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Escalaje de Vasopresores y Esteroides en Choque Séptico

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[ Critical Care How I Do It ]

How We Escalate Vasopressor and

Corticosteroid Therapy in Patients With
Septic Shock
Bijan Teja, MD; Nicholas A. Bosch, MD; and Allan J. Walkey, MD

Septic shock is defined by the need for vasopressor agents to correct hypotension and lactic
acidosis resulting from infection, with 30%-40% case fatality rates. The care of patients with
worsening septic shock involves multiple treatment decisions involving vasopressor choices and
adjunctive treatments. In this edition of “How I Do It”, we provide a case-based discussion of
common clinical decisions regarding choice of first-line vasopressor, BP targets, route of
vasopressor delivery, use of secondary vasopressors, and adjunctive medications. We also
consider diagnostic approaches, treatment, and monitoring strategies for the patient with
worsening shock, as well as approaches to difficult weaning of vasopressors.
CHEST 2023; 163(3):567-574

KEY WORDS: central venous catheters; peripheral IV catheters; septic shock; steroids;
vasoconstrictor agents

Case Example, Part 1 function and grade 1 diastolic

A 65-year-old woman with atrial dysfunction (unchanged from prior
fibrillation sought treatment at the ED assessment). The ICU team was called for
with fever and dysuria. Initial BP was 75/ assistance, including to initiate
40 mm Hg (mean arterial pressure vasopressor therapy. After discussion
[MAP], 52 mm Hg), heart rate was 95 with the patient to determine if
beats/min, and oxygen saturation was vasopressor therapy aligned with her
92% on room air. Extremities were warm goals, norepinephrine was started using a
and well perfused. She received Ringer’s peripheral IV catheter and the patient
lactate until she was no longer volume was transferred to the ICU.
responsive by multiple measures and
Are There Exceptions to First-Line
received antibiotics for community-
acquired urosepsis. She remained
hypotensive with a BP of 82/45 mm Hg We rarely start an alternative vasopressor to
(MAP, 57 mm Hg). Serum lactate was norepinephrine as first-line therapy in septic
2.5 g/L. Point-of-care echocardiography shock. Among patients at risk for, or who have,
showed mildly reduced biventricular atrial fibrillation or other supraventricular

ABBREVIATIONS: CRRT = continuous renal replacement therapy; Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Boston University,
CVC = central venous catheter; MAP = mean arterial pressure Boston, MA.
AFFILIATIONS: From the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care CORRESPONDENCE TO: Allan Walkey, MD; email:
Medicine (B. T.), the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Copyright Ó 2022 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by
(B. T.), University of Toronto, the Department of Anesthesia (B. T.), St. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; and The Pulmonary Center DOI:
(N. A. B. and A. J. W.), Section of Pulmonary, Allergy, Sleep, and 567
arrhythmias and who are expected to tolerate rapid norepinephrine infusion via peripheral IV catheters and
ventricular response poorly (eg, those with poor cardiac then assess whether another catheter type may be
reserve), we consider vasopressin or phenylephrine instead necessary. In patients expected to require
of norepinephrine as the initial vasopressor. norepinephrine for > 24 to 48 h, but who otherwise are
hemodynamically stable and require low doses of
For more than a decade, guidelines have recommended
norepinephrine, we typically switch to infusion via a
norepinephrine as the first-line vasopressor in septic
midline catheter based on local institutional expertise
shock based on randomized clinical trials comparing
and experience. In patients who persistently are unstable
norepinephrine (a primarily a1 agonist with additional
or require higher norepinephrine doses, additional
b1 agonist) with other vasopressors with different vasopressors, or additional ports for other infusions, we
mechanisms such as vasopressin, phenylephrine,
rapidly transition to infusion via central venous catheter
dopamine, and epinephrine.1 Although one randomized
study found lower risk of arrhythmia with
norepinephrine compared with dopamine,2 other Concern over vasopressor extravasation with subsequent
randomized studies have not shown a difference in tissue injury historically has limited infusion of
mortality or other patient-centered outcomes when vasopressors to CVCs. However, recent evidence
comparing norepinephrine with alternative vasopressors suggests that delivery of vasopressors via peripheral lines
outside of dopamine. Guidelines thus grade for has < 5% risk of extravasation when used for < 72 h,7,8
superiority of norepinephrine as high only when with no reported incidents of tissue necrosis or limb
compared with dopamine.1 Although generally we ischemia in a systematic review that included seven
initiate first-line norepinephrine, we occasionally studies with 1,382 patients.7 Additionally, vasopressor
consider agents without b1 agonist (vasopressin or administration via peripheral vein may decrease time to
phenylephrine) when adrenergic-related side effects of vasopressor therapy compared with infusion via CVC.9
norepinephrine are expected to—or seem to—lead to These data have led to a weak recommendation in the
clinical decompensation (eg, rapid ventricular rate Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines to start
resulting from atrial fibrillation), based on vasopressors peripherally to restore MAP rather than
quasiexperimental observational evidence that initiation delaying initiation until a CVC is placed.1
of phenylephrine leads to modestly improved heart rate
control compared with norepinephrine3 among patients When Should We Consider Adding a Second
with sepsis and atrial fibrillation. Vasopressor?

After Norepinephrine Is Started, What MAP Should We start a second vasopressor for patients with septic
Be Targeted? shock and increasing vasopressor requirements,
We target an MAP of 60 to 65 mm Hg in most patients generally as doses of norepinephrine approach 15 mg/
with septic shock. The history of targeting MAP of min (or 0.3 mg/kg/min), a practice that generally
65 mm Hg is based on evidence that cerebral aligns with Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines and
autoregulation generally begins to drop precipitously current evidence from trials. When perfusion goals
less than a MAP of 60 mm Hg. Recent trials have are not met with moderate doses of the initial
clarified that MAP targets of > 65 mm Hg during shock vasopressor, the decision to add another vasopressor
potentially are harmful, with increased risk of or increase the current agent must take into
supraventricular tachycardia and potentially death.4,5 consideration expected benefits (improved cardiac
The "65 Trial" randomized patients 65 years of age or output, BP, perfusion) and risks (increased risk of
older with vasodilatory shock to a MAP target of 60 to arrhythmia, digital ischemia) of each approach. Little
65 mm Hg or usual care and found no difference in 90- direct evidence guides decision-making regarding
day all-cause mortality and a possible signal for reduced addition of secondary vasopressors. In septic shock,
mortality with the lower MAP target after adjustment current guidelines provide a weak recommendation to
for prespecified baseline variables.6 add vasopressin to norepinephrine when
norepinephrine doses approach 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg/
When Should a Central Venous Catheter Be Placed min.1 The weak recommendation was driven by
for Vasopressor Delivery? observed catecholamine vasopressor-sparing effects
For patients initiated on low-dose norepinephrine (eg, < obtained with addition of vasopressin, with mixed
15 mg/min or < 0.3 mg/kg/min), we typically start clinical outcomes across meta-analyses. For example,

568 How I Do It [ 163#3 CHEST MARCH 2023 ]

a meta-analysis of 23 trials10 showed a reduction in (eg, history of Raynaud’s syndrome or early signs of
atrial fibrillation in arms adding vasopressin to digital ischemia), or impaired cardiac output is thought
norepinephrine, with inconsistent effects on mortality to contribute to shock (eg, combined septic
and renal replacement therapy. An individual patient- cardiomyopathy and distributive shock), then we prefer
level meta-analysis of four trials11 showed no epinephrine as a second vasopressor. However, evidence
association with mortality, but a reduction in supporting epinephrine as a secondary vasopressor is
arrhythmia, increased digital ischemia, and scant, and given that epinephrine works through most of
inconsistent effects on need for dialysis with addition the same adrenergic receptors as norepinephrine,
of vasopressin to catecholamines. hemodynamic goals may not be achieved as readily with
combined norepinephrine and epinephrine as with
In the absence of dose-response thresholds that show agents that work through noncatecholamine
changes in BP and incidence of complications across mechanisms (eg, vasopressin or angiotensin II).
norepinephrine doses, decisions about optimal timing of Although we do not use angiotensin II routinely as a
second vasopressor initiation can be informed by secondary vasopressor because of cost considerations
practical considerations and indirect evidence from and insufficient evidence of clinical outcome benefits,
trials. Practical considerations include the rate of angiotensin II does expedite achievement of MAP
required vasopressor escalation and availability of goals.13
secondary vasopressors; escalation of primary
vasopressor dose in rapidly decompensating patients
What Adjunctive Therapies Should Be Considered
should not be delayed awaiting a secondary vasopressor.
for Worsening Shock?
However, clinicians should plan for addition of a second
vasopressor early in shock for patients with increasing We add corticosteroids (hydrocortisone 50 mg IV q6h
norepinephrine requirements. Rationale for early use of plus fludrocortisone 50 mg po daily for 7 days without
secondary vasopressors include subgroup analyses from tapering14) for patients with escalating vasopressor
the "Vasopressin in Septic Shock Trial" (VASST) requirements, generally when a second vasopressor is
comparing addition of vasopressin to norepinephrine initiated. Multiple therapies have been evaluated to
with norepinephrine alone, showing lower mortality in improve hemodynamics for patients with shock. These
patients receiving lower norepinephrine doses (< 15 mg/ include corticosteroids, methylene blue, vitamins such as
min) on enrollment who were randomized also to ascorbic acid or thiamine, or combinations of these
receive vasopressin. Similarly, the "Vasopressin vs agents.
Norepinephrine as Initial Therapy in Septic Shock" Corticosteroids—the most well-studied adjunct for
(VANISH) trial12 of vasopressin vs norepinephrine shock—have multiple potential mechanisms of action
enrolled patients within 6 h of shock onset and showed including immunologic effects and direct effects on
decreased need for dialysis with addition of vasopressin. endothelial glucocorticoid receptors to reduce
vasoplegia.15 Evidence is strong for an effect of low-
What Should the Second Vasopressor Be? to moderate-dose (< 400 mg hydrocortisone
Vasopressin is our choice of first-line second equivalents/d) corticosteroids in increasing BP (mean
vasopressor. Decisions about choice of a second increase in MAP, 5 mm Hg)16 and shortening shock
vasopressor should be guided by goals of vasopressor duration (mean, 1.5 fewer vasopressor days).17
therapy. Generally, the goals of vasopressor therapy in However, corticosteroids may increase adverse events
distributive shock are to augment impaired such as hyperglycemia, hypernatremia, and muscle
vasoconstriction to meet hemodynamic goals without weakness. A 2019 meta-analysis of 61 sepsis trials with
increasing complications, especially without evidence > 12,000 patients showed a small benefit of
that perfusion goals are not met because of impaired corticosteroids for mortality reduction (relative risk,
cardiac output. Current guidelines suggest vasopressin 0.91; 95% CI, 0.84-0.99).18 Thus, guidelines suggest
as the preferred secondary vasopressor agent, mostly use of corticosteroids for patients with septic shock
because of evidence that vasopressin reduces the need and “ongoing requirement for vasopressors.” Rationale
for dialysis and arrhythmias10 and has been well studied for initiating corticosteroids for patients with higher
as a secondary vasopressor that achieves hemodynamic vasopressor requirements (rather than lower
goals. However, if arrhythmias are less likely (eg, requirements) include the concept that corticosteroids
younger patients), digital ischemia is a major concern act potentially as vasopressor-sparing agents to reduce 569
vasopressor-associated adverse effects generally seen at multiple randomized trials failed to show benefits—or
higher doses, a hypothesis supported by trials and showed harms—with use of ascorbic acid during
modeling studies19 that showed benefits of shock.32,33 We do not use ascorbic acid- or thiamine-based
corticosteroids in shock14,20 only when enrolling metabolic resuscitation for the treatment of septic shock.
patients with high baseline vasopressor requirements.

The rationale for use of fludrocortisone with Case Example, Part 2

hydrocortisone is threefold. First, the two largest trials After 24 h, the patient required norepinephrine
demonstrating clinical benefit of steroids used increased to 0.5 mg/kg/min. A CVC was placed. Oxygen
hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone together,14,20 whereas and vasopressor requirements improved. Antibiotics
trials evaluating hydrocortisone alone did not show a were narrowed to cover Escherichia coli urosepsis based
mortality benefit12,21,22; second, a trial directly comparing on culture results.
fludrocortisone plus hydrocortisone with hydrocortisone
After gradual improvement, on hospital day 5, her
alone found a 3% absolute reduction in in-hospital
condition worsened. She became intermittently
mortality in patients who received fludrocortisone plus
hypotensive despite norepinephrine 0.5 mg/kg/min,
hydrocortisone, but was underpowered to detect a
addition of vasopressin 2.4 units/h (0.04 units/min), and
clinically feasible effect.23 Third, the main argument not to
subsequently epinephrine 0.3 mg/kg/min. BP was 95/
administer fludrocortisone is that hydrocortisone—at
40 mm Hg (MAP, 57 mm Hg) and heart rate was 110
doses used clinically—has similar sodium-retaining
beats/min. Hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone were
activity24 to fludrocortisone; however, mineralocorticoids
started. Extremities were mottled and capillary refill was
have several functions in addition to sodium retention,
4 s. Serum lactate level was 4.5 g/L. No evidence was
including a neural antiapoptotic role, alveolar fluid
found of hemorrhage, abdominal compartment
clearance by pulmonary epithelial cells, and innate
syndrome, or pneumothorax, and point-of-care
immune system activation.25 Thus, pleiotropic effects
echocardiography findings were unchanged without
beyond sodium retention may provide additional benefit
evidence of tamponade, new right or left ventricular
from combining fludrocortisone with hydrocortisone.25,26
dysfunction, or outflow obstruction.
Although we use 7 days without taper based on the
What Diagnostic Evaluations Should Be Considered
"Activated Protein C and Corticosteroids for Human
for Persistent or Worsening Shock?
Septic Shock" (APROCCHSS) trial,14 optimal duration is
uncertain and evidence is mixed regarding the risks and Worsening or persistent shock despite initial source
benefits of weaning steroids to prevent rebound control and resuscitation should prompt consideration
hypotension.27,28 If shock recurs after cessation without of additional diagnostic evaluation. Common causes and
taper, we consider restarting steroids and initiate further recommended evaluation of worsening shock after
evaluation for causes of shock. initial source control and stabilization during sepsis are
shown in Table 1. Contributors to worsening shock
Studies investigating methylene blue as a vasopressor often include worsening distributive shock resulting
adjunct are scant. Pilot trials of adjunctive methylene from nosocomial infections, obstructive shock resulting
blue in septic shock showed improved MAP and heart from pulmonary emboli or abdominal compartment
rate compared with control participants, likely through syndrome, or cardiogenic shock resulting from septic
inhibition of nitric oxide pathways.29,30 Given the scant cardiomyopathy or arrhythmia.
data for benefits to patient outcomes, we reserve use of
methylene blue for patients with shock refractory to At What Vasopressor Doses Do We Stop Dose
multiple vasopressors and corticosteroids, with the goal Escalation?
of temporarily increasing BP to allow initiation of other
We do not stop escalation of norepinephrine or
therapies (eg, infection source control measures)
epinephrine dosing at any particular dose. Without
expected to improve longer-term outcomes.
evidence of an asymptote of MAP response to
Based on potentially promising results of a small norepinephrine or epinephrine across higher doses, we do
preimplementation vs postimplementation study,31 not have an arbitrary dose limit for further escalation of
multiple recent trials have investigated potential benefits of these vasopressors; however, we generally do not titrate
high-dose ascorbic acid (with or without corticosteroids or vasopressin to > 2.4 units/h (0.04 units/min) because of
thiamine, often called metabolic resuscitation). However, concerns of lower cardiac output and coronary or

570 How I Do It [ 163#3 CHEST MARCH 2023 ]

TABLE 1 ] Clinical Considerations for Patients With Worsening Shock
Consideration Diagnostic strategies
New or concomitant causes of shock  Septic shock: Search for undiagnosed infection (eg, repeat culture tests,
additional imaging), assess adequacy of treatment (antibiotic sensitivities,
source control)
 Cardiogenic shock: repeat echocardiography, central venous oxygen saturation
 Hemorrhagic shock: fluid responsiveness assessment (recurrence of fluid
responsiveness after resuscitation may be an early sign of occult bleeding),
repeat CBC, evaluation for increased heart rate
 Obstructive shock: echocardiography for tamponade, CT scan imaging to
assess for pulmonary emboli, clinical assessment for abdominal compartment
syndrome (eg, in patients with ascites and septic shock)
 Adrenal insufficiency: review home medication list for corticosteroid use,
consider potential causes of adrenal insufficiency (eg, etomidate use, pituitary
Possibility of MAP underestimation by  Begin by comparing noninvasive MAP with invasive MAP
peripheral arterial line  Systolic pressure estimation by palpation
 Assess other measures of perfusion (eg, changes in mental status, lactate,
kidney function)
 Consider placing central arterial catheter (eg, femoral or axillary)
Acidosis contributing to reduced  Assess acid and base status
vasopressor effect  Consider bicarbonate infusion or continuous renal replacement therapy
Inhibition of nitric oxide-induced  Consider empiric trial of methylene blue as a temporizing measure

MAP ¼ mean arterial pressure.

splanchnic perfusion at higher doses.34 Studies evaluating Should Acidosis Be Corrected?

patients receiving high-dose vasopressors for septic shock For patients with severe acidemia, acute kidney injury,
(> 1 mg/kg/min norepinephrine equivalents) have found and refractory shock who have ventilation reserve, we
survival rates ranging from 10% to 54%.14,35-38 In the administer sodium bicarbonate (HCO3) targeting a pH
APROCCHSS trial, the mean norepinephrine dose on of > 7.340 and initiate continuous renal replacement
enrollment was 1.08 mg/kg/min for 1,086 patients receiving therapy if acidemia remains uncontrolled. Vascular
norepinephrine and 2.01 mg/kg/min for 111 patients reactivity and b-adrenergic receptor binding are
receiving epinephrine. Ninety-day survival in this trial was impaired by acidosis.41,42 Sodium HCO3 and renal
53.9%.14 replacement therapy can correct acidosis temporarily.40
The "Sodium Bicarbonate to Treat Severe Acidosis in the
Should Central Arterial Catheters Be Placed During Critically Ill" (BICAR-ICU) trial, which randomized
Refractory Shock? critically ill adults with severe acidemia to sodium
Because central arterial pressure best describes perfusion HCO3 infusion (4.2% [500 mEq/L], up to 1 L) or no
pressure to vital organs, we often place central arterial sodium HCO3 infusion, found that among patients
catheters (femoral or axillary) in patients with seemingly with acute kidney injury, those who received HCO3
refractory shock who seem to be deteriorating clinically infusion experienced lower mortality and more
despite increasing vasopressor doses. The Surviving vasopressor-free days than those who did not.40 We
Sepsis Campaign guidelines make a weak require patients to have the ability to increase minute
recommendation in favor of invasive monitoring of ventilation safely to compensate for increased CO2
arterial pressure over noninvasive monitoring, but do not production that may result after HCO3 administration.
specify whether arterial pressure monitoring should be
central or peripheral.1 Hemodynamic management based
on radial as opposed to central arterial pressure can Case Example, Part 3
lead to excess vasopressor administration.39 One study The patient’s blood culture samples returned with
found that systolic arterial pressure and MAP were higher positive results for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
when measured from femoral vs radial sites, with aureus. Appropriate antibiotics were started and the
immediate vasopressor dose reductions facilitated in 11 of CVC was replaced. Serum lactate and vasoplegia
14 patients after change to central arterial catheters.39 improve; however, she continued to receive 571
Shock refractory to multiple, high-dose
Worsening septic shock: • Correction of acidosis (bicarbonate
• Prepare to start a second vasopressor infusion or CRRT)
(typically vasopressin) as doses of • Consider methylene blue as a
norepinephrine approach 15 Pg/min temporizing measure if needed
(or 0.3 Pg/kg/min). • Readdress additional diagnostic and
• Central venous catheter troubleshooting evaluation (Table 1)
• Add hydrocortisone 50 mg IV q6h + • Readdress patient goals in light of
Initiation of vasopressors:
Shock severity

fludrocortisone 50 Pg po daily for 7 d worsening prognosis

• Norepinephrine as the first-line without taper.
vasopressor for persistent MAP < 65 • Additional diagnostic evaluation
mm Hg (see Table 1)
• Start vasopressor infusion initially
via peripheral venous catheter for
low norpinephrine doses that are
not rapidly escalating (eg, < 15
Pg/min or < 0.3 Pg/kg/min) Persistent low-dose vasopressor
• Consider lowering MAP target to > 60 mm Hg
• Wean sedatives
• Midodrine 10-20 mg q8h with a pre
specified taper or discontinue after 24-48h
if no improvement


Figure 1 – Diagram showing suggested approach to treatment of hypotension at various stages of septic shock. The y-axis represents severity of shock
and the x-axis represents possible trajectories over time. CRRT ¼ continuous renal replacement therapy; MAP ¼ mean arterial pressure.

norepinephrine at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg/min and What Is the Approach to Persistent Vasoplegia and
vasopressin. BP was 90/50 mm Hg (MAP, 63 mm Hg) Inability to Wean IV Vasopressors?
and heart rate was 95 beats/min. Point-of-care For patients who improve clinically (reversal of organ
echocardiography findings were unchanged and repeat dysfunction), but have persistent, mild vasoplegia, we
culture findings were negative. reduce the MAP target to 60 mm Hg to help with
vasopressor weaning. Ongoing vasopressor-dependent
What Should the Approach Be to Weaning hypotension without evidence of end-organ
Vasopressors? hypoperfusion can limit mobilization, physiotherapy
We discontinue norepinephrine first, and then and discharge from the ICU. Lowering the MAP target
vasopressin last, for patients who are receiving both to 60 mm Hg is based on the 65 trial6 discussed in the
vasopressors but are improving clinically. Few data are section on MAP targets. Sometimes, sedatives also can
available on the approach to weaning vasopressors. contribute to hypotension, and we often adjust sedatives
Several small, single-center observational studies to reduce vasopressor requirements. We also consider
among patients with septic shock receiving repeating diagnostics (Table 1) to identify ongoing
norepinephrine and vasopressin have found that processes that may contribute to persistent vasopressor
discontinuing vasopressin first leads to increased requirements (eg, intraabdominal abscess).
incidence of hypotension,43-46 suggesting that Midodrine is an oral a1-adrenergic agonist that has
norepinephrine should be discontinued first. received approval for use in the United States for
symptomatic orthostatic hypotension. It has been used
off-label to facilitate liberation from IV vasopressors;
Case Example, Part 4 however, the recent "Midodrine as adjunctive support
Her extremities were warm and well perfused and for treatment of refractory hypotension in the intensive
mental status and renal function were improving, but care unit" (MIDAS) trial showed no benefit of
attempts to wean low-dose vasopressin (2.4 units/h [0.04 midodrine in accelerating liberation from IV
units/min]) resulted in MAP of 60 mm Hg. vasopressors.47 Of note, this trial excluded patients with

572 How I Do It [ 163#3 CHEST MARCH 2023 ]

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