains, N.Y.: Addison-Wesley Longman (now room. New York, N.Y.: New Press, 1995.
Pearson Education), 2000. Includes commentary on teaching standard English to
A standard in TESL training programs. Chapter 7 discusses speakers of other varieties, such as Black English
sociocultural factors that affect language learning, and Vernacular.
Chapter 9 provides an overview of communicative compe- Hadfield, J. Classroom Dynamics. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univer-
tence and communicative language teaching. sity Press, 1992.
Bryson, B. The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way. Activities for creating a classroom environment in which
New York: William Morrow, 1990. students interact comfortably with one another to complete
An entertaining and informative book about the English group tasks.
language. Helmer, S., and C. Eddy. Look at Me When I Talk to You: ESL
Burridge, K. Blooming English: Observations on the roots, cultiva- Learners in Non-ESL Classrooms. Rev. ed. Toronto, Ont.: Pip-
tion, and hybrids of the English language. Cambridge: pin Publishing, 2003.
Cambridge University Press, 2004. Outlines areas of cultural difference and potential conflict.
A collection of short articles on many interesting aspects of Essential reading for teachers in multilingual and multicul-
the English language, including word origins, “bad lan- tural classrooms.
guage”, and spelling reform. Hymes, D. “On Communicative Competence.” In J.B. Pride
Chaika, E. Language: The Social Mirror. 3rd ed. Boston, Mass.: and J. Holmes, eds., Sociolinguistics. Harmondsworth, U.K.:
Heinle and Heinle, 1994. Penguin, 1972.
Introduction to sociolinguistics, with helpful and interesting Ideas in this article have influenced linguistics and language
chapters on styles of speech, nonverbal language, dialects, teaching for more than 30 years.
and social attitudes to language. Jerald, M., and R.C. Clark. Experiential Language Teaching Tech-
Claire, E. Dangerous English 2000: An Indispensable Guide for Lan- niques: Out-of-Class Language Acquisition and Cultural
guage Learners and Others. McHenry, Ill.: Delta Systems, 1998. Awareness Activities. Brattleboro, Vt.: Pro Lingua Associates,
Updated version of a classic ESL text designed to help stu- 1994.
dents avoid embarrassment and insulting others, learn Thirty structured contact assignments to help students use
correct terms for the doctor’s office, and understand street English in real-life situations.
language. Keller, E., and S.T. Warner. Conversation Gambits. Hove, U.K.:
Coelho, E. Caribbean Students in Canadian Schools, Book 2. Language Teaching Publications, 1988.
Toronto, Ont.: Pippin Publishing, 1991. Originally developed for use by francophone civil servants
Background information on Caribbean English Creole and in Canada, the activities in this book help students acquire a
suggestions for helping Creole speakers add standard Eng- range of conversational strategies.
lish to their language repertoire. Lynch, T. Communication in the Language Classroom. Oxford,
Coelho, E. Jigsaw. Toronto, Ont.: Pippin Publishing, 1991. U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Content-based reading and discussion tasks and prob- The first part of this book provides a rationale for communi-
lem-solving activities for English language learners in cative language teaching; the second sets out
middle and secondary school. communicative activities that promote interaction in the
Coelho, E., and L. Winer. Jigsaw Plus. Toronto, Ont.: Pippin classroom.
Publishing, 1991. Maley, A., and A. Duff. Drama Techniques in Language Learning:
More content-based reading and discussion tasks and prob- A Resource Book of Communication Activities for Language
lem-solving activities. Teachers. 2nd ed. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University
Coelho, E. Learning Together in the Multicultural Classroom. Press, 1982.
Toronto, Ont.: Pippin Publishing, 1994. Communicative tasks that promote fluency and enable
How to promote oral interaction through cooperative learn- learners to practice using language in real-life situations.
ing activities. McArthur, T., ed. The Oxford Companion to the English Language.
Corson, D. Language, Minority Education, and Gender. Toronto, Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Ont.: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (now Uni- An essential reference filled with interesting information
versity of Toronto Press), 1993. about the English language.
Sociopolitical perspective on language and power focuses McCrum, R., W. Cran, and R. MacNeil. The Story of English.
on students whose use of language has traditionally been Revised ed. London: Faber and Faber, 1992.
stigmatized. Overview of the development of English was originally pub-
Crystal, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge, lished to accompany the BBC television series of the same
U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1987. name.
An introduction to many topics in language, including lan-
guage variety and register.

6 English in Real Life: Communicative Competence 123

Mendelsohn, D., and J. Rubin, eds. A Guide for the Teaching of Richler, H. A Bawdy Language: How a Second-Rate Language Slept
Second Language Listening. San Diego, Calif.: Dominie Press, Its Way to the Top. Toronto, Ont.: Stoddart, 1999.
1995. Entertaining and informative look at the ever-changing Eng-
Theoretical and practical articles on teaching effective listen- lish language.
ing strategies focus on academic language. Especially useful Shameen, N., and M. Tickoo, eds. New Ways in Using Communi-
for secondary school teachers. cative Games in Language Teaching. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers
Morgan, J., and M. Rinvolucri. Once Upon a Time: Using Stories of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1999.
in the Language Classroom. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Uni- Language games that promote oral fluency.
versity Press, 1984. White, G. Listening. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press,
Storytelling activities that promote genuine language 1998.
interaction. Activities that foster effective listening strategies for use in
Porter Ladousse, G. Roleplay. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University real-life situations.
Press, 1987. Whiteson, V., ed. New Ways of Using Drama and Literature in
Practical ideas for using role plays in language classrooms. Language Teaching. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to
Some activities may need to be adapted for use in North Speakers of Other Languages, 1996.
American schools. Drama techniques and literature-based communication
activities for the language classroom.

University of California. Nonverbal Communication. Video
series. <>.
Two videos in the series focus on cross-cultural communica-
tion: A World of Gestures: Culture and Nonverbal Communication,
1991; and A World of Differences: Understanding Cross-Cultural
Communication, 1997.

Websites and Online Resources <>. Perry, T., and L. Delpit, eds. “The Real Ebonics Debate: Power,
Owned by SIL International, this site has up-to-date infor- Language, and the Education of African-American Chil-
mation on the languages of the world. Click on LinguaLinks dren.” Rethinking Schools Online. Vol. 12, no. 1 (1997).
and go to the Lingualinks Library for reference materials on <>.
languages and linguistics. Thought-provoking articles on language variety in the
Virtual Language Center of Southwest Missouri State Univer-
sity. <>.
Information about language and language learning.

124 Section II How English Works

7 The Ritn Wird: Reading and Writing
in English

Writing probably began as a system of accounting and later evolved

into a method of recording information by using visual symbols that
have accepted meanings in a specific language community. The scripts
used vary from language to language and may or may not represent the
sounds of the language. In some languages — especially English —
learning to spell is an important aspect of learning to write. Over the
centuries, written language has evolved into a medium of communica-
tion quite distinct from speech. In all languages, styles of writing may
be influenced by cultural factors. As a result, reading and writing in a
second language may require the learning of not only a new script, but
also a new way of organizing ideas. This chapter discusses the chal-
lenges written English presents to language learners and offers
suggestions for instruction.

Differences between Writing and Speech

For centuries, knowledge of reading writing was the preserve of the
privileged and highly educated. Written language had special status as
the means of preserving and communicating traditions in law, govern-
ment, and religion. Consequently, written language was regarded as
superior to oral language, and many of the prescriptive rules governing
language use were drawn from written texts. In standard English, for
example, the -ing ending in words such as going is pronounced /Iŋ/.
The g is added in print because the English alphabet is based on the
Latin alphabet, which possessed no symbol for the nasalized [ŋ]. The
influence of the written form has led some teachers — and others — to
insist on pronouncing the g, often in exaggerated form, so that many
people believe that this is the only correct pronunciation.
Oral language has existed much longer than written language, and
most people speak more often than they read or write. Children learn to
speak naturally, without instruction, whereas writing must be taught.
In some respects, oral language can be regarded as more “real” or “fun-
damental” than written language. After all, it is possible to live as a
member of a language community without reading and writing, but
oral language — or its signed equivalent — is essential for communicat-
ing with others.
Rather than viewing one medium of communication as better, more
correct, or superior to the other, it is more useful to regard oral and writ-
ten language as distinct, but equally important, methods of
communication. To participate fully in contemporary society, it is not
enough to use oral language alone; it is also necessary to be literate.

7 The Ritn Wird: Reading and Writing in English 125

Oral language and written language are fundamentally different
ways of communicating. If you have ever tried to transcribe oral lan-
guage, you may have been surprised at how little resemblance it bears
to the organized sentences and paragraphs of written text. Even fluent
speakers and gifted orators do not produce oral language that can be
transcribed exactly into ordered written prose. Most written language is
not oral language written down, and the purposes of written and oral
language are usually very different.
The chart on the next page shows some of the differences between
oral language and written text.

Writing Systems around the World

Writing systems around the world evolved independently at different
times. The earliest writing systems consisted of pictographs, which
usually represented concrete objects in the real world. A sea or a river,
for example, might be represented by a symbol like this: .
Pictographs like those shown on this page are still used today on road
signs and in other public places. They are understood by people around
the world.
Logograms, which are symbols or characters that represent whole
words or concepts, are another kind of visual representation that can be
read in many languages. The mathematical symbols +, $, %, &, and =,
for example, can be understood in any language, although the spoken
words vary from language to language. Mathematics and science make
extensive use of logograms to express specific logical relationships.
Some modern writing systems, such as Chinese, are ideographic:
each symbol or combination of symbols represents a concept or a whole
word rather than a sound. Most writing systems, including the English
system, however, are phonological: the graphic symbols represent the
spoken sounds of the language. Some phonological systems are syl-
labic, using symbols to represent spoken syllables, which are usually
consonant-vowel combinations. Others are alphabetic, using symbols
to represent discrete phonemes. Though some alphabetic systems are
very regular and predictable, English is notorious for its irregularity.

Ideographic Writing Systems

The Chinese writing system is based almost completely on ideographic
characters that represent concepts. The earliest characters were
pictographs that represented concrete objects (e.g., a circle with a dot in
the centre represented the sun). In time, the characters evolved into
ideographs that could also represent more abstract concepts. When the
two characters that represent moon and sun are combined, for example,
they make up a new character that means bright. Today, Chinese char-
acters and combinations of characters represent morphemes and whole
words that may have different oral counterparts in various Chinese
The advantage of this system is that the symbols can be understood
by speakers of different Chinese languages, such as Mandarin, Canton-
ese, and Hakka. This means that speakers can communicate with one
another in print even if they do not speak the same language. The disad-
vantage is that basic literacy requires knowledge of about 2,000

126 Section II How English Works

Differences between Oral and Written Language

Oral language … Written language …

… is ephemeral. Listeners must grasp the message … is relatively permanent and available for
right away. Although speech may be recorded, the reference. Readers can take their time processing and
intent of the speaker is usually to be understood here re-processing a text. The writer can predict neither
and now by a specific listener or group of listeners. exactly who readers will be nor when and where the
text might be read.

… is interactive. Listeners and speakers can seek … provides no opportunity for the reader to
immediate clarification or check each other’s question the writer. Because the writer must
comprehension. Local and personal references (e.g., communicate across time and space, vagueness and
expressions such as this one) are used frequently. ambiguity are avoided. Vocabulary is carefully
selected and sentences are carefully constructed to
convey the writer’s exact meaning.

… uses stress, intonation, and pauses to distinguish … uses layout and punctuation to organize ideas,
between questions and statements, provide distinguish between questions and statements, and
emphasis, and divide utterances into manageable provide emphasis.
chunks. Many of these features cannot be
represented in print.

… is usually unedited and full of pauses, fillers (e.g., … is much more dense, consisting of complete
um, well, you know), sentence fragments, false starts, sentences and featuring little repetition or
and repetition and redundancies. These features redundancy. Each sentence must usually be
actually support comprehension, giving the listener understood in order to follow the text. The writer
time to process the message and hear important composes carefully, often in a series of stages,
words and ideas more than once. Although there are rereading and polishing the text until it is judged
times when oral language is formal and delivered in finished.
complete sentences, this is often rehearsed language,
probably from notes or a script: it is really written
language read aloud.

… is usually informal, especially when unrehearsed. … is more formal, especially in textbooks. It consists
It consists of relatively short declarative sentences of longer sentences, featuring more embedding and
and questions, and uses common vocabulary. The subordination, greater use of impersonal structures,
level of formality depends on the audience and such as the passive voice, and Latin-based
purpose. A request to a peer, for example, might be vocabulary that is less common in day-to-day
phrased differently from a request to a stranger or interactions. The level of formality depends on the
authority figure. kind of writing; e-mail messages may not be written
in carefully crafted prose, and computer-based
interactions are especially likely to be informal.

… has a regional or social class accent or dialect that … is usually in the standard dialect and has no
may help or hinder comprehension, depending on accent, unless the writer wishes to represent different
whether the speakers are familiar with each other’s kinds of speech in print.
accent or dialect.

7 The Ritn Wird: Reading and Writing in English 127

characters and thousands of characters must be learned. Children begin
practicing the strokes that make up characters at a very young age,
before even attempting to write simple characters. As a result, many
Chinese-speaking students have well-developed fine motor skills and a
strong visual sense that helps them perceive English words as entire
graphic images.

Syllabic Writing Systems

In syllabic writing systems, a phonological relationship links symbols
and spoken language. Each symbol represents a syllable, usually a con-
sonant followed by a vowel, or a vowel alone. Syllabic systems require
fewer symbols than ideographic systems.
Cree and other Algonkian languages use a syllabic system, as does
Japanese. Japanese, however, also uses kanji, ideographic characters
that represent concepts rather than sounds, and a third system, called
katakana. Katakana is a syllabary used mainly for transcribing foreign

Tamil uses a syllabic writing system. Each of the characters shown represents a complete syllable consisting of one vowel
and one consonant sound.

In syllabic writing systems, the sound-symbol correspondence is

very strong; each written symbol always represents the same sound.
Most languages that use syllabic systems possess between 50 and sev-
eral hundred symbols. English has about 5,000 spoken syllables,
however, a feature that makes a syllabic system impractical.

Alphabetic Writing Systems

Like syllabic systems, alphabetic writing systems are based on a rela-
tionship between symbol and sound, but they break down the sound
units even more. The advantage is that a relatively small number of
symbols must be learned. The English alphabet has 26 symbols, for
example, and the Khmer 74. Some alphabets also use accents, or diacriti-
cal marks, such as ~ and `, to indicate the quality of a particular sound.

128 Section II How English Works

Korean script uses an alphabetic system with
25 letters, each representing a single conso-
nant or vowel sound, and the Vietnamese
system uses 22 letters of the Roman alphabet.
It does not include f, j, w, or z.

Somali uses the same Roman alphabet as English, with the exception of p, v, and z. The letters occur in different combina-
tions, however, and do not always represent the same sounds as they do in English.

Hints on Pronunciation for Foreigners THE I RREGULARITIES OF ENGLISH SPELLING

This poem is from a letter, signed T.S.W. and Some alphabetic writing systems, such as Spanish and Arabic, are very
published in The Sunday Times of London on regular, with a nearly one-to-one sound-symbol correspondence. En-
January 3, 1965. glish is widely regarded as the most irregular or unpredictable of all the
I take it you already know alphabetic systems, and this irregularity sometimes causes nearly as
Of tough and bough and cough and dough? much difficulty for native speakers as it does for those learning English
Others may stumble but not you, as a second language.
On hiccough, thorough, rough and through. Fortunately, English is not entirely irregular, or no one would be able
Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,
To learn of less familiar traps?
to read it. In fact, English spelling is about 75 percent regular. The irreg-
ularly spelled words, however, include many of the most frequently
Beware of heard, a dreadful word, used words in the language and are the words that young children and
That looks like beard and sounds like bird,
And dead: it’s said like bed, not bead?
second language learners learn first. As a result, second language learn-
For goodness’ sake, don’t call it “deed!” ers who have already learned to read and write a highly regular
Watch out for meat and great and threat alphabetic system, such as Spanish, may experience considerable diffi-
(They rhyme with suite and straight and culty decoding and spelling English words, pronouncing them as they
debt). look and spelling them as they sound.
A moth is not a moth in mother
Nor both in bother, broth in brother, WHY I S E NGLISH SPELLING SO WEARD W E E R D W E R E D W I E R D W E YE R D
And here is not a match for there W E I R D?
Nor dear and fear for bear and pear, Many of the anomalies of English spelling originate in the history of the
And then there’s dose and rose and lose?
Just look them up — and goose and choose, language. Some of these oddities, such as the changes that occurred
And cork and work and card and ward, when the Latin alphabet was imposed on the Old English sound system,
And font and front and word and sword, were mentioned in the previous chapter. Other changes also occurred.
And do and go and thwart and cart —
Come, come, I’ve hardly made a start! • After the Norman conquest of Britain, French scribes respelled
A dreadful language? Man alive, many English words. They introduced the qu- convention, for
I’d mastered it when I was five! example, so that the Old English spelling cwene became queen, as

7 The Ritn Wird: Reading and Writing in English 129

well as the ou combination to represent the vowel sound in words
such as mouse and house, which rhymed with loose at the time.
• Spelling was extremely flexible for several centuries. Where was
spelled several different ways, for example, and Shakespeare
signed his own name with several different spellings.
• The first printers spelled according to their own pronunciation,
which depended on the dialect they spoke. The gh in right, for
example, reflects the 15th-century pronunciation of a sound that
no longer exists in English except in loan words, such as loch. Many
of the printers were from Europe, especially Holland, and this fur-
ther complicated English spelling.
• The English spelling system has not kept pace with pronunciation
shifts and often reflects earlier pronunciations. Though printing
eventually standardized many spellings, the spoken language
continued to change. In Chaucer’s time, for example, the final e on
many words was pronounced, not silent, as was initial k in words
such as knee in Shakespeare’s day.
• In the 16th century, when Latin and Greek were valued as the lan-
guages of scholarship, the spelling of many words was altered to
reflect their Latin or Greek roots. A b was added to debt, for example,
to reflect its origin in the Latin word debitum. This development led
to some interesting mistakes. The word island, for example, has an s
because the word was thought to derive from the Latin insula; in
fact, island comes from the Anglo-Saxon word igland.
• About 400 years ago, many new words entered English from other
languages, such as French, Latin, Greek, Spanish, Italian, and Por-
tuguese. Along with the words came new spelling patterns, such
as bizarre, canoe, epitome, grotesque, harass, pneumonia, and vogue.
• New varieties of English evolved as the language began to spread
around the world through the process of conquest and coloniza-
tion. English no longer belonged exclusively to the English, and in
the United States, new spelling rules evolved, largely as a result of
the work of Noah Webster in the late 18th century. Contemporary
American English spelling rules include a single, rather than a
double, l before a suffix in words such as traveling and modeled, -or
instead of -our in words such as color, and -er instead of -re in theater
and center. Many individual words, such as plow and plough, gray
and grey, and jail and gaol, are also spelled differently in American
and British English. Canadian spellings are something of a hybrid
of English and American spellings.
Over the years, many attempts have been made to reform English spell-
ings. Bills proposing spelling reform have twice been presented to the
Catching a Ghoti? British Parliament, for example, but neither passed. For the English
Commenting on the irregularities of English sound-symbol correspondence to be perfect, more than 40 symbols —
spelling, George Bernard Shaw once noted similar to those shown on the chart in Chapter 3 — would be needed to
that fish could be spelled ghoti: gh as in cough, represent the sounds of the language. Though a system like this would
o as in women, and ti as in nation. reduce the number of spelling rules and irregularities people must
memorize, it would be difficult to reach agreement on which variety of
English should become the “standard” reflected in spellings.
In addition, important relationships among words would be less evi-
dent in print. If the silent g were eliminated from sign, for example, its
relationship to significant would be less evident, as would its link with
similar words in other European languages, such as the French signifier.
Moreover, great effort and expense would be required to translate all
existing print materials to the new system, as well as to teach everyone

130 Section II How English Works

to read and write in the new system. In any case, the weight of tradition
makes major spelling reform unlikely.

Capitalization and Punctuation

Rules governing capitalization and punctuation differ among lan-
guages. The scripts of Middle Eastern languages, such as Arabic and
Farsi, and of South Asian languages, such as Gujarati or Punjabi, either
have no capital letters or use them differently from English. Even lan-
guages related to English do not use capital letters in the same way.
German, for example, capitalizes all nouns, while days of the week,
names of months, and names of languages are not capitalized in French
or Italian.
Some languages either use different punctuation symbols or symbols
that are familiar to English speakers in different ways. In Spanish, for
example, question marks and exclamation marks appear at the begin-
ning and end of a question or exclamation, and the first symbol is
inverted: ¿ and ¡. In Greek, a semicolon indicates questions.
Direct speech is also indicated in many different ways: “ … ” in
English; < ….> in Greek and French; ,, … ” in Russian and German; and
— … in Vietnamese. In some languages, no punctuation sets off direct
speech or quotations.
Some languages use a comma where English does not. In Russian
and German, for example, a comma precedes all subordinate clauses, so
that learners may produce English sentences such as I expect, that she will
come soon. In West African languages such as Twi, a comma is placed
after the equivalent of that in reported speech, so that learners may write
English sentences such as She said that, she would be late.
The concept of what constitutes a sentence also differs. Thai, for
example, includes no punctuation marks at all and inserts spaces
between groups of words to indicate pauses. And in Arabic, sentences
usually start with the equivalent of and, but, and so. As a result, Arabic
speakers writing in English may produce long sentences linked by com-
mas and several ands.

Direction of Print
Many languages, such as Hebrew, Farsi, and Arabic, are written — and
read — from right to left. Chinese may be written from top to bottom or
left to right.

This Farsi text is read from right to left.

7 The Ritn Wird: Reading and Writing in English 131

Many learners of English must learn not only a new alphabet, but
also to read and write in a different direction. In the early stages, this
may slow their progress. They may confuse letters — such as p and q or
d and b — that have mirror opposites or misread sequences of letters,
confusing words like from and form, and top and pot. The handwriting of
some may appear undeveloped, partly because they are writing against
the grain and learning new fine motor skills.

Horizontal Alignment
Students may have trouble writing on the lines if the script of their
home language does not include letters of varying height or depth or if
the letters hang from a line rather than sit on it, as is the case in many of
the languages of India.

Punjabi script hangs from a horizontal line.

Chinese characters are the same height.

In Arabic, the tall and hanging letters are aligned.

132 Section II How English Works

Arabic speakers may write through the ruled lines on a page because
they are accustomed to using the lines to align the tops and bottoms of
the tall or hanging letters, as well as diacritical marks. And because
Arabic text includes little or no margin, Arabic-speaking English lan-
guage learners may write into the margins.

Printed and Cursive Script

Because the printed and cursive forms of many scripts, such as Arabic,
are the same, speakers of those languages may have great difficulty
reading English handwriting, such as notes on the chalkboard or com-
ments on a paper. When a teacher’s handwriting is idiosyncratic, the
problem becomes even worse.
Students who are used to a single script may print in English and
avoid using cursive script. As long as their printing is legible, this is not
something to worry about. For important assignments and projects,
however, these students need access to computers to give them an equal
chance of handing in work that looks attractive.

Reading and Writing in English

Mastering a new script is only one of the challenges some English lan-
guage learners face in learning to read and write English effectively.
Written language is much more than oral language recorded on paper.
There are many differences between spoken and written English, and
students who speak fluently may, nevertheless, have considerable diffi-
culty reading material that is cognitively demanding. They may also
have trouble producing the kind of written language required to suc-
cessfully complete school assignments and tests.
Success at school depends on an ability to comprehend instructional
texts — textbooks and other learning resources — that are often written
at a readability level significantly higher than the independent reading
level of most English language learners — and many native speakers of
English. Instructional text not only instructs, but also requires the sup-
port and guidance of an instructor to help students use it effectively.
School success also depends on proficiency in using various genres
or forms of writing, such as narration, recounting, reporting, and
explaining, for specific purposes.

Features of Instructional Text

Instructional text is challenging because it includes many low-fre-
quency words that may be unfamiliar, as well as complex sentence
structures. Students may not recognize how the text is organized, and
they may not understand some of the connectives that indicate how
ideas are linked. In addition, the text may contain references to back-
ground knowledge and cultural information that many English
language learners may not possess.
Reading instructional text requires readers to use a variety of strate-
gies that many English language learners can use effectively in their
first language. They may process English text ineffectively, however,
because they are so anxious to comprehend every word that they lose
the sense of the text as a whole. They may consult a dictionary every

7 The Ritn Wird: Reading and Writing in English 133

Features of Instructional Text

Section II
Vocabulary Grammar Organization Cultural Knowledge

Low-frequency words, mostly Passive voice (e.g., The logs are Paragraph and essay structure Textbooks sometimes refer to or
Latin-based (e.g., comprehend) floated downstream) build on assumed knowledge or
• topic statement (thesis) experience (e.g., camping in a
Various forms of words (e.g., Condensed expressions (e.g., national park). Students of

How English Works

vertebrate and invertebrate; work selected for display) • examples, details, evidence
various cultural and
colony, colonize, colonist, colonial, • summary (conclusion, socioeconomic backgrounds
colonialism) Embedding and subordination
(e.g., Keeping track of the main restatement) may come to school with
Subject-specific vocabulary idea in sentences in which the different background
Genres of writing (e.g., knowledge and experiences.
(e.g., photosynthesis, numerator, subject and verb are surrounded or recounting, reporting, defining
stanza) separated by other information can procedure, explaining, Newcomers may be at a
be very difficult.) persuading, and discussing) disadvantage when concepts are
Context-defined vocabulary
(e.g., balance, mass, power, face, Reference words referring to introduced or explained with
Patterns of thinking and reference to
product) antecedents in previous connectives (e.g., however,
sentences (e.g., All the bird nevertheless, first, in • traditional stories (whose
Abstract nouns: (e.g., democracy, species look different. Some, such as
consumption, distribution, erosion, conclusion) tradition?)
vultures and eagles, are huge.
notoriety) Others, such as hummingbirds and • generalization and example, • Bible stories and characters
Noun clusters (e.g., government sparrows, are only about as big as detail, or evidence
• European mythology
energy-conservation project, water- mice. Some have startling and
beautiful colors. Others are brown • spatial organization • Western history and
cycle diagram)
and drab-looking.) • classification and definition personalities
Figurative language (e.g., fall by
the wayside, fall flat, fall into Literary style and word order • components • literary references
disuse, fall from grace, fall into the (e.g., In the castle, there lived …)
• quantity • national history, current
hands of, fall on deaf ears, fall on events, places, and
hard times, fall short [of], fall prey • time and sequence personalities
• comparison and contrast • sports
• cause and effect • art forms
• popular culture
time they encounter an unknown word, so that by the time they finish
reading a paragraph, they may have translated several words but have
little sense of the main idea. Their anxiety may even interfere with their
ability to use helpful textual features, such as headings, visual material,
and chapter summaries.
The chart on the previous page summarizes the features of instruc-
tional text that pose special challenges for English language learners.
Although the focus here is on learning resources such as a textbook, a
journal article, a reference book, or other instructional print material,
students face similar challenges when dealing with instructional videos
and other audio-visual media.

Genres of Writing
In the early elementary school years, most writing is expressive, narra-
tive or poetic. As students move into Grade 4, however, this begins
to change and they are also required to produce writing in various
non-fiction genres. By the time they reach high school, most of their
writing consists of non-fiction.
Non-fiction genres, such as recounting, reporting, explaining a pro-
cess, describing a procedure, persuading, and discussing, are organized
according to conventions that are not necessarily universal. In English,
for example, persuasive writing argues a particular point of view and
usually begins with a thesis or statement of opinion, goes on to provide
evidence, and concludes by restating the thesis. In some languages,
such as Chinese, to begin by stating a point of view may be considered
arrogant and opinionated. It is more usual to provide evidence and
expect the reader to come to the desired conclusion without ever actu-
ally stating a personal opinion. English-speaking teachers might
respond to writing like this by asking, “What’s your point?”
In English, the writer is also expected to focus on one main point. In
Russian and other Slavic languages, however, it is usual for a writer to
allude to other interesting related information which, in English, would
be deemed irrelevant or off topic.
Many English language learners have learned to write according to
the conventions of their own language and culture. Though their under-
standing of how writing should be organized is not wrong, they do need
to learn some of the most important ways of organizing ideas in a persua-
sive piece and other common non-fiction genres. Here are key
characteristics of six common non-fiction genres in English.


• Setting the scene (e.g., Last week, we went to the museum)
• Recounting events, usually in chronological order (First, … Next,
… Then, … ). Usually uses past tense.
• Closing, usually a commentary on the experience (e.g., I enjoyed
our visit to the museum because…, or I learned …).

• Identifying the topic, often with some kind of classification (e.g.,
Whales are huge mammals that live in the sea. There are many dif-
ferent kinds of whales, such as …).
• Describing components, functions, characteristics, behavior, etc.,
usually in the present tense, as well as using prepositional phrases
( e.g., On top of the head is a …) and comparing or contrasting.

7 The Ritn Wird: Reading and Writing in English 135

Explaining a Process
• Introduction (e.g., Manufacturing paper involves several steps)
• Sequential description of stages or steps in the process (e.g., First, …
Next, …), using present-tense verbs, often in passive voice (e.g., The
trees are felled). Differs from recounting in that it focuses on
explaining how or why and uses causal connectives (e.g., as a result)
• Closing. Usually reiterates the opening (e.g., This is how …)
Describing a Procedure
• Statement of purpose (e.g., To find the boiling point of water …)
• List of materials or equipment
• Often includes diagrams or other illustrations
• Sequenced steps in the process, often numbered. Recipes and
instructions omit articles and reference words (e.g., Add milk, Beat
until frothy). Science experiments feature passive verbs (e.g., The
temperature was measured)
• Concluding statement (e.g., Serves 6, Water boils at 100°C)
Persuading (exposition of a point of view)
• Thesis presenting writer’s point of view (e.g., In my opinion, bud-
get cuts are harming education)
• Arguments and evidence (e.g., One result of budget cuts is that
students do not have adequate access to computers. For example,
in our school, … Another problem is, … In addition, …)
• Restatement of thesis (e.g., For these reasons, I believe that …).
May include a recommendation (e.g., Therefore, the board of edu-
cation should …)
Discussing (exposition of various points of view)
• Statement of issue or problem and preview of main arguments
(e.g., Our school is developing a dress code. Some people believe
that this would improve the image of the school. Others believe
that it would limit the rights of students)
• Arguments for one point of view, with supporting evidence (e.g.,
Some people believe … For example, … In addition, …)
• Arguments for opposing point of view, with supporting evidence
(e.g., Others argue that … For example, … In addition, …
Furthermore, …)
• Statement of opinion (recommendations), with rationale (e.g., In
my opinion, … Because …)

Developing Reading and Writing Skills in English

To understand how English non-fiction text is organized and to learn to
use specific reading strategies, English language learners — as well as
many native speakers of English — need a teacher’s support and guid-
ance. Though immersion in narrative fiction and high-interest non-
fiction helps students develop their vocabulary and knowledge of
sentence structure, extensive reading alone won’t enable students to
read challenging instructional material. English language learners are
understandably anxious about keeping up with their peers, and most
are integrated into mainstream classrooms for at least part of the school
day. Therefore, reading instruction should occur in the context of the
curriculum, using textbooks and other classroom resource material.

136 Section II How English Works

English language learners also need guidance and practice to learn
how to produce various genres of writing for specific audiences and
purposes — and instruction should be provided through guided writ-
ing activities related to the curriculum. For example, students should
learn how to write a procedure such as a science experiment when they
are required to do so in science class.
The following chart shows how teachers can help students develop
specific reading and writing skills. Acting as an expert and guide, the
teacher helps students achieve independence. From a students’ point of
view, this model of teaching and learning can be summarized as a
four-step process.
• Show me what it is.
• Show me how to do it.
• Help me do it.
• Let me try it on my own.
Detailed instructions for some of the strategies such as using key visu-
als, guided reading, and writing scaffolds appear in Chapter 12.

How to Support Developing Readers and Writers

Developing Readers … Developing Writers …
Exploration — Show … examine two or three textbook … examine several models of a
me what it is chapters or articles on the same topic. particular genre (e.g., letters to the
… identify features that make the editor as models of persuasive
material challenging (e.g., vocabulary writing).
and sentence length) and features that … rank the effectiveness of the models
may be helpful (e.g., chapter and identify common elements and
summaries, headings, and glossary). specific features, such as word choice,
that make some more effective than
Modeled and shared … observe an expert (the teacher) as … observe an expert (the teacher) as he
reading and writing — she thinks aloud while reading text. In thinks aloud while composing a piece
Show me how to do it order to demonstrate strategies, such of writing in the same genre and
as skimming, scanning, skipping focuses attention on key vocabulary
unknown words, and inferring and grammatical structures.
meaning from context.
… can be invited to make suggestions … can be invited to suggest ideas,
(e.g., “I wonder what ___ means. Is words, and sentences to complete the
there anything in the paragraph that piece (e.g., “I don’t think mad is the
can help me figure it out?”). best word to use here. I’d like to use a
better word. Any ideas?”).
Guided practice or … read text with the support of key … may complete practice activities
scaffolding — Help me visuals and guided reading activities. that highlight key vocabulary or
do it These supports are scaffolds that sentence patterns.
enable students to handle challenging … write a piece modeled on the
text that they would not be able to example composed by the teacher.
read independently. They may do so with the support of
key visuals and other scaffolds.
Independent work — … gradually receive less support as … develop other pieces in the same
Let me try it on my they begin to use specific strategies genre, using the writing process to
own independently. develop and refine their work.
… receive feedback from peers or the
teacher or both.

7 The Ritn Wird: Reading and Writing in English 137

To Learn More …

Books, Articles, and Videos

Cappellini, M. Balancing Reading and Language Learning: A Lewis, M., and D. Wray. Writing Frames: Scaffolding Children’s
Resource for Teaching English Language Learners, K–5. York, Writing in a Range of Genres. Reading, U.K National Centre
Me.: Stenhouse Publishers, 2005. for Language and Literacy, 1996.
Practical advice on shared reading, guided reading, inde- Outlines characteristics of six non-fiction genres of writing
pendent reading, and literature circles with English language and provides blank templates to help scaffold children’s
learners. writing. <>.
Carasquillo, A., Kuker, S.B., and Abrams, R. Beyond the Begin- Lewis, M., and D. Wray. Writing across the Curriculum: Frames to
nings: Literacy Interventions for Upper Elementary English Support Learning. Reading, U.K.: National Centre for Lan-
Language Learners. Clevedon: UK: Multilingual Matters, 2004. guage and Literacy, 1998.
The authors offer detailed suggestions on literacy practices More ideas for using writing frames to support students’
for English language learners who have acquired conversa- writing in a variety of subject areas. Contact the National
tional fluency and basic literacy skills in English but need Centre for Language and Literacy at <>.
support in developing academic language skills. Manguel, M. A History of Reading. Toronto: Vintage, 1998.
Center for Applied Linguistics. Why Reading is Hard. McHenry, Interesting facts and stories about reading, such as how sci-
Illinois: Center for Applied Linguistics, 2001. entists explain reading, and how some women in ancient
Video and viewing guide provide important insights about the cultures managed to learn to read and write.
task facing English language learners as they read school texts. Peregoy, S., and O. Boyle. Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESL:
Best viewed and discussed in segments with study groups. For A Resource Book for K-12 Teachers. 2nd ed. Reading, Mass.:
more information: <> Longman, 1997.
Crystal, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 2nd ed. Useful resource for all aspects of second language teaching.
Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Several chapters focus on reading and writing.
Comprehensive introduction to many topics in language Sacks, D. Language Visible: Unravelling the Mystery of the Alpha-
includes a history of writing systems. bet from A to Z. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003.
Feathers, K.M. Infotext: Reading and Learning. Toronto, Ont.: The history of the alphabet and of literacy, recounting inter-
Pippin Publishing, 2004. esting facts about the significance of individual letters in the
Helpful introduction to teaching reading in all subject areas. Roman alphabet; for example, why the word for “Mother”
Franklin, E., ed. Reading and Writing in More Than One Language. begins with the sound of the letter M in so many languages.
Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Shemesh, R., and Waller, S. Teaching English Spelling: A practical
Languages, 1999. guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Uses classroom scenarios to illustrate effective literacy prac- Each unit in this book focuses on an English sound and the
tices in multilingual K-12 classrooms. Strong focus on using common spelling(s) associated with it, and contains teaching
students’ first languages as an asset in learning to read and suggestions and activities.
write in English. Spangenberg-Urbschat, K., and R. Pritchard, eds. Kids Come in
Freeman, Y., and D. Freeman. Teaching Reading in Multilingual All Languages: Reading Instruction for English Language Learn-
Classrooms. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 2000. ers. Newark, Del.: International Reading Association, 1994.
Overview of best practices in reading instruction for English Collection of articles provides practical advice on language
language learners. Illustrated with examples from elemen- learning and literacy development in all classrooms.
tary and secondary classrooms. Wilhelm, J.D., T.N. Baker, and J. Dube. Strategic Reading: Guid-
Garcia, G., ed. English Learners: Reaching the Highest Level of Eng- ing Students to Lifelong Literacy 6-12. Portsmouth, N.H.:
lish Literacy. Newark, Del.: I.R.A., 2003. Heinemann, 2001.
Articles focus on reading instruction for English language How to teach reading skills in middle and secondary
learners. schools. Strong emphasis on guided and scaffolded reading.
Harvey, S., and A. Goudvis. Strategies That Work: Teaching Com- Young, T.A., and Hadaway, N.L., eds. Supporting the Literacy
prehension to Enhance Understanding. York, Me.: Stenhouse Development of English Learners: Increasing Success in All
Publishers, 2000. Classrooms.
How to teach reading strategies to K-8 students. Strong Practical advice for mainstream classroom teachers, K-12.
emphasis on teacher modeling and guided reading.
Katzmer, K. The Languages of the World. Rev. ed. London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986. Websites and Online Resources
Provides an overview of language families and individual International Reading Association <
languages, with samples of written script. langdiv_articles.html>.
Online resources on literacy include a collection of articles
on linguistic and cultural diversity.

138 Section II How English Works

III The Language Learning

This section is about language learning and how teachers can provide
programs, create an environment, and develop activities that promote
language learning.
Chapter 8 begins by discussing how children learn their first language
and how acquiring additional languages is both similar to and different
from this process. The chapter then outlines ideal conditions for promoting
language acquisition and answers frequently asked questions about how
this process is affected by factors such as the learner’s age, the length of
time learners have been in an English-language environment, their
motivation, and the effects of instruction and correction.
Chapter 9 provides an overview of how schools and school districts
commonly organize second-language instruction and discusses some of the
advantages and disadvantages of the various models.
Chapter 10 describes practical ways of establishing a classroom
environment that promotes language learning while validating students’
linguistic backgrounds. These strategies are equally appropriate in
mainstream and ESL settings.
Chapter 11 describes language-teaching techniques for students who are
just beginning to learn English or who are just beginning to learn to read
and write.

8 Understanding Second Language

Nearly all children succeed in learning at least one language. Most

children have learned the sound system of their first language, as well
as most of its grammar and a vocabulary of 1,000 or more words by the
time they start Kindergarten — with no formal language instruction.
Children raised in bilingual families achieve this feat in two languages.
How do they do this? And why does it seem to be so much harder to
learn another language later in life? Do young children learn a new lan-
guage more easily than adolescents and adults? How long does it take?
This chapter answers these questions and many more.

How Do People Acquire Language(s)?

Language theorists have proposed three major theories to explain how
language is acquired.
• Language is learned through imitation and habit formation.
• Language is learned through an innate cognitive process.
• Language is learned through a process of social interaction.
Each theoretical perspective explains at least part of the language learn-
ing process. Though each is based on the way children acquire their first
language, the same processes are involved in acquiring a second

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 141

Language Learning through Imitation and Habit Formation
Behaviorists such as B.F. Skinner maintain that learning language is a
process that involves input, imitation, and habit formation through rep-
etition. This view emphasizes the importance of the language
environment: children imitate the language they hear and receive posi-
tive reinforcement in the form of praise or the satisfaction of achieving
communication. This reinforcement encourages children to continue
reproducing language patterns until these become automatic or condi-
tioned language habits.


Children are born with the physical ability to produce the sounds of any
language, as their early babbling shows. At this stage, babies around the
world sound alike. By the time they are a year old, however, infants
have begun to restrict their language production to the sounds they
hear around them. They imitate the sounds that are reinforced in their
language environment, so that their babbling often consists of repeated
syllables such as “ma-ma-ma” or “da-da-da.” Thrilled parents provide
positive reinforcement for these sounds, repeating them to their chil-
dren. Mama, Dada, and similar-sounding words are used in many of the
world’s languages because generations of parents have attributed the
same meaning to these early syllables in their children’s speech.
Eventually, a child’s repertoire of sounds becomes restricted to those
heard in her or his own language environment. Children raised in an
English-language environment, for example, produce only the sounds
of English, while those raised in a French-language environment pro-
duce only the sounds of French. When they subsequently try to learn
each other’s language, it is difficult for the English speaker to re-learn
how to produce the French r sound and just as difficult for the French
speaker to re-learn how to pronounce the sounds represented by th in
Imitation and habit formation through repetition do not, however,
account for the learning of grammar. If they were the only processes
involved in acquiring a language, children would never make mistakes
because they would produce only the sentence patterns modeled and
reinforced in their language environment. But children do produce
forms they have never heard. English-speaking children, for example,
often go through a stage when they produce forms such as, “I brang it.”
The verb form brang cannot be the result of imitation, because adults do
not say this. In fact, all children learning their first language — as well as
second language learners of all ages — produce many utterances that
they cannot have learned by imitation. In addition, learners are not
exposed to enough examples of every possible grammatical pattern to
enable them to acquire all patterns as habits.
Though imitation is an important element of language acquisition,
especially in the early stages and especially in learning the sound sys-
tem and words, it is only one of the processes involved in language


Second language learners learn to pronounce the sounds and words of
the new language in the same way as they learned to utter the sounds of
their first language: through imitation. Because they have already
refined their production of sounds to match the language environment

142 Section III The Language Learning Environment

in which they first learned to talk, however, they may have difficulty
recognizing and producing some of the sounds of a new language. Most
people who begin learning another language after puberty will always
have an “accent” in the new language.
When English language learners try to imitate some English sounds,
the sound system of their first language may cause interference that pre-
vents their hearing the English sound accurately. Moving their mouths
and tongues in unfamiliar ways can also be very difficult. As a result,
English language learners may encounter difficulty with language fea-
tures like the following:
• the sounds represented by th in thin and this: These are difficult for
most learners of English because these sounds are rare in the
world’s languages. Learners may actually hear these sounds as /t/
and /d/.
• the sounds represented by the letters v and w: Distinguishing
between these is difficult for students whose first languages do not
include one of these sounds.
• the sounds represented by the letters l and r: Distinguishing
between these is difficult for students whose first languages either
do not include one of these sounds or include a different version of
the sound.
The self-consciousness felt by many learners when they attempt to imi-
tate the sounds of a new language may also make acquiring new sounds
difficult. In addition, learners may neither wish nor need to sound like
native English speakers. Learner motivation is discussed later in this
Though imitation and repetition help improve pronunciation, stu-
dents do not automatically use these strategies. For this reason, ESL
instruction increasingly emphasizes strategy training to help students
improve their language learning. Language-learning strategies are dis-
cussed later in this chapter.

Language Learning as an Innate Cognitive Process

The innatist view of language learning is associated with the linguist
Noam Chomsky, who suggests that children learn language because it
is in their nature to do so. Children begin learning language from the
day they are born, and possibly even earlier. Chomsky theorized the
existence of a language-acquisition device, an innate predisposition for
language learning that enables children to discover the patterns or con-
ventions of language on the basis of the language in their environment.


Children appear to seek patterns subconsciously, to test the validity of
the patterns by reproducing them in their own utterances, and to mod-
ify their patterns in response to feedback and further linguistic input.
This process, known as hypothesis testing, appears to be fundamental
in learning the grammatical patterns of a language.
The hypothesis-testing process is evident in the way young English
speakers acquire the past tense forms of irregular verbs such as bring. At
first, a child does not mark the past tense at all. He might say, for exam-
ple, “Nana bring me home [yesterday].” Gradually, he acquires some
irregular verb forms but may overgeneralize a pattern, saying, for
example, “Nana brang me.” This hypothesis is the result of his forming

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 143

an analogy with the past-tense forms of verbs such as ring (rang) and
sing (sang). Later, the child perceives the less obvious but more common
pattern of adding a suffix to mark past time (e.g., wanted and moved). At
this stage, the child may say, “Nana bringed me.” Later, he may even
say, “Nana broughted me.”
Eventually, after repeated interaction with adults and many oppor-
tunities to experiment, the child acquires the adult form, “Nana brought
me.” The forms brang, bringed, and broughted are the child’s approxima-
tions of the adult model brought. These forms are not learned by
imitation, because adults do not use them.
The innatist view of language development is further supported by
the fact that language is acquired with little or no overt teaching and no
careful sequencing of input (e.g., exposure to regular verbs before irreg-
ular ones). In fact, when parents do intervene to correct their children’s
speech, the effect is usually minimal and may result in an exchange like
this, which was recorded by Martin Braine and cited by Jay Ingram in
his book, Talk, Talk, Talk.

C H I LD : Want other one spoon, Daddy.

P AR EN T : You mean, you want the other spoon.
C H I LD : Yes I want the other one spoon, please Daddy.
P AR EN T : Can you say, “The other spoon”?
C H I LD : Other … one … spoon.
P AR EN T : Say “other.”
C H I LD : Other.
P AR EN T : “Spoon.”
C H I LD : Spoon.
P AR EN T : “Other spoon.”
C H I LD : Other … spoon. Now give me other one spoon?

One reason young children do not pick up on instruction or correc-

tion is that language is acquired in a predictable order. Children
learning English as their first language, for example, acquire the plural
suffix (e.g., boys) relatively early, whereas the possessive suffix (e.g.,
boy’s) is acquired much later — even though it sounds exactly the same.
The suffix for present-tense subject-verb agreement (e.g., she buys) is
acquired later still. The order of acquisition suggests that language
learning is associated with the maturation of the brain, a theory that fur-
ther supports the innatist view of language acquisition.


In the same way as they initially developed their first language, second
language learners listen to the language they hear around them and
subconsciously seek patterns, test the validity of the patterns by repro-
ducing them in their own speech, and over an extended period, modify
their patterns in response to feedback and further linguistic input.
Overgeneralization is a characteristic feature of second language
development. In a natural language environment, for example, the sim-
ple present tense form go occurs much more often than the third-person
singular form goes. As a result, most second language learners use go for
all persons and may take several years to acquire and consistently use,
“She goes,” or “He goes.”
The intermediate forms that learners produce are known as
interlanguage. Many interlanguage patterns are common among learn-
ers of all language backgrounds, suggesting that they are devel-
opmental in nature; that is, they are a result of the language-learning

144 Section III The Language Learning Environment

process and represent one of the stages that learners must go through.
Speakers of languages as distinct as Cantonese, Arabic, Spanish, Farsi,
Vietnamese, and Somali all produce the form she go when learning
ESL teachers help learners acquire specific forms of English by pre-
senting many examples of a pattern and providing many opportunities
for students to use the pattern in meaningful contexts. Like children
learning English as a first language, however, learners acquire some
forms, such as goes, much later than others.
Sometimes, an interlanguage pattern such as he go remains static
even after several years. This phenomenon is known as fossilization.
What prevents the learner from developing full proficiency? Several
factors may be involved.
• Some linguists suggest that there is a critical period for language
acquisition and that the innate ability to learn language diminishes
after puberty.
• Unlike first language learners, most second language learners
require explicit instruction.
• Some students need training to become active listeners and observ-
ers who pay attention not only to the meaning of what is said but
also to the form.
• Some students may neither need nor wish to sound like native
Instruction and feedback, learning strategies, and learner motivation
are discussed later in this chapter.

Language Learning through Social Interaction

Interactionists believe that language development results from the
interaction between the learner and the language environment, assisted
by innate cognitive processes. Children learn language by interacting
with others and by using it as a tool to do something else, such as listen
to a story, play a game, or learn something new and interesting, espe-
cially when they are involved in this activity with adults and older
children who are proficient speakers.


Adults tend to address young children using modified input. They
might say “cars and trucks,” for example, rather than “vehicles.” The
language they use is also rooted in the here-and-now and is related to
what the child and parent are doing or can see at the time. So if the adult
says, “Let’s get in the car and go shopping,” and the two then get into
the car and go shopping, the child has strong contextual support to
understand the meaning of get in, car, and go shopping, although she can-
not yet produce a complete sentence. The parent’s intention is to
communicate with the child, not to teach language. Language learning
takes place because the parent presents language that relates to some-
thing meaningful within the child’s direct experience, even if the words
and phrases are slightly beyond her developmental level.
Adults also support language development by expanding on what
children say. A child at the one-word stage, for example, may look at a
photograph and say, “Car!” When his parent replies, “Yes, that’s our
car,” the parent has presented language that the child can understand

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 145

with the help of context, even if he cannot yet produce the phrase
Through frequent involvement in interactions like this, children
eventually acquire new words and develop their ability to produce lon-
ger sentences independently.
Providing temporary supports that enable learners to perform at a
higher level than they would be able to without support is called scaf-
folding. When adults and older children modify their output, for
example, they enable young children to focus on a restricted repertoire
of language. This helps children recognize repeated sounds and words
and begin to understand language. As the children’s level of compre-
hension and production increases, the adults move their output level
slightly higher, just as construction workers build the scaffolding of a
building higher and higher until the building is strong enough to stand
The social or interactionist view of language learning is associated
with Lev Vygotsky’s concept of the zone of proximal development.
Vygotsky theorized that learning takes place when adults or more pro-
ficient peers interact with a child within the child’s zone of proximal
development, which is a level slightly beyond the child’s current level
of development. This level eventually becomes the child’s independent
level of performance.


Many people have difficulty learning a foreign language because they
have little or no opportunity to interact with proficient speakers of the
target language. In English-speaking parts of Canada, for example,
most students in French classes have little or no contact with native
speakers of French and little need or opportunity to use French.
Like children learning a first language, second language learners
need frequent opportunities to engage in extended, purposeful interac-
tion in the target language with adults or more proficient peers. Simply
immersing second language learners in an English-language environ-
ment is not likely to be effective, however. Just like young children
learning their first language, second language learners need modified
input to make sense of the language.
Stephen Krashen, a theorist and researcher in second language
acquisition, takes this idea farther. According to Krashen, second lan-
guage acquisition occurs when learners receive comprehensible input.
This means that
• the language presented is not too far above learners’ current level
of development. In Vygotskian terms, the language is within the
learners’ zone of proximal development; that is, just a little beyond
their current level of competence.
• the meaning of new words or grammatical forms can be easily
inferred (e.g., learners are able to use previous knowledge and
experience to help them figure out the meaning; other cues such as
pictures or concrete objects are available; and the activity is
In classrooms, learners must have enough background knowledge in
the subject area to be able to relate to the context, and the language level
of the text or lesson must not be too far above the learner’s current level
of development. Teachers can provide scaffolds to help students

146 Section III The Language Learning Environment

understand and produce language that is beyond their current inde-
pendent level by
• expanding on the language that learners produce
• providing prompts
• involving students in chants and songs
• encouraging students to chime in when familiar or patterned sto-
ries are read aloud
• providing models, templates, visual organizers, and other
• organizing structured group activities
Chapter 10 discusses how to make the language environment compre-
hensible to second language learners.
Merrill Swain, another language-acquisition researcher, says that
input alone is not enough; it is also necessary for learners to produce
meaningful output and receive feedback that will enable them to refine
their language use. Therefore, opportunities for genuine two-way com-
munication in the target language are essential. Students need to be
involved in small-group activities that push them to participate orally,
rather than simply listen, observe, and follow directions.
Keep in mind, however, that most students who have received some
of their education in other countries before arriving in Canada may
have limited experience with group work. Introduce and structure
group work very carefully, using cooperative learning methods, and
include instruction on the group process itself. Chapter 10 sets out sug-
gestions for structuring group work in the classroom.

Summing It Up
The behaviorist, innatist, and interactionist models of language acquisi-
tion are not necessarily mutually exclusive or competing. Children and
second language learners acquire some aspects of their first language —
especially the sound system — through imitation and practice. At the
same time, they acquire grammar by using innate cognitive processes to
seek patterns, generate and test hypotheses about these patterns, and
refine their hypotheses until they eventually produce the adult form. To
use these processes effectively, they must engage in social interactions
with more proficient language users.

What Are the Ideal Conditions for Language

The ideal conditions for language learning are the conditions under
which young children learn their first language. Providing similar con-
ditions for English language learners in the classroom helps them
acquire a second language. Here are some key characteristics of young
children’s language-learning experiences.
• They are exposed to vast quantities of language. They hear language,
both formal and informal, used in many different contexts. They
hear adults and older children talking to each other; they are intro-
duced to the language of literature by listening to stories that are
told or read to them; they hear formal, ritualized, and sometimes

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 147

archaic language in places of worship and at ceremonial events;
their older siblings introduce them to the language of an older peer
group; and they are exposed to many kinds of language on radio
and TV. Though most of this language is beyond their comprehen-
sion, this rich environment provides input from which they can
learn the language. They begin to recognize the sounds, then the
words, and then the grammatical patterns of their first language.

• They have many opportunities to interact with more proficient language

users. Parents, preschool teachers, other adults, and older siblings
usually enjoy talking to young children, playing with sounds, read-
ing and telling them stories, playing word games, and teaching
them songs, rhymes, and chants. Through these activities, children
not only hear the sounds, words, and rhythms of English, but they
also produce output of their own. Children are also initiators. As
infants, they constantly babble to themselves, and later, they talk to
themselves, to each other, and to their parents and older children.

• They are not expected to understand or produce language that is too far
Interacting with more proficient English beyond their current stage of development. In fact, until they are about a
speakers helps language learners. year old, children are not expected to produce language at all. Parents
and other adults recognize that children go through developmental
stages when learning to talk, and as a result, they modify their own
language and expectations when interacting with young children.

• Language directed to them is simplified. Parents and other adults, or

older siblings, alter the way they speak when addressing young
children. They provide modified input by using shorter sentences,
speaking more slowly, raising the pitch and tone of their voice,
repeating words and phrases, and using simple vocabulary. This
language is sometimes called motherese or caretaker language.

• Language directed to them is strongly linked to the context. Conversa-

tion is usually rooted in the children’s immediate reality and
needs, and they can usually see, feel, taste, smell, or hear whatever
the adult is talking about. For example, when a parent takes the
snowsuit out of the closet and says, “Let’s put on your snowsuit,”
the child sees the snowsuit, a familiar object, and is physically
engaged in putting it on. This contextual support enables children
to attach meaning to new words and phrases.

• Adults seldom point out or criticize young children’s language errors.

Parents are thrilled with their children’s early attempts to commu-
nicate and value nearly everything they say, including, or even
especially, their developmental errors. All parents cherish exam-
ples of their children’s early language development, such as the
child who refers to her forehead as her “threehead” because she is
only three years old. The child will eventually learn the word fore-
head with no intervention by adults.

• Adults seldom correct children’s speech. Instead, they often rephrase

children’s utterances, responding to the message but providing a
model of the correct utterance. If a child says, for example, “I
drawed you a picture!” the delighted parent may reply, “Let me see
what you drew,” offer praise, and go on to ask questions about the
child’s drawing. In this way, the parent provides a model of the
adult form of the language while responding to the child’s message.

148 Section III The Language Learning Environment

• Adults expand on children’s utterances. Adults and older children
promote language development in younger children by providing
models of language just beyond their current stage of develop-
ment. When a child points and says, “Car! Car!” the adult may
respond, “Yes, it’s a big red car.” After many interactions and over
a period of several months, the child will begin producing
two-word utterances, such as, “Big car!” or “Red car!” Later, the
child will begin using sentences. At first, these will be telegraphic,
missing some function words such as a or the, as in, “That our car!”
or “Give me red car!”

• They learn language through purposeful use. Children learning their

first language do not study it. They use it for purposes that are
important to them, such as listening to a song or story, playing a
game, naming the objects around them, asking for something they
need, and requesting information. Language learning happens as
a result of their engagement in a meaningful activity or interaction.

How Is Learning a Second Language Different from Learning

a First Language?
Anyone who has learned one language can learn another, or several
others. Unfortunately, the conditions under which most of us learn a
new language seldom resemble the ideal conditions under which we
learned our first language. Most English speakers, for example, learn a
foreign language, such as French or Spanish, in school and have little or
no exposure to the language outside the language classroom.
Depending on the language-teaching method used, the emphasis may
be on memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules rather than on using
language purposefully. Errors may be corrected and penalized.
This scenario hardly resembles the ideal conditions described in the
previous section and partially explains why most people find learning a
new language more challenging than learning their first. Other factors,
such as age and motivation, may also be at work and are described later
in this chapter.
For a number of reasons, conditions are even more challenging for
most English language learners.
• The stakes are much higher. Their education and, indeed, their
entire future may depend on learning English.
• English language learners are dealing with the additional pressure
of learning the curriculum at the same time as they are learning the
language of instruction.
• English language learners are attempting to catch up to peers who
may be five, 10, 15, or more years ahead in developing their En-
glish language skills. A 15-year-old newcomer, for example, who
is beginning to learn English must catch up to students who have
been learning English for 15 years. Most English language learners
make great strides, gaining the equivalent of two or more years of
language development in one calendar year. As they do this, how-
ever, their peer group’s skills are also developing. English-speak-
ing students continue to develop their vocabulary, reading skills,
These adolescent language learners must and ability to construct complex sentences and organize their ideas
catch up to others who may have been into paragraphs and longer forms of writing all the way through
speaking English all their lives. school.

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 149

• English language learners are often expected to understand and
produce language that is beyond their current stage of develop-
ment. Depending on local resources, they may or may not receive
ESL instruction appropriate to their needs. In mainstream class-
rooms, where most English language learners spend at least part of
the school day, some teachers may be unwilling or unable to mod-
ify input, offer alternative resources, or adapt assessment and eval-
uation strategies and criteria.
• English language learners may be penalized for making errors.
Marks may be deducted for word choice, spelling, or grammar inac-
curacies that are a normal part of the language acquisition process.
• Although English language learners do have the advantage of being
exposed to great quantities of English at school, in the community,
and in the media, their opportunities to interact with proficient Eng-
lish speakers may be limited. This depends on how they are inte-
grated into mainstream classes and how the classroom is organized.

Summing It Up
For students who are learning English as an additional language, many
of the conditions that support first-language learning may be missing.
Teachers can, however, transform classrooms into supportive lan-
guage-learning environments by replicating as closely as possible the
nurturing and supportive conditions in which young children learn a
first language helps learners acquire a second language. Chapter 10
describes strategies for achieving this.

Do Young Children Learn Languages Better Than

Older Students?
Many people believe that young second language learners have an
advantage because they are still able to draw on many of the innate, intu-
itive strategies that they used to learn their first language. Research has
shown, for example, that children who begin learning a second language
before puberty acquire the sound system of the new language relatively
quickly and soon speak with the same accent as local native speakers. In
contrast, most students who arrive in an English-speaking environment
after puberty will probably never sound like native speakers.
In addition, some older language learners seem to reach a stage at
which their performance fossilizes, so that some aspects of their English
Research has shown that younger children language use never sound quite right. Some theorists have suggested
acquire the sound system of English more that early childhood is a critical period for second language acquisition.
quickly than those who are older. This theory has been the basis of considerable argument about the best
age for starting foreign-language instruction.
On the other hand, the cognitive abilities and greater first-language
development of older learners give them an advantage in learning En-
glish vocabulary and grammar. They have a greater store of general
language knowledge to draw on, and many appear to approach lan-
guage learning in a more conscious way than young children. They are
more likely to request explanations and benefit from explicit instruction
about how the language works. Indeed, in the early stages, older stu-
dents are more efficient at acquiring the grammatical forms of a new

150 Section III The Language Learning Environment

language. Nevertheless, children’s performance in acquiring a second
language surpasses that of adolescents and adults in the long run.
No definitive research demonstrates that changes in the brain at
puberty prevent older students from reaching a high level of profi-
ciency, however. Other factors often coincide with the age of the learner
and make it difficult to identify age as the critical factor. For example,
beginning at about the age of nine, students are required to deal with
more complex, decontextualized language and challenging content in
situations where the stakes are much higher. The pressure to keep up
with the curriculum becomes more intense, and peer relationships are
often more competitive and less supportive. Learners may be ridiculed
by their peers when they make errors that are a normal part of the lan-
guage-learning process, and they may lose marks for written work that
contains these errors.
Stephen Krashen says that these pressures create an emotional bar-
rier that may prevent adolescent or adult learners from acquiring
language in the natural, unselfconscious way of children. Krashen calls
this barrier the affective filter. If Krashen is correct, it is the affective fil-
ter, rather than the physical maturation of the brain, that causes older
students to experience more difficulty in acquiring a second language.
They may be anxious about performance and afraid of making mistakes
or drawing attention to themselves by participating in classroom dis-
cussions or taking the risks required to learn a language. In contrast,
young children are at an advantage because they are much more likely
to be immersed in an English environment that in many ways resembles
the nurturing, non-judgmental conditions in which they learned their
first language.

Summing It Up
• Older students have an initial advantage in learning vocabulary
and grammar because they can draw on their greater knowledge
of language.
• Young children learn the sound system of a new language much
more effectively, and in the long run, their overall performance
surpasses that of students who begin later.
• Experts disagree whether it is the maturation of the brain or the
learning environment that places older language learners at a
• Unlike their younger brothers and sisters, students who are nine
and older require explicit guidance to learn vocabulary and spe-
cific structural features of English. See Chapter 12.
• Like younger children, older students will learn a second language
more effectively in a nurturing and supportive language-learning
environment. See Chapter 10.

How Long Does It Take an English Language

Learner to Learn English?
Most English language learners need at least five years to become aca-
demically proficient in their second language — and many need much

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 151

longer. Most North American-born children of immigrants with first
languages other than English, for example, do not catch up to their Eng-
lish-speaking North American peers in academic achievement and
language development until the age of 13. Immigrant children who are
adjusting to a new cultural environment or who may have missed some
schooling in their own country may need more time and more support
than North American-born English language learners.
Jim Cummins, an expert on second language acquisition among
school-aged students, distinguishes between two important aspects of
second language development: Basic Interpersonal Communication
Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP).
• Basic interpersonal communication skills refers to conversational
fluency. Most students develop basic interpersonal communica-
tion skills within the first two years of immersion in an English lan-
guage environment
• Cognitive academic language proficiency refers to the kind of lan-
guage required to achieve academic success. English language
learners typically need at least five years to develop age-appropri-
ate CALP levels.
The chart on the following page describes these two aspects of language
proficiency in more detail.

Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

Consist predominantly of oral language used for The level of competence required to understand
social communication and meeting day-to-day “teacher talk,” lectures, and other educational
needs (e.g., playing a game, talking about personal presentations, as well as to read textbooks, write
experiences, shopping, and using public transit). reports, and complete research projects and other
academic tasks.

Learners use BICS in familiar, supported contexts. Learners are required to use CALP in more formal
There may be a personal relationship between the situations, often with no opportunity for interaction
speakers, or they may be interacting in familiar and (e.g., when listening to a lecture or reading a
practiced roles. The interaction is often face-to-face, textbook). The content is often unfamiliar and
providing an opportunity to ask questions and conceptually demanding. Instructional English is
clarify meaning. The content is usually familiar and impersonal and abstract, and usually includes many
conceptually undemanding. Sentence structure is multi-syllable words of Latin and Greek origin.
simple and vocabulary consists of common one- and Chapters 4, 5, and 7 discuss various aspects of
two-syllable everyday words (e.g., word, childish, instructional English.
later, and homework).
According to Cummins, many students achieve Most English language learners learn English very
basic interpersonal communication skills within two fast, but their English-speaking peers are also
or three years. Research has shown, however, that constantly improving their own language
teachers may be misled by a student’s proficiency in development as they mature and move through
BICS, however, perceiving them to be more school. Thus, although the gap narrows from year to
proficient in English than they really are. This means year, it can take five to 10 years for second language
that many students do not receive support or learners to catch up. Students who arrive with
accommodation for language learning after the first limited literacy development in their first language
year or two. may take even longer — and many never catch up.

152 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Wayne Thomas and Virginia Collier are American researchers who
have found that the CALP of many English language learners never
catches up to that of their peers, so that they never reach the same levels
of academic achievement. They note that most ESL and bilingual educa-
tion programs are not sustained long enough for students to close the
gap. Most English language learners are fully integrated into the main-
stream after two or three years. After this, the rate of acquisition slows
and becomes the same as that of their English-speaking peers. English
language learners who are still significantly behind their age peers at
this point may never close the gap. The implication is clear: Most En-
glish language learners need more support over a longer time than most
school districts provide.
Thomas and Collier also found that progress is faster and academic
performance significantly improves when students are schooled in their
first language as well as English. Bilingual models of education are dis-
cussed in Chapter 10.

Summing It Up
• Most students acquire the basic interpersonal communication
skills required to meet their day-to-day needs within the first year
or two.
• Most students need five or more years to develop the same cognitive
academic language proficiency as their English-speaking age peers.
• In order to acquire CALP, English language learners need the help
of all their teachers to understand academic text, expand their
vocabulary, and develop more complex sentence patterns.
• Bilingual education can accelerate language acquisition and
enhance academic achievement.

Should I Insist on English Only?

It is important to encourage students to maintain and continue to
develop their own languages while they are learning English. A
learner’s first language is
• the foundation for second language learning
• an important tool for learning
• an important component of personal and cultural identity.

The First Language as a Foundation for Second Language

Second language acquisition is most effective when a learner’s first lan-
guage is well developed. Children who can already read in one
language, for example, need not rediscover the principle of reading
when they learn a new language, although they may be required to
learn a new script and how to read in a different direction. Learners who
understand concepts such as rhyme and figurative language will more
readily recognize and learn to use these features in the new language.
And students who already have some explicit knowledge of language,

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 153

Linguistic or Legal Abuse? such as the concept of verb tenses, have a useful tool when they are
Teachers in multilingual schools may need learning a new language.
to counteract uninformed attitudes about the Teachers can support first-language development by encouraging
value of children’s first languages. In 1995, parents to provide a rich first-language environment at home (e.g., by
for example, Maclean’s magazine reported on
a Texas child custody case in which the
telling stories and reading to children in their first language, participat-
judge accused a mother of abusing her ing in formal and informal first-language community events, watching
daughter by speaking Spanish at home. The and discussing current affairs programs on TV, and reading first-lan-
judge threatened to remove the child unless guage newspapers). Teachers can also encourage parents to enroll their
the woman started speaking English to her. children in heritage or international language programs and can show
support for these programs by visiting classes and developing links
The judge said,
with the teachers. In addition, teachers who make an effort to learn a
If [the child] starts first grade with the other few expressions in students’ languages show that they are committed to
children and cannot even speak the language that the concept of a multilingual society and model their willingness to take
the teachers and others speak, and she’s a the risks necessary to learn another language.
full-blooded American citizen, you’re abusing
that child and you’re relegating her to the
position of housemaid. Now, get this straight: The First Language as a Tool for Learning
you start speaking English to that child, because
if she doesn’t do good [sic] in school, then I can Learners’ first language can be an important learning tool as they catch
remove her because it’s not in her best interest to up to their peers in the second language. Some experts warn that stu-
be ignorant.
You are real big [sic] about talking about
dents who stop developing their first language before they have
what’s best for your daughter, but you won’t acquired considerable competence in the second may not possess suffi-
even teach a five-year-old how to speak English. cient proficiency in either language to carry out some academic tasks.
And then you expect her to go off to school and Continued development of the first language supports linguistic and
educate herself and be able to learn how to make a cognitive development in English, enabling students to think, talk, read,
living. Now, that’s bordering on abuse.
and write at a higher level than if they were restricted to using English
Note the two occurrences of [sic]. Both were only.
added by the editors of Maclean’s. Teachers can provide opportunities for English language learners to
develop ideas in their first language by encouraging them to use their
first language to produce their first writing samples, clarify concepts,
discuss problems, and plan group tasks, as well as to write notes, out-
lines, and first drafts. This is a preliminary step toward producing work
in English and contributes to an improved product. Chapters 2 and 10
include suggestions for using students’ first languages in the classroom.

First Language as a Component of Identity

Learners’ first languages are an important component of their identity
and a source of cultural pride, and students may resist completely
acquiring English if they believe that doing so will threaten their sense
of identity or self-esteem. Students’ cultural identity may be threatened,
for example, if they are encouraged to abandon their own linguistic and
cultural background to embrace English and assimilate into the domi-
nant culture. Their self-esteem may also be threatened if the second
language appears to be more valued by the wider community than their
first language. Students who feel marginalized in the wider society may
reject opportunities for linguistic and social integration and bond exclu-
sively with members of their own cultural and linguistic group.
Other students may respond differently, rejecting their first language
and culture. From the day they enter an English language school, devel-
opment in their first language may cease. Many children begin to use
English at home, becoming less and less able to discuss ideas and expe-
riences with family members. This can have negative effects on
students’ relationships with relatives and with other members of their
cultural community.

154 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Learning a second language or another variety of English need not
threaten students’ first language. Schools can ensure that students’ own
languages and cultures are accorded equal status with English, while
helping students understand the pragmatic value of becoming profi-
cient in English, the language of school and the language of power in the
wider society. Ideas for incorporating students’ languages into the
school environment and into the classroom program are included in
chapters 2 and 10.

Summing It Up
• The continued development of students’ first language supports a
higher level of development in English.
• Students’ languages have a place alongside English in the
• Students’ languages support their sense of identity and help main-
tain effective communication within the family and the commu-

Should I Teach Grammar?

Most students require a certain amount of explicit instruction to help
them figure out some of the rules of English grammar. The older stu-
dents are, the less likely they are to intuitively pick up the patterns of
English and the more formal instruction they may require. Even young
children and beginning learners of English can understand the concepts
“one” and “more than one” when learning the plural endings of nouns,
such as books — as long as they are talking about real books. Providing
instruction about specific patterns of English grammar is important —
as long as the focus of the lesson is within the reach of the learner’s cur-
rent stage of development, as long as the lesson is based on meaningful
content, and as long as the lesson involves real communication.

Developmentally Appropriate Instruction

Research has shown that learners of all ages and language backgrounds
acquire the grammatical structures of English in a fairly predictable
order, with or without formal instruction. Fairly early in their exposure
to English, most students can, for example, accurately use the progres-
sive -ing verb form, the auxiliary be, and the plural -s form of nouns. It
takes longer, however, to accurately use articles (a, an, and the) and
irregular past-tense verb forms (e.g., went and saw). It takes even longer
to develop accuracy in using the regular past tense (e.g., wanted and
looked) and third-person –s forms (e.g., he goes, she likes, and it rains).
Formal instruction is not likely to work if the target structure is too
far beyond the learners’ level of development. It would be inappropri-
ate, for example, to focus on subject-verb agreement or passive verbs
with beginning learners of English.

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 155

A Meaningful Context
Grammar instruction can help students use English more accurately.
Teachers who use isolated pattern drills and decontextualized practice
are often disappointed with the results, however. Students involved in
this kind of pattern practice may display increased accuracy while their
attention is focused on a specific structure (e.g., during a drill or
grammar test) — but may be unable to reproduce these patterns in
spontaneous or real-life communication.
To learn a new grammar structure, students must be exposed to
many examples of the target structure in a realistic context. They then
need guided practice in using the new structure to say or write some-
thing of real importance. For a particular grammar pattern to stick,
students also need frequent and extended opportunities to use the tar-
get structure in a natural way. In addition, the same structure must be
taught many times in different contexts.

Summing It Up
Grammar instruction works when it focuses on patterns that are devel-
opmentally appropriate and when new forms of language are taught
and practiced in meaningful contexts.

What about Phonics?

Phonics refers to the teaching of specific sound-symbol correspon-
dences so that children can sound out words. Children learn, for
example, that a silent e at the end of a word causes the preceding vowel
to say its name. Children who recognize the sounds represented by cer-
tain letters or letter combinations are able to decode print into sounds
and synthesize these sounds into words.
According to Jim Cummins, decoding is one of several discrete lan-
guage skills, which are specific literacy skills and concepts that are
taught in the early grades. These skills and concepts include the direc-
tion of print, upper- and lower-case letters, the alphabet and
alphabetical order, recognition of the most common words (often called
sight words), and spelling rules. Some children — especially those from
educated families and those raised in a rich literacy environment —
have already developed some of these skills by the time they start
Discrete language skills receive a great deal of attention in the early
grades. English language learners can develop these skills as they learn
their first words and begin to communicate in English. Acquiring these
skills, however, does not guarantee that students will develop the cog-
nitive academic language proficiency that is essential to achieve success
in school.
Phonics rules, for example, work very well for the 75 percent of En-
glish words that are regular in spelling and pronunciation. However,
many of the most common English words — the words readers need to
learn to recognize first — are irregular (e.g., the, have, they, you, would,
there, their, and one). This is why these words must be learned as sight

156 Section III The Language Learning Environment

In addition, sounding out words does not necessarily lead to an
understanding of their meaning. English language learners, in particu-
lar, may not know the meanings of the words they are sounding out. In
fact, some students are able to decode fluently, yet understand little of
what they read.
Phonics is a useful skill that enables learners to pronounce many new
words they see in print, but studies have shown that teaching phonics
has little long-term effect on reading comprehension. Reading compre-
hension and academic success depend on understanding and the ability
to use the vocabulary of textbooks and teacher talk.
Though discrete language skills are an important aspect of overall lit-
eracy development, proficiency in these skills does not guarantee
academic success. Experts have noted that many students — especially
low-income and minority language students — begin falling behind in
academic achievement from Grade 4 onward. In North America, this
phenomenon is sometimes called the fourth-grade slump. Children
whose discrete language skills have been at grade level start losing
ground because academic success comes to depend increasingly on
reading comprehension, which in turn depends on vocabulary and
background knowledge. Many low-income and minority language stu-
dents lack this kind of knowledge, which is sometimes called cultural
Many learners who do not possess the cultural capital that the chil-
dren of educated families may bring to school need specific
instructional support — beyond the teaching of discrete language skills
— to develop this knowledge in school. They are unlikely to pick up the
background knowledge and vocabulary they need in any other way.
For learners of all backgrounds, the research clearly links the devel-
opment of vocabulary and reading comprehension skills with academic
success. Vocabulary and reading comprehension skills are developed
• opportunities to read extensively. See Chapter 5.
• explicit and sustained instruction in vocabulary and comprehen-
sion skills. See chapters 5 and 12.

Summing It Up
Discrete language skills such as phonics have a place in the overall lan-
guage program. These skills do not, however, guarantee the
development of the vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge,
and comprehension skills that are required to achieve academic success.
This knowledge is best developed by reading extensively and through
explicit instruction in vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Should I Correct Students’ Mistakes?

All language learners make mistakes. Some errors are the result of care-
lessness, fatigue, or anxiety and are made by both native speakers and
second language learners. These errors are often momentary lapses and
seldom recur. If a particular error does not recur, it is not worth worry-
ing about.
Teachers worry much more about recurrent errors in students’
speech and writing. It is important to recognize, however, that these

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 157

errors may indicate that learning is taking place. They may be the result
of faulty or incomplete hypotheses about how English works.

“What Would Happen If…People Can Fly”. Errors like these are a normal
part of the language acquisition process.

When learning a new language, learners sometimes make transfer

errors based on interference from the first language. The learner’s
accent in a second language, for example, can be the result of interfer-
ence from the sound system of the first language. This means, for
example, that students whose first language has no /w/, may pro-
nounce went as vent.
Transfer errors also show up in grammar. A learner who says, You
should always wash your rices, for example, is treating rice as a count noun,
like bean, because this is how rice is treated in her own language. Some-
times students base their word order on the patterns of the first
language. A Spanish speaker might, for example, place an adjective
after a noun in English, as he would in Spanish. Learners may also expe-
rience difficulty with features of the new language that have no parallel
in their first language. Students whose first languages have no prefixes
and suffixes, for example, may have special difficulty with these fea-
tures of English.
Most mistakes are very similar among students of all language back-
grounds, however, and are the result of overgeneralizing a pattern in
English. The student who says, My foots are cold, has over-generalized
the pattern for making nouns plural and has not yet learned the excep-
tions. The student who says, I enjoy to go swimming, is treating the verb
enjoy like the verbs like, love, and want. And the student who says, I go to
bed late last night, has not yet internalized the past-tense forms of verbs.
These are developmental errors that indicate that students are at a par-
ticular stage in acquiring English.
For teachers, understanding the source of a specific error is not as
important as knowing how to respond. You may remember that your
own language teachers seemed to point out and correct your errors con-
stantly. How did that make you feel? Perhaps you responded negatively,

158 Section III The Language Learning Environment

feeling intimidated and reluctant to speak. Or perhaps you responded
positively, believing that your teachers were providing sound guidance.
English language learners may also respond positively and negatively to
Research has discovered no positive link between correction and the
speed or accuracy with which students learn English. In fact, constant
correction can have a negative effect. If teachers point out and correct
every error, some students may become anxious and discouraged, and
their accuracy may actually decline. Others may play it safe, limiting
their language production to what they know is correct, rather than
reaching for language that is beyond their current level. A student may,
for example, write a very short and superficial response rather than risk
making errors in a longer, more imaginative piece.
Insisting on correct form can also limit students’ oral participation.
By the time they have figured out how to correctly say what they
wanted to, the opportunity to speak may be lost. In addition, constant
interruption is frustrating. Students may feel that the teacher is attend-
ing only to their errors and paying no attention to the content of what
they are saying or writing. In written work especially, so many errors
may be circled and corrected that student may be unable to understand
the reasons for the corrections.
At the same time, many English language learners and their parents
come from educational backgrounds that place great value on correct-
ness. Some students may lose confidence in a teacher who seldom
corrects errors. They may think that the teacher doesn’t know enough
English to be a good teacher! Other students may complain that they are
not receiving enough guidance. And still others may ask the teacher to
correct every error in their written work.
As a compromise, think about errors not as problems, but as markers
on the path to proficiency in English. If a student’s errors show that he is
going in the wrong direction, provide some helpful information but
don’t get in his way. Here are some suggestions to help you do this.

• Always respond to the message first. The most important part of any
communication is the information conveyed.

• Be selective in deciding which errors to respond to, providing a model

rather than an explanation. Focus on errors that interfere with
communication, cause embarrassment, or indicate that a student is
not applying something that has recently been practiced in class.
If a student says, “You can’t imagine how I was scare,” his mean-
ing is clear, and there is no need to intervene. He will acquire the
correct word order and word ending eventually, as long as the con-
ditions for language learning are met. If he pronounces scare as
scar, however, you might respond by saying, “I’m sure you were
very scared. I would be scared, too.”
One student wrote in her journal: “Intercourse with English
speaker is very difficulty for English language learner.” Errors in
word choice are common when students look up words in bilin-
gual dictionaries. In a situation like this, privately explain connota-
Respond positively to every student’s tions that may cause embarrassment or confusion.
attempts to communicate. If you have recently been practicing the uses of there is and there
are and a student says, “It have ten province in Canada,” you might
respond: “Yes, that’s right, but can you say that again, using there

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 159

• Focus on one error at a time, even if a student makes several in one

• Don’t expect students to use the correct form right away. Students may
need to be exposed to hundreds of models and receive feedback
hundreds of times over a period of months or years before they
acquire some structures.

• Don’t be dismayed if students seem to forget something they appeared to

know a few days earlier. If they are learning new concepts or working
on complex tasks, they cannot focus on language production at the
same time. Language learning is not neatly linear, and learners
sometimes go back a step or two before they fully internalize new

Summing It Up
• Making errors is part of the language-acquisition process.
• Constant correction may limit participation and increase anxiety,
thus limiting development.
• Respond to errors judiciously and respectfully, providing neces-
sary feedback without embarrassing students.

How Can I Encourage Students to Participate

in Class?
Although social interaction is important in second language acquisi-
tion, do not insist that beginning language learners start speaking
English right away. In the very early stages, many students — espe-
cially younger children — pass through a silent period. They say very
little, and what they do say may consist of memorized phrases rather
than original utterances.
During this period, they are absorbing language at an amazing rate
and will start to produce it when they feel that they have figured out
some of the rules. For some learners, this period is very brief; for others,
it may last several months. It is important not to push beginners to pro-
duce language before they are ready. During this time, some language
teachers use the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, which allows
beginners to remain silent for a significant period. Chapter 9 describes
TPR in more detail.
Students who are too intimidated to speak up in class may feel more
secure about talking in a small group, where the audience consists of
only two or three other students. This works best if you teach all stu-
dents how to work effectively in small groups by making sure everyone
has a turn at speaking, knows how to seek clarification, knows how to
help English language learners learn new words, and so on. Chapter 10
describes cooperative learning in more detail.
If you are very concerned about a student who seldom speaks, even
after several months, consulting with the parents and, if possible,
arranging a first-language assessment (see Chapter 1) are good ideas.
At all stages in the language acquisition process, learners’ receptive
competence — their ability to understand oral language and written

160 Section III The Language Learning Environment

text — is considerably more developed than their productive compe-
tence — their speaking and writing. This means that English language
learners can understand language at a higher level of complexity than
the language they can produce and nearly always know more than they
can show in English. You can help by providing alternative ways for
students to demonstrate their learning (e.g., by giving them a graphic
organizer to complete rather than asking them to produce a long written

Summing It Up
• Many learners need a silent period when they are not pressured to
speak in class.
• Cooperative learning strategies encourage students to talk.
• Students’ receptive competence is usually significantly higher
than their productive competence.

These students understand much more in How Can I Promote a Positive Approach
English than they are able to express. to Language Learning?
Students will approach the task of learning English more positively if
they have a genuine desire or motivation to learn the language, a sense
of confidence in their ability to do so, and some effective learning strate-
gies to draw on.

The learner’s motivation is critically important in acquiring a second
language. Students who are willing to put forth the persistent effort
needed to become bilingual have an integrative motivation for lan-
guage learning. Other learners may focus on learning as much language
as they need for a specific purpose, but otherwise seem satisfied with a
more limited level of proficiency. This orientation is called instrumen-
tal motivation. Some students seem to care little about learning the
language and may actually resist doing so.

Integrative motivation refers to a desire to interact effectively with
native speakers of the new language in many situations: academic,
social, in the workplace, and so on. Integratively motivated students
display positive attitudes toward speakers of the target language, ask
questions about the language, read English books on their own, seek
opportunities to use English with peers and adults, have friends who
are native English speakers, and are interested in learning the latest
English phrases and jokes.
To develop integrative motivation, learners must have positive expe-
riences with native speakers. They must feel welcomed, included, and
respected. You can make this happen by providing structured opportu-
nities for students to make cross-cultural connections and friendships
(e.g., by organizing cooperative learning groups and helping students
become involved in extracurricular activities). Integrative motivation is
also enhanced by involving students in a wide variety of language

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 161

experiences beyond the school — in other institutional settings and in
the community — and by demonstrating respect and support for all lan-
guages and for second language learners in the classroom and in the


Instrumental motivation refers to acquiring a new language for a spe-
cific purpose. Learners who take this practical approach regard English
as a tool, or instrument, that will help them reach a goal, whether this is
to participate successfully in mathematics and science programs or to
pass a language test for university entrance, such as the Test of English
as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Instrumentally motivated students
relate positively to language programs that connect clearly with the aca-
demic program by focusing on the language and study skills required in
specific subject areas or by teaching and practicing typical test items.
Though instrumentally motivated students may succeed in achiev-
ing their goal, they may be less proficient in social interactions and other
contexts. Some adolescents may, for example, choose courses with En-
glish requirements that they believe to be less demanding. They may
choose courses such as math and computer studies, rather than drama
or media studies — and score high marks. They may experience diffi-
culty, however, in making presentations or participating in seminars,
which are requirements of college and university courses. They may
also have trouble socializing in English, which could hinder their
advancement in the workplace. Helping these students develop a more
integrative motivation toward learning English is a good idea.

Some students resist acquiring English completely for reasons related to
identity and self-esteem. They may feel that their sense of identity is
threatened by pressure to abandon their linguistic and cultural back-
ground in order to embrace English and assimilate into the dominant
culture. Students’ self-esteem may also be threatened if the second lan-
guage appears to be more valued by the wider community than the first.
Students who are isolated from the mainstream, who find it hard to
fit in, and who feel culturally rejected by teachers or peers are unlikely
to develop positive attitudes toward the new language — and may
actively avoid the kind of contact that supports acquiring English. They
may bond exclusively with members of their own cultural and linguis-
tic group, for example. This behavior may be viewed negatively by
peers and teachers and may further isolate these students from oppor-
tunities for linguistic and social integration.
To encourage resisting students to develop a more positive attitude
toward English, teachers must show respect for their language and cul-
ture, allow space for their language to co-exist with English in the
school, and provide many opportunities for them to interact positively
with English speakers.

Some students are intimidated by the idea of learning English and can-
not imagine ever learning the language well enough to be successful in
school. If the situation is threatening — if there is a risk of ridicule for
pronouncing words incorrectly, for example, or if students are required
to make oral presentations with inadequate preparation and support —

162 Section III The Language Learning Environment

their anxiety levels are likely to rise. As a result, their performance may
suffer, and they may be reluctant to participate in similar activities in
the future.
You can increase students’ confidence in themselves as language
learners by
• providing conditions that promote language learning
• setting tasks appropriate to the learner’s present level of language
• providing supportive feedback rather than constant correction
• introducing them to others who have successfully learned English
and are achieving academic success
• ensuring that no student is criticized or ridiculed for making the
language errors that are a necessary part of the language-learning
Many students feel more confident speak-
ing to a partner than to the whole class. Learning Strategies
Learning strategies are the mental or cognitive activities that students
engage in when they are learning a new language, or anything else. Rec-
itation, for example, is a strategy that many people use to help them
memorize things.
Successful language learners employ a variety of learning strategies
— and these can be taught. Students can be taught, for example, how to
use a learner dictionary effectively, how to use context to infer the
meaning of unfamiliar words, and how to use word stems and affixes to
figure out relationships among words. Modeling, thinking aloud, and
guided reading are important ways of demonstrating how to use these
strategies. You can also help students become more aware of effective
learning strategies by encouraging them to engage in metacognition:
thinking about how they learn. You might, for example, encourage
them to talk about how they completed a task or write about the process
in a learning log or journal.
Using specific learning strategies helps students become more active,
self-directed learners who can take control of their own learning. All
students can benefit from cognitive strategy instruction, especially as
many strategies are transferable to other learning tasks. The chart on the
following page shows six learning strategies and examples of each.

Summing It Up
• The attitude of English language learners will be more positive if
they have positive experiences with English speakers.
• Students will feel more confident of their ability to learn English if
the learning environment is supportive and they have strong role
• Students will develop a more positive attitude toward learning
English and take some control of their own learning if they learn to
use effective language learning strategies.

8 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 163

Learning Strategies

Strategy Examples

Memory strategies … Recitation and repetition

help learners remember new information (e.g., Mnemonic devices, such as acronyms, concept
vocabulary). maps, and visual imagery

Cognitive strategies … Recognizing and producing patterns

help learners understand and produce the language. Practicing in natural contexts
Creating analogies and comparisons

Compensation strategies … Inferring meaning from context

help learners communicate despite gaps in Using gestures
knowledge (e.g., when they don’t know a word). Using synonyms or circumlocutions (e.g., saying,
“Things you wear on hands when it’s cold,” for

Social strategies … Cooperating with others in the classroom

help learners interact with others in the target Using language to keep the communication process
language. going (e.g., asking for clarification)

Affective strategies … Lowering stress and anxiety

help learners maintain the self-confidence and Self-encouragement
motivation necessary to acquire a second language. Keeping a language-learning journal

Metacognitive strategies … Setting goals and objectives

help learners plan and monitor their own learning. Monitoring personal progress
Learning about language learning

What about Students Who Speak

Another Variety of English?
Some students speak varieties — or dialects — of English that differ sig-
nificantly from standard English. Many students of Caribbean
background, for example, speak an English-related creole language that
is so different from standard English that many linguists classify it as a
distinct language. Most students from the English-speaking Caribbean,
however, consider themselves to be English speakers and have usually
had much more exposure to standard English, in both their home coun-
try and their new country, than their peers from other language
backgrounds. Though these students may appear to understand more
English than their peers from non-English-speaking countries, how-
ever, they may still need help to acquire local forms of standard English.

Summing It Up
It is important for teachers to respect the linguistic background of all
students and to provide instruction and feedback in a way that does not
threaten students’ self-esteem and sense of identity.

164 Section III The Language Learning Environment

To Learn More …

Books and Articles

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Includes a powerful rationale for teaching standard English
(2004) Educating Language Learners. Educational Leadership, while respecting the language backgrounds of students who
Vol. 62 | No. 4, December 2004/January 2005. speak other varieties of English.
This issue of the journal is entirely devoted to the topic of Eng- Ellis, R. Second Language Acquisition. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Uni-
lish language learners. Includes articles on language learning, versity Press, 1997.
differentiated instruction for English language learners, and An introduction to the field with an annotated list of addi-
affirming students’ linguistic and cultural identities. tional readings on topics such as interlanguage and the role
Bartram, M., and R. Walton. Correction: A Positive Approach to of instruction.
Language Mistakes. Hove, U.K.: Language Teaching Publica- Freeman, D.E., and Y.S. Freeman. Between Worlds: Access to Sec-
tions, 1991. ond Language Acquisition. 2nd ed. Portsmouth, N.H.:
Helpful advice on how to respond to students’ mistakes in Heinemann, 2001.
oral and written language. How teachers can help integrate the two worlds in which
Brown, H.D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. 4th many minority language students live.
ed. White Plains, N.Y.: Addison Wesley Longman (now Ingram, J. Talk, Talk, Talk. Toronto, Ont.: Penguin Books, 1993.
Pearson Education), 2000. A popular science writer explores language as a biological
A standard in TESL training programs. Provides a thorough and social phenomenon.
overview of second language acquisition. Klesmer, H. “Assessment and Teacher Perceptions of English
Chamot, A.U., S. Barnhardt, P.B. El-Dinary, and J. Robbins. The Language Learner Achievement.” English Quarterly. Vol. 26,
Learning Strategies Handbook. White Plains, N.Y.: Addison no. 3, 1994, pp. 8–11.
Wesley Longman (now Pearson Education), 1999. Results of a study of second language acquisition among
Practical guidance on teaching learning strategies to English school-aged children in Toronto, Ont.
language learners. Krashen, S. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisi-
Chomsky, N. Review of Verbal Behavior by B.F. Skinner. Lan- tion. Oxford, U.K.: Pergamon Press, 1982.
guage. Vol. 35 (1959), pp. 26–58. Stephen Krashen’s theories of second language acquisition
Noam Chomsky’s response to B.F. Skinner’s theories of lan- are essential reading for all language teachers.
guage learning forms the foundation of the innatist view of Lightbown, P., and N. Spada. How Languages Are Learned. 2nd
language development. ed. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Coelho, E. Caribbean Students in Canadian Schools, Book 2. Introduces first and second language acquisition and dis-
Toronto, Ont.: Pippin Publishing, 1991. cusses the implications for second language instruction.
Discusses the relationship between Caribbean English Lyster, R., P.M. Lightbown, and N. Spada. “Response to
Creole and standard English and describes instructional Truscott’s ‘What’s Wrong with Oral Grammar Correction?’”
approaches and strategies for teaching standard English. Canadian Modern Language Review. Vol. 55, no. 4, 1999.
Cummins,J., Bismilla, V., Chow,P., Cohen, S., Giampapa, F., Article argues that recommendations to ignore students’
Leoni, L., Sandhu, P., and Sastri, P. (2005) Affirming Identity oral errors are not based on evidence (see Truscott). Avail-
in Multilingual Classrooms. Educational Leadership Vol. 63, able online at <>.
No. 1, September: 38-43. National Council of Teachers of English. Teaching English Lan-
This article explains the value of incorporating students’ guage Learners. Voices from the Middle, Vol. 11, No. 14, May
home languages and cultures into the classroom program, 2004.
and describes some projects that use linguistic and cultural This issue of the journal is entirely devoted to the topic of
diversity as an asset. Cummins, J. English language learners. Articles offer practical advice on
Cummins, J. “Reading and the ESL Student.” Orbit. Vol. 33, no. working with English language learners in mainstream
1, 2002, pp. 19–22. classrooms and for drawing on linguistic and cultural diver-
Explains basic interpersonal skills, discrete language skills, sity in the class.
and cognitive academic language proficiency, and recom- Oxford, R. Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher
mends methods of improving reading comprehension and Should Know. Boston, Mass.: Heinle and Heinle, 1990.
academic performance. Introduces six categories of language learning strategies and
Cummins, J. Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in suggests activities that help learners develop these strategies.
the Crossfire. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters Ltd, Perry, T., and L. Delpit, eds. The Real Ebonics Debate: Power, Lan-
2000. guage, and the Education of African-American Children. Boston,
Explains the distinction between conversational and aca- Mass.: Beacon Press, 1998.
demic language proficiency and the implications for Articles on educating students whose home language is a
instruction. Also suggests ways of raising the profile of stu- non-standard variety of English.
dents’ languages. Pinker, S. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language.
Delpit, L. Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflicts in the Class- New York, NY: Perennial Classics (Harper Collins), 2000.
room. New York: The New Press, 1995.

8 Introducing Second Language Acquisition 165

Very readable yet learned book views language as a biologi- Swain, M., and B. Smith. Learner English: A Teacher’s Guide to
cal phenomenon, shared across cultures and languages. Interference and Other Problems. 2nd ed. Cambridge, U.K.:
Piper, T. And Then There Were Two. 2nd ed. Toronto, Ont.: Pip- Cambridge University Press, 2001.
pin Publishing, 2001. Provides information about the phonological system and
Practical guide to second language acquisition among grammatical structure of more than 20 languages and
children. describes specific difficulties speakers encounter when
Skinner, B.F. Verbal Behavior. New York: Appleton-Century- learning English. Audiocassette and CD available.
Crofts, 1957. Truscott, J. “What’s Wrong with Oral Grammar Correction?”
B.F. Skinner’s theories of language learning as a conditioned Canadian Modern Language Review. Vol. 55, no. 4, 1999, pp.
response influenced the design of instructional programs 437–456. Available online at <>.
and language labs in the 1960s and 1970s. Recommends abandoning oral grammar correction in light
Solomon, P. Black Resistance in the High School: Forging a Separat- of research suggesting that correction does not improve
ist Culture. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, learners’ accuracy in oral language production.
1992. Vygotsky, L.S. Thought and Language. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Study of Canadian youth of Caribbean origin in a Toronto Press, 1962.
secondary school. Originally published in Russian in the 1930s, this book dis-
Swain, M. “Communicative Competence: Some Roles of Com- cusses theories that remain fundamental to the study of
prehensible Input and Comprehensible Output in Its De- language development.
velopment.” In S.M. Gass and C.G. Madden, eds., Input in Wong Fillmore, L. “When Learning a Second Language Means
Second Language Acquisition. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury Losing the First.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly. Vol. 6,
House, 1986. 1991, pp. 323–346.
Complements Stephen Krashen’s input theories by address- Describes the negative consequences of first language loss
ing the importance of providing opportunities for output or and makes a strong case for maintaining the first language.
language production.

Websites and Online Resources

Center for Applied Linguistics. <>. English and Succeed in an All-English Classroom?” NCBE
A wealth of information and links to sites on second lan- Issue Brief No. 5. National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Educa-
guage acquisition and bilingual education. Home to the tion, September 2000. <
ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. issuebriefs/ib5.htm>.
Center for Research on Educaton, Diversity, and Excellence. National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and
<>. Language Instruction Educational Programs (formerly
Research reports and other resources on second language National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education).
acquisition and minority education, including “The Five <>.
Standards for Effective Pedagogy.” Information on second language acquisition and the educa-
Collier, V.P. “The Effect of Age on Acquisition of a Second Lan- tion of language minority students. Click on Ask NCELA for
guage for School.” NCBE Occasional Papers in Bilingual answers to questions such as, Why is it important to main-
Education. No. 2. National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Edu- tain the native language?
cation, 1988. < Thomas, W.P., and V.P. Collier. A National Study of School Effec-
htm#books>. tiveness for Language Minority Students’ Long-Term Academic
Overview of literature on the relationship between age and Achievement. Center for Research on Education, Diversity,
second language acquisition. and Excellence, 2002. <
Collier, V.P. “Acquiring a Second Language for School.” Direc- 1.1_final.html >.
tions in Language and Education. Vol. 1, no. 4. National Analyzes instructional programs and other factors that
Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, 1995. make a difference in second language acquisition and aca-
<>. demic success. Essential reading.
Useful overview of research on second language acquisition. Ursel, B. “Some Links on the Benefits of Learning Other Lan-
Especially relevant for those planning language education guages.” Language Research Centre, Faculty of Humanities,
for school-aged students. University of Calgary. <>.
De Villiers, J. “Language Development.” In Jerome Kagan, ed., Annotated list of useful online resources for teachers and
Gale Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence. Gale, 1997. parents.
< Worswick, C. School Performance of the Children of Immigrants in
ai_2602000341>. Canada, 1994–98. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2001.
One of several interesting and readable articles on language <
acquisition. 11F0019M2001178>.
Garcia, G. “Lessons from Research: What Is the Length of Time Analysis of the academic achievement of Canadian-born
It Takes Limited English Proficient Students to Acquire English language learners.

166 Section III The Language Learning Environment

9 Organizing Language Instruction

This chapter describes program models adopted by schools and school

districts for providing language instruction and support to English lan-
guage learners. It also provides an overview of methods of second
language instruction that have been developed in response to various
language-learning theories.

Organizing the Language Program

When language programs are designed, they sometimes focus exclu-
sively on students’ need to learn English. Though this need is
immediate and obvious, a complete language program has two — and
sometimes three — components.
• English language instruction
• heritage language instruction
• French language instruction (in Canada)

English Language Instruction

No single model for delivering language instruction is appropriate for
all schools and all students. Effective second language programs make
the best use of available resources, in accordance with what is known
about how a second language is acquired.
Some jurisdictions contain large concentrations of students from two
or three language communities and are able to provide bilingual edu-
cation in the learners’ own languages and in English. This model is
most common in the United States. Other school districts in the U.S. and
most schools and school districts in Canada, by contrast, offer various
kinds of English as a second language programs, in which English is
the sole language of instruction.

Children learn best in the language they know best. This is not a new
concept: half a century ago, a UNESCO report identified the first lan-
guage as the most effective medium of instruction for all children. In
many countries, various models of bilingual education have been
developed in accordance with this principle.
If the necessary resources and expertise were available in En-
glish-speaking countries, it would make sense to educate non-
English-speaking children in their own language, at least until they are
proficient in English. Bilingual programs — especially those designed

9 Organizing Language Instruction 167

What about French Immersion? to promote full bilingualism — offer the best opportunities for students
The success of French immersion programs to achieve all the learning outcomes of a particular course and to learn
in Canada, where most of those enrolled are the dominant language at the same time.
English speaking and most instruction is The goal of bilingual education is to enable students to progress aca-
delivered in French, seems to belie the demically at the same time as they are learning English. As a result, both
conclusion that learning in the first language the target language and the students’ first language are used as the lan-
is more effective than learning in a second
language. Although most instruction is in guages of instruction. Children who learn to read in their first language,
French, anglophone students in French for example, become more proficient readers and are able to transfer
immersion programs do at least as well as those skills into English as they learn the language. Some bilingual pro-
— and often better than — their peers in grams also aim to expand the linguistic abilities of all students to
monolingual English programs. A closer prepare them to live in a world where global communication and coop-
look at the way French immersion is
delivered, however, confirms the importance eration are increasingly important.
of validating, maintaining, and developing In the United States, where bilingual programs are most common,
the first language. three models dominate. Each establishes specific goals for learners
• The aim of French immersion programs is whose first language is not English.
not to replace the first language with the
second. On the contrary, the goal is to • Transitional bilingual education provides instruction in the first
produce students who are equally language for a limited time, until students have acquired enough
proficient in Canada’s two official English to function in English only. The goals include continued
languages: English and French.
• Because English is supported inside and academic development and eventual proficiency in English. Main-
outside the school, French immersion taining the first language beyond the transitional period is not a
students’ ability to develop their English goal. Once instruction switches to English only, it is possible —
language skills is not threatened. English even likely — that students will stop developing or lose profi-
is usually the dominant language of the ciency in their first language.
community and is an official language of
the country. As a result, most learners are
immersed in English at home and in the • Developmental bilingual education is designed to maintain and
community. To foster the development of develop proficiency in the first language while students learn
their English skills, students receive English. Instruction is provided in both languages throughout the
specific instruction in anglais, as well as years of schooling. The goals include continued academic develop-
English language instruction in some
subjects. ment and full bilingualism in English and the first language.
• French immersion teachers are bilingual,
able to speak both English and French. • Two-way bilingual programs include native speakers of English as
• Teachers are sensitive to the needs of well as learners of another language background, such as Spanish.
students as second language learners and Both languages are used for instruction. The goals include contin-
use second language teaching techniques
to integrate language and content ued academic development and full bilingualism and
instruction. biculturalism for all learners, including speakers of the dominant
• Most French immersion students are not language. This means that Spanish speakers, for example, and
newcomers. They are secure in the English speakers in the same class would become equally profi-
school’s cultural environment, where their cient in the two languages at the same time as they develop an
own background and experiences are
validated and understood. appreciation of one another’s cultural perspectives.

Ideally, all English language learners would be involved in rich, cur-

riculum-based bilingual programs that enable them to expand their
knowledge, learn English, and continue to develop in their first lan-
guages at the same time.
Bilingual education is practical where large numbers of students of
the same language group are congregated in the same area, as is the case
in some parts of the United States. Bilingual education is also offered in
some Canadian provinces. The 1978 Saskatchewan Education Act, for
example, stipulates that a heritage language may be used as a language
of instruction 100 percent of the time in Kindergarten and up to 50 per-
cent of the time in grades 1 and 2.
It is difficult, however, to provide bilingual classes when students of
a particular language group are scattered over a large geographic area
or where students of many language backgrounds attend the same

168 Section III The Language Learning Environment

What Is Bilingual Competence? school. Nevertheless, it is possible to centralize programs for specific
Though many people are proficient in more language groups in designated schools. In Calgary, Alberta, for exam-
than one language, few are equally proficient ple, students can choose to attend a school where the curriculum is
in two or more languages in all contexts. delivered in both Mandarin and English. Though this offers definite
Many bilingual people use their languages
for different purposes and with different
educational benefits, separating students from those of other linguistic
groups of people. They may, for example, and cultural backgrounds may have negative consequences.
think in their first language when working In some areas where bilingual education might be a practical, com-
on specific tasks, such as counting or mon-sense option, the use of languages other than English (or French)
completing mathematical calculations. Some as languages of instruction is not allowed. The Ontario Education Act,
feel that one of their languages is more
flexible or more effective when expressing
for example, states that the curriculum may be delivered only in French
some concepts or carrying out some and English, Canada’s two official languages. This means that even if all
activities, such as reading poetry or the children in a school speak Urdu and have little or no knowledge of
discussing politics. English, they must be instructed in English or French only. So far, this
legislation has not been challenged in the courts.
Even where bilingual education is well established and research
studies have documented its benefits, opposing ideologies may prevail.
Bilingual education has recently come under fire in some parts of the
United States, for example. Critics argue that bilingual education causes
children to become dependent on their first language and may inhibit
their learning of English. In 1998, voters in California approved Propo-
When Bilingual Doesn’t Mean Bilingual sition 227, which replaced bilingual programs with one-year, English-
only programs. When the year is up, most students are fully
Some so-called bilingual programs do not
use the first language as a medium of
mainstreamed and receive little or no continued support for acquiring
instruction at all. In some jurisdictions, the English. Similar legislation was passed in Arizona in 2000, and initia-
term bilingual is used to describe all students tives are under way in other states. The debate is often acrimonious,
whose first language is not the language of pitting language acquisition researchers against organizations such as
instruction, on the assumption that they will English First, which opposes providing services in languages other than
become bilingual when they learn the
dominant language at school. This is
unlikely to happen, however, unless special Though bilingual education may be neither practical nor politically
efforts are made to support the continued feasible in many jurisdictions, it is difficult to argue against the notion
development of students’ own language that learning in a first language is more effective than learning in a sec-
while they learn English. If no provision is ond — at least until students’ proficiency in the second language is
made to maintain and develop students’ first
language, the result may be what Jim
adequate for learning the curriculum.
Cummins calls subtractive bilingualism. Where bilingual education is feasible, it is the least expensive way of
Unless students’ own languages are used supporting English language learners. They do not need additional
alongside English as a language of classes or ESL teachers for English as a Second Language. They need
instruction, it is a misnomer to call these only classroom teachers who are bilingual and trained in bilingual
programs bilingual.
instruction. In addition, the need to provide a heritage language pro-
gram is eliminated because students’ first language is used as a
language of instruction.

In jurisdictions where bilingual education is not feasible, the next-best
alternative is a strong ESL program that compensates for the fact that
the students are learning in a language other than their own. Self-con-
tained ESL programs, ESL core programs, ESL resource support
programs, and ESL integration programs are common in school dis-
tricts across Canada. Schools and school districts often provide more
than one of these models, depending on local needs and resources.

Self-Contained ESL Programs

Self-contained ESL programs , which are sometimes called ESL recep-
tion programs, ESL reception centers, or ESL reception classes,
concentrate resources and provide an intensive full-day program for
newcomers as they adjust to their new academic and social

9 Organizing Language Instruction 169

environment and begin to learn English. Students may be enrolled for
several months or, in some jurisdictions, a full school year. In areas of
high immigration, nearly every school may provide such a program. In
school districts where English language learners are distributed thinly,
making it difficult to provide ESL support in every school, students may
be congregated in a self-contained program in one or two designated
schools. Students attend the congregated program until they are ready
to enter their neighborhood school.
Two groups of newcomers benefit from self-contained programs.

• Beginning learners of English: These students may benefit from an

intensive program of a few months’ duration. During this time,
they develop basic communication skills in English, learn about
their new country, and are introduced to the educational and
social environment they are about to enter.

• Underschooled children: Newcomers who have experienced signifi-

cant gaps in their education would probably have difficulty relat-
ing to the mainstream program even if it were offered in their own
language. These students are more likely to be successful if they
initially receive intensive and specialized support in a program
designed specifically to meet their needs. If possible, the students
receive bilingual instruction, integrating language and literacy
instruction with basic skills and concepts in mathematics, science,
and social studies for a considerable time before they are com-
pletely mainstreamed.

A drawback of full-day, self-contained programs is that students

may have no regular contact with English-speaking peers. As a result,
they may be denied valuable language learning opportunities. In addi-
tion, many parents may be justifiably anxious if they perceive that their
children are falling behind in the mainstream curriculum while they
attend a reception program. And students who do not attend the neigh-
borhood school may have no chance to make friends with whom they
can socialize out of school.
Some newcomers benefit from a period of During their time in a self-contained program, it is important to
intensive support.
involve newcomers in activities with English-speaking students. This is
not difficult if the program is located in a school where newcomers can
participate in programs, such as physical education, alongside their
English-speaking peers, or where they can be matched with peer tutors
from other classes. This kind of contact is much more difficult to
arrange, however, when the program is located at a stand-alone site.
It is also important to base the program’s content on the content of the
appropriate curriculum, so that students are exposed to the same curric-
ulum as their age peers. Because students arrive with varying
educational experiences, however, the curriculum must often be
adapted to fill in gaps and provide essential background knowledge
and skills. To ease the transition for students who are leaving a self-con-
tained ESL program to go to a new school, teachers should establish
strong links with neighborhood schools and ensure that each school has
organized an effective reception and orientation plan.
ESL Core Programs
ESL core programs offer intensive support in neighborhood schools for
students in the early stages of learning English. This model works well

170 Section III The Language Learning Environment

in schools with large numbers of English language learners. Teachers
setting up ESL core programs should consider the following sug-
• Students in the early stages of learning English should be grouped
in an ESL class for 50 percent or more of the school day.
• In elementary schools with large numbers of English language
learners, English language learners should be grouped by grade
level. In other schools, split-grade groupings (e.g., a Grade 1-2
class, a Grade 3-4 class) often make better use of resources.
• In elementary schools, the ESL program should be based on the
core curriculum for the grade. This usually involves language arts,
social studies, and mathematics, though science may also be
• In secondary schools, English language learners may be placed in
special ESL classes instead of the English courses designed for
native speakers of English. They may also be placed in special
classes for history, geography, science, mathematics, and other
compulsory courses — and receive academic credit for these
courses. In Ontario, Canada, for example, a student who succeeds
in an ESL Canadian history course is deemed to have earned the
compulsory credit in Canadian history. Some schools also offer
special classes in optional courses, such as drama.
• The program in the ESL core subjects should be adapted to meet
the needs of the learners, in accordance with the principles of con-
tent-based language instruction. Content-based instruction is dis-
cussed later in this chapter.
• Students should be integrated into the mainstream program for
the rest of the day. To make this possible, the mainstream timetable
must be designed to provide the best opportunities for integration.
If mainstream Grade 3 classes work on language arts and social
studies at the same time as the Grade 3 ESL class, for example, En-
glish language learners can join their peers for other subjects with
minimum disruption and maximum continuity.
• When English language learners are in mainstream classes, all
teachers should be responsible for adapting the program to meet
their needs, no matter what their stage of second language
ESL core programs are based on the • Students’ progress should be reviewed regularly. As soon as they
grade-level curriculum.
are ready, students may move into the mainstream core program
for longer periods, making room in the ESL core program for other
• The program must be flexible. Some students may, for example, be
ready for integration into mathematics soon after they arrive and
should leave the core program to join their peers for this subject.
• Students who have moved out of core ESL programs need contin-
ued language support for several years after they leave. This sup-
port may be provided by an ESL teacher, if there is one, on a
resource or withdrawal basis (see the following section). In addi-
tion, mainstream teachers must be aware of and responsive to the
needs of English language learners.
Where ESL core programs are feasible, they offer significant advan-
tages, especially for students in the early stages of learning English or of
literacy development. Students in core programs develop knowledge
and skills in academic subjects at the same time as they learn English.

9 Organizing Language Instruction 171

The language program is clearly connected to the mainstream program
and effectively prepares students for integration. At the same time, En-
glish language learners have opportunities to become involved in the
mainstream program and interact with peers.
ESL Resource Support Programs
In ESL resource support programs, sometimes called pull-out or with-
drawal programs, students are pulled out or withdrawn from the
mainstream classroom to work with the ESL teacher for part of the
school day. The time each student spends with the ESL teacher varies.
Newcomers may spend a significant part of every day in the ESL class,
while others may attend for only an hour or two a week.
The organization of ESL groupings often depends on when students
can be withdrawn from the mainstream program. Some ESL teachers
withdraw all students at the same level of English proficiency at the
same time. Though this enables teachers to plan lessons for the whole
These children leave their grade level class group, it makes it difficult to match lessons to the maturity level of all
to work with the ESL teacher for a short learners and to coordinate the program with that in mainstream
period each day. classrooms.
Other ESL teachers withdraw students according to grade level,
which means that the group may include both beginners and more
advanced English language learners. In this case, the teacher must pro-
vide several tasks — at various levels of difficulty — related to a
particular topic. Grade-level groupings are more supportive of lan-
guage acquisition than proficiency groupings because less advanced
English speakers have opportunities to interact with their more profi-
cient peers, who act as language models and informants. At the same
time, the more advanced speakers gain practice and confidence as they
rephrase, explain, and provide examples for their peers. Grade-level
groupings also make it easier to coordinate the ESL program with the
mainstream curriculum.
Most ESL teachers try to withdraw students when mainstream
classes are involved in subjects, such as language arts and social studies,
that are the most difficult for English language learners. As far as possi-
ble, these learners remain in the mainstream classroom for aspects of the
program in which they can participate, such as physical education, the
arts, and, in some cases, mathematics.
The program must also be flexible. As soon as students demonstrate
a proficiency level that enables them to be successful in a curriculum
area, they should rejoin the mainstream program for that subject. Many
students from other countries are as proficient as — or even more profi-
cient than — their age peers in mathematics, for example. As a result,
withdrawing these students during the mathematics period may not be
a good idea, especially if the math program uses manipulatives to facili-
tate comprehension and includes plenty of well-structured group work
to promote meaningful language use.
Resource support programs work well in schools where the number
of English language learners does not warrant establishing a core pro-
gram or where students don’t need the support of a core program. In
school districts with a small and scattered population of English lan-
guage learners, an itinerant ESL teacher may work with students for an
hour or two a week to provide resource support in several schools.
The ESL setting provides a low-risk environment in which learners
can begin speaking English, learn about their new environment, and
make friends. The ESL teacher has opportunities to assess learners’

172 Section III The Language Learning Environment

needs and strengths and to tailor content and resources to these. As far
as possible, the content should relate to the mainstream curriculum, and
the ESL teacher should maintain close contact with classroom teachers.

ESL Integration Programs

Most English language learners, including beginners, should spend
part of every school day in the mainstream classroom, where they can
interact with English-speaking peers and become familiar with the
grade-level curriculum. The mainstream classroom offers opportunities
for second language acquisition, social integration, and academic
growth that the ESL classroom alone does not. A second language is
acquired most efficiently when it is used to achieve meaningful pur-
poses, such as learning to play baseball, solving a mathematics
problem, creating a dramatic retelling of a story, planning a class out-
ing, and working on a group project. A well-planned integrated model
also fosters positive intercultural attitudes among all the learners. For
these reasons, the mainstream program is an important component of
the ESL program.
Integration involves much more than assigning students a desk in
the mainstream classroom. Without carefully planned program adapta-
tions and support, failure is likely to be the result. In a multilingual
school, where the learners are at various stages of proficiency in the lan-
guage of instruction, it is important for all teachers to support successful
integration by
• providing a learning environment that supports second language
acquisition. Suggestions are included in Chapter 10.
• adapting curriculum and assessment, so that the learning out-
comes are attainable and appropriate for students at various stages
of proficiency in English. See Chapter 13.
• integrating language learning and content instruction. Strategies
for achieving this are described later in this chapter and in Chapter

Heritage Language Instruction

ESL programs should be complemented by a strong heritage language
program that helps students maintain and continue to develop in their
first language.
Attitudes toward students’ first languages have changed consider-
ably in the last two or three decades. Once considered detrimental to
children’s cognitive development and social integration, maintaining
their first language is now recognized as an important factor in acquir-
ing a second language and as a significant source of cultural pride and
personal identity. For more on the importance of maintaining the first
language, see Chapter 8.
Though in some school districts, students study their heritage lan-
guage during the school day, most classes are held after school or on
weekends. Many community groups also offer heritage language
classes outside regular school hours. In these classes, students develop
skills in their own language — or the language of their parents — and
learn about the history, important leaders and personalities, traditions,
and values of their cultural community.
Because heritage language classes are usually offered outside the
regular school program, they are often perceived as less important than
the “regular” curriculum. In addition, students may be reluctant to

9 Organizing Language Instruction 173

attend extra classes at times when they might otherwise be playing or
socializing with friends. In many jurisdictions, heritage language teach-
ers are not members of teachers’ associations, are not required to meet
the same professional standards as their mainstream counterparts, are
paid less, and have less job security than classroom teachers. They may
also have little contact with their mainstream colleagues. Some are rela-
tively new immigrants themselves, and their teaching methods may be
quite different from those learners are exposed to in mainstream pro-
grams. As a result, heritage language teachers may not be regarded as
professionals in the same way as their mainstream colleagues.
Despite these difficulties, parents who recognize the benefits of
maintaining their children’s proficiency in their home language are
eager to enroll their children in heritage language classes. These pro-
grams flourish in school districts across Canada, for example, often with
little or no direct support from school districts or provincial education
ministries. In British Columbia, about 150 organizations offer heritage
language classes attended by 30,000 learners outside the school system.
This poster was created by a student in a In Saskatchewan, 62 organizations teach 25 languages, and 45 lan-
Tamil heritage language class sponsored by guages are taught in Toronto’s public schools, mostly outside school
the Toronto District School Board. hours.

French Language Instruction

Students in English-speaking Canada are expected to develop some
proficiency in speaking French. However, many newcomers arrive in
Canada with little or no knowledge of French. Because their age peers
may have already received several years of instruction, many immi-
grants need a French as second language program that will enable them
to catch up to their peers.
Because learning English is the priority, delaying instruction in
French until the newcomer has a good grasp of English may seem to
make sense. In most cases, however, a delay is unnecessary, as long as
the French teacher adapts the program for beginners. Ways of doing
this are described in greater detail in Chapter 13.
Many newcomers are competent language learners. Their experience
in acquiring an additional language helps them learn new sounds,
acquire vocabulary, and perceive patterns in any language. In addition,
many newcomers have already learned at least one additional language
before starting to learn English. Many Punjabi speakers, for example,
also speak Hindi; many Ukrainians know Russian; and many Canton-
ese speakers have learned Mandarin. For many newcomers, English is
already a third or fourth language, and French is just one more.
In general, English language learners benefit from being placed in
the French class alongside their age peers, as long as the program is
adapted to accommodate them. Some secondary schools provide a
beginner-level French course for newcomers, many of whom are subse-
quently able to continue learning French alongside their grade-level
At the same time, a small number of newcomers may benefit from
delaying instruction in French, or even, in exceptional cases, receiving a
complete exemption, as long as a more appropriate program is available
to replace it. Students who arrive with significant gaps in their school-
ing and limited literacy development in their own language, for
example, might benefit from spending additional time in an ESL or

174 Section III The Language Learning Environment

literacy class, while newcomers who have clearly identified special
needs might receive special education support instead of French

Methods of Second Language Instruction

Over the centuries, many approaches to second language teaching have
been proposed and implemented. Recent approaches have been devel-
oped in direct response to theories of how languages are learned and to
the needs of language learners.
Today, methods of second language instruction can be broadly clas-
sified as either part-to-whole instruction or whole-to-part instruction.
Part-to-whole instruction focuses on form by breaking down language
into its component parts, such as grammar rules or pronunciation pat-
terns, and organizing these into a sequence of instruction. Practice drills
and exercises are emphasized, and there is less emphasis on using lan-
guage for meaningful communication. In contrast, whole-to-part
instruction focuses on meaning and involves students in speaking, lis-
tening, reading, and writing activities designed to promote real
communication. Instruction in specific features of the language is often
secondary and is sometimes assumed to be unnecessary.
Most students who arrive in English-speaking countries with some
previous instruction in English as a foreign language have probably
been exposed to a part-to-whole approach. In countries where English
is the dominant language, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New
Zealand, the United States, and English-speaking Canada, the emphasis
in English as a second language instruction is increasingly on a
whole-to-part approach. In practice, most second language teachers
and programs adopt highly eclectic methods that combine elements of
several approaches.
Students and parents who arrive in their new country with precon-
ceived notions about what language instruction should be like may be
highly uncomfortable in settings that do not match their expectations. In
a communicative setting where the focus, at least initially, is on fluency
rather than accuracy, students accustomed to learning rules and com-
pleting grammar exercises may feel that they are not receiving sufficient
instruction. As a result, language teachers must be conscious of the
rationale underlying instructional practices and prepared to explain
this to students and parents. Stating the learning outcomes at the begin-
ning of lessons and units helps students develop metacognitive
awareness by providing opportunities for them to talk and write about
the learning process. It is also important to be flexible. In some cases,
this may involve incorporating some instructional strategies that learn-
ers are comfortable with, especially at the beginning.

Grammar-Translation Approach
The grammar-translation approach, the traditional method of lan-
guage instruction, was perfected in the teaching of Latin and was also
used in teaching modern languages. Depending on when and where
you went to school, this may have been the way you were taught a for-
eign language. This method is still frequently used to teach English in

9 Organizing Language Instruction 175

non-English speaking countries where students usually share a first
Grammar-translation is a deductive approach that involves forming
and applying rules. Lessons often consist of
• an explanation — and examples — of a grammar rule
• a list of new words, with translations
• a reading that includes applied examples of the grammar rule and
the new words
• written exercises that require students to apply the grammar rule
and use the vocabulary
The focus is on reading, often of literary excerpts or informational pas-
sages about the country and culture of the target language, and on
written translation. Exercises are often unrelated to the content of the
reading passage and may consist of transformations (e.g., changing all
verbs to the past tense, converting statements into questions, or supply-
ing the correct form of designated words in a sentence).
The language of instruction is usually students’ first language rather
than the target language. Where English is the language of instruction,
for example, this means that the rules of French would be explained in
English. Because students have little or no opportunity to converse with
native speakers of French, many develop a large vocabulary, a knowl-
edge of grammar, and reading comprehension skills that enable them to
answer factual recall questions about a reading passage. At the same
time, they may be unable to participate in simple oral discourse when
they find themselves in a French-speaking environment or to adapt
their approach to reading for different purposes.

Audiolingual Approach
The audiolingual approach was developed in reaction to gram-
mar-translation, which had proven unsatisfactory in promoting
proficiency in authentic communication, especially in oral language.
Audiolingual methods were used in the armed forces during World
War II, especially with intelligence personnel.
This part-to-whole approach, which is sometimes called the struc-
tural approach, is based on behaviorist psychology and descriptive
linguistics. Behavioral psychologists, notably B.F. Skinner, viewed lan-
guage development as conditioned behavior, and applied linguists
developed descriptions of the patterns or structures of a given language
based on scientific analysis of the language in use, rather than on using
rules and terms based on Latin grammar.
Advocates of the audiolingual approach focus on habit formation
and structural accuracy, with a strong emphasis on listening and speak-
ing. The target language is the dominant language of instruction, and
there is minimal description of grammar rules, which are to be acquired
through induction: perceiving and learning a pattern by examining
many examples.
Lessons often focus on grammatical structures, which are presented
in a specific sequence. Present-tense verbs are taught before past-tense
forms, for example, and modal auxiliaries are taught before conditional
forms. The usual sequence of instruction is listening, speaking, reading,
and writing, and students may spend time in a language lab, listening
and responding to recorded dialogues and drills as the teacher monitors
their performance.

176 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Lessons usually involve students in
Drilling for Accuracy
Substitution and transformation drills are • listening to a dialogue, often on audiotape, that features a target
usually important elements of the language structure, such as the simple present tense forms of be
audiolingual approach. • mimicking the dialogue, often with half of the class repeating one
Substitution Drill side of a two-person exchange as the teacher models correct pro-
Teacher provides the pattern: “This is a nunciation and intonation
book.” • memorizing and practicing the dialogue with a partner or in small
Students repeat: “This is a book.” groups
Teacher provides a cue: “Pencil.”
Students respond: “This is a pencil.” • participating in oral pattern drills that usually involve substitu-
Teacher provides another cue: “Pen.” tions or transformations for the purpose of making the language
A student (or group) responds: “This is a feature a conditioned response
pen.” • once certain structures and vocabulary are mastered, completing
And so on, around the class. written exercises involving substitutions and transformations or
Transformation Drill reading a carefully selected or specially created passage that
Teacher provides a cue: “This is a book.” includes only previously learned structures and the new pattern,
Teacher models the transformation: “These
then responding to questions designed to elicit answers that use
are books.”
Students repeat: “These are books.” the new pattern
Teacher provides a second cue: “This is a
From the beginning, the audiolingual approach emphasizes producing
A student (or group) responds: “These are and reinforcing “correct” utterances so that students do not fall into
pencils.” “bad habits.” Because the emphasis is on correct form, learners end up
Teacher provides another cue: “This is a manipulating linguistic structures rather than communicating genuine
pen.” messages. Oral language takes priority, and reading and writing may
A student responds: “These are pens.”
not be introduced until students have learned a substantial corpus of
And so on, around the class.
grammar structures and vocabulary.

Total Physical Response Approach

The Total Physical Response approach (TPR) is a meaning-based,
whole-to-part method that emphasizes listening comprehension and
has proven effective with beginning language learners. In response to
the teacher’s commands, students carry out physical actions.
Here is an example of how TPR might be used with a class of begin-
ning language learners.
• Teacher says, “Stand up,” and stands, gesturing to students to do
the same.
• Students stand but are not required to say anything.
• Teacher continues, giving more commands (e.g., “Sit down,” and
“Jump”) and demonstrating the actions.
• The teacher gives the commands without demonstrating. Students
demonstrate their comprehension by performing the required
• After several lessons, students begin to give some of the
• The language gradually becomes more complex, and forms other
than the imperative are introduced.
TPR emphasizes listening comprehension, followed by oral produc-
tion of language, with very little reading and writing. Grammar is
usually introduced in a specific sequence and is learned inductively,
without explicit instruction.
Because students are not required to produce language in the early
stages, this method lowers beginning learners’ anxiety and meets the
needs of those who are going through a silent period. The physical

9 Organizing Language Instruction 177

activity keeps everyone involved and interested and is especially well
suited to the learning style of some students.
TPR’s focus on what can be physically demonstrated limits its uses.
Nevertheless, many second language teachers find it helpful to incorpo-
rate aspects of this approach into their program when working with
beginners. TPR can also be applied outside the language classroom,
such as in the physical education program or other subjects that empha-
size hands-on activities, motor skills, and sensory involvement rather
than — or as well as — learning content.

The Communicative Approach

The communicative approach moves from whole to part, emphasizing
fluency and meaning before accuracy. The goal is to enable learners to
communicate and understand real messages from the beginning. Gram-
mar is usually learned inductively, as students are exposed to many
examples of a structure and involved in communicative activities that
require them to use it. With the help of the teacher, a rule may eventu-
ally be developed and made explicit. In foreign language teaching, the
first language may be used to explain a rule.
Students are involved in practice aimed at developing accuracy as
well as fluency. They work on tasks such as group problem solving,
information-gap activities, role playing, games, and open-ended dia-
logues. Errors and interlanguage forms are tolerated, especially when
dealing with language features that have not yet been formally intro-
duced. Students respond to real messages in real conversations, and
neither the students nor the teacher can predict exactly what the content
or form of the next utterance will be.

178 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Classroom activities are often designed to provide rehearsal for a
contact assignment that requires students to use English with native
speakers outside the classroom. A student might, for example, be
required to conduct an interview or listen to a recorded announcement,
then share the information with classmates or the teacher. Teachers
organize field trips, inter-class projects, and other activities that bring
together language learners and native speakers in supported contexts.
Students are also encouraged to record and reflect on their experi-
ences and feelings in writing and to write for others, keeping dialogue
journals or corresponding with “secret friends” in other classrooms. For
more information on journals, see Chapter 12. The content of activities is
usually geared to the needs and interests of the learners. Adolescents
may be involved in talking, reading, and writing about issues relating to
the social life of teenagers, for example, and younger children are often
involved in literature-based programs using picture books and
A communicative program may be sequenced according to commu-
nicative functions instead of, or in addition to, grammatical structures.
This means that students may learn ways to apologize, interrupt, or
agree before they know the grammatical rules underlying the structures
of these expressions. Beginners may learn, for example, to introduce
themselves, using expressions such as, “My name is …,” “I come from
…,” and “I have been in this country for ….” In part-to-whole
approaches, such as audiolingualism, students would not be exposed to
the present perfect tense (e.g., I have been) at this stage; other tenses that
are considered easier to teach and learn are introduced first.
The communicative approach emphasizes needs assessment: the
program is designed to meet the specific needs of the learners. As a
result, a beginner program for students who need to learn English for
academic purposes is very different from a workplace program or a
newcomer orientation program for adults, and the balance between
reading and writing and listening and speaking depends on the learn-
ers’ needs.

Content-Based Language Instruction

Content-based language instruction is a communicative approach
based on the needs of those who are learning English to continue their
education. Language teaching and content instruction are integrated so
that learners develop knowledge and skills in a specific subject, such as
science, or a particular occupational field, such as health care, at the
same time as they develop their English language skills. Content-based
instruction is widely used in elementary and secondary schools, college
and university programs, and vocational training programs. In many
school districts in the United States, content-based instruction is called
sheltered instruction. In university settings, the approach is often
referred to as English for academic purposes. In Canada, the approach
has been widely implemented in French immersion as well as ESL

In Canada, French immersion students whose first language is not
French receive content-based French language instruction in most sub-
jects, although in the beginning stages they often respond in English.

9 Organizing Language Instruction 179

According to Fred Genesee, who has studied French immersion and
second language instruction, research shows that
• integrating content and language instruction is likely to be more
effective than teaching language in isolation
• instructional strategies and academic tasks that encourage pur-
poseful classroom talk are likely to be especially beneficial for sec-
ond language learning
• to maximize language learning, language development should be
systematically integrated with academic development


Content is more than a vehicle for language learning; it is selected for its
importance in students’ overall education. The teacher’s responsibility
is to devise activities that help students develop specific language skills
and practice using specific language features at the same time as they
learn content. Students who are creating a bar graph comparing annual
rainfall in various regions, for example, are engaged in the cognitive
activity of finding the information and recording it on a graph. The lan-
guage activity involves using language — both oral and written — to
communicate information on the graph, (e.g., twice as much as, half as
much as, five times more than, and fifty percent more than). The next lesson
may continue with a description of the water cycle, and students may
talk and write about a diagram of the cycle, using sequence markers
such as then, next, after that, and finally, in addition to practicing sub-
ject-verb agreement in the simple present tense.
The content selected for the language program varies according to
the learners’ level of English proficiency and the expectations of the
grade-level curriculum. Students in the very early stages of learning
English need to deal with relatively undemanding content that relates
to their immediate needs. Newcomers need to learn about the school
system, for example, as well as festivals and holidays, and everyday
topics such as food, clothing, sports, television, shopping, and transpor-
tation. Beyond the beginning stage, students work with more
demanding content, including material selected from the mainstream
curriculum. In addition, the program must focus on learner strategies
for acquiring a second language, such as inferring meaning from con-
text, using word roots and affixes, and consulting dictionaries.
Key Elements of Effective Content-Based Content-based instruction is a whole-to-part approach in which
Language Programs grammar is learned inductively, with help from the teacher. The gram-
• A comprehensible language environment mar to be introduced is usually determined by the subject and the
• Opportunities for interaction and academic task involved. A geography lesson, for example, might
purposeful language use involve using prepositions or comparative and superlative adjectives,
• Support for students’ first language and while a history lesson might emphasize past tenses, and a science lesson
cultural background might introduce passive verbs. Vocabulary is also determined by the
• Attention to students’ social and
emotional needs demands of the subject area. Listening and speaking activities are bal-
• Strong links to the mainstream curriculum anced with reading and writing, and the program includes explicit
• Instruction in specific language features instruction in specific academic skills and learning strategies.
that occur in specific contexts or subjects Though content-based language instruction is used in classes con-
• Instruction in effective learning strategies sisting exclusively of English language learners, it is also useful in
mainstream classrooms, where teachers have found that both English
language learners and their English-speaking peers benefit from the
increased attention paid to language and contextual support. Section 4
of this book, “Language Learning across the Curriculum,” includes sug-
gestions for planning curriculum and delivering lessons using a
content-based approach.

180 Section III The Language Learning Environment

To Learn More …

Books and Articles

Alladina, S. Being Bilingual: A Guide for Parents, Teachers and in some linguistic groups and suggests strategies for
Young People on Mother Tongue, Heritage Language and Bilin- reversing this.
gual Education. Stoke-on-Trent, U.K.: Trentham Books, 1995. Echevarria, J., and A. Graves. Sheltered Content Instruction:
Speaks directly to bilingual parents and children, as well as Teaching English-Language Learners with Diverse Abilities. 2nd
teachers. A suitable resource for discussions at par- ed. Boston, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon, 2003.
ent-teacher meetings, this book could be used as a source of Program models and instructional strategies for adapting
readings for adolescent English language learners. instruction for English language learners.
Baker, C. A Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide to Bilingualism. Echevarria, J., M.E. Vogt, and D.J. Short. Making Content Com-
Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Matters, 1995. prehensible for English Language Learners: The SIOP Model.
Helpful advice for parents and teachers on raising and teach- Boston, Mass.: Allyn & Bacon, 2000.
ing bilingual children, presented in question-and-answer Presents the sheltered instruction observation protocol
format. model (SIOP), which helps teachers provide comprehensible
Baker, C. Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 3rd instruction for English language learners.
ed. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Matters, 2002. Freeman, Y., D. Freeman, and S. Mercuri. Dual Language Essen-
Thorough introduction to bilingual education and tials for Teachers and Administrators. Portsmouth, N.H.:
bilingualism. Heinemann, 2004.
Cenez, J., and F. Genesee, eds. Beyond Bilingualism: Uses examples from schools and classrooms to show how
Multilingualism and Multilingual Education. Clevedon, U.K.: how effective dual language programs programs can help all
Multilingual Matters, 1998. students develop high levels of academic achievement as
Helpful articles on content-based language teaching, as well they become bilingual.
as case studies of language programs in various countries. Freeman, Y., D. Freeman, and S. Mercuri. Closing the Achieve-
Chamot, A.U., S. Barnhardt, P.B. El-Dinary, and J. Robbins. The ment Gap: How to Reach Limited-Formal-Schooling and
Learning Strategies Handbook. White Plains, N.Y.: Addi- Long-Term English Learners. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann,
son-Wesley Longman (now Pearson Education), 1999. 2002.
Guide to teaching learning strategies to English language Advice on program development and classroom practice for
learners. English language learners who arrive with limited or inter-
Chamot, A., and M. O’Malley. The CALLA Handbook: Imple- rupted schooling.
menting the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach. Garcia, G., ed. English Learners: Reaching the Highest Level of Eng-
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1994. Resource book for lish Literacy. Newark, Del.: International Reading
content-based language instruction. Association, 2003.
Clegg, J., ed. Mainstreaming ESL: Case Studies in Integrating ESL This book focuses on literacy instruction for English lan-
Students into the Mainstream Curriculum. Clevedon, U.K.: guage learners. Includes articles by experts such as Jim
Multilingual Matters, 1996. Cummins and Stephen Krashen.
Articles from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Genesee, F., ed. Educating Second-Language Children: The Whole
the United States providing practical strategies for integrat- Child, the Whole Curriculum, the Whole Community. New York:
ing language and content instruction in mainstream Cambridge University Press, 1994.
classrooms, as well as suggestions on school policy. Articles about approaches to second language instruction
Cloud, N., F. Genesee, and E. Hamayan. Dual Language Instruc- and excellent examples of content-based instruction.
tion: A Handbook for Enriched Education. Boston, Mass.: Heinle Kaufman, D., and Crandall, J. Content-Based Instruction in Pri-
& Heinle, 2000. mary and Secondary School Settings. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers
Source book for educators planning a bilingual program or of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. 2005.
teaching in a bilingual classroom. Practical approach to integrating language instruction with
Corson, D. Language, Minority Education and Gender: Linking curriculum content.
Social Justice and Power. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Mat- Krashen, S. Condemned without a Trial: Bogus Arguments against
ters, 1993. Bilingual Education. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1997.
Essential reading for educators involved in policy decisions Analyzes arguments against bilingual education and pro-
or planning language programs for minority language vides useful research-based information and counter-
students. arguments.
Cummins, J. Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children Larsen-Freeman, D. Techniques and Principles in Language Teach-
Caught in the Crossfire. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Matters, ing. 2nd ed. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2000.
2000. Overview of second-language instruction methods, includ-
Analyzes various approaches to ESL, heritage languages, ing TPR, the communicative approach, content-based
and bilingual education. Explains how traditional educa- instruction, and learner strategy training. Provides many
tional practices are largely responsible for academic failure classroom examples.

9 Organizing Language Instruction 181

Mace-Matluck, J., R. Alexander-Kasparik, and R. M. Queen. Roessingh, H., Kover, P., and Watt, D. Developing Cognitive
Through the Golden Door: Educational Approaches for Immigrant Academic Language Proficiency: The Journey. TESL Canada
Adolescents with Limited Schooling. Washington, D.C.: Center Journal, 23, 1, 2005.
for Applied Linguistics, 1998. The study documented in this article has significant implica-
Describes the educational needs of newcomer youth with tions for policy development and program planning for
limited schooling and provides guidelines for developing English language learners, confirming that these students,
educational programs for these students. including those who arrive at a young age, need focused lan-
Mohan, B., C. Leung, and C. Davison. English as a Second Lan- guage instruction for a significant period of time in order to
guage in the Mainstream: Teaching, Learning, and Identity. reach their academic potential.
Harlow, U.K.: Pearson Education, 2001. Schecter, S., and J. Cummins, eds. Multilingual Education in
Describes programs and policies for English language learn- Practice: Using Diversity as a Resource. Portsmouth, N.H.:
ers in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Several chapters Heinemann, 2003.
on integrating language and content instruction. Suggestions for developing language policies and preparing
Ovando, C.J., and V.P. Collier. Bilingual and ESL Classrooms: teachers to work effectively in linguistically and culturally
Teaching in Multilingual Contexts. 2nd ed. Columbus, Ohio: diverse settings.
McGraw-Hill, 1998. Short, D., and Boyson, B. Creating Access: Language and Aca-
Updated edition of a classic text on ESL, bilingual, and demic Programs for Secondary School Newcomers. Washington,
multicultural education. Includes chapters on content-based D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, 2004.
instruction in specific subjects, as well as research on bilin- Reporting on a study of 115 middle and high school new-
gual education and the English-only movement. comer programs, this book identifies important imple-
Rigg, P., and V.D. Allen, eds. When They Don’t All Speak English: mentation features and offers advice on setting up new-
Integrating the ESL Student into the Regular Classroom. Urbana, comer programs.
Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1989. Walqui, A. Access and Engagement: Program Design and Instruc-
Articles on topics such as program design, creating an effec- tional Approaches for Immigrant Students in Secondary School.
tive language learning environment, language variation, Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, 2000.
and language through content. Analyzes the special challenges faced by immigrant adoles-
cents and describes the characteristics of schools and
programs that effectively meet their educational needs.

Websites and Online Resources

Center for Applied Linguistics. <>. National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education). <www.
Information and links on second language acquisition and>.
bilingual education. Home to the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information on research, publications, educational pro-
Languages and Linguistics. grams, and classroom activities for linguistically and
Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence. culturally diverse learners.
<>. National Council of Teachers of English. <>.
Funds research projects and disseminates information This site has a collection of articles and reviews of books
related to the education of diverse groups of students. The related to the needs of English language learners in K-12
sheltered instruction observation protocol is of special inter- classrooms.
est. Video and manual available. Polyphony. <http:://
Genesee, F., ed. Program Alternatives for Linguistically Diverse polyphony/index2.html>
Students. Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Explores immigrant experiences through 8 different themes.
Excellence, 1999. <>. The education theme includes several articles on heritage
Describes various programs for educating students from languages.
diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Ruiz-de-Velasco, J., Fix, M.E., and Clewell, B.C. Overlooked and
Genesee, F. Integrating Language and Content: Lessons from Underserved: Immigrant Students in U.S. Secondary Schools.
Immersion. National Center for Research on Cultural Diver- This report focuses on students who arrive with disrupted
sity and Second Language Learning, 1994. < schooling, and “long-term” English language learners who
resources/digest/ncrcds05.html>. still have not caught up to age peers in literacy development.
Discusses the implications of research into French immer- Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2000. <
sion for the design and development of ESL programs. publications/310022.html>.
International Reading Association. <>. Urban Institute. <>.
This organization has published many useful books and arti- This site has many reports and other publications focusing
cles on programs and instructional approaches for English on the education of immigrant students and English lan-
language learners. guage learners.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and
Language Instruction Educational Programs (formerly

182 Section III The Language Learning Environment

10 Creating a Supportive
Language Learning Environment

Whether you are teaching an ESL class or a mainstream class that

includes English language learners, it is important to establish a learn-
ing environment that supports second language acquisition. This
chapter offers strategies designed to help you
• provide comprehensible instruction by using strategies that help stu-
dents understand more of what is going on
• provide supportive feedback that encourages students to take risks
and learn from their errors in using English
• incorporate students’ first languages as a tool for learning and as a
source of cultural enrichment for all students
• use cooperative learning strategies to promote the kind of oral interac-
tion that supports language acquisition

Providing Comprehensible Instruction

Comprehensible input is fundamental to second language acquisition.
Input (language) is comprehensible when students can use their prior
knowledge, visual support, or context to infer the meaning of new
words and expressions. Arabic numerals, for example, are used in most
of the world, with some minor differences. Seeing the numerals and
hearing them named enables English language learners to use their
prior knowledge to make the connection between the numerals and
their English names. If they also have an opportunity to watch and lis-
ten as you demonstrate addition, for example, on the chalkboard as you
say each step (e.g., “Eight plus two equals 10”), they will also learn the
words and expressions that describe the addition process.
You can make lessons comprehensible for second language learners
by becoming more aware of how language is used in your classroom
and by providing additional support for comprehension. Here are 20
strategies that will make the language used in your classroom more
1. Simplify vocabulary. Consider the difference between these two
instructions: “Learn the new words” and “Review the new vocabu-
lary.” Most second language learners are likely to understand the
first, but may have trouble with the second. In many subjects, the
amount of Latin-derived vocabulary increases as the content be-
comes more complex and abstract, and it is important to explain con-
cepts in simple language before introducing new words. To begin a
unit on photosynthesis, for example, explain, “We are going to learn

10 Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment 183

about how plants make food.” Teach the lesson, using visuals, mod-
els, and videos, and introduce the word photosynthesis only after
students understand the process.

2. Teach key words before the lesson. Select a few key words from the text
or lesson and teach their meaning by providing a picture, using ges-
tures or mime, giving the word in the students’ languages,
providing synonyms, using the word in a highly supported context,
or drawing an analogy.
3. Repeat and rehearse new words. When you introduce a new word,
articulate clearly. Say the word again as you write it on the chalk-
board or point to it on a classroom chart. Instruct students to repeat
it chorally and add the word, as well as an example of its use, to a
classroom word wall. Information on word walls and other ap-
proaches to vocabulary development are included in Chapter 12.
4. Recycle new words by reintroducing them in a new setting or use
recently learned words to introduce or expand a concept. To inter-
nalize the meaning of new words, students need to hear and use the
words several times in highly supported contexts.
5. Print, rather than write. Remember that cursive script may be espe-
cially difficult for students who are not familiar with the Roman
6. Provide plenty of concrete and visual support, such as models, toys,
math manipulatives, pictures, charts, flash cards, vocabulary lists,
posters, and banners. Demonstrate and provide hands-on activities.
7. Use key visuals to present key concepts. Key visuals are teacher-devel-
oped graphic organizers such as T-charts, Venn diagrams, flow
charts, concept maps, and timelines. Key visuals lower the language
barrier, enabling students to see relationships among ideas and to
develop thinking skills, such as classifying, connecting cause and
effect, following sequence, and comparing or contrasting informa-
tion. More detailed information on key visuals and their use is
included in Chapter 12.

184 Section III The Language Learning Environment

8. Simplify sentence structure. When making classroom presentations or
engaging in classroom discussion, it is important to use direct, per-
sonal language and to avoid complex sentences and passive verbs as
much as possible. Rather than saying, for example, “The homework
must be completed and handed in by Friday,” tell students: “You
must finish the work and give it to me on Friday.”
9. Emphasize key ideas and instructions. Pause before making an impor-
tant point. Make sure all students can see you, use gestures for
emphasis, raise the pitch and volume of your voice slightly, and
repeat or rephrase — or ask a student to do so. Give students an
opportunity to go over information and instructions orally in small
groups by telling them to take one minute to make sure everyone in
the group understands what to do next. You can also conduct ran-
dom checks to make sure that everyone in a group understands.
10. Use many nonverbal cues. Gestures, facial expressions, and mime help
learners understand what you are saying. Be aware, however, that
the meaning of some gestures varies from culture to culture. Chap-
ter 6 includes more information about nonverbal language.
11. Make notes to signal key ideas, new words, and so on. Use the chalkboard
or make a chart for use during the lesson and for future reference.
You can also provide summary sheets for students to refer to when
studying at home.
12. Give clear instructions. Because language learners may be unable to
process oral instructions quickly enough to understand fully, tell
students to rehearse instructions in groups before they start a task.
Provide clear and simply worded written instructions for home-
work and projects, and write page and exercise numbers on the
chalkboard as you say them. Language learners may not recognize
numbers when they are delivered in rapid speech and may have
trouble distinguishing between numbers such as fourteen and forty.
Without a written cue, they may completely misinterpret simple
instructions. When you say, for example, “Do questions 1 to 6,” they
may hear this as, “Do questions 1, 2, 6,” or “Do question 126. ”
13. Encourage oral rehearsal of key ideas and words. At the beginning of a
lesson, you might say, for example, “Make sure everyone in the
group knows four things about [key ideas from the previous les-
son],” or “Make sure everyone understands these five words that we
talked about yesterday.” You can also use this technique to summa-
rize key ideas at the end of a lesson.
14. Check often for comprehension. If you ask, “Do you understand?” some
Notes on chart paper help signal key words students may say yes simply to avoid embarrassment. Instead, test
and new ideas. their understanding by conducting random checks. Say, “Tell me
what you have to do next,” or “Show me the pages you have to read
for homework.” Make all group members responsible for ensuring
that everyone is on track.
15. Speak naturally and only slightly more slowly than you would when
talking to native speakers of English. This way, students will learn to
recognize the language as it is really spoken. It doesn’t help if they
understand you, but no one else! Explain contractions such as don’t
and spoken forms such as gonna, emphasizing the difference
between oral and written forms of the language.
16. Be aware of figurative and idiomatic language. If you say, “Run that by
me again,” or “Take a stab at it!” some students may translate these
expressions literally and be very confused. Avoid using idiomatic
expressions with students who are in the early stages of learning

10 Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment 185

English. Once students have developed some oral competence and
confidence in using English, however, take opportunities to teach
the meaning and use of idioms. English language learners under-
stand that these expressions add life and color to the language and
help them sound more like English speakers. Rephrase or explain
the idiom — or encourage other students to explain — and post a list
of the week’s idioms and figurative expressions on a bulletin board.
17. Provide enough response time when you question English language
learners. They need time to think in their first language and com-
pose a response in their second.
18. Provide peer tutors. These may be from the same class, or you may
wish to set up a cross-grade tutoring program. Students in the early
stages of learning English benefit from the help of bilingual peer
tutors who can clarify instructions, provide translations of key
words, and help you check comprehension. Even when they don’t
share a common language, peer tutors can be a valuable source of
support to newcomers.
19. Provide alternative resources. If a textbook is too difficult, look for a
resource that uses simpler language and more visual support. Work
with colleagues to rewrite the textbook for language learners or pro-
vide a simple chapter summary. Some students may be able to
“graduate” to the grade-level textbook after using the simplified
version to develop background knowledge and basic concepts.
20. Reduce anxiety levels. English language learners carry a double load.
At the same time as they are learning some of the content, they are
also learning the language of instruction. They will understand
more if they are not under stress. Focus on key concepts and skills
Tutors develop their social and leadership rather than all the content, and acknowledge progress in language
skills, feel a sense of accomplishment, and learning as well as content-based skills and knowledge.
often enhance their own understanding of a
concept after explaining it simply to some-
one else.
Providing Supportive Feedback
Second language learners rely on feedback from English-speaking
peers and teachers to help them learn English. It is important not to
point out or correct every error, however, as this may provide too much
feedback for the learners to deal with and may even inhibit them from
producing as much language as they need to in order to progress.
Remember that making errors is an important part of the language
acquisition process. Learners need supportive feedback to help them
learn from their errors. You can help students by responding systemati-
cally to their errors as they use English, both orally and in writing.

Responding to Oral Errors

Language learners may make several errors in a single statement or
question. When students are speaking, don’t interrupt them to correct
errors, as this may inhibit their language production. Most students —
especially adolescents — quickly become very reluctant to speak up in
front of peers if attention is drawn to their errors. Focus, instead, on
understanding what the student is saying and on responding to the
message. A student who says, for example, “We go a filltrip Tursday?”
is communicating a comprehensible message, despite the errors in
grammar and pronunciation. This does not mean that you should
ignore all errors, however.

186 Section III The Language Learning Environment

• Provide indirect feedback by modeling the correct form when you
respond to the message and occasionally remind students to moni-
tor their own output and your feedback. In response to the student
who asked about the field trip, you might say, for example, “Yes,
we are going on a field trip Thursday. Bring your lunch. Did your
mother sign the permission form?” You can also provide prompts
that keep an exchange going or expand on the student’s utterance
to provide a model of language that may be slightly beyond the
learner’s current level of competence.
Here is an example of how a teacher might provide feedback and
expand on a student’s utterance while modeling the past tense
form of had:
STUDENT: I no come school yesterday. I have hedeck.
TEACHER: You didn’t come to school because you had a head-
ache? Do you feel better today?
S T U D E N T : Yes, I feeling better today.

• Note specific, habitual errors so that you can provide direct instruction
later. Unless all the students in the class share the same problem,
however, it’s often best deal with errors privately or with a small

• Persist in your efforts to understand students. Their efforts to commu-

nicate are important. If you do not understand what a student has
said, ask her to repeat it. You might also try paraphrasing what
you think you heard and checking this with the student. If this
doesn’t help, ask another class member who speaks the student’s
first language to translate. If this isn’t possible, ask the student to
meet you later and move on with the lesson. With practice, you
will find that your ear for students’ language will improve, and
you will understand them more readily.

• Enlist the support of the more proficient English speakers in the class by
emphasizing that every lesson is a language lesson as well as a les-
son in science, music, mathematics, or another subject. Explain to
the class some of the factors involved in learning a second lan-
guage. Suggest that students watch how you deal with the errors
learners make when they are speaking and follow your example
when they interact with one another. Make this an expectation for
classroom behavior.

Responding to Written Language

When students speak, you probably focus on the message rather than
the form in which it’s delivered and are, therefore, less likely to notice
errors. This isn’t true of written work. When you read students’ writing,
you have plenty of time to examine both its content and form. In addi-
tion, some errors, such as sentence fragments, incorrect punctuation,
and misspellings, become evident only in writing. Here are some sug-
gestions for repairing students’ written errors.
• Read past the mistakes. To save yourself — and the student — from
becoming overwhelmed by the errors, focus first on content before
dealing with the language errors.

10 Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment 187

• Be selective. As with oral language, don’t try to deal with every
error a student makes. If you draw attention to every error, stu-
dents may decide to play it safe by handing in short, unimagina-
tive pieces. In addition, the traditional margin comments or
symbols may not provide enough information to help students
understand or correct their errors, while flagging every error with
a detailed marking code or explanation may confuse students with
too much information.

Focusing on Specific Errors • Focus on a consistent error of a specific type. Some errors may show
that students have either not acquired a particular language pat-
The following stories illustrate how teachers
can help students focus on a single error tern, such as plural endings or subject-verb agreement, or have
rather than overwhelming them by flagging adopted a faulty or incomplete pattern. Many students, for exam-
every mistake. In the first, the teacher has ple, go through a stage of generalizing the regular past tense -ed
focused on possessives; in the second, on the ending and applying it to most verbs. They may write things like,
formation of past tense verbs. “She gived it to me.”
In deciding which errors to focus on, select a language conven-
Method 1 (for beginners)
tion that is comprehensible at the student’s present stage of devel-
In April my sister get marry. We have big party in opment. For example, a student who records in a lab report, “We
my uncle house, it was more than 100 peoples come heat (the) water,” “We hot (the) water,” or “Water hot” is not ready
there. for a lesson on passive verbs (“The water was heated”). Still, he has
My sister name Deepa and her new husband successfully communicated one step in the scientific process.
name Hari. Hari have two sister, 14 and 16, I like In responding to students’ written work, focus your attention on
Hari sister. Hari make good joke, I like him too. the target error only and ignore the others. Doing this can be diffi-
Hari family in Hamilton so my sister leave home cult at first, because a teacher’s instinct is often to “fix” things.
to live in Hamilton. I miss my sister but she call me
• Select common errors as the language feature of the week and flag them
every day. Last weekend I go my sister house in
for explicit instruction and practice. Post a chart of examples on the
Hamilton. I go on bus. classroom wall for reference. Encourage students to edit their own
work carefully, paying special attention to the featured structure.
Method 2 (for more proficient learners) Recognize that students may need repeated instruction and prac-
Yesterday we went on field trip to museum. This tice over a period of months or years to acquire some patterns.
* was first time I ever visit museum in Canada. We
* saw dinosaurs who live million of years ago. There • Don’t correct students’ errors for them! Learners learn little when
are not any dinosaur in the world now, because others correct their work. It is more beneficial if they make the
they all died in Ice Age. Dinosaurs are extinct. I corrections themselves. When reviewing students’ writing, select a
saw one movie about dinosaurs that came back to specific error and flag it every time it occurs. With beginning
students, underline the error, as illustrated. With more proficient
life, it was Jurassic Park, I hope that never really
students, place an asterisk or other symbol in the margin next to
will happen. It was beautiful day and we had the line in which the error occurs.
* launch outside, I very enjoy our trip to museum. Hold a conference with individual students or teach a mini-
lesson to a group, giving explicit instruction about the specific lan-
guage feature you flagged. Older students may be able to
understand written explanations. At the end of the conference or
mini-lesson, encourage students to return to their piece of writing,
find the errors you marked, and correct them using what they have
learned about the language feature.

• Incorporate the writing process into the classroom program. As students

become more proficient, encourage them to keep their own editing
checklist containing examples of errors and corrections from their
own work. They can refer to the checklist during the editing stage
of the writing process. For more information on the writing pro-
cess, see Chapter 12.

188 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Ideas for Dual-Language Assignments • Be patient! Although students may be able to correct their own
Geography or Civics: Prepare a bilingual errors with your guidance in controlled situations, do not expect
booklet designed to help people applying for instant or permanent results. Some language features, such as sub-
citizenship. Each group’s booklet will be on ject-verb agreement, are acquired relatively late in the language
a different topic — government, geography, learning process, which may take five years or more. In the mean-
economy, politics, etc.
time, your consistent, persistent, and supportive feedback, as well
Language arts or literature: Create a poster to as that of your colleagues, will help raise students’ awareness of
celebrate an author who wrote in a language how English works and their own language learning processes. It
other than English. Include some quotations,
with translations. will also encourage students to continue monitoring their output.
Your efforts will show results in the end, though in some cases,
Geography: Make a bilingual advertisement these may not be evident until several years after students have
to attract visitors to your country or region.
moved on.
Science: Make a dual-language picture book
about a human biological process.You will
share your book with a younger child.
Mathematics or visual arts: Create a poster Incorporating Students’ Languages
showing the geometric shapes present in
real-life objects (e.g., textiles, buildings, and
household objects). You can draw the objects Many learners of English continue to need access to their first language
or use magazine pictures, photographs, until their proficiency in English catches up to that of their En-
pieces of fabric, and so on. Label your poster glish-speaking peers. This may take five years or more. Language learn-
in two languages. ers can think at a higher level and deal with more complicated ideas in
the language in which they are most proficient. For this reason, stu-
dents’ first language has a place in the classroom alongside English.
Even if you speak none of the languages of your students, you can
help them use their languages to support or enhance their learning.

• Encourage students to produce dual-language assignments. This

enables students who are proficient in languages other than En-
glish to make important contributions, emphasizes that all lan-
guages are valid means of communication, and encourages
students to continue to develop their first language skills.

• Provide opportunities for students to work with same-language partners

from time to time. This may enable students to complete challeng-
ing tasks more successfully than if they were required to work in
English only. Provide time for them to switch languages and prac-
tice in English before they report to you or the class or before they
hand in an assignment written in English. Students might, for
example, discuss a mathematics problem with a partner in what-
ever language(s) they choose, but at the end of a specified period,
they must be ready to give their solution in English. As students
work, circulate and ask them to update you, in English, on what
they have done so far.

• Don’t require English language learners to speak English in situations in

These students are using their first lan- which doing so is unnatural. When students who share a first lan-
guage to clarify information before they guage are having a conversation that involves no English speakers,
switch to English.
for example, they may find it frustrating and perhaps even preten-
tious to speak English to one another. Using their own language to
enhance learning will not reduce their motivation to learn English;
on the contrary, students who believe that their own language —
and their ability to speak it — is respected are more likely to feel
positive about learning English. And even though you don’t
understand what students are saying, you will not lose control of
the lesson as long as learners are involved in meaningful and

10 Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment 189

challenging activities and you have communicated clear expecta-
tions about the process and the product.

• Establish class guidelines for using languages other than English. Hold
an open discussion and encourage students to establish guidelines
about when it is — and is not — appropriate to use their first lan-
guage. Encourage students to share their perspectives by asking
questions like, “How does it feel to be shut out of a conversation?”
and “How does it feel to try to express yourself in English when
you are still learning the language?”

• Create multilingual displays and signs. Students might, for example,

create a display comparing how things such as greetings, polite
expressions, numbers, proverbs, animal sounds, and names are
expressed in their first language(s). When they do this, encourage
them to consult adult speakers of their first language. This will
help expand their knowledge of their first language and provide
parents with opportunities to become involved in their children’s
education. Keep in mind, too, that it may be necessary to show stu-
dents how to transliterate from languages that do not use the
Roman alphabet. Doing this helps reinforce common spelling con-
ventions in English. Students whose first language is English can
either be paired with a bilingual student or use a language they are
learning at school.

• Encourage students to write first drafts and outlines in their own lan-
guage. Many students are able to produce work of a much higher
quality if they can do some of the preliminary thinking and plan-
ning in their own language.

• Provide bilingual support for newcomers by enlisting the help of class-

room partners and cross-grade tutors. Train students to play these
roles by highlighting key concepts you want taught or translated
and by demonstrating instructional strategies you would like the
tutors to use. Be sure to acknowledge publicly the value of the
bilingual skills of these helpers.

• Encourage beginners to write in their first language. Students might,

This girl is writing in English after com- for example, write their first journal responses in their own lan-
pleting her first draft in Chinese. guage or insert words in their own language when they don’t
know the English word. If another student or a colleague can help
by translating, you may be surprised by the quality of the students’
writing in their own language compared with what they are able to
produce in English.

Cooperative Learning
Many experts recommend organizing cooperative learning groups to
provide opportunities for English language learners to practice using
English and to receive feedback that promotes language acquisition. In
addition, evidence suggests that students from some cultural back-
grounds may be more comfortable in a classroom that balances
collaboration with more traditional competitive activities and

190 Section III The Language Learning Environment

individual tasks. By focusing on the process as well as the product of
group work, cooperative learning also enables students to work effec-
tively with others from various cultural backgrounds, to develop
friendships that might not happen otherwise, and to experience the sat-
isfaction of helping others.
Cooperative learning is an essential strategy for supporting English
language learners in ESL programs. It is also an ideal strategy for inte-
grating English language learners into mainstream classrooms, where
all students can benefit from opportunities to deepen their understand-
ing and develop their problem-solving skills through purposeful talk.
The following sections offer brief suggestions for designing coopera-
tive learning tasks, creating and managing groups, and developing the
sociolinguistic skills students require to work effectively in groups in
multilingual classrooms. For more detailed cooperative learning re-
sources, see “To Learn More …” at the end of this chapter.

Cooperative Learning Tasks

Cooperative learning tasks are carefully structured to promote pur-
poseful talk and collaboration. Though there are many cooperative
learning activities, those outlined in the following are especially effec-
tive with English language learners.

Use group brainstorming to generate ideas. Establish guidelines before-
hand (e.g., all ideas are accepted without judgment; there is no
commitment to a particular idea; and everyone has the right to pass). To
encourage groups to work collaboratively, give each just one large sheet
of chart paper and one marker.
Students might, for example, brainstorm to create a KWL (What We
Know—What We Want to Know—What We Learned) chart to activate
their previous knowledge in preparation for starting a new topic or
reading or for generating ideas for projects. At the end of the unit or pro-
ject, instruct group members to revisit their chart to check which
statements in the Know column should be revised and which questions
in the Want to Know column they can now answer. Then tell them to fill
in the Learned column.
The chart following was created in preparation for a social studies
unit on the Middle Ages.

Medieval Times

What We Know What We Want to What We Learned

Some people lived in Why did they live in
castles. castles?
There were knights on What did knights do?
horses. Why were some
Some people were people so poor?
very poor. What clothes did
Robin Hood lived in people wear?
medieval times. Did they have doctors
and medicine in those
Did kids have to work
or go to school?

10 Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment 191

Begin by posing a review or extension question to the class. Instruct stu-
dents think about the question on their own, then turn to a partner to
share their thoughts. Call on one or two students to share their ideas
with the class.

Similar to think-pair-share, this activity is completed in a larger group
and is an effective way of rehearsing vocabulary and expressing key
Begin by posing a question to the class (e.g., What does adjacent
mean?). Give students time to confer briefly, then call on one or two to
share their ideas.
These students are sharing their answers to
a think-pair-share question. THREE-STEP INTERVIEW
The three-step interview enables students to discuss ideas with a part-
ner before speaking in a larger group or before the whole class.

• Step 1: Students form pairs, and one interviews the other, asking
questions about a topic (e.g., Is it more important to spend money
on building new roads for cars or on improving public transit?).
Encourage the interviewers to ask follow-up questions and probe
for details or explanations.

• Step 2: Students switch roles.

• Step 3: Students share what they discussed with a larger group or

the whole class.

Learning teams require students to work together to review or apply
new concepts, ensuring that everyone on the team understands. This
activity works well for rehearsing tests or assignments and prepares
students to write a similar test or complete a similar assignment on their
own. After presenting new material, for example, you might instruct the
learning teams to discuss a review or extension question.
Learning teams also work well with problem-solving activities.
Group problem solving in mathematics, for example, helps students
practice using mathematical language and basic vocabulary.
• Assign a math problem to each learning team. The groups might
work on the same problem or several different ones.
• Explain that everyone on the team is responsible for ensuring that
all group members understand and are able to explain a solution.
The goal is to be able to say, “We all understand it now.”
• Tell team members to begin by making sure that everyone under-
stands all the words in the problem. Then instruct students to discuss
the problem and try out various solutions until they agree on one.
Finally, tell them to help one another rehearse the explanation because
you may call on any one of them to present the team’s solution.
• When you check solutions, do not ask for volunteers; select
students at random. Reduce stress by encouraging other group
These students are supporting one members to come to the aid of a student who gets stuck. This is
another’s learning by reviewing key learning opportunity, not a test. You might also try pairing a
concepts and vocabulary together. beginning language learner with a bilingual student to help
explain the solution in English.

192 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Step 1: Base Groups The jigsaw method is useful when students must handle a large amount
Teambuilding of information or understand diverse points of view. The best jigsaw
Providing context activities are open-ended and help develop higher-level cognitive skills
Pre-teaching key vocabulary such as evaluating and synthesizing facts and opinions, especially if the
task involves problem solving as well as knowledge of facts.
• Assign a task and divide the class into base groups of three to five
• Assign a different subtopic to each student in the base group.
• Instruct students who have been assigned the same subtopic to join
others assigned the same subtopic to work together on the
assigned reading or research task.
• Provide guiding questions and instructions. Encourage students to
help each other understand and rehearse the material. Circulate
Step 2: Topic Groups from group to group to offer help or guidance when needed.
Depending on the task assigned and the organization of your time-
Reading/checking comprehension
Discussion/summarizing table, students may spend more than one period working in their
Planning/rehearsing expert groups.
• Instruct students to return to their base groups to share and discuss
what they have learned about their subtopic. They then work in
their base group to complete the task, reach consensus, or solve a
problem related to the information.

Cooperative projects provide opportunities for students to become
experts on different topics or subtopics and to make a unique contribu-
tion to the class. Though this method is especially suitable for
end-of-course assignments and independent-study projects, students
Step 3: Base Groups need plenty of experience with projects and teacher-directed group
Sharing information work before attempting a cooperative project.
Synthesis/application • Identify a general topic or issue for investigation (e.g., Are our
Reporting to the class
country’s natural resources in danger?) and work with students to
brainstorm a list of subtopics like those shown on the following
• Encourage students to make suggestions for refining and catego-
rizing the questions. Use the questions to create a concept map
showing the organization of the projects.
• Divide the class into groups to explore the subtopics. Rather than
assigning students to specific groups, you might encourage them
to join groups on the basis of their interest in the subtopic. If a
group is too large, students can discuss how to subdivide it further
to create smaller groups.
• Students meet in their groups to identify tasks for each group
member. They may need to conduct preliminary research to find
out what their subtopic involves.
• Organize a steering committee with a representative from each
group. This group meets with you regularly to coordinate tasks
and timelines.
• With your assistance as required, students conduct research, using
the library, interviews and surveys, visual media, Internet
resources, and so on. For suggestions on helping students with
research projects, see Chapter 12.
• Students synthesize their information and prepare a group

10 Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment 193

Fish Oil
A Sample Jigsaw Problem-Solving Task: Where are our fisheries? What is oil?
What should we do with the Toronto What kinds of fish are caught? Where does our oil come from?
waterfront? How are fish caught? How is oil pumped from the
The Toronto waterfront is an unattractive What happens to the fish after ground?
area of the city with abandoned warehouses, they are caught? How is oil used?
polluted water, and empty land. People in
How do the fish get to stores? How is oil delivered to homes
Toronto have different ideas about how to
What environmental problems and factories?
bring the area back to life and make it an
attractive area for people to live or visit. are associated with fishing? What environmental problems
are associated with the use of
These people are at a community meeting oil?
to discuss the future of the waterfront:
1. An environmentalist Natural Resources
2. A property developer
3. A local resident (a homeless person living Forests Water
in a tent city) Where are our forests? Where does our fresh water
4. An expert from the city’s planning come from?
department What kinds of forests does our
country have? How do we use water?
These four people have different opinions on How do we use trees? How is hydro-electric power
the question, “What should we do with the created?
Toronto waterfront?” You will read the How are trees cut?
opinion of one of these people. Then you What happens to the trees after How is water made safe to
will play the role of this person in the they are cut? drink?
meeting. Your job is to persuade the others What environmental problems How is water delivered to
to agree with your opinion. are associated with the forestry homes?
industry? What environmental problems
are associated with water?

• Each group presents its information to the whole class. Ensure that
the rest of the class takes notes on the presentation or instruct the
groups to prepare a handout on their presentation.
Cooperative projects can also be used to investigate issues that have
arisen within the school, such as whether the school should organize a
Christmas concert or whether students should be required to wear uni-
forms. Teams of students can gather information on various aspects of
the issue and make recommendations. One team might interview par-
ents, for example, while another interviews students, another teachers,
and another school administrators.

Creating and Managing Groups

To be effective, group work must be carefully structured and managed.
• Assign students to heterogeneous groups. Research indicates that het-
erogeneous groups are the most effective in promoting academic
achievement and positive intercultural relationships. English lan-
guage learners benefit from working in groups with more profi-
cient English speakers who serve as language models and provide
feedback. There may be times, however, when it is more beneficial
to group English language learners together for a short time. One
of these occasions might be during the expert group phase of a jig-
saw activity.
It is not usually a good idea to allow students to choose their
own groups. Students naturally gravitate to those whom they per-
ceive as similar to themselves and those with whom they have

194 Section III The Language Learning Environment

established a relationship. Because one of your goals is to provide
all students with opportunities to expand their social world,
explain this to students and then assign them to groups. You might
start with random groupings that change daily until you know the
students well enough to assign them to long-term groups that
might work together throughout an entire unit of study.
Balance the groups as much as possible, taking into account fac-
tors such as gender, learning style, proficiency in English, exper-
tise in the subject area, and so on. Whenever you change the
groups, start with an icebreaker that helps students get to know
one another. You might, for example, use a three-step interview on
topics such as favorite sports, music, and so on.

• Keep groups small to maximize opportunities for every student to

participate in activities and discussions. Most experts recommend
groups of three to five students. Groups of four are flexible because
they can easily be regrouped into pairs for some activities.

• Emphasize collaboration by establishing guidelines such as the

– A task is not complete until everyone in the group has finished
or understands the material.
– The group’s goal is not to finish first but to complete the task
– The satisfaction of a job well done is its own reward.
– People who learn how to work effectively with others will be
more successful in the workplace and the community.
– It feels good to help others.

• Establish clear routines and expectations for group work. Know what
every group is doing at all times and establish a routine for getting
students’ attention quickly (e.g., a small bell, a tambourine, or
three handclaps) so that you can give additional instructions or
information, solicit feedback, and check on progress. In addition,
establish routines to deal with matters such as student attendance
or absence, distributing resources, collecting homework, and set-
ting up the classroom. Every day, or every week if groups will be
working together for some time, instruct each group to delegate a
different member to fetch and distribute materials and equipment,
collect and hand in homework, and so on. This person might also
be responsible for checking that all group members have com-
pleted homework, have brought in required materials, and are
prepared for class.
Give instructions once only and say, “Now make sure everyone
in your group knows what to do.” This should result in a short,
concentrated buzz of repetition and confirmation. Use the same
technique at the end of class to review homework instructions.
Provide clear timelines for completing tasks. If a task is expected to
take five minutes, warn the class when one minute is left.
Always place an extra chair at every table. You can use this when
you visit the groups, or it can be used by other students when they
are acting as consultants or interviewers.

10 Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment 195

Developing Sociolinguistic Skills
Cooperative learning emphasizes the social skills necessary for working
effectively in groups. Some newcomers have had little experience with
cooperative learning and may feel lost unless the work is highly struc-
tured, with strong support and monitoring from the teacher.
To implement cooperative learning successfully, it is important to
develop students’ social skills or sociolinguistic competence by provid-
ing instruction in the conversational strategies required to manage
disagreement, take turns, offer help, and so on. For more information on
conversational strategies, see Chapter 6.
Students involved in a problem-solving discussion involving differ-
ing perspectives on a controversial issue, for example, might disagree
with one another. Unless they are skilled in managing disagreement,
they may end up dismissing other students’ opinions, ignoring others’
contributions, or alienating others in various ways.
Managing disagreement requires work before the discussion begins.
Say to the class, “You may have some differences of opinion as you
work on this task. That’s okay; this is a topic that people often disagree
about, but you do need to hear what everybody thinks. You may learn
something that will cause you to think again about your own opinion.
You might think of a good argument to support your opinion, or you
might want to change it after listening to someone else’s. Let’s talk
about how you can express disagreement with someone without put-
ting that person down. Brainstorm in your groups for a couple of min-
utes: Is it always necessary for everyone to agree? How can you express
disagreement but keep the discussion going?”
Call on students from each group to contribute to a list of ways of
expressing disagreement. You may need to expand the students’ reper-
toire by adding some expressions, especially the more formal ones.
Then, encourage students to categorize the language by creating a
three-column chart like the one shown on this page.

What Can You Say When …

you disagree with someone’s opinion?
Formal or Polite Informal Rude
I have a different point of view. We’re not on the same wavelength. No way!
I don’t agree with you. Let me I don’t go along with that. That’s a stupid idea.
explain my position. I don’t really see it that way. That’s so dumb.
I don’t agree. I don’t see eye to eye with you on that. Where did you get that idea?
I disagree. Look at it this way. You gotta be kidding!
I have another point of view. My problem with what you’re saying You’re joking!
I’m not sure about that. is … Get outta here!
Let’s take a vote. Do you really think so? Oh, come on!
Let’s agree to disagree.

It is important to explain that these distinctions are sometimes

blurred. Close friends, for example, can sometimes be rude to each other
without causing offense. In addition, whether an expression is inter-
preted as rude sometimes depends on tone of voice, gestures, and facial
expression. In the classroom, however, encourage students to choose

196 Section III The Language Learning Environment

expressions from the first two columns, attempting consciously to
expand their language repertoire.
Before the discussion begins, remind students to use the expressions
discussed. Tell them: “Remember, I want to see you expressing your
ideas and listening to one another. If you disagree, express your opinion
in the constructive ways we just talked about.”
As the groups work, circulate and observe how they handle disagree-
ment. When you see students who are managing especially well, you
may wish to ask them to model their discussion for the class. At the end
of the session, discuss what you observed and encourage students to
add to their list of ways of indicating disagreement.
Students’ use of these conversational strategies may be a little forced
at first. With practice and support, however, their use of this language
will become more spontaneous. Post the chart and add new charts as the
school year progresses. By the end of the year, several lists of conversa-
tional strategies may be displayed.
• What can you say when you want a turn?
• What can you say when you want to stop someone who is talking
too much?
• What can you say when you want to bring the group back on topic?
• What can you say when it’s time to finish?
• What can you say when you don’t understand?
• What can you say to encourage someone who is too shy to speak?
Cooperative learning should be included in every teacher’s reper-
toire, especially in classrooms where some or all of the students are
learning the language of instruction. By participating in well-structured
small-group activities, English language learners practice speaking
English and receiving feedback in a supportive way. They also develop
a variety of conversational strategies for use in real-life situations.
At the same time, working in heterogeneous groups helps students
learn to work effectively in a mixed cultural setting and, perhaps, to
expand their circle of friends. This is especially important for newcom-
ers who might otherwise find it difficult to fit in and make friends. In
addition, the academic benefits are clear: opportunities for purposeful
talk improve understanding, help develop communication skills, and
promote higher achievement among all students.

10 Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment 197

To Learn More …

Books and Articles

Abrami, P., B. Chambers, C. Poulsen, C. De Simone, S. Edwards, V. (1996) The Other Languages: a Guide to Multilingual
d’Apollonia, and J. Howden. Classroom Connections: Under- Classrooms. Reading: National Centre for Language and Lit-
standing and Using Cooperative Learning. Toronto, Ont.: eracy (U.K.): <>.
Harcourt Brace, 1995. The language profiles in this booklet provide interesting and
Introduction to cooperative learning provides theoretical helpful information for teachers. The author also suggests
background and summarizes methods. ways of working with children to enhance the multilingual
Bartram, M., and R. Walton. Correction: A Positive Approach to climate of the school, and provides models that teachers can
Language Mistakes. Hove, U.K.: Language Teaching Publica- use to conduct their own language surveys and develop new
tions, 1991. language profiles.
Helpful advice on providing supportive feedback in Edwards, V. (1998) The Power of Babel: Teaching and Learning in
response to students’ oral and written language. Multilingual Classrooms. Stoke-on Trent, England: Trentham
Bassano, S., and Christison, M.A. Community Spirit: A Practi- Books.
cal Guide to Collaborative Language Learning. Burlingame, This book recounts the experiences of teachers, parents and
CA: ALTA Book Center, 1995. students working together on multilingual projects that
Practical ideas for creating a supportive, collaborative class- allow all children to participate in a rich multilingual
room culture. environment.
Clarke, J., R. Wideman, and S. Eadie. Together We Learn: Erickson, T., R. Craig, and S. Noll. Get It Together: Math Problems
Co-operative Small Group Learning. Scarborough, Ont.: for Groups, Grades 4–12. Berkeley, Calif.: Regents of the Uni-
Prentice-Hall (now Pearson Education), 1990. versity of California, 1989.
A practical handbook for teachers at all levels. Designed to promote the equitable participation of minori-
Coelho, E. (1998) Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Schools: ties and females in mathematics and science. Includes
An Integrated Approach. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual reproducibles. For more information about this and other
Matters. materials that promote interactive problem-solving in math
Examines schools and classrooms as cultural and linguistic and science, visit the Lawrence Hall of Science site:
environments and provides practical strategies for integrat- </>.
ing diverse languages and cultures into mainstream Hadfield, J. Classroom Dynamics. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univer-
programs. sity Press, 1992.
Coelho, E. Learning Together in the Multicultural Classroom. Activities for creating an environment that helps students
Toronto, Ont.: Pippin Publishing, 1994. interact comfortably when completing group tasks.
Focuses on implementing cooperative learning in middle Hess, N. Teaching Large Multilevel Classes. Cambridge: Cam-
and secondary school classrooms where some or all of the bridge University Press, 2000.
learners are learning the language of instruction. Useful for teachers working with groups of students at vari-
Coelho, E. Jigsaw. Toronto, Ont.: Pippin, 1991. ous stages of English language proficiency.
Content-based reading and discussion tasks and problem- Johnson, D., and R. Johnson. Creative Controversy: Intellectual
solving activities for English language learners in middle Challenge in the Classroom. 3rd ed. Edina, Minn.: Interaction
and secondary school. Book Company, 1995.
Coelho, E., and L. Winer. Jigsaw Plus. Toronto, Ont.: Pippin, How to structure intellectual and academic conflicts within
1991. cooperative learning groups to promote critical thinking and
More content-based reading and discussion tasks and prob- problem solving.
lem-solving activities for English language learners. Johnson, D., R. Johnson, and E. Holubec. Circles of Learning. 5th
Cummins, J., et al. (2005) Affirming Identity in Multilingual ed. Edina, Minn.: Interaction Book Company, 2002.
Classrooms. Educational Leadership Vol. 63 No. 1, September Introduction to cooperative learning.
2005: 38-43. Johnson, D.M. “Grouping Strategies for Second Language
This article explains the value of incorporating students’ Learners.” In F. Genesee, ed., Educating Second-Language
home languages and cultures into the classroom program, Children: The Whole Child, the Whole Curriculum, the Whole
and describes some projects that use linguistic and cultural Community. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
diversity as an asset. Advice on grouping second language learners in ESL and
Dörnyei, Z., and Murphey, T. Group Dynamics in the Language mainstream classrooms and on promoting classroom
Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. interaction.
Practical advice on how to manage group work. The focus is Keller, E., and S.T. Warner. Conversation Gambits. Hove, U.K.:
on the language classroom but the ideas are applicable in Language Teaching Publications, 1988.
every classroom where some or all of the students are learn- Originally developed for francophone civil servants in Can-
ing the language of instruction. ada, the activities in this book help students acquire a range
of conversational strategies.

198 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Samway, K.D., G. Whang, and M. Pippitt. Buddy Reading: Schecter, S., and J. Cummins, eds. Multilingual Education in
Cross-Age Tutoring in a Multicultural School. Portsmouth, Practice: Using Diversity as a Resource. Portsmouth, NH:
N.H.: Heinemann, 1995. Heinemann, 2003.
Authors share their experiences with cross-grade tutoring in This book provides specific suggestions for incorporating
an elementary setting. Suggestions for setting up the pro- students’ linguistic and cultural knowledge into the school
gram and training tutors are helpful for teachers of all levels. environment. Includes classroom stories with photographs
Scarcella, R. Teaching Language Minority Students in the Multi- and many examples of students’ writing and artwork.
cultural Classroom. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall Sloan, S. The Complete ESL/EFL Cooperative and Communicative
(now Pearson Education), 1990. Activity Book: Learner-Directed Activities for the Classroom.
Includes chapters on providing comprehensible lessons and Lincolnwood, Ill: National Textbook Company, 1991.
incorporating students’ languages and cultures. A variety of classroom activities for grades 6 to 12.
Rigg, P., and V.D. Allen, eds. When They Don’t All Speak English: Thibault, N. Using L1 to Support L2 Learning: Best Practices the
Integrating the ESL Student into the Regular Classroom. Urbana, OCDSB Way. Canadian Association of Second Language
Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1989. Teachers, 2001. <>
Articles on topics such as program design, creating an effec- Walker, S., Edwards, V., and Leonard, H. Write Around the
tive language learning environment, language variation, World. Reading: National Centre for Language and Literacy
language experience, and language through content. (U.K.): 1998.
Practical ideas for producing bilingual resources in the class-
room. <>.

Websites and Online Resources

Cooperative Learning Center. <>. Jigsaw Classroom. <>.
This organization develops and disseminates theory and Background information on the development of the jigsaw
research related to cooperative learning, as well as practical technique, as well as its current application as a classroom
classroom strategies. strategy that serves many purposes.
Family Pastimes < >. Kagan Publishing and Professional Development. <www.
Cooperative games for large and small groups. Ideal for>.
prompting problem-solving discussion and for helping stu- Information on classroom resources and training work-
dents learn the value of cooperation. shops, including Spencer Kagan’s source book, Cooperative
International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Edu- Learning.
cation. <>. Tribes. <>.
International non-profit organization publishes a regular Information about the Tribes approach to creating a positive
newsletter and hosts local and international conferences. school or classroom environment, with an emphasis on col-
Site includes annotated bibliography of resources on cooper- laborative groups, or tribes.
ative learning and second language instruction, as well as
links to other resources and sites.

10 English Language Learners from Far and Near 199

11 Supporting Beginning Language

Newcomers of all ages arrive at schools with varying levels of profi-

ciency in English. Many of them have had little or no previous exposure
to English. These beginning language learners need special attention
and support during their first months in the new school environment.
They may spend part of the day in an ESL class, but there should also be
times when they are integrated into the mainstream classroom along-
side their English-speaking peers. The approaches and activities
described in this chapter are appropriate for beginning language learn-
ers in both ESL and mainstream classrooms.
In ESL classes, the activities help beginners start developing basic
communication skills. They emphasize a basic vocabulary, simple sen-
tence patterns, and oral communication as the basis for completing
subsequent reading and writing tasks.
In mainstream classes, the activities can be used when beginners can-
not benefit from participating in the same activities as their
English-speaking peers. Working alone on exercises is not an effective
way to learn a language, however, so it is important to keep to a mini-
mum the amount of individual work assigned to new learners of English.
Remember that these students need opportunities to talk with more pro-
ficient English speakers who can serve as language models and peer
tutors. For this reason, it is advisable to organize the class so that begin-
ners can work on these activities with a partner, a volunteer, or a peer
tutor. Though beginners may sometimes complete this work within the
mainstream classroom, at other times they may benefit from working
with a partner or a tutor in a separate location — for a short time.
Beginning language learners benefit from Bilingual peer tutors and volunteers who speak the newcomer’s lan-
working with a partner.
guage as well as English can help clarify instructions and orient
students to school and classroom routines. Using beginners’ first lan-
guage will not hinder their acquisition of English; in fact, helping
students feel relaxed and confident by explaining tasks in their own lan-
guage encourages them to become more actively involved in classroom
activities that support their learning English.
The following language-teaching techniques are especially helpful
when working with beginners.
• functional language
• visual support
• copying and labeling
• physical activity
• choral work, song, and role plays
• a rich print environment
• experience-based learning
• language experience stories

200 Section III The Language Learning Environment

• listening to stories on tape
• using games and puzzles

Functional Language
The goal of second language learners is to be able to use the language as
richly and as flexibly as their English-speaking peers. To do this, how-
ever, they must start by learning the language of daily life: survival
expressions, basic vocabulary, and simple script.

Survival Expressions
Some Essential Survival Expressions Newly arrived students must acquire some essential phrases to begin
May I go to the washroom? Yes, you may. communicating in the classroom and finding their way around their
What’s your name? My name is … new environment. At first, they may learn these survival expressions as
chunks, with little or no understanding of the individual words.
Where do you come from? I come from …
Teach these expressions by modeling, using actions or pictures to
What language do you speak? I speak …
support the meaning, and by involving students in repetition, choral
What time does school start? At …
practice, and simple role plays. With younger children, using puppets is
What’s this? It’s a … effective. Focus on whole expressions and short exchanges that students
How old are you? I am … can use immediately.
I don’t understand.
Please say it again.
Basic Vocabulary
Will you help me?
Please, thank you, you’re welcome. Teach the basic, functional vocabulary needed for daily use and class-
room work. Because words that are not reinforced in the natural
language environment will not be remembered, select words that stu-
dents will hear others using and will use themselves. Beginners need to
learn the names of classroom objects, places in the school, and the
names and job titles of the people with whom they interact. They also
need to learn simple words relating to food, body parts, clothing, ani-
mals, and physical actions.
As soon as learners can identify some of these words orally, they can
learn to read them. Label classroom objects and pictures and point to the
words as you say them, then ask students to repeat the words after you.
You can also print the words on index cards and ask students to match
them with objects and pictures.
You can also encourage students to make their own picture dictio-
naries, devoting a page or two to words relating to particular topics,
such as classroom furniture, clothing, weather, sports, and so on, as well
as specific curriculum areas, such as music and mathematics.

Simple Script
The first languages of many newcomers do not use the Roman alphabet.
As a result, these students may not even be familiar with the direction of
print in English and need to learn to recognize the letters, say their
names, and use alphabetical order.
Beginners need to learn basic subject For most beginners, writing will consist mostly of copying familiar
vocabulary right away. words and labeling pictures. Students who are new to the Roman alpha-
bet will need explicit instruction on where to start and end a letter. Do
not expect beginners to read or write cursive script, no matter how old

11 Supporting Beginning Language Learners 201

they are. They need to start with hand printing or simple computer-
generated text: 12-point type in a sans serif face such as Arial is best.

This kind of print is helpful to beginners of all ages.

Visual Support
Pictures, manipulatives, and physical objects are part of every language
teacher’s basic toolkit.

Magazines, catalogues, supermarket flyers, and other advertising mate-
rials are good sources of photographs and drawings. Clip art packages
are a useful source of visual material. Organize these pictures into cate-
gories, such as food, clothing, furniture, school, home, sports, and so on.
Be sure your collection includes pictures of people of various ethno-
cultural backgrounds and both genders in various roles and contexts.
You might also take photographs of students as they take part in
activities such as a field trip, a physical education class, or eating lunch
in the cafeteria. These pictures can then be used to prompt oral retelling,
as well as writing captions and speech balloons.
Picture dictionaries are especially useful for beginners because they
present vocabulary through photographs or drawings that are orga-
nized by category or theme (e.g., school, home, and travel) rather than
in alphabetical order. Give a page from the picture dictionary to the stu-
dent and a volunteer, a classroom peer, or a cross-grade tutor, and
instruct the helper to ensure that the language learner knows a specific
set of words (i.e., can point to the pictures, say the words, read the
words, and copy or write them) by the end of a specified period. Some
picture dictionaries are available in bilingual versions.

202 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Manipulatives and Physical Objects
As an aid to teaching basic vocabulary, collect real objects, such as items
of clothing, fruits and vegetables, and household items, as well as repli-
cas, such a teaching clock and toy animals.
Mathematics manipulatives are also very useful. You can use blocks
in various shapes and sizes, colored rods, two-dimensional shapes, and
so on to teach words relating to size, shape, and color as well as preposi-
tions, such as on, under, beside, and next to.

Copying and Labeling

Copying and labeling activities are appropriate when students are
either just starting to learn English or are in an early stage of literacy
development. As soon as students have learned to recognize some
words (i.e., when they can say the word and point to the correct object or
Use manipulatives to teach words relating picture when someone else says the word), give them a page of pictures
to size, shape, and colour as well as
prepositions. and instruct them to draw from the list of words at the bottom to label
each picture. Make this task a little more challenging by adding one or
two extra words.

Physical Activity
The Total Physical Response approach helps beginning language learn-
ers feel comfortable as they begin to recognize and respond to their first
English words, which relate to everyday physical actions. Students
demonstrate their understanding by following oral instructions, but
they are not required to speak until they are ready.

globe car teacher

student bookshelf wall map
book desk teachers
teacher and books computer

11 Supporting Beginning Language Learners 203

Later, students hear and repeat the words for physical actions as they
watch and carry out actions. Repeating words and phrases at the same
time as they carry out actions helps them acquire basic vocabulary as
they learn a new dance, practice a specific movement, or participate in a
TPR works well in the context of games and physical education. Stu-
dents learn words and phrases such as run, jump, pass the ball, step back,
and throw the ball. They also learn adverbial expressions such as not like
that, like this, quickly, and smoothly, as well as spatial expressions such as
on, over, to the right, clockwise, and through. Physical activities also help
the students learn the names of body parts as the teacher demonstrates
expressions such as bend your knees, on your toes, and from the shoulder.
Labeled drawings and written labels on the equipment help students
learn to read and write the new English words.
Physical activity need not be restricted to the gym and playground,
however. In the classroom, it can provide a change of pace that appeals
to a variety of learning styles. Combined with chant or song, physical
activity is very effective with young children, who enjoy songs that are
accompanied by gestures. Older students can use the same technique
when they must memorize facts and lists such as the multiplication
tables or the periodic table of elements.

Choral Work, Songs, and Role Plays

Engaging in physical activity helps
students relate words to actions. Students develop confidence when they have opportunities to practice
new expressions in a group, rather than individually. A variety of tech-
niques can be used to do this.
• Use choral repetition to help students learn how to pronounce new
words. When you introduce a word, articulate clearly and encour-
age students to repeat it in chorus. Say the word again — and
encourage students to do the same — as you write it on the chalk-
board or point to it on a chart.
• Provide a simple dialogue in which several students share one
role. Lead the chorus yourself to provide support as students read.
• Read aloud often so that students become familiar with the rhythm
and intonation patterns of English. Re-read phrases or short pas-
sages, encouraging students to chime in when they can.
• Introduce chants that set common expressions and sentence pat-
terns to music. These help learners of all ages internalize stress and
intonation patterns, as well as common expressions. See “To Learn
More …” at the end of this chapter for information on Carolyn Gra-
ham’s Jazz Chants.
• Use songs to help students learn the rhythms of English, as well as
simple vocabulary, through repetition. Choose songs that tell a
story, feature a chorus or rhyme, can be accompanied by actions, or
can be illustrated with pictures. Multicultural folk songs are a rich
source of suitable material.
• Create cloze activities from songs by printing the lyrics and delet-
ing individual words or short phrases that students must listen for.
• Provide opportunities for students to rehearse language in
role-play situations. Because the point of the role play is to prac-
tice, not perform, it need not be presented to the class. Role-play
situations may involve creating extensions to or alternative end-
ings for stories or working out how to handle everyday problems
and situations. A typical assignment might read as follows:

204 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Work with a partner. One is the teacher and one is the student.
The student did not finish the homework last night. Use the fol-
lowing words in your conversation:
I’m sorry …
I didn’t …
Why didn’t you …?
I will …
I won’t …
Next time …

A Rich Print Environment

Surrounding students with print, in English and their own languages,
encourages them to learn to recognize, read, and write words.
• Label classroom objects and places in the school in more than one
• Surround learners with environmental print such as street signs,
brand names, labels, advertisements, and material written by
• Introduce students to computers and software. Some students
from other countries have had limited access to computers, and
many new immigrant families do not have a computer at home.
Introduce simple word processing and graphic programs. Stu-
dents can start by creating simple labels and captions for photos
and classroom objects. They will learn more if they work with a
partner, reading to each other, discussing choices, and taking turns
at the keyboard.
• Provide plenty of reading material written at a level suitable for
beginning language learners. Various publishers produce material
that uses controlled vocabulary and sentence structure and is writ-
ten specifically for beginning learners. See the list at the end of
Chapter 5 for information on some of these materials.
New words on this classroom’s word wall • Create a word wall with charts of words and phrases related to
are highlighted on different-colored cards.
specific concepts (e.g., words about size, words related to mathe-
matics, or words related to a specific story). It’s helpful to provide
examples of some words in context. Picture cues are also helpful
for beginners.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Related Examples

province provincial We live in the
province of
Our provincial
government is
in Victoria.
culture cultural multicultural People from
many cultures
live in British

11 Supporting Beginning Language Learners 205

Experience-Based Learning
Hands-on experiences inside and outside the classroom help language
learners acquire basic vocabulary. The children in the photographs, for
example, were making a kite. In the process, they used language about
size, shape, and color; gave and followed instructions; and used polite
forms such as, “May I have the scissors?” Then each talked about the
kite before going outside to fly it. When they came inside again, the
teacher instructed them to write or complete some patterned sentences
about making and flying kites. Reading aloud a story about a kite is also
a good idea.
Making a kite provides beginning To teach the names of fruits and vegetables and to provide practice in
language learners with opportunities to using the language of shopping, for example, you might escort a group
learn to use new vocabulary and practice to a nearby supermarket to see, touch, and buy fruits and vegetables,
language forms. some of which may be new to the students. If there is no time for a trip to
a store, bring some fruit and vegetables to the classroom. Students can
handle the produce, cut it up and taste it, and learn related vocabulary.
If English-speaking peers are involved, they can provide additional lan-
guage models for the language learners.
Afterwards, write the words on flash cards and instruct students to
match the cards to the fruits and vegetables. Later, they can copy the
printed words. Children in the early primary grades and learners who
are unfamiliar with the Roman alphabet can trace the words before they
copy them.

Language Experience Stories

As students display the kite they made,
each has an opportunity to talk about their Language experience stories, which are commonly used with primary
creation and how they made it. children, can also be used effectively with beginning language learners
of all ages. This approach involves teacher and students in working
together to create a story based on a personal or a shared experience,
such as a story, a field trip, photographs, a film, or a school event. At
first, the “story” may amount to one-word labels for objects or pictures
or captions for photos of a class activity.

How to Use the Language Experience Approach

Working with a group, ask each student to contribute one or two words
or sentences for you to print in large letters on a sheet of chart paper.
• As students dictate, print their words verbatim. Control spelling
and punctuation, but don’t edit grammar.
What better way to test a kite than to try • After writing each sentence, read it back to the student to check
flying it? that you have written what the student intended. If others suggest
changes, the student who dictated the sentence decides whether it
should be changed.
• When the story is finished, read it aloud, running a finger under
the words and speaking a little more slowly than normal but with
normal phrasing and intonation. Do this several times, then
encourage the students to read aloud with you.
• When the story is completely familiar, ask students to read it indi-
vidually. At first, expect students to read only their own words or

206 Section III The Language Learning Environment

sentences. Then, ask each student to read the whole story aloud or
suggest that they form pairs and read it to each other.
• Instruct students to copy the story into notebooks. Ruled primary
notebooks work best with students who are just beginning to learn
to write and those who are just starting to learn the Roman
• Print new words on flash cards for students to read aloud. Ask
them to match the cards to objects or pictures in the story.
• Print the story in sentence strips for students to arrange in the cor-
rect order. At first, they might do this in small groups, then indi-
vidually. You can also cut the strips in half and instruct students to
match the halves.
• Create cloze exercises based on the story by deleting some of the
new words. To complete this exercise, some students may need a
list of the missing words in random order.
• Analyze the form of words that follow particular patterns (e.g., all
words that end in -ing, words that rhyme, words that follow a par-
ticular spelling pattern, or words that are related, such as big, big-
ger, and biggest; go and went). Expand students’ understanding by
encouraging them to volunteer other words that follow the
These students are working pattern.
with their teacher to create a

Listening to Stories on Tape

Listening to stories on tape while reading a print copy enables students
to hear the language at the same time as they see it in print. They can
re-read and hear sections again, paying attention to the pronunciation
of specific words or listening to the phrasing and intonation. They can
also stop the tape to look up new words or ask a question of the teacher.
Unfortunately, most commercially produced books and stories on
audiotape are read too quickly and feature language that is too difficult
for beginning language learners.
The Carbo method of recording books, which is promoted by the
National Reading Styles Institute, is more appropriate for both begin-
ning language learners and students whose literacy experiences are
limited. This method involves reading more slowly, with longer pauses
between phrases and sentences, while maintaining natural phrasing
and intonation. The idea is to provide time for the reader to see and hear
every word. See “To Learn More …” for information about the National
Reading Styles Institute and the Carbo method.
You can also create your own recorded books using the Carbo
method. Some of the graded readers listed at the end of Chapter 5 are
suitable for this. Many children’s picture books can also be used with
beginning learners of English, including adolescents, especially if there
is a repeated pattern and as long as the content and the illustrations are
age appropriate. Look for material that includes people of varied ethno-
cultural backgrounds in differing social and geographic contexts.
When making your own tapes, add prompts such as, “Turn the
page,” and “Look at the picture.” Use short tapes (10 minutes a side, if
you can find them) so that readers can easily replay sections. You might
also use a computer to make your recordings.
For beginners, avoid distractions such as sound effects. For students
As students read along with a story on tape,
they can repeat sections as necessary. beyond the beginning stage, you might ask high school drama students

11 Supporting Beginning Language Learners 207

to create dramatic readings that include sound effects but maintain a
slower pace. Encourage students to take the tapes home for repeat

Jigsaw Word Puzzles Games and Puzzles

Each student in a group of three or four
has a different clue to a word, but all the Participating in games and solving puzzles help students internalize
clues are needed in order to identify the new words and sentence patterns. Because cooperative games stimulate
word. These clues are from activities talk and promote positive classroom relationships, try to make games
based on some basic orientation cooperative rather than competitive. See “To Learn More …” at the end
information about North America:
of this chapter for sources of games and puzzles.
Student A: It’s a city. • Simple language games, such as I Spy and Simon Says, help students
Student B: It’s in California.
practice recognizing the names of objects, parts of the body, and
Student C: It has two words.
Student D: It’s not Los Angeles. simple actions.
ALL: It’s San Francisco!
• Crossword and other puzzles that use context-based clues are helpful,
Student A: It’s a province. but word-search activities can confuse language learners; more-
Student B: It’s in Atlantic Canada.
over, word-search activities are based on word recognition, not
Student C: It has two words.
Student D: It’s not Nova Scotia. comprehension. Create simple crossword puzzles for students to
ALL: It’s New Brunswick! work on in pairs, giving one student the across clues, and the other
the down clues. Software programs are available to help create the

• Information-gap activities, in which students must seek information

in order to complete a puzzle or solve a problem, are very effective.
The jigsaw approach is one kind of information-gap activity that
helps stimulate the exchange of information. See Chapter 10 for
more on the jigsaw approach.

• Teacher-created board and card games that require students to request

or offer information or use specific words and phrases provide
many opportunities to practice language.

• Bingo games are easy to create and help students develop a sight
vocabulary of words that they immediately recognize in print. You
might, for example, create a bingo game using a list of 20 classroom
objects. Give each student a card with a different set of 12 words
printed in three columns of four rows each. Acting as the caller,
point to real objects or pictures or say the word as the students use
counters to cover the word if they find it on their card. Alterna-
tively, the card can show pictures, which students can cover as you
say the word. Students can also take turns being the caller.

If You Want to Get Started...

This is a basic starter list for teachers who are setting up a new program
that will include beginners. You will find suggestions for ‘found mate-
rials,’ teacher resource books and classroom materials, picture diction-
aries, and websites or online resources. See also the list of graded read-
An example of Bingo games. ers on page 213.

208 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Found Materials
ESL teachers are inveterate collectors of visual materials, manipula-
tives, real objects, and authentic print materials that help introduce new
vocabulary, illustrate concepts, and provide basic orientation informa-
tion for newcomers. Many of these items are free or readily available in
the school or community. Some can be borrowed from Kindergarten or
primary classrooms, the art room, the school office, the health room, or
various departments of the school.

• Magazine pictures: Collect pictures that feature people of diverse

backgrounds in a variety of settings and situations. Many maga-
zine advertisements depict interesting scenarios that can stimulate
oral and written stories and role plays. Encourage students to
imagine events before or after the scene shown in the picture.
• Photographs: Take photographs of students, as well as of scenes and
locations around the school and in the community. Always take
photos on field trips so that students can later create illustrated
language experience stories or booklets. Bring your own family
photographs to school and encourage students to bring theirs —
and talk about them. Photographs can also be used to introduce
and practice grammar structures (e.g., talking about an event
shown in a photograph is a natural way to introduce the simple
past tense).
• Posters: Public service organizations, government departments,
and publishers often offer posters free of charge. Ensure that post-
ers carry a simple message and that your selection depicts people
of diverse backgrounds in a variety of settings and situations. Be
cautious about posters using cartoon-like illustrations: caricatures
of racial characteristics may be offensive. And use posters
sparingly. Classroom walls and bulletin boards should always
contain more student-produced material than professionally pro-
duced material.
• Informational material from government departments and agencies: Free
materials, such as food guides, citizenship information and tourist
brochures, are often available and may even be translated into var-
ious languages. Though the text of some of these resources may be
too difficult for beginners to read, the illustrations are invaluable.
An illustrated guide to balanced nutrition, for example, can be
used to teach the names of various foods. Students might produce
their own version of the guide by categorizing the foods they are
accustomed to eating into the food groups.
• Clocks: Both a traditional and a digital clock are necessary to teach
the two ways of expressing time (e.g., twenty to one and 12:40).
• Puppets: Hand puppets are useful for presenting dialogues, and
students can use finger puppets to develop and present role plays.
Students can also make their own puppets.
• Art materials: Keep a supply of construction paper, bristol board,
markers, sticky colored paper, scraps of yarn and fabric, glue,
tongue depressors, pipe cleaners, cotton wool, sparkles, wallpaper
samples, cardboard boxes and rolls, packing materials, and other
These students are using puppets to pres- supplies for making books, posters, models, and so on.
ent a role play.

11 Supporting Beginning Language Learners 209

• Flyers, brochures, and advertisements: Use announcements, super-
market flyers, and newspaper advertisements to help students
learn basic vocabulary, read simple messages, and make compari-
sons (e.g., Which store has the cheapest tomatoes this week?).
• Forms: Help students complete school information cards, applica-
tions for a social insurance number, or a library card. Take students
to the community library to hand in their application forms and
borrow their first books. Some libraries allow teachers to borrow a
boxful of books for classroom use. Invite parents to come along to
check out adult materials for second language learners and new
readers. Many public libraries also have multilingual collections.
• Timetables and schedules: Use school timetables, local transit sched-
ules, garbage collection schedules, and so on to help students
extract information from this kind of text.
• Manipulatives: Primary teachers and math departments may be
able to lend you blocks, counters, interlocking two- and
three-dimensional shapes, and so on. These can be used to teach
prepositions, such as on, beside, and in, various mathematical terms
and concepts, and the names of numbers, shapes, and colors.
• Real objects: Almost any interesting object can be used to stimulate
discussion and develop descriptive language (e.g., interesting
stones and leaves collected in the school yard or park, classroom
and household objects, fruit and vegetables, clothing, sports
equipment; tools and equipment for specialized subjects such as
science or family studies; and interesting artifacts that students
bring from home).
• Money: Use real money to teach students the names of coins and
bills and to practice counting money and making change in En-
glish. Students can also use money in role-play situations.
• Models: Model cars, animals, and other toys make a change from
pictures and may appeal to the kinesthetic learning style of many
students. These models can be used to create scenes depicting
what students are likely to see in the street, in the supermarket,
and so on. When working with students in the upper elementary
or secondary grades, use items that are not obviously childish.
• Maps: Students can learn prepositions and the words for directions
at the same time as they become familiar with their new environ-
ment and learn about their new country. Begin with a map of the
school and the neighborhood before moving on to maps of larger
areas. Involve students in planning a field trip using local transit
maps and schedules.

Resource Books and Classroom Materials

The following listings represent only a sampling of the materials available for
beginning language learners and their teachers. Visit the publishers’ websites to
see more information and to request catalogues and sample copies.

Bailey, K., and L. Savage, eds. New Ways in Teaching Speaking. Alexandria, Va.:
TESOL Publications, 1994.
Collection of dialogues, role plays, games, and other activities that promote
oral fluency.

210 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Bassano, S. and Christison, M.A. Drawing Out: Creative, Personalized, Whole Lan-
guage Activities. Burlingame, CA: ALTA Book Center, 1995.
Innovative activities using student-created images to promote communication.
Bassano, S. and Christison, M.A. Look Who’s Talking: Strategies for Developing
Group Interaction Burlingame, CA: ALTA Book Center, 1995.
A collection of engaging activities to promote communication in the language
Bassano, S. and Christison, M.A. Purple Cows and Potato Chips: Multi-Sensory
Language Acquisition Activities. Burlingame, CA: ALTA Book Center, 1995.
Innovative activities to promote language acquisition through the explora-
tion of the primary senses.
Bell, J., and B. Burnaby. A Handbook for ESL Literacy. Toronto, Ont.: Pippin Pub-
lishing, 1984.
Intended for teachers of adults learning English as a second language, this
book suggests strategies that can be used to introduce literacy in English to
adolescent immigrants with limited experience of schooling.
Boyd, J.R., and M.A. Boyd. Before Book One: Listening Activities for Pre-Beginning
Students of English. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1991.
Activities help beginners become familiar with the sounds, simple sentence
patterns, and basic vocabulary of English through topics such as numbers
and letters, money and time, clothes, and the body.
Brookes, A., and Grundy, P. Beginning to Write: Writing activities for elementary
and intermediate learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Offers advice on how to teach many aspects of writing, including writing for
beginning learners of English, teaching spelling and punctuation, using the
writing process, and assessment of writing.
Commons, B., and E. Loffler. Theme Booklets. Toronto, Ont.: Toronto District
School Board, 2001.
Activity booklets consist of illustrated pages and activities to introduce and
practice basic vocabulary related to a specific theme such as My Family. Suit-
able for grades 1-6. For more information, contact <curriculumdocs@tdsb.>.
Einhorn, K. Easy and Engaging ESL Activities and Mini-Books for Every Classroom.
Jefferson City, Mo.: Scholastic Inc, 2001.
Activities to welcome newcomers and help them begin learning English.
Designed for children in grades 1-4.
English in My Pocket. Barrington, Ill.: Rigby Education, 2000.
A complete language development kit of eight thematic units for beginning
learners of English in the primary grades. Kit includes books, charts, blackline
masters, audiocassettes, manipulatives, and a teacher’s manual.
Graham, C. Jazz Chants: Rhythms of American English for Students of English as a
Second Language. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.
A classic that is the first in a series of titles. Available in book and
audiocassette format, the chants use jazz rhythms to help students improve
pronunciation and intonation patterns and learn specific grammar patterns.
Ideal for beginners.
Grundy, P. Beginners. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Useful activities and games that emphasize real communication.
Gunderson, L. ESL Literacy Instruction: A Guidebook to Theory and Practice.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1991.
Useful for teachers planning and implementing literacy instruction for Eng-
lish language learners.
Hadfield, J. Elementary Vocabulary Games: A Collection of Vocabulary Games and
Activities for Elementary Students. Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley
Longman, 1998.
Activities for ESL students include matching, arranging, and board games, as
well as role plays. Game materials may be photocopied.

11 Supporting Beginning Language Learners 211

Hutchinson, H.D. ESL Teacher’s Book of Instant Word Games for Grades 7-12. West
Nyack, N.Y.: Center for Applied Research in Education (now Jossey-Bass),
Includes an excellent article by Pat Rigg on the language experience
Jordan, S. Addition Unplugged. Toronto, Ont.: Jordan Music Productions Inc. <>.
Uses music and chant to help students learn basic addition facts. Available in
cassette-book and CD-book formats. Ideal for beginners learning number
words and mathematical terms in English. Other titles in the series introduce
subtraction, multiplication, etc.
Language games for students at all stages, including beginners.
Larimer, R.E., and L. Schleicher, eds. New Ways in Using Authentic Materials in the
Classroom. Alexandria, Va.: TESOL Publications, 1999.
McCallum , G. 101 Word Games for Students of English As a Second or Foreign Lan-
guage. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Designed for adolescent and adult students, activities can be adapted for stu-
dents of all ages.
Monaghan, F. (2004) Practical Ways to Support New Arrivals in the Classroom.
Reading: National Centre for Language and Literacy (U.K.), 2004.
This book provides background information and practical advice on support-
ing newly-arrived students from other countries. More than 200 reproducible
activities for learners in middle and secondary schools. Includes some activi-
ties for beginners.
Newcomer Communications. Ontario Reader 2007. Toronto, Ont.: Newcomer
Communications, 2005. <>.
Designed for adult ESL and literacy learners, this publication is also useful for
younger learners. Stories are graded according to difficulty level. Includes
language exercises and activities, a teacher’s guide, and an answer key.
Ontario Reader is published once every two years.
Palmer, A. Back & Forth: Photocopiable Cooperative Pair Activities for Language
Development. Burlingame, CA: ALTA Book Center,1999.
32 activities to involve students in interchange that help to improve their lis-
tening and speaking skills.
Practical research-based suggestions for teachers of elementary school
Richards, I., and Gibson, C. English Through Pictures. Toronto, Ont.: Pippin Pub-
lishing, 2005.
This three-book set is an updated edition of a favourite among ESL teachers.
The pictures illustrate the most widely useful English words and sentence
patterns in English. Book 1 is based on 250 words. An additional 500 words
are illustrated in developed in Book 2, and another 250 in Book 3, to build a
basic vocabulary of 1000 key words which, by their defining power, enable
learners to understand definitions and explanations of many thousands
Rinvolucri, M. Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective and Drama Activities for EFL
Students. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
A classic that includes cooperative and competitive games to help students at
all levels of English proficiency practice grammar structures.
Rinvolucri, M., and P. Davis. More Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective and Move-
ment Activities for EFL Students. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University
Press, 1996.
Includes physical activities and games that do not require beginners to pro-
duce language before they are ready.
Schinke-Llano, L., and R. Rauff, eds. New Ways in Teaching Young Children. Alex-
andria, Va.: TESOL Publications, 1996.
Activities that promote second language acquisition and social development
among young children.

212 Section III The Language Learning Environment

Short, D., ed. New Ways in Teaching English at the Secondary Level. Alexandria,
Va.: TESOL Publications, 1999.
Ideas for adolescent language learners, including some activities for
Spangenberg-Urbschat, K., and R. Pritchard, eds. Kids Come in All Languages:
Reading Instruction for ESL Students. Newark, Del.: International Reading
Association, 1994.
Steinberg, J. Games Language People Play. 2nd ed. Toronto, Ont.: Pippin Publish-
ing, 1991.
110 games promote specific language skills such as vocabulary. Many of the
games are suitable for beginners.
Takahashi, N., and Frauman-Prickel, M. Action English Pictures: Activities for
Total Physical Response. Burlingame, CA: ALTA Book Center,1999.
Provides hundreds of illustrations and activities for beginners on topics such
as time, weather, and school.
Tom, A., and McKay, H. The Card Book: Interactive Games and Activities for Lan-
guage Learners. Burlingame, CA: ALTA Book Center, 2000.
243 photocopiable cards and communication activities are arranged in nine
sets under topics such as food, clothing, animals, and daily activities.
Toronto District School Board. Co-operative Games and Activities (Grades K–8).
Toronto, Ont.: Toronto District School Board, 2000.
Though not designed for ESL classes, this is a useful resource for teachers
using the total physical response approach to language development. Strong
focus on positive peer relationships and social skills. For ordering informa-
tion, contact <>.
Toronto District School Board. Great Beginnings. 2nd ed. Toronto, Ont.: Toronto
District School Board, 2000.
Eight theme-based units for begnners (grades 3-6). For more information,
contact <>.
Yorkey, R. Solo Duo Trio: Puzzles and Games for Building English Language Skills.
Brattleboro, Vt.: Pro Lingua Associates, 1997. More than 100 ready-to-use
activities, many of which are suitable for beginners.

Picture Dictionaries
Various publishers produce picture dictionaries and support materials such as
workbooks, audiocassettes, posters, and teacher’s guides. The two listed below
are staples in ESL classrooms.

Sagala, J. (ed) Longman Photo Dictionary of American English. Harlow: Pearson

Longman, 2003.
More than 3,000 basic vocabulary items for beginning learners of English of
all ages. Color photos are presented in plenty of detail and arranged in catego-
ries, such as school, home, and travel. British English version also available.
Shapiro, N., and J. Adelson-Goldstein. Oxford Picture Dictionary. New York,
Many versions of this ESL staple are available, including bilingual editions in
several languages and a version that focuses on school vocabulary in various
subject areas.

Graded Readers
These publishers offer graded or leveled readers suitable for English language

Cambridge English Readers. <>.

For students in grade 7 and up. Six levels, from 400 to 3,800 headwords. The
series consists of new fiction in various genres, including romance, mystery,
adventure, and science fiction. Audiocassettes are available. There is also a
series for younger readers.

11 Supporting Beginning Language Learners 213

Oxford Bookworms Library. <>.
Six levels, from 400 to 2,500 headwords. Series includes adaptations of clas-
sics and contemporary adult fiction as well as original stories. Also available
are Oxford Bookworms Starters and Oxford Bookworms Factfiles, a non-fic-
tion series, and Oxford Progressive English Readers.
Penguin Readers. <>.
Six levels, from 200 headwords to 3,000. Series encompasses various genres,
including biography and adaptations of classic and contemporary fiction.
Also available are Penguin Young Readers, an illustrated series for children
aged 5 to 11.
Porcupine Books. <>.
Leveled fiction and non-fiction for children in the primary grades. Though
not designed specifically for English language learners, these illustrated
books appeal to newcomers, and the non-fiction titles are also suitable for
older beginners.

Websites and Online Resources

Family Pastimes < >.
Cooperative games for large and small groups. Some are especially suitable
for beginners.
Dave’s ESL Café. <>.
A site for language learners and teachers. Click on Ideas for activities and
Internet TESL Journal. <>.
For teachers and learners. The section for students provides many online puz-
zles and other activities.
National Reading Styles Institute. <>.
Resources and training for literacy. The Carbo recorded- book method is
especially useful with students in the early stages of learning English or the
early stages of literacy development.

214 Section III The Language Learning Environment

IV Language Learning
across the Curriculum

The chapters in this section describe how to support English language

learners in all classrooms and all curriculum areas.
Chapter 12 suggests strategies for integrating content learning and
language development, in various learning contexts, which may include
• mainstream classrooms in which English language learners study
alongside English-speaking peers and in which teachers are usually sub-
ject specialists or grade-level teachers who may or may not possess
expertise in teaching ESL.
• designated ESL subject classes, which are sometimes called sheltered or
adjunct classes. These may include, for example, a secondary-level his-
tory class for ESL students and grade-level ESL core classes at the ele-
mentary level. All students in these classes are English language
learners. Teachers may be subject specialists, grade-level teachers (pref-
erably with some ESL training), or ESL specialists. Language instruction
is integrated with subject matter adapted from the mainstream curricu-
lum, and more or less equal emphasis is placed on learning language
and content.
• ESL classes in which all students are English language learners and
teachers are ESL specialists. The focus is on language instruction, using
interesting and relevant content from various sources. These sources
include, but are not limited to, topics from subjects in the mainstream
Chapter 13 provides an overview of the developmental stages that
language learners pass through on their way to achieving academic
proficiency in English and offers guidelines for adapting instruction for
students at various stages. The chapter also suggests alternative
approaches to assessment that will help English language learners
demonstrate what they have learned.

12 Integrating Language
and Content Instruction

What is CALP? Most English language learners spend most of the school day in main-
CALP (Cognitive Academic Language stream classrooms, attempting to keep up with their peers at the same
Proficiency) consists of the ability to: time as they learn the language of instruction. In schools where there are
small numbers of English language learners, ESL support may be lim-
• understand and use many low-frequency
Latin-based words. For example, students ited, and even beginners may spend most of — or all — the school day
know “reside” as well as “live,” and know in a mainstream classroom.
when each is appropriate. They also know Whether you are teaching language learning in a mainstream class-
the various forms of words and how to room or an ESL class, it is important to ensure that the classroom
use them, such as “reside,” “resident,” environment supports language learning. This means that it is neces-
“residential,” etc.;
• understand and use figurative expressions sary to design special activities for beginners, as suggested in Chapter
and imagery such as “run that by me 10. It is also necessary to provide long-term support for English lan-
again,” “hard-hearted,” or “as cold as guage learners, often for several years after they have “graduated”
steel;” from an ESL program. This is because it typically takes at least five
• read textbooks at the appropriate grade years for learners to develop the cognitive academic language profi-
level, given the same level of teacher
support and guidance as their ciency (CALP) required to deal successfully with the mainstream
English-speaking peers; curriculum.
• write in a variety of forms and for various The strategies described in this chapter are designed to help teachers
purposes and audiences, using discourse at all grade levels and in all subject areas provide the support necessary
features such as transition words and for English language learners to participate successfully in the program
paragraph structure at a level similar to
that of their English speaking age peers; at the same time as they develop their English skills. Many of the strate-
• understand and use a wide variety of gies also enhance the learning of English-speaking students. The
grammatical forms and sentence patterns, strategies include
including various verb forms, passive
verbs, and complex sentence patterns • key visuals
using reference words, embedding and • guided reading
subordination. • integrated vocabulary instruction
• integrated grammar instruction
• writing scaffolds
• journals
• the writing process
• guided projects
• integrating the arts
• alternative resource material

Key Visuals
Key visuals are content-specific graphic organizers, such as concept
maps, T-charts, Venn diagrams, flow charts, story maps, timelines, and
decision trees. They are graphic representations of relationships among
key ideas in a particular text, lesson, or unit of work.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 217

Key Visuals … Key visuals are extremely flexible and can be used to provide an
• were developed specifically to support introductory overview of a lesson or unit, preview a text, organize
English language learners information during a lesson or unit, summarize information at the con-
• are designed to match specific content clusion of a lesson or unit, or help with assessment and evaluation by
• enable English language learners to
allowing language learners to insert single words, short phrases, or
understand new concepts and information
by reducing the language demands of the even pictures that enable them to display their understanding more
curriculum completely than they might otherwise be able to do.
• provide a visual representation of key Key visuals also
ideas and relationships among ideas
• make visible the underlying organization • help students gain a better understanding of how the parts of a les-
of ideas such as classification and cause son or text fit together
and effect • help learners draw information from expository texts, videos,
• support all 3 stages of the Guided Reading
teacher presentations, or print resources that are beyond their
process (see page 220)
• illustrate and generate language patterns independent reading level
associated with specific kinds of thinking • help students express the information that is displayed, using lan-
(e.g., organizing knowledge in a sequence guage patterns appropriate to the task (e.g., classification, descrip-
may involve using various verb tenses tion, and sequence)
and discourse markers, such as first, next,
then, and finally)
• guide students as they write and help them organize their work on
group and individual projects
• can be provided to the students blank, partially completed, or
• can be completed by the teacher and students together, by groups
of students, or by students working alone
• may be supplemented by cloze, sentence-completion, and para-
graph-frame activities to provide further support for written work
(see “Writing Scaffolds” later in this chapter)
The following concept map is an example of a key visual that shows
students how information in a chapter about about a country — in this
case, Canada — is organized. It can be presented to students before they
begin reading or conducting research. You might complete one compo-
nent with the class, showing students how to use key words and
phrases rather than copy word-for-word from the text. Then instruct
students to read the rest of the chapter and work in groups to add two or
three specific details or examples under each subheading. To provide
additional support, supply a bank of words and phrases for students to
choose from.

218 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Texture Words Antonyms T-charts like the one shown are simple organizers that help students
view two aspects or attributes of a concept or problem. In a discussion of
smooth rough texture in a visual arts class, for example, students might feel various
bumpy objects to develop the vocabulary. They might then complete the chart,
hairy choosing words from the chart to complete sentences such as, The blue
coarse stones are _______ and ________, or The brown fabric is ________ and
prickly ________.
dry The partially developed flow chart shows a sequence of events as
well as the cause-and-effect relationships among the events. The stu-
dents might examine the chart, then view a video or read a relevant
passage to find the missing information. Using a transparency or wall
chart, class members can work with the teacher to complete the orga-
Causes and Effects of Pollution nizer and express the information using words and phrases like first,
next, then, and as a result. Each student or group might then be instructed
People use chemicals to to create a similar chart on a related topic. Students might also be asked
kill weeds and insects. to complete a similar chart for assessment purposes. They might, for
example, insert single words or short phrases to demonstrate their
understanding of key events and concepts.
The chemicals sink into The following timeline shows students the chronological sequence
the ground. of events described in a chapter or unit on Canada and World War I.
Each of the three topics listed together can stand alone and is therefore
suitable for assigning as a jigsaw reading and discussion task.
When it
rains,_______________. Canada and World War I

Canadians at
??? war in Europe
1914 1918
Supporting the
How Canada war at home The end of the After the war
became The political war
involved situation at
in the war home

A matrix like the following organizes information into categories and

may involve comparing or contrasting two or more items. In the follow-
ing example, some information has been provided, and students are
expected to gather the missing information from reference sources. They
will then gather similar information about their country of origin or
another country that interests them. Some of the information may be
gathered from classmates with expert knowledge of a particular country.

Similar or Different?
Comparing Canada with Another Country
Climate temperate
colder in the north
Oceans Arctic, Pacific
Lakes and rivers Great Lakes
Islands Vancouver Island
Resources and

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 219

A follow-up activity like the following helps students generate the
language required to compare or contrast.

Comparing Canada and …

Using information from your chart, write sentences that compare

Canada and the other country. Use some of the following words
and sentence patterns.


both Canada and China are both large


too Poland produces steel, and Canada does,


so Poland produces steel, and so does


neither Poland doesn’t produce bananas, and

neither does Canada.

neither … nor … Neither Canada nor Poland produces



… than … Jamaica is much smaller than Canada.

not as … as … The United States is not as big as Canada.

but Canada has a lot of lakes and rivers, but

Somalia doesn’t.

whereas India produces a lot of rice, whereas

Canada produces a lot of wheat.

Guided Reading
Most instructional text is beyond the independent reading level of En-
glish language learners — and of many English-speaking students as
well. The support of a teacher is required to help them manage the text.
From Kindergarten through secondary school, it is important for all
teachers to guide students through texts, demonstrating effective read-
ing strategies and focusing on specific aspects of the text, such as
organization, visual material, and vocabulary. This kind of
teacher-directed intensive reading, often known as guided reading,
helps all students develop strategies that they can use independently to
Guided reading enables students to draw read challenging texts. In the case of English language learners, the sup-
meaning from text that is beyond their port provided by guided reading may make the difference between
independent reading level. frustration and success.

220 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

The guided reading process consists of three stages: before reading,
during reading, and after reading. This process also works well when
students are using other media, such as documentary TV, instructional
videos, and websites. To implement guided reading in your classroom,
select appropriate strategies for each stage. You may choose to use one
or more strategies at each stage, but do not skip any of the stages.

Before Reading
The following strategies help students activate their previous knowl-
edge and develop background for a new topic.
• Create a KWL chart like the following by brainstorming with the
class or groups.

What We What We Want to What We

Know about Know about Learned about
Whales Whales Whales

Mammals How do they To be completed

Live in the sea breathe? at the end of the
We think they unit or project.
Very large
have a language.
Killer whales
What do they eat?
Are they

• Develop students background knowledge. Use pictures, photographs,

films, speakers, field trips, concrete materials, and anecdotes to
prepare the students conceptually for the material they are about
to read. It is pointless to proceed if students do not have the back-
ground knowledge needed to make sense of the material.

• Relate what students already know about the topic to the information in
the text. Some students, for example, have knowledge of govern-
ment structures in other countries, and this knowledge helps them
understand text that deals with government in their new country.

• Guide the students in a survey of the text so that they are familiar with
the organization, content, and helpful features before they start
reading. Direct their attention to features such as the table of con-
tents, chapter introductions, chapter headings and subheadings,
highlighted words, notes and supplementary information that
may be included in text boxes or margins, end-of-chapter summa-
ries and questions, the glossary and index, and visual material,
such as maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, and photographs. Though
proficient readers use these features to navigate text and get a
sense of the content, many English language learners are so anx-
ious about their comprehension that they bypass this step, plung-
ing into a word-by-word reading, with little sense of the overall
topic or purpose. After guiding students through this preview,
encourage them to discuss with the class, a group, or a partner
what they expect to find out by reading the assigned passage.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 221

• Use key visuals to illustrate how ideas are related.

• Teach some key words that will help students understand the mate-
rial. Don’t teach all the new words, however, because during the
reading, you will demonstrate how to use various strategies to
understand unfamiliar words.

During Reading
Should Students Read Aloud? Proficient readers read different material in different ways, according to
Reading unfamiliar material aloud is their purpose for reading. They may, for example, skim a chapter to get
especially difficult for English language the general idea, then return to read specific sections in more detail.
learners, who often concentrate more on
pronunciation than on comprehension and • Chunk the text into manageable sections. Numbering the para-
may be so anxious about their performance graphs can be helpful for quick reference.
that they are able to draw little or no
meaning from a passage. • Provide a pre-reading question related to the main idea of each chunk
Asking students to read aloud is useful
of text. As students become more proficient readers, encourage
when students are familiar with the material
and when the focus is not on comprehension them to begin asking themselves questions as they read.
but on some other aspect of performance,
such as locating and identifying specific • Instruct students to read silently, skimming to find the main idea of
information, producing the stress and the passage or section.
intonation patterns of English, or giving a
dramatic interpretation.
It is best to invite students to read aloud • Read some sections aloud to students. This will model pronunciation
during the after-reading stage of the guided and help students develop a feel for the rhythm and intonation of
reading process. English sentences.

• Provide a key visual for students to complete as they read.

• Encourage students to continue reading when they come to unfamil-

iar words. They can return to the passage afterwards to check

• Stop after students have finished reading each section to ensure that
they have identified the main idea and to deal with their questions.

• Think aloud to demonstrate how to deal with new vocabulary. For

more ideas for helping students develop strategies for handling
new words, see “Integrating Vocabulary” later in this chapter.

After Reading
This stage of the process helps students review a passage, reinforce their
understanding, and check their knowledge of new words. Many of
these strategies can be rehearsed first in groups.
• Encourage students to re-read specific sections by asking questions
that require them to return to the passage to find details that exem-
plify, support, or clarify the main idea, concept, or principle.

• Invite students to read some passages aloud. You might, for example,
instruct them to find the most important sentence in each para-
graph and be prepared to read it aloud and explain why it is

222 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Thinking Aloud • Encourage students to use context to infer the meaning of new words. To
help them figure out the meaning of predominant, for example,
Your modeling of the use of reading
refer them to a specific paragraph and tell them to find a word that
strategies by thinking aloud helps students
develop competence in using these means the most important.
strategies. The following is an example of
how to model a strategy. • Refer students to a dictionary as a last resort and only when a word is
Here’s an interesting word: nilometer. What essential to comprehending the text (see “Integrated Vocabulary
other words end in meter? Instruction” later in this chapter).
Yes, thermometer is a good example. What do
you think meter means in these words? • Add new words to a word wall or encourage students to record new
Yes, something to do with measuring. Now, words in their vocabulary notebooks (see “Integrated Vocabulary
what about the nil part? Instruction” later in this chapter).
That’s a good guess. It could mean zero, but
I don’t think it does here. Let’s think about
the context. We’re reading about Egypt.
• Focus on connectives and explain how these words are used. For
What’s the name of the great river? more on connectives, see Chapter 6.
Yes, so what did the Egyptians measure with Make a transparency of a text and highlight one specific kind of
a nilometer? connective, as shown in the following passage, which uses various
So it’s something they used to measure how words and phrases indicating time and sequence. Create a chart of
deep the Nile was, so that they knew when these expressions for display and add new expressions as they are
to plant their crops. encountered. As time goes by, develop and add to several charts
Do you think we need to add this word to showing different kinds of connectives.
our vocabulary list? Do you think you will
ever need it again? Okay, we won’t add it to Frogs live in or near water. In early spring they lay their eggs in shal-
our list, but we will remember how to break low ponds, pools, and marshes, around lakes, and beside rivers and
a word down and use context to figure out streams. Later they scatter on land to feed. Sometimes they wander
the meaning. quite far from the water, although they always stay in damp places.
Frogs need to keep their skin moist in order to breathe properly. If a
frog’s skin becomes dry, the animal soon dies. Therefore, frogs can-
not stay away from water for long.

• Encourage students to make inferences beyond the text or relate the

information to their own knowledge or experience.

• Encourage students to form opinions about what they have read. They
may engage in small group discussions or write a personal journal
response (see “Journals” later in this chapter).

• Show students how to paraphrase or summarize what they have read.

This is very difficult for English language learners, who are often
so anxious about making grammar mistakes that they tend to copy
whole chunks from the text.

• Organize a role play. Students might, for example, re-enact scenes

from a novel or story, interview a character, or devise an alterna-
tive scene or ending. In history and social studies, they might inter-
view a key historical figure or develop alternative outcomes. In
other subjects, they could play the role of a famous musician,
painter, scientist, or inventor. Encourage students to use new
words in their role play by asking them to choose five new words
and use each at least three times.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 223

Integrated Vocabulary Instruction
As explained in Chapter 5, extensive reading helps students to expand
their vocabulary. They also need focused instruction on key words, and
on vocabulary acquisition skills.

Focused Instruction: Teaching New Words

Words that are important to understanding a specific concept or lesson
are best taught in the academic context in which they occur. Focus on
general-purpose academic words, such as accurate, essential, and appro-
priate, as well as subject-specific words, such as photosynthesis, stanza,
and longitude. You can help students acquire new words for academic
study by
• introducing new words in a meaningful context
• expanding students’ word knowledge by studying common roots
and affixes
• providing opportunities for students to practice using new words
immediately and on several later occasions
New words should be taught naturally as they arise in the context of a
lesson or activity. Students need to see, hear, and say new words several
times during the same lesson. Here are some guidelines for incorporat-
ing vocabulary instruction into daily lessons.
• Set realistic targets that will enable English language learners to
catch up to their age peers in five years. For more information on
the rates at which students must acquire new vocabulary, see
Chapter 5.
Go through the text or lesson and choose words that will be use-
ful immediately and in the following days and weeks. Focus on
important low-frequency words that students need to read, hear,
Pre-Teaching Key Words write, or say several times during the lesson or unit and that will
Use pictures, gestures, analogies, and also be useful in other contexts. For example, words such as ele-
examples like the following to introduce new vated, sufficient, estimate, synthesis, and analysis occur in many sub-
words that are essential to understanding a jects. Limit the number of technical terms to those that are truly
reading passage. essential.
We are going to learn about bats. Here are
• Pre-teach some key words, especially if they are not explained or
some words that you will read. supported in the passage. You might also write five to 10 words on
the chalkboard and ask students to discuss what the words mean
and how they might relate to words in the passage.
• Don’t pre-teach all the new words students are likely to encounter.
They must also learn how to figure out meaning by using strategies
such as inferring meaning from context, analyzing words, and refer-
ring to a dictionary. These strategies are explained in more detail in
“Developing Vocabulary Acquisition Skills” on page 229.
radar caves legends • As you introduce each new word, print it clearly on the chalkboard
echolocation nocturnal species or chart paper and say it, pointing to syllables while articulating
vampire insectivorous mammals clearly. It is especially important to emphasize the main stress in
Do you know what any of these words words of more than one syllable (e.g., product and evolution).
mean? Do you recognize any parts of these • Provide pronunciation practice so that students can recognize and
words? use the new words orally as well as in print. Articulate the words
Can you guess how these words relate to clearly and invite students to repeat them, both chorally and indi-
vidually. Every day, call on individual students to pronounce new

224 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

words learned the day before. In mainstream classrooms, it may be
preferable to do this with small groups of English language learn-
ers before and after each lesson.
• Draw attention to the subject-specific meanings of common words,
such as product.
• Explain figurative language. A student may understand every
word in an expression like Run that by me again but have no idea
what the idiom means!
• Don’t forget connectives. These words link ideas, give clues about
what is coming next, and are essential to understanding — and
creating — text.


Take advantage of every opportunity to make connections among
words. For example, if you introduce the term photosynthesis in the sci-
ence class, make the connection to the word photograph and explain the
meaning of the root photo, which means light. Set up a word wall and
post lists of new words and word families as they arise. Here are some
suggestions for the word wall and related activities:
• Make lists of key words on chart paper, including sample sen-
tences that provide a context for each word. Examples are more
helpful than definitions: students can memorize a definition with-
out understanding or being able to use the word.
• Limit the number of new words introduced in each lesson or unit, as
students will also encounter new vocabulary in other lessons and
subject areas. In a textbook for a Grade 4 unit on rocks and minerals,
for example, the terms igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are intro-
duced, but these terms are not included on the sample chart because
only the 10 most useful and transferable words were chosen.
• Set up the lists as word families and introduce various forms of a
word as appropriate, along with information about related words
or useful roots. Students don’t need to know the derivation of all
words, but it does help to introduce roots found in many other
words. It is also unnecessary to introduce all possible forms of a
word at once: keep the load manageable and ignore some forms
until they are needed at a later time. Some forms may never be
needed. Help students with pronunciation by emphasizing the
main stress in different forms of a word (e.g., mineral and mineralo-
gist). Ask students to repeat the various forms of a word.
• Refer to lists regularly, removing each only when all the words are
• Draw students’ attention to prefixes and suffixes and teach useful
generalizations. On the list of top 10 words, for example, you might
point out the suffix -tion in formation and encourage students to
brainstorm to create a list of other words that include the same suf-
fix (e.g., location, description, information, question, and education).
Some words may be drawn from the lesson and others may be
words they already know. Explain that the -tion ending nearly
always signals that the word is an abstract noun.
• From the charts displayed on the word wall, select words with
common affixes and add them to another list on a special section of
the wall. Develop these lists gradually as new word families are
added to the word wall. Draw attention to these lists when new
words using the same affixes occur in a lesson, and ask students to
contribute other words with the same affixes.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 225

Top 10 Words
Rocks and Minerals

Verb Noun Adjective Related Words Word Roots Examples

form form formal inform form = shape This book has a lot of
formation reform information about rock
deform formations in various

locate location local loc = place

describe description descriptive scribe scrib (scrip) Use descriptive words to

script = write write about your sample
prescription rocks.
manuscript Chinese script is different
from English writing.
If you need medicine, you
must get a prescription
from your doctor.

mine mineral mineral mineralogy Mineralogists know all

miner mineralogist about oil, coal, diamonds,
and other minerals.

classify classification classified class We classified our samples

into rocks and minerals.

magnify magnification magnified magnificent magni = big, We used a magnifying

magnifying great glass to examine our rock
and mineral samples.

examine examination school exam After examining our

medical samples, we recorded our
exam observations on a chart.
The chart is a record of
our work.
record record recorded

observe observation observant


geology geological geography geo = earth Geologists know all about

geologist geometry the earth and what’s

226 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

The following is a chart of affixes encountered during a history unit.


Prefix Usual Meaning Example Suffix Usual Meaning Example

a- (af-) on affix -ant noun: a person immigrant

dis- not disagree -or noun: a person governor

im- not impossible -ence abstract noun independence

im- in, into immigrant -ion abstract noun union

in- not independent -ment abstract noun government

multi- many multicultural -ry (-y) abstract noun slavery

pre- before prefix -ate verb immigrate

sub-(suf-) under, close to suffix -ize verb symbolize

un- not unhappy -al adjective federal

-ent adjective dependent

-ful adjective resourceful

-ed past tense depended

-s plural resources


Students must begin using new words right away in activities that
enable them to focus on the new words without worrying about other
aspects of language use. Two of the most useful activities are cloze pas-
sages and contextualized word puzzles.
Cloze Passages
A modified version of the cloze passage can be used to help students use
new words and review content at the same time. Write a summary of
key information from the lesson, deleting key words that you have
taught. These may be content words (e.g., immigration and photosynthe-
sis) or connectives (e.g., however and as a result). Provide a word bank for
students to choose from. Always include two or three more words than

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 227

The following passage is based on a chapter in a social studies

resources products service produce

depend population manufacturing transportation

Many jobs _________________ on natural __________________, such as

trees, fish, and oil. In cities, many people work in _________________
industries, making _______________ in factories. _____________ indus-
tries such as finance, communications, and government are also important
in urban areas.

The following sentences highlight common words in mathematics.

area volume cube right face root
1a. The ____________ of the room was 24m
1b. Sanjay’s mother asked him to turn down the ___________ of his stereo.
1c. Some books such as encyclopedias are so big that they come in more
than one ___________.

2a. A 90! angle is a ____________ angle.

Student 1 2b. Do you have the _______________ answer for this question?
2c. To find the library, go down the hall and turn ___________.
The following example from a science lesson focuses on connectives.
if and as a result because because of
4. therefore so so that in order to although
I am a frog. I need to live in or near water _________ I must keep my skin
moist. _______ I sometimes move away from the water, I don’t go very far,
and I always stay where it is damp. I must keep my skin moist _______
1. Rhymes with go. breathe properly. _______ I stay away from water too long, my skin will
2. It’s hard to walk on.
dry up. _______, I would probably die. ________, I always stay in or near
3. Don’t forget to wear these!
4. Not shoes. wet places.
5. You can wear them on your feet.
6. Ends with f. Word Puzzles
Crossword and other puzzles based on the content of lessons or units help
The hidden word is ________________. students practice and internalize new words. Online software is available
Student 2 to help create the grid, which is otherwise time-consuming. Make cross-
words interactive by providing the puzzle to students in pairs. Give one
1. student only the across clues, and another only the down clues.
Jigsaw word puzzles, such as the simple one shown on this page,
promote talk and collaboration at the same time as they provide op-
3. portunities to practice vocabulary as students work together to figure
4. out the hidden word. This kind of puzzle is quick to prepare, and after
5. completing one or two, pairs and small groups can create their own to
6. share with others. The puzzle shown, which focuses on words about
winter, was designed to be completed in pairs by young children and
1. It’s white and cold! older students who are at the beginning stages of learning English. Each
2. Rhymes with rice. student in a pair has the same grid, but different clues. More compli-
3. Not gloves. cated puzzles can be created by making up four different sets of clues
4. Wear them on your feet. for the words on the same grid.
5. On the ice.
Though both cloze activities and word puzzles are useful and inter-
6. Don’t forget to wear this!
esting, they often involve words that are not yet part of students’ active
The hidden word is ________________. vocabulary. Once the words have been introduced, take advantage of

228 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

every opportunity to encourage students to use them in less structured
ways. You might, for example, write on the chalkboard some of the
words you want students to use in a classroom discussion, then point to
a specific word you want them to use when responding to a question.
Or you might also list “words of the week” and instruct students to use
some of the words in a journal entry.

Developing Vocabulary Acquisition Skills

Students need to learn to handle unfamiliar words that arise as they
are reading or studying independently. To help them do this, show
them how to use context, a problem-solving approach, and dictionar-
ies to help figure out the meaning. Keeping a vocabulary notebook
also helps.

Use a think-aloud approach to demonstrate how to recognize help
when it is provided in the text and how to decide whether it is really
necessary to know the meaning of a specific word or group of words to
understand the point of a sentence or paragraph.
In the following passage about birds, for example, the underlined
words and phrases may pose challenges for language learners. If you
read the passage with students, think aloud to demonstrate various
reading strategies, as in the example below.

Text Teacher’s “think-aloud”

There are more than 8,500 species, or kinds, of birds. They I don’t know the word species, but I’ll keep on reading. Oh, I
live in deserts, tropical forests, along seashores, in see. It says, “or kinds,” so species must mean kinds. This
gardens, woods, and big cities, and even in the icy polar section is about different kinds of birds.
regions. All the bird species look different. Some, such as Hmmm. It says, “Some, such as vultures and eagles …”
vultures and eagles, are huge. Others, such as They must be birds, because some refers to bird species in
hummingbirds and sparrows, are only about as big as the sentence before. “Others, such as hummingbirds and
mice. Some birds have startling and beautiful colors. A sparrows …” More birds. “A peacock’s tail …” A peacock
peacock’s tail shimmers like a rainbow. Some other birds must be a kind of bird as well. These are all different kinds
are brown and drab. of birds. I guess that’s good enough for now.
“Shimmers like a rainbow …” I think this means that the
tail is colorful and bright, like a rainbow. I think drab must
mean the opposite of startling and beautiful colors. Not
colorful or beautiful.
Gradually, over thousands of years, some bird species lost
the power of flight. They had reached areas where there
were few animals to compete with them for food and they
no longer needed to fly. Their wings gradually became
smaller and weaker. At the same time, they became better
adapted for their lives in other ways. Ostriches, rheas, and
emus all live on grasslands. Though they cannot fly to “Ostriches, rheas, and emus.” I guess these are birds.
seek food or escape enemies, all are large birds and can They’re all examples of birds that don’t fly.
run very fast. The ostrich is the largest living bird. It
reaches a height of up to eight feet and has long legs for
running. Kiwis, cassowaries, and penguins are other “Kiwis, cassowaries, and penguins” are also birds that
well-known flightless birds. don’t fly. I’ve heard of penguins. They live in the
Antarctic. I wonder where kiwis and cassowaries live? I’ll
look at the picture to see these birds and find out where
they live. That’s interesting, but I don’t need to know the
names of all these birds right now. The main idea is that
some birds do not fly.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 229


When you meet a

On the classroom wall, keep a chart like the one shown on this page.
new word … Refer to it before students read a passage or when discussing a passage
they have just read.
Skip it and keep Guess the meaning by
reading. If you still looking at the rest of DI CTI ONARI ES
can’t get the sense of the sentence or
what you are paragraph. If this As illustrated by the chart in the previous section, consulting a dictio-
reading… doesn’t help … nary is only one of several strategies for handling new words. For
beginning language learners, bilingual dictionaries, including elec-
Ask someone. If there is Look at the parts of the tronic dictionaries, are essential survival tools. In addition to providing
no one to ask … word. Does anything
remind you of other bilingual dictionaries in the school library, encourage beginners to carry
words? If you are still their own pocket dictionaries.
stuck and you really
need to know the Many English language learners, however, cling to their bilingual
meaning of this word dictionaries too long, referring to them every time they encounter a new
to continue …
word. This approach can slow down reading so much that comprehen-
sion suffers. In addition, many bilingual dictionaries do not list
Use a dictionary.
academic or technical words, such as photosynthesis. Even if words like
these are listed, knowing the translation may not help if a student hasn’t
already studied the concept in his or her first language. Another draw-
back of bilingual dictionaries, especially pocket dictionaries, is that they
do not provide all the possible meanings of words, such as balance and
product, that mean specific things in specific subjects.
Once language learners are beyond the beginning stage, it is impor-
tant to teach them to use English-only learner dictionaries. These
dictionaries provide simple definitions, pronunciation guides, illustra-
tions, and contextualized examples. Some also provide information
about alternative forms of words, such as irregular past tense and plural
noun forms. Learner dictionaries are more helpful to English language
learners — and many native speakers as well — than standard reference
dictionaries, which often provide explanations that are as difficult to
understand as the word being looked up and require a sophisticated
knowledge of language terms.
Because the system for identifying words, pronunciation, and so on
varies from dictionary to dictionary, it is important to teach students
how to use the information that is usually found at the beginning of a

Encourage students to keep vocabulary notebooks. To remember a
word, students might copy the sentence in which the word occurred,
write a translation (if they are familiar with the concept in their own lan-
guage), or draw a diagram. A typical notebook page might look like the
one shown on the following page.
Don’t worry about teaching every unfamiliar word. Encourage stu-
dents to skip words whose meaning they can guess at or understand in
a general way. If a word is unlikely to recur, it doesn’t matter if students
have only a general understanding of its meaning. If a word is really
important, it will recur, and students’ understanding of its meaning will
increase with each encounter.
Be careful. The common vocabulary-practice activities may not be as
helpful as you might wish.

230 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Date: September 8–12 Chapter or Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Nouns Verbs Adjectives Explanation, Example, and Translation
conclusion conclude conclusive finish, end
conclusively This book concludes with chapters on Britain and
Mexico. (p. 6) (ends)
Explain how you arrived at your conclusion. (p. 17)
(final opinion)
Idioms and Set Expressions Explanation, Example, and Translation
walk the earth … during the many thousands of years that humans
have walked the earth. (p. 6)
You often want to leave the beaten track and explore on
the beaten track your own. (p. 6)

• Looking up words and copying definitions: Students may copy

and even memorize definitions but be unable to understand the
words or use them independently. Concentrate instead on the real
purposes of using dictionaries. Writers use dictionaries to check
spelling and confirm meaning, and readers use dictionaries when
they encounter a new word that is essential to understanding a
passage. Second language learners also use dictionaries to check
pronunciation and discover grammatical information, such as the
past participle of an irregular verb. Students may also look up a
word to figure out which of several meanings is most appropriate
in a given context.
• Using new words in new sentences that show the meaning: If stu-
dents could do this, they wouldn’t need to. Most students need
more supported practice, such as cloze activities, to help them use
new words. For a more challenging assignment, provide a familiar
context for the new words, and instruct students to choose five or
six from a list of 10 that have been presented and practiced in class.
This can be an oral or written group activity.
• Completing word-search activities: Many word searches depend
on word recognition rather than comprehension. Choose only
activities that include some context that supports comprehension,
and be aware that word searches that arrange words diagonally,
right to left, or from bottom to top can be confusing for second lan-
guage learners, some of whom are still becoming familiar with the
direction of English print.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 231

Integrated Grammar Instruction
As noted in earlier chapters, grammar instruction is most effective
when it is incorporated into daily lessons as specific patterns or prob-
lems occur in class. By drawing students’ attention to recurring
patterns, focusing on examples of the same structure in other contexts,
and providing many opportunities for practice and feedback, you can
integrate grammar and content instruction.

Recurring Patterns
Look for a recurring pattern in a text or a lesson. Some patterns, such as
the following, occur over and over again in various academic contexts.
• Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives (e.g., greater than,
fewer than, and the highest) occur regularly in mathematics and
when interpreting graphs and charts.
• Past-tense verb forms appear in narrative fiction, history, and the
retelling of personal experiences.
• The simple present tense and subject-verb agreement are required
in many contexts, such as listing components (e.g., Each molecule
of water consists of one atom of oxygen and two of hydrogen),
describing (e.g., An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal
length), and retelling stories (e.g., Romeo falls in love with Juliet at
first sight).
Language Feature of the Week • The passive voice is used to describe processes or results (e.g., sci-
No matter what subject or grade level you ence experiments: The water was heated; and agricultural or indus-
teach, you can help all students become trial processes: The logs are transported).
more aware of how English works by
focusing on a language feature of the week. To focus students’ attention on a specific pattern, make a transparency
This focus need not be restricted to of a page that includes several occurrences of the feature. You might, for
grammatical structures. You might also example, highlight the passive verbs in a model lab report or in a text-
focus on other aspects of language, such as a book description of a process, such as the formation of rocks. Explain
specific word root or affix, or connectives. In
all cases, the feature should be drawn from that the passive voice is often used to describe how something is made,
the context of the lessons you are teaching grown, and formed, and is especially important in science. Ask students
that week. to identify additional examples of this structure in the text.

Examples of the Same Structure in Other Contexts

Involve students in creating a chart that includes many examples of the
target structure. To practice passive verbs, for example, invite students
to contribute their responses to questions like these:
• Where (when) were you born?
• When was this school built?
• What is paper made of?
• What is grown on the Prairies?
• Why was the Great Wall of China built?
• How were the pyramids of Egypt built?

Opportunities for Practice and Feedback

Students need many opportunities to use new patterns in real communica-
tion. Cloze activities are especially useful for focusing students’ attention
on a language feature at the same time as they work with ideas from class-
room lessons. The modified cloze passage shown on the following page is

232 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

based on recent lessons. Students fill in the blanks to review or demon-
strate their knowledge of key concepts from the lesson.
Sedimentary Rock For more examples of cloze and other structured writing tasks that
Use the passive form of the following verbs help students practice using specific language features as they summa-
to complete this paragraph. rize or paraphrase the content of a reading or lesson, see the following
press blow wash section, “Writing Scaffolds.”
squeeze form break Students also need opportunities to use the structures in less sup-
ported situations, such as in journal responses. Provide a few sample
How Sedimentary Rock Is Formed sentences or a model journal entry, highlighting the use of the structure
Rocks and minerals are broken into smaller you want the students to use. For more suggestions for using journals of
pieces when they are washed away by water various kinds, see “Journals” later in this chapter.
or when they _____ ______ away by the When you respond to students’ written work, pay specific attention
wind. Many layers of these small pieces
_____ ______ together until eventually they
to the pattern you have been highlighting — but don’t correct the students’
_____ _____ together into a solid mass. work. Instead, place an asterisk or another symbol in the margin to indi-
cate that there is a problem with the language feature contained in that
particular line. Students gain little from your corrections, but they learn
a great deal from making their own corrections. Checking their correc-
tions also helps you ensure that they have understood and can apply a
particular feature. For more detailed suggestions on providing support-
ive feedback, see Chapter 10.

Writing Scaffolds
In teaching and learning, scaffolds are the supports that teachers and
more proficient peers provide to help learners achieve a higher level of
This cloze passage provides performance than they can manage on their own. Writing scaffolds are
practice in using passive verbs, temporary frameworks that enable learners of English to use new
which are commonly used to words and phrases, practice specific grammar patterns, and produce
describe procedures and processes,
especially in science: sentences, paragraphs, and various forms of writing of a quality that
they would be unable to produce without help. As language learners
To find the volume of a solid by become more proficient, they need less and less support.
using an overflow can and a Cloze, sentence combining, sentence completion, paragraph frames,
graduated cylinder: and composition templates are writing scaffolds that help students
1. The spout of the can was move from highly supported activities to activities that provide less
covered with a finger. support.
2. The overflow can
_____________ above the level
of the spout. Cloze Activities
3. The can ____________ on a level
surface and the water above the The cloze technique can be adapted to focus attention on and help stu-
spout ____________ out. dents practice using specific language features. Create cloze passages
4. The object _______________ into that summarize or paraphrase the content of a reading or lesson, delet-
the water, and the water that ing the feature you want students to practice.
overflows ________________ in Cloze passages can appear deceptively simple. The example on the
the graduated cylinder.
5. The volume of water in the next page is from a science lesson. It is challenging for English language
cylinder ______________ by learners, because they must choose from among various forms of a
reading the graduated cylinder. word and because they may need to manipulate some grammatical

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 233

Choose words from the list to complete the sentences that follow.

form formation formal

inform information informative
locate location local
describe description descriptive

This book is very ______________. I learned a lot about rocks. For example,
I learned that the Niagara Escarpment is a famous rock _____________ in
Ontario. There are many other interesting rock ______________ in differ-
ent _______________ in Ontario, across Canada, and around the world.

The following passage from a social studies lesson provides practice

using past-tense forms of verbs.

raise stand be live begin eat farm use start

The first people ________ in Africa more than three million years ago.
Their brains _______ bigger than the brains of apes, and they _________
upright. They_______ fruits, roots, and berries for their food.
During the next three million years, humans _______ to make tools
and weapons. They ________ animals for their meat and their skins.
They ______ to use fire. About 6,000 years ago, people _______ to live in
settled communities. They ______ the land and ______ animals.

Sentence-Combining Activities
Sentence-combining activities help students begin working with longer
sentences. The following example requires students to retell events in a
story by choosing appropriate conjunctions to link parts of sentences.
Similar activities can be created to focus on connectives that signal cause
and effect, sequence, and so on.

Romeo and Juliet fall in and she can think of a way

love so out of it.
Romeo kills himself but their families are
Romeo kills Tybalt involved in a feud.
Juliet will have to marry he helps her to make a
although plan.
until the Prince banishes him
Juliet begs Friar
Lawrence for help unless from the city.
because he thinks Juliet is dead.

Sentence-Completion Activities
Sentence-completion activities provide a framework that helps students
construct sentences of various types. The following example, based on
the content of an elementary science lesson, focuses on cause and effect.

The plant on the window sill grew taller because …

The plant in the corner received less light. As a result, …
The plant in the closet received no light. Therefore, …
We conclude that … in order to grow.

234 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Paragraph Frames
A Model Paragraph Paragraph frames help students organize their ideas into well-con-
topic sentence Toronto is one of the structed paragraphs. Beginning with simple paragraphs, show students
most multicultural cities models of the kind of paragraph you want them to produce. Label the
supporting in the world. key components of the paragraphs, as shown in the model of basic En-
details Torontonians have roots glish paragraph structure in the margin. This consists of a general topic
or examples in more than 120 sentence, supporting details, and a restatement of the main idea.
countries and speak
more than 80 languages. Modeled writing also helps students understand paragraph struc-
Whatever language you ture. On the chalkboard or chart paper, compose a paragraph to
speak, you can probably demonstrate the process. Think aloud as you write, showing how you
find doctors, lawyers, make choices and revise. Use the terms you have discussed with the
hairstylists, grocery class (e.g., “I need to start with a topic sentence that tells what my para-
stores, car mechanics,
and bank clerks who graph is about”).
speak your language. Next, provide a paragraph frame like the following. It consists of a
Community series of prompts that help students produce a well-constructed para-
newspapers are graph of their own.
published in several
languages, and public
libraries contain San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in North America. To the
multilingual material. west, … while to the east, … San Francisco has … There is … San Fran-
Children from many cisco residents also enjoy … People from across North America and
language and cultural around the world visit this beautiful city on the west coast.
backgrounds study and
play together in class-
conclusion or rooms and schoolyards.
restatement Toronto’s diversity The following paragraph frame, based on the content of a history
makes the city an lesson, is an explanation of cause and effect.
interesting and exciting
place to live. There were four major causes of World War I. One was … Another rea-
son war broke out was … A third reason was … The fourth major cause of
the war was …

The following paragraph frame, based on the content of a class dis-

cussion, provides support for an opinion.

Should we have a Christmas play this year?

In my opinion, we should (should not) have a Christmas play this year.
For one thing (First of all), … Another reason is … In addition (Further-
more), … Therefore, …

Composition Templates
Similar to paragraph frames, composition templates are used to help
students write longer pieces of two or more connected paragraphs. Start
by providing examples of the form of writing (see Chapter 7) you want
students to produce (e.g., a recounting, an explanation, or an exposi-
tion). Then model the process on the chalkboard or chart paper,
thinking aloud as students watch and listen. You may also invite them
to contribute ideas. Then provide a template to guide students as they
produce their own extended pieces of writing.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 235

The following template might be used to create a journal entry in

Introduce the topic Our group investigated …

Relate the topic to your Before we started our investigation, I

own knowledge or thought …

Retell (What When we carried out our

happened?) investigation we observed that …

Reflect (What did you I learned that …

learn?) I wonder …

A template like the following can be used for writing a simple exposi-
tion that argues a point of view.

Introduction In my … opinion … I have _ reasons

(State your opinion) for taking this point of view.

First argument First, … For instance, …

Second argument I would also like to point out that …

Third argument Another problem (argument,

consideration) is, … For example, …

Conclusion For these reasons, I believe …


Increasingly, teachers in all subject areas are encouraging students to
keep journals. Journals encourage students to think aloud on paper,
express their feelings and opinions, ask questions, and reflect on their
learning in a personal way. Journal responses are usually more
thoughtful if the students have first had an opportunity to discuss the
information and ideas in small groups.
Journals may also help students prepare for other writing assign-
ments. Journals are seldom marked or graded, although students may
choose to revise and polish an entry for publication or evaluation (see
“The Writing Process” later in this chapter). Teachers may also use the
journals to note specific language difficulties that can become the focus
of instruction at another time.
Various formats can be used for journal writing. Response journals,
learning logs, and dialogue journals are especially useful and can be
adapted for use in various subject areas.

236 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Response Journals
Response journals encourage students to respond in writing to a read-
ing passage, video, field trip, classroom speaker, or group discussion or
activity, as well as to other sources of new information. These responses
encourage students to make connections between their previous knowl-
edge and new learning.
Be careful not to over-use response journals, however. Students can
quickly become disenchanted with even the most exciting field trip or
learning experience if they know they will be required to write a journal
entry afterwards.
Most English language learners need help when they begin using
response journals, and many teachers encourage journal writing by
sharing some of their own entries. Providing models and templates
encourages students to go beyond simply retelling what they have
learned or discovered, prompting them to relate the new learning to
their own lives or previous knowledge and reflect on its implications
and applications.
Students in the early stages of learning English may benefit from
writing in their first language. To encourage fluency, suggest that they
substitute words from their first language when they don’t know the
English equivalents and look up the English words later.
The following template is based on a three-part model for Retelling,
Relating, and Reflecting.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 237

Title Our Visit to the Science Center

Retell What was the most important or interesting thing

you learned during our visit to the Science Center?

Relate How does this relate to what we have been

studying in class?

Reflect How might this be important? Do you have any

opinions about what you learned? What questions
do you still have?

Learning Logs
Learning logs are used to review a lesson or learning activity. For exam-
ple, students might write their own explanations of a new concept or
describe how they solved a problem. Students can also use learning logs
to record their progress on major assignments, such as research projects
or group presentations. Learning logs have become increasingly impor-
tant even in subjects such as mathematics, in which writing has
traditionally received little attention.
Learning logs help develop metacognitive skills by encouraging stu-
dents to express their thoughts in writing and reflect on and make plans
for their own learning. Teachers can use learning logs to gain insights
Write about Today’s Lesson into students’ thinking about and understanding of new concepts, as
What did you learn?
well as their attitudes toward a subject and their individual learning
styles. Learning logs can also provide teachers with valuable insights
What was the best part of the lesson? into their own teaching.
What suggestions do you have for the As with other kinds of writing, it is helpful to model the process and
teacher? provide prompts or templates like those shown in the margin to help
students get started.

Dialogue Journals
Students use dialogue journals to write directly and privately to a spe-
cific reader, who writes back. Students may use this kind of journal for a
variety of real purposes, such as asking questions about an aspect of a
lesson, sharing personal information, and offering opinions.
Because responding to dialogue journals is time-consuming, it’s a
good idea to enlist the help of others, whether this is a student in
another grade or even someone who doesn’t know the writer. Some
teachers set up secret friend or secret correspondent partnerships. The
partners may be introduced to each other at the end of the year.
A respondent who can write in a student’s first language can be espe-
cially helpful to beginning learners of English. Responses should be
thoughtful, personal, and non-evaluative, designed to stimulate think-
ing and provide models of language use. The respondent may notice
specific errors in a student’s writing and provide supportive feedback
in the response by modeling and underlining the appropriate grammat-
ical form or word choice. By using appropriate synonyms and
antonyms, the responses may also help expand a student’s vocabulary
and repertoire of ways of saying the same thing. For resources on using
dialogue journals with English language learners, see “To Learn More
…” at the end of this chapter.

238 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

The Writing Process
The writing process involves students in purposeful writing for a real or
imaginary audience and emphasizes the stages that “real writers” go
through when creating a piece of writing. The process can be used in all
subject areas and is especially helpful for second language learners.

Purposeful Writing
The writing process involves students in real writing tasks, or simula-
tions, with a specific purpose and audience in mind. This means that,
from the beginning, learners must think about how to communicate
Students need to be involved in a variety of writing tasks, from short,
informal pieces to highly structured compositions completed with the
careful guidance of the teacher. Students may, for example, write letters,
personal and fictional narratives, poems, memos, notes, instructions,
response journals, dialogue journals, and learning logs, as well as more
traditional assignments such as lab reports, summaries, research projects,
and essays. In every case, the quality of students’ writing will be higher if
they see examples of the required form before they start.
The following are examples of non-traditional writing assignments
that involve students in writing for a variety of audiences and purposes.

In your textbook, look at some word problems about sports. Then work
with a partner to write a word problem about a sport that you know well.
Your problem should involve ratio, averages, or percentages. Include an
explanation of the sport’s rules that a person must know to solve the
You can write your problem in two languages. Other students in the class
will solve your problem.

You are a 19th-century Chinese worker building the railway. Write a letter
home describing the work, the working conditions, and the way your
co-workers and bosses treat you. Write about your wishes and dreams for
the future, and ask about your family.

Look at the photographs of the Depression in the textbook. Write a
descriptive piece based on one of the photographs, from the point of view
of either an observer or one of the people in the picture. Include what you
see and what you feel.

English or Language Arts

Imagine you are a character in one of the stories we have read this term.
From your character’s point of view, write a journal entry about the most
dramatic or important event in the story.

Write and illustrate a children’s book about one of the systems, such as the
reproductive system or digestive system) that we have studied in human
biology. Your book should help children become aware of their own

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 239

bodies, without using difficult jargon. To get ideas about illustrations, lan-
guage, and the use of humor, look at some of the children’s books on
display in the classroom. When your book is finished, you will present it to
the children in Ms. Ahmed’s class at Fairview Elementary School.
Note: Your book will be especially valuable if you produce a bilingual ver-
sion in English and one of the languages spoken in our community.

Choose one of the regions we have studied this term and write an adver-
tisement encouraging people to live there, to locate a new industry there,
or to go on holiday there. Create an English version and a version for a
community newspaper in another language.

Stages in the Writing Process

Proficient writers seldom sit down and write a piece, no matter how
short, in one uninterrupted session. Instead, writers may make several
starts before they know where they want to go with the piece. Even
writing a simple memo or phone message may involve re-reading and
correcting or making more than one attempt. Longer pieces may start
with an outline, which may be revised several times before the writer
starts to write. Most writers create several versions of a piece. Each ver-
sion is more satisfying than the last, until they are confident that the
piece is ready to be read. Teachers can model the writing process to
demonstrate the planning, composing, and editing skills that are impor-
tant to all writers.
The approach outlined in this section is especially helpful to students
who are writing in a second language because it provides support and
Oh, No! Not the Writing Process Again! feedback at several stages of composition. Using a computer makes
Be flexible when using the writing process. If revising and editing much less tedious and often encourages students
students spend a lot of time working to produce more and take risks they might otherwise avoid.
through the entire process every time they The writing process consists of five stages.
write, writing will become a boring,
time-consuming chore. It is not necessary for • Pre-writing
students to revise and polish all their work • Writing the first draft
or to submit every piece for evaluation. Each
term, you might, for example, specify only • Revising
certain assignments for development • Editing
through the writing process and require • Sharing the final product
these to be submitted with all drafts.
Help students explore ideas and get ready for writing. Group brain-
storming is especially helpful in exploring a range of ideas. A key visual
can help students organize their ideas into a logical pattern that
involves classification, sequence, parallel ideas, or comparing and
Show students models of the kind of writing you want them to pro-
duce and provide frameworks to help them do so. If you want a lab
report in a specific format, for example, show students several models
and discuss important elements, such as headings, labeled diagrams,
and language features, such as the passive voice and connectives.
Provide some structure. You might, for example, provide starter sen-
tences for students to choose among or questions they can respond to. A
paragraph frame or composition template helps students organize their
ideas. Give specific instructions about your expectations: specify the
length and the number of supporting points that should be included, as
well as specific words students should use.

240 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Emphasize the exploratory nature of a first draft. If students want to
cross out words or sections or reorganize their ideas, this is part of the
process and does not mean that they have made mistakes. You might
display copies of original manuscripts by famous writers to show stu-
dents that even professional writers go through this stage. Today’s
students have a great advantage over writers of the past: they can use
computers to explore ideas and make changes as they go.
Some students will produce better work if they write their first draft
in their first language.

This stage enables students to test their ideas on an audience, which
may be a writing partner, a group of peers, or the teacher. Explain that
the focus is on the overall meaning of the piece and the development of
the ideas rather than details, such as spelling and grammar. These will
be dealt with at the next stage.
Use questions like the following to create a checklist to help students
respond to one another’s work and analyze their own.
• Does the piece follow the model or template?
• Is the content relevant and interesting?
• Is the piece organized effectively in paragraphs or under appropri-
ate headings?
• Do ideas need more development?
• Are more details or examples needed?
• Could more interesting or sophisticated vocabulary express the
ideas more powerfully?
• Do appropriate connecting words link sentences and paragraphs?
After receiving this feedback, the writer considers the suggested
changes and incorporates some of them into a second draft.

The editing stage involves checking surface features, such as grammar,
spelling, and punctuation. Teach students how to use the spellcheck
feature of the word processing program they are using — but warn
them that computer checkers are never perfect and that they must also
use their own judgment. Students learn a great deal about English spell-
ing patterns and idiosyncrasies when their spelling errors are flagged
and alternatives are offered. Include peer-editing sessions and student-
teacher conferences as part of this process.
Focus on specific kinds of language errors and demonstrate some of
the rules and patterns of English to students who have not yet fully
acquired them. Resist the temptation to point out every error, however.
Focus instead on recurring patterns. Identify and explain the pattern or
rule so that the student can make the corrections (see Chapter 10). Stu-
dents then return to the second draft and edit to produce the final copy.
At this stage, they may also work on the layout and illustrations.

At this stage, which is sometimes called publishing, students’ writing
may be shared in many ways. It may be displayed in or outside the
classroom, included in an anthology of class writing, presented to the
teacher for formal evaluation, or sent to the appropriate audience, such
This girl is sharing a book she created. as the school principal or a newspaper.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 241

A writing portfolio allows students to select several pieces of writing
during the year, as a record of their best performance, for evaluation
purposes. The portfolio can also be shared with parents at parent-
teacher interviews.

Guided Projects
In North American classrooms, group or individual research projects are
valuable learning activities. Students who have begun their education in
other countries, however, may be very uncomfortable when the teacher
does not direct and monitor every step of the learning process. Their par-
ents, too, may feel less able to help their children than those who have the
time, resources, and educational background to understand what is
involved when their children are assigned projects. Those who are not
comfortable speaking English may feel even less able to help.
When students do not understand the nature of the task or do not
have the necessary resources, the quality of the product may be disap-
pointing. Students may produce projects that are poorly organized and
contain material that has been copied directly from a source, a practice
that is valued in school systems where learning from the masters is
To help all students produce successful projects, teachers need to
provide guidance and support in class. It is important to introduce pro-
jects in a structured way and review the process every time you assign a
project. Be ready to give direct, individual instruction to students who
are less experienced in project work, and ensure that your expectations
are realistic. If learning how to find information is an important out-
come, for example, the volume of information is not tremendously
important. To demonstrate that they have met this expectation at a level
appropriate to their stage of proficiency in English, beginners might
start by finding and reporting five relevant facts. More advanced stu-
dents might be expected to write a longer and more detailed report.
The following approach helps increase students’ confidence and
improves their results.
• Explain why projects are valuable. Students and parents need to hear
what the benefits are. Keep examples of projects on hand to show
students — and their parents.

• Provide a step-by-step checklist of the tasks involved, and monitor each

step. This enables you to give feedback at each step, redirect stu-
dents who may be off track, offer extra help when needed, and
help students plan their work and organize their time. Provide
constructive feedback on the process as well as the product, basing
your assessment on observation, as well as on students’ notes,
journals, and learning logs. A sample checklist is provided on the
following page.

• Help students choose a topic. Faced with choosing a topic for the first
time, many students will be unable to choose or may choose a safe
topic that does not motivate them to learn anything new. Strategies
such as brainstorming help students see the diversity of choices and
how choices relate to one another. Remember that brainstorming in

242 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Project Checklist
Use this checklist to plan and organize your group project. Check off each task as you go. Don’t skip any steps.


❑ We have agreed on a topic.

❑ We have brainstormed some questions about the topic.
❑ We have predicted some possible answers to our questions.
❑ We have made a graphic organizer to organize topics and subtopics.
❑ We have given ourselves subtopics or tasks.
❑ We know what information we need.
❑ We have consulted the teacher about possible sources of information.
❑ Our teacher has seen and approved our work so far.
❑ We are ready to start our research.

❑ We have planned research time in the school library or for interviews.

❑ We have helped one another by sharing resources.
❑ We have made point-form notes on the information we collected.
❑ We have discussed how our information answers our original questions.
❑ We have revised our graphic organizer and added notes under each subtopic.
❑ We have asked the teacher for help when necessary.
❑ Our teacher has seen and approved our work so far.
❑ We are ready to start preparing our final product.
Report Writing

❑ We have used the graphic organizer to plan an outline of our project.

❑ We have agreed on how we want to present our information.
❑ We have helped one another revise our first draft.
❑ We have met __ times to review progress and make sure everyone is on track.
❑ We have asked the teacher for help when necessary.
❑ We have read through our report or rehearsed our presentation together.
❑ We are ready to share our finished project.

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 243

small groups is less stressful for second language learners. Ask indi-
vidual students to report the ideas brainstormed by each group.

• Show learners a variety of models of acceptable to outstanding perfor-

mance. Show them projects completed by another class, perhaps
on a different topic, so that they can see what a finished project
looks like. The model projects should represent a wide range of
performance. In addition, show students several ways of present-
ing information, such as posters, videotapes, comic books, inter-
views and role plays, as well as traditional written reports. Discuss
the criteria used in assessing the models and encourage students to
talk about the differences between satisfactory and excellent.

• Emphasize the importance of content and organization, rather than the

technology used to present the material. Remember that students
do not have equal access to computers, laser printers, color print-
ers, spiral binding machines, and software.

• Send home a short description of the project and its pedagogical pur-
pose. Remember that not all parents read English. If parental
involvement is expected, this expectation should be realistic and
specific, taking into account the language of the home, the time
available, and parents’ experience with this kind of activity.

• Encourage students to explore topics relevant to their own lives and expe-
riences so that they can obtain information from parents and com-
munity sources. Encourage interviews as a method of collecting
data, as these can be conducted in any language. You might also
suggest that part of — or all — the project be presented in two

• Organize group projects. This provides support for second language

learners and enables students to draw on one another’s skills, tal-
ents, and interests. It also helps students develop important social

• Help students organize existing knowledge and figure out where research
is needed by developing pre-writing charts or outlines. A KWL
chart can help them get started, for example, and a concept map
can help them categorize or sequence ideas.

• Provide — or help students find — resource material. Students who are

unfamiliar with resource centers may not know how to use the
school library. They may need help not only to find books and
other materials, but also to use CD-ROMs and Internet resources.
Work with the school librarian to design a program introducing
the library. You might also take students to the public library, help
them join if they are not already members, and ask the librarian to
orient the class to its facilities and services. Many students, espe-
cially those who do not have study space or a computer at home,
may find the public library an ideal place to do homework.

• Teach students how to paraphrase. Students who are accustomed to

memorizing facts or passages from books need to practice select-
ing and paraphrasing information. If you want students to

244 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

demonstrate their comprehension of material by paraphrasing it,
show them how to do this. Write a sentence or a short paragraph
from a reference book on the chalkboard and show the students
several ways of wording it differently. Then provide several sen-
tences for them to practice on. Remember that second language
learners are bound to make mistakes in grammar and word choice.
It is important not to penalize second language learners for these
errors; if you do, they will revert to memorizing or copying from
the text as a way of avoiding these errors.

• Provide essential resources, such as reference material, presentation

folders, various kinds of paper, colored markers and crayons, glue
and scissors, concrete materials for models, magazine pictures,
and other materials that may not be available to students at home.
If you don’t have computers in your classroom, book time for stu-
dents in the school’s computer lab.

• Review the process and the skills involved in projects every time you
assign one. Remember that newcomers arrive at every grade level
and at all times of the year. You may need to provide individual
instruction to newcomers.

Integrating the Arts

Arts education enriches the lives of all students. Involvement in the arts
also promotes second language acquisition and social integration.
Visual art, drama, music, and the games and activities in the physical
education program provide opportunities for students in the early
stages of second language acquisition to participate, to understand
what is going on, and to demonstrate their special skills and talents. Stu-
dents who are just beginning to learn English can respond emotionally
to a piece of music or a painting and enjoy the physical exhilaration of
an active game without knowing the rules in English.
Moreover, these fields are universal and highly valued in all cultures.
Integrating arts activities into other subjects captures students’ interest,
supports comprehension, and encourages classroom interaction among
English language learners and their English-speaking peers.

Visual Art
Many second language learners are able to communicate in pictures
what they are not yet able to communicate in English. Creating
artworks also provides meaningful opportunities for language learning
as students talk to peers or the teacher about their drawing, painting, or
sculpture. Students may be able to show their understanding of con-
cepts, such as the water cycle, by producing an illustrated chart, and
with the help of a peer tutor, may be able to add English labels or cap-
tions and learn key words.
Artwork can also help students express intensely personal feelings.
Students who cannot describe in English their favorite place or person,
To demonstrate their understanding of for example, or their dreams for the future may be able to depict these
concepts, students can draw pictures like ideas through art. Sometimes, students’ artwork reflects traumatic or
these. stressful experiences in their lives. The works of refugee children may

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 245

show scenes of soldiers, tanks, airplanes, and bombs. Sharing difficult
and painful experiences through visual expression can be therapeutic
— but students should never be pushed to do so.
Some students are talented artists, and their talent does not depend
on knowledge of English. As an alternative or supplement to written
work, encourage students to produce storyboards, posters, comic strips,
or models, as well as illustrated stories and reports. You might also
organize author-and-illustrator partnerships, which enable students to
work together to create classroom publishing projects, such as chil-
dren’s storybooks.
When working on group projects, beginning learners of English may
Reader’s Theatre: These students are read- be able to make a significant contribution with artwork. Instead of buy-
ing aloud a familiar story in role. ing commercially produced charts and posters,you might involve these
students in creating posters that illustrate, for example, specific activi-
ties in the gym or the safety rules in the science lab, the family studies
kitchen or sewing room, or the industrial arts area. You can help stu-
dents add captions by providing word lists. Students might also create
logos for their groups or for the classroom.
Drama and Role Play across the Curriculum Keep a file of pictures, including photographs, reproductions of clas-
sical and modern paintings, and photographs of sculptures, to illustrate
events, concepts, and historical periods. Include art from many parts of
• Write a word problem and mime it for
the world in various cultural styles. Talk about the picture, pointing to
other students to put into words and
solve. objects and people, describing what is seen, and comparing composi-
Science tion, materials, and techniques.
• Role play an important event in the life of Students who have recently arrived from other countries may have
a famous scientist. had few opportunities to use computers. Introduce the graphic arts
• Role play a talk show in which the host capabilities of the computer, as well as word processing. Clip art collec-
interviews a scientist and a critic (e.g., the tions, scanners, and digital photographs allow even unskilled artists to
scientist might speak about the illustrate their work.
importance of nuclear energy, while a
critic speaks about its dangers).
• Role play the right and wrong ways of Drama and Role Play
conducting an experiment or using a piece
of equipment. Participating in drama provides opportunities for students to practice
History and Social Studies or rehearse language that they may use later in real-life situations. Even
• Role play a 19th-century scene in which a beginning language learners can learn a few simple lines. Repeating
family is deciding whether to emigrate phrases and actions in rehearsal provides plenty of opportunity for stu-
from their home country.
dents to figure out what the other participants are saying — and they
• Role play an interview with a
19th-century African American who fled are as capable as English speakers of participating in the nonverbal
to Canada to escape slavery in the United aspects of the performance.
States. It is also a good idea to incorporate dramatic techniques into your
• Make a newsreel about an aspect of World own instructional style. Think of teaching as a performance art: use ges-
War II (e.g., women in the war).
tures, mime, and facial expressions to illustrate words and concepts,
• Make a television commercial to attract
new residents or businesses to a city or and use your voice as a tool, modifying intonation, pace, and volume as
region studied in class. an actor does to emphasize ideas and feelings.
English and Language Arts
• Develop and act out scenes illustrating Music
proverbs or idioms.
• Act out a scene from a story. Students of all ages enjoy popular and traditional music of many kinds.
• Act out a scene from a story, changing a Many English language learners know the words of popular songs in
major element (e.g., setting or main
character). their new language long before they know what they mean. Choose
• Role play an alternative ending to the songs that complement the themes being explored in class and play
story, or a scene that might have taken them for students. If you are studying rain forests, for example, you
place but was not included in the story. might play Bruce Cockburn’s song, “If a Tree Falls.”
• Write and rehearse an original play Many traditional songs relate to themes and events in history. Songs
involving the same central theme or
conflict depicted in a story. that tell a story can be used to encourage students to write stories of

246 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

their own, and orchestral pieces, such as Edvard Grieg’s “Hall of the
Mountain King,” can inspire creative writing, especially poetry.
To help students develop their ear for English, provide them with a
copy of the words to read as they listen to a song. You can also create a
listening cloze activity by omitting a word from every line or by omit-
ting words of a specific type, such as past-tense verbs.
Encourage students to bring in songs that relate to topics studied in
class. If students bring songs in languages other than English, encour-
age them to provide translations so that everyone understands the
lyrics. Establish some criteria for selecting music, however, as some of
the songs that young people listen to include violent, sexist, or sexually
explicit lyrics that have no place in a classroom.
Information that is set to music is easier to remember. Very young
children memorize the alphabet this way. Familiar tunes can help stu-
dents memorize number facts, spelling rules, the table of elements,
names and events, and other factual information. If you provide the
tune, some of the students may be able to make up a song to go with it.
Many people enjoy working to music, and some teachers play back-
ground music in the classroom to provide a relaxed environment as
students work independently or in groups. This is an opportunity to
introduce students to classical and traditional instrumental music from
many cultures and periods. Students may enjoy taking turns helping
you select the music, and they could also write a few sentences about
the composers, performers, or instruments for display in the classroom.
Some students may have musical training or talent, and this is an
Joining the school orchestra helps language area in which they can display skills without using English. Encourage
learners feel part of the school community — these students to join music clubs, choirs, and orchestras. Most choir
and is an opportunity to practice listening to
leaders welcome new recruits, though shy newcomers may need a stu-
and speaking English.
dent guide to escort them to the first session and introduce them to the
teacher organizing the activity. Participating in these activities provides
a wonderful opportunity for newcomers to make friends and learn En-
glish in a low-stress environment.

Alternative Resource Material

When planning lessons or units, it is important to assess the suitability
of the existing resource material and, if necessary, to select or create
alternative material for students who are learning the language of
instruction. Many teachers develop their own materials for students in
the early stages of second language acquisition.

Criteria for Choosing Learning Resources

Although the following criteria refer to content-area reading material,
they can also be applied, with slight modifications, to the selection of
non-print resources, such as videos, computer software, guided tours
on field trips, and so on.
• Format: Does the format aid reading comprehension? Aids to com-
prehension include chapter overviews and graphic organizers, a
clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings, chapter summaries,
pre-reading questions, highlighting of key ideas or terms, and
glossaries. A reader-friendly format also includes legible print;

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 247

visual material, such as drawings, photographs, maps, charts and
Rewriting Text for Maximum Readability graphs; and plenty of white space.
• Focus on the key ideas or concepts that
students must understand to progress in • Paragraph structure: Do most paragraphs open with a topic sen-
the subject.
tence? Paragraphs are easier to read if they start with the main
• Address the reader directly (e.g., “In this idea, and if there are enough examples to make it clear. Connec-
chapter, you will find out about …”).
tives help readers understand logical relationships, such as cause
• Keep technical and specialized terms to a
and effect, sequence, generalization and example, and
minimum, and introduce this vocabulary
after explaining the concept in simple comparison.
terms. Refer to known concepts, provide
examples, and use analogies to explain • Sentence structure: Does the text use straightforward syntax? Pas-
new ideas. sive verbs, abstract nouns, difficult pronoun references, and com-
• Highlight or underline key words — but plex subordination and embedding make text more difficult to
not too many! read.
• Avoid complex verb structures and keep
sentences relatively short. Don’t
oversimplify, however. Eliminating all
• Vocabulary: Is the vocabulary within the reach of most of the stu-
subordination may actually make the dents? The more Latin-based words in a text, the more difficult it is
material harder to understand, because to read. Other challenges include technical terms, words that have
important transition signals, such as specific connotations in a given subject area, and figurative lan-
“because” and “although,” may guage. Do not automatically reject a text that includes challenging
disappear. Include these expressions and
explain them during the guided reading
vocabulary, however; consider whether contextual support is pro-
process. vided for new or difficult words. Students can draw meaning from
• Build on previously learned vocabulary a text even if they don’t fully comprehend every word. Focus on
and concepts to ensure a steady the essential content words for the topic: does the text explain them
progression of linguistic complexity from and provide examples that support comprehension?
the beginning of the year or semester to
the end. The material must match the • Overall readability: Can the students understand the text? Various
students’ gains in language acquisition
and concept development and challenge readability formulae are available, but they tend to analyze text
them to learn even more. only in terms of word and sentence length and are usually based
• Provide titles, headings, and subheadings on the performance of native speakers of English. They do not take
that students can use to understand how into account the reader’s background knowledge or interest in a
the text is organized. To focus readers’ topic. It might be more helpful to assess a text’s readability for a
attention on the main ideas, provide an specific group of students by using the cloze procedure.
introduction or pre-reading question(s) as
You will find instructions for creating a cloze passage on page 28.
an advance organizer at the beginning of
each chapter or section.
• Provide plenty of visual support. The When You Can’t Find Appropriate Materials
textbooks rejected as too difficult may
contain useful drawings, charts, and • Supplement difficult text with non-text material: pictures, postcards,
photographs that can be used as reference slides, and videos. Slides and old-fashioned filmstrips are excel-
material. lent, because you can pace the presentation to meet students’
• Devise pre-reading and follow-up needs. Captioned filmstrips and printed scripts for slide or tape
activities to direct students’ reading and
presentations are especially helpful because students can use the
focus on specific features of the text.
print version as a study aid. If the script of a slide-tape kit or video
is too difficult, create your own simplified voice-over and give it to
students, on audiotape or in print or both, so they can review it at

• Supplement English-language material with material in the students’

own languages. Parents and other community members may be
able to help you find materials.

• Create alternative resources by rewriting a text, or portions of it, for

certain groups of students. This need not entail watering down the
curriculum, as nearly any text can be linguistically simplified with-
out abandoning key concepts.

248 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

To Learn More …

Books and Articles

Brinton, D.M., and P. Master, eds. New Ways in Content-Based Hill, J., Little, C., and Sims, J. (2004). Integrating English Lan-
Instruction. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers guage Learners in the Science Classroom. Markham, Ontario:
of Other Languages, 1997. Fitzhenry and Whiteside.
Activities for integrating language and content instruction in This book offers practical strategies for adapting the grade
a variety of second language programs. Includes contribu- 6-8 science curriculum for English language learners. The
tions from teachers working with learners in elementary, approaches are equally useful at the secondary level.
middle, and high schools. Hyerle, D. Visual Tools for Constructing Knowledge. Alexandria,
Carasquillo, A., Kuker, S.B., and Abrams, R. (2004) Beyond the Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop-
Beginnings: Literacy Interventions for Upper Elementary English ment, 1996.
Language Learners. Clevedon: UK: Multilingual Matters. How to use brainstorming, task-specific organizers, and
The authors offer detailed suggestions on literacy practices thinking-process maps to help students use various kinds of
for English language learners who have acquired conversa- thinking.
tional fluency and basic literacy skills in English but need Includes chapters on language learning and literacy devel-
support in developing academic language skills. opment for all teachers.
Cary, S. Working with Second Language Learners: Answers to Introduces the concept of knowledge frameworks and key
Teachers’ Top Ten Questions. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, visuals to reduce language demands in various subject
2000. areas.
Practical advice for new ESL teachers. Kendall, J., and O. Khuon. Making Sense: Small-Group Compre-
Chamot, A., and M. O’Malley. The CALLA Handbook: Imple- hension Lessons for English Language Learners. Portland,
menting the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach. Maine; Stenhouse Publishers, 2005.
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1994. In-depth treatment of reading strategy instruction, with les-
Guide to integrating language and content instruction in son plans and samples of classroom dialogue and students’
grade-level and subject classrooms. written responses. Each section of this book provides lessons
Echevarria, J., M.E. Vogt, and D. Short. Making Content Compre- for students at five different stages of proficiency in English.
hensible for English Language Learners: The SIOP Model. Although the examples focus on the elementary and middle
Boston, Mass.: Allyn & Bacon, 2000. school grades, the approach is adaptable for students in sec-
Education Department of Western Australia. First Steps. Mel- ondary school as well.
bourne, Australia: Addison Wesley, 1994. Lewis, M., and D. Wray. Writing across the Curriculum: Frames to
Distributed with training workshops through Pearson Edu- Support Learning. Reading, U.K.: Reading and Language
cation. Series provides strategies for assessing and teaching Information Centre, University of Reading, 1998.
reading, writing, oral language, and spelling. Though sug- Lewis, M., and D. Wray. Writing Frames: Scaffolding Children’s
gested approaches and strategies are suitable for English Writing in a Range of Genres. Reading, U.K.: Reading and Lan-
language learners, developmental continua are inappropri- guage Information Centre, University of Reading, 1996.
ate for beginners. Many examples of effective instructional strategies for
ESL history, policies, and practices in Australia, Canada, and teaching vocabulary, as well as learning strategies that stu-
England. dents can use to acquire new words.
Freeman, Y.S., and D.E. Freeman. Whole Language for Second McWilliam, N. What’s in a Word? Vocabulary Development in
Language Learners. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1991. Multilingual Classrooms. Stoke-on-Trent, U.K.: Trentham
Emphasizes the importance of involving students in meaning- Books, 1998.
ful language activities. Many practical examples. Metropolitan Toronto School Board. Building Literacy in the
Fried-Booth, D. Project Work. Second edition. Oxford: Oxford Classroom. Toronto, Ont.: Metropolitan Toronto School
University Press, 2002. Board (now Toronto District Board of Education), 1997.
A collection of 34 projects contributed by teachers around Mohan, B. Language and Content. Reading, Mass.: Addi-
the world. son-Wesley, 1986.
Genesee, F., ed. Educating Second-Language Children: The Whole Mohan, B., C. Lueng, and C. Davison, eds. English as a Second
Child, the Whole Curriculum, the Whole Community. New York: Language in the Mainstream. Harlow, U.K.: Longman, 2001.
Cambridge University Press, 1994. Includes chapters on More ideas for using writing frames to support students’
classroom practice for language, grade-level, and subject writing in a variety of subject areas.
teachers. More than 100 activities for teaching vocabulary and devel-
Gibbons, P. Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning. Portsmouth, oping vocabulary acquisition strategies.
N.H.: Heinemann, 2002. Morgan, J., and M. Rinvolucri. Vocabulary. Oxford, U.K.:
Practical strategies for integrating English language learners Oxford University Press, 1986.
into mainstream elementary classrooms. Nagy, W.E. Teaching Vocabulary to Improve Reading Comprehen-
sion. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English,

12 Integrating Language and Content Instruction 249

Nation, I.S.P. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Boston, Mass.: Real classroom situations and vignettes illustrate effective
Heinle & Heinle, 1990. content-based instruction.
Nation, P., ed. New Ways in Teaching Vocabulary. Alexandria, Research-based approach to teaching vocabulary.
Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Richard-Amato, P., and M. Snow, eds. The Multicultural Class-
1994. room: Readings for Content-Area Teachers. White Plains, N.Y.:
Ontario Ministry of Education. . Think Literacy: Cross-Curicular Longman, 1992.
Approaches, Grades 7-12. . Toronto, Ont.: Queen’s Printer for Collection of readings on theoretical background of and
Ontario, 2003. practical strategies for the integrated classroom.
Examples of a variety of effective cross-curricular strategies Rigg, P., and V.D. Allen, eds. When They Don’t All Speak English:
that improve students’ reading and writing skills. Integrating the ESL Student into the Regular Classroom. Urbana,
Outlines the characteristics of six non-fiction writing genres Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1989.
and provides blank templates to scaffold children’s writing. Articles on topics such as program design, creating an effec-
Peregoy, S., and O. Boyle. Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESL. tive language learning environment, language variation,
2nd ed. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 2000. language experience, and language through content.
Classroom scenarios illustrate how to integrate English lan- Series of videos demonstrating exemplary literacy practices,
guage learners into their new linguistic environment. including guided reading and writing. For information, con-
Peyton, J., ed. Students and Teachers Writing Together: Perspec- tact <>.
tives on Journal Writing. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English Short (42-page) booklet provides an overview of effective
to Speakers of Other Languages, 1990. approaches to vocabulary instruction, with an emphasis on
Collection of articles on journal writing in various curricu- pre-reading activities.
lum areas. Spangenberg-Urbschat, K., and R. Pritchard, eds. Kids Come in
Peyton, J.K., and L. Reed. Dialogue Journal Writing with Nonna- all Languages: Reading Instruction for ESL Students. Newark,
tive English Speakers: A Handbook for Teachers. Alexandria, Va.: Del.: International Reading Association, 1994.
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1990. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Strategic Learning
Advice on using dialogue journals with students who are in the Content Areas. Madison, Wis.: Wisconsin Department
learning English. of Public Instruction, 1991.
Phillips, D., Burwood, S., and Dunford, H. Projects with Young Analyzes the linguistic and conceptual demands of several
Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. subject areas and provides examples of graphic organizers
Instructions for 50 activities that promote language learning and other strategies.
for students aged 5-14.
Practical approaches to expanding children’s vocabulary in
all areas of the curriculum.

Websites and Online Resources

Crandall, J., A. Jaramillo, and L. Olsen. Using Cognitive Strate- The Graphic Organizer. <>.
gies to Develop English Language and Literacy. Washington, Software for creating various kinds of graphic organizers, as
D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, ERIC Clearing House well as free online resources.
on Languages and Linguistics, 2002. <>. Puzzlemaker. <>.
Digest article on how to develop students’ English language Online software for creating word puzzles.
and literacy skills and make academic content challenging,
interesting, and accessible.
Hodge, T. Project Work. English Language Teaching Journal. 47,
3, July 1993.
This article develops a rationale for project work with Eng-
lish language learners, and provides guidelines for dev-
eloping successful projects in the classroom.

250 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment

As language learners acquire English, the instructional program must

be planned to meet their needs at each stage of the developmental pro-
cess. This chapter begins with an overview of the developmental
process, with examples of what learners are able to do in English at each
stage. This is followed by a framework for planning instruction, which
includes a brief summary of key concepts from the work of Jim
Cummins. These concepts are important in planning instruction and
assessment for English language learners.
The next section suggests alternative ways of assessing and evaluat-
ing the language proficiency and academic achievement of English
language learners and concludes with recommendations for the inclu-
sion of language learners in large-scale assessments, such as mandated
literacy tests. The chapter ends with a lesson-planning checklist that can
be used to ensure that you are meeting the needs of the English lan-
guage learners in your classroom.

Stages of Development in English as a Second

When learning English, language learners pass through a developmen-
tal sequence or continuum like the following:

0 Years 5+ years
No knowledge Proficient to the level
of English of a native speaker
of the same age or grade

Most language learners immersed in an English-language environ-

ment take at least five years to achieve the same level of cognitive
academic language proficiency as their native English-speaking age
peers. They are most likely to achieve this goal by continuing to develop
in their first language and with strong instructional support for devel-
opment of the second. Many factors, such as interrupted education,
emotional trauma, loss of self-esteem, attrition of the first language, and
lack of high-quality bilingual or ESL support, may impede their prog-
ress, however.
To enable educators to track the progress of English language learn-
ers, the language acquisition continuum is often divided into stages.

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 251

Some ESL textbooks and graded readers, for example, are designed for
three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Others are designed
for four levels: beginner, low intermediate, intermediate, and
advanced. And still others are based on a five-level system: beginner,
high beginner, low intermediate, intermediate, and advanced. Further-
more, educational jurisdictions also describe the development of
English language learners in varying ways.
Despite these differences, the basic features are the same. Each stage is
described in terms of the oral and written language students are able to
understand and produce. Two examples of developmental continua —
one for oral language development and one for writing — are shown on
the following pages. Similar versions are used in school districts through-
out North America, as well as in the United Kingdom and Australia.
Though the number of identified stages, the way each stage is analyzed in
categories, and the indicators and examples vary, the central concept of a
developmental continuum is consistent across jurisdictions.
When examining these or any other English-as-a-second-language
continua, remember that students do not progress through the stages in
a year-per-stage fashion. Most students progress very quickly through
the early stages but continue to need considerable support to keep mov-
ing toward full proficiency in English.
It is also common for learners to display different levels of develop-
ment in various aspects of language performance. The reading and
writing skills of students who have studied English in their home coun-
try, for example, may outstrip their ability to speak the language
because opportunities to use English in real interactions with fluent
speakers were limited. Other students may arrive with limited literacy
in their home language. They often have well-developed oral communi-
cation skills that enable them to acquire oral English much more quickly
than reading and writing skills. As a result, it is important to assess
newcomers’ oral language proficiency, as well as their reading and
writing skills, when they first arrive (see Chapter 1).

A Framework for Planning Instruction

Although the number of identified stages in the process of acquiring
English varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, as does the way each
stage is analyzed and described, the concept of a developmental contin-
uum is consistent and provides a rationale for offering differentiated
instruction to English language learners. Students at various stages
perform differently in English and therefore require different levels of
support to benefit from instruction. How can teachers determine how
much support a student needs, and what kind? To answer that question
we need first to return to a key concept about language acquisition that
was briefly discussed in Chapters 8 and 12: the BICS and CALP distinc-
tion proposed by Jim Cummins. Then we can build on this concept to
create an instructional framework.

BICS and CALP Revisited

Learning English is more than just a cumulative process. At different
stages of the process, learners acquire different kinds of language.

252 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Developmental Stages in Oral Communication in English
This six-stage model of oral language development is based on the work of educators in Fairfax, Virginia, and has been adapted for use in many school
districts across Canada and the United States. According to this model, students at Stage 1 are new to English and have little or no ability to communicate
in English, while students at Stage 6 have nearly caught up to their English-speaking age peers in oral communication. The indicators for each stage are
general enough to be used for students at all grade levels. Some adapted versions identify students by age group and use indicators that reflect the context
of learning and the demands of the curriculum for students in specific grades.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Speaking Begins to name Begins to Begins to initiate Initiates and sustains a Speaks in social and Communicates
concrete objects. communicate conversation; retells a conversation with classroom settings with competently in
personal and story or experience; descriptors and sustained and social and
survival needs. asks and responds to details; exhibits connected discourse; classroom settings.
simple questions. self-confidence in any errors do not
social situations; interfere with meaning.
begins to communicate
in classroom settings.

Fluency Repeats words Speaks in Speaks hesitantly Speaks with occasional Speaks with Speaks fluently.
and phrases. single-word because of rephrasing hesitation. near-native fluency;
utterances and and searching for any hesitations do not
short patterns. words. interfere with

Structure Uses predominantly Uses some complex Uses a variety of Masters a variety of
present tense verbs; sentences; applies structures with grammatical
demonstrates errors of rules of grammar but occasional grammatical structures.
omission (leaves lacks control of errors.
words out, word irregular forms (e.g.,

endings off). runned, mans, not never,

more higher).
Planning Instruction and Assessment

Vocabulary Uses functional Uses limited Uses adequate Uses varied Uses extensive
vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary; some vocabulary. vocabulary but may
word-usage lag behind
irregularities. native-speaking

Listening Understands Understands Understands simple Understands Understands most Understands

little or no words and sentences in sustained classroom discussions spoken language, classroom
English. phrases, requires conversation; requires with repetition, including classroom discussion without
repetition. repetition. rephrasing, and discussion. difficulty.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: self-assessment grid
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, developed by the Council of Europe, pro-
vides a model for a six-stage continuum of language proficiency. Designed for use with any language, this
framework is widely used in Europe to standardize language curricula and assessment tools in many differ-
ent languages. Many countries are also developing versions of a European Language Portfolio, which
includes a self-assessment component based on this grid. The Framework and the associated materials pro-
vide invaluable guidance for the development of language assessment tools for use with students who are
learning English as a second or additional language in English-language schools.

A1 A2 B1

Listening I can recognise familiar I can understand phrases I can understand the main
words and very basic and the highest frequency points of clear standard
phrases concerning vocabulary related to areas speech on familiar matters
myself, my family and of most immediate personal regularly encountered in
U immediate concrete relevance (e.g. very basic work, school, leisure, etc. I
N surroundings when personal and family can understand the main
D people speak slowly information, shopping, point of many radio or TV
E and clearly. local area, employment). programmes on current
R I can catch the main point in affairs or topics of personal
S short, clear, simple messages or professional interest when
T and announcements. the delivery is relatively slow
A and clear.
Reading I can understand I can read very short, simple I can understand texts that
familiar names, words texts. I can find specific, consist mainly of high
and very simple predictable information in frequency everyday or job-
sentences, for example simple everyday material related language. I can
on notices and posters such as advertisements, understand the description of
or in catalogues. prospectuses, menus and events, feelings and wishes in
timetables and I can personal letters.
understand short simple
personal letters.

Spoken I can interact in a simple I can communicate in simple I can deal with most situations
Interaction way provided the other and routine tasks requiring a likely to arise whilst travelling
person is prepared to simple and direct exchange of in an area where the language
repeat or rephrase things information on familiar topics is spoken. I can enter
at a slower rate of speech and activities. I can handle unprepared into conversation
and help me formulate very short social exchanges, on topics that are familiar, of
S what I’m trying to say. I even though I can’t usually personal interest or pertinent
P can ask and answer simple understand enough to keep to everyday life (e.g. family,
E questions in areas of the conversation going myself. hobbies, work, travel and
A immediate need or on current events).
K very familiar topics.
I Spoken I can use simple phrases I can use a series of phrases I can connect phrases in a
N Production and sentences to describe and sentences to describe in simple way in order to describe
G where I live and people I simple terms my family and experiences and events, my
know. other people, living dreams, hopes and ambitions.
conditions, my educational I can briefly give reasons and
background and my present explanations for opinions and
or most recent job. plans. I can narrate a story or
relate the plot of a book or
film and describe my reactions.

Writing I can write a short, simple I can write short, simple notes I can write simple connected
postcard, for example and messages relating to text on topics which are
sending holiday greetings. matters in areas of immediate familiar or of personal interest.
I can fill in forms with need. I can write a very simple I can write personal letters
personal details, for personal letter, for example describing experiences and
example entering my thanking someone for impressions.
name, nationality and something.
address on a hotel
registration form.

254 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

B2 C1 C2

I can understand extended speech I can understand extended speech I have no difficulty in understanding
and lectures and follow even even when it is not clearly any kind of spoken language,
complex lines of argument provided structured and when relationships whether live or broadcast, even when
the topic is reasonably familiar. I are only implied and not signalled delivered at fast native speed,
can understand most TV news and explicitly. I can understand provided I have some time to get
current affairs programmes. I can television programmes and films familiar with the accent.
understand the majority of films in without too much effort.
standard dialect.

I can read articles and reports I can understand long and I can read with ease virtually all
concerned with contemporary complex factual and literary forms of the written language,
problems in which the writers adopt texts, appreciating distinctions of including abstract, structurally or
particular attitudes or viewpoints. I style. I can understand specialised linguistically complex texts such as
can understand contemporary articles and longer technical manuals, specialised articles and
literary prose. instructions, even when they do literary works.
not relate to my field.

I can interact with a degree of I can express myself fluently and I can take part effortlessly in any
fluency and spontaneity that makes spontaneously without much conversation or discussion and have a
regular interaction with native obvious searching for expressions. good familiarity with idiomatic
speakers quite possible. I can take an I can use language flexibly and expressions and colloquialisms. I can
active part in discussion in familiar effectively for social and express myself fluently and convey
contexts, accounting for and professional purposes. I can finer shades of meaning precisely. If I
sustaining my views. formulate ideas and opinions with do have a problem I can backtrack
precision and relate my and restructure around the difficulty
contribution skilfully to those of so smoothly that other people are
other speakers. hardly aware of it.

I can present clear, detailed I can present clear, detailed I can present a clear, smoothly
descriptions on a wide range of descriptions of complex subjects flowing description or argument in a
subjects related to my field of integrating sub-themes, developing style appropriate to the context and
interest. I can explain a viewpoint on particular points and rounding off with an effective logical structure
a topical issue giving the advantages with an appropriate conclusion. which helps the recipient to notice
and disadvantages of various options. and remember significant points.

I can write clear, detailed text on a I can express myself in clear, well- I can write clear, smoothly flowing
wide range of subjects related to my structured text, expressing points text in an appropriate style. I can
interests. I can write an essay or of view at some length. I can write write complex letters, reports or
report, passing on information or about complex subjects in a articles which present a case with an
giving reasons in support of or letter, an essay or a report, effective logical structure which
against a particular point of view. I underlining what I consider to be helps the recipient to notice and
can write letters highlighting the the salient issues. I can select remember significant points. I can
personal significance of events and style appropriate to the reader write summaries and reviews of
experiences. in mind. professional or literary works.

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 255

According to Jim Cummins, whose work provides a foundation for
understanding the needs of students who are learning English at and
for school, most learners acquire basic interpersonal communication
skills within about two years of immersion in the school environment.
This means that they can use English confidently and competently in
most day-to-day activities, and depending on their age, they may also
have developed an accent that is indistinguishable from that of their
English-speaking peers. They sound fluent and understand much of
what is going on in their immediate language environment.
Implications for Classroom and Subject At this point, ESL instruction is often discontinued, especially for stu-
Teachers dents in the elementary grades. Because these students appear to
1. Despite the oral fluency and day-to-day function well in the classroom, many teachers do not perceive them to
proficiency demonstrated by many be English language learners and may not provide continuing support
English language learners within a year for language acquisition. According to Cummins, however, these
or two, most need support and
instruction for at least five years. learners’ fluency is misleading. They may have developed basic inter-
2. English language learners need more personal communication skills, but they need at least five years of
support than an ESL teacher alone can instruction to acquire the cognitive academic language proficiency nec-
provide. Many English language essary to use English for academic purposes.
learners receive direct support from an Without continuing language instruction and support, English lan-
ESL teacher for the first year or two, the
period when they are developing basic guage learners may take much longer than five years to achieve CALP,
interpersonal communication skills. and many never will. This may affect their long-term prospects. Research-
3. Many students are “promoted” from the ers in Calgary, for example, have found that the overwhelming majority of
ESL program at just the time when they adolescents who arrive as beginners do not complete high school.
really need intensive support for
accelerated development in CALP.
4. Classroom and subject teachers must
provide support for English language
learners — and continue to do so long
after the time when learners appear to be
fluent in using the language for
non-academic purposes.

The Cummins Model

Jim Cummins suggests a model for planning instruction and assess-
ment for English language learners. The model consists of four
quadrants created by the intersection of two continua, as shown in the
chart in the margin.
The context embedded-context reduced continuum indicates the
degree of contextual support or scaffolding that is provided. At the con-
text-embedded end of the continuum, the language is embedded in a
Source: Jim Cummins meaningful and familiar context and supported by face-to-face

256 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

interaction, visual cues, hands-on experiences, simplified language,
and other comprehension aids. At the opposite end of this continuum,
the meaning is carried in the language alone.
The cognitively undemanding-cognitively demanding continuum
represents the demands that are placed on the learner’s thinking pro-
cesses. At the cognitively-undemanding end of the continuum, the
language is simple and the task is cognitively undemanding (e.g.,
understanding and providing factual information on a familiar topic).
At the opposite end of this continuum, the language is complex and the
learning tasks require students to learn new and challenging content
and to use a variety of thinking processes to handle a larger volume of
information (e.g., comparing, contrasting, and evaluating diverse
sources or points of view).

Using the Cummins Framework to Plan Instruction

The Cummins model is the basis of the instructional framework repre-
Cognitively Undemanding sented in the margin. Figure 1 shows the instructional environment
required to enable English language learners at various stages of devel-
Quadrant A opment in English to catch up to the CALP of their English-speaking
Mostly BICS
Some CALP peers as quickly as possible.
Maximum Reduced For beginners, instruction must be designed in Quadrant A, with
Scaffolding Scaffolding
maximum contextual support for, or scaffolding of, tasks that are
Quadrant B Quadrant D
BICS Mostly CALP engaging but not academically challenging. Instruction focuses on
and CALP Some BICS developing basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS).
Before students have completely acquired BICS, instruction should
Cognitively Demanding begin moving into Quadrant B. Students continue to receive maximum
support for comprehension and language production, but the tasks
Figure 1
become more academically challenging, so that students begin to
develop cognitive academic language proficiency at the same time as
they continue to develop BICS.
Quadrant C activities are neither cognitively demanding nor embed-
ded in a meaningful context. Activities like these are unlikely to
enhance deep conceptual understanding or promote the development
of CALP. English language learners should spend relatively little time
engaged in Quadrant C activities. For this reason the white arrow shows
a progression that moves from Quadrant B to Quadrant D, bypassing
Quadrant C.
In Quadrant D, students continue to work on academically challeng-
ing tasks. Gradually, over a period of several years, less scaffolding is
Figure 2 required, until by the end of this stage, students have caught up to the
CALP of their English-speaking age peers.
Figure 2 shows a rough estimate of the time it takes students to prog-
ress through the quadrants toward CALP — as long as they continue to
receive support through Quadrant D. Students who arrive with limited
previous schooling, students whose first language does not continue to
develop at least until they are able to express concepts adequately in
English, and students who do not receive adequate support may take
much longer. These students are at greater risk of school failure and
early dropout.
The chart on the following pages is a planning guide that provides an
overview of the kind of instruction required in each quadrant. It is
important to continue providing support through Quadrant D, even
though most students may be fully integrated into mainstream class-
rooms by this stage — and often much earlier. Mainstream classroom or

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 257

Teaching in the Quadrants

Cognitively Undemanding Tasks

Quadrant A — Beginner
— Students in the beginning stage of acquiring a second language start developing basic interpersonal commu-
nication skills through low-risk activities that are based on content related to their own lives and immediate
needs. The following instructional strategies are essential for beginners (see Chapters 10 and 11):

— comprehensible instruction
— supportive feedback
— strategic use of students’ languages
— cooperative learning
— functional language
— visual support
— copying and labeling
— physical activity
— choral work, songs, and role plays
— experience-based learning
— a rich print environment
— language experience stories

— stories on tape
— games and puzzles

Quadrant B — Intermediate
Students beyond the beginning stage can begin working on some tasks in Quadrant B even before they have
completely acquired BICS. Many students who have studied English in their home country are ready to
work on tasks in Quadrant B.
As learning tasks become increasingly demanding, the following strategies and approaches continue to be
important (see Chapter 10):
— comprehensible instruction
— supportive feedback
— strategic use of students’ languages
— cooperative learning

In addition, the following strategies (see Chapter 12) provide scaffolding that enables learners to begin
developing CALP as well as learning strategies that will help them become effective language learners:

— key visuals — the writing process

— guided reading — journal keeping
— integrated vocabulary instruction — guided projects
— integrated grammar instruction — arts generation
— writing scaffolds — alternative resource material

Cognitively Demanding Tasks

258 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Cognitively Undemanding Tasks

Quadrant C
Though tasks in Quadrant C are cognitively undemanding, they may be incomprehensible to many English
language learners. Cognitively undemanding activities are unlikely to advance academic learning, and
incomprehensible or decontextualized activities are unlikely to promote language acquisition.
Examples of Quadrant C activities include the “busy work” that is sometimes given to beginners. These
activities may include coloring pictures that have little relevance to the academic program and copying
notes and other material that students do not understand. Even activities that are intended to be
academically challenging, such as research projects, can become Quadrant C tasks if students do not receive
the necessary guidance and support.
English language learners and native speakers alike should spend relatively little time on Quadrant C

Quadrant D — Advanced
Students who have achieved high-intermediate proficiency in English after several years of intensive ESL
instruction in their home country or their new country are ready to be challenged by Quadrant D tasks,
which are both cognitively and linguistically demanding. By this time, students’ development in their first
language may have fallen behind, and they must rely completely on English for further learning. Students in
Quadrant D are able to work with the grade-level curriculum expectations and resources, as long as they
continue to receive support, especially when culturally demanding material, such as a history textbook that
assumes that students possess certain background knowledge, is involved. Students who need Quadrant B
instruction in culturally difficult and linguistically demanding subjects, such as social studies, may benefit
from Quadrant D instruction in other subjects, such as mathematics or music, in which they may have
considerable background.
The following strategies continue to be important:

— comprehensible instruction — integrated vocabulary instruction

— supportive feedback — the writing process
— cooperative learning — journals
— key visuals — guided projects
— guided reading

The amount of scaffolding is gradually reduced over a period of two or more years, but should never be
discontinued completely. All students benefit from scaffolded instruction.

Cognitively Demanding Tasks

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 259

subject teachers, as well as ESL teachers, must integrate language
instruction and support into all aspects of the curriculum, gradually
reducing the amount of support as learners begin to match the perfor-
mance of their English-speaking age peers.
It is important to note that the estimate of five years for students to
progress through Quadrant D is an average. Students who arrive with
strong academic background may progress more quickly, while stu-
dents who arrive with limited schooling will need more support for a
longer period of time.

Alternative Approaches to Assessment

and Evaluation
In addition to adapting instruction and providing additional support
for language acquisition, teachers may need to adapt learning outcomes
or expectations to give English language learners a reasonable chance of
success. Alternative assessment strategies and evaluation procedures
may also be required to enable English language learners to demon-
strate their learning. In addition, teachers and school administrators
need guidelines for including English language learners in large-scale
assessments such as state or provincial literacy tests.

Alternative Learning Outcomes

Curriculum outcomes and assessment tasks and criteria established
with native speakers of English may be inappropriate for students who
are learning the language, especially in the early stages. As a result, it
may be necessary for learners to work toward alternative outcomes or
expectations in some areas of the curriculum, at least until they have
reached the stage at which the grade-level expectations are appropriate
for them.
To be meaningful, learning outcomes must be attainable. Requiring
an English language learner to perform at a level beyond his or her cur-
rent stage of development in English is futile and leads to frustration
and disappointment for teacher and student alike. In some programs,
therefore, the learning expectations for English language learners may
be different from the expectations for students who begin with a greater
knowledge of English and greater background knowledge and experi-
ence. Modifications may include revising the expectations, reducing the
number of expectations, and substituting alternative expectations that
are more appropriate. As students move along the continuum of second
language development — and through the instructional quadrants
shown earlier in this chapter — they will require fewer modifications.
The examples on the following pages show how curriculum outcomes
or expectations can be modified to benefit English language learners at
various stages of development.
In designing instruction for English language learners, opportunity
to learn should be a guiding principle. It is neither equitable nor ethical
to assess students’ performance on the basis of knowledge or skills that
they have had no opportunity to learn. Because language learners have
not had the same opportunity as their peers to learn English, they can-
not be expected to perform at the same level in English as their peers or
to communicate their learning as effectively — until they have had

260 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

enough time and enough appropriate instruction to catch up to their
peers in English language proficiency. In addition, students who began
their schooling in other countries have not had opportunities to develop
the same knowledge and skills as their peers who have been immersed
in the curriculum throughout their years of schooling.
Adaptations to instruction and assessment like those shown on the
charts on the following pages enable English language learners to par-
ticipate successfully in the classroom program as they gradually catch
up to their age peers in using English for academic study.

Alternative Assessment Strategies

Language is the most important tool for learning — and for demonstrat-
ing learning. Most assessment tasks measure reading and writing skills
in English as much as, or even more than, academic knowledge and
Students who are learning the language of instruction are often
unable to express what they have learned in the second language. They
may have difficulty understanding what they are being asked to do,
and they usually need more time than their English-speaking peers
because they often think and work in two languages. When they write
in En- glish, their teachers sometimes focus as much on students’
incomplete knowledge of English as on the information they are trying
to communicate. To compensate for these problems and to enable stu-
dents to demonstrate learning in ways that do not depend completely
on their proficiency in English, alternative assessment strategies are
The assessment strategies and adaptations suggested in the follow-
ing sections enable students at higher levels of English proficiency to
meet most program expectations without modification. Students in the
earlier stages of English language development need the same kind of
support to demonstrate their learning, but may work toward revised or
alternative learning expectations or outcomes like those shown in the
previous charts.


You can give second language learners the best chance of demonstrat-
ing their learning by removing or lowering the language barrier.
The Fur Trade
• Encourage students who are literate in their first language to pro-
Complete this chart to show the benefits duce assignments and write tests in their first language if they are
and negative consequences of the fur not yet able to do this in English, or to substitute words from their
trade for the Aboriginal people of North first language for English words they don’t yet know. A bilingual
America and for European traders and teacher or trained tutor can help you assess their performance.
• Give an oral test. You could do this in two languages if you involve
Aboriginal European bilingual peers or members of staff.
People Traders • Invite beginning learners of English to show what they know by
and using concrete or visual representations. You might, for example,
Settlers ask them to “point to …, give me …, show me …, draw …, or find
the page (picture, the opposite, the word that says) ….” Students
(good things) might also match captions to visual representations of in-
Negative • Rather than expecting students to write complete sentences, para-
Consequences graphs, or essays, provide support for their written responses. For
(bad things)
example, create a cloze passage for students to complete. Charts
and other visual organizers, such as the one shown in the margin,

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 261

Modifying Curriculum Expectations: Grade 5

Curriculum Area: Science and Technology (Ontario) — Earth and Space Systems: Weather
Expectation: Describe the water cycle in terms of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation

Section IV
English Proficiency Quadrant and Level of Support Attainable Expectation

Beginner Quadrant A The grade level expectation is not

attainable for students who are just
Learners at this stage are beginning to Students need intensive ESL support. beginning to learn basic English
develop BICS. vocabulary and sentence patterns.
Year 1 Instruction should provide maximum
Students acquire the first 2,000 words, support for language comprehension and
Beginning students can work toward an
including some basic subject terms. production.
alternative expectation related to the topic
(e.g., demonstrate understanding of basic
weather vocabulary and sentence
patterns by matching illustrations and
captions, such as, “It’s raining”).
Year 2
Intermediate Quadrant B Expectations can be more demanding as

Language Learning across the Curriculum

long as students continue to receive
Learners finish developing BICS as they Students continue to need intensive strong support.
begin to develop CALP. support for second language acquisition.
Students can work toward revised
Students begin using English confidently Instruction should provide maximum
expectations with reduced language
Year 3 in a wide variety of contexts. scaffolding to enable students to meet
demands and strong scaffolding (e.g.,
higher cognitive demands.
Vocabulary expands by 2,000+ words a demonstrate understanding of the water
year, including low frequency words. Students require intensive instruction in cycle by labeling a diagram using
learning strategies such as inferring word appropriate vocabulary, such as
meaning from context. evaporation, condensation, and precipitation,
and completing a series of sentences
Students need considerable support to
using vocabulary related to cause and
Year 4 demonstrate their learning in English
effect and sequence to explain the cycle).
(e.g., a student might select appropriate
words from a list provided by the

Advanced Quadrant D
(level 5 in a 5-level continuum)
Year 5+
By the end of this stage, students have Students continue to need support for With this level of support, the grade-level
caught up to their age peers in all aspects second language acquisition. curriculum expectation is attainable.
of language performance.
Continued scaffolding enables students to
meet high cognitive demands.
Modifying Curriculum Expectations: Grade 9
Curriculum Area: Canadian Geography (Ontario) — Understanding and Managing Change
Expectation: Use communication skills (e.g., letter writing, debating, consensus building) effectively to promote environmental awareness

English Proficiency Quadrant and Level of Support Attainable Expectation

Beginner Quadrant A The grade level expectation is not attainable

for students who are just beginning to learn
Learners at this stage are beginning to Students need intensive ESL support.
basic vocabulary and sentence patterns in
develop BICS.
Instruction should provide maximum English.
Year 1 Students acquire the first 2,000 words, support for language comprehension
Beginning level students can work toward
including some basic subject terms. and production.
alternative expectations related to the subject
area and based on important background
knowledge for newcomers (e.g., demonstrate
understanding by matching captions with
pictures showing various sources of
Year 2 environmental pollution; labeling a map to
identify regions and resources).

Intermediate Quadrant B Expectations can be more demanding as long

as students continue to receive strong
Learners finish developing BICS at the Students continue to need intensive
same time as they begin to develop support for second language
Year 3 CALP. acquisition. Students can work toward revised
expectations with reduced language demands
Students begin using English Instruction should provide continued

and strong scaffolding (e.g., choosing from a
confidently in a wide variety of scaffolding for language comprehension
bank of words and phrases provided by the
contexts. and production, as well as a strong
teacher in order to complete a graphic
focus on learning strategies such as
Vocabulary expands by 2,000+ words a organizer showing environmental problems,
inferring word meaning from context.
year, including low-frequency words. causes and solutions; creating a poster
Year 4 integrating graphics and text to promote
environmental awareness).

Advanced Quadrant D With this level of support, the grade-level

curriculum expectation is attainable for
Learners continue to need support to Students continue to need support for
develop CALP. second language acquisition.
Year 5+ By the end of this stage, students have
Continued scaffolding (e.g., modeled
caught up to their English-speaking
writing and writing templates) enables

Planning Instruction and Assessment

peers in all aspects of language
students to meet high cognitive

help students display knowledge and demonstrate thinking with-
out being required to produce large amounts of language.
• Phrase questions as simply as possible, avoiding vague terms such
as identify, describe, and discuss. Traditional assignments such as
“Discuss the economic effects of the war” provide insufficient
• Focus on content rather than language to assess what a student
knows. Learn to read past the student’s language mistakes and
look for meaning.
• Assess performance by assigning tasks that involve several differ-
ent aptitudes or talents. These may include demonstrations, oral
and written reports, graphic displays, videotapes and audiotapes,
concrete models, and bilingual submissions.
• Avoid multiple-choice and true-or-false questions that involve a
lot of reading, as well as trick questions that depend on compre-
hending fine differences in meaning. Instead, use comprehsion
tasks, such as matching captions to visual representations of infor-
mation, filling in a partly completed organizer, or choosing from a
list of words to complete a cloze passage. Scaffold longer written
responses by providing sentence-completion tasks or a framework
or model answer.


Practice provides risk-free opportunities for students to rehearse using
new knowledge and skills and receive constructive feedback. Practice
should not “count” for marks.
• If students are required to complete two major projects in a year or
course, they might receive extensive feedback on the first but
receive marks only for the second attempt.
• Before a test, give students an opportunity to work in groups on
practice tests, encouraging them to use their first language, if nec-
essary, to clarify problem areas. The next day, administer an indi-
vidual test that is the same or nearly the same as the practice test. In
mathematics, for example, the problems may be the same, though
the number values may be changed.
• Invite groups to design questions or problems for a test, following
models provided in the textbook or on previous tests and assign-
ments. This helps students understand the intent of various kinds
of assessment and distinguish between main ideas or key concepts
and examples or details. If each group prepares a question that
focuses on a particular concept or skill, the questions can be dis-
tributed to all the groups to work on for practice. Some of the ques-
tions might be adapted and included on the final test or
Performance-based assessment improves students’ achievement by
involving them in tasks that simulate real-life applications of the rele-
vant skills and knowledge.
• Show learners a variety of models of acceptable to outstanding
performance. These may include sample stories, lab reports,
research projects, essays, and other written products; samples of
practical work and artistic creations; videotapes of oral presenta-
tions and dramatic or musical performances; and demonstrations

264 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

of practical skills and of physical performance in sports and fitness
• Distribute the assessment criteria or rubric you plan to use and dis-
cuss the qualities that make the difference between various levels
of achievement on a specific aspect of performance. Invite students
to rank the models and encourage them to identify what distin-
guishes an excellent performance from an adequate one.
• Provide constructive feedback on the process as well as the prod-
uct of students’ learning. Base the assessment on your observa-
tions, as well as on students’ notes or learning logs.
• Invite students to assess their own work and submit their best per-
formance for summative assessment. If they complete three pro-
jects in a year, for example, they might choose one to submit for
final evaluation.


A portfolio is a file or box that contains evidence of a student’s progress,
such as samples of work, response-journal or learning-log entries,
records of conferences, the teacher’s observation comments or check-
lists, self- and peer-assessment forms and checklists, as well as more
traditional test and quiz papers. Students add to the portfolio through-
out the year or course, and teacher and students use the portfolio to
assess performance and progress over time. This provides a more com-
plete view of the learner’s performance and capabilities than can be
obtained from tests alone.
• Portfolios may include material in the first language. This
acknowledges the student’s proficiency and encourages continued
development in that language.
• Over the course of a year or semester, samples in the portfolio usu-
ally show significant growth in English, in ways that may be more
obvious than through traditional tests and exams.
• Portfolios provide opportunities for parents to be involved in
selecting and assessing their children’s work.
• Portfolios provide opportunities for students to assess and select
the work they wish to include. If they write in their journals every
week, for example, invite them to choose one or two pieces to pol-
ish for inclusion in the portfolio and submit for formal evaluation.

Second language learners often need to process ideas in two languages,
especially when the task is complex or involves higher-level thinking.
This means that they require more time than students who are thinking
in one language only. When you administer written tests and examina-
tions, give language learners more time to complete the test, or ask them
to answer fewer questions in the time allotted.

During tests and examinations, English language learners may need to
consult dictionaries to understand questions and instructions. Begin-
ning learners of English need bilingual dictionaries to help them
translate even basic words in questions and instructions, and students
beyond the beginning stage should be taught how to use learner dictio-
naries. A set of dictionaries can be kept in the school for use in tests and
exams. If this is perceived as providing an unfair advantage to English
language learners, why not provide dictionaries to all students?

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 265

Knowing how and when to use a dictionary is an essential academic
skill. This book could not have been written without occasional
recourse to a dictionary!

Standard Language and Literacy Assessment

Some school districts have adopted standard assessment procedures
and criteria for classroom-based assessment of language and literacy
skills. Though it is important to track the development of every stu-
dent’s English language skills, most commonly used procedures were
developed with native speakers in mind and are unsuitable for assess-
ing the development of students who are learning the language. To
assess the reading and writing skills of these learners fairly, assessment
tasks and procedures must be adapted.

Many literacy assessment procedures use oral reading, running
records, and miscue analysis to assess students’ reading fluency, strate-
gies, and comprehension. Other procedures rely on written answers to
assess comprehension. Though these can be useful tools for assessing
the reading of proficient English speakers, it may be inappropriate to
use them with language learners until their language proficiency is
close to that of their English-speaking peers. A number of factors,
including the length of time spent in an English-language school envi-
ronment, their previous educational experience, and their previous
instruction in English may influence the effectiveness of these tools
when used with language learners.
• Reading aloud for assessment purposes is inappropriate for En-
glish language learners, especially in the early stages. They cannot
be expected to read fluently in a language they are still learning.
They are often so anxious about pronouncing the words correctly
that comprehension suffers.
• Miscue analysis and running records carried out in the second lan-
guage may not provide reliable information about reading com-
prehension and reading strategies. Pronunciation errors and
missed word endings, for example, may say more about a stu-
dent’s incomplete knowledge of the English sound system or En-
glish grammar than about reading comprehension or reading
• Assessment tools based on knowledge of print are usually based
on knowledge of English print. Many students arrive in schools in
their new country with knowledge of print in their own language.
Chinese print, for example, is conceptual rather than phonetic and
may be printed vertically rather than from right to left. As a result,
Chinese students may have difficulty recognizing some features,
of English print.
• Reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions, true-
or-false questions, and questions requiring written answers
should be used with caution, as newcomers may be unfamiliar
with the format of multiple-choice and true-or-false questions. In
addition, these questions often rely on comprehending and inter-
preting subtle nuances of language, which is unfair to English lan-
guage learners. Questions that require extended written answers
depend on writing skills at least as much as reading skills. Because
the receptive competence of most language learners is greater than

266 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

their productive competence, their reading comprehension may be
significantly higher than their writing proficiency. As a result,
questions requiring extended written answers should be avoided
when reading is the focus of the assessment.
• Comparing the reading performance of English language learners
with that of native speakers (e.g., by assigning a grade-level score
from a test designed for native speakers) is not helpful. The com-
parisons may reveal how far English language learners are lagging
behind their English-speaking age peers but do not help teachers
or administrators judge their performance as English language
The preceding factors mean that reading assessment methods must
be adapted for use with English language learners. This can be achieved
in the following ways.
• Choose material that a student can reasonably be expected to be
able to read, that reflect linguistic and cultural diversity, and that
deal with topics and situations that are likely to be familiar to the
students. This may include asking older students to read picture
books normally used at the primary level, as long as the illustra-
tions and situations depicted are not too obviously designed for
young children. You might also use materials, such as graded ESL
readers, that have been specifically designed for second language
learners at various stages of development.
• Do not expect beginning learners of English to do more than recog-
nize basic words and respond to very short, simple, illustrated
reading passages. With more advanced students, you might use
informal reading inventories, such as the Burns-Roe Informal
Reading Inventory — but be cautious about interpreting
grade-level scores.
• Ask the student to read the passage silently, then respond to oral
questions about it. When students answer these questions, encour-
age them to refer to the passage to locate details, find specific
words, and so on. For students in the early stages of learning En-
Ask the students to read silently, and then glish, the questions should be based on factual information, such
respond to oral questions. Encourage as main idea, detail, and sequence. For students who are develop-
students to refer back to the text if they ing cognitive academic language proficiency, questions designed
need to check details or find a specific to elicit responses based on inference and opinion are also
• If you are using graded material such as an informal reading
inventory or leveled books, be very cautious about interpreting
and sharing information about grade-level scores. An English lan-
guage learner in Grade 6 who reads at the Grade 1 level in English,
for example may read at or above grade level in his own language.
Similarly, a 17-year-old who reads at a Grade 5 level in English
may read at a level equivalent to Grade 12 in her first language.
Rather than judging performance on the basis of grade-level
scores normed using English-speaking students, use assessment cri-
teria that compare learners of English with one another. The
descriptors from the ESL standards or developmental continua in
use in your jurisdiction can help determine whether a student is
making appropriate progress. In some situations, however, inform-
ing a student and his or her parents about performance in relation to
grade-level norms and expectations may be appropriate. This may
occur, for example, when students — or parents — need a reality

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 267

check to help them plan a suitable educational path toward achiev-
ing these norms and expectations.
• You can collect information about reading in the first language by
talking about reading and asking about the student’s experiences
and preferences. You may find that a beginning reader in English
can already read signs and simple stories in Chinese or has learned
to read the Qu'ran in Arabic. And an adolescent whose English
reading comprehension is at the early elementary level may have
read Tolstoy or Dostoevsky in Russian, may like to read about
astronomy in Spanish, or may enjoy the poetry of Rabindranath
Tagore in Bengali. With beginning learners of English, conduct
interviews and conferences with the assistance of a bilingual vol-
unteer or peer.

Be cautious about using criteria developed for students who are native
speakers of English and using exemplars gathered from those students.
These may reveal how far the English language learners lag behind
their English-speaking age peers — but English language learners can-
not be expected to perform like native speakers. It may be more
informative and more equitable to use assessment criteria that compare
learners of English with one another, using the descriptors from the ESL
standards or developmental continua in use in your jurisdiction.
Remember that the language skills of many students may be more
highly developed in a language other than English. For this reason, it is
important to gather information about each student’s first language
development. If you keep a portfolio that tracks each student’s growth
in reading and writing, for example, collect writing samples in each stu-
dent’s home language as well as in English. You may not be able to read
the samples, but you can learn a lot by observing how the student tack-
les writing in the first language.
The following samples of a student’s writing in her first and second
languages demonstrate how informative gathering first-language writ-
ing samples can be. This student, a recent arrival from Iran, was unable
— or unwilling — to do more than write out the alphabet in English.
Her handwriting appears undeveloped for her age, and she mixes
upper- and lower-case letters. On the basis of this sample, the only com-
ment that can be made about this student’s proficiency in English is that
she cannot write to communicate in English, and her handwriting
appears undeveloped for a child her age.

The same student wrote in Farsi on the same day, producing the sam-
ple on the following page. This provides a much clearer picture of the
student’s literacy development. Even to teachers who do not read Farsi,
it is obvious that her handwriting is well developed, that she is able to
write continuous prose, and that she edits her own work, as shown by
the insertion in the last line. According to the Farsi-speaking educator
who assessed the sample, the student’s literacy skills in Farsi are well
developed and above the expected age or grade level. Though much can
be learned by simply looking at a first-language sample, having it

268 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

assessed by a trained volunteer or a trained student from the senior
grades reveals a lot more.

When you assign a writing task for assessment, be sure that the con-
tent is relevant to learners of English. Few newcomers can, for example,
be expected to write about topics such as winter, specific regions or
places such as the Rocky Mountains, or sports and leisure activities such
as canoeing, hockey, and skiing.
It is also important to assign the task in a familiar form. If the piece is to
be in the form of an exposition, for example, use modeled and guided
writing, provide writing scaffolds and show the students models of per-
formance at various levels. Even if English-speaking students are
expected to be familiar with specific forms of writing at specific grade
levels, the same assumption cannot be made about English language
learners. In fact, many students educated in other countries have learned
completely different conventions about how writing should be organized
and how the writer should relate to the reader (see Chapter 7).

Evaluation and Reporting

At the end of each unit, term, and semester or year, teachers must
review information gathered through various forms of assessment and
evaluate or make summative statements about each student’s achieve-
ment to that point. The following suggestions are designed to make this
process as fair and accurate as possible for students who are learning
the language of instruction.
• Use progress over time as the major criterion for evaluating the
performance of English language learners: is the student on the
right trajectory toward native-speaker competence?
• Give greater consideration to more recent evidence of achieve-
ment. The performance of English language learners often
improves significantly as their English proficiency develops, and

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 269

more recent work provides a more accurate indication of their cur-
rent performance.
• Continue using performance tasks and evaluation criteria that are
appropriate to each student’s stage of development in English.
You may need to use alternative criteria or adjust the weighting of
the various components of a task on which you base evaluations. If
an evaluation rubric includes a communication or language com-
ponent, for example, the criteria and weighting of this component
should be adjusted for English language learners.
• Examine the grades that the English language learners have
earned to ensure that your grading practices reflect the principles
of equity and opportunity to learn. English language learners have
not had the same opportunities as their English-speaking age peers
to learn English and curriculum content. As a result, learning
expectations or outcomes, instructional methods and resources,
and the assessment tasks and criteria may need to be different from
those that apply to English-speaking students.
If the instructional program has been adapted appropriately,
and if the assessment and evaluation tasks and criteria are based
on the adapted program, English language learners should show
the same kind of grade distribution as the class or grade as a whole.
For example, if 25 percent of the English-speaking students
achieve a mark of 85 percent or higher, then 25 percent of the Eng-
lish language learners, including beginners, should also receive
marks of 85 percent or higher — when their performance is evalu-
ated on the basis of a program that has been aligned with their
stages of development in English. This is not a form of grade infla-
tion, as the program, rather than the marks, has been adjusted.
When the distribution of marks among English language learners
is similar to that of English-speaking students, it suggests that the
language learners are receiving appropriate support and are work-
ing to achieve attainable expectations. If English language learners
are scoring lower marks as a group, however, the program may
not have been appropriately adapted to meet their needs or the cri-
teria used to judge their performance may not have been based on
what can reasonably be expected of students at their present stage
of development in English.
Teachers should be as concerned about higher-than-average per-
formance among some groups of learners as they are about
lower-than-average performance among others. Students from some
countries may have experienced a curriculum that places them ahead
of their age peers in some curriculum areas, such as mathematics, sci-
ence, and music, for example. In this case, the subject expectations
may need to be adjusted to provide more of a challenge, as it would
be when English-speaking students perform at a level higher than
most of their peers. At the same time, familiar subject matter can be
used as a vehicle for English language development.
• If you are using alternative curriculum outcomes or expectations
for an English language learner, it is important to explain this to
parents and students. In some jurisdictions, this can be indicated
on computer-generated report cards. In others, it may be necessary
to add a handwritten comment to this effect. Printed material in
the languages of the community can help explain program adapta-
tions and many other aspects of the program that may be mystify-
ing to parents.

270 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

It is also a good idea to meet parents — with interpreters on hand to
facilitate discussion. Emphasize that English language learners need
fewer and fewer adaptations as they become more proficient in English,
until eventually they will be working to achieve the same expectations
as everyone else. Explain, however, that this process can take five or
more years, depending on the student’s starting point in English on
To report on students’ development in English, use checklists and
observation forms based on the ESL standards or developmental con-
tinua used in your jurisdiction. Use these regularly, tracking a certain
number of students each week, noting the date(s) that each indicator is
observed. Keep the form on file until the end of the course or assessment
period. The form can be used in student-teacher conferences and par-
ent-teacher interviews, and a copy can be attached to the report card to
provide additional information about a student’s development. The
form can also be translated into the languages of the school so that it is
meaningful to parents.

Large-Scale Assessment
The purpose of large-scale testing is to assess the effectiveness of an
entire education system, such as that in a school district, province, or
state. In general, English language learners should be included in these
assessments, which can reveal the following information:
• how their performance as a group compares with that of their En-
glish-speaking age peers
• how their individual performance compares with that of other
English language learners
The following conditions must be met in order for their participation to
be meaningful, however.
• Students who are in the early stages of English language develop-
ment should not be included. These students are not able to partici-
pate meaningfully in an assessment designed for English-speaking
• Students who have enough knowledge of English to understand
what they are being asked to do and to participate meaningfully
should be included as long as they have been in the jurisdiction
long enough for their results to reflect the schooling they have
received. In general, this means that they should have been in the
jurisdiction no less than a full school year.
• Data, such as home language, country of birth, date of arrival in the
country or years of attendance at an English-language school, and
number of hours of ESL instruction provided by a specialist ESL
teacher, should be gathered for each student participating in the
• The test results of English language learners who have been in the
country fewer than 10 years should be disaggregated from those of
the general population and reported separately. Within the group,
the information should be further separated according to various
criteria, such as length of time in the country, years of full-time
schooling, country of origin, and number of hours of ESL instruc-
tion. This information can be helpful in determining how long it
takes students to catch up to their age peers, how much and what
kind of ESL or bilingual support is the most effective, whether

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 271

Planning Effective Lessons for English Language Learners

Preparation Notes

❏ (expectations),
Select, revise, or substitute subject outcomes
using the learners’ stage(s) of
development as a guide.

❏ ofAdddevelopment.
language outcomes appropriate to the stage(s)

❏ students’
Plan assessment tasks that are appropriate to the
stage(s) of development and that will
enable you to assess achievement of the outcomes,
using clear and attainable criteria for assessment or

❏ learning
Select, adapt, or create resource materials to aid
(e.g., alternative texts, visual material,
multimedia resources, and manipulatives).

❏ opportunities
Plan meaningful activities that provide
for reading, writing, vocabulary
development, and oral language use.

Instructional Strategies Notes

Building Background

❏ experiences.
Link concepts to students’ backgrounds and

❏ using
Develop the necessary background knowledge,
stories, pictures, videos, and other media.

❏ introduce,
Introduce and illustrate key vocabulary (e.g.,
provide an example, write, repeat, add
to word wall or vocabulary notebooks).

Comprehensible Instruction

❏ Adjust speech to students’ proficiency level.

❏ written
Explain academic tasks clearly (e.g., provide
and oral instructions, broken down into
steps for complex tasks).

❏ concepts
Use a variety of techniques to make language and
clear (e.g., modeling, visuals,
manipulatives, hands-on activities,
demonstrations, and gestures).

❏ students
Ask clear questions and give enough wait time for
to respond.

❏ including
Encourage students to work in pairs or groups,
the first language when appropriate, to
clarify key concepts and vocabulary.

Adapted from Short, D., and Echevarria, J. (1999). The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol: A Tool for Teacher-Researcher

272 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Planning Effective Lessons for English Language Learners

Instructional Strategies (cont’d) Notes


❏ writing
Use scaffolding techniques to support reading and
(e.g., key visuals, guided reading,
patterned language use, modeled writing, writing
scaffolds, the writing process, guided projects).

❏ development
Provide content-based activities for language
and practice (e.g., word puzzles,
cloze passages, and sentence completion activities).

❏ tasks.
Provide models of performance for all complex


❏ the
Use group activities to promote focused talk about
content of the lesson (e.g., think-pair-share,
interviews, group brainstorming, and jigsaw).

❏ (e.g.,
Focus on the process and language of group work
how to disagree, how to take turns, how to
include everyone, and how to keep each other on

❏ encourage
Provide discussion questions and prompts that
various thinking and learning strategies
(e.g., problem solving, predicting, summarizing,
categorizing, analyzing, identifying patterns or
inconsistencies, evaluating, and making

❏ language
Provide supportive feedback for students’

❏ elaborate
Provide prompts to elicit expanded or more

❏ students.
Monitor and encourage the participation of all

Review and Assessment Notes

❏ throughout
Assess students’ comprehension and learning
the lesson (e.g., spot checking and
group rehearsal and response).

❏ review
At the end of the lesson, provide a comprehensive
of key vocabulary and concepts.

❏ learned
Involve students in self-assessment (e.g., “Today I
…” or “In our group today, we ….”).

Collaboration and Professional Development. Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence.

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 273

some groups of students need more — or different kinds of — sup-
port (e.g., students from refugee-producing countries may have
had limited educational opportunities before emigrating). This
information is essential to help school jurisdictions become
accountable for the education of English language learners and to
ensure that all groups are adequately served.

Putting It All Together: Planning Effective Lessons

for English Language Learners
The chart on the previous pages is a lesson-planning checklist that
incorporates many of the instructional approaches and strategies rec-
ommended in this book. This checklist can be used to plan stimulating,
supportive, and academically challenging lessons for English language
learners. All the items do not necessarily apply to all lessons, however.
Use only those that are relevant to the lesson you are planning.
If you are teaching an ESL class, be sure that the content that forms
the basis of language instruction is relevant and interesting and pro-
vides students with opportunities to develop the language and thinking
skills required in the mainstream classroom. If you are teaching a main-
stream class, you may find that lesson components included for the
benefit of English language learners also benefit their English-speaking
The chart includes space for you to write notes, list the textbooks and
other resources you plan to use, list the key vocabulary you plan to
teach, indicate group activities that students will be involved in, list
handouts or prompts you will provide for scaffolded language produc-
tion, list the prompts and questions you will use for guided reading,
and so on. If you are involved in a peer-coaching or mentoring partner-
ship with another teacher, you could visit each other’s classrooms with
this checklist as a guide for observation.

274 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

To Learn More …

Books and Articles

Agor, B., ed. Integrating the ESL Standards into Classroom Prac- Advice on planning and implementing effective assessment
tice: Grades 9–12. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to and evaluation of second language learning in order to make
Speakers of Other Languages, 2001. instruction more effective.
Model units showing how to use D. Short et al.’s ESL Stan- Irujo, S., ed. Integrating the ESL Standards into Classroom Practice:
dards for Pre-K–12 Students to guide instruction and Grades 6–8. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers
assessment. of Other Languages, 2001.
Baker, C., and N.H. Hornberger, eds. An Introductory Reader to Model units show how to use D. Short et al.’s ESL Standards
the Writings of Jim Cummins. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual for Pre-K–12 Students to guide instruction and assessment.
Matters, 2001. O’Malley, J.M., and L.V. Pierce. Authentic Assessment for English
Readings selected from three decades of Cummins’ work Language Learners: Practical Approaches for Teachers. Reading,
include articles introducing the concept of BICS and CALP Mass.: Addison-Wesley (now Pearson Education), 1996.
and the four-quadrant framework. Very helpful book showing how to develop and use various
Brown, J.D., ed. New Ways of Classroom Assessment. Alexandria, types of assessment for different purposes.
Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Roessingh, H., Kover, P., and Watt, D. Developing Cognitive
1998. Academic Language Proficiency: The Journey. TESL Canada
Alternative assessment activities for language teachers. Journal, 23, 1, 2005.
Burns, P., and B. Roe. Burns/Roe Informal Reading Inventory. 6th The study documented in this article has significant implica-
ed. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. tions for policy development and program planning for
Graded reading passages that are useful for assessing and English language learners, confirming that these students,
tracking reading comprehension. With English language including those who arrive
learners, the reading passages are best used for silent read- Samway, K., ed. Integrating the ESL Standards into Classroom
ing comprehension rather than reading aloud. Practice: Grades 3–5. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to
Cline, T., and N. Frederickson, eds. Curriculum Related Assess- Speakers of Other Languages, 2001.
ment, Cummins and Bilingual Children. Clevedon, U.K.: Short, D., et al. ESL Standards for Pre-K–12 Students. Alexandria,
Multilingual Matters, 1996. Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages,
Articles showing how to apply Cummins’ conceptual frame- 1997.
work to curriculum-related assessment. Describes appropriate goals in second language acquisition,
Council of Europe. Common European Framework of Reference provides sample progress indicators, and uses classroom
for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Cambridge: vignettes to illustrate instructional approaches that enable
Cambridge University Press, 2001. English language learners to reach the goals.
Valuable reference tool for the development of language Smallwood, B., ed. Integrating the ESL Standards into Classroom
assessment tools and criteria. Also available online at Practice: Grades Pre-K–2. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English
<>. to Speakers of Other Languages, 2001.
Cummins, J. Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children Watt, D.L.E., and H. Roessingh. “Some You Win, Most You
Caught in the Crossfire. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Matters, Lose: Tracking ESL Student Dropout in High School
2000. (1988–1993).” Canadian Modern Language Review. Vol. 26, no.
Detailed and updated explanations of BICS, CALP, and the 3: 1994.
four-quadrant framework. Includes a discussion of bilingual Alberta study showing that the overwhelming majority of
education. newcomers who arrived as beginning learners of English did
Farr, B. P., and E. Trumbull. Assessment Alternatives for Diverse not graduate from high school.
Classrooms. Norwood, Mass.: Christopher-Gordon Publish- Watt, D.L.E., and H. Roessingh. “The Dynamics of ESL
ers, 1996. Drop-Out: Plus Ça Change…” Canadian Modern Language
Provides a framework for equitable assessment in linguisti- Review. Vol. 58, no. 2: 2001.
cally diverse schools and suggests alternative assessment Examines high school completion rates among ESL learners
strategies. and the effects of recent cuts in levels of ESL support.
Genesee, F., and Upsur, J.A. Classroom-based Evaluation in Sec-
ond Language Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1996.

13 Planning Instruction and Assessment 275

Websites and Online Resources
Coltrane, B. “English Language Learners and High-Stakes Discusses the inclusion of English language learners in
Tests: An Overview of the Issues.” Washington, D.C.: Center large-scale assessments.
for Applied Linguistics, 2002. <>. Short, D., and J. Echevarria. “The Sheltered Instruction Observa-
This digest discusses how English language learners can be tion Protocol: A Tool for Teacher-Researcher Collaboration
included equitably in high-stakes tests. Addresses adapta- and Professional Development.” Washington, D.C.; Center
tion of test procedures and accurate interpretation of test for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence, 1999.
results. <>.
Menken, K. “What Are the Critical Issues in Wide-Scale Includes an observation tool and checklist for planning les-
Assessment of English Language Learners?” (Issue Brief No. sons for English language learners. Teacher’s manual and
6). Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual video are also available.
Education, 2000. <>.

276 Section IV Language Learning across the Curriculum

Afterword: A Great Adventure

If you are a new ESL teacher or a classroom teacher just beginning to

explore some of the options and dilemmas in multilingual education, you
are embarking on a great adventure. Though this book may help you get
started, your students will be your greatest source of new knowledge.
Watch, listen, and learn from them. Your own linguistic and cultural
knowledge will be immeasurably enriched through your work with
students and families from linguistic and cultural backgrounds different
from your own. At the same time, you will develop a stronger awareness
and appreciation of your own linguistic and cultural identity. Through
your contacts with students whose roots are in countries around the world,
you will also enhance your global awareness and understanding of current
world events.
I originally wrote this book in 2003, after many years spent working with
both teachers and students in multilingual classrooms. This revised
printing is an updated version that includes more recent references and
resources to help teachers get started on an incredible adventure of
linguistic and cultural discovery and self-discovery. Bon voyage!

Elizabeth Coelho
Toronto, August 2007

active vocabulary bilingual education
The words a person can understand and use in- A educational program that uses both English and a
dependently student’s first language as the languages of in-
affective filter
Emotional factors that may inhibit learning. bound morpheme
A morpheme that cannot stand alone as an individual
alphabetic writing system word, but can be used only in combination with other
A writing system in which each symbol represents a morphemes.
phoneme of the language.
anti-racist education A grammatical form that, in English, changes to show
Educational practices designed to reduce prejudice the relationship of nouns and pronouns to other
and discrimination, promote equitable educational words.
outcomes among all ethnocultural groups, and enable
learners to recognize and challenge instances of cul- cognitive academic language proficiency
tural bias and racial discrimination (CALP)
The language skills required to achieve academic
assessment portfolio success.
A collection of a student’s work showing progress
over time. cognitive strategy instruction
Teaching students how to use certain learning strate-
audiolingual approach gies for specific purposes (e.g., creating a graphic
A part-to-whole approach to language instruction. organizer to express key ideas).
The emphasis is on listening and speaking as learners
are presented with many examples of a particular communication strategy
grammatical structure, which they then practice to fix A way of compensating for incomplete knowledge of
the pattern as an automatic response. the language.

authentic communication communicative approach

Use of language in real-life situations. A whole-to-part approach to language instruction.
Real communication is emphasized, and grammar is
basic interpersonal communication skills learned inductively from examples that occur natu-
(BICS) rally in the context.
The language necessary to achieve fluency in partici-
pating in day-to-day conversation. communicative competence
The ability to communicate effectively in real situ-
biculturalism ations.
The ability to function equally well in two different
cultural environments. communicative function
A specific purpose for using language (e.g., apologiz-
bilingual ing, taking a turn, or disagreeing).
Able to function equally well in two languages.
comprehensible input
bilingual dictionary Language that is made comprehensible through the
A translation dictionary (e.g., English–French) in use of visual aids, familiar content, modified input,
which the learner can look up a word in the first lan- and so on.
guage and find its equivalent in English, and vice
versa. connective
A word or phrase that links ideas.

Glossary 281
contact assignment differentiated instruction
An assignment that requires language learners to use Choosing learning outcomes, instructional strategies,
English with native speakers outside the classroom. resources, and assessment tools and criteria that are
appropriate for students with differing needs.
content-based language instruction
A communicative approach to language instruction. discourse competence
It integrates language and content instruction so that The ability to link ideas effectively, using appropriate
students learn important curriculum-based knowl- linking words and phrases and organizing ideas into
edge and skills at the same time as they learn lan- recognizable forms or genres of language.
dominant language
consonant cluster The language in which an individual is most profi-
A group of two or more consonant sounds that occur cient. This term may also refer to the language of the
together (e.g., /sks/ in desks). dominant community and its institutions, such as ed-
ucation, government, and the legal system.
content words
Words, such as nouns, verbs, and adverbs, that con- embedding
vey the meaning of a sentence. The inclusion of a linguistic unit, such as a phrase or
clause, in another linguistic unit.
contextual support
The presentation of language that is strongly linked to English as a foreign language (EFL)
the context. A subject taught in situations where English is not the
language of the community, region, or country.
conversational strategy
A way of initiating, steering, and concluding a English as a second language (ESL)
conversation. A subject taught to speakers of other languages in a
situation in which English is the main language of the
cultural capital community, region, or country.
Vocabulary and background knowledge that helps
children learn. ESL core program
An instructional program for English language learn-
culturally biased ers in which the content of core subjects, such as
Based on cultural knowledge that cannot be assumed language arts, social studies, mathematics, and sci-
to be common to all students. ence, is used as a vehicle for language instruction.

derivational morpheme ESL integration program

A prefix or suffix that is added to a word to form a An ESL program that includes English language
new word. learners in mainstream classrooms and adapts in-
struction to meet their needs.
developmental continuum
A sequence of stages in the development of language ESL resource support program
or literacy. An ESL program that provides language learning
support to individuals or small groups of language
developmental errors learners for part of each school day.
Language errors that most learners make as part of
the learning process. fossilization
An interlanguage pattern that becomes permanent.
A variety of a language marked by differences in ac- free morpheme
cents, grammar, and vocabulary. A dialect may be A morpheme that can stand alone as an individual
related to a geographic region (e.g., Newfoundland word.
English) or to characteristics, such as social class and
education (e.g., standard English).

282 Adding English

function word inflectional morpheme
Words, such as prepositions, articles, and conjunc- Usually a suffix that provides grammatical informa-
tions, that help connect content words into tion about gender, number, person, case, degree, and
meaningful sentences. verb form.

gender innatist
A way of grouping words into formal classes, using A theory of language learning. It suggests that chil-
labels such as masculine, feminine, and neuter. dren learn language because they have an innate
predisposition that enables them to discover patterns
general academic vocabulary on the basis of the language used in their en-
Words that occur frequently in many areas of the cur- vironment.
riculum (e.g., indicate occurs in many subject areas
and is more academic than the common word show). instructional text
Textbooks and other text-based learning resources
graded readers designed for use in an instructional setting.
Books that are graded by vocabulary level and sen-
tence structure (e.g., a graded reader at the 1,000 instrumental motivation
-word level would include only the 1,000 most com- A desire to learn the language to achieve a specific
mon words in English). goal, such as becoming an engineer.

grammar integrative motivation

The language patterns that indicate relationships A desire to learn a language to become fully compe-
among words in sentences. tent in many situations and to become part of the
mainstream society.
grammar-translation approach
A deductive approach to language instruction. It fo- interactionist
cuses on learning vocabulary and grammar patterns, A theory of learning that stresses the importance of
with an emphasis on reading and writing. interaction between the learners and an older or more
proficient peer, adult, or family member.
guided reading
A teacher-directed, intensive approach to reading. interference
The teacher helps students develop reading strategies A language learner’s transferring of features of the
by demonstrating effective strategies and focusing on sound system of her or his first language to the new
specific aspects of the text. language.

heritage language program (international lan- interlanguage

guage program) Intermediate forms of language produced by
An instructional program intended to help learners learners.
maintain their first or heritage language.
high-frequency word The characteristic patterns of rise and fall in pitch.
A word that is used frequently in many different
contexts. key visuals
Content-specific graphic organizers, such as concept
holistic approach (to assessment) maps, T-charts, Venn diagrams, flow charts, and
Considering the overall competence of the student timelines.
rather than focusing only on discrete skills such as
spelling, punctuation, or using correct verb forms. language style (register)
Ways of using language that may vary according to
ideographic writing system purpose, situation, audience, and the social character-
A writing system that uses symbols or combinations istics of the speaker.
of symbols to represent a word or concept rather than
a sound.

Glossary 283
learning strategy overgeneralization
A mental or cognitive activity that students use when Applying a language pattern generally, without
learning (e.g., associating a word with a mental awareness of exceptions or variations.
part-to-whole instruction
logogram An analytical approach to instruction. It focuses on
A visual symbol representing a word or concept. the components of the language (e.g., grammar pat-
Logograms may be understood in many languages. terns) that will then be applied in communication.

low-frequency word person

A word that occurs relatively infrequently. A grammatical form that, in English, applies to pro-
nouns and affects the form of verbs.
meaningful output
The production of language that others can under- phoneme
stand. The smallest unit of sound that can affect meaning in
a language.
The analysis and planning of one’s own learning phonemic awareness
processes. The ability to perceive sounds and subtle differences
among sounds.
minimal pair
Two words that are identical except for one specific phonics
vowel or consonant sound (e.g. bet and bed). The teaching of specific sound-symbol correspon-
dences so that children can sound out words.
modeled writing
Demonstrating the writing process by composing and phonological system
thinking aloud in front of students. The sounds of a language and the patterns used to
combine them into words and sentences.
modified input
Language that is simplified for young children and phonological writing system
other language learners. A writing system in which the written symbols repre-
sent the sounds of the language.
The smallest contrastive unit of grammar. phonology
The study of the sound systems of a language.
The study of word structure. pictograph
A pictorial symbol representing a concrete object.
multicultural education Pictographs were used in the earliest writing systems.
Educational practices that acknowledge the contribu-
tions and perspectives of diverse ethnocultural productive competence
groups. The ability to produce language.

needs assessment receptive (passive) vocabulary

An assessment carried out to assess a student’s level The words a person can recognize or understand in
of English proficiency and needs so that an instruc- print or when other speakers use them.
tional program can be designed to meet those needs
receptive competence
number The ability to understand oral language and written
The grammatical distinction between singular and text.
plural, or one and more than one.
The pacing of the stressed syllables in a sentence.

284 Adding English

scaffolding subordination
Providing temporary supports that enable learners to The joining of a subordinate clause to a clause of
perform at a higher level than they would be able to higher value, often by using connectors.
achieve without support.
syllabic writing system
self-contained ESL program A writing system in which each symbol represents a
A program in which learners of English are taught in spoken syllable.
a separate class or program, with little or no integra-
tion into mainstream classrooms. syntax
The study of word combinations or sentence struc-
sheltered instruction ture.
An alternative term for content-based language
instruction. tone language
A language that uses tone or pitch to distinguish be-
sight word tween words that otherwise sound exactly the same.
One of the most common words in a language (e.g.,
the). Total Physical Response (TPR)
A meaning-based, whole-to-part approach to lan-
sociolect guage instruction. It relies on physical cues and
A variety of language related to a specific social class. actions to teach new vocabulary and grammar struc-
sociolinguistic competence
The ability to recognize and produce language that is whole-to-part instruction
appropriate in various social contexts and relation- A holistic approach to instruction. It focuses on mean-
ships. ing and activities designed to promote real com-
munication. Instruction in “parts,” such as grammar
standard English patterns, is provided as these features occur or are re-
The variety of English that is used in textbooks and by quired to communicate.
most educated English speakers, though they may
speak another variety of English with members of word class
their own family or community. A grammatical category, often called a part of speech,
that identifies how a word is used in a sentence (e.g.,
strategic competence as a noun, verb, etc.).
The ability to use various verbal and nonverbal strate-
gies to participate effectively in a conversation. word family
A set of related words (e.g., grammar, grammatical,
stress grammarian).
The degree of force with which a syllable is uttered.
zone of proximal development
structural competence A level slightly beyond the learner’s current level of
The ability to use the grammatical structures of a development, but within reach if appropriate support
language. is provided.

subject-specific word
A word likely to occur only within a specific field of
work or study.

Glossary 285
A mathematical skills, 25, 26
needs, 179
academic achievement, 29, 152, 153, 157–158, 163, 195,
oral language, 23, 24, 26–27, 252
197, 251, 264, 269
portfolio, 265
accents reading comprehension, 24, 25, 27–28, 252, 266–268
in English language learners, 53-54, 143, 151 special needs, 30–31
regional, 54, 63, 116-117 vocabulary, English, 23
social, 54, 117 writing, 23, 24, 25, 28–29, 252, 268–269
See also dialects; sociolects; pronunciation See also evaluation
acculturation, 17, 18, 19, 31 assessment portfolio, 22, 25, 268
active vocabulary, 91 assimilation, 18, 32
adjectives, 72, 73, 180, 232 audiolingual approach, 176–177, 179
adjustment, newcomer, 15, 16, 17–19, 22, 25, 30, 169. See audiotapes
also newcomers as alternative resource material, 248
adverbs, 72 assessment use, 264
instructional use, 64, 103, 108, 177, 207–208
affective filter, 151
authentic communication, 176
examples of, 101, 102, 227 auxiliary verbs, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80
function of, 100
learner acquisition of, 144, 163, 225–227 B
learner errors with, 158 basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS), 152,
See also inflectional suffix 252, 256, 257, 258, 262, 263
African languages, 90, 131 beginning language learners
African students, 28 audiotape use with, 207–208
alphabet copying and labeling activities for, 203
English, 54, 125, 128, 157, 184, 190, 201–202, 206–207, games and puzzles for, 208
247 experience-based approach with, 206
in other languages, 125–126, 129, 190 language experience approach with, 206–207
support for, 171, 192, 221, 233, 257–261, 262–263, 271
alphabetic writing system, 126, 128–131 teaching functional language to, 201–202
antecedents, 84 teaching materials for, 202–203, 208–210
anti-racist education, 43–45 total physical response approach with, 160, 177, 178,
anxiety, 18, 23, 26, 32, 151, 160, 163, 170, 177, 186, 192, See also newcomers
242, 247
BICS. See basic interpersonal communication skills
Arabic, 129, 131, 145, 268 (BICS)
Arabic numerals, 183 biculturalism, 32
art materials, 209 bilingual assignments. See dual-language assignments
articles, definite and indefinite. See determiners bilingual dictionaries, 29, 159, 230, 265
arts education, 245–247. See also drama; music; visual bilingual education, 153, 154, 167–179, 170
bilingual educators, 31, 169, 263
alternative approaches to, 150, 173, 220, 251, 260–269 bilingual partners
educational background, 25, 26 as journal respondents, 238
first language, 25, 26, 29, 31, 160, 268 benefits of, 41
informal, 23–24 instructional support from, 111, 186, 187, 189, 192,
initial, 20, 22–29, 30–31, 252 200
language, 23–26, 26–29 role in assessment, 261, 269
large-scale, 251, 271, 274 role in orientation, 38
listening comprehension, 24 See also peer tutors; mentors

Index 289
bilingualism, 18, 32, 42, 141, 168 components of, 106–122
biology curriculum, 239 defined, 106
development of, teaching strategies for, 108, 110, 114,
Black English, 116. See also Caribbean languages; 117–118, 119, 120, 122, 147
Jamaican Creole See also discourse competence; productive
book circles, 104. See also multicultural literature circles competence; receptive competence; sociolinguistic
books on tape. See audiotapes competence; strategic competence; structural
bound morphemes, 99
communicative functions, 179
brainstorming. See group brainstorming
community and school, 20, 21, 32, 33
Burns-Roe Informal Reading Inventory, 267
composition. See writing
C composition templates, 235–236, 240
CALP. See cognitive academic language proficiency comprehensible input, 147, 183–186
(CALP) comprehensible instruction, 147, 183–186
Cantonese. See Chinese computer speech, 64
capitalization, 131 computers, 133, 205, 208, 240, 241, 244, 245, 246, 270.
Carbo method, 207 See also computer speech; word processing programs
Caribbean languages, 116, 118, 164. See also Black condensed syntax, 86
English conditional sentences, 85–86
Caribbean students, 28 confidence, 18, 19, 91, 161, 162–163, 172, 186, 200, 204,
case (in grammar), 71–72 242, 256
chants. See songs connectives
in discourse competence, 106, 107
Chinese, 58, 62, 76, 94, 100, 126, 128, 131, 132, 135, 266,
in instructional text, 133
teaching the concept of, 94, 223, 225, 228, 234
Chomsky, Noam, 143
conjunctions, 234
choral work, 65, 201, 204, 224
consonant clusters, 58, 61
classroom behavior, 22, 32, 187, 190, 195, 196–197. See
contact assignment, 179
also code of conduct
content words, 28, 60, 228
classroom displays, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40–41, 42, 114,
190, 223, 241, 247 content-based instruction, 118, 171, 173, 179–180,
clauses, 84–85, 87
contextual support, 17, 148, 180, 257
cloze passages
in learning resources, 248
as learning activities, 104, 207, 218, 227–228, 231,
232–234, 247 contractions, 60–61, 185
assessment use, 27, 28, 248, 261, 264 conversational strategies, 118, 120–122, 196, 197
code of conduct, 22, 32. See also classroom behavior cooperative games. See games
cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP), cooperative learning, 190–191
152–153, 156, 217, 251, 252, 256–260, 262, 263, 267 and development of social skills, 147, 160, 161, 183,
cognitive strategy instruction, 163 196–197
management strategies for, 120, 122, 195–197
Collier, Virginia, 153
teaching strategies for, 191–195
comics, 103, 242, 246 See also cooperative projects; games; group activities;
Common European Framework, 254, 255 group brainstorming; group rehearsal; jigsaw
groups; learning teams; think-pair-share; three-step
communication strategies, 118, 119
communicative approach, 178–179
cooperative projects, 193–195
communicative competence
core curriculum, 171
assessment of, 23

290 Adding English

corrections. See feedback E
count nouns, 70 Ebonics. See Black English
Cree language, 128 educational background assessment, 25, 26
cross-cultural communication, 112–114 educational legislation, 168–169. See also Ontario
cross-grade tutors, 5. See peer tutors Education Act; Proposition 227; Saskatchewan
Education Act (1978)
cultural bias, 31
educationally disadvantaged students, 19, 170, 174
cultural capital, 157–158
embedded questions, 84
cultural identity
first language, as component of, 18, 63, 115, 155, 173 embedding, 84–85
in resisting students, 162 English alphabet. See alphabet, English
promoting respect for, 164
English as a foreign language, 17, 175
culture shock, 18
English as a second language, 15, 167, 169
Cummins, Jim, 152–153, 157, 256. See also Cummins
English First, 169
English language learners. See beginning language
Cummins model, 256–260. See also Cummins, Jim
learners; newcomers
curriculum adaptations, 19, 37, 170, 171, 173, 174
errors, correcting. See feedback
curriculum expectations, modifying, 260–261, 262–263.
ESL core programs, 169, 170–172
See also assessment; evaluation
ESL instruction. See second language instruction
D ESL integration programs, 169, 173
decoding, 157 ESL reception programs. See self-contained ESL
degree (in grammar), 72–73 programs

derivational morphemes, 69, 98,100 ESL resource support programs, 169, 172–173

determiners, 74–75 ESL students. See beginning language learners;

developmental continuum, 251–261, 262–263, 267, 269,
271 ESL teachers, 20, 21, 22, 23, 51, 145, 169, 172–173, 208,
215, 271. See also itinerant ESL teachers
developmental errors, 148, 158
esteem, 22, 23, 155, 162, 164, 251
dialects, 116–118, 130. See also accents; pronunciation;
sociolects; standard English evaluation, 150, 236, 242, 251, 260, 265, 269–271. See also
dialogue journals, 179, 236, 238
experience-based learning, 206, 210
pronunciation guides in, 55 extracurricular activities, 161
use during tests, 265
use in vocabulary acquisition, 96, 104, 163, 223, 225, F
229, 230, 231 failure, 29, 173, 257
use with instructional text, 133, 135
Farsi, 75, 131, 268–269
See also bilingual dictionaries; picture dictionaries
differentiated instruction, 252
in second language instruction, 40–41, 157–160, 163,
discourse competence, 106–108 164, 183, 265
discrimination, 43, 47 on communicative competence, 110, 118, 119
on grammar, 87, 88, 232–233
displays. See classroom displays
on oral language proficiency, 186–187, 197
dominant language, 25 on practice tests, 264
drama, 103, 114, 246. See also role plays on research projects, 242, 264
on writing, 187–189, 240, 241
dual-language assignments, 42, 189, 240, 244, 264
figurative language, 185–186, 225

Index 291
first language gerunds, 81–82
as component of identity, 154 grade-level scores, 267
assessment, 25, 26, 29, 31, 160, 268
graded readers
first language acquisition levels of, 252
in young children, 58, 68, 141, 148–149 assessment use, 27, 267
theories of, 141–142, 143–144, 145–146, 147–148 creating recorded books with, 207
first language development vocabulary development with, 95, 103
in bilingual education, 167–169 graded reading, 27, 28, 103
parent participation in, 22, 32, 154
supporting, teaching strategies for, 17, 154–155, 189 grading practices. See evaluation
See also heritage language programs grammar
first language use acquisition of, 142, 148, 155–156, 253, 255
in assessment, 261 defined, 68
in the writing process, 240 elements of, 69–86
supporting, teaching strategies for, 17, 183, 189–190 in other languages, 16, 116
instruction, teaching strategies for, 86–88, 155–156,
fluency. See language proficiency 175–176, 179, 180, 232–233
forms of address, 109–111, 114 learner errors with, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80,
fossilization, 145, 151 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86
rules, 67–68
fourth-grade slump, 157
grammar-translation approach, 175–176
free morphemes, 98–99
Greek, 130, 131
as origin of English spelling, 129 group activities
capitalization in, 131 assessment use, 185, 196–197, 264
cultural norms in, 112 development of social skills in, 122, 147, 160, 161,
English vocabulary derived from, 90 196–197, 244
gender, 69 examples of, 46, 47, 178, 191–195, 204–205, 206–207,
negative statements in, 80 218, 221, 224, 231
pronunciation, 53, 142 management strategies for, 160, 185, 195–197
stress patterns in, 59 See also cooperative projects; games; group
students, 16 brainstorming; group rehearsal; jigsaw groups;
vocabulary, 91 learning teams; think-pair-share; three-step
French immersion, 179–180
group brainstorming
French language instruction, 169, 174–175, 176 as cooperative learning task, 191, 196
function words, 28, 60 in guided projects, 242
functional language, 201–202 in guided reading, 221
in multicultural literature circles, 46
G in vocabulary instruction, 227
in the writing process, 240
games, 208. See also puzzles
group rehearsal, 192
gender (in grammar), 69
guidance counselors, 20, 30
general academic vocabulary, 95, 104, 224
guided projects, 241–246
Genesee, Fred, 181
guided reading
genitive case. See case (in grammar) and instructional text, 108
genre and vocabulary acquisition, 104
of language, 108 as a learning strategy, 163, 274
of writing, 133, 135–136 defined, 221
See also non-fiction genre introducing quality literature through, 103
stages of, 221–224
geography curriculum, 109, 180, 240, 263
guided writing, 108, 136, 269
German, 69, 74, 81, 91, 131

292 Adding English

H integrative motivation, 161–162
harassment, 33 interactionists, 145–146
Hebrew, 131 interference (from first language), 55, 58, 143, 158
heritage language programs (international language interlanguage, 145, 178
programs), 32, 168, 169, 173–174 international language programs. See heritage
heritage language teachers, 174 language programs
high-frequency words, 91, 94–95 International Phonetic Alphabet, 55
history curriculum interpreters, 20, 32, 270
grammar instruction in, 87, 180, 232 itinerant ESL teachers, 21, 30, 172
music in, 246
role plays in, 224, 246
defined, 61
vocabulary acquisition in, 227
function of, 61–62
writing skills development in, 235, 239
in forming questions, 79, 119
holistic approach, 29 in other languages, 62
homographs, 55 learner errors with, 62
patterns, 61–62
homonyms, 55
teaching, 62, 204, 207, 222. See also pitch
homophones, 55, 62
Italian, 130, 131
Hymes, Dell, 106
hypothesis-testing (in language acquisition), 143, J
147–148, 158 Jamaican Creole, 59, 109, 115, 116. See also Black
Japanese, 112, 128
ideograph, 126
Japanese students, 113
ideographic writing system, 126, 128
jazz chants. See songs
idioms. See figurative language
jigsaw group, 193, 195, 208, 220, 228
illustrations. See pictures
immigrants, 15–16, 18, 32, 38, 152, 174, 205 assessment use, 22, 265
immigration, 15–16, 21, 26, 31, 40, 170 first language use in, 39, 190
grammar in, 233
independent reading, 46, 47
in multicultural literature circles, 46
indirect speech, 82–83 in the communicative approach, 179
induction, 176, 178 vocabulary development in, 229
writing skills development in, 46, 87, 223, 233,
infinitives, 81–82
235–236, 236–238, 239
inflectional morphemes, 69 See also dialogue journals; learning logs; response
inflectional suffix, 70 journals
informal assessment, 23–24
initial assessment. 20, 22–29, 30–31, 252
key visuals
initial placement. See placement defined, 217
innatists, 145 examples of, 217–220
instructional framework, 257–260 function of, 218
in guided reading, 222
instructional program adaptations. See curriculum in the writing process, 240, 244
Korean, 27, 109, 112, 129
instructional text, 133–135
Krashen, Stephen, 100, 103, 146, 151
instrumental motivation, 161, 162

Index 293
L linguistic diversity
in assessment materials, 267
labeling, 201, 203, 205, 206, 245
in language surveys, 38–39
language acquisition. See first language acquisition; promoting respect for, 19, 36, 42, 117, 164
second language acquisition statistics relevant to, 16
language acquisition theories, 141–148 linguistic prejudice, 116
language arts curriculum linguistic variation. See language variety
adaptations to, 19
linking verbs, 77
in ESL core programs, 171
multicultural literature circles in, 45 listening comprehension
role plays in, 246 activities, 64–65, 207–208
software use in, 64 and comprehensible instruction, 185
writing skills development in, 239 assessment of, 24
development of, 253
language assessment, 23–26, 26–29
difficulties with, 61, 62–63, 116
language environment, 58, 142–143, 144, 146, 154, 201 in the total physical response approach, 177–178
language experience stories, 206–207, 209 See also oral language proficiency
language learning strategies. See learning strategies literacy tests, 251, 260, 266
language proficiency literary style, 84
assessment, alternative strategies for, 269–271 literature circles. See book circles
development of, 17, 237, 251–252, 253, 256, 269
logograms, 126
planning instruction according to, 252, 256–260,
262–263 long noun groups, 86
See also listening comprehension; oral language low-frequency words, 91, 95–96, 99, 103, 133, 224
proficiency; reading comprehension; writing
language style, 109–112 M
language surveys, 38–39 mainstream classroom
language variety, 16, 42, 114–118, 130, 164. See also beginning language learners in, 17, 23, 30, 200
dialects; sociolects in language program design, 150, 170, 171, 173, 180
integrating language and content instruction in, 217,
large-scale testing, 271 274
Latin manipulatives, 23, 172, 203, 206, 210, 219
alphabet, 129, 130
as origin of English spelling, 130 maps, 210
English vocabulary derived from, 95, 96, 99, 183, 248 mathematical skills assessment, 25, 26
grammar, 68, 176 mathematics curriculum
language instruction, 175 adaptations to, 19, 264, 270
learner motivation, 42, 143, 145, 150, 161–162, 189. See grammar instruction in, 88, 232
also integrative motivation; instrumental motivation; group activities in, 39, 189, 192
resistance in ESL core programs, 171
learning disabilities, 25, 30–31 in ESL resource support programs, 172
resources used in, 172, 203
learning logs, 163, 236, 238, 242, 265 role plays in, 246
learning outcomes. See assessment vocabulary development in, 228
learning resources. See resource material writing skills development in, 238, 239
learning strategies, 143, 161, 163–164, 180. See also meaningful output, 147
cognitive strategy instruction; metacognition mentors, 30, 41, 274. See also bilingual partners; peer
learning teams, 192 tutors
lesson planning, 247, 251, 272–274 metacognition, 163, 175, 238
lexical verbs, 75–76, 78 minimal pairs, 64–65
libraries, 33, 43, 45, 103, 194, 210, 244 miscue analysis, 266

294 Adding English

modal verbs, 75, 77 proficiency, age, as factor in, 151–152
modeled writing, 235, 240, 269 proficiency, assessment of, 23, 24, 26–27, 252
proficiency, development of, 152–154, 252, 253, 256
models (concrete), 210, 245, 264 providing feedback on, 186–187
modified input, 145 teacher’s use of, 185
morphemes, 69, 98–100, 126. See also bound See also basic interpersonal communication skills;
morphemes; derivational morphemes; free communicative competence; pronunciation
morphemes; inflectional morphemes oral literacy. See oral language proficiency
morphology, 69–74. See also case; degree; gender; oral participation, 18, 159, 160–161
number; person; verbs oral presentations, 46–47, 111, 162, 194, 264
motivation. See learner motivation oral tests, 263
multicultural education, 43–45 orientation, 20–22, 25, 170, 200, 208
multicultural literature circles, 45–47 overgeneralization (in language acquisition), 73, 82,
multilingual classroom, 42–43, 190 144–158, 188
multilingual resources, 33, 43, 210, 248
multiple-choice questions, 264, 266
paragraph frames, 235, 240
music, 246–247. See also songs
paraphrasing, 244
music curriculum, 30, 270
parent information, 21–22, 31, 270
N parent networks, 30
National Reading Styles Institute, 207 parent participation
needs assessment, 179 in assessment, 265, 267–268
in creating multilingual classrooms, 31–33, 42
negatives, 79–80, 87 in homework, 43, 242, 244
newcomer parent-teacher meetings, 22, 32, 241, 270, 271
adjustment, 15, 16, 17–19, 25, 169
adults, 179 part-to-whole instruction, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180
assessment and placement, 22–30 participles, 76, 78, 81
statistics, 16 parts of speech. See word classes
support, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 30, 41, 42, 174, 175, 180,
186, 190, 196 passive vocabulary. See receptive vocabulary
welcoming procedures, 20–33, 36–39 passive voice, 78, 86, 232
See also beginning language learners peer tutors
non-count nouns, 70 benefits of, 41
non-fiction genre, 135–136 instructional support from, 17, 30, 65, 103, 170, 186,
200, 202, 206, 274
nonverbal language, 113–114, 185 orientation role, 30
nouns, 70, 71, 74. See also long noun groups; non-count See also bilingual partners; mentors; student
nouns ambassadors
number (in grammar), 70, 155, 158 performance-based assessment, 264–265, 269, 270
person (in grammar), 70–71, 87
phonemes, 54, 55, 126
objective case. See case (in grammar)
phonemic awareness, 64–65
Ontario Education Act, 169
phonetic symbols, 55, 56, 57
oral language
phonics, 156–157
compared to written language, 125–126, 127
difficulties with, 16, 58, 60, 62 phonological writing system, 53, 54, 126
in approaches to second language instruction, phonology, 53
176–177, 178–179, 180
photographs, 36, 37–38, 202, 209, 246

Index 295
phrasal verbs, 81 reading circles. See book circles
physical disabilities, 31 reading comprehension
physical education curriculum, 30, 170, 178, 204 assessment of, 24, 25, 27–28, 252, 266–268
development of, 90, 100, 136–137, 157
pictographs, 126 difficulties with, 83, 85, 86, 95, 99–100, 132, 133
picture dictionaries, 22, 201, 202, 212 teaching strategies for, 100, 103, 136–137, 205,
pictures, 23, 24, 28, 64–65, 184, 201, 202, 209, 246, 248. 206–207, 221–224, 244, 247
See also photographs; posters reading inventories, 27, 96, 97, 267. See also Burns-Roe
pitch, 61, 62. See also intonation Informal Reading Inventory

placement, 22–23, 25–26, 29–30 reception. See welcoming procedures

plural form. See number (in grammar) reception interview, 20–21, 37

portfolio assessment, 265 receptive competence, 160–161, 266

Portugese, 130 receptive vocabulary, 91

posters, 65, 246 reference words, 107, 108

practice tests, 264 refugees, 15, 18, 19, 26, 245, 271

prefixes. See affixes register. See language style

prepositions, 87, 180, 203 release forms, 37

productive competence, 161, 266 repair. See feedback

pronouns, 56, 57, 71, 81, 82, 83–84 research projects, 241–245. See also cooperative projects;
guided projects
and effect on English spelling, 130 resettlement services, 22
difficulties with, 53, 54, 55, 57, 63–64, 74, 142, 266 resource material
teaching strategies for, 63–64, 177, 222, 225 alternative, 186, 248
variations in, 55 collecting, 208–210
See also accents; dialects; interference (from first criteria for choosing, 247–248
language) listing of, 211–212
pronunciation guides, 55, 65 visual, 202
See also art materials; dictionaries; graded readers;
Proposition 227, 169 key visuals; manipulatives; maps; photographs;
provisional placement, 29–30 picture dictionaries; pictures; puppets
psychological assessment, 25, 30–31 response journals, 236–237, 239, 265
pull-out programs. See ESL resource support programs rhythm (in speech), 59, 60, 204, 222
punctuation, 131 role models. See mentors
Punjabi, 132 role plays
puppets, 201, 209 in developing communicative competence, 108, 111,
puzzles, 208, 227, 228, 229, 231 in developing reading comprehension, 223
in guided projects, 242
Q in teaching pronunciation, 65
questionnaires, 38 with beginning language learners, 200, 201, 204–205,
questions, 79, 80–81, 82, 83, 87
Roman alphabet. See alphabet, English
R running records, 266
racism, 47 Russian, 58, 75, 76, 131, 135
readability, 27, 45, 248 Russian students, 268

296 Adding English

S singular form. See number (in grammar)
same-language partners. See bilingual partners Skinner, B.F., 142, 176
Saskatchewan Education Act (1978), 168 skits. See role plays
scaffolding, 146, 147, 257–260, 274. See also contextual social integration, 17, 18, 155, 162, 173, 245. See also
support integrative motivation
school and community, 20, 21, 32, 33 social interaction
encouraging, 160, 161
science curriculum
in cooperative projects, 195, 197
comprehensible instruction in, 183–184
in ESL integration programs, 173
grammar instruction in, 87, 232, 234–235
in first language acquisition, 141, 146
in ESL core programs, 171
in second language acquisition, 141, 146–147, 162
modifying expectations for, 262, 270
in self-contained ESL programs, 170
multicultural literature circles in, 45
role plays in, 246 social studies curriculum
subject-specific words in, 98 adaptations to, 19
vocabulary development in, 228 grammar instruction in, 234
writing skills development in, 136–137, 235 group activities in, 191
in ESL core programs, 171
multicultural literature circles in, 45
English, 131–132, 134, 157, 201–202, 266
role plays in, 224, 246
in other languages, 16, 131–132, 266, 268–269
vocabulary development in, 228
second language acquisition
sociocultural competence. See sociolinguistic
age, as factor in, 150–151
development, stages of, 31, 251–260, 262, 263
difficulties with, 25, 40 sociolects, 117
feedback, 158–160, 163, 186–189 sociolinguistic competence
resistance to, 162 and cultural norms, 112–114
theories of, 141–142, 142–143, 144–145, 146–148 and language style, 109–110
time frame for, 23, 152–154 and language variety, 114–117
See also affective filter; fossilization; interlanguage; importance of, 109
overgeneralization teaching strategies for, 110–112, 114, 117–118,
second language instruction 196–197
approaches, 175–180 See also conversational strategies
for adults, 22 Somali, 129, 145
framework for planning, 252, 256–260
songs, 147, 204, 246–247
program models for, 167–175. See also bilingual
education; Cummins model; ESL core programs; sound combinations. See consonant clusters
ESL integration programs; ESL resource support sound system, English
programs; self-contained ESL programs compared to other languages, 53–54, 58, 142
self-assessment, 254–255 difficulties with, 63–64, 143
intonation in, 61–62
self-confidence, 18, 19, 91, 161, 162–163, 172, 186, 200,
rhythm in, 60–61
204, 242, 256
speech sounds in, 54–58
self-contained ESL programs, 169–170 syllable stress in, 58–60
self-esteem, 22, 23, 155, 162, 164, 251 teaching, 63–65
See also pronunciation
sentence-combining activities, 234
sounds. See phonemes
sentence-completion activities, 234, 264
South Asian languages, 75, 90, 131
sentence stress, 60–61. See also content words; function
words South Asian students, 113
sentence structure. See syntax Spanish, 74, 129, 131, 145, 158, 268
sheltered instruction. See content-based instruction Spanish students, 168
sight words, 156, 208 special needs assessment, 30–31

Index 297
speech. See oral language Tamil, 128
spelling teaching resources. See resource material
difficulties with, 58, 73, 129 teaching strategies
improvement through reading, 100 for cooperative learning, 191–195
in the writing process, 241 for developing communicative competence, 108, 110,
irregularities, 129–131, 157 114, 117–118, 119, 120, 122, 147
standard English, 114–116, 118, 125, 164 for grammar instruction, 86–88, 155–156, 175–176,
standardized tests, 27, 95, 104, 266 179, 180, 232–233
for phonics instruction, 156–158
strategic competence for providing comprehensible instruction, 183–186
communication strategies, 118, 119 for reading instruction, 100, 103, 136–137, 205,
conversational strategies, 118, 120–122 206–207, 221–224, 244, 247
defined, 106 for supporting first language development, 154–155,
teaching, 119 189
strategies. See assessment strategies; learning strategies; for supporting first language use, 17, 183, 189–190
teaching strategies for vocabulary instruction, 100, 103–104, 183–184,
stress (in speech), 58–60, 64, 65, 225 201, 203, 207, 217, 223, 224–231
for writing instruction, 136–137, 187–189, 201–202,
stress (psychological). See anxiety 205, 206–207, 218, 233–241
stress pattern. See rhythm (in speech) See also instruction planning; lesson planning
structural approach. See part-to-whole instruction tense. See verbs
structural competence, 106. See also grammar; Test of English as a Foreign Language, 104, 162
pronunciation; vocabulary testing. See evaluation
student ambassadors, 22 Thai language, 131
student placement. See placement think-pair-share, 192
student questionnaires, 38 Thomas, Wayne, 153
student-teacher conferences, 22, 188, 241, 271 three-step interview, 192, 195
subject-specific words, 91, 94, 96, 98, 224 TOEFL. See Test of English as a Foreign Language
subjective case. See case (in grammar) tone languages, 62, 65. See also Chinese; Vietnamese
subordination, 84–85, 131 total physical response approach (TPR), 160, 177–178,
suffixes. See affixes 203–204
support staff, 20 TPR. See total physical response approach
surface features, 241 transfer errors, 160. See also interference (from first
survival expressions, 201 language)
Swain, Merrill, 147 true-or-false questions, 27, 264, 266
syllabic writing system, 126, 128 V
activities, 234
and person, 70–71
defined, 69
and tense, 73–74, 75–77, 82, 144, 180, 232
features of, 74–86
and voice, 78–79, 87, 180, 232
in graded readers, 103
and word order, 74
in instructional text, 133–135
classified, 75–77, 81–82
in other languages, 74
in other languages, 76, 81
learner errors with, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83,
learner errors with, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81
84, 85, 86
teaching concept of, 87, 88
See also condensed syntax; conditional sentences
use in forming questions, 79–81, 83
See also auxiliary verbs; lexical verbs; linking verbs;
modal verbs; phrasal verbs
tag questions, 80–81

298 Adding English

videotapes word classes, 98–99, 100, 102. See also conjunctions;
assessment use, 264 nouns; prepositions; pronouns; verbs
guided project use, 242 word families, 91, 94, 95, 225
instructional use, 93, 108, 111, 118, 220, 221, 247
word processing programs, 27, 205, 241, 246
Vietnamese, 58, 62, 129, 131, 145
word walls, 104, 184, 205, 223, 225–227
visa students, 15, 19
visual arts curriculum, 30, 219, 245–246, 248 assessment of, 23, 24, 25, 28–29, 252, 268–269
vocabulary, English comparison to oral language, 125–126, 127, 133
acquisition of, 91, 94–98, 136, 153, 157, 253 development of, 252
assessment of, 23 genres of, 133, 135–136
in learning resources, 205, 248 instruction, teaching strategies for, 136–137, 187–189,
instruction, teaching strategies for, 100, 103–104, 201–202, 205, 206–207, 218, 233–241
183–184, 201, 203, 207, 217, 223, 224–231 providing feedback on, 187–189, 241
origins of, 90–91, 92–93 script, 131–132, 133
structure of, 98–101 writing portfolios, 242
vocabulary notebooks, 104, 223, 229, 230–231 writing scaffolds, 218, 233–236, 269. See also cloze
Vygotsky, Lev, 146, 147 passages; composition templates; paragraph frames;
sentence-combining activities; sentence-completion
W activities
welcoming gifts, 22 writing systems, 126, 128–131. See also alphabetic
writing system; ideographic writing system;
welcoming procedures
phonological writing system; syllabic writing system
for parents, 31–33
for students, 19, 20–31, 36–37
West, Michael, 95
zone of proximal development, 146, 147
whole-to-part instruction, 175, 177, 180

Index 299

Photo Credits
20 Welcome poster: Printed with permission of the Toronto District
School Board, Communications and Public Affairs. 24, 29 Assessment
pictures: Reprinted with permission of ESL/ESD Resource Group of
Ontario. 32 Announcements: Reprinted by permission of Pineway
School, Toronto, Ontario. 174 Poster: Printed by permission of Toronto
District School Board, Continuing Education Department.

Text Credits
97 Graded Word List: Burns/Roe, Informal Reading Inventory, Fifth
Edition. Copyright © 1999 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Used with
permission. 128, 129, 131, 132 Text samples: Printed with permission
of Toronto District School Board, Continuing Education Department.
154 Excerpt from Maclean’s: Reprinted by permission of Maclean’s. 218
Concept map: Coelho, E., and M. Wong. My Country, Our History:
Teacher’s Resource Book. Copyright © Pippin Publishing Corpora-
tion, 2006. Reprinted by permission. 253 Developmental Stages in
Oral Communication in English: O’Malley, J.M., and L.V. Pierce.
Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners: Practical Approaches
for Teachers. Copyright © Addison Wesley, 1996. Reprinted by permis-
sion. 254 Secondary Written Language Matrix: Printed by permission
of British Columbia Ministry of Education, Special Programs Branch.
257 Framework for Instruction: Reprinted by permission of Jim
Cummins/Multilingual Matters. 272, 273 Adapted from Short, D.,
and Echevarria, J. (1999). The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol:
A Tool for Teacher-Researcher Collaboration and Professional Development.
Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence:

Credits 301

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