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Biomarkers in Sepsis 2018 Critical Care Clinics

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Biomarkers in Sepsis

Tjitske S.R. van Engelen, MDa,*, Willem Joost Wiersinga, MD

Brendon P. Scicluna, PhDa,c, Tom van der Poll, MDa,b

 Sepsis  Biomarkers  Procalcitonin  Omics technologies  Transcriptomics
 Diagnosis  Prognosis

 A biomarker is a characteristic by which a pathophysiologic process can be identified.
 In the clinical setting, a biomarker needs to quickly assist physicians confronted with an ill
patient in their decision on the best possible treatment.
 Biomarkers can be of diagnostic value, prognostic value, and in the future may be of thera-
nostic value.
 The omics field of systems biology provides a promising tool for the discovery of novel
 Biomarkers, measured in simply obtainable samples with limited hands-on time or need
for specialized laboratories, may be the key to personalized targeted treatment in the
future clinical management of sepsis.


Sepsis is characterized by complex pathophysiology and heterogeneous phenotypes

of affected patients regarding their symptoms, response to treatment, and outcomes.
At present there is no gold standard to diagnose sepsis; no tool to select, evaluate,
and de-escalate treatment; and no reliable way to assign risk profiles or predict
outcome.1 Biomarkers can be the key to personalized medicine in sepsis whereby pa-
tients receive tailored treatment based on their unique characteristics.2,3
Biomarkers are naturally occurring molecules, genes, or other characteristics by
which particular physiologic or pathologic processes can be identified. In the clinical
setting a biomarker is useful once it can aid decision making. The ideal biomarker has

Disclosure: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Division of Laboratory Specialties, Center for Experimental Molecular Medicine, Academic
Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, Room G2-130, Amsterdam
1105AZ, The Netherlands; b Division of Infectious Diseases, Academic Medical Center, Univer-
sity of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, Room G2-130, Amsterdam 1105AZ, The Netherlands;
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Academic Medical Cen-
ter, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, Room G2-130, Amsterdam 1105AZ, The
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Crit Care Clin 34 (2018) 139–152
0749-0704/18/ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
140 van Engelen et al

fast kinetics, high sensitivity and specificity, can be identified by fully automated tech-
nology, has a short turnaround time, and is available as a point-of-care test with low
production costs.1 A biomarker therefore needs to quickly assist physicians con-
fronted with an ill patient in their decision on the best possible treatment. Current clin-
ical biomarkers can be roughly divided into 2 types: diagnostic and prognostic
markers (Fig. 1). Biomarkers that can discriminate sepsis from noninfectious critical
illness or can differentiate between causative organisms in sepsis can be regarded
as diagnostic biomarkers. A diagnostic biomarker can diminish improper use of anti-
biotics and could be used for antibiotic stewardship. Although pathogen detection re-
mains the gold standard in establishing the cause of infection, blood cultures are only
positive in 30% to 40% of the sepsis cases and in one-third of (clinically defined)
sepsis cases all cultures are sterile.4,5 In addition, the presence of a pathogen does
not prove the presence of disease and infections can be caused by multiple patho-
gens, further showing the need for biomarkers that indicate infection. Prognostic bio-
markers can help predict outcomes in patients with sepsis by assigning risk profiles. In
addition, biomarkers can aid in stratifying patients in subgroups based on specific
pathophysiologic features, thereby paving the way to personalized therapy with
biomarker-guided follow-up of response to treatment.6 The approach to using
biomarker tests to select and evaluate specific therapies is known as theranostics
and is seen as a main tool in the future management of many diseases.7 Such
biomarker tests should be applicable on easily obtained samples such as urine or
blood. Rapid testing should identify subgroups of patients that would benefit from
certain targeted therapies. The biomarker test could further be of use by evaluating
the effect of the therapy on its target.
Biomarkers have been implemented in clinical practice in various fields of medicine,
including cardiology (eg, troponin T in myocardial infarction), vascular medicine (eg,
D-dimer in patients suspected of pulmonary embolism), and in particular oncology

Fig. 1. What is a biomarker? Biomarkers are host characteristics, such as molecules or genes,
by which particular physiologic or pathologic processes can be identified. When developing
and validating novel biomarkers their potential clinical use is of utmost importance. Bio-
markers can be used to distinguish sepsis from noninfectious critical illness or to determine
causative pathogens to initiate the best possible treatment, thereby contributing to anti-
biotic stewardship. Furthermore, biomarkers can help stratify patients based on risk profiles,
and predict outcome or identify pathophysiologic pathways that can be the target for
personalized therapy. Biomarker tests that select and monitor specific therapies are known
as theranostics and are seen as a future aid for a targeted personalized approach in patients
with sepsis.
Biomarkers in Sepsis 141

(numerous examples). In contrast, in sepsis management the use of biomarkers is still

at its beginning. In a comprehensive systematic review, conducted nearly a decade
ago, 178 biomarkers were evaluated in the context of sepsis.8 A crude search in the
PubMed database shows that biomarkers in sepsis is a trending topic (Fig. 2). In
the last 10 years almost 5000 articles on biomarkers in sepsis have been published,
whereas before 2007 the total number of published articles was less than 3000.
Roughly 100 clinical trials are currently enrolling patients to study biomarkers in
sepsis.9 Even though numerous biomarkers for sepsis have been identified,8,10 the
recently updated guidelines of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign only see a minor role
for 1 biomarker in clinical practice; that is, procalcitonin (PCT).11 This guideline under-
lines the current status of biomarkers in sepsis. So far, no biomarker has been found
reliable enough to diagnose sepsis or predict prognosis; only PCT is used in some
medical centers to guide antibiotic treatment in critically ill patients.12 This limitation
is largely attributed to the complex pathophysiology of sepsis, and it seems unlikely
that a single biomarker can provide accurate information about the main drivers of
the disturbed host response in individual patients with sepsis. A panel of biomarkers
may deliver unique sepsis signatures that are informative for specific pathophysiologic
derailments and/or prognosis, which is very much desired for the development of tar-
geted therapies.3,13–15 New developments such as omics technologies and the human
genome project are promising aids in the search for new useful biomarkers in sepsis.
This article reviews current and novel biomarkers in sepsis and their potential use at
the bedside to guide clinical decision making.


Many protein biomarkers have been evaluated for their ability to discriminate between
sepsis and noninfectious conditions. In critical care, antibiotic therapy is almost invari-
ably initiated on (even modest) suspicion of infection. However, the infection diagnosis
in critically ill patients is likely overestimated. A recent study involving more than 2500
patients treated for sepsis on the intensive care unit (ICU) reported that 13% had a
post-hoc infection likelihood of none, and an additional 30% of only possible, as deter-
mined by well-defined criteria and making use of all clinical, radiological, and microbi-
ological information.16 Remarkably, patients who were initially treated for sepsis but
were post hoc determined to have noninfectious disease had higher mortality,16
thereby underlining the necessity for a diagnostic biomarker to correctly diagnose

Fig. 2. Articles published on biomarkers in sepsis. An exploratory search in the PubMed

database regarding “sepsis AND biomarkers” shows an increase in number of publications
from 1980 to 2015.
142 van Engelen et al

By far the most studied biomarker, and the only biomarker that is currently imple-
mented in clinical sepsis guidelines, is PCT. PCT levels increase in response to a
proinflammatory stimulus. Because of the short time between stimulus and induction
of PCT (detectable after 4 hours, peak at 6 hours)17,18 and its long half-life of 25 to
30 hours,19 it is a widely investigated biomarker in sepsis. A recent meta-analysis
showed a pooled sensitivity of 0.77 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.72–0.81) and a
pooled specificity of 0.79 (95% CI, 0.74–0.84) of PCT to distinguish between sepsis
and a systemic inflammatory response syndrome of noninfectious origin.20 Levels of
PCT between 0.1 and 0.5 ng/mL suggest the presence of bacterial infection for
which antimicrobial therapy is required,21 but no consensus has been reached about
the correct cutoff value for PCT in this decision making.20 Furthermore, PCT levels
associate with severity of illness in patients with severe pneumonia,22 and
decreasing PCT levels associate with improved survival rates.23 Likewise, in a pro-
spective observational study conducted in 858 patients with sepsis, inability to
decrease PCT level by greater than 80% from baseline to day 4 and day 28 was
an independent predictor of mortality.24 Although the use of PCT as a biomarker
for the diagnosis of sepsis is limited because PCT levels also increase in noninfec-
tious diseases, it differentiates better between infectious and noninfectious causes
of critical illness than C-reactive protein (CRP), lipopolysaccharide binding protein
(LBP), and interleukin (IL)-6.25
Different PCT algorithms have been developed to help decision making regarding
the start and duration of antibiotic treatment. In patients with acute respiratory infec-
tions the use of PCT algorithms reduces the initiation of antibiotic treatment (mostly in
primary care settings) and duration of antibiotic treatment (mostly in emergency de-
partments [EDs] and ICU settings) without affecting mortality.26 Similarly, a random-
ized controlled trial found a decrease of 4.5% in use of antibiotics without
differences in mortality, diagnostic procedures, or therapeutic procedures in patients
with severe sepsis or septic shock.27 In a prospective, multicenter, randomized
controlled, open-label intervention trial in 15 hospitals in the Netherlands involving
1575 patients, PCT guidance of antibiotic therapy, consisting of a nonbinding advice
to discontinue antibiotics if PCT concentration decreased by 80% or PCT levels were
less than 0.5 ng/mL, was associated with a reduced consumption of antibiotics and a
diminished mortality at 28 days (20% vs 27% in the standard-of-care group).12 This
finding suggests that PCT concentrations might assist in identifying bacterial infec-
tions, which may result in more adequate diagnosis and treatment.12 Another random-
ized controlled trial in critically ill patients, using a PCT algorithm wherein a 0.1-ng/mL
cutoff determined antibiotic cessation, found no reduction in duration of antibiotic
treatment.28 A recent investigation determined the use of PCT and associated out-
comes in the real-world clinical setting of ICUs in the United States.29 Among more
than 20,000 critically ill patients in 107 hospitals with PCT testing available, 18% of pa-
tients had PCT levels checked; in this population the use of PCT was not associated
with improved antibiotic use or other clinical outcomes.29 Hence, current data on the
use of PCT for antibiotic stewardship in critically ill patients with sepsis are not
Examples of other well-studied protein biomarkers are CRP,30 LBP,31 IL-6,31 sol-
uble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1),32,33 and soluble
urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR),34 all with a lower sensitivity and
specificity as a biomarker for sepsis compared with PCT. The biggest potential of
PCT so far seems to be to help reduce exposure to antibiotics in patients with acute
respiratory infections and perhaps as a stimulant to physicians to safely reduce the
duration of antibiotic treatment in critically ill patients with presumed bacterial
Biomarkers in Sepsis 143

infection. Nonetheless, PCT cannot be used as a single diagnostic test for sepsis,
because false-negative results could lead to mortality. Considering the weak evi-
dence for the use of PCT in clinical settings, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guide-
lines stress the point that a clinical decision to initiate, alter, or stop antimicrobial
treatment should never be based solely on changes in any current biomarker,
including PCT.11


Considering the huge potential of biomarkers for personalized medicine in sepsis, the
search for biomarkers has shifted focus from traditional protein and cytokine markers
to systems-based approaches. The omics field of systems biology seeks to charac-
terize and quantify molecules that translate in the structure, function, and dynamics
of an organism. Omics encompasses genomics, epigenetics, transcriptomics, prote-
omics, and metabolomics (Fig. 3). Omics-based methodologies have developed into
more feasible and less costly tools35 and are increasingly used to study host-pathogen
interactions,36 the host response, and biomarkers in sepsis.37 Traditional biomarkers
or sets of biomarkers measure the concentration of circulating proteins, but the rapidly
growing field of systems biology integrates and analyses complex data sets of various
aspects of host signaling and response pathways. In this respect, transcriptomics has
been studied most. The use of RNA molecules as biomarkers has the advantage that
these can be incorporated in polymerase chain reaction–based bedside tests with
limited or no hands-on time, making them attractive for implementation in clinical
practice. Such tests could measure a set of RNA biomarkers concurrently, which is
likely to improve sensitivity and specificity. Several publications on traditional protein
biomarkers have indicated that sets of host proteins are superior to single biomarkers
to diagnose sepsis.13,15

Fig. 3. Omics technologies. Omics is the characterization and quantification of molecules

that translate into the structure, function, and dynamics of an organism. (Epi)genomics
studies methylation of DNA and screens for single nucleotide polymorphisms. Transcriptom-
ics studies messenger RNA and microRNA (miRNA) expression. Proteomics and metabolomics
comprise the study of, respectively, protein and metabolic profiling. Systems biology inte-
grates these fields by analyzing complex data sets of various aspects of host signaling and
response pathways in sepsis.
144 van Engelen et al

RNA Biomarkers
The genomic response to sepsis shows alterations in the transcriptome of peripheral
white blood cells with significant differences of their RNA transcripts compared with
healthy individuals.7 Several investigations have reported on the ability of host tran-
scriptome analyses to discriminate between infection and noninfectious acute dis-
ease, and even between different causative pathogens38 (Fig. 4). Among these
diagnostic RNA biomarkers the molecular host response classifier SeptiCyte LAB
was recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as an aid in differen-
tiating infection-positive (sepsis) from infection-negative systemic inflammation in crit-
ically ill patients on their first day of ICU admission.39 This 4-gene classifier combines
CEACAM4, LAMP1, PLA2G7, and PLAC8 to produce a summary area under the
receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) of 0.89 (95% CI, 0.85–0.93) to
differentiate sepsis from noninfectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome.40
This rapid molecular assay is the first RNA-based clinical diagnostic tool derived
from whole blood approved as a diagnostic test in critically ill patients.40 Another
investigation, performed in a large number of independent cohorts, reported an
11-gene biomarker, named the Sepsis MetaScore, that could reliably distinguish pa-
tients with sepsis from patients with sterile inflammation41 with an AUC of 0.87 (range,
0.70–0.98). Furthermore, a recent study, using genome-wide messenger RNA (mRNA)
expression profiles, identified a set panel of markers composed of 3 upregulated tran-
scripts (Toll-like receptor 5, protectin, and clusterin) and 4 downregulated transcripts
(fibrinogenlike 2, IL-7 receptor, major histocompatibility complex class II, carboxypep-
tidase, and vitellogeniclike) that best described the extent of immune alterations.42 A
gene expression score was created that was greater in patients with definite as well as
with possible/probable infection than in those without infection.42 Our group focused
on the development of context-specific molecular biomarkers; that is, in patients with
a particular clinical presentation, such as suspected community-acquired pneumonia
(CAP).43 We compared whole-genome mRNA profiles in blood leukocytes of patients
treated for suspected CAP on ICU admission, who were designated CAP (cases) and
no-CAP patients (control subjects) by post-hoc assessment. A 78-gene signature was
defined for the diagnosis of CAP, from which a FAIM3:PLAC8 gene expression ratio
was derived that outperformed plasma PCT in discriminating between CAP and no-
CAP patients.43 Moreover, other groups have evaluated the FAIM3:PLAC8 score in
the context of all-cause adult, pediatric, and neonatal sepsis with favorable ROC
AUCs.44,45 This finding indicates that, although the FAIM3:PLAC8 score was derived
as a context-specific biomarker (ie, CAP diagnosis), its applicability may be broad-
ened. These studies have shown that transcriptomics coupled with sophisticated ma-
chine learning and statistical tests may provide an invaluable tool to identify diagnostic
biomarkers of sepsis.
Several studies have indicated that host gene expression signatures can assist in
discriminating between causative pathogens in infected patients. In an observational
cohort study in adults presenting to the ED, host gene expression profiling was used to
classify the cause of suspected community-acquired acute respiratory tract infections
(ARIs) into bacterial, viral, or noninfectious origin. The overall accuracy of gene expres-
sion classifiers was 87%, which was significantly better than the use of procalcitonin,
which could assign patients as having bacterial ARI or nonbacterial ARI with 78% ac-
curacy.46 Furthermore, transcriptional profiling of blood leukocytes from hospitalized
patients with lower respiratory tract infections was superior in differentiating bacterial
from viral causes compared with the use of PCT.47 Transcriptome analyses of blood
leukocytes of adult ICU patients with influenza A pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia,
Biomarkers in Sepsis 145

Fig. 4. Host signatures as molecular biomarkers using omics technologies. Using omics-
based methodologies, various host signatures can be determined in an integrated systems
biology approach aiding the development of targeted therapies. This article describes
several molecular biomarkers with diagnostic value (eg, discriminating infectious from
noninfectious critically ill patients or distinguishing between causative pathogens) and
prognostic value (eg, stratifying patients in risk groups correlating with outcome measures
such as mortality). The key is to identify omic biomarkers unique for a certain scenario. An
ideal biomarker can quickly assist physicians confronted with an ill patient in the decision on
the best possible treatment.
146 van Engelen et al

and noninfectious respiratory compromise delineated a 29-gene classifier of viral

infection that discriminated viral from bacterial infection and noninfectious disease;
this classifier could not distinguish bacterial infection and noninfectious disease.48 A
set of 7 genes was derived from a multicohort analysis that could discriminate bacte-
rial from viral infections.49 This gene classifier was validated in 30 independent cohorts
and integrated together with the 11-gene Sepsis MetaScore in an antibiotics decision
model, which had a sensitivity and specificity for bacterial infections of 94.0% and
59.8%, respectively.49 Several investigations examined the value of transcriptomics
to build host response classifiers that can assist in the discrimination between viral
and bacterial causes of acute infections in children.50,51 A 35-gene set was able to
divide infections based on broad groups of causative pathogens in pediatric patients,
with distinct gene signatures for infections caused by influenza A virus, Escherichia
coli, or Streptococcus pneumoniae.50 Discrimination within viral pathogens (respira-
tory syncytial virus, human rhinovirus, and influenza) was achieved with 95% accuracy
using a 70-gene classifier in children.52 In febrile children presenting to the hospital, a
38-transcript signature distinguishing bacterial from viral infection was discovered,
which was reduced to a 2-transcript signature (FAM89A and IFI44L) by removing high-
ly correlated mRNA levels.53
Transcriptomics has also been used to develop biomarkers that potentially can pro-
vide insight into the prognosis of patients with sepsis. In a prospective cohort study of
ICU patients with sepsis caused by CAP, transcriptomics of peripheral blood leuko-
cytes defined 2 sepsis response signatures (named SRS1 and SRS2), wherein
SRS1 had a immunosuppressive phenotype with a higher 14-day mortality than the
SRS2.54 These signatures not only provide insight into the main pathophysiology of in-
dividual patients but could be the start of targeted therapy and better outcome predic-
tion. In pediatric sepsis, the Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk Model (PERSEVERE) was
developed to estimate baseline mortality risk in children with septic shock, consisting
of serum proteins selected based on gene expression profiles.55,56 PERSEVERE has
recently been adapted for adults with septic shock.57 Notably, biomarkers associated
with mortality were in part different between adult and pediatric patients; that is,
although in children with septic shock granzyme B, heat shock protein 70 kDa 1B,
C-C chemokine ligand (CCL) 3, IL-8, and matrix metalloproteinase 8 (MMP8) contrib-
uted to the predictive capacity of the model, in adult patients, granzyme B, heat shock
protein 70 kDa 1B, CCL3, IL-8, IL-1a, and CCL4 contributed to its prognostic capa-
bility.57 Considering that the initial approach to selecting the PERSEVERE protein bio-
markers left 68 genes unconsidered, in a subsequent study this group of investigators
determined whether these previously not incorporated genes could advance the per-
formance of PERSEVERE.58 A network containing 18 mortality risk assessment genes
related to tumor protein 53 (TP53) was revealed and combined with PERSEVERE into
the so-called PERSEVERE-XP, which was superior to PERSEVERE in differentiating
between survivors and nonsurvivors.58
Note that all these studies on host gene expression have led to the publication of
multiple gene expression data sets with only partially overlapping classifier genes,
underlining the necessity to critically determine the study population when developing
or validating these host gene expression signatures. Along the same lines, direct com-
parison of different gene signatures should be done with caution, especially when
evaluated outside the context in which they were discovered and validated.45,59

Proteomics and Metabolomics

The developments of mass spectrometry have paved the way to the study of changes
in proteomics and metabolomics during sepsis.60 Initial enthusiasm about the
Biomarkers in Sepsis 147

application of proteomics to discovering protein biomarkers was reduced because of

technical difficulties and low reproducibility. Nonetheless, several studies have re-
ported using proteomics to discover biomarkers for infection diagnosis and sepsis
prognosis. A recent proteomics study screened 600 proteins in 765 patients present-
ing to the ED with fever and identified a 3-protein signature that could discriminate
bacterial, viral, and noninfectious disease accurately.61 The plasma concentrations
of tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand 1, chemokine (C-X-C
motif) ligand 10 (CXCL10) and CRP distinguished bacterial from viral, and infectious
(bacterial and viral) from noninfectious disease with an AUC of 0.94 (95% CI, 0.92–
0.96). The 3-protein signature was strongest in differentiating bacterial from viral
causes in lower respiratory tract infections and fever of no known source.61 Notably,
although this study suggests that proteomics can be useful for the discovery of bio-
markers of infection, this population is different from patients with sepsis, and similar
studies in sepsis are warranted to evaluate protein signatures as biomarkers in this
context. A limitation of conventional proteomic techniques, such as two-
dimensional gel electrophoresis, is that the abundant plasma proteins, such as albu-
min, limit identification and measurement of changes in low-abundance plasma
proteins (or peptides). A pilot study conducted in 20 patients with sepsis sought to
circumvent this technical issue by making use of the fact that albumin is not glycosy-
lated, and used a plasma glycoproteomic evaluation for analysis of low-abundance
plasma proteins.62 N-linked plasma glycopeptides were quantified by solid-phase
extraction coupled with mass spectrometry, after which protein differences between
sepsis survivors and nonsurvivors were validated by immunoblotting.62 A total of
501 glycopeptides corresponding with 234 proteins were identified, of which 66 glyco-
peptides (54 proteins) were unique to survivors, 60 glycopeptides (43 proteins) were
unique to nonsurvivors, and 375 glycopeptides (137 proteins) were common between
groups. Nonsurvivors showed increased total kininogen, and decreased total
cathepsin-L1, vascular cell adhesion molecule, periostin, neutrophil gelatinase–asso-
ciated lipocalin, and glycosylated clusterin levels.62
Several recent studies have focused on investigating plasma metabolomic profiles
as predictive signatures of ICU mortality in adult patients.63–67 An investigation that
sought to identify metabolic biomarkers for differentiation of sepsis and noninfectious
acute disease analyzed 186 metabolites comprising 6 analyte classes (acylcarnitines,
amino acids, biogenic amines, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and carbohy-
drates) to reveal 2 markers (acylcarnitine C10:1 and glycerophospholipid PCaaC32:0)
that had higher concentrations in sepsis, suggesting that they may be helpful for dif-
ferentiation of infectious from noninfectious systemic inflammation.63 Carnitine, the
product of acylcarnitine, is used to transport fatty acids into the mitochondria,
whereas glycerophosphatidylcholines are major constituents of cell membranes and
play a role in cell signaling. A metabolomics approach was also adopted to identify
markers that distinguish between sepsis and noninfectious causes of critical illness.67
Serum concentrations of most acylcarnitines, glycerophospholipids, and sphingoli-
pids were altered in sepsis compared with noninfectious critical illness, and a regres-
sion model combining the sphingolipid sphingomyelin (SM) C22:3 and the
glycerophospholipid lysoPCaC24:0 was discovered for sepsis diagnosis with a sensi-
tivity of 0.84 and specificity of 0.86. Furthermore, specific metabolites could be used
for the discrimination of different types of infection. Patients with sepsis with blood-
stream infection could be discriminated by a decrease of acetylornithine level. Putres-
cine, lysoPCaC18:0, and SM C16:1 were associated with unfavorable outcome in
patients with sepsis caused by CAP, intra-abdominal infections, and bloodstream in-
fections, respectively.67 Sphingolipids are involved in signal transmission and cell
148 van Engelen et al

recognition, whereas putrescine mediates the complex interplay between bacterial

infection and the host immune response. Another investigation tested variable metab-
olites for association with 28-day mortality in patients with sepsis and found 31 metab-
olites that differed among ICU survivors versus those who died. In those who died, the
levels of 25 metabolites were increased and 6 were decreased (all of which were
lipids). The investigators developed a metabolomic network of 7 metabolites associ-
ated with death [gamma-glutamylphenylalanine, gamma-glutamyltyrosine, 1-arachi-
donoylGPC(20;4), taurochenodeoxycholate, 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) lactate, sucrose,
kynurenine].64 In a retrospective analysis conducted in 20 patients with septic shock,
changes in the levels of circulating metabolites were studied in relation to mortality us-
ing a targeted mass spectrometry–based quantitative metabolomic approach.68 Low
levels of unsaturated long-chain phosphatidylcholines and lysophosphatidylcholine
species (among which are glycerophospholipid lysoPCaC24:0 and lysoPCaC18:0)
were associated with 90-day survival together with low levels of circulating kynure-
nine, which is relevant for tryptophan catabolism.68
In a comprehensive proteomic-metabolomic analysis on patients with community-
acquired sepsis, patients at higher risk of death were found to be deficient in fatty acid
transport and beta-oxidation, gluconeogenesis, and the citric acid cycle.66 Alterations
in the metabolome were correlated with changes in the proteome and a 7-metabolite
panel could predict sepsis mortality at the time of presentation to the ED.66 In an
approach that integrated human genetics, patient metabolite and cytokine measure-
ments, and testing in a mouse model, the methionine salvage pathway was revealed
as a regulator of sepsis pathophysiology that can predict prognosis in patients.69
Increased plasma levels of the pathway’s substrate methylthioadenosine were asso-
ciated with mortality in 2 cohorts of patients with sepsis and correlated with levels of
proinflammatory cytokines, indicating that increased methylthioadenosine level marks
a subgroup of patients with excessive inflammation. A machine-learning model
combining methylthioadenosine and other variables produced 80% accuracy in pre-
dicting death.69 These studies show differences in altered metabolites (eg, glycero-
phospholipid PCaaC32:0 in one study and glycerophospholipid lysoPCaC24:0 in
another) and similarities (eg, higher levels of circulating kynurenine, putrescine, lysoP-
CaC18:0, and lysoPCaC24:0) associated with unfavorable outcome. This finding
could be the result of well-known pathophysiologic lipid induction by bacterial compo-
nents as part of the metabolic changes in patients with sepsis, as well as altered
pathogen-host interactions.


The clinical use of biomarkers in sepsis is still at its infancy, especially compared with
other fields such as vascular medicine and oncology. Thus far, biomarker research in
sepsis has primarily focused on discrimination between infectious and noninfectious
causes of critical illness, and sepsis prognosis. Biomarkers can likely also be used
to stratify patients with sepsis according to biochemical and/or immunologic profiles,
which can provide insight into the main pathophysiologic mechanisms in individual pa-
tients and in pathways that can potentially be targeted. New omics technologies can
be of great help, associating expression at RNA, protein, and metabolite levels with
specific complications and outcomes. The challenge will be to develop biomarker
sets that can be measured in simply obtainable samples such as blood and urine
but that mirror pathophysiologic events at different body sites. Such biomarker sets
could guide the inclusion of patients who might benefit from a targeted therapy and
monitor the effect of the therapeutic on its target using an approach that has been
Biomarkers in Sepsis 149

named theranostics. The authors foresee a future for sepsis management in which
therapies are guided by repeated measurements of biomarker sets reflecting aberra-
tions in host response pathways that can be specifically modified by targeted thera-
peutics, using rapid bedside tests with limited hands-on time and no need for
specialized laboratories. In this personalized medicine approach, individualized ther-
apies would be provided in a pathology-specific way, and not purely based on clinical


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