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PCA Design of Deep Girder

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A3677 P 13

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1I RESE4ji+?C,LgL I B R A R Y
1I SKOKIE, IL. 60076

Section 1. Introduction
The customary design procedure for sections subject
to bending is based on the assumption of straight-line
stress distribution in the section. This assumption
represents fairly closely the conditions that exist as
II LL-L-11
long as the behavior of both steel and concrete is
essentially elastic and the height-to-span ratio is rela-
tively small.
In deep girders, the curve of stress distribution
is not straight but may take on radically difl'erent
shapes. Such deep girders were analyzed according to
the elastic theory by Franz Dischinger and the results
of his mathematical investigation were presented in
Contribution to the Theory of Wall-Like Girders, pub-
lished by International Association for Bridge and
Structural Engineering, 1932, in the first volume of
the Publications by that Association. For mathematical Fig. 1. Typical uniform loading and ratios for design of deep girders
derivations reference is made to that paper.
The results of Dischinger's work are presented in
this article to which special studies and numerical except for B = infinity which represents a special con-
examples have been added. The data and the proce- dition, the bending stresses were determined a t the
dures illustrated apply to design of deep wall-like two edges and a t the intermediate eighth-points. The
members such as encountered in bins, hoppers and computed stress values were tabulated in Dischinger's
foundation walls. The proposed deep-beam design is article for sections a t mid-span and a t centerline of
applicable for height-to-span ratios of, say, N or more intermediate supports. His tabulated values have been
for continuous girders and or more for single-span used for drawing the charts in this article. For uniform
girders. For smaller ratios, the straight-line stress dis- load the stresses are the same regardless of the eleva-
tribution is usually satisfactory as a basis for design. tion a t which the load is applied to the girder.
For the loading in Fig. 1, stresses are presented in
Section 2. Continuous Girder, Uniform l o a d Fig. 2 for the section a t mid-span. The horizontal
distance from the vertical base line to the curves rep-
Fig. 1 illustrates a continuous girder with load uni- resents the stress coefficient which when multiplied by
formly distributed along the bottom edge of the girder. w/b (b being the width of the girder) results in the unit
The height-to-span ratio, H / L , is denoted as p and the stress. Stresses to the right of the base line are com-
support-to-span ratio, C / L , is denoted as E . These pression and stresses to the left are tension. The curves
two ratios are used as parameters in all calculations are drawn for the ratio of e = :/lo but all the curves
and charts. Dischinger's analysis was carried out for for E = M, :i0 and :/zo are so nearly alike for the
the following values: B =W, 1, and infinity; E =
)ho, >i0, g,and M. For all combinations of B and E ,
conditions in Fig. 2 that the curves for E = :/lo may
be uspd with good accuracy for all three €-values. The
Unit s t r e s s in terms o f W/b
Fig. 2. Moment s?resses a? mid-span of girders having uniform looding.





' 0.25

-.-. .0.50
-1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
Unit stress in t e r m s o f w/b
Fig. 3. Momem s?resses a? centerline of suppor?of girders having uniform loading.

special value of E = 5 will be discussed in Section 3. the concrete to crack. Yet, since it is customary to
Attention is fist directed to the curve for j3 = % disregard tensile stresses in concrete, Dischinger pro-
which extends from $1.07 a t top to -1.31 a t bottom. ceeded to draw to a large scale curves such as those in
The adjacent dash-line represents the straight-line Figs. 2 and 3 from which he determined the resultant,
stress distribution which is also drawn for j3 = 5.It is T,of all the concrete tensile stresses on each section,
seen that the customary design for shallow beams and also the distance, do, between the resultant of
remains applicable almost all the way up to B = W as tensile stresses and the bottom of the girder. The
far as stresses a t mid-span are concerned. Note that in results are presented in Figs. 4 and 5 which may be
these studies concrete is assumed effectivein ten%on. used in conjunction with the moments computed by
When B increases from W to 1, the shape of the stress the above formulas to determine the area of tensile
curve undergoes a radical change. The compressive steel and its position.
stress decreases rapidly a t the top, the neutral axis The total tension determined as the resultant of the
approaches the lower fifth-point, and the tensile stress concrete tensile stresses is, of course, somewhat dif-
a t the bottom decreases, but comparatively slowly, ferent from the tension that exists in the steel when
from -1.31wlb to -1.00wlb. When 8=1, the maxi- the concrete is assumed to carry no tension. For illus-
mum compressive stress occurs near the lower third- tration, when the straight-line distribution applies, the
point and the stress is zero a t the lower fifth-point. total tension is 3M/2H before concrete cracks but
Increasing H above the value of L has practically no it is M/jd when tension in concrete is disregarded.
effect upon the stresses within the depth equal to L, Since %H is usually smaller than jd, the tension is
the only noticeable change being as indicated by the greater when computed as 3M/2H. Similarly, when
short dash-line curve which represents stresses within the straight-line distribution no longer applies it can
the depth of L for j3 = infinity. Note that the line usually be anticipated that the total tension in the
marked “Top” in Figs. 2 and 3 indicates top of girder steel, computed as the sum of all tensile stresses in the
for @=%,N,and 1, but for @ = infinity (the dash- uncracked section, will give conservative results.
line) it represents the line a distance of L above the The curves in Fig. 4 are drawn through the points
bottom just as it does for /3= 1. marked, which are determined as described above for
Moment stresses a t centerline of support for con- values of @=%,N,and 1. For ratios smaller than M,
tinuous girders with uniform load are plotted in Fig. 3. the straight-line distribution gives M = T X %H =
The curves are shown in their entirety for E = where- XLTB = %L(Coef. X wL)B = %wL2(Coef.)/3. With
as only the tensile part of the curves are shown for the coefficient and j3 being ordinate and abscissa,
e= 1/1, and 1/2* The coefficients for maximum com- respectively, the equation represents a hyperbola hav-

a pressive stress are recorded on the diagram. The

general characteristics of the curves are the same as
described in connection with Fig. 2. However, the
curves for stresses a t support in Fig. 3 deviate from
the straight-line distribution somewhat more than in
Fig. 2, the neutral axis is closer to the bottom and the
bottom stresses are much greater than in Fig. 2. Note
that for j3 = 1 the maximum tensile stress occurs near
the lower quarter-point. This is where the tensile steel
is most effectivebut some nominal reinforcement may
be provided above that point as will be discussed later.
The external moments involved in the stress deter-
mination may be derived in the manner usually applied
for continuous beams on supports the stiffness of which
is assumed equal to zero, an assumption that is fairly
accurate on account of the relatively large stiffness of
the deep girders. For the loading shown in Figs. 2 and
3 the moment at mid-span of a typical interior span is:
1 1
- (wL)L - - (wL)L 2
24 4

121 (wL)L - 2 );

= -5 wL2(1 -e2)
The moment at centerline of typical interior sup-
port is :

Concretc tensile stresses computed by means of the Flu. 4. Resultant, 1, of tensile slresses in girders having uniform
data in Figs. 2 and 3 may not be so large as to cause looding.
ing the coordinate axes as asymptotes. Such hyper- all 8-ratios above 0.5. Turning to Fig. 3 it is seen that
bolas are drawn in Fig. 4 and short transition curves the tensile steel for B = % is most effective at the top
are inserted between the hyperbolas and the curves edge, that is, at a height of 0.50L; whereas for @= 1the
derived from the deep-beam theory. In this way a tensile steel is most effective a t a height of 0.15L. In
check is obtained on the latter theory, especially for most instances it is probably desirable to have some
values of @ close to %, but also in general in regard to reinforcement distributed throughout the entire ten-
the consistency of the data for deep girders. The fact sile zone, but in any case it is advisable to give careful
that values of T are included for shallow beams does attention to both Figs. 3 and 5 when placing bars for
not imply that Fig. 4 is to be used for @<N. negative moments a t supports.
Fig. 4 illustrates that for values greater than 0.7
the value of T becomes constant and is not appreci- Section 3. Single-Span Girder with Uniform loading
ably affected by further increase in girder depth. The
latter is a significant point because it shows a discrep- Fig. 6(a) shows a continuous girder of the type
ancy from the usual concept based on straightline discussed in Section 2 but for the specific case in which
distribution, according to which the internal forces the length of support equals one-half of the theoretical
decrease when the height increases. span measured between centerlines of supports, that
The variation in the ratio of E in Fig. 4 illustrates is, for e - W . Since the length of support equals the
the effect of change in width of support. This change is clear span, the condition is that of a beam which is
seen to have negligible effect upon T a t mid-span for loaded alternately upward and downward with equal
e= x, ;{, and ;i0 but a pronounced effect upon T
at centerline of support. Curves for e =W are included
loads but which has no other supports. It is apparent
that the moment is zero at alternate vertical dash-and-
in Fig. 4 although the presentation of data for this dot lines as indicated in Fig. 6(a). There is no assur-
ratio is deferred to Section 3. ance that the bending stresses are zero everywhere in
The position of the resultant of the tensile stresses those sections, but the fact that the total bending
as determined by Dischinger is shown in Fig. 5 for moment is zero indicates that portions of the beam
uniform loading. A t mid-span the distance 4 from T with length of L / 2 between points of inflection may
to the bottom of the girder is 0.06L for all ratios of 8
greater than 0.4. Theoretically this is where reinforce-

ment at mid-span should be placed, or if bars are in
several layers, the center of gravity of all tensile steel
should be a t that position. In most instances, however,
the tensile steel a t mid-span should be placed as close
to the bottom as permissible since the stress curves
show that this is where it is most effective.
At the support, the position of tensile steelwarrants
careful study. For illustration, for values of e as small
as the center of gravity of tensiie stresses is a dis-
tance of 4 = 0.32L above the bottom edge for virtually


"0' 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Height. to span ratio-p

Fig. 5. Distance, Q from resultant of tensile stresses to bottom

edge of girders having uniform loading.
e (b) SINGLE

Fig. 6. Comparison of single-spon and continuous girders.

be in the same stress condition as is the simply sup- Section 4. Continuous Girder with Concentrated load
ported beam in Fig. 6(b). Accordingly, it will be at Bottom and at Center of all Spans
assumed that the stress curves for moment are alike a t
mid-span of the two beams in Fig. 6. The drawing inserted in Fig. 8 represents a con-
Note particularly that the ratio of H / L is twice as tinuous beam having a span of L measured between
great for the single-span beam in Fig. 6(b) as for the centerlines of supports and having concentrated load
continuous beam in Fig. 6 (a). Consequently, the curves a t the center of all spans. Both reactions and loads are
for the continuous beam presented in Fig. 7 may be applied a t the bottom edge. Both loads and reactions
used for single-span beams when the ,%ratio for the are equal to P and are assumed to be distributed over
latter is computed as H/2L. The general rule for a length of C, the ratio of C / L being denoted as c.
singlespan beams is to compute 8 = H/2L and to For e = M, the loading and the stresses are identical
select design data for that ratio and e = % from Figs. with those for the continuous beam in Fig. 7. Stress
4 and 7. distribution €or E=%, :/lo, ;/zo are shown in Fig. 8,
As indicated in Figs. 6(b) and 7, the reactions for in which the curves are complete for e = M , whereas
.the single-span deep girder are applied a t points a only compressive stresses are given for ;/lo and ;i0.
distance of L apart. In an actual structure, the length Three ratios of /3 are included in each group just as
of the supports is not negligible and L should then be for uniform load. Coefficients for maximum tensile
taken as the distance between centerlines of supports. stress are recorded on the curves in Fig. 8.
When E is too great, say, more than ;{o, the design
procedure outlined may not be applicable. The stresses in Fig. 8 are for the section at mid-span
The stressdistribution curves in Fig. 7 show that where there is compression a t top and tension at
tensile steel for center-span moments is most effective bottom. The same curves apply a t centerline of sup-
when placed as close to the bottom as possible, so the port if the words “tension” and “compression” are
data for 4 in Fig. 5 are of no significance for single transposed in Fig. 8. The general character of the
spans. The coefficient for the resultant, T,of the ten- stress-distribution curves in Fig. 8 is the same as for
sile stresses is selected from Fig. 4 for single-span the uniform load in Figs. 2 and 3. The horizontal dis-
beams with span L for /3 = H/2L and E = g, after tances to the curves in Fig. 8 multiplied by P / L b are
which the coefficient is multiplied by w(2L). stresses per
Fig. 7 shows for /3 = % a comparison of stress- The horizontal stress right a t the load or reaction for
distribution curves for straight-line assumption and /3 = 1is seen to be equal to the vertical stress due to a
for deep-beam design. It is seen &at the difference is load P applied on a surface with area of Cb. For
20P 20Pe P
not appreciable, which means t h a t the ordinary
shallow-beam design is applicable up to, say, H = 2L/5
example, when E = ;Lo, unit stress = -Lb
= -= -
Cb Cb‘
for continuous beams and up to H = 4L/5 for single- These stresses increase slightly with decreasing value
span beams. This shows that deep-beam design is of 8. They are compression when the force is directed
confined to a much smaller field for single spans than inward but tension when it is directed outward. The
for multiple spans so that the importance of having stress distribution, except a t the loaded edge, approx-
an exact method of deep-girder design is less important imates the straight-line distribution when /3 = %.
for single than for continuous spans. The distribution curve undergoes a radical change

Fig. 7. Moment stresses in simply supported single-span girders.

+ 0.50

+ 0.25

2 -0.50
.E +0.50

.'" 0

- 0.25

-0'500 '0.4 '0.8 41.2 +I& t2.0 +2.4 c0.4 +0.8 t 1.2 $1.6 t 7.0 c2.4
Unit stress i n terms o f p/Lb
Fig. 8. Moment stresses at mid-span of girders having concentrated loading at bottom d g e .

when p increases from to 1, but further increase 0.5

has practically no effect upon the stresses.
From curves like those in Fig. 8, Dischinger deter-
mined the resultant T of all the tensile stresses, and 0.4
the distance do from the resultant to the loaded edge.
The comments made about & and T in Section 2 for
uniform load apply also in connection with concen- 0.3
trated load for & in Fig. 9 and T shown in Fig. 10. 8
The curves for E = are identical in Figs. 4 and 10
except that the ordinates are twice as large in Fig. 10
?& 0.2
as in Fig. 4. This is because P used in connection with
Fig. 10 is one-half of wL used in connection with Fig. 4,
as seen by comparison of drawings in Figs. 7 and 8. 0. I
Fig. 10 shows that the ordinary type of design pro-
cedure stops being applicable for p-values approxi-
mating N,and that for values of # larger than 0.7 0
the T-values for deep beams are practically constant 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 08 1.0
and independent of the height-to-span ratio. What- Cleighth tcI span ratio-p
ever extra depth is added above 0.7L has evidently Fig. 9. Distance, d& from resultant of tensile stresses to bottom
little or no effect upon T . The same general conclusions edge of girders having concentrated loading at mid-span.

06 Section 5. Continuous Girder with Concentrated
load at Top and at Center of Spans
Fig. 11 shows stresses in a continuous girder with
load applied a t top and reaction applied a t bottom.
Data are made available only for the value of E =
;{o, and the curves in Fig. 11 are reproduced from
a Dischinger figure and are therefore less accurate
than curves elsewhere in this article, which are repro-
04 duced from tables in Dischinger's original publication.
0 Comparison of Figs. 8 and 11, for B = shows
0 that the stress curves are nearly alike for B = M but
that the similarity is reduced as B increases. For B = 1
fL 0.3 in Fig. 11 the stress changes direction three times and
there are three neutral axes, a phenomenon of unusual
.-c nature. Stresses to the left of the vertical base line
F are compression and stresses to the right are tension.
0.2 According to Dischinger it gives conservative values
for continuous girders with load a t the top edge, to
select the value of T from Fig. 10 which is made for
the case with load applied a t the bottom. In placing
0.I the tensile reinforcementconsideration should be given
to shape and distribution of stress curves in Fig. 11.

Section 6. Single-Span Girder

0' with Concentrated Load at Center of Span
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
H e i s h t to span ratio-p No data are available for single spans with load a t
Fig. 10. Resultant, 1, of tensile stresses in girders having concen- mid-span, but the conclusions reached for uniform
trated loading at mid-span. load may be applied with a fair degree of accuracy.
It is apparent by comparing Fig. 6(a) with the
may be justified by observations of the curves in Fig. drawing inserted in Fig. 8 that the contirmous beam
9 which are so similar to those in Fig. 5 that no has zero moment a t all sections midway between the
further comment is needed. load and centerlines of supports. As a result it is to
The moment, M, for the loading in Fig. 8 is M = be expected that there is a fairly close similarity be-
%PL(l- E) both a t mid-span and a t centerline of sup- tween moments a t mid-span of the continuous beam
port. All the data discussed in this section pertain with span length L and moments a t mid-span of a
exclusively to the case with load and reaction acting single-span girder with half that span length, both
upon the same edge of the beam. If the load is raised girders haviug the same height, H.
so that it acts upon the beam a t any other elevation, Proceeding on basis of this assumption regarding the
the stresses are different from those described in this single-span girder, the design procedure is as follows.
section. For a single span with length, L, and height, H , com-
+0.50 +0.50


P O 0

-0.50 -0.50
t2.4 t2.0 t1.6 t1.2 tO.8 t0.4 0 -0.4 -0.0 -1.2 -1.6 -2.0 -7.4
Unit stress in terms of ylb
Fig. 1 1. Moment stresses at centerline of support of girders having concentrated loading at top edge.

pute B = H/2L and e = C/2L. Enter Fig. 10 with
these two values, select the proper coefficient from the
1 1
curves, and compute the resultant tensile force as
2’ = coef. X P, P being the load. Place the tensile steel
required close to the bottom of the beam since this is
where it is most effective. Use the solid curves in Fig.
10 for load applied a t the bottom, but the dash-line I
+ I

curve may be used for e = ‘,towhen the load is a t the

the top. It gives conservative results to use the solid
curves for all cases regardless of the elevation a t which
the concentrated load is applied.
Direction of tensile s t r e s s
Section 7. End-Spans
Dischinger did not report any investigation regard-
ing moment stresses in end spans, and yet some modi-
- c 7
fication is required since these moments are greater Fig. 12. Diagonal tension in shallow and deep girders compared.
than those in interior spans. One way to make a reason-
able allowance for increase in end-span moments is to deg., or if more heavily reinforced for tensile stresses,
determine relative moments in an ordinary continuous diagonal cracks may begin a t or near the neutral axis
beam on knife-edge supports and to multiply the and progress either way as the load is increased untii
interior moments by ratios of the computed continuous they connect with tensile cracks a t the bottom. As
beam moments. indicated by the arrows the crack is caused by tensile
For illustration, refer to Table 1A in the Handbook* stresses perpendicular to the crack, which gives rise
and assume the ratio of uniform live to uniform dead to the expression “diagonal tension”. If the diagonal
load is equal to one. The moment coefficientsare 0.113 cracking is kept within bounds by such means as
a t the first interior support and 0.094 a t the second stirrups or efficient anchorage of the longitudinal bars,
interior support. The ratio is 0.113/0.094 = 1.20, so failure may be postponed until the tensile steel yields
it may be anticipated that moment stresses and tensile or the concrete iscrushed, but if stirrups and anchorage
steel area for deep beams are 20 per cent larger a t are insufficient, the beam may fail suddenly by shear-
first interior than at second interior support. Similarly, ing through the uncracked concrete above the neutral
for moments a t mid-span, the ratio of moment coeffi- axis and splitting along the longitudinal bars.
cients in first and second span is 0.085/0.056 = 1.52, I n the deep beam in Fig. 12, the conditions appear
so the increase in moment stress and in tensile steel to be different. Assuming that the tensile steel per-
area may be taken as 52 per cent. centage is relatively small, the crack starts out verti-
No data are available from which the stress-distribu- cally and remains practically vertical. The tensile
tion curve can be derived for the section a t the f i s t stresses, being perpendicular to the crack, are nearly
interior support, so the distribution of stress must be horizontal, which means that they can be carried by
based on judgment. As to arrangement and position of the longitudinal steel and that vertical stirrups are
tensile bars in the section a t the first interior support virtually useless. In other words, the diagonal tension
it seems simplest and most reasonable to conform to that is characteristic of the shallow beam turns more
the data provided for interior spans. Consequently, and more into plain horizontal tension the deeper the
bar details may be made similar a t all interior sup- beam becomes.
ports, the main difference being that the steel area The foregoingdiscussion is presented for the purpose
is increased a t the first interior support. of illustrating that without modification the customary
shear investigation is not applicable to girders with
Section 8. Shear and Bond relatively large height-to-span ratios. No studies are
Shear iQ flexural members is evaluated in the known which present procedures for investigation of
conventional procedure by computing unit shear as shear in girders with height-to-span ratio varying all
v = V/bjd and ascertaining that v does not exceed some the way from the smallest to the largest ratios encoun-
allowable value which is derived experimentally. tered in practice. In the absence of such data it is
Actually, beams do not fail in shear but in diagonal tentatively recommended that the unit shear be com-
tension. The conventional concept of shear, the method puted as 8V/?bd and that a stress of v(1+58)/3 be
of deriving the formula for v, and the accepted allow- allowed, v being the allowable shearing stress for
able stresses cannot be extended from shallow to deep shallow beams. The allowable stress shall be modified
beams without first having undergone special study. only when 8>%. According to this procedure the
For illustration, consider the two beams in Fig. 12 customary shear investigation remains unchanged up
and trace the development of shear failure in them. to 8 = %, and when /3 increases beyond that value the
In the shallow beam with nominal reinforcement near only change is that the allowable v-stress is increased.
the ends, a tensile crack begins a t the bottom as indi- It equals 2v when /3 = 1. This is believed to give con-
cated and as the load increases, the crack extends ‘Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook of the American Con-
upward and inward at an angle of approximately 45 crete Institute. Detroit, Michigan.

servtltive results*. The procedure proposed is in a Mid-span: 4 = 0.06X30 = 1.8 ft.
manner of speaking a compromise worked out to take Support : 4 = 0.33X30 = 9.9 ft.
into account several characteristics and is in no way It is seen by inspection of the curves for e = $i0
to be construed as being a true picture of the actual and ,!I= in Figs. 2 and 3 that the maximum tensile
theoretical stress conditions,which are as yet unknown. stresses occur a t top and bottom. The computed values
The allowable bond stresses in the ACI Code, 1941, of 4 will therefore be disregarded and the tensile rein-
are twice as large as the allowable shearing stresses on forcement placed as close to the top and bottom faces
the concrete. The formulas for bond and shear, how- as allowed by protection requirements.
ever, are alike in the code except for the factors of A brief check calculation is made to ascertain how
L’o and b being interchanged. Therefore, bond stress the tensile steel areas determined compare with those
is critical only when 20 is smaller than b/2, and this obtained on basis of the customary straight-line dis-
will occur rarely in deep beams. For this reason there tribution of stresses.
is no necessity for raising the allowable stress for bond, The moments in a typical interior span uniformly
so the code values of 0.O4fc for ordinary anchorage loaded are as follows.
and 0.06f’c for special anchorage need not be modified. 1 1
The bond stress may be computed as 8V/7dZo. Mid-span: --zuL2(1-e2) =-(15,OOOX 30)30(1-0.12)
24 24
= 560,000
Section 9. Numerical Examples
1 1
EXAMPLE 1. Design a typical lnterlor span of a continuous glrder Support * - wL2 (1 - e) (2 - E ) = - (15,000 X 30)
* 24 .24
for whlch the data are as followst
Length of support, C = 3 ft.
Length of span, L = 30 ft. Use the approximate value of j=O.93, which gives
Height of girder, H = 15 ft. jdfs = 0.93(180 - 4)20,000 = 3,280,000, and compute
Width of girder and support, b = 1 ft. 3 in. the tensile steel areas, As = M/jdfs.
Uniform load, w = 15,000 lb. per lin.ft. Mid-span: 560,000 x 12/3,280,000 = 2.1
The characteristic ratios used in the stress curves Support : 960,000 X12/3,280,000 = 3.5
are e = C / L = 3/30 = and 8 = H f L = 15/30 = This is approximately 30 per cent less steel than
g.Assuming that the concrete remains uncracked, computed by the procedure for deep girders. On basis
select stress coefficients from Figs. 2 and 3 and com- of the gross section of bH= 15(15 X12) =2,700,
pute extreme fiber stresses as f = coef. X w/b. The the percentage of tensile steel is 2.70/2,700 = 0.0010
load is w = 15,000/12 = 1,250 lb. per Plus a t mid-span and 5.20/2,700 = 0.0019 a t support.
indicates compression and minus tension. This is seen to be considerably less than the usual

Mid-span(TOP +1.07X1,250/15
: = + 89 p.s.i. minimum percentage of 0.005 required for ordinary
beams and girders. The cross-sectional area of the
Bottom: -1.31X1,250/15 -109 p.s.i.
= deep girders discussed here is so large that it would
support (‘“
: = -104 p s i . require unreasonably large amounts of steel to bring
Bottom: +9.32X 1,250/15 = +777 p.s.i. the ratio up to 0.005 for tension a t both critical sec-
tions. Whether another but smaller minimum ratio
The tensile stresses of 109 and 104 p.s.i. are so small should be adopted is debatable.
that the concrete, which is assumed to have a 3,000-1b. Total end shear is
compressive strength and a corresponding modulus of
rupture of approximately 500 p.s.i., will probably V = ~1~ L ( 1 - ~ ) = j1X 1 5 , 0 0 0 X 3 0 ( 1 - 0 . 1=203,000
) lb.
remain uncracked, in which case no reinforcement will
be needed. The calculation of shear is made in accordance with
On the other hand, suppose it is required to provide the recommendations proposed in Section 8.
steel stressed to fs=20,000 psi., designed to take all
the tension developed in the concrete in accordance v = - =8V 8X203,OOO
= 88 p.s.i.
with Figs. 2 and 3. The resultant of all concrete tensile 7bd 7 X 15(180 -4)
stresses, T,is computed by use of the coefficients in For a 3,000-lb. concrete and reinforcement having
Fig. 4: T = coef. X wL, in which w is in lb. per lin.ft. special anchorage, the allowable shearing stress on the
when L is in ft. Select coefficients for e = l/lo and concrete is O.O3f’,=0.03 X3,000=90 p.s.i. In accord-
B = in Fig. 4. ance with Section 8, for @>%,the allowable stress is

Mid-span {Ia = 0.12 X 15,000 X30 = 54,000 Ib.

= 2.70 s q h .
*In the ex eriments re orted in “Shear Teats of Reinforced
Concrete geams” by gater, Lord and Zipprodt, No. 314 of
Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards, the speci-
= 0.23X15,000X30 = 104,000 lb. mens were designed to force failure to occur in the web of
= 5.20 beams with relatively high de th to-span ratios, most of the
beams having a ratio of 0.32. thestandard crow section wan
The distance of the resultants T above the bottom I-shaped because with such high shearing strengths as could
is taken from Fig. 5 for e =
distance being 4 = coefficient X L.
and 6 = x,
the be developed it was impossible to get sufficient encasement
for longitudinal reinforcement except by making the ! l a w
wider than the web.

increased to90(1+5,!3)/3=90(1+5~0.5)/3=105p.s.i. In single-span girders, the length of the support is
Special anchorage means that all longitudinal bars are disregarded and the reaction is assumed to be concen-
to be made continuous or to be hooked in a region of trated in the centerline of the support. It has been
compression. If the 105-lb. stress is exceeded, stirrups demonstrated in connection with Fig. 6 that the mo-
or bent bars should be used, but in any case nominal ment stresses a t mid-span of a single-span girder as in
vertical reinforcement should be provided for the pur- Fig. 6(b) are the same as those a t mid-span of the
pose of supporting the top bars. continuous girder in Fig. 6(a). Therefore, the con-
Total bearing pressure on the support is s w L =
X 15,000 X 3 0 = 225,000 l b , and the area of the bear-
ing surface is b(12C) = 15(12 X3) = 540, so the
tinuous girder has the following characteristic ratios:
E = s a n d @ H / 2 L =20/2x 20 = x. Using theseratios,
select coefficients from Fig. 7 and Fig. 4.
unit pressure is 225,000/540 =417 p.s.i. The ACI Code, Tke extreme fiber stress is f - coef. X w/b in which
1941, allows a bearing pressure of 0.25f’c=750 p.8.i. w inserted in lb. per in. equals 30,000/12 = 2,500. Plus
In this example the arrangement of reinforcement indicates compression and minus tension.
is essentially the same as for ordinary shallow beams. Top : +0.75X2,500/15= +125 p.s.i.
As the depth-to-span ratio increases, however, the Bottom: -l1.20X2,5O0/15= -200 p.s.i.
dissimilarity between deep- and shallow-girder design
becomes more and more pronounced. For illustration, A tensile stress of 200 p.s.i. is probably too small to
Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate that when ,!3 is greater than W , crack a 3,000-lb. concrete, but assume that steel must
the area of the tensile steel and its distance above the be provided to take all tensile stresses in the concrete
bottom both remain practically constant. which, from Fig. 4 gives
Suppose the interior beam considered in the fore- T = 0.095~(2L)= 0.095X30,OOOX 2 X 20 = 114,000 lb.
going is one of four or more continuous beams with and As = T& = 114,000/20,000 = 5.70
the same span lengths. The procedure of design to be
illustrated for end span is discussed in Section 7. The theoretical position of T measured from the
Assume as in Section 7 that the spans are equal and bottom of the girder may be determined by use of a
the live and dead load are also equal, and select coefficient selected from Fig. 5, but Fig. 7 shows that
moment coefficients from Table 1A in the Handbook. the tensile steel is most effective when placed as close
The ratio of positive moment coefficienta t mid-span to the bottom as permissible. Note that the steel ratio
of exterior span to that at interior span is 0.085/0.056 based on the gross area is only p =5.70/3,600 = 0.0016,
= 1.52. The ratio of negative moment coefficient a t
whereas 0.005 is the minimum ratio allowed for shallow
first interior support to that a t typical interior sup- beams.
ports is 0.113/0.094 = 1.20. The area of steel in the end Using the customary shallow-beam procedure, with
span may then be taken as follows: j=O.93, gives
Mid-span: As=1.52X2.70=4.10 As i= 30,000X202X12 = 4.10
Support :As = 1.20 X 5.20 = 6.24 sqh. 8X0.93(240 -4)20,000
The end shear in the exterior span a t the interior In this case the ordinary shallow-beam design results
support may be taken as 20 per cent greater than for a in 28 per cent less steel area than does the deep-beam
typical interior span. This makes the maximum unit procedure. The end shear is
shearing stress equal to 1.20 X 8 8 = 106 p.s.i. which is
only 1 p.s.i. more than allowed. 1 1
V -w(L-C) =-X30,000(20-2)
=2 2 =270,000 Ib.
The bond stress a t the point of maximum end shear
computed for four lx-in. square bars is: 8V 8 X 270,000 = 87 p.s.i.
Theunitshearis v = - =
7bd 7X15X236
The reaction to be used for the purpose of checking
T h e allowable bond stress is 120 p.s.i. for ordinary bearing pressure is computed as
anchorage and 180 p.s.i. for special anchorage.
A girder as deep as 15 ft. ought to be consideredand 1 1
R = -w(L+C) =-X30,000(20+2) =330,000 lb.
reinforced as a concrete wall. If the face of it is exposed 2 2
to view 90 that appearance is of importance, secondary The unit bearing pressure is 330,000/(15 X 2 X12)
or auxiliary reinforcement should be provided, that is, =920 p.s.i. The unit pressure allowed for a 3,000-lb.
small bars placed relatively close together should be concreteis 0.Z5f’c = 0.25 X3,OOO = 750 p.s.i. The balance
used in an amount equal to.approxhately 0.25 per of (920-750)15X2X12=61,000 lb. must be trans-
cent horizontally and 0.15 per cent vertically. mitted into the support by means of dowels stressed
EXAMPLE 2. Design a single-span deep girder for whtch the to 16,000 p.8.i. as allowed for column design using
following data are glven: intermediate grade bars.
Length of support, C = 2 ft. The bond stress on four l-hround bars (20=12.6) is
Length of span, L = 20 ft.
Height of girder, H = 20 ft.
Width of girder and support, b = 1ft. 3 in.
Uniform load, w = 30,000 lb. per 1in.ft. With special anchorage, 180 p.s.i. is allowed.

This publication is based on the facts, tests, and authorities stated
herein. It is intended for the use of professional personnel com-
petent to evaluate the significance and limitations of the reported
findings and who will accept responsibility for the application of the
material it contains. Obviously, the Portland Cement Association
disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated
principles or for the accuracy of any of the sources other than work

a performed or information developed by the Association.



An organization of cement manufacturersto improve and extend the uses of portland cement and concrete through scientific research, engineering field work, and market development.

5420 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, Illinois 60076

Printed in U.S.A. IS079.01D

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