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SPD-560 Lang Milestone Chart - Loar

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Language Milestone Timeline Chart

Jeannine Loar

July 10, 2020

Grand Canyon University: SPD 560

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Language Milestone Timeline Chart

As an educator, it is essential to know your students so that they are able to develop appropriate language milestones

based on a student’s age and ability. It is essential to know what each student needs individually in order to best support them. The

sooner that a child’s speech and language needs can be identified, and they can begin receiving services the sooner they can begin to

overcome their disability and become more successful. The following chart outlines milestones that a child should reach from birth to age

five. In their language development.

Typical Speech/ Language Potential Causes of Implications for Learning Learning Strategies for
Age Range
Milestones Speech/Language Delays for Children with Delays Supporting Development
in Children with Delays
Birth-3 1. Individual is able to In a study by Bishop it As an infant a child would In order to provide
Months recognize sounds and was discovered that SLI have a difficult time stability and aide babies in
voices can be influenced by controlling their emotions the ability to grow to
genetic genesSpeech and due to the inability for accomplish greater tasks
2. Individual is able to
language impairments can parents to be able to sooth one could talk to babies
respond to heard voices
be the result of a genetics the child (Types of more frequently or read
and sounds.
(Bishop, 2006). Developmental Delays in aloud to them. Routines
3. Individual is able to cry Children, n.d.) and procedures also aide
and smile. babies in their growth
(Pulsifer, 2010).

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4-6 Months 1. Individual will turn their One of many causes may Delays in children during Things that can support
body toward sounds they be hearing impairment the age range will impact development such as
hear. that causes a child to have their ability to meet their playing with picture
a lack of response to milestone to be able to coo books, communicating
2. Individual is able to make
sounds or voices such as in response to a person’s through the use of both
sounds to include crying
smiling or cooing voice or touch (American gestures and verbal
and cooing.
(DePietro, 2017). Speech-Language-Hearing language as well as
3. Individual is able to Association, 2017). continuing routines and
laugh. procedures.

7 Months- 1. Individual is able to Individuals that have been Individuals that have speech Increase conversations
1 Year understand the word diagnosed with autism can or language displays with children using
“no”. display language delays struggle identifying simple creative ways to maintain
due to the effects that this objects by shapes or color. engagement. Pair
2. Will begin to produce a
disorder has on an Struggle to establish and communication with
individual’s maintain eye contact. gestures. When reading to
3. Will begin to mimic or communication and Individuals will also often children pair gestures with
imitate sounds they hear. processing (DePietro, have difficulty using words.
2017). appropriate gestures and

2-3 Years 1. Is able to produce two to Physical attributes such as Individuals often struggle to Encourage learning new
three-word phrases. the placement of a child’s learn and retain new words, words, pair visuals or
tongue or the display a developmental hands on activities with
2. Has a vocabulary of
structure/shape of their delay and struggle in social new vocabulary and
approximately fifty
mouth can have a great settings with peers. encourage learning
effect of a child’s through play or activities
3. Is able to follow articulation and inability that the child enjoys
instruction with two for other to understand the (Pulsifer, 2010).
steps. words they produce
(DePietro, 2017).

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

4-5 Years 1. Has a vocabulary of Language impairments Individuals will often use It is important to utilize
about two hundred to can be the result of inappropriate grammar, language that the child can
three hundred words. psychological issues that struggle to form appropriate be understood through
may stem from neglect. sentences, have poor encouragement and
2. Is able to utilize the
When parents lack working memory and positive reinforcement. It
restroom independently.
conversation with children struggle to communicate is also important to know
3. Is able to identify both they limit the child with their peers. the child that you are
letters and numbers. exposure to vocabulary working with, knowing
(DePietro, 2017). their likes and dislikes
helps to keep the child
engaged and motivated
(Pulsifer, 2010).

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2017). How Does Your Child Hear and Talk? Retrieved from

Bishop, D. (2006). What Causes Specific Learning Disability in Children? Current Directions in Psychological Science Retrieved From


DePietro, M. (2017) Language Delay Retrieved From

Pulsifer, L. (2010) Teaching Strategies for Students with Developmental Delays Retrieved From

Types of Developmental Delays in Children (n.d.). Retrieved From

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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